#the variants and sons of jupiter
witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐙𝐞𝐮𝐬/𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫
Powerful, knowledgable, bold and arrogant. These men may be adventurous and go out to seek certain things, others are protectors, but all are quite independent. They don't mind being on their own. But all can be Kings. They have that quality utterly and completely.
𝑁𝑖𝑘𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠𝑜𝑣
𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑢𝑟
𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝑅𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠
𝐷𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐻𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑑
𝑅𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑟 𝐿𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘
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dracaelus · 1 year
damn i'm so sleepy
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deathlessathanasia · 21 days
I've talked before about how in Hesiod's account of Hera's solo conception of Hephaistos neither she nor he are disparaged in any way despite the way the tale is often interpreted, but I think there's also something to say about how often it is assumed that the versions in which she has him by herself are also the ones in which she is the one who throws him from Olympos for being imperfect.
In Hesiod's Theogony, where we know for a fact that Hera conceived Hephaistos by herself after Zeus gave birth to Athena, there is no mention whatsoever of him being thrown from Olympos by anyone. A similar account of Hephaistos' birth is also attributed to Hesiod (Hes. fr. 343), except that here the birth order of Hephaistos and Athena is reversed; after a quarrel Hera conceives a son without Zeus and he responds by producing a daughter with Metis. There is no way to say if Hephaistos is rejected by his mother in this variant, but for all that's worth, in the Theogony he is not and the way he is described there is identical with his description in the fragment: entirely positive, emphasizing his excellence and making no reference to his disability. In Homer's Iliad Zeus is the one who throws Hephaistos in Book 1, while Hera is responsible for his fall in Book 18. As for his father or lack thereof, Hera refers to him as Zeus's son in Book 14 and while this is perhaps not 100% confirmation, it's also supported by the fact that in the Odyssey Hephaistos blames his two parents for his disability and that in the Library of Apollodoros it is stated that according to Homer Hephaistos is one of Hera's children by Zeus.
The situation in Homeric Hymn 3 to Apollo is clear as regards the person who threw Hephaistos into the sea: Hera, but it is more ambiguous on whether he is solely her child. The interpretation hinges on the word Hera uses to describe the birth of her son (αυτη) which can be translated as "by myself" (that is, "whom I bore by myself") or as "I, myself" (that is, "whom I myself bore"). Personally I agree with what Pirenne-Delforge and Pironti write in The Hera of Zeus: "In Homeric Hymn 3(to Apollo) Hera tries to justify her recourse to the parthenogenesis of Typhon as a kind of vengeance, by claiming that Zeus insulted her first when he gave birth to Athena. This reproach makes no sense if Hera is here declaring that she begot Hephaistos all by herself." So I believe it is reasonable to assume that Hephaistos is a son of both Hera and Zeus here.
homeric Hymn 1 to Dionysos seems to have related the myth of Hephaistos' revenge on Hera but it is way too fragmentary to discern much. Interestingly, Zeus appears to assume part of the blame for what happened. In the Library of Pseudo-Apollodoros the only variant of Hephaistos' fall that is related is the one where Zeus is responsible for it, while both versions of his origins are mentioned: "Hera bore Hephaistos without benefit of sexual intercourse, although Homer says that Zeus was his father." In Lucian's On Sacrifice Hephaistos is the son of Hera alone, and the one who does the throwing is Zeus. In Pseudo-Hyginus' Fabulae Vulcan is only Juno's son and it seems likely that she threw him from the sky since he gets revenge on her. Servius, in his commentaries on Vergil's works, relates that Vulcan was born from Juno's thigh and, in a different tale, that he was thrown down on Lemnos by Jupiter because he was deformed and Juno did not smile on him.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
I don't think Batkid Percy or Batkid Miles are interesting concepts at all tbh and neither of them would let themselves be adopted by Bruce since Percy has so much trauma from older men in power(Poseidon,Gabe,Luke and the gods)and Miles has two perfectly good parents,plus an additional mentor figure he's found family with in Peter B(and full offense to Bruce,Miles has too high of standards after them and Uncle Aaron to put up with him).It would be way more fitting if Percy was a kryptonian-human hybrid to go with her being half god in canon and how kryptonians are deity level strong and Miles should be a Blue Lantern since Atsv is all about him giving hope to other Spiderpeople that they're not doomed by the narrative,plus Percy is canonically a Superman fan and can be the Super to Jason's Bat instead of it getting repetetive by both being Batfam since they're so alike and Miles can be Young Justice's power ring holder and his personality fits right with the canon members.And y'know......Maybe him and Tim can date,i mean he's a lot like Gwen personality wise and alt edgy like Hobie so he's canonically his type and who WOULDN'T have a crush on Miles Morales?
On that note,i really love the idea of Miles ending on Prime Earth right after Utrh and meeting Jason before any other DC characters and that leads to a lot of spending time together both bonding and doing hero work and them ending up becoming found brothers with Miles redeeming Jason while not really trying to,Jason just fixed himself so he could be good enough to be Miles' best friend.And obviously Percy's got her own younger siblings in the other Superkids and she rivals Dick in the 'best eldest sister' award and adds competition to it by adopting Tim and Duke as pseudo-ones and her and Stephanie are only slightly less close than her and Cass purely because Stephcass romantic soulmates by choice in every universe and they do girl things together(doing eachother's hair and nails and makeup,playing video games,cooking fancy foods,talking about their experiences with transfemininity,fighting fascists,coping with their childhood trauma through things meant for younger girls)and her and Jason are the biggest frenemies to ride or die's case ever
Also,just some mix and match thoughts:Son of Helios and Jupiter legacy Miles,son of Poseidon Jason who's a dark parallel to daughter of Poseidon Stephanie like he is in canon(NOT a Luke but an Ethan),Jason Morales(bio kid because he is always afrolatino to me like Percy is)and Percy as either a Spiderpunk variant who's older than Hobie and Nico and Hazel as his Spiderman and Spiderwoman who're all from the same dimension or her own original Spider identity as Seaspider and they meet through dimensional animal spider crossing because they're the Dea Sea Siblings in every universe.Or a three way that stars Miles,Percy and Jason instead and they do things like going to Batburger and getting into fun greek mythos shenanigans and making art together and bonding over being afro-caribbeans.I have so much brainrot for Pjo x Atsv x DC and it's all thanks to them
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f0xgl0v3 · 9 months
Games played in Camp Jupiter
Covering smaller games that the kids have taken time to play, and the bigger official games, this post was going to be also a Camp Half-Blood one but really like… I just don’t talk about CHB lol.
When I mention something about actual Ancient Rome, take any and all my words with pinches of salt, I try to research a lot but for silly posts like this I cannot 100% confirm that my information is historically accurate. I am not historian:]
Camp Jupiter
Camp Jupiter takes their games seriously. Literally doesn’t matter the game, everyone get super riled up for the war games. Or you’d see the most competitive game of Yahtzee. Staring with the canon war games first, the ones mentioned are listed below,
Death ball; described as similar to paint ball, except wild- using things like various dangerous poisons, acids, and fireballs (however that may be) and is the most deadly. Canonically (as we get the only deathball match in Camp Jupiter classified) is played by launching the balls from mini manuballista, or smaller variants of a type of ancient Roman crossbow. We only get one paragraph explaining it then move on, I think that’s the nature of CJC and I honestly don’t care for it that much. Despite my confusion on how this game canonically is described, I’d like to say my own Hc I got when I first heard ‘Deathball’ in SoN. In my head it’s water balloon fight, dodgeball-esque. With all of the deadly things in these balls that break on contact. It probably is the newest war game after some Praetors in more modern times instated it. The game is very loose, you’re with your contubernium (A Contubernium is the smallest unit in the Roman military, close to modern squads and though they likely didn’t serve much purpose other than to boost morale and like group stuff in the legion I like thinking of them serving a slightly bigger purpose in my Camp Jupiter- more on that in the future) and the goal is probably to make it to a certain marker or something without loosing members or whatever. Because reminder, the war games are just practices of war skills that the legionnaires need to know and serve a purpose to train them and aren’t just silly little games. And as for a cherry on top Ancient Romans possibly played Dogeball akin games- (P.S Frank also mentions this one too but I just didn’t mention that)
Siege is the name of the game we see in SoN and I really don’t have many thoughts on Siege, think that maybe it’s a bit more organized and the cohorts have a lot more stratagem (my autocorrect just used stratagem and I’m not changing it) involved in it. War games are probably a like twice a month thing and are announced probably the week before(? Like the first week of the month the war game for next Friday is announced and then after that the next is announced for the last day of the month, idk tho) and cohorts are given more time to plan.
Gladiator battles; Frank mentions this once and then we move on with no further explanation. I’d think this (and chariot racing among other things) are played in New Rome, and it’s a bracket tournament style (sort of like how Wrestling meets work except also trying to narrow it down until all the matches funnel into one victor? Like those bracket things in like basketball or in the movies- idk) and should only have one victor like I said. Killing isn’t the name of the game in this iteration (they still need their legionnaires-) though injuries are very common and a few have died to it, but surprisingly has a pretty low death rate; probably because they have both camp medics and actual doctors from New Rome on site.
