#the thinking they were chosen by god and they're the only ones who can guide humanity
specterthief · 2 years
also on the subject of maruki and shido, this isn't quite as 1:1 a comparison as in akechi's cut third awakening, but there is still a direct link between them through the fact that maruki's research was stolen by shido – shido's knowledge of the metaverse and cognitive psience come in part from maruki directly
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the professor of maruki's who shut down his research was doing it in connection with shido (an earlier iteration of this scene even had akechi note that he recognizes the professor's voice – this is someone who seemingly worked directly with shido on some level)
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and he also compares maruki to shido, unfavorably this time, when maruki tells him of his plans
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but maruki seems to take "you're no shido" as a challenge more than anything...
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...and this is the scene where he fully awakens to azathoth's power and realizes just what he has to do to change all of humanity's cognition as he planned (before the phantom thieves inadvertently give him the power to do that, even)
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with the spooky gendo ikari glasses glow not unlike shido's propaganda posters
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and taking a closer look at that propaganda poster, shido's party logo is a giant eye watching over the earth in its hands...
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...while maruki's whole palace is full of cameras that resemble azathoth's eyes
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and, of course, its tentacles resemble hands
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and there's even a projection of a globe over the atrium in the palace
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so the one line from akechi may have gotten cut but the connections are certainly still there
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kawareo · 3 months
Have a ramble about my Durge and his issues with sex because why not
TW for mentions of sexual assault and abuse, attempted incest, grooming and mentions of underage stuff; nothing is graphic but it does get dark so please don't read if you don't feel like you're in the right space for it
Strike is a very sexual guy as I'm sure you've had the chance to notice, but honestly, his relationship with sex and sexuality is complicated to a degree that he completely refuses to even acknowledge.
His Urges and Bhaal-given 'Ectasy of Murder' make it practically impossible for him to seperate between his own desires and those of Bhaal. He was way too young when he first got them, practically when he hit puberty, and then he was immediately encouraged to 'explore' and 'experiment' with either corpses, other Bhaalists, or still living victims. Sceleritas was the one to encourage and 'guide' him and Strike stopped feeling sick about the new need that overcame him whenever he killed well. He had to practically gaslight himself into seeing it as a gift from Father, or he would dislike it, and you can't afford to dislike something your god wants when you're his Chosen.
He also doesn't really know how to say no to sex. The way I try to write him is in a similar way of how society expects a cishet guy to always be down to fuck, except it's cranked up to a thousand - he is Bhaal's seed, scion, his breeder - there is no reason for why he would ever want to say no, is there? If you asked him for any reason he could think of for him not wanting to have sex, he genuinely wouldn't known the answer.
He said no once though, only once - when the temple attempted to match him with Orin once they were in their late teens. Orin would've pushed through with it even though she was obviously less than enthusiastic, but Strike was the one to push her away that time. It wasn't the incest aspect of it that turned him off, tbh; that really isn't a value the temple of Bhaal would consider abnormal, but Strike just... Orin was always the only relationship he's had where he never felt like it could turn sexual at any moment - they've bathed together, they slept cuddled up on the same bed, they straddled eachother when beating the shit out of the other and none of it was ever sexual, for either of them. But that was the first time he refused Bhaal's will and also the first time he lied to Him - he made up that he didn't think Bhaal's blood should get even more diluted and defiled than it was in Orin's veins. After that, Orin never forgave him for thinking he was above her (as she interpreted it) and their relationshio only strained more when Strike met Gortash a few years later.
Gortash is a whole other can of worms that I don't think I have to get into right now, but Strike's religious upbringing makes every sign of weakness, such as signs of softness or affection (for an enemy, especially) a sin and having sex reduces the sinfulness of it. Holding hands, kissing? Unforgivable. Intertwining fingers during sex, or cuddling right after while they're both still chasing their breath? Not ideal, but it can happen. Not the worst thing. It's not like he was doing something intimate just for the sake of intimacy, you know?
He's very hypersexual now as an adult because of all the above mentioned things combined, and when I get to Godsbound (my bg3 timeline fic has a name now btw!) He likes to joke and flirt and fuck literally whoever, that doesn't change end after tadpoling, he still has no idea how to be close to anyone without it being sexual but also he is so horrifically touchstarved that he wakes up screaming if he doesn't have a body next to him to hold onto it. I would like to explore how much of an actual issue that is for him, especially when he has forgotten all of the excuses he told himself through the years and the decades of religious fanaticism. But then again, he does tend to push his problems away to 'deal with later', so who knows.
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cheianimatez · 5 months
The Chosen Maple Leaf (Kaedehara Kazuha x Reader) (SAGAU)
(based of from my experience before I got Kazuha 😌✨)
(Warnings: OOC Kazuha 🥲)
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Emptiness, that's what he feels.
His friend, the General of the Watatsumi Army, Gorou, was blessed with a purple star. And since then, he's been guided by some mysterious force, its intentions unknown...
"Still thinking about that, Kazuha?"
His thoughts were interrupted as he heard Beidou's voice.
"You know, even though you're a wanderer and a fugitive, I think you can solve this mystery with your sharp mind and your keen sense of hearing! Don't worry, boy, never give up!"
Beidou's message seems to motivate Kazuha to solve this mystery about the invisible guide of force.
Hours, days, weeks... Who knows how long will it take for him to find out?
Until one night, he had a dream.
In his dream, he saw a (h/c) figure. They were holding a some sort of flat box?? Though, he could see little movements of frustration, as well as their expressions of annoyance and irritation.
"Come on, 70 pity... Oh come on!?"
Kazuha squinted his eyes to see better. He moved a bit closer to hear better.
"*gasp* Oh my god, it's golden!"
Kazuha looked at the figure in confusion only for him to realize he's in a dream and he doesn't think that the figure themselves saw him.
Until he heard this...
One of the crew members of the Crux woke the platinum-blonde samurai up.
"Calm down, mate, you're making him nervous and confused--"
Kazuha raised his brow at the crew members until he felt an aura. A very special one.
"While you're sleeping, we saw a golden star heading towards the ship. We followed it inside until it went straight through the door to your room and you were covered in some kind of golden glow or something?"
*Krik... Krik... Krik*
Kazuha just smiled at them. But it's not his usual smile.
"I beg your pardon but what in the f(#)ing name of Archo-"
When Gorou heard about this, he's both proud and a bit jealous of his friend. A wandering samurai got bomboclated got hit with a golden star while a general of a frickin army got a purple star instead. But still, at least he got a break from literally adventuring around Teyvat and then continued his usual duties when he felt the mysterious force not with him anymore. He felt it again when he talked to Kazuha, but it's only because it's close to him. Really, really, close. But now, he doesn't care.
Meanwhile, Kazuha's mind is filled with questions, as the force lingered within him for days. Yet, he's happy that he can travel around Teyvat without out the Shogun's army, and the Tenryou Commission chasing him.
One night, he had a dream again.
He saw their face face again. This time, being content. He can't help but admit that they're gorgeous, especially under the sun. Then he realized...
It was you...
You were the guiding light all along.
He wondered, though, what's their name? Could they be the mysterious force who guided anyone who is blessed with the stars.
He felt a tug in his heart. He can't escape their beauty, it's too... addicting... (A/N: Bish, what the fric- 💀)
Perhaps he will get to know them more, right now...
He had some tasks to do, because...
"The wind told me so..."
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mindovermuses · 1 month
Something has been tickling the back of my brain ever since we were given a glimpse of the gods in Downfall that I think is starting to come together into some sort of coherent thought process. But I'll we'll see how coherent it is once I've brain dumped it here onto the page I guess...
Most of the gods we've met are children.
Barely filtered ramblings ahead. You've been warned.
Go back and re-watch the opening of Downfall with them on Tengar. See how they run around and play like young children, naive to the world around them. How an elder of their race thought it such a fun thing to take Aru and any of their friends out to the orchard to witness a new tree coming into being. Is that an activity one would do with an adult or a curious child?
How, when Edun disappeared and the world started to disappear as well, other NPCs appeared at their sides, taking charge and telling them not to worry, they'll bring Edun back... before vanishing themselves. The gods/children had no understanding of anything that was happening but other, more mature-sounding characters seemed less lost in the moment.
The former god of death, Nahal, had probably just reached adulthood and that's why they could feel the dread the other adults seemed to sense and why they weren't running and playing. It's probably also part of why the Matron of Ravens was able to ascend to their godly position. Reaching full adulthood and understanding, maybe he chose to seek out oblivion and leave her as his chosen heir.
Given their timeless natures and how they were made into real, immortal beings... who knows how long it would take for them to emotionally mature, especially with no healthy adults of their kind there to guide them.
Can't you just look at some of their decisions and actions in the past and see the subtle nods to a toddler or young child playing make believe or not getting what they want and throwing a tantrum? It wouldn't be a one-for-one match to a child as we know them, but similar none-the-less.
