#the way michal lets her see for the first time that he truly wants her to stay
1d1195 · 3 months
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~3.9k words
From Me: Requested by @thechaoticjoy I'm sorry it took so long, I hope I did it justice. I'll post the corresponding ask a little bit after the story has been out so long as it's okay with you 💕 I'll message you to chat!
Warnings: parental death long-term illness, hospitals, angst, tragic backstory, really sad stuff in this one. But there's some really comforting notions in it, I think. A lot of strong MC attributes and I think there's a lot to be celebrated in this kind of strength
Summary: Harry's best friend is sweet, kind, beautiful, and intelligent. He wishes she would open up to him more. Only because he doesn't want her to have to be so strong for herself. He would love to be strong for her every now and again.
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“She’s the best,” Gemma said knowingly. “Sweet, calm...she’s perfect for you.”
Harry smiled. “Yeah,” he shrugged.
“Come on Harry, you can’t possibly ignore it. It’s...nice. Different. She’s perfect.” Her smile reflected the same one as Harry. Something they both inherited from their mother. Something that Harry loved to point to when looking at the relationship between them. He liked to believe the kindness he had came from the words his mum and sister spoke. A trait that was passed down to him since he didn’t get hand-me-downs from Gemma.
The sweet girl was quietly putting things in Anne’s car after having filled Gemma’s. “You sit with your sister,” she squeezed Harry’s shoulder and left no room for argument. Within seconds, she was grabbing keys from Michal and Harry’s mum. The lovely couple had been showered with gifts for the arriving baby girl. Michal and Anne were chatting at one table, Harry and Gemma at another.
“Who does this kind of thing?” Gemma asked rhetorically. “You cannot let her get away. There is no better sister-in-law I could imagine. No better aunt,” she said pointedly.
Harry smirked, his cheeks turning red at the compliments. But it wasn’t his place to blush or accept the compliments. She was perfect. Truly. But he didn’t do anything but find her by practically stumbling into her. They worked for the same company, Harry was a research assistant and she worked in IT. One day his computer was glitching out and Harry headed down a quiet hallway.
The room was dark, just a couple strings of Christmas lights around the walls. Music played quietly from a speaker while she organized paperwork and read over her computer screen. A pair of glasses (that turned out to be just for blue light and not for seeing) perched on her nose.
She was beautiful. That was the first thing Harry noticed because he couldn’t help but notice.
“Hi,” he said in greeting. “M’laptop froze.”
She was intelligent. That was the second thing. Because she worked magic within moments to get his computer back up and running.
The rest was history. She worked on it quickly and diligently. Tapping buttons, pressing keys that Harry never touched because he wasn’t convinced his laptop wouldn’t spontaneously gain a conscience. They chatted while she worked. Nothing of major importance. How long they worked there, where they went to school, and if she had tried the new sushi restaurant down the road for lunch.
“Thanks for coming to my dungeon,” she giggled when he was leaving. “Come back any time,” her smile was his favorite thing about her.
Lunchtime from then on meant heading to the dungeon decorated with Christmas lights and pictures of her family on the desk. There was no ring on her finger and only a picture of herself and her dog that she joked about as the longest relationship she had. It meant Harry sharing the sushi from the new place and her telling him that she had a chickpea Caesar salad recipe that he would love.
Harry dated several girls over the years, and each were lovely in their own way, but Gemma wasn’t exaggerating. There was something about the lovely girl he had known for the past few years that Harry didn’t know he was missing. Dates became far and few between. But Harry wasn’t brave enough to wreck their friendship. He didn’t want to be one of those statistics that attempted to date and not have it work out. He didn’t want to lose her by any stretch of the word.
If that meant being best friends, then that was what he would do.
So, she came to family events and confused the hell out of his friends. They didn’t touch (much to Harry’s chagrin) other than a hug or an arm squeeze like she gave him earlier. Neither said anything about the trill of something more bubbling below the surface. The electricity that pulsed from her fingertips and through his entire circulatory system. Harry was content to have her in his life in any form she existed because she was lovely and wonderful.
He only wished she opened up to him the slightest bit more.
Harry knew her favorite color and that her mom had passed away when she was eight. But there was this element of their friendship that she seemed to hold back. It felt like Harry would drink wine while they watched movies and dump all the things he felt from a young age on her. He told her things he didn’t tell anyone—not even Gemma or Niall or Mitch. He told her the inadequacies he felt, the impostor syndrome he felt at work, all of it. The anxiety he felt for the future and whether life would be what he wanted from it. She held each of his worries and fears in her hands like they were crystal glasses needing to be moved. She consoled him even though he was really over it. Assuaged him of all his worries and assured him that his life would be amazing simply because he was him. “Y’should have been a therapist, kitten,” he winked at her.
She smiled. “I’ve heard that before.”
She never reciprocated. There was a strength to her that waved off her. It was warm and everyone around her felt it. Her friends adored her, that much was obvious. But it was as if they were all so close to saying “we don’t need to worry about her.” She didn’t just console Harry. Everyone came to her for advice. The quiet lovely lady that worked in a dungeon and hid all of her thoughts and feelings. When they needed to vent, she was their phone call. Advice was her specialty. There was never judgment in her voice. No frustration or the feeling of pushing their worries aside. Every emotion her friends felt was valid and she would process and work through them as much as she possibly could.
When Harry was upset about a breakup—one that in hindsight he didn’t know why he even bothered—she didn’t make him feel bad that it had only been a short relationship. “Five months is a big deal,” she reminded him, placing a plate of his favorite tacos in front of him. It was her specialty. He wondered what came first, if she made tacos because she liked them or because he liked them. “You liked her a lot and five months is a big deal...it’s like a turning point. It was out of nowhere too. Anyone in their right mind would be upset,” she promised returning to the coffee table with her own plate. She sat on the floor across from him. He watched her eat a few bites wondering why on earth she was single for the umpteenth time.
“What’s your longest relationship?” He asked.
She snorted. “Um...a year, I think.”
“You think?”
She shrugged. “I don’t really date.”
The fact his heart cracked more at her words than the breakup he experienced the day before should have been his biggest clue that he was hopeless for the sweet girl.
“I noticed,” he smirked. “You’re too good for anyone, kitten,” he promised.
Her lips curled up in a half smile and she shook her head. “I don’t know about that.”
“S’okay, m’sure for you,” he winked making her laugh.
Harry didn’t date much after that either. Nothing serious; no more than a couple dates and setups from friends. Instead, he continued inviting her to family birthday parties and holidays where, naturally, everyone fell in love with her.
How could he blame his family and friends, really?
He was in the very same boat as them.
Gemma was having some minor trouble after delivering Harry’s sweet niece. The anxiety he felt was so overwhelming. His hands shook as his mum relayed the message. He stammered as he answered, dropped his keys. When he bent to retrieve them, her hand appeared in his vision, snatching them from the ground.
“No, I’ll drive,” she said firmly. Even if Harry wanted to argue he couldn’t.
She held Harry’s hand tightly on the middle console as she drove. Without any fanfare, she dropped him off in front of the main entrance and went off to find a parking spot. When he arrived in the waiting room, Anne was smiling as if there was no issue at all. “Wanna meet your niece?”
He did. Very badly. But his sister was his best friend. “What ‘bout Gemma?”
“She’s fine, Harry. Truly,” Anne assured him and rubbed his back.
They discussed the complications Gemma faced and all the worries Harry had for both her, Michal, and the sweet, adorable baby that was perfectly healthy and sleeping peacefully in the window alongside five or so other newborns.
They returned to the waiting room after Michal went back to the baby’s side. Anne squeezed Harry’s hand reassuringly once more and within moments, she was there. “I left my welcome gift at home in the rush to get here,” she appeared with overpriced objects from the giftshop. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes a bit dazed, and Harry sensed she was overwhelmed but assumed it was because of the surprise arrival of Harry’s niece and nothing more.
His heart rate slowed at her appearance. Like she was physical assurance that things really would be okay. She smiled at him, sighed, and gave Anne a hug. “Congrats Grandma,” her voice was proud and excited.
Harry couldn’t have asked for a better day.
Harry was a natural with babies. He was so at ease holding the newborn in his arms. “Think she’ll have our smile?” Gemma asked, showing off the very expression. He could hardly tear his eyes away from the baby but nodded at his sister’s question.
“Yeah,” he sighed smiling gratefully at the little one in his arms. He didn’t want to put her down. If he ever had children of his own, he had no idea how he was going to share. He had no idea how Gemma managed to fork her over to him in the first place—when all he wanted was to hold her anyway.
“Where did she go?”
“M’not sure,” he admitted. “Add money to the car meter, I think,” he shrugged. “I was told not t’worry about her.”
Harry frowned, brushing his finger along the baby’s soft cheek. “S’that supposed t’mean?”
“She doesn’t let anyone worry about her,” Gemma shrugged. “It’s probably pretty traumatic for her to be here,” Gemma’s tone had an air that she was reminding Harry of something he was supposed to remember, some event that he didn’t know. But he didn’t know what she was talking about.
“What do y’mean?”
Gemma tilted her head and shifted slightly in her bed. Michal and Anne were getting food from the cafeteria. “Harry, her mom died here,” she rolled her eyes.
Harry’s stomach rolled and he thought about the anxiety he felt coming to the hospital on behalf of his sister. It was nothing in comparison to the anxiety she must have felt.
Harry finally looked up from the sweet little baby and gazed at his sister. “She’s never told me that.”
Gemma frowned and relayed the story. Told her something about last Christmas. She thought that Harry knew because they were best friends. But Harry didn’t. It was one of those things she kept to herself. Gemma found her in the kitchen while everyone else was drinking and chatting in the family room. She told Gemma she was grateful to be part of a big Christmas like this. It had been a long time. But it made her miss her mom more than ever.
Then Gemma relayed the time she watched her excuse herself at a family wedding while the groom and mother dance. “Her family doesn’t do big celebrations like us,” Gemma told her. “That girl carries a ton of grief on her back and she acts like it weighs as much as a feather. She never worries about herself only others but in a way that makes you feel that nothing bad will ever happen to you. I swear just thinking about her in the delivery room and how calm she would have been was enough to keep me relaxed,” Gemma laughed and shook her head. “I told her I didn’t expect her to come to the hospital when the time came if she didn’t want to. I would never blame her. She said it wouldn’t be a problem because you wouldn’t bring her—it was a family thing. Do you have any idea how wonderful she is or are we just going to sit here and pretend the love of your life isn’t your best friend?”
Harry opened his mouth to respond. His eyes no longer on the baby, but his sister. Unable to believe the words she said. The outline to what he already knew and felt but couldn’t believe any more if he tried because it seemed so unattainable. The girl who didn’t tell him anything. Or didn’t want to be worried over.
But he was interrupted. “Look how cute this is,” she burst into the room holding a onesie that said “if my mom says no, my uncle will say yes.”
It gave the three of them a pause as Gemma laughed and Harry snorted. “S’true,” he murmured quietly to the tiny being in his arms.
Their giggles were interrupted by an intercom announcement. A code purple and it asked that all visitors and personnel stay on their current floors. The smile slowly faded from her lips, and she glanced at the baby in Harry’s arms. “You look good with a baby,” she winked the smile gently returned. She gave his shoulder a squeeze, laid the onesie on the cot Michal would be sleeping in later. “M’gonna run to the bathroom,” she said.
Harry watched her leave, the first time he had looked at anyone other than the baby for longer than thirty seconds since he met the little one.
“Harry,” Gemma said gently. “You should follow her.”
“What? Why?”
“Do you know what a code purple is?” Harry shook his head. “Missing child.”
Harry looked at the baby again and sighed. “Well, if anyone will find her...”
“It would probably be Miss Wonder Woman herself, yeah?” Gemma finished Harry’s thought.
She couldn’t have gotten far if the stairwells and elevators were blocked off. He searched as much as the rest of the staff on the floor, sending his mum a text that everyone in their little family was fine. Fortunately (for Harry), there was a commotion with one of the patients on the floor and the person standing guard at the stairwell stepped away long enough for Harry to sneak to the next floor. Because he may have felt that she hid a lot from him at times, but he was certain if anyone was going to find a lost little girl, it was going to be her—even if he didn’t know why she wanted to find her.
The enormity of the steps muffled most of the sound, but Harry crept around the back of the stairwell, and found a little storage closet.
“It’s not fair!” It was a small, sad voice that Harry didn’t recognize.
“It’s not,” she agreed. Her voice even, sad in a different way, was one that Harry did recognize.
“Mommy says I have to be brave for my siblings and I’m trying but it’s not fair! I don’t even get to be sad,” she cried.
“I know,” she agreed again. Composed, like she was talking someone off a ledge. Maybe she was, Harry didn’t really know what was happening. But her understanding was tangible. Her soft voice made Harry feel so safe.
But it broke his heart right in half.
“It’s because I’m oldest. Mommy tells me that I’m being a big girl and being brave and helping Daddy get better but I’m not. I don’t want to be here, it’s not fair.”
“I know,” she repeated. “My mommy died when I was your age too. She was really sick. I had to take care of my little brothers and my daddy,” she explained. “It was really hard. I didn’t think I was allowed to cry because I was good at being brave.”
The answer was a sniffle, not words. Harry felt terrible for not knowing this. For never pressing. For finding out in a stairwell with a little girl that neither of them knew. “But do you know who is most worried about you right now while everyone else is worried about your daddy?”
“Who?” There was a big breath of silence. Something that Harry didn’t understand passed between them. Some sort of recognition of the situation they were both privy to and Harry was not. “Daddy doesn’t know I’m there.”
“He does, sweetie, I promise,” she assured her. “Let’s get you back to him.”
“I just want to cry,” she whispered.
“I know. You will. It’s good to cry. Brave even.”
“Mommy says I’m brave for not crying.”
There was a pause for a moment that Harry couldn’t describe. He couldn’t see his best friend nor the little girl that the entire hospital was searching for. But the grief and weight he felt in that little space was immense.
“Mommy will tell you you’re brave for crying too,” she promised. But it was filled with an emotion that Harry couldn’t quite name; but he was sure he sensed a bit of longing in her tone.
He watched her grab the little one’s hand. Like she was grabbing the hand of her younger self. Harry hoped it healed whatever that sense of longing was and whatever she remembered in that quiet pause.
When she turned and saw Harry waiting, her cheeks reddened. She looked away briefly. “Look who I found,” she smiled sweetly. Not a trace of sadness on her face, not even a tear.
Harry hoped she would cry later. Hoped she would tell him everything. He was aching for it. Aching to carry the metric ton of grief she held for so long.
“Made another friend?” Harry asked instead.
She squeezed the girl’s hand. “I think so.”
“You okay, love?” Truthfully, Harry wasn’t sure who he was asking.
The little girl sniffled, her eyes blotchy red and glassy. She looked up at Harry shyly but also with awe. “Are you a prince?”
Harry chuckled and she smiled—the exact reprieve anyone could have hoped for in that moment. “He is,” she smiled kindly. “You’ll find a best friend just like him too,” she promised.
Fortunately, Miss Wonder Woman coaxed the little one back onto the floor and with the commotion of her return, she and Harry snuck right back in. No one questioned them. He wondered if the little girl would even mention her to her mom or the staff. But she was unconcerned—glad the little girl was okay and safe.
“How did you know where she was?” He asked.
She didn’t say anything. Watched the reunion of her mom and her brothers. The sadness flowing through a whole family like a virus.
“Love,” he tried to gather her attention but was unsuccessful. They stood in the waiting room watching from afar. The whole hospital began its routine again.
She wasn’t recognized for finding the little girl.
“Kitten,” he cooed. “Talk to me.”
She sniffled, wiped below her eyes.
“Love,” he touched her arm. It broke something in her. Her lower lip wiggled as she fought back the emotions and tears that she felt bubbling up from somewhere deep inside her.
“Uh...sorry. I just couldn’t—” she cleared her throat and wiped below her eyes again.
“Love, you don’t—”
“Does Gemma need anything? I bet a code purple probably scared a first time—”
“Kitten.” Her shoulders heaved and she tried to continue talking, something about helping or understanding. Something about Gemma and Anne and Michal. “Angel, y’need t’stop,” he whispered quietly, as her sobs took over. Her hands covered her face and she turned toward him. Her body shaking and Harry wrapped her up in his arms. Held cupped the back of her head as she cried and he wanted it to stop. It hurt him so much to feel that pain through her. It wasn’t even his pain. He imagined all those moments in the last few years where she hid her own pain to take care of others.
“I couldn’t cry,” she croaked.
Harry didn’t want her to cry now but he was glad she was.
“I know, angel,” he didn’t. But he would pretend. Because she was there for every emotion that he had felt since he met her, and it never stopped her. She never made him feel bad for feeling any type of way. He would do anything to make her feel the same. “I know,” he sighed and squeezed her as tightly as he could worried he might hurt her but worried she would fully break apart if she didn’t.
Harry’s bed was her new favorite place. “I owe you some new pillowcases,” she whispered.
“Kitten, jus’ worry ‘bout yourself for a change,” he kissed her forehead, almost directly between her eyebrows. It made her feel like she was made of putty.
“I am, if I’m going to be sleeping here, I can’t get dirty from all my tears and snot.”
He chuckled. “I’ll get new pillowcases if y’sleep here.”
“You don’t mind?”
Did he mind her sleeping there? Or getting new pillowcases? “Neither, love,” his fingers trailed up and down her spine. “S’nice, yeah?”
She nodded. “Been thinking about it a while,” she whispered.
“Shoulda said something,” he hummed quietly. “Anything that’s mine, s’yours.”
“Even the secret chocolate stash you have in the oatmeal box?”
He chuckled. “All yours.”
“What about that candle in your kitchen that you light after you finish cleaning?”
“I’ll put your name on it.”
She was quiet for a minute. She inhaled the warm scent of his cologne poking at the freckles that dotted his collarbones and neck at sporadic intervals. Once the tears started, she couldn’t stop. Hence the need for new pillowcases. Her skin felt raw, blotchy, her head hurt a bit from the lack of water.
But Harry was there the whole time. He didn’t shy away once. Simply let her cry for all the times she didn’t because she needed to be brave and all the times she wanted to anyway. Eventually she whispered all the things she kept from him. From everyone. Even herself.
“Harry?” She whispered.
“Yes, kitten?”
“I know this is lame, but I didn’t date a whole lot growing up because I never felt like good things could happen to me. I always worried it would be taken away and... anyway... I don’t know how to ask this, because it sounds so lame but you’re my best friend so maybe you’ll know what I’m saying and—”
“I told y’anything that’s mine is yours, angel,” his smile was lazy but beautiful. Like this was the most normal thing he’d ever done with her. Everything about him was beautiful. From the surface of his skin to the depths of his soul.
So it shouldn’t have been a surprise that her best friend already knew what she wanted to say.
His lips brushed against her temple. Her heart finally felt at ease. “Course I want t’be your boyfriend. You have my whole heart.”
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archiegoodwin · 4 years
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louis-in-red · 3 years
Top ten AFHF moments, Steph go!!!! ❤️
Hi Sea! As the rest of the Louies, I’m still processing the whole thing. I woke up feeling so proud of this person I may never meet, but somehow feels like a friend from my childhood who I am watching grow up into this amazing performer and singer.
Here are my top ten moments (to be honest the whole thing is my favourite thing in the world right now)
1. His voice at the beginning: hearing his talking voice after so long, was so important. This year was hard, almost zero content, no interviews… so just hearing him speak (…I understood how important people are) was healing. I could honestly spend hours listening him talk 🖤
2. Him interacting with the crowd with the Spanish fans at the Madrid show 🔥 he looked so in his element and so proud (I felt like a fucking God). Kudos to the fan who said Louis is the puto amo 💙
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Credits to louisgalaxy for the gif
3. His little dance with Charlie when he arrives to film the Live From London Livestream 😭 I really like his relationship with Charlie and how Louis is always so silly with him. Plus, we get so see how Charlie is directing the whole thing which is HOT! Louis talking about how cool the livestreams are and a great opportunity for fans to see him for the first time… such a good soul that man 😔
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Credits to Sanju for the gif 💙
4. His little feet when he is jamming with his guitar 🥲 also him talking about the lack of inspiration and how difficult this time has been not just for him but for everyone else… it felt so human
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5. His excitement when speaking on the phone to Matt (I’m guessing it’s him) about the free concert. He said he wanted to be the first to doing one and being ahead of everyone else… 😫 plus he was so flirty, playing with his hair… 😮‍💨. I’m adding here as a fave bonus part, Louis being so involved in the whole process, choosing the venue, checking how the stage was going to be, also him being concern of respecting the distance with fans due to restrictions (the way he says Corona… 😳🤤)
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Credits to Sanju for the gif 💙
6. His relationship with Helene, from seeing how they rehearsed together, to knowing they have been working this whole last year through video calls (when the media and “his close friend from the band” said he was just drinking beer and probably chilling)… to know he was working during all this time into improving his voice because he is a perfectionist… I LOVE HIMMSO MUCH!! ALSO! Louis just LISTENS, doesn’t he? Like you can see how he listens to Helene. She could probably give harsh feedback sometimes and he would take it in the most positive way, because he knows Helene only just wants the best for him and her feedback will only be constructive. Her being a huge important part of his life, not just as vocal coach but as part of his support system makes me so emotional 😩 Louis my god! I’m watching again those clips and I’m crying again 😭 (PS: who is John??? wtf 😩 that name has been mentioned way too many times now and I’m clowning)
7. His confidence through the whole show but specially in We Made It??? Like he went out there to WIN!! He gave his all from the beginning to the end. I have to say I’m wasn’t a fan of 7 (😳) because I didn’t really listened to a cleaned version (only the ones from Madrid)… but NOW??? I’m a FAN! The band was so SICK and so INTO IT! It was hot to watch! They really killed it and it was one of my favourite moments from the concert 🤤 kudos to Charlie for capturing Louis’ beautiful eyes during DLIBYH.
8. The fans and how they reacted to everything Louis did or say! Him saying it’s fucking unbelievable and that it’s only posible for the fans 😪😪😪 what the fuck I was worried about? 🥲 and the fans during CHANGE… I don’t think they were expecting that quality of a song and you could tell in their faces that he exceeded their expectations (kudos once again to Charlie for beautifully capture the relationship between Louis and the fans). It was cute that Louis said the song it’s name CHANGE and not CHANGES 🙂
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Credits to setsfiretohistory for the gif
9. The band!!!! My GOD THEY ROCKED!!! They were so into it, they jammed through the whole thing and you could tell they really enjoyed it and that they love playing for Louis!! Steve was so 🔥🔥🔥 the drums were on FIRE!!! Michale and Isaac being a cute guitar duo during OTB and Matt being beautiful and cute during 7 just jamming and rocking 😫 Zak on the keyboards doing his little head movements 🥰 I don’t know what else to say I just love them and I love that Louis has them as a band. Kudos to the string ladies who sounded amazing and were so cool (drinking the encore shots)!!! I hope they go to tour with Louis 🥺
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Credits to Sanju for the gif 💙
10. The after show moments: From the group hug (that shot did some magic as well), to his family and his best friends being there, from Helene being the most proud (crying because Louis sounded amazing) to Louis talking about how he can get lost in his head sometimes but it was different during the festival and that he trusted Helene saying he smashed it… I think he truly felt it! He knew he gave his all and since it’s been a year and a half since he had that feeling… maybe he was afraid he wasn’t going to be that good but now he knows he was the best he has ever been and he feels more confidente than ever. I can’t wait for next year when will get the tour (please let him tour 😭) and probably (hopefully) we’ll get more bts footage since Charlie will be there with him for some dates (I hope).
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Credits to Manu for this gif 💙
Well… this was an emotional rollercoaster. I laughed, I cried, I was horny, I was sad, I was happy, I was proud… It was everything 😌😮‍💨 I’ll watch it again later 💙
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thebrightsessions · 4 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Leeron Amiel
Leeron Amiel voices the character "Michal" in the The AM Archives partner series, Order and Chaos. While she was born in the United States, Leeron, much like her character, proudly celebrates her ties and roots to the country of Israel. She grew up there from the age of 3-12. It makes playing this role and being a part of this story all the more of an honor! Before moving to Los Angeles, she received a BA in theatre from Columbia College Chicago. In LA she has studied with Anthony Meindl and with The Imagined Life acting studio. A Gryffindor, Leeron is engaged to fellow Bright Sessions' actor, Andrew Nowak (also a Gryffindor). They are both parents to their cat, Tonks.
What types of scripts and characters are you drawn to?
Ohhhh man THIS question! Okay so, just like the amazing Michal, I am drawn to powerful, strong female roles. I consider myself a strong female 'type' and boy do I LOVE playing that. Like I loooooove being angry in scenes. Or maybe I just love arguing. Either way, scripts and roles when I get to assert power attract me, and in all ways; like, who doesn't love to yell? But I also love the strong, silent type. One of my dream roles is Emma in Betrayal. And if I could play Olivia Benson in everything, then I would. I also just love being the badass, and I love period pieces. So, I suppose all that means I tend to be drawn to mostly dramas. However, what a lot of people don't know about me is I also really really love doing comedy and have always been told I should do more. I think in this genre I am drawn to the outrageous, as well as the witty. Love me some big acting, sassy goofy roles.
Can you share a story from your career so far that stands out to you as a defining moment?
The one story that comes to mind is how I booked my first co-star. It was August 2018 and I had gone through a huge transformation that summer. As every actor knows, the industry can really get you down. After years of what felt like little success, I decided to step away from acting for the time being and pursue a doctorate in psychology. To do this I had to take some prerequisites at my local community college. I was all signed up and excited about the new journey, but there was still a sense of loss about moving away from acting for a bit. Then, on my FIRST DAY of class I got an audition for the TV show, S.W.A.T. (for a Hebrew speaking role of all things!) I was going, "Oh my gosh, yes, of course, universe - you WOULD send this to me now." But I said to myself, "You know what, you have school ahead of you, you're not going to give up on that. So, what have you got to lose by auditioning? Just go, see what happens." So, I went in with no expectations. I didn't feel pressure to book the job. I was kind of just there for fun and then...I booked it! It was a huge lesson for me about many things. First off, I learned the true importance of a relaxed, playful audition. When I took the pressure off, I was open to be myself and just do my thing. And it worked. And secondly, although I still plan to pursue school, I now know that I am good enough for this industry and should I choose to come back to it (by which of course I mean WHEN, because let's be real - once an actor, always an actor), I will have a lot more hope and excitement.
Did anything stand out during your re-listen of this AM Archives episode that you didn’t notice when recording it?
When re-listening to Order and Chaos it just brought back what I felt when I was recording it. I just remember thinking like, "Wow, this was only 4 episodes and yet there is SO MUCH depth to these characters and these relationships." The feeling that truly struck me this time is how much I just wanted MORE. And I'm not just saying that because I (not so secretly) want a whole podcast about Michal and Percy and the foreign "AMs," BUT. I truly felt like this story and these characters were so well developed for such a quick glimpse, that the listener just couldn't help but want to know more. It's a huge credit to Meghan Fitzmartin who is basically a genius and did such an outstanding job developing these characters.
What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know?
I am scared of fish. Especially big ones. Like, they seriously freak me out. It is a real thing, it is called Ichthyophobia and I don't know why I have it. It wasn't always a thing - I would say probably the last 10 years or so - but not when I was a child. Anyway, my fear is not that they are going to do anything to me (although that thought is terrifying) but they just creep. me. out.  They just look so gross and move so weird with their mouths and they don't have eyelids and just blehhhhh. Okay, I'm freaking myself out, I need to stop. Fear of fish. That's my fun fact. So if you ever get the chance to take me somewhere, let it not be the aquarium ;)
Can you share your favorite piece of fan art?
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From @thefigureinthecorner​. I so love that Marcus said he made Michal look like one of his aunts because honestly....she looks like ME and my entire family, including all MY aunts! So cool to feel like he could envision me and the sense of cultural pride that both Michal and myself have through my voice.
Thanks for taking the time, Leeron! Give Order & Chaos, Chapter Four: Tabula Rasa a relisten right here.  
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Caught in a Blizzard - Part 2
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Summary: Luna wakes up in Chris Evans’ hotel room and can’t leave, because of a blizzard. What starts as a therapy session, talking about the disbandment of Brave Elegance, ends in something a little more spicier. 
Pairing: Chris Evans x Luna Hwang (Asian OFC)
Warnings: There is sex in this. Like lots of it: oral, body fluids and all. 
Wordcount: 6k
A/N: if you want to be on the taglist, just let me know! Also, I love to read your guys’ thoughts and feedback xx
Masterlist // Part 1 // Part 3 
Fuck, this must be the worst hangover I’ve experienced in years and I didn’t even had that much to drink. My head is pounding like crazy and when I open my eyes, I’m practically blinded by the brightness of the sun that is coming through the thin white curtains. When my eyes are finally used to the lights, I try to figure out where the fuck I am, because this sure does not look anything like my bedroom back in New York.
Oh shit, wait, I’m not in New York, I’m in London. I push myself up and stare around the room. This can’t be my hotel room, because my bedroom had pink walls.
Hold up… Those are male clothes in the corner and spilling out of the open suitcase.
I had sex last night? Oh my God, I really don’t remember anything at all. I remember talking to a bartender, after I went on Graham Norton. Oh fuck, Chris Evans was on the show as well. I bet he thinks less of me…
Though, he was ready to become a Fairy he told Graham and after my performance, he was the first to stand. I think I have gained a fan.
But who did I have sex with? It has been more than a year ago since I did something even remotely sexual with another person present, so I’d like to remember the occasion. I look around and see my over knee boots in the corner of the bedroom, neatly put away.
Oh, the guy was a gentleman too.
Wait a second, I’m still wearing my dress. That is weird, because usually after sex, I’m just naked and if I’m wearing anything at all, it’s the guys’ shirt.
Hm, this is strange.
I should investigate this. I manage to push myself out of bed, but the second I’m standing on my feet, I stumble against the wall. Geez, I’m a fucking klutz, especially when I’m hungover. I open the door and try to get myself to the kitchen for a glass of water, but I’m out of breath by the time I reached a cupboard two feet away from me. I place my hand on the surface and pinch myself in my side.
Maybe I’m getting too old to get wasted like this. I’m just twenty three years old, so I’m not even close to thirty. But I don’t think I can handle alcohol that well, especially not this type of vodka.
‘You’re up,’ I hear someone say. His voice does sound pretty familiar though, but I can’t really figure out where I know it from.
‘Barely,’ I answer groggily, looking around me, not seeing anyone. ‘Where are you?’
‘In the kitchen.’
Desperate to see the man I spend the night with, I force myself to walk to the kitchen. He doesn’t sound British though, so maybe he is a tourist? I stare at someones back and from the looks of it, he has broad shoulders and shorter darkish blonde, brown hair. His butt is beautifully shaped.
Not too shabby, Luna.
The man turns around and I gasp, my eyes widening in the process. I’m with Chris Evans? Holy shit. What did I do last night? ‘Goodness motherfucking gracious,’ I mutter. ‘What am I doing here?’ I don’t even wait for his answer, because I add in absolute terror: ‘Oh shit, did we have sex last night?’
He starts to laugh, pouring some hot water in a mug. He places it in front of me on the bar, together with four teabags for me to choose from. That’s so considerate, I think to myself.  He is even cuter in real life. ‘No, we didn’t have sex.’
