#the second one just because of how sudden it is
So you're a go to source for all things Dick&Tim bros and you tend to write primarily from Dick's POV. So, odd question, but if you were to summarize their relationship from his POV in FIVE panels which panels would you pick? Keeping in mind that one specific aspect of their relationship that you love needs to be clearly represented by each panel (loyalty, trust etc). I hope this is a fun challenge and not an annoying question so if you don't want to answer that's cool! Have a wonderful day!
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No more talk. The same thoughts run through two minds... (SotB 29) / You're my equal. My closest ally. (RR 1) / I can't stop thinking how much I rely on him. (GoG 3)
25 Feelings Dick Has About Tim
This was such a kind ask & a cool challenge which I totally failed; here are TWENTY-five panels of Dick's POV on Tim sdfdsfds Look, I got carried away! Marcia and Cindy! The boys!!
WARNING THAT THERE ARE SOME NEGATIVE EMOTIONS IN HERE because I love conflict but but but you gotta remember those are not the final word!! They are complicated people and sometimes they get mad at each other BUT ultimately their relationship is so hugely important in both their lives & they love each other and rely on each other so much -!!! <3
Also I have CONCLUDING THOUGHTS at the end about what Dick's POV leaves out (mostly: a lot of Dick defending & protecting & supporting Tim, which Dick does instinctively but isn't very self-aware about most of the time)
I have loosely organized my list into 5^5 format (5 categories with 5 examples each!), so if you want to skip to a relevant one, here are the categories!!
Below the cut:
I hate him and find him infuriating (#1-5)
On second thought, he's endearing & fun (#6-10)
Grief is complicated & he's all tangled up in mine (#11-15)
I love him & think highly of him (#16-20)
I rely on him & though it's hard for me, I trust him (#21-25)
I hate him and find him infuriating (#1 - 5)
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1) He thinks he’s so smart and can psychoanalyze me and Bruce, but he doesn’t know me at all, he should get lost (New Titans 61)
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2) He thinks he’s so smart and can psychoanalyze Bruce but he doesn’t know Bruce at all, he should get lost (Gotham Knights 26)
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3) He is so nosy about stuff that is MY business (Robin 0)
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4) He sounds like an insincere suck-up half the time... but okay, fine, if you push him he's got a sense of humor about it (New Titans 65)
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5) I'm sure he's a better vigilante than me. It's my fault for being a failure, but I resent him anyway. (Nightwing 9 - Dick's having a nightmare)
On second thought, he's kinda endearing (#6-10)
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6) He worries too much and gets anxious so easily, but it makes him fun to tease (Robin 67)
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7) I'm not that competitive - okay, so maybe I'm a little competitive, I gotta make sure he doesn't get a swelled head (Prodigal)
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8) I'm supposed to be his favorite! It is not cool for him to be fanboying over my not-girlfriend's not-boyfriend!! (Birds of Prey 19)
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9) We have fun together. I can kick back and relax when it's just the two of us. Plus I get to boss him around a bit. (Prodigal)
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10) He’s always trying to reassure me, and I guess it's a little comforting, but also he doesn’t really get it. Or me. He makes excuses that he shouldn't, because he doesn't understand that I suck. (Nightwing 64)
Grief is complicated and he's all tangled up in mine (#11 - 15)
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11) He reminds me of everything I try not to think about. Sometimes the memories are so strong it hurts to look at him. (Batman 441)
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13) We're the same. He says all the things I don't let myself think about. It's like arguing with myself. (Nightwing 139)
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14) He thinks he gets to tell me what to do but he doesn’t, fuck him (Battle for the Cowl)
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15) Life sucks, so what. I sucked it up so he should too (RR 1)
I love him and think highly of him (#16 - 20)
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16) He’s the closest thing to a brother I’ll ever have.  If someone hurts him I will hurt them harder. (Nightwing 6)
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17) I can't handle the idea of losing him. (Nightwing 97)
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17) He’s so good and I’m not. I'm afraid I’m bad for him. (Nightwing 110)
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18) He’s better than me, and it’s kind of a relief because I know no matter what he’ll be okay. (Gates of Gotham 3)
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19) In my head he’s the responsible one.  (Gotham Knights 10)
I rely on him, and though it's hard for me, I trust him (#20-25)
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20) I know I have to trust him but I'm afraid he'll make the wrong choices and get hurt (Nightwing 139)
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21) I'm sure I know what he should do because I see myself in him - not that I can take my own advice, but he should (Blackest Night 3)
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22) I trust him.  When I’m losing my grip on things, he pulls me back. (Gotham Knights 10)
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23) I want him to trust me (Red Robin 12)
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24) He can tell when I'm lying. Sometimes he sees my weaknesses better than I wish he did. (Detective Comics 874)
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25) He’s always there when I need him. (Teen Titans / Outsiders Secret Files)
Final rambling thoughts:
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TIM: Uhh, okay, so I'm just skimming this list - do you really trust me? you're not just saying that? - but anyway, I'm confused because you left some stuff out? Like some stuff that's kinda important? DICK: No? I think I got everything? TIM (starts counting on his fingers): The time I was having a bad day but then I called you. The time I got captured by Two-Face but then you saved me. The time I fell off a train but then you saved me. The time I fell off a building but then you saved me. The time I fell off a different building - DICK: I feel like you're trying to make some kind of point but I'm not sure what it could be.
SO THE THING IS, I put 25 panels in here and not a single one has Dick catching Tim when he’s falling!!! But I think that's a central motif of their relationship from Tim’s POV, not Dick’s. I love Dick, but in some ways I think he is spectacularly un-self-aware.
And I think he especially has a lot of blind spots about Tim. He kinda intermittently gets that Tim admires him, and he enjoys it in a playful I-get-to-boss-you-around way. But Dick tends to consistently underestimate all of his own good qualities & skills, and he meets Tim at a point in his life when he's especially down on himself & his abilities. And so he's unable to see his own influence on Tim, & therefore unable to fully understand a lot of Tim's priorities and loyalties and motivations, because you can't actually understand Tim without understanding Dick's impact on him. There's a fascinating moment in Bruce Wayne: Murderer when Dick's completely blindsided & upset to discover that Tim doesn't entirely trust Bruce, even though this has been a definitive fact of Tim's whole thing ever since he showed up with his Batman needs Robin theory, and Barbara has to actively remind Dick of the obvious-to-everyone-except-Dick fact that a lot of Tim's loyalty is to Dick, and Tim loves Bruce but feels free to be more wary of him. (And to give Bruce credit: this is not something he ever begrudges.) But anyway Babs points this out, and Dick manages to sorta process it for about five seconds, but he cannot actually accept it into his worldview so instead he discards it at the speed of light and goes off and has an argument with Tim instead sdfsfdsf
All of Dick's virtues - Dick's kindness at the circus and Dick's determination to fight through grief and Dick's rigid sense of morals and Dick's vigilante skills and every time Dick has ever backed Tim up or listened to him or protected him or saved him from something or just been casually kind to a stranger in Tim's presence etc etc etc - all these things loom really large in Tim's mental story of Who Dick Is, and What Dick And Tim's Relationship Is. Tim meets Dick before he meets Bruce, trusts Dick more than Bruce, aspires to be Robin instead of Batman. And so in Tim's default version of the story, Dick is the super-special and admirable hero and Tim is... nobody in particular, a tagalong outsider who's barely managing to be a hero, not part of Dick and Bruce's family and not part of their story, who, if he's VERY LUCKY and tries REALLY HARD, might be able to fight his way to proving himself and offering something to Dick that Dick will value, if Dick doesn't get fed up with him first.
But that's not Dick's version of the story!!!
Dick's version of the story is almost the exact opposite, a story where Dick's an outcast failure black sheep who's screwing up everything he tries, and meanwhile Tim is The Sudden New Perfect Robin Who's Better Than Me And Probably Bruce Loves Him More And Probably They Gossip About What A Loser I Am, mixed with a complicated edge of Tim Thinks He's So Smart But He Doesn't Know Me/Us At All. Dick gets much more attached to Tim over time, and Tim gets unnervingly better at the know-it-all psychoanalysis so then Dick gets to have complicated feelings about him being right instead of just annoyance at him for being wrong, plus Dick's relationship with Bruce improves a lot, so Tim stops feeling so threatening. But Dick never fundamentally changes his basic theory of their relationship in which Tim is highly impressive and capable, and Dick is not so much.
And so asking Dick about Tim is kinda like if you asked George Bailey to tell you about Harry Bailey in It's A Wonderful Life; like, you'll be there for five hours while he tells you how great Harry is, and how accomplished Harry is, and how he doesn't really get how or why Harry does the things he does, and maybe George does feel a little resentful or jealous sometimes, but that pales in comparison to all his admiration and trust for Harry who he loves so much, who's better than him in so many ways, and he's not gonna openly gripe but secretly he can't help but feel sometimes like he's such a failure in comparison to Harry, a perfect person who emerged fully formed from Zeus's head with all the virtues and also all the accomplishments, etc. etc. etc. --
-- and he will not actually remember the part where he changed and saved Harry's whole entire life unless you literally send him to an alternate timeline in order to force him to remember it. <3
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#i enjoyed thinking about this so much i wrote a novel with All My Thoughts sorry sdfsdfs#tim drake#dick grayson#somewhat tangential but as i was writing this i was thinking about zahri's post#about how different types of stories offer different kinds of emotional payoffs#and i think for me for dick and tim the main two payoffs are:#1) someone who sees & understands your grief for deaths that will never get fixed or get better#and who will face your ghosts with you EVEN WHEN you're also mad at each other#2) someone who you look at and you see all the ways that you suck & he's better & you're a loser who's failed him etc etc#but it turns out that you're wrong. that you're good enough. not that none of the failures were real or that they were all in your head#but it turns out that it's okay that you didn't always immediately do or feel the right thing#and it's okay that you weren't perfect. you can fuck up six thousand ways & everything you did right will still matter#not because of making excuses or allowances or somebody pityingly trying to make you feel better#but because in the end the things you did right are just Genuinely More Valuable than anything you did wrong#all the times you tried & everything that you tried to give - everything you think wasn't good enough - it was.#IN OTHER WORDS they are both convinced they're not good enough & they are both wrong <3#anyway dick and tim are both INCREDIBLY SIMILAR and also CONSTANTLY misreading each other and i love that for them#and like. they will sometimes totally misread each other & then never figure out the part that they misunderstood#but then they manage to keep going anyway. we love each other on purpose <333#ask tag#dick&tim
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b1tcht0p1a · 1 day
Feelings - Monster Trio
Fem! reader, but there is more gender-neutral wording in both Luffy's and Zoro's parts. Sanji does, too, but I was thinking more feminine. Don't worry, I will be making a male! reader one eventually. Rewrite of this post!
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Luffy doesn’t come off as the most intelligent or aware of a lot. He’s smarter than he lets on sometimes. He's had crushes during his childhood and is well aware of what a relationship is. But he hasn't explored anything close to a romantic. It's unimportant to him, but that doesn't mean he's never considered it. It wasn't often, but these thoughts started up more often when you came crashing into his life. Especially after he got to know you better.
He figured that he liked you but shrugged it off at first. It was a small thing, it would probably disappear at some point.
But he was wrong, he found himself talking about you. From something big you did with him and the crew or a small thing you did that he found funny.
He'll do this when he knows you're not around to hear. He's not embarrassed about what he's saying. He just doesn't want to make things uncomfortable for you.
And even after repeated attempts to get him to even hint at this crush of his, he doesn't. And you're oblivious to the whole thing.
So when he finally comes around and just admits what he feels, you're blindsided. But once thinking back on some things, you understand completely.
You were on the deck, chilling and just enjoying the sun after several days of overcast. Everyone was enjoying themselves, relaxing like yourself, or doing some activity. You're in your own world, not paying attention to anyone, when the sun's warmth suddenly disappears. Cracking open an eye reveals Luffy staring down at you and picking his nose. "Can I help you?" He shrugs his shoulders, his finger still digging in his nose. He pulls it out and inspects his finger before wiping it on his shorts. "Don't know, just kinda felt like coming over here."
"Oh, why don't you sit down?"
"Ehh, no, I'm good. Just wanted to say you're pretty and that I like you." "Oh? Thanks-" "As in, I want to date you." He walks away after that, probably to return to whatever he was doing before or to annoy Sanji for lunch. You're stunned momentarily, mind wandering as you think.
Getting over how sudden the confession was, and thinking back on how he treats you; he was obvious with his feelings.
Checking on you first after fights, even if he's pretty injured. Coming to find you and hanging around you even if you aren't doing something 'fun'. Most of the time, he'll ask a question about what you're doing before walking away. The rare times he would stay, he would simply watch. Only a question or two here or there.
He also tends to listen to you better. Like, ask him to do something for you and he'll do it. (Most of the time, occasionally he won't)
Anyways, if you approach him and talk to him about what he said, he'll repeat himself. No shame. He felt ready.
He doesn't expect you to return his sentiment but does hope that you feel the same. At the end of the day, he wants to have you in his life. Significant other or not.
Oh? You feel the same? He heard you just give him a second. The words are reaching his brain.
He's overjoyed, he's laughing and wrapping you in a hug. He's running around the ship telling everyone. He still has you held in his arms the whole time.
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Zoro is very special. He knows things, but fuck is he emotionally constipated. He tolerates you more than the others, aside from Luffy. He's capable of showing and experiencing emotions; he's not as stoic as people think. But he doesn't like expressing things that might make him seem weak. He hates crying; he hates romantic feelings. Even though he tolerates you, he dislikes being around you because you make him feel weak. He can't have that.
When he first realized his little crush on you; he started to push you away.
Only to stop doing this because it made him feel worse for pushing you away.
His crush is obvious by the way. He'll do things for you that he wouldn't do the others. And also if you get him talking about you, he has a lot of things to say. All good, promise.
He likes to hover a lot when out on an island. He says he doesn't but he is. He also manages not to get lost while with you. Which is strange.
Please don't talk to him about his feelings. He will get mad and walk away. Let him do it himself, and act surprised.
You just returned from a little shopping trip on the most recent island. Everyone went out, getting much-needed supplies but also some more indulgent things. You went off to shop, wanting to see what this island had to offer. Zoro, of course, had followed you. Standing right behind you, arms crossed and looking more like a bodyguard than anything. It's intimidating and some vendors seemed too eager to sell you things. Even at a high discount. Sure, it's nice not having to spend a bunch of money on something you really like, but the feeling of being rushed makes it hard to comfortably buy things. But overall, your trip was successful, and Zoro was 'begrudgingly' carrying it back to the ship for you. It was silent as you walked back to the ship. You had decided to take a scenic route back to the docks. Enjoying the vibrant colors of the town. It gave a perfect opportunity to speak to Zoro alone. You had been aware of his feelings and returned them. You had wanted to talk to him about it. Thinking it was best to do it away from the other, you waited to get him alone. The island stop provided a good moment. So when the docks came into view, you stopped walking. So did Zoro, though he was confused as to why you stopped.
"The ship is right there, why'd you stop?"
"I want to ask you something..."
"Okay? Why'd you stop, though?" You sigh deeply. You have to take your next steps carefully. Zoro is special. Being blunt felt right.
"Everyone keeps saying you have a crush on me. Yes or no?" He drops everything in his arms and stares at you blankly. Then you see it, he becomes flustered.
"You’re an idiot. What the hell makes you think that?" He stomps off before you can even answer. You had to carry everything back.
He ignores you for the rest of the day. Refusing to even glance at you during dinner.
He’s still visibly flushed btw.
He will come around later either that night or the next day. Begrudgingly apologizing of course.
He’s honestly expecting to get turned down so he starts talking as if you don’t like him back.
Dumbfounded when that’s not the case. Smiles at you before it quickly drops.
The others only know because you told them. There’s not much of a difference between dating and friendship. Just more affection.
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Sanji, despite being the emotional person he is, doesn’t know how he really feels. He loves women. Which makes it hard to discern genuine thoughts from his perverted thoughts. And at first, that's what it very much seems like. A man with a little too much to say about feminine individuals. He understands that he finds you attractive, but there's something else there. This tight feeling in his chest makes it feel like he can't breathe. He's scared.
He's not as confident serving you as he is with Robin or Nami. He needs everything 100% perfect.
Because of these feelings, he tends to cook meals that he knows will please or thinks will please you. He lives for your praise.
He'd say things like "I love you..." or "Marry me...". Anything that he also says to Robin or Nami. It's less tossed out as it is with them.
Despite his typical nature, he can converse with women or feminine people in general without being his usual self. So he'd ask for help; it's new, and he wants to address it as soon as possible.
He is a lot softer leading up to his confession. More genuine smiles and compliments. Like small things. He's observant.
'Did you do something new? You look lovely today!' 'Wow! Those colors really make your eyes pop.'
