#the thundermans x reader
infiniteimaginings · 7 months
Perfect for me (Max Thunderman x GN!Reader)
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Summary: Max Thunderman had his eyes on you since your friendship began but ever since your friendship with Phoebe you guys haven't been 'friends' necessarily. When he gets a moment with you, will he let his rivalry with his sister get in between you guys? Part Two: Imperfectly Loved Pronouns: You/Yours They/Them Warnings: None other than fluff to angst Word Count: 6.8k
Phoebe welcomed her friend, you, in with a bright smile and a short hug. “So, I was thinking, movie marathon with tons of snacks, some karaoke, and then we end the night with a sleepover!” The wavy brown haired girl told you, closing the door behind you as you walked in and sat on the couch.
You tapped on your knees with a smile to her, “Sounds great!” you responded, looking around the colorful home before turning your attention back to Phoebe. “I didn’t bring any of my stuff though, I didn’t know we’d be having a sleepover.” You told Phoebe honestly, shrugging your shoulders slightly but Phoebe simply laughed it off. “We can pick your stuff up later, no worries.” She comforted, putting a hand on your shoulder before going to the kitchen to prepare some of  the snacks the two of you would have. Suddenly she let out a rather loud groan, “Darn, I think I left my checklist in my bedroom, I’ll be right back okay?” Phoebe told you, already heading up the steps of her staircase. You yelled out an ‘Okay!’ as you watched her figure retreat upstairs, quickly turning back around and opening your phone to scroll through it in silence. 
Footsteps were heard, echoing on the wooden floors behind you. You assumed it was Phoebe who had come back from her bedroom, so you turned around but were met face to face with Max Thunderman, Phoebe's twin brother. “Oh, hey Max.” You greeted, turning back around to sit properly on the couch, continuing with the activity you were doing.
Max slightly narrowed his eyes, “Hey…” He mumbled, going to the kitchen whilst looking at you suspiciously. “What are you doing here?” He asked, noticing the counter filled with tons of snacks. He tilted his head and filled his arms with about half of those snacks, planning to hideout in his lair. You were still looking down at your phone, not necessarily interested in whatever Max was doing. “Sleepover with Phoebe.” You said simply, not even looking up until you heard the rustling from the kitchen. “What are you doing?” You asked, raising your brow and turning off your phone. Max had snacks filling his hands, up to his chin. “Getting food.” He stated obviously, trying to walk from the kitchen to his tunnel that slid into his lair. You saw how Max was almost about to topple over from the amount of food in his hands so you finally stood up, “Are you going into hibernation or something?” You asked him, slowly walking to him as you noticed a few of your favorite snacks in the pile-up. “Yes.” The boy grumbled, trying to walk to his lair.
You shook your head and rolled your eyes, standing in front of him and grabbing the top portion of the snacks he had taken so he could at least see while he was walking. “Lead the way.” You told him, gesturing with your head. He walked only a few feet to a love seat type thing, he opened his tunnel by kicking a button on the wooden loveseat with a yellow cushion and matching pillows. The cushion opened up vertically, exposing a slide of sorts, your mouth was opened wide in shock. Max tossed his grouping of snacks down the slide, holding his hands out for the group you held. When you weren’t handing them to him, he looked up and noticed your shocked expression which caused him to smirk in pride. “You know, if you ever want a tour, I would gladly show you around down there.” He hummed, taking the group of snacks you held, throwing them down the same way he did the others. He then positioned himself to go down the slide, but he didn’t go down yet, he looked at you. “Do you wanna take up that offer now?” He asked, holding his hand out.
You contemplated it for a bit but your thoughts were interrupted by Phoebe coming back down the stairs, “Got the list!” She said happily, making it about halfway down the staircase before noticing you and Max. “Max! Leave them alone, go and be obnoxious somewhere else!” Phoebe sneered with narrowed eyes, walking to the bottom of the staircase to where you stood next to the tunnel. Max rolled his eyes with a smug grin, “Later.” He told you, winking slightly before sliding down to his lair, the entrance way closing. 
Phoebe sighed, “Hopefully he won’t come back up here.” She mumbled, leading you back to the couch and turning on the tv. You sat on the couch quietly, smiling gently and shaking your head at the antics of the two siblings. Phoebe walked over to the kitchen where she left the snacks and her expression dropped, “The snacks.” She said bluntly, looking up at you, you turned your head in the direction of the entrance Max just went down into. “Of course.” Phoebe groaned, bringing the rest of the snacks to the living room table. “No worries, we still have plenty.” She reassured, though you didn’t need the reassurance, it was still appreciated.
The sleepover was successful, a night filled with music, movies, eating, and overall fun. You saw Max a few more times in the night, but it was nothing more than shared glances. 
The next morning Phoebe and you said your goodbyes. Phoebe pouted, “I wish the night lasted longer.” She sighed, upset you had to go. You laughed, “I’ll sleep over another day.” You reassured, giving her a tight hug to which she returned. Max had entered the kitchen for a moment, walking back to his lair, he looked up to you and saluted a small goodbye, winking once again before going down the slide to his bedroom. You rolled your eyes at his exit and pulled away from the hug with Phoebe with a smile. “I will see you at school, stop sending me off like I’m going to war.” You laughed, scrunching your nose, hand gently holding your friends. Phoebe chuckled and shook her head, “I’ll see you at school tomorrow, be safe on your way home.” She told you and you nodded. “Bye.” You said your final goodbye, leaving the Thunderman household, making your way home.
Over the next few weeks, you had been at the Thunderman household for a good chunk of days during those few weeks. During one of those visits Phoebe had to leave in the middle of it, she told you to just hang out there until she came back from whatever errand she had to run. 
You sat quietly, occasionally making small talk with some of the Thunderman family. You fixed Noras bow for her, picked a game for Billy to play, you said ‘Hellos’ to the parents. The only person you hadn’t seen pretty much all day was Max, which was surprising since he usually came up by this time.
You stood up and walked over to his lair entrance, biting your nail as you contemplated opening it. Unbeknownst to you, someone coming up the basement stairs noticed you near the lair entrance and smiled slightly, making their steps quieter. You were so in thought that you were unaware when that person came up behind you. They roughly placed their hands on your shoulders, “Boo!” The person said as you jumped practically ten feet in the air. You turned, clutching your chest, and trying to catch your breath. There was the perpetrator, Max Thundermand. “Max.” You sighed out, still taking deep breaths, calming your beating heart. He hummed, hands behind his back innocently as he tried to stop himself from laughing. “You’re at my entrance.” He told you, raising a brow, head tilting to where you stood. You laughed gently and shook your head, hand lowering from your chest, “I haven’t seen you all day, for all I know you could’ve died down there.” You teased, crossing your arms. 
Max nodded, “True, true.” He spoke, looking at you to the entrance, then back to you. “You want to take up that offer of a tour?” He asked, noticing how Phoebe was nowhere in sight. You couldn’t control how you broke out into a smile, nodding quickly. He laughed, pushing the button and opening the hatch, “After you.” He spoke, hand extended to you so you can position yourself. You took his hand, stepping up the two steps before putting both your legs into the tube. You were a little nervous, sure you’ve seen him do this a thousand times but there was still a small pit of anxiousness in the pit of your stomach. Max noticed your hesitance and released your hand, whistling slightly as he stepped down behind you and gave you a push, sending you flying down the slide. He could hear your original screams of fear until they turned in delight, your giggles echoing up the slide to him.
He smiled to himself, getting into position as he grabbed the top of the hatch, “Move out the way, I’m coming down!” He yelled, sliding down, closing the hatch in the process. Blue lights flashed by as he made twists and turns, sliding right down and falling onto his bed, lifting his head and seeing you holding your stomach, laughing on the side of the bed. “Was it fun?” He asked you, scooting to the edge of his bed. You nodded, calming your breaths from laughing and looking around.
You looked around his desks and bookshelves, noticing a few experiments , gadgets, and other things. Max watched as you looked around, a small smile on his features. He leaned forward, hands clasped together, “So, what do you do around school now?” He asked, trying to make conversation. You looked back at him with an unimpressed expression, holding some sort of orb. You hummed as you played with it a bit, he didn’t mind. “You don't have to act like I'm a new person just because I hang out with Phoebe.” You told him, turning back around to put the silver orb back where you found it.
Max looked down, soon looking around his room again, “I know, but, she’s a goody two shoes, she probably rubbed off on you, I haven’t seen you one on one in months.” Max told what he believed to be his ‘former’ friend. You frowned a bit, turning and sitting next to him. “I know, I'm sorry.” You apologized, bumping shoulders with him which caused him to smile a bit. “I’ve actually been busy, me and Phoebe finally got a hangout for that sleepover because my schedule cleared up.” You explained to him, standing back up, looking at his bookshelf area to see if he had anything actually readable. He looked at you as you looked around more. He cleared his throat, bringing your attention to him. “Since your schedule’s free now, I can show you around a ton of other places too.” Max said, putting a hand through his hair, smirking. You rolled your eyes at him but smiled anyway, “Oh, can you now?” You asked blandly, putting his books back. He nodded, putting his hand behind him to prop himself up as he leaned back. “I sure can, I know all the best spots.” He bragged to you.
You walked over to him, crossing your arms, “It sounds like you're trying to ask me on a date.” You spoke, tilting your head and he flushed since you caught him. He didn’t change his expression or position, “And if I was?” He asked you, he was met with slight silence. He was a little worried due to that but you finally spoke up, “Maybe you should ask instead of dodging it.” You told him, arms still crossed.
Max was looking up at you since you were standing in front of the bed and he was sitting on his. He smirked, now being the one to roll his eyes at you. “Okay, okay.” He said, holding his hand out in surrender, “Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?” He asked, smiling at you, his cheeks a soft pink, his eyes soft. You smiled back at him, “I would love that.” You respond, ruffling his hair. His eyes widened, genuinely not expecting that response. He looked at you with another smile, this one a little dopier, “Really?” He whispered to you, standing up and meeting your eyes for a bit more proper eye contact. “Really.” You whispered back to him, biting your lip.
Max decided the best place for a date was an abandoned museum in Hiddenville. The objects were covered in dust, no security systems, some of the glass was even broken. That wasn’t why he took you there though, he pulled you up a ladder to the roof, carefully sitting the two of you somewhere stable. You had a beautiful view of Hiddenville, the warmth of the sun on your face and the cool breeze made it all perfect. 
After your visit to the abandoned museum you guys made your way back to the Thunderman household, hand in hand. Once you guys returned, Phoebe still hadn’t returned, it had been hours, the sun was practically setting. You and Max sat on the livingroom couch together, Max’s arm around you as you talked about the abandoned building, the sunset, anything you guys saw, everything.
You smiled, looking up at him, him looking down at you since you were leaning on him slightly. “That was fun.” You told him, smiling gently, “I guess you do know the best spots.” You said, admitting that he stuck to his word. Max laughed slightly, “Wasn’t it cool? I knew you’d have fun.” Max told you, rubbing your arms gently with the tips of his fingers. You shivered slightly at the feeling, looking at the table in front of you, but you didn’t pull from his grasp. You inhaled slightly, catching the smells of grass, metal, and a slight whiff of chemicals. None of which was surprising you since you saw his bedroom earlier. “It was really fun, it was amazing.” You told him, “You’re amazing.” You said suddenly, not noticing how you made his gaze soften even more to you.
He took his free hand and played with your hand, “You’re nice to be around, you always are.” He said to you, his voice quieter than it usually was. You looked back up to meet his gaze, “You think so?” You asked, fingers interlocking with his. Max nodded his head, licking his lips slightly, “I can be comfortable around you, that might sound weird.” He spoke, his voice gentle, which you were not used to. You shook your head, enjoying this quiet little moment between the two of you, “No, no.” You reassured, thumb rubbing the back of his hand. “I feel comfortable around you too.” Your comment made the tips of ears turn red and you laughed slightly, taking your free hand and messing with them.
Max shook you off his ear and looked at you blankly but you laughed at his expression, leaning more into him. Max shifted a bit, “Would you like to do things like…this, more often?” He asked you, referring to the current position they were in and the day as a whole. You gave him a toothy grin, “More dates?” You asked innocently and he squeezed your hand gently, chuckling a bit. “Yes, more dates. Would you like to go on more dates more often?” He asked you, and you thought about it. You had done this earlier so he just raised brow, turning your chin to make you meet his eyes once again. 
