#the village hero
Have you ever done speculation on future Dunk & Egg titles? I've been wondering what the title of the final story that would presumably focus on Summerhall would be. I think GRRM once listed The Lord Commander as a title (though I might just be thinking of The Kingsguard), but I think he was LC when the Laughing Storm whose name is currently escaping me sort of rebelled and Dunk settled that? Idk, just curious on your thoughts on future D&E titles
I'm not sure I have any thoughts, sorry? Like, I know that the story with the working title The She-Wolves of Winterfell will have a different title, but I can't think of what the title will be. (The Northern Visitor, The (Really Tall) Household Guard?) As for Summerhall, The Lord Commander is possible, since Dunk was not yet LC during the trial by combat with Lyonel Baratheon (and that story is probably The Champion).
My thing is more about speculating what stories could happen in the working titles GRRM has listed. Like, I think The Village Hero must involve the story of how Pennytree became a royal fief, and thus would involve the Blackwood-Bracken Feud and probably the first time Egg meets Betha. I have the feeling that The Sellsword involves the Third Blackfyre Rebellion, Dunk and Egg either with the Golden Company themselves (as spies for Bloodraven?) or with another mercenary group (maybe the Company of the Rose or the Second Sons?) that encounters the GC right before they invade Westeros, D&E's efforts to end the war, and Aerion (himself a former? Second Son) being a douchebag as always. (Probably he's the one who dishonorably kills Haegon Blackfyre after he surrenders.)
The Champion would have Lyonel's rebellion (and Jenny and her Prince of Dragonflies), so The Kingsguard could include the tourney that has 10-year-old Barristan the Bold as a mystery knight, or the tourney when he was 16 and unhorsed both Duncans and was knighted. Unless The Kingsguard would be Lyonel's war, in which case The Champion could be a story involving the fall of Danelle Lothston, the shift in the course of the Trident (away from the Inn of the Crossroads), and perhaps the time Ser Lymond held the bridge against Ser Maynard. And of course, The Lord Commander would be the Tragedy at Summerhall, and how Dunk saved Rhaella and baby Rhaegar, but in the end died with his king.
But otherwise, I'm not good at devising future D&E titles myself. Hope this helps anyway!
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goodqueenaly · 2 years
I realized when thinking about "The Village Hero" yesterday that F&B may actually help support my theory on what I think might happen in the story. I've long believed that "The Village Hero" will be a story about the newly succeeded Lord Otho Bracken and the Blackwoods going to war against each other over the Teats and the village of Pennytree. Because we know Pennytree has been a royal fief for roughly a century by the time of the main novels, I think "The Village Hero" will end with Dunk and Egg not only successfully defending Pennytree from the attacks but overseeing and negotiating the transfer of Pennytree away from both Stone Hedge and Raventree Hall and to the Iron Throne as its direct suzerain. What I did not realize, however, is how F&B provides a handy legal framework to justify this decision:
Aegon’s chief concern was peace. Before the Conquest, wars between the realms of Westeros were common. Hardly a year passed without someone fighting someone somewhere. Even in those kingdoms said to be at peace, neighboring lords oft settled their disputes at swordpoint. Aegon’s accession put an end to much of that. Petty lords and landed knights were now expected to take their disputes to their liege lords and abide by their judgments. Arguments between the great houses of the realm were adjudicated by the Crown. “The first law of the land shall be the King’s Peace,” King Aegon decreed, “and any lord who goes to war without my leave shall be considered a rebel and an enemy of the Iron Throne.”
While F&B did not introduce the concept of "the king's peace" altogether - the concept having been discussed since AGOT - that book did formally codify "the King's Peace" as "[t]he first law of the land" and provided specific consequences for its violation. That specific legal basis might in turn give our Prince Aegon the royal authority to follow in his namesake's footsteps in "The Village Hero". If the Brackens and Blackwods had refused to take their dispute to young Lord Tully or the Iron Throne itself (as Septon Sefton had foretold they likely would not), but had gone to war against one another, then they might well be considered "rebel[s] and [enemies] of the Iron Throne". Since rebels against the Iron Throne are often subject to loss of property, it might in turn be fitting for a royal representative (especially Egg, who at the end of "The Mystery Knight" had openly embraced his identity as a Targaryen prince) to declare that neither the Brackens nor the Blackwoods, as rebels against the Iron Throne, could have any right to Pennytree any longer. Consequently, Bloodraven might not be able to do very much to protest the move; however much he might have favored his Blackwood cousins, it might seem difficult to argue against applying "[t]he first law of the land" if both factions had gone to war without even attempting to seek the intervention of Riverrun or the Iron Throne. 
