#the way she's self sufficient but also a baby
bellejolras · 4 months
i don’t mean to go on a rant but I’ve been reading reviews of Poor Things bc i hate being happy and ohhhh my goddddd
spoilers under the cut but I have complaints about people’s (lack of) media literacy
Oh my god okay so first of all, if you haven’t seen a movie how are you going to comment on it. Reading summaries and other people’s reviews only is not sufficient to make an original point. you do not know what you’re talking about. just stop.
Second, the movie is. satirical. Which I thought was obvious from the absurd premise and surreal visuals? This is not supposed to be the real world. Nor is it advocating for all the stuff it shows. In fact, it’s even actively indicting some of what it shows. For example: fucked up power dynamics in sexual relationships exist in the movie, but the movie is not saying they are good, it’s criticizing them. Is this not getting through to people?
Third, and related, it’s not ! just ! about ! a sexy baby !! Partly because again, satire. But also partly because she rapidly goes through childhood & adolescent maturity. And it’s not meant to be, like, linear… the regular laws of empirical data and science do not apply to this world… so she is not in fact, like 6 when she’s having sex but more like 16. Which you could argue is still a minor, and im not disputing that, because again the movie is critical of this part and duncan is a total loser. But there’s a massive difference between the mental development of those two ages. ALSO there’s literally nothing inherently wrong with baby bella autonomously discovering masturbation. That’s extremely normal for little kids, often just as a way of self-soothing because it feels nice and not with any awareness of sexuality. And it’s fine if you thought that was a weird scene! but it’s hardly pedophilia to include in the film when the “baby” in question is in fact played by fully grown adult emma stone and I cannot believe that I’m seeing people accuse this movie of that
Fourth, if you claim your takeaway from this movie is “it wants me to believe that women’s power only exists through their sexuality” then I don’t believe you’ve seen the entire movie (see point 1). Narratively it’s only a means to an end for Bella, and when she gets tired of it, she stops! She gets bored of duncan and reads philosophy! She leaves her sex work career and becomes a medical professional! And, even in the sex scenes, while there are many, they center her and her experience, her pleasure. Yes, her tits are out a lot but the sex scenes are weird, intentionally grotesque without being violent. The montage with duncan is shot through a fisheye lens and literally pans away from the bed to focus on a bird landing in the room. Duncan can proclaim himself the best lover in the world, but he’s really not important to the scene ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In conclusion, I know the people I’m complaining about aren’t going to read this, but just in case, I urge you to learn media literacy. And anyone else who read all of this, thanks lol!! accepting good faith discourse in the notes/replies
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comicaurora · 5 months
It is my favorite and I require to know your thoughts on it.
It's. Hm
So I think it absolutely accomplished what it set out to do, which means it is a successful work of art. But I think what it was aiming for didn't work for me?
In its efforts to play with centaurworld's ridiculousness versus the gritty nightmare of the "real world", it tonally undercuts almost all of its profound moments and then tries to get profound character moments out of squeeky-toy inflatable cartoon characters. Of the main cast, Horse and Wammawink are basically the only ones who get sufficient development to feel like real characters capable of carrying impactful moments, and the rest of the crew are basically walking punchlines - even speedrunning their respective Tragic Backstories doesn't do much to strengthen them, because in the present of the show they're fundamentally joke characters incapable of emotional subtlety. It kinda feels like if a Looney Tunes episode randomly dropped a flashback to baby Daffy Duck being moses'd into the bullrushes as if that mattered to how he functioned now. Plus, once we start jumping back to the Real World again, it turns out all those characters are also wacky in their own way - lots of very quippy dialogue and self-referential humor. Instead of Horse feeling broadly representative of her world's tone, she feels like the most serious character in the entire show - at least until season 2 where her dialogue starts being 50% fart jokes by volume.
Overall I think I loved what they set up in season 1, but not how they paid it off in season 2. There's the themes they establish in season 1 of how centaurworld has a cartoonifying effect on everyone who comes there, and the way this plays to Horse early on is full on cartoon body horror - a realistic horse slowly and inexorably transforming into a parody of itself. I thought that was a fascinating way to frame it, and it was nightmarish to contemplate! It comes to a really strong head in the Whaletaur Shaman episode when her friends seem to finally realize how much she's been struggling and suffering and how, despite it looking like a big joke to everyone, it's profoundly unfunny to her. But while she gets a nice emotional resolution at the end of that episode, the underlying horror is never addressed again. She still seems unhappy with her new cartoon body, but the transformations are from this point forward framed as uncomplicated positives that everybody thinks are funny.
It's purposefully blending comedy and horror together, but the execution feels like the disparate ingredients are hindering each other's effectiveness. The horror stuff rarely gets sufficient gravity and is just left as Hey Look Horrifying Implications, and the jokes are often undermined by all the seriousness left lying around. It's a flavor combination that doesn't work for me.
And then the stuff with the Deertaur and the Princess is incredibly interesting and profound and tragic, and I don't understand why it's happening in the same show as everything else?
Also, this is a minor nitpick, but the musical numbers were astounding in the first season but seemed to experience some sort of weird categorical downgrade in season 2. All the solid numbers were reprises from season 1.
Centaurworld was doing something very much on purpose, and I just don't think I got what that something was.
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star-sparkler · 9 months
Gathered up a bunch of August and Papatello info dumping I did yesterday on tweeter. Some was in reply to thoughtful or excited insight from others. I just love them so much OTL
Mikey: [googling] Wait Augustine means "great, magnificent"?
Donnie: [without missing a beat] Correct.
Leo: You....you named your daughter GREAT AND MAGNIFICENT...?
Donnie: Is she not?
Raph: I mean she is but-
Leo: You Cloned YOURSELF. And named your clone GREAT AND MAGNIFICENT-
Donnie and the family absolutely stop referring to August as or joking about her being a/the clone when she's still a baby. Once her personality starts to develop it's so clear she's her own person deserving of individual respect so that doesn't belong on the table. Donnie never hides that August was cloned / how she was made (and August takes pride in being cloned from her Papa who she admires and loves so much - NO ONE is smarter than her Papa, thank you VERY much!) but the clone word is Never used to put her down or belittle her or deprive her of full personhood. If anyone did refer to her specifically as Donnie's clone rather than Donnie's daughter it would absolutely be uncomfortable and kind of sting her. In cousin AUs, how August was created might cause her a little insecurity because she was the "unplanned science experiment gone 'wrong'" in her mind when she's feeling down but no one in her family has ever or would ever consider her that. Donnie boasts that she's his greatest creation (Next to Shelldon, obviously - I don't talk about his role as much but he's just as much Donnie's kid as August, he's just older and pretty self-sufficient by the time August shows up). August and Donnie mutually see their papa-daughter connection as a uniquely special one and enjoy/take pride in sharing it with each other. ;w; <3
Oh my gosh Donnie loves his daughter more than he can handle yES. He would be heartbroken if he ever found out she harboured thoughts like that [being a freaky science experiment mistake forced upon him] and likely go overboard doing his best to assure her in every way he can that he chooses her every millisecond of every day. August would get smothered in gifts and surprises and words of affirmation until it became overwhelming and she demanded he stop. But he'd still be extra attentive and aware of it afterwards.
I don't think August being a clone would be common knowledge outside the family - most would likely assume she has a biological second parent - but if for some reason she ever was teased about it and the fam found out there would be some serious glare intimidation and Very Big Words with the perpetrator's parents
It's important to me that August is treated like her own person independent of her family while also being a valued member of it. Of course Donnie is still going to lay down Dad Law but August's feelings and personhood are taken seriously and treated with respect. It likely helps a LOT that August is normally a pretty well-behaved kid but Donnie does an IMMENSE AMOUNT OF RESEARCH on parenting and babies when he decides to keep August and I think, by the time he's an adult, gentle parenting is something he would do well with. Will he still lose his temper or get impatient? Absolutely. But they both do their best to meet each other half way and ALWAYS apologize and address miscommunications or outbursts after they've cooled off. Neither likes being mad at the other. From his experiences with Shelldon, Donnie would know that just yelling at someone "because I said so" doesn't work and only hurts both of them to punish without August Fully Understanding Why she's being told no or being disciplined. I would say he's strict but fair. This gets tricky when she gets up to mischief but he recognizes her acting out is usually out of boredom / lack of stimulation / genuinely not realizing what she’s doing is ‘bad’ rather than maliciousness, and if he's clear in his explanations of why something is inappropriate then August is (usually) very receptive and respectful (unless she sniffs out a flaw in his armor - like their unspoken game of her trying to hack into his lab / certain files and him letting it happen sometimes because it's a good practice and mental challenge for her).
I also rly love August and Donnie bringing out the best in each other, both because of how similar they are AND because of how their differences can sometimes elevate, compliment, and teach each other. ;w; <333 It's not always easy to be a dad or a kid, but there's always, always love, and they actively seek out ways to express that and stay aware of each others' wavelengths even when (ESPECIALLY when) one of them is struggling or they aren't lining up.
I love Donnie having someone he can share his special interests with and who Gets Him and can Relate to how his brain works and struggles and shines. It's definitely such a blessing to have someone like that in your life. ToT
PS - I don’t normally explicitly state it because I worry about not being able to write it well enough but when others clock the neurodivergency in August I just [fist clench, manly tears] I’m rly glad it’s reading. Because writing her that way is definitely intentional.
August gets her own ninpo but it's still a secret right now UwU <3 She WILL however find it difficult to use, yeah. August spends so much time trying to be like her family that she struggles to find Herself amidst powerful giants and that definitely impacts how her ninpo manifests. At first it's unreliable and changes what it is sporadically, refusing to choose what it is. So although she unlocks it much younger than the boys unlocked theirs, she's unable to reliably use it until she's older. To compensate, she spends a lot of time learning how to use different weapons/ninja skills and hand-to-hand combat so she can still be effective even when her ninpo is on the fritz / struggling to find it's own shape. ;v;
Her best not-direct-family buddy is little CJ of the good timeline! They're around the same age and get on thick as thieves. Lots of hockey and junior vigilante-ing and goofing around. Also also->
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He would solidly go as "CJ" and is still Casey Sr's son. I imagine him being like kind of a mix of Rise movie Casey Jr. and 2012 Casey when he's older. A little louder and more gremlin than movie CJ cause he didn't grow up in an APOCALYPSE and is fully raised by Casey Sr, but still possessing plenty of the heart and heroics. Timid when he's younger though. Very
Augs: Excuse me, he asked for NO PICKLES
CJ: 🥺[shyly letting August take the lead, holding the hem of his own shirt]
Very old art incoming->
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Anyway yeah I love August and Paptello (And CJ!)
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matchasketches · 1 month
Watching a character you love getting flanderized in real time is so painful.
Especially when it’s a character you heavily related to for specific reasons only to see them being regressed to a caricature or a joke of a character and throw away all their traits and development that made them who they are
I know it’s silly but as someone who only consumes extremely few very specific pieces of media I get attached to them and characters very heavily so it hurts more to see stuff like this happen or topics being mishandled
The first season of RA was so amazingly written, the characters and plot were so natural and appealing, and how our main character Harry was written and portrayed really struck me. He was clearly written to be autism coded by his mannerisms and speech patterns. The way he navigates society and speaks about and to humans really resonated with me as an autistic individual who always felt like I was from another planet as everyone else and couldn’t understand or relate to those around me.
