#the plot was a bit all over the place theres too many things going on and like due to that you keep forgetting and then remembering that she
sonknuxadow · 5 months
they werent lying that knuckles series barely has knuckles in it
#i pirated that shit Btw just so we're clear. also gonna talk about it a little bit in the tags#nothing too spoilery but also might not wanna read if you want to go in knowing absolutely nothing? idk#anyway he WAS a main character still he was present for a decent amount of the first couple episodes#but the amount of screentime he gets just starts dropping after that . hes barely there at all in the second half ???#and it feels like theres a lot of scenes mostly focusing on wade and his problems and not near as many for knuckles and his whole deal#overall it feels more like a wade show with knuckles in it than a knuckles show with wade in it. which sucks#and human characters having plot relevance isnt the problem here i dont mind human characters at all i think they can be really fun#its the fact that the human characters are taking over the story and spotlight when the show is called knuckles#and all the marketing makes it look like knuckles is the main focus#and i also would have preferred if they just went with a differnet character to be knuckles' human friend#because i dont particulraly care about wade. and the knuckles (and sonic and tails) i know would not be friends with cops </3#well at least the story wasnt knuckles training wade to be a better cop like a lot of people were expecting but thats like.the bare minimum#also aside from the issues relating to knuckles' screentime (or lack of screentime) i thought the ending was unsatisfying#regardless of all that though there WERE some parts i enjoyed or found kind of funny or whatever. because knuckles so cutesy as always#knuckles being a cute little guy is the most important part of the show actually#and i liked the parts with sonic tails and maddie even if they were only there for like 5 minutes#(i really wish those three had gotten more screentime. i feel like they could have easily worked in at least one more scene with them)#and its a minor thing but the opening sequence is cute. was honestly expecting just a title card or something#overall the show is just . kind of okay i guess. not the worst thing ive ever seen but still disappointing ? idk how to explain..#my expectations also werent very high in the first place#so maybe im being a bit more generous than i would have been otherwise. idk#and i definitely would not recommend this to anyone who already dislikes the sonic movies . youll probably hate this more#like people who thought the human characters got too much screentime in the second movie would lose their minds if they saw this
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pikslasrce · 7 months
titane (2021) was uh. something
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philtstone · 3 months
title: check yes, juliet
It doesn't matter that Juliet is a freshly-minted, top-of-her-class field agent (alright, so she hasn't actually been in the field yet) or one of the few women working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's cutting edge check fraud department (just last week, their 20-year-old coffee maker broke and they ran out of number two pencils to mark up their overhead projector notes with): every time her mother calls, all she does is lament that her beautiful, intelligent daughter isn't meeting any eligible bachelors.
“Maybe that’s for the best,” Maryanne sighs eventually. “All O’Hara women fall for liars, Julie. It’s our curse.”
Juliet has to wonder if she didn't scoff at her mother's claim a little bit too soon.
my brother & i had the earth shattering realization a month ago that the plot of "catch me if you can" (2002) is almost to a tee just a mildly alternate psych timeline and that thought has lived in my head rent free to such an insane degree that eventually 14 thousand words poured out of me in au fic form. im posting it so as many other people as possible can see the vision. and also because im sure theres one person other than me who revels in early seasons shawnjuliet's frankly insane levels of chemistry, lol. enjoy!
“Your average bounced check would be routed to the bank it originates from, so you’d only really have a few days in one place before you were discovered. This guy’s been filing off the routing numbers, changing ‘em somehow – so cleanly and neatly that it’ll take a real sharp eye to notice. It’s all about the branch you’re cashing it in. A check cashed in at Chase Manhattan with the one changed to ten’s gonna bounce halfway around the country before anyone figures out it’s rotten, and by that point this asshole is long gone. The numbers go East, Central, West – you see how they cover 0-60, 70-80, and of course they require a special kind of ink to be recognized as real checks, which you’d all know if you’d read the report I circulated …”
Juliet doesn’t notice the full cup of orange juice in front of her until it’s too late. 
Her head’s still full of Carlton’s two hour long briefing this morning, during which she learned more about check fraud than she’d have ever thought a single person could in one lifespan. Certainly not Juliet, who’d originally studied literature at Florida State. Then again, back then she’d have never expected to end up an FBI agent, either.
Then there’s the wired, tense feeling in her gut that probably won’t go away ‘til this sting is over and they bring in the pathetic local guy Carlton’s been tracking for the last week. His MO is pretty girls in pastel dresses, which made Juliet the right man – woman – for the job. At least maybe doing this’ll help the guys in the office take her seriously as a field agent. And, well … she does love a nice peachy pink cardigan. The color goes well with her complexion.
“This idiot’s no real con man, he’s just a clown who can’t be bothered to work an honest job. Child’s play compared to the real thing. ” Carlton tends to pause here, angry that he’s got to acknowledge it like that – the real thin g. “ You know what they’ve been calling him in the papers these days?”  
Him . Always him. They don’t have a name on the subject yet, despite over a million cashed in fraudulent checks. Juliet hums and nods so her partner feels acknowledged. 
“ The skywayman . Pathetic. Like he’s some magician or something, instead of a two-bit liar who thinks he’s smarter than me. ”
“This isn’t personal, Carlton ,” Juliet says tiredly. “ It’s not like he knows who you are to be deliberately toying with you.”  
“Oh yes he is. I know he is. I know him .”
Her hands aren’t quite shaking, because that would be stupid; this guy, their local guy, shouldn’t have a gun on him, and if he does he’s not the type to shoot a woman. Juliet focuses on the paper in front of her and tucks a lock of her hair behind one ear. A window of ten minutes – that’s what Carlton said. Unlike Carlton’s unsub nemesis, they know plenty about this one. He’ll come in, dressed like the middle-aged schlub he is, loose tie probably, gray slacks, thinning hair. He’ll notice her, buy her a soda she’ll accept with a faulty check and then pick her pocket for the cash. The string of pearls at her neck makes her a sweet college girl whose parents have money. She mentally forces herself to stop chewing her lip and instead moves her right hand down to her lap, where she can pick at her nail polish without anyone seeing. 
“Well, obviously we wanna catch him,” Agent Dobson says, when they’re a third of the way through the morning briefing and half the room is asleep or dreaming of lunch. Juliet, of course, has been furiously taking notes. He means the Skywayman; he means the real thing. “But you gotta admit, Lassiter, there is a bit of a magic show to a good con, isn’t there? The press has that one thing right.”
“It’s not magic. It’s lies and deceit and a healthy helping of audacity, and a damn good typewriter. O’Hara, write that down. We’re gonna go through that list of makes and models again, see what we can come up with.”
Deep breath. Her purse, orange to match the cardigan, is in her lap. The gun’s in the purse. She’ll draw it, but not to shoot. This is the kind of work she’s begged the Chief for, and she’ll be just fine.
Maybe Juliet would feel less desperate to prove herself if this diner wasn’t in Miami, and her father didn’t gift her the only string of pearls she owns.
A voice clears itself quietly above her.
“Uh, excuse me? Hi, yeah, hi. That’s my seat.”
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cherryfennec · 9 months
what do you think would have happened if Timpani hadn't found Blumiere at the base of the cliff and he would have died? do you think the prophecy would have still happened? if yes, then do you happen to have any theories about who would have carried it out and would they have succeeded?
So this is a very difficult question! The topic of the prophecies in the Dark Prognosticus is just in general one of the more trivial things to consider.
So let's go through over the main scenario: Blumiere falls from a cliff and is probably hidden well under the rubble. Timpani, who happens to be in the area, can't really see anyone under the scarp because of the dirt and rocks so she assumes the pieces fell naturally due to a small earthquake or wind and there's no one there. While she walks away, Blumiere unfortunately is too weak to make it out of the rubble and ultimately dies.
What would this mean for Timpani and the Tribe of Darkness specifically? Well first of all, neither of them would end up dead/gone.
It is implied through the short snippets of the main villians backstory (which appear in-between chapters) that ultimately after losing his beloved and becoming Count Bleck, Blumiere wipes out his clan, which is rather gruesome but not unexpected for this game tbh. With him dissapearing instead (cause theres a chance they might've not even found him) everyone in the Tribe lives and he himself would be portrayed as an innocent person until the end, the loss of whom only brought sorrow to his family and friends. Other than that the civilization would still thrive for years to come.
As for Timpani: without having met Blumiere, she would've probably spent her days living a normal daily life, not even knowing someone like him ever existed. She could expand her hobbies, travel, make friends etc. She could even find a partner but... it wouldn't be the same and I'll elaborate on that in a bit. In general she would have had more time to discover herself and enjoy the little things.
What does this mean for the prophecy?
The Dark Prognosticus is kinda weird because it describes the future that relies on the book being read. Basically it knows that it will be opened, but because it will be opened the prophecy will happen in the first place, which it also knows. It gets confusing when you think about it too much. In any case the 'end of the world' requires someone to kickstart all the events.
Blumieres and Timpanis love was a very rare kind of love, an extremely strong and dedicated one. And if not for that fact, Bleck wouldn't probably go as far as to destroying everything just for her sake. Now without our specially picked out Champion of Destruction, would it even be possible for the prophecy to happen? As we said before if the Count died at the cliff, the book would absolutely know about it. With this in mind there are 3 options as I see it:
The prophecy couldn't be fulfilled/it wouldn't exist in this timeline. Basically: There was no other person that could play the role of the catalyst nor had the means to obtain the Prognosticus/didn't know it existed and so the danger never arrived and everyone lived happily ever after. (yipie no trauma for the Mario gang and especially Luigi yahoo)
The prophecy could be fulfilled by a new character who also fits the requirements and basically fills in for Count Bleck. Simply put: the book found someone else good for the role and it all plays out as written. This is where the plot is up to interpretation because there are just too many factors to take into consideration.'Who would reach out for help to Mario?', I don't know, maybe this new character could also be doing this for the sake of someone else I and that's who would be our Timpani replacement or something I guess.'Would Mimi and O'Chunks be there to help?', probably not because the reason they joined in on the plan in the first place is specifically tied to the person that the Count was. But you know who would definitely be there?
