#the subtitles make it even better XD
German guy confused by English insult - suck my d*ck
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bonbon-bonny · 4 months
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I don't usually write a whole lot but I wanted to talk about this for a moment
Ahem. *flips through notes*
So I loooove Sailor Moon. Specifically the 90s version. It was my favorite show growing up. My home life was difficult and to see someone like Usagi with a perfect family, a perfect boyfriend etc. getting to live her best life despite the fact she herself wasn't perfect was too easy to become a bit obsessive over ^_^;
well, let's just say I wanted to be Usagi just a bit too much because my world, my family (Side note: I looove my family! They did the best they could to take care of me growing up, but we had to deal with an unusual circumstance that made it hard for all of us), heck just even being myself didn't feel good enough and frankly it left me having to confront a lot of issues just to be okay with who I am now.
And of course ,naturally, I looooved Tuxedo Kamen XD. On the outside to me, he seemed perfect; a knight in shining armor.
But I always kept running into a particular conversation which is "why do you like him so much tho? He seems like a jerk. He seems so different from her. He never shows her affection. She'd be better off with someone like Seiya who's more on her level. He's useless. He's bad for trying to help her because she's a girl boss and doesn't need to be rescued." Like, seriously the amount of criticism I've heard towards this character is wild and he literally gets attacked no matter what he does.
And you know I get it. If you just look at it from a surface level it's easy to maybe get that impression of him but after one particular conversation I was having with a friend of mine about it I stopped and asked myself why. Why does she like him? why does he like her? how can two people who outwardly look so different from each other ever be in a healthy relationship? what could the two of them possibly have in common?
So I did what I do best and I watched the show I grew up with carefully. I observed him. I watched the things he said and did. And in the end I reached several conclusions.
Mamoru isn't perfect, at least in the beginning, but he's always trying to do his best to be. With almost anyone else in the show he's usually calm, collected and somewhat reserved. The only person besides Motoki he seems to act out a bit with if you can call it that IS Usagi and half of the time it's not even that he's actually being mean.
[IF you watch the Japanese version with subtitles, because in the English dub? Ooph! they changed so much of his dialogue and gave him such a smirky voice it's hard to listen to him without wanting to punch him in the face imo.]
It's that the way she perceives him is off. Also, sometimes it's not even HIM that starts the arguments.
Sometimes SHE'S the one who starts their spats and he snaps back at her. Sometimes she hits him with shoes and papers and doesn't seem to care.
One episode that comes to mind is the Dreamland episode where the toy train stops and she rams into him. All he did was look at her and say hi and immediately she got defensive and started making fun of him.
Making fun of an orphan sitting on a toy train who most likely was just trying to do something fun that he never got to because he didn't HAVE a family to take him as a kid.
Seriously. If you were to be in his place, going through this world, it's rather scary, stressful, terrifying, and uncertain.
He didn't get a magical talking cat to walk him through his powers. Instead he got seizures and psychic visions, and a past life version of himself that took over his body without consent until he finally got the rainbow crystal and understood what was happening around him.
He gets amnesia not once but twice, kidnapped several times, and gets trapped in his own mind twice ala brainwashing by beryl and Nehelenia and by stars I wouldn't be surprised if half of the reason he went to study abroad instead of staying with Usagi is because he was afraid if he did he'd only continue to be a burden for her, because the man hardly has any dialogue and seems almost catatonic.
Also let's be real here. As amazing as it was for him to meet and talk with his future self it probably scared him. The responsibility of literally being King of the world, of making decisions that could impact the lives of everyone in tremendous ways. Of being the kind of partner and provider he thinks Usagi deserves or being a good father for Chibi-Usa when he didn't get to have parents to show him what those things looked like.
He didn't get a loving family to support him or tell him that they loved him, he was an orphan who probably hoped someone would eventually rescue him but no one ever did.
He probably feels in his heart that he doesn't deserve to be loved by anyone, and even if someone were to pursue him romantically he probably couldn't reciprocate in any meaningful way because he's most likely too closed off emotionally to be in a healthy relationship with anyone.
Heck the guy only for the most part has only two best friends. Motoki and Saori and frankly I'd hardly even call Saori a best friend since she literally just shows up in an episode in Super S as "Romantic competition" for Usagi and then just ups and vanishes and is never mentioned ever ever again.
So how does someone like him see Usagi and wind up constantly sacrificing his life over and over again for her?
Three words:
She. Sees. Him.
Once she starts to look at him a bit differently instead of seeing him as some tall guy running around with his stupid green jacket with his prickly personality, once she realizes that it was him trying to rescue her when she was so close to the brink of death on occasions and getting injured in the process, once he opens up to her about his struggles she sees him. Not just because he's a hero, but because even if it's hard for him he still tries to help her. A lot of times he even gives her really sound advice that she winds up listening to even if at the time he tells her she doesn't seem to understand him and takes it the wrong way.
He probably also deep down worries that he truly doesn't deserve someone like her.
Even if we don't always see it from the outside he adores Usagi because she sees him for who he is and doesn't ask him to be more outgoing or different.
Usagi adores him because he doesn't ask her to be anything other than who she really is.
Both of them accept the other as they truly are inside. THAT is true love.
You don't really get the chance to see what their relationship looks like from the outside. But he smiles a lot when he's with her which is certainly not something he really ever did with Rei or anyone else from what I could tell. And I bet when he does take her out on dates he's embarrassed and flustered and stumbles but he also probably takes off his mask and tries to make her happy and have a good time.
Also I'd like to add some notes on King Endymion and the violet. Why so much violet? Like....an overwhelming amount of violet XD I never understood why when I was younger but as I've grown up I've spent some time delving into subjects such as Psychology, Spirituality, and Philosophy.
Ladies and gentlemen, Violet is the color of the crown chakra.
Crown chakras deal with the mental and the spiritual. They are a gateway to enlightenment and in my opinion perhaps one could even say that the journey of mental health and enlightenment are two sides of the same coin.
So I'd like to think that for as much as Mamoru might struggle with his mental health, he also walked the path towards true enlightenment. Such a man truly should be King of the World and is more than deserving of being Usagi's partner.
And I'd die for a relationship with a man who is brave enough to confront the things which makes him suffer because I'd know that he'd have the clarity of mind to be a good partner, to treat me with kindness and compassion and show me the kind of love I've always dreamed of having, and that's something only someone who has love for themselves and others could ever possibly be able to give. He doesn't need to be perfect, because perfection is unattainable. He just needs to be brave enough to try even if it makes him deeply uncomfortable at times.
To the men who truly and deeply identify with Mamoru, know I'd marry you in a heartbeat if you asked. That if you showered me in chocolate and flowers I'd do the exact same thing for you because you deserve it. Anyone who is brave enough to do the work necessary to heal and grow, to have kindness and compassion for others, to show me that even if I'm not perfect that it's still okay to be myself around you deserves every happiness in the world.
Not everyone is brave enough to do such a thing and I've come to a point in my life where I'm not interested in what someone can give me externally as much as I am in the kind of person they choose to be and what their values are.
Maybe some people might look at someone like Mamoru and judge him, but Usagi most certainly never would once she got to know him; and considering I've always wanted to be her I'll die on this hill defending him. Out of everyone, Usagi WOULD defend him from the judgement, from the criticism, of the need to be perfect and wear masks, or be something other than what he truly is on the inside.
Mamoru is more than just a knight in shining armor,
He's beautiful imperfection; and I'd choose that over anything else any day.
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bluginkgo · 2 months
Welp, ep7 didn't kill me! ... the depression post ep might- (Theories/Rambles)
Anyways! Ep7 oh boy, it was full of surprises even for me. The animation, the intense battle scenes, everything about it was AMAZING! Of course, that's just my opinion :3 (feel free to yeet it into the stratosphere)
Get ready for word diarrhea and some shaky and loose thoughts on the ending and what may happen next. Fair warning, my theories are pretty wacky, so somethings may sound way out there. XD
Spoilers duh, oh and gore warning? Kinda?
I mean... that scary *ss mother facking thing towards the end- you know what I'm talking about if you watched the ep 😅
This puzzled me a bit, but the more I thought about it, I suppose the more it makes sense (give me a hot minute, I'm slow ok 😅).
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The lockers act as a storage container for the solver drones. But what about the image from ep6? It seemed like they had free reign over the office and could come and go. Even as far as a sentinel cuddling up to Nori. But that's the thing. Later we see that Nori and Yeva were the only ones that have been the MOST successful with the absolute solver experimentation. The others, were either corrupted or were unaffected.
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That means, in the time that the patches were given to the drones experimented on, was the time that they were allowed to be in the office. But as the patches and experimentation progressed, they were moved down for more security.
Soooo V. What are my thoughts on her and her whereabouts? The shot of the hall with the sentinels did not make it into the ep. Sure, it is probably fairly easy for them to get that shot. Especially if they kept the rig of the hall, throw around some sentinel bodies, and make the light go out. But this lack of V is what's making me still believe she's out there. Delusional, I know. But we don't get to see her eldrich form. This is the Absolute Solver that has been chilling in the labs, and simply recreates the hologram of all the drones it was ever a part of.
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If V does not return by ep8, then I will lay her to rest properly. Until then, I'm marking her as MIA. She may be out there, she may not.
Alright, so the crucifix is also recounted as "failsafe USB (606b)" or at least that's how I see it, given the crucifix is just one fancy usb.
Now, the other time we did see the 606 was in the beginning of ep5.
