#the panem nightlocks universe
fastlikealambo · 7 months
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Connubium.|| Coriolanus Snow x Black Fem Reader Chapter Nine
table of contents.
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Summary: Stealing from The Capitol is a deadly offense, yet you’ve done it more times than you can count but when you do something you should not have done, Volumnia Gaul decides a fate for you that might just be worse than death.
Notes: This takes place post The Ballad of Songbirds And Snakes and Coryo is in his last year at The University, studying under Dr. Gaul. This will not follow canon, I’m not an expert on all the lore so I apologize if I get things wrong.
Disclaimer: You know Coriolanus is a POS, I know Coriolanus is a POS, please don’t yell at me because this is just a fun little story, something for thee hotties, and  if you feel that strongly against President Snow, please let me know if you’d like me to sign you up for tessarae.
18+ only
trigger warnings for blood, vomit, injuries.
We are finally at the end, wow, this has been so much fun. I'm still a little unsure about this ending but I just want to say thank you for reading over these past few months, thank you so much.
  “And we’re back with our President and First Lady to be! It’s so good to see you both smiling after such a tragic time.” Lucky Flickerman beamed into the camera.
    “Thank you for having us Lucky and thank you to everyone watching at home.” You said with a soft smile, taking Coriolanus’ hand in yours.  In return, Coriolanus lightly kissed your knuckles and the studio audience cooed in response.
    “Let's get down to why we are all here, shall we?  It’s been three long and sad months since that fateful day and what a day it was. I should know, I was there and vomited all over my favorite suit!”
    “It really was a great suit, Lucky.” Coriolanus chimed in, earning a  laugh from the audience. 
  “Tell us, Coriolanus, what was it like in those moments?  We’ve all seen the footage of you cradling your beautiful wife, the danger, the drama! In your own words, tell us and everyone watching at home, about your wedding day.”
With a last look at you, Coriolanus Snow, husband, murder, and President-elect of Panem, opened his mouth and began to speak.
The night before his wedding, Coriolanus Snow was not in search of a final fling before an eternity of matrimonial bliss nor was he drinking himself into a stupor to bid his old life behind.  
When he kissed you goodbye after your long important walk and talk, he watched you get into the waiting car, shut the blinds and got to work. Crassus Snow’s record player crackled to life and with a sonata filling the apartment, Coriolanus surveyed the upwards of hundreds of champagne bottles on the dining room table.
He had not lied, if you asked him to burn down Panem, he would fetch a match yet after tomorrow, that would not be necessary.
For you, he would poison his wedding guests and murder President Ravinstill.
And for him, but that's besides the point.
As night turned to dawn, Coriolanus packed the champagne, the scent of apples and rosewater hiding the danger beneath. His guests would get something of his own collection, sweet and light, just enough to make them vomit and collapse, enough chaos to distract from the main attraction.
For President Ravinstill, he would not stray from tradition.
Not just nightlock berries ground with a mortar and pestle, that was lazy, noticeable.  Every little piece of the berry was used, sprinkled in with champagne already designated for the soon to be former president. 
He watched, oh how he watched Ravinstill, take flute after flute upon his arrival. 
Yet at the very end, the person whom Coriolanus wanted at his side to witness the end of an era was currently unconscious on the floor beneath him.
Coriolanus Snow, with all his careful planning and plotting, had lost.
It had been two minutes since you had stopped talking, one minute since you stopped breathing and ten seconds since Coryo had tried another dose of the antidote. Coriolanus looked to the purpling corpse of Ravinstill, face frozen in death, and refused to let him win. 
There was no Panem with you.
    “ Not yet, Mrs. Snow.”
A small gasp and the click clack of heels brought Coriolanus out his head and back to you as Tigris came running into the room. He had made sure Tigris was away from the venue before the champagne was served  by simple timing but now he was glad to have her here by his side.
    “Coryo, Coriolanus? Is she-
  He did not, could not, answer that. 
