#the quality of these is really bad but this moment was so cute i couldn't not gif it
bexsbelts · 7 months
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RHEA RIPLEY and DOMINIK MYSTERIO monday night raw. nov 20, 2023
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mazeinthemiroh · 11 months
struggles and snuggles.
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paring: lee know x best friend! reader
genre: fluff n comfort <3
word count: 1.1k
warnings: cuteness
synopsis: when you cancel plans with him, minho decides to pay you a visit anyway. but what he realises is that you are unwell, and need to be cared for in more ways than he thought...
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Minho's eyebrows furrowed as he read your message that glowed on his screen.
It wasn't like you to cancel plans, especially at the last minute. He would never admit it but he was slightly worried due to this lapse in your usual behaviour. He tried to shrug it off. He didn't know what he was worried about; he wouldn't usually assume the worst if it was anyone else.
But he couldn't help but be bothered by the suddenness of your text. And the thought of you being in a bad situation by yourself nagged at him tremendously.
Sighing, he rolled his eyes before closing them. The next thing he knew, he was changed into new clothes and out the door, on his way to pay you a visit. It was his day off and he would be damned if he didn't spend it with his best friend, especially if you guys made plans a while ago.
On the drive to yours, he found his fingers nervously twitching on the steering wheel.
"You better have a good excuse for this, Y/N," he mumbled to himself, glaring at his own reflection in the rearview mirror.
Pulling up finally at your house, he pulled out his keys, not bothering to knock at your door. He would often come in unannounced, whenever he felt like it, really. And for that reason, you couldn't tell if you were a generous friend or a stupid friend for allowing Minho a key to your house.
But there he was again, making his way in proudly, sliding off his shoes and half-yelling your name through the house. He could hear the sound of the television blurring in from the living room and made his way there promptly.
And there you were, your hunched-up figure wrapped in a cocoon on the sofa, glassy eyes and a dribbly nose that you kept sniffing and patting with the rough tissues that lay in front of you. Balled-up tissues lay everywhere, on the sofa, on the carpet, on the coffee table. The faint, dull smell of essential oils burned somewhere in the room, attempting to kill the germs that still lingered.
Minho sighed at the sight, a feeling of shame taking over him. Of course, you didn't bail on him for no reason. And he was selfish to think that you'd still want to hang out with him after just cancelling plans.
"You're not well?" His voice was much softer than before as he slowly walked towards you, raising a hand to softly pat your head.
You lifted your eyes weakly to meet his, shaking your head slowly and sniffing. He could've cooed at the sight, but he held himself back.
Sighing, he racked his brain for some sort of solution. The only thing he could think of doing was tidying up, so he started collecting the tissues that messily decorated your living room.
"I guess I'll take care of you," he sighed begrudgingly, although you knew very well he didn't have to stay if he didn't want to. And he knew that too. He was fooling literally no one, and you knew him all too well to let him get under your skin.
"As you should," you sniffed, "if you've got nothing better to do you might as well."
Minho's lip twitched slightly at the sound of your voice humming in certain words, the nasal quality of your words becoming endearing to him for reasons he could not explain.
He tidied the area around you, eyes darting for anywhere that needed to be fixed. Then, he tucked you in, making sure you were fully covered by the blanket and comfortable where you were sitting.
It didn't surprise you how attentive he was being - he's a very good cat-dad so he's been getting a lot of training for this moment. But it touched you to experience it firsthand, and you couldn't help but feel slightly honoured by it all.
"You're cute," you hummed and smiled, watching him fold up a discarded blanket on the other side of the living room.
His focused expression didn't change, barely looking up. "Wish I could say the same for you, Snotty."
You couldn't help but laugh at this nickname, although it made your chest weak to do so, and your laugh came out in a cough. He looked over with concern.
"Just take it easy," Minho wanted this to sound like an order but his voice was ever so soft.
You pouted and blew your nose roughly, eyes watering at the sensation. You couldn't believe how awful you felt. And there was only one thing you felt could make you feel better...
"Minnie~" You called over weakly, sniffing back your cold.
"Whaaaat," he looked in your direction, already looking exasperated, although really he would submit to your every need if it was required.
"Can we cuddle?"
His heart tugged a bit. He didn't dare look up to see your desperate expression. "Y/N, do you want me to get sick? No way."
Your pout deepened as you sniffed even more, snuggling down into the blankets.
He sighed and shook his head, fluffing up some pillows.
"But you're so comfy," you whined, continuing to torture his soft heart. He hated the effect you had on him. He used to be able to resist you...
"This isn't fair, Y/N." He stated matter-of-factly, hushing you and waving his hand in a dismissive manner.
"I know you need it more than I do," you said, folding your arms defiantly. Minho felt this wasn't true, considering your condition. But then, after all, the whole reason why he was here was so that he could spend time with you. Perhaps a cuddle session would be so bad...
"Okay, fine, whatever," he let out a loud sigh, sinking in perfectly onto the sofa where you lay, arms immediately scooping you up into his embrace. You fell onto your side, your head against his chest while the blanket still cocooned around you. He put his feet up and threw the blanket over his legs, before making sure you were nice and warm. A little sigh of pleasure left your lips, humming in delight at the comfort.
"Much better," you whispered, snuggling nicely into his chest, a tissue gripped in your hand for when you needed it.
"Idiot," he whispered back, heat rising to his cheeks. Eyes glancing down at your fragile form. His arms tightened around you protectively, as if you couldn't face the world without his protection in this condition.
So he cradled you in his arms. You sniffled every now and then, and on the occasion let out a powerless wheeze. But his arms were always going to be around you, no matter how sick you got.
The germs would eventually get to him, of course. But the 'love' virus had already settled into his heart, and he didn't know how to handle it.
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happy74827 · 7 months
Happy Accidents
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[Todd Ingram x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: You might've broken your leg due to Todd, but that didn't mean you couldn't still have quality time together.
WC: 2672
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
This was such a random plot I came up with, but I’m actually in love with it. I feel that this little one-shot is 100% Todd accurate (I say little but it’s literally 2k words lol).
Also, please don’t send the vegan police after me for my inaccuracies (lmao). Google was my only option 😭😭
Spending time at the hospital wasn’t the plan you had in mind for your Friday night. You expected it with you curled up on your couch watching whatever crappy reality show that was airing with Todd by your side.
He was always the perfect person to binge with; his reactions were an endless source of sarcastic commentary. It actually made it funnier.
But you couldn't be too upset. You still had Todd, and you had… some television. Sure, it wasn’t 90 Day Fiancé, but it was better than nothing.
Usually, when it came to broken legs, you were at the hospital for two hours. Two. Hours. Not you, of course. Your boyfriend had to be a vegan and have those whacked-out powers. It was a given that there’d be an accident.
Who knew a flying amp could be so hard to catch?
At least you didn't have a concussion. The only injury was your leg, but your leg was completely messed up. Three different fractures in your femur and a torn ligament. It was the most you had ever been injured in your life, including all those times you fell off your bike or when you broke your arm in third grade.
The doctors at the hospital said that they couldn't let you leave until Monday. Surgery was also still on the table and could happen as early as tomorrow, which you definitely weren’t paying for
So, you were stuck in the hospital, eating the terrible hospital food and watching stupid television.
And the worst part about all of this was that it was slowly taking your mind off of Todd.
It was only the last couple months when the two of you started dating. Neither of you were exactly serious or anything, but you had feelings.
He was a big guy and a real sweetheart, not to mention a badass with those powers of his. It was obvious that he had a good heart, and he didn't take shit from anybody. That included you.
You had to admit that it was cute when he got jealous. He never had to worry, though. You were never interested in guys like him. You had your eye on Todd, and now you were stuck in a hospital bed because of him.
Now that it was just a memory, the moment you broke your leg was pretty comical. Envy needed a rehearsal before their band went out on tour the following week, and since you and Todd planned the night out together, you attended their quick practice.
As usual, they were awesome. You were like a little fangirl when Envy started singing. You kept your cool, though, sitting on the couch while they ran tempo and entrances. You weren't paying too much attention either, until you heard a voice and turned your head.
Lynette, the drummer, apparently had a very salty day and decided to pick fights with Envy’s ideas. She even suggested that she should learn how to write songs. That was a big no-no when it came to Envy, and it was made very clear that it would be her last comment for the day.
It was a blur, really. Envy and Lynette were throwing insults at each other, and Todd was caught in the middle of it. He was pretty bad at confrontation when it didn’t technically involve him and so he usually let it slide, but something about Lynette had pissed him off this time.
You could still remember the words he said.
"You know what I hate about you? Your hair."
You giggled, and that was your mistake. Lynette absolutely loved her hair. That haircut was her pride and joy. Todd could never understand what it was about it, but it was Lynette's favorite feature.
So, when he insulted her favorite thing in the world, she immediately started attacking your boyfriend, causing you to go over and try to stop this before it escalated.
Well, it escalated. Todd subconsciously went into “vegan mode” when he was mad. It was a defense mechanism or something like that. In any case, an accidental movement of his hand had an expensive amplifier aimed right at your leg.
Envy saw it coming and screamed his name to get his attention, but he couldn’t hear her over Lynette, and you couldn't move out of the way fast enough.
And then, everything stopped. All you felt was the excruciating pain that was apparently your broken bone, multiple places, as you later found out. Your mind went blank for a moment as all the horrified expressions of each band member turned towards you.
Todd threw the amplifier aside with his powers, profusely apologizing to you. His hair settled back down to normal as he took you in his arms.
"Oh, god, am I an idiot." He said. "I didn't mean to… oh, man, you’re okay, right?"
You were on the verge of tears when you nodded your head. The adrenaline of the moment had taken over your pain as you wrapped your arms around his neck and squeezed him tight.
Envy most definitely cursed him out on your behalf. Lynette was still pissed as she stood off to the side, crossing her arms with a huff. She didn’t really know you, so she didn’t really care that you got hurt.
But Todd knew you, and he cared a whole hell of a lot about you. He was going to be making up to you for a while. You were going to get the apology of a lifetime and probably an entire chocolate cake with strawberries. You loved strawberries.
You did not care about your injury at that moment, though. The scene of Todd apologizing to you, Envy yelling derogatory words at him that were obviously unknown to him, and Lynette's head turning in the other direction was probably one of the best sights you had ever witnessed in your life.
“How’re you feeling?” Todd’s voice snapped you out of your memory. He was in the chair beside you with a hospital pillow on his lap. He had a bag of Doritos in his hand, which he was munching on.
You turned your head over to him and couldn't help but smile. It was a smile full of love and adoration, one that made Todd raise an eyebrow.
"I'm alright," you replied, reaching for the water that was by your bedside. You failed miserably, but Todd noticed it and hovered it over to your hands.
He took the opportunity to grab another chip and take a bite before looking back at you.
"You sure you're okay? I mean, you got hurt 'cause of me.”
"That's what I get for dating a badass, I guess." You laughed, shaking your head.
