#the prompt was based off of this aha
lufyuu · 15 days
,, Tied Up Prince ''
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Psychotic villain x Isekai'd second prince male reader
Tw/s: bondage, stockholm syndrome-ish, reader is into how the villain puts him in his place, dub-con, ripping clothes, degration, angry sex, punished reader, yandere-like oc, agressive sex.
The original post
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The sound of blades clashing is loud. Ear deafening even. The sound continues for what feels like a century to the young man. When it finally stops, he lets out a frustrated sigh. Not being able to guess what will happen next.
The masked man refuses to fall down on his knees. Instead, he limps a bit while looking up at the sword wielding main character, his sword casted aside. His long messy hair covers even more of his features due to the fact his mask has sustained some damage and yet he still finds a way to taunt the other. “你真的觉得这样就结束了吗?” , letting out a chuckle. With only a few seconds left in the episode, the viewer watches in anticipation, wondering what will happen. The semi masked man limps towards the other and out of nowhere, throws needles towards the main character. As he passes out, so do the end credits.
"WHAT!??? IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS???", you freak out over the cliffhanger ending, urgently scrolling to see if it's ongoing or if there are more episodes— unfortunately, it's neither. You feel as if you're about to metaphorically cry due to frustration. Nobody warned you there'd be a huge cliffhanger after 50 episodes! "God damnit!", you yell at nobody in particular while trying to do more research. Maybe if you look hard enough, the 51st episode will appear...right?
Even after 2 hours, you refuse to give up. You've wasted almost 3 whole days to watch this stupid series, it can't just end like that. You even go through some tiktok comments and edits too find any clues to an episode 51. Though, it's odd that nobody cares to mention the fact that there's a huge cliffhanger on the last episode. Everyone seems to be okay with it? That can't be right. Either everyone's crazy or you're going crazy.
"AHA!", you finally find a "clue" of some sort in the official website. It states that although the series does end on episode 50, it's based off of a novel which is completed. Without a second thought, you search it up only to find that the novel name is...your name? It clearly says [Name] [L. Name] as the title. As they say, curiosity killed the cat. You mindlessly click on the link.
'My head's killing me...', when you open your eyes, you're faced with a ceiling. It wouldn't be odd if it weren't for the fact that it's not your ceiling. "What the...", you instantly sit up on the bed to look around. Not only is the ceiling not the one you usually wake up to, the entire room isnt even yours. You scramble to get on your feet, almost sprinting towards the door. When you are about to open it, it opens from the other side. "Ah!", the short, well dressed girl lets out a shocked noise, "your highness, you're up early", she regains her composure and sesms to be waiting for something. You stay quiet for a few seconds which prompts her to try and break the silence, "may I come in..?", to which you take a step to the right, allowing her to enter the spacious bedroom and put down a tray with food. Before she exits, she opens the windows for you to which you thank her for as she walks out the room, leaving you all alone once more.
"Gosh it's bright out", you walk over to the now opened window and look out. The scent of nature lingers on your nose, it calms your panicked mind in just a few seconds. The birds chirping, the leaves rustling, the sun shining brightly. Far different from the traffic jam and loud vehicles you'd normally hear. This gives you enough time to think about the situation in a calm and rational manner. 'Your highness?', is what you think of, along with the fact that the room and environment is vastly different from the messy, dark room you would usually wake up to. Questioning yourself only led to even more questions and so, you turn to look at the plate that has been served to you. Two steamed buns and a few fruits for nutrients.
"Alright let's see what I can find!", you have some optimism in you as you begin your "investigation". The courtyard is ridiculously big and so are the halls. You alnost got lost halfway in! Deciding it's time for a little break, you sit down on a nearby pavilion. "I've been here for almost an hour, am I just dreaming..", you pinch yourself a few times but end up with a red cheek and still no answers. "Ow...", you sigh, nothing has given you any answers.
"What's gotten you so stressed?", a voice rings out behind you, prompting you to turn around just enough to get a glance. A good-looking and well built man stands behind with a small smile on his face. He takes a few steps forward and sits next to you, "I don't think I've ever heard you sigh that loudly before", he tries to lighten up the mood seeing how blue you look right now. "Well...", realizing something, you do a double take, "Zhou Jian!?", you jump up in disbelief to which he responds with a very shocked face, "yes..?", he looks worried for your well, "was I really gone that long?", he chuckles and scratches his head, "I could have sworn it was just a month", you could only stand frozen in time, jaw almost wide open but you manage to keep it closed. "C'mon, sit down, tell 哥哥 what's on your mind", he smiles with his eyes closed, patting the seat next to him. You slowly sit down while staring bullets into him. "Are you mad at me?", he asks with a worried expression, you turn away, realizing your stare was bothering him. "Ahem no, of course not", in all honesty, you're trying your best to act like a younger sibling and it sure it hard when your older brother is THE Zhou Jian.
He had previously heard of your dissatisfaction with how he is almost always away from home so it wasn't unreasonable for him to think that way. "Hm, then?", he asks, tilting his head and moving closer to you. You don't even know what you want...maybe just a bit of help 'recalling' who you are. Of course you can't just say you lost your memories or something like that, it'd worry Zhou Jian.
What to do...you have to continue exploring this strange world but also can't risk alerting Zhou Jian...That's it!
"I think I just need a stroll out", you look at him. He tenses up and his eyebrows begin furrow. "You know that's not a good idea", he shakes his head, shit you just fucked up..how were you supoosed to know you're not allowed out?? "Please? There's something I need to do", you try to plead, "and I won't be out an hour", but no matter how you persist, he doesn't waver. "弟弟, if it truly is important, I'll send someone to do whatever it is for you", he offers an alternative but that doesn't work for you. There is no way to convince him so you think of another idea. You close your eyes for a moment and nod, "it's okay, I changed my mind", giving a half smile.
"Oh...they're so tall..", you look at the walls you planned to climb to get out. You never learned how to climb a rope either so that's out of the question. Maybe your secret get out plan won't be happening afterall.
'Think [Name], think!'
You pace around, trying to think of another plan. Those cliche romance shows lied to you! You can't possibly climb a tall building. While pacing around, you can't help but feel as if you're forgetting something but what? You try your best to recall the whole series, the plot, what happened and what started it.
"Zhou Jian has to defend his kingdom against the villain due to the fact that...", you talk to yourself, trying to regain memory of the show, "the villain seeks out the Kingdom's rumoured hidden temple in order to seize...", as if everything's connected, you remember the most important thing, "..the power within!", your fist gently hits your palm, and your eyes widen with excitement. "That means I probably have powers like that too!", you almost let out a happy noise but remembering that you are most likely going to be spotted faster if you do, you contain yourself. "How to activate it..", you try to think of jumping over the wall, maybe gracefully flying over to the other side but nothing happens. "They make it look so effortless in the shows", you start to wonder if there's really not a single system window to guide you.
"Your highness! It's time for your tea", a maid is clearly looking for you, shouting loudly as she searches for you everywhere. "Oh shit!", you'll get found out in no time if you don't escape now! A sudden wave of panic sends your body suddenly flying over the 40ft tall cement wall. "W-wAoHH", You brace for impact but fortunately for you, your body doesn't hit the ground roughly, infact, your fall is cushioned by an invisible object. You need time to process what just happened but the guards right around the corner says otherwise. Without missing another second, your legs sprint towards the town in hopes of not getting caught red handed. 'It seems my magic is unstable..is it because I'm not from here or is it just my new body that's weak..?'
You huff and huff due to how fast you just ran from the imperial palace to the bustling streets. After a while, you pull yourself together and look around, finally noticing the amazing scent of the street food being sold. "Excuse me", a little girl says, trying to get past you as you're blocking the middle, "sorry!", you instantly move to the side to let her get past. "Now, where to start", your eyes dart around, a mom and daughter sharing a tanghulu, a couple enjoying their stroll together and even a homeless looking man being given a baozi to eat. Looking at everything up close in person gives a different feeling than when you're watching behind a screen. Despite being here, you still have little to no clue as to who you are in this world and what your purpose is. All you know if that you're the brother of the protagonist. In the original show, there were no mentions of the protagonist ever having a younger brother so people assumed he's an only child. The only heir to the thrown, who knew there would be a spare?
Well you can't dwell on that too much, you have to at least find out what arc you're in right now. Maybe by knowing, you'd be able to assist the protagonist in fighting! Technically you're the main character now that you've isekai'd into the world so there's no way you'd be in any sort of danger!
You turn your attention to your right, the neverending displays of food makes your mouth water. Unfortunately, due to you not paying much attention to where you're walking, you bump into someone. The impact was enough to send you stumbling backwards. The stranger's hand instinctively wraps around your waist, preventing you from falling onto the people behind you and potentially creating a domino effect. His taller stature surprises you. Only when you stabilize yourself, he removes his hand. "Next time, be more aware of your surroundings", his voice is somewhat elegant yet intimidating and indifferent. You can't really diciphere him as his face is covered by a very oddly terrifying mask. It definitely stands out which makes you wonder if he does like the attention if brings him or simply he's unaware of his unique accessory. Though, before you can ask anything, he walks in past you, dissapearing into the crowd. Something about him seemed...very familiar.
After several hours of strolling and finding absolutely nothing, you notice the sun going down, dusk is coming and the night is about to settle in. So, you decide to get back to the palace the same way you got out of it, panicking and then being thrown over the wall.
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Nobody seemed to have questioned why you were gone for half the day. Fortunate for you of course but does beg the question why nobody noticed a prince going missing.
In the morning, however, the same maid who had been calling out to you for tea did question where you were. "I wasn't feeling tea", was your simple yet effective answer.
