#the strength of evil is good as none when stands before four hearts as one
thewingedwolf · 10 months
i am Once Again Saying that one kiss is an adorable song absolutely wasted on thee most boring relationship in the whole series
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carlosfreckles · 4 months
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Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one!
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spaceless-vacuum · 1 year
I offer you an idea for the regular yandere chain au what if Gannon is also a yandere for reader
It's gunna be war again
Only one Ganon or all of them? Because just one? Bro not even Zelda can help keep him safe. Good luck. They already have the master sword so no need to draw it again. Like there's no way, absolutely none. With all of them fighting with the zealots vow to protect their goddess? Their light? The love of their life? You? No chance, absolutely none. 
There's room though… three ways this can go. You hate Ganon, he hides you away long enough you start to develop a bit of Stockholm, or you don't mind him and start to grow a bit soft to him.
. . .
For the first it's easy for the chain because they get you back either way. Oh they're so doting and can't let go of you. They all fight over who gets to cuddle you first, to hold you again for the first time, who gets to kiss you again, who gets to talk first, who breaks the silence. Their resolve to hold back slowly breaks and one by one like a dam crashing- you're flooded. Both in love and in their tendencies. Oh they know they have to lock you up for good now. No one can ever leave you alone again.
Teaching you how to fight is Wild's new self appointed job, and no one needs to know. He can't let it happen again love he's the most distraught out of them all. Teary eyed and holding you gently saying he can't let it happen again.
Sky is happy to hold you but he feels so bad. This never would have happened if he hadn't messed things up while fighting Demise. He didn't have the strength to protect you before it happened! He pulls you aside and makes formal vows to always stand guard for his light from now on to eternity.
Warrior takes this the best because he just loses it and goes feral. He may or may have legally married you behind your back so no one can EVER take you from him again. Especially if it was his Ganon who kidnapped you.
Four is the most level-headed but he does have several heart to hearts about it with the colours and the others. Going back and forth from panic to calm knowing they have it in the bag. Just like saving his Zelda they just have to get to you in time and save you from the clutches from evil incarnate itself.
Wind is now super overprotective and feels like he failed again. He couldn't protect Aryll and he couldn't protect you, he got you both back but he's still upset.
. . .
With a bit of Stockholm it gets tougher because there's this disconnect between the fantasy of carrying you off into the distance after rescuing you and having their own happy ending. This issue is broken due to your inability to cope with the fact that it really was terrible. Being conditioned by the chain long enough to accept pushing behaviours may have weakened your ability to perceive red flags more than you expected. Either way, they are happy to have you back but it takes some time for you to settle in. You need your time alone to settle back into life and cope and you can't get that here. At this point the chain knows they have to drop you off somewhere safe.
Hyrule is the most sympathetic here. He knows how brutal Ganon can be and while this situation affects you the most he makes sure to comfort you and help ease you back into the chain. Reminding you that they're all affected by your absence and really do only have your best interest in heart. They need you and just want to help and make sure you're ok. He chooses to be the therapist you need to help you come back from the edge you were pushed to. When you try to argue that it wasn't so bad he gently reminds you just how terrible Ganon is. I mean he's literally suffering from a blood curse from him. He's super gentle about it and will slowly ease you back into physical touch and to help break the holds he has on your head.
The group knows you're pure at heart and have good intentions but they're also in a state of shock at seeing you. Once it hits them, a few days of your odd state, they all break and agree to leave you with someone and give you time to recover. Twilight and legend are the first to offer their home. Not that Malon isn't nice but you need some quiet time after all that terrible abuse he must have put you through. The rage sets in once they realise what an impact Ganon left on your sweet and pure soul and they just lose it. Being away from you, getting you back, and then realising you're left more broken than whole just sends them each in their own way. Having to deal with all this rage without their precious light leaves them muddled and confused. They all visit you often and Twilight has the village check in on you; Legend has Ravio to help you if you took his offer.
. . .
Did you actually like him? Maybe he's really nice and actually cares and respects you alot and maybe the kidnapping was justified. He saw how creepy the chain were and decided that he could offer you more freedom. He makes it clear you can go anywhere in the town without him and the guards will help you if you need it and already you have far more freedom than Link ever gave you. Maybe this can work out!
SIKE!! Just kidding, he still dies and the chain just smiles at you. Sky will walk over to you with his hands still covered in blood as he holds you. He's your hero here. How dare you look at him with that horrified look on his face. Don't you see what he's done for you? He's freed you! He holds you gently as tears stream down your face and he wipes them away, getting some blood on you. You're tired? Let him hold you while he whispers and coos. The whole group can see that something is wrong but they leave it be. No one pieces the dots together. They figure your having trouble coping with the stress of all of the world and they can't wait to take that weight away from you and to hold you close.
Time  figures the truth out first. You're still wearing several of the trinkets Ganon gave you. He can't stand it, that beast having some claim over you, over the heart that belonged to them. He does the only thing he can think of and tries to throw them away in a jealous rage. When you catch him trying to throw them away you stop him and start crying? Why? That pathetic worm hurt you, he had to have. The idea of a nice soft Ganon doesn't compute with him. He's seen first hand what Ganon has done and all he feels is rage. However he can't stand to see you cry, so he doesn't toss it but keeps them, telling you you're not getting it back but that he'll buy you something nicer. An angry and jealous Time winds up stealing you more than Sky does. You've never been romanced right obviously, let him do so.
Bonus; Yandere fierce deity who solos Ganon and just carries you away bridal style from the carnage.
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You’re about to meet the VK’s but first let’s introduce the “royals”
A brown haired teenage boy was getting his suit tailored, his name was Ben Florian, next in line for the crown. Son of King Adam, the beast and Queen Belle, the beauty, those were his “good” parents, royalty.
Ben decided it was time to finally talk to his parents about his first proclamation made.
“I’ve chosen my first official proclamation, I’ve decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance,” as soon as he said that it went quiet all around the room.
He continued, “To live in Auradon, to be given a chance. Everytime I look out to the island, I feel like they’ve been abandoned.”
Adam was quick to look at him in disbelief and say, “The children of our sworn enemies living among us?”
Ben cut him off and started sleeping again, “We start out with a few at first only those who really need our help the most. I’ve narrowed it down to 5.”
Belle looked disturbed but chose to try her best to understand where her son was coming from and just nodded. She turned to look at Adam and said, “I gave you another chance.”
Having no option but to sigh in disapproval Adam asked, “Who are their parents?
Jumping at the opportunity Ben was given, he replied quickly, “Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen,” each time he named a new one his parents were taken aback until he finally revealed one of the last two, “Maleficent.”
Belle immediately let out a shocked gasp, while Adam was quick to exclaim in anger, “Maleficent? She’s the worst villain in the land.”
Ben pleaded, “Dad just hear me out here.
Refusing to agree with his son Ben, he said, “They are guilty of unspeakable crimes.”
“Don’t you think they deserve a chance at a normal life? Their children are innocent,” Ben reasoned.
Belle looked ready to faint, when she put a hand to her forehead, and stumbled back slightly before straightening herself.
Belle and Adam sent a look at each other not knowing what would happen if their children would be let out, the most dangerous of them all.
Belle, having no choice but to understand where her kind hearted son was coming from could do nothing but nod at Ben, took Adam’s hand and walked out along the angered beast.
Ben stayed there standing in the middle of the room, knowing the disappointment his parents probably felt at the moment. He could do nothing besides question if he was doing the right thing. But he let them fade away as quickly as they came because deep down, he knew he was doing his best for the less fortunate, the Isle children.
Guess you’ll finally meet the interesting people, the VK’s, children of those villains condemned to the Isle of the Lost.
A purple haired girl, had been with a blue haired girl, a white haired boy and a dark brunette haired boy. All four of them were on their way to pick up the last member of their group. Before they could even make it there they were stopped by none other than Maleficent, the condemned evil faery.
“I have news,” Maleficent spoke to all of them.
All of the children looked around and sent each other a confusing look.
“You five have been chosen to go to a different school,” she says fake enthusiasm laced in her tone before continuing, “In Auradon.”
As soon as the children processed it they turned and tried to make a run for it, but Maleficent knew and had placed her goons behind them. They couldn’t get away from there even when they tried due to their clueless strength.
Maleficent noticed the fifth member wasn’t there and asked her purple-haired daughter, “Mal, where is she?”
Mal knew immediately who her mother was referring to, nodded at her and said, “I know where she’s at.”
Maleficent turned to her knuckleheads and shook her head to the side, motioning for her knuckle heads to leave.
“Find her and have everyone back at the lair,” Maleficent demanded from her daughter. Mal knew she couldn’t reject one of her mother’s demands, all she could do was nod and say, “Yes, mother.”
As soon as Maleficent walked away, the blue haired girl looked at her purple haired friend and asked, “So, we’re going, were we’re not supposed to?”
Knowing immediately they had to, the dark brunette replied, “Don’t we always?”
“What Jay said,” Mal added in agreement.
Turning around Mal starts heading down the alley knowing exactly where the fifth member was, she knew they wouldn’t be happy to see her.
The three others followed behind her, before the white haired boy spoke, “You’re mom’s going to be mad.”
Mal chose to ignore him knowing he was right but as long as Maleficent didn’t find out it would be fine.
“We’re here,” the blue haired girl spoke up looking at the sign that read in bright yellow lights,
Ursula’s Fish and Chips
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havocmadden · 5 years
highlights of the descendants musical, as decided by me —
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mr. delay got turned into maurice which is a choice i 100% support. mr. delay WHO????
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maybe musical doug can have a little rights as a treat
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jane is an angel and i support her
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beast is being horny on main
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jay is my son and i love him
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her ‘you’re welcome!’ is so fucking cute and i LVOE her
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the added dialogue here makes me sad
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i REALLY wish this was the movie version. mr. delay can eat shit
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evie my brilliant baby girl ily
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sadgsadhahjg -
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THIS IS SO FUNNY TO ME it’s literally that one meme that’s like ‘what are things to stay that will always start a fight? / hey, wanna start a fight?’
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maybe this doug does have rights
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i wanna hear more abt this leniency!!! disney explain!!!
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oh no 😔
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rotten ot4 rights
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this is carlos to a tee. mr ‘i laughed when audrey had a breakdown’ mr ‘‘that was usually my mom’ when mal is having a breakdown’ like. i lov ehim but boy's social intelligence could use some work.
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nonbinary mal rights
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this has ‘why do we need swords at the ...waffle hut?” energy and i am here for it
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‘you... hang out with them’ is so funny to me
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snow white is narcoleptic??? since when????
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ok musical devie is legal 
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i like this motivation for jane a lot more but also it makes me SO fucking sad 💔
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oh no 😔
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‘a spoiled and arrogant blockhead’ that’s him that’s the boy
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the parents get a rotten to the core reprise and the image of jafar and cruella just lying down after singing is so funny to me lmao
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roast him
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daggery · 3 years
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gif maker positivity meme 2021 ⋆ day seven: experiment
The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one.
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dumdumsun · 3 years
And Dusk
A/N: Aah! Time is not real, y'all! We've got one more chapter!!!
Warnings: guns, blood and violence, mentions of death
Word Count: 6722
Chapter 19: The End of Something
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It was winter of 2006 when nine black umbrellas filed into the courtyard of the Hargreeves residence. Leading the group of children was Vanya Hargreeves, followed by Diego, Luther and Allison, (Y/N), and Klaus. The solemn look on each of their faces was fitting for the circumstances they found themselves in.
Before them was the closed casket of their deceased brother, Ben, a small photo of him displayed on top, tentacle designs surrounding it to symbolize his power, the monster that lived within him. With his death following the disappearance of their other brother four years ago, the group of strangers was feeling less and less like a family than it already did.
As the final member of the family joined the funeral, Pogo shifted his walking cane to stand straighter. “Your father is ready to give the eulogy, children.” He quietly announced, Reginald speaking a beat later.
“The world is full of injustice. Good people die along with the bad. This cosmic equation will never change unless evil itself is wiped from existence. Thankfully, there are powerful forces pushing back against the wicked and iniquitous, individuals who have the strength to pull together against insurmountable odds to face adversity with unblinking courage, and not to hesitate to sacrifice themselves for another. Unfortunately, none of you are such people.”
(Y/N) snapped her head up from where she had been staring at her shoes to look towards Klaus, who had already been widening his eyes at her. When he caught the way her (e/c) orbs glistened, he quickly and firmly grabbed hold of her hand and soothingly ran his thumb over her knuckles, inhaling deeply.
“Despite years of training and weeks of preparation, you allowed Number Six to die on this mission.”
At this, Allison gasped and turned to him with teary eyes. “It wasn’t our fault!”
“Excuses?” Reginald raised a brow as Luther placed a hand on her shoulder to either comfort her or keep her anger at bay. “I will not hear them. The Umbrella Academy has failed one of their own, the consequences of which are dire.”
