#the saying goes rome wasn't built in a day
ranger-kellyn · 6 months
love that because two idiots decided to fuck during an ice storm instead of playing a board game or doing literally ANYTHING ELSE i get to be forced to live during the decline of the us empire
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poetici · 3 months
Hi can you give me some tips to improve my writing
Hi there. So I made it into a mnemonic, hope it's helpful.
I - Intention
Set an intention first. It could be as simple as 'I love writing' or something like 'I am the greatest writer in the world.'
M - Make mistakes
Writing is a holistic process. You are bound to make mistakes while drafting, editing, etc. Don't be afraid to make mistakes but also learn how to correct them.
P - Practice
It goes without saying. Practice, practice, and loads of practice. Rome wasn't built in a day.
R - Reading
Just as food is fuel for the body, reading is fuel for writing. Read something everyday, be it an article or a poem or if you have the time, a book. Join a book club maybe. Or explore different genres.
O - Order/Routine
If possible, set a routine for your writing. Have a scheduled time in the day to write and make it a priority.
V - Vocabulary
Look up new words as you come across them. Experiment with words in your drafts. It will greatly polish your writing.
E - Enjoy the process
Most importantly, even if you don't follow any other tips, you should definitely enjoy your writing. It's a process of creation, so have fun with it and don't pressurise yourself!
You will find so many rules and tips online and offline both that can help you improve your writing. You will also find that different people have different writing styles and tips.
One important tip is that there are no rules!!
Yet these are a few that I could simplify for you to remember.
Happy Writing!!
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angelic-brutality · 2 years
look at what i made
decided to make an angst fanfic to try it, here it goes
it's a draken x neutral reader :-D based on that song "deja vu" by olivia rodrigo bc yes
and also i'm brazilian so i'm sure there's grammar mistakes here, don't act like i didn't said nothing 🙌
“hope you enjoy the trip!”
it was the comment i sent as soon as i realized that what draken posted was a photo of him and emma traveling together, in osaka, right in that place. it was a city he liked. we got used to go there at least two times a month just to relax, and we both had special memories about that place.
i don’t even know why i sent the comment, he never answers. not in the picture that showed the both in an ice cream shop eating ice cream in the same cup, and also ignored me when i said they looked cute in each other’s jackets.
part of me said that if we had broke up, it wasn't meant to be, even with the good memories we built together that usually bring me a smile in my face every time i remember them; but now i just feel an empty and sadness when i realize ken is not coming back, not even if i begged. it’s all over. i was used to the idea that ryuguji is a human with choices and if he wanted to he had the right to leave me, but that just makes me so sad.
the other part of my mind just wanted to make any convenient excuse just so i wouldn’t feel so bad. said that ken was just confused when we broke up, seeked for emma’s comfort but things developed and they ended up like they are nowadays; but he still felt something for me, no one would fall out of love this fast. thinking about this makes me want to scream ‘cause i don’t hate emma, trully, but i hate the way she conquered him with such ease. thinking about this makes me so angry.
when i realized that as a whole and how divided i was i just felt so confused. hate or don’t hate emma, ‘cause she was my friend but now she didn’t even stare at me ‘cause i’m her boyfriend’s ex. hate or don’t hate draken, ‘cause he had choices but it didn’t gives him the right of hearing so much vents of mine but now pretend i don’t exist. hate or don’t hate myself, because i can’t want two people that are meant for each other to break up just because i was confused and jealous, but at the same time i hope that one day they will realize that everything was weird because it started from another break up.
in the beginning, i used to joke about it, saying “i bet he almost calls my name when he’ll talk about her”, “it’s obvious that he tells my jokes like they're his” or even “it’s a different person but he acts like it was me”, but as the time passed by i realized these things were true. i always traveled to osaka with him. i shared my ice cream in the same cup in a romantic way with him. i liked to change our jackets to see how it would look in the other. i passed nights watching series and movies with him, always introducing something new. everything was reused. even though i wanted to go back like we were before, i was sure it would never happen.
maybe in another universe where i’m (or he’s?) not too stupid and manages to make this work, but not in this one.
taglist: @rome-alone (i need more people in my taglist </3)
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hedgeartzone · 2 months
Have you ever wanted to draw something but you fought due to your skill level at the time you decide not to do it
Many, many times this has happened.
