#the real ending of beyond the spiderverse (real)
mel-kusanagi · 10 months
another dimension
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you take me away from reality.
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moe-broey · 9 months
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THE PROTOTYPE MOE............... 👁️👁️
#feh#WAAUGHGHH THEY'RE SO CUTE AND THEY ARE ACTUALLY SO GENDER HERE...... so proud of them 🫡#LOOOOOVE the slightest characterization of them being smug. so true and so real#it really does fill me w SO much joy though seeing the guy my guy is based off of.... literal prototype guy#also the. implication. you can summon more summoners. that seems like it'd be against the rules LMFAOOO#i also just really love the idea of kiran is just the guy we ended up following canon-wise.#beyond that there is a whole summonerverse.........#i MEAN that has ALWAYS been a part of the lore i guess LMFAO BUT LIKE. IT'S SO HARD TO KEEP TRACK TBH#like how is it we ended up w lif who ended up w A You (from an AU in the literal sense)#and then there's like one million other guys out there. who aren't you.#were all of those guys important to lif??????? does it just change based on the player's personal hc actually??????#like alfonse is just a blorbo in law to my sister. sometimes our tastes overlap and sometimes they don't LMFAO#actually so many questions. does every fe multiverse have a lif? surely not? does feh have canon events like in spiderverse LMFAOOOO#I NEED TO KNOW. AM I READING INTO THIS TOO MUCH??????????#WAIT NO OBVIOUSLY NOT ACTUALLY. WE LITERALLY LIVE IN THE UNIVERSE WHERE ALFPNSE DOESN'T GO LIF MODE#WHY AM I ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS ⁉��‼️⁉️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️⁉️#literally i have one braincell and he is fighting for his fuckinh life at all hours of the day.#moe tag
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brianwashere · 10 months
Hello, hope you're having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request the spiderverse characters (Miguel, Hobbie, Noir) meeting and reacting to male spider reader who abnormal tall (like 7 foot kinda abnormal) and morally grey for instance will kill if it means that it could be beneficial rather than having the villain go to jail???
(Also who would end up falling for reader?)
I made Miguel so submissive and breedable real lmfaooo. Also ignore how many HCs are in Noir’s, I’ve actually never written for him before lol. Oh and since it’s not extremely clear, Hobie’s is platonic
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from marvel or sony**
Summary: go to req
Tw: cussing, death, discussion of murder, stuff like that
Color Miguel intimidated bcc oh my god
You’re taller than him. With his same morals. He’s fucking reeling
When you stand next to him he’ll cross his arms and puff out his chest
You’ll notice and be like “What’re you doing…?” And he’ll act all ignorant like “hm? What? No I’m not doing anything…”
Once he gets over your sheer largeness he’ll become more comfortable and relaxed around you
He falls HARD and QUICK
Even doing missions with you becomes difficult for him, the first time he got choked up or distracted he immediately stopped doing any missions with you
It was like whiplash for you because you were doing all these high risk missions with Miguel regularly then he suddenly drops you with no explanation
You corner him one day and demand to know why he’s acting so weird
You literally corner him…
Standing over him and all angry
He’s feeling 5 different conflicting emotions all at once
He tried to web away from you and without thinking about it you grab him by his neck and shove him back against the wall
He whimpered. WHIMPERED.
You immediately know what’s up and laugh at him some then tell him you feel the same
And that’s how Miguel O’Hara got a shredded gigantic boyfriend
When he first glanced at you he couldn’t help but stare a bit.
I mean. DAMN. What’re they feeding you?
He couldn’t help but say something
“They make them big in your universe?”
The joke surprised you bcc a Spider-Man dressed in all black and a sick hat and coat just teased you.
You laugh some and respond.
“And they make ‘em cute in yours?”
He chokes some.
You smirk at him and introduce yourself
He collects himself quickly and introduces himself too
When you find out he’s from an older timeline
You can’t help but flirt a bit more
“Oh so I should take you to dinner first?” You say with a grin.
You came on so heavy he stayed silent for a bit, just blinking at you
He avoids you for a bit, not because he doesn’t like you or is weirded out. He’s just trying to learn how to respond to your flirting in a way that isn’t staring owlishly
You two are on a mission together and long story short the villain didn’t need to go back to his universe to restore the timeline and was beyond the standard villain evil
while he was fleeing from you two he flung a child into the air and let them drop, expecting them to distract the both of you
“Noir!” You yelled
“On it.” He immediately responded and caught the kid, taking them to safety and comforting them
When you caught the villain you couldn’t hold yourself back.
Needless to say Noir came back to find you covered in blood and dangerously quiet.
It was a sight to see and not one he’ll forget.
“If you’re gunna give me the whole ‘killing makes you as bad as them’ lecture you can save it. I don’t regret it now and I wont regret it ever.” You said firmly, still not meeting his gaze
He just walked over to you and rested a hand on your shoulder. “Good. You shouldn’t.” Was all he said. The return to the spider society was silent
There was a silent agreement between the two of you not to discuss that mission with anyone else. That it was something too personal, somehow.
A few weeks later he asks you out
“Do you want to go out for egg creams sometime?” He asked
“What the hell is an egg cream.”
It’s like the olive theory but with egg creams
He loves your size and secretly loves it when you rest your arm on his head/shoulder.
He laughs when he sees you
“You been drinking your milk, mate?” He chuckled
You rolled your eyes at him.
You talk with him when you next see hi ma few days later
He just sort of appears around you and you don’t question it once so ever
Someone asks why you two are always seen together in a rude tone and Hobie just throws an arm around your shoulder and says “see this lad right here, he’s my best friend. We actually sleep in the same bed—“
You scoff at him and push his arm off
You know he’s being sarcastic and just trying to get the person to fuck off but calling you his best friend made something in your heart flutter
Protectiveness? Loyalty? Endearment? Who the hell knew.
