#the rashoman job
I'm rewatching the Rashoman Job (as one does) and I'm always so fucking baffled by it. Every bit of context in this episode is nuts. It takes place five years before season 3 - Hardison is only 24 in the San Lorenzo job, the season 3 finale. All five of them were there - implying that Sophie doesn't manage to see or recognize Nate, whom she's know for three years at this point.
Somehow, neither Sophie nor Eliot figure out that 19 YEAR OLD Hardison isn't the well-known Zimbabwean Minister Bioko. Eliot attempts to cut open a man's throat rather than find an epipen, which honestly tracks, all things considered. Sophie also manages to massively interpret Coswell's intentions. Every single one of them - with the partial exception of Parker - thinks that Coswell really was absurdly competant.
What a fucking mess.
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galactic-pirates · 6 months
Writing asks: 11, 22, and 31, please!
Thank you so much for the ask!!
11) Three tropes that are fine but overrated Hmm this is a hard question because first the instant anyone asks me to name things like tropes - head empty, no thoughts. Total brain fail. Second, I don't know, I don't like to judge things. This is how I wound up writing Time Will Tell (Sanctuary Soulmates fic) because I never liked the Soulmates trope. So I challenged myself to see if I could write a version I liked and I did.
If a trope is 'overrated' is that less the problem of the trope, and more just the versions being read? Not everything can be to everyone's taste. One person's absolute favourite fic, can be somebody else's 'backspace, run far away', or just 'meh'.
I've been enjoying rambling about the romance tropes that purlturtle picked for the bracket lately. There are some there, that just are not my thing at all. Does that make them overrated? It means they aren't for me.
I'm sorry this doesn't really answer the question but it's the only answer I feel like I have.
22) What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again? I touched on this actually in one of my recent rambles on the bracket. I think I was talking about soulmates and fate, and saying that I didn't like it because love is a choice, and it takes work. Thank Eve Baird for saying that real love is hard and that's how you know it's real. But I do love those two quotes about (paraphrased) "no matter the universe I would find you, and choose you" and "I hope in every world there's an us" and it's sort of like that with the infinite ways the OTP can be together. It's transcendent. It's like that multi-verse spanning love in action. Sort of 'proving' how right they are for each other because they just fit. It doesn't matter if it's canon or AU, canon-divergent etc. Some things are just meant to be.
In other words it's comforting. Bringing order to the chaos of the universe. Saying that in this corner all is well because these two (or three) idiots have each other.
31) What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)? I think I have a "kill it with fire", it's awful, it's unfixable, I can't do this, I'm fed up, I don't want to, I hate it etc. moment with most fics - or at least the longer ones. Although short fics can be buggers as well, especially if they have to be short for some reason. I loathe word limits with the fire of a thousand suns.
I don't know if I can really say that any particular fic was harder than any other. I would probably say that when I was struggling with it, but after? when it's done? The pain is temporary and it's hard to remember after. Each fic brings it's own challenges. Besides if anything was truly too much then it wouldn't qualify for the 'in the end I made it' because I didn't. My abandoned Librarians fic in the structure of the Rashoman Job (from Leverage) attests to this.
(as I'm not sure that I really answered a couple of these I'll tack on another for you)
25) Is writing the whole thing beforehand better or worse than writing it as you go? It is better because there's no risk of writing myself into a corner, and then having to abandon the fic. If I make a mistake I can go back and revise etc. I can post with absolute confidence as I know it's complete. Plus if something goes wrong then it can just live on my HD indefinitely and I can switch to a different project. It's very freeing. Would 110% recommend (I wrote all my fanfics like this from 2020 onwards).
BUT there is something to be said for a live audience. Back in the day when I first joined tumblr/AO3 and I was writing for Rumbelle, I wrote everything 'live'. I don't know if it was the fandom, the time, or what but I got a lot more engagement. There was more community and that was nice. Writing is lonely and what I miss more than anything is being able to talk to someone about my WIP, them being enthusiastic and sort of bouncing off each other. Never posting a WIP means there is zero possibility of that ever which is sad.
