#the way the 'conflict' unfolds is just so. chef's kiss
crehador · 8 months
there's so much i love about the arb high school au event but i think one thing i'm going to be chewing on forever is the fact that like
when they had the tug of war competition. ichiro vs samatoki. it ended up as a draw because they pulled so hard they ripped the rope in two
and that's funny but also
we find out this is. ichiro's dream. literally even in his dreams. he doesn't beat samatoki when they have their silly little fights. and he doesn't lose to samatoki either
in his subconsciousness they're equals (even in the same year, at the same school) and that's just. i mean obviously arb is not meant to be taken seriously lol but that's a fantastic bit of characterization imo, even character development
because it's a huge, obvious change from tdd era when ichiro only idolized samatoki, it's so significant and important for him to reach this point where he does actually see samatoki as an equal
anyway. very happy with this event as if that weren't already obvious lmao
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
Top 4 Jiang Yanli Survival Scenarios That Still Allow the Plot to Happen
HOT TAKE: JYL didn't actually need to die and the story would still be plenty crunchy if she hadn't. (Also, it is geographically implausible for her to somehow get all the way from Koi Tower to Nightless City unless she was faking her low cultivation this whole time and secretly mastered teleportation talismans, but that's not what this is about.) Below are 4 ways JYL could live that would still allow the major post-timeskip plot beats to unfold.
SCENARIO 1: JYL remains a widow and stays in Lanling as a member of the Jin household.
SCENARIO 2: JYL is married off to JGY after JZX's death (+ a spicier, alternate version of this)
SCENARIO 3: JYL ends up married off to NMJ after JZX's death.
SCENARIO 4: JYL remains a widow and returns to Lotus Pier.
With descriptions under the cut!
SCENARIO 1: JYL remains a widow and stays in Lanling as a member of the Jin household.
THE POTENTIAL: JYL in this scenario occupies a fraught position at Koi Tower; she has some sway as Jin Ling's mother, but it's unclear where Jin Ling stands in the line of succession. (She's also now trapped in JGS's household without a male guardian so. You know. That's great. 😬) JGY would strive to foster a positive relationship with her, I think; she doesn't pose a threat to him, and even if he has no personal affection for her, showing kindness to his sister-in-law is good optics and maintains the alliance with Lotus Pier. What are the ramifications of that? Maybe she becomes close with QS and help advocate for her marriage? (Maybe she then becomes close-close with QS later on, given that they'd both be terribly starved for physical intimacy.) Maybe she stumbles upon some of the secrets of the Jinlintai Murder Basement and becomes one of NHS's informants. Maybe she has no idea about the Murder Basement and is as shocked and appalled as everyone else when she learns about JGY's crimes and wonders how the hell she didn't realize any of this was happening. Good stuff!
SCENARIO 2A: JYL is married off to JGY after JZX's death.
THE POTENTIAL: Much the same as above, except now JYL has sealed her position as THEE Jin-furen once JGY ascends to Sect Leader and Chief Cultivator. She and JGY are connected with and presumably have developed some degree of fondness for each other, which makes the reveal of JGY's actions that much more dramatic! She's going to feel as betrayed and conflicted as LXC does, and is going to struggle when both her brothers end up in opposition to her husband. Does JGY persuade her to go with him to Dongying, or does he take her hostage as he does LXC? To what degree does proximity to JGY make her potential collateral damage for NHS? This is all very stressful for JYL, but it averts the terrible, horrible, no-good very bad accidental incest marriage with QS, so... winning!
SCENARIO 2B (CQL only): JYL and JGY marry after JZX's death, but had a whole affair going on prior to that.
THE POTENTIAL: There's this one chaotic group interview with a bunch of the CQL actors where they're like "HMMM IT'S PRETTY SUS THAT JIN LING LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE HIS UNCLE!! SHIJIE HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!!" and while poor Zhu Zanjin was sitting there going "nooo stop it's not like that! it's a coincidence! ☹️" it had me like 👀because I love mess. My fave interpretation of Claudius and Gertrude in Hamlet is that they were always in love with each other and Claudius killed King Hamlet 1.0 so he could be with her (obligatory plug for Haider, my fave Hamlet adaptation, which has this precise dynamic and it's *chef's kiss*), and like... what if THAT'S going on. JYL can have an extramarital affair with far-reaching consequences, as a treat. Sorry, Jin Ling, but the revelations from Guanyin Temple just got THAT much more complicated for you to process.