Sanji had been acting strange the past few days. His normal pervertedness had mellowed into something actually sweet. He wasn't as tense, and he spoke softer than he would Robin or Nami. When he wasn't cooking or catering to people's needs, he often sat with you. Talking about interests, hobbies, anything about you. It was late, way after dinner. Everyone was off getting ready for bed. Other than you and Sanji. All his cleaning was done, thanks to your help. Now, you're both sat at the head of the boat. Both staring into the water, talking about random things. Surprisingly, the topic turned to the future and love. He's standing close, his face soft as he speaks. "I fear that my normal behavior might have ruined my chances." "Well, if it's anything, you've made leaps and bounds with that shit since. At least towards me." Sanji hesitates momentarily, taking a drag from his cigarette and blowing it into the wind. He turns so he faces you. "Yeah, because it's you." The world has never been clearer.
Just pretend you are blind pls. He was so obvious with it that he thought you knew. But realized you didn't when yall would talk.
He almost walks off after saying that but waits.
Crys when you share the same sentiment.
Gladly tells everyone over dinner. Only for Zoro to say some dumb shit.
Nami and Robin are very happy for you, though. They were tired of Sanji's whining to them.
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As stated above, this is a rewrite of this post. Do not plagiarize or reupload my content to any other site or blog.
Luffy 574 Zoro 606 Sanji 468
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evilminji · 2 days
You know what would be HILARIOUS?
For everyone NOT involved in the situation?
If the Uzumaki, mad lads that they were, seal master's who routinely moon the Shinigami for funsies that they are, got SUUUUUPER drunk? And were like?
"F-! *hic!* FUCK your fancy ass Summons contract Himiko! I got one TOO, you know. A..An' it's TOTALLY better then yours! It's got BLACKJACK! And hookers!" *falls on their face unconscious*
Needless to say? Not their proudest moment. Actually, their kinda deeply embarrassed. But like FUCK ARE THE BACKING DOWN! Their mouths wrote a check their ass can't currently cash... so the only REASONABLE solution? Apologize and tell the truth? Psh! NO.
Break Reality Until It's TRUE.
THEN they weren't technically lying!
They're a GENIUS~☆! :D
And yes, yes this IS normal behavior for them. It's both cultural AND genetic. There was a REASON people were terrified of those insane mother fuckers.
Because? They just? MADE UP a A Summons Contract. With Who? Dunno! We're gonna find out! But it looks right Seals wise! *signs name before anyone with sense can stop them, does the signs, draws blood aaaand?*
Nani THE FUCK!? Says local dead Japanese 16th century fisherman who was flying by to visit the Lair of his buddy the 14th century monk. Behold! A FUCKING ZONE GHOST! He is unsummoned before he can react.
The Uzumaki have A Ghost Contract™.
.........th....they may have fucked up.
Roars basicly the ENTIRE Elders council. Who FUCKING FELT THAT. Because EVERYONE Felt that. They're SENSOR. That was a HOLE in REALITY that somehow GLOWED like a BEACON of both absolute Nothingness and Death! You TRAUMATIZED THE KIDS, YOU ASSHOLE!
Still....they ARE ninja. And Curious mother fuckers to the last.
So basically EVERYONE and their dog signs it. They somehow get WEIRDER. Bigger Chakra reserves. Obsessive tendencies. Meh, you win some, you lose some.
But? Then they fuckin DIE. (And their WHOLE ASS VILLAGE SHOWS UP IN THE ZONE. OH GOD, WHAT-!?)
And some grave robbing fuck tries to use the Contract. SUPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!
Ghost Uzumaki!
Your literal worst nightmare!
They DO NOT try using it again. It gets sealed DEEP. Until the Hokage gets wind of it. And, of course, Danzo. The Hokage sends Hound. And Team Kakashi on a completely unrelated but nearby "help a farmer" mission. Danzo sends assassins. Because he's fucking awful.
Kakashi gets the scroll.
Yep. Creepy rambling and shit handwriting, def Uzumaki. Time to go.
He gets attacked on the way back to camp. GDI Root. Well, its you or me. Sucks for you, I guess. They fight. They get a lucky shot. He bleeds on the scroll, doesn't notice. But SURELY... SURELY it isn't CROWDED enough with names that the Uzumaki just added a "and anyone who bleeds on THIS part at the bottom _______ plus does the handsigns" towards the end.... RIGHT??
RIGHT?! Look him in the EYES Uzumaki Clan, RIGHT??!
They would prefer not to answer that. The Vibez here are getting REALLY aggressive, you know? >.> It made sense at THE TIME...
So... he goes to summon his Dogs.
And he SURE DOES GET UM.... plus One(1!!!).
Who the FUCK is this glowing green dog? A puppy? Kakashi seeing the dimwitted looking little thing about to get STABBED tries to rescue it. It takes one look look at him (worried for it), the other dogs (growling at his enemies, fighting) and... turns around, shifting as it does, to HUNDREDS of times it's previous size.
Like an Akimichi transformation.
A sudden, hulking, green WOLF with red glowing eyes and killing intent that would Rival a demon's. The howl is unearthly. It joins the fray like a meat thresher.
Then pops back to a floating, tongue lolling, dimwitted pup the second everything is done.
G...God boy?
Far be it for KAKASHI to fear a dog, no MATTER how dangerous. So he carries it back to camp. Where it seems to instant fall in LOVE with Naruto. They become the BEST of friends.
There's frolicking.
Looking down at the pocket with the scroll he reclaimed? Yeah. Yeah that tracks. According to Pakkun, the pup has a "weird, echo-y" accent and is incredibly scatter brained. Training to be a gaurd dog? WAS Training. IS currently... what.
Okay. IS currently the gaurd dog/pet of an Emperor. Because THATS not alarming. Did the Royal family all... wait... he examines the pup again. Transparent. Was it KILLING intent he felt... or a Deathy pressure? Didn't the Uzumaki have Forbidden soul and death seals? It would stand to REASON...
Oh god damn it.
Pakkun. Pakkun please tell me that pup is ALIVE.
(He can not.) (Hilariously? Dispite being TERRIFIED of Ghosts? Naruto is TOTALLY COOL with Zone Ghosts? Don't be MEAN, Sensei! They're just PEOPLE! It's not THEIR fault They're dead! Now GHOSTS? Spooky and EVIL! Totally different.)
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @legitimatesatanspawn @mayfay
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I’ve been reading a lot of Star Wars prequels time travel fix-its, and I really want one now where it’s Anakin and Trilla (aka Second Sister), who get sent back. Anakin from right after he finally kills Palpatine and Trilla from right after Vader killed her. Just two semi-kinda-maybe reformed sith jammed back into their teenage bodies and being like, “Well, that was an absolute shit show - let’s not do that again.” Only Anakin had just started his redemption arc when he died and Trilla had only just gotten the closure to maybe consider a starting a redemption arc when she died, so they have no idea what they’re doing. Aside from killing Palpatine - that is the one thing they definitely agree on. How? Not sure. Still working on that.
Anyway, Anakin is around 17; Trilla is almost 14. They’ve snuck out of the Temple and are on the run on Coruscant, so that they can complete their plan of “Murder the Supreme Chancellor with Extreme Prejudice” and also because Trilla maaaaay have reflexively kidnapped an initiate on their way out of the Temple. Listen, teeny Initiate Cal Kestis was right there, and he’s the one thing Trilla has roundabout positive associations with at the moment, and the sudden reintroduction of teenage hormones is hell on impulse control. So she’s keeping him. This is her tiny initiate now. Cere can’t have him. Neither can Anakin - go kidnap your own initiate if you want one so bad.
Cal thinks this is all an exciting adventure, though he doesn’t quite understand Padawan Suduri and Padawan Skywalker keep arguing over whether just blowing up the entire Senate building is worth the effort. Maybe it’s an inside joke?
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heradion · 2 days
These feelings fester up inside
But how could I deny these butterflies (An off-screen Sterek ficlet)
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In the dead of night, a sudden noise jolts Stiles awake as he sits up to notice the room empty and feeling warm. When he picked up the telephone, he realised there was no sound on the other end.
He slowly got up and stood up turning as the door to the room opened up and Derek entered with a candle in his hand.
"Hey , What happened?" Stiles asked as Derek walked closer the room being illuminated by just the moonlight and few streetlights right outside their window.
"There was a power outage, I went to check on it" Derek replied placing the candle down by the side table
"What was that noise?" Stiles asked as he walked over to the window opening it up to let some air in.
"A pole crashed onto the road, and the backup generator isn't working " Derek sighed taking off his shirt and pulling on a grey vest instead.
Stiles sat on the bed leaning against the bed frame while Derek opened the door the slightest bit to allow some ventilation before sitting on the other end of the bed across from Stiles.
As they sit in the dim light, the silence between them stretches, heavy with unspoken words and unresolved tension. Derek clears his throat, breaking the silence. "Guess we're in for a long night."
Stiles nods, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice "Yeah, seems like it."
For a moment, they sit in awkward silence, the only sound the flickering of the candle flame . But as the minutes pass, Derek begins to speak, his voice low and hesitant.
"So uhm..What have you been upto since I left?" He asked
Stiles sighed " Well..uhm...me and Scott had a falling out..of sorts because of a guy named Theo." He started before explaining everything that transpired while Derek was gone including the Wild Hunt taking him.
As Stiles continued to recount the events that transpired during Derek's absence, Derek listened intently, his brow furrowed with concern.
He watches Stiles carefully, his gaze unwavering as he absorbs every word.
When Stiles finishes speaking, a heavy silence descends upon them,
"Stiles, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that," Derek says, his voice filled with genuine concern. "It sounds like you've been through a lot."
Stiles offers a weak smile, grateful for Derek's understanding. "Yeah, it hasn't been easy, but that was one of the reasons I took up the FBI Internships...to take a break from Beacon Hills."
Derek nodded understanding what he meant." Beacon Hills is my home but it can feel like a lot" Derek stated
"I know what you mean." Stiles said "I..uhm..overheard my dad and Parrish talking 2 days back on call when he thought he ended the call about something happening back there."
"So you're thinking of going back?" Derek enquired a little concerned
Stiles hesitated for a second looking away "I don't know, I want to..for my dad and Scott..and the others too of course"
"But..I'm not .."Stiles's voice trailed off
"I know" Derek said as Stiles turned to look at him feeling a sense of warmth fill his chest knowing Derek understood
"Stiles, You've been through a lot,since the Nogitsune and all of this now..." Derek stated shifting closer " I don't want you to feel like you have to face it all alone. I know what that feels like..and it's..not easy."
"That's… really kind of you, Derek," Stiles said, his voice soft with gratitude. "Thank you."
Derek gave him a small smile before Stiles sat up "What were you upto? Going on new adventures with Braeden?"
Derek grinned looking away "No, I helped her with a mission before we parted ways. I was with Cora for a while before getting trapped in this mess trying to find a pack of hunters when Chris found me. And then Kate found us."
Stiles's mouth dropped open at the mention of Kate and nodded understanding why Derek didn't want to come back to Beacon Hills with Chris.
Stiles looked at Derek a little surprised at what he just heard before Derek continued "And then you ran into me."
"So I saved our ass." Stiles stated "Again."
"I guess you did" Derek replied rolling his eyes seemingly annoyed but the corner of his lips turned up when they were interrupted by the sound of thunder as it started to rain.
Stiles looked outside the window watching the rain fall before standing up and slowly limping towards the front door.
"I love the rain" He said leaning against the door frame opening the door a little more as Derek turned to face him.
"Yeah, me too" Derek said the two of them watching the rain pour outside
"Not when I'm driving though" Stiles pointed out turning behind
"No one does" Derek stated before they settled into a comfortable silence.
Derek looked over at Stiles noticing he was shivering before getting up to grab a sweater from him bag and walking over to him.
"Here" Derek said handing him a maroon sweater as Stiles took it looking confused.
"You're gonna get sick, you look like a homeless puppy out during the cold " Derek stated as Stiles thanked him before wearing it
Derek grinned leaning agasint the door frame opposite to Stiles looking at him wearing his sweater which was clearly too big for him.
"What?" Stiles asked crossing his arms
"Nothing" Derek replied amused as Stiles narrowed his eyes before looking out at the rain
Stiles rolled up the sleeve of his sweater on his right arm, feeling the cool droplets of rain against his skin.
With a mischievous grin, he reached over, cupping his hand to let the rainwater collect in his palm.
As Derek stood nearby, oblivious to Stiles' plan, Stiles couldn't resist the urge to try and annoy Derek. With a swift movement, he flicked his wrist, sending a spray of rainwater in Derek's direction.
Derek blinked in surprise as the droplets landed on his face and clothes, his expression shifting from confusion to amusement.
Before he could react, Stiles let out a laugh, the sound echoing through the quiet night.
"Stiles, I'm gonna kill you." Derek stated wiping the water from his face.
"You're lucky you're injured" Derek said raising his eyebrows wiping the water from his brows
"Or what?" Stiles teased raising his eyebrows " You would've ripped my throat out?"
Derek rolled his eyes pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek before looking at Stiles who had playful smirk on his face
" With your teeth?" He asked splashing him again
"Okay , That's it" Derek said running his hands through his hair before grabbing Stiles's wrists with one hand and letting some water gather in his palm before splashing Stiles as he protested
"I don't like getting wet" He protested as Derek splashed him 2 more times
"Derek, stop, oh my god, I'm going to kill you Hale!" He called out as Derek finally stopped letting him go
"Dude." Stiles said wiping his face "I have to take a shower again. In the dark that too"
"Your fault Stillinski" Derek shrugged smirking as he looked between Stiles's eyes and lips before heading inside as Stiles followed shortly behind.
(Part.1) / (Part.2) / (Part.3) /(Part.4) /(Part.5)
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zorosprincess · 3 days
Only Us
PAIRING - Togame Jou x Reader WC - 7.5K GENRE - smut CW - implied unprotected sex, implied creampie, super possessive, um im insane and this is indulgent SYNOPSIS - togame jou had no business being acquainted with you but it was just in good fun. a game he liked to play, prying for your attention. your connection to one of bofurin's members, your best fiend, made it that much more thrilling for him.
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You weren’t supposed to be here.
You were much too close to the edge of Bofurin’s territory, skirting along the line between it and another, a place your best friend had forbidden you from going. You really sucked at listening to directions. You tugged at the collar of your borrowed jacket, trying to get it to cover you more when a sudden cold wind blew through the tunnel as you arrived at it.
It’s dim in the tunnel, the underpass beneath the railroad tracks is decorated in shadows and graffiti. It’s much different than the walls just beyond it, in Bofurin territory. Emerald eyes lurk from those shadows, a dead-eyed gaze that’s shadowed further by orange sunglasses, scanning the entrance as he leans against the wall. Looking for you.
Togame Jou had no business being acquainted with you but it was just in good fun. A game he liked to play, prying for your attention. Your connection to one of Bofurin’s members, your best friend, made it that much more thrilling and dangerous for him. It was intoxicating.
You catch sight of him only a second after he does you, the orange Shishitoren jacket hanging over his broad shoulders giving him away. He’s already pushing off the wall, sauntering forward and towards you, steps that echo against the concrete breaking the otherwise silent area.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Little Miss Bofurin,” he drawls in a deep voice and it seems to rumble in your ears. There’s amusement in his tone at his own nickname for you, his eyes lingering on the green that curls around your shoulders. “You miss me?”
You scoff lightly at him but take a step into the tunnel anyways, officially out of Bofurin territory. “Now why would I ever miss the likes of you, Togame?” You try to match his amusement with your own indifference, but your voice seems to uptick slightly on the form of your final pronoun, your wandering eyes giving away your nervousness. You shouldn’t be out of Bofurin territory, and yet you’re still walking further into Shishitoren territory. Into Jou’s territory.
Jou ignores your blatant show of nerves, his eyes instead twinkling with mischief at how you try to play his game. “Because my charm and good looks are so hard for you to resist, of course,” his smirk widens as you are finally enveloped in the shadows with him. It’s a lazy sort of grace that he exhibits as he moves closer, aiming to narrow the gap between you. You don’t assist him anymore.
“I can see right through your little act, y’know,” he drawled slowly, the low rumble sending shivers down your spine as if his fingers brushed there.
“There’s no act.”
Jou only ignores you. “You’re trying to pretend you don’t care, you almost do a good job.” He chuckles and it’s a low thing that should set off your instincts to run, but it only roots you in your place. “I can see the way you look at me.”
“I don’t look at you at all, actually.” You’re lying through your teeth and you both know it. If you truly didn’t look at him then you wouldn’t be here now. You wouldn’t be watching him walk too slowly towards you right then.