Forsaking their godly abilities and living as humans for a while probably helped them to "grow up" more than anything else as well as finally accepting the Matron of Ravens as more of an equal. They learned first-hand how their actions and in-actions have consequences and that they had been speaking for and making decisions for life on Exandria without considering that they should have a say in things as well. Their puppet playthings are just as real as they are and are driven by the same emotions that they, as the gods, are.
I don't think the gods have fully reached adulthood for their kind just yet- some may be closer than others though. They're still, for the most part, those same scared little children in the orchard of possibilities watching everything they've ever known and loved be taken from them. Watching the only place they've ever known as home be swallowed up by something they didn't understand.
What happened may have been a completely normal thing for Tengar but not something they would have told young children about because they didn't believe they would understand yet. In a panic, the oldest of the children did their best to collect their siblings and escape what they saw as certain doom... but what if it wasn't? What if it was? No one can know for certain (except Matthew Mercer, that is...).
Maybe Predathos was the result of the adults of their world's hubris coming back to destroy them and THEY were the airship of children from Avalir or young Hallis from Aeor who were able to escape and survive the calamity their peoples brought down upon themselves. (Wonder if young Hallis grew up and studied necromancy while building himself a happy little spherical domain? Nah...)
Then again, maybe Predathos doesn't kill the gods it absorbs. Maybe it was a security system to protect Tengar and it sends them to be with the rest of their people and their lost home. Of course, if this is the case, there's always the possibility that perhaps, by choosing to become real to escape along with other later actions, they can no longer travel in those dimensions.
I mean... it's kind of like if fifth dimensional beings took form and became fourth dimensional beings. Gods amongst the peoples they presided over. For a short time, they constrained their potential further and became three-dimensional mortals, but their mortal forms couldn't hold their greater power indefinitely and they re-emerged as their fourth-dimensional selves. But, once you've shaved off enough of yourself to become mortal... how can you possibly ascend back to your former fifth dimensional forms to go home again?
TL;DR: The gods are literally children and potentially unreliable narrators of their own histories because of it.
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non-cannon · 3 months
I've been previously reminded of the idea, what if magic makes Nina or Eddie turn evil, a la Rufus. The last time I thought of it, I concluded that sans magic bs Nina wouldn't turn evil, but she might turn dark. (See here: https://www.tumblr.com/non-cannon/747558446208024576/ive-been-having-serious-thoughts-about-what-if?source=share)
This time I decided to think about what might drive Nina to turning evil on her own, and what that would look like.
I think it starts the same as before. She self isolates to protect others from the chosen one curse, and she ends up alone. At some point she even loses her grandmother. It could be from natural causes, but chosen one related causes sure would speed things up.
Nina ends up alone, for years, dealing with spirits and demons and gods and curses all the while. It wears her down. She gets of fucking tired of dealing with all of it that she eventually snaps. She doesn't turn evil, not yet, she just turns apathetic. She starts saying no, and refusing to engage.
Unfortunately, the gods and spirits and monsters don't leave her alone, and eventually she snaps again. All Nina wants is some peace and quiet, and they won't let her have it, so she'll force it. She'll kill them all if that's what if fucking takes.
There's also a part of her that wants to make sure there will never be another chosen one, so no one else will have to suffer as she has. No one can be chosen if there's no one left to do the choosing.
The gods may be powerful, but over the past few millennia, they've waned, and over the last several years she's grown in power. She's gained knowledge, skills, powers, artifacts and allies. She doesn't necessarily know about the allies. But they're the minor beings that have gotten used to being ignored who were surprised that anyone was willing to hear them out, let alone help them without asking for anything in return. So they help her, partially to repay whatever favor they feel she owes them, but also because who ever broke someone this kind and pure and good, probably fucking deserves whatever is coming for them.
Nina won't accept the help directly, she still won't let anyone get help hurting her, so they find ways to subtly help her. Guiding her to useful artifacts, protecting while she sleeps, ect.
The gods largely ignore her, until she kills her first minor god. Then they start panicking. And while Nina doesn't notice, either because it's so small, or wilful, the domain of the god crumbles, harming and or killing people god of war style. As she keeps killing gods, more of the world starts being damaged and more people die, and Nina refuses to notice.
And for whatever reason the gods can't fight her directly unless she takes the fight to them, and when she takes the fight to them, they die. They try sending curses and hexes at her, but they're the reason she knows how to fight those. One of the more self aware gods muses that if they hadn't so thoroughly used and abused her, she wouldn't have the power, skills, knowledge, or motive needed to kill them.
And they can't stop her. They've already taken everything from her except her life, and she's stopped caring about that long ago. And they've thus far failed to kill her anyway. Eventually Anubis comes up with the idea to take his powers away from her, only to realize that it's much harder to retract curse than a blessing. Not that it matters, Nina's amassed enough power at this point that she no longer needs his power.
Eventually the remaining gods, desperate and scared, decide to chose human acolytes to fight her for them, and the chose the members of Sibuna. Hoping desperately that, despite how many years it's been, Nina still cares about them enough that they can stop her, one way or another
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Writeblr Interview Tag!
Thanks so much for the tag, @sableglass!
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Novels all the way. I've tried my hand at short stories, and they always end up being novellas or straight up novels by the time I'm done with them. May as well stick with what my little brain clearly desires!
What genre do you prefer reading?
Mysteries (cozy or otherwise), horror (especially zombie fiction or apocalypse fiction, yes please), fantasy (especially cozy, I love cozy fantasy so much, have you read Legends and Lattes?), and romance.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
I'm a little of both! I'll generally have a plan in my head at the very least, if not a brief outline written down somewhere, but when I actually sit down to write, my writing tends to veer off wherever it wants and do its own thing (for example, FUCKING CHUCK). As long as it makes sense, I tend to just let it go wherever it wants lol
What music do you listen to while writing?
Surprisingly, I don't listen to much music while writing. I'll daydream to it, absolutely, but I mostly just throw on some Markiplier or an old debate that I've heard ten thousand times and write to that. It's more about the background noise than the actual content, y'know?
But when I DO listen to music, I drift toward lofi or mood music compilations on youtube. The kind that DMs play during their DnD sessions. Love those so much, they really help keep me locked in a single mood, which I absolutely need when I'm writing a scene.
Favorite books/movies?
Oh god. Lord of the Rings (including the Hobbit don't @ me). Train to Busan (or any Korean zombie movies/shows, really). Some Disney and Pixar - Big Hero 6, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Emperor's New Groove, etc. The Strain is one of my favorite TV shows - I also love Cutthroat Kitchen above all else, a bunch of different anime, and Dance Moms (yes I know it's toxic and yes I am ashamed of myself for enjoying it. I pity the kids but I rage at the moms.)
As for books, my favorites are the Beechwood Harbor Mystery series, The Luminous Dead, Thief Liar Lady, All Systems Red, Legends and Lattes, A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking, anything Holly Black, Suffer the Children, Contagion, Luck in the Shadows, Assistant to the Villain, Dead of Night, and Surviving the Evacuation!
Any current WIPs?
Oh gosh. I'm bopping between From Carnival to Chamomile, a prequel to a cozy mystery series, and Dauntless, a zombie apocalypse trilogy, right now. Sometimes I'll work on Priestess Without Honor, a paranormal low-fantasy romance, and Chosen Against My Will, a dark mafia romance. I also have zer0 ALPHA, a lit-rpg isekai zombie apocalypse novel, but I haven't touched that in years and have only recently rediscovered my notes for it.
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you what would your standard outfit be?
I wear the same thing every day, surprisingly. That's the autism for ya. I love jeans and a T-shirt, especially if that T-shirt has a picture from an anime or show or something like that. Printed shirts, I think they're called. Oh, and mismatched socks. That's me.
Create a character description of yourself: 
Too tall for her own good and unwanted curves for days. Bobbed dark-blue hair with steel gray eyes. Too busy writing or gaming to really notice what's going on. Expect a text back within seconds of receiving it - she reads faster than most people expect and tends to read every text twice just to give it that safety buffer. If there isn't a snack and a drink nearby, call the police.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Hehehehe maybe. But not exactly in a good way. I'm very much the kind of person who will put someone I dislike into my book just so they can get the justice they won't get in the real world, even over something as minor as pronouncing my name wrong on purpose (I'm looking at you, Keiara).
Are you kill happy with your characters?
I want to say yes because I kill off characters constantly, but when it comes to my main OCs, no. I can't bring myself to kill them at all. I go out of my way to create characters for death (like FUCKING CHUCK) rather than put my favorites in the line of fire. I think that's a problem I need to work on.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
but I do love tea, especially in the fall. In the fall, I tend to drift toward tea and apple cider rather than coffee.
But otherwise? Coffeeeeeee
Slow or fast writer?
Fast writer when I actually sit down to write! Slow writer when I'm procrastinating. I've been working on Dauntless for...thirteen years? Twelve?
Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from?
I get inspiration from EVERYTHING. Dreams. Books. Movies. Something dumb my partner says offhandedly.
