#the romance is great. the fighting is great. the character arcs are fulfilling and the relationships are satisfying
jaegerisim · 1 year
Vent post y'all are gonna hate me for.
I viscerally hate how the Duffers treat most of their non white or queer characters and I hate even more viscerally, how y'all big byler blogs in your circle jerk of other 5 big byler blogs casually like to ignore many red flags the show has.
Y'all like to say: "tHe DufFeRs ArE gReAt WrIteRs" and it's like girl, who are you lying to??? They aren't top shit writers at all. The Duffers are pretty mid imo. Yeah, they run a good show that's fun to watch and theorize abt , but that doesn't mean they're good writers cuz they're not.
1. they completely side lined Will during s3 for the sake of their straight romances: lumax, jancy, mlvn, duzie and partly stobin (even if stobin wasn't endgame, thankfully, Steve's intentions were clearly wanting to date Robin and they gave it a lot of screen time). Will was sidelined bc he didn't fit the straight romance plotline bc they planned to make him gay or whatever. Now in s4 Will and his feelings have been used as mlvn toilet paper. Yes, we like to say this is build up for byler but canonically, Will's feelings have been used to clean the shit mlvn leaves behind.
2. Billy was sympathized a lot during the last 2 seasons. They gave him the sad backstoryTM in order for ppl to feel sorry for him. Billy's backstory is literally Jonathan's but whatever.
3. El's anger issues are constantly girlboss-ified. They down play her bullying situation and literally just use it for El to be a ''girlboss" without realizing how triggering that is. As someone who has lived bullying, seeing it be ignored by canon and fanon is super sad. The whole Rink-O' Mania experience must have been so traumatizing for her yet, everyone absolutely forgets abt it 🤷🏻‍♀️
4. Robin, Erica and Argyle are stereotypical characters. Robin is the quirky lesbian with social anxiety, Erica is the badass black woman and Argyle is the Latino stoner that sells weed to white kids and works as a pizza delivery guy.
5. Altho Argyle and Eddie both do drugs, (Eddie actually sells K-12 to a minor and nobody batted an eye. He has a huge fan base). Eddie is held in a pedestal bc "poor thing 🥺 he lives in a trailer with his uncle 🥺". Tell me a single fact you know abt Argyle that isn't "he smokes weed", "he is Jonathan's only friend", "drives a van" and "he works at a pizzeria". Exactly, Eddie is given a useless backstory and Argyle isn't.
6. Dustin stopped being important to the plot sometime around s2 and s3. He is only there to curse and be mildly funny. My guy needs to hangout with ppl his age cuz he only hangs out with seniors.
7. El needs to stop having so much "I'M THAT BITCH" screentime like I need in s5 for El's arc to not just be her becoming more powerful and falling in love with Mike. I need the Duffers to explore her trauma and problems.
8. Angela should have been run over by the van.
9. Patrick should have been given a backstory that isn't the basic "strict black parents that hit their kids cuz they are a disgrace". Patrick's backstory is actually racist af, fight w the wall.
10. As Lex already said, they didn't trigger tag the ep where Jason and his friends assault Lucas and Erica. Like wtf? Why was that necessary? Why did I have to see a black boy being held at gunpoint by some white guy?? Was it relevant to the plot?? I don't think so. And then I've got to see ppl online be like "Jason wasn't that bad. He was just mourning" like bitch you can stfu. This is what happens when you make the racist assholes conventionally attractive.
Also the fact that Lucas's arc is fulfilled by him fist-fighting Jason and "embracing his weirdness" aka accepting he is black. His arc was not fulfilled at all cuz that ending spoke so loud to me. It showed how little empathy ppl have towards the struggles poc ppl living in the Midwest have. Y'all circle jerks can only see racism when it's super obvious.
Furthermore, parents complained when ST showed "an excessive amount of smoking" yet nobody batted an eye when Billy tried to run over Lucas, when Erica (an 11 y.o ffs) was chased by white kids or when Lucas was held at gunpoint by Jason.
All of this happened while they focused on Max's guilt and mourning that, yeah, are important but certainly not less important than racism!!!
11. In s3, they gave us that whole Nancy vs The Bigots arc that was honestly just triggering and useless. It didn't help Nancy's character at all, quite the opposite it put unnecessary angst.
12. Lonnie being presented as an abuser just for him to never be spoken of again. Can we please get to explore the trauma he left the Byers's with?
13. The fact that both queer relationships are considered "sloppy seconds" is extremely sad. Both Vickie and Mike are rebounding from their failed relationship with Robin and Will. These 2 ships have caused more commotion than Jancy and Jopper together! (These last ships are technically sloppy seconds too but everybody forgets that. Shocker!!)
14. Last but not least, ppl blame Argyle for being the one to get Jonathan into smoking weed as if Jonathan probably wasn't the one looking for it. Let me tell you, that you only find weed if you look for it.
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ladyloveandjustice · 1 year
Anime Overview: The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady
Whew, not typing that again! We’re calling it Magirevo. If you couldn’t tell from the trademark long title, it’s a light novel adaptation, but most importantly, it’s a yuri light novel adaptation.
(And yes, technically an isekai, but the isekai element isn’t focused on a lot. It only comes into play at the last minute, in a surprisingly emotional way!)
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The story centers around two extraordinary girls- Anisphia, nicknamed Anis, and Euphyllia, nicknamed Euphie. Anis is a rambunctious princess who’s given up her claim to the throne. Royals are expected to be able to wield magic, and Anis was born without the ability. So she’s developing her own field of study, “magicology”, and inventing tools that will allow anyone access to the wonders of magic. Since magic was restricted to nobles before this, Anis making it easily accessible to the common people naturally threatens the gentry, and Anis is branded a heretic. On top of all that, Anis has openly declared if she ever did get married, it would have to be to a woman, and she’s not interested in continuing the royal “bloodline”.
Euphie, in contrast, is entirely focused on fulfilling her role as a proper noblewoman. She’s arranged to be married to the future King, Anis’ brother, Algard, and is determined to live up to expectations. But then Algard betrays her and publicly destroys her social standing.
That’s when Anis steps in to save the day. She takes Euphie’s hand, quite literally carries her brother’s girlfriend away, and promises Euphie they’ll discover the root of the conspiracy brewing against her. So their partnership- and blooming romance- begins.
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Sometimes just I want to watch girls fight dragons and save kingdoms and use cool magic. And sometimes I want to watch girls be gloriously joyously gay. I want to watch them fall in love, kiss, dance grandly, and team up to defeat enemies with swords and sparkles! I want to see layered, powerful queer protagonists in fun fantasy adventures! Magirevo delivers wonderfully on all those fronts, and (easy mark that I am) that alone would probably have been enough for me, but that’s far from all the series has to offer.
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Anis and Euphie are great protagonists. Anis is chaotic and passionate with her love of magic. She’s bold, openly queer, and charming right off the bat. Meanwhile, Euphie is a girl struggling with the fact she spent her whole life trying to fit into the mold of perfect lady, perfect prodigy and perfect future queen. Every choice was made for her, but now that life has been ripped away. She’s free to make her own choices now, but all that possibility is frightening and overwhelming, and seeing how other people live makes her feel empty aside. The care that the show puts into representing Euphie’s depression is one of the best parts of the early arcs. The sharp direction really lets the viewer feel Euphie’s sense of loss and melancholy, as well as the hope she comes across when she realizes there’s a power in making her own choices, and when she finds inspiration in Anis.
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Both girls are dynamic, easy to root for, and have a strong rapport with each other. They also both go through some nice development. The story starts off with Euphie as the vulnerable one who’s burdened with expectation and Anis as her confident savior, only to completely reverse the roles near the end of the story. We get to enjoy the journey of watching Euphie grow bolder and more self possessed, meanwhile as the story goes on it becomes clear that Anis’s sunny nature hides some aching insecurities and royal traumas. She’s not unscathed by how others denigrate her for not having magic, or from the pressure of her role. The character arcs are simple to follow, but the development is satisfying.
Yuri adaptations are often cursed with scant resources and middling-to-poor looking animation (sobs in Otherside Picnic) but Magirevo is thankfully a glowing exception to that. The animation is slick, and the show delivers some punchy action scenes and great emotional moments. When Anis and Euphie wield dangerous magic to fight an attacking dragon, it’s just as fun and hype as your average action shonen, and it’s great to see lesbians get to go feral and do ridiculous OP fantasy shit.
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Magirevo also has some really fun side characters, like the cynical goth gremlin Tilty and Anis’ charmingly snarky maid Illia. There’s a few fun surprises in store- like a compelling hints of another wlw side romance, involving a vampire! It would be nice to see these characters get a little more attention, but the anime can only cover so much.
The second episode has a few hiccups that might stick out to some viewers- Anis’ father reacts badly to her antics and her declarations that she loves women, and his reaction is played in a goofy anime slapstick violence way that’s very tonally weird (it's even weirder in prose, believe me). There’s also jokes made about Euphie feeling initially uncomfortable about Anis’ flirtation and this includes Anis “helping her get her clothes off because they’re too complicated to do on her own” and Euphie being obviously unhappy with this. In the light novel, since we see Anis’ POV and there's not much of a negative reaction from Euphie, so we know she genuinely did just want to help Euphie with her clothes and wasn’t being a perv, but it doesn’t quite come off that way in the anime. Though at least the whole thing is much briefer and less skeevy than it's manga counterpart. (And Anis never repeats this behavior again).
There’s also some brief scenes of Anis at the bath later on, and an even briefer scene where Anis touches a girls boob as part of an examination and said girl is super embarrassed (this one goes by quickly enough and Anis’ expression is detached and clinical enough it doesn’t make much of an impression- it was so much worse in the manga). In the area of things that are unsettling on purpose, there’s a pretty well-done scene where Anis has to listen to a bunch of old nobles talk about her like she’s breeding stock, and a lot of emphasis is put on her disgust, fear, and discomfort. It delivers the message well, but might be upsetting.
