#the ravening war was awesome you should go watch it
em-kgm · 1 year
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(weird old man noises)
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sevilemar · 1 year
I realised I never answered your last ask, nonny, and I'm sorry. It got kinda lost in the shuffle of tumblr and life, and if it's not relevant for you anymore, then feel free to ignore.
Yeah, nope, you're right, that's a long stretch, with the fire and all. It might be hard to find any examples, and even with the questions that the quiz gives, there's a lot of nuance,
Yeah, there are. That's why sorting is an art, not a science. Too many variables ;)
for example I rarely care about whether to be right or kind, I care about being calm and safe,
Quite sensible, if you ask me. But also, does that make being calm and safe morally the right choice?
which kind of removes being right from choices, with how much prooving that you're right would cost you in energy and in social status. Would I try to prove to someone upper in work or social status that hunting for pleasure is bad and they're a monster? No, but neither would I do the same with someone at the same level. They'd be a monster only to me, and not that they would care I think.
That's certainly a practical approach, which is fine by me. Although calling them a monster shows that you feel about it strongly. If you did not have safety and energy concerns, would you have that discussion with them?
But in the family it's free and safe, or at least it should be.
It should be, though it's often not.
Idk, instead of trying to argue that I might be a snake I guess I'm walking over to the maybe I'm actually a badger who lived outside of who they thought was normal and human and only recently started to unburn and feel human like.
I'm grateful you got there, nonny *hugs*
I'm not sure but I've started to work in a big group and I've got a nice intern for a second week and if the day is good, I'm happy and I feel like there's nothing else I need and I don't have any other ambitions,
That sounds very badger indeed. Hope it's still going good!
which I know was always there but I had to grew shit on top of it bcs you just can't live like this.
Why not? It's a perfectly good ambition to find a group you can work with, a group to belong. Sounds to me like there is someone telling you it's not enough, someone that's not yourself. Any idea who taught you this one, nonny?
But. But. Im not sure. The quiz is picking up on something badgery for these 2 weeks but maybe I'm just happy about having a little connection island not built on anxiety and fear. Maybe I'm just feeling human and that I don't need to emotionally serve anyone or be anxious about my every word.
Ah man, sounds like you got a little breather from survival mode, nonny *hugs*. How's it going with the group, any new thoughts on this front?
Yeah, I'm in awe watching ravening war and seeing how healthy the cast is, and how much trust they have in eatch other to not hurt them. My ass could never.
I loved Ravening War, beginning to end. So many awesome people, so much awesome DnD!
So, for the final question, where would it be able to say this is an unburning loyalist and where is it just human stuff, saying hey you can relax a bit now?
That's the question, isn't it? It's part of why I'm not really comfortable sorting people anymore. Shc is great, but it has its limits. It's so difficult to say what's sorting and what's survival, for example, or mental illness, or neurodivergence, or just situational, etc. I am not qualified to do that, and especially not when people are hurting.
I hope it went well with your group and with your intern, nonny!
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mtmains · 2 years
Cincinnati comic expo panels
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I don’t have a ton of stuff, though, so you should probably drop everything you’re doing and go get in line right now. My schedule looks shockingly similar to this:Ħ-7PM: Panel – “Is Casual Killing Core Games?” in the Raven Theater. This should be an interesting conversation. I don’t think casual is killing core gaming at all, but I’m interested to hear from people who think it is, and tell them why they’re so very very wrong.ġ1:30-12:30: “The Wil Wheaton Panel!” in the Serpent Theater. I’m going to be honest: I don’t think a lot of people are going to come to this. There are two absolutely awesome panels at the same time, including Family Feud with Gabe and Tycho, and if the panel didn’t have my name in it, I would skip it, too. However, for those of you who will be in attendance, due to your sacred vow to never watch Family Feud, I’ll be reading from Happiest Days and Sunken Treasure, wand I’ll do a Q&A if there’s enough interest. We always have fun, and we float, Georgie! We all FLOAT DOWN HERE!) and it will be awesome. I reserve the right to bail on signings early if nobody’s there, and stay a little longer if that’s necessary. Please, please, please come introduce yourself if you read my blog, especially if you’re a regular commenter. It’s pretty awesome to have faces to go with the names. Where: Duke Energy Convention Center, 525 Elm St.Wil: So, I’d really like to avoid a “By Grepthar’s Hammer! By the Sons of Morvan!” sort of moment, utterly failing my save vs geeking out at meeting you – I have a sneaking suspicion you understand this desire. Games include Munchkin, Thanos Rising, Colony, Whistle Stop, Favor of the Pharaoh, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Boardgame, and more. There’s open gaming, competitions, demos, and raffles. Tabletop gaming is available on the second floor in Room 206 all weekend. The contest takes place in the Queen City Panel Room (Rooms 200-205) on Sept. There is also a Best Group category for two or more cosplayers who want to enter together, and a Best Prop category, with no accompanying costume needed. The categories are: Youth, Novice, Journeyman, and Master Class. The individual contests are organized by experience. Anything store-bought will get you laughed out of there, not to mention disqualified. The Expo holds a costume contest every year for fans who put their blood and sweat into making their costumes. Topics include sketching, writing, getting published, competitive cosplay, and more. The Expo’s workshops and panels are geared toward both fans and aspiring creators. To register, visit Booth 254 on the main floor. Speed dating goes down in Room 236 on the second floor. You will receive your results during your session. There will also be noon sessions both Saturday and Sunday for the LGBT+ community. If you’re single and looking for someone who shares your obscure and uber-hip tastes, speed dating at the Expo might be for you. Check for specific details on who’s willing to do what and for what price.
Joe,” “Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars”), but will also include Darryl Banks (“Green Lantern”), Amy Chu (“Red Sonja, “Poison Ivy”), Dawn McTeigue (“Batman,” “Wonder Woman”), Neal Adams (“Batman”, “Superman”), Art Baltazar (“Hellboy”), Buzz (“X Factor”), Kristina Deak-Linser (“Dawn/Vampirella”), Dave Scheidt (“Adventure Time”), Siya Oum (“Lola XOXO”), and many more.Ĭelebrity guests are potentially available for autographs, professional photos, and selfies. Sixty artistic contributors to your favorite titles will be on hand. Diverse as it may be, the Cincinnati Comic Expo is mostly about the comics.
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Graveyard Siblings (5)
[Masterlink] (PART 1) (PART 4)
Mari and Cass sometimes switch their suits as they have the same body type. Cass would sometimes go out in full Hellbat gear and give the appearance that Hellbat is out more often than she actually is.
So Orphan/Black Bat also sometimes uses guns.
This also helps with concealing secret identities. Maria was rescued by Hellbat from Joker’s Henchmen. (Vicki Vale was getting sus of the new Wayne and Hellbat.)
Unfortunately since Hellbat rarely comes out and she had already made all of her appearance for the month and it wasn’t a busy weekend, the public had come to the conclusion that Hellbat has a crush on the newest Wayne.
Basically everyone thought that Mari has a crush on herself. Which led to some teasing and escalated to Mari announcing that Jason had a crush on Red Hood on live TV.
It didn’t help that a video of Red Hood and Jason re-enacting Romeo and Juliet with Jason on his apartment balcony and Red Hood on the roof was posted on the internet a few days later. (Thank you, Trixx and Tim’s awesome video editing skills)
Sadly, it was taken down 24 hours later. (Tim and the others have multiple copies of it, on the cloud or hardware, hidden around in the manor and their respective safehouses in the US.)
Some people kidnapped Jason to hopefully gain leverage over the Red Hood and to their dismay and nightmares for years to come, Hellbat came instead.
One lucky and incredibly brave reporter asked why she was there instead of her brother.
Mari being a little shit, “Red Hood may be a tough and scary guy but when it comes to his feelings, my brother is a chicken.”
Pictures of Jason tackling Hellbat somehow never made it into any papers.
The criminal underworld hasn’t taken a hint and Jason has been kidnapped a few more times.
Other times Jason was kidnapped:
Robin: Red Hood made a fool of himself in front of Todd recently and he doesn’t dare to show his face.
Spoiler: He was taking too damn long checking his hair even though I told him that no one was going to see it under his helmet and he was so offended that he is currently sulking in the bathroom.
Red Robin: Red Hood can’t think straight when he is around Jason. I mean have you seen the dude.
Arsenal*during a rare visit to Gotham*: Red Hood owes me one now.
Dick finally ends it by going out as Red Hood and rescuing Jason. Gotham is happy that Redson (Red Hood x Jason) ship has finally sailed.
Kate, Babs, Cass, Steph and Mari were out on Mari’s first girls’ night since her move to the manor.
This is set a little after she came back from Paris with Jason.
They watched rom-com movies, did hair and nails, gossip about the superhero community and bitch and vent to each other.
Marinette off-handedly mentioned the crazy shits she had done during her stint as Ladybug. It started with asking about the T-rex in the Batcave and she mentions jumping into the mouth of a live one before.
Everyone in the room was shocked and after a few more questions, it was obvious that she was very reckless and self-sacrificing. Yep, she was going to fit into this crazy family just fine.
And Holy Shit. There is so much trauma packed into this kid. She needs lots of therapy.
Babs finally decided that they all needed to get out and have some fun. All in their respective suits and they went out.
Joined by Harley, Ivy and Selina.
Plagg came along because I want Plagg to meet Selina.
It was a chaotic night and it was a miracle that Bruce didn’t find out about what the girls did.
Batman and Red Hood were on patrol together when Selina jumped in front of them.
“Hello, Boys”
“What do you want, Catwoman?”
“I want to meet my new prodigy, Kitty Noire.”
Cue Marinette jumping down from her hiding spot, transformed with the Black Cat Miraculous. “Hiya.”
Red Hood carries her like a potato sack and points his gun at the other two.
“Nope, she’s my sister and I called dibs. I adopted her. She’s off limits.”
“Legally, she’s mine.” Batman coughed out.
“I did it first. Emotionally. She’s my emotional support sister. You have plenty kids already, B and Selina, get your own.”
“Hey, I am still here and can hear you.”- Maria
Alya was worried for Lila. She had been acting weirdly for the past month.
She looked very out of sorts. Her clothes weren’t in order and her hair was in disarray. She had bags under her eyes and her eyes looked wild. Lila didn’t look like herself at all.
She jumped at any sound and flinched at really sudden movements.
Alya tried to find out what was wrong with Lila and received vague answers.
One time Lila said that Marinette is to blame.
Alya reaches the somewhat right conclusion that Marinette was haunting Lila and hurting her because Lila used to come to school with bruises and claims that Marinette did it.
Alya goes to Marinette’s grave to desecrate it. (Yeah, go anger the ghost that is haunting someone.)
Unfortunately, the moment she tries to do something, the sky turns dark, clouds appear and the wind begins whipping. A Lightning strike near her and there was a cloaked figure beside her with a scythe.
All Alya saw from the figure was the blood-red lips in a very sharp grin and glowing blue eyes, raising the scythe high before she ran away. The scythe swiped the air where her head once was.
Alya didn’t get far before she tripped and blacked out.
When she woke up, she found herself in the hospital with no idea how she got there.
She was told that somebody found her with a concussion in the park and took her to the hospital.
The next one on Mari’s hit list was Natalie.
She wasn’t as involved in the whole thing like Lila, Adrien or Gabriel but she still did it anyways.
Her punishment is a little mild compared to the others and was more of a warning to Gabriel.
Natalie woke up in the middle of the night to see a not-so-dead Ladybug sitting on her vanity chair with the moonlight from the windows illuminating her body and her neck. Her suit was torn exactly like the day of that battle with blood dripping down her arms and from her open wounds. The shadows kept her face hidden but glowing blue eyes stared at her.
Natalie was scared at first. But she regained her normal cool composure.
“I assume you are here to extract your revenge for aiding in your unfortunate demise. But before you kill me, I regret my part in my entire thing and I apologize for everything I have done against you even though I knew it was wrong.”
“At least you show remorse over what you have done. Visiting my grave when even my parents didn’t and leaving flowers. I love those purple hyacinths by the way. Did you know that they mean sorry in the language of the flowers?”
“Why are you stalling my death? Just kill me already.”
“Madam Sancouer. You just played a minor role in my downfall compared to what Adrien and Lila Rossi did to me. And you showed more guilt over your actions than they ever did and Adrien claimed to have loved me. And like I have told the Bats, Death is too swift of a punishment.”
“Who are the bats?”
“None of your concern. You should be more concerned about yourself.”
“Lila sees the ghosts of her past and they haunt her. Adrien is in a living nightmare and has no control over his actions and is despised by everyone. What are you going to do to me?”
“Well, since you show some guilt over your actions, let me tell you a little secret. I am not dead. Not really. I mean I did die. But there was a spell in the grimoire that revived me. It took a few days to work.”
Marinette changed to her normal form. It was a little jarring to see an older Marinette Dupain-Cheng sitting on her vanity chair like it was a throne. The Ladybug suit and the wounds were gone. She looked a little familiar.
“Why are you telling me this? What was the point?” Natalie faltered as she wondered why the girl looked familiar. Marinette moved closer and her face was fully illuminated by the moonlight.
“I intend to take everything by which I mean everything from Gabriel Agreste for what he did.”
“M. Agreste just wanted his wife back. You just gave him your Miraculous, you would still have everything.”
“What difference would it make? Sure I had friends and family before but they turned out to be disappointing. I might have become a famous designer like I dreamed of and can't achieve because I died. Besides, he never said about wanting his wife to come back in his tedious monologues. For all we knew back then, he wanted them for world domination. He showed that he would end the world for them. For kwamis’ sake, he nearly started World War III, just for a pair of earring and a ring. He was willing to kill me to have her back. No wait, he did that too. If he actually read the translated grimoire or asked the Guardian or at least someone with magic for help instead or maybe used his head and made some who can heal as his champion using the Butterfly, we wouldn’t even be in this mess. Face it, Mme Sancour, your boss is a power-hungry and very controlling maniac who is also thankfully an idiot.”
“But- he- he just-. You are just a child, what do you know? M. Agreste knew what he was doing.”
“A child who had a normal life up until he tried to ruin it with his idiotic schemes and hiring Lila to do it. A child who had to fight a war on her own.”
“I am sorry you had to go through that but I doubt you and your little revenge rampage is going to solve anything.”
Ghostly Chains wrapped around Natalie’s body, squeezing tight like it was squeezing the life out of her.
“I was all for sparing you, you know. If you had actually listened to my side of the story, you would have spared from my ‘little revenge rampage’. This is going to be a little painful. Sorry about that.” In a tone that was definitely not sorry.
Pain coursed through Natalie’s body. Her skin crawled and itched as pitch back feathers grew out of it. Her bones turned to dust and reformed.
Where Natalie Sancour once was, there was a raven.
An omen of death and destruction for one Gabriel Agreste.
Marinette leaned down towards the raven. Natalie tried to peck her eye out but Marinette held the beak in a firm grip.
“Ah. ah ah. Luckily for you this is temporary. Mostly. Every night, you will assume this shape and each night the longer you will stay in this form. Slowly counting down the days until Gabriel’s downfall. Since you love helping him so much, you are going to help him know how long he has to live. The night you are a raven from sunset to sunrise, that sunrise starts the day Gabriel Agreste will be utterly destroyed.”
She released the beak and headed towards the window.
"Send him my regards."
With that, she was gone.
(Part 6)
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samsaintjames · 3 years
okay so: fic recs
So this is gonna be really long and rambling (I'm sure), but we start with the basics.
If you're only ever going to read one and only one fanfic in your entire life you have to read Increments of Longing. It's a Jaina Proudmoore/Sylvanas Windrunner fanfic, but it's AU enough and so well written, that you probably do not actually need to know anything about Warcraft or World of Warcraft and the respective lore and backstory to enjoy it. Just look at it like a very good fantasy novel about an arranged marriage. [...]“But you would tell me what you want?” Sylvanas asked in a voice that was far too controlled to be truly nonchalant."[...] I could not even tell you why, but this line there from the second chapter? It gives me feels (and I could not even tell you what exactly I'm feeling, but yeah).
Anyway, read it (I've read it twice now)!
Okay, from the same author I also whole-heartedly recommend you search the mountain. Which is another Jaina/Sylvanas story, again AU, with Jaina being Drust. You do not necessarily need background info - there even is a map of Kul Tiras included - but you'd probably benefit from it. Particularly the early chapters, when you get to know Arthur, made me laugh and giggle quite a bit, even though the story itself is - since it's about the Drust and a civil war - a bit of a horror story/military fiction crossover I'd say. Good read.
And my kinda guilty pleasure (also from the same author) is no end in sight. It's a story about Suramar (and healing). And when I started playing WoW towards the end of Legion, shortly before the Argus patch, I absolutely fell in love with that region/city and the Nightborne - probably because I wasn't stuck on the repetitive content of it for forever lol. So this story about Thalyssra and Jaina and the other Nightborne NPCs is awesome. I was actually considering to also write about Jaina/Thalyssra, simply because just imagine the insane magic those two could do when working together (I mean they kinda do in Nazjatar), but knowing me, this will probably never get past the conception stage.
Inevitability is also absolutely amazing (it's another - you probably guessed it - Jaina/Sylvanas AU, with both of them being professors - considering I've been working in academics for the last 15 years that's kinda my jam). And I have a lot of thoughts about it, which for the sake of not boring people to death I'm gonna abbreviate (but well I'm ready to talk people to death if they are interested). One: I'd love to meet this Sylvanas. Two: I'd never have the guts to talk to her, but I'd totally want her to take me home lol (and I'm not even sure I'm gay). Three: life at universities around here is very different from - I'm assuming - the US.