Chariot Racing; the other one that Frank mentions. Also in New Rome, worked roughly the same as in Rome. I don’t have many thoughts other than this shifts Camp a bit and (like from my skimming of some articles-) higher ranking legionnaires and higher ranking families like to have their own horse teams, certain legionnaires take interest in charioteering too. Two members from each cohort are possibly selected for the chariot racing (Two races occur every time, for the fun of it) and compete as usual.
Legionnaires when finally retiring from the legions often do like pursuing careers that correlate to was ancient Roman sports were like. There are leagues purely for different teams within New Rome, seeing as sports are very important (Also if including my silly little outposts hc, they also have their own teams and the leagues have their own stuff and it’s like sports-)
Now, I’m actually good with the list of canon war games and don’t have much more to add onto it, and therefore I wanna get into the smaller games that legionnaires on their own free time like playing,
Swimming; Legion-wide activity that legionnaires like taking part in, whether that is swimming in the little tiber, or in recreational parts of the bathhouse/bathhouses. Legionnaires from not New Rome like to introduce water games.
Boxing and wrestling are givens though they lean more ancient, no dying but the rules are a bit looser. Boxing gloves aren’t used and Camp opts for the traditional method of wrapping your hands with cloth or even just going bare knuckle if both parties agree to it. It’s recreational and not taken too seriously, though disputes sometimes are solved in any method of these smaller games (think duel esque but not actually dying)
Running events; stuff like foot races are really common in camp for freetime. Also doubles as crucial camp training for stamina and strength, plus tag has begun to be integrated too.
Soccer; American football hasn’t caught on too much but Soccer is shared between bother parties. Modern soccer and then New Rome’s soccer type, along with other ball games like rugby, and kickball.
Mythomagic; practically universal. Most New Rome kids grew up on it and will teach new legionnaires that don’t know. There’s a shop in New Rome that specializes in games.
Any type of Ancient Roman board games; there’s a lot and I don’t want to list all of them but this category. Most legionnaires grew up on them and play them with each other. Though it gets competitive.
Yahtzee; have I ever played Yahtzee? No. Do I know how to play Yahtzee? Also no. But it has dice in it and I feel like several Demigods made homemade Yahtzee and started playing.
Varying modern board games; some have caught on but all are mostly homemade except for a few that are from New Rome or families that live outside of New Rome sending them to active legionnaires. Things like monopoly are popular
Mafia; New Rome kids have run with it and it really is a good skill builder for their mind skills or whatever. (I put it in because I like Mafia and I don’t hear people talk about it.)
Note on a future update of the Camp Jupiter map, I have given up on drawing it- drawing it makes it 10x more confusing for me, I’ll just describe things and buildings and I’m honestly better at that. If anyone wants to tackle drawing it from any future descriptions I’d give them go ahead but for now I’ll stick to just describing it all with my delight rather than stressing myself over a map lol.
Also the gaming scene needs to come out with a rpg(?) game set in Ancient Rome with deep character customization, interesting story, and focuses more on the story than combat mechanics because I want that (think Pokémon or Hogwarts legacy esque) also a Pjo game that is similar to the games I mentioned, please I’d froth at the throat over it.
Anyway like I said this was supposed to include CHB games but like- I don’t know but I just.. don’t talk about CHB. I’m more motivated about Camp Jupiter and like talking about it more.
Also wanted to include my favorite board game (Ticket to Ride) in this but I sadly do not think it’s very popular in Camp Jupiter. Also I spitefully didn’t name Chess, but chess is probably played.
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infjtarot · 3 months
World. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Completion and renewal. Matter and time. Eternity. Returning. Closure. Unfolding. Wholeness. Where the journey leads. Beginnings and endings. The ultimate. The least and the greatest. Complete narratives/stories. Imagined worlds within worlds. Confinement = freedom. Going, and to stop. All and one. Astrology/Element At the end of the sequence of trumps, the World card takes on the correspondences of the outermost and slowest classical planet, Saturn, and the heaviest element, earth. Earth is associated with the sephira Malkuth, terminus of the card’s path. We can begin in Malkuth and rise, yet the path of the World is both the beginning and the end. Malkuth is the daughter, connected to Binah the mother through Saturn. It represents commitment to completion, or the ultimate aspiration of initiation to the Great Work, to rise from the mundane and connect to the divine supernal realm. Saturn, the “Keeper of the Records,” rules both Capricorn and Aquarius. Capricorn provides the building blocks and blueprints, while Aquarius provides the vision of how they can be evolved and improved. Both are working with the structures imposed by matter and time (Saturn). Saturn’s exaltation in Libra shows his role as the Lord of Karma, as Saturn’s law will benefit those who operate from Libra’s place of love and partnership with the world. Saturn rules the bones. Its glyph looks like a small letter h topped and weighted by the cross of matter. Matter hangs heavy upon it. Hard hours hatch the harvest. It looks much like the inversion of Jupiter’s symbol, and appropriately represents the forces of contraction and limitation that provide boundaries and counterforce to Jupiter’s expansion. In the end, we are bound by the way we experience time in the material world. Time can be a perceived restriction, or with appropriate conservation and use of energy, it can be a process of gaining wisdom through its passage. Mythology/Alchemy The World maiden suggests Persephone, who descended and rose again in eternal cycles. Yet the figure is said to be hermaphroditic. Consider the “magical images” of the sphere of Saturn, with both male and female variant: the Ancient and the Celestial Queen. The Ancient, with long robes and beard, reminds us of Father Time, the reaper known as self-born Chronos (Aion). In the Orphic tradition, Chronos produced the primordial deities Aethyr, Chaos, and the World-Egg that contained the god Phanes. He emerged from the egg entwined with a serpent, crowned with a nimbus of light. Phanes was made from the intersection of time (Chronos) and necessity (Ananke). Quite a parental legacy to live up to! Phanes’s name means, “to bring light”; his consort Nyx brought night. Chronos is conflated with the Greek god Kronos (Saturn), son of the titans of heaven (Ouranos) and earth (Gaea). Kronos, upon wife Rhea, sired Zeus and his siblings. Fearing his overthrow, he swallowed each of his children except Zeus. Rhea and Zeus fooled him, causing him to disgorge the other Olympians, who did indeed ultimately depose and castrate him just as he had done to his father Ouranos. Saturn’s karma in action! The Celestial Queen image is even more fitting for the maiden. Isis, Nut, Astarte, Ishtar, Inanna, Hera, Juno, Kali, and others have all borne the title Queen of Heaven, all forms of she called the Great Goddess, primordially Eurynome who once ruled the world with serpent Ophion. As the Great Work portrayed involves uniting will and love, we must include Aphrodite Ourania, meaning heavenly, said to be born of the foam from when Ouranos’s genitals were cast into the sea. This is the celestial aspect of the love goddess, counterpart to the more familiar earthly Aphrodite Pandemos (of the people). Susan T. Chang
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bobateaboo · 2 years
*sits politely* k so tell me about your ocs
(tw for references to abuse because my ocs have tragic backstory for days)
ok so I'm jumpin around doin my favorites here. first off; Piper
Piper, before being the bastard goat child she is, was a bastard human child! except said bastard human child was in an ongoing abusive environment and most of the bastardry was in an attempt to get revenge on the world around her. now it's just bc old habits die hard
essentially, Piper's life was her mom, who was physically abusive, and then all the adult at school who treated her like she was made of glass because she couldn't see. one day, Mom Of The Year got bored of this whole "raising a child" bullshit and took her on a walk to mt. ebott, where she promptly drove off and left Piper there
Piper, of course, falls into the underground (it should be noted that during the falling process, Piper ends up landing in a different Au than she started in, this one an Underfell au). she meets Smidge, Instant besties, and gets adopted by everyone's favorite Goat Mom while the rest of the monsters in the ruins try to kill her. Fun Times
so now she has essentially switched from Abusive Mother In A World That Treats Her Like Glass to Mother Who Treats Her Like Glass In A World That's Trying To Kill Her, but this time with a flower friend. she peaces out, hangs with the skeleton bros (and gets battle training from UF Papyrus, she still visits sometimes) and then goes on with her way of multiverse hopping and causing trouble for anyone who stands still and some people who don't.
at some point Indigo finds them and decides "yeah these two are my new siblings now" and brings them to codebound, where they are still happily living, with the get out of jail free card that is a super powered older sibling and mommy issues that could fees a small village
Ok next up; Solar and his planets!
all of the planets have suitably tragic backstories, but while most of them have things that can and do happen in the real world (child abuse, trafficking, dog fighting rings, rich people), Saturn and Jupiter are from a full on coliseum style arena. I call this out because they wrecked ass and still do
now, for the big boss himself! Solar is the son of two Very Important Heroes, Daydream and Dapple (this universes version of Dream and Ink, they're still called that sometimes) and hates them both with a passion. We'll get to why in a sec
Daydream was very, Very concerned about two of the resident bad guys that follow him around, Nightterror and Daybreak (another Dream variant) hurting him, and spent a lot of time out keeping tabs on them to make sure they didn't hurt his baby. unfortunately in the time he spent watching the bad guys he was not watching five year old Solar, so they kinda scooted on in while there was an emergency and kidnapped him. Whoops!