There's probably a lot of people who would say just do it bad, scared, whatever it is and just keep going and they have a point that you should.
For me, i honestly end up just dropping the idea (atleast for awhile) since this ends up usually putting me in a bad loop where i dont make art. Its why i end up in artblock so often and why i post so little now.
I have a lot of projects written down because of this that i hope to one day come back to when I'm in a better mindset to tackle them.
I actually have a couple animatics i dropped that im planning on picking up within the next week or so depending on how my irl schedule goes.
I guess to make a long rant short:
Just because you think you lack the skill to do something doesnt mean you should abandon it all together. Just take your time and you'll eventually get there. After all Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 years
This whole making of ancient Greek mythology series in books and movies Hollywood does goes waaaay back to the Renaissance period when the Italians longed for the glory days of ancient Greece and Rome. So they taught about the great philosophers and made art based on that, our plays and teachings were an inspiration for Europe. And that same inspiration was in US as well with all the immigrants going there.
Yes there was the Asian also culture that influenced, but the core was Ancient Greece so it remained on top even to this day. Especially nowadays with the popularity of our mythology it will not calm down, but I at least hope we Greeks can create our own pieces of media instead of hoping from foreigners to do it for us.
I mean, it wasn't just the Italians...But back then, if it was someone who had the closest connection to the Roman empire, this is the Italians. So I find it a bit natural they remembered those ideals and eras again and used them as they pleased. I think the Italians have our backs more than anyone else in Europe when it comes to how our myths are used because they are seeing the same shit from the New world countries and northwest Europe.
And the funny thing is that these western European countries tried to fight off the Romans at every chance xD It is great to get influenced by other cultures, don't get me wrong. But they went into such a large degree of fetishization that they consider themselves inheritors of the Greek culture even though they are not in the Greek culture.
Large parts of philosophy and medicine they also took from the Arabs and Persians, but they very conveniently forget them. Ancient Greece was an ideal they wanted to build their ethnic identities around, much more in the US, which needed a shared ground. That's why, at the same decades the Greeks in the US were segregated, suffering from police brutality, and called dirty rats, buildings inspired by ancient Greece and Rome were built all over the country.
There is a lot of appreciation in the beginning, but it has come to the point of misappropriation, and the Greek people never asked to be seen as "the representatives of the white culture" (or other racist bs). If I decorate my house in traditional Hindustani style and I don't give a shit about North Indians and their culture, am I really inspired by their culture, or do I just keep the elements that suit me and disregard what doesn't look "pretty" to me?
"We owe it all to ancient Greeks" my ass. They can't pronounce a Greek surname, name a Greek dish, or show Greece on the map to save their lives. They don't give a shit about Greece's history and its people after it became Christian. Because it doesn't suit their Catholic/Protestant-Evangelical propaganda and aesthetics. (If you ask them about Byzantium they are like "eeh what is that??")
As I say in a popular post of mine, if you see “Greek mythology” and your mind goes to North Americans and Northwestern Europeans, you haven’t decolonized your mind yet. (link)
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o5-blackbird · 1 year
Things can fall apart far, far quicker than they're build up. How goes the saying, Rome wasn't built in a day, but it burned in one?
Well that’s because of shit construction or planning or something. Eight and I have decent foundations for our friendship, at least from how I see it.
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healthandbeauty-24 · 2 years
Weight Loss Hacks
Losing weight is not just a matter of eating the right foods and getting enough exercise, it is also a matter of developing the mental side of it because unless you get yourself into the right frame of mind your weight loss efforts are doomed to fail. Here are ten weight-loss hacks.
1. Develop a healthy living mindset
Weight management is more a healthy living mind-set rather than a weight-loss one. Get into healthy living habits try not to focus on how much weight you are losing. Focus instead on getting enough exercise and eating the right foods. Healthy living also means living well and looking after your mental well-being. Unless you are in the right head-space you will not be in the right frame of mind to make the right choices as far as what you eat.
