#the tree with its beauty and wisdom <3
happyheidi · 1 year
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Hatfield Forest Buttercups by Brian Roberts
“The buttercups are all on display in Hatfield forest at the moment and yesterday was the first time I have seen them with some mist and a little drifting fog."
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dduane · 10 months
WIP Wednesday: "Why The Wren is Queen of Birds"
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From the upcoming Tales of the Five #3: The Librarian: a fairy tale* of southern Arlen.
In the south of our land, in the mountain-wall’s shadow near Dhiil, they tell this tale of the ancient days after the Great Dark was downthrown and destroyed at last.
In that time the Goddess first began to send humankind royal rulers to mediate between the folk of those first realms and the land on which they depended for their lives. And in those days the birds of the world came together in a great parliament and decided they too should have a King or Queen. "For we’re a far older people than the humans are," said some among the birds, "and far more numerous and varied in our kinds. So by rights we ought to have a ruler over us such as the Mistress of the World has given these new young creatures, to show forth our age in the world and our importance in it."
And no sooner had this been agreed than the birds began to squabble over who should be their new King or Queen.
"It should be the strongest of birds," said the great mountain vulture. "It should be the most beautiful of birds," said the rainbow-feathered lyretail. "It should be the bird that sings best, the sweetest-voiced," said the melodious nightingale. "It should be the sharpest-eyed of birds," said the passager-falcon.
A long time the quarrel went on, but no decision could be reached. Finally a hedge-sparrow said, "The owl is said to be wise, and has not spoken. Let us ask the owl." And that seemed a good enough idea that the birds went straight to the great crested owl, who sat in a tree hard by where the parliament had been taking place, dozing the day away.
The birds woke the owl and said, "Wise one, how shall we choose what bird among us shall be our Queen or King?"
And the owl looked south and north, and west and east, and over its own shoulder, seeking the answer. Finally it said, "The deepest truth of being a bird is that one flies. Therefore let the Monarch of Birds be the one who flies the highest."
And this advice seemed good to all the birds gathered there in parliament. So it was agreed and then sung and cried far and wide for every bird to hear, both great and small; from the great dragon-eagle to the tiny wren.
The wren in her holly-bush, when she heard this news, smiled to herself. "There are more truths to being a bird than flight," she said, "and more kinds of wisdom than are owned by owls. I have an idea which bird may yet fly highest!"
So the day came when all the birds of the world assembled, and all flew to see which one might fly the highest. Up and up they went in great waves of flight, so that the sky grew dark with them, and in their dwellings humans looked up in alarm, saying "What devilry is the Shadow planning now?" For the Dark was only a few lives of mankind gone, and humans’ fear of Its malice was greater than their wisdom.
However, the birds cared nothing for the fears of human beings, and only strove to see who would rise highest. The birds of field and hedge dropped away first, and then the birds of the treetops and the tall forests. A while longer the birds of the upper sky rose up together, the hawks and eagles and the mightiest seabirds. But one by one they all fell back and could fly no more through air that was too thin and cold for them; and at last the only one who remained was the greatest of eagles, a Darthene dragon-eagle, grey-pinioned and golden-eyed with a spiky crown of feathers.**
And that dragon-eagle beat his way up and up until it seemed the blue of the sky was starting to go darker and the horizon might to a keen eye be starting to show the shadow of a curve, and even for a bird who was so often neighbor to the great heights, breathing had become hard. And looking around and seeing no other bird had kept pace, the dragon-eagle cried out in triumph and folded his wings to fall back toward the world and his waiting kingship. But as his wings folded down, a tiny grey shape started up from between them and flew, and kept flying upwards. It was the wren, who had hidden herself among the dragon-eagle’s feathers, and now flew higher than he—a tall tree’s worth of higher; two trees’ worth; five.
The dragon-eagle was nigh spent, and could not follow her. He let himself fall back to earth until he knew there would be enough air under his wings for them to bite into. Then he made his way swiftly to the place that had been set aside for the crowning of the ruler of birds. But not too far behind him came the wren, falling as fast as he into the upper airs, and finally to the grove and glade where the representatives of the bird-parliament awaited the winner.
Great was their confusion when the wren came down to perch on a tree-branch in the center of the glade and cry, "I am your ruler, for I flew the highest!" And down in his turn came the dragon-eagle, full of wrath, though he kept his dignity about him. "She flew higher than I," he said. "That much is true. But I flew all the way on my own wings from a treetop perch right up into the great heights where the sky grows dark and the air grows thin. And all that long way the wren hid amidst the down of my back, so that I carried both myself and her all that way. The feat of the highest flight is therefore far more mine than hers, and I am your king by right!"
And hearing these two claims, the birds in parliament began to squabble and argue the merits of each side, until the whole place sounded like a great noisy rookery at sunset. Yet they could find neither answer nor decision; so at last they turned to the Goddess.
As always, where many call upon Her together, there She is, whether She be seen or no. And here, since there was need, swiftly She was seen. To them She looked of course like a bird, mighty and radiant: and all bowed in awe before Her. But the awe lasted only a short while, and in little time the birds began to quarrel before Her over the issue they had begged Her to resolve.
Quite soon, "Peace, my dears, have pity! You’ll deafen me with your noise," the Goddess said, when the commotion had swollen to the point where even a deity might not hear Herself think. "Set out your case, now, so that I may judge."
So they laid it all out before Her, glossing nothing over and leaving nothing out. Then all waited in breathless stillness for Her verdict.
Due consideration She gave their issue; and then spoke and said, "The agreement you all made was that the bird who flew highest should be set as ruler above you. No one said that the bird who flew highest must also fly all the way."
"But that should have been understood!" the dragon-eagle cried in his wrath.
"It may often seem after the fact that many things should have been understood from the start," the Goddess said. "But that is not how it goes. When a game is to be rightly played, all the rules must be agreed first. When the game is begun, and won, it must be judged by what rules were decided before it began: not ones thought of after it’s done." And She looked sorrowful. "I was first to learn that rule. Now, it seems, comes your turn."
And She rose up in Her majesty before them and said, "By the rules of the contest you set for yourselves, the Wren is now your ruler." And as the Wren bowed down before Her, the Goddess reached out a pinion and with one primary-feather brushed the top of the wren’s head, which to this day bears the little gold mark She put there—the sign of its new-made royalty, and the Kingdoms’ first crown.
“Here then behold your Queen,’ said the Goddess to the parliament assembled. And some birds bowed to their new-made ruler, and some did not, grumbling among themselves and glaring at the Wren—as they dared not glare at the Goddess, preferring to think of Her as blameless, and as one who had been befooled, even as the Shadow had befooled Her when the world first began.
And soon enough the Wren began to issue commands to her subjects, telling the ravens, "Your harsh voices were better not lifted in song," and saying to the nightingales, "Your voices are fair but you should be still after dark so that others can sleep," and to the sparrowhawks, "You must cease your preying on small birds and confine yourselves to rats and conies and other such vermin." In short, she put forth many edicts that either seemed to favor her own tribe of birds, or were made to show that she by her fledgling royalty might command what she liked whether there was much sense in it or not.
It was not long before the birds began to chafe at this. And one day the Wren saw a carrion-crow swoop down on a pond, where it snapped up a duckling and swallowed it whole; and the Wren became wroth and cried out, "I pronounce you cast out from among your kind for devouring the living instead of the dead!" And no sooner had the scaldcrow gobbled the duckling down than he stared at the Wren on the willow-branch where she sat, and cawed, "Pronounce what you like, cheating little hedge-peeper; you have no power to make me pay you any mind!"
“I am your Queen, made so by the Goddess, and you must obey me!" the Wren shouted in a fury. But the carrion-crow laughed at her and said, "The only thing I need obey is my stomach, which says you will make a good end to my nunch!" And he flew at the Wren, so that only hardly did she escape from him by diving into a hole in a nearby hedge-bank.
Soon word got about that the Wren had no power to enforce her decrees, and that they only had force when the will of those she commanded allowed it. And quickly she found herself being mocked or ignored, and sometimes attacked and pursued by other birds who hated her and tried to kill her. Some of these said "What fools thought a ruler over us would be a good idea? Let’s have no more of this nonsense, but be free!", and others, "Once this monarch is gone, who knows, the next one may be better."
In no long time the Wren wearied of this strife. At last she took her grievance to the Goddess. "Great Mistress and Queen of the World," the Wren cried to Her, "the birds will not acknowledge me to be their ruler! They hate me because I was cleverer than they."
“It is a hard thing to learn," said the Goddess, “that sometimes cleverness is not enough… or too much.” And She looked sorrowful. “I grieve that you have had to learn it so.”
“All this could be put right,” said the Wren, “if only You would simply give me the power to make them do what I command.”
“That would be a change to the agreement that, unchanged, made you Queen in the first place,” the Goddess said. “My sorrow that your change cannot be made so after the fact any more than the Dragon-eagle’s could be. You’ve built yourself this nest, dear one. Now you must lodge in it and hatch out what chicks you can.” And She vanished away.
And so it is that the Wren is yet held to be Queen of Birds, for though she was never deposed, no other bird was afterward ever found wise (or foolish) enough to hold the office, not even the owl. The only court the Wren Queen holds is hidden away in holes and hedges, to avoid her enemies’ sight, and there she raises her chicks on worms and bugs in a nest no bigger than a child’s goblet. Her only state is the flash of gold on her crest, and in all other ways she goes as quietly as she may—in all ways the smallest and plainest of all birds. Whether she ever came to understand that royalty rightly exercised needs far more than mere cleverness, and needs the heart at as much as the mind, if not more, no one can say. For in this making of the world, even the Goddess who made all things has no power to make even the smallest creature wise against its will. In Her next making, may all things run more smoothly!
So they tell the tale in the high South; and in the low North, where folly resides, who knows what tale they tell? But now this one is done.
*Using the class-name here as the closest match to this kind of story in the Kingdoms, which lacks beings corresponding to fairies.
**On our Earth, Harpia harpyja, the harpy eagle.
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noise-vs-signal · 3 months
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Serpentine Vibrations
Sing the notes of the scale, ascending the ladder (spine) from lowest to highest.
