#the phantom of baker street
saanaitoo · 6 months
Day 6: Movie
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Hiroki Sawada from The Phantom of Baker Street
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lupizora · 1 year
I was rewatching the 6th DetCo movie and after reading that it was the last one made in traditionally-drawn animation for this franchise, I felt that it put several things about the movie itself in perspective.
For example, the focus on animated machinery and tech throughout the movie, even for a plot surrounding a computer game going rogue (plus murder) had puzzled me the first time. I suppose, the animators gave it their all with the most fancy tricks the budget allowed them for.
The grandiose explosions and destruction of public property could also be considered as the animators flexing for one last hurrah, but that had been part of the DetCo movies since the very first one. They hardly made such an impression to me, at least 🤔
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sylvarantii · 1 year
Alright, finally getting around to the 6th movie, The Phantom of Baker Street.
So, first off, wasn't expecting that twist of it taking place in virtual reality. That was kind of neat, but I feel like this sort of premise would've worked a tad better if it had been more like one where they jump through the different worlds offered rather than just focus on one.
I get it, it's Detective Conan, so the obvious choice is to go for the Sherlock Holmes themed one, but still, I don't know. Had a good idea, but I'm a little unsure about how much I liked the execution.
That said, I thought the characters were handled well in this movie. And even the snobby brats ended up having their merit. I do admittedly like those sorts of plots where children from a prestigious background go through something life changing and come out of it better. I much more prefer a moral story of, "You don't always have to end up like your parents and can become a better person despite your upbringing." It's nice.
The entirety of the Sherlock Holmes world within the VR game was pretty cool too. It made me giggle that since Shinichi's dad and Professor Agasa were the ones that developed the game, they made themselves Sherlock and Watson. It was cute!
And how sweet for Yusaku to make his wife Irene Adler. I don't know, it was just goofy in a, "I really love them being self indulgent" sort of way.
Also holy shit, we finally get some screentime for Yusaku??? No offense to Yukiko cause I love her dearly and enjoy both of Shinichi's parents, but I swear to god, we RARELY get anything with his dad. At least his mom has shown up a few times in the anime, but man, what a rarity.
And just like I hoped, the "sacrifice" scenes from each kid getting a game over were just as emotional as I wanted them to be. It's the feeling of Shinichi/Conan losing everyone around him (but not really). Ran's part was so heart wrenching, thank you to the team. It was every bit of a tear jerker as I wanted it to be. Giving me that good angst and I love it.
As usual, I unfortunately have to bitch about the fact that these movies have SUCH a slow crawl to the main part. Like I get it, this happens with a lot of movies because you have to fill up so much time, but sometimes it is just painful. At least the very beginning is very eye catching and gets you sucked into it.
Good news is I can say this movie felt more like a cinematic experience rather than just something that could've been put into episodes of the anime, so yeah, I appreciate that.
The, uh, twist at the end was a bit funny (to me anyway) I guess. Like, I don't know, sometimes the reasoning for the antagonists are just strange and this one kinda falls into that category as far as motives go. But you know, whatever. I don't hate it, don't love it. I'm just kinda shrugging my shoulders like, "Okay, sure."
So, let's see...Where to put this movie this time?
1.) The Fourteenth Target (2nd Movie)
2.) The Time Bombed Skyscraper (1st Movie)
3.) Captured in Her Eyes (4th Movie)
4.) The Phantom of Baker Street (6th Movie)
5.) Countdown to Heaven (5th Movie)
6.) The Wizard of the Last Century (3rd Movie)
4th place seems good. I still don't think I liked it as much as Captured in Her Eyes, but eh, feels more memorable than Countdown to Heaven. I've kinda forgotten already a lot of what happened in that movie.
My apologies once again to Wizard of the Last Century for still remaining dead last.
On a side note, almost up to episode 700. I'm more than halfway through the series now! Whoo hoo!
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potahun · 1 year
spoilers for the movie but one of my favorite things in Phantom of Baker Street, which remains my favorite vintage Conan movie to this day, is at the end when Ran is “lost” and Conan stays on his knees, looking like he has a moment of despair, and the other kid gives him the DONT GIVE UP!!! ITS SAD BUT YOU CANT GIVE UP!! IF YOU GIVE UP NOW ITS ALL OVER talk, thinking conan is devastated by the loss, but then conan just goes: 😔😔😔 i don��t want to despair either but we needed Ran’s muscles for this plan 😔😔 without her muscles we’re both fucked😔😔
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nursedflowers · 2 months
The fact that there’s a bsd reference in one of the case closed movies…
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rainhorizons · 2 years
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only the og ones know ;)
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artidoesthings · 1 year
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Watching detective conan movies w/ @driftwoodmfb
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xxene · 2 years
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the movie where infodumping your insane holmes knowledge can save someone’s life
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I'd like to make some points regarding Shinichi Kudo:
Drugs-He doesn't do drugs (he's a Japanese high schooler) but the whole premise is that he got drugged into a child.