SCENARIO 3: JYL ends up married off to NMJ after JZX's death.
THE POTENTIAL: Ohohohoho, this one might be my favorite one. The Jin clan (possibly at JGY's suggestion) marry JYL off to NMJ in an attempt to repair Lanling's relationship with Qinghe and get NMJ to stop wilding. NMJ and JYL hit it off (shared experiences include: being parentified at a young age, violently losing a parent to the Wen clan, a strong sense of duty, and chronic illness)... but NMJ does not, in fact, stop wilding, so JGY begins playing Turmoil. NMJ's increasingly volatile behavior would be even more terrifying for JYL than it is for NHS--she's not only worried about her own safety, but if the Jin clan deem the Unclean Realm unsafe for little JL, then JYL's not going to get to see her son. Once NMJ succumbs to qi deviation, JYL is widowed once again, and she's starting to wonder if she's cursed... until her brother-in-law comes to her with his suspicions about JGY. (She might even be the one to ignite the suspicions in CQL canon, since she's present for LWJ playing Cleansing for WWX and thus knows what it's supposed to sound like.) Now JYL is pissed, and even more worried about JL's safety. She keeps Qinghe afloat while NHS goes into his scheming flop era, and perhaps even suggests to him that WWX is the person to call if he wants his brother back. As NHS's plan endangers people JYL cares about--including her son! repeatedly!--JYL starts to question his methods and regrets not confiding in JC instead, but the die is cast at this point.
SCENARIO 4: JYL remains a widow and returns to Lotus Pier.
THE POTENTIAL: This isn't bringing the spicy melodrama the way the other scenarios are, but I do like the quieter change it means for her, JC, and JL. JC doesn't have nearly as much unresolved grief to work through with his sister still alive, and would be a better-adjusted person. He might, in fact, be even better-adjusted than JYL herself, who grieves for and loves WWX but cannot forgive him for killing her husband. WWX upon his resurrection would have to face the consequences of shijie's anger, and now they're the ones having a tearful heart-to-heart in a public space while JC frets. (And then they ALL get to deal with the golden core transplant fallout! Woo!) Plus, an unattached JYL would have the freedom to accompany JL to Lanling, so she's going to be closer with JGY and QS and be present for whatever the hell happened with MXY, so she is going to have some REACTIONS to certain revelations, let me tell you!
I would love to write any one of these, but I am the world's slowest writer, so if it's up to me, they will never actually happen. So fly forth, ideas! Be free! If you write one of these, hmu, because I'd love to read it!
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mimzalot · 2 years
started streaming Golden Wildfire! gonna reflect on the route as it unfolds, courtesy of your resident Claude enthusiast.
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[document version]
if Three Houses glossed over the sort of wild situation that Claude has to survive every day in Garreg Mach then this route has started with a bang by opening with conflict at the Fodlan-Almyran border. bold move! and I certainly am endlessly curious about this impending intrigue - in fact I have spent the last four years (four years!) since Three Houses musing about Claude’s relationship to his home nations, and the nations’ relationships to one another, and what that conflict means for Claude and everybody else.
do I trust the writers with it? not really. am I gonna try and play it in good faith anyway? evidently. so let’s get into it~ 🏹
right off the bat I can tell there’s stuff in this route that’s gonna make me uncomfortable, sometimes in the fascinating and deliberate way, and sometimes in the “oh I feel like an accomplice to/victim of a hate-crime” way. this is not really a surprise when it comes to Fire Emblem but it deserves a mention regardless, as I think Golden Wildfire’s going to be a rollercoaster that will frustrate me as much as it intrigues me. I’ll have the additional challenge of having to articulate how I feel about it off the dome, as a biracial POC playing to a mixed-bag stream audience. so, in short: occasional yikes are inevitable.
but such is the price I pay for Claude. ahh Claude, my beloved. when first I played Three Houses I was drawn to the game by him, not expecting him to be everything I enjoyed in a character. other than just being generally *chefs kiss* impeccable, he also conveyed some nuanced mixed-race experiences rarely expressed in a lot of media I’ve engaged with. that he sprouted from a game that frequently overshoots its own political intrigue and bungles character resolutions like FE3H surprised me, but I was happy to pluck the fluff and dirt off my darlings and make the best of what had been provided -- a bizarrely relatable, endlessly complex nice young man having a terrible, no good, very bad time.
