#the way she’s literally so pretty too jfc !!!
goodmiffy · 10 months
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i literally despise men so fucking much
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karingu · 1 year
can i say something about inukik & inukag lol
For context, I’m a latecomer to this series. I just finished it last month in the year 2023. And “Did Inuyasha love Kikyo more or Kagome more?” is sort of a weird debate for me.
Because it's sort of implying that "love" could be quantified or something. Like it’s something you can point your finger at and count. But from my, ahem seasoned expertise, that’s not how it works.
So I want to look at it in a different way.
Let’s get it straight. Love is not quantifiable. Inuyasha loved both Kikyo and Kagome the best way he knew how. He was genuine about both of them. His feelings were earnest and true.
But you can’t deny his love somehow feels... different between the two of them.
So what is it? What is this difference?...
*deep breath* please bear with me I need to get this out of my system
Inuyasha loved Kikyo. But their love felt transactional.
Kikyo showed him kindness, didn't try to kill him, treated him like a normal person for once. But... she was kind of in a sad place in life. In protecting the jewel, she felt robbed of a normal life. So, she asked him one day, "Will you become human and destroy the jewel? For me?" Kind of a tall ask, but I don’t blame her. She was feeling miserable. And Inuyasha's like, "Yes, of course!"
But then she died. And got resurrected. And Inuyasha's like “well shit, now I REALLY need to do something for her. She DIED because of me.” That's really what's driving his love (is it love anymore? idk) at this point. It feels like he's chasing to pay off his debt.
That's what I mean by “transactional.”
Okay, so Inuyasha loved Kagome too. But their love felt unconditional.
Kagome also showed him kindness, didn't try to kill him, treated him like a normal person etc. just like Kikyo. But she doesn’t really need anything from Inuyasha, right. She’s content with her life and all. So... she didn't ask for anything back. She just gave kindness to him and went on her merry way. Ok ya, sometimes she gets a lil grumpy (she’s human) but she always believes in him, trusts him to do the right thing, supports him when he's weak, yada yada... and like, that's it. Inuyasha even tries to make himself look like the bad guy, steals her shards, freakin’ pushes her into the well to get her to go home (cuz he didn’t want her to get hurt anymore), but Kagome comes back HUGGING him LMAO
Kagome is giving him literally nothing but love and trust and support. Not really expecting anything in return. She just wants to see him be his best and do his best. Encourage him during hard times. Even when she sees him with Kikyo lol… Clearly it hurts her and she realizes she caught feelings (oops), but she accepts that about herself and holds on to her desire to support him through and through.
She kinda says to him, "Hey… I know my place (in relation to Kikyo), but I still want to support you. I want to see you smile and be happy. Will you let me stay by your side?"
DAMN. Inuyasha says, "You’ll stay for me?" (well, in the anime in Japanese that's what he literally says, I replayed that scene like 500 times to make sure I heard it right). And she's like ya! Let's go!
CMONNNN. His brain is probably like “NO STOP! I OWE MY LIFE TO KIKYO!” but his heart is already saying “JFC THIS GIRL. I LOVE HER.” And he wants to do everything for her, not because he's indebted to her. It's not a transaction he needs to pay up. He does it because he really wants to.
So like, people making a ruckus about “Inuyasha Loved Kikyo!!!” vs “NO INUYASHA LOVED KAGOME!!” And I’m just sitting here going, uhh. I mean y'all both right! He... loved them both? Hello? And he loved very adorably for both of them. He’s such an honest lover.
But the circumstances in which he loved each girl are totally different. 
With Kikyo, the circumstances were pretty dire. They were both deprived of something important to them. Her, a normal life. Him, just basic love and affection. They weren’t able to love each other with no strings attached bc they both still had stuff internally to deal with (her: the need to be liberated & him: insecurity). But, regardless, they shared a special bond that can’t be replaced. That’s a given.
Kagome... gave him better circumstances to love. Her love made him feel light. It felt so good and positive. She taught him a lot on what it means to trust and love someone unconditionally. He could show her all his ugly and she accepts that about him. She helped him meet lifelong friends too, Miroku, Sango, Shippo... And he really treasures her for that. They also shared a special bond that can’t be replaced, literally no one can replace bc he basically screams out loud (in the Meido) she is his soulmate. :’) suh cute
I think at the end, yeah, Kikyo might’ve got some smooches and our InuKag friends are like D: But… I’m romantic ace so maybe I see it differently, but it’s just a kiss. I never doubted that the only kiss that would truly make his eyes light up, the only kiss that could cause his entire soul to leap out of his own mouth and stun him into silence, is a kiss with Kagome. And Rumiko Takahashi did that without actually providing us a kiss scene (in the manga). 
Takahashi made me trust Inuyasha like how he and Kagome trust each other. :((((
That’s... incredible. Standing ovation character building 👏🏼
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catastrophicdisasters · 2 months
i promised myself i wouldnt keep inflicting TUA essays on people who... probably do not want to hear them lmfao so, MORE YAPPING INTO THE VOID
i'm in the middle of my rewatch rn (i am not going to be caught up in time but we're not thinking abt that rn) and have Thoughts abt the Luther / Allison... thing
i mean, we all agree while it's not technically incest... it's still incest, right? that said, they did kind of pop off with the dancing in the moonlight dance scene. i rlly want the dress Emmy wears, it's so pretty
BUT like, i remember watching it the first time and being like "... why?" bc it's just... it's kinda cute, but mostly it's just weird. even at the time, i didnt think it was going to last the season, i fully expected (hoped) for it to get wrapped in the "we shouldnt be doing this" by the end of s1
but watching it back it really just highlights how alone they both are? that, realistically, it was never more than a friendship / tiny crush, that just... ended up going to more places than it should've because they were just so, so isolated from normal life?
allison says it herself - "maybe you're the only person who really knows who I am and still likes me anyway". they never had any real human connection other than the rest of the Umbrellas - they were child celebrities, superheroes, even!
and Allison may have left, may have had a life outside of the academy, but when you think about it she went from being a famous child superhero to a famous actor - nobody ever knew her. it's even implied that she rumoured patrick to love her ('i heard a rumour that you love me'), so it's likely that even her husband didn't really know who she was. and also, let's face it, who in the 'real world' is really going to understand what it's like to be part of a family of superheros and raised by a robot mother and... Reginald? (im not even gonna begin to unpack what he did to those kids, jfc) other than someone else that was there, who experienced all of it, right along side you
(shared trauma, and all that)
"You're the sweetest, kindest man I've ever known" - yeah, probably because every other man she's ever met has wanted to use her for something, most likely her fame. to be able to say that they dated ~Allison Hargreeves~, one of the amazing Umbrella Academy kids, or that famous actress, and not because they actually liked her or had any interest in her as a person. or, she rumoured them to be interested in her, so the entire 'connection' she had with them was fake from the outset - entirely built on lies and superficial bullshit
(coming back to this at the start of s1e8, the way she visibly deflates and looks kind of uncomfortable/resigned when the policeman recognises her and starts acting differently. but then she takes advantage of it. admittedly, in this case, she’s trying to hunt down her sibling, but... you know?)
