#the song's not about this julian of course but i can't get it out of my head so yeah
lucy-sky · 2 years
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@giftober 2022 | Day #19: “Quote”
Julian Kaye + lyrics of Oh Lord by Foxy Shazam
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m1ssunderstanding · 7 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 2.2
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Maybe John's not actually crazy for thinking Hey Jude is to him? “For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder.” fool is, in my tin hat world, often a code name for Paul in their songs. And that description is certainly him to a t actually. I wonder why I've never considered it before. 
John: are you happy here, honey? Paul: I ain't happy here my honey, can you take me back? How many songs does Paul write from 1968 on about trying to go back? One day I'm going to make a list and it'll be a long one. 
And thus begins the phase of they just can't help it, can they? But they really wish they could. They make each other so so happy, but they really wish they didn't. It would hurt less that way. 
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I love the comparison of Linda's pictures of everyone else and then of John. It just shows that it's not a her problem – that's such a lovely one of George, who Hates Yoko – it's how he feels about her.
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John, coming up with every possible weapon to provoke Paul, finally has Yoko sing Paul's part in one of their songs. It really is such a slap in the face. But of course breaking the sanctity of their music is what does it best. And still, all he gets out of him is a look before he walks away. Whatever it is that John wants, I think Paul literally can not give it to him. 
Btw the white album is my favorite, probably. There's just such incredible diversity on it. It's so much fun, you never get tired of it, and it's an excellent display of their genius and versatility. 
He looks like an abandoned puppy. 
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What do we think? John says Paul drummed on WDWDITR. Paul says Ringo did. Who is telling the truth?
“It was getting to be where he wanted to do it like that but he couldn't make the break . . .” So John thinks Paul doing his songs by himself means he wants to break the group up? I personally read it as him not wanting to annoy everyone with his bossiness, but that's just my take. 
John talking about how it's him and Yoko now, but before, it was . . .
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George needs to send them a cease and desist notice or he'll sue them for breech of character the amount of times they drag him into things he's not a part of. Especially if they're not going to even fucking spare him a glance in reality. Please and thank you, Hare Krishna. 
Paul's epigraph on the two virgins cover. “Battles to prove he was a saint”? What kind of passive aggressive shit is that, Paul?
The eternal question: what happened in India? And does John really not know? Or is he just unwilling to tell what happened to rolling stone?
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Somebody please engage with that poor little boy, preferably, you know, his father. Ugh, Cynthia must've had so much anxiety watching that footage, or really any time Julian was with John. And that footage is placed in the doc right after a pic of Paul already being Heather's dad just so naturally. 
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But hell, if I've ever seen attention-seeking behavior, this is it. Singing about wanting to die while seductively undressing the closest thing Paul would've had to career competition at the time. 
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I'm sorry but it will forever be hilarious to me that when John's singing his part of “I've Got a Feeling” with Yoko it's “soft dream” and then with Paul it's “wet dream”. How John and Yoko tricked everyone into believing they were too horny for each other to control themselves is beyond my imagination. 
On the day John plays their sex tape, “Unusually, Yoko is not present.” LMAO girl same. John: I'm going to play our sex tape for the band tomorrow. Yoko: oh was that tomorrow? Damn, I forgot, I have a thing. 
“Well that's an interesting one.” What did John honestly expect, though? Like I know he wanted Paul to be like, “that's it! Enough is enough I'm taking you home and doing you right!” Or whatever. But what did he honestly, realistically expect?
Always saying the same things at the same time, always on the same page, same word. About everything, it seems, except their relationship. 
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Paul: but you won't say anything about it. John: I said what I've been thinking. Paul: Are you still thinking that now? What are you thinking now? John: I'm still thinking about it. Infuriating. Whatever it is John's been thinking, he doesn't want to talk about it in front of cameras. Is it quitting the band? I think it's something more complicated than that but I've no idea what. 
“John, John, joooooohn!” X “Martha my Dear” crossover my beloved. The fact that literally Everyone reacts and tries to get her to stop except Paul is so extremely telling. Yoko: joooooohn! Ringo: He's busy! Yoko: joooooohn! John: Stop that! (And he looks and sounds genuinely pissed) Yoko: joooooohn! Paul: (plinking and pounding away, definitely not thinking thoughts about what he would do right now if he was a girl that will come out of his mouth fifteen years later)
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Everyone's trying to figure out the problem with George vs JohnandYoko and Paul's saying “and like with Yoko, they’re real. They mean it.” Linda laughs. “I don't dig that.” You don't, Linda? What about them isn't real to her, I wonder. Does she think they don't really love each other? Or what?
Linda: *Makes fart noise* Go away! Paul: continues to defend them. Neil: everybody cough. See and this is why it sucks that get back was so edited. Because it's important that Paul's defending them here not just going on and on where nobody asked. He knows he's hurt John, and he feels bad enough about it to let him have his mommy with him at all times if that's what he needs.
If what??? Someone needs to force them to finish their damn sentences. Because I feel like he cuts himself off here when (I swear!!) he's about to say what it is that's hurting John so badly.
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Anyway, here's where (imo) he's kinda wrong. Where he says "if it came to a push between Yoko and the band, it's Yoko." I think I said it in my get back posts, but I'll say it again. Yeah, if it was Yoko or the band, it's Yoko. But if it's Yoko or Paul filling all the gaps Yoko is currently filling? It's Paul. You know? And I think that's what John wants so badly at this time, actually. Is “a push between Yoko and [Paul]” ending with Paul stepping up for him in some way that he wasn't before, you know?
He really does get it though. John wanting to be as close as possible with Yoko so he doesn't lose her and their connection. Don't forget he does put Linda in his band. He gets it because it was the same with him and John. 
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I really do think it's a huge myth that they just never talked about feelings or anything serious. Look at them. This is how they talk in a crowded place with their girlfriends sitting right there. They didn't just get through fifteen years of one of the greatest collaborations in history never actually talking. They talked about deep stuff. And frequently. 
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Heyyy brainrot hope you are resting well from those back to back 12 hours and i have thought about a new scene what about MC bursting into a song out of nowhere and surprising M6 you know like how we randomly think about a song and just starts singing about it.
Bonus points if M6 is the one thinking about the song and MC starts to sing it aloud if you know what i mean
Enjoy your next 24 hours. And have a great week
The Arcana HCs: M6 reacting to MC singing
~ @godslayer143 I know exactly the moment you're talking about - I do this to my family members all the time XD The honorable lobster friend also requested a singing MC, so here this is! - brainrot ~
- opening quotes are canon, from Heart Hunter responses to MC's serenade option -
"Next time, let's make it a duet! What do you say?"
As previously shown, he's immediately asking to sing along with you. Don't worry, he's very good at duets!
If he knows the song, he can jump right in. If he doesn't, you can teach it to him
Sometimes when Malak hears duets he decides he wants to add some harmony too, which frustrates Julian's attempts at a romantic moment to no end
Doubles his efforts to sing with you in public. You're a few drinks in at the Rowdy Raven? He's starting a drinking song and trying to drag you up on the table to lead everyone in the chorus with him
Sometimes, he just wants to hear your voice without his own ringing in his ears. If you're in the mood for it, he'll tune his vielle to accompany you instead
Having traveled around the world, he's picked up quite a few different songs and he will try to teach them to you. It's okay if you can't get the Nevivon pronunciation right away, he'll coach you
If you start randomly singing the song that's been stuck in his head all day he'll forget his manners and jump right into singing along
"I've always loved the sound of your voice, MC."
It doesn't matter what they're doing, the sound of you singing is enough to make them drop whatever they're up to and tune out the rest of the world
If you're singing something really energetic or upbeat, he'll be a little faster to shake himself out of it. He'll keep bopping his head along though
If you're singing something slower or more romantic, they'll pull you into a slow dance and encourage you to keep singing
There's one thing he loves to do though, and it's tease. Don't sing anything too heated or he'll take it as his cue to fluster you
Cue increasingly suggestive eye contact as the lyrics get more intense until you cave and use your mouth for kissing instead
They'll never ask or pressure you to sing, but they won't hesitate to mention that you have a beautiful voice if it comes up
If you start singing a song he was thinking of he'll just be quietly surprised (doesn't want to interrupt)
Faust, on the other hand, has also had that song running through her head, and she will let you know: Friend singing? Surprise!
"What a bold declaration of affection, MC. I'm impressed."
Let it be known that she only ever sings alone, in the bath, where no one can hear it
However, if you trust her with your voice, she might (might!) trust you with hearing hers one day
She prefers to accompany you on her organ
If you have the slightest interest in training your voice, she will find the best vocal coach for your style and preference possible
In the same vein, she will never pressure you to sing, but she will often request it or maybe suggest that you perform at a palace function. Only if you're up for it, of course, but she has faith in you!