“His name was Ben,” (Y/N) shakily spoke up, each and everyone of them turning to her with wide eyes. “Not Number Six. And his eulogy should not be filled with blame!”
“On the contrary, Number Eight, that is all a eulogy needs for a funeral like this. I expected nothing less from you than to lead Number Six to his own demise. Even dead, he has proven to be less of a disappointment than you. Hold onto that feeling.” He hissed, not even flinching at the trails of tears falling from his daughter’s eyes. She felt Klaus tugging her, and it was then that she noticed she had been challengingly stepping towards Reginald. Once she was back in her spot and shrinking under his gaze yet again, he continued, “All of you, hold onto that feeling. Let it fester in your hearts… so there is never a next time. Training will be canceled today out of respect for your brother. We resume tomorrow at six a.m.”
And with that, Reginald briskly walked away, Grace and Pogo hesitantly leaving the superhero team to silently cry before the casket, their father’s words stinging worse than they ever had. The only sounds filling the air between them for a few seconds was Allison and (Y/N) softly sobbing between Luther and Klaus.
The Seance hadn’t yet let go of her hand, swallowing the lump in his throat and occasionally squeezing her hand for reassurance that he was there. Her shoulders shook as a sob racked through her body, ducking her head to hide her face.
“It wasn’t anybody’s fault.” Vanya broke the semi-silence, but was immediately shut down by Diego.
“How would you know, Vanya? You weren’t even on the mission.”
A soft gasp left her lips before she turned and walked away. As she passed, (Y/N) picked her head up to call out to her, but was ignored. Luther clenched his jaw at his brother. “Nice going, asshole.”
“What? We were all thinking it.”
“Oh, so you’re thinking, Diego?” Allison spat. “That’s a first…”
“Screw you!”
Klaus and (Y/N) dropped hands as the latter pinched the bridge of her nose. “Seriously, guys?! We’re doing exactly what Dad just did! We’re really gonna sit here and tear each other down during our brother’s funeral?!”
Diego glared at her before stomping towards the house. “Yeah. I guess we are…”
Immediately, Luther and Allison followed after him. “Hey! Dad was right, we should’ve done more! This didn’t have to happen!”
As the argument began to fade along with their footsteps, Klaus let out a sigh through his nose and started towards the gazebo just across from him. Just before he stepped under it, he closed his umbrella and set it down, shaking out his freezing hands before him. He sniffled and exhaled before clenching his hands into fists, quiet grunts escaping him as his hands glowed a bright blue, not much different than how Five’s did when he activated his power. The quiet ringing sang in his ears and warbled for awhile before it slowly faded and a familiar voice sounded, “Klaus?”
Gasping, Klaus whipped around to find Ben, standing before him with a confused expression. Klaus smiled and shook his head out of disbelief as Ben furrowed his brows at him. “Where am I?”
“You’re back in the land of the living,” He answered, retrieving a flask from his blaser. “It’s been a total shitshow since you died. The family’s a mess.”
Ben watched his brother sadly as he opened his flask and began drinking from it. “Listen, um… I need to go back.”
“What?” Klaus frowned, capping his drink and putting it away. “No. Why? You just got here.”
“I know. But there’s a light, and they told me to walk into it.”
Blinking, Klaus smiled with a scoff. “That thing? Pfft. Don’t worry about it. You can go whenever you want.”
“Are you sure?” Ben asked, his uneasiness growing when Klaus hesitantly nodded his head.
“Yeah, one-thousand percent. Trust me, Benerino. It’s not goin’ anywhere. I’m the expert on the dead, remember?” At his brother’s downturned expression, he tried a distraction. “Hey, wanna watch me piss in Dad’s gas tank?”
Ben didn’t answer at first, his eyes stuck on an empty space beside Klaus’s feet, but smiled and nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
With a chuckle, The Seance spun on his heel, stepping out from under the gazebo. However, he froze in place at the sight of (Y/N) watching him, remaining in her place beside the casket. Sighing deeply, Klaus slowly joined her side once again. “Listen, sis, I can explain-”
“Don’t,” She shook her head, sniffling quietly. “C-Can he hear me?”
Turning to his brother, Klaus was surprised to see Ben eagerly nodding his head. “Yeah. Yeah, he can hear you.”
“Tell him… Tell him I love him… and I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t her fault,” Ben whispered, heartbroken. “Klaus, tell her it’s not her fault!”
Within the next second, Klaus had enveloped his sister in a tight hug, the girl dropping her umbrella to return it. “He loves you, too. He says it’s not your fault, okay? And don’t listen to what Dad said. You’re not a disappointment. Not to me, to Ben… Not even to Diego.”
Quietly laughing, she brushed away a newly fallen tear. “Us Lost Potentials gotta stick together, huh?”
“Always and forever,” He slowly pulled away, gently patting her cheek before grabbing her by the hand and pulling her forward. “Now c’mon. I’m about to make Dad’s car run on bodily fluids.”
“Authorities are asking for help identifying several person of interest at Dealy Plaza at the time of the assassination.”
The voice of the news reporter broadcasted downstairs was white noise to Klaus as he lay sprawled out on Elliott’s bed. A hollow void had set itself into his stomach. It had been ever since he regained consciousness in that federal building, where the apocalypse had been avoided when Vanya learned to control her power. That paired with the disappearance of his ghost brother told him enough.
Ben had something to do with Vanya. He finally went into the light. He had to, he always answered when Klaus summoned him. Always there, always watching, always waiting. Whether he wanted him to or not, and it proved itself to be more of a blessing than a curse.
But now? Now he felt empty, incomplete. He knew he had to grow accustomed to it soon, but it would take some getting used to, not hearing the nagging voice each decision he made. Having to answer no to (Y/N) when she’d ask if Ben was with him. The first step to getting used to it, though, was to get out of bed.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Hargreeves were grouped together downstairs, in front of the abandoned televisions on display. Vanya and Luther stood side-by-side. Five leaned against the railing beside the end of the staircase, (Y/N) standing behind him with her arms wrapped around his middle and head resting on his shoulder. His hands were clasped with hers as his cheek pressed against her forehead.
On the other side of the staircase leaned Diego, Allison a few steps above them and also leaning with her arms against the railing. The six all watched the news broadcast intently, grave expressions on their faces.
“The FBI believes they may have been acting in concert with the alleged shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald,” The news reporter listed each Hargreeves as he held up their respective photos. “Vanya Hargreeves, wanted in connection with the deaths of several FBI agents inside the federal building at Dealey Plaza. A Cuban exile known only as Diego…”
“Cuban?” Diego frowned.
“...who recently escaped from the Holbrook Sanitarium. A bare-knuckle boxer with suspected Mafia ties who fights under the alias, ‘King Kong’. Allison Chesnut, a Negro radical responsible for instigating and organizing the recent riots at Stadtler’s lunch counter. And finally, Klaus, the controversial cult leader and known tax evader.”
(Y/N) sighed into Five’s shoulder in relief, thinking she was in the clear, until a photo of her and Reginald was held up a beat later.
“The FBI is asking the public to be on the lookout for a young girl named (Y/N) Hargreeves, adopted daughter of eccentric billionaire and founder of D.S. Umbrella, Reginald Hargreeves. She was reported missing by Hargreeves hours ago and was seen with this unidentified boy-”
A photo of Five struggling to peek over the fence after the battle with his older self from earlier popped up on screen. “-who the FBI is also asking to be on the lookout for. They believe both children are being held hostage by the suspected terrorist network-”
“Well, it’s true,” Five shrugged with his unoccupied shoulder. “I do feel like I’m being held hostage most days.”
“God, I hate that photo…” Diego muttered.
“They’re saying I instigated the riot?” Allison scoffed. “That’s unbelievable…”
Luther pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. “Look, the good news is we restored the timeline and we stopped doomsday. So-”
“Yeah, a bunch of real goddamn heroes,” Diego interrupted. “We let Kennedy die.”
“Yeah, and now we’re officially the most wanted people in the world. The FBI is after us, the Dallas police, the Secret Service,” As Allison spoke, Diego and (Y/N) watched as Klaus casually descended the stairs. “It’s only a matter of time before they hunt us down here.”
“Well, where are we supposed to go?” Vanya shrugged.
Walking past his siblings off the stairs, Klaus answered his sister. “I have this yurt just outside Reykjavik. We could totally lay low there. Folks there are a little weird, but lovely. Welcoming-”
“Hey. Numbnuts,” Five interrupted, raising his head from where it had been oh-so comfortably resting. “Hiding’s not gonna make a difference here. The Commission will hunt us down wherever and whenever we go.”
“He’s right,” Diego sighed. “They’ll never stop.”
With a suspicious frown, Five tilted up his chin. “I’m sorry, since when are you an expert on the Commission?”
“Since I got back from there.”
“Yeah, they headhunted me, offered me a job. Full time with benefits, which I had to turn down.”
Mockingly smiling, Five chuckled. “They headhunted you… The village idiot.”
“What, am I not allowed to be headhunted? Only the almighty Five needs to be in demand?”
The rest of the Hargreeves irritably sighed, (Y/N) pulling away from Five to physically remove herself from the conflict. Allison sat on the stairs, resting her head in her hands. Now was not the time to be childishly arguing, but alas, Five and Diego continued.
“Diego, you’re not Commision material, alright? Got an obstinate nature to ya.”
“Who do you think it was that figured out Vanya was the one that causes doomsday and stopped it? Me. That’s who.”
“Hey!” Klaus and (Y/N) called out, offended on behalf of their sister.
“I figured it all out on the Infinite Switchboard.”
Five blinked and furrowed his brows. “You were on the Infinite Switchboard?”
“Hell, yeah. I made that machine my bitch! Y'all need to recognize I got shit goin’ on y’all don’t even know about!”
Lifting her head from her hands, Allison sarcastically smiled. “Oh, sorry. You’ve got things going on?”
The argument only swelled as (Y/N) ran her hands through her hair, watching as Vanya ran up the stairs. For a few hours now, a pain had been growing behind the young girl’s head, and the shouting voices were only making it worse. And to add to it, Luther, Allison and Klaus decided to join in. Her hands scrubbed at her face as the thumping in her head beat harder and harder. Letting out a frustrated groan, (Y/N) finally shouted over her family. “EVERYBODY, SHUT UP!”
Silencing themselves, the five of them slowly turned to her.
“Shit, you’re worse than my kids! We just found out that the feds are looking for us and you’re arguing! Is this all you’re good for?! Seriously, when they get here, what the hell is the plan? Because, if you didn’t see, they think Five and I are hostages. Dad is looking for me and is sending people out to take me back to him. They find me, and I’m gone! So, can we please figure out a plan because my head hurts because Five’s been yelling all day, and his older self made me hit my head and all this pressure and stress is a lot for this little body and I just wanna cry, but I don’t have time to cry right now! And you assholes are making it worse by screaming!”
Absolutely stunned at her outburst, the group didn’t know what to do, only watching as her chest heaved less and less the calmer her breathing got. Eventually, she exhaled very slowly. “Sorry for screaming, that was kinda hypocritical of me…”
“I’m leaving.” Announced Vanya, having just entered the room again. Everyone quickly turned to her, Allison standing up with a frown.
“What? To go where?”
“Sissy’s farm. Something’s wrong with Harlan, and I need to help him.”
Luther inched closer to her. “Vanya, we need to stick together, okay? Now more than ever.”
“That’s why I’m telling you this,” The seriousness in her voice had them leaning closer. “Whatever’s going on with Harlan, I think I might’ve caused it.”
“He drowned… and, uh, somehow I was able to bring him back to life. And now it’s like we’re connected.”
“W… What does that even mean?”
“I don’t know. I can’t explain, but… I know that he needs my help. I need your help, too. I’m scared. And for the first time in my life, I don’t wanna do it alone. I want my family by my side.”
The Hargreeves looked onto their sister with shattered hearts and shameful faces. Because they knew that no matter how badly this boy was affected, how desperate she was for their help, how much they owed it to her as siblings, they couldn’t afford to help. Not with the threat of the FBI hanging over their heads.
As their voice, Diego stepped forward. “Look, I’m sorry,” He softly started, Vanya’s expression immediately dropping. “We have other priorities right now.”
Vanya was frozen, heartbreak evident as her eyes shifted to Five, who began speaking. “Diego’s right. For once. We need to make our stand here and now.” And with those words, her desperate look turned to Allison, then Klaus, who both avoided her gaze. This left her with no one else but (Y/N).
Vanya was not expecting the exact same expression to be staring right back at her. It told a story of a child who grew up with the wrong perception of her sister, the same story Vanya lived.
The expression apologized thoroughly, but for so much more than this moment. For every moment of doubt, of deceit, of exclusion. And Vanya’s apologized for every moment of hostility, of coldness, of the damn face scars. She would never be able to forgive herself for that.
