#the scene where eddies talking about how cool steve is
devondespresso · 1 year
i love gay people in fandom proving their gay ships with just vibes like you'll see a bunch of gifs of a pair interacting and theyre just like "this is not heterosexual behavior" or they'll have screenshots of like a character just fuckin standing there and be like "they're just fruity idk what to tell ya". its like not even like evidence that can be proved it just pure unfiltered gaydar
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lilpomelito · 1 year
Steve and Robin go out to a gay club in Indy one night and Robin ends up pissed off because even if she did make a couple of friends and connections with the local scene she didn't have as much luck as Steve who made out with like 5 dudes in a row. How come they're going to the gay places and her straight friend still has more game than her?! Turns out maybe not so much, since Steve spends the monday shift at family video talking how much he enjoyed kissing guys and how hot it got him and how it didn't feel like a performance—which Robin can relate to that part—so maybe it's time to keep experimenting? Robin thinks he might be going a little fast but Steve is determined so he asks if he should ask Eddie if he's down to hooking up so he can try having sex with a guy which sends Robin into another spiral because whoa, since when are you aware that Eddie's gay? (And shit, if she said it out loud to Steve does that count as outing Eddie?!) Steve says he just knows, the same way he knows that Vicky is into boobies (ugh, not this again!) and anyway there's no harm in asking. Robin's mind is blown when Steve literally picks up the phone and calls Eddie if he's down to fuck that night at his place. She's not surprised Eddie agrees. He might be even more of a masochist than Robin herself, really. Which leads to a very interesting night where Robin spends hours trying to concentrate on her stupid homework and not think about how her best friend, her soulmate, the light of her life, is right now having gay sex literally days after finding out "kissing guys is cool actually," when it took her years to admit to herself that she was into girls. And it's even more mortifying when a little after midnight Steve calls her—of course he does—and informs her that sex with men is actually so much better than sex with girls, for him at least, he just had the best orgasm of his life (good for him) and inform her that he now has a boyfriend. Honestly, what did Robin expect. Good for Steve and his simple, honest heart.
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dreamwatch · 8 days
Kick 'em When They're Up
Written for the @corrodedcoffinfest June warm-up round.
Prompt: Band on the run | Word Count: 997 | Rating: T | CW: Language | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: Established Relationship, the press being scumbags, angst, Eddie Munson needs a hug, and Steve is going to give it to him, they're in love your honour | AO3
*title from Dirty Laundry by Don Henley
It’s taken eight years for it to come out; one world tour, three albums. One video that blew up on MTV. And that was the problem.
Because being a metal band, while they were famous, in metal magazines, in the scene, they weren’t famous. They weren’t Metallica. But it was cool. They were successful enough, they had everything they ever wanted.
But see, you have a successful single, and people who don’t know you, well, now they know you. And they want to know more about you, so they buy magazines. And some magazines, some shitty, low rent, nasty fucking rags, they really dig.
It’s been a long time since he’s seen his photograph alongside Chrissy Cunningham's.
They’d barely got off the stage in Quebec before Phil, their manager, was getting them into cars and back to the hotel. No one telling them a goddamn thing, just “We have a situation, we have to go.” They all piled into Phil’s hotel room, still sweaty, towels around their necks, before the bomb got dropped.
“Bullshit,” Eddie says, even though he can see it in Phil’s face. He scrambles to turn the television on. And it’s there, on the news, not just MTV either, it made CNN. 
He barely makes it to the bathroom before he throws up.
He has no idea how long he’s been sitting on the bathroom floor. People have been knocking but he ignores them. They probably need a piss. They’ll have to go to someone else’s room.
There’s another knock and he just wants to tell them to fuck off but they speak before he gets a chance.
“Eddie?” Jeff, talking to him so softly, which makes him feel worse. Because this isn’t just about Eddie, it affects them too. If this blows up— fuck, he doesn’t even want to think about it.
“Dude? Steve’s on the phone. I think you should come out and talk to him.”
And that’s the trigger, that’s the thing that gets him off the floor and unlocking the door. What he walks into isn’t a hotel room anymore, it’s a fucking war room. Phil is on another phone, the cable leading from the corridor outside the room. Their tour manager and publicist have their heads together at the desk. There are members of the road crew coming in and out of the room, dropping off food and drinks. When the door opens he can see security posted on the door.
Holy fuck. All because of him.
He takes the phone and turns to face the wall. “Steve?” His voice is rough from the adrenaline and stomach acid. He needs a drink.
“Hey,” says Steve in that oh-so-gentle voice, and God how he fucking needs him right now. “How are you holding up?”
“Been better,” he manages to force out. 
“Shit, sorry, stupid question.”
And Steve knows what he needs to hear before he can even form the words; Wayne is fine, Steve is fine, yes there are photographers and press outside his house, no there is no one outside of Wayne’s. 
“You’re all on flights out of Quebec this afternoon, okay?”
“To where?” They were supposed to be back in LA at the end of the week. But now… he has a hot stone in the pit of his stomach just thinking about it.
“Dublin via Toronto. You liked Ireland, right? And it’s quiet, it’ll be easy to hide there for a bit. Dustin has a friend-of-a-friend thing going on, but basically he’s got us a house in the middle of nowhere. We’ll be fine.”
“I’m at LAX now. You’ll probably beat me there, you can hide out in the lounge and drink all their booze.” Eddie can hear the smile in his voice. He never stops marvelling at the way Steve just knows him, knows what he needs morning, noon and night. 
He clutches the phone, knuckles turning white. “I can’t do this without you.”
“You can. You won’t be alone, Phil is going to fly in with you, he’ll take care of everything. Just, tie your hair up and keep it under a cap. And take your rings off, okay? Keep your arms covered if you can.”
“Try not to look like Eddie Munson?”
There’s a pause at the end of the line before Steve lets out a soft sigh. “Yeah. Just for now though, right?”
“I gotta go, my flight is boarding. I love you, okay?”
Eddie feels broken, the thought of hanging up like cutting his lifeline and he almost can’t bear to do it. “Okay. I love you too.”
“Always and forever?”
Eddie can hear the light teasing in Steve’s voice, and he smiles for the first time since Phil told him his life had been turned upside down again. Because that is what Steve does to him; blows away the tears and the clouds and the rain. Takes the open wounds of him and pulls them taught, stitching them together and making him whole again. 
“Always and forever,” he whispers back. 
He still feels sick, still has that putrid, adrenaline-filled rock in his gut just sitting there, but Steve’s voice reminds him of what they can’t take from him. They can take his band, his career, everything he worked for. But Steve will always be there for him. So many times in his life he’s questioned whether he is loved, like, truly loved. Even Wayne, who gave up so much for him, Eddie always worried that it came from a sense of obligation, even though deep down he knew better. But now, trapped in the middle of this maelstrom, the target of another witch hunt, he’s never been more sure of this: Steve Harrington loves him. And he loves him back in a way that should be scary but feels like oxygen, feels like life. And that’s what it comes down to, ultimately;  Steve is his life. 
And no shitty third rate magazine is ever taking that away from him.
Thanks to the wonderful @devondespresso for beta-ing!
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will80sbyers · 2 months
ST5 possible timeline
Let's see what I remember that's actually confirmed from pictures and other stuff
Ep. 1 (100% confirmed) :
We know that Will has a nightmare/flashback of the UD
Linda Hamilton has some scenes
Steve and Jonathan do whatever they are doing in the pre-vis with that thing that becomes green instead of red
Steve and robin are together inside the radio station eating snacks (?) from the pic. Ross posted of day 1
Robin, Will, El, Nancy and Joyce are in a scene together
Ep.2 (100% confirmed) :
We know for sure Karen is in the episode and probably at the Hawkins Memorial Hospital
Lights at the hospital flicker like the Demogorgon is there or vecna etc
Either ep. 1 , ep. 2 or ep. 3...
but in the same time frame:
Mike is at his house in his room thinking about something
Dustin and Mike get in a fight at school with the jocks friends of Jason - Dustin's shirt gets ripped
Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and Murray are taking stuff from the supermarket and they steal a truck with food in it
Steve and Jonathan (?) make the antenna on Steve's car
Someone is studying radio stuff at school (?)
Dustin goes to Eddie's grave to talk to him after this because he has the shirt like that
Mike goes to El to talk on the roof of the radio station
Something with action happens, they get attacked, Joyce and Hopper are both at the radio station and probably Will is there too
El is fighting with somebody and the tie she has breaks - she has the same outfit on from the radio station
Robin goes to the Hawkins memorial hospital and Vickie is there too
Unless it's a vision - Will is at the radio station under the antenna at night ( he's probably the one that gets attacked because he's on the tower opposite from where Mike and El are sitting and talking...)
El is near the UD vines with the same outfit and blood on her nose... Maybe she's in the upside down but I'm not sure because the vines could be invading Hawkins
Not clear yet to me in which episodes these things happen but probably all either before ep. 4 or in ep.4 :
Vecna vision or nightmare of Will at school in the field with the bike
Possible vision: someone is in the woods with the red light and near Castle Byers with the vines all around
Little Will & grown up Will are inside Castle Byers in the upside down, probably a flashback or vision/nightmare
Someone in the woods gets attacked by someone with powers and gets thrown into the air
Nancy is inside the bunker at the radio station dressed how she's dressed when she's with the others taking the food from the truck
Hopper and others are at the old dumpster probably to train and learn how to fight
Someone gets hurt at a leg when they are inside the Hawkins memorial hospital
Karen takes a bubble bath and drinks wine (ep. 1 ?)
Something is being filmed at the Wheeler's house
Will looks cool with his jacket and haircut, he's inside the radio station and Jonathan is there too... Jonathan seems dressed like he was dressed when he was at the radio station with Murray, Nancy and Robin and Steve near the truck of the supermarket so this could be in the first episodes ? Will is dressed with his green shirt and the undershirt so differently from when he's at the mansion and also from when he's at the farm (in which he has the same shirt with the stripes-> ep. 4 prob)
Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin are at the farm and do the hand group thing
Robin, Will and Mike are at a farm together (the farm scenes are probably ep. 3 or 4)
El and Will (same stripes outfit from the radio station tower and the farm without the jacket) are at the mansion with the pool, Will looks sick and El has a scene screaming
Joyce and Hopper arrive with the blue van and maybe they make a pole in the street fall down by speeding with the car
Police or government are involved in the mansion scenes
Jonathan and Nancy are there at the mansion too, Steve's car is there with the antenna so maybe they drive it there (?)
Lucas is with Max at the hospital and makes her listen to music (?)
Will and Robin have some type of interaction, both of them and Mike are at the farm in ep.4 and a child named Derek is there too
Either ep. 2, 3 or 5 (not clear to me but I've been told they were filming those but also idk for sure)
The characters are attacked by something at the radio station, there's an action scene where Will (or someone else) screams to Steve (or someone else) to RUN !!!
Mike and Robin help some children in the tunnels (?)
Notes: The mansion seems to be a simple house of rich people
Ep. 4 (100% confirmed) :
Dustin, Nancy, Jonathan and Someone else we don't know fall in the Upside Down from the farm with a car that has the antenna in the middle
Mansion = orange
Farm = green
Probably the same episode because of the outfit
That's it... I for sure forgot something but I'll add later when I have time to review all the leaks we got!
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flowercrowngods · 3 months
In the end, it is the sound of a car door slamming shut that snaps Buckley out of her stupor, and she all but flies off the steps towards the truck. Towards where Eddie can vaguely make out the shape of a badly bruised face, the play of light and darkness not enough to conceal the deep purple splotches or the sluggishness of his movements as he raises his head. Turning toward Buckley like a flower to the sun. 
She presses her hand to the window for a second, just looking at him — and Eddie is glad he can’t see either of their faces. He has a feeling that what he’d see there would haunt him forever.
He looks away from them, back to Wayne who doesn’t seem at all surprised to have another stray in his home, simply rounds the car to talk to her. His words don’t make it all the way to Eddie, but a part of him is glad about it. 
This is not his moment. This is not about him. He’s just… sort of there. Steve’s got Robin, and Wayne’s got Steve. Eddie’s just standing around in his kitchen, worry gnawing at him that he’s missed his mark. Missed the role call. Missed his position in the scene, and now it carries on without him. 
Rooted to the spot, beginning to feel restless and unsettled as a new kind of anxiety creeps up on him to swallow him whole, Eddie looks around for something to do. Something to be useful. But there’s nothing… What does he… How can he— 
“Ed,” Wayne calls, his voice a little strained as he has Steve’s arm across his shoulder to support him down the driveway and up the steps. 
Buckley is on Steve’s other side, her jaw still clenched, her mouth still shut. In their middle, Steve’s eyes are shut, but a frown between them speaks of the pain he must be feeling still. He doesn’t complain, though; barely even groans. Eddie flits his eyes back to Wayne, feeling stragely caught. Not sure if he should go there and help, take either of their places, or— 
“Can you grab a glass of water, please, son?” 
Water! Glass! Yes, he can do that, he can do that. The cool handle doesn’t feel real against his hand, still sort of freezing, but he manages to open the cabinet and get out a glass. Hyper-focused on the smooth texcute against his fingers, the edges and curves seeming deeper and wider now than usual. 
He grabs another for Wayne and one for Robin, and carries them over to where they’re gently placing Steve on the couch, feeling robotic in his motions and losing all momentum the second the glass hits the table with a dull sound that courses through his whole body. 
“Thanks,” Harrington croaks, and Eddie is reminded of Blue. Of Not gonna break, Eddie. Of You know, sometimes I wish he would. 
He flinches back and swallows hard, rubbing his clammy hands on his jeans and decidedly not looking at the black eye, the massive swelling, or the split skin he can see so clearly now that the blood has been wiped away, tiny strips of band-aid serving as little highlights on bruised and broken skin. 
“You got it, man,” he mumbles, his voice a perfect mirror to Harrington’s croak, but Eddie has no excuse for it other than cowardice and strange, petrifying kind of fear stuck somewhere between He’s gonna die on my couch and He’ll be okay if only he stays here. 
In either scenario, Eddie feels like he shouldn’t move. Like this should become a still life, a painting; a companion piece to Robin’s, just moments ago. 
He looks to Wayne, not moving his head, just his eyes, feeling like a deer in the headlights even though none of this is about him. Wayne, bless him, is already looking at him, and his face is filled with such patient determination and understanding that Eddie feels another sob welling up in his throat. 
“Go change your sheets, Eddie, and grab the spare bedding from the closet. Steve’s parents aren’t home and he’s not to be alone. Doctor’s orders.” He turns to Robin, who’s cradling Steve’s face with such tenderness, her slim, trembling fingers look wrong against the reds and blues and purples of his face. “You can stay, too, just let me call your parents so they know where you’re at.” 
She looks like she wants to be polite and tell him that’s not necessary, but that look is quickly replaced with relief that Eddie feels is contagious almost. 
Another croak. A rasp. And Eddie wonders if she thinks about still lives, too, or if she’s just holding back tears. 
who did this to you pt. 4 snippet. to fill the silence (preceding snippets for this chapter are here)
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wroteclassicaly · 1 year
Walk Until You Belong
(Eddie Munson x Female Reader, Steve Harrington x Female Reader)
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Summary: Amongst confusing and mixed up words, you think you realize where you really stand, with those who matter the most to you, particularly Eddie Munson.
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Female Reader, teases Steve Harrington x Female Reader
Warnings: Language, anxiety, panic attack, extreme self-esteem issues, HEAVY on the angst, no happy ending (this one hurts, folks), Eddie is mean with his words, depression, & extremely (be warned) sad thoughts.
A/N: This thought randomly came to me in the car today, then proceeded to poke and prod at me until I wrote it down/out. This is what came of it, and it’s a product of mind mindset, as of lately. Please read the warnings and air with caution, because it’s meant to work out my own feelings, and as of now, there’s no second part planned and there isn’t a happy ending here. I leave it open-ended. Just know, this piece is really vulnerable to me, and I’m not gonna and say I didn’t cry a little while writing this, so I feel like it’s a personal breakthrough, and I wanna share it with you all ❤️♥️
Sidenote: Using the nickname of Princess in this fic, instead of Y/N. Also, Eddie isn’t nice in this. He’s not exactly awfully, openly mean, but his words are pretty cruel. So… be warned! Nancy makes an appearance as well!
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You didn’t really peg Eddie Munson for a mean person. Intimidating, sure, tough because he needed to be - yeah. But outright cold and as nasty as his former bullies? You stand frozen, back against the cool wall of the hospital corridor. They’re still talking, bonding, two completely different people that never knew one another three months ago, yet they’re making it work. You’ve known the entirety of the party since this whole underworld shit began, roped in by being Dustin’s neighbor and giving him rides home from Hellfire for his mom.
No one ever called you outside of the world ending, outside of you taking a kid some place, bringing your random gifts, lending an ear on the phone when the trauma got too much. You weren’t invited to their gatherings, you weren’t in on their inside jokes, but you figured if you made yourself more approachable, more social. And seeing how they welcomed Eddie, someone you had admired since your freshman year - you were sure it was gonna work, that you were slowly being accepted. You helped defeat monsters and evil men, dark creatures, and underworlds. It was you who helped Steve Harrington drag Eddie’s bleeding and mauled body back into your world.
Since that night three months ago, you have done everything to help him. Brought his school work so he could graduate, promised to hand deliver his diploma if he wasn’t strong enough by mid June to walk across that stage, even saying you’d flip Higgins the double bird for him. You tried to help him plan campaigns, you bought him several tapes, and most recently - you’d taken up a magazine subscription of his favorite metal scene, just so he would have all copies. He was always so boisterous, making you melt and smile, and you wanted to help put some light back into his eyes after he’d lost a lot of that sparkle. The issue you got in the mail today, it looked promising, making you eager to take it to him on your lunch break from the video store.
