#the reason why if i was in the hsr universe and a part of the main plot the plot gods wouldve sniped me and put me out of commission
sadkachow · 4 months
And Then It Is Monday - Why Sunday's plan did not (and could not) work
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So normally I don't really make longer analysis posts, but I kept seeing people on social media outright supporting Sunday's actions in 2.2, and I wrote something out about why I personally think that Sunday's plan is wrong. I don't know if this is an issue with tumblr as well, given that the people I saw supporting him were on different forms of social media, but regardless.
Before I begin, I'd like to pose a reminder that the opinions in this are mine and mine alone. If you agree, awesome! If not, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, so long as you're respectful! I have no idea if this is well written or will make any logical sense, but here we go!
(Spoilers for the 2.2 Trailblazer quest under the cut, if that wasn't already obvious)
So the first thing to get off the table: I feel Sunday is a very sympathetic villain, but a villain nonetheless. I understand the people that sympathize with him. I do too, to an extent. He was raised on unhealthy ideals and the belief that he was a "religious figure," one that people looked up to. Other people were allowed to just be, but Sunday always had to be better. He loved his sister, and the people around him, and he wanted to make a better world for them.
But that does not excuse what he did. Making a 'better world' can never come at the cost of taking away people's free will, because that world will never be "better". That's where Sunday's plan falls apart.
Because, yes, there are shitty people in the world, and yes bad things happen. Would it be amazing if we could stop all the bad things from happening ever again, and make the world a much better place? Yes! It would! I would love to live in a world where I don't have to fear for my life and my freedom for an assortment of reasons! But that world doesn't exist--in real life or on Penacony--, and getting it to exist shouldn't be the result of subjugating and controlling other people, because that in and of itself is violence. Albeit a different kind of violence, but violence nonetheless.
Not to mention that things like Sunday's plan and the concept of forcing everyone to act a certain way just to fit this "better world" to me almost serves as a condemnation of human nature and of the very act of choice itself. Your better world starts by saying that some choices are bad, so those choices get taken away, but where does it end? What if someone in charge views a harmless choice as a bad one, and takes away that one in return? Does it stop there, or does it continue, until no one at all is allowed to make any decisions, except those in charge? Who, really, does that benefit?
Consequences for certain choices exist. Generally, society says murder is bad (except for specific circumstances such as self-defense, which technically at that point is no longer even considered murder (at least where I live, it may be different in other areas, but I'm basing this off of my own experience)), so there is a concrete consequence to people murdering people--assuming that they don't get away with it. It doesn't stop people from murdering people, because the liberty of choice is still there, but it shows that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should or that you will escape without consequence.
People are going to do bad things. That is, unfortunately, how humans are. But our responsibility lies in holding ourselves accountable and in promoting growth and healing. That is how you build a better world. Not trapping everyone inside a dream world without any care for their feelings or beliefs, but in getting people the help they need, in fostering a society of positive change and human connection.
And that is why, as "golden" as Sunday's dream may have seemed, it was never going to work. In the end, as the story quest shows, human will and the desire for freedom wins out in the end. When there's a will, there's a way.
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libraryraccoon · 7 months
The Aeon Of Creation : Surprise ?
P1 (here) -> P2 (coming soon)
TW : English isn't my first language, bad english. Spoil Penacony quests.
Gender : Male/GN
Pronouns used : He/They
Info : I was sad when I haven't found any hsr sahsr au, so I decided to write one.
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There was an Aeon that everyone know in the universe.
The first Aeon that have been appeared, The Aeon Of Creation.
It’s said that The Aeon Of Creation was the first being that had appear, that it’s them that have create the universe, the worlds, and that have created the others Aeons. That it’s them that say who can be an Aeon.
But no one has seen them for a while now. Even the others Aeons were worried, even Nanook.
It’s only decades later that a trailblazer saw them.
His name was Caelus, he was in a dream at Penacony when he meet them.
They seems so familiar, but also they seems like a stranger.
“Excuse me.” Said the grey hair, looking at the h/c hair. “Have we met before ?”
They had h/l h/c hair, e/c, s/c, and they were wearing a white shirt with a sleeveless sweater on top, a trench coat, black pants and shoes.
They had a men body, and they look like a men in every way. But, more Caelus was watching them, more they don’t seems to be human, and more they remember him someone- but he don’t know who.
It was.. strange.
“Maybe yes, maybe no.. Who know ?” ask the person-thing. “I'm sorry, I have a bad memory."
They were lying, Caelus didn’t know how, but he just know it.
He hate when people lie to him.
“I’m Y/N and my pronouns are he/him. Just a person traveling in the universe. Nice to meet you.” He introduced himself lifting his hat a little in a sort of reverence- since when did he have a hat ?!
Caelus ask no question -he was used to things like that.
“I’m Caelus, a nameless.” He said, Compared to usual, he didn't make a joke or show off like he usually did. He didn’t really think about it at that moment.
Caelus was often with Y/N.
They was what we can called ‘best friend’.
Every time Caelus was in Penacony, he would go straight to Y/N.
Y/N gave off a sort of comforting and familiar aura. One that he found difficult to part with. Maybe the reason he clung so tightly to his friend was to avoid a repeat of Firefly, to protect him. Caelus didn't know, and he didn't search for an answer, focusing on the present.
“Caelus ! Do attention ! I swear one day you will die soon if you continue like that !” His friend swore as Caelus passed on the road to join him, not paying attention to the passing cars, almost being run over by one.
Caelus only give a nervous laugh at that.
Being the Aeon of Creation for them was boring.
They knew everything, having nothing to learn. That annoyed them. They wanted to learn, to discover things.
But with their creations worshiping them, some much, MUCH, more than others, it was impossible. So they took a human form and visited the planets, the worlds, that they had created from another point of view.
Humans were very attached to all this gender and sex stuff, so they took on a masculine appearance and he/him pronouns. Like that, they really look like the other humans ! Well, except for their blood. They had a blood that was like the universe, no, that was like their blood was the universe ! Just like their tears. And it's never touching the ground, disappearing in the air. They had to be careful for not being hurt or crying in front of people (but why and how they know their tears colors ?)
They was travelling alone until they meet him.
He was a boy with short grey hair and yellow eyes. His name was Akivili.
They traveled the universe together, in the Express.
Akivili was their first friend, their first best friend,
Their first love.
They were really closed, and the Aeon realized too late that they were falling for him.
The day they wanted to confess, Akivili disappeared.
The Aeon of Creation have done all for finding him, but always in a human form, they didn’t want people to realize who they was.
And, one day, in a dream they meet someone that look like Akivili.
His name was Caelus, a nameless, just like Akivili.
The Aeon of Creation thought that maybe, just maybe, he was Akivili, a reincarnation, or a descendant of him. They were sure the two were related.
Especially that he have the name Akivili wanted to give to his son.
The day before the Creator turn Akivili into an Aeon.
“Hey, if one day you have a kid, what name will you give them ?” ask Akivili.
“Huh- I don’t know ?” said the Aeon confused. They thought about how everyone always gives two names to this question, one feminine and one masculine. “Aether if it’s a boy and Stelle if it’s a girl.”
“Great names. You’re always creatives for names.” Said the mortal.
“And you ?”
“Caelus if it’s a boy and Lumine if it’s a girl.” Akivili answer easily.
Akivili always had something for picking great name.
It’s him who gave them the name Y/N after all. 
So, for knowing who really Caelus was, they decided to stay with him.
Of what they had understood, he lost a dear friend, so Y/N helped him at the same time with all his grief thing.
And that worked ! Well, in a way ?
Caelus was feeling better now that Y/N was here, but he was what mortals called ‘clingy’.
The Aeon found that funny – Akivili was always clingy with them when he was tired. So that make them think of the past.
They was happy to compare Caelus to Akivili, making some theories about it, and not to some creep that prayed them..
Maybe The Aeon Of Creations have what mortals called a trauma caused by a few of their believers.
The Aeon Of Creation is traumatized of all this Sagau imposter AU/j I thought making the creator having a universe color blood and tears will be funny because, you know, they created it- The Creator thinking Caelus is Akivili is an idea that would hurt when it will be more developed.
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fruit-sy · 1 year
Akivili fan design
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Inspired by DailyAha_HSR making an Akivili design lol
Whenever I think of Akivili, I always think of the Imaginary Weaver enemy for some reason. Either that or the colour of bright yellow. Not the bright yellow of Nanook, but a lighter and more pastel kind of yellow, one that signifies youthfulness.
So I went in mind wanting to make yellow a major part of their colour scheme. Along the line, I decided I wanted to make their body "flame"-like, in reference to word "trailblaze" itself.
Next, I took the etymology of their name from the hsr wiki, aquili, which means "of the north wind" or "of the eagle" and I decided to give them a bird-like head.
Also taking from the bird inspiration, I like to imagine Akivili had wings that they kept hidden. I think it'd be interesting if those wings could help them travel to the ends of the universe in mere moments, only for them to end up not using it at all during their journey.
They could easily fulfill their mission with those wings, but they chose to forgo their aeonic powers in favor of taking the more scenic route. To walk amongst the mortals. To be like them.
I gave them clothes that were similar to Pom-pom's and a black blazer/coat thing that sits on their shoulders and flutters in the wind because I thought that looked cool as hell.
As for why I gave them a robe? Idk, I just liked how it looked on them lol-
And that's my pretty much it for my thought process behind this Akivili design!