Despite being weird and silly and having goofy behaviors he was still a self sufficient, independent adult character who knew what he did and didn’t want. He wanted to be respected (partially because he thought he was better than everyone else) but also as one of them. He was extremely intelligent and tech savvy, but emotionally undeveloped.
He doesn’t understand social cues to an almost extreme level but he is trying his best.
Specifically I need to mention Asta, whom he never hurts intentionally and the one scene that really stuck out with me was when he accidentally reveals to her family that she had a baby she gave up for adoption. He didn’t understand why people kept things secret from those they love and had no intention of exposing her closest secret to harm her in any way.
In the newer seasons, seeing Harry be regressed to an immature man baby is painful and sad. They are now trying to force a mother and son dynamic out of what was a beautiful mutual friendship and potentially romantic relationship. Asta is shown to be annoyed and exasperated with him while he just annoys her with a smile on his face. They’ve infantilized and reduced him to a joke and an idiot that just doesn’t sit right with me at all. Characters making fun of his neurodivergent traits when they rarely commented on his quirks before.
“He doesn’t understand” “I don’t understand.”
“He’s basically a child”. “Im Just a child.”
That hurt me so much. It’s not funny. I finally felt like I had an interesting and great semi-representation I’ve longed for without being a savant or aspergers stereotype. Cant have anything smh
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atlas-the-bastard · 6 months
I see so many people saying loki should've just killed sylvie and like...fair enough, I mean she did kinda create this whole mess and then just leave everyone else to deal with it like shit move but... I feel like the WHOLE POINT of the finale was that loki was going to do it differently. Like how loki time slipped in the TVA, which was supposedly impossible. Loki doesn't follow the rules. HWR gave him a trolley-problem-esque decision - kill sylvie or let the whole universe be destroyed - and I don't ships sylki or anything but I do believe that sylvie has helped loki (like their bar conversation), so why would he kill her? In fact, why would he comply to any of the options HWR gives him?? Why should loki listen to him, and make the choice HWR wants him to? HWR is kind of a cunt!
I feel like it would've been a disservice to loki, to just have him kill sylvie. It'd be like him just giving in to HWR. No, Loki's whole purpose, going out and destroying the temporal Loom, was to replace it, and HWR, and the whole system, with something better. Which is also why I don't believe that loki will be stuck in that tree forever. It's not much difference if it's just Loki sitting there at the end of time, instead of HWR, with time being a tree rather than a loom, is it? That would defeat the whole purpose.
And sure, maybe that's the idea - maybe it's MEANT to be a tragedy, where the fate loki so desperately avoided is inevitable and inescapable. But i don't think that's the case. Loki's grown so much in this show, especially this season, and I feel like it would be a waste. Teach him to love himself and allow himself to be loved, then go "oops! You didn't say no takebacksies! Have fun being alone forever!"? I don't think so.
Anyway, it's a goddamn tree - like I've seen many other people saying, it's a living thing, not a piece of machinery that needs maintaining, and a hand to hold it the whole way. Loki is the gardener - he's planted the tree, but its just a baby now. He'll water it and feed it and protect it from storms for a bit, but then it will grow to be self-sufficient. You dont see gardeners watering a massive 50 year old tree. Victor said you can't scale for infinite- that's why, without the TVA doing branch pruning, the Loom will always overload, because it's mechanical and mechanical things have limits. But nature, trees, have no scale, no limits. They can keep growing as long as they like, just getting bigger and bigger.
Well that was a long winded way to say I don't think loki will have to stay in that chair. I also completely lost the plot - we were talking about loki killing/not killing sylvie, right? Oh well. You get my point. It's all connected. Or something
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ashesandhackles · 6 months
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Chapter 1,2,3,4,5
I love this chapter for how much it pokes fun at politicians, particularly the political opponent saying, " a grim mood has gripped the country," barely concealing his grin or the detail of Fudge turning the PM's tea cup into gerbil and how it chews the corner of his next speech XD
Emmeline Vance seems to be put on guard for Muggle PM by the Order (Snape implies as much in next chapter), cos she was murdered on the PM's premises.
Kingsley is also assigned to protect Muggle PM, but by the order of the Ministry (perhaps also a move by the Order?)
meta for this chapter: democracy in wizarding world by @whinlatter
Love the moody opening shot of 2nd chapter: mist over a dirty river, the chimney: a relic of disused mill, and a scrawny fox looking for fish and chips. Bellatrix makes a quick entrance in the scene by killing that fox.
Love the juxtaposition of Narcissa's familiarity with Spinner's End to Bellatrix's utter contempt. (In this Muggle dunghill?)
Bellatrix does not expect Narcissa to hurt her: it reads both dismissive of the baby sister, but also an expectation of familial loyalty (your own sister?) She is so surprised by Narcissa jinxing her, she keeps sufficient distance between them later on.
the comparison to Narcissa looking like a "drowned person": a reference to myth of Narcissus.
Love how the narration makes a comment that Snape's childhood home is a "dark padded cell". It parallels Sirius being in Grimmauld Place, a place of childhood wounds. Both grown men in self-inflicted prisons.
Wormtail and Snape are flatmates, which is hilarious. Snape is the spy, and keeping Wormtail, his most inclined traitor in the flat is a way to keep both of them in check (Wormtail listens at doors to get information to curry favours). Of course, Snape uses this opportunity to humiliate Wormtail and make him an errand boy XD
Voldemort is really a cult leader: there is factionalism and resentment between DEs, as indicated by Bellatrix's jealousy of Snape's supposed favourable position. A feeling other DEs seem to share who apparently carry "false stories of treachery" to Voldemort.
Snape uses Bellatrix' high regard for Voldemort's capabilities against her XD most of my analysis of this interaction is here
the petty bickering Imao: Snape putting down Bellatrix for the Ministry fiasco, Bellatrix throwing Lucius under the bus and Narcissa shutting that down XD
I love the Emmeline Vance tidbit: we know she was murdered in the Muggle PM's backyard. Snape says it was on his information that Emmeline Vance was murdered, and Dumbledore says in DH: "To give Voldemort what appears to be valuable information while withholding the essentials is a job I would entrust to nobody but you." This gives an idea of how Dumbledore works: like in the Seven Potters plan - the correct date is given, but the Order having seven Harry's gambit isnt disclosed (Mad Eye dies in this ambush). I think Emmeline Vance incident worked similarly: the information given to Voldemort is broad details, and it puts an Order member in a life and death position - and unfortunately, she dies.
Narcissa and Snape, both on the floor, kneeling, while Narcissa kisses his hand and asks for an Unbreakable Vow. It is a pretty charged scene - where she is asking Snape to be Draco's protector and the vows almost read like a marriage.
Snape makes the Unbreakable Vow, knowing Dumbledore has asked him to kill him. But even then, Snape resists the idea of actually killing Dumbledore (and we know he hates doing it) - to the point the other alternative is death.
The newspaper opening of Ch3 to build details about the wizarding world is so cool. Also Augusta Longbottom giving interviews to Prophet after Neville helps Harry in OOTP lol XD she had stopped her subscription in previous book
Harry does not allow himself to hope that Dumbledore would come to rescue him and he hasn't packed. The only allowance he made to the possibility he would be rescued from Dursleys is shutting Hedwig in her cage :(
"long experience told him to stay out of his uncle's arms reach whenever possible"
"agapanthus is flourishing" - agapanthus are commonly known as Lily of the Nile. Interesting gardening note about Petunia, and memory of Lily that surrounds the house.
"we have corresponded of course" ah, Dumbledore reminding Petunia of the letter she had sent him, begging to be taken to Hogwarts.
Blacks are patriarchal. The houses are inherited via the male line.
Harry is so strikingly monosyllabic, more than usual at the discussion of Sirius' will. He really does not want to talk about it, nor think about it. But the bubbling grief within him, the anger - we see a glimpse when Harry stands up at the suggestion that Bellatrix will get Grimmauld place.
Dumbledore expresses his anger through coldness: there is a bit in the scene where he just raises a finger and strikes Vernon into silence (it could be just the power of his gesture and the dynamic in the room, it could be Dumbldore doing magic - but either way, its an effective way to show how much he controls the room).
Petunia, who had previously received kind response from Dumbledore and a Howler later when she changed her mind, is successfully guilted by Dumbledore over their treatment of Harry. She looked "oddly flushed"
The way the book begins with Dumbledore assuring Harry that he won't be attacked by saying: "You are with me" and one of the last exchanges Dumbledore has with Harry in the books is: "I'm not worried Harry, I'm with you." My heart <3
The difference in perception of Dumbledore's speed: Slughorn notices the lag, but Harry in the previous chapter couldn't tell when the wand moved. Nice way to illustrate Dumbledore's skill.
Notes from Slughorn about Lily: Charming, vivacious and cheeky. The cheekiness especially is very reminiscent of Harry.
Slughorn's casual bigotry and his token Muggleborn faves: Lily and Dirk Cresswell.
"it was hard to sympathise with Slughorn's cossetted existence when he remembered Sirius, crouching in a cave and living on rats". Stab me, why dont you:(
harry's first thought of seeing the Burrow, his second most favourite building: "Ron's in there..". Ronarry.
Harry spent two weeks in Privet Drive, refusing meals (his go to method of punishing himself), "full of chill emptiness" at the thought of Sirius' death. "It's hard, knowing he wont write to me again":(
Tonks had come in for "tea and sympathy" with Molly late at night. Molly tries to get her around when Remus and Mad Eye will be home, but Tonks declines the offer. Probably to offer Remus and herself space. She also could not quite meet Dumbledore's eyes - and I wonder if its her feelings about the mission Remus is going on speaking.
Harry spent two weeks at Privet drive refusing meals, and the moment he steps into the Burrow, he realises how hungry he is. It is very telling how much he is allowing himself to be cared for by Molly in this moment.
Molly illustrating what's wrong with Slughorn's old boys club by casually talking about how he never noticed Arthur (similar to how Slughorn would treat Ron in this book)
Molly is carrying around the clock of hers, now that wizarding world is in open warfare. The clock is in the wash basket:pleading_face:
Hedwig waiting for Harry before proceeding to go off hunting. What a cutie.
Okay, I love the scene blocking for trio here: Harry lies back down on the bed after greeting Ron, Ron pulls a cardboard box closer and sits next to his bedside while Hermione sits at the edge of the bed. There is a casual intimacy to this that I really love.
"we thought it'd be something like that?" "you did?" XD love how much Harry knows Ron and Hermione's silent language and is amused by the change of narrative tack.
the main love interest of the novel just slouches into the room looking irritable, lol. And she leaves the scene by trying to imitate Fleur's exit - "hands held aloft like a ballerina". XD
Hermione and Ginny being bitchy about Fleur is really telling moment of their friendship - especially Hermione dropping her voice to go, "She's so full of herself" XD. I love what Fleur seems to bring out in them - Ginny does not want to be patronised, and Hermione does not take kindly to what she feels is Fleur's unearned vanity. There is also an undercurrent of jealousy because of Ron's response to Fleur ("It's pathetic," Hermione says when Ron tries to tell Harry why he isnt used to Fleur's Veela aura)
"there isnt much to do here unless you like cooking and chickens" and Fleur indirectly slapping Mrs Weasley across her face with sheet of her hair lmao. Living for the pettiness.