in fact, it's likely that none of her connections outside of the academy were ever real, so it's not surprising that Luther is the only one she felt that kind of connected to. they all talk about how Five thought he was superior to them all, even before he jumped; Viktor was left out of everything;, none of them took Klaus seriously, and i'm p sure i remember it showing him rolling a joint at a breakfast; it sounded like Diego and Luther were always at odds with each other (and if she was closest with Luther anyway, she'd take his side in any arguments); and Ben looked pretty shy, and then he was gone too.
and Luther... Luther lived to be Spaceboy, the academy's Number One. he says it, too: "I sacrificed everything for him, my entire life. I never left this house, I never had friends, and for what?". maybe Allison had these fake connections, but Luther didn't even have that
so it's not surprising that they were - or thought they were - in love with each other. they literally have no idea what real human connection looks or feels like
i don't think their relationship was ever meant to be anything other than a way to highlight that, personally
everybody else's trauma manifests in clear ways, but Allison? with her movie star life, her husband and child? she's normal! she got away! and Luther? he was happy as Spaceboy, nothing bothered him! just endless frustration at his siblings who didn't take their jobs seriously.
and their weird little psuedo-incestuous relationship proves that
at least to me, anyway! obvs youre free to disagree with me lmao, and i havent gotten to s2 in my rewatch yet so i couldve forgotten / missed something entirely obvious
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celticbotanart · 5 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to some of your favorite mutuals 💌
I was tagged by @sideadde, thank you so much!! Sid tagged me on my personal blog but I'll just go ahead post this here since it's a music post - this blog has been pretty dead too as I mentioned on my previous post, so this is a good way of posting SOMETHING here, at least. SO, I dont have a favorite-FAVORITE playlist, so I'll just use this opportunity to activate my Brazilian music playlist - accurately named "Tropical Gothic" bc our music is very fun and lively but also a lot of them is more melancholic than y'all from outside might think kkkkkk
Let's do this!
Milton Nascimento - Peixinhos do Mar ("Little Fishes in the Sea")
Starting strong! The song seems to be an adaptation from folk music and it shows - he says "Who taught me how to swim / It was, oh sailor, it was the little fishes in the sea", which is very whimsical. Then, it goes on and it also mentions how Portuguese came from overseas to Brazil, "bringing gunpowder, lead and bullets, we want to fight wars". You see what they did here, lol
2. Zé Ramalho ft Belchior - Garoto de Aluguel ("Rentboy")
This one is a huge favorite of mine djkfhdjhgf It goes HARD on the tango, accordion and all, it's just SO good. Zé Ramalho and Belchior (and Milton from the previous track) are like... legends, they are incredibly important figures to the brazilian music history, especially Milton and Belchior, really. I highly recommend going for their stuff if you're interested in more MPB ("Brazilian Popular Music" in Eng)! The song itself, it's literally what it says on the tin lol. It's about this prostitute guy and how he goes on with his life. This one might or might not be in my OC Cassie's playlist kdjfhkdf
3. Nana Caymmi - Flor da Noite ("Night Flower")
Jfc, this one. So atmospheric, and Nana's voice is very deep and smooth. And the fucking strings in this arrangement???? Iconic and gorgeous AF. It talks about someone reminiscing far into the night about past events, especially about a love that ended long ago. She keeps saying that if the person she loves meets someone else, than her former lover shouldn't talk to this new person about the past, and what's gone. It's such a beautiful song ahhh <3 3. Casa de Caba - Cílio ("Eyelash")
Oh dang, it's another Brazilian Sea Shanty time! Or at least, that's how I see this one, with all the instruments they use and the vibes. He starts mentioning a bunch of imagery to tell us the character singing is tough and is here to fuck with people in ways they WILL dislike, lol, such as "I'm the eyelash falling in your eye, an eye that cannot see", "An ugly, poorly-made ceramic pot that never breaks"; at the same time he's also "the word that guides you, the caress that comforts you, the delivery food you order and always arrives quickly", haha. Then the chorus, he's pleading: "Janaína, Janaína, Mother of my February, take me back, to the seashore" - Janaína is another name for Iemanjá, or Yemoja, the mother of seas and deity of oceans in many afro-brazilian religions, who came from the Yoruba culture. He mentions February there in the lyrics because Iemanjá is celebrated here on Feb 2nd! :)
5. Margareth Menezes - Faraó ("Pharaoh")
OH GOD YESSS! Probably the most creative track in here - the music genre is called "Axé" and very based on African / Afro-Brazilian instruments as you'll hear. Here, POWERHOUSE DIVA Margareth Menezes will fucking give you a fast course on literal Egyptian Mythology/History ("The ascension, not even Osiris knew how that happened /The order or submission of His Eye was transformed into true humanity"; "The Epic of Geb's Code, and Nut who gave birth to the stars"; "Osíris asked Isis in marriage / And the evil Seth, full of wrath, assassinated him"); then, she uses that as a way of saying we should look at our African roots in awe and joy, and how the black people is still fighting to this day for basic respect and equality, even originating from the land of legendary kings and queens and golden gods. It's SUCH a powerful song, and it's catchy af. Depending where you are, if you just scream "EU FALEI: FARAÓ!" (I said: Pharaoh!), people WILL answer to you with EEEEE, FARAÓ back lol that's how fucking iconic this one is and I love it so much
Hope you like the songs on this one! <3 Tagging @dravenxivuk @feykiller !
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Foaming at the mouth for the young Dream who's Death's little brother
What if, when Hob first learnt that Death had a younger brother she was sort of raising, he assumed Dream wouldn't be THAT young? Like, sure, maybe a couple of years, but he takes it more as "young professional living with his older sister" rather than "older sister being the legal guardian because he's still a minor"-young
It doesn't help that when Hob meets him for the first time it's in passing because Dream is on his way out to meet some friends and all Hob sees is a goth twink in heels too high to walk in and a lot of sultry makeup, sticking his head through the doorway to say by to Death
So he thinks, sure, he's a bit young but damn if Hob doesn't like pretty goth twinks...