‘Thank the stars. Because if I’ve had sex with Captain America, I’d like to remember it.’ What the fuck are you talking about? ‘Wait, no, forget that I said that.’ My entire face is on fire and I wish I could just disappear right now. ‘I’m so sorry, Chris.’
‘Well, if we had sex, I’d like to make it a little bit more memorable, if I’m being honest with you.’ He chuckles and gestures I should take a seat on the stool. Oh my God, I think I’m gonna die because of that comment, but I pull myself together like the mature woman I am and take place on the high stool.
He looks more approachable with this nice knitted sweater in a dark green color. I bet I look like a Julia Roberts Pretty Woman lookalike, but I failed miserably. ‘How are you feeling?’ he asks me.
‘Like shit. I really don’t remember anything of last night. Did I embarrass myself?’
‘Well,’ Chris says with a smile and that can’t be anything good, ‘you kept me pretty entertained.’
‘Oh fuck, I’m so sorry.’ I place my elbows on the hard surface of the bar, hiding my face in my hands. ‘I probably ruined your entire night.’
‘You really didn’t.’
That causes me to look back at him again. ‘I didn’t? I was drunk.’
He shakes his head. ‘No, honestly, you didn’t. I actually really liked your company. You are truly the funniest woman I’ve ever met.’
‘Do I want to know what I did?’
Chris shrugs. ‘It’s nothing too bad. You complimented me about my face, my thighs and my hands.’
I open a teabag and let it sink into the hot water. ‘Oh no, I didn’t just compliment you. Spill, what did I say?’
‘You said I had a pretty face,’ Chris starts and I thank the universe that I was in that type of drunken state. ‘But that it was that pretty that you could just lick it and not regret it.’
Fuck, this is terrible.
‘You said something about chicks loving to ride my thighs and how I have lovely hands. You wanted to know if I had spanked someone with them, causing you to confess that you’d never been spanked.’ How can he say that with a straight face?
I want to die. I clear my throat, hoping I can figure out what to say to him now. Normally with people, I honestly don’t care what I said to them in a drunk state, but this… To this gorgeous human being… ‘Right,’ I say. ‘You know, I should probably go.’
‘You can’t.’
‘Oh, you’re holding me hostage now, mister Evans?’ I ask him, cocking an eyebrow. I wouldn’t complain, but I don’t want to take up more of his time. Also, I don’t want to continue embarrassing myself.
He chuckles. ‘No, there is a blizzard and we are ordered not to leave the hotel or our room for that matter.’
I stare at the window, only to see that the entirety of what I can see of London is covered with a thick layer of snow. ‘No, no, no,’ I whine. ‘I’m so sorry, I look like an actual escort and you probably want to spend time by yourself and not me.’
Chris shrugs. ‘I actually like some company. Don’t really like being alone,’ he admits. ‘You know, how about you take a shower and I’ll see if I have some clothes for you here.’
‘You’ve got lady clothes laying around?’ I ask him, cocking an eyebrow. ‘Didn’t peck you for that, Chris Evans, but you know, to each their own.’
‘Some clothes of mine that you might fit.’
‘Oh no,’ I chuckle, ‘you are actually blind. Have you seen you and me? I’m probably at least thirty centimeters smaller than you and a whole load of kilos lighter than you. You think I could fit in your clothes?’
He smiles, before he winks at me. ‘Let’s find out.’
✘ ✘ ✘
After a long shower, I see that Chris has placed some neatly folded clothes in front of the bathroom door. I have scrubbed off all of my left over make-up from my face and I stare at my brighter skin for a second. I look better now than I did with make-up smeared all over my face and neck. I see Chris has some moisturizer laying around on the bathroom sink. I open the jar and take a sniff.
I remember this exact smell from yesterday. Apparently I was pretty close to him.
I take a bit out of the jar, before I smear it on my face. After I patted the moisturizer into my skin, I walk out of the bathroom in a sweatpants that is way to big for me, some thick socks and a sweater of his. It feels so domestic, something I never experienced. Before I auditioned on the X-Factor, I never fell in love and ever since that, I never had time to date.
Rosie had her brief relationship with Justin Bieber (but we all know how that ended) and Daliah is still dating Michal B. Jordan. He was around a lot when we were still a group and he is nice, always bringing flowers for Daliah, but also for the rest of us, so we didn’t feel left out.
From the five of us, I was the one that never wanted a relationship. I just wanted a life that completely existed of music. But this feeling, wearing someones clothes that smell like said person, it makes me feel oddly loved and taken care of.
Chris is sitting in front of the television, leaned back against the cushions. I see he placed some snacks in front of him on the coffee table and even two mugs filled coffee. This man has been so insanely thoughtful ever since I woke up and I feel like he was thoughtful the night before.
‘There you are,’ he says with a wide smile once he notices me.
I highly doubt anyone has ever looked at me like that before and was this happy to see me.
‘Well, you look even better in my clothes than I thought you would. Come on, take a seat,’ he tells me, patting the spot right next to him on the couch.
My cheeks are a bit flushed, as I plop down next to him and grab the mug filled with coffee. ‘How come I’m actually in your hotel room?’ I ask.
‘Well, I saw you in a bar and you were pretty hammered, so I figured I’d take you to your hotel, but you couldn’t remember where you were staying. I felt like it would be better if I took you to my place. No worries, every advantage you tried to take of me, I politely declined.’
I shake my head because I can’t believe myself. ‘Oh no, oh no. What advantages?’
‘One, you tried to pull me on your lap when we got in the cab. Two, you tried to strip tease when we got here. Three, you wanted to give me a lap dance, but fell on the floor.’
I wonder on what floor we are on, so I can throw myself out of this window. I don’t want to be here ‘I’m sorry,’ I apologize again. ‘This is so fucking embarrassing.’
‘Like I said before,’ Chris laughs, ‘you kept me pretty entertained.’
He continues to watch some television, while I check my phone. It’s weird not to see any messages from my band members. Ever since we broke up a few months ago, we barely spoken. Well, I haven’t spoken to anyone, I have no idea what they are doing, maybe they are talking to one another. I kind of wished that I could open our groups chat again, so I could tell them about where I’m at right now.
I sigh deeply, as the realization hits me that I don’t have anyone anymore. It’s just me. I mean, I like Gia with all my heart, but she has her own life and she is just my manager. Not my friend. Not my soulmate.
‘Are you okay?’ Chris asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.
‘Yeah, I’m okay.’
‘You don’t look okay.’
‘I’m hungover, Chris,’ I tell him. ‘I usually look like shit then.’
‘I didn’t mean it like that,’ he says. ‘You look sad. You can talk to me, you know? I think we are going to be stuck here for quite some time.’ He smiles and I feel oddly safe, like I can spill my thoughts here and not be judged.
After much consideration, I ask: ‘What is it like? Having a family?’
He frowns deeply. ‘Why do you ask?’
I should just stop talking right now. ‘I don’t have anyone anymore,’ I instead whisper. ‘I was just wondering what it would be like to have one. To be part of a real family, one that loves you no matter what.’
Chris sighs and says: ‘Being part of a family has been the greatest blessing and privilege of my life.’
Leave it to him to make it all poetic and shit. I want to hate this guy, but I can’t for obvious reasons. I watched so many interviews with him and he seems like such a likable and pleasant guy to be around. I like being with him already.
‘I heard something about your family situation,’ he says. ‘I’m sorry you had to go through that.’
People tell me that a lot. Everyone is always so sorry, but it never felt so sincere as it does when Chris Evans says it. I shrug. ‘Well,’ I mumble, ‘it taught me a lot.’
‘What did it teach you?’
I look to the side, to this beautiful man, who is only a few months away from being forty. It’s weird that I feel so at ease with someone who is almost seventeen years older than me.  It’s actually really strange that I feel at ease with anyone for that matter. It took me weeks before I was comfortable around my members. ‘That I shouldn’t get attached to people,’ I say. ‘That’s not really healthy or anything, so I should stop that, but… I can’t stop it.’
‘It isn’t, you’re right,’ he says in a soft voice. ‘I’m not going to tell you what you can and cannot do, but it’s healthy for people to attach.’
‘I did,’ I whisper. ‘I got attached to my girls, though I barely showed it. For six years we were always together. We shared every hit, we shared every birthday. They were my family, you know. I could tell them anything.’
Chris nods. ‘Then why did you guys break up?’
This hurts. I never said it out loud. Not to Gia, not to someone else in my new record label. ‘Because they were jealous,’ I say. ‘I got attached, but I didn’t tell them how much I cared about them. There were clips online, where people would make a compilation of the things I did for them. It were the things like, opening a water bottle and shoving that in their hands without looking at them or pulling them behind me when people got too close for my liking. But I never told them. Instead, I started to work extra hard, so the record label, our managers, producers and our fans would like me more and I actually hoped they would get jealous. I had this desperate need to prove that I was better than they all were.’
Chris is clearly thinking about what he should say to me. ‘Why?’
‘So other people would finally notice me.’ I look up and let out a shaky breath. ‘I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to hear about my sad sob story.’
‘I do,’ he says, placing a caring hand on my knee. ‘It’s not a sad sob story, it’s your life story. It shaped you to who you are today. Remember, Luna, there will be other people that’ll care about you.’
This is bizarre. I’m meeting up with someone for the first time, after thirsting over them for years and now it turned into a full on therapy session, that I actually don’t mind. For years I’ve sat through the forced therapy sessions I had back when I was in foster care, watching the time go by as I kept quiet.
And now I just spill the details and I don’t necessarily feel any regret.
‘You know,’ I say. ‘I remember the day I found out my parents died in that car accident. I was standing outside of the school, with my teacher at the age of four. Everyone was already at home, but my parents didn’t arrive. I didn't want to miss them, so I sat outside for three hours. After that I was forced into the system.’ I look to the side and whisper: ‘I was in sixteen different families and I moved around so many times. All I wanted was being loved and that was when I was with my band members.’
Chris nods. I don’t know what is so damn special about him that I just spill out all my worries, my fears and feelings. ‘There is still time, Luna,’ he says. ‘It’s not too late.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘What I said, there will be other band members. There will be other people that can care about you. You just have to let them in.’
I think about that for a second, before I stand up. ‘I’m starving,’ I say to him. ‘You want something?’
Chris Evans nods, though he looks a bit taken aback from my sudden change of subject. ‘Sure, let me help you.’
He gets up from the couch, towering over me. His large frame, his handsome face, the way he looks so huggable in that sweater. I bite my lip.
Don’t even think about that, Luna. It’s definitely not going to happen.
✘ ✘ ✘
We prepare some food together and being all domestic with Chris Evans, was something I never thought I could have in life, even if it’s only for a short amount of time. We laugh as he nearly cuts off his finger, he pinches my cheek with his pesto covered fingers and for the first time in many months, I feel accepted and part of something again.
Being with the girls day in day out was tough, but I was never alone. It is nice not to be alone again. All of my foster parents never cared, back in high school I never had a lot of friends, since I moved a lot. Being with four wonderful girls for that long, gave me a certain security.
But I lost that. Now I have nobody, while they are back home with their families, their loved ones, probably still mad at me.
Being stuck with Chris Evans is so nice, though it’s forced since we can’t leave this room. While we eat our food, we talk about his upcoming movies. He is so enthusiastic, to a point where I have to stop him from talking about it more, because he is going to spoil the entire movie, that I so desperately want to see now.
Chris looks at me, like no one has ever looked at me before. I always thought that when I  would meet Chris Evans, I would stare at him with a look solely consisting of lust. I always wondered what he would be like in bed, between my thighs. Of course I still wonder about that, but I actually like him a lot now, as a person.
He makes me feel like I matter and feeling like that, is something so unexpected.
‘This is so unfair,’ I say, throwing the cards on the little coffee table in front of him. ‘You are such a cheater.’
‘I’m a cheater?’ he laughs, his voice a bit higher out of disbelieve. ‘You peeked at my cards, miss Luna and you still managed to lose!’ He pokes my side with his finger, causing me to squeal. ‘You are a disaster.’
‘I’m not a disaster. You are just stupid. I don’t like playing card games with you and I hate you.’
His mouth is formed in a perfect o shape, before he launches forward to tickle my sides.
‘No, Chris, stop it!’ I laugh, as I try to push him off of me, but he is too strong.
Of course he is too strong.
He pushes me deeper in the couch, his hands on my side, as he halts his tickles. He is right in between my legs. This shouldn’t make me horny, this shouldn’t make me horny. ‘I never knew you were such a sore loser.’
‘I’m not a sore loser,’ I manage to choke out, still trying to catch my breath. I can almost cut the tension between us with a knife. His face is so close, his hot breath against my lips. I could just kiss him right now. He smells so lovely and his large hands in my sides…
‘Luna,’ he says, pulling me out of my thoughts, ‘you are an amazing singer, but you suck at card games.’
I slap his chest. ‘Not everyone can be perfect like Chris Evans.’
He took off his sweater about half an hour ago and this shirt is totally accentuating his strong arms and his shoulders, his perfectly shaped upper body. ‘Are you okay?’ he asks me, not moving an inch.
How can I be okay, when I’m in a position like this with you? My cheeks turn red. ‘I’m fine,’ I choke out.
‘Are you sure?’ He places a hand on my forehead. ‘You feel kinda hot.’
‘I am.’ No, no, no! Luna Hwang, why did you say that? Don’t say something like that.
‘How come?’
Wait a minute. Wait a damn minute. I spot his sly smile on his face, his chest slowly more pressed against mine. He is doing this on purpose. I never thought this man would do something like that.
Sneaky bastard. He looks so innocent with those beautiful eyes, those long lashes, but meanwhile he is just as horny as I am probably.
‘Well,’ I say, finally gaining back some confidence, ‘you in this black shirt isn’t helping the situation at all.’
Chris smiles. ‘Figured. Took you long enough to react.’
‘So you did do it on purpose,’ I say, cocking an eyebrow as I chuckle.
‘Well,’ he whispers, his hand cupping my face as his thumb grazes over my bottom lip, ‘don’t you think for a second I didn’t notice every single thing you have been doing. Biting your lips, stretching out so I can see some of your skin. You did that on purpose too.’
I almost think that he can hear my heartbeat and I swallow hard.
‘If you don’t want to do this,’ he whispers, ‘we don’t have to do this. Just tell me.’
He should stop being so considerate. ‘Chris, Chris, Chris,’ I say, placing my hands on his strong chest, ‘you honestly thought we’d get through this blizzard without us having sex.’ I start to smile. ‘I honestly feel like you underestimated me.’
He chuckles and says: ‘Tell me, what did you have in mind?’
Is he giving me the ability to give matters into my own hands? That has never happened before. ‘Well,’ I say, as he buries his face in the nape of my neck, slowly pressing soft kisses on the delicate skin. ‘I’ve thought about you between my thighs.’
‘Can be arranged.’
‘And I didn’t lie yesterday: I bet girls love to ride to ride your thighs.’
‘No one has ever done that,’ he admits, something I find very hard to believe. No one has rode these thighs before? Those lovely thighs? His large hand slip underneath my sweater, as his calloused fingers touch my bare skin. ‘But I’d love for you to be the first. Take off your clothes, Luna,’ he whispers. ‘All of it.’
Shivers run down my spine, as I watch him sitting up straight, positioning himself on the couch with a smile.
‘You wanted to do a striptease yesterday,’ he says with a chuckle. ‘What’s stopping you now, Luna?’
‘No alcohol.’
I shred myself from his sweater, the sweatpants and socks, as I run my fingers through my hair.
‘All of it, baby,’ he tells me.
I take a deep breath. Seeing him fully clothed and me slowly becoming more naked every second passing. I undo my bra and I hook my fingers around the waistband of my underwear. Chris lets his lip go over his bottom lip.
‘You are breathtaking.’ He pulls me on his lap, on one of his thighs, his hands roaming my body, until one of them gets intertwined in my hair as he pulls me in for a kiss. Oh shit, I’m kissing Chris Evans. The Chris Evans.
My wet core is pressed against the fabric of his jeans. I’m so desperate for some friction between my legs. I grind my hips back and forth, causing me to moan against his mouth. ‘Very good,’ he mumbles, placing his hands on my hips, to help me set the pace that he desires.
His kisses are nothing with what I expected them to be. I thought he was sweet and considerate, just like everything he has done for me today, but these kisses are nothing like that. He is dominant and demanding. He takes my bottom lip between his teeth, as he forces me to ride his thick thigh faster, flexing his muscles for different kinds of sensation.
‘Oh fuck,’ I moan out.
‘Look at you,’ he whispers with a satisfied grin on his face. ‘You are so sexy, Luna.’ He pulls me in for yet another long kiss, his tongue dancing around mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and I feel the familiar sensation coiling up deep inside of me, causing me to whimper against his plump lips.
And then he forces my hips to stay put.
‘No,’ I whine.
Chris smiles, as he squeezes my ass. I’m sure he is leaving marks on the soft flesh. ‘You soaked my jeans, baby.’
‘That’s your fault. You could’ve not worn them.’
He gently pushes me off his lap, sitting on his knees in front of the couch and he spreads my legs apart. He presses kisses on my inner thighs. ‘Pretty girl,’ he notes. ‘So wet for me already.’ He looks up and smiles. ‘Can I?’
I nod. ‘Please,’ I beg, as I run my fingers through his beautiful locks. ‘Chris, please.’ I gasp when I feel his warm mouth on my aching center. He is fucking skilled with his tongue. He knows exactly what gets me off and he barely even knows me. I wrap my legs around his face. ‘Ri—Oh fuck, right there.’ I lean with my head against the back of the couch, as his tongue invades my tight hole from time to time.
No guy has ever done it like this before and no guy in the world can bring me towards the edge faster than Chris fucking Evans is doing. ‘I’m close, Chris,’ I cry out. For a second I fear he stops now, but this time he doesn’t.
Thank fuck he doesn’t.
He sucks sharply on my clit and it’s followed by the vibrations of his moans. I let out a strangled moan, as I don’t want to tell the entire hotel I’m having sex with Chris Evans.
My body starts to shake on the couch as I ride out my high. I push his face away from my aching cunt, to catch my breath. ‘Shit, Chris,’ I chuckle. ‘You sure know what you are doing.’
Chris smugly grins, his beard covered in my juices, before he pushes himself up, so he can give me a long kiss on my lips. I taste myself, something that I normally hate, but right now, I love every single second of it. His lips slowly descend from mine to my jaw and to my neck. He wraps his lips around my hardened nipple and I arch by back in pleasure. The short hairs against prickling against my delicate skin.
He looks up at me with a smile, his eyes a few shades darker. He sits next to me on the couch and he gives me a kiss on my cheek. ‘Open your mouth, baby.’
No one has ever said that to me, but I oblige without thinking about it for a second. He pushes two fingers in my mouth and I run my tongue over them, nearly gagging on them as he sticks them deeper in my mouth. He pulls them out, drool dripping over my lips and chin. ‘Just tell me if you don’t want to do this or want to stop and I’ll stop right away.’
I nod and he dips two fingers inside. I try to push my legs together, but he hooks his ankle around mine, spreading my legs apart. His fingertips rub against the sensitive spot inside of me. His other hand is tangled in my hair, pulling the locks to give him more access to my neck. He continues to finger me at a pace that make my eyes roll back.
‘Come on, Luna,’ he encourages me, ‘you must let me know how you feel.’
‘Fuck,’ I choke out, but it’s followed by a pained moan.
He chuckle, pressing a tender kiss on my neck, before I feel his lips on my temple. ‘That’s a good girl. You are such a good girl for me.’
His thumb grazes over my clit and almost instantly my walls clench around his fingers, but I feel this unfamiliar feeling wash over me. Juices gush passed his fingers and I let out a pained sob as I close my eyes. I think I’m seeing stars. I hold his wrist, so he stops moving and I try to get my breathing a little normal. ‘Fuck, mister Evans,’ I breath out. ‘You are amazing.’
He slowly pulls his fingers out of me, before he kisses me softly.
‘I’ve never done that before,’ I admit, swallowing hard.
‘There is a first time for everything.’ He smiles at me and whispers: ‘You’re doing good, baby.’ He stands up from the couch and takes off his own clothes. I check out his body as his clothes drop to the floor. His perfect hip to shoulder ratio is perfect. I had an idea what he would look like naked, but rest assured: I’m not at all disappointed. His pubic hair is nicely groomed, his cock is thick and pretty long (changes are that I can feel him deep deep inside me).
Mister Chris Evans is very blessed.
‘On your back, baby,’ he whispers. I place my head on the cushion, as I position myself on the soft couch. He spreads my legs as he sits in between them. ‘Want to use a condom?’
‘I don’t,’ I whisper.
‘You still want to do this?’ he asks just in case.
I try to think back to the few bed partners I had and whether or not they ever asked me if I wanted to continue, if I still want to do this. Come to think of it: no one has ever asked me that. I nod. ‘I really do.’
Chris lines his tip with the bead of pre cum near my entrance, checking with me once more before he sinks into me, his thick length stretching me out. He is not even halfway in, when I hastily place my hand on his chest. ‘Oh shit, no stop,’ I say, panic dripping through every word I say. ‘Please, stop, Chris.’
‘I’m stopping, sweetheart. Talk to me. Are you okay?’ he asks, cupping my face with his strong hand.
‘It’s just that you are so big, Chris,’ I choke out. ‘Just give me a minute.’
I can see Chris wants to buff out his chest with pride, but he keeps it in. The burning stretch isn’t that terrible anymore. I give him a silent sign that he can continue and he slides all the way in.
Oh fuck, I spoke too soon, this burns way too much. I feel tears dripping over my cheeks. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I whisper.
‘Don’t feel sorry. I’m hurting you, aren’t I? And please be honest with me, baby.’
‘You’re hurting me a little,’ I admit.
He leans in and gives me a kiss on my lips. ‘That is absolutely not my intention. Try to relax,’ he says, as he reaches between us, so his thumb can toy with my sensitive clit. ‘Look at me, beautiful.’
I do as he tells me to do and bite my lip. ‘This feels good, Chris,’ I say in a tiny voice, as pleasure finally takes over again.
He smiles. ‘I can tell. You’re doing such a good job.’
‘You can move now,’ I whisper. I wrap my legs around his hips and he pulls out, before slowing sinking right back in. I tighten around his thick length. I mean, I have my fair share of sex toys and a few partners, but nothing had the girth his length has.
Almost a pornographic moan leaves my lips. I hide my face in my hands, but he pries my fingers away. ‘This is exactly what I want to hear, Luna. Use that pretty voice of yours to let the entire hotel know how good I’m making you feel.’
‘Shit, Chris, I’m gonna—’ I can’t even finish my sentence, as the rush of pleasure jolts through my entire body. I let out a painful cry against his shoulder, as he continues to thrust deep inside me, not slowing down. ‘Chris, I can’t do this anymore.’
No one has ever done this with me. Ever used me like this. Made me cum over and over again.
‘I’m almost there, sweetheart,’ he says, his tone soft. ‘Can you hang in there for me, baby? If not, just say so and I’ll stop.’
His hands are holding my face so gently, his lips pressing tender kisses on my lips, it all causes me to simply nod, though it’s so so sensitive down there.
‘You want me to continue?’
‘Yes,’ I whisper. ‘Please.’
‘Such a good girl,’ he says. ‘I’m very close, sweetheart. Where do you want me to cum, baby? Tell me.’
‘Inside,’ I moan out, as tears are dripping over my face. ‘Fuck, I really need it inside.’
His hands push my hips deep in the couch, speeding up his thrusts. I don’t care if anyone can hear us anymore, because I cry out loud. The room is filled with the obscene sounds that consist of how wet I am, skin against skin and his moans and my screams combined. From the way he is groaning, I can tell he is close.
I grab his face, press my lips firmly against his. His hips stutter against mine, as I feel the deep spurts of cum painting me from the inside. Chris rides out his high, placing his head on my chest, lingering inside for a brief moment. ‘Fuck,’ he says.
‘You can say that again,’ I laugh. ‘Are you okay?’
‘I’m fine, I’m fine,’ he chuckles. ‘Haven’t done this in a very long time, that’s all. Are you okay? I’m sorry, I let myself go for a moment.’
‘I think I’m going to feel you for days,’ I admit. ‘With the way you used me.’
‘I didn’t hurt you, did I?’ he quickly asks. It’s sweet that he sounds so sincerely worried, a full one eighty from how he used me a few seconds ago.
I shake my head. ‘No, you didn’t. Just had to get used to you. I do think I could use a shower, though.’
‘Well, let me join you then.’ He carefully pulls out, a whimper leaving my lips. He pulls me up, but because of the existence of gravity, I feel his cum dripping down my thighs. Chris smiles when he notices it too and lifts me up in his arms, before peppering my face with kisses. ‘So, how about a second round in the shower?’
Taglist: @diegos-butt​
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khnstllflwr · 4 years
Tell Me A Story - khnsllflwr
TW// All payne, no Liam.
"Louis Tomlinson, singer song-writer, ex member of the legendary band, one direction and his long-time girlfriend, model, fashion blogger, and social media influencer, Eleanor Calder just announced their engagement this morning, they said that the awaited wedding would be broadcasted in the 28th of Septem--"
"Tss. The 28th, huh. Really?" Harry tutted before shutting off the telly. He stood up from the couch walked around it, heading to the kitchen. He made himself a cuppa with that ridiculous tea he always liked, not that Harry liked it, but the other one just made him liked it 'more like forced me to like it' he thought. Thoughts came flooding down like the showers that are danish, they were flooding down on Harry while he stares at the brand of tea, before he even indulges into deep memories and start bawling his eyes out, his phone rang, thankfully, it rang.
Fetching his phone by the coffee table, he took a quick glance at the telly then back to his phone, "Gemma❤️" was calling.
"Hey sis, what's up?" Harry answered the call.
"Hey Harold, I was wondering if I can leave Darcy over there, Michal and I are going to a business trip to LA but she doesn't want to go with us, she said she's rather stay with you, is that okay?" Gemma asked, he smiles.
"That's actually really wonderful, I would love to take Darcy in, when are you leaving for LA? When are you going to drop Darcy?" A hint of excitement is running up to Harry's stomach, he always loved kids, and always wished he could have one. He missed his niece although he's in London he didn't get a chance to see Darcy because of work.
"Our flight is actually tonight so is it okay to drop her in later? In the afternoon maybe?"
"Oh that would be really lovely actually, I'll wait for you guys then."
"Are you still in London? Are you in Hampstead?" Harry's smile faded, his shoulders dropped, he hesitated for a bit then answered.
"I-im in Barnet" Harry choked. There's a few seconds of awkward silence before Gemma answered.
"You mean in Royal Drive? Are you in Princess Park?" She asked, bewildered, a bit quietly, or so Harry thought, but it's definitely quieter than before.
"Yes....." Harry answered very quietly.
"Okay then... I'll drop her in later, okay? Love you, take care" a breath of relief for Harry when Gemma answered in her usual tone.
"Love you too sis, take care, tell Darcy I'm excited to see her" Gemma chuckled before answering "okay" and hanging up the phone.
There's a few minutes of silence before he looks around the living room, he arrived there last night, tired, sho he immediately went to sleep but now that he's awake he could fully see the whole manor, the memories, everything, everything and nothing that happened here. All those days and nights that they shared, the fun, the happiness, the sadness, but especially the love.
Harry spent the whole morning looking around the manor and changing what needs to be changed (like there's anything that needs changing), Cleaning what needs to be cleaned (like there's even something to clean), and unpacking the baggage he left last night lying out and about his bedroom floor. Harry is now in the kitchen cooking something very nostalgic, when the doorbell rang, 'it must be them', he thought before taking off his apron, turning off the stove, and skipping to the bloody door.
"Uncle Haz!" Darcy immediately came running off to his uncle's arms when the door opened.
"She missed you a lot" Gemma chuckled, Harry invited them inside.
"Wow your house looks like a castle" Darcy said, amazed.
"Would you like to stay for lunch?" Harry asked while his 5-year-old niece is hanging off his back.
"Oh no we're okay, we need to do something important here before flying to LA" Michal said, Gemma's husband.
"That's a waste then, but its okay" Harry answered while Darcy is playing with his hair.
"Darcy darling, would you mind getting down Uncle Haz's back? Mummy needs to talk to him" Gemma asked her daughter politely, with a little "okay mummy" Harry bends down and Darcy climbs down and goes running for her dad, Gemma pulled Harry to the kitchen.
"Are you okay? I just read the article shortly after you hung up the phone, is everything okay?" Gemma asked in a very elderly sister-y way.
"Never been better" Harry answered and gave her a reassuring smile, actually ot was more of a fake smile than a reassuring one but nonetheless. Gemma noticed, she always notices.
"I know that you probably don't want to talk about it, but I'm worried about you okay? And if you want someone to talk to I'm here, Harry. I'm always here" Gemma gave him a heart warming smile and gave him a hug, a hug that Harry needed the most, he hugs her back and they stood like that for a few seconds until Gemma lets go, it's always the other person who lets go, but Harry, Harry never does.
After talking and reminding for a few minutes Gemma and Michal bade goodbye to Darcy and they both gave her a goodbye kiss to the cheeks.
"What are you making Uncle Haz?" Darcy asked when they're both in the kitchen. Harry smiles sadly and looks down at what he's making.
"Well, this-- this, I'm making Chicken stuffed with Mozzarella wrapped in Parma ham with a side of mash Potatoes" Harry chuckles at what he just said.
"That's a lot of words, but it sounds delicious, is there anyway you can shorten the name?" She asks still looking at Harry dead in the eyes while her hands are cupped to her cheeks.
" I reckon it's actually pretty long," he chuckles, " then let's call it Louis Bleu" he smiles.
After they've finished eating, with Darcy blabbering over and over again that 'Louis Bleu' is now her favourite dish and would ask her mum to make it for her when she's back, they spent the whole day watching cartoons and playing games. They even went to a nearby park and played with the swings, they fetched themselves some chocolate and ice cream in the nearby convenience store on their way back. It was a really nice day.
"Uncle Haz, Can you tell me a story?" Darcy asked when night fell and its bedtime.
"Sure love, what kind of story do you want me to tell?" Harry obliged, fixing her blankets while he sat at the edge of her bed.
"Can you tell me a fairytale story, or even a love story? About a prince and a princess?" She asked, smiling, he looks at her, smiling, but now with the sparkles in his eyes.
"Well, I don't know any love story about a prince and a princess, but I do have a story about a prince and his soulmate, the little one with the cheekbones" thoughts and memories started rushing and filling up his head and his smile gets wider, he does his little fond nose crunch at the memories.
"What's a soulmate?" This little girl asked.
"Its a--," Harry hesitated, "Well-- It's like a bestfriend but more, its that one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else." Harry looks up and spaces out with thoughts in his mind, thoughts that are begging to come back. "It's someone who makes you a better person, no-- actually they dont make you a better person than you than yourself, its because they inspire you," he stops to breath, and he looks down.
"A soulmate is someone who-- who knew you and accepted you and believe in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happen, you'll always love them. Nothing could ever change that." Harry finally finishes, his eyes a bit glassy he feels like he's about to cry but then he felt Darcy's embrace 'she truly is Gemma's daughter' he thought.
"Don't cry uncle Hazza, im sure that soulmates are really beautiful and happy" she says while patting her uncle on the back, Harry chuckles.
"I know love, it really is, now let's go on to the story" Darcy lets go of him and starts to climb to bed again.