I already got a whiff of this from playing Scarlet Blaze first, and it’s vindicating to see Three Hopes elaborate on something I’ve been clawing at walls trying to convey since the first game: Claude is light-hearted, but his situation is not. it always blew my mind to hear people say that Claude was the “good vibes house leader” in 3H only to play the game and find a character that would flippantly laugh about threats on his life, occasionally mention that he exists at the hostile junction of two warring nations, and ultimately find himself in the impossible position of an anti-war leader operating during a war. across two nations. both warring. yes, yes, he’s quite a funny guy, but his circumstances are abysmal, and a big part of that agony comes from the role he occupies -- that which he is saddled with, and that which he takes upon himself.
this was not a position easily occupied, and I was delighted to find that Claude was intelligently portrayed as a character whose ideals had to bend to the demands of leadership, resulting in morally-grey decisiveness, diplomatic juggling, and one of my favourite things to explore in fiction: the pragmatic, sometimes paradoxical pursuit of “non-violence” during war, and as a solution to war.
already in Three Hopes (I played SB first) I sense they’re leaning a little harder on showing Claude’s struggle with this, including some hints at the unbearably high bar he sets for himself. he doesn’t wear accountability like Dimitri or Edelgard in 3H - it’s always a little more cavalier, something you have to read between the lines to spot and understand. but this game is a tad more forthright with it, pulling back the disguise of “Master Tactician” to plainly show Claude in a perpetual state of, well... this:
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and nothing exacerbates this like the situation they’ve started the game with. it’s dramatic irony that makes the first three chapters really sting: we know by now that Claude is Almyran, and are placed in an uncomfortable position of puttering around the camp listening to the people Claude calls his friends talking at length about the brutish Almyrans invading at Fodlan’s Throat.
this is technically good set-up. Claude is here to fix a problem, and this is our first experience of the problem -- lacking communication and education means that neither side knows who they’re fighting, or why, just that they have to. with the Church of Seiros already positioned as a questionable but overbearing presence in ch. 2 (“Why are we being sent here to fight? Church school said so.”) it begs to reason that showing the consequences of Fodlan’s intensely insulated culture starts with these uncomfortable scenes. they are, after all, born from the fear of not knowing. Claude as an antithesis to ignorance-based conflict makes a habit of overcoming fear by knowing everything.
so there are some pretty ick conversations happening around camp, and that’d honestly be something I’d be fine to reckon with as a narrative choice -- if not for the visceral discomfort and sharp drop in faith that came in the form of Shahid’s introductory scene.
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let’s get this out the way: I did not spend four years mopping my tears about all these Lords and Royals to see Shahid and not immediately think “bratty king? I can fix him, and/or make him worse.” especially as a foil to Claude, it’s interesting to see a foolish heir working towards the throne in a way that Khalid, and perhaps even the King of Almyra, would oppose. I’m bracing myself for his justifications, for his humanity, because he occupies an interesting political position and he’s the first family of Claude’s that we’ve seen on screen. and yes, he could just be shallowly evil, but that wouldn’t be anywhere near as fun as it being complicated and ugly, the way all the other Lords and Leaders are afforded.
alas, it is difficult to have faith that GW is gearing up to say something interesting when they introduce such a caricature of the ‘evil desert guy’ that I feel like I’m watching a Disney movie. especially when a scene shows a narrow-eyed, ashy-but-darker-skinned ‘evil’ sibling in contrast with our bright-eyed, lighter-skinned mixed-Fodlanian Claude. it’s these sort of artistic choices that threaten to undercut the same cross-cultural intrigue that this route is constructing.
the Three Hopes sprites are a bit awkward, proportionally (shout out to Margrave Gautier’s bizarrely wide mouth) but it’s a long and yucky history with depicting MENA people that makes this particularly egregious. I’m Samoan so not personally affected by this, but it is nevertheless going to take an active effort to just try to look past the way his character is drawn. I spare a wince of sympathy for my viewers that are more personally affected: it sucks, and it’s such a simple fix that it becomes even more frustrating.
he does look slightly less like a hate crime in the animated cut scenes though. “the only one who can beat me is me!” type rizz.
