#the sea is a good place to think of the future
caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 days
I have to ask where to fefeta and Erisol fit into your theories. Obviously fefeta exploding due to to two different people trying to apologize to her then arguing caused her to explode, and probably hint that the two halves are pitch for each other. But what about Erisol, why out of all alpha sprites, he is the most stable? What does it say about Eridan and Sollux? And a possible relationship of theirs or lack of one
Is Erisol the troll-sprite embodiement of Terezi’s and Gamzee’s shitty relationship. Absolute fucking disgusting codependence that allows them to wallow in their self pity. If that’s the case Eridan would be like a comfortable blanket for sollux, but not a good relationship
Why did Skaia give Eridan a quest that is knew Eridan would royally fuck up due to being raised as the next orphaner and thus have a trigger finger on anything big and white. Is Skaia stupid? Could Eridan come back to it at a later date and find that his quest is now to help the angels rebuild? Is it because Skaia accidentally made Satan and tried to set its most powerful aspect to beat it, overriding character development for hope players?
Answering these one by one:
For my thoughts on Erisol and Fefeta, see this essay and this essay.
It's hard to say why Gamzee brought the trolls back; I have an ask in my inbox positing that he's trying to set up pitch relationships (which I like the thought of) - I'm still rereading this part of the comic, so it's not super clear to me, either. I don't want to speculate when I can't be sure of my opinion.
Lastly, we don't actually know what quest Skaia gave to Eridan. We know that Eridan received prophesies from the angels of their lord, whom he believes he was meant to defeat, but it's unclear if this was his planetary quest, or some side thing he had to deal with, similar to how Feferi has an overhanging prophecy to "unite the two races" and Karkat has his to "bring equality and forgiveness between all bloodlines."
However, what we do know is that free will > predestination within this setting (predestination only exists insofar as characters paint themselves into corners with their own choices, but it was still their CHOICES that created those corners, and not the machinations of fate and destiny), and Eridan is the one who chose to give up his destiny of defeating LE:
GG: im pretty sure hes from the future! CA: wwhy GG: because he said hes my grandson … CA: that gun i just gavve you is somethin of a hatchright to the kid CA: happy i could play a role in your dirty stinkin lineage GG: like an heirloom? i guess it could be … CA: i kinda think thats wwhy i found the gun in the first place CA: but noww im forsakin it because fuck i just found a better destiny than my old crappy one wwhich i nevver got any appreciation for anywway
It wasn't an insurmountable challenge for him and his team, it was just one that they failed because they couldn't/wouldn't address their personal problems in time, and that he voluntarily abandoned. Moreover, if we assume that, indeed, Eridan's classpect quest WAS to defeat LE, then we can still see a fairly clear character arc set out for him: Eridan's main emotional conflict stems from his inner hope being in anguished conflict with the despair and anxiety he feels toward the future that Alternia laid out for him - orphaner, empress's sea dweller, nobility. As a hope player, his struggle lies in believing in things. It's encapsulated in the way he decries magic as stupid and fake and dumb and bullshit, but he FUCKING LOVES MAGIC, since he collects shitty wands and has no less than 6 wizard statues in his respiteblock.
That anxiety and despair won in the comic, and he went on a killing spree because he felt he had nothing left to live for; in a hypothetical scenario where he DOES manage to grasp his powers and destroy WITH Hope rather than destroying Hope itself, then the opposite would be true: he defeats his anxiety and despair, asserting a new belief for a better and brighter future, shooting a beam of "make impossible things possible" through LE's otherwise unconditionally immortal heart.
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blossomingmoonlight · 7 hours
My dear betrothed
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I am so obsessed with his new look I CANT WAIT!!!! Going feral so wrote a fic where he has his pretty curls.
Jacaerys Velaryon x fem!cousin!reader
Warnings: usual targcest, making out, oral (m receiving), oral (f receiving), fingering, handjob, mastrubation, groping.
Summary: After years of not seeing each other, you are to be wed to your cousin Jace, but can you hold off your desires for each other before the wedding?
Word count: 3.3k
Your arrival on Dragon Stone after weeks at sea was most welcoming, you were betrothed to your kind hearted cousin Jacaerys, heir to the iron throne. Being the eldest daughter of Daemon and Leana you were taken to ward by your grandmother the Princess Rhaenys. It was her and Princess Rhaenera’s idea to bring the families closer together so that the Targaryens and Velaryons could rule together again.
