#the only thing I can think of is some sort of telepathic or empathetic power
zibus · 8 months
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astrobydalia · 4 years
Scorpio Risings
Credit: Tumblr Blog @astrobydalia
🦂 First of all, I wanted to say that Scorpio risings don’t come across as intimidating like, at all, people exaggerate with this a lot. They don’t scare people away or anything, in fact they can attract people a whole lot to them. They can be scary and have intense glares when they WANT to, but on the normal they can actually come across as very likable people cus they do have a subtle but powerful magnetism.
🦂 This magnetism is the main reason why people may feel attracted to them or even drool over them but they don’t come across as some sex symols or anything like that. I’m not saying they’re not attractive, I only say this bc many Scorpio rising descriptions are like so... sexualized?? (which is not surprising). Do they have the potential to have a femme fatal vibes? Yes. Do they actually always have this vibe? Absolutely not. I’ve noticed a lot of Scorpio rising can be sexualized when they don’t even want to.
🦂 Their physical apperance and dressing style ranges a lot tbh but some common factor I’ve seen in all Scorpio rising is their EYES. Their eyes can be all sorts of shape, form and color but when a Scorpio rising makes eye contact with you.... damn. It’s like they do some telepathic shit I swear but like in the most subtle of ways. Whatever they wanna transmit to you (anger, empathy, encouragement, love, hate, seduction, sadness, happiness, anything), they’ll do it with their eyes and trust me their their eyes are something you’ll always remember.
🦂 They look GREAT with smokey eye makeup or black eye liner
🦂 They aren’t as dark or serious as people discribe them, sometimes they can actually be very smiley people even if they don’t smile that much. I think this is not talked about enough but Scorpio rising have some of the cuttest smiles I’ve seen. They don’t smile that much but when they do they have very sheepish smiles. Also, I’ve also noticed they tend to stick to a certain facial expression whatever that is.
🦂 You can occasionally catch Scorpio risings looking intensely and/or quietly at nothing or for a second they’d look very intently at someone. Honestly I haven’t come to fully understand what’s coming through their minds in those moments, to me it looks like they’re plotting something secret or like they’re picking up on something but I welcome all Scorpio risings to enlight me on this lmao
🦂 It is true also that they can cause extreme impressions (either love or spite) on others due that magnetism that could make some uncomfortable. They could also have extreme views when it comes to life, like their default mode when it comes to stuff is to either love them (or even obsess over them) or just spite them. Of course just like anyone they can understand that life doesn’t work like that, but that energy is sort of like their instinct.
🦂 They do have a mysterious vibe but not a “this person just murderer someone” type of vibe which people always associate to Scorpio risings. It’s more like they have that vibe of someone who has a lot of depth to them, like there’s a lot to uncover. They won’t open up immediately but as you get to know them they will drop things about themselves that will reinforce that impression of someone who is very deep. They could even give the impression of someone who has a lot of (dark) secrets, hance the mysterious and “intimidating” vibe people usually discribe
🦂 I’ve noticed a lot of Scorpio rising unnecessaryly putting themselves in difficult situations. They’re not the type to regret it, be ashamed or beat themselves up about it but they’re more the type to “own” it and grow from it. They can also handle any difficulty life throws at them.
🦂 They don’t mind being hated or being portrayed as the villain. In fact they could low-key like this
🦂 I think this “dark and mysterious” press Scorpio rising always get often distracts from how empathetic and soft they can be deep down (this can apply to Scorpio placements in general). Scorpio risings can put on a big wall and scare people away when they want to but deep down they are very soft people seriously. When they let their walls down you can actually see it in their eyes. Not all Scorpio rising put up walls and these can actually wear their heart in their sleeves to certain extent
Credit: Tumblr Blog @astrobydalia
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Something Held | Feeding Habits Update #8
Hi all!
Not me not realizing it’s been 3 months since I posted a Feeding Habits update hahahahahaha. Today let’s chat chapter nine, SOMETHING HELD. This also marks the last chapter in Harrison’s POV so prepare to say goodbye to this icon!  TW: body horror, mental illness, trauma
Just a reminder: This is my original work and plagiarism of any form will not be tolerated.
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Scene outline, excerpts & a little reflection on making difficult decisions that my not particularly benefit the book but benefit you as the writer under the cut because this update is GIGANTIC.
General taglist (please ask to be added or removed):
@if-one-of-us-falls, @qatarcookie, @chloeswords, @alicewestwater, @laughtracksonata, @shylawrites, @ev–writes, @jaydewritesfiction, @jennawritesstories @eowynandfaramir, @august-iswriting​, @aetherwrites​
Scene Breakdown
Scene A:
It has been two weeks since Lonan found Harrison at his shared apartment with Suzanna and things are getting strange. Lonan and Suz are getting closer, Harrison is getting more distant and slowly losing it. One morning, Harrison wakes hearing Lonan and Suz’s laughter, and crawls to the kitchen to investigate. When he reaches them, Suz is evening out Lonan’s hacked haircut and they’re both sobbing.
Scene B:
Shortly after this bizarre encounter, Suzanna steps out of the apartment for a breather because her son is sort of terrifying her! So Lonan and Harrison double-team to clean up Lonan’s hair shavings. Harrison begins eating the hair while Lonan stares and they have a conversation about the state of their friendship.
Scene Ba:
This scene is gross and confusing! More hair is ingested. My god.
Scene Bb:
After the above ordeal, both boys rinse off because they’ve been rolling?? around?? in??? hair?? but also?? things don’t stop being a little gross
Scene C:
An air of calm finally settles over the apartment. Lonan brews earl grey tea for him and Harrison to share and Harrison asks if he abandoned Lonan in the final chapter of Moth Work. Lonan doesn’t really answer this question so Harrison continues on his confused, but finally lucid (one-sided) conversation, admitting he understands he burdens his mother, who still has not returned. They circle back to the question of abandonment and Lonan answers Harrison the way he wants to be answered (yes), and this is a moment of freeing, where he feels some sort of responsibility in this irresponsible new life he’s led in NYC. They sort of agree to be friends again.
Scene D:
The boys head into the city to find Suzanna, heading to a bakery near the Hudson River. Lonan drives in his used car, a strange experience since Harrison has not seen him drive in years. Taking the opportunity, he searches through the car and finds a map in the glove compartment. The map is erratically scribbled over and it takes him to moment to realize this is Lonan’s map and the first indication that Lonan, who he has assumed is this stable, perfect person, is not as unscathed as he seems.
The boys pass the waterfront and Lonan nearly crashes the car into an oncoming truck. Harrison regains control of the vehicle tucking them into a side street. Shaken, Lonan apologizes for the mess he’s created both physically from his nosebleed and between Harrison and his mother, which gets Harrison a little antsy because he doesn’t like the suggestion that he’s going to leave. Lonan clarifies, stating he won’t if that’s what Harrison wants.
Scene E:
Later, everyone is back at home and Harrison wakes up to a Lonan-less bed. He gets up to investigate the strange dripping coming from the bathroom and opens the door to find Lonan precariously teetering over a sink filled with water. Harrison, concerned, moves him away and tries to ask why Lonan is presumably going underwater, but doesn’t push. They both stand on opposite sides of the bathroom until the sun rises.
My process:
Honestly, writing this chapter was a huge up and down. The first half of it came much easier to me, but the rest was a literal hellfire to get through. I think I was incredibly fatigued with writing in Harrison’s POV as I’d been writing it since June (I finished this chapter in either December or January). This book has been a pain in the ass to write despite me liking what it is, and I really think it being the only place I’ve physically “gone” since the pandemic makes it even harder to write. I felt claustrophobic in Harrison’s POV since I’ve been writing it for half a year, and in a lil ~breakdown~ my beautiful sister reminded me of something she’d previously told me, “it's not about what works, it's about what you want”.
Let’s chat about this for a sec! I think I was watching a Harmony Nice video on her “hard-to-swallow” self-care, and she basically outline (I’m paraphrasing here) that it’s critical we care for ourselves in ways that might not necessarily be easy to do. Honestly, leaving Harrison’s POV is one of those hard-to-swallow self-care things I literally had to do because my mental health was not happy with me! Y’all know my boys are very close to me, and I’m not picking favourites but Lonan is 2500 times easier for me to write with at the moment. I think Harrison’s situation and how he deals with it is much too similar to mine but in a way that is difficult to place (Lonan and I are unfortunately similar but in a way that is easier for me to understand about myself!). From the beginning of writing his POV I’ve been in Struggleville, but kept pushing through hoping the next chapter would be “the one”. Not to burst my own bubble but there is no such thing in the state of mind I was in! I was pushing myself to find something that doesn’t exist because my brain was really not equipped to do what I needed it to do. I really, really did not want to quit on Harrison’s POV, but I had to, not because I don’t like him (he’s my baby) but because I needed a moment to myself. I felt way too seen in ways I don’t really know how to address in myself, so writing him was horribly frustrating at all times (my fault, not his).
My characters really do live in my head rent-free lol. They live in there! They take up space! They take up energy! They take up concentration, and resources I need for myself! Empathy is so integral to my process, that I give a little part of myself in everything I write. This is a blessing because I really get to dig my heels into the mind of another person, but a curse because I’m not a machine (and sometimes I forget that). It is a lot of emotional energy and labour to give everything you have to fictional people. I don’t think an artist needs to be tortured to create good art (this is not it!) but I never truly practiced this well? In my attempt to be empathetic, I was torturing myself a little bit, not going to lie!
So to combat this, I decided I needed a change. Hence, this chapter is imperfect and probably needs some stuff added to it, and while I’ve only written little of Lonan’s second POV, I’m feeling a lot better! It’s nice to get “outside” in a different place lmao this is so sad (pandemic writing things).
I wrote the beginning of this in a livestream I hosted on my YouTube channel! There’s also a shoutout here to my dragon tree Lisa <3 miss u boo
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Two weeks go by. Lonan sleeps on the couch. Harrison wakes up at dawn—no earlier, no later. Suzanna buys a plant: a Madagascar dragon tree she names Lisa. June grows into the collar. Lonan plays sudoku in the newspaper. Harrison learns to bake focaccia, gluten-free, whole wheat. Suzanna learns to palm read, tells Lonan he’s experienced great betrayal (they stop the reading immediately; Lonan goes back to the newspapers). Harrison begins burning incense at sunrise—frankincense. The dragon tree nearly dies (Lonan saves it). It rains every weekday that contains the letter T. Lonan shifts stacks of soggy newspapers onto the breakfast table, answers crosswords with the help of Suzanna (four across, nine letters, Something held). Harrison burns a baguette. Suzanna buys a hanging basket of pothos. The power goes out for two days and the icebox floods the kitchen tile (Lonan mops it with old newspapers, the ink running like jellyfish). June barks for the first time. Harrison eats a bundle of dried bay leaves. Suzanna waters the plants with rainwater, icewater, wrung into a coffee tin. Harrison leaves the stove on while sautéing shallots (he eats them whole). Lonan wakes up feverish and fills out four newspaper crosswords, then falls asleep on the coffee table. Suzanna moulds panna cotta in coffee mugs and shares the batch with Lonan when they won’t tip out. Lonan teaches her how to propagate the pothos and soon they have twenty empty cans of cuttings poking from the windowsills. They rearrange the furniture, the couch facing the kitchen instead of the TV, the dining table right outside the bathroom, then put it all back the next day. They birdwatch from the tiny window with binoculars and a magnifying glass. They sort coupons. Whittle soaps. Watch Norwegian films without the subtitles. Discuss cliff diving. Make matching anklets (blue beads, elastic string, the plastic clacking how Harrison knows they’re coming). All of this they do as Harrison lies on his bed for two weeks, counting the corners of his ceiling and trying to determine a way to multiply them telepathically.
This is the very next paragraph!
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At first he assumes they’re laughing. The sun nearly rising between other high rises, blotting his room with dawn. This is not a surprise. They are probably making pancakes out of buckwheat and discussing the hilarity of whole grains. They are probably laughing at store-bought cherry preserves. Too sour. Their cheeks puckered. But then the laughs get louder, and the sun rises higher and it’s not laughing at all, but gasping.
Here’s Harrison crawling!! is this straight out of the exorcist probably!
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Harrison’s instinct is to crawl. As if his smallness against the ground will stop anyone from hearing him, even before he unlocks his door. On hands and knees he shuffles from his bed to his doorframe, edges the door open with his shoulder. On hands and knees he hikes through the hallway, the gasping getting louder, shuffling until he sees them. Lonan sitting on one of the kitchen stools, a grocery bag wound around his throat. Suzanna clacking scissors in two hands so their blades ping in the sun. Her fingers loped around his hair, knuckle-deep, the blades snipping, the gasps growing, them both sobbing, the hair falling, the sun stalking, their bodies rocking. Harrison takes it in from his crawl. Experiences it all on his knees.
So this excerpt seems really you know, normal:
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They clean up the hair. Harrison with the dustpan, Lonan with the broom. Harrison still kneels. Lonan still cries. The only thing that has changed since crawling into the kitchen is that Suzanna is taking a walk around the apartment complex. She needs air. Room. If she cries long enough, a cigarette. So Lonan sweeps. Harrison collects. This repeats.
The kitchen smells of nutmeg. Freshly grated from a whole club over espresso, Harrison imagines. He smells this as he tracks Lonan with the dustpan, hovering its open belly for clippings of hair. And Lonan is so compliant, brushes cuttings of himself onto the plastic surface so Harrison can trash it. As Harrison looks on from his knees, Lonan diffuses in sunlight, the window illuminating only his edges. A body so familiar Harrison knows exactly where it flares with light or absorbs it. A body with skin like mulberry silk. A body he could recreate in charcoal with his eyes closed. His archangel translucent and luminescing.
Skip this excerpt if you don’t want to read about Harrison eating hair!! i’m sorry!
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Harrison picks a bundle of fallen hair from the dustpan. It’s airy from being recently shampooed, smells faintly of pear, maybe even ginger. This hair, touched by a woman, or a few women, and cut by one, or a few, in different contexts. Eliza’s hands deveining the roots, and then Suzanna’s, trying to fix them. So Harrison eats it. That bundle like a toothpicked cube of cheese. He puts it in his mouth and swallows.
Lonan watches like he’s unconcerned. He watches this feral animal—Harrison must be something feral, starved of something and ravaged by that hunger. Chewing mouthfuls of hair like that will quell of him of what is missing, if there even is anything missing, something unidentifiable in this bland circuit of New York City, this time-loop of sonhood, this fresh start a dousing of flatness. As Harrison eats, he understands he consumes that something like it’s holy communion, reuniting with that something by absorbing it. And still, that hunger moves him, from finishing the dustpan of hair, and closer to Lonan.
“Do you think I’m a bad friend?” Harrison asks, wringing the corner of his lips clean from loose hairs. From this perspective, Harrison on his knees collecting hair, Lonan’s eyes look bluer. Maybe their saturation has nothing to do with the angle, but Harrison feels this is true; his eyes are so crystalline, they are temptingly edible. Like two plump blueberries. Or a matching set of clear glass marbles. Harrison swallows. He repeats, “Do you think I’m a bad friend?”
Lonan swallows, adjusts his grip on the broom. “We’d have to be friends for me to answer that.”
“Aren’t we?”
And here’s the rest of this scene!
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“You’re my mother’s friend,” Harrison says. “She trusts you.” He crawls closer to Lonan. “You’ve got secrets. Rituals. Tell me her favourite finger-food and who she wants to marry.”
“I don’t know your mother that well.”
Harrison wraps a handle around Lonan’s ankle. A muscle there jumps like a dolphin breaching the water. He’s memorized this plane of skin, could rebuild it from single grains of sand while blindfolded. He furls his hands across its surface, unfurls.
“You garden with her,” Harrison says. “You share a plate for dessert.”
“She’s kind to me.”
“You cook her breakfast.” Harrison tugs on Lonan’s ankle, knowing it won’t raze him, knowing he’ll come down anyway. “You know the exact temperature she drinks her coffee down to the last digit.”
“I’m trying to be hospitable.”
“You’re trying to be a son.”
Lonan kneels. Crouching so they’re huddled over each other, so it’s nearly impossible to distinguish one body from the other, which one sinks, which one rises.
“My mother’s only got one son to live with,” Harrison says, his voice thin from a clogged throat. He reaches for Lonan’s scalp, scrapes a line down the centre, now an even plane of cropped hair. “And it isn’t me.”
“You’re unstable,” Lonan says, burrowing his face either into a cabinet or Harrison’s shoulder—neither can tell. “You won’t let yourself have friends.”
Farther, toward the tile they go, a pile of hair scattering. “My mother wants me to forgive you by replacing me with you.”
“She’s grieving,” Lonan says.
Harrison loses his hands. He doesn’t know where they disappear to, if he touches skin or tile. “I haven’t died,” he says. Skin or tile. Skin or tile.
Here’s an excerpt from scene C ft. this memoir bit from the time I was shocked that this university I visited had real FANCY teabags:
Lonan brews tea. Earl grey, from a tin. Harrison doesn’t know why he expects it to come from a bag. An individual paper sachet, or if he’s lucky, one of those fancy ones woven from nylon. But it’s from a tin. Two teaspoons into the bottom of a single mug they pass back and forth, wordless at the kitchen table. Strung in the bathroom, Harrison’s t-shirt hang-dries, nearly figure-like, an unfilled phantom. He tugs a throw around his shoulders and stares at his hands. Each crest of cuticle. Each bulb of knuckle. Each maze of fingerprints.
He is material. This is fact. Not just outlines. He’s got skin that goes pinkish when pinched, a pulse that juts from his wrist, two eyes that burn at the scent of lavender, ten fingers. But as he holds his hands up, studying them in the faint moonlight, it is difficult to believe his tangibility. In the city, he has lived as a haze. Fogging over grocery stores, eateries, nondescript. Fresh start has always implied an air of zest, a zing that should have fueled him to plant roots in this restart. But Harrison is rotten, aphid infected, overwatered, underwatered, then not watered at all. He flexes his fingers. He pops the joints. He tries to press his pinkie to the back of his hand. But none of this brings him back to himself. His hands continue feeling like someone else’s. His body invisibly marred in some way he can’t reverse, disconnected in retaliation.
Harrison reflecting on his relationship with his mother:
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Suzanna has never left him alone this long, and to her detriment. He imagines her now, living the life she always should’ve lived, the life she lived before he crosscut his way to her most important thing. She’s probably at a salon, having her hair twirled with a round brush, making dinner reservations at some place always too expensive for two (extra points if it has a French name, more if she has to wait a half hour before getting a table). When she talks to her stylist, she doesn’t mention a son, but plans to travel up the west coast, all the way into Canada if she’s feeling adventurous. She’ll buy crime novels she’ll never read at duty-free, reapply a lipstick that cost her a paycheck in the reflection of a hand-dryer. After the salon, she’ll meet a woman at a wine bar, converse about children, and still not mention a son. Suzanna’s singleness will be a celebration.
The boys finally trucing it out <3
When Harrison finally opens his eyes, Lonan is staring at him. His eyes two reels of the Pacific. They cycle in blue. So much of him has changed, and yet he is still the same. Beyond the haircut, Lonan isn’t that much different. He can’t be much different. But as Harrison searches, splaying his palm on the wet table, he knows this is untrue. Lonan is hollower than he was last summer. A little more haunted. They have this in common, then.
“Can we be friends?” Harrison asks. With his pinkie, he finds himself writing against the damp table just as he did Lonan’s scalp not too long ago. Lonan’s gaze follows each loop of each letter, Harrison’s steady left hand.
Lonan is consumed studying what Harrison has written, where each letter connects in near-cursive scrawl. After a moment, he nods, once, twice, and then reverts to staring at the table’s new inscription. On its surface are two words: something held.
The boys in the car like old times <3
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Lonan drives. This is strange because Harrison has not seen Lonan drive a car in over a year. Usually, Harrison takes the wheel, but tonight he guides them through the city, in search of Suzanna. His car is clean. This isn’t unexpected. A cherry-coloured hatchback that rattles whenever he makes a left turn. It smells vaguely of cotton air-freshener and the undercurrent of cigarettes.
