#the other character in the normal pic is literally no one i just started drawing blindly
risetherivermoon · 8 months
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a traditional art dump becuz i forgot my ipad at home for school today so i was sketching with erasable pens (i also didnt have any fkin pencils??? somehow??)
anyways, scermie and some oaks :) plus a page full of anatomy practice (tho the pose with the rock in hand is supposed to be a scuffed lark sketch)
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badlydrawnronpa · 2 months
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hi anon ty for sending the message! I did look through their blog and they very obviously use AI - I would've published the ask normally to let other people know but I decided against it in the end because after a closer inspection I noticed that all commissions are fake (besides being fake art I mean) and they're not actually scamming anyone because. uh. literally most of the blogs I saw interact with them are empty rp blogs that are blatantly controlled by them and one of the commissions I saw on their patreon was for a defunct ohsc rp blog from 2014??? Which honestly was really funny.
so yeah, they're very much not pulling any money from that, and on top of it all they posted pics of themselves sooooo yeh, not going to blast them on a blog with a big following for trying the 'i dont use ai im a real artist' but ultimately not scamming anyone out of their money. They're also not the best at like... hiding they're using AI because you can see their traditional art in other posts, and the style or experience level doesn't match at all.
I will post some of their AI stuff underneath the read more and point out the inconsistencies tho, to help out other people in spotting out ai shit (esp non artists that might have an harder time figuring things out). If you find out the original user that posted these, please don't harass them, be civil.
BTW I'M SAYING THIS NOW: if you see something I point out and say ''ah, I do that, I'm in trouble" - no you're not, if you actually draw the stuff yourself. You can see when an artist's work (and mistakes!) are genuine. Beginner's mistakes can be made by experienced artists too, but if you look at their entire body of work you can see when something doesn't add up.
to start off, I saw anon calling them out on this one so I'm just reiterating some of the points, but here's some junko 'art' they made
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when confronted abt it, they said that the fingers look weird because they can't control their shaky hands and drawing small is hard. anyway if you draw digitally you can zoom in on the canvas and work on a detail as big as you need, so that excuse doesn't hold
this other post was basically what made me just say 'yep thats ai' and it was just the second 'art' post I saw from them
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while taken alone they could've been a little harder to spot as AI, with them all bundled together you can easily see they came from the same prompt; the user tried to justify the inconsistencies saying it was because they were 'experimenting' with the design of their oc and gundham's scar but I'm telling you now, no sane artist fully renders four pieces that are basically the same concept while changing the design of the character just slightly in every single one of them. anyway, here's the breakdown of every piece:
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another that was way easier to break down because it's so full of inconsistencies the moment you really take a look at it
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also let's be real if you render art like that you're not gonna put a bright purple unreadable text on your supposed vtuber "art"
let's end this with the AI "commission" that could be harder to break down as AI if seen in a vacuum now, shall we? esp because our friend, the fucked up melty finger, isn't there
I honestly had to look for a while at this one because if you had shown it to me and I didn't see the other stuff this person posted, I could've just chalked up a lot of these mistakes to human error. Tangents between lines, scribbles for details, forgotten uncolored sections is all normal stuff. BUT we know this person used AI in all the other posts, so we know what to look at:
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again, some mistakes the AI does can be also mistakes actual artists do: be sure to check the other art the user makes before throwing accusations
they also posted a fake speedpaint that is so embarassing it made me laugh but if I start pointing out inconsistencies in an AI speedpaint we're gonna be here for a long time, so.
The classics: hands and fingers don't make sense, there's additional weird lines and they melt into other part of the drawing
long hair strands and other long or flowy elements can suddenly disappear behind objects and not reappear where they should
jewels, intricate details, hairpins and other accessories bend and melt into each other and other part of the design
the resolution of the image is very low and/or grainy - a lot of artists post lower res pieces online, but again: look for a pattern and combos of all the other signs
inconsistencies between multiple art posts, character designs constantly being different, sudden art style changes - while this can also be found with real artists, this is an additional tell of someone using AI, when combined with the stuff I mentioned above. humans mistakes usually have a reason for what they happen, AI makes them because it doesnt understand what it's doing most of the time
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Well alright, someone said yes, so I’ll post the designs
Warning, these are kind of old and not very good art. Or maybe I’m just being self critical, some of it I think still looks neat
Let’s start with the ones that I made look cool and drew both the Stand Human and Human Stand
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Unfortunately I could never figure out a Stand design for Okuyasu, so he only has his half done
Why does the lettering actually look kind of cool…like it doesn’t look half assed at all like it normally does. Maybe because I was intentionally trying to make it look cool
I made Joseph a scarf because I remember his scarf being a notable part of his design. Also Hermit Purple was vines, so equal treatment
Giorno looks like that because I recall at the time some people saying how Golden Experience looked like young Haruno but GER looked more like current day Giorno, so I kind of took that idea and made him look like Haruno, though maybe I took things too literal. Also that’s why Oro looks like GER. Also Oro is supposed to have a somewhat unsettling stare, since people say GER looks kind of creepy
Also another thing I want to mention about Polnareff, specifically his name, so that’s not an 80s song, that’s from 2014, it’s the name of a song from a French artist I liked. So realistically it probably wouldn’t be used but I thought it sounded cool. And hey, the song itself samples a Michael Jackson song, so eh?
Anyways, so something I should mention about this style, so at the time I was obsessed with this other artist’s, @droolingdemon style, and I tried desperately to recreate it. I think by this point I just tried to integrate it with my current style, but that’s why the art style looks the way it does. I might make another post about the subject on its own though
Anyways, onto the Chibi style Stand humanizations
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I’ll just list some things I remember from their characters
So I did eventually consider turning Purple Haze into a dog, I think specifically a greyhound, but I didn’t know how to draw dogs, so that never happened
Stone Free never takes off those sunglasses and never lets anyone see what she looks like under them. As it turns out, she’s actually blind, and this would be revealed around the snail part in the story (assuming there are still snails), as she’s unaffected, and I believe she’s told to drive a car because of it, but she can’t, and when asked why, she says it’s because she’s blind (and that this was probably a bad time to relay that info)
The three in the last pic are all different characters who end up sharing the same Stand as it gets passed around between them. Whitesnake is part of the prison staff, C-Moon is just an unfortunate young lady who just happens to get stuck with the Stand after something happens to Whitesnake, and Made in Heaven is I think a horse rider who gets the Stand from C-Moon, probably forcibly taking it from her (and she likely dies) as he knows what it is. Also, Whitesnake and Made in Heaven were dating
Oh yeah, also the first Standswap art I did, which was also Chibi style, I just singled it out because of that
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Featuring Star Platinum and The World. Not sure I ever found a definitive design for The World, but maybe I did in my sketchbook
Anyways, so then we have some random headshot ones I did
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Let’s see, in the first one we have GER looking ominous, Purple Haze, the blushing one is Tusk Act 1, and buns is Ball Breaker. Then for the second one we have Whitesnake, Under World, Killer Queen and Scary Monsters
I believe one thing I did for the Part 7 swap storyline was to have Tusk have a journey of slowly transitioning from a woman as Act 1 to a man as Act 4. I know I’ve drawn Act 4 Tusk but I think it was in my sketchbook, so I cannot show it. Also I believe Ball Breaker was trans too, just male to female, and where Tusk got the idea that you can just be your preferred gender if you want. Also note that at the time, I did not actually really understand how transitioning worked. Though to be honest, I think the main thing was that I didn’t know hormones existed, or that transitioning could be more than just making yourself look like your preferred gender
Anyways, on to Scary Monsters. I believe he rode horseback without a saddle. Also, he started out with one Stand (Dr Ferdinand) but then got another (Diego)
Then with Killer Queen, I believe he was a mute cop. But also secretly a serial killer. Also he might have had a cat like face
And yeah, I think that’s about it, hope you liked it
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leam1983 · 1 year
How to make an Unsexy Character Arguably Sexy
Let's start with Count Orlok. He stares, is cadaverously rigid, has excessively long fingernails that may or may not double as claws, buck teeth that limit his Charisma factor, a few posture-related issues and a very limited wardrobe.
Keep the age factor. With a little self-esteem and proper poise, undead silverfoxes with two little tufts of hair behind their ears could be literal and figurative ladykillers.
Lose the hunch. Expose the neck, knowing that he has very little natural predators and very few enemies who could come close to slashing his throat, and standing straight would add a few inches to an already stately figure.
Imply that he's confident enough to keep his arms down and wrists unbent.
Get him on enough walks that he loses his stiffness and recovers something close to a normal walking gait.
Borrow something from the Traditionally Sexy camp, and make his gestures occasionally veer into languid or feline suggestions, with a few occasional twitches to pay homage to his origins.
Work on his people skills. A more lively face makes the buck teeth easier to integrate.
Carefully iterate on his wardrobe. Stay close to tones of black or charcoal, but go for modern suit cuts, using the sides of a well-tailored suit jacket to fill in his frame somewhat. Neckties can invoke a sense of professionalism, while bowties can also suggest the playfulness inherent to certain undead.
Keep his hands occupied. Shadow of the Vampire and a few other vampire vectors insinuate that vampires can at least hold booze down in the absence of solids other than blood, so occupy his hands with the occasional coffee cup, Martini or Scotch glass - or why not - the errant cigar or two. His now-mostly-unused lungs have to be good for something, right?
Bring it all together. A vampire doesn't need to be a Greek statue brought to life, it simply needs to command an excess of charisma and seductive power that makes onlookers disregard its obvious traits. Dude looks old enough to be your grandfather? Who cares, he's such a natural storyteller you'd sit there and drink his words for hours. He's perhaps slightly out of touch? Ah, but there's nothing like a dash of Old World charm to make even the occasional case of befuddlement in front of a smartphone look like something you'd forgive with a wink and a laugh. Too-long fingernails that look about ready to score glass? Here's a quirky anecdote that excuses it!
Know when to bring out the savagery. Orlok should only look old or feel old to first-time acquaintances, anyone who crosses him should consider themselves a target - and there's nothing more terrifying than a six-foot-five beanpole with pointy ears who unironically dabs himself in Aqua Velva that somehow manages to one-hand-smash you into his coffee table after going from "deceptively casual bon vivant" to "sheer rage" in half a second.
Oh, and he should be a well-read commentator on all things rodents and rats, very much the type to keep a few large closed vivariums of the things, all the while endearingly calling them "chaos potatoes".
And yes, I wholeheartedly believe that Modern Day Count Orlok has a capybara as a pet.
As for visual examples, I'll admit to having used Stable Diffusion on my own PC and a metric fuckton of duty-free and Creative Commons pictures to whip this up, as I cannot draw to save my life but enjoy having the ability to quickly source visual references without pestering artists strictly to prove a point. The pic itself is Creative Commons by default and I'm using it in a context covered by Fair Use - as it's my own generation on my own hardware.