(Also if you're into AUs, go check Fearless - which features witches and ghosts and is fun.)
Okay, so now we're coming to how I actually fell into the whole Jaina/Sylvanas thing. It's because of Daugthers of Sea and Snow. Which is a Frozen/WoW crossover featuring Jaina/Elsa I found by looking through Frozen Fanfics when I was bored around the time Frozen 2 came out and then completely forgot - it was still work in progress then; I found the still open tab in my browser like four to three weeks ago, saw it was finished now and devoured the whole thing. And while I was there, I looked at the other things that author had written - and that's how I stumbled upon Jaina/Sylvanas, like two years late. Which is probably kinda ironic, since I played BFA a lot (mythic raiding beginning with Uldir), loving the Storyline in Kul Tiras and being absolutely enamoured with Jaina especially after her Warbringers vid (I still sometimes humm the song) - and liked Sylvanas since Warcraft III. Sometimes life is weird.
So and after that I jumped down this particular rabbit hole while doing a thrilling backflip. There is an assortment of other stories that I very much enjoyed.
A Touch of Arcane - the first fix of political marriage AU for Jaina and Sylvanas that I got (I think it was actually the first Jaina/Sylvanas fic I read period). And boy did I get hooked to that.
Along the same lines but different are Worth the Trouble and Two Rooms.
If you're into AUs for that pairring, you'll find a lot of intereseting ones from the Author katofthenorth. The one about diving is really cute.
Stories not yet finished that I thoroughly enjoyed so far (most of them political marriage AUs - lol I'm a sucker for those okay, it's not my fault!):
Ink and Honor is amazing. I came for Jaina/Sylvanas, but I love the Thalyssra/Vereesa storyline just as much - it's sooooo cute, like even Genn ships them ^^.
threads of silk.
climb the walls.
Measure of the world. They aren't married (yet, it's a possibility though I'd guess and I haven't even reached the end of the so far posted chapters yet, but enjoyable read nonetheless).
The Lighthouse. Amazing AU, I love the idea - and it's not political marriage! I cannot wait for the next chapters.
I've dug too many holes into this thawing ground. This story gave me a lot of feels too.
Honorary mentions for stories that I'm assuming might never be finished, but are amazing reads.
Shot in the Dark. Fuck that is awesome! Secret agents and spies - okay technically snipers, but it's the feeling that counts, right? (and Tyrande in a suit is a nice bonus).
Trust in Me. Sylvanas as Jainas bodyguard AU.
Okay so... I still have like 250 tabs or something ridiculous open in my browser (that's not overstating it, it's fact, in fact I might be understating it at this point and it could already be 300) and I haven't obviously read all the amazing Jaina/Sylvanas fanfics out there yet, particularly short ones or one shots or series might have gotten lost, since I usually filter for high wordcounts only. So, if anyone feels stuff is missing, it does not mean I didn't like it, it could be I've just not read it yet.
And now for something completely different.
I want to point towards one of the coolest crossover stories/series I've ever read: Felicitas. Which is an Arrow/Highlander/Raven crossover that imagines Felicity as an ancient immortal. And it's just soooooo good, I've been following it for years. (That being said, I never watched Arrow past season 2 and I probably never will considering what I know about how the story of the show continues, I've been burned once with Bering and Wells, I'm not going there again. But that's totally fine, because Felicitas also only goes as far as Season 2.)
And then there's still waters and quiet men. I'm not even sure what to say about it. The sheer lunacy and the insane escalation present in this story should not have amused me as much as it did I think, but I remember laughing tears when reading this, because while it's actually really sad that some people might find this kind of behaviour of male characters in fiction normal, it was abso-fucking-lutely hilarious in my opinion. (That said, I've probably only read it halfway, but still, it's hilarious! Well if you have the same maybe weird sense of humor I have anyway.)
New Beginnings is a FemShep/Liara crossover with Stargate SG-1. So it's combining my favourite TV show with my favourite Videogame of all time. And it's brilliant.
So yeah that's my fic recs for the time being. If you just want a tl;dr, go read Increments of Longing. (I just cannot stress enough how amazing that story is.)
I'm only tagging Jaina/Sylvanas since most fics are about them.
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dynamightsfave · 4 years
Hidden talent - Luke Patterson
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(gif not mine! credits to owner)
AU: alive! luke patterson x oc
summary: in a world were none of the boys have died and instead live in the same timeline as julie, luke’s girlfriend has a hidden talent only her mother knows about
warnings: slight cursing, nothing much
a/n: this is the first thing that i publish, and i’m still trying to figure out how tumblr works, so if anyone reads this, please bear with me people
Heather had been friends with Alex since they were in diapers. Every memory of her childhood she had, he was there too, since the beginning. The only ones she had he wasn’t in were the ones at family meetings. He was even there when she went to the dentist! That’s how tight these two were.
So it was kind of inevitable her meeting his band. Sunset Curve had been all he and Julie —her other best friend, along with Flynn— could talk about since they had started it. They had met the other members in the music program, something Heather had never even thought about joining, regardless of how many times her mother had told her she had an incredible voice and should definitely let the world listen to it. However, the raven haired girl preferred to keep her voice to herself, like her small little secret.
Meeting Luke and Reggie —she already knew Bobby— was easily one of the best things that could’ve happened to her. She hit it off with them instantly, as she had never really had any trouble with making friends —she was the sociable one out of the Heather-Alex duo, and the mom friend out of the “Triple Trouble” trio. Her and Flynn had denominated themselves as the band’s managers and marketing team, and the others had to admit, they were doing a pretty good job.
While Flynn took the social media part, promoting the band on every platform she could think of and posting stuff like teases of new songs, short rehearsal videos and performance dates and places; Heather had taken the people approach. She had recruited her cousin, Willie —who she suspected only wanted to help her because he had a massive crush on Alex, and not because he “wanted to help his favorite cousin”—, and they had both skated the streets of LA, putting up posters and throwing them around, telling people to “tell their friends!”, a catch phrase Reggie had come up with.
“I got us a night at The Hollywood Club!” Heather entered the Molina garage with a proud smile and arms on the air, getting immediate cheers “I know, I know, I’m awesome” she bowed.
“Hey, I was there too” Willie pushed her aside, leaving his skate on a corner and plopping on the piano seat “In fact, if it wasn’t for Caleb owing me one, you wouldn’t have gotten that gig. I’m his messenger boy”
“Okay, listen you little shit, it was me that had to offer herself to clean the place up after the show, so I don’t wanna hear any more lies coming out from you” she narrowed her eyes at her cousin, but the skater only rolled his eyes.
Luke, beaming, reached out to Heather’s arm, pulling her onto the couch with him. The two had been dating for nearly three months, and anyone that didn’t know that could’ve thought they’d been together for years, just by seeing how deeply they cared for each other. Alex had been a tad overprotective of the girl when Luke started to flirt with her, but Julie and Flynn made him realize that if anyone could match Heather’s adventurous and forward personality, it was Luke.
Heather came up with an idea, something to do, and most people —including Alex, who over the years earned experience in this kind of things— would disregard it immediately, because it sounded, and most likely was, crazy. Not Luke. Luke would just smile and do it with her. Hype her up even. They found in each other a safe to talk, the craziest ideas and dreams coming to life. Still, they knew when to draw the line, and realize that maybe cliff diving in the middle of November wasn’t the best thing to do.
Luke liked to get the things he planned, make them real, and with Heather he felt like it was possible. Sure, he had the band to make his music dreams come true, but —and this can come out as shocking— he wasn’t just music. There were so many other things he wanted, and Heather was the first person that encouraged him to let them all out, the first person that listened to all the things he wasn’t as good at but he still liked, and forced him to get out of the studio to do them.
They were basically perfect for each other.
“Besides,” Flynn had pointed out with a teasing smirk and a knowing look that was also in Julie’s eyes “you’re going to end up dating her cousin, so it’ll be fair in no time” Alex had left that conversation blushing like a fool and with his mind a little more at peace.
“You’re incredible, babe” the lead guitarist kissed her cheek “When is it?”
“This Friday night” she answered, making herself comfortable in his arms “That gives you two days to rehearse some songs, maybe even come up with a new one. How’s my musical genius doing with that, Jules?”
“We have a few lyrics left on Finally Free, but I’m sure that we can have it done and perfected by Friday” she smiled, showing her adorable tooth gap “I’m gonna need to borrow your boyfriend for that, though”
“Sure, two musical geniuses work better than one. Meanwhile, Reggie and I have a date”
“Huh?” Luke’s head turned so fast, Heather thought for a second it would snap from his neck.
“Yeah, we’re going to watch the last Star Wars movie. We told you guys to come and you didn’t wanna, so we’re going by ourselves” Reggie could barely contain his excitement, the smile on his face making it impossible for Heather not to copy him.
“Speaking of which... if we don’t leave now, we’ll be late. Let’s go!” the girl pecked her boyfriend as a goodbye, ruffling Bobby’s hair after and blew a kiss to both girls and her best friend.
“I don’t get a kiss?” Willie pouted, but Heather only kissed her middle finger and flipped him off “Love you too, cuz!” he called, but Reggie and her were already out and the only response he got was his light laugh.
The two friends were meeting Carrie Wilson at the theatre. Nobody would’ve guessed that the lead of Dirty Candy liked Star Wars, but Heather had known her since kindergarten, and she knew the girl.
They all technically knew her, being Bobby’s fraternal twin and all, but the boys didn’t consider her an actual friend until the girls started inviting her to their hang outs, seeing as they were all friends. Luke and her often had friendly bickering of which band was better, Reggie discovered that she could be a wonderful addition to the mischievous duo Heather and him had formed, and Alex found his perfect dance partner one night playing Just Dance. It was safe to say that she had been welcomed into the group.
“You guys are playing at The Hollywood Club?!” was the first thing he strawberry blond said when they arrived.
“Tell your friends!” Reggie winked, then turned to Heather “Damn, Flynn is fast. We have good managers”
“That you do, Reg” she passed her arm over his shoulders. It was a little awkward, because she stood on her tippy toes, but they made it work.
“Can you get me a performance too?” Carrie pouted and made puppy eyes “I need a marketing team like yours”
“C’mon Care, it’s literally my cousin and I in his skate and my roller skates and Flynn with a phone and Wi-Fi. You could do that too” Heather waved it off “Plus, you can have daddy make a call and you’ll be able to play at the Madison Square Garden. Shit, we could do that too, we have Bobby. Why am I putting so much effort into this?”
“You know I’m trying to earn my own spot, Heath. Being famous because my dad isn’t as satisfying as knowing I made a place sold out because they liked me and not the daughter of Trevor Wilson”
“You’re doing great, Carrie” Reggie encouraged “Your songs are good, and your dance moves are killer. People don’t just go to your shows to see if they can meet your dad”
“Thanks Reggie, but I’m pretty sure you only go to my shows to see Kayla” she smirked, and both girls watched their friend flush red.
“T-That’s not true!”
“Really? I guess I won’t give her your number then; she’ll be real disappointed”
“She asked for my number?”
But Carrie just chuckled and walked ahead with Heather by the arm, leaving the gaping boy behind for a few seconds before he snapped back into the real world and chased after them, asking the same question again.
“I’ll see what I can do for ya” Heather smiled “But you’ll have to fight Luke by yourself when he finds out I’m helping our rivals” she finished in a dark tone, laughing along with Carrie.
“Yes! You’re the best Heath!” she squeezed her in her arms.
Friday arrived sooner than planned, and that left Flynn and Heather to get the band’s asses to the place. Flynn was on the phone with Caleb, assuring him that they were just stuck in traffic and they’d be there soon. They were actually trying to calm Alex down.
“Hey, look at me. Bird, look at me” Heather had her hands on his shoulders, doing her best to get him to breathe with her “You’re the best drummer I know-”
“I’m the only drummer you know, Feathers!” the anxious boy stressed.
“You’re the best drummer I know!” she exclaimed over him “This isn’t any different from our other gigs. You’re gonna get up on that club’s stage, and you’re gonna kill it. I’m gonna be on the side of the stage like I always am, with Flynn. I’m there if you need anything, which you won’t because once you get into the song, you’ll be crazy amazing”
“Okay, I can do this” he nodded to himself, taking deep breaths along his best friend.
“Hell yeah you can” she laughed softly “You good?”
“Yeah, I think so”
“Great, then let’s go people! We have an audience to impress!” the others, behind them, cheered with her and started to go to Ray’s van, were the instruments were waiting.
“Hey” Alex took a hold of Heather’s wrist “Thanks, Feathers” he smiled at her, using the nickname he gave her when they were three.
“I’m always gonna be there for you, Alex. You know that. I’m the Feathers to your Bird, we’re a package deal” she smiled back, then wrapped her arms around him “I love you”
“I love you too”
Alex did amazing. Obviously.
The whole band was incredible, and the people in the club absolutely loved them. Heather had stayed at the side of the stage like she promised, but from where she stood she could spot Flynn with Carrie, Willie, Nick and Kayla all jamming and moving their bodies along to the song in their chairs. She clapped and hollered once the show was over, a huge smile adorning her face.
“You were right” the man himself, Caleb, clapped next to her “They are really good”
“I told you, dude. Any chance we’re able to play here again?”
“I’ll call you” he offered, and Heather didn’t think it twice before shaking hands with him “I’m closing in half an hour, and I want this place spotless for tomorrow” he smirked.
“I thought you were joking! You have people for that”
“A deal is a deal” and he left. Heather groaned and threw her head back.
“Why the frown, Princess?” at the voice of her boyfriend, the smile was back on her face.
Luke was a sweaty mess, not that she cared. She took a couple of seconds to admire his “after show” glow. Because yes, he was glowing —both literally, because sweat, and figuratively. After every performance, there was a glow to all of them, pure happiness radiating from them. You could see it in their smiles and heavy breaths, but Heather liked to see how their eyes glinted with the ecstasy of doing what they loved. It appeared while they were on stage, and it stayed for some time after performing in front of an audience. When they were rehearsing or jamming in the studio it was more relaxed, content, but on a show it was almost magical.
“What are you looking at?” Luke laughed after drinking some water, with his eyes squinting as he smiled out of pure glee.
Heather too his sweaty face in her hands and planted a firm kiss on his lips. She had never cared if the boy was sweaty and therefore by hugging or kissing him she’d get all dirty and smelly. If she wanted to show him affection, then she would.
“You guys killed it up there” she told him after a moment with a proud smile “Amazing, baby”
“Thanks, Heaths. Sang that solo for you” he added with a smirk, hand slipping around her waist.
“I saw” she answered as she passed her arms over his shoulders and around his neck ���You looked really good while doing it too” the smirk widened and the hold tightened, bringing her closer to him to kiss her again.
“Take your lovey dovey acts somewhere else!” Bobby booed, nearing his friends.
“Hey, just because your sorry ass is alone doesn’t mean you have to hate on us” the raven haired girl replied with a teasing smile.
The boy scrunched his face and mocked her, which went back and forth between the two until Heather’s teasing and playful smile turned to a excited one.
“Wait! Oh, she’s looking again!” confused, the rhythm guitarist went to look behind him, but Heather shot her hand to stop him “Don’t look! Not yet... Okay now. See that pretty blond? She’s been eyeing you all night, dude!”
“For real? You think I should go talk to her?”
“Are you stupid? Of course you should go talk to her, did you not hear what I just said? Wait, here, clean some of this sweat” she took a towel and dabbed it over him, then pushed him forward when he didn’t move “Move, Bobs!”
“Thanks Heaths!”
The couple watched their friend jog over to the girl and introduce himself, saying something that she found funny. “I’m an amazing wing woman”
The club was officially closed. After a couple of Caleb’s songs, that Heather had danced to with Flynn —more like they made a fool of themselves, but at least they had fun— and then she helped them put their instruments back in the van. Now, she held a mope in her hands, swinging aimlessly from side to side, humming to the band’s songs.
“I believe, I believe that we’re just one dream...” she picked up the pace of the song, closing her eyes as she jumped on top of a chair, spinning on her spot and using the mope as a micro “And we’re standing on the edge of great!”
The girl continued to sing her heart out, unaware of the pair of eyes that followed her very movement, watching the private show she put up for herself. When she finished the song, she let out a content sigh and a small chuckle.
“Woah” the word escaped Luke’s mouth before he could stop himself, causing Heather to jump and turn around.
The boy stood just by the entrance, an awestruck expression on his face. Red flushed Heather’s face, and she opened her mouth to stutter out something, but Luke didn’t let her, taking long strides to her.
“Heather, that was incredible! Why didn’t you tell us you could sing like that?”
“I usually like to keep the singing to myself, when I jam with you guys it’s quiet”
“Babe, you could be the lead singer of Sunset Curve! I’ll retire if that means you get to show everyone your voice”
“No” she quickly dismissed “Do not give up your dreams, Luke Patterson, you’re not allowed to do that. Not for me, not for anyone”
“But, Heath, your voice!” Luke was making big gestures, trying to get his point through.
He couldn’t understand how his girlfriend didn’t let anyone know of her huge talent. When he walked inside of the club again to help her, he couldn’t have imagined the scene that was playing in front of him, how she looked so carefree. She sounded like a goddess. It was a pleasant surprise, to say the least.
“I don’t like to be in the spotlight, Luke” she explained “You guys were born to perform in front of people, but I like to keep it behind closed doors. You understand that, right?” she took his hands, looking up at him through her lashes. He sighed and nodded.
“Yeah, I get it. But I really hope it’s not the last time I hear you sing” Heather laughed and shook his head, as Luke’s face lit up with an idea “Oh! You could perform for all of us in the studio! You’re cool with that, right?”