Breaking the very intense eye contact with (Y/N), Vanya stared at an empty space. “Okay. I guess I’ll see you when I see you.” She nodded before turning and walking out of the door, letting it shut behind her. The room fell silent and thick with tension. The siblings not even able to look at each other. (Y/N) regretted every second she hadn’t spoken up to Vanya. She thought herself to be foolish, to be a horrible sister, but what other choice did she have?
She snapped her head up when she saw Klaus moving towards the door. Without a word to anyone, he exited the store. Heart fluttering and breath hitching, (Y/N) quickly turned to Five. “I’m going with Vanya.”
Instantly, Five straightened and grabbed hold of her arm. “Starlight, no. There are people looking for you-” He was interrupted when she pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
“She’s my sister. I don’t give a shit.” She grinned and rushed out the door. Luckily, the car had still been sitting just outside the store, Vanya and Klaus in the front seats. Quickly, she rounded the car until she was on her sister’s side, opening the door and climbing into the backseat. Vanya gasped and turned her head.
“Don’t worry,” The girl whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple. “I’m not giving up on you this time.”
Simultaneously, the doors on either side of her opened, Diego and Allison slipping into the seats beside her. “Got room for two more?” Allison smiled.
“W-What about the Commission?” Vanya asked.
“Well, might as well do some good before we die horribly.” Diego shrugged, Klaus whooping in agreement, and then gasping when his door was pulled open by Five.
“Five, you… you don’t have to-”
“I know,” He gently smiled. “You owe me one, sis.”
(Y/N)’s heart pumped for this man-child and she stood by that. He caught her lovestruck eyes and acknowledged them with a subtle wink before turning back to Klaus. “Children ride in the back.”
“Okay.” Klaus quickly turned, (Y/N) widening her eyes and fleeing to the trunk just before Klaus flung his body into her previous spot. After situating herself on her knees, she lovingly gazed upon her family, the five of them returning the gaze to each other. Vanya lightly shook her head.
“Guys, I don’t know what to say…”
Not even a second later, the door to the trunk opened, prompting (Y/N) to turn around. Luther tightly smiled at her and climbed in, his weight causing the car to creak then give out under him. The floor dipped, (Y/N) crying out when she went flying back, but Luther quickly caught her before she could fall out of the car. Gasping, their siblings turned to them, worriedly watching (Y/N). But when she only started to crack up, they eased up and looked to Luther, who shook his head at her. “You make a fat joke and I’m out of here.”
“I won’t, I swear, I won’t.” She giggled, covering her mouth with her hand to muffle herself. Luther sat her upright before closing the door, allowing Vanya to finally drive off. The siblings rode in silence, save for the tailpipe scraping against the street as they went. Unknowingly, they were subtly being followed by a certain Swede in a milk truck.
Vanya had truly done something to the young boy.
Approaching the farm included passing uninterrupted fields of grassy land. That was, until the cold front. Being the middle of November, snow wasn’t entirely uncommon, but occupying simply one space? Now that was unusual. From the barn across from the house, dark clouds had formed and were connected to a surge of electrical energy that blasted through the roof. It crackled and crashed like lightning, acting as a storm. A snowstorm.
After Vanya parked, the siblings hopped out of the car, eyes locked on the phenomenon occurring within the barn. “You think whatever’s going on inside is causing the cold front?” Diego asked above the noise.
“Well, the correlation is high.” Five sarcastically answered. Just before they could get too close, a blonde woman stormed out of the barn with a wild look in her eyes, a shotgun clutched in her hands.
“Sissy!” Vanya called out. “Sissy!”
“Get back!” Sissy racked a round, pointing the gun at the Hargreeves. “All of you, just get the hell back!”
They froze in their spots, Vanya holding a hand out to calm her. “Sissy! Hey! Hey! What’s wrong?”
“Carl…” Sissy panted. At this, Vanya straightened.
“What did he do to you?”
She shook her head as her voice wobbled. “He’s… He’s dead. Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll, same way you sent those policemen flyin’. What did you do to him?”
“Vanya, what the hell did you do to my son?!”
Casually, Diego began walking forward. “We don’t have time for this.”
Sissy trained her gun on him yet again. “Where do you think you’re going, mister?”
“To help your son.”
“Look, Sissy, I found my family,” Vanya explained, motioning to the group behind her. “These are my brothers and sisters.”
Sharply exhaling, Sissy’s eyes ran over each of them. They either smiled tightly in greeting or said nothing at all. Shaking her head, she returned her gaze back to Vanya. “Were you lyin’ to me the whole time?”
“Of course not,” Vanya softly responded with so much care in her voice. “Look, I didn’t know who I was. But I do now. And we are not the monsters that they say we are. We did not kill the president. We are not terrorists. We’re not here to hurt anyone.”
“Then,” Sissy panted, trying to process everything. “...who are you?”
“The only one who can help Harlan.”
Reluctantly, Sissy guided them into the barn. And the sight broke (Y/N)’s heart. Harlan was within a force field that glowed in blue and gold energy, the boy suspended in the air. He could do nothing but gasp as his body jerked, his power surging all around him. The rushing of his power was so loud, they weren’t even able to hear each other. They couldn’t tell if he was in pain, but he was surely confused and scared.
“Harlan?” Vanya called out, leading her siblings to stand before the force field. “Harlan, it’s Vanya! Look, Harlan, I know you’re really scared, but I can help you. I need you to listen to me, okay? Can you do that?”
But he didn’t answer. Vanya turned to Sissy for permission, earning a nod in confirmation. Inhaling deeply, she activated her power, eyes glowing white just as they had done at the concert, and stepped through the force field. “Careful…” Five warned as Vanya inched closer to Harlan.
“Harlan?” Vanya called. “I don’t know if you can hear me-”
“Uh… guys?” Klaus got their attention as she continued to speak with Harlan. The rest of the Hargreeves joined his side at the other entrance of the barn. In the far distance were two very familiar figures. At Diego’s ‘oh shit’, Klaus frowned. “What, who are they?”
“One’s the Handler, the other’s Diego’s girlfriend.” Five answered.
“Lila,” Diego added. “That’s my ex-girlfriend.”
(Y/N) sighed. “Well, that explains a lot, actually… Now I don’t feel so bad for not thanking her when she saved me.”
“Saved you? When’d she save you?”
“Doesn’t really matter now,” Five interrupted. “I’m gonna go find out what they want. You guys stay with Vanya and the kid.”
“I’m coming with you. Come on.” Diego started towards the other side of the barn, (Y/N) following.
“Me, too.”
Sighing, Five grabbed her by the arm again. “(Y/N), stay here.”
“No,” She ripped her arm from his hold. “You promised you wouldn’t make me wait and that I’d be by your side. So I’m going, no matter what you say.”
He would’ve continued to argue with her, would’ve tied her up and locked her away in safety until this was all over, but he didn’t have the time and the determined look set on her features told him that it was no use. She was sticking with him. Through it all. With a nod, he swiftly grabbed her by the hand and walked out with Diego towards Lila and The Handler.
The closer they approached, the more visible The Handler’s sickly smile became. She lightly chuckled once the trio was a few steps away from them. “I love the smell of that fresh country air, don’t you, darling?”
“Makes me want to vomit.” Lila deadpanned.
Once they came to a stop, Five glared at the two. “What do you want?” He demanded. Lila’s eyes slowly landed on the joined hands of the teens.
“To watch you two suffer.”
“What about me?” Diego spoke, Lila moving her gaze to him for the first time.
“You’re not even worth my wrath!”
This new side of Lila sent a chill down (Y/N)’s spine. This woman was so bloodthirsty, it made her uneasy. Especially when her deadly eyes set on her. (Y/N) knew now that they were no longer friends. The Handler turned to her daughter slightly in warning. “Easy,” She whispered before focusing her attention on the siblings before them. “We’re here on official business.”
“And what business is that?” Five tilted his head.
“As the head of the Commission, I’ve decided to eliminate the criminals responsible for the assassination of the former board of directors.”
Five and (Y/N) exchanged a look as Diego shook his head. “Yeah, right. We didn’t kill the board.”
“Uh, actually, Diego, that’s not entirely accurate.” Five muttered. Diego watched him in shock as The Handler falsely smiled.
“You two didn’t tell them? Oh, I assumed at least sweet, little (Y/N) would’ve been honest.”
“Guess she really isn’t as sweet as she pretends to be.” Lila hissed, the young girl bristling.
“Excuse me?”
Diego leaned closer to Five to try and have a private conversation with him. “Five, what the hell did you do?”
“He did what he had to.” (Y/N) answered.
“Until somebody,” Five turned forward. “...reneged on our deal.”
The Handler shrugged. “Somebody wouldn’t have reneged on the deal if somebody could’ve met a simple deadline. Alas.”
“You set me up to fail.”
“You set yourself up to fail, friend. You and your brothers and sisters. Kinda the running theme of your little life, isn’t it?” She quietly laughed.
Diego groaned. “Dude, I can’t believe you killed the board of directors. You have no idea how messed up the Commission is right now.”
Overhearing this, The Handler dropped her smile. “Messed up? Who’s saying that?”
“Everybody! Christ, even the janitors think it’s going to shit.”
“That’s not all he killed.” Lila spoke up. Everyone shifted their attention to her, most in confusion. “It’s not all they killed.”
(Y/N) scoffed when Lila directed her point to her. “What the hell are you going on about now?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know, you manipulative little lapdog! You and your prepubescent piece of shit-”
“Enough,” The Handler rolled her eyes and set her briefcase down beside her feet. “The point is, all of you are going to die today. Hm?”
Diego straightened his posture. “Oh. Well, I don’t like your chances. Eight of us. Two of you.”
The Handler tilted her head. “You know, you’re right. Let’s change that.” She smiled, raising a hand and snapping her fingers. At this, every single Commission personnel appeared with a whoosh, each armed with a gun. (Y/N)’s breathing stuttered as she watched them fill up the empty land of Sissy’s farm until there was a sea of enemies. Once everyone had arrived, The Handler turned back to the three with a cocky smirk. Five exhaled shakily at the sounds of guns being cocked.
(Y/N) gulped and squeezed his hand. “What’s the plan now?”
“Well, Starlight, we got two choices: fight and die now or run and die later. Either way, we’re food for worms.”
“Preference?” Diego whispered.
“Wouldn’t mind a few more minutes breathing air through the old windbags.”
The Handler’s voice broke through their conversation. “Alright. Let’s get this over with, shall we?” She checked her watch before pulling a red cloth from her pocket. Five widened his eyes and pulled (Y/N) with him.
And, just to entertain herself, The Handler watched the three of them attempt to escape for just a few more seconds before dropping her cloth to the ground. At the silent command, her army let out their battle cries and charged forward after them. As they ran, (Y/N) tried not to glance behind her, but it was difficult when the screaming drew closer to her. When the guns fired, she screamed, ducking and dodging the best she could. When a bullet whizzed past her and Five’s joined hands, she quickly broke their hold out of shock. Five whipped his head to her with frightened eyes. “(Y/N)!”
“Shit! Shit, shit, shit!” She panted, hands going over her ears. Another bullet whizzed past her, just barely missing her hand, causing her to sharply squeal. And with that, her head swam and a thrill rushed through her body.
When Diego and Five turned to her, they gaped at her eyes, now glowing completely white. A gust of wind blew by and within the next second, at least a thousand of her clones stood behind her, before the incoming army, awaiting an order. (Y/N) slowed her running and turned around, almost falling over at the sight before her. Her own army, summoned by her, ready to defend at her command. Deeply inhaling, she bellowed out her command, “Attack!!!”
“Yes, Ma’am!!!” They called back before charging forwards, expertly moving out of the direction of the bullets and jumping onto the Commission workers. (Y/N) proudly grinned, her eyes remaining that haunting white as Diego rushed over to her, grabbing her by the hand.
“They won’t hold them all off! Let’s go!”
(Y/N) nodded and ran after Five with Diego by her side. He was right, she realized. While the gunfire decreased, it hadn’t gone away. The clones were doing what they could, but even they couldn’t withstand a gunshot to the head. “We’re not gonna make it!” Diego grunted. Five wordlessly grabbed hold of them. “What are you doing?!” Diego screamed before Five blinked the three of them closer to the house, their feet now slipping on the snowy terrain. He stumbled as Five and (Y/N) continued forward, the girl more used to the boy’s power than him. “Five, I think I’m gonna puke!”
“No time!” Five shouted back to his brother.
(Y/N), when she spotted a tractor, pulled the two with her to cover behind it. The bullets hit the metal of the tractor and ricocheted off of it, doing very little to hit their targets. “What do we do?!”
“We blink into the house!” Diego shouted, directing his words to Five. The boy held Diego and (Y/N) by their knees and attempted to blink, but his power sputtered. He tried again, but the same fate. “What?!”
“Shit, I’m out of fuel. I’m too tired.”
“You still got that candy I bought you?” She flinched when a bullet hit the tractor in a spot closer to her.
“No, I left it at Elliott’s.”