Recently able to fight off your anxieties and getting into the workplace to cover shifts for Steve as he healed, you had extra money to spare and a pep in your step. But when you had reached Eddie’s room door in the hospital, Steve’s voice had halted you. You’d pressed your back aside and out of view, a smile on your lips as they mentioned you. They were gonna be your friends, maybe Eddie would even show you what certain things meant in the magazine, what he liked about their scene, his scene. You wanted to know so much about him, but could never muster the courage to ask.
“I thought the Princess was coming by today?” Your nickname. Not one in malice, but one gifted by your peers for your love of literature. It extended to everyone, apparently.
Your heart leapt, pulse in your throat, eyes casting down at the glossy cover in excitement. And then Eddie had sighed deeply, as if he was in pain. You were prepared to go and get a nurse, when he speaks out, “Seriously, dude?”
Your brows had knit in confusion, a gnawing starting in your stomach, a coolness chilling in your muscles, scraping apart your veins and brimming them full of ice. Steve confirmed, causing you to step back further out of sight. You should’ve left immediately, because you knew you were not going to be able to handle what Eddie’s reply would be, what you fooled yourself into thinking wouldn’t happen.
“What if I pretend to be asleep? Think she’ll leave and go bother someone else?”
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A sharp ache pries apart your ribcage and fills it with hot ash, wafting smoke from the destruction suffocating your throat. The first wave of tears prickles your sclera, clouding your vision as your head bows.
“Munson…” Steve sighs.
“Listen, Harrington, I know I’m a freak, man, but she’s just weird. She doesn’t even know me and she subscribed to a magazine I have, just to bring me the issues. She tries to get involved in my campaigns. I know she drives Henderson around and that she’s fought all that nasty shit with you guys, but like… She’s not even in your ensemble of friends, is she?”
Your entire lifetime of actions involving them all flash in the forefront of your mind, and everything you went through by their sides.Have you done anything so out of the ordinary that none of them haven’t? You’re not loud, not like Eddie is, you’re not extremely quirky. You were sure you weren’t bothering anyone when you started being more vocal. Salt. You taste its first humiliating tang hit your lips, your tears free flowing.
“Not really.” Is what Steve responds with, prying back your subconscious with a crowbar and letting reality crack your skull open to let your insecurities flood you until you begin to feel the beginning stages of dissociating panic.
More than two years and you’re still considered a nobody to people you fought beside and nearly died for. People you convinced yourself that they just needed to know you, to see, and they would care about you just as much as you care about them. You realize, however, with a sickening irony, that Vecna must have been fooled by your sated mindset, thinking you weren’t alone and that you were happy, or he would’ve targeted you instead of someone else. And that part, the deep part that’s engraved into your DNA, rooted to every cell and particle, it bites back thoughts you try not to pin on yourself. Maybe he should’ve.
“Hey, Princess, what’s going on?” Her sweet perfume and her soft demeanor make your body feel like it’s weighted down, caught and unable to escape. You don’t look at her yet, turning your head to attempt (pathetically) to wipe your tears and clear your vision.
Steve and Eddie hear and the conversation is halted, their smiles happy and comfortable. But even as you bypass Nancy’s concerned looks, her question at your obviously panicked expression, forcing yourself to walk into the room with her to save face — you aren’t buying either boy’s look. It’s not you they’re happy to see. You shift, a discomfort squeezing your sternum and extending into your guts, anxiety using your esophagus as a trampoline and tempting your food to expel. You feel as if you’re not even here, that this isn’t real, that it’s a nightmare bigger than anything you’ve ever faced.
Dealing with demons and evil creatures that only existed in storybooks is one thing, but doing it alone, knowing that that’s all you’ve ever truly been… it’s worse than when you automatically followed Nancy into that rift to save Steve. No one called you after Vecna, sans one simple call from Steve to ask if you needed anything. But that was it. Your brain snaps back, still able to get you as you’re not all here. King Steve hated you, and not even this kind version cares for you.
You’ve kept the magazine at your side so far, and you let it fold in your tight grip, crushing and crumbling the pages, voice becoming weak and breathless as Steve asks why you’re here, a grin on his face, knowing already. Fuck this. You’re drowning and you need to get the fuck out of here.
“I have to go. I’m… I gotta go, I’m sorry.” Your voice cracks, shatters your facade, and you don’t look at anyone.
Nancy leans out as you move quicker down the hallway, faster than anticipated. She watches your arm elongate and toss something into one of the janitorial cart’s trash cans.
“What the hell was that about?” Steve is confused, Eddie bewildered.
“I was gonna ask you guys. She looked upset before we even came in here,” Nancy responds.
“Didn’t you two walk in together? Maybe somebody bothered her, or she saw something?” Steve questions once more.
“We all agreed to give her space, just like we always do. So no, I didn’t want to crowd her. She was already here anyway, just standing outside the door and looking… I don’t know, lost? I’ve never seen the expression that was on her face before.”
Eddie feels as if something else entirely has re-stripped his recently healed skin. Steve swallows harshly and fixes Eddie with an immediate glare, both sharing realization and regret.
“She just trashed some magazine, maybe it was because of that —“
“Shit. Fuck, man.” Eddie finally speaks, starting to lift his upper body, his underused limbs protesting, stitched skin screaming.
“Stop, I’ll go, okay?” Steve interjects, resting bitch face activated and his jaw clenching, upset he let himself say what he did, and is already out the door, leaving Eddie to explain to the ever inquisitive Nancy Wheeler and her journalistic heart and soul.
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By the time Steve catches up to you, jogging and slightly out of breath, he isn’t prepared to share his ex’s sentiment on your tormented expression. You look… demolished, haunted. Steve has felt it, a fragment of what bullshit you must be feeling, given what you’ve just heard. He’s done a lot of things, but he’s never felt more like an asshole than he does now, staring at your trembling hands that drop your car keys twice, your eyes so full of tears he wonders how you were even able to see to get out of the building and into the parking lot. He has the sudden overwhelming urge to wrap you into his arms and hold you. So he lets his instincts go and attempts to reach out.
You sound strangely reserved, settled. You smile sadly, wiping at your eyes, the skin raw and overheated. “No. I understand, okay. I got it. I really do. I’m fine.”
“Princess, you don’t have to —“
A beeping sounds off between the two of you, your fingers reaching into your belt loop and unclipping the beeper after a quick glance. You still don’t look at Steve. He can feel his own irises becoming shrouded with tears, his chest being clawed apart and dug into. It hurt more than any hive mind bats or Russian torture. You sidestep away from him, mumbling. “It’s Keith. I have to go.”
“It’s my shift, Princess,” Steve grasps your wrist in his big palm and squeezes, trying to pull you back to him, to convey, to express. He cares. He didn’t mean it in the way that you thought, “Please?”
You jerk yourself away from him. You look angry now, and wipe your nose at the same time Steve does - water finding his lash line.
“I took the shift. It’s fine. Goodnight.”
You’re falling apart as you turn around again, not permitting yourself to watch Steve and his attempts to amuse your anguish with pity - standing in the parking lot, wiping at his nose continuously, in your rear view.
Steve grits his teeth as the tears drip onto his cheeks, his hands running up into and through his hair. They beyond fucked up…
// Eat me paragraph //
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vampaiaz · 2 years
stranger things filth (some fluff!)
warning: this’ll be headcanons about characters when they’re intimate with you so vulgar language ahead! this’ll also be mostly for afab readers!!!
notes: should i do an amab ver?😲 i mean, you could request anything!!! just request and i’ll try my very best to satisfy you
characters: eddie munson, steve harrington, billy hargrove, jonathan byers, robin buckley, and nancy wheeler
he definitely loves to talk about your body as he fucks you, just saying everything he loves about it from your perfect tits to your soft thighs
whenever you’re away, he can’t stop thinking about you so he rubs one out. his mind plagued with the thought of your face whenever he goes in and out of you, his hand gripping hard and taking fast strokes just to mimic how your walls tighten around him.
god he’s so loud, sometimes even louder than you. he doesn’t care if it’s “not normal” or makes him “less of a man” you like it when you hear him moan or whimper, he knows that, so he loves being right next to your ear moaning your name as he cums.
whenever he goes down on you, your fingers will never not leave his hair, pulling and gripping the fuck out of it. eddie loves it, makes his eyes roll back a bit, makes him whimper against your clit.
big fan of aftercare T-T he loooves just cuddling with you right after, playing a soft tune on his guitar for you, or even fixing up a snack for you after cleaning you!!! he’s the sweetest before, while, and after being intimate with him.
bonus! his favorite position is seashell, why? the closest to a full nelson where he can see your face. eddie has to see your pretty face, he needs to. he wants to know that he’s making you feel good.
i feel like he’s secretly a total perv, anything you do innocently it’d get him hard. you kneel down to reach for something that fell under the table, you suddenly see him trying to adjust his jeans. you’re happily eating a popsicle on a hot day at the community pool, he’s gotta take a dip in the pool to “cool down.”
he wouldn’t be into hurting you that much but slapping his dick on your face? definitely, he loves it. after you give him the best head he’s ever gotten, he slaps you with his dick on your cheeks to slapping it on your tongue, and asking you “isn’t this the best dick you’ve ever sucked?” to hear your answer just to inflate his ego.
based off that one scene with the “six nuggets” he wants, steve has an impregnation or breeding kink, IM RIGHT!! so real!!! he would be fucking you rough and hard while whispering “you gonna let me fill you up? make you all round and plump, hm? ready to make you a mommy. so ready, y/n.”
but he’s usually sweet and takes his time with you. he wants you to know that you’re his girl, his only girl. you would sometimes even tear up at how sweet he was being, and if you do let a tear fall he’ll not hesitate to reassure you and leave quick kisses on your forehead. BUT ALSO he takes it nice and slow because he wants to make your walls remember his shape, cervix kisses all the way with him.
oh get ready for this one!!!! (can u tell i want him to do me so bad)
most definitely into overstim, he loves making you cry and desperately beg for more under him. he watches your eyes brim with tears and smiles, then gives you what you want. you’d tell him he’s a total dacryphilliac but he denies it a lot (so bad at lying.)
loves to finger you, until you’ve got your hands on his arm, trying to stop him from making you cum for the 5th time. once you cum, he brings his fingers to his mouth and licks it all up while staring into your eyes.
i feel like billy is kinda gross…. which is good i love gross, so that means spit kink!!!! billy will take any moment he can to spit on you. he’s eating you out? he’ll spit right onto your pussy, you’re sucking him off? he spits right onto his dick then your mouth because he wants to “help” you, and last but not least! whenever you two make out, he never fails to make you feel so weak. his tongue just overpowering yours every time and your mouth being filled with his spit until you’re both drooling.
he’s an ass man, idc if you disagree but this man would leave so many bite marks on your thighs up to your ass. when the two of you are alone in his room and you’re sitting on his bed in just panties, he never fails to point out the healing mark on your cheek, don’t worry he’ll bite it again.
i don’t think he’d be into names/titles, but something about you calling him “hargrove” when you’re hatefucking makes him so insane, the fact that you want to make him feel like nothing and it gets him even more mad just makes the sex more fun! (you two make up after don’t worry, just a usual fight, he’s got issues right.)
“cmon pretty girl, use your words for me.” OHHH MYYY GOOOOD
he’s also a big pervert, but is proud. he’s too much at school, when you pass each other in between classes, he doesn’t hesitate to grab your ass. he even places his face right in between your tits just to smell you, it was weird at first but he’s cute when he does it. also, tommy? he’d sometimes talk about you in a way billy does not enjoy, so whenever there’s a house party, he never fails to make tommy see you getting fucked out in a random ass bathroom. you and billy love getting caught.
full nelson…. he’s such an enthusiast for a full nelson, this position is his favorite and when you let him do it, oh he’ll be rough. he loves it because you can’t do anything at all, you’re stuck being his toy, he knows your eyes are rolling back because he’s bruising up your cervix. you’re moaning so loud and that gives him more motivation to make you cum.
bonus! cockwarming, he likes it in your mouth the most. one time he told you he had a test but didn’t wanna study, so you came up with a plan and that was keeping his cock in your mouth while he studies and once he’s done you move as a reward. ever since that happened he’s been so obsessed with just having you go down and make your jaw sore from being open for him for so long.
something really cute he’d do is give you an extra bottle of his perfume (it’d definitely be a unisex scent btw) he loves the idea of letting people know you’re his, so why not make you wear his scent.
i am so excited for this one YOU DONT EVEN KNOWWW
loves names, degrading ones especially. you call him a pervert or a loser and he’s cumming, he feels guilty for being disgusting but you make him love being that way, he’s so submissive for you it’s crazy.
ever since s4, i just know he loves high sex, he’s got more control. while fucking you, he’s got a camera flashing and those photos of you fucked out are sitting right inside his wallet, something to remind him of his pretty baby.
so whiney, so loud. you’ve got him saying “please, i need to cum. please. i need it.” repeatedly right next to your ear.
his fingers are in you while your hand is on his dick, mutual masturbation is something you both enjoy so much. after you cum on his fingers, he brings them up to your mouth and watches you suck your own juices off his fingers.
boobs guy, such a big fan of your tits. he’d suck and bite a lot, he’d spend most of the foreplay on your tits, you’re sensitive there and he just loves watching you whimper and shiver a bit.
bonus! face fucking, he doesn’t start in a fast pace, he takes it slow and really making you gag on him. his tip reaching the back of your throat real slow, he wants to feel you close up on him, he wants to cum right down your throat.
leaves some of his clothes at your place, he had to lend you his shirt and boxers once, and ever since then he’s been obsessed seeing you with his clothes on. it’s like a way to keep him close to you at all times.
super into thigh riding, she loves to see you rut on her thigh and she’s got her hand on either your throat or your ass.
she loves eating you out from behind, face down ass up then suddenly her hands are kneading your ass and her tongue is on your pussy.
she’s a switch leaning a bit toward dominant, but when she does get subby, you’re going down on her and she’s crying for more, rutting her hips for more friction on your tongue.
when you wear a skirt around her, she’s SOOO touchy, can’t keep her hands to herself. you could just be reading a book next to her, then your panties are on your ankles and her face is under your skirt.
ever since you squirted that one time you two masturbated together, she makes it her mission, I REPEAT, HER MISSION!! to make you squirt all the time, she’s got amazing technique so…
let’s be honest robin would flirt a lot but when you do it back out of nowhere, she’ll get so flustered. you make her face heat up every time, she’s so cute T-T.
ice cream dates, reminds her of her job at scoops ahoy, and the very first time you two met! it makes you feel so special when she still remembers the first time you two met.
if the strap-ons that could cum existed in the 80’s nancy would love using that when she’s with you. it could be you receiving or her receiving, it’ll be hot no matter what.
you two always have “sleepovers” at her house, secretly letting herself enjoy tasting you down there in her pretty pink room.
SHE LOVES SPANKING, you’ve been rude to her or anyone else? you’re immediately coming home with her and counting every smack until your ass gets red.
if you have tattoos, nancy will leave kisses on it. she loves your tattoos because they look so pretty on you, and when other people point it out she gets jealous and brings it out on you by abusing your clit when the two of you are alone.
when you masturbate in front of her, then you cum, you bring your fingers to her mouth and maintain eye contact while letting her suck. her pretty eyes just staring up at you make you wanna pounce at her.
such a big fan of public sex, the adrenaline she gets from it, from you? it’s the best thing ever.
you love to gift her stuff you make or stuff you get from a trip, she keeps them on a table in her room, and likes to look at them when she misses you T-T.
she’d give you random poems sometimes, she’d also point at random flowers or stray cats and say “look, it’s you!”
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Royal Pain Part 5
I finally resolve that cliffhanger and introduce Dustin. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4
Dustin looked over at Steve in confusion. “Who was that? And why did you give some stranger our address?”
Steve laughed. “Come on, Dusty. You know me better than that. I would never give your address to someone you didn’t know.”
Dustin and Suzie shared a glance.
“But everyone we know knows where we live, though,” Suzie said, tilting her head.
Steve licked his lips slowly. “Sure, if we were talking about someone both of you know. But this is someone Dusty knows.”
Dustin glared at him. “There is no way fucking way.”
Steve winked at him and smirked.
“There is no way in hell that Eddie Munson is on his way to my house,” Dustin insisted.
Suzie frowned. “Is this the D&D guy?”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “He was more than just some D&D guy, honey. He was so cool. He had long hair and wore a leather jacket. He played guitar and even had his own metal band.”
Steve grin grew bigger. “Still does.”
Dustin who had been facing Suzie turned to him, rotating his whole body so that they were face to face. “What?”
Steve half-shrugged. “Yeah. All four of them are still performing together. Corroded Coffin. I saw them over the weekend.”
Dustin let out a noise that couldn’t be categorized and leapt to his feet. “And you didn’t take me?”
Suzie sighed, grabbing his shirt sleeve and slowly pulling him back down to his chair. She patted his forearm gently.
“Dude,” Steve said with a smirk. “One, you weren’t invited and I was.” Dustin bristled. “Two, this was Saturday, so if I made you my plus one instead of Robin, you wouldn’t have been able to go, because you and Suzie had plans.”
Suzie hid her smile under her hand as Dustin glared at her.