Namesake: His fake name Edogawa Conan is ref to Conan Doyle and Edogawa Ranpo, famous Japanese mystery writer. Shinichi came up with the name when he saw the books of Edogawa & Doyle, so we know that Sherlock Holmes the books exists in the canon.
Waston: Shinichi Kudo has a childhood sweetheart who is very good at fighting. They're not having adventures together much because Shinichi did not want to put her in danger.
Baker Street boys: after Shinichi got shrunk he made friends with some elementary (lol) schoolers and they have a detective club.
Overall I'll say he's definitely not a direct reincarnation of SH but could be seen as inspired by it a lot? It's very loose so I'm gonna sit on the fence as of whether he counts as a Sherlock.
Also in one of the Conan movies(Detective Conan: The Phantom of Baker Street) there's actually a VR Sherlock Holmes, I dunno if he counts lol
Ok so I already put Shinichi Kudo in but thank you for all this info! Unless someone can point to an equal quantity of reference in his character to other, clearly non-Holmes detectives, he's in.
And, from the same franchise- VR Holmes! (Is this the right picture?)
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moonstruckme · 1 month
Thawing Out
summary: You and Sirius are in dire need of a new coach just weeks before the Olympics. Remus is a former figure skating prodigy forced to retire after a career-ending injury. Though it's not smooth skating right away, those stiff Olympic village beds are dying to be broken in.
collab with @ellecdc
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
cw: modern au, chronic pain
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
Remus still wakes before dark every morning. It’s automatic, an urgency and excitement that thrums through him like an old instinct, born from years of his alarm clock rousing him at this time. The rink is always at its best right now, when they’ve just finished resurfacing the ice and no one else is around. It was Remus’ favorite time to practice. 
Now, he has a new reason to get up. His hip clicks as he does it, so he starts his day with a couple of proactive painkillers. If he really wanted to be proactive he would stretch like he’s supposed to, but there’s no time and Remus doesn’t feel like it. He’ll pay his toll for the negligence later. 
The webpage of his Airbnb boasted a five-minute walk to the rink, but with his hip it takes Remus seven. It’s like an odd sort of muscle memory, an old routine from another life that feels as bitter as it does comfortable. He heads out early to give himself some cushion. The streets are empty but for bakers and baristas, the first hints of dawn tinging the sky a deep blue. When he turns a corner and the rink comes into view, the absence of his bag hanging from his shoulder is a phantom ache. 
The front doors are locked but the side one staff uses isn’t, the Zamboni driver already inside. Remus lets himself in, makes a cup of tea from the hot water dispenser they leave out when concessions are closed, plants himself on a bench, and waits. 
And waits. 
And waits. 
Remus has nearly nodded off when two pairs of shoes come bounding up to him. Well, one pair bounds. The other drags. 
“Hi, sorry we’re late.” You’re breathless and hauling a sullen-looking boy along behind you by the hand, but you manage a smile when Remus looks up at you. “I had to run over and get him out of bed. It’s good to meet you!”
You hold out your untethered hand. Remus might normally stand to take it, but he no longer feels like doing you the courtesy. Your grip is firm and warm. 
“You were supposed to be here at six,” he says. 
You wince. “I know. Sorry, Sirius is really not a morning person.” 
Remus thinks that he might put more stock into your apologies if you looked a tad more contrite. As it is, your countenance is almost cheery, a fizzy eagerness about you as you look between him and the ice like you can’t wait to get out on it. 
In stark contrast, the ill-tempered boy behind you seems not to have a clue where he is. He looks rumpled and disoriented, squinting in the rink’s fluorescent light. 
“Then why didn’t you pick another time?” Remus asks. 
He hadn’t realized he was still looking at Sirius, or that the other boy could talk, so it’s a surprise when he answers. “Wasn’t my bloody idea.” 
By the way you grin, Remus wonders if you’ve even heard the obvious bitterness in your partner’s tone, or whether it’s gone straight over your head. 
“I like the rink better early,” you explain. “No one else ever comes before the hockey practice starts at nine, and they’ll have just finished resurfacing the ice.” 
Begrudgingly, Remus nods. “I always preferred it about now, too.” 
He realizes immediately that his agreement was a mistake, because your smile grows into something far too brilliant for the early hour. Christ, what has he gotten himself into? There’s you, starry-eyed and effervescing all over the place, and your partner, who looks more inclined to fall asleep on your shoulder than put on his skates. 
