#the quality is pretty bad sorry... 🥲
choi-soobin · 8 months
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merlucide · 1 month
(If it’s too much characters just do a few 😭💀)
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Notes: OFC POOKIE🤩🤩 and hair slays so hard omg 🤭 slay the house downs boots Houston I’m deceased😍😍
characters: Rin, Chigiri, Otoya, Reo, Hiori, Kurona
warnings: cursing
Edit: oh my god I freaking misread this. ARE U KIDDING ME?!?! IM SO SORRY OMG. UH??? IM SO PISSED RN
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He was stopping by your house to give back your hair tie (yes that is his excuse to see you)
He did not expect you have cut your hair and NOT tell him
Bc girl who do you think you are for not telling him?? 🙄 
He likes to feel involved😔
“You cut your hair.” No shit Sherlock 😐
lmao he kinda glares at you for not telling him. 
When yall cuddle (only way he’ll be in a better mood) he twirls you hair around and mumbles ‘it’s looks pretty on you’ 
And you’ll be like “what did you say?” 😯
“I didn’t say anything moron.” 😡
damn bro chill🙄🙄
Anywho he totally tries to do your hair, he’s not bad but like he’s not good
He can do basic braids, he tried French braiding and he got so pissed he couldn’t do it.
He went home and YouTubed how to French braid so next time he can’t do it 😘
He thinks you look so pretty!! He really loves this look on you
He of course loved your hair before, but this one in his opinion, suits you better
He totally does your hair bc come on.
You want French braids? On it. Dutch? Ofc. Fishtail? Rope? Infinity? Carousel? Mermaid? Check, check and check mf 🤩
Beware, he yanks you head back if it’s tilted. He’s like a mom getting you ready for picture day 😭
He makes you do his hair after lol
He looks at you hair and then back at you
“Your hair looks fire bro”
Bitch I’ll strangle you
Please, please don’t let him touch your hair.
He make make it look horrendous.
It will be full of knots when he’s finished. 
Seriously, don’t let him near your hair.
He’ll try to do piggy tails and they will be so uneven and wonky looking 😭
He blames his mistakes on you cus it’s “not the right kind of hair” 
He gets so excited to see your new look
Makes you do a spin and all :3
He’s literally fangirling you lmao
“Y/N-san you look amazing! This haircut suits you wonderfully!!”
He insists on buying you new hair accessories.
I’m sorry I know I use the ‘he’d buy u stuff’ sm 💀 
He’s actually pretty decent at doing your hair.
Puts a big ass bow in you hair lmao
He loves you new look!
He tells you that it was time for something new and he loves it (not in a negative way)
he ruffles you hair lmao
like it was so pretty 🥲 why
he fixes it dw
Puts you hair in piggy tails and then y’all take those cute aesthetic couple pictures
he’s so blushy and gushy cus he thinks it looks really good on you.
He flicks the bottoms out and spins you around so he can see everything.
Obviously he braids your hair🤭
he does like small braids into a jumbo braid
It looks weird but he just likes braiding lmao
you braid his hair after :3 
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seriously idk why this took so long for the low quality that this is 💀💀
Made April 7th 2024
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qawcamiz · 1 year
Hello! I wanted to ask for alhaitham smut just like your xiao smut, but alhaitham is the streamer. maybe like he's friends with y/n or roommates... then he caught her masturbating to his stream. 🥲 I'm sorry I just want this man to eat me out so bad 😫
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WARNINGS: 18+ themes, sexual content, masturbation, penetration, fingering, oral sex (reader receiving), voyeur, edging (slight), humiliation, domination, Al haitham!camboy x fem!reader, etc.
"T-Touch me, I know you want to..."
"Oh, I do and I will."
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Each evening, without fail, you would access your computer and navigate to a specific webpage solely to observe a particular alluring broadcaster who had been stirring up emotions inside you for several weeks. you were engrossed with the way the streamer's hair appeared untidy all the time, even though you couldn't view his face.
He always concealed it behind a puzzling mask that appeared completely impenetrable, Occasionally he would expose an amused smile to anyone who happened to be watching him on the screen.
The initial moment that you stumbled upon his channel happened while you were having a meaningful conversation with your friend. Without any prior notice, your friend recommended that you should watch this user's provocative streams, which left you feeling surprised initially. but, now you find yourself completely enamored by the streamer.
Even though his face was somewhat obscured, it was fortunate to anyone who saw him that he was very handsome, in particular, his abs were so well-sculped they were impossible to ignore. The length of his legs and the outline of his jaw were impressive feats of physical perfection, and his eyes were simply mesmerizing. altogether, his appearance was quite simply the most stunning thing anyone had ever seen.
His tone wasn't only soothing but also had a certain allure to it that could render people helpless. His words had a bewitching quality, especially when he used them to praise his audience to captivate them. Each time he spoke, his voice was so tempting that it had the effect of weakening people's knees, making them feel as though they were under his spell.
The identity of the person behind the mask may still be unknown to others, and this can cause a sense of mystery or intrigue. Yet, the fact that you were aware of their identity can change the way you perceive the situation.
To be frank, it's pretty clear that when you first saw his stream, your intuition kicked in and you recognized him instantly. Interestingly, the individual who causes you to feel extremely satisfied is none other than your roommate.
It's extremely frustrating to witness his behavior, as he seems to possess an unearned sense of superiority. He believes that his vast knowledge exempts him from needing to put in any effort, and this arrogance is very apparent in his demeanor.
Although it's undeniable that he's well-informed, he acts as if he's omniscient and better than everyone else, which is extremely aggravating. It's difficult to have a conversation with him without feeling belittled or patronized. his attitude is just insufferable. You've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it's clear that he's not going to change his ways. you just don't understand how anyone can stand to be around him.
You tried to keep watching, but you couldn't help feeling like you were intruding on something intimate. The streamer's words and actions created a sensation of tension and anticipation, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable. His bold and flirtatious behavior made you uneasy, making it difficult for you to keep your cool to the point you can't bring yourself to turn away from the screen
You find yourself constantly checking his social media and waiting eagerly for him to go live on his stream. Despite your best efforts to suppress your feelings, they still overpower you every time you receive a notification that he has begun streaming.
Your body responds automatically, becoming moist and your heart beating uncontrollably. You attempt to hide your trembling hands, but the powerful emotions inside of you only seem to intensify, making it difficult to resist. This feeling seems to consume you from time to time and there's nothing you can do to help it.