Alternative designs
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aihaitahm · 1 year
Hello! Do you mind doing headcanons of dan heng, blade and jing yuan with a reincarnated s/o?? Like their s/o died in the past long ago in a war or something but got reincarnated again, the s/o doesn't remember them right away, thank you so much in advance ❤❤❤
hsr men and how they react to reuniting with reincarnated! s/o!
cw death, ooc? gn! reader, more in depth abt blade’s lore so i hope its correct !! been looking into it. kinda angst —> comfort.
sorry for the wait!! been busy but hope u like it:3
characters: dan heng, blade, jing yuan
dan heng
up to this day, he remembers the promises you both made, what you liked, disliked and everything about you. although reminiscing does not hurt him like it used to, it still makes him long for your presence.
the type to get dreams of you and when you tell him in his dreams that you will most certainly meet again, he is patient enough to wait. maybe it was foolish to rely on dreams but his desire to meet you and love you again is immeasurable.
time passed by and dan heng was still waiting, wearing the bracelet you always wore. he would always fiddle on it when he is worried. maybe he should stop waiting? but what if you appear when you stop waiting?
when himeko and welt came back from an expedition, they brought in a new member of the astral express. their name happened to be (name) and they happen to have similar features to the one dan heng has always remembered.
dan heng’s eyes widened as he realized his dreams were correct. you were correct. he continued to stare at you while doing your introduction. you looked ethereal, you looked timeless as if youve never aged the last time hes seen you and it was like youve always been alive.
you caught up on his staring after you introduced yourself to the astral express and vice versa. you somehow cant put a finger on why he does look familiar but you felt at ease just being with him.
“um… dan heng correct? we have the same bracelet, can i ask where did you get it from? also do i know you?”
“i got this from someone who i used to know and their name was also (name). they made it for me.”
after sacrificing himself to become a blade, his memory of you was not the best however he still felt the same intensity of emotions he held whenever he remembers your name. he doesnt know if its a blessing or a curse.
despite being blade, some parts of him is still ren. and ren has intense feelings for you. blade for some reason remembers the last argument you both had before you died. you were concerned about him possessing and delving into more power which lead to him being defensive and arguing with you.
as much as blade likes remembering you, your touch, your love and you in general, he cant help but harbour some guilt and sadness. he’d prefer if he left your name alone in peace. even though he wants to get to know you again and apologize, what was the point if you were dead. if your lives werent meant to meet each other again in any universe? it would be best if he just forgets about you.
fast forward and his bad luck struck him or this is probably in elios’ script but he was now arrested by the cloud knights of xianzhou alliance. it wasnt much of big of a deal to be honest but while in his cell, one of the cloud knights didnt have a helmet on, guarding his room.
he caught a glimpse of your face and this unlocks a lot of his memories as ren. how… timely, ironic it was to be held captive by your own reincarnation. its as if the heavens really planned it from the start.
you felt him staring at your face and which you snarled asking if theres something wrong. he just continously stared and smirked. you couldnt shake a feeling of familiarity with blade but aeons its an unbearable feeling but why would you say this to the general or other cloud knights… they might just interrogate you.
“you know if youre not going to answer my question well so be it. i know ive seen you in my dreams. i know we’ve met before. i know you know me from somewhere. but who are you?”
“you are bold as ever… but you should maybe figure out things on your own? its no fun giving you all the answers is it not? my new appearance is a clue, i’ll give you that.”
jing yuan
you knew jing yuan as your sparring mate whenever he was under jingliu and you under a different master. you both trained to becoming the strongest and maybe compete for the highest title of the alliance.
you sparred almost everyday with him. he enjoyed every moment he has with you. whether it was going for walks or eating food with you, it is a cherishable moment for him and you too. as you both grew into your teen years, you both happened to confess at the same time and became official.
unfortunately, your death caught up with you quickly. jing yuan was still quite young to experience grief but it didnt hinder him to train the hardest. jingliu wasnt in particular fond of you in the first place since you were distacting him.
without letting his master know, jing yuan would write letters to you everyday about what hes doing and how much he loves you. wherever you are he knows you both are in the same world or universe one way or another. he keeps most of your possessions because he believes it is his goodluck charm.
when he became general, he still wrote letters to you and even ask some of his servants to make a mini statue of your weapon to be displayed, in exchange for great amounts of money. he deeply misses you and he knows he carries a great amount of responsibility now that he is a leader. he secretly prays he gets to meet you again, even for one last time.
one faithful morning, he stumbled across a familiar face while shopping miscellaneous stuff for his cute mimi because he accidentally bumped into you pretty hard.
“ouch! be mindful of where you’re…. i-i apologize! i didnt mean to.”
“oh its alright it is actually my fault, i apologize. sorry to ask you this question but is your name (name)?”
“yes it is… why do you ask?
… on second thought i think you look familiar asides from the fact youre the general, i feel like i’ve known you before.”
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squiddy-god · 1 month
I JUST SAW YOU ALSO WRITE FOR HSR and hear me out twst characters interacting with hsr characters. I'm just throwing random ideas
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personally I'm a fan of like an au where the twst cast is a part of the hsr universe because it would be so so so good
Or if the hsr cast got transported into twst- lmao it would be so great
Interactions I would like to see and the reasons why
Idia and silver wolf : I need them to either fight or be gaming buddy's pleaseeeeeeee I need to see the grave yard of keyboards that they would have after interacting with each other
Lilia and jing yuan : the dawn of the :3 generals with adopted sons who like swords
Silver and yanqing because sons who like swords
Everyone and argenti- but specifically vil, malleus, rook, and sebek, because here me out argenti who immediately starts waxing poetry about vil and rook who absolutely joins in, or argenti without fear complementing tf out of malleus meanwhile sebek is absolutely bursting a blood vessel, the thing is argenti is also a knight so it is hilarious
Epel and boothill interaction when,,, "what the fudge pretty boy" "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING PRETTY BOY METAL ASSHOLE" they are friends I promise
Aventurine meeting Azul,,, I think it would be hilarious
Sampo meeting Azul is even funnier tho because they are both con men
MALLEUS MEETING BAILU AND SHE THINKS HE'S JUST SO COOL BECAUSE HE'S A BIG DRAGON, malleus loves her because that is now his dragon daughter
Dan heng and malleus meeting, two autism dragons
Riddle and ratio meeting and riddle assumes that ratio is going to be like his mother at first but is soon quickly proven wrong because ratio is like "very accomplished at a young age? Good work however do not forget to take ample breaks" and riddle is like "mom?" (Ratio is giving mother) firefly and kalim interaction 4k picture of the sun
Welt and everyone because now he has more adoptive kids lmao
So many fun interactions please
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crguang · 1 month
not fuckboy Kafka being a fuckboy on accident, that is honesty kind of funny, but I am still running…towards her.
ok but Kafka in the firefly animation was kind of funny for some reason. she was also really hot in the animation but Elio definitely told her to be there, so she’s just sitting on a space while waiting for something and she’s just drinking. I was looking through firefly’s story and there was nothing about Kafka 😔 except for when she’s recruited and only mentioned as “the woman” there was stuff abt silver wolf and blade, so obviously everything abt her is going to be plot relevant when she shows up very soon in the main story.
Also Kafka at the interrogation scene was so silly. Like they took her jacket, her contacts and wiped off her lipstick for what? her back and her shoulders do be looking fine tho people like me are why there’s dress codes in school and her eyes are gorgeous, like she looks so much softer when you can see her pupils, she’s so pretty.
your post abt how Kafka slows her speaking was very interesting and I’d like to know how her va was directed for those scenes, and I definitely need to rewatch the interrogation again I’ll def get distracted
Speaking of her voice actor, Cheryl texiera was so good on the white night cover. Her belting was amazing. Definitely feeding my headcanons for my university au. In aural class you have to sing notes (from my research) to prove that you can tell the difference or smth, and I just think it’s be funny that reader would be so mad at Kafka for having perfect pitch and having a good voice and generally just being good. I’ll write whenever my actual uni isn’t kicking my ass.
fuckboy kafka’s lowkey a loser when you think about it… that’ll make more sense in the next part but the unnecessary things she does as proof that she cares are so silly. firefly’s trailer was so good i remember losing my mind when kafka was shown at the end because it was so unexpected 😭 but she did look gorgeoussss, my timeline was just profile pictures of this for a while hdjdhdj. she needs to put that glass down she’s always gotta be drinking something like let’s start carrying a water bottle baby (i love exaggerating her unhealthy habits). i also love that the trailer confirmed kafka was the first SH recruited even tho i already knew like yess prove me right hoyo
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TRUST ME KAFKA’S COMING BACK 2.7. like she is just trust me she’ll be back so soon beautiful as ever i just know it…
i love the interrogation scene of the luofu i think it’s my favourite, i remember squealing when she walked in the frame without her coat like i was a victorian man seeing a woman’s ankles for the first time— at the time i hadnt checked anything about her so when i saw her without her coat i realized that she was mostly wearing it to look good (she cut holes into it to pass her arms through them instead of it being over the shoulders like himeko bc she wears fancy long sleeves… just unnecessary?3!4?) then i read her character description in the archives and it said she loved collecting coats i was like “i knew it…”
SHE DOES LOOK SO MUCH SOFTER RAHHHHHH. she’s much less intimidating and i love it so bad because we were seeing her without her defenses for the first time + we got to see her full design (it’s my favourite). they took her jacket and contacts/wiped her makeup cause she actually got arrested so they likely needed information like eye color and fingerprints etc, plus she was hiding three grenades, two rifles and a sword like i’d confiscate that stupid ass coat too. i think the funniest part is that she went back for it afterwards 😭
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ALSO YES THAT WHITE NIGHT HIGH NOTE CHANGED MY LIFEEEEE LIKE HSR IDOL/BAND AU WHEN???? i need that university au im gonna email your profs to cut you some slack so you can write because im itching just at the idea of an academic rivals story with her… hope your classes aren’t too stressful tho!