Technically we don't really need a new character and it's going to be a little obvious who I'm about to mention. The prophecy is much more altered in this scenario, and it basically revolves about Dimentio carrying it all out. So from the gossip you get from the barista about everyone on Team Bleck it is implied that Dimentio was the one who actively sought out the Count, not the other way around. From this we can deduce that he was aware of the Dark Prognosticus's existence and was out to get it by all means. Out of the known to us characters he'd really be the one person who would end up tied to the fate of the book in most cases. So in this scenario he simply steals the book from the tribe and tries to work it out by himself. 'Would he be able to carry it out alone?' I'd say there's a chance he could do it. Being built on deceipt and using others he might've been able to work from the shadows and make his way to the end goal. 'How would Mario learn about it?' Again, I don't know. It's up to the ones interpretation really. Imagine if Dimentio just goes around taking people who have the slightest trace of green on them and thus becomes like this underground villain and no-one knows anything him about other than his existence. He's like this rumour that people like to scare kids with. One day Mario hears about it, laughs it off then Luigi randomly dissapears and the chase is on, during which the red plumber learns about this mysterious figure and it's intentions bit by bit and theres like a side Peach and Bowser plot which ends with Dimentio taking up a fake persona and tricking them into saying their vows to create the Chaos Heart IDK.
I could try writing up a specific scenario for this but it'd require more time to plan out if I were to actually do it, I'd basically be writing a completely new story which tends to be difficult. (I'm currently trying my hand in writing a spm fic based on the 'Bad End Trio' Luigi design of mine and barely reached over 2k words. I'm not even near done and it's already been taking way longer than I thought it would. That's exactly why I very much respect writers.)
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ye-oldroderich · 2 months
Hi i saw a friend of mine do art of ur wiz ocs and kindly i wpuld love to hear more about them. Nonhuman ocs in wiz r so fun
OMG YAAAAAY i love talking about my ocs so bad ..... WAHH. prepare for a long yap sesh
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More art of them from last(?) year's art fight by my friend @mister-geuse <3 ily tutt
I love Insaf and Rund they're my little guys im so glad so many people like them too 😭 when i make ocs for media i like to try and explore things that help to flesh out the world more and wizzy has SO many nonhuman peoples and there's just so much you can do ... no shade to people with human ocs of course. but personally i like exploring different things with each character i make
Krokotopia is one of my favorite worlds because i'm old and i like lizard people. it isnt without criticism (LOTS of criticism) though. i dont think ive ever seen another mander oc before (although i havent looked *that* hard, theres probably some out there!) so they were my go-to when making an oc from that world.
Insaf loves history! especially the history of magic in her world. she's often frustrated after she comes to wizard city and the library doesn't have much information on krokotopia's history, let alone things about her culture or anything before the krok dynasties came to power. after being Alhazred's student, she finds Arthur Wethersfield's teaching suuuuper lackluster in comparison. she corrects things he says about Balance magic in her mind. Insaf would be an "um, actually" girl if she wasn't nerfed with a severe anxiety disorder LMAO
she's actually really easy to anger but is just so adept at bottling it that she never shows it. this girl wants to rage so badly. magic is her outlet. she's a bit of a wildcard during duels since shes small and unassuming but VERY quickly becomes very aggressive with lots of offensive spells. she got a broomstick when she moved to wizard city but sucks at riding it and is pretty embarrassed about it (her tail throws her off-balance). she also has a pet chameleon in her dorm! its name is Sheba.
Now for Rund. i love birds and dinosaurs and corvids so a raven was a must-have for me as an oc. also its fun to put your characters through the horrors (ie a cult) and Rund definitely gets the brunt of it lmao. i haven't really ever made a character dealing with amnesia because its such a cheap plot cliché and its never done accurately to how amnesia actually works as like. a nuerological condition. so with Rund i've been really researching how it actually works so that i can portray it well.
amnesia is still not very well understood because the brain is so silly and complicated but if i were to label her with something it'd be pure retrograde amnesia. after her head injury, she can't really remember much at all about herself, and isn't familiar with ravenscar or anyone there. she CAN remember how to use runes, though, and other "muscle-memory" things. after she's sent to wizard city to recover, she starts getting some memories back over time (mostly information she got while reading, and some personal details) but memories specifically retaining to the Coven are much harder for her to remember.
Rund is also autistic (both she and Insaf are) and has some other underlying conditions that were exacerbated by both her head injury and the traumatic stress she was under. she has both motor and vocal tics, and doesn't speak much outside of echoalia. she's very easily overwhelmed so she sticks to less crowded and quieter places, which are hard to find in wizard city ... its why she and insaf hang out by the death school LMAO. no one else is ever there.
Rund uses runestones instead of a spelldeck, just like a lot of people in Grizzleheim traditionally do. she likes to shake the bag and hear them clinking together. her mount is a Death Vortex, and i rationalize it as like ... her turning into a cloud to zip around (usually so she can get on top of something and perch up there). she likes having her hood up so she can block out stimuli. Rund knows people look at her differently, which is part of why she avoids most people. she doesn't really know how to feel about being sent to Ravenwood, but supposes its better than the alternative ... though she misses Grizzleheim's snow.
Rund and Insaf met when they were assigned partner on a death class project. neither of them really had friends before that at ravenwood. Insaf doesn't expect anything of Rund or judge her for things she can't control. Likewise, Rund doesn't judge Insaf for having "unsightly" feelings, and can relate to it. they both like yapping about magic and history, and take turns talking at eachother. they have library dates where they go and point out flaws in the literature (hater activity). they're their own best company.
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kfruityouth · 6 months
alright ive had it. who the hell is the conductor
or: i go insane trying to analyse file 28.
also, fair warning: this will be all over the place and probably very stream-of-consciousness.
we all know that one chart, right? the one that has the conductor very much within the 'sydney should die' zone? okay. brilliant.
in order to debunk this, late night history channel program style, lets look at the scene we're given (this is, of course, banking off and assuming that the conductor is the weirdo guy in the field from the clock of meantime) and also, this took place, if im remembering the timeline correctly, after sydney had been resurrected.
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pretty normal, right? WRONG!
the inability to make a fist was mentioned earlier in the episode by sydney.
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the inability to make a fist is usually in relation to the inability to defend oneself, seen repeatedly with elijah (freaky psychic fatigue-inducing style), jedidiah (toxic yaoi codependency style) and adam (i cant make this one funny. i cant.).
something something, the rabbit not being able to fight back. something something, sydney hopes never to experience that but he does!
"fist-forming hands" and "railroad-uprooting eyes" seem to be juxtapositions—the conductor is defenceless, and offensive.
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i have ideas for this one, but they dont really fit in here so ill leave it for now.
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jedidiah is defenceless now, too.
(the next little part just kind of seems to me like a bit of, er, verse, so i wont go over it except for this little bit...
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...whiiiiich kind of reminds me of how sydney can only eat buttered bread. i wonder if theres something there?)
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god, c'mon. the cardinal is tapping at the clock face. trying to break the glass. trying to just know, because only if he could.
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a one-track mind is something jedidiah very obviously possesses; we see it most prominently in his incessant devotion to his project, whatever the hell that might be.
he's not going to lose track.
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i'd also like to address "strong man"??? i don't think it's just a physical descriptor, i think it's in reference to mental strength. jedidiah, though fearful and apprehensive, seems to admire this guy, and follows his, er, "advice". his "help." sound familiar? ( yall i cannot get into this crack theory i have that the conductor is to jedidiah what adam is to sydney)
also, "the sky finally shatters, and I slip through the cracks"? dude i cant even begin to go into this one. all im gonna say is rowan sky apocalypse. for the sake of my own sanity.
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yada yada its overtaking his thoughts. whatever. you know what i mean.
(also sydneys weird clock pacemaker shtick theory. right here. evidence.)
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yall dont understand how many unhinged theories i have about this one. im going to leave it here for now, because its important, and maybe come back to it in another post.
aaaaand then jedidiah goes on to talk about his father, of which the conductor reminds him of (see: "my father's strong hands")
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more stars in the sky. only two that matter. GODDDDDDDDajkdhsjghf.
and of course, the famous. the one that gives me chills on every relisten. on every re-read:
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something is driving jedidiah's mind (literally, driving, if we use that motherfucking train as a metaphor), driving his 'project'. the same project thats literally causing the majority of the events of season 1.
all of this leads me to believe one thing about the conductor: he's not the conductor of the train—he's the conductor of the plot.
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astro-break · 1 year
New hypmic anime season and I'm BACK IN THE FUCKING BUILDING AGAIN (I feel like the Martha I'm coming home sweetie audio)
Thoughts on the 1st ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
New plotline lets gooooooo I like that they're straying away from the drama tracks actually, Rhyme Anima is fundamentally a different experience from the core drama tracks which gives new material for both new and old fans OP is an actual banger, Ramuda's verse is the best fight me all you want but you know i'm right Nemu!! uh spoiler chara for anyone new to the anime I guess? Like they spoil her right at the introduction and iirc they didn't really build off her mystery in the first season. Makes her impact here a bit weaker but I'm willing to let it slide since some might not catch it (Post Editing Astro here: I haven't rewatched Rhyme Anima since it finished airing and uh. Nemu definitely was a plot point there lol they dropped it after ep 11 but she was there!) Jyushi my son I love you so much you idiot I love the little stingers for each team that they did for each team, its so cute and gives so much personality The visuals have definitely improved, a big step above the last season in terms of animation i don't see an improvement with story writing though… Pacing is still all over the place and very squished/fast paced makes sense since the cast has grown by a quarter since last season but still makes me sad that there isn't much time given to each character individually I forgot how much I love the localization of Doppomine Okay so Pink hair and Green hair in the flashback are most definitely the two in the white cloaks. Theres just no subtly with this series lmaoooo Nice that they were able to incorporate everyone somehow but too many people means that too many parts to handle I'm getting deja vu, this exact same thing happened last season…. Oh. Its the same guy. Makes sense lmfao Listen bud I have minimal rap experience but that rap was just embarrassing wow. No rhyme or flow, there was only straight passion which i mean props I guess but you suck ass Look at me being so smart and predicting all of these ahead of time without looking at any materials Did Rio just contact Jyuto with his hypmic???? Samatoki have I ever said that I love your for being a bullheaded idiot? bc I do. you're so silly Damn the typography has gotten even better, its just a lot more smooth and the animation too especially during Jiro's part is just so stylish The animation has improved a lot I'm glad it got a little more love compared to last season My guess is that maybe someone from the six divisions will fall under the anger thingy that's going around, something like the stage show. My biggest guess is that they might re-incite the Samatoki and Ichiro conflict again but I hope not. Another guess is that there will be old MCD or Naughty Busters beef which seems more plausible given that this is Sasara and Kuko's anime debut but I guess we'll wait and see THE OUTFITS!!! THE STUPID OUTFITS I LOVE THEM the art style of the ED is super pop punk and has a strong sense of style which i love. its simple but stands out really well which i love Very jjk but more toned down. Feels a bit like a cleaned up croquis drawings the smear frames is just so stylish and good, very simple and a bit messy and sells the gesture drawing kind of feel of the ED Ramuda's parrot costume i love you Those hand signs just make the first letter of each word which is really fun. Not proper JSL though I guess beggars can't be choosers esp for a series like this
Overall, a really strong start. It shows how it built off the first season and where it improved and while some things (like the horrid pacing) never change, at the end of the day its still a fun and delightful watch
If anyone wanted to read my thoughts on the first season, they're all archived here
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moisummertime · 2 years
I am not done changing Out on the run, changing I may be old and I may be young But I am not done changing
John Mayer - Changing
the past few days I've been rereading my old blog. I tried to see what I went through all those days where all I did was just crying every night, torturing myself with the thought that no one would never makes me happy like he did and blah blah blah. And reading that from the perspective of I am now feels weird and strange. I felt bad for what my old self had to go through, and all those days where she just had to be trapped in the idea that she doesn't deserve love was damn... I somehow glad I am right here, right now, in this state where I just surrender to whatever the universe put myself into. If I'm not fine now, I'll be fine later. I always be.