    Coriolanus brushed tears back and gave you another rescue breath, watching your chest rise and fall with his help only to remain just as still.  He checked for a pulse again, felt that weak irregular beat beneath his fingertips starting to slow.
Please don’t go, he whispered.
     “Coryo, I can hear sirens, we have to get her outside.” Tigris urged, voice thick with tears and Coriolanus was vaguely aware of himself pressing his lips to your forehead before gently picking you up. It all became real in that moment and Coriolanus began to run. 
The sight in front of him was more horrific than he had imagined to be with his wedding guests in various states of consciousness and the pungent aroma of vomit and blood wafting through the venue. Peacekeepers and medics were beginning to swarm the area and  with you in his arms, Coriolanus remembered there was still a part of his work that needed to be executed.
    “Help, somebody help! There’s something wrong with my wife, I don’t know what’s happening but President Ravinstill, he’s back there, he’s collapsed! I tried to help him but-” Coriolanus broke off, false tears in his eyes as he shook his head at the listening medic. The medic nodded at two other medics and peacekeepers who ran towards where Tigris was pointing. 
  Coriolanus reluctantly let the medics take you before following them into the ambulance himself without a word, barely hearing Tigris’ promise to meet him at the hospital.  Alarms and instructions between medics faded away as he squeezed your hand.
Please don’t go.
At some point, a shrill monotone sound invaded Coryo’s ears and it was then and only then that he let himself splinter. There was more noise and action around your body and unable to hold your hand, Coriolanus curled in himself, hands in his hair, caught between suffocating fear and such incredible rage.
The ambulance came to a stop at Capitol Hospital and all Coriolanus could do was watch a nurse climb onto the gurney take over compressions and let that same gurney carrying Panem’s possibly dead next first lady pass him and race inside.
Only then when standing alone did Coryo care to notice that the inside of his mouth was stinging, letting his tongue pass over the beginnings of a bloody sore. Every time he had breathed for you, what remained of the poison on your lips traveled to his own. 
The taste of blood in his mouth was nothing new to Coriolanus. 
There would be no Panem without you, all would crumble and perish before him, there would be no capitol, no games, just the end of all.
Coriolanus Snow had made up his mind: should you pass this day, Panem would know the dark days once more.
   “I’ve never been more afraid in my life, Lucky. If I could go back and save our dear President Ravinstill too, I would have done more, I should have done more, there was just so much happening.  I couldn’t lose my wife, without her I would lose myself.” Coriolanus broke off, a small sob escaping him and the audience was more than happy to lick up his grief.
 With a soft kiss on his cheek, you guided his hand from your thigh to your stomach with a smile.
Lucky loudly blew into a hanky before gasping when he saw Coriolanus’ hand on your stomach.
   “Mrs. Snow, is there something you’d like to share with us?”
   “Because of Coriolanus,  the extraordinary medical team at Capitol Hospital, and the support of Panem, I’m still here and I’m so happy to announce I’m pregnant.”
The audience roared and it was then you knew the girl from District 6 had all of Panem in the palm of your hand.
But there were games left to play.
  “Ma, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand.” You urged, your hand wrapped around hers, tears in your eyes. 
A few long seconds later, your mother weakly squeezed your hand, the same as your Pa the day before.  
You were taking it slow but the doctors promised they would fully wake any day now and pre- inauguration press and third trimester be damned, you would be at their side the moment they opened their eyes.
You kissed your mother on her forehead, promising to come back tomorrow. 
But now, you had a very special appointment.
   “Little thief, you’re glowing! How can I be of service?” Dr. Gaul looked up from her research with that all too familiar venomous smile.
  “I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done in aiding my parents’ recovery. The doctors say they will wake up any day now.” You said, taking the seat she offered.
   “How wonderful! It’s good to hear my favorite lab rats are on the mend. Hopefully seeing their daughter pregnant and married won’t send them right back into a coma.” 
 You gave a hollow laugh but sat up in your chair.