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
I absolutely want to be something cool, like a shadow mage. But I'm probably a little gremlin that hides in the edges of the woods and steals your socks. Mmmm socks.
Most fav book cliche:
Enemies to lovers! Especially when one person is smitten at firstt sight and doesn't realize it.
Least favorite cliche:
Friendship is magic. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with powerful friendships being front and center, but when the big bad is literally destroyed because fRiEnDsHiP I gag a little bit. I also hate undeserved happy endings - make the ending make sense. If it's a sad or horror book, sometimes the ending needs to be bad. And finally, forced romance. No. No thank you. Some stories don't need romance.
Favorite scene to write?
Descriptions! Am I good at them? No. Will I spend three pages describing a tree? Maybe.
Also conversations. I tend to do a lot of conversations and monologues in my writing. Need to work on that.
Reason for writing?
If I don't write down the ideas in my head, I will explode.
TAGLIST: @falconfate - @space-writes - @leahnardo-da-veggie - @i-can-even-burn-salad - anyone who wants to take part!
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How are Death gods made?
I was thinking about TOWW's origin as a god. Maybe that was why TOWW was so different from his siblings? His origin as a god was one of death. Let's begin!
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TOWW seems to be dead. He is a 'dead' death god. In mythology, gods of death aren't always dead themselves. As death for gods usually means they ceased to exist. This is very likely why the bishops couldn't kill him, only seal him away. You can't kill what's already dead. 
Now we know that gods in COTL can die just like mortals can, so whatever TOWW is, was not a normal death state for a god. Something about his death or how he died had to be significant enough to make him like this. Where death was a part of his being, enough to be a death god, not just the state he was in. Think Osiris, the Egyption god of death and mummification. He was not always a death god, he was once a living one with a different sphere of influence. Once he died, death became his portfolio. When it comes to death gods they are usually the first dead of their pantheon.
When it comes to how a death god is created it is expected for death to play a part in their origin. But this is not always the case. In some mythos, gods of death are living, they're just responsible for managing the dead. In TOWW's case it's implied that he is in fact dead. He makes a statement about his heart not beating and the state of his arms might imply some level of decomposition has occurred. The fact that he uses his eyes as combatants could also hint that his body isn't alive and he doesn't really need them, no other boss uses pieces of their body to fight us. 
Because TOWW is a 'dead' death god, I make these speculations under the pretense that all death gods in COTL are dead or must die to become one.The exact timeframe for when TOWW could have died isn't possible to know. He could have perished as a mortal and arose as an undead, possibly by the red crown, slowly gaining enough power to become godlike. Or he could have died as a god, and through some profane ritual, awoken as a death god. 
I liken TOWW's origins as a death god to that of a church grim. Church grims were guardian spirits of churches and their graveyards. They were 'created' when an animal, usually a black dog, was buried alive on the church grounds at its creation. It was believed they would serve as protectors and guides for the souls of the deceased. Animals were chosen to spare people from this eternal duty but not always. Their death was seen as a necessity.
COTL is a world of gods and the supernatural, so I imagine a church grim would be a real life necessity rather than simply a barbaric practice. But why, you ask, would Narinder have been at risk of becoming what amounts to a sacrifice? Well, he is a black cat. The devs state TOWW was designed after the belief that seeing a black cat would mean someone would die soon. 
With that in mind I imagine in the magical world of COTL that maybe a real possibility rather than a superstition. A possibility that could lead to prejudice against black cats. Maybe Narinder was a victim of prejudice, being murdered and turned into a church grim against his will? Maybe it was a cultural practice within society? Maybe it was a sinister ritual done under the cover of night. Maybe it was a punishment? Who can know?
Within the same cultures as church grims there was also a belief that the first person buried in a churchyard was tasked with protecting the souls of the deceased until the next funeral/burial. The newly dead would be their replacement. If something were to happen, and no more burials occurred there, that soul would be trapped in eternal vigil, with no replacement, and no way to pass on themselves. This is why animals were usually chosen. I believe this is the current predicament that TOWW is/was in. Why he seemed to grow tired of his duty as a god. 
"Lamb. Mortal life is so... fragile. So fleeting. So long did I stand at the gates between this life and the next, trapped at the nexus of what was and what wasn't."
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Speculation Station 
In the beginning TOWW may have enjoyed the power of being a god but being dead may have been an uncomfortable state to be in for all eternity.
On a lighter note ,there is an IRL god with origins similar to church grims. Ankou, a servant of death. He was responsible for collecting the souls of the dead before he could go to the afterlife. This god has many disputed origins but he is the death god I personally associate most with TOWW. 
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keithsandwich · 6 months
Warning: Astrological rant on some of the new princes below
Enabled by @lorei-writes and @yarnnerdally
Disclaimer: I'm talking about the symbolisms of sun signs as something absolute because they're fictional characters. Real human beings are more complex than this and you are not your sun sign alone. Also notice that assuming the sun signs were intentionally chosen for the characters, it means they carry it somehow - in their personalities, and/or stories, and/or symbols.
1 - Matthias
Laws is a subject that belongs to the upper spheres. There is a hierarchy of planets -- the ones that deal with more physical, day-to-day subjects, and the ones that take care of some deeper stuff, such as philosophy, religion, and... Laws.
In Astrology, you have Jupiter to create the laws, and Saturn to apply them.
Saturn is inexorable. It does what needs to be done, and it punishes who needs to be punished. It doesn't matter if the person is a peasant or a king. This is why this quote of Matthias sounds VERY Saturnine to me. Like death, laws should befall everyone (ideally at least).
Another thing about Saturn is that it is cold and dry, and rules invernal signs -- Capricorn and Aquarius. Naturally, it rules over cold, dry and snowy places too, like, you know, Achroite. Another sign Saturn finds joy in by Exaltation is Libra -- symbolized by escales, and again, Achroite's crest.
Now, Mercury-ruled Virgo... Owl is a mercurial animal, so points on that. Virgo is a very dutiful sign that needs to bring order to chaos too, but it's still a Mutable sign of Mercury, which means skepticism.
Even wearing the clothes of an Earth sign, Mercury is always Mercury, and Mercury will never admit there's only one truth. There are countless truths, countless paths, countless overcomes spinning incessantly inside its head. And Mutable signs deal with the world changing around them, being Virgo the one that have to face one of the most crucial changes there is: Summer becoming Autumn. This is why Virgo is constantly anxious. They know harsher times approach, and they have to save provisions to go through it.
Basically, Virgo thinks way too much, acts more towards organization and taking care of the tiniest, littlest details, and being Mercury one of the lowest spheres, its realm is practical and realistic. I don't see much space to believe in something with an almost religious fervour, like Matthias apparently does with laws (btw Mercury is VERY opposite to Jupiter). Soulmates? Even less.
Methinks Matthias seems more like a Libra. Saturn in the realm of Venus, that carries something idealistic in itself (although less than Jupiter) and dreams of love.
2. Azel
Where shall I start? As I said above, Mercury can be seem as the opposite of Jupiter. While Mercury is realistic, skeptical, detail-oriented, etc., Jupiter is idealistic, a huge believer, that focus on the big picture and can't mind the details.
Ultimately, Jupiter is about faith. And Jupiter manifests in two signs: Sagittarius and Pisces. Here I'm gonna focus on Sagittarius.
Sagittarius, like Virgo, is Mutable -- a double-bodied sign represented by a centaur, half man, half horse. Half benevolent, optimistic, lenient, wise. A man that looks to the stars seeking the truth and is guided by his ideals and faith. But also half ruthless, harsh, proud, imprudent. A belligerent and self-indulgent beast that looks at its own ambitions. I feel that some tend to remember Sagittarius only for its adventurous spirit and good mood, but this sign IS double-bodied and originally feared for its brutal nature.
Oh, and Sagittarius is brutally honest as well. Always beware when you ask their opinions if you're not ready for certain answers.
Well, other than this, Sagittarius is the eternal search for the truth beyond mundane matters. And it involves religions and gods and divination and mystical, esoteric stuff, and all that jazz. Sagittarius is also the foreigner and either the new horizons it opens OR the "mysteries" it beholds. Sagittarius can be seen in the... ahn... "Arabian Nights" Days trope (sorry).
So you have Azel, the God prince, with his horse unicorn crest, his mystical motifs, his "arabian nights" days kingdom, his two-faced personality, AND HE'S NOT A SAGITTARIUS.
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And there's no Sagittarius prince*, really, I don't understand why he couldn't be one and have his birthday like, one month later. But okay.
So, he's a Scorpio. A F I X E D, very stable sign of Mars that is related to everything that punctures, cuts, penetrates the skin and poison. Scorpio hides itself behind a shell and hates being exposed/vulnerable. It means they can hide their true nature, but there's a difference between being reserved and two-faced. It's also a sign that does search for hidden meanings, but not out of belief or faith. It's a more strategic sign, and belligerent too, but not in a straight, plain sighted way. It's a nocturnal sign, it acts when no one is looking. Funny thing too, the Moon (Tanzanite's symbol) is not in a good place when in Scorpio.