And this is the pair skating duo Remus is supposed to take to the Olympics. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Watch that back foot!” Remus shouts across the ice.
Sirius doesn’t look happy about it, but he corrects the placement of his skate, transitioning smoothly into the next synced turn. 
“Good,” Remus murmurs to himself. 
Once Sirius got out on the ice and woke up a bit, he was good. He skates with the technical proficiency of someone who’s been in the sport since before they started primary school, and the intuitive artistry of someone who loves it. You’re much the same, though your virtuosity and obvious competence are consistently undercut by hesitation, the grace of your movements interrupted when you second-guess yourself. But these—technical prowess paired with devotion—are the basics of what makes a good figure skater. You’ll have to be flawless if you want to do well at the Olympics. 
And Remus has found many flaws. 
“No, no—shit!” Remus stands as you fall out of your jump again, catching yourself on your forearms. “You’re still under-rotating! Come on!” 
Sirius snarls a quick “Hey!” over his shoulder before turning his back on Remus, going to help you up. He speaks to you quietly, checking you over as you stand. Remus seethes. 
He has no clue why he’s been called out here to coach a pair. Remus doesn’t know pairs, has never been a part of one. He was a solo skater. And frankly, it makes him wary that what’s supposed to be the best skating pair in Britain has asked him, a former solo skater who’s been isolated from the figure skating community in general for the past two years, to coach them. But Remus does know figure skating. And he knows when skaters are making stupid mistakes behind their skill level. 
“What aren’t you understanding?” asks Remus as you skate back to the edge of the rink. He really wants to know. “It’s simple. You can do this.” He knows he could have. As easy as breathing, and he would kill to have the chance again. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” 
Sirius’ glare is sharp as knives. He steps off the ice before you can, positioning himself between you and Remus. Your lips purse with a knowing sort of apprehension. 
“No, you don’t talk to her like that,” Sirius spits. “It was a tiny mistake.” 
Remus raises his eyebrows, incredulous. “I’m trying to help her! It was a giant mistake, with a simple fix. You ought to be telling her the same, unless you’re okay with your partner snapping her ankle weeks out from competition.” 
“None of that means you get to fucking yell at her! Who do you think you are?” 
“I’m her coach,” says Remus, voice rising, “and—”
“Then coach her! Maybe if you’d give some actual fucking feedback instead of just nitpicking—” 
“Okay!” Your shout cuts through the space, echoing in the empty rink and silencing the other two. “That’s enough.” 
You haul Sirius back by his shoulder. Your grip doesn’t look severe enough to move him, but he goes, stepping back to your side. His eyes never leave Remus’. 
Your own gaze jumps between both boys, that same spark he’d seen in you earlier burning with a different light. 
“Let’s call it for today,” you say firmly. “Okay? We’ll try again tomorrow.” 
Neither boy speaks, though Remus nods. It seems to be taking all of Sirius’ willpower to bite his tongue. He gets the impression it isn’t something he succeeds at often, so Remus isn’t ashamed to say that it brings him a perverse sort of joy to see it now. His tiny bit of smugness fizzles out, though, when your eyes land on him. There’s something desolate in your expression that’s a salient deviation from how you’d looked at him before. Remus has the sinking feeling that he’s disappointed you. It’s more distressing than he can account for. 
“We’ll be here on time tomorrow,” you say in that same steady tone. “And my jump, I’ll work on it.” 
Remus nods again. You return it, and when you turn to leave, you drag Sirius after you by his shirtsleeve, picking up your bags along your way. Remus’ mouth feels dry. His lips are chapped, his fingertips hurt from the cold, and the sight of your skates sinking into the rubbery floor makes his hip ache terribly. 
It’s only once you’re nearly out of earshot that he manages to mumble, “Thank you.”
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raaorqtpbpdy · 7 months
Made of Meat
Danny Phantom/DC (Animal Man) crossover (thank you @stealingyourbones for the prompt)
When strange, faintly glowing meat creatures start rampaging through the streets of San Diego, there's only one man to call. And when Animal Man could use a helping hand, Phantom swoops in to assist. Or, Danny Phantom and Animal Man team up to fight the Lunch Lady
Read it on AO3
[Warnings for minor violence, mentions of vomit, and repeated mentions/descriptions of raw meat]
When strange, faintly glowing meat creatures started rampaging through the streets of San Diego, there was only one man to call. 
Absorbing the power of flight from a hawk overhead, Buddy Baker, A.K.A. Animal Man soared toward downtown to confront the monsters wreaking havoc on the innocent civilians of his city, his blond hair fluttering in the wind.
