#the purple highlights are the background lights btw
fraudulent-cheese · 6 months
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Hello Zemma nation. Can i interest you in harsh shading. Please i love harsh shading
based on this fic by @courtney-deserved-better! I actually started this the day they posted the fic teehee
I gave Zee a funny little cup and a cocktail umbrella because i love funny little cups and cocktail umbrellas :>
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rollingsim · 11 months
How do you get your lighting so scrumptious in edits?
Lighting tutorial under the cut (it's long lol) I use photoshop + topaz clean btw :)
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This will be our starting pic!! I use @hazelminesims photoshop action (all in one) to get the smoothening and overall base done first.
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First step to colograding is using the 'Camera Raw Filter' in photoshop and adjusting the tint and curves tools. I generally like a greener, more cool toned color for pictures.
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2. Now for the shadows on the sim! I make a new layer, set to 'Multiply' and use a soft brush at around 25-40% opacity with the color Black. I generally will add shadows to the parts of the body that are being 'covered' (neck, side of the nose, forehead, insides of arms and clothes). *If you use reshade/ gshade and have the mxao filter on, mimic where that filter adds shadows and either enhance it or add it in photoshop!*
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3. In a new 'Multiply' layer, I do the same thing with the background. I darken the elements in the back to emphasize that my sim is in the forefront of the shot. TIP: don't add shadow to the light sources (neon signs, lights in the background) ! We actually want to enhance those.
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4. Make a new layer, set to 'Pin light' at 100%. Grab a soft brush and highlight those light sources in the back. You can go crazy here, just take the Eyedropper tool to color match the highlights you want to emphasize. It might look a bit much right now, but we can tone this down by decreasing the layer opacity, Gaussian blurring the layer, and erasing any excess highlights if we want.
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5. Now we add highlights to the sim. I make a new layer, set to 'Soft light' at 100% opacity, and with the white color, I highlight the sims body and clothes. (Now we want to add light to the 'raised areas' such as the center of the forehead, nose bridge, chin, chest, and arms). I also like to highlight any jewelry (necklace and belt buckle).
On a separate new layer, set to 'Vivid Light', I changed the brush colors to the ones in the background light sources (I used blue, yellow, and purple.) I'll go over the outlines of the sim's body with these colors (shoulders and arms, hair, side of face and neck.)
If you ever feel like you've gone overboard, just lower the opacity of the highlight layers and Gaussian blur them!
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6. After you've messed around with the highlights, add the finishing touches. Usually once I merged all the layers I would go over with the Dodge and Burn tools to enhance the contrasts even more. I also recommend downloading and using LUTs for photoshop (I just use any free ones I find online).
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tsukasageorge · 10 months
hey raey! ur art is so pretty, reminds me of a strawberry soda float tbh. anyways I wanted to ask what your coloring process is if you don’t mind sharing :)
ok so (this is a lighting tutorial not a rendering tutorial btw) here's my Ten Step (not) Program For Achieving Strawberry Soda Floatness
i actually usually start with pretty normal/true to reference colors bc i often don't have incredibly intense, neon lighting. however, im gonna be using the mari piece i just finished to demo, where i wanted to pinkify the drawing from the start.
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here are some of the base colors (skin, hair, shirt): as you can see even the white shirt leans into saturation/color, and they're all kept around the red/pink area.
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ok so here (skipping about 15 steps) i already did the rendering using a color shifting method where instead of using multiply or directly lowering the luminosity (?) i shift the hue closer to the blue/purple category and decrease luminosity + slightly up saturation of the color. so like, on mari's skin you can see that the shadows are pink and purple rather than like. orange or something.
for the background i filled it with a lightish pink color and used the sunset gradient tool on a 30-50% opacity to establish the light source.
alright, here's where the fun begins.
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i started off by using an overlay layer (later lowered to 28%, but just use whatever looks good) on the darker colors where the light would shine the brightest. this layer originally included highlights on the face and shirt as well, but i took those off bc the yellow on dark colors looks like an orange and the yellow on lighter colors looks like a fucking highlighter.
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first i added a sort of reflected/second light source of this fun little pink on soft light. i did 2 layers bc 1 wasn't bright enough for me. then on the lighter areas i added white highlights. important little tip: when i pick colors for overlays i usually use yellow as the primary light source, pink as a midtones/secondary light source, and blue or purple as the shadows. however, this is not a rule, just an example:
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in this drawing i have blue as the light source & red as the shadow. my tips for picking colors to overlay with: most programs/devices have an option for you to turn off the saturation. whichever color looks lightest is often best for the highlights. you can obviously change the brightness but yeah just make sure your highlights aren't darker than your shadows
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apologies for the inconsistent opacities, you get the idea. so i would like to make a disclaimer here that for my hxhbb piece (left) i used only one direct lighting overlay, which was the yellow. the amount of those overlays i use per piece varies. anyways i added a lighter green as a substitute for the white highlights on the darker colors
lil bit of a secret sauce: on an overlay layer i airbrushed yellow onto roughly half of her and pink on the other side. unifies the colors + lighting and just looks cool
okay now here's how to actually strawberry soda float-ify your art (sorry lol that was just background info):
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the sunset gradient map is your best friend here. you can really just fuck around with any gradient maps, doesn't really matter. now you can also change the brightness, contrast, saturation, etc. what i usually do is up the saturation & luminosity together: +50 saturation and +25-50 luminosity. experiment with blending modes and opacities and shit
when you're done, uhh, congratulations. the gradient maps are really carrying the entire thing the yellow and white lighting is just to torture myself with
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ichfag · 6 months
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that paramore shirt is 100% smoker's btw oda told me so
[IMG ID: A full body fully colored image of Smoker and my oc. Smoker is standing on the left side with one arm resting at his side and the other on his hip. He has on a light blue paramore shirt that is cut into a tank. A good deal of his chest is peeking out from behind the shirt. He has on grey sweats and white shoes with red highlights. His mouth is open mid speech with the usual angry look. Kneeling down next to him is my oc, Jinji. He has one arm resting across his bent knees and while is head is more towards the left, his eyes are looking at the viewer. He is wearing a black shirt, cut off into a muscle tank with light green running shorts. He is wearing white socks with red highlights at the top and green shoes with purple highlights. There is a yellow background behind them. /END ID.]
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keepwonderingwoman · 3 years
I would love to hear your thoughts on YJS3
sure! fair warning, though, I'm a ranty person by nature so this might end up being a bit long. sorry in advance ♡
anyway! things I liked:
the humor: s3 was pretty funny lmao, theres that whole collection of outta pocket scenes from throughout the season that I find hilarious each time + the humor was a little more dirty which is nice bc the audience has also grown up from the kids they might've been when they watched it on CN
dickbabs!: I'm not a huge fan of dickbabs, I prefer dickkory (no hate to dickbabs stans btw I just vibe more with dickkory) but this dynamic between the two of them was so sweet and well-balanced I couldnt help but squeal everytime they were on-screen
Clark and Conner getting along: them calling each other brothers was so CUTE I canttt
FORAGER: an absolute legend 10/10 freaking love him
That Episode With The Hallucination: mmmmmmm I miss wally. SO MUCH. and the og 6 I was Super Mad about the first timeskip so it was nice to see them all together again🥰
yeah that's about it for things I liked lmao. now time for the Much Longer list of Things I Hated:
HALO: young justice the bar was so fucking low how are you still successfully doing the limbo what the fuck. you take a muslim immigrant in what is VERY CLEARLY a hijab and 1. infantilize her to an exceptionally uncomfortable degree (I KNOW SHE WAS THE MOTHERBOX, I DONT CARE) to the point where she resembles a five-year-old with every sentence she speaks or action she takes 2. you made a visibly muslim girl claim that she's actually no longer muslim, she's just wearing the hijab as some kind of security blanket???? I'm sorry??? what the fuck were you aiming for here exactly 3. why did you have to name her violet harper. what. 4. really?? the immediate romance with brion? What the shit was up with that...you make her Muslim in some aspects like victor not seeing her hair when she brushes it but her LITERALLY making out with brion like I'm sorry what the fuck are you doing??? you had one muslim character and you fucked up so bad holy shit...like...it could've been simple as hell, man, but no...Big Yikes.