"And she's more intelligent, she's an Auror" - Hermione backing Tonks as an option over Fleur is also speaking about her feelings about what she feels Ron should value in a girl (i.e her).
Harry coming in to defend Fleur and then immediately wishing he hadnt spoken when Hermione ("Not you too!") and Ginny (I suppose you like the way she says 'Arry do you?") descend on him : "I'm just saying Phlegm - I mean Fleur-" Poor boy.
Interesting use of silence when Ron and Hermione argue over Tonks' feelings about Sirius death: Harry proceeds to eat to deflect, while Ginny is observing the whole thing without interrupting the conversation. Harry only speaking up when he finds a point of connection with Tonks with his own grief and self blame: "She thinks it's her fault he died." No wonder he tries to open up to her later in the book: "I miss him too"
Hermione is really frightened by the implications of the prophecy, when Ron tries to bring up what the Prophet says, she shushes him, and when Harry finally confirms it, she squeezes the twins' telescope hard.
Ron just really thinks of Harry as a hero: he is amazed at the prophecy, and he assures Harry that dumbledore teaching him lessons means that Harry isnt a goner. "He must think you have a chance!" It's this tiny hero worship that is there, where he puts himself down in favour of Harry that gets equalised in next book, as Harry tells him - "Stuff like that has always been cooler than it really was. I've been trying to you for years."
Hermione's entire nervous meltdown in the kitchen over OWL results is so funny. "Hermione's hands were shaking so much she made her whole owl tremble" LOL.
ooh the sweetness of this moment. Ginny nervously asking how Hermione did, and Hermione is like "not bad" and Ron striding over to her in full confidence of her genius ("oh come off it"), announcing her results and teasing, "You're actually disappointed, arent you?" Romione <3
Chapter 6,7,8,9,10
Quidditch in Orchard, and triple helpings of food: Harry is happy :(cant do without mentioning @whinlatter fantastic fic Orchards here)
Also, Hermione is SUCH a sport for playing Quidditch with them lol.
Harry, in true runaway fashion, being upset about Florean Fortescue, the man who gave him free ice creams and homework help during POA :(
Draco's first dialogue is about his mother coddling him - he clearly wanted to do stuff alone for his mission, but Narcissa is hanging on.
Harry's Sirius grief and rage coming back again: he notices in the second meeting with Narcissa that she resembles Bellatrix. He doesn't lower his wand and steps forward to intimidate her. It's a tense scene where they both imply the other can't do much - but Narcissa picks at the wound that is propelling Harry: "I expect Potter would be reuniting with dear Sirius before I am reunited with Lucius."
Fred (and george) always being surprised when Hermione compliments their magic: "For that Hermione, you can have one for free." He respects her intellect.
Just Fred and George casually displaying their enterpreunership: capitalising on people's fears and making it funny, having a Muggle novelty section as well as the DADA line, drawn from their experience of Dumbledore's Army. Telling what kind of competence we are dealing with at Ministry if Fred and George are getting massive money for their DADA line.
Harry paying unusual amount of attention to Fred and George grilling Ginny about her dating life. We see how she is edging into the narration slightly in this chapter, on the periphery.
Ginny, the 'sporty' girl, loves cute Pygymy Puffs. <3
Borgin bowing to Draco as deeply as he once did Lucius Malfoy after Draco finishes his demands: showing Draco's status as a "man" (a status he seems to be negotiating with his mother, who he snaps at for treating him like a child)
Ron and Hermione bickering all the way to the joke shop and then presenting a united front in front of Molly about how they were not missing, but just in the back room XD
Harry and his obsessive spells and leaps of logic that neither of his friends appreciate: it was Malfoy this book, and Hallows in the next one XD he comes to the conclusion here, after pondering over Malfoy's behavior and Borgin's response- that he is a Death Eater
"I wouldn't go in the kitchen right now - there's a lot of Phlegm around" "I'll be careful not to slip in it" : there is a tenderness in how Harry responds to Ginny here, and I see it a bit of a charged moment. (@whinlatter noted how this scene is set with Ginny carrying laundry, and that would set the flowery scent association Harry would have later)
Harry wondering if Tonks would be part of his security arrangements - he is actively seeking her out, in the belief that they both share the same survivor's guilt.
Ginny's lower tolerance for Ron's crush on Fleur (she stuck her leg out when he goes to say goodbye to her): I've seen fics take it as her loyalty to Hermione and her annoyance on her behalf that her brother is behaving like this when Hermione is right there.
Harry actively seeking adults out with his suspicions and threats he feel is looming is a direct response from the communication break down from last year, when he didn't go to anyone and then Sirius died. He collaborates with adults this year to ensure those kinds of mistakes don't happen.
"Harry please. You're talking to the man who raised Fred and George." lol
Neville's new wand is made of cherry wood and unicorn hair: both emphasising his pure soul, but what I found interesting is that it matches Harry's holly with associations to immortality/ eternal life. @saintsenara noted: "cherry is associated in lots of British and Irish folklore with the infant Christ and Mary, and I love it as a reference to Neville's own motherlessness, and the fact he could, as we know now, also have been the Boy-Who-Lived"
Harry coldly refusing Romilda Vane by saying Luna ("looking like a multi-coloured owl") and Neville ("whose bottom was sticking out of his pants") are his friends, is a direct contrast to the last time he was in a compartment with them and was embarrassed that Cho saw him with them.
Slughorn missing out Belby while handing out pies after Belby revealed that he is not all that well connected to his uncle, oh boy. Anyway, this is a good meta to have as reference for Slughorn's old boy club.
Zabini is so pissed off at Ginny's intervention on Harry's behalf ("Yeah Zabini, because you're so talented.. at posing") that he actually gives Harry a "filthy look" once they leave and Harry "returns it with interest".. the understated sexual rivalry Imao.
How interesting that how quiet Neville's story is - even Malfoy can't guess at what could interest Slughorn. Given that it is essentially what his aunt went to Azkaban for.
"I wouldnt touch a filthy blood traitor like her, whatever she looked like" Blaise is still burning from Ginny's insult XD He doth protest too much. And Pansy is threatened enough by Ginny to actually watch Draco's reaction about her.
This meta by @indigo-scarf breaks down Draco and Blaise interaction better.
The brutality of Draco's ambush at the end of the chapter. It felt more personal than it had ever been before.
I love the illustration of Tonks' competence even while she is very clearly "unsmiling and miserable looking". She finds Harry because she noticed he hadn't come down from the train, and she checked the compartment where the blinds were drawn. (Although she very obviously does not care about appearances - her own, or Harry's in the moment. Hermione cleans up the dried blood on Harry's face later in the chapter and it just shows how much energy Tonks has in the moment to not think of this).
Harry's keenness to leave the "new, gloomy" Tonks behind shows how much he is avoiding his negative feelings (there is a self aware moment from him later in chapter where he admits he clings to blaming Snape for Sirius' death, because it feels satisfying. The weight of what happened in OOTP is too much for him to bear alone). This is the year where he redoubles his focus outside of himself - the obsessive spells over what Malfoy might be upto, trying (in his own way) to take care of Ron and Hermione.
Snape disparaging Tonks' Patronus while his own Patronus is a reflection of his love for Lily: classic Snape lashing out at anything that reminds him of himself lol. But ofc, he intends for the jibe to be his opinion of Remus.
Snape taking the Unbreakable Vow, Dumbledore giving him the jinxed DADA post. They both have really prepared for this year lol.
So begin the Lavendar shenanigans. Rowling sets up the teenage drama by having Lavendar interrupt the usual Ron-Hermione back and forth over free periods and Fanged Frisbee, with a "loud giggle." It's an interruption in their usual conversation rhythm, but Ron, who feels unseen and is insecure, is pleased with her attention.
Last book, Neville kicks away his father's wand in shedding of his legacy. McGonagall steers further away from the family legacies and expectations by asking him to drop Transfiguration (which he doesnt enjoy but is asked to take cos of his Gran), and do Charms instead. McGonagall reaffirms this with: "It's high time your grandmother learns to be proud of the grandson she has rather than the one she thinks she ought to have." (I also love the suggested familiarity of McGonagall going to drop a line to his gran about her failed Charms Owl)
Parvati is "crestfallen" that Firenze is no longer taking Divination. Lol, woman has her priorities straight.
Love the tiny moment here in Snape's class where Snape makes an implied jab about Harry's mind power and looks at Harry, and Harry looks back. And Snape has to look away - uncomfortable most likely by Lily's eyes glowering at him for too long. (I must say, Harry's redoubled antagonism for Snape is actually quite enjoyable to read, it lends an intensity to their scenes, plus it is also the year Harry "befriends" teenage Snape via his book and by the end of HBP, culminate in what I think is among the most complicated scenes in the series)
Hermione drawing parallels between Harry and Snape's words ("Isnt that what he is saying? That it comes down to being brave and quick thinking?") and the narrative will even more parallels by Deathly Hallows, setting them up as fellow abandoned boys, like Tom Riddle.
Amortentia is in a gold cauldron. Aesthetically pleasing as well for Harry XD While Harry is like, "it has something that I might have smelled at The Burrow", Hermione already knows her answer. She turns pink and does not complete her sentence. The reaffirmation of her attraction to Ron by a love potion nonetheless, is among other things that propels her to make a move.
In close proximity to Amortentia, Ron's feelings for Hermione is also on the surface and he gets annoyed when Hermione is radiant that Harry told Slughorn that she is the best in the year. There is a subtle element of competition from Ron for Hermione's attention/validation even in the beginning of the chapter. They both are not outwardly doing anything about it, but their feelings are bubbling to the surface even more this year.
In OOTP, Harry was so disconnected from Ginny's inner life that she had to remind him about her possession. Here, when she is alarmed and angry about him "taking orders from a book", he knew "what was on her mind at once." Speaks to the comfort and wavelength the dynamic reached over the summer.
The theme of competition is really strong in this book, with neither Ron and Hermione appreciating Harry's top position in class. Although, Harry astutely read it as Hermione thinking that what he does is akin to cheating, but not only is cheating is aggravating for Hermione, but cheating is even more aggravating when he gets to be top of the class (a position she does enjoy, and only gives up "coolly" if the win was fair). She becomes "increasingly bad tempered when her Potions yield poorer results than the Prince." For Ron, however, Slughorn increasingly treats him like he is invisible.
I also love how resilient the trio friendship is that they snipe at each other, but it immediately swings back to "ooh tell us what Dumbledore says! We will wait up for you." It shows a very healthy tolerance for conflict and tension between them (a point even Harry has reached after much development), even though fandom fixates on the dsyfunction lol.
I wonder what Harry thought when he recognised the graveyard - the place Voldemort was resurrected and site of his trauma - from a distance.