There may even be a reference to The Accursed Kings here (I know, it me). One of the major points of dissension between what we might call the "progressive" faction of the Capetian court (represented by Enguerrand de Marigny and the future Philip V) and what Maurice Druon terms the "reactionary barons" is the right to "private war" between the barons - the right, as the author puts it, for aristocrats ‘to fight each other, to ride, to come and go, and to carry arms”. This right was, according to Druon, abolished by Philip IV "so as to prevent the great vassals from causing bloodshed, at the slightest excuse, within the kingdom in order to regulate their differences, establish their glory, or banish their boredom", and while Philip V does not directly comment upon it, his reign as described by Druon saw the king "[avoid] the temptations of war ... [suppress] many of the garrisons in the interior of the country", and prioritize "justice and peace" (and in turn, at his death the "reactionary barons" are triumphant, eager to "talk of a crusade again" among other rights denied them by Philip the Long). With Philip V a very clear inspiration for Aegon V, it might be fitting for our Egg to protest such a private war between Stone Hedge and Raventree Hall, foreshadowing his own reign as one which will focus on "justice and peace" against his own set of "reactionary barons". 
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somnimagus · 10 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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epickiya722 · 1 month
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I would like to say that anyone who has ever done wrong by these precious children should feel ashamed of their actions.
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brighteuphony · 5 months
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I love Chiyo- and I kind of headcanon her as a Witch of the Woods (Sands???) archetype- a bitter old woman who has sacrificed too much, experienced and committed more atrocities than anyone can imagine, and who knows the truth about what lies in the hearts of men to live among the villages anymore.
In my AU she's got a pretty dark backstory. Back in time when Villages were just getting established, women weren't allowed to be shinobi in the same capacity as men. There was too much warring and death among the clans to risk women, so they were only ever allowed to serve as spies or medics. (Chiyo started off as a medic).
And like any military/fascist dictatorship, serving the state was more important than anything else- so women who were kunoichi were given missions to steal and return with powerful bloodlines. Even before villages, this was a common fear among clans (which is why so many of them have protective measures and inbreed/arrange matches very carefully).
Chiyo was one such woman, who took a X-rated mission in her youth because she was told it would 'serve her nation'. There was a powerful bloodline whose Kekkei Genkai could harden sand to something akin to Steel- something Suna very desperately wanted.
Chiyo succeeded in her mission, but despite the veneer of 'serving your nation', when she returned, she was considered, in her words, "Just another whore."
Then when her son didn't manifest the bloodline- it was worse, but Chiyo was happy because that meant her son was HERS. (This is when she met Enji, and he saved her son's life at great cost- so Chiyo owes him a blood/life debt.)
Then the war came, and they needed women to fight so now serving the nation meant something different, and Chiyo became a full fledged 'shinobi' and turned her healing towards poison and death- especially when she had to fight the Salamander.
Then she sealed Gaara and that was the atrocity straw that broke the camel's back and she dipped out Suna and retired to an oasis. She's still a healer, but adamantly refuses to serve shinobi.
Once again, thank you so much for these asks and all the support for this AU?
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sweet-potato-42 · 10 months
interesting to see the admins are starting to give players specific effects and objects for their characters. Like the wings for the avians, the hero of the village for tubbo and the water effects for foolish. Edit: ALSO slime has the whole code glitching thing whcih was insanely cool
a very cool concept and im exited to see what else they might add for other characters. I can see some interesting stuff for the demons since there are a few
maybe we could see some immunities so certain mobs? other special effects?