So, take a look at these Orloks and tell me which one you'd strike up a conversation with.
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Orlok Number 1 maintains a vague aura of menace but cleans up very well. Plus, chances are he's just giving you that sultry look because you've managed to excite something that goes beyond base predatory instincts, right? Who knows?
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A little less formal for Orlok Number 2, with a bit more personality in his facial structure. He might not have that many top teeth and his underbite isn't classically sexy, but his more Business Casual attire suggests he's pulled himself together. Maybe he's just relating some juicy office gossip to someone while crossing their path in a staircase - and not being evil doesn't mean he has to stop being a little rapacious, right? Maybe you've helped him with a hostile takeover and he's giving you a few words of encouragement along with a dark chuckle or two...
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Orlok 3+4 is notably softer in design, much more believable as a fairly genteel character - and that unprompted wink just sends me. It's just perfect. This is an Orlok who's brimming with Slavic witticisms and who, as suggested above, probably manages to be a fair bit of a social butterfly. I imagine him as kind, an absolutely perfect gentleman, reasonably funny and spirited with the conversation calls for it; with the sense that his sticking to modern displays of chivalry still requires a little extra focus. He'd probably give you his coat even if unprompted and just barely catch himself before pushing his attentive nature into sexism, after which he'd profusely apologize and claim that he's "still learning, you see".
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grokebaby · 1 year
Hiiii Me again <3 Could we have crumbs of Grandefel maybe 🥺👉👈 would love to know more about herrrrr. Angle of all time. Id like to know anything tbh but just as a prompt to get you started, how did you come up with her design ?? Its super interesting and I really love the colorssz
Hiiiii<3 (twirls my halo) she is so THE. My poor.. Intended protagonist girlboss..
Oh boy her design? Let's say she really grew into it. Like the earliest art of her I have is sso ugly I'm sorry Grande but I did not have a handle on that thang. She had such Pug vibes. I think this'll be an interesting post?
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This is the beginning of it all. Unfortunately I don't have a super insightful answer to how I came up wi her, bc the Og* angels were literally me going HeeHoo with a pencil. (*Certain specific angels I designed in relative succession to each other before I had a handle on how I want to design angels. The so called Ogs are Lamera, ZZZ, J'aimekiel, Grandefel, Kxxxtr, Ngah and Combfa. Everyone after this was designed a notable amount of time later and with much more "process" to them)
I have some thoughts but it's fuzzy and vague? Okay. So I thought I should definitely do one lion (esque?) at least bc *points at old religious art of angels* and they just have those Vibes to me, ykno? I associate angels with certain things that I try to employ in the story's characters (to an extent). Grandefels vibes were.. Guardian, maybe a tad like a sphynx, just ykno, a huge feline statue like entity who guards something and is like a scary immovable force ig? I wanted some ethereal aspects to it, and lots of teeth (hers aren't visible here but the whole underside of her body opens up to a huge ass mouth with teeth everywhere). Now, initially I was gonna have her hair be lilac but turn bright blue in some situations but I WAAAY preferred the blue on her. She's supposed to have Blue flames mixed with galaxy vibes. Like if blue flames were a puddle and that puddle was a lion's mane. And it was all. Cool and semi-physical
Onto how her design adjusted overtime.
I think most firstly I stopped drawing the grooves on her body that would open up to reveal the Teeth, I mean I do still allude to them vaguely but I figured the way I was doing it at first looked kinda.. Eugh? Another thing I quickly started changing was her hair texture. Originally I wanted it to be completely straight and smooth and flowing but it looked way more interesting and more galaxy esque with it being bubbly and cloudy. I guess my initial thought was that I wanted it to look like it was flowing out of her head? Like some water?
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^water vibes
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Getting there
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Galaxy vibes^
(This anthro drawing also demonstrates the way I nowadays moreso "allude" to her hidden mouth but the anthro version here isn't too close to Canon otherwise since I gave her face an actual normal mouth too lol)
Oh yes, and the crown is another major change!
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I think my first notable adjustment was made here (note also the flowy hair). If gotten an amino commission (No money, just amino coins lol) of her and really liked the way the artist drew her crown so I took after that and started slowly changing it. It took me a while to be satisfied with, though. In the very beta version, it was supposed to be like a ring/circle. If you look at the older drawings up there, you can see that one horn is meant to be drawn on the "front" and the other behind. It's like if you looked at her from straight up, you'd see the three dimensionality of it, being more like an actual halo instead of one solid headgarment. I do still really like this idea, however I just think it looks better as it is now. I also had a fair bit of finagling with the side horns, frankly I always found them ugly so I'm finally happy with how they look (just realising I haven't drawn her in a bit, so, the anthro pic is the most accurate to her current design if we ignore the uh.. Anthro-ness lol)
One more thing! You don't see her halo too often in these, but it's intended to be drawn tilted. It's not straight (just like her), and tilts a bit down on one side. In universe this is kinda viewed as an imperfection and she used to be ashamed of it. The irl explanation for it was that it couldn't fit straight between the horns, with the way I'd formed the crown, and so I kept it that her halo just is that way! It fits oddly between her crown and I think that's neat!
Apparently on that last picture I decided to draw the halo straight, though? Cringe... :/
Now if you'll excuse me this post made me want to make more art of her
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m1ckeyb3rry · 17 days
You’re fr doing us all a favor by writing about deconstructed popular tropes I LIVE for it!! I’m crying don’t remind me abt hollyhock Karasu or else I’m gonna start swerving again and I’m gonna forgot that otoya is the male lead
I loved the pi ending I feel like the balance of bittersweet was just right with all the tragedies that happened along the way plus Yuta losing his ce
You’re cooking too well with oaeu the ideas are genius but I’m DYING THE KARASU ONE??? LMFQOOOO HOW TO BECOME A HOMEWRECKER 101 “aiku is so experienced with that” is BRUTAL HAHAAH so true though I’m so excited!!!!
All hail irl tullia counterpart!!! Tell her Karasu nation (and bllk and jjk community too) owe her one for getting you to post your writing omg but I’m actually crying and laughing so fucking hard the epigraph is too good
I love chigiri bestie content….actually I love chigiri content in general too but he also just fits so well in a best friend role too!! I’m crying maybe the peregrine Nagi was the friends (reo) we made along the way LMAOO it’s ok what’s a good long Nagi fic without reo meddling in the storyline
DHDGSHS it’s ok…trust it’s coming soon!! Im pissing myself WHAT is that edit the first pic of Rin as Sukuna has me rofl wtf (yeah what’s sad is how his face card is giving more than wtvs going on in the current match smh) WHAT IN THE TARGETED AUDIENCE?!?! Bro I need more yotd on my fyp now that you’ve shown me this but omggggg also I’ve been Lowk kinda obsessed with the song they used something about the harmonies hits hard but that’s besides the point erm anyways. ok but like…….strike while the iron is hot yk…don’t wanna lost the motivation for these fire ideas…yk…..having inspiration and motivation while writing truly brings out the best flavors so I meaannnnnn whatever works yk! That’s true though I thought both of those slapped I wouldn’t have guessed that you weren’t working with any inspo for those at all
DISCORD KITTEN HAHAHAAH REAL new idea for the bllkverse is bllk gaming/streamer/youtube era I’ve seen fanart of people drawing the characters over some iconic meme YouTube videos and they’re so funny
SAMEEEE epinagi is actually serving us starving children because speaking of DID YOU SEE THE CH?? I love you epinagi thank you for the meal and delicious panels of the characters we don’t see in the main series
- Karasu anon
DECONSTRUCTING POPULAR TROPES IS SO MUCH FUNN!!! LMAOO omg that’s so real though like yes otoya is the male lead…but karasu…🥹😩😓
agreed i think it felt satisfying because it’s not like a disney-esque happily ever after ending where everyone is happy and alive it’s more of a “making the best with what we’ve got” type of deal where things aren’t perfect but at least they have each other and they can kind of rebuild a new life?? like there’s a hint of hopefulness even though they’ve lost sm
LMAOAOAO IT’S LITERALLY AIKU GIVING KARASU LESSONS ON HOW TO RUIN A RELATIONSHIP now ofc normally karasu would never be a homewrecker but like…is it homeWRECKING if the home is already in shambles 🤔
irl tullia counterpart is fr the goat we owe so much to her 🤩 THE OAEU EPIGRAPH IS SO GOOD definitely my best work…yk aiku has the most devious grin on his face while saying that meanwhile niko’s just like 😐
FJSNDJS considering the current point that we’re at in the story is reo trying to get reader to be his friend it really is just all abt reo rn 😭 but reo slays we love him it rlly isn’t a nagi story if he doesn’t play a massive role!! and at least i’m not making him all psycho or a freak or smth…chigiri content always slays truly he has no better role than as a bestie imo
OKAY WAIT QUESTION DOES TIK TOK SHOW YOU MY ACCT WHEN I SEND THIS VIDEOS TO YOU??? I JUST LEARNED IT DOES THAT SOMETIMES LMAOAAO DO YK MY FULL GOVERNMENT NAME AND EVERYTHING I’M CRYING this actually is freaking me out i turned the option off so nobody will get my acct suggested to them in the future but i’m terrified at how many people have already seen it…genuinely sickening to think about…i’m like actually so paranoid about people from irl finding me online and vice versa so this is stressing me out so much 😓 i don’t rlly mind if you know because we’re besties so i would literally give you my socials and not care but like random people on tumblr 😰 ick ick ICK
THE RIN AND SUKUNA EDIT HAD ME CRYING IT’S SO RANDOM 😭😭😭 but agreed his face card serves more in the edit than it has in the entire pxg vs bm match 😓 anyways AHHH YES YONA EDITS i have so many shinah edits saved i think i ended up rewatching them because i was searching for audios so my fyp remembered that i love yotd and put the edit on my fyp!! and agreed that song is rlly good the way their voices blend together is so nice (bruno mars is insanely talented but he drops songs once in a blue moon so people always forget that i feel)
EEK that’s my thing i don’t want to put the oaeu off for so long that i stop caring abt it 😓 so i think i might just start it and post and honestly it is what it is…people have waited this long they can wait a couple days more…i’ve posted a lot of request stuff recently i think so everyone will just have to be okay with me taking my time 😩
I LOVEE WHEN PEOPLE MAKE MODERN MEMES AS CHARACTERS FROM MEDIA it always slaps…it’s like smaus but actually done properly instead of butchering the characters beyond belief
I DIDDD I JUST READ IT AND OMG KIYORA CONTENT??? truly aligned w the miraverse there also the way karasu is all “we’ll fight meatheads with meatheads 🥱 so here’s the ball kiyora 😋” VILLAINOUS LMAOAOA also nagi looked extra majestic fsr…and zantetsu having literal train aura was so randomly funny to me because everyone else has cool animals and motifs and shit (chigiri + panther, barou + lion, kaiser + roses/thorns) meanwhile zantetsu is just a literal bullet train 😭 he’s so goofy i hope he has a moment in pxg vs bm i miss him
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lostvi21 · 1 year
Motivation and an Idea
I am currently trying to draw my characters, but since I kind of struggle with that, I decided to take a break from that today and rather start figuring out how to write about them. Then I realized, it's probably best, if I first introduce the main idea that connects all (/most) of them.