“And thirdly, lastly whatever,”Steve continued, “they’ve had a steady gig at The Nightmare Holes for years. So if you were as big on the metal scene as you claim, you probably would have already known that.”
Dustin’s jaw dropped. “What?!”
Steve’s smirk was full on feral now. “Now here’s what’s gonna happen. He’s coming over because he got sunburned and needs me to survey the damage to make sure that we can still keep his tattoo appointment on Wednesday, so you are going to let me do that before you bombard him with questions and shit.”
“You’re his tattoo artist?” Dustin squealed.
Steve rolled his eyes. He would pick up on that bit, instead of the part where he had to kept his mouth shut.
“Since when?” Dustin huffed.
“Um...” Steve said, “since last Wednesday? Now before you scream at me again. I was going to tell you. Over dinner. Like a proper conversation about someone we both knew. But this little emergency kinda preempted that.”
Dustin pondered that for a moment. “Yeah, okay. That’s fair.”
Suzie breathed a sigh of relief.
Then there was a frantic knock on the door. Steve got up to answer it. He opened the door to a very worried Eddie. He was bouncing from one foot to the other and playing with his rings.
Without so much as a hello, Eddie slipped past Steve into the house to stand in the hall.
“I’m so sorry about this, man,” he said, “I can’t believe I was so stupid. I put sunscreen on my tattoo, why didn’t I put it on the rest of me too?”
Steve put a hand over Eddie’s chest to stall him. “I know you’re freaking out right now, but I need you take a breath for me okay?”
“Okay.” Eddie took a deep breath and let out slow.
“Good,” Steve said. “Now let’s take this one step at a time. Let’s go into the front room for some better light, and I’ll take a look.”
Eddie pursed his lips and nodded, following Steve. Once they got to the middle of the room, Steve turned to face him.
“All right,” he said gently. “Next step is to take off your shirt so I can see the sunburn.”
The fact that Eddie did so quickly and without quip or innuendo told Steve how serious this was for him. That Eddie was very upset.
Steve reached out to touch the bandage Eddie had used to cover the new tattoo and Eddie’s breath hitched. Steve gulped and licked his lips.
“You did a good job taking care of it,” he said softly. “You did everything right.”
Eddie nodded, his lips still pressed together, grateful that burn on his cheeks hid the blush that would have colored them. “I know. I just worry I didn’t take care of the rest of me.”
Steve nodded back. “Then turn around for me and let me see.”
Eddie turned around and Steve closed his eyes briefly before reaching out to touch Eddie’s shoulder blades.
“Is this where you were thinking about starting your wings?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Eddie nodded. “Yeah.” It came out more then a little breathless.
Steve moved Eddie’s hair out of the way. “Oh Eds...how did you manage to burn the back of your neck so bad?”
“My hair was sticking to it because of how hot it was, so I pulled it to the one side,” he admitted shyly.
Steve’s fingers hovered over the burn. “It looks so painful,” he murmured. “Do you shed much when you burn like this?”
“Like a god damned snake,” he growled ruefully.
“”That’s the general consensus, yes,” Steve teased.
It took Eddie a moment before he whirled around. “What the hell? That was a terrible joke!”
“I don’t know,” Suzie said, breaking the tension, “I thought it was pretty funny.”
Steve stuck out his tongue out at Eddie. “See? Someone has taste.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide as he took in the fact for the first time, that no, he was not, in fact, alone with Steve. He was in someone else’s house. He bowed dramatically.
“My apologies, fair maiden,” he said, smiling as he rose. “I have invaded your evening, but alas my need was urgent.”
Dustin scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“Dusty?” Eddie said and then threw his arms wide to give him a hug. Only to wince when the motion pulled on the burns on his shoulders. “Ouch!”
“Dumbass,” Dustin said fondly.
Steve was more sympathetic. “Suzie do you have any aloe vera to put on his burns?”
Suzie nodded and went to go get it. Dustin gingerly gave Eddie a hug and he returned it, albeit not as fiercely as he would have liked.
They started chatting away as Steve gently applied the aloe gel to Eddie’s raw skin. As the cooling sensation worked its way into him, Eddie began to relax, the tension bleeding out as the pain subsided.
“There you go,” Steve murmured. “All done. I’d pick some of this stuff up on your way home if you don’t have any. Then after a day or so once the skin has had a chance to cool, use the cream I gave you for your tattoo, that should help with the peeling.”
Eddie grinned. “Thanks, Stevie. But what’s the verdict? Am I cleared for Wednesday?”
Steve smiled back. “All clear. The furthest the burn got on your back was a little past the collar of your shirt. No where near where you want to do the tattoo.”
The last little bit of tension in Eddie’s shoulders vanished. “That’s great news.”
“You should stay for dinner,” Suzie said. “We have plenty and it will give you more of a chance to catch up with Dustin.”
Dustin gave his best puppy eyes, Eddie glanced over at Steve, who looked hopeful. That sealed the deal.
“Sure thing!” he said. “I just have to make a phone call at seven, but other than that I’m all yours!”
“Who ya gotta call?” Dustin asked.
Steve was just grateful he didn’t have to ask, because he wasn’t sure he would have been able to ask without betraying his worry that it was a boyfriend or worse, girlfriend.
“My Uncle Wayne.” he replied cheerfully. “He worries about me being in the big city so he wants me to call every Sunday. It’s gossip mostly. But it’s nice.”
Dustin and Suzie looked at each guiltily. When was the last time they called home?
“Nah, man,” Dustin said. “That’s really good of you.”
Steve nodded in agreement, instantly relieved.
They got cleaned up and set the table, Eddie pulling on his shirt to eat. Steve mourned the loss of the view of that long torso, but understood that Eddie didn’t want to be tits out while he was eating at someone’s house. It was still a pity though.
They all chatted like old friends. Even Suzie seemed to really have fun and enjoy the company.
“It’s nice to have an even number,” Dustin said as they were finishing up dinner. “Steve never brings anyone over to these things. Not even Robin.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “She stopped coming because you kept trying to set the two of us up.”
Eddie nearly choked on his bite of food. He looked over at Steve and Dustin. ‘You are aware that she’s a lesbian, right?”
Steve laughed. “I am, I’m not sure he was.”
Dustin stared at the two of them in shock. “Robin likes girls?”
“Yup!” Steve replied, popping the ‘P’.
“That makes so much more sense,” Dustin said, slapping his forehead. “I always thought she was too smart not to date Steve, because Steve is such a catch.”
Suzie stood up and started clearing the table and Steve immediately jumped up to help her to avoid being further embarrassed by Dustin.
She started handing him dishes to put in the dishwasher. “Did I hear that right? You’re going to try doing another back tattoo?”
Steve nodded. “I first thought that it was because it was Eddie, you know? But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I was doing it for me too. I can’t keep telling people I don’t do large tattoos, I’ll lose business. Like really good business.”
Suzie hummed in agreement. “I can understand that. And trying it with someone you know will help ease the anxiety of it a bit. Because you can trust them to speak up through the process.”
Steve nodded again. “I’ve already started working on several sketches to show him on Wednesday.” He closed the dishwasher and started it up.
Suzie handed him a towel to dry his hands. “I’m sure it’ll turn out great.”
Steve took it from her and began drying his hands. “Robin thinks we should get a couple of apprentices to help take on the load while I work on Eddie’s back.”
Suzie took back the towel and draped it over the handle of the oven. “That’s probably a good idea. You have the extra room. You could easily expand if you wanted to.” She paused and pursed her lips. “But that’s the problem isn’t it? You don’t want to.”
Steve sighed and leaned up against the counter, folding his arms. “It’s not that. Or rather it’s not just that. I just never intended to be a tattoo artist, you know?”
She cocked her head to side. “You didn’t?”
Steve shook his head. “When my future wasn’t being planed out for me by parents, I always thought that I would be a firefighter or EMT. And then when I came out to my parents, and they cut me off, I even started taking classes for the EMT thing.”
Suzie’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously?”
He hung his head and kicked at the tile. “It’s one of the reasons I don’t care about the aesthetic or any of that bullshit. It was never meant to be permanent.”
“I’m sorry, Steve.”
He let out a shuddering sigh and lifted his head. “But I love it, Suze. Like really, honest to God, love it. Which is why I’m afraid I’ll fuck it up. Fuck up Eddie’s tattoo, the new apprentices, the shop. Because if there is one thing my parents taught me is to not hold onto things because nothing in life is permanent.”
“Oh sweetie!” Suzie held out her arms and Steve stepped into them. “I know it’s a lot at once. But you are one of the most capable people I know. You thrive on high stress situations. That’s why you were so drawn to the firefighting or emergency work. And you’ll thrive with this, too.”
He sighed, but nodded. “Thanks.”
She patted his shoulder. “We should get back out there before they start wondering where we wandered off to.”
Steve blushed but followed her back out to the dinning room. Only when they got back out there, it was only Dustin.
“He’s on the porch,” he explained, “talking to his uncle.”
Steve nodded.
“We should call home, too,” Suzie suggested chewing on her bottom lip. She looked apologetically at Steve.
But he just smiled. “Go on. I’m not going to stop you just because my parents are assholes. I’ll just gossip with Robin until everyone is done.”
He wandered to the front room and flopped on the sofa as both Dustin and Suzie called their parents. He smiled up at them. A little shame did them good.
Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9 Part 10  Part 11 Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18 Part 19  Part 20  Part 21 Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25 Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @archermightbegay @hallucinatedjosten 
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artiststarme · 1 year
Another Bad Day
Based on a prompt given by @mysticcrownshipper. I'm sorry it took so long but I hope you like it! Please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Steve was content. He didn’t want to jinx himself but he was pretty happy. He had his friends, he was dating Eddie, and his brother was back in his life with his super cool boyfriend too. What wasn’t he to like about that?
It was just another evening at the Harrington house and he was relaxing on one end of the couch while Phil and Dio were at the other end. They were cuddling and playing footsie together like Steve would've been with Eddie had he invited him over. But subjecting Eddie to the mustachioed protectiveness of his older brother sounded less like a relaxing movie night and more like inviting a lamb into a lion’s den. Guaranteed homicide.  
He didn’t know how Dio convinced him and Phil to watch Halloween again but they were both terrified at the events happening on-screen, jumping at every scary moment. Steve was not a fan of scary movies, especially having lived through a horror series himself. As such, he was gripping a pillow tight and squeezing his eyes shut through every jumpscare. No way was he getting another heart attack, no thank you. 
At a particularly scary scene that he could sense even with his eyes squeezed tight, Steve jumped and let out a scream of shock. To his further surprise and horror, he heard a gasp come from the hallway behind him. This only prompted him to scream more and plunge his head underneath his blanket as if that would protect him from whatever dangerous home invader was creeping behind him. 
“Son of a biscuit,” he heard Phil curse as he stumbled to turn on the lights. With a few more grunts and bumps, the lights flickered on and Steve slowly poked his head out of the safety of the blanket. 
When the lights came on however, he saw something much more frightening than any home invader or murderer. Instead, he saw their parents. Martha Harrington was literally clutching her pearls as she stood glaring at them all in distaste and Richard Harrington was fuming behind her where he held their luggage. Poor Dio paused the movie and stood in the center of the living room looking the most out of place as he’d ever been. 
“Steven, I see you continue to disappoint us. Not only are you lounging around like a child but you’re also keeping distasteful company.” Martha scowled at him with her eyes narrowed in disgust. 
He shrunk at her words and looked away. His parents always knew how to bring him down and ruin his night. It was disappointing but oddly comforting in its continuity. 
“See your guests out and make sure they don’t come back. You’re enough of a disappointment as it is, we don’t need them further tarnishing your reputation. And ours,” His dad sneered at him. 
“You fucking dick! You don’t get to talk to him like that. You and mom haven’t been home in ten goddamn months and you think you have the right to tell Steve who he can and can’t hang out with? Fuck you.” Phil hissed at them both, his face red with fury and his mustache twitching with barely contained rage. 
Richard’s face reddened to match and he shoved an accusing finger right in Phil’s face. “You shouldn’t even be here! We washed our hands of you years ago and yet you still come around to harass us. How pathetic are you?”
Phil flinched back but quickly regained his composure. “Oh, you think I’m pathetic? You’re the one that kicked me out for ‘being a bad influence on Steve’ when I joined the police force. Now you’re screwing your secretary and dragging mom all around the country for supposed business trips. Who’s really the pathetic one, Dick?”
Richard raised his hand to swing at Phil but his wrist was grabbed by a silently fuming Dio. “Don’t touch him or I will sever every one of your fingers and feed them to you. Back away.”
“Who the hell even are you? What are you doing in my house?” Steve’s dad turned his anger to Dio instead but he was only met with an unimpressed look in response. 
“Trying to watch a fucking movie, Dick.”
Steve’s mom spoke up then and moved a hand to Richard’s shoulder to hold him back. “Phil, you are no longer my son or a part of this family. That means that you can’t come into our house and you can’t associate with Steven.”
“Fuck you, Martha! You want to accuse us of being disappointments and bad sons and whatever the fuck else you say but it’s really you two that are the disappointments. You’re bad fucking parents and I hope you rot in hell.” With that, Phil grabs his jacket and storms outside. It’s all too reminiscent of the first time he left, years prior, when it was followed by a loatheful silence between the brothers. It left Steve feeling unmoored, frazzled in a way he couldn’t remember ever feeling. 
There’s silence in the living room for a moment where his parents, Dio, and Steve stand around looking at each other before Richard sighs and glares at him. 
“Look what you’ve done, Steven. Your mother and I are exhausted after our trip and we had to come home to this ludicracy. Ridiculous.”
“Yeah alright. Steve, come with me. You can stay with us for a while instead of staying here with these assholes. Go pack a bag and we’ll get going,” Dio told him, softly pushing at his shoulder.
“Excuse me-” His mother tried to protest.
“You’re excused. Go ahead, Steve.” 
Steve spends the night at Phil’s and Dio’s, sleeping in the guest room and ignoring the woeful glances Phil sent to him. He had no interest in rehashing anything with his brother and a strong urge to ignore everything that had happened in order to move on. 
When an acceptable hour in the morning came, Steve got himself dressed and left the house. He was off of work that day but his plans of sleeping in were thwarted. He couldn’t believe that his parents had come home after so long without any notice or that they’d obliterated Phil right in front of him again like the first time hadn’t been enough. Most of all though, he was surprised that Phil and Dio had stuck up for him. No one had ever defended him from his parents before and Steve really didn’t know how to handle that. 
He continued about his day as if his parents’ return hadn’t shaken him to his core. He returned a few tapes to Family Video, hit the grocery store to pick up some snacks, and went to Melvald’s to get his migraine prescription. Steve ignored how every loud noise made him flinch and how every person in his peripheral vision appeared to be his dad seeking him out for revenge. 
Eventually, he decided to stop pretending to be a functioning member of society and to seek out the comfort of his friends instead. He went from the Melvald’s parking lot directly to the Wheeler’s basement where nearly everyone was already congregated. 
“Oh-ho-ho Steve, nice of you to join us. We’ve been calling your house all day, dude. Where have you been?” Eddie asked him haughtily as soon as he came in. 
“I was running some errands. Here’s some snacks for you guys,” Steve said, dumping all of the chips and candy out on the coffee table. He plopped himself to the floor at the foot of one of the arm chairs and watched his friends attack the offerings like a kettle of vultures. 
“Thank god you’re rich, Steve. We were starving,” Lucas told him and patted his knee. 
“You mean thank god for his rich parents. They probably gave him an allowance and he wasted it on food. Loser move, Steve,” Mike sneered at him. 
"Hey, Steve isn't a loser! He just doesn't apply himself," Dustin weakly defended.
Steve just looked at them all as they laughed at him trying to do a nice thing. Nothing he ever did was enough for anyone. He would always be a disappointment to his parents, a burden for his brother, and a loser to the group of friends that meant everything to him. What was the point in even trying anymore?
He didn’t realize it but sometime during his thought process, his breaths had become labored. His chest was tight and his face was turning red from lack of air. 
“Steve? Steve, are you having a panic attack? Everything is okay, you just have to breathe,” Eddie spoke to him gently before turning to the kids. “Look what you guys did! You should know not to talk about his parents, dipshits! Call Officer Callahan or Hopper, shit, call Robin. Just do something other than gawking at him!”
Steve couldn’t breathe. The panic was clawing at his throat and it felt like he was back in the lake being dragged into Hell by the demon tentacles. Then not only was he obsessing over his parents in town and what the Party thought of him but he was also agonizing over the phantom pain in his sides and the suffocating pain around his neck. 
“Steve, stop clawing at your neck, that’ll make it worse. Calm down, wherever your mind went, you’re not there. You’re with me, Eddie, in the Wheeler’s basement. Don’t you smell the stank of dirty socks and Mike? Come back to me.”
“That’s uncalled for-”
“Wheeler, shut the hell up before I make you. Stevie, you’re okay.”
Steve doesn’t know how long he was in his state of panic stuck in his head but he started coming out of it when he heard his brother’s frazzled voice. 
“Steve?! Steve, where are you? Where is he, where’s my brother?” He could literally hear the emotions in his voice and picked his head up a little bit to look for him. 
“Steve! Hey, it-it’s Phil. I don’t know why you’re panicking but if any of these bitchasses did anything, I will arrest them and give them a juvenile record. Just say the word, little bro. You’re okay,” he comforted in the only way he knew how (threatening children). 
With enough of his… unconventional words of comfort, Steve was able to pull himself from the throes of panic and slump ungracefully into his arms. Everyone present fell back on their haunches and let out a sigh of relief. Eddie pulled one of Steve’s hands onto his own lap whether to offer his own comfort or be comforted from the no-doubt horrific sight of Steve choking on air. 
