#the sun is shining the birds are singing and i no longer have to worry about my deodorant melting if i close the windows
paperconsumption · 2 months
residence halls are switching to AC this week life is really looking up for me
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obriengf · 2 months
24 Crayons || Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Summary: A boy met a girl in the midst of innocence, and formed a friendship that would last the ages. Words: 1.1k Warnings: omg just cuteness to the max Notes: written in third person, remaining chapters set in first person!
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part one of TWENTY FOUR - a stiles stilinski series (masterlist)
Innocence was the simplicity of a sunny day; the way the light warmed skin and caught reflections in a twinkling gleam. It was the gentle hum of a small Californian town, filled with buzzing townsfolk in suburban settings and singing birds that found sanctuary in the surrounding wilderness. It was the floral scent of garden-lined sidewalks that was encapsulated within a plethora of beautiful flowers. But most of all, on this very particular day, innocence was the budding friendship between two children on their first day of kindergarten. Brown, doe-like eyes, peered upward as lips jutted out in a pout. They belonged to a young boy as nerves overtook his small body, worried about being alone and away from his parents. His hands were small as they gripped onto the pant legs of his father before cementing his little feet to the pavement below. He was refusing to move; head shaking, frown quivering, cheek rubbing against khaki-coloured material. "Stiles, honey..." A tender voice cooed, a woman with dark brown hair and the sweetest of smiles now moving to crouch to his level. She was among the shining light of the sun, ethereal glows highlighting her frame before a hand with a loving touch cupped the young boy's face. "You'll have the best time, I promise. Once you make some friends, you will love it here." "B-but you and dad are my friends!"
The woman's gaze saddened as they flickered up toward her husband, a mutual conversation of silent expressions and empathy. With a tender pat to her shoulder, the woman stood, instead replaced by a man with kind eyes and a gold badge that glimmered in the light. Stiles' focus moved to the word 'Deputy' as his small finger dragged over the engraving on the golden metal, his sobs quietening only in the slightest.
"Do you want to see the special big boy present we got for your first day, bud?" The man spoke with a gentle tone before being met with a sniffle and hesitant head nod from his son. He was careful as he dug through the spiderman backpack in front of him, his facial features contorting with funny expressions to make Stiles laugh. The sound of happiness made the man sigh with contentment as he pulled out a yellow box - colours, one of every rainbow shade, were lined up perfectly and ready for a creative imagination.
"Crayons!" Any prior sense of despair had dissipated as the boy's eyes grew, childlike wonder and jovial sounds now becoming his persona in the way his parents had always known him. The box was grasped with delicate fingers before small arms were thrown behind the father's neck, holding him in a loving embrace.
The man smiled. All surroundings slowly faded as this family of three stood within their bubble of perfection - of love, and purity. Everything was right in the world, and nothing could stand in their way.
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Stiles stood off to the side; his senses were on alert, nervousness working through his small frame as he overlooked the large classroom and the many bodies that took up its space. He was too shy to speak to anyone, and he felt as if the room began to close in on him the longer he isolated himself. He dreamed of being back in the arms of his father, to be looking up at his mother's graceful smile that made all the scary moments go away. Everybody seemed to have someone and Stiles had never felt so alone.
It wasn't until he looked across to the far side of the room - past the children playing with their toys, and his new teacher talking to other adults that he didn't know - that he spotted another that seemed as lonely as he did. She had her back turned to him, but he could tell that she was sad by the way her pencil moved slowly over the page in front of her.
Little feet padded with caution as Stiles made his way toward her, the box his father gave him clutched tightly to his chest as a reminder that he was a big boy now and that alone was enough to give him some courage.
He cleared his throat, voice quiet as he peered over her shoulder, "Can I sit with you?"
Her head shot up with surprise to hear another voice, body turning quickly to see a young boy with the biggest brown eyes she'd ever seen. She nodded eagerly, pushing the chair beside her out for him to drop beside her. Stiles felt relief, his smile wide with anticipation as he stuck his hand out - something his father taught him when saying hello to new people. The girl looked at him funny before she smiled too, her hand sliding against his easily.
"Hi, my name is Mieczyslaw!" He spoke quickly, the sound of his name amusing as it came from his young squeaky voice. It didn't make it any easier to understand with the tooth missing from his bottom row, either.
Her head tilted, lashes fluttering as she thought of what he said. The girl hummed, "Mich.. ca.. slor?"
Stiles laughed loudly, his grin growing wider, if even possible. The boy nodded, "Kinda, but it's okay, it's hard to say sometimes."
The girl giggled along with him, her body turning further in her seat until she was facing him front on. "That's a funny name!"
"It's my grampa's name.." He started, shuffling closer to the girl, "But you can call me Stiles! Erry'one calls me that."
"Okay, Stiles. That's a funny name too!" She followed his earlier sentiment as her small hand was thrown toward him, ready for another shake, "I'm Y/n."
He took it gladly, "I like that name, it's pretty. Y/n."
A red hue dusted her cheeks, a mix of excitement and happiness as she found someone to talk to. And he was someone that made her laugh, which she liked most of all.
Stiles wasn't afraid as he put his box of crayons on the table between them, a sense of pride filling him as he saw her eyes widen in amazement. He patted the top, "My dad and mom gave me these."
"Wow! And you got the big box too, with all the good colors!"
Stiles' smile never faltered, and he knew that he liked you straight away. You were going to be a good friend. "Yeah! I haven't opened 'em yet. Did you wanna color with me?!"
That was the beginning of an unbreakable friendship, the first chapter in the lives of you and Stiles Stilinski.
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myblurryreality · 9 months
Teen Wolf Tangled AU
A/N: I attempted to write something to the effect of Tangled. @hotgirlstiles. With some differences. I hope it is an okay read. Let me know if I should continue.
Stiles was bored again.
He'd already read the new books that Gerard had brought him three times already. The tower was clean and there were no more chores to occupy his time.
He had climbed down the tower in hopes that the fresh air and green fields would offer a balm to his boredom. The effort proved pointless.
He was sprawled in the grass and soaking in the sun when something passed over the boundary.
"Bored again, are we."
Stiles rolled to his side to face the voice. Opening his eyes, he watched as shadowy darkness shrunk down into an unassuming black fox.
"You were gone for so long this time! I thought you'd abandoned little old me." Stiles pouted dramatically.
"Never. Little Hibana, you're stuck with me." He responded as he made his way to the boy.
While Stiles was trying to play it off as a joke, he knew that he feared being in this place alone with no one but that wretched man as occasional company.
Stiles gave a small smile as his arms curled around the body of the fox.
"I missed you." Stiles breathed in the fur of his companion. "He paid a visit while you were gone. He said he'd be gone for longer this time. That I'd have to ration the supplies. It was the usual amount."
The vibration of a growl ran through the foxes body.
"Those meager scraps aren't enough for you already and he dares demand you spread them even thinner!" Snarled the fox.
Stiles sat up and looked the fox in the eyes. "We'll be fine. We always are. We'll survive and we'll both escape our chains. You and me, Kurai. We'll be free."
Kurai huffed, "Of course we will. It is only a matter of time."
He got to his feet and shakes his fur out. "Come, let us go inside. I brought food and was even able to aquire you a few things."
Stiles clambered to his feet in excitement. Eyes shining in anticipation, Kurai always brought him the best stuff. "Why didn't you say you had stuff. Let's go, let's go!"
Kurai chuckled and followed after the hyperactive boy. He would be considered a man by most in a few days, but would always be a boy to Kurai. What's 18 years to a millennia.
Derek was tired.
He had been on the run for days, ever since Kate had spotted him buying supplies for the pack. He had run in hopes of shaking them off but had gotten shot. Whatever was on the arrow made his body feel heavy. It was sheer adrenaline and determination that he was still able to keep moving. He was able to trick them into going the wrong direction, but he knew that if he didn't find somewhere to hunker down that they'd catch up to him.
A stray wind rustled the foliage to his left. It sounded as if there was a cave or opening behind the greenery. Decision made, Derek walked to his left and pushed his way past the bushes and curtain of vines.
Which led him into what he assumed was a cave at first, until he noticed light filtering in around a bend.
Ears perked, he crept forward while listening for any person or animal. It would just be his luck to get away from the hunters to then encounter a bear.
There were no sounds to be heard. Still cautious, he rounded the bend and walked through another curtain of vines into a clearing. All at once, as if he'd entered a bubble, sound filled his ears. Birds singing, a babbling brook leading into a small pond, and the wind rustling through leaves. It looked like a picture from a fairytale and the tower in the center just added to that thought.
There were no sounds or scents of any people around. It seemed that no one had been here in some time. The likelihood of anybody finding this place was low. He could rest here and then make his way back to his pack. His family had to be worried. Hopefully, they wouldn't do anything rash.
Derek walked up to the tower and circled it. His eyebrows furrowed.
"What idiot builds a tower with no way to get up it."
He let out a long sigh and flicked out his hand. Claws decorated the tip of his fingers. Reaching up, he dug his hand into the stone wall and started the tiring climb up. His body was getting heavier but he was determined to get into the tower. Just a little more effort and he could rest.
Grunting and growling, he fought his weakening body to make it to the tower window. Until finally, he was able to set his feet inside. Before he could take another step further, pain burst on the side of his head.
'Just my fucking luck.' He thought as he fell.
Stiles chest was heaving and his fingers were white where they gripped his new bat that Kurai brought him. It was beautifully carved and made out of Rowan wood. It was, as demonstrated, quite effective.
"Kurai! How did he get here? I thought the wards made it so no one could find this place."
"They do. Mm, I wonder?"
Kurai slicked forward to sniff at the prone figure. Upon catching the scent, his muzzle pulled back into a grin that showed off his sharp teeth.
"I believe, that this just may be our ticket out of this place."
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riseofamoonycake · 1 month
Healing Heart
Chapter 3 ⁓ Future
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🪷Pairing: Shiva x Fem!human reader
🪷Warnings: mention of illness, wounds, blood, death, suggested pregnancy. Fluff warnings » happy ending, Shiva being an adorable papa.
🪷Chapter 3 of 3. Here chapter 1. Here chapter 2.
🪷Setting: Post Ragnarok
«Hey, sleepy head! Isn’t it time to wake up?»
«Shiva, let her rest. If she still needs time, it’s not a problem.»
These voices… these sounds…
«She is been sleeping for almost four days, come on! I don’t want to start worrying!»
«Ah, how sentimental…»
«Rudra! Don’t make fun of me, you know you won’t get out of this unpunished!»
Where am I… where am I?
You open your eyes slowly, taking a deep breath. You feel dizzy, confused and weak, and at the same time better, definitely better than when you fell asleep; you breathe without difficulty, you have no pain, your throat is free and your head no longer aches. In the air you perceive the intense smell of the lotus flower, the equally penetrating scent of fire and sacred woods, and as much as these are a punch in the stomach they forcefully enter your nostrils and fill your entire body, it is been a long time since you felt them anymore, chased away by the miasmas of the disease. Your eyes are still clouded by sleep, yet you recognize the ceiling of your bedroom, tinted by the rays of a sun that shows itself without shame and invites you to come out to observe it in all its glory; furthermore, all kinds of noises come in from the open window, the same ones that dragged you out of the dark limbo of unconsciousness.
The birds are singing… footsteps, running, doors opening and closing... there are voices, and calls, and… and laughter… someone is laughing! And singing!
Your eyes widen when you realize this and you sit up; immediately after you have to lie back on the bed, your head spinning, and a muffled moan escapes your mouth. At this point you half close your eyelids and force yourself to try to calm down, even if the beating of your heart drowns out even the noise of your thoughts, and you wait a little before sitting down again, calmly, without sudden gestures. This time you succeed, even if your body complains and lets you know that it will be difficult for you to get up on your feet in a few moments; not even two moments later, four arms appeared almost out of nowhere grab you and hold you up, pushing you to look straight ahead.
«Oh, good morning! Did you get enough sleep?»
You stare for a few moments at the face of the god Shiva, kneeling in front of you, and open your mouth to reply; but not a syllable leaves your lips, your eyes clinging to his figure as if out of fear of seeing him vanish into the folds of a dream. Before you can regain control of your tongue and formulate any possible sentence, another male figure silently enters the room and stands behind Shiva: four arms ― a god… ―, amber skin and long black braids, feline eyes and blue tattoos on the face, which in the light seem to shine like lightnings on the sea. Seeing you silent and afraid to speak, the latter is the one to start the conversation; however, not before smiling at you. «Don’t worry, Y/N, it’s okay. You do not have to be afraid.»
«Am I… am I dead?», you murmur in a breath, ready for anything; and both the unknown deity and the Lord of the Dance smile, then shake their heads. «You risked entering His kingdom, but we prevented you», Shiva replies, before slightly loosening his grip on your body, «as well as many of your village.»
Your eyes widen in surprise, but you already know that he is right: you can clearly hear it around you, voices cannot deceive you. Did we really make it? «So we were… saved…»
The god nods, then turns to his companion. «Well, it’s all thanks to Rudra, who somehow heard us and came to the rescue when our hopes were running out. Many know him as the Lord of Storms, but in truth he could teach you a lot about medicine too: I think you would be an excellent student.»