“Oh?” Jou’s smirk only seems to widen more. “Is that so?” He knew it was a lie just as much as you did, but he wanted to play along. He wanted to see how far he could push those boundaries you’d put up before you chose to tear them down for him.
His eyes trail at a tantalizing pace over the curve of your body, finding a new place to focus on with every step he takes closer to you. “You are a terrible liar, y’know.” His amusement drips from his tongue as his eyes land back on your face, where you’re already burning from being under his gaze. “I can see it in those eyes,” you blink a few times as if that will rid you of the desire in them, “the way your body tunes into my voice,” as if on cue, another wave of goosebumps raise along your legs. “You can’t hide it from me.”
“I could if I wanted to.” You counter, trying to sound confident as your body basks in the heat of his gaze.
Jou is only one step away now, his proximity sending a rush of adrenaline through both of your bodies. “Is it a challenge?” His deep voice dips down to a whisper, shared only in the space between you and him. “I like my women with a little fire.” He teases as he closes the remaining distance, stopping a mere inches away and forcing you to tip your head back to see him.
His height makes him feel like he’s towering over you, broad body radiating control and intoxicating confidence. From this distance, you can see his eyes behind his sunglasses, peering over your body, inspecting you. “Should we test how well you can hide your desires?”
You hold yourself steady against his amusement. “A test?” You tease back at him. “If I wanted to be in school then I’d be there, Togame, not here.”
Jou chuckled at that, a low and rumbling sound just for you that sent a delicious feeling down your spine. “Feisty as always.” His hand reached out, slow enough that you could have swatted it away, if you wanted to. Instead, you let his calloused fingers slide beneath your chin, lifting it to fully parallel your faces. “Well you are here. So tell me,” his whisper has his warm breath mingling with your own, fanning over both your faces, “what is it you’re truly craving right now?”
You hum to give him the impression that you’re thinking of an answer. You’re trying to not smile but he can see the form of it playing on the corners of your lips in how they twitch. You’re intent on testing his boundaries for the day, to see how far he’ll let you take the teasing. “Food?”
Jou can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of him. He lifts his glasses to the top of his head, exposing to you the amusement in his green eyes as he raises an eyebrow at you. “Food?” He repeats your answer and you nod, telling him you were serious. He knows you’re not. “Interesting,” his lips quirk back into a smirk, “I was thinking of something…” you catch his eyes on your lips before they start to lazily drag back up, “a little bit sweeter.”
It’s your eyes that stray now, flicking down to his lips as his tongue wets his bottom lip. His movements are effortless as his lips move to hover right over yours. “Care to change your answer?” The warmth of his breath is intoxicating against your lips and you can’t seem to drag your eyes away from how his lips form the words.
You try not to let him see the blush in your cheeks as you answer him. “What were you thinking of?” Your breath is breathier than you intended it to be and you can feel your air bounce of his lips and back onto yours as you speak.
Jou leans in more, just slightly, so that if he were to purse his lips they would touch yours. He doesn’t but you swear that you can feel them as they move. “You,” the new distance forces you to look back up at his eyes, unable to watch his lips anymore, “I can’t stop thinking about you.” His voice is soft, husky as it fills the space around you both.
His hand left your chin and moved to the small of your back, nestling between your shirt and your jacket to pull your body closer until it fully pressed against his. His warmth engulfed your body and it was like all the tension between you intensified.
“Admit it,” he pried, “you feel what I feel, don’t you?”
Your breath hitched at the feeling of his body flush against yours. Electricity flooded your senses as you stared up at him. “He’d kill me if I ever admitted that.” You didn’t have to clarify who ‘he’ was. Jou knew which Bofurin boy your best friend was. “Would kill you too, for that matter.”
Your information only seems to make Jou’s eyes gleam more, his smirk widening. “It’s a good thing he’s not here then,” his fingers toy with your jacket, “huh?” His hand on your back drifted lower, tracing a slow path down to your backside. “We’ll just have to keep this our little secret.” There’s a danger lurking in his words, one that you know you’ve already stepped into once you stepped into the shadows of Shishitoren territory. “Unless you’d like to risk letting him know how… captivated you are.”
“I’m not that captivated.” You try to stand your ground against him, yet even as you say it, your eyes won’t leave how his lips form his taunts, you can’t look away from him.
“Care to prove it?” It was his turn to challenge you, a seductive smirk drawing you in more. “I dare you,” he coaxes, hand sliding to graze over the curve of your ass, “to prove it.”
“I can prove it,” you don’t think before the whisper leaves you, “that I’m not affected by you.” But your eyes are half-closed, and your words don’t have the conviction you wish that they did. “Name the game and I’ll play it.”
Jou’s smirk widened into a full grin at your response. “Simple,” his voice is a soft, breathless thing as he burns with desire, “we’ll see who kisses who first. Whoever initiates, loses. You in?”
You smiled then, letting your own competitiveness take over. You pulled back just enough to watch your hands place themselves on his chest, fingers brushing along the lines of the fabric there. You drew your eyes back up to his, making sure to bat your eyelashes with a sly smile. “Only if you’re ready to lose.”
The way your fingers caressed his chest only fueled Jou’s need for you. He raised his eyebrows in amusement. “Lose?” He chuckled softly, leaning into your touch. “It’s on.” He reclosed the distance that you’d made so you could breathe each other’s air again. Air thick with tension.
“So, what’s your first move?” You can’t take the heavy silence of just staring into his eyes, but when you mumble the words, you can barely keep your lips from brushing. You tilted your head, eyes trying to flick between his eyes and lips. “Since you’ll be the first one to make it, that is.”
His smirk only widens at your challenge, as he watches your eyes flicker. His movements are slow, deliberate as he leans just ever-so closer. His nose touches yours as he speaks. “You always talk such a big game sweetheart, but can you handle the heat?”
Your hands move over his chest, sliding up and over his shoulders, connecting together behind his neck. He nearly growls as he feels your fingers twitch there, moving to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I’m handling the heat just fine,” you breathe back, brushing your nose against his. “I haven’t broken and kissed you quite yet have I?” You let out an amused huff of air, and his lips part ever so slightly to let it in. “Can you handle the heat? Jou?”
He lets out a shaky breath as you form his given name. “I can handle the heat.” His voice is quiet, breathy and rough in your ears as he says it. You’re not sure whether to believe him or not. You can feel him smirking and you nearly roll your eyes, but you can’t tear them away from his long enough.
And then his voice drops lower, you didn’t think it was possible, but it vibrates the air and your body as it does. “Break and kiss me, I dare you to.”
Your heart starts in your chest and your legs clench at the sound, your ears focusing in on the near growl of his voice, but you stand your ground. “I’m not falling for a dare like that. I won’t surrender that easily.”
Jou’s gaze seems to turn predatory at the sound of the word. He moves quickly, nose brushing yours and you’re sure he’s going to kiss you, but he moves further, head turning to his lips graze your ear. “Don’t think of it as surrender,” he whispers it and your spine straightens out from the electricity that shoots down it, “it’s more like submission.”
His movements then are sudden, much different to the slowness he had been moving with as he changes your positions. You’re a few feet away from where you just were, his strong hand placed on the wall just next to your face, the wall where he has now pinned you firmly. Your back is all too aware of the cold, hard surface behind you, curving over your heads as Jou looms over you, emerald eyes almost glowing in the dark as he takes you in.
Your head is forcibly tilted up to him from the position, your fingers still tangled in his hair. You felt like you were shrinking under him there. “Jou…” you breathed his name, trailing off as your wide eyes looked up at him.
His breath hitches at the sound of his name so breathless on your lips. His hand, previously on your back, drifts up to find your face. Calloused fingers graze your cheekbone and a possessive growl slips from his throat as your face subconsciously presses into his touch, seeking his warmth.
“What are you going to do now? Hm?” His question registers somewhere in your mind, but you’re dizzy. Your lips sigh, your chest heaving a bit in anticipation. Your fingers tighten lightly in his hair and he responds with an involuntary moan.
His hand on your face leaves, falling to the wall on the other side of your face, effectively caging you in. A swirl of passion and danger swims behind the green of his eyes as he leans in slowly, voice low and intoxicating. “I should warn you,” he murmurs, bringing his lips close to yours again, “I’m not a patient man.”
You chuckle softly in response, your lips brushing his as they part to do so, “Aren’t you all about taking things slowly, Jo? You’re nothing but patience.” Your tongue pokes out to wet your lips as you hold his eye contact, touching his lips subtly as you do so.
Jou’s breath hitches again as he feels your tongue brush against his lips. His fingers flex against the wall, restraint slipping. “You think I have an endless supply of patience?” His breath is warm on your skin and you swear you can see his eyes darkening in the shadows, pupils widening as he stares at you. “I’m not immune to temptation.” The cadence of his voice sets heat to your core as he burns into you. “You test my limits.”
“Isn’t that the point of this game?” You tease him. “To test limits. Make it impossible for the other to resist anymore?” Your nails scratch lightly at the base of his neck, trying to break him before he breaks you.
The sensation of your nails sends shivers down Jou’s spine, his resolve crumbling. He tries to maintain his composure, hands tightening against the wall. “You will be the death of me.” His breathing is ragged as he confesses it. “But damn, if that isn’t the sweetest way to die.”
He steals your breath as he finally closes the remaining distance between you, capturing your lips with his own. You pull back with a gasp, enough to mumble a taunt against his lips.
“I believe this is a loss for you, Jou.”
Jou’s laugh is husky and deep, his voice matches as he brushes his lips to yours again. “This is no loss for me sweetheart.” A small growl escapes him again as his fingers tangle in the hair at the back of your head, pulling you back in for a deeper kiss. He was showing you that he was still in control of your game. That regardless of the rules previously set, it was still going on.
You whimpered at his grip on you as his tongue brushed your lips. You grant him the access he wants without hesitation, welcoming the intensity as his tongue eagerly explores your mouth. The taste of him is intoxicating, dangerously sweet and it makes heat pool up in your abdomen.
Your hands left his hair, clutching at his shoulders, fingers pressing into the muscles there as you tried to keep yourself steady between him and the wall, your knees feeling weak. You didn’t expect him to be as all-consuming as he was, so utterly addicting. You could feel more of your control slipping the more he kissed you.
You wanted more. More of his kisses. More of his hands in your hair. More of how his tongue brushed against yours. More of him.
“Jou.” You whimpered his name into his mouth, the form of it slurred from refusing to keep your lips from his anymore.
The sound of it, breathy and pleading, seemed to only fuel Jou’s desire. He pressed his body closer to you, erasing any space between you. His tongue danced with yours, fingers tugging on your hair harder, body pinning you against the wall. Everything done with the heat of a possessive claim.
He broke the kiss, but only for a moment so his lips could find somewhere else to touch you. His lips now traced a heated path down your neck, claiming you there too. “Take this off.” The green fabric belonging to your best friend fluttered to the floor before you registered that his hands had even pulled the jacket off of you. His tongue against your neck distracted you from any protests you might have had. “Mine,” he growled possessively against your skin.
The word sets something off inside of you. Your eyes close in serenity, in surrender, focusing only on how his lips feel against your skin. “Say it again, please.”
His voice rumbles in your ear as his lips leave trails of electrifying heat. He answers your plea. “Mine.” The possessive word surrounds you. “You’re mine. To consume. To claim.” Each word is paired with his teeth grazing your skin. Exhilarating and overwhelming as he stakes his claim. “Now say it back,” he demands quietly, breathing ragged, “tell me.”
You’re panting, your heart rate irregular as he claims you with his mouth, his hands, his words. “I’m yours, Jou.” Every touch was setting your nerves alight. “You can claim me. I’m yours.”
Jou pulls back to take in the look on your face, your flushed cheeks and heaving chest. His feral grin widens at the sight and he curses softly. “Good girl,” he praises you, approval coating his lips as they find yours again, hungry for you. His hands are on your hips now, tugging them closer, claiming you with explosive heat in the middle of the cold tunnel.
“Mine,” he mumbles it against your lips and you seem to feel it more there, the air thick with his possessiveness over you. “Say it again.” It was nearly a beg as he groaned around it.
“Yours.” You moaned the word into his mouth, letting his body press into yours against the wall, knowing you were still out of sight from any possible prying eyes. “I’m yours,” you gasped them this time as his grip tightened. The gasp turned into a small moan as your body reacted to him, lifting onto your toes to get closer.
He reacts to every one of your reactions. A growl escaping in response to your moans. Grip tightening in your hair and on your hip in response to you lifting up to him. He’d known he wanted you but he hadn’t expected his desire to feel so intense when he finally had you.
He had to break the kiss for a moment, if not to just breathe. His eyes locked with yours, filled with need. “You know what you’re doing to me right? I can’t resist you when you moan like that.”
You were trying to catch your breath too, your thoughts focusing on how his hand ran up and down over the curve of your hip. “I thought we stopped trying to resist each other.”
“You’re right.” His lips found yours again, stealing away the breath you’d just caught. “Resisting you is a lost cause and I don’t want to anymore.” His hand trailed from your hip, across your back, to your other hip so he could grab you and keep you pinned to him rather than just the wall. “I want you. All of you.”
You whined against his lips, pressing into the kiss more to try and muffle the sound. “You have me. All of me.” You repeated his words back to him, fingers again finding the hair at the base of his neck, letting your nails scrape against his scalp as you tugged on the strands. “All you have to do is take me.”
The combined feeling of your nails and your words sent a jolt of electric possessiveness coursing through Jou’s veins. He effortlessly lifted you up, pinning you to the wall again as your legs instinctively wrapped around him. His hands explored your curves with a new sense of urgency, as if wanting to claim every inch of you right here and now.
The feeling of your hips pressed so tightly down onto his had your breath shuddering. “Don’t hold back anymore, Jou,” you encouraged.
He was still holding on to that last sliver of self-control as his grip found your thighs and tightened. “You’re playing a dangerous game, now.” It was a warning, that he didn’t want to hold back anymore, that he was ready to take what he wanted if you gave your consent. “You know what happens if I stop holding back, right?”
Your teeth nipped at his lower lip and he growled in response. “Tell me then.” You knew you were playing with fire, you just didn’t mind getting burned if it came from him.
Something carnal flashed behind his eyes as his grip tightened even more, leaving a delicious stinging sensation in the soft flesh of your thighs. “I’ll devour you.” It sent shivers down your spin. What a way to go. “No holding back, no hesitation. Intense and insatiable. I won’t stop until I’ve had my fill of you.”
You moaned softly, pulling at his lower lip again. “Do you fantasize about me, Jou? About this?” You scrape your nails along the back of his neck, reveling in the shaky groan he gives you before you brush them back into his hair to tug softly. “Do you have images of this in your head when you try to sleep at night?”
His heart is racing, his voice escaping in a needy whisper, “yes.” His admittance is filled with desire as he drinks in your attention. “I fantasize about this. About you. The things we could do together. When I sleep, I see you in my dreams. I crave you, raw and unfiltered.”
You reclose the gap between your lips, groaning into his mouth as you tug on his hair again, craving another one of his reactions. “I want you to tell me every thought. Every raw and unfiltered way you need me. Intense and insatiable.” You repeat his phrases back to him and can see him let go of that last sliver. “I hope you never get your fill of me.”
Jou’s lips move to graze your ear as he delivers what you ask. “I want you in every way possible. To worship you with my hands and my mouth. To explore every inch of your body. I want to make you feel things no one else could even dream of making you feel. Want you to scream my name until it’s the only word you remember.” Possessiveness, desire, need. It all flowed out of his words and into your ear, filling you with the same heat he was feeling. “I’ll never get my fill of you, sweetheart.”
“Jou?” You kissed him again. “Make your name the only thing I remember.”
His resolve shattered like glass. The green jacket you’d worn into the tunnel lay abandoned on the ground - sure to cause problems later - as he dragged you from the shadows and deeper into Shishitoren territory. He paused every few blocks to press you into another wall and kiss you, hands scraping against your skin as he led you to the Ori.
You’re unfamiliar with the area he’s led you to, a small room hidden out of sight that he’s seemed to make into his private room. Only a bed and a dresser in the room, but private and off limits to anyone else.
“Let’s see if you can handle what I have in store for you.” He teases, hands brushing along your waist.
“I can handle anything that you give me,” you challenge. “Make me forget everything else.” You cling to him, keeping your body pressed completely to his. “Nothing matters but you.”
He kicks the door shut without looking, the lock clicking to seal you both into a world where only you and he existed. A sanctuary to forget and let go of everything else.
“Prove it.” He sets you down on the bed, breath ragged as he towers over you. He pushes his glasses off his head and the clatter to the floor somewhere.
“Touch me, Jou,” you command, pulling him closer with a grip on his jacket, “and don’t stop.”
His body ached at your demand, lest overtaking him as he captured your lips in a feral kiss that made your head spin. His hands roamed your body urgently as your hands stripped him of his jacket. He tossed the fabric aside, forgetting it instantly as he focused on you and you alone.