And then he meets him properly for the first time and nearly dies because jfc Dream's a kid. Literally! Sure, he's already at uni (which Hob knew) but that's because he skipped a couple of grades because he's insanely smart. Still, time to stop fantasizing about him then
but Dream makes it soooo hard (pun intended) for poor Hob. When he starts somewhat following Hob around, Death initially jokes that he's imprinted like a duckling. He grew up without a healthy relationship with a male role model, you know how it goes.
But of course, it's totally different. Hob knows it. Dream knows it. Hob just can't bring himself to tell Death because that's her little brother. Hob's sure she doesn't want to know what Dream's done now. And what he's done...
Sure, he brings Hob coffee to his office on campus and claims it's because he was in the area and he wanted to say hi and maybe have a chat, but then why doesn't he sit in the chair across Hob's desk? Why does he sit ON TOP of Hob's desk, impossibly long legs crossed so that they fit right between Hob's legs?
(No, he can't wheel his chair back. There's a window. Though throwing himself out the window might be the only way to make these images stop where he just grabs Dream's thighs and spreads them. The images are especially horrible on the day Dream showed up wearing a goddamn skirt that rode up along his thighs so far, that Hob's sure, Dream's not wearing anything underneath.)
And he asks all these questions... They're in between innocent questions about Hob and uni and "were the last essays better than the ones you complained about at the beginning of term?" but they are there. And maybe he does ask because he's lacked a male role model so far, so Hob answers, but it's truly not helping when Dream asks if he's weird for liking if his partner chokes him during sex.
The moment either of them has class (or the occasional student drops by, whom Hob intends to award a couple extra points just for the break they're giving him) should be a blessing, but it's so much worse than the questions and the innocent looks from under very long eyelashes. Hob's a physical kinda guy, but the way Dream clings to him-
He's basically dry-humping him while a student's waiting right outside Hob's door, or while Death is in the kitchen when Hob comes round for dinner! Dream's pressing his entire body against Hobs, basically grinding against him, shuddering and sighing with pleasure when he buries his nose in the crook of Hob's neck and it's just a lot. It's too much. How's Hob supposed to survive this?
And it's going on and on and on. The years pass and Dream doesn't let up. The outfits get more and more revealing (once, which was thankfully at Death's place and not in public, he opened the door in a satin kimono that was basically see-through), the innuendoes less ambiguous, the looks Dream throws Hob more and more pointed. Dream talks about the guys he hooks up with on the weekends and how he wished they would just throw him around a little- Hob has to cut office hours short and rush home so he can have a wank in the shower before he suffers permanent damage from being blue balled all the time.
Fuck, but he gets a semi every time he hears Dream's heels click on the cheep floor of the hallway his office is situated in.
The smartest solution would be to just tell Dream they can't meet anymore, but Hob can't bring himself to do it. Dream's just so lovely and their interests align so perfectly and, really, they seem to make each other better people. And he's halfway in love with him, which feels like the ultimate betrayal of Death but Hob can't stop himself.
Anyway, that turns out to be a non-issue, so when Dream visits him at the office the next time (not even pretending it's for coffee) Hob get's to lock the door and dive beneath Dream's skirt like he's imagined for a good while now.
This is sooo good honestly I can't find a single way to improve it!!!! I'm obsessed with Hob going through mental torment as he looks at Dream and tries to remind himself that that is a 16 year old. He's such a perv for wanting a teenager, he's a terrible person... He tries to stay away, but Dream keeps popping up in his life... and suddenly he's 18 and wagging his arse in Hob’s face. He practically taunts Hob for missing out on being the one to take his virginity.
But also, they get on well?? They’re practically best friends by the time Dream is 20. Hob feels weird again for it but tells himself it's fine, he's never been inappropriate with Dream. They can be friends, even if Hob is 20 years older than him. It's nice, they argue about literature and music and Hob goes thrifting with Dream to find fun new outfits for him to show off in.
He's mad at the universe because it they'd been the same age, they could have been dating for years and be getting married by now. Instead Hob can't date anyone else because he's in love with his friend's little brother. And all he can think about is Dream in a slutty goth wedding dress, lifting up his skirts for Hob to go down on him...
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
Alright, it is time. Im not gonna lie to you, I’m both excited and worried about this episode. Am I more worried about the potential cringe that might happen or the fandom lashing out when they don’t get what they want? I’m honestly not sure.
So like…can we please just remember, we get what we get and fics, video edits, etc can “fix” them and make the endings that we really want. PLEASE don’t be attacking other fans or tagging actors in your posts complaining about shit, lets be polite and friends at the end…
WHY do so many show use the iphone “alarm” sound for major alarms, it honestly drives me insane
We SAW voit going back into his cell so this has got to be a nightmare sequence.
THIS is the singing shit?! Jfc guys
AND there we go with the bullet wound paget teased, now we now that isn’t an issue.
Honestly, this entire intro would have been way more powerful if we hadn’t been shown the jemily sneak peek, cause obvi it’s not whats going on if that happens later on in the ep…
Okay so… Emily either ended up at pen’s or called her up to drink and crashed on that couch and that’s how she ended up there? (obvi drunk cause of the bucket, but I still want more info lol)
Rossi needs like..sleep…and meds… him being in charge of the bau rn isn’t okay. Obvi Emily wasn’t in much better shape, and jj is like going through her own shit but it’s been YEARS of rossi saying he doesn’t want the job and jj has been the interim boss before so like, shouldn’t it just go to her? also like, rossi could/should easily take a step back, chill out, take a day of leave, this isn’t healthy. God everyone on this team needs SO much therapy…
“please im a mom, I’ve seen worse” jj is literally shifting right back into mom mode cause she knows that’s what Emily needs.
Thank GOD for tara to be able to see this, and finally be able to dig into it (hopefully lol)
Like, she KNOWS dave needs help and to talk and is avoiding therapy, but doesn’t really want to open up right away so she just sits with him and lets him know that she’s there…
Okay at least there’s explanation as to why this scene is so dark LOL
How did Emily wake up, get snacks, get drunk and get high between the time Penelope left for work and jj get to the apartment. Like, I swear it’s still before noon…. Also … homegirl is SO high…lol
Okay, so, so far I am glad that the scene/scenario was so short, like that arc of this episode is the comedic arc (so far) that keeps the ep light. Yes, it is more paget in Emily than we’re used to seeing, but also, Emily is full on losing her shit and it’s this loose, a little wild, unhinged Emily (that we saw briefly in the ep Saturday when, once again, she was intoxicated) we also at this point in the ep don’t know how/why/when she got high. And things like cbd/gummies/smaller doses are pretty regularly and readily available, correct? (I live in Canada, its all legal here so im not sure on specifications and im too lazy to google it rn lol) OBVI it would be very against fbi protocol, but again, she’s convinced she’s lost her job already… (and we all do some wild/stupid/rash things when we think we’ve lost our jobs/are on the brink of it… trust me..)
