#the tinkerer: Henry about
15 Muse Associations
TAGGED BY: @spacexskunk​​
TAGGING:  @gcldchains​ , @feralreason​ , @kiddscove​ , @in-its-code​​ , @the-quiet-technician​​ , @donewithyourschmidt​​ , @hollowxport​​ , and @weird-fnafaus-rpblog​​
This is going under a read more cause I wanted to do the Save Them trio, so it’s a bit long
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ANIMAL:  French lop rabbit
COLOR(S): Green, lilac, and red
SONG(S):  Christmas Kids, In All My Dreams I Drown, Two , Pretty Lavinia , Babooshka, Me And My Husband , Doctor
DAY OR NIGHT: Sunset  
PLANT(s): Pink carnation and forget-me-nots
SMELL(S):  Fresh cookies , lavender, and strawberries
GEMSTONE: Peridot 
SEASON:  Spring
PLACE(S):  Home, the library, Fredbear’s , and the park
FOOD(S):  New York style pizza, bagels, chili , strawberries, peach cobbler,  and spaghetti with meatballs.
ELEMENT(S):  Earth , void
DRINK(S):  Black coffee , London Fog, apple cider, and rose wine.
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ANIMAL:  Fennec Fox or bear
COLOR(S): Red, purple, and black
MONTH: October
SONG(S):  The Boy In The Bubble ,  Sippy Cup,  Still Feel , Sleepwalk , Home , Surface Pressure ,  Broken Crown , Teen Idle , I Am Not A Robot 
PLANT(s): Succulents , cosmos , and poppies
SMELL(S):  Popcorn, oil, and ash
GEMSTONE: Red Spinel
PLACE(S):  Home, where his next job is, the mall, and his workshop.
FOOD(S):  Popcorn, New York style pizza, and anything spicy he loves 
DRINK(S):  Coffee , Coke , and apple cider. 
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ANIMAL:  Sun bear
COLOR(S): Orange, red, and green
MONTH: October
SONG(S):  Only Love Can Hurt Like This , Fourth Of July  , Atlantis 
PLANT(s): Succulents , cactuses , and roses
SMELL(S):  Oil, gingerbread , and leather
SEASON: Summer
PLACE(S):  Fredbear’s , home , the park, the pool , and the junkyard
FOOD(S):   Risotto , Lasagna ,  minestrone soup ,  tiramisu , and cannoli 
ELEMENT(S):  Fire 
DRINK(S):  Coffee with creamer and milk , cherry soda , pinot Grigio ,and hot chocolate.
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happy-emmdings · 1 year
Me? Still bitter that Emma and Killian didn’t get to exchange their vows aboard the Jolly Roger even though they both clearly liked the idea? Pfff, noooo. Do I look like I still think it was unfair that Killian’s first and only suggestion about his own wedding got shut down in 0.5 seconds? (Henry, buddy, I just wanna talk) Do I look like I was disappointed to see 50 random extras dancing a weird disney channel-esqe choreography instead of more scenes from the actual wedding? Do I look like I expected a best man speech? Or any of the couple’s actual friends turning up?
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ourstoatmeansdeath · 4 months
I've seen a bunch of great posts about Gorgug, identity, multiclassing, and the way Porter and Henry are handling Gorgug's artificer goals.
To me (and a lot of others), it seems like Gorgug wants to multiclass for identity reasons. His adoptive parents are tinkerers, and artificing is a great way to connect with them. And Gorgug's original class of barbarian is associated with half orcs, so that's a way to connect to his birth parents.
Both Porter and Henry say that artificer and barbarian don't really make sense together. Poor Gorgug. I wish we could throw some Anzaldúa and Borderlands at him. [who knows, maybe Jawbone will!]
Henry also says that just because artificing doesn't come naturally to Gorgug doesn't mean he can't do it. Henry says he'd bet on the people who are working every day to be good at something, not the folks who have natural talent. Whereas Porter says Gorgug has natural abilities as a barbarian, but Porter still doesn't think Gorgug gets what rage is. So neither Porter nor Henry think natural ability is the only way to be a class. Porter doesn't think that Gorgug is a good enough barbarian in spite of Gorgug's natural abilities in the class. (Not to mention that Porter thinks Fig really gets being a barbarian, when she doesn't even have a level in the class lol.) Whereas Henry thinks that Gorgug can become a great artificer regardless of any natural talent. And Henry tells Gorgug that Gorgug can do artifacing outside of the structures of school.
How damning is it when the STEM-coded character has more open ideas about identity than you Porter?!?!?! Be better!
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north-noire · 5 months
do you have some headcanons about henry and charlie in your au you can share? :3
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Hello hello, anon! Thanks for the ask! Sorry that this took so long! Okay, first things first: Yes, they're both neurodivergent/autistic. While they're both unaware of that fact (because let's be real, the 1980s time period wasn't as aware of that kind of thing as we do now), they both do kinda understand that they both have their little routine everyday and sometimes they both need some time to themselves. It's that little mutual silence they have with each other when they both work together on their own thing. They both also don't like crowds, but they've just learned to deal with it. And of course, they both love learning about each other's interests and tend to help each other with them! More headcanons under the cut + bonus for Puppet-Charlie and Henry stuff!
Some more headcanons around 1983-era:
Henry and Charlie both love tinkering with their interests - Henry tinkers with robots and inventions and gadgets and whatnot, while Charlie tends to tinker with her old toys and usually modifies them to her liking.
Henry was a former toymaker that worked in a relatively modest toy company before he had agreed to partner with William's business venture, so he'd sometimes make her toys when she was younger. Charlie also grew up with some stopmotion movies and shows that she'd loved, so when Henry gave her a camera on one of her birthdays, she would make stopmotion animations using the toys he gives her and sometimes modifies the toys to be more flexible, or to change their appearance for the stopmotion animation. Charlie also becomes interested in things like puppeteering and miniature sculpting.
They both love drawing! Henry's art has more boxy and mechanical concepts and the like because of his work and just mostly drafting stuff (sometimes he draws people, usually doesn't end up liking them), while Charlie just draw concepts for her little puppets/miniatures, similarly mechanical like her father's, and has a hard time drawing people.
Henry starts to cook more after his wife's late passing for the sake of Charlie, since Charlie tended to miss her mom's cooking. He tries his best. Charlie usually helps him!