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wdOS_606 is basically the code that kills the drone and its core. So, effectively, that crucifix works as a kill code for the absolute solver. The timeline of events probably happened like this: Nori was showing signs of the Absolute Solver progressing much faster than any other drone the teams have worked with. One time, Nori went Absolute Solver crazy, the placement of the image that is also seen in ep6 suggests that this was the first or one of the first times Nori went rogue. The teams then decided to contain her better and suspended her by the chains, all the while waiting for the failsafe USB to be completed. At least, that was the plan. "Don't all die and almost let it out again lol. We're pretty mad but mostly scared about that." subtitle backs it up.
Now this.
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This entire sequence seems rather interesting. Absolute Solver, at its best, understands emotions on logical level. Its more like a math equation for it. As in: Bad things happen = changed and more subdued personalities. But with N, I suppose it found it rather interesting to watch him. Despite all of the bad experiences he may have had, he remained his happy self. The solver even went as far as quoting him.
That type of innocence, despite the horrors he has seen and committed, most likely amused the solver. So it allowed the team to retain those personalities and traits- also knowing that it could easily get rid of them if it really wanted to.
Uzi's administration rights still hold up. It seems that in this moment, the solver attempted to completely corrupt N and have him as a mindless drone that followed orders. Buuuut Uzi's admin rights denied that, saving him from becoming the solver's puppet and being what he was back on Earth during the massacre of humans.
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Eating is often referred to in this episode. Seems that I was somewhat right in regards to the Absolute Solver being the core of Copper-9 now. It has grown rather large, and taken possession of the entire planet. To maintain that, it needs sustenance. Be it in form of biological and mechanical life, or the planet itself.
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So J destroyed the only means of getting off the planet, and the possibility of saving themselves or the planets for the gang- of course there's still the pod that J is using, but that will not be given up without a fight.
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The issue here I have is... to whom did J give her loyalty to? Couple theories:
To Tessa- J has NO idea this is not Tessa, and is following her old boss just like in the days of the manor.
To Absolute Solver- J knows this is not Tessa, but still is loyal to it.
Issue: If number 1 is correct, then why follow through the plan with destroying the pod? It seems that was the case all along when Tessa told J to "mind her ship." Furthermore confusing to me is her comment.
Tessa: Her (Cyn) last known act was siccing you lot on other human exo-planets.
N: But why?
J: That's what we're trying to figure out, bozo.
J's line can be taken both ways. As 1- J is actually trying to figure out why Cyn is acting up. As for 2- this was simply a cover up for the whole plot.
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It seems here that the drones that were previously worked on simply stayed in their lockers and their corrupted form. But that was something that made me wonder. The drones were all corrupted with the Absolute Solver to some degree. They were all given patches of the solver- some had effect and others didn't. But that still means that there were a lot of drones that had their cores corrupted and look like Heart. Here's the question.
Why didn't they simply leave? Nori's corrupted core is fully sentient, despite being possessed by the solver the most. Of course, there is the possibility that whatever Nori created in the cathedral simply took those cores and dragged them into the center. Further growing itself. Ah, well I kind of answered my own question there.
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So the largest number I could count was 129 on this list. Meaning, there were at least 129 drones experimented on. Seems to follow the crazy theory I had of the Absolute Solver taking control of the core. 129 minus 2 (Nori and Yeva) cores will definitely make a great impact/engrave itself into the planet in such a way and thus manifest the corridors of flesh and hands that go all to the way to Cabin Fevers camp ground.
It also seems that the Absolute Solver, instead of being injected straight into the drones, was done in patches. Now, my knowledge in computer language and science is non-existent, but it does make me wonder. Yeva has 2.1.8 patch, while Nori was still "in progress." This either implies:
Nori had a newer patch and this was the one that caused her to go so berserk they had to restrain her in the cathedral.
Nori did not have a new patch, the one that Yeva has was the latest one and Nori simply was not faring well in the transition.
Something I noticed/finally grasped on my 3rd watch through:
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Who the hell is "they?" Well, my tired brain finally decided to kick in and work. "They" were the scientists. So the crucifix was something that the humans only now figured out how to make. The kill code that would put the Absolute Solver down. That was why the Solver was on Copper-9. It needed that crucifix, so it could get rid of it. "They kept cutting my feed." Most likely referred to when the hosts would become possessed by the solver. Just as seen with Nori, the second they went crazy, it was a quick shut down, thus cutting the feed for the Absolute Solver as it tried to figure out what they were doing.
So, just as many have theorized, Nori did cause the core collapse, but not in the way that I expected it. It's rather funny that instead of this being like a full Absolute Solver possession that caused this on purpose, was simply one bad event after another. And I love the show for this. Despite having the route that the Absolute Solver could have just imploded the planet on purpose and on its own (by possessing a host), it was instead a sequence of events that is similar to humans and their downfall. Nothing orchestrated, but just a compiling effect that created one huge problematic black hole.
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So this page does give some insight. The Absolute Solver sent DDs to wipe out the other solver hosts. (I'll touch on this in a different post) And the DDs were either referred to as "pets" by the Absolute Solver (which is more likely, as it called Uzi a "puppet") or a term that Nori coined. "Puppet hosts with nerfed ___ the entity-ensures control" The nerfed ___ is most likely their cores/thought process. As in, Administration CYN is what nerfed their abilities to remember anything regarding their past, and used that to control the DDs.
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This was something I couldn't kind of settle with. Events wise, it can be assumed this is all happening at the same time. Just as Uzi is getting through the mine shafts and picking up the lantern, Tessa is blowing up the computer and nomming on Doll, and N is being dragged through corpse walls and being saved by Heart.
It was Doll- Although, the more I looked at this thought, the less likely this became. Doll's was intact when she came to warn Uzi, and stayed there until Tessa entity ate it towards the end of the episode. We have yet to see an instance where a core entered the Absolute Solver form and returned back to the core form without taking any damage. Specifically in J's case, the solver form was blown up and only then returned to the core form. Nothing was in the mine shafts that could have possibly injured it enough to go back to the core form and sneak back into Doll's body.
Tessa...uhh whatever the fack she is- Based off of Doll's getting attacked scene, the entity seems to have a rather quick ability in switching forms. So I wouldn't put past it that the entity attacked Doll, saw that another part of the Absolute Solver was trying to chase N down, and just went along with the rest of the solver to hunt him down.
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On my first watch through, I was worried that N would go crazy from breaking rule 1 of robotics: Not to injure humans. Granted, in the first watch through, everything went so fast that I barely had any time to grasp anything. After the second watch through, it becomes quite clear and apparent. The Absolute Solver took the rules of robotics out of the DDs. I mean, how else were they supposed to attack and kill the humans back on Earth. Furthermore, Tessa was not a human. So even if N did still have the rules of robotics programmed into him, they might not have set off. Why the "might not?" Because of the sentinel. Perhaps because the sentinels were created by humans, their ai is much simpler, but when that dingo bit Tessa, it had an aneurysm. It detected blood, and thus, the ai deduced that the sentinel just injured a human and decided to alt f4 itself. Would the same happen with N? I'm not quite sure. Given that the solver programmed the DDs, it could be either instance: Take the rules out completely or enhance the rules so that blood isn't what triggers the rule breaking.
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This is something that made me wonder. Did the DD trio go to any other exo-planets previously? I took this scene in two ways:
This has happened before. The solver knows that N will continue to forgive the Absolute Solver because something similar has happened before. As in, the solver is out to kill a planet, it does that, but in return sacrifices any DDs that might have been there to get rid of the potential solver hosts. The backups are booted and sent to a new planet.
This is the first time this happened, but the solver has previous experiences. Just as the solver had made N forget about his time in the mansion and the bloodbath of killing humans, it can do the same thing. Kill N, and make his backup version forget this ever happened.
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This one single frame made me wonder a bit too hard. The little nulls I assumed to be miniature and contained blackholes. But then when N dove under one... there was collision? A black hole, as far as I understand (which isn't very much ;w;), is something that cannot be touched. It warps time and space, so how are you supposed to be able to touch it? But I'm quite sure my tired brain is just thinking too much about simple details.
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For some odd reason, I always thought that the solver wings were more flesh, and thus couldn't take too much damage. Proven wrong again! Uzi withstood N's firing and her wings came out undamaged.
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Main question for me: Why would the Absolute Solver eat the core? Specifically in drone form/possessing a host. If it was the hole that's in the cathedral, I can understand that somewhat better. But what does a solver drone gain from eating another corrupted core?
Perhaps acts as a power boost? Whatever the corrupted core can do, the powers are transfered uhh... somehow?
Simply sustenance, and a way to get rid of Heart, you're thinking too deep into this Ginkgo (more likely option) Plus, backed up by Tessa entity eating Doll's core and being unaffected. Perhaps it just remains in the body as a source of energy.
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IC-0n IS THAT YOU?! XD But in all seriousness, this scene was intense. The animation, the music and sound effects, the lines, everything was executed perfectly and created the monstrosity that may or may not haunt my nightmare tonight :3
My first thought was, "OH YOU! YOU FINALLY SHOWED UP! ...... GO AWAY!" This entity... uh I'm not quite sure what to call it yet, has been teased all the way back to the poster. And I would like to bring back something I said a bit while back. "What if the double x'ed character is someone we already know... but is dead? A character that is confirmed/somewhat confirmed to be dead can return back to life, and their body forced to move by the absolute solver." (I will be delving deeper into debunking this in another post.) Welp, that does it. I had the idea, just didn't know who the fack it was. XD So we get a drone, wearing Tessa's skin.
In hindsight, there was a big fat foreshadowing that I took for granted. This thing.
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The drone body is a WD, and clear as day 1001 written on the core. What does it mean? Ah well, I'm actually not too sure. Going with the 002, 048, 029, etc. numbers, I can only assume 1001 is something the Absolute Solver made and gave it that number, possibly suggesting that there is more of these monstrosities out there.