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi there! You asked some HSR angst, well here you go! can i request Jing Yuan and Blade x s/o who was the royal guard and prince/ss of Khaenri’ah.
More context on reader:
They were the second born child of Khaenri’ah’s Royal Family and part of the royal guards. So somehow during the Cataclysm the reader was transported to the HSR universe. They were VERY traumatized of just what happenend and had put up an upbeat and plucky personality as a coping mechanism for what happened. They traveled the universe for sometime before they met Jing Yuan/Blade and ofc learned of Aeons. They dont like the Aeons and any mention of them would get rid of their upbeat facade quickly. They associate the Aeons with the Archons that destroyed their nation, now they know they arent the gods that did it but they cant help it. Basically Dainsleif’s attitude to anthing archon related but much chiller? Bc again they’re not the same ones who destroyed their nation so their willing to give them a very small benefit of the doubt.
How would they react to their s/o revealing their past and immortality to them after they had snapped at someone for something (probably aeon related that hit a bit too to home?) and became distant towards everyone for while. They tearfully revealed their past and then later go on a rant about their hatred toward gods. Also how would their lover react hearing about the curse (The pureblood and the half blood/non blood khaeri’ahns) the people of Khaenri’ah received.
How would they react towards their s/o being suicidal because the erosion that the curse cause them to have is THAT bad they just wanted to die but cant bc they cant die from being murdered as they can self regenarate or from old age. (Think of the demons from kimetsu no yaiba, like when yushiro got his head decapitated, yeah im pretty sure their lover saw their head get regenerated like one time)
Hope you enjoy this angsty request and have a good day/night!
- Flower Anon 🌸
A/N: I re-read this 5 times, but for some reason my brain refused to process any of it, so I hope this still turns out okay lmao... thank you for the request tho and sorry for the long wait.
Content: Angst, hurt/comfort, established relationships, some rough description of the Khaenri'ah curse thing, small mentions of reader being suicidal
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》Jing Yuan
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Jing Yuan always silently questioned your past and often wondered why you were so secretive about it. However, he also respected your boundaries and therefore never pushed you for any answers, as he knew how sensitive some topics were. But when you one day just snapped at someone for the simple mention of the Aeons and God's, he started slowly piecing together your story on his own. It definitely also helped, that you eventually just spilled everything to him.
He was understanding and supportive, horrified to hear about the curse and it's consequences. He had heard of and seen many evil things, but this still shocked him. Especially after learning what the curse did to you as well. He was deeply upset when he heard about your want to die and despite understanding it, he still made sure you knew how important you were to him.
He tried making you see the bright side of it at least, as the curse gave him the opportunity to spend an endless lifetime with you at his side, something he deeply wished for. And he was glad, that he could, even with it being a horrible curse that allowed him to be.
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Blade didn't really care about your past at first, as you never seemed to care about his. It was a mutual understanding between you two to just not mention it and try moving past it together, despite Blade's need for revenge. And at first, he was content with that, until he noticed your strong disdain for God's/Aeons. This confused him, as he didn't understand what it was that bothered you so much, until you eventually broke down and told him about it in a long rant.
He listened to you quietly, as you spoke about your people and their curse. About how you were sick of living and just wanted to finally rest. About how you were just really done with everything. And he understood you perfectly. He really did. Especially as he himself was cursed to immortality and wanted to die more than anything. The fact that you felt the same as him brought him more solace than anything in this world ever could.
But that's exactly why he also was so adamant on you continuing on even through your curse. After meeting you, he realised that immortality may not be as bad as he originally thought, especially when it's just spent with you. He'll help you get your revenge, as long as you promise to stay with him forever too.
A/N: I'm genuinely praying this is even slightly coherent. Sorry for the wait Flower Anon and thank you again for the request!
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Hey! 🔺Anon here! Noice saHSRau you got there! Very detailed... incredibly detailed. Astoundingly deta-
Anyway. I was wondering how exactly 2ndary accounts work? Like, for example, I have a 2nd account that I haven't really gone through at all for some reason.
I've gotten to the part post-Bronya-and-Seele-meet, but mostly go on there to gush about how adorable Bronya's little yawning idle-mation is, and to collect the dailies.
Anyway, how exactly do you think the lil' buddies feel about getting an Aeon's gaze for like 5 minutes of the day, and ditching them for some reason?
Shhhh, I know I'm late, I'm sorrryyyy!
Can relate! I got a 2nd account on HSR to re-experience the story and stuff and to get Bronya (which I got as the first 5☆ on my 2nd account as well!)
I think I've only gone on there lately to not disappoint the people befriending me for some reason, but I haven't made much progress, since I've been doing ZZZ a lot.
Anyway! The characters that you have are ABSOLUTELY confused! If you've gotten to your first Equilibrium upgrade, like I have, then ditch them, they feel a little... dissatisfied and disappointed.
Everytime you boot-up the game, your 2nd account partners wait with baited breath, hoping you'll interact with them even a bit... if they give you Stellar Jades, will you stay longer?
This is also why simply logging in gives you Stellar Jades, since they want you to stay, or gaze upon them, even if it's just for a bit.
I'd also imagine that characters that you have on another account are being interacted with. Sort of like a parallel universe tingle that they get.
Like, I have Trailblazer on every single team, and use Marcher for quite a few, too. So the ones on your 2nd account are almost feeling jealous of the fact that your main account, and them in a parallel universe get attention. They'll likely even feel somewhat inferior if you're main account is maxed out, or stronger than how they are currently.
Thank you for the ask! :D
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s-b-party · 4 months
Penacony: Land of Dreams, Exiles, and Choices
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There is A LOT going on in this story & I don’t know if I can call this a continuation of my previous HSR lore thread regarding Ena, HooH, and Xipe but I am pretty much expanding on Ena & Xipe in 2.2 while also talking about important concepts present in the story
It’s hard to really know where to begin when there’s a lot going on especially between Ena & Xipe or rather, between their factions/followers
We can start with a general idea of the situation: it’s established that Xipe the Harmony absorbed Ena the Order a long time ago, the Family is a faction of Xipe but it seems very disoriented overall because not everybody knows the truth behind Penacony and/or is involved with the schemes (the Oak Family was the one mostly involved, others seemed oblivious to what was going on)
Sunday who should have been a follower of Xipe alongside Robin ended up being a follower of Ena because he was pessimistic about the Harmony due to situations like the 3 stories he presented as questions to us (Charmony Dove, stowaway who sold everything he had including his children to come to Penacony, Robin getting hurt in an accident) & as a result, he sought control over the fates of others so that everybody would only get happy endings
*Initially I wasn’t going to say this in my other thread because I wasn’t sure if I was reaching by comparing a character to an Aeon but this quest made it much more prominent to see: Sunday’s desire for control was something that I wanted to bring up previously because Herta stating how she doesn’t like Ena’s control freak behavior in their simulated universe dev log made it hard to ignore Sunday’s own issues in the previous patch; it just set off alarms in my head that he might not actually have been following Harmony*
The way Sunday explained he would achieve his goal is that he wouldn’t resurrect Ena but instead he would have people never experience hardships through Order which I guess he could have achieved from memoria (manifestations of memories & emotions) & the Stellaron since Ena isn’t physically around to enforce Order
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The reason why we see aspects of Ena present at all in the story is due to their remnants; as I suggested in my other thread, Aeons can die or disappear but their paths & concepts don’t disappear easily so to clarify, Ena isn’t alive at any point of the story but we see many hints of them in the story despite being gone
For example, the area where we answer Sunday’s 3 questions has the notable open eye on the ground; the many puppets we begin to see as we go through the Penacony Grand Theater refer to Ena’s puppet appearance; note that when you try to use clockwork but are unable to change the emotions during this part of the story, on top of looking very…unsettling, Clockie gains the same eye colors as Ena’s open eye while having puppet strings attached which references their puppet strings
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Boss Sunday in the 3rd phase has eyes on the rings behind him, the faces in all phases look very similar to Ena’s white porcelain face with closed eyes, the hand that comes out for the Michelangelo’s God & Adam attack looks very similar to Ena’s puppet hands but it doesn’t have the puppet joints & the thumb is purple when Ena’s hands were white with golden joints
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As it is explained by the data bank, the Septimus boss is supposed to be Dominicus who is one of the Harmonic Choir (Emanators of Xipe) but due to Ena’s influence, his appearance changed; in other words, Sunday usurped their powers originally for Harmony & turned them to serve Order
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I find it really intriguing how much impact Ena had in this story despite being gone (keep in mind that Ena never enforced their concept onto anybody including Sunday & Gopher Wood, these characters saw a concept that they believed in & twisted their understanding of it for their own purposes; this also goes for Sunday’s freak control behavior which was all him & not Ena even though Herta claimed they had similar behavior)
Meanwhile one of the biggest moments we witness regarding Xipe is when the Trailblazer gains the path of Harmony
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There are two main details I want to point out; first is their eyes are actually open when normally their eyes are closed & the second is they are glowing very brightly which, by themselves might not mean much, but together they say a lot when we look at other Aeons
Nanook is the first to gaze upon us & acknowledge us then it was Qlipoth; in both cases some part of their forms glowed brighter than the rest of their bodies when they gazed upon us which seemed to be their eyes/head
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*Sidenote: interestingly something similar happens in Swarm Disaster and Gold & Gears
When you complete everything that you need to get the paths of Propagation & Erudition respectfully (which implies that the simulated versions of Tayzzyronth & Nous have noticed & acknowledged you), the actual art of the Aeons will change; the main difference is that they glow brighter whether it be their “eye(s)”, their entire being, certain parts, etc.*
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Going back to the cutscene with Xipe, it seems that opening their eyes was a sign of noticing & acknowledging us
There’s one particular line from Sunday regarding the Aeons that stood out to me which was “And through Harmony, we obtain Order” which is interesting because the same can be said of the opposite “Through Order, we obtain Harmony”
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What Sunday did was try to impose Order to force happy endings for everybody but that is simply not how life works because there’s always going to be pain; if you never experience pain or suffering then do you really know the world as it is & are you truly living? Yes it would be wonderful if everybody could get along & nobody ever had to suffer, but unfortunately that is not feasible forever
It’s the reason why balance is needed; when you face suffering, it makes all the good things that happen in your life feel much better; it’s not good to have only one or the other & that’s the point regarding Ena & Xipe
Even though Xipe absorbed Ena, their two concepts are very much intertwined & they both can’t really exist without the other; Order has been there all along, just without an Aeon for some time
Also keep in mind that Order & Harmony are both forms of balance which I mentioned in my other thread; to reiterate, Harmony is the fusion/unity of many into one while Order refers to the idea of specific arrangement (under Ena, civilizations rose & fell which established a cycle to follow; they created laws that the universe followed) but Sunday takes it to the extreme which is complete control without considering how others would truly feel about this plan of his
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Before I continue, I just want to say that I liked how Sunday was characterized as an antagonist because you can tell he does truly care about other people (why would he go so far to obtain happy endings for everybody when he might not even like or know them?)