By the time he arrived, the chaos was well underway. Just like the reports had claimed, several unidentified creatures were causing the brunt of the damage, each of them about four feet tall and composed entirely of raw meat, still dripping with blood and already attracting flies, with glowing red eyes and fleshy teeth. Animal Man could see pools of vomit on the sidewalks from people who had evidently been too disgusted by the creatures to hold down their lunches, but he'd seen far worse himself and wasn't bothered by the creatures' grotesque appearance.
He swooped down to snatch a little girl out of the way of one of the things and take her to the nearest screaming woman—her mother, just as he had guessed—and urged them to run. There weren't as many people downtown as Buddy would have normally expected to see at this time, probably most of them already had already run away, but a few stragglers still remained, most of them filming the incident on their phones, some hiding, none of them in immediate danger.
With his bird's eye view, Animal Man had spotted a peculiar woman in the center of the commotion. She looked confused and sickly, with greenish skin. It wasn't her appearance that bothered him, though. Something about her felt off, and it unsettled the hero in a way he couldn't quite put into words. Using the sharp ears of a bat from the nearby zoo, he could hear her even from high in the sky, demanding to know where she was and what was for lunch.
Whoever she was, Buddy was pretty sure she was the woman in charge, and these meat gremlins were her doing. If he could knock her out, or better yet, peacefully convince her to stop, her creatures would stop too.
With the strength of a charging rhino, Animal Man plowed through her meaty minions with little trouble and slammed his whole body into her, sending her flying a few feet to land sprawled on the ground. He rushed forward to pin her so she couldn't get away, and it was then that he began to realize what was so off about her.
Her skin was cold and green, her eyes glowed red, and her clothes were about forty years out of date. But even more strange that that, he didn't feel any connection to her through the Red. The Red connected all animal life, from the tiniest single-celled organism, to the biggest blue whale, and humans were included in that. Through the Red, Animal Man could absorb the powers of any living creature. 
Not this woman, though.
She looked human, and acted human... but she wasn't human.
Animal man dug deeper, trying to feel out a connection to the Green, or the Rot. It was harder for him to sense them, but all three elements were connected, and they encompassed all living things, even after death.
Except for this mysterious woman.
She wasn't fauna, or flora, or decay. And now that he was feeling through the Red, he realized that her constructs weren't connected to it either, even though they looked like they could have crawled right out of it moments before they showed up here. Buddy didn't know how that was possible, but right now, what she was didn't matter half as much as stopping her.
"I don't want to hurt you anymore," he said firmly, "but you have to stop what you're doing, or I'll be forced to. I can't let you keep attacking innocent people with your creatures. It has to stop." 
The woman scowled and stood up, her body passing right through Animal Man like he was made of air, and a chill ran down his spine and he shuddered as he fell a few inches onto the asphalt below.
"What the...?" He tried to grab her again, but he couldn't even touch her. His hands passed right through her, like he was trying to catch smoke.
"You think you can stop me?!" the woman demanded, her hair standing up and writhing like snakes on her head. The meat monsters turned as one and began to converge on Animal Man. "Today's menu is doom, and now, it's lunchtime!"
"It's four-thirty!"
Animal Man snapped his head up toward the sound of the new voice, and saw a teenager flying into view. He wore a black and white jumpsuit, had white hair, and the green glow of his eyes was visible even from a distance. The teen rocketed down and slammed his fists right into the strange woman's face, sending her skidding backwards.
"You!" she hissed, her eyes widening and pulsing red—it was terrifying in person, but Buddy couldn't help the thought that it was reminiscent of a really angry Loony Tunes character.
Immediately, her creatures turned their attention away from Animal Man, and toward the newcomer. Evidently, she and him had a history. And she'd determined that the kid was a higher priority than Buddy was.
"That's right, Lunch Lady, it's me again," the kid said, grabbing a thermos that was hanging off his belt. "And I'm here to tell you that the only thing on the menu for you today is soup!"
Whatever he planned to do with that thermos, he didn't get the chance, as one of the meat gremlins morphed its arm into a long whip and knocked it away from him.
"Ew!" the kid said, dropping a few feet to punch the nearest creature and then dry-heaving for a second. "Are these things raw? Why—eugh!" he cut himself off with a shudder as another one got close and he had to punch it. Clearly the creatures were not his bag.
"Hey kid!" Animal Man shouted, ready to offer his help.
"It's Phantom," the kid shouted back. "Wait, who're you?"
"Animal Man," he replied. "I'll keep the meat things occupied if you can deal with her."
"You sure, dude?" Phantom flew back out of the meat things' reach with a grimace, and dodged the sprays of blood they spewed up after him looking almost as green as the Lunch Lady. "These things are pretty gross. Way grosser than the last time I fought 'em."
