#the red crow company
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Perrin Jurobei
We all have our reasons.
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scopeiguess · 2 years
Inej: jesper if you were a bird where would you fly to?
Jesper: um... south? I don't know, i'm nervous. I feel like i'm on jeopardy!
Wylan: If I were a bird i'd fly to laser floyd
Inej: ,, okay, NINA!?
Nina: i'd fly to my favourite place. waffle house.
Matthias trying to impress her: i was just going to say that!
Inej: kaz we haven't heard a peep from you!
Kaz: if i was a bird i'd fly into a ceiling fan.
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somberine · 1 year
theres a certain charm and appeal really old NES games have, and people will often moan and complain about "Oh too many indie games use the old style graphics these days" but listen...sometimes its nicer to see a little love for the older game graphics than constant HD stuff you know?
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nayialovecat · 1 year
Lamb, does reading/listening to your follower's thoughts become tiresome or annoying? Also, can you read the minds of Narinder or others like Ratau for example?
Well, mind reading is very useful, it makes many things easier and faster. Thanks to this, I know who of the beings saved during the crusades or bought from Helob to take to the village, and who to let just live deeper in my domain… Unfortunately, since I became a god… how to put it… Mind reading has ceased to be option.
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Even when I don't want to, I'm flooded with the thoughts of my followers. I used to have to strain to hear the thoughts of the more secretive and recalcitrant - now I have to strain not to hear the thoughts of the most outspoken. And believe me, some things I didn't want to know about my pupils… Well, of course I can hear other beings as well, not just my followers. Fortunately, with these others, in most cases, I have to make a little effort. I generally don't want to do this because I respect my friends' mental space, although sometimes I can't help myself. Hearing thoughts is a very tempting option, but it's also a double-edged sword because you might hear something you really shouldn't… Narinder is good at thinking things I don't want to hear…
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But the worst part is that many beings, especially former vessels, know that I have such a skill… Playing cards with such a Shrumy is insanely tiring, because whenever I start to win or he is playing poorly (or rather poorly cheating) he accuses me that I'm cheating…
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So to sum it up… Yes, hearing the thoughts of followers is very annoying and tiring since I'm forced to do it (especially since my followers started making love, uh-huh, gross), yes, I can hear the thoughts of beings who don't worship me, which is useful when dealing with heretics, and additionally: no, I don't like to do it if I don't have to.
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fullaccessdetroit · 1 year
BOURBON HOUSE to Release New Single, “Runnin’ Hot,” on FRETBARD RECORDS!
BOURBON HOUSE is set to release their new single, “Runnin’ Hot,” on FRETBAR RECORDS, Friday Nov 17th. Captivating vocals with a driving rock feel makes “Runnin’ Hot” by BOURBON HOUSE one of the best female fronted releases of 2023! “BOURBON HOUSE has made a statement with their new single ‘Runnin’ Hot.’ I feel as if I’m being told to watch, pay attention because this band and this song, is…
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kiame-sama · 14 days
Humans Are Extinct (Yandere!TWST x Fem!Reader) Monster AU pt 2
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(Unicorn Centaur Riddle wearing his dorm clothes. His hooves are golden as well, but he often wears red covers over them to prevent dirt buildup since it is harder for him to clean out his hooves and he refuses to ask Trey for help most times)
Warnings; Several yanderes, platonic yanderes, romantic yanderes, yandere behavior, monster au, fem reader, very few know reader is fem so mostly they/them pronouns used, deranged behavior, centaurs, unicorns, Nemean lions, Vampire Bats, selkies, minotaurs, genies, nagas, magic, talk of eating humans, arguing, mention of virginity, slight Monster AU history mentioned,
The thorn prince arrived to a scene of chaos as he exited the portal from Diasomnia. Many new students were lost and confused as they had been told to stay put while most of the Housewardens searched the halls, some Vice-Housewardens were desperately trying to keep the peace or even join the search at the behest of the Headmage. He certainly wasn't concerned about what they may be searching for, instead he started heading towards his own Vice-Housewarden with a slight spring in his step, joyful at finding such an odd little creature in Diasomnia.
The casual summons had the bat Fae Vice-Housewarden turning to look at the newcomer who had not been expected to make an appearance after receiving no invitation. Naturally, Lilia was surprised that the dour Dragon chose to go against his own code of conduct and arrive at a ceremony he had no true part in. His stern expression did not seem so serious, making Lilia wonder just what had happened to bring Malleus of all students to his side.
"Malleus? I didn't expect to see you here without invitation."
"Yes, well," the prince pouted in response to the reminder, "I have plenty good reason to seek you out despite the lack of invitation."
"Oh? Do tell. You aren't often so brazen about casually entering the company of others."
"The Gargoyles have borne a child of flesh and not stone."
"... What?"
"I found the soft being sleeping beneath the Human-Gargoyle that was made 1010 years ago. They look much like the Gargoyle and don't seem to be of any other Twisted Wonderland species. As they seemed so fragile and their stone parents weren't keen to protect them, I took them to my nest. Of course, it is odd the Gargoyle child was clothed so shortly after being birthed, but removing their shoes to lay them to rest was of no trouble to me."
The conversation had drawn the attention of both the frazzled and the curious who were also equally shocked to see Malleus in the flesh. Of course, it didn't take long for the crow Headmage to intervene, figuring what had happened rather quickly. Before the Headmage could speak, however, Lilia beat him to the punch with a much more patient tone and approach.
"Malleus, after centuries of studying Gargoyles, what do you know is true about all Gargoyles?"
"They are stone of various kinds. They double as spouts to keep water from gathering on roofs. They are often depictions of animals, creatures, and other beings."
"How often have you encountered a Gargoyle that has produced an infant?"
"How often have you encountered a Gargoyle that has produced an infant of flesh and blood?"
Lilia would have laughed in a good humored way if he were not being watched by all of the new students and their seniors who had come to aid them in settling in. It was not Malleus' fault that he came to the conclusion that the Gargoyles had produced offspring, the truth was just as far fetched.
What was interesting Lilia more than the topic at hand was the fact Malleus had taken the wayward Human into his nest. Dragons were rarely keen to share things like their nests or their hoard with others, especially those they know little about. The simple fact that Malleus took the human into his nest was enough to show that the dragon had already taken a unique interest and intended to make the Human a member of his living hoard. Malleus may not often take new creatures or items for his hoard, but the few he claimed had little room to argue as the Dragon was fiercely protective of those he viewed as his.
"What you found, Malleus, is an actual Human. Ironic they took shelter beneath a Human Gargoyle, but they had fled from here perhaps an hour before you arrived. They must have decided to use one of the portals to flee and wound up in Diasomnia instead where you found them. Don't worry, I can get them from your nest so they don't-"
"You will not be taking the Human from my nest, Lilia."
"Oh? Keeheehee~ Have you taken a liking to them, Malleus? Humans are very fragile, you know."
"They may not be the child of a Gargoyle, like I thought them to be, but that does not change the fact that they are in my nest, and under my protection."
It was then a sneering scoff came from the crowd, the new students quickly parting to let the intimidating Nemean Lion strut forward with his tail flicking in annoyance. The man himself had beautiful sun-kissed bronze skin that held the faintest golden glimmer, his shining eyes of acidic green glinted with pride and frustration. Even with his rich dark mahogany colored hair, he gave off a beautiful shine that made him look like he was sculpted out of pure gold.
"And you think you're the best choice for a Human? Human's need light, food, and water, not to be locked up in a creepy ass dungeon that doubles as a nest for an overgrown lizard. That Human is better off in Savanaclaw, not Diasomnia."
Before Malleus could respond to the clear taunt from Leona, another voice with a haughty tone cut in.
"Not even if the Seven proclaimed it, would I believe you can be gentle or safe with a Human, Leona. Nemean Lions were the last holdout group that insisted on eating Humans before they were officially declared extinct."
Approaching with far more grace than he should have was the Housewarden of Pomefiore, the Peacock Harpy Vil. He was clearly posturing as his seven head feathers sat straight up in a clear showing of his crest. Even his tail feathers were slightly fanned out as they caught the light and gave an iridescent display of colors.
"Oh? And what the Hell would you do to protect them, Vil? Doll the Human up in fancy ass clothes and make them preen like a prissy little Harpy?"
"Do speak up, Leona. I could barely hear you over your prideful bitching. Or do you want another scar to even out that scowling expression of yours? Maybe I'll take your eye this time."
This made a snarl escape the golden Lion, his tail lashing violently back and forth in response to the clear threat from the Harpy. Luckily the Headmage had called the other Housewardens to return as well as requesting the teachers to assist in the unusual situation. All he had to do was step between the Lion and Harpy in an effort to keep them from attacking one another until the others showed up.
"I will decide where the Human shall stay and who is safe enough to leave around the Human. They are an extremely rare creature and cannot be treated so callously. You both are Housewardens, please act with the proper decorum."
It was then the clear clopping of hooves on the marble floor could be heard, the others quickly returning to the Hall of Mirrors thanks to Crowley's summons.
"I demand to know the location of the Human! The Queen's rules insist that humans must be protected and cared for properly, and I refuse to allow the mistreatment of one of the Queen's most protected species!"
Each syllable was accompanied by the distinct click of his golden hooves against the stone floors as Riddle came to a slow halt in front of the Headmage. Naturally, the Unicorn Centaur was the first to know any obscure information due to his inherent hunger for knowledge and desire to follow rules. If anyone knew of rules regarding Humans, especially any rules made in by the Queen of Hearts, Riddle would be the one to know them all.
"Riddle, I assure you that the human will be properly cared for-"
"Have you already provided them with adequate snacks that don't have pig-fat in them? The Queen's rule 898 states that all humans must be denied pig heavy meals as they are genetically close enough to pigs that it can cause stomach troubles but must be able to access food consistently due to their digestion processes. Queen's rule 899 states that Humans need to be kept in optimal temperatures that should not exceed the boiling point of water and should not be less than the freezing point of water. Not to mention rule 900 that talks about the proper protocol for finding mates for a human and their regional specific breeding patterns-"
The others couldn't help but stare at the Unicorn Housewarden who continued to prattle off the various rules regarding the treatment of Humans. He was far more sensitive to the wellbeing of the Human as Unicorns were historically rather fond of Humans- female maidens especially- and were the first to oppose the idea of Humans being cattle for other species. As a Unicorn Centaur, Riddle was far more attuned to emotions and natural law than a Harpy would be and far more aware of the fragility of mortality than a Dragon would be.
"The Human will be treated properly with adherence to the rules, Riddle. We should try and trust the Headmage to do that much."
The taller and more intimidating Centaur next to Riddle now spoke, resting a hand atop the shoulder of the temperamental Unicorn. Though he shared similar coloring on his equine half to Riddle, the second Centaur was clearly of a different breed as he was larger and more stocky than the Unicorn. His green hair was ruffled and he had clearly been out searching for the Human with Riddle before they were called back to the Headmage.
"No, Trey, he won't even follow the rules of an unbirthday party! How can I trust that he will do what is required to keep this Human safe and cared for? That virgin human must be protected at all costs!"