I think this is the first time we’ve gotten to see Tara use her doctorate (is that the right word lol) amongst the team and I hope we get to see a lot more of it. Like, let’s remember that she’s a dr!
Ah, okay, its legal in the district… got it. HOWEVER, she does say she uses THC to get her brain to unwind and the way it was said seems like it’s a pretty regular thing?? So like.. does that shit leave your body within 12 or less hours? Or is it fine for a fed to test positive for a lowered amount? Im not good at science so I’m gonna pretend that it’s the same as having a glass of wine or bottle after work lol…
Omg lolololol. Okay, yeah this is very fanfic of them, but I don’t really care, as if Emily got EDIBLE FUCKING CHEETOS. Like of COURSE jj would snag a few of them.. LOL.
How tf is tyler in an interrogation room….
Emily talking about how the longer in the job you lose yourself or your loved ones or more and like.. she’s literally lost all of that multiple times and has still managed to come back and be strong for herself and her team? God im fucking crying.
ALSO sobbing over jj being worried about someone from her kids high school finding the ai porn, cause fuck that somehow didn’t even cross my mind…
Man they are really pushing garvez HARD this season… and I don’t know if I want them dating or besties lol.
Ngl. I honestly am SO much less invested in the case part of these episodes than the personal/friendships… I LOVE Zach and think he’s an incredible actor and when voit is a person and not a hallucination I don’t mind him being a regular, but this whole shit with tyler? Im bored. So bored. I’m bored of this case, I want sicarius gone. S16 was good, it was one mega unsub with a mini unsub per each episode and I liked that cause it was different yet also similar to the same style of 1.0. but this is.. pushing it.
Okay thank GOD tyler didn’t actually go rogue and go in alone, jfc he’s gained some sense.
Man, all these two girls have eaten all day is chips.. they need some actual food LOL. “the ones that came before us, Gideon, hotch” lowkey hate that there has not been a single mention of elle….
 I do love that emily’s team always has her back and wants her to continue to be working with them, but iirc there was some difference to when she was gonna quit with barnes in charge, reid begged her not to leave, jj says “I’ll support you no matter what”
LOL the “I can’t drive..” “well, I can’t…” “rideshare?”
Also im sorry but they’re both SO professional once they get to work and em’s in full business casual?? Maybe more time passed than led on cause they seem pretty sober now lol.
Alright, welp, that’s it. Tonight’s ep was honestly meh. I loved some moments; I hated others and some were super boring. Overall, not the strongest that we’ve had yet this season… who knows what next week holds!
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poppyandzena · 6 months
hey poppy let go of Noeh
at some point yer gonna have to accept that the rape allegations were a toxic way to remain tethered to someone who wanted to leave you
she told you: no more
& you told everyone else.: that’s rape
what you’ve managed to choreograph is sabotage. and your supporters and former supporters play(ed) an integral role in that those DMs that just dropped — they show that actually, IT IS YOU who lacks any regard for consent (& with such ease)
she wanted to be left alone she wanted to get out
she essentially said NO over and over and over
to BOTH you and Zena
she said NO (MORE) in so many different ways WHILE you two tag teamed her into a quiet yes — that is what you call “coming to an agreement”? as if that was not the result of being coerced
routine covert threats (read: publicly announced “ideations”) of suicide in connection to conflict (perceived abandonment) is coercion, poppy you’ve been doing that publicly for months. You are dangerous as a partner. The fear doesnt just go away, it becomes baked into the relationship & in these contexts, it is well known that suicide is a sibling to homicide — it’s emotional blackmail, it actually IS a form of emotionally terrorizing someone. Poppy you aren’t the only person who has lost a partner. My former partner actually followed through & shot themself in front of me. They died in my arms. I love them very much. Unconditionally. Forever. I miss them everyday. People should be terrified of this, it is fucking awful and the violence of this form of death is nothing to fuck with. It is what your loved ones are left cleaning up. Literally. AND I can still name what that was. It was coercion. It was emotional blackmail, it was abusive. I happen to know a little bit about this stuff. It’s not BPD, it’s coercion. Stop that. Stop coddling this. It is solely poppy’s responsibility to learn ways to manage that — idc what Zena’s codependency compels her to say. Zena go get treatment for that, codependency is too painful not to address. That shit is not anyone else���s responsibility to manage. You both need to manage your own mental health, that is pretty obvious
you disregarded her no
zena disregarded her no
over and over and over
she revoked your access to her, bluntly & stood her ground — that was not cruelty, it was self preservation
you no longer had consent to carry on further as her romantic partner
you disregarded that boundary (or as you would say, you didn’t “OBEY” her boundary…tf smh) she wanted to stop she wanted out she said it in countless ways — to YOU zena and to YOU poppy
This is an issue of consent
normalizing a total disregard of consent has deeply embedded roots in rape culture
how can you all not connect the dots?
when someone wants to leave you - when a partner wants to break up and asserts: no more, you have absolutely no right to refuse & reject that choice
Alla this is how i knew you were an abuser, poppy.
it’s dangerous to leave abusers and that danger doesn’t always mean threats of physical violence/death . Lethality in a social context is a very real thing — it’s a common tactic used. The concept of a social death exists & it’s relevant here.
you all joined in. that is how this works. she said NO and poppy claimed RAPE. think about the implications for that with specific regard to what poppy is always speaking about — predatorjacketing trans women. Listen, poppy you know exactly what you’re doing here. Those of you who have joined in on this very calculated smear campaign need to go learn about intimidate partner violence. And consent. Jfc. And how this actually does tie to rape culture, just not in obvious ways. some of us recognized abuser dynamics very early on.
poppy is a seasoned abuser, she gets away with abuse
the audacity - to put an educational spin on this level of spite, haphazardly making weak connections to your (very) rudimentary take on rape culture - just to use your mental health platform to both obscure and reinforce abusing an ex partner who just wanted to LEAVE you
you have no right to disregard someone’s choice to leave
abusers can be so charming, huh?
so many of you got played
Cognitive dissonance is a mother fucker
You've put it so thoroughly and eloquently. I appreciate your lived experience and the insight it brings to this conversation. I hope you are safe and thriving, because that shit is hard. We all suffer in some form, and we have to stay relentlessly open, honest, and clear of mind. Thank you 🧡
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hard--headed--woman · 7 months
this may seem random but I was scrolling your blog and one of your recent posts was about what got you into radfem ideology and I wanted to add my own story cause it was similar.