You raise your face towards Rudra and immediately bow it as a sign of respect, before doing the same to Shiva. Your lips tremble for a moment, and your voice is heard again: «I... I don’t know how to thank you, Great Gods. I could never have done what you have done, and not even my sacrifice can ever reward you enough. I will always be indebted to you, and the entire village with me.» A prolonged grumble rises from your belly, marking the emergence of other needs and bringing silence, and you turn your face away and blush until it changes color. «And, um… uh… I think I’m hungry…»
The God of Destruction lights up, and he jumps up. «Well, that is good! However, before leaving you to eat in peace, we wanted to show you something…»
Now all four of his arms hold you gently as they help you stand, and support you as you falter; only now do you realize how much your body demands nourishment, so much so that in the end the god holds you close to prevent you from falling. One of his hands dips into your hair and fixes it a little, then slides over your face and caresses it, his eyes glued to yours as they fill with your image. «Come…», he murmurs, taking you to the threshold of your house, from where you can see the whole village; here he observes you one last time, and as soon as he opens the door… 
As soon as he opens it, what you heard is revealed, proving to you once again that it is all true; and yet, at least initially, you struggle to believe while your eyes have no rest, they don’t know where to rest and therefore they chase one figure after another, one smile among a thousand, a greeting, a children’s game, a hug. You don’t even have time to notice the tears you have started to shed, so intent are you on filling yourself with the images you have dreamed of for a long time, for which you have prayed, fought and suffered so much; but now the pain is over.
Now, it is time to be happy.
«Shiva told me about what you have done», Rudra says then, appearing at your side and looking at the village, and then turning his gaze to you, «and although I agree with him that your sacrilege must be followed by a proper punishment, neither of us can deny your courage and dedication to your people. It’s thanks to you that in this village you can still laugh, dance and run. You saved them all.»
«Can… can I go and say hello to everyone?», you murmur in response, no longer able to control yourself, your hands shaking.
«… Who’s stopping you?»
You nod, then move slowly and approach the center of the village, taking your time, fully savoring the sweetness of what you see. People stop as soon as they notice you, then start running towards you, calling you, holding and hugging the one who made their existence possible.
You no longer understand anything and you don’t even try, and you continue to cry while you squeeze, hug and cling in turn; this time, there is nothing sad in your tears.
Just as a moment is enough to destroy a life, it takes just as much to lift it out of misery; and weeks pass, they become months, but these moments seem to never end.
Every day is full of things to do: as the village returns to full strength, everyone takes back control of their lives. Rudra and Shiva have decided to stay and, under their guidance and thanks to their enormous help, the houses and other structures are cleaned again and again, and tidied up; the roads are fixed, the fields freed from harmful weeds, nourished, prepared and cultivated, just as the trees and animals receive the necessary care and begin to be fertile and healthy again. Furthermore, the God of Storms did not waste a single moment to follow you closely during your visits, assisting you and teaching you and the other inhabitants countless notions of medicine, new methods and the most effective healing techniques, making you discover things that you would not even have imagined.
In the evening, then, no one goes to sleep so early, because the feasts reign supreme: once the streets have been cleaned and the tables hastily set, the first fruits are brought to them and shared with the entire village, with the first morsel reserved always to the Gods, and much of the night flies away between songs and dances, while day after day a large temple is built in honor of the two divinities, who have now also become protectors of this land. Not even you deprive yourself of moments of joy and celebrations ― neither Shiva nor Rudra would allow you, on the other hand, since they both always make sure that you are present ― and grant yourself serenity, peace and some harmless whim… 
But your mind doesn’t even let you forget that there is one last step for you to take. Your journey is not over yet: you have promised something that you cannot escape and, whatever happens, you will have to accept it. For this reason, every evening you look at Shiva’s face, waiting for his words to decree the end; for this reason, you are surprised more and more when the hours fly by without anything happening and you notice that in the eyes of the god there is no cruelty, there is no hatred, no desire to hurt you. Sometimes a severe shadow falls over them when he stares at you in the light of the dying candles and under the stars that move towards dawn, but it flies away the next instant, like a ghost that chose the wrong soul to torment; and although it is clear that a punishment will come, you also wonder if it will really bring pain and annihilation, or if it will instead be a different term, which you don’t know and cannot know.
… At least, until the moment arrives.
You don’t need to see Rudra to realize that he is calling you; you just need to notice the light of twilight disappearing from the house you are in, covered by the bulk of the god who stands out in the doorway and remains still behind you, and you understand. An immense calm descends upon you: and without haste you first finish your duties, then you wash and clean your hands from the herbs and medicines, you get rid of your work clothes and grab your cloak, to then say goodbye to your last patients with the biggest smile you can give. You don’t say anything, not even whisper any goodbyes: you don’t want to leave behind sadness or remorse, your people don’t deserve it. In your heart you promise yourself that, before Shiva gives you his punishment, you will beg him not to reveal your fate to the village, then the Lord of Storms takes a step back and you follow him out into the open, under the smile of the crescent moon.
Rudra stares at you for a few moments in silence, then his face softens a bit. His marks light up and his eyes are gentler now, as if they wanted to console you and tell you not to be afraid. And a part of you believes it. «Reach the entrance of the village», he tells you kindly, «your fate awaits there.»
You nod, then bow your head. «If you grant me a prayer… I ask and implore you to always watch over the village. These people need you, they trust you. Please never leave them alone.»
The god takes you by the shoulders and pushes you to stand up and look at him, and adjusts your cloak. «Even now you think more about others than yourself…» A small smile, then he places a hand on your head. «You have nothing to fear: these people are protected, the village will be fine. Your devotion will always be its salvation.»
«Thank you. I really mean it.»
Rudra doesn’t respond except with an assent, and you don’t say anything else: with a final bow, you take your leave of him and start heading towards the entrance of the village, for the last time. Although you know every tree, every stone in the street and corner of the houses by heart, you look at them as if you had never seen them before; you stare at the half-open windows, listen to the voices and footsteps, fill your nostrils with the smells of the plants, of the loose earth, of the clouds that have brought rain not too far from there, of the life that, whatever it may be, will go on, even without you, and continue. You don’t meet anyone on your way, as if everybody knew what awaits you and would like to avoid any kind of burden, and in a few moments you already glimpse your destination; first corner of the night, bearer of stars and flowers, Shiva awaits you sitting on a boulder located a short distance from the access, with his back to you. His gaze is focused on the lands where the great rivers flow, even if something makes you understand that he heard you coming.
«Your heart is at peace, Y/N. I’ve never heard him beat with such calm…» he then comments, turning to look at you.
You stare back at him, then nod. «I’m surprised too, in all honesty. But I immediately accepted the implications of my action, so I’m ready. Whenever you want, you can do with me whatever you wish; I only have one last prayer to offer you ― if you can, don’t tell any of the inhabitants what fate you have reserved for me ― and for the rest I ask you nothing.»
The god doesn’t respond to your words, and you don’t break the silence and let the evening breeze fill the space between you. The night arrives with extreme serenity.
«Let’s go, then», Shiva whispers, standing up and beckoning you to follow him as he sets off on the road that leads away from the village, towards the mountains that make their ghost glimpse in the distance, beyond the clouds and shadows of the end of day. The thought that he wants to take you towards the mountain you violated only becomes concrete now, but not even at this moment fear passes through you. Everything must return to its balance, to the normal cycle of things; and following the threads of this consideration, your eyes rest on the wrists of the Lord of Destruction, who continues to walk ahead of you with a calm pose, showing and hiding his skin following the rhythm of his gait. For entire minutes, perhaps hours?, you stare at those hands, those arms, and in the meantime the words that Rudra whispered to you during the conversation of a few evenings ago, when you managed to extract from him the partial confession of what happened before his arrival and during the moments in which you remained unconscious, arise and arise again in your mind ― He almost opened himself in two to give you his blood and let you live. He was the sacrifice for you, because he would never have allowed the end of so many people without doing anything. You try everything to maintain silence; but in the end you can’t do it anymore. «You… you and the Great Rudra… lied to me.»
Shiva stops suddenly, looking at you with confusion, then tilts his head to the side. «Hmm? What are you mumbling about, Y/N?»
You stop as well, unable to look at his face, so you take a deep breath. «You lied to me: it wasn’t me who saved my people. We would all have died if it hadn’t been for your action. You… you allowed us to live. You donated your blood, you suffered for them, for me…» A tear runs down your cheeks, more from emotion than anything else. «I attracted your wrath, your hatred… I committed a huge sin… and you saved me anyway.»
Without saying a word, the god takes a step towards you and grabs you with two hands; to your surprise, he pulls you towards you, almost drags you, and when you are in front of him he takes your face and raises it, forcing you to look at him. «After everything you did for your village… after the exhausting journey you took, the crazy and at the same time lucid gesture you made, after having pushed not one, but two divinities to follow you in your desperate race… you still believe in not having responsibilities and merits?»
You stare at Shiva in silence, then, with a gentle yet firm touch, you grab his hands that are holding your face. You know well that it could be seen as a disrespectful act, but since your punishment is certain, this cannot make your situation much worse; and then you take those hands, you stare at his wrists in search of traces and scars that have already disappeared, you look at them again and finally kiss them, pressing your lips softly on them and letting their touch descend into his skin, only detaching after a few moments to rest your forehead against them.
The Lord of Destruction gives you permission to do all this; he holds you captive with his gaze, but says nothing or withdraws, waiting for your act of devotion to be carried out in your time. Then, he releases one hand from your grip and this time places it on your head, letting his fingers slide through your hair, stroking it gently. The heat of the fire seems to invade you, but without burning you: it is like being under hot water, a blessing and purifying waterfall that forgives even those who have sinned perfectly knowing so.
«And even now, your heart is calm. Are you really not afraid? Don’t you fear the pain, the end?»
«My fears are now gone, Great Shiva», you reply softly, «you have killed them all. My people will live, they have and will have your and Great Rudra’s protection, they are safe. They will be happy, they will make it. All my prayers have been heard and answered… what do I have to fear?»
The god sighs; you can’t see him, but a smile is forming on his face. «It is true; there is nothing else you have to fear…» A pause. «Y/N… I have no intention of taking your life or making you feel pain. I will not damn you forever, I will not torture you. Your punishment will be different.»
You look up away, staring wide-eyed at the deity’s face. What does it mean? «I… I don’t understand…»
Shiva smiles again, this time more enigmatically, then motions for you to look around. You obey, and you turn pale: without you realizing it, you have arrived on the sacred mountain, in one of the clearings from where you stole the lotus flowers. By God’s will, every meter became a kilometer, and in a few hours you completed the journey of entire days. «The mountain… will it punish me?»
It does not hesitate to answer you: it does so with the immense peace of the darkness, barely illuminated by the stars that arrange themselves in constellations and the traces of the Milky Way that extends above you; it does it with the call of some nocturnal birds and the rustling of the grass around, the tremor of thousand-year-old branches, the trembling of the waters in the ponds, the breathing of the flowers closed in their sleep. Shiva, who knows the language of the world in its depths, nods for it. «It will do it. But with its ways: you took its children away from it, and you must give them back.»
«I… all those flowers I took from it… how will it ever forgive me?»
Shiva’s arms reach you again. Firmly but kindly, the god takes you to a point in the clearing where the grass is thinner and the ground warmer, and here the god urges you to sit down, before doing the same. Above you, the starry sky becomes even more intense and magnificent. «In truth, you have already been forgiven. From it, and from me. Or do you think we haven’t seen your heart and why you did what you did? You have already been forgiven. But that doesn’t free you from your punishment.» The Lord of the Dance remains silent for a moment, long enough for a star to increase its glare and send it back to you. «This mountain is a mother, just as you were for your people: it understood your gesture and did not stop you from taking its children away from it to help those you love, but now it asks you the same thing. Your job here, your punishment, will be to take care of it and its creatures. As long as the mountain deems it appropriate, you will live here and serve every living being that inhabits it: you will help the flowers, the trees, the animals and anyone who is lost here. You will be part of the mountain, you will protect it, and you will allow it to live.
Your people are safe now, they no longer need you; this place, however, is waiting for you.»
You remain silent, then turn towards Shiva, even though you can barely see him. «And you? What do you want me to do? The mountain has already expressed its will… but what about you? What do you ask?»
«Only your company. I won’t always be able to be here, with you; but when I return… I ask you to stay with me.»
You let his words hang in the air, then close your eyes. You will spend your life here, among these woods, among rocks, flowers, rain and stars; you probably won’t see your people again, but… «I accept. I will serve the mountain until the last day of my life. Just as I have cared for humans, I will do the same for these places. Maybe I’ll do it even better, here…»
Shiva gives a low laugh, then one of his hands finds your head and strokes your hair. «You are a good girl, Y/N. You are courageous, you are not afraid to fight for what you believe, and your heart is big. You’ll make it. I trust you.»
You nod, then a sudden rush takes over your mind; and the next second, you throw yourself into Shiva’s arms and hug him tightly, burying your face against his chest. «Thank you for everything you've done for us», you murmur to him, «and thanks for not leaving me alone.»
The god doesn’t hesitate for a moment to hug you back, holding you with all four arms, and smiles. «You are not alone, little flower. You never will be. Didn’t I tell you that you don’t have to fear anything anymore?»
In response, you hug him even tighter; and he does nothing to break away. He holds you close to him even when, after some time, he feels your breathing become more regular and deeper, and he understands that you have fallen into a peaceful sleep. At this point, the god lightly caresses your back, looking for a way to detach himself without waking you up; a hand inadvertently slips onto your womb, and―
Shiva gasps, then remains motionless as if struck by lightning. His gaze remains fixed on the forest that extends a few meters away, on a tree that blends in among the others, but that is not the focus of his interest; slowly, his fingers return to your womb and rest there, and the god closes his eyes except for the one on his forehead, holding his breath.
