#the rescue scene
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5x13 | 7x10
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carrotkicks · 5 months
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this place feels familiar...
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elenas · 17 days
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I hope we meet again. Kate Austen and Sayid Jarrah in LOST (2004-2010)
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thatonebirdwrites · 6 months
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When the news came, Lena was in a meeting with Sam and the L-Corp's board. She'd long ago set all alerts for Supergirl to come through to her phone, but ones where Supergirl was injured had been set to ignore all other settings.
The ring caused Sam to jump, but Lena kept her cool. She glanced down at her phone, and felt her veins turn to ice. A brief message that Supergirl had fallen from the sky.
Lena grabbed her phone and bag. "I regret that I must take this call. An emergency has come up."
Sam looked at her, her brow furrowed in worry. "I can handle this, Lena. Go."
With a tight smile to her friend and CFO, Lena hurried from the room. She swapped out her shoes, and took off in a sprint. The alert had given her an intersection, but she needed to know if Alex knew about this yet.
Lena: Alex, I'm incoming.
Alex: wait, what?
Lena: Kara, she's fallen.
Alex: The hell? She's supposed to be eating lunch! Was in a meeting. Where?
Lena forwarded the alert's text, baffled that Alex had no idea.
Alex: How close are you? It's gonna take me fifteen minutes. J'onn unavailable.
Lena: Be there in five.
The doors of the elevator opened. Why drive when she could take the helicopter? When her pilot reached the intersection, Lena stared in horror. Someone had what looked like a missile launcher over their shoulder, and Kara laid in a cracked hole in the street in front of Noonan's. So Alex had been correct, Kara had been getting lunch, as drinks and food was spilled across the curb. People clustered in the doorways of the cafe and storefronts, and Kara's supersuit had a burn mark across its front.
"Hold us steady," Lena ordered the pilot. She grabbed a bag from behind her seat. In case of an attack -- considering she had quarterly assassination attempts all the time -- she had some specific weapons in here. One of them was a shotgun with some unusual shells. She flicked through her supplies and decided on a particularly useful set. She popped in the shells, cocked the gun, and threw open the door. The person started to look up, but Lena wasn't giving them a chance to react. She fired. The shots slammed into the person's back and immediately ice formed. She fired again. This time the person fell to the ground as a block of ice. Cryo shells had their use. She reloaded and gestured to her pilot.
He brought the helicopter closer to the ground. "Watch my back," she said, mostly out of habit, though she doubted the pilot could do anything. "And stay in the air. We'll need a quick exit." "Right, Ms. Luthor." He kept his gaze on the controls, his voice coming through her headset.
She jumped to the ground, her shotgun cocked. As she scanned the area, she realized, to her dismay, that another person stood in the shadows of the storefront across from Noonan's, armed with some sort of long rifle. Why the person hadn't fired yet confused her.
Lena aimed but didn't fire yet. She didn't have confidence that her shot would hit before the other took her out. "Step away from Supergirl."
The person wasn't that much taller than herself. Curly blonde hair leaked out of the black beanie, and blue eyes regarded her from under a black mask, their clothes definitely assassin-like. "Stay out of this, Luthor." A high-pitched voice. Possibly a woman?
"This is my business." Lena stalked closer. "Don't think I won't take you out like your friend there." She nodded at the other person dressed in black with a black mask over their face, their eyes closed. Ice was still encased around their lower body.
Lena wished she'd seen the person earlier. Otherwise she'd have fired on them too. Now they were in a stand-off exactly when Kara needed her the most.
"I don't want to do this," the woman in black said. "You're not on our list."
"Then step away now. Don't think I won't fire."
The woman stared at her for a long moment as if sizing her up. Her voice timbre changed to a hint of coy and frustrated. "Why do you care, Lena Luthor? Doesn't your family hate Kryptonians?"
Lena rolled her eyes. "I'm not them." She needed to distract her somehow. At least until Alex got here or Lena could fire the shot without getting hit in turn. "Now, how about you put down your weapon, I'll put down mine, and we'll talk like civilized people?"
The woman hesitated, her rifle moved just an inch down.
That was when the shot came from above. The bullet hit the woman's shoulder, she staggered backward, and Lena took the shot. Two blasts later, the woman was encased in ice like her friend.
Lena slung the shotgun over her shoulder and raced to Kara's side. "Supergirl!" She dropped next to her and felt for Kara's pulse. It was faint, far too faint. "Dammit." She didn't have time to check for injuries. Kara needed extracted immediately. "Riordan, drop the stretcher," she said into her headset.
The helicopter hovered closer, and a side door slid open. The stretcher shot out, swung, and slowed to a stop above her head. She reached up, snagged its side, and pulled on its rope until she had it next to Kara. It took two tries to lift the Kryptonian -- damn, Kara was heavy -- until she had Kara on and belted in securely. Flicking the switch on the bottom of the stretcher, a set of footrests dropped into place.
After she clamped her shoes onto the footrests, she noticed several people had started to come out of the stores with their phones in their hands, likely recording her rescue.
Whatever. All Lena cared about was Kara. "Go," she ordered her pilot, and held on tightly as the helicopter lifted toward the sky.
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tatakaeeren · 9 days
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Umemiya Hajime | Wind Breaker Ep. 10 “Dialogue"
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heavendraven · 9 months
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twilight princess really dropped the character design of all time and then did NOTHING with her....
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laurenkmyers · 1 month
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ducks-love-peas · 6 months
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meanwhile, Crowley:
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Good Omens 2 | ⭑favorite moments⭑ 2/?
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whumpdaydreamerx · 2 months
Whump Vibe/Visual
Caretaker rescuing injured Whumpee from Whumper’s facility. Henchmen combing the halls as they try to sneak their way out. Caretaker pressing Whumpee up against a wall for a moment to hide.
Their injuries jostled in just the wrong way or another wave of pain hits them and Whumpee almost lets out a groan. Caretaker notices and clamps a hand over their mouth muffling the sound as much as they can — apologizing through their eyes.
After a moment Caretaker lets go and Whumpee pants silently. Before they can get moving another wave hits Whumpee and they pull themself close to Caretaker, tucking their face into their shoulder. A hand clutches their wounded side and the other reaches up to grab a fistful of Caretaker’s jacket holding on for dear life as they bury their pained gasps in the fabric.
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tragedydenji · 4 months
im so sick all they think about is each other and holding the other's hand. both let their friends be the one to take the hand that they so badly want to reach out to. both yearn so so much oh my god.
just. obsessed with bkdk's hand motif. like why ON EARTH did izuku specifically say 'boyfriend??... who u hold hands with??' in the toga scene. like gosh izuku i wonder whose hand you want to hold. let me into his head kudo let me see WHAT'S IN THERE. *gets blinded by the sheer number of kacchans*
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oscarisaacsspit · 1 year
it’s not healthy.
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carrotkicks · 1 year
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hey, hey you thought the lab scenes in stormbringer were bad? dw, i've got terminal Evangelion brain, i can make it worse.
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naughts-skyway · 4 months
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arcanegifs · 1 year
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Battle of the Arcane Daddies Poll Winner: Vander ↳ "A bit of advice. Don’t threaten the guy who pours the drinks."
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pennielane · 2 years
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GET BACK, PART III — Ringo doesn't talk much, but when he says he's not going abroad, they are not going abroad. And when he says "I wanna go on the roof", they're going on the roof. (x)
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