As I started, I had two things: motivation and an idea.
After I played Undertale for the first time, I discovered the huge fandom behind it and realized that the world I loved so much had a whole other dimension to it (literally 😂). I saw the great content people made, like art or music. That made me plant the little seed of motivation into my head. I was thinking, maybe I could make something that great as well.
That was the moment I started to write a story. I didn't feel too confident to draw anything, so the best thing I could do was write. I was really proud of how it turned out. It was pretty basic and stuck to the normal game. I also had this idea (not the one I was talking about up there, but it's important for where I am now) that I was suppressing, since I wanted to focus on my AU.
One evening, I decided to give that idea a chance and after I kept dreaming the entire night about it, I spent the entire morning putting it into words. The phase after that, I call the downfall. My problem is that I am a perfectionist. So I kept rewriting the chapters until I finally managed to break the story for myself. After ten attempts, an almost finished first chapter with thirty pages, almost a year time spent running in circles and a couple other reasons I finally managed to kind of let go. (I still think there could maybe the possibility that I might be able to tell that story, but for now it's best to leave it behind. I also kind of can't let entirely go. For example: I use the main character in my profile pic 😊)
After realizing that I needed to stop since it lead nowhere, I needed something new to be obsessed with. While writing, I also wrote down a couple of ideas for potential later characters. And as I reviewed what I had collected, I realized that two of them would fit quite well as a duo. First, I still wanted to include my old character as well, but I let go of that after another month.
Now, that I've explained my motivation, it's time to present my idea! (... why is this becoming so long? 😅)
I wanted to take the concept of the genocide run in another light. I mean sure, there were so many worlds out there, where people just killed for fun or they didn't have another choice. My first characters lean more into the category of it being an accident. Since this was the main concept I was going by, I called my AU 'Club of Genociders' (by now, I don't really like that name but it still fits and I have currently no better idea how to name it.)
After FINALLY having explained my main concept (and rambling too much 😂) I can tell that this little idea snowballed into such a huge story. I am still struggling to put it all into words, so I figured it's best to share what I have to avoid making the same mistakes again. but what's most important, I love the way everything is evolving. From the characters, over the storyline to major plot twists. I also realized that I keep adding new possible characters to the story (not sure if I'll include them all though. That really depends on how the story turns out.)
If you made it this far, thanks for reading 😊 (I really didn't want to make it that long 😅)
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Hoooh boy you're definitely not gonna be prepared for what Nonny and the Schneidermann's are wearing then, because Jesus Christ me and my friend truly went "the only people who would love you are the ones with more or equally atrocious fashion styles" with that one out of the way, let's start tame with Y/N because I forgot a key characteristic of hers :)
-Nothing much to say about Y/N, Beige stop that reveals her midriff and light blue shorts, BIG RED CLOWNSHOES WITH HEELS, also the thing I forgot was that she literally does not have a face and has to manually apply waterproof makeup so that she looks like a normal person everyday. The game starts off with her make up routine actually lmao I think it wasn't much of a problem for her, because most of her face was hidden thanks to her bangs anyway, but she still enjoys doing it
-Here comes our favourite Hackerman meow meow, so like, his outfits that I described before? Still pretty accurate, Mans got Black hoodie, though I think he has grey sweatpants instead of black pants, oh and also he's got BIG PINK BALLERINA SHOES WHOSE STRAPS GO O N T O P OF HIS SWEATPANTS AND END AT HIS LOWER THIGHS O_O I didn't describe them last time, partly because I totally forgot he had them until I saw his traditional character sheet and partly because I didn't see them in the game, since his sprite cuts off right above where the shoe straps end. So yeah, do with that information what you will. Also he had a straight up Lenny face at first, no eyecolor, just ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Also also he wasn't 7 feet 8, he was 9' 2" O_O .
Extra quotes we wrote on his sheet: "giiirl, get back inda BASEMENT" "Are u lost, babeygrill?" "He's got NO lips!" "He's never gonna get a kiss kiss very UGLY!" "No kiss for him"
-J. Schneidermann (because writing his full name would clutter this already long ask oof) so, pink cap with a heart on it uwu. Straight up rainbow dash hair, except short, no face because he anime blushed too hard (he actually has one, unlike Y/N but we just didn't draw it) a long sleeved shirt that's various shades of blue and INTENSE shoulder spike (not horizontally, they go vertically up to his ears) green saggy ass pants that approximately reach his ankles and have GUTSCHI written on it (makes him look like a fucked up hamster ngl) lots of chains on his wrists and pants, ears are pierced, and the most notable detail, he has mismatched shoes that he shares with his cousin, one red high heel and one... black boot or black sneaker I can't tell. He's also smoking a red vape in the pic and has a gold chocker
-B. Schneidermann, black fluffy hair that apparently also covering his face because we didn't draw him one either (rip Schneidermann face enjoyers) mirroring his cousins general outfit, except we can actually see the divide between his legs with the red loose pants he's wearing, rainbow long sleeved shirt, I think he was also supposed to have the ridiculous shoulder spikes but they look more like a high collared cape that's reaaaaaaaally short instead, 1 gold bracelet on each of his wrists and smoking a golden vape too, wears the other part of the mismatched shoe pair. He's also holding a banana and a hotdog (I think it's a hotdog at least) also wears a silver choker
Btw if you're wondering what the hell is up with the Schneidermann shoes, it's inspired by another thing we had to do in German period, be basically got a story from a newspaper that we had to retell in another way, the story we got was "Asian man steals peoples left shoes" like, specifically only the left one, which reminds me that Kim Hojungseo would be shoe thief considering that we drew a shit ton of shoes on his sheet lmao.
Extra writing on Hojungseo's sheet: "I only listen to REAL music!" "Save the fucking turtles b-baka! ùwú" "how can mirrors be real, when our eyes aren't?" "Crying on the inside"
I think I'll probably yassify part of their designs, not too much tho, oughta stay true to their OG vibe after all 😔✊ also this felt like a My Immortal chapter with these lengthy character descriptions, still kinda feel that I don't do em justice, they rlly are the kinda character designs that you simply need to ✨experience✨for yourself to truly understand. Also sorry for clogging up your asks you can tell me when to stop just sayin :,)
-Ren'py anon
What an
I do need these game files ASAP.
Why are the swedish cousins ESPECIALLY ugly 😭😭😭 a golden vape too??? Bro is living the life. WHY DID YOU GIVE THE WORST AND BEST CHARACTER THE HYPEBEAST AESTHETIC??? HELP
The genderfluid aroace urge to accept stoner swedish cousin and hacker nonny for who and whatever the hell they are is strong,
but I have standards I must stick to 💔
The pants on Stoner swedish cousin are questionable to say the least, but hey, at least the got them chains 😎 although his hair is a 🚫off
Hair is a BIG PART of attraction for me so 💀
In another world, he would've looked like that blonde boy from 6teen that was voiced by Chris Mcleans VA
Hacker nonny. Hacker NONNYYYYYYYY MY BOY
At this point, there is only friendship, listening to his funky ass one liners yall wrote, going to his bad private home ballet practices and kicking the back of his knees. Being over 6'8 is an ICKKKKKKKK
I'm 5'5 so, baby this ain't gon work </3
Y/n is awesome. I love how their hair conceals so much of their face, but they just do paint it on anyway. Taking no eyes Y/n to the next level I see 😎
Tbh Y/n and stoner swedish cousin are the only love interests to me now. Y/n should be able to say, "Yeah, humans are fucking FREAKS. I'm the hottest one here tbh." AND GO ON WITH THEIR DAY AS PER USUAL.
Y/n gotta go shoe shopping b4 hand bc WOOOO BOY those clowns shoes ain't it.
Koreaboo bf cousin can go fuck himself bc I hate how he's affiliated with 'Kim hojeongso' or whatever the fuck his name was.
And its okay renpy anon! Send in whenever you'd like! Even though it takes a little while to read through everything and try to include most of everything, I dont mind it all that much!
Thank you for being even comfortable enough to talk about your personal creation with me like this! I enjoy everything you have brought to the table and I'm excited if you have more. Thanks so much Renpy nonnie <33 ilysm
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thattimdrakeguy · 2 years
A  Random Review of Titans United: Bloodpact
Sorry some of these pics are blurry. Some are really big and Tumblr doesn’t like them. So Hopefully they’re still readable.
For the simple reason of me enjoying how Tim Drake was drawn on the cover of the issue I decided to read it, despite me mostly choosing not to read any modern comic, because of my displeasure of the writing choices.
But Tim’s pretty unlucky with artists and how they draw him so seeing this was enough for me to give it a quick look.
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I don’t exactly need a deep reason to read a comic.
But it ended up being a very pleasant surprise, because I wasn’t expecting much since it was a Titans comic, and apparently has the line-up of the live action show that I thought was boring. And used T-Shirt Kon, who I don’t particularly favor.
It ended being a surprisingly fun read. Not a really deep one, or a completely smooth read, but a really fun read.
Most of the first issue is a big fight, so instead of actual character moments, it’s more like “OH NOW IT’S THIS PERSON’S CHANCE TO SAY A LINE, AND NOW THEIRS” and so on. So if you’re reading because you love Starfire or Donna Troy or someone, you aren’t going to get much out of this first issue.
However to my shock, it was mostly focused on Tim Drake.
And all around has a damn good Tim Drake in it.
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Tim Drake even inside the book and not just on it’s cover is very clearly identifiable as Tim Drake. Making him the smallest member of the team, along with his famously notable baby-face, big eyes, and classic hairstyle. Things that, despite literally being his description within the comics themselves, have a hard time being depicted often enough that it’s considered a pain.
He actually starts the comic off in his normal clothes, and before I read a single line I could tell it was Tim, because of how he was drawn, which isn’t always the case sadly. Sometimes he can be in costume and I’ll not be sure if it’s Tim because it doesn’t look like him.
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This isn’t only a thing for Tim as well. All the other characters are drawn very distinctly so that if they were in streetwear as well, you could also tell who they are very easily. (On a side note I quite like the clothes they put Tim in. Simple, and comfy. Just feels very Timmy. Never a fan of when they dress him up extra formal or something, and tired of the generic button up look on him.)