"Gosh I was out for so long and yet found nothing in return", you kick a rock in the courtyard while sighing loudly. The masked man already erased from your mind. What's even worse is that with your hair this long, it takes more effort to take care of it, not to mention the hanfu which made you stand out like a sore thumb. At just a glance, one could tell you're royalty due to your attire. Maybe you should have thought of that before going out yesterday. This time, you'll dress up just like any other commoner there. There must be at least one that doesn't look like a prince's daily outfit in the closet. You look through the ginormous closet, sorting them out one by one until you finally stumble across an acceptable one.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Back to the bustling streets once more. The smell of food is still as amazing as you remember it. You seem to have forgotten something but fret not, your stomach is here to remind you of it. "I forgot...I didn't have breakfast..", you vaguely remember the picture of a plate filled with food on the table of your room. Well you can't turn back now, you're too far in. "I'll just buy something in the market", you say to yourself, walking towards the nearest food stall which sells roasted meat on sticks. The sight is already mouth watering, you can't wait to sink your teeth into it. "老板! One roasted meat please", you grin ear to ear knowing you'd have one in your hands in a few seconds, "that'll be 3 coins", did you even bring any money? You desperately try to search your hanfu for any signs of coins but to no avail. "C-can I have it...for free?", you awkwardly ask, "hah? Who do you think you are, just so you know, have to feed my family too."
'Time to pull out my status' you thought to yourself, "well, I'm—", "I'll pay for it", a hand behind you gives a few coins to the seller, prompting the seller to give the roasted meat to you. You look behind to see who had stolen your spotlight only to be face to face with yet another mask. The same mask actually. "Thank you but I could handle it by myself", you give a slight smile, "oh? It seems to me you had no money, or perhaps you'd like to pay me back?", you can tell he's a bit annoyed but what you can't tell is that he's amused. "In that case, I take it back", getting a sudden eerie feeling from the man, you leave immediately and he watches you run off.
You run until you're sure he wouldn't be able to see you anymore. "Jeez what even was that..", you wonder to yourself, why did your guts just tell you to run?? That's odd. Really though, something about that man is super familiar but what?
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
6 months have passed since you've been transmigrated to this world. Fortunately, you adapted quite a long time ago. The strange masked man hasn't been seen at all and because of that, you forgot all about him. The past few months have been relatively peaceful, with some royal guards getting occasional injuries from the amount of fights they've been in. Thankfully, Zhou Jian isn't one of them. You had a hard time accepting that your life in the original world might never return but hey, at least you're treated like royalty. The only downside is that you still aren't allowed outside. A huge bummer.
You enjoy some afternoon tea with Zhou Jian as bonding time for the two of you. "I'm surprised you haven't been sent to the battlefield yet", you jokingly comment, earning you a playful glare from the protagonist, "don't jinx it", he puts his porcelain teacup down, "though, it is strange that the scoundrel hasn't shown up in a while", he's referring to his enemy, the man who has been trying to get rid of your kingdom so they say it. "He's so mysterious too, no matter how many men I send to discover more about him, it's as if he doesn't exist at all but at the same time, he does", Zhou Jian says, looking up and wondering to himself, confused. "One day when you do catch him maybe you'll find out who he truly is", you sip on the hot fragrant tea. The two of you chat for a while before a guard interrupts it.
"Your highness! It's an emergency! The King himself has personally requested you on the battlefield to fight alongside him, it seems the enemies have gotten stronger", the voice is panicked, shaky, stumbling over his own words and trying his hardest to keep his composure but ultimately failing, miserably. Zhou Jian immediately gets up, grabbing the weapon he always carries by his side and rushing out with the guard, "I'm going to be back soon", he glances at you while he says this. Without anyone to chat with, you get up from your seat and head towards the library. Behind you, the servants bow as they take the cups and desserts away.
Even when night falls, neither the king nor Zhou Jian has returned. It's quite common for soldiers to camp out for a few days so you don't worry too much about it.
The hallways are oddly quiet. Probably since there are less guards and servants surrounding the place seeing as a few went to tend to the King and heir. More peace and quiet for you. The stars at night twinkle, the moon glowing so brightly, the sound of crickets. Not even the cold air bothers you. You yawn a bit, "time for bed", your legs carry you to the bed, not as comfortable as the one you had back at home but you can still sleep on it. You tuck yourself into bed and close your eyes, wondering what you'll have for brekafast tomorrow.
At the stroke of midnight, the sounds of blood gushing doesn't even wake you up. No scream can be heard due to the intruder's silencing them. "PROTECT THE SECOND PRI—", the loud voice cuts off, indicating the murder of the man. The imperial palace is a mess, filled with fresh blood and dead bodies. You sleep peacefully, blissfully unaware of the massacre happening just outside your room. Even the door creaking open doesn't wake you up from your deep slumber. A tall man hovers over you, a crown in his hand. He mumbles something but it's so quite that not even a soul can hear it. With a snap of his fingers, your hands and ankles are bound together respectively without you ever even noticing it.
Your eyes are half open, your vision all blurry due to just waking up. Your whole body aches but when you go to stretch, you find it to not be possible. You struggle and notice your hands and ankles bound by something that's glowing red. It hurts whenever you try to get rid of it. "Go on, the sight of you struggling amuses me", a voice says out loud from a corner of the room. The masked man gets up from his seat and as he walks closer to where you are bound, you notice that his mask is slightly damaged. Well, a part of it has broken off, revealing his blood colored eye.
He carries himself with such elegance that you'd think he's royalty at a first glance. He brings himself down to your level, his eye crinkle softly at the corner, the look on your face is just so adorable. "I never would have thought we'd meet again, 小王子", he grabs your chin, lifting it up so you two make eye contact. "I had an inkling you were apart of their little kingdom, I just didn't expect you to be so naive", he continues while looking at your frustrated face which he adores, "did you really think those pesky little servants could ever protect you?", you turn your head to the side, not wanting to even touch him. It is honestly a bit embarrassing for you as you've watched this whole series, know the plot and yet here you are, kidnapped by the villain himself of whom you finally remember the name of, Xu RenFeng, and not even getting the chance to put up a fight.
Xu RenFeng thinks for a moment, the silence deafening. "How about this, you and I become partners so to say", you're confused by what he's suggesting but he elaborates, "since you're hidden and have no purpose in that palace, you could be with me could you not?", he looks at you expectantly with a psychotic look in his eye. "I would kill you now but you're way too adorable to be killed just like that, I'm offering a role of a lifetime", while it does tempt you in a way, you're still not too sure about dying with him at the end. "No thank you", you don't even look at him as you say this, "I'll give you some more time to think", he stands tall and turns around, walking out the door to your prison.
To say it's a prison is exaggerating. At least it looks like an average bedroom. Not as luxurious as the one you had before but still comfortable. After a few seconds pass, you find your hands and ankles no longer bounded, giving you some freedom to explore the room you've been captured in.
Of course the surviving servants and royal guards had to inform their king and future king what had happened. From the massacre of many, many servants to the second prince going missing, presumably taken by their enemy. "We should've known it was a trap the moment he left", the King is referring to the man himself, Xu RenFeng. "Why would he want [Name]?", Zhou Jian questions, frustrated by how the situation has gone from manageable to a complete mess. His hands balled into fists, worrying for his brother's safety. They have to find you, and fast.
Meanwhile, you've been held in the room for about 5 hours. All you've been up to is trying to think of a plan to maybe just maybe, trick him long enough for the psychotic guy to let you go. From what you've seen in the show itself, he is a very calm and calculating individual, making it hard for anyone to get past him. "Gosh, it seems that the only way to get out is by relying on brute force!", compated to modern times, the door isn't made out of very strong material, maybe you can knock it down or something. When you body slam the door, it doesn't move an inch. "Well that goes my plan", you just sit against the door you had just tried to body slam in defeat.
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As days passed, you try a different method of breaking out each day but they all fail in getting you out the the prison-like room. The only time the door would open was when Xu RenFeng himself would bring you food and place it on the table in the room. Even then, when the door opened, you would be bound once more. At least the food was always good. Each time he brought food to you, he'd try to persuade you into joining him. Something about you really did pull him in. You had power over him whether you knew or not.
One day, when there's a knock on the door, you get an idea. Xu RenFeng enters the room in silence, holding a plate in one hand. He puts the food down and as he's about to open his mouth, "can you eat with me?", you ask, surprising him. Today he's wearing a different style of mask. It doesn't cover his lower face, only the eyes. You wonder why he covers his face and remain mysterious. Even towards the end of his life, he never once took off his mask. The reason was never revealed. Though, it did add to his charm which is why a lot of people fell for the guy. He hesitates but gives a slight nod, closing the door with a wave of his hand.
He takes the seat across from you, not having anything on his side of the table. "Oh, I thought you'd grab your own food?", you ask while munching down on the prepared food. "No, I'd rather enjoy the view while I can", his lips turn into a smirk. Unsettling but not the weirdest thing he's said while with you. You get a bit nervous, wanting to pull off the plan but what if he notices beforehand? 'Agh, no more overthinking it, it's now or never [Name]!', you think to yourself and reach over the table, violently tearing the mask off his face, taking him by complete surprise. With great strength and agility, he grabs ahold of your wrist which has his mask. You stare at his face. He wasn't an average looking man. No scars or bruises. Instead, he's the most gorgeous man you've ever laid your eyes on. You're left speechless and so is he for a few seconds.
