#the scarlet conclave
inchidentally · 9 months
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@vastappenen LISTEN okay so this is the full spin-off of the Charlos part of my Prince Lando AU post
I cannot write real fic so this is just like me doing a retelling of what's gone on in my mind lol - and this is the post of Charles in White that's screencapped above
(side note my friend was listening to this haunting music while I wrote this so it might help set the scene - it's called "Fancy on a Bach Air" by Yo-Yo Ma)
this gets a bit NSFW toward the end so fair warning!
ok so to start, this is what was in my original post
Unfortunately the royal courts of Europe were shaken by a quick series of upsets: His Serene Highness Lorenzo of Monaco abdicated the throne in search of a quieter life - his heart had never been in it since his father, the former Sovereign Prince, had become ill and abdicated. This left Lorenzo’s unwed brother Charles to be hastily crowned Prince Regent at the tender age of 22 (too young to be crowned Sovereign Prince bc modern monarchy rules I’m inventing). As a result Charles suffered the loss of his long-time suitor, nobleman Sebastian Vettel, who couldn’t bear the thought of being Sovereign Prince let alone of a land that wasn’t even his own.
Enter the Sainz Vázquez de Castro elders seizing the opportunity and negotiating a deal with Monaco in private conclave with the Papal State (??) to wed their son Carlos to the Prince Regent. Carlos is ashamed at giving in to the temptation… to not just be Prince Consort but to be Sovereign Prince, to rule over the vast wealth of Monaco and by extension the Holy See, to have the coveted beauty Charles in his bed. So he agrees to be spirited away to Monaco and the ugly business of dissolving his betrothal to Lando is left to members of church and state.
But Carlos experiences a complete conversion when Charles is on his knees in the cathedral - looking up at him with docile green eyes as Carlos’ fingertips touch the warm red roses of Charles’ lips as he holds the chalice of holy wine for Charles to drink. Carlos was almost hard beneath the ermine and velvet robes in a house of God when the crown was on his head and Charles next to him - and slightly below - smiling up at him with filaments of gold hanging from pendants on his chaplet, framing his achingly beautiful face. If Carlos feels his immense happiness and prosperity darken whenever he sees Lando’s picture or encounters him at one of the courts then no one need know.
ok so I've removed this from the narrative to of course be charlos true happiness endgame and removed Seb entirely, or he can just be called a close confidante and possible candidate to marry Charles but not very serious.
I imagine young Carlos Jr. moving through the royal courts as a child and teen and seeing the royal children of Monaco sometimes. in my weird version of royalty I have it that Lorenzo is the natural successor to the throne and therefore has always been allowed to dress and be seen "normally". as a second child, Charles was always the rightful property of whichever alliance would maintain Monaco's independence. he was raised mostly in the Prince's Palace and when playing or venturing to where he could be seen he's attended by a retinue of guards each carrying a gonfalon to conceal the young prince from view. on the rare occasions that the prince will be around those not within his immediate family or private staff, he is carefully wrapped in embroidered, jeweled white silks or cottons (depending on the climate) with only his eyes visible. the only color allowed being a scarlet silk girdle around his hips. until he reaches maturity or is married he wears a ferronnière with a single white diamond at his forehead. (I imagine the wrapping as looking like fancy white fireproofs that cover the hands as well and a long, flowy tunic over the top with smart little white renaissance boots (that Charles hates).
Prince Charles is also not permitted to speak outside of his family circle/staff but he is taught multiple languages and fond rumors spread that the prince has a charming lilting accent that comes from a little of everywhere. he is also taught the piano and there is a place on the shore that only locals know of where fairy echoes of his playing can be heard. they call it his 'lone voice' because the mood inside the palace can be judged by the prince's choice of music. childish and jolly for a while, then more challenging pieces, until his eighteenth birthday and an unknown dirge for his godfather who had perished during a racing tourney that summer. the prince's music would change over the years but it would never be joyful again.
I imagine many instances over the years of Carlos Jr. being coaxed by a conniving Carlos Sr. into bowing low to the small, mummified-looking creature that everyone assures him is a prince. the eyes and vague suggestion of white-clad hands and feet are the only indications that this is true, but the big green eyes are very expressive and seem to smile whenever they meet Carlos' own big brown eyes. Prince Lorenzo has a kind smile and would be a good playmate but solemnly maintains his position by his parents' side. Prince Arthur comes along in a bundle of energy and mischief - being blessed with a birthright to total freedom so long as his elder siblings are alive. he enjoys being swung around and thrown in the air by Carlos Jr. which helps pass the tedium of royal engagements. Arthur is clearly the favorite of Charles who rather mothers him - especially when the Sovereign Prince falls ill and hushed preparations are made behind palace walls for Lorenzo to take the throne. Charles is so deep in mourning for his godfather and soon his own father that his presentation at court is delayed indefinitely as it would be cruel to open him up to marriage bids that would inevitably take him from his home.
in the meantime, Carlos Jr. has grown into his large features and promises to inherit all his father's looks and daring. at his father's encouragement - "by the time you wed a virgin, you will need to know everything there is to know about pleasing them" - Carlos enjoys countless conquests across every continent on the globe. he's a seasoned bachelor by the age of 20 and has been given his own estate outside of Madrid to party, race expensive cars and drink expensive wine. but even as he wakes between the thighs of this or that beautiful boy or girl, his mind recalls the hours spent at court in Monaco trying to discern the subtlest lines of Prince Charles' body beneath the absurd layers of drapery. he knows for sure that the prince is slim but not scrawny. that his posture is upright and proud and stands about the same height as Carlos. at times when he scoops Arthur up to hold on one hip, Carlos can discern the fine dip of a small waist - probably small enough for Carlos' big hands to meet around. what a gift-wrapped present for whoever got to marry him!
but by the time they next meet, news has traveled all over of the Sovereign Prince's health and plans for the reluctant Prince Lorenzo to be hastily crowned. during their first visit after this news, Carlos Jr. makes his usual low bow to Prince Charles but when he looks up he sees tears clouding the prince's green eyes. it twists Carlos' heart and he boldly takes the prince's hand and presses a hurried kiss to the silk and at the same time trying to speak with his eyes how sorry he is for the prince. the small noise Charles makes at Carlos' boldness is a precious secret Carlos holds like a tangible thing against the breast of his tailcoat as he hurries down the steps before any of the other royals can notice what he's done.
[this is when the above section from my AU comes in and Carlos is attempted to be married off to Prince Lando, Lorenzo abdicates, Charles can only be named Prince Regent bc of his status etc and a hasty arrangement is made for him to marry Carlos]
at their wedding I imagine Charles' veil/headdress to be much lighter and tied in a simple knot at the base of his head. the only time Charles is called to speak is to swear fealty to the crown, to his country, and to his husband (it's also the first time Charles' voice has been heard by almost everyone in the Cathedral including Carlos. it sounds like joyous music, dipping deep and rich one moment and high and sweet the next - with a little bubble of laughter at the end. Carlos wants to hear him talk forever.) when the priest finishes his blessing, Carlos put a hand beneath Charles' chin and guides him to stand. he moves closer to Charles than he has ever been permitted and circles his arms around his neck to untie the knot. the veil falls away and a collective gasp rises up from the cathedral through the clouds of incense. Carlos doesn't gasp so much as suck in a triumphant breath through his nostrils and lifts his chin in triumph. Charles is not just the chaste ideal of beauty that the court and citizens of Monaco had whispered about for years, he is the vision of temptation itself: a delicate brush-spatter of freckles beneath a flush on finely molded cheekbones, a straight French nose that was the final word on French noses, and perfectly smooth lips in the shape of a patriotic 'M' and the exact red of Monaco's flag. the prince's hair and brows have all the shades of a glossy hazelnut and a thick fan of lashes surrounded the green eyes - all that Carlos had known of him until now. but soon, he would know everything about Charles and in a way no one else ever had or would.