Compared to someone like Dan Mora, who while also being a fantastic artist. Basically draws Tim Drake Robin and Dick Grayson Robin as the exact same person in a different outfit. Which isn’t favorable.
It’s increasingly rare to see an artist put in the effort to make sure the characters look like themselves if they don’t fit the typical depiction of a super hero, so it was a very welcomed addition.
Only one who looks a bit off might be Conner, who, apart from my opinion on his costume in this, just looks a little bit off. I think it might be the hair, ‘cause I don’t think he’s ever had a haircut like this.
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But that’s a nit-pick if I’ve ever heard. So really, who gives a damn.
I’m mostly just having fun seeing Tim pop up all tiny-like in several panels. With several moments showing the team being a bit protective for him, which also feels right back at home for Tim. Never in any overwhelming way, but in a way that feels right without being distracting. Never making it too much about Tim that he feels overbearing when it’s a team book.
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The writings also very fun, and writes the characters, it does put a bit more of a spotlight on pretty well. It starts off sort of old school with it’s style of narration, but it gives it a really interesting charm that I appreciated.
Beast Boy has his usual snarky, self-absorbed-ish attitude. And I really enjoyed how Dick and some of the other more typical Titans have a more mature attitude to them, that shows that are grown and serious.
Which is so satisfying in the way of Dick Grayson, because let me tell you, I am so sick of the depiction of Dick Grayson as a some sort of man child or doofus. He’s been a very serious, concerned, hard of himself, workaholic since maybe even before the 80s. To strip that away just to make him a sitcom character always came across as disrespectful for me.
Tim, who again, is the surprising focus of this first issue, and possibly the rest of the comic going off of how important he is to the beginning in end of the issue, but we’ll have to see on that, but anyways, is written very well.
I was super pleased with how Tim was written, because it felt like a fully rounded version of him, and not a fraction of him, or a generic hero that a writer placed his name on.
It shows how naturally heroic he is instantly, but doesn’t overwhelm the reader with that to the point he’s horrendously boring.
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It’s the best representation of Tim Drake and Dick Grayson’s actual relationship in years. It’s not just redoing something they did 20 to 30 years ago. It’s new content of them being baby brother and big brother, having a back and forth full of teasing.
Seeing Timmy have his bratty baby brother side be shown for the first time in a way that’s felt authentic in years has been wonderful, even if it’s only for a page or two, because it sucks me in to this world, believing it’s actually in the same universe as the stories I love, instead of butchering it. It feels natural, because it’s them, not a pandering mess. It’s just them being them, and they’re fantastic together.
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Timmy Drake also has his very very boyish and juvenile energy back. And is also made clear to be the ultimate underdog of the DC Universe, also very representative of who Tim is. Again, adding more layers to him, that represent who he is, through natural dialogue that feels appropriate for the moment, and authentic as if these are real people living in this fantasy and sci-fi laced world.
And overall when it comes to Tim, really shows how simple it honestly is to write the kid. He is not a difficult character to write. It’s done with such ease that I adore it.
These are such small moments into the overall, but it doesn’t matter, because seeing a Tim Drake just be Tim Drake, and showing off his different layers is a rarity. It is probably the best Tim writing since issue 1 of Sum of Our Parts, since...sadly Fitzmartin has shown that she isn’t really a great writer...and has...bad tendencies that really just insult the audience.
Could this also happen with this writer? Very well possibly. But that’s just how it is. Some writers stay good. Some writers are good but have bad moments. Some writers are bad and have good moments. In the end these writers are people, and people aren’t perfect. The same way I’m not perfect, and you’re not perfect. It’s simply how it is, as disheartening as it can be at times.
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In the end it’s just fun, and represents them well. Though I’m just now realizing after posting that panel that Gar just said their real names which is...not very hero-y but oh well. It happens.
At the end of the story even it shows Tim’s good heart, empathy, and detectively mind without going overboard to the point it feels like flanderization.
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There’s not much I can say beyond it’s overall super solid, and super satisfying if you’re a Tim Drake fan. Wish I could say more about the other characters. But they all seem to know each other, creating a nice big open world feel, and it’s nice. Sort of homely, ignoring how there’s a major fight happening. It makes the world feel real, which is rare, when so many other comics end up so inconsistent it never feels right.
I’d recommend reading it for sure.
It just goes to show that the good stuff doesn’t come from changing the characters in random ways.
The good stuff comes from putting our favorite characters in fun situations that highlight their personalities.
And Titans United: Bloodpact does it in spades.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Ok but like, what if MC's fandom starts to make ships with MC and the guys. Just think about the ship wars, the fancams, the fanarts, the absolute CHAOS when the brothers find out. It would be even worse if they start shipping MC with the undatables, one day everything is normal and the next day there are ship wars fighting over MC x Barbatos vs MC x Solomon (who are both very smug about it)
The MC's Fanclub are… Shippers?!
Perhaps… The italics blurb has been fulfilling its greater purpose all along…? Perhaps in its state of existential angst, it has in fact developed a plot of its own… An arc of introspection and self-discovery in which its own longing for purpose has forged a meaningful identity… It now has… a story…
As if they couldn't get any MORE frustrating…
He's not an otaku. He's not a part of ship culture. He's not even sure why anyone would care about who dates who around this school, but apparently it's a big deal to some people...
He only became aware of their interest in him and the MC's relationship through some very… subtle clues…
Like the groups that would follow them around in the hallways with their phones out.
Or the multitude of fan rumors about their relationship that Satan spams him with from time to time just to irritate him.
"MC refused hug from Luci in halls today!! Are they bout breakup??? 🥺"
"Tots got pic of kiss today!! Relationship upgrade??"
It only got worse after he found out the MC gets shipped out a loooooot….
If he had to pick his least favorite ship, it'd be MC x Mammon. He can kind of see it with any of his other brothers (admittedly, Levi is also a little mystifying) but the idea of them ending up with Mammon makes his skin crawl...
He once found a drawing of the MC and Mammon in an… explicit position in one of the classrooms and he was so disgusted that he wouldn’t even touch it. He just set fire to the paper outright. Disgusting...
Shipping, eh…? More money making opportunities!
Has some passing idea of what shipping is from Levi and, from what he knows of it, shippers eat cutesy couples stuff right up!! If all he's got to do to make bank is to look all couple-y around the MC then sounds like a win-win to him!
He'll happily pose for a photo or two (paid in advance) of him throwing his arm around the MC or something. Want him to hold their hand? Sure thing!
But since this is still Mammon we're talking about, the second MC actually starts getting into any of it he'll still turn into a blushy, stuttery mess...
For WEEKS the headline picture on so many of their fans' blogs was an image of him turning beet red while the MC kissed him on the cheek. (A fan really got their money's worth there... 😏)
Though he doesn’t exactly like the MC getting shipped with other people, he'll still totally sell pictures of any of them together. He almost paid off an entire credit card with the money he got from the t-shirt sales of the MC and Satan!
If he had to point to one ship he doesn't like it's either MC x Asmo or MC x Levi. His opinion, but Asmo won't treat them right and they could do waaay better than a shut-in. Like him. Ship the MC with just the Great Mammon, got it?
… Lowkey super active in the MC shipping community but is a self-shipper to the extreme.
Like, he never uses his real name on anything (and would probably die from embarrassment if anyone ever found out) but a lot of their fans probably know a couple of his aliases.
He does everything from mod forums, runs a couple blogs, even anonymously posts his own work of him and MC that are totally not his secret fantasy dates or AU versions of themselves, shaddup.
It’s a lot easier for him to keep his involvement secret because he’s hardly at RAD, but the few times he does show up he tries to keep an eye out for anybody prowling for pictures so he can get in a good pose and save the image later.
Mind you, his version of a “good pose” rarely gets more spicy than linking pinkies, but even then he’s still lit up a Christmas Tree throughout.
Naturally, he’s also not a big fan of any ships that aren’t just him and MC and he can find a reason to be jealous at almost anything. But he keeps a special corner of hate for MC x Mammon and MC x Diavolo. Like, the first one doesn’t even need an explanation but MC x Diavolo?? Really??? Do those two even talk?? (please, please, please make sure they never actually talk because a guy like him versus literal royalty? He’d lose MC for sure….!! 😫)
He hates to actually agree with Lucifer on something, but their fans are starting to get out of hand...
Knows what shipping is in concept, he may have done it once or twice to characters in his books, but he was kind of surprised how it could evolve into such a… group activity?
He was pretty quick to pick up that the MC’s fans had a bit more interest in them together than they did when they both were apart…
I mean, those hideous shirts that Mammon was pedaling were kind of a dead giveaway…
Considering he finds their fanclub all rather annoying, even without their bizarre interest in his love life, when they started actively meddling with him and the MC he was ready to smash some heads.
No. He will not stop for pictures. No. What things they do together is none of your business. No. He has zero interest in seeing your explicit fanart and if you don’t start running that will be the last question you ever ask.
He DOES, however, appreciate the cringy “annoy Lucifer” ammo. They could keep that up for a lifetime... 😏
He doesn’t have a least favorite ship because he doesn’t care about any of this, leave him alone. (That’s a lie, it’s MC x Lucifer. He pokes fun at Lucifer, but he can’t stand it either. Big shock, I know 🙄).
Oh he is shamelessly a part of the community, are you kidding?? 
He could practically call “Shipping the MC” one of his favorite pastimes. He’ll openly gossip with their fanclub about who they’ve been with, who they’re seeing, who’s got a chance, etc… He lives for this shit!
He’s the only person who knows that Levi is also in the community and what his aliases are (not because he told him, but because Levi’s not as subtle as he thinks he is… Who else would call themselves “SupremeRuri666” and speak mostly in outdated chat lingo?) but he doesn’t out him because he thinks his very obvious crush is kind of cute. 
Plus, Levi needs the outlet waaaay more than him…
Doesn’t stop him from constantly trolling him and getting into arguments over who the MC would be better with though (the two are “virtual nemeses” as far as Levi is concerned).
Appreciates all forms of expression that comes out of the community (especially the saucy kind 😏) and will happily feed into his own shippers without a care in the world.
Truthfully, Asmo will say that there isn’t a ship he doesn’t like but if someone mentions one that he thinks is kind of “eh,” he’ll just add himself into the mix. “Oh, you like MC x Barbatos? Well how about Asmo x MC x Barbatos? That sounds loads more interesting doesn’t it??”
Oh, Beel… Sweet, sweet Beel… Beel doesn’t even know what their club is doing…
Because Beel has a reputation of being pretty protective of MC - and against the fanclub in general - the club keeps a healthy distance… but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to sneak in some picture or make a SHITLOAD of fanwork about them.
Between classes and practice Beel is a busy guy, so sometimes he just doesn’t notice that there’s people hiding behind trees when he’s out with MC. 
