#the times ive had to text my brother like hello????
zouisalmightie · 9 months
i just watched saltburn and you gif makers are sick for making this seem like a normal movie. 10/10
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fcthots · 11 months
ive had a revelation.
Jason Todd is called "Jaybean" by y/n in front of the batboys who have no idea jay even has a WIFE (let alone someone who he isnt dangerously annoyed by) and everyone goes fucking nuts (in a cute way)
(also can I have an anon emoji bc i'm planning to be here quite a bit i'm so sorry your writing and the brainrot is just too good TvT)
I hereby name you 🧶 anon bc I clicked it on accident so it was meant to be
It's not your fault he wasn't responding to you. You just figured he was ignoring you or something, so you texted him...several times.
You: Hey do you want batburger for dinner bc if the answer is yes, I need to leave to go get it now
You: Jay
You: Babe
You: I will drive all the way there to get just my order out of spite
You: Baby
You: Ok it's been like ten minutes, I really need to know
You: Red
You: Jason
You: Answer your phone
You: It's been like 25 minutes. I don't care about the food. Are you ok?
You: Ok you're starting to freak me out now, you were supposed to be back like 15 minutes ago
You: Jason, sweetheart
You: Love
You: Shnookums
You: Pookie
You: Jaybean?
You: Jason Peter Todd if you don't pick up the phone, I will divorce you
Your phone starts ringing. It's Jason. Something feels...off. A phone call?
You ignore your questions and pick up the phone. "WHERE IN THE EVER-LOVING FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?"
"Oh" That was not your husbands voice. What the fuck?
"um.. hello?"
"Who is this?"
"This is-... Wait. You're the one with my husband's phone. Who is THIS?"
"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. HUSBAND?"
"Who the fuck is this? Where is Jason?"
The man on the other end of the phone starts laughing. He's whispering the several other people. It lasts far longer than it should. "Um. This his brother, Dick."
"Hey, fuck you, asshole. You're the one with Jason's phone. Don't call me a dick-."
"That's my name. Dick is my name."
"Jason is uhhh asleep right now. Yeah. He's... He was really tired. He's taking a nap."
"A nap? Can you wake him up?"
"Did he get his shit rocked by Croc again?"
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amsznn · 7 months
FOOLISH - c. sturniolo
part 2 — part 1 here part 3 here
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warnings: slight cursing, toxic relationship
chris 🚫
your phone illuminated with a text sent by the one person part of you unfortunately still loved and part of you actually despised.
you didn’t bother to answer, even though you really wanted to. you couldn’t be pulled back into the same cycle once again. it’s happened one too many times so you knew his scheme all too well.
this was the thing with chris. you’d catch him cheating, you put on a strong act for a while, then he texts, and you get roped in once again. he knew you too well. he knew how to get you back. but maybe not this time.
you laid flat on your stomach, attempting to get some sleep, before you heard a knock on your door. you groaned while laying there for a moment, hoping whoever it was would go away.
the knocks only got louder and more obnoxious. you swung your legs off the side of your bed and made your way to the front door. you unlocked it to reveal your other best friend.
“what are you doing here?”
“well hello to you too.” nick said while making his way inside. you watched as he kicked his shoes off, then your eyes traveled to the huge duffel bag he was carrying. slightly amused you crossed your arms against your chest.
“nick what are you doing here?”
nick huffed before dropping his duffel bag on the floor. “my two brothers are being fucking idiots as always,” he started before making his way to the kitchen, you followed to hear the rest of his rant. “so me, being the smart person that i am, thought ‘why not just have a sleepover with my best friend?’”
he opened one of your cabinets and pulled out a bag of chips. “hence, why ive graced you with my presence.” you could only laugh at nick, knowing full and well his brothers had to be really pissing him off for him to uber all the way here.
“better for me, i couldn’t sleep anyways.” you said while making your way towards him, to also stuff your face with sole chips.
“great, ‘cus i wanna watch a dance moms marathon.”
you and nick spent the whole night watching shows, making tiktoks, and eating a lot of snacks. in the end you both ended up crashing on your bed, completely exhausted.
now the sun was shining through your curtains. causing you to awake from your slumber. nick on the other hand was still knocked out so you decided not to disturb him.
you were busy doing your skin care when you heard what sounded like nick waking up from his sleep.
“y/n, i think im gonna make matt pick me up,” nick paused for a moment before yelling again. “we have a video to film.”
“okay, ill be out in a sec!” you yelled back. quickly washing your cleanser off. you made your way out of your bathroom and went to the kitchen where you found nick.
“want me to make breakfast?” you asked while looking through your fridge, looking for something to make.
“sure, but im gonna go shower.” nick rose from his seat on the kitchen island then treaded towards the bathroom.
you decided on just making acai bowls for the both of you. while chopping up some bananas you heard a knock on the door, you figured it was matt so you wiped your hands and made your way to the entrance.
cracking the door open slightly you could see matt’s figure. “hey, matt.” you smiled upon seeing your other friend. “hey y/n, is nick ready?”
you shook your head as you could hear the shower still running. “nope, he’s still in the shower.” matt sighed while checking his phone for the time.
“why don’t you come in though , i could make you breakfast too.” matt smiled at your offer and walked inside.
suddenly your eyes landed on another figure you did not know was standing there the whole time.
‘you have got to be kidding me.’ you thought. there stood chris, hands fidgeting with his phone. he was the first to speak up.
“hey, what’s up?”
you scoffed, he always did this. pretending like nothing ever happened. “are you fucking kidding me, chris?” you whisper-shouted so matt wouldn’t hear your dispute. you weren’t sure if they knew what was going on, heck you didn’t know if chris even told them you used to date. probably not since chris wanted to keep your situation ‘private.’
chris sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “lets not do this here, y/n”
“do what here?” you and chris’s attention shifted to nick who was standing in front of you two, wondering what all the whispering was about.
“nothing, are you coming in?” you quickly shifted the topic and your attention back to chris, inviting him inside. chris nodded and stepped inside.
the three of you made your way to matt who seated at the kitchen island, eating one of the acai bowls you made. you didn’t mind though, since your appetite was basically gone.
you sat on the opposite end of nick, leaving chris to sit beside matt. you caught up with 2/3 of the boys. chris was in his own world, but his eyes lingered on you whenever you spoke, which made it somewhat difficult for you to remember your train of thought as your eyes met his.
once the boys were finished, nick grabbed his duffle bag and gave you a hug as goodbye. “i’ll see you this weekend?” he asked while making sure to thank you as well. you nodded and waved goodbye to both him and matt.
“i’ll be out in a sec.” chris called out to his brothers, to which they both nodded. this only made you roll your eyes in irritation, seeing as he wasnt letting up.
chris moved forward to where you were standing, wrapping his arms around your waist. you stood there frozen, knowing if you reciprocated his action, you’d be back to being wrapped around his finger.
chris frowned at this and moved back to meet his eyes with yours. “are you really gonna stay mad at me, baby?” his voice just above a whisper as his hand caressed your face.
“i saw you chris. i saw you with that girl, i saw everything.” you said trying to keep your tears at bay, not wanting to crumble in front of him.
chris gently wrapped one arm around you, while bringing one hand to softly push your head down on his shoulder. you couldn’t help it anymore, tears started streaming down your eyes in frustration with both him, and yourself. chris listened to your sniffles and occasionally hiccups as he swayed you side to side.
“m’ sorry, baby.”
“it was a mistake.”
he pressed a kiss on the top of your head, while resting his own there. “i’ll be better for you, okay?” he pushed you back and cupped both sides of your face with his hands.
“i promise.”
you knew this was all bullshit. you knew in a matter of time he would just be with another girl, in another bed. forgetting about you. if you knew all this, then why? why was it hard for you to push him away?
chris smiled as you nodded your head, accepting his apology. he closed the gap between you two, gently planting his lips onto yours, bringing you closer with each movement of his lips.
that was when you knew,
how foolish you were.
A/N: sorry guys, i thought i’d be done with this earlier today but i was super busy today. hope you enjoyed this part. part 3 soon, not a set date yet tho!
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theshiftingwitch · 16 days
hello!! this is my third or fourth time asking you questions here and your advice has been greatly helping me and i appreciate that, could i be 🫐 anon from now on? thank you! once again, i am in need of some advice.
for the past few days, i have been robotically affirming a lot during my days with the same one affirmation “i have all of my desires in my script”, i made a list of all of my desires that i am manifesting right now, and i also made a board on pinterest divided into sections on my new life as a way of scripting and a vision board, and now i feel like some things are going in the opposite way, and i know that this happens to some people, but it’s still stumping me a little.
one of the things im manifesting is wealth for me and my family, i added those things to my script yesterday and today i tried to buy something cheap and my card declined, i got over £200 on my birthday in july and have been buying things freely since then, and the day after i added wealth to my script my card declines.
i am also manifesting a close bond with my father, the last time i saw my dad i was 12, i am now 16, and the only time we interact over text message is during birthdays or christmas, and whenever he asks to meet up, i don’t reply out of anxiety of seeing him. in my script i go into detail about how we are very close and i still see him regularly, and i am also revising the fact that i didn’t see or talk to him for years, and two days ago i randomly had a thought of him and my step-mum having a baby together, and this morning while i was sleeping he text me for the first time in months to tell me that they were having a baby, so i think i accidentally manifested that, but i also am scared that he’s going to forget about me and focus on his new baby, when im trying to manifest a good relationship between us.
i am also manifesting for my brother to start behaving better and my mum to become a good parent, they are still the same, a few minutes ago my brother was misbehaving as usual, but at least my mum said he needs to start behaving, but that’s nothing… i know i should keep persisting, but it’s doubting and gets harder to keep my faith in the 4D during these circumstances and situations, but i am trying.
i also have some concerns over the speed of my manifestations. i know that with the law of assumption, whatever you assume is true, and that includes how quickly you manifest, but i don’t even know myself how long im assuming it will take. i see people say “time isn’t real” but i also don’t get that. i know that it’s meant to be motivating and relieving, but all i am experiencing is that time is in fact very much real. ive been having issues with school for years, and haven’t been in for a single school day for 3 years, and didn’t been do my GCSE’s, i was meant to be going to a specific type of college at the beginning of this month, but i don’t even know what’s happening with that at this point, but they could call at any time and tell me i have to be there, and im manifesting against that. in my new reality, i am also revising that i never missed out on school, i just went to a new school and instead of going straight to college, i want to do sixth form. the problem with this is that while im currently manifesting my new reality as quick as possible, it’s worrying that i will be pushed into these unwanted circumstances like college before i have manifested my new reality where i was always in school, and am happily in sixth form instead. i can’t understand that “time isn’t real”, because it is. there are so many time limits and i have to manifest these things before certain times (like college) that come catching up to me.
i need help, im scared. how isn’t time real? and how do i speed up my manifestations, really, im trying to shift to a whole new reality.
thank you!!!!!! — 🫐
Hello 🫐 !
First, I'm so happy that my posts are helpful, thank you for coming back with more questions! I'm always happy to dissect the law with you!
Now let's get to your "problems":
Reading through your question, I have noticed that you're worrying about a whole lot of things that are not yours to worry about. You told me that you started scripting recently, and you chose one umbrella affirmation along with vision boards to manifest your desires, which I have to say is a wonderful method so good job on that and I want you to stick with it because it will work.
Now your first issue is that your 3D reality is not reflecting your script and your vision board back to you just yet. Here's the thing though, you have only started this method according to you a few days ago, but you have been living in this 3D reality for 16 years. Through those years you have lived through trauma, limiting beliefs, and unfavorable circumstances that have shaped the way your subconscious mind works and reacts to the world around you. So as of right now, the 3D reality is still reflecting back to you what you have assumed to be true your entire life up until this point, including your relationship with your father, your brother's behavior, your mother's personality, and your struggles with school. These things have all been happening for a great chunk of time, that doesn't mean that they will continue to happen forever. The more you keep affirming, the sooner it will happen because like I said in a previous post: robotic affirmation creates new neural pathways in your brain and those new neural pathways will create the new future that you are trying to manifest.