"How are you so sure they are a virgin?"
"I can sense their purity!"
Trey continued to try and talk down the upset Unicorn, trying to be a voice of calm and reason to his hot-headed equine companion. This left room for an interjection from yet another Housewarden returning from their search for the elusive Human of Night Raven College.
"Wow! You sure know a lot about Humans, Riddle! I wouldn't expect anything else from the Unicorn who is top in his classes!"
The newcomer's approach came with a golden light that shined from somewhere within his very being. His white hair was a stark contrast to his richly toned skin and crimson eyes, the ever present smile on his face just as dazzling as the gold and jewels that hung from his figure. To his side was his ever consistent Naga companion, the blacks and reds of his scales almost bleeding together in the golden light. The faint flick of golden scales caught in the light of the Genie added to the unusual mystique of the Sand Viper Naga that followed dutifully behind his Housewarden.
"You would know these things too if you payed any attention in class, Kalim!"
"Ouch, a bit harsh, Riddle? I can't help that Trein is so boring sometimes that I fall right asleep! If I knew we were getting a Human classmate, I would have paid more attention."
It was then the Naga spoke up, his voice smooth like honey and just as rich despite the gentle way he spoke. His dark hair was neatly pulled back in intricate braids that ended with a golden trinket and kept most of the dark locks from obstructing his gaze.
"Kalim, even if we didn't get a Human classmate, you should still pay attention in class."
"I guess you're right, Jamil. But still, isn't a human being here exciting?"
"Yes, well, it is certainly unusual..."
"I could keep them safe in my lamp and that way no one has to worry if they are in trouble or not because no one can enter my lamp without my permission anyway!"
"I don't think you could be trusted with a Human like that..."
"What was that?"
"Nothing. In any case, the Human's wellbeing should be top priority given how rare they are. Most Housewardens should be able to protect the Human as needed, but that isn't even mentioning the danger a Housewarden could represent to the Human."
As the conversation carried on and the other Housewardens and Vice-Housewardens returned from their search, the older crow Fae couldn't be more pleased. Taking on a Human would be quite a bit of work for anyone, but it seemed rather clear that the Housewardens were keen to do what was needed for the Human to stay. Not to mention the fact that the heir-apparent of Briar Valley- The Prince of Thorns, Malleus Draconia- had already claimed the Human as one of his protected treasures. There wasn't much protection better than that.
Still, perhaps it would be best to not leave a fragile Human in the nest of an overly protective Dragon.
You woke slowly to the sounds of voices around you, feeling a soft surface beneath your head and a warm blanket wrapped around your figure. It certainly wasn't where you had fallen asleep- as you had been huddled beneath a hideous Gargoyle when sleep finally claimed you- but you weren't really complaining about the plush surface either. If anything, the voices around you that were clearly arguing were causing you more stress than the new location you found yourself in.
"The Child of Man is mine to protect! I will not allow any of you to take them from my nest."
"Malleus, please, we all know the human needs somewhere other than your nest to live. They need their own space and their own home to feel comfortable and not die from stress."
"They are protected here and have their own space here in Diasomnia."
Your increased movements made the arguing quiet down as you sat up, letting out a squeaking sound when you stretched. It was likely the ever present haze of sleep over your mind that kept you so calm despite the unfamiliar surroundings. That calm feeling didn't last long as you received a harsh reminder that you were the only human present. Standing in front of you was a fair-skinned man with dark black hair and monstrous features. His black wings folded slightly as he turned to look at you, bright green eyes examining you quickly for any sign of distress. Atop his head sat two twisting black horns that formed a kind of crown for the regal scaled man standing in front of you.
Past the intimidating man's shoulder you saw the familiar Crow-like man flanked on either side by equally monstrous appearing men.
One of the men had clear black and white hair that copied or complimented the black and white coat hanging from his shoulders. His steel gray eyes seeming so cold until they softened slightly, gazing at you the way one would gaze at a prized pet. This man seemed more human than any of the others you met prior, giving you a small bit of hope that you weren't alone in your plight. Still, there was the high chance that this man was some kind of monster too and just didn't look it at first glance like the others.
On the other side of the Crow stood a man that reminded you of a Bull with long horns that would have knocked into the head of the Crow-man if the Bull were any shorter. The man had deep brown hair and bright blue eyes, his muscular build clear even beneath the red sweat-suit he wore. Despite his Human-like face, he was obviously not human thanks to the clear horns and Bull tail waving lazily behind him.
It appeared- from first glance- that the reptilian man was guarding you from the others rather aggressively and was not keen to let you go with the Crow and his companions. Part of you was glad to feel such comfort, but you also had to wonder just what it was the reptilian man ultimately wanted from you. While you mused this, another voice from behind you startled you into almost jumping from the bed, looking back in surprise at the source of the voice.
You saw what looked like a young man with black and pink hair sitting on the bed near where you had been laying. He had apparent fangs that peaked past his upper lip and two leathery batwings that had clearly endured some damage throughout the years. This man had been present when you fell from the coffin not too long ago, so it confused you that he chose to speak to you now.
"It seems you're finally awake, little Human. Maybe you can help us with our current predicament? You are a rare species that has been believed to be extinct for more than a few centuries now. As one of the top Magic schools in all of Twisted Wonderland, it is the school's job to protect you and keep you safe from those who would wish to see humans extinct once more. Malleus here found you sleeping under the Gargoyles and has decided to claim you- for better or worse- as one of the creatures he needs to protect. That brings us here, to Malleus' nest. They," he gestured to the Crow and his companions, "believe you would be better off with one of the professors guarding and protecting you from the common rabble. Malleus," he gestured now to the reptile man, "is of the mind that you are most protected here in his nest."
You were surprised and confused by the Bat-man telling you all of this as the Crow had given you the impression that your opinion and wants did not matter in the situation you found yourself in. As far as you were aware, the Crow intended to keep you as a pet, but this Malleus person had the same idea and didn't want to share you with the Crow.
"... Why are you in his nest too?"
"Oh, becuase Malleus likes to protect those he cares about. He is a Dragon, after all, and those he cares about are counted among his horde. I have been his teacher for many centuries now, so naturally I am one of his hoard members. Only those who are part of his hoard or Malleus himself is allowed to enter his nest without being burned alive. That means you too now, congratulations."
You now glanced back at the reptilian man, seeing the way he stood with his back to you and wings spread in a shielding action. It made sense that this man was a Dragon given his features and attributes. Despite now knowing a Dragon was guarding you, you still had no idea why these people were so desperate to get their hands on you. Even if they were right and Humans were extinct, that didn't mean it made much sense to you for them to try and keep you as a pet like this.
"So, sweet little Human, what would you like?"
"I would like people to say my name and not call me Human."
"My apologies, it has been a hectic day thus far. What is your name?"
"It's (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)."
"(Y/n) (L/n)... The last Human in Twisted Wonderland."
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ssailormoonn · 2 months
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Rengoku Kyojuro X Fem!Reader
WC; 1.6k+ | !MDNI! | TW/CW :: reader isnt a demon slayer, wife!reader, oral -> male receiving, blowjob, sub Rengoku, dom!reader x sub!rengoku, soft teasing? soft praise?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚𝑅𝐸𝒬𝒰𝐸𝒮𝒯 :: (filled request) Rengoku coming back from a mission (mugen train lets just say he survived cuz i like being delulu) and he's really tired so reader gives him the reward he deserves? 👀 something along those lines? I imagined it to be sub rengoku but if you dont Like that its absolutely fine!! - ANON
m.list | demon slayer m.list
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You were in the kitchen preparing dinner for the family. It had been weeks since Kyojuro's mission began, and with every day, a little more of your heart swelled. You kept up a good face with Senjuro and Shinjuro, but sometimes it was just too much to bear.
Senjuro walked into the kitchen, giving you a small smile. "Need any help, {Y/n}?"
"Sure, could you set the table?" you replied gratefully, appreciating that his company was a good form of distraction.
You worked together in easy silence for a while until Senjuro suddenly spoke up. "I'm sure he's okay, you know. Brother is strong. He'll come back to us."
You smiled at the little boy; he was so pathetic in his attempts to reassure you. "I know, Senjuro. It's just hard not to worry."
Before Senjuro could reply, a flurry of cawing pierced through the air. Both of you turned to see the crow approaching with wingbeats in desperation, then settling onto the windowsill with a worried look exactly the same as yours.
"""Kyojuro Rengoku is gravely injured and in the Butterfly Mansion. Immediate assistance needed."
Your heart dropped, and your hands shook. "Kyojuro…"
Senjuro seized your hand with his; his eyes wide with alarm just as yours were. "We have to see him."
  You nodded at him, managing to steady your racing heart. "Yes, we must." At this moment, Shinjuro appeared before you; his normally cool face replaced with a concerned expression. "I'll set up an escort for both of you immediately to the Butterfly Mansion."
Within minutes, one Kakushi came to take you to Kyojuro. As you were leaving, Senjuro squeezed your hand for the last time, and his lashes pooled with tears. "Bring him back to us, {Y/n}."
"I will," you lied, forcing down the bubble of fear welling inside of you. You are already afraid for your husband, and now that fear has reached rocket size.
The path to the Butterfly Mansion seemed endless as your mind was consumed with thoughts of Kyojuro. Images of his bright smile were all that would flash across your mind, throbbing at the chest in a pained way because you did not know how badly he had been hurt—only that it was serious.
You finally arrived at the Butterfly Mansion. With the help of Kakushi, you pushed your way through and finally reached a place with a heart that was racing in your chest. A kind nurse guided you to the room Kyojuro was being treated in.
You had paused at the door, taking a deep breath before stepping in. There he lay, bandaged and pale on the bed, alive. His eyes flickered open at your approach, and a weak but real smile spread across his face.
"{Y/n}…" he whispered, barely audible.
You went down on your knees beside him and took his hand in yours. "Kyojuro, I was so worried," you said with sobs.
He squeezed your hand weakly at once; his smile still did not leave. "Sorry. I worried you. But.I'm glad you're here."
You brushed a tear from your cheek and bent low to place a light, gentle kiss on his forehead. "I'm here now, and I'll take care of you.".
The yellow and red in Kyojuro's eyes gleamed with love as he smiled upon being close to you physically. He was also very concerned about the struggle against Upper Rank 3, fearing that he might not be able to see you again—his beautiful wife and lovely wife. "Thank you, my love."
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It was only a mere two weeks that you stayed at the Butterfly Mansion, but every day felt longer as you watched over Rengoku. Although he didn't verbally express it, you knew he wanted you there. Shinobu, with her perceptive nature, frequently advised you to go home for the sake of your mental health, but Rengoku's silent plea kept you by his side.
As the days passed, Rengoku's health gradually improved, and the time finally came for him to return home. The morning of his departure, you helped him pack his belongings, feeling relieved that your husband was safe and alive. Rengoku was visibly tired but tried to mask it with his usual enthusiasm, but nothing slips past you. 
