#the other was “you're welcome for reminding you of which things are legal and which ones are not. you're welcome for yelling at you until
1800naveen · 3 months
Chapter 27 of ACOWAR
When I first read ACOWAR and got to the part where Mor is having a breakdown about her dad entering Velaris but Rhysand tells her that he won't get in, nothing really was going through my mind. But something clicked today...
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This. Just this. This paragraph made me realize that this is Jim Crow. Sarah Janet Maas, did you create the fairy version of Jim Crow? Has anyone else notice this?
In the late 19th century, these laws were created in the Southern part of the US which legalized racial segregation of the black community and other people of color. Black and white students attended separate schools, with black schools typically receiving far less funding and resources. Restaurants, theaters, hotels, parks, drinking fountains, you name it, were segregated.
Black people weren't welcomed almost anywhere. Signs that said "whites only" to keep them away and racists who would get agitated over a black person coming near their establishment. Lynch mobs chasing them, burning buildings associated with the black community, etc.
This also reminds me of ICE or border patrol. The people who deal with immigrants and will send them back to their countries, the same country that they left behind so that they can have a better life for themselves and their family.
Imagine finally leaving Hewn City. You feel a mix of emotions but happiness is one that fills you. You're finally free and you can see the world now! When you go to Velaris, you notice that some things are strange. People look at you funny, they treat you almost as if you're a criminal, they don't serve you at restaurants, they won't let you have a place of shelter, and you can't even have fun. It clicks in your head that this is not a safe, welcoming place for people like you. When it comes to an end, you're sent back into the darkness that you were came from, where you were born from, and you wonder if you'll ever see the light again.
I'm the daughter of two immigrants who left their country due to a civil war and they haven't been back since they left. When they came to America, it was all before shit like that was more serious so they were lucky not to deal with this crap. In many African countries (including my own), we have tribes AKA ethnic groups. Sarah's description of Illyria and the Illyrians makes me think of the dumb stereotypes of Africans. That we live in huts, that we hunt with bow and arrows or spears, that we're primitive, etc. You can tell in Sarah's writing that she has never actually experienced the things she writes.
I feel sad reading this again and knowing what that's the equivalent of. The woman doesn't even bother to hide her racism. Who am I kidding? If she used a black woman's death to promote her book, she can do shit like this! Sarah, you little white-privileged bitch.
How the Illyrians are portrayed as violent, savage, warmongering people who have a patriarchal system and are based on brown/indigenous people remind of George RR Martin's portrayal of the Dothraki who are nomadic warriors that are seen as brutes, warmongers, people who don't have any respect for their natural surroundings, have a patriarchal system, and their men treat women worse than the Illyrians. These guys are based on the Mongolians. I know George wrote this in the 90s and stuff but there had to be something based on portraying a culture into your fictional story.
My honest reaction to Sarah creating the fairy equivalent of the Jim Crow laws and ICE/border patrol:
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Me realizing that if there's major problem that different groups of POC faces, she'll somehow put it in her books so that her white main characters can face it, so that they can finally be the ones that get oppressed:
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SJM when you tell her that making her white main characters go through and face problems that people of color have struggled and dealt with for years isn't right:
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Xavier Student Paper: Issue #2
A return, and a dissapearence: Where is Gwen?
A few nights ago on a job, a friend of the Union; Miss Gwen Poole [ AKA; Gwenpool] dissapeared after reportedly being shot while working one of her jobs. Naturally, her line of work is incredibily dangerous and not without risks, and so this isn't the first time she's been injured. However, Miss.Pool is an active member or the community of heroes and anti-heroes and often interacts in person and through a newly popular medium for those in the buisenss of wearing poor fighting spandex and fighting people; known as Tumblr.
And more importantly, her beloved Jeff is currently being cared for not by Gwen...but by Scraps.
If anybody, anybody at all has any tips or leads to help confirm her status; if not her whereabouts. Please contact Deanne, at the numbers printed in the back of the issue
[ Relevent parties: @gwenpooleoffish , @scraps-stark ]
A Warm Welcome To our New Friend;
Since 2020, Eel has been somewhat off grid due to the outbreak of Corona Virus. Living off the shores in an old house boat, They have decided to make their return to mutant society by enrolling in the Xavier's adult courses; albeit in the medium of online school. We wish Eel a swift and smooth transition back into our community, and we hope you all here at the institute will treat them with warmth and kindness.
On that note, we'd like to officially remind folks that the institute in recent years doesn't just teach children, and prospective X-men. They offer degrees in unrelated subjects. For example, they are currently offering a Pre-Med course which is valid to get you into a medical programme upon graduation. Adult courses also include a dormitory that provides free housing, but with more privacy than the regular dorms inside the manor.
[Rlevent parties: @retrofittedfishmachine ]
Jasper's Monthly Spending Spree
As you all have probabaly heard, or even seen in our numerous posters around the building; it's that time of the month where Jasper takes the money his father forces on him and uses it to fund Pro-Mutant charities and campaigns. Aside from that, Jasper offers to buy everyone a gift.
If you're in need of anything, big or small please remember to contact him.
He's easy to find, as he practically lives in the library and club room.
Also, outside of his monthly spree he'd like to remind everyone that he's happy to step in and aid fellow students whose families may be falling behind with necessary payments. He has more money than he'd ever know what to do with. And, we're the worst to happen he has enough assets unrelated to his father that he would be able to live on. Though, jasper has asked I don't disclose anything more than that.
Extraterrestrial Cultural Exchange Club Event cancelled.
As forseen in last issue, it turns out that those "genuine" alien artefacts that the club leader promised were obtained legally and peacefully were in fact smuggled from the black market. As such, the event has been cancelled and all knowledgable parties have been barred from future club gatherings, participation and are receiving in school punishment.
All Alien artefacts gave been reappropriated to be returned to their rightful owners thanks to the work of Jean Grey, and Jasper. If you, or a family member have been impacted or believe your items to be missing please file a report with us and we will see to it that justice [ and your things return] be served.
Father and Daughter finally Talk; Everyone is pleased.
As of yesterday evening, Aranza Martinez and her Father; James Logan Howlett [AKA Wolverine] have had their talk. And while they're still figuring things out, they've both accepted that they want to be in each other's life. So, I hope everyone can join me in wishing them well.
It may be a long road to complete understanding, but hopefully with proper support and communication this could be the start of a fruitful, and happy parenting experience for a member of the xmen. So long as the mansion doesn't blow up.
[Relevant parties: @wolverineofficial ]
This about concludes this weeks issue but before we go I'd like to remind our readers to report anything they believe to be interesting! The newspaper uploads on Friday!
Author: Deanne
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Dark Reflections is now accepting submissions!
Dark Reflections is an all-Trek zine focusing on the Mirror Universe and other dark universes. We welcome the dark, the macabre, the unsavoury and the morally dubious.
Please read the FAQ under the cut before submitting anything. Feel free to join our Discord server for quick answers to questions, hanging out with other submitters, beta reader requests, and work reminders.
Submissions close October 10th. Send submissions to [email protected]
What counts as a mirror universe?
According to Fanlore, a mirror universe is any alternate universe which is a dark reflection (pun intended) of the original. Whether this is the mirror universe we see in the shows or in beta canon, or a completely new universe that is simply not as kind to our characters as the original is up to you. Keep in mind that this zine focuses on and embraces the more "evil" aspects of those universes.
What can I submit to the zine?
Writing (fic and poetry) and art (traditional or digital, including comics) can all be submitted. We don't accept manips, meta essays (essays written in-universe may be allowed), mood boards, or anything that can't be printed, such as vids and podfics. Fics must not exceed 25,000 words, though depending on quality and number of submissions we may choose more, shorter works over fewer, longer ones. There is no lower limit for writing. Art must be completed, which means no sketches. Traditional art should be scanned, 300p. Written files should be .docx or .pdf, and art files should be .png, .jpg or .tiff. Links to Google Docs are also accepted.