Now, what do we mean when we say that time isn't real? It is a spiritual and philosophical idea that suggests that time was man-made. Calendars, clocks, days, weeks, months, years, were all made by people who needed to make sense of the world around them. How does this relate to your manifestations? All we have is now. The past no longer exists, it is gone forever, that is why we are able to revise it and essentially rewrite history because the past is over. The future doesn't exist just yet, there are endless possibilities, endless realities, and endless futures that you can experience and the only way to to know for sure which one you're going to experience is by manifesting your desired life. So all you have right now is this moment, all that exists, all that ever existed, and all that ever will exist is right now. That is why we tell you to decide on what you want right now and stick with that story because you're not creating your reality, everything that could possibly exist already does. You're choosing what reality you want to live and your reaffirming that choice in your brain by your various methods of manifestations. Think of it like a catalog, you have a magazine in your hands and you are picking and choosing which future you want to have. When you order something online, do you sit by your window and watch for the delivery driver that is going to deliver your package to you every second of every day until that package gets to your door? No, you click order, and you sit back and wait because you know with a 100% certainty that your package is going to come to you. That's exactly what manifestation is, you pick your desired reality, you hit order by affirming, and you wait for the universe to deliver your package to you.
What's standing in your way right now is your lack of trust. And I understand, because as of right now you think that everything is going exactly against everything you're manifesting. You are not seeing the results, you're only seeing the opposite of what you want, and to that I will say this: ignore, ignore, ignore. If the 3D is showing you unfavorable circumstances and old stories, ignore it, turn around, close your eyes, and imagine what you want coming to you. Affirm, visualize, decide, and let go because there is no other choice, you will get your manifestations, that is how the law works. it's not a game of chance, it is reality.
If I tell you that the only way your manifestations will not come to you is if you let your fear of time and unfavorable circumstances hold you back from getting everything you want, will you still be afraid? That is how you need to look at things, you have all the power, you have endless possibilities, and your potential is unimaginable. You are the universe, stop doubting yourself, stop doubting your power, but most of all stop doubting the universe because it always has your back. It always gives you what you ask it, you want money? the universe says yes. you want love ?the universe says yes. you want a good relationship with your parents ? the universe says yes. you want fame and glory and a lot of friends ? the universe says yes! all you have to do is let it bring what you want to you, that is all.
Relax, stop being so afraid, stop throwing a temper tantrum every time you see something that does not align with your new story and let things flow to you because trust me when I say this, they are flowing to you as we speak. Do not go back and forth between the old story and the new story, you're only confusing yourself and delaying your manifestations. You have already decided on what you wanted, now let it come to you. The more you convince yourself by affirming and reaffirming the faster it will come that is all you have to do.
Happy manifesting ❤️
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lildrabbles · 1 year
Chapter 7: Family Meeting
2007! Raphael x Female! Reader
Summary: Despite Raph's protests, hes made to bring you back to the lair to meet his family.
A/N: HELLO EVERYONE IM SO SORRY I HAVNT BEEN UPDATING, since school started i just kinda lost motivation to write BUT IVE CAME BACK. I cant say for sure how long youll have to wait in the future, cuz i have a problem with writers block. Also, this is a lot longer than most of my chapters, so enjoy!! But let me know if you like the longer chapters or shorter ones <3
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Raph didn't want his brothers to meet her. They would embarrass the hell outta him! 'What do I care...' he told himself, but deep down inside he couldn't stop the dread. He stared at the stove while he ate his Corn Pops aggressively.
"Dude, what did those Corn Pops do to you?" Mikey said, laughing as he poked raphs side.
Raph quickly grabbed his finger and twisted it, causing Mikey to yelp and beg for mercy. Raph scoffed and let go, going back to eating his Corn Pops. When he was finished he stood up, making his way over to the sink to wash his bowl and spoon.
"So are you going to call her?" Donnie asked as he grabbed a poptart from the cabinet.
"I'm gonna text her to meet me." Raph said, not looking at him as he dried the bowl.
Donnie chuckled. "If only Leo were here to meet your girlfriend."
Raph was about to threaten him, but the mention of his eldest brother stopped him. He glared down at the spoon he held, not saying anything.
"Uh... sorry about bringing that up." Donnie cringed in on himself.
Raph scoffed. "Dont be. It's not like he's comin back anytime soon." He said dryly.
Donnie sighed. After a couple moments, Mikey piped up. "Dude, suddenly it got like, really tense in here."
Raph rolled his eyes as he turned around and leaned against the counter. "Blame Donnie."
"I apologised!" Don protested.
Raph sighed before placing the bowl back up in the cabinet. “I’m goin to the dojo to work out.” Before turning around and walking away, not waiting for any reply.
He was finishing beating the crap out of his punching bag before he felt light headed. He exhaled and collapsed onto the bench, grimacing at the sharp pain in his wound. When Donnie mentioned Leo it got his blood to boil. God, even thinking about him made him pissed. Who was Leo to think he could just leave his family, his own flesh and blood, just because he “didn’t feel good enough”? 
Didn’t he fcking know that he was the best fighter out of them all?! He was truly selfish. And before he left, Raph may have started an argument, which yes he shouldn't have done, but then Leo started going on about how Raph was selfish and that only his own opinion mattered! Can you believe the audacity of that turtle?!
He grunted as he took a swig from his water bottle, grabbing the cloth beside him to wipe all of the sweat off his forehead. Raph glanced down at his phone, looking at the time. It was currently 4 pm. He wanted to wait a bit longer until it got dark to meet up with her, but decided to text her sooner so she had some notice. 
He texted her to meet him in an alleyway where he knew wasn't far from her apartment and had a sewer entrance so they could easily get in and out without getting noticed. He also made sure to mention to come alone.
When she didn't respond right away, Raph decided to do some sit ups. After a couple of those, he heard his phone vibrate on the bench. He sat up and grabbed it, and read Y/N's message.
Y/N: ok what time? My shifts already over so I'm not worried
He chuckled at how she didn't even question it. Silly girl.
Raph: How about in half an hour?
Y/N: Sounds good to me! See you then
Raph sighs, then stands up, stretching and drinking the last of his water. Time to go make sure she gets there safely.
You didn't have to wait that long in the alleyway for him. You stood and looked around, double checking this was the right alleyway. Yep, it was.
Since it was a bit chilly, every time you let out a breath a little cloud formed.
Before you could even call out, you heard a soft thump behind you. You jumped slightly, spinning around. A small smile erupted on your face as you saw Raph emerge from the shadows.
"Hey, Raph." You look back towards the sidewalk to make sure no one would see you both.
"Hey." He smiled. "Okay, so uh… you probably wanna know why I brought you here right?"
"Right." You agreed.
"My family wants to meet you. Sensei mostly wants to meet you because he wants to know if he can trust you with our secret."
"O-oh!" Your eyes widen slightly. "So I get to meet your family?"
"Yeah. But…"
You frowned slightly. "What is it?"
You then gasped when Raph leaned towards you and in a flash, your vision was dark. You felt him tying a piece of fabric around your eyes. 
"Raph, don't you think you're taking this too fast? I'm not into this kinda thing." Despite the shock of him doing this, you couldn't help making a cheeky joke while you giggled.
Even though you couldn't see him, his eyes widened as a blush erupted from his face. He frowned. "I-its not fcking like that!!" You could hear in his that he was flustered, causing you to giggle more.
You felt strong arms pick you up, but you weren't that alarmed because you recognised they were Raph's. You heard him grumbling to himself.
 You clinged onto his neck despite his firm grip on you.
"I'm only doin this cuz we can't risk you knowin our location yet." Raph blushed and grimaced slightly as your arms wrapped around his neck.
"Oh… well I guess I can understand that."
You suddenly felt the wind rush around you both and you let out a little squeal, feeling a little nauseous. You heard Raph's feet thump on the ground softly, meaning he had jumped down somewhere.
The more he walked, a disgusting smell assaulted your nose. You scrunched up your nose. "Are we in the sewers?"
"Yeah." Raph laughed watching your reaction.
You nod slightly, nose still scrunched up. After a couple more moments of walking, you felt him stop and he placed you on your feet.
You heard some shuffling and then a crash, followed by an "oof!". 
"Am I allowed to take this off now..?" You asked, directed towards Raphael.
 He grunted in response which you took as a yes, so you slipped it off, only to be met with another turtle with an orange bandana in your face. You jumped a little, bumping backwards nto Raph.
"Mikey, what did I tell ya before I left?!" He scolded the orange banded turtle.
The turtle named Mikey threw his hands up. "Sorry bro! I just wanted to get a good look." He offered his hand to you. "I'm Mikey!"
You smiled sheepishly, shaking his hand. "I'm y/n."
Another turtle with a purple bandana appeared. He did the same thing as Mikey and offered his hand to you. "It's nice to meet you y/n, i'm Donatello but just call me Donnie or Don." He smiled.
You smiled back and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you as well."
You awkwardly stood there while you heard Raph huff behind you, crossing his arms beside you. Then, you saw a rat, just a bit shorter than the turtles. You assumed this is the Sensei Raph had talked about.
You bowed your head slightly to him. "And you must be Sensei Splinter." You smiled a little up at him. He smiled back and stood in front of you, taking your hand in his and held it for a moment.
"And you must be y/n. Thank you for helping my idiot son." He shot a quick glare towards Raph.
"Of course. I wouldn't call him an idiot though, after all he was just trying to protect--"
Raph suddenly cleared his voice loudly. "Okay, you met her, now what?"
"Dude we should all watch a movie together!!" Mikey exclaimed.
Before Raph could protest, everyone else agreed. But you were hesitant. "I would love to but I don't want to become a problem for you guys."
Raph stared down at you. "The hell do you-" he couldn't finish before getting smacked in the head by Splinter. He winced before re-phrasing. "What do you think you'll be a problem for?" He said gruffly.
You shrugged a little. "I-i don't know, I just don't want to invade your guys' personal life."
Donnie spoke up. "Don't worry about that, we would love to have you. We haven't had company like this in… well, we've never met new people really. Except for April and Casey, but we've known them forever"
You nodded, remembering Raph telling you about them. Then you smiled. "Ok, then. I'll stay."
Mikey cheered and ran towards the kitchen to gather snacks. 
After a bit of setting up the movie (that apparently Donnie pirated) and setting up all the snacks, you settled down onto the couch beside Raph. You smiled up at him softly, making his heart clench. But he didn't show it, just smirking a little and huffing, taking a handful of popcorn from the bowl in your lap.
You chuckled, offering everyone popcorn before the movie began. Then Donnie turned on the movie, and you let out a deep exhale, sinking into the old, tattered couch.
After about halfway through the movie, while everyone else was asleep, Splinter left to go meditate in his room. So it was only you and Raph awake now.
"Your family seems really nice," you whispered to him.
He scoffed quietly. "Yeah but my brother's can get hella annoying."
You giggle a little and lean in closer. "I'm sure you'll seem annoying after a while of knowing you too."
Raph playfully glared down at you. "Oh yeah? Ditto. Except you're already gettin on my nerves." He joked.
You held your chest where your heart is dramatically. "Ouch. My heart."
You both laugh quietly. You looked down, then shuffled closer to him so your thighs were touching, and wrapped your arms around yourself, getting a little chilly.
He tensed a little, trying to even his breathing. He noticed your eyes starting to droop. "You know you can fall asleep, right?" He said softly. What has gotten into him lately?
"Are you sure?" You looked up towards him. He nodded, then grabbed a blanket from behind the couch, throwing it on you. You giggled a little and got snuggled up in the blanket. You then gently rested your head on his shoulder before whispering, "Is this okay..?"
"Y-yeah…" He whispered back. You smiled and got comfy against him, before closing your eyes to go to sleep.