You pursed your lips, “How about this question…” You began, backing out of his grip to face him and talk to him more comfortably. “Would you like to date me and see how that goes?” You asked, the question causing Max to pause, sitting up a bit. His mouth opened a bit in shock, “Yes…” He whispered, but you acted as if you couldn’t hear him. You cupped your ear, leaning towards him, “What was that?” You asked, smiling wide as he pulled you in by your waist. “Yes, I would. I would love that.” He responded, his eyes shining once he met yours eyes. He brought his lips to yours, his soft lips meeting yours, he couldn’t control it when he smiled against your lips. “This is all I need.” He mumbled against your lips.
After a little bit the two of you pulled apart and you sat next to him, the two of you just talking. Soon enough, Phoebe walked through the front door, looking up and seeing you before quickly looking back down and putting her keys in her bag. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t expect that to take so long.” She said, walking as she looked down, “Do you wanna have a sleepover?” She asked, completely stopping in her tracks when she looked up and noticed Max next to you on the couch as you guys talked. The two of you looked back at her, but you had a message lit up on your phone. You frowned, scrunching your nose, “Sorry Phoebe, I gotta get home since it’s late.” You said, standing up and brushing yourself off. Phoebe pouted and hugged you goodbye over the couch, “Okay, be safe on your way home. Maybe next time we can have a sleepover.” She said, you nodding in response, smiling at her sweetly. She waved goodbye, walking upstairs.
You walked to the door, Max seeing you out. He leaned on the doorway, “See you next time?” He asked, his face bright red, but his eyes were dilated. You nodded, smiling at him for the millionth time that day, kissing his cheek gently. “I’ll see you next time.” You said, starting your walk home.
Max closed the door, holding his cheek softly, a lovesick smile on his face. Phoebe rushed down the stairs and glared at him, “Stay away from my friend.” She grumbled to Max, pointing to him menacingly with a glare before running back up the stairs. Max ignored her and went back down to his lair.
You and Max, after establishing a sweet relationship, had been hanging out more. You guys had been going on more dates, breakfast, lunch, dinner. It wasn’t every single day but, it felt like it, not that either of you minded. The two of you didn’t hide your relationship, you just chose not to mention it, it wasn’t either of you guys’s obligations to share the information of your newfound relationship.
Eventually the weeks passed, you hung out with Phoebe, you met with Max, it was a routine. Sure, you hung out with your other friends, but it was mainly the Thundermans
Phoebe had hung out with you occasionally, not as much as before though. She had noticed you saying you couldn’t hang out more and more so she messaged you. She asked you if you were free the upcoming Saturday and you responded with an energetic yes. You and her made plans to meet at Splatburger for lunch to talk and maybe arrange a sleepover the same day, just see where the day takes you guys.
At Splatburger Phoebe sat in a booth, looking around for you as she looked down to her phone, typing out a message. Within the same minute you saw across from her, “Hey there stranger!” You greeted, smiling ear to ear when the girl in front of you looked up. She gave you a toothy grin, “Hey!” She greeted, shimmying her shoulders. “It feels like it’s been forever.” She told you, looking at the tablet and ordering a drink. You hummed in response, nodding as you also ordered a drink, setting the tablet to the side. “You’ve been busy?” Phoebe asked, also setting her tablet to the side. You smiled at her, your eyes shining, “Yeah,I guess so. I’ve been hanging out with friends.” You told her, tilting your head ever so slightly. Phoebe's facial expression kind of dropped at the mention of that, but she didn’t say anything.
The waiter came by, giving the two of you your drinks. “Enjoy your meal.” He said, walking away to clean tables or go to the kitchen, whichever.
You took a sip of your drink, cheeks warming since the drink was so cold. Phoebe was messing with her straw, her expression looked as if she wasn’t having a good time. You knocked on the table slightly, “You okay? You’re zoning out on me.” You asked her, eyebrows furrowed, a small frown on your face. Phoebe snapped out of it and looked at you, contemplating as if she wanted to say something. “What’s wrong?” You questioned, a little worried since she was so quiet.
Phoebe licked her lips and made brief eye contact with you. She inhaled a bit, getting some air before speaking. “I noticed you and Max have been..” She paused, biting her lip to find the right words. “You guys have been hanging out a lot.” She said, finger slightly tapping on the table. You didn’t understand why her question was toned so strangely but you brushed it off, continuing to sip on your drink. “Yeah, he’s fun to hang with.” You said after swallowing, pushing the drink to the side, a small smile on your face as you looked over a bit, thinking about the Thunderman you had hung out with the day before.
Phoebe noticed how you looked and rolled her eyes, groaning. She leaned her head on the back of the booth, “Ugh,” She began, tilting her head forward to look at you properly, “Don't tell me you like him, I’ll barf.” She continued with wide eyes to emphasize her disgust. You looked at her with a raised brow, not saying anything. Phoebe almost choked on her drink, covering her mouth as she properly drank her drink. “Oh my god, is that why you’ve been ditching me?” She asked, fists lightly hitting the table as she tilted her head, mouth open a bit. 
You were confused about this entire conversation, you crossed your arms at her accusation. “Ditching you?” You asked, shaking your head, trying to process what she was saying. Phoebe nodded as if it were obvious, “Yeah, you’ve been ditching me.” She said slowly, her mouth spinning into a frown. “Is it to hang out with him?” She asked, a little louder than her previous comment, hands clasped together in front of her onto the table. You dropped your crossed arms, placing them on each side of the seats. “First of all,” You spoke, voice harsher than you meant it to be, causing Phoebe to put her hands in her lap. “I haven’t been ditching you.” You continued on, closing your eyes to take a deep breath. “Second of all, I have friends other than you and Max.” You informed Phoebe, reminding her that you have plenty of other friends who wished to spend time with you. 
Phoebe looked away, refusing to look you in your eyes. She blinked, nose twitching slightly, “I see you guys, when you hang out.” She spoke quietly, facing you once more, not looking in your eyes. “The museum, the park, even here!” She continued, listing it out. You tried to get her to look at you, facing yourself in her eyesight. “Okay? Is that really that much of a problem?” You asked honestly, your eyes soft. Phoebe looked in your eyes immediately, practically yelling out, “Yes!” Your eyes were slightly wide, you expected that response, you just didn’t expect her to say it so quickly. “Why?” You asked, breathily, shaking your head in disbelief. “He’s my brother!” She whisper yelled, face slightly irritated that you weren’t getting it. All you could think and say was, “So?”
Phoebe leaned back into the cushions of the booth they sat in. She took a deep breath in, sighing the same one out. She closed her eyes, “I’m sorry.” She mumbled, looking at you once again, with a more apologetic look. “I’m  just worried he’s hanging with you more to get under my skin.” She expressed, taking another sip of her drink, almost as if she didn’t just say that. You paused, biting your lip, eyes searching Phoebe's body language for clarification before resorting to just asking. “What do you mean by that?” You asked, looking down at the ice in your drink. Phoebe lifted her brow, messing with her straw, not looking at you once again. Not like you were looking at her anyways. “I mean that he hasn’t hung out with you until me and you did.” She told you, a frown on her face as she spoke. “You guys being together more is concerning.” She continued on, eyebrows furrowing and mouth cornering to the side. “He would do anything to torment me, he doesn’t care who he hurts along the way.” She finished off, putting her hand up, leaning on it.
Your eye twitched slightly, still looking at the ice swirling in your cup, “Why would you say that?” You whispered, looking up at her. She looked up at you as well, noticing your sad tone. You put your hands up on the table, putting them on top of one another. “Why can’t you just believe he wants to be around me?” You asked, your expression was unreadable to her. Phoebe sucked her teeth, rolling her eyes, “Please, Max has this whole thing where he tries to be ‘edgy’ or ‘evil’.” She spoke, nodding her head along with her words, “He doesn’t have a bone in him that's good.” She continued on taking another sip of her drink. She picked up the tablet to order food and a refill since she was finishing her drink. “I think he does.” You spoke quietly, still looking at her even though she wasn’t looking at you anymore. “I live with him, trust me, he doesn’t. Mom and dad say it’s a phase that will pass.” She kept speaking of him like you didn’t know who he was, like he was a stranger to you that Phoebe was ranting about. You shook your head, “I think that’s a bit much, I don't think he’s evil.” You spoke lowly, confused as to why Phoebe was acting like this. “He likes hanging out with me.” You told her, enunciating each word with narrowed eyes. Phoebe laughed slightly, “Sure…right.” She said, smiling a little, not noticing how her friend was looking at her.
You grabbed your items and stood from the booth, “If you’re just going to keep dogging on Max I think I’d rather pass.” You told her, a blank expression on your face. Phoebe put the tablet down,
“What are you talking about?” She asked, clearly confused, standing up as well. “I’m leaving Phoebe, when you want to be mature, come back to me.” You explained, leaving the booth and the restaurant, leaving Phoebe to stand by herself in Splatburger.
You left Splatburger, texting Max that you wanted to talk to him. He invited you to go over to his place, so you accepted, walking over to his house. You knocked on the door and Nora opened the door, “Hi!” she greeted, waving slightly and letting you in. 
You said your hellos to her, walking inside, waving to Billy who waved back to you. “Hey!” He said to you, stepping up the stairs. You walked to the lair, opening the entrance and sliding down, the doorway closing behind you as you landed on Max’s bed like you have multiple times before. 
Max was standing, putting a few items together. His ears perked up, hearing your entrance. He turned around and greeted you with a smile, walking to his bed and crawling on it slightly, engulfing you in a hug. Your hardened expression softened as you inhaled his scent, “You smell good.” You mumbled against his shoulder, slightly pouting as you pulled away from him. His eyes shined when he looked at you, “My shampoo does wonders.” He joked, fixing his position so he was just sitting next to you.You smiled gently at him, leaning on him, your mood slightly off, which he noticed. “What’s going on?” He asked you, his bright smile faltering, arm going around your shoulders to hold you close.
You sighed and pulled back, looking down to your hands then back up to his brown eyes. “I was at lunch with Phoebe and…” You paused, hands playing with Max’s blanket that you sat on. He urged you to go on, hands propping himself up as he leaned back slightly. His expression didn’t really tell you much, it was overall neutral. “She was saying some really bad things about you.” You continued, biting the inside of your cheek, looking down sadly. “Saying things like you’re going to hurt me, that you’re with me because you want to torment her.” You continued on, looking up and seeing how his brows furrowed and he was now sitting forward, looking concerned. You waved your hands a bit, “I don’t believe that though!” You reassured him, this comment making him sigh out in relief, holding his chest slightly. “She was just talking really, negatively about you.” You told him, frowning as you shrugged, unsure of how to feel about it all.
Max stood up from his bed and rolled his eyes, sighing. “Of course she was,” He said, completely used to it. “she doesn’t have a good time unless she’s showing her superiority to me.” He sneered, his face a mixture of disgust and anger towards his twin. You looked at him, your eyebrows knitted as you stared at him. “Don’t talk about her like that.” You told him with a frown, disliking that he was now talking about Phoebe. Max turned to you, eyebrows raised, his hand gesturing to you. “You just left lunch because she was talking badly about me!” He spoke in confusion, wondering why he can’t just state how Phoebe acted. “That doesn’t mean I want to hear the same sort of talk about her!” You said in the same tone, eyes wide. 
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, neither of you looking at each other. After a little while, after thinking for a moment, you stood up, standing in front of Max. His eyes lit up as he looked into your eyes, searching them and your expression for how you felt right now. You smiled gently, that made him feel comfortable.
You took his hands in yours, “Max, Phoebe is my friend,” You began, the comment making his gaze flicker elsewhere for a moment, “and you are my boyfriend.” You continued on, wanting his eyes to stay on you. He looked back to you, squeezing your hands, “Okay, so… you choose me over her?” He asked, because that’s what he was getting from this. You shook your head which made him even more confused. “I’m saying that because both of you are trying to make me pick sides.” You told him, letting go of one of his hands and placing it on his shoulder. He shook his head, “No we aren’t-” He tried to start but you cut him off, “by speaking bad about each other, trying to make me think less of each one of you. That’s basically making me pick sides, pick who I think is better.” You told him bluntly, frowning. He tried to lightly shake his head but he realized you were right. “You hate when I hang out with her, she hates when I hang out with you. I hate when you guys act like this.” You continued, letting go of his shoulder and his hand, backing away. Max stayed quiet, trying to study you to see your next move. “Since you guys keep putting me in the middle I don't want anything to do with either of you.” You explained, going up his stairs, Max chasing after you. “Wait!” He called out as you walked into the living room past Nora and Billy who were throwing a football around.