  “ They’ll be happy to know I’m still alive.  I almost wasn’t, as you well know. It took the doctors so long to treat me, they couldn’t figure out why I was so much sicker than everyone else. So many tests were run and even now they still don’t know.”
  “Have you asked Mr. Snow? He’s always had such an insight into poison.” Dr. Gaul remarked pointedly. 
It was no secret that Coriolanus was involved in Ravinstill’s death but thanks to your dramatic yet romantic near death experience being caught on camera, Panem did not care.
  “ I would but he’s been so busy touring the districts, preparing for the inauguration. Speaking of, there’s something I need to tell you, actually it’s easier if I show you.” 
 One of your security detail came forward and turned on Gaul’s television. 
Lucky Flickerman came on to the screen excitedly, a breaking news banner beneath him and to his right sat Coriolanus.
  “ Mr. President, I’ll cut to the chase, my producers have told me you have something to share with the fine people of Panem? ” Lucky asked, bouncing on the edge of his chair.  Coriolanus smiled into the camera, hands folded on his lap.
   “To honor the tragic death of former President Ravinstill and to celebrate the upcoming arrival of our daughter, the First Lady and myself would like to announce the suspension of The Hunger Games this year.”
Last night, you had asked Coriolanus if would rather be feared than loved.
This was his answer.
You couldn’t hear the TV due to the rather dramatic shrieking of Volumnia Gaul.
As if on cue, peacekeepers entered Dr. Gaul’s lab began to take it apart, boxing up research, emptying cabinets and Dr. Gaul herself stood in front of you, laughing.
  “I underestimated you, little thief. Will you kill me now or televise it?” She asked, head held high as two peacekeepers appeared on either side of her.
You stood up from your chair slowly to face the now former Head Gamemaker.
  “I don’t need to kill you. You tortured and poisoned my parents and through your puppet Ravinstill tried to kill me, death is an afternoon treat for you. I want you to witness the future of Panem, witness them forget your creations the more time passes, and one day, when someone asks what The Hunger Games were for, the answer will be simple: nothing. From now until the day you die you will remember me not as a hostage or the wife of a President, but as the little thief who stole your greatest treasure, your legacy.”
Your time with Dr. Gaul ended in the place where it all began.
If only she had chosen a girl of fine capitol breeding.
One week after the presidential inauguration of Coriolanus Snow, Rose Snow comes into the world screaming, Coriolanus holding your left hand and your mother holding your right.
Once upon a time, you had three rules.
Never be seen.
Never take what you could not carry.
Never intervene.
Now you only have one.
To live without fear, now and forever. 
Thank you to everyone who has been waiting, I hope that this was worth the wait! Thank you all for reading and I’m so happy this is out now. If you would like to see a sequel to connubium, please interact and reblog this work!
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awhiskeyriver · 1 year
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The Tutor: Chapter Nine
Summary: When Finnick Odair, star quarterback and golden child of the Panem Nightlock’s football team is seriously injured on the  field, his coach is willing to go the extra mile to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Enter Annie Cresta. From ‘The Bet’ universe. 
Rated: M
You can read it here!