I remember having blogs on here for various fandoms and being around when the push to headcanon every other character as trans came about. coincidentally, it was always the taller, broader women that got labeled as trans women (but always in some progressive light like they were bestowing them the "honor").
at first, I just kept myself out of it. I didn't know enough about being trans to add my own opinion. but then, on my blogs, I would get asks about "gender headcanons" (do you remember those? jfc) and I would feel pressured to make at LEAST one trans, if not nonbinary, even though it all seemed so redundant.
I ended up removing myself from fandom culture completely until very recently. I keep my opinions separate from my new fandom blog, for my own sanity, but it does irritate me to see that this obsession with every character being queer is still alive and well. and yet us actual gay people are just supposed to pretend it's not a trend.
Oh my god the gender headcanons 😭 I literally hated them. I remember when I was deep into the Loki show fandom ; it was literally impossible not to headcanon Loki and Sylvie as trans, non binary or genderfluid. That was ALL people were talking about. Just because Sylvie is a strong and badass female character, she of course had to be a trans woman or at least some sort of non binary. And obviously you couldn't say you disagreed, or you were an evil TERF. People would spam the tags and the discord servers with this, and send you asks to ask you what were your gender headcanons, and you couldn't say you just saw them as normal women and men.
Fandoms are so obsessed with gender. I read fics sometimes, OK, I like it, actually. And when you look for fanfictions you literally cannot spend two seconds without seeing tags like "trans Ronald Weasley", "genderfluid Nymphadora Tonks" and shit like that. Crazy.
People are obsessed with making characters "queer". They'll turn every character into some nuance of trans or non binary, often poly and pansexual too. Everything about the characters then becomes related to "queerness" or "gender" - the way they act, dress, speak, everything they do, say or like. They're no more depth or intersting personalities, it's just "queer uwu". And you have, of course, to headcanon some characters as trand or enby, or you're boring and possibly terfy.
Also I agree with you - I notice it's always the characters that are even just a bit gnc that get headcanoned as non binary, especially female characters. Sylvie isn’t a nice pretty little princess who gives up on everything for her man and her outfit isn’t sexualized ? Trans. Tonks has short hair ? Non binary! This masculine female character ? Trans of course. Sooo annoying.
I removed myself from fandom spaces too lol. Because of their obsession with gender, but also their misogyny in general. Female characters are treated like shit by fandoms. They get ignored, vilanized, killed off/pushed out of the way for male characters, treated like sexual objects... I just decided to abandon my side blogs and to leave the fandom discord servers I was in. I can't enjoy fandom in such conditions.
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fandom-hoarder · 4 months
I'm about to watch walker 4x07... (copypaste from DM with the bestie <3)
The way the jackal notebook looks like John's journal, cordell waking up to that instead of geri has me 👀👀👀👀
Luna is watching hawk's shadow hahhh
God, cassie talking about the double standard for women dating 👀👀 will this be explored
Omg tactical gear and all, on a hunch👀👀👀
Stella so pretty
Witt being awfully pushy istg
Campus security thinking it's just some drunk frat dude, after seeing that video, is willful ignorance lmfao
Lmao I'm over here like, hell no I'm not letting you in my house without a warrant, jfc
I knew they would draw on him for reaching for something but goddamn😬
Lmao Bonham's shade at cordell teaching stella bad technique
Cordell is looooooosing itttttt
"I'm not gonna lose my friend to this" hiiiiii have you looked in a mirrorrrrr
Having cereal for dinner cuz he's solely focused on the case hahhh relatable
See, this is why geri had to leave
He's gotta have no tether at home
Is it too much to hope for an Emily's ghost moment before the end of this case 👀👀👀👀
Corpus Crooner ?? Lolol
Even good karaoke gives me secondhand embarrassment lol
Lmao that chest shot
The closeups on Luna lol they know what they're doing. I'm always so amused
Lololol is bonham IGNORING Abilene
Ooof stella is like damn
Dtr tho lol
He's not gonna show up to boot camp is he...
"He's a zookeeper" lmfao jfc
[Why are commercials so weirddddd (i know why but good LORD)
Why is kevin hart literally in EVERYTHING]
Oh it's this kind of zoo lololol
Serpentarium lmfao
Gotta be consistent, i guess lmao
Omg that fall sync up
Aaaaaaahhhh head injury!! Lol jared has acting tbi DOWN
Lmao lovey dovey cassie
I love trey and augie so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
He's really been an influence in his maturity
"I'll make it up to him" that's a familiar line
Yeah, liam, tell himmmmm
"Dramatic" ooh and that flippant affect 😯😯😯😯😯😯
He is LOSING it losing it 👁👄👁
Oh i see
Hahhhhh please let this get renewed god
Rewatching the ep immediately lmfao
What difference does a 5pm curfew make if you're not around to enforce it lolol
Eating cereal so you don't have to think about cooking and staring at the thing you're reading...also relatable
Cassie unable to separate work/life on the romantic side parallel to Cordell's inability to work/life balance on the work side 👀
Cordell is like a bomb sniffing dog that alerts for everything
(There's a series of YouTube shorts about a retired bomb sniffer that false alerts everywhere he goes😅 reminds me of that)
It's funny in all that ranch house they don't have somewhere else to put the home gym 😅
Bonham so snotty on the "our ranch" lol. Sounds a little bit "my ranch" sir
Did stella even get a new room or anything? Is she still in the same dorm the guy used a KEY to get in?
Once again, the coming inside to ask questions part makes me sooo 😬😬😬😬😬😬
I am so not letting 4 rangers IN TACTICAL GEAR into my house without a warrant. Don't care HOW innocent i am
You think i warrant that much prep, you can GET a warrant
Serial killer case not enough to excuse it. That's how cases get thrown out, buddy
Goddddddd only augie even knows her dorm was broken into. Like it is just hitting me how they all really don't know what she's going through. Yeah girl, get some self defense from grandpa
I knew augie was gonna help that kid as soon as he failed the trial time lol
Everybody and his literal mama: Cordi, you're letting the case consume you
Cordell: well that's just, like, your opinion, man 😉
Stella's braid is so cute. Lol bonham giving abilene the snub understandable, but stella just staying focused on her punches and also ignoring her😅
Wonder if cordell is going to miss August's high school grad, too 👀👀👀👀👀👀 y'know, to keep it all even lol
Lalala what is a warrant lololol
The visual storytelling on this show is so ON POINT this season. The music, the video syncing with these multiple parallels in the bootcamp/zoo scene, the main plot/secondary plot parallels. They're FOCUSED
I'm soooo happy about liam being like "stella is going through it and you in particular should be there for her on this but you're ignoring it"
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thenugking · 1 year
Really bugs me when people (primarily Belos stans) are willing to redeem Belos but NOT Odalia, and even make her an antagonist for him to stand up to. Even though it’s pretty clear that while Odalia obviously made her own decisions, his coven system also contributed to her toxicity, as did Odalia’s obsession with joining the emperor’s coven (that she projects onto Amity) and how she is blatantly nervous around Hunter because he represents Belos’ authority. Odalia did way less than Belos, as horrible as she was… But sure, Woobified AU Belos! Go show that woman whose toxicity you contributed towards with your own system since her childhood who’s boss!