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I actually like that his features might deviate from the typical proportions of most of our main cast, the way Hubert’ or Lorenz’s do. it is a shame to have it pushed just into the realm of caricature when there is something workable there.
nevertheless, 3H optics have betrayed themselves before (shout out, woman-enjoyers). so again, I’m going to try and brute-force past this icky design choice and try and find my bliss, which is thus: sibling drama, please, I beg. I love the garbage mish-mash of family dysfunction and political drama that happens in royal families, and it was high time that we saw a glimpse at what Claude’s other side is going through. I swear the British monarchy convinced people that wild dysfunction is reserved only for the English, but where there is power there is corruption, and where there is hereditary power struggle, by jove do you get problems -- it’s just a matter of flavour.
all that to say: I am hoping that we will be compensated for that abysmal talk-sprite with enough royal family intrigue to write home about. I would like to see Almyran politics that are just as complex as everywhere else, but culturally diverse and interesting without leaning lazily on the same fear-mongering racist rhetoric that Claude’s entire character exists to debunk. that’s my hope. my three hope. ha ha. look I’m not holding out hope for a diamond, I just kinda want a gem-shaped rock that I can polish up myself.
anyway, new spite-induced meow meow aside, let’s get back to Claude. my god! his life fucking sucks!
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thinkin about this scene just before the timeskip where Claude expresses his thanks to House Goneril, and apologises for not being of more assistance. it makes my skin crawl knowing that Claude is not just thanking Holst but saying sorry to him after all the micro-and-macro aggressions he’s been weathering, but it makes a lot of sense; Claude is representing House Riegan and his grandfather, not Khalid of Almyra, and not even Claude himself. and what that shows is an important feature of diplomacy: the ability to make connections, and say what needs to be said in order to maintain good relations with his new allies.
better than that, it shows how damn good Claude is at it, despite having every reason in the world not to be. he is, in this moment, House Riegan. and with foresight, this is an interview, and this humble apology operates twofold as a promise, setting the tone for his eventual leadership and securing House Goneril as an ally.
if Claude were more selfish, more proud, more emotional or less wise, he wouldn’t be able to say things like that. it is the humility that makes people underestimate him, but it’s also what makes him so pivotal in creating and maintaining peaceful circumstances. sometimes, peace-keeping means pacifying the people in power. and especially for Claude operating in the alliance, managing expectations is key for a leader. he’s clever, this is strategic, and I’m excited to see Claude juggle the egos and roles of all the nobles around him.
but it’s tough, right? this is a situation that rewards Claude for not behaving like a human ought to. I like to imagine the way his smile falters when the Almyrans are spoken of like barbarians, agitation ticking along in the back of his mind while he forces himself to speak the niceties that will benefit everyone in the long-run. he’s only seventeen. we hear a lot about noble obligation, but there is no greater pragmatic noble obligation in Leicester than managing the other nobles, and Claude has that skill in spades -- hard won, but effective, with an eventual payoff to make all that juggling worthwhile. sometimes. maybe.
speaking of noble obligations, good lord that bit where Lorenz snaps that they must execute Tomas and Claude has to remind him that dead men don’t talk... I’ll inevitably end up talking plenty about Lorenz as the game goes on because he is a fascinating foil, so remind me later to talk about the things that make Lorenz a good noble, bad leader, and eventual good ally later.
and on the topic of fascinating foils...
man. I was not expecting Shez.
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for those unaware, my read of Claude in 3H was that he mostly saw Byleth as a curiosity pre-timeskip, then brought them on as a means to an end post-timeskip. room for interpretation about how they develop after that, but generally most of my Byleth and Claude interactions boiled down to this thinly-veiled hostility and how it evolved into apologetic manipulation and mutual care.
Shez is different, right off the bat. I can see Claude working them over, but there’s something very new about the vibes of Claude approaching a peer he finds suspect. it has the same echo of how he treated Byleth, and even Marianne, but there’s a difference that I can’t quite put my finger on, and I suspect it comes from Shez just being a much more talkative character, plus the dramatic irony of vaguely knowing where Shez’s story might be heading. they’re not harbouring the goddess, nor a cursed beast, but a secret third thing :’l (and god I’m so excited to see what’s up with Shez, they’ve been impressing me as a protag since I started this game, I don’t think I’ve liked a FE avatar this much since Robin)
the way I characterised Shez has him coming off a little arrogant and brash, compared to my previous Shez, who seemed mostly daft and down-to-earth and is currently committing girlboss crimes in Adrestia in an alt timeline. I’m so used to overlooking the avatar character that I hardly realised just how much potential Shez holds in this route, as a sellsword brought onto the squad of the guy that wants to avoid bloodshed. honestly I’m pretty astounded by the raw fire of intrigue it’s set alight in my brain. Shez thrived under Edelgard because they always had work. and now they’re struggling under Claude, and we’re seeing just how vile the war machine is that it will make peace an inconvenience to the merc economy.