"So-- there once was a prince, he was a bit lonely and he's not very confident, he really loves to sing and would love to perform around the world, one day he met this boy in the loo," he chuckles, Darcy does the same, "This boy..... Is the little one with the cheekbones," Harry stops, just to see Darcy's reaction but she didnt react at all, "Aren't you surprised that the prince's soulmate is a boy?" He asked, a bit taken aback.
"Well, no, Mum told me that we can love who ever we want even if it's a boy or a girl" she answered. Harry felt so much happiness he thought he was about to explode but he pulled himself together and continued the story.
"The little one with the cheekbones has magnificent beautiful blue eyes and an attractive smile, the prince fell in love then and there, when they first locked eyes with each other" " After that they've spent a lot of time with each other because they both have the same interests, they wanted to sing and they wanted to travel and perform around the world, they wanted to be free. They both were put in a band or a group with three other boys, the irish princess, the bradford badboy, and leeroy" the nicknames made Darcy laugh out loud, it took a few minutes to calm him down.
"Okay the five of them were very close with each other, they were always together, they were best of friends but the prince-- the prince felt a lot more affection for the little one with the cheekbones, he's his favourite out of the boys. There came a point were he realized he loved the little one, but he was scared to tell him because he might push him away"
Darcy interrupted, "Why would he be scared? If he loves him he should tell him right away right? Because someone might take him away?"
'I know' Harry thought 'but there's some things that people are too afraid to lose that's why they don't say it, That's what I also regret, I didn't tell him sooner.'
"Yes, you should but don't worry. As the the days go by they've become closer and closer together, and the prince fell harder each day, he was really in love with the little one with the cheekbones, little did he know he likes him too" Darcy gave an unholy shriek of excitement, Harry, although startled, gave a smile.
"So one day the prince couldn't take all the love anymore he felt like he was going to burst, so he confessed his love for the boy, and he was surprised to find out that he loves him too, from the first they that they met," Harry game a teary smile, "They decided to live together, in a castle."
"Just like here? Like this house? It really looks like a castle" Darcy asked
'Exactly here, they lived exactly here'
"Yes, just like this one" Harry answered sniffing a little bit.
"So did they live happily ever after?" She asked with excitement, her eyes glistening with curiousity.
"They lived happily, sure, but there were some bad people who wanted them apart, that's why they had to hide their love from others, they were forced to stop interacting with each other when people are around so they do it in secret"
"Why? But they love each other, isn't that enough? They dont have to hide it right?" Darcy asked, a bit teary eyed.
'We do love each other, I also wished we didn't need to hide it' he thought, but he brushed those thoughts away.
"They also didn't want to hide it, but it's their only choice or else the bad people will break them up. So they chose to hide it when their outside so they won't take them apart. They will do anything they say, just so they could stay together."
"Just like soulmates." She said absent-mindedly.
"Yes, just like soulmates. They did everything together, they travelled the world, they performed, they sang, even though they can't show their love to other people, they still show it in little ways like quick glances, secret touches, and cheeky holding hands. They also made their skin like paper, all the things they can't say they write or draw it in their skin, because no one can erase them, it will forever be there." Harry touches his arms full of tattoos.
"Just like yours?" Darcy asked.
"Just like mine. They also have a lot of matching drawings, Do you know what's my favourite of all?" Harry asked, she shakes her head. " The prince has a ship drawn in his left arm," he touches his left arm where the tattoo is located, "and the little one with the cheekbones has a compass that points ships to home drawn in the inside of his right arm, it means that the boy will always be the prince's home away from home" Harry smiles, a little bitterly, with a hint of pain.
"That's really sweet" she says sweetly, butterflies filling her stomach.
"It is, They feel safe around each other's arms and feels happy in the presence of one another. They faced every storm together, and also faced every sunny day together," Harry stops, smiling, staring at nothing, trying to remember everything, all the memories, "and even when they're apart from each other the universe always finds a way for them to meet, to get back at each other's arms. They were soulmates" Harry smiled at Darcy.
"They really fell in love, didn't they?" She asked.
"Yes, yes they did."
"But what happened after? Are they still together now? Did they fight the bad people? Are they gone?" She bombarded him with questions one after the other.
"Well the bad people got into the little one with the cheekbones, so in the end, he let the prince go, but the prince didn't, he never does, he's still holding on. Now the little one with the cheekbones is getting married to a beautiful princess while the prince is left alone but he was happy because he got to meet his soulmate, the little one with the cheekbones." Harry finishes his story, a single tear escaping and rolling down his cheek.
"So the little one with the cheekbones loved the prince after all." She stopped,
"But he let go? Doesn't he love the prince anymore?" She asked sadly. 'I really hope he still loves him, but I believe that he already truly let go, all the prince wants is for the boy to be happy, even if it's not with him'
"No one knows, not even the prince," Harry answered, 'but he's still hoping that maybe the universe will put them back together, if they really are soulmates, or if he just assumed it' Harry whispered audible only to himself.
"But you said that they're soulmates, Im sure the universe will find a way to get them back together right? Even if it takes a long time?" Harry smiled, then nodded.
"Could you tell me their names?" Darcy asked curiously. "The prince's name is Harry and the little one with the cheekbones is named Louis" he answered, Darcy smiled a little sleepily, she pulled the covers up to her chin and said,
"Well, Harry and Louis' love story is the greatest one I've ever heard, even if it didn't end with a happily ever after." Before closing her eyes and falling to sleep.
Harry answered, tears falling down one after the other.
"Yes. Yes, it is."
The end.
A/n: Hey guys! So this is my first ever larry fanfic. I am in no way trying to Disrespect Harry or Louis, I just believed that they fell inlove at some point of their life, even if its just a split second. And I believe that they're love story is the greatest it's actually the only reason I actually believe in love. I wrote this fanfiction because I was bored and the power cut off, so I wrote a story on my notebook it was inspired by 2 Larry edits: 'They fell in love, didn't they?" And 'What are soulmates?' from the og larry editor in youtube her channel is GossipSmile check her out! She's really great. The name Darcy is also inspired by a girl from Tiktok who does POV's and she does Darcy Styles check her out guys! There's the link. Love you all, spread love, TPWK xxx
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talesofstyles · 5 years
Mess Is Mine III
Guys, it’s here! Massive thank you for the realllly nice messages about the first and second part and I hope you like this one. This is the longest piece that I’ve ever written (12k!) but this is also quite possibly my favourite one so far and I hope you like it too. It’s gonna get fifty shades of grey kind of so don’t say I didn’t warn you fgshshshshshsh.
Ok but serious warning: smut. This is my first time writing smut this detail. Also labour and delivery. I don’t know if that actually requires a warning but you know just in case.
Hope you like it! Part I Part II
p.s. special thanks to nora the other baby from the group chat @theasstour for reading the smut part and getting excited with me!! love you!! fgsgsgshshsh
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Four months after their first date, Harry and YN have been on countless dates. Lunch dates in between their work (this one is pretty rare because they’re both super busy during the day, but they managed to do it twice), dinners, with and without the kids, they’ve spent quite a lot of time together. They both have no idea how they could keep their relationship under the radar so far but they’re definitely thankful for it. 
It’s Friday night and Harry is taking YN out for another date night. The night is quite special for them because for the first time ever since they started dating, they’ll have the whole night just for themselves. Finn and Pippa are with their dad and Gemma has insisted to watch Anya for the night for some much-needed quality time with her niece—which is quite the perfect timing too because Michal is still away in NYC for a work trip—before the baby arrives in about three weeks.
“Y’look absolutely stunning, m’love,” Harry murmurs as he opens the taxi’s door for YN, before reaching his hand out for her to hold as she steps out from the car. He truly is a living proof that chivalry still exists.
“Thank you,” YN smiles, looking down to hide the fact that she’s blushing a little. The light is low outside but she looks down still just to be on the safe side. “You look…”
Harry chuckles as he waits patiently for YN to finish her sentence, taking her hand in his as they walk into the restaurant in Mayfair. “Okay? Fine? Good? Amazing? Shaggable?”
YN snorts at the last word and hastily stifle it. This is a posh restaurant and the guests are talking in hushed low murmurs. People are already looking at them. “Don’t make me laugh.”
The waitress shows them to the table that Harry has reserved for them, perfectly tucked away in one of the corners of the room. Neither of them has been there before, but both of them fall in love instantly with the place. The dimly lit setting of the restaurant creates a romantic atmosphere that makes it perfect for a date night. 
Onima is a slice of Greece in London, hidden by a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it door on Avery Row, right in the heart of Mayfair. YN has lived in London for years but she could probably count how many times she went to Mayfair with her fingers, and even then, she’s pretty sure that they always have something to do with James’s clients. Other than that, probably not. Why would she? It’s so completely posh.
YN still can’t look away from the man before her eyes, smiling at him as he pours some water into their glasses. He is wearing a button-up black shirt, first few buttons undone as usual (she is not complaining) paired with a light coloured trousers. The trousers have love embroidered at the bottom of one of the legs, giving it a nice little detail that she absolutely adores.
When Harry picked YN up at her home, both of them laughed at each other because they were basically wearing the same colour without even realising. The black and ivory monochrome dress that YN is wearing matches perfectly the colour of Harry’s shirt and trousers. Initially, she wanted to change before they left so they wouldn’t be all matchy, but there’s no way Harry is going to let her out of that dress before the night is over. With the way Harry gawks at her people would think that she is wearing something nuts while actually it’s just a maxi dress and the cut isn’t even that low, which means it leaves everything to the imagination. Luckily Harry has one hell of imagination.
“Ready?” YN asks him as soon as the waitress walks away from their table after bringing them the menu. Both of them have a pen and a piece of paper in front of them as well as the menu.
“In the count of three,” Harry smirks, already holding the menu so he can flip it over right away after the countdown. “One, two, three… go!” 
YN immediately grabs the grey folder in front of her, turning it over and begins scanning the words quickly and try to guess what Harry is going to order. Making a teasing remark as she does, “you’re going down, Styles.”
“Oh, I will,” Harry looks up for a second, grinning at her mischievously. “Definitely. Don’t worry about that.”
“Harry!” YN scolds him, her tone chastising. She turns scarlet at Harry’s remarks.
The man just laughs as he scribbles a few words on the page. Putting the pen down as he finishes and folds the paper neatly and put it under the grey folder. “Done.”
“Done,” YN exclaims just as the waitress arrives at their table.
“Hello,” the waitress greets them. “Are you ready to order?”
“Yes,” YN smiles at her, waiting for her to get her notepad ready before she continues. “I’d like a champagne, tempura prawns and the linguini.”
“We’ll just get a bottle of champagne,” Harry starts as she finishes writing. “and I’d like the grilled octopus and the rack of lamb.”
“Got you!” YN exclaims after the waitress walks away, pushing the piece of paper towards Harry. “Grilled octopus, rack of lamb. Ha ha. Told ya you’re going down.”
Harry’s grin widens. “You didn’t write champagne,” he starts. “Meanwhile, darlin’, I’ve got everything on this paper. Champagne, tempura and linguini.”
“When did you get so good?!” 
Harry chuckles. “I know you nearly went for that other prawns,” he begins to show off. “But then you found the tempura and you couldn’t say no to anything deep fried.”
“Alright big head,” YN retorts.
After their first date, when YN reminded him that they needed to take things slow, Harry really took that seriously. Their relationship is growing stronger each day but four months into it, things still haven’t really been physical between the two of them. YN can’t really complain because it’s what she wanted, it’s what both of them wanted actually, knowing the stake is higher because it’s not just another relationship where there are just two people. This one has five people in it, and they really don’t want to rush things just to mess things up in the end.
But this doesn’t mean that it has been easy. Especially when he’s looking like that. And she doesn’t make it easy for Harry either. During the first month, there were only heated snog sessions. Neither of them is complaining because, fuck, they’re both equally a good kisser, but all the grinding surely wasn’t enough.
Four weeks into their relationship, things finally started to get a little bit saucier. They did things to each other here and there, but somehow managed to keep the main course saved for later. Both of them know that the build up tension would make it so much better when they finally have their first night together.
They don’t say it out loud, but tonight, even in the dim light they can see clear as day that look in each other’s eyes as if it screams, “this is it!”. Dinner was amazing, but they’re definitely not staying for dinner, knowing there’s a more important matter to do.
Both of them are glad they don’t take the car, not only because so they can drink and still be responsible adults, but fuck, the second they step into the taxi and away from wandering eyes, they can’t keep their hands off each other.
After telling the driver hastily his address, Harry doesn’t think twice before hovering over her, smashing his lips against hers. She hungrily pushes back, her mouth open, tongue pushing past his clenched teeth to the moist space within. He grips her head firmly as if to keep her from escaping. He works his mouth against hers, their tongues battling back and forth like wrestlers, each trying to pin the other.
His hand slides down from her jaw to her waist, before creeping back up and resting against her breast. Squeezing it gently, causing her to let out a little whimper straight into his mouth. Then both of his hands run to the small of her back, blindly searching for the clasp of her bra. 
YN doesn’t even realise it when he’s trying to unhook her bra. Suddenly she feels the piece of clothing drops to her stomach. She wiggles a little to let it out completely, beyond grateful that she isn’t wearing a tight dress and mentally write a note in her head to pick it up before she gets off the taxi when they arrive at Harry’s place.
He finds her nipple through the dress and begins twisting it. The fabric helps to heighten the sensation, making YN groans lowly against his plump lips. He forces his tongue into her mouth when she gasps, and she shamelessly bucks her hips against his in response.
The journey from Mayfair to Harry’s home in Hampstead only takes about twenty minutes but it sure feels like forever for both of them (and God, probably even more so for the poor driver). They sigh in relief at the sight of Harry’s home, and they thank the driver nonchalantly as Harry hands him some cash. She hopes he gives the driver one hell of a tip because he deserves it. 
He unlocks the door quickly and pins her against the door right away as soon as they step inside to resume their kiss. Somehow, even with Harry’s rather dominant position, the kiss changes drastically from when they were still in the car. This time it’s less rushed, less rough and much more passionate. This is the kind of kiss that comes with total surrender. The kind of kiss that shows connection; the unfolding of one person into the other, and the seal which says that you are almost one person.
It begins with a gentle, soft touching of the lips. Both feeling one another. It’s an unhurried, sensuous joining of body and soul and complete arousal of the senses. He’s got one arm around her waist, in the small of her back. The other arm around the back of her shoulder. He’s enveloping her in a gentle, reassuring embrace.
Their lips locking together. She’s got her arms around his neck. They both know that neither of them will forget this kiss. This is certainly the kind of kiss that sears into the brain and never leave. 
“Oh, fuck!” She pulls away from the kiss abruptly, looking at Harry in horror. “I forgot my bra in the backseat!”
He smiles and glances down at her chest. Her nipples now prominent through her dress and she instinctively folds her arms to cover them. “I’ll get you a new one.”
“But it’s La Perla!” She exclaims. “I got a really good deal for that. It costs five hundred quids but I only paid for two.” 
“Darlin’, we’ll get you ten of ‘em.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she scoffs. “You haven’t even seen it in the light.”
“Did yeh put it on f’me?” Harry grins at her. His hands back on her waist. 
“Yeah,” YN nods. “M’tits look really good in it.”
“Honestly, darlin’, to me they’ll look even better naked,” Harry chuckles. “I appreciate it, but don’t fret about that, alright?”
“God, what if the driver has a wife and his wife finds it tomorrow morning? She’ll think he’s cheating on her,” YN can’t help but wonder, making Harry laugh even harder. 
To YN surprise, Harry suddenly picks her up bridal style, making her squeal. “Harry! What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Finally ‘avin my way wi’you.” 
YN is a little confused at first when Harry carries her past his bed and heads into the en suite instead. But the confusion turns into excitement when he sets her back down on her feet in front of the sink and begins unzipping the side of her dress right away, not wanting to waste much time to get her out of that dress. 
As the dress pools around her ankles, he turns her to face him. She runs her fingers through his hair as he kisses down her chest, stopping to suck her nipple into his mouth. His five o’clock shadow scrapes against her sensitive area in a way that makes her toes curl. She lets out a whimper, looking down at him as he repeats his action on the other one.
Harry eases in two of his fingers into her pulsing core without so much as a warning, smirking when she lets out a silent scream and clutches his forearm with both hands as he rubs a particular spot against her inner wall. It’s the kind of smirk that makes her core burns as he keeps moving, fucking her slowly and thoroughly with his fingers. 
Each syllable that he whispers in her ear is pure filth yet he coos it ever so sweetly, making her head spin as he rubs her bundle of nerves, two of his digits are knuckle deep inside her. It’s a sickly sweet experience. She swears his voice has never sounded as deep before, making her want nothing more than to just hide her face in the crook of his neck and cry. 
“Gonna make a mess on m’fingers, darlin’?” Harry murmurs lowly and YN just nods, letting out another whimper that ends straight into his mouth when he captures her lips again.
Harry pulls away and turns her around again so she’s facing the mirror. He kneels down in front of her, sandwiched between her legs and the counter. Smiling as he thrusts his fingers back into her, looking at her directly in the eyes as he does. 
She elicits her first audible moan as his tongue darts out, joining his fingers on her slick flesh, spreading her core open and dipping into it just the barest amount, enough to make her shivers and begs for more. A smirk never leaves his face as he continues teasing her, his fingers lightly massaging her bundle of nerves while his tongue circles her entrance. The man has an oral fixation and it’s not one that comes without benefits. 
He pulls one of her legs over his shoulder, mouth never leaving her heat. “Look at the mirror,” he tells her. 
She fights to stay quiet as he swirls his tongue over her button before sucking it between his lips. He groans rather loudly, the vibration making her body jumps in response. But she does what he asks her to do, her eyes turning to the mirror to watch her own reflection. She can’t see him as he thrust his tongue as deep as he can into her pulsing heat, his hands spreading her wide open for his access. “Can you see yourself, love?” 
She nods, her hands flat against the counter as she locks eyes with herself in the mirror. Her skin flushes red and her breathing gets heavier as Harry teases her folds with his tongue. 
“’Av watched yeh so many times when you come,” he says in between licks. “Know exactly when you’re gonna break f’me.”
He draws away his tongue, replacing it with a single long thick finger, pushing it up to the knuckle and she whines, pushing back against him for more. “S’it good?”
YN nods but Harry shakes his head. “Tell me,” he breathes. “Y’need to tell me how it feels.”
“Good-” YN chokes. “Feels- feels good.”
“But you need more?” She nods at his question, gasping as he adds a second finger. Immediately pumping in and out of her slowly, curling the tips to find the spot that he knows will leave her trembling. 
He adds a third finger all of sudden, stretching her out completely and groaning deeply as he does. She looks down at him for a second, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of his fingers moving in and out of her. 
“Eyes on the mirror, darlin’,” he reminds when he realises that her eyes are on him, and she obeys. “Want you t’see yourself as I make you come.”
She goes quiet when she comes, mouth gaping in a silent scream of pleasure as it charges through her entire body. He still licks her through her high, only slowing down a little before eventually stopping his action altogether.
Harry’s back on his feet, smiling at YN who’s still trying to even her breathing when his phone rings. He fishes it out from his pocket, eyebrows snapping together as he reads ‘Gem’ on the screen and immediately press tap the button to answer the call.
“Gem? Everything alright?” He asks her as soon as she picks up her phone.
“H- ouch, Harry? I think I’m in labour.”
As soon as they get to Gemma’s place, they go on their own separate ways; Harry takes Gemma to the hospital and YN takes Anya to stay the night with her at her home. It’s not Anya’s first night staying at YN’s home, but it’s the first time she’s staying without Harry, and that’s why YN is a little worried that she might have a rough time.
“Darlin’,” YN looks down at Anya as she unlocks her front door. “Finn and Pippa aren’t home so it’s just going to be the two of us, that alright?”
Anya nods. “S’okay,”
“And daddy needs to be with auntie Gem and probably won’t be back until tomorrow. If you’re feeling sad because you miss daddy, tell me so I can call him for you, alright?” YN tells her and Anya just walks nonchalantly before her into the house. 
“I’m okay,” Anya starts. “M’a big girl! I won’t cry.” 
YN smiles at her. “You are a big girl.”
“And it’s okay if I don’t have my daddy,” Anya continues. “Because I have my mummy!”
YN turns to the two and a half year old in astonishment. “What?!”
“I’m okay because I’m with my mummy!” Anya repeats herself as she plops down onto the couch.
YN panics. She doesn’t want Harry to think that she’s the one who tells Anya that she is her mummy. This is probably a little too soon for that. Things have been going really well with the two of them and she doesn’t want to scare Harry away.
“Oh sweet girl,” YN begins at last after a few seconds of silence. “I’m not your mummy. But hey, you’ve got a daddy! And he’s a really good one!”
“Yes, you are!” Anya insists. “You’re MY mummy! MY mummy!”
YN’s heart breaks as Anya’s bottom lip begins to quiver and big tears roll down her rosy cheeks. “Oh no, no no no, don’t cry, come here my love,” she immediately pulls Anya into a hug, squeezing her little body and kissing her cheek.
“You’re my- my mummy,” says Anya in choked tones.
“Alright, alright. No tears, yeah?” YN doesn’t have the heart to tell her otherwise. Besides its nearly midnight, maybe she’s just tired because she’s still awake way past her bedtime. But instead of getting her to bed, she’s got another idea to cheer her up. She stands up and takes Anya’s hand in hers. “Come here.”
The little girl just walks beside her. And as they step into the kitchen, YN picks Anya up and sits her on the kitchen island. “Stay still, okay?” She reminds her, smiling as she walks towards her fridge and pulls out a pint of Ben & Jerry from the freezer.
“Ice cweams!” Anya cheers excitedly.
“Would you like some?” YN smiles as she takes out two spoons from the drawer and hands one to Anya. 
Anya nods frantically. “Yes please!”
YN has never been with just Anya before. Most of the time Harry and her kids were around as well so it’s rare for YN to get the chance to have a little conversation just the two of them. 
She knows right from the start that Harry did a really good job raising his daughter, and she swears she’s not just saying that because she has to. Anya is so sweet and calm (as calm as a two year old can be!) and polite and rarely throws a fit. She knows that he must be so proud of his little girl.
“Should we get you to bed?” YN turns to Anya, knowing that if she doesn’t stop her, she’ll probably finish the whole thing.
“Wanna sleep with mummy,” Anya says as she hands her spoon back to YN.
“Okay,” YN smiles at her as she chucks the ice cream back in the freezer and put the spoons in the sink before getting some water for the two of them. Then she takes Anya into her arms. The little girl immediately clings her arms around her neck as YN takes her upstairs to her bedroom, stopping in the living room to get Anya’s overnight bag as well. 
YN puts the little girl back on her feet and takes her toiletries out from the bag. Taking her to the en suite so she can help her to brush her teeth before she tucks her in bed.
“All done!” YN says, running her fingers through Anya’s hair and smiling at her reflection in the mirror. Anya’s hair is a little lighter than Harry’s, it looks exactly just like Finn’s current hair. Finn was a blond baby and stayed blond throughout his toddler years, but it grew darker after he turned four last year. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
“Wait!” Anya stops her. “We need to do affirmations!”
“Oh, you do that with daddy?” YN asks her.
“Mhm,” she hums before she begins, grinning at her own reflection in the mirror. “I’m smart. I’m beautiful. I’m kind. I’m loved,”
“So very loved,” YN adds, kissing the top of her head.
“I’m strong,” says Anya, flashing her little muscles and YN laughs. “I’m brave. I’m not better than anyone, nobody’s better than me. I work hard.”
“Good job!” YN praises her. “Is that all?”
“We’re not done yet,” Anya tells her. “Mummy, you need to ask me my name.”
YN still tenses every time Anya calls her that but she quickly brushes it off. “What’s your name?”
“Anya Marigold Styles!”
“Your middle name is Marigold?” YN turns to her in surprise. “Pippa’s middle name is Marie!”
The little girl responds with giggles. “Then you need to ask me if I fall.”
YN’s eyebrows snap together in confusion but she does what Anya asks her to. “If you fall?”
“I get back up!” Anya answers proudly. “Then, mummy, y’need to tell me I’m your best girl.”
“M’best girl,” YN says as she leans down to kiss her cheek. “Now what usually daddy does next?”
“Give me a kiss but you already did,” she chuckles.
“Come on then,” YN looks down at her. “Let’s get you to bed.”
The sound of her phone ringing wakes YN up and she immediately picks it up from the bedside table and answers it before it wakes Anya who’s still cuddled up to her side. It’s Harry.
“Hello?” YN whispers.
“YN! You were right, it’s a boy!” Harry exclaims in excitement. “I’m an uncle!”
YN smiles instantly. A new life is always exciting and she truly is happy for them. “I knew it!” She whispers proudly. Gemma and Michal didn’t want to find out the gender, but they all had their guesses. Everyone thought it was going to be a girl except Michal and YN, and if her two pregnancies ever taught her anything, it’s to trust the father’s instincts regarding the gender. And she was right. “Congratulations!”
“Thanks, darlin’,” says Harry. YN can’t see him but she knows he’s smiling. “By the way, why are we whispering? Oh, and how was last night?”
YN chuckles lightly. “Anya is still asleep, and it was good.”
“She slept with you?” Harry asks her, surprised.
“Mhm,” she hums. “By the way, Harry, I’ve got something to tell you, but-”
“What is it, love?” Harry lets out a nervous chuckle. “S’it something bad? You’re scaring me right now.”
“No, no,” YN quickly responds, almost cutting him. “S’not a bad thing, but thought you should know.”
“Don’t scare me like that,” Harry says. “What is it then?”
“Anya called me mummy last night,” YN begins. “And I swear I didn’t ask her to. It wasn’t my idea. But when I told her that I wasn’t, she started crying so I just let her. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, so if-“
“YN,” Harry cuts her off. “I know.”
“What?!” Her eyes widen in surprise.
“Yeah,” Harry says. “She’s been referring you as mummy for a while now. I swear I didn’t tell her to either, t’was all her. I’ve tried to tell her that you’re Finn and Pippa’s mum and not hers but she threw a fit every time. Are you alright with it? I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. Fuck, I’ll talk to her and-“
“Harry,” this time YN cuts him off. “I’m okay with it. It’s alright, I promise. How about you though?”
“Darlin’ I’m buzzin’,” Harry chuckles.
“Is Michal there yet?” YN asks. “And your mum?”
“No,” Harry answers. “Both are still on their way. But we FaceTimed Michal when the baby was about to come out so he didn’t miss it.”
“You were in the room?” YN asks him in surprise.
“Yeah,” Harry chuckles. “I couldn’t leave her alone but she made sure I stayed near her head.”
YN laughs. “Tell Gemma I said congratulations,” she adds. “I can’t wait to see both of them.”
“I will.”
YN is about to go back to sleep beside Anya after she puts her phone back on the bedside table but she hears some noises from downstairs. She knows that must be James and the kids because sometimes James still takes them home so the four of them can eat breakfast together even if it’s James’s turn with the kids.
She is smiling to herself, excited to see the kids because she misses them. That, until she realises that Anya is with her and James hasn’t even met Harry yet let alone Anya. She tries to keep her new relationship to herself, but of course, the kids talk. She knows that he knows about her and Harry although he never says anything to her.
It’s not that she is scared of him knowing, it’s just… it’s weird. James was basically her first love (no, we’re not going to count that bloke that she kissed when she was 12). They’ve known each other for ten years. They were married for seven. They had two children together. So it’s pretty understandable that she doesn’t want to talk about her new bit with him.
Anya wakes up when YN sits up, immediately smiling at YN as YN mumbles a little good morning. Anya is adorable. As YN looks at her, waiting for her to fully get the sleep away from her eyes before they head downstairs, she realises how much she looks like her father. She is exactly the little girl version of Harry, only slightly cuter and less of a trouble than her father when he was around her age according to Harry’s mum.
“Mummy!” Pippa exclaims excitedly as she spots her mum walking down the stairs and getting more excited as she spots her little best friend trailing behind her mum. “Oh, Anya’s here! Anyaaaaa!”
James is cracking some eggs into the bowl as YN and Anya walk into the kitchen. He looks a little surprised when he sees the little girl but he brilliantly hides his astonishment with a grin. “Morning.”
“Morning,” YN greets him back.
“Did we have a secret kid that you’re not telling me?”
YN’s eyes widen. “No!”
“I was joking,” James chuckles. Tilting his head to Anya who’s already chatting to Pippa as he continues. “I know she’s Harry Styles’s daughter.” 
YN doesn’t respond, choosing to walk past him to pour some coffee from the pot into a mug instead.
“How’s it going?” He asks nonchalantly. 
YN turns to face him. “What?”
“You,” he says, pausing to take a bite of a cherry tomato before he continues. “And your new bit.”
“James, I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to talk about it,” YN slumps against the cabinet.
“I just need to know something,” he says after a bit of silence. “Is he a good father?”
YN nods. “Yes.”
“Does he make you happy?”
YN nods again. “He does.”
“That’s all I need to know.”
“Have you got any plans with the kids today?” YN asks James who’s sat on the other couch. They put on some cartoon after breakfast and they’re watching it together in the living room.
James has always been one of those guys who loves being around kids. Even long before they had Finn, James likes to randomly ask to hold other people’s babies. He seems to always know how to talk to little ones and most kids love him.
That’s why as weird as it looks like, YN is not surprised seeing Anya cuddled up to James’s side. Pippa on the other side and Finn on YN’s. He’s naturally good with kids and it has only been about two hours but Anya likes him already.
“Nah,” James shakes his head. “Just gonna hang around here. Might take them to the playground later though.”
“Oh,” YN responds nonchalantly while freaking out inside. Harry just texted her a couple minutes prior, telling her that he’s on his way from the hospital so he’s going to arrive any minute now, yet it looks like James is not going anywhere.
YN is freaking out, but she knows that the two of them are bound to meet sooner or later anyway. YN and Harry have known each other for six months and have been going out for four, so she knows that she’s lucky she could string it out that long.
The sound of the doorbell startles them and YN is quick to stand on her feet, mumbling “I’ll get it” and rushing to the front door in hope to give Harry a very last minute heads-up, telling him that James is in the living room. She leaves the detail about the fact that his daughter is cuddled up to his side because there is no way he is going to believe that unless he sees it with his own eyes.
“Hello,” Harry says as he walks into the living room with YN.
“Ah,” James glances over his shoulder to see Harry and stands up quickly to shake his hand. “Hi! S’Harry, is it? I’m James, nice to meet you mate.”
“Hi, yeah,” Harry smiles at him and shakes his hand. “Good to finally meet you.”
“Daddy!” Anya runs towards Harry and instantly put her arms in the air, silently asking him to pick her up.
“My darling girl!” Harry smiles as he looks down at Anya, immediately picking her up. Giving her a few kisses on the cheek as she clings her arms around his neck. “Were you good last night?”
Anya nods. “Mhm,” she hums. “I slept with mummy!”
Harry’s eyes widen for a second when his little girl says mummy. She told him a few times that she thought YN was her mother, but he never heard her call YN mummy on her face until that moment. He’s surprised but he quickly brushes it off, setting Anya back on her feet before walking towards Pippa and Finn to give them a hug and a kiss on top of both their heads.
YN can see the look on James’s face when he hears Anya referring her as mummy. He brushes it off as fast as Harry does but YN knows that he’s just as surprised. YN is looking at the telly, trying to make it look like she’s actually watching it instead of just staring at it blankly as she hears her ex-husband and her new bit having a small chat.
“YN?” James says quietly, trying to catch YN’s attention from the telly as Harry turns to Finn and begin talking with him. “Can we?” He says, tilting his head towards the kitchen.