Once everything was ready, he turned to you, his gaze softening. "Thank you for staying with me," he said, his voice laced with exhaustion. He took a step closer, closing the distance between you.
Before you could respond, he cupped your face in his large, warm hands and pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was tender yet passionate. However, you felt the weight of his fatigue in the way he leaned into you.
As the kiss deepened, Rengoku's hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer. The warmth of his body enveloped you, and you could feel his heartbeat through the thin fabric of your clothing. His kisses trailed from your lips to your jaw, then to your neck.
"You mean the world to me," he murmured against your skin, his voice husky and filled with need. His hands wandered, exploring the familiar curves of your body, and you couldn't help but respond to his touch. The room seemed to grow warmer, the air thick with anticipation.
Rengoku's exhaustion was evident, but so was his desire. "I need you," he whispered, his breath hot against your ear. 
Good thing that Rengoku was assigned a private room.
"Let me please you," you breathed against his lips. "You are so tired, let me cater to you."
"My flame-"
"Kyo, please," you asked, but either way, you were going to be the one pleasuring him. 
Rengoku lets out a sigh and nods, stroking the back of my head before continuing, "Alright, please don't feel pressured."
A smile rose onto your lips at his kindness knowing that Rengoku always makes sure that you're comfortable even if you're always the one topping him. Your knees ached softly against the oak-slatted floor while Rengoku sat on the edge of the bed. It wouldn't usually be like this, everytime that the two of you have engaged in any intimate acts it had always been in the Rengoku estate and on the futon, so doing this on an actual bed was different.
Although, the position to take his cock into your mouth and suck him dry was absolutely perfect. 
Rengoku hesitantly entangled his fingers into your hair, gently gripping the strands making sure not to hurt you. Your eyes widen at the growing bulge in his underwear and you palm his hardened erection causing a soft whimper to leave his mouth. A smile rises to your lips at the sight of his head tilted back, watching him as he swallows the lump in his throat.
"You're so big, Kyo," you tease, placing a kiss on his clothed twitching cock and the grip in your hair tightens when a shaky moan leaves Rengokus mouth.
Rengoku had a flush growing on his cheeks and it made your heart swell at the pretty sight of your husband. You pushed yourself up on your knees and forced your tongue quickly through his lips, engaging in a heated kiss before pulling away, a string of saliva connecting before it broke. 
You let yourself down and pulled the underwear down to reveal Rengoku's long and thick cock, your mouth almost watering at wanting to pleasure this man, you loved to hear his moans and whimpers. His cock hit his stomach and you gently gripped his base, angling the throbbing length towards you, admiring the pre-cum leaking out of the tip.
Placing a wet kiss on the red tip of his cock, a moan trembled out Rengoku's mouth as his chest was shaking from the short and ragged breaths he was intaking. "You're so pretty, Kyo," you coo before dragging the flat of your tongue up the underside of his shaft, feeling the veins that sprung up to the head of his cock, a stream of whimpers leaving his mouth at the contact.
Rengoku's head threw back, his grip tightening on my hair as a gasp came from his lips. His mouth hissed as your fingers toyed with the slit in his shaft, spreading the pre-cum that spilt from his swelled tip before finally taking his throbbing length into your mouth. Your tongue swirled around his swollen pink tip before you took his cock further into your mouth.
"Please," Rengoku whimpered and you hummed in response, spreading vibrations through his cock. He moaned helplessly in response, causing you to want more of him. 
You let your mouth slip off of his cock, placing another whimper to emit from his lips. "'M just giving you the reward you deserve, Kyo. Always providing for me," you coo before taking his dick back into your soft and wet mouth. 
You were trying to take him as deep as you could without gagging on his cock, using your hand to jerk off the reminder that didn't fit into your mouth. Rengoku's whimpers and moans grew louder before he struggled to maintain a still stature. Rengoku began to move your head through the tuffs of your hair, your movements not your own as you removed your hand and let him take control.
He moans, "Feel so good."
When you take him carelessly and put him into your mouth, tears well up in the doe's eyes. Your cunt was soaking wetter by the moment, and the whimpers coming out of his mouth made it even more likely that he would soak your pants.
Rengoku started moving more quickly, which made you start crying even more. When you hollowed out your cheeks, he let out a stifled sigh that made him hesitate to approach further. He pulls away from you, his load spilling into your mouth.
Rengoku's eyes were wide when he looked down to see the tears slipping from your eyes. "My Flame, are you alright?" he asks worried and you nod.
You swallow the sticky come and you reply. "I am, Kyo. Just was overwhelming. 'M happy I made you feel so good," you hum standing up and wrapping your arms around him. "I love you so much."
He wraps his arms securely around your waist, burying his head into your chest, still with heated cheeks. "I love you more."
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
m.list | demon slayer m.list
i hope this was okay 🧍🏼‍♀️
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fanaticsnail · 8 months
Eyes Meeting
Masterlist Here. Part 2 here.
Word Count: 3,625
PLOT: Sanji is in a relationship with the ships chronicler. Zoro accidentally stumbles across them engaging together in intimacy. As soon as his eyes meet with the chronicler's, he is enchanted by their beauty in their bliss. Warnings: Smut, voyeurism, mdni, p in v, oral f receiving, "good girl" gendered term used, consent, throuple chemistry.
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Tag list: @sordidmusings@feral-artistry@gingernut1314, @vespidphoenix
The first time Zoro caught you and Sanji, he was placed with the task to request a meal for the Captain of the Going Merry. Luffy was hungry, and the chef was nowhere to be found. Zoro checked the kitchens first, followed by the crew quarters; the only members of the Straw-Hat crew located were Usopp and Nami, both hyper involved with their own personal tasks of tinkering and corroborating their findings before making port at the next suitable docks. 
Luffy was sleeping in the mens joint crew quarters, splayed over all four hammocks with his body melting between each of the woven sheets. No chef, no chronicler in sight. 
As he was about to give up the search for his two missing crewmen, he heard a chorus of voices melding together in the barrel of the crowsnest. It sounded like hushed conversation; no doubt sharing of ingredients needed to be procured and restocked in the next town. As Zoro made the climb of the ropes, he prepared a pre-emptive quip to piss off the chef in his head - all thoughts halting as his head peered over the barrel edge of the crows nest. 
Shirts askew, the darkened tie atop Sanji’s neck was firmly clutched within your fisted grasp. Pants pooled below his hips, your bottom half completely removed from your body all together and cast off beside you. The chef caged you beneath him, your hair splayed carelessly below you as Sanji thrust into you with the firm slap of thighs and hips meeting. Your legs were hooked over Sanji’s hips, his hand desperately raking up your flesh and grinding his pelvis into you with every deep thrust. 
Dual groans and mewls were cast into the air, silenced only by your restraint as Sanji continued to drill your bodies to chase their highs. You arched your back, cocking your head over to the side as Sanji pressed a desperate flurry of open-mouthed kisses against your pulse. Your eyes were closed, jaw slack and brow furrowed as Sanji continued to please you; blissfully ignorant to the presence of the swordsman who was completely oblivious to the fact that the two of you were in a relationship.
Until you opened your eyes. Eyes meeting immediately with the surprised expression of the tri-wielding swordsman. As soon as Zoro made eye contact with your glazed-over, lust blown eyes; his face tinted the deepest shade of red it could muster with its elevated flush. His breath hitched in his throat, the quip he had planned on uttering was flung hastily from all memory. He had never seen something so beautiful, yet so forbidden, in his life. You were breathtaking; even when caged below someone like the shit-cook. 
You quickly scrambled beneath Sanji, tapping his shoulder repetitively and warning him with your voice calling up at him. Snapping his eyes up, his gray gaze was met with the descending moss-colored hair as he bobbed beneath the wooden frame and hastily scrambled down the woven rope attached to the mast. 
“What is it, Dove? Did I hurt you? Are you okay?” Sanji hastily asked you, drawing up his right palm to collect your cheek. Your eyes were still wide with panic as they met your lover’s, who’s affectionate and concerned gaze immediately melted your heart.
“No, Sweetheart, nothing like that,” you reassured him, pressing a chaste kiss on the tip of his nose, “We-... -We had some company, that's all.” Sanji’s eyes widened, looking over to the edge of the crows nest. 
“Who saw-,” he began, halting his words as you confirmed his greatest insecurity.
“Zoro,” you sympathetically confessed. Immediately, Sanji’s cock softened; the mood tinting the air no longer filled with lust and desire at the utterance of his name. Sanji groaned in frustration, looking down to where your bodies once met and noticed the fresh pool of arousal coating your entrance. Perplexed and confused, he continued to look down at your core before looking to seek out your face; noticing you were glancing off to the side of where Zoro was priorly standing.
“And-... And you enjoyed him watching us? Us together?” His question sounded more like a statement, reaching down with his fingertips to pry apart your glistening folds. You gasped at the contact; shame and surprise both falling to you as he drew his fingers away from your entrance and presented to you. 
“Look, Dove! Look how wet you got!” He chuckled, his cock beginning to spring back to life at this small amount of knowledge. “Ohhh,” His taunting voice teased you, a suggestive and playful smile toying with you as he drew his hands up your thighs once more, “Somebody’s got a kink.”
“And you don’t mind-... Truly, Sanji? That this is-...” you trailed off, avoiding the unspoken question. Sanji sighed out a huffed laugh, looking down at you as he repositioned himself above you.
“My darling,” Sanji began, drawing up his hand to swipe a stray hair from your forehead to reveal your concerned face up to him, “I can share, you know. If that’s something you’re interested in, I am capable of playing nice.”
He slowly dragged his throbbing cock back into you, hunching his shoulders and huffing out a panted and strained breath of bliss. You threw your head back as you took in his entire length, body once again stretching to accommodate for his mass. 
“Even if it is with that stupid Moss-Head.” 
The second time he caught the two of you, he thought he was safe. It was two hours past midnight; the ship was lulling steadily with the crashing waves meeting the hull. The dull snores protruding from Usopp’s mouth was eclipsed by the growling roar of Luffy’s - both inhibiting the swordsman from acquiring adequate slumber. 
“Fuck this,” he uttered under his breath as he threw his legs over the side of the hammock and began his slow ascension towards the kitchens. Beer, he needed a beer. Perhaps even two. With a sake chaser, even. 
As the door opened, he first didn’t even see your body sitting within the right angle of the corner booth. Your eyes shut, head lulling back as you grasped the wooden table with your knuckles shaded almost white at the firmness of your closed fist. If he didn’t notice you, he surely didn’t notice Sanji beneath the table; with his tongue eagerly lapping your needy and desperate clit and raking his way down to your quaking entrance. 
Heavy thuds of boot covered feet broke you from your trance, Sanji’s tongue halting its movement momentarily as you both held your breath. Still as marble statues, you waited for the sleepless knight protector of the crew to retrieve what he desired and leave the kitchen for your private moment. 