Diego glanced to the side before urging his siblings forward. “Go! I’ll… I’ll cover for you guys.” He got to his feet and went out into the many lines of fire.
Hesitantly, Five and (Y/N) joined hands yet again and ran towards the house, glancing back now and again to watch their brother. Diego planted his feet and stretched his hands out before him, his power slowing down the path of the bullets until they stopped before him.
It was just as Five had witnessed when he dropped from the portal. His family was discovering more to their powers than they had known before. Diego, weakened by his newfound ability, quickly directed the bullets to the side, ducking behind the tractor again to avoid the explosion going off where they landed.
The two teens had finally reached the house and hurried in. Bullets broke through Sissy’s window and tore through the curtains. Five pulled (Y/N) towards the dining table and helped her underneath. He ducked down and draped his body over hers as bullets rained down on the table above them.
For awhile, all they could do was tightly hold each other as glass shattered around them. They were far from safe, but just being in each other’s arms was enough reassurance. If this were their last moments, they would be fine with that.
But then, there was a high-pitch tone, the howling of the wind, and then the abrupt ending of the gunshots. The tone receded until it was no more, and that’s when Five slowly peeled himself from (Y/N). “You okay?” He whispered. She only responded with a nod, her wide eyes moving towards the window.
Scrambling from under the table, the two peeked out the window to see Vanya, a little ways away from the barn. She was levitating, skin paler than before, eyes white and a glow of energy resonating from her chest. Before her was the Commission, wiped out and motionless on the ground, the remainder of (Y/N)’s clones in the same state. She saved them.
From across the acres of land was another force field. But this one was controlled. It surrounded The Handler and Lila, and dropped with a steady whoosh. The Handler turned to her daughter with a smile. “Your turn, dear.”
With that, Lila seemed to mimic Vanya, her body levitating in the air, skin paling slightly, eyes glowing white, and her chest glowing with a ball of energy. (Y/N) began to back away from the window with shaky steps. “What the fuck…?” She whispered. Five, when he realized Lila was about to release her power, ducked down with (Y/N). A blast went off, shaking the house horribly. A beat later, Luther crashed through the roof with a scream, harshly landing on his back with a grunt. The teens rose to their feet and ran to their brother. “Luther!”
“Luther, you alright?”
Luther growled in pain. “Oh, I think I swallowed my tongue…”
Five scoffed. “Luther, if you swallowed your tongue, you wouldn’t be talking, you big moron.”
“Let’s get you up.” (Y/N) grabbed him by the arm, the two helping him to stand. Luther groaned and staggered on his feet. “You okay?”
“Yeah… What the hell happened? What was that?”
Five glanced towards the window. “She must’ve redirected Vanya’s energy wave.”
“Yeah, I know, but how?”
Above them, the bricks from the roof began caving in. Five widened his eyes. “Watch out!” He screamed and pushed both (Y/N) and Luther out of the way, the pile of bricks crashing down on him.
“Five!” (Y/N) gasped as she and Luther tried to remove the bricks. Her frantic hands came to a stop at a sound in the distance, ears perking up. She slowly stood to her feet and walked out of the room. Luther snapped his head up towards her form as it disappeared around a corner.
A whoosh sounded a second later and Lila appeared in the room. Luther slowly rose as she approached him. “What are you?”
She shrugged. “Someone who wants to kill your brother.”
“Well, that’s understandable. Diego can be a lot to handle.”
“Yeah, I was talking about Five.”
“Him, too. But, unfortunately, they’re family, so you’re shit out of luck.” He rasped before swinging his fist forward, Lila meeting it halfway and clutching it in her grasp. He strained as he tried to twist her arm, but her strength matched his perfectly, almost overpowering it. “How is this possible?”
“Gotta believe in yourself, big boy.” She raised her brow before throwing him through the wall. Lila strode towards the colossal hole in the wall, tilting her head at Allison, who was now at Luther’s side. “Oy.” She called, Allison turning to her with a glare. Lila grinned. “Hi.”
As a fight commenced between the two, Five groaned from underneath the bricks he was crushed under. With difficulty, his hands pushed up and attempted to clear the bricks from his vision, but he wasn’t able to do much. He grunted and cried out, gasping when he felt the bricks being frantically pulled off of him.
When he emerged, he came face-to-face with (Y/N). Her eyes scanned his face as she worriedly searched for injuries, coming to a stop at a trail of blood trickling from the side of his head. He sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders. “I’m fine. Are you okay?”
She hesitated, but nodded in response. The two joined hands again and walked towards the hole in the wall. Just outside was Luther hovering over Allison, pleading for her to breathe as she choked. Lila watched the two struggle with a sick grin. “You looking for us?” Five spoke. Lila turned to them, her smile fading into a glare.
“You little turds…”
“Let’s dance.” He blinked them away, Lila following immediately after. They appeared in the kitchen, Five pushing (Y/N) a few paces away from him. Lila blinked right between them. With every hit Five tried to land, Lila blocked it. While her fighting was “entirely average”, she was matching his strength to a T. With no choice, he blinked away, Lila gasping and spinning around in anticipation.
Behind her was (Y/N), who instantly kicked her in the stomach. Lila staggered back for a second, but regained her composure and lunged forward, but (Y/N) grabbed her by the throat with suspiciously amazing quickness, throwing her to the ground. Lila grabbed the girl by her hair and threw her into the dining table, the wood giving out on her and breaking. She hit the ground with a gasp and rolled on her side, lifting herself up on her arms and shaking her head out like a dog in the rain.
Slowly turning her head, she watched as Five and Lila fought, the boy clearly struggling to keep up with her. She squinted her eyes and clumsily got to her feet, not even flinching when the back of her head hit the wall behind her.
Lila blinked onto the counter, Five confusedly turning to her. “Careful, you are going to tire yourself out.”
“How are you doing this?”
She picked up a frying pan just beside her. “Oh, anything you can do, I can do better. Wanna see?”
Five clenched his fists as Lila cleared her throat, turning to (Y/N) and singing her three-note tune. From Lila’s shadow came her own clone, standing by idly and awaiting an order. Five widened his eyes as Lila chuckled.
“Kill (Y/N).” She ordered before blinking away.
Taglist: @affectio-nate-ly @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @starstormssymphony @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @keayastitties @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3 @himikaphoo @xxeiraxx @camerondiaz48104 @georgeweasleys-gorl @theyaremorethanjustfictional @that-can-of-fizz @luckyzipperscissorsbat @cuupiid @kztura @molzsecretspace
137 notes · View notes
quecksilvereyes · 7 years
Does anyone else ship all of the core four? (Plus ben dating mal and being kinda overwhelmed by the fact that those four are a package deal) Like, they’re a big poly pile of love and support and i adore them
185 notes · View notes
userwitchy · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Descendants (2015) dir. Kenny Ortega "The strength of evil's good as none when stands before four hearts as one."
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renaerys · 3 years
Okay I've got one: Prompt 15 with Reds. 🤣🤣🤣
15. “I can’t hear a word you’re saying, I just keep thinking about how good that mouth feels.”
Somehow they can make even breathing a competition.
Send me a prompt and some characters! Reminder that the challenge is to make everything SFW, so we're getting creative here.
List of prompts
“So, we’ve called the paramedics and they’re on their way, but until they arrive it’s up to us. Remember the acronym, kids: C-A-B. What’s the first thing you do?”
Aiyeesha Simpson, a gunner in the making destined for academic greatness and social ruin, raised her eager hand. “Find a flat surface to lay him down!”
“Correct.” Blossom took Brick by the shoulders and shoved him down to the floor. A gaggle of Girl Scouts gathered around him as he wheezed for air.
“Ow,” he said.
Blossom patted his chest. “Please choke more quietly.”
I will end you, he thought so loudly he hoped she could hear him through the murder in his eyes. There was community service, and then there was cruel and unusual punishment. When his required hours were up and his record expunged, he was going to write a very negative Yelp review of the local Townsville Girls Scouts of America chapter and tank this year’s cookie sales. Supremely annoying, outrageously petty, and totally legal. That would teach Blossom for sure.
“Place your hands here between the nipples.”
Some of the Cadette Girl Scouts giggled. To be fair, Blossom of all people saying the word nipples in reference to her former mortal enemy as she trained a room full of twelve-year-old girls in CPR using him as the dummy was a perfect storm of absurd and kinky that he did not see coming. And now he was giggling himself, because he was a teenaged boy who thought the word nipples was funny regardless of the very clear contextual cues, and that pubescent shame was on him, one hundred percent.
Blossom, an ancient and inconveniently attractive evil resurrected in a lab for the sole purpose of making his life miserable, did not appreciate his amusement. “Push hard at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute. Remember to put your bodyweight behind it, like this.”
Brick flexed, and Blossom pushed against his heart like she was trying to crush it in her hands. Once, twice, three times she administered compressions, and Brick’s eyes glowed red with impotent rage.
“Assist Blossom with her CPR lessons to her satisfaction, and we can forget this ever happened,” Mayor Bellum had promised Brick when he lost his temper and blew up an (empty) ambulance. Butch didn’t need his Super stomach pumped no matter how much he drank, so the ambulance and the four-figure bill that came with it were completely unnecessary. This defense did not convince the mayor, however.
The promise of the bill forgiven and his record cleared—and the deterrence of Aiyeesha Simpson filming the whole thing to upload to YouTube later—gave Brick the strength not to eye beam Blossom in front of the children.
“Okay, who wants to try chest compressions on the dummy?” Blossom offered to the girls.
You evil bitch, thought the aforementioned dummy.
After the third little girl properly placed her sticky, little girl hands between his nipples, Brick had had enough. “Hey, I’m still dying over here. Can we move on already? Jesus Christ.”
“Of course.” Blossom smiled, and she had never looked more terrifying.
Brick hoped Butch was suffering. He hoped he was hung over so bad he couldn’t piss standing up. He hoped Butch tried going online only to find that Brick had disconnected the Internet and cut him off from all his online games and porn because fuck Butch and his weak-ass stomach.
“Who knows what the next step is? Maybe someone other than Aiyeesha this time?”
None of the other girls seemed willing to stick their hands up. The carpet under Brick had scorched where his power leaked out in his building resentment for this entire situation. The smell of burned polyester just made him feel even more powerless to stop this.
“No? Okay, well, remember the acronym. A is for airway. You want to be careful about a possible neck injury, so gently lift the chin…”
Blossom’s hands were not sticky like the Girl Scouts’ hands, but they were cold where they touched his skin and forced his head back.
“Are the paramedics here yet?”
Brick got a tight fist in his short hair for that one, and he considered it a small victory. “No. Something about a shortage of ambulances, apparently.”
God, he was going to destroy her so bad.
“Once you’ve cleared the airway and confirmed there are no obstructions—”
“Then you kiss!”
Some girls picked up the giggling again. Blossom, ever the professional, cleared her throat. “Mouth to mouth is a life-saving procedure and not something I’d recommend doing to someone you plan to kiss.”
Wow, great advice.
Some girls still giggled and whispered to each other. Brick had a sinking feeling that this was only going to end with his embarrassment: everyone knew that the cold judgment of pre-pubescent girls was the absolute worst type of judgment a person could suffer.
“Are you gonna show us?”
“Well, I don’t think I need to show you all how to breathe—”
“It’s in the manual! You have to demonstrate every step.” Aiyeesha waved the CPR manual, and Brick realized his misjudgment. She was no vapid goody two-shoes in the making, but a future Honors Student with a secret, a Work Hard Party Harder, an Ivy League Early Decision candidate with all of senior spring semester to slack off because no one was ever going to touch her 4.3 GPA.
Aiyeesha beamed a winning smile at Brick, and it was as chilling as Blossom’s.
Jesus Christ, there are two of them.
True to form, Blossom had never been able to defy a good instructions manual. “I suppose if it says so in the manual…”
Locking lips with Blossom was not a big deal. He’d done it before when they were kids, and he could appreciate the irony of a gesture meant to save his life this time rather than end it. She didn’t even try to mess with him by using her ice breath, just went through the motions as described in the instructions. The girls were disappointed with the lack of hormonal fanfare of it all, which was probably for the best. Leave it to Blossom to make mouth to mouth the sexless, medical act it was literally intended to be. He was almost upset, because it felt like she’d won something here, which could only mean he’d lost.
Disappointed but more educated than they’d been when they’d arrived two hours ago, the Girl Scouts dispersed after the lesson, leaving Blossom and Brick to put away the equipment they’d used.
She held a dummy torso, and she was looking at him with that pinched, constipated look she got when she was about to say something especially snobby. Instead, she surprised him. “Brick, thanks for being mature about it. I can honestly say you surprised me.”
He stared at her.
“I’ll talk to Mayor Bellum. I’m sure you’ve done enough to meet your hours quota.”
He had not fulfilled even half of his required community service hours and they both knew it.
“So yeah, thanks. I can finish up here if you want to leave.”
Was she trying to get rid of him? Why?