“I’ll sing with you and perform with you at the studio” she agreed, squealing when he picked her up and twirled her around “But you have to promise that if you guys record it, it won’t end up on social media”
“Of course, anything you need” he nodded quickly, bringing her lips to his “If I get to hear that voice again, I’ll even sell my guitar”
“I told you not to joke with that!” she chastised, hitting him on the chest and getting out of his hold. She rolled her eyes at his laughter and smirked to herself, handing him a piece of cloth “Make yourself useful and clean those tables, Rockstar”
Luke frowned, but complied.
He made her sing along with him in his car all the way back to his house, and suddenly realized that he had been an idiot for a long time. Why hadn’t he made her sing with him before? It was his new favorite thing to do.
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 4 years
Stars In Your Eyes Chapter 1
For the @jaytimweek  Day 1: Space Pairing: JayTim Rating: Mature Notes: I had hoped to have this done completely but health and my muse wanting to make it longer derailed those plans but I love JayTim in space to much to quit. Warnings: One scene of suicide and talk of victim blaming. Summary: Tim along with his friends take to the stars for a "short" break and mission only to decide to stay. When the Outlaws begin looking for them it becomes a chase among the stars as Jason and Tim take on an interesting and unique way of flirting. You can also read it on AO3
After a fallout between him, Dick, Bruce and the others Tim had set out to prove that he could fly on his own only there were those who wouldn't let him, his true family vowed to be with him every step he took.
Staring out the window there were days that Tim could hardly believe that this was his life now. To see the stars and planets up close. To see nebulas colours twisting and twirling around one another creating sights to behold.
"These are the voyages of Young Justice, seeking out those who would harm the innocent and basically just be jerks. To kick some ass and save the day while looking awesome as we do it."
A long-drawn-out sigh escaped Tim as he heard Bart start to narrate their day again, "I should have never let you watch Star Trek." Tim muttered into his hand.
Conner let out a laugh at Tim's comment, "Dude, you made us sit through and watch Star Trek and Star Wars so we could see how epic they were and get our opinions on which franchise is better." Tim's so-called best friend reminded him.
And okay Conner was right about that once Tim learned that neither Bart nor Conner had seen either Star Wars or Star Trek he had made it his mission to change that and now he was regretting it so much.
Tim had hoped when he found Bruce that things would change, that Dick would take apologize for his actions, would want him back as his little brother. Would stand beside him and speak to the Justice League that he was wrong as were they for turning their backs on a teenager who had lost everyone he loved.
But none of that happened.
Tim knew that Dick had a lot on his plate, stepping up to be Batman as well as raise the demon brat but he thought that Dick had missed him as much as he had missed his big brother but he had hardly spoken to him.
That added salt to the open wounds Tim was still carrying. So when a Raven suggested that Tim take a much-needed break one that would do Kon and Bart good as well, coming back from the dead could mess a person up and it was best that they take some time to heal.
Plus no one was brave enough to say no to Raven, if she wanted you to take a break you would even if that break ended up being in a demon demission.
Bart still had his hidden space ship and Tim had seen how much Jason enjoyed being out here and it had truly helped him to control his pit madness.
It was supposed to be a two-week trip then they ended up helping stop kidnapping and then they saved a planet from being enslaved and then something else came up and now they had been in space for six months and none of them were in a hurry to head home.  
Somehow they had managed to become Space Vigilantes.
And as Tim glanced around looking at Bart, Conner, Cassie, Cass and Helena looking at home on the ship and then done to Dex-Starr that was purring away on his lap Tim realized that it had been years since he felt this at peace.
Jason had always thought that he was going to remain the black sheep of the Wayne family he never thought that his perfect replacement would tell Bruce and Dick to go screw themselves, give up his claim to the Wayne name and take off with his best friends into parts unknown.
Of course, that didn't mean that just because Tim was done with them it didn't mean they were done with Tim of course it had taken three months Tim returning to take Cass and Helena with him before it sunk in their "family" thick heads that Tim was serious he wasn't coming back. So when Oracle failed in hiding them they turned to their last resort.
A loud laugh escaped Jason as he stared at the face of his so-called brother, "You want me to help you find the kid that you tossed aside for the demon child who tried to kill him more than I did? Who from the moment he arrived used Timmy as his verbal, emotional and physical punching bag and to this day still does. You have got to be kidding me Dickface. Tim did the smart thing and the healthy thing to get away from that toxic and I ain't dragging the kid back to it."
Jason couldn't understand Dick when it had been him riding the pit madness and Talia's poisons whispers in his ear trying to kill Tim Dick had been protective and willing to go one on one with Jason but when it was Damian he was basically victim-shaming Tim into not being okay with Damian's treatment of him.
A sigh escaped a tired-looking Dick and Jason would have felt sorry for him if this wasn't of his own making. And if he hadn't seen the damage Damian's treatment and Dick, Bruce and even Alfred's lack of setting boundaries first hand.
Jason had been searching for Tim for a while. He wanted to make amends with the younger man. He had heard about the fallout between Replacement and the rest of the Bats but the last thing he expected was to see Tim standing on top of Wayne Enterprise's arms spread out wide as he took a step off of the ledge and let himself fall.
Jason could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he forced himself to go faster, he couldn't be late he had to catch Tim. Too much blood had been spilt and he wouldn't let another Robin die.
Once he had Tim in his arms did Jason remember how to breathe. Landing on the nearby roof Jason ripped off his helmet, "What the hell was that replacement?"
Haunted blue eyes looked up at him, "Why did you save me, Jason?"
At that moment Jason felt like he was back in his coffin.
The look in Tim's eyes and the lack of emotions still haunted Jason to this day and he might not be able to do much but he can keep Tim safe.
"Look Jason, I get that things haven't been easy for Tim but it is time that he got past his tantrum and returned home." Dick couldn't understand why Tim was acting like this and to make matter worse Raven and Gar were refusing to talk to him about Tim and about allowing Damian onto the team.
Frustrated that they were just going around in circles Jason ran a hand through his hair, "Look Dickie I  know firsthand what training with the league was right and I know the demon brat had it rough but until you set boundaries for him, ones that include not trying to kill his brother, or using him as an emotional and physical punching bag I ain't helping you find Timbit."
Dick fell to his automatic defence, "Damian has changed and Tim is older." He winced at the look not only Jason gave him but also Roy and Kory. "Look I know Damian can be a little much but he has changed so much."
"No one is denying that you haven't worked wonders with the brat but you are still blind to how he treats Tim and that isn't healthy." Jason countered.
"Also have you gotten around to fixing Tim's standing in the hero community or is he still called the insane Robin?" Roy spoke up he had experienced firsthand what it was like to be the black sheep of the hero community, to hear the whispers and judgemental eyes watching your every move waiting for you to screw up and he refused to let Tim go through that as well.
The wince that crossed Dick's face was answer enough.
A soft sigh escaped Kory as she looked at her one-time love, "Dick, there is no denying that you had much to handle when we thought Bruce was lost from wearing the cowl to raising an abused boy that you let Tim slip through the cracks. Tim had lost so many in his life in a short time that losing Robin, his place in the community and his big brother all at once has left deep scars that have yet to heal."
Jason and Roy saw the effect that Kory's words had on Dick as he looked ashamed, "He had me." Dick whispered.
"Did he?" Jason demanded. "Because I remember he had a big brother that told him a neglected and abused teen that he needed to take the kill attempts, the verbal and emotional abuse from Damian because he was older. Because Damian's horrible upbringing somehow made Tim invalid. That he as the victim should just take it because how dare he wants to feel safe in a place he once thought of as home with the people he thought of as family. Only to be tossed aside and ignored as he was repeatedly attacked. Until you can look me in the eye and tell me that you have talked to Damian and the rest of the heroes I won't be helping you find Tim." With that, Jason cut the communication with Dick.
Letting out a sigh Jason relaxed back into his chair.
"So what are we doing?" Roy asked.
They had heard rumours of a bunch of teens, teens that happened to match the description of a certain team of young heroes who had taken off for a mission only once it was completed they sent back a message that they were staying in space helping out others and they weren't that far away.
Opening his eyes Jason's lips curved up into a smile as he purred out, "We have a bird and his flock to hunt."
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facelessfrey · 4 years
So...Wednesdays at 8 are just torture now. Cool. I realize I could stop watching the 100 at this point but I’m a glutton for punishment. And I have to see just how mad it makes me as it tries to justify Bellamy’s death...and wow did it deliver. 
Before I get to that, let’s review the end of this episode with Gabriel’s death:
So Gabriel got to die heroically saving Madi’s life and hang on until he was surrounded by all of his friends so he could refuse medical help because he was ready, it was his time. Gabriel got the “May we meet again speech”. You know who got none of that?
You know what he did get? Clarke tearfully telling everyone she shot him because she tried so hard to get the sketchbook that she didn’t even fucking take. That same sketchbook that Bill got his hands on anyway. That same sketchbook that is still a god damn mystery because none of the world building makes any kind of sense this season and I still have no idea what the fuck Bill is talking about 99% of the time. But if I have to hear the word “transcendence” again, I’m gonna lose it. Anyway...where was the trying so hard bit last week? She pleaded with him for five seconds and then shot him in the heart. She could have shot him in the damn hand or any other non fatal body part and taken the damn sketchbook and gone through the portal. It’s so fucking stupid. 
And then the worst part of it all is everyone being like “wow Clarke, I understand. Bellamy did suck now and he was never going to be able to handle everything we’ve done in the past seven seasons of this show so it was really for the best that you just murdered him in cold blood. Cool. Let’s give you a hug. That must have really been hard for you.” 
And the swelling music, making her seem down right heroic for her ridiculous actions?? I couldn’t handle it. I mean honestly, what a joke. 
Thank god for Madi calling her the fuck out on the awful choices she was forced to make by this dumb show. 
But also, I have nothing against Madi, but I also really truly hate what Madi has turned Clarke into in the past three seasons. I understand that Madi is her daughter and that she would do anything for her, but she continually just goes against everyone else and does insane things all of the sake of her. And you know what? Madi is always mad at her for it and rightly so. 
So then there was a period of time in which, if I pretended Bellamy wasn’t dead for no reason, this episode was actually kind of nice. I mean it was only like a ten minute period but it had some good stuff:
1 - Miller and Jackson reunited and they had a real scene together. It was strange. Haha. I think Miller had more characterization in that scene than he has in this whole series since about season 2. We’ll ignore the fact that they were talking about Bellamy being dead. It was still nice. 
2 - Indra and Gaia finally got to reunite and they had their nice little reconciliation moment where Gaia told her she was glad she and Octavia found each other and Indra gave her the equivalent of an “i love you” by calling her “her seda” and apologizing for being annoyed for years that she wasn’t a proper warrior. Of course, that meant I was fully worried one or both of them was about to die instantly but so far so good. 
3 - Octavia and Indra finally got a chance to talk and Indra did her best to absolve Octavia of all of the Bloodreina trauma. There was a Lincoln mention that was very nice. And I love a little snarky Indra with her “I was the best [teacher]” line. 
4 - Drunk Nylah. Good stuff. And I like Jordan and Hope understanding each other. Also Echo finally telling someone else her real name is Ash. It all seems a bit pointless now but it was still a nice moment for her. 
5 - Murphy, Emori and Raven being awesome together. 
Anyway...so ends the positive part of this mostly rage ramble because then Sheidheda turns up and the show turns into some sort of weird horror video game that was truly bizarre and also incredibly stupid. First of all, WHY IS SHEIDHEDA NOT DEAD?!??! They have had so many opportunities to just kill this infuriating man and they’ve decided not to every time and for what?! Just so he could keep popping up to cause more damage?! It just does not seem logical on everyone else’s part and it seems very contrived on the show’s part. And I’m still not over Bill getting the stupid sketchbook anyway. And I just do not care about these people’s motivations. These characters do not matter. 
But back to the weird horror video game because of course Sheidheda shows up wearing one of those nifty helmets that make you invisible so no one can see him yet they blatantly say that someone is there. HOWEVER, no one thinks to like shoot the gun and see if they hit anything? Or swing their swords around to check? Anything? They know what the helmets can do. They know someone came through the stupid portal and yet they still just do nothing and lead him right to Madi??? Sure. Fine. This show is dumb. 
So Madi ends up going all Elena Gilbert and being like “no one’s going to go to war and sacrifice themselves for me!” and stabs herself in the stomach, which I’m still not sure how that sends you back to wherever but okay. God the world building this season has been rushed. 
And now what?! They go to war?! I have to hear Bill talk about transcendence some more? I DON’T CARE!!!!! WHY SHOULD I CARE?! 
Really I just want Sheidheda dead. He should have died like 13 episodes ago and I need him gone now. 
Anyway, everything is pointless. This show is ridiculous and does not make any sense. The only content I liked was the section where they referenced all of the stuff that took place on Earth back when this show was a decent show. They really should just stay on Earth and just stop caring about everyone else. Hear that Murphy! I know you’re trying to be good now but NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE ELIGIUS THREE PRISONERS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! 
I hope they blow up all the planets at the end and everyone just dies. 
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via-the-ghoul · 4 years
SCP headcanons: 049 and 035
(Note, this is mainly how I see them personally-wise, with some extra stuff on their relationship, and I’ll probably go over where they fit story-wise in different posts, this thing’s more or less for fun)
Barely ever sleeps
He really should but he doesn’t
In the unlikely event he does sleep he says like, the weirdest things
049, sleeping: Death has his cold hands wrapped around someone’s throat right now, while his brothers watch, can you feel it?
Could get impaled and act as if it wasn’t a big deal despite the fact that’s he’s literally been impaled and is probably about to die
Knows like, really oddly specific and also unnerving facts
Can and will fight an antivaxxer
Doesn’t understand memes
He’ll occasionally try to understand better. Emphasis on try
“Alright, so now you yeet the blood off of the wound and-“ “please don’t ever use the word yeet again”
Will say creepy stuff without grasping how it is, in fact, creepy stuff, and accidentally disturb whoever he’s talking to
“So the next thing you’ll want to do is to take the corpse and drain it of its blood so that you may put in the embalming fluids. The next part is where you cut holes in the organs-why are you crying”
Does, in fact, genuinely care about others safety. Way more than his own.
Uses like, the weirdest threats
“I’m gonna steal your skull. Not your brain or anything just the skull. When they find your body, probably in a Waffle House parking lot, it will be in normal minus the fact that I have stolen your skull. And no one will ever find it.”
In a similar vein, asks people bizarre questions with no foreshadowing
“Hey random guy I just met. How would you die in Charlie in The Chocolate Factory”
Will say “that awkward moment when” and then go into detail about a situation that probably no one has been in ever
“The only crime I’ve ever committed is being awesome! And several war crimes!”
Will tell other people his “life stories” which are more or less just really extravagant stories he made up with him as the protagonist because “the audience deserves a good story”
Will subconsciously steal inside jokes from hosts.
As in, he’ll randomly say something that was an inside joke between one of his previous hosts (or maybe his current one) and someone else and even he doesn’t know where it came from
“Wow that’s almost as weird as fighting an evil swimsuit maker” “what does that mean” “I have literally no clue”
Would be a really good dancer if it wasn’t for the whole “host body decaying quickly thing”
He is quite upset by his limited dance time
You ask him about Alagadda and he immediately gets serious, he’s genuinely hurt by his banishment, and has… plans to get back at the others, but there is no one who needs to know. …Well, except for one.
Their relationship with each other (and yes this is a ship thing)
035 is one of the few people who can 049 to lighten up
035 is the only person allowed to insult 049. And by that I mean “049 doesn’t really mind if you call him a loser but 035 will seek you down and he will have 16 guns with him, because he needs to defend 049’s honor”
035 finds using stuff like “darling, my love, dear” to be boring and overdone, and refers to 049 with shit like “benevolent bird creature, dark woodland elf, magnificent raven”
(He is not any of those things)
049 is one of the very few people 035 doesn’t really lie to. Well, he’ll do it occasionally, but only at around the same amont people normally lie to people they care about.
035 describes the shit 049 says in his sleep as adorable
049 is like. Really oblivious to flirting.
“I tried to stop thinking about you, and I failed-“ “That is quite a common phenomenon. It is impossible to not think about something when you try to do it.”
Guy who does weird stuff X oh fuck I guess they’re my guy who does weird stuff.
035 could do practically anything (within his abilities) and 049 wouldn’t be surprised.
049 isn’t really that great at showing affection, but 035 can tell he’s trying.
035 refers to 049’s death hands as “really effective anesthesia”
There was a decent gap in time between when 035 was found by the Foundation and 049 was (a little over a century). 049 did spent a good amount of time looking for him but eventually came to the conclusion he died somehow. He did not take that well. (Though they now sometimes see each other during breaches. Oh gosh were they happy to see each other again.)
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heathenarmyimagines · 4 years
Tumblr media
Title: The Alliance
Summary: Ivar takes his betrothed to meet a very special person before they depart.