Move on to sounding the vowel from each note. Feel how your mouth changes shape for each one, and practice different ways of singing and vibrating these.
For each vowel visualise and feel the appropriate planetary sphere at each station along your central axis (axis mundi).
The low bass of Red Mars, molten magma, iron will, will to live, life force. Om, ॐ, Aum, primeval sound, Omega, Ω, Ouroboros, world serpent, coiled 3 and a 1/2 times at the base of the spine, the base of the world tree.
The songs of Orange Mercury, the serpent undulating across the desert sands, sibilant syllables, the sacred letters and words, the world as language, Aleph, א, the Alphabet, Alpha and Omega, twin serpents twined round the caduceus, the spiral of DNA.
The music of the Yellow Sun, light and beauty, Eros, desire, energy and electricity, the serpent basking in the Sun, its warmth and heat, curled round the fire.
The release and pleasure of Green Venus, Amor, Love, Aphrodite, Viriditas, Mother Nature, Gaia, the emerald scales of the serpent, emerald stone in the crown of Lucifer, Morning Star, Venus.
The clarion call of Blue Jupiter, the bass note of Mars now at a higher level, Odin, All Father, the song of the runes, cerulean sky, Ouranos, Odysseus, πολύτροπος, shape shifter, serpent twisting and turning.
The symphony of the Indigo Moon, her different phases, from dark to light, the mirror of Artemis, the wisdom of Athena, Ariadne, Shiva's 3rd Eye, serpent shedding its skin, shedding the outer world.
The vibration and frequencies of Ultraviolet Saturn, Time encircling us, the fire in which we burn, Kali dancing on Shiva's corpse, Ecstasy, Serpent becoming the Great Dragon, the Phoenix, Exit into Eternity ...
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totkdaily · 2 months
Top Six Peaks of Hyrule
We climbed the peaks of Hyrule so you don't have to! Which of these landmarks measure up? And which fall short of their promised splendour? Enjoy our rankings - number two will shock you!
6. Hebra Peak
Views of this peak from afar are impressive, particularly from a southeasterly direction where the impact from Vah Medoh's attack on Calamity Ganon is clearly visible.
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But the hard hike to the summit - an ascent from Rito Village, the nearest settlement, would take an experienced, well-equipped hiker around 14 hours to complete - is not well-rewarded. The weather on the peak is usually dire. Even if the clouds break, the view is obscured by sheer distance - and the circling aerocudas overhead are somewhat distracting.
5. Mount Lanayru
A hard hike from Hateno Village, navigating over Madorna Mountain, this remote location's views suffer from the same weather conditions as Hebra Peak.
However, resilient hikers able to make the trek will be rewarded by this peak's saving grace - the Shrine of Wisdom.
Nestled among the icy spires of the otherwise unwelcoming summit, the Shrine of Wisdom is a tranquil location. Visitors may have the privilege of bathing in the icy sacred waters, or praying to the Goddess Statue, one of the largest in Hyrule. This most remote Shrine of the Goddess is well worth a visit - but make sure to pack climbing and gliding gear, and snowshoes if you have them.
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4. Death Mountain
The views are as fantastic as one might expect, but the sign at the top boasting Death Mountain as the number one of 100 famous mountains of Hyrule might be overselling it. The gloom still pouring out of the crater is sure to put a dampener on any picnic, and the jagged spires around the crater's edge mean that you'll need climbing gear or a glider to truly enjoy the panoramic views of Hyrule and its sky islands.
From ice to heat! Death Mountain is certainly more accessible since the volcano stopped erupting a few years ago. Now, there are two main routes to the summit: the quick and exhilarating route up the mine cart tracks from Goron City's outskirts, or the old-school monster-infested trek through the hills from Foothill Stable. The accessibility of the mining tracks makes this peak a short and rewarding trip.
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3. Dueling Peaks
Dueling Peaks is an all-round good choice for a trip into Hyrule's beautiful natural scenery. The northern peak is convenient for a hike from Kakariko Village, or climbers who're looking for a challenge can set out from Dueling Peaks Stable. The southern peak is a little trickier to reach - we'd recommend heading between the peaks from Dueling Peaks Stable and approaching from the southeast.
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2. Satori Mountain
Ultimately, while Dueling Peaks is a fine destination for a day trip or a picnic, it suffers from a lack of distinctive landmarks or features to recommend it. Its shape can be seen much more dramatically from the Great Plateau, and unless you're confident with a glider or climbing gear it's difficult to visit both peaks in one trip. But the views of Hyrule Plain and the jungles of Faron are unmatched.
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Famous for its ecological marvels and mystical presence, you might be surprised that Satori Mountain isn't higher up on this list! It is relatively easy to get to, being a short ride from Outskirt Stable. And it's certainly worth a trip for enthusiasts of hunting and botany.
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The hike up the slopes is idyllic, through the peaceful Dalite Forest and past the enchanting Rutile Lake. The final approach heads past a beautiful cherry blossom tree beside a small pond - delightful! But the peak itself is a relative disappointment, being three bare rock spires. While they give Satori Mountain its distinctive shape from afar, this underwhelming summit marks Satori Mountain down in our estimation.
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1. Shatterback Point
The area was once home to a rather fearsome Lynel, but thanks to King Sidon's efforts it is once again safe for travellers. Now, the peak stands as a testament to both Zoran history and natural beauty. Mipha Court is a tranquil spot and a well-deserved monument to Princess Mipha. And from here, the sky islands are almost close enough to touch!
The highest point on Ploymus Mountain, Shatterback Point is easily accessible from Zora's Domain and well worth a visit for its spectacular views across Zoran architecture and engineering, from the King's Palace to the East Reservoir.
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All in all, we feel confident in saying this is Hyrule's best peak.
Do you agree? Is there somewhere you think we've overlooked? Let us know! Maybe we'll be able to feature them in a future instalment!
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broodwolf221 · 2 months
heya! how about "if they wept for him, he couldn't hear it" from the eerie prompt list? happy writing ~~
oooooof this got feelsy. <3 @dadrunkwriting 385 words cws: none
He had forged this broken world, waking in the memory of glory. For the world—his world—had been glorious. Terrible and bloody, beauty built on the back of misery, built by hands stained and torn by conquest, but glorious in its natural state, connected and interwoven. Here the brutality remained, but the beauty had been stripped away; the stone only stone, the trees only wood and sap, and the people…
The people were nothing. Figments. Fragmentary and ephemeral, like to break apart at a strong wind, aspirations of reality shredded by pulling one loose thread. Not beings but hauntings, flesh and bright eyes and nothing else. Even those among their number who had magic were little more than waifs, a burst of color and spark but nothing compared to the consumptive, wonderful flame he had known.
The flow of magic—before he had destroyed it—had connected all things. All comparisons fell short, making it impossible to explain to these inheritors of emptiness just what they had lost. And why explain at all? Why taunt them with what they cannot hope to understand, much less attain? Like showing a hungry animal food only to take it away, it was useless cruelty, any greater meaning failing to be conveyed.
Those few who had known, who had been set adrift in this hollow realm with him, they had left the place he had slept long ago. Whether they still existed, he could not say. He did not know if their immortality persisted, although he knew those new to the world were as short-lived as the beasts among them. Those who looked like the people he had known aged and died with a startling speed, a flicker of the life he had known and thought to always know, and in their smallness they shrank further. It was not only magic that was lost but will, power, strength, grace—all the things that had been shaped with and by ancient wisdom. The maturity he had known was absent from this world, the comprehension dulled, and the knowledge faded.
If those he had freed had wept for him, he did not hear them. If those who remained wept for themselves, he did not hear it. He was only a man, and when he wept for the world, his were the only tears he knew.
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pinchofhoney · 1 year
Hiii I just found ur blog and I was wondering if I could get:
#3 angst prompt for the darkling? Maybe?
left behind # 200 follower special event
» prompt event » special events masterlist
angst prompt three: “i hate that i was always yours and you were never mine”
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gif is not mine, credit to the owner
the darkling x fem!reader
word count: 2.7k
warning: no use of y/n, angst with no happy end, mention of jealousy, mention of manipulation, just get ready to face an asshole
summary: Life had never been fair to you, and you knew it all too well. So when you found yourself falling for the tall, charismatic commander of the Second Army, you couldn't help but wonder if it was just another cruel joke that life was playing on you. But as it turned out, the joke was on you all along.
a/n: hello there and welcome!! i hope you will like what i have prepared for you and stay here for longer<33 don't forget to let me know what you think of this piece 🤗 this is the first time writing for a villain, and i'm a little proud of the way it came out!!
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
taglist: @wolfmoonmusic @myladydarkling @alexxavicry
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The night was alive with magic and wonder, a sight that never ceased to take your breath away. The sky was a canvas of velvety darkness, studded with countless stars that twinkled like diamonds. The air was cool and crisp, carrying with it the scent of pine trees and freshly fallen leaves.
But it was the moon that truly captivated you. It hung low in the sky, a shimmering orb of silver light that illuminated everything in its path. Its glow was soft and ethereal, casting long shadows across the ground and painting the world with a dreamlike quality.
As you gazed up at the satellite, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. It was as if the moon held some secret knowledge, some ancient wisdom that could only be accessed by those who were willing to open themselves up to its power.
And so you stood there, bathed in its light, feeling the weight of the world slip away. For a moment, you was suspended in time, lost in the beauty of the night and the breathtaking majesty of the moon.
You find yourself standing on the balcony of the Little Palace, which was an extension of your bedroom. As you look out, you can't help but feel awestruck by the beauty of the moonlit night. Its soft glow fills every inch of your being, almost as if its power is permeating through your skin and into every cell of your body. For some, this moment would be nothing more than a passing experience, but for others, it was a time of wonder and magic.
And you were one of those people.
The Moon Summoner.