If you get one of her sisters to secretly teach you a childhood favorite of hers from Prakra and surprise her with it she will lose her words
Nobody knows how it happens but Chandra appears within minutes whenever you sing. It doesn't matter how far away she was when you started
If you sing a song she's been thinking of she'll ask you if you have clairvoyance. Don't tell her that she was humming it under her breath all morning
As suggested, his usual response to hearing you sing is silence
He doesn't want to disturb or interrupt you, he just gives you his attention
Speaking of attention, don't look at him while you're singing. It's too much for him to handle and he'll start trying to sweat out his blush
As overwhelming as it can be for him though, he could listen to you all day. Your voice fits into the trees and the birdsong so perfectly it brings him peace
He may or may not scout out the spots with the best natural acoustics and regularly take you there
He has a deep, rumbly voice that he refuses to sing with, but there is one exception to this rule. Ask him to be your drone
If you can find a peaceful song that harmonizes perfectly with a sustained note, pitch it low enough to be comfortable for him, and ask him to sing it where nobody else can see or hear him, he'll do it
And he will sound incredible
Inanna, on the other hand, will become as playful and affectionate as a pup if you sing something upbeat enough
"I didn't know you could sing like that, MC! What else are you hiding from me?"
Starts asking you about all the songs you know. Can you do magic with singing? Have you learned any in an ancient or forbidden language? Oh ... right, of course, you don't remember
Determined to help you start building your own repertoire. She'll bring you plenty of songbooks from the Palace library
She's also spent plenty of time on several ships, and is quite fond of ballads herself. She'll teach you everything she knows so you two can sing together!
She'll also learn new singing styles with you on ambassador trips, if she can make the time (which she will)
You are going to learn so many sea shanties
Portia might even try to compose a few ballads with you, about your shared story
Singing softly to her will help her relax so quickly after a stressful day. Just start humming and she'll breathe easier
Pepi is quite vocal herself. Sometimes she'll perch close by and give you a series of long, drawn-out meows for you to harmonize with
If you sing something Portia's already thinking of she'll bluescreen
"That was good, but check this out! AHEM-"
Now then, we all know that beauty is in the eye (or ear) of the beholder. Lucio's voice may sound gorgeous to you
But to everyone else, he is canonically tone-deaf with an "overdone theatre voice". If you're in any building not belonging to you or a close friend he will mostly likely get kicked out if you let him sing
He likes your voice very much though, and will ask you to sing for him all the time. Especially on travel-heavy days
He learns the hard way not to ask you to sing while hiking, after the times you got dizzy and out of breath at high altitudes
Mercedes and Melchior will get uncharacteristically calm when you sing. Their tails will wag slowly and they'll trot along in a happy, peaceful state
Lucio's singing has the opposite effect. They will howl along as loudly as their doggy lungs let them, sprinting frantically around and crashing into everything in their paths
Lucio has wondered if the calming effect of your singing would work on magical beasts. He was surprised when it didn't
Sing the song he was thinking of and he's belting it out with you, no holds barred
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avatar-anna · 1 year
can we have some content of the twins relationship with each other?
sure!! maybe i can do a profile on all of the styles children
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader
Julian and Maeve for sure give off that unhinged, middle child energy.
Y/n loved dressing them up in matching clothes when they were babies like this, this, or this. But as they get older, she lets them develop their own style, as is the Styles family way. And for no other reason than to make their parents heads spin, Maeve and Jules switch clothes from time to time—shoes, jackets, shirts, etc.
Maeve is the first one to call Julian JuJu.
Simone loves playing dress up with the twins and painting their nails. And when she's old enough to drive, she picks them and Collette up from school to get ice cream right after she gets her license.
The first time they join Harry on tour, they wreak havoc. They run around during rehearsals, sometimes in just a shirt and a pull-up, or whatever Y/n was able to finagle them into before giving up and tossing clothes at Harry when she sees them and says, "Good luck," before walking off with the rest of her kids.
Harry holds Maeve and Julian on either side when they go to the beach. The water is a little choppy and cold and they're afraid to go in, but Harry holds them and jumps with each wave and lets them down when they feel better. Then he helps them dig for crabs and shells and build sand castles.
And then they bury him in sand.
When Harry comes home from the separation, the twins are little (about two) and he takes it upon himself to be Superdad™️. One of the things he does is sing to the twins every night before bed (he reads to Simone and Collette). And it's usually the same song, so when they're old enough they sing along with him.
For their seventh birthday, the twins desperately want a trip to Disneyland with the whole family. Harry and Y/n of course are unsure because that's just asking for trouble. They have to sit down with the twins and tell them that Daddy can't go because too many people would crowd them and it wouldn't be safe. Jules and Maeve are obviously upset, but Harry promises that they can have whatever they want at Disneyland and even though he can't go, he takes the day off so he can call and FaceTime the entire day. It's not perfect, but it's the best they can do, and the twins grow to appreciate how Harry did so much for them with their unique situation.
Maeve definitely gets sent home from school one time for punching a kid that was teasing Julian.
The twins are also unironically fans of One Direction, and they beg Harry and their uncles for a reunion. They are spearheading the movement for the reunion tour.
Speaking of 1D, Y/n sends an invite to the twins' baby shower. She's already done the "just girls" party and thinks it's a load of crap because it should be a party for both parents and all that. 2/4 come (I'll let you pick who went).
After the documentary comes out, the world obviously knows that Harry has a family, which means a lot of press. One time they're all out as a family, and they use their usual tactics to hide their whereabouts, but everyone is on high alert to see Harry Styles out with his wife and kids. And there's a big crowd when they leave a restaurant and the twins are terrified and since Y/n is dealing with shielding Natalia and Geneva, so Harry tells Simone and Collette to hold hands while he picks up Julian and hugs Maeve close to his side.
It's safe to say after that incident Harry hires security for whenever they go out as a family, or just for when Y/n and the kids go anywhere. They have a family bodyguard, who the twins love to make laugh. Or try to, anyway. He's very big and very stone-faced, but Maeve and Julian make him play with their stuffed animals and wear princess crowns and hold their hands when he walks with them.
The twins have separate rooms at home, but sometimes (especially when they're little) they have sleepovers in each other's rooms).
Julian is the first person Maeve tells anything, and he's the same. She tells him when she has her first crush, who she got for Styles Family Secret Santa, when she fails a test and she's scared to tell their parents, when she kisses a boy for the first time, when she kisses a girl for the first time. Everything, they tell each other everything.
All they ever need is each other, and sometimes Y/n and Harry worry that their other kids feel left out, and sometimes they do, but all the Styles kids have different relationships with each other, like all siblings do.
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youngpettyqueen · 9 months
Oh I now saw you reblogged some prompts! this one caught my eye bc I immediately heard this in jadzia's voice about garashir 67. “Oh my god! You’re in love with them!”
anon youre so right I IMMEDIATELY heard this in her voice on reading it. please enjoy Jadzia hassling Julian about his very not-subtle thing with the local lizard man
Julian is in a very good mood today.
Jadzia noticed it very quickly upon entering the infirmary. Of course, he was very concerned when she showed him her burnt hand, the result of not paying enough attention while tinkering with a panel that had been bothering her. But his concern was quickly gone once he realized the burn was only shallow, and would just need a quick pass with a dermal regenerator.
The thing is, he would usually still fuss. Or, at the very least, admonish her for being careless. But, no, he's coming back with the dermal regenerator and he's... humming, of all things. A slow song, with a gentle melody that she finds herself wanting to sway along to. She doesn't recognize it off the top of her head, but it's... nice.
"What is that?" She asks. She can't help herself- she's curious by nature.
"Hm?" Julian stops humming, looking up to meet her eyes, "What's what?"
"That song you're humming," Jadzia says, "It's nice. What is it?"
"Oh, that," Julian looks back at her hand, focusing on running the regenerator over her palm, "It's a... Cardassian piece. It's been stuck in my head since this morning." He tells her.
Jadzia narrows her eyes at him. He's... blushing. It's subtle, but it's there- he's all pink in the cheeks. "A Cardassian piece?" She echoes, a mischievous smirk curling her lips, "Where did you hear that?"
Julian is now very pointedly avoiding eye contact. "Garak showed it to me." He tells her.
Jadzia leans in, trying to catch his eye. "And why was Garak showing you Cardassian music this morning?" She asks, "Don't you two usually meet for lunch?"
His face is now going a very adorable shade of red. "We can meet more than once a week, Jadzia." He points out.
"Have you been meeting more than once a week?" She can't help but keep pressing- he's like a big red button, begging to be pushed, "Julian, you didn't tell me! When did that happen?"
"I wasn't aware I needed to keep you informed of what I do with my-" Julian cuts himself off very quickly, takes a moment, then coughs out, "Friend." In about the most unconvincing manner possible.
Oh, she has him now. "If he's your friend, then why are you blushing like a schoolgirl with a crush?" She asks.
Julian abruptly lets go of her hand. "Well, that takes care of that!" He says, his voice pitched, "If you would excuse me, I'm a very busy man, and I have... many surgeries to get to." He turns on his heel and starts making his escape.
Jadzia hops off the examination table and follows. "Oh, no. You're not getting away from me that easily," She swoops in front of him, blocking his way, "I want details." She insists.
"Details of what?" Julian asks incredulously.