just before I finished the stream, I played the opening scene of the timeskip: where Shez is struggling to make ends meet by being a mercenary in a peaceful alliance. therein lies the intrigue of this pair-up. Claude wants peace. Shez needs to fight to live. so how do we reconcile this?
already it seems that Claude mmmiiight have just deliberately forced scarcity on Shez in order to easily manipulate them into a) not moving into a different nation when Claude still doesn’t know what’s up with him and b) taking up his first offer of becoming a commander, which is exactly the morally dubious pragmatism that I love to see in my Alliance leader - but who’s to say? it’s not as if it’s the same method he used to flush out Bergliez’s army in the SB route, forcing their hand by starving their troops with hopes they’d choose surrender...
guess we’ll find out next time, eh? but oh, is my spotlight shining on these funny little guys.
and quickfire round: Nader’s still lookin’ handsome, love that Claude’s opinion of Shez rises every time I side-eye the church, and Arval continues to enthrall my entire brain.
and. yeah. that’s a majority of my first impressions of the GW route. not even all of them but this is like an entire essay and I’m only just past the prologue. tl;dr more of the same Claude goodness, something new and tense in Almyra lore, and then something new and unexpected in Shez. and we’ll see where the rest takes us.
thanks for reading, all the best!
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liz-allyn · 2 years
Xover MCU & TASM where reader, Peter’s bff, ends up in the MCU due to some weird stuff and we’re introduced after she gets back but she doesn’t remember anything from the TASM universe including Peter, who she’s been in love with as long as she could remember, but he finds her and tries to help her and at first she trusts him bc,,, Peter Parker and Spider-Man,,, but idk what to do after him initially finding her
Ooh this sounds like a good beginning! I low high key love tropes where reader is cautious or afraid of our leading romantic character, because we know their intentions are good, but they don’t. The tension built up over the lack of trust is *chefs kiss*
I can’t really tell you where to go next, because with the info I have, there are too many good options! It depends on what genre of story are you writing? What other tropes are you using? My advice here is to consider extending Reader not recognizing the love of their life because that creates conflict. Think about what consequences (danger to someone’s wellbeing, or danger to someone’s psyche) that can come as a result of Reader not recognizing TASM Peter.
A list of questions that the audience might have:
How does this change the way Peter acts, or sees himself? How important is it that he remembers her— if they are a big part of what gives him joy, what happens when that is taken away?
How does Reader having a blank canvas react to Peter and the TASM world? It’s not just Peter; there are multiple differences. What is Reader’s emotional reaction? Is this a chance for you (the author) to make some commentary on who Peter is and the world and events he lives in? Is Reader more courageous/bold in talking about what she sees and feels because to them, Peter is a stranger?
The best writing I have done is when I write a character’s emotional reaction to an event unfolding in order to determine what they do next. We humans tend to forget to consider what emotions we feel in response to an event happening to us, which is why a big part of some forms of therapy is identifying what happened, how did it make us feel, and why did we feel that way, and did I really slam my baking pan on the ground because I accidentally added too much vinegar to my marinade, or is there another reason I got so angry? << now I apply that to my character.
I hope this is helpful? 💜
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janeirl · 3 years
idk if it’s too much to ask but BESTIE can you pls give me a review for episode two as I need feedback smh 😔
YES BESTIE OFC i’ll do the best i can
(anyone who hasn’t read it and wants to read it scroll really fast bc this contains spoilers!!)
let me just start off by mentioning how consistent the attention to detail is?? it is never too overboard nor too little and it’s incredibly refreshing seeing writing that gives me the impression that it has a lot of heart and soul in it. like you can feel every emotion the characters are experiencing through the words, and it is so easy— for me at least —to picture just exactly what’s going on.