They’d have to talk about what triggered him to have a panic attack eventually, probably after Phil lectured them and Robin got off of work to rip them a new one once she heard what happened. But they would discuss it and how ungrateful the kids had been to have snacks delivered at their feet precisely when they wanted them. But for now, Steve would hold hands with Eddie and lay his head against his brother’s chest in the longest, yet least awkward, hug they’d ever had.
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proxima-writes · 1 year
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Title: demons are a girl’s best friend
Pairing: Incubus!Eddie Munson x Incubus!Steve Harrington x Female Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ MDNI)
Chapters: 1/1
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Since returning from the Upside Down, something dark exists in Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson. Something that is satisfied by only one thing - sex.
And they've set their sights on you.
Tags/warnings: explicit sexual content (18+), f/m/m threesome, p in v, masturbation, choking, pet names, dirty talk, degradation, praise kink, oral (m/f receiving), mild dub con for incubus magic ya know?, rough sex, dom/sub, demons still believe in aftercare. Let me know if anything is missing!
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You can’t sleep. You’ve tossed, you’ve turned, you’ve flipped your pillow over chasing the cool side, but sleep just still won’t come and put you out of your exhausted misery.
It’s been a rough week. As a senior at Hawkins High School, you and the other one hundred-something students in your class are all feeling the impending weight of finals. You’re up later and later every night, hunched over your worn out desk as you write yet another essay, hoping that the words you’re coming up with are still making sense. Your eyes burn as you stare up at the ceiling, the one lone glow in the dark star that’s remained affixed to the paint glowing dimly.
With a groan, you turn over again. All your pent up energy is starting to fizzle beneath your skin, in your blood, and you feel flushed all over. You shift your legs, the friction of your pajamas against your sensitive core making you bite your lip. You slip your hand beneath the waistband, sliding your fingers through the slick that’s built up between your thighs. You whimper at the sensation, giving another swipe, and another.
Your brain starts to wander back to a scene in one of the naughty books you swiped from the thrift store you work at part time. In it, the heroine was rescued by two strapping young knights, whisked away into the forest, where they took care of her needs.
Her every need.
You picture it in your head - four hands gliding over your body, two sets of lips leaving imprints of heat across your skin. A tongue diving between your lips, tangling with yours, while another swirls over the soft skin of your tummy before traveling lower, lower, lower.
Your hand moves faster, your back arching slightly off the bed as your hips chase a rhythm that will bring you the release you desperately crave. In your mind, the scene has shifted and you’re naked, the blunt head of one cock sliding into your channel as another thrust into your mouth.
With a choked off moan, you tip over the edge, your orgasm spreading through your limbs and making them grow heavy. As you lay there in the afterglow, your eyes fluttering shut, your only thought is how desperately you wished that was real.
Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson have not always been this way. Something about them, to the very core of their beings, had been changed when they last went to the Upside Down. Something dark existed in them, begging for release, and it was only satisfied by one thing.
It didn’t matter who it was with, not really, though so far nothing compared to when they were together, satisfying the urge with the give and take of their own energy, feeding off each other. Occasionally, they’d branch out, bringing home women and men alike for a night of pleasure that kept them satiated for a few days. Hawkins, unfortunately, had a limited number of people to tempt and lure. They’d traveled as far out as Indianapolis a couple times, but financially, it wasn’t the most feasible option.
As it was, tonight, Eddie lounged in bed beside Steve, cigarette dangling between his lips, when he felt that familiar tug in his belly. A side effect of that darkness, Steve and Eddie were more in tune with the carnal desires of the town, the threads of lust that stretched from people’s minds and vibrated enticingly.
Eddie sits up, tilting his head back as he blows out a hazy cloud of smoke. Beside him, he feels Steve tense.
“You feel that, too?” He asks. “Shit, that’s good.”
Steve nods, plucking the cigarette from Eddie’s fingers and bringing it to his lips. Eddie watches with rapt attention, eyes trained to his lips.
“We gotta find that one,” Eddie says. “I don’t think we’ve felt one that strong before.”
“Not even those twins from Marion,” Steve agrees. He purses his lips, blowing the smoke into Eddie’s face with a cheeky grin.
“You’re a tease, Harrington,” Eddie growls, leaning forward and shoving him back into the mattress.
“What are you going to do about it, Munson?”
“I have some ideas.”
It’s Friday afternoon, and you’re in the drama club room, painting one of the set pieces for the next production. You’re alone, having stayed back when the rest of the cast and crew decided to call it a day. You needed to get another coat of paint on this fake tree before the weekend so that you could start putting the leaves on it on Monday.
You’re so focused on the task that you don’t hear the door open, or the sound of footsteps punctuated by the clink of chains. It’s not until a hand is pressed to your shoulder do you realize you’re not alone.
With a surprise shriek, you turn, wielding your paintbrush like a weapon. Eddie Munson stands in front of you, hands held up in surrender, a smirk on his face.
“Woah, didn’t mean to startle you, sweetheart,” he says. The smirk spreads into a grin as you blink at him. You drop the arm wielding the paintbrush and press your free hand to your chest, over your pounding heart.
“Christ, Eddie! Give a girl some warning!”
“I did! I called in to ask if anyone was in here but no one answered!” He laughs, a hand running through his hair. “What are you doing here so late, anyways?”
“Wanted to finish painting so it could dry over the weekend,” you tell him. The conversation stalls at that, the two of you just staring at each other curiously.
Eddie Munson is an enigma. Even before that massive, unexplained earthquake Hawkins had about a month ago, he was always on the periphery of the social classes at Hawkins. When he was initially blamed for Chrissy Cunningham’s murder, but found not guilty, it turned him into a greater social pariah.
Apparently, inciting a massive witch hunt because the whole town believes you’re a homicidal satan worshiper doesn’t exactly help your reputation.
He still hangs out with the younger students in his Dungeons and Dragons Club, a couple of freshmen who worked tirelessly to clear his name with local law enforcement, providing him an alibi that cleared him of all charges. You even see him with Nancy Wheeler on occasion, which is a surprise given her popularity.
You’ve always found Eddie to be a nice guy. Severely misunderstood, a victim of the small town hive mindset. You’ve had a couple classes with him over the last two years, and while his work ethic left a lot to be desired, he wasn’t a bad guy.
And, if you’re being really honest with yourself, you’ve always found him kind of cute, with his wild curly hair and darker sense of style.
It’s when that thought passes through your mind that Eddie tilts his head, eyes darkening.
“You need a ride? I was gonna head out soon, I can drop you off somewhere?” He offers. “I just gotta swing by Family Video and pick my friend up from work first.”
You’re surprised by the offer. You didn’t think you were at offering-rides-level friendly. A ride from Eddie Munson does sound way better than walking around Hawkins near nightfall, though.
“Uh, sure. Thanks, Eddie, that’s sweet of you to offer.”
There is nothing sweet about Eddie’s offer to drive you home.
He’d been searching for that thread of lust all day. Skipped half his classes to do so, slipping into random classrooms as he tapped into that otherworldly perception.
It wasn’t until he went to the drama classroom after school, intending to grab something from the cubby he keeps for Hellfire Club, that he felt that familiar tug.
And there you were, hunched over a plywood and paper maché monstrosity, painting the details of tree bark while being oblivious to your surroundings. Everyone else had already cleared out for the weekend and it was just the two of you in the room, no other distractions.
When you didn’t respond to him calling out, he’d pressed a hand to your shoulder.
And what an enlightening experience that was.
That brief contact was all it took to be flooded with images of you in what he assumes is your bed, hand between your legs as you writhe around on the sheets, chasing the euphoria your body has been building to.
When you turned, his hand breaking contact, he couldn’t help but smirk, excitement and hunger coursing through him in equal measure.
Then he got another surge of lust as you looked at him, pupils dilating in that delicious way he craves.
He can definitely work with this.
He offered you a ride home without another thought. It was a half baked plan on his part, but the longer he got to spend with you, the lower your inhibitions would go.
Add Steve to the equation, and he could speed this process up ten fold.
Eddie glances at you, seated in the front passenger seat with your hands folded in your lap, fingers twisting nervously. Every so often you shift in your seat, your thighs rubbing together, and Eddie has to bite back a groan.
“You gettin’ excited about graduation?” He asks casually. You jump slightly, like you weren’t expecting him to speak, but you recover quickly.
“I guess. Will be nice to see someplace besides Hawkins for a while.”
“I know what you mean. Soon as I finally have that diploma, I’m outta here.”
You giggle, and he knows what you’re about to say before the words even leave your mouth. “Is this the year the great Eddie Munson finally graduates?”
“Hey, now,” he says, pressing a hand to his chest in faux insult, “I’ll have you know that I was just waiting for the right year. ‘86, baby, am I right?”
Another giggle, and Eddie risks another glance at you. Christ, you’re pretty. You’re wearing one of those long skirts with little flowers on it, a black sweater, and a pair of black boots, and the whole outfit just does it for him. His fingers dig into the steering wheel as he fights the urge to dig them into your thigh when you smile at him.
“‘86, baby,” you repeat. He’s grinning as he pulls into a parking space in front of Family Video. He sees Steve’s head lift in his direction and throws him a wave.
“You know Steve, right?” Eddie asks, watching you closely for any reaction.
“Uh, yeah, who doesn’t know Steve Harrington?” You ask with a nervous giggle.
Eddie doesn’t even need his other sense to see what’s plain as day in that response and he mentally fist pumps in excitement. God bless Harrington for being one attractive son of a bitch.
Speak of the devil, Steve picks that moment to pull your door open, startling you. While surprised, Steve recovers quickly and slips right into the role of teen heart throb, leaning against your open door and giving you a smirk.
“Well, hello,” he says. “Wasn’t expecting a beautiful girl this afternoon but I am pleasantly surprised.”
Your cheeks turn pink with a pretty blush and Steve’s eyes find Eddie’s over your head. Eddie licks his lips, eyes going dark as he gives a single nod.
The sound of Eddie saying your name catches your attention, head turning to look at him. “She was hangin’ out late after drama club so I offered her a ride.”
“Always the gentleman, Munson,” Steve quips before shutting your door and climbing through the back of the van. “I’ll let stealing my seat slide this time, sweetheart,” he tells you with a wink that you catch in the rear view mirror.
Eddie pulls the car out of the parking spot, looking at you as he does. “Where to, m’lady?”
You open your mouth to reply when Steve inserts himself between the two of you, leaning his arms on the center console. “I have an idea, why don’t you join us at my house? We can watch a movie, smoke a little, if you’re into that kinda thing.”
“Oh, uh, sure?” You reply, a little uncertain. But when Steve gives you a million dollar smile, Eddie feels a trickle of your lust flow through him.
Thank fuck for Steve, Eddie thinks as he routes the three of you to Harrington’s house.
You don’t know what made you agree to hang out with Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington. You’ve never exchanged more than a handful of conversations with either of them, but like most girls your age in Hawkins, you’re not immune to Steve Harrington’s charm.
Then there’s Eddie, rougher around the edges than Steve, with his leather and chains. But like you noted earlier, he’s always been kind, despite what the small minds of Hawkins have thrown at him, and you find him cute in a mysterious kind of way.
You sneak a glance into the rear view mirror, your gaze immediately meeting Steve’s. You look away, embarrassed, but the man in question leans forward, lips close to your ear.
“So, how’s Hawkins High been treating you?” He asks, warm breath tickling your face and making you shiver. “You still doing yearbook with Nance?”
The questions are innocent, nothing more than small talk, but his proximity makes your blood heat.
“Yeah, still in yearbook. We’re waiting for the prints to come back,” you tell him. You turn your head to look at him and you see his eyes flick to your lips as you draw in a sharp breath, surprised at how close he is.
He leans back just enough to give you some breathing room. “You were always my favorite photographer. Always made sure to get me good side.”
Eddie scoffs, an arm shooting out to knock Steve’s shoulder, throwing him off balance until he lands back on his ass.
“Do not feed his ego, it’s big enough as it is,” he jokes, dodging Steve’s hand when he reaches forward to smack him. “Don’t assault the driver!”
Their bickering makes you laugh, some of the tension leaving you as you continue to watch them interact. They’re an odd pair, but as you watch them you’re struck by how their juxtaposition is exactly what makes them work.
Eddie pulls up to a familiar two story house in one of the nicer neighborhoods of Hawkins. You’ve been here for a couple famous Harrington parties, but the home seems daunting when there’s not one hundred other people milling around as a buffer.
Engine killed, Steve and Eddie hop out of the van. Eddie jogs around to the passenger door and pulls it open, gesturing for your exit with a wide arm and a slight bow.
The two of you trail after Steve into the house after he unlocks the door. Steve runs upstairs to his room, excusing himself to change out of his work clothes. As he disappears on the landing, Eddie takes you hand in his, tugging you forward.
“Come on, let’s pick out the movie before Steve can complain about me picking a horror movie,” he says.
Steve’s voice chimes in from upstairs, “It’s May! You don’t watch Halloween in May!”
Eddie rolls his eyes, but you’re too fixated on the feel of his hand in yours to react to Steve’s joke. You’ve read about feeling sparks before in some of those romance novels, and you think this may be what they’re talking about. Your skin tingles where it connects to his, your smooth palm in his rough one.
You’re so lost to your thoughts that you don’t even notice when he stops walking, causing you to crash right into his chest. An arm wraps around your waist to steady you.
“Woah, tiger. You okay?” He asks.
Your arms are pinned between your bodies, hands pressed to his chest, and when you look up into his eyes, your fingers reflexively curl into the fabric of his t-shirt. Your mouth goes dry as your eyes flick to his face, his eyes trailing down to your lips.
“Yeah…yeah, I’m okay,” you whisper.
You don’t know what’s happening. You don’t understand why Eddie is looking at you like this, like he wants to devour you. Your pulse beats wildly as his eyes meet yours, his brown eyes nearly black.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks quietly.
When you nod, you hear him murmur what sounds like thank god before his lips connect with yours.
It’s not a soft kiss, by any means. His lips press to yours with purpose, with demand, his tongue sliding against yours is when you let out a small whine. His hands frame your face, fingers curling into your hair.
“Couldn’t even pick a movie?” Steve asks. You pull back from Eddie, turning to look at Steve where he’s leaning against the door frame of the den, arms crossed, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Don’t stop on my account.”
“You heard the man,” Eddie says, leaning in to pick up where he left off.
“I…wait…I don’t-,” you stammer, looking between the two of them. “What’s going on?”
Eddie releases you, allowing you to step back and give you some much needed breathing room. Your mind is racing, struggling to give you all the reasons why you need to leave, but somehow you keep coming up with reasons to stay.
Steve steps up behind you, a hand trailing lightly from your shoulder and down your arm, making you shiver. “Nothings going on that you haven’t thought about before. Isn’t that right?”
You’re quiet as he leans in, pressing a kiss to your neck. Your eyes flutter shut, your skin on fire where his lips had been.
“I don’t…I’m not-,” you try to say, but Eddie makes a shushing sound, closing the distance between you once more, pressing you firmly between their bodies. Eddie’s hands join Steve’s, skimming your waist until his fingers toy with the band of your skirt.
“Pretty, isn’t she, Stevie?” Eddie asks. “And such a naughty thing, touching herself while thinking of taking two cocks.”
“H-how did you…,” you start, your words disappearing in a gasp as a hand reaches under your sweater, a palm roughly grasping your breast.
“You called out to us last night. Don’t you remember? As you played with that pretty little pussy?” Steve whispers into your ear, punctuating the statement with a nip of his teeth. “We’re at your service, sweetheart. Just say the word.”
You finally manage to pry your eyes open, heavy lidded though they are. Both of them are staring at you hungrily, eyes black as night. You feel like prey, like a rabbit in the woods that’s about to become dinner.
“Okay,” you whisper, even as your brain screams at you to run.
Steve doesn’t know when he’s felt a greater victory than hearing you give in. That pull of lust, that energy in your very core, just begging to be released, consumed, ravaged.
Eddie is immediately on you, lips dancing with yours in a slick slide that makes Steve’s mouth water. His cock is painfully hard as he watches Eddie’s hands pull your sweater up and over your head, leaving you in your simple black bra.
Eddie drops to his knees, gently lifting one foot to tug your boot off, then the other. Steve busies himself with finding the zipper of your skirt and tugging it down, the fabric dropping away from you as Eddie stands.
“Kneel on the couch, lean your arms on the back cushions,” Eddie commands. Steve watches as you obey, limbs shaky as you do as he says. “Such a good girl.”
The praise makes you whimper, the sound music to Steve’s ears. He watches as Eddie steps up behind you, a hand pressing to your back to make you arch deeper, your ass tilting up gorgeously.
“You ever have someone lick your pussy, baby?” Eddie asks. Steve watches you shake your head, but he knows Eddie well enough to know that won’t suffice. “Words, princess. Use your words. We’ve barely gotten started, you can’t go all cock dumb on us yet.”
“N-no,” you manage to say.
“No, what?” Eddie asks, voice teasing as his hand slides down your back, over your ass, between your thighs.
Confused, you glance over your shoulder. While Eddie’s focus is on his hand between your legs, on the fingers digging into the meat of your inner thigh, Steve meets your gaze.
“Eddie has a particular taste. He likes to be in charge,” Steve explains. Your eyes widen. “You should call him ‘sir’, if you want him to keep going.”