Edit: to be honest we don't know for sure if the hero of the village thing is lore or not. If the admins dont remove it in a few days i assume its lore i guess? Since htey will for sure notice people theorising like crazy over it
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weepingtalecowboy · 19 days
Fanfic prompt : Considering how important the hero of the wind was to the rito
What if they actually started war shipping Wind
Who kind of didn’t notice that and just thought they were happy he saved their dragon
Like Valoo is definitely someone they honor greatly because he gifted them his scales and gave them wings in their need to escape the Dead Sea
And he was extremely upset recently and nobody knows how to help him
Till a kid blessed by the wind gods appears and saved him
While also calming him down again
Inspired the son of the chief to try earning his wings
Then the one rito who could speak to Valoo was sent with him to go to an ancient temple called the earth temple where she reconnected with their ancestors
Also the dragon went and burns down a random fortress for his savior
And then the hero went on an adventure to find new land for all of them to live in
And also gained even more power in the form of seeing ghosts and stop time (phantom hourglass)
Succeeded at finding land
And everyone moved
And considering that breath of the wild has outright named him when speaking about the heroes of the past when they thanked the winds ,the twilight and time while Flora sounded like she couldn’t care less)
I am kind of surprised that the Rito and the Zora don’t care about someone who reunited them with eachother
Like imagine if the chain gets dropped off in rito village and the rito (who already were shown to not care THAT much for hylian heroes but still remember revali)
Just ignored everyone else but the ancient hero of their people (if the hylians get to remember the hero of time then the rito definitely remember someone as important to them )
The Zora too would just warship him because they would have never seen their sister race if not for the hero of winds
Like it would have been so funny if the random races had remembered the hero of winds
For all he did for them
Like they got to consider him the next best thing after sliced bread
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I'm going to shock you by requesting TP ZELINK 💖🥰💖😘 thank you!!!!
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a friendly spar in ordon village either becomes very competitive or very flirty rather fast (or perhaps a bit of both)
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yk there's a lot of talk about the way merlin is practically a god but lives as an unassuming servant, and seeing this surprises druids/other magic users. i wanna see kind of the same thing happen to arthur with the people of his kingdom. we know arthur so intimately, from merlin's pov, but i wanna see him as a living legend. stories of his valor spreading across land, blown out of proportion and missing details. “the prince slayed the great dragon and gifted its head to the king!” “some say the goddess blessed him when he was born, when she took the queen back. how else does one survive an attack by a questing beast?” “he held out his hand and the sword stuck in solid stone flew to him! iwan says meredith’s aunt saw it herself!” “the word has come, king arthur defeated annis’ champion—a giant of a man!” old men discussing arthur’s policies, comparing them with those of previous rulers, and being glad that it's him on the throne “finally, a good fucking king.” people having faith that their ruler is generous and fair and can be approached in times of need, and having the comforting knowledge that he would do his best to help because that's what he did with the other village last year! young boys dreaming to join his army and young girls daydreaming about a fairy tale ending with him (or vice versa, obv). just... arthur of his people.
what I'm saying is i want an outsider pov character study of arthur pendragon king of camelot. hope that helps
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yamtaroh · 1 year
I dyed my frostbite armor pink so it could match the Cece hat.
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pink link!!!
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balletfilmss · 6 months
rip jason grace, you would’ve loved view between villages by noah kahan
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madadrawing · 8 months
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It’s taken me this long to draw pokemon mystery dungeon fanart but by god I FINALLY did it…
I painted Espurr from Super!!! She was my favorite npc in that game and if I could give her a Harmony scarf I would…
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gofancyninjaworld · 9 months
The OPM Manga in 2023
By the numbers:
23 updates (most 14 days apart, shortest interval: 9 days, longest: 33 days).
662 pages (range 12 - 41 pages, mean page count: 29 pages).
Volumes published: 2 (Volumes 28 and 29). 1 bonus chapter included in Volume 28 -- Olfaction.
By the story:
Psychics and Temper Tantrums (chapters 176 - 184)
Well, the Monster Association is behind us but the fallout from it is slowly beginning to settle. Most of the heroes are now back at work and some of the consequences of a world that's increasingly scared of monster attacks are beginning to show up. The first quarter of the year was taken up with Tatsumaki's temper tantrum -- and Saitama once again daring a strong person to do their worst -- it's like he didn't learn his lesson with Garou, which disappoints me. [I love Saitama, but when brains were being handed out, he was not at the front of the queue.]