Still I would recommend writing it all out first. I feel like it makes for a more coherent story but that's the novelist in me.
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claudia-kishi · 2 years
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leverage rewatch (83/?)
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
Rescuing You (Angst/Fluff)
Dazai Osamu X Reader, Atsushi Nakajima X Reader, Doppo Kunikida X Reader
Summary: You find yourself in need of help when out of the office and he’s there to make sure that your okay.
Warning: Mentions of Injury, Mentions of Robbery, Blood
Osamu Dazai
💀 Dazai didn’t often seem like he was paying a lot of attention to you, he knew that you could look after yourself and more often than not you were the one that took care of any job that you were both on. 💀 You never even thought of him as the overprotective or worrying type, it took a lot to get them to even show that he was on edge, well unless Chuuya or Akutagawa was involved. 💀 You were part of the armed detective so you come into contact with the Mafia a lot of the time, this time however you were tasked with keeping Atsushi safe on his newest mission. 💀 Akutagawa showed up when it turned out that the person you were hired to investigate was working with the Mafia and they weren’t done with him yet.
“Weretiger!” Akutagawa yelled as he tried to slice him in half. “Damn it!” You yelled using your ability to create a shield around you both. “Atsushi call someone!” “Okay!” He yelled back as the rest of the members Akutagawa brought started shooting, you could hear him talking on the phone when Rashoman broke through the shield, slicing into your arm and knocking you into the gunfire. “This is unfortunate.” You muttered ripping your shirt as you run behind cover ripping your shirt and wrapping it around your arm to try and stem the bleeding. “(Y/N)!” Atsushi yelled. “Focus on the enemy in front of you! I’m fine!” You assured him as you grabbed your gun from the holster and started shooting, you didn’t actually have an offensive ability so it was rare that you left the office for anything other than escort jobs but you were the only one that was free today. “Well, well if it isn’t Dazai’s favourite girl.” Your eyes moved from where you were aiming to the voice behind you. “Chuuya.” You glared as you moved to put some distance between the two of you, it only took a second for him to dive forward, you easily dodged the hands that came at you, rolling out of the way of a box that he sent hurtling at you, you laced over at Atsushi and saw that he was injured quite badly. “Play attention (Y/N)!” He yelled as you rolled out of the way of another projectile but as you did a sharp pain shot through your shoulder causing you to stagger as you stood up again. “Looks like you're in trouble.” Chuuya laughed as he lifted a metal pole aiming straight for you as you looked for a way to get out of trouble, you gritted your teeth he had led you into a position where rolling would mean putting yourself in the line of fire.
Dazai had managed to get there just in time jumping out of the car before it had even stopped, he rushed into the warehouse “Kunikida help Atsushi!” He yelled as he ran further in, he caught sight of you and the trouble that you were in managing to touch Chuuya before he could throw the pipe, it came crashing down and Chuuya turned glaring at Dazai who smirked. “Chuuya…” “You move and I shoot.” You informed him as he moved to punch Dazai. “Akutagawa let’s go! The boss said this isn’t worth the trouble.” Chuuya yelled from his place, Akutagawa looked over and gritted his teeth before deactivating his ability and gesturing for his men to leave. “Next time Dazai, I’ll kill her.” Chuuya threatened as he looked between the two of you before finally leaving, Dazai��s eyes moved to you before rushing over to check you over. “What are you doing here, you’re supposed to be halfway out of the city.” You mumbled as he lifted your arm and examined the crude bandage, he took the bandage that he had unwrapped from his own arm and re-wrapped yours. “Job got cancelled so we were on our way back, The boss called us and said that we were closer than anyone else.” He explained. “Well, I’m glad that your here.” You admitted, “how’s Atsushi and Kunikida?” “They’re fine.” He waved you off as he lifted you to take you back to the chair. “Dazai.” You warned and turned yourself so that you could see yourself, they were okay for the most part, Atsushi like you had a few cuts and bruises but for the most part, everyone was okay. “Told you.” He said softly pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Now let’s get back you both deserve some rest.”