2. Decide to be happy despite your current circumstances
Some people make a decision that they are not going to be happy until they lose x amount of weight or for some other reason. In other words they need a license in order to be happy. The catch-22 situation is that a low self-esteem will undermine your weight-controlling efforts. Being happy is your responsibility and yours alone. It is up to you to find your own calling in life and being the person you were meant to be will go a long way towards achieving happiness and once you achieve that it will be easier to achieve your ideal weight.
3. Be yourself
There is no one else like you so be the best at being you rather than an imitation of someone else. It is better to polish the personal unique gifts and talents you have rather than be envious of others who are gifted in other areas. You are not meant to hide the talents you have or keep them to yourself but rather share them with others so that they may benefit from them. As far as weight-loss goes, it is futile to try and achieve a model-like figure when you have a different body-type.
4. Don't compare yourself with others.
Run your own race and let others run their races. People who have a low self-esteem tend to make unfavourable comparisons with others. It is true that people tend to date their self-esteem. They are attracted to people who have the same issues as they have. Just accept who you are and if others do not like who you are then that is their problem, not yours. Just do your best!
5. Take no notice of the infomercials
Advertisers will use all the tricks in the book to appeal to your desires. That includes making you feel guilty about who you are. Honestly, you can understand why some women's self-esteem suffers when you see some of the ads. There is usually a disclaimer in the ad saying "results are not typical." Understand that for every person who appears in those testimonials there are countless others who were unsuccessful despite all their efforts. The success stories you read of are often exaggerated.
6. Ignore the before and after ads
Take no notice of the before and after adverts. The only before and after photos you should concern yourself with are your own. An unflattering photo is always used for the before photo.You do not know what goes on in order to produce such a flattering image in the after photo.
7. Make small changes daily
Make gradual changes to your diet in order for your body to become accustomed to a different routine whether that is changes to your diet or a new fitness regime. Develop good habits by taking bite-sized changes. It will all take time but it is better than trying to achieve too much in a short time then losing heart and giving up. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was anything else worth achieving so be patient.
8. Don't lose heart
It may be frustrating when you are not making much progress. Don't lose heart, just keep to your healthy living plan and you will at least be satisfied that you are doing the right thing. Focus on your hobbies and this will keep your mind off worries. Enjoy living your life despite your circumstances.
9. Take up new hobbies and sports
This is essential for your well-being because unless you are in the right head-space your efforts to control your weight will be in vain. Have you heard of the saying "comfort eating?" Sport enables you to connect with others and helps to build up your network of friends and acquaintances. Getting involved in some kind of sport is an activity that will certainly help you to control your weight and help maintain your mental stability. There are a number of sports you can take up and it does not matter how unfit you are. Even walking around the block is better than not exercising. The key is to get into the habit of exercising. Your capacity to do more exercise will increase as your fitness increases.
10. Understand there are no magic formulas
There is no magic formula for obtaining the body you want. There is no easy solution or short-cut method for reducing your weight. It takes effort and sacrifice and you have to decide whether it is all worth it. There is an ideal weight for all body types. Therefore you need to establish what is the ideal body type for your weight.
More Details>>>
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kookieswan · 2 years
I know this goes without saying but you, my dear, are worth way more than any amount of waiting. And not to mention, Rome wasn't built in a day. Or in my case, the pyramids. Because yes to Egyptology.
Anyway! Try not to feel pressured as far as what to update next. All of your writing is amazing so really it's a win-win for us fans and readers. I say whatever you feel you're vibing with more at the moment.
Very good points! It does take time to craft out a huge plot lol, and I think I enjoy the breaks because it gives me time to think about what comes next! ❤️
As always, thank you for the reassurance lovely!!! 🌸🌸🌸
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kalyanchartonline · 20 days
Advanced Techniques for Analyzing Kalyan Chart Like a Pro
 Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the complexity of Kalyan Chart analysis? Don't worry; you're not alone. Understanding the intricacies of this chart can seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and some simple tips, you can become a master in no time. 
Whether you're a seasoned Kalyan Chart enthusiast or just starting out, this guide will help you navigate the waters and unlock the secrets of this fascinating chart.
Understanding the Kalyan Chart
Before diving into mastering the Kalyan Chart, let's take a moment to understand what it is and why it's important. The Kalyan Chart is a tool used in the world of Satta Matka to predict the outcomes of various games. 