Until you felt Sanji’s smiling lips press a mischievous kiss atop your inner thigh and trail dangerously close to your desperate, twitching and quivering clit. Your eyes widened in panic as Sanji tested a small, kitten lick against the pearled bud; prompting you to bite down hard on your bottom lip to halt a cry of bliss. 
At this muffled sound, Zoro paused his hands as they gripped the glass neck of a brown beer bottle within the refrigerator unit. He knew what was behind him. He could recognise that beautiful muffled melodious cry anywhere. That sound plagued his thoughts, eclipsed his dreams and drew many a fantasy to the forefront of his mind as he chased his own release within his fisted grasp. 
Zoro took in a slow and concentrated breath, retrieving two bottles of beer from the fridge within his right hand and turning towards the scene laid out before him. He completely ignored the fact he could see the matte, leather bottoms of Sanji’s black boots, and focussed solely on your expression.
“Chronicler,” he addressed you, gazing his hazelnut orbs directly into yours. You bit back another cry as Sanji pressed an open-mouthed kiss atop your sensitive nerve.
“S-Swordsman,” you managed to squeak out, hastily bringing your hands below you to attempt to draw Sanji’s face away from you. Sanji caught your wrists in his grasp and pinned them to the chair beside you. 
“You want a beer?” Zoro asked, his brow arching up as he slowly raked his eyes over your face. Your pulse was elevated and physically throbbing against your throat, your jaw clenched tightly shut and breath hitching.
“That sounds wonderful,” you grit your teeth as you attempt to halt Sanji’s lewd actions by closing your thighs around his head. He huffed out a laugh, bullying your legs to remain open as he dove back into making love with you with his tongue. He lapped, kissed and swirled his soft organ against you. Each twirled motion of his tongue had the pleasant scrape of his oral frenulum piercing against your flesh. 
Zoro narrowed his eyes, darting them between your lust-blown orbs. Your lip quivered, a lustful whimper threatening to spill over as Sanji continued flattening his skilled tongue against your clit and labia. Zoro’s jaw hung slack, watching your face attempting to hold back its contortion in bliss with sheer willpower and control alone. In two quick strides, Zoro was at the seat directly across from you and kicked it out with his right foot.
“This seat taken?” He arched his brow up, darkening his eyes at you with his own lust dictated with his blown pupils. 
“Be my guest,” you managed to huff out, fighting with all your might to halt your eyes from rolling back into your skull as Sanji’s firm grip continued to hold your hands in place. The approach of your stuttering climax was approaching dangerously close to the edge; your sanity almost tipping over as Zoro continued to make nonchalant and polite conversation with you.
“Couldn’t sleep?” He asked you, uncapping both of the beer bottles and placing one in front of you.
“Not y-yet,” you gasped, choking as Sanji began to bob his head with each motion against you. The coil within your abdomen began to twist, your toes and calves numbing and tingling indicating how close your climax was, “You?”
“Somethin’ keepin’ me up,” Zoro nodded, raising the neck of the beer bottle up to his lips and maintaining eye contact with your own. You strained against the desire to rock your hips against Sanji’s face, keeping still your only course of action to remain concealed as to what exactly was occurring below the table. 
“O-Oh?” you quirked your head, a small strained laugh of anxiety falling from your lips as you began to panic at how close you were. 
As Sanji continued to work you up, nuzzling his face against your core and trailing sensual kisses and romancing your glistening folds with his skillful ministrations; all you managed to relay to the swordsman a small strangled apology.
“I-I’m sorry, Z-Zoro,” you whimpered, your eyes filling slightly with embarrassed tears, “S-San-... Sanji!” At that, the coil within the pit of your stomach snapped, your eyes unintentionally closing as your brows furrowed in bliss. Jaw hanging slack, you cried out an unrestrained strangulation of groans and whimpers as you unintentionally rocked yourself against Sanji’s face. Riding your high, the swirl of pressure slowly turned into overstimulation with the fervor to which Sanji continued to dine on your arousal; lapping and cleaning as you gushed on his face. 
As soon as you recovered, you reopened your closed eyes; noticing the concentrated and unwavering expression of the swordsman in front of you. He was hypnotized. He was stuck in a trance, experiencing empathetic pleasure from watching your face contort in bliss as Sanji pleased you. Embarrassment was quickly replaced with shock as Zoro stood from his place against the table and hastily drained the remainder of the beer bottle. 
He placed the empty glass container back down atop the table and stepped over to you. You fought the urge to cower away from him as he claimed your chin within his right thumb and index finger.
“Did you just cum on the cook’s face?” he asked you, face serious and eyes unblinking as he siphoned your post-orgasm honesty from your parted lips.
“Yes,” you confessed breathily, panting and recovering from your prior high. He hummed, looking down his nose at you before hastily stooping down towards you. Bringing his nose almost brushing your own, he circled your face with his own while remaining to firmly grasp your chin within his calloused fingertips.
Zoro smirked, huffing out a breath from his nose and drawing his lips up to press a chaste kiss atop your forehead. You gasped in shock, not expecting such a display of affection from the swordsman. 
“Good girl,” he smirked, releasing your chin and turning to walk away from the two of you. Pausing at the door of the kitchen, he turned to witness Sanji crawling out from beneath the table and drawing his smiling lips up into a cocky smirk.
“You’re an ass,” you whispered your reprimand at the chef, prompting an unrestrained chuckle to fall from his lips gleefully. You hastily drew your hands up and collected the beer Zoro offered you earlier and hastily guzzled down the liquid as a balm for your nerves. 
“Yes,” Sanji confessed to you with a chuckle, “But I’m your ass. And you,” he stepped closer to you, “Oh you. You loved that.”
The third time Zoro caught the two of you, you were again in the kitchen. As the Going Merry docked at port; you and Sanji opted to remain behind to keep the ship secure and ensure all stock was listed in full. Nami nodded, accepting that as a viable option for two crewmen to remain behind. Usopp shrugged and uttered words of bringing back tales of their adventures upon their return. Luffy was in too much of a rush to sample the local delicacies to pay any heed to the amount of crewmen remaining behind, his nose and stomach immediately leading him onward in venturing inland.
But Zoro knew better. He knew that as soon as the crew were off on an adventure; the two of you would be tearing off each others clothes and fucking over every inch of undisturbed surface presented - no longer plagued with the confines of remaining quiet to not disturb the slumber nor focus of the crew. 
And that is exactly where he found you, looking deeply into the eyes of your blond lover with a playful smile; one mimicked by the man in front of you. He stood in the doorway as inconspicuous as he could make himself - only to have that illusion shattered by a single call from the blond chef.
“Yo, Moss,” Sanji called over to the door, “You there already?” Zoro did not want to talk to the shit-cook. His cock was straining uncomfortably against the front of his pants, brushing the sensitive tip against his rough pants.
Zoro growled in frustration at him, stepping to fall into the light of the kitchen. Zoro was met with the sight of Sanji hoisting you upwards by your thighs and placing you against the teal benchtop. Your missing bottoms were lying askew with Sanji’s shirt and tie on the floor, as Sanji stood between your legs, fumbling with his belt but otherwise completely bare. Your bra strap hung limply from your shoulder, your breasts remaining perfectly secure within the cups but marked with a litter of kisses trailing up your clavicle to your pulse. 
“You staying for the show?” he teased him, releasing his pretty cock from the confines of his pants and teasing the tip between your folds. Shock and panic was written over your face, unsure of how to react to such a suggestion. 
“You want curbside?” Sanji called over his shoulder at the swordsman, slowly stretching you with his shiny tip; pulsating with the heavy flow of arousal, “Or front row.” 
Immediately, you clutched Sanji’s shoulders and raked your nails along their muscular curvature. Zoro couldn’t look away, your sultry eyes beckoning him to step closer with each slow blink. As Sanji began to pick up the pace of his thrusts, Zoro was pulled closer into the kitchen. 
Closing the door behind him, he, at first, attempted to play his enthusiasm down and made his way over to the sink. His actions halted at the first strangled cry of pleasure being pulled from your throat by the deep thrusts of the chef within your warmth. 
“You can call him over, you know,” Sanji whispered in a voice only audible to you before pressing a chaste kiss on your jaw, “You can even kiss him if you want.” At that small encouragement from your lover, you glanced over to the swordsman standing by the table; his knuckles white as they clutched the countertop.
“Zoro?” You called to him in a hushed whimper, drawing his attention immediately to you. Eyes meeting, he immediately began walking towards you and taking his desired place beside you. Sanji was relentless, not easing up his bullying pace against your entrance. With each thrust, your body quaked and legs shaked with the intensity of your excitement at this new aspect of your relationship. 
Your toes curled as the angular tip of Sanji’s cock brushed with the sensitive upper middle of your walls, stimulating your g-spot and causing you to cry out a strangled whimper of bliss. Snapping quicker, Sanji continued to thrust and propel the both of you to your mutual orgasms - your walls thumping and squeezing his sensitive shaft with each drag within your core.
“You gonna cum?” Zoro asked you, his face dangerously close to yours, “You gonna be a good girl and cum on the cook’s cock?” You whimpered again, nodding in confirmation as Sanji continued to brace you against the countertop. 
Hesitantly, Zoro broke eye contact with you and met Sanji’s eyes; wordlessly asking if it was okay to touch you with a pointed look. Sanji continued thrusting, nodding before placing his forehead against your shoulder and chasing his high. The swordsman drew back his eyes as he collected your cheek within his palm and pressed his forehead against yours. 
“You’re taking his cock so well,” he complimented you, raking his hand down to grasp the back of your neck; the back of his hand almost brushing with Sanji’s cheek as he continued thrusting into you. Sanji reached down and began to stimulate your throbbing clit with circular motions. Your lips hung agape as the peak of your orgasm began to toy at the final barrier - refusing to break until Sanji met his climax. 
“Go on,” Zoro encouraged you, brushing his chapped lips against your open mouth and gave you one final command, “Cum for him. Cum on his cock. I want to hear your pretty sounds as you come undone on his cock.” Zoro drew you in for a long kiss on your forehead, Sanji’s whimpers against your ear indicated he was about to spill his load within you. 
“Oh, Dove-... I-I’m-... I can’t-... hnfmm-...” Sanji’s strangled cries were paired with ropes of thick cum painting your walls with their pearled beads. As soon as his stuttered movements began to frantically chase and thrust, your walls began pulsating as white sparks danced behind your eyes. Zoro broke the kiss, his eyes meeting your own as you screamed past the overstimulation of your electric orgasm. 
“O-Oh, fuck,” Zoro whispered, his precum soaking his pants through his underwear. His cock twitched without stimulation, quivering in empathetic pleasure as it begged for a simple brush of movement. Without thinking, Zoro immediately thrust his hand into his pants, strangling his shiny knob in an attempt to halt his orgasm to no avail. 
His palm was coated with the sticky strings of his orgasm, shuddering as he rode his triggered orgasm against his fist to chase his release. He gyrated into his hand, riding with the same staggered thrusts that Sanji was stimulating you with. Zoro placed a bruising kiss against your forehead as he continued to ride his high into his palm - surprise overcoming the three of you at this unrestrained collective bliss. 