We know he cares about Robin very much despite how misguided he was in taking away her voice but as we saw, he was desperate to protect her which we see in his reaction after hearing she suffered a neck injury & when he thought that Gallagher actually killed her; these two instances explain his desire for control so well since he was powerless in both cases
He definitely was wrong about how he went about things but he loves humanity enough to go so far
Moving onto concepts, when we look at the overall story of Penacony so far, we see that dreams are an important concept; after all, it is the planet where people come to experience beautiful dreams but what makes these dreams unique is that everybody has a shared dream once they enter the Dreamscape & there are 12 distinct dream worlds in total that guests can choose to visit (each one representing a moment on the clock)
However not many guests on Penacony either know about or would come to Dreamflux Reef which was introduced this patch; when compared to the more well-known Dreamscapes, Dreamflux looks more somber & there are less people living there but it still has a few establishments so it is not entirely devoid of life
It is referred to as the Land of Exiles & to enter this area, with the exception of the teleport waypoints that we use, you usually would have to get brought by Something Unto Death whose real name is Dormancy & its affectionate nickname is Sleepie; in other words, Dormancy is the guardian of the Land of Exiles as explained by Firefly
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The description of Dreamflux Reef from the Family is that it’s the “Nightmare” but it’s also how the Dreamscape is supposed to look
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When looking at both this dream world & the other more popular ones like Golden Hour, they appear to represent aspects of life, specifically escapism (Golden Hour & the more beautiful dreamscapes) & reality (Dreamflux Reef)
Golden Hour is designed to be like amusement parks like the ones in Orlando with a mix of casinos like in Vegas; we can see why Penacony is so popular
On top of the fun tourism aspect, while you’re in the Dreamscape, your physical body doesn’t experience many of the changes you go through inside your dreams so you could stay in the Dreamscape as long as you want (as long as you can afford a room...)
Meanwhile Dreamflux Reef is representative of the non-glamorous things in life which can encapsulate struggles, pain, sadness, etc. Its other name “Land of Exiles” is also a nod to Penacony’s darker history as a former prison planet
However Dreamflux does have its lively moments which bodes well because it means that reality isn’t completely bad, it just might not be as fully glamorous or great like how the other dreamscapes are depicted
This topic of reality vs dream is constantly brought up with Sunday whose main struggle involves wanting to provide only happy endings even if that goes against reality or what should be; in fact we face the topic at the start when we meet Acheron & she asks us questions which she repeated along with much of the dialogue after the questions at the end right before we fight Sunday for a 2nd time at the exit of the nihility realm(?)
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EDIT: Tumblr wouldn't let me post more than 30 photos so there are some missing in this portion & later towards the end and I didn't want to post photos while leaving out the others that would give more context; head to the Twitter link if you would like to see the thread in its entirety https://twitter.com/SBParty_Ryusa/status/1789763474546905198
Interestingly even as an Emanator of Nihility, Acheron still sounds hopeful; in fact she reminds me of the Doctors of Chaos (a faction of Nihility) who have been faced with IX’s display of hopelessness but these members still try to prove to IX that life isn’t all that meaningless
Another interesting thing I noticed is that Acheron is the opposite of Sunday when it comes to facing hopelessness: even when faced with the idea that everything will return to nothingness, she still moves forward but Sunday turns away from the pain of reality & relies on sweet dreams that don’t truly change your circumstances in the real world
So I’ve mentioned Penacony being both the Land of Dreams & Exiles but how do “choices” come into play? Something that I’ve seen become a huge part of Penacony’s plot is the concept of choice
Aside from Acheron’s questions, we’ve seen other displays of choice being an important concept; for instance, Sunday’s plan to obtain happy endings for everybody essentially takes away the ability to choose (yes everybody gets to be happy but it’s not happiness obtained by their hands/doing)
Robin had her voice taken away by Sunday even though she wanted to continue on her path of Harmony; Sunday’s plans only would have made him happy in the end
One of the saddest parts about this is that we do see an example of somebody who was not happy with their enforced dream despite how blissful it was for them: Robin herself
We along with Acheron & Black Swan found Robin who was actually the first to wake up and she guided Acheron & Black Swan
She explained that she was able to wake up due to the major flaw in her dream which was Sunday agreeing to not cage the Charmony Dove after it got better; while it would have made her happy that he agreed with her, she also knew that her brother wasn’t like that & her painful reality still would have been the same even if she chose to ignore the discrepancy because it already happened in the past
Of course everybody is different & may make different choices from each other; you can choose to wake up or keep living in a dream (in both cases you still have to deal with the consequences whether that be coming back to reality or becoming afraid to wake up) but the important part is that everybody gets to make their choices themselves without interference
This is Acheron’s main point when she says that the answers don’t matter because you’ve made a choice & you’ll hopefully go through with your decision
I do need to talk about the Nameless not only because a lot of backstory was given in this quest than any previous ones but also because as part of the Trailblaze, choices are definitely one of the biggest concepts for this path
The Nameless is an important faction that has followed the deceased Akivili even to this day; this group includes many curious & brave characters, both playable & NPCs including the Astral Express Crew
As part of the Trailblaze, the Nameless have faced unknown futures & dangers but ultimately made the choice to move forward into the unknown; this path is definitely not easy & it is bound to be filled with struggles & pain but for many of the Nameless, they’ve all blazed their own paths no matter where they were or where those paths led them even if it meant their end
The new Clockie event has a free lightcone reward that shows Pom-Pom with Mikhail, Tiernan, and Razalina back when they were still on the Astral Express & after the trio left; this is a bittersweet memory for Pom-Pom because I’m sure they’re happy that they left to follow their hearts but it’s still sad for them because the LC mentions many previous Nameless having left the Astral Express as well (I definitely didn’t tear up reading this LC 🙃)
Even for Pom-Pom, as part of the Astral Express, they have been through a lot with many of the Nameless departing to follow their hearts & yet they still choose to remain the conductor even to this day
That takes a lot of dedication & it just reminds me of Acheron’s question “Might I ask if you fear losing these bonds?” because that definitely applies to their situation considering they’ve been around for a long time; I’m sure Pom-Pom misses them very much 😢
*This might be one of the longest threads I’ve written so far but considering how much was going on in the quest, I think I yapped an appropriate amount 😂
*I know not everybody enjoys reading extremely long text but I hope that there are at least a few who will enjoy it
*Also I didn’t know what to title this, I’m not creative enough 😭
*This quest just gave me a lot to think about, there were good parts & iffy parts for me but I did enjoy the story overall; I hope that others were/are able to enjoy it even with how long it took :3
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Some more Welt rambles because he lives in my head rent free
Contains spoilers for his hi3 lore?? Himeko's too ig but these are more just implications than anything else
If you think i mischaracterized him or something i wrote here really doesn't fit him pls bear with me I'm just a silly little person writing silly little rambles about some fictional grandpa idk HAHAH but! Let's move on now because oooooooh
First of all. Something that I enjoy picturing with my oc (because obviously i put them on the Express what did u expect) but can work with the MC, Dan Heng or March 7th as well because he's the trio's dad I don't make the rules. Like... Welt being a protective father figure for them but not just in a "please take care of yourself" way (though that too, obviously, especially when he sees one of them clearly sleep deprived again) but also in a "you mess with my child and I'm gonna fuck you up" way; like letting some of his HI3 attitude slip through again. Like maybe one of the trio is badly wounded in battle and he immediately jumps to shield them, obviously with his own body, and he's ready to attack whoever or whatever hurt them. Maybe he sees one of them being attacked, or about to be, and he joins the battle like "hands off of my child." (Honestly that line lives in my head rent free as well idk why it's just so father figure.)