From within your body, a spark responds to his touch, stirring slightly. It does this for a moment, and then disappears; it reappears after a few moments, vanishes, and after another flicker is no longer sensed.
In how many years? When will it happen?, he asks within himself, at the world, at the flow of time; but the most secret part of your body and the future he saw in it no longer respond. For now.
«For now…», Shiva murmurs, reopening his eyes and looking at you, wrapped in your clothes, in sleep, in the feeling of calm that comes from being at peace with yourself. The god stares at you for a long time, holding you in his arms without the desire to detach himself, contemplating your face and every part of you. He hugs you again, seeking for one last time that gasp of future life at the center of you and still feeling it faint, and he buries his face against your shoulder, smiling sweetly. «Don’t be afraid, Y/N… just as you will take care of the mountain, I will do the same thing with you… and with those who will be born from you», he murmurs to you, before falling silent for a moment. «I don’t know who it will be, or what itwill be like… but I already love it. Yes, little creature... papa already loves you. Mama already loves you. Take your time, come when you want… no matter what, we are waiting for you.»
In the serenity of the night, only the wind now smiles.
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I have found out that Rudra was believed to cure diseases (and to create them) and asked to keep the villages free from the illness. So...
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Just enough help
✿ Yoongi x reader (she/her) (Namjoon is there for 2 seconds)
✿ wc: 2.1k
✿ baby angst, minimal fluff
✿ summary: You're stuck, not knowing what to do in your life to be happy and content. A surprising conversation makes you think that maybe you can turn things around.
✿ warnings: some talk of capitalism, hopelessness, and being stuck in life, a touch of loneliness & low self-esteem, but nothing physical, just one little wish of being more beautiful, weed smoking occurs (oh no, 2/2 on this one), talk about purpose and shit that's keeping me up at night, but it's not too heavy, ends with more hope than it starts I promise
Maybe part two...?
A lovely spring day by the canal, birds singing, sun shining, couples smiling, all that bullshit and yet you’ve been walking around with a dark cloud above you. Sometimes going for a walk makes you feel like you’re finally photosynthesising after a long winter, yet seeing all these happy people reminds you of how bitter you feel. 
Sitting down on the patch of grass overlooking the water, staring into the distance you feel like everything you’ve been working towards has been completely pointless. You pictured this amazing life for yourself, with a career you love and are confident in, living it up in the big city, with a highrise flat, a dog and a partner. Yet all you’ve got right now is disappointment, in yourself and your achievements. 
And that just makes you feel ungrateful because you have a career, a decent one at that, that pays you enough that you don’t have to worry about your bills and you can indulge here and there. Your flat might not be overlooking the city, but it’s nice enough, you decorated it to your tastes and you don’t have to share it with any strangers and argue over whose turn it is to do the dishes. 
Yet it just feels like it’s all wrong, it’s not you, you’re not really living. You’re going through the motions every day, seeing how much you can get away with before you get called in for a disciplinary meeting. Seeing how many hours you can spend laying down on your bed with your eyes closed, picturing you’re someone else entirely, someone better, more confident, more interesting, more beautiful. 
You thought you finally had it, that treasured feeling you’ve been chasing for as long as you can remember, that content little light inside that made you walk with a little more joy, make you lift your head a bit higher, like you actually like yourself. How fragile was it really? It seems like all it took was a slump, and then you went right back to isolating yourself, not taking care of yourself and no longer trying. 
“Here, take this” 
A water bottle is suddenly in your line of vision, startling you from your self-deprecating spiral. Looking up at the man standing in front of you, realising you’ve been crying, in public, in broad daylight, completely sober. Shock and shame quickly mix together, so you take the bottle hoping he’ll leave you alone to wallow for a bit longer before you pull yourself together and make the hour-long journey back to your corner of the city. No such luck, he seems to not get the hint, sitting down next to you, a good 4 feet apart. 
“Don’t worry, I just bought it, it’s sealed. You just looked like you needed it.”
You look down surprised, to the unopened bottle, muttering a small thanks and taking a sip. He’s settled in, staring out at the beautiful view, looking completely at ease with your discomfort, while you’re inspecting his profile, confused about what the hell he wants from you. He can’t possibly just be nice, no one talks to crying people here, you might as well be invisible. The last time this happened, when you were 20, having just moved cities, far from home, it was like you suddenly got a superpower, if you ever cried in public, and you did for a while, a lot, everyone avoided eye contact like they could catch some crying disease. 
“Wanna talk about it?”
Letting out a sudden laugh, you might as well engage in this, whatever this is, it might never happen again. Hopefully, it never does, how many times can one embarrass themselves before their self-esteem finally reaches rock bottom? 
“I’m just being dramatic, it’s nothing much.”
“Try me”
“Fine, if you’re really that interested... I just fucking hate my life... I hate my job, I hate my flat, and I hate that I’m not where I thought I’ll be at this age. But I’m sure I’m not the first or the last to think that, so I should just be happy with what I’ve got, it could be so much worse.”
“So what? Just because it could be worse, what, can’t it be better as well?”
“I guess, but at this point, I don’t know what better looks like. I’m sitting here complaining about how unhappy I am, yet I couldn’t even tell you what I want. Pretty fucking pathetic.”
You’re angry you realise, you’re angry with yourself mainly. What is the point of this little sad song you’re singing for yourself? You’re not grateful for what you’ve got and you’re not trying to get anything better, so why would you deserve some amazing life for yourself if you can’t even try? 
Looking at the guy again, you realise he didn’t say anything back to your lovely rendition of your failures, just offering you a smoke. 
“Fuck it, why not.” 
So you sit there, in silence, going back and forth, smoking this stranger’s weed looking out at the orange hues in the water reflecting from the sunset. 
“How old are you?” you finally ask, once the buzz kicked in and you can feel your anger subside, making room for the light haze. 
“And are you happy?”
“Yeah, sometimes. I’m happy right now.” 
“Why would you be happy right now? I doubt anyone wants to spend their Saturday afternoon wasting their weed on a random crying stranger.”
He doesn’t look at you at all while talking, just sits there calmly, takes a final toke, has a sip of his coke and lays down on the grass before answering. This man seems like he’s meditated his way to inner peace right now. 
“It’s not that bad, the weather is nice, there’s music playing, there’s no screaming children. I had a nice lunch and a nice smoke, and you’re not crying anymore. So I’m happy right now. It doesn’t take that much.”
He’s right, it’s a beautiful day, it’s as peaceful as the city will ever feel, and you’re not crying anymore. So you stop, take a deep breath, trying to embody his carefree attitude, and lay down on the grass. You focus on the clear sky, the gentle breeze moving the tree leaves above you and the gentle guitar you can hear from somewhere behind you. 
“How old are you?”
Looking to your right, he’s finally looking your way, sitting up on his elbows, eyes a bit droopy and red. 
“And what did you think would already happen that hasn’t?”
“I’m not sure anymore, I just thought I’d feel some purpose, like I’d be some inspiring career woman. But all I feel is just dread… like, is this it? For the rest of my life, just wake up, drag myself to do something that’s good enough, that pays me enough, that’s just not annoying enough or hard enough that I leave. Get home, eat, watch some movie that’s interesting enough, sleep, repeat.”
“What’s annoying about it, your job?”
“It doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. I’m helping a bunch of rich corporations figure out if they can maybe squeeze another million out of people while trying hard not to spend a cent to help anyone. Not even their own employees. They ask for more money, or better parental leave, or bereavement days, or to not be discriminated against after helping them increase their billions and they say “Sorry, no can do, but here’s a ping pong table and a couple of beers on Friday.” It just doesn’t matter at best and at worst I’m helping capitalism thrive at everyone’s expense. Surely this isn’t what we’re meant to be doing.” 
“Yeah, well I agree with you on that… So you obviously know why this doesn’t feel right, then what should we be doing?”
“What, all of us, as a society?”
“Yeah, all of us.”
“We should be helping each other. Not fucking over everyone we can just so some rich dude can buy another yacht. But so what? I’m not gonna start some class revolution. I can barely keep my fridge stocked. It doesn’t matter how I think we should be.” 
“I mean, I’m pretty sure a lot of people feel that way.”
“Maybe… No, you’re right, I know they do. I didn’t come up with any of this. Just not the people that can actually do something about it.”
“You can do something about it, anyone can. Why can’t you help people?”
“Cause it won’t make a difference.”
“Did that water make a difference?” he points to the empty bottle on your lap. 
“I mean, I’m not thirsty anymore…? What’s your point?”
“Did the weed make a difference?”
“Yeah, it did. So what, should we just give out weed to people and hold hands and hope our corporate overlords decide to join us?”
“You’re thinking too big. How do you feel? Like right now, this second?”
“I feel… I feel high. I feel like I’m chatting shit to a stranger.” 
He laughs a bit, continuing his gentle interrogation. 
“And how did you feel 20 minutes ago? Be honest.”
“You’re really walking around providing free therapy?”
“Just indulge me…”
“Fine, I felt like crap, and really fucking hopeless.”
“Well, you still seem a bit hopeless, I won’t lie to you, but you’ve smiled about 1.5 - oh, there we go, 2 times now, so surely that’s a tiny bit better, no?”
“Yeah, I guess so…”
“Well then, I helped you a tiny bit. Do you feel like that matters at all?”
“In the grand sch-”
“No, no, not in the grand scheme, to you, does it matter to you? That you’re high and feel a little bit less crappy?”
“Yeah, I suppose. But, that’s not helping people, that’s just me.”
“Well you’re a person, I’m a person, we’re both people, unless that’s not the case, which if you’re not, please tell me now because that’s a great high conversation to have.”
You laugh a bit amused at how this dude is just taking your ramblings in stride, somehow finding time to not only make eye contact with a crying stranger but somehow give them life advice as well. 
“3, that’s a full smile, new record. Well, now that we’ve established we’re both people, and I helped you a tiny bit, and you helped me pass some time and have a nice chat, then why would it not matter?”
“Right… so you’re saying I should start small?”
“Well if you could actually fix society, like all of it, I’d be really fucking impressed, but I doubt you can just wake up one day and do that. Maybe just think of what you do well in your job, and see if anyone is willing to pay you for it, some place where it’s helping, someone, anyone. Even if it’s just one person. I’m sure there’s something.” 
You look at him for a few seconds, just surprised. It’s not like he’s told you the secret to the universe. You’ve probably given this advice to a friend before, ‘start small, focus on what you can control’, ‘every little bit counts’ all of that. But sometimes, just knowing something isn’t enough, you need someone to tell you just the right thing at the right time. 
“Thank you.”
“Thank you, that actually really helped.”
“Nah, I’m sure you would’ve gotten there eventually. My friend’s finally here, I’m gonna head out. Hope you figure it out.”
You watch him walk away with a little wave. You’re surprised, you realise. He didn’t do anything creepy, he didn’t try to hit on you or ask for your number. He didn’t even ask for your name actually. He was just nice, he listened, gave a little bit of advice and went on his way. He did help, so maybe it’s a sign. How many times would this realistically happen? You would’ve said 0 30 min ago. So maybe you can turn things around, figure out a way to feel useful, a little bit less like a hypocrite. 
“Who was that?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean? You were talking for ages.”
“I don’t know her, just seemed upset so I talked to her for a bit.”
“And had a smoke.”
“Yeah, and had a smoke.”
“Sooo…did you get her number?”
“What? Since when do you talk to strangers just because? You barely even talk to me.”
“I don’t know what to tell you man, I just did.”
“Yeah, whatever you say… come on, let’s go, we’re already fucking late.” 
soooo I'm clearly going through something
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TW: male mastubation, perv!Tanjiro, obviously religion/religious beliefs, church setting, mentions of spanking, choking, edging, overstimulation, degrading is mentioned but not used towards anyone
A/N: I haven’t posted in a fat minute 😅 my bad, wrote this in class cuz I have nothing to do 😗✌️this definitely has incorrect church terms so there’s that. Anyways I need to finish my WIPs asap. Will get to that when I can. K bye!
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You’re late.
You’ve never been this tardy before.
You’re punctual, each and every Sunday. Sure there’s the occasional 2 to 5 minute tardiness but it’s rare. This, however, this is concerning.
Fifteen minutes into sermon and there’s no sign of you. Your usual spot right in the front is empty, he notes. The first reading gets done and you're still nowhere in sight, it's odd. Where on earth could you be?
It's only during the second reading, right in the middle of it to be exact, that you come rushing in as quietly as you can. Face flushed, clearly embarrassed from what the redheaded priest can smell, but there's something off. Something else he smells that he can't quite put his finger on, until it quite literally hits him.
Your arousal.
Once you're seated and close enough, he knows he isn't imagining it. While working as a priest he's had some encounters with some….strange people. Confessing their sins to him in the small confession box that became stuffy and uncomfortable once they started confessing their deepest desires.
Ones he knew most of them acted upon and, in that time of clarity they had after, they felt guilty about. So they came to him, seeking repentence but still smelling of their arousal, mixed in with embarrassment of course, while confessing to him.
He's heard it all; women wanting to be tied up and blindfolded, used by a man as a 'cheap whore', even men wanted to be used up, roughly treated by the woman of their dreams. He's heard a variety of punishments that people fantasize about, spanking, choking, overstimulation, edging, even degrading.
He had never been so surprised in his life! The ways in which they wanted to be talked to, it was shocking. He could never imagine doing that to anyone, even if he was angry or the circumstances were different.