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Atsushi Nakajima
🐆 Atsushi worried about everyone when they left the office but that became was especially true for you, he loved you and you wee someone who proved that they loved him unconditionally he was terrified of losing you. 🐆 You were very capable and he knew that, that was why he never voiced his worries, he didn’t want you to think that he thought you couldn’t handle yourself. 🐆 That being said he could never hide his own feelings very well and you could always see that you he was a little worried about you. 🐆 Most missions you werre fine but you were paired with him for your latest one and he was honestly worried, he knew that most trouble was caused by or followed him, he was ure that he was going to put you in danger.
It was a simple patrol around town to see if you could get any information about the latest case but as you walked past the alley, you stopped (neglecting to tell Atsushi) you thought that you could see something down the end and as you got closer you realised that it was a group, they seemed to be cornering two people a couple “what’s going on here?” You asked. “Nothing just move on lady.” One of them called back waving the knife he was holding n your direction but not really paying you much attention at all, he must not have realised how close he was to you because you managed to grab him and disarm him easily before trapping him under your knee. “I’ll try again, what is going on here?” You asked, the other two turned to you now and glared stepping towards you, leaving a clear opening for the other 2 to get away, you gestured for the two victims to run before turning back to the other two. “You let our catch leave, you plan on paying us back for that?” One of them asked and you looked at him and rolled your eyes. “Do I look like I’m going to pay you back?” You asked. “Well if your not going to give anything to us willingly we’ll take it.” He decided as he lifted the gun to point it at you, you watched them before literally kicked their friend at them attempting to distract them but it didn’t seem to faze him very much so instead he got ready to shoot. You don’t even know what happened, the only thing that you did know was that you flat on your back underneath Atsushi who’s tiger form covered the entirety of your body as he growled menacingly at the low level thugs that had decided the pick a fight with you. Atsushi had explained that he and the tiger were very different beings but you couldn’t let either of them kill a couple of idiots because they decided to try and rod the wrong couple. “Hey hun.” You said softly, the tiger glanced down at you but only briefly before refocusing on group in front of you. “You can’t eat them.” It grunted in disapproval before snapping his jaw. “You can’t hurt them either.” this time he growled in disapproval. “They really aren’t worth it, Atsushi and I can deal with this without killing them you know.” The next noise sounded almost like a hum “So can we maybe deal with it?” The bright blue light emitting from above you made you sigh in relief and relax all of your muscles “Hi.” You greeted the boy above you as you noted the men running out of the alley “you okay?” “I should be asking you that! You just disappeared I didn’t know what happened!” He explained as he crawled back so that he was balancing on his heels hands reaching out for your face. “I’m fine ‘Sushi.” You promised. “I didn’t mean to worry you, I couldn’t call out for you, I would have alerted them to someone else being there.” “Mmm.” Atsushi hummed. “He didn’t hurt you did he?” “What?” You asked. “The tiger.” He answered and you looked at him and smiled. “He protected me.” You explained “he stood over me, made sure they couldn’t get to him, had to convince him not to kill them though.” “He listened?” He asked. “Well they aren’t dead.” You shrugged as you stood up “come on we still have a job to do.” “Right.” He nodded as he took the hand that you had given him, he intertwined your fingers as he led you out of the alley to finish what you had started.
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Doppo Kunikida
📗 Kunikida was very aware of what you could and couldn’t do, he was very good at judging a situation and worrying accordingly. 📗 Kunikida knew that there were very few things that were going ot get the drop on you but he also knew that you were the kind of person that often put yourself before anyone else. 📗 Kunikida often worried when you were put on cases that involved kids or families because you were usually the one who came out worse. 📗 To make him feel better you always got him to make you flare gun with his ability, you called it your lucky item and promised that if you needed it no matter what you would use it.
