#the problem is the homophobes who use their lack of following ‘rules’ as a weapon
aaronymous999 · 10 months
I think many queer people who are exclusionists have been shaped that way by queerphobia which is incredibly sad.
The flaws in homophobia/transphobia is honestly really aren’t their facts or statistics or the things they say- there’s no logic and even if their is the problem will and always will be their conclusions from the information. For example, the most common argument I’ve seen is “Having more gay representation will make the kids gay.” And the thing is this is an entirely neutral statement, the claim in itself doesn’t really mean anything to me, because it’s vague, there’s no context and there’s nothing inherently wrong with being gay.
Homophobia’s problem is coming to hateful conclusions from mostly neutral statements. Or hyperfocusing on the gay aspect to fuel their hatred.
A lot of exclusionists regret the idea of trans people without gender dysphoria because they feel that there has to be some sort of life threatening reason for someone to be transgender, because internally transitioning for “no reason” is an inherent evil. But that’s what the transphobes WANT you to think. There is no inherent evil to transition into a boy just because you like how boys look or you think boys are hot and want to be one, or any other reason. Of course medical transition needs long consideration but there’s nothing wrong with someone without gender dysphoria just deciding to change their pronouns to she/her and start using a girl name even if they had no problems as a man. The only people who think there’s something wrong with transness in any form are transphobes.
To get a little personal, I do have gender dysphoria and all the typical good gold star exclusionist binary trans person points. However, I don’t think it’s a bad thing that one of the reasons I’m transgender is because I grew up in a majority male household. I think due to my gender dysphoria I would have always been this way but my brothers and father definitely contributed. And for some out there, if they were born in a more gender equal society, they wouldn’t be transgender. And that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with saying that. It doesn’t make you any less transgender.
As for accusations that are inherently negative, the problem is the conclusion and the “evil” drawn from it. Hearing about a story where a trans woman assaults someone, they draw the trans woman from the story and use it as ammunition against trans people as a whole. However the correct conclusion is that we are given little information her and all we know is that someone who happens to be a trans woman assaulted someone. One assumption is taken from hate and malice, and the other is neutral.
Not proofread just some thoughts and your friendly reminder that being queer has no rules and not to let internalized homophobia render you hateful for the members of our community who don’t follow as many “rules”
( I hate that I have to clarify this because I am worried it will be used as a strawman against me or will be co-opted by bad actors but I do not condone pedophilia, racism or anything like that. There is a difference between neo/xenogenders and “genders” that are just racism and pedophilia apology. Queerness shouldn’t involve any of that. )
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terribleco · 4 years
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I've sat on the fence about whether to post anything about racism, as on one hand I thought "This is really important and I need to make my stance clear", and on the other I thought "Do people just want me to post about skateboarding, and will they get pissed off by this?". Ultimately I thought "Fuck it": anyone who takes issue with me posting about this probably sucks and I don't want them reading my blog anyway. If skateboarding is as progressive, open, inclusive and utopian as we all think it is, having the opinion that innocent people shouldn’t be murdered by the police shouldn’t be a controversial take.
I am an (admittedly pale) mixed race Black/British skateboarder, and there is a really horrible undercurrent of racism in the UK. As much as we like to think otherwise, it does often worm it’s way into skateboarding. I have either been silent or compliant in casually racist conversations, or actions from other skateboarders in the past. If there are any people out there I have personally offended with my actions or words in the past, I'm truly sorry. As someone from my background, you are also taught to shut up when these conversations happen - lest you become the butt of the next round of racist bullying. I chose self preservation instead of sticking up for fellow skateboarders, and it's something that makes me angry at myself to this day. 
Skateboarding can be utterly hypocritical when it comes to race. For years this lifestyle was the preserve of angry, white boys who just wanted to shred and get gnarly. Many years ago in Coventry, Black skateboarders were quite rare, and I remember one of the groms in the scene bemoaning the lack of influential skaters from a Black background in the city. And although, yes, I do come from a Black background, I did understand his point - Black skaters were rare in the city at the time. 
Knowing you ethnically differentiate from many of the other skateboarders in your city can be lonely, and I can also imagine this can be said for anyone who wasn’t a straight, white male at that time in skateboarding. But, being a Black skateboarder is important in inspiring others from the same background to pursue this activity, and become part of this community. Skaters like Jordan Thackeray, Shaun Currie and Korahn Gayle are all no doubt influential to younger Black British skaters who never thought this lifestyle was for them.
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In the current climate, could you imagine skating street spots as a Black skateboarder and having to deal with police kicking you off of spots? If you were skating in the US, would you even make it home from the session alive? This is the shit white pro skaters never had to deal with - a ticket, a slap on the wrist, or maybe a board being confiscated at worst. We like to hold up the "Skateboarding makes everyone equal" card, but regardless of this we are all still different and experience social interaction differently based on who we are, what we look like, and how society perceives us. It isn't about erasing our differences, but embracing them and realising we are all awesome in different ways. 
It's been revealing to see the wave of apology posts coming out from board companies about specific bigoted incidents: Julien Stranger apologising for TMo's racist encounters on the Anti-hero insta, Kyle Walker apologising for spouting a racist slur whilst singing along to a rap song. I’d like to say I’m shocked and surprised, but skateboarding has had a problem with bigotry (and sweeping it under the rug) for a while: 
Danny Way’s involvement in being an accomplice to second degree murder of a gay man whilst Josh Swindell took the blame didn’t stop him getting featured as the face of the Skate video games.
A wave of shock washed over the skateboarding industry when Brian Anderson came out as gay (thus proving that gay skateboarders do exist, and yes, they fucking rule). But it took a legendary pro like Anderson to reveal his sexuality before skateboarders started to lay off on the homophobic in-jokes. 
Constant comments of "that's a dude" when insta accounts promoting female skateboarders post a clip of a trans skateboarder, which in turn raises the other issue of people only following these accounts to see hot girls riding skateboards (as opposed to, you know, just wanting to see some skateboarding). 
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This community is not as inclusive and open as we like to believe, and the sooner we collectively accept that the sooner we can do better. It’s probably because skateboarders still skew toward mainly young boys, and comes with a bit of immaturity attached... But maybe that isn’t fair, as many young kids now are very conscious of being inclusive and trying to curb bigotry. In some cases kids are more accepting than adults twice their age. 
As a group largely consistently of straight men, we have accepted many male, Black skaters as “one of us” for a long time, but this doesn’t really mean a lot until we stick up for our fellow skateboarders, and use whatever privilege’s we have to prove that skateboarders stick up not only for their own, but anyone who is bullied and pushed down by society. 
How many unreasonable, shitty police officers have you dealt with when you are politely trying to leave a spot? I got stopped and fined for even carrying a skateboard in Coventry City Centre once, and the police made me feel like I'd been out there shooting people. I got “profiled” by police many times in my late teens because I “looked like” someone they were after - questioned about where I was going, where I lived, where I worked, because I looked a bit “ethnic” and was walking home near some nice houses. Only now do I question why I was stopped so many times, despite having no criminal record.
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Years ago police in Coventry were throwing people in cells for the night if they were skating street. Young men get stopped and searched by police all the time in hopes of finding weapons, drugs or both - and this has happened to skateboarders in attempts to deter street skating. And here's the kicker: if they are doing that shit to white skaters, can you imagine the shit they're pulling on Black skateboarders? You can't champion Black skateboarding legends like Stevie Williams, Ray Barbee or Chris Pastras on one hand, and then sit there saying "All Lives Matter", or saying we must retain statues glorifying slave traders, or stick up for police brutality. 
Rather than just being silent and sticking to skateboarding, be loud and make some noise. 