“Oh…no, sir,” you whisper, cheeks flushing a pretty pink in your embarrassment. Eddie groans, the sound going straight to Steve’s dick where it presses painfully against the zipper of his jeans.
“Good girl,” Eddie says, fingers curling into the elastic of your panties and tugging them down your thighs until they sit at your knees.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” he says as he presses a kiss to your low back. “I’m going to make you cum with my tongue, maybe my fingers, too, if I’m feeling generous. Then, you’re going to show me how well you can take Steve’s cock. Alright?”
“Y-yes, sir.”
“Oh, she’s a quick learner. I think that deserves a reward.” Eddie uses both hands to spread your cheeks, giving Steve an unobstructed view to your glistening pussy that makes him groan, a palm sliding over his dick to give him a fleeting moment of relief.
Eddie leans forward, licking a broad stripe from your clit to your quivering entrance, making you shout. With that encouragement, he turns you into his own personal feast, fingertips digging into your hips as he works to hold you still as he circles his tongue over your clit, down to your hole, and back again.
Steve strips himself of his sweater before tugging his jeans off. He rounds the couch, coming to stand before you.
Christ, what a picture you make. Your eyes are clenched shut, mouth dropped open as you moan, fingers digging into the couch cushion for purchase. You don’t even notice him standing in front of you until he laces his fingers through your hair, tugging sharply.
Your eyes pop open in surprise and Steve smiles at you. “That feel good, huh? Having your pussy licked by Eddie? He’s got a talented tongue, right?”
You nod, the movement limited by his hold on your hair. Steve glanced past your shoulder, locking eyes with Eddie as he sides two fingers into you, pumping roughly.
“Oh my god,” you gasp, muscles tightening.
“Are you going to cum?” Steve asks, releasing his hold on your hair to hold your chin. “Come on, sweetheart, give Eddie want he wants so I can fuck that tight little cunt.”
Your mouth drops with a shout, eyes rolling back as you obey. Steve groans at the surge of power that slides through him. Eddie stands as your body sags against the couch. He holds his fingers out to Steve, sliding them over his tongue.
“Come on, Stevie, don’t keep her waiting.”
You think you might be dead. Or dreaming. Maybe some combination of the two.
The orgasm that Eddie pulls out of you is like nothing you’ve experienced before. The way it coursed through your whole body, lighting you up from head to toe, all your other fumblings under your covers at midnight paled in comparison.
You’re boneless against the couch cushions until two sets of hands start to maneuver your body on someone’s lap. You blink, staring dazedly down into Steve’s face.
His hands grip your waist, grinding you against his hard length, the sensation near painful on your sensitive clit. Steve’s face is familiar, yet not at all at the same time. Like something shifts beneath the surface of his smile, his eyes darker than you remember them being.
“Hey there,” he says gently. He brings one hand up to cup your cheek, pulling you closer to plant a surprisingly chaste kiss to your lips. “You good?”
You give a shaky nod, moving your hips over him again, without his guidance. He groans, head tipping back against the couch cushions as his eyes flutter shut. Movement to your right catches your attention, and you turn to see Eddie, now naked, slowly sliding his hand up and down his cock. He leans in closer, using his free hand to grip your chin and tug you to him, lips slamming against yours hungrily.
His tongue sweeps into your mouth to tangle with yours as Steve lifts you slightly, positioning himself at your entrance before urging you down onto him. You gasp into Eddie’s kiss, the stretch overwhelming in the best way possible. Eddie pulls back with a sharp smile.
“That feel good, princess?” He asks, voice gravelly.
“Yes, sir.”
“Why don’t you thank Steve for giving your greedy pussy his cock?” He turns your head back to Steve.
“T-thank you, Steve.”
“Good girl,” Eddie praises. “Now, I want you to make yourself cum.”
Tentatively, you begin to move your hips. Forward, back, forward, back, adjusting to the sensation, familiarizing yourself with the body beneath yours. Steve groans.
“I think you can do better than that,” Eddie teases. He moves off the couch, positioning himself behind you. His hands rest on top of Steve’s as he grips your hips, urging your movements on. His dick presses to your back and he groans into your ear every time he drags you against it.
Steve leans forward, one hand digging into Eddie’s wild hair to pull him into a kiss over your shoulder. You gasp, tightening around Steve as you watch them.
When they break apart, panting, Steve smiles at you. “She liked that, Eddie. Her pussy got so tight just now.”
“Yeah?” He smooths your hair away from your neck, peppering you with kisses and bites.
“Eddie, please,” you moan on a particularly rough bite that Steve punctuates with a sharp thrust of his hips.
“Please, what?”
“Wanna touch you.”
He laughs. “You are touchin’ me.”
“N-no,” you stutter. “More.”
His hand moves from your hip to your belly, trailing down until his fingers graze where you and Steve are connected. His calloused fingertips trace circles around your clit, featherlight and not nearly enough. You give a frustrated groan, grinding harder to chase the friction both men are providing you.
“Tell you what,” Eddie says, with a pointed swipe of his fingers directly where you crave them most. “Cum for Steve, and I’ll let you suck my cock. How’s that sound?”
All you can manage is a whine as Steve starts thrusting from below you, making you tip forward until you’re flush to his chest. Eddie keeps his hand wedged between your bodies, pressing to your swollen clit until the dual sensations cause you to tip over the edge with a shout, limbs shaking as you cling to Steve’s shoulders.
“Jesus Christ,” Steve groans as you flutter around him. Both of them slow their movements as you come down from your release, until finally they release you.
Steve lays you on your back, pushing your legs apart and settling between them, sliding his still hard cock through your folds. Eddie positions himself by your hand, a hand fisting his own length as he stares down at you.
“This is what you wanted, right, princess?” He asks.
“Y-yes, sir,” you say, eyes fixed on his hand. He’s gorgeous, lithe frame covered in tattoos and scars that you want to explore.
“Such a good little slut,” he praises, before tipping your chin back so that the crown of your head is on the cushion. “Now, open up.”
You do as you’re told, dropping your jaw open and moaning when he traces your lips with his tip.
“Aw, don’t tease her, Munson,” Steve admonishes, slowly slipping himself back inside your sensitive pussy.
“Can it, Harrington, I’m working here,” Eddie snaps, his words lacking any real heat. Despite his response, Eddie begins to slide his cock past your lips. He takes care not to push too far, pumping his hips in short thrusts that counter Steve’s deep ones.
“Christ, the mouth on you, sweetheart,” Eddie bites out.
“Her pussy’s even better,” Steve taunts as he slips a hand beneath your knee, pushing your leg up to your chest and opening you up to him further. The deeper angle makes you groan around Eddie, eyes shutting as you give yourself over to the sensation.
Eddie’s hand wraps gently around your throat, squeezing the sides tenderly. You can feel Steve lean forward, can hear the slick sound of their tongues meeting even among the noise of their bodies pounding against yours. Steve’s thrusts grow erratic, until he’s pressing deep, his own orgasm running through him like a freight train.
He pulls out and Eddie follows suit, leaving you feeling empty. You frown at them, until Steve pulls you up, urging you to turn around until you’re laying with your back against his chest, facing Eddie.
“Fuck,” Eddie growls, hand reaching out to trail his fingers through Steve’s release as it slips out of you. “You’re so gorgeous.”
You feel your cheeks heat from blushing and Steve’s chest rumbles beneath you with his laughter. “After all that, you’re going shy on us now?”
Eddie chuckles as he shuffles forward, sliding himself through the slick mess between your legs. Without warning, he slams into you, jerking you against Steve and making you cry out from how sensitive they’ve made you.
He withdraws slowly, slowly, until just the tip of him is barely inside you, and with a wicked smile he sets a punishing rhythm that has you crying out with every thrust. It’s not long before you’re cresting another wave of euphoria, this one almost painful as it crashes over you.
“Fuck, that’s it, baby, just like that,” Eddie says through gritted teeth as he picks up his pace. He leans closer, pressing his lips to yours. He bites at your lips, hard enough to make you yelp, as he thrusts deep, deeper, until he spills into you as well.
Eddie collapses onto you, pressing you uncomfortably into Steve. You weakly smack him on the arm.
“Eddie, off, you’re crushing me,” you whine. You feel him chuckle before he lifts off of you, sitting back on his heels and helping you sit up.
“Come on, let's get you to bed,” Steve says as he stands, sliding an arm around your back and another beneath your knees and lifting you from the couch as if you weigh nothing. “Eds, grab her some water?”
Eddie walks unabashedly towards the kitchen as Steve heads for the stairs. Your head rests on his chest as he carries you up the steps.
Once he’s in his room, he sets you gently on the bed. Eddie walks in, handing the glass to you as Steve disappears through a door to what you assume is a bathroom, if the sound of running water is anything to go by.
You chug the water in greedy gulps as Eddie watches you intently. He’s got his jeans on again, the fly unbuttoned over his boxers. Steve emerges from the bathroom in a pair of sweats, a washcloth in his hand that he uses to slowly clean you up with.
“I’d offer you something to wear, but I kinda like the idea of you naked in my bed,” he says with a wink.
“Are you feeling okay?” Eddie asks as he lays beside you, propped up on his side with his head in his hand.
“I’m way more than okay,” you tell him with a grin. “I’m not really sure where all this came from, but I’m definitely not complaining.”
Eddie smiles, reaching out to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. “You feeling tired?”
“Little bit. I swear, Eddie, I’m fine.” You stretch your arms above your head. Shyly, you look between them. “Should I…I can go?”
“Absolutely not,” Steve says without hesitation. He slips into bed beside you. “You’re staying.”
That gets no argument from you. You yawn, the desire to sleep growing stronger with every passing minute.
Eddie wraps an arm around your middle, settling in closely with his face pressed into your chest with a happy sigh. Steve curls up behind you, his arm looping over Eddie’s to touch you both.
“‘Night, guys,” you murmur, before drifting off in the comfort of their embrace.
When your breathing slows and evens out, Eddie lifts his head to look at Steve over your sleeping form.
“Steve,” he whispers. He watches Steve’s head lift from the pillow as well.
“I feel like I’m floating,” Steve whispers back, voice giddy. Eddie nods his agreement.
“I haven’t felt this good since…ever, probably. Even before Vecna.”
“What do you say we keep this one?” Steve asks.
“I’d say you read my mind, Harrington,” Eddie replies.
He looks down at your sleeping form, and for the first time he thinks maybe being a demon isn’t so bad after all.
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quits-writing · 2 years
stranger things x older brother figure! rich! reader
a/n: to celebrate stranger things s4 vol 2 coming out today in a few hours, i’ve decided to give us all masc aligned people a treat before shit goes down, enjoy.
cw: contains some scenes from the series (not enough to spoil), mentioned homophobia & fragile masculinity, bullying scenario, messy cuz i just put whatever random shit pops up to my mind and im also writing this at 1:30 am, NOT PROOFREAD!!
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depending on your personality, it’s either the group would see you as the “cool” brother like in the movies or the “annoying” brother in real life
as kids, you’d have to defend them against bullies, seniority scares majority of the kids.
but if they don’t want you to interfere, they’d just ask you on how to defend theirselves
tell them some witty comebacks
yeah i don’t think they can do it without it leading into a physical fight so you’d have to watch their back before it becomes one
spoil them! buy them action figures, comics, new set of dnd miniatures. they’d worship you…for 5 mins before hyper-focusing on that same item you bought for them
you’d be such a big help to joyce and jonathan if you decide to fund and help them with the will situation in s1
jonathan actually talked to you, also joyce’ll treat you as her other son
imagine having a platonic relationship with max, your relationship is the relationship she wishes she has with billy
billy would probably spite you for it (he’s jealous and doesn’t want to admit it lol)
oh, and the group would probably jokingly make you compete with steve for the “best mom older brother” award (dustin would also make eddie compete too if you’ve met each other already)
somehow, they’ll find a way to turn your words against you
okay. imagine s3, the vent scene with erica
m/n: alright. how much do you want, kid? hundred? thousand? a million bucks?
robin: you’re gonna offer, a child, a million? do you even have a million on-hand?
m/n, a rich teen: uh yeah??? 🧍
robin: okay, what the actual fu–!
if you’re part of the LGBTQIA+, and openly into men or in touch with your femininity. mike’s dad would try and tell mike to not be associated with you again (sorry but he reeks of homophobia and fragile masculinity)
remember that one scene in s4 (ep 5, 1:00:52) where he’s so salty at dustin and the gang for hanging out in their house? that but insert m/n there
mr. wheeler: –why not? take us for all we’re worth
dustin: oka–
m/n: if you care so much about your money, then here’s a fucking stack. thank you so much for your hospitality”
mr. wheeler: *is baffled by the amount of cash a teen could have* how’d you get this money??
m/n: oh i’m actually am a stripper and i have a sugar daddy– of course, i worked for it, obviously. i have a job.
dustin: *whispering* holy fucking shit, you’re so cool
if you have “old rich” money than “hard earned” money, it’s the same thing but probably less “cooler” in their eyes
if not all of them, at least one would keep bugging you on what job you have to earn a lot of money
some would say, they’re still bugging what you do for a living ‘til today
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stevesaxetogrind · 1 year
Truly those calling it “bad writing” that Robin and Vickie share similarities doesn’t make sense. She’s not been given enough time to be more than just a love interest, but we do have some info about her:
1. Molly Ringwald inspo, giving us shorthand about being kind of a quirky gal. Hat! Visually, she’s similar to Robin, but that’s not a bad thing because literally similar interests draw people together. She is also skirts vs Robin’s trousers. Femme/Soft Butch! You’re telling me Vickie would wear a tie? Lies.
2. Likes goofy jokes, namely Steve’s joke about Muppet Tammy. Which, Robin doesn’t laugh at Steve’s jokes that much- she dismisses them, but it means Vickie has a bit of a jocular sense of humour.
3. Vickie also likes Steve’s brand of movies, not Robin’s- which is pretty fucking funny. Again, this is not making Vickie similar to Robin, but to things shared with Robin’s Platonic Soulmate. Like, bro movies? Stupid lil jokes? I predict Steve and Vickie having a dad joke competition next season & torturing Robin with how corny they are. People like to talk about the similarities to Robin, but not the similarities to Steve! That’s kind of clever drawing Vickie closer to one of Robin’s favourite people, at least superficially.
4. Talks a lot when one on one, but Vickie wasn’t nervous/flustered in the band scene, so we can infer in more crowded spaces she acts differently/subdued - as like she was in the War Zone. This is unlike Robin who does actually ramble in group scenes, like freaking out over the thing in El’s leg, the rabies bit, or generally a lot of Season 4 where she looses her “cool girl” archetype from Season 3 in favour of chaos. Vickie seems more like she would quietly panic, as opposed to Eddie, Argyle, and Steve who all loudly go WHAT THE FUCK. Which is going to be interesting to see as the whole town is now thrown into an open gate downtown Hawkins probably releasing demogorgons every other hour like it’s Pacific Rim up in this bitch.
5. Meaningful look with Robin in the War Zone- not “oh hi band friend!” A scared/caught/dismayed look that she was there. So there is a connection, and she broke up with her boyfriend after that connection. Anything more is speculation, but the way she wasn’t looking at Robin when she gave the “he doesn’t like Fast Times” reason lets the audience draw points and maybe she felt trapped? Like it was just an excuse to pursue a different interest? Obviously because music is playing indicating a romantic relationship. We don’t have much to compare Robin with on this one, but around Keith she still had more confidence and bullshittery trying to convince him to hire Steve when Keith assumed they were a thing.
6. Vickie also doesn’t seem jealous. Robin is jealous. She was livid at Steve for being the object of Tammy’s affections, but Vickie hasn’t seemed to even look twice at Steve- even as Robin looked over at him while she and Vickie had her last scene.
For such a short amount of time in the season, I think that we have a good foundation for similarities and differences to Robin. Also, once again, it’s not a crime to avoid “opposites attract” tropes. Having similarities is good! Like, the amount of couples I know that are essentially the same archetype of queer person is not even close to zero. Especially when it comes to older queer couples who got together in the 80s/90s, they kind of morph into being one granola bar of a human being. Kind of similar with straight people when they genuinely like one another.
I hope they flesh Vickie out, but like, we’ve gotten a similar amount of screen time for Mr Clarke but no one is mad he is “one dimensional” when he is just, some exposition science guy. He’s a stock and standard teacher, has a girlfriend, and kind of goes along with explaining shit without questioning why a lot. But folks love Mr Clarke. Is it because Mr Clarke isn’t getting in the way of your ship?
I never thought I would see the day there were some true blue f/f ship wars, but bruh, Robin’s love life isn’t an A Plot so give the writers some slack. They’re human, not the devil. None of you were gleeks and it shows so fucking much. None of you lived through “angry lesbians on the internet don’t want me dating you”.
Personally I’m looking forward to Robin and Vickie getting together and maybe hopefully kicking monster butt together- or at least, Robin getting a nice little badass moment defending her gal.
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that scene from bolt (2003? 2005?) where mittens teaches him how to do puppy eyes but it's steve and robin except it became steddie:
"What are you talking about, of course i know how to pout!"
"No, Robin, because you pouting is you trying to shove your lip as far as you can shove your tongue out, which is kinda weirdly far."
"I made a record, I stand by that"
"I do too, it was cool - but the point is you don't make use of the most important factor - your fucking eyes, dingus."
"Okay hotshot, maybe you used to have charm or whatever but this is the real world and -"
"Hello foes, friends and reluctant allies!" Eddie bursts in through the door, thank god there's no moms in the store to gasp like him being alive is a scandal. Robin doesn't know how much more "he's not to be trusted, you know" she can take this week. "What say you on this glorious day of sunny tides and cloudless skies?"