Is there anything I can't write about?
Despite this zine embracing and encouraging potentially controversial subject matters, there are a few things we won't accept. Generally speaking, though, unless you're writing nazi roleplay erotica (for example) we're not likely to reject your fic on subject matter alone.
What show/ship/characters does the zine focus on?
Ideally, all of them. We'd like for this to be an all-Trek zine. However, if we get an overwhelming majority of one series we may end up rejecting a single work from a different one, even if it normally would have gotten in, just to keep everything cohesive. Either way, we will not accept OC-centric works.
Can I submit a work that has been published somewhere else? e.g. AO3, another zine, ect.
No. We only accept new works.
Does my work need to be beta read before submission?
Preferably, yes. We will edit works which have been accepted and which require it. All works in the zine will match in editing style, though we'll try to keep the author's style intact.
If I submit multiple works, how many are likely to get in?
We would prefer to give as many creators an opportunity to participate as possible, but if there is room or your works are particularly fitting, we will include multiple.
Do I need experience to submit works?
No. We will gladly accept works from new creators.
Do I need to join the discord server to participate?
No. The server gives you easier access to the editor, granting quicker answers to any questions you may have, as well as general accountability and greater sense of community, but that is all.
How do you match fic and art?
Ideally, we will have some solid matches from the get-go. If necessary, we will ask submitters who have volunteered to pinch hit for fics with no art. Art with no matches will separate poems or end up on one of the covers.
Will there be merch?
After the zine is published, can I post my work to AO3/social media?
We reserve printing rights for six months after publication (the day printed zines will be shipped). After that, you may do with your work as you wish.
How much will the zine cost?
This depends on a number of factors. However, we will endeavour to keep the zine as cheap as possible. We cannot legally make money off of fanworks, nor do we wish to. A free pdf copy of the zine will be sent to everyone who has purchased a physical copy, and these digital copies will be available to purchase at a much discounted price.
I have another question that isn't listed here.
Shoot us an ask! All asks are tagged #qna to make finding them easier. Please check if we have answered your question there before sending a new one.
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hobartshobie · 1 year
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a non-comprehensive list of "official" spider-punk merch that i cannot condone anyone stealing for legal reasons
please do NOT buy anything listed in this post. i'm trying to clown corporations for monetizing anti-capitalism.
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$11 for a comic about a guy trying to save his community from the rot of capitalism when all it takes is a vpn and the right Totally Legal website to read the whole thing for free is almost an outright challenge
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look at the price of this jacket and tell me you don't want to jump off a cliff. the $4 increase from an xs to a 3x is mocking us more than the jacket already was. go to a thrift store, brush up on painting and make it yourself. it will be cheaper and look so much more punk than this thing
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i'm putting all the t-shirts in the same section. i've decided to put as much effort into this as the people who "designed" these shirts did. yet again animators and comic artists do all the leg work while guys with business degrees copy and paste their art onto a low quality shirt for $20 because their trust fund pulled them up by the bootstraps
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okay i know i said i put all the shirts in the one section but this one just impresses me. it's objectively more boring than the other shirts in this post yet it's like $15 more expensive. it doesn't have the spider-punk branding which is the easiest part of selling spider-punk merch. also the marvel logo is there just to remind you this is funding copaganda. insanely low effort and expensive. never spend $37 on a t-shirt
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i understand not everyone is good at art so "just make it yourself" isn't the solution here. i'd like to take this time to encourage you to look into artists that can give you something more worth your money. it may not be less expensive but it will be better than spending $30 on a poster which you should never do
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hobart brown would be horrified to see the price on this thing. i legally can't tell you to steal it so i just won't say it. there's no reason on earth to pay this amount of money for this. "it's hard to resist" and "no ethical consumption under capitalism" etc etc. i get it. if the price doesn't de-motivate you just imagine that hobie would be throwing up at the idea. you're welcome
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at this point they just don't understand the target audience of spider-PUNK. no hobie fan is paying $30+ for this. high prices only punish the ones who want to legally obtain the thing. don't be the guy who picks up the tab for the moron who wants to milk the anti-capitalism cash cow. you're better than that
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hobie merch marketed toward children makes me laugh. i could go on about how this thing existing waters down anti-capitalism and hobie's connection to the punk subculture but it's low-hanging fruit.
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all i can say about this is it being a 6 pack will stop no one. you don't need to spend $60 on this when all of this together should not be more than $25 maybe $30. there were higher quality spider-man action figures in burger king kid's meals in 2012 during tasm promo. also i can't tell you to steal it. remember that.
in conclusion,
corporations are very dumb for trying to make money off of spider-punk, the real official merch is made by hobie fans, and most importantly do not buy anything in this post
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gentrychild · 2 years
Idea: how would each member of the IC of Anyone act if they happened to find themselves in the middle of the movie Purge?
I have never watched those movies but basically, any crime is legal for an entire night and if people come into your house to kill you, you're on your own.
I am going to assume this is the BNHA version of the movie purge, where people have quirks, and the Purge was made to remind people how good they had it now that there were quirk laws since the Dawn of Quirks. It also happens in the US.
He finds himself a nice home in which to chill and does not move from there. He is not interested in fighting. He doesn't care about the general craziness. He might pick up a cat there. Anyone trying to break into this very nice home will be warped into another city but people are welcome if they want to also chill.
Nagisa would be absolutely terrified. She is a hacker. She isn't used to violence and right now, she is in a setting where people might want to gleefully murder her for unknown reasons. She is clinging to Kurogiri's arm the whole time. Before Kurogiri stops her, she keeps watching the horrible image of the CCTV.
He would go out, robs a grocery store, and incinerates anything trying to implement the grocery curse. He finally arrives to wherever Kurogiri and Nagisa are, extremely smug.
He meant to leave again and to keep an eye on Shouto who is running around (of course he is) but, and he will deny it to his dying breath, he stays in the fancy house to reassure Nagisa. Between Kurogiri and him, more and more people flock to the house (who might be a villa now that I think about it) to seek sanctuary. They watch Disney movies the whole night.
Hawks and Shouto
They are out there, saving people. An entire night of running/flying around and preventing violent crimes. At dawn, they have to call Kurogiri to pick them up and get them to safety because they are too exhausted/in pain to go back. They are haunted by all the people they didn't manage to save.
All for One
Two things can happen:
1 - AFO doesn't change anything to his habit. This man goes to the restaurant, does some shopping, enjoy whatever is still open during the night without worrying one bit because if anyone attacks him, he can simply vaporize them.
He is untouchable.
2 - Or, to prove a point, AFO commits all the non violent crimes, proving by A + B that the Purge is a very stupid moves. He starts fires? Whoops, no fireman to take care of those. He commits some good old industrial spying and gives enterprises secrets? Well, have fun watching a behemoth of a company falling from one day to another and special, hand-picked companies being the ones with a monopoly on the market. He does all the white collar crimes, he makes people destitute and others richer than ever, he just brings chaos wherever he goes.
Every people who had a hand in implementing the Purge and who is benefiting from it is killed. It starts with the President then it trickled down, like a curse.
Their bodyguard can't save them. Whoever is doing this is unstoppable. All those powerful people who thought they were untouchable are freaking out but whoever is killing them can't be killed, can't be bribed, and can't be reasoned.
Five minutes before the Purge ends, this grim figure wearing a hoodie warns them that the members of the government who implements such laws do not deserve to live and that on every Purge night, he will find them and force them to know what the victims of the Purge, those people who are too poor to flee the country or to hire people to protect them, have to go through.
That person disappears before the eyes of a dozen of people as soon as the Purge night is over.
By the time the next Purge arrives, laws are in place where it's now illegal to kill politicians/people who have large companies (money, read money).
