#I am not disagreeing or venting at you anon
alatismeni-theitsa · 2 years
This whole making of ancient Greek mythology series in books and movies Hollywood does goes waaaay back to the Renaissance period when the Italians longed for the glory days of ancient Greece and Rome. So they taught about the great philosophers and made art based on that, our plays and teachings were an inspiration for Europe. And that same inspiration was in US as well with all the immigrants going there.
Yes there was the Asian also culture that influenced, but the core was Ancient Greece so it remained on top even to this day. Especially nowadays with the popularity of our mythology it will not calm down, but I at least hope we Greeks can create our own pieces of media instead of hoping from foreigners to do it for us.
I mean, it wasn't just the Italians...But back then, if it was someone who had the closest connection to the Roman empire, this is the Italians. So I find it a bit natural they remembered those ideals and eras again and used them as they pleased. I think the Italians have our backs more than anyone else in Europe when it comes to how our myths are used because they are seeing the same shit from the New world countries and northwest Europe.
And the funny thing is that these western European countries tried to fight off the Romans at every chance xD It is great to get influenced by other cultures, don't get me wrong. But they went into such a large degree of fetishization that they consider themselves inheritors of the Greek culture even though they are not in the Greek culture.
Large parts of philosophy and medicine they also took from the Arabs and Persians, but they very conveniently forget them. Ancient Greece was an ideal they wanted to build their ethnic identities around, much more in the US, which needed a shared ground. That's why, at the same decades the Greeks in the US were segregated, suffering from police brutality, and called dirty rats, buildings inspired by ancient Greece and Rome were built all over the country.
There is a lot of appreciation in the beginning, but it has come to the point of misappropriation, and the Greek people never asked to be seen as "the representatives of the white culture" (or other racist bs). If I decorate my house in traditional Hindustani style and I don't give a shit about North Indians and their culture, am I really inspired by their culture, or do I just keep the elements that suit me and disregard what doesn't look "pretty" to me?
"We owe it all to ancient Greeks" my ass. They can't pronounce a Greek surname, name a Greek dish, or show Greece on the map to save their lives. They don't give a shit about Greece's history and its people after it became Christian. Because it doesn't suit their Catholic/Protestant-Evangelical propaganda and aesthetics. (If you ask them about Byzantium they are like "eeh what is that??")
As I say in a popular post of mine, if you see “Greek mythology” and your mind goes to North Americans and Northwestern Europeans, you haven’t decolonized your mind yet. (link)
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pixelchills · 21 days
Okay, you anon on my inbox,
you said that some followers of mine have been disappointed in me for partaking in the tsams harassment document, since I am a creator a lot of people look up to. I am not answering the ask itself because it has a blog mentioned, but I will answer your worries about the situation the best I can.
I am not going to talk about the drama itself since I have retained myself from discussing and spinning things any further about the situation.
But those of you who are mad at me for being part of the document; please at least read my part of it, if you haven't already.
The document was made as an archive for the victims of that hate blog (biased-tsams-confessions). Every screenshotted post on the document is available publicly, and all I did was allow my content and posts about the situation to be used in the document.
I was an unnecessary victim of the hate blog. Had no one name-dropped me in that blog and caused me to get anons and not-anons harass me and claim that I was one of the people sending minors gore, I would not have needed to publicly talk about anything relating to the drama. I would not be in the document if I wasn't a victim of being wrongly assumed to support NSFW being sent to minors. Which is a heavy allegation.
The document is not about the gore anon victims. It's about the victims of the witch hunt that people caused by starting to blame innocent people for being or supporting the gore anons.
I am not asking myself to be removed from the document. I am there as a victim. The other people in the document, as well as their actions, have nothing to do with me, or my part in this, other than them being my friends/mutuals in the fandom, and victims of the same hate blog and witch hunt. If some of them have answered or reacted aggressively to something regarding the situation, it is on them. It is not my job to decide what my friends/mutuals are allowed to answer or do.
During this whole time, I have kept saying over and over that people should just block and move on and ignore and not vague about each other, but I cannot control other people besides myself.
I do not support harassment of any kind. But I am also not going to be silent for being a victim. Even if I was just a small misstep for the hate blog, I was still targeted because of them. I was truly ready to just forgive them and put it all behind me, if their reply to my request to apologise to me publicly hadn’t been so aggressive, and they hadn’t targeted another innocent person later (Z). The mod responding to my dm said I was manipulating them, and that they didn't believe me. So their posted apology wasn't genuine, it was just them trying to save themselves from me exposing them.
If you think I should've not allowed my posts to be part of the document then I want to ask you this:
Should a victim be quiet about being harassed just because the other harassed people have said or done something you disagree with?
Again, what I had to deal with was very small compared to some of the other people the hate blog targeted, but even a small victim is a victim if they gained harm from it.
As what comes to the document: I did not write it, nor did I read it until it was publicly shared. All I did was give my permission to use my posts in it.