As a start, you can donate to the following charities to help the cause:
BLM UK - https://www.gofundme.com/f/ukblm-fund
Stop Hate UK - http://www.stophateuk.org/donate-to-stop-hate-uk/
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ohnohetaliasues · 7 years
Central Italy/Italia Centrale or Centro Italia
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(First of all i apologize for my grammatical errors, i corrected some of them but i’m not sure they are all the errors that i made) Country Name: Central Italy/Italia Centrale
Founded: Around 264 B.C., when Romans founded Firmum (today Fermo) in Piceno (today Marche), a colony which was used to control Asculum, protagonist of a revolt against Romans, and avoid other revolts
Age: 2281
Population: 12.067.524 (2016)
Location: South Europe 
Size of Land: 58 052 km²
Capital City: -Florence (1864-1870), Rome (1870-today, capital and largest city)
Largest City: Rome
Government: Democratic Republic
Political Leader: Sergio Mattarella (republic president) and Paolo Gentiloni (prime minister)
Official Language(s): -Italian
The italian we know nowdays is a canonization of the literaly tuscan dialect, in particular florentine dialect, because it was the most used language and close to latin. Before Risorgimento didn’t exist an “italian” as a spoken language because every preunitary country used their dialects or the languages of their invader (for example in Piedmont the official language was french), only in literaly works was used the “italian”. After Unity of Italy one of the most problematic situation was , in fact, the language: everyone talked with a different language and almost everybody were illiterates. So in 1859 Gabrio Casati emanated a law which introduced the free and obligatory elementary education. When Italy was unified this law was widened across the italic peninsula.
Other Languages: There aren’t other languages, but there are languages that were spoken in the past (and Lucia spoken/learned there languages) -French
French was a language fashionable in ‘700 because was the spoken language of enlighteners. In a nutshell, speak french meant be intellectual and elegant. Many italian noblemen knew how to write and speak in french in this period. Plus french was the second language taught in the italian schools, only recently it’s going to be completely replaced by english. -Latin Latin, as everybody know, was the official language of Romans. It derived from an ancient popolation named “Latini” who culture and language was absorbed by Romans. Both barbarian invasions and the old language of italic popolation latin was contaminated after the fall of West Roman Empire and so born the “volgari” and medieval latin. The “volgari” were ancestors of romance languages which derived from classical latin but were very different from its. Only in ‘300, during Humanism, it was decided to revived the real latin thanks to filologists. Latin over time became the literaly language of works, even from '400/'500 onwards began to be replaced by florentine. Today latin is used to translate from italian to latin, in Italy.
National Animal: Appennine Gray Wolf  This type of wolf is a subspecies of European Gray Wolf who live in the italian Appennines mountanious zones and in Eastern Alps. It isn’t consider as a sudspecies of Europe Gray Wolf, but there are some differences like, for example, their cranial morphology (i’ll add other informations)
National Flower:  -Red Lily (ancient national flower) Red Lily or “Florence Lily” (“Giglio di Firenze”) or “Giglio Rosso” in italian was (and is) the symbol and national flower of Florence (“Firenze” in italian). In reality the Florence Lily is more similiar to an iris mixed with a lily, in fact remind a flower which born around the city, the Germanic iris (“Iris Germanica”). We don’t know much about the origin of this symbol, but it’s thought it was born from the fact that the Florence Lilies were florid in Florence; another theory speaks of its birth during the foundation of Florence by the Romans in 59 B.C., which name in latin was Florentia because the city was created in spring during festivities in honor of the goddess Flora. Plus, as i said before, around the city grew many Iris. At the beginnig, in the Coat of Arms, the lily was white in a red background, but when the Ghibellines were expelled in 1251, the Guelfs inverted the colors: red in a white background. -Corbezzolo Italy doesn’t have a real national flower and, because of this, there are many theories about Italy’s national flower. The most accredited flower is “Corbezzolo” (or “Arbutus”) because its colors remind Italy’s flag: green the leaves, white the flowers and red the fruits.
Human Name: Lucia Costantina Vargas 
Name Meaning: Lucia: this is a name of latin origin from the word “lux” (“light”) and means “bright” or “shining”. Probably was assigned, in ancient Rome, to babies who born at dawn or on bright days like Lucio. In the christian world is the name of the saints Lucia Filippi (Rome) and Lucia (Siracusa). The others are the beate Lucia Bartolini Rucellai (Florence, protectress of Rucellai’s family), Lucia da Caltagirone (Salerno) and Lucia da Settefonte (near Bologna).  -Costantina: this is a female variant of “Constantino”. At first was a latin cognomen, a “nickname” indicating a particular characteristic of a person, subsequently this name assumed a meaning (like every latin name) from the verb “consto” or the participle “costans”, that means, “stand still”, “stay firm”,“don’t waver”,“the one who has firmness.” It was also the name of the Roman Emperor Constantino who, as legend has wanted, has been baptized at the point of death and he assumed the nickname of “Christian-Roman emperor” because of his great tolerance towards the Christian people. Both names are from latin origins and they are part of the christian world, because Lucia is very attached to her Romans origins (for example as a traditional dance she has Saltarello, a typical Romans dance, and she talk with an accent very similiar to latin) and she’s a christian because of her past with Papal States. Costantino was a Roman and christian emperor, so this name represents these two worlds where she is born and grow up
Nicknames: Lu’, Luci’, Terza Italia (Third Italy)
Physical Age: 21
🎂: 17th March
⭐ Sign: Pisces
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Italy doesn’t still accept homosexual marriage)
Personality: Lucia is a grumpy woman, irascible, superb, proud, messy and cowardly. She considers her arts and knowledge superior to any other nation, and she is also considers herself the author of the literature of other nation such as England. Most of the time, she’s serious and clumsy to her similiars, especially with those who harass or annoy her like France, Austria and Prussia, yet she’s also a friendly, sunny, and sympathetic person thanks to the great sensibility she’s equipped with. She get angry very easily, it’s enough really little things to blow her nerves and unleash her bad words repertoire, but she doesn’t say blasphemies because of a rigid Christian education after the fall of the Roman Empire (even her faith has a little faded, she doesn’t abandoned its because she doesn’t judge wrong religion). As a child she was very capricious and malleable, because of this she learned any subject or rule. When she grow up and learning on her own, her malleability has disappeared into rigidity, and now the Italian appears to be a marble statue physically and in some psychological traits: firmness. Though she’s a Vargas, she has this peculiarity which turns out if in trouble or needs it, she’s capable of great solidity even in the toughest moments, sometimes it has pushed her to take on the classic iron fist despite there have been very few events that have spurred her to that point (mostly problems in the borders and only in rare moments, in her past). In contrast she’s fragile, conditioned by her own feelings, preventing her from doing as she should, and forcing her, because of her pride, to build a wall of appearances around her. She has borrowed from the Roman Empire one of the great characteristics of the Romans: the patientia. Unlike the Italian, this term doesn’t mean “patience” but “endurance”, being able to undergo, undergo and undergo again, suffer, endure the hundred blades in the chest and get back up, so Lucia. Little Attention: patientia is not self-control. The Italian doesn’t know how to control herself. It’s about resisting, transforming wounds into weapons, not controlling them. She is, therefore, dreadful, there is no surrender without fighting or even there is no surrender in certain cases (especially during the italian unification). She has been raised with these values. However, unfortunately, this doesn’t imply good military prowess, the wars, if not all, most of them she lost and lose them. Only with allies or in particular cases she won, in others she was defeated, and there is also a lack of interest on the part of the girl who prefers one of her precious books to a weapon in her hands. She admires her grandfather so much, she keeps his memoires in the language (she uses florentine accent, the Italian standard, the closest to latin) in ideas (all things that he has taught her like virtue, for example) in ways of doing and in traditions (the saltarello was a typical Roman dance). Her arrogant attitude derived from her past events besides the rich culture of her country, a great boon, she considers herself superior to the others nations for the huge cultural heritage formed by the gratest italian artists, architets and literary writers. Despite the long years of scientific, classical and literary studies she hasn’t lost her christian faith: Lucia believe in God, attends the church and follows some important tradition, but she never (and can’t) say that God exist or no (this is because in Central Italy there are regions which people arent so christian, like Tuscany, but instead there are also regions where people are very christian, like Marche). She is, for christian influence, slightly homophobic: thinks that homosexuals can get married because is a form of love and they can make marriages like normal people, but this is an unnatural, irregular, love form.