That said, even though I did not care one whit for Tatsumaki throwing Saitama around (it wasn't terrible, but really it could have been condensed into 1-2 chapters), the start of the Psychic Sisters arc was fantastic, and its ending was very interesting. I made a nuisance of myself at the start of it, pestering everyone in earshot with my excitement that Tatsumaki was taking Fubuki into her confidence to try getting Psykos out rather than trying to do everything herself.
Her complex feelings of disappointment, betrayal, and the sense that she'd made a mistake were some of the most complex and nuanced we'd seen in the story. She may be paranoid and misanthropic, but she's not crazy: there's a basis for her actions, and being knocked back just when she'd taken the risk of opening up was harsh. Unfortunately, Tatsumaki's default response is rage.. and I'm not going to waste time on recounting what happened then.
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I felt pain for her here.
The end as well, expanding as it did on Tatsumaki's thoughts about how she'd accidentally woken Fubuki's psychic powers by scaring her so badly and the guilt she felt at having made her sister a target, was great. Her feelings about Blast are great, as this is the first time we get what she actually thinks of him. I still want her to learn that Blast doesn't work alone -- it'll blow her mind. The session ending with her giving the Fubuki group a chance to grow stronger and prove themselves is a fantastic development.
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Even when she's giving someone a chance she still has to be scary.
Schemes (chapters 184, 187 - 191)
I really love how seamlessly the Psychic Sister arc flows into the next big theme: that of schemes and threats to the Hero Association's future. ONE has done a lot of work reworking the webcomic story so that the storyline is a coherent whole rather than two-three apparently unrelated storylines. Fubuki taking advantage of the chaotic aftermath to extract Psykos while securing immunity for her sister, and Tatsumaki brazenly using the HA's need to keep the rich clients sweet to scupper an investigation into Psykos's whereabouts was all clever. However, they're just amateurs and their antics played beautifully into McCoy's hands, who leveraged the crisis to make himself appear indispensible to the HA, thus making it very hard for him to be removed, even as he works to implicate the Hero Association in scandals (many of which he's running).
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You can't call McCoy hasty: this guy has played a good long game.
The Hero Association is already having issues recruiting new heroes as they're going to Neo Heroes, which is also pinching existing heroes. However, it's not 100% going McCoy's way. Something I started praising in my review of chapter 173 is the greater self-efficacy of the characters in the manga. Sekingar and Sicchi haven't just been sitting on their hands watching McCoy sell the HA down the river. They've teamed up with Child Emperor to find out what he's really up to.
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I think that this is the best cover of 2023: a collection of individuals who embody heroism, whether or not they're recognised as such or work in 'regular' ways. Well, there's one impostor…
Critically, they're not assuming that the Neo Heroes are necessarily evil: they want to understand what this outfit is actually doing. After all, heroism is heroism, no matter what guise it takes. To see that Sekingar has so earned Metal Bat's respect that the latter follows him into the heart of danger did my heart good [1].
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Please, my poor heart, it'll burst if things get much more awesome.
Ninjas, Ninnies, Nintendos (193 - 199, ongoing)
That Blast has some connection to the ninjas from Sonic's Ninja Village has been clear for a long time in the webcomic. [2] However, it is only here in the manga that we're getting a full explanation of what that connection is.
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Yes, yes, my partner may be a monster but he's a useful monster.
The intertwined story of Blast and his attempts to reach his former partner, Empty Void, who was also running a horrifying 'school' for grooming boys into assassins, and that of Flashy Flash and Speed o' Sound Sonic isn't done yet, but it looks to be reaching at least one turning point. It's a pity that the fan translators stopped translating the cover text because that for chapter 199 was incredibly pertinent: 'Staring at the back of a friend you used to stand shoulder to shoulder with.' Sonic has so much to process.
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And like that, Sonic's world has been turned upside down.
Since Blast has an ongoing relationship with Empty Void, we get troubling questions as to how long Blast had known about the Village and whether he disapproved, or had been content to ignore it as long as he had his partner by his side and found his talents indispensible. It's going to be interesting when those two meet! Also, if Blast is hoping to reverse Empty Void's monsterization, he'd better hope that the guy isn't like most people who became monsters. Most ex-human monsters *want* to be that way and there doesn't seem to be a good way to undo it. Well, maybe if you chop them up, have Phoenixman (oops, he seems to have lost his powers) resurrect them, then shock them incredibly hard, that might work. It's unlikely that anyone present can deduce what happened to Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame, much less put all the working parts of that together.