His kisses trailed down your neck, teeth nipping at your skin and marking it as his. He left trails of desire in his wake that seeped into your skin. His hands worshiped your curves, memorizing the shape of you beneath his fingers. Your breathing stuttering and hitching, whines leaving your lips and filling the air every time that he left another mark on the sensitive skin of your neck.
“I want all of you Jou, all of you.”
His breath was hot against your skin as he possessively traced the curve of your waist. “Are you sure? There will be no more going back.”
You grabbed his hand and guided his fingers lower, to the bare skin of your torso, just under the hem of your shirt. “I won’t ask to go back.”
Carnal need flashed in his eyes as he felt your bare skin, cold against the heat and desire of his fingertips. “You asked for it,” he breathed, a reminder. Deliberate slowness propelled his movements, beginning his exploration of you. His fingertips traced along your curves under your shirt this time, leaving trails of fire in their wake.
His kisses became more fervent, more passionate, his tongue darting out to taste and savor you. He was deliberate in how he stripped your clothes from your body, gaze never breaking away so he could drink in every new inch of your exposed form.
Your skin heated under his every touch and gaze, a flash flood of insecurity and embarrassment flooding your system as you laid bare in front of him. Your chest still heaved, panting as need for the man hovering above you coursed through your body.
It was like Jou could sense your underlying insecurity and hesitation, so he took a moment, to really study you. You waited anxiously but his gaze only filled with an adoration that chased away your shadows of doubt. “You are beautiful.” Genuine admiration coated his tongue as his hands brushed over the expanse of your torso. “Every inch of you is stunning.”
His touch was gentle but insistent as he brushed over every dip and curve, eyes looking at you like you were a feast laid out just for him. “Let me explore you, let me worship you with every fiber of my being.” His lips curve under your jaw to press a kiss, hearing you gasp as his fingers trail the curve of your breast.
“I’m always so conscious of every move I make around you.” Your confession comes as your eyes flutter shut, your body canting up and into every touch on your skin. “How I look, how I talk. If I breathe the wrong way.”
He listens dutifully to your confession, his lips trailing the side of your neck as he makes a path to your ear. “There is nothing wrong with you,” he mumbles the reassurance, “you’re beautiful inside and out. Your every move, every breath, every word. All of it is perfect.” His touches become more tender, hands trailing down your body with reverence. “Let me show you how I adore every part of you.”
Your breath hitches and your back arches off the bed, your bare chest pressing to his as you wind your arms around his shoulders, clinging to him as his compliments ring in your ears. “Show me, please.”
Jou’s own breath staggers at the way your body arches into his and your breath turns ragged. Desire and possessiveness for you intensifies and he wastes no time in fulfilling your request. His touches become ravenous, lips trailing your neck with a growl as his hands grip at your curves you with a newfound urgency, pulling your body impossibly closer, eager to worship and consume each part of you.
“You have no idea,” he growled against your skin between kisses, raw desire slipping through the cracks in his voice, “the things I want to do to you.”
“Do them,” you encourage him, “leave marks down my neck, down my body, so they all know I’m yours.” You tug on his hair again, redirecting his mouth to yours so you can kiss him deeply, moaning your final request into his mouth. “I’m yours, show me how you make me yours.”
His eyes flashed with desire, hands roaming lower. An animalistic groan rumbled out of him as his kisses grew rougher, teeth nipping at your skin again. He left possessive marks in his wake as his hands teased and caressed, tracing intricate patterns along your sensitive skin. “As you wish, I’ll make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
His lips trailed over your cheeks, your jaw, your neck and your collarbone. Light kisses and rough bites, sloppily sucking skin between his lips. The mix of feelings sent shivers down your spine. Every mark left a whispered word of desire and devotion to fill your ears, “Mine,” he murmured, “all mine.”
All you could do was parrot the words back each time he made the claim, “all yours, Jou.” Whines and pleas mixed into your panting breaths as he moved across your body, lips attaching to your chest now. Every moan from you set Jou’s control further away.
“You’re mine,” he said again, “every inch of you belongs to me.”
“Every single inch,” you confirmed. “Jou,” you breathed his name, your own needs surfacing, “tell me you’re mine too. Please.”
He pauses for a moment, head lifting so his eyes can lock onto yours. “I’m yours.” It’s said with a sincerity that leaves no doubt behind it. “Every part of me belongs to you.” He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer keeping your body flush with his. “You own me, heart and soul,” his lips brush against your ear as he whispers it, pairing the confession with a soft scrape of his teeth against the lobe of your ear, “and I wouldn’t want it any other way.” Tenderness and adoration, a shared ownership of each other.
You squirmed at the intensity of his words, whining when his clothes rubbed roughly against your bare skin. “Every part of you.” It was your turn to let your lips wander. Kissing along his jaw, you suckled a bit of skin just under it to leave a small mark of your own on his skin. “Heart, body, and soul.”
A low, primal sound echoed out of Jou’s throat at the feel of your mark on his skin. One hand quickly gripped your chin as he brought your lips back to yours. He possessively claimed another kiss from you as his hands fumbled to remove the rest of his clothing, wanting nothing more than to be even closer to you. To feel you, skin on skin.
“I’m yours,” he whispered, voice heavy with desire as he pressed you back into the mattress, “all of me.” His desire to proclaim himself as yours was nearly as great as his desire to claim you as his.
Your lips left his to attach to another section of his neck, marking there too as your nails raked down his neck, past his shoulders and to his biceps where they found home in his flesh. “I’m yours, Jou. Have me.”
His body responded to your touch readily, leaning into the marks you left, a low groan escaping at the feel of your nails digging into his arms. “I will,” the sound sounding like both a promise and a plea.
He made true to his word, hands worshiping your body, pinching and groping in all the right places as they travel to where you need him the most. His chest swells with pride and possessiveness as he feels how wet you are for him, your gasps only fueling him more.
“You’re mine,” he growls again, thoughts gone from his clouded mind as all he can focus on is you, you, you. His need only escalated as he reached for himself, guiding himself into you in a single, swift, fluid motion.
The roughness of his thrust and sudden stretch had your brain going fuzzy. All that surrounded you was the possessive growl of “mine” filling your ears once more.
You could feel the press of his lips onto yours again, feral and ravenous as he devoured the gasps and moans you released into his mouth. Pure ecstasy flowed between you as he pulled back only to cant his hips forward again.
Devotion poured from him into you. “Mine always.” He murmured, barely keeping his voice intelligible.
“Yours,” you promised back when you found your voice again through your pants and whines, “always yours, Jou.”
His thrusts picked up in response, rougher and more passionate. A growl came from his chest as his grip on your hips tightened, bringing you up to meet his thrusts. He caught your eye contact and locked onto it. “Mine, I’ll never let anyone else have you.” His pace quickened, breath coming in ragged gasps as he moved inside you. "I will never let you go."
“Promise it to me,” you begged, gasping for air as one of your hands traveled lower down his arm, towards his hand, needing it in your own, “promise you won’t let me go.” 
His grip on you tightened immediately, his thrusts pausing so his hand could find yours, the one you needed to hold. He intertwined your fingers tightly, devotion leaving his lips as he pressed them to the tips of your fingers. “No one, nothing,” he kissed gently, eyes staying on yours, “will come between us, I promise you.” You melted under his touch and his gaze. “You’re mine and I’m yours.” He resumed his previous pace and intensity, showing just how deeply he meant it.
Your eyes fluttered shut, hand gripping onto his tightly to ground yourself. Your leg wrapped around his waist, hips lifting to give him more access. Your free hand found his cheek, guiding his lips back to yours, intent on swallowing every sound he made and having him swallow yours.
Jo groaned into the kiss, his movements leaving you breathless. His own grip on your hand tightened as his need grew more intense. Shared sounds of your pleasure and need filled the air of the small room. “I’ve wanted you so badly.”
“You have me.”You couldn’t tell whose breaths were whose now, each of you breathing in the air of the other. You were dizzy and enveloped by only him. The soft sheets of his bed beneath you. The hard press of his body above you. His hand in yours. His body merging with his. “You have me, Jou.”
His breath hitched, hearing the words leave your lips. His movements grew more eager, fingers finding your hair, curling into it as he pressed his forehead to yours, no longer able to keep up with the kissing. You both panted into each other’s mouths as his eyes coaxed yours to make contact again.
You whined when his hand tugged on your hair again, your lips whispering prayers of his name as you looked into his eyes. You wanted to look away, the intensity too much for you, but you couldn’t. You wanted to bathe in his attention.
Jou revels in the reaction his gaze has on you, taking advantage of how your head tilts, exposing your neck to him again. He breaks your gaze to kiss at your neck, hot breath against your skin, sloppily trailing kisses and love bites down the scorching line of your throat. He relished in the sound of your whimpers and prayers, lips falling to your chest, marking every inch of skin he could reach.
Every brush of his lips held another affirmation of his love, “you’re so beautiful.” He groaned praises in between kisses, moans of your name accompanying it. You panted and gasped in response, his own name continuing to fall from your lips in desperation, breathy sighs and ecstasy that only spurred him on.
He touched you with adoration, every new noise he drew from you creating an addictive symphony that sent electricity down his body. His body picked up pace, moving against yours in a deadly rhythm that matched the wild pounding of your heartbeats. Both of your breathing was ragged, needy as you teetered on the edge of ecstasy.
His urgency only grew, intoxicating as his fingers delved back into your hair, tilting your head further, opening your neck to him more. His grip tightened slightly, the right amount of pressure as he pressed your body close to his, lips exploring more of the skin on your neck.
Every thrust was a new claim on you. He owned every part of you already in this moment, and you were helpless to do anything but surrender to him. Every utterance of adoration making you fall deeper into him. He captured your lips again, possessive and ardent. “So beautiful,” he murmured against your lips, breath hot in your mouth, “so perfect.” His kisses peppered against your jaw. “And all mine.”
His whispered words of love and devotion were filled with desire and admiration. Passion and worship. Every shared breath and touch set your soul on fire. His name on your lips only fueled him more, answering your please with fervent movements.
Jou’s hand tightened in your hair again, reconnecting your lips and sucking in your gasps. “I love you,” he whispered into your mouth, “I love you, I’ll never let you go.”
Your body seized, his praise and confession making you dizzy, gasping for breath you couldn’t find. You were truly drowning in him. “My beautiful girl.” You felt yourself clench around him at the sound and he smirked into your mouth. “You like being praised, don’t you?”
You shuddered but nodded and his movements became more deliberate, leaving you feeling boneless as he thrust repeatedly into the same delicious spot. “You like it when I tell you how perfect you are?” His teeth rolled over your bottom lips. “How beautiful you are?” He soaked in every gasp and moan that escaped your lips. “And how you’re all mine?” You whined and squeezed his hand, nails digging in unintentionally. “I could praise you forever to get these reactions from you.” His teeth found your neck again, nipping roughly at a spot before using his tongue to soothe it.
Your body couldn’t help but arch up into his at the prospect of forever. “I love when you talk like this.” Your hand left his bicep, finding his neck again, scraping along the nape of it as you pressed your hips into his.
Jou groaned as your nails scraping over his skin. His breathing grew ragged, softly growling at your words, his grip falling to your hips, almost bruising as his movements became more possessive, frantic. He pressed his body closer lost in the pleasure and intimacy, craving more of you.
“You have no idea what you do to me,” he whispered, voice hoarse from his own broken moans, “the way you react to my words, to my touches,” he grazed up your side to emphasize and you gasped, “those tiny noises you make…” he groaned as you squeaked from the way he thrust into you harder, rougher. “It drives me insane.”
“I adore you.” His tone changed just as fast, his kisses getting sloppy as his hips stuttered. “I could spend forever worshiping you.”
“Then keep me forever,” you whisper back, moaning as your body begged for more and more of him.
“Forever,” he repeated, a growl against your lips, “I’ll keep you forever.” His pace was ferocious, the bed shaking from it as he claimed you. “I’ll never let you go,” he promised, mouth covering yours in another searing kiss. “You’re all mine now and no one else will ever have you.” His voice sounds thick, heavy with desire and a feral possessiveness.
“You’re mine forever, to worship, to adore, to claim for eternity.” Every phrase is punctuated with another thrust, another kiss. “My beautiful, perfect girl. This isn’t just some mindless fling. I’m going to keep you, make you mine in every way.”
“In every way.” You repeated back, frantically nodding your consent for him to do so, to do whatever he pleased with you. “However you want, whatever you want, Jou.”
Your words seemed to ignite something under his skin, Jou’s body shuddering above you as he took in your words and the desire behind them. He growled against your skin at your eager consent, body responding to your words and his mind reeling from your submission. His grip on your hip moved to your thigh, fingers digging into the flesh there. He left another mark on your collarbone as he whispered another promise into your skin.
“You’re so willing to give yourself over to me. It’s intoxicating.” He said it as if in awe, marveling over how you so willingly put yourself at his mercy. “I intend to take advantage of that,” he warned, his eyes staring at you with raw desire and adoration. “I’m going to make you mine, claim you so thoroughly that you’ll forget anyone else ever existed before me.”
“No-” you shook your head, “no one existed before you.” You moaned loudly in his ear as your nails found his shoulders again. “No one but you Jou.” Your insides twisted up. “No one else when there’s you.”
Jou reacted viscerally to your words, deep guttural groans escaping his lips as he buried his face in your neck, panting. His pace bordered on frenzied and you felt yourself crumbling. “Damn right,” he growled, “no one else for you. Only me. You’re mine, and I’m never letting you go.”
His groan into your neck morphed into broken moans from his pace. The idea of nothing but the two of you mattering had ecstasy shattering over both of you. Your lips formed broken moans of ‘only you’ as your body fell into release.
As you both shattered together, Jo’s body tensed and then trembled above you, his own climax hitting him hard and leaving him breathless. You could feel his ragged pants against the clammy skin of your neck, his body shuddering as he struggled to catch his breath, to come down.
His grip on your hip and your hand loosened, fingers tracing gentle, soothing circles on your skin in a sharp contrast to the wildness of his previous touches. He barely kept himself held above you as you both were consumed in your own world. His voice was still rough but soft with affection for you as he whispered again.
“Only me, only you,” he kissed you deeply, “only us.”
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a/n "only us" and the shishitoren boys who are about to show up at the ori and not let you be able to sneak out unseen... and your best friend who may just find his abandoned jacket in that tunnel and fear the worst...
@qichun @starlitsawamura @oooohno @albakugo @yisxn @toria175 @tsukiran
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ihopeiexplode · 1 day
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📱 “heaven knows I'm miserable now”
[←Previous | Next→]
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you were sitting on your couch with some snacks laid out in front of you as you were about to play a movie while it rained heavily outside, however before you could even hit play on your remote suddenly you heard some knocking on your front door
You get up from your couch to open your door. Who would knock on your door in the dead of night while it's raining? as you opened the door you saw none other than Sukuna, drenched in rain holding a bouquet of flowers along with a box that seemed like it was filled with all your favorite food
should you let him in or let him stay out in the rain?
while you were thinking of a decision suddenly he spoke up
"before you close the door I just wanted to say, uhm.. I'm..sorry for everything I said back then...."
judging by the tone of his voice you could tell someone forced him to say this, not to mention his facial expression as well...
"okay? is that all?"
"Who told you to do it?"
"figured, but how come you agreed?"
"I was forced to"
without another thought you just slammed the door in his face, your not accepting an apology from someone who didn't mean it and just apologized because someone told him to
then again you felt slightly bad leaving him out there drenched in rain, you'd sigh before opening your door once again
"come in..."
the moment he stepped in he immediately soaked up your floor, you'd go towards your room to grab him a towel, and when you came back you'd wrap it around him
''sit down ill dry you up"
"I can do it myself"
"Sure you could"
actually, he didn't even want to go against your idea, he really was hoping you'd be the one to dry him up the moment you wrapped him around with your towel,
as he took a seat on your chair while you stood behind him drying up his hair without saying a word, usually the silence between you two would feel comforting to him but this one felt different, he could tell you were still mad at him,
he should try apologizing like he means it this time..
"y/n listen, I'm sorry I'm not good with my words but I'm sorry like I really am i know it sounds like I don't mean it but I do, uhm I'm also sorry about the flowers and food, and there probably soggy"
this time you could tell he was actually sincere about his apology which is..odd for Sukuna, but you'll take what you can get out of him
"I guess I could forgive you"
"wait actually"
"Don't make me take it back"
he really didn't expect you to forgive him, if anything he thought you'd just ignore his apology, you'd continue drying him off by you'll eventually get startled by the sudden thunder strike outside, then you'd notice how it started raining heavier than it before
"you should stay"
"why? it's just some rain ill be fine"
"If you wanna get struck by thunder be my guest"
Will he tell you he used his car instead of his motorcycle to get here? no, of course not if he told you he just passed on a good opportunity to stay at your house why would he pass on the opportunity to stay over at your house
when you were finally done drying him off you'd put away the towel before sitting back on your couch
"wanna watch a movie with me?"