Although it doesn’t sound like much, you were quite a unique Grisha. You possess the incredible power to manifest the power of the moon itself, a force that grants you the ability to mend matter and accomplish feats that others can only dream of. Your abilities are almost unstoppable during the night, and you adore the chance to harness their full potential when the moon is at its brightest. With your power, you can illuminate even the darkest corners of the world or shroud yourself in shadows, becoming one with the night and moving unseen through the shadows. No enemy in their right mind would dare to show their face to you during this time of day, knowing that they would be no match for your formidable abilities.
You knew that you possess abilities that are far beyond what most people could ever imagine. The thought of it fills you with a sense of awe and pride, but it also makes you wonder: are you really as important as you believe yourself to be?
You pushed away from the railing and let out a quiet sigh. The cool breeze brushed against your skin, causing you to pull your night robe tighter around your body. Despite being an independent and strong woman, you couldn't help but feel vulnerable when it comes to him.
Is it because he's charming? Has a way of making you smile, even on the darkest of days. Or is it because one look into his dark, mysterious eyes is enough to make you forget about the world around you?
Perhaps it's because you feel important and wanted in his presence. He sees you for who you are, beyond just your power and abilities. He recognizes your strengths and admires you for them. But at the same time, you can't help but wonder if you're just a pawn in his game, a means to an end.
The Darkling.
The name alone sends shivers down your spine. He is a man of power and mystery, with an air of danger that draws you in like a moth to a flame. You found yourself increasingly drawn to him, the mere thought of him sending a rush of excitement through your body.
Every time you're in his presence, you feel the butterflies in your stomach fluttering wildly, threatening to take flight at the slightest interaction. He has a way of making you feel alive, as if every nerve in your body is on fire. Even the nights have become sleepless, as you toss and turn, unable to stop thinking about him.
But it's not just his power that attracts you, though that is certainly a factor. There's something about him, something in the way he moves and speaks, that sets him apart from anyone else you've ever met. He's confident and self-assured, with a magnetism that is hard to resist.
Aleksander was the one who made you feel like you were the center of his world, the one who cared about you more than anything else when you were in his presence. But then, she appeared. The Sun Summoner.
At first, you tried to ignore her, to brush her off as just another Grisha with a unique power. But as time went on, you realized that she was different. She had a power that was unparalleled, a power that made Aleksander’s eyes light up with a newfound passion.
Suddenly, you found yourself pushed into the background, like an afterthought. The attention that Aleksander used to lavish on you was now focused solely on her. It was like she had cast a spell over him, drawing him in with her power and beauty.
A feeling of jealousy gnawed at you from the inside. You tried to push the feeling away, to tell yourself that it didn't matter. But deep down, you knew the truth. You couldn't accept that Alina might be more powerful than you. That her power could bring more help than yours, which in its strongest form only appeared at night.
You had always prided yourself on your unique ability to harness the power of the moon. It had made you feel special, important. But now, with Alina's power shining so bright, you felt like a small, insignificant thing.
You knew that you should be happy for her, that her power could bring great things to Ravka. But every time you saw her standing next to Aleksander, it felt like a reminder of everything that you weren't. It made you wonder if he even needed you anymore, now that he had her.
As another gust of wind blew across the balcony, you cast one last glance at the bright satellite before turning around to head back inside. Sitting down on your bed, you felt a determination settle over you like a cloak. You knew that you couldn't keep ignoring the way you felt about Kirigan. There was something between the two of you that couldn't be explained in words, something that had been growing stronger with each passing day, until the Sun Summoner appeared in the palace.
You remembered the way he looked at you, with that intensity in his dark eyes that made your heart skip a beat. You remembered the way he made you feel, like you were the only one in the world that mattered. And you knew that you couldn't let that go.
Tomorrow, you would talk to Aleksander. You would lay everything on the table, tell him how you felt, and ask him if there was anything between the two of you worth fighting for. It was a risky move, but you couldn't keep living in uncertainty, wondering what might have been.
The night was long and restless, much harder than you had expected it to be. Despite your exhaustion, you couldn't seem to find a comfortable position to lie in, tossing and turning as your mind raced with a flurry of thoughts and anxieties.
You rehearsed every scenario that could arise during your conversation with Aleksander, going over each detail in your mind with meticulous precision. You had planned everything out perfectly, prepared for any outcome, yet your heart continued to pound with a nervous energy that you couldn't shake.
As the hours ticked by, the darkness outside your window slowly gave way to the first rays of morning light. Only then did you finally drift off to sleep, the weight of your thoughts and worries finally taking its toll on your tired body.
But your slumber was short-lived, as you were soon roused from your restless sleep by a knock at your door, signaling the start of a new day. Sitting on the edge of your bed, bleary-eyed and lost in thought, you began to doubt yourself. Was your plan foolproof? Despite your best efforts, your confidence wavered, and you wondered if you were truly ready to face Aleksander.
As you both sat down to have breakfast, the tension in the air was palpable. You could feel Kirigan's eyes on you, but you kept your gaze focused on your plate, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing just how much his recent behavior had affected you. However, you couldn't help but notice how he kept glancing over at Alina.
After finishing your meal, you mustered up the courage to speak up. “I need to talk to you later, General,” you said firmly.
His response was curt, “We can talk now if you want,��� but you shook your head, insisting on speaking in private.
Now, you stood outside his office, trying to calm the nerves. You didn't know how to begin this conversation, or what you even wanted to say. Everything you rehearsed in your head last night has been replaced by emptiness. All you knew was that you couldn't keep pretending that everything was okay. The closer you got to his door, the more you felt like turning around and running away. But you knew that you couldn't keep running from your feelings forever. It was time to face them head-on.
You took a deep breath, bracing yourself for what would surely be a difficult conversation. You knocked on the door, and after a brief pause, Kirigan invited you in. The door creaked as you pushed it open and stepped inside, and the sound seemed to echo through the tense silence. Aleksander was seated behind his desk, his piercing gaze fixed upon you. Your heart thudded painfully in your chest, and your palms grew slick with sweat. You tried to steady your breathing, but it came out ragged and uneven.
For a moment, the two of you just stared at each other in silence. You could feel Kirigan's eyes on you, like he was peering into your very soul. You felt small and exposed, like a mouse caught in a trap.
Finally, you found your voice. “I need to talk to you about something,” you said, your words coming out in a rush.
“Of course,” he replied, his voice calm and measured.
Your heart was pounding so hard in your chest that you could barely hear him. You felt your hands start to shake, so you clasped them together tightly, hoping to hide the trembling.
“I don't know how to say this,” you began, your voice barely above a whisper. “But I have feelings for you, Aleksander. I've had them for a long time. I can't stop thinking about you.”
His expression didn't change, and for a moment you feared that he hadn't heard you. But then he spoke, his words cold and distant. “I see,” he said. “And how do you expect me to respond to that?”
The chill in his voice made you feel like you'd been doused in ice water. You swallowed hard, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to spill over. “I just needed to tell you,” you said, your voice trembling a little. “I needed to know where we stand.”
He raised an eyebrow. “And where do you think we stand?”
You were caught off guard by his question, which caused you to unconsciously take a step back while looking at Aleksander in confusion. The room appeared to have suddenly become cooler, although you couldn't tell if it was just your tired mind projecting false perceptions. Kirigan subtly tilted his head and kept his dark eyes on you as he waited for your response, showing no intention of saying anything further.
You took a deep breath. “I hate that I was always yours and you were never mine,” you said, the words bursting out of you before you could stop them. “I hate that you made me feel like I was special, like I was important to you, and then you just tossed me aside when Alina came along.”
A look of anger flashed across his face, and you realized that you'd hit a nerve. “You're being ridiculous,” he snapped. “I never promised you anything.”
“That's not the point,” you said, your voice rising in pitch. “The point is that you manipulated me, Aleksander. You made me think that you cared about me, that you wanted me, and then you just... disappeared. It wasn't fair.”
He leaned back in his chair, his expression stony. “Life isn't fair, my dear,” he said. “You should know that by now.”
You felt a surge of anger, and you squared your shoulders. “I thought you were different,” you said. “I thought you were better than this. But I guess I was wrong.”
He glared at you, his eyes blazing with fury. “How dare you speak to me like that?” he said, his voice low and dangerous.
“I'm not going to be your puppet anymore, Aleksander,” you said, your voice steady. “I'm not going to let you manipulate me and use me like you did before. I deserve better than that.”
He stood up, his fists clenched at his sides. “You don't know what you're talking about,” he said, his voice shaking with anger. “You have no idea what kind of power Alina has. You have no idea what's at stake here.”
“I don't care,” you said, your voice fierce.
The tension in the room was palpable, suffocating, as you and Aleksander faced off. The air crackled with unspoken words, with the weight of all the unresolved issues that lay between you like an unbridgeable chasm.
But then something snapped in your head, and you realized who you were actually talking to. This was the commander of the Second Army. The Shadow Summoner. And you were treading on very thin ice.
You felt a sudden surge of fear, but you refused to give way. You squared your shoulders once more and looked him straight in the eye, trying to summon all the confidence you could muster. “You want to banish the Fold?” you said, your voice unsteady. “I'll help. But after that, I'm out of here.”
There was a long pause, and you held your breath, waiting for his response. Aleksander's face was inscrutable, but you could feel the weight of his gaze on you like a physical force. You felt small and insignificant in his presence, but you refused to show any weakness.
Finally, he spoke, his voice low. “You think you can just waltz in here and make demands?” he said. “You think you have any bargaining power?”
You cleared your throat, “I know what I can offer,” you said, trying to sound confident. “I have skills that could be useful to you.”
Aleksander sit down again, his eyes narrowed. “And what makes you think I need your skills?” he asked.
You felt a rush of anger, but you kept it in check. “Because I know what it's like to be used, Aleksander,” you said, feeling a sudden surge of courage. As if playing with fire brings you pleasure. “I know what it's like to be manipulated and discarded. And I don't want that to happen to anyone else. Especially not Alina.”
There was a long pause, and you held your breath, waiting for his response. Finally, he nodded, a small, tight smile on his lips. “Very well,” he said. “You have a deal. But remember this, my dear. You are playing a dangerous game. And if you cross me, there will be consequences.”