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So. Another "sacrifice." Why the quotation marks? Well... the first "sacrifice" was V and I'm still calling her MIA. Ginkgo, its clearly shown Uzi is most likely not gonna make it out of this one- shhhhhhhh, there is no war in Ba Sing Se. I will call Uzi MIA as well.
She's dead. The core was charging up behind her, much like it did when Nori's null hand fell, and when IC-0n- I MEAN- Tessa? The entity, jumped in. Uzi might just be the thing that sets the next core collapse- even the planet collapse- off. What Uzi is seeing, is just something that the Absolute Solver might have conjured up as her last memories before the imminent shut down.
She isn't dead. You see, this entire shot has me puzzled (nothing new lol). Your evidence for this one Ginkgo? Two images.
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These scenes might not be much, but I will try to grasp at air here. It's unclear where Heart goes to. I mean there are two routes, one of which sounds more likely. First, she's going into the core because it connects to the entirety of the mine shafts and the core. Second, she's gonna use a door off to the side to go to the mine shafts and the same place that N gets dragged through. Why am I using these as poor evidence? Well, we've had 2 characters enter dark spaces full fo solver flesh and still make it out. Ginkgo, Uzi is literally falling in that scene, there is nothing to stop her fall. Yeah I know, like I said, I'm grasping at air with this one. Buuuut, the mind scape theories sound more fun, promise! ^w^
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First off, where the HELL could this possibly be?
A memory/mind scape the Absolute Solver created: This has to be Copper-9, based off of the two iconic moons to the top right. A memory, because this could be either the first core collapse, or Uzi viewing the destruction of Copper-9 from another solver entity's point of view. Mind scape as in this is where the solver drone minds go to. Every solver drone that has been consumed by the large Absolute Solver in the cathedral, had their own personalities and thoughts. To keep them all from clashing and acting out, perhaps the solver takes the hive-mind plane and creates spaces that the solver drones can warp through.
The "ascension" plane: Ginkgo, that's it, to the hospital you go chop chop. /j Anyways, why am I even bringing something like this up? Well, Uzi's mural says this.
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There are two routes here: succumb to be the host of eternal entity, or ascend. Ascend to... where? And how? Here is where the more intense crack theories enter (or at least for me). This space is the hive-mind of the solver, yes, but this is where Uzi's internal battle against the Absolute Solver will happen. We all know that the last mural will be of N fighting off the Absolute Solver (most likely). But what if he had outside (inside technically?) help. While N may hold out against the solver, he may need help to finally break through and finish it off. Who would be a better candidate than Uzi? She has now, for better or worse, become part of the large amalgamation that sits in the core. Perhaps with the strongest hosts in the hive-mind: Uzi, Nori, Yeva (maybe, I'm not quite settled on her yet), and Cyn, they will all be able to stop the solver for good on Copper-9. This process is the ascension. Instead of succumbing to the Absolute Solver within the hive-mind scape, she will fight once again. This time around, coming out victorious and ascending to uhh... I'm not quite sure yet? Robo-heaven? Returning back into her corporal body? Becoming the next Absolute Solver but with less need to rule the world? (Ah, well she might still actually rule the world just for the fun of it XD) Honestly, it's far too late for me to be thinking any more. I might add on to this later on.
Is it a rather optimistic take on the ending? Perhaps, but I need a little optimism right about now. ;w;
Want more of my stupid rambles? This has 3 other parts! ;w;
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fallloverfic · 6 months
TGCF donghua Season 2, Episode 8 thoughts
I couldn't even open the episode without screaming today for Reasons TM so yes I'm screaming some more. Very good ep. Spoilers for the show and the book below.
Hua Cheng being like, "Oh, you like it when I just rush in, gege >:3" -flirty-
Just kills me. Xie Lian so tickled pink by it, too. They're so in love.
Aww poor Guzi. He's so scared T-T I do appreciate that they made Guzi's father (and Guzi) wear brighter green roflmao So you know, "yeah that's him." (I mean they also keep focusing on him shots in case you missed "The only character in that bright a green" and "also he has a kid with him"). He's not bad looking. I assume Qi Rong is gonna modify how he looks somehow.
Another outfit change for Xie Lian. He's so cute! I love the idea that Hua Cheng just buys him clothes to wear and Xie Lian is like, "If it makes San Lang happy :D", and it's just this never-ending round of comfortable, pretty clothes that make him look nice. Not like his rough cultivator's garb (at least according to younger Xie Lian, it is very rough on his skin).
Hua Cheng's face when Xie Lian touches him aldkjaldaj Just like OMG GEGE TOUCHED ME HE TOUCHED ME (it's like that Spongebob Squarepants meme with brain Spongebobs running around screaming while his brain is on fire). Aww he's so happy Xie Lian touched him, admiring his hand. It's so cute.
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This is "I'm never washing this hand again" behavior.
(Why did that one guy who bumped into the dead person clothes lick his hand when he didn't know what he touched aldkjalda I just alkdjalj why alkdjalj)
Guzi's father is actually comforting him a little (usually he walks with his bound hands ahead of him, but in one shot he's got his hands resting on Guzi's head in what seems to be a comforting gesture)! That's sweet. And then he's maybe covering Guzi's eyes from the dead body ceiling? (Or maybe grabbing onto something in fear, I don't know). Dude may not be a great father but he's doing a little I suppose.
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Hua Cheng burning the bodies cause it makes Xie Lian uncomfortable :3 Love he. (Also Xie Lian worrying about Mu Qing :3 And being grateful to Hua Cheng :3).
Xie Lian just... placing all the Trauma to the side cause he can't deal with it right now, it's In The Past TM. As he does. It's just how he's lived for 800 years. You know. (exqueeze me while I cry some more over this man)
THERE HE IS!!! THE TERRIBLE MAN alkdjaldkaj My beloved Qi Rong adlkjalj You're so awful, I love you.
I love all the little details of Qi Rong's design. Just all the bangles, the way he kind of looks like a mobster showing off, and his slightly unkempt hair. And he has green claws! Here's the full official poster of him if you'd like, though I think it's more fun to see him in the show. I still love his shoes, and his single glove with the cut off thumb is nice. Also you can't tell from the poster, but his long hair is braided and goes past his waist.
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There's also like... something strangely cute about his interactions with his minions. They're all so protective of him. (Well, until they run away in fear of Hua Cheng roflmao)
Hehe Pei Xiu returns. He's not going to be bothered.
Xie Lian like, "haha yeah exile is very idle" alkdjaldkaj WE'RE SHELVING THE TRAUMA YEP
roflmao you can't tell in the subtitles, but if you listen to the voices, you can tell they're censoring what Qi Rong is saying about the heavenly officials XD (like you can hear the censor buzz sound to cut off what he's saying in Chinese lol) That is hilarious. I love that so much.
I don't think they needed to spend so much time with reused animation from previous episodes. I think a briefer flashback of Xuan Ji would have been better. But well... whatever. I know part of my impatience is that it's been so many years and we only get so many episodes and it's gonna be who knows how many years before we get the next season lol Like it's not a bad thing in terms of narrative (if I think still overly drawn out), I'm just like "yes, yes, I get it, now go back to new stuff".
Guzi's father begs them to spare Guzi T-T He's not all terrible. Just a bit terrible.
I love that Hua Cheng catches the statue and gently places it on the ground. Even if he hates the statue and what it represents, he won't destroy an image of his gege, or treat it poorly.
I do appreciate Xie Lian's instinct to protect The Child TM, but like roflmao Xie Lian, his father is still human and like getting his body broken. You could also idk... save him...? Too...?
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Just want to appreciate the animation here. Something about Qi Rong holding Hua Cheng's arm (and Hua Cheng holding his head). It's really nice.
The fight scene was really good! A bit slow, but I get it's the dramatic reveal of the "Xie Lian" clone with lipstick and green eyes! Is he a body snatcher? Is he a clone of Xie Lian?? Tune in next week to find out!!
The subs were mostly fine this episode. I'm still confused why they shorten "Immortal" to "Immor" but they did that on something else, so I guess they're at least consistent about the weirdness and the maybe edited machine translation.
Overall, very good ep. The chibis were cute! Angry Hua Cheng being magical and powerful was fun! My favorite terrible man is finally on the scene, can't wait to see how much more awful he is next episode! Hua Cheng's comeuppance with this will I guess be delayed until then lol I thought it'd be this week. But that's fine!
Other episode thoughts for season 2 (didn't start till episode 3):
S02E08 (you are here)
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isaksbestpillow · 2 months
Hey, there! Thank you so much for effort and time subbing Ossan's Love Returns! I was waiting to start watching because when it started airing I couldn't find subtitles anywhere, then I found your subs but I wanted to watch all on one weekend but couldn't wait anymore (I hope it doesn't sound like I'm rushing you >_<°, that's not my intention at all, really! :D ) so I already watched until episode 4 for now, and I loved every second of it! [1 / 5]
I know that for some people the comedy & the acting can be too over the top, but that's exactly what I love about this show; if I remember correctly, Ossan's Love (2018) was the first BL I've ever watched and it left a deep impression on me since then. I still remember so vividly Haruta's line to Maki: "It's not embarassing... being with you. For me, it's not embarassing at all. " That's exactly what I like about this show, the balance between the comedy and these kind of lines! ^u^ <3 [2 / 5]
So when they anounced their comeback I was so excited for it! I didn't expect another season at all! And till this day I still wonder why Tanaka Kei keeps returning to make this show? (Not a complain btw hahaha I love that man so much! °u°) Anyways for this season I see a big jump in terms of budget! Thank god! Let the gays have these high quality shows! hahaha n_n'' btw I love that all the cast decided to come back but also the new actors! Kikunosuke-san's eyes! Such lovely actor, right? [3 /5]
I've been having a lot of fun watching these 4 episodes, the cozy moments between Maki & Haruta, the ridicolous but always funny moments when Kurosawa-san starts yelling or fighting with Maki, also Takegawa-sensei looks more atractive to me than ever! hahaha I'm also watching Izakaya Shinkanzen Season 2 and he looks so different! I like him better here, the scene in this house, wearing traditional clothes?¡ & also him looking for a diaper partner?¡ He's bringing the REAL tea! hahaha xD [4 / 5]
Anyways, sorry for all my rambling! I wish it could be sent all together! >.<° I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate so much that you're taking the time and effort subbing this series! :D I'm having a blast watching! It helps me to take a break & forget about everything else even for a moment! I'll wait patiently for the rest of the series! Don't push yourself too much if you're not feeling well! Make sure to take a good rest! Hope you're feeling well soon! Have a nice day! n_n [5 / 5]
Hello! I'm so late with my response, I'm sorry about all the asks that have gone unanswered while I've juggled medical issues.