You whispered "Al Haitham..." and let out a contented sigh. He flashed a grin at the camera, using his finger to playfully stimulate the tip of his cock. The streamer was skilled at captivating his audience with such actions, as his fingers carefully glided up and down. The sensations were almost overwhelming, and you felt a rush of pleasure building inside of you. As he continued to tease himself, you couldn't resist any longer and began to play with yourself, feeling the perfect rhythm between his actions and your own.
You felt a mix of excitement and apprehension, unsure of how far things would go. His gaze met yours through the screen. and you knew what you wanted to happen. As you closed your eyes and unzipped your shorts, you struggled to control your shaking hand. It was hard to focus on anything else, but you took a deep breath and opened your eyes.
That's when you saw he had also unzipped his pants, and you could see his erection. The sight that made your heart race and feels your throat tighten whenever you swallow. Even though you were feeling intensely aroused, there was a part of you that was also nervous and unsure about what was going to happen next. attempting to calm yourself down and focus on the moment, but it was difficult to shake off the intensity of the situation.
It was as if he could sense your pleasure, as he started to increase his movements, driving you even closer to ecstasy. You let out a soft moan, unable to contain the pleasure that was consuming you. The streamer looked directly at the camera, giving you a naughty grin that made your heart race. You knew that this was just the beginning of an unforgettable experience.
As your heart raced, you found yourself gasping for breath, eager for him to reach his climax. You bit down harder on your lip, feeling the anticipation building in your body as your private area throbbed with desire. Eventually, he reached his climax and you experienced an orgasm as well. Feeling your pussy clench and release around your fingers as you rode the waves of pleasure that washed over you.
you collapsed on your bed in front of the computer, taking deep breaths and trying to catch your breath. you felt exhausted and weak and didn't know what to do next. you didn't know he had ended his stream while you were busy, staring at the ceiling— wondering why you were like this.
After collapsing onto your bed while still in front of the computer, you struggled to catch your breath and felt completely drained. Your mind was lost, and you didn't know how to proceed further. Unaware that the stream had ended while you were lost in your thoughts, you remained lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. You couldn't help but question yourself about why you were feeling so drained and helpless.
The sudden shock caused your heart to race, and you immediately turned your gaze toward the entrance to your room. To your utter surprise, Al Haitham was standing there, staring at you who was laying on the bed completely naked. A string of profanities raced through your mind as you panicked, quickly trying to find something to cover yourself with so you wouldn't be completely exposed to him. It was an embarrassing and awkward situation that you wished the bed would swallow you. You wondered how long he had been standing there and what he must've thought of the sight that greeted him.
"Ever heard of knocking?!" You cried out frantically while attempting to conceal yourself under the blanket. Al Haitham gazed at you with an ambiguous expression, before shifting his attention to your laptop. Acting quickly, you sat up and closed it.
"knock? Your door was left wide open, almost like an invitation for me to walk in and catch you indulging in the fantasy of me."
"You don't need to conceal it, y/n," he states as he moves towards you. Your body reflexively reacts by creating space between the two of you. He notices and comments, "It appears to me like you had a good time— you were so absorbed that you almost lost consciousness." The smirk on his face makes you feel angry and frustrated. At that moment, you wish you could slap him and disappear into thin air.
He asked if you were crazy and if you had pleasure in witnessing him watch his actions through the means of your electronic device. As he spoke, you began to respond but ultimately decided to remain silent due to the embarrassment of being caught in the act of self-pleasure while observing him. No words could convey your feelings of shame and vulnerability.
"Did you enjoy seeing me naked?"
"Did you imagine your fingers were mine?"
"Did you—"
You stammered, "Shut it!" as your cheeks flushed red and your heartbeat quickened in shame. You felt tension mounting inside you, and tears welling up in your eyes as you could not take his teasing any longer. In an attempt to retaliate, you hurled a pillow at him. Though you expected him to catch it, you were taken aback when he placed it beside you
You averted your gaze from his face and tried to step back, but he placed a gentle hand on your arm, preventing you from retreating. His voice was barely audible as he asked, "Want my help, y/n?" He leaned in closer, and you could sense the warmth of his breath on your cheek. You stared at him with a startled expression, as though he were under some kind of spell. instead of making eye contact with him, you chose to look down at the floor.
You wanted to say 'yes' and accept his offer, but fear held you back. You managed to keep your composure and avoided making eye contact with him to hide your trepidation about what might happen if you agreed to his proposal.
You couldn't handle the silence anymore and blurted out, "Stop pretending like it was only me who wanted this. I'm well aware that you think of me whenever you pleasure yourself, so don't act like you're clueless!" You stuttered and stumbled over your words, but you couldn't take them back now. You'd already confessed, and there was no going back.
You looked at him, willing him to say something, anything to alleviate the embarrassment that was overwhelming you. But he just stood there, expressionless, and it only made you feel worse. You worried that maybe you were just imagining things, that he wasn't thinking about you at all when he touched himself. His lack of response left you feeling even more exposed and vulnerable.
"How did you know?"
"I-... You said it yourself, Y-You said that you wanted to fuck your... roommate!" You pointed at him accusingly,
'She behaves in a way that makes me feel subordinate to her, causing me to feel aroused. Additionally, she resides in the same household as me.'
You kept replaying those specific words that he uttered in your mind, unable to erase them, as they had engraved themselves in your sanity like an everlasting symbol. You were certain those same words were intended for you and nobody else.
"I didn't say that I wanted to 'fuck' you, I only said that you turn me on."
"I-It's the same thing, man!"
He laughed at you and found your sudden behavior amusing. You glanced down at his trousers and noticed a protuberance in his denim, causing your cheeks to turn red with embarrassment. "Al Haitham," you murmured in a trembling voice.
You took a deep breath, a surge of frustration and anger built up inside you, and you fought hard to keep it in as you uttered the words, "If you feel like touching me, go... go ahead." Though you tried your best to sound collected, it was clear that your voice was shaking under the intensity of his stare.
While it wasn't a matter of life or death, asking for it required an immense amount of courage. You had to force yourself not to scream or shout, managing to keep your emotions in check. Despite feeling nervous and trembling, you somehow mustered the courage to let him know what was on your mind.
"T-Touch me. I know you want to..."
"Oh, I do and I will."
He made eye contact with you and smirked before seizing your legs. As a result, your knee buckled, and you stumbled back and landed on the bed with a thud. He sat on top of you and straddled you while remarking, "You're pretty wet down here, y/n." teasingly.