He counts himself lucky he’s ‘married’ to the Lord, not having to worry about his partners and what they wanted in and out of bed. He has some strange church people, he fears for even the children most days.
It’s lonely most days though, not having someone to talk to besides the Lord himself. He wishes for a hand to hold, arms to encircle him and hold him tightly. Someone to cherish and love, to make memories with, to come home to. To be his home.
He dreams of you.
It’s you that holds his hand, your arms that wrap around his broad shoulders or slim waist. You are the one he cherishes and loves, the one who makes memories with him, the one he comes home to.
You are his home.
Each morning he wakes up to the shining sun, the birds singing their song. Another day the Lord had made and given him, but it’s not what he wants. He’s not ungrateful, he’s glad he gets to see the beautiful colors of the rising sun, but he’d rather wake up and see you.
You laying next to him, hair splayed about on the pillow, plump lips open just the smallest bit, chest rising and falling slowly with each breath you take. The sun lighting your features, each little beauty mark or freckle on your pretty face.
Your soft breaths the only audible sound in the otherwise quiet room, calloused hands sliding their way under your body and slowly pulling you closer. Trying his hardest not to wake you, he holds you tightly against him.
He never wants to let you go, doesn’t want the morning to end. He wishes time could stop, he wishes he could hold you longer, relish in your warmth just a bit more. He knows it’ll end soon, your warmth will be gone, replaced with an emptiness he can’t seem to fill. One he only dreams you can fill.
But that’s all it is, a dream.
And he wakes up each time in disappointment.
He holds back the sigh that threatens to escape him as he rises from his chair, heading towards the altar. The choir is almost angelic, their voices loud, clear, and proud as he raises the blessed book. Holding it up over his head he turns side to side, showing the book and mumbling a small blessing.
Walking to the microphone he steals a glance at you, but you avoid his gaze, smelling of shame and regret. The same scent of those who come to confess after their sexual activities. It’s strange.
He goes through the reading, often glancing at you only to be disappointed when you avert your gaze to the small book in your hands, filled with psalms and other lyrics of songs. He’s confused, perhaps he’s made you uncomfortable with his glances?
Perhaps you’re leaving the church? No, that wouldn’t do. You’re a woman of faith, you’ve devoted yourself to the Lord. Your entire life you’ve given to the Holy One and you entrust that he will take care of you.
You’ve done your first communion, your confirmation, you’ve even talked about getting married in this very church. He doubts you will ever leave, maybe you’re just questioning your faith. He knows, as a priest, that it’s very common for young people.
Perhaps he can convince you, as he has many other troubled people, to reconsider and stay a part of the blessed church.
“Father Kamado, are you available for a confession today?” You feel horrible, shame is eating away at you. What you did was bad enough, but prolonging it and being late to church? You should be ashamed.
Nodding, Tanjiro takes your arm gently and leads you to the confession box, “Are you alright? You seem troubled.” Your face is bright red and his touch only brings on more shame, but you nod, “Yes father, I’m alright.”
Lies, he can smell the lie but he decides not to push it, maybe you’ll explain once the confession starts. He can’t imagine what you’ll confess though, a perfect woman like you? Practically an angel yourself, what wrong could you do?
He doubts God himself would turn you away from the gates of heaven, you’re too perfect. Too kind-hearted, caring, nurturing, understanding, too pure.
If only he knew.
If only he knew what dirty things you’ve done. The downright filthy, horrible acts you’ve committed in your home. The impurity of you and your mind, some women would call it practically horrid.
“Forgive me Father for I have sinned.”
“May the Lord help you to confess your sins.”
You’ve never been more ashamed, but you know you must admit it, especially if you want to be cleansed of this. The terrible acts you’ve committed, you want to repent, you must repent.
So you blurt it out.
“I’ve acted on my fantasies, Father.” There’s a pause and you clutch your small purse, a shift in the mood, the atmosphere itself. The confession box becomes hot, stuffy, uncomfortable.
Do you try and backtrack? Try to make it less awkward? But how can you, admitting to something as terrible and unholy as that, then try and make it seem as if it’s truly nothing?
“F-Father, forgive me, I didn’t mean to-“ the creak of wood cuts you off before Tanjiro’s words do, “What kind of fantasies?”
He can’t help it, it’s too much yet too little at the same time. The explicitness, the embarrassment. It’s much too stuffy in the small box, he need air, needs to cool down.
Off come his robes.
It's wrong. So very wrong but he can't help it, he knows that he's ruined himself, that you've ruined him. Tainted his very soul, rid him of his innocence. The very thing he prided himself on, the thing he was sure would guarantee a spot in the heavenly kingdom above.
Now he's not so sure, he's positive there is no way to redeem himself. Not anymore, not after what he's about to do. Not when he tugs down his trousers and wraps his hand around the shaft of his hardening cock.
Not when he slowly starts pumping, moving his hand up and down, feeling the prominent veins running along the base. He places his free hand on the wall of the small box, desperate to ground himself, to silence the sounds of pleasure that threaten to come out, choosing to focus on your voice instead.
You're embarrassed, it's clear in your tone and scent, but you keep talking, knowing that this is much better than keeping it in. You're repenting after all, it's what you're here for, you need to do this.
You go into detail, the way he had asked you to, explaining the way you pushed your fingers into you core, the very one that was dripping because of him. The way you rubbed the little bundle of nerves, only intensifying the pleasure you had felt.
Full of shame, you continue explaining, your face burning and your stomach filled with regret, twisting and turning in the uncomfortable box you shared with the redhead.
The redhead who was currently stroking himself to you words, with the filthy words coming out of your mouth he was able to form an image of you. It may not be accurate, but it is definitely enough for his orgasm to approach faster.
"I know what I did was wrong, Father Kamado. I only wish for forgiveness, that is all I ask for."
He takes a moment to respond, the blissful state he's in making it difficult to answer you, but he speaks, "The Lord is merciful, he surely will forgive you if this is a one time occurance, but please...."
He pauses and throws his head back, barely biting back a loud whiny moan that surely would get him caught as his orgasm crashes over him in waves. His hand only moves faster, he twitches and tenses as thick white ropes of his cum coat his hand and trousers.
His breathing is ragged, hair is tousled and sticking up in every which way, but he speaks again, in a lustful voice that has your stomach churning and core aching once more;
"Come to me the next time you feel this way. I believe I can guide you in the right direction, should the need present itself again."
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zaceouiswriting · 1 year
A welcome stranger P.1
Character: Theo Raeken x male readerr
Universe: Teen Wolf
Warnings: None
When you woke up that morning, everything was perfect; the sun was shining, birds were singing their morning carols, and one of your excited dogs was staring at you while also lying on top of you. It was no wonder that you no longer felt the husky. After all, he does it every morning.
After a round of cuddling and tummy rubs, you pulled him into your arms and carried him downstairs, where your other two house dogs were patiently waiting for their food.
With a satisfied smile, you scratched their heads and then filled their bowls.
Whistling to yourself, you looked out again and decided to run for a wide lap before going about your daily chores. While the dogs happily ate, you went upstairs to put on some running clothes. As soon as you went downstairs, Ricko, your husky, saw you and immediately ran to the back door. Shaking your head still with the same gentle smile gracing your lips. You carefully opened the door, but your best friend had other plans, so he checked the door and ran out. The door handle flew out of your hand.
"Ricko! Come back!" you screamed loudly. But the stubborn dog wasn't even listening. Fearing for his safety, they ran after him but slammed the door first. Although you knew you didn't have to worry so much. After all, your home was surrounded by miles of your own property: all your land is surrounded by a heavy stone wall. Only at the end of the wooded area was a metal fence that some teenagers occasionally climbed over to reach his property.
Because you had no idea what they were doing or when they were coming to your land, you feared more for them or what they might do to your beloved dog.
But oddly enough, even after a few hundred yards, your dog didn't slow down. Something was wrong, and you knew it. You ran faster and faster, trying to catch up with him. Once even almost tripped over my own feet.
Almost two miles later, as you reached the wooded portion of your property, you saw something strange. Just off the rugged path - your private way to get in and out without getting noticed, which you mostly use to drive off with your truck - you saw something standing. 
You slowed down as your dog ran toward the thing in the woods. As you slowly approached, you saw that it was just a truck. At first, you thought someone put it there and wandered through your forest. But that would be a first because usually, the teenager will drive off as soon as they see you.
Finally, when you reached it, you could see how dirty this poor pickup truck was. You touched it anxiously, feeling pain as your finger touched the already-hardened dirt. You couldn't believe that a pickup truck lover would take such bad care of their baby! When you finally got your dog's collar between your fingers - as you got your composure back after this massive shock - you glanced inside. Several items were strewn in the back seats, ranging from clothing to toiletries.
You looked around, a bit confused. Out of nowhere, your dog began to bark loudly but not aggressively, causing you to jump and scold him. Afterward, as you looked up again: a pair of warm hazel eyes looked at you sleepily. It took him a moment, but when he realized someone was standing outside his truck, his eyes snapped open in panic.
You were still confused but showed him with your hand to roll down the window. He nodded his head obediently and did as he asked. "You do realize you're on private property, right?" you asked him, raising an eyebrow.
Shocked, almost shitting his pants, he turned his head. "N-No, sorry, I didn't see any sign." He stuttered out his words.
Sighing heavily and even wiping your face, all you could do was shake your head. "God, these kids are taking me to an early grave," you murmured as you walked around the pickup truck to the trail. Even from a distance, you could see the destroyed gate, almost as if something had driven through it.
Although the pickup truck in front of you was dirty, it had no other damages. Walking back to the let-down window, the young man was waking himself up and was about to drive off. "Are you living in your truck?" The question forced the young man to stop moving for a second.
But as soon as it happened, he turned to you with a big smile. "Oh no," he said to you. "I'm driving to the East Coast."
"We both know that's bullshit." The anger in your voice surprised the young man. “If you really wanted to go to the East Coast, you took many wrong paths. From here, you can only go further south.” You hold his stare sternly. "One last chance to tell me the truth before I pull you out of the car and call the sheriff."
Intimidated by your boldness and biceps visible as you crossed your arms in front of you, he broke apart. Tears suddenly flowed from his eyes, and sobs escaped his dry lips. His sparkling eyes from before looked empty and tired. It broke your heart, but now wasn't the time to give in to someone sleeping on your private property.
You've been patiently waiting for him to regain his composure. It took much longer than you expected. But when he finally did, his eyes were downcast. He couldn't meet your eyes anymore. "How about you follow me home? Get you some good food and a nice shower?”
He didn't seem very happy and obviously questioned your intentions. "Come on, Ricko! It doesn't seem like he wants our help." The dog whimpered softly, oddly saddened by this, but you didn't give him much heat. Instead, you put your hands under his stomach and lifted him into your arms because he didn't want to move.
Luckily, it only took a few meters before the truck's engine started roaring, and you could feel it closing in on you. Apparently, some real food and a warm shower were enough to get him to follow you. Which doesn't show much intelligence, or he's just too trustworthy.
Anyway, you were happy to help him. It reminded you of a friend you had in college. Henry had no place to go after his family disowned him. He didn't do anything! He only hit his younger brother after he fucked his girlfriend and got her pregnant. For months they tried to pass it off as Henry's house. Until he caught them in the act. Henry used to tell everyone he lived with his aunt, but by sheer coincidence, you found him sleeping in his car; in the middle of the night in a deserted parking lot.
Seeing something like that threw you back to when you forced Henry to live with you, eat your food, and use your heat and water.
Today he is a detective and has studied criminology. Also, you helped him get revenge on his entire family. The kid is with Henry's grandparents; his parents are in prison for tax evasion, his brother is on the run from the law, and his ex-girlfriend has lost everything and became an addict.
For Henry, it was just karma. You did the rest. He has no idea, just suspicions. You're not entirely satisfied with that, but at least it was something.
Hopefully, you don't have to do anything similar to anyone else, but you would if you found out someone did something similar to this guy. For some reason, his deep hazel eyes, that adorable smile, and those tight, juicy muscles coyly hidden under his clothes make you feel some kind of way.
You shook your head, perplexed. "Where did these thoughts come from?" you asked yourself quietly. "It's been a long time since I found someone this attractive."
Ignoring your thoughts, you tried to concentrate on your best friend in your arms, but he almost obsessively stared at the godly-looking stranger behind us in the pickup truck.
"Rocky, you little traitor!" you muttered angrily into his fur. "No treats for you today!" Suddenly his head snapped up, looking straight at you with those wide puppy eyes that so many times before broke every resolve you had to go through with your disciplining words. "Not this time Rocky! You've gone too far this time!" you murmured as he tried to soothe you with sloppy little kisses.
Completely ignoring your dog, you opened two gates before leading the stranger to the front of your home. He points to a place that can be seen from afar, hoping to make the stranger somewhat more comfortable.
But even after his truck came to a gentle stop and the engine died, he didn't get out. Standing aside, you waited patiently.
Even though you were calm and patient, that couldn't be said about Rocky. He jumped out of your arms the moment the truck door opened, and before the stranger could get a leg out, Rocky jumped in. "Ohhhhh!" You heard him chuckle heartedly, "Wow, be caaaarefeul!" His soft but deep chuckle quickly turned into light laughter.
Even though you tried to suppress this strange feeling, it was still there. Before you knew it, your heart was jumping a beat faster than usual, and sweat was gathering on your neck under the warm morning sun. Suddenly the comforting scent of cedar was in the air. A fragrance that you loved so much because of the adventures you had with your grandfather and grandmother when you were young.