"yeah sure i dont mind"
"oh yeah thx for the flowers and food by the way, even if there soggy"
"You're welcome"
both you and Sukuna would be sitting right next to each other with a blanket around you two while you guys watched some romance movie, if anything sukuna felt bored out of his mind.
about half an hour into the movie he'd notice how you fell asleep as your head rested on his shoulder, do you always fall asleep during movies? this is the second time this happened..
he sighed before turning off your TV, carrying you bridal style as he made his way towards your room
as he placed you down on your bed as he placed a blanket over you, he was planning on sleeping on your couch, but before he could leave suddenly it thundered once again causing you to grab onto his arm as you were startled
he would just sigh once more before laying down next to you, as he did he noticed how you started to calm down, eventually he'll wrap his arms around you pulling you close with your face against his chest before he eventually drifted off to sleep
[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
A/N: Idk what my titles should be so I'm using song names🔥🔥💥🗣️🗣️‼️
Taglist: @catobsessedlady @hellomeow12 @0-candlecove-0 @shivzypuff @swirlingcurses @1-800-choke-that-ho @attackonnat @chilichopsticks @getoxmahito @memenojutsu @uhnanix @ichorstainedskin @needtoloveoutloud @love-me-satoru @s-j320 @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @goj0sunglasses @svtvrnal @haitanibros0007 @punkhazardlaw @mslydiaa @jayathelostdragon @caileysdead @rixyaaaa @minzxec @rzcnlb @cadibearrr
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caraetdeul · 3 days
A Bouquet of Breakdowns
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Choi Seungcheol x reader
Sometimes, life is a bride that just gives a whole ass bouquet of problems in one throw.
TW: breakdowns, stressed reader
a/n: hi so this is more of a self-indulgent fic. I've been so stressed lately and I may have inserted my own situation in this fic in a very detailed way too much, so sorry bout that. But other than that, hopefully everything's good at your end of the screen but if not, hopefully this fic will help you in any way possible. Enjoy reading caratdeuls!
~Main Masterlist~
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I’ve got a pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that its all mine, oh oh
Do what you want but yo—
Seungcheol groaned, trying to reach out for his phone on his nightstand in his sleepy state. Letting you change his ringtone to this song may be a mutual decision for the sake of comedic timing but right now, all he wants is to just throw his phone out the window.
“Whoever decided that 2 o’clock in the morning was a good time to call was definitely gonna taste the wrath of a sleep deprived Cheo—”
“Oh thank God you answered!”
He paused for a second, his brain trying to comprehend the urgency in your brother’s voice. Once his brain caught up to the moment, he sat up immediately.
“What do you mean, Chan?”
“I’ve been trying to call noona for 30 minutes now and she’s still not answering her phone. I’m panicking right now hyung. I don’t know what to do!” Cheol can already hear Chan’s pacing from his end of the line and knew that he was already at the brink of a panic attack.
“Hey, hey, hey calm down for a bit. What do you mean you’ve been calling your sister for a while now? Isn’t she in her room probably sleeping right now?”
“That’s the thing! She isn’t! I went in her room to borrow something from her but when I entered, she wasn’t there! Oh god, this can’t be happening right now.”
“Okay, breathe Chan. I’ll go help find her. Do you have any idea where she might have gone to?”
He heard Chan take a deep breath before answering slightly more calmly than before, “Try the park behind the church. I do remember her telling me something about the garden there and how she goes there sometimes.”
“Okay, thanks Chan.” Cheol stood up, immediately searching the vicinity for a shirt and his wallet and keys.
“Wait, I’m coming with you.” He can already hear a door slam shut before Chan even finished his sentence.
“No, stay there in case she comes back. I’ve got this.” The call went silent for a bit and Cheol can feel his hesitance to follow his instructions. But even then, Chan knew he was right and can only sigh in agreement.
“Okay, fine. Just call me back once you find her, please.”
“I will, don’t worry.”
“Thank you, hyung. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“No worries, Chan. I’ll do anything for the both of you.”
Once the call ended, Cheol rushed to his car, praying to every single higher being he can remember at the moment that you were alright. He wasn’t really shocked with how your brother reacted to your sudden disappearance. Ever since you were children, all he could remember was how you took care of your little brother all by yourself. Your parents were always too busy for the both of you thus, you were left with all the responsibilities in your home including being a parent for your own brother. Because of this, Chan decided that he was gonna be your protector in any way that he can be. So it was no shock that he would react this way.
It took him around 15 minutes before he reached the town’s church. He parked the car by the sidewalk before walking towards the back of the church where the park is found. Chan didn’t really specify the garden that you mentioned but he had a slight clue as to what it might have been. You were always fond of the hydrangeas that bloomed at this time of the year. He can remember how pretty you looked under the light of the sunset as you explained how hydrangeas can grow in groups but still retain a unique beauty for each flower. He then remembered how you further sprouted random facts about them and all he’s thinking about is how much he loves your nerdy side.
Walking through the park, he tries calling out your name but there were no response. As he neared the garden hidden at the very end of the park, he can slightly hear a melody being played from a phone. Once he got closer to the sound, he sighed in relief when he clearly heard the lyrics to your favorite song. It was only then that he realized how stiff his whole body was from panic, only relaxing when he sees your form lying on the grass and watching the stars above. He sent a text to your brother to let him know you’re safe. As soon as he received a text back, he walked towards your direction, careful not to spook you too much.
“You do know that phones are made primarily for texting and calling, right?” You immediately turned to the direction of the sound, scared for your life. But once you see your boyfriend’s face, you relaxed your hold on your pepper spray and took a deep breath to calm your nerves down.
“What the hell, Choi? You scared the shit out of me.”
“Well to be fair, you scared me first what with you disappearing in the middle of the night and not even telling anyone about it.”
“Okay, fair. Sorry about that.” You sheepishly smiled at him in an attempt to look apologetic as he lies down next to you.
“Apology accepted.” Cheol stretched out his arm to you, letting you cuddle up to him, “but i can’t promise any forgiveness from your brother any time soon. He was about to burn the whole house down in panic trying to find you.”
“Oh god.” Cheol chuckled at your response. He can already hear the gears in your head running and trying to find an acceptable peace offering for your brother. For a few minutes he let you dwell in your thoughts, knowing all too well that you’ve already moved past that and now deciding on whether or not you would share the whole reason why you’re out here at this time of night.
“So,” Cheol started, “want to talk about it?”
You hummed. Biting your lips, you said the first thing that came into your mind, “I don’t really know where to start.”
“That’s okay. Take your time. We’ve got all night.” His hold on you tightened for a bit, letting you know that he’s there for you no matter what. You don’t know what you did to deserve him but you thank God so much that he let you two meet because you don’t know how you will ever survive this world without him in your life.
“I’m overwhelmed,” you sighed shakily, “everything is too much and I can’t even relax properly. I…”
Cheol scrunched his eyebrows in confusion when you didn’t continue your train of thought only to hear you sniffling and feel your body shake a bit from trying not to cry.
“Its okay, love. Let it out.”
And then the dam broke.
You told him how your work was piling up and everything was just so stressful. You also told him about the disappointment you felt when your workmates left you all alone while struggling to meet a deadline on time when they promised you that they will help. In short, you have vomited every single slight inconvenience and big event in your life that happened in the course of a few days to your boyfriend. Your sweet and caring boyfriend who’s listening intently to every single word you’re saying.
By the time you were done, the sun was beginning to rise. You can hear the sounds of the nature around you waking up as Seungcheol wipes your tears and hug you tightly. You can feel him kiss your hair, stroking it in an attempt to ground you. You both stayed like that for a few more minutes before Cheol made you both sit up to face each other.
“You do know you can share anything with me, right?” He cupped your face with his hands, forcing you to look into his sincere eyes.
“Yeah, I know.”
“So the next time you feel like this, will you please go straight to me?”
You felt your lips quiver due to the intense sincerity that you felt from his words. You observed his face, memorizing every detail and imprinting them into your brain.
“I will.”
Seuncheol smiled in relief before hugging you once again, pulling your head to rest on his chest as he enveloped you with his arms. Maybe you’ll have a hard time letting him be a shoulder for you to cry on but he vows to you and to himself that he will be there to catch you whenever you fall.
Taglist: @moonwonuu @belladaises
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azzibuckets · 3 hours
for a pazzi prompt maybe them transitioning from friends to lovers but nobody questioning it at all because they’ve always been touchy anyway
in love with you [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
a/n: how do i always manage to stray from the prompt…i read this as friends as benefits to lovers😭
word count: 1.7k
Paige panted against Azzi’s skin, letting her body fall slack against her best friend. Fingers lightly ran over the skin on her back, soothingly tracing patterns as she recovered. She let her eyes close as she deeply inhaled, trying to memorize Azzi’s scent and ingrain it into her head forever - warm vanilla and mandarin, with a musky hint of sweat.
When Paige finally caught her breath, she propped herself up on her elbows so that she could cup the face of the girl beneath her. “I needed that,” she breathed, the tips of her fingers gently brushing away the hair from Azzi’s eyes.
Azzi subconsciously leaned into her touch, a small smile forming its way onto her pretty pink lips. “What’s a best friend good for if they can’t relieve your stress?” she teased.
Paige bit the inside of her cheek, the startling pain a harsh but much needed reality check for her. Azzi was her best friend, albeit with benefits, but still nothing more. For some reason, she constantly needed the reminder that someone as beautiful and sweet as Azzi Fudd would never fall for someone like her. But it was her fault whenever she got her hopes up, thought maybe the way Azzi looked at her or had sex with her meant something different.
Paige rolled off of the younger girl and studied the ceiling. Azzi stayed for a second there, unmoving, before she lifted herself from the bed and started rummaging around the floor for her clothes.
“Leaving already?” Paige wrinkled her eyebrow, surprised at Azzi’s rush when she usually took her time in bed, sharing in lingering kisses before reluctantly leaving.
“Yeah, sorry,” Azzi said as she continued looking around. “I got something planned.” She turned around, her hands on her hips and a confused expression on her face. “Where’d you throw my shirt again? I could’ve sworn it was over here somewhere.”
Paige shrugged, folding her arms behind her head as she watched her best friend. “I don’t know. Just wear one of my things like you always do.”
Azzi opened her mouth to respond, but hesitated as if she wasn’t sure what to say. Paige leaned forward, suspicious at the girl’s sudden nervousness. “Why are you acting all weird? Is there something you’re not telling me?”
The dark haired girl shook her head too quickly. “No. Just, you know. Prefer to not let everyone know we’re sleeping together.”
Paige grabbed the nearest shirt she could find and wrestled it over her head as she started advancing towards Azzi. “Now you’re definitely being weird. We always wear each other’s clothes and no one cares.” She was directly in front of Azzi now. Paige reached down to grab her hand. “What’s up?” she swung their interlocked hands, her face etched with concern.
Azzi bit her lip, looking everywhere but Paige. “I just have, you know, a date. And showing up wearing your clothes isn’t exactly a good look?”
The blonde’s heart started pounding at this news, but she tried to maintain a facade of indifference. “A date right after a hookup? Azzi, you slut,” she joked, but her laugh sounded choked out and the words hung lifelessly in the air between them, the punchline clearly fucked up.
Azzi shrugged. “You’re the one who called me. And besides, the date’s nothing serious.” She resumed her search for her clothes, but Paige stayed frozen where she was.
After a few moments of silence, Paige spoke up again. “Why didn’t you tell me you had a date?” She nudged the younger girl’s shoulder from where she was bent down.
Azzi didn’t look up. “I don’t know. I didn’t want it to be weird, I guess.”
“Why would it be weird?” Paige’s tone was cautious. “We tell each other everything.”
“Like I said, I don’t know.” Azzi glanced over her shoulder at the blonde before quickly turning back around. She spotted her shirt in the depths of Paige’s closet and grabbed it, rushing to put it on. “It’s just…it’s the first date I’m going on since this started to happen.” She gestured between the two of them, wordlessly indicating their friends with benefits situation. “And I didn’t really know how to go about it. I didn’t wanna be weird?”
Paige bit her cheek again, this time strong enough to draw blood. “Well, we talked about this. We said we wanted to keep things normal, and keeping things normal means continuing to tell me things you’d tell me even without this agreement going on.”
Now fully dressed, Azzi studied herself in the mirror, unleashing the braids from the hasty ponytail she’d thrown her hair in earlier. “Honestly, I don’t get why you care so much,” she muttered.
Paige hovered next to Azzi, desperately wishing the girl would turn around and just look at her, but she stood there stubbornly, eyes fixed on her own reflection. “Sue me for being interested in my best friend’s life.”
Azzi finally made eye contact with her, but her stare was piercing. “Well, you’re starting to act weirdly possessive.”
Paige crossed her arms, conscious of the fact that she was standing doggedly between Azzi and the door. “Don’t go.” She hadn’t meant for those words to come out of her mouth, but they had, and now she wished she’d taped her lips shut.
Azzi’s eyebrow cocked. “Don’t go?” she repeated, a hint of amusement glittering in her eyes.
The older girl cemented her resolve. “Stay,” she pleaded, inwardly wincing at the humiliating desperation that tinged her voice.
Azzi swallowed hard, seemingly starting to understand that Paige wasn’t joking. All humor was gone from her expression now. “Paige,” she said seriously. “You’re my best friend. You know I won’t go if you don’t want me to. But just know that asking me to stay would be incredibly selfish of you.”
Paige dropped her gaze. This is why she loved Azzi - her raw honesty combined with her fierce loyalty. But at the same time, she knew she was being utterly self-absorbed, pathetically trying to keep Azzi to herself when the girl clearly wanted something more than anything Paige could have to offer.
“Fine.” Her voice was weak. She cleared her throat, and said more steadily, “Go.”
Azzi looked at her hard, her eyes steely. But when she brushed past her to leave, the touch of her fingertips to Paige’s elbow was gentle. “I’ll see you later.”
Azzi knew that this wouldn’t work. Throwing herself at other girls, hoping one of them would act similarly enough to Paige - talk like her or look like her or smile like her - so that she could mollify the growing ache in her heart and forget about the only person she’s ever truly wanted.
And when the date went absolutely haywire, the other girl turning out to be an egocentric bitch who wouldn’t stop ordering expensive dishes and adding more to the bill, Azzi had walked right on out. Five minutes later, Paige had pulled up to the curb of the restaurant, but not with an i told you so look on her face but a gaze of such softness that Azzi wondered how she’d even agreed to the date in the first place.
“Thanks.” Azzi broke the stifling silence in the car. She leaned her head against the window, studying the dark scenery flying past them.
“I was nearby. It wasn’t a problem.” They both knew Paige was lying, but Azzi appreciated the effort.
Later that night, when Paige had invited her to stay the night and Azzi didn’t have the strength in her to say no like she’s ever been able to say no to Paige, and Azzi started ranting about how she could never find the right person, because they always turned out to be rude or weird or just not for her, Paige had started smiling with that stupid smirk on her face, leaning closer and closer to Azzi, and they’d somehow ended up tangled in white sheets and each other’s limbs for the second time in twenty four hours, but neither of them were really complaining.
And after that, when Paige was lying on Azzi, both of them bare and vulnerable but more than just physically, Paige had said, “You know why all your dates are dumb fucks?”
Azzi had said no. She’d been sleepy, partly from the exhaustion of the day and party from the way Paige was tracing circles around the piercing in her belly button.
That was the night Azzi realized Paige was in love with her, because Paige had told her, had told her about the way she was so selfless and kind and gentle to everyone around her, a warm light that made everyone else shine brighter by simply just existing, about the way she was admiringly wholly and entirely dedicated to developing her art, always looking to the interests of the team before her own, and the way she was so good with kids, always treating them like real people and having conversations with them. And Paige hadn’t said those words explicitly, said “these are the reasons why I’m in love with you.” No, she’d listed them out as reasons why all the people Azzi went on dates with were “dumb fucks.” But by the time Paige had finished her rant, her chest heaving, the look in her eyes full of the familiar desperation and determination that Azzi had become accustomed to along with another thing she’d always failed at recognizing but which she now realized as longing, Azzi had figured that these were the things that Paige was in love with. That sure, these might be things that all the failed dates in her past might’ve failed to seen in her. But more importantly, these were reasons that Paige had wanted her to stay.
And so that night Azzi had taken the initiative to be the one to explicitly say “I love you” first. Even though Paige’s almost-monologue from moments before was basically an “I love you” in its own right.