"Fuck you..." you glared at him.
"don't worry, y/n. you will."
Oh my.
He continued his ministrations, varying the pressure and speed of his fingers in a way that kept you on the brink of ecstasy. You writhed beneath him, unable to control the reactions of your body as he stimulated you. you let out a groan of pleasure as he focused on your clit, using expert movements to send even stronger waves of sensation through your core. Your hips moved in rhythm with his fingers, bucking involuntarily as the pleasure coursed through you.
"Behave, y/n."
He withdrew his fingers from your core, causing you to exhale sharply at the sudden absence. But he wasted no time and replaced them with his skilled tongue, encircling your clitoris with his lips as he applied gentle pressure. The sensation was overwhelming, making you arch your back and moan out loud with pressure. You felt his warm breath on your skin as he licked and sucked with expert precision, sending wave after wave of pleasure through your body.
As he worked his way up to your earlobe, you couldn't help but let out small gasps of pleasure. Your fingers ran through his hair as you pulled him closer to you, wanting more of him. Your body was ablaze with pleasure as he skillfully brought you closer and closer to the edge.
Every nerve ending tingled with excitement, and you surrendered completely to his touch. Ashe nibbled on your earlobe and continued to tease and please you, your mind went blank as you were engulfed in waves of ecstasy. Each touch of his lips on your skin sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but moan his name.
"Please... don't stop," you pleaded, as you grasped onto his gray hair to anchor yourself and bring him closer to your opening. "I won't." He assured you that he wouldn't stop as he persistently pleasured you, causing you to cry out his name as he focused on a particularly sensitive area until you reach climax.
As he worked his magic, bringing you to new heights of pleasure, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the point of no return. And just when you thought you couldn't handle it anymore, he brought you over the edge, and you cried out in ecstasy. your body began to shudder from pure exhilaration, as waves of pleasure washed over you. He swallowed your juices, not wasting a single drop before crawling up to check on you.
As you observed him, you thought about the different types of kisses and wondered if he would be a sensual or intense kisser. Either way, you were eager to kiss and experience the sensation of his lips on yours. You couldn't help but trace your lips with your fingers, imagining how delicate and silky they must feel. If he had kissed you already, you feared that you might have been rendered speechless, feeling fragile in his arms. You couldn't shake off the thought of what could have been if only you had the opportunity to kiss him earlier. It felt like the missing puzzle piece in an otherwise perfect moment.
'Only one way to find out.'
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strongheartneteyam · 5 months
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here's the final result of my na'vi choker (sorry for the bad quality of the pic lol my phone's front camera sucks)
I like it so much 🥲🤍💙🌿🤎
I'm gonna tag you guys because y'all said it was pretty when I was in the process of making it 🥰
@hiddensnow1 @anika-rose-walker @tallulah477
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cliowo · 2 months
In this essay, i will explain the reasons why sky children of the light has become an increasingly unwelcoming game to new players and veterans alike-
Yeah yeah i usually only share my words here but tumblr feels like a really comfy place for me to share unfiltered thoughts and i needed somewhere to vent ig (skip if you have no idea what I'm talking about)
When I first started playing in prophecy, sky was a really fun game. We didn't have the request for a guide function then and I'm actually really grateful for it because the joy was in exploring each of the different realms and season areas on my own and randomly stumbling across spirits whose stories were waiting for me to discover. Maybe it was because I was a dumb moth - i didn't even know how to access seasonal spirits trees - but the pressure to cr just wasn't as intense as it is for moths today. The back to back seasons and "days of" events seem to have sucked the fun of exploring the world of sky for moths because they're so focused on grinding for candles/hearts/event currency that they just dont slow to smell the in-game roses anymore. And the thing is I get it because there's just so many new cosmetics as well as older ones from past seasons and events to farm for.
I mean sure you don't have to collect every cosmetic but 1 cape costs like 70 candles on average, same for a pair of pants iirc, a prop/acessory at 40-70 candles (70 if its an instrument??) , and hair at around 40-50 candles; and the best part is you can only earn 20-21 candles max in 1 reset 🤡 Add all of that plus the need to look for event currency in fear of facing such prices in the event rerun and you get stressed out moths facing existential crises every 2 weeks when ts arrives😀 Sorry moths, the economy is bad irl and just as bad in sky.
And what of the veterans? Yeah, well, we get no friends as everyone starts to quit the game and those that stay live off copium revisiting the places we once visited with friends- Or maybe that's just me
New friends, you say? *cue flashback to moths begging for help with cr* we exchanged like maybe 5 sentences max at chat benches🥲 i have nothing against helping out but it does make it difficult to form a bond when they disappear right after and you fade into their constellation of ubers
And then we have the seasons.
... Honestly the only season that made an impression with me after aurora was the recently concluded season of the 9 coloured deer, which was also another collab season💀
I actually had to check the sky wiki for this:
Remembrance - ironically very forgettable. What was the story again? Was it the one with the group of spirits living in one specific hole in vault like why- vault is bigger than that sad hole- OH THE PLUSHIES okay maybe this one was passable... im trying okay
Passage - ??? Havent finished this season's quests so uh- so far it seems like... a cult..? In isle...?
Moments - if they wanted a camera in-game, they could have just added it to like the days of sunlight event (the camping one) or smtg. They did not have to force a season for a camera💀 imho the camera was the only thing worth mentioning abt this season and i don't even take pictures
Revival - i suppose aviary is pretty and it's nice that the spirits have somewhere to stay now. Not particularly impressed. Don't really remember the story in this one.
...i heard rumours of a furniture season after the 9 coloured deer. Looking forward to hearing what they'll name this one lmao
The quality of "days of" events is still acceptable to me. Just maybe ignore the numerous iaps and the fact that we have multiple umbrellas but only 1 is f2p (don't understand whats up w that btw)
And also the recurring bugs💀 I've been playing for at least 3 years and I've faced these bugs/problems multiple times:
1. Unable to light frends constellations because the screen just yeets itself into oblivion or some random environment feature where i cant press the button
2. Game crashes (after every update istg-)
3. Splitting servers
4. Sky discrimination and gate keeping, aka refusing to let me open the game
5. Being unable to collect currency/dailies (it's not my internet i checked)
The lack of compensation is another matter entirely
I don't know man I'm tired. The only reason why I still have it installed is because it's my only link to the people I used to have fun and relax with. Not everyone has discord or insta or some other social media.