Honestly, his complete ignorance of it all makes it even cuter because when he acts sweet, it’s not just for the camera. That’s the real deal.
Mammon was the one who eventually let it slip that there was even shipping happening and Beel was… kind of creeped out because isn’t this stalking? But also kind of weirdly happy(?) that MC x Beel was so popular… Very conflicted boy here.
He never actually acknowledges the community, though, and just keeps on being Beel (which still gave the fans more than enough material so all’s well that ends well?)
Beel genuinely doesn’t have a least favorite ship (because he believes the best ship is whoever makes the MC happy) but his second favorite under himself is probably MC x Belphie. They look very cute together...  😊
Ride or die, Beel x MC x Belphie. 
Just kidding (kind of), Belphie isn’t into the shipping but if asked he’d be pretty okay with that one.
His campaign against the MC’s fanclub and their attention stealing ways means that he found out about their shipping thing only slightly ahead of Beel when Mammon was trying to get pictures of them napping together…
Honestly, he couldn’t care less if a bunch of weirdos were weirdly invested in their relationship, but he’s not about to let Mammon just make a quick Grimm off of it. Belphie makes sure that he gives him NOTHING to work with. 
Since Mammon is the main dealer, the shippers in both the MC fanclub and Belphie fanclub aren’t nearly as well fed and pretty desperate for anything... You best believe he plays that to his advantage (because it’s okay if he does. He’s not Mammon).
Really helps that MC x Belphie is legitimately a very cute looking couple, carried by Belphie’s cuteness alone if nothing else. Add an adorable MC and you reach levels so cute it could actually melt people into puddles of goo... They could be a registered weapon.
Least favorite MC ships are any that don’t involve him or Beel. Any others may as well just not exist, he won’t even acknowledge them. MC x Who? Yeah, that’s what he thought.
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realcube · 4 years
their team reacts to seeing them with hickeys/back scratches 💫
characters: kageyama, akaashi & kita
tw// fem! reader, sexual references, swearing, blood 
kita tw// mentions of daddy kink, punishment, overstimulation - MINORS DNI 
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thank you anon for the request 💗
Tobio Kageyama
he was on tanaka’s team for game amongst karasuno and he watched his senpai take off his shirt and wave it around after they scored another point
but instead of putting the shirt back on, he kept it off bc he was too lazy to go get it since he threw it to the other side of the gym
then noya took his shirt off too bc he was sweating buckets 
but kageyama wasn’t really sure why they had their shirts off so he felt the need to ask
‘why aren’t you putting your shirt back on?’
noya was just kinda like ‘who are you, my mom?’ but tanaka gave him a straight answer which was ‘it helps with ✨ aerodynamics✨’
kageyama isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed so he doesn’t even know what aerodynamics are
but then he watched tanaka make a killer spike and he was sold 
shirt = off
aerodynamics = thriving (?)
sets = awesome
back scratches = exposed 😳
hotel = trivago 
tsukishima was the first one to notice ofc as he was positioned right behind kageyama 
he didn’t say anything tho bc yamaguchi was on the opposite team so he just had to snicker to himself
hinata was like ‘what’s so funny, stinkyshima?!’ bc he automatically assumed that tsukishima was laughing at him lol
but then he followed tsukki’s gaze and leaned back to look at kageyama’s back too
‘yeesh, man. you should probably put some aloe vera on that or something, it could get infected.’
AIUWRAFHBE ok ok hinata isn’t completely oblivious to the connotations of back scratches but he’d never think in a million years that kageyama would get laid so he kinda subconsciously ruled that possibilty out-
kageyama quirked a brow, ‘what?’
‘your back! it’s all mangled.’ 
then noya and tanaka ran over and fkn BURST OUT LAUGHING 
at this point, all of kageyama’s team was surrounding him while the other team waited patiently for them to serve
but after a while, it was clear that they weren’t gonna do that so suga - who was on the opposing team - strolled over to see what they were all laughing about
and when he saw it- bitch- he went red 
a cool mom so he probably made a suggestive remark as he walks away
it eventually got to the point where everyone in the gym was crowded around kageyama and for ease, i’ll categorize their reactions:
laughing their ass off  ➵ tsukishima, tanaka, nishinoya, coach ukai & yamaguchi
concerned and confused  ➵ yachi, takeda, hinata & narita 
a blushing mess  ➵ asahi, kinoshita & sugawara
unfazed 😐  ➵ kiyoko & daichi 
LIVID  ➵ kageyama
kageyama could literally break his neck and walk into practise with a neck brace and no one would bat an eye but now that he has scratches on his back, suddenly everyone is so concerned about his wellbeing? where with this energy that time he said that hinata gave him a concussion?
to be fair, he didn’t have a concussion- also, he forgot the word so he told suga that hinata gave him a ‘conclusion’
daichi agreed, trying to usher everyone back to their spot on the court, ‘yeah, it’s no big deal, guys. let’s get back to practise.’
everyone slowly made their way back to where they were previously but since tanaka and noya were still on kageyama’s team, they continued to pry 
tanaka flung his arm around kageyama’s shoulders, ‘so how’d you get those scratches, big boy?’ 
an ungodly laugh left noya’s mouth
kageyama shrugged, ‘(y/n), i think.’
the whole gym room went silent before erupting in choruses of laughter once again
kageyama was truly the idiot that didn’t understand the implications of the back scratches - so you can imagine that he was frustrated when everyone started laughing again
‘what’s so funny?’ but then, he recalled the events which he was pretty certain were the reason for the marks on his back......it was pretty funny
you insisted on giving kageyama a back massage after a long day of practise so he took his shirt off and let you go for it 
for the record, he really loved it :)) he was just so happy sitting there between your thighs as you sat on the couch and rubbed his back, loosening all the knots he didn’t even know he had
but then he got a lil’ inch on his back and was like ‘can you get that for me?’ since your hands were already on his shoulders/back
ofc you said yes and started lightly scratching the spot he desired, but being extra careful bc you just got you nails done in the stiletto shape and the last thing you wanted to do was puncture his back lol
‘harder..’ kageyama muttered so low that you almost didn’t hear him
you obliged, pressing a bit harder 
‘harder.’ he insisted once more
again, you served by digging your nails in a bit deeper
‘no, kags. i’ll literally pierce your skin if i press any harde--’ 
‘harder!’ he barked (for a joke) and you jumped from fright, instinctively pushing in more and increasing the pace of your hand
at this point, you were rigorously clawing at his back, on the verge of drawing blood which you could tell by his skin’s newfound crimson pigment 
kageyama took it upon himself to lean backwards onto your nails to force you to go rougher as you had yet to ease his itch 
then you let out a high-pitched scream so naturally, kageyama jerked away then peered over his shoulder to make sure you hadn’t like..died
‘what?!’ he asked, eyes filled with worry
‘blood!’ you yelled, pointing at his back before sprinting to the kitchen to get a tissue 
kageyama’s gaze followed you until you were out of sight, then he lightly touched his back around the parts you were scratching and once he pulled his hand away, he noticed the blood which was now on his fingers
the concerning part was that he didn’t even feel it tbh 🤔
anyway tanaka and noya probably coo ‘oooh~ lovebirds~’ when you come pick him up from practise
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Keiji Akaashi
bokuto heard some ppl whispering about akaashi & (y/n) in the changing room so he turned around to take a look at his friend then he noticed the scratch marks on his poor friends’ back
‘AKAASHI!! DID YOU GET MAULED BY A BEAR?!?!’ he screamed, grabbing the attention of everyone in the changing room and those who weren’t whispering about akaashi before, were definitely doing so now
akaashi smiled softly and shook his head, hastily throwing on his shirt and buttoning it up as he spoke, ‘no, bokuto-san.’
bokuto quirked a brow, wondering what could’ve possibly happened before his jaw dropped to the ground
‘is it ‘cause i patted your back a bit hard earlier?!?!?’
akaashi didn’t even bother to question how bokuto could think that a slap on the spine could lead to scratch marks and instead just replied normally, ‘no.’
bokuto was stumped once again- why else would his buddy have marks on his back? and why was (y/n) such a prominent name floating around in this changing room? doesn’t everyone know that she is taken by bokuto’s best-bro akaashi?
bokuto’s jaw hung open once again as his soul left his body through an overdramatic gasp, before leaning in and whispering in akaashi’s ear, ‘wait- don’t tell me- you and (y/n)-’
akaashi’s cheeks tinted red slightly so he turned his head away while he pulled on his blazer, ‘no.’
bokuto let out a light sigh of relief, gently patting his pal’s back, ‘ah, good. but then, where did those marks come from?’
before akaashi even got the opportunity to open his mouth to respond, komi and konoha passed the pair, konoha patting akaashi’s shoulder and komi shot him a toothy grin accompanied by a thumbs-up, ‘get some, akaashi.’
then they walked off, konoha mubbling something about his chances with (y/n) being ruined 
this left both bokuto and akaashi extremely confused
once all traces of komi and konoha were gone, akaashi proceeded to explain himself
‘backne is a horrible thing.’ he murmured, grabbing his satchel, slinging it over his shoulder before strolling out the changing room. ‘i’ll wait for you outside.’
and bokuto just stood there like (。_。) ‘what’s backne?’
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Shinsuke Kita
atsumu had invited the whole squad back to inarizaki for one last game before coach kurosu’s retirement 
after ages of arrangement, the whole team were able to make an appearance at the game - whether that be for 10 minutes or the whole thing
kita was able to stay for the whole thing
he was currently warming-up while chatting with aran before he was approached by atsumu, who was as lively as ever
‘mister rice farmer! it’s good to see you again!’ he sung, tossing his arm around kita’s shoulder and patting it in a friendly manner, ‘how’s life been treating ya?’
kita and atsumu somehow managed to make small-talk as if they hadn’t been apart for the last 6 years
‘me and my girlfriend have only been together for 6 months but i think i’m ready to settle down.’ atsumu mused, tapping his elbow before realising that he had been talking about himself for a while, ‘but anyway, i see that you and (y/n) are still going strong. haven’t y’all been together since the first year of highschool? that’s impressive! when are you gonna wife her up?’ 
kita perked up upon hearing that, ‘uh, yes. but how do you know that?’
atsumu couldn’t help but smirk, casually running a hand through his hair before motioning to the hickey on kita’s neck which was on semi-display, ‘right there, bud.’
kita looked down but unfortunately, his neck didn’t bend enough to see what atsumu was referring to 
‘also,’ atsumu chuckled, slightly embarrassed about what he was going to admit ‘i saw the pic of her you put on your facebook.’