Todd scoffed, "That's not funny."
"It kinda is."
"Whatever." He crossed his arms and pouted a little bit. "I'll have to watch my back more now. I could have killed you."
“It’s okay. Envy would’ve reunited us if you had. She would’ve torn you a new one. I'd say you dodged a bullet there.”
As Todd munched on his Doritos, nodding along to your words, you knew there was nothing in his brain that connected what you’d just said. He was most definitely agreeing, just to agree.
And just because of that, you couldn't help but admire him. He was sitting there with his messy hair and those brown eyes of his. His clothes were wrinkled, and you could see the tiredness in his eyes, but none of it mattered to you because he was still so beautiful.
Todd being a vegan was also a blessing because it gave him such an amazing physique. He was lean but toned, his abs always visible even under his baggy shirts. Not that you cared if they were showing or not.
"Can I have a chip?” You asked him.
He turned towards you with a look of horror on his face. "You don’t like these. You like the non-vegan Doritos.”
“Aren’t they all… not vegan?”
Todd let out a sigh, his eyes rolling back.
"Not these. Spicy Sweet Chili. I got these from the vending machine. They're for me."
He sounded like a little child, which you couldn't help but laugh at. He always was so serious about these things, even though they were snacks that were meant to be shared with people.
"That's not what I asked." You said.
"Yeah, but-"
You made grabby hands at him. You were starting to feel that pain again as your muscles were getting tired. You needed those chips.
"Todd, please."
He let out a sigh, trying to hold back a smile. He was always such a big softie for you.
He handed over a bag of chips, and you wasted no time in taking one. Immediate regret as you took a bite out of the spicy snack, choking as you did so. You managed to swallow it down before taking in a drink of water to wash it all down.
"Told you that you wouldn't like them." He said with a grin.
"I… like them. I just don't like how I feel after I eat them."
You glared at him, narrowing your eyes. "Stop being smug."
"I can't help it if I'm so cool." He winked.
He wasn't wrong, though. Todd had a very good self-esteem about himself and was never shy to tell you so. But it was the way he said it, that smug look of his and his stupid wink, that made you want to punch him and kiss him.
It was those little things.
"You know," you said as you crossed your arms, "this isn't how I planned on spending my Friday night."
"I know, babe. I know."
"I mean, I thought we were going to have some quality time. The two of us and the TV, I really wanted to catch up on that old Ed and Rose storyline.”
"I know, I know.”
"And instead, I'm here with and because of you." You glared at him as you finished your sentence.
He was ready for your attack, crossing his arms to match yours. You two were in the middle of a staring contest when Todd opened his mouth to say something, but the nurse came in at the worst possible moment to interrupt him.
"Ah, you're awake. How're you feeling?”
Unfortunately, this made Todd win the battle as you were forced to look at the nurse. She had a smile on her face, one that made you feel relaxed. Todd turned to look at her as well.
"I'm feeling better now." You said. "Thank you for asking."
The nurse nodded her head, writing down your words before turning to Todd with a smile. "Since your friend—”
“Girlfriend.” He corrected her, pointing a finger at you.
You couldn't help but laugh, turning your head to the side as you did so. Your laughter got the nurse to smile.
"I apologize. Since your girlfriend is doing better, you’re welcome to visit back in the morning. Visitation hours are from eight to twelve and one to three. After that, only family will be allowed in.”
Todd turned to look at you, and you could see that he wanted to say something, but with a simple nod from you, he leaned back in the chair with his arms crossed, giving the nurse his attention.
She gave him another smile as she looked back at you. "I’ll come back in about an hour for a checkup. Press the button if you need anything in the meantime."
"Thank you." You replied.
She left the room smiling, leaving the two of you to look at each other.
You let out a sigh as you leaned your head back on the bed, closing your eyes. Todd's eyes never left you, staring at you as you did so.
“Should've said we were married. I would've been able to stay the night here." He said.
"Yeah, but then I wouldn't be able to sleep because of your snoring. You know, that's why I get up so early in the mornings. I have no choice but to leave the bed when you're snoozing away."
Todd had the audacity to smile at that, shaking his head.
"Whatever, I don't snore. Besides, you love the way my arms feel around you."
You opened one eye, staring at him. "Are you trying to make me feel bad?"
"No. I'm just stating the facts. I have great arms if you hadn't noticed."
You scoffed at him and his bragging. You closed your eyes again.
"I hate you so much."
"I know." He said with a smirk on his face. “Can I have my chips back now? You ate almost all of them."
You handed the bag back to him without another word, sighing deeply. You could feel Todd's stare at you as he opened up the bag again.
You heard him take another chip into his mouth as he stared at you, but he was too quiet, so you knew he had something else to say.
"What?" You asked, already knowing the answer.
"You know that I meant it when I said sorry, right?"
"Of course I know, Todd. You always apologize."
He swallowed down his chips. "Yeah, but this time I really meant it. I was so scared when you got hurt. I didn’t mean to; I just got pissed at Lynette, and that all happened."
"Todd, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it. You would never hurt me."
"You're sure?" He asked.
You opened up your eyes again, looking at him. He was staring down at his lap as he said those words, biting his lip. You could tell that he was genuinely worried about this, so you reached over and made grabby hands again, but instead of the chips, you were looking for him.
Todd looked up at you and raised an eyebrow. He placed the bag of chips aside and got out of his chair, going over to the side of the bed to look at you. You placed both of your hands on either side of his neck, smiling at him.
"I'm positive. I know how much I mean to you, Todd. You don't need to worry. I'm not mad at you."
He was looking right into your eyes as you said that and nodded his head, moving closer toward you as he placed his hands on the side of the bed. You didn't want him to be too far away from you, so you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I'm just glad you're okay. I didn't mean for this to happen. I swear."
"I know." You replied. "It's not your fault."
You stared at each other for a few more moments before he leaned down and kissed you. He placed both of his hands on either side of the bed as he deepened the kiss. He didn't do this often, but when he did, he knew exactly what he was doing.
He was also extremely careful now that you had broken your leg, making sure that he wasn't putting any pressure on your side. He placed one hand on your face to hold you in place as he kissed you while his other hand supported his body.
It felt like a few minutes had passed before he broke the kiss. He leaned down and rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too."
It wasn't the first time he said it, and it definitely wasn't the first time you had said it to him, but it was the first time you heard those words without any fear in his voice. There was no worry, no hesitation, only love.
He opened his eyes, looking at you with a smile on his face. His brown eyes always captivated you, especially when he smiled.
You felt your own smile spread as you looked into those beautiful eyes of his, kissing him on the cheek before snuggling up to him.
You felt his hands wrap around your body and sighed contently. Eventually, he’d have to leave, but until then, you were going to enjoy this.
And if it came with spicy chips, then even better.
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otomiyaa · 2 months
Quality Time
Wriothesley x Lyney
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A/N: Don't ask me when I came up with this. At the cinema when I was bored during a movie. Also if you enjoy this pair, click this, I recently commissioned this art and it's just 🤌 amazing! You won't be disappointed!
Summary: Not explicit but very suggestive - Lyney came to Wriothesley with a mission: to seduce him and make up for some lost time of intimacy. Too bad the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide is too busy to play...
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Wriothesley stared, pinched his own cheek and shook his head. Hmm.
"Am I dreaming? Am I imagining things? Was my afternoon tea poisoned?" he wondered out loud in quite the dramatic way.
But there was a reason to be dramatic, and theatric. There in his chair, in his office at the the Fortress of Meropide, sat his boyfriend. Away from daylight and away from the spotlight of the theather, Lyney appeared to have made himself comfortable in a pretty unique manner.
He was lounging in the Duke's chair, hands secured behind his back with Wriothesley's very own handcuffs, but not looking like he was in any trouble. In fact, he looked rather comfortable and smirked playfully as Wriothesley took in the remarkable sight.
"You're not dreaming, Sir. You're not imagining things either, although I do hope those fantasies of yours are somewhat similar to this." He winked. "And no, I think your precious tea was perfectly fine. Hi, Wrio. How's your day?"
Lyney stretched his legs and crossed them at his ankles, looking way too comfortable.
"What are you doing here? Did you... cuff yourself?" Wriothesley asked, walking closer and reaching out for his hands, but Lyney turned away and flashed him the cutest and flirtiest little grin.
"I came to play, obviously. You don't come to me, so I come to you. Simple." He shook his hips seductively to make his point. Woah.
He came to play. He came to seduce him, to be naughty, convince him to take time off work while indulging in pleasure, the little minx he was. Wriothesley smirked. That was also what he loved about him.
Still... He sighed and gazed at the time. In just 15 minutes if not less, Neuvillette was going to be here for an appointment. There was barely any room for some sweet quality time. He clicked his tongue. The timing of Lyney's moment of mischief couldn't be worse.
"What, don't like what you see? I'm all yours~" Lyney licked his lips and writhed in Wriothesley's seat, displaying how helplessly tied he was. Thank the Seven he was still properly dressed. But yes. Of course he liked it.
Wriothesley was shamefully aware that it had been exactly 13 days since the last time they were intimate. All because work just sometimes took too much of his time and energy. He had hardly been home, and Lyney didn't exactly have an empty schedule either.
"Lyney..." He was burning with temptation and desire to just devour Lyney right then and there. But... 15 minutes had become 14 minutes already. Just 14 minutes until his appointment with Neuvillette. Still, was he going to tell Lyney 'no' in his pretty face when he was being this naughty, confident and playful, and make him leave in shame?
"I'm not going anywhere you know~" Lyney sang. The little brat. Wriothesley rolled his eyes fondly and grabbed his arm. He should really throw him out, but he couldn't.
"Is that right?" he asked, lifting Lyney off the chair with ease, and he sat down and pulled him down on his lap.
...He was not going to take the bait, but it wouldn't hurt to play a little at least. Well, maybe in a different way than Lyney intended. Lyney immediately arched his back and leaned against him in a flirty and sexy way, allowing Wriothesley to kiss his neck and ear from behind. Lyney really thought they were going to get all hot and steamy here, while in fact...
"HWAhhah?" Lyney let out a cute squeaky giggle and jolted when Wriothesley had made a claw of his hand and wiggled his fingers big and wide on his tiny and vulnerable tummy.
"What's wrong?" Wriothesley hummed seductively in his ear, and he wiggled his fingers some more, now adding another hand which he positioned at his hip. He squeezed his hipbone and enjoyed a little too much how he jerked in his lap.
"W-whahahat are you d-doihihing?" Lyney whined, squirming on top of him when Wriothesley used his two big hands to tickle him with.
"You wanted to play, didn't you?" he mumbled, taking Lyney's earlobe in between his teeth and nibbling and suckling on it. Suddenly when it wasn't meant in a sexy way but just to tickle him, Lyney wasn't being the flirty beast from earlier. No moan or sigh came from his lips. He was giggling his head off, and Wriothesley was enjoying every second of it.