If you made it this far thank you for coming to my ted talk. Feel free to leave your thoughts- just remember to be respectful
The sky economy is bad. For everyone. Moths (and maybe even vets) are stressed out and vets are losing friends. The seasons are increasingly dull and the long-lived bugs are frustrating.
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the-roo-too · 1 year
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candy -> lily jin morrow ver.
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- you listen to her banter about the most random things, be it music or books. she sometimes stops middle sentence and glances at you to see if you’re listening :(( and when she sees she has all your attentions she just goes 🤭🤭🤭
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- lily likes your eyes. sappy remarks about how pretty are your eyes and how much she loves them? yes :((
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- you on her side while she hogs you to her chest. it’s like having a bear wrapped around you
dates (what’s her ideal date)- lily will 100% make you listen to taylor swift while eating ice cream. she also definitely tells you all the little details and references
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- very verbal, lily thinks communication is the most important thing. you can mostly tell what she’s feeling based on the little noises she likes to make
family (does she want one)- yes, but she doesn’t need one. if you don’t want to start a family, she’s not pushing you into anything. but she’d like to have a mini lily or mini you <3
gifts (what about gift giving)- she doesn’t really care tbh, like it’s v nice if you give her something every once in a while but she prefers gestures over gifts. expect her to go all out on valentines tho! she’s gonna buy you a big ass bouquet and serenade her love <33
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- she loves to! when you’re walking together she physically needs to have skin to skin contact with you :((( that assures her you’re still there with her and nothing bad happened
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt?)- unexpectedly, she’s really calm about it. if it’s a minor thing, lily will just help you herself and give you a smooch afterwards. if something more major happened, like you broke something, she’s gonna be nursing you back to health with cuddles after you come back from the doctor
jokes (does she like to joke around)- i’m sorry but lily is a loser with bad pick up lines 😭 bonus points for her because she tries to make up most of them
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- loud smooches on your cheek, bonus points if someone is around. she just wants to show you her love mwah <33
love (what’s her love language)- lily sings to you. that’s it. you passed a hard exam? she’s gonna perform one-man-musical to you. failed the exam? she’s gonna perform sad songs to cheer you up
memory (what’s favorite memory together)- your first date! she was so nervous but her members made her go and she had so much fun :((( poor baby was stuttering but when she saw how nervous you were she kinda calmed down and everything went great
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- lily’s a calm sleeper in the sense that she doesn’t move that much. she could go to sleep on her back with you on her side, and you wake up curled somewhere between her legs while she hasn’t moved 🥲
oddity (what’s a quirky thing about her)- she’s a book nerd. you could be sitting and drinking your tea and she bursts in, saying the author you once mentioned 7 months ago that you said had one book very cool just dropped another book that she read is very similar to the one you liked and she ordered it for you and would you like to read it with her when it arrives
pet names (what does she like to call you)- baby, my love, cutie, prettiest <33 she likes the very cute nicknames :(( pls call tell her every day she’s lovely
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- i think lily would love it if you sang with her. doesn’t matter what song but hearing her voice with yours brings her so much happiness
rush (does she rush into things)- lily takes her time with more important stuff like moving together, but small spontaneous acts of love are normal with her
secrets (how open is she with you)- secrets on special occasions, like birthdays. other than that, you know everything, including all the idol drama she hears
time (how long did it take her to confess)- a loser at heart, she wouldn’t confess if sullyoon didn’t accidentally talk her out to you yoona likes to remind her she’s the reason lily and you are together
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- she’s a little slow sometimes so she might not even notice she made you upset. if you got sad at someone else, she’s throwing hands, shoes, wigs and all that. if she’s the cause of your bad moon, she probably makes you some hot tea and brings it to you with the biggest pout ever
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- of course she’s cautious, but once she gets the green light from her manager to come out, nothing will stop her.
warrior (how often do you fight)- you fight only if the problem is coming from her to be honest. if you’re the one that was mad, she already talked it all out calmly. but on the rare occasions she gets angry, oh boy
x-ray (how well can she read you)- the glasses must give her some superpowers because she can read you like an open book; both your body language and your expressions
yes (how would she propose)- lily is a poor little romantic at heart, she’d get all the girls to help her. someone would keep you busy and lead you to the exact restaurant she took you to on your first date, where she would be already waiting. i feel like she’d also write you a song to propose
zen (what makes her feel calm)- laying with you with her hand rubbing your tummy :(( something about that just makes her feel so safe and comfy, you’re her personal teddy bear
part of [the fluff series]
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scorpioracha · 2 years
Dating Jisung
Hey guys!! I’m so sorry for the wait on sungie, College has been beating my ass💀 but it is almost sungie day so I have a special surprise for y’all then as a repayment for my month long ✨hiatus✨🥲 yktv likes,reblogs,comments and cute lil tags make my heart happy. I hope you enjoy!!
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-where do I begin with this boy? When it comes to dating Jisung first and foremost you are never alone. He’s always with you in some way,shape or form, whether physically in the room,on the phone or in tiny little notes around the house.
-Like many of the boys it’s giving very much so friends to lovers. But the line where you went from friends to lovers is honestly quite blurred. Y’all don’t even have an anniversary 💀
-But he’s not one for big spectacles or holidays anyways. It makes him anxious and he’d rather show his appreciation for you in other ways—he’s a quality time kind of guy.
-take them tiddies out cause he tryna see ‘em am to the pm double d ‘em and he need ‘em😫
-Jisung loves him some tiddies. He loves big tiddies,small tiddies,saggy tiddies,perky tiddies,etc. He does not discriminate, if he can get his hands or his mouth on them he’s a happy man.
-the type to just stick his hands up your shirt when you’re alone. Those are no longer just your tiddies, but with the amount of pretty bras he buys you, he’s definitely pulling his weight.
-I can not stress how the line between platonic and romantic simply had not existed between the two of you in years
-Whatever boundaries may have existed between the two of you absolutely melted into particles and floated into the stratosphere
-they say not to get too comfortable in your relationship too early but you guys have always been extremely comfy with each other. Very much so taking a shit in the bathroom while you’re in the shower
-Late night cuddles on the couch watching whatever anime catches your his eye. He has a bad habit of quoting dialogue and spoiling the plot
“And then because Itadori is like this sporty ass dude he-“
“Sung. I will end you.”
-Since sungie is apart of the introvert line a lot of your dates are just chilling at home or going to secluded areas to sit and talk.