Still, they're going to try. This *is* going to be interesting. Also, potentially heartbreaking.
Genos: the disciple returns to his duty
Unlike the webcomic, Genos has not been completely absent. He's been quite busy: helping Saitama recover their apartment, meeting the Hero Association to discuss important matters, and also, hanging out with Saitama as a friend rather than as a disciple. It's been fun to see that he's finally ditched his flip phone for a smart one, heheh.
Nevertheless, it's not until Dr Kuseno finishes his new upgrade that Genos sets foot in Saitama's house, formally reporting for duty, so to speak. I praise Saitama's self-discipline and good sense in not breaking eye contact and in politely ignoring his disciple's new-found exhibitionism until he had the sense to put a shirt on [3].
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Less positive, it's been painful to see that Genos is frustrated at how he doesn't seem to have grasped the kind of growth he's looking for and is unsure whether Saitama truly sees him. It's not been helped by Saitama trying to reassure him, pulling his best 'Reigen' face and instead made everything worse. There are two interesting shames, which will surely be built on at some point. 1: We see Saitama seeing Genos's strength but he doesn't say anything. 2: Genos is right that the strength that comes from within is different from that granted to one by upgrades. We see in another chapter from Nichirin, that having artificial parts is no hindrance to pulling out that great inner strength. The funny thing is that Genos has shown that kind of strength before, when he was fighting Elder Centipede, but he doesn't know it.
Ah, despite everything, those fools are no better at speaking to each other than they were before! It'd be hilarious if it weren't so tragic.
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Rarely have the words 'open your mouth and solve your problems' been more apposite. Sadly, that's exactly what they don't do.
Garou: the other disciple tries to learn duty
Now this really threw a lot of fans for a loop -- ONE making clear that he's aware of how young Garou actually is. It was very easy to read Garou as a guy in his early twenties, but strip away the pretensions and he's really young. His over-simple understanding of what was wrong with the world and his over-large sense of responsibility to fix it are thoughts of a teen. It's just a good thing that teenagers don't have world-shattering power, and so can be extreme and wrong without hurting anyone. But it has really jarred with a lot of fans.
I may be giving Bang the side eye as he implements his idea of reformation (apparently, it involves hitting Garou over the head often), but the sense of lightness Garou feels at having a reliable mentor, the relief he undoubtedly feels at having a way to work his crimes off -- being a social outcast may seem cool in a 'reject-the-corrupt-world' way but it gets old fast -- and being able to contribute meaningfully to the dojo's re-establishment is palpable.
His life is sure to start sucking again soon, but for now, it's a joy to see him.
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Let him gambol for now. Go Garou!
King: ugh
Sorry, King just irritates me some days and this was one of them. Not because he was running around trying to find someone who could help him: that was fine. But because, unlike the webcomic, once Saitama told him to work out, he's continuing to stick around and play videogames. In a world where everyone is trying their best to make sense of their world and help themselves in some way, however imperfect, the sight of this poster child for mediocre white men overpromoted for looking the part continuing to laze about just pisses me off.
Let him start helping himself and I will praise him.
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He's been told what to do but he's not doing it.
This year, ONE said: here, my children, I have brought you a pint of homo milk. Drink. What else are we to make of Fubuki triumphantly cradling Psykos as she makes a clean getaway?
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This has to be the smuggest 'got the girl' face I've ever seen.
Or Blast continuing to call Empty Void his partner, despite everything that the guy has done, including turning into a monster? He wants him back so badly, and though he says it's strictly professional interest, we think the man doth protest too much.
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And then whatever's going on with these two:
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Flashy Flash, you ain't got no business calling Blast soft when you're handing Sonic tissues and smiling at him.
Fandom Follies
Do we need to do this? Yup! This year, we discovered that a lot of dudebros who have been against the idea of romance in OPM have just been shippers afraid to come out and own it. The sheer number of Saitama x Tatsumaki fans has been incredible. Nothing wrong with SaiTatsu but the obnoxiousness of fans new to shipping has been hard to tolerate. Learn some manners, folks!