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Taglist: @ubbesgirl, @shewolf2000, @tis-itheapplepie, @atequila, @demoncrypt1066, @greennightspider, @badbitsh13, @fireismysaftey, @minarawr, @laketaj24, @hvitserksgirl, @blahblahcookiesdoma, @fabulous-peasent, @sforsammmmmi, @minmiin1d, @courtrae89, @letsloveimagines, @tomarisela, @titty-teetee, @beyond-the-ashes@elenawrit, @mblaqgi, @whenimaunicorn, @chuflisworld, @mystruggledlife, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @syreni-dea, @trashqueenbitch, @alykatv, @mbaku-babygirl, @perfectus-in-morte, @beyond-the-ashes, @neeadinghugs, @readsalot73, @triumphantreturnofpies, @anarchy-is-coming, @tephi101, @alicedopey, @ivarslittlebadgirl, @jtrstp, @nejijjeoroo, @charlylama, @ivartheblessed, @captstefanbrandt, @fabulouschrissi, @ivarsrideordie, @3x5gurl, @the-writer-appreciation-blog, @lolabee9, @captainfoxy22, @young-ugly-god, @im5ftbutmythroat66, @bribyyy, @irishhiggins, @cadetomlinson, @keclleon101, @slutforragnarssons, @ltkeke, @meeeeeeeeeps, @lille-kanin, @opalscarab, @ssraven7, @ivarandersen, @concretewaywardangel, @funmadnessandbadassvikings, @sharon-is-tired, @cadetomlinson, @mystruggledlife, @chuflisworld, @justmarissa97, @lol-haha-joke, @weirdly-randomly-awesome, @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanim, @idonthavehusbandsihavelovers, @alexa040004, @buckythetinman , @burntmythroatskullingmytea,@jorunnravenslayer, @two-unbeatable-beaters, @buffy-the-vampire-blogger, @arses21434, @ltkeke, @captainfoxy22, @chinduda @letsshamelessqueen-m @my-soul-is-the-moon @we-are-transcendent
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
A/N: I know, I took FOREVER to post this but at last here it is in all its non-proofread glory. I hope you all enjoy it.
His father had once told him about this ridiculous Christian thing called a miracle when he was a child, it was a word he used when describing his washing up back on Kattegat shores.
Something that is not possible.
While he did truly hate the entirety of the Christian religion and those who believed in it, Ivar didn’t know any other words to describe how he had gotten a ship ready so soon.
It was almost purely a coincidence that out of a small fleet of ships that had been used to raid in England last year one hadn’t yet been completely stripped down. So Ivar hired a large group of young able bodied men and a single experienced old timer to lead them in preparing the boat.
Of course the ship being partially prepared already didn’t mean that there was not still a lot of work to be done. They still needed rations of food, ale and drinkable water for those on board to make it to Tunisia without starving. There was also a need for even more essential things like oars, a new sail, blankets, ravens and ropes.
All these things kept Ivar in a constant state of annoyance and stress, none of which was helped by the fact that he hadn’t had much time spent with his betrothed.
While he himself was very occupied with preparing for the journey, Princess (Y/N) was preparing for the arrival.
Going over details with Ragnar and hand picking the warriors she wanted to journey back with them, as well as teaching everyone her language. 
It had already been discussed during first meal that she would teach Ivar privately on the journey so that he wouldn’t have to take time away from his preparations.
At last tonight the ship was fully stocked and prepared to make the journey to Africa. Ivar felt such a sense of relief in this moment that it was only second to the feeling of winning (Y/N)’s hand in marriage. 
He was so exhausted he nearly fainted on the docks.
But he managed to pull himself the rest of the way to his chamber and was surprised to find (Y/N) sitting in his bed.
‘Ah, a pleasant surprise.’ he said as he pulled himself up onto the mattress next to her.
‘Sorry to intrude, I just needed a minute away from everyone, it feels as if I haven’t had a moment to myself since the feast.’ she said.
‘I understand, I am glad you find comfort in my chambers, since we will be sharing it rather soon.’ Ivar sighed as he laid down.
‘Exhausted, I’m honestly wishing we could just skip the weddings and just be married at this point.’ he yawned.
‘Really?’ (Y/N) asked as she laid down beside him.
Ivar was surprised by this, a small part of him had expected that now that he was here that she would leave.
‘Yes, of course I cannot wait to meet your family, I just wish the boat was easier to prepare, or at least less tiresome.’ 
‘I understand, Sven seemed stressed when he had to prepare for the journey to bring us here. I wish I could bring you some comfort.’
‘You already are, just being here.’
‘Do you really find my company so comfortable? No nervousness?’ she asked, turning onto her side to face him a bit better.
‘Why should I be nervous?’ Ivar countered. 
‘Lots of reasons, you will soon be on a boat for the first time in your life to meet the family of the woman you will be marrying.’ she said.
‘I have wanted to be on a boat on my way to new places since I was a boy, it is only now that I have the opportunity. If anything I am thankful to you, and despite how tired I am from preparing for it, I am excited for the journey.’ Ivar said softly.
‘I am nervous.’ the princess confessed.
‘Why? I cannot imagine a woman as amazing as you being nervous.’ Ivar replied as he sat up.
‘You are the first man other than my father to be in my life, and he wasn’t in it long enough. I have never felt anything for a man, but I feel something for you Ivar. Something I have never felt before and sometimes it scares me, I think that I will not be a good enough wife to you.’ she confessed. 
‘I know you will be a great wife, Freya will guide you to be the best wife in all of Midgard.’
‘Who is Freya?’
‘Freya is Odin’s wife, the goddess of fertility...and a few other things involved in marriage.’ Ivar explained.
‘Other things?’ the princess asked in confusion as she sat up and began removing her rings from her fingers.
Ivar watched almost in a trance as she reached behind her back began to undo the laces of her dress.
‘She is also the Goddess of things like war and death.’ he said, mouth going dry as the princess began comfortably removing her dress and skirts.
‘Does war and death naturally go along with marriage?’ (Y/N) asked as she finally removed the last of her skirts.
‘No...but she is also associated with beauty, lust...and sex.’
‘Sex? I imagine that is a large part of a healthy marriage. Just another reason to feel nervous I suppose.’ she said as she got back in the bed.
‘Sorry if my disrobing made you uncomfortable, I was becoming a bit warm. May I help you out of your clothes as well...My Love?’
‘My Love?’ Ivar asked, deciding not to answer her request to undress him.
‘My mother used to call my father her Love, when I was a girl I couldn’t wait to say that to someone, but then I began training and it took over my mind to the point that I forgot about my silly little dream.’ she said as she began tugging at Ivar’s tunic.
It seemed she had taken his silence as compliance and decided to just go ahead and undress him, and Ivar was too stunned to fight it. So he raised his arms and let her pull the material over his head.
‘I used to listen to my parents call each other all sorts of things, very rarely anything nice.’ Ivar said quietly as he began to become self conscious.
(Y/N) was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and her naked body was a blessing to behold, and he knew she would never find such a beauty in his broken bones.
‘I noticed, I always knew that all marriages were not out of love, but all the ones I have seen normally have a bit more...respect between them. I imagine a lot of anger has been between your mother and father, I’m sure they each have reasons.’ she said as she stood in front of him
‘They have plenty of reasons, they share them quite often, I’m sure you will find out once we are officially married. They will grow tired of acting civil quite quickly once they no longer need to impress you. Pretty soon my mother will be complaining drunkenly to you while my father seethes.’ he tried to joke to mask the way he flinched when she went to remove his pants.
The princess saw his tenseness and stilled her motions.
‘I want to see them Ivar...I want to see you. I am to be your wife and you are to be my husband. You belong to me just as I belong to you, please let me see you.’ she asked.
‘You are kind...and naive. I can look at you and see that  you have never felt disgust; true and complete disgust, the kind that makes you want to turn away so that when your stomach lurches you don’t have to worry about adding your sick to an already unpleasant sight. I do not want you to feel such a thing for me yet.’ 
‘I would never find you disgusting, you are the man who bested me in combat. What about you could be disgusting? Your strength, your character?’
‘My legs, more than once I’ve seen women look away from me in favor of my brothers.’ Ivar said.
‘I have never favored your brothers, not to say I do not like them. They are not attractive to me physically, but your spirit....I’ve never seen anything so beautiful and magnificent.’ (Y/N) said holding Ivar’s face gently in her hands.
‘You are only saying that, and I appreciate it, but I assure you once we reach Tunisia you can pick any man you like to come back with us. To satisfy your needs that I never could.’ Ivar replied sadly as he tried to turn away.
‘No man, no matter if his skin was as black as war paint and his dreadlocks flowed down his back like rain, could ever have a spirit as great as you.’ she swore, keeping her hold firm on him, making him meet her eyes.
She tried to make her sincerity pour out of her brown eyes, so that her intended could be assured that he had no reason to feel insecure. She felt no disgust toward him and she had no desire to lay with any man other than the one she was to be married to.
Ivar did not look away this time, instead he just looked at her, searching for any of the signs that she was lying. Her eyes didn’t shift, her eyebrows didn’t twitch and her face didn’t tense up...she was telling the truth.
She really didn’t find him repulsive, and that was a reality that he was almost unprepared to accept.
‘May I undress you...my Love?’ she asked again.
‘Yes.’ he said so quietly that even he barely heard it.
She unlaced his trousers, slowly so that if Ivar truly wished for her to stop he could let her know. Despite how he was gripping tightly at the furs on his bed, he did not push her hands away and easily raised his hips so that she could pull them down.
Once the pants had been removed she stood and took in the sight before her, Ivar’s legs looked truly broken...practically tortured.
‘In Tunisia we have so much gold that if we really wanted we could boast being one of the wealthiest kingdoms in all of Africa, but we don’t. In all honesty...we don’t value it at this point, obviously we know everyone else does but do you know what we truly value?’ the princess asked as she kneeled before Ivar just as she had when she proposed the Matrimonial Fight.
‘We value this.’ she said running her fingers over one of the many scars over Ivar’s right leg.
‘Scars, we cherish them. They show what a person has been through; how they have lived and how hard they have fought to keep living. Some warriors wear scars to show how many kills they have made and how many battles they have fought. I believe the Great and Many Spirits gave you the scars in advance because you are destined to see many victories.’ the princess began.
‘We bleed our people, a scar will show their loyalty and their endurance. I was born into a royal bloodline, so other than minor scrapes from training I have had no scars...until these.’
(Y/N) ran her hand over the scar where he cut her chest when she had proposed the fight, then the one on her shoulder that claimed her as his bride to be.
‘These scars were given to me by you, do you know what that means Prince Ivar of Kattegat?’
Not trusting himself to speak without his voice shaking, Ivar shook his head.
‘It means that I am fated by the Spirits to endure you, no matter what you do I will be at your side. You can not scare me away Ivar, you can’t push me into the arms of another. You are mine to endure, just as I am yours...My Love.’
If her words weren’t enough to move him to tears then her leaning down to place a kiss on the scar she had been touching certainly was.
He tried to cover his quivering lip, but he couldn’t stop his sob from escaping his mouth.
(Y/N) moved to sit on the bed and wordlessly pulled Ivar into her arms, and without hesitation he accepted the affection.
He cried into her naked chest for what felt like an eternity but had really only been about thirty minutes, not that Ivar could be blamed for this; he had fallen asleep.
The princess carefully laid back and pulled the furs over the two of them, seeing as the fire was dwindling. 
As Ivar slept in her arms she thought of how she had found herself here; she had been so desperate for some peace and quiet. Between teaching Derja to so many people with different learning styles and your servants chattering about how excited they were to return home the princess needed a break.
So she devised a plan to get away; a simple plan that consisted of simply telling different people different things. Telling the servants to go to her chambers to sleep while she teaches the royal family and then telling the royals she was going to rest. Then she thought as to where she should go now that she was alone, at first she considered taking up one of the empty chambers but did not want to make unnecessary work for the slaves.
For a while she just silently moved around the long halls until she spotted Ivar’s thrall leaving a room carrying a basket of sheets. Assuming that the room was Ivar’s and the sheets had already been changed she snuck into the room while no one was in the hall.
Ivar’s room was very obviously his, and it even showed more of who he was than he probably realized.
Most of the furniture was placed very closely to the bed so that he wouldn’t have to crawl as much, unlike the other rooms where everything was spread out to fill the space. There was an almost infinite amount of scratches and dents in the wood works of the room as well as the furniture from years of Ivar throwing weapons around during his many anger spells.
The room was empty and full and beautifully scarred just like Ivar, in an odd way just being in this room put the princess’s mind at ease.
She knew that at some point Ivar would come back to his chamber and they would obviously address her being here, but she did not know that it would lead to this. Ivar sleeping in her arms, not that she minded at all.
In fact she soon joined Ivar in the land of peaceful slumber; in her dream she was chasing after a large beast through the fields of Tunisia to turn into the most magnificent fur for her husband, in his Ivar was fighting in a great battle, standing strong and whole and at his side he saw his princess fighting alongside of him.
Both of them would have been happy to stay in their dreams forever, but of course it was not meant to be.
Trya entered the room an hour before the sun was set to rise, just as she always did with her shield and a small pebble. And as usual she threw the pebble from the door toward the bed and held up the shield.
However, on this morning, there were more daggers thrown her way than normal.
Cautiously she lowered the shield to see her master was not alone in his bed, the African princess was also there.
Both royals were, as far as she could tell, undressed.
Trya...good morning.’ Ivar greeted as he sleepily stretched and yawned.
‘Good morning Prince Ivar, Princess (Y/N).’
‘Good morning, I hate to trouble you, but could you fetch my servants from my chambers and have them bring me a courtesy robe, so that I can leave you to your own morning chores.’ she requested politely as she covered herself with the furs.
‘Of course, right away your highness.’ Trya bowed before she left, leaving Ivar and the princess alone.
‘Well this will be our last day in Kattegat before we board the ship, there will be quite a feast tonight.’ Ivar said.
He had no intention of speaking on their emotional conversation last night, or the fact that they had just been in a very obviously compromising position.
‘I have been told, Leena and Kya are so excited that they get to help prepare a traditional African meal. I am more excited to go home and see my family, I’m sure they are worried, I was not meant to stay this long.’ (Y/N) said.
‘Really?’ he asked, to which the princess nodded.
‘When Sven proposed the marriage I agreed to only one week, if only to meet the man I might marry. It’s been a month, so I can’t imagine what my mother must think is keeping me here.’
‘I hope she doesn’t assume we are keeping you against your will.’ he said.
‘No one knows what the mind of a worried mother is capable of coming up with.’ the woman sighed.
The door opened and in walked the one of the Tunisian servants holding a white robe made of fine silk folded over her arm.
‘Princess, Ivar Prince.’ she greeted as best she could in Norse.
‘Prince Ivar.’ (Y/N) corrected as she got out of the bed.
This time Ivar didn’t look away, he had seen all of her last night, and it didn’t feel like he was doing anything wrong now. She had consciously let him see her full beauty last night, and she would also be his wife, there was no reason for him to feel guilty for looking at her.
However, none of that changed how breathtaking he found her to be.
The princess was dressed and politely left to get dressed for the first meal of the day, leaving Trya to dress Ivar.
As usual the room was silent as she helped him into his trousers but this morning the silence seemed pregnant.
‘You have something you wish to say Trya?’
‘No Prince Ivar...just that I am happy for you, in all my years serving you I have never seen you like this. So...happy.’ the thrall commented as she put on his boots.
Ivar thought about it and he realized that she was right. In the months since the Tunisians had arrived he had found himself generally in a good mood. He was no longer waking up to do nothing but crawl through the markets to watch the people live regular lives with working legs.
Now he had important things to do, he had a princess to make his wife and a boat to board; he had real duties.
‘Thank you Trya, I hope my good mood lasts while we are on the ship.’
Soon Ivar made his way to the high table, taking his time to look around and trying to memorize all the little things he never paid attention to. 
Tomorrow would be the last day he would see these things before he boarded the ship to go to Tunisia. From how everyone has been speaking of the feast that would be held tonight, he imagined he’d be far too drunk to pay much attention then.
‘Brother.’ Ubbe greeted as Ivar crawled into his seat.
Ivar grunted tiredly in response, taking notice that (Y/N) had not yet made it to the high table.
He also realized his mother was at the table quietly eating her meal without looking up at anyone, seeming as if she had no idea her entire family was even there.
It was the first time Ivar had seen his mother since he told her that no matter what he would be going on this journey.
Aslaug hadn’t really spoken to anyone really, not even just to fight with Ragnar; which was truly odd. Her silence was clearly her way of showing her disapproval of this entire journey, and it pained Ivar not to be speaking with her.
‘Mother, will you be joining us on the journey? I made accommodations for you.’ he said.
Of course he received no reply.
‘Her mood aside it is nice to see you and the princess are already getting along so well.’ Ragnar said.
Hvitserk and Sigurd snickered as they ate their meals.
‘What are you talking about?’ the youngest asked.
‘Don’t be shy brother, you two are to be wed, no one can blame you for not being able to wait. I doubt any of us could if we were so lucky.’ Ubbe said.
‘The thralls saw the princess leaving your room in a courtesy robe, good for you brother.’ he continued.
‘It has only just happened, how do you all know already?’ Ivar asked in pure confusion.
‘Forget all that, we want to hear about it.’ Hvitserk said eagerly.
‘Quickly before she gets here.’ Sigurd urged.
‘There is nothing to tell, we just slept. She wanted a moment alone so she went into my chamber, when I came in we spoke then fell asleep.’ he explained.
‘He is being truthful.’ the princess said as she entered the Great Hall with her usual party in tow and took her place.
‘Good morning princess, may I apologize for my sons' crudeness.’ Ragnar said.
‘No need King Ragnar, the one thing that spreads faster than illness is gossip. And they, as his brothers have the right to be curious.’ she smiled politely.
The princess looked to the queen and sighed, seeing there was no point in trying to have a pleasant exchange.
‘What will you all be doing today, checking over our luggage?’ Aslaug asked, surprising everyone.
‘Our luggage?’ Ivar asked.
‘That is what I said, I guess if my entire family insists on drowning we might as well do it together. So that I can be smug when we all arrive in Valhalla.’ she said snidely.
Ragnar rolled his eyes at his wife's dramatics.
‘I see must apologize again for my family.’ he sighed.