-The park at night, the beach early in the morning, his s t u d i o
-half the time you’re with Jisung you’re in the studio with him. You’ve got your own little desk in there to do homework and he keeps a pillow and blanket—plus stuffed animals that he will deny are his—for you in case you come in sleepy
-the best to be around when you’re anxious or overwhelmed. He doesn’t mind sitting in silence with you just so you have another soul there.
-Your university is roughly in the same area as the company building—you guys planned it that way back when you were long distance👉🏾👈🏾—so he gets into the habit of meeting you after class. Usually at a little cafe or something so he can get all the tea about your day
-Jisung is a bit of a nerd. He’s the boyfriend who genuinely enjoys helping you with your homework. One of his love languages is acts of service his other one is being nosey cause wtf are you learning he tryna see somethin real quick🤨
-Late night conversations that only slightly border on existential and leave the both of you too freaked to sleep. Those nights end in the tv being turned on to whatever lighthearted shit is on at 2am
-He can be a cuddle bug when he wants to be. Sometimes he wants his space but other times he is latched to your back as you’re getting ready for class in the morning.
-but like any other member, when there’s Jisung, there’s seven other men you didn’t sign up for
-the amount of times you have woken up with another member *cough cough Felix-* in bed with y’all💀
“Good morning y/n, morning sung🥰☺️” headass😒
-In a similar vain congrats! You’ve just been added to the Maknae line. Enjoy your stay because there is no way out-
-Honestly Chan and Minho are so stressed they wouldn’t even notice another person in the dorms💀
Chan: Hi Felix,hi Jeongin,hi Y/n, hi Jis-Y/N???!
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-That is one of the only words I could use to describe sex with Jisung. Rushed half kisses, bruises from holding each other too tight, panties ripped at the seams, ✨the works✨
-my strictly dom Jisung besties, this is not the place for you to be. This baby is a switch with a HEAVY sub lean. He wants to be taken care of and cooed at and babied *cough cough mommy kink cough cough*
-But he is surprisingly not one of our pillow princes. No no no, we’ve got another service top right here. He’s the type to rail you into next week while you yank at a leash around his neck.
-He wants to fuck you until you’re seeing stars and then have you deny him of his pleasure over and over and over again until he’s pussy drunk and crying.
-If you’re both subby? Prepare for neither of you to have the brain cell in that current moment. Aftercare items will be laid out before hand and you guys will honestly just go at it until you both pass out.
-Jisung is so fucking intuitive but also the dumb of ass. He’s not going to know you want to sub for him if you don’t tell him. There’s no dropping hints, no shy subtle blah blah blah—you literally have to sit him down and spell it out clear as day. That’s when the puzzle pieces start clicking for him and he becomes the most smug motherfucker known to man.
-This boy may have a sub lean but he’s got a degradation kink that goes both ways. He’s going to have his cock shoved down your throat and chastise you for choking on it. All the while you’re sitting there like ???!
-The duality of this man.
-He wants you fucked out and drooling for him until the only things you can verbalize are please and thank you.
-But domming is vulnerable for him the same way subbing is for a lot of people. It means he trusts you. It doesn’t come naturally to him so he trusts that you’ll let him know if he’s doing good for you or pushing your limits or anything of that sort. It makes his heart all squishy and shit and usually comes to him while he’s rearranging your guts.
-Even when he’s domming he can never be collected for long. He can’t fucking edge you.
-He just can’t.
-He doesn’t have the patience,he’s weak for your puppy dog eyes and he can’t stand denying you anything. He’s an overstimulation kind of guy.
-not really an honorifics or titles kind of man, much more prefers to hear you scream his name.
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silenzahra · 5 months
Avoid this post if you haven't 100%ed the game yet! ⚠⚠⚠
Felt like sharing my frustration real quick before going to bed. Spoilers below! ⚠⚠⚠
I always fail at the same point. I swear I DO press the button. But apparently I'm not fast enough 😩
My thumbs hurt so much OMG, guess I'll just go to bed and continue trying tomorrow. Or the weekend. OR NEVER.
If it weren't for this damn level I'd have 100%ed the game already 🥲 Been trying for a month already but I just. Can't. Get. It. RIGHT.
Ugh, sorry about that, but I really needed to vent a little bit 😩 Sorry for the bad quality as well, I recorded the video accidentally on the console (I don't even remember pressing the rec button), but I can't take it directly from the console because I'd have to turn it off, and then I'd lose the three purple coins, and I'm just focusing on reaching the end, so I used my phone to record the video from the console. If I have to start all over and get the coins again I'm gonna cry 🥲
I've lost over 40 lives so far, but I'm pretty sure I'll lose 40 more before I can get this over with. Or rather: if I can get this over with.
Anyways, see you all tomorrow 💖
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hazukiyouka · 1 year
Personal Impression on DMMD Flashback 2023
First of all, even though I could pass through the region block thingy, but I had to set the video quality on auto or else the buffering time would drive me mad. So the result was, sometimes I got a super clear images then suddenly could switched to blurry ones. Which is kinda annoying cause I couldn't focus on their faces. 🙃
Anyway, I'm not really good at writing in Tumblr, so probably I'll just straight out pointing my impressions. Yes, this is my personal take after watching Virus & Trip route live streaming. I'll try my best not to spoil everything. 😄
Nothing really changed at the first part of the story. It just brought back the memories. Except that it wasn't Seichan as Aoba. 🥲
I should say both Seichan and Nao had their hit-and-miss parts. And strangely I feel like they can complement each other. Like, there were some parts where I thought Seichan did it better, or vice versa.
Everyone who were back to their respective roles really upgraded their game. Since I was watching this route, I think Tominaga Yuya really brought out the "quiet madness" of Virus.
(A bit) SPOILER ALERT: this ViTri route covered their Re:connect bad end story. Yes, most of it.
The second part where the story branched was really DENSE!! It felt like they try to squeeze the entire ViTri bad end into a single scene. Well, of course we just couldn't ask for more "detailed scenes", are we? 😌
Even so, I think Nao did well in this. I want to praise him for his courage to go...... uhmm.... shirtless.... on stage.
The interpretative dance at "those scenes" was appealing to me. I mean, it felt delicate and kinda suppressing. I like Nao's expressions here, especially when his eyes started to went dead. Uumm, please excuse my do-S part... lol
The ending was just like the game where Aoba was resigned to his fate. After that, we got all casts dancing to EVIL MASCULINE song (in which we can see it roaming around Twitter).