Dan Heng mentions in his voice line about Welt that he doesn't pry. And yes, he doesn't; even when he's worried, he only asks if everything's alright, or if they want to talk about something. But when someone comes up to him, he's more than happy to provide support - whether it's some actual advice or just a simple hug, or just someone who will sit and listen to all of the rambles and complaints without judging. He's happy that the trio relies on him and trusts him, even if he has moments where he feels so responsible for them that it's overwhelming. But he would probably protect the Astral Express crew with his life; and if it meant sacrificing himself to make sure they would be safe, he would do it.
Speaking of hugs, I also think he really likes them? I think he would like physical contact in general, even though he probably wouldn't admit it. A part of the reason may be the fact that he lost his body at least once from what I remember (Second Eruption manga from HI3) and even if (iirc) it was part of the plan, and something he knew may happen, I don't believe he wasn't affected by it. Physical contact helps him ground himself - but then again, he also won't say anything if he needs comfort or anything like that. He pretty much refuses to show vulnerability in front of the crew - after all, they rely on him so much! So he thinks he can't show it when he's feeling lost or just... Not having a good time in general. The only exception is probably Himeko, though even when he's alone with her showing vulnerability doesn't come easily to him. Of course he wants to protect her as well - maybe even feels doubly responsible for her in this universe, considering what happened to her in HI3.
To sum this up, I just think his self-sacrifice issues from HI3 are still there in HSR even if a bit toned down, and in a somewhat different form, and also he refuses to ask for help ever.
Also I am normal about him. :3
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wwaheoh · 2 months
"Debt Collection", HSR, SFW, (Attempted) Comedy
a/n: based on this art, love their HSR comics! don't usually do anything with comedy so hope this was okay!
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Sitting in front of, arguably one of the most powerful women in the universe, the Trailblazer listened to her as she directed them to become part of their army of debt collectors. Why? For money of course. Not that they were running low any time soon, considering the Astral Express’s stock in Penacony, but just one revenue source wasn’t enough, so a second one was needed: a full time job. More money = more pulls after all. 
But who to recruit to aid them on this mission? They had many friends who might be of help, namely Topaz, but taking one of the Stonehearts to help them with something they’d usually pass off to grunts would be a little… controversial. To say the least. 
Who else did they know who could help with negotiations? Himeko? She’d be worried about the Trailblazer, thinking that she’d not been giving enough in allowance- when in actuality they’d just blow it in gacha games and then dig the trash for anything edible, that or compete in an eating competition. Asta? While she was really good at manipulating people handling people socially, Asta would probably just give the Trailblazer a bunch of money. They didn’t want to make Arlan’s life even worse- nor did they want to accidentally take advantage of their friend’s generosity (and their slight ignorance of how much money they really had compared to what was normal). 
After sifting through their contact list, ruling out names for various reasons- ranging from too nice to child- but then again they didn’t know if the IPC was against child labour, best not to risk it- they finally settled on two names. Ruan Mei, a prominent member of the Genius Society, and Huo Huo, a timid ghost heliobus-buster. One having had drugged them on their first meeting and whom recreated a weaker version of the Emenator of Propagation- nearly killing them and the thousands of scientists aboard the Herta Space Station had it not only been able to exist for less than a minute before being crushed under the weight of its own existence, and a fox-girl who would get a heart attack asking for extra ketchup packets. 
Perfect team for collecting outstanding debt from those marked by the IPC.
So, using the teleporters powered by fragments of the Trailblaze, the Trailblazer made their way to the Herta Space Station, with the hopes that Ruan Mei wasn’t off at the borders of space doing gods knows what. 
She was! Thankfully enough, spending time with the beans like the Trailblazer suggested she do. She was performing experiments on them but knowing her creation’s want for Ruan Mei’s acknowledgement… should be fine. 
Knocking on the doorway as they entered, “Hey Ruan Mei!” Said person looked up from their papers, waving to them. “Ah, hello. How may I help you?” “Wellll, I recently got a job and they said I should get some help. You were my first person to go to!” She was actually the 51st.
Nodding, she set her papers down before standing up. “Well, new experiences may help me come to more theories and aid in the progression of my studies.” “So, you’re in?” “Yes, just let me get a few things beforehand.” 
Next on the Trailblazer’s list was the Xianzhou Luofu, specifically Fyxestroll Garden, where they usually met up with Guinaifen, Sushang, and Huo Huo during their work as heliobus-busters. However this time they only called Huo Huo.
“H-hello?” She called out to the foggy nothingness. “She ain’t gonna sneak up on you!” - ah, there goes their first plan. Making their way back to the entrance, the Trailblazer made themselves known to the Foxian and her heliobus companion, Tail.
“Uhm, what did you need my help with?” The Trailblazer explains the situation to them. “Ah! I don’t really think I should, I still have a lot of work to do here-” “I think we should go!” “What- but-” “Ya need more experience dealing with people. Think of it as fear training.” “Oh.. but I have to tell Hanya!”
The Trailblazer raised the phone screen to the two, showing Hanya’s response to them asking to take Huo Huo out for a bit. They agreed, lamenting about how with Tail taking up residence in their tail, that she had been robbed of the socializing that she should have been exposed to from a young age. This was good for her, even if it was unorthodox. 
Huo Huo would become a debt collector! Woohoo!
she sorta wished hanya told them no…
The first stop was a highly advanced techno-based world. Flying cars, robots hovering about, bad pollution. It checked all the boxes of a planet that progressed without thinking of maintaining. 
Following directions on her phone, they wandered about, sometimes stopping whenever the Trailblazer wanted to do some “treasure-hunting” or Ruan Mei attended to something in her bag- speaking of which,
“Um, what do you have in your bag? Miss Ruan Mei.” The timid foxian spoke up, their curiosity overpowering their fear of the scientists' calculating gaze. “Ah, nothing of concern for now. In fact, it will prove invaluable later on, must we require it.” “Oh.. okay.” 
They arrive at the doorstep of the first debtor. An Intellitron named Emmanuel Goldstein III, owing the IPC over 20k credits. He’s been noted to be very argumentative and aggressive, always somehow escaping. 
Knocking on the door, the Trailblazer stayed at the front, with the Foxian to her side, and Ruan Mei on their flank. For a few seconds there was nothing before several locks from inside the building were unlocked. Slightly opening the door, a golden head peered out from the narrow crevice. 
“Hello? May I help you?” They spoke, a metallic tint to their voice. 
“Yeah, we need you to pay up.”
“That loan you took out for the IPC? They want it back, plus interest. Straight from the top.”
“Give me a moment”
The Intellitron closed the door swiftly, slamming it before reapplying each lock with a resounding click. The quartet waited for a few seconds before the sound of glass shattering and a heavy body hitting the ground. 
The Trailblazer looked to their companions. “That could be anything right?” 
A loud but distant voice yelled, “You’ll never catch me alive!” 
“Go get them you idiots!” Tail yelled out, causing the Trailblazer and Huo Huo to scramble to catch up to the Intellitron. 
They very quickly found how deep the city ran, with alleys upon alleys, crowds of people all in their way. It took a while until they were able to catch up to the Intellitron, having been able to locate him by his constant antagonisation of them- literally yelling into the wind. 
Finally the trio cornered the Intellitron at an unfinished bridge overlooking the city. Both panting, with Huo Huo feeling as though they were about to fall over from exhaustion. “You! Hah- stop!” The Trailblazer yelled. 
The Intellitron looked to the exhausted trio, weighing their options before beginning to chuckle something sinister. 
“You fools! A drop from this height would kill organics like yourself- but to a synthetic lifeform like myself, it will only require some minor repairs!” They stepped back, nearing the cliff. 
Then, a giant shadow enshrouded them all in darkness. A giant bug the size of a one-story building, even the sight of it made anyone’s heart skip a beat in fear. A smaller version of the Emenator of Propagation, King Skaracabaz. The very beast the Trailblazer had fought within the depths of the space station.
‘What is that!?” Both the Intellitron, Foxian, and Heliobus screamed- though the last added a few colorful words. “It is a scaled down version of the Emenator of Propagation.” The scientist spoke calmly, a pastry in her hand as she sat on the head of the scaled down universe-threatening bug. 
“Why did you bring that!?” Now in unison, the Trailblazer and Intellitron. “To aid in debt collection of course.” The scientist replied. The Intellitron looked at the Trailblazer with as much incredulous emotion as it could. “She’s not joking” “Why would I be?” 
“I’ll give you whatever you want, just get her away from this solar system!”