The look of shock in his eyes is replaced with that of anger. Without uttering a single word and with your wrist still held in his hand, he walks over to your side of the table, glaring at you before pulling you to the bed and throwing you on it. Fortunately you aren't hurt, only frightened. You're pinned to the bedframe by the intimidating villain. Your back is against the frame and you have nowhere to run. "I've been painstakingly patient with you and yet here you are taking off my mask. Was it not obvious to you I didn't want it off, EVER?", to say he's angry is an understatement, his eyes are even more psychotic. All you can do is freeze up due to fear, knowing neither fight nor flight are options in this very moment. You can't muster up an apology, both due to fear and also the feeling of superiority, to you, this man is just a character, he'll be no longer once you find a way back to your home! Without an answer, he takes it as you not wanting to apologize. "Do you really think just because you're a prince that I can't hurt you?", he chuckles at your pathetic expression. With another snap of his fingers, you're bound once more.
As much as you'd like to deny it, the way he's aggressively holding you is really turning you on. Xu RenFeng grabs at your clothes and rips them, leaving your body vulnerable to the man. "What a sight", he looks at you up and down. You try to cover your face with your hands because of embarrassment but he pushes your hands away. "Oh my prince, don't hide your adorable expressions", he purrs.
When you blink, his hanfu has already been diacarded on the floor not far from the bed. "Won't you help a stressed man out?", with his clothes being gone, you can see his hard cock. You stare at it for a little too long, long enough for Xu RenFeng to notice. "Hm? Lost for words are we?", he seems proud of that. "I..It's..—", you bite your lip to contain the moan you were about to let out as the man lifts your legs up to his shoulder and stretches you out with two fingers. "There's a much easier way for this but I'd rather do the old fashioned way to see how you writhe in pleasure just from my fingers. You close your eyes shut, clenched fists as his fingers move around inside, "I'll stretch you so well that this big cock slips right in", just that alone makes you tighten up, earning a satisfied hum from the other. Before long, he decides it's time to add another finger, stretching you out even more. "Ah..ngh...", your moans aren't really heard, the noises you let out are more comparable to humming. Xu RenFeng doesn't like that one bit.
His take his wet fingers out of your tight hole, leaving you feeling empty and opening your eyes as to why he did that. Relying on his strength, he pulls you onto his lap, your hole hovering over his cock, almost touching the tip. "Hu–aggh", you barely have time to react before he plunges you down all the way. You let out the loudest moan that Xu RenFeng's servants are able to hear from outside the magic-sealed room. "What an amazing voice you have, 小王子", he looks up at the person who is unable to speak due to the pain and pleasure he has brought them. His cock remains inside your hole without moving an inch, "a-are you trying to tease me...move", you try to stimulate yourself by bouncing on his cock to the best of your abilities but you can't seem to do that due to him having a tight grip on your waist. "You're so fragile, I'll have an easier time breaking you", he lifts you up until the only thing left inside is his tip and immediately slams you back down on his large cock, repeating this over and over again. "Fuck..", he groans while you're almost screaming-moaning. You never imagined this would be how your first time would go. Xu RenFeng pounds your ass so rough and fast that your ass is turning red.
You feel his precum inside you as he hits your prostate over and over, showing no mercy. "Your hole was made for my cock, wasn't it?", you can't even come uo with a response in that cock filled head of yous, "I'll make sure you remember the shape of my cock by fucking you everyday", he lets out a deep laugh, watching you bounce up and down his cock. Just when you think you can't take anymore, he goes deeper until you can't think of anything anymore. You cum while moaning loudly, still being bounced up and down. The stimulation is driving you crazy, everything feels like a fever dream. Not long after you came and without warning, he cums inside while still pounding you, not stopping for a second. He's cumming as he's thrusting inside, giving a new sensation you never thought you'd feel. "I see you're enjoying this more than I am, how adorable that expression of yours", he points out, "aren't I glad I picked you up along the way", if he could, he would have given himself a pat on the back that moment. You try to push him off, wanting to go at your own pace or to possibly just take a breather, "ah-ah, we're not done", he keeps thrusting deep inside, "don't worry, I'll return you in one piece to your family soon~"
He didn't stop until he had pumped at least a few cups worth of cum inside of you. You passed out due to how rough he was being. Xu RenFeng made sure to tuck you into bed. When he came out the room with his mask back on, he appeared to be very refreshed, some servants even whispered to the others that he was practically glowing. All because of a certain young prince named [Name].
You may not know it yet but you're now stuck with a psycho of a man.
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Translation notes!
Do you really thinks this is over?
Boss (in this context, used to address shopkeepers/vendors you want to buy from)
We will meet eventually, soulmate.
Little brother/younger brother
Big brother/elder brother
You really are a cute sleeping beauty
Little prince (endearing)
I have so many ideas for this man but couldn't fit all of them in one fic🥹
There's this one kink I know you'll love but unfortunately didn't make the cut, maybe next time/drabble!
1K notes · View notes
arvensimp · 1 year
Choose Your Own Adventure, Part 3
The penultimate edition! lol sorry for the delay here. my self imposed 1000 word minimum and maximum is kicking my butt. also figuring out choices for what to do next was a little tricky. As a thank you for the 1000 followers, I thought it might be fun to do a Choose Your Own Adventure fic. I’ve got a starting prompt linked below, and each part will be followed by a poll where you, the audience, will pick what happens next. Each poll will only last 24 hours, so definitely act fast if you want your voice heard!
[part 1] - [part 2]
What drop, if any, do you get from the raid?
Sweet Herba Mystica
Arven falls to his knees as the crown on the massive Blissey's head teeters then shatters to the floor in a sparkling display. He gives a shuddering sigh, and you're left to watch between him and the fainting pokemon, trying to make sure he's okay. Based on the quivering smile on his features as Mabosstiff and Scovillain give loud cries of victory, you think everything is alright.
You replant your feet and pull a pokeball from one of your pockets. No point in wasting a perfectly good pokemon, especially one that would be handy in rescues. 
A moment later, and the ball gives a definitive click shut, indicating that Blissey is good and properly caught.
"...You did it…" Arven's voice sounds shaky and soft behind you. "You really…really did it!"
"We-" You're about to correct him when you notice that he's actually only speaking to Mabosstiff and Scovillain, holding both pokemon tight in his burly arms. Mabosstiff licks his face, leaving trails of shining slobber, and Scovillain's two heads are wrapped around Arven's neck, giving him a hug of its own. 
A smile tugs at your lips as you watch the scene, but Ampharos and Azumarill eventually pull your attention away. You give them each a few berries then start to gather all the remnants of Blissey's presence in the cave while Arven gathers himself.
You scramble on your knees through the berries and pokemon candies. You even find a lucky egg! Still, no plants…
That is, until your eye catches on something pink.
You scoot over to it, and lo and behold! There are several sprigs of a soft taffy-colored herb growing from the earth.
"Aha!" You can't help but cry out.
"Find something?" Arven replies from where he's still sitting with his pokemon.  He sounds surprised, if not a bit stuffed up, as if jolted from the moment he was sharing with his partners, but he's already up and bounding over to you.
"I think so! Come have a look!"
"That… That's it! Sweet herba mystica, right there!" He laughs joyously, jostling your shoulders.
Arven drops his backpack and takes out a spade. "Lemme just…"
"Oh! Uh, hold on."
He pauses, looking at you expectantly.
"These are pretty rare plants, like you said." You start, cautious. You don't want to sound like a know-it-all or like you're trying to dampen the victory.
"Rather than dig up the whole root system, just take some clippings. You can get a plant to propagate from that. It'll give the herbs here a better chance of continuing to grow and reproduce, without affecting the ecosystem."
Arven stays silent a moment.
"And you're sure I can get a whole plant to grow from just a stem and some leaves?"
"Pretty sure. Plus there's like… six or seven different sprouts here you can grab. If you take care of them, I'm sure at least one of them will give you roots?"
As you speak, you take out a pocket knife and snip off a sprig for him.
"When you get home, you'll clip it again, just exposing a fresh stem, then put it in water. Give it new water every day to keep it healthy, and within a week or so you should have roots that you can place in soil!"
Arven nods along.
"And…this is better than taking the whole plant?"
"It's more ecologically responsible, for sure, especially for what is effectively an endangered species like this, y'know? Go ahead and also take a separate soil sample, too, just so you've got some earth that you know the herbs can grow in once they've got roots going."
He huffs a sigh, crossing his arms. "When you're right, you're right. I'll see how I do trying to grow a few plants before I uproot a whole ecosystem…"
You smile.
"Exactly. Again, too. There's over half a dozen of them here.  Plenty of chances, hopefully."
"Oh." Arven's eye widens. "Uh… Are we not splitting them?"
You nearly laugh. "What? Pfft, no. I have no real interest in growing this kinda thing for myself. They're all yours. You and your team earned them together. My partners and I just played support after all." You finish with a wink that comes off without thinking.
"...Oh… Well… Thanks. Really." If you didn't know better you'd think that Arven might be blushing in the dim lighting of the crystalline cave, but you chalk it up to the fact that he's leaned down closer to the plants to start making cuttings for himself, and the light must be bouncing in odd ways, painting his cheeks in a dusty, glowing pink.
Rather than stare, you go ahead and make yourself useful by gathering soil samples. Between the two of you, it all makes for quick, if not quiet, work. When he's done, Arven stands.
"And…that's that." He brushes dirt from his pants before offering a hand to help you stand. You take it; his grip is about as strong as you'd expect, looking at his physique. Arven makes for a sturdy perch as you heft yourself back to your feet, but his palm is soft, the mark of someone who puts clear work and care into his hands. Your own hand lingers a bit even after you've stood. It's not that you're marveling. No. It's just…the feel of him, his warmth…
Arven pulls away with a forced laugh. The glowing pink of the cave must still be reflecting across his cheeks because the color hasn't faded.
"Haha, so… Um. Thanks. Again." He says, and the pair of you turn to leave.
"Of course!" You respond. "I hope these work out for the cafe."
"Same… I mean… If it doesn't work, I know who to turn to when I need a…battle buddy?" He clears his throat. "Y'know, to do raids and stuff."