Normally the idea of a betrothal made you nervous and unsure but growing up with Jace you knew you would be safe with him. Not to mention the massive crush you had on him. Even as kids you were close, he made you laugh and feel confident. He protected you against your sinister cousins Aegon and Aemond and defended your honour more than once. 
You saw him as this incredibly handsome, strong and skillful knight in shining armour, or rather prince in shining armour. However you haven’t seen him since he left Driftmark after your mother’s funeral and was very eager to see him. You were eager for him to see you as well, you had changed since you last saw each other. You were taller, curvier and your features defined. You had become a beautiful woman and couldn’t wait for him to see it. 
The anxiety in your chest grew as you followed your grandmother Rhaenys through the grand doors of Dragon Stone. It was a cold, windy and intimidating place, but knowing your future husband was inside made it feel a whole lot warmer. As you entered the room after your grandmother you felt a pair of arms wrap strongly around you and in the corner of your eye you caught the glimpse of the silver hair on her head. 
“Sister!” Rhaena almost sobbed as she hugged you from behind. She loosened her grip a bit to let you turn around. “Rhaena, gods have I missed you. You’ve grown into a real woman, a real princess, look at you!” You gasped, she had become beautiful just as Baela, who stayed at Driftmark due to her getting a sudden cold a day before you were supposed to depart. 
“You as well, I have missed you too sister. As much as I love it here with father, I still miss our flights and dancing lessons every day.” She muttered into your shoulder. Then she noticed. “Where is Baela?” She asked, confused. “She had to stay at Driftmark due to a cold she caught before we left. It made me so sad thinking that we could finally be reunited but the maesters insisted she stayed, grandfather stayed with her.” You explained. 
She nodded understandingly and then your eyes caught your fathers. A big smile grew on both your faces and you ran into his arms. Out of the three of you, you had the closest bond with your father, sharing his passion for battles and history. As you let go you greeted Rhaenyra who was standing beside him. 
The noise of heavy doors opening pulled your attention away from the princess and on top of the stairs was Jace, he had grown taller and more lean. His curls accentuating his handsome face. His jawline had gotten sharp and lips more full and plump. His dark lashes made his honey brown eyes stand out more, and you had to keep your mouth from falling open. Your eyes met his as he descended the stairs to walk over to you. 
His eyes didn’t leave yours as he stopped in front of you, grabbed your right hand and kissed it softly before speaking. “Princess, welcome to Dragon Stone. It is good to finally see you again.” His voice had become lower and oh so smooth. You couldn’t help the big smile on your face as butterflies filled your chest. “It is good to see you again as well Jace, you… have grown into a man these past few years.” You smiled at him, you felt like the luckiest woman on earth to be betrothed to him. 
“And you into a woman, you look beautiful.” He commented. He greeted your grandmother as well and were led into a different hall to be served supper. Which was much needed after your long day of travelling. After you arrived on shore of Dragon Stone you were shattered but seeing Jace and hearing his words and breathing his scent and feeling his touch breathed all life back into you. During supper you couldn’t help but let your attention shift from your bubbly, happy sister to your handsome and striking betrothed. The rest of the night was spent catching each other's glimpses and stares. It was only a week away from the actual wedding and yet you couldn’t even wait that long for him to become all yours.
Even when the night was over and your head finally hit your pillow in one of the bedchambers of Dragon Stone, you couldn’t sleep without Jace plaguing your mind. You felt yourself overcome with desire and want. But you didn’t know what to do about it. You thought back to when Jace kissed your hand, his soft lips on your skin setting it on fire. And when you at last fell asleep even your dreams contained his handsome face. 
The next day was mostly spent away from each other as you spent most of it fitting and altering your dress and cloak for the wedding. His duties were the fitting of his clothes and deciding with his mother on the decorations and arrangements of tables and seats. Sadly at dinner you didn’t even get to see him. 
As the sun was setting and you were allowed to retreat to your chambers, you were reading one of your favourite romance novels when you heard a knock on the door. “I told you Marina I would like to be left alone for the evening.” You spoke but to your surprise your favourite prince spoke on the other side of the door instead. “I am sorry Princess, it is me, Jacaerys.” The second the words left his mouth you left the window seat and your book and opened the door. “Jace, I’m sorry I thought you were my handmaiden. She was insisting on trying on hairstyles as well today but I was too tired.” You smiled awkwardly at him, your gaze leaving him to check the halls behind him. “Don’t worry no one knows I’m here, but are you too tired for me as well Princess, or might I speak with you for a moment.” He uttered. 