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 3 months
E Rated Fics Masterlist (38)
Part 1-Part 29 / Part 30 / Part 31 / Part 32 / Part 33 / Part 34 / Part 35 / Part 36 / Part 37 / 
Created: March 17th, 2024
Last Checked:-----
The Surrogate-Demona424 (ao3)  Summary: In the Capitol it’s all the rage, your own personal sex surrogate. When you’re rich, why not get one or two to fit all your marriage needs. Sometimes having sex with your spouse can be just so boring, but you can bring the spice back into your lives with someone who will do whatever you please. And with a surrogates from every district to choose from, you can have whomever you choose. The Tasting Room-dispatchesfromdistrict7 (ao3)  Summary: Modern AU. Katniss and Peeta decompress at the end of the day in their winery’s tasting room.  The Tutor-amelia_day (ao3)  Summary: When Finnick Odair, star quarterback and golden child of the Panem Nightlock’s football team, is seriously injured on the field, his coach is willing to go to any length in order to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Enter Annie Cresta. **A Part of ‘The Bet’ universe** The Upriser-ashyblondwaves (ao3)  Summary: Katniss Everdeen was special. Born with powers that fed off her emotions, Katniss’s birth prophesized an uprising and a revolution with her at the helm. However, with the president determined to kill her and hunters bribed into doing his bidding, Katniss’s emotions and budding abilities were stunted for years — until Peeta Mellark became part of her life. The Way We Were-bubblegum1425 (ao3)  Summary: It's been four years since Katniss Everdeen saw or even spoke to her childhood best friend. But now Peeta Mellark has returned to their town of Panem, and life will never be the same. Can they find a way back to one another? Katniss is determined to try. But with hard truths and hidden secrets to confront, it's not going to be easy. They Go to Hell Alone-ashyblondwaves (ao3)  Summary: Orphaned and alone, Katniss Everdeen is forced to take desperate measures to ensure her sister Primrose is fed. But when the boy dressed all in black shows up in the dead of night, their bargain takes her on a journey that will change things forever. Three Circle Concept-ashyblondwaves (ao3)  Summary: Ultimately, our definition of sobriety is our own, but if we define our own program of recovery in isolation, our self-made programs may deceive us, becoming too loose or too restrictive.— Three Circles - Defining Sexual Sobriety To the Ends of the Earth-Broken_everlark (ao3)  Summary: The Scarlet Mockingjay tribe of Panem has been fighting dragons for centuries, they are unholy beasts of nature that steal their food and kill their men. Many have fallen victim, including Peeta Mellark, the boy that disappeared, lost in the woods and never to be seen again. Katniss still can't believe he's gone, the once sweet, shy boy that would never hurt a fly. The one that saved her life. Troubled in District Twelve-AyYouFiction (ao3)  Summary: Everyone knows about the Troubles in District Twelve, but people never talk about them. Valor, Valeria-aimmyarrowshigh (ao3)  Summary: Gale sells and Finnick is sold, and there is no honor in Panem.
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS AU ✨CRACK! TAKE✨: The 10th HG Mentors According to Drunk Dean Highbottom. (Part 1)
In my TBOSAS Crack!AU (Read [this] & [this] for context), Drunk!Casca Highbottom has a major problem when it comes to pronouncing people’s names right (intentionally and unintentionally). Many even accepted the fact that the Dean just gave up correcting himself after the last PTA meeting.
Moreover, most of the time, drunk Highbottom thinks that his top student, Coriolanus Snow is the 2nd coming of the ever gorgeous Crassus Xanthos Snow. And yes, Crassus was in fact Casca’s former super dead lover, drinking buddy, and karaoke pal.
In addition, the Dean hates the Plinths with a passion. However, it is not because they’re District. Casca simply hates them because according to rumors, Strabo Plinth, who was also serving in the army with Crassus Snow at that time, stole (dated) Casca’s ex boyfriend after the infamous Crasca University Breakup.
And now, Coriolanus Crassus Snow is going to marry the rich bastard Sejanus Plinth after graduation. And Casca is still swimming in DENIAL. How the odds were never in Highbottom’s favor.😭🔪
So here are our Mentors according to Drunk Delusional Dean Casca Highbottom (plus with his personal side notes and opinions about them).
Here are the other parts: [2] [3] [4]
Crassus Xanthos Snow (Coriolanus Snow)
I hate you, I love you, Crassus!😭🔪
You smell like roses and cabbages.
Poor AF. That’s what you get for breaking up with me!!
Is currently dating that idiot Plinth. I don’t know which one.😩😭
Obviously, you only did it for the filthy money!
Has a severe case of OCD and Paranoia.
Depressed & Obsessed AF.
War orphan who can’t pay his taxes.
Can’t even pay for therapy.
Can’t afford to buy f*ckin’ shoes.
Wears old clothes from the last century.
I want to spoil you so bad!😩
I too have money, please 🙏 marry me!