“Brick? Why are you looking at me like that?”
When Blossom was winning, he was losing. That was simply the way of the world. So, if she was losing, it could only mean he was winning.
“Are you listening to me?”
Brick smiled in what he hoped was a cool, sexy way if he imagined looking at anyone but Blossom. “I can’t hear a word you’re saying. I just keep thinking about how good that mouth feels.”
Blossom stared. “I’m sorry?”
He would make her sorry.
“Yeah, you’re a great teacher. I could really feel your passion for demonstrating the lesson correctly. With your mouth.”
Her staring intensified. “Did you.”
“Oh, yeah.” He leaned his hip against the table like he’d seen in the movies. It worked for Daniel Craig in Casino Royale, and that guy had convinced Eva Green. Iconic. “I could really feel you trying to save me.”
Where was Aiyeesha with her phone to film this? There was so little he could do to rattle Blossom as they got older, and while the challenge delighted him, it was also exhausting being constantly a step behind her. Was this truly her demise? Had he won the Teenage Experience? Was this poetic justice for how she’d once killed him with a mere kiss, only to suffer the same fate in turn? He could have cackled. This was better than trolling the Girl Scouts of America reviews, although he might still do that because it was a genius idea and he had always indulged his own genius ideas when they came to him.
So infatuated was he with his own self-fellating digression that he was slow to react to Blossom sidling up to him. Her hand was still cold on his chin, and it sent a shiver down his spine. “Shall I save you again?”
Brick’s dignity drained with his blood, which was an unfortunate side-effect of being a teenaged boy that he would just have to suffer. But winning was about recognizing one’s weaknesses and working around them. He leaned into her personal space. “Please.”
He wasn’t sure who kissed who first, but it was happening and all he could think was I am better at this than you and I hate you and also Do that again. He tried holding her waist, and she fought back with her fingers in his hair. Not one to be deterred, Brick tried some tongue but pulled back when he tasted thirty degrees below zero. He immediately went back in because he could feel her superiority, her Got you, you horny idiot, but the joke was on her because he liked her cold, always had when it was hot as balls out and he’d make up any excuse to pick a fight with her just for the chance to cool off.
The Girl Scout troop leader walked in on them competitively making out in the classroom like it was an Olympic sport and put an end to things, leaving them at a frustrating draw for now. They said barely a word to each other when Brick glared at the troop leader so bad she flustered and didn’t even question them before running out of there with some excuse about getting the wrong room.
Later that evening, Brick caved and changed the Internet password back just so Butch would quit whining at him. He Googled kissing techniques and spent the next hour and a half watching YouTube videos and reading GQ articles about How to Please Her Like a Champion, because he was a champion and a winner and he was not going to lose to Blossom in this. Not a chance.
This had to be what they meant when they said kill with kindness.
“I’m going to end you,” he muttered to himself as he read about the top ten highest voted movie kissing scenes, which he would then stream and commit to memory in order to be fully armed and armored for the next time he encountered Blossom alone in a classroom. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe during their shared free period.
Truly, he had the most genius ideas.
If you enjoy my writing, check out more of my fics on AO3, link in my profile. I’m currently updating Trinity House and The Alchemy of Us. Thanks for reading!
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thewingedwolf · 10 months
"#<- also the fic. omg pls that sounds amazing." no lie, i keep going back to work on it every so often just because i love the idea so much. like, the concept is that when ben tries to propose bringing the vks over, beast goes Absolutely Not and decides ben is a villain sympathizer and decides to dump ben on the isle so he can ~see for himself whether or not they'd choose good~ (joke's on him because ben has studied the barrier at some point and that boy has a head for politics, you cannot tell me he wouldn't bargain that knowledge for help) (i mean, the core four adopt him anyway) (as does gil) (but the point stands)
.........also isle ben has claws in addition to the facial hair and fangs entirely because i got attached to the idea of dizzy painting them with nail polish.
i’m obsessed with this idea actually lol, i love descendants fics that go “so beast is kind of a tyrant right” and run with it, ben telling his dad to fucj off in the third movie isn’t enough, i need ben to build a rebel faction on the isle to bring down the barrier and overthrow his father aksksk
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absynthe--minded · 3 years
Could I beg something about your “Aragorn’s Upsetting Haircut” headcanon? No pressure of course!!
(this is going to be presented in more than one installment, but I couldn’t resist sharing! a few things: this fic is consistent with the rest of my personal canon, and it draws upon the headcanon that Aragorn and Arwen married by elvish standards upon Cerin Amroth but still consider themselves betrothed by Mannish standards.)
When Arwen came down into the Valley again, the Sun was low in the sky, hovering just above the tops of the Chithaeglir and casting long shadows across the trees and the river below. She could tell, immediately, when she crossed their borders, passing through the wards easily. There was Song here, bound into the rock and the roots of the mountains, curling about her and pulling the weariness from her body. Celeg seemed easier too, slowing from a trot to a walk; she knew he could feel the change just as surely as she did. Come home, the Song whispered, threads of melody pulling her along the path toward the gleaming lights of her home. Come home, and be healed of your pains. 
It would be easy - too easy - to slip the bounds of her body and bone, to cast herself upon the shadows and ride the winds down to her own bedroom window. The thought was tempting, and even more tempting when she considered the ache in her hip that hadn’t ceased since the skirmishes three weeks past had left her with a deep and ugly wound.
Her lord father had sent her out in search of four hobbits and - perhaps - her betrothed, her secret husband, all wandering in the wilds while ulaer pursued them. She was not alone, though she had departed first, weeks before the others. It was foresight that had driven her father to speak with her, and foresight that pushed her to saddle Celeg and leave Imladris under cover of darkness. Glorfindel had been the next to leave, far later, keeping close to the Road, traveling westward and anticipating that the servants of Sauron would not have left it far behind. Last were her brothers, abandoning their errantry, making for what Men called the Angle where Mitheithel and Bruinen met and merged. It had been her lot to travel north, and north she had gone, albeit in a disjointed, somewhat defiant fashion, moving from the Ettenmoors to the North Downs and then at last down to Sarn Ford and the Dúnedain she knew would be there.
Her guess had been that her betrothed, if he was with the hobbits, had met them at that border of the Shire, and had accompanied them up the Greenway to Bree before striking out into the wilderness. None of her travels had given any sign of him, and so it was in frustration and defeat that she had come to the encampment, seeking some tidings that might guide her, and found it in disarray.
Aragorn had been there - days past, departing after a disastrous attack by the ulaer that had left three men dead and four wounded, with Halbarad trying valiantly to maintain order and hold the border. He had left in a great haste, as if fleeing from their enemies, saying only that he was making for Bree. He was followed shortly after by Mithrandir, who had come and gone from the Shire like a grey cloud blown back and forth by a storm. It had been her aim to seek them out, and offer her strength in song and sword against the darkness.
Fate had not been so kind. 
Sarn Ford had been attacked a second time while she was there, the enemies assailing it now flesh and blood. There were still evil Men who dwelt in the North and recalled the name of Angmar, and their blades were as formidable now as they had been in centuries past. Her voice had been needed, the night and the river turning upon the would-be intruders and her ancestress’s blood sparking in her veins to claim the borders, but she was no true soldier for all her skill with a blade, and her body was ruled by the limits of the Incarnates. The fighting had reached her, while she stood thigh-deep in rushing water and twined her words through its echoes of long-ago music, and someone now-dead had plunged a dagger into her hip. The wound would have been fatal if not for Halbarad, who had pulled her back from the thick of the battle and seared it closed with the flat of a pan from the smoldering cooking-fire before she could bleed out. She had not ceased her singing, and her assailant found himself dragged beneath the surface of the Baranduin and drowned. 
Two days were all she could spare, one to recover what strength she might and another to force her legs to obey her will. Halbarad had begged her to stay - what wrath their Chieftain might bring down upon them, he’d said, if his Lady died in the wilds when they might have saved her! But she was Lúthien’s heir, and would not be kept from his side, and no words would hold her in obligation. Celeg, for his part, was uninjured, having been kept from the fighting by his own good sense, and he gladly bore her northward a second time. 
That had been twenty-one days ago, and each day had been fruitless and empty. She searched through the North Downs again, and the Weather Hills, and the Coldfells, growing more and more desperate with each setting Sun. She could feel the ulaer on the move, dreaming of their horses’ hooves thundering over the hard-packed ground of the Road even as she slept, and she could not ignore the fear rising in her like a spike that sought to pierce her heart. Her betrothed was a valiant man, and canny, and careful, but there were terrors that sought him out unlike any he had faced before, and the hobbits were almost certainly inexperienced travelers.
At last, she had been forced to admit defeat. The year was truly turning cold, and her food had been exhausted, and it had been nigh on two mortal months since her departure. She had hoped that whatever tenuous thread bound her to Aragorn would have led her to him, but the world was dark now, shielded by evil mists that clouded her thought and her heart, and the closed wound on her hip had begun to fester beneath its scar. So it was to home she had turned, leaving the fells behind her, coming back down into Imladris from the north. She had not slept in three days, blind almost to all beyond her body.
A fine daughter I am, she thought as Celeg made his way down the ridge, careful and steady. A fine wife, for that matter. But daughters of Lúthien did not pout, and they certainly did not cry from exhaustion. 
The Valley was unusually quiet this afternoon. As always, the Bruinen sang, and the birds welcomed her, but her own folk were strangely absent on the pathways and in the trees. The wards still stood, so she knew there had not been some calamity, and there was no whisper of a siege on the air - it felt almost as if Tarnin Austa had arrived a second time in the same year, and all who dwelt within their borders had come into the house proper to celebrate. 
Or to mourn, she thought, and made a face and refused to dwell on that fear. 
The stables were just as quiet as the rest of Imladris, and she was able to dismount and lead Celeg back to his stall in peace. The great black gelding had borne her without complaint through the long weeks, and yet she could see in his ears and the swish of his tail that he was glad to be home. 
“I know,” she murmured, opening the door and stepping inside, watching him look at her expectantly. “You’ll get a full grooming, I promise.” And then it’s a long bath for me, and a visit to my father regarding my hip. 
“Allow me, my lady,” a second voice said, cutting through the silence. She flinched, shrinking back against her horse for half a heartbeat - it had been days on end since she’d heard another’s voice, and she was suddenly acutely aware of how detached from herself she had become. But she knew that voice, and shock and surprise were quick to take the place of fear.
“Glorfindel?” she asked, peering over the door to see her father’s captain leaning against a post. He was standing in another stall directly across from her, alongside Asfaloth, who was contentedly making short work of some hay. “You - !” Dismay stopped her, silencing her joy. There was only one reason he would have returned after so short a time away - he, too, had failed.
“I?” the ellon asked, raising an eyebrow. “What about me?”
“You didn’t find them,” she said. “You’ve the same tale to tell as I.”
His face grew serious and yet lost none of its joy, and he opened the door to Asfaloth’s stall and stepped out of it, closing the latch behind him. 
“No, my lady,” he told her, eyes shining as he spoke. “I’ve a different tale.” 
“What?” she asked, motionless, unable to look away from him. She could see now that he was dressed for merrymaking and revelry, clad in bright scarlet and deep blue, his tunic gleaming with passing thread and his hair braided through with well-placed gems. “But - I found nothing, and surely I would have known if - !” If he were slain, if he lay dead, if the ulaer claimed him for their number…
“My lady,” Glorfindel said, one hand reaching out and taking her gloved one carefully. “I found him in the hills, and I have brought him home.”
Tears filled her eyes, and she sat down hard, sinking to the floor of the stable as her hip protested and relief flooded every inch of her body.
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sparrowmoth · 4 years
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"The strength of evil is good as none when stands before four hearts as one.”
My edit. Stock and textures: Pixabay. Please don’t repost.
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havocmadden · 5 years
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villain girls + dance moves that made me a lesbian
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monsoonblooms12 · 3 years
Detectives By Chance: Chapter 7- Hide & Seek
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Summary of the Series: It was supposed to be a usual weekend for the four. Coffee, fun, friends and love. But an unexpected case changed their lives in a way they had never imagined. A mystery - a murder - many secrets… Will Ethan, Pooja, Alexandra and Mark, be able to survive? Or will the circumstances twist and break their lives forever?
A/N: Okay, let me get this straight. This is ALL Action and Miles being evil. The most happening chapter of the series, and my favourite chapter because it brings out that fighter inside Pooja. Also, a lil bittersweet moment because only 2 chapters are left, and then we are done. (And I am using my Wattpad cover for this chapter because A. I like it! and B. It gives me the dark feels that embody this chapter) Anyway, hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I wrote it!💛
If you enjoy the story, please like it, leave a comment or reblog. Your feedback keeps me going💕
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey X f!MC (Dr Pooja Sharma)
Word Count: about 4.3K
Rating: Teen
Triggers: Curse Words, Mentions of blood, murder Gun Violence
Disclaimer: PB owns most of the characters. I only own the OCs and my MC.