"I've handled grosser than them," Buddy assured. "They're not a problem—but I can't fight someone I can't touch."
Phantom turned slightly to look at the Lunch Lady, who was laughing triumphantly, and got splashed in the back of the head by one of the meat creatures still bombarding him. He yelped in disgust, and Buddy pressed his lips together to keep from laughing.
"Alright, deal!" Phantom agreed, wiping the back of his head with a gloved hand. "I'll leave 'em to you, just don't let them merge with each other, or her, they become a much bigger problem that way."
"Got it!" 
Animal Man summoned up some elephant strength, leopard agility and the reflexes of a fly and ran at the creatures. The force of his punches caused them to burst apart instantly, and in the time it took one to reform itself, he could take down three more.
Meanwhile, Phantom shot upward, firing a green beam at the Lunch Lady. His head turned frantically, like he was looking for something, but he didn't seem to find it. The Lunch Lady screamed as he dive-bombed her again, this time sending her through a wall—the wall itself undamaged. She came back through it moments later, back on her feet and angrier than ever. 
As much as he wanted to keep an eye on the kid to make sure he didn't get hurt, Buddy still had to focus on his own fight. Phantom was clearly familiar with this enemy, had apparently fought her before, and he seemed like he could handle himself. None of that stopped Buddy from worrying. None of his worrying changed the fact that he had a job to do.
In his moment of distraction, one of the creatures slammed into the side of Animal Man's knee, knocking him down. He used his elephant strength to throw it off and watched it splatter into a bloody, fleshy mass against a concrete wall. 
As he rolled over to get back on his feet and resume the fight, he saw the thermos Phantom had dropped. It had rolled out of sight under the bus stop bench. That must've been what the kid was looking for! Although Animal Man had no idea what Phantom could need it for, he darted forward like a cheetah on all fours and snatched the thermos up.
"Hey Phantom!" he shouted, jumping to his feet and kicking another creature into pieces. "You need this, right?"
Phantom turned, and grinned widely when he saw what his new ally was holding. Animal Man threw it up to him and he caught it easily and uncapped it right away, aiming it at the Lunch Lady.
Animal Man punched out another meat gremlin as a blue light shone from inside the thermos, and the Lunch Lady screamed and shouted in protest as she was sucked inside. As soon as the cap was back on the thermos, the remaining creatures collapsed into piles of raw meat, covered in rocks and dirt and buzzing flies. How this mess would get cleaned up was anyone's guess.
Fight ended, Phantom flew down to where Animal Man was standing, surrounded by a ring of red meat and plucked poultry, but did not touch down on the ground. A strategic choice, although it was a bit too late for the other hero to do the same.
"Eugh, I smell like a butcher shop and I have entrails in my hair," Animal Man commented, sniffing his sleeve with a grimace. "My wife isn't gonna so much as wave hello until I take a shower, and it's gonna be hell getting the stench outta my suit."
"Oh, uh... here." 
Phantom put his hand on Buddy's shoulder, and a cold empty sensation wracked his body for a few seconds. All the gross chunks and fluids dropped to the ground, falling through him like he was made of air, just like the Lunch Lady had moved through him earlier. When Phantom took his hand away, Buddy was clean. Even the smell didn't seem to be coming from him anymore, although it still definitely surrounded him.
"Wow, thanks," Buddy said, marveling at the distinct lack of red stains on his white gloves which had been absolutely soaked in it a moment before. "That trick must come in pretty useful for you."
"Yeah, well, it's the least I could do after you helped me out," Phantom said. His shoulders hunched and he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "It was all my fault the Lunch Lady attacked in the first place. I was stupid and forgot to make sure the thermos was empty before I left Amity Park."
"Hey, you're not stupid; don't say that. Everyone makes mistakes, what's important is that you were able to fix it," Animal Man argued. 
Phantom smiled gratefully, and it wasn't until he took his hand away from his neck that he seemed to remember the splatter of blood and juices he'd gotten from one of the creatures and he wrinkled his nose at the red stain on his own glove. He hardly seemed to think about it as he turned himself intangible like he had to Buddy before and let the viscera fall to the sidewalk with a splat.
"So... what was she anyway?" Buddy asked, doing his best to keep a straight face. "The Lunch Lady I mean. She definitely wasn't human, I could tell that much."
"Oh, she was a ghost," Phantom replied. "I'm a ghost, too, but I'm a good guy, I swear. Sorry, I forget not a lot of people have seen ghosts outside of Amity Park. They're super common where I come from."
"A ghost, huh?"