You walked out the door without saying goodbye to the two kids, Max trying to get to you, leaving the front door open as he followed you. Nora and Billy stopped playing their game, Billy holding the football as they listened out. 
In the end Max couldn’t reach you, you had gotten away. He cursed in his mind, putting his arms over his head, kicking one of the pots they had outside. Max walked back inside his home, rubbing his hand on his face. He turned and closed the door, forehead on the wood of it, his arm raising and his fist resting above his head.
Steps were heard near him, but he made no other movement. “Max?” His little sister's voice called out, this caused him to turn his body to her, arm still leaning on the door. He took a deep breath and put on a small smile. “Yeah Nora? What’s up?” He asked, biting the inside of his cheek, looking at the girl with a rather large bow in her hair. Nora looked at the door and then to Max, looking up at her older brother with a frown, that’s when Max knew she was going to say something about you. “They looked so…” Nora paused, trying to find a word, her brows furrowing, fingers messing with her palms. Max sighed, taking his arm off the door. He brought the back of his hand to quickly wipe the underside of his nose slightly, a simple action many do, but Max did it to muffle the sniffle he let out. “Sad? Upset?” Max gave ideas to the girl to what emotion might’ve been expressed on your features. Noras face was softer now, a frown still present, “Angry.” She told him quietly, the word caused Max to look back at the door. “Yeah, that also makes sense.” He sighed, putting his hands into his pockets. “Why does everybody look at you like that Max?” Nora asked, that question caused him to freeze. He bit his cheek even harder as he looked down, tears burning his eyes, “I usually deserve it.” He mumbled out, walking past his sister and pressing the button to his lair, quickly going down the slide, the hatch closing as his figure disappeared.
Nora watched as Max went down to his bedroom, the hatch closed so she was able to see her second oldest brother, Billy. He stood on the end of the staircase, a worried expression mirrored from Nora to his own face. “He looks..really upset.” Billy said, walking over to Nora, both standing and looking at the hatch. A piece of them hoped you would walk back through the door, or that Max would come back upstairs. Neither happened. Noras eyes shifted to Billy, “I think he was about to cry.” She told him, and the older boy looked at her with sad eyes, his lips downturned. Both of them showed pure concern for their older brother, not knowing what to do.
The rest of the day was passing and the sun had set in Hiddenville. Barb, the mother of the household, and Hank, the father, had been setting the table for dinner and calling each of their kids down to eat. Nora and Billy had sat at the table, and Phoebe was walking down the stairs to go eat. Brab stopped her before she sat down, “Phoebe, honey, get your brother and tell him dinner is ready.” She told her daughter, taking a seat and passing around some bread rolls to the youngest. Phoebe's eyes narrowed as her neutral expression contorted to one of annoyance, “Why do I have to do it? Besides, he never likes eating with us anyways.” She said simply, rolling her eyes as she continued walking to the table. Barb gave Phoebe a look, raising a brow and sticking her tongue into her cheek, “Phoebe Thunderman, go get your brother for dinner. Now.” Barb ordered, daring Phoebe to try to speak against it. The girl didn’t even attempt, she held her arms up in surrender before going down the stairs to the basement.
She was clearly annoyed with the fact she had to be the one to get Max for dinner, or the fact they had to get him at all. She opened the door and noticed it was dark, the only thing lighting up the room was the blue LED lights around the ceiling, some on the desks he had around, and in his slide. Phoebe looked around and saw Max’s figure hunched over the edge of his bed, the side furthest from the door and turned away from the doorway as well. He was looking down at something, for all Phoebe knew he could be working on something to prove how ‘evil’ he was, like usual. She knocked on the wall to make him aware of her presence, “Max, Dinner.” She said bluntly, but received no sort of response. Due to that she snapped her fingers at him, “Hello? Dinner, upstairs, come on.” She stated, rolling her eyes and dropping her hand once he didn’t respond, again. “Whatever.” She said, turning to go upstairs until she heard a sob escape Max. She turned back to face him, not moving further into the room. “Max?” She asked, softer than usual.
Max was on the edge of his bed scrolling through his phone, looking at the messages he had been sending to you all day that were left undelivered.
He couldn’t contain his sobs, he started crying the moment he got back into his lair, and he was finding it really hard to stop. “They were perfect for me, Phoebe.” He muttered out, “They were perfect, they are perfect.” Max whispered, eyes glossed over as he gently sniffled. “I like them so much, I…” He gasped out, hand to his nose to stop himself from breaking into uncontrollable sobs in front of Phoebe. “I love them.” He spoke, his voice cracking as he tossed his phone to the side, putting his face in his hands. “I loved them so much that I wasn’t thinking about anything or anyone else, just them.” He continued, his voice was raspy, scratchy. Phoebe's eyes widened, she was blinking, lost in his words. “Were you guys?” She asked, not finishing her thought, closing her mouth once she heard his sniffles start up again. He wiped his tears, clearing his throat, “You ruined the one good thing I had.” Max stated, blinking back more tears.
Phoebe stood quietly, the statement caused her to blink slightly in confusion. She didn’t know how to feel at the display in front of her, he’s never talked so openly about his feelings with her.
Max sighed out, messing with his fingers in his lap. “The one person who didn’t try to change me and actually liked me, actually listened to me and they’re gone.” He continued on, looking to the ceiling. “Max you…” Phoebe started but paused, trying to find the right words, “They were my friend Max.” She mumbled, kicking the ground. Max turned to her quickly, his eyes were red and puffy, he looked terrible, “They were my everything Phoebe!” He yelled with a glare, before hiccuping a sob. “They were everything to me!” He said, much quieter, his voice hoarse so it didn’t get any louder. Phoebe could see his eyes glossing with tears, like they would pour any second. She looked down to the floor, she didn’t know why she couldn’t look at him. “You talk about them as if they can’t be friends with you and be with me at the same time, that is exactly why they broke up with me!” He yelled, pointing to his phone that showed his lines of messages to you that were left undelivered due to you blocking him. He put his hands on his temples. “God, and I thought…” He started, choking up slightly, he sniffled harshly, clearing and calming himself for a moment. He placed his hands down, looking at her. “Thank you Phoebe.” He suddenly said, a frown on his lips. “For what?” Phoebe asked, her voice quiet as she slightly looked up at him, they made eye contact. He nodded slightly as he spoke, “For showing me which one of us was evil. Because you really proved that it’s not me.”
Phoebe was hugging herself, tears brimming her eyes. She covered her mouth, her face covered in shock. She tried to speak, “I’m-” She was cut off by Max turning back around, “Just go, I’m not hungry.” He mumbled to her. “Max-” “Get out Phoebe!”
She rushed back up the stairs, the family all looking at her, expecting Max to be following her. Phoebe bit her lip, blinking back tears, looking away from them, “Max isn’t hungry, I’m not either.” She said, running up the stairs to her room.
Barb and Hank looked at each other and sighed, shaking their heads at their two eldest children. Billy and Nora on the other hand, were even more worried than they had been earlier.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"That's ridiculous, Phoebe. Max and I are not in a relationship together." Y/N said.
"Oh, really? I caught you and Max sleeping in bed together. Also, why was Colosso in the middle of you guys?"
"Because he was jealous and wouldn't let me cuddle with Max."
"Ah ha! So you admit it?"
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the power of love. ( max thunderman x reader)
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gif belongs to me
Strange things were happening in Hiddenville and Phoebe was determined to figure out what caused it. It all started at breakfast one Saturday morning when Max spent a little longer on his hair - something she didn't think was possible. On the weekends he usually slept in but her twin's sleeping habits were the least of her concerns as he left the house just after nine am with a backpack that he had kept over his shoulder after he made himself toast instead of stealing it from someone else's plate.
When he returned in time for dinner, his mood only seemed to have improved. Everyone was stunned when he took plates from their mother, saying, "Let me help with that," and for a brief moment, Phoebe wondered if her twin was replaced with an alien.
A short while after dinner, as he did a few nights a week, Hank continued their training sessions and Phoebe noticed how much attention he was paying to their father, for once not making jokes, just standing with his arms crossed, appearing to be listening intently.
The next day Max stayed in his lair, only coming out for food which he took down to his bedroom. Phoebe began to speculate about where he went yesterday and why he hadn't come out of his room most of the day. When their mother called them for dinner, Max left his lair and Phoebe snuck inside, looking around at the dimly lit bedroom/lair for any clues as to what Max was doing - suspecting he was building a new device.
"There has to be something in here somewhere." She muttered.
"Talking to yourself again?" Dr. Colosso spoke up from his cage.
Ignoring the former supervillain, now rabbit, as she walked to one of the desks, noticing how tidy it was. She looked around the bedroom and realized it had been tidied - impressive considering she had never seen Max clean anything.
"He's definitely up to something." She sighed when her mother called her name and headed upstairs, joining the family at the dining table.
If Max felt her suspicious stare, he showed no signs, talking to Chloe who asked him where he went yesterday.
"The park?" Phoebe echoed in disbelief. "You went to the park?"
Max shrugged.
"You spent all day at the park?"
"Yeah, he just said that. Try to keep up." Billy told her.
When Max finished his dinner he stunned the table into silence as he complimented his mother's cooking and noticed the stares he received when he carried his plate to the sink. "What?"
"Is he possessed?" Nora whispered to her father who was equally perplexed.
"What? I've put a plate in the sink before."
Everyone shook their heads except Phoebe who was more certain that he was up to something. Max took the slide down to his bedroom and while her father was distracted by the television and Nora and Billy were upstairs, Chloe sitting in the kitchen with their mother as she washed the dishes, Phoebe snuck into the lair which was in darkness. She flicked on a light and quickly noticed her brother was nowhere to be found. She climbed onto the rock when she saw the window was open slightly, allowing him to come and go as he pleased.
"Max!" She grumbled, growing more certain that he was up to something.
On Monday morning she woke up early, preparing to confront her twin about what he was doing on their way to school, but he was already gone. Phoebe hadn't expected to see him at school, believing he was ditching for the day, but Max was standing with his friends, typing on his phone. The curve of his lips made her uneasy. He was up to no good. She could feel it.
The opportunity to confront him didn't come until later that night when they finished their training session with their father and she followed her twin into the kitchen, crossing her arms as he took a sip of water.
"I will figure it out." She warned.
"Okay…figure out what exactly?" Max asked.
"Whatever you're up to. I can feel it, you're sneaking out of the house and I will find out where you go, Max."
Max chuckled, "Wow, you are really paranoid."
"Ah-ha! So you are up to something!" She pointed at him, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know what you think I've done or what I'm doing but I am completely innocent." He said, holding his head higher. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have totally innocent things to do in my room."
He sipped his water as he walked down the stairs into his bedroom and Phoebe realized that it was the first time she could recall him ever calling his lair a bedroom - used to him arguing that it was a villain's lair where he was set on becoming a supervillain.
She opened the hatch quietly, hearing his voice carry up the slide as he spoke to someone.
"It's not that I don't want to see you - I do! My sister is getting suspicious and I'll lay low for a while until she forgets about it." He paused as the person on the other end of the phone spoke, answering when they were done. "Tomorrow? Sure!"
Phoebe frowned as she closed the hatch. "What are you planning, Max?" She whispered.
The next morning Phoebe did not want to risk Max sneaking off again and woke up early, racing after him when he left for school early and kept a safe distance, hiding behind trees or newspaper stands when he glanced over his shoulder.
He was definitely up to something, given how cautious he was.
Phoebe followed her twin to the high school which was almost deserted at this time aside from one or two teachers. She followed him inside and hid while Max looked around, and Phoebe hid behind a vending machine as his phone chimed.
A smile formed on his lips and he looked at the stairs, beginning to climb them two at a time when a girl appeared around the corner. Max's smile softened as he stood two steps below her, matching her height.
"Sorry for all the smoke and mirrors." You placed a hand on his shoulder and Max shook his head.
"I understand. Really, I do. You have no idea."