“Of course not, come in.” You smiled as you opened the door for him further to step inside. He slid past you and you two took a seat together on one of the settee’s in your chamber. Conversation was always so easy with him, you two exchanged stories and experiences from the years you had been apart and the hours flew by. After you finished yet another story of how Baela almost fell off of Moondancer a couple of weeks ago your conversation grew quiet and you noticed Jace staring at your lips, almost shamelessly looking at your cleavage as well. When he noticed that you caught him staring he softly spoke, “It is quite late, I should return to my own chambers before they come looking for me.” 
“Of course, time flew by, didn't it.” You laughed and led him to the door. “Indeed.” He said but turned to you in the opened door. “Might I give you a small kiss goodnight?” He whispered. He caught you by surprise but could never deny him. You couldn’t even speak and so nodded instead. He took a step closer and softly kissed your cheek and murmured a goodnight. You smiled at him as he turned to go to his own chambers. When you closed the door the smile on your face grew even bigger. That night you found yourself once again thinking of him. And you wondered if he too thought of you. 
And boy did he. As soon as Jacaerys closed the door behind him he felt his hardened cock press against his trousers. How pathetic he thought, only a small kiss on your cheek and he wanted to rip off your clothes and show you how good of a husband he would be to you. He wasted no time in getting his own clothes off and quickly laid on his bed, covering most of his naked body with his sheets in case someone entered his chambers while he relieved himself.
He pulled the sheets off him just a bit so his cock sprang free, he eagerly wrapped a hand on his hard on and thoughts of you immediately plagued his mind. Precum leaking out of the tip as he imagined it was your hands pleasuring him instead. He imagined what your breasts looked like, imagined licking them, sucking them, and even slightly biting them but not as much to hurt you of course. He stroked his cock faster and harder the deeper his mind went into the dirty pits of desire. As he was nearing his release he thought of your wet, warm, tight cunt enveloping his cock, which did it for him. He cussed and repeated your name as he came all over his hand and sheets, some even landed over his toned abs. Gods the things you did to him, and you had no idea.
Talking to you in your bedchamber at night became a regular occurrence and unbeknownst to you, Jace relieving himself after too. Only two days were left before the big wedding and every night you and Jace became as close as ever again, and the innocent goodnight kiss became bolder and less innocent. Last night it went from a soft peck on the lips to fully kissing him, but he quickly stopped himself before he went too far. Yet another day had passed and as the sun had set yet again, the familiar knocks on the door could be heard. You opened the door and Jace was this time dressed in a thin cotton undershirt and black pants. He looked so good. 
“Good evening princess.” He smiled at you. “Good evening Jace.” You smiled in return and opened the door wider for him so he could step inside as usual. “Actually, if you’ll follow me. I want to show you something.” He told you with a bit of a grin on his face. “Oh? Where might that be?” You asked intrigued. “Just follow me.” And so you did. He took tiny hallways and what looked to be secret passages to outside. On the beaches of Dragon Stone. For a while you followed him along the shore, until you saw some lights in what looked to be some sort of shallow cave underneath the big rocks and boulders that held the castle. He led you inside and there was wine and a fire with blankets around that welcomed you. 
“Oh Jace, what is all of this?” You softly gasped, no one had ever done you such a kindness. Especially because one of the nights you talked, you said you wished to know what it was like to see more of Dragon Stone outside the castle walls. “It’s for you, our little place to share our good conversations.” He said as he led you to sit beside him on the blankets and furs near the fire. “Well it was my little hideout when I first came to Dragon Stone after we left court in Kings Landing. But I want to share it with my future wife.” He explained. “Jace this is amazing, thank you for sharing this with me.” He looked at you longingly and sat closer to you. 
You couldn’t help but get lost in his honey brown eyes. His hand then laid on your cheek and pulled you closer to him. Your lips finally met again and this time, Jace grew bolder. His other hand laid on your waist and you put your hands on his cheek and in his curls instead, craving more yourself. He softly let his tongue enter your mouth and grazed your tongue. You couldn’t help but softly whimper at this new sensation and Jace sighed against your lips. Your skin heated up at his touch and you let your tongue explore his mouth instead this time. The kiss got more and more heated until, he stopped. 