Animal Man considered that. It would make sense. A ghost was dead, but not decaying, not made of flesh or vegetation. Not fauna, not flora, not rot. It tracked with what he had sensed from the woman before. But if Phantom was a ghost too, that meant he'd died at about the same age Buddy's own son, Cliff, had, and that sent a pang of heartache through the man's chest.
One thing didn't make sense, though. Phantom claimed to be a ghost, like the Lunch Lady, but unlike with her, Buddy could sense Phantom through the Red. It was a thin connection, like the kid was hanging onto it by a thread, but it was a solid one, too. If this kid really was a ghost, he wasn't the same as the one he'd just trapped in that thermos of his.
For a moment, Buddy thought about pressing for answers, but he quickly decided against it. It could be that the truth was too personal, or embarrassing, or even dangerous for Phantom to reveal, especially to a virtual stranger, even one who'd helped him out. Besides everyone was entitled to their secrets. Instead, Animal Man smiled at the kid and clapped him on the back.
"That's pretty cool," he said. "Say, do ghosts eat? You should come over to my place for dinner. After a hard-fought battle like that, I'd say you deserve it."
"You can eat after fighting those things?" Phantom looked down at what remained of the meat creatures and gagged.
"Trust me, if I wasn't already a vegetarian, I would be after this," Buddy replied. "My wife's making some meat-free lasagna, and we always have tons of leftovers. She usually doesn't like me taking hero stuff home with me, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind in this case."
"She knows you're a hero?" 
The open shock on Phantom's face was a bit of a surprise, but then again, he had said he was from out of town. Just because Buddy was often swarmed by local paparazzi, didn't mean he was any more than regionally famous.
"Everyone knows," he said with a shrug. "I don't keep my identity a secret. It can get annoying sometimes, but I don't really have any reason to. I'm not one of the big-shots, like Batman and Wonder-Woman. You're not from around here, so I bet you never even heard of Animal Man before today."
"Well... no...."
"Exactly," Buddy made sure to grin wide enough that the kid knew there were no hard feelings about it. "So what do you say? You coming over for dinner, or what?"
"I'd love to, but I can't," Phantom said apologetically. "I have to deal with all this meat and then my—uh... I just have other plans tonight."
"You need help with the clean up?"
Phantom frowned down at the piled of meat still surrounding the two of them. 
Maybe this really hadn't been the best place to discuss dinner plans. Man, Buddy really was desensitized to this kinda stuff wasn't he? For a guy who didn't eat meat, he sure spent a lot of time surrounded by it, both in the Red, and now here.
"Nah," Phantom decided finally. "I think I can just turn the ground intangible and phase everything down under the street level so it can decompose."
"Just turn the ground intangible, huh?" Animal Man huffed a light laugh and shook his head. "Yeah, alright, if you're sure. I should get going anyway. Stay safe, kiddo. Maybe I'll see you around again before you head back home."
"Uh..." Phantom blinked owlishly at him. "Y-yeah... you uh... stay safe too."
Animal Man smiled and nodded, and took off toward his home, borrowing the power of flight from a pigeon on a telephone wire. The way Phantom had reacted, it was almost like no one had ever said that to him before. Stay safe.
Where had he said he was from? Amity Park?
Maybe Animal Man should keep tabs on him from now on, just in case. After all, ghost or not, he was still just a teenager, and all heroes needed allies from time to time.