You smiled softly as you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your head in his shoulder as his arms embraced your waist, lifting you briefly. You placed a hand on his cheek as your feet touched the ground, and Phoebe was stunned when you kissed her brother.
Was this his plan? Some kind of love potion?
Your bracelet beeped and you sighed as you pulled away, sending Max an apologetic smile. "Sorry. Duty calls."
"I'll see you later?" He asked hopefully.
You nodded, "I think I'm getting the hang of using a cell phone." You stepped forward to kiss him passionately one last time before running up to the second floor, while Max sighed, hooking his thumbs in the straps of his backpack.
Phoebe stepped out as he turned and his eyes widened when he saw his sister, her expression telling him all he needed to know.
"What are you doing here?"
"I followed you, Max." She explained. "I knew you were up to something. Who is she? A daughter of a supervillain?"
Max shook his head, descending the staircase, "No, and I can't tell you. Just leave it alone, Phoebe. It's better that way."
He walked away and she shook her head as she turned to watch him go. The lights began to flicker, the ground trembling for a few seconds, and she missed the smirk on her twin's lips as he headed to his locker. Phoebe decided to chase after you and demand to know what you were doing with her brother. But all the doors were locked - except one.
She climbed the short staircase to the rooftop and her eyebrows furrowed when she saw no one was there. Deciding to use the extra time before class to check her essay for the fifth time, Phoebe headed to the library, writing in her notebook about the encounter in the hallway.
Max hadn't said your name so she simply documented you as 'the girl from the stairs'. What she couldn't figure out is, was Max tempting you to the dark side or were you pulling him further away from his superhero family and taking him one step closer to his dreams of becoming a supervillain?
That night she waited for Max to sneak out of his window to meet you but he never did. She wondered what happened to change their plans and if he told you that she knew.
The next day passed by uneventfully. Max didn't leave early for school and Phoebe began to question if the plans you had made were called off when she saw Max leaving his lair and raced after him. Tonight she would get to the bottom of it. She was sure of it.
Phoebe was confused as to where her twin was going until he entered the park and realized he had circled around several times in case she was following.
"It's going to take more than that, Max." She muttered as she kept a certain amount of distance between them.
Max approached a statue and you crept up behind him with a smile when his back was turned, and Phoebe was not surprised by your ability to fly, creating enough height to cover his eyes with your hands.
"Guess who?"
"Uh, Wonder Woman?"
You laughed as you removed your hands. "Very funny."
Max turned as you landed on the ground and you smiled when he placed a hand on your cheek, his eyebrows furrowing when he saw the healing bruise on your head.
"What happened?"
"He caught me by surprise. It won't happen again. Although he finally discovered which metal slows my advanced healing ability, it still heals faster than non-superheroes like you." You turned your head to kiss his palm before meeting his concerned gaze. You heard the sound of stones crunching and moved away, looking around alertly. "Someone is here."
Max looked around the park and knew if it was your archnemesis he would have attacked by now, and quickly deduced whose footsteps you heard.
"Phoebe." He grumbled.
You raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend, "Who is Phoebe?"
"My twin sister," Max called for her to reveal herself and you looked between the twins warily. "I told you not to follow me!"
"I had to stop you from joining them." Phoebe held her ground and you glanced at Max.
"What did you tell her?"
"Nothing!" He turned to his sister, "Phoebe, get out of here!"
Your back straightened when your archnemesis appeared behind Phoebe and you pushed her aside, taking the brunt of his heat blast. "Look out!"
You recovered quickly, performing several back handsprings and turning your body slightly, fists clenched as your civilian clothes changed into your superhero outfit.
"Max, take your sister and get her to safety."
Phoebe shook her head, "No, we can -" Max covered her mouth as he pulled her behind the statue as you faced off against the supervillain. "Okay, what is going on?"
Max revealed your superhero name and explained to a stunned Phoebe that you met in Metroburg when he had ditched school to spend the day there and used your shield to protect him from a supervillain's power. You assumed he was a non-superhero and Max was too stunned at the time to correct you, leading him to continue the charade that he had no powers throughout your relationship.
The twins felt the ground shake when you took off into the air and weakened the supervillain with your powers until he lassoed you, the electric shocks causing you to fall to the grass.
"We have to do something!" Phoebe exclaimed.
"I know! I know! Just stay here!"
Max stepped out from behind the statue with the knowledge you could end your relationship for what he was about to do. He believed you enjoyed dating a non-super, someone who could teach you how to use a cell phone or go to the movies with you, teaching you how to blend into a crowd. Max used his knowledge of Hiddenville to give you an escape, even if it was only for a few hours.
"Hey, what's up big guy?" You looked at your boyfriend as you flinched from the shockwaves pulsing through your body.
"Max, run!"
He sent your archnemeses back a few feet using a telekinetic blast and released the lasso around you with his telekinesis. You moved to stand beside him, his twin flanking his other side.
"You have powers?"
"I'm the son of Thunderman." He explained.
Your eyes widened at the revelation, but your attention was drawn to the supervillain getting to his feet.
"You ever fought a supervillain before?" You asked.
"We did help capture Dark Mayhem," Phoebe answered.
You glanced at the twins, your gaze lingering on Max, releasing a shaky breath as you nodded, accepting their help. "Fine."
"This is so awesome!" Max grinned. You swatted his arm and he cleared his throat. "Right, sorry."
You put up a forcefield around the three of you when your archnemeses blasted flames towards you. When he pulled back to try again Max and Phoebe froze his hands and you flew towards him, kicking his chest, knocking him to the ground. You felt a hand pull you back and rolled over Max's back, shielding him as he used his telekinesis to hit the supervillain with a dumpster.
You relaxed your stance when the supervillain was pinned to the ground with the weight of the dumpster and while Phoebe remarked about how easy that was, you put up your forcefield to block the fire spreading from his hands, melting the ice and propelling him into the air.
"Coward!" Phoebe called.
Max had heard enough about your archnemesis to know that he did not want his sister to anger the injured supervillain enough that he came back. He froze her with his freeze breath and you tapped your necklace, your civilian clothes returning - an invention Max had created to grant you less time to worry about a wardrobe change.
"So…" You began, "son of Thunderman…yeah, you kept that quiet." You crossed your arms and looked at Phoebe who was beginning to thaw herself out before meeting his guilty gaze. "Why did you lie, Max?"
"You wanted to forget you were a superhero, and I liked that you didn't know I am the son of Thunderman." He sighed, "I would've told you, you know…eventually. But I just wanted you to know me for me, not my family."
You shook your head, opening your mouth to speak when Phoebe broke free and glared at her twin. You glanced between the two siblings, taking a step back. "Thanks, for all the help tonight." You sent them a small smile.
"Wait -" Max stepped forward and sighed when the ground rumbled as you shot into the sky. Phoebe frowned when she saw him close his eyes in quiet resignation.
The next day he spent his time at school before hiding away in his lair until it was time for another training session with their father. When it was over, Max leaned against the kitchen counter, checking his cell phone, his mood worsening when he saw he had no new messages.
As she observed her brother head to his lair, sulking as he took the stairs, Phoebe discovered the catalyst leading to his strange behavior. Falling for another superhero - a highly respected one despite your young age. She understood why he was changing his habits, and paying more attention to their father during training. She knew she was to blame for it falling apart, although she knew you would have found out about Max's powers on your own eventually, and decided to fix it.
Max was listening to music as he worked on his latest invention when he saw you at his window. He was surprised to see you and hastily climbed onto the rock, opening the window to let you in.
"Hey," You greeted with a timid smile.
"Hey," His eyebrows furrowed as he took in your civilian clothes. "what are you doing here?"
You raised an eyebrow at him, "You sent me a message asking me to come here. You had something to show me?"
"What? I never sent any message -" Max took out his cell phone from his jeans and grumbled his twin's name a few moments later.
You smiled in amusement, looking around his bedroom, and approaching his workbench. "What are you working on?"
"Uh," He scratched the nape of his neck as he followed you, "civilians have this thing called a smartwatch, so I gathered a few spare parts and tried to outdo it."
"Tried?" You sent him a knowing smile and Max grinned.
"And succeeded."
You listened as he put the watch on his wrist and showed you the features. You smiled fondly, feeling the atmosphere shift as he awkwardly set the watch down. "I'm sorry for disappearing like that it -"
"No, I get it." He shrugged off but you grabbed his hand and stopped him from turning away.
"No, you don't." You took a deep breath as you wet your lips, moving to sit on the foot of his bed. "I thought you were just a civilian. I didn't want to bring you into my life because I was afraid of putting you in danger." You clasped your hands on your lap as he sat beside you. "But you held your own. You were really great out there, Max."
Max smiled softly, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck. "Thanks." He cleared his throat, "We made a good team."
You giggled, nodding in agreement. "We did." You looked at your hands and Max wet his lips anxiously.
"I'm sorry for making you believe that I was a non-super." He apologized. "I wanted you to get to know me, so that when I did tell you the truth you weren't won over by my parents."
You shook your head, "I'm over it." You noticed the way his shoulders slumped slightly and quickly added, "No, not you! The fact you have powers. I'll never get over you."
At this, Max perked up and your eyebrows furrowed when music began to play before he could speak and looked over your shoulder as Max addressed the animal in the cage.
"Dr. Colosso?" You stood up and approached the rabbit in the cage on his workbench.
"Yeah, he was turned into a rabbit," Max explained. "And kind of my best friend."
"Kind of?" Colosso shrieked.
You looked at Max with a smile and he hushed the former supervillain who ranted about their friendship. "You are full of surprises."
Max chuckled, raising his arms, "That's me. Surpriso boy - wait, scratch that. Forget I ever said it."
You covered your mouth as you failed to suppress your giggles. "No, I don't think I can."
Max smiled when you leaned against his workbench as you caught your breath. "I'll invent something, don't worry."
You smiled softly when he tentatively raised his hand and stepped forward as he placed a hand on your cheek. "I must confess a secret of my own." You began, earning a curious raise of his eyebrow. "The reason I was so interested in the non-super world is because I wanted to connect with you. You know, when I thought you weren't a superhero."
Max's features lit up, "Really?"
You nodded, biting the inside of his cheek. "Can we start over? Well," You paused as you stepped closer, placing your hands on his chest. "not right from the start."
His other hand rose to your cheek as he exhaled a relieved breath, nodding distractedly, his eyes flickering to your lips. "Yeah, I'd - we should -"
You closed the gap between you and Max wrapped his arms around you, bringing your body closer as he kissed you passionately. You cupped his jaw in your hands, smiling against his lips as you melted into the kiss, matching his intensity.
Phoebe slowly closed the hatch and smiled to herself as she took a seat on the cushion. "The power of love." She whispered as she headed upstairs.
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maxs-thunderfreak · 6 months
phoebe + max x reader incorrect quotes!
(some suggestive)
Max, looking through his clothes: Has anyone seen my top?
Phoebe: Y/N's in the kitchen.
Max: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single?
Phoebe: Do not do that.
Max: You won’t even notice!
Y/N, entering: Max, you wanted to see me again?
Max: Phoebe's single
Phoebe: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed.
Max: I'm gonna tell her.
Y/N: Don't you dare.
Y/N, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Phoebe, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids
Max: what the fuck are you guys doing?
Y/N: playing systemic oppression
Y/N: Phoebe, my old arch enemy.
Max: ... I thought I was your arch enemy?
Y/N: I have a life outside of you, Max.
Phoebe: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste
Y/N: We got spring water
Phoebe: NO.
Max: with EXTRA minerals
Y/N: it's like licking a stalagmite
Max: Mmmmm cave water
Phoebe, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?
Max: Yeah, sure.
*A few minutes later*
Max: Here you go.
Y/N: Why am I here?
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yn-honeybun · 3 months
Sleepover at the Thundermans😴
You, Phoebe, and Max have an arrangement for sleepovers. You spend Saturday with Max and Sunday with Phoebe. This morning is no exception, except Max wants to make it one.
Max Thunderman x girl!reader
Word Count: 791
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The sun was shining, birds were chirping on this beautiful Sunday morning. You had spent the day and night over at the Thunderman’s house. During the day you spent it with your boyfriend, Max, who always made it his job to keep your energy high when you were there. Now it was time for you to say goodbye to Max and spend the next day with Phoebe, however there was one thing, or rather one person, getting in the way of that.