Carlos is supposed to buss a small, ceremonial barely-there kiss to Charles' lips to please the court but of course he can't help himself and, holding Charles' face in his big hands, presses a fiercely possessive (thankfully still close-mouthed) kiss that nearly makes Charles collapse. murmurs go around the cathedral of "well, those Spaniards, you know".
when they are crowned, my version of royalty has the priest setting the heavy gold crown on Carlos' head but Carlos in turn places the chaplet of gold leaves and gemstone pendants on Charles. Carlos is flying as high as mortal can when he can finally lead Charles out to the balcony and show him off to the waiting public. Carlos wonders if there's a man on earth who possesses more wealth than he does at that moment.
but there's one more thing he doesn't yet have! oh you bet the bedding ceremony is weird and fucked up and poor Charles is using the short time they have alone as they move through the halls (merely flanked by guards) to nervously and apologetically explain to Carlos what they will need to do. something about protocol for regents who found it difficult to "perform" under such circumstances etc. Carlos just puts a big warm hand to Charles' lips as they are rushed along, leaning into to whisper that he'd take Charles' virginity in front of his own grandmother if that's what was required and his desire still wouldn't be dampened.
the chamber is small and has one purpose. the clergy stand behind wrought iron mullioned screens but Charles can see their eyes clearly and has known many of them all his life. he'd probably faint dead away from nerves if Carlos didn't pull him close and kiss him so deep and dirty it should've turned Charles' white gown red with lust. Carlos tells him to look only into his eyes, that he'll take good care of him. there's a whole intense sexy element to Carlos unwrapping Charles the rest of the way, just like the birthday present he'd imagined when he was a teenager. he probably spends WAY too much time on foreplay considering the witnesses are only there to see one thing and then leave but Carlos knows that Charles deserves this. by the time they've reached the point where Carlos can reach a hand between them and literally 'come' up with the goods to hold up and be viewed, Charles' moans are reaching up to the rafters. there's a rustle and murmured blessings as the priests finally withdraw.
Carlos is like FINALLY and decides to give Charles every bit of the benefit of his vast experience and looks smug as hell when Charles' attendants have to physically carry Charles to his own bed bc Carlos fucked him senseless lmao
agfalsgfsla this was so weird and detailed and I do not know WHERE it came from but if an actual writer sees this and wants to write it properly PLEASE tag me or message me!!!
EDIT: these are great photo references for adult Charles and Carlos in this AU
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writingbylee · 2 months
hi hello i think it’s time that i actually introduce all of my OCs? because i truly have so many and i never actually talk about half of them. so below you will find all my OCs! along with short bullet point explanations of their characters. if they have an OC sheet, that’ll be linked— as well as any fic i have posted about them. i’ve also included links to my vibes page (@vibesforlee) where i’ve got tags for each of my OCs.
Fandoms Below Include: Star Wars, A Song of Ice and Fire, Percy Jackson, Marvel, Chronicles of Narnia, Critical Role, Avatar The Last Airbender, and Top Gun: Maverick
so uhhhh yeah i hope this is helpful for at least my own brain but also anyone else who is interested!
dividers by: @saradika-graphics
banners by: me
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Lyra Amidala Naberrie
General Knowledge
Younger sister of Padme Amidala
Jedi Healer during the Clone Wars
Served as Medic General of the 104th Legion, Chief Medical Officer of the 104th Company known as the “Wolfpack”, and as Medic General of the 501st Legion
Fic: @abandoned-by-destiny
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House of the Dragon
Aemma Velaryon Targaryen
General Knowledge
Firstborn child to Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon, before Laenor’s premature death three years after the marriage
Older sister to Jacaerys Targaryen Strong, Lucerys Targaryen Strong, Joffrey Targaryen Strong, Viserys Targaryen Strong, and Visenya Targaryen Strong
Bonded to the dragon Vermithor
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Game of Thrones
Lyanna Stark
General Knowledge
Eldest child of Catelyn and Ned Stark (by approximately seven minutes)
Twin sister to Robb Stark; believed half-sister of Jon Snow; older sister to Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, and Rickon Stark
bonded to a red and brown direwolf called Scarlet Shadow
Fic: screaming from a crypt
oc blog: @princess-lyanna-stark
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Ceara Murphy
General Knowledge
daughter of Neptune and Emma Murphy, a legacy of Fortuna and daughter of Irish immigrants living in Portland, Oregon
inherited the power from her father to start earthquakes, and eventually manipulate seismic waves into concentrated blasts
brought down Mount Othrys after helping Jason Grace kill the Titan Krios
one of the demigods of the prophecy of Nine
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Emmalee Miller
General Knowledge
inherits the spirit and powers of the mythical Scarlet Witch when Wanda Maximoff is killed during her torture and experimentation at The Raft prison
is brought in by SHIELD after her powers emerge, and is initially assumed to be an Inhuman— and is therefore recruited by Daisy Johnson to join her Secret Warriors
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Edme Pevensie (female!Edmund Pevensie)
General Knowledge
Younger sister to Peter and Simon Pevensie, older sister to Lucy Pevensie
gains the power to manipulate ice and water after being stabbed with the shattered wand of The White Witch during The First Battle of Beruna
is crowned as High Queen Edme the Just, alongside her siblings; High King Peter the Magnificent, King Simon the Gentle, and Queen Lucy the Valiant
returns to Narnia twice after The Golden Age, both times to assist Prince, later King, Caspian the Tenth
Fic: A Reminder
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Campaign 1: Vox Machina
Alythea Vance
General Knowledge
Level 1 Druid/Level 11 Cleric (Death Domain) when hired by Vox Machina
is hired by Vox Machina to be their temporary healer/cleric during their mission to Whitestone, after Pike Trickfoot leaves on her vision quest
helps liberate the town of people of Whitestone, and returns to Vox Machina after the arrival of the Chroma Conclave in Emon
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Campaign 2: Mighty Nein
Kara Dean
General Knowledge
Level 7 Bard (College of Valor) when she meets the Mighty Nein
is Captain Avantika’s first mate/navigator when the Mighty Nein meet up with Avantika after stealing The Mist in Nicodranus
betrays Avantika and helps the Mighty Nein steal her journal
leaves The Revelry and Darktow with the Mighty Nein after The Plank King kills Avantika
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Xia Beifong
General Knowledge
Older sister to Toph Beifong, and heir apparent to the Beifong fortune
a nonbender who has trained extensively in swordplay
assists her younger sister in escaping, both to the fighting ring and to leave with the Avatar
in retaliation, is essentially sold by her father into marriage to the much older Earth King in Ba Sing Se
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Major Taylor Gardner
General Knowledge
28 year old Marine pilot
first Marine to ever be allowed to attend Top Gun, and the youngest female aviator to ever win Top Gun
callsign “Wasp”; due to the fifth generation fighter, colloquially called a Stinger, that she stole while escaping the uranium enrichment plant after being undercover there for several weeks obtaining vital intel
fic: Hangman and The Wasp
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❰❰ HANDS ❱❱ for Annette and Cullen perhaps 👀
❰❰ HANDS ❱❱ sender’s fingers graze the receiver’s fingers
he's never done well with feeling trapped, not since-- well. he's surrounded by gold and pastels and the smell of wine and perfume, not bloodied stonework, but his heart beats wildly in his chest anyways. he clumsily bats away another intrusive question, counting down the hours he has to remain, and then the crowd parts.
scarlet red winds between the other nobles, and annet-- lady trev-- inquisitor trevelyan glides to his side, a gentle smile on her face. she smiles and titters at a joke he doesn't catch, in her element here in this void forsaken palace.
one of the pushier nobles makes a comment about her being so fortunate to have such a commanding presence serving her whims, and cullen's face flames. his discomfort is only fodder for the damned vultures, but he's never had the gift of hiding his thoughts and feelings and the orlesian courtiers are merciless.
inquisitor trevelyan tilts her head and smiles, such a sweet and innocuous expression that cullen tenses, knowing full well how sharp her fangs can be. "you would be envious, wouldn't you, baron? i hear you cannot even keep your own stablehands out of your rooms. and on the heels of being forced to sell your estates to avoid insolvency? goodness, how brave of you to come tonight despite the shame you must feel."
her hero-worship of the first enchanter shows. inquisitor trevelyan's martial skills still leave something to be desired, even a near year and a half since the conclave explosion, but the courts are her chosen battlefield, and she's taken to eagerly following around vivienne.
the other nobles melt away, leaving cullen finally able to breathe, and he mutters his thanks.
her smile in response is small but genuine, and she hands him a glass of water. her fingers brush over his as he takes it, a deliberate press so light he nearly misses it, but this is orlais. being obvious and forthright is likely illegal.
she withdraws her hand before he can return the gesture, but that's likely ideal. he reminds himself they are only just friends and she is his superior, but the jumbled up mess of affection-desire-adoration that had broken through his denial earlier that evening makes him wish he could take her hand, and damn the courts.
he doesn't care what they think, but she does.
and besides, she wouldn't-- when this is all over, she'll have dukes and princes and counts lining up to vie for her hand. cullen, on the other hand, given his savings from his time in the templars and from what he's paid now, might be able to afford a cottage on a farm in ferelden.
she will return to her world, and he to his.
funny. he wanted that so much in the beginning, for the noble to keep to her own kind, to keep away from himself and his soldiers and now the thought of her leaving sends ice through his chest.
he drags his thoughts back to the present, trying to be pleased that the first evening is winding down, at least. the peace talks will take a week; one night down, and six to go.
one of her eyebrows is raised slightly as she looks up at him, and cullen flushes (again). "i.. i'm sorry, i was... can you repeat that?"