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kostektyw · 1 year
Detco movies rated based on how much shit gets exploded / destroyed
The Time-Bombed Skyscraper - the whole premise is about blowing up stuff, but it's shame no trains got got, 7/10
The Fourteenth Target - it's just an underwater restaurant that is pretty out of the way from anything else and we have no prior attachment to. bonus for the helicopter crash, 5/10
The Last Wizard of the Century - an entire castle does get burned down, but it's no explosion, 6/10
Captured in Her Eyes - just some regular old murder, 0/10
Countdown to Heaven - truly a 9/11 movie. point detracted for leaving the second tower intact, 8/10
The Phantom of Baker Street - the entire thing takes place in VR, so it shouldn't even count, but no one even gets their brain blown up :( 0/10
Crossroad in the Ancient Capital - somehow nothing gets bombed or destroyed? Conan tries a little arson but is unsuccessful, -1/10
Magician of the Silver Sky - a plane gets somewhat mistreated, 2/10
Strategy Above the Depths - a whole damn ship sinks, it's all very dramatic, 9/10
The Private Eyes' Requiem - despite the constant threat of exploding people, barely anything gets exploded. half a point for Kid using a gun on some windows, 1.5/10
Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure - i guess they do find that ancient pirate ship and it immediately falls apart, 5/10
Full Score of Fear - plenty of shit gets blown up including a concert hall while no one inside realizes anything's wrong. you'd think they'd have some fire warning system in place, 10/10
The Raven Chaser - sadly no explosions, but the tower gets shot at hard, and the helicopter does not end up fine, tho no actual crash on screen, 5/10
The Lost Ship in the Sky - only a research facility we don't care about gets exploded in the opening, and that airship barely gets scratched up, 4/10
Quarter of Silence - we have a train exploding out of a tunnel, a dam blown to smithereens, and an avalanche, what more could you want, 10/10
The Eleventh Striker - who can say no to some exploding stadiums, great movie for people who hate football, 8/10
Private Eye in the Distant Sea - just a rando ship at the beginning, who cares, 1/10
Dimensional Sniper - some police cars and incredibly light bombing of the tower, eh, 3/10
Sunflowers of Inferno - a cool museum gets absolutely demolished, the burning fake sunflowers are a lovely image, plus we got some proper plane mistreatment, 10/10
The Darkest Nightmare - both an explosive car crash at the beginning and a ferris wheel gets extremely destroyed, 9/10
The Crimson Love Letter - lots of explosions, and in beautiful scenery too, 10/10
Zero the Enforcer - destroying shit with a satellite is pretty imaginative, but there was not as much destruction as i hoped, 7/10
The Fist of Blue Sapphire - they're surfing on some iconic Singaporean landmarks, meanwhile an oil ship freely wrecks shit, 11/10
The Scarlet Bullet - i fully admit i have no idea what Masumi and Conan were trying to do, both the train and station ended up looking pretty rough. 10/10
The Bride of Halloween - for a movie about bombs not all that much significant shit gets destroyed, but they do go out in style at least. bonus points for covering Shibuya in goo, 9/10
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yes-asil · 11 months
Hey so I’m about to watch detective Conan for the first time and I just wanted to make sure but Cased Closed is the one I’m supposed to watch first right? Cuz there are a could other detective Conan stuff on the site I’m using
I have the perfect list on how to rewatch the show under the cut
We've got a German website over here, so this is kinda??? official, but not really, it just makes the most sense as far as I'm concerned.
Episodes 001-054
Movie 01 (The Time-Bombed Skyscraper)
Episodes 055-097
Movie 02 (The Fourteenth Target)
Episodes 098-139
Short Stories 01-03 (Wait for Me, Wandering Red Butterfly, Santa Claus of Summer)
Episode 140
Movie 03 (The Last Wizard of the Century)
Episodes 141-173
OVA 01 (Conan vs. Kid vs. Yaiba - The Grand Battle for the Treasure Sword!)
Short Stories 04-07 (Detective George, Ten Planets, Play It Again, Making of Conan)
Episodes 174-186
Movie 04 (Captured in Her Eyes)
Episodes 187-231
Movie 05 (Countdown to Heaven)
Episodes 232-262
OVA 02 (16 Suspects!?)
Episodes 263-275
Movie 06 (The Phantom of Baker Street)
Episodes 276-303
OVA 03 (Conan, Heiji, and the Vanished Boy)
Episodes 304-315
Movie 07 (Crossroad in the Ancient Capital)
Episodes 316-344
OVA 04 (Conan, Kid, and the Crystal Mother)
Episodes 345-356
Movie 08 (Magician of the Silver Sky)
Episodes 357-383
OVA 05 (The Target is Kogoro!! The Detective Boys’ Secret Report)
Episodes 384-396
Movie 09 (Strategy Above the Depths)
Episodes 397-424
OVA 06 (Follow the Vanished Diamond! Conan and Heiji vs. Kid!)