As much as the Trailblazer would loathe to admit it, the tiny (in comparison) bug would prove to be a great way to convince debtors to fork over the cash. Not even needing to be told that it was a synthetic incarnation of an Emenator, many people seemed to be scared of giant bugs, 
Ranging from people who tried to skimp on paying by running, bigwig CEOs who thought they were somehow too big for the IPC to get them, it was easy to go through the same routine. The Trailblazer would knock on doors, then either them or Huo Huo would speak to the debtor. Then if it were a case of just talking, Huo Huo was up- with Tail intervening in case they became aggressive. It was until they ran or started fighting with more advanced tactics than just street brawling did Ruan Mei and her creation show up. 
Though after some time passed, so did the synthetic Emenator, also being crushed by the gravity of its existence. It was a little traumatizing for the trio to heart it’s screaming before being covered by the bug’s blood and guts. 
All in all, as they reported to Lady Bonajade, they were crowned with the exclusive and incredibly sought after, “Employee of the Week" and minimum wage.
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If I can stop one heart from breaking.... is part of the real poem (HSR analysis)
alright so by this time we all know about famous song from HSR and ya we all cried but do you all know this title is actually verse taken from the poem by Emily Dickinson
Now I am gonna share poem with yall and youll see why:
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.
THE FUCKING ROBIN IS MENTIONED IN THE POEM HAHAHAH (yes you can cry now. this poem IS ROBINS POEM FR FRF) oh but I am not done yet... do you want to know what is the main theme behind this short poem? I am gonna quote from litcharts:
"If I can prevent one broken heart, my life will have been worth living. If I can alleviate one person's suffering or soothe one person's pain—or even help a single helpless robin that has fallen out of its nest—my life will have been worth living."
Basically this means that if I share even a little bit of kidness to this robin, represented by Firefly (by Trailblazer) and Robin (represented by Sunday) then even if life gives me suffering and I "fall from the nest" (aka die in this POV), my life would have been worth living BECAUSE I have found one true friend in this cruel world who gave me reason enough to live. Ofc this poem reflects and relates to both characters who died in Penacony - Robin (singer of the song) and Firefly (mysterious girl). And Hoyo knew what they were doing (and now both Trailblazer and Sunday have something in common Ig, they are both speaker of the poem)
Now I leave you to sink it all in. youre welcome and happy tears.
"In any case, the poem implies that hardship is a kind of universal truth—an unavoidable part of being alive. But just because suffering is a fact of life doesn't mean there's nothing people can do about it."
Let us see what Trailblazer (and Sunday let's not forget my man) can do about this. Now they know no life is safe from harm and theyd have to learn how to accept it (and not see world in black and white as Galaxy Ranger implied) and not let revenge (if it comes and I am sure it will) consume them from inside.
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haovcrse-a · 3 months
— ✍️, 🤪, 🌦️, ☕️ , 🪐, 🎞️
✍️: overall, how does the fandom trait you? are you a beloved character, or hated? are you popular, or a minor side character? anything in between?
both fandoms would be split pretty evenly!! some can only see me as one or the other, while a majority understand the complexities of my character! i don't think i'd be hated per say. there will always be those few that say im overrated / trash or wtvr and that's ok! i think i'd be maybe just above average likability hah!
genshin wise, im a side character for both versions! in hsr, i play a little bit of a bigger part in the pencaony arc for both sunhao and gallahao. for zhade, i think id be popular among the angst lovers for the most part hah!
🤪: what is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
genshin fandom: they'd probably boil me down to my "tsundere" look to the point where i start looking genuinely mean in the eyes of new fans. media literacy becomes dead when it comes to my character <//33 my unwillingness to help heizou despite the subtext between the lines... the occasional light-hearted insults i'd throw ayato's way... or the unsureness of how to express gratitude toward's thoma's actions... guys it's so bad
or making my past the defining factor of my character!! saying that change isn't possible for a long-term thief or merc (though the latter would be argued with dehya's release)
star rail fandom: ooh ok so the ones people would make depend on which universe we're talking about !
zhade — mean doctor who's hogging people's husband TwT LMFAO no bc. i just think "those" types of fans would probably see me as such for sure. blade and i have a very strange relationship to people on the outside; it makes sense for people to think im being excessively blunt.
the other side to this is that they infantilize me. like like those "uwahhhh he's so smol 🥺🥺 must protect" kind of scenarios but isn't just for jokes and is fully serious... 'n when it comes to shipping... it's usually based off a gay stereotype for that reason TwT
gallahao — that gallagher genuinely finds me annoying, and therefore the fandom does too. g!zhao is more sly, teasing, & definitely more outgoing than the other two vers. id get sampo treatment to a degree where people find my fakeness to get what i want annoying (for the plot!!)
sunhao — stoic to the point where i don't—can't—even talk apparently LMFAO. would also probably turn me into a soft boy kfdjghkl.
🌦️: would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? both? explain why.
hmm a healthy dose of both. genshin would probably have more fluff for sure—most of the angst would be hurt/comfort stuff based on the whole thomayato kidnapping plot. but my genshin s/i's aren't as sad as my hsr ones LMFAO.
hsr... is a toss up. gallahao would have the most fluff, while zhade would have the most angst. sunhao would be a good mix. ooh in general, there would be a bunch of sweet platonic found family stuff too !! angst for zhade for the sole reason of ppl playing around with how we both get possessed often lol. him the mara, me my own powers... also the whole. scared to get close in fear of hurting the other plot ive got going on for my character story!
gallahao would be treated as the sweet side couple. some occasional angst here and there of a case gone wrong, but a majority of it is just flirting and how people image we got together.
sunhao <33 hurt/comfort is the most common. the whole bodyguard x his assignment + childhood friends to lovers?? people go ballistic. lots of sweet moments, and also ofc ones where one of us has to be bleeding out 💀
☕️: what are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
thomayahao — always something to do with miscommunication of some sort.
yizou — they don’t tend to stray away from the whole thief x detective thing much; usually the setting is different (modern aus, cyberpunk, etc.)
kazuscarahao — amnesia. which is admittedly my least favourite trope. usually more canon compliant with things and the whole sumeru plot
sunhao — anything to do with the whole “protector x protected” trope!! doesn’t matter the au, that usually ends up being the plot.
zhade — one of us is injured or possessed and the other is trying to save or disarm the former without killing them. all. the. time. most of the fandom fixate on this point.
🪐: what would be your most popular au and why?
hmm i think modern aus in general would be a fan favourite. they’re versatile and have many sub-aus to fit with them!! those or royalty aus where many make me out to be the knight :DD
🎞️: what ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
i don’t remember a lot about genshin stuff so i’ll do my hsr ships for now TwT
zhade — hmm i don’t know about actual scenes, but our voice lines are what people point to!! at first glance, it looks like we don’t enjoy each other’s presence. he’s annoyed with my meddling and heals, while i grumble about him always getting excessively hurt. but when you take in the actual voice acting, people realize our words aren’t as sharp!!
there’s also ig a scene after the xianzhou arc. after karka and blade make their escape, at the very end of the last act, there’s a dark screen where it’s just the tow of us having a hushed conversation. it’s just me asking him about the mission and also tending to his injuries while he says my actions aren’t need.
sunhao — literally every scene LMFAO we’re almost always together and he always glances back in my direction throughout the story. ooh also the scene where him and robin are falling through the air… i’m standing on the platform looking at him worriedly, looking as if i’m about to jump to make it to him, before my eyes soften as robin cradles him. obv most people argue that i’m just in awe at the sibling bonds heh but why can’t it be both??
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helen-high-water · 7 months
Finality,the trailblaze and stellarons, and a potential end of Hsr.
So I've been thinking a lot today and I had some ideas about the aeons.
So , Terminus the finality yeah? Aeon of the end, big deal probably,and evidently different enough than Nanook the destruction that the two can exist without one absorbing the other's path, which I think makes sense , because while the concepts may seem similar,I think the two are quite the opposites in their approach to those concepts.
Now , Finality has only been mentioned a few times so far, we only know a small amount about it compared to Destruction, but Finality is about the end in the sense that the end is inevitable and unchanging, their wisdom grants them knowledge of a definite end but no beginning.
Destruction however is a lot more active in the sense that they are working towards the end, the end will be brought by their hands(figuratively and literally).
Followers of the finality as far as I can remember don't really,how do you say, make the same impact that the emenators of destruction, lord ravagers, the antimatter legion and even the annihilation gang (even though it's been said that Nanook did not bless them with thier gaze) make in the universe.
That is to say, the finality knows the end , but the destruction makes it.
That aside, I've also been thinking about how the trailblaze is arguably the most compatible path with any path, this isn't to say that any follower of the trailblaze can become a path strider for other paths while also being a trailblazer, but well, we do have an abnormal case on our hands with TB(the main character,the Trailblazer,this is what I'll be referring to them with for the sake of avoiding confusion), TB has already been gazed upon by 2 aeons, the destruction,and the preservation.
The first aeon was most likely attracted by the will to destroy that TB displayed when fighting the lord ravager, while the preservation was most likely attracted by their determination to save belobog , as well as being potentially attracted by an object of significance (the lance that the first leader of Belobog used, who I wouldn't be surprised if she was in any way blessed by the preservation), and as they go on, TB will most likely catch the glances of every aeon of a playable path (and maybe the non-playable ones too), the reason TB is able to do this,aside from the stellaron hunters working in the background to guide them towards certain roads that lead to meeting an aeon, the stable stellaron TB has, and the fact that they were "made" for this so to say, could be that the trailblaze, a path supposedly without it's aeon (whose dead somehow) is a path that can be repurposed as a base for a new path,keep this idea in mind for the next part.