Extremely smart, but stupid.
Sucks at Physical Education.
Can and will malfunction when in a state of confusion.
Needs to pet a fluffy fat cat to avoid going batsh*t crazy.
Snow lands on top?? He’s a freaking “bottom”😏 for goodness sake.
Almost got evicted by loan sharks.
Can be easily hoodwinked into marriage.
I miss our ✨Thursday Clubbing✨!😭
Come back to me, Snow Bae!
I’m still single and waiting for you!
We’re technically still dating, right?🥺
That infamous “University Breakup” NEVER happened!!😫
Will most likely win the Hunger Games by acting like a weak (but hot) little meow meow before poisoning everyone with Nightlock Berries.
Syllabus Plinth (Sejanus Plinth)
Ughhh!😩 Just go back to District 2 already!
You rich social climbing bastard!
Stole my gorgeous boyfriend!😡🔪
Is reckless AF.
Is wasteful AF.
Is a natural born menace to me.
The idiot heir to the largest munitions empire of Panem.
Wants to become the President of Panem for some reason?🧐
Throws bread to the dead.
No fashion sense at all.
Dr. Gaul hates him for being too nice.
His boyfriend stealing father throws money at me all the time.
Does not know what “personal space” is.
Doesn’t deserve to date my Snow Bae!
How dare you steal my boyfriend!!
I’ll crash your f*ckin’ wedding!!🤬🔪
How dare you stand where I stood!
You have daddy issues!
Peace loving?! Your family sells guns and nuclear missiles for a living!
The audacity! Give me your sandwich recipe!
Once choked my former boyfriend with gumdrops.
Will NEVER WIN the Hunger Games!!🤬🔪 I won’t allow this boyfriend stealing bastard to win anything!
Fetus Creed (Festus Creed)
A self proclaimed “Professional Dumpster Diver.”
Panem’s garbage boy.
A menace to society and the food industry.
Likes to act innocent & clueless.🙄
A natural born leader for fools.
President of the Losers Club.
King of delinquents.
Loves to steal and eat my hamburgers.
Can’t afford to buy a slice of cheesecake.
Is currently dating the cannibal.
Breaks the law everyday, all day.
Peacekeepers loathe him but can’t arrest him.
The Academy’s very own village idiot.
Your family owns the largest construction company in all of Panem, but reconstruction is still slow AF because of your very existence.
Your family members are super weird and super annoying.
Claimed to have never received the 200+ expulsion letters that I’ve personally written and sent to his parents.😫🔪
Has received at least 70+ demerits from me.
Why can’t you attend at least one f*ckin’ detention?!😡
Hangs out with cabbage boy and Plinth’s idiot heir all the time.
Needs to be expelled ASAP.
Why do you succeed and fail at the same time?!
Your ODDS are a piece of sh*t.
Will most likely win the Hunger Games through sheer DUMB LUCK.😩🔪
Listerina Listerine Vickers (Lysistrata Vickers)
Gives free hugs drugs to friends.
Does not prescribe morphling bottles for free.😭
Founder and leader of the “Snowjanus” fan club.🙄🔪
Started the “shipping” war of the century.
Very responsible, but unpredictable.
Suspicious AF.
You’re super lucky that your mommy and daddy are working under the President.
Stop using your “My parents are famous doctors” card to get out of trouble!
Biology is her forte.
Broke my expensive office aquarium on accident purpose.
Gave me weird looking vitamins as an “apology” gift.
Will stab people for medical reasons.
Knows how to manipulate the law.
Your wannabe local drug dealer doctor.
Has a neat appearance, just like her parents.
Might be the leader of an underground illegal drug company that I can’t name.
May have manufactured medicine without the President’s consent.
Is secretly a cry baby.
Hangs out with stupid garbage boys.
Girl, your so called “Miracle Pills” might be lethal and illegal.
Empathetic, I guess.
Will most likely win the Hunger Games by secretly slowly hugging drugging everyone to death.