"How do you have so much energy," Robin groans because it's been two hours of being at work and that's five hours too many. "And why are you shoving it in our faces."
"Fear not, good lady Buckley," Eddie dumps a very noisy bag onto the counter and bows in his classic-Eddie-way. God, why does Steve like this guy, what is his thing with nerds? "I have brought rewards and sweets abound for your tortorous job sentencing."
"Oh my god," Steve slaps her arm and immediately goes rummaging through the bag like the rude little man he is. "Fuck yes!"
"Ahem," Eddie coughs pointedly, freezing Steve in his tracks. He raises an eyebrow as Steve slowly his hand out of the bag without breaking eye contact. "You're welcome?"
"Thank you, Eddie," Robin rolls her eyes and immediately shoves Steve aside - "Hey!" - to zero in on finding a pushpop, which she does, because she's a genius. "Aha, got it!"
"No fair!" Steve whines, shoving at her weakly after she "I wanted that one."
"There's another in the bag," Robin shoves back because tit for tat, fucker. Doesn't matter who started it unless Steve started it.
"Sorry, Steve-O," Eddie snatches the bag off the counter and picks out the pushpop with an evil grin. "But that one's mine."
"Aw, come on!" Steve slumps his shoulders but his eyes light up when he glances at Robin, so she settles in her lean on the counter because that's a signal, that's Steve's signal for "watch my back, look at me" and damn if she won't.
Steve's shoulder slump down even more as he leans over the counter, head tilted to one side and upwards to look up at Eddie. His eyes do something, go big under a semi-wrinkled brow, while he purses his lips just a bit and stares up. "Please, Eds?"
"Uh," Eddie, on the flip side, is staring down at Steve with big eyes too but these are wider and flit around Steve's face, and his brow goes high up while his jaw drops down low. "Um?"
"Can I have the last pop, Eds?" Steve leans not even an inch closer but Eddie blinks down at him like he's the fucking messiah, holy shit, it's working. "Please?"
Eddie swallows, interesting, and nods dumbly. He doesn't even seem to realize that he's handing over the pop before it's gone and blinks at his empty hand.
"Thanks, Eddie!" Steve stands up properly now and smiles around the pop in his mouth.
Eddie blinks again, once at his hand, once at Steve and once at Robin.
"Holy shit," Robin slaps and shakes Steve's arm because he's too busy grinning at Eddie to look at her. "You gotta teach me that."
"Told you," he says smugly, grinning wider when they both realize Eddie is staring at his now crossed arms. Holy shit, it works. "Ready for the first lesson, padawan?"
Eddie snaps his head up and just outright stares at Steve, jaw still agape and face still flushed. "Did you just say padawan?"
"What does the first lesson entail, Stevie?" Robin continues the bit as though Eddie said nothing.
"Find a goal," Steve smirks, reaching over the counter to trail a hand down Eddie's arm. "Eddie's mine."
He squeaks. He fucking squeaks. Robin is delighted, this is a gold mine of blackmail and bribery.
"And then pinpoint exactly what you want from the goal," Steve instructs before turning to Eddie with a smile. "Something like you, over at my place tonight? Maybe at seven, watch a movie or two together?"
"Is - are you serious?" Eddie gulps, eyes flitting between the pair of them. "Are you - asking me out?"
"One hundred percent, Eds," Steve reassures him. "Been wanting to ask you out for a while."
"Oh," Eddie blinks, his slow nod getting faster and faster. "Yes, yeah. Movie date tonight, your place. I'll pick the movies?"
"Sounds good," Steve says sweetly, and waves a giggly bye as Eddie launches towards the dinky corner of the store where they keep the best of the horror flicks.
"Alright, that was pretty smooth," Robin admits. "Think it'll work on Joyce so I don't have to do the dishes on Friday?"
Steve shakes his head with a laugh and nudges her. "Nothing's getting you out of dish duty rotation."
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stevebabey · 1 year
RUBY congrats on your milestone!!! I'm extremely happy for you, you deserve it, you always post amazing fics and your blog is SO COOL AND FRESH, ugh I love it!! Sending a lot of kisses and hugs your way ♡
So I'm here to request, I hope it's okay!!
❤️‍🔥 5 and 6 from the first prompt list with steve, I just know you are going to do something sooo fluffy and cute that will mark me forever!!!
HI HI !! thank you so much ur so sweet i am SWOONING over here <3 COOL AND FRESH!!!?? ULTRA TOP TIER COMPLIMENTS MY DUDE!! ahh many kisses and hugs right back at ya ! and omg da first of the blurbs.... it is fluffy as hell im feeling clingy tonite and i hope u luv <3 (ur lucky to get in early they probably won't all be this long hehe)
You're surprised you even managed to convince Steve to come to this party. They're not exactly his scene anymore, especially considering his history with them, but it was a bit more of a familiar friendly crowd — Eddie's band, some of Robin's own friends from band, plus the merry bunch of you that were practically fused together since '83.
Besides, you're sure the fair amount of eyelashes fluttering helped too, lips pouting and eyes sweet.
Steve had even narrowed his eyes, jabbed a finger at you like he was about to say 'that's not fair!' like he had a thousand times before. Some whine about how he was powerless when you gave him those eyes.
Tonight, he had just sighed and folded, any annoyance melting away at your glee.
Parties were better with Steve. If you both had a ride home, he'd get himself into the G&T's until he was loopy and draping himself all over you. Absolute mumbler he was while drunk. It was all you're so pretty and how'd i get so lucky? between wet kisses anywhere he could land them. You not-so-secretly loved it.
Tonight, however, you're the lovesick one.
Like it's your fault; he's wearing one of his button downs that's tight on the arms and a few buttons too low. A hint of chest hair peeks out, flush against tan skin that's riddled with moles you've kissed a dozen times over each. Even without the extra beers tonight you think you'd be in a mood.
The extra alcohol just gives you confidence.
Steve's talking when you approach, his back to you, and you take no mind to distract him from his conversation. Silently, well as much you can while tipsy, you sneak your arms around his middle and slump.
You hear a rumble of surprise through where your head presses into his back, a pause in the conversation, then he places his warm hands over both of yours. You delight with a grin. Then, keeping his hands in place to keep you where you are, he's twisting to look over his shoulder. You dig your chin in to meet his eyes with a doozy smile.
"Hello trouble," He says, all too fond. God, he looks so sweet, amber eyes all sweet and smile all too mischievous. Thank God he's yours.
"Hi." You say back, a grin curling at your lips. You think about tucking your hands under his shirt, just to hold him closer. You're sure he'll get the mental messages you're sending him much better if there's skin-to-skin contact —though, you needn't worry, Steve can tell you love him just from the look on your face.
"All good back there?" He asks, mainly as a joke but you nod very seriously and then tilt your head towards his conversation partner. Some dude who had graduated the year after him, friends with Robin he thinks. It's small talk.
"Yup." You smile wide, a bit dopey, and press a kiss into his back. "Y'keep talking Stevie."
He can tell you mean it so he does, turning back around and adjusting his grip over both of your hands to hold them both tighter. You hum happily. The conversation resumes. It takes all but a minute for your attention to crawl away.
You shift your hands slightly, wriggling out of Steve's grip and you miss how he frowns down bemusedly at your wandering hands. He silently hopes you aren't heading for his pants, mainly because there's a spectator to your strange but endearing behaviour. You don't, instead just tucking them under his button up and pressing your icy fingers against his tummy.
Steve snorts a quiet laugh and tries not to shiver, but apparently, that's too much movement for you.
"Tch, stop moving!" Your voice draws out, dipped in annoyance. You thump your head against his back and Steve laughs again, a bit pink in the face when the dude moves away with an awkward goodbye. Steve doesn't blame him, with your roaming hands, though he's fairly sure you're actually just looking for a cuddle.
Steve stills himself. "Why—"
"You feel amazing in my arms," you say, muffled by your face in his shirt. You squeeze him a bit tighter, a hug that actually squeezes his heart too because fuck, if he doesn't feel adored right now.
"Baby," He starts, prying your arms off just enough to turn and face you. You whine a bit but it dies down at being able to lean your head against his chest, chin planting between his pecs. You gaze up at him and blow a half-hearted raspberry. Steve thinks about dipping you sweet and kissing you there, just to see if you'll get warm enough in the face that he'll feel it too.
"D'you wanna go home?" He asks.
You shake your head but tighten your hold. Steve sweeps a hand across your forehead, pushing back stray hairs with a loving hum. "If we go home, we can cuddle, yeah?"
You seem to only just realise this as he says it and it sways your decision in an instant. "Okay, yeah, yes please," you murmur as you bury your face back into his chest. Your please sounds like peas and Steve thinks his heart might ache a little softer because of it.
If you had told sophomore Steve that in the future, he'd be ditching a party early, just for some cuddles, he's sure he would've scoffed at himself. Steve thanks the heavens above for change and let you drag him out the door, footsteps giddy and kisses abundant.
join the celebration!
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steddieassheg0es · 2 years
Not So Unrequited
Steve Harrington wasn’t the douchebag people thought he was.
Well, most people wouldn’t see it that way anyway. But he wasn’t the façade that most people couldn’t see past.
Eddie’s always been a bit of a wild child. Reckless and with a dangerous lack of self preservation instincts, it got him into many a rough spot over the years.
One such rough spot was back in middle school. He’d stupidly flirted with the wrong boy. He didn’t even like him, hadn’t even fully realized that he liked boys Eddie just didn’t always know when to turn his mouth off, or where the line was until he’d already crossed it. But that didn’t matter. It was enough for a group of boys to track him down and beat him up.
He’ll never forget that day. The day he realized being different meant being hated. The day he realized that that liking boys wasn’t allowed in Hawkins.
But also, the day that he met Steve Harrington. He’d apparently heard the hateful words that had been thrown at Eddie as those bigots left him to bleed on the pavement. And he’d crouched down next to him, reached out to gently rub his back.
“Are you ok? Do you want to me to get someone?”
Eddie lifted his head from where he’d buried it in his knees, looked up into those pretty hazel eyes. He shook his head, not sure who he’d even ask for. His dad wouldn’t care, and Uncle Wayne was great but Eddie tried not to burden him with his problems too much. He needed that safe space to run to too much to ruin it.
“Ok…well, I can stay with you. Don’t listen to those guys, they’re jerks. They don’t know anything. I think it’s ok for boys to like boys.”
And just like that Eddie was sure he liked boys. He thought he very much liked this boy.
So yeah. Steve Harrington wasn’t who people thought he was. At least not completely.
Once Steve’s graduates, there’s a change in him. He’s…softer somehow. Like he’s let that carefully constructed mask slip. Maybe getting out of school was enough. Maybe his relationship with Wheeler, or said relationship going down in flames, did him some good. For all that it made Eddie want to hurl. Maybe it’s his affection for the group of kids he’s inexplicably pseudo adopted. Whatever it is, it’s nice to see.
Even nicer when Steve starts talking to him.
It starts because some of his kids joined Hellfire and apparently he’s their permanent ride. First just a friendly nod as the kids scramble out of his fancy car. Then he’d smile and wave. Eddie’s embarrassed by how much those stupid little smiles made his heart flutter.
Finally one day he steps out of the car with the kids. Just leans against the roof at first, watching them run into the building with affection. Then he’s turning those eyes to Eddie.
“I hope they behave themselves for you in there.”
“Uh…” Jesus Eddie pull it together. “Heh, yeah. They’re good kids, man.”
Steve’s face is all soft fondness. “They really are. But they can be little shits when they wanna be. If you ever need any help…or, I mean can bring some snacks and shit if you want. Whatever.”
He shrugs like it’s no big deal. Like him even talking to Eddie at all is totally normal.
“Y-yeah sure. I don’t think they’d ever say no to more food. And you, uh…” Eddie can feel his cheeks heat up, “you can probably afford better shit than I can anyway.”
“Oh I wasn’t-Shit I didn’t mean it like that. I just wanted…”
Damn it. Two sentences in and he’s fucked it up. Steve’s giving him big sad eyes like he feels just terrible at the thought of offending Eddie.
“No! I uh…I know you didn’t. Forget I said that. It’s cool of you to offer to help. I know this isn’t exactly your scene.”
Steve laughs. “You’d think that, huh? But the kids love it so what can I do? I gotta admit I was a bit jealous at first, you know?”
What on earth could Steve Harrington have to be jealous of? “Of what?”
“You. Those kids, they worship you man. But then I figured, I don’t know shit about this stuff and it means a lot to them. And they still seem to think I’m not so bad. So I’m just glad they have you.”
“Steve…they’ve been singing your praises since the moment they joined Hellfire. Especially Dustin. You’re their hero.”
Now it’s Steve’s turn to go pink in the cheeks. It’s a good look on him. But then again, what doesn’t look good on him?
They’re interrupted by a loud bang from inside. Eddie just sighs and rolls his eyes.
“I should probably get in there before they burn the place down…” It’s true, but he’s reluctant to let this moment end.
“Yeah. So I’ll be back in like an hour, pizza sound good?”
Eddie blinks at him, confused.
“I mean…snacks yeah? I can grab a few pizzas and some sodas. If you don’t mind me crashing your nerd fest, that is.” He says it with a grin, but his eyes show a hint of worry. Like Eddie would ever say no to him.
“Right, yeah! Yeah pizza’s good.”
With that Steve is off, apparently to fetch Eddie Munson snacks. Well, not him specifically, but he’s included…He feels off kilter, not sure how to deal with this sudden shift, but also a little bit giddy. The kids all tease him about the daze he’s in when he joins them, but when he sits in his makeshift throne he’s in Dungeon Master mode and the game commences.
It turns into a semi regular thing. Steve can’t always hang around, but most nights when the club meets he’ll come back by after with food to share before hauling the kiddos back home.
Eddie thought he’d had a crush before. Now that he actually talks to Steve somewhat regularly…the guy is just so fucking sweet. He’s surprisingly dorky, and generous, and he’s so damn good with the kids. Eddie’s heart never stood a chance.
One night he hangs back as the kids pile into his car, slowing when Eddie stops to wave them off like he usually does.
“So…Me and Robin, Robin Buckley? We’re gonna go see a movie tomorrow. Probably get some food.”
“That’s nice.” Eddie says with an unmistakable tone of confusion. Is Steve trying to talk to him about girls? He desperately wants to keep this thing going, their almost kind of friendship, but he’s pretty sure listening to Steve go on about hookups or whatever will actually kill him.
“Yeah…and I figured, she’s kind of a nerd too. Seems like it doomed to surround myself with them. But I think you two would get along. If you wanted to join us?”
Steve has this adorably shy look on his face that makes Eddie’s heart thump almost painfully in his chest. How can a full grown man be so fucking cute? God he wants to say yes so bad, but…
“I don’t know that bringing a third wheel to your date would make her very happy, man.”
“Huh? Me and Robin? Oh god no. We’re, uh…just friends. ‘Platonic with a capital P’ as she puts it. I’m uh…not her type.” He says with a secretive little smirk. Oh no. This might even be worse.
“Not really looking for a set up…”
“Dude. No one’s hooking up with Robin in this situation. I just thought it would be fun and you two could be friends. But it’s no big deal, don’t worry about it.”
Shit. Well now he just feels embarrassed. And a bit like a dick. Steve starts to head back to the car and it’s a sad little wave over his shoulder and Eddie panics.
“No! I mean, yeah. I’m free. Tomorrow.”
Steve turns back and looks up at him from under his lashes. “Yeah?”
“Yeah…I’ll uh…meet you guys there?”
“That’s silly, I can pick you up. No need to waste the gas. I gotta pick Robin up anyway. She doesn’t drive. So I’ll come by tomorrow at like 6?”
Eddie nods dumbly. With a satisfied smile and a nod of his own, Steve finally gets in his car to leave. Eddie hears Dustin’s judgmental “Dude” from the back seat as they pull away and he’s not sure what to make of anything that just happened
He spends the next morning on the verge of panic, fidgeting and occasionally pacing. He’s being manic enough that Uncle Wayne shoots him a few concerned looks, but not enough for him to actually confront him which is nice.
Eddie’s not sure what he would say. ‘The painfully straight boy I think I’m a little bit in love with asked me on a not-date with him and his platonic gal pal and I am freaking the fuck out’? Yeah, he’ll pass on that conversation. Wayne may be incredibly chill about the whole gay thing, but Eddie doesn’t think he’d have any clue what to do with that. Eddie sure doesn’t.
Finally there’s a knock at the door (at 6 PM on the dot) that stops his restless motion. For a moment he’s completely, utterly still. Then all that frenetic energy rushes back and pushes him to the door so fast he almost face plants right into it.
When he gets it open, his breath catches in his chest. Steve has traded his dorky little polos for a black button up, top two buttons undone flashing a tantalizing peek at his collarbones. His dark wash jeans are snug in all the right places, and he has on a pair of combat boots that Eddie would’ve thought he’d never be caught dead in. He looks…fucking delectable.
“H-hey. I uh…should I change?”
He hears Uncle Wayne snort from the kitchen and dies a little inside.
“What? No, you look good man. You ready? Robin’s waiting for us.”
Shit did Steve just say he looks good? In his ratty torn jeans and metal band shirt under his usual leather jacket and battle vest, he feels utterly unremarkable. He shudders to think at what they look like next to each other. Too late now, though.
“Yeah, yeah let’s go.” He pokes his head back through the door to see his uncle smirking back at him with one eyebrow raised. So much for not saying anything.
