#the story forge
the-story-forge · 9 months
Want to be apart of our universe?
Send me a dm if you are a writer with examples of your work and I will work to find you a project you can write for! Writers will prepare drafts of projects for me and send them to be edited and queued. If you have an interest in The Story Forge here is your chance to be apart of it!
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mysteriouslee · 9 months
HO HO HO Merry Christmas to my tumblr peepaw
switch!Eric switch!Rose
The sky was dark and lights from houses illuminated the never sleeping city. Erik trenched through the city, trying to make it home but his injuries were too much. There was a light ahead, a familiar one coming from a diner he knew all too well and finally passed out.
"Eric?"a voice said to him softly.
Eric Dror stirred awake, his vision slightly blurry. He touched his chest to feel bandages all over and them focused on the woman before him. It was Rose.
"Eric, dear are you ok" asked a worried Rose as she helped him sit up.
Eric was internally panicked, she now knew his identity. What if the Dragon comes after her.
"I've known for a while" said Rose causing Eric to come back from his thoughts.
"You— How?" Eric stuttered but was shushed.
"You make crappy excuses and you disappear right before Sparrow shows up, Im shocked you think people don't know"Rose explained.
Eric tried to get up but was too hurt to do so. Rose handed him soup and left. She then came back in her pyjamas. Eric laid there comtemplating his mistakes and Rose came over and caressed his head and stroked his hair. No words were needed just comfortable silence. It would have stayed silent if Rose didn't accidentally touch his neck. Eric snickered and Rose raised an eyebrow in confusion.Eric took a sigh of relief, she didn't notice. Rose went back to stroking his hair but her nail scritched his ear and Eric's head twitched and unluckily for Eric, Rose noticed this time. Rose skittered her nails on Eric's ribs and he let out an uncharacteristic and awkward squeal.Before her hands could get stuck in Eric's arms she moved her hands to Eric's bare tummy prompting a snort from the bird man.
"Full of surprises birdie~" teased Rose.
Eric after a while gained his sense and grabbed onto Rose and turned the tables. Eric carefully put his hands under Rose's shirt and squeezed her sides and massaged her tummy. Unbeknownst to Eric, Rose is a kicker and a hard one in fact. He also learns she laughs loud and freely, something Eric wished he could do. In his inner monologue he didn't notice Rose's heel about to hit him in his head.
1 hour later
The shenanigans calmed down and the tense air relaxed and they both sat by Rose's apartment watching the stars.
To: @tickle-beans
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cupofcolors · 8 days
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cacodaemonia · 1 month
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can-of-pringles · 11 months
Honestly props to Tobias Forge for figuring out how to somehow combine all of his interests into one successful thing
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0ddoblivion · 5 months
Drunk and playing Vintage Story while talking to my buds and I forgot the word “ingot” so I was just going on and on about “heating up my saw meat”
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lost-in-frog-land · 4 months
thinking about the misfits and their blood pact.... the promise that they're all gonna get out of there together.... Lenore turning to her friends after her (extremely similar) promise to Annabel started falling apart.... all of them repeatedly breaking the rules to keep eachother safe even before this pact... "no one says goodbye".... I'm so unwell about them
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dairyfreenugget · 4 months
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(Alt text under read more)
I think "one or more of them is in danger or almost fucking dies, in the process discovering their child's impurity, and then after a lot of emotional turmoil they just pass the fuck out the second they're safe and calm again thanks to the awful, exhausting day they've had" is a scenario I write weirdly often for this messy as hell family
Anyway. Family cuddles. My babygirl is exhausted and deserves to be held for once
ID start: A black and white doodle of the Pale King, White Lady, and Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight as humans. The three of them are covered in bruises and scratches. They're sleeping in a pile of blankets with the Pure Vessel tucked in between their parents, with only their face showing. The Pale King is hugging them with both sets of his arms, his face buried in their hair, while the White Lady lays beside them with her arm drapped over the both of them and roots coiling around them. End ID.
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csphire · 10 months
Anna broke into Dammon's House so you don't have to.
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My gods, the poor fella has no kitchen!
I guess he eats out.
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*No Dammon was harmed in this process. He's just eepy. I cast Feign Death on him and since something was going hinky with the lock I just eldritch blasted the door down. Also didn't save.