Philip Raven’s Bill (Felix Ravinstill)
Ultimate Nepo Baby of the century.
Everyone’s favorite boy by default.
Very cool and competent.
Was given the biggest bedroom in the President’s Mansion for some reason.
President Gran Gran’s favorite grandnephew.
Is very rich, but don’t ask why.
Can win a war through the power of friendship and stupidity.
Extremely likable AF.
Must be protected at all cost.
VIP student who can’t be arrested.
Is the Class President.
If he gets hurt, we all get hurt.
I’ll be dead before you get kidnapped.
Haven’t you heard? His granduncle is the current President of Panem.
Has common sense.
Your bromantic boyfriend is a freaking kleptomaniac.
What’s with the Hello Kitty merch?!
Your family is corrupt AF.
Hates his shady & scheming relatives.
Half of your uncles are banned from entering The Academy.
Can you file a very powerful restraining order for me?🥺
Needs to work on his “begging” skills.
Might have the power to end the Hunger Games forever.
Will most likely win the Hunger Games by hiding and having a lot of sponsors to keep him alive.
Andrew Keys Under Sun (Androcles Anderson)
A wannabe reporter like his mama.
A self proclaimed “professional kleptomaniac.”
Stole my morphling bottles.😠🔪
Stole my very expensive wristwatch.
Stole my personal diary journal.
Where is my freaking wallet, Andrew Keys?!
Is straight up a criminal.
Knows how to pickpocket like a pro.
Never give him a hairpin.
I gave you an inch, you f*ckin’ ran a mile.
You’re lucky that your mama can destroy my reputation.
Stole a thousand & plus items from school.
Is maybe secretly dating the Class President.
The only reason why you haven’t been arrested by the authorities is because of your bromantic boyfriend.
Your family only got filthy rich by blackmailing powerful people.
Can break into anyone’s house without being detected.
Dammit! Why do you have natural luck?!
The odds are always in your favor!😩
Can bribe anyone with a slice of pizza.
Will most likely win the Hunger Games by literally stealing everyone’s weapons, sponsors, lovers, mothers, fathers, and of course, your life.
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
Your favourite everlark au ? Don't mind a list intend on reading those .
Like modern au? Or? That's so vague... Seriously I'm considering just copying and pasting the link for my bookmarks page....
Here's the AO3 list:
The Most Amazing Coffee by softlikethesunset12
Portrait of A Victor by Sponsormusings
The Firebird by Fakelight
Inevitability by Xerxia
Watercolors by Alwayseverlark
The Panem Nightlocks by Amelia_day
For You to Notice Me by 24tigers
SeamGirls by AyYouFiction
Sever by DandelionSunset
Reviving Romance by DandelionSunset
Kilty Pleasure by JHsgf82
Hate F*ck the Lawyer by hutchabell
The Snowstorm Universe by rosegardeninwinter
Lone Star State of Mine by Jenye
The Colors by orphan_account
A New Path by Endlessnightlock
Talking Body by Atetheredmind
Afterburn by BlueMaple
Give You My Wild by melissaeverdeen13
Seven Minutes, Seven Years, Seven Kisses by nonemoreblack
Today's Forecast by Jhsgf82
The Professor's Secret by mrspeetamellark
Impetuous by endlessnightlock
Coal Dark by DandeliononFire
Fae by HGRomance
Enthralled by damndonnergirls
Going For Gold by Peetabreadgirl
Blue On Gray by Shesasurvivor
Poet by HGRomance
Love Is... by annieoakley1
CandyCoal by VanillaCottonCandy
The Victor by quothme
Inmate by misshoneywell
The Project by Ronja
Finding My Way Home by Xerxia
Your Smile is a Thin Disguise by Abigail Snow
The Contract by maktub
Lost and Found by Peetabreadgirl
My Shelter by Dandelionlovesyou
Peeta Golightly by MegaAULover
You Really Got a Hold On Me by Abigail Snow
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too by c_r_roberts
The First Time by annieoakley1
The Hunter by girl_aflame
Three of Hearts by misshoneywell
Kantiss Everdeen Is Not A Stalker by MegaAULover
and now for the FFN list:
First Impressions by Pookieh
Another World by Pookieh
Rent Control by Jlala
The Other Hawthorne by stacylk
Gun Powder, Swords, & Braids by Synthia Skyfire
Daughter of Samland, Son of Denmark by Manniness
A Favorable Wind by Court 81981
Saving the Boy by Embracing_Immensity
The Fire Beneath by Dustwriter
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So there you have it. A list of some of my fave AUs. There's more but I tried to include the ones I remember are either modern or historical aus or canon divergent aus.