“See you later asshole!”
It takes him all of five seconds to figure out why Steve isn’t Robin’s type. He’s pretty sure she clocks him right back, especially once they get out and she eyes the black hanky in his back pocket. He’s dying to ask if Steve knows, but if he doesn’t…
Anyway she actually is a cool chick, if a bit weird. Not like he has any room to talk on that front. They decide to grab food first so they can get acquainted. As soon as they’re seated she’s talking a mile a minute and Eddie struggles to keep up with he lightening fast change of topic but he thinks he’s holding his own pretty well.
Seeing Steve around her is fascinating. For all their differences, Beauty and the Band Geek, they seem to operate on the same wave length. He catches glimpses of silent conversations happening entirely with eyebrows and subtle lip movements. Steve doesn’t say much out loud, seeming content to watch them with a pleased little smile for the most part.
When the check comes, Steve takes it before either of them have a chance to even move.
“I forced you both out tonight, so it’s my treat.” Eddie tries to protest, as does Robin before she shares another eyebrow conversation with Steve and gives in. Then he turns to Eddie with his puppy dog eyes. “Please Eddie, I really want to.”
God damn it, not being able to say no to this man is going to get him in trouble.
“Fine! But I’m getting you back for this.”
The dazzling smile he gets in return makes his heart skip a beat. He’s so utterly fucked.
When Uncle Wayne asks him later than night how the movie was with a knowing smile, he just shrugs and says it was fine. The truth is he couldn’t tell you what movie they even picked, never mind how it was. The lights dimmed and he was hyper focused on the man next to him. Their fingers brushed as they both reached for the popcorn, their legs were almost touching, and at one point Steve had leaned over to whisper some comment into his ear and he had to bite his lip to stop any sound from escaping him.
He caught Robin’s teasing grin on their way out. At this point he might as well have “gay for Steve Harrington” stamped across his forehead, he was so transparent. At least the man himself seemed oblivious.
Billy Hargrove is exactly the asshole everyone thinks he is. Eddie sees how weirdly focused on Steve, in a way that make his stomach turn.
Eddie’s pretty sure the guy’s queer, but definitely the self hating kind. He looks at Eddie with disgust, calls him a slur a time or two. He knows Billy’s caught the way he looks at Steve and hates him for it. Thinks maybe he’s jealous of it as much as he is disgusted by it. It’s a weird, twisted rivalry over a boy neither one of them could have.
It wasn’t like Eddie thought he had any kind of claim over Steve, he just didn’t like the dark twist to the lustful way Billy looked at him. It scared him. He wasn’t quite sure what Hargrove was capable of or willing to do.
Now that Steve came to his place sometimes, he catches Billy outside his own trailer with a murderous look in his eye. He knows he has to keep a close eye on Steve anytime he comes by, makes sure he leaves safe. He watches his car until the taillights fade, then looks across at Billy’s trailer. He doesn’t think he’d have the guts to try to come after Eddie, Uncle Wayne may be soft spoken but he’s ex military and everyone knew he wouldn’t hesitate to kill someone who hurt Eddie.
But Eddie would have to be the one to protect Steve.
So they’re friends now. Like real friends. They don’t just both hang out with the kids at the same time. Sometimes Robin joins them for whatever they decide to get up to, but not always.
The first time he visits them at Scoops Ahoy he nearly chokes on his own tongue. Why would you need shorts that short to sell ice cream?
Then again…if they weren’t friends, Eddie would probably spend a small fortune just to have an excuse to come stare.
He lets out a low whistle. “Helloooo sailor.”
Steve turns a lovely shade of pink and scratches the back of his neck.
“Yeah, yeah laugh it up. Totally lame uniform, I know. But what are you gonna do? You here to take advantage of my perks like the kids?”
“Well I was just gonna hang around and see if you wanted to do something when you got off, but what kind of perks we talking about?”
Steve laughs. “Free ice cream, man. Whatever you want. And yeah, sure. I’m off in about 20 minutes. Robin’s stuck closing so it’ll just be us.”
Eddie feels a little bad being so happy Robin can’t come. He loves hanging out with her, and he loves her dynamic with Steve, but…alone time with Steve.
“So when you said ‘do something’, did you have something in mind?”
It’s hard to focus when Steve is still in those shorts. Especially because he’s walking slightly ahead of Eddie, leading the way to where the van is parked beside his car, making it far too easy and enticing to keep stealing glances at just how good his ass looks in said shorts. “Whuh? Oh, uh, no not really. I figured I’d be crashing you and Buckley’s plans so it didn’t really occur to me to think up my own.”
“K, well I don’t know about you but I would kill for some Chinese food right now. I could pick some up and meet you back at yours?”
It occurs to Eddie, not for the first time, that Steve never suggests his own house. He’s not sure what to think of it, but he’s not sure if Steve’s comfortable enough with him for him to ask.
“Yeah, that sounds good. I’m not picky so whatever you wanna get is fine, we can just share?”
“See you there then.”
He loves his uncle, but Eddie’s grateful he has the graveyard shift tonight. He doesn’t need to worry about making a fool of himself with an audience. He scrambled around to clean the place up a bit, even changing his sheets then feeling incredibly stupid for doing so.
When he hears a car door slam, he peeks out the window in excitement only for his heart to drop. Billy’s home, and from the looks of it he’s pissed about something. He stomps inside and Eddie decides now is a good time to go out for a smoke and wait for his guest to arrive.
He’s not waiting long. He greets Steve with a smile, trotting over to grab the bag out of his hand so he can get the beer he also picked up and close his door without a struggle.
Steve smiles at him gratefully. “Aren’t you chivalrous?” His voice is teasing, but Eddie still feels his face heat.
“Only the best for you, my king.”
Eddie decides it’s time to start Steve’s musical education, so he puts on some Metallica as they eat.
He tries to focus on the music and not stare at Steve’s mouth as he wraps his lips around an egg roll. Or licks a bit of stray sauce from them. He’s not very successful, but what else is new.
When the food is gone and they’re a few beers in each, they lay on the floor of the trailer. Bodies facing opposite directions and their heads side by side, just listening to the music.
“You play guitar, yeah?” Eddie startles out of his daze.
“I do. Even have a band. We have a standing gig every Tuesday.”
“Could I…could I hear you play? I know music is super important to you and uh…shit if it’s totally personal that’s cool, I just thought I could understand it better if I could hear it from you, but really it’s fine-“
“Steve. Chill, it’s fine. I don’t think The Hideout is exactly your kind of place, but I could be persuaded to give you a private show.”
“Yeah?” He looks so pleased that Eddie’s heart stutters in his chest.
“Sure. Maybe not tonight though. I’ve got a decent buzz going, and my coordination’s not the best. I’d hate to make a poor first impression.”
Eddie turns his head to find Steve already facing him. Those pretty hazel eyes blink sleepily back at him.
“You’ve already made quite the impression, I don’t think you could mess it up now. But that’s ok, I can wait.” Then he’s turning his head to let out a jaw cracking yawn. “Sorry, I forget how tired drinking makes me.”
“You a lightweight Stevie? It is getting pretty late, you could…you could stay tonight, if you wanted.”
“I’d hate to impose.”
“I’d hate to wake up to finding out you’ve wrapped your car around a tree. Seriously. Stay.”
Steve giggles, closing his eyes. “So bossy. Whatever you say, Eddie.”
“Alright Sleepyhead, come on, let’s get you to bed before you pass out on my living room floor.”
Eddie lends Steve some sweatpants and a well worn band t to change into. He sits on his freshly made bed and ponders if he should sleep on the couch or set himself up on his floor. He doesn’t think Steve is that drunk, but he’d still feel better close by just in case. At least that’s the excuse Eddie would use if anyone asked.
Steve comes back in while he’s laying a blanket out on the floor. Seeing him dressed in Eddie’s clothes stirs a possessive glee in his gut. Apparently that really does it for him.
“What are you doing?”
“Hm? Oh. Setting up on the floor, you can take the bed.”
“But the bed’s big enough…unless you’re uncomfortable sharing?”
Uncomfortable? Kind of…but not for the reasons Steve thinks. More worried that sleeping next to the source of his unrequited love will kill him, or at the very least be an exercise in sexual frustration. He can’t very well say that though.
“No, that’s…I mean yeah, we can share.”
He quickly rushes into the bathroom to change his own clothes and take a moment to collect himself. After a few minutes of deep breathing, he makes his way back to his room to find Steve already curled up under the blankets.
Eddie takes a deep, centering breath before climbing in next to him. He turns out the lights and settles in, leaving as much space between them as he can. Apparently Steve had other ideas though, because suddenly he’s pressed right up against Eddie with his arm thrown around his waist.
“Oh, shit, sorry man. I’m uh…I get kind of touchy when I drink. I’m a snuggler. But I totally should have asked.” He goes to pull away and before Eddie can think better of it he grabs Steve’s wrist.
“I…I don’t mind. I just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Go to sleep, Steve.”
He hears a giggle in the darkness before Steve settles back in, this time resting his head on Eddie’s chest. There’s no way he doesn’t hear how fast his heart is beating, but luckily he doesn’t mention it.
Eddie thinks it’s going to be a very long, torturous night, but soon enough he finds himself lulled to sleep by Steve’s deep, even breathing.
He wakes to the front door closing, and would’ve paid it no mind if it weren’t for Steve. The other man jolts upright with a look of panic.
Eddie sits up next to him and rubs a soothing hand down his back. “Woah woah, hey, it’s just Uncle Wayne coming home from work. It’s alright.”
For a second Steve looks right through him before blinking into awareness. Then his cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry. Just uh…startled me.”
Eddie continues the gentle patterns his fingers are tracing along Steve’s back. He can’t shake the concern, that reaction too much for just a slight scare. He doesn’t want go jump to conclusions but he has to ask.
“Steve…you can tell me to fuck off if you’re not comfortable answering, but…Why do you never want to go to your house?”
Steve furrows his brows in confusion, clearly not having expected the question. “Oh, uh…shit I’m sorry, of course you’re welcome to come over if you want.”
“That’s not what I meant. Why do you never want to be there?” A little bit of the panic returns to Steve’s eyes. “Shit, I’m sorry. Seriously just tell me to fuck off.”
“No, it’s…it’s fine. No one’s ever asked me that before. I don’t think anyone’s noticed, I try not to make it a big thing. I mean if anyone asks to come over I let them, I just…prefer to be somewhere else.”
Steve pauses, then takes a deep shuddering breath and continues. “My parents…they had a kid because it’s the proper thing to do not out of any actual desire to be parents. So I was meant to be seen but not heard. Always be on my best behavior. Do all the right things, get the perfect grades. Be something they could show off to their friends. I wasn’t very good at it though. I was a sensitive kid, always wanted hugs and cried too easily. Stupid. Always fucking up somehow.”
“Steve…you’re not stupid. You’re not fucking anything up.”
He gets a sad little smile. “Yeah well, they certainly didn’t see if that way. And I guess my dad figured he could beat the stupid out of me. When that didn’t work they left. Traveling. They’d pop in now and again for appearances and to remind me of what a failure I was. Now they don’t come at all. They signed the house over to me. Made a big show of it to their friends, how their son was all grown up and they were so generous to give him a house as a graduation present. I haven’t seen them since. Which is good, I’m glad, I’m tired of trying to be someone I’m not so maybe they’ll finally love me. But I fucking hate that house. It’s huge and empty and filled with bad memories. Sometimes it’s nice when other people come over. Fill it with laughter, make good memories.” He looks up at Eddie through his lashes. “But I didn’t want you-I hate the thought of you in that house. It just doesn’t fit. You’re too fucking good for that place, man.”
Eddie feels his hands shaking with rage. He wants to find Steve’s parents and knock some sense into them. He wants to destroy them for making this amazing man feel like he was worthless.
He also falls even deeper in love. How Steve had managed to stay so soft, so kind in the wake of all of that…sure he’d made himself a mask but underneath it was the man Eddie knew now. The man he’d always known was beneath it. He hates those people so much for making Steve think he had to hide away the best parts of himself.
He throws his arms around Steve, the angle awkward but he doesn’t care.
“Steve…fuck. I need you to hear me, ok? You are the best person I know. You didn’t deserve any of that. You deserve to be loved, to be taken care of.”
He hears a broken sob as Steve’s arms tighten around him and he vows to himself that he will do whatever he can to make this man feel loved.
They stay like that for a while, Steve shifting at some point to basically curl up in Eddie’s lap and just lets himself be held. The quiet little whimpers stop after a while and they just cuddle.
They eat breakfast with Uncle Wayne before he heads to bed. Eddie worries that it will be awkward but they seem to get along really well. He can feel his uncles eyes on him more than once, but is too scared to meet his gaze.
Soon enough Steve needs to go get ready for work. It dawns on Eddie that Steve isn’t the rich kid anymore. He has that huge house, but he’s all on his own and has to support himself.
“I’m uh…sorry for crying all over you, man.” He pauses before look at Eddie cautiously. “Please don’t tell anyone. Not about the crying thing, I’m pretty sure everyone’s seen it at some point by now, just all the other stuff.”
It breaks his heart to think how Steve takes such good care of everyone else while no one takes care of him. He doesn’t want to burden the people in his life even though they love him. But Eddie’s here now and he’s going to change that.
“Of course. Your secrets will always be safe with me.”
He walks with him to the door, stopping to lean in the entry way as Steve continues down the steps and to his car. Eddie can’t help but smile at his dorky little wave, but his face drops when he looks up to see Billy watching them, furious. He must know Steve spent the night, clearly he’s making assumptions. A part of Eddie wants to grin lasciviously. To confirm what he only wishes were true. He thinks the better of it, and goes back to watching Steve’s car pull away.
But he can feel those hateful eyes on him until he closes the door.
Eddie considers heading up to Scoops a few hours later, but then figures after this morning he should probably give Steve a little space to breathe. He may be desperate to spend every moment in the other man’s presence, but that doesn’t mean the feeling is mutual.
So he ties his hair back into a low, messy bun and tinkers with the van for a bit. She was due for a tune up soon anyway, and getting his hands dirty has always been a good distraction for Eddie. Though today it’s not as successful as it usually is.
His thoughts wander to the place, or person rather, they always do lately. The conversation they had this morning weighs heavily on his mind. He can’t get the image out of his head, of Steve all alone in his way too big house. Or worse, bruised and bleeding at the hands of the ones meant to love and protect him. Eddie’s father was a piece of shit but even he’d never laid a hand on his kid.
Eddie hopes they truly stay gone for good. He’s not sure what he’ll do if he ever sees them.
Once he’s taken care of all he can in the van, he cleans his hands off with an old rag and heads inside. Just in time for the ringing phone to get sent to the answering machine.
“Hey Eddie, uh…it’s Steve. I’m off work soon and I just wanted to see if you were busy. Which clearly you are. So I’m not sure why I’m leaving this message. Shit. Sorry-“
Eddie trips over his own feet in his rush to grab the phone. “Steve! Hey!”
“Oh…hi. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bug you, if you’re busy I can just call back some other time it’s no big deal.”
“Nah I’m never too busy for you. What’s up?”
“Well I was just…Robin’s got a hot date tonight so she’s blowing me off. I thought maybe you’d wanna do something?”
Eddie grins, tries to keep the joy out of his voice. “Ouch, Harrington, I’m the second choice huh? The back up plan?”
“What? No! No of course not!”
Steve sounds so distraught, Eddie can’t help but laugh.
“I’m just fucking with you it’s fine. Yeah man, wanna come over? I can give you that private concert if you’re still interested.”
“Yeah, that would be great!”
Robins voice interjects in the background, he hears a muffled “stop flirting and get back to work, Dingus, you’ve only got an hour left.”
“Shit, sorry, gotta go before Robin kills me for hiding in the back. I’ll see you in like an hour and a half?”
“Sounds good.”
If Eddie’s heart skips a few beats at the thought that Robin even teasingly saying Steve was flirting with him, that’s no one’s business but his own.
Uncle Wayne is up and about when he gets out of the shower. Takes one look at Eddie all clean and fidgety and sees right through him.
“That Harrington boy coming over tonight?”
“Is that…is that alright?” He’s never had to ask to have any company before, but then again the boys he’s had over don’t make repeat visits.
“Eddie, this is your house too and you’re grown. You can have whoever you want come over. I just…you been real happy lately Ed. That boy’s not gonna break your heart, is he?”
Well shit. Eddie doesn’t know what to say.
“We’re just friends.” He hedges.
“That’s what I’m worried about. You’re ‘just friends’ to him maybe. I seen the way you look at him Eddie, you don’t wanna be just friends. Shit I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so gone on someone. Look…I’m not tellin’ you want to do. All I’m saying is be careful.”
“Uncle Wayne…I’m not gonna say I’m not gonna get my heart broken, but I promise it won’t be his fault. He’s not leading me on. Whether I want it or not we are just friends. And I’m ok with that. If he knew-if he thought for a second he was hurting me he’d hate himself for it. So if I’m stupid with my heart and it gets broken, it’s on me, not him.”
His uncle just looks at him searchingly for a long time. Then he shakes his head. “I’m not saying he’s a bad guy. I actually like the kid, much better than anyone else you’ve ever brought home. I’m saying don’t be stupid with your heart. But for what it’s worth, son, that boy looks at you like you hung the moon. So yeah, I know he wouldn’t hurt you on purpose.”
Eddie feels his face flush. He tries so hard not to get his hopes up, he knows Steve is straight, but he imagines him looking at him like that. For a moment he lets himself live in the fantasy where this isn’t one sided. He shakes his head to clear it.