‘ah, okay.’ that one kita could understand
atsumu was about to open this mouth to say something but then the shrieking noise of the coach kurosu’s whistle rang through the gym room, indicating the start of the match
the game went surprisingly smooth tbh 
minimal fights :o
but kita did get teased quite a lot smh 
anyway, after everything was all said and done and everyone started to filter out the gym, kita rushed to the bathroom to check himself in the mirror and see what atsumu was referring to on his neck
once he took a look at himself, he frowned
just as he thought, a hickey - that’s embarrassing
it was clear you made an effort to place hickeys in areas that would be hidden though as the bruise was barely peeking out from under the collar of his jersey, atsumu just has a rather keen eye 
however, that wasn’t going to stop kita from pounding you dry when he gets home - as a punishment ofc 
kita was about to leave but he couldn’t help but stay and stare at himself in the mirror for a bit longer, recalling last night as he wondered at what point you bit those onto his neck
was it during the 2nd round? or the foreplay? or perhaps the 4th round? wait- no- definitely during aftercare cuddles!..or actually, maybe the 1st round?
in all honesty, he couldn’t remember 
to him the whole night was a blur of pounding into you relentlessly, overstimulation, pleads for mercy, tears, passionate kisses and praise
with a sprinkle of daddy kink but let’s not talk about that
oh, and not to forget the way you’d call out his name just as you were about to reach your orgasm 
or your sweet, lewd whines that echoed through the room when he thrashes against your sensitive spot 
and don’t get him started on the cute little nicknames you have for him that squeal out through moans, like ‘daddy’, ‘master’, ‘sir’ etc 
kita snapped out of his fantasies, letting out a sigh and about to exit the bathroom- until he noticed himself in the mirror out of the corner of his eye
he was hard
smh smh smh 
now he was stuck between a rock and a hard place
(literally 🤠)
he could either potentially embarrass himself or cause an accident by walking to his car and driving home with a throbbing boner
or he could call you to help him jerk off in a bathroom stall
so he took a seat in one of the stalls - for the sake of the ppl he might run over if he did otherwise  
he rung you up and thankfully, you picked up and you weren’t feeling bratty enough to deny him the help he needed so badly
although it wasn’t a very pleasurable experience since he was constantly on hyper-alert just in case the janitor walked in, at least he got a lot of nostalgia from it :))
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onebizarrekai · 4 years
v3′s art is comically terrible for a professionally distributed game in a series: a compilation
in this not-essay I will list all of the mistakes and problems I have spotted in v3′s art. don’t worry, it’s entirely for fun and I’m doing this on a whim, so please feel free to not take this seriously but also it’s hilarious and embarrassing how ridiculous this is like what happened did they speedrun the whole production or what
see, there are some things you can take as meta like “they made it bad on purpose to allude to the downfall of tv shows that have been on air for much too long” but I have a very strong feeling this is not the case due to the nature of some of these errors
disclaimer, the more I study this art, the more I fear that the artists were underpaid and underslept, so if this is in fact the case, I am so sorry to all of them but also I’m going to make fun of the art anyway
anyway let’s get started!
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if you study this image for longer than 5 seconds, you will see that kaede is the only one fully shaded and keebo is literally just his normal sprite pasted into the image. every other character is just an ordinary ref, hence most of them facing the exact same direction with neutral expressions on their faces. it looks like a bad edit, and is probably one of the worst pieces of art in the game. it kind of gets better from here on, but my roasting will not.
with that out of the way, here’s the problem that officially bothers me the most and clarifies my viewpoint of “this is not meta and an actual lack of company communication”
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this freaking cg, which seems normal at a glance, but some wiseass was like “oh, kaede is a girl, so obviously she’s going to be shorter than the Male Protagonist™” ah, that’s funny. because if you look at the character bios, kaede is, in fact, one inch taller than shuichi and not like 6 inches shorter as she is shown here.
also shuichi’s shoulder is disproportionate and horrendous and he looks vaguely like a jojo character, but I wasn’t even thinking about that until right now.
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thanks guys, 50% of the fandom who has never bothered to check these bios thinks that kaede is like 5′3 (did the developers really put so little thought into her to the point where drawing her correctly in the game didn’t even matter??)
also I would like to point out that, even though this isn’t related to the art itself, yes, a character kaede’s size being only 117 lbs is unfeasible, but this applies to literally every character in danganronpa ever and it’s not new news that it’s unrealistic
update: someone in the tags informed me that in versions of the game that use centimeters, like the japanese version, kaede is actually shorter than shuichi, which just adds another thing to the list of weird decisions the localization team made for no reason. that said, after confirming this, kaede is 167 cm in the original, while shuichi is 171 cm, which are approximately 5′6 and 5′7 respectively, but one inch is still nowhere near as drastic as it is depicted above. (in spite of this, I would rather depict kaede as slightly taller, so I’m probably going to keep doing that.)
the journey continues!
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bro if you want kaede to have shoulder length hair then stick to it to begin with
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you can pretend this is at an angle all you want but they definitely committed the shorter kaede sin a second time
wait a goddamn second.
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no………… it wasn’t kaede who shrank. it was shuichi who got taller
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speaking of which, can we talk about how shady the perspective is in this elevator pic? look at shuichi and kokichi in comparison to kaede. kokichi, who is canonically 7 inches (edit: or 5, if you’re loyal to the original) shorter than kaede, looks taller than kaede. he’s growing too. what steroids are these gays taking
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running into the room, electric boogaloo: I don’t think tsumugi is supposed to be the same height as kokichi
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gonta… gonta you’re lookin a bit like a jojo character there
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I love how kaito’s head looks kind of like it was pasted onto his body. why is he the same size as shuichi? shouldn’t he be high school bully size or something? his torso is teensy
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ah yes, white angie.
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I love this cg but why is shuichi’s right hand so much bigger than his left hand
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I also love how this cg looks like they literally took pictures of trees and pasted them into the background, especially on the left. the shadows are so weird, especially closer to the ceiling, it’s difficult for me to believe they didn’t do exactly that.
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return of Enlarged shuichi
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puberty update: kokichi is now taller than shuichi in spite of shuichi never missing leg day. what crimes will he commit
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I have to mention it, guys. this has to be one of the worst danganronpa cgs. kokichi’s facial proportions look atrocious. look at the way his face sticks out like his jaw is in the wrong place. his scarf is a pasted texture. that’s it. this moment was so iconic but the cg just looks so… so… off. like something is terribly wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it.
you know what? let’s get into that ‘pasted texture’ thing.
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let’s imagine you’re an artist working on a professional game. you’re assigned to draw cgs of kokichi ouma, who has a checkered scarf from hell. sure, it will be terrible to draw, but you only have to draw it once at a time! plus, perspective is pretty important, right? can you be bothered? nah, actually. let’s just copy paste a checkered pattern into the cg, because I’m sure nobody will notice. it’ll blend right in with the other cgs that someone actually put effort into drawing his scarf in, right?
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no. the answer is no and I very much noticed. this genuinely looks terrible and I would understand taking a shortcut like that in fanart or even an indie game but this is a full price pc and console distributed game
(an addition: look at kokichi’s TINY HANDS in that last one)
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meanwhile, they straight up forgot to color in kokichi’s scarf in this cg.
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dude. I forgot about whatever the hell this cg was. anyway look at keebo please just look at him
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lovin kaito’s baby arms
real talk, maybe you could argue that he’s missing muscle because he’s deathly sick, but most of his cgs don’t line up with this, and his arms just look disproportionate to his torso size (granted this is a consistent problem across all danganronpa games and a lot of characters have this weird problem, like hajime, but also kaito is bigger than hajime so I kind of have higher expectations of him) maybe it’s his stupid goatee and the way he reminds me of yasuhiro?? it creates this illusion that he’s older than he is and so I keep expecting him to look more like an adult
oh, also rantaro is missing some of his accessories in that video he made–you know the one–but I don’t wanna go back and screenshot it
also you may have noticed that I’m skipping all of the monokub cgs because I literally do not care about them and I’m not even bothering to check and see if they have artistic mistakes in them
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hey um uh kaito you seem to be missing your neck
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hey guys do you like my pregame fanart
so, that done, the sprites are also pretty terrible at times. they’re not as interesting to go through, however, and downloading the full sprite sets for every character and studying every single one of them will drive me insane, so I’ll just sum some of the ones I noticed up. I made things for kaede and shuichi before deciding I wasn’t going to get into it, so here are these.
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that said, other mistakes include kokichi missing his purple highlights in all of the sprites encompassing a specific pose, stray pixels all over the place on everyone, and everyone also has heavily inconsistent shading, but literally all I think about is how pregame shuichi is unshaded and two of kaede’s pregame sprites have glaring outfit change mistakes in them
anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my ridiculous ramble. in all seriousness, there’s this looming presence of some lack of communication in the development team, like with all the art and design inconsistencies, pieces and sprites that look rushed, stray pixels, and missing basic proportional stuff. these are the kinds of things that you supposedly have to pretty much have in the bag in order to get jobs in professional businesses, so it’s really weird to me that this game suffers from so many of these problems. it’s like they tried to make the art so much more crisp than the other games, but it fell on its face as they realized it was going to take longer to draw everything and they started to rush. it’s weird, because the coloring itself looks normal–it’s just sloppily drawn, and the proportions are a mess once put into the context of perspective. many of the cgs look like they were drawn by different people, and I’m still not over the fact that half of kokichi’s cgs have his scarf pasted in as a texture.
the moral of the story is that if you’re selling a game at full price that also happens to be in a series that has had 3 very good games in it already the stakes should probably be higher than this. v3 has been out for more than 3 years and it’s still $40 (did it cost more than that before? I sure hope not), and the overarching quality of the game is just not as high as the other games. I’m not saying that the other games don’t have any problems with their art at all, they’re just not as glaringly obvious and every artistic choice in those games feels intentional.
regardless, I had a blast roasting the art at 2am, so maybe you got a kick out of all this chaos.
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muffinrecord · 3 years
Man it’s really freeing when you can be like...
yes this is my favorite pmmm story. Yes, it’s complete garbage. Yes, the characters are evil. No, of course I don’t condone their actions. Yes, I love them regardless. Yes, this is garbage but it’s MY Garbage. Yes, the art is bad. yes, that is a feature! Please enjoy
damn this was a whole rant, anyways im putting most of it under a read more
Kirika is very flat as a character and I feel like she doesn’t undergo a lot of character development. in fact I think she starts to get better and then she just goes back to being an oriko simp, like she was railroaded into being one trait only. But ya know what, it works for the context of the story. The fact that she has little to her character outside of Oriko is the point. She gave up her own self to be devoted to Oriko, so of course she’s gonna be like this. 
But fuck it, she makes funny yandere faces and she’s darkly hilarious and I love her. I love that Oriko is like “I want someone to love me for myself :(” and Kirika pops up and it’s like... you realize... she’s only like this cause of a wish right.