“What- did I… do something wrong Jace?” You asked him, afraid that you went too far and a little hurt because he pulled away. “No you actually did amazingly well, it’s just…” He seemed to look at the ground then back to you and to the ground again. “You can tell me, please.” You begged. “I don’t know if we should continue, if we do I might not be able to control…my desires for you. I would never want to take your maidenhood away before we are married.” He explained, his cheeks flushed and lips still red and plump from your make out session. “Oh, well, does it really matter if we…give into our desires two days early? You are to be my husband anyway. And I… just really want to continue. You make me feel so good, I want to continue feeling this good and maybe even better.” 
“We really shouldn’t, I could never dishonour you like that.” He said but he seemed to hesitate, you could see the fight between honour and desire in his eyes. “However, we could…make each other feel good in other ways, in ways that would keep your maidenhood intact.” He mumbled softly. “Please, show me how.” You pleaded, you wanted so badly for him to touch you, anything that would make that exciting feeling come back. Jacaerys felt his pants tighten at your words. To hear you basically pleading for his touch, set something on fire for him, something he never felt before. He wasted no time pulling you back into him, his lips moving feverishly against yours. His hand wandering experimentally over your thigh, which made you shudder at the touch.
“Do you want me to make you feel ‘really’ good?” Jace whispered against your lips in between kisses. “Yes, please. I’ll do anything.” He moved his hand down your leg and raised the skirt of your nightgown. Even his light touch on your leg made you want to moan his name, you wondered what he was up to. He laid you down and helped you raise the skirt up to your hips. Since you were in your nightgown, you wore nothing underneath. This certainly didn’t go unnoticed by Jace as he was already lightly running his fingers over your wet folds making you moan his name, begging for more. Even though you didn’t know exactly what you were begging for, Jace seemed to. For he let two of his fingers run circles over your clit while kissing and sucking at your neck. 
“Jace- Please, it feels so good, please I need more.” You almost cried, these new sensations and touches you never felt before made you want to stay in that cave forever so you would never have to return. He sped up his fingers and licked at your neck, moving his mouth a bit further down to lick and kiss your cleavage. Then he removed his fingers and moved his body further down so his head was positioned between your legs. “I promise you this will feel even better my beautiful princess.” He smiled, before delving in between your thighs. He immediately started licking and sucking your folds and clit, and you knew that something was about to burst soon, you felt something building up and didn’t want it to stop. You moaned and moaned his name, as if he was a god himself. He lapped faster at your clit and had to hold your legs down and open for better access. “I- I don’t- something is about to-” You cut yourself off as you arched your back and gripped Jace’s curls with a loud moan. Your entire body felt ecstatic and an overwhelming pleasure took hold of you.
After making sure you fully finished, Jace raised his head and kissed up your thighs. “What just happened- I never felt such pleasure in my life.” You almost laughed, you couldn’t believe he just made you feel that amazing. “That’s called coming, princess.” He told you with a smirk. “I want you to feel that amazing, please I want to pleasure you like that.” You sighed still in the clouds from your high. “You don’t have to, it was already amazing to make you feel such pleasure. But if you…really want to, I’ll teach you how.” You sat back up and cupped his face as you kissed him.
“Yes I really want to, please teach me.” You said against his lips. He took your hand off his cheek and placed it on his clothed hard cock. “This is where you touch me to make me feel good.” He explained to you. You started massaging his hard on experimentally, to see what made him moan. He groaned at the feeling, he wanted this the moment he laid eyes on you when you had arrived. “Yes- fuck, that’s good.” He moaned now leaning back against the hard rock wall of the cave. 
You decided that you wanted to see what was underneath and removed his pants and undergarments from his legs, you pulled it down with his help so it was bunched up at his ankles. You grabbed his hard member and started stroking it with Jace guiding you with his whimpers and moans. “Fuck- if… if you want, you can- oh fuck right there- you can put your mouth on me as well.” He moaned, he could barely get the words out because of your touch. Precum started leaking out and coated your hand as well as his cock, lubing him up. You had the urge to lick the beads drooling out of his tip.
Just as a bead came out you dipped down and licked it up with your tongue, this made Jace look down and moan at the sight. He had never seen such a beautiful and lustful picture before him. The princess of his dreams licking his tip. Wanting to go further you took him in your mouth and used your tongue to see how he would react and he did quite. Jace whimpered your name and grabbed the blanket underneath him. “Fuck yes, thats a good fucking girl sucking me like that. You fucking love this cock don’t you.” He groaned through gritted teeth. You could feel the arousal build again at his words, never had he spoken so dirty to you, and you loved it. 