"Your date." Jadzia grins.
"It wasn't a date!" Julian exclaims, "Really, I have patients to-" He tries to duck around her, but she moves to get in his way.
"No?" She presses, stepping closer. He steps back, "You two just... what, had a little get together this morning? Where he showed you Cardassian music?" She ducks down to catch his eye, "Slow Cardassian music?" She adds, pointed.
Julian's blush has started creeping across his nose. "Exactly," He squeaks out, unconvincing, "Just a friendly get together. Between friends. With... music."
Jadzia raises a brow at him. "I didn't see you on the promenade this morning." She informs him.
"That's because we weren't on the promenade." Julian replies.
"And you weren't in the holosuites," She continues, "I know, because Worf runs his exercise class every morning, and Quark was too scared to get that Klingon party from last night out of the others."
Julian backs right up into the examination table. "I don't know what you're getting at." He deflects.
Jadzia leans in. "You were in his quarters, weren't you?" She asks, grinning like a wolf.
Julian's eyes widen like moons. "I was not!" He exclaims, looking around wildly like somebody might be listening, "Honestly, Jadzia, I hardly see how this is any of your business!" He hisses.
"Then where were you?" Jadzia questions, undeterred, "C'mon, Julian, if you can't tell me, who can you tell? Where were you?" She hassles.
Julian shrinks backwards, looking like he wants to make like a turtle and hide in his uniform. And then he ducks his head, mumbling something at a volume a Ferengi wouldn't be able to pick up on.
"What was that?" Jadzia leans more into his space, putting her arms on either side of him and trapping him, "I can't hear you."
Julian looks up to meet her eyes. He's all red, all the way to his ears. He considers for a moment, before he heaves a loud sigh and, very quietly, he admits, "...My quarters."
Jadzia lights up like the Dabo wheel at Quark's. "I knew it!" She exclaims, clapping her hands against the examination table, "I knew you were seeing each other. Julian, you've been holding out on me!" She accuses, "How long has this been going on?"
Julian presses himself backwards, very nearly climbing up onto the table. "I'm not answering that."
"Did he spend the night?" Jadzia continues.
"I'm especially not answering that!" Julian squawks.
"Do you love him?" Jadzia grins, nearly nose to nose with him.
Now Julian does push himself up onto the table, and he uses the opportunity to swing himself around and jump down to the other side and try to make his escape. "This conversation is over!" He calls as he hurries away.
Jadzia follows in hot pursuit. "Oh my god, you are in love with him!"
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therowdymagpie · 10 months
The Main 6 as AJR songs(pt.1): The Click
A/N: I have no idea who is going to care about this, but character analysis through songs is one of my favourite activities and combining two of my biggest hyperfixations at the moment seems like a good way to combat seasonal depression so, enjoy this mini headcanon series.(spoiler for all routes of course)
Asra: Turning Out
Starting off, for Asra "Turning out" really strikes me as the song that could desrcibe how disoriented they must have felt during the first few months of the Apprentice's resurrection.
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These two verses could just really be talking about Asra's feelings at the start where the Apprentice doesn't recognise them and the surprise of the ritual not working the way it was supposed to. All of the questions they could have asked themselves:
"Am I ready to be their lover or friend?"
"Do you have instructions?"
"Where do I go from here?" are all things they would be wondering about how to best approach this, how can they go back to the way they and the MC were before.
And of course the themes of unexpected or unrequited love that deviates from storybooks, pop up. This is NOT a fairytale, this is a very traumatic, very fragile situation Asra is in, where they aren't a normal couple with Mc, where this is really anything but a love story, actually slowly evolving more into a romantic tragedy as they don't know how to approach the Mc. Sometimes not even as a friend or lover but simply falling into the role of a "Master" or teacher.
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Especially with this part, I can really see it as an entire internalised conversation in Asra's mind, with the version of MC they're familiar with.
Shouldn't they wait before they give up?
Don't they want to see the Mc get better?
Don't they want to wait and see if the Apprentice will love them again.?
And how everything is turning out in the end?
This is a song deep into the frustration and dissapointment coming out of a love you can't predict and at the same time a relationship you desperately want to make work exactly the way you want to, which works pretty well in this scenario.
Nadia: Burn The House Down
This song specifically i feel like fits Nadia SO MUCH. Aside from the political themes that are spread all around it, I really want to talk about lines like:
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Knowing how Pre Red Plague Era, Nadia had this toned down role in Vesuvia, blending behind Lucio's shadow as nothing more than an observer, this would be her train of doubts about her potition and if she herself as a Countess can make actual difference to better the city. It's these doubts that held her behind in fear of people once again ignoring and sidestepping her, much like how in Prakra she felt a similar way with her family.
These doubts later on also follow her throughout her own route, when she has the chance to prove herself to her city and be the leader it deserves.
As well as:
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Which just fits fits so much with the Courtiers situation and the corrupt polititians that overran Vesuvia while she was in her coma state. This also fits Lucio and how he was only parading the role of the Count while scheming, hiding, stricking deals while the only things he did for the city were to constanly keep up appearances and throw parties.
Overall the theme of stopping the circle of letting other people rule over your life and deciding to take charge and work WITH others to better the situation around you, whether political or not are all really resonating with Nadia. It's a great "pumping up" motivational song that describes her journey and personal growth as a Countess and a person.
Julian: Weak
(For those who know AJR or actually have heard this song: Come on.....what did you expect? XD)
The overarching theme of succumbing to your bad habits is LITERALLY indicative of Julian's whole route. How he resorts to drinking, punishing himself, overindulging in bad company and every other coping mechanism he uses are there in the lyrics:
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Small mention to how "one kiss, bad for me" could very well refer to the apprentice and how he has to distance himself from them, but at the same time can't seem to be able to fully detatch. He's a wanted man, there is no way that getting involved in a romance that can never be isn't going to hurt him, right?
Especially i feel like this song fits him so well exactly because Julian KNOWS all this, he's said it himself:
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Julian understands that he is ruining himself, that he is hurting others while doing it, that he should say no to the dark thougths in his mind and all the bad impulses BUT he also has convinced himself that he's not strong enough for that and keeps going back to the same bad habits.
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In the end this is a party anthem and we know Julian to be a party person himself, so he hypes it up. "What's wrong with that?" as well as the whole mood of the song could very well be him actively trying to convince everyone and himself, that...he's "weak", it's just who he is and he can't change. That way he can push people away and scare them off with how " iredeemable" he is and how he's just going to keep making mistakes. All because he just doesn't want to take anyone down with him....
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I also want to make quick reference to "Sober Up" and this lyric that's also giving strong Julian vibes with the MC helping him get out of his head.
Muriel: I'm not Famous
OK while this song doesn't melodically give me huuge Muriel vibes, the lyrics are thematical to his whole hermit situation.
This man put a magic curse ON HIMSELF that makes people forget that they even met him, except the people he gives something to remember him by, meaning the people closest to him.
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Like literally Muriel never has to worry about people talking about him, where he lives, what he likes to do, what are his habits or bother him anymore and that's described here like his personal paradise.
Which honestly makes so much sense if you take into consideration what his past used to be like. The trauma he endured by being in the Colissium and having everyone watch the worst version of himself EVERY SINGLE DAY, definetely warrants seeing almost complete isolation as bliss.
(Also noone hates him, he's our gentle giant that deserves the world fandom-wise and he's adored by everyone who DOES know him in Vesuvia.)
Honestly i feel like this song could very well be Muriel's personal diss towards Lucio, which is very funny to think about:
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Muriel is a hermit and yet he is more loved and acknoledged for who he is than Lucio will ever be (according to Muriel's route anyway). Lucio was loud, the main attraction for many, the centre of attention and yet people in the majority "judge" him and have seen all of his personal failures out on display because he chose to parade around trying to show that he was the best.
Muriel finds comfort in being unknown and has never been afraid to express that. He apprieciates the people in his life that matter which is exactly why this song fits this well.
Portia: Drama (/Turning Out)
Maybe i'm cheating with this one but I cannot talk about Portia without refering to both of these songs.
For starters, Drama: Now it's well known that Portia is an undisputed gossip queen. The woman has an entire map drawn out of secret passages scattered around the palace that STILL isn't fully finished, she knows the entire palace staff by name and she's not too unfamiliar about any street rumors or juicy stories. Point being: she goes around.
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The song describes how we can become envolved to other people's drama and get caught up in their stories so much it's addicting.
Now regardless of what perspective we see Portia from, one thing is clear: She wants excitement out her life and to get to do adventurous things of her own. Unfortunately though, because of her obligations and role she is instead "addicted" to other people's stories and shines through others.
In every story except her own she is just there, observing, seeing what happens next and contributes as much as she can because she can't be fully a part of it herself.
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Only in her own route does she get to actively be an important part of the story and the "Drama", getting out of the mindset of being a background character, take action and voice her opinions.
Tbh i haven't fully finished her route but so far i can at least understand this: Portia needs an opportunity to shine as her own person, and this song perfectly portrays that.