After a couple moments, he relaxed. He let out a soft exhale. The way you cuddled into his side made his heart skip a beat. Shut the hell up, Raph. She's just cold. And you can't be goin soft for anyone!! He scolded himself. But despite his protests in his head, he let himself fall asleep, managing to fall into a slumber way easier than he's ever had.
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thecynthh · 9 months
smart ass - M.S pt 5
synopsis - matt’s not doing to well with his schooling but is determined to get his degree and pass his classes. one essay which is a huge part of their grade haunts him with a bad mark, luckily y/n is willing to help him
notes - NOT PROOF READ, lowercase intention smut near the end, aftercare cus thats what matt specializes in, cuddles
a/n - uhm idk if yalls could tell, or if u knew but i’m a virgin and have never kissed anyone so 🫣
leave some suggestions for chris or matt fics for me to write pls as well :3
present day a few days after their second study session
y/n pov
matt s 🐼
hey message me when ur leaving ur house. 8:46
btw we r ordering food to the house cus i dont wanna get gas. 8:47
text me what u want from CFA. 8:47
what in the flying fuck is CFA? 8:49
matt s 🐼
uhm hello? kid, how do u not know what CFA is???? 8:49
abbreviations like this is what's wrong with our generation… 8:50
matt s 🐼
kay ur so weird omfg. 5:50
CFA clearly means chick-fil-a smartass 🙄. 8:51
oh well then 😋. nuggets and waffle fries please 🛐🛐. 8:52
and sunjoy btww. 8:52
matt s 🐼
ew u like sunjoy? 8:53
u like rootbear don’t talk to me ✋. 8:52
and let me in pls im already outside :). 8:52
read at 8:52
i sling my bag over my shoulder and leave my car, waiting outside the large house with thrilling anticipation as i wait for matt to open the door. I see the fluff of his brown locks and a sweater similar to the one i’ve seen him wear before at school. i dont know why i get giddy when i see him, i dont know how we went to only speaking when madi was around too greeting each other whenever we see each other in the halls or cafe or even in our shared classes.
matt and his brothers were some of my closest friends now, after madi introduced me to them at a party, both of us got insanely drunk and made me call off crazy drinking ever since. all i remember from that night was the way matt took care of me while i was in a very vulnerable state and didn’t take advantage of me. i haven’t told anyone but madi about what happened to me when i was younger, and i’m glad she’s still taken her promise to heart, the only thing that telling her about my past shit did was make her and i closer.
i see matt in full view after he opens the door, “hey!” i say with a cheery expression despite how late it was for me.
“heyyy, thanks for coming by the way, even though you had a shift earlier.” he says sheepishly, before i left for work he messaged me begging to have another study session because he had more questions about the essay part of the exam. “oh hey lemme put your stuff in my room, just chill on the couch before the food gets here.” i pass him my backpack and laptop as he begins to walk down a hallway to make it to his room.
i move through the small entryway and become more apparent in his brothers view, “heyy y/n” nick says moving up to me for a hug, i take in his embrace.
“hi nick!!” i say excitedly. other than matt, ive hung out with nick a lot too, madi always has him over at her apartment, and even the three of us have made it a plan to meet up at our favourite bakery and talk for however long we want too a couple times a week. out of the little over a month i’ve know the triplets, nick has made a huge impact on me, and i felt safe around him, as well as chris and matt.
he lets go of me while i walk over to a slumped over chris on the couch, when he realised i was here he sits up on the edge of the couch. “sup chris,” i dap him up doing a little bro half hug with him.
“always nice to see you y/n,” he says as our arms unfold from the middle of us. i take a seat next to him with a comfortable amount of distance between us. matt returns not too long after i greet everyone. He sits down between chris and i and nick returns from the kitchen with a pepsi, root beer, bottled water and a lemonade, passing out everyone's drink knowing what each of us would ask for. matt and i give nick a thank you as he nods his head after.
nick stationed himself on the elongated part of the couch settling in with his fluffy blanket, he puts on a stranger thing episode and we all sit watching the tv. it only takes another five minutes of the episode for the doorbell to ring through the house. nick gets up immediately scurrying to the door with his fluffy blanket wrapped around him as he talks to the delivery man, thanking him and making small steps to see the rest of us. he comes back with two large bags of food planting them on the coffee table in front of all of us, before grabbing a tray of drinks after going back to the entrance.
“thank you for paying matty,” chris says, rubbing up again his brother with his lips pursed and now shoulder to shoulder with his older brother. i giggle at the sight, copying chris.
“mmmmh thanks mattyyyy” i say resting my head on the peak of his shoulder, pursing my lips as well and copying chris’ weird voice.
“you’re a fucking weirdo chris,” matt says in a disgusted voice flicking the other head that was very close to his face. “and you're welcome y/n.”
i laugh at chris’ overly dramatic reaction to what matt did to him. still giggling a bit at the sight of matt completely ignoring his brothers reaction, I say “just tell me how much i own you.”
“eh, don’t worry about it, it’s on me, plus save up for that new laptop you were talking about. i know how much you want it,” i blush slightly.
“aww thank you then,” i wrap my arms around him and squeeze him, he hands me the food that i asked for and retract back onto the couch.
“by the way, what time are we planning to stay up till? i told madi that i’ll tell her when i was heading home.” i saw looking at matt.
“well its kinda late so if you wanna stay in the guest room, im fine with that.” matt says, moving his head towards me, then breaking eye contact with the tv screen.
“im ay okay with that if you wanna stay over! plus you know your way around the house,” nick says giving his approval to matts idea of staying over.
“mhm im chill with it,” chris simply says.
“uhh yeah then, i'm down, thanks!”
we eat then say goodnight to nick and chris before we go to matt's room for some studying.
i lay down onto his bed as he walks over to his bathroom to change into some comfier clothes. while hes in there i start to think about our first study session when i found out matt had a crush on me. i thought it was very cute, but it made matt awkward on our last study night. i’m glad that he's eased up now, i just acted like i didn’t know anything and didn’t want to push on how he was feeling because I knew it would make his anxiety worse.
i come back to my senses seeing matt reappear from the bathroom door. we stayed on track for studying for an hour and a half before we eventually put on brooklyn 99 on in the background and talked.
“so, the retake is in a couple days, you think you’re ready?” i was hopeful he would be good by then because tonight felt very productive. I quizzed him on a couple of important ideas while he was playing with a baseball, throwing it up and down in the air. i learnt that he understands stuff better when he is doing something with his hands, it keeps him focused.
“hm, i’m not too sure, maybe another study sesh the day after tomorrow so by friday i’ll have all the stuff we went over fresh in my mind.” the baseball still gets thrown up and falls down in front of his face, with his hand waiting to catch it before it smacks him right on his nose. “thanks again for this,” i hear him catch it one more time before he moves his hand away from his face and looks at me just to the right of him. i'm hovering over him slightly, his eyes glow the brightest in the slight illumination from the lamp we always use when we study.
“yeah of course matt, you're my friend anyways.” our faces mirror each other, his eyes roam my faces while his hand holds the side of my face.
i toss my hair to the side of my head to lean down to kiss matt, he immediately returns the kiss enveloping my bottom lip with his. i moan into his mouth feeling him push me down and dominate me. one of his hands rests on my hip keeping me down as i pull him down with my legs letting him top me. most of his body is pressed down to mine, i lift my hips to give myself some kind of sensation i desperately crave for.
“fuck, i’m sorry are you okay with this?” matt says when he disconnects us.
i cup his chin bringing him a little closer, “i really fucking like you matt, please don’t stop.”
a smirk grows onto his face, “i really fucking like you too, you’re lucky i do.” he becomes more unserious pecking little kisses amoungst my face making a very loud “mwah” sound with each of he presses into my skin.
“matttt” i say through my sour looking face while he shows his affection.
“okay, okay, i’m done. but uh, how about we kiss again, didn’t get a good feel of it the first time.” he says with a knowing smirk on his face. i use my hand to weave through his brunette hair pulling him towards me again, we share a more passionate kiss, with knowing and love rather than lust.
it doesn’t take us long till things got more serious, his lips attach to my neck instantly sucking multiple hickeys into visible spots on my neck, moving down to my collar bone and eventually to the full and plump part of my boob. this is where my dream stopped last week, ive been trying to ignore it for the longest time but being in the moment now after thinking about it in my head makes it feel even more surreal.
his hand sneaks to the bottom of my fresh love shirt that i took from matt’s drawers when i found out i was sleeping here his fingers feel the hem of it. “is it alright if i take your shirt off?” he says with a quiet voice, almost afraid of what i’ll say.
i quickly nod in reply but that doesn’t seem good enough for him.
“words smart ass, i need words.” he says with a little bit of a condescending tone to his love tainted words.
“yes matt, you can take my shirt off too.” i say with a small giggle following after it.
he lifts the fabric to uncover the same white lace bra i was wearing while i slept over at his house by accident. “mh, i’ve been dreaming about this for a while ever since i saw you in it that morning,” he kisses the lace that travels to the small connecting piece of fabric between the two cups of my bra.
“and i know you heard what chris said to me that morning, yet you still acted like nothing was wrong.” he moves his hand to my upper back placing his hand onto my bra strap, “hey, can i take this off?”
“mhm,” my lips sealed trying to conceal my response to the amazing feeling of his hands on my body, he undoes the clip on my back with skill and purpose. the touch of his fingertips grant goosebumps to my skin in a very arousing manner.
he pulls the dainty clothing article off my arms and throws it to the floor benign absolutely amazed by my tits, they weren’t much but it seemed like matt was under a spell, he latched his lips just above my nipple to give me more hickeys, he sucks and soothes repeating this multiple times before he eventually dips down to my nipple, i feel the rush of arousal arching slightly off the bed.
i moan in response to the new sensation, i’m not exactly a virgin, but i haven’t done anything like this in a while, let alone at all for god sake. he massages the other boob, playing with the nipple with his hand the opposite of the one his mouth is very focused on.
he finally comes up for air after a little bit teasing, my thighs rub together and sits up to rip his shirt off to match my level of revealing skin, off goes his sweats as well leaving him in just his boxers, “matt, oh my god” i'm out of breath and very needy.
he continues a trail of kisses down to my clothes pussy, he looks up at me while holding the stretchy waistband of my pants, i give him a vigorous nod knowing what he was asking for.
he slides them completely off leaving me in just my underwear. he plants another sweet kids over my clothed heat which milks another desperate moan from me. “matt wait-“ he immediately comes up from my bottom half and lays beside me listening to me.
“hey we don’t have too if you don’t want too, i’m down if you just wanna go to bed in the other room, or even if you just wanna stay here and cuddle for the rest of the night.” he says before i can go ahead with what i was thinking.
“no, no i really want too it’s just, i haven’t really… done this before.” i tell him, he seems almost fully unaffected by my words.
“that’s fine, i’m here to make you feel good,” he places his hand nearing my core again, he rubs my panties over my clit moving down to feel the very apparent wet spot. “wow i’ve barely touched you and your so worked up,” his voice was sultry with a hint of a condescending tone.
“m-matt please” i struggle to say feeling the pressure he's putting down onto my throbbing clit.
“i’m gonna take these off now, okay?” he says with his fingers wrapped around the thin string of my thong that’s barely covers anything.
he slips them off admiring the sight in front of him, i almost get self conscious wanting to cover myself up with his blankets. his head dips and his hands pant onto my hips and one on my inner thigh. his tongue makes very sudden contact with my clit, he sucks and swirls his tongue around it, feeling the very heavy pressure i arch my back slighting leaning forward into his face.
his finger creeps and teases my hole before he fully plunged it into me. i heavy moan escapes my lips, “quiet now princess, can’t let nick or chris hear you.”
he continues his movements stimulating both my clit and hole at the same time, “more, please” i say with a pleading tone. he removes his finger from inside of me and replaces it with his tongue and mouth. he absolutely devoured my pussy giving me as much pleasure as he could, his mouth moving back to my clip and he slid his finger back into me moving it at a moderate pace.
i don’t try very hard to conceal my very loud moans, as soon as matt enters a second finger into my dripping cunt, i release with a pornographic moan, squeezing his head between my legs. “holy shit matt,” he licks up all of my hot cum and comes back up to kiss me.