I can see one thing or two in what I know so far or speculate about Azel, but when it comes to symbols and themes, I still think Sagittarius would fit him better.
I won't talk about Kagari because he's the one I know less about, I just think it's funny that he's so fiery when Aquarius is cold by nature.
*It can be argued that Gilbert is a Sagittarius because many sources will tell you Sun enters Capricorn 12/22, but this is not 100% precise. Depending on the year, Sun can perfectly be in Capricorn in 12/21. And looking at Gilbert's demeanour and symbols, Obsidian and all, to me he's a Capricorn through and through. Ofc I can be wrong, this post is all about me being wrong in my assumptions lol But since him being a Capricorn is a real possibility, I'm sticking to it.
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confused-robot-cat · 6 months
In the final chapter of Digimon Adventure Tri, Homeostasis reveals that the real world can be rebooted just like the Digital World. Izzy, despite being the smartest person in the group, only thinks of how this would affect computers in the real world. The thing is, though, it is made explicit that not only would this affect the human's memories of Digimon, but it also describes how the world would "return to the quantum sea." The entire universe as we know it would turn to quantum foam and be rebuilt from scratch, like a second Big Bang.
And nobody's mind is blown by this in the movie.
Like, okay, rebooting the Digital World, alright, it's a "computer world," it's, it's easy not to think too deeply about it. But we're talking about an entity that exists beyond worlds who can, on a whim, revert all of reality as we know it to nothingness and rebuilt it from the ground up. This thing is a god. This is an actual, real god speaking to eight children about how it's going to start everything over again. And they're just like "oh no we'll forget our Digimon." Dudes, you're standing in the street with the only tangible proof anyone in history has ever had that there is at least one god with power over all creation. Fuck your fucking Digimon, react to that!
Also, nobody seems at all phased that their teacher died to save the lives of Tai, Davis, Ken, Cody, and Yolei. Tai feels no survivor's guilt? None of them miss the guy? Nobody seems to feel anything about that? We all talk about how weird it is that Kari and TK at least have no concern about the 02 kids going missing, but nobody ever mentions that Sora and Tai's homeroom teacher died.
Then there's Gennai!
When these kids met Gennai, they were lost in a very dangerous alternate world (there should be trauma there, why isn't there trauma?), and it was Gennai that guided them. He was an important figure in their lives. He even showed them how they came to be the Chosen Children and his role in that. So why, dear god why, does it not seem to affect them emotionally that Gennai has been corrupted by Yggdrasil? They accept him as their enemy and fight him, but they never stop to even think about trying to save him, to make him his true self again. They don't even question why he wasn't rebooted along with the Digimon. They just... Leave him to stay evil. Also the sexual assault of Sora. Again, this was a guiding figure in her life. A grandfather figure in a way. His presence used to bring them comfort and now he's been altered against his will and is exploiting them and acting so fucked up and... They don't seem to care that it's Gennai doing this. They hear he's been corrupted and that's all the explanation they need, suddenly it's fine, and they just have to fight him. Surely the fact this digital entity has a human face would have the psychological effect of making them hesitate just as much, if not more, as they did with Meicoomon?
So much goes unaddressed in Tri.
I really liked that Tai matured so much in these movies and was finally questioning the amount of damage they do when they host these massive monster fights in the middle of Tokyo. Yes they're trying to save people from "bad Digimon," but Greymon falling against a fucking building is dangerous. Tai is the first to recognise that, and the narrative - through Matt - sort of seems to punish him for it. But. I wanted more of that. I want to see the emotional effects of this stuff on the characters. Yeah, I don't want six movies of them moping around and reflecting and being all depressed and shit, but c'mon, they should be carrying some heavy fucking baggage by the end of all this. Instead, the conclusion to the whole six-part movie spectacular is Tai phoning Meiko and saying "hey we killed your Digimon but we're still going to let you be friends with us."
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
Hi! Do you think Vesh ever “re-emerged” after her and Kash’s wedding? Do you think Kash ever had to confront her as an adult? Thanks!
Well, if it happens, it doesn't happen in the time between Kash's 15th and when we meet him - he explicitly says he hasn't seen her since he tried to kill her at his fifteenth, so certainly by then she hasn't re-emerged. Given that she didn't re-emerge when Kash revivified Vex it's possible his attacking her banished her to some degree - I don't think he actually killed her, given he still has divine magic (and a few other things - I'll get into those). While in other settings belief in a domain can confer divine magic, the Calamity's k'nauthi kind of implies that divine magic usually comes from a divine patron, not belief?
Additionally, per the Campaign Guides, Vesh is purportedly protective of her chosen mates, of which Kash is one, and yet Kash almost died and was saved by Zahra, which suggests she's not active in his life and that nor is she actively protecting him. Additionally, the Campaign Guides say that Vesh goes after and attacks chosen mates who are insufficiently loyal - she's jealous and possessive... and yet we know Kash and Zahra are together for roughly a year on-stream, and even are expecting kid(s)!
This honestly all suggests to me that whatever Kash did when he attacked her when he as fifteen may have banished her or bound her away - only backed up by what he says to Keyleth after resurrecting Vex: "I hope the barrier that was sealed has remained sealed."
So! If Vesh is able to re-emerge it'd likely be after what we see of the stream and... it's possible? We know from the Campaign Guide that there are other cultists of Vesh, and it's perfectly possible they're finding and raising chosen of Vesh with those yellow-gold eyes, and attempting to invoke the Sting of a Hundred. And, if Vesh doesn't answer, presumably because of whatever binding or barrier fifteen year old Kash (HE WAS FIFTEEN) managed to set they may well endeavour to break it - and Vesh certainly seems the vengeful type, based on what we have in the Campaign Guides and what Kash says.
I would not be at all surprised if, if she did escape Kash's bindings, she'd go after him. Something I bounced around when my friends watching C3 mentioned the apogee and everything going sideways is - that'd be a great trigger for Vesh getting loose if she hasn't already. We know that what's happened then has broken a lot of divine bindings.
However... Kash is quite genuinely, physically, mentally, and magically stronger than he was when he was fifteen. He has levelled up, yes, but he has also trained to be better at fighting (per Friedle's backstory for him, he was a soldier for a time!), become less afraid of using Vesh's magic, and most importantly, thanks to Zahra, has done a lot of healing from the trauma Vesh wrought on him. And, also, he has friends - allies. Even if all of Vox Machina, Keyleth especially, are busy with other things, he has Zahra, who has a powerful otherworldly patron of her own, and, notably, he and Zahra stood up to and survived a newly ascended god, when they went to assist Vox Machina against Vecna. They have faced worse than Vesh.
While I don't think it'd be fun if Vesh went after Kash, I do think they'd have significantly better odds than Kash might fear. Even if Vesh were to deny Kash her magic, he has legitimate fighting skill and also Zahra on his side.
Plus, I'm kind of inclined to believe that the Sting is a kind of... irrevocable binding. If Vesh could have denied Kash her magic for attacking her or when he was attacking her, I think she would have! But she didn't - he still has magic, and magic distinctly from her (remember, him calling on her magic lights up the scars he and she inflicted on his arm). So... I don't know that Vesh could keep Kash from using her magic, given the Sting. (I imagine this is also why she kills unfaithful chosen - she wouldn't want her magic, given irrevocably, to be wastefully used.)
So... I don't think Kash has had to fight Vesh again by the time we see him and I don't think he's likely to for some time! It is possible, however, that either due to the efforts of her cultists or things like the apogee solstice, she could get free and go after Kash at some point post-stream. And in that case...
If Vesh did go after Kash, she'd probably be out for more than blood - she'd be out for his head.
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faereun · 1 year
does genesis have any secrets that can be revealed?  what are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light? / @seluniite
oh, absolutely she does. genesis has a handful of secrets, most of which are woven together intricately as they tie into the main parts of her story. the first secret is revealed if the party chooses to investigate kagha and the shadow druids. she'll accidentally let it slip that she was excommunicated from her own grove, but upon realizing her loose tongue, she'll clam up and end the conversation there. if the party chooses not to investigate kagha, when the goblin camp has been taken care of and the party returns to the grove, genesis will mention being forced to leave her grove in a slightly altered line of dialogue.
>so that's why kagha plans to perform the rite…she's allied with shadow druids. narrator: an expression of rage flashes across genesis's face, disappearing as quickly as it came. her hands are balled tightly into fist, however, and her body language is…tense. >you alright, genesis? genesis: pah. i was forced to leave my own grove, and even i can't imagine having ever endangered the entire lot of them like that. inviting shadow druids into their midst? what is that loony cunt thinking? >you were forced to leave your grove? genesis: [silence] genesis: nevermind that. the quicker we bring this evidence back to the grove, the sooner kagha and her traitorous scheming can be dealt with.
the second secret is revealed in act two once the player has a medium approval rating with genesis. the cutscene will be triggered some time after the cutscene wherein gale details his condition and relationship with mystra. she'll speak bitterly of the gods and their fickle nature, how quickly they are to abandon their favorite mortal playthings once they've grown tired of them.