Oh my godddddddd. I mean I totally understand disliking Odalia. Like, yeah, she abuses her family, tries to murder a kid, and is cool with genocide. But: *GESTURES AT BELOS*
I don't tend to read Belos redemption stuff so have never had the misfortune of encountering this myself but??? making Odalia into the bad guy for Belos to redeem himself with?? jfc. Not entirely surprising though, this fandom sure does have a Misogyny problem with the way it treats its villains.
Tbh, one of the main reason I started writing Family Jewels was that I was bored of seeing Aladarius content where Odalia single-handedly destroys their relationship and Alador is forced into marrying her. It's like.... oh so fandom is still doing "lets turn the woman who's in the way of our manslash ship into the Literal Devil and then have her Suffer Horribly Forever while the boys kiss uwu," just a bit more subtly. I'm not saying don't have Odalia be a villain here--she sure was abusing Alador and their kids! But like, she can also be a person with her own feelings and ambitions and problems, not just a one-dimensional caricature sitting on top of a pile of money and cackling maniacally. And Alador and Darius are a lot more interesting when they can make their own bad decisions and ruin their relationship themselves, instead of just being Sad Boys tragically torn apart!
(I know I had Odalia contribute to the breakdown of their relationship in my own fics, but it was very important to me writing Take Me Back To The Start that Alador makes the choice to stay with her and put his ambitions ahead of the relationship Darius wanted. It’s just boring to put all the problems onto The Woman, regardless of her overall morality!)
The fandom does this with Terra Snapdragon and Adrian Graye too. They’re both terrible people who hurt the main cast and are the main pro-Belos coven heads, and both very fun as villains… but Terra is one of the fandom’s most hated characters, while Adrian is The Funny Hot Guy. (Nevermind that Terra is funnier and hotter than Adrian could ever be.)
Anyway. Villains are great, but Belos has been given Too Many Rights. Give some to shitty evil women instead.
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pondscummy · 5 months
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the "also sick" comment isn't like "btw I'm SICK, how dare you not know" it's me saying I'm sick like how 2/3 of my roommates are
but like I'm so;;;; it feels so rich that L is like wtf do you want from me about me not replying for 45 minutes when I had to beg his gf over hours and hours of texts every so often to not force me to sit in unwiped shit after my surgery bc she had openly told me she just didn't rly feel like setting up the attachable bidet after telling me for weeks she would, and I never ever got a reply from her or L ever acknowledging that they were wide awake hanging out and laughing while I was like stuck in bed barely able to move begging for follow through on a commitment they made in advance and i eventually had to spend over $100 to hire someone to come out the next day and do it for me and I had to hold my shit for hours lmfao
like L is sooooo great at couching things in flawless tumblr wellness speak but only to talk about how valid they are for not showing up for you and how fucked up it is that you MIGHT ever have a moment where you can't be 100% there w them. like idk what to tell you I've been laying in bed with a sore throat and cough and fever passing out and waking up to roll over in buckets of sweat like the rest of the house. I do genuinely get being annoyed by a lack of response but it's also right back to this whole thing about Always assuming I'm mad at them which is legit one of the only things that actually makes me mad fjdkddhk like bro I do not THINK about you when you're not acting like I'm a bomb about to blow (also, as an aside -- we all take turns buying TP and it's usually me who does it like it's not out of pocket for me to say hey you are the One person who is out of the house already rn, can you get this on your way bc None of the bathrooms have back up rolls and one is totally out and I had to text our sickest roommate telling her to use the bidet and drip dry like.... "am I the first person you asked" yes bc you are the person who makes the most sense dumbfuck. I'm not being "overly needy" toward you or whatever jfc)
they literally told me at one point that the reason they're so scared of me is that my face is "triggering" for them when I'm angry or not feeling good and puts them "back in a really bad place" they have seen my face angry literally 3 times and each time it was on my way back to my room to decompress and each time I said nothing to them other than that I was in a bad mood and I was going to go to my room. I didn't yell either I just said it normal. like I genuinely feel gaslit here like I'm this horrifying monster of a man when it's like dude sometimes people are mad I don't know what YOU want from ME!! I do all my venting here where they can't ever see it even tho we've blocked each other, I censor their name like anyone even knows who they are, I isolate to chill out and it's literally been less than a handful of times like should I fling myself from the roof??????? would that fix it???
I literally know it's bc I'm a man too. none of this was like this until my facial hair came in more and it got crazy worse after I got top surgery and they're so so vocal about how much they despise men and think men should all fuck off and die and there's only a handful of acceptable men that they've personally vetted. despite them pretty clearly having a trans woman fetish bc they only date or look at porn of trans women and they do the whole step on me mommy thing about it even tho their gf has complained like. lmfao you're just a baby te//rf even tho you ID as trans masc yourself. like that's all this even is. I'm a big (5'3") scary (spent the whole weekend w my coworkers asking if I was 12) man who's obviously going to snap and kill you all bc sometimes I *checks writing on hand* get frustrated and go lay down about it
#pond.txt#and again i'm not EVEN mad rn (well. obviously i am *now*) i was SLEEPING like fhekdjdkddjl bro let me live i'm SORRY#should i whip myself should i kiss your feet my lord and savior jc. should i fall upon my sword for you.#is my t dick too big and scary to live together does it cast shadows in the hallways that frighten you HDKSDHKDDHDK#all the time i wish wish wish there was some way for me to move out early without me fucking myself financially#but i'd be on the hook for $11.400 and i do NOT have that to drop dhskddhhfj and i would need to pay that PLUS buy a car#it was so night and day the difference in my mood when i was on my work trip tho. even when i had moments of like feeling down on that trip#it was so fleeting and so like. well I'll do what i need to so i can care for myself#whether that was staying in my room and getting some sleep or rallying and being like hey @ self you're making shit up about no one liking#with no proof so let's get back downstairs and hang out w someone new and prove ourselves wrong.#life felt so bright and happy and it was so easy to talk to strangers and laugh and just let loose and like myself#even on a 13 hr travel day i was like taking notes on mental health things in my journal and reflecting and feeling so positive about makin#changes like not letting excuses stop me from going out and living my life even in this interim period between moves#and then i got back home and was like oh right. this place that makes me miserable with people who openly dislike me. great lmao#my plan is still to try to not let myself get in my own way of living life bc if i can get out & meet people it'll keep me away from here.#ANYWAY!!! *eats cough drops like candy*
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wildmelon · 5 months
i wrote this like two months ago when i finished, but im posting it now for my own record lol.