Revisiting those days somehow also make me feel more empowered and confident. Like I saw I went through those shits, I'm confident enough that can go through everything in this life. It wasn't just me, if things go wrong, everything take part in make that plot twist. Life isn't just suddenly feel jealous of you and want to see you suffer. Earlier today I had a talk about how uncomfortable changes can be, but change is just the only thing that is constant in life. Change of age, change of place, change of heart, change of emotion, the wheel of life will keeps going around, the earth rotate, and everything constantly developing and evolving. There's always new way of every part of life.
Comfort is temporary, and it's the only thing that disillusion people. Thinking that good days stays, but suddenly a tornado just destroy everything entirely and you have to start over. again. And the cycle never stops.
On the other side, the catastrophic days isn't gonna last forever. good days come, you'll see the sun again. You'll find yourself in comfort again. But then again how you respond to changes matter. So when things change, I'll just accept it. Okay, so what's next? Whether I divert my focus or embrace that change for a bit to feel the sense of it, that's def depends on me. I probably panic first for sure and getting some anxiety attack but it's not gonna last that long. My confidence ass knows what I can do better in such situation.
Having a priority.
Am I sad and anxious with the recent change at work and my personal life? Sure? Am I gonna drown it it? maybe a little bit. What I can do to make my life get better? Take my ass into that driver seat and start driving to the direction where I can and confident to go.
I'm for sure right now is too old to just seek temporal validation from men through social media, online dating, and even bar/club. I like when recruiter just spamming my LinkedIn messages and even asking me connection. Like it's so fucking noisy these days omg get in line people *blushed*
What's important to me now is to advance my career and get a lot of money. Thanks to my parents who never spoil me and my mom who always said that I shouldn't rely financially on anyone especially men (Thanks Dad for making my mom feel that way). So yeah, that's why although I met a lot of rich men, they're too boring for me. Like I need passionate person who chase his dream, fun, kind, and smart. The least thing I expect from their kind is money. Personality goes first ;) And def, the most important is connection. I might dated a lot of guys. I can count with 1 hand fingers how many men I have connection with. It's that rare, yes. That's why I appreciate it when I get one.
But then again, although love isnt my priority right now. Id welcome it if I were blessed to have it. Just because I have priority doesnt mean I neglect the other things in my life. Its like juggling. Everything takes turn to be on the top. You dont just spend 1 day focusing on work. Theres time to eat l, to chill, to spend time with your loved one, to get some quality me time. With some practice, we can do it.
I mean any radical shift that happen in life, it's definitely better to ride along with it. You see the wave comes, you surf. Always have a surfing board with yourself so you know what to do. Experiences is like a surfing board. Let's be honest, we all have gone through so many radical shifts in life. Breakups, covid, cheating, relocating, new job, death, etc. I don't know how people handle changes, but I always try to learn from it and add the experience to my library so I can use the reference to move forward in life. And the learning never stops. Of course, Im still well and alive so it will never stop. def gonna stop once I die hehe.
I remember I had this Tarot reading back in early 2021. Tarot reader is my best friend in navigating life. They don't predict your future, they just give reading of the card and help you be more mindful in navigating your present life in so you can be better in future.
Some psychic can see future but well, no one knows exactly. Because if you watch avengers and the ancient one explained how timeline works, your choice will determine it. So I got several interesting card in that sessions.
Seven of Swords, Page of Swords, Temperance, Empress, and Queen of Swords.
A lot of Sword cards. Sneaky, agile, nurturing, feminine, and Independent.
Im reading that again and see myself now. This woman was fucking right. I forgot about this reading and I was like... mindblown. My sad ass in 2021 seems like following her advice to navigate my life those times.
And the intuitive message that I got... maybe that's not that I'm "Spiritually Sensitive." I just read patterns better ;)
Growing older never feel this empowering. Wait, is it what it feels like when they said about someone who got their shit together? 😂
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The Byers-Harrington Story
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Byers! Female Reader
Genre: follows the shows plot lines, but will have moments that it diverges canon.
Warnings: some cussing, there is two slurs at the very beginning (i used show dialog, i used a different word in place of f**), Lonnie being a deadbeat. should be it.
WC: 3.6K (the most I’ve ever written)
Summary: Will Byers has gone missing, so of course his family is worried and looking for him. Now what happens when one unsuspecting Byers family member gets pulled into this dungeons and dragons mystery along with an old middle school crush? Romance hopefully.
A/N: this is a female reader, i do use she/her pronouns. I’m sorry I’ll try and get better with my writing and making sure i don’t use female pronouns too much so everyone could feel as included as possible. also if you reblog this story let me know if theres anything you would like to see in future installments. I’m going to try and start writing part two hopefully this week. I also have work coming up soon so it will be a bit harder to get more installments done, but I’m trying. I’m gonna try and get season one parts done hopefully by the end of august. also yes there will be parts that are mostly focusing on the byers because this is a byers read so of course they are going to be worried about their family and stuff.
next chapter
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The day your little brother went missing was when your world was thrown around like the inside of a tornado; everything was off balance, thrown around, and a disaster.
One major thing was being thrown into the strong, charming, and handsome gravitational pull of one Steve Harrington. 
Oh, also monsters, a girl with telepathic powers, government conspiracies, and an alternative dimension called ‘the upside down’; but all those things become crazier later as time moves.
Your little brother Will Byers had gone missing for about 10 hours. He was only 12 years old, a tiny boy compared to many others in his grade. It’s the fall moving into winter time meaning it gets colder at night, meaning he shouldn’t be running around in the woods or something.
Your mom and you went to Chief Hopper and asked if he could help look into Will’s sudden disappearance and started to question if your dad might know anything. The thought of Will going to see your dad made you laugh inside, but you only showed your disdain for that thought with a light scoff.
“No, Lonnie wouldn’t know anything about where Will is,” your mom spoke to the Chief.
“He’s a deadbeat and doesn’t care about any of us, especially Will. Always calling him names like queer and fairy,” you spoke out.
The Chief and Joyce both turned to look at you when you spoke almost like they forgot you were in the room. Joyce just placed one of her hands on your thigh that was closest to her and rubbed her thumb back and forth while her other hand held a lit cigarette.You noticed that the Chief was still looking at you, his gaze made you shrink in on yourself a bit, remembering that you spoke out in front of adults.
“Are you saying that this could be a hate crime of some sort?”
“Well, she said that Lonnie called him names and you said he was getting bullied at school,” the Chief replied to the both of you.
“Look Hop, I don’t know, all I know is that my baby boy is somewhere out there all by himself probably scared to death,” Joyce firmly replied.
The Chief, Hopper, leaned his elbows onto his wood desk and ran his hands over his face, stroking his beard. You could see his eyes moving back and forth between you and Joyce, watching the both of you, probably analyzing your emotions that were displayed openly to the world on your faces.
He sighed out after about a minute of silence and everyone’s breathing, “okay I’ll see what I can find.”
You both just sighed out then left the office, leaving the station and heading home. Neither you nor Jonathan wanted to go to school today, the three of you decided to search the woods surrounding your home and make a missing person poster.
The following day Chief Hopper stopped by the house early in the morning wanting to talk with your mom again, still wanting to follow the Lonnie lead, even though all three of you knew it was a waste of time.
Jonathan made the three of you breakfast which consisted of eggs and toast, which is the usual most days. Joyce was smoking again, something the three of you (you, Jonathan, and Will) wish she would stop, but it’s a nervous habit of hers.
“What? No, be careful of the poster.”
“Yeah, okay. All right,” Jonathan replied.
Joyce just stared at the plate of eggs and toast Jonathan placed in front of her, not bothering to pick up a slice of food.
“I can’t eat.”
“Mom please, just a little?” you asked of her, not wanting to watch your mom not take care of herself.
She just looked at Jonathan like you didn’t even say anything, you just sighed onto your plate.
“Listen. Listen, the Xerox place opens in, like, 30 minutes,” she says as she checks her watch for the time.
“And I don’t want you to go alone…”
“I’ll go with him,” you spoke up around a mouth full of eggs.
Joyce and Jonathan turned their heads in your direction then they turned to look at each other, having a silent conversation between their eyes. It looked like Joyce was about to say something before Jonathan spoke up.
“Yeah that's fine, I’ll drop you off at school after.”
You just nodded your head and went back to eating, but Joyce still looked apprehensive about you going and spoke up, “no I’ll have Karen take Jonathan instead since you should be at school and I need to be here.”
“Mom, it's fine.”
She looked between the both of you and just sighed and threw her hands up into an ‘alright’ gesture.