History: Central Italy Lucia’s birth was around 264 B.C. when Romans founded Fermo, a colony in the Piceno’s region (today Marche) after a revolt leaded by Asculum (Ascoli today). This colony was used by Romans for control Asculum and avoid other revolts. Before the Piceno’s region, Romans conquered Umbrians in 295 B.C., Etruscans in 396 B.C. after the siege of Veio, Sabines in 449 B.C. (even the final conquest was in 290 B.C.) and Latins, Volsci, Equi, Falisci (all Latium region) were finally subjugated immediately afterwards Romans conquest of Veio and its destruction because this city was the center of Latium civilization. Before, Romans had to fought many wars against Latium popolation for a century. According to Livio, an Augustan latin writer, Veio was won and destroyed by Furio Camillo, a military genius who Livio identified as a predecessor of Ottaviano. Camillo and his soldiers dug a tunnel under Veio’s wall taking by surprise the inhabitants. Umbrians The most ancient popolation established in the italic peninsula, according to traditions, were Umbrians. Their name derived from ancient greek Ὄμβροι from the word όμβρος that mean “thunderstorm”. Probably greeks assigned this name to them because they resisted to the rains of a terrible flooding. We don’t know much about their origins, probably Etruscans subjugated some Umbrians cities. They were, according to traditions, the founders of Sabines who were Sannis, Lucani, Breuzi and Picens (not certain) ancestors. Romans never really won this popolation, they were slowly absorbed by them. Picens Picens were a popolation who lived in the Piceno, today called Marche. The name “Piceni” derived from the latin word “Picantes”(Πίκεντες “Pikentes” in ancient greek) that mean “Those of the woodpecker (picus in latin)”. Their origins are very ambiguous, more legendary than real, like Rome origins. According to the legend told by Strabone, Plinio il Vecchio (Old Plinio) and Festo, Picens were Sabines who, during the ver sacrum, migrated from Sabina to Piceno leaded by a Green Woodpecker, their totem animal. The “Ver sacrum” was a vote that many ancient italic populations used to do and consisted of offer to gods (this wasn’t a sacrifice but a sort of blessing) children born during famines or a year of war between the 1th March and 30th April. When they grew up and became adults, at the beginning of spring they were accompanied at the borders of their territory and started looking for new lands where they settled and created new temples of their gods. About their Sabines origins many historians disagree with this theory because of some archaelogical finds. They think Picens derived from a big ethnic group of umbrian-sabels (or oscan-umbrians) who arrived into this region and created little different settlements. They had never been able to made one and strong aggregation. The Picenum was inhabitated by Picenti (North Picenum, called Ager Picenus), Petruzi (South Picenum, called Ager Praetutianus) and little groups of Liburni. During the phase “Piceno VI” (IV-III centuries B.C.) greeks from Magna Greece (Syracuse) founded a colony called Ancona and Senones Gauls invaded the Northen region of Picenum after called by Romans Ager Gallicus or Ager gallicus picenus. Sabines Sabines, as I said before, were the result of Umbrians migration with Sannis and Sabels. Their name probably derived from the ancient greek word σέβομαι (sèbomai) that mean “adore” because of their big faith on gods. With Umbrians, Sabines were one of the most ancient italic popolation, we have informations about their settlements from 3000 B.C., but the origins are unknown. Probably, because of similiarities with Umbrians, they derived from a magration of this popolation during Ver Sacrum. Sabines where divided in two parts: Sabines of Tiber (or Sabina Tiberina) and Sabines of Rieti, Norcai and Amiternum (or Mountainous Sabina). The first lived next the river Tiber, near Romans, the part of Sabina richer and more evolved (famous for values like justice and honesty), the seconds were the poorest part where inhabitans based their life on pastoralism. Sabines of Tiber and Romans shared many things like kings (Numa Pompilio was a sabine) and, according to a legend, the first contact between Romans and Sabines was during the Rape of the Sabine Women event, when Romulus, for make alliances, ask others popolation to give him their women for procreate and populate his new city (Rome). These popolation refused his request, so Romulus organized a show for attired all the inhabitants’s regions and, while they were watching this show, Romans kidnap their women. This action caused a war between Romulus (Romans) and Tito Tazio, king of Sabines ended with the Battle of Lake Curzio where women, wives of Romans and daughters of Sabines, placed in the midst of the factions and convinced Romans and Sabines to stop the war. But, after a long peace, in 290 B.C. Romans conquered Sabines after Sannis. (Here are still missing excursus on Etruscan and Latium popolations) Florence - Respublica Florentina (Republic of Florence) and Signoria di Firenze (Seignory of Florence) In 476 A.D. the West Roman Empire fall, destroyed by Odoacer, general of Huns. He deposed the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustus and he created the Kingdom of Ostrogoths which was conquered by Byzantine Empire after the bloody Ghotic War (535-555 A.D.), but Longobards, thanks probably to Narsete, invaded regions and cities of Italy between 568 A.D. and 751 A.D. and took away most of territories to Byzantine Empire. Lucia, after these invasions, was conquered again by the Franks (or Carolingian Empire) of Charlemagne (or Charles the Great), the last alive son of Pepin the Short. When he died in 814 A.D., his reign in 817 A.D. was divided by his three sons: Lotario I became emperor of the Kingdom of Central Franks (its territories were Provence, North Italy, Central Italy and Lotaringia), Louis the German became king of East Franks, Charles the Bald became king of West Franks. In 752 A.D. born the Papal States formed by most of Central Italy regions (Umbria, Marche, Lazio and Emilia-Romagna) thanks to Donations made by kings. At this point Lucia remained with only a region in her hands, while Papal States was absorbing her territories: Tuscany. Before she know Scola Siciliana thank to Frederick II of Swabia, she stayed with Papal States and fought as a crusader (all Crusades from 1095, the first, to 1291, the last, even with Scola Siciliana she decided to dedicate herself in literature). When Frederick II of Swabia, an emperor hated by the pope Gregory IX, in 1220 showed to Lucia the Sicilian Poetry School, she was so impressed that she started to copy the sicilian poems in Florence, because in 1227 and 1234 there was revolts in Rome leaded by Ghibellines. But, instead of returns in Rome, she prefered to stay in Florence. When Frederick II of Swabia made famous the Sicilian Poetry School in Florence writers started to copy these poems in florentine. At the of XI century, after a great democratic development and a great flourishing period, cities reborned and the new urban classes gathered together for create an indipendent reality free from the imperial authority and feudal constraints: the communes. Lucia in this period began to think about a free existence like his brother Feliciano (especially when in 1115 Florence became a commune), who fought with Papal States against Frederick Barbarossa for the liberty of communes (Lombard League) so, because of this, she prefered to stay in Florence although there wasmany civil wars between Guelfs and Ghibellines and, subsequently, White Guelfs and Black Guelfs. (Here are still missing exursus and history of the Republic of Florence and Seignory of Florence, plus the part of  the commune of Florence is a bit confused) Grand Ducky of Tuscany (Granducato di Toscana) and Roman Republic (Repubblica Romana) (In progress) Central Italy (In progress) Central Italy (In progress) Hobbies -Reading; -Writing; -Studying; -Drawing.