Episodes 425-434
Movie 10 (The Private Eyes’ Requiem)
Episodes 435-452
Drama Special 01 (A Challenge Letter to Shin'ichi Kudo ~Prologue Until Goodbye~)
Episodes 453-459
OVA 07 (A Challenge from Agasa! Agasa vs. Conan and the Detective Boys)
Episodes 460-470
Movie 11 (Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure)
Episodes 471-490
OVA 08 (The Casebook of Female High School Detective Sonoko Suzuki)
Drama Special 02 (Shin'ichi Kudo Returns! ~Confrontation with the Black Organization~)
Episodes 491-504
Movie 12 (Full Score of Fear)
Magic File 02 (Shin'ichi Kudo, The Case of the Mysterious Wall and the Black Lab)
Episodes 505-520
OVA 09 (The Stranger from Ten Years Later)
Episodes 521-529
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan (TV special)
Episodes 530-531
Movie 13 (The Raven Chaser)
Magic File 03 (Shin'ichi and Ran, Memories of Mahjong Tiles and Tanabata)
Episodes 532-561
OVA 10 (Kid in Trap Island)
Episodes 562-570
Movie 14 (The Lost Ship in the Sky)
Magic File 04 (The Osaka Okonomiyaki Odyssey)
Magic Kaito Special 01
Episodes 571-610
Detective Conan vs. Wooo 01
Detective Conan vs. Wooo 02
Drama Special 03 (A Challenge Letter to Shin'ichi Kudo ~The Mystery of the Legendary Bird~)
Movie 15 (Quarter of Silence) (Love that movie aughhh)
Magic File 05 (Niigata ~ Tokyo Souvenir Capriccio)
Episodes 611-616
OVA 11 (A Secret Order from London)
Episodes 617-623
Drama Episodes 01-02
Episode 624
Drama Episode 03
Episodes 625-626
Magic Kaito Special 02-03
Drama Episodes 04-07
Episodes 627-628
Drama Episodes 08-09
Episodes 629-630
Drama Episodes 10-11
Episode 631
Magic Kaito Special 04
Drama Episodes 12-13
Episodes 632-634
Magic Kaito Special 05
Episodes 635-641
OVA 12 (The Miracle of Excalibur)
Magic Kaito Special 06
Episodes 642-651
Movie 16 (The Eleventh Striker)
Magic File 06 (Flower of Fantasista)
Drama Special 04 (Shin'ichi Kudo and the Kyoto Shinsengumi Murder Case)
Episodes 652-666
Magic Kaito Special 07-08
Episodes 667-670
Magic Kaito Special 09
Episodes 671-674
Magic Kaito Special 10
Episodes 675-680
Magic Kaito Special 11-12
Episodes 681-694
Movie 17 (Private Eye in the Distant Sea)
Episodes 695-721
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie
Episodes 722-735
Movie 18 (Dimensional Sniper)
Episodes 736-753
Magic Kaito 1412 01
Episodes 754-756
Magic Kaito 1412 02-04
Episodes 757-758
Magic Kaito 1412 05-06
Episodes 759-760
Magic Kaito 1412 07-08
Episodes 761-762
Magic Kaito 1412 09-11
The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa ~The Worst Two Days in History~
Magic Kaito 1412 12
Happy New Year, Kogoro Mouri (Fugitive: Kogoro Mouri)
Episodes 763-764
Magic Kaito 1412 13-14
Episodes 765-766
Magic Kaito 1412 15-16
Episode 767
Magic Kaito 1412 17-18
Episode 768
Magic Kaito 1412 19
Episode 769
Magic Kaito 1412 20
Episode 770-771
Magic Kaito 1412 21-22
Episode 772-773
Magic Kaito 1412 23-24
Episode 774
Movie 19 (Sunflowers of Inferno)
Episode 775-813
Movie 20 (The Darkest Nightmare)
Episode 814-844
Episode “One”: The Great Detective Who Shrank
Episode 845-854
Episode 856-874
Episode 855
Movie 21 (Crimson Love Letter)
Episode 875-898
Movie 22 (Zero the Enforcer)
Episode 899-935
Movie 23 (The Fist of Blue Sapphire)
Episode 936-1002
Movie 24 (The Scarlet Bullet)
Episode 1003-1038
Zero’s Tea Time 1-2
Episode 1039
Movie 25 (The Bride of Halloween)
Zero’s Tea Time 3
Episode 1040
Zero’s Tea Time 4
Episode 1041
Zero’s Tea Time 5
Episode 1042
Zero’s Tea Time 6
Episode 1043-1058
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 1
Episode 1059
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 2
Episode 1060
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 3-4
Episode 1061-current
213 notes · View notes
livmadart · 11 months
Love how Shinichi loves to share things he knows about things he loves in general but also to the people he loves and are important to him. Love how they listen to him and do cool if not heroic things with that. Like with Ran in The Phantom of Baker Street and the Detective Boys in general but I want to bring up that case where the three actual children had an imaginary friend version that reminded them of things he likely told them before. It’s so obvious and intrinsic to his character that they all got that part right even if they all got things wrong. (Sorry for the rambling.)
No don’t apologize I love to hear the rambles!!! I love it as well and I think that even when shinichi becomes big again and gets to be the older brother figure to the DBs that he deserves to be they will also be seeing a little force ghost conan at the exact same time shdhjdjdjdkdkc
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akai-anna · 10 months
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pochqmqri · 2 years
“The Phantom of Baker Street” is such a surreal piece of media for this series. Not only is the plot basically like Sword Art Online or any of the virtual world isekais that came years later, but it also offers sharp criticism toward Japan’s aristocracy and rigid education system.
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Granted, it’s not really the kids’ fault.
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