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The other caveat of the show is that while making magic accessible to commoners and upsetting the outdated hierarchy is a clear theme of the show, it’s far more focused on Anis’ and Euphie’s relationship. I think that’s for the best, though it might make one feel like the show glosses over some things. You shouldn’t expect super complex political intrigue or a rigorous, detailed examination of oppression- the show’s more into romance and cool fights. (The ending of the anime also makes it clear the fight to reform the kingdom is ongoing, so we might get more in the novels, for what its worth).
The anime also manages to condense three light novels into 12 episodes. This leaves the last arc feeling a little cramped with all the big emotions and ideas its covering, but after reading the light novel I discovered that the anime didn’t cut out much of value. The anime is by far the best way to experience the story, as the light novels are incredibly repetitive and full of exposition dumps. The anime wisely cuts all that out and focuses on what matters, the emotions and the characters. I do wish there was one more episode at least, since judging by the care the anime team shows I think they would have capable of adding good original content, but overall I’m very impressed with all the adaptation decisions. The anime turns an uneven, dragging novel series into a tighter, jam-packed story with a satisfying finale.
And what a finale it is!
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When I say joyously gay, I really mean it- the Magirevo finale is one of giddiest celebrations of queer romance I’ve seen in anime. You will happily drown in rainbows.
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It’s so rare to see a yuri adaptation get far enough with the source material that we get romantic catharsis, and Magirevo goes for every inch of it! Even the early moments of Euphie’s shyness and Anis’ pushy flirting become more meaningful as the roles are reversed in a truly fun way.
We even see the isekai concept used for meaningful emotional drama I always wish more stories would go into! It’s stellar all around.
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Magirevo is a fairly simple story at its core, treading on some well-worn fantasy archetypes and tropes. But the loveable characters and jubilant execution of the romance make it a treat to watch. Who cares if it’s not super deep? Queer viewers deserve something shiny and fun once in a while, and Magirevo truly has a magic of its' own.
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witheredoffherwitch · 11 months
i don't like where these leaks are heading...especially the part where daeron would be cut from the show. they're going to divide his book plot between aemond and helaena which will validate #those shippers. i will be honest that the show did give hints to a romance between them, but when the alys leaked audition was released i completely thought they scrapped that idea entirely. this is a HUGE change so if this happens, anything can happen. the characters and the plot will be wildly different...most specially aemond. to me it seems they're cutting him to give way for helaena. and sure i agree that it would be good for a mother to get her revenge but aemond would be divided between harrenhal and the reach. this leaves no room for alysmond to develop or happen. it only opens up room for helaena to be the one who has some connection with alys if alys has seer powers too and not aemond. i now fear that they're really making #that ship to happen because it would give aemond and helaena a good reason to commit war crimes and the revenge on daemon to make more sense. another concern is that they'll cut alys and aemond's son because this would mean he already has son who died and was relevant for the greens motivations. they'll just exciuse it because everything ends with aegon the younger's coronation.
i hate thinking about this at all but those writers would like drama like this. i just hope those leaks are dead wrong but these leakers have been reliable thus far
Hi nonnie,
I'm at odds with most of the opinions expressed here. This will be a lengthy post, so buckle up:
First, I don't think the show provided any significant hints about the Helaemond ship. People are citing two instances to back up this claim - the first one is of baby Aemond talking about fulfilling his duty, had his mother betrothed Helaena to him instead of Aegon. The second one is in episode 9 where the older Aemond busts out this incredible line of dialogue: "I am next in line for throne. Should they come looking for me, I intend to be found." Both of these scenes were set up to establish Aemond's primary characteristics which alligns with him being duty-bound all while having great ambitions for the throne. Now, why would Aemond assume that he was next in line for throne when Jaeherys exists? And to that I offer *in D&D's voice*: AeMonD kINd oF fOrGoT aBoUt HIs NepHeWS!
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It's a writing discrepancy and you will find many such inconsistencies throughout the series. Right from Laenor's age in episode 1 to episode 5, Alicent warning Aegon in episode 6 and then acting shocked when Otto says the same thing in episode 9, Luke acting self-conscious about his 'bastard' status in episode 8 only to laugh in the face of someone he maimed shortly after; and many more. Most characters have some major inconsistencies that can be attributed to post production rewrites and editing.
It's possible I'm mistaken, but it looks like people generally scoff at this ship beyond Twitter and Tumblr. On Reddit, the majority of comments are cynical or dismissive towards this pairing. Even those who think it might actually be canon have voiced their disappointment with the theory. In response to you mentioning the changes being made in the show, I completely agree - they are not favorable to TG fans. It appears that the narrative is now being heavily biased towards Rhaenyra's side, with the introduction of Dyana and the potential omission of Daeron from the storyline. None of these developments are positive!
Now with Daeron's storyline, I am sure it will be divided between Aemond, Gwayne and Cole in the chance that he is absent from the show. But I am confused as to which arc do you think will be adopted by Helaena here. I don't think they will have her fighting actively besides her brothers in the show either. They may have changed Rhaenyra's character development in Season 1 to make us think that may happen, but I am not sure about Helaena. She's a dreamer: she might serve a larger purpose later when it comes to predicting the Dance or even the possible demise of House Targaryen as they've already introduced Aegon's dream in the show. Other than that, I don't think she'll take part in any battle strategy.
Now this is obviously my point of view but once again, I am open to discussion. If anyone has taken the time to read through this post and wants to share their opinion, please feel free to contribute.
That's all! 🤗
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 month
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is the definition of “epic”. The climax is on a scale so massive it’s legendary. You see it and cannot imagine how the series could top itself in the final chapter. It also contains great, quieter character moments, just enough comedy to give you the emotional breaks you need before the action kicks up again and some romance too. The special effects were spectacular for the time and hold up today. Yes, the extended edition is long - you basically have to dedicate an entire evening to it – but it never feels long. As soon as it's over, you'll debate whether you have time to sit down and watch the next chapter.
As Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) and Samwise Gamgee (Sean Astin) make their way toward Mordor to destroy the Ring of Power, they discover that its previous owner, the creature called Gollum (Andy Serkis) is following them. Though treacherous, Gollum may be the key to fulfilling their quest. Meanwhile, Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen), Legolas (Orlando Bloom) and Gimli (John Rhys-Davies) arrive in the kingdom of Rohan to find its King, Théoden (Bernard Hill), corrupted by the wizard Saruman (Christopher Lee). In the forest near Saruman’s tower, Merry (Dominic Monaghan) and Pippin (Billy Boyd) try to convince Treebeard (voiced by Rhys-Davies) to join the fight against him and his army of Uruk-Hai.
Before we dig in, let me clarify that we’re talking about the Extended Edition of the film, which is 45 minutes longer than the already lengthy 179-minute theatrical version. Yes, that’s a lot of time spent in Middle-Earth. No, it doesn’t feel like too much. The pacing is the key. We begin with one story, see how dire the situation is, get to a turning point and are then whisked away to the next plot, where the cycle repeats itself. As the middle chapter in a trilogy, this film is not contained, but it feels complete. There are character arcs, clear stakes, and a beginning, middle and end within each of the three stories and for the picture as a whole. Even more than before, the action feels like it’s happening in a real place. You can see the history of the fortress of Helm’s Deep, of the people of Rohan, the realms in faraway lands that are choosing to either ally themselves with the great, never-blinking eye of Sauron, or against him and his forces. In the sets, costumes and weapons, you notice details that show how much love and dedication was poured into this project. When there is comedy, it’s not the kind that undercuts the action, it’s the kind that makes what comes next feel even more dramatic, exciting or tragic.
Director Peter Jackson has a knack for raising the stakes. You know it’s only a matter of time before Gollum betrays Sam and Frodo. You think that’s all the hobbits have to worry about but then they meet the late Boromir’s brother, Faramir (David Wenham). You figure the journey Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli will make to the fortress at Helm’s Deep will be perilous, but then we see what’s brewing in Saruman's lair. The journey there is the least of their problems. There’s a glimmer of hope in the form of Merry, Pippin and Treebeard but the more we learn about tree-like Ents, the less you have faith in them. Those are all part of the big picture but within the individual characters, we have engaging stories too. In the kingdom of the elves, Arwen (Liv Tyler) is told by her father, Elrond (Hugo Weaving), that the elves are abandoning Middle-Earth, and that she would be foolish to stay, particularly for love. Frodo and Sam are at odds when it comes to Gollum, with Frodo sympathizing with the creature and Sam believing they’d be better off without him. In Gollum himself, there is conflict, as the creature’s twisted mind cannot decide whether it should act as a loyal guide to the hobbits or kill them in their sleep.
Whether swords are drawn or sheathed, you’ll be gripped by the picture but what you’ll probably remember best about “The Two Towers” are the big, special-effects-heavy scenes. Most memorable is Gollum, a character created entirely by motion capture. It’s common nowadays, but this is a rare example of a pioneered technique that still holds up. As soon as Gollum enters the frame, you just think of him as a character, never as a trick of the camera. You might even forget there was a person, not a creature on set. Equally capable of knocking you off your feet is the big battle at the end of the film. This gigantic siege, set at night, in the rain, is so well-lit and well-directed that you’re never lost or disoriented. It feels like everything's been building up to this and in some ways it is, but in others, it hasn't. There's still more to come in The Return of the King.