You had been sent on another case for a missing child, Kunikida hated it but he had to admit that you and Ranpo made a good team when it came to finding and helping people, he knew that you wouldn’t be able to check in as much on this case because it was outside of the city and reception would be patchy so he wasn’t too worried that he hadn’t heard from you but things changed when he got a call from Ranpo, he was driving with Dazai in the front seat next to him “Ranpo.” He greeted him as he put his phone on loud speaker before throwing it at Dazai to hold while he continued to drive. “We’ve lost contact with (Y/N).” Ranpo said and Kunikida slammed down on the brakes lucky that there wasn’t anyone one on the foad at such a late hour. “Where are you?” Kunikida asked. “I’m with the detectives at the moment I’ll send you our location, we’ll wait until you get here and then we’ll go to the last place that we know she was.” Ranpo explained. “We’ll meet you there.” Kunikida said, he vaguely knew where you were going for the case so he headed in that general direction until they got a location from Ranpo.
You knew that it was a stupid idea but they were getting away with the kid and you still had no idea what they wanted to do with him, if you lost him now there was no way to know if you would ever find him before something bas happened, you knew Ranpo would be able to find them again, it was the kid that you were worried about. “Hey! You guys okay!?” You asked. “Who the hell are you?” One of them asked. “I was um… This is embarrassing, I’m lost.” You lied as you looked at them “I thought you might be able to take me back to the road.” “Lady we don’t have time for this leave before we kill you too.” He ordered and yur eyes widened as you realised that they had no intention of covering their actions. “Well I tried to do this the easy way.” You mumbled as you took the flare gun out from waist band and shot it into the sky while rolling out of the way of the gun fire, you threw the flare gun away and grabbed your actual gun trying to get a look at where the kid was but there when you looked around you could see that they picked him up and started running, you stepped out from behind the tree and try to close the distance but before you knew it you were behind cover again, there was a sniper, you don’t know what was going on but they really wanted this kid. The bullet had grazed your side and you pressed your hand there as you gritted your teeth as you got ready to run. “(Y/N)!” You could hear Kunikida and you were sure that you weren’t bleeding enough to hallucinate. “Kunikida find cover there’s a sniper!” You yelled as loud as you could. “Are you okay!?” He yelled after a couple of minutes of silence, your eyes moved down to your side. “Oneo f the bullets grazed me.” You answered “but they are getting away with the kid.” “Dazai and Ranpo are at the harbour, they were trying to get the kid out of the city, his father is waiting for them!” He explained. “Do you think that the sniper still here?” You asked. “If they were going to leave, wouldn’t he be gone to?” “I’d say so.” He was closer. “Are you moving?” You asked. “Keep talking.” He ordered. “Kunikida you can’t just do that what if you ended up getting hurt? We still don’t know if he’s still here or not!?” You scolded him, just as he appeared in front of you rushing over and gently moving his hand from where it was pressed against your side. “It’s just a graze.” He mumbled as he pulled out his book and got some bandages wrapping your injury before taking your hand. “He’s not here anymore, a shot like that drew attention, that was half the reason I found you, he would have known that, so it’s likely that he’s gone by now.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead “Let’s get you somewhere safe.”
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Request Here
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it’s the last dam job (lev 4x18) and sophie has 3 rules in this world. don't count the money till after the con. know when to walk away. and don’t get involved with a murderer.
because nate is contemplating murder. and yeah, they are friends with bennies, as hardison so inelegantly put it. but they aren’t truly involved. they aren’t dating. 
and of course he’s contemptuous. “the gambler.” you're -- you're basing your life philosophy on a kenny rogers song? and it’s just another reminder that he doesn’t ever actually see her. real name or not she’s still her. and of course she’s going to latch on to the romance and the drama and the capital T truth in a song about grifting. 
and then he insults her. eliot's killed. and the thing is. we know from the rashoman job (lev 3x11) that sophie and eliot likely slept together before they ever knew each other. and there were definitely moments in the first season where it seemed like they might be heading that way again. 