“You still smoke?” Harrison pokes at the plastic nob for the radio, and it crackles to life. Synth and electric guitar pulse in 4/4 time.
“I bought it used.”
They’ve agreed to get to know one another while they search for Suzanna. Another restart, some attempt at an honest hour. As Lonan changes lanes, Harrison pokes open the car’s glove compartment. A tin of nicotine gum falls on the mat. A hot pink feather pokes from underneath the driver’s manual. Harrison hauls out both, runs the feather along the gum tin, then the back of his hand, and then Lonan’s cheek. When that rouses nothing, he unlocks the tin and removes a slit of gum. Right as he’s about to pop it in his mouth, Lonan says, “I wouldn’t eat that.”
“Why?” Harrison asks. “Did you lace it?”
“Like I said, I bought the car used.”
Harrison puts the gum back, and then the feather. He sticks his hand farther into the glove compartment, feels around until he drags out a map of the state, bilgy and half torn. He unfolds it, careful to avoid the rips, and flattens it against the dashboard. Almost immediately, it wilts against the cold, faded from time in the sun. It’s been marked up. Half with pencil, half with a red ballpoint pen. After a few minutes, Harrison understands the previous owner’s route. Or at least he does at first. Following the red pen arrows, they started at Long Island, then reached Manhattan. Then a much longer arrow takes him from Manhattan to Geneva, and then Buffalo. And then the red pen circles, once, twice, three times, four times, and what is in the centre doesn’t even have a city name. What it does say is HELP, in all-caps, each letter then melting into an illegible scrawl. Harrison sees bits of words: Luke, woe, hands, clay, guard, stray, each wobbly and disappearing into the other, becoming cities of their own, destroying others. He tries to understand the route, but the farther he pours over the map, recircling each line with his finger, the more lost he gets in the ink.
“Is this your map?” Harrison asks. There is no proof that it is. Even the handwriting is all wrong. Ragged. Confused. Desperate. Not like Lonan’s careful, hesitant print.
“Like I said, I bought the car used.”
“But is it your map?” Harrison asks again. Gently, he creases the paper and then slots it back into the glove compartment. Outside, they pass three convenience stores in a row, a flock of couples emerging from a bowling alley, tipsy and cradling leftover deep dish pizzas and mozzarella sticks. They pass two more convenience stores before Lonan finally answers.
“I was confused,” he says.
“This is more than confused,” Harrison says. “It’s disturbed.”
“I’m not disturbed.”
“But something is wrong with you.”
Lonan slows at a crosswalk. A group of teenaged girls whisk by in glitter and lip gloss.
“Yes,” he says.
This is Harrison trying to stop Lonan’s nosebleed after their bizarre swerve which I think is kind of <3 tendy <3
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Harrison reaches for him. One hand on the back of his neck, and the other reared toward the red stream. His touch is tactful, so faint his fingerprints wouldn’t even be left behind, but still, the dabbing with his jacket’s hem is enough to redirect the blood’s flow from Lonan’s upper lip to the cuff of leather. The radio is still on, garbled like an unmassing of crepe paper lanterns.
This is the final excerpt for this update that takes us to the very end of the chapter! Harrison has just found Lonan supposedly head-first in the sink and though he asks at first why he is doing that, takes an alternate approach as the chapter closes:
Harrison gets up, his knees popping like gnawed bubble gum. He decides he will handle Lonan at a distance, if he chooses to handle him at all. Like a timid pet owner trying to tame their suddenly-rabid yorkie. Like a friend not trying to tip the full glass. To let its contents film at its surface, but never spill.
Somewhere in the apartment, Suzanna probably listens to them. If Harrison didn’t know her better, he’d imagine her pressed neatly against the door, waiting to hear the shuffle of their bodies or the tang of an argument. Instead, he imagines her at the kitchen table, gripping a glass of water for so long, half of it evaporates.
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” Harrison says, stepping back until his spine hits the counter’s lip. He curls his fingers under the granite. Looks toward the window, now a faint periwinkle. Lonan heaves. His fingers caging his face, an animal restrained. They stand there until the sun rises.
So that’s it for this gigantic update! I have like four short stories to update you on so I hope to be back soon!
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
Elemental Souls (SBI+Tommy 4 elements au)
(🌿) ♡ (🔥) ♡ (🌊) ♡ (🌬)
Techno Blade -Fire:
"Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products."
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You can either see Techno as rude,cocky and egoistic or you can see him as loyal,determined and smart.
Becouse of his cold facade,Techno can scare poeple off easily.The fact that he gets aggressive easily doesn't make it any better.He tends to be very sarcastic and loves to tease/ignore people badly which is another reason poeple tend to stay away from him.
Techno can be described as terrifying.Becouse he is very intelligent and silent poeple around him can only wonder what he is thinking and if he is planning on killing someone soon.Of course Techno never killed anyone and he would never do so but his scary aura makes people believe he did and would do it again.
He doesn't take things very seriously and will only get invested if he is deeply committed and interested in them or if he gets something out of it.Techno may say that he isn't a competitive person but god is this man lying to himself.
Challenging Techno to something is probably the most dumbest move you could make.Not only will he destroy you and win but he will make a whole ass war out of it.This guy won't sleep,eat or talk to another human being until he's won.And you can bet your ass he will totally humiliate you and rub it in till it burns-
That's what Techno can be seen as from the outside. But on the inside he is anything but confident,cocky and unbeatable.He is very shy and socially awkward. He only picks out certain people who he will let take part in his life.On some days his insecurities will get the best of him and he won't come out of his room for weeks-
Hours and hours spent on crying only then become evident once he leaves his room and reveals this mess of red and puffy eyes,dark valleys and pale skin.The vibes he gives off basically scream "back of and leave me the fuck alone or I will burn you to death"
Others may think that a fiery person like him has to have exciting and risky hobbies-When in reality Techno loves peaceful and quiet activities like reading or studying.May I add that in his free time Techno absolutely loves to be outside and farm potatoes on a daily-
Sure Techno does fighting and skill upgrading from time to time but when he is left alone with his head full of thoughts he will scurry to the local library and spend the rest of his day there.Nobody questions why he goes there or makes fun of him that such a tough guy reads books-Becouse they very well know he will personally beat them up and burn down their houses.
Techno's best friend Phil is the only person who he truly trusts with everything and anything.The two of them grew up together and developed a really strong emotional and family like bond.Techno only allows Phil to see his vulnerable and fragile side,he will cry infront of him and even let Phil hug him while he reassures him that everything will work out and be fine.
Techno isn'a touchy guy,for him pda is disgusting and unnecessary-like,why the fuck would you put your hands on another person?What kind of person enjoys sharing physical contact?Not Techno that's for sure.
Over time Techno became more open and extroverted so he agreed to meeting two of Phil's friends,both of them having different elements.Phil commented something about how he thinks that opposite friendships are way more exciting and fun!Techno didn't think much of it,he simply rolled his eyes and went along with it.
That was the day Techno met Wilbur and Tommy.He could immediately tell that Tommy would be annoying as fuck and really hard to deal with-I mean the kid was only twelve when they first got introduced.Wilbur on the other hand sparked some sort of feeling inside of Techno that made him feel welcomed in his presence.
So yeah over the course of the next four years the four element benders became really close.Yes even grumpy Techno had to live with the fact that he would die for all of them-even Tommy.And speaking of Tommy,he and Techno do everything together-
If you would to make fun of Tommy or tease/annoy him in any be it negative or positive way-Techno would hunt you down and burn you-If it isn't intense he will stick to only a threat-but if you actually physically or mentally hurt Tommy??Oh boy-I may have said that Techno never did and never would kill somebody,but in this case there is a high chance of an angry Techno being after you.
Techno sees his friend group as family members.Phil represents a huge father figure,Wilbur his younger brother and Tommy his youngest brother.He is very overprotective of them all,especially over Tommy if you couldn't already tell.With how much shit he gets himself into and the fact that he is only sixteen years young and his braincells are still producing he can't but worry for him and take care of him,even if he does bully the fuck out of him :)
Wilbur and Techno have the best moments.The two of them both enjoy reading so you can occasionally discover them in the local town library where they are just enjoying the peace shared between eachother. Although Wilbur does have a chaotic and wild side to him which he lets out when he's around Tommy,he becomes quite and relaxed when around the fire bender.Techno knew from the moment he met Wilbur that the two of them would get along great.
Techno isn't really good with showing his feelings or dealing with his emotions-Like I said apart from pride and anger he doesn't reveal much to the world.Phil used to be the only person Techno trusted but now with the whole gang on his side he earned himself more poeple to rely on.Of course it took time for him to open up and really let himself go infront of Tommy and Wilbur but the waiting definitely paid off.
When Techno practices,for example his weapon usage and fire bending it is best to leave him alone and stay a safe distance away from him.There is a chance for him to attack you,though he will most likely just snap at you and tell you to piss off if you don't wanna burn alive and if you wanna keep all your fingers in place.
Also not to mention,Techno is on the way of becoming a vegetarian.At the start he only hated eating anything related to pigs,like bacon or pork chops.But after developing his love for farming he noticed just how unnecessary eating meat is.Sure he still consumes meat from time to time but in most of the cases he will turn it down and eat a baked potato instead :D
Squid and Dream(A water bender and a earth bender) are both in a rivalry with him.Techno is probably the one who started randomly picking on Squid at one point and from there on out they kind of grew close?Not too close but most definitely a form of friendship.
Dream on the other hand is hundred percent the one who constantly competes with Techno.Be it in element bending or grades in school.If Dream manages to get even half a point more on an exam he would literally celebrate.The most annoying part is the fact that Techno doesn't even acknowledge Dream. Just to see Dream's face when Techno only shrugs and lets out a small "ehh" while saying that it doesn't matter and he sees no point in anyone trying to be as good as him or better,makes it more entertaining ;D
To sum it all up: Techno is a natural born leader.His dedication and determination along with his loyalty are a healthy base for a powerful soul.The reason behind his aggressive,confident and somewhat rude side is due to the fact that he is a fire bender and his element is naturally fierce.He fights for what he thinks is important and right and never lets anything happen to the poeple he deeply loves and cares about.He is not the best when it comes to showing sympathy and affection and he doesn't seek it from anyone else.He has to deal with major mental health issues but he's more than thankful for his friends that are by his side and help him out on his journey.Once Techno opens up to you more you know he likes you,like I said to earn Techno's respect and trust you have to meet his expectations and show him that you actually care for him and his well being.He needs some love guys <3
Like fire itself, fire benders tend to be passionate, dynamic, and temperamental. Fire can keep you warm, or it can do great destruction. While fire burns out quickly without fuel to keep it going, it can also regenerate its power from the ashes. A single spark can set off a forest fire. As a result, fire benders need to be nurtured and managed carefully.
Phil Watson - Air:
"Air refers to the Earth's atmosphere. Air is a mixture of many gases and dust particles. It is the clear gas in which living things live and breathe. It has an indefinite shape and volume. It has mass and weight, because it is matter."
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The most hardworking,kind and caring guy you will ever encounter.Phil is the definition of wholesome :)
Phil is a very understanding and empathetic person. He patiently listens and respects people's boundaries and insecurities.He is a great comfort to many poeple with phobias and mental health issues.A part of his element is care and gentleness.Phil is very careful and elegant with his words and actions.He tends to not be hasty and obnoxious around people he first meets or knows who don't like that type of behavior.
He and Techno are very close.Phil trusts Techno with his eyes closed and the same goes for Techno.The way the two of them interact with eachother suprises people all the time.How could such a gentle soul deal with a feisty one like Techno's??Outsiders and even familiars wonder if the two share some sort of telepathic connection.All in all they share an unbreakable and strong family like bond.
Not only did Phil introduce his other really good friends to Techno and managed to get him to open up more and trust other people apart from him,but he also helped Techno realize that there are other poeple out there who care about him and want to give him nothing but undeniable love <3
Techno may be close with Wilbur and Tommy but the only person who knows about Techno's struggles and his biggest fears is Phil.He knows exactly in which way he needs to talk to him and how to act around him.Phil knows Techno doesn't like affection like hugs and holding hands but as a sign of appreciation and gratefulness Techno allows Phil to hug him while he calms him down and takes care of him.
The way he acts with such precision and grace makes anyone feel welcomed and comfortable around Phil. Phil is very helpful.He doesn't wait for poeple to come up to him and ask him for something,he goes up to them and asks if he can help them out with anything.
He stands up for justice and always does the right things.Phil has a big heart,if he sees anyone who is hurt or feeling down his parent like instincts will activate and he will immediately comfort them.
All three of his best friends(Techno,Wilbur,Tommy) look up to him as a father figure,which warms Phil's heart and he honestly he thinks it's super cute <3 So naturally Phil can't but see them as his three polar opposite,chaotic sons.He would do anything for the three of them,even risking his own life.
Tommy and Phil's relationship is probably the most cutest one.When Phil tells Tommy to quit it or to stop fighting with Wilbur or Techno(mostly Wilbur),Tommy instantly goes quiet and apologises for it.Phil's air bending is something that Tommy loves about him.He will always ask the elder if he can twirl him around in the air and make him fly.Phil gladly does so and he will tickle him with the wind he creates until Tommy is a giggling mess :D
Wilbur and Phil on the other hand are a completely different dynamic than Techno & Phil or Tommy & Phil. Most think that Phil would be scared of Techno like any other person is but it's actually Wilbur who genuinely scares Phil from time to time.Sure anyone who sees him doesn't think that something like "I just wanna fucking murder everyone around me and drag them to the bottom of the ocean-" would come out of his mouth.It's not only what he says it's how and when he says horrifying things like that.They could be out on a walk and Wilbur would just have the most blank expression while he says sentences like that.Phil is pretty sure that he even caught Tommy holding onto Techno's hand once while Techno shivered slightly with wide eyes.
Phil is known for being very respectful and polite.He doesn't like to be mean and angry towards anyone!He is a big pacifist(unlike other poeple 👀)who likes to sort things out with a nice and peaceful conversation instead of turning to immediate violence.He will argument with someone,but only when he has a good reason to do so.If he sees people arguing or fighting he will confront them about it and make sure they settle down and put their differences aside.
He's affectionate and really interested in the problems of others,as if they were his own.He will always be there if you are stuck with something and need help solving or overcoming said problem.He'll make sure that both of you find a way to get rid of it! <3
Air benders are also the most forgiving element benders,so Phil can tell the difference between acting out and just plain old meanness,and he understands that in moments of strong emotion, people can say and do things to can hurt others. Not that he'd ever do the same!His cool, collected vibe helps him navigate the drama and analyze it throughly.
Phil is a master of both small talk and deep convos, and he knows how to use his wit to get him out of awkward moments.That's another way Phil instantly gets the hang of strangers he just met!!He knows what subjects to bring up and what topics to talk about that they are interested in!
Also I quickly wanna say that Phil's laugh is super contagious!He could be out with Techno,Wil and Tommy while the three of them rant on and on about their days and just talk about random,shit.Phil will silently listen to every detail in the background while he uncontrollably laughs.He will let out a small "What?" or "No way dude" but apart from those small phrases he just prefers listening and cackling.He loves to see other people laugh and smile and is even more happy when he is the reason they do so :3
Phil is generous and selfless.He puts the health and safety of others before his own.He doesn't require many things to be satisfied in his life.As long as he has his family and friends he couldn't be more grateful <3
He definitely has a love for birds such as pigeons and doves.One time about two years ago Tommy brought Phil a beautiful silver feathered bird for his birthday. Even with his element being air,Phil sometimes wishes and dreams of flying himself,being able to feel that freedom for himself you know?He sees birds as lucky to have a gift such as flying.
Air benders are all about action, ideas, and motion—they are the “winds of change.” When a strong gust hits you, you can’t help but move. While some within their ranks may be true-life “airheads,” others are as powerful as a gravity-defying G-force. Air benders bring everyone a breath of fresh air when things start to get stale. Like the breeze, you can’t quite catch them, and you never know where they’ll drop you once they sweep you up. It will almost always been an adventure, though
Wilbur Soot - Water:
"Water is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, which is the main constituent of Earth's hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living organisms. It is vital for all known forms of life, even though it provides no calories or organic nutrients."
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Charming,suave and flirty in a way that can only be from fiction.Do men like that even exist?Apparently they do and they go by the name of Wilbur Soot.
Ever stand under a waterfall? That’s what it’s like when a Wilbur is feeling an intense emotion.
Intuitive, emotional and ultra-sensitive,Wilbur can be as mysterious as the ocean itself. Like water,he can be refreshing,or he can drown you in his depths.Security is important to him,after all, water needs a container, or it dries up and disappears.
He tends to hold on to people and items long past their expiration dates,and his emotions are always flowing like the waves of the oceans.Wilbur has intense dreams,visions,and an intuition so strong that it’s basically a psychic power.He can see situations happening from a mile away before they occur.
He might intentionally seek out sad music or movies, and he probably has childhood photos framed in his room.Emotional and creative,he relays on his heart and gut to make a decision.Logic and reason are second to his feelings which is how he navigates the material world.Wilbur also longs for security at all times,which makes sense as he's protective of his loved ones and himself.He'll do everything he can to help the ones he cares about,even if it’s at his own expense.
However, like most things beautiful, below the surface many complexities often arise and the same is true when talking about water benders.
Wilbur is notoriously perceptive and he possesses instincts when it comes to sussing out people and situations.He's guided by his gut feelings and more often than not his first instinct about a person are dead on.He can get a feel for whether someones intentions are honorable or not just by observing their body language and general demeanor.
Like a river filling in every crevice of its path,Wilbur covers every detail and often picks up on things that others miss.No riverbed is left to dry as the water flows through each and every intricacy.
The water signs are no stranger to emotion, in fact, they often feel things rather intensely.
On one hand,his emotional side can provide him with a lot of insight and wisdom into the human experience which he can even then pass on to others.On top of this,it allows him to be incredibly empathetic which helps him form strong bonds with others.
But sometimes he can get so overcome by his emotions that it feels like a giant tidal wave just hitting him all at once. When he feels overwhelmed like this he can find it tough to think straight and make rational decisions.
Because he is so prone to analyzing absolutely everything he can sometimes overthink things a little too much and make life more complicated for himself then it needs to be.He has a bad habit of coming up with problems and obstacles in his mind that don’t actually exist or aren’t nearly as bad as he's talked himself into them being.
Sometimes you might catch Wilbur acting withdrawn or shy but the truth is he's probably just deep in thought and mentally a million miles away.He often finds his thoughts are racing at a million miles an hour and that he's powerless to do anything about it.
Just like a bustling river,Wilbur can be a bit wishy washy and kinda all over the place… especially when it comes to making important decisions.Too many options can sometimes leave him overwhelmed and struggling to make any decision at all.
He's also known for being easily distracted and can go from paying close attention in one moment to being totally away with the fairies the next.He doesn't do it out of rudeness he just can’t help himself sometimes!
Wilbur has a very private and mysterious side,he doesn’t like to reveal all of his cards at once.He's known for putting up walls and can be particularly guarded when he's around people he doesn't trust.
From time to time he needs space to himself to think and unwind. As much as he loves his friends and family there’s just some times where he's gotta have some alone time to spend by himself.
Wilbur sure has a unique way of looking at the world. His perspective combined with his vivid imagination makes him naturally gifted in music or anything involving a creative flare.He is a dreamer at heart whose ideas aren't limited by pesky rules or conventions.
He has a big musical talent,his voice is a perfect balance between rough and velvety.It's not too high and not too low,not too loud and not too quiet.The moment he strums his guitar strings he can wrap anybody around his finger.
Wilbur is emotionally manipulative.He can make you feel bad for something you didn't even do.He can make you regret things or certaint actions that aren't supposed to make you feel regretful.He will only use this "talent" of his in a worst case scenario.If you ever hurt his friends or loved ones he will make your life a living hell,wouldn't even wonder if you never decided to show your face to the public ever again.