"no need to apologize, commander," she says, ever formal, "i was wondering if you would save me a dance."
his bullheaded refusal to attend more than the minimum number of lessons is biting back. to dance with her in front of the court, all her grace and all his fumbling as he grapples with his feelings, on display for the harpies to dissect and gossip about?
"i need to be available for my soldiers if something happens," he says. its a clumsy excuse and they both know it.
she smiles anyways, but the courtiers around them begin to press closer, aware something has passed between them. inquisitor trevelyan glances at them before disregarding them in favor of their beckoning spymaster behind them, her eyes narrowing a hair before she finally turns her attention back to cullen.
"we both have our duties," she concedes, but as she turns to leave, her fingers graze his one more time, her touch lingering like her eyes before she tears both away.
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baphomet-synopsis · 1 year
Blutedrache Chapter 1
On the Cliffs of Ol’Daveen, in depths of the Medusa Cascade, there sits the Aerie. Some claim that it is only a myth. Others, those who have been there, claim it is home to marvelous creatures, creatures who live in a rigid hierarchy, and eschew outsiders. On the first day of October, in the cosmic year of 2777, the first of the colonists from the Grand Imperium arrived. The entire colony vanished in a single night, and when investigators were sent, it looked like the colony hadn’t even been built. There were the supplies, and the beginning of buildings, the starting of fields, but not a single soul was to be found.
When the next set of colonists arrived, headquarters received a strange transmission. It said “Send no more, for there is no welcome here.” It was accompanied by a video of marvelous beings chasing the colonists into a canyon. Then it ended. The Grand Imperium sent the military to try to recover the colonists, but there was nothing to find. The canyon the colonists had been seen entering ended in a carved relief of a door.
The military tried to leave the planet, but their ships wouldn’t start, and they were quickly killed by a horde of ravenous creatures. This too was sent to the headquarters. It ended with a view of some creature picking up the transmitter and flying into the canyon, and through a shining door…this event was known as The Discovery, and it heralded the Imperium’s first diplomatic encounter with The Dragons. 
=<^. .^>=
Gulbair walked down the streets of Aerie, looking distinguished in his deep scarlet scales, and pitch black horns. His tail lashed as he thought deeply about his current predicament. The tiny flesh creatures moved respectfully out of his way. They were a joy to have around, even if they didn’t live nearly as long as his kind did. A hundred to a hundred and twenty years at most, and then they were gone. One in particular was very endearing to him. She was riding on his back, and bouncing and giggling as she pointed out the sights. He sighed, and turned his head to look at her. She was a mere hatchling, even by her people's standards. At the bright and luminous age of six she was a plump, happy, peppery child. Snorting softly in her face, she giggled and patted his nose.
“Where are we going Blutedrache?” she asked him
“To the conclave. We must decide what to do with you.”
The hatchling pouted and said “Why can’t I just stay with you?”
“Because I am unmated, and live alone, with neither sibling nor an oath sister to help raise you.” he told her shortly “Now, stop bouncing, you’re going to break my poor little back.”
She giggled, and pretended to pout, before settling down between his wings. He walked up the steps, recently recarved to accommodate the tiny creatures that now lived with them, and paused to acknowledge the guardians. The giant crystal dragons ignored him as always, and then he went inside. Settling down in the convex center, he picked up the child gently with his teeth, and set her down on the floor. She immediately curled up around one of his feet, and began to giggle incessantly at the Hilpsha that swarmed her, and began to demand attention.
Sitting down and looking about him, he watched as the other members of the Conclave began to enter. They were shooting him poisonous looks, and muttering to each other. He knew he wasn’t loved by most of the others, and didn’t care, but it did make things difficult when he was trying to get what he wanted. In this instance, he didn’t want to give up the hatchling, she had brightened up his gloomy dwelling. He had taken her in after her parents had been killed by the eaters, and none of the flesh creatures they had saved would take her in. Some of them even rudely pointed their tails at him, and made hissing noises. Pulling the child closer, he waited for the rudeness to stop. They didn’t need to act this way when there was a hatchling about.
At last the conclave had gathered, and the Drachemeister gathered them to order.
“We have gathered together to determine the fate of the child named Amy Rosenstein. Who makes bold to declare their answer?”
“I am.” it was the Silver Dragon, Endrasa “There is no cause to allow the hatchling to remain at the Blutdrache’s house. Indeed, it is offensable that the child should even be there.”
“Here, here!” came several replies 
“And I suppose one of you are willing to take her in?” Gulbaird replied angrily
There was much murmuring, but no one agreed. Everyone else had either full dwellings, or were too busy, or some other such nonsense.
Until the elder spoke “I propose this, let the child decide, and if she agrees to remain at the Blutdrache’s home, then let him find an oath sister, or a mate, or some female of the ‘humans’ to dwell with him to take charge of the child when the conclave demands his attention.”
“Well then child…” the Drachemeister said “where do you wish to go?”
The child, Amy, looked around then said “I want to stay with Bluty, he is funny.”
“So be it.” the Drachemeister said “The hatchling shall stay with Blutdrache. You have thirty days to find a helpmeet, or the council shall reconvene.”
The next night was dark and stormy, so Amy had curled up with him on his best cushion. She was whispering excitedly about all the fun things and her Hilpsha were going to do once the rain stopped, and the Hilpsha seemed excited. Gulbaird was trying to read to her from one of his books, and she would ask a couple of questions, then go back to her Hilpsha, which she had named Bubbles. Bubbles for its part would snuggle adorably with Amy, and then go prancing around the cushion. He was just about to put her to bed when there was a knock at his entrance. Groaning as he went to the door, he peered out into the darkness. Standing there, was a disheveled, dirty looking, soaking young woman. She was covered in bruises, and had several cuts on her flesh. She stood there, shivering, and looking about her.
“Enter freely and of your own volition.” he told her, pulling back the door.
She scurried about, just as there was shouting at the end of the lane. She flinched, and then came inside, just as the door closed. The hatchling had somehow gotten out of her bed and was watching all of this very carefully. She had a concerned look, as though she had seen the world and all its evils in this woman.
“Aunty Maeve?” the Hatchling asked, “I thought you didn’t want me.”
The woman gasped, and rushed forward, and picked up the hatchling and swung her around. “Of course I want you darling, it was my husband that didn’t want you.” she told the Hatchling “and my husband is a very bad man.”
“Does he hurt you?” the hatchling asked
“Very much.” the woman replied
Gulbaird the Blutdrache watched all this with great curiosity. It seemed that here was the answer to his conundrum. She could stay and watch the hatchling, and he would give her sanctuary in exchange. No male should ever abuse his mate in such a way. Bending his neck he sniffed at her, then blew a healing mist gently all over her. He watched in satisfaction as her injuries healed, and her stiffness, and pain vanished, when she turned and saw him so close, she let out a little whimper. Pulling his head back he snorted and settled back down on his cushion with a little groan.
“Well, will you accept my offer?” he asked the woman “I will give you sanctuary, and in exchange you shall watch and care for the hatchling when the conclave demands my attention.”
The woman paused, then said “Nothing would make me happier.” she told him “You see, I am barren, and my husband wished for children. I see now, that it is a blessing for me and my womb that I am, for he would have made a terrible father.”
“It is always a sorrowful thing when a woman cannot conceive.” Gulbaird said “However, it is also a blessing, for it leaves the female to stand as mother for those who have none. Give me your husband’s name, and I shall seal my door against him.”
“That is something dragons can do?” she asked 
“No, Only we Blutdrache are capable of such things.” he replied
“Very well, my husband is named Viktor Hessinfar.” she said
Gulbaird went to the door, and with much muttering and groaning, he sealed his door and threshold against the woman’s mate. Then, hearing the rumbling of two stomachs, he smiled.
“Come, we must feed the hatchling and yourself, it is always easier to sleep on a full stomach.” he told them “Come along Bumychsh, we must have dinner.”