"Anytime." You agree. "But, really, your team did the bulk of the work. You should be proud."
Arven pats the pocket of his jeans where his pokeballs sit. "I am."
You got the [SWEET] ending! Where do you see Arven next?
[Poll here]
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inbetweenhours · 2 years
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My gift for @tev-the-random for the @mcytblrholidayexchange :D  This has a  a wip attached as you can see, it was my first draft of your prompt before I settled on the finished design above :] There is a written component I added because I wasn’t sure how to match your prompt well with just art aha.  You had a lot of options and variety :] Also uh, if it wasn't clear this is based on the finale of Season 1 so yknow :v:
[ID: Image 1 is a digital drawing of Empires SMP season 1 Roseblings sat together riding the back of a white dragon high in the clouds. Gem is in front, a tense expression on her face. A baby ender dragon, Violet, is in her lap. Fwhip is sat behind her, looking conflicted down.
Image 2 is a screenshot of the gates of The Crystal Cliffs. Its opacity is low and over it Gem and Fwhip are sketched. gem is closer to the foreground, staring is horror with a purple  barrier of magic above her, protecting her from falling rubble. Violet, a baby ender dragon, is in her arms. In the background Fwhip leans against the gate opening, mask drawn over his mouth.]
The sound was the first thing to reach them. A mighty boom ripping through the air as a warning for what was to come. For many seconds the people of the Crystal Cliffs paused, curious of their neighbours' practices, and turned back to their days. High Wizard Geminitay did much the same as any other citizen. Looking up out the high window of her tower and squinting at the horizon line to the north. Wondering absentminded what trouble her brother has gotten into. She huffed, rolling her eyes and turning away from the darkening skyline back towards her deskwork.
Only moments later she look up to the sound of screams below, and is blown off her chair by the force of her window shattering.
Scrambling to roll behind her desk does little to shield her. Eyes wide and brows furrowed, she watches as her paperwork is blown awry. The Crystal Cliffs are usually safe, even with such explosive neighbours. The Grimlands have never been a threat. She scrambles for her staff, hiking up her skirt with a free hand as she sprints down the stairs of her tower. She pauses when she can, muttering incantation after incantation for protection as the building shakes around her. Tall buildings don’t do well with Grimlands-brand disaster.  She needs to get to low ground, fast.
As she breaches the landing of her home, throwing the doors open, she immediately regrets it. Gasping and swinging her staff in wide strokes to sweep an arcana barrier before her. A chunk of debris shatters on impact, throwing her backwards with the weight, but luckily without injury.
She pushes onward to the steps overlooking the Cliffs, and feels her breath cut short as she does.
Masses of debris are raining through the city. Every man, woman, and child running for their lives, wands raised and luck held close to their chests. A mass of roof disrupts Gems' view, nearly crashing into a student she had seen only days prior. She feels a sickening sense of pride with the speed at which their wand flies up to protect them. 
Then she looks up, gut swirling with dread as she finally takes in the distance. Nauseous black smog rippled over the forest. Grimlands is obscured completely from view, not a roof or wall in sight. It draws something hard to grip her throat.
Her parents are over there. Her brother, and their childhood home. Their parents forge where they played as children. Where Fwhip once burnt his hand and where he first trusted her to cast a spell on him. Not as a prank, but to help. The streets they used to run through, sparklers in hand in celebration of their country’s founding.
The Crystal Cliffs are Gems pride and joy, where she learned and thrived and made something of herself. But The Grimlands was her home. And not a single piece of it can be seen through the smog.  
She blinks, taking a shuddering breath and turning towards her own empire. Her heels click dangerously as she sprints, avoiding debris with light steps and a strong barrier spell over her head. She shouts encouragement to students and citizens alike, corralling them in groups to protect one another. They call to her for guidance.
 “Get to the academy”, she advises in return, authoritative and knowing in all the ways a mentor must be. “It has a lot of room, and together your spells may keep you safe!”
“What about you!” A young girl calls, her braids all twisted up. A new student calls out to her, from Gilded Helianthia if the tan complexion and sunflower embroidered skirt are any indication. Oh how far from home she is.
“I’m your headmaster, I will be fine.” She smiles as honestly as she can. The student nods shakily, and is ushered away by her upperclassmen and the young man that runs the crystal shop.
Gem turns her gaze just slightly to the caved in remains of a roof and various shards near her heels, and winces. Perhaps ran the crystal shop is a more apt description.  
She doesn’t dwell on it much longer, no time for such things. Making a sharp turn for the dragon stables as another chunk of debris disrupts the stone pathways. There's a cry from nearby as it makes contact with the street and Gem tears her eyes away as she spots blood seeping through the cracks of the pathway. 
Gem has never been one for worship, growing up Alatristic. She still refuses to give herself to any god, even seeing the purple of her academy’s uniform peeking from beneath the debris. 
It’s many steps past the atrocity that she succumbs with a heavy heart, and hopes that The Copper King and his vigil is watching.
She hardens her gaze as she meets the stables, beckoning one of the three grand white dragons from their perches with care. They’re curious about the calamity outside, she sees it in their eyes. Violet seems less enthralled and more afraid, half flying from where she had been curled up alongside one of the greater beasts.
“Awe, Violet— come here!” Gem coos, wrapping the hatchling up in her caplet carefully. She flinches, curling over the baby as a crash hits close outside. She hardens her expression, grappling for the mighty white dragon's muzzle and leading it out.
She watches over her kingdom for a long moment, and considers her choice. Citizens running for cover, clammering up the steps of the academy in the distance. She should go to them. They need guidance, they need someone to tell them it will be okay and lead them through these dark spots in the Cliffs' history. That would be the right thing to do, as their leader, as their mentor.
Gem whistles, sprinting towards the gates of the city, away from her people. The great white dragon flying overhead with her call. She points clamouring citizens in the right direction, even as she pushes past them.
And there, at the gate of her empire, Gem feels the air leave her lungs.
Count Fwhip stands, leaned against the walls of the gate, goggles cracked and scarf drawn over his mouth as he coughs. Gem can’t find it in herself to care that he is coated in soot as she runs towards him. She grapples his arms, and drags him away from his post. He stumbles in her hold, coughing  up a storm of soot and smog.
“You’re okay— you’re alive—” Gem stumbles over her word, pulling her brother haphazardly along. “Are you  insane? Of course you're insane— come along quick!”  She rambles scoldingly.
Fwhip manages a wry chuckle, before dissolving into hacking again. “Ah— Gem, my legs hurt. Just— just give me a second—”
“At least you have legs,” She hisses, pulling her brother along despite his stumbling feet and protests. She keeps her eyes up and ahead as she navigates, watching for the great white beast above as it circles, high above the peak of the debris. “Do you have any idea what’s happened? We need to go— now.”
“It wasn’t— it wasn’t meant to explode. I don’t know why it exploded—” Fwhip rambles, wincing as his heels are clipped by pebbles. The shaking of the earth throws him off balance and Gem barely grapples his arm before he hits the fractured rocks beneath them.
The look Fwhip gives her when he looks up solidifies something in her. The desperate shaken smile as he continues to ramble. Incoherent and wild eyed, and she knows this is his fault. This isn’t any random malfunction from any odd project. This was her brother.
Her lips pressed together, and she can see his expression waver, his excuses dwindling as yet another crash echoes amongst the screams. He whips up to look in its direction. Whatever he sees drains any colour left in his skin. Gem doesn’t follow his gaze, keeping her eyes on him as she realises what exactly she is feeling.
Her lips tremble as she thinks it, and she knows maybe she is also frustrated. Staring down at her brother, who she loves and who she will choose again and again, over and over. Who she will defend the behaviour of to anyone— from Guardian Katherine to The Codfather. Who she has stood by through trial and tribulation, war and alliance. Nothing has made her turn her back on him.
And this is what she gets. An accident that shatters her country, her responsibility. That finally puts her in the crossfire. Maybe it’s karma, for never holding Fwhip back. When he rains explosives upon their enemies, tearing riffs in the land and biting enough to match his bark. 
She remembers something The Copper King had once said to her, at the tail end of a negotiations meeting between their allies. They have a saying in Pixandria, “To hold the fire is  noble, but beware of its burn”. It is meant to warn the countless watchers of the vigil not to burn themselves lighting candles and lanterns, to be careful handling the flames. It has evolved to mean that when handling something dangerous, put yourself before others. Choosing to guard a fire is good, to watch it so it does not get out of hand. But to stand so close to something so dangerous means you will be burned eventually.
Gem had brushed the King off as cordially as she could at the time. She has her own sayings, ones of loyalty and eternity and entirely unconnected from the gods.
She wonders if she had listened at the time if she would still be here in this mess, choosing between her country and her brother. She wonders if it would have changed her choice at all.
It doesn’t now, even if she knows better.
She grabs Fwhip’s shoulder, not speaking as he winces, and draws out her staff. She looks up, hoping that the sky does not crush them in the moments she needs to let down her  protective spell. She draws around them sigils on the ground, and thanks all she knows that Fwhip has given up on speaking. 
Moments later they alight into purple wisps, and find themselves unsteady on the back of the great flying white dragon. Fwhip nearly tumbles off before Gem drags him back by his scarf.
“Thanks,” Fwhip mutters, spitting some remnant of soot from his mouth into the sky below. Gem grimaces, sitting in front of him and looking down over her people.
“Hold on tight,” is all she says, tucking her chin over Violet as she curls up around her neck.
They don’t speak after that. 
Fwhip tried. Asked where they were going, asked what the plan was. Gem didn’t know. For once she didn’t want to be the one with the plan, and didn't want to clean up everyone else's mess.