All you know is from then on you started seeking him out more
You sort of became a older brother figure to him
You started checking in on him semi regularly
But one time he stopped responding and you hadn’t seen him for over a week
Obviously, you got worried
You decided to go visit his universe to see if something happened
When you got there your eyes were immediately violently assaulted with flashing images and constantly changing scenery
It threw you off mid-swing and you crashed to the ground
You had to shut your eyes so you wouldn’t get nauseous
Then you felt a hand on your shoulder and squint up to see Hobie who looked confused and concerned
He helps you back to his place and basically tosses you down on his beat up couch then asks why you’re there
You just grumble something about him not responding and not seeing anyone for over a week
He flops down next to you and lays his legs on your lap
“Aw you big bloke, you were worried ‘bout me.” He says smirking
You shove his legs off and stand up
“Don’t get used to it” you say with a grin
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
The fact that Across the Spiderverse actually exists and is completely canon is making me go off the walls loco.What do you MEAN Miles Morales is an afrolatino boy who's Spiderman and has his own personality instead of just being Peter Parker with melanin slapped on and has a realistic afrolatino lifestyle and home life and is allowed to be soft without being made fun of or told he's 'acting white'.What do you MEAN Gwen's a trans girl who genuinely looks and acts transfem and has the exact interests and fashion taste many irl trans women do that i also relate to like them way more than i do cisgirls as a femme bigender black woman and got a 'protect trans kids' banner in her room and is Spiderwoman without being sexualized or misogynistic remarks thrown at her and is an abuse victim with ugly symptoms and trauma responses that are played as not her fault and redeemable instead of 'becoming her father'
What do you MEAN Jessica is a black woman who's her mom figure but also a character in her own right instead of her m@mmy and Gwen treats her well back and Margo's a darkskin black girl their age who Miles started crushing on sight on and has a bad home like Gwen does and is a huge gamer that's shown as cool and smart instead of lame and standing no chance with him against her and is gonna get way more screentime in Beyond as confirmed by the creators in the official artbook.What do you MEAN Hobie's a young black punk who's rowdy and disruptive and talks shit and is a huge weirdo and gendernonconforming and has justified violent tendencies and no actual positive adult figures in his life or interest in being 'normal',that he's exactly like i used to be when i was a kid,and this is all played as making him the coolest dude ever instead of a problem child.What do you MEAN Miles G is a vigilante instead of a strawman 'bad black trauma' vs 'good black trauma' sitch to Miles
What do you MEAN being an Anomaly isn't an end-all and that you deserve to exist just like everyone else does even if you weren't 'meant' to and you can be a hero too if you want to and just try your best and fuck everybody who tells you otherwise.What do you MEAN this also extends to love be it romantic or platonic and that the concept of 'soulmates by fate' is creepy and being doomed by the narrative just like i've always thought it was instead of 'pure and comforting' and that the real kind of soulmates is choosing to love someone on purpose in every universe you meet eachother,be it as your lovers or your best friends or even as found family.What do you MEAN-
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aloevhello · 10 months
Spoilers for Spider-Man 2099 comic run
Considering that the Spiderverse trilogy acts as a meta commentary on Spider-Man comics, I find it interesting in how this commentary applies to Miguel in both his comics and the films.
(Note: Everything is speculation).
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At the end of Into the Spiderverse, we see Miguel in his Spiderman 2099 suit that’s based on the original 90’s run of his series. From that the audience can conclude that this particular Miguel is from the original 90’s run of Spiderman 2099. Also important to note that this 90’s run was cancelled, causing the series to end on a cliffhanger with many of Miguel’s interpersonal relationships being unresolved and him ending up alone. With Miguel in the post-credit scene of “Into” jumping into another dimension to form the Spider Society, the film is providing an in universe explanation on why the Spiderman 2099 90’s run ended on a cliffhanger, which is that Miguel essentially opted out of the narrative being written for him. Instead of dealing with the messiness of his relationships from his civilian life, Miguel prioritizes his duties as Spider-Man by going dimension hopping and starting the Spider Society to stop multiversal threats.
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Connecting to Across the Spiderverse, we see Miguel reminiscing on how he went to an alternate dimension and took on the identity of another version of himself that has a family (ie. his daughter Gabriella). This could be referencing the 2014-2015 comic run of Spiderman 2099 where Miguel has a family (ie. his son Gabriel). The flashback not only shows more depth for Miguel’s character, but also alludes to his lack of a stable family life from the 90’s comics and him trying to rectify that in this alternate dimension (ie. Miguel fixing his relationship with his brother Gabriel by having a child named after him). This could extend to Miguel resolving his romantic relationships, that’s always been a point of contention, by potentially ending up with Tempest Monroe (from the 2015 run), Dana D’Angelo (his Gwen Stacy from the 90’s run), or Xina Kwan (his MJ from the 90’s run).
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Despite Miguel’s insistence on “canon,” the fact that he exists is antithetical to this belief since his story should have ended due to the 90’s series’ cancellation. This could also explain why this Miguel dons a completely new physique and suit, along with having sketch lines in his design as he’s essentially writing a new narrative for himself.
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I have not read the 2014-2015 volumes of the 2099 series, but from what I heard, these volumes completely deviated from the original 90’s run, with the majority of series being set in 2015 with Miguel having a happy ending with Tempest and their son by living on a remote island after his reality has been destroyed (an inverse on how ASTV Miguel inadvertently destroyed the alternate dimension). From a writing standpoint, it’s interesting to see a futuristic character adapt to modern times, but from a character standpoint (where the 90’s and 2014-2015 issues are in tandem with one another), Miguel seems like he’s going to the past to escape his past that takes place in the future. With ATSV Miguel choosing to live in an alternate dimension where he’s happy and has a stable family life, it parallels the way the 2015 run kinda ignores the 90’s run and just lets Miguel be happy. While it’s a nice sentiment, it prevents ATSV Miguel from fixing the interpersonal issues that plagued him in his home dimension and thus truly achieving a balance between responsibility and love that all Spiderpeople learn.
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Beyond the Spiderverse will likely end with Miguel joining Miles’s side or the two finding a healthy balance point regarding canon events. However, I figure that besides Miles (and Gwen!), out of anyone who should oppose the idea of canon events, it would be Miguel as his canon story that is likely based on his 90’s run and has already been set in stone due the comics’ real-life cancellation. This in turn causes his character to end up alone and his narrative to end on an unfulfilling note (kinda mirroring Peter B’s starting point in Into the Spiderverse). By lacking a resolution, combined with the guilt of destroying an entire universe for the sake of achieving such, ATSV Miguel is left jaded and gives into the fatalism of the Spider-Man narrative by living a life based on sacrifice. But just like how Miles inspired Peter B and Gwen to no longer be constrained by the narrative of isolation that entails from being Spiderman, maybe Miguel can learn from Miles that he can move beyond the constraints of his cancelled run and in live his own universe where he can write his own happy ending.
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hobiebrownismygod · 7 months
BTSV Prediction
So, this is another scene that's been playing out in my head that I think would be really cool to see in beyond the spider-verse when it comes out. (hopefully sometime in 2025 cuz they started voicing again!!)
So Gwen is the leader of the new Spider-team, right? She's the one who rounded them all up and she's the one who's sending them to Earth-42 to get save Miles and eventually save his dad from the canon event.
But they're going to end up having to face the rest of the Spider-society. And this time, they'll be ready. Before, Miles caught them off-guard, but now Miguel and the rest are going to be doing everything in their power to prevent him from ruining the canon event.
But what if a lot of them are regretting their choices?
We already saw in the end of across the spiderverse that a lot of the spiders were feeling guilty. Even Jess was shown doubting her decision when she watched Gwen talk to Miles' parents.
So what if we get a scene in BTSV where Gwen, the leader, convinces the other spiders in the spider society to join her side?
Gwen confronts the entire spider-society, while Miguel is off doing something, and gives an awesome speech. Something along the lines of, "If you could go back and save Uncle Ben, would you? If you knew that you could save him, would you?"
And when one of them responds saying "Its a canon event" she'll be like "we don't know that. We don't even know if canon events are real. Spider-man doesn't let people die. Fate doesn't exist. Look at me. Destiny hates me, and I'm still trying. I'm not just going to let myself die and you shouldn't be letting innocent people die just because some algorithm says to. That's not what being spider-man is."