Hearing your best friend rustle, the metal part of his collar jingling every now and then, made you move closer to the open truck door. From the angle you got closer to it, you saw the singular sweetest moment of your life. This stranger, cuddling with your most excited best friend, who usually hates strangers. After all, he's always the one chasing after those pesky teenagers.
But this one guy? Neither of you ever see? He could steal your best friend away so easily?
Suddenly your feet grew weaker as that strange but wonderful smell intensified. Even stranger, it soon became associated with the smell of freshly cut apples. Standing at the open pickup truck door and looking inside, the smell punched in your nose. You stumbled back for a moment, unable to think.
A bit away from the open pick-up truck door, you could catch yourself again. Rocky gave you a sneaky look that said: "Keep him, you idiot!"
Something he'd never done before, but apparently, this would be the new norm; as long as this stranger was there.
"The little ball of fluff is really friendly, isn't he?" he asked, smiling broadly at you. His perfectly white teeth were almost lighter than his warm eyes that once more sparkled happily. Only this time, it seemed to be genuine.
"I- He- I-" clearing your throat, with your fist in front of your mouth, head slightly bowed, cheeks flushed with shame. Trying to regain your composure, you diminished the small smile that was trying to appear on your serious face. "He's not usually this friendly." You reached out and scratched your dog's head. "He's usually a feisty guy."
Unable to breathe near the stranger because of the pungent smell of cedar and apples he was emitting, you quickly pulled Rocky away so he could get out of his truck.
Hearing him chuckling again and seeing him out of the corner of your eye smoothing his clothes where you could see his chiseled and broad chest made you shudder with attraction.
As he climbed out of his truck, his shirt went up a bit, showing his just as chiseled stomach and back muscles. He seemingly never skips gym! He surely would be a great trainer for you!
But when he jumped out, his knees were slightly bent, making him appear relatively small, but when he straightened his back out and stretched his legs, he was taller than you thought. With thick thighs, muscular calves, long arms but relatively small hands, with strong hands and veins showing all over his arms.
His body looked great, but his greasy hair and oily body showed his inability to meet his other physical needs.
We stood facing each other and just looked into each other's eyes. You could see your past in his eyes, the many forest adventures - all over the world - which you had with your grandparents. Suddenly all these light, happy feelings flooded your heart once more.
Luckily Rocky was there. As soon as he realized you were gone, he barked loudly and snapped you out of your fond childhood memories. Shaking your head and realizing you've been staring at the stranger, your head went bright red, so you turned away quickly and ordered him to follow you.
You could only hope he didn't see your chest rise and fall faster than usual nor hear your heart beating - you were sure even your ranch animals that were far away could listen to it, though.
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anechomirrored · 8 months
Prompt: "You lost it. Well, we lost it."
Fandom: swapfell (undertale)
Rating: T
Warnings: suggestive themes.
Sans stood in the hallway just outside his room. His attempt to follow the human abandoned as the full gravity of the situation had struck him.
He had taken someone home.
Sans, Captain of the Royal Guard.
It wasn't like him to lose control, to let his guard down and let someone in.
The situation was only made all the worse by his inability to remember what had insensed him to do such a thing.
What had been different?
Why had he trusted her, a human, enough to allow her such an intimate glimpse of him.
A cry from downstairs had him moving. An urgency tugging at his soul, even as it twisted uncomfortably.
If he were back underground a night like this would have been folly.
A death sentance for at least one of the parties involved.
Conceding to such frivolous desires as datemates was not something he had ever afforded himself.
His title made it almost impossible to forge genuine relationships platonic or otherwise. Rus was the only one he could really trust and even on the surface, Sans still kept to himself.
As he rounded the bottom of the staircase he felt his breath hitch.
The human was halfway to the door. Rus, having used a shortcut was blocking her escape, rambling apologies and assurances that his older brother's absolute blow up at her had been an accident.
The sound she made in her throat was a hollow bark of humourless laughter.
Sans didn't blame her.
"Human?" His voice brought the sorry scene to a halt.
Both his brother and the human turned to face him. One with worry and the other anger.
"What? Do you still have something to yell at me about, princess?" She spat the pet name back at him and he felt himself flinch.
He...he deserved that.
"I...I need to apologize.
"Well, that's one thing we can agree on." Her words dripped with venom.
Sans couldn't help but feel a rush seeing the electricity in her eyes. Her body was tensed, ready for a fight.
"I...don't normally do this."
"What? Scream at your one night stands or apologize?"
"Both!" He blurted out, "And you are not a one night stand! I don't...I don't want that!" His eyelights shrank as she opened her mouth to retaliate. He held up a hand. He had not even taken time to put on his gloves.
"Please, I don't remember last night. I don't and that is terrifying!" Sans almost choked, his soul in his proverbial throat.
The silence was defening.
Outside the sun was shining and Sans was sure he could hear birds singing in the front yard.
The ugly feeling in his soul twisted.
The human had been staring at the faux wood floor paneling for what felt like an eterity. Taking a slow breath, Sans finally looked away. His soul sinking to the bottom of his ribcage.
A fumbling apology was on his teeth when she spoke.
"I don't remember either." She looked up at him and he froze, "You're brother doesn't either but at least he had the courtesy to start the morning with a hello."
Sans eyes shifted to his brother. Rus was slouched down moreso than usual. His expression was absolutely devastated.
Sans opened his mouth and closed it again as the human let out a bitter chuckle.
"You lost it. Well, we lost it." Her expression was no longer angry, just sad, "You'd think one of us would remember if it meant something, yeah?" The tears brimming her eyes were too much.
Rus reached for her sleeve.
"Darlin' that's not-"
"Let me make this right!" Sans interupted.
His fists clenched at his sides.
"I...I want to take you on a date."
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
 I woke with the dawn, and heard the birds chirping outside of the window. Lucy woke, too, and, I was glad to see, was even better than on the previous morning. All her old gaiety of manner seemed to have come back, and she came and snuggled in beside me and told me all about Arthur. I told her how anxious I was about Jonathan, and then she tried to comfort me. Well, she succeeded somewhat, for, though sympathy can't alter facts, it can help to make them more bearable.
This bit is really sweet but also kind of sad to me. Lucy, freshly hopped up on "Dracula drank from me" energy, is finally her old self again, and starts talking excitedly about her fiance. That's not terrible by any means (other than what caused this sudden burst of energy), and maybe only refers to her seeing past all her recent nerves/stress to why she agreed to marry the guy in the first place. She's looking on the bright side, not worrying about their parents' health or how the wedding will have to go perfectly or what her new role in society will be or whatever else has been making her so nervous. She wakes up with the sun shining, birds singing, and thinks 'I'm in love.' She's focusing on the good again, and wants to share that with Mina.
Which is where it gets a little tone-deaf, perhaps? On the one hand, Mina is certainly the kind of friend who isn't going to mention what's bothering her until Lucy is taken care of. She doesn't want to stress Lucy out further or give voice to her own fears. She's written about Jonathan in pretty much every single journal entry but rarely longer than a line or two, like she’s afraid to dwell on it too much even in her own private diary. I don't think she has been confiding in Lucy at all - not wanting to stress her friend only more, and maybe distracting herself somewhat by taking care of Lucy instead.
On the other hand, snuggling up and bragging about your fiance to the lady whose own fiance is off in a foreign country and hasn't been heard from in a long time, well after he was supposed to return home... it's kinda rude, no matter how little she has been actively saying about it. I think the options are Lucy being a little forgetful, given her own sudden change of mood and the fact that Mina hasn't spoken much about how scared she is, or Lucy deliberately showing Mina that she's okay in a way that leads the conversation to Jonathan so she can take a turn comforting her friend.
Either way, its a bit sad that it came to all this before Mina finally was able to really voice her fears and be comforted by someone. She's been holding it together for a long time - thank goodness she'll get Sister Agatha's letter in a bit. And I'm very glad she was able to finally confide in Lucy here.
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ruleofvee · 1 year
Ding dong~ 🔔
Trick or tre- I mean... *Ahem*
Oh my, oh my! The eve of hallows is when I am in full swing - forwards or backwards, I won't tell.
I bring a trick, no treat, but no trick either. The hands are twisted and cold, so they cannot be taken or shaken. I come only for fun, not harm, I do I do!
Writing/Art Prompt This wasn't how it was meant to be... everything was supposed to be happy, peaceful, normal. Why couldn't everything be normal?
(Take this however you'd like!)
I turn my heel but not my head, for turning away means I lose a face! I never forget, I forget.
-Fennway (oh yeah and Kursed)
(sorry it took me so long to respond. have a gasterified lad)
It’s a beautiful day.
Not surprisingly. There’s a reason he fell so in love with Daventry that it almost hurt with how intense it was. Llewdor is home, and beautiful in its own right, but somehow Graham never resonated with the blustery sea and howling winds and magnificent craggy cliffs that looked like mouths filled with jagged teeth in the fog. 
Daventry feels warm, comforting, like a soft bed you sink into after a long and exhilarating adventure. It’s a land of stories and fairytales and dog eared books you’ve read so many times that the cover is worn away with your touch.
It is home, and it is - was - his.
The birds are singing. The sun is shining. He can’t feel its fairytale warmth. He walks the streets of the town, of home, and his boots make no sound against the cobblestones. No one turns their head to greet him, to offer condolences or comfort, to ask for help or support, to make note of his existence at all.
Like a ghost town, except he’s the ghost that haunts it.
Maybe they’re just busy. Maybe he’s just quiet. Maybe everything is normal, everything is okay, and he’s just worrying too much. Maybe this hasn’t been ripped away, too.
(Don’t look at his hands. Don’t look at the subtle wrongness. Look at the sunlight glinting off the windows. Look at the deep red leaves of the birch trees. The colors are bright and vivid. If they’re so real, surely he is, too. Right?)
He keeps walking, and he doesn’t call anyone’s name. He doesn’t dare to. He knows from experience that it’ll hurt too much, past his ability to ignore it. And part of him, selfish, wants to stay just a little longer this time. Just enough to pretend.
(The pain is constant. Neverending. A reminder of the brokenness that lies embedded in his flesh. Fracture lines down the bones of what makes up his existence. Necrotic flesh cut away, neat stitches marking the place in the timeline where he used to exist. The body will heal. The memories will heal. He will not - he will be cast away.
Don’t think about it. Keep moving. You know that you exist, that you matter. Isn’t that enough?)
But the illusion is breaking. He can’t feel the cobblestones under his feet. He can’t feel the warmth of the sun. 
He can’t lie anymore. Not for today at least.
His vision blurs and he notes, numb, that he can no longer feel his own tears. The colors bend and swirl and he loses his hold on himself, on the world around him, on the fraying threads of his own presence.
His body - or what is left of it, can a broken shade of what never was be considered a body? - dissolves. He can hear his wailing, desolate, shattered, but no one ever turns their head to listen. The villagers move on, his friends living out the patterns of their lives, utterly unaware. Moving on without him, forever and ever.
(It’s not fair. This isn’t how it’s meant to be. Everything is supposed to be happy, peaceful, normal.
Why can’t everything be normal?)
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brynjarchaos · 1 year
I was asked: “Why do you gravitate towards the destructive force that volcanoes can do and sometimes feel helpless?”
No one had ever asked me that.
So I thought about it and wrote down my thoughts.
I started to teach myself about volcanoes because I was afraid.
When the earthquake hit Utah in March of 2020, I had convinced myself that the aftershocks would trigger a Yellowstone eruption. Something in me told me that fear was irrational and that I needed to educate myself.
I started with earthquakes. It began with tectonic plates, then fault lines, then “magnitude,” and then how seismographs work. Once I understood how and why earthquakes happened, I was no longer afraid. Instead, I was fascinated. How the ground beneath our feet constantly moves without us noticing very often was mind-blowing.
Next on the list was Yellowstone.
I learned that there are hundreds of earthquakes happening in the Yellowstone area every day. That fact itself was reassuring. Yellowstone is not technically overdue for an eruption, as many people claim. Ol’ Faithful? Every time it erupts, it releases gas and pressure from the caldera. So technically, in a small way, it’s erupting every day.
Do you know where volcanoes come from?
Tectonic plates.
I thought I had learned everything about tectonic plates while researching earthquakes. Nope.
Volcanoes are formed when there is a more resounding crack inside of a tectonic plate that leads directly to the upper earth’s mantle. It’s the same with smaller fault lines. Magma is pushed up through that crack, and when it doesn’t have a way out, a portion of that crack expands and turns into a pool of magma. That pool is called a caldera. Different fault lines form different types of volcanoes - Cinder Cone Volcanoes, Composite Volcanoes (Stratovolcanoes), and Shield Volcanoes. There are different kinds of eruptions too. The six eruption types are from least explosive to the most explosive; Icelandic, Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcanian, Pelean, and Plinian. Each of those eruptions is “rated” by what’s called the “Volcanic Explosivity Index,” or “VEI.”
I can go on and on about how volcanoes work, but that’s not the answer to your question…
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What gravitates me toward volcanoes the most, I think, is how calm and beautiful they are on the surface. They look just like the regular geographical makeup of the earth that we know and love. You wouldn’t know that what you were looking at was a volcano unless someone told you so or you witnessed it’s eruption. Nature takes over. Grass and trees grow. Wildlife calls it “home.” The birds sing, and the buffalo graze. Rail falls, the wind blows, and the sun shines. All sorts of footprints are left on a volcano every day … except for the underwater volcanoes … the fish poop on those ones. They’re just a part of the Earth, right?
Until they erupt.