“mmh you did so well for me, you ready for me now?” i say a needy yes while he goes back to sit back on the his headboard. he removes his boxers with such haste letting his cock spring out with a bead of pre-cum leaking out. “i wanna watch you ride me, you control the pace and how deep you wanna go.” he whispers into my ear.
he lifts me on top of him, kissing him passionately while i grind down onto his twitching cock. he lets out a guttered groan “okay, let’s do this cause i could bust just from looking at you.”
he lines himself up and holds my hips while i sink down onto him. his so thick and long, i feel him in ever existing crevasse in my cunt. “fuck yes” i say letting out a heavy breath.
“holy shit you’re so tight-“ he says between his monas and hard breathes. i begin to move myself up and down slowly, whatever pain that came at first quickly moved to pleasure as i speed up my movements.
my tits bounce every time i move up or down, my movements are set at a constant pace, “matt, i think- i think i’m gonna cum.” i say, feeling his dick twitch in my pussy again.
“come for me baby, give it to me,” he says, taking me by my love handles and moving me up and down a little faster. i came hearing his words letting out a couple of breathy moans, he follows soon after me. i feel his thick long ropes of cum fill me up and come back down dripping onto his cock.
matt does a couple of slower pumps in and out of me to ride both of us through our highs. he picks me up as if i weigh nothing and puts me down beside him laying down onto the bed.
he goes into the bathroom to retrieve a small cloth and comes back to wipe me down. he does a couple of strips to pick up as much extra cum he could. i feel him hit my clit and i whimper loudly, “oh god, i’m sorry, i know your still sensitive.” once he’s finished he goes into the bathroom and cleans himself up.
fishing his boxers from the ground he slides them on and grabs my underwear and a large t-shirt from his closet. he hops onto the bed putting on my underwear and pulling me up to put on the shirt.
“mh thank you,” i say tired and groggy.
he plants a kiss onto my forehead “anything for you smart ass.”
he comes under the covers and wraps his arms around me, intertwining our legs. we sleep peacefully until the morning
taglist - @westwiing @comet235
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fawnandcardinal · 9 months
Hello, darlings!
Yeah... It's been a while since I've been here.
In my defense, I'll say that I was getting used to studying in college. I don't know if this post will come to you or not, but if anything, I'll switch to another AU(Catelos)
Well, and now the text✨
Innocent AU/Owl House
The idea of this Au is quite extraordinary. Namely:
Belos was not going to commit mass genocide on the Boiling Islands and is not going to in the future. Why? Since childhood, he had known Caleb's future wife, Evelyn, and it was she who sheltered a certain good-naturedness to him.
Where did Evelyn come from and how hasn't she been hanged yet? Well. She pretended to be an ordinary village girl for a long time, and she herself was quickly able to adjust to the routine of that time in the human world. However, of course she couldn't hide her real origin all the time. And the first person to find out about it, of course, was Caleb. But because of the power of love, he did not reveal it. Then Phillip found out too. However, he didn't have time to be angry or condemn his brother.
Pitchforks were pointed at Evelyn and his brother. Although at Caleb for a slightly different reason. Pip, on the other hand, couldn't just leave his brother and went on the run with this couple. As a result, they got to the Boiling Isles with the help of a portal, the key of which was kept by Eve.
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Although short-lived, the trio lived a relatively peaceful life in a small house far from the settlement of witches in the red fields. The residents of Wittebane could not win the affection and trust, and of course: so many of their own died when they tried to get in touch with people. That's why I had to go further away. During this time, Caleb managed to carve himself a rosary. And also, he and Eve began to have an open love, which made Phil disgusted. He didn't like such tenderness. But if Caleb is really happy here, he can put up with it. As you have already understood, they will not have a happy ending on this note. On the day Evelyn and Phillip went into the woods, the brothers quarreled and the eldest stayed to look after the house. The adventurers returned earlier than planned. Caleb's palisman, the Flapjack, flew up to them with a wounded eye. Naturally, they immediately went back home.
Upon his return, neither his brother nor his home was there. Only charred pieces of wood, and the remains of burned furniture.
It was a huge blow for both of them. How? For what? They would hardly have received an answer at the moment. Ivs coped with the loss the hardest. She didn't want to accept Caleb's death. However, the body found could not confirm the false hope. Both were never able to return to the old course, or forget about each other forever and live a new life. They made a promise to each other: at any cost to return what was taken from them and return with him to the human world. When it becomes most secure. So, working together under new nicknames and masked faces, they finally found a way to resurrect Caleb. Creating a Grimwalker. Even with the pitfalls, they were happy.
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Other witches began to fear their crushing actions and the fact that during one skirmish one could be cursed. However, this led to an even more terrible result. The scroll that contained the creature in the human body broke out of control and claimed the lives of a dozen demons. And that's why Evelyn and Philip had to separate. The task became too dangerous, and the witch was still carrying a child under her heart. So, Phillip continued his great mission alone...
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I think that's enough for now. And I apologize for my clumsy English. I don't know him well myself, and sometimes there are problems with the translator
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Antonio- Moving In Together
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"Dad where does YN want this?" I hear Diego ask
"Errm bathroom. She's in there sorting out the cupboards" just then Diego appears with a small box
"Thank you. Just pop it on the floor" I say. Once Diego has gone I open it up and take out my period pads and tampons putting them in the cupboard with more of my toiletries. My phone begins ringing from downstairs. Before I have chance to get up I hear foot steps running and Eva comes in holding it in her hands
"It's Jay" she tells me. I take the phone and answer it
"Ive got the unit you wanted, but I couldn't get it assembled"
"Ok don't worry, I'm sure we're will figure out how to build it" I walk out of the bathroom
"Dad mums here!" Diego shouts and I make my way downstairs to see Antonio opening up the door
"I've got to go. Laura's here for the kids"
"I'll be over in 10 with the unit"
"Thanks" I hung up and smile at Laura but she looks me up and down. She mainly stares at my stomach
"I'm not pregnant if that's what your wondering" I say crossing my arms
"Only reason Antonio would be having you move in"
"Laura" Toni warns her
"It's ok Toni don't worry, I'm not here to cause any drama. Just want to say goodbye to Eva and Diego" the kids both give me a hug. I say my goodbyes then leave Antonio to deal with his ex.
"You alright?" Antonio asks walking into our now shared bedroom while I'm folding my clothes
"Yeah I'm fine"
"I'm sorry about Laura. I told her she had no right to be questioning our relationship"
"Like I said, I'm ok" I sigh "she's your kids mom. She's got ever right to be cautious of me, how long will I be here? If we have a baby will we spend more time with our child and not Eva and Diego. She's just being protective of them and hopefully when she realises that I'm in it for the long hall she will except me"
"Your amazing you know" Antonio smiles wrapping his arms around me, I wrap my arms around his neck "if the rolls were reversed I'm not sure I'd be a cool about this all"
"I've see so many children suffer because of parents aren't getting along. I wouldn't want that for yours. All bad mouthing each other will do is effect the children"
"I love you YN"
"I love you as well" I kiss Antonio before we're rudely interrupted by Jay bringing my makeup unit "I best go and help Jay"
"I'll help Jay. You go grab us some food"
"You sure you want me to leave you alone with one of my brothers, and arguably the most protective one out of the two?" I raise an eyebrow at Toni
"Babe I work with him and we have never had a problem"
"Yeah you work with him. Your off work right now, this is personal time, so he's going to be in big brother mode"
"I'll be back ok with Jay"
"Your funeral" I raise my hands and walk out of the bedroom and down the stairs "I'm going for food. Please don't kill each other" I warn Jay before grabbing some money and leaving the house.
I return home with take out to a quiet house
"Hello? Please tell me your both alive" I joke walking into the kitchen "Jay? Toni?" I place down the food then head yelling in the living room. I follow the noise to see my brother and boyfriend watching football. I notice the the makeup unit spread across the floor "you boys want a beer after all the hard work you've done?"
"Sorry YN. We couldn't figure it out" I roll my eyes at Jay and grab the instructions off the coffee table and start looking at then also getting confused
"You think Kelly will know how to build this?"
"Already text him" Jay tells me "he's coming over tomorrow. Now shhhh we're watching the game"
"You boys and your football seriously" I shake my head and go back to the kitchen and grab 3 plates and plate up the food. I bring their food to them before grabbing my own and sitting next yo Antonio also watching the game.
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explodedjunk · 1 year
I forgot to post the 3 other chapters 😭.
What has came? Chapter IV
Happy reading.
Story on Tumblr:
Thor and the rest of his group goes to California but Loki causes mischief and once they go back to Asgard Loki was taken somewhere.
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
They all met up in California, and Loki saw Sif.
“Þinn einn idiot/ You’re and idiot” Loki whispered.
“Vér allr óderstanð þú/ we all understand you.” Sif argued back.
*in asgardian* “Loki, you’re basically asgardian, we all know what happened for the past million years and we all have the all tongue. You’re not more or less special than any of us either if you’re odinschild or laufeysonschild.” She barked.
“My brother could do anything Sif. He’s better than all of us, just physical..” Thor laughed.
Loki was getting bored on Earth.
+Time Skip+
It’s the 5th day of being in California, Loki wants to cause mischief as always so he decides a plan. He robs a mall, but has shape-shifted into his brother.
As he is done robbing stores in the mall, he looks to the camera and pulls the hoodie over his head dropping every item on him as he says “Yes, it is I, Thor Odinson,”
He has a long pause as of how to get his brother into trouble “Arrest me” as he throws his hands down and runs off with everything he has stolen.
Loki comes back late at night, Thor waiting upon him. “Where’ve you been” Thor questioned Loki as he is eyeing Loki’s transformation as a version of himself.
Loki transform back to himself. “I have done nothing brother”
Loki then grabs some of the stuff he has taken.
“What’s with the stuff, where’d you get it” Thor confusingly asked.
It took Loki long to respond. “Jane gave it to me” as he hurried and grabbed his stuff to take it into his small room that him and Thor had to share.
They then went to sleep, but was awaken up by the pounding of a door.
Thor and Loki was woken up but Thor told Loki to just go back to sleep saying it was just neighbors maybe.
Thor opened the door. “Hello, we have a warrant arrest on Thor Odinson of Asgard, for his thievery at the mall.”
“Do you know where Tho-“ Thor cut him off.
“I’m Thor”
“Great, we’re going to need you to come with us.”
“LOKI” Thor called Loki down.
“What is it brother?” Loki questioned but then froze to see people at the door.
“What did you do at this mall”
Erik Selvik then fired a bullet that made Loki pass out. “What did you just do” Thor demanded an answer.
“Look, I know it wasn’t you. I called the cops off and told them you went back to Asgard. I know it was your brother and we need to take every Asgardian into questioning about your so called ‘Powers’”
“No” He then shut the door on Erik and called all his friends to show they had to leave. Loki had waken up but disappeared.
Loki went to an airport in California, but he was trying to steal hydra level type tech but then suddenly someone knocked him out and he was then placed in a hydra cell.
Although Loki didn’t wake up and it then was put into an emergency room as captain might’ve hit Loki way to hard then supposed.
Thor on the other hand, had gotten hold of heidmill to see where Loki is and once he found out. Thor flew there with his friends.
They then broke into the room shattering glass and grabbed Loki, but before they flew back. Natasha stopped him
“NO WAIT” Natasha yelled demandingly.
Thor waited “What is it you have to say”
“Your brother I assume, he’s passed out and will stay like that for maybe a few days, Hydra’s medical could help, just, let’s talk.” Natasha was calm although for the workers not really.
“Thor Odinson of Asgard or do you prefer God of Thunder?” Captain America asked.