I'm glad you've enjoyed the show! I only knew they were coming back a couple of weeks before it happened, it was so unexpected but the best start for the new year.
Funny you should say the acting could be a bit over the top for some people because to me the acting on this show is one of the things that makes it so great! It's such a solid cast, especially this time around with the addition of Iura Arata and Miura Shouhei who are both great actors. Arata is one of my favourite actors actually so it was amazing to have him on my favourite show.
I think Tanaka Kei keeps coming back because he just truly love this show and the team so much. It's clearly his most cherished piece of work. He was actually talking about it on tv just the other day. He said Ossan's Love changed his entire work ethic and approach to his career and acting. He'd played a lot of side roles before OL so it seemed to have been a now or never opportunity for him. He also said that as the leading actor he didn't want the others to have similar experiences to his own as a supporting actor, and that whenever he now accepts roles, he wants the experience to be like Ossan's Love. One of the first things he said to Hayashi Kento was apparently that you don't have to say the lines as they're written, and I feel like that has made their chemistry so natural and grounded.
I love Mashima Hidekazu! I admire how he manages to deliver some of the most outrageous lines with such a poker face haha. He's mad handsome and just an all-around dreamy guy but you forget it because Takekawa-san is so out there as a character lol.
That zenzen hazukashikunee kara/I'm not embarrassed at all is such a iconic line. The way Tanaka Kei's Haruta delivers it with such stupidly boyish charm made my heart skip a beat. I'm excited for the Thai remake, but Tanaka Kei will always be the ultimate Haruta for me.
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elvenbeard · 10 months
Q&A with Mikolaj Szwed and Björn Schalla at Phantom Liberty Tour Cologne
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(Björn (male V's German VA) left, and Mikolaj (CDPR localization director) right)
I cannot believe my luck still about having been able to attend the Phantom Liberty Tour in Cologne yesterday (Aug 25th 2023)! I'll make a separate post just about the event as such once I've emotionally recovered xD But I wanted to make a separate post for this topic for reasons!
Around two months ago I made this post. I'm currently on my second playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077, playing with the German dub and English subtitles. That's because I'm streaming the game for some international friends via Discord as I go, for fic-writing purposes, and finally just out of general interest for the difference between dubs and translations and such. In short, it has been a super interesting experience noting all the differences in tone, word choice, and more, between the English and German translation. It stood out to me for example that in English Goro adresses Wakako as "Okada-san", but in German as "Okada-sama".
Now, imagine my face yesterday (something like this probably: 🤩) when it was announced there would be a Q&A with Mikolaj Szwed, Localization Director of Cyberpunk 2077, and Björn Schalla, who voiced male V in the German dub.
I took some notes on the whole Q&A, since this is a super special interest of mine, and I think it might definitely be interesting to some of you too! Therefore though this is gonna be long, so I'll put some more tidbits and details they spoke about below the cut (such as what it's like playing a game with a character that has your own voice, and how CDPR views and uses AI voices - excellent questions asked by some of the other attendees).
But, the thing that confirmed to me what I had been wondering about in my above post, is this:
The VAs of the various different localizations were somewhat free in what they said and how they said it, therefore 100% bringing something of themselves into the characters they played. Mikolaj told them precisely "this is what your character is doing/feeling right now, they're facing this or that guy, so-and-so is with them" along with their translated lines, but there was always wiggle room. The translations are not blindly following a "canon" script, for lack of a better word (as CDPR games are written in Polish first, then translated to English, even though English is the primary dub everything's recorded in "first"). Also, unlike in dubbing movies/TV shows, the VAs are not bound to characters' lip movements (the talking animations are made to fit the respective dub, which is so, so neat). They only have to fit a similar timespan as the "original" line and scene. Therefore, each dub is unique to its language to a degree, and not a mere translation of some original source text (resulting in me sometimes laughing about some chars being a lot more crude or making a completely different joke in one or another scene). An example I remember at the top of my head: in the English dub, when talking to Dennis at Afterlife, V will call his lack of details on the "very simple, easy money" Big in Japan Gig "duty-free and detail-free". This just doesn't work as a funny alliteration and play on words in German. They settled on something else there that also kept Vs comment humorous, and that's common in "regular" TV show/movie dubs too. The other way around, during the interrogation of Hellman, English Johnny will say something like "well, fuck me sideways, (...)" on one of Hellman's comments, while in German he's like "well, fuck me and call me animal names" in a slightly more crass way expressing how pissed off he is at the corpo just admitting he's kind of useless to V. No direct translation, but same vibes fitting the mood, and making each dub and each interpretation of every single character unique to their respective VA and language in a way. And I love that so much!!
Back to my post above. While I didn't get to ask Mikolaj directly myself, cause there just was not enough time really to answer all burning questions, I think with what they spoke about it seems realistic to me that Takemura's German VA definitely added that "-sama" to Wakako's last name as a bit of flavour he deemed fitting for his character in that scene. Which, in my eyes, is making German!Takemura just a tad more sly than other incarnations of him I know of. Björn also said he was able to use his own sadness or not feeling well on some days to really sell V's sadness or pissed-off-ness at his shitshow of a life, and put something of himself into the performance. He definitely shed a tear here or there, and it really really shows that he gave 110% doing this character and his story justice. I'm totally not biased here because my V is male and I love the German dub so much, obviously xD. But no, for real, not just him, I think every single person working on this game put their blood sweat and tears into it, it's a huge labour of love and filled to the brim with creative passion on all ends, on every level.
But yes, so much to VAs influencing their characters, confirmed! More of what they talked about in the Q&A under the cut while my memory's still fresh! Thanks for reading this far, like with my above post, I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences as well, especially if you played the game with different dubs yourself!
For this part I'm gonna vaguely paraphrase the questions that were asked by other attendees as I remember them, followed by what Mikolaj and/or Björn replied, respectively!
Q: How did the casting process for the German dub go?
Mikolaj was presented with 8 different VAs that could fit the part of V originally (for both masc and fem V respectively iirc, but could also be it was 8 altogether). Four of them were invited to an in-person casting, respectively. Björn recalled having to say some lines and only understanding half of what he was saying really, not really knowing the context much yet xD But he had voiced characters in games before and had had a lot of fun with that, so when he was presented with this opportunity he happily jumped at it. A little while after the casting he then received a call going "Glückwunsch, du bist V!" ("Congrats, you're V!") to which his initial, surprised response was "Ja, wie?!" ("Wait, what?", more literally "Yes? What?" Note: "wie" is basically pronounced like "V" xD).
Also, Mikolaj has people for all languages the game is dubbed in on his team and the process is the same for each dub, more or less.
Q: At Björn: did you have someone to "act with" or off of in the recording booth?
V was actually one of the first, if not the first to be recorded so other VAs had lines to use as base to respond to with their acting. Björn was solely in there with Mikolaj who directed him and responded with dialogue where conversations happened, if need be. That kinda ties into what I said above the cut, that Vs VA really could shape the tone (together with Mikolaj) based on but not copied off of the English script.
I don't recall how long the overall recording of all the dialogue took, but it was 8+ hour long sessions, not every day, but over the course of weeks.
Q: At Björn: Is it weird to play a game as a character that has your own voice?
He mentioned he is only now having the time to play Cyberpunk himself for the first time and already incredibly addicted (what a mood). He doesn't find it weird hearing himself constantly, because through his job alone he is used to hearing his own voice (even though he could just play femV, too, he prefers playing male, "his" V xD). Also, he's usually so immersed in the world anyway that he doesn't think about it much, can distance himself and his voice from the character. He did note being a little self-critical about his work though (also such a mood xD), especially about lines that ended up with a slightly off intonation that he'd fumbled. That simply happens though, in dubbing in general, and in video games moreso because you're usually just using your imagination for picturing a scene instead of talking over an already filmed sequence. BUT actually, when they went back into the studio to record for PL, they re-recorded some of those messed up lines with mispronounced names or off intonation, which is making me look forward to my 3rd playthrough even more now! Gonna come with patch 2.0 I assume :D
Q: At Björn: What kind of character is your V?
A very nice and friendly one! He likes playing a goodie two-shoes. He also noted he's not far into the story yet, just finished Automatic Love, and it may have awoken something in him xDD He said when he had to pick a doll at the start of the quest he got distracted by his cat pissing on the carpet. So he didn't pay attention, just picked any, and ended up in Angel's booth, whom he didnt mind but also wouldn't have chosen otherwise. But then he wound up weirdly enticed by the scene and quite enjoyed it xD And honestly who wouldn't be, Angel is lovely 💜
Q: How do you both feel about the rise of AIs and AIs potentially replacing VAs in the future?