but it doesn’t dignify a response. nate knows it was a low blow. because they are all friends with eliot. he’s part of their team. he’s their family. he’s not that man anymore. and the only person who’s ever asked him to be. is nate.
nate knows this. knows what eliot did during that job. sophie does not. which makes his comments even worse. because nate’s very bright. he knows it was a low blow. trying to ridicule her. take her down a peg because he’s hurting from the loss of his father. and because he knows she’s right. 
because “the gambler” actually has more advice:
you've got to know when to hold 'em know when to fold 'em know when to walk away and know when to run you never count your money when you're sittin' at the table there'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done
nate doesn’t know how to hold back. give in. drop the con. hide. he’s the opposite. give it your all. keep pushing the con. don’t give up. don’t back down. if there’s a bigger bad than planned he changes the con. puts the team in danger. gets a power trip from being the unbeatable mastermind nate ford. 
but this time he’s finally lost. truly lost in a way he hasn’t since his son died. and he’s tried revenge once before. took down iys and the man that denied his son’s insurance policy in the first and second david jobs (lev 1x12 & 13). didn’t fix him. didn’t fill the whole in his heart. 
just gave him a god complex and a shot liver. 
and now he might lose sophie. even worse. he might lose himself. 
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anzanity · 3 years
Based on season 1 BSD (forgive me if I got spellings wrong. And let me know so I can fix it. I did it off of memory.)
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You drive Kunikida insane every day. Little things are teasable for you. As a member of the Agency with no ability, it's both your job to help him and a privilege.
After all, you are in love with Kunikida. And only Dazai and Rampo have figured it out (well, Yosano and Junichiro have an idea, but Astushi is clueless).
Kunikida won't admit it, but after months of teasing, he's falling for you too. You just aren't his Idea Woman and that messes with him.
Dazai has the most fun with the situation, bringing up how you are still single, and how cute you two would be.
Every time Kunikida says he is waiting for the ideal time and woman, you just hope someday it will be you.
Today, you are out getting snacks for Rampo and lunch for a few of the members. It's not uncommon for you to take this task. You know self defense, and love to go out, so they don't stop you. The high tensions of the Port Mafia on the Tiger's tail doesn't worry them with you anyways. After all, you are not the target.
That's until you become the bait.
None other than Akutagawa steps out before you, a glare piercing you through as if his eyes were his own ability. "Do not fight this and come with me." He says firm.
You quickly pull your phone out and click Kunikida's quickcall link, but not fast enough for Rashoman to actually pierce your hand and phone.
All Kunikida hears from your call is a sickening crunch and scream before it cuts off.
His eyes widen in shock and he jolts up, "Rampo. They took Y/n. We need to find her now." He says firm.
Everyone looks to him in shock, but Rampo nods. He saw this coming.
So, the race to find you begins. Everyone in the office is working together for the plan. It's going to be a death sentence for you more than likely if they attack, so they have to actually put forth a sneaky plan.
Just as they are about to leave, they get a call.
"If you want the girl, turn the Weartiger over to us in the wearhouse on the south of the port. Fight us and she dies." The woman on the line says then hangs up.
"As predicted. Continue with the plan." Fukuzawa says.
So they do. Everyone heads over with Junichiro using his ability to sneak Everyone in. They didn't expect Aoutagawa and the Black Lizards to be there.
"They are here. Fan out and find them." Akutagawa says, Rashoman getting dangerously close to you.
Before you can blink, Akutagawa is attacked by Kunikida, but not fast enough for Rashoman. It pierces into your chest, cutting off your airflow before you can even scream.
Yosano is at your side in an instant, healing you then untying you.
The fight is over before you know it, and Kunikida is kneeling by your side, "Y/n. Are you alright? Can you stand?"
"I AM NOT OKAY. I JUST PRACTICALLY DIED. THAT WAS SO NOT ALRIGHT. AND YES. I CAN. I'm not some damsel in distress." You say in a panicked tone, still reeling from what just happened, and try to stand.