The hatchling smiled and laughed “My name isn’t Bumychsh funny, my name is Amy!”
“I am well aware, Bumychsh. Now come, we must feed your aunty.”
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herald-divine-hell · 1 month
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Some background and aspects of her personality:
Esaira Lavellan was a mere child when she witnessed the butchering of her mother and father by a wayward band of nobility near the city-state of Kirkwall in 9:22. What was founded by Clan Lavellan when they came searching for them was left unsaid, but rumors among the children whispered of a great ring of blacken ash, and scarlet embers speckling the piles like bleeding stars. The adults spurred away such rumors, but still spoke silently amongst one another, of the dangerous glint in a child's eyes, and beyond that the instability of this new orphan daughter.
Never a laughing child, what was left with the burnt corpses of her mother and father seemed to have taken what little petals of joy she held. Ever since that night, gloom and rage followed her, became the parents she had lost. Words did not come easily to Esaira Lavellan, even before her sorrowing, but now the words that did come were short, curt, heated with anger that never left her, that burned as fiercely as any pyre in purple eyes dark as coming twilight. She ate but a little, yet Keeper Deshanna was well aware that it was not foodstuff she craved, but vengeance.
Indeed, as the time came and her magic grew, it was Esaira who led the expeditions, the raids, against the shemlen, capturing one or two, and forcing them to flee in the forest, playing them as if they were sport. Esaira's actions received praised amongst many, especially those who despised the shemlen, but it won her no friends. Indeed, Esaira seemed only ever close to Keeper Deshanna, who took her as her own after the death of her parents, loving her as much as she can, and hoping to ease the melancholy that shrouded her like a heavy cloak. Yet it did little, even as Esaira excelled in great feats of magic, though they often came raw, untamed, as heavy and lumbering as a storm cloud swallowing the sun, and swift-footed among the scouts that she was.
Despite Esaira's arrogance and rage, Esaira's magical abilities and her adoration of all things Elven lent her the favorability of becoming the Keeper's First, despite outrage from Esaira's rival Varathen, who saw Esaira's anger as a detraminite and danger. Keeper Deshanna seemed well aware of those problems, however, and urged in private among the older Lavellans to take be a powerful bloc against Esaira, in case of Deshanna's early death. "Ease her anger and be a calming hand upon her shoulder, and in time the child will heal surely."
But Deshanna's love never wavered for this quiet, willful child, for though Esaira was fierce in anger and wild in speech, her loyalty for Deshanna and the Dalish was unquestionable. Perhaps it was that loyalty in which led to Deshanna to allow Esaira to attend the Conclave of Justinia V as a spy, despite the protests of many within Clan Lavellan. According to later sources, the Keeper of Clan Lavellan was reported to have said, "She will act righteously among the Shem if demanded, and we have no fears of her [acting against] our commands. Truly, she is among the best of our scouts, and hears deeper than many."
Esaira is...probably my most problematic oc. So it's hard to figure out who she would romance in Dragon Age?
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circlique · 2 years
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Just one profile left after this. Juno is definitely one of my faves, but I can't decide if she's my favorite NPC or if Maika takes that spot.
Avatar DND Masterpost
Name: Juno (Latin, "queen of heaven"; alt Chinese, 朱 zhū 诺 nuò, "scarlet promise")
Age: 30
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Highest stat: Charisma
Bending: Water (subclass mindbending); energybending
Theme: Battle! Zinnia and Lament of Falling Stars
Played by: Z, the DM
Background: Representing no one in particular, we have the lorekeeper and snarky quest giver of the campaign, Juno. She is the daughter of the main villain, Dai Lee, and a former companion of the Avatar. When she was a teenager, she saw through her father's "benevolence" for the selfish evil it was, and left to gather a team to take him down. She eventually met and befriended Avatar Maika, becoming a member of Team Avatar as the "token nonbender".
Like Dai Lee, she is a mindbender, but she kept this a secret from the rest of the team until the eve of their attack on Dai Lee's headquarters beneath Ba Sing Se. This revelation understandably sowed distrust among the team, which Dai Lee later exploited to turn them all against each other. The mission ended in disastrous failure, with Juno and Maika being the sole survivors and Maika ending up as Dai Lee's prisoner.
Following the failed operation to bring down Dai Lee, a Lion Turtle rose from the sea and addressed Juno, saying that with the Lion Turtles all but gone and the Avatar compromised, the world was in dire need of someone who could bring good back to a world so beset by evil. It found her worthy and granted her the ability to energybend.
Juno would later return to Ba Sing Se with a team of chiblockers to free Maika from Dai Lee, but things would never quite be the same between them. Maika's broken mental state combined with the fact that Juno was chosen for energybending over her became a sore point between them, and they eventually split ways. Juno then spent years cultivating an extensive network of chiblockers worldwide, and became a master of intelligence and espionage like her father. She used this talent, in tandem with her energybending, to track down and take the bending of people who used it for evil, becoming a folk hero in her own right. However, Dai Lee was busy running his own counterintelligence campaign against her to have her labelled a criminal, forcing her into hiding.
Eventually, Juno caught wind of a person matching Maika's description committing brutal murders and leaving swaths of collateral damage, and became obsessed with tracking down her former companion. Juno eventually confronted Maika and tried to take her bending, but failed and was forced back into hiding. She would soon learn of Dai Lee's new masterplan to take place on the Summer Solstice, and decided that she would need to put together a team of benders to have a chance against him. She then crashed the Summer Conclave to give the party a reason to find her, and soon recruited them to help her in thwarting Dai Lee's plan.
Motivations: Juno is motivated partially by a desire to do good, and partially by a desire to right her past wrongs. She feels it was her fault that the original mission against Dai Lee failed. Juno has encouraged the party not to keep secrets from each other, since it was her secret that led to so much distrust in the original Team Avatar. She also tries to guide Chai Li in "ethical" mindbending, and has chastised Kelsang on more than one occasion for bending on his own moral code, questioning why she can't seem to keep airbenders on the right path.
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sirendeepity · 2 years
Books I've read in 2022
I'm starting this on 24/09 because I know the time this is going to take me will be too much, so (present-me note: it didn't take me too much, just an hour or so, I was just feeling lazy)
77/ 22 (updated to: /52)
The Foxhole Court ★★★★.5
The Raven King ★★★★.5
The King's Men ★★★★.5 (there's not a single right thing in here but yes?? Read this shit??)
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue ★★★★ (not as life-altering as they said it would be but oh, Luc)
The Inheritance Games ★★★★ (the vibes were there but everything else was not? TikTok what are you doing?? At least it was fun tho)
The Hawthorne Legacy ★★★.5
Caraval ★★★★
Legendary ★★★★★ (Tella <333 Dante <333 Jacks <333)
Finale ★★★★★
House of Sky and Breath ★★★ (where do I begin: loved Bryce, but now not anymore, loved the story, now it's giving me the ick, Hunt was neutral, now I lowkey hate him, Tharion wtf is wrong with you, but the Rhun, Flynn, Dec trio with Ithan and the new (female) addictions? Immaculate. Ariadne is queen aND I WANT HER WITH FLYNN THEY ARE SERVINGGGG)
The Love Hypothesis ★★★★ (I read that this year? Mh)
From Lukov With Love ★★★
Shatter Me ★★★ (half a let-down, half a mind trip, but Kenji <333)
Destroy Me ★★★★★
Unravel Me ★★★.5
Fracture Me ★★★.5
Ignite Me ★★★★
Restore Me ★★★.5
Shadow Me ★★★★
Defy Me ★★★★
Reveal Me ★★★★
Imagine Me ★★★★
Believe Me ★★★ (I kept asking myself why Aaron was still a bitch until I realized that's how morally gray characters are supposed to be and not the watered-down version aka "I'm a bad guy until you learn about my trauma and how misunderstood I am, and magically I'm the perfect saint character to ever exist" and, yeah)
Flock ★★★
Exodus ★★★★ (we love rainy days, don't we baby?)
The Finish Line ★★ (useless, I hated it, it shouldn't exist)
Corrupt ★★★.5
Hideaway ★★★★★ (Nikova mf Banks ladies and gentlemen)
Kill Switch ★★★★.5 (Damon is a psycho by day and a poet by night, also he and Andrew are the same person in different fonts)
Conclave ★★★
Nightfall ★★★★★ (WillEmmy SERVED but BanksEmmy had so much potential, which wouldn't have gone to waste if someone *looks at Penelope Douglas* got her head out of Erika Fane's ass.)