"Nohoho not like thihihis! W-Wrio-ahahaha!" Lyney struggled and squirmed, but his hands that were stuck behind his back were becoming quite the disadvantage.
"What's wrong, Mr. Lyney? Are the handcuffs in your way? What happened to your magic?"
Wriothesley was a little mean to ask these things when Lyney had long lost the ability to speak. He lay helplessly in Wriothesley's lap and squealed as the Duke had lost every little bit of control and wrecked his cheeky boyfriend with all ten fingers.
"AHAha- wheheheeh Wria-hahahah! Naha-ehehe!" Lyney laughed and squealed breathlessly, and Wriothesley eyed the clock on his desk again. Still 10 more minutes, so he was going to enjoy tickling Lyney for every single one of them. And he really did.
He recalled how easily ticklish his sides were. The kitty-like mewl sounds he would make when he merely touched his thighs without even the intention to tickle them. And even in this position, he could wriggle his fingers under his arms and make him shriek by tickling those deliciously sensitive armpits.
"Pleh-plehehease Wriotheslehehey!" Lyney bucked on top of him when Wriothesley had at last moved to playing his ribs like an instrument.
He clawed and wiggled his fingers around, digging in and scratching occasionally, enjoying the kind of music it made. By kicking his legs, Lyney made quite the dance moves to go with his sweet melodious laughter, and Wriothesley couldn't help but smile as he admired the performance.
"Thank you, Lyney. I really appreciate that you came to play," he mumbled in his ear, then kissed and blew on his neck to tickle him there too. Lyney cried out and shook his head hysterically.
"You're so-aahahahaha!" Wriothesley was so 'ahaha', he knew that of course. Smirking, he continued the playful assault. Surely Lyney didn't know this was only because they only had very few minutes of private time left. Not enough for the fastest quickie, no, Wriothesley would want it to take forever. However the more he tickled Lyney, the more he started to regret this particular decision as well.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" Wriothesley asked, trying to tease him while he started to suffer at the realization that he had to send Lyney out of his office really soon. He wished he could keep on tickling him like this minutes longer, hours even and - .... click.
His heart sank at the sound of the door downstairs. Then slow, quiet yet reconizable footsteps could be heard, coming up the stairs.
"Wriothesley? I am here."
Neuvillette. His fingers on Lyney's body froze, and he held his breath.
"W-Wrio? Who's...?" Why Lyney was so surprised he was expecting a visitor, he had no idea. However, Neuvillette was two minutes early, and Wriothesley had lost track of time after all.
He hastily looked at Lyney, all blushy and breathless in his lap, and considered what he should do. It was no secret to Neuvillette that they were a couple, but they always kept work and private matters separated like professionals.
He would also feel bad if he were to get caught like this, since it was the request of his own that Neuvillette, busy as always, should come down here for their meeting.
Now that he was already here, it was also too late to send Lyney away, so...
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toournextadventure · 1 year
Can I request a fic (Wednesday x fem or gender neutral reader) where reader is dared to get a septum piercing and buys a random kit and has Wednesday do it. Wednesday has reader sit in her lap as she does it. Afterwards, she insists on caring for her. I have been thinking about this all day, and I really love your writing and wanted to request it. Have a great day. Thank you for reading my request. :]
Bestie, I know this took forever, but this was fun. I changed it just a tiny bit because Wednesday is so tiny, I couldn't picture someone sitting on her lap without laughing
“What do you have?”
The instant guilt that took over your face was all Wednesday needed to confirm that you were, in fact, doing something you shouldn’t have been. She had no clue what you had with you, but it looked sharp and potentially dangerous. There was no way she was trusting you with something sharp or dangerous.
“Ajax said I would look ugly with a septum ring,” you said with a huff. “So I’m gonna prove him wrong.”
Ah. Actually, that made a lot more sense. You and Ajax were often found together, and that was the root of most of your problems. The both of you egged each other on, dared the other to do stupid things, and you were both just dumb enough to do it. There had even been one time Ajax had dared you to step in front of a bus, and if someone hadn’t been there to stop you, you would have done it.
So Wednesday found she was not the least bit surprised that what was actually in your hands, sitting on your desk, was a piercing kit. Was it of a decent quality? Probably not, if she knew anything about you (which she did). But she knew you were going to do it whether you had help or not, and she couldn’t just sit by and let you do something stupid all on your own.
“Let me have it,” Wednesday said as she held out her hand.
“No,” you shrunk back into your chair, “you’re gonna stop me.”
“Stop being drastic.” Wednesday rolled her eyes. “I’m going to do it for you.”
“You’re- you’re going to help?” The absolute look of astonishment on your face was almost laughable. Cute, even. “Does that make me a bad influence?”
“It makes you an imbecile,” Wednesday said, but you handed everything over to her anyway.
Without a moment’s hesitation, no time for you to reconsider, Wednesday turned your chair so she could climb into your lap and face you. Her legs rested on either side of your hips and for probably the first time since she had known you, she felt you freeze up. Your hands instantly rested on her hips, but you quickly removed them to grip the arm rests.
It was almost chivalrous.
“You’re in my lap,” you mumbled. Even without her hands touching you, she could practically hear your heartbeat through the otherwise silent dorm room.
Wednesday felt grateful that you were too focused on everything but her when she saw the slight shake in her fingers. The closeness to you, the feel of your face under her fingers, your reaction to her sitting on your lap, it all left her with a mix of excitement and disgust. She had to take one deep breath in to steady her fingers as she finished positioning everything.
“Don’t move,” Wednesday ordered, and you finally locked eyes with her for a moment.
“Yes ma’am,” you whispered right before she slid the needle through. “Shit.”
Your eyes squeezed shut and Wednesday saw a tear fall from your eye, but you took it like a champ. She would be lying to herself if she said the scrunch of your face, the tear, the slightest display of pain wasn’t exciting. And to know that you had wanted her to do it? Icing on the cake.
Stop it, she thought to herself as she grabbed the piercing. With a single movement she slid it into place, ignoring the way her heart sped up at your little gasp. She gently grabbed your face with both hands and turned your head slightly, checking to make sure the piercing was proper before giving you the chance to open your eyes. Thankfully you were blissfully unaware that the shake of her fingers was still present.
“How does it look?” You asked. “As ugly as Ajax predicted?”
“You look like a bull,” Wednesday said.
“But, like, a pretty bull, right?” You asked with a smile that was still marred by the stray tear.
“Yes,” Wednesday said with a soft sigh. “A pretty bull.”
“I knew it.” Your smile grew and you got a twinkle in your eye.
“You’re still an imbecile,” Wednesday argued.
“But I’m your imbecile.” She felt your hands finally rest on her hips, holding her closer.
“Shut up,” Wednesday mumbled as she let her hands fall to your neck.
You both knew that was her funny way of saying “I love you.”
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
hmmm... Whatabout modern!chubby!aegon learning that the reader has issues with eating? I feel like that could be an interesting little story. Like nothing all that serious, just that the reader often skips meals to get to work earlier, or they cook Aegon dinner but don't leave much for themselves, because they want to make sure our precious babyboi is well-fed but don't care too much about themselves.
Aegon would notice this after a while, and lemme tell you he is NOT having it. Aegon grew up very spoiled, he's never been pressed for time when it comes to eating, nor has he ever dealt with food insecurity in terms of wealth (i.e. he's always had enough money to have 3 meals a day).
So Aegon decides he's gonna learn how to cook, so that he can wake up earlier than you and make you breakfast n things like that :)) you notice, and 1. It's the sweetest goddamn thing ever and you just wanna squish his chubby cheeks and give him kisses for it (cuteness aggression is a real thing, people), and 2. Seeing him in the kitchen with his stupid little apron, puttering around like a housewife kind of drives you CRAZY.
Maybe the reader literally pins him onto the kitchen counter and takes him like that, apron and all, while he's covered with sugar IDK
Aegon also becomes a bit of a hobby-chef because of this, which I think suits him so well. Little babyboi making a bunch of different dishes, asking the reader to try them out with a worried look on his face (he really values your opinion! 🥺). You always tell him his food is amazing though. You might hate seafood beyond belief, but when this boy makes you salmon the reader will eat the whole damn thing and tell him its michelin-star quality.
I can imagine he also puts on a bit more weight because of this. He's always been fluffy, but he maybe starts becoming a little insecure of himself? Like he doesn't quite know if you mind him being a little chubbier. That worry doesn't last long, cuz within 5 seconds, you're back home and squishing his cheeks and belly and laying your head on his soft thighs, and he realizes he really doesn't have to worry about it (with maybe some sweet reassurance from the reader?? Idk I love that shit istg 👀👀)
sorry this was so long! I just love hobby-chef chubby!aegon so I figured I'd spread the idea like a virus lmao 💚
GRRRRR bestie this is everything, some fluff for our fluffy boy <3 the detail in this was everything, I hope I give you justice!!!!
Seconds, Please?
PAIRING: Modern!chubby!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 3,357.
WARNINGS: mentions of eating disorder, mentions of self-inflicted fatphobia, swearing, dry humping, smut, size difference kink, hint of food play.
A/N - I need this domestic chubby man in my life so bad, please. apologies if I changed or added a few things, it all just came to me in the moment AHAHA <3
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Domestic bliss was true, and much to your cause, you were reaping the perks that naturally came with it. Aegon was a loyal, committed partner, a considerate soul, that although many underestimated his capability in a relationship, had proven otherwise...
"Babe, you barely ate your dinner last night, and now you're off to work without having eaten a proper breakfast-" He'd worriedly confessed, remaining seated at the small, circular dining table, his mouth partially full of syrup soaked waffles, as he obediently devoured the last gulp of his breakfast.
"Aeg, baby, I only just managed to whip up something for you. Couldn't leave my big boy to starve now, could I?" You tease, as you hastily gather your belongings in your tote, cutting his soft "but" as you bid him farewell, planting a fast, hard peck on the top of his short, platinum hair.
Aegon, much to his guilt, had only just recently begun to notice how little you ate, in comparison to him. The more it played with his mind, the more sinister the thoughts would become.
Had you developed an eating disorder, that he was so blissfully ignorant to all the signs? Allowing for you to endure such a thing...
Or was it, that you had grown ashamed of his overgrown size, that you felt the need to starve yourself?
Mayhaps, the stress of work and having to care for Aegon on top, your appetite had grown weary and lesser? All because he was selfishly indulgent with the affection and attention you spoiled him with...
He stopped midway to lifting the fork into his mouth to devour the final piece, closely gazing at the slice of the delectable waffle on his fork, that you'd so thoughtfully cooked for him, before throwing it back down on the plate shamefully. The intense guilt he felt brewing in the pit of his stomach, made it feel sinful to finish it. How could he, whilst you went about your day hungry? Connecting the dots, like a pieces to a puzzle, he'd noticed how recently fatigued you were, always desperate for a nap or an early night, often having finished work late from the law firm. These past few weeks, you'd been worked to the bone. The more he dwelled on your frail appearance, he'd come to realise just how weary and thinner you'd grown [not losing an abundant amount, although enough to see how loose your clothes had grown], along with the difference in size between yourself and him, was quite noticeable.