Talents: -Cooking; -Writing; -Drawing.
Fears: earthquakes (before say anything this fear ISN’T a reference to the famous earthquakes in Central Italy in 2016, it’s a general fear because there was, in the past, many other earthquakes in Central Italy), wars and civil wars (especially the second because civil wars ruined her grandfather and characterized many wars for power in Florence)
Languages Spoken: italian, Central Italy dialects
First Languages: italian
Hair Color: brown hair, between the dark brown of her big brother Romano and the light brown of her little brother Feliciano
Hair Style: slightly wavy hair with a curl to the right of her head and more central. This represent her geographically position (she is the Middle Italy)
Hair Length: medium-long hair
Eye Color:  green eyes, like the hills, the nature when spring come out and the Green Woodpecker, because this animal is related to many cults of ancient Central Italy popolations. According to a legend, the green woodpecker leaded the Picenes from the territory of Sabina to the Piceno’s region (Marche) during the ver sacrum. It was they totem animal. According to Ovid the green woodpecker was a man named Pico, king of Ausonia and founder of Albalonga, who was turned into a green woodpecker (“picchio verde” in italian) by Circe because he refused her love. For the Umbrians this animal was a symbol of good luck. For the Latins piculus (woodpecker in latin) was a sacred animal which could predict the future. For christian culture the green woodpecker was the only bird which hadn’t help God to create fountes, rivers and streams so God, for punish him, said that he couldn’t drink water from rivers, only on leaves and branches when it rains
Complexion: european dark skin
Overall Appearance: she looks like a young, twenty-one-year-old woman with slightly wavy hair, medium brown and medium length. Once she kept them long, but with the advent of the Unification of Italy initially she had been cuts them short (They not reached her shoulders) then, at the end of the war, she decided to let them grow. This represent her radical changes during the italian wars indipendent, psychological and territorial changes (she became more combactive and tried to conquer her territories which were donated in Medieval Age to Papal States). She usually wears elegant clothes, for her the appearance are important, like white shirts lined with lashes and tight black skirts. Posture always erect, almost regal in some ways, and a thin physical without curves too accentuated. Her dark eyes, of an emerald green, seem perennially serious or lost in the void, wandering in a separate world. She has two scars behind her back: one, the smallest, passes horizontally close to her waist and go through a quarter of her back, the other, bigger, begins after her shoulder and cross vertically her back until the scar reaching the first and crossing it slightly. They represent respectively the Battle of Tolentino in 1815 and the fall of the Second Roman Republic in 30th April 1849. The curl, typical of the brothers, it’s at the right of her head and more central. Obviously it is an erogenous zone, so she doesn’t want someone touch it. It represents her geographical position, at the center of Italy. She also has got a floreal bracelet which represents an event during spring in Castelluccio di Norcia called “Fioritura”. Between May and July the plateau of Castelluccio, Pian Grande and Pian Perduto, is colored by many and different species of flowers like daffodils, violets, tulips, gentianellas, etc…
Feliciano Veneziano Vargas/Nord Italia
Feliciano is the little brother of Lucia. She loves him like her big brother and in the past she helped him during the first battles against Austria in Risorgimento, even she didn’t helped him with a real and trained army but with an army formed by tuscan volunteers.
Lovino Romano Vargas/Sud Italia
Lovino is her old brother and she love him very much. Lucia see him as a protective figure even sometimes they quarrel. They fought together against Austria during the Battle of Tolentino and she asked his help during napoleonic conquests, in 1798, for throwing out frenchmen in her Roman Republic.
Romulus Caesar Vargas/Antica Roma - Repubblica - Impero Romano
Romulus taught her latin, Romans culture and religion, prohibiten her to learn ancient greek and greek philosopy. The education in Ancient Rome was very strich and disciplined, you had to study only what the government (or your pater familias) wantend you to learn, so Lucia learn only what Rome wanted her to learn. However, he loved her and she loved and loves him, so much that she’ll never forget the teachings of Rome, bringing them to today. (for example: her italian accent is very similiar to latin and she studied latin even after the death of her grandfather)
Friends: Feliks Łukasiewicz/Polonia They are friends, although their meeting is quite recent, in fact dates back to 1849. The Polish had come in Central Italy as a military assistance to the Roman Republic after Rome was besieged by the French and, then, he’s mentioned in the Italian anthem and Italy in the Polish Gilbert Beilschmidt/Prussia They are friends  (mostly drinking) although the Italian doesn’t love so much the prussian. Their friendship began in 1198, during the first Crusade, when the Teutonic Order was born. Armed fellow fighters, they fought together until about 1250, when Lucia decided to leave the military road and jump into the intellectual one thanks to the Scola Siciliana, and became the independent communes of Florence. In certain ways we can say she saw him born. They later found themselves in the Congress of Vienna and, in particular, in the Italian-Prussian alliance, also known as the Third Italian War of Independence, on March 28, 1866. We can say that Gilbert is the only one who she doesn’t really feel hate, despite his and his brother terrible behavior on her during World War II Antonio Fernàndez Carriedo/Spagna The relationship between the italian and spanish is rather neutral, they have a small friendship’s link just because they share Lovino. In the past, they have always been quite ambiguous, one allies then enemies and allies again, the culprits are also the lords/grand dukes of Lucia who have constantly danced between France and Spain for keep good relations with the firts and receive benefits from the second. Even during spanish domination period in Italy, despite she enjoyed the total support of Spain, the italian was almost forced to accept it as it was imposed by her superiors who were helped by spanish to return in Florence after the expulsion in 1494 (Piero de’ Medici was throw out in 1494 with all the other Medici’s components) Kiku Honda/Giappone Lucia meet Kiku during the Second World War but they never talk together unless for important things. After the war they started to talk because he sometimes visited her at Florence and nowdays they have a little friendship link. There are many japanese tourist at Florence, one of the most popular tourist destination, especially students who come for studies or their curiosity, plus in Central Italy there are many comicon dedicated to anime, manga, cosplay, games and comics where Lucia and Kiku often meet and, sometimes, they cosplay togheter. The most important are Lucca Comics and Games and Romics, but there are other less famous like Camerino Comics Enemies: Francis Bonnefoy/Francia Nowadays Lucia can’t even see the French how she hates him. Even though they don’t appear, they were great friends: France has supported Florence and the Medici family for many years even during the instability period of the 15th century - he helps the Florentine Republic set up after the expulsion of the Medici. Although she was later forced to support Spain - in those periods vicious enemy of France - their relations were good, especially thanks to Caterina de 'Medici, first, wife of Henry II, then guard of Charles IX, and were also allied in the war against Charles V -Lega of Cognac. The situation remained great for centuries, until Napoleon’s arrival. Initially, like all the Italians, she greatly admired the general, but as a result of increasingly pungent choices only to increase his power, confidence in Francis and in his beloved commander collapsed until it disappeared. The Napoleonic period for the two was the most unstable one, surrounded by continual quarrels and reconciliations which ended on March 21, 1801, when the French suppressed the Grand Duchy of Tuscany with the Kingdom of Etruria, removing at the Italian girl the last territory of her property. From that moment on, their relationship was broken. There was a last moment of reconciliation during the Unity of Italy (Plombières agreements) but the Armistice of Villafranca, the betrayal of Napoleon III, reversed again and for the last time the situation Roderich Eldestein/Austria Their relationship is not one of the best, since they met. The Medician dynasty, which had been left with only one childless component, had now dried up and it was replaced by the Habsburg-Lorraine, who became part of the Habsburg branch thanks to the marriage between the Archduke Maria Teresa d'Asburgo and Francesco Stefano di Lorena. The entry of the new family into the Grand Duchy of Tuscany should have included this territory into austrian possessions but they decided to keep the territories and, consequently, the respective crowns separate. Despite the decision, however, the austrian attempted to impose on her, for example, to oblige her to suppress an intellectual book because according to him was unfit, he also disagreed the Grand Duchy’s freedom of press. The Risorgimento worsened their already unstable relations with the battle of Tolentino in 1815, the siege of Ancona on May 8, 1849, and the conquest of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany on May 28, 1849. Although she hates him, in any case she owes him a big thank -that she will never say- to having returned to her the Grand Duchy of Tuscany during the Vienna Congress Arthur Kirkland/UK Today Lucia and Arthur seems to be enemies, because italians consider british dirty, bad in the kitchen and with strange habits, british consider italians mediocre and stupids. In reality, Lucia and her brothers had been allies with Arthur: during the World War I italians leave the Triple Alliance and, with the covenant of London, they went into Triple Entente, plus british during the Second Italian Indipendent war wantend to help italians, even only for ruin France and Austria. Many english writers used as model other italian poets and as setting an italian city, plus the english authoress Mary Shelley with his husband lived in Italy. However, unfortunately, these things didn’t contribuited to create a friendship link beacause of many contrasting differences (habits, way to talk, languages, etc…) and now, althought sometimes they talk together about literature, Lucia and Arthur aren’t good friends (still a sort of w.i.p.)