“Away,” is all she said. Maybe it was her tone, or the dry closed off choke of her throat that gave it away, but Fwhip stayed quiet after that. Barely dared to breathe or cough as they soared away.
Away from their homes, and their responsibilities. From their friends, whatever may have remained of their family. Gem thinks to herself, amongst the expanse of clouds, if her people will be alright. She gave them direction, they are strong together. They will elect a new headmaster soon enough. They surely saw her leave.
Saw her abandon them.
She doesn’t bother asking if there's anything left of Grimlands. Too afraid if she opens her mouth it will only spit anger. She’ll get over it. She knew she would the second she made her choice.
Fwhip is her brother. She would die for him and she knows he would just as easily do the same. She has never claimed to be a selfless person, and she refuses to have guilt for choosing Fwhip over her students. She always would, and they would be fools to think otherwise.
That doesn’t mean she can’t be angry. Can’t be disappointed with the efforts of her defence returned so cruelly. The accidental nature makes it only worse. One day she will let Fwhip explain himself. And maybe that will make it better. Maybe it won’t.
For now she grits her teeth and stares into the blue expanse ahead, Violet in her lap and her brother at her side. She moves forward.
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cyndraws · 9 months
Kaishin secret santa 2023 extras:
Basically wips - I'm still proud of them hahahh
Main ksss23 post: https://www.tumblr.com/cyndraws/737208464263266304/kaishin-secret-santa-2023?source=share
This one is for prompt 2+3 that I toyed around with before putting down. Kaito's civilian persona saves Shinichi using KID skills + a cute identity reveal. These were such good prompts but I couldn't muster up much content...
(very) rough sketch:
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I was thinking maybe a comic even but well, it turned out I didn't have enough time for that unfortunately
The story is that Shinichi gets kidnapped by some remaining Black Org members. This is set post-Conan and BO takedown.
Kaito is alerted by a random BO member walking by, muttering about a hostage. He manages to sneak in their hideout (abandoned warehouse) and sits in the rafters, observing. He then takes them down with his trusty cardgun + extra bombs he had on himself.
Shinichi has been beat up and was being interrogated by the members. They didn't really have any plans though, and were mostly there on the basis of revenge than getting much info out of him. They were low ranking members who managed to escape by sheer coincidence.
As Shinichi is starting to pass out, he recognises the distinctive sound of a card being fired and smoke bombs going off. As the smoke starts to clear and a set of sneakers start running towards him, he hears a worried voice shouting "Meitantei! Meitantei!"
Then there's a cute hospital scene afterwards where Kaito introduces himself as Kuroba Kaito, and starts to scold Shinichi for recklessness after hearing the entire story (Shinichi once again, ran off after seeing suspicious men in black HAHAHA). Then he produces a bouquet of flowers and stays by Shinichi's side until his friends appear. Then they live happily ever after~
Ok back to the Kaishin roleswap!
I'm still sad that I didn't get to finish all the arts I planned, but I hope you enjoy my vision nevertheless. One was Shinichi and Kaito at the crime scene (in the main post), but it doesn't really show the main aspects of this au, so it's low priority.
This was supposed to be the 'main' piece of art but I had a lot of trouble with it aha...
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Kaito and Shinichi facing off on Haido City hotel. It features Shinichi and his mask + Kaito spinning his card gun. They both give challenging looks to each other. Chronologically in the timeline, it's set before the art I ended up posting. I was thinking maybe this was their first meeting.
It's based off the classic Gosho spread of Conan vs Kaitou KID. It's absolutely gorgeous, and I'm lucky enough to have the physical art book >v<
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I FINISHED IT @etherealjellyfishgirl hehe
“Okay! One… Two… Three…” Zoey started to count slowly as the giggling girls behind her looked at each other. Levana grabbed the others hand and took off running away from their caretaker.
“Hurry up, Caleena!” Levana prompted, tugging on her cousin’s hand.
Caleena laughed, her blonde hair getting stuck in her face as she ran. She brushed it out of the way. “I’m running as fast as I can! Where are we going to hide?” They slowed to a stop and looking around the clearing they were in. Trees surrounded them, but there were no bushes for coverage.
“Eleven!.. Twelve!..” Zoey’s counting was loud and echoed. They both started to feel panicked as she got closer to thirty.
“Levana, what are we going to do?!” Caleena asked, her eyebrows furrowing in worry.
Levana continued to look around, spinning in a circle before her eyes landed on a single tree. It was lower than the rest. She lifted her hand and pointed straight at it. “Aha! We climb that tree!”
Caleena’s eyes widened and she followed Levana to the base of the tree. The brown-haired girl jumped up and grabbed a low hanging branch. With a grunt, she heaved herself up. Caleena twirled a white strand of hair. “But.. I’ve never climbed a tree before,” she admitted softly, feeling a little embarrassed.
“That’s alright,” Levana said, leaning down and reaching a hand out. “I’ll help you.”
With effort from both sides, Levana managed to pull Caleena up and they sat down on the branch. “She’ll never find us here,” Caleena giggled. “You’re so smart.” They both fell into a fit of giggles.
“Ready or not, here I come!” Zoey shouted. Both girls shushed each other and waited silently as they watched Zoey emerge into the clearing. She looked around with a smile and began to check behind each tree. Caleena covered her mouth with her hands as she tried to stay quiet. Levana lightly hit her shoulder, struggling to keep quiet as well.
“I’m going to find you girls!” Zoey said in a sing song voice. She jumped behind a tree and yelled. “Aha!.. Oh.. Not there.” The elf woman continued to search around the clearing, growing more and more confused when she couldn’t find the girls. “Where could they be?..” she trailed off.
Caleena couldn’t stifle her next laugh, and Zoey’s head shot up. “Girls?! What are you doing up there?”
“Hiding from you,” Levana giggled. “We win!” Caleena clapped and stood up.
Zoey smiled, but there was worry in her eyes. “Ladies, get down from there. Your parents are going to kill me if you get hurt.”
Both girls laughed again, but complied with their caretaker. Zoey carefully helped them down, making sure their feet were touching the grass before taking their hands. “You two are a handful,” she sighed with a chuckle.
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winchesterandpie · 2 years
Sleigh Ride
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x reader
Word Count: 1035
Warnings: sooo self indulgent, soft Bradley, reader plays piano
A/N: Welcome to Top Gun Christmas! I have a few winter-themed fics (some specifically Christmas, others generic winter) that I have written/planned that I'm going to put out over the next few weeks and I'm hoping to write some more! If you have ideas/prompts, please send them in! I'd love to have some fun little things to write! For now, enjoy this one!
Also, for reference, here's the duet mentioned (no, these aren't my family friends who play it, but it is the right arrangement)
You were sitting at the piano, trying to remember the right notes when Bradley got back from the store. He set the bags down in the kitchen, just in time to catch you in his arms as you bounced in to greet him. You were lifted easily into a quick spin that made you laugh.
“Hey, you’re home!”
“You know I can’t stay away from you for long, baby.” He grinned at you as he set you on the counter with a chaste kiss.
“I can help put the groceries away, Roo,” you said when he started to move away. Rooster leaned back in to give you another kiss, longer this time. You wound your fingers into his hair, pulling a hum from his lips. When he pulled away again, he tapped your nose lightly.
“You help me plenty, let me do this. Please?”
“You are too good to me.”
“Mmm, I disagree. I’m just the right amount of good.” With a last kiss to your forehead, he moved back to the groceries. “What were you playing?”
“Oh, I was just trying to remember a piece. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard it, but I can’t find the right sheet music online either.”
“What piece?”
“Sleigh Ride. This couple--family friends--played it at the Christmas party we went to every year when I was a kid.” You smiled softly, leaning your head back against the cabinet as you remembered those days. “It was my favorite part. They played a bunch of duets, but Sleigh Ride was the one they played every year. We would all clap for the whip sounds--we got pretty good at the timing too!”
“That sounds like a really great time,” he said, tapping your knee so you would shift so he could put snacks in the cupboard behind your leg.
“Yeah, it was. They were the sweetest people too…” You trailed off, your brow furrowing as you tried to find whatever was tugging at the corners of your memory. When you found it, you brightened immediately, pulling out your phone. “I might actually have a video of it, let me check.”
You scrolled through the older photos and videos you had saved, looking for what you thought you remembered. Bradley finished putting the groceries away while you searched, coming to lean against the counter next to you.
“Aha!” you crowed triumphantly. “I found it! Do you want to see?”
In response, he shifted to stand between your legs, leaning back against your chest. You slung your arms over his shoulders so you could hold the phone for you both to see. You both tilted your heads together for the trip down memory lane.
Two weeks later, you and Rooster pulled up to your house after a long, fun day on base testing a new piece of equipment in your jets. He grabbed the mail, including a larger envelope, but tucked it into his bag with a sly grin. You pretended you didn’t notice, letting him sling an arm across your shoulders as you made your way into the house.
You left it alone until after dinner when you both dropped onto the couch. He had been glancing furtively at his bag all evening, but he maintained his silence.
“Anything interesting in the mail?” You tried to sound nonchalant--like you hadn’t spent all evening dying of curiosity.
“Actually, yeah.” Bradley hopped up and retrieved the bag, unzipping it to pull the mysterious envelope out. “I, uh, I talked to those family friends of yours.”
“Family friends?”
“The ones that played Sleigh Ride.” He handed the envelope to you to open. “I asked if they could point me in the direction of the duet and they offered to send a copy.”
“You went looking for it?” You unsealed the flap so you could pull out the score. Astonished, you turned through the pages, skimming your fingers across the printed notes.
“Yeah. I thought maybe we could learn it together. If you wanted to, of course.” There was the slightest tremor of nerves in his voice.