Taking the encouragement you started to actually suck his cock, making his whimpers and moans grow louder. “Just like that- yes- fuck I’m going to fill your pretty mouth with my seed- fuck-” This time you moaned at his words and swirled your tongue around his tip you could feel his cock become harder and with a final couple of curses and moans of your name he came in your mouth. You made no attempt to pull off, instead swallowed his seed down like a whore. When he came down from his high he panted and pulled you in his arms. 
“I hope I wasn’t offending you… it just felt so amazing.” He panted, putting his forehead against yours. “Not even a bit, I actually loved the way you talked to me, it felt so dirty but so ‘good’. I hope we will do this often as husband and wife.” You smiled and bit your lip slightly at the thought of getting to do this as many times as you wanted in two days. “Trust me we will.” He assured you.
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hughlegat · 1 year
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The Water
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turkitty5 · 2 years
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but what did you expect?
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shortgremlinman · 2 years
I think I deserve financial compensation for what The Sea is a Good Place to Think of the Future has done to me
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rosemusictime · 2 months
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gohavefun · 7 months
Never realised how good the "sea is a good place to think of the future" til today when i went ice skating and had the time of my life listening to it
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chocolateydinosaur · 9 months
im so serious when i say i NEED to listen to this song while staring at the sea
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reformedpeasant · 10 months
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tmbmtb · 8 months
Talk about your politics And I wonder if you could be one of them But you could never kiss a Tory boy Without wanting to cut off your tongue again
✯ The Sea Is a Good Place to Think of the Future, Los Campesinos!
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cxremedy · 5 months
favorite lc! song and whyyyy
i feel like it changes from time to time depending on my mood or if a certain song is stuck in my head. but i think allez les blues is my all-time favorite still. sticking by it. it's my most listened to track for a reason, i suppose.
as for the whyyyy... i am terrible at being introspective (or whatever) about my interests when given the chance to talk about them. it's awful. but i dunno, i like the lyrics. i like the vocals, especially kim's (i believe it's kim singing, yes?). i like the instrumentals. it makes my ears happy.
also, to me, i feel like there's something inherently petty about the song. i love the attitude behind it.
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lonelywoodlouse · 5 months
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alfairb · 1 year
A good place to look to the future is When you are sat at the sea With the salt up to your ankles And a view of the end of the pier And the weather here is overcast And the sea is the same shade of gray So the landscape before you looks just like the edge of the world The sea is a good place to think of the future
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sages-music · 1 year
so im pretty late to los campesinos! as a band, but im such a huge fan and i am in love with the way they use the music in their songs. like obviously its important for every artist, but they do it in such a SPECIFIC way that i find absolutely fantastic and i cannot get over it.
like in The Sea is a Good Place to Think of the Future (link), i am fucking obsessed with the pacing and the build of the music. maybe it is just the weird way i listen to things, but the song itself SOUNDS like the ocean. the verses are filled with this rocking, back and forth tempo and sound, and the music gets louder, and more instruments are introduced as the verse continues, with the violin coming it, or the backing vocals, until once we reach the chorus, it BURSTS, the sound crashes over like a wave, with the loud melody presiding over all. as a big ocean-dweller myself, its the most beautiful thing about the song, how even if you couldnt really understand what the song is supposed to say, you can hear it
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(image received from Pitchfork)
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angelnumber27 · 8 months
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brandileigh2003 · 9 months
Fic has me emotional on a Thursday afternoon. (we are beautiful, we are doomed by peachyybabe)
all he could think about now was going to be having to say goodbye. Six months. If he did nothing, his goodbye would be in six months. I was meant to love you and always keep
He didn’t want to have to make a decision on if he wanted to continue his life or fill it with poison in a weak attempt to kill off the tumor. He didn’t want to have to sit his child down, look them in the eyes and tell them that their dad has cancer again and this time he most likely wasn’t going to survive it.
Spoilers I guess?
“No…no surgery. I’m sorry.”“Why are you apologizing? It’s your choice and your body, Rem.”“Are you mad that I’m giving up?”“You’re not giving up, sweetheart. You’ve fought for so long and you’ve done everything you’re comfortable doing. You’ve done chemo three times, had two massive surgeries, tried a whole pharmacy worth of drugs. That’s not giving up…it’s alright you don’t want to take this surgery.”“I’m going to die, Tonks…”Remus whispered, the words bitter on his tongue. “I’m really going to die this time…”  “Oh, Rem…”She let out a soft sigh. “I’m so sorry…I wish I could just scoop you up into a hug right now and take you away to some place better.”
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