‘And again there is no need, she has every right to be upset, in all honesty I imagine my own mother will be far worse to deal with and I will be doing a lot of apologizing in Tunisia.’ she said.
‘And there will be no need.’ Ragnar lightheartedly mocked the princess's voice.
From anyone else (Y/N) was sure she’d be offended, but something about King Ragnar was oddly charming.
‘Why don’t you all go enjoy your last day in Kattegat. Say your goodbyes.’ Ragnar suggested.
‘Yes, go through the markets and see how many gifts you will get this time princess.’ Sigurd said.
‘Ah! Speaking of gifts, I have something for Ivar, the blacksmith gave it to me for you. He said he wanted to give it to you after the fight but it wasn’t ready.’ (Y/N) said before wordlessly looking over to one of her servants.
The girl nodded and left to retrieve the gift and while they all waited for her to return they gave their guesses for what they thought the gift was.
More than likely it was probably a set of daggers or some new welding tools that he was thinking about.
At last the servant came back but she certainly wasn’t holding daggers or tools.
‘What is this?’ Ivar asked as she approached him.
‘Crutches, he said he had been working on the design for a long time, and he wanted to give it to you as an engagement present.’ the princess said as Ivar was handed his new gift.
Ivar looked over the craftsmanship and sure enough he could tell that a great deal of effort had been put into each one. 
They were made of bronze, with oak wood handles that had very finely sanded as to not cause splinters and at the bottom there were sharp spikes that he assumed were meant to root into the dirt, but he also figured if he needed to he could use them as a weapon.
‘Amazing.’ he said as he inspected them.
‘Try them out Ivar.’ Aslaug smiled.
The first smile anyone has seen on her face since the Matrimonial Fight, it seemed no amount of her anger could compare to her love for Ivar.
Ivar pushed his seat away from the table before firmly planting the first crutch, making sure the spike was stabbed into the wooden floor before doing the same with the second crutch.
Once he was fairly certain that the crutches wouldn’t slide he began to pull himself up.
This was the closest to standing he had ever been in his entire life, he was obviously not at his full height but he had never stood this high before.
‘Do they feel alright Ivar?’ Ubbe asked.
‘Excellent brother.’ Ivar answered excitedly.
‘Try walking.’ Sigurd said, an underline of malice in his voice.
‘Sigurd.’ Aslaug said in warning, sending her third son a look only a mother was capable of making.
‘No, he is right, crutches are made to help men walk, not just stand around like trees.’ Ivar said, returning his brother’s look.
Ivar straightened up his position a bit more and very cautiously moved the right crutch a few inches in front of him before he used the strength of his arms to pull his top half forward; his legs dragging behind him.
He looked very focused as he did this a few more times until he seemed to get the hang of it, he stood a bit taller as he moved about the room, smiling with an almost childlike glee.
‘I take it you are pleased with this gift Ivar.’ the princess asked.
‘Of course I am, this is the first time I’ve ever seen things from this height, I didn’t even know I was this tall.’ he replied happily.
‘Still the shortest out of us.’ Hvitserk teased in good fun.
‘And you’re still the dumbest.’ Ivar returned in kind as he moved back to his seat and sat down.
‘Never mind all of this, tonight will be our last night in Kattegat before we all board the ship and sail off to Tunisia.’ Ragnar said.
The princess noticed a small, barely there, look of distaste in his eyes as he looked at the crutches at Ivar’s side.
‘It is and I would like to at last spend some time with my fiance.’ Ivar said smiling at (Y/N).
‘Why not spend the day with your beloved brothers?’ Ubbe joked.
‘I see you all too much for my liking, besides, she is better looking.’ 
The rest of the meal was full of joyful banter between Ivar and his brothers, every so often the princess would join in. Overall everyone, with the exception of Queen Aslaug, was in good spirits and anxiously waiting for the feast.
Eventually everyone began to go their own ways; the queen leaving wordlessly as Ubbe and Hvitserk began to speak of all the women they planned to see. 
Ubbe, Hvitserk and Sigurd left to see who could bed the most women before morning, leaving Ivar, the princess and Ragnar at the table.
‘Well now that we have a bit of peace, what do you actually have planned for today?’ the king asked.
‘I want to take her to meet Floki, it has already been too long since I’ve seen him. Between my engagement and his preparing to set sail with Bjorn we haven’t had the time to visit.’ Ivar answered as he grabbed his crutches and pulled himself up.
Again (Y/N) noticed a look of distaste come over Ragnar’s face as he looked at Ivar stabling himself; and again she decided not to say anything.
‘Come Princess, let us start our last Viking outing.’ the prince invited.
(Y/N) stood and her servants bid her farewell before heading to the kitchens to prepare tonight’s feasts, and Bintu went to follow behind her princess when she was stopped.
‘Bintu, it is our last day in this country before we return home, don’t you want to spend it doing something you enjoy?’ the princess asked.
‘I enjoy keeping you safe.’
‘I can think of another person you’d rather spend your time with.’
Bintu was visibly flustered as she looked around for a second to see if anyone else had heard (Y/N)’s teases.
‘Hush now, there is nothing else for me to do...with anyone.’ she said quickly, hoping no one would be able to translate it fully.
‘Then go on and enjoy a day of peace alone, see what else this country has to enjoy...I want you to have fun today.’
Bintu looked ready to argue some more but her princess would not let her.
‘I’m just going to keep teasing until you go, and you know it.’
‘All these years later and you still exhaust me just as you did as a child.’ she sighed in defeat as she left.
‘What did you say to her?’ Ivar asked.
‘Nothing she wasn’t hoping I’d say; trust me she will be enjoying her day with a mutual friend of ours.’ (Y/N) smiled.
‘Sven.’ Ivar and Ragnar grinned.
It was true that despite Bintu’s determination to keep her activities with the old man a secret Sven was proudly boasting their affairs to anyone who would listen.
‘Go on now you two, I will busy myself elsewhere. Ivar, be sure to send Floki and Helga my love.’ Ragnar said.
Finally Ivar and (Y/N) made their way out onto the markets and they were met with an almost immediate silence.
It would seem everyone was in shock to see Ivar’s face without having to lower their heads.
‘Come this way, to the stables.’ Ivar said, trying to ignore all the attention on him as he led the princess through the separating crowd.
‘Why must we go there?’
‘Floki doesn’t live in Kattegat, even if my legs worked it would still take days to get there on foot.’ 
‘Is your friend a recluse?’
‘Of course not, he is just…’ Ivar paused to find a word to describe the man that helped raise him.
‘He is just Floki, there is really no other way to describe that old man. He prefers to be in the company of the Gods over other humans, you will know when you meet him and meeting him is something no one ever forgets.’ he settles.
The princess hummed in response.
‘I believe I have heard of the name Floki...is he a man of power?’
‘Floki seeks no point in power, he feels he hasn’t the mind for it. In his eyes the Gods made him to follow; to follow their will and the men they favored.’
‘If not a man of power who is he? Who is he to your people and to you.’
Ivar laughed as the two of them reached the stable and he gave a boy direction to set up a cart to carry them to Floki’s estate.
‘Floki helped to raise me...whenever my parents fought which as you’ve seen to be often, mother would take me to Floki because she didn’t want me to be as my father.’
‘Why? King Ragnar seems to be a very good man.’
‘He is; the greatest and most famous man in our country, but he is not a conventional Viking. He has questioned and even denied his own belief in the Gods, befriended and protected Christians. Even now under his tunic he bears the cross of a Priest named Athelstan, the first Chritian he’d ever spoken to.’ Ivar explained. 
The princess took a minute to process this information as she and Ivar were helped into the cart.
‘This tells me who he is to you, but it doesn’t tell me who this man is to your people.’
‘Floki is our boat builder, his ship took Ragnar to England for the very first time, every man who calls himself a builder has consulted with Floki. His craftsmanship is only second to the dwarves. The Gods gave him the ability to pick the best trees and the foresight to know exactly how to build a boat that could cut through water like a knife though fresh bread.’ he answered.
‘So he is the man who created those ships, I must say I’m excited to meet him. My people… we see many visitors and wanderers; and a great many just jump on ships to far away places, but we have no way to travel independently. The boats we will receive in this alliance could change our way of living.’ (Y/N) said.
‘And the gold we will receive from your country will help us fund raids and wars that have long been fated.’
As they spoke the cart carried them out of Kattegat and the princess looked at this new scenery in wonder. There were so many trees here, and the earth was so moist compared to the almost desert-like village she lived in.
‘I wish we had known about the abundance of trees you had here, I imagine we will be trading some of our gold for wood.’ she said absentmindedly.
‘Do you not have trees in your country?’ Ivar asked in mild disbelief.
‘Of course we do, just not many, not enough to build anything.’ 
At last the cart stopped and the thrall helped them get off safely, making sure not to be too rough while sitting down the most feared prince in all of Kattegat.
‘Thank you for delivering us safely, take this as a token of my grace. Please be sure that the horse is rested while we visit.’ the princess said as she handed the thrall a golden ring from her finger.
‘Princess I can not possibly-’
‘Take it, you won’t find too many charitable royals boy.’ 
With swift reflexes Princess (Y/N) threw her dagger at the sudden voice that came from behind her.
The dagger landed at the feet of an old man; he stood more than six foot but was lightly leaning against an even taller walking stick. his eyes were lined with charcoal and his bald had was covered in faded tattoos.
His very presence made the princess feel as if she, a royal princess of a rich kingdom, was no more than a child hiding behind the huts of Tunisia once more.
‘Whew! I see this one does not take kindly to surprises.’ the man chuckled madly.
‘You can't fault her for defending herself, you are quite a horrid sight to a young woman.’ Ivar said with a glare.
‘That may be true, how many daggers has she thrown at your crippled arse?’ the old man snapped back in response.
(Y/N)’s eyes were nearly out of her head, she had never heard Ivar speak so rudely to anyone, nor had anyone ever been so disrespectful to a royal in her presence. 
Before she could voice her dissatisfaction Ivar and the old man began to laugh wildly.
The old man threw aside his stick and moved towards Ivar and wrapped his arms around him.
‘Floki!’ Ivar said cheerfully.
‘Ivar the Boneless.’ the man smiled as he let go of the prince.
‘I want you to meet someone very special, Floki; this is (Y/N) Princess of Tunisia. She is to be my wife.’ Ivar said proudly.
‘I know who she is, some gossip of Kattegat can still reach this old boat builder’s ears. I hear she gave you one hel of fight.’ Floki said.
‘She did, but I would be disappointed if she hadn’t, I wanted her to meet you before we depart for Africa.’
‘I’m glad for it Ivar, let me get a better look at her.’ 
The old man placed his hands on her shoulders and held her in place and just looked down at her.
Floki really was a very tall man, even though she could tell he was slouching and not at full height he was still stood almost a head over her.
His eyes were lined thickly with coal, but nothing could hide the age on the man’s face, it was obvious to the princess that this man had lived a hard life and known much loss and great sadness.
‘I can see she has the same sight as me… she is reading me just as I’m reading her. What do you see princesses?’ he asked.
‘I see that you wear coal on your eyes to hide the sadness in them, your scalp is tattooed, something that I’m sure pained you, but it was far from your truest pain. You are old, and a great many heartbreaks can be gained in a long life lived hard.’ she answered.
Floki smiled and closed his eyes as he let out a sigh.
‘What do you see in me, Floki?’ the princess asked in return.
‘I see that you have been raised to keep face in front of people, but you are more than a princess; you thirst for blood. You want to fight on the battlefield for glory, but you have never seen it. You are naive to how horrid it is and you know it...but still you want it.’ Floki guessed.
She was shocked to have what she considered to be her deepest desire exposed by a stranger.
‘I do, but if the spirits are kind to my people I will never see the reality of war.’ she said once she regained her composure.
‘She will either be the best thing that happened to you Ivar, or she will be the end of everything. Only time will tell which one.’ he said gravely as he looked between the young royals.
A pregnant silence filled the atmosphere and for a moment neither Ivar or (Y/N) knew what to say, thankfully Floki laughed.
‘Come on, Helga is going to want to send you off to another country ten pounds heavier.’ the man said as he dragged Ivar off toward the small house.
(Y/N) picked up Ivar’s crutches and Floki’s walking stick before she followed behind the two Norsemen and thought to herself that Ivar was right.
She would never forget meeting this man.
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kaydeefalls · 4 years
Tagged by @andrea-lyn​ , who is the most astonishingly productive writer I've ever known, which means I've got waaaay slimmer pickings than she did for this one. XD
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
My lofty goal this year was to post 100k words of fic, and I did! I managed just shy of 125k words (and wrote another 40k on my TOG Mini Bang, which won't be posted until Saturday, so I guess it'll jump start my 2021 total instead). That only wound up breaking down into 7 fics + 1 vid, but hey, a few of those fics were on the longer end. So picking of top 5 is more like...side-eyeing my bottom 3. WHATEVER.
1. Travellers from an Antique Land (Old Guard, Joe/Nicky + Andy/Quynh + ensemble)
Canon-divergent AU. Five hundred years ago, they lost Andromache to the sea. Now Quỳnh leads the team, a new immortal just woke up, and some pharmaceutical company is getting a little too interested in their business.
I nattered on about this one in a different askmeme, but look, I love canon-divergent AUs, and I love long plotty fics, and I really, really enjoyed writing this one.
2. life is very long (Old Guard, Joe/Nicky + team)
Andromache tells him: "The Greeks used to have seven different words for love. Well. More, probably. But I remember seven." She shrugs. "There are many ways to love one another, and life is long. We've time enough for them all. It's the only thing that makes it worthwhile." Nicky and his immortal family, over the centuries.
My first foray into TOG fandom, and MAN did I luck out. I hit the sweet spot of posting this a week after the movie hit and JUST as the fandom was taking off, and it got a truly stupid (for me) amount of kudos. But also, I am genuinely fond of this one, and it helped me wrap my head around Nicky as a character (which has served me well since).
3. We'll Show Them All (X-Men, Charles/Erik + Raven)
Pacific Rim AU. Ten years later, the monsters are back, and newly-instated Marshall Charles Xavier needs to pull a team together to prepare for the coming war. That means finding his talented sister a Drift-compatible copilot -- even if that turns out to be his old flame Erik.
It would be wrong for me to not include this, because X-Men is by far my personal longest-running fandom (I'm pretty sure I first posted fic for it in 2002?), and even if I've kind of let it drop off recently, I'm sure it'll pull me back in eventually. Also, I will always be a sucker for an X-Men fusion AU, and Drifting is fun. And the art by @irelise is GORGEOUS.
4. though it was not my task to watch (Old Guard, Joe/Nicky)
"Death always matters. It is not a game, it is not casual, it is real and it is painful and it is not a thing to be chased, not ever!" After Merrick, Nicky can't stand seeing any of them die. It takes Joe a while to put it together.
Wrote this to help myself process personal grief, when a close friend was unexpectedly diagnosed with terminal illness this summer. Kind of hard to go back to it now that he's passed. But still. I'm glad I wrote it. All our gays should be immortal.
5. When It Alteration Finds (Star Wars, Poe/Finn, WIP)
Poe is nine years old when his mark first appears, in an alien script he can't even read. When he's twelve, it…blurs. Like someone took an eraser to an old chalkboard, but couldn't quite scrub it out. That's not the end of their story. (Soulmark!AU. Sometimes it takes a while.)
Look. Did I finish it? No. Do I intend to? Yes, as soon as all these damn challenge deadlines have passed. But I'm still glad I started posting it as a WIP, because I honestly think I would have dropped it entirely if I hadn't forced the external motivation, and I am FOND of this dumb 'verse, okay? Poe and Finn are great and deserved better and I need to figure out how the hell to wrap this fic up without actively rewriting the entirety of TRoS.
Tagging @lindstrom2020, @turtletotem, @ladynox, @kianspo and whoever else wants to celebrate the fact that this year is OVER and you SURVIVED IT and you deserve to brag about the stuff you're proud of!
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So it's no secret im critical of RWBY, I am with most things I enjoy. But the keyword of that is "enjoy", I love RWBY, have since I first discovered it and I wanted to talk about the things I love about it.
The Characters
You can write the most fantastic plot on the world but it means nothing if you don't have good characters. Since the beginning RWBY has been about its characters, it's even named after them. And we're introduced to these 4 girls all with hopes and dreams and watching them reach them.
And watching them grow throughout the course of the show is both heartwarming and heart breaking.
When these discussions come up everyone brings up. Weiss, which is fair she's had the most significant change (and shes a queen). She goes from stuck up princess to a warmer person. I love that she remembers the lessons she learned, Volume 1 or even Volume 2 Weiss wouldn't be the one comforting Yang in Volume 5. She might try but I feel like it would come across as insincere or lack the weight it did if Ruby was in her place.
This Weiss knows the pain Yang's going through, and the first thing that comes to her is to be there for her.
But hese two have never been very close. They've taunted and laughed and fought for each other and for me this is when Nice Weiss was just the new natural Weiss. But without losing what makes Weiss, Weiss.
But it's also the little things. Weiss defending Blake against Cordovin, Blake wrapping Weiss in a blanket when she's scared. Ruby being awe and supporting her team. The train scene to Argus felt like we were back in Beacon, Blake reading her book, Weiss is rolling her eyes but going along with Ruby and Yang and Ruby are fighting over who's winning a video game.
And its not limited to them, seeing Qrow being a badass and reluctant parent is always a fun time. And his alcoholism being explored was interesting and I didn't think we'd end up there. (It really puts Ruby into perspective, trying to be strong and happy for everyone with the stance of a leader. Ruby is a leader, that question was undoubtly answered.