“You did this all for me?” You looked from the music to him, overwhelmed by how much Bradley loved you. He saw the extra shininess in your eyes, but in his nervousness, he misinterpreted the cause.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to, that’s totally okay,” he backtracked quickly.
“No, no, I would love to.” Setting the music aside, you took his face in your hands. “You sweet, sweet man. What could I possibly have done to deserve you?”
Bradley relaxed at the contact and your reassurance, his hazel eyes soft. His eyes said everything you could never find the words to say, but at last, he replied simply, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You weren’t sure who moved first, nor did you care, as you soon found yourself in a gentle kiss. His hand skimmed up and down your back, making you warm and pliant against him. Your fingers returned the favor, delicately mapping out the planes of his face that you adored so much.
It didn’t last terribly long, as you were too excited about the idea of learning a piece together. Once you pulled apart, you were bouncing up from the couch, music in hand as you tugged him toward the piano. He laughed, sweeping you up in his arms to attack your neck with kisses that made you giggle.
Bradley let you go at last, watching you fondly as you set the music on the piano. He loved your smile, your laugh, your happiness. You were it for him, and he vowed to himself that he would bring a smile to your face every day of the rest of his life. You didn’t know he’d bought it yet, but there was a little velvet box burning a hole in one of his dresser drawers, waiting for the right moment.
He couldn’t wait for all the precious little moments like this one that you would surely accumulate together. Until then, he joined you on the piano bench, pressed a kiss to the side of your head, and fumbled with you through the first of many practice runs of the duet.
Top Gun Taglist:
@malindacath @army24--7 @mads-weasley
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hey, I love your oz fic's :) Any chance of doing an expanded one based on the request about Ozzie comforting reader about gaining a little weight ?
Thank you
Fashion Show
Farrell!Penguin x GN!Reader, word count: 400 aha absolutely you can because soft ozzie boosting your self-esteem is all i need in life, i think it could cure my various mental illnesses, but yeah this is just a lil drabble sorry! 💜 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: weight gain, self-image, self-esteem issues, daddy!kink
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“Ok so what’s the problem?”
“Well…it doesn’t fit me. Nothing does.”
“And that’s what’s got you so upset? I’m coming in here gun cocked over a closet full of clothes?
“I mean…”
“Would it help if I shot them anyway? Take these pants outside and get the guys to whack ‘em?”
“Ozzie, I just feel…not good.”
He wrapped his arms around you, letting his palms rub along the curves of your side, cupping at the bits of you that had gotten chubbier recently, the reason that your clothes didn’t fit, but the way he touched you, it didn’t feel as bad anymore.
“Hey, you’re as gorgeous as you were before, and as gorgeous as you’ll be if you get bigger or smaller too.”
You sighed, pressing your head into him.
“But…how about you put on some more clothes, see if they’re all too small now, huh sweetheart? You can do a little fashion show for daddy.”
You lifted your head back, looking up at him, smiling at his suggestion. No one made you feel as good as Oswald did, and he was honest, sincere. If he thought something didn’t look good, he would surely tell you? If you looked terrible, it reflected poorly on him, no?
“Whaddaya say?”
You got to work, trying on various outfits and clothes, showing them all to him. He sat at the foot of the bed, instructing you to do a little twirl, making one pile of keep and one pile to get rid of. And every time he particularly liked something, he would motion for you to come over, feeling it against your skin and holding you in his arms to get a better look. But there was one item that was causing you some distress.
“Ok…this one is…this is a bit…too tight…but I love it.”
“Show me.”
“I don’t really want to.”
“Hey, I’m not going to make you. But…come on!”
You left the closet, wearing your underwear and the t-shirt that was causing you distress. You teased at it, trying to pull the tight fabric away from your shape, attempting to hide yourself with crossed arms.
“It’s my favourite, or it used to be. And it definitely doesn’t fit too well.”
“Keep it.”
He stood up, wandering over to you without letting his eyes stray from your body. He threw his arm around you, leaning you back with a sly smile.
“This outfit is perfect. Don’t bother putting any more clothes on for now. We’re taking a break so you can take some off.”
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ggomos-maribat · 6 months
For the ask game 💖/ 🔮 /🌷
Thank you so much for asking!!
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
There's so many to choose from! First thing that definitely comes to mind is the Council , which gained a lot of readers in both its incomplete and completed stage. For the Maribat fandom, Fox DCW and the Vacation have a special place in my heart. The former is a silly lil AU that started off in Tumblr but it escalated into a big collection of snippets with a proper plot. I also incorporated BioDad!Bruce Wayne Month prompts into it! The latter is my first ever fic in AO3, and I love it so much even if its in indefinite hiatus right now lol.
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
Aha! I love this question!! It's definitely one of the plot twists in the Council, when the King of Hearts was finally revealed. The surprise drove everyone bonkers LMAO and I was giggling like a maniac because of it. A close second is the one in MDC is Dead, which nobody saw coming apparently.
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
@themonarchdragon I LOVE these questions!! There are two that I wish got more love. The first one is the academie, which is my own dystopian-ish spin on the Miraculous universe. It's one of the fics where I outlined really intricate lore and features one of my favorite trios in the fandom (ie. the blonde trio Adrien, Felix, and Chloe). TBH I was often discouraged because the kudos/comments are sparse but I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea. Regardless, I love this AU and I still update it from time to time!
The second one is Miraculo, which I never got around to writing for again, but it's also one of the more lore heavy fics. It's a royalty/medieval AU Felinette, where their magic system is based on the Miraculous powers. I'm hoping the muse strikes again and I gain motivation for this fic again but it's very very dear to my heart.
Link to the ask game
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counterfictional · 6 months
Playing ask games single player style.
Link to to the prompt post
I cannot do this for oc, because there is nothing to say about me. There's no funny past, just me is me. So here is shark me.
🎨 How do you feel about fanart?
They make me feel funny inside. Neutral experience, but a good way to feel that pull.... I don't like most ship art. Especiallly of me in maid dress. Sowwy.
📝 How do you feel about fanfiction?
I don't read a lot... but used to younger. They're .. okay. I don't prefer them anymore. They make me uncomfortable now, aha.
✅ What does the fandom usually get right?
When they make me look cool.
❌ What does the fandom usually get wrong?
When they haaaaaate me soooo muuuuuuch. I suppose that's on me though. I always find calling the sea the "red sea" annoyiiing when it's called the sea of death. Is it an edgy name, yes. Would it make sense to call it red sea to contrast the blue one? Oh yes. But hey, I don't make the rules.
🗺️ What do you miss about your world?
My wife. and sea
💔 Who are you missing right now?
My wife.
🚫 Is there anyone you hope to never see again?
I'm fine with seeing everyone! Even those I hated <3
🔀 How canon-divergent vs. canon-compliant are you?
I'm from the ending where I won. My mind likes canon compliance, so I'm a bit compliant until the ending diverges.
⚧ What were your gender and orientation in your timeline; was your identity canon?
Cis male, bi or something.
💗 What helps you feel closer to your source (in a positive way)?
is there a positive way? The ocean, maybe. Maybe interacting with the media but I have not done that in awhile.
🖊️ Do you use your name from your source?
👬 How do you feel about doubles?
A handshake and hats off to them.
⭐ Is your fiction-based identity spiritual, psychological, or something else?
Both spiritual and psychological. My brain wants to believe it as some kind of metaphysic non-psychologic, so who am I to complain?
🎙️ What’s the biggest difference between you and your canon self?
I don't know. I really don't know.
💞 What’s the biggest similarity between you and your canon self?
I haven't a clue.
❓ Do you prefer when people are familiar or unfamiliar with your source when they meet you?
That depends who they are meeting in what context are we meeting. I think I'm very fine with unfamiliarity considering the source material. As much as the creator's work has meant to me and my sanity, her work can be very uncomfortable and I do not blame people for disliking the creations.
👍 What’s your favorite thing about your source?
The art style<3
👎 What’s your least favorite thing about your source?
Some things.
💸 Do you own any merch of your source?
Yes. It was the best feeling to get merchandise for it, including the manga in-stores.
🌸 Do you feel comfortable in your fiction-based identity?
Yes and no. Yes because I am trapped in it. And no, because source material is source material. I don't hate source material, just don't want to be judged for it. Being a villain-type is tedious
🌻 Who are you open with about your fiction-based identity?
Online. You don't have to dig far to find it.
I'll also add on that I do not think bad things are good things. I do not think morally wrong things are OK. Please do not try to get my opinion on source problematicness. Do not hassle me. I want to talk about my experiences but I get worried, so now there is this panicked paragraph at the bottom!
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ofovertime · 11 months
hushed sex while staying in the guest room of another’s home. 😉
LOCATION  BASED  SMUT  PROMPTS || accepting @vaainglorious
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It was already late at night, and Nanami thought he was going to get some sleep. how wrong was he? Nanami thought Gojo would be able to behave himself while they were on a mission. --- Yet staying in a rent placed for the night they both knew the other's who went on the mission with them were in the other room. Gojo just couldn't keep his hands to himself.
"Mm... aha.." But it didn't take long for Nanami to be on his stomach and the other on top of him. Keeping his moaning as much as he could into the pillow, the thought was being rough with him. He knew what he was doing, yet Gojo kept his own moans muffled, Nanami knew he was going to get him back another time.
The blonde male should be used to everything Gojo was up to -- the hands alone when no one was looking at his ass, or the other trying to tease him within the day. It was annoying, and even if Nanami could ignore and handle it, when they got into the bedroom it was hard to get away.
Maybe they needed it. If they get caught then -- it would be a funny talk. But Nanami thought he was doing a good job for the moment being able to take the other. Even with each push, the man buried his face into the pillow, trying to think of ways to get the other back. Nanami knew Gojo wouldn't be one and done and they might as well try and switch off -- which is how Nanami was forming a plan on how to get him back.