I was aware that the doc included names of the people who have also participated in or supported the harassment by the hate blog or shattered. 
I did not find the list of supporters necessary to include, and I told the others this. The list has recently been removed by the owner of the document after new information has come to light. I know this will not erase the fact the names were there.
I am not making statements about the harassment supporters mentioned in the doc, because I am not going to dig up if they should be there or not. I have spent too much time on this drama publicly already, when all I wanted to do was ignore it and let my friends vent their frustration to me privately if needed.
Despite the situation being what it is, I have wanted to stay neutral in it, besides the hate blog which is the sole reason I had to pipe up in the first place. I have been keeping my stance neutral between the two groups. I have not blocked anyone from either side (except the hate blog), and I have no hard feelings towards my friends, or my followers who are disagreeing with each other.
If you want me to apologise for being part of the document, I'm sorry but I can't. It's the same as saying "I'm sorry I talked about being harassed."
If you still feel like you're personally affected by my involvement in this, or you are a follower of mine getting harassed because of this document, please DM me and I'll try to help you out the best I can.
The blogs mentioned in the document have not been actively harassing me, and those who did take part in smearing my name I will not name, because I genuinely think they realised their mistake (unlike the hate blog) and understood that I have nothing to do with the gore anons nor do I believe they were a hoax.
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I think a lot of people severely underestimate Jungkook's self-knowledge of being a pretty boy.
He knows how to babygirl and he does so very often. He babygirls us on purpose.
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...isn't this fatal?
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Do you think there's anybody alive who can look at that face and not thank holy Hera for fucking Zeus?
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For anyone who hasn't yet, you can pre-order the single, Seven, here.
Anyway, for the Anon who asked whether I'm gatekeeping Namjoon... Well, yes I am.
What of it?
I think my only choice is to gatekeep Joon when that man walks around looking like that.
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Imagine the audacity of this man.
It's big... and normally he's clumsy but somehow I feel he won't be clumsy with it, you know? He's too much of a slut and a student at heart to not know what he's doing with it. At least that's what it looks like. And the music he makes, that's what it sounds like. In my opinion, and so gatekeep Joon I shall.
For the Anon who biased Jimin for his 'past' sexiness and feels his styling since MOTS7 has been disappointing, plus you hated his look for FACE promotions era...
I mean, on one hand I understand what you're saying. Jimin's look today is very much a choice, as it always is with him. And you're telling me you don't like it. Of course that's fine. Yes please vent in my inbox, but personally, I disagree. I think every post-2020 look Jimin has served deserves to be experienced.
And for no reason at all, Jimin.
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Idk... Did people just randomly forget this happened?
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Jimin offered such delectable sides of himself during the PTD concerts.
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He commits to the slayage and I will always respect him for that.
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...do you see the man?
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A friend called him "The sexy Lord of the Manor and refined rake ready to ravish your soul." and she's right.
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It's so natural for him.
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In some parallel universe he's a college professor and faculty advisor... With his beefy introverted husband at home with their two cats and one puppy.
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Stream Set Me Free Pt 2.
Anyway... it's alright if his styling lately isn't for you. He'll be rocking a very different style post-military, and before then he'll have to cut all his hair anyway so don't worry too much about it I guess.
The way I see Jimin, he drips charisma so even when the look shouldn't work, it does, because something else that's innate to him draws you in. Plus I'm a fiend for his visuals.
Like, his look in 1:55 - 3:45 still has me kinda gagged ngl.
His styling this era represents a different energy he's feeling. It's possible he changes things up for his next solo project, maybe not, either way I genuinely think Jimin looks incredible.
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mari-lair · 10 months
There has been a massive argument about aoikane on Twitter since this morning ,people are calling Akane a domestic abuser ...
I'll be honest with you, Anon, my reaction to that was "Of course they are, the dumb fucks" cause I have no respect for twtbhk. Zero. Negative even.
I don't need to tell you why Akane isn't a domestic abuser (I hope i don't have to. Please, I want to believe tumblr have basic reading comprehension) but I'll use this ask to vent about Twitter.
Most of twtbhk don't care about the manga, they don't even have their own opinion. I am not joking. It's like a cult of ungrateful kids that use 'jokes lol' to hate on everything they disagree with, being so immersed in their own headcanons that they don't even know what they are talking about anymore
They don't care about Akane as a character, at all, if he is a domestic abuser or not in canon doesn't matter, they won't check, they won't change their opinion, they won't go "oh this character action doesn't fit my perception of them, let me see if I missed something" they'll just claim the character was "written wrong" or "acted ooc in that scene" because they want a character to just be an accessory to a ship or to be an easy target to hate. They'll forever ignore the manga for a version that they created that is the "correct version of the manga" and they'll keep mischaracterizing Akane, or Aoi, or any character they like/dislike to fit their cute troupes or easy to hate 'version.'
They'll basically create OCs and act like is the truth, aoikane doesn't exist on twitter, it never did, I have seen people say "Chapter 69 doesn't exist cause I personally hate that chapter" unironically. So yeah... They don't care about aoikane, the ship they are talking about, where Akane is a domestic abuser? It's just something they made up.