“We need to make, what, 200, 300 copies?”
“That’s ten cents a copy mom.”
You could see Joyce starting to get more frazzled and slowly losing the loose hold of her emotions, her hands shaking as she reaches for her wallet.
“Mom,” you whispered while grabbing her hand.
Jonathan placed a hand on her shoulder, “you can’t get like this, okay?”
“I’m sorry,” she sniffled out to both of you.
“It’s okay mom, we’ll get through this and get Will back,” you stated.
The three of you just sat in silence for a moment, your plates of cold eggs and toast not being touched by anyone. The moment was broken by the knocking on the front door bringing your attention away. Joyce got up from the table, Jonathan and yourself just a few steps behind her as she opened the door to Chief Hopper looking solemn with his hat held between his hands.
“We’ve been waiting for six hours.”
“I’m sorry I got here as soon as I could.”
“Six hours,” Joyce repeated.
“Mom, just let him tell us what they found, okay?” you spoke from just a step behind her trying to make sure she doesn’t have some type of breakdown.
Hopper sighed, “we’ve been searching all night. Went all the way to Cartersville.”
Joyce bunched her shoulders high while wringing her hands together, “and?”
“Nothing,” Hopper said quietly.
“Oh god,” Joyce cried out.
You pulled your mom into a hug for her sake, but also yours since you didn’t want to start crying at this moment. 
Hopper cleared his throat, “Flo says you got a call last night.”
Joyce sniffled and replied with a “yeah” and brought him over to the burnt landline.
After a kinda tense conversation regarding the nature of the phone call, Hopper brought up Lonnie again and decided he’s gonna check him out.
“You’re wasting your time,” Joyce shouted out to a retreating Hopper.
Joyce just sighed out for probably the 30th time that day and retreated into the kitchen. You were following just behind her when you noticed Jonathan walking out the front door and closing it quietly. You furrowed your brows for a moment then decided you’ll ask him about that when you leave.
You walk up to your mom who was back to sitting at the kitchen table with another cigarette lit between her lips while she was looking at Will’s missing persons poster. Her breaths were coming out shaky every time she exhaled puffs of smoke, tears slowly making their way out of her tear ducts and gently falling down the curve of her cheeks and nose bridge. You squat down to the floor, placing your hands on her knees knowing she needed to be reminded of you and Jonathan.“Mom, everything is going to be okay, I’ll make sure of it.”
“Oh honey,” was all she got out before you engulfed her with a lung-breaking hug.
You heard Jonathan before you saw him. You pulled away from your mom and gave her a quick kiss on the crown of her head and grabbed the poster along with your school bag, heading out the front door with Jonathan just behind you. When he got into his car and started the engine was when you decided to bring up the topic.
“So what did you talk about with Hopper earlier?”
Jonathan barely moved his head in your direction at your comment, just a slight side eye. His gaze stayed focused on the road, all the way to the Xerox place. When the two of you were inside the place waiting for your stack of copied posters, you posed the question again to Jonathan and did not take silence for any type of answer.
“I’m gonna visit Lonnie after I drop you off,” was Jonathan’s curt reply to your pestering.It took you a moment to process what he just said to you because why would he be going to Lonnie’s unless “is that what you were talking to Hopper about?”
He just gave you a side eye to your question giving you information that you didn’t know “he said not to, didn’t he?”
Still no verbal answer to either question, but Jonathan doesn’t talk much anyway. Though after years of living together you were able to read his tells, side eyes and being even quieter were usual his tells for most things that he was trying to keep secret.
“Well if you’re going to Lonnie’s, I’m joining.”
That got Jonathan’s undivided attention making him whip his head so fast at your statement, it’s surprising he didn’t get whiplash. You just kept your steady gaze on his blown-out look like he saw a ghost. Jonathan was about to open his mouth, probably to tell you ‘it’s not happening, not in a million years,’ but the nice lady at the counter came back with your poster and the copies interrupting Jonathan. You thanked her with a nice smile and grabbed the stack and walked away in the direction of the exit to head to the car.
“(Y/n),” Jonathan finally spoke up when the both of you left the store.
You didn’t even turn your head, pretending to not acknowledge that he said your name, and just stood on the passenger side of the car waiting for Jonathan to open his side.
“(Y/n)-” “No Jonathan, we both know what a piece of shit Lonnie is so I’m not letting you go over there by yourself. End of discussion.”
And it was, Jonathan just sighed and got into the car to drive to the school.
When the car was parked in Jonathan’s spot you both grabbed a couple of posters and went inside. You and Jonathan both split up and would be back up by the entrance within 10 minutes. You pinned a few posters on cork boards that were mounted onto the halls and even gave a few to the office to see if they could pass them out. When you were satisfied with how many you got out you started back towards the entrance of the school when you skidded to a stop.
Jonathan was pinning a poster up and just a few feet away there they were. Tommy H., his girlfriend Carol, Nancy Wheeler, Barb Holland, and the King of Hawkins high himself Steve Harrington. All five of them just watched Jonathan behind his back, as you were walking closer you could hear a little bit of their conversation.
“I don’t think he speaks.”
“How much do you want to bet he killed him?” Tommy H’s dumbass spoke up.
Your blood started to boil at the fact they were making fun of your missing brother and assumed that Jonathan killed him. You started to storm over to their little group just as you saw Steve shove Tommy with his elbow and told him to shut up. Just as you were behind them you saw Nancy walk away and over to Jonathan.You tapped Tommy H on his shoulder to draw his attention towards you and with an unsuspecting smile, you slapped him across the face. You didn’t care if you got in trouble, no one talks badly about your family.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Tommy shouted while holding his cheek with one hand.
“If I hear you talk about my family like you did just now, it will be a lot worse than a slap Tommy,” and you walked away.
“Are we sure you didn’t have something to do with his disappearance?” you heard Carol shout back to your retreating figure.
“Fuck off Carol,” was all you gave back in reply.
“So you want to talk about what happened back at school?”
Jonathan took a quick look at you taking his eyes off the road for a second before looking back ahead, keeping a steady grip on the steering wheel, the rain being the noise draining out most of the world along with the music as it was pelting against the windshield and roof. You just kept your gaze focused outside of the window with your head leaning against the glass and your fist pushing into your cheek.You didn’t say anything back so that was the answer to Jonathan’s question. All you thought about right now was the dangerous ideas conjuring in your mind. The idea that Will would run away to Lonnie’s was absurd and you all knew that, but the thought of Lonnie doing something horrible to your little brother made you want to throw up what little food you had for breakfast. The car coming to a stop pulled you from your nightmares and brought you to the monster's house instead.
“Okay in and out, that’s it.”
You and Jonathan both looked at each other trying to gauge what the other was feeling at this moment. Probably scared, terrified of finding Will here, angry at the thought of seeing Lonnie again, but you both put those aside and nodded at each other and got out of the car.
Jonathan walked ahead of you and pounded his fist against the door, after a few seconds he banged his fist again and this time you both could faintly hear a female voice inside the house.
“Ugh, Cynthia,” you said with an eye roll.
Cynthia opened the door and just the noise of her aggressively chewing her gum was pissing you off very fast.“Can I help you?”
“Yeah, is Lonnie around?” Jonathan asked.
She just looked between the both of you, “yeah, he’s out back. What do you want?”
“To look around,” Jonathan said as he walked into the house with you following just behind. You both began to split up looking everywhere Will could possibly be hidden.
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing? Hey!”
“We’ll be fast,” was all you replied back.
You and Jonathan looked into different rooms, closets, cupboards, anywhere shouting his name to let him know you were here. Just as you finished looking on your side of the house walking back towards Jonathan when Lonnie came out of nowhere pushing him up against the wall.
“Jonathan!” you yelled out.
Lonnie looked in your direction after hearing your cry and just gave a disgusting grin your way looking back at Jonathan, “looks like the bitch is still around.”
“Get off!” Jonathan yelled with a cry pushing Lonnie by the chest to get him away.
Lonnie just smiled and watched Jonathan like he was waiting for him to make his next move, “you’ve gotten strong. Bet she’s gotten weaker.”
He indicated the last part in your direction. You just crossed your arms over your chest, trying to give you some type of physical protection even though it would have no effect. Jonathan was the one who took most of the physical violence from Lonnie, you would take some to if Jonathan wasn’t around, but it was mostly Jonathan being everyone’s savior.
“Will someone please explain what is going on?” Cynthia spoke up from the end of the hallway just behind you.
“Jonathan, (Y/n), this is Cynthia. Cynthia, this is Jonathan and (Y/n), my kids”
“Yea nice to meet you Cynthia and not great to see you again Lonnie, but we have to leave.” 
You moved to grab Jonathan by his denim jacket and made for the door. The small, trashed house was starting to make you feel like you couldn’t breathe, like it was slowly closing in on you, closing you off from the safe world outside keeping you trapped inside with Lonnie. When you got outside you started to walk towards Jonathan’s car, but saw that he stopped by Lonnie’s and checked the trunk. You held your breath hoping that Will wasn’t in there. Jonathan closed the trunk and turned his head towards you and shook it ‘no’ which made you release your breath.
You decided to just wait for Jonathan in the car not wanting to have any more interactions with Lonnie. As you waited in the car you could see that Jonathan and Lonnie were having some type of conversation, Jonathan slamming a missing persons poster into Lonnie’s chest, and then him walking away back to the car. Cynthia came out and grabbed onto Lonnie from behind saying something that you couldn’t give two shits about, so with a final eye roll you pulled your gaze forward just as Jonathan opened his door.
Yea you hated this job, but it paid okay money plus tips and you’ve only had it for five months, waiting for something better to come along. Working at Lenny’s Pizza was pretty easy, but it made you want to rip your hair out because of the customers. You’ve already called out for the past two days so you took a shift from a coworker since they had last minute plans. And just as you were finishing up with your last 15 minutes on the clock, you had to make a delivery, which luckily would be the last thing for the day so not too bad if you might say.
However when you got to the house and knocked on the front door, your night was ruined even worse after today's events. Steve Harrington opened the door and you froze into a block of ice. Of course the last delivery of your night had to be at Steve’s house, and Carol and Tommy H. were probably here too, shit.
A voice snapped you out of your daze and you looked to see Steve staring at your face and then you saw the way his eyes made a quick scan of your uniform. You felt heat rush to your ears which were luckily covered by your hair and the employee hat.