As for Turning Out, I just can't keep out of my head Portia saying these lines to Julian:
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I think Portia was so genuinely hurt by Julian leaving her behind in Nevivon and telling him all this would just hit SO HARD, especially since she grew up with and I think really admired him. Nevemind the fact that she was very close to losing him again with the execution , which makes these lyrics sting all the more.
That and the themes of growing up and getting your head out of stories and fairytales you read really sounds perfect for her character.
Lucio: The Good Part
Well what can i say, The Good Part is loud, energetic but at the same time just so pensive, which fit pretty good on Lucio if you think about it.
The entirety of the song and lyrics keep referring to skipping to the best part of your life and keep wondering when that actually is. Lucio is a complex character which I love but so much is apparent about him: He wants to be respected and he wants power. The thing is he isn't always going to work too hard to achieve it.
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His impentience as to when he'll be leader of his tribe is what drives him to the demon bargain that would make his parents sick and supposedly "skip" all of the proving himself as worthy of it and directly place him right on top. That behaviour later on continues with his deals with the Courtiers and then the Devil himself.
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And then later on even when he actually becomes a Count he still keeps showing off, throwing over-the-top parties and trying to give all the best things to his court and people. He keeps trying to make every moment the "Good Part" of his life constanly thinking he can go even more respected and loved as a ruler, even seeking to overthrow the Devil in some routes.
Lucio for all his skills and passion lacks patience and the ability to think ahead, jumping into situations that will get him where he wants to be all the faster. The song doesn't wholly describe his motivations and personality but it definetely hits on that particular aspect of him.
ShoutOut to familial issues:
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Annnd that's it, hoping to continue in Pt.2.
P.S Please go and listen to AJR folks they have some really deep, heartbreaking and thought-provoking stuff.
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
Okay, hi! I'm the anon that had been looking for the four fics! I did end up finding the fic that includes the MCD and I just want to quickly inform everyone that Jaskier is basically a zombie in this one!
If anyone was hoping to read it, it's called 'all that was good, all that was fair (all that was me is gone)' by xdandelionxbloomx + if anyone wants any more of undead Jaskier, I'd also recommend 'Kill Me Slowly' by safiraneo
Thank you to everyone who has been helping in finding the fics!
(Also the fourth fic was definitely 'ask me tomorrow', thank you so much :D)
Hi Nonny!
Ok, so in summary here are the fics you asked for and what we found:
- The first takes place after the mountain breakup and Jaskier encounters another Witcher, who I believe is Lambert?? Basically he becomes Lambert's new travel companion, even creating some new songs for him. He eventually takes Jaskier to the keep, which Geralt is at as well, and they just kind of try to make Geralt jealous, even going as far as to pretend they had sex in the room next to him. Yeah, he's hurt... but they work through it.
Ok, this one is Let Someone Love You by @contemplativepancakes thanks @stinastar for the tag
We have more recommendations of similar premises from the comments: (thanks @tiikafiredancer and @ambitiousstripper)
The Path not Taken by Sospes on ao3
strings of fate binding us together by winterbitch (WinterLadyy) on ao3
witcher of convenience by operacricket on ao3
Blue Skies Are Coming (Being Rewritten) by cloudspeck on ao3
- the second I'm not sure when it takes place, but Jaskier had died. It's a non-human/creature Jaskier. He sprouts up in the middle of a field and basically begins wandering around. we follow him as he goes through this and begins to relearn everything he once knew. There's a scene where he (unintentionally) terrorizes a family at a camp, and as they flee, the father feels for Jask, despite him being well... a monstrous being.
So this one is:
all that was good, all that was fair (all that was me is gone) by @xdandelionxbloomx
(thanks to everyone who found this one for me, I can't wait to read it)
(here is the link for the other one you recommend, 'Kill Me Slowly' by safiraneo)
- The third one is kind of a modern au. Since witchers get to live long, he and the rest of the gang (including Ciri, Yen, Regis, etc.) have just lived through everything until the 21st century. Jaskier, having been mortal, died a long time ago. But recently, his body had gone missing. Julian is a professor, I believe he's a uh History professor? Nonetheless, all i remember is that Roach is a van and they got hunted by vampires at some point. I think Geralt owns a villa at a town in which Yen is the mayor. Julian's parents do NOT like Geralt because he's a witcher.
This is the only one we don't have! Anyone with a lead on this one, let us know.
- The last i believe is an established relationship fic. But basically, Jaksier is hit with a curse or something, but it's causing him to age backwards now. So of course this leads to him forgetting about Geralt. That's just kind of it, they're trying to enjoy the time they have left with each other and their memories. It ends when Jaskier turns 18 once again, the same age at which he met Geralt.
Ok, you said this was ask me tomorrow by @theaceace
A fic with a similar premise highly recommended by @ambitiousstripper and @anie6142 is Time Again by didoandis on ao3 (can't find their tumblr, if anyone knows, let me know)
Ok, that's what we have so far! Hopefully we find the third one at some point.
Thanks for dropping in nonny, and a shout out to the amazing fic writers of the witcher universe xoxoxo
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gabenvrhappened · 6 months
BooksOr... Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
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Read my post about the movie;
Throughout the times I sat to read Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (most of it when I was getting ready to sleep, but once in Primrose Hill), something inside of me screamed for the chance to put into a song all the love the book was making me feel. Just like the movie, living the story of Ari and Dante was incredibly cathartic. Unfortunately, until now at least, I wasn't able to write anything — which is shocking and definitely not usual. All that I know is that I felt the love in Benjamin Alire Sáenz's writing jumping from the page to my chest, in a warm and welcoming way.
Innocent and pure is the best way to describe it. The words that follow us through the reading, that come from Ari, are just as simple as you could expect them to be from a 16-year-old, but they hold so much weight and sincerity. It's not a mystery why this book is famous because it blew my mind how the author was able to capture the essence of growing up so perfectly, that it became an arrow that could look deep into my soul and fish my inner secrets to the surface. Just like the movie, reading the story unfold made me come back to many moments of my life, but, mostly, made me reflect on where I am right now. Made me hope for the simplicity of falling in love.
As we grow up and discover the power of attraction, everything tends to become a road to the finish line. We look at people on the street (or at the gym) and wonder what it would take to have this person in bed with us. We forget to create connections, we forget the moments that could lead to a kiss, because we have our eyes on the prize. I wonder if that's just me, or if we really lost that sensibility. I won't lie; I always pictured how cool it would be to live an enemy-to-lovers story, but reading this book made me want to live a friend-to-lovers experience because, after all, that's all we should want in a partner: a friend.
Here, Ari has a special friend in Dante. The book, of course, runs more deeply into their friendship than the movie. I love, for example, how they are always laughing and repeating each other's sentences. I loved reading the small clues of Ari's hidden love throughout his thoughts. The book does a good job in building up his character, and I found it fascinating how his parents helped him understand his love for Dante, making him, in a special way, come out. It was different and touching, and it felt so right. I wished Dante had the same development, but it was infatuating seeing all the love and affection he shows towards life and his parents (something I missed in the movie).
However, nothing, I said nothing, prepared me for the chapter where Dante asks to bathe Ari (page 145). Nothing and I can't stress that enough. I had to read that chapter twice (maybe even more) while I was drunk at a bar in SoHo. I never had read something so honest and touching. Again, innocent and pure. It was the most beautiful thing in the world, and I don't know why exactly, but that chapter, of only two pages, will be forever marked in my mind. One of the desert chapters, though, comes really close, where they are smoking pot (page 273). When Ari says he wouldn't know what he would do if Dante touched him while they were laying naked on Ari's truck after running around in the rain, was like the fist on my throat had grabbed my heart.
It's impossible not to draw parallels, especially because I saw the movie first (and rewatched it as soon as I finished the book). While the book brings more into Bernardo's drama, it's in a way that feels more palpable than the movie. And, just like the part where Ari beats up Julian, the book gives more context of why there weren't any consequences. These two things made me see this storyline in a better light than the movie did and made it feel more real and understandable. And even though the movie failed to do justice to Dante's letter — which is acceptable —, it gained more depth with Aunt Ophelia's presence. Overall, the adaptation was amazing (but I wish we could see the 2:47 hours cut the director mentioned one time on her Twitter).
The thing is that, in London, my creativity flows in so many different ways (at this Tumblr, at the gym, in my acting classes) that my songwriting started to become less current than it used to be, and, even though I understand that, I hated it because I wanted so badly to write a love song about this book. It's so insane to imagine that I didn't roll my eyes at this book not once when I'm constantly doing that throughout some passages in Adam Silvera's books, for example.
That's why I'm so excited to read the sequel to this, and I couldn't be happier to know that it has more pages than the first one. I'm also scared because sequels tend to have less magic than the first project, but I'm glad that I'll be able to dive into the story as it goes, something I missed while reading this because I already knew everything. I wonder what will take my breath away in the second book, just like the thought of Dante dying took mine during those minutes in the theater last December. I'll let you in on this secret of Ari's and Dante's universe when I delve into the waters of the second book. Thank God it's being delived in two days.