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snailygoon · 1 year
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Spread 3: ✨The Crann✨
TEXT: “Before my friendship with Aiden, I'd not been aware of the existence of his kind, or more accurately, the Crann, which happens to be the Irish word for tree, making it very clear that I wasn't the first human to become acquainted with these majestic giants. Initially I’d guessed that the lack of oral stories passed down from the ancient Druidic Celts about the Crann was a way of protecting them. Although I'm not so sure how much protection they really need considering that I've witnessed their incredible strength first hand, and some of them can grow more than 100 feet tall. After asking one of the elder Crann their hot take on the situation, they said they're grateful for the Druids precautions, if that were the case, but that the Crann are highly capable of defending their own, and that maybe the lack of stories were due to them mostly making themselves known when someone harms the forest, and those gobshites consequently not living to tell the tale..I stopped pressing the matter after that.
The best way to begin understanding the Crann is to first have a basic understanding of the lives of trees. I have observed that they operate in a fascinatingly similar way. Trees are Social beings. They care for each other and work as a unit, sharing their resources no matter their differences. They even have the ability to come together and expend and share their own energy to heal their sick and dying. A tree on its own cannot be a forest, and it’s their ability to keep their community intact that makes it possible for them to live to such a ripe old age. The Crann, much like the trees they come from, also help to maintain this social harmony amongst the forest, wether it be keeping the trees rooted during a particularly nasty storm, defending against humans who intend to harm their beloved domain, or even just maintaining the peace amongst the Fae. They're often massive stature reflects the heaps of wisdom they carry, and their unique beauty is something I can only hope to do justice to in my sketches. And besides, I promised old Oaky I'd work extra hard on their sketch, or else they'll tie me to their horns again.”
< (Previous spread) (Next spread)> <<(beginning)
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faerytalemagick · 7 months
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LENORMAND CARDS interpretation and meaning
Lenormand cards are a fascinating and less well-known instrument in the field of divination, where intuition and symbolism collide. These cards, which bear the name Marie Anne Lenormand after the famous French astrologer, have subtly moved through time, providing wisdom and direction to those who seek it.Unlike the Tarot, which consists of 78 cards, a traditional Lenormand deck consists of 36 cards. These cards are simple yet rich in symbolism, each carrying its unique meaning. The imagery on Lenormand cards often features everyday objects, people, or situations, making them easily accessible to readers of all levels.
When doing a Lenormand card reading, a certain number of cards are spread out in a predetermined arrangement, or "spread." These spreads act as a kind of canvas for the plot to develop. In a reading, each card offers its particular significance and combines with others. The meanings of the cards in a Lenormand reading are typically clear-cut; they stand in for things like love, wealth, travel, and more. The secret is to become familiar with the unique meanings of each card before figuring out how to combine them to create complex stories.
the 36 Lenormand cards along with their symbolism
1.Rider: A message, news, or visitor approaching. 2.Clover: Luck, chance, or a small opportunity. 3.Ship: Travel, foreign influences, or change in perspective. 4.House: Home, family, or a stable situation. 5.Tree: Health, growth, or long-term development. 6.Clouds: Confusion, uncertainty, or a problem. 7.Snake: Deception, betrayal, or a complex situation. 8.Coffin: Endings, transformation, or something coming to a close. 9.Bouquet: Beauty, happiness, or a pleasant surprise. 10.Scythe: Sudden events, danger, or a sharp decision. 11.Whip: Conflict, arguments, or repetitive actions. 12.Birds: Communication, conversations, or gossip. 13.Child: New beginnings, innocence, or something small. 14.Fox: Deception, cunning, or a tricky situation. 15.Bear: Strength, authority, or a powerful figure. 16.Stars: Hope, inspiration, or guidance from above. 17.Stork: Change, transformation, or improvement. 18.Dog: Loyalty, friendship, or a faithful companion. 19.Tower: Authority, institutions, or isolation. 20.Garden: Social events, gatherings, or public places. 21.Mountain: Challenges, obstacles, or a difficult path. 22.Crossroads: Choices, decisions, or a crossroads in life. 23.Mice: Loss, worry, or something eating away at you. 24.Heart: Love, emotions, or matters of the heart. 25.Ring: Commitment, partnerships, or a promise. 26.Book: Secrets, knowledge, or hidden information. 27.Letter: Messages, written communication, or news. 28.Man: A male person or masculine energy. 29.Woman: A female person or feminine energy. 30.Lily: Purity, peace, or sexual matters. 31.Sun: Success, happiness, or a positive outcome. 32.Moon: Intuition, dreams, or the subconscious. 33.Key: Solutions, opportunities, or unlocking something. 34.Fish: Finances, abundance, or material wealth. 35.Anchor: Stability, security, or a firm foundation. 36.Cross: Burdens, challenges, or a test of faith.
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daylight-boyy · 8 months
Poked around and looked into the symbolism of different plants mentioned in protocol 3 (taking root).
(cut because it's a bit long)
- various associations in different cultures.
- united states: primarily associated with romance and beauty. Only a limited link to this case (the love - however controlling - Dr Webber feels for Maddie).
- Italy (14c): white jasmine is associated with purity and innocence, featuring heavily in art of the virgin mary. No strong connection to this case.
- Thailand: associated with motherhood, respect and love. No strong connection to case.
- Philippines: symbolises luck and power. Potential link to case (specifically ‘power’ part of symbology).
- jasmine is associated with the Hindu deity Shitala, who protects against disease. This is interesting as it could be ironic symbolism in the case.
Generally, it appears to be associated with love, or beauty, which isn't particularly relevant to the case. However, *blue* jasmine is associated with calmness and tranquility, which could link to Dr Webber's increasingly serene state throughout the journal entry.
- from a more literal outlook, jasmine is a climbing plant. From this, it could be associated with "choking things out", which could mirror the way Webber's awareness and panic is gradually ground down throughout the ‘night’. Additionally, due to it's sweetness and headiness, the scent of jasmine (which is referred to several times) could be interpreted as overwhelming or dizzying, and could be tangentially linked to Webber's faltering grip on reality (not the best phrase, but unsure of how else to describe it).
- primarily, anise flowers appear to be associated with wisdom and clarity of thought. Again, this is ironic to the nature of Dr Webber's experiences.
- similarly to jasmine, aniseed is considered to be calming.
- interestingly, it is more often used to represent relationships and close bonds in literature, which does highlight Webber's complicated and ultimately doomed relationship with Maddie.
- in some spirituality, wilted or dying anise (flowers, specifically) is said to reflect poor wellbeing or health - this seems fairly in tune with the other themes in the case.
Note: considering the line "my skin is pulling away nicely, like blanched tomatoes", it seems likely that it could be paper birch, specifically.
- although birch does have some more...generic associations (healing, protection, good fortune), the parts that seem most relevant to the case are new beginnings and regeneration.
- what interests us is that typically, yew trees are found in churchyards (UK). They were traditionally planted because yew was associated with protection and regeneration (and were believed to help protect the buried dead) - very similar characteristics to birch. The main difference (as far as we are aware) is that yew is also associated with longevity, while birch is not (birch have a relatively short lifespan, for a tree). From a diagetic point of view, this could portend doom for Webber (all things considered from the end of the case, and the fact that the journal was "found within a water damaged black briefcase, partially buried, penetrated by mouldy roots" - albeit with no body - he probably did meet a grisly end)
...On a bit more of a tangent to this, yew trees are so incredibly poisonous. Every single part of the tree is toxic, except the red aril (berry flesh surrounding the seeds). You often find that large yew trees are surrounded by bare earth rather than grass and herbaceous plants because the dropping needles sterilise the soil. This is interesting in the context of the episode because that aspect would be very in tune with the Corruption in Archives. Something beautiful and growing and ultimately deadly, gradually leaching into its surroundings, poisoning and killing everything it touches...but this isn't Archives. Who knows! Maybe that's why birch features instead. I just. Why no yew tree? Why? We just want to know :(
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sectumsempress1 · 1 year
Good Omens Season 3: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Sectumsempress1, Hag
Or that one time I watched Good Omens, felt the claws of hyperfixation sink into my flesh for the first time in years, re-watched Good Omens more times than I care to admit and then drowned in a mind palace of analysis and delusion, resulting in this season 3 predictions bingo card coupled with unnecessarily long explanations for each square.
I'm gonna post these explanations one or two squares at a time, and honestly my first theory (probably not mine, I'm sure others have also come to this conclusion) deserves its own post because wowee I'm insane about this one.
Let's talk about why I think Crowley may have been Jophiel or Jeremiel before they fell.
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I have seen endless theories about who Crowley could have been before The Fall; Lucifer, Barachiel, Raphael, Samael... and I see some evidence for all of these. However, I raise you;
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Great question babygirl.
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Okay me when I lie.
Yes, I took this throwaway line and went insane over it don't worry about it. Anyway. First J angel that I think could make sense is:
Jophiel "Beauty of God"
Jophiel is described in some texts as the guardian of wisdom and a teacher of languages to souls at the dawn of creation. She is also recognised as a teacher to Noah's children (specifically Shem) by C.E. Clement, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa and Thomas Rudd.
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And yes I am aware this is post-Fall Crowley and not the angel they were, but it's interesting that Shem was mentioned specifically regardless. Neil has wounded me so, I just feel that nothing is unintentional. Anyway, any iteration of Crowley as a teacher just feels right based on all we've seen of them.
(How he acts with Muriel, answering Jim's questions, showing Jesus the kingdoms of the world.)
Jophiel is also heavily associated with beauty and creativity.
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Okay Mr. 'Pointedly Unusual Imagination.' Bit beautiful and creative of you.
Now here's where it gets buck wild. So Jophiel is not explicitly mentioned in the bible (in fact only Michael, Raphael and Gabriel are consistently mentioned) but scholars interpret Genesis 3:24 as referring to him.
"He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and aflaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life."
Yeah. It is widely agreed upon that Archangel Jophiel wielded the flaming sword and cast Adam and Eve out of Eden. Now, obviously, in Good Omens canon, Aziraphale did this. But... what if that wasn't the original plan? What if, after Jophiel and the others were cast out, the work rosters in Heaven had to be shuffled around a bit? And what if Aziraphale, having met this beautiful, curious starmaker so long ago took on their role himself?