M'gann: I've said this before but I really feel like once they introduced artemis m'gann immediately became a side character whose only job is to be villainised again and again even though it doesn't really vibe with her character. Secret teams?? Lying to Conner??? This isn't s3 but that whole thing with their breakup in s2...what the shit are they doing to M'gann, man. I loved her so much in s1, she's literally trying her best after having gone through so much and it's never fully explored...like we get half explanations every season but we're never shown half the shit that we were given for artemis. And by making her the Uncool Girlfriend at points it just looks like they're trying make her easy to hate like what the fuck. no. stop it
The Plot: too overcomplicated, too many characters. It's only season three, why are you introducing Apokolips already. Why are there so many characters?? what's with all the subplots yall were switching location cards every five minutes. And it's so convoluted...like...what was going on with Beast Boy and the monkey-god-doom-patrol-exposition stuff? I can't even remember if there were two granny goodnesses or just the one. All of those meta kids left over from the last season are a cute cast but like...I was so bored??? we know you can do well-written self-contained storylines a la s1, so hop to it, yeah?
THE ANIMATION: ok ok ok so. season 1 and two (one especially) had a very distinct feeling to them and that feeling was very late-2000s Cartoon Network Action Show - the base model for the males and females is the same (like Ben 10 Alien Force) the colors were not dynamic (stayed the same no matter the lighting, lots of cel shading, and generally were realistically colored in the sense that suspension of disbelief was not entirely necessary) CHEEKBONES, gritty textures and purple skies (Batman the Brave and the Bold). overall theres a certain Tone to the earlier seasons that spoke a lot to the animation capabilities of the studios at the time, as well as the general feel of the show. however, season three was a MAJOR downgrade in terms of animation. they made it both simpler and more complicated - they started using their DCAMU animation style which while it does give muscles to the women, adds too many unneeded shadows and a strange stiffness and dullness to every character. There are now extra lines and uncessesary shadows on the face of every character, and their eyes and facial features are almost identical. There's also less highlights, and the hairstyles are way too overcomplicated now to be appealing (see mgann and dick) - the hair is unspeakably dull and and the skin tones and hair colors are painful on the eyes. This isn't even taking into account the shitty backgrounds they've started using (AHEM AHEM ARTEMIS'S KITCHEN) because while the earlier seasons may have had unappealing, mostly empty settings, the characters still fit in to the scene, unlike now.
the lack of sisterhood????: apparently, only artemis goes to see zatanna for her Dr. Fate appointments. Apparently, M'gann barely talks to Artemis after the very tragic apparent death of Wally. the two of them, dare I say even the THREE of them, should be close as hell considering they spent their early years super-heroing together on a team full of boys. M'gann LITERALLY called Artemis her sister in the SAME EPISODE she was introduced, and neither of them had any real girlfriends other than each other at this point. M'gann who fell apart so hard Artemis died in her head that she almost killed them all in her grief. Like. You're telling me, you're SHOWING me that these two aren't each other's support system? Where is the sisterhood, bitch????
Lastly: the costume design. I understand that they're constrained by the need to make it simple enough to animate, but COME ON. if you're going to borrow Diana's DCAMU/JL: War costume, at least keep the metal silver. What the fuck is that green-gold. And Tigress? god DAMN that mask is ugly. Cassie looks like she robbed a goddamn supermarket discount clothing aisle for her outfit. Why is bart's outfit Like That it's so ugly it makes me want to cry. @ young justice costume designers Please Rethink Your Decisions
that's about all I can think of right now. it got REALLY negative whoops, but theres just so much I didn't like about this season :/ hopefully the next one will better ;-;
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worldbuildguild · 4 years
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Hello!!! I was wondering if I could get some feedback on the lighting and movement of this piece, I want It to be dark and moody, but still be able to see some of the details. I also wanted to convey energy in the pose but I feel like it looks too stiff? General feedback would be appreciated as well!! Thanks so much!!
The pose itself is already pretty dynamic, but here’s a few pointers to how to push the flow and movement of the character itself, along with some slight alterations to the wiring that’s suspended around them. 
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As you can see, i’ve tried to avoid using 90° angles, ( as in altering the position of the left-most leg, by pushing it backwards ). Often 90° angles can come across as stiff when compared to stumped or more acute angles. Same reason that I have pushed the bend of the arm that isn’t grabbing the guitar ( of which, btw, I’m not sure if this is intentional or not, but as a guitar-player, i need to recommend you to implement a strap to the guitar, as holding the guitar like the character does in both my alterations, and the original picture is very, VERY straining, if not impossible ). 
As you can see i’ve also added larger arcs to the wiring that’s floating around the characters. This is more of a personal preference, but i feel that these larger, smoother curves reads better - and thusly gives an overview of the composition much quicker. 
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As for the light - it was already pretty damn good looking. I just have a few notes.  First of all, i would darken the background ( and the image in overall ) a bunch more, so that we can get those really stark contrasts from the parts exposed to the dramatic light on the floor.  I also went over the heads on the wiring on the left in the image, which seemed to have been recieving light from above in the original picture, when the main source of light - in fact, comes from the floor. 
You will also notice that i’ve added a gradient of green light that’s glowing on the floor. This bolsters the effects of the floor-light and gives the overall image a strong sense of a cohesive colour-pallete, as the green here is plentyful enough to balance out the purples on the character. 
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For this particular piece, i’d recommend playing around a bit with highlights. A highlights of bright green or yellow ( like in the example above ) can give your scene an extra dynamic feel. I would limit my use of to the areas that should grab our attention first - such as the face.  Experiment a bit back and forth and see what you like the best :). 
- Mod Wackart ( ko-fi ) 
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weapingveils · 3 years
So I should probably promote these
So I've started using Insta and Twitter recently and I figure I should probably promote those here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ALaughingCrow
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/alaughingcrow/
I post mostly art & my cat, but I'm also going to get into the habit of retweeting and promoting a mix of fandom and politics.
here's some examples of my art btw:
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[IDs: 3 images. First image: a brown skinned Asian person swimming upwards surrounded by glowing motes. they are wearing a see-through white-linen shirt, a dark blue waistcoat & trousers. their clothes are adorned with dark-veined stones and their fingers have multi-jointed silver rings tipped in claws. Second image: Vergil from the DMC video game series laying on a dark background being ensnared by creeping tendrils, the shattered pieces of the Yamato hang in the foreground, the sheath clutched in his right hand that lays to one side. Vergil is a white-haired man in a many layered-vest and dark blue old-military-style coat with leather pants and boots, the Yamato is a katana. Third image: Portrait of a black woman with multi-coloured (purple, pink, & blue) hair styled into twists. Her pupils are stylised as the centers of black holes. around her are 3 halos with comets, planets, and rings orbiting them. the background is a bright starscape with a highlighted constellation. End ID]
and of course an example of my (very good) cat, Zhalia:
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[IDs: two images of a light cream coloured bengal cat with brown markings. in the first image her green eyes are open and alert, focused on something to the left of the camera, she is wearing a plaid bowtie collar. in the second image she is semi-curled up and sleeping with her paws tucked in under her chest]
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thirstinart · 4 years
I love your art so much! I’m starting to draw but I’m not good. do you have any advice? How do you improve?
First of all, I’m very flattered that you like my art! Thank you 😊
As for advice... look, I’m not a professional so I don’t know if I can give you a good answer? But I can speak from personal experience if that helps.
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These two drawings are 7 months apart. You might not notice a huge change at first glance, but:
• I’ve learned a lot about light, form, anatomy, color and composition.
• I’m bolder about shading/highlighting/using different colors for the skin (there’s some shades of red and purple on Steve there)
• I’ve tried many coloring techniques/brushes/paints/etc. until I’ve discovered what I’m most comfortable working with
• My lines are a lot cleaner
• I’m not afraid of backgrounds as much as I used to be!
• I pay a lot more attention to detail. I’ve learned to enjoy the process of drawing instead of rushing to the finished piece
• I’ve given myself the opportunity to try many different styles and finally ‘settle’ with the one I enjoy the most
So what I’m saying is... the only way to get better is to sit down and draw, cause your art is uniquely yours so you have to go through your own journey. You can watch tutorials on digital drawing if this is new territory for you, try different things and see what feels most comfortable, experiment (there’s no rules here!), reach out to other artists and don’t be afraid to ask for tips and chat about art (you might also meet wonderful people, I know I have!). But most importantly draw! And don’t get discouraged if the first couple of works don’t meet your expectations. For me, after the drawing is done there’s only a fleeting sense of accomplishment but the actual fun is in the process.