each character is focused on and not one is completely left in the dust; and i’m obsessed with how well lucas is written. you really hit the nail when it came to his personality and it is clear that he is conflicted with his position regarding the basketball team. we know jason and the other players are considered lucas’s “friends” (in quotes since we know it’s not necessarily true), so obviously there are gonna be and perhaps continue to be times where lucas defends them— and i really hope that he realizes soon enough that the party will always be there for each other despite the members all being in their own ruts. and every time i see mike refuse to acknowledge his growing confusion + feelings for will i want to SCREAM and that’s such a good thing; like the fact that i’m reacting like this means the script is so good to the point where it quite literally feels legit. max’s struggles at home and the rockiness of her and lucas’s relationship, with lucas doing the best he can to contribute is super nice to read and can allow readers to have more of an insight to how they interact alone post s2-3; thank you so much for highlighting the love they have for each other. nancy and robin bonding for the first time put such a huge smile on my face. them teasing each other, coming to terms with the disappearances might meaning something— it’s so, so realistic and entertaining. nothing is moving too fast nor too slow; the pacing is perfect— and i’m pretty sure it took me around 50 minutes to read, which i find impressive considering that’s the show’s usual episode length.
i want to focus on eddie for a second because..... omg. i am LOVING the way you characterize him and made him into such an enjoyable person to read about. every time i get to see his POV i get so excited !! his devotion to the club is exactly what i imagined when i first heard about him + the hellfire leaks, and i adore how he is so willing to protect dustin and mike from jason. i can feel the adrenaline and anger through the fight scene and it is definitely something i can genuinely see close to happening in season 4. it’s interesting to see eddie panic as everything unfolds before him, but his sarcasm and being a smart-alec gets the best of him, of course, as the basketball team begins to antagonize him.
will and el, by far, are so accurately written. el trying to contact hopper— and failing :( —is totally happening next season; along with the troubles at school, feeling lost + hopeless, and the subtle tension at their new home. i feel so bad for joyce, and my heart quite literally broke with the picture of hopper. and then jonathan and argyle??? their whole dynamic is to die for. argyle’s care-free lifestyle juxtaposition to jonathan’s normally stressed nature just clashes together sooo well. overall, when it comes to the byers’s situation, i can’t wait to find out how will handles the resurfacing upside down episodes. as for hopper’s situation.... oh boy...... FREE HIM YURI 🙏 if he tries anything suspicious i’m gonna scream n shout. ALSO the idea to make brenner the “american”??? chefs fucking kiss. i did not see that coming at all and it fits SO well. i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been the “american” all along next season tbh.
i seriously have no complaints if i’m being honest. the best advice i could give as of currently is to make sure to proofread thoroughly enough to where there’s no grammatical errors. i really, really hope you continue to make scripts for stranger things 4, and maybe even make something of your own creation! your script writing is spectacular.
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tobeornottotc · 4 years
So much to say about all Friday shows my brain shut down it’s weird how in a day all the shows that aired from we best love to TT finale made my day and made me happy I cried. We best love is a gem that has come and taken my heart it’s everything I love in BL, it’s like reading a novel and never wanting it to end, the pinining, longing and now the angst still upcoming. My love to all the characters? Everything about the acting, music, and writing. Taiwan came back and said you haven’t forgotten why you adorE BL right? Well here’s more reasons. I’ve missed Taiwan shows for so long I used to take the history series for granted despite my love for it and now look at me. We best love is just so great and cheesy and yet done so well I’ve not have any issues with it 😭 it’s not short, I like how angsty yet sweet it gets. Just everything
Then you have to my star. Is there any moment when Korea does something that does not make me shout from the rooftops another great one!! Like are we surprised at this point. Where your eyes linger still is my favourite Korean BL and although different I get the same vibes from to my star, there’s secret pining, confusing hidden hints to maybe more than just a very happy celebrity that is clingy and flirty. Seojun seems to know he likes boys from the start or is it just me. I won’t be surprised that the reason he’s hiding that video is because the reason there was a fight was because it’ll out his sexuality, either he had something with said guy he paid money to keep quiet about or said guy knows about his sexuality and threatened to blackmail him. But it’s the subtle hints that he may know about himself and his feelings like in episode 4 how many times he leaves clues and hints he likes Jiwoo but hides it behind this clingy want to be friends persona, I think when he was drunk he let out his true feelings he’s been hiding and he outed himself on purpose. I’m probably thinking too much but there’d be a lot at stake in my opinion if someone knew he likes guys it’d be a bigger scandal that’s probably why he acts like he doesn’t know when he’s flirting or hinting he likes someone. Just me? Jiwoo is also an interesting tsundere why does he have his walls so up, he clearly also has feelings but in the trailer he’s going to harshly break Seojun’s heart? Obviously I think it’s a lie it’s noble idiocy he realised it was the way to help him not get caught in another scandal. I really need to know more about his character. And the chef who knows more than he lets on who is he speaking to about Seojun does he know the other guy in the video? Does he know why Seojun is hiding the video he seems to have picked on the chemistry of Seojun and Jiwoo more proof that person was right? Let me know what your ideas are on this show. If this show is dealing with internalised homophobia and the scandal of the media invasion and celebrity lifestyle then man it’ll be fun to rewatch this time and time again. Kisses in Korean BL shows have become a staple for revealing a lot of secrets and pushing our couples to confront the truth about what they try to rationalise when it comes to their feelings. In where your eyes linger them entering a relationship was not good for them because it’d lead to separation and more. In Mr heart the kiss was revealed and forced our marathon runner to question his priorities and feelings. And in wish you the kiss happened when Sang yi could no longer run away from what he was feeling even if it meant they couldn’t be together because of same reasons as this show I’m guessing a scandal being caused because idols and celebs dating is a bit forbidden in kmusic and kdrama industry. Loses the fans. And attracts media attention. Let’s see what To my star reveals with this kiss now Seojun isn’t hiding what he feels anymore.