Techno's and his relationship is wonderful.Wilbur has helped Techno so much to open up more and come out of his shell.They both enjoy the peaceful and quiet times in their life.Reading,going on walks or strolling along the beach while watching a sunset is just some of the many things they love doing together.He isn't as close to Techno like Phil is but he is close second. He sees him as his older and stronger brother who will always be there for him when he needs him.Honestly the two of them have such a beneficial dynamic <3
Now Tommy's and Wilbur's interactions are something absolutely opposite.When the two of them spent time together,they become these chaotic and annoying siblings that go around town and fuck with people. There was this one time where they flooded a barn which belonged to Phil's neighbors and the two reckless idiots ran away laughing.Sure Tommy steals Phil's stuff all the time or uses it without permission but Wilbur,just like Techno,is very overprotective of Tommy.If he finds out that somebody hurt Tommy in any way or made fun of him he will beat them up. Literally he will call in Techno for help to go and pay the little fuckers who messed with Tommy a visit.The only ones who are allowed to tease and bully Tommy are Techno and Wilbur,no one else.
Phil and Wilbur have some of the best moments when spending time with eachother.Not only is Phil a great source of reassurance and comfort but he knows that Phil will seal his mouth shut if Wilbur speaks to him about his insecurities and problems.He loves that Phil listens to him and never judges him about anything. Like the other two Wilbur sees Phil as a father figure. A great and inspiring role model he can look up to.
He likes to collect sea shells and old treasures he finds scattered over the sand at the beach.He doesn't like swimming or diving,which is really unrealistic to not only other water benders but benders in general.It's not that Wilbur is scared,he simply likes to admire it from the shore.He will do it from time to time must mostly he will just sit down and let his legs and feet rest in the cold liquid.
I can imagine that when he was a kid he used to pretend to be a pirate.He still has his old eye patch and hook that were part of his costume.Now,even after thirteen years he still likes to go up to the harbor when the fishermen arrive with a freshly caught catch and watch the ships glide across the indigo waves.
Tommy Simons - Earth:
"Earth materials are vital resources that provide the basic components for life, agriculture and industry. Earth materials can also include metals and precious rocks."
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Tommy is outgoing,energetic and he isn't afraid to speak up and share his thoughts with others.A very openminded and positive guy.He always looks on the bright side of every situation he finds himself in.
He is down to earth.He doesn't believe in having dreams,he only believes and accepts things the way they are and how they are portrayed in his eyes.
People don't realize it but they are seriously underestimating Tommy.When you first see him you don't expect him to have good strategies and the ability of leadership like Techno clearly has.But that's the thing.One of the many things Tommy picks up while being in a friendship with the fire bender is experience.Techno will lazily teach the young earth bender how to protect himself and lead a team. Without Techno's guidance Tommy would have been in trouble countless times.So you could say that Techno is Tommy's mentor :)
He's a great mood booster!If there is awkward tension in a room or between others he will make it up by just being there and doing what Tommy does the best, brighten up the atmosphere!He will start random conversations and just try to get everyone else to do something fun like play a game or watch a movie.
Techno may help Tommy with things like self defense and how to establish dominance but the earth bender helps him with his potato farming!He will hurry up the process of their growth and make sure they are perfect before they are harvested.He keeps track of the amount of soil and vitamins the earth their roots grow in receives.
Speaking of Techno's and his relationship: The two of them are so close it's insane.They do everything with eachother!They train,upgrade their skills in bending and fighting,they go out to eat or have a drink,they go around town and fuck things up-the two of them are huge pranksters.Tommy always tries to prove himself infront of Techno and impress him in any way.Tommy loves spending time with Techno,the blond earth bender admires him in so many different ways- They don't have to be doing much together,it can be mindless talking or simply being in the same room.
Wilbur and Tommy are ehhh- special?On one side they are funny and entertaining together but on the other side they can be insulting eachother with such vulgarity that you could think they are about to commit murder any moment.Tommy talks so much shit about Wilbur.If you're dumb enough and actually choose to listen to him,he will ramble on about how Wilbur thinks he's so smart and good with the ladies- Yoo would think that after trash talking him that Tommy hates Wilbur's guts but it's the opposite!!If he catches you talking bad about Wilbur behind his back he will call Techno and they will hunt you down.
Tommy like everyone else sees Phil as his very caring and cool dad!Phil somehow always finds out about all the shit Tommy does and he gets scolded for it.Like most people,if Tommy ever has a problem he's dealing with or he's in a uncomfortable situation,Phil is the first person who crosses his mind and therefore the one he turns to.
The way Tommy goes around their town and picks fights with others is so stupid.At the end he comes home with bruises and wounds all over his skin.One time his best friend Toby brought him to Phil with a bloody nose and Phil's reaction was screeching-
He is extremely curious and stubborn.He doesn't really think before he acts and dives into unknown things he's not familiar with head first.Techno is the one who laughs at him and teases him about how clumsy he is.
Earth benders keep it real. They are the “grounded” people on the planet, the ones who bring us down to earth and remind us to start with a solid foundation. Slow and steady, these “builders” are loyal and stable, and stick by their people through hard times. On good days, they’re practical; at worst, they can be materialistic or too focused on the surface of things to dig into the depths.
Hope you enjoyed this au!!I am currently writing MULTIPLE stories and au's so bare with me guys!I don't like working fast becouse my work afterwards doesn't feel completed:( I hope all of you have a wonderful day/night <3 Love ya!!!
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chiclet-go-boom · 5 years
waxing philosophical about star wars on main because i don’t do side blogs
There’s a meta post from @symptomofconvalescence going around this morning about Kylo Ren/Ben Solo that crossed my dash a couple of times, stating that the base of his character is wanting to be loved and valued and seen. I don’t normally involve myself with meta discourse but I quietly disagree with most of the opening statements although I’m in general agreement with the tone of the conclusions, so I’m going to take a minute to talk about why. I’ll quote the relevant passage below: 
Fundamentally, he wants to be loved, he wants to be valued, he wants to be seen. But he isn’t getting that love or understanding. Very early on in his life, he becomes convinced that his family betrayed him- justly and unjustly at the same time. His family loved him but they did make mistakes, grave mistakes, and Snoke was there to take advantage of that immediately. Understandably, he turns to Snoke who promised to make the pain go away, to make him a new person. But at some point he realizes that Snoke never cared for him either, and his heart and loyalties complete their shift to Rey. When Rey leaves him, he feels that he truly has no one left he can care for and no one who can care for him, so he spirals out of control into despair and anger.
Some quick notes on this:
Kylo’s had love and rejected it.
Kylo knows he has value - he’s had both sides of the sith/jedi line fighting over him his entire life after all and they’re still fighting. His entire life is a smoking battleground because of it.
Kylo doesn’t turn to Snoke because he thinks his mentor cares about him or is offering him less pain or an easier path. The Dark path is notoriously hard to walk. He doesn’t turn from Snoke to Rey because Rey cares more or that he wants someone to care about. Caring isn’t the problem here. 
What Snoke promised and what he killed Snoke for, was acceptance.
A statement to start with. Ben Solo is an extremely powerful Force user and part of his skill set includes both defensive and offensive telepathy, empathy and mental manipulation (along with incredibly fine-grained telekinesis and battle precognition but while I could absolutely get into that, it’s irrelevant to this post). He has the ability to break minds and extract information with ease and in movie-canon he appears to be Snoke’s chief torturer in that respect, sent to interrogate both Poe Dameron and Rey with the implication that this is just part of what he does for the First Order. 
Kylo knows he’s loved because he’s empathetic. He is also not unaware of what Snoke feels about him which isn’t going to be any kind of tender emotion like caring, except in the possible sense of how one might care for a pet - some amalgamation of possessiveness and pride and control for owning something rare and unique. When Han tells Kylo that he’s being used and will be discarded, that isn’t any sort of revelation; he knows that Snoke is trying to break him, trying to sift out the pieces that Snoke doesn’t want.
What Snoke offered to Ben was acceptance of who he was. Snoke wasn’t afraid of Ben’s anger - in fact, he praised him for it, elevated him for it, told him to embrace it, told him he could use it. Growing up with every adult in his life afraid of him on some level, that had to have been a very tempting feeling, to be wanted for exactly the flaw that everybody else wants you to carve out of yourself. Did Snoke stoke that feeling? Absolutely. Did he poison all of Ben’s interactions to make that crevasse, that disconnect wider and wider? You know he did. But it was still there to start with, Snoke just made it deeper and darker. 
That’s how the Dark works and what the Dark promises. That it’s possible to be self-contained, beyond all reproach, beyond all judgement if you’re willing to do whatever it takes to get there. Self above everything, above all things — everything else, every one else irrelevant. Ben felt (and for practical purposes was) betrayed by everyone in his life and Kylo is on a quest to amass enough power now — secular, mystical, emotional — that he can’t be judged and found wanting by anyone anymore. 
He wants to stop feeling bad about who he is. Wants desperately to stop caring what other people think of him because for all this power, all this potential, he’s been told over and over again that his essential nature is wrong and always has been.
Circling back, there is no way Kylo’s unaware of what his mother and his father feel for him - he’s right in front of Han after all, who I will remind everybody has nothing in the way of Force defenses, while they talk on the bridge in that pivotal scene in The Force Awakens. Han is pouring out likely megatons of emotion at his son in those few minutes - love, regret, guilt, compassion, determination, desperation - along with his verbal words begging his son to please come home, that he is loved and that he is wanted. Han’s not lying. And notably neither is Kylo which is why the whole thing is so terrible. 
For while Kylo verbalizes his conflict, acknowledges that he still feels, still cares, he still sacrifices his father because what Kylo wants in that moment is more important than his father’s actual life. That’s a quintessential Dark side move even if the aftermath didn’t necessarily accomplish all that it was supposed to. In that moment, Kylo chose himself while looking love right in the face.
So love isn’t what Kylo wants because he’s got that and it so very clearly isn’t enough. 
(As an aside, he’s in communication on some level with Leia in The Last Jedi when he’s targeting the command deck of the Raddus, although whether its empathic or telepathic isn’t stated nor what specifically passes between them. Simple awareness? Actual conversation? It does, however, turn Kylo back from matricide so the question there is - why? Love didn’t stop him before so why does it stop him now? You could argue that since killing Han didn’t bring him what he wanted, he’s reluctant to sacrifice his mother for the same net zero gain. There’s a ton of nuance here, it’s not going to be a single, clean answer for this. Did he blame his father more? Does he blame his mother less? Anyways.)
As for the question of value, Ben Solo has been in the middle of a vicious tug of war since he was in the womb and he knows it. Yet neither side wants him as he is. He’s got too much Dark for the Light to trust him - hence Luke’s betrayal, Han and Leia’s abandonment. He’s got too much Light for the Dark to be able to use him easily - hence Snoke’s escalating (and calculated) disgust and ridicule, keeping Kylo unstable. Snoke is Dark but not Sith; it’s fairly obvious from the outside perspective that he’s not teaching his apprentice to surpass him, as a Sith master should, but to make him strong in the Force while keeping him emotionally weak and manipulatable. 
The Jedi espouse that there is no emotion, except in the abstract. The Sith espouse that the only feelings that count are the ones that aggrandize the self. Ben didn’t fit into the first and Kylo can’t fit into the second no matter how hard he tries.
So what Kylo is truly looking for is acceptance for who he is and how he is, which is why Snoke ended up dead on his throne because in that moment after touching hands through the Force bond with Rey, Kylo thought he’d finally, finally found it. 
Which bring us to Rey.
Rey is uniquely positioned to understand both Ben Solo and Kylo Ren. First, the Force Bond has made her confront her own prejudices as Kylo makes her question the lies she was told and the truths she wasn’t and she can feel what he feels, all that swirling rage and hurt. She’s also grown up alone and rejected and carries her own scars because of it, even as she managed to hang onto both hope and compassion when Ben couldn’t. Rey is angry over what was done to her. But better, Rey is furious over what was done to him. 
That isn’t abstract emotion. That isn’t generic Jedi compassion for all living things. That’s Rey, willing to confront the legendary Luke Skywalker over what he did to Ben specifically and then completely abandon her mission to recruit the Jedi back to the Resistance because of it. 
Rey is the only one who could look at Kylo Ren and see all that he is and accept it because fundamentally that’s who she is too. Look at Rey when she fights. She’s not in the least passive about it, she’s channeling nearly as much rage as Kylo does. She’s not trained in the Dark, she doesn’t accept the mandates of the Dark but she’s not Jedi either. She feels too much, just like Kylo does. 
But… she doesn’t accept him. In the home stretch in the throne room, Kylo planted his feet on all the choices that got him this far and chose himself, chose to consolidate personal power regardless of everything and everyone else — and Rey chose the good of the many over the needs of the one. They were both right. And they were both wrong.
But the crux of it is that it’s not about love or value at all, that’s not the essential problem. Rey and Kylo can love each other to the ends of the universe and back if they want to, see themselves mirrored in each other, understand each other, and it’s still not going to change anything.
They have to accept each other, as they are, without trying to change each other’s essential nature. Rey wanted Ben and refused Kylo and that’s where it all blew up and we ended up with a kyber crystal that split itself in half rather than decide.   
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pinpuku · 5 years
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team+partner request for @timeshenanigansahoy
original request + description under “keep reading”
Zodiac + MBTI: I’m a gemini (May 23rd if you need the day!), and an ISFJ!
Favorites: I really love cats (lions and housecats??? heck yes??), rabbits, and blue ringed octopi! My favorite colors are pink and blue, and my favorite areas are suburban/rural areas and cities! I generally prefer colder weather! I’m weak for cutesey stuff that’s pink and has hearts or strawberries or that kind of stuff on it tbh
Hobbies: writing, reading, drawing, and playing video games! I’m a big sucker for rpg and fantasy games, but I’ve got a deep love for farming simulators (like Stardew Valley and Rune Factory!), and a secret, only slightly shame filled love for dating sims. I also am really into music, I play an instrument (the viola, if it matters!) and I make music on a program on my computer sometimes! Other times I’m just making playlists on 8tracks lol
Aspirations: I’m currently trying to figure out some sort of long term goal in terms of career, but I’m thinking of going into child care! As for the goals I do have - I’d really love to be able to meet my online friends in person one day! They mean a lot to me and it’d be nice to finally see them and visit them!
Personality: I’m generally a very positive person, I tend to stay optimistic (but with realism - my motto is “Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best) and I try to see the brighter side of things. I’m a very caring and empathetic person, and I’m really in tune with myself and others. I’m very creative, and I enjoy helping others. I’m trusting and forgiving, sometimes to a fault, even when it might hurt me. I get tunnel vision easily, and my emotions are pretty strong and I wear my heart on my sleeve. I tend to be volatile with my moods, and I have mood swings a lot, although I do generally have a good grip on myself and the emotions I let affect others. I’m very talkative and energetic (though it’s easy to take a blow to my motivation and energy, considering I’ve got depression) and I get rambly a lot, as you can see from this submission lol
Hi! Let me introduce you to your new team!
♡ Your partner would be Audino! Audino is an intelligent & helpful pokemon, often used as nurse aides. Any field that requires a gentle helping hand is right up Audino’s alley! Child care is a great environment for Audino. Audino is also known for having an excellent auditory sense, so soothing sounds & music will delight an Audino. They are great support Pokemon, as they can offer both physical & emotional healing. Audino is hardy & can put up with a lot of outside stimuli, so children yelling / city noises don’t bother them too much despite their acute hearing. They are a species that commonly inhabits urban areas naturally.
♡ Chatot has the natural ability to mimic almost any sound, including human speech. Most pokemon are able to understand human speech with training & time to various degrees, but Chatot could very well learn how to talk in theory. As chatty pokemon in general, they will love to “talk” with you even if they don’t yet understand what you or themselves are saying. They are also musically inclined. Most sounds they learn will be implemented in one of their many songs, and they absolutely love to hear music of all kinds. 
♡ Lilligant is another musical pokemon, being a natural dancer. It will dance even if there is no music, but they do love a nice song to compliment their movements. Lilligant is a more difficult pokemon to raise however, as they require very gentle & diligent care. Having a Lilligant with a beautifully bloomed flower is a testament to a trainer’s skill & heart! It also releases a lovely aroma that changes based on its home. This pokemon often refuses to mate until late in life, as their flower will most likely wilt & die afterwords. So breeding is not recommended by anyone besides professionals! 
♡ Carbink is a crystalline pokemon that lives underground or in caves. It is one of the few pokemon that is confirmed to be able to telepathically communicate with humans, so another actual buddy to talk with like a normal friend! Skitty is undoubtedly one of the most popular pokemon-pets worldwide. Although it might be difficult to gain its full trust initially, it is a great pal. Skitty is playful, energetic & peaceful by nature. Many love to play with children, too!
♡ Drampa is famous for its desire to socialize with human children, even in the wild. It will go out of its way to visit schools and playgrounds, sometimes daily. Parents feel secure about leaving their kids at a facility with a Drampa, as they can also be extremely fierce & powerful protectors!
I hope you like your new team! I think this one is really cute ^~^
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parabcllums · 5 years
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⧼    gemma chan, demiwoman, she & they   /   things we lost in the fire by bastille   +   the rain soaked, mossy ground that surrounds a sun bleached headstone. flaming red hair, piercing green eyes, willowy limbs - an intolerable tenderness carried in their features and offset against the undeniable steel beneath their skin. the heat of a bonfire on a sticky autumn night and the sparks that fly up, up, UP.    ⧽   ━━   let me tell you a thing or two about JEAN ELAINE GREY. the hero that goes by JEAN GREY / THE PHOENIX is a professor of PSYCHOLOGY at paragon academy in addition to being a PSYCHOLOGIST in town, and has sometimes been referred to as THE ATOM BOMB. they’ve always seemed very EMPATHETIC & ALTRUISTIC, though i’ve heard they can be pretty IDEALISTIC & HYPERSENSITIVE, too. do you think if i ask real nice, they’ll give me an autograph? redirect to her stats page HERE and her pinterest board HERE.
       they’re burning all the witches,                                      even if you AREN’T one.
marvel girl. trigger warnings for talk of death throughout.
july 15th, 1965. annandale-on-hudson, new york. professor john grey and his wife, elaine, welcomed their fifth child and youngest daughter into this world. they name her jean. in her tiny hands are held a fifth of the grey family’s hopes and dreams for their future - and neither can deny the thought that little jeannie, with her tuft of flaming red hair, might just be the be all, end all.
for a very long time, she is just a GIRL, a child allowed to be a child. her red hair marks her as something different to the rest, but she doesn’t feel as if she IS - rather, how overwhelmingly normal she is. she’s smart, but not too smart. PRETTY, but so are the rest. she’s kind, and perhaps this is the most notable of her early traits - an intolerable sort of SOFTNESS, a hugeness to her heart that sometimes does more harm than good.
the littlest of the five, she finds herself running to catch up more often than not, with only roger ever slowing down for her. she and liam end up in the same grade, not for her testing out, but for him getting kept back. sara & julia tease her mercilessly, but when she ( accidentally ) ruins sara’s favorite top, the latter takes the blame, and sometimes, just sometimes, the former allows her tag along to the arcade. her siblings are her CLOSEST friends for a time, the people she spends every hour of every day with, who HAVE to tolerate her, no matter what - and then she met annie.
little annie richardson was similar to jean in a lot of ways, not just in the fact that ‘little’ was often tacked on to the start of her name. cute as a button, sharp as a tack. on the fateful november day that they met, liam was sick and home from school, and jean, miserable in his absence. she was sitting eating lunch alone, she can recall even now - and though she didn’t have to, annie, an otherwise unremarkable head of brown hair that sat a few rows behind her, in class, took it upon herself to join. that day marked the beginning of a lifetime. annie and jean became INSEPARABLE, not just at school - it turned out that she lived only a few doors down, and after their homework was done and their dinners ate, they’d spend HOURS riding their bikes and playing make believe. annie was always the princess, and jean the dashing PRINCE who saved her from the tower. when they played dolls, annie was the patient, and jean the DOCTOR. so on, so forth.
it was such a pity, then, and contrary to all of the stories that they had woven, when LITTLE ANNIE RICHARDSON was struck by a car outside of her own home. jean was only a few feet away, safe on the sidewalk a handful of seconds before tragedy - and though she was an innocent ten years old and didn’t QUITE understand the gravity of what was happening, jean knew, even then, she couldn’t just leave her. she rushed to her side and she rocked her back and forth and somewhere between the sobbing and the hoping and the praying that she could somehow help her friend, evolution leaped forwards. her mutations manifested YOUNG - and at the cost of taking her friends dying emotions unto herself and feeling every second, jean eased annie’s mind.