The setting of the Gaunt house is such that the entire house is hidden beneath the tangle of trees (probably to hide from 'busybodies, intruders, filth'), and it even blocks the light out. What a miserable sounding place to grow up i.
"now i come to think of it, i have seen noses like yours in the village" "i dont doubt it, if your son has been let loose on them" I love the humour in the proceedings, the beginning where Harry is wondering why Odgen is not understanding Morfin when he is perfectly clear by brandishing a knife in one hand and wand in the other XD
Merope's abuse is being illustrated so clearly in this chapter: her fear of her father, who keeps berating her and calling her a Squib (and also by the end of the scene nearly strangles her). And her brother, who attacked Tom because she was attracted to him. And of course, her cooking for them while they do nothing in a largely neglected home. It paints a stark, gendered picture. (as both @whinlatter and @saintsenara - there is a deeply troubling implication of incest here. I would also refer to @saintsenara top tier works on Merope Gaunt here)
Tom and Cecilia pass by, and while Tom shows his class snobbery, it is juxtaposed with the Gaunts being proud of their heritage and heirlooms that come from Slytherin himself.
"The shock of her desertion lead to his early death - or perhaps he simply never learned to feed himself" lol
Harry is so quiet after Dumbledore declares how Tom Riddle never cared to find out about his son. There is a lovely pause in the scene here, and a mood setting. But Voldemort's abandonment by his father is something Harry understands. He is also eager to know more, and seemed reluctant to leave the office. A new mystery.
Chapter 11, 12,13,14
Although Ron's "I'm tall" is played for laughs when Hermione is dispassionately listing out why Harry has become extra popular, there is a fluidity to Ron and Hermione's relationship this chapter which goes back and forth and is very accurate to teenage experience. Hermione didn't spare him her attention when he was seeking it, so when Lavender gave him a wide smile, he nearly "strutted" in his pleased confidence (a fact that amuses Harry and makes Hermione "cold and distant" to the point she doesn't wish Ron good luck). But when Ron makes it as a Keeper, he grins when Hermione finally comes and effusively praises him ("you did brilliantly Ron!" and we can see Lavendar leaving with Parvati looking grumpy) and Ron is specifically pointed out as being "taller than usual".
However, Ron's feelings of inadequacy around Harry rears its head again ("What are you two doing?" Ron asks suspiciously), when ironically Harry is confronting Hermione in private about Hermione confunding McLaggen - in her words, because a) he pissed her off by the way he was talking about Ron and Ginny b) realising he wont be a good teammate. And this feelings of inadequacy is exacerbated by Slughorn treating him as completely invisible by end of the chapter, so we see Ron staring over at Lavendar Brown before going to bed ("As I am not invited to any parties, I'm going to bed").
Harry immediately hoping for Bellatrix Lestrange's arrest. Again, the ripple effect from previous year.
Harry to Buckbeak: "How are you? Missing him? But you're Ok with hagrid, arent you?":( the way Harry opens up to the Hippogriff Sirius was on the run with as someone who'd understand what missing Sirius is like.
"Since when have yeh called me sir?" "Since when have you called me Potter?" The way he immediately knew how to turn tables on Hagrid when he shouted Potter, he deliberately emphasised the word "sir" to disarm Hagrid. The cheek (and slight manipulativeness) of this boy <3
Arthur actually acting on Harry's tip off and raiding Malfoy manor. As @messybutsheiskind pointed out- one of the first time an adult takes harry's suspicions seriously once confided in them, and checks it out. Harry later attempts to tell his (outlandish) suspicions to McGonagall.
Ron's exception for Hermione: "Reading textbooks in bed is an indecent behavior in everyone except Hermione, who was simply weird that way."
"Levicorpus" is a spell that caused Snape some trouble. I wonder if the non verbal modification came in later? It was apparently all the rage at some point in Hogwarts, per Remus. I cannot imagine the spell spreading unless it was performed verbally a few times, and then Snape revises it to a non-verbal spell.
I love the moment Harry wonders if the Prince is actually James (and actively pushes away the thought his father was a pureblood) - this is, once again, the loss of Sirius shining through. Sirius' letters can no longer bring him comfort, so could this funny, imaginative textbook be his new father figure?
Hermione makes a correlation between the spell and the one used by Death Eaters during the world cup, suggesting darker connotations not only for the spell, the Prince but also James himself. Harry gets a "sinking feeling" about not only his dad's use of it in SWM, but Hermione's judgement of it. You can tell this is one of the reasons he never tells Ron and Hermione about the memory.
Boy do I have feelings about Slughorn ignoring Ron as though "he were a display of Cockroach Cluster". Clearly, Harry also has strong feelings about it, which is why he schedules his Quidditch practices whenever he gets an invitation. (although hilarious that Ron, Ginny and him are merciless about Hermione spending nights with Zabini and McLaggen). I also like that both Harry and Hermione know that the encounter upset Ron, and they both try little ways to engage him (Harry showing extra interest in Sugar Quills, or Hermione asking Ron where he would want to go next).
Harry's Sirius wound bursts open in the Mundungus scene in a scary way. All my feelings about this very underrated scene that people should talk more about here.
Hermione thinks Harry is angry that Mundungus was stealing his stuff, when Harry is actually really angry about Mundungus disrespecting Sirius. It shows how much of his grief he has withheld from Ron and Hermione.
Ron attempting to get attention from Madam Rosmerta, and Hermione's waspish response to his "nothing" is : "I expect nothing's in the back getting more Firewhiskey" (related to the plot, Rosmerta is giving Katie the necklace). She is bothered by it enough that she keeps flickering her eyes between Ron and the bar. The kind of insecurity displayed here is very teenage-ish. (the author obviously finds jealousy very funny - given that she invokes it in Arthur/Molly next book, but I do kinda imagine older, more secure Romione being okay with knowing that they each find other people attractive and joke around about it. #bestfriend vibes)
Another effect of Sirius' death and the events of the previous book is that Harry is going to adults with every suspicion of his - unlike the last book where he keeps his thoughts to himself. From telling Arthur to check the Malfoy manor again, to telling McGonagall about his suspicions about Malfoy giving Katie the necklace, and even giving details like following Malfoy to Borgin and Burkes
Harry's conversation with Hagrid and how he outplays Hagrid. It is more of an honest disarming of Hagrid than outright manipulation, but it displays a streak of knowing people and knowing what buttons to press. He does this with greater effect in Felix Felicis with Ron (ofc it backfires on romione, but lol). It's why he recognises Tom's very subtle and careful manipulation of Slughorn in the Horcrux conversation.
Harry witnessing Katie incident and suspecting Malfoy, Snape and Dumbledore meanwhile conspiring to save Draco's soul and Snape saving Katie's life. For my feelings about the trifecta of Harry, Snape and Dumbledore, my meta covers this.
I think it was pointed out in this reread before, about how Phineas Nigellus' feelings about Sirius' death: "the last of Blacks is dead?" + how incensed he is about how a criminal is treating Black family heirlooms, vs Harry's grief is about someone disrespecting Sirius' memory: "What did you do, go back the night he died and strip the place?"
Harry's indignation that Burke paid only 10 galleons to Merope (and his immediate understanding of Voldemort's anger at Smith casually talking about his mother being robbed) and his pity for his parent's murderer ("She wouldnt stay alive for her son?") surprises Dumbledore. Striking parallel: Harry's rage at someone robbing Sirius' heirlooms vs Tom's knuckles whitening over the locket.
Merope refusing to do magic reads like guilt, her penance for her enslavement of Tom Riddle Snr. Dumbledore also proposes an alternate, and it is meant to parallel Tonks: "attendant despair sapped her of her powers, that can happen".
I like how comfortable Harry is getting - pushing boundaries with Dumbledore and his own surprise at Dumbledore welcoming it. ("Where were you this weekend?" and Dumbledore promising to tell Harry in due course and of course, Harry's unthinking "Nice suit sir" and Dumbledore merely chuckling)
I like the detail of Mrs Cole looking "anxious rather than unkind" and of course, she very much reads like a woman with too much on her plate and no time for herself (it's why Dumbledore's attention prompts her to relish telling the story). The place is shabby with mismatched furniture, but also spotlessly clean. There is sterility and functionality to descriptions here. (also love the detail of Dumbledore not only enchanting Mrs Cole with the parchment, but also sneakily placing gin and two glasses as suggestion).
"Funny boy who hardly ever cried": a baby that is uncomfortable expressing needs, because it might not be tended to, and the baby understands abandonment. Also Dumbledore's immediate wariness and interest in Tom, knowing that the child is a bully.
Harry is shocked that Tom would try to establish a power dynamic with Dumbledore ("Tell the truth!") and Dumbledore's complete unfazement by it (which is also a power move, which Tom recognises and gets warier). Tom tries again - "prove it!" and Dumbledore merely raises his eyebrows and asks for respectful honorifics when Tom addresses him. I also love that Dumbledore recognises Tom, who is not truly sorry, being manipulative with his "unrecognisably polite voice" and then Dumbledore does something that establishes his total power in the scene: he burns Tom's wardrobe and asks Tom to open it. Dumbledore doesnt like what he sees as "instincts for cruelty, secrecy and domination" and ends up dominating the scene.
Also Tom staring at Dumbledore's eyes "as though to catch each of them lying" - a perhaps underdeveloped leglimency skill that he will develop well in canon?
The moment Riddle says he believes he was special, Dumbledore stops smiling but watches him "intently". Another way that Dumbledore disliking seeing mirror version of himself in another person ("you disgust me" with Snape) and here, Tom believing himself special is a reflection of his own youthful self: "I was gifted, I was brilliant. I wanted to escape. I wanted to shine. I wanted glory."
The first time Dumbledore is gentle in the scene is when Voldemort asks about his father - he keeps the "irksome, common name" Tom in an effort for connection to his father. And his absolving (and dismissal) of his mother abandoning him: "My mother can't have been magic or she wouldn't have died."
The way Harry immediately understands that Tom is determined to impress Dumbledore with his disclosure of his Parseltongue abilities. And Dumbledore barely validates him: "It is unusual and not unheard of", but it invokes Dumbledore's curiosity in his parentage I suppose.
Harry wondering if Dumbledore would have the mouth organ. His mind already making links to what Dumbledore is showing him.
I really, really enjoy trio conversations in classroom set ups, and usually involving something weird. The physicality of the scene - the way they work together even when arguing says so much about their relationships. The Snargaluff stump set up is so much fun: you see Ron charging into protect Hermione when vines catch her hair, and Harry succeeding in solving the larger problem, which enables Hermione to get the pod.
Hermione is so pissed off: she turns bright, boiling scarlet because she had hexed McLaggen for Ron, and he is asking her to "get off" with McLaggen. So she does what she did at Yule Ball: angrily tells him that she was going to ask him. Meanwhile Harry is in the background, pounding his pod with a trowel so he doesnt have to hear them. XD Harry is ambivalent about the idea of Romione because he might either see trio falling apart or a scenario where "he was shut out for good":(
Dean Thomas, from the Muggle world with very little access and opportunity to be a Qudditch player, gets to be Chaser <3
"And Ginny, dont call Ron a prat, you're not the captain of this team" "Well you seemed too busy to call him a prat so I thought someone should" XD
Harry having the worst practices ever and telling his team, "good work everyone, I think we'll flatten Slytherin". What a cutie.