Henry makes sure to attend Charlie's baseball games.
They definitely had went to Disneyland at least once, courtesy of William. They both had a grand old time there!
Charlie's flannel shirt was a hand-me-down from Henry's! She loves matching with her father, so she adopted it for herself. Whenever Henry sketches/works on the animatronics, Charlie just sits down and watches her father work/draw. Henry doesn't mind, and usually asks about a few ideas or concepts he has and asks Charlie if it's interesting.
BONUS: Post 1987 Puppet-Charlie and Henry stuff!
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Henry learns to sew more clothing to reuse Charlie's old clothes so Puppet-Charlie could get to wear some of her past outfits if she wanted to. Thrift stores and garage sales are their best friends!
Puppet-Charlie sometimes constricts herself around her father. She's clingy, but Henry doesn't mind at all.
Puppet-Charlie doesn't really need to sleep, so if Henry falls asleep or needs to sleep, she watches over him.
Henry and Puppet-Charlie used to hate long drives. Now they've learned to love it.
Rainy days on the other hand... it's complicated.
Eating "together" was pretty hard for them at first (since Henry is the only one eating), but after some time, they eventually gotten used to it.
Puppet-Charlie had attempted to drive, and she's still learning with Henry's guidance! Henry is just scared because Puppet-Charlie tended to always miss the stop-lights/signs.
Henry retro-fitted an actual jack-in-the-box music box so that Puppet-Charlie can listen to it whenever she wants.
The only times that Puppet-Charlie haven't been weirdly remarked to (by teens and adults anyway, most kids are intrigued/awed by Puppet-Charlie) is Halloween. Both Henry and Puppet-Charlie just kind of deals with it and had gotten used to it. It's not like Henry doesn't get weird remarks either from carrying/walking around with this tall lanky "daughter", so they mostly avoid people unless necessary.
Well, this is how much I can sort of recall at the moment, if I'm revealing more and more, you'll likely find out in more chapters of the fic! If you've made it this far, well, congratulations, and thank you for taking the time to read through ALL this! I hope this answers your question, anon!
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yellowbunnydreams · 7 months
Bunny Ears (Part 7) ~William Afton X F! Reader~
~Sorry for the very silly previous part, it was part of a headcannon me and friend had and it was too good to not write about. *Cue 'was that the bite of '87?!' Meme here*~
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Tag List: @ruh--roh-raggy @h4nluv @sleepy---head @do-double-g @confiscated-peaches-main @dij-ology @viviennemuerte @robin-the-enby @shari-berri @randymeeksisafinalgirl @hallow1090
Cw: CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 30's), divorce/processing divorce, Afton being a sarcastic hot ass, Henry being such a dad, grumpy x sunshine . Faz-Fuck TM
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Half-way through the day, you were only half-way through your shift and you felt as if you could curl up and go to sleep then and there, but you knew you were in for a late night anyway since you still had to wait to be driven home. Henry had been taking you a lot more lately, but tonight he was going to his kid's recital and so you had to wait for Afton, although he was going to be working late in the parts and services room and so you would have to hang around and wait for him.
Looking at the drink in your hand, you went into the staff fridge and grabbed some more water, humming as you moved along the back corridors and kept out of the way of people. Nodding to people as you went past, it was a strangle quiet day at Freddy's. But apparently the local school had a big recital on that night so most kids were there, you almost wondered if William wouldn't be going to his daughter's.
Knocking on the door to parts and services, you peered in cautiously. "Are you decent this time William?" you jokingly called out and you heard his deep rumbling laugh in response.
"Depends on what you find decent, sweetheart." He felt the grin spreading across his face as your silence filled his ears, knowing that your cheeks were flushing and you were getting that slightly glazed look as he put the thought in your head.
"But if you mean am I wearing clothes and not shorts today, yes, yes I am very much decent." He chuckled, hearing you step into the room and letting the door close softly behind you. Appearing from behind a shelf with a bottle of water in your hand, smiling in that way that made his chest tight and his body ache to have you curled against him.
"I brought this for you, I figured you would probably be thirsty."
"Cheers sweetheart, I didn't realise the time honestly." He admitted, looking at his watch and smiling at the little bunny bracelet sat just beneath it, knowing you would see he was still wearing it too. Taking the bottle and unscrewing it, gulping down half the bottle in one breath before he gasped for air, feeling better for the cool water as he wiped his brow with his forearm. Not caring as it almost got on his shirt sleeve that had been rolled up as he focused on the animatronic hand in front of him again.
Frowning, you look at your own watch and then back at William, hands on your hips as you realise this was one of the rare times your head was above his whilst he was hunched over and working.
"Do you even eat whilst you're here William?" You asked, not noticing the slight pause as you said his name, turning and raising an eyebrow at you as he sat back in his seat, crossing his arms for a moment and assessing you before he leaned forwards to work again.
"You're spending too much time around Henry, he's being a bad influence." William scoffed, reaching for a fine tipped screwdriver from the bench and reaching into the mechanism he was tinkering with, slowly and carefully turning the pin-fine screw that he hoped would still be stable enough to support the connection he had put it in.
"Oh and you're a perfect influence?" You ask cheekily, smiling at him as you watched him work, leaning in to get a better look at what he was working on.
"Didn't you know I was a perfect school boy growing up? Would never do anything naughty, especially with an innocent young lady like yourself present." Chuckling as he finally managed to get the screw to the perfect tightness and was about to start tightening another nearby, placing down one screwdriver for another as you spoke up.
"What makes you think I'm so innocent William?" You'd stepped closer and almost whispered it against his ear, not close enough to be considered intimate, but your breath barely scraped his ear and he froze. It was your turn to break him as he felt every muscle tense in his body at your words, swallowing hard as a different kind of ache burned in his stomach instead. Clenching his fists and unclenching them as he slowly turned the swivel chair to face you.
His eyes that were usually such a silvery grey seemed almost charcoal under the light as he looked up at you, his expression totally serious despite there being a little sparkle inside them still. You watched his adams apple bob repeatedly, his hands clenching slightly as you stood before him and his eyes seemed to slowly trail up your body. Your stomach sank as you wondered if you had pushed your friendliness too far with him.