Look you may not really like Steve at this point in time, but you used to have a little crush on him in middle school. He was different back then, yea he still had the Harrington charm that he uses to this day, but he was a lot nicer to everyone, he was sweet, helpful and considerate. Now because he’s in the ‘popular crowd’ he’s mostly a douchebag, though in your head you think it’s mostly because he hangs out with idiots like Carol and Tommy H. He’s also just very handsome with his well crafted hair and his gorgeous smile-
“Oh look who it is!” Carol and her annoying voice have made their way into your brain now.
You look just past Steve and see Carol standing just inside the sliding door. You couldn’t see who else was here tonight, but you for sure knew Tommy was here so you just wanted to leave.You look back to Steve to see he was still looking at you, watching you, it made a slight shiver go up your spine.
“Um, it’ll be 10.73”
Steve handed you a 20 and you didn’t know what to do for a moment when his fingers grazed your palm. You looked at the bill and then looked back at him with a sort of dumbfounded look.
“I-I don’t have change on me…”
“Keep the change, it can be your tip,” he said with a smile to his face.
You just gave a tight lipped smile back to him, said good night and headed back to the company car. You took one glance over your shoulder when you got to the drivers side and saw that Steve was still at his door looking at you. You felt your nervousness get the best of you so you rushed inside the car and left, just wanting to be home right now in bed.
When you did get home you saw your mom outside standing by her car. You dropped your bike in the grass near her car and you saw her jump at the noise.
“Mom, are you okay?” That was kinda a rhetorical question seeing as she hasn’t been okay for the past two days.
She was shaking and was just staring at the house. You turned your head in the direction of the house as well when suddenly the lights started to flicker inside.
“Mom, did you forget to pay the electric company or something?”
Still nothing, so you walked closer to her side and placed a hand on her shoulder. Her head finally turned towards you and you saw the look in her eyes. She was scared.
“What happened?” “The lights, and Will’s room, and-”
“Mom,” “And I heard this noise-”
It went quiet after you shouted at her, but you needed to. She was slowly spiraling and you couldn’t have her do that, you didn’t want to constantly have to worry about her while also trying to find Will. It was too much pressure on both you and Jonathan.
“Mom, let's just go to bed, it's late,” you sighed.
She moved her eyes back to the house and you followed in her movement, seeing the lights flicker again, but you didn’t care about that right now. You just looked back at her and linked your fingers with hers and pulled her behind you as you walked to the house, back inside your haunted house. 
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Current headcanons for possible stobotnik boom!Stone
He works at/owns a coffee shop a couple towns over. Eggman was there to pick up a specific thing and decided to get coffee on the way out. It was love at first sight. Stone put a heart next to the name on the cup. The next few weeks sees a serious decrease of Eggman sightings and Sonic's feelings are a tad bit hurt. The team investigate and discover no, Eggman doesnt have a new nemesis, he's just utterly failing to flirt with this one barista and its painful to watch.
Eggman decided he cant rely on machines to handle everything for him after a few to many mishaps so he hires a personal assistant. Stone turns out not only to be super competent but half the time he's more efficient than the machines and he makes the best lattes. Theres a behind the scenes rivalry between Stone and a couple robots. Eggman has no idea he's crushing mega hard on Stone but everybody else knows. If Sonic has to hear one more rambling rant about "how great Stone is" he's gonna scream
Stone somehow inserts himself into Eggman's life. Nobody has any idea how it happened (well Sticks has a few theories). Including Eggman. He just showed up one day and never left
Stone opens a coffee shop that becomes a popular new hang out place. He's not much of a character but he is in most episodes. He can be seen serving coffee, staring longingly at Eggman from across the room, and chatting with costumers. Theres a unspoken rule about not damaging his shop during fights (his coffee is too divine. No one is willing to risk not being able to get some because he closed the shop down)
Villain Stone villain Stone villain Stone
Villain Stone who does like two attacks, is then invited by Eggman to join forces, and next thing anyone knows they're partners
Villain Stone who's trying to get Eggman's attention by making him jealous stealing his nemesis and becoming his rival
Stone gets one episode and then after that he's just occasionally seen in the background and given two lines. Stone moves to town (Sticks is convinced he's a government spy placed here to gather information) and as the only other human in town, Amy is convinced Eggman and Stone are destined to be together and she works nonstop to create romantic situations to trap them in. It somehow works. Eggman is constantly calling to reschedule fights because "i cant do thursday im going bowling with Stone"
Stone works as a government liaison. He's got a neutral relationship with both Eggman and team Sonic (even Sticks. She stops by his house to ask convoluted questions that he patiently answers or to spy on him) but seeing him usually means "uggggg what now" for all of them. Stone has a closet shrine filled with pictures of Eggman and the only people who know are Sticks and Knuckles. They dont talk about it
The government sends a group to the island to investigate something and everyone is super aggravated by all the red tape. Stone is the guy in charge. Eggman is pissed at the group and Stone in particular for grinding everything to a halt until Stone takes off his sunglasses and theres a cartoon "pretty girl hairflip" kinda thing when Eggman sees Stone's eyes for the first time. Now instead of stuttering and flushing in anger when talking to Stone he stutters and flushes because of butterflies. Stone and Shadow either have unexplained beef or are the kind of friends where you quietly stand together because you dont know anybody else here which is also unexplained. Either way its weird
(Oh what if Maria was one of the members of the group and thats why Shadow was hanging around oh great im going on a tangent now-)
(Or maybe Rouge is there and her and Shadow act like old friends. This is only relevant because Knuckles spends the whole episode looking at Rouge with heart eyes and theres a "get Knuckles a date" side plot)
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Do you write yandere? If so, can I request skz yandere headcanons on how they would react when S/O rejects them because she doesn't wanna deal with whole drama that would come with dating an idol?
i mean kinda?? i have a seungmin yandere fic in my drafts sooo BUT YEAH
oh also, requests are not open but im just gonna do this one cause headcanons are kinda fun BUT REQUESTS ARE CLOSED <33
also why is the felix one so short-
Warnings; yandere!skz, rejection, k-dnapping, slight gaslightning or like manipulation, restraints, threats, aggression, mentions of masturbation, stockholm syndrome
nobody rejects him. nobody.
you two were friends from school and you were sooo happy when chan made it as an idol, finally persuing the dream he had been yapping on about for years. 
but in the midst of that he realized that he had feelings for you, he missed you all the time, just wanting to hang out with you and maybe explore the things he had on his mind. so,, he decided to confess when you guys were at a cafe.
“look y/n,,, there’s something I wanna tell you” he started to which you tilted your head
“nooo,,, are you guys going on a tour again,,, i wil miss you sooo much channie” you said with a pout but the boy shook his head.
“i like you y/n” 
your mouth stood agape, this was not what you expected and truthfully,,, not what you wanted. 
“chan,,, y-you know thats not possible” you said with a frown, looking at him straight ahead.
“of course it is,,, why wouldn’t it be? w-what are you trying to say y/n?!” his voice started growing louder, you looking around in order to see that people werent turning their heads towards your table. 
you have made a big big mistake my friend- 
wont even hesitate to keep you hostage in his basement LIKE IM NOT JOKING-
might just tie you up and like,,, not even do anything to you, just talk to you and admire you, maybe tracing your facial features and cuddle closer on the cold floor
just wants to keep you as a pet or smth and you are scared out of your mind cause you cant move cause of the restraints, you cant speak because you have silvertape across your lips that he only removes to feed you but if you start screaming you wont get any so you deicde to just stay calm and quiet before someone saves you and play along. 
i mean you do,,, kinda fall for him but you know you cant,, but you cant help but to fall for him and miss him whenever he’s out on schedule things
he always returns to you and you get so happy when you see the little crevice of light from outside when he opened the basement door
whenever he lies next to you, you put your head against his shoulder and take in his scent the best you can
he told you everyday that he would let you go if you agreed to date him but you shook your head,, maybe cause you liked being his prey. 
he’s more of the threatening type of yandere,,, like,, not that he’s violent but if you try to block his number he will create new ones and keep on sending you messages about how you have betrayed him and how he wished that you loved him back and all that,,,,
you guys often meet because you go to the same college and are students in the same department sooo,,,, avoiding him is pretty impossible 
he stares a lot at you,,, you guys have a couple of classes together and he just stares the entire time, his eyes are just filled with revenge, he somehow wants you make you his, own you but he doesnt know how yet, for now he can just look.
watch this fucking message conversation just be this;
[why did you talk to him during class?]
[you could have just asked me]
[nobody loves you like i do. no one y/n]
you are never getting rid of him basically,,
he’s gonna get to you first ;))
i feel like he goes more to the stalking route than the kidnapping and drugging and whatnot- 
ok,,, you rejected him,,, but that doesnt mean you’re getting rid of him.
ohmygod what if he turns into a peeping tom- cause he obviously knows where you live. 
like yall were not even that close?? he just saw you backstage at one of the concerts and thought you looked good so he decided to go up to, you werent an idol so no problem he thought.
but he gets a bit too,, hasty with his decisions and often falls for people randomly and so when he politely greeted you and gave you his number you simply shook your head, explaining that this wouldn’t be possible since you worked in the same industry and you needed to stay clear out of any scandals in order to keep your job. 
no was not answer in Hyunjins mind. 
luckily he managed to catch your full name by flickering through some papers in an office and also saw your full adress there, knowing exactly what he was going to do on his free time. 
if im being completely honest,,, i have no idea-
like,,, he gives me kinda pervy yandere vibes,,,
what if youre like his ex before he became an idol and now he wants to get back together with you-
oh,,, he masturbates to your pictures-
i feel like he always thinks about you, wondering what you like and wants to write songs about you but he doesnt do much-
but when he finds out that you have been hired by the same company as him to work as a like,,, economics accountant thingy he is all of a sudden vEEERY interested-
always asking the manager of when the group will have meetings with the accounting team,,, although they had nothing to do with them-
he just wanted to be in a conference room with you (and think pervy things about you in your tight office skirt and white blouse)
you went to the toilet on day and you saw him lurking around the same floor,,, WHICH ONCE AGAIN WAS NOT CONNECTED TO THE GROUP AT ALL- 
and idk,,, probably sneaks in with you and locks the door before you even react that theres someone else in the toilet- 
i feel like he’s pretty mild,,, but when he’s alone with you he is aggressive broooo
probably pins you to the wall and threatens you or smth along those lines,,,,,
(writing this is what my life has become to-)
“what do you think you’re doing?”
you turn around again, you had just thought of just leaving with a vague answer to his question but he was not having it. 
his words sounded cold, his dark voice making an entrace, the exact one you’ve heard on many of the songs you listened to.