Ah the chest monster is here (which I find reallly funny device to allude to the sexual edge of his feelings)! Harry not returning Dean's shifty grin and Dean immediately being like, "lets go back to the common room"
Love Ginny and Ron fight: a lot of it speaks a lot of her friendship with Hermione. Her being privy to the knowledge that Hermione kissed Viktor Krum when the boys dont have a confirmation (Harry suspects it because in the end of GOF, Hermione returns from her goodbye with Krum completely smooth faced, an indication she is hiding something from them), her knowing Harry kissed Cho, her vicious deconstruction of how Ron behaves around Fleur (the heat and anger there could be on Hermione's behalf, apart from the fact that Ron is her brother).
I doubt Ginny knew that Hermione hasnt told the boys about Krum or of her own fight with Ron, because Hermione is "hurt and bewildered" by Ron's behavior the next day. Although it is the stress of the fight with Ron, it is interesting that when Ginny yells about how Harry's snogged Cho Chang, she sounds close to tears.
"Ron, you're my best mate, but carry on treating the rest of the team like this, I;m going to throw you off the team" love how maturely Harry handles this. Also this exchange" "it's a mental problem you've got!" "you calling me mental?" "yeah i am" XD these boys! My favourite part of this chapter is Harry's faith in Ron. He cooks up Felix Felicis scheme on the foundation of the fact that he believes Ron can save anything when he is in form. (It also shows how well he knows his friends that he works the initial scheme.)
lmao, "Hark who's talking, confunded anyone lately?" Harry's friendship with Hermione this book is so much easier and so much fun.
Harry initiates physical contact with a character and its Ginny. And I have a feeling she notices how "let go very quickly and avoided her gaze". Because that is not normal behaviour, Harry. Later in the chapter, she also tests the physical boundaries between them by patting him on his arm.
Harry darting after Hermione when he thinks she has seen Ron and Lavendar:(: (also love how Hermione brings it up with Harry, even though trio as a collective just walk around romione feelings. "Dont pretend you didnt see him, he wasnt exactly hiding it, was he?"). And Harry being horrified that it is the moment Ron walks in, how Ron cannot look at Hermione and both Harry and Ron are waiting for an imminent explosion. It is just..such a good depiction of an insular triad friendship.
Harry "thought his voice would vanish from lack of use":rofl: as he determined to be friends with both Ron and Hermione, and both are angry/defensive about what happened.
Ginny "kept cropping up in his dreams that made him devoutly thankful that Ron could not perform Legilimency":rofl:
lol @ Harry slyly telling Hermione that she knows a lot about Fred and George's Owl order service for their love potion, and she returns it with a jab: "I don't go around putting Potions in people's drinks.. or pretending to, which is just as bad" (But I love how the scene ends with them bantering about whether or not Filch and Madam Pince were in love with each other)
How interesting that Hermione views Love Potions as not "dark or dangerous", when we know in this book just how dangerous it could be. The enslavement of Tom Riddle Snr was done through means of Love Potion. As Slughorn says in the beginning of the book, that if students have lived as long as he has, they wouldn't underestimate the "power of obsessive love." Love as a weaponised thing, as something both that motivates dark things, while also behind Harry (and Lily's) sacrifice, seems to be theme in the books.
Harry goes after Hermione after she runs off to the bathroom after the Transfiguration classroom fiasco. Love that the boy could not think of any words of comfort, so he just got her things XD. And unlike the previous books, him standing up for Hermione is stronger than his quiet attempts in POA: "What did you have to imitate her for?" "She laughed at my moustache" "So did I, it was the stupidest thing I've ever seen."/ vs "Can't you give her a break?" "No- she acts like Scabbers has gone on a holiday" and Harry drops it.
Ginny is glad that Harry is taking Luna to the party, both because Luna is very excited but also because Ginny isn't threatened by Luna as a romantic interest for Harry. (lol @ the DH scene where she intervenes when Cho asks to take Harry to Ravenclaw tower and Ginny suggests Luna instead XD)
Parvati and Hermione's interaction is genuinely very sweet since Parvati felt guilty about laughing at Hermione in Transfiguration. Throughout the books, Parvati seems to be the one trying to connect with Hermione: she tells Lavendar about Hermione crying in bathroom back in PS, her attempting to tease Hermione about leaving Divination once Firenze comes along etc etc.
Hermione inviting Cormac McLaggen to piss Ron off is an A+ petty move (also the hilarious moment she tells Harry that she was also considering Zacharias Smith XD "You considered Smith?":rofl: ). She also gets a jab in to really twist the knife further into Ron (which suggests she had spoken to Ginny, who may have revealed that she told the boys about Krum): "I like really good Quidditch players"
Worple trying to manage Sanguini's blood cravings with pasty lol.
Slughorn thinking Harry's attempt at Draught of Living Death was better first attempt than Snape's. XD But interesting that Snape's first attempt wasn't as noteworthy - it shows he has really worked to get where he is at Potions.
Luna talking about Rotfang Conspiracy with Trelawney who seemed "sincerely interested" XD
The scene with Snape and Draco is great: Snape correctly reads that Draco is at this point, scared: "What thoughts are you trying to conceal from your master Draco?" and Draco's resentful bravado," I'm not trying to conceal anything from him, I don't want you butting in." he also loses patience after trying to negotiate with the said bravado when Malfoy accuses him of wanting his glory: "You're speaking like a child. " And it is around then, Malfoy, who does want to be taken seriously, leaves.
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torchshippod · 9 months
Crew Profiles Part 1: Mary Gillham-32
Greetings Cosmonauts!
This is the first of a series of posts detailing the characters of Torchship: Forbidden Space, in the leadup to the release of our Pilot episode. And who better to start with than the most of important character of all, the rocket: Mary Gillham-32 herself! 
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Tough little ship
By 2152, it had become clear that the Aquillian De-Militarised Zone was here to stay. A ceasefire intended to last until peace negotiations that never came. The Divine Empire, risen from the ashes of the old Aquillian Empire, officially refused to recognise the DMZ. But unofficially? They made it clear that so long as Humanity kept out of the DMZ, there would be no more hostilities. 
The Florence Bailey program was soon established. Tasked with venturing inside the disputed territory, with the primary objective of reconnoitring Divine Empire operations, charting the DMZ, and attempting to make secret alliances with any civilisations inside the region. By secretly breaking the cease-fire, it was hoped the Florence Bailey program could, if not prevent another war, at least ensure Humanity was prepared for it. Secrecy being paramount, the Florence Bailey program utilised civilian ships, modified to appear like those belonging to vessels of various alien polities, alongside ‘acquired’ vessels of Aquillian and other alien origin. 
While successful, the Florence Bailey program was rife with controversies. Including a minor political scandal when the Free Aquillian Republic Raptor Libre encountered Florence Bailey-4, a captured Raptor masquerading as Free Aquillian Republic Raptor Libre. 
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Aquillian Free Republic Raptor Libre. Or is it Florence Bailey-4?
In 2162, Humanity developed their first cloaking device, finally allowing Star Patrol to explore the DMZ without the headache of acquiring alien rockets, or offending its neighbours. The Mary Gillham program was born. It carried the same objectives as the Florence Bailey program, but now using purpose built vessels, and operating openly inside the DMZ as Star Patrol vessels, using cloaking technology to remain undetected by Divine Empire rockets or listening posts.    
Mary Gillham rockets are built to contradictory standards, and Mary Gillham-32 is no exception. She needed a small profile and to appear non-threatening. Enough that if discovered, she would prompt a manageable diplomatic incident, rather than a full blown war. She also needed to be self sufficient, capable of cruising for months, potentially years, without resupply or official support, feature a cloaking device, advanced sensor systems, and be well enough armed to fend off rockets 3 times her size. How successful this was depends entirely on who you ask…
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"You're shorter than I expected." - Mary Gillham-32 faces off against a Divine Empire Second Rate.
Mary Gillham-32 is one of the smallest interstellar rockets in Star Patrol, and carries the bare minimum crew complement of 4. All Star Patrol rockets are cramped, but Mary takes it to another level. Supplies and equipment are stashed anywhere and everywhere there’s room. Her moonchute (the zero gravity shaft used to navigate up and down decks) is claustrophobic, and her doors are often joked to have been designed by Martians to spite the tall. 
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Mary’s most important and defining feature is her cloaking device. Effectively a second, specialised variant of the FTL drive, though rather than warping space to allow for superluminal travel, the cloak warps space so steeply that it creates a bubble through which no light, heat, or tachyons can enter or escape. Effectively concealing the rocket in a tiny baby universe all to itself. Of course, this works both ways, while cloaked Mary is totally blind, relying solely on computer calculations to determine position, and a periscope in the form of a tethered drone that can be extended from the cloak bubble, at risk of detection. 
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Mary's periscope observes a pack of Aquillian Raptors.
This lack of creature comforts is most obvious when it comes to the matter of armament. Too small to fit particle cannons or railguns, when it comes to combat Mary’s best hope is to cloak and escape. If that doesn’t work, she has a set of six externally mounted torpedo tubes. With no room for anything as wasteful as autoloaders, reloading is a process that takes the better part of a day. New torpedoes must be manufactured in stages in the matter printer, transported up the ship and out the cargo airlock, assembled in space, and then manually loaded into the tubes after being fitted with the desired warhead.
With only six shots, it’s imperative that even one torpedo is enough to end any fight. So, in addition to a supply of standard flak, nuclear and a handful of antimatter warheads. She also carries a small stock of Graviton bombs. An experimental warhead that creates a pseudo-singularity with an event horizon diameter measuring tens of kilometres. Anything caught within is utterly ripped apart. Mary may only have six shots, but she only needs one. 
In short, Mary Gillham-32 is an undersized, overengineered, and overpowered rocket with an understaffed and overworked crew, embarked on a dangerous, politically dubious mission with no hope of reinforcements or aid if they encounter a problem. But whatever sticky situations their mission brief gets them into, the crew can rest assured that with a bit of clever thinking, Mary will get them out of it.
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ratsoh-writes · 4 months
Hey y’all! Say hello to flavortale!
These monsters are a relatively simple au! Like the dance and theatre monsters, after being trapped underground, they experienced an artistic revolution to cope. For this au, they discovered the joy of putting their art into food!
Now how did they do this when every other underground au struggled with food shortages? The answer is the barrier, or how the mages in the Great War made a very big mistake. They did in fact trap the monsters under the barrier, but they failed to put a limit on the barriers shape and size. After the entrapment, the monster kingdom quickly discovered this and just simply increased the barrier any time they needed space. They even broke the rocks above, claiming sections of land on the surface. No one could get in, or out, but no one could also stop the barriers movement from the outside even if they wanted to. The humans abandoned that area and left the monsters to themselves
With the ability to expand a certain amount every year, the royals biggest concern was making their people self sufficient as they could no longer rely on or even receive imports. Most expansions were made for farmland above whole underground, monsters made their homes. Over time they grew bored though with the same palate of food each day, and they began experimenting new ways to cook, leading to a culinary revolution!