Fire Night ★★★★
Punk 57 ★★★★
Addicted to You ★★★ (my very first comment to this was mean, like mean-mean, so I'm censuring past me and saying: I don't hate LiLo anymore, they're still nowhere near the top but we like some good character development here)
Ricochet ★★★
Heartstopper 1 ★★★★★
Heartstopper 2 ★★★★★
Heartstopper 3 ★★★★★
Heartstopper 4 ★★★★
Only a Monster ★★★★ (I literally cannot remember what happened at the end of this? Like, I remember, but I don't? Anyway I loved it and AARON MY GOODNESS you're a little Malfoy and I love this for you. I'll definitely do a reread before the sequel comes out)
House of Salt and Sorrow ★★★.5
Shadow & Bone (reread) ★★★.5
The Risk (p.s. I refused to give a rating to this because some things should just not be rated and whatever tf this series was is one of those things)
Scarlet Angel
All the Lies
Paint It All Red (what in the jesus christ was that-)
Twisted Love ★★★.5
Twisted Games ★★★★
Twisted Lies ★★★.5 (I don't remember a single thing because I was too distracted by JulesJosh to actively read this </3 but one day I'll reread this the right way, pinky promise)
They Both Die at the End ★★★ (it's written in the goddamn title why was I surprised?)
Blade Breaker ★★★★ (Sorasa Sarn aka mommy-)
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder ★★★★
Good Girl, Bad Blood ★★★★★
As Good As Dead ★★★★.5 (mind-blowing. New fave series, new fave author, new fave everything. Don't sleep on Ravi Singh or I'll come for you)
Kingdom of the Feared ★★ (I am so not happy with you, Kerri, and I'd like to personally buy a vibrator for you because your horny inner teen should be left outside of your books, thank you very much)
The Final Gambit ★★★★★ (I was ready for the misery and this book managed to disappoint my expected disappointment? Make it make sense? Anyway Jameson might have gotten the girl but Grayson got me so a win is a win)
Every Heart A Doorway ★★★
Love on the Brain ★★★★.5
King of Wrath ★★★
If We Were Villains ★★★★.5 (De Nial is a river in Egypt, your husband is gay!)
Greywaren ★★★★ (everybody shut up I'm in my feels)
Cruel King ★★.5 (*sounds of dying*)
Deviant King ★★★.5
Steel Princess ★★★ (halfway through this one I got bored of the couple so I have little to no memory of what happened, so don't ask)
Twisted Kingdom ★★★
Black Knight ★★★★★ (Kimmy <3333)
Vicious Prince ★★★.5
Ruthless Empire ★★★★★ (SilverCole for the win I said what I said)
Royal Elite Epilogue ★★★.5 (the guys' groupchat 💀💀)
Addicted for Now ★★★.5 (it only took me 7 months!!!)
Kiss the Sky ★★★★
Hothouse Flower ★★★★
Thrive ★★★.5 (tandem reading this with the two before saved my ass because I could already see the other 7 months of nothingness)
Addicted After All ★★★.5
Fuel the Fire ★★★.5 (I was expecting a bit more from this but we can't always get what we want)
bonus: The Demon in the Wood, The Witch of Duva, The Tailor, The Too Clever Fox, Kill Joy.
Also, I am currently reading ("reading") Siege & Storm, The Atlas Six, and Long Way Down. I'll probably finish all of them in 2023 because I'm not in the mood to read anything right now *hides Wattpad and its trashy slytherin boys' fanfictions* so yeah, 77 books in a year is pretty damn good, isn't it?
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quasi-defender · 2 months
Pope Quasi resignes part 3 for @hiraethstar
Quasi now Pope Emeritus,went back to Paris for his Thanksgiving mass at Notre Dame,all the bishops of France entered the cathedral with Cardinal Aupetit leading the line
"We give thanks today for Quasi who was elected pope eleven years ago now the Holy spirit has called us to elect a new pope pray for the Cardinals that they may elect a worthy successor,pray for me that i as grand elector with the help of the Holy Spirit elect a pope worthy of the see of Peter Pray for Quasi that he may live long enough to see the church he built grow bigger and better than before"
Cardinal Aupetit speech was applauded by the people
All the French Cardinals and bishops lined up to hug Quasi who was sitting in the front Mme Helen Rochell the archbishop of Paris hugged Quasi the hardest
"Thank you for everything I'll never forget you" said Cardinal Rochell
"If you're elected papesse I will cry tears of joy" said Quasi
"Ave Regina celorum" intoned Cardinal Aupetit
The choir sang the rest of the atiphone
Pope Emeritus Quasi hugged Cardinal Aupetit
Some Cardinals (mainly the Quasi and Francis appointed ones)promised to continue Quasis reforms,others(mainly the Benedict XVI appointed ones with the exception of Adam Leroi)to get rid of them
Two days later the conclave was about to begin all the eligible cardinals walked in a line chanting the litany of Saints,among them were Cardinals Helen Rochelle,Adam Leroi,Youvon Reoungoat,Wilton Gregory,Rainier Woelki,amog others,Cardinal Michel Aupetit was leading them with his croizer he wore a gold chasubel over his scarlet vestments,signifying his rank as grand elector
After all the cardinals took their places Cardinal Aupetit took his place at the grand electors table
Veni Creator Spiritus" intoned Cardinal Aupetit
All the cardinals began to sing the ancient song invoking the Holy Spirit
Cardinal Aupetit addresses the room
"My brother and sister cardinals,to begin this conclave you must swear upon the gospel you will keep secret your vote"
One by one all the cardinals swore secrecy upon a gospel
"Extra omnis" said Cardinal Aupetit
All the people not involved in the conclave went out and Cardinal Aupetit locked the door
"Yall may begin voting my brother and sister cardinals" said Cardinal Aupetit
All the cardinals began writing names and giving them to Cardinal Aupetit who tead the names out loud
Helen Rochelle one
Anthony Poola one
Helen Rochelle two
this went on for three days
Helen Rochelle fifteen
Adam Leroi six
Helen Rochelle sixteen
"Helen Rochelle is the new Supreme Pontiff" said Cardinal Aupetit
He walked over to Helen
"Do you accept your election as Supreme Pontiff"
"I do" said Rochelle
"What name do you plan to take" said Cardinal Aupetit
"I'll take Genevieve said Rochelle
Cardinal Aupetit went up to the balcony
I announce to yall with great joy we have a pope the most reverend Helen Rochelle who jas taken the name Genevieve"said Cardinal Aupetit
Pope Quasi who was watching the whole gave a big smile
Pope Genevieve began to speak
"We have accomplished a lot during Quasi pontificate now I will continue the legacy that Quasi left together we can make a difference"
The people cheered
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ddevriesblog · 2 years
Cardinal bells
One alone is a modest scarlet bloom,hardly meant to trumpet forth self-praise,but two or three gathered make a mass,a procession of cardinals, a conclave,raising the paten and the holy chalice,acolytes’ bells ringing transmutation,hymns sung in a parish ankle-high. ~~~Inspired by #dVerse and the State Arboretum of Virginia.
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eirdwen · 4 years
The Void Incident in Stormwind 8/05
From the desk of Highlady Thoranis:
It is no great secret that the Conclave seeks an end to the corruption of the void. As antithesis of the Holy Light, the void is an enemy to us just the same as undeath is. It is a foul force and a stain upon the bodies and souls of those who attempt to wield it. However, it also taints those who do not seek it. More than one innocent has been caught in the wake of the faithless who bring this corruption into the world. One such soul recently began seeking us out in the hopes that we might purify her body and spirit so she could return to the embrace of the Light. Her corruption was entirely unwelcome, and unfortunately very extensive. We could not perform the ritual by brute force without explosive repercussions that might claim the lives of the faithful as well as the poor patient. 
And so, she was turned away with regret. 
Yet just tonight, the elf woman (who will remain nameless for now) returned. She came with news that a quel’dorei arcanist believed he could surgically remove the corruptive tumors and purify her body with the help of an infusion of azerite and the Holy Light. Those present joyfully agreed to assist: myself, Lieutenant Carlisle, Crusader Altham, and Crusader Schnidt. The man performing the operation had arranged for a clean space in the cathedral basement; we all agreed that sanctified ground was the best option. An additional ring of blessed salts was used to act as a barrier for any corruptive material that may escape. 