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little-lynx · 4 years
Oh yeah, the first one for “The Bet” is here! The first one - because it will DEFINITELY be more fanarts for this universe ❤️. I understand NOTHING about american football but it’s really enjoyable to read and draw (more to come, huh) 😅. Also I asked @awhiskeyriver about uniform and sweatshirt colors so it’s pretty close to canon (yeah, I’m annoying and demanding, sorry 😂).
So! Tell me guys how much you love Panem Nightlocks universe, haha! Because I love it A LOT! ❤️😍
The Bet by amelia_day
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southsidestory · 3 years
Author Interview
I was tagged by my lovely friend @awhiskeyriver!
Name: Scarlett
Fandoms: TOO MANY. But I've written for Naruto, Star Wars, Captain America, The Hunger Games, ASOIAF, Harry Potter, and Utena. You can expect some A Court of Thorns and Roses fic coming your way soon as well...
Where do you post? AO3, FFN, and tumblr.
Most popular multi-chapter: Depends on what platform and metric we're using. On AO3, Asking Price has the most comments and kudos, but In Times of Peace has more bookmarks and hits. On FFN, The Valley of the End has by far the most reviews and readers who are signed up for alerts, while In Times of Peace handily wins by views and favorites. And to throw tumblr a bone, my drabble A Pauper's Grave has the most notes here.
Favorite story you've written so far: I know it's cliche to say "that's like asking me to pick a favorite child!!" but it's kinda true. I'm going to cheat and pick one each from my three main fandoms. Out of my SasuSaku works, it's probably Back to the Beginning (which is no one else's favorite story lmao but that's okay). For Reylo, hands down it's Things Not Seen. And for Stucky, a perfect soldier.
Fic you were nervous to post: Tbh unless my mental health is in a really bad place, I'm not usually *that* nervous to post. Not because I think everything I write is fantastic (it isn't) and everyone should love it (they won't). I get some jitters every now and then, but my creative writing workshops in college were so nerve-wracking that by comparison posting fic online is pretty simple. Waiting for review notifications in my inbox is nothing next sitting in silence, not allowed to say one word, while my peers and professor dissect my story right in front of me 💀
How do you choose your titles? It varies, but most often I either reference something in the canon or shamelessly rip-off poetry and song lyrics.
Do you outline? Yes, almost always, but with varying degrees of success lol
Complete: I have 68 complete works on AO3 but there's one SasuSaku fic on FFN that I haven't cross-posted (out of laziness) so... I guess I have 69 🙈
In progress: Answering that question will depress me, so I'm pleading the 5th.
Coming soon: I have so many things in the works it's stupid. But on top of my currently posted WIPs:
A SasuSaku & NejiHina feudal AU that fits within the Distant Star universe, co-written with @reylotrashcompactor.
A smutty oneshot in the Gathering Stones 'verse that takes place between In Times of Peace and For Everything There Is a Season.
A Feysand, Nessian, and Elriel canon-divergent fic series for A Court of Thorns and Roses, also co-written with @reylotrashcompactor who recommended those books to me knowing damn well I'd become multi-shipping trash.
Do you accept prompts? Sometimes! Not at the moment, though.
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: Right now it's apparently the ACOTAR fic because RTC and I have written 20,000 words on it in like a week???