“Good morning Max,” you yawned, stretching your arms out.
“Good morning gorgeous,” your boyfriend let out watching you, almost as if he was studying your actions.
You took a deep breath through your nose and out your mouth, ready to start the day.
“Alright time to get ready to hang out with Phoebe!” you exclaimed, taking the covers off of you.
“Wait, no,” Max whined, grabbing the hand closest to him, “please don’t leave me especially for, ugh her” he said, making a barfing noise.
“Oh come on Max, I have to go. Phoebe is going to get mad if I’m not up there in the next 15 minutes,”
“Oh yeah, how do you know?”
“Because she won’t stop texting me,” you said grabbing your phone from the bed-side table, “Good morning bestie. Can’t wait for you to come over. I know you’re awake. You have 15 minutes to be up here before I come down there. I know you’re reading this I can hear you,” you read the text messages out loud for Max to hear, urgency in your tone.
“But I don’t want you to leave” Max pouted, shaking and kicking his legs in dismay.
You got up and out of the bed and grabbed your overnight bag, making your way to the bathroom to freshen up. Soon after you walked out in a new outfit, comfortable and practical for whatever Phoebe had planned for today.
“I have to go Max, this was the deal. I spend Saturday with you and then I spend Sunday with Phoebe. That’s how this works,” you noted.
“Yeah but it’s not fair,” he grumbled getting out of the bed to come over to where you were standing, “You’re my girlfriend,” he said emphasizing the *my* part of his statement.
“And I’m her best friend,” you said mimicking the way he emphasized my, with *her*, “I have to spend my time with you guys fairly. If I spend all my time with you, Phoebe gets jealous. And if I spend all my time with Phoebe, you get jealous,”
“Yeah but-”
“But nothing,” another voice interrupted, “you had your fun with your girlfriend, now it’s time for me to have fun with my friend,” Phoebe instructed with a stern voice.
You turned to face the brunette girl. “I’ll be right there in a minute, just let me say bye to Max,” you waved at her and gave her a small smile.
“Oh yeah no problem,” she said, giving you the thumbs up, while still standing her place on the stairs.
“She means you need to leave,” Max snapped, shooing her off with his hands.
Phoebe rolled her eyes and looked at you, “I’m setting a timer for 2 minutes,” she explained tapping rapidly on her phone, “after that I’m coming back down here and y/n will come upstairs with me no matter what,” she declared looking Max in the eyes with a serious look. The other twin made her way back up the stairs to wait for you, once you heard the door shut, the both of you exhaled.
“She sounds serious, I better go now before she comes back” you said, grabbing your bag and making your way to follow Phoebe to the living room.
“Okay, okay,” Max gave in, “just one last kiss,” he said, putting his hands on your waist to pull you close.
“Fine, just one last kiss,”
Max dipped his head in to kiss you, putting his lips on your much softer ones. You tilted your head to deepen the kiss. You took in every second of this moment almost as if it would be your last chance to make out ever again. The two of you embraced each other tightly. Only pulling away when you heard frantic knocking on the other side of the door.
“That’s my cue to leave,” you let out sighing, turning the handle of the door to greet a very angry yet excited Phoebe. You gave her a quick hug, “I’m all yours for the next 24 hours” you smiled, turning back to wave your boyfriend goodbye.
Knowing Max, he will most likely come upstairs to disturb your time with his twin sister, but for now Phoebe has you all to herself.
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multifandomsimagine · 8 months
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Imagine Jake and Max competing for your affection
"Though most of you did well on the test, there are some of you who need to study a bit more." Mrs. Villalobos announces as her eyes look around the room. The bell rings and the whole class wastes no time to stand from their seat and make a break for the door to lunch. That does nothing to dissuade the Spanish teacher as she makes sure to call out as you all leave: "We have another test next week so please use the weekend to brush up on your notes."
You step out of the room with Jake and Max by your side as you make your way to the cafeteria. Paying no mind to the other students who ran past you three in an effort to be one of the first in line. "How did you guys do?" You ask.
Jake is the first of the two to speak up. With a sigh, he reaches into his back pocket and takes out the folded-up test. Unfolding it, he passes it to you. Though it's fairly crumpled up, you - and Max who looks over your shoulder - can clearly see the C+ written in bright red ink at the top of the paper. "I thought I had studied enough but when I saw vosotros, I knew I was done for."
"A C+ isn't bad." You say in an attempt to comfort him. "You could definitely get an A for the next one."
Max has the opposite reaction, making no effort to hide his snickering though he stops when you hit his shoulder and give him a glare.
Jake gives him a hard stare. "Well, what did you get?"
"An F."
"That's worse than my grade and you're laughing at me?!"
The Thunderman boy shrugs. "Yea but I don't care about my grade unlike you."
Before an argument can erupt between the two, you speak up. "I can help you study. We can meet up and study in my room." You're looking at Jake so you don't see Max's eyes widening in surprise and the glare he gives him.
Though Jake was not undeterred by this instead took please in the other's displeasure. "That would be really helpful. Thank you [Name]." He stops walking and pulls you into a hug. You happily returned the gesture and so you don't see the smug look Jake is giving Max. Despite the fact that he doesn't want to be a villain anymore, there are some moments where his mischievous nature comes out and he can't help but rub it in Max's face as he nuzzles the crook of your neck.
"Okay that's enough," Max says with a hint of annoyance, pulling the two of you apart and pushing Jake a bit too roughly and maintaining a grip on his shoulder. . "Could you help me study too, [Name]?"
"I thought you didn't care about your grade." Jake raises an eyebrow.
Max's grip tightened, tilting his head to give Jake a tight smile. "Well, I changed my mind." Facing you, he gives you a more relaxed and genuine smile. "When is this study group going to meet?"
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generalkenobee · 9 months
Ya wanna know who's so hot that's nobody writes for? MAX THUNDERMAN LIKE?!?
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lottiette · 3 months
Hi honey, I've been following you for a while, I love your fics, spending hours reading them. I wanted to ask you, if it's okay with you and you have time, if you would like to write another fanfiction about hort, it's so underrated, I love you, have a good day<3
Hort X Ever! Reader
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Authors note: Hi Libraia thank you so much for your request! I love Hort so much I’d die for him. I hope this writing is to your liking. I know that I’m super irregular with my writing it’s because I’m lazy and never have any ideas. But hope you enjoy. I love you to have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
Warning: Book Hort/Movie Hort, swearing. Not proofread. I think that’s it.
- He first saw you at that bullshit Ever/Never meeting thing. Where the Ever boys performed and stuff.
- He saw you and a spark lit his Never heart.
- He didn’t think an Ever would ever capture his eye, but you…you were so sweet and pure. You had a genuine smile on your face.
- Of course that was only a fantasy to Hort. You would never even notice him. He was a weasel Never boy, and you were an Ever, a princess/prince who would find a perfect prince/princess.
- That was until one day at lunch. He was getting picked on for being a weasel boy who couldn’t do more than sprout two hairs of a wolf.
“What a loser.” “Sad excuse for a Never. You couldn’t scare a fly-“ The hog boy who was spouting bullshit of insults in the weasel boy’s face got hit with something. He turns around to see you standing there. “Did you throw something at me?” He growls in hatred. You throw another rock at him. “Why you-“ and another. “HEY STO-“ oh. That one got him right in his third eye. He is bleeding. “THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING NOTHING BUT A BIG BULLY!” You scream. The hog boy doesn’t like that. He starts charging at you. You scream naturally, and start running. Right as the hog boy is about to grab you Hort punches him right in his big borish face. Now you’re both running. Eventually you find yourselves hiding under a bridge like hide. You stick out your hand with a smile, “I’m (Name)”
- Hort sees the nicest Ever, ever.
- He couldn’t believe that you had did that for him. You could’ve gotten yourself killed, but you stood up for him.
- From that point on Hort is even more hopelessly devoted to you. He is going to protect you from everything he can.
- He’s the big bad wolf to your riding hood (Ever After High Red)
- You eat lunch with him from that point forward.
- Of course the hog boy did come back for a round two. You guys run each time to the same spot. Until it just gets old and you punch hog boy so hard he sees star. He leaves y’all alone after that.
- Hort does the little things for you. Opens your drinks/snacks. Get you anything you want. Helps you study, does your homework. All that stuff.
- He has an ANYTHING for you mindset. And “ANYTHING” means ANYTHING! From cookie to murder. He’ll do it.
- Being in a relationship with him is very loving.
- He looks at you like you put the moon in the sky.
- He’ll support anything you do. Any hobbies, traits, or anything whatever you do.
- He likes to give you feather kisses. Like little pepper flakes.
- And LOVES cuddles. Doesn’t matter where or when he wants to be touching you. He’ll pull you into him whenever.
- Not until later into the relationship will he touch your ass. He’s not going to smack it. He has the ultimate high respect for you. He will NOT be touching without your permission.
- And even if he does get your permission he’ll be reluctant to touch you that way. He’ll be a blushing boy
- If anyone else touches you they won’t have hands to touch you with anymore.
- He will not play around when it comes to your safety.
- All the Ever boys/girls trying to flirt with you, he hates it.
- He already thinks you’re too good for him but he knows that anyone else isn’t good enough for you.
- He might get a bit insecure sometimes because he will get in his head and start thinking that maybe you should be with an Ever. That maybe they can treat you better. (They can’t)
- He’s possessive. He wants you to himself because he doesn’t trust anyone else and he isn’t losing you.
- He’s not leaving you. No matter how sad or mad you are.
- He’s not going to be the best at comforting you when sad because he’s never really experienced that but he’ll try. He wants to punch and kill your problems and he will if he can but if not he’ll cuddle you and sniff your hair.
- I think that he likes to bring you trinkets like “oh a pretty rock” or “oh a butterfly wing” just little things he finds he wants to give to you.
- I think he likes to have his hair played with.
- You two have to sneak out to meet each other.
- Most nights under the moon in the forest are more magical than the one before it. You two lay in the grass just holding onto each other and telling the other about all the things they’ve missed and whatever else
- Just let him sniff your hair, hold you, steal your items occasionally, and he’ll be just fine.
- He promises you that one day he’ll get you out of the bullshit school and give you everything you’ve ever wanted and more.
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All’s Fair In Love and War || Part One ||
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Requested: Hii can you do a "enemies to lovers" trope with max and reader imagine? :)
You’re a well-known thief, always able to steal whatever target you’re given. When you’re hired to steal a ruby from the Metroburg Museum, you come face to face with the famous ThunderTwins. Who, having been defeated for the first time in a long while, are determined to take you down. But you can’t help catching the eye of one Max Thunderman and him yours. How will things work out when you’re on opposites side of the playing field?
Pairing: Max Thunderman x Reader
Warnings: Enemies to Lovers, she/her pronouns, violence/fighting, mentions of blood/bleeding
Words: 2.3K
A/N: A while ago I made a poll for something and everyone voted for Max, this was that something. Inspired form the Spider-Man/Black Cat relationship I made this for the lovely person who requested it. This is going to be several parts, so I hope you guys enjoy.
|| GIFs not mine, Black Cat GIF is just a reflection of what your villain suit looks like not your actual self ||
It was late into the night, most of Metroburg was already sound asleep with a few exceptions of course. The few villains who were out and about, and the heroes who were trying to stop them. You, being one of them, stood on the roof of the Metroburg Museum; right by the ventilation system. You were pulling it apart, tugging the cover off the vent and throwing it to the side. You snuck in once it was off before falling through the vent and landing on your feet. You landed crouched down, leaning forward and placing your hands down in front of you before you started crawling. It was a small, narrow crawlspace, barely enough room to get through it.
There were a couple turns here and there that followed, taking each one as you had memorized it beforehand. Then coming to a stop above a vent cover and peeking through the blinds, spotting what you’d come for. You smiled to yourself, crawling back a few paces before moving to rip the cover off. Throwing it aside once you did and slipping through the vent hole. You fell, a small rush of air hitting you in the face and sending a shiver of excitement through you as you landed on your feet. The fall was rougher than through the vent, causing you to land crouched with your hands planted down for support. Lucky for you, you always landed on your feet no matter the height.