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crow2222 · 2 days
You. You should totally write or smth abt Darry being unable to swim well, or at all, so he just grabs on to something with a white knuckled grip every time he's near semi-deep water lmao. Pls it'd be funny-
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get this man outta the water asap.
WC; 1,206
The sky looked like it was lit ablaze; the setting sun letting off the last of it's light for the day, filtering through the leaves of trees, but managing to blind Darry as he stood at the edge of the lake.
"It's still a little warm if you get in now!"
Sodapop's smile showed off all his bright white teeth, a fair competitor to the sunlight that had been shining on them all day.
Darry had an excuse at first, as all the guys did stupid tricks and flips into the water, he was grilling the sausages and patties to fill the ravenous teenager's stomachs. Every each one of them could eat a horse if left without a cook, like Darry. He wasn't even that good of a cook- he'd under cooked and burnt more food than he could count on his finger, but it was all eaten away. Even if it meant being sick.
But as time went by, and the meal was eaten (their burgers were soaked, they wasted no time going from the lake to the food and grabbed at the buns before their hands could even dry first.), and everyone piled back into the water, expecting Darry to follow right in.
He'd never been a fan of the water.
Too many risks, too little reward. He could splash around in the bath if truly he wanted that, but he didn't. Besides the bath was uncomfortably small for his build, so he'd grown to like showers more.
His feet stayed planted on the slippery rock, any sudden move would've had him flying down towards the water; and it got pretty deep pretty quick too!
He'd never been a fan of the water, because he couldn't swim.
Never learned, had no use for it in Oklahoma. Maybe almost everyone knows how to swim except for him, and maybe it did bug him some, but gosh, by then he had two jobs keeping him busy all day, and no time to hangout by the local pool with the gang. That's what he told them. It wasn't necessarily a lie, he would be home before they had a chance to get their feet wet, but all his muscles ached and he had better things to do than swim aimlessly. If he could, that is.
"Darrryy" Sodapop groaned, "Jump in already. If you stay up there any longer I'd be inclined to call you a pussycat!"
The man narrowed his eyes at his little brother, ready to come up with a smart remark before he felt the cold hands on his back for a split second-
then he was in the air,
and landed in the water, with a painful belly flop.
Water filled his ears, and he couldn't open his eyes in the water. It was all dark, and he felt no ground under his feet. Was he upside down? He couldn't tell.
Darry hadn't had a chance to breathe before being pushed in the water, so he was quickly panicking about needing to take a breath. He was going to drown. He can't swim. He's about to die.
Something grabbed him, and he foolishly wondered if it was death itself that had come down to reap his soul.
He wasn't about to go down without a fight, or a chance to survive, so he thrashed around his arms wildly, hoping that maybe he'd swim up to the surface doing so.
He grabbed at it- whatever it was- and pushed himself up with all the strength he could muster, accidentally holding onto the soft arm with full grip. He didn't notice, his focus was on getting above the water.
And he did exactly that.
Darry had both his hands on the person as his head finally reached the cold air. He coughed out water he accidentally let in his mouth, and then he gasped and gasped, his panic being more than clear as he tried to suck in as much air as he could, worried he was about to go under again.
But then he gently lowered his legs in the water, and he felt the muddy ground.
Then he tested opening his eyes, blinking away any water that still hung onto his eyelashes.
"Are you okay?" Two-bit's face was all screwed up weird as he stared at Darry, who was still holding onto him for dear life, even if he had floor underneath him now.
The older man was shaking, he couldn't stop himself. He thought he was about to die seconds ago! "I can't swim." He blurted out, his voice was garbled; his throat was sore from his harsh coughs and gasps.
Two led Darry out of the water, helping him push up the rocks when he physically couldn't by himself. It was like his body used up all it's energy when he panicked in the water; and he collapsed sideways on the wet rocks the moment he felt far enough from the water.
"Dally, that wasn't fucking funny." Someone spat out, but Darry didn't see who, nor did he care. He kept his focus on the way the air went in and out his lungs as he felt the cold envelope his body, being no help to his intense shivers from the shock.
Warmth. Suddenly he felt a warm hand rub his back, and heard a quiet voice telling him to slow down his breathing. He didn't think he was breathing fast, but tried his best to follow it's instructions.
He just wanted to cook some burgers.
When he felt calm enough to do so, he opened his eyes again, and was met with a variety of faces looking back at him.
Sodapop, a frown that somehow etched worry into each crevice in his face.
Two-bit, confusion visible by his furrowed brows and searching eyes.
Dallas, who looked away the moment Darry met his gaze, who looked uncomfortable, and guilty.
Steve, desperately holding back a grin that he hid horribly with a frown, mimicking his best friend's.
Johnny, who's big black eyes bore into Darry's pale blue ones, unspoken questions in them.
There was a face missing, and that's when he laid on his back and saw Ponyboy, who had been the one behind him previously.
"Darry.. you can't swim?"
Ponyboy tucked a blanket above his shoulders- a blanket he didn't realize was covering him in the first place.
Heat rushed to his entire face as he took in what had happened. He got pushed in the water, he flailed about wildly once he was in, couldn't push his body out the water alone, then was left spluttering and panting. And they all watched it happen. God he'd never live it down.
He closed his eyes again, shaking his head as a no. He waited for the burst of laughter to come from the group, his muscles tensing for it. Yet, nothing happened.
"Gee, you could've told us. We woulda taught you how to." Steve was the brave soul who spoke up, seemingly speaking the thoughts of the whole group as murmurs of agreement filled Darry's ears.
His brothers helped him sit up, even with the blanket he couldn't stop shaking. It was all too humiliating, yet none of them seemed to pay it any mind.
It wasn't long until everyone piled back into the car, half wet and shivering, but laughing together about anything but Darry's wild panic from earlier.
And let's just say Dallas found his own way back home that day.
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keilanana · 2 days
𝑻𝒐 𝑫𝒆𝒇𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒆
ɪɪ. sᴛᴜᴅʏɪɴɢ ᴡɪʟʟɪɴɢʟʏ (ᴡɪʟʟ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ)
You vs. Your VERY EASILY Distracted Brain (feat. Mother being a schemer, because why wouldn't she be.)
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The moment you're old enough, you basically dive head first into every Greek and Roman book you can find, whether it be on mythology or mystery.
For every chance you get when your parents decide to pay a visit to the library, you scrounge the shelves for anything you might have missed, and the moment your [E/c] eyes lock onto something that could have valuable information, it's free game and you're already dragging Mum over to the front desk.
Your moms are, understandably, a little concerned over your sudden obsession for almost anything Greek or Roman, but your Mother likes to soothe her wife's (and her own) worries by saying that maybe Willow's stories had more of an affect on you than they thought they would. It doesn't really do a lot to reassure your Mum, nor even Mother, to be frank, but your nose is usually stuck too far up in a book to care.
Of course, you don't like making your guardians worry, but your guilt over seeing their concerned gazes is unfortunately not enough to make you slow down—which is admittedly a bit of a surprise to you, as none of your teachers from your previous life could hardly ever get you to pick up their required text books of your own violation.
Oh, if only they could see you now. They'd probably think it was either a miracle or you'd gone insane (you have).
But then again, it's not like you were trying to be difficult on purpose or anything, back then; you'd just found it hard to really pay attention to anything those old school books were saying because they couldn't really ... connect with you, if that makes any sort of sense.
(Actually, does anything about this whole scenario make any sort of sense? It may have been years—eight years, to be exact—since you've accepted your new circumstances, but would you really be surprised if you just woke up in a hospital one day and were told you'd been in a coma for a while?
... Yes, actually. And maybe a little disappointed, too, but only just a little.)
And you know, now that you think about it, you also lacked a lot of motivation to put any effort into studying, no matter how important it was. Maybe your past teachers should've told you that you'd start getting hunted down by monsters at a certain age. That probably would've been enough to make you wanna put more effort into their classes.
(That is a complete lie you would have laughed in their faces at the absurdity alone.)
Now that you are quite literally in the world of Percy Jackson (holy shit you still have to take a moment to think about this sometimes), though, the threat of monsters is an absolute guarantee, and you are not about to risk dying a second time.
So, for the first (and ONLY) time in both of your lives, you're willingly buckling down and genuinely trying to absorb as much information as you can. It is a process of trial and error, as you're pretty easily distracted, but your life is actually at risk even more so in this world than your old one, and you'd feel bad if you had to rely on your parents to protect you forever.
"This is getting ridiculous," Mum says on the day she finally gives into Mother's suggestion of buying you a bookshelf for your research.
You ignore the exasperation in her voice, naturally, and continue sliding all of the books you've collected over the years into your newly acquired piece of furniture, with Mother at your side and giggling at the look of genuine disbelief her wife gives you while you work.
"Close your mouth, dear," Penelope says, voice teasing and eyes tinkling playfully as she sends her lover a grin. "You'll catch flies."
Willow huffs and crosses her arms with a small roll of her eyes, but she still closes her mouth as her wife told her to nonetheless.
Mother giggles again, and you don't need to turn around to see the way Mum's face starts cosplaying that of a tomato at the sound.
One year before your death, you played Undertale.
Such a fact may seem irrelevant, but that would only be true in literally any other world that didn't have monsters in it.
You see, when you were gifted the game for Christmas and played it about three weeks later on your Switch, you played the Pacifist route first.
And then you didn't bother with the other two routes afterwards, because you decided to watch a Genocide playthrough beforehand. You didn't intend to finish it; you only wanted to get a feel for what the game would be like to prepare yourself before you actually played it on your own.
You got to Toriel's death, closed the video, and then cried into your pillow for the rest of the day.
Undertale made you sympathize with the monster, and this is how it affects your second go around:
When you read about Medusa, only a priestess with no where to run when Poseidon rises from the depths of his realm and offers his hand to her, and powerless when this act from her fellow God makes Athena's rage and curse Medusa into a monster for heroes to hunt with the promise of glory, you grip the book in your hands until your knuckles are white and feel your teeth grind together in a quiet anger.
Then you learn of Charybidis, unyielding in her loyalty to her father, even as he brings her into yet another petty feud between him and his brother, only for her to pay the price in having her body contorted and shaped into something indescribable and surely painful if it's sole purpose is meant to suck in as much water as possible and then spit it back out over and over again, you find yourself slamming the book shut and tossing it onto your bed to hit something.
And when you come upon the tale of the Minotaur, you finally give into the temptation and weep because you can't imagine being born into a world that calls you 'wrong' long before you even take your first breath. What was it like, you wonder, spending a childhood in a home that was never truly yours, where the denizens did nothing but look upon you with disdain and disgust. How old was he, you think, when the king deemed him a 'prize' and then threw him into a dark maze that only fed him when 'heroes' (not to him, never for him) sought out his blood?
Undertale made you sympathize with the monster, and you know, deep down, that that fact alone will one day cost you.
You just hope that it won't be anytime soon.
"Your birthday's coming up, little love," Mother says as she runs her fingers through your hair. You hum in acknowledgement, too distracted by the book in your hands, and Penelope releases a sigh—an amused one, but still a sigh nonetheless.
"I bring this up," she begins, voice teasing as she abruptly boops your nose and makes you flinch back, blinking in surprise, "because I would like to know if there is anything else you'd like other than more books." She chuckles.
Still caught up in the suddenness of Mother's random assault on your face, you scrunch up your nose and lift your head up to meet her eyes, your brows furrowing.
"I ... don't know," you answer honestly. Then, with a small shrug of your shoulders, you add, "I don't think I really want anything else."
Mother hums, a thoughtful sound, but there's a familiar quirk at the corner of her lips and a twinkle in her [E/c] eyes that lets you know she's planning something, and it takes everything in you to stop yourself from gulping, because when Mother makes plans, she always pulls through—for better or worse.
Oh, God, you think, making sure to refer to Capital G God and not the Greek ones because you don't trust them. Maybe my birthday present can be skipping the day all together? Would that work?
(That was a rhetorical question; you knew it wouldn't, but it was nice to give into false hope every now and then.)
(You have to stop lying to yourself: false hope only leads to more suffering.)
Mum has been acting strange.
You first notice only a couple days after your birthday conversation with Mother, around the middle of dinner. Granted, everything had been relatively normal at first—but those were the two, key words: at first.
Spaghetti and salad had been served that night, with you eagerly digging into your pasta and garlic bread while Mother ate next to you with far more grace; pretty normal, except for the fact that Mum—a far more messier eater than you—was taking bites of her salad slowly.
Maybe it was nothing. Mum could've just been feeling sick and didn't want to upset her stomach further, or maybe she was just tired.
But you saw the quick, repeated glances she kept sending her wife's way, and you knew at that moment that something was up.
The question was on what exactly that 'something' was.
You consider bringing it up to ask, but then figure out that if your parents had wanted you to know whatever secret they're pretending they don't have, they would've already told you.
So you watch, and then you bring out the last empty notepad you have to write your observations down, because your memory was apparently biased and seemed very picky on what you should and shouldn't remember.
(Unsurprisingly, this fact may be one of the key factors in you doing not so well in school, but. Anyway.)
- mum is hovering
It's the first thing you notice: Mum following Mother around like a lost puppy, eyes wide and begging, teeth sinking into her lower lip whenever Mother walks up and down the stairs and tries to do the basics of her everyday life. Months ago, Mum had no problem with Mother reaching for something on the top shelf, or crouching down to get something beneath the sink, but now the satyr looks like she's going to have a heart attack if Mother so much as leans down to get something from one of the bottom shelves of the fridge.
Watching it the first few times is kind of funny, honestly, because it's such a sudden switch up from Mum's usual confidence.
But then it lasts longer than two weeks, and that's when you begin to worry.
- mother appears to be sick???
It's the only explanation you could think of to understand Mum's constant hovering. That, and not long after you noticed Mum's constant trailing after her wife, you managed to clock in that Mother seemed rather ... fatigued, so to say.
Granted, it wasn't as noticeable as Mum's hovering, but it was still there in the way Mother would stumble backwards a little after reaching for something, or how—whenever she'd bring you outside to join Mum at the barn—she'd have to take a short break, sometimes even sitting down to catch her breath.
You'd fret, just a little, and ask if she was okay everytime, but she only smiled with that familiar twinkle in her eyes—so much brighter than your own despite being the same color—and nod her head, telling you not to worry and that she was fine.
Weirdly enough, it was only that look in her eyes that made you believe her—even if the concern still lingered in the back of your mind after she'd get back up, take your smaller hand into her own, and then lead you the rest of the way to your sun-kissed Mum.
- they both keep giving me these "subtle" (they really REALLY aren't) looks
You're more than used to your mothers sending you 'looks', whether they be warnings like, Hey, get away from that, it's dangerous or, What are you doing? and, most importantly of all, Wanna learn another way to mess with your mom?
Those looks are what you're most familiar with, naturally, so when your mothers start giving you ones you've never seen before, you take note of them in an instant, and now you're trying to decipher that in hopes you'll be able to decipher the layer above it and finally know what's got your Mum Mother Henning Mother and Mother sending you a look that borders on mischievous everytime you send her a suspicious look at the dinner table.
Not knowing, in truth, sometimes make you only a little uncomfortable. Not knowing when you feel like you should, though, is absolutely driving you insane because you can't help but feel like the answer is right there and yet you're missing it for some reason and—
Mother decides to drop the bomb right when your ninth birthday's over and you're all stuffed on cake.
"I'm pregnant," she says, shrugging like it's the most casual thing in the world and smiling because she knows she just tipped yours upside down. "You're going to be an older sibling, [Y/n]."
Mum chokes on her drink just as your jaw practically hits the table.
"I—" You blink, suddenly thinking back to everything you've jotted down in pursuit of learning your parents' secret, and then feel your face warm once you see the knowing look and amused smile on your Mother's face.
(Of course she knew.)
"... Okay," the word comes out in a croak.
Mother has the gall to snort.
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bb-blu-love · 1 day
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆when the world is asleep⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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tags: idol!bangchan x reader, established relationship, fluff, slight hurt comfort (really just a couple doing their best in a bad situation), reader has ~anxiety~
3:00 AM in the quiet part of town is your favorite place in the world. On the outskirts of the city, where only families and old folks live and the streets are empty this time of night, you have found what seems like the only place in the world where you and Chan can feel truly at ease.
You’d been waiting for him to come over all day, so when he finally called around ten saying he just left the studio you became giddy with excitement that soon turned into anxiety. It’s not like he had never been to your apartment before or that you felt uncomfortable around him; it’s just that you can never shake the fear that this time is when everything will go wrong. That this is the night you’ll be caught by photographers or fans and soon everyone will know and your relationship will change forever. That your whole life could change forever. These worries echoed in your brain as you went down to the entrance of your building to let Chan in. 
Your nerves were obvious; you didn’t hug him as tightly as you wanted to--trying to maintain the illusion that you could just be friends should anyone see you--and your smile twisted into a grimace as you kept an eye on your surroundings.