[1] I think this is great foreshadowing of something Forte says later in the webcomic to paraphrase, risking your life for another hero is something you do as a favour for a friend, not because someone's declared themselves the boss of you and ordered it. It's nice to see Sekingar embodying that ideal.
[2] It's hard to believe it, but to this day (chapter 149), Blast is not yet seen in the webcomic. At this rate, he'll show up at the very end to get jobbed by God (no ID), but not before giving an over-long exposition about what he's been up to. That is, if he's not already dead, only nobody knows yet.
[3] I can see SaiGenos shippers worried that my saying that it's good that Saitama isn't taking Genos up on his obvious attraction means that I might be disapproving of the ship. That is not the case. I'm going to assume that most of us here are old enough to vote, enter into contracts, and pay taxes and so can think of things with nuance and context. A fandom that needs the reassurance of canon to decide what's permissible is a weak, timid, and pallid imitation of one, and one I want no part of. For certain, we're here to discuss the story as it exists, but please, we're also here to consider and explore scenarios and make works that cannot and often should not exist in the canon because they are FUN. Even more pertinent, ONE is on record as LOVING that fans spend their time and creativity doing things with his stories. So please, don't allow any in-universe discussions on what is helpful or unhelpful in the story affect what you draw and write! PLEASE SHIP! Gimme!
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epickiya722 · 1 month
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Seeing my boys get their cards brought me such joy. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU TWO!!! 😭💜
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tinyfantasminha · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast got me feeling caca again so I NEED to share this theory/HC I have on Jack
Here we have Jack and Vil's hometown, as shown in Vil's flashback; there are lots of resemblances to Bella's hometown in BATB as we can see,
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So let's consider for the time being that their hometown is indeed based on the village from BATB. If that's the case, then we could think that the Beauty and the Beast tale is passed down on the town as a tradition (similar to how the HoND story is passed down on the City of Flowers, which is supposed to be twst-ver of Paris.) So we could have instaces like this; (example:)
That's the library of the town - A myth from 300 years ago says that during that time only one girl in town would ever come here. Her story is passed down to everyone who comes to work in this library, and it has become a famous turistic attraction in town.''
Now, returning to Jack; Jack said that he never had too many friends when growing up (Vil could have been his only childhood friend, for all we know) but why is that? Is it truly because he had a lone wolf personality ever since a kid or maybe... the other kids would avoid him? (screenshots and tls from Shel_BB on YT)
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If the BATB tale is well known to everyone in town, then surely one of the most jarring parts of the tale would be ''when the lone girl went to the woods to look for her father, she was brutally attacked by wolves.''
So because of that, wolves are seen as a bad omen in town, and depictions of wolves are seen as inheritently evil/dangerous. While the tale is obviously a myth and that statement does not apply irl, Jack is notheless faced with social exclusion for being associated with the wolves from the story. Vil said so himself ''those kids can't separate fiction from reality, so they had a problem with me. How stupid can they be?'' which again could be seen as a nod and parallel to the narrow-minded and overall ignorant mentality of the villagers from BATB.
It makes me think that Vil was not the only one who suffered bullying as kid, but Jack did as well; even if he was still independent as a kid, that could also very much be one of the factors that strengthened his current mentality of ''I didn't came here to make friends'' and self-betterment. Since he had almost no people to actually trust in because they were too scared of him, he embraced his ''scary big bad wolf'' persona as an exterior mask to the people around him. Only people who earn his respect and trust eventually can see just how Jack truly is; big-hearted, sensitive and loyal. (just like the Beast?)
tl;dr: jack could be twst from the wolves that attacked belle and also he deserves the entire world thanks for coming to my ted talk
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skyward-floored · 6 months
*shuffles in* the people wanted to see it, so I’m posting it. Here’s a scene from an oc Link story, the Hero of Sages. He’s got six sisters, in case you didn’t know.
This is before he’s a hero, but not too long before, maybe a few weeks? I’m also trying to figure out how old he is, maybe eleven or so... I’m still working things out. But have this scene in the meantime.
“C’mon Berry, the cuccos need tending!”
Link frowned as his sister pushed a basket into his hands and began shoving him in the direction of the coop, bracing his feet and pinwheeling his arms as she pushed.
“But it’s your job to do the eggs,” he said, struggling against her hold, “and the cuccos hate me!”