“Just Thor, it doesn’t matter, now. What happened to Loki” Thor demanded.
“Loki was stealing high tech, is there any reason as to why he would need it” Nick Fury complained.
“He’s my brother”
“He robbed a whole mall and broke open a high tech room” Captain America mentioned.
“He’s adopted.” Thor said as he was covered in shame.
“My brother doesn’t need that tech as he is the God of Mischief and just decided to do his silly so called ‘pranks’ to keep his name as the God of Mischief, I assure you my brother doesn’t need your ‘tech savvy technology’”
“That’s good to hear but Lackey will have to stay with us until he awakes” Nick Fury reported.
“It’s Loki.” Thor hissed. “And no.” Thor added.
“You do not want to play this war with us and stark industries.”
“Then don’t play with actual Gods you foolish humans” As Thor approached Fury.
“Okay that’s enough” Captain America added as he pushed them away.
“I’m taking Loki back to Asgard” Thor argued.
“No, you’re not until we get our answers by him to know he’s not a threat”
“Loki better be safe here and done by the next 2-3 days but I will stay by his side without leaving him at all, or I will be your biggest threat to Earth you have ever seen.” Thor demanded
“Fine by me” Nick Fury rejoiced.
Thor then approached to Loki. “Brother I know your games wake up. No way you fell by a weaker species” Sif saw Thor as Thor held Loki in his hands. “Thor, we must go.”
“No, I can’t leave my little brother here” Thor said. “He’ll be alone, He will be scared” Thor then added, but Thor was enough with the crap either way so he then grabbed Loki and then lifted his head to tell Sif and his friends that its time to leave.
They then flew off breaking the window, Thor didn’t even know why he wasted time even talking or coming at all.
As they came back home Thor threw Loki on the ground.
“BROTHER, WAKE UP. YOU’RE NOT PASSED” Thor yelled as Loki opened his eyes laughing.
“I’m not trying to die this week brother, just Earth is so boring I had to make it better.” Loki scoffed.
Thor walked away, “Loki, I’m leaving you alone now.”
That cut off Loki as he then jumped immediately and started chasing after his brother.
“No, brother just wait a second.” Loki suggested. But Thor didn’t want to hear it and started running off.
“No Loki, go to Hela” he groaned.
But Loki followed him “I’m not going to listen you” he added as he smiled.
The whole time Loki chased him and Thor pushed him off. “No matter what you do I wont stop following you” Loki sang.
Thor then grabbed a gag and put it over his mouth.
“Loki stop, cut it out” Thor yelled.
Loki then pointed at the gag asking if he could speak, Thor then took it off.
“I’ll put it back on if you keep chattering” Thor suggested.
“I’ll stop just you stop” Loki said confused at his own words.
“Loki, you are basically spinning circles. You’re just so predictable.”
Thor laughed.
“Thanks Brother.” He said sarcastically.
Suddenly everything went quiet as the sky turned dark.
“Is this you” Loki asked being aware of his standing.
“No, it’s you. Loki stop that.” Thor demanded.
“I can assure you, its not me”
Then, BAM! All of Asgard went quiet. As everyone had passed out, and they were pushed by some sort of beam as it took Loki on a ship, while he smiled and waved bye to Thor jokingly as Thor tried to follow with his hammer but Loki and this group had disappeared in some sort of portal.
“LOKI” Thor yelled. As he sighed when had had disappeared.
I know this chapter didn’t make much sense, but I can assure you i was just rushing this and being so lazy for this chapter, Thank you for reading <3.
I have plans for the next maybe 2 chapters will be about the chitari attack in New York in the Disney+ series ‘Avengers’
0 notes
rosierin · 3 years
thunderstorms and reheated prawns
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pairing; suna x g/n!reader
genre; domestic, fluff
warnings; puking, lame jokes, suna endearingly calls reader "(y/n)-chan"
a/n: a fanfic inspired by all the rain ive had lately, and the fact that my Ma made me prawns yesterday 🤷🏽‍♀️
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The rain is relentless today.
It comes down in buckets as it hammers mercilessly at your window, running down the glass in thick streaks and sending the trees outside into a violent flurry. The sight of it alone is enough to make you shiver.
Luckily, it's far warmer inside your bedroom.
You're sitting on your bed with a heavy duvet thrown over your head like a makeshift tipi. There's a chill lofi beat playing quietly in the background, a warm cup of hot chocolate sits deliciously between your hands and you have no chores to tend to, having already sought to them the day before.
To put it simply, it's bliss.
That is until you get a text and you turn your head towards your phone that buzzes twice against the bedside table. Leaning over to retrieve it, your brows furrow a little when an odd message pops up under Suna's ID.
2 messages from Sunarin <3
hello (y/n) can you come over today big brother has a tummy ake and mummy and daddy are out
please thank you
You blink upon realising it's Suna's little sister who has his phone and you can't help but laugh at her message. You don't know what's funnier; his little sister not knowing how to spell "tummy ache" or the fact that she actually had to reach out to you for something as trivial as that.
Either way, after finishing the rest of your hot chocolate, you reluctantly crawl out from your little den, slip on some comfy clothes and head out the door.
"Knock, knoock."
You smile as Suna's little sister opens the door for you, albeit with a struggle since the handle was still a little too high for her. Like you this morning she's wearing her PJ's, giving her an overall relaxed appearance, save for her face which looks rather distressed.
"You need to come quick! I think big brother's dying!"
You snort as she ushers you into the house, barely giving you time to take off your shoes as she pulls you towards Suna's bedroom. As you walk up the stairs you begin to wonder just how sick her brother really is. He seemed fine the last time you saw him— then again, Suna did always have the pesky talent of fibbing when it benefits him, like how he sometimes lies to his teammates about needing to babysit his little sister on Fridays just so he can have a longer weekend, or when he tells the twins he's deleted the videos he takes of them, only to bring them up for blackmail purposes later on. You wonder if perhaps this was another one of these instances and he'd simply faked an illness just so his little sister would leave him alone for the afternoon. (You knew how clingy she could get, especially when their parents weren't home.)
Still, you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt as you push open his bedroom door, only to wince as your boyfriend promptly vomits into a sick bowl.
This time he's definitely not lying.
"Perfect timing, lil sis. Make yourself useful would you and fetch me a— (y/n)?"
You're torn between bursting out laughing or coo-ing at the sad scene before you. Your attractive boyfriend, usually standing tall (sort of) and looking all slick and sexy is reduced to nothing but a lump hanging off his bed, hair disheveled and sticking slightly to his forehead, his head half in the sick bowl, looking at you with the most disheartened, most sullen face you've ever seen.
"Just end me now, I guess."
This time you do laugh when Suna rolls back onto his bed, pulling the covers over his head like a moody teen.
"Wow, you really are worse off than I thought," you say as you start to approach his bed. His bedsheets rustle however as you take another step closer and you stop in your tracks when he speaks from under the covers.
"Out. I don't want you to see me in my decomposing state."
"Oh, don't be silly, Sunarin. This is what partners do. I'm supposed to help nurse you back to health." You walk to the other side of Suna's bed where the sick bowl isn't lying on the floor and gently rock him against the mattress. "Plus, didn't you just say you wanted your sister to fetch me?" You add with a smirk.
You watch as Suna worms an arm out from the duvets, blindly grabbing your wrist to stop you from shaking him.
"Stop moving me, you sadist. Or next time I'll aim it at you," he says, making you scrunch up your nose in disgust. "And no I didn't call for you, you just so happened to waltz into my bedroom."
You roll your eyes at Suna's usual bite, knowing it's nothing but bark. "You rather I tango in here instead?"
You bite back a laugh as your terrible joke makes Suna emerge from his bedsheets, the green eyes that poke out looking truly disappointed. "You dare come into my room and sully it with jokes like that."
"I know, I know. Sorry," you lie, before a grin makes its way to your face. "No but seriously, should I? Might bring a smile back to your face."
"Please don't," is all he says as he finally fully comes out the covers, sitting up against the bedframe, and although you know he's trying his best to fight it, there's that telltale twitch of his lips that indicate your goofing around has actually effected him. "What you can do is fetch me that glass of water." There's a short pause. "Please."
You smile, relieved that he's finally letting you take care of him. Then you notice that the hand he'd grabbed you with earlier is still holding your wrist. Switching roles, you take his hand in yours and bring it up to your lips, planting a small kiss to his inner wrist.
"Coming right up."
A glass of water with ice later and it's Suna who decides to join you downstairs. You hear his almost cat-like footsteps pad down the stairs and as you turn around you notice that he's freshened up a bit. His hair's no longer the hot mess it was earlier, instead it remains neat and unstyled, he's also wearing different sweats from earlier, that is to say the black joggings with the red stripe down the side of the leg that you'd gotten him for Christmas, along with the black sweater that you always love to borrow.
"Oh look, it's alive," you tease.
"Only just," he sighs before flopping heavily on the couch. He busies himself by switching on the TV and opening Netflix, which you recognise by the familiar opening screen sound.
"How're you feeling?" You ask as you place the cold water on the coffee table. Suna utters a quiet 'thanks' as he leans over to grab it, bringing it to his lips before taking a few swigs.
"Could be better," he drawls after downing almost the entire glass. "'Least I'm not blowing chunks in front of my s/o anymore," he mutters, voice still carrying traces of previously felt embarassement.
You chuckle at that, watching as Suna lays down on the couch, one arm thrown over his eyes. "Don't worry, Sunarin. I'm sure other couple's have seen worse," you say as you take a seat beside his head.
He stays silent as you gently pull his arm off his face. At first he looks at you with a cocked eyebrow, most likely wondering what you were up to, but once you place the back of your hand against his forehead, he allows himself to relax and closes his eyes.
"What's the verdict, (y/n)-chan? Am I dying?"
You snort and roll your eyes at his theatrics. "You're not dying, you big baby. How did you even get sick anyway? You don't seem to have a fever."
After concluding that Suna's forehead wasn't any hotter than it should be, you gingerly brush a stray piece of his chestnut hair from his eyes, smiling when he exhales pleasantly at the gesture.
"I think it was the prawns I made yesterday. I was the only one who ate them and I'm the only one who's sick."
As Suna tells you this, you immediately start to see where this is going.
"Were they pre-cooked prawns?" You ask. "And did you reheat them more than once?"
You sigh. Yup. "That'll do it." Shaking your head, you poke Suna's forehead as a scolding, making him squeeze his eyes shut and knit his brows together. "You're not supposed to do that, you know. You can get really sick."
"You don't say," he drones, shooing your hand off with his. "How did you know I was sick, anyway? If I didn't know any better I'd say you were stalking me."
Your nose scrunches up jokingly. "Ew, why would I do that? If I wanted to stalk someone I'd at least go for one of the twin—"
You're promptly cut off mid-sentence when a pillow collides into your face with a dull thud and you giggle when you're met with Suna's eyes narrowing warningly up at you. "I'm just messing with you, Sunarin. Your sister told me. She somehow got access to your phone."
"The little toe rag."
"You trying to say you're not grateful I came over?" You ask with a raised brow, crossing your arms defensively.
"Didn't say that now, did I," he replies cooly, sitting up to face you before a tiny smirk forms on his lips. "After all," you make a small yelp as Suna suddenly worms his way into your personal space, his long limbs wrapping around your body like a koala and purposely giving you no means of escape. "Now I have the perfect pillow to hold onto. One that'll nurse me back to health too."
You gawk, trying to wiggle out of his hold, only for him to pull you closer. "Hold on a minute— What if I need to pee?!" He ignores you completely and deliberately, and instead lazily nuzzles into the area between your chest and collarbone.
"Night night, pillow-chan."
You throw you head back against the couch.
Looks like you're not going anywhere.