It doesn't save them.
In the next week, the Purge is abolished.
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castielsprostate · 10 months
Why are you acting like the Netherlands haven't just won
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hi anon, you chose the wrong person to say this to. please don't fucking come at me with this kind of fucking bullshit. if you didn't read my blog info, which i dont except the average pvv supporter to do (no offense), then you'd know the way i identify! woagh! and you'd ALSO know that i actually don't feel very welcome or safe anymore and that im terrified of the people around me because of the person they voted for. the netherlands did not win, they didn't win anything fucking at all if they're regressing on human rights and electing one of the biggest bigots there are. you say "nederland weer op 1" but you know who funds PVV right? you know he gets his money from russia and isreal, right? you know that he does not care about you, right? and that the regular citizen is nothing to him, right? and you know that after he comes for those from an immigrant background, he will come for the LGBT community. he will come for the disabled. he will come for women's rights. he will come for the rights of everyone except white, rich, old men. he doesn't care about the working class, and he sure as all fuck can't make true on his promises. most of the things he wants goes against our constitution, how fucked up is it that people still voted for that?
he wants to cut off immigration, including those that come here for work. he wants to then increase the size of our healthcare and our healthcare workers. quick question, who is going to work in our healthcare? we are already on a shortage, who's going to pick up what's yet to come?
he wants to build more homes, but who's actually going to build those? like, physically, who is going to put those houses together because, guess what! there's no one to do the fucking work. no one works in ANY of these professions anymore, no one WANTS to work in them either. so he would need to get funding to make schooling free for these professions, or create incentives. but where do we get that money? where would you get a billion to make med school (rough term, not really what the term is here) free for only one year? ah, i hear you say, just pull the funding from ukraine and the developing countries. well, 1.) we can't, we're legally obligated to keep paying, and if he somehow does find a way to stop the funding then 2.) we will be hit with fines from both the EU and the NATO, and maybe even the UN. and guess who will pay that, anon? it will be the working class, since he doesn't want to make companies pay more tax, so it will be you and me that pay for this.
and all that isn't even the massive impact he will have on our climate, and don't try the fucking "netherlands is only a small country, it doesn't matter what we do because the us china and russia and india womp womp" because no matter how small the step is, small steps are worth it, too.
and, may i also remind you, anon <3 dat geert wilders in zijn zielige, donkere kut hartje altijd een VVD'er zal zijn. hij is een waardeloze, racistische, homofobische, ellendige, koude oude man en dat is NIET en zal NOOIT zijn wat nederland nodig heeft.
and finally, geert wilders is NOT what the majority of the netherlands wants, it's what 23% of voters want. every other voter did NOT vote for this buffoon, and you're gonna be in those booths again in 6 to 9 months because of the incompetence of the coming kabinet because geert wilders will destroy it.
en, als laatste. stem links bij de volgende verkiezing. stem GL/PVDA of stem volt, stem op de groene partijen die WEL de begroting doorrekenen, die ons WEL uit deze crisis kunnen krijgen en die WEL om ons geven. denk niet aan de toekomst van alleen morgen, denk ook aan de toekomst van over 10, 20, 30, 40, 50! jaar. want op de manier waarop het nu gaat, is er niet meer dan 50 jaar. en dat ene jaar 0% belasting op boodschappen (wat hij trouwens ook niet kan waarmaken, de belastingdienst heeft jaren nodig voor zoiets te kunnen invoeren lmao. misschien heb je het in 2030! en daarna schiet het weer om hoog <3), is niet waard de gruwelijke dood van jou, je kinderen, en iedereen om je heen.
-all the love, sjonnie, a half turk, queer faggot
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firjii · 10 months
I just saw the Spotify might change their royalties model and that it would hit indie artists hardest. Are you posting your music elsewhere? I follow you on Spotify but now I'm looking into other places for music and want to continue supporting your awesome music!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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I love you and thanks for asking.
Except for a few covers that are limited by licensing restrictions, my stuff is on all major and some minor platforms (I do sometimes lag in putting things on Bandcamp because lazy). I'm not monetized on Soundcloud because that system is somewhat different and IIRC not as welcoming of truly small artists, so any of my tracks that you find there are either on my "just for fun" accounts or are someone's illegal reupload.
Reminder to the new folks: I'm Firjii everywhere but also started another artist pseudonym as Kathy Warnecke (which should also be on all the same platforms by now).
Tidal and Apple usually have the best royalty payout rates and Spotify is among the worst (but no platform has a guaranteed fixed rate). Youtube is all over the place but usually on the low end. Downloads always pay better than streams, but I know some people can't do this or prefer to continually support with streams over time instead of paying once.
I'm also gonna take a minute to FUCKING RANT explain things to the uninitiated since virtually all my listeners on tungles are freemium Spotify users. From what I understand, this change has been finalized and it's not speculation at this point.
The deal is they'll withhold royalties from a song in a given calendar year unless it's streamed at least 1,000 times ANNUALLY (not lifetime).
Although the change will only consider per-track stats (not social media-like numbers such as followers/listeners or a measurement of how established the artist's presence is), in practice, this will specifically demonetize small/niche artists and have little or no impact on medium and big names. It will also affect the payouts small artists get from distributors because many of those have their own minimum payout thresholds.
I need people to understand just how shitty this is.
Say you're a prolific creator or recorded some live shows from a tour and you released 150 tracks in a year. If each track only got streamed on Spotify 999 times that year, they're pretty much saying you'd get paid for.......yup, exactly zero Spotify streams, not the 149,850 you're otherwise owed. I have no idea if this will impact PRO (performance rights organization) payouts, but I refuse to believe it would be legal to also withhold that share of royalties.
In the Spotify world, 1k streams is a tiny achievement (and still translates to a very small payout, so the concern is: what's to stop them from raising that minimum even more in the future?). But especially when the hurdle is per song per year, this can be a tough goal for indie or specialty genre artists to reach or maintain, including me.
I have a long history of disliking Spotify in particular for many reasons, but I upload there because it's the only way some people will listen. I strongly encourage anyone who is able to use other platforms to explore their options.
I know a lot of folks are too broke to pay for music and Spotify is a notable example of a freemium option, but this change is so, so, SO bad for SO many artists.
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missmaymeltsmymind · 8 days
You are welcome in this place, but be warned, for dangers lay within...
Well met, friends. You enter the lair of Miss May, hypnotist, writer, and Dominant. I'm the horniest, kinkiest asexual you're ever likely to meet, apart from every other grey-ace I know, I have Extensive Opinions on Many Subjects, there's so many disabilities in this fleshy prison of Mine that it's almost easier to list the ones I don't have, and I am extremely interested in hypnosis for both sexual and non-sexual reasons, on account of the fact that it’s bloody witchcraft. In the (paraphrased) words of Sir Pratchett (GNU): just because you know how it works, doesn’t mean it’s not magic. The fact that it’s unbelievably hot doesn’t hurt, mind.
Age: I'm old enough to remember the idea of online privacy. The only thing you need to know about Me is that I am a legal adult. Fun fact: you can dox someone with their name, age, and hometown really easily. Don't tell the entire goddamned internet your personal information. Lie to corporations, for fuck's sake.
Gender: Good question! Answer in progress. There's definitely more girl in there than I originally thought, but who knows if it's enough to win a majority vote in the pronoun elections. For now, please assume I will respond to most things.
Sexuality: Queer. By specific flags, I'm Asexual (grey), Bisexual (women by preference, but if you try to ignore My attraction to men and the Funky Options, I'm swapping your knees with your elbows), Aromantic (maybe?), Transgender (DEFINITELY), Nonbinary, and Polyamorous. Just - just go with Queer. It's so much quicker. I also accept Ace, because 1. It’s definitely the most important individual one, and 2. It makes Me sound like a fighter pilot. Which is very cool.