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avataar123 · 1 year
What is a chemical peel and how does it work to improve the appearance of the skin?
In the world of skincare, chemical peels have gained recognition as a powerful treatment option for improving the appearance of the skin. Harnessing the potential of specially formulated chemical solutions, these peels work wonders in addressing various skin concerns and revealing a rejuvenated complexion. This article explores the concept of chemical peels, their mechanism, and highlights the exceptional expertise of Avataar Skin Care Services in delivering transformative results.
Understanding Chemical Peels:
A chemical peel is a professional skincare procedure that involves the application of a chemical solution to the skin's surface. This solution contains carefully selected ingredients, such as alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs), or trichloroacetic acid (TCA), tailored to address specific skin concerns. Chemical peels work by exfoliating the outermost layers of the skin, triggering cell turnover and promoting the growth of healthier, more radiant skin.
The Mechanism behind Chemical Peels:
Chemical peels work through a series of steps to improve the appearance of the skin:
Preparation: The skin is cleansed to remove any impurities and oils, ensuring optimal penetration of the chemical solution.
Application: The chemical solution is applied to the skin using a brush or applicator, targeting the desired treatment areas.
Reaction: The chemicals in the solution interact with the skin, causing controlled damage to the outer layers. This prompts the skin to initiate its natural healing process.
Peeling and Renewal: In the days following the peel, the damaged outer layers of the skin gradually peel off, revealing fresher, smoother skin underneath. This helps improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and even out skin tone.
Avataar Skin Care Services: Expertise in Chemical Peels
Avataar Skin Care Services stands out as a leading provider of exceptional skincare solutions, including chemical peels. With their expertise and personalized approach, they deliver transformative results to their clients. Here's what sets Avataar apart:
Professional Consultation: Avataar's skilled dermatologists and skincare experts provide thorough consultations to assess individual skin concerns, tailor treatment plans, and determine the most suitable type and strength of chemical peel.
Customized Treatment: Avataar offers personalized chemical peel treatments based on specific skin needs, whether it be addressing pigmentation issues, reducing acne scars, or improving skin texture. They utilize a range of professional-grade peels to achieve optimal results.
Safety and Comfort: Avataar prioritizes the safety and comfort of their clients throughout the treatment process. Their experienced professionals ensure proper application and adherence to post-peel care instructions, minimizing the risk of adverse effects.
Post-Peel Support: Avataar's dedication extends beyond the treatment itself. They provide post-peel support, offering guidance on skincare routines, sun protection, and follow-up treatments to maintain and enhance the results.
Chemical peels offer a powerful solution for improving the appearance of the skin, addressing concerns such as texture, tone, fine lines, and pigmentation. With Avataar Skin Care Services' expertise, individuals can benefit from transformative chemical peel treatments tailored to their unique needs. Avataar's professional consultations, customized treatments, and ongoing support ensure a safe and effective experience, leading to rejuvenated and radiant skin.
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cat-of-starlight · 2 years
so instead of taking the entire character, you just take their traits (which make the characters who they are) and backstory and put a happy ending on it and claim it as your own?
Ok so let’s break this down
If you like a trope that a character explores and then want to also have a character who has a similar issue, that’s just,,, another character???
Almost every character you’ve ever seen runs off of tropes and themes, and they aren’t owned by a specific character or person.
Let’s say, for a fairly simple example- I saw a story about a kind, lovely character who fell in love, and had said love end up betraying them, and the plot tragically didn’t give the 1st character any way to heal/ move on
Sitting there and going “huh, that kind of betrayal sucks- I don’t like how the character wasn’t given anything after that”, and then making an entirely different character also experience the same Type of heartbreak, but actually touch on allowing them to heal-
Isn’t “stealing a character” or “the traits who make them who they are”
It’s just seeing a situation that COULD have been handled better, and then doing it
And hell, just because a footnote in a character’s design is “oh yea, shares a single plot beat with x character”, it doesn’t mean “these two characters share every design and plot detail”
If you want to go a step further, just look at how many pieces of media count as retellings, or how many characters templates of “your character and 6 characters they remind you of/ x characters they share traits to”- Finding inspiration is normal, and it’s rare to have a plot line that NO character has been on before.
I mean, writing prompts exist, character generators exist, many older plays/performances had flat out types of characters that existed in every story, so that you knew what kind of character to prep for when the audience came to see them. 20 people can write the same prompt and come to 20 different conclusions, people can use the same base template, and make 20 different characters-
If you can put two characters into a “I’m thinking of a character w/ [trope], [trope], [similar plot point], aha do I mean [character A] or [character B]?” Does that mean that obviously the creator of [character B] stole the traits of [character A]?? No! It doesn’t!
A trope is a building block, and it’s not theft to use a trope that writers and artists have been using for years, and will continue using for years to come.
In conclusion, characters can exist with some similar tropes/story beats without being the same character, or one stealing the other. That’s how stories work. Goodnight.
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leighsartworks216 · 2 years
Yancy x gn!reader x Illinois
Requested by Anon:
“I see you write poly-fics(if I read the post right) and I would like to request a Fluffy fic with my boys yancy and Illinois, maybe something based off prompt 16 with parolee! yancy being able to properly see the stars and illinois and (either fem or gn) Reader telling him different stories behind the constellations”
16. “Star-gazing was a good idea.”
I have not read over this soooooo I hope it's good lmao
Warnings: none
Word Count: 767
“So, uhh…” Yancy stared at the night sky, studying it. His eyes darted from one glowing speck to the next. “Where’s these constellations, exactly?”
Illinois huffed a laugh from your other side. He didn’t spare his boyfriend a glance as he reveled in the wonder of the universe. “Constellations are imaginary lines drawn between stars,” he explained.
Yancy looked over you at the adventurer. “I don’t get it.”
You took Yancy’s hand in yours, lifting them both to point at the sky. “So, you see that bright star right there?”
The jailbird tried to fight the blush creeping up his neck as he nodded.
“Okay.” You pointed to three stars above it. “And these stars?”
“And now do you see these stars that kinda form a box?” Your hand shifted to point out the stars.
Yancy followed the motion for a moment, trying to find the exact stars you meant. “Oh!” He lifted his other hand and traced it. “Youse talkin’ about those?”
“Now,” Illinois piped up, “if you connect those stars together with an imaginary line, you get a constellation.”
Your hand in Yancy’s fell back to your side. A moment passed as he studied the constellation. His head tilted one way, and then the other. A frustrated sigh escaped his chest in a huff. “Guys, I don’t sees nothin’. What’s it supposed to be?”
“They’re not supposed to form exact likenesses,” Illi assured him. He shifted to slip his arm under your neck, supporting your head, while also reaching over to fuss with Yancy’s hair. The parolee relaxed at the contact.
“Then what’s it supposed to be?” he asked again.
“I always called it the Little Dipper.”
“Little Dipper?”
“Mhm. Because over there,” you raised your empty hand on Illinois’ side to gesture, “is a big dipper.”
“Why a dipper? The hell even is a dipper?”
“Oh, uhm, like, a ladle,” you explained. “Dipper just flows better, I guess.”
“The original constellation wasn’t formed after a ladle, though.” Illinois points over to the small dipper. “The Little Dipper is actually called Ursa Minor. It means ‘Little’ or ‘Lesser Bear’. And the Big Dipper,” he pointed to it, “is called Ursa Major - ‘Greater Bear’.”
“That’s supposed to be a bear?” he asked, incredulous. “Now youse’s just messin’ with me.”
Illinois chuckled at the implication. “You haven’t even heard the half of it, darlin’. There’s people, snakes, mythical beasts - all sorts of things written into the stars.”
“Ain’t no way there’s a person in all of dat.”
“Oh yeah? See those three stars all in a row right there?”
“You can’t tell me dat’s a person,” he scoffed.
“No, no… That’s his belt.”
Yancy laughed. “Youse’s tellin’ me someone put a belt in da sky?”
“It’s part of a bigger constellation, but, yeah,” Illinois agreed with mirth. “It’s Orion’s Belt.”
“Aha!” Their attention shifted from the sky to you laying in between them. At some point during their banter, you’d pulled out your phone and downloaded an app that showed the different constellations in the sky. You held the device out so both of the men could see the screen and the different constellations the app picked out of the blue. “Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, and Orion!”
Yancy pointed at the screen. “Ohhh, so dat’s Orion,” he pointed at the sky, toward the three stars Illinois had just showed him, “and dat’s his belt.”
“I told you I wasn’t making it up,” Illinois teased from beside you.
“Ah shaddup.”
You passed your phone over to your parolee boyfriend. He tilted and turned it every which way, trying to see every possible constellation he could. When he found a particularly interesting one, he would point it out in the sky. When he went to point out Hydra, however, he was shushed by Illinois.
Yancy looked over, startled out of his awe of the stars. You were curled deep into Illinois’ side, but you still held onto Yancy’s hand. His heart filled with warmth at the sight.
“Bedtime?” he whispered.
Illinois nodded, grinning as he watched Yancy get up and lift you into his arms. You were sandwiched in between an adventurer and a jailbird, tucked warmly and safely into bed. Illinois kissed Yancy and you on the forehead as he got comfortable. Yancy stretched his arms so he was holding on to Illinois and you at the same time.
The next morning, as you all basked in each other’s presence, you asked in a whisper how Yancy liked looking at the stars last night. Illinois wore a knowing grin as Yancy answered, “Star-gazin’ was a good idea.”
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ravens-words · 3 years
I've been on fire, dreaming of you
Three times Carlos was jealous and couldn't do anything about it, and the one time he did.
The Jealous Carlos fic is here!