YN nods. Giving Harry a quick I-don’t-know-what’s-happening-either look as she walks towards the kitchen with James so they can have a little bit of privacy when they talk.
“Want anything?” James asks her as he grabs a beer from the fridge and closing the door when he sees YN shaking her head.
“What is it?” YN asks him.
“So,” he begins as he gulps his beer. “Anya calls you mummy?”
“Well, she threw a fit when I told her I wasn’t so I just let her,” YN shrugs. “Not a big deal.”
“What are you talking about?” He turns to her, surprised. “Of course it’s a big deal!”
“Honestly, James, I’m fine with it,” YN says faintly. There’s a huge pause. And YN can see that James is frowning ahead in that silent way he gets when his brain is dealing with some huge, knotty problem. “What are you thinking about?”
“I don’t want Finn and Pippa to call him daddy,” James says quietly, YN can barely hear him. “I’m their dad.”
“James,” YN’s looks soften at her ex-husband. “They won’t if you don’t want them to, I promise. You’re their daddy, you’ll always be. They love you so much and they know exactly how much you love them. Nobody is going to replace you.”
“How long have you known each other?” James turns to her. There is something about the way he is looking at YN that makes her slightly uncomfortable. She can feel the tension shifting. 
“James,” YN tries to stop him. “I really don’t want to talk about this with you.”
“How long?”
YN knows that he won’t give up before she answers him, so she just answers it to make their little chat ends as quickly as possible. “Six months.”
“Ha!” He says. “I knew it.” 
“That was the last time you let me sleep here.”
“Our marriage ended nearly two years ago,” YN looks at him sternly. “The fact that I stopped sleeping with you six months ago may or may not have anything to do with him. We should’ve stopped a long time ago anyway.”
“Is this you throwing me away ‘cause you’ve found a new man?” He frowns. “Tha’ what you’re trying t’say?”
She turns to him in astonishment. “Are you joking?”
“Always thought you’ll realise that we’ve made a mistake and we’ll-” he feigns innocence, and he doesn’t have to finish his sentence for YN to know exactly what he’s going to say next.
YN chuckles dryly. “You are mad.”
“I still love you,” he says, looking far away in the window, away from YN’s deathly glare. “Never stopped lovin’ yeh.”
YN doesn’t say anything in response. She just shakes her head at him in disbelief before walking away to the living room. Smiling as if she doesn’t feel like she wants to plot a murder. “Harry, darlin’,” she says to Harry, emphasising the pet name, making sure James hears it. “Can you help me to cook lunch?”
“F’course,” Harry promptly says before standing up and follows her to the kitchen. Offering James a quick smile as he walks past him into the living room and plops down on the couch.
YN takes out a couple things from the fridge and lays it all on the counter before taking a pot from the cabinet and fills it with water, handing it to Harry afterwards for him to put on the cooker.
“Fuck me he’s fit,” he whispers quietly to YN as he turns on the cooker. “He’s really good lookin’.”
YN chuckles. “Have you seen yourself in the mirror?”
“I’m serious,” Harry looks at her. “I’ve seen that picture of him with the kids in the living room but he looks unreal in person.”
“What can I say?” YN deadpans. “I don’t shag uggos.”
Both Harry and James end up staying the whole day at YN’s home, and every minute, things are getting more awkward than the last. They’re both clearly trying to one-up one another, fighting for either YN’s or the kids’ attention and by the time they finished dinner, YN has had enough with both of them.
James had just left and the kids are playing in the nursery before bedtime. YN finally gets some alone time with Harry just the two of them, and YN has been waiting for this for quite a while. She knows Harry has something bothering him in his mind. He’s been awfully quiet the last two hours and YN is almost sure it must have something to do with her ex-husband.
“Hey, are you alright?” YN says as he pours some wine into a glass, sliding it across the kitchen island for Harry before she pours some for herself. “Been awfully quiet.”
“Just realised something,” he says, pausing to take a slug of his wine. “James is still wearing his wedding band.”
“Oh, I know where this is going,” YN scoffs. 
“I’m just saying,” he sounds unconvincing.
YN lets out a heavy sigh. “Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do,” Harry answers promptly.
“Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?” YN asks him again.
Harry shakes his head.
“Then why are you even telling me this?” YN says in annoyance.
Harry raises his voice. “You asked me!” 
“I don’t give a flying fuck about what he wears and you should too,” YN chooses to ignore his answer. “We’re almost divorced. The ring meant the world when we were together but now it’s just a piece of cold metal.”
“I’m just saying,” he breaks off. “I think he’s still hoping to get you back.”
“Harry, honestly, you’re pissing me off,” YN sighs heavily. “I’ve told you twice, clear as day, that I don’t want him anymore. Then it shouldn’t matter whether or not he wants to get back together with me. I don’t want it. Don’t want him. I want you.”
Harry smiles at her out of the blue. “Do you realise something?”
“What?” YN asks, clearly still annoyed probably not at him but at the whole thing. It has been a day for her emotionally. One hell of a day.
“This is our first fight,” Harry grins at her, pulling her close to him by her waist.
“Yeah and am still fuming,” YN rolls her eyes.
“I love you,” Harry says nonchalantly.
YN’s eyes widen in surprise. “What?!”
“Is that really a surprise?” Harry chuckles.
“Well, not really but this is the first time you said that.”
“Been dying to tell you this for ages,” he admits, intertwining his fingers with hers. “But we agreed to take things slow.”
YN smiles at him. “I love you too.”
“Eh, I quite like you,” Harry jokes and YN pinches his waist playfully in response. “Ouch! M’joking!” 
“You were mean,” YN laughs.
“I love you,” Harry looks at her, bringing her knuckles to his lips so he could kiss them. “Completely besotted, absolutely enamoured, hopelessly in love wi’ you.”
This time, she responds by cupping his jaw, brushing her lips against his. Softly, delicately, just long enough that she can inhale his breath. He can feel the warmth of her skin, and even after she pulls away, the taste of her lip balm lingers.
It’s Sunday, and Harry and Anya are already at YN’s home to pick her and the kids up at 10 o’clock sharp so they can all go together to the hospital to see Gemma and the baby. The kids are all bouncing with excitement to see the baby and they have been talking about him nonstop.
“Who’s excited to see the baby?!” Harry says as he begins to drive, raising his hand in the air, making the kids and YN giggle. He truly is a kid at heart.
“Meeee!” The kids cheer excitedly as they raise their hands as well.
“Be good at the hospital, alright?” YN reminds them softly. “All three of you.”
“Okay, mummy,” says Anya.
Pippa turns to her little friend. “She’s my mummy.”
“Yeah,” Anya nods. “But she’s my mummy too.”
“Oh, okay,” Pippa agrees. “Does that mean your daddy is my daddy too?”
“Pippa,” Finn looks at his little sister. “We already have a daddy.”
YN and Harry are both trying their hardest not to laugh as they listen to the kids’ conversation in the backseat.
“S’okay!” Anya insists. “You can have two daddies! Right, daddy?”
“I don’t want another daddy!” Finn exclaims in frustration. “I already have a daddy.”
Realising that Finn is getting upset, Harry quickly chimes in. “Finn, mate, how about a papa? Do you have a papa?”
Harry looks at Finn through the rear view mirror and the little guy shakes his head. “I don’t.”
“Can I be your papa?” Harry asks him.
“Yeah!” Finn says excitedly. “You can be my papa!”
“Can you be my papa too?” Pippa chimes in.
“Of course, sweetheart,” Harry answers.
“Mummy! I have a papa!” Pippa immediately brags to her mum and YN laughs.
“I see.”
“Hello,” YN says in a hushed tone as she enters Gemma’s room in case the baby is asleep, can’t help but aww-ing instantly as soon as she spots the sleeping baby boy in his little bassinet by the window next to Gemma’s bed.
“Hiiii,” Gemma greets them excitedly. “Come in!”
“Congrats, Gem,” YN walks towards Gemma’s bed and Gemma immediately pulls her into a hug. “How are you feeling?”
“So happy, and not as rough as yesterday,” Gemma chuckles. She looks tired but YN has also never seen her happier. Having a baby is a magical moment and YN secretly hopes that she can experience it just once more with Harry one day. “Hi, come here and see the baby,” she tells the kids who are standing at the end of her bed before picking out the baby from the bassinet into her arms. 
“Oh, he’s beautiful,” YN sighs in adoration. The baby was born two weeks early but he looks really healthy and oh so adorable. “Have you named him?”
“Yeah,” Gemma smiles. “Michal came up with Hugo just this morning and I love it. Hugo it is.”
“Oh, Hugo!” Harry coos at the baby. “M’little Hugster! Gonna give your uncle Harry lots of hugs, aren’t you? Yeah?” 
“He’s bald,” Anya giggles and they all laugh at her innocent remark.
They stay for a little while at the hospital because none of the kids wants to go home and luckily they’re still at the hospital when Harry’s mum gets there so they get to see her as well. Knowing Harry had to take Gemma the other day to the hospital and ended his night with YN early because neither Michal nor Anne was in town when Gemma went to labour, Anne offers to babysit all three of the kids for the night and even bring Finn and Pippa to school tomorrow morning. YN hesitated at first because she doesn’t want to trouble her, but both Harry and Anne insisted so she caved in the end.
So the plan for them right now is to go out and have lunch, then Harry will drop YN and her kids home before he goes to his own home with Anya. They will get ready and Harry and Anya will come at YN’s around six and wait for Anne to pick the kids up from YN’s place before the two of them leave for a date night.
“The baby is really cute,” says Finn in the car as Harry begins to drive. 
“He really is, isn’t he?” Harry smiles through the rear view mirror.
“Mummy,” says Pippa, pausing for a second before she continues. “Can we please have a baby brother?”
YN who’s currently taking a sip of water spits her water everywhere, earning a laugh from Harry. “What?!” 
“Daddy!” Anya chimes in. “I want a baby too! A boy baby!”
“You mean baby boy?” Pippa corrects her.
“Yeah,” says Anya. “I’ll be good, daddy, I promise!”
“Well,” Harry begins at last. Still trying to stifle a giggle while stealing glances at YN. “We’ve got baby Hugo. Tha’ enough for now, I suppose?”
Harry shows up at YN’s home at 6pm sharp, and YN’s insides clench as soon as she sees him when she opens her door. He smirks at her, knowing exactly what he’s doing to her. He is wearing his old custom Gucci suit, the one that he wore in Dunkirk’s premiere in London years ago and to a couple weddings afterwards. He wears it tieless, of course, the crisp white button-up shirt underneath is undone. And those rings… there is no way she is going to let him take them off later.
“Y’alright, love?” He asks her after he sets Anya down on her feet so she can run inside to see Pippa and Finn. The smirk is still visible on his face. “Y’look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
YN bites her bottom lip subconsciously before letting out a chuckle. “Fuck,” YN mumbles. “Y’look-”
“Well,” Harry shrugs. “Gotta pull out my A-game, don’t I? Certain someone told me yesterday she doesn’t shag uggos.”
Half an hour later Anne arrives to pick the kids up to stay the night at her London home, and after closing the front door after them, Harry walks upstairs to YN’s room where she gets ready. Harry has spent countless nights in there so he knows exactly where it is.
YN is still in her bathrobe when he steps into the bedroom, smiling through the mirror at his reflection from the door. Her hair is done and she’s just putting the last bit of some make-up before she slips into her outfit for the night. Her black lace jumpsuit is ready on the bed, waiting for her.
Harry is still standing by the door, staring at her intensely. He folds his arms across his chest, not a word comes out of his mouth.
“You gonna stand there and gawk at me all night or are you coming in and help me get into my outfit?” YN smirks at him through the mirror.
He walks towards her, stopping to stand behind her. He places one of his hands on her shoulder, before wetting his lips as he dips his hand into the pocket of his suit trousers, never breaking eye contact through the mirror as he does.
YN realises that he’s getting something out of his pocket when she sees his arms moving upward, her eyes shift from looking at his deep green eyes to the hand in his pocket to see what he’s got in there. 
There’s a string. He’s holding the string as he slowly pulls it out, taking his sweet time. YN’s eyes widen when she sees a small, silver ball at the end of the string, and Harry swears her eyes are about to pop out when she sees the second ball. Now that it’s out, Harry holds it by the string, holding it in front of YN for her to take a closer look.
“What the hell is that?” She looks at the balls quizzically, her brows knit together in confusion.
Harry shakes his hand a little, causing whatever it is inside the balls to roll around, creating the tiniest noise. “S’called Ben Wa balls,” he says before he brings it up and takes one of the balls into his mouth to wet it. The sight makes YN’s stomach drops and it feels like forever for her before he takes it out of his mouth with a pop. “And you’re wearing it tonight.”
“Oh,” YN panics and shakes her head. “You’re not putting those in-”
“They don’t go in there,” Harry shakes his head gently. “Stand up and bend over, darlin’.”
YN does what he asks her to, even though she is still not one hundred per cent sure about what he’s about to do. Harry takes the moment to put the second ball into his mouth and suck it a little to make sure it’s completely wet. 
He takes off her bathrobe so she is only in her strapless bra and a pair of knickers before his eyes. The fact that they’re matching brings a smile to Harry’s lips. She feels like her heart is about to jump out of her body when his fingers come in contact with her, pulling her knickers to the side.
She takes a lungful of air as he inserts the ball into her core slowly one by one. It’s something she’s never felt before, certainly a foreign feeling. He kisses the back of her neck before pulling her knickers back into place, letting her stand up straight.
“Alright?” He asks, smiling at her through the mirror in front of them.
“Yeah,” YN chokes out. “Weird, but- what do they do?”
Harry chuckles a little. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
And Harry’s right. As she bends down to pick up her outfit from the bed, she feels the movement of the balls inside of her. She gasps, her eyes widen in surprise, and she looks at Harry in shock. “Holy-”
Harry simply laughs at her, already get the feeling that this is going to be one hell of a night.
“Stop squirming,” Harry chuckles as he takes YN’s hand in his as they walk into The Shard. “They’re just little balls, s’nothing your pussy can’t handle, yeah?”
“Harry!” YN’s eyes widen in horror as she scolds him.
The view is breathtaking. From the 31st floor, they can clearly see how beautiful London is at night from the floor to ceiling windows all around the restaurant. Regarding the size of the dining room, it is rather large and pretty busy, but somehow it remains intimate and the lighting is so dimmed that they bet they can barely see the neighbouring table.
She still doesn’t know how Harry managed to secure a window table in the corner for them. The view is just so spectacular that she even forgets about the balls for a second as she looks over to St Paul’s Cathedral. 
“D’you realise something?” Harry smiles at her across the table, taking a sip of the signature cocktail that both of them ordered. 
“What is it?” YN questions him.
“We’ll hit our six months anniversary on Tuesday,” Harry informs her.
YN chuckles. Immediately regretting her action when she feels the balls shift a little inside her, making their presence known, and YN can’t help but let out a small gasp. She closes her eyes for a second but she can hear Harry chuckling across the table. “It’s not our anniversary,” she begins at last.
“It is!” He insists. “S’the anniversary of the first time we met, at the studio.” 
“When is our real anniversary then?” YN asks, wanting to see whether or not Harry will take the bait. “When we went on that first date?”
“Was thinking,” Harry clears his throat before he continues. “I was just thinking- well, today’s a good day. Pretty good date to remember. S’your favourite number.”
YN’s grinning at him now. “What are you trying to say, Styles?”
“Should we make it official?” He suggests, grinning wider at her. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
YN lets out a giggle. “God, I hate that word.”
“What?” He asks her. “Girlfriend?”
“Yeah,” she laughs. “Dunno why. Bit cringey.”
Harry joins her in laughter before he continues. “But you want to, right? Make us official, I mean,” Harry asks her again. “We don’t have to use that word. Ever.”
“Course I do, H,” says YN, smiling at him across the table. “I love you. My kids love you. I’m keeping you.”
Harry chuckles at her last statement. “Good,” he nods. “I’m keeping you too.”
The view, the food, the person in front of them, everything is perfect but they can’t wait anymore for it to be over. YN can’t keep squirming in her seat because of those bloody balls inside her and sure, it’s fun for Harry to see her like that at first but the fact that he can’t do anything to her is torturing him as well. 
That’s why YN is glad when Harry asks for the bills instead when the waitress comes back to ask whether or not they want dessert. They haven’t got time for bloody desserts. 
Harry practically drags YN out of the restaurant as soon as possible, immediately walking towards the lift and stealing a quick kiss when he sees that nobody’s looking. He’s about to press the down button on the lift but a brilliant idea struck him.
“Where are we going?” YN turns to him in confusion when he presses the up button.
He presses his lips against hers again for a second before he pulls away, grinning at her. “There’s a hotel upstairs.”
“H- Harry,” YN breathes out heavily, still squirming as she waits for Harry to open the door to their suite, giving him a hurry-the-fuck-up look. The balls are driving YN up the wall at this point, having had enough of the constant subtle, tingly sensation every time she moves even just an inch. 
He pins her against the door hastily as it flings open, aiming for her neck right away. He’s got his hands around her waist, and he spends no longer than a few seconds before finding the spot that makes her arches her back, it’s simply ridiculous how good his accuracy is when it comes to her body. There isn’t a button he doesn’t know how to locate and press until she breaks in his hands.
“Harry,” YN sighs in frustration. “The balls.” 
Harry can’t help but let out a chuckle. 
“Please,” YN begs him. “Take those damn balls out. I- I can’t. S’too much.”
“Go to the bed, love,” Harry instructs her and she begins to walk to the bed slowly to keep the movement of the balls as minimum as possible.
She is sitting at the end of the bed, pressing her thighs together, trying to alleviate some of the pressure but Harry quickly shoves his knee between her legs, spreading her thighs again, smirking at her as he does, earning a frustrated groan from her side.
His suit is thrown somewhere in their suite. His shirt is now wrinkly and messy, and most of the buttons are undone. He takes her hand so she stands up just long enough for him to take her out of her lace jumpsuit, groaning when he sees that so much more of her skin is now exposed to him.
He pushes her down by her shoulder so she’s laying on the bed before climbing on top of her. Their lips come together again and he takes his time to gently look for her lips with his tongue. 
As the kiss gets more intense, their hands begin to wander. YN’s hands are pressed on his chest, slowly yet surely going further south to where he needs her the most. Harry’s hands creep around her back, and she lifts her back just enough for Harry to unhook her bra. 
“Fuck,” Harry growls when the piece of clothing comes off and she is bare from the waist above before his eyes. He doesn’t waste another second before going down and takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking it gently at first before flicking his tongue repeatedly over the firm bud. 
“H- Harry,” she whimpers. “I swear to God if you don’t take those sodding balls out right now I’m going to chop off yours and feed them to my neighbour’s dog.”
Harry laughs. “Patience, darlin’.”
“No!” YN practically shrieks. “S’enough!”
“Alrigh’, alrigh’,” he says, his voice a little slurred. “I’ve got you, yeah?”
Harry takes her knickers off at last, slowly, leaving a trail of kisses on every inch of her leg. She whines when he sucks her inside thigh a little harder than usual, definitely leaving a mark behind.
She lets out a shaky gasp when she feels him starting to tug the string of those sodding balls. He pulls them out slowly one by one, enjoying the sight of her trembling already in front of him yet they’ve only just started.
YN sighs in relief when they’re finally out. Looking at the glistening metals, Harry purrs and the simple tone of it makes YN’s core flex around nothing. 
He slides his hand between her thighs, rubbing his fingers over her bundle of nerves gently at first before he pinches it between his thumb and index finger when he realises that she’s about to come. The pressure is enough to add a bit of pain and stops the orgasm that’s only seconds away dead in its track. 
His lips brush against hers softly as he thrusts two digits at once into her, finding her completely drenched already. “Thought you need more persuading,” he teases.
She lets out a silent scream, her hips instinctively buck towards his hand as he curls his fingers inside of her. The gentle yet constant stimulation from the toy earlier slowly turns her in the lead-up and it doesn’t take long for her to break in front of him. 
“Y’taste amazin’,” he mumbles as he sucks his glistening fingers off. She doesn’t respond, eyes fixed on the floor to ceiling windows overlooking London behind Harry instead. “Okay, I know what you’re thinking. And it’s a no.”
“What?” She asks lowly.
“We’re not shaggin’ against that bloody window. I know it’s amazin’, but not for our first time. Wanna do it properly,” Harry says and YN chuckles, having no idea about how the hell he knows what she’s thinking about. “Got all night here, yeah? Save that for round two.” 
“Round two already, huh?” YN jokes, still trying to even her breathing. “Y’talk big game, Styles.”
“Let me take you, YN,” he growls in her ear and she swears it’s the hottest sound she has ever heard.
YN smiles at him. “You’re the one stalling.”
She spreads her thighs willingly, running her fingers through his hair as he leaves a trail of kisses down her chest. 
“I love you,” he whispers in her ear, squeezing himself between her thighs. His thick member presses against her entrance. The first couple of inches enter easily but when he’s met with resistance, he draws back, letting her body accept him at its own pace. 
Then Harry tries again. The tip of his member thrusts into her, every inch opening her up slowly until he’s fully inside of her. He stops his movement and kisses her passionately as he waits for her to adjust to his size. 
“God, Harry,” YN gasps. “Did you ever hurt someone with that?”
Harry laughs out loud and the vibration from his laughter only heightens the sensation. The pleasurable burn fills all your senses and his kisses only stoke the fires into swirling flames.
“Harry,” she whimpers. “Fuck, you’re so-”
Harry grins proudly, sucking her jaw. “I’m so what?”
“Big,” she blurts out and he burst out laughing, shaking his head as he captures her lips again, pushing inside of her mouth with his ridiculously long tongue.
She moans a little when his shaft twitches inside of her. Harry holds himself up, pulling back a few inches before slamming into her all the way in. 
“Go,” she whispers in his ear and he nods before he starts moving. Words give way to grunts and moans, hands wandering as they move together. He moves agonisingly slow at first, making her nerves tremble with the stretch and the pleasurable burn that accompany his intrusion of her body. 
He kisses her until she’s gasping for breath as he fucks into her. One of his hands is strategically placed under her, holding her at an angle that allows him to hit her sweet spot with every stroke. 
His mouth drops to suck her nipple as he keeps pushing in and pulling out, coaxing her pulsing core to stretch around him. She sobs her pleasure into the pillow, squirming underneath him as he hits painful depths. 
“M’gonna-” YN chokes out. “M’gonna-”
“Come,” Harry tells her, not slowing down his movement even just a little and slamming into her over and over instead. “Come all over me, darlin’. Come wi’ me.”
They hit their highs within seconds, together, in one another’s embrace. Harry keeps fucking her through it and he lets out a deep groan as she pulses around him. Her entire body shuddering. Their breathing is heavy, and he slowly pulls himself out of her.
“Fuck!” Harry‘s eyes widen in horror. “Sorry, I forgot- we forgot. We didn’t use-”
YN laughs. “Relax, m’on the pills.”
Harry sighs in relief. “Okay, s’not that I don’t want to have a baby with you. Because I do, I really do. S’just-”
“Can you stop talking and just take me against the window like you promised?” YN cuts him off, smirking at the man beside her. “Get round two started, hmm?”
Harry howls. “Can you even stand up?”
“Probably not,” YN shrugs. “But you can hold me, can’t you?”
Harry shakes his head and laugh before pulling himself up and rests his head against his hand. Both of them are still in their most vulnerable state. He looks down at her, smiling as he whispers, “I love you,” before leaning down to press another gentle kiss against her lips. 
“How are you feeling?” Harry turns to her, grinning from ear to ear as they walk hand in hand to the triage room so they can assess her.
YN smiles at her husband. “Still can’t believe it’s happening.”
Six months after James and YN got decree absolute, Harry and YN got married and moved into their new family home in South Kensington. Luckily, James agreed to move back into his old home when he was still married with YN so they didn’t have to sell the house and the kids didn’t have to say goodbye to their childhood home. It had so many good memories and they truly loved that cosy maisonette. 
It has been two years since Harry and YN first met, and they’re at the birthing unit because YN’s contractions are two and a half minutes to four minutes apart now. She is thirty seven weeks along with twins (honeymoon babies!) and they can’t be more excited.
“I can tell by just looking at you that you’re not in labour,” says the midwife. Which is true. The contractions were so intense at home but now they have slowed down somehow as soon as they get to the birthing unit. 
“I don’t know what’s going on,” YN sighs. “They were so frequent and strong at home and I don’t know why they’ve completely calmed down for some reason.”
“Don’t worry, it’s a common thing,” the midwife smiles at her. “When ladies come into an unfamiliar environment, their bodies can produce adrenaline that fights against the labour and basically slows it down.”
“What should we do then?” Harry asks her.
“I’m going to send you back home to progress more there,” answers the midwife. “Come back here if the pain gets worse.”
Feeling a little deflated, they go home. The kids are at school and YN’s parents are going to pick them up and bring them to their home in Farnham and they’re going to stay there for a week. 
Much to YN’s annoyance, as soon as they get home, things kick up a notch again. She tries to just lay down in bed and Harry gives her a hot water bottle in hope that she will be able to try and rest as much as she can but when the contractions come again, they’re so unbearable lying down.
“Harry,” YN whimpers in pain. “It hurts.”
She is clinging onto Harry’s neck as he holds her through another contraction. It is getting more frequent and it’s killing Harry to see her like this. “I know my love,” he tries to comfort her. “But you can do this, yeah? Just think, you’re one less contraction away from meeting our babies. We’ll get to hold them soon.”
“But when?!” She yells in frustration. “Oh God, I yelled at you. I’m sorry, I-”
“Hey hey, s’fine, love,” Harry pulls her into a hug, tight enough not to squeeze the babies. “You’re in pain. ‘Sides, you didn’t yell at me. You just yelled near me.”
She chuckles at his Friends reference. “Dunno what would I do without you.”
Harry just smiles at her. “Sit down, darlin’, I’ll give you a back rub.”
YN sits down at the edge of the bed and Harry begins massaging her lower back and it really helps with the pain. “This feels oddly familiar,” YN states.
“What gets them in there also gets them out,” Harry chuckles.
It’s 4:30pm, and there are no babies yet. Harry and YN already try everything they can to help with the pain but they’re just too intense. He’s been rubbing her back since last night and YN knows that his hands must be killing him but it’s the only thing that helps with the pain.
The contractions are now further apart, but when they come they’re on another level. Harry even cries seeing her in that much pain, and it has been nearly sixteen hours yet there is still no sign of babies.
By 6pm the contractions are getting so intense that Harry can’t help and just take her to the hospital. Thankfully they take her to the birthing room this time, setting monitors for YN and the babies right away along with a drip in her arm. They also give her gas and air to help with the pain.
“Hello,” a midwife enters their room. “How are we feeling now?”
“Tired. And it hurts.”
“We’re gonna call in an anesthesiologist to put in an epidural. Do you want to change your mind before we do? Everything looks good, the babies are doing well so we’ll totally support you if you want an unmedicated birth.”
“No,” YN shakes her head. She is beyond exhausted. “Just give me the drugs.”
“Okay,” Harry and the entire medical team in the room laugh. “But we need to check you ag- oh! They’re probably coming sooner than we thought. I can feel the head of baby A already. I’m sorry, love, but it might be too late for an epidural now.”
The next half an hour is a blur for YN. The midwife was right and not long after she examined her, the pushing urge becomes greater and there are more health professionals in the room. They cancelled the anesthesiologist and called two paediatricians instead because things are progressing so fast.
“Oh! The head is just there,” says the midwife. “We’ll need you to start pushing soon, okay?”
“Y’alright?” Harry turns to her, holding her hand and kissing her knuckles. “You’re doing so good, m’love,”
“Ready?” The OB asks her. YN has an obstetrician and two midwives assisting her in the room, definitely more people than when she gave birth to Finn and Pippa. “Take a deep breath and push push push!”
YN begins to push as they count one to ten, but then sighing in defeat afterwards. “H, I’m sorry, I can’t.”
“Yes you can,” Harry nods at her, squeezing her hand gently and leaning down to press a kiss on her forehead. “You’ve got this. You’re doing so good.”
“You’re so close, darling!” One of the midwives encourages her. “Give us another push, yeah? You can do this!”
“You’ve got this, my love,” Harry affirms her, wiping YN’s tears with his thumb and his eyes aren’t exactly dry either. “We’ll meet our babies soon.”
“One, two, three- push push push!” The OB counts again and YN begins to push again, squeezing Harry’s hand as she does.
“Dad!” The OB says excitedly while YN is still pushing. “Would you like to catch baby A?”
Harry’s eyes widen in surprise and he nods frantically, leaning down to press another kiss on YN’s forehead before rushing down to catch his baby. A few more pushes and the first baby is out on Harry’s hand.
“OH!” Harry exclaims as he holds his son and the whole room is clapping in excitement. “It’s a boy!” 
They take a moment to wipe the baby on Harry’s arms before bringing him to YN so she can kiss her baby’s head before she has to start pushing again for baby B. “He’s beautiful,” YN mumbles.
“We need you to push again, darling,” says the midwife. YN nods weakly and begins pushing.
“Dad!” The OB calls Harry again. “Baby B is waiting for you! And, oh, this one has lots of hair!”
Harry rushes to catch his baby again. “YN!” He exclaims when the baby comes out into his hand. “We have a girl!”
Harry takes the kids to the hospital straight away to meet their new baby siblings after he picks them up from school, and the kids are beyond excited. Before they come up to YN’s room, Harry helps them to make a little card for their mummy and new baby sister and brother and they get two balloons to take upstairs with them.
“Mummy!” All three of the big kids cheer excitedly as they walk into the room, running to their mummy to give her a quick hug before going to the bassinets next to YN’s bed to see the babies. Harry and YN laugh at how excited they are to see their baby siblings.
“Hi babies!” Anya says, waving her little hand at them. “We’ve been waiting for you!”
“Papa, what’s the babies’ name?” Finn asks Harry.
“This is baby Mila,” Harry says, smiling down at the sleeping baby girl in her bassinet.
“We haven’t named baby boy yet,” YN adds. “Do you guys have any name that you like?”
“Flynn!” Both girls say excitedly at the same time.
“What?” YN chuckles, surprised. “Where did you get the idea?”
“Nana let us watch Tangled this morning before school,” says Finn.
“I quite like Flynn,” Harry turns to YN, smiling. “S’really cute.”
“S’cute but don’t you think it’s too close to Finn?”
Harry shrugs, smiling. “Well, they’re brothers.”
“Alright then,” YN says at last. “Who wants to hold baby Mila and baby Flynn?”
A week after they brought the babies home, Harry and YN have never felt more exhausted yet happier in their lives. Having twins is insane. They’re constantly feeding, changing, burping, soothing, passing babies back and forth in rotation, round the clock.
“Harry,” YN says weakly. “Could you please change the TV channel? My hands are full of baby and I’ve watched thirteen straight hours of Jeremy Kyle.”
Harry chuckles lightly, yawning as he reaches out for the remote. “What do you wanna watch?”
“Anything other than Jeremy Kyle,” YN answers. “Harry, let’s not have any more after this, okay?”
Harry lets out another chuckle as he begins flicking through the channels.
“Did you get that? Are you listening, H?” YN turns to him. “No. More. Babies. Ever!”
The spin-off
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harryimaginestuff · 5 years
This is heavily inspired by Taylor Swift’s ‘Lover’ so I'd also recommend giving that a listen whilst you read this (if you want). 
The one where he’s your lover.