My tags, of which there are many:
#Miss May's Magic - Inductions, hypnotic language, and other such things I, Myself, have made. Mantras, indoctrination posts, covert triggers… the list goes on. Abandon free will, all ye who enter here.
#How the Magic is Made: Informational posts about hypnosis. Do bear in mind that I love conversational/covert inductions, please. Enter at your own risk…
#Guard your Mind: Safety talks will go here. I have extensive opinions on this subject. Time will tell if they are revealed to you.
#Someone Else's Spellbook - If I see any ideas from someone else that I consider interesting, admirable, or just really goddamn hot, you'll find them here. Consider this a list of My personal favourites from others.
#Dominance as Joy - I'm a Dom. I'm always a Dom. I refuse to not love being a Dom. This involves some wants and needs considered 'violent' or 'distressing'. I want to degrade, hurt, and manipulate people, consensually, on purpose, for our mutual pleasure. I will not apologise for this. Fight Me. And by me I mean My subs, because one of them has more muscles in their arm than I do in my entire body, and they can lift my ass up. Which is hot. Hi Dear!
#Powerful Thralls - Several of my hottest fantasies involve the unique interplay between submission and hypnosis, particularly the idea of having a switch control others for Me. You will find these ideas here. To be clear, I’m not a switch; I just enjoy a good bit of proxy warfare. Who doesn’t?
#Pretty Little Playthings - If I see any cute little subs being especially delectable and vulnerable, I may just have to comment... This may, of course, be to their detriment. Or their advantage; after all, shouldn't they want to serve Me?
#Thralls at All Times - CnC, memory play, unawareness, the unrelenting devotion to My will, anything that reminds My thralls that I command them at all times is found here. CnC is a personal favourite of Mine.
#Fuckery and Fun: Sometimes you just want to be silly. Hypnosis is an excellent tool for that.
#Kind On Purpose: Hypnosis can also be a tool used for immense kindness. Relaxation, de-stressing, massages with phantom touch, the eradication of fear, gender euphoria, hugs, intimacy, closeness. I choose to be kind on purpose.
#Cognitohazard Warning: Any spirals, swinging pendulums, hypnotic foci of all forms, they’ll be found here. I tend to avoid flashy ones by preference, but My standards may differ from yours, so if you’re at risk of eyestrain or worse, this is the tag to block. They should all be under readmores (and if you notice that one isn’t, please tell Me, I have not yet achieved perfection and as such can make mistakes), but still, if you want to avoid those, block this. Or, if you want to be good for Me, have fun staring~
#Hot Shit - Listen, I may be ace, but people can still be hot. Sometimes. I like boobs. Boobs are good. Mmm, tiddy. Need to grow Me some of those…
#Project Masterwork: This one, my friends, I shall be keeping to Myself. Though, there is one person who might figure it out...
#Transgenderism and Faggotry: The gayest most trans shit imaginable. My ultimate goal is to create a post so transgender that it performs gender-reassignment surgery on everyone who reads it. And also causes Joanne Rowling to explode. Love trans people more than you hate transphobes, though. I'll know if you don't.
#Non-Hypnotics - Believe it or not, I do have some interests outside of hypnosis. Wild, I know. Confused Me too. You’ll find random stuff I consider entertaining on here.
#The Gallery: I do love a good piece of Art. And art. Paintings, drawings, pixel art, and everything else, you'll find it here. #Words Words Words - Should I ever feel the need to talk about my writing on this blog, or just writing in general, you'll find it here. Mostly this will relate to…
#The House of Fun - My kinky hypnotic writing universe. No clue if I'm ever going to talk about it here, but it does exist, and I assure you I am pioneering new and gayer forms of sex with every word I write for it. Also demons. Demons are hot.
#Big Fucking Mechs - Mechs are extremely cool. No further information required. Also, yes, I would fuck a mech. I see you, C&H Kalisto. I see that tetsubo. The things I would do to you are not covered by the Utopian Pillars.
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acorpsecalledcorva · 6 months
Identity Dysphoria
Reading The Sisters of Dorley before during and after TDoV has honestly completely unmade me and reminded me how fragile my identity really is.
For those who don't know The Sisters of Dorley is a serialised novel posted on AO3 but since published in print form that's essentially the extreme version of this post
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It's a subversion of the force feminisation trope that takes aim at toxic masculinity, the patriarchy, misogyny, and particularly the transmisogyny implicit in the institution of medical transition.
The narrative is shown through the PoV of multiple characters, starting with Stef, a transfem egg who noticed her town has a "missing person/slightly higher than average height female population" problem and wants to be inducted into the hall. Christine, an inductee in the program in her 3rd year of feminisation struggling to fully embody her new identity, and Aunt Bea, the matron of the organisation and her experience with the previous much more brutal and sadistic regime.
Something that's very common and very carefully explored throughout is all the troubled boys history of trauma and abuse and the incredibly complex relationship that can have when interacting in a cisnormative Patriarchal society.
Essentially these boys have all been victims in their lives, something which society historically has no place for. That identity, of being a victimised male, is rejected at every turn and so they reject it internally as well. Pushing it to the deepest parts of their psyche and replacing it with something else. The thing that media and culture and the legal system have been screaming at them is what a man is supposed to be.
Dorley Hall offers an alternative. A really fucked up abusive and arguably even more traumatising alternative, but an alternative nonetheless. To let go of the "driftwood" they've been clinging to all their lives and learn how to create a completely new identity for themselves that's free from the intense pressures of masculinity.
And uhhhh yeah, that's a lot to think about as a AMAB person with DID that has been through the medical transition system in the UK.
Because hey guess what, realising that my current identity isn't really working out, rejecting it and burying it deep inside me and then coming up with a brand new identity to embody and explore is something I have done many many many times throughout my life.
I have tried to become multiple different kinds of male/masculine person over the years, none of them were sustainable for more than 18 months. Some were queer, others were painfully compcishet, often I thought about the possibility of womanhood and femininity but the conversations around trans people at the time just weren't receptive to the feelings I had and it was very clear to me that being trans was the only way you were allowed to do that.
The doors to feminity were eventually opened just enough for me to slip in (if you wish you were a trans girl then you're probably a trans girl) and so that's the identity I chose for myself. I came out to my wife, I went to the GP to get my referral, and then I just...waited. A 2 year waiting list before my first appointment was welcome at the time to give me a chance to try to understand myself and decide what i wanted, but things are never simple.
This new identity as a trans woman still felt wrong. Presenting femininely and being viewed as a woman was something I very much aimed for, but made me deeply uncomfortable. I told myself it was the dysphoria, that my issues with my body were exacerbated by feminine clothing that stood in contast to how I physically looked. That when I got on HRT this would change and I'd feel better, I just need to trust in the programprocess and one day I'll get there.
Two things happened at the same time. I turned 30, and got my first appointment. Turning 30 made me panic at the idea of spending another decade as who I was and pushed me to order DIY hormones, and I got the letter for my first appointment which meant it was time to start socially transitioning.
Because the NHS does not believe that you can make physical changes to your body without also changing your social status. You have to be out to family and friends and work and college or whatever, you have to legally change your name and have lived experience to prove that you are committed (in reality it's not that harsh but the message is very much that your life will be much harder and you'll be viewed with more suspicion if you don't do these things)
So I was a good little tran and did what was asked if me. And if there's one aspect of my transition I regret? It's that. Because no matter how affirming and inclusive the message from the community is, society doesn't work that way. By coming out as a trans woman, I told the world to expect something from me. And there are much higher expectations placed on trans women for performative feminity than there are on cis women, there just are. A trans woman is a very specific object in the eyes of most people in wider society and I am not that, like, at all.