It consists of a series of numbers arranged in a specific pattern, and decoding this pattern is key to predicting future results.
Familiarize Yourself with the Basics
Like any skill, mastering the Kalyan Chart requires a solid understanding of the basics. Start by familiarizing yourself with the different components of the chart, such as the open, close, and panel. Once you have a grasp of these fundamentals, you'll be better equipped to analyze the chart and make informed predictions.
Stay Updated with Latest Trends
The world of Satta Matka is constantly evolving, with new trends and patterns emerging all the time. To stay ahead of the game, it's essential to stay updated with the latest developments in the Kalyan Chart. Follow reputable sources, participate in online forums, and engage with other enthusiasts to stay in the loop.
Practice, Practice, Practice
As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. The same applies to mastering the Kalyan Chart. Take the time to practice analyzing the chart regularly, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. The more you practice, the more intuitive the process will become, and soon you'll find yourself making accurate predictions with ease.
Develop Your Own Strategies
While it's important to learn from others, don't be afraid to develop your own strategies when it comes to analyzing the Kalyan Chart. Experiment with different techniques and approaches, and see what works best for you. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution, so don't be afraid to think outside the box.
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Learn from Your Mistakes
Nobody gets it right 100% of the time, and that's okay. The key is to learn from your mistakes and use them as opportunities for growth. When you make a wrong prediction, take the time to analyze what went wrong and adjust your approach accordingly. Over time, you'll develop a better understanding of the Kalyan Chart and improve your predictive abilities.
Stay Disciplined and Patient
Last but not least, mastering the Kalyan Chart requires discipline and patience. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is expertise in Kalyan Chart analysis. Stay committed to your practice, stay patient with yourself, and don't get discouraged by setbacks. With time and dedication, you'll reach your goals and become a true master of the Kalyan Chart.
In conclusion, mastering the Kalyan Chart may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and some simple tips, it's entirely achievable. 
By understanding the basics, staying updated with trends, practicing regularly, developing your own strategies, learning from mistakes, and staying disciplined and patient, you'll be well on your way to becoming a Kalyan Chart expert in no time. 
So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey today and unlock the secrets of this fascinating chart!
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minty-bubblegum · 8 months
i really need to work on the last part of The Love Potion series😭
You should take your time on it
As the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day
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jerpears · 8 months
Gibson League Welcomes Season 68 with Exciting Defensive Upgrades for the Boise Lumberjacks
Boise, ID — The Gibson League is thrilled to announce the start of its 68th season, and baseball fans across the nation are buzzing with anticipation for the exciting changes coming to the Boise Lumberjacks. After a challenging Season 67 plagued by defensive struggles, the Lumberjacks are set to turn the tide with the addition of 28-year-old defensive wiz Albie Quinonez as their new shortstop and a dedicated fielding instructor as they enter Season 68.
In a league where defense can make all the difference, the Lumberjacks recognized the need for an upgrade in the crucial shortstop position. Albie Quinonez, with his remarkable 95.7% fielding success rate last season, immediately caught the team's attention. Quinonez is known for his quick reflexes, incredible range, and strong arm, making him a formidable presence on the field. The Lumberjacks are confident that his outstanding defensive skills will bring stability to their infield.
However, as the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and the Lumberjacks aren't taking any chances. In addition to Albie Quinonez's arrival, the team has brought in a new fielding instructor to sharpen the skills of their entire roster. The team recognizes that a strong defense requires collective effort, and the fielding instructor will be working closely with players to improve their fundamentals and techniques.
The Lumberjacks' fans got a taste of what to expect in their first game of Season 68 when a ground ball to Short led to an initial bobble by Albie Quinonez. The infamous "boo birds" started to make their presence known. However, the Lumberjacks are not discouraged by this early setback. They understand that Rome wasn't built in a day, and improvements take time. The commitment to defense is unwavering, and with Quinonez's skills and the dedicated fielding instructor, they believe they are on the right track.
While the Lumberjacks may have lost their season opener 8-0, they remain optimistic and determined. The entire organization is focused on their goal of becoming a defensive powerhouse in the Gibson League.