>...i don't mean to pry, but you speak as if you know from experience? genesis: …well, i should've figured we'd come to this point eventually. with so many truths revealed, it's only fair that i also begin to show my hand. truth be told, the reason i have these…powers that i do, why i can innately harness mother nature's anger so…it's because of my mother. >your mother being who, exactly? genesis: [she laughs, bitterly] the forest queen herself. mielikki. and i do know firsthand that even the supposed 'kindest' of gods are eager to rid themselves of mortal nuisances the moment they become more trouble than they're worth. she's the reason i was kicked out of my grove, actually. well, it was more my own actions, but…they were a direct reaction to her own. narrator: genesis visibly bristles, eyes going dark as she seemingly recounts the events of her past. genesis: my whole life she'd promised me i would be her chosen some day. that the reason i could not yet harness her power was because i needed to prove myself worthy. and so i worshipped her, and i buried myself in her teachings, even when she was not there to guide me. i found a grove that worshipped mielikki and they took me in, but even then my endless study did not cease.  genesis: one day, the archdruid had us all gather for an announcement—he had been made the new chosen of mielikki. it felt like i had been gutted, cut down the center like a fish with all my innards pulled out. my blood felt hot in my veins…so hot, i couldn't stand it. i began hyperventilating. suddenly, my vision went black, and when i came to there was godlike strength surging through my limbs and i was on top of the archdruid, fists raining down on his face again and again and again until he was unrecognizable. >oh my god. what…what happened? genesis: tch. my mother lied to me. i had possessed her powers all along, but she was worried what i might do if i discovered them. perhaps she feared i might surpass her, who knows. because she never taught me how to wield those powers properly, they overwhelmed my body and my mind—it was like i had been taken over completely. i would've thought it my own blasted temper if not for the way my blood sang—the way the archdruid had laid flat against the stone as if being held there by some invisible force. needless to say, i left that evening. i don't think i'd ever felt so betrayed in my life, not even so much as when my father walked out on me. >it might not mean much to you, but thank you. for feeling comfortable sharing this all with me. for trusting me with such an uncomfortable memory. genesis: [silent nod] >and for what it's worth? i think you'd make a far more worthy chosen. perhaps your mother was so intimidated by your natural prowess that she could not bear to validate you so. penchant for violence aside…you're rather incredible. or perhaps that's part of what makes you incredible. what i mean to say is...you're amazing, rage and all. narrator: genesis smiles up at you, cheeks flushing just the slightest shade of emerald. she wraps your hand up in hers, squeezing it gently. for hands that are capable of doing so much damage, her touch is…surprisingly tender. genesis: of all the people i could be stuck with, throughout all this? i'm glad it's you.
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beauzos · 2 years
dark dragon vers of magicant 👀
(In response to the tags of this post)
Anyways, yeah! It's interesting that Magicant doesn't really appear in Mother 3. It feels like such a cool and interesting part of being a PSI user in the Mother series, but whatever. I imagine a being as powerful as the Dark Dragon, who in my view is a being made of the Earth's Power, has to have a Magicant. I imagine Magicants, though large, do have limits to their size. The world can only exist inside one's head, so it is usually contained to one town and a surrounding area, whereas I think that the Dark Dragon's Magicant is significantly larger than that.
It's probably impossible to explore the entire thing, considering that. It kind of grows infinitely as necessary and is sprawling. It's sort of why travel works weirdly in Her Magicant; because it'd take too long to get anywhere if travel worked the way it did in reality. You sort of just inevitably appear in one place or another, the path in front of you stretching and squishing down to what is necessary for you. It's a lot of natural space, but there are some different settlement-type areas around.
I'm sure there are Denizens of this Magicant that were created of Her mind for Her mind, but I haven't developed that much. Who else is contained in there, though, includes the Magifolk; Magicant is already shell-themed, as are the homes of the Magifolk, so to me it feels like that perhaps they are a creation of the Dark Dragon. They get to have a big, shell-themed castle. So they disappeared, but they still exist in some form in Magicant.
In terms of other things, I talked extensively about "forest gods" in Jonel's chapter that are just splinters of the Dragon that carry out Her will and watch over different areas of Nowhere on Her behalf. The stag and the Drago appear in that chapter. There are some others, but the only other one I developed was a dog one, but anyways. The difference between how those forest gods appear in reality vs. Magicant is sort of interesting; in reality, they're just vague shadowy shapes, whereas in Magicant they are actual, physical black animals. They also talk, whether flat out being the vessel for the Dragon to speak with, or with their own voices.
They sort of act as guides around Magicant in the same way that they are guides in reality. They're wise, and want to help someone who visits-- because it is possible, though very rare and would be up to the Dragon's discretion. Per Kumatora's chapter, she was selected to enter because she is connected to the Magifolk and needed to speak with them. In addition, the proof of concept chapter I mentioned starred Lucas visiting, and this is something he's done many times, although this was the first time he was allowed to explore it.
I digress. The last set of pre-existing denizens in Magicant would be Chosen Ones relating to the Dragon. Anybody who has been connected to Her still has a copy of themselves living within this Magicant. To keep it short, prior to Her being sealed away, the Chosen Ones were all in one long familial line, until the last one decided to betray Her and attempt to control the Dragon, which wound up with Her being sealed away because she attempted to kill off humans for it. Not that She could act all that rationally when he was the one controlling Her heart anyways, so She had to be sealed away until She could be revived and controlled by another again.
So, there's a long line of people who all worked alongside Her, and now exist as copies in Magicant. It isn't the real version of that person, just an imitation of them. Even the one that betrayed Her is probably still in there somewhere, just hidden deep away forever, separate from the others. There's a copy for Lucas already, and it's very eerie on both ends-- both the real version and the Magicant version-- to know that one of you is just a mere copy of somebody who is real. Lucas found it deeply unsettling, and so did his counterpart. But they all live there, peacefully given a sort of afterlife within Magicant with Her.
Magicant similarly also is where the Dragon exists, since Her size makes it difficult for Her to exist on the same plane as reality. I mean, She can, She just generally chooses not to because it interferes with Nowhere and the creatures living on it. Essentially, you have to contact Her via the Prayer Sanctuary-- I guess you could do it anywhere, but that's the best option-- in order to see Her. Even then, there's no guarantee you will. Jonel saw a small portion of the Dragon's Magicant, and saw part of Her true form, but he isn't really capable or allowed to see Her as She really is.
I imagine She really does just look like a dragon, ginormous, pitch-black, the big, white moon eyes I always mention. Though with Magicant, She can also squish Her form down to something smaller as necessary, it's just not Her true form, and therefore not preferable to Her. The Dragon could take many forms, such as the forest gods, though I think She can also take the form of a human if She'd so like. Either She would imitate one of Her Chosen Ones (-Dragon pointing at Lucas- this is the ideal human body. you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like) or just take on Her own unique form.
I think the Dragon could also squish Her form in reality, it's just easier to not exist there at all. If She needs to make an appearance, then She will, but overall, the Dragon really tries not to interfere with human lives unless absolutely necessary to avoid them becoming reliant upon Her. But if you really need advice, and you really need to ask Her for help, trying to contact Her in the sanctuary, as mentioned, is a good bet. The Magicant is also Her reception area for people basically GRHF. You can get a good chat there.
And that's basically it, far as I can remember. It's a way less wacky version of Magicant compared to Ness's, and is more structured the way Maria's is. I think the more powerful you are, plus perhaps the older you are, the more stable Magicant becomes. It's still an odd, eerie place, but it's like a fantasy world more than a bizarre dream. Time doesn’t work right, it’s always bright, so on.  It's a world unlike any other, and would be the most unique Magicant anybody could possibly visit. After all, I think a god's Magicant is something pretty damn special and significant.
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Who is Michaela and can I meet them
This particular question happened to reach the young woman while she was laying down on a couch in her room.
‘You mean the Empress??’ Gabriel wondered.
It seemed that she had mostly calmed down after the initial shock from the random voices in her head, and had now decided that they were of no immediate threat as their questions so far were fairly silly and harmless. After all, if one of them was asking who the queen of this continent was, at this point they could be beings from another world. She also truly felt like the voices were coming from the sky and this telepathic communication thing was very similar to something she could do with Vivianus, albeit a lot more one-sided.
A lot of other people would still be extremely cautious and even afraid of something like this, especially with how it is in this world, but she never liked being hyper-vigilant and fortunately hasn’t had to be.
“Well, aside from the General and other higher ups, no one else has actually seen her nor heard her so uhh… I don’t think your chances of meeting her are very high.”
Gabriel got up to pick out a book from her infinity box, revealing a guide to the 9 and a half avian sovereigns. She skips towards the chapter about Michaela and starts summarising its contents.