Genre: Fluff (like pure fluff)
Word count: 3.4k 
Warnings: some drug use (weed)
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    ‘Y/N! Over here,’
    ‘Miss Y/N to your right!”
     This was familiar to her, the calling out of her name by people she didn’t know and had no interest in her actual life but rather whatever drama she could bring to whatever column they worked for. This may have been her first red carpet in over a year, but she surely was no stranger to such events.
     Going through these events was more like a chore than a benefit, at least that’s what she had begun to think soon after she passed the twelfth year of working in the music industry. She had lost herself to the glitz and glam, pulled too far into the inviting glamour that came along with fame. But what she once found charming, she then discovered it to be toxic and unfavourable. Much like the transition of the media’s view of her.
    As it turned out leaked nudes by ex-boyfriends are far more damaging to a career if the person had a reputation of being naïve and pop’s princess.
     It was the sound of another name that had called her out of her stupor, too blinded by the lights to notice that someone else had joined her on the red carpet. She had been relieved of the alleviated attention, five minutes on the red carpet had been five minutes too long. The tedious formalities aiding in the reaching of her limit. And who better to steal the attention than none other than Harry Styles.
    Harry Styles was far from unfamiliar to her, being an avid follower of the man, she practically knew everything about him (that is only things he wanted fans to know). She had been a fan since the very beginning including his X-Factor days. Becoming star-struck was not a regular occurrence to her so for it to happen to her right then and there, on her first red carpet appearance in years had her feeling giddy and scared instantaneously.
     She had already begun to walk off of the carpet when his name had been called and obviously being the huge fan, she was, could not miss the opportunity to look back and gaze at the man she had admired for so long. But it wasn’t his quirky suit that left her heart beating erratically, neither was it the one dangly lock of hair, resting delicately on his forehead, but rather it was the way he was already looking at her with the brightest most brilliant smile to match his shining eyes that had her heart beating a million miles per second. And there was nothing more to do except send him her most sincere and genuine smile of the night.
    That smile belonged to him, just as his belonged to her. As it always would.
    She was surrounded by her friends, her heart fuzzy and warm, all of them encased by the Summer air as they enjoyed drinks on a rooftop somewhere in London with the golden sunset behind them. It was times like these where she truly felt happy. Spending time surrounded by people who loved her away from prying eyes. But it wasn’t this that had her stomach exploding with giddiness, in fact it was all due to the message she had just received only five minutes prior from her boyfriend, Harry, asking her to meet him once her night was over.
    They had only began dating four months ago after the brief, but life-changing run in on the red carpet and from then they had entered a thunderstorm of a relationship. Loud, heavy and unapologetic. It was just them and nobody else.
    They were attached at the hip and no one could come in between them.
    For the first time in a while she felt completely at peace. Sure, she still got the occasional belittling comment about her body from random men on the street catcalling her and openly discussing the leaked images. And whilst it still left a dull ache, the pain from her past did nothing to change the peace she had begun to welcome.
    As if on cue her phone rang soon after hugging her friend’s goodbye.
    “Perfect timing, H.” she had smiled into the phone, her admiration for the man spilling out of her as soon as the sound of his voice reached her ears. “I’m on my way now.”
    “No need. I’m across the street.” And just as he promised, there he stood to her left, leaning on the side of his black Audi as if he had just come out of some 80s teen romance.
    “You stalker,” she had practically shouted as she approached her boyfriend, his arms already outstretched and already anticipating her body against his.
    “You love it.” He murmured against her head, pressing a soft kiss to her temple, then onto the corner of her eye and then to her cheek until finally he reached her lips.  
    “Oh, look what I picked up.” He smiled coyly at her once the two of them had entered into the privacy of his car.
    “Show me.”
    His smile grew wider as his hand reached into the glovebox on her side, pulling out a small baggie of weed. “This.”
    Now this wasn’t something the two of them did often, it was a rare occasion for the both of them to sit down and smoke together, but when it did happen they thoroughly enjoyed it. Relishing the feeling of complete serenity that was often uncommon because of the nature of their work.
    So when they reached Harry’s North London home, they were quick to get settled down, the two of the stripping only to get dressed again into comfortable attire, Y/N automatically helping herself to Harry’s stash of old tees, a habit he loved since there was nothing better than seeing someone he cared so deeply for feel so at home in his own home.
    “You roll it.” He had said, chucking the small bagie to his girlfriend along with all the necessities.
     “Just ‘cause you can’t do it yourself.” She laughed, sitting herself onto his bed and getting started.
    “I mean.” Harry stuttered for a moment before breaking out into a smile. “True.”
    Sooner rather than later, the two of them were sprawled across the bed, her legs resting on the headboard, and his legs dangling off of the end. The position brought them discomfort, but in their high state of mind, it was the unsurpassed position for them to be able to be looking at one another.
    “We were meant to be together.” She had mumbled, her dry tongue coming out in an attempt to wet her lips. “It was fate.”
    She ignored the breathy laugh Harry had let out and instead sat up, swinging her legs so that they were now on either side of his head.
    “I swear, it’s that destiny bullshit. Because if I had met you any other time before that day we actually met I never would have said yes to you asking my manager for my number because obviously I wasn’t in the right state of mind with everything that was being spread and then if we had met after I also would have said no because my ex had asked me out.” She said her red eyes meeting his. “Do you remember that? And I probably would’ve said yes to him because I’m a masochist because four months ago I had no idea that being with someone could feel like this.”
    At that moment Harry had sat himself up too, swinging himself around so his legs rested on top of hers, before pulling her in for a kiss.
    “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
    “Merry Christmas!”
    The happy couple were cuddled into each other’s side, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, foot to foot as the clock struck midnight signalling the first hour of Christmas Day. His home-town home was entirely covered in decorations green and red tinsel wrapped around picture frames and a gold star resting atop of a heavily decorated Christmas tree.
    It had been the first time she had met his family, both agreeing they would split the two-day celebration between his and her family. Christmas Eve for the Styles’ and Christmas Day for the Y/L/N’s and boxing day just for the two of them.
    It was the first time for both of them to be that kind of couple. The kind that would wear matching Christmas jumpers and buy the two-person Christmas jumper, unironicallythat is, and post a picture of it on their shared finsta account.
    Much to their dismay, they had been split up during a game of Family Fortune, Anne demanding teams of boys against girls completely disregarding Harry’s complaints on how ‘s’not fair that they get to have my girlfriend’.
    Eventually his complaints only worsened as his team began to lose, jokingly screaming in frustration he would point accusatory fingers at whoever got the answer wrong. In this instance it was Michal, Gemma’s boyfriend triggering a frustrated cry from Harry.
    “Give me back my girlfriend!” he had whined. “She’s winning this game for you. S’not fair. I don’t’ want to play anymore. Gem take your man back.”
    He was pouting then, his arms founded across his chest as he huffed and puffed from his seat causing Y/N to laugh along with Anne and Gemma at the grown man who still had moments when he became a child.
    “Harry you’re still such a sore loser!” Gemma had called him out turning to you with a roll of her eyes. “Try playing scrabble with this man. An absolute nightmare.”
    A drawn out a slightly offended ‘hey’ could be heard from Harry, but the two girls both chose to ignore the childish, yet adorable man they had both come to love.
    “Oh I get it.” Y/N had smirked rolling her eyes too. “Every bloody Sunday we play and every time I win and every time he pulls a strop and refuses to look at me for at least five minutes.”
    “You two finished bitchin’ ‘bout me ey?” He plonked himself in between the two of them, half of his body sitting on top of his girlfriend.
    “Not bitching H, just some tough love.” She laughed, straining her neck so that she was able to kiss him on the cheek to which he happily leaned into.
“How ‘bout some other type of lovin’.” He had whispered in her ear with his back to her chest, his brows wriggling with suggestion. But little did he know that in his drunken stupor he had all but shouted the words causing her cheeks to burn a bright red as everyone in the room laughed at his words.
     “You horny bastard.” She had muttered against his back, hiding her burning cheeks from everyone’s prying eyes.
    But drunk Harry had no shame and a very little regard for a limit on what could be said. “Can’t help it babe. I love you, all of you.” His tone was once again laced with suggestion, brows raised and mouth open, his tongue poking just beyond his teeth.
    “Harry!” her mouth had said, but her eyes screamed, ‘I love you.���
    His words and actions may have been a bit too much for a family occasion, but they didn’t care for they had never seen him love so deeply without a care for anyone else.
    “Welcome to my house.” Y/N had said, pulling open the gold framed door and welcoming their friends.
    “Our!” Harry’s voice had sounded from the kitchen where he had been busying himself making frozen margaritas.
    It had taken a while, but the two of them had finally decided on a home in South West London.
    Three whole Summers they had been together.
    It had been a shock to everyone who knew them, for the couple to be moving in together so late considering the nature of their relationship. In fact, many had believed they would move in by the end of their first year together. But instead it had taken three whole Summers for it to happen. An outcome of both their busy schedules.
    The both of them had just finished their own respective tours, hers finishing only a week after his. Pathetic rumours spread by strangers did nothing to crack the towering wall built around the two lovers, in fact all it did was build another layer. After all, how could it cause any harm when the happy couple couldn’t hear anything except each other’s loving declarations even if they were 500 miles apart. Finally the media had no control over their narrative and instead they formed it together, built from the ground where they had once laid broken and beaten in a puddled mess.
    A womaniser and a princess were now simply Harry and Y/N.
    Their friends had to step around the cardboard boxes set up along the hallway, the couple not yet having enough time to set up all the belongings and make their house a home.
    “Harry I have known you five years now and I have never seen you this disorganised.” Mitch had stated, as he stumbled over a couple boxes causing him to stagger into the living room where Harry was waiting, margaritas in hand.
    With a nonchalant wave of his hand, Harry disregarded his friends’ comment, “We got time,” He could be easy going, but mostly when it came to her.
    “You guys are literally what I aspire to have.” Clare declared after a moment of watching them cuddled against each other on the sofa later that evening. Despite the free seat on their left the couple still refused to split from the others side which didn’t go unnoticed by anyone.
    “I mean… we’re not perfect.” Y/N had pointed out, her hands busy with fiddling with Harry’s brown locks.
    Mitch shook his head with a mocking laugh. “What you guys argue too like the rest of us?”
    “We do!”
    “Like about who’s turn it is to wash the dishes?” Adam joined in on the teasing.
    The couple failed to answer, but their avoiding of the eyes of everyone in the room spoke volumes causing the room to erupt into laughter.
    “Hey! it was a very serious argument in the moment!” Harry defended himself. “Besides arguments can be healthy no matter what they’re about.”
    “I can’t even imagine you guys not being stuck together anymore; you’ve been attached for so long. Swear you’ve never come out of the honeymoon stage.” Y/F/N snickered. “Remember that time they broke up for literally five minutes?” Hums of agreement could be heard from around the room.
    “Yeah!” Clare laughed. “Harry started crying in the studio, got a call from Y/N and then wrote his biggest love song on the second album.”
    “They had only been dating two months then. Two!”
    “No way was I letting my greatest lover slip through my fingers.” Y/N smiled pressing a kiss to her boyfriends’ cheek.
    The conversation continued without them, unbeknownst to the group, Harry and Y/N too invested in whispering sweet nothings into one another’s ears.
    “Oh my god they’re not even listening anymore.”
    “For fucks sake!” Complaints could be heard around the room, but it was no surprise that this would happen, besides how could they truly complain when they were nothing but happy for their two friends. Happiness was the least that they both deserved.
    However, the array of playful protests from their friends were ignored as Harry began to pepper kisses onto his girl’s face. This was their house and to them that meant they were free to do as they pleased.
    “Is it… are you?” Harry had stumbled over his words, watching in shock as tears ran down his girlfriend’s face. With a slight nod of her head, he had erupted into a fit of laughter, prancing around the room before he scooped his girlfriend into his arms and made another round around their living room.
    “S’gonna be a girl I can feel it.” He had said once they settled down, the pregnancy test clutched in their hands.
    “You can feel it huh?” she laughed at Harry, who had just begun to rub the non-existent swell of her belly.
    “Gonna name her Anastasia. S’gonna have your colour hair and my eyes. The colour not the shape, that’d be yours too.”
     “And what would she be like.”
    “An absolute handful! Because she’s our first baby we would give her everything, but she had to be good. She’d always be attached to one of us.” The noise of everything else had been drowned out by the fantasy Harry displayed, the calming, slow tone of his voice walking them through every step of their daughter’s life, from her first steps to her first day of University.
    It was hours later when they had finally risen from the couch, their legs were cramped, and pins and needles were running up their arms. But neither cared, the two of them running on the high of their news.
    “Marry me.” Harry had spoken suddenly causing Y/N to halt her climb on the stairs.
    “I said marry me.” His face was dead serious, but his eyes glowed with passion and his hands were clammy from the nerves that had been running through his body.
    “Yes.” Y/N whispered only to speak louder the next time. “Yes.” she tackled Harry into a hug, forcing him to grab onto the railing to stop themselves from falling down.
    “Of course I’ll marry you.”
    Small gurgles could be heard from the front bench, the one-year old child chatting happily on her Nana’s lap.
    “Wave hi to Daddy Ana!” Anne whispered sweetly to the child.
    “Da.” Anastasia shouted, her chubby fingers reaching out in an attempt to grab onto her father’s Gucci suit causing everyone around her to coo softly at the small child.
    Harry was right as it turned out. She did have your hair and his eyes. But she was nowhere near a handful, in fact she was the complete opposite. She was their little angel; always content and always smiling.
    It had been safe to say that almost the entire room and been in tears as soon as Y/N had stepped into the room. This was a day that everyone who knew them saw coming. Their lives together had been written by some other omnipotent force as soon as their eyes had met that night on the red carpet. For them there had been no other way.
    It was a beautiful sight to watch destiny play its card, to watch as the two lovers became husband and wife. Who knew that what was once a borrowed heart, when mixed with one that was once blue, created a golden hue, like a halo that wrapped around the couple and the happy family they had created together.
    Their love was golden, like the gold in her dress the night they had met. Golden like the sunset the same evening Harry had told her he was falling in love with her. Gold like the star that had sat on top of the Christmas tree on their first Christmas together tied with meeting the other’s family. Golden like their door, that they had promised to step into every day for the rest of their lives. And golden like the ring he had put on her finger when he had promised to marry her.
    They had left that room as husband and wife and they never looked back.
    ‘Y/N! To your left!’
    ‘Smile for us Y/N!’
    Journalists had continued to scream your name from all directions, each demanding that you gave them your attention. But unluckily for them that had been stolen, for your focus still remained on the man who joined you on the red carpet, your eyes still locked right until the point where you left the red carpet.
     It was especially chaotic that evening mostly because it was your first appearance in over a year and yet you were unable to focus. The intense stare you had just shared with him left your palms sweating and left you stunned initiating a shake of your shoulder as if an attempt to be rid of the flustering feeling that somehow you knew this man beyond what you knew as a fan of his work.
    It was then, when you were smoothing out your golden dress, that you felt a light tap on your shoulder.
    “Hi! M’Harry.” His voice caused you to jump in shock, your hand quickly reaching out to meet his outstretched one, it may have simply been a formality but that did nothing to stop the tingle that ran up your arm as soon as his skin touched yours.
    “Nice to meet you.” You stumbled over your words, slightly overwhelmed by his presence. “I’m Y/N.”
                      have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
Okay so I would like to know if you liked that please and thanks (please give me validation!!!! (jkjk (but not really))) 
Ngl I felt really creative and artsy when I planned out the whole thing, idk if it came across as a cool idea but idc
I really hope you enjoyed it!!
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Hawthorne Michael is a little fuckboi who already shared the bed of all the warlocks, some teachers, witches... except one, his best friend, his "kitten", who he cuddle and kiss. At a party, when she decide to try to have some fun with a guy to finally lose her virginity and end the mockeries of her sisters, Michael stop the dude and is angry with her. The others are toys, he didn't want her to think she was like them to him, because she is his, body, heart and soul. Seems he need to be clearer
(A/N): Hello lovely!
Again sorry for taking so much time with this ask and I honestly am going to be even more sorry because although my askbox is almost empty it’ll take me a bit of time to finish the last ask, but in the meanwhile please do send requests, I honestly feel like I low key need them because I can’t focus on fics... so...
Also I might be a bit slower with fics and asks in general due to having to go back to university alongside studying for an exam, and trying to get into the next faculty I want to be in, for which I am very excited.
So please excuse my absence, I swear I’ll write more fics to make you forgive me!
Love you, lovelies!
WARNINGS: Sexual Themes, Michael Being A Controlling Fuckboy.
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Michael Langdon was a fuckboy.
It was something she had always known since when he had firstly walked into Robinchaux and in her heart.
A new girl or boy would be out of his room each weekend, begging for more and asking to be taken back, but Michael never did.
She prided herself to actually be the only person Michael would be constantly coming back to, his kitten and best friend.
Their friendship was unlikely: she was a witch, shy and innocent, whereas he was a womanizer wizard with a pendant for chaos, but as most said, contrasting forces tended to balance themselves out and this is what had happened between you two.
But what had started as a friendship, had grown for her in a small crush, which she chose to ignore since she was scared of what it might end up meaning for her friendship with Michael.
She knew that if she stepped on the wrong path, she might end up ruining the things behind her and Michael, and although it hurt her not to be able to express her feelings freely, she just couldn’t speak up the truth.
She ended up having to be satisfied with stealing touches, taking advantage of each time Michael would cuddled next to her, coming to her room either in drunken stupor or after he had taken his pleasure from his umpteenth hook up, closing his arm around her, nosing her back and kissing her cheek…
…asking her as a child whether she would be staying with him forever or would abandon him, like everyone else.
She would gently reply that she would never even think about leaving him and that’s when he would move closer around her and call her “his kitten”.
It was her favorite moments spent together, but as soon as Michael left her bed, or she would catch the soft smell of a perfume she knew didn’t belong to her all, her insecurities came crashing down onto her.
She seemed to be the only woman Michael didn’t feel physically attracted to.
At first, she had thought this made her somehow special: he took from other people and never came back, but she was the one person he kept coming back to.
But it didn’t take long till she started feeling used like the other girls.
He would only take also from her, but worst of all, it made her feel extremely insecure about her body.
She had always been teased for her innocence, since she was still a virgin at her age.
Michael hadn’t made much of a problem about it but she had caught pity in his glance and she had started thinking about the fact that he might not be interested in her because of her lack of experience.
Maybe he didn’t like her, her body and her mind, and this broke her heart each time she found herself looking further into the question.
It was truly heartbreaking to see Michael “love” everyone, except her.
That’s why, whenever Michael would be trying his “magic”, she would be found in an angle trying to drink away her sorrows, like that night, when the wizard had suggested a friendly visit to a club he had discovered, recently, and meanwhile he flirted his way through the little jukebox playing in an angle, she was at the bar table, twirling the straw in her drink.
She had been hearing the loud music as if to avoid Michael’s sweet nothings, whispered to the latest of his conquests.
She had once tried to imagine herself as one of them, a little too pretty, her clothes a little too tight and his lips on hers… but it didn’t work, she always found herself waking up from a feverish dream with the nightmare of Michael’s rejecting her because she wasn’t enough.
She was singing along a George Michael’s song when something moved next to her, and she found the sit next to her to be suddenly occupied by a lean figure: a male not older than her was sat down beside her.
His hair was elegantly combed and gelled
He wore more than just a simple shirt, alongside owning a wonderful pair of ocean eyes.
He was definitely attractive, but she couldn’t help but compare him with Michael, her eyes immediately shooting down onto the ground, knowing that men like that weren’t interested into her…
… but maybe… for once… she was wrong.
The boy called the bartender and ordered a whiskey on the rocks and then turned to her, making her blush slightly asking to her if he could offer her a drink.
“Oh…” she was simply capable of utter that word, taking a deep breath and blushing ever more “…I have mine… already”.
And she gestured to the half-touched mojito, and the man just pushed it to the side, getting a dark look from the bartender who still annoyedly took the drink and flushed it down the sink.
She was annoyed for that waste but she thought she might just make the best out of this “suitor”.
… although she didn’t understand what he found in her.
But maybe she had just let Michael define her for too much time.
Maybe just because Michael wasn’t into her, it didn’t mean that others couldn’t be…
“Then… I think I’ll order Moscato” sweet wine would keep her satiated and would avoid her getting immediately drunk, mostly around an unknown man who turned to her, holding out his hand to her.
“… good choice” he smirked, before taking his hand to bring it to his lips “… I am Mark”.
It was all so corny, but she couldn’t help but bath into the interest she saw in his eyes and enjoyed the game for a bit further, offering her name and talking a bit, mostly he did the talking, meanwhile she nodded shyly and sometimes intervened, and soon her glass was empty but another was filling her hand, full this time.
At the third glass it was safe to say that her tongue had loosened, and she had started talking more with Mark, who still had his pretentious air, but somehow she found herself to like him, and be interested into him, mostly because the more alcohol filled her body the more she felt something sparking for the boy.
And then it all came down to when he asked her for a drink at his house.
“I have better wines than these” he uttered, whispering confidently at her and although she felt it was stupid and he was being a bit of a jackass, she accepted knowing where the night would be going and honestly, she wanted it to go like that.
She might have been innocent and inexperienced, but she wasn’t stupid and knew that Mark had just wanted a hook-up, exactly as Michael had chosen to do that night and honestly she had wanted the same thing.
Was it payback to Michael?
Not exactly… some part of her desperately wanted to know what it felt like to be enough… just for one night.
Mark wasn’t a charming man, he was certainly no Michael, but she saw he would have been enough for the night.
She knew it all about the first time being special, but you chose how to make it special, and she was tired of the taunting and not being enough.
She was leaving when Michal caught up to them, Mark was helping her with her coat and although it was a gentlemanly offering, she knew he was staring at her ass, blatantly and with no shame.
She thought that Michael’s dark look was due to him being worried for her, but it strangely shone greener that she had ever seen and before she knew it, she found herself to be roughly yanked away from Mark’s hand into Michael’s chest.
It must have been extremely awkward for Mark, since Michael clearly had no idea of things such as privacy and personal space and she knew they looked more like a couple than anything else.
“… are you going out?” mumbled Michael as if he didn’t know “… without telling me?”.
She couldn’t help but be a bit annoyed by the pretentious note in his voice, but still nodded, trying to distance herself a bit from him, but he tightened his grip, looking at her as if she had just stabbed him.
“… I thought it was supposed to be a night out, between the two of us” he insisted, his eyes pleading although they didn’t dare to beg for what they truly wanted, still too prideful.
“Michael… you basically ditched me!” she tried to make it sound as lighthearted as she could, but she told him what she had meant to tell him for so much: how he didn’t care in the deepest part of his soul for her.
He seemed taken aback by the affirmation and looked around as if he only realized in which situation they were right now, as if he only realized in that moment she had been hurt by his distance.
“… and you are going to get back home with this dick as a payback for me ignoring you?” his voice was halfway through hysterical and she couldn’t help but subtly tell him to lower his voice, since not only Mark was getting squeamish but also people were staring at her.
“I am a free woman, am I not Michael?” she mumbled, trying to get a laughter out of the entire situation to avoid it becoming too wary and dense, but Michael just sent her a look which clearly told her he wouldn’t be backing down, right in that moment.
This mean that Mark had to step up his game if he wanted her in his bed, by the end of the night.
She half expected him to disappear at the first notion of Michael, but instead… he puffed out his chest and approached Michael, gently tugging her by the wrist to make her escape the wizard’s grip, who deemed him worthy of just a simple look of disgust.
“Dude, she clearly said that she isn’t interested, so I suggest you back off, before it gets too bad for you” he threatened Michael and although she couldn’t help but be pissed with Michael’s antics, she didn’t like Mark’s tone, but before she could even chastise him and try to bring peace between the boys, Michael acted up, stepping forward, magic erupting from his body.
The entire place trembled and you weren’t able to stop a little screech from leaving your mouth, meanwhile Mark looked around not knowing what was going on around him but somehow he understood that it wasn’t natural.
And that it was Michael who caused it.
“I suggest that you are the one who back off, in this situation” he chanted quietly, meanwhile screams broke the reality around her, her hands immediately trying to stop them from entering her ears, a bit of blood erupting from her nose, since she was trying to counterbalance Michael’s influence to no avail, since the man was so focused on Mark that you were sure he would have been dead soon.
But then the entire vision broke off and suddenly the floor stopped spinning and trembling.
She let herself go with her knees hitting roughly the ground, her legs giving up under her.
She had gone easily because on Mark’s pants there was a darker stain and she could only guess what it was from its acidic smell, and as soon as the man realized what it was he tried to cover it to no avail, and in the end just fled the scene, embarrassment written all over his face.
“Pathetic” Michael simply whispered, shooting her an evil smirk, before he moved to stutter off to his girls, just to get roughly taken back from her hand onto his wrist, facing a very pissed (Y/N), much scarier than the vision he had evoked in the club.
“What have you done, Michael?” she asked, the fact that her voice was grave but held no raise of strength scared him much more than he might have thought “… I wanted him… I wanted to go back home with him”
“He is just a mortal… not worthy of you, kitten” Michael muttered, acting as if he knew better than her.
And that was the drop that made her release all her anger.
“… he might have been only a mortal, but it was my choice to make… not yours” and she pushed him, the first act of defiance she had acted up on him “… you never listen to me, you always are away and then you come back and expect to find me with open arms for you, never giving me back anything”.
Michael seemed taken aback from her words, and she knew she had hurt him, but in her anger-filled rant she didn’t care, in the slightest.
“… you are so intolerable and self-absorbed, incapable of truly understanding what it means to love others, only able to hurt them”.
She knew she was being harsh and adding some lies to the truth.
“You don’t mean these words, (Y/N)” his tone was wavering, as if something had been broken into him and he wasn’t able to keep a straight face, still he didn’t bed or apologized “… you’ll go to sleep tonight and then tomorrow you’ll realize that I did you a favor”.
She just shook her head, and went to adjust her coat, under Michael’s watchful eyes, turning her back to him, before uttering her last words.
“Of course… I am going to sleep because I can’t stand your stupid mind anymore” you shot back an angered look at him, seeing him being hit by your rage “… leave me alone, from now on”.
She had woken up with a ringing headache, probably caused by the wine and the knowledge that she had fucked up her relationship with her best friend.
She knew that it hadn’t been a normal fight with him, mostly because she knew and remembered what she had told him: those words were meant to hurt.
She remembered perfectly the face he had made after receiving those words.
A kicked puppy would have been less sad.
She had decided to stay in her room, mostly to calm down the anger in her mind.
Although she knew that she had been unfair to Michael, hurling at him some very hurtful things she was still pissed at his sudden show of protection, both because she didn’t need a man telling her what to do, and he couldn’t just decide something for her and then dismiss her as if she wasn’t important.
Tea and sleep helped her through the anger and the headache, but the knowledge of having ruined her relationship still thrummed in her head, and when she had talked about it with Zoe, who had tried to say that they would be soon back as friends, she couldn’t help but shed a few tears, knowing that even if Michael did forgive her and wanted her back as a friend, she didn’t know if everything would have been back as it was before.
“… don’t be overdramatic!” had taunted her Madison, suggesting that she just lifted her shirt and flashed Michael “… that will certainly make him forget why he is angry with you, men are beasts don’t forget it”.
But then she had gotten serious and just cuddled her gently suggesting that she stopped caring about Michael’s opinion.
“He isn’t so cool, and you’ll always have us” she had comforted you, before leaving her alone for a bit so that her and Zoe could go out for the afternoon, for which she was grateful because she could cry alone and try to get some relief by watching her favorite movie in her most comfortable pajamas, which ended up being a flying squirrel onesie, definitely nothing sexy.
And in that attire, she greeted Michael at her door, convinced that it was Queenie checking on her, after Madison’s orders.
She opened, almost screeching about having been interrupted at the best part of the movie, but she soon realized that it wasn’t the voodoo witch who was checking on her.
Michael looked honestly as if he had seen better times: his hair had been quickly brushed but they still seemed messy, not that she minded the messy curls, and his face looked red as his eyes, meanwhile his hands were roughly gripping a little bouquet of flowers.
She looked at it attentively, trying to remember about the botanic lessons she had had with Cordelia and recognizing purple hyancinth, stargazer lily, white orchids, peruvian lilies and finally her favorite flowers: sunflowers.
She couldn’t believe that not only Michael had come to her, making the first move, but he had gone as far as to get flowers.
“I really hope you didn’t get those from Cordelia’s garden” she was only able to utter, making Michael’s smirk lightly, meanwhile he gave her the flowers, attentive at avoiding skin on skin contact for which she was grateful.
“… and did you have any attention on starring into ‘Madagascar 4: Escaping Robinchaux’ with that pajama? he retorted back and she couldn’t help but laugh loudly, meanwhile she moved into the room to set down the flowers, magically creating a vase, meanwhile Michael followed her, used into being let in her room.
She tried to keep herself occupied, meanwhile a dense silence fell between them and she almost thought about trying to make the first move, apologizing as she always did, just to try to mend the relationship, but Michael surprised her again.
“I am sorry for last night” he sat down, looking at his dress pants “…I was jealous of that guy, he didn’t give me good vibes and I don’t’ want you to be hurt, kitten”.
His voice spoke of deep regret and for a moment she considered that he might have gone through the same torment of her the previous night… maybe even worse since he seemed also too fidgety as if he was nervous.
She tried to be active to avoid having to sit down and stare at him in the eyes, filling a kettle with water and putting on the fire, before turning around, watching him behind her lashes.
“…I am thankful for your concern, but I am a big girl and I can handle thing on my own”.
The harshness in her tone, clearly shone, and he gulped down a big load of saliva, but her eyes shone with more gentleness, although he couldn’t see them, since he had his eyes glued to the floor, as it pained him to say he was sorry.
“I know, but…” he raised his head finally and she met his eyes which shone even brighter due to the tears he had shed “… but sometimes you seem so frail and delicate and… innocent… and I am scared that anything might hurt you”.
His words were genuine, and she softened her mouth, although it still didn’t form a smile.
“I seem… you know I am not weak” she reminded him, meanwhile the kettle started whistling loudly and she had to put it out of the fire, gently dipping the tea she had chosen, a green tea to relax and purify her body.
Michael followed her movements and she shyly almost dropped the kettle, Michael helping her with magic to keep it steady.
“I know, you are so strong that sometimes I wonder why you have ended up with me, a coward”.
Although she felt still angry at him, she couldn’t help but rush to him, as soon as she put down the kettle, gently siding next to him, with a strong gaze of stone in her eyes.
“You are not a coward, Michael” she cooed him gently.
But the man refused her words, shaking slightly his head, covering his face with his hands.
“I am… as you said… I am only capable of taking and never giving” his voice was shaky and she hugged him closer, regretting each word she had said, being unable to believe she had caused so much sufferance “… but the void in me, ask for more and more and it is never satisfied”.
She couldn’t understand and grasp the full entity of his words, but just held him, shushing him with sweet words.
“I was pissed Michael, I threw onto you a lot of my insecurities, my innocence and not being enough for you”.
This got to him, finally opening his eyes and looking at her with confusion in his pretty eyes,
“You don’t believe to be enough for me?” and he gently grasped her face, making her gasp at the sudden change of position “… you are much more than I deserve and I don’t know how my Father paired me up with such a divine creature, kitten”.
His lips softly lowered onto her forehead as if he was giving her a blessing and she didn’t know but the fear of being rejected suddenly came back into her and she distanced herself from him.