Like its predecessor, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is a significant achievement in filmmaking. The performances are excellent, the production on a scale we seldom see, the story and plot make you forget there’s a world outside of the movie itself. The only flaw in is that you can't sit down and watch this movie on its own, but it was never meant to be seen that way. (Extended Edition on Blu-ray, April 27, 2023)
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🦇 The Perfect Guy Doesn't Exist Book Review 🦇
❓ #QOTD Name one favorite and one "ugh, no" trope OR what fictional character would you love to date IRL? ❓ 🦇 What if your favorite TV character appeared in your bed one day and claimed to be your soulmate? When Ivy Winslow wakes up with the house to herself for a week while her parents are away, she doesn't expect to find the very hot fictional character from her favorite show in her bedroom. To figure out why her fanfic brought him to life, Ivy must team up with her current best friend Henry and former best friend/crush Mack. Can Ivy and Mack deal with the fallout of their friendship, or will they realize there was something bigger behind their fight all along?
💜 The strongest aspect of this story was the satire on overused media tropes (both from a television and writing standpoint). Weston starts off all heart-eyed, head-over-heels for Ivy, and it appears sweet and innocent. Once the bigger tropes come into play, readers see how they'd never work in real life. Even the "only one bed" trope we all know and love becomes frustrating (hello, boundaries?). "Touch her and you die" almost became a thing. The fanfic fusion into YA aspect is fun and playful, though I do wish we'd seen a few more parallels between Ivy's writing and Weston's actions. This is definitely a book fanfic writers will adore; a great example of messy wish fulfillment. Beyond that, the writing is effortlessly queer, as queer characters SHOULD be.
💙 Suspension of disbelief, especially when used in an otherwise contemporary setting, is crucial for a story that contains magical realism. For it to work, however, your characters have to act reasonably. Ivy just seems too naive. It takes her WAY too long to realize that Weston wasn't pulled from her favorite TV show, but from her fan fiction writing. Her reactions are a little too silly. Even her word choice makes her seem younger than she is. I understand differentiating Ivy's fanfic writing by adding grammar and spelling errors, but she's a student. It shouldn't have been THAT cringy to read. Usually, Sophie Gonzales writes young adults with a level of maturity and emotional intelligence. Ivy is less mature than expected (and yes, you can have a mature character who struggles with confidence and independence AND anxiety), which makes it difficult to connect with her. One of the benefits of reading YA is universal experiences (as adults, we've been there, we get it, so we can connect to it), but I couldn't connect to Ivy (and I was an anxiety-ridden fanfic writer who obsessed over every fandom, so I SHOULD have!).
💙 Ivy's lack of chemistry (even from a friendship standpoint) with Mack is concerning. There are versions of healthy co-dependency between friends, but these two don't have it. The flashbacks should have given us more of a reason to love these two together than Ivy coming out to Mack and having a crush on her (after that, we immediately see the flaws in their friendship, which completely lacks communication and therefore feels toxic). Perhaps it would have worked better without the romantic aspect; if we'd focused on Ivy and Mack restoring their friendship.
🦇 Recommended to fans of Rainbow Rowell.
✨ The Vibes ✨ 🌬️ Bi, AroAce, & Lesbian Rep 🌬️ Sapphic Romance 🌬️ Young Adult Fantasy Fiction 🌬️ Friends-to-Enemies-to-Lovers 🌬️ Multiple Timelines 🌬️ Magical Realism
🦇 Major thanks to the author and publisher for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.
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pocketbelt · 6 months
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Mato Seihei no Slave (2024 anime, S1)
Funny how there were two BDSM-themed ecchi anime this season. Unfortunately for Mato Seihei its opposite number was MahoAko, and it's not an even fight.
The ideas here are fun and interesting and Mato Seihei does make good and some clever uses of its power sets, but it doesn't commit to its core bit as much as it feels like it should.
The ostensible core conceit is that in this world where only women get superpowers and portals to hell keep absorbing people and releasing demons, the female protagonist Kyouka (the white haired one up there) has a BDSM master-slave theme power that turns a willing partner into an Ultimate Digimon-looking demon, and she uses this for the first time on a person when she meets male protagonist Yuuki. Every time he transforms and fights, she has to 'reward' him by fulfilling some desire, which means kissing/stepping on/showing tits/etc.
In practice, Yuuki's relationship with Kyouka (or any other woman, who can give him different forms by serving as 'master' in turn which is rad) doesn't factor into the transformation or his power at all, and also he doesn't really do shit. He matters for the inter-squad exhibition match in the middle episodes, he gets a super form that beats up a trash mob he could kill already and explicitly doesn't face the big boss (someone else fights it), and doesn't meaningfully contribute to any other encounter. Kyouka obviously gets possessive of him as other women start getting horny for him, but again whether any given rider likes, loves or hates him doesn't mean anything for the transformation. Also, the show leans hard on the lights and coloured soft filters and quick shots for when tits are out or the fetish play starts, and no-one gets overly into it or seems to really truly enjoy it. Yuuki never nuts or anything, even 'off-screen'.
Yuuki is, also, the long-standing and extremely tiresome modern generic romance/harem protagonist, i.e. a generically nice whiny soft boy with short black hair and one core skill and no real interests/edges to him, who is still screaming and being surprised/confused at tits by episode 12 of 12. He doesn't even provide more than basic levels of emotional support for the others' character arcs and moments, which makes it jar when they all start falling for him, as it always does.
The comparisons to Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete aren't kind. That show leans the fuck in to its sexual content and makes it matter for plot and characters as well as being eye candy, and as I said, its protagonist Utena is actually the highlight because she has an actual character of her own and is delightful to follow. Yuuki could be replaced with a roomba that has a retractible dildo on it.
Mato Seihei's plot did arouse some interest and I like the characters besides Yuuki (they're fine at worst and pretty great at best), but it's pretty disappointing in this first season. A second one has already been greenlit so I guess it did well, but it'll have to hit the ground running to keep me on. The manga might do the sexual content better due to laxer constraints and maybe it just needs a bit to find its feet, but woof, it had the worst possible matchup this season.
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Starless Clan Thoughts 2:
Partway into the second book of "A Starless Clan", some more comprehensive thoughts (spoilers for the first two books, and maybe spoilers for the rest of the arc that’s out too?):
A) Wow! after just a year or so of catching up I am now reading the current, unfinished arc!
B) Going in I heard that Sunbeam and Nightheart were gonna be an item, specifically that their relationship followed a trajectory suspiciously similar to BristleRoot, so of course I was dreading that. But so far I like their interactions much better than BristleRoot, at least looking at them through the lens of "these two are gonna be together romantically eventually". 
Some compare contrasts:
BristleRoot meeting: Bristlepaw saves Rootpaw's life, he develops an instant crush and she's like "yeah ok kid, I got my own crush to deal with."
SunHeart meeting: Sunbeam and Flamepaw meet at a couple gatherings. First time he gets huffy cause she comments about the fact that he doesn't look like a Flamepaw (he's an all-black cat and his entire arc is being upset that he was named Flamekit after his great-grandpa Firestar). At their second meeting they actually talk, after Flamepaw's failed his assessment the second time and Sunbeam's gotten friendzoned, and they have a sweet moment of validating each others' feelings.
BristleRoot early days: Rootpaw continues having crush, Bristlefrost is embarrassed about it and just wishes he'd stop popping up.
SunHeart early days: They're going on an adventure together, and they actually have debates about the changing warrior code/discussions about their values. And!!! Sunbeam actually describes him as /handsome/ in her POV! Literally that's all I ask, /some/ indication that the female character actually desires the guy she's getting matched with and it's not just cosmic wish fulfillment for him!!
That's all the comparisons I can make so far, until I read more. But yeah this is a relationship I actually enjoy reading a little, which almost never happens with the Hunters' "romances".
C) I also heard that Nightheart is incredibly whiny so I wasn't looking forward to that, but honestly he seems p reasonable for the first book. Like he messes up and gets really frustrated about it, but it's kinda understandable. He tries to show off in his first two assessments and it backfires, and he feels unjustly punished especially because in the second assessment he makes an impressive catch but is failed because his decision to risk fighting a hawk over a piece of prey was a stupid risk to take. He's more annoying in his first couple chapters of the second book, but what really makes them frustrating is a combination of him whining about having to "prove himself" while also continuing to opt for risky prove himself maneuvers instead of just getting some dang prey, and also the fact that his entire clan is /super/ unreasonable about his name change. Literally his mother and sister have basically disowned him for not wanting to be named "Firestar Fireson". And it just feels obnoxious in a too real way on their part, given the way that so many trans/enby folks are treated by their family when wanting to change the way they're identified.
D) Between some spoilers I heard about Frostpaw and her mom Curlfeather, and the way Sunbeam's mom is acting, I feel like this arc is gonna be an "evil moms" arc and I am here for it.
E) I’m really excited that we’re actually seeing the cats have relationships with their clanmates!! Sunbeam has two friends (two more than the average protag) and Frostpaw has that guy (Splashtail?) who was skeptical of her at first but supports her in her accidental leadership role now.
F) Bramblestar really needs to retire, with that change they made to the warrior code. Not only because he’s a bad leader, but also ‘cause of all the PTSD he and his clanmates have. Him from being in the dark forest, them from Imposterstar being slightly more evil than him.
Overall, I have mildly positive feelings for this arc. Definitely not as excited as I was at this point reading the broken code, and I know it’s gonna get much worse after the third book, but I’m interested to see where it goes in books 2/3.
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llycaons · 2 years
the hx and sqx and swd situation is SUCH a mess and there's no clear Bad Guy or Good Guy of the lot imo it's just that that sqx alone was entirely ignorant and innocent and never wanted to hurt anyone but was rather caught up in a terrible situation she didn't have a lot of control over
that being said I'm a huge he xuan apologist and I think beheading swd was totally fair
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izzielizzie · 3 years
Idk if you talk about tv shows much but I’d love your thoughts on the Saved By the Bell reboot, especially parallels between new characters and the old ones and where you think they’re going with romance
i love talking about shows!!!
old vs new group
Zack and Mac
If the names and incredibly accurate casting wasn't enough, their knack for getting themselves into trouble, setting up elaborate pranks, and falling fast and hard for random girls should be a really good indicator of the parallel. But, one thing that should be mentioned: there is a little bit of Kelly in Mac too, which makes him a little more endearing that Zack (who really is trash). Mac is a lot more family oriented than Zack was, and Kelly, being in a family of seven kids, understands the importance of good familial relationships, and we see Mac wanting to be closer to his father. He does all of this stuff just because he wants his father to see him for once. And that is all Kelly.