I hope that helped a little? My DMs are always open btw if you want to chat! And if any fellow artists have more tips for this anon feel free to add on!
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le-poofe · 5 years
Idk if this has been asked already, but how long does it take you to create a comic/art piece? And what is the order of the steps you go through? (Btw I love your art)
That’s a good question! I’m gonna use the most recent page as the example. I’ve talked a little bit about how long it takes, but I haven’t really explained my process. Heads up, this is pretty long! I could have just put in one panel’s process, but it’s more fun to show the whole page
1. The Sketch ~ 1-2 Hours
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This can take a while for a number of reasons. A few factors could be business, tiredness, a lack of inspiration, creating too many options for myself, etc. But generally this part goes at a decent pace. I have a script that I follow loosely, where I’ve written dialogue and actions that seem good for what’s going on. I will spend more time on panels that I have a specific image in my head for. Those last two panels are much cleaner/more fleshed out than the previous four because I had a much better idea for how I wanted them to look.
2. The Lineart ~ 2-4 Hours
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The lineart takes the longest, hands down. It’s the clean up, final changes/additions, and just making everything look all nice for the rest of the piece. This is where I spend like 5 minutes comparing facial expressions to see which one I like better, drawing another one, and then choosing the first one I drew. 
3. The Background ~ 30 minutes
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The coloring is so much faster than the lineart. I will usually go slower here on purpose because I enjoy it, and it’s a relaxing break from the lineart. I just color right underneath the lineart, I don’t worry about anything looking messy under the character linearts because I know they’ll just be covered up. Typically, if I start the lineart in the afternoon, I’ll get to this point and stop for the evening.  
4. Flat Colors ~ 5 Minutes
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This goes relatively fast as well. I take my time for the most part. It’s just tedious to select the lineart. I kind of color them differently. Sans gets his darkest colors first, and then I add light layers on top. With Grillby, I put on the lightest color for his shirt and the middle color for his flames (I use 3-4 colors for them). Doing that kinda helps me establish that Grillby is a light source and Sans is not.The color schemes are almost direct complements, and I do eventually add yellow to Grillby’s flames. It makes them contrast with each other, and is generally satisfying to look at imo. It also makes Sans’ colors somewhat analygous to his surroundings, because of the deep blues and reds. The purple does stand out, but not nearly as much as the bright orange. 
5. Finishing Grillby ~ 45 Minutes - 1 Hour
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I have a general routine for adding Grillby’s details, which is why it goes quick. ((There will be a separate post on that process later)) It only takes that long because I have to do it for multiple panels per page. I’m sure this page was even shorter because it mostly featured incomplete shots of him. To finish his flames, I use an airbrush to add the reds, then I do the same with the yellows. I take the brightest yellow on the palette and use that for his freckles, eyes, and mouth ((if it’s open)). The last thing I do is color his lineart a dark red. His eyes are lined with a darker red to compensate for the glow I put over them, which makes the lines look faint and hard to see. For his shirt, I shade it with the lighter pink color, and then airbrush the darker pink on the areas that are further away from his flames.
6. Finishing Sans ~ 1 hour 
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Sans definitely has a more drastic change than Grillby. Almost none of the original purple survives the overlay layers. I have two or three light layers on top of the flat colors. I use one of the colors that is from grillby’s color palette, it’s a slightly altered version of his flat orange. First I do hard lights, that don’t have their edges blurred. The top of his skull and those half circle shapes under his eye sockets are some of the most noticeable examples. Then I go over that layer with another overlay, but this time with an airbrush. I put it in the same areas, but it makes everything look softer. There’s one more overlay, which uses the dark purple of Sans’ shirt. It helps me to not make everything too light. On top of all three of those is a a Luminosity + Shade layer in the orange color to make the brightest spots pop.
7. Finishing Background Details ~ 15-20 Minutes
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This is basically doing the same thing I did to Sans on the background. I use the same orange from Grillby’s color scheme and add light where it needs to go. I can be more lenient on details because it’s not the main focus of the page.
8. Adding the Glow ~ 5-10 Minutes
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This is just me taking the orange light color and airbrushing it just above the background on a Lum + Shade layer. This goes under the layers that Sans and Grillby are lined and colored on. The next layer is the same as the last and goes over both figures. It acts as a final highlight to the lightest points of the two. Usually it’s the top of Sans’ skull, the tips of Grillby’s fingers, and the area around his mouth. Then I airbrush Sans and Grillby’s eyes in blue and orange respectively on a Lum + Shade Layer.
9. Text and Final Details ~ 20 - 30 Minutes
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This is where I figure out where I want to place the dialogue, and add in anything I might have missed. In this case, I forgot to fully draw and shade Sans’ tears at the beginning. I slap my signature on and boom! All done!
I hope this was helpful! And sorry it’s super long 0v0;; If you need clarification on anything, feel free to ask!
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jeongahn · 4 years
✨ HEHE HELLO MY SUN! 95hua is my gfx and 17joshua is my gif portfolio blogs - Bea 💓
(Don’t) Creator’s send me a  ✨ + your creations tag and I’ll talk about some of your pieces I love! Bea’s creations (gfx) and her gifs and her blog @joshuahong (I still want to tag joshsua, it’s been literal YEARS)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - How do I make this short. Bea. I truly love your work so much, that when I tried to go through your archive from 2015 and onward - all my brain did was “oh that’s a fave. no wait that’s a fave. that one too. OH but THIS ONE-”. I’m not exaggerating. Every single piece. So to keep this condensed, I’m only going to talk about the pieces that gave me the visceral “!!!” because I remember how floored I was at the piece. Just know that EVERY piece you’ve done gives me that reaction. So this ask? This ask is now my own personal hell because I don’t know how to choose 3-5 pieces that I love more than the other. But I will try. This is more of a “walk down memory lane,” - in which I recall how much the piece amazed me at the time it was posted. This might seem long but let me tell you - this is as condensed as I could possibly make it. Like I am pulling my own teeth trying to mention just a FEW of these pieces that I really love. I need a drink. GOD this is obnoxiously long I don’t know what to do.
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(1) (2) (3)These graphics are so heavily ingrained in my mind that I’m now realizing how much this inspired some of my graphics I did years later. Like??? It set the tone for what I value in a piece of work LOL. And when I look back at my own work now - I can see how much of these “lessons” I incorporated.
For (1) in particular, I adored the bleeding effect on the surrounding gifs! And how each panel bled into one another through those wisps.
 In (2) the COLORS just had me squirming like a delighted little sausage. It fit Seventeen’s image at the time so well. It was youthful, colorful, fresh. Everything that Akkinda was at that time. I LOVED the sparkles and the fucking TREE. Ugh that was truly one of the best graphics I saw at the time. 
In (3) - the way you oriented the text was amazing. It was a lot of text but the way you spaced it out and added these visual breaks made it so easy to digest. Like one panel is text heavy. Then another panel is image heavy with a bit of text.Then there’s a gif panel with more text but also spaced out with more image. The balance is fucking incredible Bea. And literally - that’s how my own mind is programmed to make gfx now so it’s nuts seeing that it might have been influenced by your own methods I viewed over the years. LORD, I should call you professor?
Very few things I never heal from. This manipulation of Jeonghan and Joshua from the Chocolate MV? Is one of them. The Chocolate MV in general? Is another. But okay I recall how I gasped because of how GOOD this was. It’s still hitting me. Your brain is so sexy Bea. Also, I’m bummed we never got Mint Jeonghan. But like, who cares? Bea edited a mint Jeonghan and that’s all I’ll ever need. I would literally frame this LOL. Like I’m half considering slapping it onto my corkboard just so I can look at it often.
I would literally pick every single piece from 2016 but I think JiHan was my most favorite and I can’t tell if that’s the bias in me that’s making these decisions. 
This is the coolest shit I’ve ever seen lmfao. I wish I had something more flourished to say but I remember thinking how fucking genius you were for highlighting the teaser like this. Since it was so scenic. And rather than making a hardcore gfx out of it - you just enhanced the vibe with text, coloring, and a bit of texture. You also did this same concept with Jeonghan and it just...oof it was so perfect. 