So Aeons, despite being all powerful,can still die, whether that happens by getting killed, or by their path getting absorbed or by some other way that we might not know, but even if an aeon is killed (not absorbed,killed) ,or they disappear, Thier path stays, the trailblaze still exists as a path, but it's without it's aeon,but what if someone becomes the aeon of a dead path?
What does it mean for a Trailblazer,with a stellaron for a heart, to be able to tap into several paths?well, the revival of the trailblaze in a new form, a form that can somehow includes other paths but does not absorb them, I wouldn't know how that would work though, there is no precedent for it, so this is all just conjecture.
So, Stellarons , seeds of disaster, cancer of the worlds, they just fuck shit up, but TB's is calm for some reason, and I'm thinking what if Stellarons aren't just what we've seen of them, technically speaking while they are sort of implied to be related to the destruction,there is a possibility that they're not destroyers by default,maybe they're just things made of imaginary energy that can be effected by any aeon, but I guess that doesn't explain why every stellaron we've heard of has been a disaster,but if it's true then that would work with what I said about the trailblaze and TB, a vessel that can adapt to several paths.
Now I've come up with 2 possible endings, 1) TB, having the power of several aeons behind them, fights against Nanook and their followers alongside all the allies that they made, and kills Nanook.ooooorrrrr TB creates a new path that absorbs the destruction in an attempt to stop it completely.
Now it's still too early to really guess but I've had this in my brain for quite a while.
Small note: I know not everyone refers to TB with they/them (for both Stelle and Caelus), some just say he/she (which is stupid just say they tbh) but it's kind of similar to how all the aeons have been referred to with They/them,no?
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drysauce · 1 year
Begging on my knees, may I ask for mr welt lore 🙏 thank you for feeding my silly little fictional crushes lol
there's so much to say where should i even start jshxhhd
(btw, it's obvious but. there will be honkai impact 3rd spoilers below)
so you know that welt is a playable character in star rail right, but i don't know if you know that many of star rail characters are alternate versions of characters from other hoyo game which is hi3 - like himeko, bronya and luocha for example. welt however, isn't like them, he's not just another welt existing in the star rail universe but he's THE EXACT SAME welt that exists in honkai impact AND that's why he's such an interesting guy
so let's start with the basics - his name isn't actually Welt Yang but Joachim Nokianvirtanen. he took that name later in his life, yang was his mother's surname and welt was a name inherited from a guy named Welt Joyce.
as for why he took the name from that guy: welt joyce was a herrscher, herrscher of reason to be precise (herrschers are very powerful entities with powers given by the force known as honkai) - he used to be a normal german boy human but after the honkai eruption in Berlin that took a huge ton of lives, a core made from the souls of people who died was formed inside him giving him the powers of a herrscher of reason
while generally herrschers are enemies of humanity, he was not - after losing past memories but NOT being against humans, he was taken in by an anti-honkai organization known as Schicksal (with Otto Apocalypse as its leader and overseer) and moved from labs to labs where he eventually met Frederica Nikola Tesla and Lieserl Albert Einstein (pic below. they might look young but those are only the looks, they're actually great minds with years of experience), two scientists that later became his acquaintances. around that time he also met joachim and his father
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later on, the schicksal overseer otto and joyce had kind of an argument when joyce didn't want to agree to follow the overseer path with him because he grew to love humanity and otto was a guy who didn't mind doing the most messed up things you'd think of just to reach his goal. the conflict of interests leads to a fight, that results in otto's death (or rather one of the clones, long story)
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(fun fact! ^ this line is also part of welt yang's ultimate line in hsr, just differently worded)
the thing joyce is holding here is one of divine keys (very strong weapon, long story) known as the star of eden which is the signature weapon of the herrscher of reason. otto was using a divine key as well (called void archives) and before his defeat, he used the key to attack the city where they currently were with the intention to completely destroy it. joyce managed to stop that but 1. star of eden was destroyed and 2. it costed him his life. while he was dying he gave the herrscher core to young joachim who was nearby alongside with the name welt - and so joachim became the second herrscher of reason
later on with tesla and einstein he split from schicksal and formed another organization known as anti-entropy (which was also dedicated to fighting honkai but without human experiments and all that jazz) and recreated star of eden
in year 2000 took place the second honkai eruption, there's a manga telling the whole story how it went, but to keep it short, schicksal and anti-entropy allied and were fighting sirin, the herrscher of the void. the two herrschers faced each other in a fight, welt using his herrscher of reason powers created a whole army or mechs and artillery showing sirin that the humanity can and will fight against her and honkai
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there was no victor, sirin was knocked down and when welt was about to finish her off with the star of eden, otto apocalypse intervened, destroyed the divine key and stopped welt (he really couldn't allow things to go the way everyone wanted even once)
later the fight was moved to the moon where sirin made her base and from where kept on challenging humanity. schicksal and anti-entropy had the talk™️ which resulted in the decision that welt will go fight on the moon but he'll take one of otto's agents to collect rock samples that could be used to create new kind of weapons
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to go and fight there, anti-entropy started creating a giant mech - arahato (two quick fun facts! 1. in hsr welt has arahato on his phone case 2. to earn money anti-entropy launched an anime series about it at some point lol)
on the moon welt creates yet another star of eden and occupies sirin's attention, while siegfried (the man from schicksal that was sent on the mission and who also was hi3 mc's father) who was piloting arahato could take moon rock samples for the scientists. however for siegfried to leave safely, welt had to directly face sirin and was eventually defeated (star of eden destroyed again), near the end he was planning to detonate his core to destroy both himself and sirin, but she manage to steal it before that happened, leaving welt's body to disintegrate
obviously he didn't actually die, he put his personality inside the core at the very last moment with the souls that already were there. he survives there this way until the end of the whole eruption, and after it ended, the retrieved core fragments returned to anti-entropy and after next 10 years core repairs itself and welt gets back the physical body. that costs him a lot of energy and power though, he isn't able to be the leader anymore. anti-entropy was taken over by force in that time by cocolia, who was running and orphanage and. who also made a few clones of welt joyce
-> next events are described in the manga called alien space, it's about both the events of when welt came back to life and is a direct prequel to hsr telling what happened years later, i won't describe it in detail because maybe you'd like to read it yourself - but if not i'll gladly talk about that too in another ask or message<3 it's mainly about welt and (hi3) himeko (and void archives too, who after otto apocalypse's death took a body of one of his clones)
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next should be the events in the sea of quanta (empty space among bubbles with different universes, long story) - during the expedition, he gets separated from einstein and gets stuck there until a girl named Bronya Zaychik enters it to find her beloved Seele who was also stuck there for a few years (long story, another manga). a lot of things happened, bronya encountered welt who took kind of a position of the guardian of the sea and began testing the girl in various scenarios. after she passed all the tests he decided to make her the successor of his herrscher core, thanks to which bronya was later able to rescue seele and all three of them escaped from the sea of quanta. soon after that he became her mentor in mastering the herrscher of reason powers (there's more to bronya as the herrscher which also has relations to welt but. i haven't got there yet in the main story so i have to stop here lol)
next there's a timeskip to a post honkai odyssey - it's a spin off/time skip story from hi3, featuring, aside from the main cast, welt, his son - joffrey (one of joyce's clones that he and most likely tesla (there's a line that might suggest she became his partner later on) together adopted), and void archives. i saw leaks that parts of it that are relevant to hsr might appear in an upcoming hangout mission for luocha (the guy who's a hsr version of otto) so if you're planning to play hsr you'll see it yourself and i won't be spoiling you the fun here<3
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^ it's also related to the timeskip events from the alien space manga
afterwards welt ends up in the hsr universe and is trailblazing together with the astral express crew and finally becomes a playable character
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^ another fun fact! in his splash are you can see void archives in the back, welt joyce on the right and tesla with einstein on the left
ok and that should be all i think? if you have any thoughs or questions feel free to ask here in the comments or in a separate ask or on discord however you prefer and i'll gladly elaborate even more
also special mention to unfortunately not canon part of the welt lore from the hoyofest videos in which he and two other powerful leaders became idols because they were broke and needed money:
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shining-gem34 · 6 months
||Overdue 2.1 Commentary (The Mess)
HSR Spoilers
I'll put it out here now I started 2.0/Penacony thinking I won't be emotionally attached to the characters. Do I like them? Yes, I do to the point I like to give my thoughts about them and their actions just like any other characters. Just not to the extent I would be having my heart strings snapped and used as a jump rope for H*yoverse as they revel in my suffering.
Everything about 2.1 story is still information overload for me so I feel like I'm still missing alot of stuff.
Minor stuff (1): Gameplay wise(?), I do like how they handled switching Character POV's and label it as Trailblazer Story Quest (yellow/gold plot icon). It did fee like they improved it from the beginning parts of Xianzhou main story where you had the option of playing Dan Heng side of the story (purple plot icon) even though it felt just as important main story wise. So that was nice to see.