The Gibson League's 68th season promises to be an exciting one, with the Boise Lumberjacks leading the charge in their pursuit of defensive excellence. Fans can look forward to a season filled with thrilling plays, intense competition, and the hope of seeing their team make a remarkable comeback.
For more information, please contact: Boise Lumberjacks Public Relations Email: [email protected] Phone: (555) 123-4567
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myaquariusheart · 1 year
So, I was late to Uni today, missing the Inclusion presentations, and who didn't see that one coming. Honestly, I have no excuse, even though I had an eye-opening realization yesterday this just proves to me it's going to take a long time and some real drive and determination in order for me to be able to wake up on time, stop oversleeping and actually be on time for once. It was the first day of Uni today and it was somewhat interesting and the start of new beginnings and the end of some things too. I saw old friends, and I saw J and T. I thought J was being a bit cold to me but I still haven't figured out if that's just how she is. T was super friendly and kind to me which kinda put me in a better mood. I also had a meeting about my dissertation today. It was really long overdue and also stressful. I've been waffling too much in my work and not being clear about my aims and objectives, so that means I'm going to have to carefully read over my work again and create a new question. ALL THIS and the 9th of May is getting closer and closer and I'm honestly having an internal panic attack. I need to just focus and think about what's really important here but also not overwork myself or the work is not going to be good, just rushed and not thought about properly. Next week is the presentation and Philosophy is also due. They're both complete but just need some improvements and a read-through. I need to include references on both which is going to be challenging because I have no idea where to get them from. I've brushed and got ready for bed but I also feel like I didn't do all that I could have today, I still need to read, watch some JoJo and also think about what I even want to do tomorrow. I need to wake up early and take Alv to school, then come home, have a shower, and get to Uni on time. I had iftar plans but I think I'm going to cancel them and just come home, I do have work on Wednesday which is such an early start and I am dreading it. I also saw S today which was probably the highlight, only because I didn't think I was going to see them. I was definitely speaking that interaction into existence because there was literally no chance of me seeing them, I haven't seen them since OCTOBER 2022. It's been almost 6 months now, and wow time has really flown by. I'm going to graduate and get out of that place and say goodbye to all my Uni memories. I'll defo be bored and miss everyone in that place but can't wait to say bye to the drama. I'm feeling a little excited now and hopeful, like Tiffany Ray said, 'Rome wasn't built in a day' and there's always room for improvement and change. Tomorrow could be that day who knows? Mum is also having a meeting with Z's school and I just hope it goes well, usually, I'm the one going to these things but I think it's best now that Mum goes because it seems like I'm not as effective when I go to these things. I think at the parent's meeting we literally met one teacher and we called it a day, but it does make me feel excited for when I go to my own children's parent meetings. Anyway a bit off-topic here I watched the Love Is Blind reunion and everyone online was saying that it was underwhelming and a bit shit. Ngl I actually enjoyed it and thought it could be as juicy as it could be. I'm glad Irina got thrown under the bus, not to hate on her but she was a bit horrible and I'm glad everyone watched it unfold. I also felt sorry for Marshall, and Zak. Zak's singing was sweet but it was hard to hear but honestly, Bliss is one lucky girl, no man has ever sung for me and at this point, I'm dying for someone to write a rap about me. That would be a dream come true. I think that's when a man is truly in love because what kind of man does that?! Someone who is so in their feelings and is sensitive and not afraid to share how they feel. So you go Bliss and Zak. With Love Island and Love is Blind all finished I don't know what love show I'm going to watch and keep me occupied. With my love life going down the drain I just want to watch other people be in love and happy.
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krishnadebnath · 2 years
Ten Weight Loss Hacks
Ketosis Advanced
Losing weight is not just a matter of eating the right foods and getting enough exercise, it is also a matter of developing the mental side of it because unless you get yourself into the right frame of mind your weight loss efforts are doomed to fail. Here are ten weight-loss hacks.
1. Develop a healthy living mindset
Weight management is more a healthy living mind-set rather than a weight-loss one. Get into healthy living habits try not to focus on how much weight you are losing. Focus instead on getting enough exercise and eating the right foods. Healthy living also means living well and looking after your mental well-being. Unless you are in the right head-space you will not be in the right frame of mind to make the right choices as far as what you eat.