What if Crowley and Aziraphale began the arrangement long before either of them had the words to understand what it was? All because the angel couldn't understand why he felt so drawn to the Fallen who couldn't remember.
(Edited because I've already come up with a new theory. I still stand by all of this and want it to be true so badly, but I think that Crowley does remember. I think Aziraphale is the one whose memory may have been tampered with. That doesn't change the core of the Jophiel theory, I just think that upon reflection, a personal relationship with Crowley is not what caused Aziraphale to take his old job.)
It also makes sense to then make Crowley the Serpent of Eden, if they had perhaps already planned to go to Eden anyway.
Jophiel is also widely known as Metatron's companion, which explains why he is so aggressive towards Crowley in a really cold, personal way. Yes, Metatron knows of everyone and everything so him knowing Crowley's story isn't odd in itself. But the glare...
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To me, this reads as "I know you. I've known you. I know exactly what you're capable of and I will not take it. Not again. Behave." It's like a glare a parent would give their toddler for misbehaving in public. It feels pointedly personal. Almost as though they've worked together in the past in a way that ended badly for Metatron and he is on high alert to ensure it doesn't happen again.
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Again here. Metatron doesn't speak about Crowley in a general 'all fallen angels suck' sense. It's personal. His choice of words, the tone, everything points to him having been personally wronged by the angel Crowley was.
Also just look at Jophiel's goddamn curly little red hair are you kidding me right now Neil Gaiman I am in your WALLS.
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Also some more fun facts: Jophiel is shown as male and female presenting, leads people to a deeper understanding of the beauty of the universe, is regarded as an angel of wisdom, is known to protect those who seek truth, battles against forces of darkness and ignorance... and is strongly associated with the colour yellow.
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Nice eyes babe.
Anyway, I am so delulu about this specific theory because if it is true it would show Aziraphale and Crowley's grand cosmic connection in a way that is honestly just ineffable.
But however much I long for Jophiel to be it... there is also some evidence for it being:
Jeramheel/Jeremiel "God shall have mercy"
In religious texts, Jeremiel is known as the angel who presides over true visions, often appearing in dreams and visions to bring truth. He appears to decipher Baruch's visions and give him a tour of heaven in the book '2 Baruch', and God sends him to answer the prophet Ezra's questions regarding the apocalypse in the book '2 Esdras'.
He also served as an angel of death, watching over and guiding souls to heaven and helping them learn from their earthly experiences.
This again goes back to Crowley's belief that everyone has the right to answers and being a good teacher because of that. It would make sense for them to have had this role in their angelic days as well, despite it eventually coming back to bite them.
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Jeremiel is often depicted with a book or a scroll, symbolising the importance of knowledge.
Also, while Zadkiel is known as the angel of forgiveness and mercy, many people also consider Jeremiel (god shall have mercy) in this role... which would make Aziraphale's constant attempts to forgive him and his insistence that he is unforgivable even more devastating, and why I have ongoing theories about a role reversal occurring when it comes to this theme of forgiveness (more on this later).
Right. So I am obviously clutching at my delusion of it being Jophiel, but Jeremiel is a wider known angel with more canonical basis for actually being an archangel, which is why he also makes a lot of sense to me.
Thank you for joining me in this downward spiral into insanity. Look forward to part two!
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asma-al-husna · 5 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Musawwir— The Fashioner, The Bestower of Forms— on one occasion in the Quran. He is the One who forms and shapes all that exists. Al-Musawwir gave everything its own distinct shape and inclination or desire – despite the great variety of the creation – every single creature is unique!
The Shaper, The Fashioner, The Bestower of Forms
Musawwir comes from the root saad-waw-raa, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to make something incline, lean, or bend, and the second is to form, fashion, sculpt, imagine, or picture something. The third main meaning is to have an inclination or desire towards something.
This root appears 19 times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are wasawwarakum (“and He formed you”), as-soori (“the trumpet”), and sooratin (“form”).
Linguistically, khaaliq, baari’, and musawwir are interrelated in meaning and deal with the aspects of Allah ‘azza wa jall as Creator; all the rest is creation. Al-Musawwir bestows forms and not by way of copying— He is far above that. Al-Musawwir says Be! and it is, with the attributes and the form that He has chosen for it. He does what He wills and creates what He wills in the form that He wills.
Al-Musawwir Himself says: He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. Whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [Quran, 59:24]
The Relation of Al-Khaaliq, Al-Baari’ and Al-Musawwir
In Surah al-Hashr, Al-Musawwir’ is mentioned after al-Khaaliq (The Creator, The Maker) and al-Baari’ (The Originator). Some scholars have said that in this ayah the attribute of creation refers specifically to Allah’s determination of what He creates, so it comes first.
The name Al-Baarī’ refers to the creative act of bringing about what Allah wills to create. Finally, the name Al-Musawwir (the Fashioner) refers to giving each created thing its particular form. So Allah decrees what He creates, brings it into existence, and specifies its particular, unique form.
Scholars also have differentiated between these three names as follows: Al-Khaaliq is the One Who created from nothing all creatures that exist, according to their decreed qualities. Al-Baari’ is the One Who made man from al-baraa, i.e., clay. Al-Musawwir is the One Who creates various forms and shapes. So al-Khaaliq is a general word, al-Baari’ is more specific and al-Musawwir is even more specific [Kitaab Sharh Asmaa’ Allaah ta’aala al-Husnaa, Dr. Hissah al-Sagheer].
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Be happy with how al-Musawwir shaped you.
We live in a time of cosmetic surgery; if you don’t like how you look, you can change yourself with a medical procedure. Allah ‘azza wa jall says: He it is who shapes you in the wombs as He pleases. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise. [Quran, 3:6] Be content with how Al-Musawwir shaped you by His ultimate wisdom. For example, if we were as beautiful as the Prophet Yuusuf ‘alayhi salam, would we be able to withstand the temptations he faced? When you look at yourself in the mirror, say Alhamdulillah. If Shaytan tempts you to complain about any of your facial or body features, remember those who are blind, sick, or disabled.
2. Reflect on beautiful shapes.
Allah ‘azza wajal says: Then We made the seed a clot, then We made the clot a lump of flesh, then We made (in) the lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, then We caused it to grow into another creation, so blessed be Allah, the best of the creators. [Quran, 23:14] Everything you see around us is proof of Allah’s existence. To please your senses, He designed flowers, trees, fruits, and even cows and sheep, etc. to have very appealing shapes. Amazingly, when it comes to outside your range of normal vision, the mosquitoes, bees, and other insects are very terrifying to look at. He ensured that you live a pleasant life, so thank Al-Musawwir for the blessings of beautiful shapes to look at.
3. Live up to your potential!
Know your position. Indeed, We have created the human being upon the best of forms. [Quran, 95: 4] Al-Musawwir created and formed you with a particular brain, heart, face, and limbs, which differentiate us from the animals. How do you use them? You will be questioned on the Day of Judgment as to how you use your hearing, your sight, and your hearts. So use these faculties to do as many good deeds as you can and don’t use them to harm yourself or others by sinning, nor by going to forbidden places.
4. Worship Al-Musawwir alone.
Allah ‘azza wa jall alone deserves your worship. This is the Creation of Allah. Now show me that which those (you worship) beside Him have created. Nay, but the wrong-doers are in manifest error! [Quran, 31:11] Remember this ayah when you feel tempted to turn to others for your desires instead of to Al-Musawwir.
5. Ask Al-Musawwir.
Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like of them? Yes Indeed! and He is the Superb Creator (of all), the Ever-Knowing. Surely His Command, when He wills a thing, is only to say to it: ‘Be!’ and it is! Therefore glory be to Him in Whose hand is the Kingdom of all things, and to Him you shall be brought back. [Quran, 36:82-83].
Al-Musawwir perfected everything you see around you; don’t you think He can solve all your problems? So remember when you supplicate: nothing is impossible for al-Musawwir.
O Allah, Al-Musawwir, we know that You are the One who forms the whole creation. Make us of the shaakireen (the grateful ones) for our own forms and the shapes around us, help us ponder Your creations and ask You at all times. Make us of those who use the blessings you gave us for good, and make us witness the beautiful shapes of Paradise, ameen!
And Allah knows best.
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walkswithmyfather · 10 months
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Revelation 10:1-3. “I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud; and the rainbow was upon his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire; and he had in his hand a little book which was open. He placed his right foot on the sea and his left on the land; and he cried out with a loud voice, as when a lion roars; and when he had cried out, the seven peals of thunder uttered their voices.”
“The Mission and Ministry of Angels” By In Touch Ministries:
“Why did God create these heavenly beings?”
“We see images of angels all around us at Christmastime. In some of these, angels are portrayed as slim Victorian beauties with flowing hair, giant feathered wings, and elegant gowns. Others look like adorable babies carrying tiny harps. But these representations have very little in common with the terrifying angelic messengers found in today’s passage and throughout Scripture. In fact, their first words to the humans they encounter are usually “Do not be afraid.”
In the final book of the New Testament, these heavenly emissaries play a significant role. For one thing, in the first two verses of chapter 1, an angel gives John the revelation from which the book gets its title. Later, angels worship God: “Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders; and the number of them was myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, ‘Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.’” (Revelation 5:11-12) and provide help and care to His people: “And I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun, having the seal of the living God; and he cried out with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying, ‘Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the bond-servants of our God on their foreheads.’” (Revelation 7:2-3).
Then they loudly proclaim the good news of Jesus: “And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people; and he said with a loud voice, ‘Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.’” (Revelation 14:6-7). And they also serve God by heralding His perfect justice to the world (Revelation 14:8; Revelation 14:17-19).Notice the action-oriented mission and ministry of angels throughout Revelation, and recognize the contrast with the sweet, passive images we usually see. Angels were created by God to glorify Him. And though we are “for a little while lower than angels” (Hebrews 2:7), the same is true of us as well: “Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 15:5-6).