"I suppose I deserve that for making you so flustered all the time." He swallowed, averting his eyes from you as you felt guilty at his expression, shoulders sagging slightly and fingers intertwining together and keeping your eyes down on the floor. William ran his hands through his hair and sighed, his head tipped back slightly as he closed his eyes.
"You've got the worst of both us," he joked, opening his eyes and noticing your quizzical look as he tipped his head towards you. "you're caring like Henry and you've now developed my flir-....humour." he said, catching himself before he called it flirting. He was struggling, and he looked at his hands himself.
"I don't think either of them are bad things." You say softly, coming in close to him and nudging him with your shoulder playfully, your fingers brushing against his arm as he looked at you. "I like your...humour, William. I'm sorry I caught you off guard."
"Apology accepted sweetheart, I guess I just wasn't expecting it to come from you." he spoke softly, letting his hand come up and meet yours briefly like some forbidden touch. His ring catching the low light, making you feel ashamed all over again.
"Still friends?" You asked hopefully, your brow furrowed in concern as he gave you a sweet, lopsided smile.
"I wasn't aware we'd stopped."
It became part of your ritual during your shifts after that. For the next two weeks you brought William water and home-made packed lunches, claiming you'd made extra by mistake and it would only go to waste otherwise. Spending what time you could listening to him talking about his projects whilst you both ate, or him listening to you complain about working with the general public. The kids could be great, but the parents could be nightmares, and he fully understood where you were coming from.
But it was a Saturday once again, and the place heaved with children and grown-ups alike. You'd been running around on your feet all day and you were sure your hair was a mess, face an intense smile or locked in concentration unless something snapped you out of it.
A kid came running up to you, although they didn't scream for attention like some kids so you crouched down and spoke to them softly and evenly. "Are you lost kiddo?"
"No..." Their voice was very soft, clearly nervous that you had taken the time to speak to them rather than them being able to run off again. "You're miss spring-bonnie aren't you?"
You blinked at the question, your cheeks heating up as you were asked and tried to think about how to answer.
"Can you clarify what you mean buddy? Like.. how am I miss Spring-Bonnie?"
"You helped him when he fell over!" The kid beamed and suddenly you understood what they meant, chuckling as you nodded. They lit up as you answered and grinned at you leaning in and whispering to you conspiratorially in the loud way that only children could do. "Will you say hello to him for me?"
"Of course! I'm now going to see him, so I'll say hello then." Watching the kid running off and skipping happily as you headed through to the breakroom. Grabbing your lunches out and some sodas as you walked through the back-halls.
The route to parts and services was familiar now, and you knocked on the heavy door to let William know that you were coming in as you stepped through, his head barely turning as he focused intently on the endoskeleton sat between his knees. Shoulders clamped between his knees as he deftly worked on the wires in the head, you carefully stepped around him and placed his lunch down, opening the box and cracking the drink for him so that he could get straight to eating when he was done. Not having to wait long before you heard the creak of metal and a grunt from William as he hefted the metal skeleton onto a stand opposite where he was working.
"This looks great! Thanks for bringing me this, although I'm suspicious about how much you 'overcook'." He said playfully, his hand brushing your back as he raised an eyebrow at you, making you blush and look at your feet before you spotted a clean spot on the workbench, jumping up onto it and sitting facing him as he remained standing, stretching himself out slightly.
"No, really, I'm just shit at measuring whilst cooking." You lied slightly, whilst you weren't the best cook in the world, you were fairly good at estimating only how much would feed you. But you were happy to be cooking extras and that he seemed to be enjoying them.
Eating in silence for the most part, you were always surprised how quickly he ate. Like he was starving or simply that he was worried somebody might take his food from him if he didn't eat it then and there. Taking a swig of his soda, William smiled and placed his hand next to your thigh, making you think he was picking something off the bench next to you.
"Thank you, bunny." he spoke softly, closing the small gap between you and planting a kiss on your lips, leaving you breathless despite the briefness of it. Taking a second to comprehend what happened just as it took William a second to realise too.
"Did..Did you just kiss me?" You asked, blinking and reaching up to your lips and brushing them with your fingers as you watched William's face fall at the same time he looked relieved.
"I guess..I did, didn't I?" He asked, clarifying you were both on the same page. He rubbed his face and groaned into his hands, thinking about how you would react to him making an impulsive move.
"You stole my first kiss." You murmured, making William's head snap up, still covering his mouth with his hands and looking at your expression for any signs of joking, but when he saw none he groaned louder and ran his hands over his face again, one going into his hair and staying there.
"Shit, I am so, so sorry." Afton felt his heart pounding in his chest as he realised what he'd done, he'd taken your first kiss. You'd just looked so right sat on his workbench and bringing him lunches that were clearly made with love, and he'd acted impulsively as he thought that the time might never be as perfect as the peace the two of you had carved out in the workshop.
"Why are you sorry?" Your voice broke him out of his thought spiral, looking back up at you and adjusting his glasses, seeing you smiling at him in the way that made his chest tight and his stomach flutter nervously, so vulnerable and trusting.
"You're not mad?" Swallowing softly as you shook your head in reply, he took a careful step towards you again. His hand going back to where it had been whilst the other hovered over you shoulder, breathing deeply and raggedly as you saw the darkness that you had seen once before back in his eyes. Hungry, untamed as he met yours. "Then... Can I kiss you again?"
Instead of answering him, you placed your hand against his cheek, feeling the stubble beneath your fingertips and how he leaned his head into your hand slightly, shuffling forwards and your knees sitting either side of his hips as you leant up slightly. William smiled and placed his large hand on your cheek and kissed you back, tender and soft despite the fact his beard scratched slightly at your skin. Taking your breath away again as suddenly all those thoughts you had had where you thought he was handsome, or a million and one times you had stared at him and wondered how his hands felt against you felt justified.
Pulling back after a moment, William placed his forehead against yours, catching his breath and allowing you to as well. You suddenly broke out into a grin and giggled, remembering what the kid had said to you earlier, William raising an eyebrow in question.
"A kid called me 'Miss Spring-Bonnie' earlier, apparently they were psychic." William snorted a laugh out as well, pulling his forehead away and leaving his hand on your face, thumb stroking over your cheek and feeling how soft you were beneath him.
"Oh, you're all ready to be 'Miss Spring-Bonnie' are you, little bunny?" He teased, making your cheeks flush hot at the comment and he chuckled again, leaning in and taking another quick peck from your lips. "How about we seal that with a kiss before you go back to work?"