Björn said this is a concern to a degree, but will likely not affect him much anymore in his career (he's been in this line of work for 40 years, started as a kid, and is not doing only voice acting). It is a thing though that is discussed and unions and such are looking into means and ways to protect VAs rights to their own voices through contracts, for example, if VAs wish so. He also briefly touched upon the fact that some iconic German VAs are simply getting old and dying without enough new people following and able to take over their iconic roles for example, or even finding VAs that fit certain parts AND get them accepted by audiences (there was a huge shitshow around the German The Simpsons dub a couple of years back when Homer's German VA died of old age and his predecessors were not well-liked by a very entitled audience).
Mikolaj said he is generally not opposed to AIs as tools that should be used, in fact, they should be used but not abused for more than what they're good for. An AI can never convey the human range of emotion necessary to really "sell" a line, that is something you just need VAs made of flesh and blood for that are capable of understanding complex emotion (which AIs, who are not intelligent in the way humans are, cannot). Then again, in certain, highly specific cases, there could be exceptions made. He said that Viktor Vektor's Polish VA died after being sick for a long time. Before his death he'd heard about what AIs could do though and gave his okay to have his voice "live on" in a way after he is gone. CDPR also discussed this with his family before doing anything, but to have him remain a part of Cyberpunk they cloned his voice and artificially created some voice lines for him based of the material they already had. To Mikolaj, the decision on whether or not to use AIs and in which context always needs to be an ethical one done on a case by case basis.
Q: Some Hollywood stars like Johnny Depp never watch movies they acted in - how do Mikolaj and Björn feel about this sentiment?
Both of them agreed that they actually really like looking back at their old works. Mikolaj started at CDPR with the localization for The Witcher 2, and sometimes he cringes at some of the decisions he made there when going back. But it also shows him how he's grown as he realises "I'd do that differently now".
Björn is similar (he is not just a VA, writes screenplays as well and does voice directing iirc). He likes looking back at older stuff and, as mentioned in an answer above, both he and Mikolaj are a bit self-critical sometimes and see things they could improve when revisiting old ideas. It's a good thing to do to live through the awkwardness of looking at your old art xD
Q: What were your favourite lines/scenes to record?
Since Phantom Liberty is fresh in their minds (and Björn noted how nice it was to be back in the studio with everyone again), they kinda had to omit answering this for spoiler reasons xD There is supposedly an extremely emotional scene to come though that had everyone go absolutely quiet and sad in the booth, when usually there was always joking and laughing to a degree. You could've heard a pin drop (what are we gonna bet it's the new ending? 👀).
On that note, Mikolaj also mentioned how he loved seeing everyone come back to reprise their characters with new confidence, knowing them and how they wanted to play them now already, and they had a blast during the recording of the Phantom Liberty dub.
Out of the main game Mikolaj said though, the lines that hit him the hardest, that make him super emotional still, are the voice messages left to V in the suicide ending epilogue. He especially mentioned Judy and Panam (his faves 💜), who gave their all and poured all the despair and sadness into those, it was and still is hard for him to watch.
And on that super happy note the Q&A ended xDD I definitely didnt include everything that was said, I think I missed a smaller question or two as well, I'm just really going off of my memory mostly and a handful of notes I took during the talk xD
But yeah, I think this was definitely one of, if not the highlight of the night for me, at least looking at the schedule and what the local team had prepared for the Cologne stop of the Phantom Liberty tour :D
I still feel super privileged to have been there, given how new I'm to the game and fandom still, but yeah. I'm still so pumped and hhhhhhhh about everything, hope I can share some of my joy and excitement through this post with you all as well!!
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aceofwhump · 6 months
I was wondering what is your take on foreign whump? I can only speak English fluently unfortunately. I see so many lovely sets, a lot from Turkish shows especially but for some reason I just don't get feels in the same way from watching them, especially when there's no subtitles and I can't fully understand what's going on. But even with subtitles, reading that somebody is saying for example, "I can't breathe,"  just doesn't hit the same way as hearing them saying it and understanding it, if that makes sense? Very annoying.
I have a love hate relationship with it lol. I loooove seeing it on my dash because damn a lot of other countries know how do do whump way better than where I live and I enjoy it greatly. But I don't speak the languages and there's no subtitles!!! So I never have context for all the amazing whump! And that's if I can find videos of it at all! Those Turkish shows especially look amazing! And fell in love with Diogo Morgado thanks to seeing some whumpy gifsets of him in a Portuguese show. Germany, Mexico, Korea, and Russia appear to have some damn fine whump as well. And I wouldn't know about any of it if it wasn't for the amazing people in this community making gifsets and videos of it all. God bless all the whump gifmakers who share the non English whump out there for us all to enjoy. You guys are doing the lords work with that. I just wish I could understand what was happening lol XD
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mgarmagedon · 1 month
Tak widziałem XD Tu jest pełna wersja na youtubie:
I wybacz, że tak późno odpowiadam, ale czekałem, żeby zaktualizowali ich stronę na dubbingopedii żebym mógł upewnić się kto ma jaki głos :V (i mean znam te głosy, ale mam słabą pamięć do imion i nazwisk, dlatego mówię np aktor Optimusa z rida15 albo aktorka Arcee. Oprócz Dariusza Odiji i Jarosława Boberka, ja ich rozpoznan i nazwę o 3 w nocy po wybudzeniu XD)
Ale po tygodniu nadal nic nie ma so YEAHHHH---- I mean ostatnio nawet ta zajebana strona mi się otworzyć nie chce więcej zajebiście. 🤡🤡🤡
Moja szczera opinia dubbing jest meh, mogło być lepiej, ale też jakoś źle nie jest. Najbardziej mnie gryzie głos Megatrona, który brzmi znacznie za staro, a on jest młodym dorosłym XDDD
Oś czuję, że Bee będzie mnie bardzo bardzo wkurwiać po za długim słuchaniu, bo ja jestem w chuj na to wyczulony.
A Elita jest meh, like cieszę się, że nie jebneli znowu Anny Szymańskiej, bo jak ja oglądałem Earth Spark po polsku u Pyczka, myślałem, że siedzę na krześle elektrycznym i za każdym razem jak Nightshade albo Elita się odzywali czułem się jakbym kurwa umierał. I ja tutaj nie chce urazić pani Szymańskiej, uważam, że jest cudowną aktorką! Ale jako Strongarm XDDD i do tej jednej baby z Cyberpunka, etc. ale błagam uratuj ją ktoś z Earth Spark!!! Tak samo z Barwińskim, boże on jest cudownym aktorem, uwielbiam jego głos ALE NIECH KTOŚ GO URATUJE Z TEGO ZAJBANEGO GÓWNA.
Poza tym tak mnie wkurwia to, że lektor czyta te zajebane napisy. Jakby one są już kurwa po polsku TO NIECH KURWA NIE WYDAJĄ KASY NA ZASRANEGO KURWA LEKTORA.
Yeah I saw it XD
And forgive me for replying so late, but I was waiting for ppl to update their TF one website on Dubbingopedia so I could make sure who has which voice :V (I mean, I know those voices, but I have a weak memory for names and surnames, so I say for example the actor of Optimus from RID15 or the actress of Arcee. Except for Dariusz Odija and Jarosław Boberek, I recognize them and name them at 3 in the morning after waking up XD)
But after a week, still nothing, so YEAHHHH---- I mean, lately even this damn website doesn't want to open anymore, it's awesome. 🤡🤡🤡
My honest opinion on the dubbing is meh, it could be better, but it's not that bad either. What bothers me the most is Megatron's voice, which sounds way too old, and he's supposed to be a young adult XDDD
I feel like Bee is going to annoy me a lot after listening to him for too long, because I'm really sensitive to that kind of thing.
And Elita is just meh, like I'm glad they didn't cast Anna Szymańska again, because when I watched Earth Spark dubbed on Pyczek website, I felt like I was sitting on an electric chair, and every time Nightshade or Elita spoke, I felt like I was damn dying. And I don't want to offend Mrs. Szymańska here, I think she's a wonderful actress! But as Strongarm XDDD and for that one lady from Cyberpunk, etc. but please, someone save her from Earth Spark!!! The same with Barwiński, dear God, he's a wonderful actor, I love his voice BUT SOMEONE SAVE HIM FROM THIS DAMN CRAP.
Besides, what really pisses me off is that the lektor reads those damn subtitles. They're already in Polish!!!
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I recently saw your art of Wolf Jack protecting Leona and the subsequent frame of Leona reassuring Jack. Honestly, I have to say that is high-key the best twst art I have ever seen. It is so good. The lighting and sense of action work together so well. The storytelling present is just, primo. What are some of your favorite art education resources or trustworthy tutorial videos? I want to learn to become great at art like you.
AWWWW, WAUGH THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU ;;v;; this is such a sweet and nice message, thank you so much!! I felt moved by this. <3 AS FOR VIDEOS!!!!! I have a few!! :D I'll put them below!!
This one is fantastic for I think anybody and everybody, I still need to use its advice (I'm bad at doing so x'D)
This is just... this is just a good note for anybody becoming an artist I think??? Its very reassuring.