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lynnthefrenchtoast · 3 years
🌱a zhongchi twitch streamer au
ive had this idea for so long and it was originally supposed to be a text fic but im bad with those so it never came out. until now, i guess ehe -lynn🌱
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childe's been streaming for maybe three years??
over the course of that time his fanbase has watched him go from 'kid having fun in his basement' to one of the biggest streamers of all time
he's most known as one of the "faces" of Genshin Impact
manz has 'voice actor🎙️' in his twitch bio but everyone knows the only character hes voiced is Tartaglia (basically a promo character think like aloy)
ok- childes so charismatic and his personality shows through stream PERFECTLY
everytime he talks abt teucer his eyes light up and occassionally he appears on stream and chat squeals
aside from being his incredibly genuine self tho,,,,
his stream reeks of fanservice
its all very intentional.
he has this channel point redeem where chat can get him to do anything they want (with few exceptions)
because of this hes had to say multiple embarrassing things
and also flirt with the camera.
his fandom is iffy but childe is very kind to them
he treats everyone like his little brother and sister even if theyre older than him its so cute
and is also very openly bi.
he has a bunch of channel point redeems bc this man literally has no dignity
one day smn redeems the 'questions' one asking what his type is
"uhh i dont really have one? must be teucer-approved!"
chat starts playfully booing at him for giving a boring answer when someone else redeems;
"can you give an example?"
and now, from chat's peer pressure and the part of him wanting to dote on his lil siblings he goes
"okay okay! uh- god this is embarrassing- zhongli?"
chat: from rex lapis?
childe nods, blushing.
rex lapis is a much smaller streamer than childe- and in a totally different genre- you see-
childe is a gamer. rex lapis is a therapy streamer
his chat is like talking abt money struggles and he shares his past experiences with being a spendthrift and suddenly-
$200 Donation from Childe✔️
"....*ahem* thank you for the dono, you could not have worse timing."
also bc childe has a lot of issues in the genshin world but hes generally just a fun chaotic guy -> i feel like that would translate into the streamer au
so him watching therapeutic streams
he also just thinks zhongli is pretty🤷‍♀️ (cant blame him hes right)
and now his whole fandom knows hes a simp
chat: "wow childe so this is where our dono money has been going??" PLS
one day hes streaming at the same time as rex lapis and chat asks him to stream the stream
after a lot of convincing, he does (mostly bc he also wants to watch) but is like "if any of you snitch im ending stream immediately."
its cool for like an hour, childe plays genshin with zhongli in the background- and then
"oh, another streamer is streaming my stream? uh, hello"
the person who snitched donates childe like 100$ and is like 'SPARE ME PLS IM SORRY'
and since childe sees them as his little sibling hes like 'okok but im giving ur dono money to zhongli'
so childe just donates the 100$ to zhongli and hes like
"...should i stream his stream too?"
afterwards they definitely become friends and play genshin together and zhongli mains childe's promo character
imagine childes streaming and zhongli calls-
"hey, xiansheng? im live right now so if its something private.."
"ah. nevermind then, ill ask later."
"wait no- ill turn of stream if you wanna say something-"
"..i just wanted you to kill the oceanid for me."
and childes like 😀"what do you think chat? genshin stream?"
the poll is 99% in favour of a genshin collab stream with zhongli
THEYRE SO CUTE TOO bc zhonglis like 'sorry im not that strong' and childes like "YOURE ONLY AR 29 OFC YOURE NOT STRONG YOU DONT NEED TO APOLOGIZE WHY ARE YOU SO NICE"
...perhaps im projecting a little
either way theyre adorable. everyone thinks theyre dating before theyre actually dating
then sometimes zhongli accidentally opens the genshin chat while streaming genshin (bc hes not used to the buttons- grandpa moment)
and theres just a msg from childe like 'I'll call you later, ok?'
these two deserve all the love
if you're interested in seeing more of my content; like headcanons, WIPs, etc. ;
386 notes · View notes
Word Count: 1,636
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Mary Winchester (mentioned), Reader
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Sibling!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: angst, some fluff, insecurities
A/N: ohmygod it's been so long ive been so so so busy but im here now and also ily all so thaks for supporting me this far and also this fic is also trash
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“Do you remember Sam?” Dean put his hand on your shoulder, bending down to your height.
He pushed your face out of your face as you nodded softly.
“He's going to be with us for some time, okay?” you stood behind Dean as Sam walked out of an apartment, giving you a small smile.
Your memory of Sam was faint, you were only 6 when he left. You had seen Dean all day, every day, except for the occasional visit from your dad.
You hid behind Dean’s leg, holding onto him tightly.
Sam’s face dropped slightly, giving Dean a look.
“Think it’s time for you to go to bed,” Dean helped you into the car while you remained tense, looking at Dean.
You stayed quiet as you leaned onto Dean’s bag, closing your eyes.
You slumped in the chair outside the office, waiting for Dean. your anxiety grew with every second, you didn’t do anything wrong.
You were waiting for Dean, since John died, he became your legal guardian.
“What happened?” Dean ran to you, your leg bouncing.
You were the last person he’d expect to get in trouble.
“I just… we had to make notes from the textbook, but they keep saying I plagiarized it, but I didn't. I swear I didn’t, Dean,” he nodded his head, stroking your cheek.
“Okay, hey, I believe you. Let’s go inside,” Dean held your hand as the two of you walked into the room.
“Mr. Winchester?” your teacher stood in front of you while you held Dean’s hand.
“Brother. From what I understand-” Dean began to talk before your teacher interrupted.
“We have a strict policy against copying and pasting work,” she started.
“Copy and paste? It’s a textbook,” Dean scoffed.
You could feel your nervousness rushing inside of your chest as you kept your eyes on the floor.
“We’re just worried that (Y/N) won’t learn as much as the other kids will-”
“No, let me tell you something. My baby sister here is by far the smartest person I know. She could beat any kid here on any subject. You just have a problem with her since she doesn't remember the dumbed-down content. I’ll be taking her and we’ll be on our way. Thank you,” Dean pulled your arm, leading you out of the room before your eyes widened.
“Why did you do that?” you whisper-yelled, not wanting anyone to hear.
“She was going to blame it on you. No one can try to make you look bad, kiddo. You need to stand up for yourself too,” Dean put his arm around your neck.
“I have you to do that for me,” you gave him a small smile as he chuckled, stroking your cheek.
Something was off, his smile faded. You tried to ignore it.
“Damn right I will. I’m done with my hunt, do you want to hang out?” He asked.
You nodded as he led you to the car, before driving off
Dean was dead. You didn’t know what happened, he sold his soul for Sam. He didn’t even tell you. You stayed with Bobby, for the time being, you hadn’t seen Sam in what felt like years.
You walked around the city, keeping to yourself, trying to clear your mind.
You wanted Dean back more than anything. But no one comes back from the dead after four months.
You called or texted Sam every day, always checking up on him, but he never replied. You realized he never would reply, he abandoned you as well. All you had left was Bobby.
Your phone was ringing as you wiped the small tear that shed, before answering Bobby’s call.
“Hey, kid. How far are you from home?” He asked.
“I’ll be there soon,” you tried to hold back the fact you were crying.
13-year-olds aren’t supposed to be weak. Sam never was, Dean never was.
You walked back to Bobby’s, taking a deep breath before opening the door.
“(Y/N),” as you walked into the house, you felt shivers up your spine, hearing the familiar voice a few feet in front of you.
It wasn’t real, it couldn’t be.
You stumbled back, trying to find any silver or holy water.
“I already tested him,” Bobby said.
“How do I know you’re really Bobby?” You replied.
He was slightly in shock before you saw a small smirk on Dean’s face.
“Told you she’s smart. Take your time,” after a series of tests, which had no effect on him, you were left trying to hold back your cries.
You held Dean tightly, wrapping your arms around him tightly.
You buried your face in his neck as he stroked your back.
“I missed you,” he said softly.
“I missed you too,” your voice was strained, holding your cries back as he stroked your cheek, wiping your tears.
“Where’s Sam?” he asked you.
You felt sadness in your chest before shaking your head.
“I haven’t seen him in a while,” you shrugged.
You saw him frown before giving you a small smile, shaking his head.
“Well, you need to catch me up on the past four months…”
“Are we going on a hunt?” Dean jumped slightly as you entered the room.
He shut his laptop, turning back to you.
“No,” you could tell he was lying.
“I can go on a hunt. Really, I’m okay,” you said again.
You walked a couple of steps forward as he walked backward.
“I said no. Tell Sam to meet me in the car,” Dean walked out of the bunker, while you sat on a chair, resting your head in your hands.
It had been weeks since the incident between the two of you. Dean would never intentionally hurt you, the mark was hurting him.
You knew it was an accident, you told him it was okay, but he didn't listen. He would spend all his time avoiding you, if he wasn't, then you were mad at him.
Things in the last few years had gotten worse between the two of you. Ever since he came back from Purgatory. You didn't recognize him as your older brother anymore, he wasn't your protector or your friend. He was just someone who spent his time bossing you around.
You tried your hardest and hardest to impress him, but nothing could work.
You waited for both of them to leave before opening Dean’s laptop,
tracking him.
“Do you have any idea how fucking stupid that was?” the bunker door slammed shut as the three of you walked down the stairs.
Dean held your bag with one hand, holding onto your arm with the other.
“You could've got hurt,” he pulled you to a chair, you clenched your jaw as he pushed you into it.
“You guys needed help-”
“It doesn't matter. Why can’t you ever listen?” he continued to yell at you while you wrapped your arms around yourself.
“You’re a disappointment,” you felt angry tears in your eyes as you pushed yourself out of your chair, glaring at him.
“Nothing I ever do will be good enough for you, I get it. Just… stop,” you took a few steps back before Sam sighed.
“(Y/N), that’s not what he’s trying to say. Look…”
“I’m going for a walk,” you cut Sam off.
“Like hell you are. Not at this hour,” Dean shook his head.
You grabbed your phone and wallet before shaking your head, walking out of the door.
You could feel your heart aching as a lifetime of insecurities hit you all at once.
Sam was strong, Dean was strong, you needed to be strong.
You remembered all the times from your childhood where Dean took care of you and protected you. You remembered two months ago when the two of you spent hours screaming at each other until Dean walked out. You didn't see him for a month after that.
You inhaled deeply, walking away from the bunker.
Dean knocked at your door. You shifted in your bed, sitting up as he opened the door.
“Were you asleep?” he asked.
You shook your head no as he sat next to you.
The mark was long gone, in the last few months, God’s sister returned, Mary came back to life, Sam was kidnapped. Everything was bad.
You spent months ignoring your siblings, everyone sensed the tension but no one would dare say anything.
“Mary said you didn't eat dinner. Just wanted to check on you,” you knew it wasn't the real reason he was there, you decided to play along anyway.
“I have a headache, not hungry,” you shook your head.
“Right,” he nodded his head, looking away from you and towards your desk.
“Was that all?” you asked.
“No. You know… you're not a disappointment, kid,” memories of your arguments came back to you as you stayed slightly tense.
“I don’t know what's happened the last few years but I still love you. You’re my kid,” your eyes watered as he scooted closer to you.
“I wanted to say sorry. For everything. I don't expect an apology, or for you to forgive me or anything.”
You wrapped your arms around Dean tightly, taking his by surprise. He paused for a moment before hugging you back.
“I’m the one who should be sorry, Dean. Y-You just wanted what was best for me, and… I’m sorry,” you buried your face in his neck, sniffling.
The two of you stayed with your arms wrapped around each other before Dean chuckled softly.
“All it took for this reunion was five long years. I say it was worth it,” you scoffed, shaking your head.
“Do you want to mess with Sam’s hair supplies?” Dean raised an eyebrow.
You nodded fiercely, holding your hand before pulling you up, leading you out of your room.
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imagineaworld · 3 years
evening shift - iv
pairing : bucky barnes x reader
summary : bucky walks y/n home and she invites him to stay for dinner
word count : 1k
warnings : mentions of death/suicide, allusions to assault
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Despite having Bucky escort her home, Y/N was still shaken by what had just happened. Neither spoke much as they walked, but Y/N was grateful for Bucky's presence, easing her anxiety slightly. 