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“She has the powerful ability to predict everything that happens around her, and ever since the Great Divide and the Crow’s betrayal, she became the most dominant force of nature of the whole continent. Her wisdom and constant victory against the daemons has guaranteed her nation’s everlasting peace for as long as she sits on the throne.”
“Some of her most common names include: The Battle-Hardened Empress, Rosé-Eyed Princess, Queen of the Owls, and the Eternal Pearl.”
“Anddd… yeah that’s it really. Everything else is repetitive filler that’s just emphasizing on how smart, strong and pretty she is. Says she’s omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent too but I remember an old solider that came into the inn once that told me that no god is truly omnipresent.”
Speaking of that solider, she contemplated asking their patrons about the goddess, but figured that the result would be no different from when she was a child: either unconditional love and admiration, or extreme fear and trepidation.
"I could still ask the others for stories if you're really curious but... well, it's really hard to determine which ones aren't exaugurated." She paused. "And sometimes I don't think I want to know."
There may be another reason, Gabriel realized a bit later, (while she was outside harvesting exotic fruits from the inn's lil farm) as to why the voices do not know who the Empress is. They may just be that young, perhaps even younger than when Gab saw her first barred owl. However, if those voices weren't some cosmic entities from another world, that would mean that there are children that are possibly capable of telepathy and other such powers that not only allow them to communicate with Gabriel, but also hide themselves from her. She'd laugh at this thought if it weren't for the fact that there are actually children that get chosen by one of the animalia as soon as they're born.
How far does their telepathy even go? How much of her thoughts can they read? How would she know if they're watching her and listening to what she says? Do they stop and take breaks? or are they as constant as the eyes of the sky?
There is one thing Gabriel is sure of, and that is that the tone of these voices are nowhere near as threatening as when she was walking under the gaze of the barred owls. The voices were curious, but not intrusive, and felt oddly comforting.
It seemed futile to try and stop the voices anyway, since she doesn't know how and where they came from. So, until the voices start becoming a problem, she once again decides not to worry.
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iviarellereads · 2 years
Harrow the Ninth, Chapter 8
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For detail on The Locked Tomb coverage and the index, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Slashed Fourth House icon)(1) In which we run it back on book 1 again.
Harrow sips tea, overwhelmed at the flavour of it,(2) while Nigenad recites the Ninth House intercession at Canaan House.(3) Teacher asks that the Ninth grace them with the Ninth prayer, and Harrow is furious that she can't remember it. Nigenad, however, steps up and recites it. While he does, Harrow thinks about the constructs, how she hates that they've been dressed as it smacks of whimsy. She was also horrified to realize that the constructs leading them into the atrium were dropping plant matter.(4) As Ortus wraps up, the priests smile, and Harrow realizes that the First and the Ninth are the only Houses that had to learn how to wait for something that will never happen. Teacher fawns over Nigenad, while Harrow hates everything.
This time, when the keyrings are distributed, the Ninth ring comes with a key already on it: a completely uninteresting key with a triangle head and two teeth.(5) Then Teacher tells them about the history of Canaan House and the research facility. It was meant to be the palace for God, in the time before the Lyctors. They were ten disciples, at first, half necromancers. The King Undying kept them alive with his power, but they had to stay close to him for this to work, and they wanted to serve in his name elsewhere. Others took up the position, while some left and became the first cavaliers, or honed the craft of necromancy. He says that this, Canaan House, is where the research took place to discover what would become Lyctorhood.(6)
At this, Abigail Pent exclaims her excitement that the path to Lyctorhood is independent research (one of the kiddos "made a sound like an exhausted balloon squeal"), but Teacher cautions that it is only part of the path. The other part is silence and care. The Sleeper lies in the heart of the facility, and is their greatest threat, "for although they lie in sleep… in that sleep, they walk."(7) The Sleeper cannot die, may not even be wound-able. Their best defence is silence and traveling in groups.
There was no pause here, just a perfect babel: "--isn't how it--"(8) "How much sound is--" "--doesn't make any--" "--what kind of cack-handed--" "I do not know the answers to any of these questions," said Teacher calmly. "Only that, already, you are being too loud."
At this, everyone stops speaking, and even Harrow and Nigenad, who had not started talking, grow more still. At this, Teacher says he's making a joke, they're all perfectly safe up here, on this side of the hatch. Only down in the facility is there danger. However, he adds that he can guide them no further, "this place has changed beyond [his] ken." Still, he wishes them all luck, and constructs lead them away.
As they are escorted to the Ninth accommodations, Nigenad wishes Harrow had chosen someone else. She says there's no changing it now unless he can summon Matthias Nonius, whose service she will only take "if he promises not to speechify." Harrow notices that the constructs are TOO good, they do things that are beyond her ability and thus impossible for anyone of the Nine Houses.(9)
Nigenad asks outright why Harrow chose him. She says there was no one else, and his affect slips. Exasperated, he says "You never did possess an imagination," then he gathers his composure and asks her forgiveness. He says he does not know yet how to die, and he forgets his graces so far from the Locked Tomb. Harrow says to forget about dying, and get on with the task at hand, because the Ninth "should not let our hearts falter or fail regarding some fiendish somnambulist", and if something happens he can simply recite his poetry at it, which should solve any insomnia. Nigenad says Harrow is humorous, and he understands.
The skeleton construct gestured to them both as they made the initial step to follow, and Harrow was struck when it opened its yellow-molared mouth. "Is this how it happens?" it said.(10)
(1) There isn't a specific use of or focus on the Fourth in this chapter, the only remark we get out of one of the teens is a noise. I think this icon is in use because of the Fourth part of the opening poem about the Houses: Four for Fidelity, facing ahead. Also, there's a pattern to the icons: the ones in this side story are all slashed or cracked, depending how you want to interpret the chunk missing. (2) You may recall that Gideon was super into flavour in the previous book, but had never had anything at the Ninth that wasn't bland. I wonder if an oversensitive palate runs in Harrow's family, or if it's just a trait of hers that the whole House accommodated because she's so important to them. (3) Have you found a pattern to Harrow reliving Canaan House in this strange almost retcon way? (4) Imagine growing up in a place with almost no water and nothing green, and seeing someone throw flower petals at a wedding. Horror indeed! (5) This doesn't match any key described in Gideon the Ninth as far as I can find, in case you're wondering. (6) How much of this is truth, how much is fiction in this undefined side story? Certainly, he never mentioned the facility the first time around. Why would Harrow's brain rewrite it this way? Or is this something other than a dream? (7) That is definitely, absolutely, and entirely new. (8) Hmm, now what was that? What isn't how what? (9) We know otherwise, but it's interesting that the skeleton constructs are even more whole and unusual than the ones in Gideon, which were already pretty weird being souls bound to constructs and not simple automata. (10) And here's why I don't mind drawing attention to the sentence in the atrium babel. The Body also said this in the first part of this strange side story: "This isn't how it happens." The reader is absolutely supposed to know this is more than it seems. A construct talking is downright absurd, they don't even have vocal folds! So, if you're reading with me for the first time, what do you think is going on here? Why are things happening differently?
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mayspicer · 2 years
Hell yeah you're answering some of those (if you want to), it's fun! 2, 11, 28, 44, 51 for the pink bean
Aww yiss. If anyone is interested, this is about Cayden, who can be found in my posts tagged as his name or more generally pathfinder.
This is gonna be long because I'm unable to write short answers. Also I have no idea how to add a read more on mobile, so uhhh, have fun xD
2. What was your original concept for this character? How did playing them change that concept?
The whole creation story is full of randomness tbh. I wanted to try playing a face and had a rogue half prepared for that, but the GM told me to maybe not play a rogue again, so I changed my mind to a sorcerer. A friend was creating his first character ever then, and he wanted to be a typical wizard, so I looked for less combat focused options for my sorcerer and we lacked a healer, so I found that there is a unicorn sorcerer bloodline that knows healing spells and has some nice healing powers. This was my first sorcerer, so I looked for guides and turns out that gnomes are super recommended. I decided on looks and even gender when having fun in heroforge. Thought it will be super funny if a gnome that's gonna be unicorn themed will also be pink and a man. It's a little freaky how he became a serious character that took over my entire brain for more than a year now, considering how he came to existence. Gnomes, man, it must be something to them, this shouldn't've worked. I'm so glad it did tho. Even his name was super randomly chosen, as back then the party was supposed to be 3 people with others joining later, and we thought it would be hilarious if we make some kind of acronym from character names. The word "CYC" (tit would be the same in English ig) appeared, so I looked for male names beginning with C. Found Caden, thought it sounded nice, so I told the GM it's gonna be it. And he went ooooh if you spell that differently, he could be named after a god of beer in Pathfinder. I liked the spelling better, I liked the connotations, boom xD
As for his character, I remember that he was supposed to be more crazy (whatever that means, my first sketches are more mischievous looking), but after writing his backstory and actually starting playing, I think he just stayed pretty much the same. Also the rest of the party put the bar pretty high for the craziness/unchainedness level, so I automatically assumed a more mature approach to compensate lol
I wish I was better at roleplay tho, because it's really hard to try to come across as someone who is by design comfortable in most situations, talks smoothly and is confident and flirty when I'm not and I don't even know how people like this are supposed to act, so I can't even try to pretend hhhh
I just hope that the rest of my group knows how I want him to be, cos we don't really talk much about character stuff outside the game (I wish we did, but it appears that I'm the only one who's been raised in the whole OC culture and I don't even feel very comfortable around some of the people outside of the game hhhh)
11. if they have a pet or animal companion, how do they spend time with them? if they don’t have one, what sort of animal would they be interested in raising, if any?