Daybreak and Nightterror (mostly Daybreak) taught Solar several fun ideas like Have You Considered Killing People Actually, and got him to eat one of the corrupted apples. This went predictably, making Solar an absolute powerhouse but in a way he couldn't control
it's at this point we get Solar's Halo, which is actually a magic restrictor. this keeps him from flipping the actual fuck out and turning into a full on beast from the corruption, but he can only produce pure magic while wearing it, not shape it into attacks. this is why he has the pins, which he essentially feeds his magic into like a battery to do what they're programmed to do, like pre-made attacks.
The star pin is a gift from Daybreak and can and will blind a bitch when used, as well as being able to grow for him to chuck at things like captain america's shield. the moon is a gift from Nightterror and allows him to step into and manipulate peoples dreams (he's more powerful in the dreamscape but also more vulnerable), and the sun, which is a gift from Daybreak and also his literal soul, emits a warm and protective light made to guide him to safety in times of need
you may note that Daydream's gift is more gentle and protective while the gifts from Daybreak and Nightterror seem incredibly combative. this is because they are
bonus fun fact, Solar is never seen without the black bodysuit he wears under his outfits. Ever. Not even while sleeping.
so yeah Solar has some fun trauma from being manipulated by his uncles into accepting a corruption that his six year old body couldn't handle, but he's still best buds with Daybreak and Nightterror so he blames all the symptoms of that on Daydream, who's much easier for him to villainize. Fun!
so yeah that's Solar's traumatic backstory. tune in next time for his traumatic frontstory
Daybreak, Daydream and Nightterror are by @andizoidart
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singing-planets · 1 year
👨‍🚀 The Spaceman in the Space with Lyric 🚀 NEW episode 🌞 Singing Planets 🌞 Solar System 🌍
This is a story about the Spaceman who went into space and visited various planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. He even wanted to visit the Sun, but it was so hot that the Spaceman had to return to Earth. This children's song is written based on the famous English singing game, nursery rhyme, and children's song – "The Farmer in the Dell". It probably originated in Germany and was brought to America by immigrants. From there, it spread to many other nations and is popular in a number of languages. It is Roud Folk Song Index number 6306.
1 The Spaceman went to Space, The Spaceman went to Space, Heigh-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman went to Space!
2 The Spaceman in the Space, The Spaceman in the Space, Hi-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman in the Space!
3 The Spaceman on the Moon, The Spaceman on the Moon, Hi-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman on the Moon!
4 The Spaceman on the Mercury, The Spaceman on the Mercury, Hi-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman on the Mercury!
5 The Spaceman on the Venus, The Spaceman on the Venus, Hi-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman on the Venus!
6 The Spaceman on the Mars, The Spaceman on the Mars, Hi-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman on the Mars!
7 The Spaceman in the Space, The Spaceman in the Space, Hi-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman in the Space!
8 The Spaceman on the Jupiter, The Spaceman on the Jupiter, Hi-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman on the Jupiter!
9 The Spaceman on the Saturn, The Spaceman on the Saturn, Hi-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman on the Saturn!
10 The Spaceman on the Uranus, The Spaceman on the Uranus, Hi-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman on the Uranus!
11 The Spaceman on the Neptune, The Spaceman on the Neptune, Hi-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman on the Neptune!
12 The Spaceman went to Sun, The Spaceman went to Sun, Heigh-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman went to Sun!
13 The Sun is weary hot! The Sun is weary hot! Heigh-ho, the derry-o! The Spaceman went to home!
One UK variant has "The nurse takes a dog"; it ends by clapping [patting] the dog.
Origin and dissemination.
The rhyme was first recorded in Germany in 1826, as "Es fuhr ein Bau'r ins Holz". It was more clearly a courtship game, with a farmer choosing a wife, then selecting a child, maid, and serving man who leaves the maid after kissing her. This was probably taken to America by German immigrants, where it next surfaced in New York City in 1883, in its modern form and using a melody similar to "A-Hunting We Will Go". From there, it seems to have been adopted throughout the United States, Canada (noted from 1893), the Netherlands (1894), and Great Britain; it is first found in Scotland in 1898 and England from 1909. In the early twentieth century, it was evident in France ("Le fermier dans son pré"), Sweden ("En bonde i vår by"), Australia, and South Africa.
Like most children's songs, there are geographic variations. In the United Kingdom, the first line is frequently changed to "The Farmer's in his den". The rhyme progresses through the farmer being in the dell or his den, his desire for a wife, hers for a child, its for a nurse, a dog, then a bone, and ending in: "we all pat the bone". Every player then pats the one picked as the bone.  The "Hi-Ho, the derry-o" lyric is variously replaced with, "Ee-i, tiddly-i", in London, "Ee-i, adio", "Ee-i, andio,", "Ee-i, en-gee-oh" or "Ee-i, entio", in Northern England, and "Ee-i, ee-i", in the West Country.
The Romanian language version is "Țăranul e pe câmp" ("The farmer is on the field"), but the "Hey-o" is replaced with "Ura, drăguţa mea" ("Hooray, my sweetheart"), and the last verses are: "the child has a nurse, the nurse has a cat, the cat catches a mouse, the mouse eats a cheese, the cheese is in a cask, the cask is in the garbage, the farmer to choose."
👶 👦 👧 Dear children and their parents! 👩 👨 👴 👵 Listen, sing, dance and fingerplay funny traditional English language folk songs with Singing Planets on YouTube!  
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#singingplanets #spaceman #solarsystem
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bestiarium · 2 years
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The Wild Hunt [Germanic and Nordic mythology]
Imagine, if you will, a giant tear in the clouds. Suddenly, a band of flying horses breaks through the sky, carrying supernatural riders on their backs. This is the Wild Hunt.
The idea of the ‘Wild Hunt’ is very widespread throughout European mythology and folklore, having counterparts in France, Scandinavia, and Germany, among other places. In Germanic stories, they ride during the Twelve Days of Christmastide, or Rauhnächte. In most versions, the riders are undead humans or the spirits of the deceased. The Wild Hunt is very old: the first written account dates back to 1092 (in the Historia Ecclesiastica). Throughout the ages, new poets and writers added details: some claimed the hunters had a large cart with them, others mentioned a group of dogs accompanying the Wild Hunt.
The hunters are usually being led by Odin, Wodan, Óðinn, Wuotan, etc (they are different versions of the same deity, much like Zeus and Jupiter for example) but this is actually a relatively modern interpretation. Odin only became the leader of the Hunt in the 18th century. Who leads the troupe of supernatural hunters differed throughout time and interpretations. At one point, the Wild Hunt was supposedly organized by the devil and a group of dead spirits. According to 12th century historians, they were being led by Herla, supposedly an ancient king of the Britons (although the character actually originates from Germanic roots). In Lusatia, Germany, it was said that the Wild Hunt is lead by Blauhütl (“blue hat”), the former Lord of Biberstein whose obsession with hunting led him to an afterlife of an eternal hunt.
Yet another, Norwegian version places a female folklore character named Guro Rysserova at the head of the hunting party. Guro’s second in command is Sigurd Svein, a young man. Supposedly, Sigurd was a young bully who enjoyed playing pranks on his friends. One day his mother sent him to the home of her brother, a man named Greip, in his search for his missing father. Sigurd left on his horse, Grani, who was also the son of Sleipnir, and had several adventures (including one where he befriends an ogre). When he arrived at Greip’s house, his uncle told him that his father was dead. The young lad traveled through a swamp and met the Wild Hunt. Guro Rysserova asked him “what do you choose? To be the first in my troop, or to be the last in Heaven?” Sigurd choose the first option and has been by Guro’s side ever since. 
The Christian Church interpreted the dead riders as sinners: they are the souls of the unbaptized, those who died of suicide, adulterers, etc. Unable to enter Heaven because of their sins, they are forced to ride the Earth.
In Norway the Wild hunt is often called the Oskoreia (which translates to “the terrifying ride”). In this version, the hunting party consisted of masked riders and they rode between Christmas and the day of Epiphany. Other Norwegian names for the Hunt included Imridn, Fossareia, Trettenreia, etc. The Wild Hunt is malicious, as the riders would break into houses to steal food and drink, and they would empty kegs of beer and fill them with water. It is also said that the hunters stole horses to ride, but they later returned them, which is nice.
Finally, a distinct regional variant of the Wild Hunt arose in Flanders, Belgium (and I am uncertain about this but I think it also spread to the Netherlands). There it was called the Tilkensjacht, and instead of a group of spirits or warriors it was a troupe of female witches. They soared through the sky but were usually invisible. You could hear them approaching from a long distance, however, as they would scream and sing and bang metal objects together to make noise.