What would others think? That he was the culprit for his girlfriend's malnourishment? Him a 'greedy hog', binging and consuming everything and anything edible on sight, of course, there'd be none left for you to eat. Many of your excuses ranged from not feeling hungry at all [your mind too preoccupied with endless amounts of deadlines], or that you were too tiresome. And in the moments that you'd spared to eat, your appetite was shortcoming, and often you'd plea for Aegon to finish off your leftovers. Now he felt even more woeful, unlike before, the guilt would devour him inside out.
In conclusion... You were too good for him, he did not deserve you. Something needed to change, he did.
"No more fucking around, Aegon, fuck-" He brutally thought to himself, as he arduously heaved himself up: belly sated and full, a pudgy, sticky hand instinctively patted over his belly, as the other grabbed the dishes, placing it in the sink. He was intent on changing his outdated habits.
He could not do much to change his appearance overnight let alone in a few hours, nor was he keen to, if he was being frank. He knew you were quite fond of his new-found softness, having not complained thus far, he was not overly big. Your affections towards him would prove just how desirous you felt, on your behalf: the way his plush body would smother and pin against you when either of you felt a little frisky. And during the cold, winter nights, the way his extra padding and natural body heat would radiate, acting like insulation, as he held you tightly in his thick arms. You felt so incredibly secure. It was a feeling unlike any other, and he refused to take that away from you.
It was time he took charge...
"Aeg, I'm home!" You tiresomely call out, breathless as you walk in with your brimful bag and more paper work clutched desperately in your hands, more than what you had initially left home with.
Yet, no response in return.
You slowly linger through the hallway, as you remove your heels, adjusting the papers in your hand, before walking down.
"Aegon-" You worringly repeat once more.
Aegon was often at home most days of the week, for his family owned a wealthy, accounting business. Growing up rich and dependent, it seemed that Aegon grew accustomed to this comfortable lifestyle, and you truly couldn't blame him, he had no part. Although, his parents financially supported him even till now, and provided maids to attend to his needs during his youth, his parents remained absent: often he'd express his discontent with them, and rightfully so. However, he'd just messed up a huge investment opportunity, and was temporarily suspended, thus, he was at home for most of the time. Sitting around, finding solace in snacking to get by the long, lonesome hours, as he eagerly awaited for your return from work. Nonetheless, you had a soft spot for him, and tried to go above and beyond for him, to prove he did not need them anymore...
"In the kitchen-" He loudly yelled, followed by thunderous clangs of metal pots/plates. Your nerves began to set in, was the meals you often prepared for lunch and left in the fridge, not enough? Perhaps, this time they were not tasteful enough for him?
"Hey, baby-" He warmly coos, as he walks over towards you, planting a soft kiss on your flustered cheek.
"Sorry, I've made a bit of a mess, not used to where everything is. I promise, I'll clean it up once I'm done-" He pleas, as he walks back towards the oven where, what appears to be a freshly made pizza is brewing.
In silence, you gradually examine the surrounding and Aegon, himself. Although the kitchen was a rightful mess, used plates, sauce, chopped vegetables, pepperoni slices, and shredded mozzarella strands spread all over the counter, like some deconstructed art piece. And Aegon, donned in a white apron that was now completely soiled, with a smidge of what seemed to be flour across his cheek, your heart was full. Placing your bag just before the entrance to the kitchen, and the papers on a clear, clean spot of the dining table, you walk towards Aegon slowly, still focused on the sight before you.
"Aeg, W-What's the meaning of all this? Did you get hungry again? Was the lunch I made not enough?"
"No, no, Y/N. You've done plenty... In fact, more than enough, it's just-" Having wiped his hands clean with a dishcloth, his hands had reached over securely gripping you by the sides. Guiding you over towards a seat by the dining table, you sit down, as he plops himself on the seat beside you, as he pulls your chair closer towards him with ease.
"Y/N, I've noticed how little you've been eating these past few days. And if I'm being honest, it's worrying me, my love-" His soft, fleshy hands reach over to grip yours, firmly holding your small hands in his, as his thumb strokes your skin.
"I-Is there something I should be concerned about, because you know you can tell me anything, right? I-I just want to help you." His low voice breaks, stuttering with concern, as his troubled eyes remain fixated on you.
You can't help although smile, as you now return the gesture, giving a reassuring squeeze of Aegon's soft hand.
"Aeg, please, I am fine, truly. You have nothing to stress about. It-It's just work, I feel like I have no time to waste doing anything really. And I guess, I've been more focused on making sure you've been fed and tended to, than myself before work takes a hold of me... I just didn't want you to think I'd neglected you. Forgive me."
"Fuck, Y/N, what are you to be sorry for? I should be the one apologising... I've been such a hog, so blind to everything you've done-"
"Aeg, please-"
"Seriously, baby... You are just-[sighs], you're just a little too good to me, but I'm willing to change. That's why I did this, trynna' learn to cook for us, princess, so I can be the one taking care of you for a change..."
Nonetheless, Aegon remained true to his word. The home-made pizza he'd so lovingly yet chaotically made that night was a complete success.You teased whether he'd cunningly ordered out and acted as though he'd actually made it.
"Aeg, this- this is seriously so good. It's fucking delicious-" You excitedly exclaim in between each mouthful, as he anxiously awaits for your response by your side. At first, he was in denial, exclaiming that it was just out of niceties, or his beginner's luck in the kitchen. Although, pleading your case, like the competent solicitor that you are, your compliments earn an immediate, genuine smile from Aegon. Beaming across his plump face, his cheeks blushing a subtle tinge of pink, as this was a first for him, and rightfully so, it was an ultimate success.
In the months coming, Aegon had grown a hearty passion for cooking, especially because it meant he could provide for you. In his spare time, he'd been searching for various popular recipes/dishes he'd heard of. Other times, he'd ask for your preferences, finding out your favourite childhood meals, eager to reminisce your youth over dinner.
Eventually, he grew more confident with his skills and even began taking risks. Daring to cook meals with ingredients, he knew you were not typically a fan favourite of, and would avoid at all costs. He often always joked about how your eating habits resembled to that of a toddler.
As he was grown spoilt and with a cultured taste, he was acquired to most things, having dined in various, fancy restaurants and fed a range of diverse cuisines. Whereas, yourself, you were not so indulgent with different delicacies and palates. He was eager to change your mind, for he was not a picky eater at all.
You'd awake to your alarm that you'd set for your daily morning walks, blaring at your ear-side from the wooden bedside table, only to stretch and be met with a cold, empty bedside and Aegon missing. Although, the faint ruckus that followed, opening the bedroom door, to a distant bright, yellow light beaming from down the hallway from the kitchen, you'd follow, only to find Aegon hard at work in the kitchen.
"Sorry, princess, did I wake you up? I just was about to cook you something for breakfast and lunch on the go. I was just thinking to make you some salmon tonight for dinner, baby. I know, I know! It's not your favourite but I found this recipe, I'm really eager to try, and I thought you'd might like to... You know, helped to expand your horizons a little."
Although it took you much convincing, Aegon noticed the disdain look on your face, unpleased by his plans, you still caved in. Those puppy eyes with those cheeks, were irresistible, you could never deny him. And yet, Aegon's cooking never ceased to disappoint you thus far, so why turn away now? As much as you had been dreading the dinner, feeling your appetite growing weaker throughout the gruelling day at work, Aegon's salmon dish was shockingly delectable. The richness and zest of the salmon infused with the spices, combined so tastefully and the texture was just right, you could've sworn you'd moan, a visceral reaction from how good it was.
"Aeg, baby, what sorcery is this? How am I enjoying this, you know how much I hate seafood...And yet, this could so be worthy of a Michelin Star!" The bewilderment set in stone in your voice, as you politely cover your mouth with your hand. Aegon always made a habit of waiting for you to eat first, before tucking in himself. He was always anxious for your approval, only to be met with countless compliments, you felt like a broken record.
"Really, baby? You mean that?" He persists, as he picks up his own cutlery, keen to unveil the taste.
"Trust me, Aeg... If I didn't like it, you'd know for sure!"
Eventually, Aegon took the reins of cooking, which much to your relief, meant one less thing to worry about, even if it took you a while to get accustomed to. Aegon insisted that you should continue to focus on work than having to feed him regularly.
"I'm not a little child anymore, Y/N, let me show you how well I can take care of the both of us now."
Although granted on your days off, after you'd have a decent, well-earned sleep in, you enjoyed helping him around the kitchen... It was a hard habit to break of Aegon's when it came to the cleaning aspect, he was a tad lazy and slow, so often, if given the chance, you'd help around washing, drying and packing away dishes and ingredients. Cleaning up his mess along the way, as you closely watched him from the sidelines, a true professional in their mastery.
It was only in these intimate moments, that you'd notice Aegon had grown a little rounder, more softer around his edges. The subtle double chin beneath his jaw was more prominent, and his jaw line now fading with mounted with flesh, his cheeks looked slightly more plump [the urge to kiss and nibble at them became exponential], and the apron he'd worn so often, how tightly snugged, barely able to tie from behind, as his stomach had protruded even more beneath. His figure could not be hidden, and yet, it made you fall for him even harder.
Aegon immediately noticed you openly eyeing him out, too deeply distracted by his figure, as your eyes fluttered over every inch of him.
"Y/N, what's wrong? What is it?"
Hastily snapping back out of your lustful thoughts, you felt flustered, being put on the spot like so. You hadn't even realised that Aegon had caught you, perhaps as you fell into silence, observing him strongly kneading the dough, preparing to trial out his attempt of focaccia.
"N-Nothing, Aeg, I-I just noticed, maybe you need a new apron... That one looks a little worn-out, and slightly uncomfortable."
Your meek attempt at subtleness was poor and Aegon knew exactly what you'd meant. He knew he had grown, putting on a few extra pounds since exercising his new found hobby, although he was foolish to think you would not notice. You should be disgusted by him, even in his efforts to tend to you, he was selfishly gorging himself. Had he no self-control?
"I get what you're saying, Y/N. I feel ashamed too, for the way I've become, I-I'll try to get out s'more and maybe I can go on those morning walks with you?" He bashfully looks back down at the dough he'd stopped kneading, trying to talk firmly with you.
"Aeg, please! That's not what I meant at all!" You urge, as you hastily leap off the chair, bounding towards Aegon as you instinctively wrap your arms around his thick waist, your small arms just barely interlinking.
"Don't you ever, ever think I could be ashamed of you, Aeg! Do you think that low of me? I love you, and if I'm being quite honest, I think I've actually fallen for you harder..."
You playfully look up at him, your head resting just below his broad shoulder, as you perk your eyebrows up and down teasingly, gesturing for something more.