Picture this:
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They are openly disrespectful towards Aidairo (I no longer check the comments on their wonderful art) when they created the manga they claim to love, so of course they have no respect for other fans and won't try to hear them, of course being kind to a stranger is something that doesn't cross their mind, they want to argue or 'joke' about it instead.
At this point, if I visit twtbhk expecting anything insightful, that's on me, shame on me. I should have known better.
So my advice to you is to not go there, and if you're addicted to the site and can't escape, just block people without restrain. I promise you're not missing anything, they aren't even reading the manga you like.
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sugar-omi · 5 months
not the argument in the talks moment 😭😭😭 ever since i accidentally stumbled on that it has not left me, i constantly worry about how i am perceived and i do not take any kind of rejection well, even if it actually isnt one and is just a perceived rejection (autism, adhd, anxiety, and depression go brrrrr) so when i had my mc speak up about how they shouldnt tell terri that miranda confided in them since they didnt have her okay to do so and he just "Then why don't you just not say anything!? Because everything you say just makes everything worse!" fcuking broke me and i would imagine that my mc would not be able to get over it as easily as it is in game,,,, that sort of thing would probably make me/my mc completely shut down, inability to speak, only hyperventilate and cry, just completely shut down 🥲 and even when making up, i tend to internalize that sort of stuff, it stays with me against my will sfdlkj so i can just imagine mc either blurting out mid argument or when venting to cove and feeling badly about themselves something like "All I ever say just makes everything worse!" basically kind of quoting cove and i just aaaaaa ow ouchie,,,,, - 🕐 (hi idk if you remember me, its been a million years, but ive just been lurking, i hope youre doing well! 💕)
OMG MY FAV ANON HIIII🤭🤭 im gooddd tysm, I hope you're doing well🫶
but yeah omg same!!! I cant believe i forgot that line. I hate it sm omfg that was crazy n yeahh same, I literally internalize like almost everything. depending on who it comes from, I will 100% internalize it.
literally i. I'm very petty n vindictive, honestly that fight would've lasted days because I would've ignored him n been like "oh so now you want me to talk? what happened to my every word making it worse, huh?"
so serious when I said id even break up over that. because now I'm scared that's what you're thinking any time we disagree or even are just having a "good" day. like my perception of myself, n how others perceive me is already bad. n it tok yearsss to stop thinking my friends were chatting shit behind my back. that should would send me back on a spiral
n I so get you, I would shut down and start crying too. like I'd get angry first, n kick him out. but I will start crying eventually, if not mid fight. just depends on what headspace I'm already in yknow
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starsarefire824 · 9 months
Just one look at the Bylers most vocal about sexual things involving Mike and Will then it’s clear. most of them are adults. and all the ones that like men i assure you are projecting. you Bylers are attracted to Finn and not hiding it at all. you want to imagine your celebrity crush in scenarios like these because you want to sleep with Finn! idiots all of you. hosegate believers admit your attraction to Finn. but stop talking about underage characters in sexual ways because the actor is an adult that you want to bang! a post i saw on here obsessing over his hands what is wrong with you Bylers he is trash at acting Finn is the worst of the cast no emotion just flatly delivering lines and ruining scenes by his lack of talent what an incompetent loser
Woah woah woah. Let me make this perfectly clear. The only peeps I’d want to fuck from ST is David Harbour and Winona Ryder…a little Jopper sandwich if you get what I’m putting down.
Ok ok ok so maybe some Karen and Jamie Campbell Bower too. 😌
I think we can disagree on Finn’s acting that’s fine he’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
And yeah dude is pretty. I’m not fucking blind. He’s is aesthetics i like in men for sure. With the hair and the eyes and the nose. But bro ain’t done yet. I can assure you with my whole chest that i have no interest in fucking an uncooked little dude. No thanks!
But I am glad you got to vent your frustrations in my inbox anon. Do you feel better?
Also, guess what anon?!! teenagers (that interested in sex)have sex, think about sex, have orgasms, and masturbate. 😧😧
And they do it fucking often.
You know how I know? Cause I was one. I’m sorry if that bothers you, and I am not sure who allowed this younger generation to become so puritanical and ashamed of their sexuality, desires, and bodies, but I truly feel sorry for all of you.
Happy holidays!