Sources: Lecouteux, C., 2016, Encyclopedia of Norse and Germanic Folklore, Mythology, and Magic. Kvideland, R. and Sehmsdorf, H. K., 1988, Scandinavian Folk Belief and Legend, Norwegian University Press. Peeters, K. C., 1981, Vlaams Sagenboek, Davidsfonds, Leuven. (image source 1: “Asgardsreien” by Peter Nicolai Arbo. I found that this painting is most often used to illustrate the Wild Hunt in modern times) (image source 2: “Der wilde Jäger”, illustration for “Das festliche Jahr in Sitten, Gebräuchen und Festen der germanischen Völker” by Otto von Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, 1863)
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10yrsyart · 3 years
Signs of Jesus return
i felt lead recently to compile some of the signs and current events pointing to Jesus’ soon return. i don’t know who this is meant for, but i know it’s for someone. so i hope that whoever reads this finds it helpful and informative 💙 (this is not complete either, as there are too many to list)
The Fig Tree Generation:
Jesus often used a fig tree to describe the country of Israel in His prophecies. “Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know His return is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place.” (Matthew 24:32-34)
In Psalm 90, Moses describes a generation being “70-80 years,' and Isaiah 66:7-8 says, “Before the birth pains even begin, Jerusalem gives birth to a son. Who has ever seen anything as strange as this? Who ever heard of such a thing? Has a nation ever been born in a single day? Has a country ever come forth in a mere moment?” This did happen. In 1948, Israel became a nation in a day, after almost 2000 years. Israel needed to be a nation to fulfill its part in the Tribulation, so the countdown couldn't start without them. The imagery of birth pains is used in the Bible to describe the troubles that the world will go through before the Day of the Lord, meaning Israel must become a nation before the Lord's return.
1948+80 year generation= 2028. But since Jesus said “everything” (Rapture and Tribulation) would happen before the fig tree generation passed away (turns 81), we have to take away 7 years from the 2028 final count. That leads us to 2021-May 2022 approximately (right before they turn 74).
The Jewish Temple:
The book of Daniel speaks of the time during the 7 year Tribulation, when the Antichrist will come and take over Israel. “The ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven, but after half this time, he will put an end to the (daily) sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.” (Daniel 9:27) “The day is coming when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke about- the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy Place.” (Matthew 24:15)
The second Jewish Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., and hasn't been rebuilt since. The Holy Place is a specific spot inside the Temple, and the daily sacrifices and offerings that go along with the Jewish Law are only performed with the Temple in use.
As of 2021, the preparations for the Third Temple are nearly complete. The plans are laid out, the priests have been trained in the rules and rituals, the materials are all gathered. One source even says that theoretically the Temple could be built in a matter of 3-6 months. All they are waiting for is the go ahead. Those of the Jewish faith don't believe that Jesus is their Messiah, and many expect that the building of Third Temple will coincide with their own messiah making his appearance.. It's noteworthy that they're so close to building it after all this time.
The Abraham Accords:
In September 2020 the Abraham Accords were officially signed, setting up a peace deal with multiple Middle Eastern countries, including the United States. Since then other countries have added themselves to the peace treaty. There hasn't been a deal like this in the Middle East in a long time, much less centered around Israel. When the Antichrist comes to power, he strengthens a treaty or proposal of peace that already exists, and so the Abraham Accords have come at a significant time.
“Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom (ethnicity) against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from heaven.” (Luke 10-11)
So many of the great wars in history have been within the last hundred years. War is not an uncommon thing for humanity, but the impact is much greater now, as is the frequency of wars on the horizon. Currently, many of the World Powers are already declaring war and/or making preparations. China threatening war against Taiwan and it's allies, Iran desiring to destroy the US and wipe Israel out as a nation, and many more threatened. It's not a question of if but of when.
The frequency of earthquakes has drastically gone up over the last couple years, not only in numbers but also in magnitude power. As I'm writing this (8/22/2021), we've had over twelve 7.0+ earthquakes in the last two weeks. That's not a normal level, not even taking into account all the earthquakes of lower magnitudes. Volcanic activity is rising as well. Many volcanoes that were previously thought to be dormant are awakening, some even erupting. Iceland's volcano Fagradalsfjall was thought to be dormant for 6000 years, until it erupted last March. (“Dutchsinse” on Youtube is a good source for seismic activity.)
Because of the change in weather patterns, with flooding and wildfires and droughts, many of the worlds “bread baskets” (where a large portion of their food is grown) are not producing enough food. A shortage is already coming on America, not to mention all the other nations that are in the midst of one. Greece, Turkey, Australia, Italy, California and Oregon (US) are all burning at record rates. And mass  flooding is impacting just as much area, like Indonesia, China, New York (US), Haiti, Germany, and more.
Plagues/ Diseases:
Everyone is aware of the effect of the C Virus on the world, and now a new variant is appearing. Diseases like Ebola and the Bubonic Plague are re-emerging. Animals are experiencing these effects as well. Massive animal die offs are happening all over the world, from mysterious diseases and unknown causes. Various plagues have swarmed countries, for instance the mass attacks of locusts that have eaten through parts of Africa, and the infestation of billions of mice in Australia.
Signs in the Heavens:
“And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth- blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the Lord arrives.” (Joel 2:30-31)  
As I mentioned earlier, volcanoes all over the world are waking up and erupting at an alarming rate. The super volcano centered in Yellowstone Wyoming (US) has been showing worrying signs of stirring as well.
In 2014, two Blood Moons landed on two of God's Feasts, which carry significance. Then in 2015 there was a Solar Eclipse, followed by another two Blood Moons that landed on the same Feasts as the previous year. In 2017, the Great American Solar Eclipse drew a line across the US. In 2020, the “Bethlehem Star” made an appearance as Jupiter and Saturn almost merged in the sky. Though it's not the same cosmic event as the true “Star” that heralded Christ's birth, its rarity and symbolism is important. This August 2021 we just had a rare Blue Moon.
The Revelation 12 Sign:
“Then I witnessed in heaven an event of great significance. I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant, and she cried out because of her labor pains and the agony of giving birth.” (Revelation 12:1-2)
In September 2017, this sign appeared in the sky for the first time ever. The constellation Virgo represents the woman, and the nine stars of Leo plus 3 wandering stars lined up as her crown. The moon was near her feet in the constellation and the sun was at her shoulder shining on her “clothes.” Then Jupiter entered the middle of the constellation (her stomach) and stayed there for nine months and left. Jupiter is generally considered to represent a ruler, and the child in Revelation is believed to represent the Church (Jesus' Body). The rest of Revelation 12: 3-5 speaks of the child being snatched away from the Dragon (the devil), which represents the Rapture of the Church before the Tribulation. So it's incredibly significant that the first part of this prophecy was fulfilled in the stars. (There's also a type of 4 year grace period before judgment in scripture (Luke 13:6-9), so 2017+ 4 years warning = 2021).
The Vaxx System:
“He required everyone- small and great, rich and poor, free and slave- to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing the name.” (Revelation 13:16-17)
This is not about whether or not to take the vaxx, it's about the mentality around it. The animosity in the world media keeps growing towards those who don't wish to take it. The results don't add up to how single minded they are becoming, and it's easily paving the way for regulations to be carried out by brute force. There are stricter and stricter limitations to those who don't feel safe taking it, like being unable to shop at a grocery story or go to work... In the future, the world won't blink twice about a universal Mark of much greater magnitude and greater consequences. The consequences of refusing won't just mean an inability to buy or sell, but death.  
Alien Disclosure:
As of 2021, the US government has released the information they have on Unidentified Flying Objects, confirming the possibility of aliens. The first main stream event involving the alien conspiracy was the Roswell Incident of 1947, about a year before Israel became a nation. The reason why this is so significant is because 1) the Fig Tree prophecy was about to start when Israel revived, beginning the End Times countdown and 2) 2 Thessalonians 2:11 says the people left after the Rapture will believe a “Great Delusion.” Even a couple years ago, the thought of aliens coming down and taking people away would have been laughed at, but not now. Satan is the Prince of the Air; he uses his demons and spirits to appear as other things, so as to lead people away from the Truth of God. He knew when Israel became a nation the clock was ticking for the need of a believable lie. Now people could easily believe that all the Christians that disappeared were “beamed up” by aliens. (We don't know specifically what the Delusion will be yet, but this is certainly a possibility.)
Dreams and Visions:
“ 'In the Last Days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out My Spirit even on my servants- men and women alike- and they will prophecy.' “ (Acts 2:17-18)
Around the end of 2019 to the beginning of 2020, End Times dreams skyrocketed. The sheer amount that can be found on Youtube is astounding and it continues to grow. Dreams about the Rapture, dreams from Jesus, dreams about disasters that are coming; people from all over the world are sounding the alarm. And these aren't internet celebrities or self proclaimed prophets; these are every day normal people, some of which weren't even Christian to begin with. The amount of non-Believers that have had Jesus appear to them to save them continues to grow as well.
I personally felt an awakening through the Holy Spirit sometime around early 2020, that Jesus was returning soon. And the more I've studied Bible prophecies and current events I know that it's fast approaching. Although it's important to test the spirits of dreams to see if it's really from God or not, the message of the majority is clear. Time is short.
(This was just a small selection of the MANY signs that God continues to send as warnings. The frequency and intensity is rising like it never has before. A more in depth list can be found, along with Bible references and news sources, at https://www.ithasbeenwritten.com/ )
To You:
For those of you who are un-Believers, I am not writing this to be a fear monger. When evidence and reports come in that there's a bomb in a building, the people inside need to know about it. Even if it ends up being fake, the risk isn't worth it. This isn't just one fanatic Christian with a dream trying to convince everyone the end is near, this is the whole world. No matter what you believe about Bible prophecies, these current events are real things that are happening, and show no signs of slowing down. The good news is that Jesus died to save you from all this. He died to clear our sin debt and give us the hope of Heaven, a place we could never get to on our own. And His signs are saying He's coming soon to rescue everyone who accepted His sacrifice and entered His family.