Okay, this is fabulous. I’m half Italian, and I love that you included such in depth information. Thanks for the submission!
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projectqueer · 7 years
by Stephanie Skora, Trans Liberation Collective founder Before I say anything else, it is most important to note that the Israeli State began bombing Gaza again last night. Gaza has been limited to only two hours of electricity a day for the past several days, no doubt in a preemptive move to silence news about the bombing. Instead of circling up around Palestinian communities and helping support them during yet another brutal attack on their land and families, many people were calling them antisemites and perpetuating Zionist violence against Palestinians by allowing unfounded and unsupported accusations of antisemitism to gain traction. This is a source of no small amount of disappointment and anger on my part. We, as Jews who claim to be in solidarity with Palestine, must do better.
Let me make myself VERY clear: I am a proud Jewish woman. I am a genderqueer trans woman, a lesbian, and an anti-Zionist. I am nobody’s token, and I find antisemitism in all forms abhorrent. I am in explicit solidarity with the Chicago Dyke March Collective, and support all of their actions, and decisions during the March and at the park afterwards in regards to their removal of three Zionists from the space. I participated in the conversations with, and removal of, those Zionists, and would do the same again if asked. The people in question were kicked out because they were Zionists, were aggressive, and made Palestinian attendees feel unsafe. That is, and will always be, a valid reason to remove someone from a space.
In the interest of centering Palestinian voices in recounting the actual events of that day, I will refer everyone who asks to the forthcoming statement from the Dyke March organizers. The Chicago Dyke March Collective organizers can speak for themselves, and I would encourage everyone to listen to their words, rather than making assumptions based on sources that lack credibility. I will, however, make a statement about the backlash from, and aftermath of, the removal of those Zionists. Many of you have asked my perspective on the events of that day, so please consider this my official statement on the matter.
Dyke March is, very specifically, a space organized by queer and trans people of color, FOR queer and trans people of color, so that they have somewhere safe to go and celebrate themselves during Pride Month. Yes, everyone is welcome at Dyke March as long as they follow the rules of the space and don’t cause any problems, but Dyke March is not designed to be a space for everyone and their assorted feelings about oppressed people.
This year, Dyke March was very, VERY visibly anti-Zionist, and pro-Palestinian. This means a variety of wonderful and necessary things, but it also means that, for attendees, that there are prerequisites to our attendance there. By attending, we are recognizing that we are entering a space that was specifically designed to center and uplift queer and trans Palestinian voices… if that is not something that you can comply with, the solution is simple: don’t go to Dyke March. If, like Ellie Otra, Palestinians make you feel uncomfortable and you “just want to be Jewish in public” but feel the need to assert your presence and privilege even after you’ve been told that Palestinians feel uncomfortable, then don’t come to Dyke March, and go do it somewhere else. If, like Laurel Grauer, you are a known liar, Zionist, racist, and Islamophobe, then don’t come to Dyke March, and go march with A Wider Bridge and/or the Israeli Consulate in Chicago Pride, who I’m sure would be more than happy to have your despicable-ass self in their contingent.
Just to make myself clear: if you are a Zionist, if Palestinians make you feel uncomfortable, or if you work for a horrible, violent, pinkwashing organization, go fuck yourself, and go fuck yourself somewhere other than Dyke March. Just because a space allows you to attend does not mean that the space is FOR you, and to assume that you have a right to come and make people feel unsafe in their own spaces just because you want to be visible in public is the HEIGHT of privilege, White fragility, Jewish feelings, and general fuckery.
It is also important to say something about the role of Jews in explicitly anti-Zionist spaces. Namely, it is never the place of Jews to tell Palestinians how, where, why, and at what they are allowed to feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or traumatized, and in which contexts. Palestinians always have the right to determine the terms of their own safety in their own spaces. Always. It is neither the place, nor the right, of Jews to get all up in our feelings about the reactions of Palestinians to symbols that have been heavily appropriated by the Israeli State and Zionist settlers for the express purpose of eliciting reactions of fear and trauma. Whatever your feelings about the Star of David as a symbol, the reality of the situation is that the violent use of that symbol by the Israeli State has made it inextricably associated with that state, and the violence that it commits. That is OUR problem as Jews, and our feelings about that symbol are to be hashed out amongst ourselves, in Jewish spaces, and not taken out in the form of baseless and violent accusations against Palestinians.
It is absolutely true that the Israeli State has appropriated Jewishness for its own purposes, and perverted the culture and history of a beautiful, proud, and strong people to serve the theocratic, ethno-nationalist interests of a genocidal nation-state. It is absolutely true that Zionism is a form of racism and White Supremacy, mediated through a Jewish context. It is absolutely true that Zionism is an unacceptable political ideology that has no right to be heard, or considered as valid, in any space, but particularly those that center Palestinians. It is absolutely true that Zionism is an ideology that maintains its supremacy through the re-traumatizing of each successive generation of Jews, in attempt to force us into allegiance with the Israeli State. It is absolutely true that Zionism reinforces its power by forcing Jews to exhibit White fragility in response to criticism of Jews, because in the context of Zionism, Jews assume a position of power and privilege that we have not historically occupied.
So, what is the role of Jewish people in anti-Zionist spaces, especially ones organized by Palestinians? I would argue that our role is twofold: 1) To support the labor, organizing, and work of Palestinians as they continue their struggle for liberation from the Israeli State and Zionist ideology, including by educating other Jews about Palestine and Zionism. 2) To link the struggles against antisemitism and anti-Zionism, and to help ensure that one struggle is not weaponized to silence the other.
Why does this look so limited? Because we, as Jews, enter into these spaces (or at least SHOULD be entering into these spaces) as accomplices to the liberatory struggle of the Palestinian people. Zionism is a system of power and control places Jews in a position of privilege vis a vis Palestinians.