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choctalksalot · 11 months
If Jake is based on archetype of Strong Female Character then I think he should get Evil Woman arc. Let him snap and go bananas. Sburb is his stage and he is gonna became a star, and break fourth wall and if needed all the walls. I just really want Jake to go batshit. And then better but first batshit. And fight with crockertier! Jane because I think it would help them both to have a proper scream match and some stabbing or two.
admission: i have let this ask stew in my drafts for months because i had exams, and also because i needed to fully process everything in this singular paragraph because it threw a wrench in my jello sack processor
so, in short:
thank you for this ask anon holy shit i love getting asks about this stuff i am full of words about it !! that being said
that statement triggered a fucking. sleeper agent in my brain because i disagree so hard so so hard, oh my god i'm. okay technically it's a half disagree. sliver of agreement in there but it's for a very specific scenario that I need TIME to explain (which i now have so Buckle Up)
if you want my aabsolute shortest shorty short response to this ask it's yes, i think jake deserves to go batshit insane, i would like nothing more than to see him be a petty deranged bitch. king shit honestly!! But Not In That Way Slash Manner. okay now WORDS
so, we have the idolization/I Know What You Are he has with lara croft. we have all his big talk about being an adventurer, we have fisticuffs and guns and sparring with a bot, but, as many posts before this have pointed out in much more depth than i can attempt to surmise, jake is not that. motherfucker is a coward, avoids conflict like the plague and plays up an oblivious front to dodge responsibility (god i still can't read the jane confession scene without screaming look at that fucking LIAR)!! a defining aspect of jake's character is his continuous lack of agency throughout the comic too, which is a rabbit hole i'm not going down for the sake of my sanity and your patience [:
point is, in the words of a shitton of other people: he's a hapless bimbo archetype, or at least attempts to embody it!!!!
he wants to be a strong female character, makes an idol out of an example of them (lara), but in the end the narrative itself bends backwards to call him pathetic. point and laugh at the moron in the piss coloured underpants. something something, yet another case of lost potential
there are specific circumstances under which jake does hit as a strong female character. that's getting old i'm gonna shorten that to sfc now. big thanks to tony crazyexdirkfriend for this perspective because the one angle where i can read jake as an sfc is from an extremely meta perspective, in reference to how he's built up to be someone with a lot of importance/skill/competence, while in reality his agency is pretty much moot. it's an empty label, all his "strength" is superficial and falls away once you look any deeper than the upper epidermis. that's neat as hell!!!! i don't think that's the take you were going for, but it is an angle i enjoy and appreciate <:
that being said, even with this and any accurate read of jake really, him having an evil woman arc will have to take place in a specific set of circumstances methinks,, like mfer is probably actively performing an insanity act for Some Reason, an angry tired jake is more likely to revert to sopping wet bawling retreat anger than anything else. letting him snap and go bananas will only work if you character arc his ass enough to change a fundamental part of him!!! and a crockertier scream match is more in jane's favour for. y'know all the years of being a vent box for him. which i don't think is accessible on a count of, y'know, Literal Mind Control
i am the no.2 supporter on the Let Jake Be Batshit train (only second because i know at least four people who'd tie for first) but i don't think he'd seek out attention from beyond the 4th wall. because he can't handle the pressure of being perceived. no walls have ever needed to be broken for jake english to be a star - he's always been performing!! for the people around him, for the narrative, to be the oblivious himbo that never meant to do any wrong. the core of jake english and what drives him to extremes has always been to be liked, and to be safe. maybe those two things are the same to him. it gets suffocating, y'know? and when something gets too much, jake does what he's always done: he runs.
so yeah, no, i don't think so. do let him be a catty bitch tho!! he deserves that [:
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lockandkeyhyena · 3 months
This might be callous of me and my wording might be assholish but I am hyper analytical and view things like this extremely objectively so.
but it’s entirely not your fault that someone self harmed over your work. That’s honestly objectively entirely on them and that isn’t your fault at all, they had mental issues to sort through yourself and trying to blame you entirely for it is kinda shitty. If something is triggering to someone they should not be engaging with the work, and if a parasocial relationship gets this bad that’s also not on you. You reserve the right to continue your work however you want to.
It’s also a little bit weird to me that the person’s sibling would tell you, like what are you supposed to do about it? Stop making something you’re passionate about because someone had an unhealthy attachment to you or was triggered by your work and yet continued to engage with it? It’s something that you’re clearly passionate about and you mentioned that you also were venting your own experiences through your work and that shouldn’t be infringed on.
It is not your fault that someone could not manage their mental health and attachments adequately. While this person’s emotions are intense, they are overall not your responsibility. I’d understand if you feel guilty for it, I don’t blame you at all, but I guess this is just the perspective of someone on the outside looking in. Like it’s important to be empathetic but being empathetic is as far as your responsibility goes.
I do not mean to sound like I’m blaming or attacking the person in question — I have similar levels of attachment to things I like (just not people) and I absolutely understand feeling that intensely about things. But it’s something that, as the person suffering it, have to take responsibility for because it can cause damage (see: your writers block with Alvin’s Infuro) that the person in question doesn’t intend.
I just hope they’re going to end up getting help and doing better, and I hope that you can resume your project and find your flow again.