And you happily obliged as you pressed your lips to yours once again.
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ouatsqincorrect · 8 months
ok no one asked for this but i’m going to talk about some of my favorite little details from 1x01
1. the door to emma’s apartment have the words “cast a spell” on them (which apparently was completely unintentional but still pretty cool)
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2. i don't think this rubix cube means anything, i just like that we get this tiny little insight into emma here
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3. you can clearly see emma’s baby blanket in the background of her apartment, as well as some boxes, which i believe are the same ones that get sent to her in storybrooke later on in the season
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4. we see snow with a bluebird in the EF, and then later on, at the school, she’s with a bluebird again
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5. i know this has probably been talked about a thousand times but i love that we get this shot of emma driving by the clock store (there are so many good nods to clocks and time in this episode and throughout s1)
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6. and then of course, the nod to tinker bell
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7. there’s a painting of a pear behind regina, which is what a student hands snow (instead of an apple)
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8. speaking of apples, regina touches a clock here and then the shot immediately pans to emma setting her drink next to a bunch of apples
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9. when emma crashes the bug, we see a the monkeys from the wizard of oz and then a picture of wonderland (i doubt the wizard of oz one was hinting at s3—they didn’t think that far ahead—but wonderland might’ve been there on purpose)
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10. here charming brooding over a bowl of apples
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11. there are a lot of fairytale pictures in henry’s room in s1 (kind of looks like one of those crime scene boards lol)
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12. also henry’s emails don’t mean anything—i just think they’re funny
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13. our first hidden mickey
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14. henry's swan night light
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15. i love this shot of henry looking at the clocktower but also the fact that the library itself is so decrepit looking in s1
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16. of course, the key to the room at granny's that is given to emma has a swan on it
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17. this is kind of vague but the ring regina's wearing was actually handpicked by lana parrilla and i just love this little detail (it was meant to show that regina is still hanging onto her darker side and past in the EF)
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homiesondaweb · 10 months
This is my theory piece on astv Hobie's Backstory.
Despite the whole Punk lifestyle, living on a repurposed canal boat, minor rock star status, and having active warrants out for both his civilian and Spidey persona thing he's got going on. Hobie had a pretty normal childhood for a bit. 
His Pa managed the local radio stations and his Ma was a lead writer for the newspaper. Hobie found himself the baby out of 5 siblings and their 4 bedroom flat was just a bit too small for the 7 people family but it was great. 
The neighborhood was always lively with community get-togethers, music rattled the bricks and the air was always savory with smell of jerk. Hobie used to eat himself sick with coconut candy and orange cake every weekend. He liked going to 'school' which meant being crammed into Ms. Ngozi and Ms. Freedman's flat with the other neighborhood kids then being taught from books Ms. Freedman had smuggled in when she partnered with Ms. Ngozi. Reading, writing, history, debate, arithmetic, ethics, journalism, all kinds of science but Ngozi loved when Hobie would take a machine apart and remake it. 
His eldest siblings by about 12 years, twin brothers Hudson and Hector ran the 'Shop'. If you needed something fixed within their 6 block neighborhood you took it there. Cars, big appliances, medical equipment, radios, tvs, his brothers could fix it all. They'd fix it good, cheap or free and in a timely manner. (And they greatly encouraged their Little Bart brother to tinker) 
Next was is other older brother, Henry. He was only 9 years older than him. A photographer and worked under their mother getting dynamic shots for any article she posted. He introduced Hobie to a lot of artists and taught him how to observe the world around him. How to sneak in and out of it.
Then there was his only sister, Harley. She was closest in age to him, only 5 years older. She was a badass on the guitar and even slicker at the mouth. She debated anyone under a table and had a right hook to back it up. You never would have pegged her to be the one to run the community garden. Not with her self-done piercings, bleach painted jackets, head fully of bantu knots and black lipstick. But she did, she taught Hobie everything to know about growing orchids and tomatoes.
Life was good. Despite the rising police violence, cost of living, and the fumes of Oscorp rising. 11 year old Hobie didn't know it to be anything else. 
Then, he turns 12. Ma and Henry don't come home.
He's 12 and the Ngozi-Freedman homeschool is raided. He never sees them again but Harley fills her stage trunk with their books and records.
He's 12. Someone reported the shop and President Osborne new "certificate enforcement" squad torches the building. Hudson gets away but the Symbiotes bail out Hector to them and he only has one arm. 
He's 12. The government has taken over the radio station, firing Pa. The house becomes cramped with the equipment Pa had smuggled out. Hudson shows back up and he's as ghost as Hector.
He's 12 and half his friends are just faces on murals and the other half is sick from the water. The garden is sabotaged and the city fines Harley (how the fuck do you fine a 17 year old?) 
And there's a protest. Pa has taken over the radios in the city and rallies the people, he repeats Ma articles over and over informing the people about the propaganda, the contamination, the disappeared people, the injustice. He repeats them and repeated them as the twins litter the city with flyers using Henry's photos of the truth. 
And there's a protest. 
There's hundred of protests of all sizes, all over.
There's a riot. 
There's riots.
There's fire and panic and Symbiotes spill into the neighborhood like oil and-
Hobie turns 13, it's just him and Harley. 
Hobie turns 14, it's just him and Harley's guitar.
Hobie is 15, he's just some punk kid bit by a radioactive spider while trying to find shelter from a Symbiote raid. He uses this to his advantage. 
He turns 16 and instead of blowing out birthday candles he's smashing Harley's guitar through a fascist dictator head with his fellow super powered punks. (He can't think of a better wish)
He's 17 and Miguel makes a mistake in showing up to his dimension with an offer to join his 'society'. 
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too-much-gacha · 2 months
Sweet dreams 1/4
disclaimer: this switches between referring to MC as MC and referring to MC as you, also is this extrovert!MC? I feel like it isn’t but maybe? I’m not sure. Also also, this can be read as romantic or platonic. Except for Luke. Luke is strictly platonic.
It's pretty common knowledge that ever since MC started consciously using magic, their room at House of Lamentation slowly became something akin to a mage’s tower. Though not in a “mansion-size extradimensional space in a kettle” way, but more in a “prevents unconscious use of magic from affecting everything around them” way. In hindsight- a particularly useful feature, when one's aware of how easily magic slips from the human exchange student when they're asleep.