As you all came down from your mutual highs, Sanji removed himself from your arousal coated walls - a pool of mixed fluids leaking from your hole as you all began to regain composure. 
“So,” Sanji began, walking his naked form over to the sink and preparing several elements to clean the mess he created with you, “You like to watch.” Zoro growled, prompting Sanji to laugh in response. 
“I like to watch the chronicler, not you, chef,” Zoro growled, before realizing exactly what he was confessing. Shock overcame you once more. Too tired to care anymore, you turned to the swordsman and placed your hand on his shoulder; turning him to meet your eyes once more. 
“I like you watching us, Zoro,” you confessed with a shy smile. He returned your soft smile, pressing his forehead to yours and sighing down into your face. Sanji turned back around, witnessing his lover press themselves against the knight of the Going Merry. He smiled at the sight, knowing truly how it felt to be loved by you. He was surprised at how much he, too, enjoyed being watched by the swordsman.
Perhaps he enjoyed being watched so much that he might desire to be the one watching next time.
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Dey'ralen Thenan
It takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations.
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enoe-of-noen · 30 days
An Mc who has a bad day
☞ Nightbringer timeline (sorry if anything is inaccurate, I forgor)
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It had started off as any normal day. Of course, excluding the three times Mc stubbed their toe on their bed. Nor the tripping out the door, face planting on the harsh terrain. Nor getting smacked in the nose by the elbow of a taller demon. Nor the puddle they accidentally stepped in, muddying their uniform. They got a talking to from the eldest born of the sins. Although, that was usual.
Yet the day continued, their bad luck following. Their uniform got caught on a door, embarrassing them as they fell to the ground the second time that day. They fell down the stairs, twitching in anger as Mammon helped them up. They almost passed out when they saw their bag drenched from the one and only avatar of envy. All of their homework…
It was truly awful, they felt exhausted. Luckily, they have comforting company.
Living in Cocytus Hall together, he was the first to witness Mc’s terrible, terrible day.
He winced every time Mc physically hurt themselves, offering to heal them.
He was denied each time since Mc said they could take it.
Welp, now he feels horrible.
It seemed every time he looked over to them, another incident happened.
He couldn’t just leave them so helpless to their environment, perhaps a little protective spell could help?
At home, Solomon will offer to cook something good for them. Which was promptly denied.
Solomon allows them to vent, once again offering to heal them with magic if need be.
Letting Mc rest, Solomon uses magic to help clean out their uniform and waterproof their bag. Whatever he could magic-fy to prevent another day like this to happen.
After doing what he could, he joins them in bed, providing his warmth.
Mc admits it was a bad day, but at least they have the one and only Monsolo by their side.
Mammon stuck close to his attendant.
After witnessing them tumble almost an entire flight of stairs scared the bejeebers out of him.
He felt like a sad puppy by their side, keeping a keen eye on them.
Even if he couldn’t be by their side physically, Mc could tell whenever a crow was in the area.
Walking home, he frantically looked around for any hazards to Mc.
His brothers laughed at him for sort of switching the roles, but he didn’t care.
Mc found it endearing, brightening their day just enough.
Before Mc left to go back to Cocytus Hall, they thanked Mammon for all his efforts.
It made him blush red.
He wanted to do so much more with them.
He didn’t think a common demon could do so much to him.
And yet, they left to go back to that stupid wizard.
Oh Mc…
Does this feel yandere-coded or is that just me?
He’ll make sure tomorrow, he’ll keep them safe and sound!
Having a meeting with the newly appointed avatars’ attendant, he noticed their dull mood.
Being the considerate prince he was, he asked how their day was.
Mc sighed, setting down their tea cup before spilling it all.
Diavolo’s brows furrowed after hearing accident after accident, physically recoiling when he heard how they fell down a flight of stairs.
He pitied the poor demon, knowing how annoying that could be.
He offered more snacks to ease them and let them relax.
Mc smiled and enjoyed themselves, making small talk with Diavolo.
Mc decided that maybe today wasn’t so bad. They had Diavolo.
And while it may not have been their Diavolo, he was ever the same in both the past and the present.
They thanked him for his time and complimented Barbatos’ baking.
Mc walked home just a little bit happier that evening.
He had noticed Mc’s mishaps throughout the entire day, giving a worried glance.
In small moments, when given the chance, he helped them avoid the incidents or helped them up.
He offered Mc to come over to the palace for a quick snack with Diavolo. Something to relax them.
Mc couldn’t say no to Barbatos, not when he was offering to serve them in such a way.
Barbatos always was and always will be a great cook. There is no denying that.
He offered a protective charm, saying a demon such as Mc would probably do well with it.
Mc appreciated the gesture, wearing it proudly back to Cocytus Hall.
Let’s just say, Soloboy was a tad bit jealous.
Oh my, the poor demon.
He squeaked every time he saw Mc, seeing them take a step closer and closer to another accident.
He couldn’t take it and approached them.
He figured they had enough trouble for one day, offering to take them out somewhere nice.
Inconspicuously protecting them with his angelic aura.
Hanging around Simeon, Mc found the day…more manageable.
If they had tripped, Simeon caught them easily.
If they had a worrying gut feeling, it dissipated the instant Simeon smiled at them.
If they had felt their body stiffen instinctively, Simeon provided comfort.
It was…odd.
Why is he acting like a guardian angel to a lowly demon?
Does he perhaps know Mc is a human that needs protecting?
Is it instinct?
After their little date, Simeon dropped Mc off to Cocytus Hall. He smiled as he saw the wizard open the door.
“I decided to take them out for a stroll around, I hope you don’t mind, Solomon.” He smiled at the white haired man.
Solomon smiled back at him, feeling a twinge of jealousy. “Not a problem, Simeon. As long as my little apprentice is safe.”
Simeon raised a brow at that remark. A human caring for a demon was surprising to him.
Although, he couldn’t judge with how he felt for the brothers.
“I’ll be off, good day, Mc.” He smiled gently at them.
Mc didn’t know what to feel in that moment. That wasn’t their Simeon..and yet..
And yet, he was so familiar. He was so reliable. He was so..safe.
Mc needed to lie down, their brain shackled with too many thoughts.
“I miss my Simeon..” was all they could think that night.
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Idk what else to do so, maybe part two?
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maleyanderecafe · 9 months
Video Game Recommendations
Indie Visual Novels
Solipsism Reigns
Eat your heart Valentine!
My Darling
Home’s Embrace
Don’t Take This Risk
XOXO Blood Droplets
Yandere Love: Chains of Fate
Sweetest Valentine
Forgive My Sins, Father
You Are My Sunshine
Pulsato Cordis
Picture Perfect Boyfriend
Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel...HELP!!
ITYH: A Horror Otome
Froot Basket Valentine
Invite Me In
What's Your Name?
Yandere Heaven
Love Me Not
Too Deep In Love
Love Company
Pocket Lover!
A Portrait of Feathers
Dr. Morgan's Counseling Session
Picture Perfect Romance
Tentador Leches
Colorful Mirai: Spooky Edition
Be My Muse
Froot Basket Dark Chocolate
The Science of Staying Awake
Eat Your Heart Valentine 2
Line 88
Please Don't Hate Christmas
Lucky Day!
House Check
Mushroom Oasis
Gentle Fall
Sweet Dreams
Where Winter Crows Go
A Date with Denial
Kimbark Street
Past Hope
The Stranger from the Bus Stop
Love Me Dearly
Akahane Academy
Flowers of Evil
Bleeding Canvas
My Ange
Is it Wrong to want to be Locked up, Toyed with and Tortured by a Hot Guy?
Bittersweet Blythe
Klein v0.1
Rot with Me
Inclement Idee Fixe
Death by Fire
Dear Devere
Domestic Dread
The Shades of Red
Blood and Lust and Lust for Blood
Eternal Dreamscape
Pretty Boy Panic
RPG/ Other Types of Games
Devil's Gankuran
Desperate Love Feast
Desert Nightmare
Love, Sam
Doom Stones
Ephemeral Fantasy on Dark
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unlimitedlust · 1 month
Just Pretend - Noah Sebastian x Reader (+18)
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Author’s Note:
Hey everyone, this is a halloween themed one shot, I know there’s still a couple of months left to halloween, but "Just Pretend" + the cold weather over here got me inspired on that theme, so there you go 🎃
Warnings: 18+ (as always), old love, fingering, unprotected p in v, creampie. As always: English is not my first language, forgive me for any mistakes.
W/C: 2.8K
I’m quite insecure about this one in particular because I think my head’s been frozen by the cold these days, but anyway I hope you enjoy it!
Please, let me know your thoughts on this one on the comments and feel free to like and/or reblog it, your feedback means the world to me ❤️
Now have fun!
Halloween night was one of your favorite nights of every year. You loved the decorations in the neighborhood, the autumn color leaves covering the streets, the costume parties, the smell of pumpkin spices, anyway, you loved everything around this season.
But this year you had a halloween date. Your neighbor’s son, Bill, whom you’d been talking online for a while now, was in town and had invited you to a halloween fair.
Even though Bill was exactly your type of guy and seemed to be a very decent man, you weren’t ready to get involved with someone new, deep down you knew Noah was still under your skin.
Your relationship with him was short but as intense as it could get in every aspect, but at the same time you two were like magnets to each other, you were in different moments of your lives, so it tore you apart.
But almost a year had gone by since you last saw him and you needed to move on, and what better way to do that other than going on a date with a very hot and attractive man and maybe - hopefully - get lucky at the end of the night?
Today you were feeling bold and confident, so you wore your Akatsuki cloak zipped up to your neck with nothing but a black lingerie set underneath it, black boots and Itachi’s headband around your forehead. You applied some makeup in shades of red and black, with a blood red lipstick on your plump lips and finished it all up by letting your hair fall loose on your back.
Just as you finished getting ready you heard your doorbell ringing and your date was there, dressed as very hot Fred Kruger. You were definitely getting some tonight.
It was a cloudy and chilly night, but the cozy atmosphere of the fair kept you warm along with your date’s company. 
You walked hand in hand under the yellow light strings hovering over the fair, laughing about a silly joke Bill had just told you when for a split second you thought you’d seen a familiar face in the crowd, Noah’s face. You tried to look back at the direction you thought you saw him, but he wasn’t there.
“Are you okay?” Bill’s light squeeze in your hand took your attention as you’d stopped walking out of sudden.
“Yeah sure” You reassured him with a smile, although still startled by the thought of seeing him there.
You shook it off and kept on walking with Bill to a caramel apple tent. He bought one and drove it to your lips, offering you the first bite as you dug your teeth on the hard caramel shell, successfully taking a piece of the apple and Bill ran his thumb on the right corner of your lip to clean a small piece of caramel stuck there.
You thanked him and suddenly felt a pair of eyes lingering heavily on you coming from your right, and that’s when you knew you weren’t seeing things. Noah was there. The Crow’s makeup all over his face and short hair now, but definitely Noah.