The magma boils and bubbles underneath. Gasses swirl. Pressure builds. The ground above rises and falls as if breathing—the earth trembles. The wildlife calling it home starts to migrate away. They sense the danger, but they don’t know why until…
Then the eruption hits. The violence depends on the type of volcano and the type of eruption. It can be soft; the lava can flow slowly, gently taking over the ground, like Kilauea and Mauna Loa. It can be catastrophic, like Vesuvius and Mt St Helens. The explosion can be powerful - the roar shaking the air, rippling through our bodies, rupturing our eardrums. The shockwave racing around the earth, taking down trees, shattering glass, and moving the water of the oceans. The ash rushing up into the sky, only to fall, hot and thick, suffocating those who breathe air, coating the ground, and burning our feet. The lava and pumice, flying through the sky, rolling down the kills, destroying everything in its path - setting fire to everything we love, crushing the dreams of what once was. Lives are taken and changed—worry and grief strike. The world feels dark.
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But, only for a moment, because then…
The rain falls, washing away the ash and taming the fire. The waves calm down. The lava and pumice turn back into rock. The sun comes out. The grass and trees regrow. People and animals rebuild. The birds start to sing again. Flowers begin to grow and bloom.
Everything goes back to normal.
I am a volcano;
Full of love, kindness, patience, understanding, compassion, empathy, courage, and gratitude.
I nurture and support the life that’s around me.
I dig my toes into the dirt, standing tall while I watch over the world beneath me. My head is in the clouds while I dream big. I provide a safe place for those around me, a home.
My mind and heart are filling with emotion.
But the problem is, I don’t know how to open up. I struggle to communicate.
It’s bottled up, like a caldera.
The pressure builds.
My hands tremble. My heart races. My lungs ache. My world spins.
I can’t think. I can’t breathe. I can’t feel.
And then,
It erupts. I explode.
I scream. I cry.
Blood boiling like magma, emotions burning like lava. My words are powerful and destructive, like a shockwave. Outbursts are intense, like the waves. Pride caving in on itself.
Life around me stops.
I caused pain and suffering, even though I didn’t want to.
I grieve the person I was before the eruption.
But, only for a moment, because then…
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A Sweet Day With Spencer
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today is a wonderful day, the sun is shining, birds are singing, the sun is coming through the white blinds that are still closed, the pale blue sheets and comforter that are wrapped around your and spencer's body's, his arms are wrapped around you and your head is on his naked chest, the sound of his heartbeat is almost helping you fall asleep again, you let out a lite moan and snuggle closer to him, his arms wrap tighter around you and he sighs in his sleep, it's the first day in a long time that you and spencer have not had to worry about him getting called in for a case, he has a week off from work, 7 whole wonderful days, for you two to spend together, no worrying about spencer's phone ringing and him having to leave, just the two of you, it's been the best night's sleep ether one of you has had in a long time.
spencer wakes up and squints his eyes at the bright morning sun and groans, the room is much brighter than before you moved in, the walls are white everything in the room is pretty much lite colors, before it was a dark green and much easier on his eyes, but he loves what you have done with the place, he blinks his beautiful brown eyes a few times trying to get used to the light, and then he feels it, he feels you and he opens his eyes and sees you laying there cuddling to his side, your head still on his chest and he can't help but smile, he no longer cares about how bright the sun is, he only cares about you and him and all the time you two have to spend together , he smiles knowing you must be tired after last night, as soon as he was home it was dinner and bed, but not much sleeping at first, he missed being with you and not having to worry as soon as you two got started he would get called away, it was a very sweet night of love.
"morning beautiful" he whispers, rubbing his thumb up and down your arm.
you let out a lite moan at the feeling of him touching you.
"morning beautiful" he whispers again.
this time you wake up and look up to see the love of your life spencer reid looking down at you, his beautiful brown eyes sparkling as he looks at you.
"good morning baby" you say with a mix of happiness and sleep.
"hey there sleepy girl, how are you feeling?" he asks sweetly.
"so, so good, how about you?"
"i feel wonderful, a bit hungry though" he tells you.
"Mmm-me two"
"let's make breakfast" he grunts as he stretches.
"Sounds like fun, i love cooking with you"
you both get out of bed as much as you both hate to, but you know you have 7 days to enjoy being in bed together, and now you are both hungry.
you put on one of spencer's t-shirts the one you wear when he is on a case, it's the one he took off of you last night.
and spencer puts on his ratty and ripped robe.
"you know spence i could buy a new robe for you" you tell him watching as he puts it on.
"i know but this robe has been with me for a long time".
"ok, but one day i am buying you a new one" you giggle.
"ok honey" he says then kisses you.
"pancakes?" spencer asks.
"yes please" you answer happily.
spencer kisses you and gets some pancakes out of the freezer.
"how many would you like?" he asks opening the new box of pancakes.
"two, i am so hungry" you smile.
spencer looks up at you and smiles/giggles.
"i bet you are after last night" he chuckles.
"well you should be too" you giggle.
"oh believe me i am" he smiles and giggles.
he puts two pancakes in the toaster then makes some coffee and gets some fresh Strawberrys and whipped cream from the refrigerator and places them on the counter, gets two mugs and two plates from the dishwasher and fills the mugs with hot coffee, and sets the plates on the counter.
you watch in ah as your sexy husband seems to just float around the kitchen making and pouring coffee, toasting pancakes, slicing Strawberrys, and doing it all with a smile on his face.    
he takes your two pancakes out of the toaster and sets them gently on the tan plate and places each strawberry slice on the pancakes and adds the whipped cream.
"Oh! i forgot the chocolate sauce" he says.
“i’ll get it for you sweetie” you tell him.
“thank you y/n”
he takes the bottle of chocolate syrup from your hand and drizzles some on the tops of both pancakes.
when he is done making both of your plates, he looks up at you smiling.
"what?" he asks shyly.
"i love you so much" you tell him.
"i love you too honey, now let's eat"
you both sit at the little table in the small dining room, it's a small black square table and high back chars.
as you eat your breakfast spencer asks how things were around the apartment when he was away.
you tell him little things that happened nothing really that great, but he loved hearing it.
when you are both done eating spencer cleans the dishes and puts them on the counter.
"i will empty the dishwasher later" he says.
"ok" you answer.
"so what would you like to do today my beautiful wife?" he asks walking to you.
you look at him then stand on your tip toes, wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him.
"i think you know what i want to do today" you smile.
"Sounds great" he smiles and picks you up carrying you to the bedroom.
"This is going to be a fun week y/n" he tells you.
"yep, and i am going to love every moment of it" you giggle.
and you both did love every moment spent together, of course the week went by way to fast and spencer had to go back to work, but he still has some time he can take off, if he should ever want need to. (wink, wink)
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refiwrites · 3 years
can you do a diaval imagine? The reader is familiar with magic but is human. It could be sfw or nsfw. Whatever you’re comfortable with, have a lovely day! :)
Hello love! Sorry I've been late to your request but here, have some protective Diaval :D have a lovely day ahead too!
Diaval x Female!Reader
Warning/s: One of the guards being a creep, makes it up for fluff at the end!!
Word count: 1,556
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You woke up, rays of sun shining through the window of your room in the castle. After Aurora and Prince Philip were married, you being Aurora’s sister, she wanted you to be with her at all times. Prince Philip was kind enough to let you move in to one of the rooms in the castle.
Your first thought was to go to the balcony, opening up the door to spot a lot of people running through their business on this sunny day. You were thankful enough for the view the balcony gave you, where it out looked the kingdom and it had a very beautiful view when it got dark, something that tends to calm you on sleepless nights.
You closed your eyes shut for a moment, enjoying the peace and the birds that were singing.
Caaw, caaw, caaw
Your brows furrowed, eyes slowly open to spot a rather familiar black raven that now perched upon the railings.
You decided to playfully ignore the Raven for the time being, turning and closing your eyes again and letting the sun hit your face.
Then you felt something nipping on the sleeve of your night gown. Deciding that it was time to greet your friend, you chuckle and looked down at the raven before you.
“Hi there, Diaval, what brings you here?“ You ask, lifting your hand up and petting his head with your finger.
You see his wings shudder after a moment and you continued.
“Is mother around? I’d rather talk to you when you can speak, it’s rather hard to understand you like this.” You laugh.
Truth is, you admired Diaval for quite a while now, both of you grew close when Maleficent first introduced him to you and Aurora. You knew how his shapeshifting works and how he was able to turn into anything that Maleficent wished. You knew originally that he was a raven that was captured, but you were lying if you said you didn’t find his human form alluring.
You were cut off in your daydreaming when your room door opens, revealing Maleficent. You smiled widely, running over to greet her, Diaval following close by.
“Oh, I was wondering where you were.” Maleficent said, and you knew she was referring to Diaval.
“Is he bothering you (Y/N)? You know I could just turn him to a lizard then and there and just send him off flying into the Moors.” Maleficent said to which Diaval whined in an angry way which meant he did not want that.
“Mother, no, don’t worry he’s not causing me trouble.. Though I would appreciate it if you can turn him back to human..” You suggested.
She clicked her tongue and spoke. “I’d turn him back once you’re dressed and downstairs, your sister is looking for you.” Turning on her heel, she walks out of the door, motioning for Diaval to come with her.
Pink rose to your cheeks as you nodded, Diaval turning his head to you.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be long.” You reassured and he reluctantly followed Maleficent.
After bathing and dressing properly, you headed down to meet the others.
“(Y/N), about time you woke up!” Aurora, your sister piped up at you.
“Oh shush Aurora!” You laughed.
You sat with them at the dining hall, though your eyes were searching for black ones. Although Aurora seemed to have taken notice of your attraction towards Diaval that she leaned towards you.
“He’s there, look!” She whispered with a giggle as your eyes snapped in the direction she discreetly pointed at.
And there Diaval was, walking towards the dining hall, skin smooth and white as snow, slicked back hair, the noticeable marks on both sides of his temples, his clothes that lightly exposed his chest, markings that threatened to peek out of his shirt accompanied by his black coat.
You felt that you were taking your sweet long time staring at him as your sister had to pinch your hand to bring you back.
“Oh- uh.. I’m sorry, what was that?” You asked shaking your head to get yourself out of the trance.
On the corner of your eye you saw your sister tried to hide her laugh by covering her mouth with the towel.
“You appear to be distracted lately (Y/N) dear, is everything alright?” Maleficent questioned. You quickly shook your head and decided to make up something.
“No mother, I just woke up funny is all.” You lied and hoped she would take it.
She stared at you for a while before nodding. “Alright.”
You definitely missed how Diaval’s eyes looked at you whilst you were busy coming up with a lie.
After everyone ate and done their duties, it was almost noon and you decided to get some fresh air and strolled through the gardens.
The flowers were exquisite, everywhere you laid your eyes on was a feast of colours. You felt proud that some of the flowers that bloomed were your own since you took most of your time tending to the gardens, seeing them bloom made your heart overwhelmingly happy.
But as you walked, you couldn’t help but feel a pair of eyes staring at you, but you shake your head, it was probably just you.
Simply put, you lost track of time and before you know it, it was already sundown. You ought that going back to the castle was a great idea but that idea was taken from your head when a guard stepped up in front of you.
“Oh.. I was just on my way back.. excuse me please.” You excused politely, trying to move out of the guards’ way but he didn’t budge.
A lump in your throat started to form, you still tried to slip through his side but he suddenly gripped your hand, tugging you towards him.
“Let me go,” You spat at the guard “I’m sparing your life, unless you want to be met with the terrible consequences of your actions.”
“Oh? Might as well make this worthwhile.” He said, yanking you close. Before he spoke again, a voice spoke behind him.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
The guard turned and you had a good look at the owner of the voice. It was Diaval. You thanked the gods for his arrival.
The guard seemed to tense up, but he kept his hand on your wrist firm that it was starting to hurt.
“Or what?”
“Or I could turn into a creature you deeply fear and rip you limb from limb.. slowly..” Diaval said with venom underlying his tone as he inched closer.
The man seemed to come to his senses as he finally let go and stumbled upon his feet to escape.
You stood there frozen and Diaval was quickly on your side, inspecting your hand and your face.
“Did he do anything to you, (Y/N)?” He asked. Diaval was clearly fuming with anger at the man yet he managed to soften his tone when he asked you.
You nodded, holding onto his arm.
“I’ll walk you through your room now, alright?” He asks, searching your eyes for any disagreement, but there was none.
After making it inside your room, you changed into your sleepwear while Diaval waited outside. Once you gave him a signal to come in, you were sat on your bed.
“That bastard’s gonna pay.” You heard Diaval mumble under his breath.
You motioned for him to come over and sit beside you.
“I swear (Y/N), if he decides to lay a finger on you again-“ You cut him off by pressing your lips to his cheek.
“Thank you for saving me back there.”
You didn’t miss how his skin turned lightly red at your action but you continued.
“Although I feel this isn’t an appropriate time to say this but I no longer care.” With a deep breath, you looked at him straight in the eyes and spoke.
“I have been inlove with you for the longest time now, Diaval. I’m surely you’ve taken note someway somehow but here is me saying nothing but the truth. I take it upon me to understand if you don’t happen to feel the same way.”
His eyes widened at your confession as the room stayed silent, all that can be heard was the whispering of the cool night wind, and the occasional birds flying outside.
You fear that you ruined your bond with him as you decided to speak up when he didn’t.
When you opened your mouth, he finally spoke.
“(Y/N), I’ve also laid my eyes on you from the first time we ever met, when we grew close, my attraction only grew into love. It makes me so happy to learn that you feel the same.” He breathed out.