Seeing Jaune, this goofy coward with a big heart go at Cinder because of Pyrrah's death... That hurt... That hurt a lot. And I may argue about the Statue scene but I hope he gets closure. (And stays away from those thirsty Mantle mums)
Ozpin's and Ironwoods downward spirals and reveals were beautifully done. It really felt like their Oz counterparts, going from the all knowing wizard to the man behind the curtain and the tin man losing his heart. You see just how much Ozpin cared for others, how his actions hurt many but have always been built on good intentions and just how human he is.
You see just how resilient and strong Ironwood is, how he's misguided but he will do whatever it takes. Really hit the theme of fear, especially with Ozpin's speech at the end.
The Music
Only gets better and better honestly. Casey you are awesome, the music is something I can never be prepared for. Until the End still makes me bawl like a baby everytime I hear it and they just reflect each and every scene, character and fight their placed in. The music in RWBY can feel as instrumental (see what I did there 🙃) to the show as the plot. Their intertwined, both telling these great stories. And they absolutely hold up, personally I love Weiss's songs and This will be the day and if that plays during the final battle I will scream.
They don't just hype up scenes, they add to them. I know ya'll were crying when Forever Fall started playing as the leaves hit the ground and Pyrrah's statue was revealed (... Not that I did.) And I'm already wondering about the songs for V8.
The writing and the Plot
Because despite some of the issues and criticism, it is good. I don't think we'd still be watching if we didn't believe that. Ironwood and Ozpin are my go to for awesome writing but their not the only instances of it. Yang and Ruby being reunited, Ruby instantly apologising and rambling and Yang giving her a big hug before bringing in Weiss, that was awesome.
Instantly we have Ruby, who up until now has been a leader crumble. In that moment she's Yang's little sister and Weiss is her best friend, nothing cemented that more for me that than moment after they've been apart for so long.
Ozpin's Backstory was long awaited and personally I loved it. You have two people, made us understand how much they loved each other and how their differing views changed the world and lead to the stare of remnant today. Do I prefer my headcannon? Of course I do, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy this any less.
Tai, Port and Oobleck talking with Yang, we needed that joy and she needed it too. It just felt real... You have these teachers and mentors who've seen war and destruction and they try to make her laugh. And I wish we could've seen more of that.
And the fact it keeps making us and them question things. Was it wrong for Ozpin to lie? Was it wrong for Raven for leave? Are we doing the right thing by going to Atlas? Should we tell Ironwood the truth? Should Ozpin have told Salem? Should Robin be trusted? Should Zwei be integral to the plot? The fact that they can do this, lay the consequences for what happened and still make us debate on the outcomes and the what ifs is impressive. (Although the Zwei one is fact)
Here's a few I found because I am a sucker for it and yes I know they may not all be intentional:
Both Yang and Adam have similar semblances. Except, Yangs takes time over a fight to build up, reflecting her thrill of a fight and how she likes to take risks. While Adam charges his into huge and constant attacks, showing his desire and eagerness to hurt others. Making them somewhat parallel the other, how they are quite alike in attitudes but not heart which is why Blake chooses Yang.
Ozpin having the relic of choice under Beacon because he values it so much, he makes sure everyone has one before they join him, before Pyyrah became the maiden. How one choice changed everything for him.
The White Fang wear Grimm masks, how they became more about spreading fear and they became more like monsters.
Ironwood having the relic of creation, the focus of innovation and robotics that's so prevalent in Atlas and how its energy was used to raise the city above the rest.
Ozpin being associated with gears and clocks.
Qrow and Raven's names mirroring their bird forms. But also because crows are seen as symbols of misfortune and Raven's are symbols of insight and prophecy.
Every Wizard of Oz and fairytale reference. There are too many to name so here's a few: Pinnochio being eaten by a Whale (giant whale grimmm and our protector of mantle), Tock is a crocodile Faunus who's semblance was dictated by a ticking clock, Ozpin glynda and Ironwood are Oz the good witch and tinman. Salem has flying gorilla grimm.
(side note for V8, from the trailer it seems Salem is looking for someone. She represents the Wicked witch, has her flying grimm.. And its been said Oscar represents Dorothy so get the missing posters ready)
Pyyrah being the one to unlock Jaune's aura and the idea of losing someone the way he lost her is what unlocks his semblance.
And that's all. Im well aware RWBY isn't a masterpiece and that it's not awful either. I love it for what it is.
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fandompride101 · 4 years
Meeting The President
POV Raven:
This morning has been slow. Garth has been asking for everyone to go to the new circus in town. I couldn't care less, but the others seem to want to stay home and be lazy.
I was meditating in the small garden outside when I heard the rustle of leaves. The intruders ora was excited. I couldn't place where I have seen them from.
"Hello there, beautiful." The voice sang as he came into view. I opened my eyes to see a boy, about the same age as me, with Superman's logo on his chest.
"Who are you?" I said, levitating you the ground. I didn't see the new comer as a threat.
"Where are my manners?" he bowed to me. "I am the new Superman." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "And who do I have the pleasure of speaking too?"
"I am Raven." I took my hand back. "You seem young for a new Superman."
"Age means nothing." He stood up. I hit a sore spot.
"What are you doing here?" I stood.
"I am here because the President wishes to have the Teen Titans as her body guard." He gave me a grin. "I am the Presidents personal body guard."
"Did she just have the Justice League as her body guards?" I asked, remembering it now.
"Yes, but for public image, she has chosen the Titans as her new guards." He gave me his arm. "Might I escort you back to the tower?"
"Fine." I took his arm. "You will need to speak to Kori about all this. She is the one in charge."
"Then I will do just that." He smiled down at me.
When we were walking back to the tower, new Super boy tried to make small talk. He was annoyingly charming. Right as we got up onto the main floor, he told a joke.
"What do you call the sun when he's had too much to drink?" He looked at me and I shrugged. "Moonshine!"
I couldn't help myself and just as the elevators door opened, I laughed. Everyone turned to look at us. My arm was still wrapped around his and we were both laughing.
When we stopped, super boy released my arm and stepped forward. "Hello Teen Titans. I come here on behalf of the President. Might I speak with Kori?" He looked around for her.
Kori stepped forward and escorted him into a different room to talk. Garth came up to me.
"Who is that?" He gave me a look that I could not read.
"He is the president's body guard. He says he is the new Superman." I answered flatly. "What are you doing with your face, Garth?"
"I just think that maybe our Raven has a crush..." Garth smiled at me.
I punched him hard in the shoulder. Then I saw Damian stand up from the couch he was on. We looked at each other, but he turned away and stomped off.
What was his deal.
"I am sticking with my idea." Garth said, rubbing his arm.
"Garth," I looked at him. "Shut up."
He laughed and walked back to the couch and started playing his video games again. I turned and went to my room.
It was about an hour later before there was a knock on my door. I opened it up and there stood Super Boy himself.
"Raven, might I ask for a tour around the tower?" He smiled.
"Sure." I responded.
I started down the halls, telling him about all the rooms. "The girls live on this wing, and the boys live in the other." I explained.
"Interesting." He commented.
"I am sorry, but I can't keep calling you new Superman. Do you have a name?" I asked. It was bothering me, not knowing what to call him.
"You can call me Conner." He smiled. "So back to the tour... where do you train?"
"We train on the top floor." I gestured to the elevator. We got in. "Why do you want to know all this?"
"Well, I have to stay here and brief you all on the plan. I want to know about the place I will be staying." His voice was calm. It was kind of relaxing.
"Well, Conner," I smiled. "In order to say you have stayed at the tower, I think it is only fair that you run through the simulator." I joke.
He loved that idea. "Challenge accepted." He smiled.
When we got on the floor I set up the simulation for him. Conner wanted me to put it on the highest setting, but I talked him down to the medium setting.
It started off slow and Conner got every machine that came at him. He did have all of Superman's powers. I leaned on the monitor and watched him.
After Conner had taken down seven robots at once, he turned and winked at me. I blushed. It was about five minutes later that he got the last robot.
"That was fun." He laughed.
"You did well. You almost beat the top time." I read off the monitor.
"Who has the record?" He came over to look at the monitor.
"Robin." I answered without thinking.
"I could beat that time." Conner said.
"No, we should head back. We have supper soon." I pointed at the clock. It was almost six.
"Maybe tomorrow." He shrugged as we got into the elevator.
"Sure." I said, knowing that as soon as anyone beat Robin's score, he would beat theirs. I didn't want to ruin Conners mood though.
When we got to the main floor, the pizza was already on the counter. Everyone already had their food, so I grabbed a plate and got two slices of cheese. Conner came behind me and got some all meet pizza.
"Hello." Conner greeted everyone. Everyone mumbled back a response. Well accept for Damian who was glaring at Conner.
Did Damian not like Conner? Did they know each other? I would have to ask Damian later, I thought to myself.
"How was your tour?" Kori asked as Conner sat down.
"I had a wonderful tour guide. This place is pretty awesome." Conner smiled at me.
"I am glad. Conner, when will we be briefed on the mission?" Kori asked.
"Orders come tomorrow at first light. If we could be ready to leave by noon, that would be ideal." Conner said while ratting. "Make sure you pack for a few days. Maybe four."
"Where are we going?" Garth asked, stuffing pizza in his mouth.
"DC." Conner answered. "You will all be staying at the White House."
"Wow." Beetle sounded shocked.
"While you are there you will each be paid. For the four days you will be on patrol, and you will take turns around the clock." Conner said, whipping his mouth.
"What would we be doing?" Damian said in a grim voice.
"You will be guarding her while the  president meets with some tourists . She would like to make a truce." Conner explained.
"Why is she doing that?" Kori asked.
"She doesn't want anymore war." Conner sighed. "She is trying her best, but also taking a huge risk."
"So we are here because the Justice League can't?" Beetle asked.
"No, she asked for you guys personally." Conner leaned back.
"Wow!" Garth jumped up. "The president wants us!"
Conner laughed and agreed. He told us that at first light there will be orders, and that we should all get rest, because it will be a long four days. Kori agreed and told us all to get ready.
"Garth, will you take Super boy to his room?" She asked.
"It's Superman." He corrected her.
Kori nodded but I could tell she didn't agree with the name. Garth led him to his room, and I started on my way to my room. I was alone in the hallway when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a storage closet.
"How do you know him?" Damian's voice was stone cold.
"I met him outside." I answered annoyed to be pulled away. "Where did you meet him?"
"What?" Damian spat out.
"You are constantly glaring at him. You have to have met him and disliked him." I point at him. "How do you know Conner?"
"Conner? You know his name?!" Damian sounded livid.
"Damian calm down. I gave him a tour and didn't feel comfortable calling him Superman." I explained. "I am not sure why you hate him so much. Is he... bad?"
Damian looked at me for a second. "No. I just don't trust him."
"Okay." I calmed down.
"Okay?" He looked puzzled.
"I just mean okay. I am going to my room. We have a busy day ahead of us." I opened the door to the closet and turned around. "Are we still going to have tea tomorrow?"
"Yeah." Damian answered and stormed past me.
I went in my room and got ready for bed. Before I went to sleep I packed some clothes. I packed six outfits just in case.
When I was content with my packing skills, I went to bed. I slept really well that night. When I woke up it was still dark outside.
I got dressed and made my way to the kitchen. Damian was already there, pouring two glasses of tea.
"Morning." I said, walking over and taking a glass.
"Morning." He grabbed his cup and walked over to the window.
I sat at the table, sipping on my tea. We did this every morning. We would get up before sunrise and make tea. We would sit in silence and watch the sun com up together.
"How did you sleep?" He asked, not turning away.
"Fine." I answered. "And you?"
I finished my cup of tea and before I could stand and get another one, Damian came over and grabbed my glass. He brought me back another cup of tea.
"Thanks." I said taking it. He sat beside me.
We have been doing this so long that I think he just knows that I like to have two cups of tea in the morning.
"Did you pack?" He asked.
"Yes. I packed for six days." I said, looking out the window at the rising sun.
We watched as the sun started to spread over the buildings. It was beautiful and peaceful. I loved watching it.
"Good morning!" Conner came into the kitchen.
"Morning." I said, not looking his way.
"The orders have arrived." He went to the counter. "Where's the coffee?"
"We don't have coffee." Damian said plainly.
"What is this?" Conner got up cup and tried it. He spit it out right away. "Yuck."
"It's tea." Damian glared.
Conner poured the rest of the tea down the drain. "You guys need to get coffee. It tastes much better." I stood up, making both the boys look at me.
"I am going to leave." I turn to Damian. "I have to pack." Damian knew that I was lying, but I didn't think he would out me.
I left the room. A few seconds later I heard someone run up from behind me. When I turned Conner was behind me.
"So I have news! I talked with the president, and you have been invited to be in the room when we have their negotiation." Conner handed me a piece of paper. "I will be there as well."
"Wow." I didn't know what to say. I was going to meet the president.
"You are going to need to pack professional. Bring a few modest dresses and anything that looks like business. You don't need to worry about fighting. Your there for keeping the peace." He told me.
"I am going to have to look threw my closet and find things then." I started to worry if I had nice enough clothes.
"I will leave you to it then." He smiled. "I just came to give you the news."
I smiled and walked into my room. I grabbed my bag and dumped it out. All of these wouldn't be fit to meet the president. I grabbed my dress that I got when I was shopping with Kori. Other than that I didn't have any other dresses.
I went to Kori's room. "Kori, are you awake?"
She hummed and I opened the door. She was packing. She must have just gotten out of the shower because she had her hair up in a towel.
"Do you have any dresses I can borrow?" I asked, looking at my feet.
"Why?" She looked over at me.
"Conner said my order was to be in the room during the debate. I need to dress business like." I told her.
"I have a few dresses that I grew out of. You can have them if you want." She pointed over to a box in her closet.
I opened I up and found a gorgeous blue dress on top. I looked at the size and I was perfect. "Is this okay?" I asked Kori.
"That would look perfect on you. Please take it." She smiled.
I drug through a few more. There was a nice purple one and red one that also looked good. I grabbed the ones and went back to my room.
I packed them as nice as I could. I didn't want them to get wrinkled. After I got everything packed, I grabbed my bag and brought it to the living room. The boys where already there with their bags when I walked in.
"Did you find some good clothes?" Conner asked.
"Yes." I nodded.
"When everyone gets here I will brief you all." Conner turned to the guys.
I walked over and set my stuff on one of the couches. Damian was working on something on his tablet. He didn't look up.
The Kori walked in. "Good morning everyone!" She cheered. Her energy was tiring.
"Just waiting on Wonder Girl." Conner said.
As soon as Wonder girl came in Conner started the briefing. He told everyone their plan and station that they would be at. We would be taking turns and switching back and forth.
"Raven will be with me in the meeting." Conner explained. "And when you see one of us come out of the meeting, be prepared to the meeting to dismiss."
"What happens when they dismiss?" Garth asked.
"Then you have to watch. If one person acts out, then you take them. Your first priority is protecting the president." Conner's voice was firm.
"Ok." Everyone agreed to the plans.
"There is a car downstairs that is here to take us." Canned said. We all grabbed our bags and brought them down.
The guys loaded our bags. Conner was about to reach for mine when Damian stepped forward and picked it up.
"Thanks." I say softly.
He said nothing, but I knew he heard me. After all the bags were packed, we loaded in. I instantly put in my earbuds and started listening to composers.
Kori sat on one side of me, pinning me between the window and her. Garth was asking Conner questions and the others seemed to either be sleeping or playing on their phones.
It was a three hour drive. I used the time to listen to Beethoven and other amazing composers. It was relaxing. I have always loved the classic composers.
What are you listening to, Raven?" Conner asked.
"Beethoven." I answered simply.
"Nice." Was all he said.
I got a text on my phone.
What symphony? Damian had overheard.
I sent back the seventh one. When I looked up our eyes met and she smiled. He know the seventh symphony was my absolute favorite. I looked back down and the rest of the ride I had a small smile on my face.
"We are here!" Conner announced.
I looked out the window and there stood the White House. It was bigger than I pictured, but it was breathtaking.
"Wow." Kori took the words right out of my mouth.
When we parked we all stubbled out of the car. I let everyone get out before me because of how crazy it was. When I stepped out I went to stand my Damian.
"It's nice." I said to him.
"Yeah." He sounded unexpressed. "I've been here before."
"Really!" I turned to face him.
"I came with father." He looked over the house. "It was for a mission."
"You should be the one in the meeting then. You already know the president." I said, starting to get nervous.
"Don't worry. You'll be fine." He said, encouraging me.
"Thanks." I gave him a small smile. He returned me with one of his own.
"You guys know your job." Conner interrupted. "Girls rooms are to the right and boys to the left. Your schedules are in your rooms."
Kori, Cassie (aka wonder girl) and I went to our shared room. There was three beds for each of us, which was a relief because I didn't want to share beds.
I found the bed with my schedule and I set my bags on it. I sat down and studied it for a bit. I had a meeting with the president in one hour to meet her.
"Kori," I walked over to her. "Can you help me get ready. I have to meet the president in an hour and I need to get ready."
Kori has always been the closet thing to a big sister. I mean I have a sister but she wants to kill me, so I don't feel she counts.
"Sure!" She got up and started going through my bag. She pulled out a nice top and black pants. "For the first meeting I think you should wear this."
I took the clothes and changed in the bathroom. When I came out Kori and Cassie looked at me.
"Wow." Cassie said dropping her clothes she had in her hand. "You look hot."
"Um... thanks." I said, unsure of what to say.
"She is right." Kori smiled. "Here, lets curl your hair a bit."
Kori grabbed my hands and walked me into the bathroom. She grabbed her curling iron and started to curl the ends of my hair. I looked professional, I thought as she finished.