As you start to fall, his arms catch you and pick you up, "It's going to be alright. Just rest now. I won't let anything happen to you ever again." He says calmly, holding you protectively.
You instantly relax in his arms and lay you head on his chest, Dazai smirking at the two of you, and close your eyes.
It may not be exactly him asking you out, but you feel a step closer to him and a lot safer.
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whales-are-gay · 3 years
aaaaaa just watched the rashoman job ep it’s so good
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copperbadge · 4 years
bisexual-nightmare on this post
Please, *please* faff about with this!! Six Harvests is such an excellent book (my first foray into your original work, I’ve got picking up the rest on my to-do list) and from what you’ve shared this is. An amazing approach. I’m struggling with pandemic-relevant/pandemic-related media rn because it feels so...current? Almost too current. But this is exactly the kind of sideways fantastical realism approach that is just absolutely fascinating, and also your writing is incredible. Good luck!!
I’m so glad you enjoyed Six Harvests! It does feel like the particular blend of surrealism and mythology and real history has....thematic appropriateness for the times we live in. 
Six Harvests is I think a much more mature book than my others, probably because I’m a more mature writer eight years on, but I hope you enjoy the earlier ones as well. If you liked the fantasticity of Six Harvests you’d probably enjoy Nameless or Trace the most of the others. 
fillinmymap on this post
I would read this. I would also love for it to have a bit of a rashoman style, because I definitely feel like people I know have had wildly different experiences and understandings of the events of the last year.
That’s actually kind of where I’m going with it! There’s an introduction to establish what’s going on, and then four “books” covering the four different characters I’m working on. It probably won’t be super precise -- like it won’t be four views of one story, but one story that progresses through the stories of four different people, but that’s a very high-fantasy way to go about things which is how I’m thinking this will probably go.
So far the characters I’m fleshing out are a the white-collar work-from-home single quarantiner, a mother who left her lower-paying job to look after/homeschool their kids while her husband continues to work from home in his higher-paying one, a fuloughed hourly worker whose mental health has severely deteriorated during quarantine and who is coping mainly through self-medication, and a teenager who is consciously dropping out of remote learning (and whose mother plays a significant role as a nurse who is frontline/essential and thus can’t be as present for her family as she’d like). 
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histrionic-dragon · 4 years
Thoughts on The Carnival Job
This gets long, so more under the randomly-placed cut.
“He’s translating his grief into controlling his world”--I really appreciate all Sophie’s observations about the marks-slash-Nate across this whole series.
“Spires! Greatness!” This is awesome.
“Did he just take my dirt?”  Yes, he just took your dirt, and you’re offended that he stole your dirt.  (Well played, Nate.)
We are six minutes into this episode and I don’t see any hint of a carnival. I expected Parker to be cleaning up on one of those twisty-rope-ladder scam things by now. Hmm.
All the “smart house” stuff that Hardison is talking about was pretty conceptual at the time, but a lot closer to reality now, ten years later! Heh.   Ooh, and Eliot is here. We have the whole team in the field in the same place!
“Guy can’t watch his own daughter?” --Correction, Eliot is here and Grumpy Big Brother Mode has been activated.  *puts chin in hands with a big anticipatory smile*
Oh! Oh!! He’s all “these are my lines, kid, I’m supposed to pretend I don’t like fun--are you--do you actually not like fun? You are way too cynical for a kid and I’m not sure if I’m annoyed or concerned. Grr.”
“Talking to her is like talking to...well, an Eastern European housekeeper” is a GREAT line.
Aww, Hardison looking at Parker through the spy-video-glasses. <3 Have I mentioned they’re a cute couple? Or they’re cute about each other, I guess; we haven’t seen them acting super couple-y.
Ohhh dear, the cute little green frog-bot-thing offended Parker....
I think this is the first time someone has ever accused Eliot of being motivational (in the optimistic sense, not the “do it or I’ll break your arms” sense, anyway), and watching him deal with that is fantastic.