And then later on, when all the teasers were released - THIS stunning piece of work was done. I was SO impressed by the way you did the gifs with that cross effect. It’s not easy showing 13 pieces of anything. But you did THAT. And ALSO used the images of the teasers, you’re a MAD MAN BEA. A GENIUS. I’m still so shocked by how well done is this.
And you know what this talented fuck did WITH THE ACTUAL MV? You’re not going to fucking believe this. You’re really not. Why am I suddenly so angry. Just look at THIS and you’ll understand full well, why I am SCREAMING. I’ve NEVER seen anything done like this at the time it was posted. Like Bea REALLY set the fucking tone with this gfx. To this day I can’t think of a single gfx that captures an MV THIS WELL. UGH it’s BRILLIANT. If I HAD to pick a favorite - like you threatened to burn my pumpkin patch - I would choose this one. But because I’m not being threatened I’m now making this LONG ASS POST on WHY I LOVE BEA’S WORK SO MUCH-
I recently watched InuYasha in all of it’s entirity because I thought of this gfx a while back lmfao. Jeonghan as Sesshomaru and Joshua as a half demon? Satiates something inside of me. Anyways. The tones used here always get me. The soft beiges and purples at so NICE. I think I mentioned it reminded of buying lavenders out of burlap bags in romantic market places LOL. But the vibe still fits. The movie poster vibe is something you didn’t do often back then so it was cool seeing you try out a different style! The way top right and bottom left are correlated is something that flew right over my head back then. But now? I’m eating this shit up. It’s delicious. 
Shout out to the “Story of the Moon” series Bea did with Meanie, in which she insp credited herself. Is that not, the biggest flex? I love all your star crossed lovers concepts. Bea loves to: yearn. OH btw, here’s the actual Story of the Moon. It’s so sweet. Probably not the original but SO pretty either way. I think this might be the original. Re: Bea loves to learn.
I swear I’m done with 2017 but I gotta mention part 2 of Demon!JiHan. I never realized how much I loved this series of gfx. Bea. This is GOOD shit.
This is GREAT. One thing I loved about YMMD concept was how the gradient reflected on the concept of day to night. So I adored how Bea did this! It was a clever way to utilize 13 images since the aspect of day and night happen in 12hr cycles. 
Just know anything Bea does of JiHan is most likely going to be some GREAT work because of the way a storyline is involved in it. I remember you talking to me about this concept so seeing it come into fruition was pretty fucking cool. Again. Bea loves to yearn. The colors reminded me of the 2015 piece I adored so much.
She did it again with the flawless approach on Demon!Jihan. It’s like year by year it becomes more and more sexy. I LOVE this. The editing on this is more “today Bea”. It’s got such a nice use of shadow and saturation. I remember those images were so hard for me to edit because of the shadow so I didn’t edit them LOL. But nothing stop’s Bea’s expertise. The red tones really get me. I love how this series went from soft burlap bag of lavender to reddish hues. It feels aggressive and I LOVE that.
This is probably the best birthday graphic that ever exists. Again Bea was so clever with how she displayed a lot of images from Joshua’s ENTIRE career. Along with text. Not just eras. Not just songs. But Joshua as a person as well. Whenever I see this I feel so fond. You can smell the love radiating off of this gfx. Joshua would be SO honored.
This is so pretty. Like it reminds me of salwar kameez lmfao. I remember this fondly. It’s like they’re what is inside of a string light. Not light bulbs. It’s Seventeen’s Vocal Unit.
Shout out to this graphic that is reposted literally everywhere. Bea you unlocked every Carat’s deep want: Tatted!Seventeen. Your talent with manipulations is unreal. The tattoo series and Cyber/ Humanoid series really showcase that. Another shoutout to how Bea inspired that one set of teasers with the pressed flower freckles. I want this in a resin dish. Who on Etsy will do this for me-
(1) (2). The dichotomy of these 2 graphics still get me. In (1) there’s this warm and luxurious vibe. Then in (2) it’s the same luxurious vibe, but creepier than the previous because of the icy feel. It’s so neat. Both are SO beautifully done. I love the shimmer tears on Joshua in (1) and the icy sparkles on Vernon in (2). 
I REALLY love this set. The BUTTERFLIES are you KIDDING ME??? I love them. I’m so glad you incorporated them. I love how you subject edit. The way you create glow on the face is so nice. It literally reminds me of using “How Many Carats?!?!!” on the face. Which is SO fitting lmfao. On this work it’s a bit more... “soft glow” but I had to mention it. Joshua with the monarch butterflies makes my heart warm. I dunno if Monarchs are California’s butterflies. But so many places in my town are dedicated to Monarch butterflies so when I think of California, I think of Monarch butterlfies. Anyways I adore the FLUSH on these images. It’s so INNOCENT
I love the entire Cyber series but the way you did everyone’s bionic arm? INCREDIBLE. I can’t even begin to understand HOW you did this Bea. It almost makes me angry that you do this shit for FREE. I get to look at this for free? It feels illegal. I was so floored I missed several details. Like how you made the lighting work with this neon light vibe. That takes a GOOD artistic eye and you clearly have that. Jihoon’s current of energy on his face? U G H it’s so GO OD. I want to stare at it forever. WAIT the BACKGROUND as well. Listen the more I stare this. The more details I realize I miss because I’m so caught up in one detail. It’s just such an incredible series that you execute so flawlessly. 
I just really love this. I can’t describe why. It’s just so nice to look at. That panel with Joshua’s glitter tears (p2)? I love it. All of it is so satisfying to look at and I got that entire vibe from the MV in general. So this was an appropriate way to display it!
I have yet to see all of your 2020 gfx so instead I’m gonna rb them and gush lol but really Bea. All your work is so good and if I could write a book on how much I appreciate them - (clearly) I would.
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p101recaps · 7 years
Broduce 101: Episode 11 (Livestream Recap)
I removed the ‘quick’ in the recap title for the last episode because I saw a comment shading me for that since these are anything but quick lol
This post contains spoilers.
We start off with some old trainee videos from school performances and company auditions (hello lil Samuel!) then move into the first intro vids and interviews. 
This is where we cry about their hardships like Mnet isn’t making billions of won off their dreams and haven’t axed more than half of them on the way here.
Special shoutout to chubby cheeked baby Sewoon!
BoA starts us off with a prelude to the season finale. I’ll miss seeing her on a weekly basis and we’re told to vote for our favourite trainee before last week’s ranks
The live broadcast has the first ever Nayana stage set up too, its beautiful
Last season’s winners, the IOI girls are attending (for the reaction shots ofc) but they all look so pretty!! Look at my girl, solo artist Chungha.
Yes NAYANA LIVE LETS GET HYPE look at these cuties grinning away
Whoa its centre Daniel! He has his babiest baby smile on
Samuel has purple hair for the finale, its a better look than the blond
That hall is full kids. This season has raked in that cash. The CEO can probably buy a small country.
IT’S MY ELIMINATED BOYS! The stage is cramped af 
The group name is Wanna.One 
Cut to pre-recorded content for the stage prep, starting off with vocal check in for Super Hot. 
Seokhoon praises Hyungseob’s improvement, Daehwi’s consistency, Byeongari Seonho’s progress.
Centre battle time with the contenders all singing the ‘killing part’. Seonho is unexpectedly not bad, and he says grew taller as his vocal skills did too. Dead.
Sungwoon and Baekho are good, Daehwi takes the key down to hit the notes. Samuel is shaky but fine. Youngmin is also good, and Shin Yumi says he sounds like Jaehwan, prompting Jaehwan to emit a soulless, scornful HA HA before getting up to sing the other team’s song just to show him up
Sewoon is made to sing the line too and he makes up for the little crack in his voice with a funny hand dance
Hands On Me does their check in and then centre competition.
Ong-ssi’s voice wobbles and Jaehwan literally slits his throat because ‘killing part’. Daniel tickles his own chin lol 
Bae Jinyoung is the most surprising because of how clear he is
Jihoon is Centre Jihoon as always (Auntie Jisung is impressed)
Dance check in next! They’ve done their own choreos for the songs for this mission.
Super Hot goes first, and Kahi applauds their effort because its hard to devise formations and choreo 
They all perform the choreo as centre one by one. This looks exhausting, btw but they all do their own little bits to stand out
Hands On Me goes next and their choreo passes muster too.
Next they all try centre choreo. Honestly, all of them have distinct appeals, how do you even pick.