jean withdrew from the world - the voices in her head that didn’t belong to her too much - and there wasn’t a SINGLE therapist who could help her, after that. not the normal kind, anyway. john grey had a winning combination of connections and money to spare, but try as he and his wife might, they found no one who was able to reach their daughter through the haze of emotion that had come over her. her first experience of her powers was through DEATH. nothing good could come after that.
and then came charles xavier. he had yet to become the credible well of mutant knowledge that he would, in later life - but back then, he seemed to be jean’s only HOPE. she was twelve, by now, and a shell of who she had once been - and over coming months, with the knowledge that she was not alone and never had been, jean flourished. charles succeeded, at first, in teaching her a level of control over the powers that up until now had seemingly taken over her life, and what was more, he managed to put something of a mental block on the firerod of a memory that annie’s death was, for jean - allowing her move past that trauma, some, and begin again. she advanced so much, so fast, that he and moira mactaggart decided they could utilize her in the creation of CEREBRO ; calibrating it for use, and together, conducting field tests in search of fellow mutants. it was during this process that jean first made contact with the boy she would come to love - scott summers.
though cerebro had been a marked success, and jean appeared to have taken CONTROL, charles overwhelmed her telepathic abilities on an excursion to a shopping mall - the conflicting thoughts all becoming too much and causing her to lash out without meaning. set back miles by the incident, the professor decided to place a mental block on jean’s mind to stunt her telepathic abilities and keep them DORMANT until such a time as she was ready to control them - and after sending her home, briefly, to live a somewhat NORMAL life, convinced her parents when the time was right to allow her join the newly opened xavier’s school for gifted youngsters. she was SIXTEEN when she joined the first x-men team comprised of scott summers, warren worthington, hank mccoy and bobby drake, and the first girl to do so.
under the alias of MARVEL GIRL, and the tutelage of charles xavier,  jean began to use her telekinetic powers for good along with the rest of the team. they trained for months in the danger room beneath the mansion, preparing themselves for the inevitable - when professor x decided that they were ready to go out into the world and unveil their powers to it, fighting magneto and a whole host of other villains for the safety of humans. despite her loyalty to the professor, jean had her reservations when it came to such antics ; disagreeing, fundamentally, with the idea of children fighting a war. though she came to LOVE her teammates, each of them coming to fulfill a unique role in jean’s life - hank as big brother and closest confidant, bobby as her little brother and endearing annoyance, warren as her BEST friend and one time crush and scott as, well... even then, a beloved team leader and love interest - she HATED what they were being sent to do. though being able to use her gifts in such a practical way was a huge help in the continued lesson of control, and though she was made HAPPY by being able to help innocent bystanders, jean couldn’t entirely reconcile her differences in ideals - and when she graduated from xavier’s with the necessary high school diploma, chose to take a break from the team in order to attend metro college.
she wanted to be NORMAL, in a way - had been so, once, and sought it out again, actively - but it wasn’t until she was apart from it that jean realized how much she had really enjoyed the purpose that the x-men had given her. they were all older, now, and maybe it was that they weren’t children anymore that really swayed her to the idea of it ( or MAYBE, just maybe, it was missing the friends she had made ), but jean came to miss being a hero full time, and rejoined the team when her responsibilities allowed her take a break. on such missions, it became apparent to every onlooker that jean and scott held feelings for one another close - though neither was able to put them into words. scott feared hurting her, and jean wished he would make a move. it left them stuck, and the fact that she was only around for fleeting moments at a time didn’t help. eventually, she graduated from metro college and rejoined the team ; and though it had taken YEARS of mutual pining, scott and jean found their way to one another. 
satisfied with her progress at this time, charles released the barriers upon jean’s mind - allowing her to begin learning how to control her telepathy, and in addition to such, allowing her knowledge of certain secrets kept for the safety of the rest of the team. when the team believed him DEAD, jean was the one who knew the truth - and it pained her to keep it from the others for as long as she had to, and it was this in addition to a handful of failed missions that led to jean deciding, once again, to LEAVE the team - though her relationship with scott continued.
phoenix. trigger warnings for talk of murder & death throughout.
she wasn’t a member of the x-men when she died. she was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time - a visit to the new team ( she adored them ALL, not JUST because of association ) going wrong, resulting in them being kidnapped. brought to space by steven lang, the x-men defeated the villain as they always did and were forced to try and return home aboard a space shuttle in the middle of a solar radiation storm. the only one among them capable of learning how to fly simply by reading someone’s MIND, jean volunteered to pilot the craft even though the cockpit wasn’t shielded from radiation - allowing the others take refuge in safety as she battled the storm to get them home.
she began to succumb to the radiation.
and somewhere, the PHOENIX FORCE found her. sensing her limitless potential, the cosmic entity came to her aid - informing her that she was going to die, but that TOGETHER, it could help her attain her hearts desire. at that time, it was saving her friends. she merged with the phoenix force in the same instant as she died - the entity forming a clone of her from her consciousness and putting the real jean grey to rest in a cocoon at the bottom of jamaica bay, allowing her exist in stasis and heal from her injuries while it took her form and continued her LIFE’S WORK.
the phoenix took her place, and continued her relationship. it was IMPOSSIBLE tell the difference between her and the entity - because, for a long time, there wasn’t one. to call it a clone is to put it LOOSELY. at the moment of their merge, the phoenix and jean became one, and the force had formed a perfect replica of her, mind, body & soul. a part of her consciousness formed with the replica, the two becoming indistinguishable. 
she continued to aid the x-men and live her life, even going so far as to reveal to her parents that she was a mutant. however, after healing the m’kraan crystal and saving the UNIVERSE, her powers only seemed to GROW. while her teammates saw jean leap and bound beyond previous limitations, they didn’t see the PHOENIX at her heart.
dark phoenix. trigger warnings for talk of death & murder & suicide throughout.
in the following months, the phoenix, jean became jason wyngarde’s victim. awed by her POWER, he sought to corrupt her and turn her against the x-men through dreams and manipulation. blind to what was happening, jean fell underneath his spell and became the black queen of the hellfire club - capturing her FRIENDS along with emma frost and the inner circle, and causing them harm before scott’s ( temporary ) death snapped her from her trance.
HOWEVER, it was too late. the dark phoenix was born from manipulation and pain, and the shade of jean grey that had been masquerading for MONTHS as the true her underwent a final transformation.
she soared through the universe, and when she came to the star d’bari, she devoured it - a TRUE display of the immense power she now wielded and the strength of the phoenix force, though the action killed an entire solar system. BILLIONS of alien creatures, dead. the star fueled her power and the dark phoenix returned to cleanse the world - burn it to ash and START AGAIN - before being thwarted, temporarily, by the combined efforts of the x-men and CHARLES XAVIER. their joy was short lived, as the shi’ar empire teleport ed them all to space, and put jean grey on TRIAL for her actions.
the x-men chose to do battle with the imperial guard for jean’s fate, but as testament to her LOYALTY and love, the shade of jean grey witnessed all that was happening and made a conscious choice. embittered by all that she had done and unwilling to watch her friends get hurt or die for her, she committed suicide in the middle of the battle - sacrificing herself ONCE AGAIN for the good of her friends.
white phoenix of the crown. talk of death throughout.
green the good, red the bad, and white to which she had yet to discover the meaning to. the portion of jean’s consciousness that had merged with the phoenix a lifetime before awoke in a space between worlds and time and space called THE WHITE HOT ROOM in a version of the iconic costume. for the first time since she had merged with the cosmic entity, the real jean grey was awake and able to THINK - though before she could come to any conclusion on what it all meant, death came to her.
it was presented with a painful paradox. though jean grey had NOT eaten a star and destroyed a galaxy, she also, in a sense, had. her PENANCE for a wrongdoing that couldn’t be entirely pinned to her was to build towers that would house the victims of the dark phoenix, and over time, this version of death informed jean that while her merging with the phoenix force had seemed RANDOM, they would not have been able to become one if they were not meant to. she was the one true host, and it belonged to her by right. 
jean completed her penance, and her version of death instructed her to return to life. to learn. dominos in effect meant that the FANTASTIC FOUR had discovered her body - and true essence - in a cocoon beneath jamaica bay, and as they studied it back at base, jean grey AWOKE and emerged.
the first thing that jean learned was that in the time that she had been dead, the world had changed. scott had moved on - marrying a woman named madelyne pryor who looked exactly LIKE her, and having a son. the x-men had moved on, and she was stunned to discover them working alongside magneto. over the next few months, she was forced to balance readjusting to life with battling a HOST of demons and situations that made it near impossible. scott abandoned his family. it turned out that madelyne was a clone designed to turn EVIL upon rejection, and jean was forced to absorb her in battle. her sister, sara, a PRO MUTANT speaker, was killed by anti mutant extremists. rachel, a mysterious new member of the team that had arrived while she was gone was revealed to be her and scott’s daughter from another timeline. scott’s SON, nathan, was kidnapped along with jean’s niece and nephew and upon being saved contracted techno virus, forcing jean and scott to send him to the FUTURE so he might be safe. then they all met CABLE, an older version of nathan from the future. 
as you can see, it was all a lot. it was a wonder that given all that was happening that jean and scott even managed to reconcile - but over time, they did, and on the lawns of xavier’s, the two reunited members of the x-men MARRIED. for their honeymoon, their consciousness’ were sent forward in time in order to raise the young nathan summers ( cable ), allowing them time as a FAMILY before they returned, ready to continue as a husband and wife duo. 
however. though they spent MONTHS fighting the good fight alongside one another, and though they did a great deal of good in that time - jean and scott’s marriage began to suffer almost immediately. though they loved each other, dearly, they had been through TOO much to be happy, now. a distance formed between them that spanned too wide for them to heal, and scott seeking help from emma frost, who in turn fell in love with him, proved to be the last straw. she had only just discovered the psychic affair when the x-men were attacked, once more, and xorn attacked her with an overwhelming electromagnetic blast. it STOPPED her heart - killing her - but it also worked as way of awakening the phoenix force, once more, and in spite of all the wrong it had done, jean agreed to aid it in finding all of it’s pieces, scattered across the omniverse.
though briefly an incomplete version of the phoenix force, in line with the DARK version of itself, returned and wrecked havok - jean grey prevailed, reminded by the collective x-men of how MUCH she was loved and reached enough that she was able to take back control, and consciously return to the white hot room. given a goodbye with scott - who reminded her that no matter what the cosmos said, she was jean grey, always - and more content than she had ever been with the knowledge of how much her family meant to her, jean vowed, in spite of the fact that as white phoenix of the crown she could CONSCIOUSLY resurrect herself, not to return until such a time as the phoenix was stable.
time displaced. 
five years ago, a younger version of the jean grey this world knew was brought forward in time alongside younger versions of each of the original team for their own safety. the mental blocks placed on this jean’s mind dissolved upon appearance in the future meaning that she accessed her power a year earlier than she should have - and was privy to knowledge of her future that no child should have had. this version of jean wanted nothing more than to avoid the tragedy of her older counterparts existence. she spent the sum of her time, here, training herself in her own powers, and trying to find a way to absolve herself of the future - avoid the phoenix, avoid the PAIN. she returned to the past, eventually ; returning with no MEMORY of all she’d done, here. it was the price that had to be paid.
jean grey.
and then, she returned. the ORIGINAL jean grey, resurrected by the phoenix force, without memory of herself, or her life. for weeks she was trapped in a small bubble of existence in new mexico, and though she continued to be subtly manipulated, subconsciously, jean knew that the world she was living in was a farce - sending psychic flares for help out into the real world in form of projections of tragedies of the past. saved by her friends in due time, jean RENOUNCED the phoenix’s ways - choosing life over it. 
she has returned now, herself, and for the first time in a LIFETIME, jean gets to be who she has always wanted to be. she gets to LIVE, and for her, this means becoming a teacher and psychologist at paragon, working to do good. she cannot erase her past, but she can form her future ; and this time, jean intends to. 
jean remains the world’s most iconic redhead ; though in my version, her hair color comes from her MUTATION. it was the earliest indication that her parents had their youngest daughter was going to be something more, though neither could have predicted by just how much. 
in a way, she chose never to have children. though she briefly entertained the idea of having RACHEL in this timeline, jean shudders to think about her children going through what she did with the phoenix force due to the blood that runs in their veins and nothing more. she always preferred NOT putting them through that - though she would be lying if, in addition to that, a part of the choice has been taken from her since all she’s ever really done is... die. for NOW, she’s content. she thinks of nathan ( cable ) and nate as her sons, she thinks of rachel as a daughter ( though she struggles a bit here, sometimes ). now that she is somewhat free and has this second chance at life, jean DOES consider her future, and children.... but she’s happy to see where life takes her.
she was dead for TEN years - bar a few brief appearances back on earth, both in search of phoenix fragments and in order to keep the phoenix in check. finally... the jean/scott/emma timeline makes sense. the phoenix brought her back in late 2017, and it was midway through 2018 that she finally began sending out her own PSYCHIC FLARES.
per the grey family massacre, jean is now the last of them - it’s very sad, so pour one out.
patients !! ppl she’s talking to routinely to help them thru their traumas !!
but specifically : a little group of ppl who have all died and come back ( doesn’t matter for how long. years like jean ?? months ?? weeks ?? an hour ?? ) and want to try and work through the trauma associated w that. jean can lead them all in a sort of ... group therapy thing. she’s died MULTIPLE times and come back so rly ... she’s a good option
friends !! and not just, like... canon friends. ppl who she’s friends w now
peoPLE WHO KNEW TIME DISPLACED HER !!! that’s a fun connect. gimme ppl who were like... genuinely friends w little jean and are now like ?? the fuc
anything you’ll give me, frankly
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fasterthanmydemons · 5 years
About the Muse
{ Basic Stats and Family }
Name: Pietro Maximoff
Avengers Alias: Quicksilver
Age: My starting age for Pietro during Captain America: The Winter Soldier is 17, for Avengers: Age of Ultron is 17-18, depending on the kind of thread we’re doing. If he’s saved from death at the end of Ultron, he turns 18 shortly after that. If he’s brought back by Clint during the time travel test in an Endgame verse, I will probably just make him 18. Age is somewhat flexible, though, it’s not set in stone. Please be advised though that in most verses the twins are still minors during their Hydra experimentation, and although I will not write that out in detail in threads, I do refer to it (or he does, rather, heh) as part of his past, so if that bothers you, we can age Pietro up a little or best not to interact.
Birth Mother: Magda Eisenhardt (deceased)
Birth Father: Max Eisenhardt/Magneto (Yes, I’m ignoring the retcon in the comics that stomped all over this, heh.)
Adoptive Parents: Django and Marya Maximoff (deceased) are the only parents the twins have ever known.
Siblings: Fraternal twin sister, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
Languages: Romani dialect (native tongue); Transian and Sokovian (learned as a young child); English, French, and German (taught to him at the Hydra facility)
Romantic Orientation: demi-heteroromantic
Sexual Orientation: demi-heterosexual
{ Background }
Trigger warnings: sexual assault, child harm, child death, suicidal thoughts
(Basically, what I have done with Pietro is flesh out his background a little better than the films did, borrowing from certain parts of his background in the comics and melding it together with the movie verse. So neither the comic- nor movie-verse is 100% canon for him, but most of the changes and merges of the two are in his background before the movies. I will be counting the majority of what happens in the movies as canon for him. Below I have detailed his background story and general headcanons about his life, mental health, and some events of the movies as I will be using them on this blog. This does not mean all of this is set in stone, however, it is just what I will be working from as a starting point as I write him unless otherwise specified in rps. Some of this could be changed or truncated depending on verse and starter situation.)
Pietro and his twin sister Wanda were adopted as infants by Django and Marya Maximoff, never knowing any different but that the Maximoffs were their real parents. From a young age, Pietro always had a lot of excess energy, had a short attention span, had difficulty concentrating on anything for too long, and found it hard to sit or lie down for long amounts of time. He got by on much less sleep than Wanda, and even then, he would wake up several times a night and often be very restless. He could also run very fast, outrunning all of the other children in his village as a boy. He was fast, agile, and had impeccable balance. So even before the experiments, Pietro had a genetic tendency toward these abilities. This is due to him actually being a mutant, the son of Magneto, although he never knew this.
When the twins were little, the family lived in Transia, but an incident with Wanda forced them to emigrate elsewhere, to Sokovia. Their family was Roma, also known as the Romani people, an Indo-Aryan ethnicity, so they already faced prejudice for that reason, but when Wanda’s budding abilities as a mutant as a young child became known, that only made her family greater targets for hatred. The incident that caused it was very traumatic for Wanda. When she was six years old, she was molested by a boy her age. Her fear and anger caused her to release this force inside her, the same one that allowed her to move objects with her mind. It pushed the boy away from her and, still not done with him, she cursed him for what he had done, telling him he would die for it. The next day, the boy was run over by a wagon and killed. Because the boy had told his parents about Wanda’s curse and then it had come true, she was labeled a witch, and to protect her, the family left Transia and eventually settled in Sokovia.
This incident, aside from causing his family to have to move, deeply affected Pietro in a negative way. Until that point, he had loved his sister and spent time with her and regarded her as someone very close to him because they were twins. It was a carefree sort of thing. But after she was assaulted, he felt that he had failed her as a brother. Brothers (especially older brothers, even if only by 12 minutes), should always protect their sisters, he felt. This incident is the root of Pietro’s intense desire to protect his sister as all costs. It is driven partly by guilt for not having been there to stop the assault when she was little, and partly by the desire to never allow anything like that to happen to her again.
At the age of ten, there was an attack that resulted in the deaths of Wanda and Pietro’s parents. For two days the twins were trapped under rubble, staring at a bomb that thankfully was a dud, but the children hadn’t known that. The name “Stark” was printed on it, causing the twins to develop a hatred for America and one of its foremost security and weapons inventors. They survived the event, but it left them feeling angry and helpless. So when Hydra began recruiting for a research project that the deceptive organization said was to help empower the citizens of Sokovia, the now orphaned and homeless twins jumped at the chance.
For eight years, Pietro and Wanda were kept at Hydra’s facility, mostly residing in their individual rooms, but having supervised time together. They were put through many evaluations, tests, and training sessions designed to detail the effects of the experiments involving Loki’s scepter on them. Of the many children selected for the experiments, Wanda and Pietro had been the only willing participants, and the only ones to survive. I headcanon that this was because only someone of mutant blood could withstand the power contained in the scepter. The experiments were at times frightening and even painful, but the twins could see the results manifesting as time went on. For Pietro, it meant that his naturally high energy, speed, agility, etc. were enhanced to a superhuman degree. In addition he experiences an actual overhaul of his metabolism to be very fast and efficient, gained an apparent immunity to friction as he moves, gained the abilities to heal at a faster rate than normal humans and to create and utilize a slipstream. The slipstream is basically a molecular disturbance in the air that results from him reaching a certain speed when he runs. It creates a wind effect and even a vacuum effect at times behind him, causing objects and even people or animals to be dragged in the direction he’s running sometimes. He is also exceptionally strong, can lift much more than the average human, and his punches can crack rock and dent steel (or Ultron’s bots, heh) if he gets a good enough running start.
The experiments enhanced the twins’ already partially-existent powers and brought out whatever was latent within them, but that wasn’t all they enhanced. As the experiments progressed, the twins’ ability to feel things about the other became more intense and pointed. Sometimes, they could communicate telepathically as well, although it was more of a passive thing than something they could employ at will. In addition to having telekinesis and other matter-altering powers, Wanda also has the ability to be extremely empathetic, sometimes whether she wished to or not. She sometimes would feel the emotions of others around her so strongly that it would affect her own. Over the years, she learned to tune out what was not hers, although she could not stop herself from passively experiencing it. She could enter people’s minds, something she discovered by accident one day when she became angry with one of the scientists at the facility. She was able to not only see inside his mind, but to induce a dreamlike state in which the man experienced his darkest fears. This reality of her own creation that drew from the man’s own psyche was something she also witnessed, and combined with her heightened empathy, it frightened her. But after that first time, it became a weapon of hers, and something she did not allow to frighten her or make her sad if she deemed the person deserving of it. Wanda to this day carries guilt over what she did to the Avengers in the Hydra facility, knowing that they did not deserve the nightmares she manifested in their minds.