I will not burden the reader with a step-by-step listing of the procedure, but I will state that the internal corruption was far beyond what I ever expected. May we all pray to never see such horror again! Lieutenant Carlisle’s salt ring proved a wise choice. The corruption manifested as a monster that defies description, but with faith and great valor it was defeated and the last remnants of the void were purged from the patient. Yes, reader, she survived. The operation was a success, though only time will tell the extent. Great is the Light in all its glory! 
I publicly commend Lieutenant Carlisle, Crusader Altham, and Crusader Schnidt for their heroism and stalwart faith in the face of unspeakable evil. They behaved as true soldiers of the Light and I am tremendously proud. 
It remains to be seen if this method will aid in our own fight to save the mind, body, and soul of another. Still, this is valuable data that may yet serve us. If nothing else, let this be a lesson to us all in the Light’s immeasurable power and righteousness. 
Glory to the Light, and victory to the Scarlet Crusade! 
((Huge thank you to Nerinth and Laeandra for hosting this impromptu event tonight! We had a blast and if I knew your blogs I would tag you! Also huge thank you to Nyth with the Stormwind University for their help and research that you can see here at www.stormwind-university.com//forums/viewtopic.php?p=40097666&gid=453663#40097666
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rathwald · 4 years
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I only slightly embellished this guild event moment where the big guy threw an enemy projectile right back at them.
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schacktorn · 5 years
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Well we didn’t die, lucky us. All things told, it went a lot better than I expected. I’m proud of my fellow Crusaders and how we performed on this operation... Now for a much needed drink, and some much deserved rest. 
Report handed off to @highlord-thoranis and @eirdwen
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roguelioness · 3 years
Harden your heart (to a cutting edge)
Solas finds her in the aftermath, blood still dripping thin and viscous from the end of her staff’s blade. The scent of iron lingers in the air, thick and harsh and metallic, coats his throat and lungs as he draws in a shaky breath at the sight before him. Neria has no reaction to his sudden appearance; the entirety of her focus is on the body by her feet.
He follows her gaze. There’s a wide, gaping wound in the center of the belly, revealing muscle and sinew, running deep enough to where he can see the spine. 
The dead elf’s face wears a mask of sneering hatred.
Neria looks up at him when he takes another step into the clearing, a twig snapping beneath his foot. There’s gore in her pale hair, matting the strands. Her eyes are dead and cold in the way grave markers are, her features  terrifyingly blank.
“He was a good friend,” she says, her accent marred by the split lip. Her voice is automated and monotone, devoid of any emotion. “I even loved him, once.” Her tone is chillingly even. 
Her toes are stained red.
“I was fourteen. He’d pull my hair and tease me and when he went hunting he would bring me back berries to share. I left for the Conclave so he would not have to.” The dull thud of her staff hitting the ground goes ignored. The fingers on her prosthetic creak, the sound louder than thunder as she closes them into a fist. 
“He called me a whore. A traitor. Said I sold my soul to the shems.” Her gaze flicks to the body at her nearby, charred beyond recognition. “She claimed I betrayed my people. Told me I deserved to die.”
Neria’s face is still empty, her aura vacant of the compassion that was woven through her being. The pit of his stomach opens up to an endlessly ominous maw.
“They were my clanmates, once.”
There’s so much, so much crimson on her armor. 
“But I must do what needs to be done.”
Her voice is still so lifeless.
“Are you here for me, Dread Wolf?” she asks, head tilted to the side. That same expressionless mask on her face. “Will you take your vengeance on their behalf?”
Five, he counts them, stone-still where they lie, and she stands over them all, battered and bloodied and bruised, with an arrow jutting from between her shoulders. The carmine fletching is a shade lighter than the scarlet-covered shaft.
Her kith, her kin, slain by her hand, slain because-
Laughter bubbles within him, high and hysterical. He turned her away from him, but took those  she called her own. When he twisted them to serve his plans, how did he not see that they would find her on the other side of the line he had inadvertently drawn?
What more vengeance can he take? His retribution is insidious, more sinister than death, having robbed her of the very essence of her nature. His hands clench into fists; his tongue is stuck to the roof of his mouth with shame.
“No,” he says at last; the word comes out thin and reedy but she does not react to this fresh betrayal, does not point out that they championed his cause and died for it and he will not avenge their effort. She doesn’t need to. The words hang over their heads like a guillotine, waiting for a signal for the blade to drop. He knows when it does it will sever whatever bond remains between them.
Neria exhales. A cold wind passes through the clearing, disperses ice over the crimson-soaked blades of grass. It rasps against his skin, sends alarm trickling down his chest.
“Very well.” The blade makes a grotesquely wet, suctioning sound as she slides her weapon into its holster. She turns mechanically, her back to him. Remains still for a second.
If he pulls that arrow out, he wonders, will she bleed? Is there any warmth left in her veins?
Silence glides in like an eclipse, entire and enormous. He cannot even hear her breath. She is a statue, feral, deadly, and he finds himself reaching out for her against his own volition.
She shifts. Moves. Strides away, her gait measured and deliberate.
She does not look at the bodies. She does not look at him.
Dread catches him by the throat, squeezes tight, tighter, leaves him choking in the frost-scattered clearing. Something has changed, he knows, can recognize it in the ebb and flow of the wind. The draft, the puff of air that is the earth’s breath, whispers to him that the person who walked into the clearing bleeds from treachery.
Solas gazes once more upon those who had belonged to Clan Lavellan.
What has he done?
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 3 years
Ghost Term Guide for Fanfiction (Incomplete)
I’ve been sitting on this for a while but here is a small guide for Ghost fans who are writing fiction :) 
I noticed there are a LOT of very specific terms that might be confusing to new members when it comes to fandom lingo- on top of there being a lot of religious garbs and other terminology! This is something I just made in my spare time with research. 
I will reblog and update this every so often. This is also just from MY personal research, but I will try to keep it as accurate and informed as possible.
Religious Garb:
(Note: A quick reminder that all of these garments can be subjected to various changes depending on the exact faith they are being used for. I tried to keep this as close to western Catholic and Christianity for the sake of simplicity and to match the exact religious themes used by the band.)
Alb - A typical priest’s robe or tunic, often plain and white. Usually long sleeved and ankle length with minimum decoration to symbolize purity. Sometimes worn plain or with a cincture. Albs are also worn over cassocks but under important vestments like the chasuble. (Papa III’s alb is the garment he wears with the lace gold sleeves under his chasuble.)
Amice - A white, square shaped linen cloth worn over the shoulders and under the alb or other vestments. In the middle ages it also served as a hood or cap. Typically worn during mass or new baptisms. 
Balaclava - Also called a ski mask or a bally. A head fitting cloth mask that usually has the mouth or eyes cut out. Typically worn under helmets of costume masks. (Used by nameless Ghouls under their masks.)
Bauta Mask - a style of Venetian Carnival mask. Marked by having no mouth, a full covering for the face, and a pointed chin and jaw line. (Black ones worn by the Era II Nameless Ghouls.) 
Biretta - A Square cap characterized by having three to four peaks and sometimes decorated with a decorative tuft. A cap’s color can also designate rank within a clergy: Red for Cardinals, Purple for Bishops, and Black for priests. Worn both for and outside of ceremony. (See Cardinal Copia’s pointed hat.)
Cappello Romano - (also called a Saturno) a wide brimmed hat with no ceremonial purpose. Just used as a sun hat when paired with a cassock. Designs change depending on the rank of the wearer. Popes typically wear red with gold detail. Black is the typical color for eveyone. 
Clerical Collar 
Ferula - or “Papal Ferula” is that staff carried and used only by the Pope, decorated with a knob on the top and a cross. (See Papa II’s staff with the Grucifex on top.) 
Habit - Clothing uniform worn by members of a religious order. In this case, a nun’s dress. 
Mitre - The ceremonial headdresses worn by Bishops and Abbots. Characterized by a pointed, two sided structure that is decorated at the base with lappets. Also worn by Cardinals and the Pope. Three different types exist and are all done for very different occasions. Mitres are typically white with varying degrees of decoration for the occasion. (See all the mitres worn by each Papa.) 
Rochets - a shorter, white linen tunic that is used by Cardinals and Bishops that is worn over the cassock. It has narrower sleeves and is often decorated with white lace or embroidery on the sleeves and ends of the garment. In Catholicism it is only worn by these higher clergymen and prelates as choir dress, as given permission to them by the Pope.  
Vestments - Term for ceremonial clothing or clothing symbolizing religious office worn during service. Think Chasubles, stoles, etc. 