Kahi tells them that centre will be picked based on the vids that were uploaded recently, with every trainee in both groups performing as centre one by one 
They go to pick the centre in the same room that the coaches used for their level evals w/ Nayana performances
Super Hot team goes first, watching every vid. Youngmin’s voice cracks in his vid and Samuel’s eyes widen in response in the background lol
I just realised all of Nu’est but Minhyun is in this group. Baekho falls into a natural leader like role just because he seems to have a lot to say 
They then do an emotional verbal appeal for the centre position, all of them feel like they need it for this last leg of the journey, and then vote.
It comes down to Sungwoon and Samuel, and the live performance reveals who won
IT WAS HA SUNGWOON! Get it, boy!
The actual performance was fine, all of them dressed in red and white. This song is a bit iffy (seriously), but they all perform well. Megaton bomb is the obvious highlight. The choreo is enjoyable, very energetic and gimmicky, the kind that leaves plenty of room for the trainees to insert personal gestures
Lol Cube Chicks do another Troublemaker reference. Jonghyun and Sam do a bit of a dance in between
There’a a bit of choreo that looks vaguely like a Seventeen stage. It’s like a revolving door? I remember seeing it elsewhere. 
Very cute, all in all. The total effect is similar to Oh Little Girl from last mission
They have a lot of cuts to the eliminated kids as the coaches talk to BoA
Sung Hyunwoo’s there, his eyes are glazed over when the camera pans to him lol 
Kwon Hyunbin has dark hair again while Kim Sanggyun has his deep blond slicked back. 
Oh! Kim Taemin is in the stands! He’s lost so much weight!
First reveals are for trainees currently at 11-14. 
This anticipation is the pits. It just drags on and on endlessly. Kenta’s almost crying again
Sewoon, Jisung, Bae Jinyoung, Daehwi are potential trainees. 
I’m losing hope for Auntie.
And then cut to Hands on Me team in the viewing room for centre voting.
Yoon Jisung is jealous of Park Jihoon’s face and expressions lol 
Bae Jinyoung is at peak Sasuke Uchiha levels, coolly and sharply flipping his jacket around. 
Everyone is amazed at how handsome Ong is on screen while Jisung pulls out every bit of his trainee experience in his video. Ong says Jisung’s clever with expressions but expressed it weird lol
Cuts of them working hard and talking about the need to be centre before they vote. It’s down to Ong-ssi and Bae Jinyoung for centre. 
Live performance reveals it to be Bae Jinyoung!
The boys are dressed in sharp suits, which is how you know which one is the stacked team. They all look good, and scrounge up every bit of their charisma for the performance. This song is a lot more enjoyable, and has a choreo that’s more smooth rather than gimmicky, with a lot of jacket flapping. I can hear Minhyun, Ong and Jaehwan’s voices a lot although they all perform well.
There’s a bit of breakdown in between for the rappers’ benefit
Ong-ssi is wearing a pretty choker while Sewoon looks like a boy at his first prom. Bae Jin does the now patent Yoo Hwiseung lip swipe.
There’s a lot of loud yelling for Park Jihoon. It’s so distinct.
Cut to a large thank you letter the trainees wrote BoA. She’s moved by their sincerity and laughs at the cuteness. It’s really rather sweet, even if it is filler content. She was a phenomenal representative - I watched this season for her, and she was so much more invested in actual training than Jang Keonsuk. That guy annoyed me the most last season.
The trainees also send a video letters to their other coaches, thanking them for their help and for teaching them over the last few months.
Cut to the trainees recording with the composers of the token ballad song this season, called Always 
Check it out if you’re keen, it’s meant to be this season’s Downpour I reckon. The boys perform it under soft white and pink lighting. Minki looks like he’s crying at one point, so does Seonho. Sungwoon, Baekho and Jaehwan hard carry the vocals.
BoA closes live voting. 
That’s of the Seventeen members in the crowd! The leader kid! I might have to confirm this later.
Cut to pre-recorded footage of the trainees all gathering together to talk. 
Ahhh it’s product placement for Naver’s streaming service. They listen to their concept eval songs.
Then they talk about their first appearances on the show, and they play their P101 countdown intro videos to all their embarrassments. Guanlin sings All of Me loudly and increasingly out of tune while Sewoon dances Pick Me. Jaehwan dances Seventeen′s Boom Boom lol. 
...I don’t even know what Emperor Hwang is doing.
Then sad video messages to their families for the tears, with that mournful Nayana intro in the background. Then footage of their families watching the video letters and sending one back.
Yoon Jisung has his mum’s eyes, and Samuel has his mum’s mouth exactly. Youngmin looks startlingly like his dad.
My heart aches, ugh. Mnet, you bastards. 
I wish I could fly down to see my mum too :(
All the ugly tears. Seonho is bawling straight up. 
Haknyeon’s mum is there too! And Guanlin’s dad and sister! 
Aw, his sister knows Ong-slate and Yoonjhumma’s clapping. 
Back at live stage, popular model Kwon Hyunbin gets coerced into filling some air time by BoA, so does Kim Taemin, who had to leave because of his sudden illness. Lee Euiwoong gets some screentime to himself to thank everyone for their support and help.
Dorm footage from their last stay with the kids imitating Hyunbin singing Downpour lol
More of that Nayana piano instrumental as they reminisce about their last few weeks in the dorm with the other trainees. A neat little shot of the set with the chairs, then shots of them practicing. 
Back to live for final rankings.
My heart can’t take this. The eliminated kids are all praying too.
Seriously, how can they waste airtime like this.
Trainee at number 10 is C9 Bae Jinyoung. He looks pale and relieved, thanking his fans, parents, and the Mnet staff. 
Number 9 is Pledis Hwang Minhyun!! 
Pristin Nayoung is thrilled while the Pledis CEO looks unimpressed. Why do they even invite these old bastards. 
It takes Minhyun a bit to start speaking to thank people, his words less smooth than normal because of how overcome (lol) he is. His mum cries constantly, I hope he can buy her something nice soon! 
BoA’s making a lot of tiny mistakes off her script because of the live broadcast burden. It’s cute.
Weird clapping forever! Oh, his dad calls up his family to tell them the good news while the eliminated MMO trainees cry in relief. 
He says in his thank you that he really had given up hope, but he’s so appreciative of all the support he received. It’s so cute that all the trainees are so excited, clapping his weird clap and laughing at him. He starts ugly crying again when he sees his dad, and same tbh. 
Everyone loves him so much!! I love him too! My Auntie! He made it! Yoonjhumma! I’ll actually follow this Wanna.One mess because of you Auntie Jisung! 
CUBE Lai Guanlin makes the final group at number 7!
He and Seonho are going to be able to help Hyuna keep Cube from the shredder!
Sweet Byeongari Lai Guanlin first thanks people in Mandarin (a lot of shots of the Chinese Yuehua kids+Kenta), then in English (it’s so terrible but so cute), and then he thanks everyone in Korean. He keeps saying ‘jinjja’ a lot, and his accented slurring gets worse because of how excited and nervous he is. BoA prompts him to thank his dad, which he does in Mandarin. He also gets to do his awkward audition dance. 
Trainee number 6 is Brand New Music Park Woojin! Good on you my wolf boy! You deserve it!
He starts his thank you with a full waist bow, then thanks his voters, BNM family, Rhymer, the P101 PD-nim (the audience protests this - dead but same tbh) and staff, the teachers and his family. He apologizes for worrying people when he was sick - pls. Like people need to feel more entitled. 
Woojin and Guanlin give each other massive bear hugs when they meet at the chairs. 
Trainee number 5 is Fantagio Ong Sungwoo!!
He’s immediately smothered by hugs, his mum is sobbing and his CEO looks happy. Doyeon gets a solo shot as she claps too.
His voice wavers when he starts his thanks, to the staff, Fantagio people, his parents. He does his really, very hyperbole, dramatic and earnest and promises to work hard before ending it with a waist bow. BoA asks him what position he would like (besides the slate) and he says he’ll try to maintain team balance and spirit and then does his Get Ugly meme face. He’s so excited!!
Ah, with him and Yoonjhumma in, you know the group will do well in variety.
You can see the hope leave Daehwi and Sungwoon’s faces as resignation sinks in :((
Trainee number 4 is Kim Jaehwan!!
He gets body slammed by the trainees and his mum looks visibly relieved. Chaeyeon looks shocked as she claps in genuine appreciation, so clearly surprised that the camera pans to her twice.