The summer night air ruffled the hair that stuck out from his hat “Hey, Baby!” he said with a soft smile “You feeling alright?”
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m glad you could come over tonight,” You shyly smile, still not being able to shake the tight feeling in your stomach. 
He hummed a response and, sensing how on edge you were , looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was around before asking, “Should we go upstairs? I brought ice cream,” and lifted up a convenience store bag in his hand.
After heading up to your apartment the two of you spent hours just talking in your room. You were mostly catching up—you hadn’t seen each other in a couple of days due to your schedules—but eventually, it dissolved into a mess of inside jokes, you showing him all the Tik Toks you’d saved for him, him showing you videos of the boys messing around in dance practice in return, and whatever other nonsense made you both smile. Even though your relationship could be stressful, actually being with Chan was the easiest thing in the world. Honestly, you would be happy staying here forever; cuddled in his arms in the dim light of your bedroom, listening to his laugh get all squeaky as he worked himself up over some dumb video you won’t even remember in the morning. 
What you will remember, however, is how hot you are right now. Turns out your fourth-floor apartment with one broken AC unit could spell quite the sweathouse in the summer—especially with the amount of physical contact you two are prone to after some time apart. Chan had already shed his shirt sometime in between his first and second popsicle, and you had all of your fans on high pointed at your bed where you both laid tangled up with each other.
Chan, after finally calming down from his laughing fit, let out a sigh as he stared up at your ceiling. "You know I love you, right?"
"Yeah, why?" You asked, confused by his sudden declaration.
He continued quickly, "And you know that I really like coming over to your place-"
"-because of the lack of roommates and overall better smell?"
"Also, I have HBO."
"Yes, also that—so will you not take offense if I, hypothetically, say that I’m going to die of heat stroke if I stay in here any longer?" He looked over at you with a rueful smile.
You laughed silently as you looked into his eyes. "I’ll go get my shoes."
He let out a triumphant "Yes!" and pumped his fist into the air as you got off of the bed, satisfied with the result of your banter. As you continued to get ready, he moved to the edge of your bed and was brought back to how anxious you seemed when he first arrived. "We don’t actually have to go out if you don’t want to, though," he said, scratching his arm as a nervous tick. "I know that we both get all paranoid when we’re not in private, and I don’t want to ruin the night or anything."
You turned to face him and put a reassuring hand on his arm, whilst you tried to shove your own concerns to the back of your mind."Don’t worry about it. I was thinking we could go to that one spot—you know, where we went on your birthday?"
"Yeah, that sounds perfect." He said with a relieved smile.
And that’s what brought you here; after checking for paparazzi from your apartment windows, and after you went outside and checked again, ensuring you both had your incognito face masks and baseball caps on. Finally, you were able to make the epic journey two blocks down and one over to a small playground surrounded by some trees and a fence: your safe haven. Taking in the warm night air as the wind lightly blows across your face--gently wicking the sweat on your brow--and hearing the leaves softly rustle as you both sit on the old swing set and let your legs dangle. You did what you loved to do most with each other: you talked.
"I’m sorry it’s always like this," Chan said as he looked at his feet, the toe of his shoes sputtering over the rubbery ground as he swayed, "that we can’t just get together and go to restaurants and the movies or—I don’t know— win you a big teddy bear at a carnival," he laughs half-heartedly, "or whatever regular couples get to do."
You smile sadly. "I’m sorry too. Maybe I’m just being overly cautious." 
He reaches over, grabs your hand, and rubs gentle circles on the back with his thumb, letting you know he isn’t mad and that he doesn’t blame you for anything. 
"I could tell the company, and they could release a statement or something." His tone hitches up at the end, almost like it’s a question—or maybe just the only thing he can think of to ease your guilt.
Not wanting to worry him, and always the best at avoiding the hard topics, you raise your eyebrows and sarcastically remark, "Oh yeah, and that would go over really well."
"Hm, yeah, you’re right. What do you think they would say, though?"
You lower your voice and attempt your best soulless executive impression. "'How could you, Chan?! You’re being so selfish by having desires and feelings! How do you expect us to monetize you when we can’t sell you as a fantasy boyfriend? Blargh rargh raa!'" You both chuckle at the absurdity of your situation: "And then of course you’ll get punished by your company, and everyone on Twitter is going to eat you alive when they find out, and you’ll get a tidal wave of hate thrown at you-"
"Oh, for sure." He nods along to your pessimistic prophecy (and excellent impression).
"-and I’ll be, like, assassinated by a bunch of teenagers whose identity hinges on the fantasy that they are secretly your one true love." You finish with a breathy chuckle.
He smiles at the ground. "Hey, Stays are much more than that," he says in an only half-serious defense.
"Heh, not the ones that I’ll have to deal with," you reply, almost to yourself. He seems to draw back at that comment, whatever clever response he had lined up dying on his lips.
You press your toes into the soft ground and push your swing over to his so that your shoulders touch. "I’m joking, Chan," you say in a soft voice.
"No, you're not." He shoots back in defeat. You sigh and try to meet his evasive eyes.
"You’re right, I’m not," you sigh, leaning in closer to him, "but that doesn’t mean I regret any of this. I can wish things were different while still loving how they are now." He finally meets your eyes, and his gaze goes soft. You share a fond look and, without words, reach an understanding: you're the best thing that has happened to each other, and eventually your love may see the light of day, but for now, just this is more than enough.
He brings your hand up to his mouth and lightly kisses your knuckles before letting your arms fall in between the both of you. "You’re right. I love this too. I’ll love anything as long as we can do it together." His words are full of tenderness and a rom-com sincerity that only he can do right.
"Except sit in my hot apartment." You smile as you lean towards him, and he smiles too as he goes in for a kiss.
"No, I loved that too. Just a little less than this." His lips touch yours, gentle and grinning, as your giggles float up into the night sky and you feel truly at ease once more.
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saetoshis · 18 hours
Listen. Yes Hoshina is a short king. But consider. . . If he's short he's probably feeling like he's got smth to prove. Excited to bend his partner over and deill them like they insulted him. Plus then he might hit you with the 'princess' or smth of the like. Putting youbin a verbal place of power (as the taller person) while he's still doming thr fuck out of you. "How'd you let this happen, princess? Letting someone like me see this weak side of you? Were you just careless? Overly trusting? Or perhaps you underestimated me. I suppose I'll have to punish you for that." Type beat.
Anway love our beloved Hoshi thanks as always for your tasty art!
taller!fem reader [5'7"+ 172cm+], oral m. receiving, size kink [sorta?], teasing, pet name [ princess], fingering, squirting, MDNI.
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you, who got all-too-cocky because your eyes are just a bit higher in line with his, made a mistake.
vice captain hoshina is nothing if not an enigma. his silly demeanor and playful attitude about everything makes him seem so non-threatening, that you might've gotten too comfortable with teasing him and acting high and mighty. whenever he tells you what to do, maybe you'll make a little gesture with your hand above his head, reminding him who has more "power." these jokes were your mistake.
maybe he'll want to punish you - watch you kneel in front of him, his hand on your pretty head as he guides you towards the bulge in his pants. maybe he'll hum out a little, "since you wanna poke fun at height, how 'bout you try being the short one for once?"
maybe hoshina will lean back and watch you unzip his pants, taking no time to push your mouth onto his eager cock. he might even rut his hips a little, muttering out between breathy 'fuck's, "not so big now, huh? how does it feel, hm? didn't think i'd be big down there, did you?"
hoshina watches so closely as you bob your head and pump your hand, thighs keening together where you're sat all prettily on the floor. a little smirk might even tug at his lips as he realizes just how turned on you're getting from this. "what, getting all hot and bothered by this? didn't think someone shorter than you could get you all worked up? you know better, don't you?"
his words send a jolt straight through your frame and you can't help but shudder, and all of a sudden the vice captain seems so much more intimidating, even more enticing than you ever thought. it's like he can sense you losing yourself in the moment, and he's got you right where he wants you.
hoshina leans down, flashing you a smug sneer as he lifts your face to look up at him - all the while admiring the pretty sheen of your lips and your glassy eyes. "is that what i think it is? is the princess who's always mocking my height suddenly unable to resist me? the irony... how should i deal with you, hm?"
he maneuvers you to bend over against the counter, chest pressed against the cool granite as he lets his thumb drag along your clothed pussy. one hand presses your back, the other languidly slipping off your shorts and panties as he hums, "oh, what's that? a wet spot, hm? not so cocky now, aren't you?"
it takes a lot of strength to even muster thoughts, your head spinning from how lewd he's acting - it's bafflingly hot. you pant against the counter as you look back, watching his eyes flit over your hips while his finger does the same against your clit. hoshina lets out a little laugh when he watches you shudder along with a strained whine.
"feels good, doesn't it? does being put in your place turn you on? yeah?" hoshina sneers and lets out a little chuckle, swiftly slipping his fingers between your walls and curling forwards. he can't help but wear a smirk on his face as he enjoys your willing submission. "let me remind you that i'm the vice captain of the third division. the strongest second to mina. forgot that, did you?"
his sheer strength shows in each intense flick and curl of his fingers against the spot that makes your spine shudder, and it's humbling. it's when he starts simultaneously toying with your clit that you feel like you're on fire, a buzz building up between your thighs just begging for release.
"that's it... yeah, let it out. show me just how much you like it. cum all over my hand, bet you'll never act cocky again," hoshina leers under his breath, ministrations going into overdrive as you shiver and whimper shamelessly. with a voice-cracking whine, his name falls from your lips over and over as flicks of liquid smother his hand from his unrelenting movements.
"ahh, of course you squirt on top of everything..." hoshina leans over the counter to admire the dizzied expression on your face with a little grin of his own. his fingers nudge your chin as he murmurs, "felt good? yeah? you gonna be good now? don't wanna hear you trying to humble me ever again after you left such a mess all over me."
he presses a little kiss on your cheek, smirking against your skin before he shifts to your ear. with a low whisper, he mutters, "unless you wanna have me fuck you in that suit... 92% isn't a joke, you know?"
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2024 SAETOSHIS. do not copy/repost.
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rusmii · 3 days
so ik I said I'm not one for drama, but I feel as if I need to speak up abt a certain subject that's been circulating recently. I wanna show awareness to others abt this person's behavior, because it's reoccurring in any fandom they're apart of/potentially will be in.
tws;;; manipulation, gaslighting, victim complex, refusing to change/refusing help from others, blaming others for their own problems, lashing out/sudden meltdowns, accidental misgendering, accidental crossed boundaries, lack of communication, taking their anger out on people, drugs, usage of weed/being high, hardcore gatekeeping characters, suicide mentions, threatening to commit suicide, mentions of self harm, sexual assault/harassment, human trafficking, burdening others with their vents and problems, gets sensitive and possessive over fictional characters, major hypocrisy.
edit; sorry accidently posted without adding the last bit of screenshots... had to repost :p
@/lu-naes or luma ( prev known as @/dazaisdior + @/kurolumiis ) has been active in many writing communities, but have been the most active in the; wuwa, bsd, genshin/hsr communities.
starting out in the genshin community, I am unsure abt lumas original rep there, but I do know that they were practically forced out with a horrible rep to their name.
going around the end of their time in the genshin community, it was brought to light, about lumas excessive + subconsciously manipulative discord messages in a genshin server they were in.
here is the link to the og callout post from someone in the genshin community. if u were blocked by them bc u were associated with luma.
TDLR; luma, as a minor, has been in nsfw spaces and even creating nsfw pieces of their own. they had been known as a terrible gatekeeper towards their f/os, including; xiao + scaramouche [genshin], dazai + ranpo [bsd], dan heng/imbibitor lunae [hsr], scar + jiyan [wuwa]. luma would then go on to say that they felt like killing themselves, and how awful/left out they felt whenever they saw their f/os being selfshipped with someone else. they also at the age of 16 have admitted to being under the influence of weed and has mentioned drugs on their blog many times. i don't know exactly where luma has been finding weed to get high on, but I do hope they have stopped now.
here are some screenshots of my dms with them on their prev acc @/dazaisdior or @/kurolumiis, informing them of the callout post and asking some questions concerning the gatekeeping and drugs/being high;
luma had given me really vague answers, but since it was their buisness and privacy, I didn't push any further. ultimately in the end, I've decided to give them a second chance to redeem themselves because I thought that they may have matured or at least somewhat grown out of their toxic ways since the genshin community.
giving them a second chance was a mistake on my end, as I soon found out that they in fact, would not change. instead I got to saw the side of them that the genshin community saw—and just as history repeats, it happened on discord again.
at the start, luma was fine, yknow- acting normal like everyone else right? they did vent a lot in the vent channel, but I didn't rlly bat an eye at it bc they were at least venting in the right place.
at a certain point in the server, we had confronted luma abt writing nsfw—telling them that it was wrong to be writing smut as a minor. we had offered them many alternatives, such as; writing smut but not posting it until they're 18 and writing smut but in a journal or something. this went on for abt 2 hours until luma decided to become a sfw blog and create an entirely new acc which is now @/lu-naes.
not just about writing nsfw though, we had also confronted them about posting daily vents without using their vent tag the past recent month or so. and now, I am not saying that they couldn't vent—venting is fine, but when it comes to daily vents like lumas, there should be some sort of tag to it ( or put it under a cut ) to block out their vents. we did end up suggesting for them to make a side/vent/personal blog if they wanted to, and so they took up that offer and created @/lumxiaos, to which they've constantly subposted abt us on.
luma, during these two confrontations, was very gaslight-y/a little manipulative with their responses but we can save that for another day.
anyways, keep in mind abt the subposting, bc I need to provide context abt everything first.
so this stemmed from a convo abt them saying they kinned deadpool blah blah, and zai (owner of the server ) said that they were not like deadpool bc luma was empathetic or something like that.
now, idk how some people will interpret lumas last message, but me and zai interpreted it as; "oh i got gossip and tea, but it might too be triggering for it to be on main chat". if that made sense in a way?
so, when we go into vents, we were dabsmacked in the face with vents. you can call us insesntive for replying the way we did, but I have vents muted for a reason. but anyways, luma had a breakdown(?) and blamed us for a lot of their problems when we didn't respond in the way they wanted us to.
after a while, the situation sort of.. escalated? luma was using a mutual of ours ( briar ) as a messenger to send zai things and vice versa. and a whole lot of stuff happened.
so here's a timeline of events to shorten what happened, and ill only be providing screenshots for the more important things that had happened;
-> luma vent -> breakdown -> leaves server -> messenger bri -> zai confronts them on why they left -> luma rejoins -> luma apologizes -> luma leaves again -> luma takes it out on bri -> zai confronts again -> they duke it out -> luma runs away from their problems and the argument -> unmutuals us/drops us ( left everyone as followers ) -> random subposting abt us on @/lumxiaos
long story;
after luma had their breakdown, they went to briar bc they thought that me and zai blocked them. we didn't block them though, and js assumed that luma was just afraid to dm us- causing zai to go confront them instead. after they had talked it out, zai re-invited luma to the server, to which they apologized for;
after their apology, most of us thought that this would have died down and we'd go back to normal, but this didn't last as long as I hoped.
when luma sent a picture of scar from wuwa, me and briar started jokingly dogshitting on his appearance ( if you've been on my blog long enough, you'd know that I'm already a character slander, so this is normal behavior for me ). instead actively telling us their boundaries, luma slowly died down in the server until they left again out of anger- causing us to be confused again.
this is when briar messaged luma and was being the brunt of their anger/manipulation + also blaming us for relapsing(?).... anyways, zai confronts luma again, and it's just luma not being able to handle being told upfront, that they're the problem.
when it came to the misgendering, I can 100% take full accountability and say that I had forgotten that luma was nb and goes by they/them prns. but with lack of communication/boundary enforcement on their end, I didn't know when I was accidentally misgendering them or crossing their boundaries.
the only boundary luma had set, was when they dmed zai on discord about a server member being 32, and how uncomfortable they felt being in a place with someone so much older ( luma's 17; going on 18 for context ).
here are screenshots of what went down within the span time of like a few hours;
+ also blaming us for a bunch of other things that has never happened
don't get me wrong, luma is completely valid in the way they feel. one of the problems that lie in this though is how they've never once came to us ( me or zai ) to set things straight ( enforce boundaries ), but rather went to briar to burden them with their vents/lashing out.
here's screenshots of zai confronting luma;
after all of this, luma proceeded to subpost abt us on their personal/vent blog
here's also stuff that me and zai noted from briar abt what luma did to her/with her on vc ( ty zai for taking note of everything ) ;
regular conversation abt genshin -> lumas random confession about a weed addiction and has been smoking weed since 15 (??)
anytime someone jokingly picked on them, they'd bring it up somewhere and call themselves unstable and say they'd relapse
anytime briar tried to leave any situation they'd complain about briar being mean and they'd force her to pick sides
every single day luma would have a problem and call up briar to vent to her, causing constant burdens to pile on briar
they'd pressure briar into telling them what was in the nsfw chat???? despite not being allowed access??? ( they ARE a minor; age 17 )
calling briar on vc, saying that she ( briar ) would burdened everyone by her saying parents were poor?? basically telling briar she can't talk about her own experiences ( but only luma can for some reason..? weird of them to imply but ok ).
blaming whole conversation ( about trying to help luma ) about briar and guilt tripping her saying "I'm gonna kill myself and its your guys' fault"
Luma is a subconsciously manipulative person, with hypocritical tendencies and a constant negative aura around them that ends up dragging everyone else down into a horrid mental state with them. They are not someone who knows how to communicate or enforce boundaries, yet will demand that those same unknown boundaries are respected, with a childish response whenever we cannot read their mind to know what they are. Majority of these dramas that have happened with their being the cause could've all bean easily avoided with some simple responsibility and change. They have shown an inibility to grow or mature as a person - it is a repeat offense. With any amount of help we offered for any amount of time, they would acknowledge and not show any signs of improvement in any of their actions. You reap what you sow.