Wimple - headdress or veil worn by nuns. 
Zucchetto - A silky skullcap that resembles a hemispherical beret. They are colored based on rank. Retired and acting popes wear white, cardinals wear scarlet, Archbishops/bishops/abbots wear amaranth, and priests and deacons wear black. 
Athame - Ritualistic dagger, often decorative and considered sacred. 
Host/Communion Wafer 
Mother Superior
Church based Locations:
Catholic/Religious Terms:
Canon/Canon Law
Clergy - All ordained members that perform the duties of a religious organization. 
Ecclesial Law  
Laity - Non-ordained members of a religious organization, also known as laypersons/laymen/laywomen. 
Prelate - a high ranking clergy member or church dignitary with authority over a jurisdiction. Usually an Ordinary in the church. Typically an abbot, bishop, or cardinal.  
Satanic/Luciferian Terms:
Important Figures/Demons:
Ghost Exclusive/Contextual Terms:
Nameless Ghouls - the masked and nameless members of the band that serve under Papa. Always instruments or back up vocals. 
Grucifex - The play on the Ghost Grucifex. The official symbol of the band and the clergy. An upside down cross decorated with a ‘G’ for Ghost. 
Papa - The head of the Clergy and the Ghost project. Essentially an Anti-pope and unholy leader of the ministry. Also the lead singer of the band. 
Prime Mover - In lyrics, the title given to the nun who will go on to birth the Antichrist. In fandom terms it is often given to the mothers of the Emeritus line. 
Ritual - The name given to the band’s concerts. 
Sisters/Brothers/Siblings/Children of Sin - The members of the congregation of the Church of Ghost. 
Fan Made Accepted Terms or Definitions:
Kit(s) - Juvenile/Infant Ghouls
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dreadfutures · 3 years
AUs, Pairings, Prompts
Please copy + paste the whole prompt WITH A CHARACTER OR PAIRING SPECIFIED.
Formerly-Tranquil Felassan & Ixchel Lavellan
DAI/current continuity Solas & Formerly Tranquil Felassan (past Solas/Felassan)
Warden Halevune Mahariel/Morrigan (DAO, DAO:A, or DAI)
Feel free to elaborate/specify/expand/come up with your own! Please send them WITH A CHARACTER OR PAIRING SPECIFIED.
Prompt Lists Here. Details of AUs and Pairings below the cut.
Couples Dialogue
Emotional Intimacy and Pillowtalk
Kiss Prompts
Eerie Vague Prompts
Aberdeen Gothic
Enormity of Desire
For The Damaged
Highly Specific Horror Vibes
Prompts with Children
Betrayal Prompts
Dragon Age Specific Dialogue Prompts
Hidden Injury
Quotes from a Hero 
Concise Horror Prompts 
50 Kisses
Quotes about Death
Nonsexual Acts of Intimacy
Love Epiphanies
The Fall 2003 Prompts
Hanal’ghilan 2022
Wintery Prompts
Some Winter Weather
Winter Sensory Prompts
Winter Song Lyrics
Eerie Vague Prompts - Autumn
Hit ‘em where it hurts
Hand Prompts
Subtle Smut Prompts
14DaysDALovers 2022
Scarlet Pimpernel 1982 Prompts
The Language of Thorns
Circe Prompts
Miscellaneous Dialogue Prompts
Trope Bingo
Linkin Park Lyrics
Sensory Prompts
Short and Angsty Prompts
Midnight Mass Prompts
Winter Holiday Themed Prompts
Strange Philosophies Prompts
Solas x Ixchel Lavellan (#broken mirrors)
Morrigan x Halevune Mahariel (#old blood older still)
Garrett Hawke x Fenris
young!Ixchel Lavellan x Kieran ( #shadows in the sun)
Dirthamen x Ixchel Lavellan (#sunbird)
Felassan x Solas
Platonic (feel free to mix and match characters) (#cage of the ribs)
Ixchel Lavellan & Merrill
Ixchel Lavellan & Dorian Pavus
Ixchel Lavellan & Vivienne
Ixchel Lavellan & Solas
Ixchel Lavellan & Halevune Mahariel
Ixchel Lavellan & Morrigan
Ixchel Lavellan & Kieran
Ixchel Lavellan & Felassan
Ixchel Lavellan & Terinelan Lavellan (First Lavellan)
Ixchel Lavellan & Gethrael (a friend’s OC, a Dalish Spirit Healer and Keeper)
Ixchel Lavellan & Talenna Ethera (a friend’s OC, a Dalish mage and skald to the Inquisition)
Solas & Merrill
Solas & Dorian
Felassan & Briala
Felassan & Cole
Morrigan & Kieran (#old blood older still)
Halevune Mahariel & Kieran (#old blood older still)
Bloodied & Broken
Ixchel is 27, it’s her second life/”fix-it”/”redo” of DAI. She is angry, tired, depressed, and determined not to let any of that stop her from saving the world--by convincing Solas that this life is worth living, and this world, worth saving. (Spoiler: she does.)
Prompts end up being either part of future fic events, or stolen moments from the fic that just weren’t included. :)
SubAU: “one wild and precious life” - in the distant future after Bloodied&Broken is done, Solas is in uthenera, Ixchel has a romance with Sebastian Vael, who is a widower as well.
**anything and everything magic, Elvhen, empires, and spooktacular  eldritch horrorness**
Because of time travel shenanigans, young!Ixchel at the Conclave is replaced by resurrected!Ixchel, but some kind of melding happens in the interim, where she gets some of older Ixchel's memories or at least feelings. Young!Ixchel pops up into pre-Arlathan Elvhenan. She has the Anchor, but there is no Veil. She has vallaslin, but not mind-controlling type (no lyrium in it).
Everything about this AU is based around prompts so send them away!
Shadows in the Sun (young!timeline)
My (tentative?) DA4 canon: Inquisitor Ixchel, in her early 20s, is running across Thedas in search of ways to stop Fen’Harel or convince her old friend to change his ways. Kieran, her childhood friend (they’re roughly the same age), appears on one of her lonesome journeys...and asks her for help. His mother (who drank the Well) has gone missing, and he needs Ixchel’s help finding her.
Bloodied & Broken:
Solas x Ixchel Lavellan (#broken mirrors)
Morrigan x Halevune Mahariel (#old blood older still)
Ixchel Lavellan x Sebastian (widow/widoer, political marriage au, a love of equals and integrity) (#one wild and precious life)
Garrett Hawke x Fenris  (I don’t have a lot in mind for these two except that their relationship is inspired by Batman 2022 Batman/Catwoman)
Ixchel Lavellan & Cassandra Pentaghast
Ixchel Lavellan & Dorian Pavus
Ixchel Lavellan & Vivienne
Ixchel Lavellan & Solas
Ixchel Lavellan & Halevune Mahariel
Ixchel Lavellan & Morrigan
Ixchel Lavellan & Gethrael (a friend’s OC, a Dalish Spirit Healer and Keeper)
Ixchel Lavellan & Syrillon (a friend’s OC, a Dalish elf who now works as a bodyguard for an Antivan prince)
Ixchel Lavellan & Briala (wary allies and revolutionaries)
Morrigan & Kieran (#old blood older still)
Halevune Mahariel & Kieran (#old blood older still)
Send me obscure DA OCs... I probably have some plans for them as Inquisition agents or something.
Dirthamen x Ixchel Lavellan ( #sunbird)
Solas x Felassan
Ixchel Lavellan & Solas | Fen’Harel
Ixchel Lavellan & Glory (Rivalry)
Ixchel Lavellan & Hope(aka Felassan)
Ixchel Lavellan & Andruil (Enemies)
Ixchel Lavellan & Deceit (Protege & Mentor)
Dirthamen & Solas
Any ancient elf NPC is fair game!
Shadows in the Sun:
Ixchel Lavellan x Jester (Leliana’s Agent)
Ixchel Lavellan x Kieran (#shadows in the sun, chaste)
Ixchel Lavellan & Cassandra Pentaghast
Ixchel Lavellan & Dorian Pavus
Ixchel Lavellan & Solas (Solavellan Hell)
Ixchel Lavellan & Morrigan (Daughter & Mother found family ish)
Ixchel Lavellan & Kieran (friends)
Ixchel Lavellan & Lace Harding
Ixchel Lavellan & Charter
Ixchel Lavellan & Varric
Send me obscure DA OCs... I probably have some plans for them as Inquisition agents or something.