“I’ve got to study,” Iris huffed, pointing towards the coop. “Grandpa says I need to focus more on history, and that means I don’t have time for chores right now. So cuccos. Go.”
“But I did them for you yesterday! And I already have to hang the laundry ‘cause Lily is busy!” Link protested, but Iris wasn’t swayed, turning away to head back to the house.
“Sorry Link, you’ll just have to do both. I’ll make it up to you later!” she called behind her as she jogged away, and Link drooped.
Their grandfather had always worked on studies with his sisters, but in the past week, he’d been practically obsessive about it, constantly pulling them away to have them listen to him lecture or read or whatever it was they always did. It seemed like they did practically nothing but study lately.
Leaving Link alone to do all the chores.
Link sighed and dragged his feet as he walked to the cucco coop, looking at the birds with a nervous frown. The cuccos had never liked him, and he usually avoided their coop like the plague.
Which is why this is usually Iris’s job, not mine!
Link swallowed, and edged his way inside the coop, stepping around the birds as he tossed food on the ground. He quickly collected their eggs while the birds were distracted, only having to suffer a few pecks from the stubborn remaining few.
He’d almost finished gathering them all when he accidentally stepped backwards, right onto a cucco’s foot. The bird shrieked in anger and leapt at his face, and Link spent the next several minutes yelling as he tried not to get clawed to bits by the entire flock of swarming birds.
He finally managed to escape the coop, slamming the door behind him and panting as he clutched the basket of eggs to his chest.
“Whew...” he gasped, then jumped as a cucco made a hissing sound behind him.
Link stuck his tongue out at it, then winced as the motion made his face ache. He wiped at his cheek, frowning at the blood on his hand, then sighed as he remembered one of the bigger birds had slashed him with one of its claws. Not to mention all the smaller scratches the birds had left on his hands.
Link dropped his now-bloody hand, and walked up to the house to drop off the eggs, steps heavy. He could faintly hear his Grandfather talking in the other room when he set the eggs down, but didn’t linger, turning around and walking back out of the house.
He certainly wasn’t going to get any help here.
Link pushed their gate open and headed down the hill and into the village proper, cheek stinging with every step. He would have been grumpy enough without the scratch, but every throb was a reminder of the repeated busyness of his sisters. It seemed like he’d barely seen any of them the past week, and the multiplying chores were only adding to his grief.
“This is all that dumb monster’s fault,” Link grumbled to himself, hiding his cheek as he nodded hello to some of his neighbors.
He headed straight for the general store near the village entrance, brushing off stray feathers from his clothes as he went. Nobody much was really around at the moment, which Link was immensely grateful for, since he didn’t want anyone to come out and start fussing over him, and doubtlessly laugh at his unfortunate cucco injury.
The way this week is going, that would be about right, he thought with a sigh.
Link finally reached the store, and paused to look up at the sign like he always did, eyes trailing over the colors one of his sisters had helped paint. Then he walked inside, the door jingling, and saw his oldest sister sitting at the counter, marking something in a book.
“Del?” Link asked, and she looked up, immediately zeroing in on the blood on his cheek.
“Oh Berry, did the cuccos get you again?” she asked in a slightly exasperated voice, and Link nodded as she hurriedly stood up and came around the counter. Del tilted his cheek up, studying the scratch with a worried frown, then went back behind the counter, gesturing Link to a stool. “Those birds just have it out for you, don’t they?”
“They never peck Iris,” Link grumbled, still a bit annoyed at his other sister.
Del sighed, and pulled her own stool up beside his, pouring something on a cloth and reaching out to clean his face and hands. It especially stung on his cheek, but Link held still while his sister cleaned the cuts, her motions quick and practiced. Del then put a bandage on his cheek, and smoothed it out, making sure it would stay.
“There you go. All done,” Del smiled at him as she leaned back, and gave his unhurt cheek a pat. “They should heal pretty quick, even the one on your cheek isn’t too deep. Just don’t mess with it.”
“Thanks Del,” Link said quietly. She sighed again, looking him over.
“Been a hard week, hasn’t it?” she said, brushing some stray dust off of her apron.
“Ever since Pip came through yelling about that monster he saw, Grandpa keeps making you guys do nothing but study,” Link moped, his annoyance suddenly sharpening. “And Iris keeps dumping her chores on me and Poppy keeps being all snappy and Coriander didn’t even want to hear about the kittens I found yesterday!”