Lisa and Lexi
I mean this one is kind of obvious: obsessed with fashion and relationships. They're both popular and give good advice. But I think the biggest difference between them is that Lexi's intentions are purely selfish while Lisa generally did what was best for her friends. It's interesting how they get into similar scrapes, but there's the very clear difference in how they happen and what the results are. Lisa, who spent a ton of her father's money and then worked to pay it back, even though her friends offered her money, ended up happy while learning a lesson. But when Lexi tries to get Jamie to date her or tries to win the role of president, she gets out of her scrapes without learning anything. She's starting to learn and she's going to have a great arc, but Lisa was - mostly - selfless from the first episode.
Jessie and Daisy
Again, another very obvious comparison. Jessie was the overachieving class president who was best friends with the popular prankster. And, per Mac's proclamation in the second episode, Daisy is Mac's best friend. But what sets Jessie and Daisy apart is that Jessie was super vocal about everything she believed in, and was willing to upset people she cared about even if it hurt her (think of her will-they-won't-they with Slater where she accused him of being a sexist pig every other second). And Daisy is just as vocal, but she has an inherent understanding of when to step back and let other people figure things out. Like when she says that if she wants to do anything at Bayside, she had to stop trying to fix one guy. Jessie didn't take that route with Slater.
Kelly and Jamie
For all of their other incredible qualities, Kelly and Jamie were reduced to the good looking airheads of the group. Kelly was the object of many boys' affection, and Jamie is just as liked by the girls at Bayside. But they're also both insanely kind and willing to help their friends. Jamie was the only one from the Bayside trio to be genuinely saddened about the kids having to go back to Douglas because, like Kelly, he never really has ulterior motives. He's kind of just... misguided.
Slater and DeVante
I know that the show explored this parallel from the very beginning of the show with the whole football thing, but their similarities extend farther. Slater was lonely and a little jaded when he arrived at Bayside because he had been in fourteen schools due to his father being stationed in a lot of different places. His only friend was his chameleon that he was really attached to. And he used his insecurities to look tough and join different teams to create his own family, knowing very well that he may have to leave. And DeVante has a really hard home life, and he's had some past misdemeanor issues, but like Slater, he wants to change how people view him while also trying to become happier. Maybe he isn't ready for a family like group of friends, but he's trying.
Screech and Aisha
Screech got the short end of the stick a lot, but he was an incredibly kind and helpful person - he got Lisa out of a lot of scrapes even though she never showed any interest or kindness in return - but most importantly: he was unapologetically himself. He flaunted his ant farm and his interesting abilities, no matter how much Zack teased him. And Aisha is the same way. She wanted to play football without a helmet just so people would know they were losing to her. And she's kind too. She lends a shoulder to Daisy constantly, and she's respectful towards Lexi even though she kind of admitted to sabotaging Jamie and Aisha's relationship.
the triangle
The Aisha, Lexi, and Jamie love triangle is reminiscent to the Slater, Zack, and Kelly triangle, where two people are fighting for the affections of a third person that’s rather oblivious. Saved By the Bell is a big fan of the “best friends to lovers” trope, so Lexi and Jamie might be the most obvious choice for long term couple, but - and hear me out here - I think the ultimate couple will be Aisha and Jamie. Jamie is less prejudiced out of the three original Bayside kids, but he’s a little confused, especially because his mother shields him from so much. If the show can do it right, with Aisha’s prompting, Jamie can have an amazing arc where he steps away from his mother and other people that have controlled his life (like Lexi), learning that he’s enough as his own person, and Jessie can learn that her son will be okay on his own.
And Jamie can teach Aisha how to accept her feelings, especially since she admitted that she’s not the best at talking about/understanding her feelings.
Slater and Jessie
Ah yes, my personal favorite. Especially since Jessie stood up to Rene, it’s highly likely that Kelly will be sowing the seeds of the old relationship in the second season, and we go back to our regularly scheduled programing
also - can you guys tell I adore Jamie yet? - it would be great for Jamie to have a positive father figure, something he doesn’t have since Jessie did most of the raising. 
Mac and Daisy
I know their actors were surprised by this pairing, but Mac and Daisy are perfect. Before Slater asked Jessie to the prom, I shipped Jessie and Zack so hard because they had chemistry and they were friends. Mac and Daisy have the chemistry - and have had it since day one - but also they’re best friends who build each other up and learn from each other. The also appreciate and value each other. Mac tried to teach Daisy how to be rich to get what he wanted, but ultimately he pushed everyone to help her since he knew that she was doing the right thing. And Daisy accused him of not being able to do anything, but she apologizes because she understands that Mac is still working out his issues and most importantly - he’s trying.
And I know this part is self-fulfilling because I’m Latina, but I really want Mac learning about Daisy’s culture and understanding where she’s coming from. Also: Mac interacting with Daisy’s brother would be perfect.
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gordvendomewhore · 2 years
L please
thank you for the ask!!! i see u in my notifications from time to time so it's nice to hear from you teehee
L - something nice about a character who isn’t a fav
wahhh this is a bit difficult because there are so many characters in bully that i just feel neutral about... so many choices. i guess i'll do a few
i'll start with gary bc he's an obvious one that i don't really care for despite being so popular within the fandom. a lot of people try to redeem him, but i think gary's intense role as an antagonist and the batshit crazy shit he did to fulfill said role was amazing. his actions were absolutely wild and i loved it. it really is a shame he didn't show up more outside of chapter 1, and honestly i wish they went on with the nice guy persona a bit longer before the betrayal. he was a good antagonist, and i don't think he needs to be justified on account of mental illness and stigmatization and bullying. i think we should be allowed to enjoy his character and look down on the parts of him that bully definitely made ehhh decisions with.
and uhhhh i'll do earnest bc no one really likes him lmao. even though earnest was a genuine creep and disguised it under a faux nice guy act that no one actually believed, i think those aspects of his character were done well without trying to justify it. his actions aren't inherently romanticized within the game, it's obvious that they're bad and jimmy even starts working against earnest. as obvious with what i said about gary, i love an antagonistic character that can just be antagonistic without some sob story to back it up. yeah earnest is bullied and tormented for being a nerd, but we don't see a lot of that in game, we just see him be a pussy bitch who makes the most horrible actions and says the most horrible things, and i LOVED being able to beat him the fuck up. in terms of morality, earnest was horrible. but in terms of immorality, earnest was amazing and he made it so easy to hate him. truly phenomenal.
and i'll end it off with hmm good ol johnny vincent. everyone loves johnny, and i am no different. however, aside from my phase at the beginning of my adventure through the bully fandom, johnny isn't exactly a fav of mine lmaooo all respect to people who do love him though. i love johnny's character bc while he’s not really an original concept, he’s a trope i actively enjoy: an overly jealous, emotional, violent, extremely loyal boyfriend whose girlfriend is actively using him and cheating on him... wowie zowie! and i don’t say this to romanticize him bc people within this fandom often glorify his actions because "omg!!!!11!!1!1 a boyf who will fight for me!!1!!1!!!!111!!" but i never found the appeal of such violent jealousy lol. but i think johnny has a great arc coming for him, one where he learns where to dedicate his loyalty, and one where he focuses more on his friends rather than his romance.
thanks for the ask!! <3 it was really fun answering these!!!
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
So does Kishi officially hate NH and SS? Because I can't help but think like that when I see them in Boruto. Like no way he wants them to be seen as happy or content. Also, it seems like he still hates Sakura because just just look at her, she hasn't really changed. Her dynamic with Sasuke hasn't really changed. She gives chase, Sasuke ignores. Except Sasuke looks more depressed.
Hey, after fifteen years of us chasing after the story and characters we invested in so much, at least give us some indication that they are least happy after sooo many sacrifices, like they deserve that happiness.
But no, if anything, they seem totally miserable. What made Kishi do that? Yes, he can't show them ooc, but Sasuke marrying Sakura is already ooc. Naruto being a bad father is already ooc. Like why go to the extent of showing Sasuke trying not to touch Sakura and pointedly showing that they never kissed? That's just like a determined effort on Kishi's part to show that their marriage is not working. Naruto works way more than any of his predecessors and sleeps in the office or couch so as not to disturb Hinata, when Hinata is specifically designed to accommodate anything that Naruto might require.
Don't get me wrong, I think Boruto is trash. But I am still in interested in SNS in Boruto because that's still canon. Just makes me wonder how Kishi will finally conclude SNS, because their bond still shows clearly in Boruto. Do you think he will kill them any time soon?
Good ask, Anon☺️☺️❤️❤️
Before answering this, I am going to tell you that I don’t watch Boruto. But I know what happened so far, vaguely. Like, Gaiden arc, Karma seal, Kawaki adoption, Kurama’s death, loss of Rinnegan, Time travel arc. Anyways, I might have missed many interactions between Sasuke & Sakura in the filler episodes or other canonical episodes. I would be happy If you send me an episode list or timestamps in where they interact, so that it saves my time instead of me, watching that entire shit show. 
So does Kishi officially hate NH and SS?
In this post, I dissected SS from a non-SNS perspective. It seems Kishi went all out of his way to make their interactions too insincere, blunt and toxic. I mean Sasuke’s absolute lack of interest in her was very evident even until chapter 693. That is right before, their final VoTE fight. And even after Sakura comes to heal their injuries, he just said ‘Ummmm..... I guess Sorry’... 