When the Avengers came to Sokovia, the twins were told that they were being attacked and encouraged to help defend it. Thinking they were being loyal to Hydra, whose true nature they didn’t know, they did their best to defend the facility. Later, they joined Ultron, but that fell apart once Wanda saw the computer’s intentions and realized it didn’t want to make the world a better place, it wanted to help destroy it. She decided to aid the Avengers, despite her hatred of Tony Stark, and Pietro followed suit. Pietro warmed up to the other Avengers aside from Stark rather quickly once he saw what they were trying to do for the people of Sokovia. That’s all that he and Wanda ever wanted was to protect children so they wouldn’t have to go through what they did and to protect people in war-torn countries who were often killed as collateral damage during conflicts. Once he saw the Avengers were on the same page as him and Wanda, he got excited about it. He wanted to join them and have their collective power behind him and his sister to do good for the world. Sadly, in the movie canon, he never got the chance, but he did give his life for Clint and an innocent Sokovian boy, which was a very honorable and heroic death that any Avenger would have been proud of.
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cleocazo · 6 years
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under the cut you’ll find fifty six ( 56 ) wanted connections for my characters on sidekickhq - an appless next gen & canon marvel / dc rp. some of them i’ve had for a while, some are super new, some come with additional chars you’d be connected to, some don’t - but they’re all SO wanted, and if u snagged one, id die for u !! 
ADRIAN TREVOR, our TOM HARDY fc is looking for a  BRO  connection who looks like  JAMIE DORNAN, KAREENA KAPOOR, DANIEL GILLIES, BIANCA LAWSON / UP TO PLAYER  and is  30+ YEARS OLD . you  DON’T  have to contact prior to applying. ( basically… when you look for “bromance aesthetic”, they’re the search results. adrian is that one guy who’s a total gruff dumbass on the surface, but underneath, he’s such a genuine soft person who’s just so tired, and who just… keeps trying to do the right thing and continues to fuck it up. he’s a loyal friend, and like in all aspects of his life, he tries - but he isn’t always great, and this is the one person in his life who has really stuck by him, and who’s really in his corner when he needs it. likewise, he’s in theirs. they’re probably way more put together than he is, with a lot more going for them - but their bond is unshakable, and they’ll always be bros. )
ADRIAN TREVOR, our TOM HARDY fc is looking for a ARMY SQUAD / THREE TO FOUR PEOPLE connection who look like JON HAMM, MATT DAVIS, EVANGELINE LILLY, RASHIDA JONES / UP TO PLAYER who are 30+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( adrian was in the british army from ages seventeen to twenty six, when a serious injury brought his honorable career to a sudden end. he was the only survivor of a landmine related explosion, and a few of his friends died that day - but some of the people he was closest to survived, and i’d love for him to have their friendship, even now. they would have known him at his happiest and most put together, and have been witness to just how badly he fell apart when it was all said and done, and there’s just.. something really lovely to me in the idea of him clinging to their friendship more than he clings to any sort of relationship like that. )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZOE KRAVITZ fc is looking for her ADULTHOOD SUX SQUAD / THREE - FOUR FRIENDS connection who look like UTP who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( you know what’s hard about adulthood? all of it. makena was kinda super shuttled towards having to be a functioning adult when keely came along, but that doesn’t mean she 1. enjoys it and 2. is any good at it. paying bills on time is hard. remembering to renew her internet security is hard. getting regular smear tests? hard. nothing is easy, and this is the group of friends she laments that with. three to four wine mom’s / dad’s / parent’s / people who aren’t parents but who are in or around the same age and having just as much trouble adjusting / etc who met in a doctors office or something and who now get together every week just to drink wine and complain about taxes and anti-vaxxers. ) ( walt wilson, adonis maximoff + more )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZOE KRAVITZ fc is looking for her MAIN RIDE OR DIE connection who looks like HAYLEY LAW, DREW RAY TANNER, CARLOS VALDES, ANTHONY RAMOS / UTP  who is ANY AGE, PREFERABLY 24-28. you  DON’T  have to contact prior to applying. ( everyone needs their few ride or dies, and while makena likes to think of herself as a lone wolf, she’s just as in need of a few close friendships as anyone else. they’re her oldest friend - someone she met when she was just a little kid, who never seemed to grow tired of her, and who she never grew tired of either. they know all her secrets, they know all her lies, and she knows just as much about them. no matter what, they’re in each others corners, and nothing will stop them from helping out if ever it’s needed. )
NIKKI BARTON, our PHOEBE TONKIN fc is looking for a PARTY SQUAD / THREE TO FOUR PEOPLE connection who look like LAKEITH STANFIELD, THERESA PALMER, SHILOH FERNANDEZ, ALISHA BOE / UP TO PLAYER   who are  21+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( think… gossip girl flashbacks to when the core squad was younger, everyone was drunk or high, and they were… dancing on bars and having fights with the shower head and just being general delinquents. that’s this squad. they met through the party scene, and their friendship survives only because of it. nikki indulges their bad habits, and they certainly indulge hers - the entire group heading out pretty routinely to turn up at nightclubs and wingguy the heck out of each other. they’ve NEVER had a sober conversation and they support each others inklings even when they shouldn’t, but there’s… some loyalty, in the sense that they don’t ditch each other when the cops crash whatever rave they’ve found to be at. )
NIKKI BARTON, our PHOEBE TONKIN fc is looking for a YOUNGER SIBLING FIGURE connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER who is UNDER 21. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( so! i’m into two versions of how this goes, but both of them are down to one thing: nikki has never had a sibling, and with the shitty homelife she’s had… she’s always kind of craved one. she sees something of herself in this character, and that’s where the option is. either they’re sweet and innocent and something to be protected, like she once was… or they’re a demon straight out of the depths of hell, and someone she can see her current self in. nikki will take them under her wing and be a voice of reason, if needed, or a cool older figure who can supply them with booze, if .. also needed. it’s p open cause i’m not too fussy ! )
NORA LANCE-QUEEN, our TAISSA FARMIGA fc is looking for her CLOSEST FRIENDS / SQUAD OF FOUR INCL. NORA  who look like ABIGAIL BRESLIN, DEMETRIUS JOYETTE, GAGE GOLIGHTLY, ROSS BUTLER / UP TO PLAYER  who are 21+ YEARS OLD . you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( this is the COMPLETE opposite to nora’s rich kid squad. these are people who chose to be friends - and maybe, they were at the same private schools or something, but they made a conscious decision to become as close as they are and they’ve worked on keeping their friendship strong over the years, meaning that they’re all genuine friends, and all genuinely there for one another. there’s no ulterior motive. just straight up love and respect, and who doesn’t need a whole lot of that? ) ( adam palmer + 3 more )
NORA LANCE-QUEEN, our JOSEFINE FRIDA PETTERSEN fc is looking for RICH KID FRIENDS / SQUAD OF FIVE INCL. NORA who look like UP TO PLAYER and are  21+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( give nora her rich kid squad! i’m into this idea of this squad of kids - all in or around the same age - having grown up around one another in that upper class scene, and having gotten shoved together by parents or sitters and told to play nice. as they got older they just sort of continued to go with it, and the cracks started showing a long time ago, but it’s only now that they’re adults they’re starting to act on it. there might be some genuine friendships in the bunch, but i’m most interested in the splintering and seeing where the friendships are falling apart because they were built on not much at all - so throw ‘em at me! ) ( winona falcone, more. )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for a GUARDIAN ANGEL, FLIPPED connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER and is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( how is it flipped, u might ask? well.. trixie is the guardian angel, in this scenario, and this person is someone she’s met along her merry way and who she’s trying to help, real lowkey. that can be in one of two ways: either they’re always in some sort of physical pain that she’s helping them with, OR they’re someone who’s usually in a lot of emotional pain, which she can hone in on with her angel given empathetic healing powers and ease. how they met and what exactly is going on is to be decided, and how they’d react to knowing that trixie spends a lot of time focusing on them and making them feel better without ever asking if she could / if they wanted her to do that is really up in the air, but… pls. )
VICTORIA CREED, our STELLA MAEVE fc is looking for SOMEONE TO PROTECT who looks like UP TO PLAYER and is ANY AGE / PREFERABLY YOUNGER THAN HER. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( from now and until the end of her life, victoria is gonna be living with what she’s done, and working on making herself better. i like the idea of her coming across someone who’s just… good. the goodness radiates off of them, and they make her think of all the innocent people she’s hurt, and also kind of make her think about the innocent person she could have been, if the world allowed - and maybe they’re not having such a good time of it, or maybe they are and she just wants to make sure that things never sour for them, but either way, she takes it upon herself to be their guardian angel. maybe more accurately. personal attack dog. she works hard to keep them safe and to her that means being willing to lay her life down for them at a moments notice and being equally as willing to take a life for them, too. ) 
EMMA FROST, our AMBER HEARD fc is looking for her LIL DEATH MACHINES / STEPFORD CUCKOOS X3 - CELESTE, MINDEE, PHOEBE who look like GIORGIA WHIGHAM, KIERNAN SHIPKA, JENNY BOYD, ANNASOPHIA ROBB, ANY MATCHING BLONDE FC who are 16-26 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( we all kno the stepford cuckoos. they and their sisters - two named dead, thousands of unnamed - are emma’s clones, and though they appear to be mature, are actually, chronologically, like, five or smth, cos they were grown rapidly in tubes. it wasn’t known from minute one that they were emma’s, but the minute this became public knowledge, she accepted it and started to think of them as her daughters. diamond form, telepathic hive mind, coordinated outfits ; how much more could u want? )
EMMA FROST, our AMBER HEARD fc is looking for her TRIPLETS WITH SCOTT SUMMERS / TWO BIOLOGICAL, ONE ADOPTIVE connection who look like DAYA, LIZA KOSHY, SAFIYA NYGAARD, SEBASTIAN DE SOUZA, HARRIS J, ANY HALF-INDIAN FC IF BIOLOGICAL / RHENZY FELIZ, HAYLEY LAW, ARIELA BARER, ANY FC OF COLOR IF ADOPTIVE who are 16-19 YEARS OLD, 22 OR 24+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( did u know that in an alternate universe scott & emma had five beautiful lil babies? bc they did. and with a tweak. that is what this wc is for. the frost-summers triplets would have prob had a psychic hive mind to rival the cuckoos if an attack hadn’t sent emma into early labour, resulting in one of them not surviving. the decision to adopt a baby in need of a loving home and complete the otherwise ruined trio? not an easy one to make, lets be real, but it was MADE, and the three have been raised as siblings from minute one. emma loves her babies. pls. give them to her. ) ( rohen frost-summers & nellie frost-summers & open for one more ! )
GRÁINNE CASSIDY, our SOPHIE RUNDLE fc is looking for her SIBLINGS / TWO OLDER, TWO YOUNGER who look like FINN COLE, OLIVIA COOKE, CILLIAN MURPHY, EMILY BROWNING, DOUGLAS BOOTH / ANY FACE CLAIM who are anything from 20-40 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( do u want to play a member of a crime fam, but ur not sure which to pick? do u want to play an irish char, but dont know what to do? if the answer is yes to the first and no to the second, but ur ok with settling, then boy o boy do i have the crime fam for you ! mutant on their fathers side and mobster on their mothers, the cassidy-sullivan’s are honestly… p hot, if i say so myself. their matriarch was left the only member of the fam after they were wiped out in gotham about ten years ago, and now they’re all getting older, the kids are restarting that specific fam business. i love the idea of them all having like… conflicting ideals, conflicting ideas for their fam, conflicting LIVES. gráinne fancies herself the head of the family right now, and at least for the minute is continuing their loyalty to the falcone’s. her sibs could want to challenge her… could be happy working alongside her… could mayb not even wanna be apart of the family - it’s honestly up to YOU ! )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZOE KRAVITZ fc is looking for her ADOPTIVE SISTER / HOPE SUMMERS connection who looks like KIMIKO GLENN, ALISON SUDOL, RILEY KEOGH, DEMET OZDEMIR / ANY FC who is 26+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( i also play hope’s “grandmother”, jean, but i mostly just !! really want kena’s fave and most badass big sis !! )
NIKKI BARTON, our PHOEBE TONKIN fc is looking for her ALMOST FOSTER PARENT / CANON OR OTHERWISE who looks like PLAYERS CHOICE and is  PARENT AGED. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( right after her mom died and before her dad TECHNICALLY kidnapped her, nikki bounced from foster home to foster home a lot over a period of about three years. they most all ended badly, but there was one - the one right at the end, the one she left when her dad came back - that stuck with her, because a part of her was… sort of hoping they would want to keep her forever. they brought a softness to her that she had been pretty quickly losing, supported her when needed, were strict when they had to be, and have always been a pretty big what if in her life - making the idea of them reappearing and nikki encountering them at this point in her messy life… really interesting to me. )
NORA LANCE-QUEEN, our JOSEFINE FRIDA PETTERSEN fc is looking for her MOTHER / DINAH LAUREL LANCE who looks like ( SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR, CHRISTINA HENDRICKS, ADRIANNA PALICKI, DIANE KRUGER, MICHELLE PFEIFFER / ANY FC ) who is  MOM YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( nora is embarking on a new char arc that’s basically.. going to lead into her becoming a vigilante, smth she never rly wanted before now, and def like.. laying groundwork for her to Someday, whenever dinah steps down, mayhaps taking on the black canary mantle. she loves her dad, but she STANS her mom, so..pls )
NORA LANCE-QUEEN, our JOSEFINE FRIDA PETTERSEN fc is looking for her  FATHER / OLIVER QUEEN who looks like NIKOLAJ COSTER WALDAU, CHARLIE HUNNAM, MATT CZURCHY, RYAN GOSLING / ANY FC  who is DAD YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( oliver queen may have his - many - faults, but nora was honestly… always sort of a daddy’s girl, and that’s an unfortunate trait she may never rly lose. pls bring green arrow dad. i can’t offer much, but i can give u all the angst u could want. )
NORA LANCE-QUEEN, our JOSEFINE FRIDA PETTERSEN fc is looking for her TWO OLDER SIBLINGS who look like  BRIE LARSON, TOBY REGBO, CANDICE ACCOLA, DANIEL SHARMAN / ANY FC  who is 25+ YEARS OLD . you DON’T  have to contact prior to applying. ( it is honestly… one of my many dreams for nora to have a couple older sibs that she’s actually, like. u know. pretty close to! im not saying it couldnt go the other way bc ofc that’s just as interesting to explore, but im.. big hoe for the idea of three sibs standing shoulder to shoulder against the world and everything it may throw at them. )
RAMONA DARKHOLME, ABRAHAM MUELLER & HELENA BARNES, our MADCHEN AMICK, SKEET ULRICH & KATHERINE LANGFORD fcs are looking for their SON / TWIN BROTHER connection who looks like GIANCARLO COMMARE, JOE KEERY, CHARLIE HEATON, THOMAS HAYES / ANY FC WHO WORKS who is NINETEEN YEARS OLD. you DO have to contact prior to applying at OFDARKHOLMES, OFRESURRECTIICNS or SHIFTINGANGER. ( so theo. technically. is dead. it’s a long , sad story, but. the GOOD NEWS is that theo’s mom has regenerative healing and his dad has self-resurrection powers, so, he’s… kinda in a prime position to have developed these too, and i speak for the fam when i say we would LOVE to have him return for all the angst that it’ll bring! there’s a lot of backstory & whatnot to smooth over which is why it’s contact, but ! we don’t bite ! )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for her FATHERS / DAN ESPINOZA & LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR who look like JAY HERNANDEZ, ALFONSO HERRERA, GABRIEL LUNA, ANY MEXICAN FC ( DAN ) / DIEGO LUNA, RICKY WHITTLE, TOM ELLIS, ANY FC ( LUCIFER ) who are 40+ ( DAN ) & 1000+ ( LUCIFER ) YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( healthy coparents, unite !! chloe and dan are two of lapd’s best and brightest, and trix loves her parents so much - but she ALSO loves her stepfather, lucifer, and he’s 100% on the same level in her mind as her birth parents. )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for her MOTHER / CHLOE DECKER who looks like LAUREN GERMAN, VERA FARMIGA, WINONA RYDER, SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR, AMY ACKER, PLAYERS CHOICE who is  40+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( if u have seen lucifer, then u already have a pretty good idea of trixie’s dynamic with her mom! her dad is great and all, but… chloe was the one who was REALLY there for her, ya know? i kinda had it hced that chloe is now with lucifer cause that’s how the show was heading to and i didn’t imagine anyone snagging anymore lucifer chars, but i’m! definitely open to changing that! just gimme her mom pls! )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for her ( TWO ) YOUNGER HALF-SIBLINGS VIA CHLOE & LUCIFER who look like ANY FACE CLAIM / ONLY HAVE TO BE HALF WHITE who are anything from 16-22 YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( i’m tweaking the timeline that i’m mainly working from - the lucifer tv show - just a bit to allow for a broader age range of siblings, but what i waNT here is !! lil decker-morningstar kids !! i’m not even fussy on whether they’re like, bio or not, i just think… trix would be an awesome big sister, and it would REALLY solidify the fam connection here for there to be a lil fam running abt the place. )
VICTORIA CREED, our STELLA MAEVE fc is looking for a “HALF-SIBLING” / COUSIN connection who looks like DJ COTRONA, JASON RALPH, KATIE CASSIDY, TINASHE, ANTHONY RAMOS, PLAYERS CHOICE who is ANY AGE / PREFERABLY 26+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( so. yall best know yall can do what yall WANT, its just.. originally when i played vicki i had a wc for a “half-brother”, and i was thinking about it recently and think it could be… kinda fun. SO. this is for a kid of victor creed - either.. biologically, or another one that he just kinda . stole - that vicki actually knew during certain points of her life, because for the most part, she was pretty isolated. for whatever reason - maybe he just wanted someone to keep an eye on his investment or whatever - victor allowed these two to interact a bit more, and depending on how they were to one another, i feel that a certain loyalty definitely could have developed between them. vicki got fucked over a couple times and left in, like, japan for 9 months and a yemen prison for another six and incidents like that have dotted her life, but im kinda thinking this “half-sibling” could have been the one who.. helped her out, or was stuck there alongside her. gimme! )
ZIVA MIZRAHI, our INBAR LAVI fc is looking for her HALF BROTHER connection who looks like SHILOH FERNANDEZ, JUSTIN BALDONI, JULIAN MORRIS, JUSSIE SMOLLETT, XAVIER DOLAN / UP TO PLAYER ( tho the named are preferred ) who is 30+. you DO have to contact prior to applying at SICVIITAEST or DISCORD ( jean grey rail me challenge#5427 ). ( things to know: they were both born in tel aviv, israel, and they share the same father - an oc named joseph, who is now dead. neither of ziva’s birth parents were good people, but what his mother was like and what happened to her is up to you. they were raised together, however briefly, before they were separated - ziva was seven, and he was either a small bit younger or older. both of them were experimented upon, though like prev, it’s really up to you whether or not that resulted in any sort of enhancements. she became a ward of shield, and where he ended up is completely up to you - just like his personality and whatnot, though i’ll admit straight up that the main reason i’m looking for him and the main reason i waNT him is cause i would love… for him to b a drumroll, please - villain. w her being raised to be a hero and him being raised the opposite it would create a rly [ forgive my choice of phrase ] hot contrast, and make them.. two sides of a literally same coin. it would also b. pretty fun to explore both of their feelings, and both of their motivations - would ziva want to try and see him better? would he want her to join him/think more on his side of things? would it instead take the turn of her wanting to b the one to take him down, or vice versa, and would either b capable of that? it’s fun to imagine so ! do the thing ! )
ADRIAN TREVOR, our TOM HARDY fc is looking for an EX-FLING / MOTHER OF HIS CHILD connection who looks like EVA GREEN, MILA KUNIS, EVA LONGORIA, HOLLY MARIE COMBS who is 30+ YEARS OLD. you DO have to contact prior to applying at FIIDELIS. ( so! i won’t go into everything about this one here cause i wanna try keep it short, but basically… they were on and off and never really an official item for years - way back to when he was still in the army, meeting up and having relations whenever he was home / free for a while - and were… complete opposites. on the surface, it seemed as if she was the sweet and innocent angel, and he was this rough geezer. in actuality, SHE’S kinda cold hearted - in the best of ways - and he’s the softie, but… not many people rly knew that truth. anyway, they came to an end right around the time he got into his short lived relationship + marriage, and he always thought of her as a big “what if”… right up to last year when he discovered that after they had ended, she had moved to the states and had his son. the kid is seven now, and she never told him for obvious reasons, but he’s here only to try and make something work - he never WANTED to have a kid, but he’s not going to deny him now he knows. we can talk out p much everything, but ! yeah ! )