Again I reiterate that YOU ARE NOT TO SEND HATE, ANONS, OR NASTY MESSAGES OF ANY KIND. Change can only come from the person who's responsible for their own actions, and it has been proven many times now Luma does not accept any kind of help, no matter if they beg for it. The purpose of this post is to hold Luma accountable for their actions and leave a record of what they have done, so they can't twist the narrative to shift blame. This is not a call to mass block or report them, or to pick sides, or to bully anyone involved. We take full responsibility on our part for any negative actions we have caused.
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whumblr · 3 days
Hey! I just wanted to say that I absolutely love Home is Where the Hurt Is, I've been rereading it over and over again for literal days, it's great. You're a really good writer! I was wondering if you would be willing to do a drabble with restraints for Jay? Idk i just think that Zayne would have fun with that. feel free to ignore this, ofc, if you don't want to do it no pressure.
“Whoawhoa, wait! Wait!”
But already spinning in midair with the wall approaching at breakneck speed, there wasn’t much to wait for. Besides the unavoidable crash right into said wall. Which he managed to break, just about, catching himself with his free hand. He grunted at the collide, dazed for a second, time that Zayne used well by snatching up his other wrist and twisted it to his back.
“How about a something like this?”
Zayne pressed further up against him, pinning him to the wall with his body. He clamped both Jay’s wrists together in one hand, keeping them firmly to the small of his back. With his free hand, he pulled something from his pocket. Jay immediately snapped from his daze.
“Oh, no! No, no, no, absolutely not!”
Zayne wiggled the long piece of plastic around. A zip-tie. “Absolutely, yes.”
Jay struggled with all his might, pulling one hand free from Zayne’s grasp, only to be caught again and renew his struggles to break free. A dance they continued for a bit until Zayne leaned his full body weight against him and forced one wrist up to his shoulder blades.
“Then I take you want me to rip your arm from its socket. Only a little more slowly,” he said, actions following his words, slowly forcing Jay’s wrist further up in-between his shoulder blades, relishing the bitten off cry. “Twisting it until it finally grinds free and—"
“You give such mixed signals, you know.”
The sharp pain in his shoulder subsided and Jay mentally called himself – and Zayne – all the worst names he could think of as he voluntarily, under threat, pressed his wrists together.
A zipping sound crinkled the air, filled his stomach with dread before he even felt the plastic pull his wrists together, biting into the skin. He yelped out an indignant sound.
Zayne grabbed him by the collar, yanked him back and with a simple tap to the back of his ankles pulled him right over.
Jay flailed—or well, didn’t. His intended wild swing of both arms was restricted, the force absorbed by the plastic around his wrists. Unable to break his fall, and not wanting to land on both arms, he twisted best as he could and landed with a grunt on his shoulder, the shoulder that he was glad still remained in its socket but shifted precariously against the sudden impact.
The plastic hadn’t given at all at the sudden yank, but his skin had. He hissed at the sudden pain.
“Take it off!” He tried not to struggle, knowing it would only make things worse but the discomfort made him automatically twist his wrists. “It's— Agh!— It’s too tight!”
“I might consider it if your fingers are turning purple.”
But by then it would be too late… Though Jay didn't say as much. Because the immediate future – Zayne now unfolding his knife – demanded much more attention than the near future.
Fearful eyes met cold eyes looking down on him.
He scooted a few inches back in retreat, feet scrambling, shoulder sliding over the floor, pushing himself away and keeping his eyes on the threat. He was vulnerable as fuck, barely able to move. All he could do was buck like a fish on dry. And even those small movements caused nothing but pain. His arms were screaming in protest, straining as his own body weight pressed them down.
His hand already started to feel numb, the added pressure sending a tingling sensation to his pinky finger. Like bubbles creeping up over his hand, coating every finger one by one until his whole hand was pins and needles.
But as he struggled for a form of relief, a single heavy footstep made him go still.
Zayne stepped towards him, raised one leg, and Jay could do nothing but watch as he slowly rested a boot heavily against his shoulder. He ignored the soft pleaded ‘no…’ and forced Jay over onto his back.
Jay winced hard, both arms crushed under his own weight, tendons straining, hips pressing his wrists painfully against the floor. Every pointy bit of bone protruding grinded hard against the floor, wrist bones, elbows, shoulder blades…
Zayne smiled down on him, slowly forcing more of his weight down, leaning forward, taking in every wince, every struggle. Watched as Jay’s hips bucked up, how his face twisted in pain. And only when a soft cry of pain scraped out of his throat, he let up.
For merely a second. The boot retreated, but was replaced by Zayne’s full weight as he settled over Jay, straddling his waist. He pulled him up by the front of his shirt. Almost an relief, as the pressure lifted from his arms. But now the knife teased into his line of vision, moving down his jaw line, making him go still as the tip scratched over the vulnerable skin of his throat.
He knew that even with his arms free he still couldn’t do a damn thing to make Zayne stop. But struggling or at least being able to put a hand on Zayne’s shoulder to give the illusion he was holding him at bay was better than absolutely nothing at all.
“Don’t,” he settled on, voice his only defense as he hung limp in Zayne’s grasp.
“I quite like this,” Zayne said, voice soft. “Not having to catch flailing hands for a change, having both hands free for—” He dipped the blade under the neck of Jay’s shirt letting it rest just above his clavicle – “other things…”
“Don’t! AGh!” His head fell back, teeth clenched as Zayne excruciatingly slow let the tip sink into his skin and dragged it across the length of his clavicle. Blood tickled over the bone, dripping down his chest, staining his white t-shirt.
A soft chuckle. The blade retreated and just as sudden Zayne let go of him.
Jay hissed as he landed on his wrists again. He immediately rolled over before Zayne could stop him, with a groan of relief as the pressure lifted from his arms.
“I think my hands are about to fall off…”
Zayne stepped over him. “Oh, stop your whining. I’m sure it’s not that ba— oh shit.”
“Damn, I’m sorry—I…”
“What?!” Jay nearly twisted his neck trying to look over his shoulder what got Zayne to fucking apologise.
“Here, let me just…” The cold of the knife touched against his skin and with a quick flick upwards, the plastic broke.
Jay’s hands shot back to his front. He twisted his hands back and forth. Going by the numb feeling and Zayne’s words, he expected purple fingertips, ready to either fall off or explode due to a lack of blood. He turned his hands up and down, left, right, back again, and wiggled his fingers. But besides the red circles around his wrists, everything was in working order. Nothing dying off.
Panicked eyes turned exasperated, and he shot a glance of rage up.
Zayne had pressed his lips together in a badly hidden smirk. “All fine.” He rustled in his pocket again and pulled out a handful of zip-ties. “Meaning we can safely try this again.”
@just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @hurtmebeautifully @rougenoirofthepurpleterror
@susiequaz12 @whump-me-all-night-long @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @im-just-here-for-the-whump @restrainthenmaime
@freefallingup13 @whatwasmyprevioususername @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @firewheeesky @redstainedsocks
@hold-back-on-the-comfort @whumpawink @break-so-beautifully @approach-me-and-ill-cry @painsandconfusion
@afabulousmrtake @wormwriting @soopytime @whumpedydump @pickleking8
@itsmyworld98 @whumpifi @painless-and-colourful @withdrawingramen @lolrpop
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paiges-1vur · 3 days
welcome to the party pt. 2
paige buckers x oc!
cw: language, alcohol, lots of sexual tension (smut coming soonnnn!!)
a/n: Please let me know if you guys like this, or dont like it. I want to know what you guys think! idk how long i want to make this series but i think there will be atleast 4-5 parts. Also the blacking out after 5 shots actually is something that happened to me once… Drink safely please!! anyways thats all i love you guys let me know if you like this 💕
Friday 9:32 pm
It’s not long before the door opens up revealing a smiling girl. This must be Azzi, Rileys friend.
“Hi ry!” the girl says in a high pitched voice, “I haven’t seen you in so long we need to catch up.”
I see Riley smile and give her a quick hug before introducing me. I flash a quick nervous smile and tell her it was nice to finally meet her.
As we walk inside we meet 3 other girls. Then it hits me. Fuck. How could i be so stupid? I forgot Azzi was on the women’s basketball team. I walk in and try to suppress my anxiety as i face her 3 teammates.
Right as soon as i look to Riley for some stability, i notice her and Azzi have gone off somewhere else, probably to catch up.
The three girls are all occupied on their own, but one of them comes up to me as soon as she sees im uncomfortable.
“Hi your Ana, Rileys friend right! My names Nika and its really nice to meet you.” How could i be scared of this girl who sounded so sweet? I decided to pull myself together and try to have fun tonight.
“Yeah, im her roommate, and its really nice to meet you too!” I reply with a smile as she sips on her drink.
“And may i just say damn girl! you look so hot tonight!” Nika hypes me up and i do a little 360 giggling. As im spinning i see one of the other girls in the corner of my eye. The only girl i knew here. Paige Bueckers. “You know what lets do shots!” Nika is obviously feeling the same energy i am and i love it.
She calls the other girls over and quickly introduces me to kk who i love just as much as Nika. Paige stays quiet and Nika doesn’t say anything about her. She pours 4 shots and i say “Fuck it. Pour me 2” I hope I dont learn to regret this because being 5”1 and 120 pounds doesnt mix well with taking shots.
We all knock them back and i reach for my second one taking it down as quick as the first before making a quick face.
I look up to my right and see Paige looking down at me. Her eyes scan up and down my body as she bites her lip. I blush and look away, and in the corner of my eye i can see her smirking.
Azzi and Riley come back into the kitchen and let us know its time to head out to the bars. We all pack into Azzi’s car which has just enough room to fit us all. As soon as we pull out Azzi says “Shit. Guys is it okay if we pick up my friend real quick she just needs a ride to the bar thats all.” We all nod in understanding because we don’t mind.
As soon as her friend walks out of her building Azzi says “Okay theres not enough room so Ana since your the smallest your going to have to sit on Paiges lap. Is that okay?”
My mouth goes dry. i somehow manage a “Yeah thats fine.” As i move over to Paiges side of the car and sit on her lap. I immediately feel her staring at me. I turn my head to look at her, and her pupils are dilated and her eyes an icy blue. I feel her staring at my top again and this time i decide to be bold.
“You like what you see?” I whispered looking at her through my eyelashes and twirling my hair in my finger, biting my lip ever so slightly.
I can see her demeanor instantly change. She grins and comes down to my ear “I would like to see what you look like under it more.” I gulp and turn my head to the window trying to hide how wet that just made me.
I cant help from getting uncomfortable on Paiges lap in my mini skirt and have to keep moving my position on her lap. All of a sudden i feel two big hands on my hips. I look up at her as she licks her lips.
“Don’t start something you cant finish.” This immediately stops me from moving until the rest of the car ride, but Paiges hands linger on my hips for the rest of the ride.
We all walk into the bar quickly flashing the bouncer our ids. Nika told me that tonight was going to be really fun especially because Paige knows the owner of the bar so we can do basically whatever we want.
We all sit down at a table and Im already feeling tipsy (but thats also coming from the girl who blacked out after 5 shots once..) “Who wants to get more shots!” I half scream at the girls smiling ear to ear.
They all laugh as Paige gets up and goes to the bar to order us two rounds. We are celebrating tonight. Once she got back we immediately downed the next two rounds and i decided i wanted to dance. I grabbed Nika by the hand laughing and dragged her to the dance floor.
She was surprisingly a good dancer and we danced with each other to the music that was blasting from the speakers. I started to grind on Nika as she hyped me up. I had my back faced to her as i moved up and down her body before turning around and putting my hands on her chest laughing because people had started to cheer us on.
I look over and see Paige staring at me moving on Nika, her hold so tight on her drink it could shatter at any moment. She stares me down in jealousy, and shit was it hot.
As the night went on I talked to all the girls and they were all super nice and i wanted to get to know them.
We started talking about basketball and when i asked who’s the best everyone turned to Paige. She bragged about how good she was for about 10 minutes.
She flexed and looked at me, “These don’t just come in overnight.” Everyone at the table laughed. My jaw dropped and the Paige looked over at me and winked. I mean i knew she was jacked. She had toned arms, smooth abs, and a killer back. NOT that i had ever looked that up on youtube.
I decide to distract myself from the growing need to touch Paige.
“GUYS!” I say ten volumes louder than i should have, “Guys lets lets play truth or dare right now i want to play now.” Everybody laughs and agrees as we sip our drinks.
The game is going well until its Paiges turn to ask me.
“Ana truth or dare.” She says flashing me her signature smirk. I try not to melt under her gaze. I know shes looking at my tits, but i don’t care. I want her to.
“Dare.” I say drunkenly, ready for whatever shes about to throw my way.
She laughs, “Lets do body shots.”
“W-what” I mumble, my brain suddenly slowing everything down.
“You heard me.” She gets up from the table and walks over to the bar. I look around at the other girls at the table and they all are smiling and trying to hide their laughs. Im just about to ask what the fuck i got myself into but then i hear something coming from the speakers.
“No fucking way.” I say. Azzi is trying to hide her laughing under a napkin. Pony by Ginuine starts blasting in the bar as i see Paige whisper something into the bartenders ear with a grin on her face. The girls at the table are absolutely losing it. Suddenly the bartender speaks into a microphone.
“Everyone we have a little something special for you all tonight. We have my good friend Paige and her new friend Ana are going to do body shots so lets give them all a warm welcome!”
People are whistling and cheering, eating up this little act.
“Come on up Ana!” The bartender looks over to my table and waves me over to the bar. I get up from my seat slowly walking to the bar, as Paige offers me her hand to get on top of it. I look at her with a “what the fuck.” look and she only laughs in response.
I lie down on the bar feeling very underdressed. As the music plays I decide to let go and let myself be happy. I can’t live life always worrying about the what ifs right?
I let myself feel free and the music blasting in my ears makes me anticipate whats going to happen. The bartender pours the shot and puts it down next to my head. She then pours the line of salt across my chest, which I’m sure was per Paiges request.
“Here you go hun.” The bartender hands me the lime to put in my mouth as she flashes me a wink. “Everybody lets hear it one more time for Paige!” The crowd erupts people clapping, screaming, and whistling. I see Nika holding her phone up recording this all, but to be honest, i don’t fucking care. Im too drunk to worry about the little things.
As im ready for Paige to initiate it i see her move. She climbs up on the bar and straddles my stomach, playing into this little act. Everyone is screaming clearly eating it up. i look up at her trying not to moan at just the sight of her on top of me. Fuck i need some sort of friction.
She leans down and grabs both of my wrists, and i let her take full control. She pins them above my head and smiles before scanning over my upper body one more time and whistling to the crowd.
I close my eyes before hearing Paige by my ear whisper “Open your eyes baby. I want you to see my face when i do this to you” I flutter my big brown eyes open staring at her in awe. “Good girl.” she says before returning to the act.
She leans down putting her free hand on my upper stomach as she licks the line of salt from my exposed chest. My back arches in response to her tongue and shit it feels so good. She then grabs the shot and downs it before coming down to my face and gabbing the lime from my mouth.
Still straddling me she sits up and tilts her head back with the lime in her mouth. The bar is packed full of students all screaming and cheering. The girls over at our table are still recording and cheering for Paige and I.
Im so drunk at this point that im stumbling back to the booth, and im fully leaning on Paige in the corner of the booth, sort of behind me. The girls whistle and Nika tells me how sexy that was. I giggle and lean back into Paige more, sitting in between her legs. The girls start to talk about something else, probably basketball before i feel a big cold hand sneak up my skirt on the inside of my thigh.
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