“Thanks Uncle Wayne. Love you.”
His uncle pats him on the shoulder. “Love you too kiddo.” Then he heads to the door to head out for another graveyard shift. As he opens it he smiles. “Hey son, go on it he’s expecting you.”
Steve must have stopped at his house before coming over, as he’s no longer in his uniform. He’s forgone his usual polo in favor of a tight black T-shirt with a dark green jacket. He’s also got on dark grey jeans. Eddie can’t help but notice his color pallet has shifted darker in recent months, wonders if it’s his own influence that’s inspired the change.
In any case he looks enticing.
“So I know you said you’d play for me, and I really want you to. But maybe after…Nancy’s throwing this party and that’s what me and Robin were gonna do before she got a better offer. Rob said you probably wouldn’t want to go, but I think the kids are going to make an appearance early on, so I thought maybe…?”
Eddie hesitates. “That wouldn’t be awkward for you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Going to a party hosted by your ex. With her new boyfriend.”
“Oh. No. Nah man me and Nancy are over. Like way over. But she’s a cool chick, and Jonathan’s not a bad guy, so we’ve stayed friends. I’m happy for them.” His cheeks are a lovely shade of pink. “I’ve got my eye elsewhere anyway.” He looks up at Eddie with his pretty hazel eyes and smiles.
Eddie tries to smile back. Thinks he should probably ask who, be a good friend and encourage Steve to go for it. Doesn’t matter who it is, of course they’d say yes. But he can’t. He allows himself to be selfish in this, to protect his heart as much as he can.
“Oh. Cool, then, yeah we can go I guess. We can just head over, I can play my guitar for you any time.”
Steve’s face falls a little, and Eddie tries not to feel guilty.
“Oh…yeah, ok.”
The van is still a bit deconstructed, so they climb into Steve’s car and make their way to the Wheeler house.
Eddie’s never been much of a partier, despite what people may think of him. He’s more inclined to smoke and chill at home, or hang with a few friends, than to go to some rager. He’s pretty sure Steve is much the same, at least the Steve who’s let go of his mask.
Needless to say he’s surprised and a bit concerned to see Steve dive headfirst into the alcohol.
“Hey buddy maybe you should slow down a bit? Pace yourself?”
“But it’s a party! Time to drink your troubles away!”
Eddie just shakes his head. Decides he’ll be sober tonight, watch after his little lush.
He chats with the kids for a bit, then mingles about trying to make friends with the other people Steve cares about. Eddie keeps one eye on him as he chats, highly entertained by a man he’s never seen before named Argyle. Then Nancy approaches him when Steve’s more than a few drinks in, all careful concern.
“Is he ok? I’ve never seen him like this.”
Now Eddie is worried. He’d hoped maybe he just didn’t know this side of Steve, but if Nancy thinks this is abnormal behavior…
“I’m not sure. He seemed fine earlier. He uh…he mentioned he’s into someone, maybe he hoped they’d be here and he’s disappointed?”
Nancy shoots him a look of surprise. “Oh, you’re not…huh. Ok. You should maybe talk to him about that. When he sobers up. But for now he’s going outside so you might want to keep an eye on him.”
Eddie looks around, finally spotting Steve slinking out the back. He looks back to Nancy, not really sure what to say, or what she’s trying to say. He settles for a nod before following the other man.
He finds him swinging on a porch swing.
“Hey, whatcha doing out here on your own?”
“S’too loud. Couldn’t find you, so I came out here to get away from the loud. You wanna sit?”
Eddie grins, then joins him on the swing. He kicks off the ground, sending them into a gentle sway.
Steve looks over at him and smiles. “You’ve got such pretty eyes. They’re so big. It’s very distracting. S’hard to think when you look at me with your big doe eyes all soft and pretty like that.”
Eddie has no idea what to do with that. He tries to tease. “Are you flirting with me Harrington?” He gets a manic little laugh in return.
“Have been for months, thanks for noticing!”
“I-What?” Before he can begin to process what Steve just said, he hears a voice that quickly turns the heat in his veins to ice.
“Aww Munson finally got himself a girlfriend. Careful though, that one’s got quite the reputation. But hey, if you don’t mind used goods…”
Steve curls in on himself, looking ashamed and miserable. Eddie curses himself for coming out here alone with just an intoxicated Steve. Friends party or no, they’re still in Hawkins.
“Fuck off Hargrove, go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.”
Billy keeps talking like Eddie hadn’t said anything. “He does have quite the pretty mouth though. What do you say Munson? We can share. I’ll let you fuck that tight little ass while I take his mouth. Bet he’d love it wouldn’t you Stevie?”
Before Eddie consciously realizes he’s decided to move, he’s got Billy on the ground. He’s not a fighter but fueled by protective rage he lands a few punches.
Billy gets his hand on a small potted plant and smashes it against his head and then Eddie is shoved on his back. He blinks the blood out of his vision to see the other man approaching Steve, and one glimpse of those terror filled eyes has him stumbling back to his feet.
As he stands he sees the trowel laying in the garden. He uses it to hit Billy in the back of the head, and as the man falters Eddie knocks him to the ground. Quickly hovering over him, he holds the trowel like a knife against Billy’s throat.
“If you so much as look at him again, I will kill you, do you understand me?” He pauses while Billy just stares at him, face blank. “Do you understand me?!”
“Yes! I understand.”
He stands, still gripping his makeshift weapon, and lets Billy scuttle away. He watches until he’s sure the creep is gone before he lets himself relax, swaying on his feet.
Steve is immediately at his side, tears streaming down his cheeks. He lifts his hand to brush the wetness away. “Hey, you’re ok sweetheart, please don’t cry.”
“I’m not crying for me you idiot! You’re bleeding. Jesus Eddie, I was so scared. I thought he was gonna kill you.” Steve buries his head in Eddie’s shoulder, shaking with sobs.
Eddie shushes him, cradling the back of his head. Thinks back to the moment before Billy interrupted them. He wants so badly to ask if Steve meant what he’d said, but he knows this isn’t the time. Between what just happened and Steve still being drunk…if they were going to talk about this, he needed to be sure it was real.
So for now he just presses a kiss to the top of Steve’s head and holds on tight, reassuring him that they’re both safe now.
Once the adrenaline wears off, Eddie becomes aware of the pain. His head is throbbing, there’s a decent chance he has a concussion. Definitely some busted knuckles. His hip aches from where it hit the ground. Could be worse.
Steve may be drunk, but he’s still Steve. He’s unsteady on his feet as he leads Eddie through the house, confidently finding the first aid kit in the bathroom. He sits Eddie down on the toilet and carefully cleans the gashes on his head, bandaging them and giving them each a sloppy kiss when he’s done. Eddie’s hand gets the same treatment, and the sight of Steve gently cradling his hand for a kiss makes his heart ache with want.
Eddie takes his other hand and wipes the tears that start leaking. “It’s ok. I’m ok. I promise it’s going to take a lot more than one slimy creep to take me away from you.” Steve giggles in response. “There’s that pretty smile, much better. No more tears. You wanna head home or do you wanna stick around for a bit longer?”
“Home. I mean…can I stay with you tonight? I know I was just there last night it’s ok if you want your space I don’t mean to be clingy-“
“Steve. You will always be welcome wherever I am. You don’t even have to ask. And there’s not a chance I’d let you go be in that house on your own, not after tonight. Besides, someone needs to make sure you don’t choke on your own tongue in the middle of the night, boozy.”
He stands and keeps Steve’s hand in his bruised grip, leading him out. Nancy spots them and shoots him a questioning and worried look, but he just waves her off. They can explain later.
He get Steve settled in the passenger seat of his own car, before holding his hand out for the keys. Steve just squints up at him, adorably confused, before reaching out to hold hands. Eddie snorts.
“No, you goof, the keys. Unless you want to sleep in your car you’re gonna have to hand ‘em over so I can get us home.”
Steve smiles fondly. “Home…that sounds nice. I wish. But my home’s no good. And I don’t think your uncle would want me to. But it’s where the heart is right?” He clumsily fishes the keys out of his pocket and hands them over. “So m’already there I guess. Don’t think you are though, which sucks. Your house is nice though, so we can go there.”
Eddie laughs. “I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say sweetheart, maybe you can try again in the morning, hm?”
As they pull in next to the van, Eddie glances cautiously across the to the Mayfield/Hargrove home to find it dark and silent. He’s pretty sure Billy won’t bother them anymore, but he won’t be letting his guard down any time soon just the same.
Steve has been drifting the whole drive over, so Eddie gently shakes his shoulder. “Come on pretty boy, let’s get you into bed so you can sleep nice and comfy.”
He groans and grumbles, but he gets out so Eddie counts it as a win. Until he tips dangerously close to face planting. Steve pouts at him like it’s Eddie’s fault he can’t stand up on his own two feet. Eddie wraps Steve’s arm around his shoulder to steady him and tries to shuffle them both forward.
Unfortunately Steve’s feet seem completely unwilling to cooperate. With an eye roll and a heavy sigh, Eddie bends down and scoops his legs out from under him. Steve squeals and almost flails right out of his arms.
“Shhh you’re gonna wake the whole trailer park!” Eddie whispers.
“Sorry, sorry” Steve giggles, “I wasn’t ready. My hero.” He swoons dramatically, then grins and wraps his arms around Eddie’s neck.
Once they get inside he gently places Steve down on the bed. He makes him drink some water, then throws the sweats from the night before on the bed and heads to the bathroom to change into his own.
He comes out to Steve curled up under the covers peeking up at him, suddenly looking shy.
“Eds…thank you. You really are my hero.”
Eddie laughs as he crawls into bed next to him. “I don’t know about that, but either way no thanks needed. You just keep smiling for me pretty thing, that’s all I need.”
Steve lives up to his word and remains a snuggly drunk. As soon as Eddie is settled there’s a body draped across his.
He knows tomorrow they have to talk and he has no idea how it’s going to go, so he enjoys this while he can.
Eddie wakes long before he opens his eyes. He can feel Steve’s steady breathing against his neck, an arm draped across his chest. He just wants to stay in this moment as long as possible. Live in this domestic little fantasy of waking up next to he man he loves.
But eventually he feels Steve stirring and knows he can’t delay the inevitable much longer. He opens his eyes and looks down to see Steve already looking back.
“Morning beautiful. Sleep well?”
“Mmm. Feels like I got hit by a bus.”
“That’ll be the hangover. Not too surprising considering how much you drank. You remember much about last night?”
Steve blinks through the haze of sleep and alcohol before his eyes widen.
“Billy. Shit Eddie, are you ok?” His hands come up to gently touch Eddie’s bandaged head.
“I’m fine. I’ve had worse. I may be a lover not a fighter but that didn’t stop the meat heads at school from playing ‘hunt the freak’. Anyway that’s not what I was talking about.”
“What’s more important than some psycho attacking us?”
Eddie hesitates. He’s not sure Steve will want to be snuggled up in bed after he says what he needs to say. “You know what? I can’t have this conversation like this. Come on time to get up. I’ll make you a nice greasy breakfast and get you hydrated. I need coffee.”
Steve gets up, casting nervous glances at Eddie as he heads to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He’s already claimed the spare toothbrush as his, because of course he has. Eddie swipes his own and brushes his teeth at the kitchen sink.
He hears the shower turn on and a part of him relaxes, glad that Steve feels at home enough here to do so.
Eddie may not be a great cook in general, but one thing he does right is breakfast. Bacon, eggs, hash browns, pancakes, French toast…the works. Today he settles for bacon and eggs with some toast. Just as he’s finished plating everything he hears the shower turn off. He gets gets the coffee for himself and puts out orange juice and a Gatorade for Steve.
Steve’s decided to stay in Eddie’s clothes from the night before. He sits across from Eddie looking like he may throw up, but more from nerves than the hangover.
“Eddie…look, I know what this is about and we really don’t have to do this. I can take a hint, it’s fine. I just…I really don’t want to lose you, ok? So it’s fine. We’re good.”
“I uh…I’m not sure we’re having the same conversation here Stevie. Because I have no idea what hint you think you’re taking.”
Steve laughs, but it’s a sad little thing. “Come on Eds, I know you heard me last night. I mean I lied a little, I’ve been trying not to flirt with you for months. But when I told you I had my eye on someone you shut down, you clearly didn’t want to talk about it. And when Billy called me your girlfriend you were mad. Like mad mad.”
“Jesus H Christ Steve you cannot possible think that’s what I was mad about.”
“The implication that we were together, that’s what you thought pissed me off last night? Fucking hell Steve. I was furious because of how he talked about you, because he said we should fucking share you. I wanted to fucking kill that little creep because he was talking about using you. Assaulting you. Jesus. The thought of him looking at you never mind touching you makes my skin crawl. Who cares if he thinks we’re together? I know you were drunk but shit, how the fuck could you think I cared about that?” He’s running his hands through his hair so hard he’s pulling strands out.
“I just…I said I was into someone and I thought you knew I meant you and you were upset, and then that happened and you were even more upset I just thought…”
“I was upset because I thought you were into someone else! Fuck Steve I thought you were straight, I thought you’d found someone and I was going to have to watch someone else make the the love of my life happy and it was going to slowly kill me.”
Steve’s head jerks up so fast from where he’d been staring at the table, it’s a wonder he doesn’t get whiplash. Eddie replays his own words in his head and realizes with horror he said more than he meant to.
“I’m the love of your life?”
And fuck, there’s this soft awed look in Steve’s face. It cracks Eddie right open.
“Fuck it.” He takes a deep breath to steady himself before he closes his eyes and dives head first. Reckless as ever. “I love you. I’m in love with you. Pretty sure I’ve been half in love with you since the day we met, but now? Yeah Steve, you’re the love of my fucking life.”
Before he can steel himself to open his eyes and see the reaction, he feels a hand on the back of his head pulling him and suddenly there’s a mouth against his. Oh. It’s soft, and sweet, and everything he’d ever hoped a first kiss with Steve could be.
It’s over as fast as it began and he leans forward to chase those lips. He feels Steve giggle before a hand at his shoulder stops him. He opens one eye to see Steve all soft and shy.
“You remember the day we met?”
“How could I forget? You were my gay awakening.” He opens his other eye and grins. “Pretty boy like you came to my rescue? I was gone.”
“You’re one to talk. My knight in shining armor.” The hand on his shoulder drops to his own bruised hand, thumb rubbing gently across the still bandaged knuckles. “Shit Eddie you really didn’t know? Everyone knows!”
“Wait what? What do you means everyone knows?”
“Eddie, everyone knows. The kids give me shit all the time. God the first time I tried to asked you to hang out with me and Robin they mocked me the whole drive to Dustin’s because I couldn’t just suck it up and ask you on a proper date. Robin also mocks me because I dressed up and paid like it was a date anyway. Hell Nancy knows….and also mocks me, Jesus I need better friends.”
Eddie laughs a little hysterically. “That explains why Nancy said I should talk to you when I told her you said you liked someone last night. Steve I thought you were straight. Why would I ever think I had a chance?”
“Well I’m bi, for the record. I mean it was me coming out to my parents that was the final straw for them leaving. I just thought you knew. Robbie said you clocked each other from day one. And she knew about me right away so I figured you did too and you were just too nice to say anything about my glaringly obvious crush. But everyone kept telling me to go for it so I thought last night I’d kind of open the door a bit and you slammed it in my face. So instead of having you serenade me and then maybe make out a little at the party I got spectacularly drunk in self pity.”
Eddie grins beatifically. “I can serenade you, baby.”
“Ugh god then there was that. Last night you called me ‘sweetheart’ and ‘pretty’ and I was so confused. You’d never called me pet names before.” He pouts adorably.
“I’ll call you whatever you want, gorgeous, as long as I can call you mine.”
“Oh Eddie, I’ve been yours for a long time.” Steve closes the gap between them once more.
I’ve had so many fic ideas in my years in fandom, but this is the first one I’ve actually written. I have like 3 others in progress, all Steddie, so there’s that. Anyway, be gentle. I’ve been writing for forever but this is the first fic and also the first story I’ve ever shared publicly.
I may write a follow up to this one too. We’ll see.
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steddieficfind · 8 months
I could swear I had it bookmarked, but I can't find it anywhere on ao3. I read it enough times I about have the damn thing memorized
•steve finds feral eddie outside his house. Feral eddie is jumpy as fuck
•at some point robin and steve give feral eddie a bath. I remember this scene really clearly. Robin was cleaning underneath his nails and commented about how under different circumstances she would "love to get pampered like this"
•they tie up eddie to keep him from biting. He behaves after the promise of more blood
•they take the blood using stolen cannulas from the hospital. I remember that because I had to google the word
•Steve trains soldiers about the upside down
•El takes a peek inside his mind but discovers he is being protected by a "guard dog" entity (feral eddie, who is actually a piece of the upside-down) when she is quickly kicked out
•El tries again with Steve. Really vivid description of the mindspace and what souls look like when she's traveling. Steve gets scared but she talks him through it
•Steve befriends the eldritch "guard dog" who is often referred to as a "yellow dog". Really cool descriptions of how it morphs through shapes
•Eddie initially thinks steve is dead. Happy to learn he's not. He's protecting something "very important" El recognizes it and asks if she can "take it back to where it belongs" Eddie "scolds her to be careful"
•El comes back and leads Eddie and Steve to consciousness. Somebody calls letting everyone know Max woke up. (Her soul was the thing Eddie was protecting)
Let me know if you need more detail. Thank you for running this blog!!
Request 524! Send us an ask if you recognize this fic!
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