Kishi could have made Sasuke say some corny shit to Sakura like how he felt bad inside for hurting her, how he missed her, wiping her tears or whatever (Puke!!!! 🤮🤮🤮). Because in the previous chapter, Sasuke basically confessed to Naruto internally about how he felt about Naruto when he was a child. Kishi could have done the same for Sakura in just 4, 5 panels. But anyways, my point is, Kishi’s moment to salvage that ship is chapter 699. 
But he didn’t.
Did Kishi tried to build their bond after marriage?
He definitely could’ve. But he didn’t. 
This shows his clear distaste in SS.
As for NH, Kishi is indifferent. He neither hates them nor loves them. Kishi created Hinata as a pairing fodder and she still is. 
Also, it seems like he still hates Sakura because just just look at her, she hasn't really changed. Her dynamic with Sasuke hasn't really changed. She gives chase, Sasuke ignores. Except Sasuke looks more depressed.
Hmmm, I don’t know whether Sasuke hates her, anon. Again, maybe I’ve missed those parts. But when he looks at her, it’s always filled with regrets and an urge to avoid her (like Itachi avoided Sasuke, but for totally sad and genuine reasons). 
But this again begs the question, ‘Why feeling regret or hesitant even after 12 years?’. 
Believe me anon, Love/Bonds/Understanding can happen at anytime of your life. From where I come from, not everyone marries out of love. Arranged marriages are common. But still, many couples make effort and work out their difference, and find love. Kishi could’ve done the same for SS too. 
Is Sasuke that heartless? No.
He was once a boy who bear hugged his brother every time Itachi comes back from the Academy. Itachi’s presence itself made Sasuke so happy. 
Did he become heartless after the massacre? Also no.
Even after the trauma, Sasuke just became aloof and cold. But he always becomes a child who can pout, be silly, becomes animated, bicker around Naruto. So, he can be lovely, but only around the people he choose by himself. 
Still, Sakura is not that person. So, he looks like he is depressed and wants to escape from her at any given chance because of a certain guilt. 
What made Kishi do that? Yes, he can't show them ooc, but Sasuke marrying Sakura is already ooc. Naruto being a bad father is already ooc. Like why go to the extent of showing Sasuke trying not to touch Sakura and pointedly showing that they never kissed? That's just like a determined effort on Kishi's part to show that their marriage is not working.
To answer, this goes way back, anon. 
Kishi is a person who prefers to write love through intense friendship, sensei-student dynamics and brotherhood. He can occasionally write cute and sweet romance but it can only be short like 2 or 3 pages... or a chapter, max. He can’t go on doing it for 70 chapters for romance. Which was evident from Minato & Kushina, Dan & Tsunade, Obito & Rin. 
But the real deal of Naruto manga is the bond between Naruto and Sasuke. The bond between Itachi and Sasuke also played a huge role in this series. And then comes Hashirama and Madara, Jiraiya and Naruto, Kakshi and Obito, Kakashi and Naruto and many more. So, Kishi pretty much gave an ending he wanted for a long time in chapter 699. He successively pulled off a great manga without corny and shitty romance but with just friendship and brotherhood alone. He didn’t give two shits about NH or SS before chapter 700.
Naruto series’ another success lies on it’s characters tragic backstories. I simply loved them all and most of them made me cry. 
Kishi wanted to move on from Naruto.
But then Money played a big part. Naruto series can be milked in a lot of ways. Editors wanted all the characters to become some baby making dolls. So you have to create pairings. Based on the popularity polls, they decided NH and SS.
In my opinion, Sasuke is a goal-oriented person. He is a wanderer who works on his own accords. Ever since he left Konoha when he was 13, that was his path, so you can’t make him stay in one place. At every stage of his life, he had different goals.
At age 8-15, he had one goal. To kill Itachi. Can he have a romance here? Nope.
At age 16, his goal is to destroy Konoha. No chance of romance in that dark path.
At age 17, he wanted to Revolutionize the shinobi system. Since he wanted to be alone for that goal, no possibility of romance.
At age 18, he adopted Naruto’s dream as his own. To make all shinobi cooperate and look out for Kaguya remains. Romance cannot happen here as he was constantly wandering around and he prefers to work alone.
This is how Kishi designed Sasuke’s character throughout.
Now all of a sudden, if you ask Kishi to go OOC by asking him to write corny romance for his favorite character Sasuke just for the sake of making him relevant to Boruto series, what will he do? 
Since Boruto is a series which is a sequel to Naruto, you pretty much know everyone’s backstory. Those 12 year old New Gen kids possibly can’t have tragic stories like Naruto or Sasuke. 
Kishi being a troller, used this opportunity to create a piss poor sob story for Sarada by making Sasuke as an absentee father and an unloving husband.
He created a sad story for Sarada and he gets to shit on SS ship. Two birds, One stone!!!! 
Now, Sasuke being an unloving husband is OOC ? Nope. He was never a marriage material in the first place. So he is perfectly in-character.
Sasuke being an absentee father is OOC? No and Yes. No, because it’s the effect of the cause I mentioned above. Yes, because unlike Naruto, Sasuke once had a father. He can try to reach her out now and often. but he prefers not to do instead he cares more about Boruto. LOL.
Sasuke being not family oriented is OOC? Nope. He is a goal oriented person. His goal is same as Naruto’s dream. He will go to any extent to fulfill it, even at the expense of his family’s happiness. Because that’s what he learnt from Itachi. What Itachi taught him was, even at the expense of his own happiness and Sasuke’s trauma, he preferred Konoha and Shinobi World’s peace. That’s what Sasuke is doing now. 
Naruto works way more than any of his predecessors and sleeps in the office or couch so as not to disturb Hinata, when Hinata is specifically designed to accommodate anything that Naruto might require.
As for Naruto, 
I think it’s very funny. And I guess, I know why.
Just like Sasuke, Naruto is also a goal oriented person. 
Remember, in that Boruto movie, Sasuke knocks Naruto’s door at the midnight?
Imagine if Naruto opened the door. 
Sasuke will be like, ‘Alright mothafucka!!! I wanted to die in the VoTE itself. You wanted me in your dream world. Am working my ass off for your stupid dreams and trying to reach you without even meeting my own family. And yet here you are, sleeping well and sound. Am just gonna Chidori you!!!’ LOL.
I think you get my point. 
If you make Sasuke to be an hardworker, then Naruto must work even hard to fulfill his dream. So you possibly can’t have Naruto playing duet with Himata or whatever trash. 
So kishi pulled his Two birds, One Stone for NH here!!!
In short, Kishi gets to make his New generation shine through this pathetic sob stories and at the same time, kept his favorite characters without going OOC. 
So, it’s a polite way of Kishi showing middlefinger to SS and NH for making him do this. He is saying, ‘Alright folks, you wanted this all along. But this is what you will get!!!’.
Just makes me wonder how Kishi will finally conclude SNS, because their bond still shows clearly in Boruto. Do you think he will kill them any time soon?
I think about this all the time. How will they end?? How will they die??
Now, don’t think I am some sadist for wanting them to die. I am just being practical and honest here. This is a new generation series. Of course, at some point, Naruto and Sasuke has to die for the sake of character development. And I will be happy if they die because I don’t like their miserable portrayal in Boruto at all. 
Naruto series has a pattern when it comes to death portrayal. Meaningful characters (except Neji) always die protecting someone/something they cherish. Jiraiya died for Naruto, Yahiko died for Konan & Nagato, Itachi died for Sasuke & Konoha, Haku died for Zabuza, Obito (younger) died for Kakashi & Rin and so on.
Ever since Naruto became Hokage, his death is pretty much plastered on his head. He will die protecting Konoha just like all the Hokages from First to Fourth who sacrificed their life for Konoha. 
But Sasuke??? 
I am going to say he will die protecting Naruto or the village. But for Naruto mostly. Either way, Sasuke will die first. 
Dying for Naruto, the reasons are crystal clear. He already died protecting Naruto once in the Zabuza arc. He will never hesitate to do it again. Which was evident from the way he told Naruto in the Boruto movie while giving his Susanoo, ‘If they capture the real you, then everything is gone’. Somewhere in Boruto Manga chapter 38 (I don’t remember properly), Sasuke was yelling at Naruto, ‘If you are gone, it’s pretty hopeless’ and was praying ‘Naruto, don’t you die’. 
So it’s pretty much Sasuke saying to Naruto, ‘I’ll protect you, You protect everyone’
But why the village?? Why will Sasuke die for Konoha which caused him so much pain?? I know anti-konoha stans wont like this, but that’s the reality.
It seems many Sasuke fans never paid attention to his character. After hearing the story from all the Hokages, Sasuke said, ‘I will not let Itachi’s life and this village into nothing’. He really meant it. Because for Sasuke, Itachi was more precious. Itachi died saying, ‘I’ll have protected my village as Uchiha Itachi of Konoha once again. I have no more regrets’. Sasuke wanted to respect his brother’s wish finally and that’s why he openly claimed in the battlefield, ‘I am going to protect Konoha and become it’s Hokage’. Sasuke’s another precious person is Naruto. He is the Hokage now. 
Don’t you think Sasuke will die protecting something Itachi and Naruto values so much??
He even claimed it openly in Boruto Manga. ‘I would die anytime for Konoha, as has your dad (Naruto)’
Sasuke even said to Boruto, “I will stop you even if I have to kill you”. And do you think Sasuke is just pouring out some empty words??? Sasuke will not let Boruto to turn into an Otsutsuki monster and destroy the village.
Like I said, Sasuke will go out first. And eventually Naruto will follow him. Or they both die protecting the village together. I don’t see them dying for their wives or children. Because, their relationship with their family is not too strong and their ambitions are far beyond their own families.
Maybe for this reason, Kishi is trolling NH and SS in Boruto. LOL.