“felix,,, you have to understand,,, u-um,, if we date theres gonna be some issues” you said but he just stared at you with cocky eyebrows and a dark gaze, running his tongue on the inside of his cheek.
“do you think i care? would i ask you if i cared?” he said to which you shook your head automatically, what more could you do?
“you get until tomorrow to think and if i don’t get the answer i want well,,, we’ll see what i’ll do to you.”
he plots shit behind your back yk?
he’s more of the sneaky type of yanderes (oop spoiler to a fic heh)
like he makes this like fucking year long plan where the objective of the mission is to make you obssessed with him-
he starts kinda subtely,,, first its going to the same gym as you and like,,, knowing where you placed your stuff
and then he starts putting small notes like under your waterbottle when you went to grab something that say like “i think youre cute, call me” and then his number
you obviously dont react,,, because why the fuck would you contact a stranger at the gym 
BUT THEN you realize that its him, its mf kim seungmin. yo,,,, u didnt know he went to this gym,,, that was not,,, the best-
of course you got a bit interested,,, you wanted to know how he was off camera,,, like just in his everyday life and i meeean,,, he was attractive but obviously you should stay away bc,,, he’s a celebrity but seungmin didnt want to stay away
he notes somehow started to get more aggressive,,, suddenly being like “why are you ignoring me?” and such,,,
and one night you were left alone in the gym with him,,, it was sooo quiet, only the sounds of your strained breaths as you lifted a dumbell
here where the plan came to play ;))
he’s obsessed with you and you are not going anywhere, even if you rejected him. 
he’s more clingy?? LIKE HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU
ok sure,, he falls more into the stalking category too,,, 
also veeeery much a obssessed kinda yandere,,, like his mind is not thinking about how to like capture you,,, more about how to make you soooo comfortable and fool you into loving him despite the circumstances?
i just imagine that you work in a cafe and jeongin often meets you there when he buys coffee and you are already in awe when you see fucking yang jeongin enter the coffee shop on your shift but you were even more excited when he leaves his phone number on a napkin and slides it over the counter before leaving. 
you thought about it,,, contemplating multiple times but,,, you decided it would be best not to since well,,, safety purposes 
but he would visit you and every day his face got more and more perplexed cause he wondered why you didnt call
mf would not leave you alone, he would even wait outside the coffee shop until you finished your shift and walk you home,,, so now he knew where you lived- 
and then do the same thing over and over again until you talked to him.
does. not. give. up. 
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shoezuki · 4 years
ok so like i been Thinkin a lot on that stream techno had today and i may be Thinkin Too Much cuz i was doing psychology while watching but im going to say Words Now
the entire idea and Plot of tommy going from only interacting/being manipulated by dream to only interacting with techno is a Lot. theres a lot here. and i am feasting like a fucking king on the potential of it and what this could all Mean
I think we’re building up the idea of how techno and dream differ and how they house both similarities and extreme differences in their ideals. 
So if we considered how Tommy’s arcs have changed theres a very, VERY clear juxtaposition between the exile arc to.... raccoon arc? whatever the fuck is goin on
Tommy Was manipulated, isolated, and gaslit by dream. that was the only guy he really had interacted with and that was Intentional entirely. Its very obvious this will have and currently has an affect on tommy. 
Now, he’s with technoblade. theres a lot of shit that can be read in this simply as considered right now. I feel we’re clearly supposed to at least somehow compare dream and technoblade because their positions are somewhat similar concerning how they are interacting with tommy. 
Tommy can only really interact with techno, only techno really has the ability to see him (although ranboo, ghostbur, and phil could see him but theres obvious difficulties in their case), and how tommy regards technoblade is.... complicated. like how he regards dream at the moment.
but theres some really, really important and clear differences in this that i think will show a lot about techno’s character and what’s to come
first of all, there’s a question of why techno is seemingly ‘letting’ tommy live with him. No joke, i’ve discussed this a LOT in the technocord and it’s made me realize it from a different perspective since many of those people in there are from Before techno joined the smp.
so, there’s no clear ‘rational’ reason why techno would benefit from teaming with tommy. there’s some arguments that could be made; tommy’s position with people and especially tubbo, using tommy as a bargaining chip with dream, and something else i cant remember. but the technocord hardcore ppl feel tommy is a liability in the long term. techno doesn’t really have much to gain beyond a distraction. the idea of using tommy in order to convince him he’s getting the disks and then to destroy lmanberg is kinda.... its jus more trouble to techno. In fact, it wouldve been defendable for techno to kick him out; he stole his stuff, and we saw how he reacted to his cows being killed, his previous base being pillaged. You’d have thought techno wouldve been angrier.
but like. that aside. there’s little reason for techno to open up to tommy. and thats the point.
there’s no necessity on techno’s part. he doesnt need tommy. he could kick him out easily. but he won’t. 
I imagine technoblade sees the trauma and hardship tommy went through and he sympathizes with him. Its been made clear that techno doesnt know the full extent of what happened, but he doesnt need to. he knows enough. 
Now, back to the happenings of the last stream,
it wasnt plot heavy at all. (mostly because techno’s fuckign glasses are held together with SCOTCH TAPE the guy couldnt even fucking use ducttape i hate that) but there were a Few interesting things, including the Plot Stream a bit;
the ‘box’ techno made with the idea of hiding tommy from dream. (perhaps a joke but it still shows something i feel)
how he’s been giving tommy a Lot of stuff. he hasnt Genuinely been upset at his golden apples being taken; in fact, techno gave him more food in protest of him eating all the gapples instead of.... demanding them back
went mining in the nether with the intention of getting tommy better stuff
he replaced the log he accidentally stripped. extremely funny considering he got the wrong type of wood but he tried
expending more resources on tommy with invisibility potions so that he wasnt in danger of being seen
Repeatedly would assure tommy that dream Is Not His Friend.
at the idea of tommy being ‘banned’ from the nether and being attacked in lmanberg, techno laughed at the idea of him being ‘attacked’ and killed even when tommy worried that he’d die for the Last Time
implicated that techno WOULD defend him. and the idea of someone killing Either him or tommy was funny because of that
okay so slight comparison to dream; techno is instead GIVING tommy resources instead of blowing them up, he’s obviously intent on protecting him in some way, and he assures tommy that dream is No Good (rather than how dream was telling tommy no one cared about him)
But there’s one instance that was really, really important to me
the control room had a very bad impact on tommy. most likely a panic attack (the shaking, heavy breathing, scattered speech/thought is something i know so intimately lmao) and techno’s reaction to it was extremely interesting. 
first, techno said he was ‘freaking out for no reason’ which could be a) techno is horrific at emotions and vulnerability lmao and b) to Him, it Is nothing. he has no clue what tommy had been through. 
He repeatedly asked what was wrong. what had happened in that room. He pressed Slightly. but as soon as tommy said he didnt want to talk about that, techno instantly backed off and said its alright. specifically, he said:
“It’s fine, no one recovers in a day tommy. Healing is a long process, it’s fine.”
that shit hit me like a freight train. Mostly i didnt expect anything to come from this stream like that but FUCK LMAO.
The biggest thing is, i think technoblade is going to help tommy heal from the dream shit and get back on his feet. 
but also, even though im not entirely sure i need to see more, tommy will get techno to be more caring. We know philza is the only one techno is really close to, and ghostbur as well. both of which either weren’t involved in betraying techno, or doesnt remember it. i see it pointed out that techno is going at tubbo and his government rather than dream, but i think it makes sense. 
dream technically hasnt challenged techno’s ideals or what he wants; while tubbo stole from him, used him as a weapon, and reinstated a government despite everything techno was saying. 
Tommy took part in betraying him, thats without a doubt. but tommy was also screwed over by the government in place. so techno empathizes with him. maybe they dont fully trust each other, but thats a work in progress. and it will progress to technoblade trusting tommy despite their past, and realizing that dream is in a position of power over Everyone. 