“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)
For those Believers that don't think Jesus is returning soon, please pray about it and study His word. He was angry at the Pharisees of the generation of His first coming, because He said, “You know how to interpret the weather signs in the sky, but you don't know the how to interpret the signs of the times!” (Matthew 16:3).
Matthew 24's “no one knows the day/hour” is not saying that we won't know the season in which He will return. If it were, He wouldn't have gone to all the trouble of giving so many signs of the closeness of the event. “So you, too, must keep watch! For you don't know what day your Lord is coming.” (Matthew 24:42) “But you aren't in the dark about these things (signs), dear brothers and sisters, and you won't be surprised when the Day of the Lord comes like a thief.” (1 Thessalonians 5:4) Are you watching? Let's do our best to be a light as much as possible before it's too late.
“So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation draws near!” (Luke 21:28)
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Acting.”
A continuation to the Hybrid arc. Hope you all enjoy this morning. 
Adam dropped her hand as soon as they were through the door reaching down with one hand to engage the augmented hearing from his open implant. He leaned his head to the side listening with his eyes closed. Sunny covered him from the side.
Straining to hear down the hall, he tilted his head and turned up the volume.
“So, what do you say?”
“IS that even legal?”
“And how long have you two been in a relationship….” There was silence, “exactly, excuse us for thinking legal wasn’t your thing.”
“Look I get what you’re doing, and I’m not going to stop you, but the people around here have enough problems as it is without you going around and giving them hope like that just to scam them out of their money.”
‘It isn’t a scam, we can do exactly what we told you we can do.”
“Yeah, and I’m chairman of the galactic assembly.”
Footsteps and protests.
Commander Vir turned to Sunny a rather disconcerting expression spreading across his face, “You ready?”
“Ready for what.”
“Now, Don’t freak out ok.”
Tilting his head he could hear footsteps moving up the hall and annoyed muttering voices.
Sunny watched in confusion as the man lifted his head to stare at the ceiling, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, and then with a single breath  he just burst into tears face in his hands.
Sunny took a step back in complete and utter confusion.
Sobbing the man slid down the nearest wall head in hands, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I… I’m a h-horrible partner.”
Sunny stood nonplussed at the center of the hallway for a second before regaining her senses.
What the hell was he doing?
She walked over and knelt next to him a hand on his arm, “What are you talking about.”
“I’m-m s-sorry my brother….he-he's having another…. Baby and I. You and I…. Will n-never.” He choked off. 
The hell was happening, Adam wasn’t this good of an Actor as far as she remembered.
“What started all this? Why-”
“Because I kn-know how important having a large family is in…. Your culture and I. I just feel like a failure because…. I-its not fair.”
The footsteps from earlier had stopped, but they were still close by.
Adam raised his head tears streaming down his face, but looking into his eyes, Sunny watched as he motioned towards the hallway with them. Shit, he really was faking it.
When the hell had he learned how to face like that.
She scooted closer and wrapped her arms around him as he continued to sob into her chest, “Shhh, it's alright. If I really needed that there is always…. Adoption is it?”
HE choked out a bitter laugh, “The GA would never allow that. They hate us.” He broke down into sobs again.
“Things can change, you of all people should know that.” She paused glancing towards the hallway, “What brought this on anyway.” 
Sniff, “Just, got a text from my brother-another ….p-picture of his new baby, I-I’’m so sick and tired of being the black sheep in the family. Mom always wanted grandkids and, and I’m the screw up son that just can’t….”
Wow, she would have felt sorry for him if she had been watching. 
How the hell was he doing that.
“Come on Adam, you’re drunk, lets get you home.”
Still had to make this authentic.
She pulled him to his feet arm around her as he leaned against her shoulder, “I’m sorry.” He muttered again.
“Me too.” She added slowly walking them down the other end of the hallway.
Glancing over at Adam, she could see he still had the tears flowing, but the expression in his eyes was one of concentration, head tilted towards the noise behind them. The two traits thrown together like that was more than  a little unsettling.
“We have a tail.” He muttered quietly leaning his head against her and wrapping an arm around hers. His gate was uneven as if he were slightly inebriated, and she did her best to support him. They stepped out onto the street walking slowly. He allowed his breathing to slow and relax and the expression on his face moved from one of exhaustion to one of intent focus as he listened behind them.
“Close?” She whispered.
“Yes, hold on.” He staggered a bit more letting his legs give out as he sat next to the wall.
“Adam!Are you ok!”
“Yeah…. I.” He put his head in his hands, “Just nauseous. I’ll be ok in a minute.” 
Sunny turned her head towards the end of the alley where a pair of figures were now backlit against the neon blue lighting of the nearest club.
She recognized them.
The two Tesraki approached slowly as Adam rocked back and forth next to the wall, “Is your companion well?” One of them asked, sounding worried.
“Do we need to call someone for you?” Another asked
She patted his back, “No he will be alright in a minute. Just drank too much, I think.”
Adam lifted his head slowly tilting his head as he looked blearily up at the Tesraki, “Hey…. haven't we seen you before. Earlier tonight at the club?”
The two of them nodded, “Yes we did happen to be leaving at the same time.”
“I… thought it was kind of weird to see two Tesraki, since, you know it's an interspecies club and all.”
They glanced between each other, “Well, yes, but we were there for a bit of business, you know some advertising. Your friends happen to be a target demographic for our market.”
Adam wiped at his face, “And what is your market.”
“Here let us find you some water, and then maybe we can talk more openly.” 
Midnight at a 24-hour diner. Adam had some water and the two Tesraki sat across from them.
“To start off with, you are under no obligation to agree to anything of course, this is simply a pitch meeting of our…. Service.”
“And what is your service.”
The two glanced between each other, “Well have you ever heard of genetic splicing.”
“Uh no, can’t say I have.”
“Well it is a very complicated procedure which requires the careful integration of genetic material…. From two species into one cohesive hole.” 
Adam blinked and leaned back, “W…. what are you saying.”
“I am saying that we can make hybrids. The procedure is admittedly very expensive as it has to be done with the utmost care and consideration, but it is something we have recently perfected with a little help.”
“Hybrids…. like …. like “
“Like Drev human hybrids.”
They glanced at each other with wide eyes, “Say again?”
“Drev human hybrids.” 
He turned to look at Sunny grabbing her by the arm, “You hear that.”
“Yeah yeah, but let's not get our hopes up just yet.” She turned to look at the Tesraki “And how do we know you aren’t lying?”
“Well we have a few images, but of course those could have been doctored. Still, if you are interested we would be wiling to bring you in to tour the facility.” One of them reached into his bag and pulled out a set of photographs which he passed across the table.
Sunny and Adam leaned in together to look at the images.
The first one was a picture of a sleeping baby, it looked human, except for the bright purple tint of its hair and nails, and a slight shimmering about the skin. Two little holes at the base of it’s neck indicated a possible auxiliary breathing system just like a Drev.
“Sweet Jupiter.” Adam muttered turning to the next picture.
This one was a baby Drev, but missing a pair of arms and with five fingers on either hand. It’s open eyes were clearly very human.
They kept turning through the pages.
“Other companies have tried this before for various reasons. However, the mistake them often make is trying to make a fifty, fifty genetic variants. Try blending DNA at a fifty-fity split and the child turns out to be deformed, in pain and unable to sustain itself in order to live. The key is to bring it to a 80 20 or 70-30 split or some other variation. They tend to look more like one species than the other, but they do still have the genetics of both the parents.
Adam’s eyes widened, “Wow… that’s amazing, but…. Is that…. illegal?”
“Should it be illegal to keep people from having happy families?”
“I suppose not.”
“Very well.”
Sunny crossed her arms, “I would have to have more proof than this.”
“Of course, of course you would, and that can be done. We can bring you to the facility as long as you sign some nondisclosure forms 
‘Or you could simply be kidnapping us.”
“And you could be cops.”
“I guess that leaves us at an impasse.” Sunny said crossing her arms. 
Adam leaned forward, “But Chalan…. please. If they can help us…”
“Adam, I don’t trust it.”
She watched him pause for a minute second conjuring up his acting skills from earlier as tears welled in his eyes, “But what if this is our only chance….” His chin trembled 
Shit, he was good 
She sighed, “Ok, ok,what do we do?”
“Give us your contact information, and we will come to you.”
They did and the  four of tem stood shaking hands in the traditional human way before stepping to walk outside. Sunny could see the Tesraki watching them, so she grabbed Adam by the hand and pulled him in close to her, a fact that seems to surprise him.
They walked out and the Teraki waved a farewell to them walking down the street.
Adam tried to let go, but sunny shook her head, ‘They’re still watching us. I swear those guys are suspicious.”
“Wouldn't you be.”
She huffed, and instead of talking more she grabbed him by the arms keeping one eye out for the Tesraki as she pulled him closer and gently pressed her forehead against his. He grew very still, but she took one hand of his and pressed it against the side of her face.