Acheron & Welt
I'm not too familiar with HI3 and other game/stories relating to it. I can recognize a few references to it such as Acheron is definitely Mei in HSR universe, her Myraid Celestia Trailer is a reference to the Honkai invading "Earth"and the twelve blades are references to the Herrschers in order, and Acheron is a result of no Kiana(?) and she defeated/kill "Kevin"/End. So I cannot say much about any HI3 references between them other than the fact it was nice they met and somehow recognized each other secrets. It makes me think about again how lonely Welt must've felt seeing a familiar face but it's not the person he knows. At the very least Acheron can be someone he might be willing to talk to about his past. Keyword: might. Main story wise cause Penacony 2.1 so far (or overall since 2.0) is a detective-like story, their discovery of new clues in Sunday residence is very eye-catching when you confirm Sunday is aware of "Death" (the meme) and IT has been around for a long while. Robin and Firefly are not the first victims based on the notes, BUT it randomly attacks people anywhere at anytime with no pattern. Sunday himself is personally looking into this case, moreso since Robin is now a victim but he's discouraged and told to hold off on it by Old Oti (Alfalfa Family) until after the festival is concluded. Of course we also learn Sunday definitely loves his sister as he kept a Light Cone of her first performance when they were kids. But more interesting is Robin letter. We find out why her voice is different not because of health-related reason, but because of the "Harmony in Penacony is not pure". She knew something was going on in Penacony and came to the conclusion there is a traitor in the Family. She was going to join her brother and go over what information she had, but unfortunately as we saw at the end of 2.0 she got caught by "Death". :((( Also what I find interesting about Robin "voice" is that she's far more sensitive to the "Harmony" to notice something was wrong compared to Sunday, as we saw both siblings are capable of using Harmony power by a "voice". But so far I haven't seen Sunday confirm if he noticed anything wrong with his "voice" unlike Robin. Makes me wonder how close she is to Xipe...
Aventurine & Ratio (Aventurine Boss Fight)
This was like the big bulk of 2.1 story where Aventurine is pretty much the main character. I will admit it does feel weird we're getting to see alot of Aventurine backstory at once before getting to read his character story, but again- He's the star of the show here. We're seeing Aventurine making the biggest bet of his entire fucking life here. Starry did warn me beforehand his story will be tragic but I did not expect for a seven course dinner of tragedy and angst to be shoved down my throat. Because at the beginning with Aventurine and Ratio??? They were a duo who got along pretty well despite their contrasting personalities. It could be years of working together, or they're more alike than they admit. Also I love the sandbox pit, because it was so funny to watch a giant Ratio helping out this itty bitty Aventurine wandering in Golden Hour city replica. The NPC's T-Posing bothered me more than needed...As they should (T-Pose for dominance). Then the big fucking thing happened during the meeting with Sunday where Ratio "sold" Aventurine out and I was ready to throw my phone like: DAMN. But also I had to stop and think about it carefully, because ??? That isn't Ratio style. He can plot behind the scenes but that's for the sake of "students" to find a lesson to learn from it. Also! He would not risk people lives at that too and had a measure of safety net arranged. He's a Scholar who believes knowledge is for everyone and in all, a pursuer to find a cure for people "ignorance". Not play with people lives. Even if there is a chance he hates Aventurine, he wouldn't betray his own principles like that for greed. The obvious answer? Ratio "betrayal" is part of the plan. Aventurine obviously has a plan when Sunday interrogates him. Not going to lie, when Sunday pretty much put a death sentence on Aventurine, I was legit worried we were going to have another "death" happening. I will say I do admire Aventurine perseverance (HAH!) in trying to survive and fighting to the bitter end. And we do see! That his fight to live stems from his past from his childhood! His home planet is dying, his parents gone, his clan slowly dying off, losing his sister, sold as a slave, and eventually joining the IPC- Aventurine went through so much to survive! But we also see his survival comes to a price- the death of many he cares about. The guilt of being the only survivor combined with his sense of worth led to a disarray of thoughts we see in the quest description.
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Unable to escape, unable to move on, unable to see his own worth, and unable to see his own future where he's still alive. In an illusion where he's facing his own selves, the past and the future as he marches onward, Aventurine came to find his own answer at the end: He wants to live. I'm still untangling stuff around the parts where Aventurine grand plan is to call a bluff for Acheron to unleash her true power and leaving a deep mark on the Dreamscape. I do know her power had effectively removed the Harmony placed on Aventurine thus saving his life from that. But the big point Aventurine had to Penacony regarding the "murders" happening is that: No one can "die" in a dream(?????). And it felt like he was taking a big risk with his life on the line to not only save his own life but to point to a bigger clue to the guests after the Watchmaker legacy: Who dunit? For Aventurine, his story has more or less concluded in Penacony. He's not dead despite it looking like he is accepting his "death" because again- You can't die in Penacony. I do know he'll return in the next story. And Dr. Ratio has full faith in his return, and it was??? Like I got chicken tendy that Aventurine looked relieved reading his note. Like there is someone waiting for him. BUT ALSO HE'S SAYING GOODBYE TO HIS PAST SELF TOO, I'M JUST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. TLDR: Jade is not okay during the entire Aventurine portion of the story. I just wanted to cry and hold this bitch close, because this bitch is making me emotionally attached to him. AND HIS BOSS FIGHT WAS SO COOL. I was reminded of Childe Foul Legacy appearance with the beam shooting from his mask but Aventurine was his chest gem. Super nostalgic. I was just super bummed when I found out H*yoverse just nerfed his boss fight when I fought him. ;;w;; I really wanted to experience how hard he was based from what everyone was saying, but I guess that's what I get for taking my time. Though I guess they had to nerf it so people can continue the story.
Gallagher & Sunday
Gallagher background information about the Watchmaker. The tidbits I focused on is the fact Mikhail, who we've been hearing about since last patch, is actually the Watchmaker (Betrayer of the Family). If the Watchmaker title is inherited, and Mikhail is dead, who is the next Watchmaker? Is it Gallagher, one of his "children" or another individual? He never did explain, if he knows, how the Watchmaker are chosen. (I'm putting my bets on Misha because why not-). Minor Vent: When Gallagher answered the question of his age with "I'm Thirteen"- I prayed that social media peeps do not take it literally. Unfortunately, and I mourn for this, people did take it literally. Yes, you can disguise yourself in dreams, but come on. It's obviously means something else and how quickly, Gallaghter changed topics back to the original subject at hand before anyone can ask about it. The question remains that idk if it's been answered in-game or it's in other lore (Relics- I haven't read the Watchmaker relics lore yet because I haven't needed to grind that set yet): What did the Watchmaker do that was considered betrayal to the Family and earn their hatred? And what did they do for the Oak Family to have set them up to be branded as traitors? I haven't gotten a good grasp of Sunday character yet. The characters, except Robin, have a neutral to disdainful view of him. I can tell he manipulates to get things done for the sake of the Family, likes to be very much in control of the situation, and very much adores his sister Robin. But the confrontation between Sunday and Gallagher has me going unga bunga. The tension between them as Sunday reveals his suspicions about Gallagher, ripping apart his identity piece by piece to unveil a bigger puzzle. I thought it was another Sparkles disguise moment, or when Gallagher called Sunday "my brother"- I thought it was Robin and I was like HUH???? And then I realized it was something akin to mocking Sunday. Also Sunday calling Gallagher follower of Enigmata. I had to look it up because I was not too far into Gold/Gears/Swarm Universe to unlock the Aeon of Enigmata. Oh boy, that unlocks ALOT of possibilities for Gallagher. BUT ALSO GALLAGTHER AND DEATH MEME CONNECTION???? THAT LAST SCENE OF DEATH APPEARING AND STABBING SUNDAY? WHAT THE FUCK I GOT BLUEBALLED SO HARD AT THE CLIFFHANGER. Holy shit so Gallagher is definitely (99% likely now) one of the culprits here. The question does remain is: Who is Gallagher exactly? Because Sunday described so many pieces Gallagher had taken from 52 loyal members of the Family and made it into his own identity. What was the truth and lie he told us, the Nameless? And what did happen to Sunday??? Man. Oh Man.
Sam & Trailblazer
Man, I was like already 99% certain Firefly and Sam are the same people. But at the end where Sam revealed himself to be Firefly, I was the Trailblazer for that moment getting sucker punched into the gut. Like, Trailblazer had no breaks??? How long has it been since they saw Firefly got stabbed and disappeared, and shortly found out Robin was also stabbed? And then they had to be dragged all over Penacony to unveil the murders behind it? And then fight Aventurine??? Like legit they get no breaks and to find out Firefly, whom they consider a close friend and thought they were dead, is actually alive and part of the Stellaron Hunters? Man I would feel betrayed. I am curious to Firefly/Sam story though.
Minor tidbits to include:
-Sparkles answering Aventurine inquiry about the "mute" person that is not Robin, but somebody else. This is still stuck in my head. I'm just like: ????????????????????
-Baby Aventurine is too cute and pure for this world.
-Jade (I found HSR version of me everyone /j) is beautiful and I am willing to roll for her.
-Black Swan investigating Acheron! I wish this was explored more, but I know this will be a big plot in 2.2 since we heard Boothill voice! I'm curious to what kind of relationship Acheron has with the Galaxy Rangers. She is an imposter, but she continues to call herself a Galaxy Ranger. In Boothill case, he has a vendetta against her and plans to fight her. But also! It's confirmed Acheron did kill Duke Inferno and his children escape! And we heard Constance too!
-Also!!! My son Dan Heng makes an appearance...Over the Astral Express group chat asking if he needs to join them in Penacony and help out. ;;w;; Because everyone was worried about the Trailblazer not responding and obviously something serious happened. And Mom Himeko reassuring he's not needed for now, and Dan Heng trusting they'll let him know when they need him. ;;w;;
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