Overall, I'm quite impressed with this new route and how they performed it. As for the casting, I still think that Nao will be more suitable in portraying Sly Blue. That boy is surely sharp. While Seichan was softer, but I felt that he was a little bit overdid in some parts.
And finallyyyy! Though I'm, myself, still quite biased to Seichan but so sorry that I won't tolerate any slanders toward Nao. He had worked so hard and did a great job in this. Thankfully, he seems pretty calm and stays positive. So let's be kind to him~ 💙
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Idk if this sounds weird but the fact that you were a popular author in the fandom and haven’t gotten as much kudos as before makes me feel better about my story getting almost nothing 🥲 Idek if I wanna finish it
Lol it doesn’t sound weird, but I’m sorry you’ve been disappointed with your fic. If it makes you feel any better, I did a little filtering on AO3 to check something, because I’ve been curious about the differences between fic attitudes post-s1 versus post-s2. I searched only WIPs that have been updated since the end of s2, and set the word limit to 50k to try to exclude fics that already had like 20 chapters and were likely started before s2. I sorted by kudos, and you get to WIPs with under 200 kudos by page 7. That, plus some WIPs with high(er) kudos counts that have been updated since s2 are actually fan art, crossovers, or were started before s2.
So yeah, it looks like a lot of people are generally dealing with pretty damn low engagement with their WIPs since s2, and as someone who published like a dozen stories after s1, I can tell you it absolutely wasn’t like this in 2019-2020. Your fic’s kudos number likely has less to do with the quality of your writing and more to do with this fandom generally being much less interested in reading fic after s2. Sucks for us writers, though, and there’s really nothing we can do about people refusing to read s2 fic because a) they’re too upset and are only reading s1 fic b) they don’t feel the need to read fic after the kiss c) there are apparently people out there saying all s2 fic is bad (I haven’t seen this but anons told me), which has surely had an effect on things.
Anyway, I hope looking at it from a numbers perspective made you feel a little better. I understand low engagement is highly discouraging, but I hope you finish your fic
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papirouge · 1 year
Hi!! sorry for the late response, you answered my ask about jpop idols, thannk you so much for such a thoughtful answer!!!
Honestly when i was younger i was really into mostly hello!proyect, so i know that they had literally child groups with berryz and cute, whose younger member was 8 years old! It was pretty creepy how they would make those photobooks with them posing on bikinis as soon as they turned 13 or 14.
I also really loved perfume, it used to be my favorite group, but like you said nakata got lazy and started prioritizing other acts around the level 3 era, and it really got cemented with cosmic explorer, which is when i started to lose interest in them. Their costumes also used to be so good, creative, and designed thoughtfully for each girl, but now its always the same costume except achan gets the longer skirt, kashiyuka the shorter skirt, and nocchi gets the shorts. Even the fabric is visibly cheaper. I feel like the only one who still cares is mikiko as her choreographies are still good.
But i dont know who that artist you mentioned is, but i'm interested in hearing the story 🍵
Japan is EXTREMELY problematic when it comes to child sexualization and the fact that rightoids who are constantly blaming the left for entertaining sexuality degeneracy....have no problem sporting anime pfp/watch anime is everything you need to know about how much of clowns those people are 🥴 They don't care about child abuse, they just pretend they do to dunk of their political opponents.
They try to cope saying it's "cultural" but Japan is currently recording an increase of sexual crimes, so...why would they defend a culture suspected of increasing sexual assault coming from a country struggling to contain their own sexual predator? 🤔 Also why the "it's cultural" argument shouldn't be used for honor killing and child marriage then ? Oh my bad, it's Muslims so this time we can finally admit it's a problem 🤡
To be fair with Perfume, they've been around since ~20 years now, so it makes sense their concepts are starting to become more rehashed. Nakata is a VERY derivative artist (even when he tried something new after he discovered future bass, he shoved this sound in everything he made around that time, whether it was on his own album 'Digital Native' or Perfume song "If you Wanna" lol.
The concept of them having distinctive outfits (as you said, longer dress/skirt for A-chan it's said that's bc she has wider hips which aren't considering a good feature in Japan, shorter dress/skirt for Kashiyuka, and shorts for Nocchi) goes back to their debut, and I think it's incredible they sticked to it for so long (especially since they also have respective hairstyle code - Nocchi has never been able to have hair longer than her chin for most of her life.... 🥲), but yeah, after so many years.... it's starting to get old. But they're basically idols I don't think doing an イメチェン (= drastic change of style) would be well received...
In the era of streaming, the lowering of budget for music videos is global. Perfume last outstanding MV (great costume + set design + extras on set) was "Cling Cling"... which was released almost 10 years ago🥴 but other Japanese artists had a drastic drop in MV quality, included Ayu Hamasaki (the artist I talked about in my first reply).
She is Japan best selling artist of all times and her "Jewel" MV has been for a while listed in the most expensive music video of all times🥶💎
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Ayu story is quite endearing because her dad abandoned her when she was a child and was edging on delinquency. She's from an era when random girls were being scouted in karaoke and producers propelled them into stardom, tho very few of them made it beyond one single (which was the case of Ayu who started... making rap LOL) but by an odd turn of events, she got another chance where this time she did pop and things eventually took off. What's interesting with Ayu is that despite being marketed as an idol at first, she from the start had control over her music/image: she wrote all her lyrics, choose to display her own (very distinctive) personal style, etc. By her sophomore album, LOVEppears, she endorsed a more daring image and in the following one, Duty, she dropped the cutesy idol thing to become more diva like and confident ...
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That's also the time she started pulling out very disturbing music videos. There are A LOT of them, but I'd say "Ladies Night" is the one who stuck the most with me (which is weird bc the song is pretty positive : celebrating girlhood support)...but the MV is just unecessary creepy and dark. It starts off cute & goofy...only to become more and more scary & nightmarish 😰 WHY?
Her '(miss) understood' album era is pretty dark tbh ALL the MV of this album have this sad, dull, gloomy energy... Excellent album, but very dark energy
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Thankfully there is "Fairyland" (which was also one of the most expensive MV of that time) to brighten up that energy
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- Her 'Duty' and 'Party Queen' album booklet + SURREAL MV features full on sex kitten programming (it's interesting that "SURREAL" has subliminals about her -then- hidden relationship with Tomoya Nagase (another popular male entertainer of that time) and has a frenetic vibe which is very reminiscent of hypnosis/trance. I hate that it's one of my favorite MV of her 😓(the scenery is just soooo pretty).