And eventually, part of the spider society will join her cause while the rest stay with Miguel. And we have a spider-war.
I think that would be kind of cool.
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2dami2furious · 7 months
Miguel’s theory rests on the fact that the spiderverse is held together by the “cannon” so when a universe is no longer in compliance it ceases to exist, probably evident by the fact that it no longer pops up on the “web of life and destiny” that is used to travel between universes.
Okay. But what if like, that’s not true? Like yes universes stop being apart of the spiderverse because they stray from cannon, but they continue to exist, just BEYOND the reach of the watches. I think of it like business who’s address has been taken off of google maps. It’s still there, you just can’t find the directions to it.
In the scene where the other Miguel is dies, he gets shot trying to stop a robbery. It mirrors the way Uncle Ben usually dies. Uncle bens death is the event that causes Spider-Man to become Spider-Man because it teaches Peter that he has a responsibility to use his powers to help others. Maybe it’s that some events hold more weight than others and by basically removing the inciting incident that makes a hero Spider-Man, Miguel has stopped the Spiderperson of that universe (Gabriella) from being cannon compliant on the basis that “with great power comes great responsibility” doesn’t inform her moral compass.
(I also think it’s a bit telling that Miguel, at least in the comics, has no Uncle Ben character, from what I understand. Maybe he’s missing this point because the event never happened to him, but somehow his universe is still apart of the spiderverse)
Or it could be that what Miguel interpreted as Gabriellas universe being destroyed was really the separation of that universe from the spider-verse. Like, the separation isn’t something that happens in the background; it is a real, observable phenomenon that people experience and it’s catastrophic, but not world-ending??
It also begs the question of how the spider gang is gonna find miles. Assuming Earth 42 isn’t accessible via the watches, they would probably need to rely on Gwen and Miles’ cross dimensional spidey sense. It would also disprove the need for the watches, a symbol of belonging that miles really wants because he already has the thing that makes him belong as a spider: the spidey sense.
This is a super long way of me saying that I don’t think BTSV will have a supper happy “the good guys win, bad guys loose” ending. I think it’s far too idyllic and tropey for a franchise who’s whole thing is the deconstruction of a your typical superhero story.
EDIT: now that I’m thinking about it, Gabriella’s universe IS Miguel’s Uncle Ben event lol. He was using his powers selfishly and it caused (what he believes is) the destruction of an entire universe. Of course he is invested in his theory being correct because it validates the immense guilt and self hatred he already feels.
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
After rewatching Into the Spiderverse last week, and my third viewing of Across the Spiderverse this weekend, a bit of a crack theory has been percolating in my head. Some spoilers here, so putting this under a readmore:
I think Doc Ock has a chance of returning in Beyond The Spiderverse. A slim chance, but a chance nonetheless.
Point A: Lack Of Resolution
This is pretty obvious so I won't belabor it; despite her role as a pretty significant villain in ItSV, along with Kingpin and Prowler, the mind behind the supercollider and given a pretty fantastic reveal, she also winds up getting hit by a truck during the climax and not being heard from again. The Prowler died, Kingpin got defeated and webbed up for the police, even Tombstone was seen getting arrested and shoved in a cop car, and the other henchmen like Scorpion also got pretty conclusive defeats at the hands of the 2D spideys during the fight itself.
But with Liv, there's no real confirmation of what happened afterwards; whether she got arrested, or ran off, or the impact was fatal and her body recovered, or what; no clue. (And if she did end up shoved through the Collider and landed in another dimension, she'd be subject to the same glitching, cell decay, and eventual death as the others, without the Spider-society tech to stabilize herself.) And like, that doesn't necessarily mean anything on its own, but at the very least the principle of "didn't see the body" is in play.
(Interestingly, I remember hearing somewhere that there was a deleted scene of her intentionally jumping into the collider portal while saying the "power of the [X] in the palm of my hands!" line that later went to Spot. Though idk where I heard it, so am unsure if this is actually legit. And even if it is, it was still a scene they chose to remove from the final film, so while it could mean that intent is still there, they also could have changed their minds on the idea entirely.)
On its own, I'd be willing to accept that that's probably the last we've seen of her... but as of AtSV, it actually isn't.
Point B: Aaron Haunts The Narrative
This part has no direct connection to her, but bear with me here. If you've seen it, (I hope you have) you know that AtSV ends with the reveal that Miles wasn't sent to his home timeline/universe, but a darker parallel version where his dad is dead but Uncle Aaron is not, and is working with the parallel version of Miles as the Prowler. He does say "I'm not" when our Miles refers to him that way, but the impression I got is that he's halfway-retired from the role but still acting as support for Miles G; the "guy in the chair" if you will.
I digress. Point is, it ends with a return for both Uncle Aaron and the Prowler identity, but this didn't come out of nowhere; all throughout the movie leading up to this, Aaron and/or the Prowler are brought up or indirectly hinted at on an honestly pretty frequent basis. Gwen's drumming recap at the beginning, the memorial grafitti on the rooftop, the Donald Glover cameo, the flash of him on the side of the building during Miles' breakdown sequence as he's rushing to get home, plus a few smaller mentions here and there. ("He takes after his uncle!" during the meeting with the guidance councilor, and a visual comparison with Uncle Ben during the "canon events" presentation, and I feel like there may be a couple others yet that I'm forgetting as well.)
The movie goes out of its way to remind you of him and his importance to Miles at every turn, and part of that is just inherently because he is so important to Miles. But it also feels like, from a writer-to-audience perspective, part of the purpose is also as a reminder; if anyone either saw ItSV but forgot most of it in the intervening time, or simply missed it altogether and for some reason decided to see AtSV first anyway, this makes sure they know exactly who and what he is, so the reveal at the end carries the full emotional weight it needs to. No matter what, you will have the proper context to appreciate Miles' reaction when Aaron steps through that door.
(Also, I just wanna say that I love that reaction in of itself; the hyperventilating panic at first, only to rush in for a tight hug. The mix of terror and comfort that comes with full awareness of both sides of him, and all the associated memories both good and bad, combined with this unexpected chance to see him (or at least a version of him) again. It's just a really great moment on that front.)
But anyway, I'm getting off track again, too many Prowler feels. ^^; What does this have to do with Doc Ock?
Point C: Aaron Isn't Alone In Haunting
This is admittedly both the key part of my theory and also the weakest one overall, so I will readily admit upfront that I may be reading too much into things, and Liv really did bow out for good in ItSV. That being said, here's my thought:
Even if a much lesser extent than Aaron, I couldn't help but notice a similar-seeming trend of brief reminders of her. On one hand, most of these can be fairly easily dismissed as simply maintaining continuity and connection with the first movie, as the bulk of them were in relation to The Spot's backstory as Jonathan Ohm; she was there for the flashback to the misplaced 42 Spider, and then seen again in a framed photo of him, when Gwen was inspecting the remains of his makeshift apartment lab. So while it's a neat inclusion, it doesn't necessarily mean anything more, right? Kingpin got mentioned too, during the Guggenheim fight with Vulture, but I'm pretty sure he isn't going to be making a comeback.