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1jemmagirl22 · 1 month
Ah yes, not even a day later and I've finished all of Nightbane, this should surprise no one, but I think, as I wait to decide my next read, we should have a fun little chat about Nightbane, shall we?
Because for fucks sake she did it again and I didn't even realize! You can't understand the squeal of excitement I pulled at the end of this fucking books, I have never loved four straight chapters of twists more, never, never, okay? The iconic class final hundred pages of Queen of Air and Darkness has nothing on this, oh ya Emma and Julian are giants, well fuck me to Sunday cause we got life bound to the enemy (cliffhanger 1), that vision of the enemy murdering a village is actually a memory of the MC's cue existential morals breakdown (cliffhanger 2), and if those weren't fucking enough (which they already were), oh we get the final fucking piece de la resistance, the most brilliant, hilarious, delightful brilliant line I have read in years "Take your hands off my wife." (cliffhanger 3). Cue my actual screaming, no, no, I was already dead at life bond in which if the villain (but let's be real he's a Mikaelson villain man, I love him more than the hero love interest and he could kill Oro and I would not giev a fuck, like sure I like Oro just fine but he has nothing on Grim). But a fucking secret marriage? They got married? And the necklace? The necklace she's had since book 1, that she can't take off, is a wedding ring equivalent, that calls him to her? What the fuck man! Am I dead yet? Is this perfection incarnate? Is this the closest I'll get to a Klaroline esc relationship in literature? Cause like seriously everything he does he does for her, and it's gorgeous!
Let's have a little chat about the fucking banger moves this boy (I say as if he isn't 500 something years old) has pulled. We have the "who did this to you" which I saw on Instagram and got me to read the book in the first place, classics, brilliant, who doesn't love a guy that commits murders for you? Next we have like all of the memories in the last hundred pages, this boy does everything for her. And how could I forget him arriving, to a trap she set to kill him, and seriously threatening his own army that if anyone touches her they are dead! No, I genuinely can't with this! And of course, the marriage, I love a good marriage, a secret marriage, so secret even the MC who has some memory problems and herself can't remember it, even better. Lastly, can we appreciate the beauty of him going 'once you remember you'll come back to me' and knowing hard stop of course she'd come back, they were in love, so in love in fact that they got married!!!!!! I can't, your honor, I love them, I love them for the Klaroline parallels, I love them for the fucking banger lines, and I love them for the magical bloodline soul magic tie marriage bullshit they got going on as some ancient evil threat starts to destroy everything around them!
Anyway, there's my Nightbane review, my iconic this shit deserves it all rant. While we're on it, I will most certainly be making edits for them once the film adaptation comes out, I will be forcing my best friend to watch it with me, and I fucking will be editing them to Lovely, No Time to Die, Broken Crown, I Can't Pretend, and every fucking song Ruelle has ever released! Thank you, for coming to my Ted Talk. Now I have another book to pre-order.
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This is just a list of fanfics I've personally enjoyed reading. They are in no particular order, and the more I read... or remember I've read, because adhd brain here... the more I'll update the list.
These are all related to Harry Styles but some are AU stories.
Important: I always encourage you to read any and all warnings before starting a new fic, please.
I'm currently updating and reorganizing this list to add more detailed descriptions.
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•• in my feelings series @harrystylescherry
completed series featuring famous Harry and Vogue journalist YN, an amazing story of enemies who end up having sex and catching super complicated feelings. It's crazy how chaotic these two are together but it's amazing.
•• wish upon a star series @mysweetestcreature
completed series about stepbrother Harry and stepsister YN, who have basically grown up together, with a taboo and secret love that nobody can know about, especially their parents.
•• spare parts series @around1302
completed series (definitely one of my top faves) about Harry and Charlie, who are put into a band together with 3 other guys (Niall, Liam, & Louis). She hates him, and maybe he hates her, but things get complicated when they make a secret sex pact.
•• ifall for harry series @freedomfireflies
completed series (from an amazing writer) about famous Harry and YN, who wake up from a drunken night to find out they got married. With Harry's reputation at stake, they try to figure out what the best course of action is, which becomes unclear when feelings get involved
•• mr. & mrs. hey soul sister series @freedomfireflies
completed series about how famous Harry and YN wake up with each other after a very drunk night out, with wedding rings drawn on their fingers. She can't stand him, but they make a deal, keeping Harry's reputation as intact as possible. Which might end up more complicated than she thought.
•• chapters series @writingsfromhome
completed series about non-famous Harry, and a run in with his ex YN, and her son Julian, which brings Harry back into both of their lives, and vice versa. And he is totally okay with that. But the matter of the boy's father still lingers in the air.
•• somebody else series @harrystylescherry
- Harry Styles x Y/N
- Friends with benefits to lovers
•• fine line series @imaginesandbandfiction
- Harry Styles x Tour Assistant Y/N
•• since forever series @satanhalsey
- Harry Styles x Y/N
- Relationship since age 15
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•• 42 hours / pt. 2 @sunflowervolvimp3
- Enemies to lovers
•• sun will rise series @watchmegetobsessed
- College LHH x Reader
•• gonna make you mine @gurugirl
- Mob Boss Harry x Reader
•• a public nuisance @gurugirl
- Coworker Harry x Reader
•• hurt @1d1195
- Harry x Reader
•• so long @harry-smiles
- College Harry x Reader
•• not the same as it was @babyiamperfectforyou
- Husband Harry x Wife Reader
•• just for you @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite
- LHH x Reader
•• harry on a commercial flight @freedomfireflies
- Harry Styles x Reader
•• complicated best friend kiss @freedomfireflies
- Harry x BFF Reader
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•• since 2010 series @watermelonsugacry
ongoing series (another top fave from my love) about famous Harry and 1D bandmate YN who aren't allowed to have feelings for one another, but they do, unknown to each other until they have a very complicated, on and off again situationship. Amazing song inspos and so much detail!
•• the queen's secret series @gurugirl
ongoing series about royal Harry and Queen YN, who are forced into an arrangement to conceive a baby for YN's husband, the King. But of course, things get complicated quickly, and their secret love puts everything in jeopardy. This is probably the definition of angst and smut combined!
•• you're someone I just want around series @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy
ongoing series about vampire Harry who only goes to clubs to satisfy two needs- sex and human blood. He comes across YN and everything about her begins to change everything about him, except his immortality. This isn't as angsty as some of the others but it's so smutty and so good.
•• apologies series @multifandomsw
ongoing series (that I'm obsessed with) about famous Harry and how a fake number from YN's old best friend leads her to him. Well, rather it starts a friendship through text, and she is unaware of who is on the other end of those messages.
•• saccharine series @musicforastylesrestaurant
ongoing series about famous Harry. His wife YN gets into a terrible car accident, causing him to cancel his tour and be left to take care of their young son Alfie. It's super emotional so far so have some tissues nearby, plus a pint of ice cream and maybe a stiff drink.
•• the roommate series @lukesaprince
- College Roommate Harry x Reader
•• the morning after @oh-honey-styles
- Harry x Reader
- Sort of enemies to lovers (?)
•• illicit affairs @goldenbuckyyy
- Harry Styles x YN
- Exes/bffs to lovers (I hope)
•• just how fast the night changes @watchmegetobsessed
- Harry Styles x YN
- Reunion between high school bffs
•• something old @didhewinkback
- Harry Styles x BFF!yn
- BFF to lovers
•• flame @jarofstyles
- Harry x Y/N
- Best friends to lovers
•• blacking out & breaking hearts @dont-call-me-baby-posts
- Harry x Singer Reader
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These are some accounts I love that post awesome Harry Styles Instagram post blurbs. They're very creative with their stories!
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thecraftymagician · 2 years
M6 at a Concert/Clubbing/Nightout
I actually got out of the house last night and went to a cover ban concert (all safe all vaxxed) and it kinda inspired me. I was thinking about the M6 because comfort characters lol and just picturing how they'd be in an environment like that.
This is a bit ambiguous, could be Modern AU obviously or just the normal word.
Warnings: talk of drinking/alcohol, talk of moshing/mild violence, mostly fluff, ect.
They will be the epitome of vibing all night; They're just here to have a good time.
Not afraid to get up on stage and dance and will most likely stage dive/crowd surf just to do it.
Will dance and be constantly moving, maybe not too extreme but still shimmying and head bobbing around.
Might try one of the crappy beers at the venue but is absolutely grabbing water for everyone (Not the overpriced bottles, just cups.. orrr magic-ing up some water in a snuck in bottle).
Is super go with the flow all night but will be protective when they need to be. They are cool staying all night and closing it down or leaving early.
Will insist on getting food afterward to keep the night going and just hang.
It's not her typical scene but so what? She'll kind of read the room and try to fit in with the group at first but after a few songs she's fully into it.
Laughing and dancing around, cheering and trying to learn the songs if she doesn't know the words.
Might need to take breaks to just go outside and cool off or to just stand and watch but she's still having a ball.
Depends on the night, might try a beer or just pass for a drink later on.