Your eyes connected for a split second but you averted yours quickly, locking them on your date again so he wouldn’t see that you got distracted from him once more, after all you were flustered and your heart was hammering in your chest, but you didn’t want to ruin your date.
Bill took your hand again and led you to the big corn maze by the end of the fair and you thanked him internally for taking you away from Noah’s sight.
You giggled nervously at the scarecrows by the entrance of the maze as you yourself were avoiding a very specific “crow”.
“Come on, let’s split up, if I make it to the end first I win another date with you, what do you say?” Bill suggested as you got inside the maze.
“Then I might just lose on purpose” You winked at him and parted ways inside the maze.
You were glad your date had the idea of splitting up inside the maze because seeing Noah unexpectedly after such a long time had you on edge and you really needed some alone time to process everything.
So you wandered aimlessly through the maze, not bothering to actually find its way out or even marking the places you’d passed by already.
“Y/N” A deep voice behind you made you stop on your tracks as you immediately recognized its owner.
You turned to meet him and his gaze and you couldn’t help but to revel on how terribly captivating he looked as The Crow, the white skin contrasting heavily with the dark makeup, the smeared eyeliner around his eyes and running down his cheeks and the black lipstick to finish it all up as Eric Draven.
“Hey Noah” Uncertainty laced your voice as he took a couple of steps in your direction, standing only a couple of feet away from you.
“Nice costume choice” He raked his eyes over you dressed as one of his favorite characters, which also happened to be one of your favorite.
“Thanks, you look good too… What are you doing here?” You spit out faster than you intended.
“Just wanted to check on you… Is that your new boyfriend?”
“No, not yet at least” You shrugged, unsuccessfully trying to look unphased.
“I hope he treats you right” He took another step closer, towering over you “It’s a shame that by this time a year ago we were proudly matching our costumes out there”
The weight of his words and the memories they brought caught you off guard as a knot of longing formed on your throat.
He sighed “It hurts to see you with someone new”
You widened your eyes in bewilderment at his confession followed by a lightning bolt lighting up the sky, announcing the rain as isolated but heavy raindrops started to slowly pour.
“It took you seeing me move on to reach out to me?” You asked in a hurt tone. The countless nights you spent crying over your break up only to hear it after such a long time “That’s not fair, Noah”
The pouring got heavier and you and your clothes started to soak in its cold droplets.
“I really wish I could come back in time to fix things… I’m sorry”
“I…” Your head was all over the place, you weren’t able to think things straight at that point. Having him in front of you brought back the butterflies in your stomach and at that very moment, despite the hurt that still lingered, you didn’t wanna discuss things long overdue “We both know it was my fault too, there’s no need for you to apologize for the past now” 
You both smiled gently at each other and he took your hand in his.
“Come on, we can continue this someplace else, it’s cold and the rain is getting heavier”
You followed him through the maze and only now you realized how big and puzzling it really was, because you wouldn’t know your way out of there on your own, especially with the rain and the thunders rumbling in the sky.
Sensing your apprehension, Noah brought you closer to his body wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“We’re far from the way out yet, but there’s a shed around the next corner, we’ll stay there until it stops raining, okay?”
You nodded and seconds later, just as he’d promised, there was a small wooden shed amongst the corn maze.
He closed the door behind you and although it wasn’t the most comfortable place in the world, it was better than staying under that cold rain. You were shivering as you took off the soaking wet boots from your feet, bothered by the slushy feeling of your wet socks inside them.
“You should take off that cloak too, it’s too wet, you’ll get sick if you don’t” Having him protective over you after all this time got you feeling warm inside.
But there was a problem, if you took it off you’d be practically naked in front of him, so you just hoped he’d let that go as Noah rummaged through a cabinet trying to find something to warm you.
“I found you a blanket” He turned to hand it to you, but stopped on his tracks when he saw you trembling, with your cloak still on “Are you okay?”
He placed the blanket on a chair and came closer, both of his hands cupping your cheeks as he gently tilted your face so his gaze could meet yours. The warmth of his hands spread down your body as you melted with the way he caressed your cheeks affectionately and you lost yourself in his perfect features, the way the wet strands of his hair dangled over your face hypnotizing you with how hot he looked with his new haircut.
“I am. It’s just the cold” You answered lightly as you unwittingly leaned into his palm, earning a kiss on your forehead.
“Then come on, let’s take that cloak off, I really don’t want you getting sick on me”
His fingers went to the zipper right above your chin, but your hands held his wrist in place as he was about to pull the zipper down.
“I can’t” Noah had a puzzled look on his face as he waited for a believable explanation “I… I’m…”
“I’m waiting”
“I’m not wearing anything but bra and panties”
The air inside the shed got suddenly thick as he processed that information. At the same time it thrilled him knowing that basically only a cloak had him away from your body, he was mad about the idea you’d wore like that for another man.
“For him?” The anger in his tone sent another wave of shivers down your spine as he cornered you, his face and his body only inches away from yours as his gaze burned holes into you.
And like a flipped switch, you weren’t feeling cold anymore and the rain wasn’t the only thing that had you wet.
“He’s not the one in front of me now, is he?” You teased him and dropped your hands from his wrist, his hand still on your zipper.
Taking it as a signal, Noah pulled the zipper down slowly, your chest heaving in anticipation as his gaze fell on your body, drinking you in after so long. With your bra now fully exposed, he bit his bottom lip as he watched your hardened nipples perched up against the transparent layer of black lace covering them.
Once he’d finished unzipping the cloak, you slipped it off your shoulders and let it fall on the floor, Noah’s eyes were predatory over you.
Breaking the distance between your bodies, Noah hooked his finger in the waistband of your panties and pulled you towards him at the same time he finally connected your lips in a fierce kiss.
Your tongues rolled against each other as you both drowned in the intensity of the moment, devouring each other after so long, your fingers entangling in his wet hair pulling him impossibly closer as he ground his hips against you, allowing you to feel how hard he was for you.
He let go of you for short seconds to take off his wet coat and black t-shirt, his once black lips were now stained by your red lipstick and you only wondered what you were looking like, hair wet from the rain and red and black lipstick stained all over your lips just like his.
“I fucking missed you” He groaned before latching his lips on yours again passionately.
One of his hands kept you glued against him as the other made its way on your spine, finding and undoing your bra clasp swiftly, making it slide off your shoulders right after.
Both his hands cupped your now exposed breasts and fondled them, kneading them as he played and pinched your nipples between his fingers while his lips now left yours and trailed down your neck, leaving angry marks on his way because he had full intention of marking you as his.
Your hands traveled down his chest and abs to his belt, fumbling it open as his tongue and teeth abused the most sensitive spots on your neck, making you whine softly on his ear at each sting followed by his soothing tongue.
After unbuckling his belt, one of your hands found its way inside his pants, palming his hard restrained length, making him grunt and buck his hips forward against you as you started to pump him slowly just to entice him.
One of his hands left your chest and went straight down between your legs, wasting no time in pulling your panties aside and pushing two of his fingers inside you, the sudden stretch making you gasp and clench around him, as he immediately started to work on the special place inside you he knew got you seeing stars.
You hooked a leg around his waist allowing him to go deeper with his fingers as you now took support on his shoulders, your body under such a pleasure you didn’t thrust your own balance.
“Noah…” The way his name came from your lips as he finger fucked you felt like music to his ears because since the last time you’d been together he dreamt about hearing it again.
“I fucking missed this…”
Along with his fingers, Noah started working on your clit with his thumb, applying pressure on it as he drew tight circles on it, making you bite the crook of his neck to keep a scream out of you as you were seconds away from your orgasm. Until he pulled away, making you whine in frustration.
“I wanna feel you cumming on my cock”
He licked the fingers that were inside you and the look on his face while he did that, like he was just having a taste of heaven, got you throbbing in need.
You took off your panties as Noah pulled his pants and underwear down just enough to free his hard erection, then pulled you up against the wall, your legs hooking around his hips as he held you by your ass cheeks, lining his tip to your entrance.
Your eyes were connected as he pressed against you, both of you moaning on each other’s lips as his entire length sinked at once inside you due to how wet you were, stretching you in a way only he did.
Your head fell back on the wall behind you as he slowly slid in and out of you, bottoming you out at every thrust, your manicured nails clawed down his back as he started to pick up the pace and the intensity of his rhythm.
You trailed love bites on his neck right below his ear, where you knew he was sensitive, earning a low grunt out of him as he focused on fucking the shit out of you against that wall, the position allowing you to feel every inch of him inside you, pushing all of your right buttons.
One of his hands found its way between your bodies and he instantly connected his fingers on your clit, moving them in sync with his hips slamming against you, and the feeling of him throbbing inside you along with his fingers on your clit got you closer to your high once again.
“Noah, I’m so close, don’t stop” You begged in his ear and you felt his skin shiver under your touch with your words.
The angle and the depth of his thrusts, along with a very specific flick of his fingers on your clit made your eyes roll to the back of your head as your body shuddered and your walls clenched around him, a deep moan erupting from your lungs as he kept fucking you, painfully riding your high as he too was close to his own.
Just as he felt your body going limp in his arms, he was about to pull out when you kept him inside by locking your legs around his waist and begging on his ear: “Cum inside me please”
Your plea got him cumming hard as his fingers dug into your hips keeping you in place as he stilled, spilling deep inside you as he bit the crook of your neck, still high from his release.
He leaned his forehead against yours and kissed you gently as he pulled out of you, his cum running down your thighs as he did so, and you missed him inside you already. You missed him.
“I missed you so much” You wrapped your arms around his neck, afraid of having to let him go again and it was now your turn to confess “Heaven knows I’m never getting over you”
“Wanna try again?”
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little-annie · 2 months
Just a little drabble inspired by @sentient-trash and this beautiful piece of artwork.
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Since last night everything around him just seems a little bit brighter.
The sun, the sky, the light in Eddie's eyes when they met Steve's just this morning.
Even working at Family Video with the musty carpets, crackling speakers and Robin's constant nattering. It all seems a touch more bearable with the taste of Eddie's good morning kiss on his lips.
“You're in love? Steve, really?”
‘Yeah,’ he thinks to himself as he enters another returned tape into the system, forgetting to answer Robin completely. ‘Fucking yeah he is.’
It's just… last night was perfect. Something out of the movies. Eddie's hand in his, the feel of his calloused skin against Steve's palm. Their laughter and how it was accompanied by the gentle chitter of crickets in the grass, their melody carried away by the late night breeze.
It wasn't supposed to end up that way.
Smoke a joint. Yell at the moon. Go home.
Not dancing in the din of the moon and the stars. The lights of Eddie's van casting their shadows over the open grassy field as they swayed in each other's arms. The silhouettes of their bodies cascading over the land.
All it took was for Steve to hum the tune of Faithfully and Eddie to admit he actually liked the song, and then suddenly they were dancing. Steve was pulled from his position in the tall grass and up into Eddie's arms where they laughed and sang and eventually settled against each other until they fell quiet. And then the evening turned into something else entirely as they swayed and the grip they held on one another grew tighter.
“Do you even hear me?”