This does a great job of showcasing how simple and quick figure drawing is supposed to be and I appreciate that a lot
THIS GUY, IS A JAPANESE ARTIST, WHO HAS SO SO MANY HELPFUL VIDEOS, I"M JUST POSTING THIS ONE TO LINK THE CHANNEL BUT LIKE, HIS WHOLE CHANNEL IS A GOLD MINE. I think in part since he's Japanese he has a lot of different perspectives on how to go about doing art??? Its really helpful and could help you break out of a problem just because of the different perspective and methods! :D (People add English subtitles to his videos so you can read them! :D)
This is an artist I admire who has some cool artstyle things!! the explanation might be helpful??? But if its not no worries xD
And this last one isn't a tutorial at all, but honestly a video I find inspiring and it makes me want to do more, So I'll share it here :D
Also pinterest is your bestie for finding reference photos for anything and everything, i've abused it a lot to find references for people, or just pictures to practice with!!! :D
I'd like to say tho! Even tho I think these videos have great advice or are fun and helpful. You do you. There's no perfect way to do art. The only thing you don't want to do, is things that will hurt yourself physically, emotionally, or mentally!! Also it will take time to get better, if you aren't perfect at it immediately, that's okay!! I definitely wasn't!! I have a lot of old drawings that I find hard to look at that I"m learning to love despite their mistakes xD Best of luck anon!! I hope you become absolutely amazing at this!! I believe you can!! :D And once again thank you, this was a really heartwarming message to get :] <3
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lesbiankiliel · 2 years
good evening, may i request all of your eurovision opinions, just all of them?
well you're not settling for scraps then xD idk if this is *all* because the second I'm asked anything like this, I forget every opinion I've ever had
but let's hope for the best
the best host countries I've seen since I started to watch in 2006 have been finland 2007, denmark 2014, sweden 2016, and the netherlands 2021
reasons being: no awkward dead moments, the show kept running, the hosts were good and genuinely funny (jaana and mikko were so good, there's a reason they were voted as the best hosts in the first decade of 2000's)
in contrast the most awkward and second-hand embarrassment inducing host country was portugal. that was just so cringe, and not even funny cringe like ukraine the year before
@ ebu: now that you finally kicked russia out, do israel next! and then azerbaijan!
hard rock hallelujah and dancing lasha tumbai are the all-time best entries. you can fight me but you will lose
dancing lasha tumbai should've won
finnish broadcaster yle always subtitles every entry (unless it's in finnish or completely untranslatable like dancing lasha tumbai) and the result is often hilarious
I pity countries that don't have this delight (everyone else afaik)
finnish jury needs to stop simping sweden. sweden-senpai will never notice us! just stop already! you're embarrassing!
sweden takes itself too seriously every year and hates fun. just send an old man with a silly schlager, it won't kill you!
the biggest crime anyone can commit in eurovision is being boring. sweden commits this crime consistently. unfortunately finland does too very often
finland needs to send hevisaurus some year
alvan & ahez was underrated
more countries need to send entries in local minority languages. europe has so many beautiful languages that deserve more recognition
less flashing lights and woozy effects all around. make eurovision safe for people with epilepsy and motion sickness
I miss petra and måns every year. they were hilarious. nothing will ever top love love peace peace
as great as the 2021 esc was, I wish they could've had the 2020 contest simply so iceland could've won
that moment in 2021 when the top4 was italy, ukraine, iceland, and finland, everything was right in the world and I wish the night had stopped there
italy and ukraine have had the most consistently good and memorable performances
saara aalto deserved better
daði og gagnamagnið deserved better
never have americans in the interval show. justin timberlake wasn't good, and madonna was worse. we don't want them. they don't get the eurovision camp aesthetic. they take themselves too seriously
in contrast, mika was phenomenal
we need more obviously queer performances. this is eurovision, i.e. the gay olympics. bring out the gay more!
I will add stuff if I realize I've forgotten something
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captainsspnanon · 11 months
C2E69 - The Kings Cage - rewatch reaction
The episode that should have been NiceTM, and was not.
Whyyyy are the subtitles so fucked for this episode? They’re covering Travis’s face! I’m guessing it’s because of the PC icons that showed up. Wait, is this the first time that this has happened??? *checks previous episode again* Oh man, I’m so used to seeing this that 1) I didn’t notice when it wasn’t there and 2) I didn’t realize that this was the first time they showed up! I don’t remember this fucking up the subtitles before or in other episodes….maybe this was first time issues?
I am super distracted by Matt not noticing Sam’s shirt.
Funnily enough, this entire scene matches what the one dnd playtest is talking about with warlocks. Sometimes they are the only one calling for a short rest and you have this disparity in what the players want to do.
It is now July 4th, I last touched this a full fucking month ago. I have watched ~30 minutes of the latest Candela Obscura, but am struggling to get into it (a sad reality of me and CR one shots and mini-series.) SO LET’S GET BACK TO THE DRAMA!!
...I’m only 17 minutes in….*starts over from the beginning*
Oh geez I forgot that this was episode 69. They went into this with teasing hype for months about ‘lul 69’ and then they got this heart wrench of an episode.
Sam and Laura play the “I have Not(t)” bit really well. There’s just a touch in Jester’s tone which is inserting a comma in there ‘I have, Nott’, but it’s a clever bit of attempted deception as well, even though it fails.
I’d forgotten that Nott claimed the flask defined her as a person. T.T Once the campaign is over, it’s easy to remember the goblin alcoholism as mostly jokes, but there were some really deep and painful moments. I don’t personally know anyone who struggles with addiction, so I know there are aspects of this emotionally that I don’t relate to, but there these small moments are incredibly well done. Sam talked about how he discussed Scanlan’s attempts at addiction with Brian, I don’t recall if he also went to him for Nott?
The juxtaposition of Jester very seriously expressing her worries to Nott about how when Nott is drunk, she’s less cautious and will run straight at things without looking for traps, versus everyone else loosing their shit when she says ‘or trigger them’. I’ll have to try to pay attention, but I think even after this RP, Nott still doesn’t become someone super careful about looking for traps. We, of course, know her big moments in the future (happy fun ball time!), but I’m unsure if Sam/Nott is more on top of it.
I really do love the push/pull relationship that Nott/Veth has with her family and her love of adventure. In hindsight, I feel like Sam managed to hold the balance of it very well and very realistically. For most of the PCs, I feel like the epilogues give me enough to have a very good idea of their lives going forwards, even if only for a while. Veth is the one I’m curious about the most though, how does she continue to balance her love of adventure with her family? The dynamics have certainly changed from how they were pre-campaign, and that helps a lot, but I wonder if sometimes she may instigate small things for the Nein to go on, or if she insists she get invited along to someone else’s trip (maybe one of the trips to Aeor?). Or does she find herself content with the chaos of the summer camp in addition to her homely life?
LOL Sam and Laura pushing for Caleb to have a chin that matches Liam, and Liam at every instance making it clear with official art that Caleb absolutely does NOT have a cleft chin.
Does the whip ever actually get used in combat? I know it gets given to Fjord when he loses his power…. TELL ME, CRITROLESTATS. Actually transcript search might be better for this, I don’t think critrolestats says what weapon is used. I think it’s only used in the Obann fight here, and then with the purple worm by Fjord, and then by no one else ever again. XD It gets mentioned in another episode or two as a possibility to use (catching someone who might fall), but I don’t think it does?
WE NEED MORE CALEB AND YASHA MOMENTS!!! Him suggesting she be in the middle of the group, her not being sure, him saying that protection is not a bad thing, her saying it could be and then almost asking him permission to be on the front, him making it clear he’s not telling her what to do. Seriously, this pairing has SUCH a good dynamic and it only gets better from here, but we have so little interaction. :( I will forever grump and mourn and exclaim that we need more Liam and Ashley scenes. We were robbed of Pike and Vax moments in C1, robbed on Caleb and Yasha moments in C2, and I could ALWAYS use more than we currently have in C3.
LOL at the matching nat 1s for trying to determine what the sigil is. Very very glad that Caleb had fortune’s favor and could re-roll. The sometimes frustrating aspect of dnd is some PCs failing at stuff they should 100% be able to do. I’m reminded of the Hand’s heart scene where Liam kept failing checks for Caleb where everyone else was succeeding, despite the fact that it was arcana related.
...Torog? Moradin? Sehanine? What’s with all these 5e names, Matt? I’d thought you’d thoroughly switched to unique epithets by now. You’re even using with with the Allhammer and Moonweaver!
Why do they immediately assume devil upon red skin, yellow eyes, two horns? They’re all gasping before he gets to the wings, but couldn’t he just have been a tiefling with the description?
Did we ever find out what Obann thought he was actually getting from the Angel of Irons? We know they opened abyssal rifts, and that they were trying to free Tharizdun (without knowing that’s what they were doing). So like, is it just an image of an angel saying ‘free me by doing this, oh and also tear the planes apart to let demons in?’ ..demons? devils? This is the hardest part of 5e for me, dammit. Demons. Demons from the abyss. But Obann’s a devil. Aaagh as much as I enjoy the angel of irons subplot, it’s also I think the sketchiest plot in all of CR with no clear understanding of goals or what or why.
...Is this the first “making my way”??? *checks transcripts* Oh, it’s not – the first was in episode 60. BUT I think this is the first time since then, so here’s where it becomes a running gag?
Huh, not letting Fjord get off his eldritch blasts that triggered the whole initiative.
“what do a devil and a tree have in common? Intelligence” …..not gonna lie, I don’t get the joke at ALL. Tasha’s Hideous Laughter would fail just because I’m so confused. I’m ASSUMING that it’s just calling Obann dumb….if so I feel like it would be better if the object were ‘rock’ or ‘brick’, based off of ‘dumb as a rock’ or ‘dumb as a brick’.
I’ve seen some people say that Matt picked up the trick of stating a DC ahead of time from Brennan, but here he just stated that Beau needed at 25 DC acrobatics to do a flurry of blows on Obann (she fails with a 22), so it’s something that he has done beforehand. I think it’s just not something that he prefers to do much.
Only two rounds to free the Laughing Hand? Well, I guess it’s something that Matt really needed to have happen so that makes sense. I think I would have liked three or four rounds to give the PCs more time to do shit, but that’s just personal preference.