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- dissociation in "RAINBOW" and "Don't look back" MV
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- mind control in "Alterna" and "Marionette"
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- "Free & Easy" MV is a gigantic nod to Joan of Arc and apostolic martydom
- transhumanism in "Real Me" MV
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Now that music videos don't have the same budget as they did 15-20 years ago, Ayu's MV aren't nowhere as elaborated as they were before (also her music has gone down to the toilets - she should've retire after her 10 years best of). But it's obvious she sold out to achieve this level of fame and success, therefore she had to shove all these twisted messages in her MV.
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ms-taurusvenus · 1 year
Girl don’t hate on us aqua moons like that. We can’t help it 🥲
Idk how to feel about you guys iih 😅. I dislike not liking certain placements and I know y’all can’t help it .. but out of all of the Moon signs y’all are the last on my ranking of Moon signs.
My Moon is at 11° so I already feel a teaspoon of how y’all feel and I hate it and idk how some of you deal with it.
I’ve had pretty mixed experiences with Aqua Moons too. One of them was .. um .. interesting they’re my cousin. It was hell growing up with them. (We just don’t get along lol). Very detached and when she would feel her emotions she would make her standout and seem more special than others so others around them would feel sorry for how they’re feeling, would boost about all of the great things they would do. I’m sorry I had to say it, sometimes some of you do, do that from my observations. Another Aqua Moon I experienced with, they aren’t bad but they do struggle with expressing their emotions and is basically “lol and vibes”.
I sound like I hate Aqua Moons, I promise I don’t 😭. That’s the main standouts of the observations I’ve made. ALTHOUGH, I will always give credit when it’s due because although a placement does have worse qualities than others, they always have strong/good qualities to them as well. I also don’t want to seem biased or stereotypical when I’m not 😅. I will say that you guys can be very optimistic and self-sufficient with your emotions after you experience them and find ways to not repeat what had happened, how to avoid it and how you guys can improve and grow.
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alotsgonnachange · 2 years
Apprenticember Day 3 - Relationship with other LI’s
I put them all in one post for simplicity lol
*disclaimer - the way *I* do my canon is that tilly is Thee apprentice and everyone else is also involved ?? somehow??? I can’t explain it all in one post
Has a healthy respect for and and can hold pleasant conversation with asra, especially since he and nadia are close. However she probably wouldn’t consider them to have a close relationship
She finds Julian a bit strange but entertaining. Again, she’s perfectly comfortable around most people who are close with Nadia, though it’s not likely that they’ve spent much time alone together.
Considers Portia a very reliable and close friend. Working together in the palace along with Isabella asking her for advice with Nadia early on has made them close. It’s not uncommon to see the two in the kitchen gossiping or eating some baked goods at Portia’s cottage.
She enjoys Muriel’s company for sure, any time she’s with someone who’s quiet/not very talkative she honestly will feel relieved and is happy to just sit and crochet in silence and then complain about something once and then go back to being silent again, but at the same time I would imagine they wouldn’t interact much.
Lucio…. Listen she’s a Nadia oc so she does NOT like that man let’s be fr. But unless he comes up in conversation, he’s truly insignificant in her life. If they were to interact she would just glare at him a lot and probably tell him his style sucks.
Listen he’s in a relationship with Asra but he won’t lie Julian is kind of good looking 👀 But they can hold good conversation for the most part! Ki admires his extroversion and medical expertise and enjoys listening to his travel stories/adventures.
Ki thinks Nadia is cool as fuck and probably wants to get to know her better. He also knows what it’s like to grow up with a big aristocratic family with lots of siblings, so they will chat about that pretty often. They could also play music together since Ki is a guitarist!
Ki probably wouldn’t have too many opportunities to interact with Portia, but he’s perfectly comfortable talking to her and finds her very fun to be around!
Ki enjoys Muriel’s company a lot - When the two bad bitches with social anxiety link up >>>>>>
Also they’re probably mildly frightened of Lucio just because he’s very A Lot and a big personality like that might just stun them into silence. As for his Crimes and whatnot, Ki has a tendency to give grace to people who maybe don’t deserve it (for better or for worse) so who knows!
Deeply admires and respects Nadia - and enjoys chatting with her about books the two of them have been reading, or magic. Tilly would also really enjoy teaching some magic things to Nadia if she would be interested.
Asra brought her back to life and took care of her so naturally she’s very grateful and considers him a close friend - However doesn’t reciprocate any romantic feelings he had for her in the past which both of them are fine with in the end. Tilly still spends a lot of time at the shop despite ending up with Muriel. They have a healthy relationship and can talk about anything.
Tilly likes Julian well enough, but Muriel’s anxiety around him does tend to rub off on her a bit🥲 its all love tho
Lucio… as a Muriel main she would probably sell him for one corn chip with no remorse. sorry y’all
Bonus! Danielle
Hears a LOT about Nadia from Isabella and likes what she hears and often gives Isabella love advice of…varying quality. Once she meets her, she does understand why Isabella was so anxious. Danielle is not often made nervous by others but a towering gorgeous countess lady made her turn bright red.
I’m gonna be so real…. Julian and danielle can NEVER meet. Chaos will ensue. Someone is gonna end up crying or really horny or both. The guards will be called. Someone is in jail. etc etc. Or maybe they need to meet for all of those reasons? Lol
Danielle would love to hang out with and smoke with Asra - as a magic shop keeper herself, she familiarizes herself with other people in Vesuvia doing similar work, so I would imagine them to be on good terms.
Danielle is rockin with portia i used to pair them together but now I’m like they would probably just be better friends? Similar relationship to Isabella and Portia
Lucio …. listen If you scroll back on my blog this was her LI for a long ass time and her taste is questionable so she probably would bang… Long term relationship tho? meh. But I’d be lying if I said they wouldn’t get along.