"Well," she said quietly. "Now I know you'll be a good bouncer."
Bucky chuckled. "Should've put that on the resume."
The pair walked on quietly enjoying each others company. Buck felt an overwhelming sense of contentment at the fact that Y/N trusted him enough to allow him to walk her home. He was more than happy to return the favour for all she had done for him.
"This is me," Y/N said, coming to a halt outside a decent-looking apartment building. "Thanks so much for...you know..." she trailed off.
This was the part Bucky wasn't looking forward to. Saying goodbye. He had no excuse to see her again until his interview, if he even got one.
"Not a problem," Bucky replied.
"Why don't you stay for dinner?" Y/N offered. "I don't feel like cooking, but we could order take out. If you want," she added.
"I'd love to," Bucky said.
Y/N smiled brightly, motioning with her head for him to follow her. 
She led them through the entrance to her building and into the elevator. She hit the button for the seventh floor, giving Bucky a small smile as the lift took them to her floor.
When Y/N unlocked her front door, a loud 'meow' came from the other side.
"That's Atlas," Y/N giggled.
Sure enough, upon entering the apartment, a large fluffy white cat was mewling and rubbing up against Y/N's ankles.
"I honestly thought the cat was made up as an excuse not to have a drink with me," Bucky said, reaching down to stroke the cloud-like cat.
Y/N laughed. "Of course not! Atlas is very real and very hungry."
She began pouring biscuits into the cat's food bowl and suddenly Atlas did not care about the fuss Bucky was giving him. 
Bucky looked around Y/N's apartment, trying not to be too conspicuous. Her apartment was very homely, with potted plants dotted around, photos frames on shelves and an empty mug on the coffee table.
"What kind of take-out do you want?" Y/N asked, slipping off her jacket and hanging it by the door. 
Bucky did the same, though leaving his hoodie and gloves on. "What's your favourite?"
"Pizza?" Y/N suggested.
"Sounds good."
By the time the pizza arrived, Y/N had changed out of her uniform, which was a simple black skirt and black t-shirt, with tights on for warmth. She now wore an oversized t-shirt and leggings.
The two were sat on the couch, the pizza on the coffee table in front of them. Atlas was asleep on the armchair nearby.
"What's with the gloves, if you don't mind me asking?" Y/N said, picking up a slice of pizza. She'd noticed he always wore them, but hadn't wanted to impose.
Bucky didn't know how to answer. He didn't want to lie, but could he tell the truth? "I can take them off, just... don't freak out."
"Why would I..?" Y/N began to ask. 
She was cut off by Bucky removing the gloves, revealing a flesh hand and a metal one. When he took off his hoodie, Y/N saw his whole left arm was a dark metal. 
Y/N looked from the arm to Bucky, and he started to panic, wondering if he had made a mistake. Showing her his arm made him feel vulnerable. 
"Thank you for trusting me," she said softly. "It must be difficult. I hope you know you can be yourself around me."
Bucky's panic melted away. "Thanks for not freaking out."
Not wanting to dwell much longer, he helped himself to a slice of pizza. Y/N's reaction had reassured him enough that perhaps she really was someone he could trust, be himself around. 
"Alright, my turn," Y/N said, propping her legs up on the couch and turning to face Bucky. "You shared something personal with me, so I'll do the same. My mom passed away when I was 11."
"I'm sorry," Bucky mumbled, not wanting to interrupt but feeling the need to give his condolences.
"I always just tell people she passed away, but she killed herself," Y/N's voice was barely above a whisper. "I found her. I was racing my brother home from school. He let me win. I still don't think he's forgiven himself."
Bucky was at a loss for words. Instead, he put his flesh hand on top of hers, squeezing gently. "Thank you for trusting me," he echoed her previous words.
"Sorry to bring the mood down," Y/N laughed half-heartedly. 
"That's alright, friends are share secrets, right?" Bucky said, taking his hand from hers and getting some more pizza.
"So, we are friends," Y/N clarified. "I was worried I was moving too fast. When I called us friends before, you looked horrified."
Bucky laughed awkwardly. "I didn't mean to, I just don't have many friends. Lonely, remember?" 
"Well, not anymore."
Bucky's heart swelled at Y/N's words, feeling genuinely happy for the first time in as long as he could remember.
After the two had finished the pizza, Bucky bid Y/N farewell and made his way to his own, much less homely, apartment. All the way home, he replayed Y/N's words in his head. 'Not anymore.'
Y/N had told him something personal, something she hadn't told many people. And the way she acted as though his metal arm was totally normal, she didn't make him feel like the freak he thought he was.
In the next few days, he received a phone call from an unknown number.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Hello, may I speak to James Barnes please," said a male voice from the other end of the line.
"This is Daniel from Oasis Lounge, I'm calling to invite you for a job interview for the bouncer vacancy you applied for. How's Thursday at 2 pm?"
Bucky was over the moon. "That's perfect, thank you."
"I look forward to meeting you, James."
Bucky hung up and immediately texted Y/N.
Interview at 2 pm on Thurs ! :)
She replied soon after.
i'll be there to wish u luck (not that u need it)
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I Wanna Be Adored 2 (Number 5x reader)
A/N: wowe a part 2 of my i wanna be adored fic this is also an old draft that ive finished after s1, give the first one a read x
Request: hh.. that five imagine was so soft and sweet to read, great job <3 would you ever consider doing a part two? maybe the rest of the hargreeves meeting five's s/o? feel free to skip this one. but for real, it's such a good text <33
Words: 1529
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“I’m just not drinking as much coffee anymore.” He said matter-o-factly. “I used to not be able to sleep very well so I’d just drink a lot of coffee to keep myself awake but I guess I just don’t have to anymore. I’ve been sleeping really well recently when I’ve been with you.” You smile as you feel him gently press a kiss to the side of your head. You smile contently, beginning to close your eyes, his heartbeat sounding like sweet music to your ears.
“Five, do you have a girl in your room?” A distance voice was heard echoing through the academy.
“Shit.” He mumbled into your hair, you knew it was going to be a long day in the Academy.
Five looked around frantically, trying to decide what to do. He pulled you up from his bed, mischievous glint in his eyes as he moved quickly to the window, you shake your head, trying to let him know you weren’t going to jump out the window. Giving you a wink, he pulled you towards his closet just before Fives bedroom door swung open.
“Shit. They’re not in here Diego!” Five let out a quite breathy laugh, locking his eyes with yours. It was only in this moment that you realised your closeness, it’s not like you have never been as close to Five as you were in that moment but the small space in the closest emphasised it. Five could feel the sudden change in mood as well, slowly moving his hands around your waist.
In that moment you forgot about Fives two older brothers peering out the open window, you forgot about your exams, you forgot about everything except Five. The collision of your lips felt like a thousand lighting bolts between the both of you. You were both so horrifically in love with each other but neither of you could get the words out. 
Klaus and Diego had came to the conclusion that Five and y/n had either climbed out the window or teleported away, that was until they heard a loud thump come from the direction of the closet. They both slowly crept forward before swinging the closet door open expecting to find their ‘younger’ brother. Klaus and Diego were met with nothing but a few toppled over books with no answer on where Five or his ‘friend’ were.
You collapsed back onto your bed in a flash of blue, giggling like school children giddy from a sugar rush. In the closet you’d both gotten too into the moment, Five pushing you against the side of the closet wall resulting in a bang.
“I would really like to meet your family, you know.” You say softly to him, settling into a state of calm. “So at least they know who you’re with rather than stress them out when they don’t know where you are.” His hair was silky to your touch.
“I know,” He let out an almost overdramatic sigh. “They’re strange, I don’t want to scare you off. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me.” You smile at his words but you were concerned, you knew all about Fives time in the apocalypse or at least as much as he would tell you, he would sometimes let something slip about the crippling loneliness or his time in the commission.
“I’ve been able to deal with your strange ass for the past year, I think I can cope.” You slightly shove him as you speak, admiring the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. “Maybe if you warn them in advance, then they won’t “scare me off’ and they’ll be slightly normal?” 
He seemed to think about it, for just a split second the only thing whizzing around his fast mind was the thought of you meeting his family. Every possible situation that could occur whizzed through his head, every bad situation with every one of his siblings.
A shiver ran down your body as you stood at the doors of the large mansion, waiting for the right time to knock at the door, or even just to convince yourself to do it. Every time you had been to the academy no one else was home, except for Pogo and Grace of course but they never asked too many questions, or Five just blips you into his room, you’d never knocked before.
But you knew you had to do this, for Five, so his family doesn’t worry as much. You’d even put on your best pair of jeans and best t-shirt, just to hope to make the right impression to his six sibling. So despite all of the atoms in your body screaming with anxiety not to knock on the door, you banged the knocker, you couldn’t even get a third knock in before the door swung open to reveal a nervous looking Five. His face lit up when he saw you, his eyes drifting up and down your figure.
“You look nice.” He said as he held his hand out for you to take, gently pulling you into the academy.
“I do try sometimes, you know.” You squeeze his hand as you stepped inside, hearing the chatter of his siblings from the other room. Letting go of his hand, you gently lift your bag from across you. Without missing a beat Five gently took it from your hand and hung it up. 
“It’ll be fine.” Five whispered in your ear as you walked into the room, reassuringly placing his hand on the small of your back. Your face instantly got red as you got closer to his siblings, all of their eyes falling on you, some giving you kind smiles while some didn’t show any emotion at all.
“Hi,” You spoke softly to the crowd, giving a soft smile. “I’m Y/n.”
“She’s my girlfriend.” Five added, moving his hand from your back to around your waist, giving it a gentle squeeze. A series of raised eyebrows erupted around the room as they all glance at each other. The room fell silent until someone finally spoke up.
“It’s really nice to meet you, I’m Allison.”
“Ben also says hello.” Klaus spoke again.
“Come sit down.” Allison said warmly, moving over so there was enough room for you and Five to sit down. You gladly sat down with Five squeezing next to you, his hand still resting around your waist.
“So,” Klaus said as he crossed his legs and rested his head on his hands. “How did you both meet?”
“I work at Griddy’s in between school, Five came in a lot and we just ended up talking, this was nearly a year ago now I think.” You say nervously, you gripped both of your hands together to stop them from shaking. 
The mood relaxed as you all made general chit chat, asking about your ambitions and your interests, how you’re doing at school and even a little bit about your relationship with Five. Diego however, had not muttered a single word, he just kept intently staring at you, maybe trying to read you and judge your character, or maybe he was still mad about when he last saw you.
A cold breeze drifted through the room, causing you to shiver and your bare arms get goosebumps. Five ran his hand down your arm, feeling how cold you were. “Want me to get you a hoodie?” He spoke quietly to you, you shook your head no to his question, not wanting to be a bother. “I’ll get you one, you’re freezing y/n, I’ll be back in a minute” The last part was spoke mainly to the room as he stood up and started walking to the stairs only to be gone in a flash of blue.
“Diego, I’m sorry!” You spoke quickly. “I’m sorry about how Five acted with you when you saw me last, I was the one who wanted to meet you all.” You were almost tumbling over your words as they spilled out of you. “I just thought you should know who Five is with when he’s not here, I’m super responsable and always make sure he’s safe.” When you finish your face was flushed, the anxiety crept up on you as you spoke, being unable to read Diegos face. 
“I appreciate that, thank you,” He said genuinely. “We just worry about him sometimes, ya know.” You nodded to his words before Five appeared before you, he was now wearing a jacket over his own hoodie and holding one out to you which you gratefully took. 
 “We’re going to head off,” Five said to the room, waiting for you to pull his hoodie on before pulling you up by your hand. “I’ll be back later.”
“It was nice meeting you all!” You say, you received a series of ‘you too’s and ‘come back any times’s. You walked with Five to the door before wrapping you bag back around you and leaving the academy. Fives hand was instantly in yours as soon as you were walking down the steps and out into the street, swinging it as you both walked.