It felt like all your hopes was built back up, you didn’t destroy what you had with him. And most importantly, he loves you back.
You were quick to smile and cup his face, turning him to face you.
You saw how his eyes crinkled when he mirrored your smile and it only made your heart jump.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too, Diaval.”
This was one of the happiest nights of your life, you both knew you had to tell Aurora and Maleficent sooner or later but that’s a story for another time.
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justanothersimp21 · 2 years
How about a 12 with donna? 😁
“You getting so flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ah yes.
Birds chirping, the winds blowing, the flowers steadily blooming.
A small smile was on your face as you pulled a certain doll maker closer into your body, side hugging her.
The two of you were sitting on top of her roof, waiting for the sun to rise.
At first, Donna was hesitant about joining you in watching the sunrise. She didn’t necessarily tell you why but you figured it had something to do with you falling and getting hurt somehow.
In order to appease her unspoken worries, you nonchalantly stated how you climbed up the roof all the time to watch the sunrise.
It was part of your schedule actually.
Wake up, climb the roof to watch the sunrise, climb back down and get to work on the garden, and then wake Donna up with breakfast in bed. Although, other times she’d already be awake and have breakfast set for you on the table the second you walked back inside the house after finishing with the garden.
This was the first time she joined you in watching the sunrise.
You were adamant about sharing a moment like this with her and practically begged her to join you.
Now, here she was, leaning her head against the crook of your neck as the two of you enjoyed the view.
On occasion, birds flew by singing their morning song, only adding to the somewhat dark yet peaceful atmosphere.
As a bright yellow-orange hue finally peak out slowly from the horizon, you felt Donna perk up and lift her head from your neck.
You were happy she no longer found the need for a veil whenever it was just you around her. Now, you can easily admire her facial expressions.
You slightly turned your head to gauge her reaction to the rising sun.
Her eye lit up exceptionally, a small gasp escaping her as all of her attention was focused on the view in front of her.
It was as if the world awakened, the glow of the sun easily lighting up the once darkened skies. It shined the top of the tallest trees first before the light made its way down to the landscape below.
Donna looked so amazed, you made a mental note to bring her to watch the sunrise more often. Maybe even the sunset if the two of you have time.
You continue to watch her be in awe, not at all even glancing at the rising sun.
She eventually felt your gaze on her and turned her head to the left, looking directly at you. A blush on her cheeks when she noticed you looking at her, “You have a beautiful view in front of you yet you watch me?”
Her voice was soft and low, a shy tone drafting from it.
A loving smile made its way on your face as you reply, the words leaving your mouth with such ease, “Why would I when the most beautiful view is right here?”
You gently pulled her into you again, booping her nose affectionately with your index finger, a small laugh leaving you.
She looked at a loss for words, her mouth opening once before closing as her gaze flickered to look at the sunrise once again, the blush on her cheeks turning a brighter shade of red.
You couldn’t help but chuckle and press a warm kiss to the corner of her mouth, “You getting so flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
She bit her lip and nuzzled herself into your neck, too shy to say anything.
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chubbybuckydumpling · 3 years
Royally Screwed
words: 4.2k
pairing: chubby!stableboy!bucky x royal!female!reader
warnings: arguing, period (probably not) accurate problems, smut, fluff, oral (f and m receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, power dynamics
A/n: dear anon, I’m sorry it took me 2 months to write this, I hope you’re not too upset. I changed the original prompt a little, I hope you still like it! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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The wind is blowing through your hair, a cool breeze that relieves you from the hot summer sun. Your horse is galloping under you, his strong legs taking you over the loose ground. The rays warm your face, a welcome sensation. You missed this, riding through the afternoon, taking time to just live, all troubles and worries forgotten.
Admiral has always been close to you, your first horse and best friend since you were twelve years old, merely a child. The Arabian Stallion slows down to a trot on your command, the high grass tickling his side. You let your hands roam over his dark mane, feeling the sturdy hair under your fingers.
A single bumblebee flies ahead of you, its loud buzz making you smile. The scene around you makes your heart feel lighter, a warm feeling that floats through your chest. You let Admiral come to a halt and slide down from your saddle.
You trail your hand over the horse’s muscles, the short hair caressing your palm. His strong snout nudges your arm and he neighs, causing you to giggle, “You did so well, boy” You wrap your arms around Admiral’s muscular throat.
His scent fills your nose, it’s familiarity never fails to bring you comfort. The animal scratches over the earthy ground as the sound of hooves hitting the floor ripples through the air. You whip around, parting yourself from your companion. A little further away, you see two of the guards coming your way. Their horses are quick and strong, but they have nothing on your Admiral.
“Lady Y/n”, they yell out and you can’t help but roll your eyes. The men reach you quickly, panic in their eyes, “Your highness, you must remain in close proximity for us to successfully protect you at any time”, one of them states, trying to deepen his voice.
“Of course”, you smile at them, “it wasn’t my intention” A lie. You purposely mislead them to have a moment of your own, some quiet minutes of peace. The guards exchange glances until one of them shrugs. “We see. Now, it is of utmost importance to immediately escort you home. We shall keep you as safe as possible, your highness”
You sigh internally, but follow the mens’ orders without argument. Admiral snorts stubbornly, but reluctantly follows your lead.
The sound of birds singing and insects chirping brings you great joy as you gently rock back and forth with the steady trot of your horse. Unknowingly, these were the last moments you would spend outside of the castle for quite some time.
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The guards at the gate salute as you pass them. The warm sun has kept you comfortable in the open where the wind was stronger, but you quickly start to heat up inside the walls of your father’s estate. Admiral soon comes to a halt in front of your mother. The woman is fuming as she approaches you, her face twisted into an angry grimace.
“Your father and I need to talk to you, young lady! You are in serious trouble”, her malicious voice hisses as you jump off of Admiral’s back. Your mother’s fingers wrap around your arm to pull you towards her, but a warm smile is on her face. A muscle in her jaw twitches and exposes her true anger. She speaks to one of your guards, but you can’t be bothered to listen for something has caught your attention.
A man has walked up to your horse to pet his head. He is gentle with Admiral, careful and loving even. You let your eyes rake over the man. The typical stable boy clothes are obscuring your view, but you can make out the bulge of his tummy, his big arms and thick thighs. His long brown hair falls over his face, some strands are stuck to his forehead as the sweat glistens over his face. This man looks like an absolute dream and you can feel your lips twitching up.
You begin to walk towards him, a giddy feeling brewing up in your stomach, but your mother pulls you back, “Oh no, you are not getting out of this one. Follow me, now” She drags you behind her and you wish to struggle against her grasps, but won’t dare to resist her. Not at that time at least. You take one last glance in his direction, hoping to see his face, more of him. You find his gaze, stare into the warm blue of his eyes before your mother pulls you out of his view.
A sad sigh escapes your lips, but you promise yourself to go and find him as soon as possible. The way he looked at you, sweet and shy, is replaying in your head, his sweaty form a picture in your mind. Whoever that man is, he makes your insides throb with desire.
Your father’s yelling rips you out of your trance and you look up to meet his vicious glare. He takes a deep breath with closed eyes and when he meets your eyes again he looks calmer. His hand reaches out to your face, cupping your cheek.
“My daughter, what am I going to do with you?”, his voice suddenly sounds sad, “Y/n, you know that you need to enter a marriage soon. I need you to be on your best behaviour, this is about your future. I only want good things for you” You rest your palm over your father’s, “I know, father” He brushes his thumb over the apple of your cheek, “You’re so beautiful, my only daughter. I know this isn’t what you want, but at least let me make it as pleasant as possible for you”
You sigh and stare right past your father, “I already gave my word to marry whomever you choose, father” His hand falls from your face and wraps around your fingers, “I don’t want to hand you to anyone, don’t you understand? I want someone that cares about you” He squeezes your hand, “But you need to behave,Y/n. The men of higher status, they won’t accept an ill-mannered, rebellious women”
Enraged, you rip away from his touch, “I am not ill-mannered” Your mother gasps at your outburst, but your father smiles at you. He steps forward and grabs you by the shoulders, “I know that. Believe me, I do. But these other men don’t” A sigh escapes your lips, but you nod nevertheless, “Okay, father. I will do my best” He grins and it jumps right over to you.
Your father pulls you into a warm hug and whispers to you, barely audible, “I could not be prouder of you, my child” A warm, comforting feeling spreads through your chest and you feel like a little girl, no worries or problems, just love and happiness on your mind. You pull away from the hug and watch your father’s eyes crinkle.
Your mother forces a cough and directs a pointed glare at her husband. He sighs and turns to you, “However, your mother and I have decided to ground you for the next few days. We cannot let your temperament ruin your future. We ask you to stay on the estate’s grounds” This is obviously your mother’s doing. She always cared more about your standing and reputation, but you’ve learned to just accept her orders.
“Yes, father”, you nod at them, “Mother” A satisfied look settles on the woman’s face, hands clasped tightly. “You are excused”, your father rasps and you leave the room, a sour look sneaking onto your lips. Stupid marriages. All of your life, the fact that you will be married off as soon as someone worthy shows interest, has been hovering over you, a subconscious thought that drained your energy, leaving you exhausted and numb. You can’t believe that this dreaded day is moving closer so fast.
You enter your room and sit down on your bed. The mattress gives out under your weight and perfectly molds into a comfortable shape. You let yourself fall until you’re lying flat on your back and close your eyes. Slowly, the darkness and exhaustion consumes you ,hugging you like a warm blanket.
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The shine of the moonlight dancing through the window rouses you from your sleep. The light has a slight pink tint and colours the dim room in a nice shimmer. A yawn escapes your mouth and you sit up. The cool air makes goosebumps appear on your skin, yet you feel drawn to it. Suddenly, an idea pops into your mind. Surely, nobody would notice if you left for a little to see Admiral.
A grin sneaks on your lips as you wipe the nasty crumbs from your eyes. Quickly, but careful to remain silent, you dress in your warmer riding clothes, the training ones, not the dresses. Thick, warm leggings and a nice, comfortable pullover. On your way out, you grab a wooly hat to cover your ears, smiling mischievously.
Skipping, you make your way through the halls. A giddy sensation rumbles in your belly, the excitement of knowing you’re about to go on a ride. The door knob feels cool under your skin as you turn it to open it. The freezing air seeps into the kitchen, swirling around your body. Adrenaline shoots through your veins and your legs begin to move on their own, moving faster and faster until you’re running, your feet carrying you over the well known path.
You come to an abrupt stop when you see a small light in the stables, most likely a lit candle. Nervously, you sneak closer to peek around the corner. In the dim shine you manage to make out the features of the beautiful stable boy from earlier that day. His hair is falling free, framing his chubby face so beautifully.
A long sleeved linen shirt layered with a dark vest and brown trousers clad his thick form in such a delicious way. For some reason, this man made you feel things. To your surprise however, he is standing next to Admiral, gently stroking the horse’s strong, defined face. Weird, you find yourself thinking, Admiral usually does not tolerate close proximity with anyone but yourself.
That fact is seriously arousing. This beautiful man being so gentle to your hot headed horse is insanely attractive. Your heart fills with warmth the longer you watch him. He whispers into his fur, smiling adoringly at him. The stable boy’s big hands look so soft against Admiral’s fur, his thick, long digits massaging the strong muscles. You bite down on your lower lip, a sly smirk forming. This beautiful sight almost made you forget about the cold.
Your lungs fill with air as you take a breath of encouragement before you move out of the hiding spot. Making sure to move your hips extra seductively, you wander closer to the man of your desire. It’s easy to pinpoint the moment he notices you by the way his eyes double in size and his entire body freezes. The look of fear in his eyes tugs at your heartstrings.
Gently, you take a step closer to him, but he shies away from you, like a baby deer, scared and vulnerable. “Lady Y/n, I beg your pardon. I didn't mean to intrude”, he stumbles through the words, clearly afraid he upset you. You smile in hope of looking safe and not angry. “You’re fine”, your voice is gentle, almost like you’re talking to a child, “It’s impressive. Admiral really seems to like you”
He shyly looks up to you to gauge your reaction, nervously playing with his fingers. “He’s very beautiful”, the man whispers and tucks some of his loose strands of hair behind his ear. You grin, taking another step forward, “He is”, you reach out to scratch Admiral’s neck, “So are you”
A deep blush rises on his cheeks, warming his skin. You continue talking, eyes trained on the stable boy’s chubby face, smiling warmly at him, “So, what’s your name, pretty boy?” Nerves cloud his eyes, his chest rising and falling quickly, “James, b- but people call me Bucky”
“That’s a real pretty name”, you purr, “Bucky”, testing out how the word feels rolling off your tongue. Lower lip between your teeth, you reach out to touch his biceps. His strong muscles flex under your touch, but it feels soft beneath your skin. Your fingertips squeeze around him as a surge of want ripples through your body.
“I saw you with Admiral this afternoon and I could not stop thinking about you. You’re so good with him, it’s very”, you smirk and lean closer to him, lips right next to his ear, “arousing”. The whispered word makes him gulp and he feels himself twitching in his loose pants. He can’t deny he feels attracted to you, especially in these casual clothes that you’re wearing right now.
He’s been eying you for months now, always hidden away in the shadows or behind corners. He heard so much gossip, so many rumours that intrigued him, but your bond with Admiral really did him in. To see how caring and tender you were with the horse made him crave the same attention from you. He wanted your affections and love, almost like he needed them, but he knew better than to approach you. His family depends on his earnings, he would not challenge that security he could provide. But now it seemed like maybe he could have both.