Naruto’s bond with Sasuke was formed even before his birth, when Kushina asked the 3 month old Baby Sasuke to be friends with Naruto.
However, One thing is for sure. One will not live very long without the Other or Both will die together. That’s how their bond should end. 
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xenosagaepisodeone · 3 years
ok 3.0+1.0 longpost -_-
it’s difficult for me to describe how I feel about 3.0+1.0 as a film because it’s artistic vision is just a 25 year cultivated response to the otaku fixation on nge. this film hardly feels like it can stand on it’s own feet as a coherent story -- it’s constantly introducing and reinterpreting symbols, contexts and concepts in order to lay down some kind of grounded world while also wanting to be evocative of the freeform flow of feelings occurring in EoE/Ep25/26. if this movie was it’s own thing and just living in the shadow of it’s predecessor, I could probably live with it and maybe even say that I liked it, but it’s flip flopping on if it wants the metanarrative to drive the story or if it wants to erect a new mythology of Eva altogether completely squanders maximizing the potential of doing either. what were left with is a very cowardly iteration of the message at the end of nge -- “human connections are important, even if they can be painful” becomes “ if we show you what you wanted to see for the past nearly 30 years, will you grow up now?”
"Defeated" feels like how I would describe the ethos of this film.
reiQ’s farmer adventures were cute, but in a way that felt bittersweet- because this character is not actually rei. not simply because she is not ayanami, but because she carries no actual development from her previous iterations like the other characters of rebuild. reiQ answers the question of “what if rei was actually as moe as she looks in official art” but forgets to pull the rug out from beneath you to unveil the depths of her turmoil. while Ayanami would say “I am not your doll to control”, reiQ has almost every aspect of her character dictated to her by other people - and this is depicted as fulfilling and human (because Anno wants you to get a job and have kids). not even her name is her choice. her sudden death only exists to serve as a motivator for shinji. I wanted to believe that this was some commentary on how a relationship without pain and loss cant exist, but it seems unlikely as rei (1, 2, 3, Q, Ayanami, lilith, etc) does not have an arc in this film. also the TV production quality of the village segment made it feel like I was watching a 12 episode sol as opposed to an actual film.
funnily enough, my feeling towards reiQ made me feel retroactive distaste towards 1.0 and 2.22. I’ve never thought rebuild was good, that much has never been a secret. 1.0 and 2.22 however carried enough over from the original series that it felt like the original characters were picking themselves up and getting better. I was happy seeing asuka, who had previously spent 26 episodes and a movie being miserable, open herself up to happiness. I was happy seeing rei connect more with shinji. even if the characters had to become simplified versions of themselves to find their own peace, it didnt feel thatbad. I didn’t realize until 3.0 came out how little this tetralogy had to it beyond puppeteering iconography and hoping that fans find meaning in it. 3.0 and 3.0+1.0 carried the same conviction of 1.0 and 2.22 of showing you characters you like doing things you wished they did, but with the support of the original series environment withering away to unveil half baked ideas, convoluted plots and meaningless regurgitation of every meaningful image this series has produced. seeing rei stripped even farther than her bare bones as reiQ put into focus what I thought I appreciated about 1.0 and 2.22.
there were a few times throughout this movie where I was trying to figure out what it was that anno was trying to say. as stated in my op paragraph, the film does carry it’s own simplified message about how important it is to grow up and face the real world, but this message largely betrays the framing. its cowardly. the pain that shinji experience does not come from the Other anymore, it is all self inflicted. learning to endure hardship simply became a matter of overcoming your own feelings, because now everyone else in your life effortlessly accepts you. there are 3 girls with who dont have any problems anymore and a solarpunk empire that would be all over you if you simply stood on your own two feet. there is no asuka experiencing hedgehog dilemma with shinji, there’s only asuka who exists so shinji can learn how to confess to a girl. there is no misato constantly subjecting shinji to a interplay of projecting her issues onto him and attempting to mother him (with varying degrees of success), there’s just shinjis step mom who accepts that she is responsible for him (which feels GREAT to see but feels bad when you think about what it sacrificed to get there). for a guy whose complicated relationship with otaku culture has bled into his work, you would think that idealistic fantasy of the real world wouldnt be the crutch of the delivering his message. when I say that “defeated” is the ethos of this film, I mean that it is so lacking in purpose compared to its predecessors that it wears itself thin trying to superficially have something for every conceivable audience while throwing out the meat of why people liked those things in the first point.
I was surprised to see that it was gendo who survived as the most introspective part of the film. i’m conflicted towards how I feel about a gendo redemption arc, but I feel as if his instrumentality sequence itself was decently shot (I hate having to compare it to ep 25/26 but it lacks the artistic flare for such a big budget film) and very well articulated. there’s a beautiful story in here about realizing your parents are people and parents realizing the responsibility they owe to their children, but I wish it could have been explored in a different film where characters are less held back by their established canon. honestly watching this whole sequence made me wonder if anno is still friendly with goro miyazaki LMAO
I was largely uninterested in the fight scenes, I think the only one that genuinely made me feel something was the one towards the end where asuka turns into an angel. the poor fight choreography coupled with weird shot composition and the overbearing usage of cg makes fight sequences overbearing and kind of difficult to decipher. cg fights are largely 1 eva vs a swarm of enemies that take up the screen, all of them having the same line weight which just ends up making all parties involved look like a mesh of colors. there arent real stakes for the most part either, asuka and mari tear through waves of enemies with effortless precision accuracy in a way that isnt visually or technically impressive.
believe it or not, I don’t actually dislike Mari. Mari enacts what Anno sought to do with the Rebuilds -- to destroy Evangelion. Mari (literally!) falls out of the sky into the story and is not gripped by the pain of the hedgehog’s dilemma as she exhibits her adoration for most things. her romance with shinji is intentionally analogous to how anno perceives his relationship with his wife -- that she saved him by encouraging him to live in the real world. the actual, textual ridiculousness in her character is softened when you realize that she’s just another component of his 4 movie long exhibition of telling everyone his life is better now that he’s successful and has a hot and talented wife.
is it worth complaining about all the crotch or ass shots. i think we all feel the same way about it. anyway i have more thoughts but these are my loose ones.
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warning: this post is just me ranting about the writing of the naruto women for far too long
i honestly feel that one of the most frustrating/vaguely hilarious aspects of naruto is how naruto ended up being - and bear with me here - the best example of the extremely specific female archtype that kishimoto seemed to be obsessed with. 
like when you focus on sakura and hinata - arguably the most important female characters in the show as the two male leads’ respective end game love interests - you can break them both down into the same general mold:
- both devoted to the same boy their entire lives
- both are shown chasing after their crush in order to stand on “equal” footing (i.e. sakura’s “i finally caught up to them” and hinata’s “no longer chasing but standing by your side” mentalities)
- both suffer and try to overcome feelings of inferiority in their respective character arcs
and i want to be clear that while female characters who fit this mold aren’t usually my favorite thing it can definitely still work when written carefully and written well -  to be blunt i personally think both hinata and sakura are awesome character concepts and both had SO MUCH potential and i love their fanon interpretations but i feel that canonically they were poorly written, underdeveloped, and flat characters
most of their canonical character motivations revolve around their love interests - which really sucks because i would have KILLED for a deeper look at everything involving hinata and the hyuuga or even more about sakura’s development of her medical ninjustsu so much got skipped when it came to them which definitely didn’t help anything - that aside this is especially true in og naruto though to be fair - sasuke was still in konoha in og naruto and team seven was together for most episodes which made it especially prevalent in sakura’s case
the point is by the time shippuden came around it was extremely obvious that efforts were being made to improve the female characters - sakura now had much higher combat ability from the start of shippuden and, though she gets much less focus hinata is repeatedly shown doing brave acts and pushing herself to become stronger. and while i really loved the effort and it was definitely an improvement from especially sakura’s original character - it still fell flat to me.
sakura’s fight with sasori was perfect and a great way to revive her character but then she was pretty stagnant in a lot of the following arcs - i.e. injured in the reunion arc, not very important during the two saviors arc, her weird fake love confession during the assembly of the five kage arc, etc. - she constantly bounces between “now i’m strong” and “i still don’t measure up” making her character development - especially pre-war - virtually nonexistent because every step forward gets followed by a step back.
hinata is a bit more difficult simply because she’s such a minor character for so much of shippuden which is insane since she’s literally the protagonist’s future wife. regardless, looking at hinata’s big moments: her fight with neji in og naruto, blocking naruto from pain in shippuden, and the Smack during the war (there’s a few i’m missing i’m sure but those are really what constitutes her biggest moments to me during the meat of shippuden’s actual development phase - not the post war resolution phase) two of three of these moments precede her getting very heavily and soundly beaten which personally irks me - even if i don’t particularly like it i can see why and it makes sense to me she didn’t win the fight with neji or her pain confrontation and it definitely shows that she is brave and emphasizes the all-important devotion to her love interest aspect of her character BUT it’s also a little obnoxious that we never get to see her be REALLY victorious in her major moments.
so to sum up so far: sakura and hinata are both meant to be perceived as innovative and strong female characters but this perception doesn’t work in sakura’s case because she immediately repeatedly reverts back to the damsel in distress archtype and it doesn’t work in hinata’s case because the few strong moments she has are highlighted by failure.
and also the all important point that the majority of their “strong moments” are driven by their love interests - not a bad motivation except for the fact that that is one of their ONLY motivations
to the main point i’m trying to make: lets compare naruto (obviously take this with the understanding that naruto has a MAJOR advantage of having way more screen time and development as the titular character)
in regards to sasuke, naruto:
- is extremely devoted
- repeatedly chases after sasuke to match-up with him and improve
- and, especially in og, struggles with feeling inferior to sasuke
the context is a little different and the motivation behind some of the points changes between the two but it’s the exact same mold as sakura and hinata
the major difference between the two and the main reason that so many more people get frustrated with sakura’s devotion to sasuke and not naruto’s really boils down to development
sakura barely had her own character outside of loving sasuke and when she did, it immediately got downplayed in some way - just look at the war arc and her triumphant “i finally caught up to them” right before both sasuke and naruto essentially gain godlike powers, she then spends the war constantly distracted by sasuke even when fighting “sasuke isn’t worried about me at all” which really downplays her role.