He was very stiff 
“Don’t blow our cover.”
She muttered 
She watched his eyes turn back to hers, and he took a deep breath relaxing.
A thumb bushed over her cheek.
They were looking straight into each others eyes now.
She pulled him just a bit closer.
Out of the corner of her eye she watched the Tesraki disappear behind the nearest building. She gripped Adam tighter holding the position for a good twenty seconds just in case.
Eventually she let him go keeping a hold of his hand.
He was blinking rather faster than normal.
His hand was slick with sweat.
He was terrible at undercover work.
She tugged hi up the street, “So do you want to tell me when you became such a good actor.”
He snorted, “Oh no, fake crying is about the only thing I can do. Thomas taught me when I was a kid. I can cry on command.”
“Well I t sort of involves thinking about how we had to put down our old family dog. I really don’t like to think about it. Gets me every time.”
She shook her head,  “You are a well of surprised aren’t you.”
“Just a little.” 
She sighed, “Now all we have to do is stop a genetic tampering ring.”
“Just another Monday.” 
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Gillis Coignet - The rape of Europe -
In Greek mythology, Europa (Ancient Greek: Εὐρώπη, Eurṓpē, Attic Greek) was the mother of King Minos of Crete, a Phoenician princess of Argive origin, after whom the continent Europe is named. The story of her abduction by Zeus in the form of a bull was a Cretan story; as classicist Károly Kerényi points out, "most of the love-stories concerning Zeus originated from more ancient tales describing his marriages with goddesses. This can especially be said of the story of Europa."
Europa's earliest literary reference is in the Iliad, which is commonly dated to the 8th century BC. Another early reference to her is in a fragment of the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women, discovered at Oxyrhynchus. The earliest vase-painting securely identifiable as Europa dates from mid-7th century BC.
The Dictionary of Classical Mythology explains that Zeus was enamoured of Europa and decided to seduce or rape her, the two being near-equivalent in Greek myth. He transformed himself into a tame white bull and mixed in with her father's herds. While Europa and her helpers were gathering flowers, she saw the bull, caressed his flanks, and eventually got onto his back. Zeus took that opportunity and ran to the sea and swam, with her on his back, to the island of Crete. He then revealed his true identity, and Europa became the first queen of Crete. Zeus gave her a necklace made by Hephaestus and three additional gifts: Talos, Laelaps and a javelin that never missed. Zeus later re-created the shape of the white bull in the stars, which is now known as the constellation Taurus. Some readers interpret as manifestations of this same bull the Cretan beast that was encountered by Heracles, the Marathonian Bull slain by Theseus (and that fathered the Minotaur). Roman mythology adopted the tale of the Raptus, also known as "The Abduction of Europa" and "The Seduction of Europa", substituting the god Jupiter for Zeus.
The myth of Europa and Zeus may have its origin in a sacred union between the Phoenician deities `Aštar and `Aštart (Astarte), in bovine form. Having given birth to three sons by Zeus, Europa married a king Asterios, this being also the name of the Minotaur and an epithet of Zeus, likely derived from the name `Aštar.
According to Herodotus' rationalizing approach, Europa was kidnapped by Greeks (probably Cretans) who were seeking to avenge the kidnapping of Io, a princess from Argos. His variant story may have been an attempt to rationalize the earlier myth; or the present myth may be a garbled version of facts—the abduction of a Phoenician aristocrat—later enunciated without gloss by Herodotus.
Gillis Coignet, Congnet or Quiniet (c. 1542 – 1599) was a Flemish Renaissance painter, who was strongly influenced by the Italian style. He painted historical and mythological subjects of an easel size, but was more successful in landscapes, in candlelight subjects, and moonlight. He was a Lutheran, which probably influenced his moves from Antwerp to Amsterdam and then Hamburg. He spent most of the 1560s in Italy.
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deathlessathanasia · 9 months
And because I'm all for the strange, unusual, alternative, less common or local variants of myths, here are most of the accounts I know of that deviate more or less strongly from the traditional version of Hesiod where all the children of Kronos except Zeus are devoured at birth and then emerge from Kronos ready to assist their brother in the war:
Diodoros of Sicily, Library of History: The island which is called Rhodes was first inhabited by the people who were known as Telchines . . . and the myth relates that they, together with Kapheira, the daughter of Okeanos, nurtured Poseidon, whom Rhea had committed as a babe to their care.
Pausanias, Description of Greece: The following story is told by the Arkadians. When Rhea had given birth to Poseidon, she laid him in a flock for him to live there with the lambs, and the spring too received its name just because the lambs pastured around it. Rhea, it is said, declared to Kronos that she had given birth to a horse, and gave him a foal to swallow instead of the child, just as later she gave him in place of Zeus a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Tzetzes, Commentary on Lycophron's Alexandra 644: Arne was the nurse of the young Poseidon, who denied knowing where he was when Cronus came searching for him.
Pausanias, Description of Greece: Euboia is the name they give to the hill here, saying that Asterion the river had three daughters, Euboia, Prosymna, and Akraia, and that they were nurses of Hera.
Pausanias, Description of Greece: The story has it that in the old Stymphalos dwelt Temenos, the son of Pelasgos, and that Hera was reared by this Temenos. (also consider the traditions according to which she was raised on Samos or on Euboia, the Seasons being called her nurses in one source, or Tethys and Okeanos raising her))
Scholion on Iliad 1.609: To Kronos and Rhea were born three male children: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, and three daughters: Hestia, Demeter and Hera. They say that in the reign of Kronos Zeus and Hera were in love for three hundred years, as Kallimachos mentions in his second Aetia, "Zeus loved [Hera] for three hundred years". In secret, they came together without their parents' knowledge and they brought forth a son, Hephaistos, both of his feet deformed, as the poet says, calling him lame. The fact that they met secretly from their parents is also attested by the Poet, saying: 'they went to bed without their dear parents’ knowledge.'.
Scholion on Iliad 14.295: Hera, while she was being nurtured by her parents, was raped by one of the Gigantes, Eurymedon, and she became pregnant and bore Prometheus.
Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae: When Opis gave birth to Jupiter by Saturn, Juno asked that he be given to her. Saturn had already cast Orcus beneath Tartarus and Neptune beneath the seas because he knew that if a son was born to him, he would be dethroned by him.
Lactantius, Divine Institutes: Here are Ennius' words: "Then Saturn took Ops to wife. Titan, the elder brother, demanded that kingship for himself. Vesta their mother, with their sisters Ceres and Ops, persuaded Saturn not to give way to his brother in the matter. Titan was less good-looking than Saturn; for that reason, and also because he could see his mother and sisters working to have it so, he conceded the kingship to Saturn and came to terms with him: if Saturn had a male child born to him, it would not be reared. This was done to secure reversion of the kingship to Titan's children. They then killed the first son that was born to Saturn. Next came twin children, Jupiter and Juno. Juno was given to Saturn to see while Jupiter was secretly removed and given to Vesta to be brought up without Saturn's knowledge. In the same way without Saturn knowing, Ops bore Neptune and hid him away. In her third labour Ops bore another set of twins, Pluto and Glauce. Saturn was shown his daughter Glauce but his son Pluto was hidden and removed. Glauce then died young. That is the pedigree, as written, of Jupiter and his brothers; that is how it  has been passed down to us in holy scripture.
pseudo-Clement, Recognitions: But of these six males, the one who is called Saturn received in marriage Rhea, and having been warned by a certain oracle that he who should be born of her should be more powerful than himself, and should drive him from his kingdom, he determined to devour all the sons that should be born to him. First, then, there is born to him a son called Aides, who amongst us is called Orcus; and him, for the reason we have just stated, he took and devoured. After him he begot a second son, called Neptune; and him he devoured in like manner. Last of all, he begot him whom they call Jupiter; but him his mother Rhea pitying, by stratagem withdrew from his father when he was about to devour him.
Sibylline Oracles Book 3: And they judged Cronos should reign king of all, For he was oldest and of noblest form. But Titan laid on Cronos mighty oaths To rear no male posterity, that he Himself might reign when age and fate should come To Cronos. And whenever Rhea bore Beside her sat the Titans, and all males In pieces tore, but let the females live To be reared by the mother. But When now At the third birth the august Rhea bore, She brought forth Hera first; and when they saw A female offspring, the fierce Titan men Betook them to their homes. And thereupon Rhea a male child bore, and having bound Three men of Crete by oath she quickly sent Him into Phrygia to be reared apart In secret; therefore did they name him Zeus, For he was sent away. And thus she sent Poseidon also secretly away. And Pluto, third, did Rhea yet again, Noblest of women, at Dodona bear, Whence flows Europus' river's liquid course, And with Peneus mixed pours in the sea Its water, and men call it Stygian.
Etymologicum Magnum: When he noticed that Rhea was pregnant, Kronos was getting ready to swallow the child, but, by accident the mother first bore Hera, while Zeus remained in the safety of the womb. Kronos then gave Rhea permission to raise this daughter, whom the Cretans named 'Hera', because they pronounced the word ('raise') as." ("Ἥρα·.
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claudehenrion · 5 years
Vox clamantis in deserto...
