#the silliest trio ever
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Here they are together!!!!! RGB trio
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veevoosh · 1 year
just niffty bein drippy !!!!! <3333333
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hoohoobeanie · 10 months
who up spourtney-braining with me
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
DCxDP Fic idea: What's the Rule again?
It starts with Wes Weston accidentally banishing Danny from his haunt. He didn't mean to, and he panicked along side Sam and Tucker when Danny was effectively evicted Danny from Amity Park.
See the four have become tight-knited friends every since the trio started talking to Wes back during the summer between freshman and sophomore year.
During that time, Wes's other friends had drifted apart once Wes' attention moved from basketball to ghosts- specifically Phantom. Danny had felt at fault that he was left a loner because of his secret identity and had invited Wes to sit with them at the Nasty Burger the second week of Summer break.
Wes was suprise to find out that Sam, Tucker and Danny were much better friends then the ones he hanged out with since third grade. He was used to people only speaking to him in class or the few times they hang out on breaks but the trio would message him about every single thought or meme they had. They could laugh togther until tears fell from thier eyes and they couldn't breath over the silliest of topics.
Wes also found out that the trio was supportive of all their interests. Sure, his old teammates and friends didn't make fun of him for crocheting or painting, but they wouldn't accompany him to an art market. Nor would they actually wear the scarves and gloves he made them.
They sure as hell didn't volunteer to help him run a booth to sell his own crocheting pieces after encouraging him to get a table. And they wouldn't cheer loudly when he made his first sale.
Wes also wouldn't have happily gone with them to an observatory, a Dark Poem Night, or even a tech expo. But he found that he had the time of his life watching Danny, Sam, and Tucker nerd out at the events much as much as he did at his own.
He also never had anyone he knew would be down to do him favors or even take notes for him when he was out sick.
So he became close friends with them, passing sophomore year with far more enjoyment than any other grade, then Junior year came and went just as fast and as fun. It was their last summer as high school students, so Wes wanted to do as many new activities as the four could together before Senior year.
Who knew what would happen to their little group after graduation? He wants to think they would all remain best friends but he's heard so many stories of people drifting apart that Wes was afraid of risking it.
That's why he researched urban myths and legends around the world regarding ghosts- more then any research paper he's ever done- and jokingly asked Danny to partake in some of them as a halfa.
They joked and laughed- throwing salt in a circle around Danny, lighting a candle for him to use Morse code with- but it wasn't until Wes got to the one where he tried smoking Danny out with a banishing spell he found in an old book that things turned from funny to horrible.
It worked
Danny was flung from his haunt- effectively banishing him from the area he was haunting. Dann just happens to be haunting all of Amity Park, so he ends up on the outskirts of town, unable to cross the invisible line.
Wes practically choked on his tears as he apologized for Danny not being able to cross back in, but the other three quickly informed him that they, too, took part in it, and it was no one's fault. Danny just had to find a way to reverse the banishing spell.
The only problem was that the book pages Wes found online were only on the banish spell itself and nothing else. He couldn't even find the whole book since it belonged in a private family library.
The family library was located in the most dangerous city in America. Gotham.
The library also belongs to a very wealthy family that had recently all but perished except for their lone heir- Timothy Drake.
Now Wes attempted to contact Timothy Drake in hopes of having the other teenager send him copies of the book, but he never got a reply. He thinks it was due to not explaining why he needed the book and ending up sounding like a bot or a scam.
With each passing day of Drake not responding Danny's situation grew worse. Jazz luckily covered for them, claiming to have signed Danny up for some camp so his parents wouldn't think he was missing.
That would only work until school started, which was a time limit that was weighing on all their shoulders as they tried to find a counterspell.
Jazz, Tucker, Sam, and Wes each took turns driving out of town to bring him food and a change of clothes so Danny could figure out his situation, having to do it in shifts to not alert any of their parents.
However, without his haunt to pick up natural exoplasm, Danny was growing weaker and weaker by the day, looking half stave out in the little motel room Sam rented for him as they tried to get him back into the town.
Danny needed to either make his way back to his haunt or go somewhere that was so infected with ectoplasm that it actually felt cursed.
Tucker found the solution to all their problems with a few hacking skills that he learned to fight off Technus' invasive attempts of his personal tech.
"A full ride to Gotham Academy?" Wes' mom gasped staring at the acceptance letter her son eagerly showed her. "With a promised full ride to any university in America?!"
"Yeah, Tucker, Sam, Danny, and I all got accepted for our work on clean energy generators. We sent it in for the Wayne scholarship, and we won! The only thing is that it's a requirement to graduate from high school in Gotham. I have to go!" Wes gasped, eyeing both his dad's and Kyle's doubtful frowns. He couldn't afford for them to say no when Tucker had worked so hard to bump them up as Winners. Bruce Wayne's computer security is no joke. "This is the once in a life time opportunity!"
"But where would you live?" His dad asks, shaking the letter. "Wes, this is clear across states, and it only covers school expenses."
"Sam's parents bought her a house. She's going to rent us some of the extra rooms." It was a lie; her parents would never let four boys- especially these boys- rent from their daughter. She told them that the school provided co-dorm rooms "I can get a job at the local library- I already sent them my resume and got a call for a interview."
"What will you do for food?" Kyle asks. "We both know you can't cook."
"I can't, but Danny does. He's amazing in the kitchen."
Here, his parents share a loaded look. "So you'll be living with the Fenton boy....."
"Well. Yeah? I already said that?" He returns, confused, and Kuule coughs to cover a laugh. Confused he stares at his older brother, who quirks a grin at him.
"Don't worry about it." Kyle laughs, but his wiggling eyebrows tell Wes he should worry a lot about it. He would inisit a little more to find out what Kyle knew, but he needed to convince his parents more.
Eventually, after five days of attempting, Wes got their permission and could tell his friends, who all shared the same results. The remainder of the summer is spent preparing for their move- finding the house, getting it furnished, packing their things, transferring schools- it's a lot, and he's never been so grateful for Sam's wealth.
She hires people to get it all done for her-including hiring a trailer to take their four cars-, so he only has to worry about his packing. The four meet up at the airport on the day they live, flying first class thanks to Sam's grandmother.