Jaehwan mentions that he didn’t have much hope as an independent trainee and thanks his parents for supporting him as he rehearsed alone. He promises to be a hardworking vocal and thanks everyone for their support so he can improve.
At number 3 is Brand New Music Lee Daehwi! 
He instantly collapses in shock, his trainees crowd him. His mum begins to sob, so does Jeon Somi. He jumps up and waves at her as she cries in relief.
Obviously grateful, he thanks his BNM crew, the p101 staff, and the usual, as well as everyone who voted him in as Nayana centre to start with. His mum, who flew in from the USA, gets a personal thank you telling her to not worry and thanking her for his support. 
Sat in his chair, he cries a little. I’m so relieved for him too, he’s so incredibly well rounded and talented for a sixteen year old.
Spots for number 2 and the main centre number 1 are between MMO Kang Daniel and Maroo Park Jihoon.
We’re all surprised, I’m certain. I’m more shook by Nation’s Leader Angel Wartortle GodJonghyun not appearing so far. The vote reset must have shaken his ranking up. 
They walk to centre stage for the announcement, the two issue makers of the season. 
Dead at how SM bought NCT a promo ad slot during P101 airtime
The truly expected yet unknown battle of votes between these two leads brings us MMO Kang Daniel at number 1, with Maroo Park Jihoon behind him at 2.
Daniel takes a while to speak, his throat dry from nervousness, saying he was grateful to be able to be in the top 11, much less be centre . Yoonjhumma is rubbing his arms at the revelation, while Daniel’s mum cries. Little Lee Woojin gets a shot. Daniel can barely speak, satoori slipping out as BoA teases him for becoming GodDaniel. He says he loves his voters in satoori, and even BoA giggles.
Park Jihoon speaks next, poised and polished as ever as he rattles off his list of people to thank. He doesn’t mind losing the spot to Daniel at all, and rounds off by doing his adorable Shugo Chara aegyo with the crowd. 
Daniel does a few full waist bows standing at his number one crown chair before sinking into it, finally.
I suddenly remember the MMO kids sitting on the chair like it was the family couch first episode, just so they could know what it was like. It’s been a whirlwind journey.
Time for final spot number 11, between Baekho, Sungwoon, Sewoon and Jonghyun. 
Sungwoon has no expectations. Baekho isn’t sure what to think. Sewoon is nervous too (not as much as Gwanghyun in the crowds though). Jonghyun thanks everyone and anticipates the results.
BoA looks pained being made to draw this out too. 
Nation’s Leader Angel Wartortle GodJonghyun is 14. Resetting the votes and spooking Pledis voters with Minhyun’s rank probably unsettled him. What a shame, I’d have put my money on him as a sure debut bet what with the edits and his general manga boy personality.
Sungwoon looks like his soul has left his body.
Sexy Bandit Pledis Kang Dongho is number 13. What a shame. The crowd screams in support for him anyway.
Gwanghyun and Taehyun are both increasingly worried in their seats. 
How crazy would it be if it turns out to be Sewoon. It was the same for Yeonjung last season, and they’re both Starship vocal kids.
I cannot believe it but I’M SO HAPPY MY BOYS!! Taehyun is fully ugly sobbing in his seat, the trainees around him are trying to comfort him but he’s truly a softie, poor Scratching Ajhusshi.
Sungwoon thanks everyone after running to the stage in excitement, emotional and grateful for everyone who believed in him, and promising to work hard. 
Sewoon, who was close, gives a very well worded and neat speech at the end, put together even through his disappointment. I look forward to seeing him debut as an idol. He’s going to be great.
Kang Daniel leads the last greeting to the viewers and BoA bows out for the season finale.
Well. This has been emotionally draining and completely unexpected. I never thought I’d have so many of my faves in the final line up, I’m going to have to keep following this group even if they put out crap music because there are so many reliable singers too! They sure showed my pessimism, but I’m not complaining. 
For the final time, below is a comprehensive list of the final ranking for Produce 101 Season’s 2 group, Wanna.One:
Kang Daniel
Park Jihoon 
Lee Daehwi
Kim Jaehwan 
Ong Sungwoo 
Park Woojin
Lai Guan Lin 
Yoon Jisung
Hwang Minhyun 
Bae Jinyoung 
Ha Sungwoon 
It’s been wonderful on this blog with you guys! As always, please let me know you spot in any errors!
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snake-house · 7 years
Tsukiyama Shuu X Muse!Reader - inspire.
Fashion Designer! Tsukiyama Shuu x Muse! Reader warnings: none really her/she pronouns used for reader when you see '--' it means some time has passed i use gender-neutral pronouns for kana btw OuO *this is a total au, everyone is human and alive and not dead ok, i just want them to be happy 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。 _____ When you applied for the ad, this was not what you expected. All the ad said was 'Muse', and since you were a model you were used to posing for artists and art classes, both nude and clothed, this was definitely different. I mean, that was what first came to your mind at the title, 'Muse Wanted'. 
You did make sure you googled this 'Shuu Tsukiyama' before emailing in with your resume to know what you were getting yourself into. Apparently, he was a very well-known fashion designer. "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Mr. Tsukiyama will see you now."   You started following them down a long hallway past wall-less offices, looking into the windows as you passed by. "Just a tips for you before you go in there," They spoke, "Mr. Tsukiyama is rather flamboyant so don't be surprised, also he works well if you answer all his questions honestly. You will probably get the job, you are the only one who has inquired about the ad, so please don't even show up wearing brown and black, the man will surely have an aneurysm. Don't be shy, always keep your back straight, slouching annoys him, but that shouldn't be a problem with your background. Always wear heels, and you should be good. I read your resume, so I don't think you'll have a problem, but it is policy that I should tell you that you'll be asked to change in front of people." They gave you a bright smile, "Good luck, my name is Kanae von Rosewald by the way." Kanae opened the door, to you assumed, Mr. Tsukiyama's office and motioned for you to enter. "Mr. Tsukiyama, [Full Name] is here." And shut to door after you stepped into the office. Your eyes met a large room that was surprisingly organized despite everything going on. The large drawing table had scraps of fabrics thrown over the top, sketches piled on top of each other but seemed to go together. The desk also had different pieces of clothing, obviously prototypes by some of the frayed stitching. The man you assumed was 'Mr. Tsukiyama' was fiddling with a mannequin, pinning and unpinning a purple patterned fabric. You felt sorry for that mannequin. He turned towards you as you approached, giving you a once over before beaming, "Oh cherie you are gorgeous, you are perfect for the job!" You were different from what he expected when you emailed Kanae your resume, but it was a good different. You had a new face for the modeling world, and that was a very very good thing. "Uh, Thank you," You spoke. "Alright, you came just in time, strip and try this on." The man threw a silk-embroidered mermaid gown at you, that was surprisingly light you noticed when you caught the dress. "Um, Mr. Tsukiyama?" He gave you his attention when you said his name, "I still don't understand the job, Kanae didn't really give me a full explanation, you said you needed a 'muse' in the ad." You held the gown lightly, your fingers dancing over the expensive fabric. The taller man ran a hand through his hair and gave you a bright smile, "I'll give you the simplest terms of what is expected for you from this job!" He proclaimed, throwing his hands in the air now standing a mere two feet in front of you, looking down his nose at you, "I need you, Miss [Full Name] to simply wear anything I ask of you and inspire me, to be my muse!" His voice came off in a very sing-song tone, putting his hands on his hips, "Also down along the line I may ask you to attend events for my fashion lines with me and or walk in a few shows, that sort of thing." "So a living mannequin that can 'inspire' you?" You reworded. "Precisely! Now hurry and change." Doing just as your new boss said, you placed your bag on the floor by his desk, slipping off your shoes as well, and started taking off your clothes. You did this all the time, well, you were naked multiple time in front of people, but you rarely undressed in front of someone, but it didn't bother you. Plus Mr. Tsukiyama was looking for something on his desk. As you undressed, you folded your clothes and set them on top of your shoes and bag, "Mr. Tsukiyama? Do you want me bra or no bra?" You were now only in your underwear, holding up the dress, surprised that it actually looked your size. "No bra, it will ruin the construction of the dress to wear one." He said simply, grabbing a sketchbook and waiting for you to put on the garment. Nodding, you took of your bra and dropped down with your other clothes and stepped into the dress. Pulling it up, it was a little snug around your hips, but nothing to restrict your movements. Without having to be asked, Mr. Tsukiyama came over to zip up the back, "My, you look amazing in my dress, but who doesn't?" he laughed and went back behind his desk to retrieve a pair of black pumps. Right, you needed to wear heals. "I'm sorry, I was only told today before you saw me that I needed to wear heels." You apologized, taking the heels and slipping