Then we have 1000 stars premiere and I cried at sheer greatness I’m a clown I came into it trying hard to keep my expectations at bay but my 30 minutes in I was bawling stunned and quiet. The directing is exquisite, in depth and littered with clues and hints to the themes of the show. The focus on the flashbacks of Tiens life coated in dark light and suffocating aura compared to the light and warm atmosphere of Torfuns narration whose life seemed hard but she found peace and joy just helping people and learning about the joy of finding value in every little things she had and saw. The peace that Tien couldn’t feel because he felt stifled and empty from his own choices when he thought his life span would be short. He didn’t know the value of money, life or little things. He wasted and gambled precious things to him, acted privelaged and lost hours in a sea of acohol, cigarettes and more. His lifestyle felt wrong after he realised he was given a second chance to find meaning. There’s an overall dark theme of corruption, greed and power that’s going to me an obstacle for the characters. Torfuns demise is clearly more than just an accident with the way people are trying to push her life to the side rapidly, hide details like even selling Tiens car which I have a feeling is what took her life (not him but he bet it in a race before he fainted) or clues that Phupha isn’t going to be done trying to figure out what happened to her it’s foreshadowing this isn’t over yet. We also have another villain who fled during the forest ranger fights at the beginning, he’s definitely coming back I wonder what these criminals want and how much danger Pha will have to deal with with this boss and his other hooligans. Why are they in the forest and what do the rangers have to protect? Lastly our couple met and you can’t tell me that Pha isn’t smitten he is struck with love at first sight immediately he meets Tien but he hides it through his stern cover and he finds it funny to bicker and tease him. He also thinks Tien is too delicate, rich and shallow to stay to help the kids, so he’ll struggle with liking Tiens determination and drive to feeling angry at how much value of life and money he takes for granted but it’s a learning arc something Tien will grow learning and transforming from. Their bickering is cute, both are intrigued by each other already Tien because Pha is connected to Torfun’s wishes and hopes, but also he saw him in the weird fantasy dream thing. He’s intrigued by his stern cover vs why people seem to think he’s sweet and kind. And he’s irked by the guy who keeps getting under his skin and calling him out. It’s going to be fun to see his own reactions and feelings develop slowly and his doubt that it’s his and it’s Torfun’s heart acting up. That conflict will be so interesting to explore and knowing Backaof we’ll get a deeper conversation about sexuality, spirituality and more. All his shows even his fantasies have these deep reflections and conversations about feelings and life of someone struggling with what their sexuality is to them. Even when fantasy he never fails to include those scenes. But also there’s always a massive plot twist hidden in the story that could tear our characters apart, and it’s connected to our girls demise 🥺 i have so much more to say about this show. But for now just know I’m obsessed in awe and excited for this journey. It’ll be emotional a roller coaster of emotions and lessons, but also a love story I can’t wait to see unfold
Lastly TT finale. It’s precious to say TharnType will always have a place in my heart, marked into it as my favourite couple. Their love is so incredible, everlasting and theirs, their journey to each other has never been easy and yet their love is constant, precious and real. They make me smile and want to cry because I still can’t process we’ve come to the end. Boy was it a good way to say goodbye. I will miss this show, the annoyances, problems and also the good moments. I will miss my LeoFiat dramatic souls, their angst and their own journey to each other. Glad to seeFiat finally got to define the relationship he’s been hoping and waiting for. And Leo finally got to show Fiat how much he’s cared. Question why didn’t I get a kiss scene from them? Forever staying petty about that. Champ and Khun did what they were meant to do, their own relationship was also adorable and I just wish it wasn’t only the last episode we had to deal with their confession and realisation that there’s been something here all along. Champs cute though his nativity and dumbness was real and pure but I like how he understood what he was feeling and why he wanted Khun by his side and more. So well done to them getting together. We had Tharn finally Wade his way into Type’s fathers acceptance I wish he wasn’t just a comedic role but we had more conversations serious ones about him