In one of the first sessions we saved a young black cat, so Cayden had a pet for a few weeks. Named the cat Rybiarz xd (Fisher?) because he said he liked fish (speak with animals hehe). Cayden left the cat in the inn we were staying in, because the inn keeper became our friend and the cat liked it here, so Cayden decided he's not gonna drag the poor cat along with him on the two month journey and who knows what next. If he could have a pet, I see two ways. Either some magical beast, lika a faerie dragon (not really a pet tho, cos they're sentient, but I mean the vibe), something that would be comfortable being on the move, possibly something matching his own energy, or even helping him seem even more attractive to others. The other option is some kind of animal that can swim (and climb?), because the boy Can't Swim. The last session ended in the middle of combat, where Cayden spent 3/4 of it under water, as the fight was with a water elemental which raised the water level and submerged everyone. And this was not the first time something like this happened xD And with him being so smol, he starts having problems when there is like 0.5m of water and if the water covers him, it boils down to waiting for someone to fish him out. A trained animal could solve this problem xD
As for spending time with the pet, it would probably be just playing with it and chilling together. Maybe if it was some special creature, he would be taking it with him to some social situations and play harmless tricks on others, or try to impress others with it, depending on the situation and mood.
28. do they collect anything?
He currently finally got his hands on a Mnemonic Vestment he's been saving gold for, so now he's focused on collecting as many magic scrolls (and possibly spellbooks, generally written magic) as possible, because the Vestment lets him cast one spell per day from such a source using his own spell slot AND not using up the scroll itself. This is super good, because Cayden as a sorcerer has a lot of spell slots, but a very short list of spells known. A new era just begun for him hahah
44. what lies do they tell others?
This is a hard one. I'm not great at creating characters that have many aspects to them. Cayden is pretty honest anyway, and talkative, so every one of his friends probably knows almost everything about his past and about him generally. He had to tell a pretty serious lie in the past and he only confessed to maybe two people (all just in backstory). It was about how the father of his first girlfriend died. He was killed by a unicorn, when he tried to kill it for its horn. The father was hunting magical creatures in secret, so his family didn't know anything, but he wanted Cayden to help him with the "business", as the relationship with his daughter was becoming serious. Why he thought it was a good idea is a mystery, as Cayden's family's past involving a friendship with a unicorn was pretty well known. Cayden helped the unicorn escape, but not before the other gnome shot at it with a crossbow. The unicorn charged and impaled the man with its horn before teleporting away. After spending the night crying his eyes out and trying to make sense of this whole situation, Cayden brought back the father's body back to the family and lied that the man was killed by someone with a spear who tried to mug them, before he managed to scare the attackers away using magic tricks.
I think, more generally, hypothetically, Cayden would lie about his own well being, for example if it meant others wouldn't waste time on him and would be able to save themselves in a critical situation. He would lie to make others feel better if he knew there was no way to help them and if he knew that showing confidence and being optimistic would raise morale of everyone else.
As for non serious lies (I'm not even sure it counts for the question), sometimes his gnome nature comes through, and he's tempted to just mess with someone by telling obvious nonsense information when an opportunity arises, or creating illusions. He doesn't have a heart to leave someone confused for too long though, so most of the time he clears thing up pretty fast.
And of course he tells lies in typical adventurer stuff situations. False names, motivations, all that. "I'm so sorry for shooting color spray in your face I panicked, I just didn't want you to cuff me, I'm on your side I swear, I want to help deal with those people demolishing your holy stairs, I won't be able to do that while magically handcuffed!" *Insane bluff check* *promptly escapes the moment he sees an opportunity*
Currently we're trying to infiltrate some kind of a drug cartel criminal underground, so there is a lot of bluffing involved xD
51. what element of their backstory are you proudest of?
The elements my GM basically wrote for me xD
I'm not the strongest writer, not even moderately acceptable writer, so I needed a little help. We all generated backstory events when creating characters and wrote based on what we got. I couldn't think of a conflict that involved telling a lie motivated by love. This is the one above, about the unicorn. The other backstory element is to rationalize how Cayden got out of his country that was surrounded by enemy nations currently at war I think and travelled through almost half the continent to the Pathfinder lodge in Absalom. I decided he's going to go by water, sailing near appropriately named Isle of Terror. Sure the name is not nice and there are some terrible stories surrounding the place, but near the shore there are real people actively looking for vessels trying to cross the lake. Turns out Isle of Terror is no joke and during a terrible negative energy storm everyone from the crew died, if not by the storm, then finished off by a shadowy creature, and Cayden barely survived this only thanks to hiding in a barrel, and plot armor I guess (it's a backstory after all, and a random event due to my decisions to go this route).
Other than that, I kinda like the part about Cayden even having the bloodline powers he has. One of his ancestors/parents had to have some kind of closer contact with a unicorn and I decided it's gonna be his mother. Before he was born, his country was at war with basically every neighbour and Cayden's mother was helping refugees by hiding them in a dense forest near the border. She impressed a unicorn living there with her determination and pure heart and they formed a strong bond with the unicorn protecting it's forest against unwanted invaders, but allowing shelter for the needing. During those efforts Cayden's mother met his father and after the war, Cayden was born. Later, when he grew up, it turned out that some of that unicorns magic/blessing passed onto his mother and became apparent in him.
I know it's cheesy, but that's about the peak of my writing/storytelling skills xD
For someone that is 52 years old, my boy has a surprisingly uneventful backstory, with 40 years of living peacefully in his village with both parents, having a traumatic experience, and then going out to see the world, hearing about Pathfinder Society on his first big stop and making it his dream to join them. I described his journey basically by coming up with partners he had romantic relationships with along the way and elaborating a little what happened during these stops/stages of the journey. Now I face the joy of meeting this characters as NPC's one day, oof, I didnt think this through. We even met that first girlfriend already. (it was ok, but super stressful, but also super sweet at the end)
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talkingwithghosts555 · 7 months
Different Chakras of All Lives Aligning into This Life Creating More Symptoms-Conversation with Benjamin Cole Brown
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K: Okay…so this is getting weird and very suspicious.
B: (smiles and leans to the side while laying his cheek against prayer folded hands) Why?
K: First, it’s James, then it’s Brittany, then it’s you and I haven’t connected with you in a long time.
B: Not so long.
K: For you!
B: True.
K: What’s going on?
B: (straightens and rubs the palm of his hands on his jeans) Nothing. Nothing that you haven’t experienced already.
K: Keep talkin’.
B: I don’t know. (he’s giving me the feeling of complete joy in my heart space) I just know how much…how much work has been going on to perfect something that required…I don’t know how to say it, but it required a little testing and that had nothing to do with you. You were just following the ideas that were being thrown around and at you from here.
K: It’s a little infuriating.
B: Sure. Absolutely it would be. It just takes a certain…person. For a while, you were it until you weren’t.
K: I honestly didn’t think that you would come back.
B: I never doubted for a second that I would. Look…(senses frustration) some people are picked because they can handle it.
K: I have a few chosen words specifically for your council, angel boy because…FYI…total and complete bullshit.
B: Feel free to share them after we’re done.
K: What…why…why today?
B: Something I want to share with the readers that want the info.
K: Okay.
B: Tell me something, how have your dreams been lately?
K: Like an Alice in Wonderland trip. Like fever dreams.
B: Okay. (holds out his hands and gestures for more) Give me an example.
K: The only thing I can remember, specifically, about last night…and I really couldn’t sleep. I had a massive headache last night.
B: Full moon clearing the fields of your body.
K: Awesome. Thanks for that. The effects almost had me bowing to the porcelain god.
B: It will do that.
K: I just remember Roth swooping in to block me from something. He walked me away and then turned me into a room where a single dragonfly was hovering, and it came up to my face…hovered there then flew off and then past where the dragonfly was, were hundreds of butterflies filling the room. Then I remember faces and…literally an Alice in Wonderland type of storyline.
B: Okay. How are you feeling when you wake up lately?
K: Really tired. Like I’m not rested. It’s almost like I’m living something somewhere because the details are so real like the every day, here. Why?