"And what exactly, do you mean by that?" He questioned, as he finally covered the kneaded dough in bowel, waiting for it to rise, before turning to face you.
"Well, I mean your as soft as that dough, your cheeks, I could just squeeze, and those lips- Gods, your lips, Aeg-"
You tug him by the apron, gesturing him to lean down, as you plant a soft, long kiss, your tongues entwined as your share a passionate moment. Just as you'd expected, his lips felt so soft and moist, you had the sudden urge to gently bite down at his lower lip, and helplessly you did, tugging at it. Earning a cocky smile streaming across his face, you let go, aimlessly gazing up at one another with desire.
"Hmm, tell me more, princess."
"And this belly-" You grab a firm hold of his flesh, slightly jiggling against your rapid motions, as you eye his physique below and back up towards him, his attention following you.
"It's just calling for me to straddle you, I can't help but imagine how good it would feel to ride the fuck out of you, and these thighs- You've been so busy in the kitchen, stuffing your roasts and gorging yourself, you've forgotten about little, old me. You don't miss filling me up, big boy?"
Immediately, in such a swift motion, Aegon turns to steadily pin you against the counter instead. His full undivided attention, solely on you, licking his lips as though you were some type of dessert he'd just feasted his lilac eyes upon, as he presses his solid mass against you, feeling yourself helplessly squirm beneath his tender pressure. Adjusting himself in the right position, it didn't take a genius to realise, someone had grown a little excited by the realness of your words, and in sync, you felt a throbbing, familiar ache coursing from deep within your inner thighs.
"Look at what you're doing to me. Do you think that low of me, that I would forget my little princess, hmm? Your needs come first, always."
He plunges his soft face deep within the crook of your neck as he sucks on your floral fragranced skin, with each kiss he felt eager to devour you, you were certain by his harshness that he'd left a trail of fresh marks. His hands snaked down your waist, below to your ass, sensually massaging at your cheeks, as he pushed your body deeper into his, specifically your lower abdomen region, where you felt his bulge poking through his seems, desperate to be inside of you.
You felt your body slowly pacing up and down against Aegon's stocky frame, one of his thighs, found their way in between your legs, parting your entrance. You began to mimic the movements as you would if straddling him from atop, as he kept you supported, rocking yourself backwards and forwards against his clothed, chunky thigh. The friction beneath and Aegon's groans so close against your ear, was unnerving. You could sense the trickles of wetness beginning to ooze out of your eager cunt, soaking your sheer panties beneath.
"Aeg-Bedroom-" Moans in between your breathless words, you felt too feeble to form coherent words, as you felt his swollen gut, pressing deep against your breasts, flashing them upwards. One of your hands remained firmly tugging and pulling at his short, platinum locks, whilst the other dug nails deep into his meaty flesh, leaving a trail of marks behind.
Without hesitation or thought, Aegon picked you up with such ease, carrying you over his thick shoulder, you felt puny against his strength. Earning a small, light giggle from you, he felt invincible. Oblivious for what was to come, it seemed Aegon was keen to show you...
Just before he'd rush to make a beeline for the bedroom, he stopped by the fridge, opening the freezer door, and instantly grabbing the frozen tub of his favourite chocolate ice-cream.
"Better not waste this, we can definitely put it to some good use."
GENERAL TAGLIST - @evenstaris @chompchompluke
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dootznbootz · 25 days
Literally just found out about you today and I'm already follow in you. As fellow tele-GONE-y hater, I absolutely stan with all the hate we have for that stupid fan fiction. Circe used to be one of my favorite books, I still think the writing is good. But when you look at the original source material? Yikes- I don't get why Miller chose CIRCE out of everyone. If she wanted to write a feministic story that's fine. But why chose a female character whom you have to make better and corrupt all the other characters in the source material so that Circe is more sympathetic? Why couldn't she write a TRUE feministic story about some other character?? I personally would've loved a story about Nausikaa. Which would make more sense considering she is a character who is often forgotten in most retellings of the Odyssey.
Circe isn't a sympathetic character, she was never supposed to be one. To make her sympathetic is to make everyone around her terrible. I'm so angry when people use this book for insight on Circe character because it is so different to actual Circe.
I'm also so very salty about what she did to my boy Hermes because what.
Thank you so much!!! Sorry this took a while to answer! Thankfully most folks are not a fan of the Tele-GONE-y either :'D it's mostly the "well, actually" folks who talk about it. >:(
"If she wanted to write a feministic story that's fine. But why choose a female character whom you have to make better and corrupt all the other characters in the source material so that Circe is more sympathetic?"
This right here, is exactly how I feel with so many of these "feminist retellings". Feminism is about lifting each other up. If you have to make everybody else "worse" to make your main character better, then...that's just not good storytelling.
This goes along with the whole "all men are bad no matter what" that happens all the time and I hate it so much. Even if the system may be sexist, that does not mean that every single male agrees with it.
You put everything into words well but I like to ramble so Ima say shit too but it's basically the same thing lol
With the whole "every horrible thing Circe has done is done fo a reason. she's defending herself, she was wronged, men are so evil uwu" is just fucking lazy and SUCKS. >:( LET WOMEN BE FLAWED, COWARDS!
I actually really love Odyssey Circe as a character. She's morally gray and does whatever she wants as a goddess. Yes, she terrifies Odysseus but she's COMPLEX. Why does she need a reason to turn men into pigs? Why can't she just do it "for funsies"?
I think it takes away from her as a goddess to always have a reason for her to do the things she does, you know? Immortals are fickle and don't have the same morals as mortals. I think Miller changed so much as "to have a morally gray protagonist?? No, that's wrong!" which BORING!!!!!!!
I fucking love Penelope. But I still have her a lil mean and even a bit snooty sometimes as her and Odysseus are like-minded. Hubris would be her downfall as well. She is petty and holds grudges like no other. because she's a PERSON. Not "bland empowerment in a can for everyone to consume". Ofc, she has her wonderful qualities like her intelligence, devotion, determination, and yes, she does have her kind moments (she goes 0 to 100% real quick. She takes the "Do no harm, Take no shit" phrase to the extremes. lol)
But honestly? I think there's a real problem in writing in many YA books and especially in fandom where people treat female characters as goddesses (which yes, understandable) but then they can't...make her human you know? Almost like they cannot see any of the woman's flaws or even WANT her to have flaws because "woman doing a bad thing that isn't done 'cutely' ("endearingly clumsy", "quirky chatterbox", etc. traits that are usually not the greatest are "cute" now simply because she's a woman. Maybe a love interest sees her that way but those traits would probably be considered annoying to many others.) regardless is antifeminist"
And even then, so many things that I want to write about are what many would consider feminist when...She's just existing. And I'm getting silly with it. Penelope is athletic and a naiad (75% but you know. with her parentage) but I don't write her that way TO make it feminist. I'm not doing it for that. I just like tiny but mighty wife ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't plan to write other women as "lesser" for not being athletic for example. Anticlea doesn't understand why Penelope likes doing that stuff but she's still supportive and they enjoy weaving together. I am NEVER putting down another female character for not being "girlboss" enough.
I really hate that this book has made people constantly bring up the Tele-GONE-y AND Shittalking all of them. I don't like looking at retellings and seeing "a new feminist take". Usually goes against the entire story to begin with. Often portraying good male characters in the original as "bad and horrible".
Also no hate to those that enjoy Circe the Book, but to me, it sounds like trauma porn. adding rapes that were never there, making the victim of the situation the PERPATRATOR because, clearly, a man cannot be a victim. I heard about her hating being a mom despite her literally having servants and she's a GODDESS in the Odyssey. She could literally have a nanny/nurse if she wanted.
Fun fact: I was watching a video essay about villainesses and how to write them well and as soon as it started to talk about historical villainesses and how Circe was a "femme fatale", I exited the video. She's an "antagonist", she lets them stay there but she's still...Not GOOD. To be a femme fatale means to usually seduce. She does not seduce Odysseus. He was literally commanded to by Hermes and her.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
Vanilla and Lavender
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♡ pairing: Sigma x gn!reader
♡ synopsis: You braid Sigma's hair. That is the whole piece.
♡ wc: 635
♡ cw: None!
note: Sorry for poor quality. Also maybe ooc Sigma? If so sorry about that too.
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"Y/N, love..." Sigma started slowly, for the umpteenth time. By now, you weren't having any of it.
"Perfection and beauty take time, alright?" You replied, quickly.
"No, no...do we have to do this?" He asked, tapping his knee with his fingers. "I wanna stand up. We've been here for a while, y'know."
"Nuh-uh," you shook your head defiantly, "Stop whining, it's been like, five minutes."
Sigma had to admit, he did like the feeling of your fingers weaving themselves through his hair, lightly tugging and massaging his head. And he also liked how serious you were being, even though he felt it wasn't necessary. He'd never had someone braid his hair before, but after the thought had initially occurred to you, Sigma knew that trying to dissuade you would be impossible.
That was how he ended up here; sat down at your vanity while you were standing behind him slowly braiding his pale silken hair. Though this activity wasn't something he ever envisioned himself partaking in, he knew that if it was with you it couldn't be so bad. That being said, he'd naively expected to be sat for only about thirty seconds.
"Your hair looks nice braided..." you murmured as you carefully weaved his locks into the pattern. "Have I told you you have, like, the best hair?"
"You say things like that every single day, Y/N," he chuckled, casting you a gentle smile through the mirror. "I'm glad you think so though."
Sigma's hair smelled nice, vaguely like vanilla and lavender. That would have been a result of the shampoo he used, you figured. You thought it was cute that such scents paired well with his multicoloured hair.
"I'm just being honest, hon," you shrugged. "It's the least I could do for you." Sigma let out a small, relaxed huff of air at that statement. It was silent for the next few moments, as you completed the braid and tied up the ends of Sigma's hair with a black hairtie.
"And...there we are, now," you announced, straightening. You took the braid in your hands and pushed it over his shoulder so he could see his hair. Even while done up, it was still quite long. "We're done! How do you like it?"
Sigma examined his hair for a moment, curiously taking it in his fingers and twirling it around. You couldn't help but feel a sense of fondness at his inquisitive nature, despite the wise and knowledgeable facade he put up while carrying out his duties as a casino manager. Finally, he looked back at his reflection and spoke.
"I look like...Gogol."
"You look cute, Sigma!" You insisted, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "If only I had some of those little hairclips, then I could decorate your hair. Or ribbons, maybe?"
"No, thank you." He promptly answered, causing you to laugh. The sound was music to his ears, and he couldn't help but fall victim to your lovely, contagious grin. "I have an image to maintain, my love."
"Yeah, yeah, I know," you smiled back at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him from behind. "You always look handsome to me, no matter what."
"It's not about being handsome- it's professionalism."
"That's what I said."
"That is...quite different to what you said, actually," he shook his head.
"Details, details. Bottom line is that you're perfect regardless." Sigma couldn't tell if you were intentionally ignoring the point or really not getting it. Either way, he just let out a sigh and placed his hands atop yours.