on the flip side, even with his main goal of bringing sasuke back to the village, naruto has tons of motivation and character building outside of sasuke - ex. becoming hokage, gaining everyone’s acceptance, fixing konoha, living up to his parents/jiraiya’s expectations, bringing peace, protecting everyone he can, freeing the tailed beasts, etc. etc. you could go on forever the show is named after him after all.
we are told that sakura always chooses sasuke and nothing else about it but then we are told that naruto chooses sasuke despite everything else.
to sum up: the traditional female love interest that kishimoto wants to invent is the woman who is devoted. she puts the person she loves above everything else because she loves him. she’d do anything for that person even if it puts her at risk, etc. but at the end of the day there’s still the tired trait of still relying on the man in her life for certain things. and he doesn’t bother to expand characters like sakura and hinata beyond that. (great examples of characters who are almost completely separate from this mold are tsunade and temari - though one might argue about the way they were written designed to fit specific tropes for comedic moments - personally i think they manage to dodge that for the most part though)
with naruto and sasuke - naruto manages to fulfill every roll sakura is meant to in a much more elaborated and better way all without the curse of the female love interest that sakura and hinata bear. it’s hard to accept sakura and hinata’s “i’ll love you no matter what” when naruto is already actively outright doing that with sasuke. the roots of sakura’s feelings for sasuke, hinata’s feelings for naruto, and naruto’s feelings for sasuke are all exceptionally similar to one another which is what shoots kishimoto’s main romances in the foot - because it’s hard for them to measure up to the main “platonic brotherly” relationship he built between sasuke and naruto.
this post is obviously disregarding a lot of the Other really deep parts of sasuke and naruto’s relationship and some important points about the other women of naruto. also it’s important to think on the time period naruto and naruto shippuden were written in. we’re in a major incline period for improvement in how women are presented in fiction - just look at the difference of women between og and shippuden. obviously it doesn’t completely excuse anything but it’s a point to consider.
sorry for the rant and sorry if this is all really obvious to you or if it’s worded poorly, kinda just needed to word vomit my thoughts. i really like analyzing how women are represented in fiction and how the representations have developed over the years. i wrote a few essays about it for some of my courses and now i think about it all the time. obviously i’m not claiming this is how everyone should view these characters or anything i just had lots of my own thoughts about the entire situation and dynamics that i had to put SOMEWHERE. if you have any thoughts about it or points you wanna bring up feel free to do so i love fiction analysis a lot so i love hearing other people’s opinions
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merrysithmas · 3 years
theories why bucky is prob gonna die soon:
as an OG legacy character, bucky's time in the current timeline of the mcu is already limited, here's why
1. Sam and Sharon are going to be the new Steve&Bucky cpt america duo. Aside from his own storyline, Bucky's narrative place in Sam's arc is to remind him of Steve and the faith Steve put in him. Once Sam navigates his own journey to carrying shield, this narrative purpose will be fulfilled. Sam and Sharon represent modern day symbols for American justice and hope, a black man and a powerful woman with agency. They'd be a welcome duo to fill the shoes of Steve & Bucky's bygone wartime honors.
2. The show's narratives sets Bucky up as "irredeemable" or at least his emotional state relies heavily on his personal concept of redemption right from the first episode (with his murder of the innocent boy). You know what they say in storytelling, "you don't introduce a smoking gun in the first act without..." Superhero-wise this almost always indicates a heroic sacrifice, precendented in the MCU by Natasha "Red in My Ledger" Romanoff sacrificing herself for Clint and his family, Tony "You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play" Stark saving the world and dying).
3. Bucky's insistence Sam claim his rightful mantle of Cpt America on his own terms mirrors Dr Erskin's insistence Steve remain a good man on his own terms. We all know what happened to Erskin: but the memory of the doctor inspires Steve to carry out the original mission: not to be a great soldier, but a good man. Sam has yet to be faced with the pivotal moment where he must claim this in his own way and remember who came before him. Bucky is the only one connected to Steve's original legacy that could offer this perspective to Sam. Honoring Bucky's death could act as this reminder for Sam, alongside serving Bucky's own personal ends if written correctly.
4. Super Soldiers are framed as dangerous and the elimation of them appears to be the narrarive goal. The viewer can hypothesize Bucky will see himself as the progenitor of this deviant use of Super Soldier serum and believe the world will be safer when good men like Sam uphold what is right and the dark shadow of the shady origins of the serum and its cruel misuses (Isaiah) is obliterated. Steve was special and since Steve there has been no "positive" use of the serum. Sam is destined to be Cpt America without the serum by merit of his heart and Steve's faith in his goodness. IMO this is an even more pure origin of a Cpt America and harkens back to Skinny Steve.
5. Bucky has a personal beef with Zemo which sets up a big antagonistic fight and clear opportunity for heroic sacrifice.
6. "If you were sleeping and when you woke up a miracle happened..." An ominous line. Sleep=Death, waking up... who might he see that might make his world better? (shipper goggles for those that own a pair)
7. It seems like Marvel wants to kill off all its legacy characters before Multiverse comes out in anticipation of bringing them back in some alt universe/time travel manner. Tony, Natasha, Steve, and now Bucky. Whether that's bringing them back as the OG actors or different younger versions of them played by diff people.
8. "If he was wrong about you then he was wrong about me" ... This line indicates both Sam and Bucky will prove the opposite. Steve wasn't wrong about either of them. Sam by rising to become Cpt America and Bucky perhaps by a heroic sacrifice.
9. The fact that it was (queerbait most likely) hinted Bucky could be revealed as gay/bi post-Cpt America saga in TFATWS. Disney is Disney and we all know they aren't ready to have a longterm canon gay character that is fully developed with a romance and life. Bucky's trajectory as a tragic hero is already set and and his death thus assured at some point - therefore Disney could avoid accusations of "Bury Your Gays" this way.
For those w shipper goggles this last point is going to hurt you:
10. If Bucky died... Imagine him buried next to Steve at Arlington? Womb to tomb, sweetheart.
Obviously that is sentimental shipper goggles but more seriously, they have been framed narratively as linked, as the duo "inseparable on schoolyard and battlefield", to have them find peace together in the end would surely quell much of the criticism Marvel took at the end of Endgame following their separation. Also it would be a fitting "hero's" burial for the both of them after their lifetime of service and cement Bucky as a hero.
-Even if Bucky doesn't die in TFATWS his lease on MCU life is undoubtedly running out.
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starymintss · 4 years
Please enjoy an essay on why mitsukou has so much fucking potential and why they’re great together
by Elena~
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a connection like the one that mitsukou shares. This ship literally has true canon potential. I have hope and believe that we may be victorious in mitsukou becoming canon- I mean god dammit guys they are “SEMI CANON”-
kounene obviously won’t be endgame. In Houkago Shounen Hanako Kun (the spin-off series) they played a game in which the person who pulled a king card was able to get to command a person that was playing the game to do something no matter what. When Kou pulled his card- he literally decided he wanted his brother Teru who was there and Nene to have a romantic connection (hence- him saying and I fucking quote, “This will make senpai happy!”) He could’ve done it to his own benefit- to maybe earn a kiss or do something of his own benefit. But he didn’t, instead choosing to make his senpai happy.
Besides Hananene is basically canon already like what the fuck
As for Mitsuba he’s a gay coded character and hasn’t denied the guys aren’t his type. Some people who deem Mitsuba straight might use the scene where he tells Kou “Is this a love confession? Sorry but lame earrings aren’t really my style.” That still does not confirm that Mitsuba doesn’t swing that way. A really great piece of evidence is the bonus comics at the start and end of a manga- one titled, “Tell Me, Mitsuba Kun,” in which Kou asks if he ever had a crush on other girls- Mitsuba responding that there are simply no other girls cuter than him. In another bonus comic he says the same thing again when he tells Yokoo and Satou he wants to fall in love. When asked to name some girls he thinks are cute, he asks if it's possible that he was the cutest one of all. On the other hand, Kou has stated that he likes someone with a pretty smile (do I have to explain that) which is a pretty open explanation of his type (not denying or confirming he doesn’t like guys). Obviously as a Mitsukou shipper I can point out different actions that I’ll admit looks pretty gay.
It’s not the fact that it’s very common in manga like this that there’s the straight couple and then the other two people in the group are automatically paired together- they are so much more than that. They have a deep connection, and both Kou and Mitsuba are somewhat aware of that themselves. Mitsuba is willing to protect Kou from harm- he’s willing to stop him from getting himself hurt for others because Mitsuba cares, and he knows that he’s too reckless and caring and fearless for others in a way that isn’t healthy?
Kou likes to be everything for everyone and the reader can see in chapter 64 that Mitsuba really did try to talk to him about the behavior. Yes it’s weird to see Mitsuba actually show true concern to people--because it’s his character to be a jerk and an asshole, but that doesn’t mean Mitsuba is incapable of not having true genuine feelings for people he seems as his friends.
Obviously, Mitsuba trying to talk to Kou didn’t happen due to other events that occurred. But I think a lot of people agree that the moment would’ve been so beautifully written and truly played an extremely important part in Kou’s character development.
As for Mitsuba, Kou is generally a sweet guy. It’s stated he will give up his life for anyone, it was what he was taught growing up as an exorcist and a fighter. Those words do not fail his actions, and anyone can see Kou will die for literally anything which is really messed up. He’s 14 for fucks sake.