But there is one other instance that feels a bit more significant and out of place, and is what led to this theory in the first place. I mentioned this scene already in relation to the Uncle Aaron foreshadowing/reminders, but going back to it now, there is what I've dubbed the Falling Apart sequence. (From the score that plays during it.) Right after Gwen's talk with her father resolves, we cut back to Miles, swinging through the city in a desperate rush to get back home to his parents in time. (Unaware yet that this isn't his city, his home, his parents, because this isn't his universe.)
Tangential Gushing Over That Scene
It's sort of a dark parallel to the Leap Of Faith/What's Up Danger scene from ItSV, with previous bits of dialogue and past moments echoing in his mind again. There, it was all the inspiration pushing him to finally take the leap and truly become Spiderman; whereas here it's reminders of all the stress and uncertainty he's under as he races against time and possibly destiny itself, not to mention being plagued by doubts after Miguel revealed he possibly shouldn't have become Spiderman to begin with.
But what I especially love is the animation of this sequence, which on first watch I thought was stuff actually happening, but reads more on subsequent viewings like hallucinations during what's basically a panic attack. It's both gorgeous and stressful, with trains derailing and rerailing to chase Miles; the space between the skyscrapers growing narrower and more claustrophobic; and stuff like the 42 Spider, the Spot's arms, and Doc Ock's tentacles also appear briefly to hem him in even further until the end. He finally breaks free at the end, with Aaron's dying words to "just keep going" pushing him to make it the rest of the way 'home' unimpeded, a tiny bit of much-needed catharsis amidst all the overwhelming... everything else.
I really love this scene, in case it wasn't obvious.
Point C, Continued: Why Tentacle Happen?
But to get back on track, nearly everything about this sequence is mainly focused on ideas introduced in Across; the Spot, Miguel, Jefferson's predicted demise. The Spider is from the first movie, but still given extra context now; the first big exception is the reuse of Spider-Ham's line about how "the hardest part of this job is that you can't always save everyone" while images of him, Noir, and Peni appear on the glass building Miles is swinging past. Even that is still relevant to the current crisis, and their appearance there is further justified when they too properly show up again in Gwen's 'band' at the very end.
But then there's this:
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The dialogue at this point is a line from Rio; while the appearance of the tentacles definitely further intensifies the claustrophobic crush of the city, it also feels like much more of a non-sequitor than even the 2D Spideys just a few shots earlier. Liv has had nothing to do with anything going on, (or at most, very indirect involvement like the displacing of the 42 Spider) has no dialogue called back to here; and heck, even in ItSV felt more like a rival to Peter B specifically instead of being especially relevant to Miles, compared to Prowler and Kingpin. So why call back to her here? It could indeed just be that the tentacles are good for adding to that entrapped feeling, but given how well-constructed the rest of the sequence was, and how deliberate animation as a process is in general, this would seem oddly careless to include so casually.
On the whole, I'll still readily admit that this is a pretty flimsy bit of 'evidence' (more just symbolism, really) to base a whole theory off of. Yet still, between that part of the Falling Apart sequence, the parallels to how Aaron and Miles G were foreshadowed, Liv's abrupt disappearance and lack of closure in the first film, and the knowledge that this is the first half of a split script, with all sorts of other setup in Across still awaiting payoff in Beyond, I do kinda at least feel like there may be something here.
(At the same time, the docket is already packed with a shitton of stuff that Beyond needs to be able to address and resolve, plus apparently some additional new stuff mentioned in interviews like another Gwen, Toei Spiderman, and Hobie's universe. So with all that going on, I'm not entirely sure they'd have the room for yet another returning character in amidst literally everything else.)
So while I'm not strictly counting on this to come to pass, at least for now, the basic idea is that Doc Ock got hit by that truck, fell through the collider portal and into another universe, (probably Earth 42, possibly elsewhere we may have yet to visit) and somehow found a way to stabilize her glitching to survive during the intervening time, set to make a dramatic return appearance during Beyond.
As to what role she may play, I'm not sure. I could see her making some sort of temporary truce with one of the main Spider-people for a common goal, without giving up on her evil mad science in the long run. Possibly with Miguel's group against the Spot, in exchange for freedom to keep experimenting with the Multiverse instead of getting sent back home, though I also don't think he would be willing to make that bargain unless things are truly desparate and he's fully lost the support of the rest of the Spider Society. So it could also be with Gwen or Miles, against both the Spot and Miguel; the former's more unpredictable tampering and newly eldritch nature getting in the way of her research, while the latter would of course want to put an end to her experiements and send her back home in his efforts to restore order, giving her reason to ally against.
On the other hand, her remaining entirely villainous and antagonistic would also make a lot of sense, if not moreso. If she landed in Earth 42, she could wind up as the big obstacle of the detour instead of Miles G, allowing the latter a more nuanced and dynamic role. Alternately, I could possibly see her further experimentation being connected in some way to the destruction of the universe Miguel replaced himself in, unknowingly sending him on his canon-hardliner spiral, which would certainly give her a lot more relevance to the current conflict.
But ultimately, all of that depends on whether she really would show up again, which as neat as it would be, definitely does feel like a bit of a long shot at the moment. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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Honestly, I feel like some people seems to totally misinterpret Miguel character so much to the point that it makes me wonder did some actual payed attention to the same movie? How I've seen certain iffy bad takes of some who thinks he's just pure evil or that he's a villain.
I have to say when it comes to Miguel as a character is that I think he's a very fascinating and engaging in the fact that he's very much so different from the other Spider-men's in terms of both his superhuman like straight up Mutant half spider abilities with the fangs & claws, but also because he himself while still being a hero is very much a antagonistic character and foil against Miles on the basis of what it's truly actually means to be Spiderman.
On one hand with Miguel I can feel were he's coming from when it comes to not wanting the world's/multiverse to collapse....But at the same time I think it's obvious that Miguel is clearly self-projecting all of his deep pain & anger, issues, trauma and unresolved grief of what happened to his daughter and clearly putting himself at major fault for the destruction of his daughter earth /universe and projecting it all on Miles.
I think its apparent that the man is very much letting his inner turmoil clouds his judgment and making him see things in a very narrow one-track minded way in regards to the canon conformity.
Like I'm not forgiving what Miguel did to my boy Miles during that whole train case scene and what he put him through thus far, especially with him calling Miles a mistakes, which felt very much like an personal thing in the fact that Miguel most likely sees some parts of himself within Miles. Given that he basically made the mistake of replacing another version of himself thus disrupting said universe. So its makes sense for Miguel to not want Miles to end up making the very same tragic mistake as he did....yet Miguel still isn't super 100% highly sure on whether or not Miles saving his dad would cause his universe to end completely along with causing damage to canon.