AN: I know you guys mostly like to read fics all in one go, but I genuinely cannot stare at this fic any longer without deleting it so the next best thing was to post in parts- first three will be only on Tumblr, then I'll be posting the whole thing on AO3.
Based on this prompt by @buckybarnesalways 🖤 I hope you enjoy it, my friend!
PS: this is set mostly in between S2 and S3 after they've broken up, with the +1 being after TK wakes up from his coma. (Thank you, Jen, for pointing out I hadn't mentioned it lol)
TK looked to the side, and quickly eyed the man who'd sidled up beside him.
"Wanna dance?"
TK closed his eyes, the words a painful reminder of two years ago when things were far simpler. Instinctively, TK looked to where Carlos was sitting, and it pained him, far more than it should, when he saw him laughing with Judd, his eyes no longer following TK everywhere he went like they used to.
"No," he answered curtly, once he realized the man was still waiting for an answer.
He watched him walk away, and no matter how much he wanted to, he didn't look back again to check if Carlos was watching.
Carlos was watching.
He watched TK's every move, eyes drawn to him like a moth to a flame despite his desire to just stop caring.
He watched the man watch TK, watched him gather the courage to talk to him, watched TK's eye scan his body subtly, and it made him sick to his stomach.
It also made him wanna go over there, wrap his arm around TK's waist and show everyone in this place that he was his.
But that would be a lie, wouldn't it.
"You're staring again," Judd muttered, raising an eyebrow.
He clenched his jaw. "I'm not."
Carlos rolled his eyes, and forced them away from the sight of the man inching his way closer to TK. He told himself it wasn't his place anymore, that he shouldn't be watching him, but it was a hard habit to break.
Three more guys hit on TK in the next hour, and Carlos was well on his way to being wasted.
Judd, Paul, Nancy and Mateo weren't doing any better.
Paul and Mateo were locked in a heated darts competition, while Judd and Nancy were discussing- something that Carlos was far too drunk to try to figure out. TK and Marjan had their heads together, talking quietly.
Carlos, though he really didn't want to, couldn't take his eyes off his ex-boyfriend. He closed his eyes.
It hurt to even think that.
Eventually, when it was time to go, it was up to TK and Marjan to wrangle them all into cars. The others were rowdy, but Carlos mostly stayed quiet. He'd been told he was a chatty drunk multiple times, and he didn't really need to embarrass himself in front of TK right now.
Marjan had Mateo's arm around her shoulders, with Paul and Nancy were trailing after her like puppies.
TK, when he chanced a look at him, was trying to get Judd up and walking.
Their eyes met briefly, and Carlos' stupid heart skipped a beat.
"Are you good to walk?"
Carlos nodded, then promptly tripped on his feet the second he stood up. TK steadied him with one hand while keeping the other around Judd. Carlos' eyes trailed down to TK's arm, sweaty and strained, and up to his face, where he had a small smile on his face as he listened to Judd ramble on about Grace.
When they eventually made it outside, Marjan had already put the other three in the backseat. "Bring Judd over here," she called out to TK.
TK shook his head. "His house is closer to dad's. You take Carlos."
"Nope. I've got to ask Grace for a recipe."
"A recipe," TK repeated, skeptical. "Hey, why are you driving Mateo?"
"He asked me to."
TK stared at her. "Marjan."
She blinked innocently up at him. "What?"
"You think I don't know what you're doing?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Now, come on, it's late, chop chop."
"This isn't over," TK muttered as he put Judd in the front seat.
Marjan grinned. "Yes, TK. Yes, it is." She ducked into the car, then honked three times. "See you boys!"
TK huffed as he watched her drive off, and then they were alone. TK wordlessly led them over to the car, and opened the door for him.
Carlos stumbled in, and when their hands brushed as TK closed the door for him, it was like an electric shot. His breath stuttered in his chest, and by the time he could get himself to look up at him, he was already rounding the car and opening the door.
The drive was silent, and Carlos drifted in and out along the way.
"Carlos," TK said tersely, shaking him awake, "we're here."
"Yeah," he muttered, only half awake, "I'm up." He opened his door and stumbled out, nearly falling two times before he reached the wall and steadied himself on it.
He heard the car door slam, and in what felt like seconds, TK was ducking under him, propping him up.
They made their way up the stairs slowly, and Carlos may or may not have drifted off a couple of times along the way.
He fumbled with his keys, and TK took them from him with what Carlos thought were shaking hands. But that could've been him.
They entered his place, and to his surprise, TK didn't turn on the lights- they just stumbled in the dark, though not as much as Carlos expected them to.
He helped him climb into bed, and Carlos, already on his way to sleep, found himself slurring, "Haven't kissed anybody since you."
TK was silent.
"Try to pretend they're you," Carlos muttered, "but they never are."
"Miss you," he admitted, eyes slipping closed, “I always miss you, even when you're next to me- and you never are anymore."
He didn't know if TK said anything after that, because in the next second, he was asleep.
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dailyreverie · 3 years
hello my lovely 🥰❤️ back again aha.
From the “Ways to Say I Love You” prompt, plz may I have number 20 with Bucky Barnes?
Have a lovely weekend ❤️🥰
20. As we huddle together, the storm raging outside.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
One minute the sky was clear, and the next one thunder was rumbling with a hurricane that seemed to have surrounded the streets of Brooklyn. Bucky's hand enveloped yours, pulling you as you ran together across the street to reach the dry safety under the roof of a building.
His laughter was the only thing that your ears could hear, the storm that fell around you was nothing compared to the joyous sound of his happiness, one that you had missed for so many years. "This is a mess." Bucky spoke, shaking the water off from his hands as you both huddled under the roof, your chests pressed together under the confined space.
“Please tell me your arm is waterproof.” You laughed too as you tried to dry off his metal arm, his contagious laugh making your shoulders shake with your own giggles. "You are soakin wet."
“I sure hope it is.” His eyes crinkled at the corners as he spoke. "Freaking Thor." He added with a sarcastic eyebrow raising up on his forehead.
"I think he's only in charge of thunder, Buck." His once perfectly styled quiff of hair had droplets of rain dripping down and falling into his long eyelashes. Your hand dusted away the raindrops from his face, reaching up to push his hair back, leaving your hand on the base of his head.
"Still, I'm having a word with him." His eyes glistened with mischief, meeting with yours as you both laughed like children. A shiver went through your body as the cold wind blew, thin drops of rain hitting your arms. Bucky was quick to shake off his jacket and wrap it around your shoulders, his hands wrapping around your forearms instantly warming you up. “I’m so sorry our night was ruined.”
“What are you talking about?” Standing on your tiptoes your lips found his, the sound of thunder sounding far away as his lips moved against yours with a content sigh. “I love you, nights are never ruined if I’m with you.” You reassured him. His cheeks turned pink, blue eyes shining from the glistening floors. “Besides,” You spoke again, “you look cute with your hair all wet like that.”
Bucky laughed against your lips before kissing you again. “I love you too, doll."
Thanks for reading! Reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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silentprincess17 · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Thank you so much for the tag @zeldaelmo​! All of my fics were written during various (mostly stressful haha) experiences in my life, so all of them hold a special place aha. 
1. Sometimes Things Have To Get Worse Before They Get Better
What initially started out as a angsty prompt game between a mate and I to write Zelink fics over the winter break, turned into a whole 42K fic, featuring an AU of the Blades of the Yiga memory where Link and Zelda are imprisoned in the Yiga Hideout and must escape. (Oh and fall in love along the way of course!). It was with this fic that I developed a love of writing canon-based AUs with a healthy dose of violence, angst and romance that I’ve since stuck to. And this is the first fic in which I felt everything flowed together and interlinked well, and it reached a satisfying ending.
2. A Hero Indeed
This fic, told from the perspective of Zelda, features an Anti-Hero Link who is unafraid of resorting to unconventional means to fulfil his vows. I had great fun writing out the crux of this story within three weeks, because I knew I wanted it from Zelda’s (and therefore the reader’s) unsuspecting POV, and I knew what Link’s true Hero *vows* were going to be, plus I had a good idea of the events involved. Or so I thought. The editing phase of this fic took months (not least as I had exams in between haha) but mainly because I realised I needed to scale up both Link’s Anti-Hero actions, his developing relationship with Zelda and explain enough of his reasoning so that readers would still root for him despite what he does. Kudos goes to my lovely beta team @braidy-maidy, @zeldadiarist and @zeldaelmo for helping me throughout both phases. 
3. An Eternal Darkness that Hides Echoes of a Time Past  
I do love this one-shot. I liked the lore that went into it, the idea of memories hidden within Typhlo Ruins and Link and Zelda stumbling across them in real time. It made for two mysteries- one that all the readers know of namely the island covered in eternal darkness, and the events that happened 10,000 years ago. I also liked Link’s confession of love to Zelda in this fic, because it’s something he’s realised for a long time, and yet never quite knew how to broach the subject with her. It therefore promimently features in his thoughts and when he does confess feels all the more special :)
4. Whumptomber 2021 
Ah my even-more-whumpy-than-normal whump fic. Fun facts: I wrote the entirety of this on the train in my commute to university haha and it is based off a Bollywood song. I really liked the split POVs in this fic, how the events that happened to Zelda, also flowed through to Link because the Calamity was the corrupting connection between the two.
5. Sometimes Things Don't Get Better. They Only Get Worse. 
My darker version of fic number 1 haha. This is one of my favourites in that it plays on the idea of identity, something which is so crucial to both Link and Zelda. Plus, the idea of a pre-calamity amnesiac Link was fun to imagine, especially in the circumstances of the first fic in the series.  
Now onto tagging haha. I’m not sure whose been tagged! So consider yourself tagged if you’d like to do this :)
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