Tearful goodbyes and good luck from their families leave them all a bit down but they board the plane and take off without too much trouble.
While on the plane, Sam turns to the boys. "Does everyone remember the phases of the plan?"
"Phase one: Blend into Gotham until we find Timothy Drake" Tucker states, pushing up his glasses
"Phase two: Get Drake to invite us over to his house and find the book," Danny tacks on, tapping his foot on the ground.
"Phase three: Find all the pieces for the counterspell- usually scattered around the magical family's ancestral home- and get Danny home!" Wes shouts, raising a fist in the air.
Sam nods, looking satisfied. "And what are we not allowed to do? Danny?"
"Become a vigilante when my ectoplasm is on a limited intake" Danny grumbles, sinking into his chair. "Let it to the Bats and keep my head low."
"Good. Tucker?"
"I'm not allowed to hack into anything because it can gain the attention of the Bats or Mr.Wayne, and then we'll be on a wanted list" Tucker sighs "No matter how much fun it would be to battle it out with the legendary Oracle."
"That's right. I'm not allowed to go anywhere near Poison Ivy no matter how much I want to yell at her to go fix the coal riffs and cut down forests instead of wasting her powers on the stupid heist." Same all but bites, and then she turns her attention to Wes, who startles.
"Wait, I have a rule?"
"Course, man," Tucker laughs. "We all have rules."
"But I'm not interesrted in anything in Gotham besides the Drake grimoire!"
"Wes," Danny says gently, his soft baby blue eyes making him a little hot under the collar as they stare into his soul. "You're not allowed to fall in love with any of the Bats."
Wes mind blanks, then reboots, "Excuse me!?"
"We know you had a crush on all of us here Wes and Val" Sam laughs when he turns wide eyes at her. "It's cute but you really shouldn't try for the Bats. They're the violent sort"
"Yeah, you have a type, and it's a hero or hero adjacent." Tucker shrugs "It's cool."
Wes can only gape at them, no matter how much he tries to convince them; otherwise, the three refuse to remove his rule. He is highly offended by it.
Yes, he's never really gone out with Team Phantom, just because when he joined the group, most of Danny's rouges were long gone leaving behind the tiny ones that he could handle on his own, but he wasn't into heroes!
And okay- maybe, maybe at one point or another he may have had slight crushes on his friends but they were quick and gone before the first school year together!
So the rule is utterly ridiculous!
At least, he thinks so until five days later when he's trying to find his way around the new neighborhood and gets caught up in a mugging. He could have quickly taken the mugger- humans had nothing on ghosts- but he attempted to talk the young adult out of it when Red Robin swooped in like a knight in shining armor.
He may have just stared at the hero's tight-skin outfit instead of letting the hero know that he could handle it, and he may have made a fool of himself when Red Robin asked if he was right.
"Yeah tots fine" He babbles. Ugh, who says tots?! He wants to stop talking but when Wes gets nervous he tends to just word vomit and he could hear himself doing it now. "You know who else is fine?"
Red Robbin raises a brow, likely knowing the pickup line. Cowering, Wes changes the answer in a panic. "Timothy Drake!"
Red Robin stills. "Come again?"
"Timothy Drake, a boy in my class! He's fine that you think he was part siren or something. You've seen him, right? I mean you have eyes!" He repeats with a squeal "I want to get into his private liberty!"
"Do you?" Red Robin tilts his head, a slight smirk forming on his mouth. "You should try flirting with him then. Maybe he can give you a tour."
"Oh, I want more than a tour!"
Why did he say that?!
At least the hero in front of him laughs until a shout has them both looking away.
Danny is running down the street screaming his name, thank the Ancients. When Wes turns around to wave at him, Red Robin vanishes without a sound or trace.
Like a ghost.
Oh no, that's hot.
"Danny, I broke the rule"
"For Ancient's sake, it hasn't even been a month."
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erwinsvow · 5 months
kook trio reader laying with rafe after a long day, scrolling on tik tok, and rafe pretending he’s not watching her phone silently next to her 🥹
omgg yess! this is the silliest cutest prompt ever. i loved it
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after a long day of watching the boys play golf, shopping, and having one too many mimosas during lunch at the country club, your little friend group had departed for the day.
however, departed meant rafe was supposed to drive you home but instead had brought you back to tannyhill like he always did. you don't even question it, just following his lead and crawling inside to the comfortable couch in the living room. you get settled, trying to sit properly but finding it difficult.
your golf skirt was a little short, but it wasn't like rafe was gonna care. when you finally get comfy, you find yourself stretched out on the sofa while rafe is seated next to you, staring intently at this laptop. the two of you are barely touching, your head is lying near his side, your hair spilling onto his thigh, but not really touching.
you scroll mindlessly, stopping to watch videos that always come up, make up tutorials and outfit inspiration. then other ones you love, people stocking their fridges up and cleaning.
"what the hell are you watchin'?" rafe questions from his position.
"what d'you mean?"
"is this shit entertaining for you? she's washin' fruit."
"she's showing us her weekly restock, rafe. you don't get it."
"yeah, i don't. these videos are rottin' your brain."
"whenever we scroll on your phone it's always analyzing stocks. and alpha male quotes. i'll take my groceries, thanks-"
"shut up."
you laugh, continuing your scrolling until you reached the weird videos-hydraulic presses crushing objects and soap cutting and slime asmr. you watch some, before swiping away.
"hey. go back. i wanna see what color the last slime was."
"and my brain is rotted?"
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tibbycaps · 1 year
why are they the silliest trio ever. everything about this video is perfect from the way joe jumps in right as rick astley starts to the way cub only jumps when it starts playing a second time. scar dancing irl. joes little dance moves while cub does move or make eye contact with anyone the entire time. these horns are like baby sensory videos to them. literally just some bugs i found outside and put in a jar with some leaves and sticks
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hirotheinkling · 2 months
Murder Drones Headcanon: Time Travel
In my personal Murder Drones headcanon, time travel is possible (although there is a limit to how far into the past you can go but no limit to how far into the future you can go), and all Murder Drones AUs coexist with the main Murder Drones canon as branching timelines which are the result of time travelers messing with the timeline (Changing the past does NOT change the future, but rather creates a separate, alternate timeline which exists independently from the main one. Basically MCU and DBZ time travel logic). There is also the Ministry of Timeline Preservation (MTP), an organization which is dedicated to preventing the further creation of new branching timelines and in some cases erasing existing ones if they are deemed as a threat. A total of 1,277 branching timelines have been created ever since time travel became possible, and 129 of them have been erased over the course of the MTP’s history, so 1,148 branching timelines currently remain.