In the beginning, it was small things: the house smelled like melted chocolate, butterflies in the greenhouse would blink at you with their wings or nearby flowers would recite disturbing rhymes. Soon things escalated. House of Lamentation is filled with liquid and everyone jumps at Levi for summoning Lotan again, but it’s not him. The liquid is actually… blueberry jelly? And Henry is outside his tank conversing with Satan’s pencil case about the latest discoveries within curses and hexes and how they relate to raising the prices of brushes for dogs, and after an hour or two it’s gone. Or that one time when suddenly Solomon had to run around Purgatory Hall trying to catch various potion ingredients when they decided to crown Luke as their Princes of The Pot Garden and carry him around. Things got hectic during one of the retreats at Demon Lord’s Castle. The film glitches during one scene and now instead of a dramatic reveal of the murderer there's a seal spinning in circles and a giant goose is chasing Mammon and Asmo and honking about eating cement and stolen homework in the UwU-voice. They are no longer in the Demon Lord's castle but in the car park of a supermarket, or rather the castle is the car park. And Mammon starts screaming bloody murder when the goose catches him in its beak. Then everything vanishes and MC wakes up, assuring they were watching the whole time and didn’t fall asleep. The puzzle pieces started to fall together after that, and that was one mystery solved. But why was MC falling asleep almost faster than Belphie? Well, the poor thing developed something akin to athletic heart syndrome. With so many stimuli, events and tasks happening every day, it became a default to always do something, be somewhere, help someone, play games with Levi, go clubbing with Mammon, pet Devildom cats with Satan bake with Luke, stop Solomon from baking with Luke, tinker with Thirteen, tea at demon Lord’s castle and so many more. Neither of those things bothered MC, they enjoyed each activity, but it became a norm to the point that if MC did something by themselves or just simply did nothing they’d fall asleep. Fortunately, for an identified problem, a more or less optimal solution can be found and everyone has their own idea of what to do when “a wild asleep MC has appeared”.
You were lying on the couch in Lucifer’s study, scrolling through Devilgram, while you waited for him to finish work.
You were planning on playing a round or two of chess after he’s done, but then Lucifer hears a thud. Your phone fell out of your hand.
Lucifer would come and cover you with his coat before going back to his task. He can handle a little unruly magic
But ultimately, when little fire creatures start jumping out of the fireplace and dancing together in circles, he decides that maybe it’s enough for today.
He puts your phone in his back pocket and picks you up, carrying you to your room, careful not to wake you up. Little fire sprites following right behind him.
You get tucked into bed with a little goodnight kiss on the forehead
And maybe just maybe if he will sometimes finish the rest of the documents while sitting in the bed with you
or maybe he’ll just leave them be and fall asleep with you
A lovely afternoon in the cat café by the park, herbal tea, pastries, whimsical cats and…
And you fell asleep, just as Satan was returning with a new bag of treats
Cats were starting to swarm around you as if you were their personal heater
If you were at HoL, reading together in his room or in the common room, he might have waited a bit, but this was the middle of the Devildom, so it was time to head home, but not before he could snap the picture of you surrounded by cats and sending it to the Cats group chat
As he carried you on his back, he felt something drop on his nose. There was no rain in the forecast for today, but that was chocolate dripping from the pink cloud hanging right above Satan’s head in a comically cartoonish way. Great. Just what he needed
He gets you both to your room, both sticky from syrup
the cloud dissipated somewhere around the kitchen, but it didn’t take all the syrup with it
“Did I fall asleep?” you ask drowsy
“Yes, do you want me to wash your hair? It’s all sticky from the chocolate.”
“Yes, please” he wonders if you registered what he said or was the reply purely automatic.
He washes your hair and does the same for himself. You wake up a bit more.
“To be honest. I’m having some munchies.” you hug him as he towels his hair. “Do you want some crackers and hot chocolate?”
Nothing like a little self-care day with you putting on masks, styling each other's hair, painting nail–
“MC darling, you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fi–” a big yawn escaped you.
“Aww, I think somebody is sleepy” he accentuates it with a few head pats “I will run you a nice bath, and we can then snuggle up under blankets” you hummed in approval
He returned to his room to you sitting exactly the same, you even still had a hand raised mid-air like you were waiting for him to apply the next layer of nail polish, but the nail polish was applying itself everywhere but your nails
You fell asleep. You fell asleep!?
In other circumstances, he’d ask someone to carry you so he wouldn’t strain himself (gotta keep up the appearances)
But there’s no time for that if he wants his room and cosmetics in one piece and still useful
He picks you up bridal style and tiptoes to your room
He might then finish your nails, but he’d much rather snuggle up to you. He still needs his beauty sleep
Oh no! You fell asleep, better take the bowl with popcorn from your hands before both of you have a huge mess to clean up
To be fair, Luke almost fell asleep himself. The film wasn’t as interesting as you both thought it would be
But he knew what to do if you fell asleep, he had to ask somebody to take you to your room. Easy!
Except, nobody else was at HoL yet, and Luke heard murmurs from the half-empty bowl. The popcorn people were raising and arming themselves up
He can do it himself. He’s a big, strong boy. He doesn’t need other’s help. If Asmo and Levi can carry you, so can he.
He hooked his arms under your armpits and started dragging you off the sofa. Slowly, carefully so you won’t hit the ground. But the popcorn people started to breach containment, so he picked up the pace
Unfortunately, you were a bit too heavy for Luke and walking backwards did not help. He tripped on the edge of the carpet and fell, and you woke up when the floor met your head.