Someone against Mitsukou could use that as an argument but we see here in the manga that there’s simply something different about this said connection. Kou is first introduced to Mitsuba in chapter 30 something, and he remembers who he is after Yokoo tells him--what happened to Mitsuba that was ultimately the end of his life. Mitsuba does again by his rumor being changed, and being stabbed by Hanako- but it’s the fact he cries and loses sleep and just cannot let him go for anything that moves me. May I point out that he actually decided to process the photos even after Mitsubas death? He didn’t have to do that. Not at all. But he did anyways. It’s seen that Kou wants to find a way to help Mitsuba get away from Tsukasa and help him fit in more- he wants to be a friend. (Note: after he’s reintroduced to Mitsuba; this Mitsuba being a pure apparition with no memories.)
Mitsuba is deeply insecure about himself, and feels he doesn’t fit in. He’s lonely, and doesn’t have friends even as a ghost. But Kou is there. He’s there to be by Mitsubas side.
The deep connection the two of them have is strong and that’s especially shown in the picture perfect arc. At the beginning Kou first sees Mitsuba as a human and obviously it’s freaking him out because-he’s a ghost you know. But once him and Nene meet Shijima Mei, and are told they must kill Hanako (Amane) and Mitsuba, it’s disturbing to them. At this point in the series literally everyone know Hanako and Yashiro share a connection as lovers. I mean- its the couple that the series revolves around. But Kou is deeply disturbed because he doesn’t want to kill Mitsuba. Yet- Mei also reassured them that things will be alright since after all this is a fake world and there’s no need for hesitation. But it’s still affecting Kou and he’s carrying this information on his back as he learns beside Mitsuba in school and has fun with him while cleaning the pool. At night, when the two of them are walking on the school building and watching the stars from the window, Kou confronts Mitsuba about this (note: by now Kou knows that Mitsuba knows). Mitsuba goes on to reveal his true form, and uses his powers to show Kou the past. He tells him about how he learns about his past self. And he states to just feel so… “envious”
Mitsuba grows angry with Kou- because he can see how he’s looking at the true Mitsuba with such a gaze the fake Mitsuba knows he won’t ever get.
Things lead to one another and he smashes the window in fury. (“It’s that Mitsuba you want, right?!” And I dare you to tell me that doesn’t sound like a fucking quote from a bittersweet romance novel.)
Kou insists on getting Mitsuba out of there. And can I please just point out that Mitsuba says: “What are you doing?!” He asks Kou if this isn’t what he wanted- if this isnt the life they want to live from here on out where they can be happy together along with their friends. This reminds me of a direct parallel to Hananene, in which Hanako is confused as to why Nene wouldn’t want to stay here, and Nene tells him that this isn’t what she wants. Kou says the same thing to Mitsuba.
Kou drags out embedded feelings Mitsuba has as they fight, and he says quotes that are really important to their development. Things such as:
“But… who else is there?! Who else could grant my wish?! Even you, Minamoto- Kun!”
“You see… even you don’t care about me. It’s that “Mitsuba,” isn’t it?! I don't even MATTER!!”
“I’m Mitsuba’s fake, but let’s just call it real! This is a world where the “Mitsuba” you were unable to save can live happily! That’s good, isn’t it?”
“Even if it’s only in this world, be my friend, and stay by my side… I’m just thinking scary things. Over there, I’ll be jealous.”
I think the Picture Perfect arc really shows how desperate Mitsuba is to have friends- to fit in with everyone else and to just feel like he belongs and matters. Kou tries to tell him that isn’t true... he’s willing to do everything to let him know that he is so much more than what he deems himself as. He’s so much more than a “fake” of what used to be his original friend, there's so much more to do than wish wishes and hope things will just go the way you want things to go. There’s a better way than to look to evil to bend and defy the laws of existing.
There’s the famous quote Kou says- the “How about I die too. So that we can be together forever.” And how he decided right there this this fake Mitsuba- this apparition who very much will never become human- is worthy. He’s worthy of his life; this is more than the whole “I will die for every life” because Mitsuba is dead- he’s immortal as a ghost. But a human like him... in Mitsubas words someone who will never understand something as ugly and as horrifying as a apparition born from a real persons soul and lesser about to disappear spirits- Kou will give his life up just to know the hell he goes through. Even if it’s just a glimpse- even if it’s just for a second Kou will do anything to just fulfill Mitsubas wish for him to stay by his side. He will do anything for Mitsuba.
I think writing this out also makes me realize they both have their walls up. Kou has his walls up to try and hide his true feelings- his deepest fears and insecurities- feeling as if he isn’t good enough. Mitsuba has his walls up to do the same. He portrays himself as a guy that he deems will get him friends. He hides the ugliness in himself- hides the fact he’s a total fake; doesn’t belong anywhere and his deepest insecurities.
But the two of them together help each other in such a way that it’s unable to truly analyze every single moment they share together.
They help each other but teach the other to bring their walls down. That it’s okay to talk about your feelings and that you don’t have to be everything for everyone. That you don’t have to give up everything you have living- your health and your literal life- for someone. That it’s okay to feel like you don’t fit in. It’s okay to feel like there’s just no other choice of getting what you want and therefore doing the wrong things. That people will love you just for you; what happened in the past put aside.
Mitsuba and Kou are in love.
The end. 💖
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zorobae · 3 years
Okay, so after not reading One Piece for more than a year, I caught up on all the chapters I missed by now and just wanted to write down my thoughts~ I also intend to make edits again. It’s been a while, though, I hope I still remember how lol. First and foremost, I’m really glad to be reading Oda-sensei’s great writing and to be in this world again, so to say. I missed this consistently-good quality of writing, the blend of action+emotion+humor and of course, I missed my adorkable Strawhat crew ^-^ I stopped reading where the second Wano Act ended so I picked up from there until chapter 1009. A lot of the chapters in Act Three are flashbacks from Kozuki Oden's life. He is an interesting and well-thought-out character, to say the least. I found it quite hard to wrap my head around his demise, though. That was just too... unfair. But then, if the point of that incident is to make us readers despise Kaido more; mission accomplished. I gotta say, for me, the highlight of those flashbacks was to see the Whitebeard pirates. The way that crew treated each other like family and they all called Whitebeard "pops" will never not be endearing to me. I lk hate that Oda indirectly brought up Ace in Oden's flashback (when Roger talked about his unborn son). Maybe I'm just overly emotional but I think it's a testament to Oda-sensei's writing that any reminder of Ace still makes me sad. I think that Toki and her relationship with Oden was also quite sweet. Oda-sensei never spends too much time on romance but he still manages to give those relationships weight. I was moved by how perfect Oden and Toki were together, how understanding and supportive of each other. When Toki said "we are not your weakness", right after she lost her husband... that was a powerful moment imo.
Coming back to present time; it's actually stupid how happy it made me to see Jimbei finally catching up with Luffy and all now ten Strawhats reunited! Didn't last long of course but hey, at least they're all still on the same island this time xD I’m so glad that Jimbei joined the crew for good now - the traditional toast to a new crew member has yet to come, though. And I wonder if maybe Yamato, even if just temporarily, might also join. Yamato is a badass character so far. I think her weird pretense as Oden is a bit off-putting but I still like her. I am actually confused about her gender identity now, though. Does he actually identify as male himself or is that solely because he’s pretending to be Oden? What she’s doing seems to be “identity theft” rather than being genderqueer. But either way, it hasn’t been confirmed yet. I really hope Oda-sensei will confirm her gender soon. For now and until we get any confirmation, I’ll still headcanon her as genderfluid. I definitely think it’s easy to tell that she’s genuine in her support for the Kozukis and the Strawhats. Also, there were some flashbacks with Ace... I both hated and loved those. Yamato, having to tell Ace he mentioned his brother too often was not okay TT-TT Speaking of Ace’s brother, Oda-sensei hinted that Sabo got announced dead but as is the rule with OP; if there is no corpse, he ain’t dead.
I haven’t checked how far the anime is but the rest of my thoughts might be spoilery so I’ll put them under a cut~
Luffy and Zoro are my faves but Is2G, I love all ten of the Strawhats with all of my heart. And yet, there’s one Strawhat who I always hope will do better but .... /sigh/ They are outnumbered 6:1 and somehow, Sanji still lets himself be distracted by women. And not even friendly ones but women who are also his enemies. Luffy and Jimbei assumed that Sanji stayed back to clear distractions for them - which was really sweet but not exactly true. I can’t believe there are fans who are arguing about who’s the #2 among the Strawhats. I mean, Zoro is fighting against Kaido and Big Mom and protecting his Captain as best as he can while Sanji got caught in Black Maria’s net cuz he’s a huge perv. And some fans still feel the need to debate who’s better.... Okay then. It’s not unexpected but it’s just disappointing cuz we all know how strong, protective and determined Sanji is. He can be better than this. I hope that he, and all Strawhats, will get their moments to shine at some point during the rest of this arc. Well, actually Chopper might have already gotten his moment when he cured the Ice Onis. That was pretty badass, and got even better when he punched Queen and reminded everyone he ain’t a racoon-dog teehee
Right now, at the end of chapter 1009, it looked like Big Mom would fall off of Onigashima. If she really does, it’ll probably take a while before she can fly back up somehow and anything like that would obviously help Luffy, Zoro, Law and Kidd. I wonder how tf Kaido can both keep the island floating and also fight at the same time. If they should defeat him while it’s still floating, is the whole island gonna crash down? Anyway, I can’t wait for Luffy to kick Kaido’s ass. I’m kinda hoping Momonosuke or one of the Akazaya or maybe Yamato will deliver the final blow or something. I also hope Oda-sensei won’t give us ten or so chapters of Kaido’s tragic past cuz I really don’t care lol. I’d rather see Oden’s dream of an open and peaceful Wano fulfilled~
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