Prompt:- @choicesaprilchallenge2021 Day 14: Now or Never
CATCH UP HERE: Previous Chapter I Complete Series
It took all of her self-control as she prevented herself from throwing away her phone and breaking it into a thousand pieces.
Only the thought, the hope of a chance to save her Ethan, to save Mark and Alex, who were like family to her kept her going.
It was A Now or Never Moment for her.
Seconds later, Pooja's phone tinged. The screen lit up. She unlocked it to see the address that glared from her screen towards her. The address that hid all secrets and all proofs. The address which held the love of her life in who knows what condition.
She got into the car, entered the address on GPS and drove as fast as her driving skills allowed. Her mouth turned dry, face pale, beads of sweat on her forehead, her mind whirling through numerous unpleasant thoughts and a lingering doubt,
Will she be able to save them?
After what felt like a lifetime to her, Pooja arrived at her destination. A mid-sized mansion stood tall amid a deserted locality. The place was so muted, that the silence seemed to make voices. The winds gushed, chilling her bones. She stood in front of the black wood door. The silver handle's shine was unsolicited for her eyes. She took a deep breath.
Do this, for them. They are your family.
The thought repeated in her mind like verses of an orison. She let the ire, the woe to flood her soul and with fortitude and balance, she pushed the door.
He had kept it open.
The door clicked in place as she entered the devil's edifice. The interior was tenebrous, the conspiracy of silence etched deep in every wood and every wall.
"You are here"
The sudden sound caused Pooja to quail. The words resounded throughout the mansion, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. The sweat on her body contrasted with the rigour of the air.
There was no doubt in her mind. Her caller was here.
Miles Danvers was here.
But... She Looked Around. Where is He? She looked around, maybe it was a mirage. She looked everywhere but there was no sign of him.
"Don't try, You won't be able to see me." The ominous voice struck again.
Another chill ran down her spine. The thought of Ethan being unaccompanied in the devil's edifice with the devil himself was unbearable.
Will I be able to do this?
"Awww, Tsk, Tsk, is little blossom scared? Did I give her a heart attack?" Miles spoke mockingly.
That was the last straw. She would never give him the satisfaction of having scared her. With as much courage she could muster she yelled,
"AHHHH! You ruthless, sinister, cruel, heartless, disgusting monster. What the freaking hell do you want? Why the hell are you doing this? You are a goddamn monster, you are a freaking BASTARD."
She stopped for a breath.
"Not only that, you are a coward. You are a goddamn fucking coward. You don't dare to face the consequences of your actions. Hell, you don't even dare to come out and face me. If you had the courage, you wouldn't do what you have done. Now come out, you ruthless bastard. Get the hell out and come and face me." Pooja screamed hysterically.
"What will you get by yelling at me, hmm? Will Mark and Alexandra be out of jail? Or will you find Ramsey? Which one, huh?"
"You're the one who is responsible for all of this. You disg-"
"Do you want to save them?"
She felt as if her heart had stopped. Her mind pondering with hundreds of thoughts, doubts, yet she waited with batted breath for him to continue.
"Le silence signifie le consentement."
"J'accepte" Pooja muttered. Bloody Show Off
"Hmm. Three Clues, Three tips, Three keys. Three is your lucky number, isn't it? So let's put your luck to test and see if your lucky number is lucky enough to save your dear ones" Miles challenged her with a mock that boiled her blood. Seeing her helpless was utter humour for his soul and he was cackling in joy.
She shouted, hurled abuses, banged her fists, but there was no answer, no reply other than "You are running out of time... Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...."
Her legs were giving out, she felt herself losing her balance, her steadiness. A chance, wasn't that all you needed? She heard her alter ego questioned her.
So good friends, like family, huh? Is this what you do for family, fall and bow to danger without putting up a fight? Is this what you did, when you fought for your mother, give up just like that?
Her sane mind was questioning her. No. She didn't give up then, She will not give up now. Maybe she will never make it out of here, maybe nor will they. But it was better to die fighting for them, than dying without even trying, striving for them.
"Miles", her steady voice, with power and courage, surprised him for a moment, but he wasn't shocked. This was Pooja Sharma after all. One who always stood for the right, even if it would make her lose her dreams.
"I am ready. And I hope you are too."
"Are you sure? This game can take that breath from you."
"Until it does, I will fight. For them"
A part of his mind already knew that she would win. But for his ego, accepting defeat was never an option.
"Fight all you want to. But winning is not an option for you."
"Time shall tell the answer"
"Alright, Two rooms to the left, and your search beginsss."
She ran. The worn-out door refused to give way to her. She pushed, but her strength was not enough. If only you had drunk that milk your mom gave you. Her mind swirled to the thoughts of her mother and she had to give a jerk to come back to the present.
"Seven minutes up already, and you're still stuck at the door. How sad!"
Cursing him under her breath, she upped her power and got ready to give a push just as,
Her fingertips felt a carving on the door. She had been praised for her impeccable sense of touch, but she never knew that it would come in handy in a dire situation one day.
Her mind, her heart, indicated that this was the clue, and she slowly, gently, moved her palm on the door. She got a slight trail of the carving and followed it further a few times. It took her about a minute to comprehend what it was.
A word. TIME. She was looking for something to do with time. But what? The place was so quiet that one would hear the ticking. But she didn't. Although auditory skills were never her strong point after she had a blockage in her left ear and had to go through five doctor visits to clear it, she was sure that there was no analogue clock around her. Her brain cells were running haywire when her shoes rubbed the floor. Sand had been spread around. Consciously.
Because on her trail from the main entrance to the door she was standing in front of right now, she was sure she hadn't felt sand anywhere other than this specific space. This was an indication, It had to be.
Time and Sand, Time and Sand, where do we find time and sand together. Time and sand... Her mind rushed frantically through a dozen options, none fitting the criteria, while Miles smirked at her foolishness.
And then, Oh shit, HOURGLASS! She practically jumped and nearly fell, as she comprehended the answer. With the newfound energy, she pushed the door, and it opened with a BANG! Her hand went to her pocket and she almost shrieked as she felt her phone, about which she had completely forgotten the moment she set her step in here. Taking it out and switching on the flashlight, she trailed into the room. Looking around and tripping on a dozen articles, she finally located the semi-broken hourglass. She held it under the flashlight and the words, upstairs, three rooms right, written in red, came to sight.
She glanced around the room once more, to make sure that there was nothing she was leaving out.
Her eyes stopped their search as her eyes fell on the five drawers of the broken cupboard on which the hourglass was kept. Only one of the drawers was in place, and that made it seem out of place in midst of all the chaos. She pulled at it, Once, Twice, Thrice, before it gave way. A blue file lay inside it. She picked it up, hoping to find some useful information and rushed on to the next step of her search.
On the other side, a corner of Miles's mind was terrified and nagged him to do something before it was too late, and he became the loser of his own game. But he just sat there, not moving an inch, as he watched Pooja running towards her next destination.
The next door, to her surprise, was pretty sturdy and opened easily. No catch this time? Unbelievable. As far as she had come to know Miles Danvers, setting up clues right in front of her eye was a far-fetched possibility.
She double-checked the exterior. Nah, nothing here, she was sure of it. Her silent steps fell on the hardwood floor as she looked around in the room for the clue. Her mind got distracted and worry came flooding back. Will she be able to save them? Was she even going to make out of her alive?
Suddenly, her foot struck something and,
"Twoooo Roooomsss Toooo Theee Rightttt..."
The Echo and her Shriek came almost simultaneously. And with the two sounds, mixed the third one of a cackle, from Miles.
The sudden rush of Adrenaline left her panting.
After a few minutes wasted in overcoming it, she kicked the weird machine once more. The Echo came again, this time clearer than the first one. But since, she didn't trust her ears, or maybe it was just her anger speaking, she kicked it once more.
Two rooms to the right was her next destination. She moved towards the exit, having checked the surroundings already and no clue found.
A few footsteps outside the room later, a thought struck her. She rushed back to the previous room, and using her flashlight, picked up the echo machine and checked it thoroughly.
And right her intuition was! A piece of paper stuck between the lined back. She took it out and unfolded it. It was a code.
She looked around. There had to be something that opened with the code.
Wow! Such thorough checking! She rolled her eyes, berating her self.
And as she did so, her mind went back to every time Lex had called her the living image of the 🙄 emoji.
A light, sorrowful chuckle escaped her, along with a lone tear.
She let it drop and moved on to complete the mission she had partaken in.
She searched, and Nah, Nothing at all. Pooja doubtfully looked around. Was she missing out on something, or was it just another one of Miles' Red Herrings to mislead her?
Five seconds and temporarily deciding on the second option, she went out to the next room and thought of coming back to this later.
Pooja went to grab the surprisingly well-kept handle, and in a reflex pulled it back. The handle was abnormally hot. It felt out of nowhere. No fire, no nothing, how the hell was the door handle so freaking hot?!
Of Course, she couldn't twist and turn a burning hot doorknob and harm her chances of success. So, she decided on other ways of opening the door. She kicked, pushed, forced it with the tad bit of strength left in her, but the door didn't even budge a single inch.
Her ankle sprained with the forceful kicking, she sat down. Tears rolled down her eyes, but she couldn't decide why.
The pain in her ankle, the fear of failing or a mix of both?
But obviously, No pain greater than letting down those whom you love.
She couldn't comprehend the time she was losing as she sat there, crying silently. She slowly started to rise, but couldn't bother to wipe her tears. Wasn't this what Miles Danvers wanted to see? She let him enjoy his short-lived victory.
Forgetting that the doorknob was hot as hell, she held it, and before she could withdraw her hand, her eyes fell on a cuboidal machine stuck just below the spherical structure.
This time, she did wipe the water from her glassy eyes, to get a better look.
Pooja switched on the flashlight and looked closely at it. So this was the mini devil burning her palm. After a few minutes of scrutinizing the black box closely, her eyes caught a red button on the downside of it. She went on to switch it off, and as soon as she did, the faint, almost inaudible buzz coming from it stopped.
The devil had been silenced.
But she knew that it would take time for the knob to cool down. She searched her jean pockets, and luckily her baby blue handkerchief with a neat P Alekhya has sewn on it was there to save the day.
She folded the kerchief in half and with it tried twisting the knob. A Few failed attempts later, she slowly opened the door.
But as soon as the light fell inside the room, her phone and kerchief, both fell on the floor.
The floor swayed under her feet. In front of her on a one-arm broken couch, lay Ethan.
Her Ethan.
The only light-emitting source of the room now lay covered on the floor, preventing her from taking a better look. And she was shaken to the core by the way events unfolded, layer by layer, that there was nothing to say at all.
Her brain froze, all ideas drowning down the drain, her confidence uprooted by the pain she felt seeing her love like that. A Thousand thoughts spiralling in her mind, but she pushed them aside. Her knee bruised by the fall, her feet wobbled as she tried to get up. Garnering strength on an empty stomach & little sleep was becoming increasingly difficult for her, but she needed to go on.
Giving up was never an option
She got up and decided to look around for a way out of the musty building with Ethan, all while hiding from Miles' eyes. Because he had been keeping an eye on her.
Picking up her phone, she directed the light around the room. Raggedy and Unclean, her fingers clenched around her phone as she felt fury fill in her veins. If she didn't have morals, she would have killed Miles herself at that very instant.
There were no cupboards or drawers anywhere around the room. She strolled around with careful steps and heard dry leaves and glass crunching underneath her foot. Pooja looked at the floor, and seeing its condition, didn't hope to find anything helpful.
That's when her eyes fell on a piece of paper. She picked the dust-coated sheet which had become brown from its originally white colour. She tried opening it up using a single hand but ended up tearing it a bit. Pocketing her phone, she opened the sheet up gently and then took the phone out again. Flashing the light, she slowly went through the contents.
It was a map of the building, and she had never felt as grateful as she did at the moment.
She studied it closely, carefully and located a narrow stairway at the corner of the first floor, i.e. the floor she was on, that would lead her out of the building without having to use the main entrance.
She needed to take E out of here, at any cost. But how in God's name was she going to carry her Dr Giraffe alone, all while making sure Miles didn't have suspicions?
She made his unconscious body sit upright as the couch creaked. This broken shit isn't going to last much longer, she thought to herself. She couldn't take any chances of getting caught. Whatever you have to do, do it quick.
She bent and locked his arms around her neck. Then, she stood up slowly and an Uff! escaped her mouth. Wish I had paid attention to the weight lifting lessons.
Pooja lifted him off the sofa and enclosed his long, really long legs, around her waist. And as she started to walk, she stumbled back and forth, and almost fell, as she gained a stable posture. She slowly got out, making sure her shoes don't prompt the creaky floorboards to begin a musical. She scooted to the farthest edge of the floor and walked quickly to reach the darkest corner.