Of course, from Miguel's viewpoint and what he's been through, I can get why he's really doesn't want to take that risk, I'm not trying to justify Miguel crappy actions with how he treated Miles. But whatever might go down within Beyond the Spiderverse is that I hope Miles manages to have some kind of major eventful meaningful confrontation with Miguel and managed to show him that no matter how impossible it seems or might be, is that Spiderman should always, always try to help no matter what.
I want Miles to show & also knock some much-needed sense into Miguel and prove to him that you should still at least try. Instead of simply just letting things play out and saying that Welp at a certain point you should no longer try to save someone because of supposed written destiny in canon.
All in all I just think that Miguel is such a cool but fascinating antagonistic hero and foil who while having real good intentions of not wanting the multiverse to fall apart....is to me clearly going about it in the wrong ways...especially in regards to Miles.
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jajanvm-imbi · 2 years
Alright it's almost Hispanic Heritage month again yall. Here's a list of Animated characters that I, a Latina, cried over when I found out they were Latin American
For clarification, "Found out" means, having no previous knowledge of said characters and within the context of the show/movie they are confirmed Latin American.
(From the perspective of a Costa Rican 🇨🇷 specifically)
The entire Madgrial Family (Encanto)
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The moment I saw the teaser trailer for Encanto I started crying. I was so BEYOND EXCITED to see real, true, positive beautiful Latin American representation in a Disney movie. I'm not even Colombian but seeing something like this become so popular made me so happy. Being able to fully understand "Dos Orugitas" in Spanish just hits so different, its not the same in English. It's such a beautiful step for Latin American representation, and I'm so excited to see what comes next for us. (Still holding out for my Latina Disney princess tho. And no, Elena doesn't count) I've also been told I look just like Mirabel and seeing a character that looks like me in a Disney movie just made my heart soar.
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
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Bruh a bisexual Latina with mommy issues AND she's bilingual??? She's just like me fr.
Lance McClain (V*ltron Legendary Defender)
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He was my absolute favorite character in V*ltron and I will NEVER forgive them for ruining his arc and making him sad forever. He deserved a happy ending. He's NOT "just a boy from Cuba", he's so important and lovely.
Miles Morales (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)
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I'm not a comic book reader, so Into the Spiderverse was the first time I met Miles. Finding out he was Afro Latino made me heart soar. He's a sweet boy, such a good character in the movie, and definitely deserved the Oscar. Can't wait for the sequel.
Claire Nuñez (Tales of Arcadia)
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Claire is literally such a badass. She's amazing, an amazing character, her story with Jim is beautiful. Love it when she's speaks Spanish. 10/10 character (Watch Tales of Arcadia it's really good)
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Ducktales 2017)
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King of my heart. Wholesome dork. Voiced by Lin Manuel Miranda.
Gosalyn Mallard (Ducktales 2017)
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What I literal icon. I really really REALLY hope that the rumored Darkwing Duck reboot uses the DT 2017 versions of the DW characters cause this Gosalyn is a QUEEN
Hector Nieves Aka: Hi-Five (Glitch Techs)
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Glitch techs was such a cute show it deserved to keep running. Screw Nickelodeon for canceling it just as it was starting to get interesting. Anyway this dork is adorable. Bilingual gamer king.
Troy Sandoval (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)
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Hi this cutie patootie is a literal king. He and Benson are so cute together. (GO WATCH KIPO AND THE AGE OF WONDERBEASTS ON NETFLIX I PROMISE YOU'LL LOVE IT)
Honorable Mentions:
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(From top to bottom, left to right. Tumblr only allows 10 images at a time so I had to combine them)
• Señor Hueso and Capitan Piel, who together make the icon Don Suave (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2018):
I literally laugh my ass off whenever I watch the episode "Hidden City Job" and they do the whole Don Suave bit. Like it's so over the top yet accurate to telenovela characters that I can't help but laugh every time. When they first introduced Capitan Piel, I instantly laughed so hard before they even translated it because they did the whole Skin and Bones bit and I just thought it was so clever. 10/10 duo I'd love to see more of them. (GO WATCH ROTTMNT PLEASE THEY NEED ALL THE SUPPORT THEY CAN GET IF THEY WANT A SEASON 3)
• Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)
People were giving Vivziepop shit accusing her of making Vaggie the "angry Latina stereotype) and I couldn't disagree more. Vaggie is perfectly fine as a character, and I can't wait to see what they do with her in the official Hazbin Hotel series!!
• Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Phineas and Ferb was the first fandoms I was ever in, and Isabella holds such a special place in my heart. Love her to pieces
• Marco Diaz (Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
Svtfoe was also one of the first fandoms I was in, so seeing one of the leads be portrayed as Mexican made 12 year old me so happy.
• Miguel Rivera (Coco)
Coco is such a beautiful movie, and I ONLY watch it in Spanish. Miguel is such a sweet and special boy, he really brought the joy of music back into his family.
• Soos (Jesus) Alzamirano Ramirez
Gravity Falls was ALSO one of the first fandoms I was in (PnF, GF, and Svtfoe were my main 3 for a time), and finding out this loveable goof was Latino made me really happy
• Princess Elena Castillo Flores
Now she may not be an official Disney princess (she doesn't meet all the requirements to be part of the franchise) but that doesn't mean she isn't excellent representation for young children. Although the show doesn't represent one specific Latin American country/culture, the show does have bits and pieces of many different LatAm cultures, and even some indigenous inspiration here and there with all the mythology aspects. It isn't perfect, but I do still appreciate Elena's presence in Disney.
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month everyone!!!
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rappaccini · 4 months
How would you say gwen and miles bring out the worst in each other?
alright like. i'm talking about them in general, but idk if you mean spiderverse gwiles or comics gwiles. i'll do both.
spiderverse gwiles: read this.
one addition: gwen sees miles as a replacement for her peter parker.
gwen: that's why she develops feelings for him. that's why she's protective of him. she hates herself for not being able to save and date her peter, so she's forcing herself to repeat the past with miles. and if she gets together with him, that just means she'll keep punishing herself forever when she should be moving on completely.
miles: let me get this straight: the trilogy of movies all about how miles should get to be his own person with his own story instead of being forced to imitate peter parker... are gonna end with him ending up with a girl who only wants him because he reminds her of peter parker? okay. i see. so he isn't going to be his own person in the end.
now. for comics gwiles. and really, gwiles in general:
first, to clarify: out-of-universe vs in-universe.
out-of-universe (as in, the real life shit motivating the writers pulling the characters' strings), this relationship exists because bendis has a Type of romance he prefers and he wanted to shove all of peter's leftovers onto miles instead of giving him something new. it was picked up for itsv because at the time miles didn't have many love interests to choose from and the white guys writing his story probably preferred gwen because she's who'd they want for themselves. it'll be revived and pushed because marvel editorial wants to cash in on spiderverse synergy.
in-universe (as in, the plot- and character- developments that have to be created to make this shit make sense within the world of the story), you'd have to justify it with stuff like...