Now here are the girls:
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Taffy (flavortale sans):
Taffy is a freckled skeleton monster aged 60 with dual colored magic. She is mostly mint green with patches of peachy ecto scattered around her body. It’s best seen in her freckles, which show the different colors. She stands 5 feet tall. She has a pleasantly plump and curvy ecto.
Taffy is a motherly kind monster who seems to adopt anyone who enjoys her foods. She’s a both a scientist and artist dedicated to the art of creating new flavors and textures with sugar! Shes incredibly creative! She’s affectionate and enjoys the company of her loved ones, but can be a bit overbearing when it comes to wanting to baby them. It’s quite funny given how most of said friends are much larger than her, but she finds a way.
Taffy owns a prestigious candy shop in inner ebott with her sister and best friends. They’re a four monster team determined to amaze everyone’s minds with how delicious their sugary treats are! She’s also leased out some of her more popular recipies and treats to be mass produced and sold in mellowmarts around ebott.
Taffy despite not knowing how to conjure a weapon before the crash, did go back and learn in adult classes. Her magic weapon is a massive battle axe nearly double her height. She named it sugarcane
Taffy’s special ability is stretch. As long as the object is hand sized or smaller, no matter the material, if she concentrates she can stretch and mold that material to her desired shape
Things she loves: candy of course! But her favorites are chocolate truffles with a flavored cream on the inside, bubbly grape soda, very brutal gory horror movies, stuffed animal bunnies, dance pop, leg warmers, frilly aprons, little kids, stickers, fancy wrapping paper, fairy roses, light up shoes, novelty candies, the color black
Pudding (flavortale papyrus)
Pudding is a freckled skeleton monster aged 39. She has a peachy pink magic and stands at 6 feet tall even. Her ecto is curvy in all the right places making her look very soft and cuddly. She’s a beautiful monster.
Pudding is a total babe. A very spunky kind and goofy skeleton who loves a bit of soft teasing and jokes. She’s one of the only papyrus’s who enjoys puns. She looks up a lot to taffy and is determined to live up to her sisters reputation although she has no talent for cooking. She’s a flirt, but panics when they flirt back. She’s very easily flustered. All bark no bite
Pudding works at her sisters candy shop as a cashier, stocker and taste tester. She has zero talent for cooking but an amazing taste palate so she’s trusted to confirm if the new candies are any good. Pudding wants to become a professional food critic someday but needs to build up a reputation first in the culinary field.
Pudding, eager to follow her sister, also took adult classes to learn to form a magic weapon. Her weapon is a simple spear with a cute star shaped blade at the end. It has a crystalline look resembling many of the crystals in her collection
Puddings special ability is being able to melt. Literally. When flustered, her bones go soft making her squishy to the touch. She can do it on command too to fit into tight spaces, but the effect is very temporary making that dangerous
Things she loves: the color green, rock candies, cute crystal carvings, dance dance revolution and just dance games, cheesy pick up lines, orange sodas, cute headbands and bandanas, kpop and pop music, tulips, Mary Jane shoes.
And side characters!
Cookie: (flavortale alphys), cookie is an adorable orange lizfolk monster with dark brown magic and large eyes. She’s the best friend of taffy and co-owns the shop with her and her mate bonbon. They had gone to school together, invented many of their recipes together and even lived together for several years until she and bonbon got married. Now the besties are neighbors on the same street. Cookie is a shy but sweet monster with a love for chemistry and sugar. She is the big inventor along with taffy in their business
Bonbon: (flavortale undyne), the best friend of taffy and mate of cookie, bonbon is the third co owner of the candy shop. She’s a strong muscular river monster with tan scales and cute cream eyes and hair. The three things bonbon loves most in the world is her mate, chocolate and her friends of course. She has a head for numbers, handling the budget of the little candy shop, and doing her body building exercises in her free time. She’s a cheerful and bubbly monster.
Cheesecake: (flavortale Asgore). The youngest royal at only 300 years old, and a tad embarrassed by the nickname the press gave him when his adoration of cheesecake was discovered. Cheesecake is the newly appointed representative of the flavor monsters. His father, Mordac, had retired as soon as ebott was organized, and cheesecake was voted in over two other candidates. He handles food regulation issues mostly, as well as overviewing the methods of quality testing for ebott produce.
Meringue: (flavortale toriel), the aunt of cheesecake and appointed as the second representative long before mordac, her brother, retired. By seniority, meringue is now the first representative of the flavor monsters and works with sanitation standards of businesses. She’s a jolly playful royal and loves teasing her nephew.
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angelfruittree · 27 days
Tell publicly 3 facts about yourself or your three favourite songs or favourite books (it can be anything, really-whatever you want to share/feel like talking about) then send it some people you like! ♥️♥️♥️
Ohhh thank you for the ask lys
1. One of my favorite characters ever is Kaul Hilo from the green bone saga - that sound that’s like “I’m not a bad dog I don’t know why I bite” is so very him but he’s rabid! He’s a middle child and something about middle children always gets to me. I think about this bit all the time ( not really a bit is it lmao)
“Now it seemed an impassable emotional mountain. Every time he longed to make things right with Wen, anger yanked him back, like a hand jerking away from flame or Steel rising against a blade.
How often had he found fault with Shae for keeping people at a distance for half the time not being honest with herself, and half the time not being honest with others? Now he was the one sealed off, nursing his invisible wounds alone, just as Lan had once done.
The thought filled Hilo with gloom and dread. He was not a naturally self-sufficient personality. He knew that about himself.
Perhaps some men truly did not need others, but very few, and there was usually something wrong with them to make them that way. The brotherhood of the clan was a promise that its warriors were not alone.
What was the point of Green Bone oaths, of all the sacrifices his family had made, of the relentless war against their enemies, if in the end, the promise couldn't even be kept for him and those he loved?”
But also he’s a murderer and implicates you in every single thing he does . I remember walking my dog listening to Jade war ( book 2 ) and I stopped in my tracks on the street GAGGED!! GAGGED within an inch of my life winded I had to put my hands on my knees.
2. I really love Tasha Suri and help I’m crying but she has these two books called Empire of sand and Realm of Ash and it’s about two sisters ( each book follows a sister) The first book is about the oldest sister ( shes amrithi, a people who have old magic in their blood descended of dessert spirits , they are a nomadic dessert people and they are violently persecuted and feared but their power is also deeply covered - her mother left when she was young bc that is the amrithi way they can’t be pinned down to one place and her father remarries and… anyway I’m talking about realm of ash ) Empire of sand follows a sister forced into an arranged marriage that enslaves her to this dark mystic ( because of her power) but anyway realm of ash follows her little sister, years later who is now a widow and there’s this one line that just skdjdjdjdnffn
“ She thought about how sensible it had always seemed to smooth away her sharp edges, how long her mother had worked to shape her into something worthy of being loved. But Arwa did not care if Gulshera liked her, never mind loved her. She’s had enough of being mothered and molded. She opened her mouth.”
Okay and finally
I read this fic the other day for my two babies 2buck and I’ve been thinking about it none stop sometimes I scream because I think of a line and then I look around me and I’m on the street - or my dogs just looking at me like so disappointed or maybe he’s proud idk here’s the fic my friend found it but idk if I should expose her !!!
But I can’t stop thinking about it ahsjzjzjsjssjsn
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otomes-and-tears · 4 months
Wondering what your thoughts and opinions are on the rest of the jerk squad boys, especially Nate?
Know that asking me this was a mistake because I’m RABID for them. I’m FOAMING at the mouth and shaking just at being asked to ramble about my boys because I am plagued by thoughts of them that I’m absolutely going to unleash upon you now.
This is not going to be coherent at all. I apologise for that.
By the way— since I already talk about Shiloh way too much, he’s not going to have his little section here. If you want to see my rambles about him, please check my masterlist!
I’m probably going to talk about Jeremy separately because…. I actually haven’t finished his route. It’s the only one that’s left.
Since you asked about him first, Nate is one of my favourite boys. I have a special place in my heart for him because he kind of reminds me of my girlfriend, and I do think that his dynamic with JB is one of the most entertaining in the bunch. He’s always snapping back at her and it’s so fucking funny. Every time they’re out together I keep getting this mental image of JB being strapped in a baby leash with Nate trailing behind her like an exhausted parent.
Like Shiloh, he’s also a character that I think about a LOT, particularly about the way he handles (or does not handle) his emotions and his obsessive need to have control over everything around him.
I think it’s really telling that Nate continuously strives for perfection and frequently neglects his own emotional needs when he practically raised himself, admittedly saw the school as his home, and when we know for a fact that he was seen and treated as a mini-adult throughout his life.
Like, you cannot tell me he wasn’t praised endlessly as a child for being independent and self-sufficient and then when he grew older people were constantly exasperated that he was too independent and didn’t know when to ask for help when needed! Nate is probably endlessly confused as to why something that was touted as being such a good trait for a good portion of his life suddenly became a problem.
Anyways, I think it’s kind of tragic how he spent most of his life at that school and I legit teared up when they graduated. It’s also very sweet how despite being a perv and living to make him uncomfortable, JB is surprisingly respectful of his boundaries regarding physical touch and doesn’t push him to kiss or hug her. Yeah, she teases him about missing the perfect moment but she’s happy to let him decide when he’s ready to do all of that!
It’s also nice that she tries to support him, even if she isn’t exactly good at it. SHE’S TRYING HER BEST BC THEY LEGIT LIKE EACH OTHER EVEN IF THEY BOTH HAVE ISSUES!!
Regarding Everett… I didn’t expect to like his route as much as I did, but he has SO MUCH ANGST POTENTIAL.
Like, his whole relationship with Nate? The fact that he’s a momma’s boy?? HE WAS REJECTED BY PRAN In like, the WORST way possible??
It’s just, chef’s kiss. A whole lotta angst wrapped inside a tiny, hipster-shaped package. Pure perfection.
My only issue with his route is that the whole time, I felt like JB was getting in between him and Nate. This is my headcanon, but I feel like after high school, if JB and Everett don’t immediately have an explosive, dramatic breakup there are only two possible routes: either he leaves her for Nate or they add Nate into the mix.
I’m sorry, but no other alternatives compute for me, not after their conversation in the tunnel of love. That shit goes way past just a codependent friendship.
I think I’ve mentioned this once before but Bae is likely my second favorite jerksquad guy. I can’t really explain why his condescension is so funny to me, but it might be because my favorite parts of the game were the group meetings and Bae’s borderline paternalistic attitude towards the other characters (because he’s mAtURE and knows what’s best for them) and his sarcasm made for some really great dialogue and some of the funniest scenes in my opinion.
Just as a side note— I played xoxo blood droplets and Bae’s route made me realize how much potential he has to be a yandere in an au! And now that I’m thinking about this I NEED to write about it. Even if it’s just headcanons or something.
I love him in game. I’d probably throw hands with him three minutes into a conversation if he existed IRL. I sent my girlfriend screenshots of his sons of his scenes while I played and she said that I was a bit like him. It made me reevaluate my life LOL
Okay so, I’m going to be real with you: Pran is my least favorite of the boys. I’ll admit that when I played through his route last year I kept complaining about not having that much fun and not liking him a lot as a character. My view changed as I got to the end of the game:
Pran’s is still my least favorite route but he’s one of the most interesting guys to analyze.