Idk. Sorry for ranting and I’m worried I’m coming across as an ass when I don’t mean to be.
i don’t personally think you’re coming across as an ass anon! your kind words are greatly appreciated <3 idk it just felt weird to me, their sibling reached out to me and told me i wasn’t handling the situation (people disagreeing with me over the idea that the story needed to be told) as well as i thought i was, sent screenshots of their sibling venting to them on discord and deactivated before i could reply. all in all, a very odd interaction
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anti-endo-safe-space · 3 months
At the risk of sounding super fucking selfish and hateful.. excuse any poor wording and long vent
One of the few anti Endo vent/safe space blogs we feel safe interacting with us shutting down. We barely have any blogs, blocking them because they were one of the blogs attacking a child who was in crisis (people thought they were stupid for thinking alters could die, they were a newly discovered system and didn't know. Everyone they went to either made fun of them or said shit like "why are you coming to me?") Or blocking them because they were proshippers, or because they are extremely aggressive to everyone who even slightly disagrees with them..
And I only have like 3 left. And one of those three is shutting down.
They made a mistake with wording and they have this thing called a DISSOCIATIVE disorder, which you think everyone else on their account would understand. And the person who was offended by the mistake made a public attack (no I'm not calling it a call out. That was an attack) when it could have been handled privately and maturely.
I appreciate the blog for being the mature one, and trust me I am sorry that the anon was hurt by the wording but. One person making a public attack is causing everyone else to loose a safe space..
Like I said I know it sounds assholeish but.. I'm just sad. It's nothing against anon and I hope they're okay and I don't want them to feel like shit. This isn't meant to attack anon or make them feel like a shitty person should they see this and recognize it
I'm just sad. I just needed to vent about it, Sorry..
We're responding to this because we believe we know which blog your talking about and had something from that anon here so.
We are very sorry your losing a safe space. However, people's reactions to things especially like that situation can be different. We are not going to comment further on this situation
Any further asks will be deleted. Any harassment in comments will be deleted. That is FINAL on this situation in this blog
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antoschauniverse · 12 days
Hi. I am the anon who vented. I appreciate that you addressed some of the points and that your blog offers a safe opportunity to agree to disagree.
I think I poorly expressed my vent. I applaud her for working and I didn't mean "past her prime" because of her age. I guess I mean that she is unappealing when she represents sex in such a bawdy and distasteful manner when it is broken down to vaginas and peni. The sex value is more than body parts, and she has the opportunity to show that sex can be just as wonderful at any age, but her marketing can be distasteful. I, too, am a woman of an older age, so I wish that she would be less shock value and more "real" of what sex can mean. I guess I am simply not her target audience, and that's fine.
You're right in that she can be the face of a company and that is great female empowerment, but I find that her "face" to the company is problematic when she has to bring in her partner's son. To me, it reads as if she is just along for the ride and adventure. Yes, give credit to the co-founder, but own your own credit too. I noticed in one of the public findings that there seems to be 2 main shareholders in the renamed company(conglomerate?). It's her and another woman. In a weird way, she reminds me of the Disney corporation that will change its tune to please the public.
When I vented, I was frustrated because I see that she has taken on this sex guru persona, but what about the Scully or early Gillian sex appeal mixed with intelligence? Women are more than just sex and bodies, and that was the beauty of Scully. I haven't read her book, but do you know how many of the want stories include sex as intelligence, just for the person's companion and not strangers? Sex in later years is sometimes better than when we were young because we lose some of the inhibitions and taboos. This also can bring a couple so much closer together. This is the shock value aspect that I was trying to reference.
I know that she has worked for the charity of the disease that took her brother's life and promoted them at various cons. How long has it been since she promoted the charity to get the attention and funds on her IG/X to bring more awareness to the cause? Maybe this is a sensitive issue for me because I recently lost someone to a disease and all I can think of is helping out with charities because I know how those families feel and the excruciating pain of wishing and hoping for a cure. This is purely projection onto someone I don't know but that person has the ability to influence a piece of society that some of us wish we could for causes that can save lives.
Even though we are pure observers of these celebrities, they do bring about interesting discussions that are beyond them and are reflections of social change, voices, and what is important to what we see in a social narrative. They are simply public vessels that instigate these discussions through various points of view.
Thank you. It's okay. I myself often express my opinion in such a way that it may be difficult for people to understand me.
I think the aggressive advertising campaign for her book and drinks is not Gillian's idea, nor is her behavior. This is a strategy that a marketing company came up with based on her role in the TV series "Sex Education". And this strategy is designed for younger people than us. I think it's too late for Gillian to use Scully's sexuality, it's been 30 years after all.
A team of editors worked on the book, so it was mostly their subjective opinion that became the basis for choosing stories. Gillian, of course, read the selected stories, but I doubt she was involved in selecting them herself.
I may be wrong, but Peter's son had something to do with production or promotion in the past, and therefore his choice was justified to some extent. And as far as I know, he is still a shareholder.
Gillian talks about her brother, but very rarely. I think it's very painful for her to talk about it even after all these years and she just doesn't want to show her pain in public. And she continues to support the Neurofibromatosis Association, but she doesn't talk much about it.
I don't really like the image of Gillian these days, but at least she shows that women after the age of 30 still exist and they are not invisible because of their age.