You straightened up after, rolling your neck once and relaxing your body before taking a glance around you. You were quick to catch what you were looking for, a glint of red hitting your eye. Turning full face towards it, a grin appeared on your lips, stretching wide and almost Cheshire-like. Just a few feet away from you stood a bright, red ruby encased in glass. It was called the heart of the museum since it was a literal heart shaped necklace. The ruby had been kept there for years, rarely ever shown to the public since it was worth millions. If it were to go missing, it would certainly strike disaster in all Metroburg. It only made you want it more, and in turn you could sell it for so much more than it was worth. After all, there were plenty of people willing to pay top dollar for it. More so, the person who hired you in the first place.
The hard part of it was slipping it out of the box without sounding the alarm. You didn’t need to alert whatever supes were patrolling around the museum. Approaching the case, you reached towards your tool belt and pulled out a spray can. Uncapping it, you were quick to spray all around the case, showing the censored lasers that surrounded the ruby. There was more than you imagined, making you sigh as you looked for an opening between the glass and the censors.
When you found it, you slipped your hand through, being careful not to move your wrist. You laid your fingers against the glass, outstretching them some and watching as your nails grew long and pointed. You pressed them tight against the glass, turning your wrist after you did and watching as they cut a perfect circle through the glass. Once it was done, your nails retracted back, and you laid your fingers back on the glass. Twisting your hand around slowly and turning the circle until it came off. You pulled your hand back with the glass, being careful not to touch the lasers again.  
After that, you crouched down, setting the glass on the floor and reaching for your tool belt again. You pulled out an object, one that weighed the same as the necklace. You were sure there was a pressure censor on it, knowing that if you just snatched it up, the alarm would sound. When you stood back up, you reached your hand back in and towards the necklace. You had to time it right to set the figurine where the necklace sat and pull the necklace away.
You took a breath, steadying your hand as you set it on the display plate and slowly inched it to the side. As you did, you pushed the necklace along and stuck your pinky out. You hooked it around the band, pulling the rest of it out and letting it dangle off your pinky. Once the figurine was set down, you pulled your hand out of the case, grinning once again. You’d done it, you managed to steal one of the most valuable items in the world. You slipped the necklace into one of the pockets of your utility belt, ready to go on your way.
“That’s far enough,” you heard a voice say behind you.
You scoffed at the impeccable timing, standing up straight and rolling your neck before turning around. Behind you stood Max and Phoebe, the hottest superheroes in metroburg at the moment. They had risen to the top faster than any superhero ever had, given their own task force before even becoming full-fledged heroes. Though you hardly saw them as a challenge, knowing about their numerous failed missions from before. They were messy, which meant you could escape them easily.
“Well, if it isn’t dumb and dumber,” you said.
You smirked at the looks of offense on their faces, mirroring each other in a perfect twin sense.
“Okay, that was rude,” Phoebe scoffed. “No matter, we’re still going to take you down.”
“Sure, give it your best shot,” you mused out as you reached into your belt and threw something at them.
It hit the ground a few inches in front of them, exploding and releasing smoke. It clouded their vision immediately and you took the opportunity to run away. You didn’t want to deal with the pesky telekinesis they both had. You could hear coughing as the smoke invaded their lungs, but you didn’t look back. Instead, you took a turn and ran for the exit you had planned. You were avoiding going through the front, knowing there would surely be police waiting for you.
“Not so fast,” you heard from behind you.
“Shit,” you mumbled out, feeling a force acting from behind you.
It was Max who spoke, using his telekinesis to pull you back as you fought against it. It won in the end, he managed to pull you back enough to try and capture you. You didn’t let him though, turning around in a roundhouse kick. One you managed to land, kicking him in the stomach and watching him fly back against the wall.
“Sorry, pretty boy, but I have somewhere to be,” you told him before trying to run off again.
“Think again,” Phoebe said, appearing at your side.
She threw a punch at you, but your reflexes allowed you to evade her punch. You let out a breath of air as you stepped back, irritation slowly rising inside you. You really didn’t have time for this, you had somewhere to be, and they were getting in your way.
Just as you had deflected Phoebe’s punch, Max had recovered and jumped back in. He threw a punch of his own, one he landed square on your jaw and sending you flying back. This time it was you who flew into the wall from the force, an ache growing on your jaw. You steadied yourself against the wall, looking up and sending a glare Max’s way. Now you were pissed, it was rare for a superhero to get in your way. You were an excellent thief, always able to get in and out without trouble. Except for now.
“Tch. Pesky wonder twins,” you mumbled again.
You straightened up, looking between both twins and trying to come up with a strategy. They were both in fighting stances, ready for whatever you were going to throw at them.
“Give up, you aren’t getting past us,” Phoebe told you.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” was your response.
You went for Phoebe first, knowing you could take her down faster before focusing on Max. You threw a punch at Phoebe, watching her evade it like you expected. You didn’t let her recover before your leg lifted and made contact with her stomach. You kicked her down, watching her land roughly on the floor and holding her stomach. You knew it would take her a while to get back up, meaning you could take care of Max in the meantime.
You turned to look at him, just in time to step back before he hit you. You shot him another glare and went in for a kick at his side. He dodged it and grabbed ahold of your ankle before pushing you away. It caused you to lose your balance, falling back on your ass. You clenched your jaw, looking up at Max and the smug smile on his face. You hated it, you wanted to wipe it off his face, but there was something about it. Something that caused a stir in your stomach and sent a tingle down your spine. For the enemy, he was so damn hot.
That wasn’t the point right now, you couldn’t let your thoughts distract you from escaping. So, you stood back up, along with Phoebe who had recovered. You were back to facing the two of them. You shook yourself off, arms outstretching at your side and claws extending out. They were long and sharp, enough to leave deep wounds if you really wanted to. You didn’t wait for either of them to make the first move, stepping forward and striking with one of your hands. You went for Max first this time, claws barely scratching his suit as he leaped back.
You took a swing at Phoebe next, hand going to her face and managing to scratch her cheek. You could feel the skin split open against your nail and watched blood seep through. Phoebe’s hand flew up to her face, gloved hand rubbing at her cheek and wiping away at the blood. She looked at her hand, shock on her face as she looked between you and her palm.
“Woah, that is so not cool,” she scoffed out.
“I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” you asked, feigning remorse.
She shot you a glare, not appreciative of your sarcasm. “Don’t worry, I’ll return the favor.”
You faked a look of fear before rolling your eyes and retreating your claws back. You’d gotten what you wanted out of them, and they weren’t exactly your favorite to use. You dug a hand in your belt, pulling out a device and throwing it at Phoebe. It attached itself to her suit and distracted her as she tried to pull it off. It was too late; the device activated and shot an electric pulse over her body. It wasn’t hurtful but it was enough to knock her down and let you leave.
“Okay, that was kind of funny but dude, that’s my sister,” Max yelled out, holding back a laugh.
“Sorry, like I said, I have somewhere to be,” you said, once again feigning remorse.
He rolled his eyes this time and shot forward, swinging recklessly as if he were tired of fighting and just wanted to knock you down. You dodged each punch he threw, stepping back to create some distance so you could strike back. He wasn’t letting you, continuing to swing at you and hoping for the best. You had to give it to him though, he was persistent which sort of made him hotter.
“You know you’re pretty cute for a superhero,” you told him.
Your words caught him off guard and he stopped, looking at you like you grew an extra head. You took this as your chance, dropping to the ground and placing your hands in front of you. You used them to balance yourself before extending your leg out and sitting back on your heel. You spun around after, aiming for Max’s ankles and using your leg to swipe him under his feet. You managed to hit him clean through, knocking him off his feet and onto his back.
You smiled to yourself, standing up and looming over him, looking down at him. He groaned in pain, slightly curling himself up into a ball which only made you smile more. “But you’re not my type. Until next time, pretty boy.”
With both twins finally down, you took the opportunity to make your escape and disappeared before their eyes. Phoebe regained consciousness and sat up, hand against her temple to soothe the building headache. She looked over at Max who was lying next to her, staring up at the ceiling in defeat.
“She got away,” he mumbled out bitterly.
“You let her get away?” Phoebe shrieked.
“It’s not my fault, she got the better of me,” he answered. “But damn, she was hot.”
“Max! She stole the heart of the museum, and you called her hot?” she continued to yell.
“We’ll get it back, we can find her,” he said, sighing out heavily.
“You better be right,” Phoebe grumbled out.
She stood up after, hand outstretching towards Max and helping him up too. They were going to have report this back to the president, ashamed that they would have to admit defeat.
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sunna66 · 2 years
Y/n: Why do you have a bag full of passports?
Max: Incase I have to flee the country.
Y/n: This is ...really illegal..
Max: *Putting on a fake mustache* Then I guess it's time for Ricardo Montalban to take a Mediterranean vacation.
Y/n: I used to play catch with dad,
Y/n: except the ball hit the wall because he wasn't there.
Phoebe: ......
Max: *distant laughter*
Phoebe: What did you do?
Y/n: Okay, but you can't be mad at me.
Phoebe: What did you do?
Y/n: Okay, first I was minding my business-
Phoebe: BULLSHIT!!
Y/n: I WAS!!!
Y/n: *Waking up from yet another coma* *yawns* Hey guys, what time is it?
Max: It's about 2 am, you hungry?
Y/n: Oh, cool. I'm up for some food.
Barbara, *sobbing uncontrollably*: Can YOU PLEASE STOP ACTING LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED-
Max: Am I going too far?
Y/n: No, no, no you went too far seven hours ago, now you’re going to prison.
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alessabriel · 1 year
rain and plans.
Summary: Rain can ruin plans or improve them. Cw. Fluff.
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He had planned everything, from where they would go to have a coffee and then go to an arcade, to culminate in the restaurant that they both liked the most. Everything was already planned, the rain? Not so much. The downpour worsened as time passed, it did not diminish for nothing. Max felt cheated in some way, that he remembered he had seen the weather and there was sunny weather that day maybe some fresh wind but from that to torrential rain that little by little seemed to take everything in its path not at all.
"Staring at the rain through the window won't make it stop raining pretty boy" a girl commented with subtle grace as she hugged Max from behind her, barely looking over her shoulder.
Max visibly relaxed when he felt that already recognizable pair of arms surround him and press against her body with affection, he could distinguish the touch of his girlfriend and how she hugged him. With a sigh that he couldn't contain, he turned around to face the pretty face of his girlfriend who seemed to analyze him with great care and only smiled at him somewhat disappointed.
"I had already planned our date [Name]" the taller one confessed without any shame before leaving a kiss on his partner's nose and hugging her more firmly "I feel a little cheated, I even checked the weather and it said that today would be sunny"
The Thunderman's voice seemed to get lower at the end of his confession and with an affectionate chuckle [Name] he moved away from the embrace a little to get a good look at his face and hold his cheeks in his hands. Max for his part felt the warm and smooth hands of his girlfriend on his cheeks, he felt the care she took to hold him as if he could break it or if it were made of the most fragile porcelain, it felt good to be loved like that, in a gentle and romantic way.
"Max the fact that you have planned the date is enough for me, we could do anything and I would be happy just being by your side" [Name] said with the sweetest and most sincere voice before sealing her words with an even more kiss. sweet and that left a thin layer of gloss on the lips of others.
Heart pounding against his ribcage and blood pumping at full speed, the taller man carefully held his partner's hips, wishing the kiss wouldn't end, wishing he could taste more of the watermelon gloss on her lips and enjoy your hands on his skin. . . Max still didn't know how intensely he could love and how much he could give of himself and receive from you, how much love a relationship could hold until you came into his life laying waste to everything in your path and turning his world upside down, making him laugh until you said nothing. cheeks ache and provoke feelings that at some point you thought were corny but now were natural, wanting to kiss you more, for a hug to last longer or for a day not to end so quickly.
"Then we could watch a movie" Max whispered still against your lips, drunk and lost in the blur of your love and satisfying feelings.
"And eat something, we can cook together even" snapped smiling [Name] still on her boyfriend's lips, leaving a chaste kiss before letting her go.
Max, with a smile that he couldn't hide from her, let her go from her arms and looked at her again, without getting tired; You were beautiful in his eyes in every facet of you from the moment you wake up until you go to sleep and in the middle of the day.
"That sounds like a perfect plan, I'll go get some snacks and you pick the movie, we'll cook later."