I can see her wanting to stay until close but again depends on how hard she partied. More than likely, she'd lean second to Muriel on wanting to leave early though only by an hour or two.
After food and drinks after she will fall asleep on the ride home and sleep like a rock the rest of the night.
The happy medium between Nadia and Asra but this is definitely his crowd.
He will be dancing and jumping around, scream singing along. Hell he probably knows the band or DJ.
Since he's tall, he'll stay a bit further back so you can see but will also be a human shield just in case.
He's had 3 beers and they all sucked but who cares. In all honestly might get sick because of that and jumping around..
Besides that, he brought ibprophen and bandaids just in case anyone gets hurt.
Did I mention moshing? He's sooo down when it's done right. That is his favorite and you can't convince me otherwise.
Will stay till close but wants to carry the night on with drinks and food.
He hates the crowds so he naturally becomes a wallflower. The sound is loud but he'll get used to it depending on the music.
Don't worry, he's watching like a hawk through the lights. He's ready to protect you at a seconds' notice (people literally part in the crowd for this man and no one will give him a dirty look).
Nobody will say anything about him being in the way but if you ask nicely, he might let you sit on his shoulders.
Will hold drinks and might get one himself. Don't get me wrong he's having an okay time. He doesn't hate the music and he likes watching you have fun.
At the same time he's ready to leave whenever.
Won't say no to food or drinks afterward but probably would like it to be somewhere quieter.
Her energy is so high, she's carrying everyone when you get a little tired.
Soooo down for everything. Getting up on the stage? Yes! Stage diving/crowd surfing? Of course!
Probably loses her voice from scream singing. Dancing bouncing machine but will take tiny breaks. She keeps almost getting lost in the crowd though.
Absolutely pre-gamed and probably won't drink at the venue because it's so pricy.
She's down to keep the night going of course even if it means leaving early. She's down to even bar hop afterwards.
On the same hand she'll also sleep like a rock later and might cat nap at the table or where ever afterwards.
Even if it's a concert, no it's now a party. I don't make the rules, literally he does.
Not afraid to push through the crowd to get to the very front but will get on stage. Might stay up there all night or try stage diving/crowd surfing too.
Either way he's dancing around a bit even if he doesn't know the songs.
Absolutely pre-gamed and will drink at the venue. Price is not a problem in the name of a party!
Might want to stay all night depending on how it's going. Either way the party is not stopping there.
Will buy everyone rounds for the rest of the night until the sun comes up.
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jamiewintons · 3 years
7 or 12 for the hand holding post with Thomas Thorne. Surprise me for which one please and thank you! :)
7. dancing with their hands holding onto each other
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The music is loud, and there are people you've never seen before drinking and dancing all around the place. You'd never really been a party kind of person when you were alive, but most of your fellow ghosts were very excited about this party and you didn't want to be a buzzkill.
You sit off to the side of the room, watching everyone have fun. Robin and Mary are having a dance-off, from what you can tell, and Julian is trying to flirt with a woman who can't even see him. You glance over to see Thomas sitting with Alison at the piano, and when he sees you looking at him, he gives you a smile. Alison says something to him and he stands up, walking over to where you are and taking a seat beside you.
"Are you feeling alright?" Thomas asks you, leaning in so you can hear him over the music. You'd be blushing if that were possible. "I hate to see you sitting alone while we're all having such fun."
"I've never really been to that many parties, so I, uh... don't really know what to do," you reply, feeling a little embarrassed by the admission. "And the music is pretty loud, it's a bit overwhelming."
"If you would like to go to bed and get away from all of the noise, I would be happy to escort you to your room," Thomas offers — what an absolute sweetheart — but you shake your head.
"Thank you, Thomas, but I doubt I'd be able to get to sleep. Anyway, it's nice to see everyone else having fun." You smile, glancing over at the others once again. Thomas smiles back for a few moments, then suddenly his eyes widen, and he jumps up from his seat.
"Please excuse me for a moment, I have something of great importance that I must do," he tells you, and rushes off towards Alison again, leaving you a little shocked and confused.
You see him whispering something to Alison, trying to will yourself not to feel jealous. You know that he used to have a really big crush on her, the other ghosts spoke about it constantly, and you often worried that his feelings may return. Though it wasn't as if you had any right to be jealous, really. You’d loved Thomas for ages, but you'd never had the courage to tell him, so it was really your own fault that he had no idea.
Thomas returns, grinning at you, and suddenly the music changes to a song that's a little quieter and slower. His smile grows more bashful, and he holds his hand out to you. "May I have this dance?"
"Of course," you say, perhaps a little too eagerly, placing your hand in his and allowing him to gently pull you into the middle of the dancefloor.
"Is this music more to your liking?" Thomas asks you, and you nod. "Good. I wished for you to have at least one happy memory of this evening."
You aren't much of a dancer, but it doesn't seem to really matter. Being able to be so close to Thomas, holding his hands in yours, as you sway to the music is enough to make you feel giddy. Even as the song ends, and the next is a bit louder and faster, you don't feel nearly as uncomfortable as you had before. The time gets away from you and you dance and laugh together until the party dies down and everyone starts to go to sleep.
Thomas, ever the gentleman, once again asks you if he can escort you back to your room and offers you his arm. You accept this time, not quite wanting the night to end, but knowing it had to, just hoping to spend a little more time with him.
"I cannot thank you enough for spending the evening with me," Thomas says when you arrive at your bedroom door. "You are truly the most pleasant company."
"I had a lot of fun with you too." You smile at him, begrudgingly letting go of his arm. You were starting to get really tired, you had no idea what time it was but it had to be really late (or rather, early).
"I bid you goodnight."
Thomas turns to leave, but you stop him before he can get too far. "Hey, Thomas?"
You take a deep breath, placing your hands on Thomas' shoulders before leaning in to press a soft, brief kiss to his lips. "Goodnight, Thomas."
As you walk through the door into your room, Thomas is sure he can feel his heart racing, even if it were impossible. Grinning and giddy, he makes his way towards his own bedroom, not really taking much notice of anything, his thoughts all about you.
Hand-holding prompts
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masonjug69 · 3 years
Wholesome pics of our favorite Ghosts + relationship headcanons!
Mary : she'd make you daisy chains and flower crowns to show you her love because she's an anxious wreck and can't muster the courage to say the words 'i loves you'
Thomas: would stick by your side 24/7, you're THE most interesting thing to him and he think he's wasting his time if he isn't by your side watching you do your daily activities
The Cap: would ask you to do errands for him or help him improve his running time, but deep down he's asking these things in order to spend as much time with you as possible, but he'd never admit it
Kitty: she'd make a dance routine just for you to watch, it would be to your favorite song and she'd of course teach it to you. It would be your special dance with her.
Patt: he'd tell you interesting facts about anything and everything to impress you and woo you and boy does it work
Julian : Well, for starters he'd avoid you because he is totally unsure about his feelings. He's only ever experienced proper love and that was for his amazing daughter, but that's it. So when he starts to develop feelings for you he gets VERY nervous. He eventually snaps out of it and decides that humor is the way to your heart, turns out that he was right.
Hope you liked these <3
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laurensxox · 3 years
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Fandom :: The Arcana
Pairing :: Julian Devorak x Reader (Not Apprentice)
Requested? :: no
Warning/s :: Julian's Route (Upright) and New Tale Spoilers, Named Apprentice, Female Reader, Chronic Illness, Swearing, Author is projecting their longing
Genre :: Angst
Summary :: Julian spends the night reminiscing over childhood memories and longing to go back to the past where he was in Nevivon again, playing as carefree as one can be with the one person he truly cared about other than his younger sister
Author's Note :: Stark, if you're reading this, I'm fighting you for this dramatic, self-sacrificing dumbdumb-
Song Inspiration :: Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars
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Portia's Cottage :: Just After Sundown
A chuckle left the auburn haired man as he watches Pasha relay stories of their childhood to their friends, informing them of how they were raised by a group of grandmothers and how their parents actually perished from a shipwreck caused by a rather strong storm. Mazelinka quickly add in how much of a troublemaker the two of them has become as the years pass by, didn't even waste the chance to tell them about the tooth fairy situation which caused Julian to go beet red in mild embarassment. Their friends were in no need to know that story!
Shaking his head, he let a more genuine smile form on his face. As embarrassed as he is right now, he was happy to see everyone laughing jovially without the fear of Lucio's plans with the Devil weighing on their shoulders. A warm sensation forms in his chest as he tries to hold in his laughter as Pasha nearly slips on her feet with her excitement to share their history. It was nice to be able to just laugh and and thrive in the positive energy inside the cottage! Even Muriel, their very introverted friend, seems to be relaxed as he lets Allen (Apprentice) braid his hair using flower stems while Asra leans on his side.
Looking at the trio and sensing the strong forming bond between Pasha and the Countess, Julian couldn't help the small pang of longing swell somewhere within himself. He couldn't stop his mind from pushing forward memories he tried to bury and lock away.
"Ilya, help! I'm slipping!"
"Don't worry, I'll catch you!"