In the end, even if it took me a bit to get into it, I still ended up enjoying it immensely anyway.
I think what made me dislike him at first was that, ironically, I think that Pran as a character works best in group scenes. He’s a contrarian and he’s very quiet most of the time, which makes his very occasional interjections some of the funniest moments in the meetings, but that’s also why I didn’t find his dates as fun LOL
I think that with the other characters I had a better time because how they played off JB during their dates, while with Pran it was funny to see JB trying so hard to engage with him or get a rise out of him just for him to barely react (and it makes the instances where she does manage to catch him off guard very rewarding) on the first few times, but it started to get old for me. There’s only so many times I can hear him say no, and that he doesn’t care before it gets annoying.
For me the highlight of his route was seeing Shiloh have a weird, one-sided beef with him. Shiloh pretends to like everyone but this is where he draws the line apparently 😭
Anyways, you might be wondering why I said he’s one of my favourites to analyse if I didn’t have much fun playing through his route. That’s mostly because of his backstory, which I genuinely find to be fascinating.
He’s basically a textbook example of avoidant attachment, which is due to the severe neglect he suffered as a child. Honestly, I could make a whole post about this alone if anyone is interested.
That coupled with having to adopt a mentality where nothing he ever did or said was ever right, because either his parents or grandparents would get upset, which led to him always being quiet or choosing the contrarian option, and you get a pretty fascinating character to think about. It’s interesting to examine his relationships through this lense: it makes complete sense that Pran has a difficult time engaging with JB and connecting to her emotional needs. The few relationships he has maintained exist out of necessity! And he tries so hard to push her away, in the same way he pushed everyone else away, but she just refuses to leave. Refuses to accept defeat. She’s fully determined to figure him out and make their weirdass relationship work and it’s something I admire JB for. That girl is a TROOPER.
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fireylesbianhell · 1 year
i’m having thoughts about my boy
sorry newsies moots but it’s solace time baby
• William Andrew Solace was born in Texas but has tempratlily lived in and been too; New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nevada, California, Washington, New York, and later on in life Massachusetts and Maine. The only states he vividly remembers when he was young was New Mexico and Nevada, as they spent the longest time there besides Texas.
• Will left to camp when his mother stopped in new york and a monster attack very close to camp happened and the nearest satyr recognized him as a half-blood, dragging him with the other demigods (i headcannon one of them was Drew And that’s how those two met) and was introduced. He found his mother again and was able to stay there after some plot stuff i will flesh…later.
• cat person he is such a cat person he’s a golden retriever boy yes but he’s a cat person i’m sorry i’m right i am i know him he told me
• Will did get bullied when he went to a public school for a short time in new Mexico for being/acting “Gay” and it stuck with him a bit as he was worried what camp half blood would be like. but the camp was very friendly and he adapted fairly quickly after his siblings supported his coming out
• Will is Bi to me, and i feel he figured out fairly easily. Naomi wasn’t as religious as her parents and her traveling gave her a wider world veiw, so she wasn’t exactly homophobic but didn’t really let will know gay people existed. he kinda just got context clues along the way.
• Will came out to naomi when he was 14 and she accepted him, after some suprise and tears. it was confusing for both of them but she wasn’t angry.
• Will goes though whipped cream like a maniac. he puts it on everything. everything. i don’t know where i got this headcannon from but it’s mine now it’s my baby his favorite dessert is literally just reddi whip striaght into his mouth and nico is always absoloutley horrified whenever he finds his boyfriend straight up drinking reddi whip out of the fridge after a late night at the hospital wing.
• WORKAHOLIC!! BIGGEST WORKAHOLIC!!! EVER!!! does NOT take breaks does NOT talk about his own feelings. major case of therapist friend with no therapy
• Nico summons skeletons to help will with studying sometimes, hey, it’s better than a textbook
• Due to all the Shit He’s Seen, will isn’t really freaked out by nico or macabre at all. as to contrast, nico hates medical stuff and finds it kinda freaky
• Will has a very Work for what you get attitude and seeing his mother scrape by and work herself up made will similarly hardworking, independent and self sufficient. But he’s also a stubborn bastard who would rather take and remove a bullet then let someone help him either work wise or financially. It got even worse as he became the head of his cabin so much younger with so many younger kids to take care if
• Living in new mexico for as long as they did Naomi decided it was a good idea to have will learn at least some spanish when he was young and he picked up on it nicely, and decided to continue. he’s fairly fluent now and loves freaking Leo out all the time by talking to him in spanish when nobody else is around and he can’t prove it.
• Did also have a minor crush on percy, but mostly as a “woah look at that guy holy shit” and loved teasing annabeth about it (“If YOU love him so much why do you want us to get her together?” “nooo you guys are my OTP i’m not having that up just because he’s hot” <- COMPLETELY REAL INTERACTION THEY E HAD MHM TRUST ME BRO)
• Wants to pick up on some italian so he can do the same thing he does with leo to nico
• TRANSGENDER AND AUTISTIC IM NOT ELABORATING FUCK YOU ( i do have reasons but this is more fun)
• Favorite vide game is a tie between tetris and Majoras mask
• Favorite TV show was Malcom in the Middle as a kid and now is greys anatomy /j/j/j/j but i can gaurentee he hate watches it with the apollo cabin all the time
• Suprisingly fine with plants, yes sunflowers do look at him and everyone makes fun of him for it
okay i’m done (i’m a liar i’m not done but i am about to pass out sooo)
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
For the fic title thing: Tony Stark's baby with stuckony?
Tony Stark's Baby
It had been a great scandal, Tony Stark appearing at his parent's table with news that he was with child. He'd been groomed for royalty. Perhaps not in the direct family line, but a cousin or niece, perhaps. He had the breeding, the finishing, the temperament. He would have made a good husband.
Now he was wasted. That was the word Howard had shouted at him. Wasted. As if that was all he'd raised his son for, to give to someone else. Then again... maybe he had. Tony had never really talked about him with warmth and affection.
If Howard had had any for him, it died that night when he gave Tony the choice to abort or leave. And no one had seen Tony since.
"I wonder if he ever told Howard who the father might be," Steve mused, lifting his hand to shield his eyes from the sun. They'd been riding for quite some time since they'd left the Stark estate.
Bucky scoffed, shaking his head. "Do you think that Howard would have let us leave the property alive if he knew it was one of us?"
Steve took a moment to really think of his answer. "No, you're right. He would have tried to kill at least one of us." He dropped his hand with a sigh. "I thought Howard was different."
"Yeah, I think his title went to his head," Bucky grumbled. He lifted his head a little. "Looks like we're almost there."
"It was nice of his ma to let him live on her property," Steve said, then grimaced when Bucky shot him an unimpressed frown. "I mean, obviously it's the least she could do for her son and grandchild, but I'm surprised Howard allowed it."
"They had a written agreement that this would be her property to control," Bucky reminded him. He pulled his horse in closer to Steve's, unable to help the smug smirk that crossed his lips as he quietly added, "Heard Howard tried to get her to kick Tony out anyway. Every single servant left the manor that night. I heard it was because they didn't want to be witnesses if Maria killed him."
Steve nodded a little. That made sense. Maria hadn't been the best mother to Tony, but he couldn't imagine her looking at her pregnant child and deciding both her son and his child should suffer, even if she could only bring herself to see the baby but once.
They made it over the hill and stopped to let their horses rest a bit from the climb. There was a little farm in the valley below. Self-sufficient, Clint had called it. No profit. He could grow enough for them to eat, but not enough that he could make more than a few coins with his spare vegetables. A kind gift, but also a punishment.
"Well," Steve said after a moment. "No point putting this off."
"Yeah," Bucky agreed quietly, and they nudged their horses forward again.
There was no one outside to meet them, but they hadn't really expected there to be. Tony couldn't afford to hire help, so any that he got were beholden to his mother, and they hadn't really ingratiated themselves to her, if the way her eyes went sharp with realization after their careful questioning were any indication. The yard had a few toys, but otherwise was well-kept. There was smoke coming from the chimney.
Steve and Bucky fussed with their horses a bit, then gave up on wasting time, putting off the inevitable. Either Tony would accept them, or he wouldn't. If he didn't, that was his right. They had gotten word about the scandal three years ago on the front lines, and maybe they could have come back then, if they'd pushed it. But Tony hadn't asked them to come home, so they didn't.
Steve knocked, then stepped over to press his shoulder to Bucky's. Bucky pressed closer.
The door opened, and Tony was there, tipping his head back to look up at them.
"You're late," Tony said, and then, before they could respond, he turned to step back inside. "Put your horses away. Supper's almost ready, and Harley will be waking from his nap."
"We can stay?" Bucky asked, unable to help his surprise.
Tony glanced back over his shoulder at them. "If you're taking responsibility," he answered carefully.
"We'll scream to the rooftops he's ours," Steve offered immediately.
"And that we plan to bond into a triad," Bucky added.
Tony tipped his head thoughtfully. "...Put your horses away," he repeated. "And if you're nice to me, maybe I'll give you a welcome home kiss."
"Fucking move," Steve said, throwing Bucky to the ground, and Bucky squawked in offense as he chased after him.
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jennycalendar · 4 months
super curious on whether you have any thoughts on lilith + eda's whole thing!
oh man i am still processing that one! lilith’s decision re: how to solidify her place in the emperor’s coven is particularly heart wrenching when we see baby eda and how much baby eda worshipped her big sister. i think the one thing that makes it really fascinating to me is the fact that it’s so clear lilith was so fundamentally fucked up by the guilt and grief of what she’d done while also just SO resenting eda at the same time??? like how DARE eda still be better than lilith and content with her life even without the institutional gratification?? and then ALSO lilith is obsessed with Fixing Things and Putting Them Back because she feels like she stole eda’s dream, & her immense guilt and grief over what she did to her sister prevents her from seeing that eda put that dream down the very second it conflicted with lilith’s ability to have what she wanted. even aside from the fact that eda has never bought into the institutions, it wouldn’t make her happy if it came at lilith’s expense. makes me insane.
lilith really just wants attention and feels like she was never The Favorite and took that out on eda in ways that she spent 20 years somehow simultaneously regretting AND refusing to admit to regretting. she’s got eldest daughter syndrome in the biggest way if the eldest daughter finally snapped. i totally get where she is coming from and it shatters me because CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH eda would have always done anything for her lily and stayed at a school she hated entirely because lily was there (and that ironically widened the rift between them because eda wasn’t even TRYING and she was still better than lilith).
i think they both love each other so much but eda’s love is a lot more linear. lilith has that violent jealousy that comes from being the Self Sufficient Oldest Daughter who just wants someone to hold her & sees how much attention the baby gets. s2 and s3 we really get to see her actively attempt to let go of that jealousy; i find that so meaningful.
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keldae · 2 months
Get To Know Your Tav
Tagged by the lovely @starknstarwars -- thank you! <3 Throwing a tag out to whoever has also been infected with the BG3 brainrot and wants to gush about their babies. ;)
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Leeeeet's talk about Deviali Nulys, aka Devi!