into them, using his arm for balance. When you were finished, he disregarded your comment with a hand apparently not worried about it and went to his desk and grabbed a sketchbook and sat down on top of his desk and looked over you. You smoothed down the silk over your stomach, the texture the elaborate embroidered pattern a nice touch you thought. His pencil scribbled a few things before crossing his legs and arms at you, "You have wide hips for a model, oui?" "That's correct." You agreed, he had a mirror by his drawing table, which you walked over to look at yourself. It really was a gorgeous gown, and it didn't look half bad on you, "How am I supposed to inspire you?" You inquired, turning back to face him only to see his head was down as his pencil flew across the paper. "You just walking around is fine," He spoke up, "You can look around, just getting a feel in my gown is good enough for me today." You did just as he suggested. You looked over his work on his drawing table, getting a better view, he was quite talented you remarked. The mannequin he was fiddling with when you walked in was the next thing you investigated. The purple fabric was a silk print, you had a feeling he like expensive fabric. "Do you mind if I talk while you sketch?" You asked, rubbing the purple silk between your fingers. "Not at all, please do actually!" He beamed, looking over at you, not surprised at your interest in the fabric since it has been his new obsession. "Ok, thank you." You paused for a moment before asking, "So what are you planning to do with this?" You looked over at him and held up a piece that wasn't pinned to the mannequin. Shuu looked up for a moment before going back to sketching, "I'm not too sure, I just fell in love with the pattern and color and just knew I had to make something out of it, even if it doesn't make it into my collection!" He chimed, hopping off the desk to join you by the mannequin, "But, what was intriguing me was starting a line of lingerie highlighting the color or pattern." You nodded, gazing over at him when he came over, "I think it's a good idea, it's new for you right? You do mainly gowns and high fashion, so personally I think it's a good idea. I've always admired designers and artists who step out of their comfort zones every once in a while." Shuu rubbed his chin and thought over your words, smiling as he spoke, "I appreciate the input, I'll certainly take them into consideration." He replied, "Now walk with me, I want to introduce you to the rest of my staff." The flamboyant man led you around his work place, introducing you to the designers and interns who worked beneath him, as well as the other secretary, Ken Kaneki, who you thought was definitely the glue to Tsukiyama at times. But all in all, everyone was very nice to you, and you thought it was actually going to be pleasant working as a 'muse' here. -- As the days working for Shuu progressed, you slowly adjusted to him and his style of work. You noticed he worked in bursts of effort, being broken up by frequent breaks to talk to you normally or to walk around the place. There was also the fact he had a weird attraction towards Kaneki, which you later learned from Kaneki himself that Shuu tried to make him his muse after he started working as a secretary, but obviously refused. It was odd really, how easy it was to adapt to the man. You usually didn't hang around people of his personality type, but here you were, being a muse and rather close friend to one. Shuu sometimes would have you accompany him to his boutiques around the place, even having to fly to New York with him for two days. It was exhausting, but a fun little adventure for you. And the pay was sickeningly well. You haven't been paid this much for any job you've ever done in you life. You are being paid so well by Tsukiyama that two months after working for him, you were able to move yourself into a bigger and nicer apartment that actually allowed you to have pets. Now you didn't have to keep you cat a secret. Life was starting to lighten up for you, and be something you liked waking up to. You enjoyed talking with Shuu, and everyone else of course, but especially him. It was kind of an attachment. He would make you strip and try on different clothing pieces every day, and wearing such expensive clothing and having real conversations with an equally expensive man was amazing. You didn't have many friends up until this point in your life. "[Name]?" Shuu called you from your thoughts, "Are you ok? You seem a little spaced today." He commented in a worried tone. You smiled at him and shook your head, "I'm fine, thank you, just a little stuck in the clouds lately, so nothing bad." You replied, standing up from where you sat in one of the chairs in his office. Today you were wearing one of his prototype wedding gowns, trying to create more wedding gowns to form a collection. It had lace sleeves and a high neck, contradicting the key-hole back of the dress that poofed out into a ball gown. It was a very princess-type dress. Shuu had also made sure you had your hair pinned out of your face today, "Are you sure? We can call it a day if you're unwell or just need a break. In three, almost four months, you've never had a sick day so I wouldn't hold it against you." Though it was scarring you how concerned he was for you, you brushed it off with another convincing half-smile, "Shuu," You hardly referred to him with his first name, "If I needed a break, I would let you know." You paused before playfully adding, "Do you need a break Mr. Tsukiyama?" The said man chuckled in front of you and set aside his sketchbook, "How about we go out for lunch?" He asked. "Sure, should I change? Or would you like me to show off your beautiful design Mr. Tsukiyama?" Tsukiyama knew there was something still on your mind, but since you were slowly starting to return to your same self, he would let you work through it until you wanted to tell him, if you wanted, "You can change if you'd like." He stood, "I'm going to go see if Kaneki or Kanae would like to join us." With that, he slipped out of his office. You changed out of the gown easily and changed into your clothes that were folded on his desk. You found Tsukiyama by the front desk talking with Kanae, who smiled as you approached. "Glad you are ready cherié!" Shuu beamed as you walked over, "Kanae isn't going to come with us, but we do have to pick them up something on the way back. But Kaneki is coming, and now we just have to wait for him." You nodded. "Alright, sounds good." Soon enough, the dark-haired boy arrived and the three of you headed out to some Italian bistro that Shuu said he's been 'dying' to try. Kaneki whispered he probably saw it on his was to work this morning. The bistro was only three blocks away, so you decided to walk. But as you guys chatted on your way to lunch, you started getting cat-called at. "Hey, nice ass sweetheart." A construction worked called out to you. You gritted your teeth before replying in a sickly sweet voice, "Why thank you asshole, why don't you shut the fuck up." Neither Shuu nor Kaneki have heard you curse before, so they were stunned for a moment, "Why don't you keep it on your pants before you embarrass yourself." You were going to flip him off as well, but you decided against it, thinking that would be a little too much. "Fucking bitch, just take the damn compliment." He seethed, but you didn't care. You were about to go off again, but Shuu surprised you by stopping you and speaking up himself, "I would appreciate it if you didn't talk to my girlfriend that way or you'll have a lawsuit on your doorstep tomorrow that you won't want to pay." It seemed like the man must have recognized Shuu from tv or something, because he paled and instantly apologized and went back to whatever he was doing. The three of you started walking to the restaurant, and didn't speak until you were seated. "I didn't know you were so well spoken [Name]." Kaneki complimented as he sipped his tea. You smiled, "Thank you, I've had my fair share of cat-calls in my days, so I have to have a defense ready." You looked over at Shuu, "And thank you for your help as well too Shuu." Shuu smiled at you, a nice smile actually, not one of those fake smiles he gave the press, "It's no problem [Name], anything for you, I don't ever want to hear someone talk to you like that ever again, so I will make it my mission to protect you!" He beamed, making you and Kaneki giggle at the claim. "I appreciate that, thank you, but really," You brushed some of your bangs out of your face, "It's not the first time, and it certainly will not be the last time so unless you plan to accompany me everywhere, you mission for protecting me may be a loss." Kaneki glanced at Shuu, you noticed the look and narrowed your eyes at the designer, something was up. 
"Well [Name] I guess you'll just really have to become my girlfriend so I can protect you properly." Shuu replied smoothly, holding his chin in his hand as he stared at you from across the table. 
Sure it wasn't the most romantic way you've been asked out before, but you've never blushed harder in your life. 
You averted your eyes and covered your mouth with you hand in effort to hid the blush, but you knew it was a loss. 
"Ah Tsukiyama, that's very nice of you!" Kaneki beamed, trying to help you out, but was failing. 
"R-Right..." You mumbled. 
"So [Name], what do you say? Will you inspire me outside of work and be my muse for every aspect of my life?" He asked, you could see the sparkle in his eye he got when an idea would hit him during your sketching sessions. 
Behind your hand you were grinning madly, it really was so sweet, "I would love to," Shuu beamed at you, "But I kind of really need this job, so if you can get me a new job, then I'll say yes." You tried to bargain. 