Before leaving for the kitchen, Max didn't hold back and grabbed [Name] to steal a kiss and some more of that watermelon-flavored gloss. [Name] with an amused smile chased Max away and went to her partner's room to get comfortable and look for a movie they both liked, without even seeing Max's mother; Barb had seen them from the top of the stairs, still unable to believe the happiness that both had shown since the beginning of their relationship.
The house was softly silent, only occasionally broken by thunder.
In the kitchen Max was looking for the snacks that he knew [Name] liked, he used to bring them home for when he visits him, because he will never forget that tender blush when he confessed that he had his favorite drinks and snacks at home for when he went, it was a nice touch which he soon replicated by starting to store your favorite flavor of chips, some juice or tea, even some sweets that he kept in his room. They were small things that he found himself doing more frequently since their relationship began. Once with what he was looking for in his hands he was going to leave the kitchen but was taken by surprise when his mother cut him off with a half hug before leaving the kitchen with sandwiches in her hands.
"I see that your relationship is going perfectly, Max" Barb said happily, letting go of her son, admiring how he was carrying a large package of chips of your favorite flavor and a thermos of iced tea, a special thermos for you when you were at home, those details were what they solidified in everyone's eyes that they were a couple certainly thoughtful "I'm very happy for you son"
She could only smile, although she wanted not to, he was unconscious and it felt good that his happiness was seen by his mother, it was nice how she had said she felt when she saw that he lived with your father.
"I'm lucky to have her by my side mom"
Barb felt her heart warm when she saw how Max now freely accepted his emotions and feelings, it was amazing in a good way and since he was the best version of himself, maybe that was due to [Name's] influence.
"So don't let her go Max, now she sees that she is waiting for you"
No need to say it twice as Max immediately went to his room, closing the hatch behind him. Barb could only smile when she saw how her son grew for the better, how he developed and advanced more, matured and grew, it was what caused her the most happiness because that was the only thing she wished for her son with that same feeling she decided to go with her husband and leave the pair of lovebirds alone and later they could all have dinner together.
It was already late at night, the Thunderman family was setting the table adding one more plate for you, they were already more than familiar that sometimes you stayed for dinner with them and you were more than welcome whenever you wanted to come. Barb and Hank finished setting up the table to begin serving.
"Will you be able to go get your brother and his girlfriend Phoebe?" I question the Father of the family; Hank leaving the large pitcher of iced tea for dinner on the table.
Phoebe, who was helping with other things in the kitchen, only limited herself to affirming before going to her brother's room, coming out of the tunnel that closed the hatch, she tried not to make too much noise when she landed on her feet, and the sight was both tender and disturbing. disturbing because she was not used to seeing her brother like this but the change was welcome since her happiness could be seen; You were both lying on the bed and Max had you resting on his shoulder, the discarded laptop still on the side of the black coverlet and you were asleep, even asleep his brother was looking for you since she had you fastened and well wrapped next to him . He was cute, and he couldn't help but take a flash photo that woke up Max but not you who just hid.
"What are you doing here?" Max asked quietly.
"Mom said that she will let you know that dinner is ready and come upstairs, if you want, of course" she answered, amused, before showing her cell phone screen with her photo and leaving before they could say anything to her.
Max sighed and carefully moved you to wake up complementing your awakening with a kiss on your hundred, you stirred a bit before waking up completely.
"Do you want to have dinner with my family love?" questioned Max, seeing how your eyes cleared from sleep and stayed on his face for a few seconds before kissing his cheek.
"Sounds good to me, although next time we have to cook together Max, yes?"
And if there was something that I could not resist, it was your beautiful eyes that radiated a spectacular shine and as if sweetened your most innocent and inoffensive requests with light kisses on the cheeks, jaw, part of the neck before sealing your request with a kiss on the cheeks. lips.
Quizás la lluvia no había arruinado por completo sus planes.
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infiniteimaginings · 5 months
Affectionate (Max Thunderman x GN!Reader)
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Summary: Your boyfriend is known to be an evil and vile person. You can't take that seriously since he looks at you like a kicked puppy when you don't hold his hand. Pronouns: You/Yours Warnings: None Word Count: 1.0k A/N: Sorry for yapping the past few days about the structure of my account lol (serious posts instead of silly little fics). Here's an unexpected, non requested, non scheduled little post for y'all! Sorry, it's short, it's just a quick little fluffy thing as a gift. Yes, it's fluffy, my silly little gooses!
Max Thunderman was evil, untrustworthy, conniving, and mischievous to everyone he’s ever met. 
Sometimes, his own family would question themselves when they call his actions some sort of “phase”, due to how far he goes. Sometimes, his own family wonders if they really raised a super villian.
Max Thunderman wanted to take over the world, and he wanted the power to be able to crush it beneath his fingertips, and make everyone suffer. The thought excited him for the future, the thought empowered him to keep going.
Max Thunderman was evil, some would go so far as to call him a monster. 
You, on the other hand, couldn’t see Max Thunderman as a ‘monster’. 
Why was that?
It was because the brown haired boy was currently trying to fit himself under your sweater because he didn’t feel close enough to you. A sweater you had in a smaller size, but since this was a usual occurrence, you got a bigger size so he could fit his head through the top without hurting himself or you.
Max Thunderman to you, was the sweetest boy alive who you adore with your entire heart and soul. Max Thunderman was the kindest, most thoughtful, and the cutest person you’ve ever met. Max Thunderman was your boyfriend, and you would choose him over the world.
He would choose you over the world. 
The two of you were in his lair, watching some sort of movie on your laptop. You had no idea, because you were currently focused on the feeling of his fingertips grazing your sides as he adjusted himself. His head nuzzled into your chest, portions of his hair popping out the hole where your head was through, tickling your chin.
“What are you doing, Max?” You asked, putting your arms around him anyways. 
He hummed, cuddling more into your chest, arms wrapping around you, causing you to lift your back so he could comfortably move them before you put your weight back down. 
You shook your head, rubbing your hands in circles on his back, and he relaxed more than he already was before you began. 
You felt him shuffle before getting into a comfortable enough position under your sweater to answer, “I missed you.” That was all he said before he went back to caressing your sides, absorbing your warmth.
“I’ve been here for hours.” You reminded him with a light laugh, biting your lip to stifle more laughter.
“Not good enough, this is better.” He mumbled, voice going in and out, almost as if he were going to fall asleep. 
You were used to him doing things like this, and you really didn’t mind. You loved when he was this close to you, your main concern was that he would overheat. To fix that, you gently pulled him, the teen following your movements until his head was right next to yours.
Max’s eyes fluttered open to meet yours before closing once again, a small smile on his face as he leaned his head on yours.
“I love you.” He whispered to you, voice filled with drowsiness as it rumbled in your ears.
“I love you too.”
Another typical occurrence for Max Thunderman being the sweetest boy alive, was him consistently finding or making things for you. 
An example of this was when you walked into his home to hang out with him, sitting in the living room to wait for him. His parents told you that he wanted you to wait out there instead of going straight to the lab because apparently that’s what he requested. 
You texted him to tell him that you were there, and the moment you hit send you heard an extremely loud ‘thump’ sound from below…from his bedroom.
You then heard scrambling, light curses, and footsteps rushing up the stairs. 
When Max Thunderman set his eyes on you, his entire face lit up like a Christmas tree. He looked like a little kid that finally got that present he was begging his parents for all year, like his chores finally paid off to be on the nice list. 
Your boyfriend rushed to you, placing a box on the table before sitting next to you. He grinned at you, showing all his teeth, breathing heavily, his face red. You couldn’t tell if it was red because he probably fell, because he ran, or because he saw you.
You assumed it was because of you because he whispered a small ‘Hi’ to you, placing his hand on your cheek and placing his lips onto yours. 
Something about Max, he loved to kiss you, he loved feeling you close to him.
He would cup your face, give you sweet kisses, and his other hand would be interlocking your fingers together.
When you pull away, his face would be red, his eyes would be sparkling, and his smile would be wider than ever. Once he remembers what he was doing, the look doesn’t change, he keeps one of his hands laced with yours and reaches for the box he placed down, handing it right to you.
You have a plethora of gifts from Max, ranging from jewelry, to letters, electronic devices he created, paper flowers, etc. You knew that whatever it was when you opened the gift, you would love it more than anything.
You knew that whatever it was, Max loved you more than anything, and he just wanted to show you.
After opening the gift, you hugged him, and gave him a few more gentle kisses to which he deepened by placing his free hand on the back of your neck, just to tell you he wanted a little more.
The two of you broke apart for air, opening your eyes to meet each other. Adoration filled both of you as you looked at one another, small laughs escaping your lips when you made eye contact for a prolonged period of time.
You leaned on the back of the couch, playing with Max’s fingers, “For someone who wants to take over the world, you’re so sweet.”
Max crinkled his nose, leaning back on the couch with you to be face to face with you. He brought your hand to his lips, placing light kisses onto your knuckles, causing tickles to shoot up your arm. “Only for you.” 
Max Thunderman was not evil, conniving, vile, corrupt, or wicked.
Max Thunderman was kind, charming, loving, thoughtful, considerate, generous, and affectionate.
To you, Max Thunderman was the best there ever was, and you wouldn’t change a thing about him.
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supercap2319 · 6 months
"Well, Max. I have to say that I'm a big fan of your smoosh." Y/N smirks and touched his hair.
Max slapped his hands away. "Hands off the smoosh. I've been trying to get it to be the perfect position."
"Nice job with the Blue Flame. You and your family looked good working together."
"I heard you caught armed robbers. Nice job." Max smiled.
"Ugh! Would you two kiss already? You're making all of us sick." Phoebe said.
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thundermans at war. ( max thunderman x reader )
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gif belongs to me
There had been many occasions when Phoebe remarked that your relationship with her twin made her feel like your time was not split equally. If you were talking to Cherry and Phoebe, Max appeared, and the two of you would leave to spend time together, and even in school, you and Max were glued to each other until Phoebe had to force you both to let go of each other hands, so you weren't late for class.
You had liked Max for a while and were surprised when he approached you at your locker one afternoon and asked you out on a date, not wanting his sister to know yet. So you kept things quiet until Phoebe discovered you had cancelled plans with her and Cherry to spend time with Max, and by then, you knew it was no longer a crush and in fact, reciprocated love that was worth the year-long wait.
Lately, however, you began to realize just how much time you have missed spending with your best friends, who hadn't asked you to go shopping with them, knowing what the answer would be. And you felt guilty for forgetting that you were Phoebe's friend first and her twin's girlfriend second. But you were determined to fix your strained friendships.
One evening while baking in the kitchen while Phoebe chose a movie in the living room, Max came upstairs, surprised to see you but pleased as well. "Hey, I didn't know you were coming over." He rested his arms on the countertop, sending you a smile. "Why don't we ditch the geeks and -"
"It's movie night." You told him, placing cookies on a plate. "Girls only."
"Yeah, Max." Phoebe appeared, crossing her arms. "Girls only."
You handed him a cookie, kissing his cheek before following Phoebe and Cherry to the sofa, smiling as you listened to your blonde friend talk excitedly about the movie she had recommended.
You thought you were doing the right thing, accepting every invitation to hang out with your friends, trying to gain lost time. However, you realize that it only pushed someone else away. And as you watched anxiously as Max and Phoebe argued about how selfish the other was, you knew you had to choose. The boy you had a crush on from the moment he said hello, or the girl you had bonded with instantly, quirks and all.
"What is your problem, Max?"
"You keep stealing my girlfriend!"
"No, you keep stealing, my friend!"
The two got closer as they argued while Cherry stood awkwardly at the side, glancing between the twins who, while had never been overly friendly, had never argued like this before. And you were the cause.
Not knowing what else to do, you screamed to get their attention, and the room went silent. You looked at the twins with teary eyes, "Stop! Just stop fighting!"
"She started it!" Max gestured to Phoebe, who had told him to leave after interrupting the slumber party.
"No, you did!"
You shook your head, "I can't take it anymore." You turned to quickly gather your things, placing them into your bag haphazardly and heading to the door as the twins followed.
"Woah, woah, woah." Max caught up to you, inserting himself between you and the door, blocking your exit. "Tell her that you want to hang out with me. She'll have to deal with it."
You shook your head, "I tried to spend time with you both but it seems that every time I try, you end up fighting, and I can't do it anymore. I can't -" You swallowed the lump in your throat as you met his gaze, which showed he was starting to understand what was happening. "I can't be your girlfriend anymore."