Eliot likes teaching people, doesn’t he? He taught Sophie how to punch, he’s done lots of other little things I don’t remember right now... he was even kind of coaching the guy trying to kill him in The Rashoman Job whose phone he answered (”Why are you sending second-rate thugs after me?  *aside, to the guy with a knife sticking out of his shoulder*-- If I’m not honest with you, you can’t get better”).
“Go. Have fun.” Eliot’s also not quite sure what to make of that!
OK, I have to stop pausing to write reactions every 30 seconds, this is getting ridiculous.
--OK but I have to say this!! (1) The giraffe? Amazing. Thought she was going to make Eliot carry it too, but clearly they needed that to show her disappearing. (2) Team goes into full protective mode!! RAR! I love you, Leverage Consulting and Associates! (3) With a special side of vindictive/proud squee for “Nate, if I’m engaged...” “Do your worst.” YEAH, you don’t involve KIDS in your messed-up schemes. Eliot will kill you if you make him and Nate will back him up. (4) She’s going to remember and use the earpiece at a convenient time,  of course.
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Really cool shot, really cool music.
Oh no!!! Eliot!!!
I suspected she was involved. Didn’t think she was the boss, though.
Aw yeah, Parker!!
Oh man....this jerk wouldn’t stand a chance if Eliot hadn’t been punched by a carnival ride ten minutes ago.   .....He’s closing his eyes. He’s getting rid of the confusing mirror crap and--  Damn. Eliot Spencer is a scary sonofabitch.  And he’s gonna save this kid.  Whoo.
(Also? Bucky feels intensify.)
YEAH I knew Hardison was going to do that. :D
“I made her for you.”  “....I love it!” *hugs the bot*  And she’s naming it after you, Hardison. Awww. :)
OK, this is now one of my top favorites. And I have GOT to liveblog in less detail because it shouldn’t take me 90 minutes to watch a 42-minute show.
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fave eps
33. Top 5 episodes
The Husbands of River Song (DW)
Pilot (The West Wing)
The Spelling Bee (TWW17)
Pilot (Firefly) 
Leverage (The Rashoman Job)
[ get to know my fav movies and tv shows! ]
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summerdutkowsky · 5 years
Favorite leverage eps (say top 5)? And I'm stuck at the hospital too, if that makes you feel any better
heey hospital buddies! i hope your stay is going alright my friend
The Broken Wing Job
The Van Gogh Job
The Girls’ Night Out Job
The Morning After Job
though that last one literally can be switched out with any other episode it all depends on how i’m feeling that day
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Hey, if you're still doing the tv show asks, Leverage?
Ok, Season 1, I particularly like The Stork Job, because we get some background on Parker, we get insight into her view of herself (that she is messed up), and we see that she does have compassion hidden under her layers of weirdness (wanting to save the kids no matter what).  Also the moment when Hardison comforts her is beautiful, not to mention a great shipping moment “I like how you turned out”!!!!!  The first episode is also good, as is the Mile High Job, and both David episodes.  Any episode with Maggie and/or Sterling is gold
Season 2:  I LOVE THE TAP-OUT JOB.  Let’s be real, any episode that is Eliot-centric is my fave episode because he is simultaneously the simplest and most complex character (not to mention he is freaking cool).   Speaking of Eliot, I love The Order 23 Job–Eliot, this fierce, intelligent, frankly quite scary man has the softest heart when it comes to kids!  Other good episodes include The Two-Live Crew Job (Sophie doesn’t know how to be dead), The Future Job (Eliot was totally willing to kill a guy for Parker), and the Three Strikes Job (Eliot stars on the baseball diamond and on Japanese TV!)