A walk of a lifetime and approaching the darkness, her eyes struggled to make out the door for the staircase. She trusted her intuition and slowly, very carefully, placed a foot in front of the other, as she made her way down. She worried that E might get hurt, and she would hate herself for the rest of her years if that happened.
The grey light at the end of the staircase was a ray of hope for her. She thanked her past self for parking the car closer to this side of the building as she hurried to place Ethan there. She felt her pockets and found the key faster than her expectation. She opened the passenger seat and placed E down on the floor because as much as she hated it, she couldn't take chances with Miles locating him in the car in case he came for a lookout.
Phew! She was relieved that whether or not she makes it out of the mess she had got tangled in, her love will be safe. Locking him safely in, she rushed back to the mansion.
On her way back, she rushed a bit too much, all while forgetting to switch on her flashlight. She tripped badly on the stairs and fell facedown. When she got up, the coppery taste of blood filled her mouth. She felt a blank space in her mouth. She had lost a tooth.
She made her way back and expressed her gratitude to God for letting her make this trip safely. She remembered to shut the door behind as she left and made her quickly to the room where Ethan was held captive. A mistake she had noticed the time she looked at the map was that she had entered the wrong room.
And it was a four-leafed clover for her.
She closed the door of the forbidden room just as her ears pricked up. Tips & Taps of someone's footsteps made her heartbeat rush as she quickly moved to the actual room she was supposed to be searching.
"Hmmm" Miles arrived behind her, hands in pocket. The room in front of her didn't have a door.
"So are you planning to spend the rest of your life chillin' here? That'll be a wonderful plan!" He mocked her and the list of the number of times Poo had wanted to punch him had just become longer.
"What the fuck do you want?" She hissed.
A lopsided grin told her that he was having the best time of his life tormenting her.
"No, I just wanted to check if you will ever make out of here or not."
"And what conclusion did you arrive at?" She mocked curiosity.
"I think- No, scratch that. I am sure, that this" He gestured around him, "is your Final Destination"
His grim laughter filled the place as he went around, checking his surroundings, especially the forbidden room.
Poo had smartly switched on the Make-Hot machine to avoid any suspicions. Seeing, rather, feeling that the door handle was perfectly hot as hell, he returned, and she let out the sigh of utmost relief.
Her heart was filled with gratitude as she thanked God, over and over again, as things turned out in her favour in a place where she had no resource & no help. Although she still felt as if she had been left on the battlefield without preparation or weapons, she used her skills to pave her way safely.
The last room, surprisingly well-kept, lay open before her. Please let me pass this last one, she let out a silent prayer and went in.
Flashlight on, she looked around. This time it was only evidence and no clues and keeping that in mind she carried on her search. A bed lay at the centre of the room. All around were shelves and cupboards which had been kept to mislead her and make her waste her time. A 40% charge in her phone and the clock telling her that she had only 20 minutes left to get out safely, she hurried away.
Quickly opening one drawer and then the other, disappointment flooded her as she failed to locate any file, folder, hell, even a piece of paper.
At last, all drawers, cupboards done and nothing there at all. She felt let down, her heart palpitated. She sat down on the bed and as she placed her hand, heard the very soft scrunch of paper. The stillness of the surroundings was the reason why she could hear it.
She quickened her actions and lifted all the goddamn blankets, to reveal a bunch of paper, half folded, half-torn. She gathered them all. Suddenly she felt something stuck behind one of the sheets. Turning it revealed a USB drive.
Fuck, this was her gold!
She rushed out, picking the papers and the blue file she had collected from the first room. She remembered to check back the second one and the M something code. When she tried to reopen the door, however, she failed. All her trials went in vain. Unlike last time, the door didn't even budge this time.
And then, the entire manor shook as the roar of a bullet echoed all around her. It had been shot just next to her foot, and she stood frozen at her place. She slowly turned around, and saw Miles, with the evil expression on his face appearing to shine in dim light, standing there with a gun.
Slowly, Stuttering, Pooja asked, "What, what, t-the h, hell do you think you are, are doing?"
"I said I will give you the clues, I never said I will let you get away with them. Why would I invite my danger, when putting you to the deathbed would be much, much, easier?" Miles Danvers hissed.
"You want to do a second murder, lose the chance to save your brother forever?"
At the mention of Mark, Miles did fall a little weak, but that passed in a heartbeat.
"Girl, if I really cared about him, I would have never plotted against him in the first place. Bringing you here, was just a ploy, a mask, so that I can finish all four of you and live my life in peace."
He moved forward, one step and the next, as Pooja tried to run. He held her hand with a bone-crushing grip and twisted her hand to her back and held the gun to her cheek. She tried to free herself as she cried out in pain. Her eyes widened as the cold metal touched her skin.
She had really walked into hell at her own will.
Pooja knew her twisting and turning will not be able to help her a bit. So she tried to remember the self-defence techniques she had learnt in her teens and using her foot, kicked him hard in the groin.
He groaned in pain and his attention shifted. Pooja taking the chance, ran swiftly down the stairs, only to slip down the stairs and land on the ground floor. She incurred painful injuries and couldn't move for a good minute.
Even as she mustered the courage to sit up, her body ached in extreme pain. She must've sprained something real bad. Miles was still withering in pain, and she took the chance to get up and slowly move towards the exit.
She dragged her foot and muttered to herself,
Just one more step, just one more.
This rhyme gave her the strength as she almost made it to the door and then
Blood splattered on the ground as the bullet pierced through her left hand, and she held the door to support herself. Tears rushed out of her eyes as Pooja screamed in pain.
At least it was her hand and not her mind that had been hurt. Even in pain, she acted smart. Throwing away the files that she held in her right hand outside, she took out the pepper spray that she always had in her pocket and sprayed a good bit of it at the approaching Miles.
It was her black, powdered dynamite, her most powerful weapon.
Coughing, Sneezing, Stumbling, Miles let out cries of help and the gun was very soon forgotten.
Smirking through her tears, Pooja chanted, It's the end Miles, It's the end.
Getting out of there, She shut off the main entrance door on his face and collected all the papers with her non-injured hand. Dragging her foot slowly, she escaped, pride and contentment filled in her heart.
Whatever she did, whatever pain she received, all paled as she bathed in the joy of the possibility of finally being able to rescue her people, her persons.
She did it, for her family...
You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.
PS: I would have killed Miles myself if given the chance😡 Also sorry for this dark, twisty tale after my birthday. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this mess and here's to hoping that you have a wonderful day ahead🧡! Love You!
Tags (Please let me know if you want to be added or removed!): @bbrandy2002 @whimsicallywayward15 @ohramsey @nervoussaladsludgeopera @trrfanaddict @hopelessromanticmonie @ilikemenbutonlyethanramsey @lovablegranny @bellcat2010 @gkittylove99 @kingliam2019 @starrystarrytrouble @3riche @chetachisblog @zoehanji @withbeautyandrage @drariellevalentine @mvalentine @aestheticartsx @angela8754 @schnitzelbutterfingers @ao719 @choicesstan1 @neotericthemis @arnikki-2406 @anotherbeingsworld @maurine07 @sophxwithers @twinkleallnight @choicesaddict5 @gardeningourmet @mysticaurathings @jessiembruno
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kamilah-is-queen · 4 years
Great ! but i have to warn you it’s gonna be a LONG one as i have written all the ideas but i can’t write the scenario without it being VERY cheesy. plus I’d appreciate it if you didn’t include smut in my request which i’ll post after this one but maybe just some fluff and “indicators” of following smut but not actually writing any 😂 (ps. you don’t have to reply to this ask neither the following ask in which i’ll put the whole fic idea)
I was informed that @rocketscientist07 had written a similar piece on AO3, so just to clarify I don’t mean to copy their work and ideas. Credit for this idea goes to the anon that requested this. The beginning of the story is changed slightly from the end scene from Bloodbound, due to an easier plot style.
Link to The Darker Side
Tagging: @wisebananapatrol, @kamilahtopme, @vonda-b-real, @iamsimpforpoppy, @millasayeed, @clan-sayeed-fic, @queenkamilah

Rheya outstretched a blood soaked hand towards the Bloodkeeper, an evil smirk rising to her face. “Come with me, Amy. Learn what true power feels like..” A glow of orange light blossoming out of her hand as she guided it towards the Bloodkeeper. “..These puny creatures living in my shadow can’t give you the power, the strength, the potential to rule the world and have you as it’s Queen Amy.”
The young vampire in an attempt to satisfy her curiosity, reached her fingers towards the bright glow from Rheya’s hand. A bolt of energy burst through her body, the pain replaced by strength, her insecurities replaced with a new found confidence.
She lifted off the stage, the same beam of light emitting from her eyes as Rheya’s voice echoed inside the Bloodkeeper’s head. “These mortals don’t deserve to live Amy,” she said, gesturing to the dumbfounded group of humans in their seats, “kill every last one of them.” The First commanded.
Amy closed her eyes as the power grew, Jax, Lily and Adrian watched in horror before Kamilah sprang to the place beneath Amy. “Amy, wait!” The youngest vampire bowed her head to meet Kamilah’s eyes, her voice deeper than a crack of thunder. “It’s too late, Kamilah.
The Egyptian didn’t attempt to stop the tears that slid from her eyes, her heart breaking into a thousand pieces all over again. “No, Amy no, it isn’t too late. You can fight this, I know you can, my love.” Her voice cracked, fear and anxiousness rising in her voice.
“You're stronger than anyone I’ve ever known, even stronger than I thought...than I thought you could’ve been Amy. We’ve been through so much, all of us,  don’t give up now..”
“We defeated Gauis together, traveled to Japan and worked with the Five. Crashed down on that island where Demetrieus’s tree was living. If you weren’t strong or powerful, none of us would be here today Amy. None of us.”
Amy watched intently, before turning her head away. “I’m not who you think I am, not anymore.” She raised her hands toward the sky and closed her fists, the mortal crowd screaming in agony before one by one, the blood pooled out of their bodies and towards Amy.
The tears fell furiously as Kamilah sunk to her knees, sobbing into her hands. “My my, what a pity.” Rheya cackled into the night sky, extending her hand to Amy once more. With a final look towards her friends, towards everything she ever knew, she met Kamilah’s gaze.
Amy saw fear. She saw the memories of them flash through Kamilah’s eyes. Memories of them sharing the warmest of cuddles and the softest of kisses. Memories of the two laughing into the night sky, and some of when the night was more passionate like in the Cabin. The moment when Kamilah confessed her love as Amy slipped away from the world, all of them meaning nothing in that split second.
Amy relived the moments where she broke down Kamilah’s steel walls, especially the walls of her heart. She had to make a decision. Would she stay with Kamilah and enjoy the safety and security of the Egyptian? Or, would she choose Rheya and her promise of power and control over the world. To rule as a true queen, with no boundaries to constrict here.
The voice in Amy’s head screamed at her to choose Kamilah, but if she did, one of her friends wouldn’t make it. She knew that one of them wouldn’t, and she couldn’t risk it. After everything she’d been through, they were family. And it was wrong to turn your back on family, but it was for the greater good. Only, the gang didn’t see it as that.
“I’m sorry..” Amy’s voice barely a whisper, before she took Rheya’s hand and they disappeared into the night sky.
“No! No, no, no, no!” Kamilah slammed her fist into the stage of the opera house, her vision blurred with the tears streaming down her cheeks. She punched the stage again, and again, and again until her hands were completely soaked in blood and the skin on her knuckles ripped as Adrian attempted to calm her.
He wrapped his arms around her, a strong grip holding Kamilah in place as she shrieked with the heartache. Kamilah eventually tired out, the events of the past few weeks catching up to her. The plane crash with Gauis, the trip to Japan, all the moments with Amy, they all came crashing and burning in her heart.
“It’s okay Kamilah, she’s made her decision. It’s okay, we’ll find a way to get her back.” He slowly rocked the older vampire in his arms, his heartbeat a comforting rhythm as Kamilah relaxed.
“What if she doesn’t..want to come back Adrian?” Kamilah’s voice thick with grief, feeling a sense of instability for the first time in her life. Adrian took a deep breath, steeling himself, “I promise, she will. She can’t leave you, leave us like this without reason sister. Love will bring her back to you”
“She betrayed us.” With enough agony for the day, Kamilah passed out into Adrain’s arms. Her heart weighing in her chest like an anvil, an anvil broken into thousands of heavy little pieces.
5 years later…
The roaring noise of the thunder and lightning filled the night sky as Amy walked through the streets of Japan. She gripped the fabric of her clothes, the material drenched in the rain but that didn’t stop her from continuing forward.
The lasting words of her previous conversation rang through Amy’s head…
“Demetrius, if we wish to obtain the type of power we seek, then we mustn’t stand idle. What are we waiting for? One move and the superpowers of the world will be beneath us, begging for mercy.”
Rheya clenched her fist and raised it to the sky, her eyes glimmering with hope yet dark with longing. The four were placed at the dinner table, Rheya at the head and Demetrius, Lola, Gauis and Amy positioned nearby.