I hate my legal name and title, showing my ID makes me cringe, going to the doctor and having F on my record and then showing up as me is physically painful. I hate that I feel pressured to dress a certain way when going to events with other trans and queer people just to communicate to them "no no I promise, I'm one of you, don't look beneath the mask please don't look beneath the mask"
Because truthfully? I'm not. I'm not trans. I'm not queer. I'm not anything. Because I was never allowed to be anything.
My trauma extends back to infancy, my development has never progressed in the absence of it. I am completely and comprehensively informed by it. If I'm anything it's Assigned Traumatised at Birth. My identity as a child was formed as a reaction to an unstable environment and trying to survive it. My teenage identity was formed as a means to escape my childhood and trying to become the kind of adults that were more than happy to let a troubled teenager hang out with them. My adult identity was formed as a reaction to "oh shit I'm supposed to actually function now fuck how do I do that" and the many ways I failed. My internal female identities were formed because what happened to me isn't supposed to happen to boys so I made up a girl for it to happen to instead. And my trans identity formed because fuck, what else is there left for me to try? If we wanna get really really real with it, transition was an act of suicide. The attempt to completely obliterate who I was so that I could try to become something new.
The problem is that none of these identities are me, because there is no me. I never formed. I am only and have only ever been a collection of attempts to survive, a reflection of the society that's attacked and assaulted me at every turn. That constantly views me with suspicion because they can tell that I'm not being genuine. Because I can't be genuine.
I never can.
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gross-text-adventures · 4 months
Jake Text Adventure: Urban Exploration
Welcome to Jake Text Adventure: Urban Exploration, a project by @reallygrossstuff! The story begins below, but bear with me while I lay out how this will work.
Unlike Karkat Text Adventure, this story will have a specific focus on ABDL content and related kinks. This first page has no fetish material, but as ABDL is a main focus, I will not specifically warn for it when it arises (though it will still be tagged). If other fetishes come up, I will put a bold warning at the top of the prompt indicating which fetishes are present.
All plot progression in this story is up to you readers! Most prompts will have a few ALL CAPS sections that act as suggestions for what Jake might do, but if you want him to do something different, send that in! This isn't something where I'm just waiting for people to prompt me to go down paths I've already made - everything is being written in real time with the project.
Just as a reminder, when submitting requests, remember to specify which page you're jumping off of. For example, this page is JAKE TEXT ADVENTURE: URBAN EXPLORATION. Unlike last time, I'll be prioritising keeping this story on one single path until either that path ends or interest in it fizzles out. Once that happens, I'll look back through unused prompts in my inbox and find one to branch off from.
Again, sorry for spending so many words explaining things, but I hope you enjoy the project!
Ideally, Jake would be out in the untamed wilderness right now, exploring long-forgotten temples and ruins around the world. Apparently though, when most of Earth C's ancient relics relate to worship of himself or his friends, ransacking those sites of history is "disrespectful" and "guache" and "seriously, Jake, I don't want to see ancient shit with my face on it".
Maybe someone less driven would give up entirely then, but not him! If he isn't allowed to delve into the ancient past, he'll just settle for the more recent past - and how convenient that he can find it right at his doorstep!
Only a mile or so away from his home, at the intersection of the city's business and shopping districts, lies a derelict building. Scraps of peeling paint indicate it was once decorated with bright primary colours, but now most of its exterior is plain bare concrete. Tall windows face the street, most broken in or too grubby to see through - beyond them the interior is too dark to make out any details.
The building has no visible company name or branding to indicate its original purpose. Jake had wondered about it for some time - it's prime real estate, sitting directly next to a popular shopping mall, and yet the building has been left abandoned and untouched for who-knows-how long. Nobody seems to know quite how long it's been in its current state, and he hasn't been able to find a record of who exactly owns the land it sits on.
What better place to start exploring than a local mystery?
He's waited until it's dark out, with few people up and about. Waiting until the street is empty, he picks the window with the least shards of glass left in it and gingerly climbs through, making sure not to trip over since he can't safely hold onto the window frame. Once inside, he casts a look around, but his eyes have yet to adjust to the grimy darkness after the brightly-lit street outside.
Taking out his flashlight, he aims the beam low and sweeps its light across the room. On the opposite wall he sees a large switch, presumably for the room's lights. TURNING THE LIGHTS ON will obviously make it easier to pick around, but the large windows also mean he'll be visible from outside, doing something… less than legal. If he WAITS, his eyes will eventually adjust to the lower light, though he might miss some of the finer details around the place.
Well, what's he meant to do now?
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 months
Run, Little Witch (Part 4)
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Mary is determined to save Silver but time is running out.
"You're kidding me!"
"Right up inside his-?!"
"All the way in."
Alison laughed, flicking the indicator as she turned right into the driveway; "No way can that be legal."
"Is in Amsterdam. Maybe we can go there next year?" Mike smirked, still a bit tipsy after treating himself to some beers on the flight.
"Think we might have to settle for Brighton again." Their couple's holiday savings was not getting much bigger than when they'd started if two years ago. "Hang on, what...?"
She parked the car several feet from the front door and pulled up the parking break, keeping the headlights on to illuminate the peculiar sight that welcomed her home.
Mike frowned at her; "What is it?"
"Ghost thing...You know Silver, right?"
"Emo girl who sleeps in the woods? The one Julian is always playing Evansescence songs on the ipod speaker for?"
"I know you downloaded those songs before we moved here."
"They remind me of simpler times, okay! Anyway, what about this girl?"
Alison unclipped her seat belt and got out the car; "They're...dragging her, kicking and screaming, across the field...Guys! Guys, what are you doing?!"
But the group didn't so much as look her way. Silver was shrieking like a banshee, fighting with all her strength as Humphrey's body, Robin and Julian frogmarched her away from the house. Captain strode behind them with Pat, Kitty, Thomas and Fanny in his wake. None of them seemed concerned for why the young Neo-Pagan was in great distress. More like they were all heading off for a pleasant evening stroll.
Alison abandoned Mike and the car and tried to run after them.
"Guys! Guys, can you hear me?!"
She turned to see Mary racing towards her, clutching at her skirt.
"Mary, what are they-?"
"I told you! I saids this would happen and you didn't believe me!" She sounded far more frantic than normal, which was saying a lot.
"What are you talking about?"
"The mirror! You broke the mirror and the spirit of that blaggard hath been let loose and he's taken control of the others and made them torture the poor heathen child!"
Torture? Alison couldn't help but scoff.
"That's ridiculous! Those guys? Other than driving me round the bend every other day, they're harmless!"
"It ain't them doing it, Al'son, it's him! It's Sir Pius!" Mary got up close in her face; "He wants to punish her, as he did me, don't thou see?!"
Punish her? What, for her poor taste in music? For her overly bloated rants about the patriarchy?
Silver's screams cut through the night air again. Alison turned in time to see her aim a kick at Robin's shin. The caveman gave her a thrash across the face with his paw.
That...could not be a joke.
She made another attempt to get through to them; "Guys! Listen to me! Let her go and stop all this or else...Or else no more T.V for a month! You hear me?!"
No response. Not even a look her way.
"Shit...Maybe this is serious." She turned back to what seemed to be the ghost who was the closest to being sane.
"If anything terrible happens to that girl, I will holds you responsibles, Al'son Coopers!"
No threat had ever struck so deep. Alison shrank back, Mary's expression that of a mother lioness. The smoke wafting off her along with the smell of toast made her blood run cold.
She got the message, loud and clear.
"All right. Okay...Let's go fix that mirror then." She nodded, remembering her promise; "Mike! Where did you put the super glue?!"
They toss Silver to the ground like a discarded bag of rubbish. She doesn't try to run again, her head pounding from the blow of Robin's fist.
"Ah, yes. This will do. I believe it was this spot where we used to set up the gallows." Captain mused. "Are you ready to face your sentencing, girl?"
Taking in a breath, she pushed herself onto her knees. Then, in spite of all the physical and mental pain thrumming through her, she laughs.