Here is the full list of Murder Drones AUs I’ve compiled and their designations by the MTP!
TL-00 - Main Murder Drones Timeline / Timeline of Nyx Doorman (@thecosmiccrow)
TL-01 - Solver Uzi AU by @electrozeistyking
TL-02 - Murder-Verse by @captainparks
TL-08 - Reverse AU by @the-mighty-e
TL-12 - Revival AU by @solarspinel
TL-15 - Absolute Clone AU by Murdernoname on Twitter
TL-63 - Electric Shock AU by @leefl00f
TL-109 - Solver Khan AU by @mushiemooon
TL-115 - Bombberry AU by @shinyshade8026
TL-135 - Replaced, Reused, Recycled AU by @genericnam
TL-156 - Stationary V AU by @lilywily143
TL-196 - Intertwined Codes AU by @withered--s0uls
TL-200 - Pirate AU by @anxietyoverreaction
TL-248 - Murder-cons AU by @plastyi
TL-250 - Solver Virus AU by Tesedy1 on Twitter
TL-251 - Purple Terror Swap AU by @tirkras (Erased by the MTP)
TL-288 - JCJ Opposing Forces AU by @CUST0MIGHT on Twitter
TL-313 - My Immortal AU by @jazzstarrlight
TL-322 - Apocalyptic AU by @starlightohstar
TL-346 - Infested AU by ClockLeaf on YouTube
TL-370 - Mini Uzi AU by @megbanned
TL-372 - Requio AU by @cosmosaii
TL-425 - Nix Doorman AU by @devastator1775
TL-442 - Haywire Swap AU by @yadchi-i-guess
TL-448 - MD Feral AU by Shelly Humboldt on Twitter
TL-454 - MD Personality Shift AU by @reverienco
TL-486 - Dormant Absolute Solver AU by @withered--s0uls
TL-501 - Ghost!N AU by @Space_Dem0n on Twitter
TL-532 - Rare Bites AU by @electrozeistyking
TL-536 - Absolutely AU by @starryinkart
TL-588 - Doll’s Judgement AU by @rottentricks
TL-619 - Upgraded Disassembly AU by @waytowne
TL-639 - Tiny!N AU by @electrozeistyking
TL-643 - Parallel AU by @lunamoonxy
TL-652 - Haunted House AU by @roseofhybrids
TL-706 - Swapped AU by @nanarauwu
TL-741 - Trio Swap AU by @sifishsticks
TL-776 - Immortal Vuzi AU by @devastator1775
TL-799 - Serial Designation U AU by Zzsark_Stormbeard on Reddit
TL-814 - Fearless Four Swap AU by @sd-candydrone
TL-844 - Timeline of GlitchCyn by @jazzstarrlight (Erased by the MTP)
TL-845 - Swap AU by @lumineary-arts
TL-894 - Songbird’s Sanity AU by @miss-emmie
TL-906 - Double Time Loop AU by @electrozeistyking
TL-929 - Timeline of I.N.K. Uzi and N by @jazzstarrlight (Erased by the MTP)
TL-957 - Firebitten AU by CoffeeTheDragon on AO3
TL-992 - The New Dawn AU by @kkolg
TL-1008 - Late Solver Sam AU by @rory-multifandom-mess
TL-1027 - Oilrose Family AU by @chaotically-coz, @starlightohstar, @the-silliest-of-maggots, @serial-designation-jey, @serial-designation-vee, and @shinyshade8026
TL-1039 - Evil! AU by @megbanned
TL-1060 - Ghost Drone AU by @electrozeistyking
TL-1102 - Serial Designation Uzi: Reassembled AU by _SupremeCommand on Reddit
TL-1111 - N’s A Monster AU by @electrozeistyking
TL-1152 - Amalgamation AU by @electrozeistyking
TL-1164 - Telenovela AU by @bloomvictoryart on Twitter
TL-1186 - V-lociraptor AU by @dragons-hoard-of-fandoms
TL-1204 - Mercy Drones AU by @rory-multifandom-mess’s boyfriend
TL-1215 - SD-C AU by @bloomvictoryart on Twitter
TL-1238 - Fusion Protocol AU by StoryScripter on AO3
TL-1242 - Human Biker AU by @rory-multifandom-mess
If you would like for me to add an AU which is not currently listed, then feel free to reply to this post and let me know, and I will look at it and then add it.
Murder Drones Time Machine Design Contest!
I would also love to see a design for a Time Machine which is fitting for the Murder Drones universe, so I am holding a contest to see what all of you guys can come up with! You have until August 5th at 12:00 PM UTC to reblog this post and attach your art of your time machine! After that, I will conduct a poll including your submissions which will run for a week to decide the winner!
Edit: I originally set the deadline to July 25th, but @electrozeistyking suggested that more time was necessary for the contest, so I’ve extended the deadline!
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namigleebo · 2 years
i think they could be one of the silliest trios to ever btw.
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mcyt-trios · 1 year
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Bench Trio:
They are the trio ever. they are the only ones who understand what each other went through and now they live as a family together in a house with their adopted son. they are all traumatized to hell and back but they are learning to live again <3
They're besties, they're traumatized child soldiers, they stuck with each other through thick and thin, I love them dearly
I have been thinking about this trio since the end of 2020, and have not stopped since. Me and my friends have actively made our Discord pfps them since mid 2021 and litterally just changed it for the first time to a trio that's not them since. I physically can't make an au without them if one of them is in it. Their dynamic still hits me like a baseball bat everytime I think about them despite the three of them not making an appearance together in a video/stream in so long. The emotions I felt through the DSMP role play about these three will haunt me for the rest of my life. Legit reading a fic about the three helped me find the right prounous for me. That's right THEY GENDERED ME. HELP
Drama Trio:
they are the most insufferable trio to watch, but at the same time i can’t stop but wish for more
They are the Silliest!!! They constantly tease each other but they always have each others backs when they need to. They're each others best friends and family and they will Die if they don't annoy each other every second they are together. Baghera and Forever are siblings, Bad and Forever have some kind of Weird Queerplatonic Kind Of Romantic Thing going on, Baghera and Bad understand each other and Baghera is able to tell when Bad is feeling bad even though he Never directly tells her anything. They mean So much to me!!