Link slumped in his seat, flicking dirt off his boots.
“All this for one dumb monster,” he mumbled.
Del’s face creased for a moment, but it didn’t last long, and she gave Link’s hair a ruffle.
“Monsters are dangerous,” she chided, pulling a stray feather from his hair. “And there’s rarely just one. Pip got lucky.”
“I know, I know,” Link grumbled.
Del gave him a little smile. “Hey. I know you’re getting frustrated Link, but Grandfather will ease off on our studies soon. He’s just... worried. He wants us to be prepared.”
“How will you guys studying help with that?” Link asked with a frown.
Del hummed, and Link saw something weird in her eyes again. “It’s always good to be prepared, Link.”
Link sighed, and Del ran a hand over his head again, her face thoughtful.
“I think what you need is a pick-me-up,” she decided, and turned back towards the counter, blue skirt swishing. “Be right back.”
She walked off into the back room, and Link rested his unhurt cheek on his hand, idly kicking his feet as he looked around the store. He’d been spending a lot of time in here lately when he wasn’t doing chores, since Del was the only one of his sisters who wasn’t studying like crazy. That was only because she worked here and earned money they needed though, and she still had to study. Just not as much as his other sisters.
Link suddenly wondered if he could convince them to get jobs too.
The bell on the door jingled, and Link looked up to see a sandy-haired man walk in, face hopeful as he looked around.
“Hi Russ,” Link said, and the young man looked over at him, eyes catching on the bandage on his cheek.
“Cuccos get you again, Link?” he said with a sympathetic look, and Link nodded glumly. “Sorry to hear that. You’ll get the better of those birds someday, I bet. So uh, is Mr. M in, or is Del working today?” he asked casually, and Link held himself back from grinning.
“She’s in the back room,” he reported, and Russ nodded, surreptitiously smoothing his hair down.
Link muffled his laugh. One bright side of spending lots of time in the store meant that he got to see Russ pretend he had a real reason for coming in every day. Aside from seeing Del, that is.
“You know Russ, you could just ask her to marry you,” Link said mildly, and Russ choked, dropping the apple he’d picked up to inspect. He hurriedly retrieves it and set it back on the stand, throat bobbing as he cleared it.
“W-well, I uh—”
Russ quickly turned back to the counter at the voice, smiling as Del came back out of the storage room. “Hey, Del! How’s the store been?”
“About the same as yesterday when you asked me the same question,” Del said with a knowing smile. “What is it you need today, Russ? More sugar? New belt? Don’t tell me your boots wore out again.”
“No, they’re great. I just need some flour,” Russ said, casually putting his hands in his pockets.
“Again, huh?” Del asked with a raised eyebrow, and a twinkle in her eye. “That’s the second time this week, Russ. You and your pa must be eating an awful lot of pancakes.”
Russ laughed a little loudly. “Yeah, we uh... yep.”
Link couldn’t hide his snort that time, and Russ gave him a look. Del looked over at him as well, her eyes still twinkling, and she abandoned Russ for a moment to walk over to Link.
“Here,” Del said, and handed him a small container. “Consider yourself picked up.”
Link took it curiously, and pulled the lid off, gasping as he saw the dark, shiny contents.
“Blackberries?!” he gaped, and Del smiled, nodding. “But they’re not even growing yet! How’d you get them?!”
“A trader came through with some the other day, he said they grow faster where he’s from. I think he used magic,” Del said in a lower voice, “...but that’s just me. You can take the whole container.”
“Thanks Del!” Link grinned, and his older sister ruffled his hair again.
“Anything for you, Berry. Now go finish those chores, I’ll be back home later,” she said with a shooing motion, and Link nodded.
He hopped off his stool, and after saying goodbye to her and Russ, wandered out of the store, popping a berry into his mouth. The equally tart and sweet flavor burst in his mouth, and he couldn’t stop from skipping a little as he began to walk back home. With the flavor of his favorite berry in his mouth, he was suddenly feeling much more optimistic.
Del was right. Grandpa would calm down and ease off his sisters with their studies soon, and things would go back to normal.
Link smiled as he popped another berry in his mouth, having no clue just how wrong he was.
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