It was there in Eddie's arms, the moon as his witness, that Steve thinks he fell in love. He never wanted to leave that moment. If he could live eternity in Eddie's grasp, in some long forgotten field with the light of the moon and stars raining down on them, he would. He'd dance in fields of fireflies and live with the knowledge that even their glow was nothing compared to the fire burning in his heart. Let it scorch his soul and alight his veins only to live a few mere seconds more with Eddie's breath against his neck and arm around his waist.
He'd let the fire consume him completely to feel Eddie's lips press to his for the first time again.
“You're a lost caus-” Distantly Steve hears the ring of the front door's bell, and the beginning of Robin's bored company mandated greeting, “Welcome to family- oh, hey Eddie.”
Never has Steve's attention been grasped so fast.
He doesn't even realise he breathes the man's name out himself. Lost to the trance that's amber eyes and a striking smile.
“Light of my life!” Eddie crows happily in response, moving with an uncharacteristic sort of grace to the checkout counter Steve's still standing behind, forgotten return tape still grasped in his hand.
His knees feel a little weak as Eddie approaches, eventually leaning with an elbow on the red formica and pillowing his chin on a ring clad fist.
His eyes are just as beautiful as Steve remembers, the glow of burning embers locked away in his earth toned gaze.
They're both silent for a moment, ignoring the way Robin's fake gagging only a few feet away. But eventually Edsie speaks again, this time though, voice low enough for only Steve to hear as he asks, “You want to do that again?”
Only for every night for the rest of my life
Cheeks suddenly so much more rosy than they just were, Eddie reaches for Steve's hand and whispers, “I could live with that.”
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Hello! I was wondering if you could write hcs for how everyone would be at a carnival?? Thank you<3
The Best of All Amenities (All x MC/Reader - Carnival/Amusement Park HCs)
Hello my beloved Anon, I hope you have an awesome day/night! <33 Thanks for letting me write this for you, and I'm sorry for the extreme lateness of this. I'm on my knees right now forgive me Anon raaaa.
Btw I'm getting back into the habit of writing so cut me some slack for this one. I'm also not experienced with carnivals at all so I apologise for potential inaccuracies my dear. </33
Post-Completion A/N: I just realised this said carnival instead of fucking amusement park I'm so done. I tried to make it work for both I'm sorry Anonnie. i'm sorry but have this anywayy because i've never been to a carnival and don't know what the hell goes on there and also I am kinda silly and if this is inaccurate I apologise
T.W.: Mentions of vomiting.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Amenities: something that helps to provide comfort, convenience, or enjoyment. 
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Brittney is a walking carnival let's be real.
Like her hair screams classic circus-tent except the white and red is pink and blue.
Would get cotton candy and judgmentally eat it while surveying the rides.
Y'all would be going around looking at everything.
She's probably gonna try to not get on anything because she's shitting herself at the thought of getting on a coaster frfr "not bothered".
Will carry iced coffee around, she somehow has an endless surplus of coffee. It's genuinely terrifying.
You both will wander around and gossip, along with judging the outfits of everyone else like it's a fashion strip.
Will get angry af if the line takes too long.
Will get on at least 1 ride out of spite, ends up almost vomiting. "Never again."
Y'all are paparazzi tho like shit's crazy with how many photos you both take of each other. shame it ain't the kinky kind
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Deryl would go berserk. Like this boy will literally lose his marbles from joy.
If you invite him to any gathering, amusement park, carnival (hell any park at all), this boy will be dragging you everywhere.
Indecisive about where to go.
Very indecisive about what to eat. he'll harass you for food teehee
Is the type to get really excited about rollercoasters, until it's your turns to go on one.
In that case he'll start panicking.
You'll have to convince him he's not gonna die.
Will be quaking in his boots from fear.
Don't worry he gets on the ride anyway. Especially if he gets one from you after.
Will just be having a blast despite the terror tbh.
Will not go into any haunted house tho.
Like he will sprint out of there.
You'll have to run after him so he won't get lost lmfao.
Will expect emotional support from you after.
You both have a massive ton of fun tho prepare for more bedroom edition fun later.
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Jess will be sceptical.
Don't get her wrong, she'd love to go.
But she's shy and a massive homebody.
and can't socialise to save her life
When you both get there, she'll be overwhelmed by the amount of people.
Sorry broski you're gonna have to do the talking.
Will be scared af of the rides, will clutch onto you for dear life.
May be the type to silently vanish and reappear because she's a midget often caught up in staring at venues and looking at things.
Will be the type to just cling to you tbh
She's either glued to you or unstick so hard and fast she'll teleport to the other side of the planet.
You'll probs take photos tbh, she does have an internet influence.
Y'all will be discussing each others' fav idols and celebs over desserts.
And of course loving each other's company and hopefully bodies.
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Crowe will be happy to go wherever with you.
So he'll def be willing to do anything at this entertainment complex.
Yáll are probs gonna grab some snacks and take more mellow rides tbh.
He doesn't seem the type to like really violent ones.
Will probably be the type to just observe you go on a ride.
Will also take photos. He wants to admire you remember this day. <33
Will hold your drinks as well.
Will just serve as your porter and server let's be real.
He'll def go on the more chill rides tho.
Will even let his hair down to feel the wind. >:]
and also so you can pull it ngh
10/10 hair pulling sesh would do again yeehaw
You both have an epic day together. Time for an even sexier night
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Hyugo would have already been dragging you places.
So when he stumbles upon the existence of this place, you bet he's taking you there.
Y'all are gonna be fucking parading around.
He's gonna just *point* somewhere and you're going.
Like it's not even a question or a debate.
He'll have a maniacal grin on his face while doing it too.
i'm scared send help
shawty getting a tad cray cray here
You're going on a ride hehe and he's gonna stare ahead very intently, grip the steel bar and have a very spoopy grin on his face.
Has a blast.
Y'all go everywhere, you make time for everything.
He'll shoot people in the line to make sure you have time teehee
y'all wont get arrested cause his daddy's got money
Oh. And candy.
You both eat all the candy.
You both also spend like 2 hours vomiting because of how much candy you had.
10/10 would puke guts out again.
But you both genuinely just have a blast. Shame it ain't a blast of smth white and sticky.
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Geo will spawn at the venue with the most monotone expression ever. he's still shocked you invited him teehee
Will recoil at the sight of the massive crowds, will probably drag you off somewhere quieter.
Alas there aren't that many 'quiet' places to go to, so he'll grow to tolerate it (because of you and only you).
Will be the type to order food that he knows you like felt like getting, gives it to you anyway.
Will not be caught dead going on a ride, the screaming irritates him too much.
Unless you beg enough, then he'll do one of his choosing. (it's the most violent one because he wants you to stop calling him a scaredy-cat).
Will be dead silent the whole time, gets off unfazed AF (he'll be hiding his nausea dwdw).
Will also probably hide his face because...his influence, his reputation, (his beautiful sexy face), the fucking paparazzi.
Will probably try to make you go somewhere else with him after, like a cafe or smth, somewhere 'peaceful'.
Does enjoy himself though, will probably not admit it due to...pride.
Only thing is; nowhere's more peaceful than your bed teehee
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Sol literally will be squealing with joy if you ask him to go anywhere with you.
This man is too down bad to live.
May or may not buy ice cream so he can watch you sensually lick it.
This bastard will 110% enter any form of haunted house just to see if you'd (hopefully) cling to him.
Will end up clutching your hand either way. <333
Everything is on him, like. E v e r y t h i n g. even you!!
You can't pay for anything, 'tis illegal.
Will be the type to just sit on a ride and hold back a smile because he's not bothered to scream like everyone else (he hates it when people do that, will probs wear headphones for the noise), so he'll just sit there and quietly rejoice.
Will bring his own food beforehand, in case you both don't wanna spend money on the stupidly expensive food there.
Is genuinely happy af tho, this guy will do whatever you want, win whatever you want.
Also will threaten people to move out of the line if they're holding it up or something.
Has no shame.
And that's okay.
Because the shameful things he does in the bedroom is more than enough to balance it out. ;)
You both have a banger time tho. *claps approvingly*
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alexa-fika · 7 months
Hello! I am the anon who requested the winged!child! Dracule reader, I got so giddy when I saw your reply. And yes the red haired is fine.
Seriously your work is awesome ♡♡
Lost Birds ( Red Haired Pirates x gn!child!Dracule!Reader)
A/N: Guys Finally! After watching the screen for hours it finally hit me and I think I COOKED, also thank you anon l, you’re gonna make me blush. -Yall I fell asleep while writing that this was meant to be posted yesterday 💀
Dividers by @saradika
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Yassop sat at the crow’s nest, watching over the ship as usual and looking for any danger to the Red Force; his attention diverted to bustle below him, his crew involved in their usual antics despite the dangers awaiting them upon their arrival.
He glanced at his Captain talking to his first mate; when he first announced they were to head to Marineford, he was surprised, but he never hesitated; he knew what was at stake, how much lives could be lost if this was left alone
His thoughts were quickly interrupted as a sound came from above him; his head shooting up, he promptly took out his weapon and aimed it at an approaching figure, alerting the crew below him
His eyes narrowed as a sound started being heard the closer the figure got
“What is it, Yassop?” Beckman questions from the deck
Yassop stayed silent with his weapons still drawn, his eyes carefully analysing the figure in approaching them,
“We have company,” Yassop finally responded in a calm voice.
“There!” He said shooting towards the figure
“Ah!” Dokucha exclaims quickly, diving down to avoid the shot
“Hey! Mister, that’s rude!” they exclaim, landing on the deck of the ship only to shriek at the sound of a gun being cocked right behind them
Behind them stood Benn Beckman, pointing his weapon at them the rest of the officers not far behind
“Who are you?” He inquired, the usual cigarette resting on his lips, his eyebrows raising as Dokucha turned around, his weapon lowering slightly
“You’re just a kid…wait, you’re…”
“Dokucha?” Asks Shanks, walking closer to the small child kneeling down next to them
“Uncle Shanks? Uncle Shanks!” They laugh, throwing themselves at the man
Shanks laughed, wrapping his arms around the child, who was visibly smaller than him
"It's been a while since I've seen you" he smiled, brushing their hair
“You know them, Cap?” Question Yassop climbing down from his previous spot
“Did you drink too much yassop, or did you forget their face?” Pipes Beckman
Yassop Glances at the kid for a few seconds, taking notice of the wings, quickly realizing that not only were those the source of the noise that had alerted him before but that they were too familiar to him
He turns his head around in a flash as recognition washes in his features
“This is Hawkeyes kid?!”
“Papa?” The kid questions happily hearing their father's nickname
Beckmann sighs at this
“What are you doing here?”
“Umm, Papa went somewhere, and I wanted to fly for a bit; I flew too far and got lost.”
Shanks snickers at their words, standing up and ruffling their hair
“I think your father is heading to the same place we are headed, so you are in luck.”
“You’ll take me to Papa Uncle Shanks?”
“I’ll take you to him, but be warned,” he says to the child, smiling,” It’ll probably be a bit chaotic when we get there.”