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jealousmartini · 4 months
JJK drself intro ig
I know I've posted her before but the last time I did on here she didn't get as much love as I wanted her to so here we go again🧍🏿‍♀️
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Year 2006, Season 1 Satsuma [no surname lol]
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Curse technique: Electro shock
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She usually manifests the curse by rubbing her hands together quickly to create electro static friction inbetween her hands and through out her body (Like how the doctors use those electric pad thingys to bring back someones pulse).
She can summon lightning strikes, but it's not always controllable. The lightning strikes can stun/tazer/electrocute anyone around her in a 15-foot radius (Electrocution is the worst effect you can get, being stund is the least harmful effect). She can manipulate the strikes through her body to her hands like a finger gun, striking any one target directly. She can also use this in terms of speed too.
Unfortunately, there is a dead giveaway when she's about to use her curse. The people around her will tend to get strong goosebumps, and their hair will start to stand up like lightning is about to strike. If she is interrupted while trying to use her curse, the energy will just be stored in her body. And if she uses too much, she will get hiccups and twitches.
Idk which hand sign I wanna do more. Either the winx club✌🏾✌🏾 or that magnetic thing🤘🏾🤘🏾by ILLIT
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Anyways, relationships.
[ Gojo, Geto, Shoko and Satsuma ] SatsOjoKoTo
The silliest quad ever. Shoko kinda adopted Satsuma into the group when they immediately hit it off, and Shoko was sick and tired trapped in the middle of Gojo and Geto's frequent bickering like an elderly couple. And needed another girl in the group.
It took Geto sometime to warm up to Satsu, but eventually started to like her when she was able to show off her curse. Meanwhile, Gojo found no trouble annoying her whenever he could. They both think her curse is quite cool, but they both think they're better than her, of course
[ Nanami and Satsuma ] SatsuNami
I'll update this sometime soon idk come back to see something here
[ Yuki, Choso and Satsuma ] YuChoSuma
If Satsuma was a canon character and placed into a trio by Gege or the JJK fan base like Gojo Geto and Shoko but only based off a specific scene in an episode, she would definitely be in a trio with Yuki and Choso when Yuki once said how she likes "Muddy men" referencing Choso, and then asked her "what kind of men do you like? Or women!" and Satsuma replied she can't ever make her mind up anyway. Muddy men are kind of cute, I guess, and pretty women make her nervous.
[ Sakuna and Satsuma ] SatsuKuna
I'll put something here later icba rn 🫠
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bengallemon · 7 months
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Base dynamics of the silliest trio ever.
Loop didn't know Odile was looping alongside Siffrin at first and fucking panicked and just. Didn't mention Sif at all to her. They then proceeded to fumble telling Sif about Odile. Cue Loop desperately balancing a distressed and terrifyingly perceptive researcher and a traveller who is fast approaching insanity. They are digging their own grave. It's going to be funny to watch.
Odile is desperately trying to understand why she's randomly looping through time, simply because it's entirely dependent on Siffrin so she has no reliable data. She's also trying to figure out what's up with Loop because they are incredibly concerning.
Siffrin. Wants Odile to stick to the fucking script. Because she keeps randomly acting off and it's screwing with the other actors. He is not enjoying her throwing off the rhythm. They also want to strangle Loop because they keep acting weird. Siffrin is not having a good time.
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grayishgiggles · 25 days
You are Amazing!
Peter 3 was known to be the pessimist of the trio. When the time comes where he’s doubting his abilities as Spider-Man, Peter 2 steps in to convince him in the silliest way that he’s an amazing Spider-Man.
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Peter 3 weakly climbed into his apartment through the window and then closed it with a grunt. He slumped down the wall and held his head in his hands. “God…”
Peter 3 had a terrible day. It all started with him breaking a glass bowl when he had cereal, a silly mishap he could’ve avoided. And then on patrol he failed to catch three criminals from the New York drug ring, something he hoped he’d get to the bottom of at this point. And to add insult to injury, the Daily Bugle had just released their most hurtful issue yet on him, titled “Spider-Man Fails and Fails Again,” describing how his heroic feats have only hurt New York rather than helped. Was there seriously ANY news outlet that liked Spider-Man? If there was, Peter 3 hadn’t found it yet.
He didn’t want to get up. He wanted to curl into a ball and sleep on the floor under the window in his dirty suit. It took him a solid 20 seconds to realize he still had his mask on. Peter 3 yanked it off and threw it across the room. He decided to follow through on his plan and flopped on his side, legs tucked into his chest. He didn’t deserve a warm bed tonight, he thought, not after today.
Moments after he shut his eyes, a small swishing sound caught his attention. Opening one eye, he was startled by a bright red-orange portal spinning to life in his living room. Peter 3 recognized the ring, and hid his face in his knees. Out of all days, why did Peter 2 choose today to make a surprise visit?
“Peter 3?” The older man’s voice was followed with soft footsteps getting louder. The portal sounded like it swished away too. “Hey…oh..hey are you okay? What’re you doing down there?”
“What’re you doing here?” Peter 3’s voice was muffled.
“You know how the Peter tingle works. I had a feeling…something was wrong…so now I’m here.”
Peter 2 kneeled to Peter 3’s level. “Bad day?” The younger one nodded. Peter 2 offered a hand. “It’s okay bud. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“…okay.” Peter 3 sighed shakily and unfurled himself to grab the oldest’s hand. With his face exposed, it was easy to notice tears pooling in his eyes and his lip quivering. Peter 2’s heart broke at the sight of it.
“Aw buddy…” He pulled the other Spider-Man into a warm embrace and joining him on the floor. “I’m so sorry.”
Peter 3 broke, his strength melting as he let himself be held in Peter 2’s arms, hiccuping. “I-I dunno what…what I’m d..”
“Shhh..” the oldest Peter hushed him softly, rubbing his back. “You’re okay. You’re okay. It’s alright..”