“Ouch,” you blinked once, twice. The popcorn army crumbled before Luke’s eyes, “Wow, would you look at the time? Come on Luke, we gotta get you to bed or Simeon will have my head”
You took Luke by the hand and started walking away, while he wondered what would happen if you hadn’t woken up. Would he be eaten by popcorn instead of the other way around
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stone-stars · 2 months
Zirk: But I know this much, Mom, I-- I'm gonna make it. I'm gonna make it real. I've got a couple leads, I've got more knowledge than I've ever had, I learned a lot while I was away. I think I know how to make the All-Cure Elixir. It's gonna take a lot of work, like you said, and… I don't know if I can do it on my own, but I also don't know if I can trust you to help me. Caldwell: Um, while I'm working on this, I think that the way that this kind of-- the way that this looks visually is I'm… basically crafting like a metal music cylinder. [Murph: Mm!] 'Cause I feel like one of the things that this needs in addition to like, the complex spell work to cure wounds but also hold a body in stasis, kind of using some of Fia's time magic, is some sort of like… beacon. And I think that, as opposed to like the single chime of a bell, it needs almost like-- a song. And as I'm like tinkering with this I turn to Hank and I say-- Zirk: Hank, that song you sang about Ill Luck Henry. That-- that was like a sea shanty, right? Henry: Yeah, yeah that's right. Zirk: Do you know any other sea shanties? I just need something that could maybe… help a soul find its way back. Caldwell: Zirk reaches into his pocket. And he pulls out a golden cylinder with little notches on it. And around that cylinder is wrapped a scroll with the instructions on it for how to replicate the Revivify spell. He presses it into Henry's hands, and then puts Fia's hands on top of that. Henry: Hey. You're the doctor, buddy. What are ya-- What are we gonna do with this? This-- Fia: Mister Zirk-- Zirk: Sometimes-- Fia: Mister Zirk we can handle her. We really can. Zirk: Sometimes you think that you're the ending of the equation, but in reality you're just the messenger. You're just there to get it to the right hands. It's been an honor being a Third Mate. Murph: So, Fia, Zirk gave you the stuff for Revivify. This is a near impossible task, the spell has not been cast in forever, normally this would be a DC 30, the DC for something that's near impossible, but since Zirk took it down 5 levels from level 9 to level 4, we'll take 5 off of it and make it a DC 25 arcana check. Emily: I got a fucking 27 right off the fucking bat. [Everyone laughs in relief.] Emily: Oh I didn't even [rolls] technically a 28. Murph: A 28. Caldwell: Oh, yeah. [Sighs in relief] Okay. Okay. Murph: Um, you see Fia goes over, reads-- reads the um, spell that Zirk has put together. Um, and for the first time since Old Zelbuldar was banished, a Revivify spell is cast. Um, you guys see Zirk on the ground, whose body has frozen… Zirk as you died, you felt like-- as if you had like hypothermia. You felt like, a warmth, and you just went to sleep, and then all of a sudden [gasps] you come back. [Zirk coughs. He continues gasping and coughing as Fia talks.] Emily: You wake up to me crying just being like-- Fia, distraught: It should've been you casting this spell. Why is it me? It should've been you, you did all this fucking work, for what? Me to waltz in and fucking do it? Henry: It works! Hey, it works! Fia: It should have been fucking you! It should have been fucking you! Henry: Hey-- Open you-- Open your eyes, Fia. Fia: What? Henry: It-- you did it Zirk. The All-Cure. [Fia breathes heavily, relieved.] Zirk, weakly: They should call you… Doctor Fia. [Henry and Fia laugh.] Fia: I am not accredited. [Caldwell and Murph laugh.]
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There’s a tired sigh from the short round man sat at the drawing desk in front of him.  Hand going near his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose , briefly  brushing against his stubbly beard. The messy auburn curls on his head move slightly with his frustrated body language. 
Henry Angelo Emily is now available as a test muse for asks and threads
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Does anyone get a weird vibe from Henry? Like I just didn’t vibe with how he would talk about gorgug’s parents like “oh they’re tinkerers right?” “They have a little lab set up in their house?” It just came as very condescending to me and I need to know if it’s just me
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stasis-v-change · 10 days
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Ask about our au/Ask the characters!!
Context: William is a shape-shifting young vampire trying to raise a family.
Henry is a tinkerer with some dark secrets.
(This au is very unrelated to fnaf besides characters and Sort of Extrapolating on themes present in fnaf.)
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twisting-echo · 2 months
Crossover Crackships I ship based solely on obscure merch!
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Anna x Mayor Lionheart
So, I reblogged this serendipitous gift of a crackship a while ago and promised myself to make a moodboard or a collage out of it, but I totally forgot. I recently rediscovered this when I was going through the “Anna” tag on my blog and decided to actually go retweet this hilarious post on my Twitter.
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When I retweeted the post, I saw that someone actually drew fan art of it in the comments and called it their OTP. And in that moment, I knew that I was prepared to ship them harder than ever before. lol
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A tale as old as time~
LINK TO TWEET - I got a Beauty and the Beast gift from my mom that she put together herself!
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Tinker Bell x Stitch
So, I found this random Tumblr post of someone sharing their Phantom Manor pins, and I found something particularly interesting about them. The pins have cast Tinker Bell as Melanie Ravenswood, the bride of Phantom Manor at Disneyland Paris, and Stitch as Jake the Foreman, Melanie's ill-fated fiancé. And yes, the pins also have Stitch cast as the Phantom, aka Henry Ravenswood Melanie's cruel father (but we're going to ignore that part).
The thing that got me hooked was the pin where Tinker Bell and Stitch are sitting together, arms linked, on a picnic date. I know, call me “weird” or whatever you'd like, but I thought it was really cute and wholesome for some reason, despite knowing what actually happens to Melanie and Jake on that picnic date.
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Here are the best photos I could find of the Phantom Manor stretching portraits for more clarity and context.
I would like to end this by saying that Stitch seems to have a thing for Disney ladies, so could you blame me? Don't believe me? Check out this video in the link above, clearly showing Stitch wolf-whistling at Belle and flirting with Jasmine.
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verosvault · 3 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 00:42:47
Video Length: 4min. & 20sec.
Gorgug's NAT20s in Artificer Class!!!
Brennan: "Who else is rolling?"
Zac: "I think I know that I would be doing Academics."
Brennan: "Cool. I think we're gonna burn through all four of your academic tracks all at once right now."
Zac: "Now, help me out with the math of like, does it help me to do the easiest Artificer class at the five or should I?"
Brennan: "You're gonna do all three Artificers in a row."
Zac: "Okay."
Brennan: "It's basically do you wanna do all three Artificers first and Barbarian last or do you wanna do Barbarian first and then all three Artificers?"
Zac: "I think I'll do Artificers first."
Murph: "Yeah, you probably want lower DC for Artificer, right?"
Zac: "Yeah."
Brennan: "Great. You can do Arcana, Tinker's Tools or Investigation."