  Aujourd'hui, chers lecteurs-amis... je pousse un ''cri silencieux'' (univers virtuel oblige), un cri de désespoir, un appel au secours pour sauver un monde en grand danger. Le titre de cet appel, ''Vox clamantis in deserto''. (= une voix qui crie dans le désert) m'est offert par les prophètes Malachie et Elie, par Saint Jean le Baptiste, et par les évangélistes Matthieu, Marc et Luc. ''Excusez du peu'', ajouteraient les commentateurs sportifs, dans leur jargon tout en clichés... Mais un tel tir groupé de belles références est nécessaire, tant la situation est grave. Il faut au moins ça !
  1- Tout, sans doute, a commencé par une impression insidieuse, rampante, sournoise, chez à peu près tous les dirigeants de la Planète : ''on ne contrôle plus rien''... avec des variantes : ''la crise qui s'annonce va être terrible...  on ne sait plus faire... on va droit dans le mur... je suis complètement paumé''... Et, pour les plus lucides (ils sont peu nombreux) : ''mais que suis-je venu faire dans cette galère'' ?     2- L'arrivée inattendue d'un pauvre virus plutôt moins méchant que la plupart de ses confrères a été perçue comme un don du ciel (ce qui, pour les athées militants qu'ils sont en majorité, était pourtant une lueur inespérée d'intelligence) : ''Chic ! Une porte de sortie qui semble s'entr'ouvrir...'' : voilà un coupable inespéré à tous mes/nos/les problèmes. (NDLR – Les statisticiens désignent par ''cygne noir'' ce type d'événements imprévus –donc non-modélisés-- aux conséquences extrêmes).   3- Pour les gens de Presse, cette double ''chance à saisir'' a été comprise comme ''Voilà un bon moyen de redorer notre blason tellement terni par notre médiocrité, notre parti-pris en faveur d'idéologies qui ne valaient rien et (mais... chut !) notre malhonnêteté dans la manière de ne présenter que la partie des faits qui va dans notre bon sens si mauvais''... Convaincus d'être le vrai moteur du monde, ils ont basculé dans la mégalomanie : 23 heures sur 24, on ne nous parle plus que d'un seul sujet, ''LE CORONAVIRUS''... Etonnez-vous que les gens soient inquiets !
  Et aujourd'hui, c'est Jupiter lui-même qui descend de son Olympe (enfin... presque : le sien se nomme l'Elysée, ce qui n'est qu'un cimetière de luxe peuplé d'ombres qui errent (NDLR – l'étymologie explique bien des choses :  Elysée vient de ἀλύω (alúô) qui veut dire ''errer'', ou de ἀλυουσας (aluousas), ''être agité' (d'après Eustathe de Thessalonique).  Mais tout ça, nous, on l'avait compris, avec Hollande et depuis !). ''Il'' est descendu nous annoncer (ce que nous avions aussi compris), que l'heure est grave, puisque ''ils'' débloquent au point de tout bloquer. Après que lui-même et ses semblables aient tout fait pour créer le chaos, il prétend vouloir nous rassurer ! Beaucoup de confirmations, mais peu de nouveautés et un leit-motiv : ‘‘Unis, nous vaincrons‘‘ ! On est assez proche de l’arroseur arrosé... 
  La situation est simple à résumer, sinon à remettre en marche : côté ''pile'', aucune, absolument aucune des catastrophes annoncées ne s'est produite, et le monde pourrait aller ''pas trop mal'' si l'affolement n'avait pas pris le pas sur la raison et l'intelligence. Pensez que, avec un total mondial de 125 000 cas (dont moins de 2300 en France, et dont plus des 2/3 sont guéris ''pour de vrai''), et avec 4350 morts en tout, dont même pas 50 en France, on a droit à des titres genre ''L'épidémie de Covid-19 se généralise en France’’ (sic !) et ’’L’ OMS classifie désormais le phénomène en pandémie'' (re-sic !). Ces chiffres sont à la limite du ridicule (je veux dire : à l'échelle statistique, car il n'est pas question de sous-estimer le drame des décès et des quelques cas graves, d'autant que, s'agissant en majorité de personnes plus jeunes que moi, j'y suis particulièrement sensible !).
  Côté ‘’face’’, nos dirigeants ont ouvert ''la boîte de Pandore'' d’où se répandent sur le monde l'angoisse, la peur, la paralysie. Et la misère, bientôt. Ils se copient l'un-l'autre pour faire... tout ce qu'il ne faut pas, jusqu'à paralyser le monde, la vie, la santé, la liberté (et en Chine.... ''ça y va'', de ce côté-là !). On peut craindre que le nombre de victimes dues aux mesures prises sera, in fine, supérieur à celui des morts par ce virus ! Mais utiliser le mot ''Pandémie'' pour 4500 morts sur Terre --souvent âgés, et porteurs de plusieurs pathologies !--, c'est se foutre du sens des mots. On rappelle ici que ''Pandémie'' vient du grec πᾶν (pân), qui se traduit par ''la totalité'', et de δῆμος (dễmos), ''le peuple'', pris ici dans le sens de ''humanité''.
  Jusqu'à maintenant, le mot ''Pandémie'' servait à décrire a posteriori des crises énormes et incontrôlables qui créaient de grands vides dans tous les pays.  Ne parlons pas des 12 à 15 ''grandes pestes'' de l'Histoire, dont chacune ''décimait'' --au sens propre : un sur 10 !-- les populations, avec plus de 50 millions en 1350, dont 25 en Europe... qui n'en comptait pas le double. (NB : Ramené à 2020, c'est 250 millions de morts en Europe !). Elles mises à part, on cite la pandémie de grippe espagnole de 1918-1919 (21 millions de morts, plus que la Grande Guerre), le choléra de 1865 (475 000 rien qu'en Europe), la ''grippe russe'' (1889-90 :1 million de décès), voire, plus près de nous, celles du SIDA (33 millions de séro-positifs, 2 millions de morts en 2007) et de la grippe A dite H5-N1 (2 millions de morts -chiffre OMS)... Le pauvre Cornavirus est à des années-lumière de ces chiffres terrifiants, et pourtant nos tout petits grands hommes sont en train de détruire, au sens propre, toute l'économie du monde... pour trois fois rien, à l'épaisseur du trait près ! Nous remettrons-nous de leur manque de sagesse, de ''vista'' et de déni de toute réalité ?
  Quelques remarques annexes : alors que tous nos organismes d'information ressassent ad nauseam le nombre de morts, et alors que chaque nouveau décès d'un octogénaire (mes copains !) dans un Ephad est cité et re-cité en boucle jusqu'à 10 ou 15 fois, agrémenté de commentaires débiles (avant hier, on a eu ''Le nombre de morts a doublé, en Suisse'' : il était passé de un à deux !), nos journaleux en mal de sensationnel oublient la seule information intéressante : le coronavirus est mortel dans 3,4 % des cas... ce qui veut dire qu'il ne l'est pas pour 96,6 % des gens contaminés ! J'annonçais, dans mon ''billet'' du 3 mars sur ce même sujet, un taux de non-gravité entre 85 et 90 % : j'étais loin de la vérité ! Mais la preuve est faite que nos angoisses de ces dernières semaines n'ont servi à rien : on n'en serait pas là, dans le cas contraire ! Sauf mutation (pas prévue), ils ont vraiment tout faux.
  Autre remarque importante (et ironique) : Hippocrate, Esculape et d'autres ''bac + 18'' se relaient pour nous rassurer : avec le retour du printemps, le ''pic'' va devenir une pénéplaine, puisque ce virus meurt à partir de 28°... Pourquoi, alors, est-il si à craindre chez l'homme, dont la température moyenne est de 37°... qui grimpent, à la seconde-même où vous l'accueillez ? Se moquent-ils de nous... ne savent-ils vraiment rien... ou raisonnent-ils comme des grosses caisses ? Mais ce qui est grave, c'est qu' ''ils'' ont ouvert la porte à des forces dont ils ignorent absolument tout... Seul un monumental coup de pot pourrait faire que tout cet amateurisme mondialisé se termine autrement que par une vraie catastrophe.
  Devant ces avalanches de panique non-admise et de mauvaises décisions, un souvenir a jailli, du fond de ma mémoire. Oh ! Trois fois rien … Une citation, une petite phrase courte, terrible.  En 1915, Romain Rolland (in-JEAN-CHRISTOPHE-  Tome X - 4, p 247) avait porté ce diagnostic terrible, que l’on pourrait croire ciselé pour être ressorti aujourd'hui : ''On eût dit que le monde eût, pour le gouverner, fait le choix des plus médiocres. Au cours de cette période si courte et où allait se décider le sort du monde et de la France, les hommes en place pensent à gagner du temps (...). Il n’y a plus de pouvoir, qui n'est plus qu'une fiction commode, et le rôle du gouvernement ne consiste plus qu’à sauver la face et à proclamer la valeur d’hommes dont il a été en mesure de juger l’incapacité''... Quelle intuition... quelle ''vista''... Et que de regrets, pour nous...