on gwen's end,
gwen leaving her world forever turns her into a selfish coward. how can you honestly brand gwen as a brave superhero if she abandons her loved ones and her community, packs up and runs someplace easier when the going gets tough? how can she be a good spider-person if she abandons her responsibility to protect earth-65 to go make out with a boy?
gwen losing her girl's girl cred. miles is already in a relationship with tiana toomes. if gwen starts pursuing him while he has a girlfriend... i mean. what kind of pick me bullshit is that. and beyond that, if gwen starts centering her boyfriend instead of her relationships with other women... yuck.
the age gap problem. no matter how you spin it, there's just something uniquely pathetic about a 20something simping over a high schooler, and that's what the writers will do to her. she'll either get together with him even though he's underage, or she'll sit on the sidelines, waiting for him to be legal. regardless, gwen's going to act weirdly immature for her age to ~fix the gap~-- which will just make it creepier. at worst, it's gross. at best, it's humiliating, especially since...
gwen's closeting herself. the last and only time gwen considered a relationship with miles, it reeked of 'queer girl tries closeting herself to be accepted.' in the eight years since, gwen's creatives have tripled down on her queercoding and her lack of attraction to miles. gwen resuming that relationship with him will only reek of her backsliding into comphet. even more humiliating.
gwen is giving up on being her own person, and is settling into the patriachy. so much of gwen's story is defined by her fight to keep her agency and define herself apart from the men who want to control her. if gwen gets with miles, she'll always be secondary to him. so her entering a relationship with him means she gave up. the (hetero)patriarchy beat her into submission. the cycle continues. the cynicism is exhausting.
a relationship between miles and gwen turns gwen's story from an inspirational one about a queer female hero who fights to keep her agency from a world that wants her dead for refusing to be what it wants her to be into a tragedy about a girl who gives up on being independent and settles for centering her life around being the passive girlfriend of an important guy she's pretending to be attracted to instead. it's embarrassing, insulting and deeply sad to watch her be reduced to that.
.... it's worse for miles. and i don't mean 'miles has it worse.' i mean 'miles becomes a worse person.'
to be clear: gwiles isn't a relationship between equals. oou, miles is the more popular character among his writers and the fanbase, and his brand benefits from getting gwen as a trophy girlfriend. gwen's does not. all gwiles does is take gwen's world, supporting cast, personality and story away from her, and saddle her with a role that doesn't make her happy and violates the entire point of her character. miles will be a shittier person, and yeah his stories will keep needing gwen to pop up in them so he can show his trophy to the audience, but he'll still have his own stories, he'll still have his supporting cast, he'll still be the second-biggest spider-man. gwen gets to be his girlfriend, and then his wife, and then his babymaker, and you know each time the role evolves she'll shrink because men can't write wives or mothers worth shit, and they'll start favoring the gwiles offspring as soon as they can. gwen will always have it worse.
so in-universe, miles is more powerful than gwen. she might be older than him, but she can't stand up to him in any meaningful way. she can't beat him in a fight. she can't outsmart him. all their spider-friends will always take his side. the multiverse itself likes him better and is canonically trying to take her away from earth-65 to pressure her into a relationship with him. she will always, always be second to him for as long as the relationship lasts and it'll only get worse the longer they're together.
and in order to make the relationship last, miles would have to be written into the kind of guy who at best, has such a superficial interest in his girlfriend that he doesn't notice that the playing field is so uneven, or at worst, does know and is taking advantage of that power dynamic--- and regardless, he doesn't care that it's affecting her negatively because it benefits him.
you know. That Kind Of Guy.
what does that mean?
miles chasing after gwen signals that he's regressing in his sense of individuality. after years of progress in becoming his own character with his own unique supporting cast (including love interest) miles... is going back to chasing peter parker's leftovers? okay. i see.
miles is starting to reprioritize courting a white audience. miles and gwen are in assimilation narratives. miles has only recently begun doubling down on seeking black mentors and allies (specifically black women), and is finally starting to focus on his community instead of pleasing the entire city. if miles gets with gwen, all that progress goes down the drain and he's right back to seeking approval from white people instead of his own community.
miles's romantic priorities are getting shallow again. miles puts gwen on a pedestal. he's mostly into her because he thinks she's hot and that being with her makes him seem impressive. there is no deeper connection. in recent years he's grown out of this kind of behavior thanks to his relationship with tiana toomes. so if miles moves from tiana to gwen (especially if he leaves tiana for gwen)... look, you can't spin it any other way: if miles leaves a multi-year relationship with a black girl who's his equal and calls him on his shit for an infatuation with a white girl he barely knows, only wants as a trophy, and who can't stand up to him, he's regressing into a shallow, immature guy who sees women as objects. like, oh, okay, so you do want that. gross.
miles not helping gwen get her world back turns him into an opportunistic asshole. logically, if miles morales, who lost his own home world, found out that gwen couldn't go back to hers-- and unlike him, none of the people she loves are with her here and she is completely alone-- he should respond with "that's fucked up, i'll help you get home." but in order for them to stay together, he would have to respond with "that's fucked up... wanna make out about it?" --- so, he'd become the kind of guy who'd use a girl's vulnerability and isolation to reel her into a relationship with him. gross!
the homophobia problem. given gwen's overwhelming queercoding and how gwiles is subtextually linked to the concept of gwen closeting herself for acceptance, if they stay together, miles would become That Kind Of Guy who pressures his queer girlfriend into staying in the closet and playing out a heterosexual relationship arrangement she's fundamentally uncomfortable with so he can be with her. gross.
not to mention earth-8. gwen doesn't want kids. miles does. on earth-8, they have children. and earth-8 gwen is supposedly a future version of gwen-65. do the math: something had to happen to get gwen to agree to stay pregnant, and it probably wasn't good. given that miles is the one who wants the family, has more power in the relationship, and is a shittier person because of said relationship, it was probably miles who wore her down until she agreed. yep. That Kind Of Guy.
miles morales, whose character is meant to open the door for different marginalized characters getting their own narratives that represent and center them and their experiences... would become complicit in the destruction of gwen's. if not an outright participant. and he'd be turning into this hypocrite for the great, noble reason of "i want to force the girl i like to stay with me."
how can you honestly brand miles as a hero if he does this shit to a girl he claims to care about?
a relationship between miles and gwen turns miles's story from an inspirational one about an afrolatino boy who finds his confidence and comes into his own by embracing his community into... another tragedy. but because he keeps his agency, he plays a different role in it: the more he's with her, the worse he feels about himself and the more he turns to her for validation she can't give him, which leads him to do shittier and shittier things to her to keep her around. the cycle continues. he's not the victim. he's the bad guy.
not to be overdramatic, but... look, if gwen's story is about struggling to keep her autonomy in the face of heteropatriarchy-- which is being taken from her for miles's gain-- and miles is written into the kind of person who perpetuates those systems to keep her with him (which is the only way they'd stay together), then that means miles is the villain of gwen's story.
at this point, given that she's about to lose her world (and we all know spiderverse synergy aka gwiles is why) and especially if gwiles gets any further... miles is the antagonist. he's the force in the way of gwen achieving the goal of her story. she has to sneak around him, escape him, defeat him, or persuade him to get out of the way (= to refuse to be with her and help her get her world back) if she's going to get a happy ending. and we know the story's rigged for her to lose.