The longing pang quickly turned to pain as the memories rushes back to the surface. He could feel his hand start to tremble as the formerly locked away memories barrels it's way to the front of his mind. Jumbled memories of playing tag and tending to scraped knees should have made him feel fond but it makes feel nothing but longing. Longing for a time and companionship he knows he'll never be able to have again.
Taking a deep breath, he hadn't noticed that he had closed his eyes until he opened them. With him being occupied with trying to stir himself away from the path of self-loathing once again, he hadn't noticed how quiet the cottage had gotten, its other residents looking at him with concerned eyes. Not even the Familiars scattered in the room made a noise.
He forced a laugh to ease the sudden change of atmosphere in the cottage, hoping it sounded convincing enough to clear the concern away from his family and friends' eyes. While he has come to terms that it's okay to ask and receive help instead of keeping things to himself, he still struggles with it. And it was obvious with the way he tries to act like he was okay, that he wasn't just bombarded with memories he doesn't want to remember.
"What is with that look, my dear friends? I am perfectly well, no worries!" he exclaimed, giving them his usual smirk and raised eyebrow, internally hoping it'll be enough to convince them that there was nothing to be concerned about. "There is nothing in this world that this handsome and smart devil can't handle!" His little comment about himself seems to be the right thing to say as his friends immediately rolled their eyes in fond exasperation. Although, by the look of his sister and honorary grandmother, he guessed that they have seen right through him and he can already see his funeral-
He gave a small sigh and let a small weary look replace his earlier expression, "I'll just head outside to take in a quick breath of fresh air," he said as he quickly exited the cottage before his two family member could say anything. Knowing that they'll probably just follow right after him, he quickly made his way away from the cottage and into the hedge maze by the palace gardens. It took him a while to get to the center but he was relieved to see it empty. Consul Valerius has taken to drinking his usual wine there in this time so he was quite happy to see that for once, the Consul broke his routine. He needed to be alone right now.
Taking a seat in one of the chairs surrounding a rounded table, he crossed his arms on the table and used it to rest his head upon. Taking another deep breath to calm his racing heart, he closed his eyes.
Maybe he needs to stop locking away these memories, he has only done so before due to his need to focus on finding the cure for the plague and then having to focus to not get caught by the patrolling palace guards when he was still a wanted convict. The memories and the longing for his childhood best friend used to be a big distraction for him while he was still working under Valdemar.
He didn't need to do any of those anymore... So maybe...
The soft rapid footsteps echoed in the small forest near the town of Nevivon, followed by the childish giggling of two children. Both children wore a tattered white sheet of cloth, the corners wrapped around their necks in a way that resembles that of a cape. Whilst in their heads rests crudely made paper crowns.
Young Julian and his best friend, (Y/N), were already considered too old for these kind of games by some of the grandmas and fellow children but the two gave them no mind, choosing to continue living in their fantasy world until they were truly too old for it.
The two children stopped once they have reached the center of the forest where a small meadow hides in. It was decorated by dozens of wild flowers and the breeze were always refreshing. The two has deemed this as their spot when they had first found it years ago, back when they were much younger.
They call the meadow as their kingdom, where they are the rulers, side by side as King and Queen. The wild flowers are their loyal subjects and sometimes, when Pasha joins them, she acts as their ambassador.
Young Julian kneeled as they reach the very center that they always keep clean, it was their designated throne room. The young boy carefully plucked a blue hued flower from the ground, he didn't know what kind of flower it was but it was pretty, a perfect gift for his 'Queen'
As if mocking the reminiscing man, right across from him and innocently clinging to the hedge wall was the very same flower that he had picked back then. He didn't know if he wants to sneer at it or be fond of it. He wished he has a glass of Salty Bitters right now, maybe he should have headed to Rowdy Raven instead of here.
"Would you have approved of the man that I have become, (Y/N)?" he whispered as he stares at the flower, as if it would miraculously turn into his childhood friend and answer him. Maybe that was possible? Allen did transform him into Asra back then, would the illusion work on a plant as well? But then again, that will be all it'll ever be. Just an illusion.
The grandmas all exchanged fond gazes as they watch their resident troublemakers sing songs with all their heart, their love for the dramatic was very much obvious at that moment.
Little Portia was banging on pots like drums by the sidelines, sometimes singing some lines as well when prompted by either her older brother or the girl she was starting to see as her older sister.
He stood up from his place and started to make his way out of maze. He wasn't going to go back in the cottage nor was he in any hurry, he just felt too restless to stay sitted in one place. He has gotten used to always moving around with all his running from guards and fighting a Major Arcana. But before he went back to trying to find his way in the maze, he stopped in front of the flower that he has been staring at.
It was a small flower with 6 petals that looks blue and violet at the same time, the bud in the middle was light green in color and it was the only flower growing in the hedge. From what Julian remembers, these flowers grow in bundles. So to see one so alone, well, it didn't help the growing hole inside him.
Gently plucking the flower like he did so in his childhood, he observed the flower a little more before making his way back into maze, taking the small flower with him. Surely, the Countess would not mind him plucking such a small wild flower, now would she?
Julian looked up from his book as he felt something soft being places om his hair, looking up, he saw (Y/N) placing what looks to be a bunch of flowers weaved together in a circlet manner on top of his head. Something similar on her own head as well.
"What are you doing, peanut?" he asked the girl, gently closing his book and waiting for the other to finish adjusting the flowers. He had taken to calling her 'Peanut' after he had caught her trying to sneakily take the peanuts in the communal pantry. He didn't snitch to the grandmas, of course.
"Just adjusting your flower crown, bum-bum" she answered, making small more adjustments before appearing satisfied that the flower crown both looks good and will surely stay on her friend's head when they begin to trek their way home later.
The Doctor surprisingly got out pretty easy, definitely faster than when he was first trying to get to the heart of the maze. Looking down at the flower, he let a sad smile adorn his face.
"I suppose even after all these years, you're still my lucky charm, huh, (Y/N)?" he mumbled under his breath, giving the one of the petals a small kiss before continuing to walk.
He didn't really have a destination, the palace grounds was vast and there are still some areas of it that he hasn't been to. Maybe a little exploring wouldn't hurt? He hopes Pasha wouldn't get too worried if he takes too long to get back to her cottage, he does often find himself in troubling situations.
"You know what? I wouldn't even ask how you manage to be in this situation." (Y/N) said, crossing her arms as she narrows her eyes at the boy dangling before her.
Julian had, at that moment, managed to get himself tangled in the vines surrounding the branches of the tree. Truth be told, he was trying to climb the tree in order to get fresh fruits for his sister and best friend. But when he finally managed to get on a branch, a crow suddenly flew out of its nest and caused him to go off balance, fortunately being caught by the vines, no matter how tangled up he got.
He wouldn't tell her that though, lord knows she wouldn't let him live it down.
"Why, my dear peanut, I was just trying to see how strong these vines are and if they would make a good rope!" It was honestly a good excuse for him, but apprently not good enough for (Y/N) as she just raised her eyebrow at him, clearly not believing him.
After a good bit of exploring, he manages to find himself near the fountains where he saw the trio couple making their way back to the palace. Were they on their way home already? How long has he been outside? Shaking his head, he called for their attention and made his way to them.
"Going home already?" he asked, raising a brow as he observes the many colorful flowers adoring Muriel's hair. It was quite a new look on the tall man but it surprisingly suits him. Seeing his friend give him a narrowed look, he moved his gaze to the two magicians.
"Yeah, I'm feeling quite a bit tired already and Asra wanted to do a quick inventory of the stocks we have left in the shop" Allen explained, moving to lightly keep their wild green hair out of their sight. It was getting a little long, they might need a cut soon. "Though, we don't plan to stay there for the whole night, just a quick inventory and dinner then straight to Muri's where we'll sleep for tonight" the apprentice added, giving the taller doctor a smile.
"I see, I see! Well, don't let me hold you back for any longer, have a safe walk home!" he exclaimed, moving to walk further before he was stopped by a gentle grip on his wrist. Turning back, he saw that it was Allen who held him back. He could see the concern swirling in their green eyes but the smile never faltered away from their face. "Yes, dear?" he asked.
"You know you can talk to us if there's something bothering you, right? You don't have to if you're not comfortable but just remember that we're here, okay?" Moved by their words, Julian pulled them into a sideway hug and let out a genuine laugh. He was so lucky to have his friends. Sometimes he still thinks he doesn't deserve them but he knew to keep it to himself for now. He didn't fancy sitting through another lecture session about his self worth by his sister again.
"Aw, Allen, don't you worry about lil 'ol me! I'm quite alright now!" That was a lie, he was far from alright, but his friend doesn't need to know that. "I may talk to Pasha and Mazelinka about it so no need to worry that cute little head of yours" That seemed to settle the Apprentice as they pulled away from the hug and gave his arm one last pat before moving to stand between their partners.
"You should do that now before Portia wears a hole in her carpet with how much she's pacing when we left" Asra said before he and the other two gave the auburn haired man one last wave and left.