When Amy had agreed to join Rheya in her hungry quest for power, she had also unknowingly agreed to be an anchor to the other side. With a lack of support, Rheya brought both Lola and Demetrius back to life. Not only for emotional support, but for advice in their conquest.
Unfortunately, this only worsened Amy’s condition. As if being away from anyone she’s ever known was difficult enough, the burden of being the link between the living and the dead was also placed upon her shoulders.
As Amy listened on to the conversation, rage filled in her chest. All the innocent lives of mortals to be lost, at the cost of one of her friends was unbearable to think about. The anger consumed her, filling her body and she didn’t attempt to cease it.
“While you may be right, Rheya...we’re still lacking the resources to pull something like this off. I think we should wait, hold off as long as possible and strike when least expected.” Amy stood from the table, excusing herself as she prayed her tactics had worked.
“Amy wait…” Gauis stood and immediately rushed after her. “I know something’s off, you’ve never acted like this before.” He gently cupped Amy’s face with a hand, Amy leaning into the touch before pulling away slowly. “I’ve just got a lot on my mind, that’s all.” She replied with a small smile.
Gauis had been there through it all. From the very first night she spent with the First and her crew up until that point. In some ways, they had grown close. When Amy needed security and a sense of tranquility, Gauis was the first to be at her side. Through all his hardened and almost non existent emotions, he felt sorry for the girl. She was a mere child, thrown into a whirlpool of danger and excitement and he felt it was his place to keep her safe.
They’d spent many nights together, Gauis not knowing whether Amy truly felt for him the way he did for her, or if it was an escape to a land of peace and calm.
With a small sigh, Gauis pulled his hand back. “Perhaps a stroll will clear your mind. Allow me to join you, my Queen?”
“I think it’ll be best if I took this one alone.” Amy encouragingly squeezing his hand before strolling out through the castle’s gates.
Now, as she walked aimlessly through the brightly lit streets, there was only one person on her mind...Kamilah. She’d overheard conversations about the gang relocating to Japan, to strengthen their base and form a stronger alliance with the Five. Of course that was Rheya’s first plan, to wipe them out but with quick thinking, Amy was able to hold her off.
But it wouldn’t last for long, and that’s why Amy was going to take Rheya, Demetrius and Lola out. But only with the help of her family.
Amy strode in through the doors of the famous club, the club where Amy had first seen Aiko. As she looked around, the familiar faces brought a warm sensation to heart. They were safe, her family was alive.
Small murmurs pulled Amy out of her thoughts, her gaze falling to each and every person in the room. Adrian was seated on a bar stool beside Lily, the pair speaking in hushed whispers as they gazed at Amy. Jax was sipping a glass of whiskey, Akeyo, Henry, Kano and The Evolved beside him.
Then, there was Kamilah. Seated comfortably in one of the cream sofas, Aiko nestled on her lap with a glass of wine in hand.
Amy felt a lump rise in her throat, her eyes threatening to give way to tears as she looked on. Kamilah hadn’t noticed Amy’s presence for she was too indulged in covering Aiko in gentle kisses. Kisses that only Amy was allowed to have, touches that Kamilah swore would only be placed upon Amy, now onto a new partner.
“Hello love, did you miss me?” Amy said with a smug smirk across her face, her gaze directed at Kamilah. The vampires looked up from their previous conversation, Kamilah’s eyes widening in disbelief. “I know I’m the last person you want to be speaking to, but I don’t care. I need your help and you guys are family, I know you wouldn’t give up on me.” She said, her head bowed slightly.
When Amy lifted her head, Kamilah was standing before her. The Egyptian’s features hadn’t differed from their usual breathtaking appearance. Her eyes never wavering from Amy’s as the two fell into a trance.
“It’s you...it’s really you Amy.” Kamilah hesitantly took a step forward before her arm was snatched back by Aiko.
“Why would we help you, traitor?” Aiko practically spitting out the words with a scowl across her face. Amy took in the remarks before replying, “I don’t think a useless mutt like you could have the brain capacity to help anyways.” She said while checking her fingernails.
Kamilah held Aiko back as the vampire lunged towards Amy, “You little bitch I swear I’ll get you one day!”
“Enough Aiko!” Kamilah’s eyes flashed a threatening maroon colour, forcing Aiko to back down and regain her composure.
“Fine, but this rotten piece of shit…” Aiko whispered harshly with her finger pointed at Amy’s face, “should’ve never shown her face here.”
As the Five assisted in dragging Aiko away, Kamilah refocused her attention back on Amy. “Let’s talk somewhere more private, shall we?” Lily led the four towards the back room, everyone standing at a distance from each other as an awkward silence filled the room.
Adrian was the first to speak as he set his glass down on the table…”Amy, you know we’d never turn our back on you but you have to understand, what you did 5 years ago isn’t something to be taken lightly.” His face was oddly calm and nonchalant, something that didn’t happen often with the CEO.
“You...you betrayed us…” Lily bowed her head as her voice cracked. Tears filled the vampire’s eyes as they slid down her cheeks.
“No, that’s what I’m trying to say. All this time, I’ve been with Rheya for the gang’s protection. It seems crazy, and twisted but..it’s not I swear.” Amy’s eyes pleaded innocently as she looked around the room.
“Everything you’ve ever known, all the memories you had and every single moment of tranquility, safety and warmth was left behind the second you agreed to join her Amy.” Kamilah spoke through gritted teeth. She swirled the wine in her glass, staring at the deep red liquid sloshing from side to side.
“Kamilah…” Amy felt the coldness in her heart melt away the moment she saw the pained expression on her lovers face. Kamilah’s deep, brown eyes glossed over as their memories washed over her, clear signs of pain reaking from the older CEO.
With a flick of her gaze, Kamilah stood and turned her attention to Amy. “If you’ll excuse us.” Jax, Adrian and Lily bowed their heads respectfully, leaving the two alone in silence.
“You’re not the same Amy I knew, not the Amy I fell in love with those years ago.” Kamilah took Amy’s hands into her own, holding them gently. “But, I can’t see you in this state. Not when Rheya’s controlling you like this, no. I’ll do everything in my power to help you Amy, whether you want me to or not.”
Kamilah searched Amy’s eyes looking for something, anything. Amy simply stood frozen like a statue, her gaze flicking between her lover’s deep brown orbs. With a sigh, the CEO withdrew her hands and tucked them away in her pockets. “The truth is...I still love you. All this time, I’ve still loved you. And perhaps you don’t feel the same Amy but, I’m willing to wait for you. Be it years, or centuries...I’ll always be there to support you.”
And with that, Kamilah left without another word leaving Amy to her thoughts.
“I don’t see why you have to help her.” Aiko speaking through a tense jaw, her arms folded as she paced around their bedroom. “Because she was once mine, Aiko. I can’t sit by and watch her deteriorate like this.” Kamilah said as she gazed through the window up at the bright moon in the sky.
Aiko huffed, gripping Kamilah’s collar as her gaze fell to the CEO’s lips. “I think I need to remind you of who you’re with now, no?” Her voice dropped an octave, Aiko’s tongue licking a path across Kamilah’s lower lip.
“No, not tonight Aiko.” Kamilah gently, but firmly pushed Aiko off with a sigh. “You still love her, don’t you?” Aiko’s eyes flashed with hurt as Kamilah nodded quietly.
“How could I not love her? I know that we were together before but...this can’t go on. Not anymore.” Kamilah offered a small smile, kissing Aiko’s knuckles ever so softly.
“Ugh, fine. Whatever.” Aiko scoffed before storming out of the room, mumbling curses under her breath. “I’ll get that little weasel, she’s gone.” Aiko harshly whispered before rushing out of the club.
Four weeks later….
Amy, Jax, Adrian and Kamilah all gathered round in the club, a stage brightly lit in the front with a microphone on a stand.
Amy jumped up the stage, excitedly gripping the mic and tapping the tip. “Testing, testing.” Her voice rang through the room, the other three gazing up at the woman on stage.
Without warning, music started blaring through the speakers, the floor pounding with the bass. Amy gripped the mic tighter and closed her eyes. A smooth, deep voice rang through the speakers and set the gang into a trance.
“What a badass.” Lily chuckled as she sipped the beer in her hand.
“You’re saying that to a woman whose come from a small town in Massachusetts, making it big in NYC and successfully taking down the biggest threat the shadow world has ever faced. I’d say that’s quite badass.” Kamilah smirked behind her glass, watching Amy with rapt attention.
Adrian laughed and fixed the liquor behind it’s replacing place on the shelf, “Nothing less than remarkable, if you ask me. She’s made such a big difference to so many people. To us, especially.”
They all nodded in agreement before Jax spoke up. “She’s sacrificed everything for us. Love, her family, her friends...let alone the only humanity inside her. All because that psycho Rheya can’t give up her lust for power.”
Just as Amy had started the song, she closed it on a high note as the bass from the speakers started to cease. She opened her eyes to see the gang gazing intensely at her, studying her as if she was a display in a museum.
“Well, this has been fun but...I’m ready to hit the hay.” Lily yawned and outstretched her arms, Jax laughing and slinging an arm around her shoulders. “Right behind ya.”
With Adrian and Kamilah not far on their heels, Amy felt her voice rising from her throat again. She had nothing on her mind but the lyrics spinning through her head, Kamilah the source behind them.
“My head's under water, but I'm breathing fine.
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind…”
Kamilah lingered at the threshold of the door, her ears peeking up as she listened to Amy’s strong voice.
“Cause all of me,
Loves all of you,
Love your curves and all your edges,
All your perfect imperfections.”
Amy poured her heart out into the words as her chest pounded with desire and longing for her lover and partner. She imagined Kamilah standing before her, her graceful smile and endless chestnut eyes staring right back into hers.
Kamilah flicked her gaze back to Amy once before walking away, a small smile spreading across her face as she hummed the lyrics. “Perhaps, she does still love me…” She whispered to herself quietly.
A few days later, Amy found herself in the terrace pool, her arms leaning back on the glass as she gazed at Kamilah in front of her. Those deep eyes gazed right through Amy, Amy so lost in them that she didn’t realize when Kamilah had gotten closer.
Kamilah’s breath tickled her neck, before the CEO lifted her head, purposely brushing her lips to Amy’s. “Will...you allow me to kiss you, Amy?” A hopeful look shone in her eyes, the same way the moonlight reflected off the pool and into her orbs.
Amy didn’t bother to respond, because she cupped Kamilah’s face...kissing her with every ounce of longing inside her body. Their lips crashed, Kamilah’s hands exploring Amy’s body as their tongues swirled around one another’s. They found a familiar rhythm, the moment feeling as if it was meant to be.
Not long after, Kamilah lifted the younger vampire out of the pool, wrapping Amy’s legs around her hips before she carried them inside for a well needed night full of passion, and desire.
“It’s time.” Amy strapped her weapons to her hips before looking around at the rest of the group. “We either destroy Rheya and her crew now, or we live forever under her reign.”
Everyone nodded in agreement, finalizing the last of their plans and securing their weapons. Kamilah took Amy’s hands, resting her forehead to her own. “No matter what happens, I love you Amy.”
They both knew what happened last time those words were spoken, when everyone mourned Amy after her ‘death’. “I love you too Kamilah, I’ll always love you.” With a soft smile, Amy pecked Kamilah’s lips and turned to lead the way to Rheya’s mansion.
“Amy, you’ve retur-“ Rheya was thrown back against the wall, the plaster beneath her breaking and crumbling. Rheya cackled into the night before lifting herself into the air.
“Do you really think you and your pathetic crew can defeat me? The First?” As if on command, Gauis led a small army of ferals towards the four. “They’re not just my crew, they’re my family!” Amy lunged for Rheya, honing her senses and channeling her energy into the First’s mind.
Kamilah was one of the first to spring into action, instinctively toward Gaius. Their daggers clashed together, their faces inches apart as Kamilah wore a harsh frown, whereas Gaius had a smirk. “So we meet again, my Queen.” The sound of metal on metal filled the room as the battle continued, before Kamilah swept out his feet from underneath him. “I’m not your Queen, Gaius.” Her daggers hovered over his throat, “But, I will be the death of you.” Without hesitation, she slashed her daggers across his neck, beheading him instantly.
After that, the battle seemed to cease except for Amy and Rheya. “You took everything from me! My friends, my emotions, my humanity!”
Amy plunged her hand deep into Rheya’s chest, Rheya gasping through unable to move because of Amy’s control. She yanked the beating heart out of the vampires chest, blood dripping down her wrist. “And now I’ll take everything from you.”
Rheya lay lifeless, before crumbling to ash the same way Gaius had. Ferals ash covered the floors of the manor as the group reeled back from the attacks.
“Amy, you're alright…” The younger vampire collided with Kamilah, latching on for dear life. Kamilah tightened her hold and exhaled the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.
“I love you Kamilah…”
“I love you too, My Queen.”
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