#the rest of the drawings are of my ocs
mooondial · 11 months
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Payment up front! The audaciousness of this is because I need money. If you blaze this I’ll do a free bust up render for you. Transcription + not info under the cut. Please reblog this pleaseee
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ABOUT ME: I’m in college as a triple major/ra/tutor/etc. Due to external circumstances I am now broke and need help paying off my bills. Because of this, I’m opening emergency commissions. They’re cheap because I really need the money. 
I’m showing pictures of myself because I am a real person who really does need help. Please share this. I draw ocs, real people fictional characters, anything that’s humanoid. I also draw NSFW. Hell, I’ll even draw furries if you’d give me the chance.
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Bust: 10 USD
Waist: 15 USD
Full: 20 USD
+ half price per extra character
Simple bg free, complex bg prices vary
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You could get one of these for only 20 usd! Buy now while I’m broke!
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I’d normally charge double! Don’t miss this awesome sale!
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Slightly cheaper alternative to a full body render!
15 usd + half price per character. I can do these without reference if you describe the character(s) in detail. Good for ocs, dnd party members, au designs, etc.
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Bust: 5 usd
Waist: 10 usd
Full body: might as well get it as a flat!
+ half per extra character
I can do explicit artwork. I don’t normally do that, but I definitely can. DM me for examples, and I’ll need proof you’re over 18. I’ll take these commissions and price them per my discretion.
I don’t normally do this, but it’s good to get some practice. 5 usd for a rendered bust up of a furry.
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OTHER SHIT YOU CAN PAY ME TO DO that I can think of
Ponies: 8 usd + half per extra pony
Lucky star parody: 10 usd per character
Chibi flats: 8 usd + half per extra flat
I’ll do literally any show. You can pay me to make the most gruesome, hardened characters into ponies, chibis, or cutesy lucky star characters. Imagine the possibilities.
Extra things I forgot to include in the pics:
The lucky star parodies will be based on whatever promotional image suits the commission with the buyer’s discretion.
I’m pretty quick with commissions. You’ll get it latest after 2 weeks, or I’ll give you a refund if necessary. Even then, it’s super unlikely.
While I will do nsfw, I’m not going to do super gross shit either. No kids, no depictions of abuse, and I’ll let you know whether I will or won’t depict certain kinks/other things.
Thanks for reading!
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kenchann · 3 months
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crabsnpersimmons · 3 months
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"Slow down, Sunshine. You're not falling behind and you are loved for more than what you do for others."
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tevintersnakes · 1 month
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Reviewing some holotape records
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beebundt · 2 months
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a cute fig i liked from a sketch page recently
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nonomives · 1 year
Some Vampire Wally AU lore I did today
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(Dont judge a book by its cover btw, this isnt how Howdy and Eddie usually act in this au)
So a lil bit of infordump below:
In this AU mythical creatures interact with regular peeps on a daily basis. Theyre just people you'd see in your day to day life, but they are under extreme scrutiny due to how dangerous some mythics can get.
For this very reason, the Hunters Association was made. It's an international company that collects data about various kinds of mythics, and comissions mercenaries to either capture or kill dangerous mythics (a.k.a. monsters). While H.A. assists more on intel, and weaponry, they also, sometimes, provide manpower with their own trained soldiers, Eddie is one of them. These soldiers often work as support for mercenaries who need the extra hand in taking out monsters.
The Pillars (Howdy lmao) is one of the Association's longest standing collaborators, aiding in capturing and killing many, well known as heroes to many. Its a generational thing for family members to become monster hunters or work inside H.A. itself.
Oh! And another thing, a mythic is only labeled a monster if they commit any sort of crime, could be a single major crime (i.e. genocide) or multiple small crimes (petty theft and shuff). So yeah, mythical creatures can walk around in broad daylight and not get shot at so long as they dont have a criminal record in H.A's eyes lol--
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kinos-fortress-2 · 6 months
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i am aware that this looks nothing like them and i made them ugly af i just dont care anymore. and yes this is still tf2
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ask-the-pioneer · 13 days
Whuts tha bag for
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"I keep all my stuff here. It just so happens that 90% of it is pearls"
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dimorphodon-x · 7 months
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Wanted to digitally go over one of these sketches
Starbright belongs to @cuppajj
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voidedjuice · 8 months
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"Arboreal maids are living dolls built holding a small tree inside their chest cavity. The tree provides the doll with the energy to move, so they are an economical choice for a discerning owner.
However, tree inside the doll requires regular upkeep to keep it from damaging the doll's components, and its tendency to grow how it pleases poses significant risk, should the doll's form become cracked in any way. Regular upkeep is very important in making use of an arboreal maid, as the lack of such will inevitably result in a slow and painful immobilization. After a maid has served its use, a responsible owner will either have it disassembled or sold to another."
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thedustyleaves · 10 months
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Sometimes I like to go back and look at the first piece I did with my oc's back in 2019, where I was like "alright, I'll try to draw a proper background" and then compare it to now. Man I'm glad I gave it a go and didn't give up.
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sadlad03 · 3 months
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zivazivc · 2 months
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guess who
I've seen a few artists I like making human art and I got inspired to make my own.
First version was based just on their character designs and personality, and what inspired their look in the first place. Second version happened when I took into account their backstory and what I imagine human versions of their parents' would look like. I don't consider either of these "canon", because to me they're just trolls but it was a fun experiment to try.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming of me drawing little colorful dolls
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muckyschmuck · 3 months
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google how to cook your wife?, i mean, how to cook with your wife? not like that wait I MEAN,
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kiiingsnake · 11 months
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god's most autistic soldier
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capnhanbers · 4 months
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for all the tension this was a pretty tender chapter so uhhh this is unlike the story it was written to be / i was riding its back when it used to ride me
(scenes from chapter 140)
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