"You look amazing!" Cassie said from behind me. "Here, I know you don't like lip stick, but this is your tone."
She was right. When I put it on it wasn't too bad. "Thanks" I told both of them. "For helping."
"It's nothing." Kori smiled.
By the time I was all ready, I had about ten minutes before my meeting. I opened the door and walked over to the meeting place. I was supposed to wait until Conner for the meeting.
I turned and saw Damian. He was starring at me. "Robin."
"What are you doing?" He came over to me.
"I am going to meet the president." I explain. "Do I look okay?" I wanted to know his opinion.
"Yes." He smiled. "Very professional."
"That's what I was going for." I sighed.
"When is this meeting?" He looked at his watch.
"As soon as Conner comes, we will head to it." I explain.
"Your spending a lot of time with Conner." He leaned against the wall.
"Only because he and I are on the same detail. It's just for the mission." I leaned on the wall across from him.
Then Conner came out of no where. "Raven, sorry I am late. We must hurry."
I followed Conner down some halls and past many doors. I would so get lost in this place. Once we got to this big door, Conner knocked.
It opened.
After meeting the president, I was tried. It was a two hour meeting of taking about what I liked and school. At the end we finally went over the plan for the next few days.
The president was a very kind women. She wanted to know my interests and hobbies. She didn't judge me when I told her my father was Trigon. I enjoyed meeting her.
It was already eight when I got back to my room. The others were at supper, but I didn't really feel like eating. There was a knock on the door.
When I opened it, it was Damian. "I saw you didn't come for supper."
"I was not hungry."
"You should eat, Raven." His voice was soft.
"I am fine, but thank you." I smiled at him.
He stepped into the room. "Are you okay?"
"I am just tired. But the president was wonderful." I sat on my bed. Damian came over and leaned against the wall.
"What's the plan?" Damian looked at the huge painting in this room.
"She just wants us there to keep the peace and make sure no one loses their life. She wants this to go well." I shrugged.
"Good." Damian nodded.
I yawn. "Cross your fingers this goes all right."
He laughed. "I'll let you get some sleep. Are we meeting for tea?"
"Yeah." I smiled and lead him to the door. "I'll meet you in foyer and we can find a place with tea."
"Ok." He nodded. "Goodnight Raven."
"Goodnight Robin." I said then closed the door. I turned off the light and went to bed.
It was an hour before I heard rustling but it was just Kori and Cassie getting ready for bed. I went back to sleep.
It was four in the morning when I snuck out of the room. I didn't know how long it would take so I got dressed in my black dress. It was a summery dress, and went to my knees.
I stepped out of the room and closed the door. I quietly stepped in the foyer. I looked around for a second but didn't see Damian.
Then someone touched my shoulder. I grabbed the hand and flipped the assailant. When I turned Damian was on the ground.
"Nice one." He smiled and stood up.
"Sorry, you scared me." I tried to help him.
"It's fine." He laughed. Then he noticed my dress. "You look nice."
"Thanks. I wasn't sure when we would be done and wanted to be prepared for today." I shrugged.
"I looked around and there is a place we can try." Damian held out his arm for me.
"Sounds good." I took it and we walked. I wasn't sure of where we were going, but I followed him.
When we got there I went to grab us a table and Damian went up to the counter and ordered. I found a nice place outside, with a umbrella to give us shelter.
Damian came over a few minutes later with two cups. He handed me one cup and sat in the chair across from me.
"Thank you." I took a sip. It was amazing tea. "How much do I owe you?"
"I charged it to my father." He took a sip.
"He will be paying for our tea and anything else I want for a while." Damian had a devious look.
"What did the bat do?" I smirked.
"He told me no." Damian smirked back.
I laughed and sipped my tea. "Well thank your father for this amazing tea." I picked my cup up and cheered.
"Hey, I was the one to pick the tea." He laughed.
"Well you didn't pay." I mock him.
We laughed. He finished his cup and watched the sky. The sun was just coming up past the trees. I looked over at Damian and smiled.
"What?" He turned to me.
"Nothing." I looked away.
"Do you want a refill?" He nodded to my empty cup.
"Yes." He took my cup and went to the counter. When he came back he had a grim look on his face. "What happened?"
"The cashier wanted me to give you this." He handed me a piece of paper with a phone number on it.
I laughed. "That is stupid." And I tossed the paper behind me.
We sat there for another few minutes and I drank the rest of my second tea. Damian and I said nothing to each other, but we didn't need to. The morning was lovely.
We headed back to the foyer together. Damian and I were both in better moods when we arrived. Everyone else gathered soon after and then we split up for our daily tasks.
Soon it was just Conner and I.
"Good morning Raven." He smiled at me.
"Good morning." I nodded.
I followed Conner to a building where the meeting would be held. We had an hour before the meeting would start so I did a scan of the room.
"Everything seems good. Nothing out of the ordinary." I told Conner.
"Good." He said playing on his phone.
He wasn't really taking anything serious was he. How could he be the president's body guard? I shook off the thought and continued to walk the room.
Damian taught me to always scan the room. I remember the day he insisted on teaching me. I had just failed a sneak attack simulation, and he spent the whole day teaching me how to avoid that again.
About twenty minutes later people started to file into the room. Conner left to escort the president in, while I helped the people get seated.
"Raven, aren't you in the Teen Titans?" One of the people I was helping asked.
"Yes, but we also serve our president." I answered how Conner taught us to.
"Amazing." He sounded shocked.
Then the president came in. "Hello everyone!" She smiled. "As I am sure you are aware, the Teen Titans are here today. Can we all give them a warm welcome." She started clapping and soon the entire room was.
"Raven over here is going to be joining us in our meeting. She has a bright mind, so if you could, no mean talk folks." She gestured to me and I gave a shy wave to everyone who was staring.
"Alright, lets begin!"
The first day of the meeting was rough. People were talking over people and names where called. I sank into the background and observed. No one seemed angry enough to fight, so all in all we had a good day.
I could barely stand on my feet by the time Conner and I were dismissed. All I wanted to do was sit down.
"How was that for a first day?" Conner asked, laughing.
"I don't know how you can stand." I sighed.
"I am going to tell you a secret..." he leaned towards me. "I flew for a bit to give my feet a break."
"Now you tell me." I laugh.
"Try it tomorrow." He offered.
"Thanks." I was so going to use that trick. Not only did I have to dress nice, but I was also wearing sensible heels.
As soon as I got to the foyer I headed straight to my room. When I got in Kori and Cassie where laughing.
"What happened to you?" Cassie asked as I walked through the door.
"I stood on my feet and watch grown ups call each other names for five hours." I plopped on my bed.
"You where standing the whole time?" Kori asked.
"Yeah." I mumbled into my bed.
"Wow. I couldn't do that." Cassie laughed.
The girls told me how there day was flying above the building while the boys took turns matching it. Garth was so bored he even took a nap. Well, until Robin woke him up.
"That sounds much better than my day." I rolled over to look at the ceiling.
"But you got to meet the president." Cassie argued.
"It's so boring though." I yawned.
"We have an hour before supper, how about you rest and we will come get you." Kori suggested.
"Yes!" I agreed.
The girls left to talk with the boys. I was so tired that I didn't even climb into bed. I just laid on the comforter.
An hour passed, and just like they said, the girls came and got me. We made our way out to the dinning room and got our food.
"Raven, how was the meeting?" Garth asked.
"I didn't much care for it." I sat down.
"What? Why?" Beetle asked.
"Watching grown men fight over who is better while calling each other names is not my idea of fun." I looked at Beetle.
They all laugh, but I was being completely serious. I finished my meal fast, and then sat around to hear all about Garths dream he had while sleeping on the job.
He said that he saw himself as a goose and all the fish in the pond where following him. Garth's dreams are always animal filled and meaninglessness, but many find amusement in it.
I sat down at the couch that was in the room, and soon everyone came and sat around. Eventually Damian came over and sat beside me.
I didn't laugh at any of the stories. It was strange to hear everything that went on in Garth's mind. He had an odd soul.
Conner walked into the room. "Hey guys, how did your first day go?"
Garth told him all about his dream, leaving out the part that he had it while on the job. And the. Everyone else was giving a run down of the day.
"Remember to fill out your report and turn it in before you leave for work tomorrow." Conner handed everyone a piece of paper.
I looked over the paper. It was simple enough. I stood up and headed to my room. I wanted to get my report done before bed.
"Robin, where are you going?" Kori asked, making me turn around. Damian was behind me.
"I am going to work on my report." Damian's tone was glumly.
We walked together down the hall. Before I turned down my wing, I turned to him.
"Tea?" He asked.
"Yes." I nodded and walked down to my room.
The next day was much like the first. I used Conner's trick of levitating right above the ground to save my feet the pain.
Five hours of boring debate later, I was finally free to go back to my room. Today I wasn't as tired so I meditated on my bed until Kori and Cassie came back from their shift.
"How was your day Raven?" Cassie said when she saw I was done meditating.
"It was fine." I got up.
"I think I might go explore." I stood and walked to the door.
"There is a nice garden on the East end." Kori recommended.
I nodded and walked out. I followed Kori's instructions and walked to the East doors. When I stepped out, I noticed someone else was there.
"Damian?" I stepped forward.
He turned to look up at me. He stood up from the ground he was on.
"I am sorry if I interrupted." I started back inside.
"No, it's fine."
I turned to make sure it was fine. I walked over to see what he was looking at. There was this beautiful blue flower on the ground. It was strange. I had seen this before, but not on earth.
"This is a alien plant." I mumbled.
"How do you know?"
"I saw this on a planet when my father still used me as a warning." I bent down and touched the plant. "This isn't supposed to be here. How is this alive?"
"I don't know." He bent beside me and got a soil sample.
I looked at him.
"What? I'm curious." He shrugged.
Soon after, it was time to eat. Right after I filled out my report, I went to bed.
The next few days where the same. There was no purposed for us being here other than show. It was the final day. Conner handed us all a book.
"As a thank you from the president herself, here is a signed copy of her book." Conner smirked. "The car will be here in an hour. Please know your checks will be following in the next few days."
Kori said goodbye to Conner and we all grabbed our bags and brought them to the main area. I was reading a book when the car came.
Everyone piled in. I read a book and listened to music the whole ride back. Overall I think this mission was childish and worthless, but I can now say I met the president.
It was three hours before we arrived at home. We spent the next few hours unpacking and doing laundry. It was eight o'clock when I was finished with everything.
The next morning I woke up and got up like normal. When I went to the kitchen for tea, Damian wasn't there. I decided to make the tea for us both.
"Morning!" I turned to see Conner.
"Conner?" I was surprised. "Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, I just came to see if you wanted to get coffee sometime?" He smiled and came closer to me.
"She doesn't like coffee." Damian stepped in front of Conner. "Why don't you go and ask Lex Luther to get some coffee. You know as father and son."
"What?" I didn't know Conner was Lex's son.
"He didn't tell you? He was engineered to be Superman with the real Superman's DNA and Lex's." Damian stared down Conner.
"What's your deal man?" Conner was getting angry.
"I don't like seeing you hit on Raven." Damian poked his chest. "You should go now."
Conner looked at me. "It didn't matter what he thinks. Do you want coffee?"
"No." I answered.
Then Conner's phone started ringing.
"Daddy's calling." Damian smirked.
Conner looked at me and when he knew I wasn't going with him, he left. He stormed away very angry. When I turned to Damian, he had a look of triumph.
"Tea?" I handed him a cup.
He took it and smiled. "Sorry I was late. Father was telling me about Conner's background."
"No worries. I thought I would make the tea for once." I walked over to the table. Damian sat in the chair next to mine.
"This is good." He complimented.
"It's not as good as yours." I said after I took a sip.
He grabbed my cup and dumped mine down the sink. Then he started making his tea. I sat back and thanked him.
"I'll let you make the tea." I said as he gave me a cup.
"Only if you choose where to sit." He smiled. "Then deal."
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braincoins · 4 years
Unusual Halloween Movies
Tired of Jason, Freddy, and Michael? Want something new this year? Boy, do I have some treats lined up for you! I’ve used JustWatch to list the streaming options (though these are US streaming options; I maaaaay be up for some streaming fun on Halloween...). I’ll tell you right now, this list can almost perfectly be broken into three categories: Horror-Comedy, Sci-Fi Horror, or International Horror.
American Mary -  A medical student drowning under tuition debt finds a lucrative practice when she enters the world of body modification. ngl, I remember liking this movie but it’s been a bit since I saw it, so for the CONTENT WARNINGS I’m going to straight up rip the MPAA here: Rated R for strong aberrant violent content including disturbing images, torture, a rape, sexual content, graphic nudity, language and brief drug use
Ava’s Possessions - Ever wonder what life is like once all your demons have been exorcised - literally? Now that Ava is free of the demon that once possessed her, she’s out of a job, down a few friends, and facing charges for the acts of violence her demon did. The only way to get out of trouble is to go to the demon-equivalent of AA. CONTENT WARNINGS: mostly blood and bad language; some mild sexual content 
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon - A journalism grad student interviews a young man in training to be the next slasher killer, ala Jason/Freddy/Michael. An absolute treat of a movie for anyone who loves slasher films; it’s about 3/4 mockumentary, 1/4 actual horror film when she realizes that, no, really, he’s going to go kill all those co-eds. CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood, gore, naked boobs (”Ugh. Is that REALLY necessary?” “Now, Taylor, who’s telling this story?”), sex, occasional panty shots (because, again, slasher films). 
Bubba Ho-Tep - OH MAN another one I had to go back and add in ‘cause REALLY NOW. Elvis is in a nursing home (at least, he says he’s the real Elvis) and he and JFK (who is played by Ossie Davis - who you will note is NOT white) have to fight off a resurrected mummy who sucks the souls of the living out of their assholes. Bruce Campbell stars. HOW IS THAT NOT AWESOME ENOUGH FOR YOU?! CONTENT WARNING: Um... look, I think you kinda already know what sort of content to expect given what I just told you about the story.
Bulbbul (Netflix Original) -  (Hindi Language) During the 19th century Bengali Presidency, something - or someone? - is haunting the woods around a lord’s estate, killing men in gruesome ways. The lord has left his estate in charge of his young wife, while his younger brother, who’d been away studying in London, returns to hunt down whatever is causing these mysterious deaths. CONTENT WARNINGS: child bride, blood, and what Netflix calls “sexual violence”, meaning a rape scene so graphic (despite not showing any nudity or genitalia) that it is GUARANTEED to make you uncomfortable. The movie was written and directed by a woman, so there is nothing intended to be “sexy” about this at all. If you can make it through that scene, though, there is a definite payoff for it. (Or should I say “payback”?)
Eli (Netflix Original) - A young, incredibly sick boy with a fragile immune system is brought by his parents to a clinic for an experimental treatment that may be their last hope. But all is not as it seems within the walls of this place... perhaps literally. CONTENT WARNINGS: mostly just language, a few mild jump scares. People get set on fire at one point. No biggie. 
Errementari: the Blacksmith and the Devil (Netflix Original) - (Basque Language) Based on a Basque folk tale. Eight years after the First Carlist War, a government official comes to a small, impoverished Basque town asking after the blacksmith. Everyone tries to warn him away; the blacksmith is an evil, evil man. But he is on the trail of some Carlist gold that might be in the smithy, and the prospect of the gold wins him some helpers. And while everyone is distracted by that, a young orphan girl manages to get onto the blacksmith’s property. And what she finds there, no one could have expected... CONTENT WARNINGS: I took a screenshot of Netflix’s list of warnings just because it amuses me:
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[sings “One of these things is not like the others...”]
Europa Report - Look, I really can’t recommend this enough for fans of found-footage features and people who can stand slower-paced, constantly-building terror. An international mission is sent to investigate Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter. (Those of you who are fans of real-world space exploration know that Europa is considered a prime target for extraterrestrial life within our solar system.) Contact was lost with the mission for a long time, until the data streams came flooding into Earth all at once. And what they showed... CONTENT WARNINGS: Like I said: slower pace than most horror/thriller movies. It builds slow and steady. There’s really not much in the way of blood and gore, though; an excellent example of terror without resorting to buckets of red corn syrup.
Event Horizon - Hellraiser in Space? Hellraiser in Space. Except the Lamentation Configuration is a fucking SPACE SHIP. Also, props for genre-savvy cast. CONTENT WARNINGS: EYE SCREAM. Blood, gore, and, no really, THE EYE THING. Did I mention the gore and the blood? Oh, and language. And blink-and-you-miss it nudity & sex.
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Grabbers - Strange creatures are attacking a small Irish coastal town and the only way to protect yourself is... to be drunk? CONTENT WARNINGS: I mean, it’s Irish and everyone’s drunk, so bad language (by American standards) is a given. That’s... really about it, unless you have a tentacle phobia.
Green Room -  An up-and-coming punk band show up to play a gig and realize too late that they’re playing at a Neo-Nazi club. And when they happen to see something they... really shouldn’t have, it becomes an all-out fight for survival. Same director as Murder Party, though this movie was made later with a much better budget. CONTENT WARNINGS: Violence, blood, gore, and yes, some dogs die because they were trained to be vicious attack dogs by Neo-Nazis. :( Also, the most important content warning of all? PATRICK STEWART PLAYS A NEO-NAZI. (You think I’m joking, but for someone who grew up with him as Jean-Luc Picard, it is downright unsettling to see, okay?)
Life - Think Alien meets Europa Report (above). The six-member crew of the International Space Station are given a sample from Mars that might contain actual extraterrestrial life.  CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood. No, let me say that again: BLOOD. Sounds of bones breaking. Alien creature entering someone’s mouth and killing them from the inside (probably through a combination of choking them/asphyxiating them on their own blood/devouring their blood? It’s not clear, it’s just UNSETTLING).