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angryaromantics · 8 months
hi. i need help. i understand you're not a professional so i hope this isn't too heavy but i've been needing and needing to talk to someone about my internalized arophobia and never had a real chance to do it.
anyways, i've been really lost and hopeless over the past couple years because of my aromanticism. identifying as demiromantic was a cover, but even when i thought that was the full extent of my place on the aro spectrum, i hated how hard that made it to find romantic love. now i know better and think i'm probably a lot closer to fully aromantic than i thought, and by extension i'd be cupioromantic too. i've forced crushes before, since i knew they came so rarely. that ended in repulsion and an inability to communicate it just about every time. it sucked. it still sucks.
the thing that makes me feel alone is that i haven't seen anyone else in the aro community express how i feel, and those i have are saying that i shouldn't talk about it since it's technically still arophobia, even if it's towards myself, and could hurt other arospec people. then they go on to say that it's just amatonormativity and something i can get over. but i don't want to!! i know that i want a fulfilling relationship!! i'm frustrated and it feels like an erasure of how i feel!!
i'm sure it'll be damning and maybe offensive to say this but i feel like i need to be fixed and i wish i could fix myself. my desires don't match with my real attraction and it leads me to believe i'm broken in a somehow unique way. i guess it'd be nice to find a community of other cupio-aligned people and build pride for who i am, but i'm just depressed because that won't solve my problem. who i am isn't who i want to be, and i can't change that or better it in any way. i'm hurting because of it. i fear my activity in sapphic spaces is just performative since i'll never actually be sapphic, or straight, or anything. why bother if i'll never know that experience and have the happy endgame with another girl that i truly do want? am i even really bi? could i just be a lesbian if i only experience sexual attraction to girls but no other type to any other group of people? or am i just clinging onto any other orientation label to deny that i'm aromantic and don't belong in the LGB parts of queer spaces? i hate this.
thanks for letting me vent. sorry this is so long. thanks for running your blog, i really appreciate it.
Hi, anon - I apologize, I've found this in my drafts folder, and I have absolutely no idea how long it's been there. Hopefully not too long, but either way, I'm sorry I missed it.
I think the first thing is, I don't believe feelings are ever the incorrect response. You can't control your emotions. If being aromantic makes you feel negative feelings, that's okay. It's normal even. I definitely felt that way for many years, and occasionally slip into it now. I don't think it much matters if it's internalized arophobia or amatanormativity, because either way, the effect it has on you is the same.
I will say, I think the aro community has sort of over-corrected in the way we deal with negativity surrounding aromanticism. I feel like, not even that many years ago, it was rampant. A LOT of the posts, a lot of the talk, was about a lack, of what we're missing out on, etc. Especially once the big aphobia boom around here. And I think people took that, and about faced it so that negativity isn't deemed acceptable by a lot of people. I disagree with this, just fundamentally. I think talking through the negativity you feel toward your orientation can help you work through that negativity. It can also help you find like-minded people, and feeling less alone will probably make you feel less negativity.
I do think it's a dangerous line to walk, though. Because it's easy to tip over into All negativity in such insular communities, and that can honestly be dangerous for everyone's mental health.
I hope you find some peace. I hope you come into yourself. I hope things settle, as they often do with time. I'm sorry none of this has an easy fix. I hope writing it down and getting it off your chest helped. There's nothing wrong with you, and you belong here <2
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mysticalsoot · 7 months
really weird of that anon to insult you by saying you're acting like a dream stan when a. dream was innocent anyway and b. a far more suitable comparison would be cellbit vs his ex, given the in-depth relationship angle. we all thought that was cut-and-dry, until it wasn't.
i'm personally in camp 'it's wilbur' on the grounds that there's too many coincidences and not enough alternative ccs it could be for me, but i think people are using your disagreement as an excuse to vent their hurt feelings about wilbur because they'll never meet him but they've found you. you're perceived to be an easy target, so now you're a proxy-wilbur, forced to hear what they wish they could say to him. it's cruel of them to do that and i hope they recognise that it's absurd to be abusive towards you while supposedly defending an abuse victim. you can't abuse someone and pretend it's okay because they're a 'bad person' or that you think it's the right thing to do.
thank you.
again, I won't say what I think yet. but I understand what you mean. the coincidences are overwhelming and I don't blame anyone for their opinions or standpoints. i disagree and have my own, but that gives me no right to hate them or belittle them. i've been told by three people just within the last 24 hours that it reminds them of cellbits situation, (you'll be the fourth). take that how you will.
I think they find me disagreeing or not jumping ship as quickly as everyone, as the worst thing I could do. they think it's cut and dry and confirmed it's him. they don't know the full story, nor do I. i just know what I've made with observations, what's been expressed to me from others observations, etc. it doesn't give anyone the right to take it out on me. I'm terrified.