B: I want to take this moment to inform people who read these conversations that they will be remembering what they’re dreaming as the day progresses because they aren’t really dreams but it’s remembering things that their soul is returning to, in different dimensions around them.
K: What?
B: You mentioned Roth.
K: Yes.
B: The Avians…Simon had let you know that they are messengers for people between the various lives they are living at the same time. He called them hummingbirds because of the infinity sign their wings make so it looks like they're hovering in the air or move at tremendous speeds.
K: Yes.
B: It’s in people’s dream states or what they think are the dream states that this information will be shared. There’s been a few messages, given to the masses, to pay attention to their dreams. And honestly, I can’t stress that enough. For many people who say they can’t remember their dreams, they will be able to because there are going to be specific messages that come through the dreams that will help guide people through or toward the support or the help they need to get to that next curve in the spiral. Where all these lives are aligning into one through the chakras.
K: Are there a lot of people working with the Avians to get all these lives…the information from those to help with what they’re living in their day to day, now?
B: Yes. That’s they’re main function right now. It’s not so much the connection…what the Avian is to someone…whether that be a guide or a guardian or an angel or whatever. That’s something completely different and not for everyone but the…simultaneous living and understanding that, is happening now.
K: Why?
B: To bring balance. It’s so the simultaneously lived lives can be…become cohesive. (clasps his hands together) The human, right now, is becoming more and more aligned with the chakras of the energy fields. Some would call these the Earth Star Chakra or the Soul Star…Spirit Star…
K: Okay.
B: All of those chakras are also within any and all lives as a facet of that higher self, living any life on any different plane, in a different realm right now. All of those…and it looks like the Droste effect…those are all being aligned into the humans physical now. (points down) Right now. To do that, the person is being introduced or…experiencing those lives, as they sleep because it’s the easiest way to bring all of that stuff together…into alignment…right now.
K: Can you say anything more convoluted?
B: For sure. I know. It really is…hardly makes sense. Just…these chakras…not only are they connected to the person that they see in the mirror, but they also connect to different lives. So, the crown chakra is very prevalent and awake in this life and the Soul Star Chakra is with this life here and the Heart Chakra is wide open in this life here (pointing in different directions)…all of those lives attached to any chakra are aligning with any other life that the person is living simultaneously with what they’re living today.
K: What about the Earth Star Chakra life…lives?
B: Those are the inner earth temple lives…for some…or the earthly lives that they’ve lived that are ancient…more so Lemuria, Atlantis, Babylonian…Mesopotamia…Egypt…because it all has to meet in alignment with the human as well as the etheric ties.
K: Why are you sharing this and not Anton?
B: Because it has more to do with the twelve-dimensional planes of existence and not so much just the galactic…star stuff.
K: Okay.
B: It’s really exciting and I wanted to share it with the readers here because if they can feel the energy of it, it’s beginning for them, and they can better prepare for it.
K: Prepare like it’s going to be a sudden shift? People want the sudden shift because they believe it will be better.
B: No. Nothing like that. It’s more of…we (points to him and me) always got together to share knowledge and if people took it, great. If not…great. It didn’t matter but this was a place where sometimes there was an inside scoop before the information was widespread and diluted by people’s personal perception or personal level of understanding.
K: Sure.
B: Stuff like…you said you had a severe headache and stomach upset.
K: Did I say severe?
B: Well, I’m feeling it right now and it doesn’t feel fun.
K: For real.
B: Of course, we’re not doctors and people need to get stuff checked out professionally. To ignore your health because you’re so focused on this spiritual awakening stuff is not smart, but these things called or labeled ascension symptoms…
K: Yes.
B: It’s going up a notch but not so much in the flu or cold or physical ailments although…hair loss with all those upper chakras coming more together is going to be frustrating for a lot of people and feet pain…burning pain and low back pain…hips…as the Earth Star comes into alignment…chiropractors will be busy.
K: I get it.
B: But dreams are going to be like you’re waking up in another life…um…dizziness…vertigo…fuzzy vision…a person hasn’t had a drink or any sort of substance, but they feel like they have. Walking on air or total brain fog. Grounding is going to be so key right now. Part of grounding is also writing. You talked to Brittany about journaling a little bit yesterday. She told me.
K: Yes.
B: That is a grounding exercise that will keep a person in the here and now because they have to live in the present moment. Grounding is so key right now.
K: Okay.
B: Everything is fluid in motion so water will be important. Swimming…drinking enough water…soaking the feet…anything to do with water will be really helpful.
K: Excellent.
B: There is a fine line with salt right now. Ingesting salt…not ideal. Find other ways to season your food. If a person is craving salt…check the electrolyte balance of the body because the energy from everywhere is going to affect the physical and dehydration might occur. We don’t want dessert dry bodies because we need the alignment to flow together like fish in water and not so much being pounded in like a nail through wood.
K: Good god, Cole.
B: The nails…driven through Christ’s hands…that’s very significant. That wasn’t what he was doing…that is symbolic of all the outside stuff that attacked him.
K: (mouth falls open)
B: What else can I share…Oh…salt. Salt scrubs…salt baths…a good thing. The indigenous of Earth…use smoke to cleanse. If people can try to incorporate smudging…if they don’t have allergies or become sick with it…even burning mugwort or a simple bay leaf and washing the smoke over their heads…would be excellent. Smoke moves the shadow so do this outside so the shadow doesn’t stay indoors.
K: Wow. This is a lot of info. Thanks.
B: When doing these kinds of things…dreams will be even more vivid and remembered for clarity purposes and the messages will come through on what’s aligning and what’s not. What wasn’t aligning in your dream last night?
 K: Work. Very specific…work wasn’t aligning with what I was trying to accomplish.
B: Okay. But a person can’t just up and quit their job so it’s actually about taking the breaks, taking the time to become centered during the workday to be living with those “higher” (finger quote) chakras and frequencies which just means continuously checking in with yourself to center. Even during work. A lot of people work in jobs that they don’t align with anymore and it breaks them up and has them scattered…stretched thin. Taking the time to center throughout the workday will bring clarity on what needs your attention and what can wait.
K: Yes. For sure. I actually got a message about that when I started my day today.
B: That was on purpose because of what you were dreaming and businesses are realizing this needs to happen because the people that create these moments and educate their employees on these types of things know…they know of the ascension stuff on the planet. They don’t share it openly like I am now. They share it in ways that people can use in their day to day to center…to ground…to take the time out to connect with the alignment that’s going on without sounding like quacks.
K: In all honesty, I feel like this information slightly changes but…not really. It doesn’t really change.
B: In all honesty, the people that have been doing the work…this will have a deeper…way further reaching meaning then those that are just reading for the hell of it.
K: Ah. Got it.
B: There is entertainment value in all of this stuff. It’s wild. It’s fantasy. It’s…daydreaming. But if a person can really look through the chaos and see me standing on the other side of it…welcoming them because regardless of what’s happening in the world around them, they were able to pull up the alignment from their socks and walk the fine line towards where I am…they’ve been doing way, way more profound work on their bodies…minds…souls…hearts than what others would even understand.
K: I find that people want to know what action to take.
B: I’ve explained.
K: Yeah…it still doesn’t appease the masses.
B: Because they’re looking for the easy stuff…the stuff that will keep them in control or comfortable. Comfort…out the window right now. (waves above his head) If you’re trying to stay comfortable in the chaos…you’re not willing to change. When you’re willing to work with the chaos and observe it and see where you can keep the peace and be the light in the storm instead of becoming the storm…then you’re willing to be a part of the solution and you’re willing to thrive with it…with all the changing currents and themes of the everyday.
K: Got it.
B: And spirit will come to the people who…they just keep going regardless of the chaos that they’ve had to work through…they just keep going.
K: Got it.
B: Good.
K: Is that the message of today?
B: Pretty much. And…I’ve missed you. I’ve really really missed you. For me, it hasn’t been that long but to feel the time pass from you…it’s been too long.
K: Thanks. I appreciate it. It’s nice to see your face. It’s still a…lovely face. (sighs)
B: I work out.
K: (loud laughing) Me too.
B: This whole thing…as much as it’s in the collective…it really comes down to personal energy stuff and if someone knows someone else…an energy worker…reader…channeller…whoever that can help with some sort of step they can take with working with these great alignments…if that’s within their capacity to do and get that help…I would highly suggest that they do. Call up the witch doctor…he’ll tell you what to do.
I’m hearing the song from 1958 David Seville in my head.
K: Funny.
B: Funny…ha ha?
K: You’re cute when you try.
B: (bats his eyelashes) I know.
K: Breakin’ hearts these days?
B: (waves me off) Stop.
K: Just askin’.
B: Let’s just say…I love.
K: Super sweet. Lips are sealed.
B: Thank you. Have a good evening, Kim. See you in your dreams.
K: Not if Roth beats you to it.
B: He’s pretty fast. He whips around in nanoseconds.
K: I don’t even know what that is.
B: Me neither. See you. I love you.
K: I love you too. See you.
Lifts his hand then is gone.
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