GRÁINNE CASSIDY, our SOPHIE RUNDLE fc is looking for her [ ARRANGED ] SPOUSE TO BE connection who looks like ANY FACE CLAIM and is 28+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( the only requirement that i’m going to place on this wc is that they must belong to another crime family - be it gotham based or from elsewhere. gráinne herself has come to the states with her mind on moving upwards in the world ; she herself has agreed to a union between her house and another’s, all in the name of power. in a life like HERS, bonds are made and broken easily. the only thing that can even begin to guarantee loyalty is a bond, of marriage or blood, and this is likely something that both families understand. her mother always threatened to turn her into a pawn ; gráinne has chosen to make her own moves. )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZOE KRAVITZ fc is looking for her TUGGED-ALONG-ON-A-STRING-EX connection who looks like RAMI MALEK, LAKEITH STANFIELD, KEKE PALMER, JANEL PARRISH / UTP who is 25+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( from the time she was nineteen to when they officially broke up, she and cooper kent had a … pretty volatile relationship. there was a lot of love, don’t get me wrong - but they were two strong personalities with a tendency to explode, and sometimes, simple arguments turned into them being “on a break”. both dated other people during such times, but this is someone who makena kind of.. led on, i suppose, for lack of a better term. they dated more than once. they were her go to, for a time, whenever she and cooper split. and she didn’t like herself for it - she’s not THAT bad - but she wasn’t ever good at being alone, meaning that it just kept happening, even if she recognized she should have let them go, because she was always going to go back to cooper. eventually, for reasons to be discussed, it did come to an end, but it had definitely already gone on for too long, and how things are now is up in the air. )
NIKKI BARTON, our PHOEBE TONKIN fc is looking for a EX-FLING / MAX. FOUR connection who looks like DIANE GUERRERO, SAM CLAFLIN, HALSEY, CHACE CRAWFORD / UP TO PLAYER who is 21+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( i’ve said it before and it’s time to say it again. nikki is highly fuckt up. she’s never learnt how to… feel, the way she should have, and this means that when it comes to romance and whatnot, she’s… not great. in fact. the only way she knows how to express feelings that she has in line with romance is by having sex, and so, her life has been littered with meaningless flings that ultimately went nowhere because she turned what could have been something into a brief affair. that means that she has a lot of exes, and all of them come with a story… and i’m pretty interested in working those out with people. )
NIKKI BARTON, our PHOEBE TONKIN fc is looking for CURRENT FLINGS / MAX. FOUR who look like LAKEITH STANFIELD, RAMI MALEK, RITA VOLK, REBECCA BREEDS / UP TO PLAYER who is 22+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( just to reiterate an earlier point: nikki doesn’t know how to express feelings that line up with ‘liking someone’ or ‘general romance’ in any way that isn’t sex, and this means that she has.. a lot of short lived relationships with people, that probably WOULDN’T be so shortlived if she just learnt to use her words. likewise with the exes connection, she probably has a few people, with different dynamics with each, and i’m super interested in talking about those and working out… what drew them to one another, and how exactly they feel towards one another. )
RAMONA DARKHOLME, our MADCHEN AMICK fc is looking for her EX-FLINGS / MAX. FOUR who look like WINONA RYDER, SOFIA VERGARA, PEDRO PASCAL, HUGH DANCY / UP TO PLAYER and are 35+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( romy might have lost the love of her life, but she did not lose her sex drive. i’m sure there’s a better way i could have worded that, but… whatever. over the years since her fiance passed, romy has tried many times to move on - and that means she has quite a few exes scattered about the place, all of whom she has a different dynamic with. like any ex / current fling connect, i’m most interested in discussing how it started and all with people who want to do it, cause i think that’s the best way of making unique dynamics! )
ADRIAN TREVOR, our TOM HARDY fc is looking for a NEW BOSS / ANYONE WHO WORKS connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER and is 30+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( right now, adrian’s main job is pouring coffee for millennials at starbucks. he’s ex-army and current gang, and he’s really not got that much going for him - but it’d be nice, if there was someone out there in a better place, job wise, willing to give him a shot. he needs to get that bread! )
ADRIAN TREVOR, our TOM HARDY fc is looking for a NEW BOSS x2 / ANY PRESS ADJACENT CHARACTER WHO WORKS connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER who is 30+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( can you tell that i literally… do not know what to refer to this connection as? lmao. anyway he’s an independent journalist - who writes things on like… avocado recipes and shit for whoever will hire him at a time - and i’m not sure on the newspaper / general press situation here, but i’d love for someone to read his writing and take him on as some sort of regular reporter. i imagine it would remain secondary to his “main” job if only because he really needs to keep himself afloat here, but over time, i’d love to see him succeed and actually become the journalist who writes about relevant things that he’s always dreamt of being. )
EMMA FROST, our AMBER HEARD fc is looking for her HELLFIRE CLUB INNER CIRCLE / MAX. FIVE who look like ANY FC and are 30+ YEARS OLD. you DO have to contact prior to applying at WHIITEQUEENS or DISCORD. ( out with the old, in with the new. after emma’s hellfire club takeover, the old inner circle was removed, and she’s now formed her own out of members she trusts. they’d have neat titles all sourced from a chess board, and that, plus how they met / what their connection to emma would be because they would def have one is mostly why i’m making it a contact thing cos ! i’d like for us to smooth those details out! )
EMMA FROST, our AMBER HEARD fc is looking for her SECRETARY & PERSONAL ASSISTANT’S / MAX. TWO who look like ANY FC and are 25+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( emma runs frost international, a multi-billion dollar company that deals mostly in transportation, but has started to branch out into electronics. its a full time thing and she actually… doesn’t spend all her time on it, because she’s also dedicated to remaining an active professor and is splitting time between everything. she does it quite well i’d like to imagine, but she definitely needs the added help, and that would be these chars! bonus points if they’re mutants! )
GRÁINNE CASSIDY, our SOPHIE RUNDLE fc is looking for her BAR STAFF connections who look like ANY FACE CLAIM and are 21+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( the hole in the wall - previously named the hope & anchor - is an old style pub modeled after a classic irish bar, purchased in the summer past by the cassidy family, a deed in the name of gráinne. quiet and quaint, it sits on the corner of a street in town and is seemingly the home of a group of wise men that will happily chat and tell stories to just about anyone who sits near nough to them, and while irish made pints and alcohols are definitely the speciality, after 6.pm you can order some iconic ireland meals from the dinner menu. there’s live irish trad music every tuesday and thursday, after nine, and a dj plays all the current hits at the weekend. your character could be anything from that dj to a bartender or server - any job you can think of is fair game, and gráinne isn’t too bad of a person to work for, all considered. )
GRÁINNE CASSIDY, our SOPHIE RUNDLE fc is looking for the FAMILY OF HER DECEASED SPOUSE connection who look like ANY FACE CLAIMS and are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( gráinne married at twenty six to the self professed love of her young life - someone who was better than her, who may or may not have known the full extent of the cassidy-sullivan crime families activities, but who loved her back, regardless of all else. theirs was a whirlwind romance - they had known each other before, surely, but had gotten ahead of themselves quickly once together - begun in spring and married in winter ; and when the leaves began to turn once more, and new life began to bloom, gráinne’s love was taken from her. it was her fault. whether they died for her or died because of her, details can be smoothed out, but the blame rests on only one woman’s shoulders, and their family surely KNOWS. give her people who resent that she exists. people who can’t understand why a light of their lives was extinguished, while gráinne cassidy gets to continue. give her people who can fuel her own feelings of responsibility. )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZOE KRAVITZ fc is looking for a BOSS connection who look like JASON MOMOA and is 30+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( kena works at the karma klub as an accountant and booking agent, and i’d ! love for her manager / owner of the klub / honestly… whatever tf / to be a jason momoa face, just because… their pics are supes cute and i think it’d be really sweet if kena had this older guy in her life who’s almost, like… someone guiding her? they’re in the scene longer than her, they can provide some tips and tricks, and just past the job aspect.. neither of her parents are here, so it would be nice for her to have someone who can sort of step into that role and be someone who she has learnt to be able to go to and confide in, when needed. )
MAKENA THURMAN, our ZOE KRAVITZ fc is looking for her EX HOUSEMATE connection who looks like PIPPA SOO, ALFIE ENOCH, HAYLEY LAW, JOHN BOYEGA / UTP who is 25+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( in the years before her daughter was born, makena wasn’t always the most stable of people. she’s also never exactly been the WORST, but… she’s always had a lot of issues with keeping her emotions in check, and she used to be horribly selfish and petty, at the worst of times. after becoming friends in college, she and this character decided to get an apartment together and split the costs - but after a few months of this, shit hit the fan, and kena fucked up in a way that she couldn’t go back from, resulting in them kicking her out. they’ve barely spoken since, and she harbors.. a lot of resentment, for that fateful event. )
NIKKI BARTON, our PHOEBE TONKIN fc is looking for a EX-CLIENTS connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER who is ANY AGE you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( i’m gonna keep this one a little vague, cause.. i wanna leave it open to multiple people, and i think every single one of those could have a different sort of dynamic with her. nikki used to work as a drugrunner for a major dealer named callum. he was, for want of a better description - an abusive piece of shit, and he continued to be that right up until nikki killed him in self defense. HOWEVER, before he died and she got carted off to jail, nikki used to do a lot of jobs for him, and they led her across states. she would have rubbed shoulders with a lot of not so great people, but also some kinda ok ones. some might have heard what happened, others won’t and might be kinda confused about what the FUCK happened to their supply, but either way.. i want. also. callum coulda had some other helpers. idk. i just want it ALL. )
NIKKI BARTON, our PHOEBE TONKIN fc is looking for a TUTOR connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER who is 20+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( nikki is! not great! at anything, really, but specifically college. she barely got her ged, and she’s been scraping by since trying to make herself do well. i want for her to have someone she sees regularly - and either gets along with or DOESN’T - who helps her out with her studies, because while she’s messy and it mightn’t seem it, succeeding and doing something good in her life is actually her lowkey dream, and she doesn’t want to flunk if possible. )
NORA LANCE-QUEEN, our TAISSA FARMIGA fc is looking for an EX-FAKE PARTNER connection who looks like MANNY JACINTO, BEN HARDY, EMMA GREENWELL, JORDAN CONNOR, KEKE PALMER, PLAYERS CHOICE who is  24+. you DO have to contact prior to applying at BABYCANARY or discord. ( i’ve put so little thought into this that it’s actually kinda hilarious BUT im a hoe for fake dating tropes and i think that an ex fake dating scenario is… so fuckin funny. anyway. nora was an up and coming hollywood star between ages eighteen to twenty two until life royally screwed her over, and this is.. a wc for a character who was maybe in the same setting / at least in a … high upper class one that would have allowed them rub shoulders, who was kinda the perfect person, in her managements eyes, to have on her arm. their relationship would have been all over tabloids for a while and they would have walked the red carpet together and done some fun interviews, and.. how it came to an end can be discussed, but i think it could be ! supes fun !   )
RAMONA DARKHOLME & ABRAHAM MUELLER, our MADCHEN AMICK fc is looking for their EX-BROTHERHOOD GROUP MEMBERS connection who look like WINONA RYDER, PEDRO PASCAL, JADA PINKETT SMITH, ANGELA BASSETT, HALLY BERRY, NORMAN REEDUS, KEANU REEVES / PLAYERS CHOICE, MUST BE 40+ THO who are 45+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( any of them can maybe be kids of canons, depending ON the canon?? anyway. all of them - preferably about.. five, ig - are surviving members of the brotherhood group that romy ran, some nineteen years ago. they all worked together for YEARS, moving around europe a lot but spending some time settled in rural germany, which was ultimately where their particular crusade seemed to come to an end. intolerant humans attacked them, most were killed, and those that ran were assumed dead / assumed they were the only survivors, pretty much ‘til now. romy back means they’re probably gonna maybe want to restart what they were doing before, and this connection could rly go.. any way. maybe romy - ran into one of them at some point in the past, and relieved they were alive, kept in contact to call them someday, leading to their reunion now. maybe they’ve seen a familiar name in the paper, or on the paragon website. maybe this is just where the wind has blown them. i lov the idea of this squad, ‘kay, cos.. they spent a chunk of their time together, and for romy, they were less friends more #fam ) ( elijah creed, jasper chapman, otaktay + others )
RAMONA DARKHOLME, our MADCHEN AMICK fc is looking for a APPRENTICE connection who looks like UP TO PLAYER and is YOUNGER THAN 30. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( right now, she’s a security guard and mechanic, but over her 53 years, romy has been a lot of things. while i see this as someone who she’s grown quite close to / taken under her wing / been adopted by who’s interested in learning the tricks of the mechanics trade, i’d be willing to talk with anyone on changing that and making what they’re learning from romy into something different! i just think it’d be neat if she had someone who’s almost becoming a child figure, in her eyes, who she can kinda… learn to be softer with, and really practice with in regards to learning how to be a better mother. )
SIENNA THOMPKINS, our ADRIA ARJONA fc is looking for a BUSINESS ASSOCIATE / CO-WORKER / WHATEVER TF U WOULD CALL IT connection who looks like PIPPA SOO, RAMI MALEK, MANNY MONTANA, KAREN FUKUHARA, PLAYERS CHOICE who is 27+. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( think matt and foggy, avocados at law! sia is pretty set on becoming a real good private investigator, nowadays, after a long period of indecision - and i’d love for her to have someone along for that ride with her! i kinda imagine they met during the course of a law degree, cause that’s something sia actually holds, and then maybe.. lost contact for a hot minute as her life fell APART, but somehow or another have gotten back in touch and decided to open their firm together. halving the running costs, sharing the cases, helping each other out, etc. both their names can be over the door and it’s really just.. two best buds being best buds. )
SIENNA THOMPKINS, our ADRIA ARJONA fc is looking for a PREVIOUS ROOMMATE connection who looks like LUKE MITCHELL,  LEIGH ANNE PINNOCK, NORMANI KORDEI, SINQUA WALLS / UP TO PLAYER and is 24+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( way back when she was eighteen, sia left wayne manor - where she had been living with her father, alfred - and moved so she could be closer, if not in, gotham city. it suited her better, at the time, and she shared an apartment with a friend she met at gotham academy who split expenses and probably knows sia from both… a time when she was at her most carefree and reckless, and a sia who was at her most sad and closed in. they’re someone she still, to this day, would consider one of her closest friends - and i’d love to work out why they didn’t choose to continue living together, and if they’ve been in contact much since sia left gotham!  )
SIENNA THOMPKINS, our ADRIA ARJONA fc is looking for a TRAINING PARTNER connection who looks like LIAM HEMSWORTH,  SURAJ SHARMA, TATIANA MASLANY, EMMA GREENWELL / UP TO PLAYER who is 24+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( sia used to be batgirl, once upon a time! and she was good at it! she was a good hero! then life turned pretty shitty and she hung up the mask, and she… continued down a pretty good path, until life turned more shitty, and she lost herself a bit. losing herself, and giving into feelings of hopelessness and anger and grief, really shed light on something sia kept from even herself for years - that she’s never really belonged or felt as if she did, anywhere, other than when she was batgirl. she’s started training again in hopes of being able to one day step out as some sort of vigilante hero again, and i REALLY want her to have someone who she’s confided her dream in, and who’s helping her achieve it. maybe they could… be… partners… :~~ )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for LUCIFER CANONS / MAZIKEEN, AMENADIEL, LINDA MARTIN, ELLA LOPEZ, CHARLOTTE RICHARDS who look like LESLEY-ANN BRANDT ( MAZE ) / DB WOODSIDE, IDRIS ELBA, ANY BLACK MALE ( AMENADIEL ) / RACHAEL HARRIS, RACHAEL TAYLOR, KRISTEN BELL, ANY FC ( LINDA ) / AIMEE GARCIA, MARIA LAAS, EVA LONGORIA, ANY MEXICAN OR PUERTO RICAN FC ( ELLA ) / TRICIA HELFER, JAMEELA JAMIL, CONSTANCE WU, ANY FC ( CHARLOTTE ) who are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( considering just how interlocked everyone has become on the show, between… maze and linda and amenadiel, ella working with everyone, charlotte being with dan, etc - i like to kinda imagine… they’re all a huge, vaguely blessed family. it would b nice not to b the only lucifer canon rocking around the place ! )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for her NON-BELIEVER who look like UP TO PLAYER and is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( allow me introduce… the bitch that rly deserves to not be believed every once in a while. trixie’s parents chloe and dan might be entirely human - albeit, blessed - but her STEPFATHER is another story altogether, and given that she’s grown up aware of the fact that he’s the devil / his family are all angels / his friends are demons… she’s very comfortable with talking about it and all, and does that quite freely. given that line of talk can be pretty controversial, i’d love for her to have someone in her life.. a friend.. enemy.. frenemy, maybe.. who just. can’t believe her. they refuse to believe what she’s telling them about her family, for whatever reason, and this leads to.. so many arguments and debates. )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for ILLEGAL PATIENTS who look like UP TO PLAYER and are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( trix is a med student, and she does a lot of work at the local hospital - but i also imagine that over the last few years, she’s sort of made a name for herself in the lowkey sense as someone who’s willing to treat patients out of hours / out of the hospital / etc on the downlow. if your character is a vigilante / hero / villain / etc, who sometimes gets themselves fuckt up and doesn’t want to make the big deal it could be by getting treated officially… hit her up ! she’ll fix you up for free, and she’ll do it discreetly. )
TRIXIE ESPINOZA, our CHRISTIAN SERRATOS fc is looking for MORTUARY COWORKERS who look like UP TO PLAYER and are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( so !! trixie currently works at the local morgue, and as of right now… i think she’s the only one who does? and i’d love for her to have some coworkers there, cause it’s obviously such a heavy job, and i think… while it doesn’t phase trix, it would still be nice for her to have people who can relate to how TOUGH it can be sometimes, and who she can kind of have developed a little something something with. )
VICTORIA CREED, our STELLA MAEVE fc is looking for her THERAPIST who looks like UP TO PLAYER and is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( victoria is just the latest in a line of traumatized students to begin attending the school / living in paragon, but… when i say she’d really benefit from having someone who’s trying to listen and understand and help her… i mean it. they don’t even have to be fully licensed therapists - and part of me kind of loves if it’s just someone doing this out of the goodness of their heart. she’s spent twenty six years being broken down into a shell of an actual human being, and under her “fathers” thumb, she’s never developed any sort of emotional or social or, well, normal skills needed to live, and really suffered every sort of abuse a person could. she certainly has some sort of stockholm syndrome from it all that’s going to be hard to break through, and she just needs someone who’ll listen, and hear her, and then.. offer a shoulder to lean on, or offer words that might help her through. )
VICTORIA CREED, our STELLA MAEVE fc is looking for her TUTOR / ANY NUMBER OF who looks like UP TO PLAYER and is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( again ! victoria is another in a long line joining the school who doesn’t really have.. any sort of formal education behind her, and while i do think it’s a good idea to have her go down this path, i struggle to see how she’ll make it without having people willing to work with her. she’s smart, and she’ll pick things up quite quickly, but she’s still going to be a difficult sort of student just because she’s never really had to learn things in this kind of setting - people with patience encouraged, but people without would be equally fun ) ( skylar mccoy + more )
VICTORIA CREED, our STELLA MAEVE fc is looking for VICTIMS who look like UP TO PLAYER and are ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( twenty six years spent being little more than another weapon in victor creed’s hands means that victoria has… a lot of blood on her hands. i dare say that none of it is blood she wanted to spill, but the fact remains that she never really knew enough torefuse. she’s done a lot of things she’s not proud of, and she’s hurt a lot of people - meaning she’s going to be spending a great deal of her very long life trying, in vain, to make amends in some way. i want for her to encounter people who she’s hurt. either directly, or that… she hurt their family or distant family before alongside victor, and either she recognizes them and seeks them out, or they recognize her and seek her out. give her people who shout and scream about what she’s done, and people who can’t believe she’s being allowed walk around and keep on living. give her people who know she was just another victim of a psychopath, who could maybe give her something she’s never had before - forgiveness - and make her feel a way she’s also… never felt before. give her all sorts of connections under this heading bc i think it’s unrealistic if she has none. )