"Sentenced to what?" She dared to ask, sneering up at him; "What is it you plan to do? Flog me some more? Knock me about until you get bored? There's not much else you can do now, is there. You can't set up a noose. You can't drown me in the lake. You're fucking impotent, mate! You can't burn this witch. I'm already dead!" The last part she with a smidgen of pride before laughing some more.
His stick struck her across the cheek.
"Silence, whore. If I need to remove your tongue with our bare fingernails, I will attempt to do so. Never mind if it regrows. It will be a game we can enjoy many times over."
The thought alone made her shudder, as much as she tried to hide her fear. She would rather they didn't get too creative with their limited means of torture.
"Had you studied your history, you would know that witches were rarely burned at the stake. I discovered and executed over a hundred she-demons in my life. Out of all of them, only one was wicked enough to be put to the torch. The rest were sent to Hell through many various methods...The question is, which one will be suitable for you?"
Why bother sending her to Hell? Silver thought to herself. It seemed like she was already there.
The Captain's stick lifted up her chin.
"I have come to appreciate the art of isolation as punishment. The more permanent the better. If we can't send you back to Satan directly, then you can be trapped for centuries, in the dark. Just as I was."
There was no remnant of the old soldier's warmth in those eyes. Nothing but two jet black onyxes.
"And how the fuck would you do that? I'm a ghost, you prick. Walls can't hold me." Once the words were out of her mouth, she felt like an idiot for testing him.
He smirked; "That is true, isn't it. The ground, on the other hand, seems to be very, very firm to us."
Thoughts of iron coffins were shoved back to the front of her mind. No. There was no way they could think of...They wouldn't be able to dig.
And then that deep, primal chuckle caught their attention.
"Me know just the place." Robin grinned, wickedly; "There old well next to lake. Saw ghost fall down there once, many Moonah ago. Hear him scream for year after year. Never saw him go up. Maybe he wander through mud even now. Trapped forever in darkness."
No, no, no, no.
"Yes, thank you, Robin. That sounds like a perfect home for our little witch, doesn't it, everyone?"
The others all nodded in agreement. Silver clutched at her own arms, feeling her chest tighten, oxygen escaping her grasp as her anxiety rose beyond all manageable levels.
She tried once more to search their eyes, to appeal to whatever glimpse of her friends that were trapped within.
"Guys...Please." She whimpered, "Don't do this. I...We're family."
"That's true. We are family." Said Kitty, raising her chin, "But you were never a real part of it."
"Kitty...." She began to weep.
"Oh stop your pathetic snivelling, you satanic wretch." Fanny glowered, "I'll be looking forward to no longer having to tolerate your sinful presence each month."
"Or your ghastly songs." Thomas added.
"Or the feminist whining." Scoffed Julian.
"Or having to carry skinny bum into wood each time." The caveman rolled his eyes.
When did she ever ask that of him? When had she ever kept him to that one favour she asked of him on the night she died? 'Stay'.
"Is that why you pray to all those false gods of yours, hmm?" Humphrey asked from where he dangled from Pat's grip; "Because you couldn't get any real friends?"
"I wouldn't be surprised. Who'd want to be around a pathetic waste of space like that?" She never thought she'd ever hear Pat Butcher speak so callously; "Even her own family didn't like her. No guesses why."
"Stop it!" She begged, fingers digging into her arms; "Please, stop..."
"Oh, my dear." Tutted the Captain; "It will all stop, very soon. We'll be rid of your filth and you'll get to be alone in the dark with your gods. Forever."
"Make haste, Al'son!" Mary pressed.
From the window, she could just about see the group of them standing around a bereft Silver, trembling on her knees, the tears on her cheeks glistening in the moonlight. She wanted to race back and gather the child up in her arms immediately.
"I'm going as quick as I can! I was never good at jigsaws." Alison muttered, placing another shard where it seemed to fit best, the underside lined with a dab of Locktite. "Will it matter if they're not all fused together?"
"I dunno..." She admitted, not tearing her eyes from the window; "But we has to try. I dunnos what they planning on doing with the little'en but it can't be good."
Pius was a sadist. There was no other way to put it. He had revelled in finding the most creative and horrific ways to abstract so-called confessions out of innocent women. That hungry smirk on his handsome face had haunted her nightmares for four hundred years. She dreaded to think what sick and twisted things he planned on doing to Silver.
The man one, Mike, sat on the bed, watching his wife finish her project with his usual confusion.
"So, lemme get this straight. You broke some cursed mirror and now it's made the ghosts go crazy and start hurting the emo one?"
"Wiccan. And yeah, pretty much. Except Mary, for some reason." Alison explained, blandly, swapping out two small, near identical pieces. "Why is that, Mary?"
"Dunnos...Maybe he can't take hold of those he already harmed..."
Alison paused to glance over her shoulder at the woman, just for a moment. She said nothing. There was nothing that needed to be said, and if there were it needed to wait for a better time. But the realisation made her gut twist. It was never nice to be reminded that her ghost family were once, and still were, people. People who loved...and suffered.
Remembering Silver's cries and Mary's motherly threat, she quickened her pace with restoring the mirror as best she could.
"One last piece...There." She sighed with a sense of accomplishment.
"Good! Now let's take the mirror outside, at once." Said Mary.
"Give it a sec, we need to wait for the glue to dry or they'll all just slip out again."
"How longs will thats take?!"
"As long as it takes, I dunno! We don't need to rush."
"Don't need to..." Mary stared at her like she had two heads, "Al'son, they're dragging her off into the night! We needs to stop them now!"
"Well....maybe it's for the best."
Mary blinked at the younger woman.
"I mean, it's not like we'd be missing much, the girl is barely here except a few nights a month and it's not like I know her as well as you..."
Alison's expression contorted as she seemed to hear herself.
"Shit. What the fuck did I just say?" She asked, looking from Mary to Mike, genuinely terrified.
Mary stepped back. It was spreading to the livings now. She couldn't count on Alison to carry the mirror back outside.
She was alone. Silver's fate rested entirely in her hands.
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crippleprophet · 2 years
I'm really sorry if this is the wrong place to send this but you're the only person i know who still takes covid seriously. I live with someone who won't get vaccinated or mask as well as several other people who won't take covid precautions for the most part. I've been masking at home around them to be safe, but now my parents (who i have to live with still) have decided that I'm not allowed to wear a mask at home anymore. I don't know how to keep myself and others safe like this, especially since I live in a place where no one else in public will mask either. Legally I can't move out yet (I would love to) but yeah sorry if this is inappropriate I just don't know who to ask or what to do
no need to apologize at all <333 i am so fucking heartbroken that i’m the only connection you have to someone still taking covid seriously, but i’m also incredibly grateful & honored that i can be that for you.
we definitely aren’t the only ones, no matter how much it feels like it - the discord i started recently has 41 members and growing, and that’s just folks who’ve seen my tumblr post. you’re absolutely welcome to join if that’s safe for you, but if your circumstances don’t allow it, please know that there are other people in very similar circumstances to yours, who’ve been masking in their homes and whose right to manage their own risk is being denied.
i don’t want to tell you how to conceptualize your own experiences and relationship with your parents (lord knows i couldn’t apply certain language to my own until i was ready for it, and i believe it’s so crucial to respect your autonomy here when it’s being denied elsewhere) but please know if no one else has told you that that form of control absolutely qualifies as abusive, and it is not, under any circumstances whatsoever, your fault that you are being denied the ability to protect yourself and others.
i’m reminded of a quote about how systems of power, in this case referring to how affordable products are dependent on exploited labor, intentionally force people to break our own moral codes in an effort to break our spirits. again, this is not your fault, and the most important thing to remember right now is that keeping yourself safe includes (unfortunately, ironically, heartbreakingly) keeping yourself safe from & with your parents, which right now may mean not wearing a mask. any infection that may happen as a result is their fault, not yours. it is the fault of every layer of the ableist system that has stoked their resentment of others, not yours.