This means that when Jews enter an anti-Zionist space, we accept that we are entering it under certain conditions. As beneficiaries of the system of power and control that those spaces were set up to combat and dismantle, we may be held to a higher political standard. We may be required to affirm certain political positions in order to remain in the space. We may be asked certain questions about our politics because of our positions of privilege. And all of those things might feel bad, might hurt our feelings, and might seem really unfair to us… but it is our job to remember, and to remind each other, that our discomfort and hurt feelings at being held to a higher standard is nothing, NOTHING, compared to the genocide, violence, and ethnic cleansing that we are in those spaces to help put to an end. That is our role as accomplices, and privileged people in that space. Other privileged groups of people are treated the same way in social justice spaces, and that is the norm in our corner of society. It is also important to note that if you are arguing that a space that excludes Zionists automatically also excludes Jews in general, then it is YOU who is conflating Zionism and Judaism, not Dyke March.
I would also like to add this, specifically addressing the Jewish people that will see this statement, and in particular those of us who call ourselves anti-Zionist, or Palestine solidarity activists. It is incumbent upon us, in particular, to not participate in this mishegas, and to not heap violence upon Palestinians. It is incumbent upon us to not let our possible previous Zionist brainwashing and existing Jewish fragility and feelings to allow us to grab on the first specious accusations of antisemitism levied against Palestinians by a source that completely lacks credibility. A Wider Bridge, is a known racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, and transphobic organization coming down against Dyke March, which is run entirely by queer and trans people of color, some of whom are Palestinians. Laurel Grauer, a known liar, racist, and Islamophobe, works for A Wider Bridge, and is not credible in any meaningful way on this issue.
It is our job to listen to Palestinians. To not pass judgement on them without hearing their voices. To believe them when they refute or reject accusations made against them. To lift up their voices when they speak their own truths, and give their account of events. It is our job to not give further traction to unfounded or under-supported accusations of antisemitism made against Palestinians, especially when we KNOW that accusations antisemitism have been historically weaponized against Palestinians, and used to silence their voices on vital matters, including affirming their own humanity and safety.
If you, personally, cannot do these things, then I ask you to consider why you cannot believe Palestinians, why you are giving credibility to accusations of antisemitism without knowing all the details, and why you have a right to be considered a Palestine solidarity activist.
That’s all I have to say on the matter for now. I am in explicit solidarity with Chicago Dyke March, and all the organizers in the Chicago Dyke March Collective.
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izzyovercoffee · 7 years
Reading through all of your stuff about mando'a and toxic masculinity etc...has it ever bothered you that the word for sheath is an awful lot like the word for woman? Cause that bothers me. Idk if I'm reading too much into it or if it's because I'm used to looking for subconscious sexism stuff in languages.
Oh yes, lmao … this has bothered me for a very, very long time. It’s very … well, it’s very offensive. There isn’t any which-way about it, and it’s not subtle whatsoever. I actually find it fairly upsetting, in the way that once you actually see misogyny for what it is, it’s impossible to then return to being blind to it.
So, I’m gonna do what I do best, and come up with an alternative word first, and then break down why that word in the mando’a dictionary is a shitty fucking word and just an overall shitty thing to do that has no context and no basis in the language, and why it has no place in mando’a. 
Mostly because I intend to put the breakdown on why the word sheath, derived from the word for woman, is fucked up beneath a cut in the event people don’t want to be accidentally triggered—the fact is there are a lot of uncomfortable to violently misogynistic implications in that vocabulary decision, and while I don’t want to mince words, I also don’t want to accidentally harm anyone who’s just looking to have the alternative word.
So … Let’s find other words for sheath.
kad’gam / kal’gam / kald’gam — sword sheath / knife sheath / blade sheath
From the words for sword, blade, a smush of sword and blade bc I liked how it sounded (very scientific), and from ‘gam, a suffix used to indicate skin or a physical cover. ‘gam is not so much a word that exists on its own but rather a modifier, and its uses in beskar’gam, armor (lit. mandalorian iron skin), and pel’gam, (lit. soft yielding skin), we can infer what ‘gam is meant to indicate.
Another word for sheath:
cab’gam — protective skin
So … do we need multiple words for sheath? Actually, yes. I’d even go so far as to suggest it’s weird to only have the one.
First of all, mando’a has multiple words for blades. There are specific words that refer to very specific blades. Knives and swords are differentiated. Sheath, just as a word, should not have a one-size-fits-all term when mandalorians are very specific when it comes to the type of weapon they’re using to do battle,
Departing from the weapon terminology, mandalorians also have many words for stab. It’s to the point that it’s joked they have 80 words that are just variations of stab and the act of stabbing, of inserting a blade into a person with intent to do bodily harm.
Stabbing, to mandalorians, is a nuanced thing. It requires many different words for specificity.
Again, wrt the development of words, usually one or two is enough. To have more than that? Means that mandalorians, as a community, view nuance with weapons, and the act done with that weapon, as necessary.
So, again, because of the above … there should not be only one word for sheath. It just doesn’t fit, pardon the pun, because just as there are many different types of blades … there are also different types of sheaths. It does not do to have a requirement of specificity for the weapon, and the different ways in which to fully utilize that weapon, and then not also be specific for the protective cover of that weapon.
The logic just doesn’t follow.
And now … my breakdown on why the word for sheath, derived from the word for woman, is misogynistic, transmisogynistic, heterosexist, and homophobic all in one piss poor conlang decision.
I want to say … strong warnings for: transphobia, misogyny, cissexism, homophobia, mentions of assault, victim blaming
And yeah, I know. “All those warnings for one word?” 
Yes, unfortunately. This is one of those moments where on first glance, you might know something is wrong but not how wrong, and why it’s wrong. I am going to try to explain the why alongside the how clearly, and to do that is going to touch on a lot of topics and references that are or can be upsetting.
I also just want to say when I say “you” I’m referring to a general you, and not you, the anon, specifically. In case that gets confusing. Sorry lol.
All right, here we go.
My very, very first issue: mando’a is gender neutral. Gender, as a rule, is not emphasized—it is, effectively, gender neutral. 
The implications of this are, in fact, many, but at its foundations are one of two things. If a language is gender neutral, then that means:
all genders are recognized, or
no genders are recognized
There isn’t any way around that, because the language itself does not acknowledge gender except in clinical terms of “Man / Woman” that are used next to never. Anyone who uses those specific words, casually? Are imposing a gender bias onto the language that, literally, does not exist.
It’s been argued that “well you might need to know” and … I still argue that that’s just not true.
If you have two people in front of you, and you’re trying to indicate which one you’re talking about, if you’re incapable of indicating who you’re talking about without assigning them a sex or gender that you, yourself, cannot know? 
Then that’s a problem with you, personally. Not a problem with the language.
This is where, if you said you need that, I would gently ask you to take a step back and consider why you think you need it. Why are you so razor focused on sex that you’re incapable of first thinking of something simple like person on the left/right, and instead immediately define someone by “apparent” sex characteristics that are not related to gender?
The originators of mando’a, the original mandalorians, in-universe, were all aliens. And they weren’t even near-humans. They were humanoid simians called Taung. Actual walking, talking, bipedal bonobos with tentacles for hair. If someone argues they also have a white, western, earth-human concepts for a sex and gender binary … I’m just going to laugh, to be perfectly honest. 
First, gender neutral language doesn’t spring up by accident — it has to be reinforced by the culture to maintain its neutrality, repeatedly reinforced over centuries to millennia and, truly, value everyone in that culture regardless of gender identity. 
One of the main facets of mandalorian culture? Adopting literally everyone who fits what is believed to have “the right stuff” to be a mandalorian.
I mean, not even getting into the fact that armor — real combat-purposed armor — could potentially hide or skew the person in question’s gender. Or the fact that mandalorians, as a people, regularly adopt aliens into their community — and not all alien women share the same sex characteristics. No avian species would. No reptilian species would. No amphibious species would.
So. First false assumption:
women = having a vagina
First of all, lmao. This is, factually, incorrect.