[All Bible verses in the NASB1995 translation. Photo by Luke Stackpoole at Unsplash]
#revelation 10:1-3#revelation 5:11-12#revelation 7:2-3#revelation 14:6-7#christmas#birth of jesus#epiphany#angels#god loves you#bible verses#bible truths#bible scriptures#bible quotes#bible study#studying the bible#the word of god#christian devotionals#daily devotions#bible#christian blog#god#belief in god#faith in god#jesus#belief in jesus#faith in jesus#christian prayer #christian life#christian living#christian faith#christian inspiration#christian encouragement#christian motivation#christianity#christian quotes#in touch ministries#keep the faith#make him known
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bijoumikhawal · 3 months
The only detailed description of feminine pulchritude from post-biblical Jewish sources comes from the sectarian community at Qumran, the description of Sarah's beauty in the Genesis Midrash 20:1-8. As pointed out by M. H. Goshen-Ciottstem (1959-60), this appears to be the only residue of a Jewish wasf tradition. There is in the Talmud (TB Ketubot 17a) allusion to the custom of singing about "the beautiful and desirable bride," kallah na ah wahasudah, which traditionally included description of bodily traits. The sources, however, do not specify which physical charms of the bride were described. Such a custom, ordinarily repugnant to feminine modesty, was intended to increase the groom's desire for the bride. And this is precisely the purpose in the Genesis Midrash, as the quasi-bride (Sarah) is made to appear desirable in the eyes of a quasi-consort: How. . . and (how) beautiful the look of her face. . . and how fine the hair of her head, how fair indeed are her eyes and how pleasing her nose and all the radiance of her face . . . how beautiful her breast and how lovely all her whiteness. Her arms goodly to look upon, and her hands how perfect... all the appearance of her hands. How fair her palms and how long and fine all the fingers of her hands. Her legs how beautiful and how without blemish her thighs. And all maidens and all brides that go beneath the wedding canopy are not more fair than she. And above all women is she lovely and higher is her beauty than that of them all, and with all her beauty there is much wisdom in her. And the tip of her hands is comely (N. Avigad and Y. Yadin, 1956, English section, p.43).
This detailing of Sarah's charms is a midrashic elaboration of Gen 12:14-15, a passage which, quite naturally, piqued the interest of the rabbis (cf. L. Ginzberg, I, 222f). In answer to the question why the wasf tradition found expression only in this particular midrash, Goshen-Gottstein suggested that it was perhaps excluded from "official" or "higher" literature and allowed to remain only in such an extracanonical document.
An anthology of "Modern Palestinian Parallels to the Song of Songs" has been presented by S. H. Stephan (1922) based on Dalman's Paldstinischer Diwan and on Stephan's own collection of Palestinian folk songs. Comparison of these early Palestinian songs (i.e. the biblical Song of Songs) and those in use some twenty-five hundred years later, "shows a striking resemblance between the old and the new, both in the expression of ideas and in the grouping of words," according to Stephan (p. 199). Stephan disavowed the defense of any theory and professed to "let each word speak with its own force, unchained and unchanged"; he hoped that no one would be offended by the breadth of treatment in his paper. The following observations and conclusions were drawn by Stephan from his comparison of Canticles with the folksongs of his day (footnotes and citations of Arabic omitted):
There is no doubt whatever about the general idea of these poems, which is the same as that treated of in Canticles—the mutual love of the sexes. In monologues and dialogues are described the reciprocal love and longing of the male and female for each other.
To him "she" is altogether a charming and beautiful maiden. She is of good family (7 2) for he calls her the prince's daughter. Her stature (7 7; 2 14) is like a palm tree. She is beautiful, sweet and yet terrible (6 3), fair as the moon, bright as the sun (6 9). Her feet (7 1) are beautiful. Her face (2 14) is comely, "pars prototo": Her speech and voice (2 14;4 3) are sweet. Her odours (3 16;4 10,1 2-1 4) are aromatic, full of the fragrance of all spices and sundry powders of the perfumer. Although her complexion (1 5) has been bronzed by the sun, which has burnt her face (1 6), she is nonetheless fair, attractive and beautiful. Our contemporary songster is so much absorbed by her charms that he calls her his life. The raven black hair with its attractive curls and locks (4 3;6 6) is coloured with henna for the wedding night and appears to him like purple (7 5;6 4).
The hair and the dark eyes, with which she has ravished his heart (4 9), so that he cannot but cry out, calling her the fairest amongst women (1 8;4 9;5 9 and 1 7;6 4), are her most striking features. Both Canticles and the folk-songs praise her dove-like eyes (4 1;1 15b); yet we in our turn go a little farther, and ascribe to her doe-like or gazelle-like eyes.
Her lovely cheeks seemed to the old bard to be a slice of pomegranate (4 3;6 6), yet we consider them nowadays like apples, white and red, or like roses.
When Canticles compares her teeth (6 6) to a flock of white sheep coming up from the washing, our present songsters are inclined to liken them to hail-stones or to silver. Her lips are considered nowadays not so much as a thread of scarlet (4 3), but more as delightful roses in full blossom, as sweet as honey or sugar (4 11). Her mouth is like the best wine (7 9); and her throat has the same attribute of beauty, though it may be compared now and then to amber.
Her breasts, seemingly the most attractive part of her graceful person, are to the old singer like wine (1 2;4 10), even far better (4 10;1 2). We consider them as pomegranates and rarely as clusters of grapes (7 8). But in common parlance "the groom may take one breast for a cushion and the other as an eider-down quilt."... His love for her inspires him to describe her with a variety of pretty appellatives, common to both periods, such as dove (2 14), roe (3 6) an enclosed garden,a spring shut up, a fountain sealed (4 12); a garden fountain, a well of living water (4 15). He is captured by her beauty; first he considers her fair,and then as spotless (4 7). Yes, to him she is at the same time a rose in a flower garden (2 1) and a proud horse (1 9).
It is not usual to enumerate the attractions and charms of the man. So we have in our contemporary songs comparatively few ditties which deal comprehensively with the beauty of the male.
The bride describes him as "white and ruddy, chosen out of thousands" (5 10). His form and countenance are excellent (5 15) and therefore the virgins love him (1 2). His flowing locks are bushy and black as a raven (5 11). His cheeks are as a bed of spices (5 13). His mouth is very sweet, altogether lovely (5 16). His hands are gold rings set with beryls (5 14). And last, but not least, his stature is like the cedars—nowadays like a palmtree (5 15)— and his belly is like ivory overlaid or set with sapphires (5 14). Such is her friend and her beloved (5 16), a handsome youth, who is sure of the sincere love of maidens (1 2). To him she said in olden times: "Draw me and I will run after thee" (1 4). She may hear today just the same words from his lips.
He calls her sister, bride (4 9) and friend (2 10). She in her turn calls him her beloved (54;1 7;2 3;5 8), and her friend (5 1; 29). The words "friend, beloved, graceful, fair" and half a dozen synonyms are used equally for both sexes. All these expressions are taken over into the mystical and spiritual terminology of the Sufis.
While in the Canticles the man is compared to a deer or a hart, in our days it is the wife to whom these attributes are solely applied. The palm tree and the bird are common to both parties.
The erotic motives in all songs, old and new, are numerous. We shall dwell on them only enough to show the common ideas of both periods. The tatooing of hands and arms is common to both sexes. But the fairer sex, especially the fellahat and badawiyat permit themselves to be tattooed even on their belly (5 14b) as far as the mons. There are two colours, red and blue, used expressly for this purpose. The use of the mandrake (7 13) as an aphrodisiac is still known in Palestine, but it serves more for that purpose in Upper Mesopotamia. The nuptial couch (1 16) is often mentioned in our songs.
[[Inset note; the tattooing is of interest to me as SoS 5:14 describes the flesh of the arms and loins of the male lover as gold and ivory encrusted with gems, the latter specifically with sapphires- though this is sometimes also translated as lapis. This may be purely metaphorical, but I will remind people that the tattoo prohibition was originally applied to funerary tattoos, and it's expansion to all tattoos is Rabbinic, and not even all Rabbinic Jews follow that. Additionally the color of gold and ivory imagery reads as a man with tanned arms and pale legs from working outdoors, with the gems representing pigment; possibly a tattoo, but other body art is possible. Stephan seens to agree with me here that the imagery is connected, though he references women's tattooing and not men's. I am not familiar with the specifics of Palestinian tattooing, but in Egypt, while tattoos were historically feminine, plenty of men got tattoos as well.]]
She pretends to be love-sick during his absence: neither of them can sleep for longing to be with the other. Yet he asks her acquaintances not to wake her up before she wishes (2 7). What is said in Cant. 86, that love is fire, is in full agreement with our ideas.
Nature, with her unrivaled beauty, has made a deep impression on our poets. The moonlit night, the stars, flower gardens and orchards, wells and springs, flora and fauna, and even minerals have their place in our folk-songs. The beloved girl is likely to be compared with them all: the proud horse, the graceful doe or gazelle, the lovely dove or birds in general. Even the sun, the full moon, Orion with Pleiades are not as strange metaphors as they would seem at first sight. Flora's daughters are almost all numbered among the similes applied to the female charms. The mountains and the valleys have their roles; nor are even the earth and the stones forgotten. Wind and weather, as well as the seasons, must do their utmost to please the beloved one. And Nature as a loving mother will surely deign to help her on all occasions required. . . .
Such is our idea of the charms of Nature. We love her in our own way; now and then we fear her; but all her beauty we ascribe to our own sweethearts.
pg 55-59
The Descriptive Song (Beschreibungslied, Arabic wasf) Horst saw in 4:1-7, 6:4a, 5b-7, 5:10-16, 7:1-6. The Thousand and One Nights also employs the wasf. The content of the Descriptive Songs of the Canticle, Horst noted, is a series of more or less detailed descriptions of the bodily features of the bride, or, more rarely, also of the bridegroom. The parts of the body are treated in order, either beginning with the head (eyes, hair, teeth, etc., as in 4:1ff, 6:4a, 5b-7, 5:10ff), or, as in 7:1ff, from admiration of the dance steps to the description of hips, vulva, breasts, neck, eyes, nose, head, and hair. Horst conceded that one might regard the Descriptive Song as a special kind of Song of Admiration, but, because of the lack of the "exclamation" peculiar to the Song of Admiration and the special "Sitz im Leben" of the Descriptive Song, it seemed justified to regard the latter as a distinct form.