i usually don’t talk about this, but i left my parents’ house (“ran away from home” rubs me the wrong way but would not be inaccurate) in 2017, a little less than 3 months after turning 18, so i have counted down the days until i was legally my own person, and throughout the duration of the pandemic i’ve thought a lot about the nightmare that would be still living in that house. i can’t fully imagine or understand the grief and fear you’re experiencing, but my heart goes out to you & all others in your situation.
what’s been most instrumental to me in maintaining my personhood in situations where i’ve been denied autonomy has been reading sociological studies, because it helps me understand my circumstances as an outcome of oppression and not a personal failing, and by virtue of others writing about it reminds me i’m not alone. if you’re interested in that sort of thing, i recommend literature my scholars & activists on children’s rights and liberation. the UN is definitely deeply flawed, but i’d point you to the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a starting point because of (at least for me) the impact of so many governments agreeing that this is what should be happening, even if it’s also a massive grief when it isn’t.
my advice when it comes to covid would be to do what you can when you can, especially because it would likely give you some feeling of autonomy, which is so crucial under these kinds of circumstances. simultaneously, you are under no moral obligation to risk your safety with your parents—if their response to finding out you’re masking when you’re out of the house would endanger your physical or mental health, for example, please do not feel pressured to do it. all of my posts about masking, and anyone else’s if they aren’t a piece of shit, are directed at people whose behavior is not being controlled by others upon whom they depend.
to put it super bluntly, you can’t keep anyone else safe in the future if you’re dead. in order to protect others later, you need to protect yourself now, whatever that may look like based on your decisions. you, and others who aren’t being allowed to mask, are among the people everyone else should be masking to protect, and i’m more sorry than i can ever put into words that our society has failed you.
i’m gonna ask a few folks in similar circumstances if they have any advice, and anybody reading feel free to add on, but remember that you’re the authority on your circumstances and you don’t have to make any decisions or follow any advice you think would put you at risk.
so much love to you, and my asks & dms are & will remain open if there’s anything at all i can do.
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griefpersevering · 1 year
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the ripples they cause
Read on AO3 🕷 Playlist 🕷 Buy me a cup of tea ☕
Chapter Thirty-Four: Avocados at Law
Happy Tuesday folks!! Here's the very last Daredevil chapter of this fic... I hope you enjoy it <33 I just want to thank you all again for all the lovely comments you've been leaving - I really appreciate every single one of you and you've all been brilliant readers. There have been a few times I've wanted to quit on this writing journey (which has been going on for over a year!!) and you've been the ones to remind me why I started writing this in the first place. So I hope you're enjoying it, and these last two chapters will sooth all the angst I've put you through so far ;)
Sneak Peek:
The previous Nelson, Murdock, and Page office was a dump, but the new one is equally dismal. Between the wobbly desks and the damp growing in the corners of the ceiling, Karen has always preferred to work at the Bulletin, even if it means spending more time away from her closest friends.
But things are changing. When they first rented this place, they could barely afford the rent between the three of them, even with Karen's double income. Although they are as broke now as they were a few months ago, the decision to defend Spider-Man means their firm is now famous across New York (and even, optimistically, the world).
Anyone invested in Peter's legal battle read Karen's articles on the topic, which put Matt and Foggy front and centre in the fight to defend vigilantes. And after her recent article about Mysterio finally being unmasked as a fraud made the front page of the Bulletin, Ellison offered her a pay rise. Which means it's finally time to clean this place up.
With a bit of hard work, a helping hand, and some new furniture bought with her extra money, they can turn this place around and make it welcoming to the new customers who have called day and night.
"Matt, stop sniffing the bleach. I can smell it from here, so don't claim you don't know what it is. And Foggy, I thought you were putting up the new sign?"
He shrugs. "Matt was in charge of that."
"I left it at the apartment," he says, reluctantly placing the bleach down with the other cleaning products. He's not getting out of cleaning by claiming a headache that easily.
Continue reading on AO3.
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mikaychan · 1 year
To Build a Home Out of Bile
Life throws many obstacles at us. Some avoidable and some not. No one wants to be caught in an ontological traffic jam.
And yet there is unspeakable loneliness in this world. Loneliness that welcomes a Big Mess by virtue of occupation; by virtue of being reminded that one is actually alive.
We need a Big Mess.
Humans will relish in their Mess. There is no greater freedom than the Rape of Reality. There is no greater pleasure than the Remembrance of Reason. Reason is a Big Mess.
A medium through which one can convince the world of their Big Mess is a medium through which one can establish an internal, schizophrenic utopia. Social media has given the world one more medium: a suburban mindscape of heavily secured homes, featuring 24/7 CCTV monitoring and electric fences, barbed wires, armed reaction officers (with liberal servings of reckless legal battles, as is the nature of the Private Security Industry).
You can't live alone, it's too expensive. Who's gonna pay for all those security measures?
But you're not safe. Those who are not convinced of your Big Mess need to be exiled as soon as possible. The Home of Bile is no place for negotiations. You've spent far too long in your own head trying to justify the logistics of your Mess, putting up with a contradiction now will only corrupt your internal world; your Home.
The material world is boring and sad but The Home of Bile is a schizophrenic utopia; the murder of the material through no means other than folie à deux, trois, or even l'infini; a community to delude oneself that one is not dependent on a community; an ideology to delude oneself that one is not dependent on an ideology; a spirituality to delude oneself that one is not dependent on a spirituality and a desperate attempt to convince oneself that one is worth something.
The Home is a manifestation of many gripes with the material world; The Home of Bile is, however, among other things, a vitriolic manifestation of axiological desperation and cowardice. There's no way you aren't special, especially since you're most certainly the only ones feelings these things, no?
The age of decentralised neo-cults will be the harbinger of an attempt at liberation of the Home but not without unbridled sadomasochism. Others must pay rent in your Home of Bile, if not, they must suffer.
Of course, you, too, will suffer. We all will, as we deny each other of our Homes.
Our loneliness will never go away.
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needyoucap · 2 years
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I posted 2,930 times in 2022
That's 2,069 more posts than 2021!
67 posts created (2%)
2,863 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,550 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#stony - 593 posts
#stevetony - 559 posts
#tony stark - 205 posts
#spn - 55 posts
#winteriron - 53 posts
#geraskier - 49 posts
#steve rogers - 43 posts
#lmao - 39 posts
#bucky barnes - 30 posts
#mass effect - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#is that my dog is completely blocked from the bathroom so there's zero chance of her accidentally poisoning herself
My Top Posts in 2022:
I saw a screenshot of a tumblr post saying "sam winchester and bella swan dress the same" and in my attempt to find the original post I stumbled upon a sam-and-bella-being-exactly-alike conspiracy that I'm now obsessed with
9 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
As an old Big Time Rush fan who recently went to a concert and is remembering all my previous fics and getting sucked back into the fandom, I would just like to complain very quickly about the lack of distinction AO3 users seem to have between the Big Time Rush (TV show) and Big Time Rush (band) tags.
I'm probably not the first or only person to complain about this, but I'm 99% certain that one was intended for RPF and one was intended for fic based on the show only. Tagging both for your show fic only confuses and makes it harder for people trying to search specifically for RPF, AND for people wanting to exclude RPF, for that matter. Because now if you want to hide anything featuring the actual real life band members, without missing out on any show fics, you have to type all their names in the exclude box, and who has the time for that?
10 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Everyone was panicking. The Avengers had just received a ransom video showing Tony in the hands of some HYDRA kidnappers. They were currently rewatching it, hoping to find some clues to where HYDRA was keeping Tony, as JARVIS couldn't locate him.