I'm terrified I'll wake up in a few days with a pool of threats telling me how I've been 'an abuser apologist', in the case it's true. getting doxxed or threatened. the positive messages are keeping me going, but I still am afraid. i don't want to support an abuser, but it doesn't sit right with me when I look at everything we know as a whole. something is missing to me, and so I haven't jumped ship.
i know I'm not a bad person, I just have a different look at things and some people don't understand that. it's okay, but it doesn't mean they can continue to belittle me. i haven't done anything wrong, I just think differently then them.
thank you for still being kind and caring regardless of if you have a different opinion. thank you. I think I might cry.
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0lemonadefox0 · 22 days
Heya Nicole... ^///^ 🧡
I just wanted to tell ya a VERY important and special message for you, since you were my very first bestie/loved one in my tumblr family....
So, I was extremely worried for you when ya made that vent post on your second vent account, and I truly and genuienly felt sorry for what you went through... Especially through self harm, wanting to commit suicide... Etc. And just know, you're a human, we're all humans, and we all went through these kinds of stuff... Even when theyre the smallest, they can leave small scars on the sensitive people, like me... Since I had a obssesive now ex girl best friend named Sara, and I'm glad I got to this new neighbourhood on september 11th 2022... But anyways, you didnt and dont deserve this kind of treatment, you're not some kind of a animal to be treated like this...
And just know again, for your art, I truly love your art and it brings a smile to my face just like how the arts and artstyles of all my other loved ones in my tumblr family (some of them are even yours and might be the whole yours) always make me happy and bring a smile to my face.... And also, no one's art or artstyle is perfect, actually, they're perfect in other people's eyes, even yours eyes. And you can still take some art tips if you want, when we all grow, our artstyles often slightly change aswell.
And I felt really bad when some people told you that you're "faking" your trauma, autism, disorders... Etc. And me along with more of my loved ones in my tumblr family disagree that you're "faking" it, we know you're not faking it, you clearly do show signs that you have those.... And I'll still love you and support you for that.
And I know I'm 13 years old and that I now act a bit more "mature" and alotta polite than before, but like how it says in Melanie Martinez's song "teachers pet": "I know I'm young, but my mind is well beyond my years."
And just know once again, you arent the only one who went through bullying, even Nia @nia1sworld was rudely critizied and bullied by a heartless and devilish Anon, and I comforted her aswell, and so did more of my loved ones in my tumblr family... And lots of my other loved ones in my tumblr family went through bullying, and we all have to stand up for each other and ourselves to the bullies, like how I did to my obssesive ex girl best friend Sara....
But... You're not alone. Everyone, all of us, each one of us went through bullying and traumatic experiences, just like you. I myself went through bullying, but not abuse... But bullying did give me a small scar of the bad memory in my brain.
And, at the end of the day... Again... You're not alone. And I know you're a strong and brave lady, and I believe in ya... I always will love you and support you, my precious angel. ❤️
- your most kind and polite bestie/loved one, Emin 💛
Awww, thank you, Emin!! Your words are so kind! 🥰 I really your support A LOT! Including my other close friends on here! Luckily I am mentally recovering and on medications to for my mental disorders!
Again thank you for being a supportive bestie and same goes to the others! ^_^
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neu-apostolisch · 9 months
i feel like the conversation gets derailed when people hyperfocus on "but it's an interesting plot!” and bg3 the game, when the point—at least the one that was originally made in the complaints on here—was that it was odd that they agreed that him ending it all in Act 3 was The Right Ending, and the implications that has when you consider how they treat gale versus all the other characters, as well as how they use their treatment of their characters to make comments about those social issues in real life. people weren't upset that they were presented with that rp choice or that such an ending even exists for him; they were upset by the comments of the creators and how they would never say such a thing for gale's mirror, aka a certain vampire. you brought up good arguments to that anon and i don't mean to discount either of your statements i really don't, but people were upset by what the creators specifically said which was yeah in many ways that is the right ending. sorry for continuing to discourse and vent in your inbox lol this isn't directed at you i just liked reading your thoughts so far because you said it better than i could have. i just really don't like how "but it's interesting and not every story has to be happy" and "you're just too attached to gale" get thrown out as rebuttals when that's really neither here nor there and doesn't address the actual issue being raised.
hello! thanks for your thoughts. and yeah, the discourse on this topic has gotten pretty…difficult to engage with, in a sense. that’s what prompted my first post on the topic actually—eagle eyed readers of my posts might find another one where i complained about the discourse only to follow up with a long winded treatise lolol. but i did it because i felt the conversation was lacking a specific viewpoint, so be the change you want to see in the world and all that. i’ve actually really appreciated the responses from everyone on the post/follow up! :)
as a proud galemancer i deeply feel the frustration of all of us. on a personal level, this sucks. i love our wizard boy and he deserves better! the complaints and anger make sense to me. the writers treating him so glibly is rough, but before i talk about it i always try to remind myself of what IS there—which is a really interesting story about a gentleman with some complex flaws, motives, and goals. the writers talking about which ending is “right” cannot take that away, and you should feel comfortable disagreeing with the writers!