tl:dr: tommy is going to heal with techno’s help and full come to terms with/realize what dream did to him, and techno is going to realize he CAN trust people and that dream has been the one pulling the strings all along
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surpriserose · 2 years
okay heres the #analysis of the shitty movie i just watched because i love over reading into things no matter how #deep they are and this is how i cope with my mom making me watch shitty movies
okay so day shift is an action comedy buddy (cop) movie about vampire hunters but really its just one guy (jamie foxx) whos name is...literally bud? anyways the basic plot is somehow this guy isnt divorced he just lives like it and he hunts vampires and he needs to hunt a lot super fast for money otherwise his wife and kid will...move i guess. like this is such an i have to win my wife back plot but theyre not even divorced??? so heres the bullet list of shit in this movie
-> so one we have to get it out of the way that this is a vampire movie and vampires have a long history of being representative of more than just monsters no matter how many movies make them just monsters like this one. and this shit has gone on forever like dracula with its antisemitism and xenophobia released in the 1800s and netflix literally JUST canceled their latest antisemitic vampire show so. thankfully these arent antisemitic vampires they're just well...lets get into the politics of this comedy movie
-> the villain in this movie is... audrey san fernando? i literally had to look that up i had no idea what any of these characters were named. and well shes like the head honcho vampire and a rich real estate mogul or something. shes also mexican. this movie takes place in la and well theres um... mentions of her bringing lots of...vampires...to la and buying up land for them and also she mentions starting a vampire-human war at some point. and this isnt a big jump at all like the movie straight up tells you shes mexican she crossed the border and had to leave her daughter behind and bring her over later they brought up ideas of immigration and also??? connected vampires to human sacrifice and the aztecs? like the fucking climax takes place at an aztec pyramid thats just...under la??? so we also have ideas of who really owns the land who was here first (i mean audrey is literally like probably close to 150-200 years old so like out of the cast its literally her and the rest of the vampires who like ive said are mexican and native coded)
-> i should also mention theres a conversation our buddy cops have after killing a bunch of white high school vampires. where seth (ill get to him in a bit because oh my god) is like man... vampires used to be human dont you feel bad for killing them? and jamie foxx is like nah theyre all (sure literally but still) inhuman murders and liars which well sure fine but again vampires are often used as a metaphor like...theyre inhuman blood sucking monsters because x group are inhuman blood sucking monsters not the other way around
-> except for bud's two allies who are both white but are like good vampires like dont worry about them theyre fine? all that stuff about vampires all being inherently bad? oh its whatever now for no reason at all dont think about it its just a coincidence theyre both white and now the vampires can be good im sure theres nothing there
-> okay lets talk about seth now. so buddy cop movies need a huge contrast between the two leads, ones strong and cool and damn the rules he's gonna get the job done and the other is weak and ineffectual and tied up in regulations. which is what we have with bud and seth, which is only slightly better because thank god theyre not cops too. and here i have to go on a tangent. if you look at conservative media and often especially political cartoons, you'll quickly sort out that theres a lot of qualities that make someone a liberal aside from their actual politics. like thats why you'll see conservatives often just say pronouns in bio but theyre really saying look at this idiot liberal + a bunch of transphobia. and seth has a lot of those. hes not vegan/vegetarian but he is a pescatarian and pretty much any diet without steak makes you a liberal. same with gluten free which seth also is (or at least just buys gluten free muffins). seth "doesnt believe" in guns. hes a white collar office worker. he uses a satchel which they call a manpurse, and hes often effeminate in other ways -he's fine being called cupcake as an insult by a manly man, his boss...hits on him? he likes cats and fashion and hates violence like it just goes on- and the masculinity he does have in his impractical suits isnt good enough compared to the real men/vampire hunters hes around. and these are all the jokes in the movie btw plus all the ones about seth pissing himself like youre supposed to laugh at these things and think theyre stupid. especially when compared to how cool and masculine bud is. oh my god this is so long and i still have shit to talk about im sorry
-> okay so i bring all these things up about seth because hes also literally a union representative. as in hes the uh...vampire hunters union rep sent to keep an eye on bud. which...why is it specifically called a union? surely it has nothing to do with the wave of growing unionization and labor rights movements in america in the wake of covid. surely we're just making jokes about how unions will steal your money and tie you up in useless regulations to keep a hard working american man from his family for no reason right? because why would you make your buddy cop vampire hunter action comedy a vehicle for anti union messaging? because holy shit why is this random movie exactly that why is this specifically a vampire hunter *union*
i want to say there was another thing but honestly this is such a 5/10 movie my brains already forgotten it and yeah *maybe* im reading too much into it but like come on....come on just look at that list ive hardly said anything the movie hasnt said itself. and it being a comedy is no excuse like i hope by now we've realized how much of a reactionary force comedy can be. also its way better to read too much into things than too little honestly like have you look at the posts on this site
so yeah like anyways just remember no movie is ever just a movie everything is political youre not immune to propaganda you know the drill
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actualbird · 3 years
Now that you've gone over how you think all the boys would be as cats (because thats the most important thing here) will you PLEASE go back through how they became cats, the ensuing panic/mania, and the plot point of mc now having 4 cats in her apartment and having to figure out how to un-cat-ify them all (and take care of them in the meantime) I am begging you... not all at once tho I have a feeling that it's gonna be way too long
OKAY SO how the NXX Cat-ification Bonanza happens is because of
it's just a
it's a normal thing yknow
an au where turning into a cat is normal
this au exists, it's a thing, trust me, look theres even an ao3 tag for it
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according to the er, progenitor of this au, this au is basically the canon universe but "every human on earth turns into a cat for a month at a random point in their lives and it's just an accepted thing." cool awesome this is exactly what i need
moving on
so with this au in mind the ensuing panic is a little bit subdued it's less of "holy shit we're cats" and more of "uuugh it's Cat Time, i guess," and the thing that causes actual panic is that. all the nxx boys, for some frigging reason, get hit with Cat Time on like
the same frigging day
the nxx investigation team, all of them, are pulling an all nighter for one of their cases and mc is like "guys, im gonna take a nap for an hour" and the boys are like yes go rest pls and so she does she takes a nap and when she wakes up and goes back to the meeting room
theyre all cats. it's Cat Time. for all of them. all at once.
what are the fucking chances.
mc takes them all home because she knows luke and artem and vyn live alone and have nobody to help them out during Cat Time and marius (who lives in a mansion with many people who can help him) is like WAIT NO IF THEYRE GOING WITH U I WANNA GO TOO DONT LEAVE ME AAAAAAAAA just frigging cat-erwauling until mc is like oh my god okay fiiiiiiine
so now she has 4 cats in her apartment!!! and in this au the boys retain their human minds so theyre like, behaved and stuff. the only thing is that some instincts are Heightened, like emotions and senses but most especially the desire for physical touch, which is why my original post on this au is Like That.
with this convenient au in place bc itll be over naturally, mc doesnt have to figure anything out anymore, she just kind of has to deal with 4 cats that are actually 4 men in love with her.
each of them, in their own way, makes her blood pressure rise.
vyn and marius are constantly battling for her attention and end up in (started by marius, mostly) catfights that she has to break up. vyn pretends it never happened when it's over and marius is just constantly trying to knock things off tables at the exact moment vyn is under them so that he can get knocked in the head.
artem is the world's sulkiest cat and he worries mc a lot, like shes pretty sure that artem doesnt know that, in this form, every time he has a Feeling, he starts warbling. artem cant repress in this form. it's painful for everybody involved.
and once luke gets over the fact that he, for now, wants to eat his own pet bird, he acts more like a DOG than a cat kajsbfkajskfa. awake at 5:30am on the dot swishing his tail back and forth waiting for mc to wake up because aHA HES GONNA BE FIRST TO GREET HER WITH A MEOW!! BEAT THAT, EVERYBODY!!!
it's a very long month for mc KJBKJSDGD
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adrianicsea · 2 years
this might be a weird question but how do you stay motivated with writing your fics? theres so many fics that I desperately want to write but I have so much trouble staying motivated, so how do you do that? Love your blog also❤️
hey there!! not a weird question at all :) i’ve struggled a LOT with writing motivation over the years— it’s a miracle i got the grades i did in college, i was a notorious essay procrastinator. there’s not really One Solid Thing i can point to for my recent success in staying on top of writing, but these are all things that have helped:
having dedicated writing time/a schedule! even if it’s just a few minutes a day, telling yourself that you’re going to sit for X time with the purpose of working on your project helps. (i will readily admit that i’m lucky here— i work in an office setting, where i spend a lot of my time in a cubicle with not a lot to do BUT write)
on that note, not all writing time needs to be spent actually physically drafting. outlining stuff counts too! using sleeping with ghosts as an example— typically, i can get out one chapter in the span of one work week. the first couple days are spent outlining in a bullet-point list what’s gonna happen in the chapter, and then the next day or two is spent physically writing it.
now, i am NOT someone who typically likes to outline. but i promise promise PROMISE that outlining will make it easier to write your project, be it big or small. a problem i’ve always run into is having a vague idea of my overarching plot, with ideas for plot beats/scenes here and there... and then no idea of how to connect those beats, or how to get from point A to point B. OR, i’ll have too MANY ideas for directions that a plot can take, and then i get choice paralysis and write nothing. but if i start with that vague outline, and then “zoom in” on a small part of it and hammer out the full details into a play-by-play outline of the chapter, it helps me get stuff written!
if that sort of choice paralysis is something you also have issue with, i’ve found a lot of success with doing flowcharts to help you decide what direction to take the story. i’ll use swg as an example— the latest chapter ended with lawrence and adam learning that the jigsaw killer has been captured via a news report on the tv, and i’ve been having a bit of a block deciding what happens next. so i sat down and started a flowchart, with the first point being the news report. what COULD happen next? the boys COULD stay home and celebrate, assuming they’re in the clear, going so far as to destroy the evidence wall. they COULD buckle down and keep doing research/theorycrafting anyways, unconvinced the police will actually be able to bring jigsaw into custody. they COULD head to the steel mill themselves, either to investigate or just to watch. they COULD get a surprise visit from alison to check on lawrence! i listed all of those options and some more, then asked myself— what’s the consequence, or the logical next step, in each of those scenarios? i wrote those out too. eventually, as i did this, i saw certain threads come to dead ends, where they either didn’t work towards the ongoing plot/ending i have in mind, or they just stopped sounding plausible or interesting to write/read about. as i worked on the flowchart, though, i also noticed which threads made me excited to think about, and which ones went further down the page. eventually, by doing this, i figured out the events that i want to take place in the chapter!! i REALLY recommend this technique if you have trouble committing to a direction on a story.
getting away from craft discussion and back to general advice— if you have any writerly-inclined friends, talking to them can be a great help! if you’ve both got projects going on, it’s a lot of fun to take turns listening to each other’s ideas, or talking through blocks. it’s also just fun and mutually encouraging to hype each other up!!
taking care of yourself is WAY more important than having a consistent schedule or word output— learned this one the hard way! if you feel dread and not excitement every time you approach the proverbial typewriter, you’re not gonna have fun writing, and you’re not gonna wanna come back to it!! there’s no shame in taking a break. if you WANT, you can use the break time to research or work on inspirational stuff for your project (art, graphics, playlists, etc), or you can read things and look for techniques and other things that inspire you. but even then, treating Everything you do as work/a prereq for your writing can get tiring. you’re a whole person, not just a writer! it’s okay to let the writer rest so the person can hang out and enjoy things.
that’s about all that’s coming to mind right now— sorry, i know this got a little longwinded! but i hope this was helpful, and if you’ve got any further questions or anything, please feel free to hit me up. my degree is in english and i truly genuinely get a kick out of talking shop (writing) with people!