(and that all their friends are going to be written to cheer this awful relationship on. peter parker is going to pressure another gwen stacy into a demeaning tragic narrative so he truly learned nothing. all the spider-women are going to become the kind of women who do nothing as one of their own is treated badly by a guy in their friend group. spider-punk is going to be written into That Kind Of Leftist Guy who talks a big game about equality and revolution but does nothing to help the women in his life when they're being mistreated by his bros. it ruins everybody.)
there's even a fucked-up symmetry to it: gwen's story starts with peter-65 and ends with miles, and in the end the only fundamental difference between them is that this time, the Nice Guy the audience is predisposed to root for succeeds at swallowing gwen whole, and we're expected to cheer when he does it because the story is on his side.
i mean. it's a compelling tragedy. in another circumstance i'd eat that shit up.
but their stories aren't supposed to be tragedies. gwen and miles are supposed to break out of the systems rigged against them instead of giving in and reinforcing them. they're supposed to be heroes and their stories are meant to inspire little kids. if they get together it all falls apart, yet it'll be framed like something good, romantic and happy. they both deserve a lot better than this.
so i'd rather we just... not.
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ravenkinnie · 1 year
I love how the movie starts with Gwens monologue about hurting someone she loves without meaning to and how this is constantly called back to through and with different characters. Did Miles hurt spot? Is he hurting his family? Did Miguel doom a whole dimension and his family? Did Peter teach Miles the right things? Who is to blame for universe 42? And of course through Gwen herself. And I’m the end she gets the opportunity to make amends and she decides to do so even if it may come with consequences for herself. It’s not a stupid girl power story. It’s a real human tale about how sometimes even if we mean well we hurt people and things are out of our control but there are still things we can control. Agency we can take back. Painful things we have to face in order to move on. Gwen gets to be both selfish and selfless in the movie. She seeks to protect others but also herself.
In conclusion I think the spin-off game to spiderman 2 should be spiderwoman Gwen Stacy (J?)
when spot said "I created you, you created me" I was so gagged, I love stories of superheroes creating their own nemesis while trying to do good like its NOT miles' fault you know. he tried to save his universe and its not his fault there's no spiderman on earth 42 because he literally didn't know but in case of spot its still his actions that caused him to become this, to lose everything. I loooove superhero stories about trying and never getting it right like at the end of the day there's no way for them to get everything 100% perfect and save the day, there will always be casualties, there will always be lose lose scenarios. I think beyond the spiderverse will tie up the theme of whether spiderman can do both, can have two cakes yk and I wonder how they will do that because I think the answer to whether it's okay to break canon is yeah but the answer to whether spiderman can always get everything done is no lmao maybe the answer is just that hurting people is just kind of inevitable in this line of work, it's about where you go from there like we will see with miles and gwen
also after watching the movie the second time I have to give gwen even more credit (sorry to be a gwen defender on main again) - there are multiple moments in the movie where she hints at having doubts about the spider society, like during the chase scene jessica tells her sth like I know it's your friend but it's the right thing or sth and gwen goes "I just have this gut feeling" and jessica fucking goes "then use your head" which a) sends me b) gwen fucking does when her dad quits and she realises it disrupts the canon event but DOESNT trigger anything which means in some way miguel is wrong about how the rules of the multiverse work (she does ask him after miles goes to earth 42 whether he's sure that's how canon even works but miguel was acting so feral I don't blame people for missing that). like it's a two way decision of wanting to make amends to miles because gwen does care for him but also knowing its not actually gonna destroy the universe - which ties so well with themes of mentorship and growing up past people taking care of you and doing your thing, but also questioning that mentorship the way miles does with peter and gwen with jess but also with trusting miguels canon theory that the whole ass spider society trusts 100%
also spiderman game with spidergwen would be fun but that's an intersection of comics bros and gamers which are both demographics that fucking hate women so we can be sure that doesn't happen
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rickrakontoys · 1 year
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse - 9/10
One of the best superhero films yet made, and a new benchmark in animation.
It takes everything that worked about "Into the Spiderverse" and amps it up to an awe-inspiring degree.
The characters new and old are terrific and memorable, and feel more real than some live-action superhero portrayals. Gwen Stacy especially is given much more attention here, facing a conflict with her father that reads as a "coming out" allegory (the film also starts out with her, making her feel like the protagonist at times). Miles Morales is faced with his own intruiging personal and heroic dilemmas, including an interesting meta-defiance of the hero's journey that defines all Spider-men. Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099 proves to be an intimidating, feral presence, leading the multiversal Spider-people and strictly upholding the "canon" with a clawed fist. The Spot serves as the primary antagonist, and although quite goofy in terms of power and demeanor, he quickly becomes a very real threat with a cool visual design.
The story starts rather slowly, but works at its own pace to gradually build the emotional stakes, develop themes, provide character-building moments, and introduce the concepts at the heart of the conflict. It is not afraid to take its time, and retains the heart and sincerity that made "Into the Spiderverse" a cut above its peers.
The art design is a beautifully chaotic marriage of different aesthetics clashing and combining together into something almost post-modern in its madness. So much can be said of this film's visuals that it will be picked apart and analyzed by film and animation buffs for years. The art direction is bolstered by some truly gorgeous and effective cinematography. At times it can feel over-stimulating, but it knows when to dial back down to give us brief respite. Fans will be treated to so many easter eggs and visual gags to pore over in rewatches.
The soundtrack and score are also impeccable, with so many different musical styles and leitmotifs, complementing the emotional beats and tonal shifts throughout the film.
If the movie has a flaw that prevents it from reaching the heights of its predecessor, its that the story abruptly ends right when it feels like it is building to a climax, leaving us with no resolution (cinematic "blue balls"? Reminded me of Dune: Part 1). Many plot threads are left unfinished, and we are treated to a frustrating "To Be Continued..." graphic. But this only serves to tantilize us, as "Beyond the Spiderverse" will undoubtedly bring a satisfying conclusion. This filmmaking team can be trusted.
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absolxguardian · 1 year
I’m of the opinion that canon event are basically a misinterpretation by the society. Like the only real examples we get are:
1. 2099’s backstory where he goes well beyond changing one or two moments but rather inserts himself into the other universe
2. Miles saving the captain in Parvitr’s universe, a moment that’s insisted is Miles’ fault but is so visually representative of spot and happens immediately after also being changed by Spot’s presence, arguably to a much higher degree.
One could also argue that Gwen convincing her father to leave the force and as such subverting that canon event should have a similar effect but we see no repercussions to this, especially nothing on the scale of the previous points.
All this to say, I think Miles should do his own thing.