The close proximity makes his heart race, your breath tickling his sensitive skin. You feel his nerves, so you move even closer, pressing your body against his. He tenses up, but shyly reaches for your waist. “I really want you right now, Bucky”, you whimper, pushing your breasts forward and up against his chest. His breath catches in his throat, but he somehow finds the energy to tighten his grip on you.
The feeling of your body against his further arouses him, a shiver running down his spine. With all the courage he could muster, he looks up at you, “I really want you too” Your hands run over his chest and grip onto the edges of his vest, “Then take me”
Pulling on the leather, your mouths crash together. His rough, chapped lips fit right onto your own soft lips, a result of your maid’s tending. The smacking sound immediately helps you relax into Bucky’s frame, letting out a little sigh. With newfound confidence, he traces your lower lip with his warm tongue, leaving you yearning for a taste.
You open up for him, letting him explore your mouth. He moans at the feeling, licking into you greedily. Little glimmers of want spark in your belly, nipples hardening as the simmering pleasure begins to grow. Your saliva mixes with his, tongues dancing together in an aroused display of want.
Just as you were about to shrug off his leather vest, Admiral neighs right next to you. Bucky shrieks, jumping away from you. You stare at him, a slight fear of being caught running through you before a grin etches on your lips, laughter bubbling in your chest. Bucky mimics your giggling, his eyes crinkling adorably, lips swollen.
Grinning you pet your horse once, but turn to the chubby stable boy to pull him after you. The back of the stable is dark, only Bucky’s candle serving as a source of light. You turn around, coming face to face with the pretty boy. The golden glow makes him look so beautiful, the breath stuck in your throat. It’s completely silent, only the sounds of your breathing audible.
You gulp, stepping even closer to him. Carefully, you take his candle and place it on the floor, close to a pile of hay. “Bucky”, you whisper, “please” He takes a deep breath, but closes the distance between you two, once again connecting your mouths. Gently, he grabs you by your waist, both hands feeling warm and powerful on your body. Your own fingers wrap around his neck, playing with his beautiful hair.
With tongues intertwined, Bucky closes his arms around you to lead you towards the hay, supporting your weight. “Wait”, he mumbles against your lips, reluctantly pulling out of the embrace, “Let me just…” With care, he shrugs off his vest and places it over the hay. A soft smile spreads over your face, a funny feeling whirling in your belly. You take the chance to take off your hat.
“Well then, gentleman”, a purring sound fills the air, “I could use some help undressing” He gulps, eyes widening in arousal. Slowly his hands find your hips, fingers sliding under your shirt. The immediate warmth that seeps into your skin makes you gasp, moaning lightly at the feeling. His digits trace your skin, gently lifting up your shirt so you can take it off.
His hands roam your exposed skin, exploring your body to his full extinct, feeling every curve and uneven spot. You reach behind your back, unclasping your sturdy bra. Bucky gasps at the sight, eyes trained on your exposed breasts. Your nipples harden, once more, under his fiery gaze and you gently push his hands towards the, your body burning for his touch.
The moment his palm cups you, a needy moan escapes you which spurs Bucky on to massage your breasts with more enthusiasm, toying with your nipples. Greedily you let your hands wander under his linen shirt, reveling in the feeling of his soft skin. The chubby rolls feel delicious under your touch, gending to your wishes. You hastily free him from the offending clothing, pressing your body against his.
Arousal and need is flaming inside you and you desperately press your lips together into a hungry kiss, teeth crashing against each other. “Please, I need you so much” He nods, breathless, and gently lays you down on his vest. You catch a glimpse of his tented trousers, saliva running in your mouth, the sight so delicious, especially paired with his big thighs.
Bucky’s chubby fingers work your fuzzy leggins down your legs. The cold air causes goosebumps to raise on your skin. You hear him gasp when he looks at your exposed heat,dilated eyes transforming into a hungry stare. “You’re beautiful”, he groans, his hand cautiously travelling up your thighs. You nod as confirmation and Bucky runs two of his digits up your heat.
He traces your outer lips, your anticipation rising. You hold your breath, hands running through the hay that the vest doesn’t cover. Finally, he leans up and spits on your core, further lubricating you. He finds your clit and begins to rub gentle circles into it, a stuttered breath leaving your mouth.
Bucky trails down to your opening, carefully inserting two of his fingers into you. “Fuck”, he groans, pushing in further, “you’re so tight and wet” He starts to fuck you with them, slowly at first, then faster, his gaze set on you. The squelching noises fill the air, soon joined by your moans. Suddenly he hits a special spot and you arch your back, pressing into him as a loud, guttural groan leaves you.
Your gaze meets Bucky’s and you begin to move your hips on your own, “Please do it again, do it again” Your begging eggs him on and he adds another finger, his strong thrusts leaving you breathless. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, pleasure building up in your lower belly.
All of a sudden you feel something wet around you, followed by a suction right around your sensitive nub. You moan loudly, hands flying into his hair. His penetrating gaze meets your eyes and with an especially hard suck the coil in your tummy snaps and you cum around his fingers, your core grabbing him tightly. You feel him moan against you, but he keeps fucking you through your orgasm, prolonging the addictive high.
Finally, you regain your senses and push him away from you, too sensitive for any further stimulation. You look at him. He sits in front of you, his chin wet with your slick, chubby belly rolls folding into each other deliciously, his trousers tented with his obvious want. A smile plays over your lips, “You look so beautiful like this, James”
He perks up when you mention his name, a shy, but aroused glint in his eyes. “You really think so?”, he sounds so little your heart starts aching for him. “I’ve never seen someone as stunning as you”, you crawl up to him, hands on his cute little cheeks. You feel his breath graze your lips and lunge forward, mouth against his, tongues tangling.
One of your hands drops lower to cup him. He feels heavy in your palm and so nice. A craving awakes inside you and you squeeze him through his trousers, a lovely moan ringing in your ears. Your fingertips hook around the waistband and you pull all the bothersome clothing off of him. His cock jumps free. It looks delicious, hard and slightly curved to the side, thick veins running along the length of it. The bulbous head is covered with his foreskin, a trail of precum has made its way down some of it.
The sight of him is so beautiful, his thick thighs making you bite down on your lip. You bow down, one hand gripping his leg, the other slowly fisting his cock. You watch as the foreskin pulls back to show his wet, sensitive head. With one last look into his face, which is contorted in pleasure, you take him in your mouth, slowly sinking down on him.
He moans, hands cupping the back of your head. You suck on him, yearning for his cum, his taste .Fondling his balls, you become even more hungry for him. He smells so husky, so good, mouthwatering even. Slowly, you take him even deeper, your nose buried in the curly pubic hair. His hips stutter, pressing his length even further into your throat, a hearty groan leaving him. You splutter around him, your gag reflex kicking in.
Pulling off, you take deep breaths, spit running down your chin. “‘m sorry”, Bucky mutters, his own hand now wrapped around himself, fisting his wet cock, “It just feels so good” Your pussy clenches at his words and you lay back down, spreading your legs. “I bet this will feel even better”
Bucky groans at the sight and shuffles closer. He runs his thick head along your slit, coating it in your wetness. Managing to hit your sensitive clit with his cock, he groans, twitching in want. Gently, Bucky positions himself at your stretched hole and begins to push in. He moans, steadily spreading you over his cock until he bottoms out.
Sweat runs down Bucky’s face, pleasure and desperation filling him. He tries to refrain himself, but when you begin to whimper and grab onto his thick arms he crumbles. Bottoming out, his fat balls slap against your bum. Slowly he pulls out again, just to thrust right back into you. His cock is so hard and curved perfectly, he fits inside you so well.
The sounds of skin slapping and moaning is the only thing you can hear, sweaty bodies moving in unison, a play of mutual pleasure, need and adoration. Bucky’s chubby belly feels so good against you, especially paired with the delicious feeling of him hitting your spongy g-spot over and over again.
His hands are all over your body, grabbing handfuls of your breasts, playing with your nipples, holding your thighs and squeezing your waist. His moans and whimpers sound so delicate and sexy, almost serene and calming, but so arousing. The squelching of where your core envelopes him makes you arch into him, his chub so soft against you, yet his obvious strength makes you clench.
His length fills you so good, his hard, quick thrusts turning you on enormously. His fattened up cock makes you mewl, all the sensations adding up into one big coil of pleasure.
Bucky’s sounds grow louder, his hard thrusts faster, more irregular. His cock begins to pulse in you when he drops a hand to your sensitive nub, drawing quick, strong circles on it. Your body is on fire, spasming under the stable boy, your hips meeting his thrusts. You feel so close to the edge and when Bucky grunts, “You’re so good for me, you’re gonna make me cum” you fall over.
Your body shakes, yet you feel like you’re floating. A warm, fuzzy sensation enveloping you, like a soft blanket hugging you close. You feel Bucky’s naked skin against you, his fingers on your skin and his breathing against your neck, but you can’t open your eyes. He grunts loudly and pulls out, but you’re so blissed you don’t find the energy to do anything but whimper.
“Thank you”, he mumbles, his soft lips resting near your collarbone, some spare hairs tickling you nicely.
Slowly, you become more conscious and manage to blink, opening your eyes. Bucky is cuddled against your side, laying on the hay. His arm is wrapped over your waist. You spot his white cum on your tummy; It looks slightly dried and feels a little itchy.
You turn to look at him, a soft smile forming at his beautiful face. His long hair frames him so well, a delicate sight that makes your fingers itch to draw. Instead, you cuddle closer to him and close your eyes. You know you’ll have to get up soon, nobody can find out about this, but for now you want to enjoy this moment of peace and serenity for a little while longer.
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pillow-anime-talk · 3 years
genshin month ; sixth day.
synopsis: After your first night together as a married couple, Kaeya wakes up earlier than you.
# tags: scenario; current marriage relationship; honeymoon!au; romance; fluff; pet names; nudity; suggestive, i guess
includes: female reader ft. kaeya alberich {genshin impact}
author’s note: yaaay, my man.
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The morning of that spring day was warm and calm; the only thing that could be heard on the other side of the transparent window was the singing of colorful birds and the hum of lush green leaves on tall trees that surrounded a wooden house in the middle of a beautifully fragrant forest. Somewhere in the distance, the water in the river buzzed and its fresh smell even reached Kaeya’s nose, who was slowly waking up from a pleasant sleep after an equally (or even more) pleasant night.
The man sighed softly as one of his eyes opened and the sun brushed his sleepy face, causing a silent groan and blinking several times to help him get used to the bright light. However, when he opened the other orb, rubbing it with a warm hand before, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief and look to the side, to the place where you slept peacefully, almost innocently.
Though your hair was damn tangled, saliva was trickling down your chin, and your naked body still felt covered in sweat from your ‘physical effort’ at night, you as always seemed to be the most beautiful person in the whole world. In addition, the beautiful wedding ring on your finger said a lot, so Kaeya giggled immediately, placing his hand under his head and turning his gaze to the oak ceiling.
The blue-haired smirked at first, but when a few short seconds passed and your body turned towards him, revealing your bare back and collarbones, his smile widened. Additionally, you cuddled up against his figure, clenching the fingers of your right hand on his cool chest, which caused his thoughts to see images of yesterday and today’s night. Kaeya definitely couldn’t believe in the fact that from less than twenty-four hours you were officially his wife and bearing his last name.
‘Y/N Alberich’ sounded blissful in his mouth and mind, and as soon as the Cavalry Captain glanced in your direction one more time, and literally a second later he noticed a tiny smile on your plumpy lips, which a few hours ago said the magical ‘Yes, I do’ and screamed his first name breathlessly... he felt so drunk; drunk with happiness, love and emotions. He took a few stray strands from your forehead and closed eyelids, then brought his face closer to you to give a sweet, extremely tender kiss to the center of your cute nose and one cheek, slightly flushed from the room’s temperature.
A little time later, Kaeya still watched your pretty face, your body’s reactions, and in the process corrected and played with your fluffy hair.
“... I wonder... what you’ve been doing for the last twenty minutes, honey.” Your sleepy voice echoed between the four walls of the big bedroom, and your husband’s blue-lilac eyes widened, laughing under his breath after a short moment. When your shining orbs opened and your gazes met in halfway, you lifted one corner of your mouth a bit up.
“I admire my beautiful wife, of course. Is it wrong, my love?” He admitted honestly, and you rolled your both eyes as you nestled even tighter against his torso. So the twenty-five-year-old breathed in a delightful way and after a while he asked if you were okay or if he was too rough with you last night.
“I feel good... literally, better than ever. Don’t worry, really.” You raised your hand and the gold ring shone beautifully in the light of the huge star. Your loved one also raised his own, and your fingers joined in a gentle yet lovely embrace. The difference in the size of your hands was visible, but that only added to the charm of it all. “Let’s stay like this forever, please.”
“We’ll stay, darling. But we have to take a bath and eat breakfast, it’s our honeymoon after all and we mus...”
“No, no... Let’s just rest there for a moment longer.” You smiled stupidly at him, then kissed him in the middle of the lips and the eyelid of the right orb, which was always covered with a pirate (or non-pirate) eyepatch. As soon as you pulled away from him, your head rested on his muscular shoulder and your eyes closed once again. “... Perfect. I love you very much and I am glad that we are here together.”
“I love you the most in the world too, dearest... But, hmm. Tell me what you want for breakfast, because I will be happy to make something delicious for you, baby.”
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previous day ; bennett ♡ next day ; scaramouche
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