ZIVA MIZRAHI, our INBAR LAVI fc is looking for her EX SHIELD PARTNER connection who looks like UTP and who is 28+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( five years ago, ziva was sent on a mission by shield that ended in her capture, and since the whole team she was with on that mission was killed, it was presumed that she did too. her previous partner of almost ten years moved on because that was all that could be done, and when she returned to the rumormill gone wild and a huge amount of the younger agents presuming she had been working with the enemy / abandoned her team to death, the decision was made for one reason or another that they wouldn’t become partners once more. either it was a case of they had found a new partner they were happy with, or they believed the rumors and didn’t want to work w her anymore, or they had grieved her and didn’t know how to look at her the same - the possibilities for WHY are endless, but they were definitely one of ziva’s closest friends prior, so it would b very interesting to explore what their dynamic has turned into now! )
ZIVA MIZRAHI, our INBAR LAVI fc is looking for her PERSON SELLING SHIELD INTEL connection who looks like UTP and who is ANY AGE. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( they would be a shield agent, but what separates them from most is for whatever reason - be it nefarious or something closer in line with money troubles - they’ve been selling information on shield to the highest bidder. five years ago, ziva was sent on a mission with a handful of agents she had never really worked with before, and because of information that they gave - and the fact that they, or another, heavily implied that because of her shield upbringing ziva would be the one with the most intel on that team - the mission was compromised from the get go, and while ziva was captured, everyone else was wiped out. she suffered over a year at the hands of her captors and meanwhile, everyone back home fully believed that she was dead. what they did could weigh on them, or it might not. if it’s a case of something more innocent whereby they’ve needed the money gained from selling secrets, it could even be that they didn’t realize that the info they were giving was going to lead that particular buyer where it did. again, if not, it could be because they have a grudge against ziva for some reason we can talk out or smth. i’m v much into the idea of this and ! would love for it to b taken ! so pls ! do the thing ! )
ZIVA MIZRAHI, our INBAR LAVI fc is looking for her SENIOR AGENTS SHE SPENT TIME WITH GROWING UP / LIMITLESS connection who look like UTP and who are 28+ YEARS OLD. you DON’T have to contact prior to applying. ( ziva basically lived at headquarters from the time she was brought in - age six - to now, and while nick and natasha were her primary caregivers, she was often shuttled between different agents during down periods or whatnot. basically, if she for some reason couldn’t stay at shield itself, or there was a holiday - like thanksgiving, christmas, easter, her birthday - coming up, she’d be taken in briefly by a senior agent or their family and given a place to stay for a bit before such a time as she returned. )
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xiobomb · 6 years
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Okitay folks, here it is! This may or may not be the final design but here's my hero oc/herosona(?). A while back, I decided that I needed to make my character more original where he was previously basically Spider-Man. Although I personally would have no problem being Spider-Man, I felt that it was time to make him more of a legitimately original character. There are still a few things about him that have yet to be finalized like his name and backstory but otherwise, he's basically finished. I did however, come to a final decision on his new powers. I'm kinda big on flying, telekinesis, and super strength so I tried to find a power that would be a sort of culmination of those three. I believe I found that in the form of Aura Manipulation. I did some tweaking to the power to make it work so there is the link if you're interested in learning about the original power but for my character, this is what the power is. Power: Aura Manipulation Abilities: - Aura Projection and Manipulation - This ability allows the user to create or project a visible aura and manipulate its shape, form, density, and strength. It allows the user to grab any amount or type of mass with their aura and manipulate its location, crush it, or tear it apart depending on the strength of the user. It can be used to grant the user limited flight, create a barrier, or be used like telekinesis. - Aura Absorption - This ability allows the user to absorb someone or somethings aura in order to either read or take away their emotions. This ability is more empathetic than it is telepathic where it can be used to help determine an individual's next intended course of action or current state of mind based on their emotions in most situations. - Aura Infusion - This ability allows the user to infuse ones aura into someone or something in order to influence their emotions. This ability can only be used on those vulnerable to emotional influence like mentally weak individuals or animals. This ability enables the user to influence an individual or being to feel a certain way and possibly take a desired course of action. It directly ties into the users mental state and is only as powerful as the users will and emotions. - Self Enhancement - This ability allows the user to enhance their physical form, fitness, and abilities with their aura. It allows the user to enhance their body to peak human condition or higher thus giving them the upperhand in combat and other situations. This ability can increase the users strength, durability, toughness, stamina, and endurance but is not limited to these things. - Aura Mimicry - This ability allows the user to mimic someone or something elses aura and abilities. It allows the user to mimic someone's personality, physical condition, and abilities. However, this power does not allow the user to mimic another individuals superhuman abilities like invisibility or acid spit for example. - Bleeding Aura - This ability allows the user to continue using their powers even though their body and mind is already over taxed and weak. This ability embodies the concept of powers working like a muscle where they can only be used for so long before the user runs out of energy and strength. This ability would be used only when the user absolutely has to because it can damage the users mind and body if used for an extended period of time. So long story short, he can use this power like telekinesis, influence and read emotions, and he can pull a Taskmaster. I'm actually really happy with this because it really gives him room to be a bamf on his own terms. As for his gear, his helmet is capable of having a digital display linked with his powers for a very special reason. So you know spider-sense in the recent Spider-Man games and how when you use it, you can see where things are through walls and crap like that? Yeah, that. Shaboi Red can send out a sort of pulse that will scan the environment and allow him to know what's going on and where everything is. With the gear in his helmet, he has a digital display of that and can actually see where everything is. Additionally, his escrima sticks there are both collapsible for storage in the holsters on his back and capable of connecting at the hilts to form a makeshift bow staff. And no I totally did not get that idea from DareDevil's billy clubs. Absolutely not. Ok, yeah I did. And one more thing his suit has is a hidden harness within his suit. This gives him a smaller surface area to grab hold of on his person to allow him to fly with minimal power usage. Finally, we have his combat style. In real life, I'm currently part of a boxing club, I was part of a wrestling team during my high school years, and I occasionally dabble in parkour tricks whenever I'm bored and have nothing to do for an extended period of time. It's not like I'm capable of a crazy amount of things but I do try. Anyways, with all that combined, I imagine that my fighting style would rely on brute force, quick blows, and takedowns. The reason I say "imagine" is because I've only ever been in one actual fight in my entire life (not including sports) and that was before boxing and wrestling so there's not a whole lot I can take from that. Regardless, I've also found that I tend to take blows and work through it, typically ignoring my pain therefore, for my character that translates to him doing the same. He might often risk his physical condition or allow himself to take some blows or hits because he 1) knows he can take it and 2) is about to land a good blow on his opponent. Additionally, some knowledge/experience that I can pull from wrestling is that I tend to fall back on muscle memory and what I know I know how to do if that makes sense. I'm not too adventurous with my actions in combat situations so I imagine my character would probably train hard with his technique, skills, and abilities to be absolutely sure he can function in the field. As for his escrima sticks, That is something he just sorta picked up. He's not amazing with them at first but he'll learn himself some martial arts to make it work for him. The reason he has the escrima sticks is a sort of preventionary thing where he doesn't want to solely rely on his powers in combat so he uses the escrima sticks instead of his powers. He can uses them as a range weapon as well. Think Captain America's shield except there's an actual explanation for how the escrima sticks always return to Red (because he pulls them back to him with his powers). One more thing, his utility belt. I really doubt I'd often find a reason to have a utility belt just because I don't like toting around a bunch of extra stuff I may or may not end up using in the field. I honestly just have it their for design sake and so that mah bro will have the option to carry something if a mission requires it. He's not Batman but he's also not going in unprepared. Alternate mask ideas: Mask and Cowl I think that about sums it up for what I have now. I hope you guys like it! Thanks for looking!
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silkspectred · 6 years
Fic question meme
tagged by the lovely @cptxrogers
What is your total word count on AO3?
273,077 but there are a couple of translations that are, i suppose, technically not my words. so 168,084 is more accurate.
How often do you write?
i’m sort of always in a “i should write” mode, but sometimes i’m too tired to do it or i’m not in an ideal condition for it (i’m kinda demanding when it comes to writing, i need to be alone, in complete silence, with the right light, no headache, etc). i’d say i get to write (as in, stay in front of my computer and just write for at least an hour) more or less three or four times a week.
Do you have a routine for writing?
not really. i prefer to do it either in the mornings or late at night (when the aforementioned conditions are more easily met). i usually just write. i reread a lot while writing, and i do a lot of fixing even before i’m finished with a fic and i can do the final edits. 
if i write something long-ish i sometimes take a notebook and put down a few ideas, usually relating to where the characters are at the beginning of the fic and where i want them to be at the end. but i don’t do it for every fic so i guess it doesn’t count as routine, idk.
What’s your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
kinks: i love power-play and pain-play and i absolutely adore realistic sex with soft dicks (lmao). i like age difference but in the “one is 30 and the other at least 50 years old” sort of way +  height difference (thank you mcu for feeding me well). i tend to love oral sex and rimming a lot, and i have a weird thing for somnophilia. also i’m really into a/b/o.
tropes: identity porn (which i’ve never written but maybe some day lol), forced bed-sharing, fake/pretend relationship, snowed-in or any variation of “oh no we are stuck in this small space together what are we gonna DO” especially if it starts with a rocky relationship. i love soulmate stuff or any soulbond or telepathic/empathic bond type of thing. i prefer canon fics to au’s but that’s more true of some pairings than others. also adore giving kids to these mentally ill and generally pretty messed up super heroes.
pairings: i only write stevetony these days, but i tried something with deancas and johnlock in the past. it’s small and unbeta’ed stuff from when my english still was a bit wonky. or at least, more than it is these days. i love spock/kirk but i never felt up to the challenge of writing it, same with (dceu) superbat.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours? 
it’s a bit like asking me to choose between my children so i’d say no, but i remember loving writing love the sin, love the sinner a lot. it was my first stevetony fic and i felt zero pressure to write it. there were no expectations, at all, from anyone. it was nice.
another fic i loved writing is the slowest runner in all the world. i’m ridiculously proud of it, for no other reason that it was really the ultimate case of “write what you want to read”
Your fic with the most kudos?
almeno tu nell’universo, unsurprisingly i guess because posting it chapter by chapter gave more attention to it. 
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
i wish i could write better banter, and that i could make the internal voices of the characters more specific. i try to personalize dialogue, but i feel like for the rest i’m still limited by english not being my native language (granted, a lot of readers disagree with my assessment). also i wish i could make my american characters sound more american in the way they think/see stuff, with more references to pop culture or objects, brands, sports, etc. 
Now something you do like?
half the time i swear i have no idea how i pull it off, but a lot of people tell me how real the emotions the characters are going through feel to them as readers. that’s something that makes me incredibly happy, because it’s what i find most rewarding when i read, way more than a well-conceived plot or whatever else. it’s tiring, sometimes, because i’m a very empathetic person, and i end up feeling a lot of the emotions i make my characters feel, which is kinda exhausting. but as i said, very rewarding. 
i really don’t know who to tag so whoever sees this and feels like doing it, you’re more than welcome!
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talllankyandawkward · 7 years
True Connections (Part 3)
The jet landed in Verona, Italy and you three had checked into the hotel under your aliases. You had your own room while Steve and Bucky shared. You thought sleeping with Bucky in the next room was hard. That was nothing compared to this. Everyone's thoughts here were so loud you couldn't hear yourself think. Around 5 am everyone was finally asleep so you were able to get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. You woke up the next morning around 9am. The gala started at 7 pm.
You got up and threw your hair up in a bun for now. Your stomach gave a lurch, you were starving. You went to the lobby to get a continental breakfast. You found Steve and Bucky in the lobby at a table in the corner. You filled your plate and joined them.
Bucky looked up and smiled at you as you sat down. "Did you sleep well?"
"I wish. Every one is so loud here. Last night I'm positive I heard at least 5 affairs going on, " you shuddered in disgust, "listening in on that sort of thing is not my idea of a good time."
"Can't you just not listen?" Steve asked confused.
"I don't know Steve. Why don't we give you empathetic powers so you can feel everyone's emotions around you and hear all their thoughts and you see how easy it is to turn it off," you snapped at him. Steve was taken a back by this. He had never been on the receiving end of it before.
"I'm sorry Steve. I'm tired. I shouldn't have snapped."
"It's okay. Point taken."
"Wait, so you can feel other people's emotions around you?" Bucky asked confused.
"Most of the time yea. Loud emotions like lust, anger, happiness, jealousy, and loneliness I can always feel. Other emotions like fear I can sometimes feel. And other not as powerful emotions. It's a good bad thing."
"Is that why you never wanted to be on a floor near Tony," Bucky asked. Steve cracked up at this.
"Yes. That is exactly why," you say with a smile, "so what's up with you two dinosaurs? I thought you would be training or running or something active by now."
"Well we figured we would wait for you and see how long you need to get ready because you still need to give Stevie a makeover," Bucky told you. Steve elbowed him in the side for the last remark.
"Well," you give them a smile, "If I'm supposed to be seducing this guy I need to actually put on a whole hoe face of makeup. And that takes a while. And then hair. So I'd say 3 maybe 4 hours to get ready."
"Okay. Sounds good," Steve tells you.
You were finishing putting on your mascara when Steve knocked on your door.
"Are you ready for me now?"
"Just about. Hold on a tick." You say as you flick the brush over your lashes one more time. "Is Bucky already there?"
"Yes, he is in position."
"Ok. Steve sit here and don't move." You tell him as you start to put some stuff on his face. "This would be easier if you used the face mask thing Nat did when SHIELD went to shit."
"Language. And I didn't even think about that."
You finished his face and ushered him out of your room. "Steve give me a minute. I need to get into the dress and put the damn heels on."
"Oh fuck off Steve." You said as you pushed him out of your room with your powers and he turned back to you in awe as you smirked at him and closed the door. You walked back to the bed where the dress laid. You sighed and pulled it on. You had to admit. It fit well. It was a deep v neck with a slit almost up to your butt. The dress shimmered against the light as you moved. You pulled on your heels and stood up. You have yourself a once over in the mirror. You hair was up and in an elegant updo, your makeup was not too much but just enough to make you stand out.
You opened the door to find Steve waiting on you. He stared at you in awe.
"Look asshole, I know I don't normally wear shit like this but your are gonna have to close your mouth. Someone is gonna notice something if you stare at me like that the whole night," you scowled at him. Steve cleared his throat.
"Yep. Sorry. I've just never seen you wear anything other than leggings or shorts and a t-shirt." You shake your head and laugh at him as you both go to the car.
"Well, tonight I am not (Y/N) remember? I am Veronica Glascow, and you are my body guard Sean." You told him.
You climbed into the back seat and let Steve drive you to the gala. When you had arrived he gave the keys to another undercover agent and went to open your door. When he reached your side he opened the door and you climbed out. You held your clutch and was secretly in awe over everything, it was very glamorous and extravagant. You walked to the entrance with Steve following you close behind.
As soon as you entered the ballroom you knew something was wrong. Your head began to throb and you became woozy. Your eye sight became hazy as you grabbed for Steve's arm.
"What's wrong," Steve asked panicked.
"My head. Just take me to a table so I can sit down." You told him. He held your elbow and sat you down. "Sean, can you get me a water? I may just be dehydrated." You saw Steve get up and leave.
"Is everything okay?" You heard over the com in your ear.
"I just got woozy. Thats all. I'm fine." You answered back and looked up to see Steve with the water. You thanked him as you took it and took a huge gulp. The water helped some, reducing the dizziness to a major headache. If thats any better you thought to yourself.
You stood back up with protests from Steve, but you waved him off. You had a mission to complete. You found your target by the bar. You sent Steve to watch from a distance, if you were going to seduce the guy you had to appear single. You sat down at the end of the bar and put on a forlorn facade. The guy turned around and saw you.
"What's a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this alone?" He asked in faux concern.
"My husband was working in another country. He was not able to come. I like it that way. I can have fun." You teased.
"Well now," the man said obviously intrigued. Your stomach clenched and turned you could hear his thoughts and feel his emotions. It was disgusting, but you had to play along, "what kind of fun are you looking for darling?" You smiled at him and leaned close to him.
"I have very specific tastes, sometimes my husband can't satisfy them. He's getting better, but sadly it isn't enough right now. And, theres only so much I can do to myself." You whispered seductively in his ear. You could practically drown in the lust coming off this man. It made you sick. There was something in this room that wasn't right. You could feel it.
"How could I assist you my dear?" You gave him a smirk. You leaned into his ear and began talking dirty to him. You felt like you were reading off a 50 shades page. You really wished you had turned off you com for this part. What made it worse was you made eye contact with Bucky. He met your eyes and he was pink in the cheeks. You wondered how red Steve's face was. When you pulled away from the man's ear you heard him say, "Well, I'm going to need more alcohol in my body before we do that."
He called the bartender over and ordered two scotches on the rocks, you looked at the bartender and just asked for water. You headache was coming back. The bartender gave you the water and you took a drink from it. The man began talking again and you were only paying him half attention but he didn't notice. He just kept ordering drinks. When he was borderline drunk he was just rambling on and on. But, one thing caught your ear.
"Security here is so good. We have it set up that certain wavelengths go off and it interferes with telepaths and can hurt them if they use their powers." He said. You sat up straighter. Your eyes flickered to Steve. He met your gaze.
B: Get her out of here.
S: It's her call not mine.
B: What do you mean it's her call? Get her out of here. Your job is to be her body guard. That is what we discussed. You are supposed to protect her. So do your job.
You heard this conversation over the coms and Bucky's voice was hard and flat. You did not dwell on the 'promise' Bucky had mentioned. But you were not going to lose this mission. You had questions that needed answering and you were going to get them answered. Your eyes met Steve's one more time and you shook your head no. You were going to stay to finish this. You had not failed a mission yet. You were not going to start now.
You turned your attention back to the man. Now it was time for the interrogation. You needed to find out about the few remaining HYDRA bases. This asshole worked at the biggest one.
"Where do you work?" You asked him curiously.
"I work out in Nepal."
"Nepal? What brings you to Italy then?"
"Well, you don't get much action in my line of work. If you know what I mean." He said winking at you. You feigned a blush.
"Oh, come one. Meeting women can't be the only reason you came all the way out here." You teased.
"Well it partly is. My boss organized the gala. He invited me to come as a guest."
"That is some trip. It must be nice to have a boss like that."
"What about you. Where do you work?"
"I am the head of a branch of clothing lines. I travel so much I don't really have a place to call home. I grew up in the typical small-town, USA though. Deep southern family." You told him.
"So that explains your accent." He chuckled. Another throb of pain hit your head. You winced but hid it with a laugh.
"Yes, that explains the accent." You told him faking a smile.
B: Steve get her out of there. They are turning up the wave length machine thing.
S: I can't. It is her call not mine.
B: You are the damn leader of this team. Fucking act like it and get her out of here.
S: Language.
B: Fuck off Steve. Get her out of here. NOW!
You heard the interaction over the coms. You had most of the information you needed. You just needed him to answer one more thing.
"Where in Nepal do you work? I know it is a very mountainous area."
"It really is. Do you want to know a secret? I can see Mount Everest from where I work."