“I…” he hiccuped, “I can’t d-do anything right.”
“Hey now…don’t be mean to yourself. You’re in a bad spot.” With Peter 3 so close to him, he couldn’t help but catch the scent of sweat, dirt, and smoke. He wrinkled his nose. “Oh man…yeah let’s get up and get you clean. You’ve had a long night.”
After a much needed shower and Peter 2 preparing some cinnamon toast with black tea, Peter 3 was feeling a bit better. Being out of his suit sure helped too, now in some of his comfy pajamas. He munched at the toast quietly, sitting on the edge of his bed with the plate. Holy shit, this was the best toast he’d ever had. Peter 2 sat beside him, watching but trying not to make it awkward. He cleared his throat.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better…” he said through chewing.
“That’s good, that’s good.” A beat passed. “Do you wanna talk about what’s been going on?”
Peter 3 hesitated, then nodded. Most of the time he would’ve refused but he knew with his older brother he wouldn’t get away with that. “Yeah..lemme finish this.” He took another bite of toast.
“Take your time.” Peter 2 nodded:
“You need to make more of this.”
Peter 2 snorted. “I will, don’t worry.”
Once finished and placing the plate on the floor, he inhaled slowly. “I’ve been off my game so much lately. I feel really…not good..when I’m out there. And today was just…” his face crinkled in frustration, “it sucked. Legit everything about it sucked and I’m…I’m having a hard time believing that this is what I’m supposed to do.”
“What do you think you’re supposed to do?”
“I dunno,” he chuckled sadly, “that’s the thing. Am I supposed to..to be just Peter Parker who does an internship at Oscorp with no real job or am I just Spider-Man…who can’t save anyone at this point?!”
“Well that isn’t true.” Peter 2 remarked.
He shook his head. “It’s like everyday I get a new reason to believe I don’t deserve to be Spider-Man.” Peter 3 laughed.
“What did you just say about yourself?” Peter 2 turned his head to the side.
“I said…I..I don’t deserve to be Spider-Man.” The tallest Peter shrugged, avoiding his brother’s gaze. He meant for the comment to be humorous but repeating it louder made him tear up. He didn’t wanna believe it about himself but he couldn’t help it.
“Oh no no no no no, we are not saying that about ourselves.” Peter 2’s big brother instincts kicked in. What happened next wasn’t what Peter 3 was expecting. A second later Peter 3 was in a cradling hug in Peter 2’s lap. “You deserve to be Spider-Man.”
“Oh..” Peter 3 froze. He had never been hugged like this before. It was a tad awkward since he was the taller of the two…but he couldn’t help but slowly curl up. For once he was being cared for. “This is n-nice..” The new sense of security opened the floodgates for him as he buried his face in his brother’s shirt.
“You’re okay, Pete. You’re Spider-Man for a reason…we all are. It’s the special thing about this job,” Peter 2 reassured with a few back rubs. “You’re an amazing Spider-Man.”
“Th-thank you..” choked out Peter 3.
“Of course. Even Spider-Man needs saved sometimes.” Remarked the oldest as Peter 3 took his time to cry. “Let it all out.”
The gentle silence and sounds of sobbing and kind words lasted a good ten minutes. Peter 2’s shirt was wet from Peter 3’s tears, but he didn’t mind.
“How are you holding up, bud?” He asked. Peter 3 slowly pulled away from his chest and swallowed. “That felt good.”
Peter 2 smiled softly. “Yeah, it helps to get it all out, huh?”
“Mhm..” Peter 3 wiped his face. He remained in Peter 2’s lap.
“You know…I had a point in my life where I quit being Spider-Man.”
Peter 3 blinked. “What?”
Peter 2 nodded. “Yeah. Spider-Man’s work was getting in the way of Peter Parker’s life and…it was a lot. Probably my rock bottom. For a small period I even lost my powers.”
“No. You’re lying.”
“I’m serious. It was so weird.”
“That’s..that’s crazy,” Peter 3 let out a small chuckle of surprise.
“I know, right?” Laughed Peter 2. He continued, “so…yeah I had that whole problem and for quite a bit, I quit putting on the mask. I thought I wasn’t meant to be Spider-Man. Everything was just going wrong for me. I nearly gave up.”
“But…I had a moment where I realized that people really do need me. No matter what, Spider-Man was and is gonna be a part of me. It goes for you too. People need and love you, Peter 3. It may be hard to see it, at times, but they’re out there. One of em’s here right now, because I need and love you.”
Peter 3’s lip began quivering again and he quickly wiped away incoming tears. He let out a laugh and buried his face in Peter 2’s chest again. “You’re good at the..the whole comforting positive vibes thing…you should do a TED talk or…or something.”
The oldest smiled hearing the quippy remark. “I dunno what that is, but I’ll think about it.” He gave the younger one a good few pats on the back. A small spark of mischief fluttered in his heart. “Can you…humor me with something?”
“Just..hold on, just lie down.” Peter 2 gently turned  Peter 3 around in his lap, his back resting on his chest. “Yeah, like that.”
“Wh-whahat’re you doing?” Now Peter 3 was leaning back against Peter 2.
“I want you to say that you’re amazing.”
“You’re amazing.”
Peter 2 frowned at Peter 3’s smug grin. “No. You tell me that you are amazing!”
Peter 3 groaned. “No, that’s stupid.” He tried to sit up but the oldest gently pushed him back down, his hands resting on his shoulders. “It’s not stupid, it’s positive affirmation. Now say you’re amazing, because you are!”
“This is like the whole talk we had in the scaffolding all over again..”
“It is, and I’ll keep doing it,” Peter 2 wagged a finger. “Now say it, cause I’m not letting you go until you genuinely say that you’re amazing.”
Peter 3 groaned. “What if I just bit your hand?”
“That would be weird.”
“You’ve been cradling me for like 20 minutes. That’s not weird?”
“No, cause I know us Peters love physical affection like that!” Peter 2 answered.
Peter 3 pursed his lips. “Okay, you got me there.”
Peter 2 sighed, his hands resting on Peter 3’s stomach. “That’s it. No more stalling.”