scrambled critical role thoughts and opinions after finishing c1:
oh boy i cried through vax's goodbye scene in the last episode, but holy shit i fucking sobbed through his appearance in dalen's closet. how the fuck was liam so perfect at playing an altered version of vax that was still him at heart. every interaction was perfect. cannot describe how i felt when he addressed scanlan, how the fuck could he come up with such a perfect ingenious opener, i was in tears immediately.
i would not have believed you if you told me when i started that scanlan and grog would have been my favorites at the end of the campaign. (well maybe a little bc i am a confirmed travis stan but seriously i didn't anticipate the level of depth, comedy, and heart he brought to grog). grog's kevdak speech is a campaign highlight for me-- no, a 2023 highlight.
i obviously found scanlan somewhat annoying but funny if often outdated. i kind of just wrote it off as something i'd ignore but sam really made a comeback like damn, i was very happy and surprised when he apologized to pike.
scanlan leaving discourse is old news but for me personally it reminded me of myself in really dark times and the ways poor mental health can make you kinda self-centered. not mad about how any of it went down or how it was resolved, and i love how his and vex's relationship became a highlight for me after his return.
i honestly loved the super high emotional stakes of VM, felt like someone was always mad at someone else, i'm a sucker for inter-party conflict and intense emotional scenes. these guys have so much angst and i love it.
i really enjoyed the tight pacing and goal-oriented episodes. i tend to get stressed out when there's too many broad choices about what to do next in any sort of media lol. this campaign also rly showed me how much i love watching high-level play.
i don't fuck with percy??????? lmfao i don't hate him or anything, i literally can't put it any way besides idfw that man. 😭 he's an interesting character ofc and i do like his friendship with keyleth
keyleth was my fave for most of the campaign. her growth was so rewarding to watch, she made me laugh so many times, i love seeing her become a leader, just adore her and she's such a comfort character to me. bought myself a simple ring with "I have passed through fire" engraved on the inside to celebrate my didn't-kill-myself-aversary this year bc that letter was exactly what i needed to hear 😭
kiki and vax never interested me thatttt much UNTIL they became eternally star-crossed lovers jfc. that is my catnip. tbh it's interesting to me that VM is held up by some as having superior romance to TMN, but i didn't find any of VM's romance super compelling.
since it's been a couple months since i finished, i can add that vex is who i've thought most about since i finished?? i always liked her, loved the grey hunt, adored her relationship with vax, but didn't know i had strong feelings until after i'd finished watching. funny how that happens.
the mighty nein start out fucked up and end up pretty good, while vox machina start out pretty cool and then get super fucked up 😭 much as i love outcasts finding family, it was really fun to watch all these archetypal fantasy Cool Guys just go through so much emotional damage lmao.
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parvuls · 1 year
obligatory 6am episode thoughts (and MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF TED LASSO SPOILERS)
so far it's ep2 > ep1 > ep3 imo. this episode was basically the start of various plotlines but didn't have any big moments for any of them, so it's a little 🤷
ngl, hated zava with a passion and all of his scenes were cringe and boring to me. we already went over the dick star player arc in season 1 with jamie, and zava purposely has less redeeming moments (because he doesn't have a three-season story ahead of him). this plot could only be interesting if it leads to a break in format or character development: ted yelling and giving up on a player / rebecca firing him despite the wins because she cares about the team / west ham drama.
I was SO FOND of colin and michael in this episode!!! they were sweet but not over the top and those moments were literally so far removed from the rest of colin's scenes in the ep, which just stresses how long colin has been hiding this. really liked michael coming to sam's restaurant and their collaborative cover story, because I'm pretty tired of gay relationship drama being one dude angry that the other one is "ashamed" of him. framing the media as their enemy and not each other is a good start.
speaking of which: trent. big sigh. could SO see that plot coming from all of the interviews mentioning trent as both a good and bad presence in richmond. idk if he'd actually out colin, because it'd be hard to come back from that in the eyes of the audience, but there's definitely drama coming and SOMEONE is going to either out colin or threaten him with it, leading to him coming out himself. could be rupert, and that'd be the start of nate realizing he's gone too far. either way that's one plotline I'm hella excited for.
that being said, if michael ends up outing then, I'm 🤡
I simply do not know what to make of tish's predictions. rebecca being upside down and drenched is foreshadowing the amsterdam episode, and whoever saves her (probably ted) would be the knight/shite. but being a mother? obviously not biologically, since hannah explicitly said it's no longer an option. so... tedbecca future???? I'm not even a shipper, I honestly can't see who else she could adopt. rupert's daughter somehow? idefk
jamie was my fave this episode, followed closely by roy. thank god for that bromance, and all of jamie's sudden vocabulary moments were laughing out loud funny. praying for a shot of him reading a dictionary and explaining his sudden word knowledge 😂 am Not Amused at the scene by the bar where keeley looks at them both, but we shall see. I'm actually kinda here for a jamie/shandy thing? their vibes sort of fit lmao. also YES to sam and his chef falling in love. let the man have some happiness and normalcy!
the ted/sassy ongoing hints confuse me, and their purpose escapes me even three seasons later. remind us ted can fuck? I don't feel like it's an endgame thing.
I'm not touching the jake thing with a ten feet pole, jfc. jake seems like a nice guy in theory, but going out with your patient/marriage counselor + not telling your co-parent that you're bringing a new man into your kid's life? no. michelle is on thin ice with me.
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zalrb · 1 year
the summer i turned pretty 2x04 review
Honestly, for someone who is meant to push people away and not tell anyone what he's dealing with, Conrad is pretty open about the stuff he's going through. He straight up tells Belly's brother he's having a panic attack and what he can do to help instead of just yelling at him to go the fuck away or something. Idk man.