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collisiondiscourse · 4 years
on the wonder duo (part 1)
(BNHA Analysis Post Ahead! This isn’t explicitly romantic, but it is an analysis of the relationship between the two most popular characters in BNHA--Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya. Split into two posts because I realized that this was gonna be long as HELL)
yall ever think about the fact that the wonder duo is perfectly set up in so that bakugou and deku together are the better version of all might?
bc like. ive been thinking.
everyone knows the win to save and save to win parallel. How they are supposedly two halves of a whole perfect hero (which, previously, was defined as all might)
but ever since bakugou and deku started working as one—growing together to win AND save and continuously reminding each other that they shouldnt try to do things alone, ive realized that its BECAUSE theres two of them that they surpass all might. its not a case of deku and bakugou both being 50% of an ideal hero, but rather i think that they are 100% of what all might SHOULD HAVE BEEN from the very beginning.
as early as the AM v AFO battle in kamino, we see the effects of all mights flawed existence. the fact that he, the greatest and supposedly infallible symbol of peace, was destroyed—society had begun to collapse. there was suddenly no pillar to hold people together and the impacts were so severe that even in the latest chapters of mha it keeps on getting worse. the truth is, all mights biggest mistake was the burden he placed on his own shoulders
with bakugou and deku... its different.
its different for them because down to their attributions, they seem like two halves of a whole person.
i think that the wonder duo are going to surpass all might because of the fact that they work together.
@bakugoukatsuki-rising @svpercraigus @tybee​ @isaustraliaathing​
(batshit crazy and conspiratorial essay under the cut !)
1. Complementary Colors
I’d like to first preface literally everything I say by the fact that I am not an expert analyzer or literary major in any way. I am literally just some random fan on the internet who has wayyy too much time and looks wayyy too deep into things, but here we go!
A common thing we see when we talk about bakugou and deku is the way they are... sort of an inverse of one another.
Down to the design of their features and the way they move, Deku is the obviously softer of the two. There’s an intentional contrast between the two of them, in the way that Deku’s drawn with round shapes and curvy hair and the way Bakugou is literally all spikes and half-mast eyes and rough muscles. Bakugou’s movements too are languid and showy, with the way he leans when he walks and splays his legs and kicks open doors. Katsuki, in a casual sense, is loud and dramatic. 
Deku on the other hand s finicky. He jitters when he walks and he’s often fidgeting and mumbling. Comparatively, the aura he radiates is energetic and frenzied, even self-conscious to a point unlike Bakugou’s calm and confident movements.
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the point is, there’s a clear difference in how either of them are designed and what exactly they are supposed to represent. They utterly complement each other down to the way they behave and even their main colors (red-orange and blue-green) being literal complementary colors.
Now, moving to my more ungrounded points, this is quite a bit of a stretch so I’ll try as much as possible to make sense of these with hyperlinked sources because. yeah.
Down to their names, I think Deku and Bakugou both symbolize something deeper. I think that the way Hori expresses characters and what they’re meant to do is something that we have to pay close attention to when we talk about the Wonder Duo’s rise to success.
Izuku Midoriya (緑谷 出久), as some of us may know, does have an interesting meaning when broken up. According to a lovely fan translation of his name, ‘Izuku’--while not an actual name used commonly in real life--means to ‘Come out’ or ‘Long time’. ‘Midoriya’ on the other hand means (Midori) ‘Green’ and (ya) ‘valley’. The translator further pointed out that his first name ‘Izuku’ could be a reference to him being the first legendary hero to come out of the long-running All Might Era. (or, if you’ve been reading @/bakugoukatsuki-rising’s posts, the first significant anime protag in a long while to come out as queer, ppfft)
but that isn’t my focus right now.
We know that Hori LOVES telling stories with names, and more often than not in the BNHA universe, names alone tell us a lot of things about the characters. When referring to Izuku’s last name, Midoriya, it’s important I think to step back and realize that hey, maybe there’s something more to Green Valley than just the fact that his motif is all green.
After searching for a lil on the specifics of green valley, I’ve found out that across many cultures, the colour green and valleys in general tend to represent life. From dream analysts, to Christianity, and even old Taoist teachings, valleys are seen as areas of fertility and escape. They are seen as safe havens and often escapes for people to come to after running away from bad circumstances.
(Sound familiar?)
Deku, in essence represents life and peace. He represents being the “salvation” that the world in BNHA needed. To me, it sounds like Horikoshi is trying to say that he is the long-awaited hero in the sense. The one that people can feel will create a society that feels safe for everyone after years of All Might just saving people from themselves as a band-aid solution.
On the other hand, we have Katsuki Bakugou (爆豪 勝己), who’s name we commonly know means (Katsuki) Winner and (Bakugou) Explosion Master. He is essentially, the champion. The power. His name means success and power and all the things that make up winning.
When putting them side by side, it then becomes increasingly... interesting to me how their names almost perfectly slot into All Might’s save to win and win to save mantra, and how they are both quintessential parts to what made All Might as a hero.
2. Hero Too!
Now, I’m not even gonna really TOUCH much of what happens in canon. If you want me to do a step by step breakdown of their arcs in regards to the plot of manga and anime, feel free to send me a gratuitous ko-fi tip so I can pay for the headache I get after trying to organize my thoughts into word vomit.
What I WILL talk about on the other hand, is the subtle shift both of them slowly have in regards to how they look. Bakugou and Deku, while growing up, seem to have MANY many parallels--but before I elaborate on all of that, I wanna talk about something else.
Detour: Deku’s Red Shoes 
We all know the iconic symbol being Deku’s red shoes. For all his life, save for some outfits like his hero one, we see Deku more often than not wearing his signature red sneakers which have become a running joke in fandom.
But the funny thing is, in Japan, red shoes seem to have an interesting connotation.
In 1922, a popular Japanese nursery rhyme was written, called “Red Shoes”. The interesting part to me about this song was the symbolism that, in my tiny pea-sized brain, I could connect to the story of BNHA.
The story goes that there was a little girl with red shoes named ‘Kimi’. She was from Shizuoka prefecture (which, if you didn’t know, is most likely where Musutafu supposedly is) and was raised by a single mother. When she was young, her mother had to entrust her with a foreigner under the impression that they would give her a better life in America. The stranger is a man named Charles Hewitt (who was described to have blue eyes) and supposedly took her away. 
The singer of the song (supposedly the mother, but some argue it was written from the perspective of a childhood friend) believes that Kimi is happy and living a better life away from them, when the reality of the situation was much worse. The young girl with red shoes in actuality had Tuberculosis, and thus the foreigner whom she was entrusted to had left her to fend for herself and eventually left her to go to America while she died alone and orphaned.
“When I see red shoes, I think of her.”
A very interesting story with very interesting implications indeed.
Anyway, moving on to the more... “nuanced” and connected parts of this section, I have every reason to believe that Bakugou and Deku were simply MEANT to be working together down to how they dress. Now, I’d like to discuss their hero costumes.
At the start of their series, using these godawful pics for reference, it’s clear to see that neither of them seem alike in any way--reflecting the dissonance in their relationship at that point in canon.
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ough. deku why. (yes we know why its because you love your mom you stupid little bunny <3)
Anyway, we see an immediate gap in how the two of them are. Deku’s first costume is one that reflects how he treated his dream of being a hero. He was still in that childlike idolization phase, the one where his dreams and aspirations were hinged on pure feelings and inspiration from All Might. Katsuki on the other hand was a lot more tactical--professional to an extent. The gap between their respective development with their quirks is something that is clearly felt in every fashion decision they’d made.
(Notice how Deku’s green is a lot brighter and less like the green accents Katsuki has all over his costume.)
As time progressed however... their costumes changed. The colors, the silhouettes, the practical functions, most things.
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(Deku’s Gamma Costume and Bakugou’s Winter Costume used respectively)
we begin to notice a few similarities.
As the show goes on and we see more evolutions of their costumes, it almost seems like they begin to look like a matching pair. Deku’s green grows darker and almost teal in nature, while Bakugou’s orange is veering towards red territory. This is important to note because red-orange and blue-green as I said earlier were complementary colors as compared to simply orange and green. The minute shift is something I really wasn’t quite sure was intentional, but something I find interesting to pick up nonetheless as the colors they used to accent their costumes begin to match up.
Secondly, I think and important thing to note is silhouettes. The way that both Bakugou and Deku’s costumes are designed follow a lot of parallels that typically we don’t see with the rest of 1-A. For one, they both have a combination of tight long-sleeved tops with a bulkier set of bottoms. They also share the use of utility belts and metal pieces typically worn around their necks. Deku has his bunny-eared hood that mimics All Might’s hair, while Bakugou has his orange and black explosion ear-pieces that mimic his own quirk.
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i don’t think any other people in class 1-A match each other as subtly yet strongly as these two. Uraraka and Deku and Bakugou and Kirishima do come close however.
“But Codi, you fucking knob!” I hear you plea. “This is such a reach and tells us practically NOTHING!” And yes, I’m inclined to agree with you! You’d be sort of right in the idea that this is a reach. Maybe I am looking too much into this, and maybe it really isn’t that deep--but I do think that them subconsciously matching outfits means something quite brilliant.
In the way that their costumes are designed, each aspect of either outfits have a very logical explanation. The changes were strategic and made with their fighting styles vividly in mind, so what that tells me is that BECAUSE these costumes are so complementary or similar in nature (Bakugou’s reinforcing his arms while Deku reinforces his legs), these two are implicitly showing the audience that their combat styles are complementary as well. 
The evolution of their design choices and similarities tell us that even unknowingly, their minds line up in strategy on the battlefield--a clear exhibit for why they would be INCREDIBLY POWERFUL as a Hero Duo to begin with.
When I look at their hero costumes side by side, I see a mirror. I see the way that these two are reflections of each other and are strong where the other isn’t. The point I see in BNHA repeatedly is that EVERYONE HAS A WEAKNESS. Nothing is infallible, regardless of how hard you train or how powerful your quirk is. Everyone will always have a weakness, but the significant difference I see when fandom discusses the future of Pro-Hero Society is that the new generation is finally raising itself to be RELIANT on each other. 
Observing their fighting styles and the simple use of their quirks, its obvious that they are indeed two parts of a whole hero. Bakugou, who’s quirk emphasized his arms and hands and the power that comes from it, while Deku who’s quirk now emphasizes his legs and lower body and the way he’s always running to save people.
As they become heroes, it is easy to assume that if nothing else, Bakugou and Deku will cover each other’s weak spots (especially when you consider the way Deku probably won’t be able to keep using his arms with the way both the anime and manga are going...) (also chapter 285, anyone?)
Part Two: Interactions, OfA
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