It is an outdated concept that only serves to reinforce a white, western, earth human social construction of sex and gender that is
not universal
heavily politicized
heavily policed
Here on earth, we already have countless examples of animals who are both female and don’t have “sheaths.” I’m disgusted I even had to write that, tbh, but here it is. To then impose vaginas as a standard of being women on alien species that don’t share the same gender social constructions? To assume that all men have dicks and all women have vaginas, always, forever?
A culture that literally decided that there was NO need to differentiate gender of any number … would then associate woman, a human concept, with cissexist human sexual organs that a large swathe of their population might not even have?
Well, it just doesn’t make sense. It’s not even an idea supported here on earth. There’s actually a great National Geographic article that breaks it down into simple language with a ton of resources — and I’m going to link it so I don’t have to do the same. Before this article? A metric fuckton of academic literature and studies, published articles, dissertations, books. Steeped in very heavy academic language, though, but I mean … my point is that, in space, if you’re transphobic, or a TERF, you are not a mandalorian. 
I don’t make the rules, but if I did, every TERF and transphobe would be banned. Forever. Dar’manda, fuckfaces.
Furthermore, if mandalorians are known to regularly adopt in a widely varied mix of humans and aliens into their population … then having human indicators of man / woman is fucking useless.
It’s completely fucking useless.
I would actually argue that the only real use for these words is for something I’m sure the originator did not intend: which is to indicate if someone who once identified as a man has transitioned to woman, or vice versa. Then, and only then, does it actually become relevant. Before then? Irrelevant, and fucking useless to indicate.
“The woman!” “Which one, Tom?”“The one with breasts!”“How do you know they’re a woman, Tom? Did you fucking ask them?”“No, but—”“Did you think they may just have a condition, Tom?”“Well, no, but—”“What if they’re a fuckin’ lizard, Tom? What if it’s their fuckin mating season and they just happen to expanding their chests, Tom?”“I didn’t—”“Fuck off, Tom, you ori’mirsh'kyramud (fucking brain assassin).”
Here’s the thing. Human earth ideas of gender, and its associations with “sex,” are null and void, because mando’a is gender neutral and concepts tied in with how we perceive gender do not exist in the language. At all.
And, actually, going even beyond that? The above points to a severe lack of creativity, and a fear of science. Mandalorians are literally space-faring aliens who adopt other aliens of all different species and communities, and have a culture whose very foundation is emphatically gender neutral. A fear of science has no place here.
Anyway. Moving on.
Our culture, here on earth, does not value women to the fullest. It just isn’t so, as much as that grieves me to say. And I know it’s hard, but I really wish that fandom, as a whole, would stop projecting their shitty, toxic masculine views on mandalorians as “fact,” because it’s just not there. It’s, seriously, not there.
Now, I don’t know if most people are familiar with some parts of linguistic theory, but the basic thing is this: if a word doesn’t exist in language, then the people who speak that language don’t really have a conceptualization of this … well, concept. Language literally affects thinking. It affects perception. It affects how we understand and view the world. How we see and construct the world is shaped by language.
Which is why the word for sheath, derived from woman, given all the above? Is fucking garbage. It’s built entirely on false assumptions steeped in human-earth western thinking that are not, and cannot, be supported by mando’a because these concepts literally do not exist, or are even actively, and passively, contradicted in the language and the culture itself. 
If you don’t get it, reread the Brain Assassin conversation, read the NatGeo article, and then come back, because I’m literally going to beat this idea to death, resurrect it, and then kill it again, in true mandalorian fashion.
Mandalorians, from every impression on the culture built from a language that is inclusive to its core, would accept easily and readily people of all gender identities, because the language literally tells us this. These things are, literally, non-issues—or they should be this way, because the gender neutrality of the language itself sets this as the very very basic foundation.
The idea that Mandalorians aren’t inclusive isn’t supported by canon. But mandalorian fandom’s inability to separate toxic assumptions from actual context, and projects toxic masculinity, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, stereotypes again and again on an entire body of people with little-to-no textual support, purely because they fit the definition of Proud Warrior Race, is a really serious problem.
How many people find interacting with the larger, more male-populated mandalorian fandom, to be threatening? How many people are more than a little concerned for the well-being of girls who, having seen Sabine, decided they want to be a mandalorian — and then went online?
I could name more than a few online mandalorian fan communities, and tbh I am very, very wary with ever recommending them to teenage girls, or even adult women, or anyone who isn’t cisgender. 
There is a very real, very serious problem with fandom, specifically the men of fandom, defining and setting the tone of Proud Warrior Race as inherently as toxic as our society — when it doesn’t need to be that way. It’s just assumed, even when they’re written as diametrically opposed to the necessary beliefs that are required in order for a culture built on toxic masculinity to survive.
Anyway. Next false assumption:
woman = to be penetrated
A sheath, a scabbard, exists to be penetrated by the weapon it’s meant to cover and protect.
To then derive the worth sheath directly from the word for woman is to directly indicate that women exist to be penetrated. It also directly indicates that men are the one who do the penetrating, not women, by virtue of that above association.
God forbid the idea that women don’t exist for men, let alone that lesbians exist, or that women are more than their apparent sheath purpose.
I can’t believe I have to write this, but here I am.
How can someone purport to be creating a culture in which everyone is equal, if you’re literally sticking a word in here that directly infers that that isn’t the case. You cannot say that a woman is valued for her worth as a person, if you then create a word that reduces her personhood to her vagina — which she may or may not even have?
Listen. There isn’t an alternative way to interpret this. You cannot create a language in which the word for sheath is derived from woman without directly, blatantly, obviously inferring that women are sheaths. 
Dala — womanDalab — sheath
There is no other inference. You can try to defend it, but the meaning and the intent is still inherent, and it is inherently fucked up.
There are also countless studies out there that have shown how this line of thinking can and does build a foundation in our culture for women to be victimized. To be assaulted. This is one of the major thought processes that contribute to rape — it is one of the major defenses of rape.
It implies this: if a woman exists to be penetrated, then consent is automatically given, because that is her purpose, and cannot be revoked.
And, you know, I’m sure this wasn’t intentional. I’m sure that someone who’s grown up steeped in a sexist culture would then be okay in thinking this way, and not see an issue with the above — but that doesn’t make it okay. It still contributes to a culture that actively harms more than half of its population. Intent is meaningless when it’s in support of further victimization. Intent is meaningless when it is in support of violence.
This is in support of violence. Thoughtlessly, maybe. Unintentionally, maybe. But that doesn’t change what it is, and what it implies.
I know that this is uncomfortable to think about. I know that it’s upsetting. But if your impulse is to immediately jump to “you’re overreacting!” then … I would ask that you take a step back, and ask yourself why you want to rush to accuse me that I’m overreacting. I want you to actually consider what I’m saying, to do the research, and to ask yourself if what I’m saying is true, how does it affect you? And the people around you? 
Furthermore, it doesn’t make sense contextually. 
Like, let’s forget, for a moment, that we live in a culture that actively promotes rape in very real, very insidious ways at multiple levels of society, that reduces women’s worth only in their relation to men, that has been concisely and clearly documented and studied for decades, and look instead at it in the in-universe context:
Once again. In a culture whose very language, the building blocks of thoughts and concepts that structure the world, does not separate people by gender in any way, why would you then have a word that inextricably links women with being penetrated? There is no consistent internal logic. It literally does not make sense within the context of the culture. 
Here’s National Geographic article on gender, again. 