2. Decide to be happy despite your current circumstances
Some people make a decision that they are not going to be happy until they lose x amount of weight or for some other reason. In other words they need a license in order to be happy. The catch-22 situation is that a low self-esteem will undermine your weight-controlling efforts. Being happy is your responsibility and yours alone. It is up to you to find your own calling in life and being the person you were meant to be will go a long way towards achieving happiness and once you achieve that it will be easier to achieve your ideal weight.
3.Be yourself
There is no one else like you so be the best at being you rather than an imitation of someone else. It is better to polish the personal unique gifts and talents you have rather than be envious of others who are gifted in other areas. You are not meant to hide the talents you have or keep them to yourself but rather share them with others so that they may benefit from them. As far as weight-loss goes, it is futile to try and achieve a model-like figure when you have a different body-type.
4. Don't compare yourself with others.
Run your own race and let others run their races. People who have a low self-esteem tend to make unfavourable comparisons with others. It is true that people tend to date their self-esteem. They are attracted to people who have the same issues as they have. Just accept who you are and if others do not like who you are then that is their problem, not yours. Just do your best!
5. Take no notice of the infomercials
Advertisers will use all the tricks in the book to appeal to your desires. That includes making you feel guilty about who you are. Honestly, you can understand why some women's self-esteem suffers when you see some of the ads. There is usually a disclaimer in the ad saying "results are not typical." Understand that for every person who appears in those testimonials there are countless others who were unsuccessful despite all their efforts. The success stories you read of are often exaggerated
6.Ignore the before and after ads
Take no notice of the before and after adverts. The only before and after photos you should concern yourself with are your own. An unflattering photo is always used for the before photo.You do not know what goes on in order to produce such a flattering image in the after photo.
7. Make small changes daily
Make gradual changes to your diet in order for your body to become accustomed to a different routine whether that is changes to your diet or a new fitness regime. Develop good habits by taking bite-sized changes. It will all take time but it is better than trying to achieve too much in a short time then losing heart and giving up. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was anything else worth achieving so be patient.
8. Don't lose heart
It may be frustrating when you are not making much progress. Don't lose heart, just keep to your healthy living plan and you will at least be satisfied that you are doing the right thing. Focus on your hobbies and this will keep your mind off worries. Enjoy living your life despite your circumstances.
9.Take up new hobbies and sports
This is essential for your well-being because unless you are in the right head-space your efforts to control your weight will be in vain. Have you heard of the saying "comfort eating?" Sport enables you to connect with others and helps to build up your network of friends and acquaintances. Getting involved in some kind of sport is an activity that will certainly help you to control your weight and help maintain your mental stability. There are a number of sports you can take up and it does not matter how unfit you are. Even walking around the block is better than not exercising. The key is to get into the habit of exercising. Your capacity to do more exercise will increase as your fitness increases.
10. Understand there are no magic formulas
There is no magic formula for obtaining the body you want. There is no easy solution or short-cut method for reducing your weight. It takes effort and sacrifice and you have to decide whether it is all worth it. There is an ideal weight for all body types. Therefore you need to establish what is the ideal body type for your weight.
Ketosis Advanced 
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weightloseuk · 2 years
Ten Weight Loss Hacks
Losing weight is not just a matter of eating the right foods and getting enough exercise, it is also a matter of developing the mental side of it because unless you get yourself into the right frame of mind your weight loss efforts are doomed to fail. Here are ten weight-loss hacks.
See How To Lose Weight Fast Here
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1. Develop a healthy living mindset
Weight management is more a healthy living mind-set rather than a weight-loss one. Get into healthy living habits try not to focus on how much weight you are losing. Focus instead on getting enough exercise and eating the right foods. Healthy living also means living well and looking after your mental well-being. Unless you are in the right head-space you will not be in the right frame of mind to make the right choices as far as what you eat.
2. Decide to be happy despite your current circumstances
Some people make a decision that they are not going to be happy until they lose x amount of weight or for some other reason. In other words they need a license in order to be happy. The catch-22 situation is that a low self-esteem will undermine your weight-controlling efforts. Being happy is your responsibility and yours alone. It is up to you to find your own calling in life and being the person you were meant to be will go a long way towards achieving happiness and once you achieve that it will be easier to achieve your ideal weight.