Upcoming story/stories you are most excited about: It's absolutely @awhiskeyriver's fic The Tutor. Which is the Odesta installment of her AMAZING college AU, the Panem Nightlocks series!! If you're an Everlark fan and you haven't read The Bet yet, what are you even doing with your life?
I'm tagging @flowerslut @juuls @murd3rm1ttens @thewayofthetrashcompactor in case any of y'all want to participate!
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awhiskeyriver · 3 years
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The Tutor: Chapter Five
Summary: When Finnick Odair, star quarterback and golden child of the Panem Nightlock’s football team is seriously injured on the  field, his coach is willing to go the extra mile to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Enter Annie Cresta.
Rated: M
You can Chapter Five from Finnick’s POV here!
Happy holidays :)
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awhiskeyriver · 3 years
now that you’ve dabbled in everyone’s POV, do you have a favorite? or one that was the most difficult?
Hey! I think Katniss's POV is still my favorite. It was the easiest to fall into (probably bc I've written it 700 times lol) so it all felt very natural and easy to write and that made it enjoyable. By far the hardest voice to find so far has been Annie. I had to write her first chapter several times over because it didn't quite seem right. Now it's easier but it definitely was a puzzle trying to figure out how I wanted to present her.
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awhiskeyriver · 2 years
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The Panem Nightlocks: Character Line Up
Guys, the incredible @little-lynx has done it again. Look at these incredible sketches she has done for the Panem Nightlocks Series. I’m obsessed. And I guess this is the perfect time to share some exciting news...we are working on a commission together to do character illustrations for some of your favorite chapters in The Panem Nightlocks Series universe! Starting with The Bet, there will be 8 illustrations from 8 different chapters coming soon, then will be The Challenge and lastly The Tutor.
Any guesses on the chapters that made the cut? Stay tuned, and show this some love if you can. She is insanely talented and deserves all of the praise!
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awhiskeyriver · 2 years
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The Tutor: Chapter Six
Summary: When Finnick Odair, star quarterback and golden child of the Panem Nightlock’s football team is seriously injured on the  field, his coach is willing to go the extra mile to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Enter Annie Cresta. From ‘The Bet’ universe. 
Rated: M
You can read it here!
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awhiskeyriver · 2 years
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The Tutor: Chapter Seven
Summary: When Finnick Odair, star quarterback and golden child of the Panem Nightlock’s football team is seriously injured on the  field, his coach is willing to go the extra mile to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Enter Annie Cresta. From ‘The Bet’ universe. 
Rated: M
You can read Chapter Seven here!
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awhiskeyriver · 2 years
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The Tutor: Chapter Eight
Summary: When Finnick Odair, star quarterback and golden child of the Panem Nightlock’s football team is seriously injured on the  field, his coach is willing to go the extra mile to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Enter Annie Cresta. From ‘The Bet’ universe. .
Rated: M
**Chapter Trigger Warning: Change of mind after giving sexual consent**
You can read Chapter Eight here!
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awhiskeyriver · 3 years
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The Tutor: Chapter One
Summary: When Finnick Odair, star quarterback and golden child of the Panem Nightlock’s football team is seriously injured on the  field, his coach is willing to go the extra mile to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Enter Annie Cresta. From ‘The Bet’ universe. 
Rated: M
You can read it here!
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little-lynx · 2 years
Oh such a good news, can't wait for your collab making illustration for the panem nightlock universe ❤❤
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Thank you! I’m happy to work on this project! It will be a looooooooooong one lol
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awhiskeyriver · 2 years
Eggshells starting to be reposted, a new chapter of The Tutor AND a six sentence sunday of The Bet Peeta's POV?! Just had the best morning reading them all with my coffee. Hope you know I would wait forever for your writing! The Panem Nightlocks series is hands down my favorite fanfic universe and Eggshells is so nostalgic since I read it in the original run. Thank you for blessing us with your stories! <3
Stoppp you guys are seriously the best. Always bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for reading, it makes me so happy to post.
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