The Descriptive Song regularly has a brief introduction, either an affirmation (4:1), or a comparison (6:4a), or a rhetorical question (7:2a), or a general admiration of the beauty of the person praised, corresponding to the introduction which occurs in the Song of Admiration. It may, however, as in the case of 5:10ff, impose the detailed description on a general description. A concluding line may be lacking (as in 7:1ff), or maybe based on the introduction (4:7, 5:16b).
The two choral introductions of 7:1 and 5:9, according to Horst, point to antecedents in wedding celebrations. According to 7:1, the Descriptive Song is sung about the bride as she performs her dance. The Descriptive Song,according to Horst, has been combined with other pieces which sing of the search for the missing lover, his rediscovery, and union with him. Here one may think of a marriage custom which echoes the cult drama of the myth of Tammuz and Ishtar.
The Descriptive Song, in Horst's view, may have had its originin such wedding customs as the song during the bride's dance, but in the course of time was used separately and applied to other things, such as the bride's ornaments, or even in a modern example (cited by Dalman, 1901, 112)for the description of a lost knife. Horst cited 3:6-11 as an example of a mixed form of Descriptive Song and Song of Admiration. A song fragment with a beginning similar to that of 3:6ff is 8:5a.
pg 67
The hebdomadal division of the Canticles, corresponding to the Hebrew wedding week, proposed by Bossuet in 1693, was taken up again by Ernest Renan who noted (1860, 86) thesimilarity of the Song to modern Syrian wedding poetry and the custom of seven-day wedding festivals among Arabs at Damietta in Egypt and in certain localities in Syria. In 1873 a scholarly German consul in Damascus, J. G. Wetzstein, published a study of contemporary marriage customs in Syria (1873), describing the seven-day festivities during which the spouses were enthroned on the threshing sledge, crowned as king and queen, and descriptive poems (wasf, plural awsaf) praising their beauty were sung in their honor. War songs were also sung and the bride performed a sword dance (cf. J. G. Wetzstein, 1868, 105f, n45). See below pp. 143f.
Two decades after the publication of Wetzstein's articles, K. Budde applied the material to support the theory that the Song is a collection of poems sung at peasant weddings (1894a, 1894b, and in his commentary, 1898). The crux of the argument is that customs are tenacious and that the peasant weddings of Syria described by Wetzstein may be presumed to have persisted for centuries, even millennia, and thus they throw light on the origin and purpose of the Canticlesas folk wedding songs. The descriptions of the bride and groom in the Song resemble the Syrian wedding wasf and the Shulamite's Manhanaim Dance (7:1ff) was related to the sword dance performed by the bride (although there is no mention of any sword wielded by the Shulamite). This explanation of the Canticles, as reflecting ancient Syro-Palestinian village wedding songs in which the groom and bride were king and queen for a week, was widely acclaimed and accepted as solving the riddle of the book, and it dominated discussions of theproblem for more than a quarter of a century (cf. Rowley, 210n4).
Criticism and reservations with regard to this peasant wedding hypothesis were many and varied. W. W. Cannon, e.g., commented (1913, 29): "It is an enormous assumption that these wedding ceremonies described by Wetzstein as taking place in Syrian villages near Damascus in 1861 were necessarily the same in weddings in Judea more than 2000 years earlier, or at anytime." It was pointed out by several critics (cf. Rowley, 211n5) that the bride of the Canticles is never called "queen," as would be expected in accord with Budde's hypothesis. C. Gebhardt (1931, 12) likewise disputed the relevance of Budde's assumptions and denied that the wedding customs of Syrian peasants, being of hybrid origins as the result of numerous invasions, could have any bearing on Jewish poetry.
Hilma Granqvist in her study (II, 137n) found no evidence of a "king's week" in local weddings and little to suggest the existence of such a custom in other writings on Palestinian wedding customs. It has also been objected that the war songs of the Syrian weddings are missing among the Canticles and that the extent of the collection is insufficient for a seven-day songfest. Answer to the latter objection has been that the Canticles are only sample selections. It could also be observed that in folk singing a few words can be dragged out and repeated for a long time. The Arabic wasf, or descriptive song, was not limited to marriage celebrations and Dahnan (1901, xiff) adduced some prenuptial examples. Accordingly, a number of critics have concluded, following Herder, that the Canticles are simply a collection of love lyrics rather than wedding songs. Rowley (212nnl-7) cited several distinguished representatives of this view and expressed his own inclination to agree. "I am not persuaded that the marriage-week theory is soundly based, or that the songs had anything to do with a wedding occasion. They appear rather to be a series of poems in which a lover enshrined the love he gave and the love he received."
141-144, Song of Songs (commentary) by Marvin Pope
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delicatemusickingdom · 4 months
Book 1 Part 2 Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3: The Shape of Feelings
The soft sound of weeping drifted through the air, carried by the wind. 
In decaying ruins half-overgrown with trees and plants, in a place no one lived, where no fields were grown. On the outskirts of the lower quarter, there lay an abandoned plot of land. 
In a corner of this land, there was a section left strangely empty. Unlike the surrounding plots that were overgrown with weeds, the land had been weeded and levelled to a certain extent. 
On one side, stone slates of various sizes and shapes had been lined up in intervals that could hardly be described as orderly. Some of them had what looked to be letters carved onto them, but most of them bore no markings at all, and many of them had been worn down by time and the wind and rain. 
It was at one of those stone slates that the people were gathered around, and where the soft weeping was coming from. The slate was larger, and newer than all of the other slates. And carved onto its surface were letters written clear enough for anyone to read. 
Norein Scifo. 
A shallow pit had been dug in front of the stone slate, and a coffin placed inside it. Inside the coffin lay a silent, motionless body. 
This was the place where the residents of the lower quarter were laid to their final rest. The graveyard of the lower quarter. The stone slates were their gravestones. They were both a monument, and proof, that these people had once existed. 
Flynn was kneeling beside the pit. He was leaning forward and peering into the pit. His face was downturned, his eyes were hidden by his bangs, and his mouth was tightly clenched. Between his drooping golden hair, droplets of sparkling tears fell, landing on and soaking into the corpse lying there. 
Though she looked haggard and entirely worn out, Norein’s expression was peaceful. Now that her suffering was gone, her face revealed a beautifulness that made anyone who saw it wonder if she had looked like that before. 
A large number of people stood behind Flynn, surrounding her grave. There were Hanks and Jiri and the other adults, as well as Yuri and the other children. Many of them were weeping loudly or doing their best to suppress their tears. 
“She was warm and kind-hearted. Even in the depths of poverty, she provided us with her wisdom…”
Some of the people attending her funeral read out aloud the poems they had written for this very day. The letters of the poems in their hands were scrawled in unsteady handwriting — letters they had learnt how to write from Norein in the past. This was how some of her ‘students’ expressed their condolences. 
It had only been a few years, but she had been part of the lower quarter, and was loved just as much as — or perhaps even more so than — anyone else in the lower quarter. When she finally passed away, despite having half-expected it, the lower quarter was filled with shock and sorrow. 
In the midst of all that sorrow and mourning was Flynn, who seemed to exist in a world all by himself. The sorrow of losing his mother belonged to him and him alone, and it was hard for him to imagine anyone else sharing in that pain. Flynn was known for handling every task given to him with ease, and showing a cheerful smile to everyone around him once he got to know them. But now he took no heed of the people around him as he cried freely, tears streaming down his face. 
That strange illness that weakened Norein’s entire body might have waned at times, but it never stopped progressing. In the end, until her very last breath, they were never able to obtain a panacea. The prices had continued to rise, and they couldn’t find enough work to catch up with it. 
Then again, even if they had obtained a panacea, Yuri didn’t know if Norein would truly have been saved. Although it was true the panacea would be able to cure the illness, there were many rumours that after recovering, after a while the patients would contract the same illness again. Some people whispered it was some sort of compatibility between the people who contract the illness and what caused the illness in the first place, but there was no actual proof. Everyone was terrified that they would contract the illness — but in the end, Norein was the only one in Fountain Alley to fall ill, and it seemed to be no more than just a coincidence. 
None of that mattered to Flynn. He couldn’t obtain the medicine, and as a result his mother died. That was it. Now that his mother was dead, it no longer mattered to him why or how the illness worked. As Flynn continued to shed large droplets of tears, he clutched in his hands the cap that his mother had once made for him. As he grew older, he could no longer wear it, but he had still kept it carefully tucked away in the back of his wardrobe. But Flynn had brought it along with him on this very day. Maybe he had wanted to thank her. But no matter what, the thoughts, or words that he wanted to express couldn’t take shape, and the only thing that came out from his throat was a stifled sob. 
Yuri couldn’t find the words to say to this Flynn. He could only feel depressed as he stared at Flynn’s back. 
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Eventually Hanks stepped forward, and gently placed a hand on Flynn’s shoulder. Flynn had been unresponsive at first, but then he raised his head miserably, and looked up at the elderly man with a blank look in his eyes. The elderly man put a little strength into his grip as if admonishing Flynn, and Flynn got to his feet unsteadily. 
As if on cue, everyone quietly stepped forward and threw each of their flowers that they had picked into the grave. There weren’t a lot of flowers, but they still helped to add a bright splash of colour to the dark, cold soil. 
“Go on, say your final goodbye.” 
At Hanks’ urging, Flynn descended into the pit. 
Flynn looked at his mother’s face one more time. He stared at her without blinking, as if he wanted to sear the image of his mother into his memories for all eternity. His tears kept blurring his vision and getting in the way, and he had to wipe his eyes again and again. 
Nevertheless, eventually he looked in the direction of the adults waiting around the pit and said quietly in a murmur. 
He sounded like there was something stuck in his throat as he said that, and climbed out of the small, narrow pit. Two adults gave him a small nod and, as if to take his place, descended into the pit and quietly closed the lid of the coffin. Flynn watched in silence as his mother’s face was swallowed up by the shadows. 