3. Be yourself
There is no one else like you so be the best at being you rather than an imitation of someone else. It is better to polish the personal unique gifts and talents you have rather than be envious of others who are gifted in other areas. You are not meant to hide the talents you have or keep them to yourself but rather share them with others so that they may benefit from them. As far as weight-loss goes, it is futile to try and achieve a model-like figure when you have a different body-type.
4. Don't compare yourself with others.
Run your own race and let others run their races. People who have a low self-esteem tend to make unfavourable comparisons with others. It is true that people tend to date their self-esteem. They are attracted to people who have the same issues as they have. Just accept who you are and if others do not like who you are then that is their problem, not yours. Just do your best!
5. Take no notice of the infomercials
Advertisers will use all the tricks in the book to appeal to your desires. That includes making you feel guilty about who you are. Honestly, you can understand why some women's self-esteem suffers when you see some of the ads. There is usually a disclaimer in the ad saying "results are not typical." Understand that for every person who appears in those testimonials there are countless others who were unsuccessful despite all their efforts. The success stories you read of are often exaggerated.
6. Ignore the before and after ads
Take no notice of the before and after adverts. The only before and after photos you should concern yourself with are your own. An unflattering photo is always used for the before photo.You do not know what goes on in order to produce such a flattering image in the after photo.
7. Make small changes daily
Make gradual changes to your diet in order for your body to become accustomed to a different routine whether that is changes to your diet or a new fitness regime. Develop good habits by taking bite-sized changes. It will all take time but it is better than trying to achieve too much in a short time then losing heart and giving up. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was anything else worth achieving so be patient.
8. Don't lose heart
It may be frustrating when you are not making much progress. Don't lose heart, just keep to your healthy living plan and you will at least be satisfied that you are doing the right thing. Focus on your hobbies and this will keep your mind off worries. Enjoy living your life despite your circumstances.
9. Take up new hobbies and sports
This is essential for your well-being because unless you are in the right head-space your efforts to control your weight will be in vain. Have you heard of the saying "comfort eating?" Sport enables you to connect with others and helps to build up your network of friends and acquaintances. Getting involved in some kind of sport is an activity that will certainly help you to control your weight and help maintain your mental stability. There are a number of sports you can take up and it does not matter how unfit you are. Even walking around the block is better than not exercising. The key is to get into the habit of exercising. Your capacity to do more exercise will increase as your fitness increases.
10. Understand there are no magic formulas
There is no magic formula for obtaining the body you want. There is no easy solution or short-cut method for reducing your weight. It takes effort and sacrifice and you have to decide whether it is all worth it. There is an ideal weight for all body types. Therefore you need to establish what is the ideal body type for your weight.
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Ten Weight Loss Hacks
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Losing weight is not just a matter of eating the right foods and getting enough exercise, it is also a matter of developing the mental side of it because unless you get yourself into the right frame of mind your weight loss efforts are doomed to fail. Here are ten weight-loss hacks.
1. Develop a healthy living mindset
Weight management is more a healthy living mind-set rather than a weight-loss one. Get into healthy living habits try not to focus on how much weight you are losing. Focus instead on getting enough exercise and eating the right foods. Healthy living also means living well and looking after your mental well-being. Unless you are in the right head-space you will not be in the right frame of mind to make the right choices as far as what you eat.
Click here for "21 Free Keto Recipes"
2. Decide to be happy despite your current circumstances
Some people make a decision that they are not going to be happy until they lose x amount of weight or for some other reason. In other words they need a license in order to be happy. The catch-22 situation is that a low self-esteem will undermine your weight-controlling efforts. Being happy is your responsibility and yours alone. It is up to you to find your own calling in life and being the person you were meant to be will go a long way towards achieving happiness and once you achieve that it will be easier to achieve your ideal weight.
3. Be yourself
There is no one else like you so be the best at being you rather than an imitation of someone else. It is better to polish the personal unique gifts and talents you have rather than be envious of others who are gifted in other areas. You are not meant to hide the talents you have or keep them to yourself but rather share them with others so that they may benefit from them. As far as weight-loss goes, it is futile to try and achieve a model-like figure when you have a different body-type.