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elaichoi · 9 months
PLSDJJIDS I WAS THE OPPOSITE like i didnt wanna pay money but also like i had to have it to reach my fullest potential 👹👹👺
yes exactly i burnt out big time OTL cheers to being *less* mentally ill in the near future ^3^
that's totally understandable,, from the way i see it a majority of the asian population that goes by undiagnosed is v large,, and i'm not basing this off of any actual studies though i know there are some out there- but rather just the role culture (at least in most east asian cultures is as far as i'm qualified to speak for lol) plays in mental health makes diagnosis and treatment,, idk and just going by undiagnosed makes me sad that there are ppl who think this is the norm and that it's something you are expected to get over bc it's something "everyone goes thru" :( i very much relate on the front of gaslighting urself/being gaslit into thinking u just can't handle struggles that "everyone else manages to manage well" n that rlly sucks im sorry beb </3
DAMN LOL we r on the same boat on the same river 🥲 my little tiny snowball also started out w family problems and oh my god my mental health has come out of its hiding >o< i remember my counselor describing it as an unvented pressure cooker lmao
don't answer if you don't wanna, but do you still feel that way in the sense of repressing ur emotions? like refusing to acknowledge it ? i think i was like that for a small period of time but now im like the complete opposite which is like half miserable half not lmfaoo i will forever be the biggest advocate for anyone getting therapy even if u think u don't need it,,, but!! i also know its a big step and may not be accessible for some :<
no yeah cus i feel so gross and overwhelmed and like not in control of things and so ill start spiraling if i dont get up and take a shower ^_^
not throwing pity confetti in your face, just as someone who can relate at least in some ways, big kudos to u for having so much patience to put up w everything bc it must b very hard not to lose ur marbles all the time,,,, standing w u solider 🫡
OH TRUE I FORGOT AB THAT UGH BARF i remember ig always fucked up my video quality saur bad even after rendering n shit T_T
aaa goodluck bae<3 hehe yeah i always rlly want to after seeing so many pretty edits jdksdkf i might i might we shall see :>
mental health is such a fuck up like it's like a ticking bomb the way it can go off at any point of life and the urge to ghost everyone, im so ashamed fr
yeah like most of asian countries i feel like. in our culture mental health is seen as something that is seen interjected with "adulting" like when you grow up you're supposed to feel like this and it's your duty to like make peace with it and if you try to seek help for it your family members kinda take it like a failure like you couldnt even deal with this? there's just a whole lot of stigma surrounding it and on top of that, therapy not being that widely available in south asia is a huge problem.
bro pressure cooker, im glad to know you're actually very up front with your feelings now. it's always better than bottling them up, at least you don't feel like a stranger to yourself either, my issues make me feel like an imposter within myself like it's hard to distinguish between things that I feel like I'm making up and the other things that's fucking me up.
lmao ngl I was like those scenario and concept editors right I would have continued to edit bc my edits were like THSIE most beautiful scenes in kpop mvs but I stopped bc the resolution was ASSS THAT TOO WHITE ASSS!!!!!
OMG i wonder how i rizzed u up 😩😩😩😩
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sanhwaiting · 2 years
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adventeez day 22 🎄: yunho ✧ fireworks (i'm the one) ✧ 210306 ↳ 🎁 merry christmas @minglebells !!
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speuradair · 2 years
Hello! We both know exactly why I'm here, lol. (Also, the reason it took so long is because I always like to write out my request so it's smooth, clear one concise!) Here is all the details you'll need! ^^
My pronouns are she/her, but I certainly don't mind they/them, and my zodiac sign is Scorpio. I'mma put a small birthday flex in here (that could be a whole set of head cannons in and of itself), but my birthday is actually on Halloween!
Anyways, my giving long languages are physical touch and quality time, and my receiving love language is physical touch, and maybe a couple gifts. (I never expect to be spoiled by my partner lol)
My top three kind (because I feel this is super important to get an idea of someone's personality) are in this order: Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic), Aizawa Shouta, Bakugo Katsuki, and Tamaki Amajiki.
My mbti personality is INTP, and some characters I would rather NOT be paired with are Bakugo and the females.
Also, to skim over some of my triggers, they are yelling, screaming, fighting, hospitals, syringes, and large crowds. (I would love something in my pairing info for when I have to go to the doctor, it would be so wholesome, but if you don't want to I understand^^)
My hobbies are writing, singing, reading, playing video games, drawing coloring, listening to music, and watching YouTube.
What I'm looking for in a partner is mainly a protector. Someone who can protect me from the world, as well as my own thoughts. But, I am also looking for someone able to actually stoop down to my level and be stupid with me. I'm pretty childish, so it always makes my day when someone lets me be childish, and even join in with me.
Some bad habits I have are just-bot taking care of my body (metal health freakin sucks 🥲) not eating and eating junk when I do, and arguing with my partner.
My ideal date night is basically just chilling in the living room, maybe getting DoorDash, and just cuddling on the couch, maybe making out, while we watch some movies. We promise each other to stay up all night, and I end up passing out at about 12:30 lol.
Alright, sorry that was so long! I hope that this is enough info for you, I always try to give a little extra to help narrow it down! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and pair me with someone 🥺🥺
You'll be spending the party with...
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It's hard not to have an amazing time with Yamada by your side; the man is absolutely the life of the party. He could go for hours and hours without getting even the slightest bit tired. He doesn't stick to one group either, being sure to make his way around the party to socialize with everyone he runs into. That's how he ended up beside you, starting up a conversation with you as if he's known you for years.
And despite your introverted nature, it almost feels as if you really have known him. He may be eccentric and loud himself, but he isn't oblivious- he can tell that you're getting a bit overwhelmed by the large crowd. Without hesitation he shifts to making sure you're okay and doing whatever he possibly can to help you feel comfortable and safe.
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Hizashi has been dedicated to making you smile or laugh basically since he met you
Can you blame him? He just loved the way you look and sound when you're laughing at his bad joke or stupid dance moves
It's infectious, sending a bright smile to his own lips before he can even realize it's happening
Just as he had when you seemed nervous at the party, Hizashi is always there to help you stay calm whenever you're nervous
He's 100% willing to go to the hospital with you whenever you have to go, automatically switching from busy chaotic boyfriend to the calm level-headed protector you need him to be
He'll leave gentle touches to keep you grounded, either by holding your hand, keeping his arm around you and rubbing your arm carefully, or something else of the sort, while also trying to keep your mind off of the fact that you're at the hospital
The topic jumps to everything from his day at work to what you want for dinner later to a funny cat video he saw earlier, but it usually succeeds in distracting you
Hizashi may be quite the party guy, but he is never going to turn down a chill at home date with you, especially after a long day at work
The mere idea of being wrapped up on the couch with you for the rest of the night has him sighing in content
He knows that you're going to be completely asleep by midnight, but he always humors you nonetheless when you swear that you'll stay up this time
In all honesty he doesn't care how late you end up staying awake, because he's perfectly happy as long as you're curled up against him where he knows you're safe and loved
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