“… then why am I the only one you don’t…” she felt silly t her own words, knowing they would break her promise not to utter a single word that might break their relationship but she had already said enough to definitely change it, so she took the breaking step “…touch me like others… I have been wanting you for the longest time”
And Michael seemed so surprised by this, gently reaching out again and she let him.
“… I put you on a pedestal, (Y/N), the one girl I can’t have, because that’s what the void ask for” he gently brushed their noses together “… that one thing I am scared to taint is the same I love the most”.
And he finally kissed her, softly, cradling her face completely, meanwhile her hands immediately tangled in his hair, pushing him closer, showing that she wasn’t afraid in the slightest to be tainted.
That if the void did ask of her, she would give herself to him, as she swiftly pushed herself onto his lap, perching on them as a true kitten.
It was his time to be surprised, and she just smiled lightly.
“I told you I am not weak” and she reached out for his hands, linking them with hers “… I am not scared of being tainted, as long as you are the one who’ll do it”.
“It isn’t something you can come back from, kitten” he gently caressed her hair back, to show her full face “… I don’t want it to be a regret, in your life”.
“I don’t think that I can now live with the knowledge of not having you when you want me so much” Michael looked still doubtful, although pleasure was something his eyes searched and she knew he needed just a little push “… or maybe I should ask Mark to do it”,
Before she knew it, she was on the floor, Michael on top of her, his smirk was cruelly evil, but she wasn’t scared, she just smiled back and he just mumbled, before leaning down her neck:
“Other than tainting you, I need to make it clear to everyone that you are indeed mine”.
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Still Get Butterflies
After their rough breakup, Harry runs into Y/N at a friend’s wedding.  Harry’s attempt to rekindle his love with Y/N may be ruined from a recent fling.  Idea is from Perfect Day by Gabbie Hanna.  I hope you all enjoy.  Feedback and requests are welcomed.  Lots of Love! --------------------------------------------------------------------
           Brown, brittle leaves hugged the damp sidewalk.  Paper ghosts gripped the coffee shop’s black, marble counter. Couples clutched one another’s hands, only freeing their hands from the grip to sip their steaming coffee.  Y/N glanced past the warm lights blinding her vision from the curly haired man beside her.  His crystal green eyes scanned the colorful chalkboard that promoted new Halloween themed drinks.  His strong jawline jutted out more than usual due to the tension bubbling within his chest. Y/N recalled nights when she’d tuck Harry’s growing curls behind his small ears while he admired the moonlight reflecting against her eyes.  She missed the nights when Harry would whisper promises of forever into her shoulder while they cuddled in his bed.  Y/N hadn’t noticed the tears blurring her vision until the barista interrupted her happy memories.           “Are you okay?” The barista asked, noticing the heartbreak behind Y/N’s glossy eyes.            Y/N sniffled, clearing her throat with an awkward laugh, “Yes, I yawned a few minutes ago.  Do you need my order?”           “No, I ordered a pumpkin spice latte for you,” Harry grumbled, jabbing the card reader’s buttons with his ringed fingers.            The barista shot Y/N an encouraging smile before tending to their order.  Harry shuffled across the gray tile toward the pick-up station.  Y/N stood across from Harry, wondering if the man she fell in love with two years ago still resided inside this colder version of Harry. Once the barista handed the unhappy couple their drinks, Harry exited the warm café that shielded them from the bitter autumn winds.  The chilly winds nipped at Y/N’s ears and nose during the walk toward Harry’s house. Dark gray clouds blocked the white moonlight and stars from dancing above the buzzing city.  Sleeks cars sped past Y/N and Harry’s figures down the damp streets that started to empty after a long day.  Y/N begged Harry to interrupt her racing thoughts with his soothing voice, but even his voice couldn’t calm Y/N’s broken heart anymore. Y/N’s sneakers skidded across the sidewalk where her feet remained glued for a few minutes.  Harry spun around, checking the sidewalk for anything that might stop his girlfriend’s pace, but nothing stood in Y/N’s path aside from her broken heart.  Harry glanced into her glossy eyes where he understood the reasoning behind her frozen figure.            “What are you doing?” Harry asked, searching around for paparazzi that might catch this dreadful moment.            Y/N’s cracking voice betrayed her need to look strong before her cold boyfriend, “Harry, I can’t do this anymore.”            Harry rolled his eyes, shoving his free hand into his jacket pocket, “Listen, we can discuss this in our home.  We cannot fight on the street where everyone can video us.”            “I can’t go home.  If I go home, then I’ll let you convince me that we are okay. You’ll take a few weeks off from the studio to reassure me that we aren’t broken, but the reality is, our relationship died weeks ago.  When was the last time we spoke?  I live in silence and fear that one day I might say something, and have you lose it. Who lives like that?  Even roommates get along better than we do,” Y/N cried out, gripping her weak heart through her thick jacket.            Harry nodded, “You make a good point, but we can discuss this at home.”            Y/N rolled her eyes, “Harry, you aren’t listening to me.  You are too worried about your image than our relationship.  Harry, I’ve opened myself up to you.  I’ve stuck around to make you happy despite my sorrow, but you never do the same.  If you truly loved me, then you’d let me leave.”            “Hey, if you want to leave, then go ahead. You love giving up rather than tending to this relationship like a real adult,” Harry growled, ignoring the stares from couples that passed by the shouting couple.            Y/N gasped, “I never gave up on us.  I deserve better than this relationship. You always ask me to give you second chances.  You promise to talk to me more, you promise to open up, and you always break those promises.  I can’t keep following this pattern in hopes that one day you’ll wake up a new person.”            “Fine, but you aren’t allowed to come back to me after you realize that no one will love you,” Harry growled, turning his back on his ex-girlfriend.              Y/N sniffled, swallowing the lump of sad and angry tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.  She huffed, releasing the tight grip she had on the coffee cup that helped her maintain her strength through that argument.  She planned to message Jeff to collect her items from Harry’s house to avoid seeing Harry’s face again.  Her heart couldn’t imagine life without Harry, but her mind repeated the phrase “you deserve better” until her heart believed it.  Harry choked back the anger that threatened to rear its ugly head again. He nearly shouted at an elderly couple that bumped into his tense figure, almost causing him to spill hot coffee onto his feet.  His silver key slipped inside the black knob, unlocking the empty house that reminded Harry of the past two years he wasted with Y/N.  A growl ripped past Harry’s rosy lips as his hands shoved the floral vase, that Y/N purchased for Harry, from the small table near the front door. Harry tossed the sweet pumpkin latte into the bin, deciding a few shots of vodka might soothe his angry heart. Harry expected Y/N to return to his doorstep in a heap of sorrow. *          *          *          *          *          *
           White roses and pastel pink candles decorated the circular tables that filled the white tent. People dressed in pastels and florals carried glasses filled with bubbly champagne while the DJ blared love songs. Gemma, Michal, and Harry admired the warm Christmas lights strung around the tent’s beams.              “Everyone stand up, and welcome the newlyweds,” The DJ shouted into the cheap microphone.            Harry cringed at the microphone’s shrill scream echoing throughout the tent.  The cliché, ‘Love is all Around’ replaced the crowd’s whines while Scott and Jessie jogged through the tent’s door.  Harry clapped his hands, blinking back the happy tears threatening to spill from his eyes.  He couldn’t believe his childhood friend married the love of his life while he couldn’t keep a girlfriend longer than a few weeks.  Michal brought Gemma and Harry plates piled with the vegetarian option.            “Hello, can everyone hear me?” That melodic voice tore Harry’s attention away from the salad drenched in vinaigrette. Y/N stole the DJ’s squeaky microphone, but the microphone refused to squeal in her hands.  She eyed the crowd nervously as if they might boo her off the stage.            “We can hear you,” Jessie shouted, shooting Y/N a thumbs-up.            Y/N smiled the dazzling smile that sent chills down Harry’s spine.  Did Harry expect to see Y/N? No, but he wasn’t surprised since Jessie took a liking to Y/N after Harry introduced her to the newlyweds.  Harry bit his lip, admiring the fairy lights that highlighted the natural glow that constantly surrounded her figure.  Ever since the breakup, Harry imagined Y/N returning to him on her knees; however, when a few months passed without any contact, Harry realized the mistake he made.           “How do I know Jessie?  Well, a common friend introduced at this awful dinner where Scott burnt the roast.  I remember choking down the roast with red wine, and Jessie snuck me a few edible pieces. That night, I watched Jessie and Scott admire each other as if there were stars in their eyes.  Scott surprised Jessie with flowers, poems, and chocolates whenever she had a rough day, and Jessie stood by Scott after his boss let him go.  I knew that if I ever found love, then I’d like it to be like their love.  To Scott and Jessie, I hope you have a wonderful marriage,” Y/N toasted the couple before chugging the bubbly champagne.            Harry clapped, eyeing Y/N as she headed toward the empty chair near Jessie.  Scott’s best friend stole the microphone from Y/N’s hands.  His speech centered around Scott’s previous conquests who could not compare with Jessie.  The entire room blushed at the awkward speech that left Scott fuming.            “Well, Y/N’s speech was lovely,” Gemma mumbled, hiding her giggles through small sips of champagne.             Harry chuckled, keeping his eyes locked on Y/N’s beaming figure, “Yeah, she always had a way with words.”            Gemma and Michal shared a knowing look after picking up on the starry look within Harry’s eyes.  Last week, Y/N messaged Gemma to discuss possible gifts ideas for the newlyweds, and Gemma did not tell Harry about the interaction.  She hoped Y/N and Harry might talk through their issues and rekindle their love.            “Will the newlyweds find the dancefloor for their first dance?” The DJ announced, searching through lists of songs for their song.  Scott and Jessie spun around the dancefloor while the guests admired the beautiful couple. Happy and sorrowful tears blurred Harry’s vision.  His shaking hands gripped his fragile chest that couldn’t breathe in the suddenly thick air.              “I need air,” Harry choked out, dragging his fingers through his now tousled curls.           Gemma nodded through her concern, “Call me if you want to leave.”           Harry weaved through smiling guests until the cool, night air greeted Harry’s flushed cheeks.  The white moonlight glimmered along the nearby stream.  A shaky sigh parted his chapped rosy lips while his eyes focused on the twinkling constellations.           “You couldn’t stay either?” Her smooth voice mocked Harry’s racing heart.            Harry wiped his sweaty palms down the front of his gray suit pants before facing Y/N.  The champagne glass covered the weak smile from Harry’s stare.            “Yeah, I needed some air,” Harry lied, stuffing his hands inside his pockets.             Y/N nodded, seeing through Harry’s lies, “Me too.  Gemma didn’t tell me you’d be here.”             Harry chuckled, rolling his eyes, “Of course, Gemma knew I wouldn’t attend the wedding if you’d be here.  She enjoys watching me squirm.”            Y/N frowned, attempting to hide the heartbreak that throbbed when Harry stated he didn’t want to see her, “I understand. Who wants to see their ex? Especially after telling her never to contact you again.”             Harry’s eyes widened because how could she not see his heart dying to hold her?  He shook his head, reaching for her empty hand before she walked off, “No, I didn’t mean it like that.  Y/N, I fucked up the minute I let you walk out of my life.  I miss you like crazy.”             “Harry, I prepared for this moment.  I pictured yelling at you, but now, I can’t even look at you longer than a few seconds without wanting to cry.  You broke my heart, and yet, I can’t stop craving you,” Y/N hissed through tears.             Harry frowned, cupping Y/N’s cheeks in his hands, “I’m sorry.  I wish I never broke your heart the way I did.  If I could take it all back, then I would.”              Y/N smiled, cupping Harry’s cheek, “How can you still have this control over my heart?”             “You have the same control over mine,” Harry whispered, leaning toward Y/N’s plump lips.            “Y/N!  Jessie needs you for the bouquet,” A random guest shouted, interrupting the moment between the couple.           Y/N smiled sheepishly, “Okay, I’ll be right there.”            The lady disappeared behind the tent’s door, leaving Y/N and Harry in awkward silence.  Y/N nibbled on her bottom lip, staring into Harry’s heartbroken eyes.            “I better go tend to the bouquet.  I’ll see you around,” Y/N softly mumbled, breaking away from Harry’s grip.            Harry sighed, returning to the table where Gemma and Michal discussed the nightly plans.  His eyes roamed around the room until he found Y/N snapping photos of Jessie throwing her bouquet.  He sighed, wondering if he should let Y/N walk out of his life again. *          *          *          *          *          *          
           Burnt popcorn masked the vanilla candle Harry lit a few minutes ago.  The television paused Hugh Grant carrying yellow roses toward the famous woman’s room.  Harry discarded the gray suit a few hours after the ceremony, slipping into his black Adidas pants and sweater.  His socked feet shuffled across the floor toward his gray couch.  Harry’s fingers hovered above the play button when the doorbell startled Harry’s relaxed figure.  He didn’t expect guests.  Gemma and Michal booked a nearby hotel for a romantic evening, Jeff knew Harry would attend the wedding, and his recent fling told Harry that she’d be gone for the weekend.  Harry sighed, setting the popcorn bowl onto the nearby coffee table.  His hand wrapped around the cold knob, revealing Y/N’s sheepish figure behind the door.             “Hey, what are you doing here?” Harry gasped, stepping aside for Y/N to enter.            Y/N smiled, kicking her heels off before stepping foot onto Harry’s white carpet, “I needed to talk to you.  I looked for you after Scott and Jessie left, but I couldn’t find you.”            Harry nodded, rubbing the back of his sore neck, “I left after that lady interrupted us.  I couldn’t handle the emotions that flooded my system.”            “I understand.  Are you busy?” Y/N wondered, examining the familiar house.            Harry chuckled, “Can you count watching Notting Hill as busy?”            Y/N giggled, shaking her head, “You love those rom-coms.”            The couple shut the front door, heading toward the couch where they held one another multiple nights.  Harry plopped down near the couch’s arm where his glass of red wine waited for him.  Y/N sat next to Harry but kept her hands in her lap.            “Did you move on?” Harry asked the question his heart kept wondering.            “Yeah, I dated a couple of guys, but the relationships ended after the guys realized I wouldn’t put out after the second date,” Y/N mumbled.             Harry frowned, “Me too.  I haven’t dated anyone in a few months.  I wanted to call you, but I was afraid you moved on.”             Comfortable silence surrounded the dazed couple.  Harry’s heart dove into her twinkling eyes that reminded him of a better time.  He missed the mornings when Y/N surprised him with breakfast in bed, followed by lazy morning sex.  He craved the domestic life where they cooked dinner together in absolute bliss.  Y/N’s eyes traced the freckles dotted around Harry’s tanned skin.  She missed pressing quick kisses to Harry’s flushed cheeks. She dreamt about laying underneath the stars while Harry sang sweet songs to her.  Before the couple could process their emotions, Harry captured Y/N’s lips with his own.  The action caused Y/N’s body to tense up while Harry’s hands gripped her arms. After a few seconds, Y/N’s body caught up with the action, allowing her to relax in Harry’s arms.  Harry forgot about Hugh Grant waiting to win the love of the beautiful actress.  Y/N’s hands trailed up Harry’s chest and into his tousled locks.  Y/N tasted the red wine on Harry’s breath as his tongue traced the outline of her lips.  Y/N whined, opening herself up for Harry.  Harry leaned back, making room for Y/N to straddle his waist.  Harry’s hands slid down Y/N’s torso stopping at her hips.              “Do you want to go to my bedroom?” Harry asked, pressing his lips against Y/N’s warm neck.            Y/N pulled away from Harry’s intoxicating kisses, “Harry, I can’t do this if we are going to go back to the way we used to be.”             Harry shook his head, pouting his swollen lips, “I love you.  I promise to try at our relationship this time.  I can’t lose you.”            “I love you too,” Y/N purred, pressing her lips to Harry’s neck.            Y/N wrapped her arms and legs around Harry’s sturdy body as he carried her toward his dark bedroom.  He thanked earlier Harry for cleaning his room from his recent fling’s discarded clothing.  He laid Y/N down onto the comfy white blanket, pressing kisses to her neck. The couple rekindled their love that neither one expected to get back. *          *          *          *          *          *
           “I missed you so much,” Y/N gushed through giggles.           Harry chuckled, running his fingers through Y/N’s soft hair.  Moonlight streamed through the linen white curtains and onto the couple’s sticky skin. Y/N yawned, tracing her fingers around Harry’s tattoos.            “I missed you too.  When we wake up in the morning, we can celebrate our relationship with pancakes from Tammi’s diner,” Harry stuttered through yawns.            Y/N gasped, propping her body up on her elbows, “Are you serious?  You know I love those pancakes.  How did I get so lucky?”            Harry laughed, tugging Y/N’s naked body on top of his own, “I’m the lucky one.”            Y/N’s eyes focused on the white ceiling covered in different shadows from around Harry’s room.  She recalled moments when she stared at the ceiling, searching for the answers to their broken relationship.  Tears blurred her vision at the memories that flooded, but Harry’s lips silenced her racing thoughts by humming her favorite song. Y/N’s heart believed this time her relationship with Harry could work.  Her eyes drooped closed, allowing sleep’s sweet dreams to carry her mind off to happier places.  Harry sighed, dragging his eyes away from Y/N’s eyelashes fluttering against her cheeks. He scrolled through messages from recent flings who attempted to win his heart, leaving him guilty now as he cuddled Y/N.  Why did he lie to her?  He couldn’t help but lie because he feared she might leave him if she knew he fucked someone yesterday night.  Harry turned his phone off in case someone tried contacting him.  He snuggled his nose against Y/N’s warm neck, inhaling her sweet scent until he dozed off into a heavy sleep.  The future looked bright for their relationship. *          *          *          *          *          *
           Yellow sunflowers greeted Y/N when she stretched herself awake.  A beaming grin spread across her face as she searched around the empty room for her boyfriend.  The cold sheets contained a neon pink sticky note that informed Y/N that Harry would be in his office.  Y/N tugged the warm sheets wrapped around her body away until her feet met the cold hardwood floor.  She tiptoed toward the room, illuminated by the summer sunlight.  Harry’s white t-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders while he strummed the guitar propped up on his black jean-clad legs.           “Good morning.  I loved my gift,” Y/N whispered, sneaking up behind Harry’s back. Her hands trailed up Harry’s back and around his shoulders.            Harry didn’t expect Y/N to startle him in his office, but he nearly yelped from the surprise, “I’m glad you liked them. I woke up early and stopped at Tom’s shop.”           Y/N smiled, noticing the leather journal filled with Harry’s scribbled lyrics, “Are you writing a new song?”           Harry nodding, spinning around in his office chair, “I got new inspiration.”            Y/N giggled, leaning down to capture Harry’s lips with her own, “I love you.  Can I take a shower before we grab breakfast?”           Harry snorted, “Love, this is your house as much as mine.  You shouldn’t have to ask to use my shower.  I’ll be here waiting for you to return.”            “I’ll miss you,” Y/N pouted, slowly shuffling away from Harry’s warm arms.            Harry gripped his aching heart as if he couldn’t carry on without Y/N, “I’ll miss you more.”             Y/N entered Harry’s large bathroom with marble counters and the best shower.  Her hands grabbed two white towels from Harry’s rack before heading toward the open shower.  She twisted the knob until steam floated above the glass door.  The warm water relaxed Y/N’s tense muscles while she scrubbed the floral shampoo into her hair.  She assumed Harry purchased the shampoo for Gemma and Anne who might have visited him.  She closed her eyes, picturing the beautiful day awaiting her.  After breakfast, she could persuade Harry into taking her on a walk through their favorite park.  Then they could return home and watch romantic comedies until one of them fell asleep.  Y/N turned the shower off, wrapping the white towel around her damp body.  Water droplets rolled her skin and onto the black marble floors.  Her eyes drifted up the mirror, stopping at the sweet message scribbled across the steam. I love you.  Y/N giggled, embracing the fluttering in her heart until she spotted the y’s curly end.  Suddenly, all air left her body as if somebody rammed against her fragile ribcage. A desperate gasp parted her lips while her hands hovered above her churning stomach.  Tears blurred her vision because the message wasn’t written in Harry’s handwriting.  No, this wasn’t an old message either.  Y/N stumbled out from the bathroom and away from the message.  She gripped the white walls as she tripped over her clumsy feet on her way to Harry’s office.  She furrowed her brows, watching Harry scribble down new lyrics with the widest grin.              “Hey love, when did you get out?  Did you need something—Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?” Harry wondered, setting the guitar next to the glass desk.              Y/N shook her head, searching for her voice among the heartbreak, “I—I—The message on the mirror.”             Harry furrowed his brows, “What message?”              Y/N glared, staring into Harry’s confused eyes, “The message on your mirror.  The one where someone professed their love for you, and you didn’t wipe it away.  You let me take a shower in the same bathroom where she left that message.  Oh my gosh, I used her fucking shampoo.”            Harry’s stomach dropped the minute he realized he never wiped Cindy’s message from his mirror.  He watched Y/N storm toward his bedroom for her clothes. Harry shook his head, chasing after Y/N until his feet skidded to a stop outside his bedroom.            “Y/N, her name is Cindy.  We’ve been dating for around three months.  I never expected to run into you again, so I moved on. We both moved on, so you can’t be this upset because you dated other people too,” Harry argued, pointing his finger accusingly at his ex-girlfriend.             Y/N gasped, tugging the stubborn dress up her legs, “Harry, I don’t want to hear about this new girl.  I don’t need to hear how you fucked someone else.  I understand that we both moved on, but you lied to me.  I would’ve understood if you told me about her, but you told me that you hadn’t dated anyone in months.  You let me live in this fantasy where we could’ve worked when in reality.  You still haven’t changed.  You are still the same selfish man who lies to their loved ones.”             Harry rolled his eyes, “Listen, I don’t need you to judge me.  We broke up almost nine months ago.  Did you expect me to stay single until you returned?”              “I loved you.  You fucking idiot.  I loved you, and you lied to me,” Y/N cried out, pushing past Harry’s figure.               “Y/N, we can try this again.  I’ll end things with Cindy,” Harry begged, following Y/N through dark hallways.               Y/N shook her head, “Harry, I don’t want to fight anymore.  I can’t be in a relationship with the same guy I broke up with nine months ago.  You won’t even apologize for lying to me, so I need to leave.”               Harry shook his head, sniffling through the tears threatening to spill down his pale cheeks.  Y/N smiled sadly before exiting Harry’s warm house.  Harry didn’t see any tears or anger in her expression only disappointment lingered behind her exhausted eyes.  Harry frowned, crumbling to the ground the instant the door clicked shut.  Tears flowed down his pale cheeks while harsh sobs racked his body.  He couldn’t believe he lost Y/N again.  Harry knew Y/N wouldn’t return to him this time.  He fucked everything up for the final time because he refused to be honest with her.  Silence and loneliness surrounded Harry’s broken figure.
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voidgriff · 5 years
𝖙𝖆𝖘𝖐 #001 ⇢ the  interrogation
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mentioned:  @covingtonhqs​ , @hauntingfm​ , @heartofgolds​ , @ofreligion​ , @cagcdbirds​ , @of-apples​ , @ofconstellctions​
after  melanie’s  death,  griffin  sincerely  figured  that  she’d  be  brought  in  for  some  sort  of  investigation  and  questioning.  not  only  was  she  at  the  party  and  part  of  the  chosen  twenty  two,  but  she  had  a  close  relationship  with  melanie.  hell,  they  lived  together.  while  she  found  comfort  in  the  fact  that  she  was  familiar  with  the  process  of  an  investigation,  she  truly  couldn’t  get  the  butterflies  out  of  her  stomach.  talking  about  melanie  always  tugged  at  the  void  inside  of  her,  but  there  was  no  way  in  hell  she  was  going  to  consciously  let  herself  shut  down.  just  like  any  other  situation,  griffin  put  on  her  calm  and  collected  mask  and  did  her  damn  best  to  keep  it  up.  practice  makes  perfect.  
can  you  tell  me,  to  the  best  of  your  memory,  what  happened  on  the  night  of  december  13,  2019?
“i  heard  about  the  party  first  from  my  friend  wolfgang  beaumont  a  little  while  after  they  decided  to  have  it.  he  texted  me  like,  an  hour  after,  hold  on,”  griffn  started  to  explain,  but  paused  to  grab  her  phone  from  her  bag  and  pull  up  the  texts.  “yeah,  6:24.  i  texted  back  a  typical  ‘congrats!  always  down  for  a  party’,  made  some  dinner,  and  started  getting  ready.  i  showed  up  at  like,  8:40.  i  wanted  to  get  out  of  my  apartment  as  soon  as  i  could  because  michal  and  melanie  had  a  fight  and  the  vibes...  just  weren’t  right.  i  felt  a  little  awkward  getting  there  so  early,  so  i  just  helped  put  out  some  last  minute  drinks,  talked  to  wolfie  a  little  bit,  and  waited  for  some  of  my  other  friends  to  show  up,”  griffin  began,  nodding  her  head  along  to  her  final  words.
“once  the  party  got  started,  i  just  mingled  around  and  danced,  but  hung  out  with  some  friends  for  a  good  amount  of  time.  lot  kang, cordelia  underhill,  and  rosemary  keegan  if  you  need  names.  i  was  with  rosemary  at  first,  but  left  to  get  drinks  once  she  met  up  with  some  other  friends.  i  hung  out  in  the  kitchen  for  a  while  and  talked  to  my  friend  maisie  for  a  little,  but  then  i  ended  up  finding  lot.  we  thought  somebody  stole  his  skateboard  so  we  were  wandering  around  try  to  find  it  for  a  hour  basically.  i  left  just  before  midnight  since  i  was  exhausted  and  whatever  they  put  in  the  jungle  juice  wasn’t  sitting  well  in  my  stomach.  i  was  back  in  my  dorm  before  that  fire  even  started.  i  heard  about  it  online  when  i  woke  up  the  next  morning,  honestly.”
did  you  see  anything  unusual  that  night?  was  anyone  acting  out  of  the  ordinary?
“the  only  thing  that  comes  to  mind  happened  before  the  party.  like  i  mentioned  before,  michal,  my  other  roommate,  and  melanie  got  in  a  fight.  i  was  doing  my  makeup  in  my  room  and  suddenly  they  just  started...  yelling  at  each  other.  i  had  music  playing  so  i  couldn’t  tell  if  they  were  talking  beforehand,  but  it  was  just  very  sudden  because  they  were  close  and  never  really  fought,”  griffin  explained,  taking  a  second  to  pause.  “it  was  unusual,  yeah,  but  i  don’t  think  it  had  anything  to  do  with  what  happened  that  night.  michal  would  never  do...  that  to  melanie.  if  there  was  something  unusual  about  that  night  that  i  picked  up  on,  it  had  to  be  that.  other  than  that,  everybody  else  seemed  fine.”
can  you  tell  me  more  about  your  relationship  with  melanie?
"i  mean,  we  were  roommates.  we  met  freshman  year  at  orientation  and  she  was  the  first  friend  i  made  at  covington.  we  became  pretty  good  friends  after  that  and  would  hang  out:  study  dates,  movie  nights,  you  know?”  while  griffin  was  doing  a  stellar  job  with  keeping  her  guard  up,  it  now  started  to  falter.  even  though  she  wanted  to  remain  strong  when  talking  about  melanie,  those  last  words  got  caught  in  her  throat.  hot  tears  started  to  form  in  her  eyes,  but  she  blinked  them  back  before  they  could  surface. she  could  feel  her  hands  start  to  shake  and  she  clasped  them  together  before  setting  the  in  her  lap.  “i  didn’t  have  a  great  time  with  my  freshman  year  roommate  really  and  since  i  was  the  closest  to  mel  out  of  anyone,  i  asked  her.  she  said  yeah  and  we  lived  together  after  that.  we  were  really  close  after  that,  you  know,”  griffin  added,  voice  faltering  before  taking  another  pause.  “she  was  one  of  my  best  friends  and  this  whole  thing  just...  sucks.  it’s  horrible.”
do  you  have  any  reason  to  believe  that  someone  would  want  to  hurt  melanie?
griffin  took  a  second  to  answer  this  question,  trying  to  fully  collect  herself  after  her  emotional  breach.  “no,  i  really  don’t  think  there  is  a  logical  reason  that  someone  would  do  this.  most  everybody  adored  her,  they  really  did.  i  mean,  i  know  some  people  didn’t  like  melanie  and  had  their  differences  with  her,  but  i  never  thought  it  would  actually  make  someone  want  to  hurt  her.”  griffin  shook  her  head,  clearly  in  disbelief  by  the  idea  that  someone  would  indeed  hurt  melanie. 
do  you  have  any  questions  about  how  the  case  will  proceed?
“you  probably  can’t  answer  this,  but  the  fire...  did  that  have  to  do  with  any  of  this? other  than  that,  no.  i  don’t  think  i  have  any  questions.  thank  you  though.  i  hope  i  could  be  of  some  help.”
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venusxxlangdon · 6 years
“hope is a dangerous thing for a man like me to have”
Lana Del Rey — hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but I have it
Word count: 2974
Summary: a heart-to-heart talk with Outpost Michael in a bathtub. He doesn’t understand why the love of his life believes that he deserves salvation
A/N: this is my first fanfic, and there’ll be a nsfw part 2, if you guys find this part interesting! English isn’t my first language, but I have so much to say to Michael that it was impossible not to write this one shot. I hope y’all like it (because I’m super nervous and tried my best)! I’m also looking for the kind angels who could help me out with making a masterlist because I’m clueless when it comes to tumblr settings. Please, message me ❤️
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The background thoughts of hers that he always had a track of suddenly went off, making Michael stop typing on his laptop. It was too quiet. He couldn’t hear her. She was supposed to be in the west wing of their mansion taking care of the work, and all this time the frequency of her thoughts was like a radio wave in the ballroom of his mind, keeping him company while he was going through the endless list of emails from the Cooperative. He concentrated on his lover’s energy and sensed how enormously tired the girl had got. Having worked for several hours non-stop she stopped even though she wanted to proceed and finish as much work as she was able to. Michael chuckled. His over-productive girl. So competitive with her own self. Always eager to achieve more and to be the best one. Silly girl, to him she was always the best, his favorite, the one and only love of his life.
He knew she was in the bathroom. He could sense how tense her body was, covered with cherry-sent foam. Well, Michael thought to himself, maybe he had enough work for today and could relax a bit, too. He closed the lid of his laptop and concentrated on the place he wanted to appear in. It took him mere seconds and a tiny bit of his powers to find himself in a marble bathroom, where behind the closed door he heard the splashing sound of water. Noiselessly he approached the door and carefully pushed it. His heart started racing as soon as he saw her laying down in the bathtub filled with pinkish foam, with her eyes closed as she let her body relax and thoughts wonder away. His eyes traced to her locks, now wet and resembling snakes curled on her breasts that were always sensitive to his touch. Oh, he knew that for sure. Her lips parted when she raised her hands to stroke the braids of hair and wipe the bids of water off her cheekbones.
“I heard you,” she said slowly and opened her eyes meeting Michael’s heavy gaze.
The corners of his mouth twitched in response.
“I lost track of your thoughts for a second and decided to check on you,” he replied.
He put the tips of his fingers into the warm water, brushing the skin of her belly.
Her breath hitched as she watched him go down to her thigh sending electric impulses down her spine, and making her shiver.