"What'cha watching?" a voice over Steve's shoulder said, startling him.
Behind him stood Tony. Steve couldn't do anything other than gawk at Tony, who, other than a few scrapes and bruises, looked completely fine.
"I guess you didn't want to wait for us to rescue you," Bucky remarked.
Tony grinned. "Where would be the fun in that?" he said.
12 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
So due to tumblr's recent addition of "community labels" and my inherent suspicion of anything tumblr does, I'm here to remind you that Pillowfort is literally exactly everything tumblr users have been asking for, without the censorship. There are many, many, features and I can't even think of them all right now but the main one is that they aren't funded by advertisers; currently, I believe they're fully user-funded by donations with plans to implement some kind of optional subscription for premium features in the future. Because of this, they fully allow NSFW content. Basically if it's legal to post on the internet (in the USA, anyway, where Pillowfort is based) its welcome on Pillowfort. You can mark your posts as , if you're worried about minors being exposed to anything unsavory. In fact, looking at their post toggles right now, you can change the privacy of individual posts so that only logged-in users, followers, mutuals, or even yourself are able to view it. Pillowfort has privacy controls galore.
Literally the only thing that tumblr has that Pillowfort doesn't is the user base. Which is where this post comes in. If you, too, are suspicious of these new community labels and the fact that tumblr is being super vague about their policies and the fact that anyone can just "suggest" a community label for a post (which might then be permanently slapped on your post, with no way to take it off without appealing to the tumblr mod team), please, please consider joining Pillowfort. At the moment, you can sign up by donating $5 to them for a registration link, OR you can ask me or anyone you know that has a Pillowfort account for a free registration link: each user gets three free links generated every week, which means if you end up liking it, it's pretty easy to let your friends also sign up for free.
In case this post somehow blows up and I end up having more than three people wanting to join per week (which I'm doubting at this point) here's a link to Pillowfort's official Twitter profile, where they regularly start threads for people to drop their registration invite links for anyone looking to sign up.
Please just consider trying it out because at this point I really don't see NSFW coming back to tumblr any time soon (and literally neither does the CEO of tumblr), and we all deserve better than the buggy updates and "features" they keep forcing on us over and over.
15 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
With every new fandom I join, I inevitably end up reading some type of "soulmates are real" fic
And yet no ship will ever give me the same feelings that Sam and Dean being actual, canon soulmates does
20 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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underagoldenmoon · 2 years
Under a Golden Moon chapter two: The Wrong Way Trigger warnings for this chapter: ableism (towards an autistic character), internalised ableism (same character mentioned above)
      "Tell us a story! Tell us a story!" 
Moon thinks for a second, as the kittens grow even more adamant. 
      "How about we tell them about the separation of the Guards?" Mist says, smiling. 
Moon has had a massive crush on him for a while, but never the courage to say more than a few words to him. So when he volunteered to tell the kittens stories, she asked to help. Well, Rain volunteered her, presumably in some attempt to get them together. Which is stupid, because Rain knows that she's barely able to speak to him without panicking. 
      "Sounds good!" she says. Do I sound too excited? Too fake-sounding? Does he realise? Oh Sunlight, I hope he doesn't realise. But I hope he does…
      "I…know you're bad at wording things." Mist always speaks differently around Moon. She thinks. Though she doesn't really get the chance to talk to him much. Because she doesn't have the courage. Maybe it's just nervousness, or maybe he reciprocates her feelings. How is she supposed to know? I wish there was some sort of guide to knowing how other cats feel. It seems to come so naturally to everyone else. Rain worked out I had a crush before I realised I had a crush. 
      "Well, yeah…" Is this the right time to be talking? Am I interrupting him? 
      "You…don't have to do this. If you don't want to, I mean. It's fine if you do!"
      "No, I really want to do this!" Does he like me back? Does he hate me? Is he nervous? 
Moon and Mist work together to tell the kittens the story - Mist telling the majority of the story, with Moon reminding him of details when necessary. 
They tell the kittens the story: how one young cat of Yew's Guard - Hazel - defied the cruelty and queerphobia of the Guard and stood up to them. They tell them how she stood in front of the Guard and burnt with the power of the gods. They tell them how she died, but gave a large number of the cats the courage to leave and live in a place where they were free to love who they loved, and to be the gender they truly were. They tell them how Hazel's Guard split off and welcomed wanderers in and became the place it is today. A safe haven. 
The kittens listen in awe, and, when the story is done, they beg the trainees for more. 
      "Sorry, we've got to go now," Mist says. 
Rain walks over. 
      “Sorry, got to steal Moon for a sec!”
      “Oh, sorry!” Moon says to Mist. “I promised I’d help her -”
      “Look for moss,” Rain interrupts. 
Rain walks away a fair distance, Moon close next to her. 
      “So, how’s it going with your crush?”
Moon feels herself turning warm. 
      “It’s…alright. I still can’t really…talk to him. About it, I mean. I’m just -”
      “As your cool bi friend, I think I am legally obliged to tell you that I support you if you don’t actually have a crush on him. I mean, I thought I was straight for the longest time. I don’t care if you’re bi or pan or ply or omni or a lesbian or even aro or ace, or something else entirely! It’s who you are!”
      “No, it’s…it’s definitely a crush. And I don’t think I’ve had one on a molly or enby. Sorry to disappoint!” The last sentence is a joke, or an attempt at one anyway. They’ve never really come naturally to Moon. Though she has netver felt entirely natural. She is set apart from the others in her Guard, though she doesn’t know why. 
Maybe she’s just cursed. 
One of the adult Guardians brushes past, presumably in a rush to get somewhere, and at the sensation of the twigs caught in their fur feels like it’s scratching away at something inside Moon. Her fur bristles.
      “Hey, it was an accident!” the other cat - Dune - says. 
      “What?” Please let that sound genuine and not like I’m angry at xem. Because I’m not. 
      “Seriously, stop acting like a spoilt little kitten. Grow up.”
      “I’m not acting like a kitten!” Oh no, I’ve gone and ruined it. Because now I won’t be able to stop myself from arguing back. 
      “I barely touched you! Why are you getting so angry?”
      “I’m not angry!” I never get angry. I’m…I’m calm. I’m calm. It’s not like I want to rip xir fur off or anything. So I must not be angry. 
Rain sighs. 
      “She just doesn’t like certain textures. And no offense, but you look like you’ve just fought your way out of a bird’s nest. It was the twigs. In your fur. Which, looking at you, probably hasn’t been groomed in a month.”
Dune growls. 
      “Well, she should be able to deal with it, rather than acting like a kitten whenever she touches something she doesn’t like!”
Dune stalks away, growling. 
      “Xey’re right, you know. I know xey was being rude, but you need to stop getting quite so stressed by textures.”
How can Moon explain that she can’t stop? Whenever she’s tried in the past, nobody has believed her. She sticks out like a fox in a flock of pigeons. She’s tried to believe for so long that she is worthy, that there is nothing wrong with being how she is. But she just can’t convince herself. 
She gathers her thoughts. 
      “I know,” she says. It feels like a lie, it feels like a truth. The truth. The only one that matters. But it’s also a lie. 
Why am I like this? Why can’t I just be normal? 
      “I can…I can help you get used to these things. If you like.” 
      “Oh, ummm…sure!” Why does this feel like such a bad idea? This is the only way to fix myself. 
      “Oh! Wren’s over there!” Rain glances to Moon. “Is it okay if we start tomorrow? I’m thinking of asking them out, and I need to check that they’re actually into mollies and then I have to ask them and if they say yes I’ll probably be chatting with them a load and if they say no I’ll be crying in the den all day.” Rain winks, which Moon is pretty sure means that she’s joking about that last part. Not certain, though. 
Why does what comes naturally to other cats feel like a riddle to her? Why does she feel things the wrong way? 
She surely must be cursed.
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