"Thanks, love."
The braid really did look quite nice. Perhaps he'd wear his hair in a similar way the next time you two went on a date. He just had to make sure Nikolai didn't catch wind of it or he'd never hear the end of it.
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i'm sorry i know it's bad but honestly? if you came here expecting GOOD content that's entirely your problem
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girlbooklover555 · 4 months
"I just want to fit in... I want to feel like I'm here... it doesn't make much sense, I know"
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request of @empty-void-of-dreams
Connor Stoll x fem!reader
warnings : Hi, I know this wasn't exactly what you asked for, but I had this idea and decided to do it. I hope you like it anyway.
PS: It's my first request, so remember of the possible bad the quality , I'm new to this.
mention of self-harm and anxiety or stress, mild anguish ? and insecurity, cute moment with connor, inspired by the song mirrorball by taylor swift
I'm using Google translator and maybe you consider connor ooc???
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Connor knew something was wrong.
It wasn't your new hair, or your change of clothing style that didn't make any sense, because you always liked different style clothes than the ones you wear now, but you're still amazing.
The point that made his mind spin in thoughts was that you were acting different, different from who you were. The only sign of who you were was in the movement of your hands, which anxiously turned a ring.
Connor knew her body language down to every detail. Something was stressing you out, or you were making the same face you made when you had a test or something you had to do and felt like you couldn't do it.
How could one expression say so much information to him?
He didn't know, but he knew something was wrong.
Then Connor found himself leading you away from the campfire where the others were to talk.
"What is happening?" Connor's voice was serious, but still gentle.
“nothing,” you say, trying to sound calm.
"Really? Because your change in behavior gives me a different clue," he says as he takes your hand and takes the thin ring off your finger.
“Hey,” you say, trying to retrieve your ring, as Connor just takes the ring and puts it in the pocket of his shorts, then he firmly but carefully holds the hand you raised to try and grab the ring from his hand.
"You're doing it again," Connor says, serious and worried, a combination that wasn't very common together.
You look at your hand, seeing that the thin ring has hurt his skin after anxiously turning it several times.
“Sorry,” you say automatically.
“Apologize to your hand,” Connor says as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear without letting go of your hand.
"So what's going on?" Connor asks, curious and worried.
“I don’t know,” you whisper, distressed.
"You're not being yourself," he says calmly, "you're not being natural," he added.
"I guess I was never natural", you say, sighing.
"I don't think so, but now you seem to be trying hard not to be you," Connor says as he looks at his injured hand. “That kind of effort isn’t healthy,” I whisper.
"Why are you doing this, anyway?" You sigh tiredly and approach him, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him.
“I don’t know, Connor,” you whisper. "I just want to fit in... I want to feel like I'm here... it doesn't make much sense, I know," you added, laughing sadly, and snuggled your face into the crook of his neck, feeling comfortable.
Connor hugged your waist affectionately and opened his mouth to speak, but decided to kiss your forehead, noticing your relaxed body and letting you have the comfortable silence that seemed to calm you down.
So he would stay in that hug no matter how long you needed him.
After all, sometimes you just wanted to be heard without having to speak, and Connor knew how to communicate with his silence.
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greenerteacups · 6 months
hihi i saw you were semi-active on tumblr and figured i would ask if you'd be willing to elaborate a bit on the whole push/pull relationship theo and daphne have in lionheart? i've done a couple rereads but i still can't quite figure out how they feel about one another.
hope you're having a great christmas gt <3
i've got good news and bad news. the good news: you've read it perfectly well, because "can't figure out how they feel about one another" is exactly what's going on with them at any given moment. so this is greatly vindicating for both you as reader and myself as author. the bad news: you have just given me license to talk about theodore nott and daphne greengrass, a dynamic that gets an understandably small amount of attention and yet consumes large volumes of my headspace. so. spoilers ahead!
daphne and theo break my heart, because they're a story in wasted potential. theo and pansy are obviously old childhood friends, but i think daphne is just someone who knew them socially and only really got close to them at school — cf. her conversation with draco at the yule ball — because first year forced theo to make friends who weren't pansy for the first time, and daphne finally had a chance to socialize without her parents coddling her. they get along like a house on fire, pansy rocks up to join them in second year, and this is the cute little nega-Trio draco meets in book 2. it's a fashionable nucleus of dry humor and ferocious mutual protectiveness, which theo demonstrates especially in the hospital wing at the end of book 3.
but theo continues to suffer the chronic condition of Being Theodore Nott, and so when the plot comes knocking, things go south for him expeditiously, especially his personal relationships. daphne develops a crush on him as early as book 3, and being daphne, she's incredibly obvious about it, but being (1) a teenage boy and also (2) an incipient domestic terrorist, he naturally avoids dwelling on it — and then maybe-kind-of-starts-to-reciprocate, because hey huh wait a second you sure do care about this girl a lot, don't you, theodore? — but by that point the war's started revving up in the background and he has Other Shit To Deal With.
it doesn't help that the two of them are being drawn in radically different political directions, partly because of her friendship with draco, but also because of her own choices. theo's mistake here isn't malicious, but he really does ice daphne out (as he does everyone but pansy, pretty much, in fairness) for most of book 4, and by the time he realizes that he could actually lose her, it's too late. probably he doesn't realize how far she's migrating once she drifts out of his influence — daphne is incredibly susceptible to suggestion and is deeply influenced by those around her, which becomes clear once she's transplanted into gryffindor and discovers this much kinder, more chivalrous side of her nature. given that chameleon-quality of hers, it's understandable for theo to be shocked when she pivots away from him and pansy the space of less than a year. but also, I think it's telling that he's that surprised, since daphne hasn't been in good with the rest of slytherin for months at this point. and in turn, this surprise angers her, because like — dude, seriously? forget the romantic stuff; you're supposed to be her best friend, and you couldn't tell that she was doing a Character Arc behind your back? (strains of this feeling heavily inform what she says to draco during the Yule Ball, especially re: theo and pansy being each other's platonic soulmates. she feels locked out, in every sense: from slytherin, from her friends, from her parents, from everything. she wants in on something, and it drives her to do something pretty callous to draco and hermione, as she realizes and regrets. daphne is not always a kind person, even when she's a nice one.)
that anger, and theo's unfortunate failure to do anything useful about it whatsoever — slytherins! purebloods! low EQ! not great at the whole making-amends thing! — is what makes it possible for her to sever ties with slytherin completely, effectively terminating the close friendship she had with him and pansy (who's slightly less reconciled to that separation, but pansy is also much less politically involved than theo both philosophically and functionally, so it's easier for her to double-dip). it's my headcanon that if theo had even 15% less to worry about, he'd be making more of an effort to revive that relationship, but kid is in hardcore Survival Mode for most of book 4, and just knowing that daphne's not in immediate physical danger has to be enough for him. meanwhile, upstairs, daphne is discovering the Life-Changing Magic of Real Friendship, and like, it's kind of a blast? and lavender and parvati are really cool? and gosh now that theo isn't the center of her living universe, isn't it funny how all these tall good-looking boys are wandering around? funny, that!!
this isn't to say that their story is finished — it isn't! there's still a lot of gas left in this tank, and many, many things these two have left to say to each other — but that's where the story leaves us. they were close; there was a real possibility of something, and likely some degree of mutual interest; but the timing was never right, and it's not going to get any easier if things keep going in the direction they are now. (but who knows?)
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keikeu · 1 year
i won! :: murata fuma
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pairing :: idol! murata fuma x idol! m! reader
genre :: established relationship, fluff
warnings :: none
"you know, i could have closed my eyes later to avoid bumping into everything while we came here." fuma said, eyes still shut while you helped him walk inside without tripping. the two of you were very excited but also very tired. today was fuma's birthday, and sadly you also had a music show to attend, which left little time to celebrate or spend it with each other.
you had something planned, but since your schedule was packed you couldn't do it, so you opted for your second option, a (video) game night, and you knew fuma would love it. so now you were guiding him to your shared room, holding both his hands so he would avoid any object blocking his way, although you had done a bad job at this before.
"okay, you can open your eyes now!" on your bed lay two consoles, your laptop and fuma's nintendo switch. the nightstand was filled with various snacks and drinks. a bright smile made its way on fuma's face as he sat down on the bed.
"i know it's not much but i figured we'd come home late and-" before you could finish, he grabbed your hand and gently pulled you to him. "i love this, i get to have fun with you on my birthday, it's perfect!"
your worries disappeared and you enjoyed your time with your boyfriend. you sat down close to him, your chin resting on his shoulder as you attentively watched him play a game on his switch and asked him questions about it. you weren't really into video games, but fuma liked them, and you loved him so you felt the need to know at least some basic information about his favorite games or characters. he also appreciated the effort you put into learning about them, you didn't have to but you still did it and it made him happy.
"you wanna play this together? it's better when you play this game with other people." he asked, and you agreed, getting a bit bored by only watching him play. now you weren't good at video games but you were very competitive. most of the time when playing you had no idea what you were doing, but it was your determination to win that pushed you to the top, and usually annoyed others.
fuma knew this, he knew how competitive you could get and how others sometimes disliked that quality of yours, but he found it very cute. so he handed you the console and opened the game he mentioned before. he was going to explain the rules and how the game worked, but you told him you didn't need them and that you could learn on your own. he didn't argue with your request, wanting to see how you'd react to losing on the first go.
"what happened?..." you asked, baffled, as you stared at the bright screen where your character had fallen on the floor. you quickly realized that your character had died and fuma had won that round. "but we just started!" you complained, meanwhile, the older chuckled at your frustrated state, which only made you more confused.
"should i explain the rules to you now?" he asked with a little smirk, and you only huffed before agreeing. you understood most of them, some were too complicated or useless for you to wrap your brain around, but you told fuma you were good to go and he started the new round.
this time you promised yourself you'd be more attentive to live longer, but a surprise attack with a move you'd never seen before left your character dead again, and it left you even more shocked than before.
"how the hell did you do that?!" fuma smiled confidently before answering, "well, i wasn't gonna tell you everything about the game."
at that moment, you thought he was very cool. it was something small he had said, but something about the way he had said it made your heart beat fast. you put that feeling aside, you were there to win, not be smitten with your boyfriend.
the more you lost, the louder you got. euijoo, who was trying to sleep, quickly became annoyed. he knocked, but when nobody answered, he opened the door and grabbed your attention with a dry cough. you and fuma turned to euijoo, waiting for him to speak, as if you didn't know why he was there. did the two of you really not realize how loud you were being?
"can you two be more quiet, please? some of us are trying to sleep." he said, sleepy yet still polite.
"and some of us are trying to win!" you said, your brows furrowed in concentration while still aggressively pressing the buttons of your console.
"excuse yn, he's still bitter about losing so many times." fuma said with an awkward smile, making euijoo sigh.