"You're breaking up with me?"
"I'm sorry." You looked over your shoulder at Phoebe, who stood frozen in shock, realizing you weren't only breaking up with her brother but ending your friendship. "I care about you both so much, and I can't watch you fight like this. So, I'm getting rid of the problem."
Max was floored, making your escape swift until he followed you outside. "Wait! Wait, hold on!" He gently grabbed your arm, and you turned to look at your boyfriend of eight months, who braced the pouring rain in his pajamas, his eyes desperately seeking answers in yours. "You want us to stop fighting? We'll stop fighting! There problem solved -"
"No, it isn't, Max." You felt the rain washing away your tears as you stepped forward to place a hand on his cheek, kissing him tenderly for a moment before moving away. "I'm really sorry." Your voice cracked as you turned and walked away.
Phoebe stared at the door until her brother returned minutes later, rain dripping down his hair, his clothes soaked from the rain, and his downcast expression told her all she needed to know. Max walked towards the steps of his lair, and Phoebe stepped forward, calling out, "Max, I'm -" The sound of his door slamming quickly made her fall silent, and Phoebe no longer felt in the slumber party mood.
At school the following week, Cherry continued to speak to you when she was alone and passed on messages from Phoebe, who was starting to see how much Max cared about you. She was dubious about his intentions initially, not wanting you to get hurt, but Max truly cared about you, and she could see that it was her all along that refused to accept your relationship. And she knew she had to fix it because she preferred annoying Max to Max, who did nothing but sulk, and she missed your excellent advice that had gotten her out of more situations than you knew.
Phoebe knew she had to mend your relationship with Max, who hadn't said anything all week. And she needed Cherry's help to do it.
You entered Wong's and scanned the crowd, looking for your blonde friend who waved excitedly at you from her booth. You smiled as you walked over, sighing as you took a seat. "Hey, Cherry."
Anyone could see that this past week was taking its toll on you. Trying to keep your distance from Max when he looked your way or when Phoebe would relay messages through Cherry, who knew how much you missed the twins, was hard. But you would endure it if it meant the siblings returned to their old ways instead of looking like they wanted to freeze or blast each other with fire.
"Hey, give me a second, and I'll get us some menus." She left the booth, and you were confused as two menus were on the table.
"Uh, Cher, there is -" You paused when Max swiftly took her seat.
You looked at Cherry, who sent you an apologetic look, "Sorry, Y/N." She walked away while you looked at Max, joining Phoebe in another booth.
"We need to talk." Before you could speak, he continued, "You were right." You lowered your gaze to the table as he spoke. "We were only thinking of ourselves and not considering your feelings. I shouldn't have taken over your time with your friends, and Phoebe shouldn't have been jealous that you were visiting the house to see me, not her. I get it - we get it." You met his gaze when he leaned his arms on the table. "So, can we just forget the past week never happened and -"
"I can't." You swallowed the lump in your throat, blinking away the tears in your eyes.
"Why not?" Max gestured with his hands, sitting back.
"Because no matter what happens, I'll always feel guilty for spending time with Phoebe o-or spending time with you. Max, I've waited to be your girlfriend for so long, but I would never have met you if I hadn't met Phoebe. And all I did was get between you."
"You didn't get between us. We argued anyway."
The corner of your lips curves upwards, but you quickly hide it. "I know. I heard it." You sighed when he looked defeated. "That's not the point, and you know it."
"Then tell me what I have to do."
"Max -"
"I love you." He declared, silencing you as he held your gaze. "And I haven't felt like this about anyone else. I know I never will. I just - I know it."
You glanced away when a tear fell down your cheek, "I love you too."
He reached for your hand, and you looked at your joined hands for a moment before meeting his pleading gaze. "So let's try again. And Phoebe will have to deal with the fact that you like my company more."
You knew from the smirk growing on his lips that he was trying to lighten the mood and shook your head, unable to hold back a giggle at the mischief in his eyes. "I never said that."
He would have dramatically placed a hand over his chest in mock offense but was determined to start again. "Can we try? I swear that I won't interrupt your girls' nights."
"And I won't make you feel guilty if you have plans with Max." Phoebe appeared with Cherry, who observed anxiously.
You looked at your friends and then at Max, who relaxed a little when he saw your lips form a smile. You nodded, "Okay."
"Yay!" Cherry grinned when Phoebe hugged you, and you closed your eyes, smiling as you looked over your shoulder at Max, who brought you into his arms.
Phoebe rolled her eyes, although the smile on her lips was so broad that the corner of her eyes was crinkled. Max kissed your forehead when you wrapped your arms around his waist. You gently swatted his chest when he grinned at his sister victoriously over his shoulder.
"Do you want to come over and watch a movie?" The twins invited you at the same time.
You raised an eyebrow when they glanced at each other. "That sounds lovely." You said. "A quartet."
Max looked at Phoebe, both grimacing at the thought of spending time together. He looked down at you, and a smile grew on his lips. "Yeah, it does."
"I have so much I have to tell you!" Phoebe stood on your left while Max walked alongside your right side, his arm around you while the group left Wongs.
"No one cares." Max coughed into his hand, and you nudged him with your elbow, smiling as the two began to bicker as they used to with no powers involved.
You listened to them bicker over the movie you planned to watch later. Max favored a horror movie, wiggling his eyebrows when he mentioned you being scared and needing comfort. Phoebe favored a romantic movie instead, and you placed your arms around their shoulders with a smile.
"I have time for both."
Phoebe smiled as she and Cherry walked beside you and Max, close enough to be part of a group yet enough distance that you and Max could whisper without them overhearing.
You smiled when he kissed your cheek, turning your head to meet his lips and placing a hand on his cheek as he smiled.
"Yeah, the kissing will take getting used to," Phoebe said.
"That won't take long." Max leaned down to kiss you again, and you giggled against his lips, knowing he was trying to upset his sister.
He pouted when you pulled away, but it was quickly replaced with a grin when you whispered in his ear. "Later."
He placed an arm around your shoulders, and you held his hand that dangled off your shoulder, leaning into him as you walked. You knew that this time around, it would all work out. You could feel it.
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fairyvtale · 6 months
───── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  m. thunderman x tara miller
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✧・゚: *✧・゚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ :* ✧・゚: *✧・⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ゚
█                          TARA's absolutely weakness was kids. She has dreamed about being a mom since her childhood. As a kiddo she was playing with doll that looked like newborn, acting like a mommy to her. The fact that she was the only child didn't help her baby fever phase. Fortunately for her, she had a bunch of neighbours who had children that she could babysit from time to time, even if for almost everyone spending time with a little child was a pain in the ass, for Tara it was time to relax and forget about all the problems she had.
When her boyfriend Max told her that his mom was expecting another child, she was literally jumping from happiness. She already was a free babysitter for Nora and Billy, and don't get me wrong, she absolutely adored them, but they were teenagers and the vision of having a chance to spending time with a little kiddo made her absolutely overjoyed. Her reaction made Max chuckled a bit, as he was watching his girlfriend with adoration in eyes.
"I bet it's gonna be a cutie little baby girl" Tara said with a magnificent smile.
"Nah, that's gonna be a boy" Max said with a smirk, standing in front of Tara who still was standing on his bed.
"Okay, let's make a bet then. If it will be a girl then you are gonna buy me a milkshake but if it will a boy then I will buy you this hoverboard that you want" she smiled at him and pulled out her hand forward.
"Deal" he shook her hand with proud smile, pulling her closer to him and kiss her sweetly.
✧・゚: *✧・゚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ :* ✧・゚: *✧・⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ゚
TARA knew about Thundermans and their powers, that's why she wasn't even surprised that their new baby came to the world really quick. She also felt sorry for Mrs. Thunderman and her difficult birth, even if most of the time she was jealous that her boyfriend's family have that amazing powers, at that moment she was relieved that she was just a regular human.
After seeing another lighting coming out from the bedroom upstairs, she squeezed Max's hand tighter, he knew that his girlfriend was worried about his mom, but at some moments she looked more worried about his dad who fallen from the stairs a countless time. For him personally, it was funny, he already did a bunch of photos and videos of Hank's 'incidents'.
And as much as Tara didn't like when kids were making fun of their own parents, she could admit that some of the pics and jokes about this situation made her smile a little bit. She knew that they did it to relax atmosphere.
After a few hours of waiting for the little to show up in this world, finally they could come in the bedroom, where Barb was laying down on the bed with a newborn in her arms. Tara could feel how her eyes started to tearing up as she looked at a little baby, she side hugged Max to hide her affection. She felt her boyfriend kissing the top of her head, also being a bit affected but mostly because of Tara's awesome reaction.
"Everyone meet a new sister, Chloe" Barb said with a tired smile.
"Ha! I won" Tara shouted with excitement, pointing on her boyfriend, doing her little victory dance as everyone else laughed watching Max who rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile.
✧・゚: *✧・゚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ :* ✧・゚: *✧・⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ゚
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( tara & chloe )
~ my manip
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yn-honeybun · 4 months
Drooling over you~
Max Thunderman x black!reader
A lil something something of where you wear a bodycon (tight fitting) dress to a double date with Phoebe and Link, and Max goes a little wild 🤭
Warning ⚠️: A tiny bit NSFW, cursing, suggestive🩷
Word Count: 636
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Today you and Max had a double date with Phoebe and Link. Yet unfortunately you had forgotten to unload your washer last night and put your clothes in the dryer so now all your clothes were wet. Luckily none of them were ruined. You couldn’t go on the date in your pajamas and bonnet so you go looking through your closet and drawers. You found a dress that was a bit too small but it’s all you had and since you only had 15 minutes to be at the date; you hurried up and got ready. After some time you were all done getting ready and took one last look in the mirror and left for the date.
You showed up to Splat Burger with only a minute to spare. You rushed to the front doors and calmed yourself down. You looked around and found where Phoebe and Link were sitting.
“Hey guys!” You greeted them
“Hey girl! How are y-” Your bestie gasped, “oh my god”
“What?! What happened?”
“You look amazing in that dress”
“Really? It was laundry day yesterday, and I forgot to dry my clothes. This was the only think left in my closet,” you said looking around for Max.
"Yeah your skin looks like it's glowing. I have to admit I'm a little jealous. Wish I looked that good in tight clothes, I always end up looking too skinny," Phoebe admitted.
“Babe you beautiful no matter what you wear" Link said rubbing Pheobe's shoulder, "Oh Max is in the restroom. He said he was gonna be right back," Link notified you.
"Oh great, guess I'll just sit down-"
"Hey babe!" A familiar voice spoke up.
You turned to face your devilishly handsome boyfriend.
"Hey yourself" you quipped giving him a peck on the cheek
You sat down in the booth and Max followed suit
"Let's get this double date on a roll," Phoebe exclaimed
The date went well with so much laughter and banter, everyone almost forgot the time until the lights started to flicker. "Splat Burger is closing- GET OUT... NOW"
"Guess that means it's time for this date to end," Link said getting up from the table
The four of you walked outside and said your goodbyes to one another.
"Bye you guys, I had a good time, we'll have to this some other time again! Oh, let me know what time you wanted to head to the library tomorrow so we can study for chemistry," you said giving Phoebe a hug.
"I'm thinking 1pm so that way we can get plenty of studying time," She said pulling away
"Got it, and then after we can get a sweet treat. I'm craving some sugar,"
"Sounds like a plan! Hey Max do you need a ride home? I'm driving Link home first just so you know," she offered.
"Nah, I'm gonna stay and spend a little alone time with my girl," Max responded wrapping his arms around you from behind.
"Why'd I bother asking," She said rolling her eyes, "Come on Link,"
You waved the couple goodbye as you watched the car pull off and drive away. Once the car was out of sight, you felt a pair of hands run up and down your body. They settled on your hips.
"Max" You called out
"Yes, my dear?" He teased
"What are you doing?"
"You look so good in that dress, I can't help myself. I mean your ass is almost ripping the fabric apart, it's so big. You expect me to not feel some type of way when you look this divine," your boyfriend purred out. He sounded as if he was feening for you, craving your taste.
"Okay let's get home so we can do something about this dress," You offered, "Maybe you can actually rip it off me?"
Let me know if you have any requests or prompts I should write💖 Muah 💋
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