“Maybe you shouldn’t listen to my thoughts in the first place,” she noted playfully, automatically spreading her thighs. She thought he would touch her right where she wanted him the most, but Michael’s touch went up to her bent knee, tracing random patterns on the wet skin. He hummed thoughtfully admiring the softness of her flesh. He heard how fast her heart started beating, saw the rosy flowers blooming on her cheeks, and sensed the arousal pulling between her legs that she willingly had spread for him a moment earlier.
“You think too loud,” he said, his voice calm and deep, cutting her bratty attitude, “especially when it comes to working.”
She sighed remembering the struggle.
“Yes, right. Could you please order our lovely members of the cooperative to fire everyone on their advisory team? The graphs these morons sent to me were horrible.”
Michael took her face with his right hand making her look up at him.
“I will, if it means that from now on your thoughts will be loud because you think of me, not work”.
A wide smile spread across her lips. She nodded enthusiastically.
“You exhaust yourself, love,” his tone was serious, “we agreed that you could help me, but only if it doesn’t drain you out, remember?”
She knew that he cared about her, and he was right, but how could she promise not to work hard when it was all about building the new world? The stakes were high, and even though Michal had all the responsibility, he did not know much about politics, the architecture of the world order etc. He needed help with that, and she was the one who volunteered to take care of it.
“I do remember,” she said focused on his touch, “ but I also promised you to do my best.”
Michael’s face was inches away from her. His golden locks framed it beautifully, cascading down his broad shoulders. He watched her face attentively, absentmindedly petting her flushed cheek.
“You are so power-hungry,“ his hot breath across her left cheek, lips ghosting over the sharp line of her jaw. She sighed holding into the edge of the bathtub, “ so greedy,” his intoxicating scent was everywhere mixing up with the cherry sent of the bubble foam. Michael’s free hand traveled down her breast, cupping the flesh and ridiculously slow circled the pink nipples with his thumb. She whimpered under his touch and leaned closer. His lips continued leaving traces of feathery light kisses across her jaw and neck, never meeting her parted lips, so eager to be kissed. “And I like that about you, my love...”
His mouth finally found hers, kissing greedily and making her moan into their kiss. Her hands found their way to his hair to pull the silky locks and make the man growled in response.
“ C’mere,“ she pleaded, breaking the kiss. Michael admired her glossy eyes, bright pink lips, and flushed skin of her cheeks and neck. Her breasts moved up and down above foamy water, forcing him to cup them with both hands.
“Not right now, kitten,“ he murmured.
She frowned, not clearly understanding what he had in mind. Michael stepped aside and under her pouty gaze started unbuttoning the cuffs oh his designer shirt to roll up the sleeves.
“I thought you wanted to take a bath,“ he answered her silent question. She bit on her lower lip and nodded. She curiously watched his every movement. Michael moved so slowly as if he was testing her patience, making her burn in her desire and lust for him. He grabbed a wash cloth and kneeled before the edge of the bathtub to make it soapy and wet.
“Just relax,“ his voice was soothing. She felt the familiar knot tightening at the bottom of her stomach, “your muscles are tense.”
She thought she was gonna cum right when his skillful fingers touched her neck to cover it with a thick layer of shower gel. He started massaging lazily, every movement of his fingers caused goosebumps on her tender skin. She nuzzled into his touch almost like a cat. A low moan escaped her lips when he slightly pinched the pink buds of her nipples.
Michael’s face was so close to her ear. He wrapped his full lips around her earlobe and bit down causing the girl whimper in anticipation.
“ Michael,” she whispered brokenly.
Her knuckles turned white: she was holding onto the edge of the bathtub as if her life depended on it.
“ Shhhhh, my love,“ he soothed her, his tongue leaving a wide stripe from her ear to her jawline. His lips finally found hers, and the girl hungrily kissed him back, their tongues fighting for dominance. She felt like she was floating in this pure ecstasy of uncontrollable desire for the men on his knees before her and unconditional love that was filling her heart with Michael’s every touch. “You smell so divine,“ he whispered in her ear, breathing in her scent .
His hands continued their journey down the valley of her breasts. The girl started to relax under his touch, her head was now thrown back, small moans occasionally escaped her lips. Her thoughts were slowed down now, intertwining with Michael’s ones, coating them like the sweetest honey. His heart flattered when he realized that he was the only thing on her mind. Just like he wanted.
Frankly speaking, he still couldn’t believe that someone like her could love him. She was no angel, but she saw the best in him and didn’t turn her back on him like other people in his life. She believed that he deserved salvation, and Michael found it extremely amusing.
He carefully started washing her hair. His fingers massaged the scalp of her head. The girl nearly purred under his touch. Michael thoughts that he might have understood her body, but when it came to her mind he found himself lost. Sometimes he believed that he knew everything about her thanks to his supernatural powers, but every time he reached the new conners of her subconsciousness, he realized that he understood nothing. She was like a river: always in a flow, 100% mutable. Never the same. “Only fools don’t change” she once told him. “The Universe itself is a flux, so why I should be different when I’m a part of it?”
Michael thought that the most important thing that he learned from her was that the world wasn’t black and white, and the light couldn’t exist without darkness, but for some reason she started laughing at him, when he told her that.
“The dependability of light and darkness doesn’t matter at all, Michael, because it will never describe how things truly are,“ she hurried to elaborate, “ Let’s say the invisible electromagnetic waves strike your retina, so the cascading complex of neurons light from the incoming stimulus is just your perception of this experience that we call a yellow brightness. The existentialist thinkers can throw stones at me, but whatever.”
“ So you are telling me that you know that the world is different from what you see? Because I understand what you are talking about, but just because I exist in multiple dimensions, but how can you?”
She shrugged.
“ I can only imagine it.”
So how was it all connected to Michael? She believed that he could be good as soon as he would stop considering himself bad, because it was all superficial constructs after all. Life would be easier if everybody realized that it didn’t have any purpose.
“Please, come to me,” her needy voice brought him back from his thoughts.
Michael put the wash cloth aside. Under her heavy gaze he stood up and started undoing the pearl buttons of his dress shirt. She squeezed her thighs when his hands moved to the belt. Long fingers discarded the slacks along with the underwear. Michael fixed the strand of hair behind his ear and came closer to the bathtub. The girl leaned forward to give him space behind her so he could settle comfortably with his thighs bracketing her miniature body. She hummed happily at the feeling of his bare chest against her back. His arms were carefully wrapped around her waist, hands peacefully rested on her creamy thighs.
“ Better?“ he asked pressing wet kisses on her shoulders. The feathery touch of his lips was so light, almost tickling. She smiled and laced their fingers together.
“ Much better.”
For a while the sound of splashing water was the only thing disturbing the comfortable silence between them. Michel closed his eyes letting him wonder in this sweet bliss. Their connection was the most mysterious thing to him: he remembered the first time he saw her he thought that his world shuttered into million pieces. His powers scanned the girl in front of him in panic since he thought she wasn’t a human being. Why there was a feeling that he had known her before? And her thoughts were so loud!
She felt the same way and the wave of her delight at the sight of him washed over him, making him gasp quietly. As if all the feelings suddenly crushed into him. Never in his life he felt that lonely. After his family rejected him he hurried his sorrow and pity deep inside him, but it seemed like the presence of the girl literary brought it all to the surface. It was unbearable and took him a while to calm down.
“Why do you think everyone deserves salvation?“ Michael broke the silence. The tone of his voice was serious.
The girl sighed. So was it the time for a big philosophical discussion?
“ Not necessarily everyone,“ she noted, “the guy from the bakery is a jerk. I doubt his chances, to be honest.”
She laughed, obviously kidding, but Michel didn’t appreciate the joke. HIs arms were still embracing her. He hugged the girl even tighter, resting his chin on top of her head.
“I still don’t understand,“ he whispered, “why do you believe that I deserve it?”
He knew the answer, but he needed to hear it once again. Under the facade of a strong and confident Antichrist there was a vulnerable boy, who needed love and recognition. The thought that he wasn’t enough had been bothering him for ages, and having such a great girlfriend by his side added to his list of worries. He wanted to be good enough for HER, but he didn’t know how. He was trying to learn every day.
She understood where it all came from. The only person who‘d been supporting him was a psychopathic Ms. Mead who worshipped him blindly. Michel never learned what it was like.... to be loved. It seemed like everyone was using him to fulfill their own egoistic desires: the warlocks wanted him to become the next Supreme, so they could reign the witches; the satanists wanted him to be their puppet, and none of them had ever asked what Michael heart truly desired. He was the victim of other people’s manipulations, they decided everything for him.
“Because you are misunderstood,“ she finally muttered, “people manipulated you when you were in the most vulnerable state during your identity formation...”
“I’m the part of the universal evil, love“ he interrupted, “what kind of identity are we talking about when I was born cursed? I tortured, killed, and betrayed, and it was natural to me.”
The girl cowered uncomfortably. She didn’t expect the discussion to become this serious. However, she knew it was going to take her ages to prove to Michael that he wasn’t a failure. And today was just another try.
“Remember when we talked about light and darkness?” she asked, “and you agreed that things are different from what they are. It depends on the dimension, perception and number of other factors, so why on earth can’t you let yourself think that you can be good at least in this lifetime?”
“ Because I know myself. I know that I’m a monster in every reality, you humans, haven’t even discovered yet.”
She turned around in his arms to face him. Their faces were on the same level now. His eyes were on her, searching in her face for any sort of doubt.
“How come I know absolutely different Michael then?” she arched her brow, “Michael who loves me, who takes care of me, who’ll never hurt me? Michael who’s been trying to be the best version of himself despite all self-hatred? You are the most powerful creature in the world, and you can use your energy for the inner healing instead of constant self-destruction.”
As she spoke, the tips of her fingers traced Michael’s brows, nose, and the sharp lines of his jaw. He didn’t say anything, hypnotized by her words.
“You think too much, my love,“ she smiled sadly, “you know I’d kill everyone from your past who made you this way, but at the same time I think that the wait for the Antichrist who’ll walk into their lives and appreciate their pathetic existence is quite a punishment itself.”
Michael sighed.
“They all are rotten to the core,“ he said closing his eyes.
“I just wish you stopped punishing yourself. Only the Universe is perfect, and you and I are just the parts of it, so it’s okay to make mistakes,” it was some sort of a mantra that she kept telling him every time he started doubting himself, “I want you to forgive yourself. You are the first person I know who wants to be good so desperately. But Michael, love, what doesn’t it mean to be good? Nobody knows it.”
He wished his heart didn’t ache at her words. He wished everything was as easy as she made it sound. The bubbles around them were gone, water in the bathtub got cold long time ago. The girl sighed. Who knew taking a bath together would lead to all that self-reflection? But at least, they had eternity to figure Michael’s traumas out , and she was ready to do it with her bare hands, but for now, she wanted him to relax and stop overthinking.
“Thank you,” he told her sincerely.
“Alright, let’s go,” she finally said and placed a quick kiss on his parted lips. She stood up, but before she could awkwardly step out from the tub, Michael wrapped his hands around her ankles. She smiled down at him and lovingly brushed the strands of his hair off his forehead. He let her go and followed her a moment later.
Michael wrapped a fluffy towel around her narrow shoulders not forgetting to place kisses on them. She squinted happily with a broad smile on her lips.
It was already dark outside. A silver of moonlight spilled into the room enough to ignite the chiseled features of Michael’s face. She crawled into bed and called him over with a beckoning sign. Michael sat down on the satin mattress and let her lay his back down on her lap. His hair resembled liquid gold, melting on her thighs. Just like she did in the bathroom, the girl touched his face lovingly, thinking that only angles could sculpt it. She leaned down to kiss him.
“Let me make you feel good”
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ssstylessss · 6 years
Insecure Harry
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In which your best friend confesses his feelings for you and Harry thinks that he should step aside
Words: 2.2K
For as long as you can remember you had, had one true friend in your life. He was the one friend that you never had grown apart. Wherever you went you always seemed to have him in your life. You meet in middle school and ever since that day you had been the best of friends. So, when the time care where you had to introduce him to Harry, the love of your life, and the man who had shown you what love was, one could say that you were truly nervous. For some reason, your best friend had never liked the boys you went out with and Harry was no exception. You brushed it off and just thought that it could be because he was just so overprotective of you. You knew that your best friend knew that Harry was a good guy and that he loved you.
You and Harry had been together for two years and you could honestly say that it was the best two years of your life. After having been together for a year, you guys decided that it was time to move in and living with him had been perfect too. You hoped that one day you’d be able to call him your husband. Harry had been able to give you everything you’ve ever wanted it a partner and he had also been able to travel the world with you and show you places you’d dreamt of seeing. Tomorrow you guys were flying to Greece with Anne, Gemma and Michal. You couldn’t wait.
So today you planned to go out with your best friend and go shopping so you could look great for Harry. All you ever wanted was to look good for Harry. You loved it when you caught him admiring you and you never wanted that to die out. You woke up at 9:00 AM and sneaked out of bed careful not to wake Harry and went into the bathroom. If there was one thing you had learned about Harry, it was that he was a heavy sleeper. Almost nothing could wake him up. When you had showered you walked back out to your bedroom and saw him sleeping. You couldn’t help but walk over to him and give him a kiss. He was just the most adorable sleeper. He didn’t wake up.
You went down stairs and into your kitchen. You made some breakfast for two and then ate yours and saved Harry’s. You wrote a note for him.
“God morning babe :)  
I’m getting some last-minute shopping done. I’ve made breakfast. Love you xxx”
You got in your car and drove off to meet your best friend. You could definitely see some photographers outside the gated community you lived in. They seemed to always follow you. You had gotten used to it and never voiced to Harry how uncomfortable they made you feel because you knew he would feel guilty about it. The truth was that there was nothing comforting about grown men following a young woman like you.
You met up with your best friend and told him to get in the car. “Doesn’t it get tiring with these people following you everywhere.” He said to you. He always seemed to comment something negatively. When you met with your girlfriends, they always praised you for dealing with this. He only judged you for it.
“Stop.” You sighed. “Just ignore it.”
You parked the car and went into the Kopper and Zinc store that you loved. They were your go-to swimsuit brand. You quickly found a couple that you adored. You even tried them on for your best friend and he loved every single one of them. “Do you think Harry will love them?” You asked when you had paid for them and your way out of the store. Something changed in his facial expression when you mentioned Harry, but you couldn’t quite figure out what it was. Before you had the chance to ask him what was wrong you had stepped out to find a group of photographers.
“Y/N, aren’t you proud of Harry for being nominated for a Grammy AND an Oscar?”
“Are you and Harry going to take the next step and get married?”
“What about children?”
The photographers kept asking questions about you and Harry’s future. It was no secret that Harry was absolutely head over heels in love with you. The fans had noticed how he spoke more and more about his desire to be married one day. Your friends and family knew that you guys were the real deal and serious about each other. Hearing these questions did something to your best friend and you had noticed it so when you unlocked the car with your keys, he angrily opened the car door.
You noticed that it was 1:00 PM. “Should we go get lunch?” You asked him and he nodded. You drove to the nearest Starbucks and got a table at the back with your food. When you sat down, you remembered that you hadn’t checked your phone all day. And when you checked you saw that you had a string of missed calls and text messages from Harry. You hated to have him worry about you. You quickly texted him that you’d be home in an hour and that you were having lunch with your best friend.
You then focused your attention on your best friend. “So, what’s wrong with you?” you asked him straight up. He was acting a lot differently today than he would be normally. You expected him to tell you that there was a family crisis, that he was stressed in university, that there was a girl whom he was confused about. You definitely didn’t expect him to tell you what was coming out of his mouth.
“I’m in love with you.” You froze. That was something you didn’t expect to hear. In fact, you didn’t believe your own ears.
“Wh-what? Come again?” You said as he looked you straight in the eyes.
“Oh, you can be so oblivious sometimes. Y/N, I love you. And I’m sorry, that I’ve never had the balls to tell you this, but hearing these idiots asking you about marrying and having children with this womanizing asshole made me see red.” He said as he tried to grab her hands who rested on the table. She quickly removed her hands from the table so that they were out of reach to him. You were shocked. But what overrode your shocked state was the fact that your best friend had the audacity to call your boyfriend, who was the most amazing man you had ever met a ‘womanizing asshole’.
“I get that you may be confused, but don’t you ever call Harry a ‘womanizing asshole’. He is the sweetest, most generous and kind man ever, you know this. So how dare you speak like this about him.” You were fuming. If there was one thing you hated it was when people spoke badly about Harry. In the two years she had been dating him, she can’t remember that he’s ever treated her badly.
You wanted to get up and leave, but you couldn’t do that. This was your best friend since childhood, and you couldn’t just throw him away like that. He could just be confused. You would know if he was in love with you. A woman always knows these things. “I’m not confused. I love you, Y/N. And I know I can love you better than he ever could. I mean, he’s away all of the time, why would you settle for that?” You were shocked. You just stared at him.
“This is a prank, isn’t it? Well, if it is. It sure as hell isn’t funny.” You said and walked away from him. You heard him call your name, but you just ignored him. As you drove him, you realized that there was a strong possibility that this wasn’t a joke. I mean, in a way it made sense. This would explain why he never liked any of your boyfriends. And it broke your heart even more, because you knew that Harry had noticed he wasn’t being nice to him, but you had always brushed it away.
When you arrived home after a long day of shopping, you found Harry sitting in the living room with a book in his hand and a glass of red wine in the other. You sighed as you sat down next to him. Harry noticed the way your demeanor was different from how it always. It concerned him when you weren’t smiling. Normally you would throw yourself at him and just kiss him for the benefit of kissing him and it would always turn into this heated make-out session.
“What’s wrong, petal.” He said as he placed the book and the glass on the coffee table. And that’s when you broke down completely and Harry was fast to grab you and pull you in. “Shh, baby. Everything’s going to be just okay.” He said while he stroke her back with his large hands immediately giving her comfort. Y/N needed to let herself cry first. “Let it all out.” He whispered in your ear, as he squeezed you tighter. Even in a moment like this, she loved being in his arms. “I love you.” She whispered. She suddenly felt tired and she yawned in his arms. “I love you more, my sweet girl. Why don’t you relax a little and then you can talk to me letter?” Harry said to her and she nodded.
Harry grabbed her a blanket and she laid down on the sofa immediately falling asleep. Harry was worried about what had made her so upset. He knew she was out with her best friend and it didn’t really bother him, because he trusted her. He knew she was as invested in this relationship as he was so he couldn’t see her breaking up with him to pursue a relationship with him, even though it could make complete sense.
Or maybe it was because of the fact that the paparazzi had followed her. He was 100% sure that they could’ve had something to do with it, so he checked twitter and he quickly saw a tweet from an account that was dedicated to both him and her. It was tweets that were written five minutes ago.
“@ynandhazhearted: “I was just sitting in Starbucks were I coincidently was sat right behind where Y/N and her best friend Y/BF/N sat, and you guys will never believe what he said to her. Basically, she asked him what was wrong with him and (c)
@ynandhazhearted: he basically confessed to her that he loved her and always had. And then he basically went on to say that Harry was a womanizing asshole and that he could treat her better. As if. Y/N was so shook. You could really see that she didn’t expect this (c)
@ynandhazhearted: bless her, she thought that it was a prank, but then he continued bashing harry and saying she was better off with him. Y/N walked away from him and left him there. Honestly, he has always seemed off and petty (c).
@ynandhazhearted: And I am so disgusted that he would try and come in between them now. You can honestly see how happy they make each other. I don’t even think that he could be a real friend to her for trying to come in between her and Harry (c).
@ynandhazhearted: Me and my bf are so shocked honestly. I’m rooting for Harry and Y/N. Get married and make some cute babies.”
Harry couldn’t believe what he was reading and when he threw his phone on the couch, he saw Y/N staring right at him. “He told you he loved you?” Harry exclaimed. His voice was loud, and he was shaking with anger. How could he tell her he loved her knowing damn well that she was with him?
“H-how do you know?” she asked him tears streaming down her face.
“So, he did tell you he loved you?” He yelled again.
“No Y/N, you should probably just go with him.” You couldn’t believe you ears. How could he just give up on you like that? “What?” – “No Y/N. He could probably make you happier. I know I bring you misery with these paparazzi and I’m never home.”
You were crying again. How could Harry say these things to you? You knew all you ever wanted in your life was him. Harry was full on crying right now. “Baby, how could you ever say that? I love you not him. You should know.”
You stood in front of him holding his face in your hands forcing him to look you in the eye. “I love you not him baby. There’s no one else for me but you.” Harry looked at you and tried to find anything that would indicate that you were unsure. You closed your eyes and leaned in and soon felt your lips against his. It was one of the best feelings ever.
“He could never love you like I could.” He said. “No.” you agreed. You pecked his lips to reassure him.
“He could never make you feel the way I make you feel.” He continued. Once again you agreed and placed a kiss on his lips.
“I don’t want you to ever leave me. You are my absolute world, angel.”
A/N: What do you think? Send me a dm or a request if you like my writing.
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legandaryharry · 7 years
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Where you wear something harry likes and steals you away just to show you how much he really does like it…
my masterlist x
leave feedback or requests x
warning: smut ————————————————————————-
Y/n was very hot
LA was currently being hit with a heat wave and she was not taking it very well. Y/n wasn’t use to this type of weather. She originally from a small town up near north of Washington, right smack dab outside the border of Canada. So living in a place where it would get as hot as 110 and cold as 60 was something she was not ever going to get use to. She living in Washington with her family for 21 years till she decided to leave and pursue her dreams. Y/n has always been a big animal lover, ever since she has lived right next to a huge lake she has became very fond with the animals that live deep down inside. After getting her degree in marine biology at the University of Washington she knew it was time to start living out her dream. After many and many more applications y/n got a call back from the Marine Mammal Care Center. It’s been years since she have moved to this small cozy apartment up in Playa Vista. Ever since y/n came to California her life has truly been better than ever, her career was really taking off,  was eating great food and went on amazing adventures but most of all met great people. The most important person that she came across was her boyfriend Harry, Harry Styles. Yes the Harry Styles that use to be the in the boyband One Direction but all of the boys have gone their own paths and became solo artists. Now some time after parting their own ways life has just been just getting better for the both of them. Y/n is happy at her job doing what she loves and Harry has now about to start touring the world promoting his first solo album. Before Harry packs his bags and leaves us all for for almost a year Jeff and Y/n decided to have a secret goodbye party for Harry. They all set it right in Harry’s backyard when he was away preparing for tour and shopping around with Harry Lambert to get all of his wardrobe together. Harry was in on it and tried to keep Harry out as long as possible so he wouldn’t come in and crash the whole surprise. Jeff and Y/n invited so many people to the party which included friends and family, they flew Anne, Gemma and Michal out. They catered food in and had a designer come in to help with the much need decorations up and all around the house. They had set up lights everywhere stringing all over the home to bright up the sky since it started to turn sun down before Harry would finally return back home. There was an open bar and an endless playlist of music to play throughout the entire night. Just as things were getting finished up y/n got a text message from Lambart saying that him and Harry would be showing up any minute.
“Harry will be here any minute, everyone get ready” she yelled out to get everyone’s attention, she looks over at Anne, Gemma and Michal. She gives all three a big smile when jogging over to them all and grabs a hold of their hands to hide, to duck away from Harry’s sight. All three of them hid behind the big black leather couch that Harry and y/n picked out when they were in about 6 months of their relationship. Crouching down on the cold tiled floor trying to keep a still so she won’t fall over, silently waiting for Harry to pop in through the door. In the moment she can hear the ever so slightly sound of the hand on the clock tick as each second passes by. Her head shoots up when she recognizes the sound of jingling keys and two voices coming from outside of the front door.
The door gets pushed open and she can tell that it’s Harry right away with the black leather Gucci loafers he stepped out in the early morning, the deep laugh he has whenever someone tells him a joke. Just then as he turns out to all of our clear view everyone pops up to him surprise. “SURPRISE” everyone yells out simultaneously when he steps his way into the living room. The surprise causing harry’s eyes to go big and his arms raise up to his face shocked at what is all happening
“Oh my god wow what is going on?” Harry gasps, stunned that everyone is here. Scanning his eyes all over to everyone till landing them on me. He stretches a big smile, causing his cheeks to turn red and one of his dimpled popping out on his left cheek. He drops the bags that he had resting on his forearms and puts them on the living room floor. He says a quick hello and shakes everyone’s hand, giving some hugs with some congrats from some friends. When he finally reaches the end to Y/n, Anne, Gemma and Michal he instantly pulls his mom into a big hug with a kiss to each cheek. Saying his thank you’s and telling them all how much he is happy to see them. He shakes Michal’s hand and pulls him into a side hug “hey man, good to see you” harry greets smiling back at him and looking over at Gemma and giving her a wink. When his eyes shift over to y/n he gets this sudden feeling, like everything else is a blur and she is the only thing he can see. The world stops spinning and the only two people in the room are them both.
“Y/n baby” he says reaching over to rest both of his hands into hers. Embracing his fingers into hers and raising it up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of her hand. Staring at all of the features of his face, even all of his flaws. The way when he smiles he gets deep dimples on his cheeks, that she gets a sudden urge to poke with the tip of her finger. The way that his hair is tossed like he has been running his fingers through it when he is slightly stressed. His golden tanned skin that he must of gotten from being all out this afternoon. He is so beautiful and all hers.
“Congrats Harry” she tells him pulling him in for an embrace. Wrapping her arms around him and nuzzling her face into the side of his neck. She can smell the warm sweet smell of strawberries and vanilla in his hair. He must of gotten into her shampoo and used it this morning when he taken a hot shower. She kisses the side of his neck lightly, rubbing and snuggling her nose taking in the smell of him. Making a trail up to his cheek with her lips, pressing her lips in wanting him to feel her love for him. Love being this close to him, love having him back home after not seeing him all day. The only interaction was him kissing her lips tenderly and whispering a goodbye when she was half asleep and in a matter of seconds he was running out the door.
“I am so happy to see you” Harry whispers into her ear, she can feel the light tickle of his breath as it barely breaths on the side of her cheek. He slowly runs his hands down her back, letting his fingertips dancing gliding further till he strikingly drops them and she gets the cue to pull away. When being pulled back into the reality of the party and the people that must be starting to stare at their unwillingness to detach from one another.
“I love you” She says smiling not wanting to take her eyes off of him, she feels like he might just disappear if she does for one moment. He raises his hand up and rests it on her left cheek, rubbing it and she leans her face into him. He lets go and turns her around, wanting her to be by his side. As much as he does love having her close up in his arms, feeling her warmth up against his body. Her skin is sweet like honey, eyes that could kill and body that is dangerous.
“I love you too” He says thinking about, why unexpected affection in front of his family? He took her right hand in his and squeezed it to reassure her. She just feels so screwed up in the head, to love a man that is so brilliant and beautiful. But she doesn’t care and life will take her as things go. If she is judged and considered crazy then so be it, because Harry is the only thing she really needs in life.
“Aren’t you two the cutest thing ever” Anne comments, taking away the attention from them both and directing it back over to them three. Harry and y/n giggling, getting internally flustered over everyone catching up on Harry and y/n’s conversation. Y/n growing up in a world where she just loved the idea of love and searched for it, but she didn’t know exactly what it was at that time. When she left all of her family back in Washington she never expected her life to turn around like this. She never thought that having a life involving a man like this was ever gonna happen to her.
“They act like this all the time mom, they can’t ever take their hands off of each other” Gemma says playfully rolling her eyes looking over Michal to see his reaction. But he ends up just laughing back at her and rubbing the back of his head looking over at another direction. “Hey what’s that look for?” Harry whines playfully back, making a little pout with his bottom lip. One minute he can look so manly with his deep voice and his muscle with his lean figure. Then next he can look like a little baby with his whining for love and affection, so vulnerable.
“Just kidding, just stating a fact that you both are very much attached to the hip” Gemma states to them smiling at the both, happy at just the fact that her brother has finally found his happy place. After that day he left knowing that was the last time her brother would just be the Harry Styles that was from Homes Chaples she knew he was gonna become something big. All she ever wanted in life was for was him to be happy, to do what he wants to do and surround himself with the right people. She could tell at one point that Harry started to get a bit lonely after he left One Direction. But the day that he came to visit her and expressed that he met someone she just knew that this girl must be special. With the way that he was smiling when speaking about her, when getting nervous and rambling on and on to their mother and her about y/n they both knew that this is what he was missing.
“Just don’t get pregnant, not yet” Anne comments laughing, but y/n knows deep down that she is being serious with the both of them. Harry’s eyes bulge out when hearing what his mother just spoke. He starts to cough, feeling shocked and getting choked up at what his mother said but also a little embarrassed that his mother would bring that up in front of everyone. He pulls himself together, covering his mouth and laughs out about it not taking it too seriously. As much as Harry loves children and loves the idea of children, loves the idea of having children one day with y/n but at this moment in his life he is nowhere near ready. The fairytale of one day in the future starting a family and having something he created with someone he loves, like y/n is something as beautiful as a dream.
Life for Harry has truly been taking off, in the best ways. Yes he has had his ups and downs but still he is doing what he loves. Living in anyone’s dream who else is wanting to pursue the life as an artist. Being with the music and getting to create what you want and what mindset you have, truly is like a living dream but in ways can be a nightmare. But when he is having this empty feeling in his heart that he doesn’t know how to fill, not with music not with friends or family not with excotic trips will fix it. When Harry met y/n he never thought that this is how his life would be. When he first saw her he thought she was just like a beam of light that lit up the entire room, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She just had this soul that was so inviting, like when you were a young child seeing someone you liked and you would get butterflies for no apparent reason. Y/n was a drug to Harry, pure ecstasy running through his veins creating this rush of euphoria.
“Mom we aren’t ready for that, don’t worry” Harry says, correcting his mother. He looks down to see the reaction that y/n has pulled but she doesn’t have much of one. Well if she did he is more leaning on her looking a little flustered, but she truly seems fine. Harry squeezes the hand that has been resting in his to see if she is okay. She looks up at him and gives him a loving smile. She lifts her hand up and pulls his face down to her’s, kissing the side of his cheek lightly with her red tinted lips. “Yes we aren’t there yet in our lives, but one day” y/n says smiling over to them up. Running her fingers up and down on Harry’s back, lightly skimming his shoulder blades with her fingertips.
As the night went on and Harry and y/n went around their home talking to many people. Everyone just being very welcoming, speaking highly of Harry and how they all see such a bright future coming his way. After Harry left One Direction he did start to get lonely, he was scared. Scared of what his life was coming to and if this was going to be the end for him. He was having a bit of an identity crisis, not knowing what he wanted to do with his life. But when everyone around him just told him to do what he wanted to, and now he is here. About to start traveling for a world tour, longer than y/n truly would like but she knows that it will be good for him.
Harry excused himself and jogged over to the bar to grab y/n and him another drink, specifically another gin and tonic with extra lime. Y/n was left standing here alone in the corner frontal entrance of her and Harry’s house. Trying to keep all thoughts to herself till she he hears shuffling and talking coming from behind her till she realizes that it is Anne and Gemma. “Y/n, what are you standing here all alone?” Gemma says and pulls y/n into a side hug, wrapping her left arm around y/n’s neck feeling like she might suffocate her any moment now. She looks over at Anne on the other side to see her reaction of her daughter’s actions. “Just waiting for Harry to return back with my drink”
“You and Harry are just the cutest thing ever, when are you guys getting married” Gemma asks me, Y/n smiles at first but does still get a bit nervous over the question. Her and Harry have been together for awhile now and marriage have come up a few times but nothing taken truly too serious. Just then Harry returns and with the look upon on his face she can tell that he must of heard Gemma.