Here’s the Tom conversation, again:
“The woman!” “Which one, Tom?”“The one with breasts!”“How do you know they’re a woman, Tom? Did you fucking ask them?”“No, but—”“Did you think they may just have a condition, Tom?”“Well, no, but—”“What if they’re a fuckin’ lizard, Tom? What if it’s their fuckin mating season and they just happen to expanding their chests, Tom?”“I didn’t—”“Fuck off, Tom, you ori’mirsh'kyramud (fucking brain assassin).”
the false assumptions
the culture only recognizes 2 genders based on western, white, earth-human conceptualization of sex and gender
women exist to be penetrated
everyone is straight as fuck, I guess
Imposing straight, cis, heterocentric gender roles on a society that doesn’t even have the words to think this way makes zero sense. 
It’s already afternoon where I am, and yet … it is too early for this kind of insidious transphobic homophobic sexism. 
It has no place in mando’a. Full stop.
Unfortunately, unless we can petition to have it removed officially from the mando’a dictionary, or unless we as a whole community agree to never use that word, it’s going to continue existing — and being used, and probably accidentally and without any realization of the implications of that word.
I would love to never see that word again. To promptly, effectively, never use it. Personally, I don’t trust people who use it casually. Accidentally? I’m sure it happens … but. In my opinion? Given that the larger mandalorian fandom is heavily steeped in toxic masculinity and casual misogyny, I have a hard time justifying its use in any context, because of the toxic masculinity and the casual misogyny. And, sadly, I don’t really have the energy to go through this again and again.
Do I have an in-universe explanation?
Yes, actually. 
I posit this: dalab is a word that came as a result of misogynistic men being adopted into the fold of mandalorian society, and felt that they needed a gendered slur that would fly under the radar. 
And, you know, maybe it did. Maybe it was reclaimed by cisgender human women. Maybe there’s a complicated history behind the word, and that women are divided over whether that slur has ever been reclaimed, or not. 
But, I would rather we didn’t have to do that. Why do we need to introduce sexism to a culture that doesn’t support it? Why do we need a gendered slur in a language that doesn’t recognize gender in that way?
The fact is, we don’t. We don’t need to further victimize marginalized people in the one society that goes out of its way not to do that.
So. I would rather remove dalab from the dictionary entirely.
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drake-the-incubus · 4 years
Unpopular opinion: Most callout posts nowadays are just people finding a reason to whine about things without doing research on what the topic is about.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
So you’re right! You’re absolutely right. I’ve gone through twenty call out posts, and they’re... nit picky. I can’t trust shit in them and half the time it’s wrong.
It’s not a tool of protection but rather dog piling and honestly it’s scary how well it works.
I saw one about shipping the other month, and while I don’t care much for what ships are what, I found myself gag at the end.
At the end of it, on a small sidenote which wasn’t even MENTIONED they talked about the person being abusive.
I was horrified and had to go down a rabbit hole because that was important.
Like half the things people spend hours on don’t even matter half the time. Like really, they don’t mention it. I’ve seen someone say, “saying queer” is a horrible offence.
Being pansexual is biphobic.
Being ace/aro is homophobic.
Nonbinary folks are transphobic.
Being trans is misogynistic.
At this point I see a form of oppression or bigotry thrown around and I spend five hours on the one topic to make sure if it’s okay.
Fuck I saw someone calling POCD pedophilia just the other day, and as someone who knows how distressing it can be to deal with intrusive thoughts, and having my psychology knowledge, I was horrified.
People will really go out, use what should be informative words, as buzzwords, and sling around misinformation as a way to condemn people they dislike.
I mean in full disclosure, without ASKING first, someone said I was a MAP/MAP supporter by having one follow me. On which I, a CSA survivor, who never interacted with anything with it and didn’t even involve myself, was put onto a blocklist. Someone who was a mutual at the time informed me of it, and I had to go in and see.
I didn’t even know, there was no verification, the person just followed me. I never got taken off of it. I spoke to them about it, and even told them how distressing it was, and they hardly addressed it.
I’ve seen callouts about someone pointing out there was a rapist in a community, for stalking.
I’ve seen a callout accusing someone of stalking, for them using stat tracker on their blog to tell their stalker to fuck off.
I’ve seen people be called transphobic, for SUPPORTING NON-DYSPHORICS AND NONBINARY PEOPLE.
I’ve been told outright, I’m ableist, for calling myself autigender, because my autism messes with my gender perception. And also accused of saying every autistic person is autigender, and that I’m saying my gender is autism gender. I didn’t realize your gender was cis or trans either.
So anon, I agree, to an extent.
I’ve seen callouts mentioning people who literally support Nazi rhetoric. I’ve seen people condemned for racism and it proven with no change in pace. I’ve seen people condemn child predators, rapists and abusers. On another blog I’ve called out exploitive and abusive tactics in a community I’m in.
I can agree most callouts are shit. I can say I haven’t seen one prioritize abusive/predatory behaviour in a while that I haven’t made or wasn’t made in a specific community, but I can’t strongly agree. Because it erases the issues at hand.
On one hand, fuck callout culture, on the other, I enjoy being warned of Nazis, racists, predators and unsavoury folk in that category.
Part of the issue with callout posts are, accepting with a lack of information.
People lie on the net, and the issue with accepting callout posts is, not knowing when the post is wrong, or not reading past the beginning and accepting it without evidence.
Note, some callouts are made to disenfranchise those who are marginalized, because it’s easy to paint them in a bad light.
I think it should be mandatory for everyone to learn how to spot cherry picking, obscuring information, and false information on a callout post.
If you’re not researching topics in the post, and verifying information, you’re part of the problem.
Also then there comes in, fake callouts. Callouts made for fun, or made as a joke, taken seriously.
Half of these callouts are reblogged by folks who go and say, “critical consumption” and “critical reading skills” whilst I’m watching them blur what a predator is or a pedophile.
A 30 y/o pursuing a 22 y/o can be extremely creepy, but I’m sorry, that’s not pedophilia, and saying it is, a) infantizes the 22 y/o, b) waters down the definition of pedophilia.
I’ve seen 18 y/o’s get called pedos for dating 17 y/o’s in callouts, or heaven forbid they’re a year n a half older and date a 16 y/o. All three of which can graduate and go to college depending on life circumstances.
I’ve seen a 20 y/o still be in high school because they failed so much, he was in my class.
I’ve seen a 26 y/o paint a 16 y/o as a pedophile for having a crush on a fictional... 16 y/o.
I’ve seen ppl condemn 16 y/o’s for making sex jokes, acting like it’s unhealthy of them, and then paint an adult as predatory for making a sex joke, on... their social media, “because of course minors follow them”.
Which is stupid. I don’t even have a lot of followers... I don’t know any ages. I don’t know their stances except shinigami eyes doesn’t label them as red.
And I block porn bots on sight.
I don’t know how a blog with over 20,000 followers or more is supposed to keep track, but apparently.
Necrophiles are okay so long as they don’t support a “homophobic relationship” which is a gay twink being submissive in a relationship with a Dom hunk. Because that’s not realistic.
HC’ing Asians/Autistic people as Asexual is dehumanizing, the callout post screams as ace Asian and ace autistic folks.
So all in all, I can agree, and disagree. Most callouts I see are bullshit. But I don’t know about most callouts. It’s not defineable because I can’t look at every callout made these days I don’t know where to look. But they were once capable of harm reduction and someone thought to weaponize them. But that happened during a lot of old rules added to websites. Road to hell... yadda yadda.
I’m sorry for the word vomit, I’m not great at articulation, I’m like dead tired and decided to answer this.
MAP discourse, Discourse about shipping, discourse about pedophiles ain’t tolerated on this post. I’m not engaging, fuck off. I mentioned it as examples, but fuck, they’re triggering to actually get into and I don’t feel like throwing up into the toilet.
Actually discourse can fuck off entirely, discourse is dumb.
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