to my fellow gale enjoyers and galemancers—i would encourage you to maintain a critical lens but also to continue to enjoy and mine out the richness that is there. sure, that’s a rosy and maybe naive view, but don’t allow the frustration to infect your enjoyment of an amazing character. i am not saying to settle for less, but if you can’t think of gale without despairing at his treatment, you should step away from the conversation for a moment to refresh yourself before you get too stuck in the bog. it’s healthy to remind yourself why you’re here—because you think a wizard is really really cool. he’s got one of the most fulfilling and interesting romances in the game, the unique scenes with him are gorgeous, and he’s an incredible character.
i actually have additional criticisms about how they handled other characters in this game. it’s funny, but a common knee-jerk reaction people have when they read criticism of something is that the critic must not like the writing or the game, so they automatically jump in to argue on that point. on the contrary, a lot of criticism comes from a place of genuine support and appreciation for writing, game design, and narrative structure. but you’ll see a lot of backlash from people misinterpreting that idea or taking criticism personally, so that’s why i’m always careful to state my positives and that i truly love this game. it’s as much a reminder to me as it is a declaration to others. i’m not here because i want to hate on larian. i’m here because i want to chat about stuff to the internet machine and maybe people like you and the other anon(s) will say some interesting stuff back to me.
the right kind of discourse is actually healthy for a fandom because it keeps ideas flowing and circulating, and lets us commiserate together. however, i might just be relaxed because people have been really civil to me so far hahaha.
anyway, thanks again for your ask! hope you have a good one.
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I am the anon who wrote in previously about being a Negative Nancy with the new Chris-dog content.
I think this is why I had my guard up and felt this way, because it’s ‘antidote to toxicity’ messaging that I hoped wouldn’t come. I wanted to be wrong that it was coming. I didn’t even mentioned it before and instead focused solely on my reaction that maybe it’s the rose-colored glasses off.
This is just my opinion and feel free to disagree but Chris’ moves feel so calculated now. I’m not naive or ignorant that Hollywood is to sell, but I admittedly thought of Chris as more genuine. It’s one of the reasons I liked him, that he was a lovable dorky guy in a frat boy’s body. I read Lainey’s words and thought my gosh, how literally does she need to be?! ‘Chris knows his fans are toxic so here’s his answer - cute puppies!’ Ok I could be wrong but here she is noting that!
Why does it always get connected to her?
Let me be clear that there has been overstepping in this fandom in terms of toxicity, but I’m so sick and tired of everything being connected to her.
My words aren’t directed at you Nancy Drew, I’m just venting. I saw it cause Lainey Gossip is a blog I’ve been reading back for years now. I don’t visit as I used to, but still like to read it from time to time.
Wow, I'm surprised Lainey wrote about him at all. She hates him with a passion, for years now, ever since she saw him taking extra thongs at a gifting suite in Vegas. You should read anything she writes about him, if she directly writes about him, as dripping in sarcasm. (Which this is.)
But, yeah, there needed to be some kind of course correction before NYCC happens next month, just like they did before C2E2 this year. I see this as a retread of something they've already tried, and not that long ago.
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ksqwildwest · 6 months
To Lazarus,
This isn't home, but i'm safe Everything is different and yet the exact same Idyllic perfection cast onto every disagreeable angle
This isn't home, the halls are too empty Every step away led further into my mind Inbetween gaps of self was what I left behind
This isn't home, they've burned the remains They lied that the ashes were my saving grace Just like the flames licking at the edge of this page
(context: I imagine this poem was smth Karl wrote and then burned!! Also, I'd apologize for directly stealing the title but it made such a good refrain i couldn't resist lol. ~Poetry Anon)
The way he addresses it to the town, instead of any individual! The admission that, no, this place I'm in isn't home, but it's safe. I won't die. It's an empty comfort! He's not happy!!!
"Everything is different and yet the exact same" in reference to how the mansion feels and how he's treated!!!! If something can't be made perfect, it will be framed as perfect!!!
He's left behind a part of himself, metaphorically and also literally, leaving behind his coat! His dissociating as he got further and further from Lazarus!
THEY LITERALLY BURNED THE REMAINS OF HIS CLOTHES THAT HE WAS WEARING!!!!! Oh my god, those ending lines "they lied that the ashes were my saving grace, just like the flames licking at the edge of this page." AMAZING!!!! GOING FERAL!!!!!!!
I love the context being that he wrote this poem and then burned!!!! It's exactly the reaction I would expect from him! Venting then destroying the evidence before anyone else could read it!
Hey, hey, I am the opposite of mad that you used the title in the poem! It works so well in the context of the poem being destroyed!!! No accidental foreshadowing this time, I mean, I guess if you squint and tilt your head at the second "verse" of lines... maybe? Or maybe, because I know what's happening in the plot, I'm imagining things? Or it really could count as foreshadowing, and my knowledge makes it so I don't see it? Eh, it depends on what you consider foreshadowing or not.
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