"well maybe you should let him win so he can stop shouting." and with that, euijoo closed the door behind him. your puffed your cheeks before focusing on the game again.
fuma considered euijoo's words, he could play it easy and let you win, after all, it was getting late and if it were for you, you'd be staying up all night just to win. so he decided to do just that, he'd let you win, and you'd probably be too happy to even notice he lost on purpose.
"fuma! let's make a bet!" you suddenly announced, throwing him off.
"if i win this game, you need to give me a kiss, and if you win you can name your prize!" luckily, he knew the outcome of the situation, so he agreed. plus, kissing you was like a second birthday gift, so in the end of the day he was winning too. soon you two were glued to the screen again.
"i won! i actually won!" your cheers were heard, and your bright smile and enthusiastic jumping made fuma happy.
"i guess you did win, now come here and let me give you a kiss!" he grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him, placing a peck on your nose before kissing your lips. you melted in his arms and were soon brought back to reality when he broke from the kiss.
"you might have won the game, but i think i really won today." he said, fixing up your bed so the two of you could sleep.
"and why's that?" you asked, helping him out.
"i go to spend my birthday with you, i got to have fun and kiss you in the end. if that isn't winning, i don't know what is!" he said making you chuckle.
"you're so cheesy sometimes." you cupped his face and squished his cheeks, he was very cute.
"only for you."
a/n :: thank you anon for requesting this!! it isn't exactly on fuma's birthday but it's in the same week so it counts🙈 also sorry if this isn't good or if it feels a bit rushed, i kinda didn't know how to end it well so yeah (also anon i didn't know if you were talking abt video games or not but that's what came to mind and it was too late to ask so i went with this😭😭)
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magefeathered · 2 months
My full video of the Tampa Ritual \o/ Yes, I'm insane for recording the whole thing, but also I couldn't really see through the head of the guy in front of me so I'm glad I held my phone over my head for an hour and a half. Audio quality is better than the video quality as I was quite zoomed in, but it sure is the whole show.
Show highlights, in my opinion:
it's very silly, but Vessel, iii, and iv all standing with their backs to the crowd at the end of TNDNBTG was just very cool, to me. cool guys don't look back at the explosions etc etc
also silly, but watching Adam run around stage taking pictures was fun
just. the way the crowd screams when iii and iv (but especially iii) come out onto the stage, and every time they come back out. iii sure is the master of crowd control and the crowd adores him for it
Vessel's barking during The Offering, because me too bestie it's a fun verbal stim (also all I can think of is the Letterkenny bit about DMX barking)
Vessel's screams in general, I'm not typically a fan of harsh vocals but he sounds soooo fucking good live
ii raising/holding out his arms, gesturing at the audience, making what looked like prayer hands, etc. I've seen videos of him doing that but never realized how much he did it, he's so interactive back there and I feel like a lot of the time he isn't paid attention to and/or can't be seen behind the kit
I feel like iv was doing a lot of spinning!! again it might just be bc people usually seem to focus their videoing on Vessel and iii but I wasn't expecting iv to spin as much as he did, and it was fun to watch!
iv was also hanging out on the little stand the keyboard was on for a lot of the time, it was very cute when him and Vessel were playing together up there
Atlantic. Jesus Christ. I was tearing up not only from the song but from the amount of blue lights in the audience, which the video does NOT do justice (I realize in hindsight, it's because I was so zoomed in, I wasn't capturing the full view of the stands)
watching the Espera grooving, especially during the beginning of Hypnosis and the breakdown in The Summoning, they looked like they were loving it as much as the crowd was
The beginning of Alkaline, good god. The camera drifts because I was so entranced by Vessel's stage presence that I wasn't looking at my phone for a while. The way he pulls the mic away from his face and kinda hisses on the end of desire.... I am unwell. I can't tell if you can actually see his fucking grin in this video or if it's just the lights on his face, but if you haven't seen the closeup vid someone else posted of this moment, please track it down. I've been compromised.
Missing Limbs. Fuck. I was crying. Everyone was crying. The way he sings the "without you lying next to me" and "like I've got missing limbs" broke my fucking heart. I adore this man. (bonus: you can hear me saying hell yeah at the beginning bc my bestie @/vacationbiblestudy came back from the merch booth with a shirt for me! he's the one that says "it's pretty" lol)
I'm not gonna lie, I kinda rolled my eyes at the INSANELY noticeable increase in crowd response at the beginning of Chokehold, and then again at the beginning of every TMBTE song, but honestly? The TMBTE portion of the show was genuinely my favorite. All of the songs went so fucking hard. Vessel's voice just got better and better as the show went on, idk how the hell he does it. He started the show amazing and ended the show phenomenal. Witchcraft.
The Summoning. Everything about the Summoning. It wasn't my favorite when I first heard it, but it grew on me, and god it fucks SO severely live. It's incredible. Vessel's voice, his screaming, the Espera dancing, Vessel squatting down to examine iii's playing (and the way he stands up stock straight afterward?? lmao), the DRUM SOLO!!!! and the way everyone waits for Vessel to do the damn Will Smith pose by ii and just screams for him on command, the way Vessel carried the "bad" in "make a good girl bad" god damn, everything.
iii got a mosh pit during Granite, maybe one day he'll get a real wall of death, but at least he got something lmao
the rain sound effects during Rain are really amped up live, and combined with the lights it's just so atmospheric and beautiful
Ascensionism live ALSO fucks severely. I'm surprised the camera wasn't a lot more shaky with how much I was straight up throwing ass. And the lights looking like stars against the ceiling of the stadium was so pretty, even though it didn't translate well in video. And I know I already mentioned ii's hand motions, but especially during Ascensionism, from "my redemption, eternal ascension" until the drums kick back in, ii was FEELING IT back there and I was having so much fun watching him
The bucket hat situation during TMBTE lmao I need to get a clip of just that bit and post it separately. Someone threw the hat on iii's side of the stage while the lights were down and iii was over on iv's side of the stage, and when iii came back he just picked the hat up and immediately put it on. He wore it for a while, then put it on Vessel, who also wore it for a while before just. throwing it on the fucking ground LMAO and then he proceeded to, essentially, dance around it until the song ended and a crew member threw it back out into the crowd
EUCLID!!!!!!!! GOD. GOD. I was getting teary eyed and then the way Vessel sang "do you remember me" just broke the dam and had me sobbing. iii getting the crowd clapping and then stopping them because they weren't on rhythm, and making them start again, iii wearing Sleep Token Mickey ears???? THE NIGHT BELONGS TO YOU!!!! and Vessel literally on his fucking knees for the whole end of the song 😭😭😭😭 and again, Adam in the bg taking pictures (god I hope they get posted at some point)
THIS GOT A LOT LONGER THAN EXPECTED............... THE WHOLE SHOW WAS A HIGHLIGHT. The fact that you can't hear me singing along, or screaming, is a highlight, because I absolutely fucking was. The whole show was fucking incredible, 100000/10, would recommend until I'm blue in the face, worth every goddamn penny I spent and ounce of financial stress the trip put me in. I will never fucking forget it. Especially since I have video evidence lmao
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silentwillowwhisperer · 5 months
Okay do you agree with me that we were severely deprived of Ezor, Zethrid, Axca, and Veronica content? Because they would be the ultimate lesbian squad like
Do not even. Get. Me. Started.
Too late.
(warning: this is a loooooong post.)
My poor girls, they were so perfect! And don't forget Narti (blind lizard gal) because as much as I think Lotor's whole villain arc thingy was dumb, I will NEVER forgive him for killing her. Never ever ever.
I do refer to them as Lotor and the Lesbians in my head, so I think it's pretty clear what I think about them. (Small note: If they were a band that would be their name.)
And Veronica! She was so cool! You know she steals all the girls her brothers bring home. Like, 'Oh you met someone cool at work? I'm just gonna take her off your hands...' Let's be real, if Veronica was not a fictional character, she would be a notorious lady charmer.
And COME ON. Ezor and Zethrid were LITERALLY DATING. I will take NO ARGUEMENTS. Do we not remember that whole episode where Zethrid went berserk on the paladins cuz she thought Ezor was dead?? And how they looked lovingly into each other's eyes? They had an END SCENE together! Well, it wasn't about them, it was that thing about Keith taking over command of the blade but WHAT-EVER. They were 2 feet away from each other because they were inseparable and in. love.
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look at them.
Wait I can do better:
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I'm gonna scream.
And, yeah, they were technically canon but this doesn't count. If Shiro and the dude he married (..Curtis?) get a canon kiss then so do Ezor and Zethrid.
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Before I start my little spiel and Veronica and Acxa, I'm just gonna leave a picture of Narti here for those of you who don't remember her.
She was the one without eyes who could see through the eyes of her cat (honestly so real in a fictional way, love that for her).
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Ringing any bells? Yeah, I cried when she died. (I made a rhyme!)
Veronica and Acxa. They would have been SO CUTE together. And even if they didn't get together, at the very least they should have been best friends. Like the kind of best friends where Acxa is adopted into the McClain family to the point at which she can always be found there just chilling in their house like she owns the place. The kind of best friends that finish each other's sentences and know EVERYTHING about each other. GUYS. This was the VISION.
And you know what? I gonna put a picture of them here in just a sec, but you ALL know what I'm talking about when I say that they had a klance-style bonding moment.
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Do not even try to tell me that they did not have potential. They're making awkward love eyes at each other.
(Also, the limited fanart that exists of them is SO. CUTE.)
Honestly, if the show really wanted to show representation that bad, then why couldn't these ships be real? Adam is great and all that, but if we're going to introduce a queer relationship in the name of representation, then maybe don't kill him off for the sake of drama after only about 5 minutes total screentime.
In fact, Shiro's whole thing was messed up. Yes, I get that he's a queer icon, but why are these things being forced on him? Instead of putting him with another character that also only got 5 minutes of screentime, maybe his end scene could be something like, 'Shiro went and finally got the therapy he deserved' or 'Shiro and Keith spent quality time together now that they were no longer separated' or even, 'Shiro retired from military business and built a comfortable life for himself as a coffee shop owner.'
He. Does. Not. Need. No. Man.
Based on the fact that he still has that Garrison-issued arm, he is still in relations with them in some way. And maybe he quit and just got to keep the arm, but that needed to be specified. Are we forgetting his previous trauma? His periodic flashbacks? The fact that his body was taken over by alien life and used to INJURE HIS YOUNGER BROTHER? The very same brother that he was a role model to?
And maybe we could have kicked Lance's scene out and instead shown him with his family? That would have been a great place to insert Veronica and show them actually bonding like family. Did anyone else find it weird that we got basically no scenes of them interacting in space? With their personalities, they should have been gossiping and having spa days left and right, but there was nothing of the sort.
Wait, I'm sorry, I got off topic.
Where was I? Oh yeah.
The most talked about example of queerbaiting is always Klance because as main characters, they're in the spotlight, but these closeted lesbians do in fact exist.