When the two adults stepped out of the pit, Hanks handed Flynn a shovel. Flynn looked at the mound of dirt next to the pit. What was dug up must be returned to the pit. Even now, he was reluctant to take the first step. 
Flynn silently pushed the shovel into the soil, and, as gently as he could, poured the soil onto the top of the coffin. Once he was done, he left the shovel in place and stepped aside. Hanks took the shovel and did the same. Jiri followed suit, and then so did everyone else. Yuri also took the shovel, and, saying his thanks silently in his heart, covered the sleeping Norein with his shovelful of soil. The mound of soil was gone, and the hole filled, before everyone could take their turn. Because of the coffin buried inside, the ground was uneven and had a slightly raised shape, but eventually the wind and rain would even it out. And once that was done, the only sign that will ever indicate Norein was resting here would be her gravestone. 
Not only was Norein’s gravestone new, it was also a size larger than the others, and, uncommonly for the lower quarter residents, had simple decorations carved onto it. When the money the boys had saved up to buy medicine had become useless, they had decided to use it to buy a gravestone. It was their way of mourning for her. 
They had saved up a fair bit of money, and the boys had wanted to spend it all on her gravestone, but Flynn didn’t want Norein’s gravestone to stand out from the rest, and refused. In the end, they settled on a moderate gravestone for her. Even so, it was a splendid gravestone in comparison to the rest. 
When everything was finished, one by one the people left, heading back in the direction of the lower quarter. The only ones that were left were Flynn, and those who stayed behind out of concern to watch over him; Hanks and Jiri, and Yuri. 
Flynn remained motionless in front of the gravestone, staring at the ground as if he could see through to beneath the soil. Yuri looked at Hanks and Jiri, and the two adults gave him a small nod. And then they left as well. Even now, Jiri was still limping. 
Yuri continued to stand there alone, holding his breath, and waiting for Flynn to feel better. But in the end, without saying a word, he silently left the place. Rather than words of comfort, it felt to Yuri like Flynn wanted some time to himself to cry alone. 
But as Yuri left, he felt his steps weigh heavily on him. He felt like he had just witnessed something he could never share with Flynn, in a place he could never reach. 
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So the scans don't really capture Yuri's face so here is the digital picture in all its glory! Credits to @suguelya for the image and @goldentigerfestival for sharing it with me... for science (Yuri's devastated face)!
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the-crow-binary · 11 months
Looking up CV names' meanings :)
Joachim: Established by God (Hebrew)
Walter: Commander of the army / Powerful warrior / Ruler of the world (derived from Old High German Walthari)
Leon: Lion (Greek. Fun fact: its meaning is said to be steeped in heroism and bravery)
Mathias: Gift of God (fucking LMAO) (Hebrew)
Elisabetha: My God is an oath, my God is abundance (Hebrew)
Rinaldo: Ruler's advisor (Latin/German)
Sonia: Wisdom (Greek)
Trevor: Great (or large) settlement / The large village / Wise (Welsh)
Ralph: Wolf counsel / A courageous counselor (Scandinavian)
Dracula: Son of Dracul / The devil (Romanian)
Isaac: He will laugh, he will rejoice (or "one who laughs or rejoices") / Laughter (Hebrew)
Julia: Youthful (Latin)
Sypha / Syfa / Cipher: The sword / Caring, Master of their own destiny, charisma / Freedom-loving, free-spirited individual (???)
Hector: Steadfast / To have / To hold / To possess (Greek)
Rosaly/Rosalie: Rose / Rose garden (French, derived from the latin word for rose)
Grant: Tall / Big (ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT) (English, French and Scottish)
St Germain: Holy Brother (French)
Christopher: Christ bearer / Christ within (Greek)
Soleil: Literally the french word for "sun" (...french)
Simon: To hear, be heard / reputation (Hebrew and Greek)
Juste: Just, upright, righteous (french, literally, like Soleil)
Maxim: Greatest (Roman)
Lydie: The seller of purple / (a maiden) From Lydia (French)
Richter: Judge / To make right (German)
Maria: Beloved / Bitter / Rebellious (Latin)
Annette: Grace / Favor (French)
Shanoa: Black cat (Castlevania???)
Albus: White (lol) (Latin)
John: God is gracious (English)
Eric: Sole ruler / Eternal ruler (Old Norse)
Elizabeth: God's promise / God is my oath (Hebrew)
Drolta: Knowledgeful / Inventive / Elegant (??)
Nathan: Gift of god / He gave / Given (Hebrew)
Hugh: Soul / Mind / Intellect (British)
Camilla: Servant for the temple / Free-born / Noble (Latin)
Jonathan: God has given / Gift of God (Hebrew)
Charlotte: Free man / Petite (French)
Julius: Youthful / Downy; soft and tender hair (Latin)
Yoko: Sun child / Ocean child / Good, positive child (Japanese)
Soma: Lunar nectar /Moon (Indian, though its mostly feminine) / Creation, genesis, origin + truth, reality, genuine (Japanese, can't find one precise meaning) (It can also have a Hungarian origin wich in this case means "dogwood tree" lmao)
Mina: Royalty (Greek) / Protection/Protector (German) / Eternity, permanence (Japanese, chose the simplest meaning but i'm not even sure about it because. Kanji. Someone help)
Bonus: Belmont means Beautiful Mountain in french <3 (very fitting)
Feel free to add more! Or correct me because some of them were very confusing to me :')
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autumnbrambleagain · 1 year
Golden Treasure: The Great Green Draak-Kin ranked by how badly I want to Dance with them
Spoilers, obviously. Not counting any of the Elders, who are too massive and great for me to ever dare consider the possibility of Dancing with.
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9: Bard: You know when you’re a popular furry artist and you get people sliding into your DMs telling you how you’re their destined partner and you were meant to be together forever, but what they really want is the prestige of putting your icon in their profile and the free art you'll draw for them? That’s Bard. Bard shows up and Sings a True Song of Cringe at you. Go home, Bard.
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8: Flare: Tries to overwhelm you with a big display of force. We’re Draak-Kin, though, so that’s fine. Decently strong for a young Draak to handle, but folds pretty fast if you have some strength of your own. Look, I appreciate the effort, but if I gave myself away to everyone who burnt a tree for me, I’d be quite poor.
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7: Tempest: Now we’re getting somewhere. A great steward to its demesne, loves its land deeply. Clever, traditional, proud, humble, all things in balance. A good and polite neighbor as well. When you challenge it, it tears you out of the sky without warning, very bold gambit, and drags you into its own battleground. Nice, appreciate the passion. Then it tries to Sing the True Song of Destruction at you if it loses. But whines like a little bitch if you Sing the True Song of Destruction at IT first. You know what we call that? A sore loser. You fumbled your prey in the last moment, Tempest, I’m sorry. I respect you, but you aren’t worthy of my Dances.
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6: Bloom: A pretty serious challenge if you aren’t prepared for it. Runs a very clever scam on the Goodbeasts, too, and when it returns later, it’s found a greater wisdom, and has become a truly respectable Draak. When it finally Sings to you, its Symbols are as beautiful as its Body, as its Essence, as its ideals. A true and proper rival, suitable to Dance with by either Law, but inspires little in me but respect and admiration. These are fine qualities—but my teeth seek firmer fare yet…
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5: Warden: Look, I get it, I have the OCD/autisms too. Very pretty, also. But the absolute worst neighbor—will not respect your claim and will pillage your land if you don’t completely agree with it about everything it says. Frustrating. Infuriating. You do not know how deeply, how longingly, how much I fantasized about our Dances. Oh. Oh, I want to Dance with you, by the First Law or Second I don’t care. Let me Sing the truth of my entropy into your feathers, let me carve my answer for you into your scales. Let me mar you. Let me unmake your perfection. I will show you my own Way, Warden, and you will Sing my name in praise. SING FOR ME.
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4: Rift: Ah. Oh. Oh, Sing the True Song of Destruction into me as I Sing my True Song of Healing into you. Let us become enjoined in an act of Destructive Creation, Creative Destruction. Oh, Rift. Oh, I want to leave the Great Green ravaged in the wake of our passion. Oh, let the Goodbeasts marvel for generations in the proof of our bloodied lust for one another.
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3: Vantage: Beautiful. Disdainful. Brilliant. Utterly, absolutely, devastatingly brilliant. Your weapons are not just your claws, your Body, your Songs. Your weapons are your land, all of it. Our Dance started Turnings before I crossed your claim, imagined and prepared for while I slept. Oh Vantage. Ply a thousand traps against me. Set your demesne like teeth, snap the entire thing at me, DESTROY me with the Earth you rule. I will slip each scheme, each trick, I will come to you unbloodied and I will make you MINE. Let us be rivals eternal. Let us do each Dance, one after the other. Let us do it each Turning, one after the other. The teeth of our Bodies and Minds will sharpen on one another forever. Let us SING in ESSENCE of EVERY DEFINITION. Beautiful hatred, maddening obsession, furious lust--is this what the Clansingers call Love?
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2: Whisper: Oh. Oh. Oh Whisper. You were dealt so poorly with by the Onesong and what did you do? You thrived despite it. You thrived in spite of it. Each Sun you lived was an act of defiance. Oh, what passion for Life you have. What a fragile, dangerous thing you are. A glass fang. The fleeting razor’s edge of ice, slicing cold the flesh as it passes by in silence, melting in the heat of the body it opens. Let me feel your Symbols in my Mind once more. Feel my claws in your Body once more. I want to share it with you. I want to share my EVERYTHING with you. Come DIE with me. Come LIVE with me. BE MINE OR MAKE ME YOURS. I WANT TO SHARE AN ETERNITY WITH YOU.
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1: Never-Ever: You are not Draak-Kin. You don’t seek to be Draak-Kin. You are not of our Way. You are not of our Essence. You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen and will ever see. You are as terrifying as any Elder. This is perverse and wrong. But you are perverse and wrong. I want to taste the fleeting nightmare of your Dance, just one more time.
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