"Oh wow. That must be-"
"Ms. Glascow?"
"Yes Sean?"
"There is trouble with the car. We need to go now." Steve said hurriedly.
"I'm sorry. I have to go. The damn car has been acting up lately. I swear I need to fire that mechanic." You turned to the man and told him.
"That's fine darling," he took out a pen and wrote down some numbers, "If you are ever in Nepal and want a tour guide and a good time let me know." He told you with a wink. You smile back at him as you turned and walked away.
B: I will meet you at the car.
Steve began to escort you out of the building. Then you felt it. Your head began throbbing again and you became very dizzy. You leaned onto Steve. "Get me out of here before I pass out." You tell him weakly. He nodded and wrapped an arm around your waist to support you. You almost made it to the door when another wave of pain hit your head and you blacked out.
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*insert that gif of Andy Dwyer getting really excited that tumblr is not allowing me to have here*
Oh my god, thank you!!! ♥
At the beginning of the month I mentioned that I wanted to reach 200 by the 20th, but boy did that get surpassed lol! This was never something that I ever thought would happen to me. I got into writing fanfiction on a whim and it took some time to really settle down and dedicate myself to the craft, but oh was I not prepared. I knew I’d find some people who would read my work now and then; I didn’t expect to find this wonderful little niche of fanfic writers and readers on here. In my four years on this site I’ve never found a niche quite like this one and I’m so proud and honored to be apart of it!
So I want to say thank you and my way of saying thank you is the following:
I’m going to be accepting some reader insert drabble requests. Not a lot, unfortunately. This is my first time accepting a lot of fic requests and with what I have planned, I want to keep it at a manageable number. So I will be taking on 10 requests.
And I thought I’d make this celebration a fun one and work around a theme
My favorite theme actually. Well, trope is a better description..
See I love AUs, but more importantly - I love Soulmate!AUs!
Yes, all of these will be Soulmate!AUs!!! :D 
And since today is the first official day of Summer, I’m calling this the Summer of Soulmates Follower Celebration! Or i guess the GoingKnowhere’s 200 Follower Celebration works as well, but let’s be honest - Summer of Soulmates sounds a lot better ;)
And you can find out more about what’s happening below vvvv
The Low-down:
I’m only taking on 10 reader insert drabbles. Since this is a follower celebration, I will not be taking requests from anons.
Pick from the characters I have listed. While at some point I would like to write for a wide variety of characters, these are the ones that currently have my interest. Then pick a Soulmate AU and finally you may add in some prompts. I have two prompt lists - a sentence one and a set-the-scene au one.. (please see the lists below the cut)
When you make your request, go to my ask box and send something along the lines of : “[greeting/congrats]! Can I request [character] with [desired prompts and soulmate au]...” Specifying any other details. Once I have 10 requests I will not be accepting anymore and won’t be answering any remaining ones in my ask box.
I am not writing smut for these. I don’t mind doing vague or implying, but I don’t do anything super detailed. 
I also have the right to deny a request or certain details of it if I am not comfortable with it or if an exact or near similar request has already been made. So make sure to keep an eye on what’s already been requested. I’ve listed a lot of prompts so there isn’t going to be that short of a supply of them lol
Requests take time and my time is split between many things. I will most likely complete and post them in the order they are accepted. I won’t be starting them right away, but I will be starting them soon. Please, be patient while I write! Thank you! 
Continue on to find the prompts :)
Jim Kirk (AOS)
Bones (AOS)
Scotty (AOS)
Steve Trevor (DC)
Bernie Webber (The Finest Hours)
*I may have sort of went overboard in picking out things because I lack self control*
(most taken from perfectlyrose, also found here, here, here, here, here, and here)
Soulmate!AUs (Pick 1):
Reverse one where the clock starts at 00:00:00:00 from the moment you’re born and stops counting the moment you meet your soulmate, so it’s like a reminder that “It took me 19 years, 11 months, 20 hours, and 13 seconds to meet you, you fuck, and you do it by spilling coffee on me, thanks, now my laptop’s broken—what, you’re buying me a new one? Okay.” [the latter is their example]
The original clock one where your clock has a time and slowly counts down to 00:00:00:00 at which you will meet your soulmate
Where you actually have a compass instead of a clock, and it leads you to where your soulmate should be.
the one where you only see color once you meet your soulmate(s) || Optional : blind characters who can’t see if the world’s in color or black and white
the one where you only see certain colors up until you meet your soulmate(s) and then you see the whole range of colors
Where a tattoo isn’t set from the moment you’re born and whatever tattoos your soulmate gets, you get it too and it’s all cool because you kind of like the designs, [except you also feel the pain of getting a tattoo and that sucks because you’re kind of in the middle of an exam right now and it’s getting harder to concentrate on your work.]
Whatever mark you get on your skin your soulmate gets it too so one day, you just kind of just get a sharpie and start writing on your skin. You definitely didn’t expect to get a reply, but you did.
If you’re on separate time zones, when you sleep, you see the world in the eyes of your soulmate at present time. You see the world through your soulmate’s eyes, what they’re eating, who they’re talking to, the contents of the essay paper they’re trying to finish, but if they look into a mirror/reflective surface/picture, the image is blurred so you don’t really have a clue what they look like.
On some days, whatever your soulmate thinks of is something you can hear in your mind [ex: your soulmate is currently reading really hardcore smut fics and you’re trying so hard not to mess up this class presentation which shoulders half your mark for the semester] (close proximity would activate this)
the one where you don't know your soulmate(s) until you hear them speak, or hear them speak a certain word; your name, for example
the one where you have their name
the one where you have their first words spoken to you
the one where you get matching marks/symbols/tattoos
the one where you form a telepathic/empathetic link after you find them or have always had one
the one where in universes with magic meeting your soulmate(s) activates your powers/unlocks more powerful magic
Sentence Prompts (pick 1-3)(won’t necessarily be the soulmate tell):
“I’ve never seen that done before. There’s a reason for it. It’s a bad idea.”
“What’s with the box?”
“It’s your fault we’re in this mess.”
“What’s with all the running anyway?”
“I shouldn’t be in love with you!”
“Easy cheesy.”
“Shut up, it’s fine, just chill, we’re fine, I’m fine, everything is cool, everything is good! We’re chill, nothing is happening and I am not freaking out, not at all, we’re FINE.”
“Still breaking hearts?”
“Let’s not confuse healthy eating with a hot dog.”
“you’re the only one.”
“I’m gonna lay down and die for like half hour okay?”  
“Marry me.”
“I’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you say anything else."
“why do you always have to be such an asshole?
“You’re scared of that, aren’t you?”
“Were you ever going to tell me?”
“it’s complicated.”
“I think I know how to use a bed.”
“You know what I like most about people? Pets.”
“I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with…”
“Wild and disrespectful?”
“I love you. Of course I’m gonna defend you like that.”
“Well obviously nothing is going on here!”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.”
“Don’t touch her/him/them!”
“So MacGyvering this out of my tuckus right now.”
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
“is there any reason as to why you’re getting drunk on a Tuesday afternoon?
“You screw with me, I’ll screw with you.”
“i’m pretty good at providing distractions.”
“Why is there a picture of Steve Buscemi in your bathroom?!”
“These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.”
“Are you ready to dance with the devil?”
“it’s okay, i’m here.”
“just sit down and let me take care of you.”
“I may have mildly panicked…”
“Please put me down it’s just a sprained ankle"
“That’s sweet in a kind of nauseating kind of way.”
“I’m ok, thank you. Just please, stop talking to me.”
“There’s a thin line between brulee and Pompeii.”
“you don’t scare me.”
“i’m in love with you but i don’t want you to hurt me.”
“I’ll be honest with you – I was raised by wolves.”
“why do you even care?”
“He’s like the cockroach that will never die.”
“Obviously you can’t tell a woman you just met that you love her, but it sucks that you can’t.”
“I’m not really good with impulse control.”
“If you say another word about her/him, you’ll regret it.”
“It’s midnight, what do you want?”
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to touch your butt.”
“You cannot fathom the immensity of the fucks I don’t give.”
“you’re not alone. you never were.”
“Well, we’ll see about the delight.”
“Are you meeting someone here? Because.. I think I’m that person.”
“I don’t know what you’re gonna do without it! [evil laugh]”
“This isn’t a joke. I’m serious.”
“don’t call me ‘princess,’ asshole.”
“It’s cute that you tried to protect me and all, but you’re like a foot shorter than me, you know?”
“tell me this is a dream.”
“You look like an open autopsy.”
Set the Scene Prompts (Pick 1)
“Fuck I feel like I got hit by a car… Wait I did? And it was your car?”
We’re at a concert and I can’t see a thing let me sit on your shoulders, maybe?”
hey i just moved into the house next door and i just wanted to let you know that your dog keeps getting into my yard an - wait what? what do you mean that’s a cat????? that’s not a cat it’s fucking huge!!!! (turns out it is a cat, it’s just really big and fat)
“You take my parking spot every few days yes I know they’re not assigned but that one is mine” au
“I’m low on cash but I really need some food from this vending machine, could i trouble you for a dollar?” au
The postal worker delivered your package to my place accidentally and I was expecting something so I totally didn’t look before I opened it and… wow that is um… quite an interesting thing you bought and I’m here to return it
you’re a gardener with a nice ass that i can’t stop staring at and one day you caught me looking at you bent over and fuck that’s embarrassing but then suddenly you started wearing tighter pants dear holy lord // it’s a total coincidence that I happen to water my plants at the same time you jog past my house AU
our dogs are in love with each other and it’s making things awkward at the dog park AU
I injured myself doing something stupid at a holiday party and you’re the doctor at the emergency clinic AU
"This has been a very bad week and you just grabbed the last box of my favorite comfort food at the supermarket” AU
“i’m at a karaoke bar and i’m sober enough to realize that your voice singing my absolute favorite song is the most beautiful thing i’ve ever heard, and you caught me staring and winked at me oh shit” au
‘pls chill out it’s only p.e. it’s not the olympics it’s just p.e. chill’ au
I just moved into a new apartment and went to buy groceries, but I bought more than I could carry back. I’ve stopped to catch my breath when I hear someone asking if I need help and I look up and the sun is literally making you glow like a damn angel.
“you and your friends have been playing the penis game in the library for the last five minutes and none of you have gotten above a quiet yell and i’m really just trying to study over here so i’m gonna put an end to this by winning the game”
“i came up to your apartment to ask you to turn down your music and have quieter sex, but it turns out that you’ve just been jumping up and down on your bed in your underwear listening to music alone” au
❛❛ i just got bowled over by your huge-ass dog in the park && now you’re profusely apologizing while trying to hold your dog off ❜❜
❛❛ you’re infamous for being an asshole, && i had to sit next you in class. turns out you’re kinda nice one-on-one. ❜❜
“idk you but you were getting hit on in public and you look super uncomfortable so i walked over and pretended to be your bf/gf, but hey while we’re at it, do you wanna go get some food?” au
“You just caught me reading hardcore smut fan fiction during class and you’re wondering how I can read this with a blank face.”
where one person is actually famous and sets up a dating account with their real picture and the other sees it and is like, oh dude you are not fooling anyone with that picture and when they actually meet the other is pissed because DUDE YOU’RE THAT FAMOUS PERSON and the other is like, yeah, i mean, i thought you knew…
i have a soft spot for cats so i always feed the fat one that’s always hanging out in the hall with treats and now it started hanging around me fuck i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to accidentally steal your pet
it’s exam week and i run a coffee shop near the campus and you walked right into my glass door i’m laughing so hard oh my god
“I just threw away a winning lottery ticket in a park garbage can by accident FUCK HELP ME LOOK FOR IT I’LL GIVE YOU A PORTION OF THE WINNINGS” AU
“ur just a random stranger and i’ve been ranting to you for like 20 minutes about how much i hate this one band but now several groups of people came up to you asking for pics and autographs, and oh shit it turns out you’re in the band i’ve been going on about” au
Neighbour who’s way too enthusiastic about LOTR soundtracks au
you left your USB flash drive in the library computer and i had to go through your files to figure out who you are and i ended up reading the entirety of this book you’re working on and wow you’re actually really good????
both stuck in the dorm common room because their respective roommates needed “alone time”
waiter/waitress one: “You always come to this place and never talk much, but now these two assholes are harassing me and you step in and defend me” au
You’re a famous viner and I constantly witness you doing the weirdest things AU
“We’re sitting next to each other on this plane and and I was eating gummies, but I left all the red ones cause they’re absolute shit and now you’re asking if you can have them” AU
“I went to water my plants on the balcony and you’re on yours with a tinfoil hat what the hell are you doing” AU
“I went to see you live in concert and was front row and you went into the crowd and I grabbed your hand, but started freaking out so much that I was touching you that I couldn’t let go to the point where security had to physically tear me away from you and now you’ve invited me backstage literally what” AU
working in a museum au
'I was walking by the roller coasters and SOMEONE’S SHOE FLEW OFF AND HIT ME IN THE HEAD” AU
“this is totally awkward considering before this the only interactions we’ve ever had have been casual nods to each other in the hallway but there’s a huge fucking spider in my bath tub and you seem like the friendly neighbor type please help me” au
“i was eavesdropping on ur phone convo with ur friend who offered you tickets to my favorite band and you don’t even want them, do you wanna give me your friend’s number maybe?” au
“actor at a haunted house/person who punches the actor in the face” AU
'I heard you singing backstreet boys at 3am and decided to sing along oops’ AU [name the song(s)]
“we’re internet friends and follow each other on all social media but have never met but hey, i’m going on vacation where you live, let’s meet (and also date)” au
“you sat next to me at the movie theatre and i really hated your movie but i didn’t realize you were in it”
“i came to the gym to work out but holy god i can’t stop watching you do one armed push ups that’s so hot” au
“That asshole stole my song at karaoke night” au
Please stop picking flowers from my garden au
“We sat next to each other during a really sad film and now we’re sharing tissues silently whilst we cry at the cinema” AU
“You just watched me slip on the ice and wind up sitting in the snowbank beside the parking lot. You’re laughing and now it’s you slipping and your face in the snowbank across from me” au
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iwouldbemerry · 8 years
RFA: Coven AU
Rika was previous leader of the RFA coven but died under mysterious circumstances. V is the current leader, but is mostly away from the communal house on coven business with other witches across the country. so he says, anyway. Only Yoosung and Zen are suspicious. Jumin makes the most sense as a precognitive-- telepathic, just a little, but not empathic at all. What, but not why. He uses his abilities to sense trends in the markets and has built up his family's company remotely by brilliantly managing deals and stock trades. He sees possible futures all the time, and so has a hard time making friends-- he already knows what they're going to do, and doesn't have time to waste on things that might cloud his perception. He has known V since childhood, the only other witch that he knew of, until Rika found them both.  V is also precognitive, and much more sensitive to the emotions of those whose futures he senses. For years, he's felt a great darkness present in his future, and though he naturally has a melancholic disposition, the presence of Jumin and then Rika allowed him to keep a fairly positive outlook on life, right up until he died. I think Jaehee is magical in a much more subtle way than the rest of the coven-- practical magic. Everything she touches runs more smoothly. She's gifted with common sense and incredible amounts of Luck-- probably the main reason the coven is still running as much as it is. She's also incredibly useful to Jumin's business and financial wizardry-- he sees the future, but her Luck makes the best future more probable. She's not attracted to the more technical or arcane sides of magic at all, despite her hard-won skill at them. She dreams of opening a little cafe, since the normal foibles that plague small businesses would be mostly handled by her magic; like Yoosung's potions, making coffees and baking things is natural and satisfying to her.  Rika is a very strong telepath, so gifted that she she's not limited to telepathy alone. She's also a strong telekinetic, and has great mastery of her skills. Secretly, she has even mastered the skills of astral projection of her spirit far away from her body; this is not unheard of, but the fact that she can use her telekinetic powers without being physically present is, and that's why she keeps this skill a secret. Yoosung, Rika's cousin, can make things move with his mind if he wants, but nothing like Rika. Nobody's like Rika. He's actually best with making potions and using them for healing spells on animals and people alike-- Rika's familiar dog was never in better health than when Yoosung was slipping her potions with her kibble. Yoosung has a room full of plants that he grows using magic, because his potions are always strongest when he's nurtured their ingredients himself. The whole house is full of plants, actually, and some of them he and Seven collaborate to charm into a sort of magical security system. Yoosung and Rika used to collaborate on complicated potions all the time before her death, because with his potions knowledge and green thumb and Rika's focus and her ability to tell exactly what he needs without telling her, as well as her incredibly delicate mental touch, allowed them to create incredibly intricate and complex works of magic. Yoosung did enough of the work to continue in his field, but hasn't had the heart for it since Rika's tragic death. Zen is an enchanter. Literally. He's great with charms, and is best when he sings the magic into shape. The objects he enchants keep their magic indefinitely, and when he sings the magic to enspell someone, it's so effective that it even works on other witches-- this is one reason Jumin doesn't like him. He's lowkey famous on insta and youtube, and he wants more than anything to be a successful singer-songwriter. His deepest, darkest fear is that people only like him, and his music, because of his magic, and not because he's any good. Jumin said as much without thinking when they first met, and he's never forgiven him for it. Owns a motorcycle that is enchanted to fly! Seven is literally a genius. He's a pyrokinetic, but has studied and practiced and invented so much magic that he uses it in ways nobody could ever imagine-- to Seven, combustion engines and electricity count as fire, so, unlike many witches, he gets along with technology like a house on fire. He's the illegitimate son of an incredibly powerful Dark witch-- a necromancer-- who doesn't even know he's part of Rika's coven, because he'd surely destroy him rather than suffer a threat to his own magical powers. MC's arrival is accidental and uproarious-- a witch with strong spirit-based powers, she is good at spirit travel, channeling and linking magical powers, and making the powers around them stronger, including the workings, potions, charms and energies of fellow witches and other spirits. Rika died before MC appeared on the scene, but when she breaks into the coven house (she's been having mysterious dreams about this house, her destiny lies here, she knows it, she needs answers), V reveals that Rika meant for her to be here, to complete their coven. MC isn't telepathic, but she's empathetic as heck, and starts to realize that their purpose is to help heal the rifts in the coven caused by Rika's death. Also, she makes the Light magic of the coven as a whole stronger-- only the mysterious forces that brought the RFA together seem to have the opposite goal in mind... Saeran and Seven grew up in an abusive household-- their mother was not a witch, and she was so angry at their father and afraid of them and their power that she made their lives miserable, especially when the twins displayed signs of their magical heritage, which happened a lot as they grew into their power. Seven studied hard and managed to control his powers, but Saeran was less healthy, much more sensitive because of his predilection for mind-magic. He couldn't control it, and trying to sapped his strength so that he was always sick. Seven got out and was taken into Rika's coven as a young boy, especially when V and Rika promised him they would keep Saeran safe while he recovered from the trauma of his mother's abuse, until he, too, could join them in the coven, but he never did-- in a fit of fear and anger, Saeran's burgeoning power lashed out and killed his mother, marking him forever as a Dark Witch like his father. At least, that's what he was told. Rika killed his mother with her telekinetic powers during one of Saeran's magical flare-ups,then told him that Seven never wanted to see him again, that he was afraid of what he had become, and jealous. Heartbroken and full of rage, Saeran allowed Rika to train him to become a powerful spirit medium whose magic was best used to manipulate the people and the world around him. Sensitive in the extreme, Saeran was possessed by malevolent spirits often until it broke him; Rika built him back into a coldly violent psychopath who murders with magic, possesses people from a distance, and astral-projects to send bad dreams and accomplish other missions. He manipulated MC into breaking into the Coven House, on Rika's orders, and during her stay there, he enters her dreams at night to try to seduce her to the Dark, like him. No matter which 'route' MC takes, she gets to know the other members of the coven and practice her own magic, as well; the Coven is preparing for a sort of witches-only conference, a Circle Gathering that Rika and V and the other RFA witches used to host for the benefit of the magical community. MC must help the other RFA members and contact other witches in the country to invite them to the Gathering, as well as discover exactly what her connection to the late Rika is, and stop the mysterious Dark energies haunting the RFA coven as the fate of the world hangs in balance...
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