Oooo!!! I forgot that over the break he replaced the sarcophagus mini with a broken open sarcophagus! Fun!
Counterspell a Shield! Not quite a counterspell a counterspell, but still sexy.
Ashley interrupting to inform Matt that because of her Ring of Protection, Yasha’s saving throw was actually 3 instead of 2. I LOVE HER.
I really love the moments where something truly horrible starts happening to the PCs (Yasha being turned against them, being an unwilling creature for Fjord’s thunderstep) and while the PCs are NOT happy about it, the players are stoked and excited! It’s a fun juxtaposition of the true fun of ‘what’s going on’ in the game especially when compared with the more settled RP moments where the players are in full PC mode and their personal enthusiasm is sometimes hidden by the RP. Fjord is furious with Yasha for betraying them, but here Travis is wiggling and singing “this is getting interesting!”
I’m not going to research it, and a comments check didn’t help, but I wonder how many PC rolls the Bless-that-should-have-dropped actually helped. Quick check of the livetweets for critrolestats, maybe Yasha’s saving throw against the Hand’s laughter, and the rest are Beau attacks. However, Beau had advantage on many of them, rolled consistently high, and I think actually forgot the bless a number of times? So honestly? I think even if bless had dropped correctly, things still would have played out the way they did. Oh wait...Fjord’s last hit for the HDYWTDT was because of bless. (very sad the the critrolestats livetweets did not include Ashley correcting for Yasha’s 2 to 3 for the wisdom save XD)
MIGHTY NEIN ONE SHOT ANNOUNCED AS FIRST LIVE SHOW SINCE THE PANDEMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (though I’m seeing some people saying they’ll be level 20, but can’t find any actual statement saying what level they’ll be?? Hoping before I post this that someone will let me know)
Beau using Stillness of Mind to end fear, UGH SO GOOD. Seriously, with the new UAs and everything for the new dnd I keep hearing about how bad monks are, but I haven’t ever experienced it because Beau is so GOOD (and I haven’t played with a monk yet. Someone had done a monk/cleric multiclass, but that game ended while we were still in level 2 due to some session 0 miscommunications)
Lesser Restoration not being able to cure fear, but Greater Restoration does just seems weird to me. Like, Lesser can cure blind, deaf, paralyze, or poison. While Greater…..wait. Greater doesn’t cure frightened either! It only reduces exhaustion, ends charmed or petrified, undoes a curse, undoes an ability score reduction, undoes an effect that reduces hit point max. Fear is none of those. So, neither of the restorations RAW end fear??? Well, I guess that’s the reason for Calm Emotions.
NOTT GIVES YASHA A FLOWER FROM HER HAIR I’m having my heart being crushed by things I didn’t remember! And Jester knew that Yasha was controlled, she tried to Charm her back but it didn’t work! All I really remembered from the Nein was Jester being very sad and Fjord and Beau being very angry, I didn’t remember that others knew she didn’t have a choice!
Oh FUUUUUCK I never realized that when Fjord is brought down by Yasha, only to come back with Relentless Endurance, when he asks her “why” he asks her in his true voice. MY HEAAAART.
I know everyone mentions it, but Ashley’s exaggerated sad-face when Taliesin starts to count her then skips her for Bless, then Matt winking at her and her grin. Even when they have such heavy emotional episodes like this combat turned to be, signs like that are some of the clearest that they’re all still having a blast.
Obviously didn’t say much for the combat itself, I think my only ‘analysis’ of it is that it’s one of the higher stakes combats in C2, easily matching the level of some C1 fights. Even a good chunk into C3, C1 is still the reigning champion for most intense combats. While I don’t all into the hivemind that shouts that Matt takes it easy on them, I do think there are times when Matt is taking it HARDER on them, and this certainly was one of those combats. I really do enjoy the combats where they are fighting an intelligent and evil enemy who is fully intent on destroying them. You get such great tactics and some real creativity in those moments that you don’t get as strongly on a standard 6v1/7v1 creature combat.
Ending the episode with the side by side of Matt and Ashley as Matt gently narrates the confusion in Yasha, the uncertainty of if she is being controlled or doing this on her own, it’s beautiful, heartbreaking, and perfect. (aside from the fact that because of the table layout, they end up facing away from each other during the close ups XD Who knows, maybe that makes it more jarring to go with Yasha’s mindset?)
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vispero · 2 years
So, about previous Genshin and Luckae or Kaeluc ship.
I need to clarify some things. (Also don't mind mistakes, English isn't my first language.)
To me fictional content isn't some "example" you should follow irl. It's more about experiencing something you actually -can't- do irl. And as far as you not doing something bad/illegal, you free to like, create and enjoy any character and ships. There is actual laws about content which is allowed or now, and if someone just don't like something but it's allowed by site rules, then by no means anyone should blame, troll or hate people who create -allowed- content. Block button is a thing and it's better to use it than make "fandom" "hatedom".
All my life I was playing games, mostly Jrpg (final fantasy, tales of etc.). And in my childhood translations usually was bad or awful :') Years later I finally was able to check original scripts and yep, there was a lot of "new" facts. So even now, while I playing with Japanese audio and English or other subtitles, I often compare what I hear and what I see, and there sadly a ton of differences, some major, some minor (same goes about just text without audio, and it's more difficult to compare sadly). Should localisation team change facts to make it more appealing for their audience? Idk, honestly. To me original script and ideas always come first and translations and adaptations second, it shows what authors meant initially and I'm here for that. But even if someone prefer translations/localisations, then they shouldn't be arrogant and going so far as telling that only their opinion valid while ignoring Original (in Genshin case - Chinese) version and it's enjoyers.
Now about Kaeya and Diluc. I didn't know anything about them when I started playing. And after some of first quests I actually catched myself thinking "Damn, there is so nice chemistry there, I'm all here for that!" Muuuch later piece by piece I learned about their story. I also found post about Chinese version about their relationship, it was really educational. (I need to clarify that incest isn't my cup of tea, I'm not judging or anything, just not my thing. Idk if I'm bad person because of that but honestly I don't think I should tell anyone what they should like/ship. Also see 1th paragraph.) But in Kaeya and Diluc case I don't see them as actual brothers, adoptive or not. There is more interesting and complicated situation and I'm here for that, I like difficult relationships in media. And if Chinese players explained about "sworn brothers" trope, then it's clear why Genshin creators went with it. Western fandom can accept it or not because of English translation, but they honestly shouldn't force their opinion on those who don't see them as actual brothers. I don't think it's that hard?
I'm not really caring about what some people think about me online. I'm not drawing anything shocking (I hope xD), so people can like or don't like my opinion/artworks, but it's more about preferences than anything else. Most of my works very SFW or with some R rating (because of blood/dark theme), but I strongly support all artists and writers, sfw of nsfw.
And yep, I ship Diluc and Kaeya. In more Chinese trope style (perspective), so if someone don't like it just ignore me. I'm really glad I found this ship, they have complicated and dramatic story and I'm here for that. So "Hi" to all fellow shippers <3
P.S. I'm more Luckae person but you probably won't notice it in my artworks, they mostly G-PG13 anyway.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Sorry not sorry, but that is the BEST character introduction this show has done to DATE.
Maybe it's just because I am already vaguely aware of Liam and his future status as Sciles's unofficial child, and I am vaguely aware of the ultimate puppy dog with anger issues that this boy will be, but OMG that was the BEST.
Between Liam's talent and looks (because d*mn boy, the way he took off that helmet...), and Sciles's confused and worried expressions, I literally could not have asked for anything better.
Like, these two are over here freaking out about literally saving the world, and Stiles makes a great joke with the "We have, like, 117 million problems, and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them." (also as an aside, poor Stiles and Noah trying to pay for all those medical bills... :( ), and then we get Scott's just immediate raised eyebrows and concern with the "It is now."
And then watching Liam freaking kick BUTT (I've met this kid through compilation videos and this 15 second intro and I love him already XD <3) as goalie, and the way Stiles looks at him, then looks back at Scott in pure panic, and then comes back with "Who the hell is that?" should probably be worrisome, but it’s honestly just hilarious.
And then when you have Garrett (would not know his name if I didn't have subtitles on lol) say "you might just be our first ever freshmen captain", the way that Stiles immediately forgets about the other 117 million problems with the "okay, maybe we should just practice a little bit" because suddenly this is top of the priority list is just...
That was a perfect way to introduce Liam Dunbar and I cannot WAIT to get to know him even more for the rest of this show.
I don't think he'll replace Isaac, but I have a feeling he'll make it pretty high on the favorite characters list. XD <3
That was really well done, and now I actually have context for this gif that kept coming up every time I searched for Sciles gifs! XD <3
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(I mean, the pure PANIC on their faces! Like, maybe I should be worried, but really, I'm just laughing. XD)
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commenter2 · 11 months
“Unhappy Campers” review
Blitzo and co. go on a job at Earth, and WE GET A MILLIE EPISODE!!! 
It’s been forever since we saw I.M.P. on Earth doing their job, so it’s nice to see them back at it. Hopefully we can get more Earth based episodes soon. We still need to find out what happened to Cletus, Keenie, and Collin.
Is Blitzo going to see Stolas?
Is the nurse’s appearance supposed to be a Nabnab/Nabnaleena reference?
Blitzo is trying to see his sister! Makes sense why he is in Sloth since we did hear from Verosika that she was in rehab.
Hell’s equivalent to Google is called Gaggle.
Though I’m sure they were like job representatives or people at places Barbie use to work at, I wonder if there is still a chance the people Blitzo was talking to on his phones were “friends”/informants of his.