“Gemma can you please stop bugging my girlfriend” Harry speaks up, looking down at them confused about why they would speaking up about this. Harry does truly love this girl and wants to spend the rest of his life with her but he likes where his life is right now and doesn’t want to mess anything up. Before Harry met Y/n he wasn’t such a big fan of serious relationships, he was with a few women here and there but nothing lasted. Then he was introduced to Y/n by a mutual friend and she has been everything he thinks about since. He remembers their first date and how he took her out to this supposedly secluded restaurant but you know how the paps are, they will always find you. Well that morning Harry was awakened to many texts messages from his management, many articles and photos up online about them two and many tweets from fans. He soon after talking to Jeff about what was gonna happen and what he should do he called Y/n. He was nervous to hear her reaction and see how she would like knowing that her face was plastered all over the internet. Feeling worried that people would find her social media and send her some rude messages that could cause her to be upset. When he rang her up and explained the situation to her and her opinion of it he knew that she was the one. She actually took a laugh to it and she told him that she knew the situation she was getting in dating the world famous Harry Styles.
“You look pretty sexy tonight” Harry says finally catching a glimpse of what she was wearing. She had some shorts on that showed a lot of thigh, more than harry expected since his mother is around but he really is not complaining. On top she had a bright yellow cropped top that showed off a bit of her stomach. Y/n most of the time didn’t show off much skin but once in awhile she did and sure did it excite Harry.
“Harry stop, people are around” Y/n says when Harry starts to run his fingers up and down, lightly dancing his fingertips on her back. Getting a good feel of the open skin on her back, the soft strands of the hair that are standing up from the slight cold touch that was just holding his glass. Harry chuckled to himself, finding is soothing knowing that in the moment of his life he was looking at y/n first off in her face. As sexy and sexually attracted he was to her he knew deep down that y/n was much more than that. He knew from day one and hearing her speak the first few words to him he knew that he would marry this woman one day.
“I’m sorry baby, but being stuck shopping around all day a man’s brain does wonder to some naughty thoughts… even if those thoughts are of you with your legs wrapped around my waist as I fuck the life out of your pussy” Harry whispers, lowering his lips down to her ear keeping his words low so only the two of them could hear.
“Oh my god… Harry, are you trying to kill me” y/n loudly whispers. Turning her face up at Harry’s and clutching his dress shirt with her fist. Pulling him down closer to her face, so close that he can feel her hot breath hitting his cheek. She lets go and raising her hand up to his face, lightly grazing her fingers down to his lips feeling the urge to kiss them. So pink, plump and soft, his lips are so kissable. Even after years together she can never stop thinking about kissing him, wanting to feel them all over her body.
“I’m sorry baby girl but did you really think that you could wear something that is so little right in front of me, and just not expect me to do anything about it” He strictly says to her, kissing the side of her cheekbone letting his lips rest upon there. He lets go and raises his body up off of her, y/n doesn’t make any reaction to his statement. He starts to walk away from her but decides to turn away to see if she has finally caught her attention. She has her head turned slightly just to catch him in the corner of her eye, even with the small sight she has she can still see the smirk playing on his face. With that kind of look, the darkness in his eyes and the small turn of smile on his lips y/n just knows what the night will come to.
As y/n stands there alone again while Harry went to socialize with Jeff, Mitch and y/n stood there left with all of her thoughts. Harry loved teasing y/n in public, even if they were in a big crowd of people he didn’t care. Just last month at one of his shows they were seducing and eye fucking each other till later that night when they both were all alone. The way his body felt on top of y/n’s and his hips moving in sync with her own. They had to stay quiet so no one would hear them and Harry was not afraid to use his words during sex. Y/n tried her best to keep her voice low and Harry would continuously have to bite the side of her neck to cover up his moans, but it ended up resulting into giving her some bruising.
She continued to sip on her drink, the cold rush of the gin running down her throat giving her this burning feeling in her stomach. She is starting to feel a bit tipsy, Y/n is a bit of a light weight since she doesn’t get to drink as much. Deep down she knew before she decided to get out of bed after Harry lightly kissed her lips half asleep and the cold morning breeze coming from the half open window that she had to do something to keep Harry’s eyes a little preoccupied for the night. She could still feel his eyes wandering over in her direction, she turned back in his way seeing him leaned up against the island having a conversation with Jeff but still that couldn’t keep Harry’s mind off of what you look like underneath of your clothing. The way your shorts rise up every time you even move an inch, how tight your top is and how short it is going past your belly button. Like how Harry has had the thought before “What was y/n up to? Why was she wearing this? Especially in front of his mother and sister, He needed to figure this out.”
On cue just as y/n expected Harry returned back to her, not surprised that he couldn’t keep himself busy with his friends. She can feel him coming up behind her, the loud sound of his boots with each step he takes. She has her back turned to him, smiling to herself knowing exactly how affectionate Harry is gonna be for the rest of the night…not like she is complaining. She feels his hot breath weaving up to the top of her earlobe and down her spine, the smooth touch made her body jerk a bit and feeling goosebumps rise. Harry reaches down and clutches her hand in his own, her limp fingers resting in his fist still not making any notion to his existence. He leans down to her level, his body towering right over her would probably almost freak and skid herself out of his embrace if she didn’t know who it was. He lightly steals a couple of kisses from her shoulder, pecking across the warm tan skin. The sweet smell of sugar was making him smile, just feeling so lucky to have such a beautiful woman in his life.
“Let’s go upstairs” she hears the low grown of tone coming out of Harry’s mouth, making her head tilt up and her awareness on high alert. She turns and shifts her body to get even a better view of his intentions for the night. With his body language and the way that he is looking at her in this manner she can tell that he isn’t for any fun in games anymore, unless that involves them both undressing no clothing and naked bodies moving together to create such a beautiful thing in humanity.
She doesn’t respond, she just turns and grasps his hand. She knows deep down that she wants the same thing. She isn’t gonna deprive and stop herself from being happy, from spending some alone time with her love even if other people are around and they do need to sneak away. He grips onto her hands and quickly pulls her with him up to their shared bedroom. She looks behind still having the sight of the crowd full of people lingering in their home. She wanted to watch out and to make sure that no one has noticed both of their sudden absence, but she knew that most of their friends would soon realize why Harry and y/n are gone. The coast is clear and they both speed over to the bed and close the door right behind the both of them, shutting it slowly making sure not to make any sound.
“Come here baby girl, let daddy show you how much he loves you” Harry makes his way out to her, sitting down on their bed with his arms behind leaning on the bed to keep his balance. He’s staring at her, head leaning down gawking at her like she is a piece of meat. She is his prey and he is her predator, looking more than just to eat her.
Y/n listens to Harry’s command and strides over to him, taking each step slowly making him get frustrated each second he waits. She is staring right back at him with the same look, not getting intimidated. The atmosphere is stronger than ever, the feeling of lust almost wanting to choke her to death. She finally reaches Harry and instantly takes a seat down on his lap not asking for any kind of permission. She wraps her arms around his neck running her hands up and through his hair, pushing her breasts out to pull his attention down to her body. Watching the way that his eyes scan over her, the curve to her hips when he hold on to them and moving down to her ass, giving it a nice squeeze and smack. The way that she reacts to his touch and the rubbing of his hands all over her body makes up so many memories of them together. The way that Harry reacts when y/n is on top of him, the way her hips rise up and down creating a rhythm with each thrust he gives.
Harry slides his hands under her shirt feeling the curves of her plump breast over her bra and sliding his fingers over the straps. Pulling her top over her head ready to see what is underneath, what he has been waiting to see all night long. When he rips it off he drops it down next on the floor Harry looks back up, this beautiful girl in front of him fresh faced all flustered from the making out. Her hair tousled from Harry continuously running his fingers and pulling at it. Harry reaches behind y/n and unclips her bra she reaches down with him and helps him, she still keeps her head down scanning over her now naked chest. Harry reaches down and lifts her focus back up to him, wanting her to connect back to him.
Harry stands up abruptly and pulls his t-shirt over his head, soon realizes that they don’t have much time to just be sitting around. As much as Harry would love to take all night to explore her body and showing her how much he loves her, but it’s just not one of those nights. Y/n gets the idea and removes her shorts with him, pulling both of their undergarments slowly sliding her panties down hitting the floor. They both stand there looking at each other, the cold breeze from the air making her arm hair stand up, because of that she feels the urge to get Harry close to her. She gently lays down on their bed, scooting her body up closer to the head board. Harry walks right next to her, Y/n lays there with her eyes closed as Harry dances his fingers up her arm.
“Baby, we gotta hurry” y/n acknowledged, Harry smiles and listens to her advice. Laying on top of her and taking advantage of the moment. They start kissing right away, the soft feeling of her lips on his. Takes him back to the very first time that they kissed, since the day they met Harry could not stop thinking about having her lips on top of his. She opens her mouth for him letting him slide his tongue in, at this point Harry knows exactly what y/n wants from him. Harry stretches down lifts her hips up gripping tightly to her love handles. Y/n was always insecure about her body, she always felt like since she had a few curves and some meat on her bones that I wasn’t attracted to her… but oh was she so wrong. Harry loved everything y/n had and more to give each and every day. Her smooth velvet like skin that he loved to rub and grab at every time she was ever so near him.
Harry rubs and grinds his crotch onto her, wanting to see her reaction just with a simple touch. She suddenly lets out a soft moan laying back and closes her eyes, the sound is like music to his ears. “Harry baby, I want you” she begs him, reaching down and grasps him making Harry jump and laugh at her unexpected touches. Harry doesn’t wait one second and listens to y/n request, Sitting up and lift her hips up and pushing her legs back to get a better position.
“Oh you want this, you want this baby” Harry says grabbing his erect cock and rubs the tip up againsts her pussy, trying to stimulate and collect some of her wetness. She lets out another moan and giggles at Harry’s actions, reaching down to where he is touching her. She grasps him again wanting to help him, Harry smiles and laughs at her moving his hips further against her. He feels himself slowly start to slide into her, the head of his cock poking into her warm wet walls. Harry throws his head back at the feeling, god he misses this feeling so much he thinks. He hasn’t been able to experience this with her in quite awhile, since he has been so busy getting ready to go on tour he hasn’t been able to have some alone time with her.
“God you feel so good” Harry moans out, not wanting to wait one minute to not being in her. He pushes in further urging his way in, watching the expression to play on her face, loving to see how she would react to his touches. He can feel that the way that she is squeezing his arms and running her fingernails down his back that he is making her feel good. Harry wanted to play dirty, he wanted to make her scream and make her beg, but he wasn’t gonna make her get what she wanted so easily. Even though laying here on top her with her wrapped around him and just in a matter of seconds he could fuck her and cum so quickly, but he wanted to play some games.
Harry sits up lifting up his torso and arms but not pulling himself out of her. Y/n notices the sudden stop of Harry and her lost of touch with his warm body. “Harry baby, what are you doing?” y/n questions harry, not understanding what Harry’s intentions are. He seemed so focused on having sex and getting in her pants, but now she’s worried that something may be wrong. Harry smiling and looking down at her, laughing to himself feeling ready to see what else he can do to get y/n to submit to him.
“It’s gonna take a lot more of you giving yourself to me to fuck your pussy” Harry says smirking and leans down to her ear, smirking against her ear and kissing the side of her cheek. He stays there still wanting to get her worked up, he knows that she is laying there with so many thoughts running through her mind at this moment. Y/n wants to feel him closer, the hard feeling of his cock inside of her and the pulsating of it makes her feel some what sane. His chest to her, the heavy breathing she can feeling from his breath and the slow drawn out touches on her body. She knows what she has to get Harry to give it all up, for him to listen to her begging and take care of her needs.
“Fuck me daddy” Y/n whispers in his ear, smiling to herself because she knows that she has him. She knows when saying that to him that he wouldn’t be able to control himself, she rarely ever called him that. Daddy wasn’t her favorite thing to pull out during sex, she does love rough sex but when your boyfriend is gonna be away for many months she wants something loving to come about in the bedroom. But with the situation with not having much time and knowing that this will get Harry off the quickest is probably the best bet.
Harry leans back up and smiles down at her, reaching down to her legs and putting them over his shoulders and gets right to work not wanting to waste any time. He starts to thrust up against her body, still holding her down so he would be able to get a better position. She starts to cry out, reaching up to Harry’s neck and pulls him down to her. She presses her lips to his, wanting to feel something intimate with him even though they can’t be here for much longer. Harry smiles into the kiss and squeezing tighter onto her thighs. Their lips pull apart and Harry notices a line of spit connected to the both of them, so Harry licks his lips and smirks and snaps a smile at her. “Fuck Harry yes faster, fuck my pussy” y/n moaned out, reaching and gripping onto the back of Harry’s head.
“Oh you like this, you like this baby” Harry trying to tease her, she pouts and throws her head back not being able to give much reaction. A growl rumbling through Harry’s body, he’s grinding down to her hips and gritting his teeth “God you feel so good little girl, you take me so well” As good as y/n feels he knows he doesn’t have much time to take in the moment and that they need to hurry up and finish. The soft kiss to his lips the smell of his skin that tastes sweet at strawberry champagne. But the feeling rushing through her body was like a roller coaster that she never wanted to end, like the rush of heroin to a drug addict she just couldn’t get enough.
She reaches down to where they meet and starts to rub and play at her clit, needing more stimulation getting closer to the end. She doesn’t want this to end, she loves this and loves being connected to Harry. A second of sadness and worries run through her head but instantly tries to block them out, not wanting Harry to see her like this and not wanting to ruin the last few hours they do have together. Harry continues to rock inside of her, feeling the pulsing of her walls wrapped around him causing him to get closer and closer to him finishing. The feeling his balls smack up against her bum and the stretching of his cock around her wet pink slick walls. He knew in any moment that he was gonna cum, he was gonna have the feeling of his cock pulsating and throbbing inside of her pussy. The background sounds of the commotion of people still downstairs, thankful that there is still a party going on not wanting their absence unnoticed for too long. Y/n could lay here wrapped up in Harry’s arm for the rest of her existence and never leave, the only place she feels whole and loved is with him.
“God y/n I’m gonna cum” Harry moans out to her, tightly gripping onto her hips and pounding hard into her. He looks up and squeezes his eyes shut not taking in any mind of her and just wants to feel her’s and his body together. Cherishing the very last few minutes they have till they both finish and will have to return to the party. The curve to her body from her hips to her back and leading to her breasts, Harry softly gripping and squeezing. Y/n moans out when he does so and clutches her hand on top of his to hold him onto her, loving his hands on her body.
“Ahhh yes Harry yes I’m coming” Y/n yells out, not caring if anyone can hear her and Harry didn’t seem to notice much either. His thrusts start to get sloppy and messy, meaning he is about to cum. He leans down and puts his face into her neck grunting and gritting his teeth, trying to ride out the last final moments. “Christ fucking hell y/n ughh ah, my sweet y/n yes make me feel so good” Harry yells out, biting onto her shoulder trying to muffle out any of the sounds he is making. Gripping tightly onto her hips, digging his fingernails into her skin feeling like he almost might break through. When she feels his grips loosen and his hands unclench, lips start to softly kiss on her neck that this is it.
Harry lifts his head and looks at her saying nothing, both have no expression to their face. Harry gets a rush and rolls himself off of her, y/n feeling a sudden cold and loneliness without having Harry’s touch with her. She looks over at him turning her head laying her cheek down, staring at him seeing to get his attention. Harry is smiling from ear to ear, confused on what he is so happy about. “What you smiling about mister?” Y/n questions Harry, reaching her hand up to his face and turning himself towards her way. His hair is a mess and his skin is glowing with dried up drops of sweat.
“Just in love” Harry answers, pulling y/n into him nuzzling herself into his chest. They stay there together taking in the last few moments together before they get dressed and head back to the reality of their life. Y/n pulls apart from Harry and sits up, Harry still lying behind knowing that he will be more of a struggling getting up and out of bed just like every morning. She gets up out of bed and grabs her clothing up off of the floor and lays them on the bed getting ready to re dress. Harry smirks watching her pay not attention to him and his stare, reach up to grasp her hand wanting her to turn to him.
“I don’t wanna go” Harry states, wrapping his fingers and intertwining them with hers. She turns to him turning her top inside out and slipping it back over her head. Looking over Harry gazing at him, lying naked in bed a sweaty mess but full stupid giggles and laughs. Harry is always like this after sex, he just keep in his happiness or to express his love so he laughs and is very goofy. Y/n grips hard onto his hand and decide to pull him up off the bed, not answering back to him and him just following through with what he needs to do. Y/n picks up his things and help him get dressed pulling his such way too skinny jeans and his soft satin button up but leaving out a few showing his chest. Running your finger through his hair trying to use them as a makeshift brush to clean him up a bit, and to make him look like he didn’t just have a wild sexcapaid like we did just minutes ago.
“Thanks babe” Harry says smiling down at her looking right into her eyes, running his hand through her hair and laying it right under her cheek. Leaning down and kissing her lips, parting her lips for him but not deeping it to much so they won’t get trapped into kissing for to long. Y/n soon let go and lean back down onto her feet, turning back around walking my way over to the door. Harry followers right behind her catching up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing the top of her making her feel so loved. Laughing to herself that this all started just because of what she choose to wear today. But for now on they will they will be returning back to the party like nothing even happened.
hope you all enjoyed the story i worked very hard on it and would love some feedback thank you have a good day - maddy
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saviourfinn · 7 years
First thoughts/remarks about Black Panther
so i just saw Black Panther tonight and I loved it!!
Major Spoilers under the cut.
Critics were right when they said Black Panther isn’t your typical blockbuster action movie. It’s packed with phenomenal action scenes, yes. But it’s so much more than that. It’s also a spy movie, a movie about civil war and allegiances, a movie about the conflict between traditions and globalization, a movie about family feuds à la game of throne, and about what to do in the face of oppression. To be honest, it barely feels like a Marvel movie, which is so refreshing. I’m gonna go ahead and talk about several points, it’s gonna be disorganized because i’m tired but who cares.
Wakanda is. so. freaking. awesome. All of it is very afrofuturistic,which is awesome. I love the fact that they didn’t make the whole country into a technological marvel, you see the technologically advanced city, yes, but also the small villages, the shepherds in the countryside etc. Despite the city being super modern, there’s still red soil in the streets, and as an african it really felt like home (or what home could have been without the colonization). I loved how the Wakandan people dress, a mix between traditional clothes and modern clothes, the elder wearing more traditional clothes and the young people (esp Shuri) being more adventurous and afropunk in their aesthetic.
I loved Wakandan’s tradition to access the throne. The whole ceremony and trials were really impressive.
I loved how the tribes were all different, they all had different particularities, purposes and ways of life. Just like most african countries (and a lot of other countries), Wakandans aren’t made up of one singular group, and all these tribes can and have come in conflict, which is one of the main themes of the movie.
Brooooooooooooooooooooooo, the Wakandan tech????????????????????????? So fucking awesome. The members of the Tribe of the Door all wear a thick, colourful piece of fabric draped around their shoulders, and i thought it was just their Aesthetic until they raised it with an arm and it created a freaking electromagnetic shield!!!! There’s vibranium in their clothes and thanks to it they can summon a shield whenever they want I lost my freaking mind in the theater during this scene i’m not gonna lie.
The women in this movie were so awesome, especially Shuri, Okoye and Nakia. They are all complex characters with different values, purposes and motivations, and they all get a lot of screentime. They aren’t defined by their relationship to T’challa, but by their personal convictions. One of the main themes of the movie is allegiance, and to whom/what you are loyal to. Okoye is loyal to her country and the vow she took as a Dora Milaje to protect the throne, and watching her stick to her ideals despite being torn from the inside by her feelings is just heartbreaking. Nakia is loyal to her moral compass and her belief that those who can help others should help them, and everything she does is driven by this mindset.
Even though i always loved the fact that Nakia would be T’challa’s love interest, I was a little worried that the “love interest” part would swallow other parts of her character. It wasn’t the case at all. Sure, she has feelings for T’challa and deeply cares about him, but she would never sacrifice her ideals and moral values for his sake. Actually, at the end of his character development, T’challa is the one who ends up seeing the world like Nakia does.
I love the playful relationship between the characters. Most of the main characters know each other since childhood or their teenage years, and it shows. Okoye and Shuri teases T’challa all the time, and they all behave like a big family.
Shuri. Oh my god, Shuri. A lot of critics said that Michal B Jordan’s Killmonger was the stand out of the movie, but even if i loved his character, i don’t agree. Shuri is. She’s captivating, funny and resourceful, and every one of her scenes is a breath of fresh air. She’s a genius and at only 16, she’s the leader of Wakanda’s technological and medical department. She has her own huge lab in the middle of a vibranium mine, and literally all of the cool tech in the movie is made by her. She’s clearly passionate about what she does, and every time she talks about one of her inventions, her eyes light up and she’s so proud. She’s also a multitasker because during a fight scene, not only does she fight herself, but she has to give instructions to her brother and to another character so that they can win their own fights lmao. But despite being a genius and having a lot of responsibilities, she’s obviously still a kid. She’s always joking and teasing people, and like every teenager she isn’t a big fan of lengthy traditional events. She’s eager to get into action, as her young age prevents her from going on the field, and she wants to discover the world. She is very close to T’challa, their relationship is adorable, and she never misses a chance to make fun of him. Really, Shuri is so much fun.
Black women on screen!!!! So much of them!!! 3 of them being main characters!! It’s so rare for a Marvel movie to have more than 1 main female character, let alone pass the Bechdel test, let alone have black women in speaking roles. They were so badass and layered characters, truly thank you Ryan Coogler for my life.
Erik Killmonger. Such a great, complex villain. He reminds me a lot of the character Lorenzaccio : an anti-hero who, to be able to get his revenge, behaved like his enemy, just to lose himself and turn into the very monster/villain he hates. He raises excellent questions to T’challa and the Wakandan government : they always had the resources and ability to help other people, and yet they never did. When their neighbours got enslaved and colonized, they just hid, and not once during centuries did they try to help. What should one do in the face of their neighbours being in trouble? Should you isolate yourself, ignoring others’ suffering to ensure your people’s safety? Or should you help those in need? After all, who can say if some african countries couldn’t have resisted colonization if they had had access to Wakanda’s tech. Erik wants justice, but in the way of reclaiming it he became a bloodthirsty killer. And the narrative made it clear that he wasn’t born that way, he could’ve turned good. But after his father died, King T’chaka left him all alone to grow up in Oakland’s ghetto, and all the violence and suffering + his abandonment helped turn him into a resentful, angry man. And when he accuses Wakanda of abandoning other black people, he isn’t just talking about them. He’s also talking about himself, who got abandoned by his own family.
Another great thing about Erik : he also represents (at least for me) the diaspora. He’s half-american and half-Wakandan, and he lived in the US for his entire life, so Wakandan people consider him p much like a foreigner --despite the fact that he is also Wakandan.
T’challa’s journey during this movie was to realize that his father (and the government) weren’t as kind and selfless as he thought, and that he had to make a choice. As a king, he can either keep on maintaining his predecessors’ isolationist politic, or open his borders to try and help people in crisis. He realizes that he can’t stand by and watch innocents get murdered while the Wakandans are all nice and cozy in their country, not anymore. He saw how abandonment and violence shaped Killmonger, and he realizes that the only way to help people is to be compassionate. And in the actual political/social climate, where people close their borders to refugees and turn a blind eye to minorities being oppressed, it’s a really important decision.
Black Panther talks about a lot of real-life problems : what to do in time of crisis -- build walls or build bridges?, the brutal oppression of African Americans, the kidnapping and abuse of Nigerian women by terrorists (there’s a scene where Nakia and T’challa save women who were being abducted by those terrorists), etc.
Negative points (because nothing is perfect) :
They could have developed W’Kabi more so that we understand him and his motivations better. I understand that we couldn’t have 4 hours of movie lol, but the result is that his character is somewhat flat compared to others.
They speak with an african accent, and yet they pronounce the “T’” wrong lmao. Most actors are not native so i don’t hold it against them, but during the first few minutes it distracted me from the movie. They pronounce it T-ee-challa when "T’cha” is supposed to be pronounced like in the word “chat”. But again, it’s just a pet peeve because every day i hear europeans pronounce african names wrong.
Other remarks :
I’m so sorry for Erik/T’challa shippers... y’all are gonna have to cancel your ship, Coogler did you dirty à la George Lucas lmao
There’s a cool scene where Nakia is wearing a hijab and she’s beating up bad guys, it’s so rare to see a hijabi woman in an action scene it was awesome (she doesn’t wear the hijab all the time, just in that scene, but still).
I probably forgot/left out a lot of stuff, but that’s all for now!
shout out to my sister @wouriqueen who brought up a lot of relevant points!
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imagine-hs · 7 years
A Rockstar For Christmas - 1
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Here we go! The first chapter of my new fanfic!
Also available on Wattpad now!
You can listen to the following album while you read this story to get you in the Christmas spirit. I listened to it most of the time while writing :D
5 Days to Christmas
When your boyfriend told you he was from a city between Manchester and Liverpool you didn't give it much thought. There were a lot of cities there.
So as you drove down with him to spend Christmas with his family, all you felt was nervous about meeting them. If only you had known then how it would turn out, maybe you would have just thrown yourself out of the driving car.
You loved the English countryside and as you drove north the steady rain turned to snow, covering hedges, trees and fields. It was like driving into a Winter Wonderland. The hours passed and you dozed off.
"Babe, we're almost there.", your boyfriend's soft voice woke you.
Yawning you stretched, like a cat, and looked around. Everything was covered in snow. You smiled. This was how Christmas was meant to be spent. Your eyes caught on a sign: 'Welcome to Cheshire'. You inhaled quickly.
"You're from Cheshire?", you asked your boyfriend, eyes wide.
A frown appeared between his eyebrows. "Yeah...didn't I mention that?"
Weirdly enough, he hadn't.
"No.", you muttered, chewing your lip.
"Is that a problem?"
"Huh? No, it's just... I didn't know, is all."
You couldn't very well tell him that you were absolutely ecstatic about this development, because your long-time celebrity crush grew up in Cheshire and would probably be here for Christmas as well and that there was a chance that you'd meet him. No, you couldn't tell your boyfriend that without him getting at least a tad jealous.
Cheshire was beautiful, with its red sandstone buildings. It had an old timey feeling to it, like a Roman soldier would pop around a corner in the next second.
The house your boyfriend's parents lived in was one of the few timbered houses and slightly more stunning than the rest.
"Ready?", he asked, taking your bags in one hand and yours in his other.
You took a deep breath, then nodded.
On the inside the house was even grander than on the outside. It was obvious his parents had money. Everything looked very luxurious and expensive. Soft red carpets, golden highlights everywhere and dark brown wood paneling on the walls.
You bit your lip, cleaning off your UGGs on the doormat, hoping they might turn into a pair of expensive leather boots, if you just shuffled long enough.
"Mother, father, we're here.", your boyfriend called.
Yup, not mum and dad, nope, mother and father... That should have been your first clue to turn around and leave, but no. And just like that fate took its course.
The parents were actually very nice, a bit snobbish maybe, but mostly nice. They let the two of you get settled in your boyfriend's old room, which was twice the size of YOUR childhood room, before taking you out for a walk to show you around. His mother though insisted that you change.
"You've been in these clothes all day. We want to leave a good impression, right?"
You had no idea who exactly you wanted to leave a good impression with, but you changed nonetheless. And then his mother actually handed you a pair of expensive leather boots.
"Here. They are my niece's but they never really fit her. Your feet look small enough."
She said this all with a broad smile, therefore giving the illusion she was actually being nice and not insulting your style.
You smiled back and took the shoes. They were really soft and warm and not at all as uncomfortable as you had expected. Alright, maybe you had judged too hastily.
No one was apparently bothered by the ever falling snow outside, so you tried not to be either. But it got in your eyes and in a matter of minutes your hair was drenched. Whenever you tried to pull up your hood though, your boyfriend's mother said: "Oh no, let's not hide that pretty face of yours."
And that was when you realized what was going on. They were showing off their son's girlfriend, the potential daughter-in-law, future mother of their grandchildren.
You shivered, not from the cold.
"That's our church over there.", your boyfriend explained, gesturing at a big construction.
"Wow. Can we go in?", you asked, already moving towards it.
"We're going there later for mess, hun.", his mother told you.
You nodded, walking back. Your eyes were still on the church, as your boyfriend's father said: "Oh, there is Anne, we should introduce you."
Your boyfriend was about to protest when you stumbled...mostly over your own feet. You saw the pavement coming closer and mentally prepared for the pain that was going to follow. Instead a pair of strong arms wrapped around your chest, keeping you from colliding with the ground.
With a sigh, you turned in the arms that were holding you, expecting your boyfriend. But it weren't your boyfriend's brown eyes looking back at you. Green orbs stared down at you, through some damp, brown curls. The foreign eyes widened, since you had been about to kiss the stranger, wrongfully. You pulled back, almost falling again, but the guy held onto you tightly.
"Wonderful reflexes, Harry.", your boyfriend's mother cheered.
Oh no, nonononono! This was not happening! The eyes DID seem familiar... Oh gosh! You felt the heat rise up in your cheeks.
Harry smiled and pulled you up, setting you safely on your feet.
"Th-thanks.", you stuttered, staring at the ground.
"No problem."
"Yeah, thank you for catching her.", your boyfriend said, wrapping a protective arm around you.
"Anne!", his mother called to the dark haired woman heading your way.
She smiled, looking as stunning as you'd imagined. Gemma was with her, holding hands with her boyfriend, Michal.
The two women kissed cheeks. Hands were shaken, all the while you stood there, watching in stunned silence.
Gemma was the first to acknowledge you. She gave you a big smile.
"Hey, I'm Gemma.", she said, stretching out a hand.
"Y/N.", you answered, shaking it.
"Oh, how rude of us. This is Y/N, our son's girlfriend.", your boyfriend's mother introduced you.
You gave a weak smile, shaking first Anne's, then Michal's and lastly Harry's hand. A spark of electricity ran through you at the touch. His eyes were warm and friendly, scanning your face curiously.
The parents small talked, while Gemma tried to start a conversation with you. Instead your boyfriend kept answering for you, though entirely unaware of the shock you were trying to shake off.
"And apparently she doesn't speak for herself.", Harry remarked dryly, after your boyfriend had answered the third question directed at you.
The look on his face was what finally pulled you out of your reverie. You grinned.
"Nah, I just answer REALLY important questions, for everything else I have my secretary.", you gestured at the boy next to you, who didn't look all that amused.
Gemma, Michal and Harry laughed.
"I see. So I should come up with more important questions then?", Gemma asked teasingly.
"Preferably.", you returned, your chin lifting a little.
"Hmm, ok. What is your opinion on climate change?"
You all broke out laughing, making the parents look.
"Seems like the kids are getting along.", your boyfriend's mother noticed.
"Do you have dinner plans yet? Maybe we could take you out?", Anne wondered.
Everyone from your group nodded in agreement. So you set up a time and restaurant to meet at. Then you said goodbye to everyone, your eyes lingering a little too long on Harry. Gosh, he was even more gorgeous in person...how unfair. He gave you a big smile and a hug, the best hug you had ever gotten in your life truly!
"I can't believe you know the Styles'.", you said to your boyfriend as you walked away.
He just shrugged.
"Nothing special."
You shook your head.
"So cool."
And that was the first time you saw your boyfriend sneer at you. You didn't care for it.
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