I can certainly see Miguel's actions violating a metaphysical law that averting canon events through interdimensional interference doesn't. I get the sense that the Spider Society has had to deal with other consequences of canon events being averted, which is why they had machines at the ready. But you know, we shouldn't take a "surprise they're the antagonists" organization like them at their word. Maybe all the events they've had to contain have more to do with the interdimensional beings involved rather than the events they prevented. (Also if you take the MCU cameos seriously, from some characters' prespective the multiverse is relatively young, and the predecessor to canon events weren't actual reflections of metaphysical law, but artificially engineered. Idk, someone who actually follows the MCU can probably better write about that than me. I just dipped my toe in with Loki and then gave up.)
However I don't think Gwen has been able to rules lawyer her way out of her dad's death. The discussion about canon events reminds me of when you're plotting out AUs. You need to try to keep the character and contextual elements the same, but simple things like "not being a police captain at the moment" doesn't disqualify it from working, especially if it causes the same character development. Spider-knight from a medieval fantasy universe doesn't have a police captain close to him die, but rather a bailiff or fellow knight.
Stuff like this is why I'm at a loss. My knowledge of the tone of the spiderverse movies and how stories work is conflicting with my in-universe assessment of the situation. The best I got is that as a second spiderman, Miles doesn't have to do canon events. Because when you think about it from an meta perspective- say you got a Batman who isn't rich and doesn't have dead parents. You go "well why is he Batman?" Now if the answer is "This is a member of the batfam who inherited the mantle of Batman after Bruce Wayne retired", then it makes sense. In fact, said successor Batman having character beats similar to the original would strain suspension of disbelief. Why are similar events happening again in the same universe? But when you're dealing with a new Batman continuity, you need to hit those similar beats so that it makes sense why this character is a Batman (unless you're doing a "what if x didn't happen to Batman", but then you're not telling a story about Batman, you're telling a story about Bruce Wayne with alive parents).
But like I said, if that's the case, then the Spider Society just needs to refine their models (and probably interview successor spiderpeople, Miles can't be the only one, even if he's the only anomalous one). That's not a satisfying ending when dealing with these surprise antagonist organizations. I'm not skeptical about the writer's ability to stick the landing, I just can't imagine how they would. It was also a bit cognitively dissonant watching a movie where everything you've seen tells you the protagonist is in the wrong.
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77angelnumbers77 · 11 months
more asks!! 4 and 17 >:3c
Sorry for taking so long to reply!! I got busy 😭
4. What was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I'm really a block first, ask questions later kind of person to just avoid long-term conflict and to curate my space. I guess on my last account, I did end up blocking some of my mutuals just because I needed a fresh start . . . even if I didn't really use the account after that.
Let's see . . . I'm willing to tolerate basically anything in moderation, short of bigotry and weird thirst stuff. I've blocked a lot of people who show up in my for you page just for posting x reader fanfiction. Not my cup of tea. I know that's weird for someone who spends so much time writing in the second person, but when that second person is supposed to be me that's harder -- and on top of that, I don't particularly want to fuck the Spiderverse guy.
Tags, on the other hand? I blocked dozens of them on my old account. I don't watch much of anything, so I typically block shows and movies when they start trending.
Sometimes a mutual will start posting a bunch of characters from a show/book/whatever that I can't see myself getting into. Sometimes it's just thirst for some particular guy, or really weird discourse that I'm getting on my feed for some reason. Into the tag filter!
I know it's not very tumblr-y of me, but I have different accounts for my different interests because I don't want to subject my mutuals to random guy/gal thirst™️from fandoms they're not in.
I have my first account from a good number of years ago that is effectively dead. I just spammed there. Hardly any original content.
I have my rarepair account which I use to exclusively talk about my favorite pairing from another franchise.
I had a more personal account for essays and such that I've since deleted. Frankly, I've always been a pretty private person, so I tend to keep these accounts to their defined subject and not crosspost. They're not even sideblogs 😭if I got into sideblogs we'd be here all day.
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art
VrisRezi meteorstuck
Sburb/Sgrub never happened AU (one of my favorite tropes because of the potential for angst)
I will always be so into well-done AUs. Worldbuilding is my best friend. I once read this fic with this amazing premise. It was more or less middle ages on Alternia with all sorts of details on how everything worked -- from the trolls and their physiology, to the human servants, to affairs around the castle. It's from an orphan account and the fic never went beyond 5(?) chapters. Every day I think about all the beautifully thought out fics that will never be completed. A well done fantasy AU is a real treat.
Bonus controversial take: in my opinion, we need less Humanstuck AU. It just takes a lot of the joy out for me! I used to be an avid Humanstuck writer myself, actually. I just think it's difficult to translate the trolls into understandable human characters without:
Changing them entirely or
Making them completely unsympathetic
Nothing against Humanstuck, I just think it's more fulfilling to flesh out Alternia.
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fellhellion · 11 months
How would you want to see Miguel’s arc/story wrapped up in btsv, factoring in things like the movie is still about miles (Miguel won’t get too much screen time) and also Sony probably wouldn’t feel comfortable explicitly depicting things from Miguel’s backstory like George’s abuse or drug addiction in an animated movie
tldr: i wanna see him align w miles and i think he will, i want a greater understanding of where he's coming in his conceptualisation of a "real spiderman", and I feel like THAT is likely informed by however spiderverse conceptualises his backstory, considering comics wise he and miles actually share a number of similarities on the front of being like. gen 2 spidermen post peter parker.
long answer:
hmmm. he's guided by genuinely good intensions regarding the multiverse so I personally want and think he will eventually pivot to align with miles against the spot. but to do that you need to provide him with immediate incentive that will trump his sunk cost fallacy doublebind (because the sunk cost fallacy thinking is what allows him to suppress doubt about things that don't align with his understanding of how canon operates). And I think, considering he's sitting in the exact same world Spot is going to presently wreack havoc in, I believe the immediate human cost that danger will invoke is what will probably provide that.
I also think it's critical to unpack Miguel's side of where he's even coming from in his angle in the "true spiderman" conflict, even though Miles' arc regarding that has been solidifed w his speech to Rio at the end of atsv, because of it's importance to the meta narrative asking us to question irl what elements have been used to "legitimise" a spiderman story.
If we don't know where Miguel the character is coming from when he conceptualises his side of the argument, he feels more like a mouth piece for that part of the meta narrative than a character purporting and reasoning through a particular world view. So I think this area of his character warrents some more exploration.
Regarding the backstory, I think considering atsv invites a lot of speculation as to his past and why he differs so much from traditional spidermen (the serum, the fangs and claws, the red eyes, how badly he reacts to the comment he isnt a real spiderman), I think we will get, however briefly, SOMETHING of his past in order to contextualise how Miguel views himself when he has his rant at Miles on the train.
I doubt they'll touch on the rapture addiction since in the overall scheme of Miguel's story it's not. super important beyond providing the catalyst for his transformation.
If we're going pure Tunes wish list, I would personally want SOME allusion to the fact he's a survivor of child abuse, even if they're obv not going to go graphic. I think it's an element that adds an incredibly important dimension to not only the ways in which Miguel fails Miles and Gwen specifically, but adds another layer to his desire for a happy and stable family life (plus the entire dimension of fatherhood considering his own stepfather).
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