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ca-se-passe-la-haut · 5 years
Une nouvelle façon de détecter des exoplanètes
Une toute nouvelle méthode de détection d'exoplanètes vient de voir le jour : la détection d'aurores stellaires en ondes radio. La première détection de ce type sur une étoile naine rouge vient d'être publiée dans Nature Astronomy.
Les deux méthodes classiques de détection de la présence d'exoplanètes autour d'une étoile sont premièrement la mesure des variations de la vitesse radiale de l'étoile qui est induite par l'influence gravitationnelle de la planète, et qui exploite les très faibles décalages spectraux associés aux variations de vitesse. Et deuxièmement l'observation de transits de la planète passant devant son étoile qui produit une faible variation de luminosité de l'étoile. La méthode qu'ont développée Harish Vedantham et ses collaborateurs n'a rien à voir.
Les astrophysiciens ont analysé les sources radio d'un récent relevé de tout le ciel en regardant si il existait une coïncidence avec la position d'étoiles proches. Et c'est ce qu'ils ont trouvé! Vedantham  et ses collaborateurs observe une coincidence étonnante entre une source radio polarisée et une étoile naine nommée  GJ 1151. Mais la source radio a été vue seulement une seule fois sur les quatre enregistrements effectués dans la zone de l'étoile. L'émission radio n'a duré qu'un peu plus de huit heures et montrait une polarisation quasi complètement circulaire. La polarisation d'une onde électro-magnétique indique comment sont orientés les champs électriques et magnétiques dans l'onde électromagnétique. La polarisation de la lumière, quelle que soit sa longueur d'onde, fournit une information précieuse sur le processus responsable de son émission. 
Et la polarisation circulaire que Vedantham et ses collaborateurs ont observée en provenance de GJ 1151 ne peut être produite que par quelques phénomènes particuliers. Des cas similaires avaient été observés dans le passé sur des étoiles très éruptives, mais GJ 1151 est une vieille naine très calme. Les chercheurs ont donc pu éliminer les processus stellaires comme mécanismes d'émission possibles.
Après avoir comparé les propriétés de l'émission radio détectée avec différents modèles reproduisant sa luminosité, et avoir exclu une origine extra-terrestre intelligente (les auteurs ne citent même pas cette variante amusante...), Vedantham et ses collaborateurs montrent qu'il n'existe plus qu'un seul mécanisme physique possible : l'influence d'une exoplanète proche. Mais ce ne sont pas les habitants de cette planète qui émettent ces signaux radio étonnamment polarisés, il s'agirait plutôt d'un phénomène d'aurore stellaire induite par la présence de la planète à proximité de l'étoile, à l'image des aurores qui apparaissent au pôle de Jupiter et qui sont directement connectées aux satellites galiléens de la géante gazeuse. Les gros satellites de Jupiter sont en effet reliés à leur planète par des champs magnétiques (des tubes de flux magnétique) qui permettent à des turbulences électromagnétiques de se transmettre très facilement de l'un à l'autre. Le mouvement du satellite volcanique Io dans le champ magnétique de Jupiter est notamment connu pour être responsable de l'apparition d'aurores produisant des ondes radio caractéristiques en plus d'un joli phénomène lumineux, des ondes radio qui sont très similaires à celles qui sont observées en provenance de GJ 1151. 
Bien qu'il reste de nombreuses incertitudes dans les prédictions du modèle développé par les astrophysiciens, les données radio fournissent des indications sur les propriétés qui seraient nécessaires pour une ou plusieurs planètes autour de GJ 1151. Ces contraintes peuvent alors être utilisées pour rechercher plus efficacement la présence de planètes avec des méthodes plus classiques comme celle de la mesure de la vitesse radiale.
Mais ces résultats ont dès maintenant plusieurs implications importantes. Si un système planétaire peut être confirmé autour de cette étoile et qu'il est bien à l'origine du signal radio polarisé observé, la découverte de l'équipe de Vedantham démontrera l'intérêt de scanner le ciel entier en ondes radio de basses fréquences à la recherche d'aurores stellaires. 
Les aurores stellaires seraient intéressantes même au delà de la recherche d'exoplanètes, pour étudier plus généralement la physique des interactions magnétiques entre planètes et étoiles. Les astrophysiciens se prennent même à imaginer que les signaux radio de basses fréquences observés sur des naines rouges actives et montrant certaines similarités avec le signal de GJ 1151, qu'ils avaient attribués faute de mieux à l'activité éruptive des étoiles pourraient peut-être être en fait produits par des systèmes planétaires...
Par ailleurs, des ondes radio polarisées ont également été observées en provenance de naines brunes, des étoiles ratée, et l'hypothèse planétaire pour expliquer ces émissions est privilégiée aujourd'hui, et cela pourrait être le seul moyen d'identifier la présence de planètes autour de tels astres quasi invisibles.
Il reste donc maintenant à vite confirmer la présence d'une ou plusieurs planètes autour de GJ 1151 pour valider le modèle de Harish Vedantham et ses collègues. Dans le cas contraire, toutes les solutions seraient épuisées et le mystère de l'émission radio de GJ 1151 s'épaissirait d'avantage. Mais si il y a bien là une planète avec les bonnes propriétés, nous aurons à notre disposition une nouvelle méthode très efficace pour détecter des planètes autour d'étoiles de toute masse.
Coherent radio emission from a quiescent red dwarf indicative of star–planet interaction
Harish Vedantham, et al.
Nature Astronomy (17 february 2020) 
Principe de l'aurore stellaire induite par un tube de flux magnétique entre une planète et l'étoile (Nature Astronomy)
via https://ift.tt/38Gb3Xc
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version103 · 5 years
Latin Names - Male: J
JACINTHUS: Variant spelling of Latin Hyacinthus, meaning "hyacinth flower." JACOBUS: Latin form of Greek Iakobos, meaning "supplanter." In use by the Dutch. JACOMUS: Late Latin altered form of Latin Jacobus, meaning "supplanter." JANUARIUS: Variant spelling of Latin Ianuarius, the Roman name for the month of "January," derived from the name of the god Janus. JANUS: Variant spelling of Roman Latin Ianus, meaning "door, gate" or "archway." In mythology, this is the name of a two-faced god of gateways. With his two faces he looks into the past and future simultaneously. JASON: Latin form of Greek Iason, meaning "to heal." In mythology, this is the name of a son of Æson and leader of the Argonauts. JEREMIAS: Latin form of Greek Ieremias, meaning "Jehovah casts forth" or "Jehovah hurls." In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including one of the six major prophets. JERICHO: Latin form of Greek Iericho, meaning "city of the moon" or "place of fragrance." In the bible, this is the name of a city near the Dead Sea, abounding in fragrant products such as balsam and cyprus. Compare with another form of Jericho. JESUS: Latin form of Greek Iesous, meaning "God is salvation." In the New Testament bible, this is the name of many characters, including the son of God by the Virgin Mary. Jesus preached for four years before being crucified on a cross in Jerusalem. JOANNES: Late Latin form of Greek Ioannes, meaning "God is gracious." JODOCUS: Latin form of Celtic Jodoc, meaning "lord." JOHAN: Short form of Latin Johannes, meaning "God is gracious." In use by the Czechs, Finnish, Germans and Scandinavians. JOHANNES: Latin form of Greek Ioannes, meaning "God is gracious." JONAS: Late Latin form of Greek Ionas, meaning "dove." In the bible, this is the name of the father of Peter. Compare with another form of Jonas. JOSEPHUS: Late Latin form of Greek Ioseph, meaning "(God) shall add (another son)." JOSIAS: Latin form of Greek Iosias, meaning "whom Jehovah heals." In the bible, this is the name of a king of Judah. JOVE: This is another name for the Roman god Jupiter (Greek Zeus), derived from the first element of the Indo-European compound *dyēus-pəter ("God the father"), hence "god." JOVILIOS: Ancient Latin form of Greek Iovilios, meaning "descended from Iovis (Jove/Jupiter)." JOVILIUS: Variant spelling of ancient Latin Jovilios, meaning "descended from Iovis (Jove/Jupiter)." JUDAS: Latin form of Greek Ioudas, meaning "praised." In the bible, this is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus. JULIAN: Short form of Roman Latin Julianus, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)." In use by the English. JULIANUS: Roman Latin name, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)." JULIUS: Roman name thought to probably be a contracted form of Latin Jovilius, meaning "descended from Jupiter (Jove)." JUNIUS: Probably a contracted form of Roman Latin Junonius, meaning "sacred to Juno." JUNONIUS: Roman Latin name meaning "sacred to Juno." JUPITER: Latin name derived from the Indo-European compound *dyēus-pəter, meaning "God the father." In mythology, this is the name of the god of the Roman state, in charge of laws and social order. He is also the god of daylight thunder as opposed to Summanus, god of night thunder. The planet Jupiter was named after him. Equated with Greek Zeus ("god"). JUSTINUS: Roman name derived from Latin Justus, meaning "fair, just." JUSTUS: Latin name meaning "fair, just." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a Christian at Corinth with whom Paul lodged. Justus is also the name of a 13-year-old Christian who along with his 9-year-old brother Pastor, was martyred at Alcalá de Henares in the early 4th century. JUVENAL: Short form of Roman Latin Juvenalis, meaning "youthful." JUVENALIS: Roman Latin name meaning "youthful."
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