"Why would you need a new job?" Kaneki asked, genuinely confused by your statement. 
You sighed, "Because of if and when the media gets ahold of this and finds out that the internationally known designer Shuu Tsukiyama is dating one of his employees, they'll have a field day. And I couldn't do that to Mr. Tsukiyama." You explained. 
You expected Shuu to understand where you were coming from, but he just scoffed, "Then move in with me," He leaned towards you, "If it's financial reasons behind the publicity reasons, you can move in with me and I'll buy you everything you want, and you can still be my muse." 
He must have been feeling like this towards you for a while, because he was willing to bribe you into dating him. 
There was a not-so heavy silence in the air. 
"You'd do that for me?" You whispered. 
"Of course I would! In a heartbeat." Shuu assured you, and though Kaneki felt like the third wheel, he felt honored to witness something so sweet. 
You let yourself smile as you nodded, "Ok." It was short and simple, but everything Tsukiyama needed to hear. 
"Great! Call your landlord tomorrow, you'll move in as soon as possible." Shuu cheered and grasped your hands to place a dozen kiss on the backs, making you laugh. 
"Alright I'll do that, but I have a cat too, I hope that's ok." You commented. 
"Oui, perfectly fine with me." He said in the midst of his flurry of kisses. 
And to think you were astonished by finding your life wonderful for once by having people around you that you cared about. 
They cared more about you too than you originally thought. 
It gave you more hope to life because it seemed it was more amazing than meets the eye.
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themandalalady · 7 years
I felt a bit ambitious today. Earlier this year I worked on four mandala meditation stones without finishing them. Like little puppies wanting attention, these four stones caught my eye. What could I do? They seem much happier now that they’re done.
btw: for all the updates to these stones, I used a variety of gel pens (some are visible in the background); I used acrylic paint for their foundation.
So here they are in alphabetical order:
Andromeda Mandala Meditation Stone
[Select an image for a larger view]
1 – it begins here
2 – add blue spirals
3 – add white spirals and “stars” within black hole; add yellow highlight to blue spirals
4 – add green metallic “leaves”
5 – add black shadow and detail lines
6 – add light blue dots to mandala
7a – completed stone: bottom view
7b – completed stone: right side view
7c – completed stone: top & left side view
MMS Andromeda: 7d – completed stone: overhead view
7e – completed stone: backview
Andromeda inspires us to explore new worlds, to boldly go where we have yet to go…in both our inner and outer worlds. Looks like a great place to visit.
Forgive Mandala Meditation Stone
[Select an image for a larger view]
1 – I begin here
2 – add dark and light greens, and gold dots
4 – add dark and light blues, and silver dots
5 – add orange and hot pinks with bronzy highlights
6a – completed stone – front view
6b – completed stone – right side view
6c – completed stone – top view
6d – completed stone – left side view
6e – completed stone – overhead view
6f – completed stone – back view
Except for Love, the idea of forgiveness is probably one of the most challenging one we face throughout our lifetime. We are under the misguided notion that if we forgive someone we are condoning what they are doing or did.
Understand that the idea of forgiveness is for ourselves. For without it, we hold on to and perpetuate our own suffering, often without the person who “caused us the harm” even knowing anything OF our suffering.
To take it a step further…when we truly forgive on all levels (body, mind, and spirit), we ultimately end up forgiving ourselves for making the initial decision (often unconsciously or by habit) to take on the suffering in the first place. whew! breathe through that one.
Even today I need to forgive myself for messing up the numbers in the “Forgive” photos. 🙂
I Yam What I Yam Mandala Meditation Stone
[Select an image for a larger view]
1 – I begin here
2 – add yellow highlights to inner flower and its dots
3 – tone down the green with a lighter green
5a – completed stone overhead view
5b – completed stone right side view
5c – completed stone top side view
5d – completed stone left side view
5e – completed stone back side view
I grew up watching Popeye cartoons and Popeye often said “I am what I am” however when he says it, it sounds more like he’s saying “I yam what I yam”. IYWIY reminds us that in order to move forward we need to know where we are; to accept who and what we are in this moment. From there we create a clearer view of what needs to happen next. All the while, though, IYWIY encourages us to stop taking ourselves so seriously…and eat your spinach!
The Path Mandala Meditation Stone
[Select an image for a larger view]
1 – I begin here
2 – add copper lines inside and black lines outside the while gold section
3 – add black shadow lines on ‘sun flower’
4 – add white highlight lines on ‘sun flower’
5 – add yellow dots around and in the ‘sun flower’
6 – add dark purple dots and lines around and in the ‘sun flower’
7 – add yellow lines to gold section
8 – add white sketch of mountains in copper section
9 – add green lines to mountains and yellow outline to copper section
10a – completed stone bottom view
10b – completed stone right side view
10c – completed stone top view
10d – completed stone left side view
10e – completed stone overhead view
10f – completed stone back view
I’m regularly asked during readings “am I on the right path”? “The Path” stone asks us to let go of the idea of “right” or “wrong” paths. We are on the path that we are on. If the path we’re on is less satisfying then let’s say another path, then change the path. Ultimately, though, our path is the exploration of this dense human experience, in this 3d/time/space holodeck.
In the end, know that all “paths” lead to “Rome” (enlightenment)…some people take the thruway while others take the longer, more scenic route. It ours to choose.
About the Mandalas of the Day:
I post a variety of in-progress art for that day which can include mandalas from the Mandala of the Week, the Mandala of the Month, the Mandala of the Year, or the Mandala Meditation Stones.
Happy Coloring!
joyfully, Maureen www.TheMandalaLady.com
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2017-191: 4 Mandala Meditation Stones I felt a bit ambitious today. Earlier this year I worked on four mandala meditation stones without finishing them.
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worldbuildguild · 5 years
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Hello! I finally got to start digital art but my main problem is coloring, I can’t seem to figure how exactly to color my character and when I do you can tell her face disappears. My problem is rlly just coloring/blending/shading in general, I can only do flats :( (btw I posted smthg last summer wanted to thank y'all, I’ve gotten better at anatomy :DD)
Hi! This character is very cute!
Just to start off, you’ve drawn this character on a white canvas. When drawing characters with a lot of white in their colour schemes, as you have with the shirt and tights, I would recommend drawing on a background with a midtone like a grey or beige. That way, you can avoid a lot of problems that come with readability and eye strain.
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So now that we have this sketch on a more mid-toned background, we can get into colour.
The easiest way to to check if your colours are working is the convert the image greyscale and look the values, i.e. the amount of lightness or darkness in a colour.
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The colours that you used in your initial piece, while nice, are heavily weighted on the Pure White and Pure Black sides of the value spectrum.
When it comes to colouring it’s important to avoid Pure Black and Pure White. By putting down Pure Black or Pure White in your base colours, you are defining the brightest and darkest points of a piece. If the hair is Pure Black, you won’t be able to shade on it, because that’s as dark as the colours will go. It’s the same with Pure White. If you make the shirt Pure White, there’s no way lighting will show up on it.
To make the colours more readable, we are going to have to build up the contrast in value. We want keep the skin tone the same, so we’ll keep that the common ground between the two palettes.
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So what I’ve done is I’ve taken your skin colour, which is in the warm range, and matched your other colours to it. Make the hair a little lighter and more saturated, the top darker and more orange, and the purple coming slightly more into violet. Keeping these in the warm range keeps them vaugely analagous (close in hue) and can make it very appealing to the eye.
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Now that we have the flats laid down, we can see that the skin is still sort of dissapearing. A great way to fix that is to add highlights to the skin. Dark skin reflects light very well, and patches that show where the light is bouncing off the skin can not only define your light source, which helps in the lighting and shading stage, but it also can resolve the disappearing features problem that we’ve been trying to solve.
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Add highlights to the points of contact, cheekbones, forehead, and the sides of the nose. This can change depending on what light source you are using, but you can use real life pictures as reference!
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There’s a great example of this in this post by tumblr user peachdeluxe, which is a fantastic reference for drawing dark skin. I’d highly recommend reading that post and checking the #drawingwhileblack hashtag on twitter (also mentioned in the post!)
As for the lighting and shading part of this question, I would suggest checking out our lighting and shading tags!
I hope this helps, and congratulations on the improvement!
- Mod Vain (kofi)
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