“I think that went rather well.”
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heewrlds · 4 years
the boy next door | an enhypen au series
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pairing: non-idol!sunghoon x reader x non-idol!jake
genre: fluff, angst, wholesome series
plot: you and sunghoon have been best friends for as long as you could remember. he finally musters up the courage to confess his feelings to you, but when a cute boy from australia moves next door, things start to take a turn.
notes: this is a jakehoon love triangle series ! i wrote this long time ago but i’ve fixed it up ! let me know if you have any suggestions or thoughts through my asks !! bolded mean it’s through text btw !! also all members of enha will be featured one way or another !!
tags: @cha-raena​
i plan on updating every day btw !! if u want to be tagged then pls let me know !!
<<<prev chapter
you and jake walked through your front door to see sunghoon eating cupcakes in your kitchen.
your house was like a second home to him, your parents treated him like on of their own.
sunghoon heard the door open and to his surprise he saw you with another boy. he didn’t like that
“sunghoon! this is jake, he just moved today” you closed the door behind you.  “I was thinking that maybe he could join us tonight so you two can get to know each other.” you eagerly wanted the two boys to become friends.
“hey man, its nice to meet you.” jake reached for sunghoons hand.
sunghoons eyes met jakes fingers.
he didnt want to go out with you and jake.
he was going to ask you out tonight... alone.
nonetheless, sunghoon didnt want to be rude or make you upset.
“hey, its nice to meet you. im park sunghoon.” sunghoon shook jakes hand, awkwardly smiling.
“y/n, im sorry but is there a washroom i can use” jake asked
“right over there, jake” you pointed to the hallway beside your kitchen as jake hurriedly rushed to the washroom as he didnt want to leave you two waiting.
you looked over to make sure jake couldnt hear you.
“hoon, isnt he soooo cute?” you squealed.
sunghoons eyes widened. “yeah i guess so”
he just felt like his heart shattered in a million pieces. do you like jake? was he too slow? did he miss his chance? will you ever love him back?
“hey sunghoon, who are those flowers for?” sunghoon was hiding flowers behind his back.
“oh these? theyre for uhhhh... your mom,, yeah” sunghoon scratched his head.
they were really for you.
jake came back from the washroom.
“so lets get going” jake smiled wiping his hands on his pants.
“on second thought, its getting kind of late and i have practice tomorrow morning. i dont think i can go” sunghoon really really did not want to go with you two.
“aw okay hoon, well i guess its just you and me jakey” you turned to jake, giggling.
jakey?! did she just call him “jakey” sunghoon thought. he couldnt let you two be alone together.
“on second thought, i can go for a bit” sunghoon changed his mind
“yayy” you clapped your hands as you three head out the door.
you three talked for about an hour.
sunghoon felt awkward. it was like he was interrupting something.
they just met today. stop overthinking sunghoon took a sip of his milkshake, he looked at you who was looking at jake who was telling some sort of story about his school life back in australia.
“excuse me, im going to go to the washroom” you said. leaving the two boys alone.
“soooo, jake how do you like it here so far” sunghoon tried to break the ice.
“it was hard at first, but y/n is super kind. theres nothing between you two right?” jake remembered what you said earlier that day, but he saw the way sunghoon looked at you, and he saw those flowers in sunghoons hands earlier. he wondered how you were so oblivious that a handsome guy like sunghoon had a crush on you.
“aha nooo, we’re just friends” sunghoon turned red.
jake knew sunghoon was lying. he wanted to help sunghoon but he was kind of interested in y/n. he only met you today but he really felt a connection.
“ah okay good to know. shes really cute and i wouldnt want to ruin anything. would it be okay if i maybe you know” jake smiled.
jake didnt have any ill intention, he just wanted to get to know y/n better plus he was a competitive person. 
“yeah of course aha” sunghoon looked down.
no no no no no he thought.
“thanks bro, i hope we can be friends” jake reached for sunghoons hand again.
sunghoon smiled back
“me too”
later that night,,
sunghoon missed his chance and he knew it
he blew it. he may never get the chance to ask you out
he needed to move faster than jake.
he needed to get it together before jake could.
his phone rang
y/n: hey hoon,, are you okay? you were acting strange earlier
so y/n did notice.. he thought
sunghoon: im okay, ive just been tired. 
y/n: are u sure??? :0
sunghoon: yes i am sure. 
y/n: alright :)) anyways, what do you think of jake.. cute right ;) lol
sunghoon: yeah hes cool
y/n :/// you dont like huh... sunghoon dont be jealous 
sunghoon: why would i be jealous?
y/n: hoon, no one could ever replace you. youre my best friend. youre like a brother to me.
sunghoon: aw ok, ty gn y/n
y/n: hoon? you good?
y/n: sunghoon??
y/n: hello????
sunghoon dialed a number on his phone.
“jay, can you help me out.” sunghoon needed advice from his greatest pal. jay park.
“are you finally going to ask out y/n” 
“yes, i am”
“ALRIGHTTT! lets meet tomorrow at 12″
“sounds like a plan” 
sunghoon hung up the phone.
he sighed, laying on his bed.
hopefully he wasnt too late.
next. chapter 3>>>
notes: if u enjoyed this then pls reblog and like this !! also let me know whos team you are and what you would want to happen next :)))
team jake
team sunghoon
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37 weeks
Summary: your baby came a little early
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Warning: Fluff, birth
Title: 37 weeks
Word count: 1.4k
Pairing: Harry styles x pregnant reader
Masterlist | request closed momentarily
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission. Comments and reblogs welcome!
You were 37 weeks along and you were heavily pregnant. It wasn't a planned pregnancy but you and Harry sure were happy about it. See you both have been together for 3 years now and it didn't surprise you that it happened. Before the tour Harry couldn't keep his hands off of you which led to a bump growing in the oven. Now Harry is on tour for almost 7 months now and he was as anxious as can be when he's away.
Your phone ringing pulled you out of your amazing slumber. You groaned reaching to pick up your phone. You winched at the bright setting, but looked at the caller ID. 
It was Harry
You answered it. "Hello." Harry heard the sleep in your voice and started to feel bad that he woke you up. "I'm sorry love, I woke you up?" You shook your head even though he couldn't see you. "No I should be getting up now really. What are you doing haz?"
He exhaled, "well just finished a show and I wanted to talk to you before I fall asleep." You smiled. "Oh, I would love to talk to you."
You and Harry talked for a while. He asked how you were feeling, how much the baby has been kicking and how your last appointment was. He was such a sweetheart about everything, you're so lucky to have such a loving and caring fiancee.
After a while, Harry started to get sleepy. You both knew it was best if he went to sleep so he could be ready for his show the next day. You said your I love yous and goodnight before you hung up.
You hopped out of bed and went downstairs to make yourself some breakfast. You settled on some cereal and tea. You placed the water on the stove and went to eat your cereal.
You ate and scrolled through your phone until you heard the tea kettle whisper. You got up and winched at a pain in your stomach. You placed your hand on your stomach. The pain disappeared in less than a minute so you thought it was okay. You walked up to the stove and took the kettle off. Another sharp pain filled your stomach, but this time it was stronger. You groaned, gripping the counter. You quickly switched off the stove as the pain took over your body. 
You practice the breathing exercises that you learned in pregnancy class. It helped you a little bit. You got your tea and walked to the living room. You laid down and tried to push the pain away. You couldn't be having contractions, you were 37 weeks along.
You laid and watched TV for a while. You didn't get anymore pain so you thought you were in the clear, but you were wrong. You sat up and the pain came back. "Mm fuck." You had a gush of pain and then you felt wetness in between your legs.
"No, no, no." You looked down and you saw that your sweats were wet. You picked up your phone and dialed Anne's number.
"Y/n, how are you honey?" You winched, "hi uh Anne, my water broke." Anne gasped. "Okay, stay right there. I'm coming." You nodded, "okay."you hung up and waited for Anna to come. She didn't waste any time, she arrived in less than 5 minutes.
She used the key under the flower pot and welcomed herself in. "Y/n." You sighed in relief when you heard her. "In here." Anne walked in and looked at you. "Oh honey, let's get you to the hospital." You got up with her help and she led you to the door. You picked up the hospital bag on the way out not wanting to forget it.
You got in the car and Anne started driving. You picked up your phone, dialing Harry's number through a contraction. 
Harry woke up with a groan, picking up his phone. "Hello." His voice was groggy. "Harry." You said whimpering. Harry quickly sat up. "Y/n what's wrong? Is the baby okay?" You groaned. "Yeah everything is fine, I'm just having contractions." Harry cursed. He got out of bed and started packing his bag."your mom is driving me to the hospital right now." Harry breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that his mom was driving him.
"Alright, just do those deep breath exercises we learned. Do you want me to stay on the phone, love?" You nodded, "Yes please." 
"Okay, inhale and exhale baby." He said as he slung his bag over his shoulder and walked out of the hotel room. He will call the crew later, but right now the only thing he's worried about is you.
Anne arrived at the hospital and pulled into the emergency entrance. She got out of the car and got you a wheelchair so you could be wheeled in. You were still talking to Harry as another contraction hit. The nurse wheeled you in, into a room. 
"Deep breathes love, everything is okay. We're going to have a baby, isn't that amazing?" He tried to calm you down and that made you smile. "Y… yes, we're going to have a baby." Harry chuckled softly at that thought. "I'm going to hang up because I'm at the airport and my jet is here. I love you so much ok, don't have the baby without me."
"Alright haz." You hung up and turned to Anne. "Thank you for bringing me here." She shook her head, "that's what I'm here for." You smiled at her before turning to the nurse. She asked you a series of questions before she put you on an IV. Anne stayed with you coaching you through your contraction. They started to get even more intense as you inched closer to birth. You were sweaty, crying, and cursing mess but she was by your side, even texting Harry telling him everything that was going on.
Speaking of Harry, he was just landing in London. He called Gemma so she could drive him to the hospital. Harry was getting anxiety. His legs were bouncing, his heart was racing as she drove.
"Calm down Harry, mom is with her. It's going to be fine." Harry looked over at Gemma. He exhaled, "I know, I'm just extremely scared." Gemma smiled at her brother, "it's okay Harry, I promise."
You were literally on the edge. You were dialed and the doctor wanted you to push, but you couldn't, not with Harry. "I can't without Harry." you were in pain and crying. The doctor nodded, "I know, but you have to push." You wailed out as another contraction came over you. 
"Okay, fuck I'll push!" You hold your legs back and begin to push. You thought contractions were painful, but pushing was worse. You cried out and pushed the best you could. Through the moment Harry arrived. He sprinted to your room. 
They let him in and he took Anne's place. "You're an amazing baby." You whined while taking his hand. The doctor told you to push again and you did. You squeezed Harry's hand tightly, pushing with all your might. The nurse counted to 10 and you took a deep breath. 
"I can see the head, one more big push." You nodded. You took a breath and pushed hard. You cried out, your body felt like it was on fire. It wasn't long before the pain was eventually over when you heard a cry. You looked down and saw your beautiful baby girl. She was placed on your chest, you cried as you looked up at Harry.
He had tears in his eyes. "She's so beautiful." He took a hold of her tiny hand and kissed it softly. You looked at her. "Yes."
"Have we picked out a name for her?" You looked down at the nurse. "Um yes, Darcy Anne." You turned to Anne who was standing in the corner. "I think she deserves to be named after her amazing grandmother. Anne smiled, placing her hand over her heart. "Really?"
Harry nodded, "yes we couldn't have done this without you ma." Harry let go of Darcy's hand and walked up to his mom giving her a hug. "Thank you so much for everything." Anna hugged her son tightly. You smiled, looking back down at Darcy. She was fast asleep, she didn't know it, but she was about to be the most spoiled princess ever. You and Harry were so happy to have her.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭ 。.・
@captainamerica-is-bae @marvelnaturalock
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