Season 3:  Sooooo many good episodes…I like the Double-Blind Job because Parker is getting overtly jealous of Hardison’s attentions!  The Studio Job is great because Christian Kane gets to demonstrate his singing skills, The Gone-Fishing Job has some great Eliot and Hardison bonding time (even if Hardison couldn’t be more out of his element lol), The Rashoman Job is exactly what it sounds like and everybody’s interpretations of Sophie’s accent crack me up every time, The Ho Ho Ho Job has Santa Eliot and Elf Parker, and the last two episodes of the season are great high stakes with satisfying twists (and Eliot reveals he once worked for Moreau, and for him did the worst thing he ever did in his life, which he won’t reveal I love me some Eliot angst)
Season 4:  Honestly…The Long Way Down Job is fantastic and a great season opener.  Hardison just wants hugs, Nate and Sophie do their typical excellent grifting, and Parker and Eliot have one of my favorite of their bonding moments.  That said, I love The 10 L’il Grifters Job what with the dress-up and murder mystery stuff, and The Van Gogh Job is one of my all time FAVORITE episodes because of the reenactment of the old love story wITH PARKER AND HARDISON IN THE LEAD ROLES AS STAR-CROSSED LOVERS OMG oh but wait ALSO I love The Grave Danger Job because it shows clearly how much the whole team loves Hardison and in particular Parker and Eliot, like Parker NEEDED Hardison and she also calmed and saved him and Eliot just gives him that crushing hug!  (OTP AND BROTP 5EVER) …………aw dangit I also love Hardison, Parker, and Eliot’s roles in The Experimental Job, and the parody of The Office in The Office Job, the split-ups of the team in the Night Out Jobs, and the sadness and desperation and the team-ups in The Last Dam Job
Season 5:  I love hockey, and so seeing Eliot on ice in The Blue Line Job was great.  The D.B. Cooper Job is really fun, with more reenacting of roles by the team but this time with Eliot and Parker as two people in love (and honestly I ship Hardison and Parker more, but I can def see the possiblity for E and P and I’ve even read fics for them).  The Rundown Job is interesting because Eliot, Hardison, and Parker are completely on their own for the first time, and do quite well, and I didn’t think I would like The Frame Up Job as much because it was only Nate and Sophie (and while I love them, E, H, and P are my faves) but it was actually a really good episode, maybe because of Sterling and also because Nate and Sophie gave off Nick and Nora vibes 
My least Favorite Episode:  …………………………………………………no such thing sorry does not compute.  This is the one show that has NEVER let me down.  EVER.
My favorite Arc: THE TRAJECTORY OF THE WHOLE DANG SHOW!   My least favorite Arc:  I guess sometimes I just needed Nate to get past his problems a little quickerMy favorite ship:  Parker and Hardison!!!  PRETZELSMy favorite character:  Probably a toss-up between Eliot Spencer and Parker, with Alec Hardison a CLOSE thirdMy favorite season:  EVery SINgle ONE OF THEM!!!My least favorite:  ?????  Who I wish would have stayed till the end:  I guess it would have been cool if Maggie could have shown up a few more timesWho I wish would have left the show sooner:  no one?  I love them all?  even Nate who can quite frankly be obnoxious? :DWho I think is the most cheated character:  the cool thing about Leverage is that it does a fabulous job balancing the screen-time of all the team-members in every episode.  And while they each have “spotlight episodes,” no one is ever over-shadowed by the othersWho got more screen time than they maybe should:  I have nothing to say here, see previous answerWhat drew me to it: the modern day Robin Hood vibeWhat kept me watching:  the lively characters, the found family trope in full effect, the fun cons, the sarcasm and witty banter!If I would recommend it:  ABSOLUTELY GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW
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claudia-kishi · 2 years
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leverage rewatch (84/?)
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w__5C88z0KI)
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tanadapanther · 10 years
Rewatching "The Rashoman Job", forgotten how great it is! Sophie's accent getting more ridiculous, the knife getting bigger, and the addition of the other members of the team? It's fantastic!!
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loracarol · 11 years
...fuck it 
now I ship Coswell/Laverne Webber
and I'm going to sit in my tiny corner of pretending that Sophie did something nice for her after the contest even though I know it doesn't actually make any sense
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