Like Kirika literally went “hey this girl helped me and so I think I’d like to be in a relationship with her or something. hey kyubey, make me someone who would be useful for her” and then became the biggest mega-simp lovesick idiot on the planet. 
In any other story there might be a part where the character is like “omg do i actually love u or is this just... my wish.... is this real love...” or their love interest islike “u don’t really love me!!! u were made to love me!@!!! it’s not... real love.”
But Oriko doesn’t have time for that nonsense. It’s never even questioned. I love it.
even the bad art is a feature. Like, there are times were I think “hmm I think this was supposed to be fanservice” but the art is so inept that it literally don’t look appealing despite it being a boob or ass shot.
I’m too lazy to get a pic from the manga but, here is an image the artist drew for the game:
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Any other artist would draw this pose (commonly called ‘the boob and butt’ pose) and we’d be rolling our eyes at it. In fact, this isn’t a perfect recreation of the above
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But I can’t help but feel like the intent was similar. but the art is so bad that I bet most people can’t tell it’s supposed to be a sexy fanservice picture.
And that’s like. Oriko manga art in a nutshell, particularly in sadness prayer. Kirika literally strangles someone with her thighs at some point, which feels like way too much but because of the art it’s like “oh yeah this is totally a normal kirika thing to do and not like, a weird fetish thing that was totally unnecessary.”
god my mind is all over the place. forget me...
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daredevilexchange · 2 years
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Want to be featured here? Head to this page and fill in the form!
See what this is about here, or if you’re using the app here.
What’s your fannish ID? Taggerung or Tagg. It’s my chosen name (I’m non-binary), and yes it’s from the Redwall character. 
What types of fanworks do you create? Currently have only done art and shitposts/text post edits but have some fic and fan mixes in the works
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you’re not creating? Art and fics (when I can sit down and read that is…)
What do you like in particular about this fandom? Absolutely love how willing a lot of people are to ship Matt with everyone under the sun 😂 I am a sucker for angst, hurt/comfort (gee in the daredevil fandom, ya don’t say!), and polyam ships. Matt, Karen, Frank, and Foggy are my favorites (individually and as a polycule). 
Do you like participating in fan events? Yes. Because it gives me a deadline I didn’t set and gets my adhd behind in gear 🤣
What about your creating process? I usually need a show I’ve already watched or music playing while I write or draw. I cannot work in silence! Night time (between 11 and 3am) are usually when I end up getting anything done. I make character and ship playlists in Spotify to work with [here’s a playlist!]. Also guilty of occasionally giving myself some inspo with Fireball. Normally have an Aussie or two touching me or “helping” in some way… [pic of the doggo helpers below]
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Do you interact a lot with other fans? I try to! Sometimes my social batteries are dead, huge servers intimidate me, but I always try to leave comments on fics and art that I enjoy, and of course reblog art as it comes across. 
Do you have other fandoms you'd like to talk about? I’m in…so many fandoms, as my handle suggests. I love The Punisher show and The Defenders/Jessica Jones/Luke Cage. Was writing with a friend and we ended up mashing xmen and daredevil, now I ship Rogue and Matt and it’s entirely their fault lol. 
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post? https://tooattached2fictionalcharacters.tumblr.com/post/672854336230064128/day-6-of-daredevil-fanweek-the-fights-wrong-side It’s my favorite piece I’ve done for Daredevil so far. I only just started digital art literally for fanweek so I was pretty happy with the result. 
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself? I’m queer, I write with the pace of a snail going uphill through molasses in January…or like a speedster with red bull. Just depends on the day, and while I am occasionally sodium laced I love talking so feel free to just hope in my inbox to talk fandom. 
Where can your fanworks be found? http://instagram.com/artbytaggerung  http://archiveofourown.org/users/tooattached2fictionalcharacters http://Twitter.com/artbytaggerung http://tooattached2fictionalcharacters.tumblr.com tag: tagg doodles
Thank you, @tooattached2fictionalcharacters !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
adventure time wizard city liveblog
 well here we go
my last adventure time liveblog, i havent actually done one of these in MANY years... probably not since 2014
this takes place at the same time as obsidian?
yeah i know that’s bufo, they only made it enormously obvious, tsk tsk
@spaceacepearl​ joked about us seeing choose goose get sent to hell but i diDNT EXPECT IT TO HAPPEN
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This music is i assume by one of the many musical artists Adam Muto listed on twitter, it rocks. It’s not as hardcore as Obsidian’s intro, but it’s suitably chill for the scene. 
“get offa my bus kid”
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Those wizards in the left and far right groups appear to be new! 
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i bet hanna and co had fun making these signs
my favourite is the cat with “FAMILIARS HAVE RIGHTS”
cadorka..... wow
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We’re not even four minutes into the ep and peppermint butler has already killed someone in front of a large group of witnesses
“this smells of DARK MAGIC” “yall kids know thats illegal right” peps watches the other kids nod before later joining in, LOL
i cant believe pep started the great gum wars and got killed by golb
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SOMEONE has been playing Overwatch... 
i-- i still cant believe choose goose is fucking dead
how long was he stuck in hell for, or was that recent to together again after new death showed up 
i have to admit im not a big fan of spader, too perfect, and not in that funny way either. i hope they give him some characteristics that make him stand out. 
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im getting flashbacks to OK KO and Owl House here...
Cadebra using music is a reference to Abracadaniel’s love of interpretetive dance in Play Date. 
“they only laugh because youre different” “i know” “SO STOP BEING DIFFERENT” oh my god it’s like talking to my own parents cadebra is actually... a LOT like me, less in her hyperactivity but more in her nonchalant enthusiasm and almost acceptance of the inevitable bullying because it means more time in people’s consciousness
ahhh - it’s quietly revealed here that she is responsible and a skilled magician, she is just bored of magic! i like that she parents abracadaniel instead of being downtrodden by his ramblings. 
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PEP NO--- oh i see the problem, he hasn’t got his Bug Milk... sorry Martin Olsen fans, no Hunson today. At least we get one more Phil Face for the road! 
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candy people in their natural habitat
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Ahhh that’s Doctor Calidoneus! The voice actor was at the recent Distant Lands panel alongside Pep and Blaine’s actors. 
“pretty sure hes just trashcandy” - i like you, sassy antler lady
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the mystery of how he gets clothes
and once again spader is proving to be the most irritating distant lands character of the lot, there is no subversion here. where is the subversion?  
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what is going on here? are pep and peppermint the same person or not? im sure they must be, but there is something going on here with peppermint butler’s soul being trapped in the body of his child self who hasn’t got the same memories. 
OH, HYNDEN WALCH DID A NEW LINE yes this is what im here for, special over 
peppermint butler cursed himself... of course he did - Shado was correct!!!
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love the reference to astral plane, of course pep cant astrally project because cursed pep is still inside of him 
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wow, blaine, wow
they have a crush
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i love the dynamic between cadebra and abracadaniel, imo so far it’s the heart of the special. im not really gripped by peppermint butler’s school troubles. i imagine someone else probably will be but i want to run past that shit as far as possible. 
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ILL SHOW YOU WHEN NICK POSTS THE VIDEO and then ill tell you who made the prediction because i... think it was nick himself, insanity 
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who plagiarized finn’s signature???
turns out pep really DID take over wizard city!!!!
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i love this band
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i understand your pain peps
you probably have a bit too much in common with your mother, and i imagine it isn’t easy being turned into a kid and not being able to do stuff that came so easy. you’re disappointing yourself! (he’s literally disappointing himself)
I’m less than halfway through the special, what the fuck. I wasn’t wrong when I said Wizard City had a lot on its plate. It’s noit that I’ve been particularly gripped up to this point, though to be fair I didn’t pause at all during the other specials barring Obsidian. 
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that... that poor kid is still a rock
and then the preview happened and bufo casually revealed to the audience that, yes, he killed choose goose
i dont know whats happening with pep but it seems he needs to be exorcised of... pep. which is a shame. i hope they learn to coexist. 
i have to say the background work in this special is really good! like, really damn good. 
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oh thats right - abracadaniel is cadebra’s uncle! this must be abracadniels sister. sorry, folks, he doesn’t fuck. 
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Where are they? Is this anywhere near Wizard City? It’s an unpopulated prewar wasteland. 
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my child
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is this an art style choice or did they get the people from that one studio to make this
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the red jacket he wears and his head pill shape is a big kaneda reference actually, which i suppose makes sense considering he’s a rival to our protagonist, but it’s a bit on the nose
bufo killed one of his own students? but why????
“no one likes a rat”
i actually really like blaine, though im confused. did their VA change halfway through the special?
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did doctor caledonius steal the trophy,,,? 
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MONMSTER HUNJTER DISCOVERY NOISE, this time it’s a tetsucabra
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god i wish this is what this special was about, i miss adventure time
these remind me of the comics with their art style :) i wonder who designed them? the one on the right with pb and pep, in particular, very comics-y. 
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fdgfhgf because he’s like 500
“pep can be kind of a jerk but he wouldn’t kill anyone”
sorry, cadebra, i have news for you
is doctor calednoius the true villain? if bufo’s out of the picture, she MUST be, 
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oh no, he might gbe stuck in wizard city :( 
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the writing on the wall...
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okay im not surprised all the teachers at wizard city are cultists in worship of peps, maybe they killed spader and bufo because they bullied peps T_T
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wait no, they thought spader had the potential, but sadly not
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sorry, i was distracted by the pretty dope fight sequence and now the special is over????
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fucking jesse, hes probably at least partly responsible for the cult nonsense
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This credits art is by Maya Petersen!!!! Holy shit it’s adorable!
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okay, it’s over :) 
first thoughts out of the way: not a big fan of this special. it’s like watching a completely different show. it’s not got the PZSHAHH of the normal wizard city stuff and there weren’t a lot of funny jokes or even hearty moments in the thing. 
it suffers from a lack of invested character interactions, much like BMO did. there was not a single main cast member in the whole thing! and like i said before, much of peppermint butler’s character in the show is based on his very sweet relationship to his mother, princess bubblegum, so when they showed a single (hilarious) photo of them together it made me sad we didn’t get any scenes with them together. it would have STOLEN this episode. and they teased the hunson golf photo, and death!!! and jake appeared in a photo T_T last jake appearance. 
it also suffers because Peppermint Butler is clearly not himself, imo he was way more entertaining in the Together Again special, where we seem him back to his “normal” self. 
i dont think peps being a dark wizard was something to “kill off” exactly. i wonder what was going on there? was that actually peps, or was that a spirit he cursed himself with based on himself? we at least know in the future he does become a dark wizard again, and even princess :) this special didn’t answer those questions but lol. 
THE GOOD STUFF, because yes, there was a lot of good stuff! 