Zac: "I'll do Tinker's Tools. It's much better than the others."
Brennan: "Hell yeah. Go for it."
Zac: "Okay, so first Artificer class." *rolls* "Okay, that's a 21."
Brennan: "21. As the weeks go along, you dive in. Henry is here, all the other Artificer students. You're surrounded by robots and weird mists, in encounter suits and stuff like that."
Zac: "I'm giddy."
Brennan: "The freshman stuff, you get an A+. You put a ****ing satellite in the sky. You are an accomplished Artificer. And if you think about, how many Artificer levels does Gorgug have? You have like five, right?"
Zac: "Now five. Yeah."
Brennan: "Think about the fact that you ended freshman year at level eight. You get it. So, A+ in freshman Artificing."
Lou: "All right. All right."
Zac: "Okay."
Brennan: "Let's go round two. DC jumps up by five. Same check."
Zac: "Okay. Okay." *rolls* "That is a 13."
Brennan: "Will allow you to pass sophomore Artificer with a C."
Zac: "Okay."
Murph: "You have a bardic, right?"
Zac: "Oh. Oh!"
Lou: "You also have two more levels of class you need to just pass."
Zac: "I might take a stress token."
Brennan: "Take a little stress token." *evilly smiling 😭😭✋✋*
Zac: "Do another."
Ally: "Is a C okay though?"
Siobhan: "C is okay. C's get degrees."
Zac: "Is C okay?"
Brennan: 😬🫤
Lou: "It's not a D. It could have been a D."
Siobhan: "You could re-roll and get worse."
Murph: "Yeah, that's true."
Zac: "Oh gosh. My roll is six. I'll take one stress token."
Lou: "Ooh"
Ally: *claps*
The awesome caption team: (tense bass)
Brennan: "Gorgug takes our first stress token. I'm so happy." *evilly smiling 😭*
The awesome caption team: (Zac groaning)
Ally: "We gotta get you the MCAT, Gorgug."
Brennan: "We'll resolve what the stress...like we're all gonna meet all of you when we come outta downtime to see how ****ing fried you all are. So we'll resolve what happens with those at the end. Go ahead and re-roll."
Zac: *rolls*
Emily: *sighs*
Ally: "Worse?"
Zac: "It's a Nat 1."
Brennan: "Nat 1. Okay."
Zac: "Now, so what happens if I take a second stress token?"
Brennan: "That would be the final one you can take for this roll."
Zac: "Okay, I'll do that."
Brennan: "Cool, stress. Here you go." *evilly smiling*
Lou: "So when you take a stress token, it obliterates?"
Brennan: "It obliterates the previous roll."
Lou: *gasps* "Oh boy."
Ally: "Ohhh. It's not advantage."
Zac: "Okay." *Rolls* "Nat20!"
Siobhan: *gasps*
Brennan: "Yes! OMG!"
Gorgug: "I'm getting it!"
Zac: "Oh!"
Brennan: "You unlock a ****ing... we'll have to deal with that. We'll talk at the break. But that is ****ing huge."
Ally: "Wow!"
Brennan: "A+, nat20. Also, Gorgug, you unlock an academic resource which will come into play..." *shrugs* "later this season. I'll also talk to you about that secretly."
Siobhan: "Whoa!"
Brennan: "And it's up to you whether you would tell your classmates or not."
Lou: "All right."
Brennan: "Holy 💩. Okay, two stress tokens. You got it. A+."
Ally: "Wow. Yeah, worth it, honestly."
Brennan: "Gorgug is gonna be ****ing fried at the end of this." *laughs 😭* "Now You're gonna do your Junior Year Artifice."
Zac: "Okay."
Brennan: "The DC has jumped up by 10. So just passing, a D is a 15. Right?"
Zac: "Okay."
Brennan: "And then an A would be a 27."
Zac: "And I don't get anything from the nat20 in terms of my roll, right?"
Brennan: "I'll say with a nat20, I'll give you advantage on this roll. You roll this with advantage."
Zac: "It doesn't hurt to ask, you know?"
Brennan: "It doesn't hurt to ask."
Emily: "Just gotta ask."
Brennan: "Go for it."
Zac: "All right. Hello, fellow Juniors." *rolls* "Another Nat 20."
Brennan: "Nat20?!?!?!"
Everyone going wild with cheers and claps
Brennan: "What the ****?!"
Lou: "He's an Artificer."
Siobhan: "He's the greatest wizard ever born!" (The caption team missed this amazing line Siobhan said! 😭✋)
Ally: "Gorgug! Gorgug! You're listening to 'The Beats to Study To.'"
Lou: "Yes."
Ally: "That girl with her cat. You're just like, 'Yeah.'"
Zac: "I'm so chilled."
Lou: "I pay her to come by."
Brennan: "Oh my ****ing ***."
Lou: "She sits in the window."
Emily: "Yeah!"
Zac: "School's easy."
Ally: "Dude, you're killing it! You're killing it!"
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Another thing about Porter from Ep. 9, time stamp 01:29:13, was when he said "there are some beaurucratic loopholes...for students who have been unfairly maligned by the rules" (referring to the Last Stand test), and it's like, dude! YOU were the thing that Gorgug was unfairly maligned by!!
FURTHERMORE. Henry Hopclap is on my shitlist too! I personally read his first interaction with Gorgug with a bit of condescension (his "your parents are sort of tinkers right", "I talked to Porter about it, and the letter from your parents was so sweet", "some sort of practical engineering stuff", plus it felt like Zac was also playing it like Gorgug needed to prove he should be there). He was really pushing the narrative of, well even though I'm making you take all three classes at once, if you really wanted it you'd be able to do it, etc. And also just falling into the narrative of, it's out of my hands.
Which I know is the whole point of the season, that systems that are supposed to support are designed to fail, but golly.
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resowrites · 1 year
Bell Ringers - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry’s taken aback by a surprise revelation…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Girlfriend!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, dialogue heavy, language, pet names, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 1230
A/N: *Sigh* Let’s see if this one manages to stay under tags lol If not then enjoy while you can!
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Bell Ringers - oneshot.
“Oh bollocks and arse.” Henry lowered the PC back onto the desk and stood observing it for a moment. “Well there’s nothing for it, I shall have to fetch Lady Cavill.” He plodded into the hallway, turning his head from side to side. “Ollie? Ollieee... where is she? Ollieeeeee...” Still no reply. “MRS CAVILLLLLL!” A minute or two later he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. “Hark, a woman draws near...”