Deciding to do as his magician friend said, he started his way back to his sister's cottage. Earlier was such a good day, it wouldn't do to plague his sister with worries and sour up the light mood. He already did that earlier before he walked out, best not make it worse.
Looking up at the dark sky, he smiled as he admires the scattered stars. It was a beautiful night, the full moon was giving the world such a soft look and it made things seem so peaceful. It made him feel like he was back to laying in the meadow near Nevivon. Like he was laying next to... Next to...
He wasn't able to wipe away his tears before they begun to fall down his cheeks. A sob fought its way out of his throat as he falls to a crouch.
Fuck, he wants to go back. He really really wants to go back-
Julian observed the wide sky and the many stars on them, it was a beautiful night and the night breeze was cold and as he lays on the equally cool grass of the meadow, it soothes his heated skin. It made him sigh in contentment, what more could he want?
Looking at his left, he smiled as he sees his sleeping sister. The little girl had decided to join them that night in their nightly star gazing but it didn't take long before she fell asleep, not used to staying up later than her bedtime. He'll have to carry her home later on.
The sight on his right took his breath away. Blush rushed to his face as he seems to see his best friend in a completely different light.
There, laying beside him, was (Y/N). The moonlight was softly hitting her face, and it made her (eye color) so much more brighter like gems, like the stars that littered the dark sky above them. Her laugh as she continues to talk about the astrology that she learned from Mazelinka, sounds like soothing bells to his ears.
Since when has his peanut became this... pretty?
He longs to be in her arms again, he longs to hear her voice again. No doubt it would still sound like music to his ears. He wants to make flower crowns again, he wants to play king and queen again, he wants to stargaze with her again, he wants to sneakily steal cookies, hangout by the hot springs, pick flowers for the grandmas, share lessons with Lilinka, he wants to...
He really wants to see her again.
Julian sat on her bed by her side, his hand gently holding her weaker and much fragile one, her illness eating away her strength. Her ring finger still holds the flower ring he had made earlier that week, it was already wilting but the girl refuses to take it off.
"I made up my mind." he said, breaking the solemn silence in the room. It made the other look at him curiously, waiting for him to elaborate.
"I'll take the offer to study medicine in Prakra" he explained, finally looking at his best friend and secretly, the girl who has his heart in her gentle grip for he doesn't think his bestfriend could ever be harsh, other than when she's twisting his ear for getting in trouble without her
But he can't, he knew he can't. She probably hates him, gotten word of his 'crimes' and no longer sees him as her best friend. But as a murderer, a plague doctor who assisted his superior on experimenting to dying plague victims in search of the cure.
She probably already has a family of her own now, has 3 children like she once said she wanted. Probably has a nice spouse that always makes her laugh and will never hurt her. A spouse that doesn't have their sins still haunting them in every step and breath they take.
"You're leaving me?" the pain in her voice was clear, she was hurt at the thought. They had planned to wait for her to be cured before they decide to go out of their hometown to travel, to study medicine like they always dreamed of.
"Not for long, I know we planned to study together but..." He took a deep breath, "I'm doing this for you, (Y/N), I want to study now for you"
Silence filled the room once again.
Julian clutched up at his coat, the place right over his heart where it hurts the most. He had completely fallen to his knees, tears continues to drip down to the ground from his eyes, his other hand gripping the ground.
Whispered apologies leaving his mouth over and over again.
"Promise me you'll come back? That you won't forget about me?"
Julian stared at his love's dull but hopeful (eye color) orbs, hisbhand momentarily leaving hers to gently caress her cheek.
"I'm so sorry... (Y/N), I'm so sorry..."
"I promise"
"I broke our promise... I'm so sorry, my love..."
Meanwhile, in the same meadow of Julian's memories, sits a much grown up version of the girl in his memories. Body trembling as sobs come right after one another, clutching a bundle of those same blue wildflowers to her chest. Her eyes tightly shut as tears falls to the ground of her childhood. The girl looked up, staring at the same moon that Julian was previously admiring.
"Where are you, Ilya? I thought you'll come back... You promised... You promised..."
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Anyone interested in a reunion sequel? 👀
My apologies if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, I just woke up when I finished this lol
Anyways, I hope you all liked this! Let me know what you think, don't be shy! 💙
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julianndevorak · 3 years
Hello there!
I dont really have a full fledged prompt idea but i wanna request something autumn themed ovo
I cant think of much more more than "they are on a walk and mc is excited about every little thing about fall and Julian ✨reacts✨" sfbgsgbgs
If you have another better autumn themed idea then just go ape shit please <3
[This ask is so cute :') Ok sooo here it goes! Autumn picnic! Sorry for replying to this so late, I've had to go offline for a while.]
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What better way to spend an autumn afternoon than taking a walk with MC. Well, add a little surprise to that, I'd never just keep it simple. Their arms wrap around my torso from behind and almost smother me in a hug, it's strange how someone can bring this calm to my world just by existing. "Juliaaan, where are we going, what's this about?" I can't help but wonder how many times I've heard that question for the last hour, smiling I answer: "Oh MC won't you enjoy this scenery?" I raise my eyes to the crests of the trees, all different shades of autumn, mixing and clashing and surrounding each other and shaping a canvas of perfection. "After all you're going to know soon either way." MC playfully pouts at me and I let out a chuckle. They get closer and lay a soft kiss on my cheek, which never fails to make anyone blush, especially me. After some time of silence, I finally spot the hidden path, MC is still gazing at everything that the forest has to offer. The calm rustling of the leaves and the songs of the birds that are soon to go to sleep accompanies us. I take MC by the hand and lead them down the forgotten path, which brings us to a small clearing surrounded by birch trees and rose shrubs, a small cottage stands peaceful in the corner, vines almost covering the east side completely. When I notice there ate still a few roses, I pick up a crimson one and remove all the thorns before turning around to give it to MC. "This is the surprise."
Turns out cleaning out a pretty cottage and fixing some things in there can results in being bruised by a kiss; I should definitely do this again. Before they continue the kiss, I raise my hands, smiling and lead them inside. "We could stay here however long you'd like, I've taken a couple of months off, which means no adventures for a while." Raising a brow I finish: "What say you?" Which definitely has the effect I was looking for; MC steps closer, cups my face and tiptoes in order to lay a kiss on my forehead (the most adorable thing if you'd ask me). "I say... Yes. Of course I would say yes dummy!"
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Harry Styles Songs - The unreleased times
By 2015 Harry had already many songs registered in the  ASCAP. Since this was discovered, there has been a natural curiosity to check on changes and new hints under his known umbrella list every now and then; but of course, this isn’t that simple.
There are pseudonyms used like “Mick Greenberg” not one by concept the moment is in every one's mouth, songs writers registered just as “writer”, different name order and probably many other more ways of hidden written songs such as deactivating the link to the entire catalog by clicking on the author’s ( such as the great majority).
So having this in mind, it is quite interesting how Harry worked with Dan Layus, Augustana's lead vocalist and One direction opening guess in the European leg tour in late 2015 to write many songs together.
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You probably remember this moment of Harry hiding behind the stage: here!
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Harry also publicly supported Augustana in his London concert (Sep 27th 2015)
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The songs list?
"Better Than Being Alone" - written with Dan Layus - HSA PUBLISHING LIMITED / WARNER CHAPPELL MUSIC INC
"California" - w/ Layus – HSA /WC
"Can't Get Enough" - w/ Layus - HSA /WC
"Fall Apart" - w/ Layus - HSA /WC
"Fun For Now" - w/ Layus (and 1D producer Julian Bunetta)
"Have And Hold" - w/ Layus - WC
"I Just Wanna Be Your Man" - w/ Layus - WC
"Kiss It Better" - w/ Layus - WC
"Kiss Me" - w/ Layus - WC
"Kissed You In The Rain" - w/ Layus - WC
"Like Everybody Else" - w/ Layus - WC
"Like You Do" - w/ Layus -WC
"Love You Like You're Leaving" - w/ Layus - WC
"Might Not Want You" - w/ Layus - WC
"One Desire" - w/ Layus - WC
"One Of Those Nights" - w/ Layus - WC
"Second Chance" - w/ Layus - WC
"You Still Have My Heart (Even If You Don't Deserve it" - w/ Layus - WC
This is quite a lot more than enough to release an album. Two of them are registered under Harry’s publishing company but never saw the light. So, is this another way of creating expectations? the speed of the music market that didn’t make it possible? 
Artists, Harry included, have talked about how intimate is to create a song. Comparing it to any other piece or art: a book, an art piece hanging on the wall, sculpture... every single one of them including a piece of the author. 
He even described it as therapeutic & honest  
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Such as he has highlighted many times how it is important for him to be surrounded by the right people, and how indeed he has repeated with some of them. I wonder what happened here?
Help me out understanding; was this impossible because it happened during the 1D era (registrations, legal rights, discrepancies...) and his solo career?, a bunch of friendly songs just for the joy of it...? why they have never collab again in any new songs then?
I am sure some of you out there have information or at least an opinion regarding this topic! 
Also, can you think about Harry’s and Louis’ pseudonyms?????
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