Peter 3’s tingle didn’t need to go off for him to grab at his older brother’s wrists with a nervous smile. “W-wait what’re you doing?”
“Say you’re amazing.”
“Gehet your hands off!”
“Why? Is this making you nervous?” Peter 2’s resting fingers curled into claws. That small movement got Peter 3 to burst into nervous giggling.
“Don’t be!” Peter 2 chirped, his fingers gently wiggling at Peter 3’s tummy. The younger Peter bucked his hips in an attempt to get away, but his position kept him trapped. “NAHAHoho no no not thiHIHIS!!”
“There we go!” Exclaimed Peter 2. “All it takes is some tummy tickles, huh? To get you all smiley n cute?”
Peter 3’s smile kept plastered on his face and his hands continued yanking at Peter 2’s wrists. His legs curled inward but that didn’t do too much. It only made him look cuter. He didn’t think Peter 2 would stoop down to tickling the crap outta him over something like this. Three minutes ago he was crying like a baby and now he’s giggling like a little kid. What a turn of events.
Each of Peter 2’s fingers were gently poking and prodding around, which tickled a ton more than he expected. “PleheheheeEEEASE NOHO MORE!!”
“Say you’re amazing and I’ll stop!”
“Thihihis is sohOHO DUMB-AAAANONONO!!” Peter 3 squealed. Peter 2 had snuck a hand under his shirt and begun scratching at his lower ribs. He arched his back, pushing against Peter 2’s chest. “STAHAHAP!!”
“You know what you gotta say to make me stop.”
“No, I’m Spider-Man, and you’re Spider-Man! And we. Are. Both. Amazing!” He punctuated each word with a pinch on each rib going upwards.
“GEHET OFF OF MYHY RIBS!!” He hiccuped.
“I will once someone says something I told them to say.”
Yeah, Peter 2 wasn’t gonna let this go. At this point Peter 3 could easily just admit it but…did he want this to stop? Did he want to stop laughing? Peter 2 was right about the physical affection thing: Peter Parkers from all dimensions crave it. Do they all like being tickled though? Wait…does Peter 3 like being tickled?! No, that’s silly. Who likes being tickled?!
…Peter Parker, that’s who.
“Say it! Say it! Say it!” Peter 2 kept repeating, both hands of his under his shirt giving rib jabs to emphasize the point. Peter 3 squeaked at each one, except for when he felt a zap to one of his middle-bottom ribs. He squawked at that one.
Peter 2 had to stop and gave a curious glance at Peter 3’s torso. “What was that?” He gave a pinch to the same rib. Peter 3 jerked to one side.
“EEP-! Wahait wait wait nO!”
“Oooohhohohoh did I find a sweet spot?!” Peter 2 drilled a thumb into this brand new area.
“PFFAAA-!” Peter 3 was cackling, his arms no longer fighting back but weakly hugging one of Peter 2’s arms. “NOHO! NOOOO PLEASE!!”
“Say you’re amazing!” The oldest brother singsonged. The fact that he said it like that got Peter 3’s face to flush in an instant.
“Say ittttt!!” He kept doing the singsong thing.
“Just say you’re amazing, cause you aaaare!” Peter 2’s fingers turned into claws, vibrating at his younger brother’s very ticklish rib. Peter 3’s cackles got hiccupy and more squeaky.
Peter 2 stopped. “You mean it?” He took his hand out from under Peter 3’s shirt.
The older brother hovered five wiggling fingers over his face. “Say it again!”
“IHI’m amazing..I’m amazing!! I-I mean it!” Peter 3 hid his face in Peter 2’s chest, now a pile of giggly goo. “Ihihihi promise!!”
Peter 2 slowly lowered the claw, his tickle attack finished. “Good. Cause you are amazing.” Watching his younger brother recover and rest in his arms made him sigh happily. He gave a warm smile.
“I-Ihi am..” Peter 3 admitted. That one was genuine, and letting those words sink in helped him slow his breathing down. “Yeah…I’m amazing.”
“How are you feeling?” Peter 2 gently ruffled his hair. “Other than probably wanting to kill me?”
“Nah nah..I-Ihi don’t wanna kill you…” Peter 3 panted, “that was just..wow. You’re good at the..the..”
“Being a tickle monster?” Peter 2 finished with an amused grin.
“Yeah…wait don’t call yourself thahat.” Peter 3 covered his face in his hands. “That’s stupid.”
“Well too bad. I’m no longer Peter 2, I’m the tickle monster,” he chuckled, “just wait till I get Peter 1 whenever he gets all grumpy.”
“Oh no you’d kill him!” Peter 3 laughed. “Spare the boy, please!”
Both Peters laughed for a moment. Peter 3 sighed, then swallowed, letting the humor in the air dissipate a little. “Yeah..that was uh…I dunno that was kinda fun.”
“Fun? You getting tickled?” The oldest asked, trying to act surprised. He knew his brothers well enough to know when they were enjoying themselves.
Peter 3 half-shrugged, blushing. “…yeah.”
Peter 2 couldn’t help but smirk. “You just gave me a free pass to tickle you whenever now. I hope you know that.” He ruffled his hair a little more and let him out of the cuddle they were in.
Peter 3 groaned as he stretched, “yeahhh..whatever. I’m amazing.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” He patted the younger one’s back. “You wanna sleep?”
Peter 3 blinked and took a glance at his alarm clock. About 12 AM. He could feel sleep’s hand tugging at his shirt now that all the adrenaline was fading. Peter 3 nodded and flopped back on his bed.
“Okay you’re not snoozing without the covers. C’mon, get a move on.” Peter 2 gently poked his side. He didn’t need anymore of a prompt to hop out of bed and pull the covers down. “AahhHH okay okay!!”
Now tucked in, Peter 3 curled up on his side. “You can stay here if you wanna.” Peter 2 was fiddling with his portal device, prepared to depart. He turned around. “Hm?”
“You can..you can stay. It could be like a sleepover or somethin, I dunno.” Peter 3 shrugged.
“Well…” Peter 2 thought for a second, “yeah. Yeah I’ll stay, bud.” He pursed his lips. “I might need to uh…get pajamas though. Could you give me like 10 minutes?”
“Yeah that works.” Peter 3 gave a thumbs up from under the covers.