“What you foghorn?! I was upstairs making up the bloody bed. And Mrs. Cavill’s your mum.”
“… Oh yeah, I never thought of that. And no you weren’t, you’re eating crisps.”
“I was taking a break.” Henry laughed.
“Well now I require your assistance.” He swept his arms toward the den.
“For what? Henry, I don’t have time for any naughtiness—”
“No, no naughtiness, though it’s a task of equal importance—”
“I can guarantee it isn’t. Now be gone, I still haven’t started dinner—”
“Alarming though that is, I really do need your help.” She groaned as Henry led her by the hand and into the den. 
“… Why’s your PC on its side? Did you slam a door too hard?”
“No, it went kaput while I was gaming so I tipped it forward to have a look at the wiring and a cable’s slipped down one of the shafts. I need you to try and fish it out.”
“What? Why? You’ve got small enough hands, you do it—”
“Whoa, hang on… did you just say I have small hands?” She stopped still, blinking at him.
“Well, not small exactly. More... slender.” Henry’s mouth fell open.
“Mmm.” She shoved a thick stack of crisps into her mouth.
“I... I don’t believe this...”
“I mean to be fair, the rest of you is rather large… so that doesn’t help—”
“No, don’t backtrack, have you always felt this way? Or did someone point it out to you?!”
“… I think the better question is how do you not know the answer to that?” His eyebrows almost hit the ceiling.
“Are you being serious?!”
“Oh for God’s sake, they’re not sideshow small—”
“No, just small enough for you to avoid saying anything for nearly ten years!”
“Well I didn’t want to rub it in.”
“Right, well thanks for all your help, don’t worry about dinner.” Henry picked up a screwdriver and began to undo the casing.
“Wow, are you that upset? Well I can’t leave you to starve, here have some Frazzles…” She held out the bag of crisps. “There we are, stick your little fingers in there.” He let the tool clatter onto the table.
“Okay, apologise please.”
“For what?”
“For this affront to my manhood.” She clucked her tongue. “No, I mean it. You have before you a man so masculine he could even impregnate himself, and all you can do is make blithe statements.”
“Do manly men say ‘blithe?’” Henry pursed his lips. “And I don’t know that fiddling with a computer best illustrates your point…”
“I’m not fiddling with it—”
“No… more like tinkering.” He tried to wipe the smile from his face.
“Say sorry.”
“No, you didn’t hesitate to tell me I’ve got a big arse, so why should I? Although now that I think of it, it probably just feels bigger cos you can’t get a proper grip.”
“Well carry on and it’ll be getting a smack.”
“Except I won’t really feel it will I?”
“Yes you will. Trust me.”
“Nah. It’ll be more like a slight pinch… which is fine as I’m used to a tiny prick.”
“Alright, out. Now.” 
“Why? You said you wanted my help?!” 
“Not anymore. Off you fuck.” Henry signalled towards the door.
“What? Are you pointing at something? I can’t tell.” He looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes. “Oh darling, it’s really just a matter of perspective. I mean, if you took up the piano you could get really good...”
“Mm-hmm. If you’re gunna stick around hand me that duct tape.”
“What for?”
“Your gob. And this wire, come hold it for me.” She dutifully obliged, taking her time to look over his features.
“What? What flaws have you discovered now?”
“Were you after a list?” Henry tutted. “You know you really are making a fuss over nothing. You’ve got plenty of role models. What’s that Paul Newman film? Small Hand Luke?” He sighed.
“It’s Cool Hand Luke. Right, let me just align the casing and we’ll see if this bloody thing turns on.” 
“Righty-ho. Use both hands.” 
“Ollie, that’s your last warning.”
“Or what?”
“Okay, you asked for it.” Henry finished tightening the last screw and stood back to admire his handiwork. 
“… Oh my God, am I trapped in here? I can’t get my hand out!”
“Oh, that’s odd. Tell me, can you see these now?” He stuck two fingers up at her.
“Henry, let me out please—“
“Nope.” He pilfered the pack of crisps off the desk and made for the door.
“Wait! If you don’t let me out, who’s gunna do dinner?” Henry shrugged.
“I’ll get pizza.”
“But what about me?!”
“Well if you’re good I’ll bring you the crusts.” She sighed. “You could, of course, just apologise…”
“Nighty night, then.” Once again he headed for the door, this time stopping to turn off the light.
“Don’t leave.” 
“Why not?” Henry still hadn't turned the light back on and all she could hear was him munching away in the dark.
“… Cos it’s scary.” He chuckled.
“Then say sorry.”
“Okay, just turn the sodding light back on and let me out!” Henry did as he was told, though he held down the casing once it was finally unscrewed.
“Well?” She sighed again. “Come on, I know you’ve got it in you. Dig deep.”
“… I’m sorry Henry.”
“For what?”
“For making the observation—“
“Nope. Try again.”
“For saying you have small hands. Though true, it wasn’t my place to point it out.” He shook his head and began screwing the casing back in place.
“Okay, okay… you’re right. Size is subjective.”
“Yes, but we both agree my hands are massive, both in proportion to my body and generally speaking. As are my cock and brains. Correct?” She pursed her lips.
“… What about your balls?”
“Can’t we just meet halfway and say average?” 
“No, cos that would be untruthful.”
“Fine. Just let me out.”
“Ah-ah. Apologise one last time. God knows when I’ll get to hear it again.” She took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry…” Henry smiled and finally released her. “That you’re small.” She tried to dart around him, but he was too quick and lifted her into his arms. “PUT ME DOWN KNOBHEADDD.”
“Nope. Come on now, don’t wriggle! Stop, stop, stop. Shhh, you’re not getting away!” Though she certainly tried. “Shush now, there we are,” Henry rocked her gently back and forth, “if you needed attention all you had to do was ask for it.” She gritted her teeth.
“Henry I will bite you.”
“No you won’t. Gimme a kiss and I’ll let go.” She wriggled harder and managed to get one foot on the floor. Eventually, she wrestled free.
“Ha! You can’t even handle me with two hands!” She staggered her way to the door, breathless but triumphant. “Oh, and your feet are small too.” Moments later he was carrying her over his shoulders. 
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