Filled Prompts
General Ixchel Lavellan:
“the eye, alone in its socket, doesn’t even know there’s another one, just like it, an inch away, just as hungry, as empty”
To The Dead in the Graveyard Underneath My Window, Adelaide Crapsey 
her reaction to Fairbanks' death
Morrigan, Mahariel (+ Kieran) (#old blood older still)
“they spooned all night and finally felt cared for”
“Taking a bath together”
“Shivering in a place where the Veil is thin”
“Can I open my eyes yet?”
“Promise. Promise me you’ll stay.”
“pulling one toward the other”
“Everybody has a face that they hold inside”
‘I did it selfishly, in bitter heart, and I would bear the consequence.’
‘death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.’
"but there was only 1 bed... that they collapsed into, exhausted"?
"death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it"
begone. I prefer you in the dark.’
Something isn’t right about (setting). Something is off.” in the woods
  kissing the top of their head
Midjourney AI: “dreambook" + “a black dog who answers to my whistle"
sometimes  the  unseen  is  not  to  be  feared  and  those  that  are   meant  to  love  us  most  are  not  always  the  ones  that  do.
The leaves start to fall from the trees. One day, you notice a crow on the grass from your window. You don’t remember when was the last time you saw one. The next day there are three. After a week, there’s so many you can’t count them anymore. You begin to wonder if the darkness at night is just the absence of sunlight 
'the full moon is beautiful and faint against the noonday sky, when you blink, it changes expression, when you sleep, it carves canyons in the clouds, when you wake, it stands outside your window with a casket in its arms’
people like us don’t get to decide when we’re done.
sometimes  the  unseen  is  not  to  be  feared  and  those  that  are   meant  to  love  us  most  are  not  always  the  ones  that  do
Mahariel &...
Merrill - you’re not at war anymore, you can come home
Lavellan/Dirthamen (Arlathan, #sunbird):
One character playing with the other’s hair
"No one has a heart of stone.”
death is the only god who comes when called
“Do you feel at peace?”
“Did you dress up just for me?”
“I’m alive. I can tell because of the pain.”
“You pick up every rose in sight but all the roses die; I’d rather keep them alive, roots grow slowly”
“ kiss me again, but don’t stop this time. “
there’s nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway. 
A shimmer of water droplets in the sun 
Knowledge has entertained me and it has shaped me and it has failed me. Something in me still starves 
❛ you don’t have to be gentle. i won’t break. 
"one lives in the hope of becoming a memory.
Solavellan (#broken mirrors)
One character washing another’s hair
“Everything here feels wrong. The Veil…is far too thin.”
One character adjusting the other’s jewelry/neck tie/ etc
“I sleep better when you’re around”
“tasting their smile”
One falling asleep with their head in the other’s lap.
“Reading a book together”
Destroy me again / Is there still something I need to have? / Destroy me again / Until I feel I know.
"putting a hand over the other's mouth to shut them up
(Mulled cider) Poison veiled by fragrant clove
The Invitation (by Oriah Mountain Dreamer)
Person A placing small flowers into person B’s hair as they rest under the shade of a tree 
[cup] holding someone’s face in both hands and brushing cheeks with thumbs
an old song can be sung by new tongues but it starts blackening the lips of the chanters, there is ink bleeding from the snowdrifts and the sun refuses to rise
[ passing confidence ]  –  for the sender’s muse brush their finger’s against the receiver’s muse’s hand, too scared to hold their hand.
'(Pale) Fingers laced and gripping too tightly'
Garrett Hawke x Fenris (#Fenhawke)
napping together
kiss on the forehead
you’ll soon find we’re out of time.
in my dreams, we’re still together.
listening to the other’s heartbeat
Walk then. Come on, walk towards me. I bet you can’t even take a step’
Cassandra, Lavellan:
“Braiding the other’s hair”
“A mentor/mentee moment”
“If it bleeds, it can be killed.” “Well, it doesn’t.”
"this reminds me of you”
that’s not how god works.
Lavellan, Briala:
“You said you trusted me. What changed?”
Lavellan, Vivienne:
“One falling asleep with their head in the other’s lap.”
‘  love  speaks  in  flowers.  truth  requires  thorns.  ’
Lavellan, Dorian:
“Strikhedonia - The pleasure of being able to say “to hell with it”.”
“Druxy - Something which looks good on the outside, but is actually rotten inside.”
(+ Solas) “I am trying to do the job that you were meant to do.
(+ Felassan) To The Dead in the Graveyard Underneath My Window, Adelaide Crapsey
the worst of it all, it’s that if you ask now, i will forgive you. 
alk then. Come on, walk towards me. I bet you can’t even take a step
Lavellan, Varric:
Musee des Beaux Arts" by W.H. Auden
Solas, Merrill
it's never too late to do the right thing,
a place that feels eerily familiar to you, like you knew it in a dream
Something has been following us for awhile now.
young!Lavellan, Kieran (#shadows in the sun)
“Brontide - The low rumbling of distant thunder.”
“Cafuné (Brazilian Portueguese): The act of tenderly running one’s fingers through someone’s hair”
hide and seek, + morrigan
"Cafuné (Brazilian Portueguese): The act of tenderly running one’s fingers through someone’s hair”
Ixchel Lavellan, Gethrael Lavellan:
hugging each other
“everyone gets their wings clipped at some point”
Ixchel Lavellan, Talenna Ethera:
Logs on a Fire' and 'Falling asleep together
Ixchel Lavellan, Terinelan Lavellan:
a place that feels eerily familiar to you, like you knew it in a dream 
Lavellan, Merrill
They say she sold her soul to a dark god.
a ring of gold hanging from a chain of iron, untouched by weather, unmarred by time, a warning, a monument, a curse
The shadow you see out of the corner of your eye
Lavellan, Felassan (Arlathan):
playing with the other’s hair
Lavellan, Felassan (now):
Having their hair washed by the other.
"keep reading. I want to see how long you'll last."  + Solas
an old song can be sung by new tongues but it starts blackening the lips of the chanters, there is ink bleeding from the snowdrifts and the sun refuses to rise
experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn.
Lavellan, Fen’Harel (Arlathan):
“cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once”
Lavellan, Glory (Arlathan):
“Dueling with swords, and slowly cutting off bits of the enemy’s clothes.”
Ixchel Lavellan/Sebastian Vael (#one wild and precious life)
“I have never known such a wondrous thing in all my life as you”
“delaying death is one of my hobbies”
pushing a strand of hair behind their ear
being confused because they thought this couldn’t happen to them
there’s nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway. 
“it was just a dream.” / “I...I don’t think so.”
Lace Harding:
petrichor - The smell of dry rain on the ground
Solas (Pride) & Dirthamen:
Ozymandias: “Nothing beside remains. Round the decay / Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare / The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
"What violent words from a silent tongue; what loudly righteous prayers from this coward's lungs."
Solas (Pride) &(and / ) Felassan:
“The birds in his belly crave greener pastures!”
‘that’s the worst prophecy I’ve ever heard. ‘
Adonais: For he is gone, where all things wise and fair / Descend—oh, dream not that the amorous Deep / Will yet restore him to the vital air; / Death feeds on his mute voice, and laughs at our despair.
pour the gold of your heart over mine, / shining rivulets filling up the cracks / left by other burdens / of another time
i’m afraid to need you.
Felassan & Cole:
"you already know how this will end"
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king-maven-calore · 3 years
#12 bestie 💕
idfc by blackbear! omg it's literally a Cal jam, I used to listen to it A LOT while writing HtF. I can't believe it's been so long. ok:
Tell me pretty lies Look me in the face Tell me that you love me Even if it's fake 'Cause I don't fucking care, at all
Mini AU: Cal is a demon hunter from the legendary Calore conclave that successfully manages to infiltrate the Scarlet institute. a boarding school for supernatural youths where he is tasked with finding weak spots and tracking the leaders. During his first week, he meets a succubus, Mare, that challenges everything he knows about the creatures. They fall in love in the brutal, run-down halls of the debauched institute... or DO THEY? The mole that initially helped Cal get in, warns them halfway through the semester that a huge mistake was made. The Scarlet authorities know Cal is a hunter and they're using him to share false intel and who knows what else they have in store for him. Trapped behind enemy lines, Cal has to keep his cover while also trying to deceive those around him. A game he is (self admittedly) terrible at. Especially when he is 100% sure his beautiful succubus girlfriend is the demon in charge of playing him like a fiddle. Not even that dooming certainty can keep his foolish heart from loving her.
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