Peter 2 turned his attention to the portal device, and a few seconds later a ring of orange fired upon the wall into Peter 2’s living room. “I’ll be back,” he said.
And so, the oldest Peter hurried through his home, up the stairs, into his room. Tiptoeing past the bed where MJ was sleeping, he grabbed some flannel pants and an old t-shirt.
Peter 2 stepped back through the portal. “And I’m ba-!” He cut himself off, the ring of sparks dissipating behind him. Peter 3 was sound asleep, in his blanket cocoon breathing steadily.
Peter 2’s heart swelled at the sight. He changed into his pajamas in the bathroom and returned, now hovering beside the bed. He placed a hand on the younger one’s head and whispered, “sleep tight.”
Not wanting to wake him, Peter 2 took a pillow and set it on the floor beside Peter 3’s bed. He had brought a blanket from his home to wrap himself up in.
As he laid and stared at the ceiling peacefully, he chuckled to himself. It was funny, now he was the Spider-Man who decided to sleep on the floor that night.
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v01dw4tch3r · 1 year
silliest trio ever. This is like, the most random group of people on this server that were chosen for lore. name ONE thing they have in common??
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merakiui · 1 year
Hello Mera, hope you're having a wonderful day!
I don't know if anyone asked this before but how do you think the octovinelle trio would act if they got drunk? I feel like it would be very amusing seeing the three of them drinking together! Or! Imagine them smoking weed for the first time, I feel poor Azuls lungs wouldn't be able to handle it at all 😭
Omg imagine Azul coughing his lungs out after he’s inhaled too much and the twins patting his back and offering him water like: “it happens to all of us the first time.” He probably tries again and complains he doesn’t feel anything (because he’s not inhaling because he wants to look "cool and composed" and is too anxious to burst out into a coughing fit again) and so the twins give him an edible and he’s literally the meme of “this edible ain’t it” until it hits and then he’s gone. Either he has the best experience of his life or he’s beyond terrified and keeps asking questions: “Is this normal? Are you sure I’m meant to feel this way? I’m not going to die, am I? How long does this last? Why do I feel this way?” He’s so anxious and paranoid. >_< he just cannot chill for the life of him. Meanwhile, Jade and Floyd are just enjoying their highs hehe!!
As for drunk Octavinelle... I feel like Azul is more honest and open with his emotions. He probably loses his filter, so you'll know if he's cranky or sad or in a good mood. Also, he's really hyper-aware for some reason??? He'll look at you and notice little things and mutter them aloud like: "Has anyone ever told you your eyes sparkle in the light?" or "Have you always sounded so pretty when you laugh?" <3 maybe he gets a little territorial over you when he's drunk and throws a fit if the twins try to get between you and him. And he’s clumsy!!!!! So clumsy! Since he’s unable to take care to keep his suave businessman façade up, he’s a drunken mess who gives the silliest replies to things.
Floyd gets super energetic, even more so than usual, and is rather quick to crash and get sleepy. He’s loud and obnoxious most of the time, but I think if he’s really drunk he becomes somewhat stoic and serious. He stares at you a lot, as if trying to commit your every feature to memory. He mistakes you for his lover (and you’re not), so he’ll hang off of you, try to kiss you, feel you up… Floyd’s rather flirty with you. He’s cute with his flushed face and his silly smile, resting his head upon your shoulder because it’s so tiring to keep himself upright, so Shrimpy will have to be his pillow instead.
Jade is also a sleepy drunk. He loses some of his sharp wit in the midst of his inebriation. Like Azul, he also can’t keep up his usual gentleman façade. He tries to, but it comes off as awkward. He laughs a lot more and he seems more like Floyd at times when he smiles with his teeth instead of his usual close-lipped smiles, shamelessly energetic and amused. He might even speak his mind, admitting his true emotions and feelings if it’s just you and him. You’ll get to see an intimate side to Jade when he’s drunk, but it’s a rare side because he tries to avoid getting intoxicated so you won’t witness that side of him.
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First, I must inquire, what do you think are tan's and lem's real names? 
Now imagine this, his wife having really good acting skills, enough to convince everyone that she's just a terrified civilian looking for help, keeping her act up until she gathers intel from them. Feel like lem would also be so proud of her.
Tan prefers calling you, but when he can't, he'll either send the softest messages or fast typed ones with tons of spelling mistakes "My pretty girl, you're going to be the death of me." responding to the selfie you just send, "Thsi fycking twat jsut ruined m y dress shrit!". But imagine a group chat with these two. Lem and I share the same braincell so we'll disscus the silliest stuff and he'll just butt in to say "will you two please think before typing on this group chat"
Childhood friends to lovers with tan? He'll protect you even if it means he'll get an ugly wound, but it's ok because you'd always patch him up and give him an earful. It doesn't take long for lem to figure it out and pushes him to confess. And he'll be so cute too "How 'bout I take you to dinner after? " "Ask me again when you're not bleeding from your stomach." You two end up eating at home because you only just started taking missions and can't afford a 5 star restaurant. Speaking of protecting, when he finds out your carring his child, he won't let you take any missions. "They're having a baby?" asks a confused ladybug, "I'd be more surprised if they didn't." is all lem can say before he notices his brothers stare.
It's not a secret he has a big mouth, what if his girl matches that but in a more, classy way? "I'm sorry sir but I must inquire, what's with your illiterate way of thinking?" and he butts in "She means why are you so fucking dumb." All while proudly smiling.
I'm going to finish this with the most heartbreaking angst. Instead of Tan finding Lem "dead", they both survive but his wife dies. They're a trio but split up to look for the briefcase. The twins somehow get the it back and decide to put it on red so now they're looking for her all over the empty train. They finally find her and all he can do is stare at her before droping to his knees, bringing her close to him. It hits him like a train so he breaks down, screaming and crying as he hugs her. Lem somehow finds the power in himself to place the Edward sticker in her palm.