Now we get to the scene everyone wants to see. Though funny I wished there was a scene explaining that Moxxie had no choice and had to wear the female disguise as I have this headcanon that Millie usually doesn’t get along with other girls to a point said girls end up in the hospital, hence why Moxxie had to fill in the role while Millie talked to the boys.
Aww Millie is such a great wife, though it would have been nice to see her assertive side when it comes to the job.
Finally someone points out the gang’s demonic traits.
Oh no that kid got Yamcha to death. TWICE!
Ugh that Spongebob meme face.
Where can I get a Millie flag?
I love how the song’s subtitles can’t keep up with what the background characters are saying and how it also seems to love Millerd.
I wonder if that shark is a cousin of the shark from season 1 :3
It’s nice to see that though they are a perfect couple, Moxxie and Millie do have arguments. I also like to think Millie’s speech is slightly symbolic of how usually she is kind of in the background and doesn’t have that many moments compared to the things Blitzo, Moxxie, and even Stolas have gone through. Yes I know about Vivzie saying HB is guy character centered while HH will be lady character centered but I still wanted to point it out.
The Asmodeon Crystal in action! And of course since its related to the demon of lust, the first one we actually see is inappropriate.
Wouldn’t saying a demon having the “voice of an angel” be insulting? Maybe its ones of the few things related to heaven that is okay/tolerated in demon society like when Blitzo said Oh God in annoyance. I defiantly could see Lucifer describing Lilith and Charlie like this.
The writers missed out on the perfect chance for Blitzo to say that he didn’t want Moxxie to stop ridding him XD. I mean that scene must have been a dream come true for Blitzo.
I know it’s to hide her horns, but Barbie’s human hair looks like something Velvette would stylize her hair as.
Since Blitzo just said that things like Heroin isn’t as dangerous to demons, I’m guessing that H-8 thing he said a drug that IS deadly for demons.
Barbie just said it’s easy to manipulate humans, so why would losing him be that bad? Is she just lazy?
I just noticed how Barbie has a similar head tattoo as Blitzo, but it’s crossed out.
IDK if it’s just me, but I feel like Moxxie is fighting better here.
In the scene where Millie is crowd surfing, is the girl in the purple dress with ponytail girl a reference to the Baby Doll villain from Batman: The Animated Series?
Nice to see Moxxie and Millie make up, but did they have to mentally scar the whole camp XD. Heck even the episode’s subtitles are trying to help with that.
Katie Killjoy reference, would be hilarious if they were somehow connected
Human television can be watched in Hell! Awesome, and explains how that Looney Tune episode in the HH pilot was available for sinners to watch.
Sleeping Loona!
Did anyone notice any Friday the 13th or Gravity Fall references in the episode? I feel like the caps the campers could be but still.
Well that was another nice casual episode, especially since it was a Millie episode. After all this time it was nice seeing our favorite Imp lady get some focus, and since Sallie Mae is coming back soon hopefully we can get another one exploring her life before she met Moxxie.
I also like how though Blitzo had to be in the episode he did his own thing for most of the episode that didn’t involve the others being close by, something I have brought up before in previous episodes. It’s also nice that we got a hint at his relationship with Barbie, sure some might say she deserved more screen time but at least we got a basic understanding of what could have happened, and I bet we will get more on it in the Fizz and Blitzo flashback episode.
The only flaw the episodes had was how dumb and selfish Moxxie was in the episode. Sure the episode needed something like this to happen so Millie can get her screen time and for the conflict between them to happen, but I don’t see why the writers couldn’t have done this while still having Moxxie gather info to find the culprit like he wanted. Maybe it would have made the plot stronger as Moxxie would have also been annoyed that Millie hasn’t gathered any info from the campers and it was just lucky that he was able to narrow down the possible culprits.
We are almost halfway done with season 2, and it’s likely the next 2 episodes will heavily be centered on Fizz and his past with Blitzo. I think the next episode will be the one where Fizz and Ozzie perform in the Greed Ring, only for something to happen that is followed up in the flashback episode about the day Fizz and Blitzo stopped being friends, again maybe we find out why Barbie hates Blitzo in it as well.
As always I want your thoughts on the episode.
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snugglyporos · 1 year
Dude, the Poro Moot is canon! That's as big as... well if Nintendo acknowledged Linkle was more than a funny side character!
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I swear, someone at Riot must know about my account. So many of my ideas have ended up in canon lore, albeit in modified ways.
The poro moot is just the latest one. Examples of other things:
Proto Poro: similar to my idea that Riceball was a 'throwback' poro; originally, Riceball's concept from years ago was that Riceball was sorta like a derp caveman poro, even though he evolved from that with time
Exalted Poro: snuggle regal poro? With eyeshadow? It's Punky! it literally says "As far as divine rulers go, she's awfully fond of snax." Poro ruler of all the hoomans!
baby poros. just... baby poros. I introduced snowball years before the idea that poros could have tinier ones existed.
Plucky poro: Is Conflict! Just with a demacia helmet rather than pantheons!
Sinister Poro: poro unaffected by the harrowing! Mimics the spooky ghosts to fit in! And speaking of...
Poro mimicry in general: I originally started thinking that poros, being innocent and curious, would mimic the behaviors of other people they were around, ergo, they would end up taking on traits to make them fit in, being herd creatures by nature. And we keep seeing more of that!
Poros thinking the sky is full of snax and/or poros: the great poro concept! Or at least, the idea that poros' idea of 'faith' is basically 'the sky has things that are good in it if we're good!'
Poro Fluft card: reveals that poros in fact snuggle in giant piles, as I suspected!
Affectionate poro card: "Noxus has no room for... for weakn--Will someone get this DAMNED THING OFF ME?! -Darius" Poros can't imagine that anyone wouldn't want to snuggle a poro, and can't imagine any being having hostility towards them, because they even think DARIUS is a friend to be made!
The Poroflies: literally, basically, @jupiterprincesshouou's jupiter poros, right down to having 'wiggly horns' as my poros like to call them!
poro sled card: not so much for the idea but the flavor text: "An' den DAT Bobjim da poro was like "DAT WAY!" an' so off dey went into da horizahn, with da other poros scamperin' behind, tryin' their bestest to keep up!" My idea that poros just sorta get the idea to explore and wander about, which has led to them ending up everywhere!
Porofessor subtitles: when describing how poros talk, they write 'x-emotion poro noises' which is basically just 'happy poro chitters'
Actually, porofessor himself is a good example of poros taking on features of those they're close with, as he begins looking like heimerdinger.
Mighty Poro aka Ol' Longhorn: literally my Thor Poro joke, as all poros would be 'worthy' of Thor's hammer, which led to much silliness years ago with Snowball: god of thunder.
The entire 'legend of the poro king' in terms of a lot of the ideas: coffee causing poros to become super energized and fly away, as just one example! I suspected that several of the creators at least knew of my account there too.
And there are probably more! BUT.
Let me say this: I could be entirely off the mark. It could be coincidence, and I'm just like, super good at just knowing the vibe and ideas that come with poros somehow. It's entirely possible I'm overthinking this, and literally other people just had the same great ideas.
But if they do know about this account, somehow, someway, I hope I can continue to give them ideas, because honestly, either being right about or similar to lots of things that came out since starting this account about poros? It makes me so happy.
I adore poros, man. They've made my life so much better, and I hope they make everyone else happy too. I may not play the game anymore, but poros are my adorable sheep puffs, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.
So yeah, either they know about my account, or I'm like, the poro lore whisperer or something, capable of divining the true nature of sheep puffs. XD
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flaminghelldancer · 1 year
Bnha manga chapters 375-381 review
Hey, sorry I fell of the face of the Earth again. I forget to read the manga unless Tiltok starts attacking me with spoilers, so you can thank Dabi.
I'll make 2 parts so they don't get too long.
Toga's getting serious, not exactly for what I thought but still. I love the "not some blushing schoolgirl in love anymore", because fandom Toga is just that and I love to see how everyone's breaking their fandom versions in this war. I really hope it's Ochako and not Deku who stops Toga.
Endeavor taking responsability for Touya O.O It's like "good but took you too long and someone's gonna die because of it". As I've said, at least one Todoroki will die here and if I get to choose it'll better be Endeavor as a last self-sacrificing act to atone.
Poor Deku has too much on his plate. Good to see AfO hasn't taken over Shigaraki completely though. At this point, it has to be everyone vs AfO to defeat him.
And the past enemies coming to help the heroes? Awesome! That is a plot twist I didn't expect at all. I'm thinking that maybe it'll be Overhaul who will aboid Dabi's death and i'll make more sense than with Eri because Dabi will really die and then come back to life.
The bit about how the business course makes heroics is great to show the influence of the media. It may seem silly, but even if you ignore it, it affects your environment and so it affects you. "The story of how we all became heroes" is a great subtitle for bnha.
Oboro is stil there! Kinda dormant and just waking up from time to time, but as long as he is still there he can be saved. Some goes for the villains, what they call their origin is pretty much a mix of their inner child and their true self, aka what they are at their core. If the heroes are able to reach or wake up that part of them, there is a chance they'll be saved, even if they still have to pay for what they did (I hope this is the case for Touya).
Also, let me applaud the Shiketsu kids for saving Hawks and joining the battle. They are getting so many allies! And I feel bad for the guy that lost his dad, but I feel like it's a throwback to when Iida went against Stain to avenge his brother. I've read that the difference between vengeance and revenge is that when you avenge someone you are seeking justice for the victim, but when you get revenge on someone it's to make the victimizer pay. So, to put it in simple words, when vengeance turns into revenge heroes turns into villains. They are avoiding it this time around.
The author already said that Dark Shadow was one of the quirks he liked the most and one of the strongest though it's overlooked. We'll see how strong it is with the wind blowing his way XD
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