"Talk about anything" launches into a speech about the beach and how Conrad is the coolest person in the world. The funniest thing about things like this is dialogue about "inconsequential" things would make their bond seem more realistic instead of pointed talks about memories and how cool the other person is. One of the reasons why the gang in T70s works is because they just talk about dumb shit together
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"He's grown into quite the asshole" I mean has he, Skye? Your mother is being unnecessarily hostile about the whole thing, it seems like he's just matching her energy idk.
Like this isn't even me being team Conrad or anything because I don't care about him but he hasn't DONE anything for the way everyone talks about him.
Like he's isn't warm when she talks to him in his room but his energy is different because Julia's energy is different.
Jfc they're really trying to make me believe that Taylor and brother dude like each other with how they antagonize each other but this is as performative as Belly trying to be twirly and giddy around Conrad.
Steven. I'm not going to remember that.
"Let's do some drills down by the beach, volleyball camp is in five days." "I haven't touched a ball in months" isn't that why you do the drills, Belly?
"It was hard enough for me to get this one" *laughs* Why is that funny?
Belly actress does the Katie Holmes shrug. It was annoying then, it's annoying now.
"Well we're your family too" even though I kissed you then your brother then made the wake about me because Conrad lay his head on his ex-girlfriend's lap and I admittedly forgot to check up on you when Susannah died because I was too busy focusing on Conrad which consisted of me telling him to stop being sad at prom and then breaking up with him.
The only time Conrad's lack of a facial expression has worked is him looking at Belly when she's all "the magical sea breeze will cool you down"and his face is like that the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Did Belly tell Conrad her plan of schmoozing Skye and I just forgot it because it's very possible, I'm barely paying attention but if she hadn't, maybe she could. Or is this supposed to show how Belly and Jere are best friends now.
Skye doesn't come across as an introvert, they just come across as kind of an ass. "I don't smile, I don't high five, the corners of my mouth might turn up but I WILL NOT SMILE" we get it, you're cool.
No one on this show is likeable.
Them getting ready to play laser tag is literally the ONLY TIME they seem like friends.
I mean, we had pizza for *Christmas* dinner. OH THE HORROR.
Are whaling boats fancy?
I don't need to see this rock climbing scene. Next.
How many Taylor Swift songs do we NEED in a show. I understand I'm the only one who thinks this.
"It was supremely satisfying watching you wipe the floor with Conrad after everything he put you through" YOU MEAN BEING SAD??
"You used to cry every time you looked at the Tower of Terror" yeah but he's, like, seventeen now, Belly.
"He made it so hard not to love him." I MEAN HOW? BECAUSE HE SPOKE? Jesus Christ.
"Used to love him, I mean" JERE HAS ENTERED THE CHAT. I would appreciate this more if it was fun messy.
LMAO so when Jere is like "And what's the key to making me happy, Belly?" I was like oh OK because there was like a hint of innuendo in his voice, completely unintentional I think, but it was a bit like ooh, I hear that and then it was ENTIRELY ruined when she's like "correcting people who say bru-chetta" and he laughs and goes "Because it's bru-sketta!" and it was SUCH a corny delivery.
Skipping everything with the mom because I do not care.
So who's going to have a breakdown at the end of this episode?
"You're one of the most interesting people I've ever met" I'm laughing because the delivery came across as unintentionally sarcastic.
"Jeremiah is always there when I need him" it's a RIDE. I also love when she flashes back to him always being there for her the first instance is his mother telling him to stay inside with her because she's got a summer cold and him being like "MOM" and her being like "PLEASE" and him being like fine. Like that's not what you think that is. He should hang out with her and then be asked to go to the boardwalk and being like nah I think I'll just stay in with Belly. HOW IS THAT NOT OBVIOUS?
"And when he got sick two days later, I stayed home with him" so then wouldn't you two just be passing the cold back and forth to each other?
Ohhhhh they're looking at each other on this ride and she's feeling how much she likes him! and needs him! and they have NO chemistry!
"It feels weird having fun, like part of me feels guilty" if you were a good actress we would see that conflict in you the entire day but whatever, the show is really bad with showcasing how much Susannah's death is supposed to affect her.
Oh no breakdowns because that would require drama. Just the empty beach house which I know is meant to be a MOMENT but it isn't.
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margueritestjusts · 6 months
8, 9, 22, and 24 for tsp!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about.
that margot is dumb 😭😭 or that she's entirely useless by the end of the book. like yes i also do think she should have been able to piece that percy and the pimpernel were the same person at the ball but also she's shown to be incredibly observant and come up with plans easily (i.e. andrew and the note) and she literally dragged herself all the way to france to save him, walked in horrible conditions, AND still tried her best to save both percy and the prisoners in the hut (was screaming the way to do it? no. but did they end up escaping because of it? in part, yes). idk i feel like a lot of people just overlook margot in general which is.... weird because she is literally the protagonist of the book lmao but alas i won't be too angry about this.
9. worst part of canon.
not book canon, but musical canon? the love triangle. easily the worst fucking part. like between the slut shaming and the choreography of "where's the girl?" it's so.... how are you MORE misogynistic than a book written in 1905 jfc wildhorn. and he did it in dracula and jekyll and hyde too so this is a pattern of behavior for him. case in point: keep frank wildhorn away from classic literature.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores.
any part with suzanne, especially her moments with margot. that bitch is a repressed lesbian and she's pining after margot idgaf that she and andrew were written to be a couple. that's MY 18th century lavender marriage. and also the bit in the fisherman's rest where the vicomte tries to challenge percy to a duel that always cracks me up.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse.
uh i actually don't know because i'm not involved with the fandom really lol. i think tsp fandom is pretty chill anyway like i have not seen rancid discourse over anything really. love that actually
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laufire · 1 year
Anti recommendation moment: the name of the wind by Patrick Rothfuss. I read it while I was in mood for classical fantasy and the first one was fine. The second one wasn't. The plot does not proceed in any relevant way, there's literally a part where the protagonist just STOPS the narration bc he wants to become a ninja wannabe and so he starts to train for ages while nothing else happened. JFC. The only thing that I vaguely remember and genuinely liked was the mystery surrounding the villains, too bad that the author decided that they were so secretive that we've 2 books where almost nothing about them got told us. Ikr. And don't let me start on the author comparing the Hobbit movies adaptation to a pretty classmate who you discover that she's become a hooker. Like I too hate those movies but ew.
I had a friend who loooooooooved these books and kept recommending them, so I once actually tried to read the first one and couldn't make it past a couple of chapters. This was eons ago so I don't remember my reasoning but I do remember that.
Ans yeah, I've seen the hobbit thing (might have even heard about it from your blog in the first place?). Just that would be enough to make me decide not to touch his works tbh xD
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