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fandomforg · 1 year
ok, so, mcu peter parker somehow gets sent to the star wars universe
we’re all familiar with the trope of ‘earth girl who’s a big star wars fan goes to star wars galaxy and tries to save everyone there with her knowledge of the Plot’ but now think about if peter parker, resident star wars nerd/super genius/superhero, gets sent there
first things first, he would lose his marbles seeing all the cool aliens and technology (even though he’s already seen plenty of aliens/tech just from being on earth) but like!! it’s not just any aliens!!! it’s star wars aliens!!! woah!!!!
he wouldn’t really even have to worry about hiding his enhancements bc he could just go ‘uh, i’m not baseline human?’ and everyone there would just go ‘oh, ok’
as soon as peter got his bearings tho, he would absolutely immediately start scheming on how to stop palpatine/prevent the clone wars or whatever. like full on murder cork board with red string as he thinks. whatever poor soul has offered to let this lost child stay with them is very concerned because every time they bring him a snack it looks a little bit more like this kid is trying to overthrow the government (he kind of is planning to overthrow the government)
peter has gotten in enough debates online to know that most of the groups that might be able to help him (the jedi, the mandalorians) are a little too wrapped up in their own stuff (connections with the senate, civil war) to stop palpatine with any sort of efficiency, so he just goes ‘huh, guess i’m gonna be a vigilante again’ now he’s spiderman again!!! but this time in star wars!!!!!
webslinging on corusant would go so crazy though
so by day, peter is working part time at some little corusant shop where the owner lets him use the spare room (and the owner is also constantly so concerned over this insane child that just showed up one day without knowing the date, but knowing many random historical facts that they space-google and find out are absolutely correct)
and by night, spiderman is swinging between the levels of corucant, stopping petty crimes avoiding the jedi who keep trying to figure out who this spiderguy is. they think must be force sensitive (‘just look at how fast he’s running! and he’s sensing hits before he sees them!’)
eventually, peter finally makes his move and goes after palpatine. it’s uhhhh, actually easier then he expected. peter may have had a few too many backup plans. palpatine was not expecting his sixth lightning to be absorbed by a brightly-colored suit (‘thanks, mr. stark!’) nor was he expecting to be covered??? in spider?? webs???? it’s very hard to cut yourself free from webs when you can’t move an inch to even ignite your lightsaber
the next day, palpatine’s guards find him still stuck to the wall of his office and spitting mad, while the jedi find security footage of the chancellor attacking that one vigilante with force lightning and pages and pages of evidence of palpatine’s crimes (sith-related and not) just sitting in their inbox. the arrest goes pretty smoothly after that.
once this all finally hits the news, the shop owner that peter’s been staying with (read: slowly being adopted by) just kinda shouts out a ‘kid! what did you even do?!’
well now that that’s handled, the next thing on peter’s to do list is, uhhh, getting home. yikes.
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the-story-forge · 9 months
Welcome @dekko-61 to the writing team! He and I have worked out the project most suitable for him and are excited to bring it to tumblr!
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mysteriouslee · 1 year
(DAY 7)
lee!Rose ler!Makenna
Rose took in deep breaths, trying to keep herself calm. She had a a blinfold on her face and sweat rolling down her cheek. She was tied to a metal pole standing up.Eric would come soon she hoped. Suddentlg she felt light touches tracing her arms. She started giggling, she couldn't help it if she had ticklish arms.
"Rose Amba, I believ we have unifinished business" whispered a voice in Rose's left ear, causing Rose to twitch and shudder. It was Makenna, on of Sparrow's nemesis
"I get that buhut can we reschudle by any chance, I have work" said Rose with a nervous smile.
"I believe you'll go when I dismiss you" said Makenna pausing her hands, and then taking her right index finger and tracing a line down the middle of Rose's stomach. The fabric did a little to help so Rose could stand it. Suddenly the finger made it under Rose's shirt and scribbling on Rose's bare tummy.
"Let's begin shall we" said Makenna.
Makenna's hands made it under Rose's shirts and began scribbling the sharp nails on Rose's tummy.
"Eek!HOHOLY SHIHIT STAHAP"Rose couldnt take it. One of the nails made it in Rose's belly button and Rose shrieked and threw her head back, hitting her head on the pole she was tied to. The touches were admittedly kinda of flustering for Rose. Rose felt her blindfold becoming undone from her thrashing and she looked down after it came down, she looked down at Makenna's eyes staring back. Makenna was kneeling down to Rose's stomach
Makenna blew raspberries on Rose stomach and Rose snorted so weirdly,her face was redder than before.
"Cute" said Makenna subconsciouly "shit" she screamed in her mind..
Rose'a laughter became louder at the compliment. Rose got a good look at her torturer and don't tell Eric but she was totally cute and beautiful.
"Oh no she's hot" went through Rose' mind.
No wonder Dror fancies this one, she lights up a room with her sickeningly bright aura.
"Oh, I'm gonna have some fun with you" teased Makenna.
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alstee · 7 months
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"The world is nothing! Nothing!!"
"We burn the present for the sake of a brighter future and act surprised when all it holds is ash!!"
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littlemissemeritus · 4 months
i just wanna know copia's tricycle origin story,,, has he had it since he was a kid???? was it a present???? come on tobias we deserve to know
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ganondoodle · 9 months
its kinda weird to think but in my comics story ghirahim is probably the most 'normal' one of the main characters
he still has his dad master after all
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ninthriven · 2 years
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they are divorced c: 
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