God, I’m with Aracle and Maya on this - I LOVE Cadebra and her relationship to Pep. I wish she was even in more of this - I would love to watch the adventures of Cadebra and Pepbut in their first year of school, like in the end credits.
That, imo, is where the heart of the special lay - Peppermint Butler’s attempts to impress himself, versus Cadebra’s self acceptance and desire to follow her dreams of being a goofy goober, no matter what other people thought of her. 
It turned out that Cadebra is a responsible student and family member. I really liked that. Her scenes with Abracadaniel were, somehow, my favourite in the entire special! 
I like that theres a lot of cool magic towards the end of this special, and a lot of HORRIFYING DEATH. It wouldn’t be adventure time if you didn’t randomly kill off child characters. Poor Spader, I hated you but damn, what a grim fate. 
I like that Bufo and Caledonius had this crush/hatred thing going on, but they were part of the same cult in the end. 
I didn’t like the giant peps scene at the end, the monster was extremely milquetoast compared to the madness we usually get in AT. Obsidian, for example, had the awesome Larvo design. Nemesis had some INSANE dark magic!!!!  I wish they drew more from that episode. 
Considering how much Steve Little appears in this special, I do feel bad for Mace (little Peps). He said he would have really benefitted from coaching, but recieved none. He had to re-record his lines 3 times! Judging from his description of events, Wizard City was a hard time for him. 
The wizard school did remind me, heavily, of both The Owl House and OK KO. Personally I was hoping AT would offer me something more insane, but I do love both of those shows, and I know Wizard City was on a really tight schedule. 
I think they should have spent less time on the school bullying plot, and skipped straight to MURDER. 
We did have a cold opening, not on par with Together Again’s at all, but damn!
I am wondering where I would put this in the watch list? I do think it should sit after Obsidian as the third special. The intro scene makes it clear this takes place at the same time as Obsidian!!!
Well, that was it, the last ep of AT for the next few years at least T_T
i think together again was the better finale, definitely. but wizard city feels pretty detached from AT for me, despite the familiar characters it tonally isn’t like the show other than the awesome brutal death scenes. I thought the last 11 minutes was easily the best in the special! Which, honestly, is how it should be, though I do wish it gripped me more. Maybe I’m just not the target audience for Wizard City? It feels like something I would find very compelling if I was a bit younger! 
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parcy-anda · 3 years
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I adore the idea of Ruv & Sarv together both platonically and romantically,  and that goes double for Whitty & Carol, but I’m also a piece-of-trash multi-shipper with a strong lean towards fluff.
Heads up: no ideas are my own — the inspiration came from  this. >v<; I just wanted to shake off some dust and enjoy what I thought was a sweet concept.
My silly rambles are below the cut if you’re interested, but I’m super awkward and will go hide now.
I was a bit conflicted about posting art of these two, as from what I’ve read, drama following the mods ruined these guys+ for their respective creators but I keep up on some tags out of curiosity, and seeing the post linked above made me want to try something that condensed most of their ideas. I'm a sucker for anything soft and wholesome.
While I did visual research for the characters, dinghies and an intentional + aesthetically-appropriate design for Ruv based on a few species of cold-water [comb] jellies, I had no idea/was-too-stubborn-to-further-research how to draw [jellyfish] sirens or how to handle the lighting effects for a pic like this — and it shows.
Finally: GEEBUS, I don’t know if this is even worth sharing, but as prep, I did sketch a rough concept of siren!Ruv based on visual research. I have no idea if I’ll try to polish this concept, as while Jellies are often inherently frilly, it seems painfully out-of-place for him. @v@
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Update: I wrote a silly ficlet to follow up this pic. I’ll hide it here, rather than put it on display in a fresh post. =v=; Apologies for address-repetition, rambling, and the obliviousness trope but if anyone actually likes it, sweetness.
Whitty kept his eyes on the stars, of which there was no shortage out here. Beyond the light, passing swells, he'd heard the gentle splashing against the boat, and felt something slippery and mitten-like wrap around his shoe. His foot twitched, but he didn't pull away. He knew who it was; after, all, they'd agreed to meet here... in this general area. The open ocean provided few landmarks, but they'd settled on a few miles northeast of the dock Whitty always started from.
It was still really, really strange. He was getting better about trusting the siren, but jellyfish are jellyfish, and he was in no hurry to be stung, accidentally or otherwise. Without moving, he chanced a glimpse to the other end of the boat — Ruv was looking down at something. The sentient bomb heard a gravelly shift — oh... more "treasures".
Lately, the gelatinous merman had been in the odd habit of bringing stones and coral fragments with him, and this time, he'd brought a bucketful. Whitty stifled a hissing chuckle at what he could now tell was bright green plastic. Ruv must have taken some child's beach toy from somewhere. The only thing he didn't really get was why.
Ruv wasn't much of a talker, and was stone-faced as they came. All the bomb-man could tell was that the siren seemed to bring these things for him... and the slight glow of his bioluminescence flared every time Whitty looked at him or said so much as a word. And today, he was ALIGHT. Whitty tensed as he felt Ruv squeeze his shoe tighter... was this in his head, or did the siren look nervous?
Carefully, Ruv lifted the bucket out of the water completely, over the edge and placed it squarely on the floor of the dinghy by Whitty's outstretched leg... and stared. At Whitty. In the glowing, ember-y eyes. Inky drops of "sweat" seeped through the sphere of his head and dripped back down to the fuse... an anxious laugh tumbled between his teeth set in a forced smile.
"Thanks, man." He finally managed to say, glancing briefly at the bucket before looking back at Ruv, who hadn't moved, save for the lightest lapping  against the underside of the boat, to keep his balance and place. Whitty usually didn't mind the stargazing, but then, it had never been this quiet or... intensely awkward. You're making it weird, man. Whitty thought to himself worriedly, but gave it a few seconds.
Things did not get better. Silent as before, Ruv's behaviour drastically shifted once more. The glow faded, he sank out of Whitty's view, and the grip on his shoe loosened before disappearing completely. Just slightly alarmed, Whitty planted most of his weight in the middle of the small boat, before stretching his neck to look out over the edge — the siren was still there, face half-submerged and, by the angle of the lone, now-barely luminous eye, not quite facing the boat. With just a crescent moon to light the seascape, Whitty was relieved to see anything... if the glow had wholly vanished, he would have been impossible to distinguish from the water.
"... what did I do, now?" Whitty sighed, trying not to sound too annoyed. He was certainly intrigued by the merman, he wouldn't keep coming back to visit otherwise. They could probably be really good friends if Ruv would actually communicate. But he didn't. He always kept Whitty wondering, and the bomb hated that. He hated not knowing what to expect.
When Ruv stayed silent and with his back to the dinghy, Whitty huffed quietly and turned his attention to the bucket. It was quite the assortment, this time. Some where rough, some smooth, some glossy, some blue, some... very, very round. He picked up that oddball, and his eyes widened as he realized what it was. It was a pearl, a black one, and a pretty good size.
"Okay, w-why? Why do you keep bringing me stuff like this?" He sputtered, holding up the pearl and bucket. He'd tried asking questions before, but seldom got normal or satisfactory answers. He hoped this time would be different.
He got a reaction, at least: he caught the eye angling slightly back toward him, and a flicker of light returning. He could have sworn he saw the mouth twitch, though mostly into a frown. When Ruv's hands weighed delicately on the top of the stern, Whitty sat back in an effort to keep the boat level. Taking in what body language he could, Whitty saw now, just how tired Ruv appeared to be, as if it was all he could do to keep his one eye open. With a sense of urgency, Whitty dragged himself back to reality, gesturing emphatically as he asked again: "Why? What's this for? Use your words, man."
Immediately, Ruv's eye narrowed and his slight frown deepened, prompting a small flinch from the bomb. Whitty was fully expecting to be stung, and braced himself for it, eyes closed. He nearly jumped out of his skin when instead, he heard a THUD against the dinghy's edge. Then again, and again. Opening his eyes, he saw Ruv repeatedly, quite deliberately, throwing his forehead into the side of the boat. Apparently, he was frustrated, too.
Whitty was about to tell the siren to cut it out when it suddenly stopped. Ruv's head was now set still against the stern, shoulders rising, then falling in a quiet sigh, before he rested his chin on the rim between his hands. The face Whitty took for 'tired' before now simply looked defeated. The bomb-headed young man refrained from saying anything, realizing words were only flustering the merman, but he knew Ruv could talk. They'd talked before... mostly Ruv just said he wasn't going to sting Whitty, but still, Ruv had spoken. There was no point in acting like he couldn't.
So lost was he in his thoughts, he'd hardly noticed himself nearing the boat's edge. For a moment, he thought he'd leaned in on his own, as if to listen closely for an answer, but... no. The movement had been completely subconscious. Oh, f- this isn't some legit-siren shit Ruv's pulling, right? Probably not, hopefully not. I mean, I'm definitely in control of my thoughts. He was snapped out of those thoughts by another sigh from Ruv, even though he had yet to say a word.
Silently, Ruv took the pearl and held it up between his and Whitty's faces — he should get that, right? Looking around it, Whitty's face proved puzzled still. Agitated, Ruv snatched a piece of volcanic glass he'd found from the bucket, placing it over Whitty's hand and wrapping his own over both, before expectantly looking back up to his land-dwelling friend's face. That nervous smile was back, and Whitty had to laugh off the awkwardness while he searched for the words.
"Aha...ha... this stuff looks... kind of like me?" He asked more than said, glancing a few times between the contents of the bucket and Ruv — there were a number of articles reminiscent of his clothing and skin's colors, not to mention textures. Whitty's heart spasmed violently at the way Ruv's face quite literally lit up. Reluctantly, he spun his free hand in a wheeling motion, continuing, "... which means...?" The glow flickered, but remained and Whitty thought he saw Ruv's eye twitch. The bomb grimaced before trying to intuit the meaning behind this, "Yes, please! Spell it out!" It was weird as hell, but he needed to know what it meant, and it was high time Ruv just gave him a straight answer.
Mista-BIG MISTAKE. — was the only coherent thought Whitty managed, as for a moment, all his senses could register was a splash and icy water enveloping him face-first. He'd been hauled from the boat and into the dark, frigid ocean. On instinct, he struggled, panicked against the feeling of cold seeping into him, and he gasped the second he felt air on his face. He took a second to process what was happening now:
He was breathing, his head was back above water... he was... not being strangled, even though it felt terrifyingly similar. Ruv was thoroughly wrapped around him, his face pressed into the bomb's neck and... nuzzling? It made Whitty squirm at first, it really was a bit of a disturbing sensation, but then suddenly, he stiffened and warmed all over as a blush spilled across his face and the realization dawned on him. If the siren hadn't been keeping him afloat, he'd have sunk for lack of movement. He was frozen in an entirely different sense now.
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