Click here for "21 Free Keto Recipes"
4. Don't compare yourself with others.
Run your own race and let others run their races. People who have a low self-esteem tend to make unfavourable comparisons with others. It is true that people tend to date their self-esteem. They are attracted to people who have the same issues as they have. Just accept who you are and if others do not like who you are then that is their problem, not yours. Just do your best!
5. Take no notice of the infomercials
Advertisers will use all the tricks in the book to appeal to your desires. That includes making you feel guilty about who you are. Honestly, you can understand why some women's self-esteem suffers when you see some of the ads. There is usually a disclaimer in the ad saying "results are not typical." Understand that for every person who appears in those testimonials there are countless others who were unsuccessful despite all their efforts. The success stories you read of are often exaggerated.
Click here for "21 Free Keto Recipes"
6. Ignore the before and after ads
Take no notice of the before and after adverts. The only before and after photos you should concern yourself with are your own. An unflattering photo is always used for the before photo.You do not know what goes on in order to produce such a flattering image in the after photo.
7. Make small changes daily
Make gradual changes to your diet in order for your body to become accustomed to a different routine whether that is changes to your diet or a new fitness regime. Develop good habits by taking bite-sized changes. It will all take time but it is better than trying to achieve too much in a short time then losing heart and giving up. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was anything else worth achieving so be patient.
Click here for "21 Free Keto Recipes"
8. Don't lose heart
It may be frustrating when you are not making much progress. Don't lose heart, just keep to your healthy living plan and you will at least be satisfied that you are doing the right thing. Focus on your hobbies and this will keep your mind off worries. Enjoy living your life despite your circumstances.
9. Take up new hobbies and sports
This is essential for your well-being because unless you are in the right head-space your efforts to control your weight will be in vain. Have you heard of the saying "comfort eating?" Sport enables you to connect with others and helps to build up your network of friends and acquaintances. Getting involved in some kind of sport is an activity that will certainly help you to control your weight and help maintain your mental stability. There are a number of sports you can take up and it does not matter how unfit you are. Even walking around the block is better than not exercising. The key is to get into the habit of exercising. Your capacity to do more exercise will increase as your fitness increases.
10. Understand there are no magic formulas
There is no magic formula for obtaining the body you want. There is no easy solution or short-cut method for reducing your weight. It takes effort and sacrifice and you have to decide whether it is all worth it. There is an ideal weight for all body types. Therefore you need to establish what is the ideal body type for your weight.
Robert Stewart has a site for those keen to try the keto diet. Check it out on https://tinyurl.com/m9rw8pj6 Feel free to share this article. You may also use it as content for your website or eBook.
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mamahoga · 2 years
Relationships?? The fuck would I know??
This us for the Yujiro Hanna x Male Reader I'm making. I Don't know how the tags work so deal with what I put.
For a Gluttony demon to share their food you must mean absolutely everything to them. Don't get discouraged if it hasn't happened to you. Trust is built. Like the tired saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in one day." They're amazing cooks. The best everywhere. They're a lot of food places and each one is unique because their magical signature is put into every meal. They'll make food for you all time and relish in any positive reactions you give. They'll try not to show it but you can see them nervously looking at you.
There all tsunderes. All of them. That baby over there? He'll pretend he doesn't like the milk but he'll hold your finger to show he does and look away. He'll take all of it. The parents will deny blushing or being happy about it.
You'll know when a Greed demon starts to like you when they would show up and put gold coins and valuable trinkets on you and leave. But before they do, they would say, "It's to make you more valuable! D-don't get it twisted okay?" They just want to prove they care by giving something valuable to you. Treasure it. They like to dress you up. You'll be a walkin 100 trillion dollars by the end of it.
There all tsunderes too.
For a pride demon to be humble for you, you need to help build a relationship where they want to be like you. When they announce they take pride in you better give them a lot of kisses in thanks.
Life Style
The Sloth would be a ghost town if they didn't like comfort more than their laziness. With help from the Greed district they became the most comfortable district ever. The Greed district was a little hesitant but with how many demons were in Sloth district, they knew money would be booming. And sure enough, the Sloth district helped the Greed district what it is today.
Ummmmm. What y'all think??
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