What is your tav’s favorite weapon?
Devi's first weapon is her words. She's a smooth talker, and rolls decently high (most of the time) on her persuasion checks! She can usually talk her way out of trouble. Second-favourite weapons are her knives. Her brother Jehn taught her how to fight with daggers when she was eight or so, and she learned to keep a backup pair of knives in her boots/in her inventory for if she ever lost her main weapons.
style of combat?
DIRTY. Devi has no aversions to biting (unless it's a goblin... eww.), kicking, elbowing, ambushing her foes, or throwing sand/mud/warg shit/whatever at her enemies. If it gives her an edge, she'll take it! Considering she's a Smol for a half-Elf, it's easy to push her around or physically overwhelm her -- best to take down her bigger enemies quickly and decisively. She's picked up using a bow over the course of her adventure, so she can shoot with pretty good aim (and loooooves her lightning arrows), but she would rather use her knives.
most prized possession?
Remember those backup daggers Devi keeps in her boots? Those were a gift on her tenth birthday from Jehn -- and after he ran away from home, they were all she had left of him. She would rather cut her ears off than give those up! Her lockpicks have gotten her into (and out of) more than a few tight spots too. She learned how to play the violin as a teenager, but her asshole of a father destroyed her violin that Jehn had stolen for her; she picks up a new violin in Act I, and it's a prized possession now.
deepest desire?
She wants answers for what happened to her mother, who disappeared when she was about five. She has her suspicions, but nothing she can confirm. (She also wants her father and some of his friends to die slowly and painfully.)
And after the events of the game, she wants to personally murder Shar, and to punch Mystra in the face, godhood status be damned.
guilty pleasure?
Trashy bodice-ripping romance stories. She and Shadowheart compare notes regularly. ;) Even if she struggles to read easily, thanks to her childhood lack of education, she puts in the effort for those!
best-kept secret?
Pre-game: She's a SA survivor, and she's got some trauma from that. But she keeps that secret under wraps -- she won't talk about it unless she absolutely has to. (Honestly, this girl needed therapy even before the game.) Post-game: Look, she has no idea who drew a large mustache on every statue of Mystra in the Lower City, but she wishes she could kiss that person on the mouth, honest, Mister Interrogating Cleric! (It was totally her, with Astarion's help. Gale pretends he doesn't know anything about it. Mystra is not amused.)
greatest strength?
Her loyalty. She trusts very few people, but those whom she trusts and loves, she is very much the ride-or-die friend. (See also: why she wants to kill Shar and punch Mystra.)
fatal flaw?
Her temper and her insecurities. She is a wee bit fiery and will throw hands when provoked. And she's so afraid of being abandoned again that she tries to give off the impression that she's self-sufficient and doesn't need anyone's help -- she won't accept help until she either trusts someone (which, again, doesn't come easily for her) or she's desperate.
favourite smell?
Pre-game: flowers in the public parks in the Lower City, the scent of tea steeping. Post-game: Gale, the books in his library, and the flowers he frequently brings home for her since he knows she loves them.
favourite spell or cantrip?
She doesn't have access to any spells of her own (unless I up the difficulty level of my game enough to multi-class her as a bard)! But she highly appreciates a good usage of Vicious Mockery.
pet peeve?
Cracking knuckles. She haaaaaaates that sound.
bad habit?
She does not put things away correctly. She has a bad habit of leaving whatever she's reading/playing with/working on out in the open and forgetting about it until it's in the way. It drives Gale bonkers. She also swears like a pirate... and can drink like one, too.
hidden talent?
She's an excellent violin player, and can sing surprisingly well! The rest of the Tadfools figured out she can sing quite by accident after a drink-off at the tiefling party in their camp during Act I. She doesn't sing often, since she's very self-conscious about her voice, but her friends try to get her to sing something for them regularly. She also claims she hasn't yet met the lock that she can't pick. ;)
leisure activity?
Playing new tunes on her violin. She can't read music very well, but she can remember a tune like nobody's business -- if she hears a song once or twice, she'll probably remember it.
favourite drink?
She used to just get the cheap wine at the taverns that she frequented, but Gale's gotten her used to the finer tastes in life, so she's grown to appreciate the good wine in his cellar. She also likes tea in the mornings!
comfort food?
Her favourite food is pumpkin soup, from one itty-bitty tavern in the Lower City. Gale has learned to replicate it perfectly, much to her delight.
favourite person(s)?
Gale, for obvious reasons.
Her older half-brother, Jehn (and by extension, his partner, Ferrus).
Shadowheart, Wyll, Astarion, and Karlach become her best non-romantic friends over the course of their adventure.
Do Scratch and the owlbear cub (who she and Halsin name Garmus) count?
favoured display of affection (platonic and/or romantic)?
She's very touchy with the people she loves. With her platonic friends or her brother, she'll lean on them, or nudge them, or sometimes kiss their cheeks if she's feeling very touchy. With Gale, she'll almost always be in contact with him in some way, whether that's leaning against him, or playing with his hair, or kissing him -- his lips, his cheek, his neck, whatever.
fondest childhood memory?
She barely remembers her Elf mother, but she can remember one day when she was curled up on her mother's lap, Jehn sitting on the floor beside them, and listening to her mother sing a song in her native tongue. She doesn't clearly remember the lyrics anymore, but she can just remember the tune, and she remembers how comfortable and safe she felt in her mama's arms with her big brother right there.
free-response! Is there anything else about your Tav you’d like to share?
I think Devi is trying to learn magic post-game in Waterdeep! She won't enrol in the Academy, but she does try to get Gale to teach her some basic spells.
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polyhexian · 5 months
Darius frantically googling childcare tips in the runaway au, hoping to god that the Emperor's Coven isn't monitoring his scroll. how do you take care of a child? how do you reassure a child? how do you feed a - okay actually that one's easy, Hunter has his father's painfully simple taste in food, if his looks didn't make it obvious that he's Jasper's son the fact that he considers salt a spice would be proof enough.
Eberwolf is like, I can give you some tips but they're all gonna be based on raising ratworm litters and Darius is like STOP.
Hunter is probably kind of an easy kid to take care of in most respects, tho. like you said, he's had to become independent. self-sufficient. I feel like a lot of his childhood he was kinda like a fawn - like, a mother deer will leave her baby in a place she deems safe and hidden, and the fawn will lay there completely still for HOURS until mom gets back. Jasper's definitely had to do that with Hunter, except as Hunter has grown older Jasper has likely left him alone for longer periods of time, so Hunter gets to wander around a bit while waiting for his dad to get back. Swipe some food, maybe work some odd jobs for some snails, visit the library and see if he can finish a book before they have to move on again.
so he doesn't complain easily, and he doesn't really get bored the way a regular kid might, he's used to either sitting perfectly still or going off to find something to take up his time. he probably also gets more mileage out of entertainment items Darius gets for him. Darius is like "uhhhh I found some crappy crayons and some paper, sorry, best I can do on short notice" and Hunter is just like, oh, cool! cuz he's rarely had time/space/resources to sit down and color on paper.
Darius is still fumbling his way through this tho. one night he wakes up to find a sniffling Hunter climbing into bed with him and he starts to panic like OH GOD IS HE SICK I DON'T WANNA DO GERMS BUT I WILL IF I HAVE TO except no, the kid just misses his dad. Darius surreptitiously grabs his phone to type in "what to do when a kid crawls into bed with you crying" except to his everlasting horror he did NOT type that into Ghoul-gle, he typed it into a text message and now Eberwolf is responding like DARIUS ARE YOU SERIOUS and Darius is like I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO and Eber is like JUST HUG HIM THE WAY YOU'D NEVER HUG A BABY RATWORM.
Rjjsjsjd Darius trying to figure out how to care for this kid via eberwolf describing how to care for various baby animals
Yeah yeah yeah. Hunter is a baby faun. He's very good at hiding and he's very good at following instructions. Jasper has to weigh a lot of risks. Is it riskier to steal what he needs, or is it riskier to earn it by bounty hunting or selling something or what have you? And things just get riskier as Hunter gets older. Another timeline where jasper can't give hunter the childhood he wants him to have, but he's going to make sure he has one that he makes it out of, at least. He would rather have an unhappy adult than a dead child.
Hunter is a little fuckin monkey. He's always stealing shit. Just to prove he can. I love this little goblin version of hunter, a highly skilled little artful dodger.
When I was a teenager and my dad left it was pretty hard on my family. My brother has down's syndrome and autism; he's nonverbal, low-functioning, legally dead/blind. So he has a lot of trouble communicating effectively. He was like nine around this time and yeah, normal stuff was no problem. He knew how to let me know he was hungry or he needed me to come hit play on his DVD or something- assistive communication devices were and I think still are thousands of dollars lol and my folks and I were eating out of the food bank so. Yeah. Not happening.
In any case, the point is that one night my brother started crying. Like. Really crying. Crying in a way id never heard before. And obviously my mom came but I drove him to the hospital and we spent all night in the ER while he screamed and sobbed and they did test after test after test trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong.
Nothing was wrong. He was completely fine, physically. The end "diagnosis" was... Our dad had been gone three months and it was finally hitting him that he might not be coming back.
Just thinking about poor little hunter trying to cope with the idea his dad might not be coming back because he doesn't know where he is or what happened to him; he's just gone and it hurts! Reminded me of that night (can you believe I had to go to school the next day lol)
All Darius can do is hold this sobbing little guy and tell him that at least HE isn't going anywhere because... What else can he say? It's going to be okay? Jasper is going to be okay? Jasper will come back? He doesn't know that. He doesn't know any of that. All he can do is his own best. And hunter just :(
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nevermorered · 2 years
Possibly an unpopular opinion, but I don’t want Eddie or Corroded Coffin to become famous. I think Eddie would hate the corporate aspect of the music industry and how they would want him to fit a certain mold to make the most profit (talk about conformity). I also don’t like the idea of all the hard drugs, groupies, infidelity, and constant traveling that come with that kind of fame.
Eddie and Corroded Coffin move to Cleveland and gain a loyal following in the underground metal scene. They are a thriving, happy, self sufficient gig band. Eddie keeps his passion for music and it isn’t for the benefit of anyone but him and the guys and their love of what they’re doing.
Channeling his ability to tell a story and make up grand adventures along with his artistic talent, Eddie starts writing comic books. Absurd high fantasy adventures with a metal twist. They actually hit fairly well and make him a decent income. That, with the gigs, mean he doesn’t have to feed The Man.
Chrissy followed the boys to Cleveland. She went to university and became a school counselor, just like her favorite person back in school, Miss Kelly. She gets to help young girls just like herself and makes it to every Corroded Coffin show she can. She always has pizza and wings waiting backstage for the guys because she knows how hungry they are after a show. She becomes best friends with Paul and Jeff’s girlfriends, Lisa and Kim. Gareth, bless him, had a revolving door of girls at shows.
Together, Eddie and Chrissy live in a nice but inexpensive apartment near the school Chrissy works at. They’re looking for a house, though. Eddie wants their baby that’s on the way to have a yard to play in. The pearl ring Lisa helped him pick out is burning a hole in his pocket, waiting until their first night in their new home to ask her the most important question of his life.
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