Murder Party - This is what happens when snobby art school brats try to kill someone. (Read: it doesn’t go well.) Fuckin’ bop of a Halloween song over the end credits, too. Also, at least two characters are canonically bisexual. Same director as Green Room, though this movie was made first (with a much lower budget). CONTENT WARNINGS: bad language, blood, gore, nudity, mild sexual content (the nudity is supposed to be “artistic”). The dog probably DOES die, given the circumstances, but it doesn’t happen on screen, at least? And the dog gets some pretty decent comeuppance first... Also, 1000000% accurate cat representation. 
The Perfection (Netflix Original) - A former cello virtuoso (virtuosa?) gets in touch with her former teacher and meets his new star pupil. An instant connection is formed between the two women... or is it? (Yes, there are lesbians!) CONTENT WARNINGS: oh chaos, where do I start? Bugs under the skin, hacking off body parts, blood, gore, mild sexual content, sexual abuse, and the movie itself is complete and utter MINDFUCKERY. Did you like “Tales from the Crypt” as a kid? You’ll probably dig this. 
Ravenous - With apologies to all Native Americans, but at least they did get actual Native American actors for those parts (George is played by a Pueblo actor; his sister Martha is played by an actress of Menominee and Stockbridge-Munsee descent). A soldier who won a questionable victory during the Mexican-American war is given a hero’s status and then an exile to a remote fort in the Sierra Nevadas. Not long after he arrives, a would-be settler arrives with a harrowing tale, calling for help for what few survivors there are of his wagon train. The two friendly Native Americans at the fort issue warnings that go unheeded, of course. CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood, gore, cannibalism, PTSD.
Slither - James Gunn’s 2006 Feature Movie Directorial Debut! He wrote it, too. An homage to B-movie gore flicks like you’d see at the drive-in. I am just copying and pasting the IMDB summary ‘cause I love this movie too much to be concise about it: A small town is taken over by an alien plague, turning residents into zombies and all forms of mutant monsters. (Oh, but don’t forget the nasty, slithery blood worm things!) CONTENT WARNINGS: Nasty, slithery blood worm things. GORE, BLOOD, GORE, GORE. A very uncomfortable sex scene. Michael Rooker.
They’re Watching - An American TV crew filming what is essentially “House Hunters: Eastern Europe” stumble into superstitions, folklore, and... TERROR!! MWAHAHAHAHA. No, seriously, I LOVE how it’s basically “What if some HGTV crew wound up waaaaaaaay in over their heads, in a horrible and bloody way?” CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood, gore, and NO WI-FI.
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smokeybrand · 4 years
Rise of the Skywalker
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This sh*t with Lucasfilm is wild to witness. I’m not really one to buy into entertainment gossip but i am emotionally invested in Star Wars. I’m an Eighties kid, man. Star Wars helped to shape our childhood growing up. Vader is one of my all-time favorite antagonists. Ahsoka has grown to rival him in my heart as a beloved character. As a cat who creates, myself, i can’t help but adore the passion and creativity i n the entire world lore around the Skywalker legend. I mean, look at everything built around those first three films. Just taking Legends into account, you have the absolutely excellent Shadows of the Empire and the Thrawn trilogy. More than that, and probably one of the best game franchises ever realized, you have The Knight of the Old Republic. F*ck, dude, Revan? Nihilus? Bastila? Kreia? HK-47? This is Bioware at it’s finest, save Mass Effect 2. And then Disney cam in and f*cked it all up.
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Kathleen Kennedy has been a poison to the franchise, and not because of her identity politics. Look, you can work in your ideals and messages without being so goddamn heavy-handed with it but this chick, and her “writer’s group.” can’t craft a story to save their lives. That’s the problem here. Not Rey or Finn or Poe. Not Holdo or Rose Tico. Not even Snoke. It’s how these characters were presented, it’s how the writing shaped them. I’ve written at length about how Rey was a missed opportunity and, according to the original leaked treatment, that misstep was more like an outright face-plant The Rey that was to grow throughout the Sequel trilogy, culminating in a battle between a fully realized, Jedi Knight Rey and a fully realized Sith Lord Ren, should have been the Last Jedi we got. Instead, we got what we got and it shattered the credibility of the entire franchise. Star Wars, the most successful franchise in cinematic history until the MCU came through, was on life support. Forty years of solid, narrative storytelling, ancillary material, and fan passion, squandered because the chick in charge wanted to instill everything with her identity politics, using something she had no creative credit toward, co-opting the shine of another, to secure her legacy. And she did just that; Kathleen Kennedy was the person who almost killed Star Wars. Kennedy’s legacy of failure, secure. But then, a new hope. Jon Favreau, the progenitor of the MCU, stepped forward and saved Star Wars with his show, The Mandalorian.
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John Favreau is a great creator. Dude not only gave us Iron Man, but Chef, Swingers, and Elf. He gets the content but, more than anything, Favreau understands how to craft a goddamn story. He was appointed to The Mandalorian and given creative control by, at the time, CEO of Disney, Bob Iger. Favreau, in partnership with the genius pariah, Dave Filoni, architect of Star Wars: Clone Wars, Rebels, and the best f*cking character created in the modern era, Ahsoka Tano. With theses two at the helm, Mando returned to the true essence of a Star Wars tale. They created their own pocket universe, one with the evolution of the Mandalorian culture and sprinkled with shenanigans of an adorable, and marketable, Baby Yoda. That first season gave us amazing characters like Din Djaran, Cara Dune, Greef Kaga, and Moff Gideon. That first season of Mando saved the franchises and that is not an exaggeration. It felt like Star Wars. The characters were rich and developed. More than anything, the stories told were absolutely excellent. The funny thing about that? Mando isn’t expected to succeed like it did. No, everyone, including Kennedy, thought it was going to fail. She fought, tooth and nail, against what Favreu was trying to created, sabotaging him at every turn. But he was able to complete his show and the fandom received it with utmost fervor, eclipsing anything Kennedy and her idealouges every created. Then season two dropped.
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I’m not going to sit her and say that the narrative for Season two was better than the first. It wasn’t. But that’s because season two of The Mandalorian was a love letter to the fans. Favreau and Filoni had a hit on their hands with Mando and, more importantly, they made Star Wars profitable again. This gave the two of them a margin of creative freedom that expanded into something truly marvelous. That second season of Mando was able to dig deep into the lore, introduce fan favorite characters like Ahsoka Tano and Bo-Katan Kreyze, reintroducing Boba Fett while giving him a bad-ass second in Fennec Shand, while expanding the universe for spin-offs and delivery a franchise altering return of a Jedi Knight, Luke Skywalker! Kennedy spent her entire sequel trilogy, discrediting and marginalizing the old trilogy, typified by the complete destruction of Luke in The Last Jedi, only for Mando to overturn, redeem, and empower Luke with a two minute gauntlet of Force awesomeness that rivaled the utter dominance displayed by his father at the end of Rogue One. That tidbit about Vader? Yeah, Kennedy fought against that, too. The Mando came through and proved that fallowing Lucas’ path was the true way of the Star War and Chepek agreed. We now have this entire blueprint of shows birthed from this one season, that will build toward an Avengers-level event. Ahsoka, Rangers of the New Republic, and The Book of Boba Fett will all culminate in a cinematic experience, most likely a theatrical film, based around Thrawn. And, more to the point, people are excited about this sh*t. People are looking forward to this sh*t. People want this sh*t. What they don’t want is more of Kennedy’s politics and bullsh*t hot-takes, masquerading as Star Wars canon. Case in point, the abject failure of The High Republic.
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Before Favreau and Filoni came through and saved Star Wars, Kennedy had this entire idea for a full-on Star Wars universe, built upon token diversity and f*cking Space dinosaurs. There was a pitch meeting that showed a literal checklist and story was the third or fourth option. How the f*ck is story not the first thing on the list for an actual narrative you’re writing? Why the f*ck isn’t the Writer’s group, not putting story first, in a narrative they’re constructing by committee? That is the genesis of The High Republic. In the time that Youtube preview hit the fandom with all the force of a wet fart, Mando came through and proved no one wants that sh*t. Then season two came through and rived people want more Luke and more Lucas Star Wars, weeks before The High Republic, the jumping off point for Kennedy’s original vision for “New Star Wars” was supposed to launch. Yeah, that launch ain’t go so well. The High Republic is out, right now, and you can buy it. No one is buying it. They’re all paying for Disney+ memberships to watch Mando sh*t on everything Kennedy has done or will do. Disney announced a whole slate of Star Wars shows and material. One of which is The Acolyte, a spin-off from The High Republic tarring Brie Larson and written by Leslye Headland. The Acolyte is going to bomb for the same reasons The High Republic is bombing; No one wants to be preached to and that’s all these woke, blue hairs, want to do. I know that because they’ve told you as such.
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The Force is Female. All of that sh*t with Pablo Hidalgo. The recent controversy of Justina Ireland telling people not to buy The High Republic if they don’t agree with her politics. The fact that Kathleen Kennedy has been trying to get Favreau fired for “sabotaging” her High Republic launch by redeeming Luke and galvanizing the entire fandom. The thing about this, though, is the fact that everything Kennedy has crated, is creatively bankrupt. Everything Favreau and Filoni have built with Mando, has been genuine, organic, and fun. Just to be clear, i actually like Brie Larson. I think she’s an excellent actress with very valid opinions. I think the sh*t she wants to make should be made. I don’t think she should co-opt a long running franchise with decades of lore and a ravenous fandom who are already on the outs with the current management of their beloved franchise. I can’t say i like Headland but i did adore her Netlfix show, Russian Doll. that sh*t was hilarious and dope. I don’t think her type of film making lends itself to Star Wars, however, for he same reason i don’t think Larson should have a show in the fandom either. Having opinions is fine. Installing those opinions in your writing is fine. Installing your opinions in an established property is not fine. You can do that, Back Panther was able to integrate that sh*t successfully, but they did it nuance. It didn’t get clumsy and ridiculous until the end. Kennedy’s writing group started with the awkward preaching. Those weren’t the droids yo were looking for, bro.
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Ultimately, The High Republic is going to fail, as will the rest of Kennedy’s Star Wars legacy. Favreau is already working toward altering her most precious OC, Rey Palpatine. There are plans in the works to make her a Kenobi going forward, redeeming the most egregious of Darth Kennedy’s transgressions, something that wouldn’t even be necessary if they had followed the original treatments JJ left for them going forward. Rey Palpatine should have been Rey Skywalker. She should have been Luke’s daughter. She should have been trained by her pops and took that discipline into the final film where she and her cousin would have a proper reckoning. Rey should have been a proper character with an established legacy. Kennedy decided otherwise and in that hubris, she failed. She has failed, not because she is a Femanzi or has an eye toward activism or an agenda to push. Kennedy has failed because she decided to heavy-handedly force those politics down our throats with no nuance or grace, by slighting everything that came before with malicious intent, while bolstering her analogous creations with the worst kind of writing and non-existent development. Favreau succeeded by weaving a compelling tale, that mirrored the Hero’s tale which has been the bread-and-butter of a great Star Wars narrative, filled it with realized characters who became fast fan favorites, staunched in the lore that came before. He respected the genesis and built something great from it, while revering the stuff which came before. Kennedy thought she was bigger than the franchise. Favreau understands he is in service to it. That’s the difference, That’s why Mando is succeeding and The High Republic has been laid low.
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The 100 said Live Fast Die Young, Bad Bitches Do It Well, and they were Right
We were so fed this episode with women kicking ass, it’s what we deserve. As always, spoilers for the most recent episode (7.06) of The 100
            Indra becoming the commander of Wonkru, you love to see it. Like we’ve been saying this shit for years now, destroy the fucking flame and let Indra lead. Shout out to Adina Porter’s amazing acting skills (again), because every scene she’s in she absolutely kills and I am constantly in awe of everything she does. I understand where Indra was coming from with trying to get Madi to unite Wonkru again, the flame and the commander is all she’s known, but it was still,,,, Not Great! I’m so happy Jackson, Murphy and Emori showed up and put a stop to that shit, and I love how much they genuinely care for her. Side note, while I love getting to see Madi being a kid and getting to experience being normal, the fucking whiplash I got seeing Duncan/Quigley Quagmire on screen was a Time. “Yes I was a null left out to die, no I don’t want to fight you”, this kid is so Tired already I love him and want the best for him. 
            Beyond that incredible scene of Indra taking control of Wonkru (complete with “Can I at least watch?” ‘No.’ “I’m going to watch” and Murphy’s little clap, fucking amazing I love every moment Memori is on screen), the Sanctum scenes Once Again Dragged On. And now we added another plot? Technically we added it on a couple episodes ago but I’m already So Tired of Hatch’s girlfriend whatever the fuck her name is. “Tell Raven Boom Boom” fuck out of here with that corny ass shit, you are the Least important storyline in the clusterfuck that the writers have created. I kind of hope they all just get like...sent to a different planet I don’t Care about it. 
            Sheiheda (finally spelled that bitches name right I think) is so....one dimensional. Like, I get it it’s the increased tension with the believers and Wonkru fracturing and what not but he’s so fucking evil for...no reason?? He’s like, “everyone wants power blah blah blah power is the greatest weapon you could have, I’ll teach you how to gain power” whoop de fucking do. You’re not special, you’re not even an interesting flavour of evil I’m so tired of your shit. Penn getting the best line of “please Shut Him Up” was the audience taking over his body for a hot sec. Nelson I had hopes for you but like....b u d d y. “Hmm, I have dedicated my entire life to taking down corrupt leaders who take away people’s free wills so they can stay in power, but I guess I’ll listen to you, who won’t shut up about how people want power (self project much?) and also just give off bad vibes” like b r u h. 
THE DIYOZA-BLAKE FAMILY IS BACK IN ACTION BITCHES!! When Diyoza appeared I was so fucking happy I have Missed Her. The montage of her being as inconvenient as possible and rescuing herself to a kickass soundtrack? Art. I love them all getting to reuinte and the little moment of comforting Octavia when she said Bellamy was dead (just you fucking wait babe). I think it’s fairly obvious which direction they want Echo to go but I’m still hoping against hope she gets some good character development before the series ends. Diyoza agreeing with Echo killing that old man picking flowers but Octavia not liking it, Interesting. 
And Levitt!! He’s Not Dead!!! I am still very concerned for him and also slightly suspicious of him but I really really hope he’s as genuine as he seems. His and Octavia’s little moment, beautiful I loved it, Levitt really said punch me in the face it’ll be awesome huh. Not like, super thrilled with Gabriel’s choice but whatever they needed them to stay on Sanctum I guess. 
(fuck you for mentioning the native Bardoans again without letting me see them or giving me more information Let Me See The Crystal Giants.)
And finally, our lord and saviour, Clarke Griffin and her team of planet hopping idiots. Did Not enjoy the spiders, just right off the bat, not a fan of those. However, Nakara being the human garbage disposal is so fucking funny to me and the fact that the caves are a living being (with an anomaly stone in it like fucking what??? Did this bitch eat that too???). That smash cut between Russel saying “Then you take out the enemies Queen” and Clarke Griffin, poetic cinema. I love her so much y’all and I love her and Raven’s little moment. ALSO! I would die for Niylah and her stupid puns I love her and want her protected at all costs. Jordan geeking out over aliens continues to be a delight, this is what we deserved from Monty and Harper’s kid. Remove the impressionable youth from the shitty influences and would you look at that, Much Better. And Miller continues to be a delight and a whole ass mood in every episode, just here for Clarke and to get their people back but complaining the whole way because of the batshit insanity they go through, I Love Him. So many “side” characters got like, three lines this episode and that’s really great for them, would love to see them say more some day. 
I will say I wish Raven apologized to Clarke for what she’s said and done in the past, but her line of Clarke Griffin doesn’t break was really indicative of how the rest of the deliquints saw her, as their leader yes but also someone who could kill without falling apart when in reality we know it nearly destroyed her inside. I really hope that Raven continues to grow and understand and her and Clarke get to where they should have always been. Also, Raven talking about killing twelve (12) people and how it feels like her soul is breaking or whatever and I can just imagine Clarke’s inner monologue of “Remember that time I killed an Entire Mountain Of People and y’all got mad at me for leaving to process that, good times good times”. It’s definitely the start to a better path for Raven and I really really really hope it continues. 
Overall, this episode while the plot was kind of boring was saved by just how amazing the ladies were, kick ass take names and look incredible doing it, I love them. The acting continues to be incredible (once again shout out to JR Bourne for doing the Most) and even though I despise some of the storylines, the actors should be given praise for making it compelling stories to watch with how far their characters have come. Fuck Sanctum though. 
Next Episode Emori getting her time in the spotlight? You love to see it. I will say I’m incredibly worried for her (JRoth if you kill her is2g) but I am also So Ready to see her go off. I think this is the episode of Murphy with a gun to his head comes from? Idk should be interesting even if it’s dealing with whatever the fuck her name is crazy lady. Also, trouble with the Diyoza family, which will be Extremely interesting to watch as Diyoza has to come to terms with the fact that Hope has grown up without her, but also trying to make sure she doesn’t make the same mistakes Diyoza made.
When will Bellamy return from the war. When we get the Bellarke reunion I’m going to lose my mind y’all already know I’m a clown for them and I miss him (once again the character not the actor because Once Again, it is Completely understandable for them to prioritize their mental health first). I feel a little like Kronk watching these episodes like “oh ya, it’s all coming together” I can’t Wait for all the OG’s to reunite for the final season
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