Phew, sorry this was a lot, if anything else comes to mind I'll saved it for later so that like you said, you're not spamming people's dash. Sorry for any spelling mistakes (you know who to blame). It means a lot that I get to share my ideas with you and your followers. Anyway, going to rewatch Bullet Train tonight, can't believe it's already been a year since I've first seen it on the big screen. Kisses, 💺 anon.
hii, sooo…
1. that question has been picking at my brain for a year!!! I genuinely cannot think of what they’re called, I wanted to make a post and ask everyone a while back, but if anyone has any thoughts or ideas for their names please PLEASE comment them, im dying to know. something british/ criminally english that’s all I know😭 ironically, I feel aaron suits
2. ughhh I love that!?! he’d be super proud, silently cheering her along. like a subtle nod or quick wink
3. the spelling mistakes aaahhh love that!!? also feel like the 3 typing dots would be there for ever, like he’s replying then doing something assassiny then typing again, and it’ll all be mumble jumble. he’d get annoyed at the two of you messaging eachother in the group chat but I feel he secretly loves it. also think he has trouble talking sometimes, so he likes to have the social aspect without it being awkward for him (if that makes sense) ardgsh and he’s such a flatterer I just know it!! sweet girl, pretty girl… MY SWEET GIRL!?! MY PRETTY GIRL🫠
4. love it!! and the element of being besties and knowing everything. omg imagine you go on dates with other guys (before liking liking tan) and he’s always really jealous but he hides it bc he wants you to be happy etc, but he maybe kinda sabotages it so he can have you all to himself heehe. he definitely reacts before thinking, especially if you were involved (and got hurt) super caring cute sweet innocent kinda guy, right? completely innocent bbg
5. “why are you so fucking dumb?” HAHAHAHA love it!! but yes!!! he’s got that cockney ‘charm’ so he gets right to the point. and I love that she matches his vibe (but just in a more feminine classy, femme fatale way)
6. that is heartbreaking!?! why would you write that🥲🥲🥲🥲 im just kidding, but that is a horribly sad idea
7. you’re very sweet!! and tysm for sharing your ideas!! and yes, if you have more, send em over. heheh guessing your hamster😭 ive been wanting to rewatch it for ages, I just need to do it bc I miss it lol. that year has gone quick omg?!
hope everything I said makes sense😭 apologies if it doesn’t
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mediauser325 · 5 days
Fairly Oddparents tickle HC's
(Headcannons of Cosmo, Wanda, Timmy, Peri (formerly poof), Irep (Formerly Foop), Hazel Wells, and Dev Dimmadome) Writer's note: THIS TOOK 2 WEEKS IN MY DRAFTS TO WRITE! Hope you all like these silly tickle headcannons. If you don't like them, Idc I'm still having this up
Cosmo: 65% Lee, 35% Ler
Cosmo's such a playful fairy! His tickles are mainly to play, or cheer someone up! Having been a fairy godparent for up to 300 years at minimum, Cosmo knows cues like when to stop, when someone is able to be cheered up via tickles, etc. He's a master at teasing, and WILL use it to his advantage. He does use the classics you know the ones, but he also makes up brilliant teases. He's an amazing tickler, and does play the 'Can I guess where you're ticklish?' game. A couple scribbles here, some pokes there, the whole shebang. He also gives his lee wiggle room unless it's PERFECTLY CLEAR they don't mind being pinned. Cosmo CANNOT take what he dishes out, he squirms, squeals, kicks, his wings flap crazily, he is MEGA ticklish and a silly mess. Cosmo and Wanda have done tickle fights but Wanda always wins. The same tickle fights have happened with Hazel, Timmy and Peri at different times, but Cosmo was too good a ler for the trio to stop. Cosmo's worst spots are his sides, neck, and underarms.
Wanda: 50/50
Wanda's a good ler but is usually gentle, opposite of Cosmo who tries to wreck everyone he tickles. She usually just lightly scribbles across a spot, gently teasing and cooing. The people she tickles the most are Peri and Cosmo. But if you wreck her, she's gonna wreck you just as badly. As a lee, she's most ticklish on her ribs. She'll giggle helplessly, but that's it. I'll add more if I get more ideas.
Timmy Turner: 80% lee, 20% ler
Poor Timmy has no ler skills. He's almost always is the tickled and never the tickler. He's VERY ticklish in many common spots, and always just laughs his lil head off, and has the BEST giggles. If he ever tickled someone successfully, it was dumb luck or a huge amount of stealth. Other than that, he's mostly a lee. He squeals and begs, it's adorbs
Peri (Formerly Poof): 55% Lee, 45% Ler
He's a really embarassed lee and it's adorable. Cosmo and Wanda occasionally tickled him when he was a baby, and it was precious. As an adult, he's not tickled as much, but when he is, it's either Cosmo or Wanda tickling him in front of Hazel or Dev, and embarassing him in the process. As a ler, he's mindful of boundaries more than a normal ler would. He pays CLOSE attention to cues and responses and may have a safe word so he doesn't go too far. He hasn't had much experience with humans and doesn't wanna come off as anything negative. He's most ticklish on his belly. He's a squealer. You can NOT convince me otherwise.
Irep (Formerly Foop): 95% ler, 5% lee
This guy refuses to be tickled. He's always the tickler. As a wittle baby, he was a huge lee much to his disapproval. Anti Cosmo and Anti Wanda didn't tickle much, but it was adorable when they did He's very ticklish, but was never caught later in life. As a ler, he's RUTHLESS! He will wreck you until you tap out. If you ever tickle him, expect him to threaten you while kicking and squirming helplessly on the floor. His worst spots are his underarms and sides
Hazel: 50/50
One heck of a good ler. Her main Lee is Dev, and they get into the silliest tickle fights you've seen. She usually wins. She can be either gentle or ruthless, depending on what someone's comfortable with. Definitely stole some of Cosmo's teases to use for her lees. As a lee, she's squealy, giggly, squirmy, AND kicky. She'll squirm tooth and nail to do anything to make the tickles more bearable. She's ticklish in the most common places, but mostly the spaces between her ribs
Dev: Complete lee.
He's a touch starved 10 year old that has never been tickled and never experienced tickling. That is, until he met HAZEL. He will fight tooth and nail to get away from a Ler, especially if the Ler is merciless. He may use his rocket boots or drones to help him get away. THE LEE-EST LEE TO EVER LEE! Ticklish everywhere, has no ler skills, can NOT fight a tickle fight to save his life, it's silly and kinda sad too. Can only ler if someone like Peri, Hazel or Cosmo are helping him
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