“Okay!” they exclaim, their eyes glancing at the man behind him
“Hey! You were the one shooting me!” they accused, flying towards the sniper
Yasopp laughs, watching the child make a dash at them
“I wasn’t aiming at you, it was a warning shot,” the man replies nervously
“I ‘m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
“Don’t be hard on the poor man, Dokucha; you did take all of us off guard,” laughed Shanks
“Just don’t fly too far from our ship,” he says, still ruffling their hair
“I don’t want you getting lost again.”
“Okayyy, Uncle Shanks,”
“Is this really Hawkeye’s kid?” Mutters Hongo, looking at the child
“Im Papa’s kid!” The child cheers
Hongo smiles a bit, shaking his head at the sight
“I like your wings,” he tells the child
“Thank you!” They said, spinning around and flapping their wings
“How do you sleep without smacking your wings everywhere?”
Hongo asks with an amused smile
They gasp offended
“I know how to use them! Let me smack you with them!” They said, shooting toward the doctor
“Still as lively as ever,” Shanks laughs, taking hold of them
“Let me at them, Uncle Shanks!”
“No need for that; Hongo’s one of us,” Shanks responds, putting the child down
“Hongo is our doctor, after all.”
They pout at him
Beckmann raises an eyebrow at the child
“Do you wanna cause a fight, little one?”
“They were insulting my flying!”
Beckmann sighs in amusement at the child
“He was just asking you about your wings.”
He smiles and ruffles the kid's hair,
“Just don’t smack the doctor.”
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Okay I admit that ending could use some work but.. yeah thats it it needs more work 😂
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kiame-sama · 1 year
Omega Marechi (Yandere!Upper-Moons x Omega!Reader x Yandere!Muzan)
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Warnings; yandere, multiple yandere, stalking, mention of violence, mention of social imbalance, my abo au (less than 1000 omegas world wide and omegas are a commodity of sorts), omega reader, abo social ladder, abo societal structure, unfair situations, instinct manipulation, kidnapping, threat of murder, blood, violence, mention of human consumption, demons, female bodied reader, female reader pronouns (let me know if y'all want a male version).
(It's a personal headcannon of mine that omegas are short & chubby, so very soft and squishy)
(Also, let me know if y'all want a continuation of this, I have a certain idea involving stockades I have been interested in trying out)
Deep within the winding surfaces and ever changing interior of a fortress wreathed in darkness, demons began to gather. Though they were few in number, each demon had their own impressive strengths and abilities that set them apart from the many other members of their brood. Even with their combined presence and strength, their master stood above them in every way possible.
The king of demons, he who sired every other demon, stood watching his upper ranked generals as they gathered beneath him. Short dark hair seemed to swallow all light in the inky abyssal color, bright red eyes glinting like lit lanterns on the darkest of nights. His fair skin unblemished and so smooth it could be mistaken for the marble of a true artisan's finest work. Truly a vision of a true apex alpha with the beauty of a divine being.
The six generals that gathered were supposed to be without company and solely focused on their sire, yet one was not alone. Next to the top general of the king's army was a large rectangular box shape that was draped in heavy fabrics to conceal what may be held within. The fabrics seemed to be soaked in a heavy perfume mixed with the hint of an unusually appealing scent that taunted the senses.
"What have you brought, Kokushibou?"
The deep and commanding voice of the demon king rumbled out with a tint of curiosity in his tone. Where he expected quite a bit from his upper moons, even he had to admit that the actions of his top general were odd. It was not often that the upper moons did something that surprised him- and usually was met with a swift reprimand- but his curiosity had been peaked by the abnormal behavior.
Without saying a word, Kokushibou gripped the heavy fabric and quickly pulled it away, revealing what had been concealed. Beneath the cloth lay an iron cage- much like what an exotic beast would be transported in- with blankets lining the bottom of the cage for cushion. The cage itself wasn't very interesting when compared to what lay within.
Laying bound in the iron cage was a woman, her (h/c) locks strewn around her head and her (s/c) flesh looked incredibly plush and no doubt was soft to the touch. A delicate and fine silk kimono wrapped around her bound form, even that which held her was made of the expensive materials. Her eyes were covered in a long silk ribbon, mouth held shut by an intricate golden muzzle, her arms cuffed together with similarly intricate cuffs in front of her and lower legs cuffed together.
A woman- no matter how decorated- wasn't much to crow about, but the pungent scent that had been smothered by the perfumes was now free and quickly reached those nearby. There was a visible change in the way the other upper moons stood, their nostrils flaring and eyes fixed on the soft woman as they contemplated what she was. The scent reached Muzan last, but he knew immediately what was being presented to him, though he could scantly believe what his senses were telling him.
"No," Douma started, his multi colored eyes wide in disbelief, "that's impossible. Omegas aren't real! It must be a trick."
"Looks real to me. Smells real too. Actually," Akaza sniffed, looking curiously at the bound female, "she smells like a marechi."
A soft whimper came from within the cage, the female inside moving and seemingly trying to pull away from her binds. The muzzle secured on her kept her from speaking and muffled her sounds as she responded to the voices around her. Blindly she turned her head towards the sound of Akaza speaking, seemingly trying to understand where she was and who she was with.
"She was being transported as cargo on a train. From her scent, it was made clear to me that she is an Omega and a marechi. She has no mating marks present on her body. The humans transporting her were on their way to deliver her to slayers, a gift from a small village of fools."
Muzan silently descended from where he had been standing above the upper moons, approaching the cage curiously. The other demons watched in interest as their sire crouched, observing the bound female that had been presented to him. He had not encountered an omega, even in his long life, so seeing such a rare and unusual being in a cage was surreal. Truly, he had thought omegas were just another myth created by humans.
He reached a finger between the bars, his sharp nail gently scraping over the exposed neck of the omega. Naturally, she responded with a fearful sound at the feeling of something sharp against her neck, trying to writhe away from the sensation. The obvious fear was accompanied by an intense scent that prodded at their minds to defend the soft woman from whatever may be causing her distress.
Muzan observed the struggling of the delicacy he had been presented with, red eyes gleaming and unwavering. After a moment of simply watching the omega struggle, he reached his hands forward to grip the cage bars. With one flex, the metal groaned beneath his hands, crumpling like sand and bending out of shape. One of his hands held the cage still as he ripped the bar off of the cage, pulling out several more until he could access the omega.
The loud sound of the metal bending and crushing had clearly upset the omega who let out a muffled scream into the muzzle, body twisting and writhing to escape the frightening sound and its source. Another scream escaped her as one of Muazan's hands gripped the back of the her kimono, dragging her out of the remnants of the cage. A sharp scent made him freeze, the taunting ambrosia of marechi blood filled his nostrils as he moved to examine the omega.
Sitting on her cheek was the smallest of cuts, blood slowly beading along the line of the slice. Within the second Muzan noticed the small injury, a greedy mouth formed along his hand. The elongated tongue quickly stretching out and slowly laving over the gathered blood with an apparent groan of satisfaction rumbling in his chest from the taste.
His pleasured sound only seemed to frighten the omega more, whimpering out and beginning to cry from the terror. It was understandable, she had been in the cage for an unknown time and now was listening to the sound of an unknown assailant flavor her blood. With a quick motion the blindfold was pulled away, revealing (e/c) eyes that were filled with delicate tears and horror.
Her gaze became fixed on the bright red eyes of the predator in front of her, body falling completely still. Much like the way an injured fawn would freeze upon seeing the open jaws of a bear. The body of the soft omega seemed to curl in on itself, as if she were trying to seem as small as possible all without looking away.
He lifted his free hand towards her and gripped her ornate metal muzzle despite her frightened sounds and slow shaking of her head back and forth. She cringed and closed her eyes tightly as his hand gripped the clasp of the muzzle that held it on.
For a moment, things seemed to stand still in baited anticipation of what the demon king would do next. All upper moons keenly awaited their sire's next move as it would determine the fate of the omega they all were interested in. Wanting to get their hands on her if he allowed her to live, or wanting a piece of her if he chose to consume her.
A soft click of metal could be heard in the profound silence as the clasp of the muzzle was disconnected.
You warily watched the frightening man remove the muzzle you wore, seeing how hungrily he looked at you the entire time. He seemed to be contemplating you, much like many others would when first coming into contact with you. The man- or monster, would be more accurate- suddenly grinned, hand gripping your neck and slowly lifting you up.
Even with how you struggled, the man seemed to have no problem holding you until he was fully standing. His expression became more fierce as the veins in his face became more pronounced, tongue slowly dragging over his lips. After a moment he lowered you so your feet were on the ground, no longer holding you off the ground but still holding you in place.
"You are a truly unfortunate human. Luckily for you, I intend to keep you for the time being. You staying alive or not will be determined by your actions."
You had been taken to a large ornate bed that no doubt belonged to the demonic alpha that broke your chains but left your cuffs. From the way he stared at you, you felt like you were being appraised much in the way one would appraise a meal. A yelp escaping your lips as you were thrown down on the soft surface.
In seconds you felt the silk that held your clothing together rip open, the ornate kimono falling open. Your body was completely left exposed to the intense gaze of the man, you had been dressed for meeting several new mates who were top members of the demon slayers. Instead it seemed the demons found you and decided to keep you for the time being.
Part of you was terrified to fight back as you didn't wish to anger the demon that took you to bed. Based off of his scent, you knew you were dealing with an alpha of great strength and willpower. The alpha himself seeming to be above other alphas that you had caught the scents of whenever one would pass through your village. He was clearly the one others answered to as they had gotten out of his way rather quickly when he decided to drag you to his chambers.
You tried to keep your thighs pressed together to give yourself some kind of protection, but the demon was quick to pry them open. His gaze was intense and you felt your body warm in response to how he stared at your exposed figure. A whimper from you seemed to break the trance he was in as his eyes flicked up to look at you for several seconds.
"And still, you are afraid. Tell me, Omega, did the humans you lived amongst even give you a name, or have you always been Omega?"
"My name," you struggled to keep the fear out of your voice as you answered the alpha demon, "it's (Y/n), (L/n)(Y/n)."
"(Y/n)? I am Kibutsuji Muzan, king of demons. You have gained my attention, (Y/n), quite dangerous indeed. I expect you to be an obedient omega, understand?"
"Ye-yes, I understand, Alpha."
You whined softly as one of his hands came up to palm your soft chest as if appraising it like fruit. His bright red eyes gleaming in interest as he observed you trying to sit still for him and let him continue what he wanted. Clearly you were a high tier omega as you were so obedient and did exactly what the alpha told you to do.
The village you grew up in must have trained you to be a good omega, taking the word of an alpha as law. In any case, he was quite pleased to have such a treasure in his grasp. He vaguely considered keeping the omega for himself, but he knew the way the upper moons stared, even Akaza showed clear interest.
An omega would certainly be a unique reward and incentive to push the upper moons further. Beyond just that, using the unique human omega sent could throw off the slayers in such a way there would be no one left to stand against the demon king.
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