Why did we get Allurance but not Ezor and Zethrid? They were SO CLEARLY compatible and they weren't toxic to each other like Allura and Lance. My main argument against that ship is because of Klance, it's because Allura had just lost someone important and rebounded to Lance, and Lance constantly tried to be the rock for her that she wasn't ready to lean on. He finally had what he wanted from day 1, and realized that if he really wanted it to continue, he would have to change in ways he wasn't ready for.
If that kind of relationship gets a kiss, then Ezor and Zethrid should get one too. They spent their whole time on the show supporting and relying on each other.
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 5 months
Galaxy Cup is actually really good overall
I said back when the arc first finished that it was just as bad as the previous arc up until Kuaidul's introduction.
...yeah, no I don't think that's accurate to my feelings anymore. I didn't really remember the arc much differently, most of it felt very familiar rewatching it, I think I was honestly just in a bad fucking mood during nearly every episode of this arc before episode 74.
I was so burnt out by the amount of bad writing choices and overabundance of Sevens fanservice hijacking the plot in the previous arc that even though the darkness cards plot was inherently cool, I couldn't get invested in it because I just assumed the mastermind was going to be Otes and as a result, didn't care.
Rewatching this arc and KNOWING that the mastermind is actually this amazing new character pulling the strings enhanced the arc tenfold, especially the duels involving the darkness cards.
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Kuaidul, and the foreshadowing and build up to him, is undeniably the best part of the arc. The final three episodes of this arc pop off so hard and are just peak Yugioh. As stated previously,
Plus, I absolutely adore the setup of the other characters having to defeat the protagonist who is playing right into the villain's hands without the villain even having to do anything. That is so cool and unique and amazing and HAVE I MENTIONED HOW MUCH I LOVE KUAIUDL?! HE'S A SASSY PUPPETMASTER WITH A HAND IN EVERYTHING AND AH HE'S SO DAMN COOL! :D
Um... So anyways, the rest of the arc is uh... it's pretty good. I kind of like Zaion now. He's funny. But let's be real for a moment: he was just a filler villain to tide us over before Kuaidul. Zaion was a tiny lil mozzarella stick tossed to us to make us shut up while we wait for our Kuaidul pizza. And while Zaion was a nice little enjoyable mozzarella stick, he did still feel like a distraction that... honestly still hasn't amounted to much, at least in the grand scheme of things. I dunno, the current upcoming episode at the time of writing this (A Clockwork Zaion) could change that but at the current moment, his presence in Galaxy Cup felt like a distraction and... messed with the pacing and focus of the arc a bit.
The big problem with this arc in general is that it was pretty aimless and all over the place before Kuaidul graced us with his presence. Before that... only one character gets properly taken over by a darkness card (Yuamu), which is supposed to the A plot, because the plot has to balance screentime with Zaion's furniture excursion, Yudias training Epoch, Manabu having my most hated episode in the show (again, not bothering to go into detail, we all know why it's bad) and then the fallout, Epoch learning that cheating is bad- oh wait, she never actually learned that because the arc was balancing too many plots at once and Epoch went right back to cheating in Spacetime. Ha ha oops. I don't dislike Epoch for this like I used to. She is just a kid and has other qualities that do make her a likeable character despite this but... the cheating thing really needs to be addressed.
This arc spent so much time introducing more and more subplots before the finals that to this day, it's left a lot of things unaddressed for way too long. Tremolo and co. are currently STILL FURNITURE and this arc ended in SEPTEMBER. There's just... too much going on this arc and it makes the episodes feel disjointed. That being said, the stuff that's going on is all good (except the Manabu thing). Yudias mentoring Epoch is really cute and Zaion is a funny ridiculous mozzarella stick of a villain. Most of the parts are good. They just don't completely mesh at times and makes the pacing a bit of a mess.
Seriously, Yudias getting into Galaxy Cup (something that's crucial for the finale of the arc to happen) felt so rushed and out of nowhere, as though the creators ran out of episodes to have him naturally get into the tournament with. However, I can ultimately forgive that as what it lead to was good. This arc is disjointed but apart from two episodes (the Manabu and Mitsuko ones), it's overall enjoyable and the payoff is well worth it. It definitely put Go Rush back on the right track, even if some of the problems from the last arc unfortunately carried over into this arc.
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siriannatan · 11 months
Dirty Mind - ScfWhip
I thought shortly if the title was good for what I had planned but it actually fits perfectly :}
Scott was not excited when he heard he was finally getting engaged. He knew it was expected of him as the second prince to marry and secure a good alliance but... After two hundred years he was hoping his father decided he was too old to marry... And he wouldn't probably be so against it if he wasn't as old and... But why, out of all empires, Grimlands?
How the new count was chosen was a bit lost on Scott. He understood long lines of inheritance. Not the overly complicated list of what Grimlands (and Cliff's but there it was mostly about educational prowess) considered good qualities for a ruler. From what he did understand his future husband was once a farmer but also a genius inventor and had already made a big impact. Not that Scott understood the complicated details about his inventions. 
As he waited among spiky bushes of black roses he was just hoping this 'fWhip' was at least somewhat pretty. If he was going to be stuck with a boring human it might as well be a pretty human... 
"Umm, Scott? Sorry I'm late," Or half-dragon... Why has no one told him his future husband was an adorable dragon hybrid with bright red scales and soft-looking, slightly curly, long and braided, hair? Scott would very much appreciate a warning, as he exchanged pleasant greetings with fWhip. And his voice was so pretty. And his eyes were so blue. And he was so adorably short. And in his cute, dark suit, even if he shifted constantly. 
Scott was so distracted by how pretty and cute his future husband was they spend several minutes in silence. He couldn't just randomly start gushing over how cute the guy is. That'd be weird. But he also had no idea what to talk to him about. All this tinkering and inventing wasn't something Scott knew much about or was confident he could keep up a conversation about. So he just stared at fWhip, who to Scott's relief stared back and then yawned... 
Fangs... Why didn't it come to his mind that fWhip might have those? And why did the idea of fWhip's irregular, jagged, perfectly white teeth biting him...
"I'm sorry... I stayed up a bit longer than I should..." fWhip chuckled nervously, messing with his ascot. And Scott had no idea what to do with his hands. Hug him? Apologise for being an awkward, shut-in bookworm? "I understand if I'm not quite what you imagined when this whole thing started..." fWhip was mumbling, blushing very cutely, and Scott would swear he could feel the temperature rise around them. But not unpleasantly.
"I quite frankly have no idea what I imagined when I first heard about the engagement... Certainly not a half-dragon, not that it's bad, you're..." Scott froze unsure what to say. His brain was screaming 'unreasonably attractive and cute' but that was not appropriate to say at the moment. And all his other thoughts should never leave his brain. He should never admit he wants fWhip's teeth on him as badly as he did. "I heard you're really smart and stuff, even if I don't really get all I hear it seems impressive..." Scott decided to shut up there before he said too much. He probably already did.
fWhip chuckled again, a bit more amused and less awkward. "You're not what I expected, you're not half as stuck up and cold as my sister said ice elves are," he shot Scott the most brilliant, toothy grin in the history of the world. Almost blinding him in fact. And Scott's mind was still stuck on his accursed, unfairly attractive to him teeth.
Showing all his teeth thoughts to the back of his mind Scott did his best to actually talk to fWhip. All his pretty fiance's inventions didn't sound all that complicated when it was fWhip talking about it. Even if half of his explanation - at best only half and not less - stayed in Scott's brain. Maybe this whole marriage would not be as bad. And maybe they could bring the biting thing up later on...
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maya-matlin · 6 months
I love your takes on OTH and agree with nearly all of them! You and an anon had interesting thoughts on Julian and why he seems perfect on paper but was so meh in reality, and I laughed out loud when you pointed out that the writers radically changed his personality at least once or twice a season. I have a mutual who watched most of season six, skipped season seven, and was stunned when she tuned into season eight and was like ‘wait, since when is Julian the adorkable comic relief—-who is this?!’ I think for me I got a weird social climbing vibe from him, which would be annoying but understandable if we’d met him in high school but is a quality I find really off putting in adults. He’s obsessed with the so-called popular group of a high school he didn’t even attend and even says something gross (brulian fans fins it cute but no) after the first time he and Brooke have sex about now getting why she had been popular . He just seems to really care about popularity/social status and the fact that he himself was uncool in high school a decade ago and making a good impression in Hollywood and all that. I actually like that Lucas took an instant dislike to him because so did I!
Thank you! Yeah, Julian was an odd character. He's not a bad guy or even particularly irritating. It's just that the writers were unable to decide which personality to give him. So to begin with, Julian is this slick, underhanded guy who shows up in Tree Hill to make Lucas's movie while also fucking with Peyton. But once Lucas discovers Peyton's past with Julian, that goes away pretty quickly. They stuck with confident, almost worldly Julian when he first started hooking up with Brooke. Season 7 was kind of a mixture of season 6 Julian while also giving him more nerdy moments. Season 8 Julian wasn't even the same character. He couldn't do a simple high five. He did matching Halloween costumes with his mom. There were jokes sprinkled in about manly man Nathan who likes things like sports and beer vs Julian who is effeminate and knows how to pick out beautiful flower arrangements where it's clear who the butt of the joke is supposed to be. In season 9, they tried and failed to make Julian a darker, edgier character by having him go through a self destructive phase after leaving his son in the hot car. There's no actual coherency to his personality or character development. He's almost completely defined by being Brooke's love interest and to some degree, an awkward replacement for Lucas who doesn't quite fit in. It's to the point that Mark Schwahn apparently wanted to rip off the Dawson's Creek finale so badly that they once again decided to "go meta" by having Julian create a tv series about Lucas's book after they'd already done the same story line with the aborted movie back in season 6. Naturally, Julian writes himself into the series, stealing away Lucas's winning shot at the state championship and being the one to make the sex tape with Brooke.
That's an interesting take that I can't entirely disagree with. It's so fucking weird that the Julian we met in season 6 would ever care about this random group of high schoolers from a small town. We're invested because we've been watching their story lines since the first season, but you'd think Julian would have grown beyond trying to fit in with the popular kids and had met and bonded with his own "people" back in LA. I realize Julian being a regular required him to eventually mingle with Brooke's friend group, but it could have been done in a much more casual way. Oof, yeah. Brooke had tried so hard to define herself by things unrelated to sex and looks back on her sexual history during her teenage years as something.. not quite shameful, but also not something she's proud of. It wasn't the right thing to say at that moment, and if Julian read Lucas's book he would have known there was much more depth to Brooke than that. While I don't personally dislike Julian, I do think he was kind of desperate to fit in and receive validation from the popular kids. Again, I struggle to understand why he wanted validation specifically from the OTH characters considering he was already working in Hollywood when we met him. Julian Baker was basically two different characters awkwardly smashed together. I like him well enough, but in all honesty he's carried by the fact that he isn't Lucas. Lucas is so flawed and indecisive for most of the series that even though he's a far more dynamic and consistently written character, his massive lows make it easy to forget his highs.
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