learning to accept Tharn still it was wholesome he grew to finally let them be together he understood Type was never going to leave Tharn and was at his best with him. Love the Kirigun family and how much they push Tharn to be his best. Their support was earnest and I loved we saw Thorn get married like a full circle after he proposed and found his own love story. We Stan a very protective supportive older brother who has always been a source of help during TT relationship. Techno irked me in this series and he became one of my least fave characters his snooping whilst cute just didn’t mesh well with me and I kept wondering where his man was because he acted like someone who wasn’t satisfied in the relationship he was in. Just an annoying presence overall. Sorry not sorry. That being said I didn’t hate this sequel and I know rewatching it as second part to TT journey watching 24 episodes of TT back to back will be an emotional experience and will show you all the clues, meta, subtext and overall plot of these two in a better light. Overall TT is always going to be a fave show of mine, and the sequel whilst not fulfilling all my expectations it made me still feel like it was worth my attention and care. Thank you to the cast, crew and production for this. My Fridays will never be the same we’re really now in 2021 with these new shows 😭 just manner of d@earth to go. 😭
Friday shows bringing me joy, excitement and most of all new lessons and new ideas. I’m so excited and I loved that these are the shows we have in January. Let’s hope they keep being great and our Fridays stay exciting and warm 👌
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nichehouse · 3 years
Love turns Green with Shrek
More often than not, movies leave a mark in the hearts of their audience. Those who prove to be more remarkable than others give birth to spin offs, sequels, and sometimes even a third and fourth installation. For this to happen, a certain movie must be able to develop harmony among its components. And if a certain green ogre comes to your mind when thinking about a movie that was able to do it, well, we cannot blame you. Shrek is great, and here’s a few reasons why it is.
One-of-a-kind Characters
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Of course, the title character tops the list. Shrek is a lot different from the usual knights in shining armor of other fairytale movies. He’s not a knight, he didn’t come from a ruling family, and to top it all, he’s not human. However, he has the same good heart and pleasing character, but him being an ogre who has intense and deep-rooted insecurities has remained to be the source of the conflicts of the various installations of the movie.
Princess Fiona also had similarities with other princesses who also had to break curses given to them at some point, Fiona is just more of a fighter who has a stronger personality. But, above all, what set her apart was that she didn’t actually break her curse - she decided to happily live with it.
For the ever-present animal sidekicks, we have Donkey and Puss and Boots. These two adorable creatures developed a unique and interesting combination, especially since there was a minor competition between the two for Shrek’s attention. They might not have many scenes focused on them, but in the rare occurrences that there is, it is sure to give the audience a laugh.
And well, how can we forget about the usually well-loved Prince Charming and Fairy Godmother jumping into the other side of the fence? It was a welcome twist, and one that made Shrek stand out from all other fairytale movies.
Rich Soundtrack
Another remarkable aspect of the Shrek movies are the banging soundtrack that has truly fitted and enhanced the scenes. The audience will not only appreciate the events unfolding before their eyes, but also the music playing in the background.
Shrek’s soundtrack gaming started strong by playing All Star at the first scene of the first ever Shrek movie. It was upbeat, catchy, and snappy which all fit the mood being set by the introductory scene. Hey now, Shrek, you’re an all star!
To cap off the first installation of Shrek, I’m a Believer was played during Shrek and Fiona’s wedding. No need for a huge venue and fancy outfits, the entirety of the scene was the perfect culmination of the first installation of the series. The song was able to capture their personalities - fun, light, and exciting. Plus, the cute little scenes between Donkey-the-lead-vocalist and Dragon didn’t hurt.
It’s not always fun and games though, as Shrek faced a real challenge in Shrek 2, when Prince Charming was about to steal Fiona from him. So when the Fairy Godmother blasted I Need A Hero through the entire palace, the scene was raised a notch higher. It was very fitting, a little fun amidst all the excitement, especially during the giant Gingerbread Man’s fight scenes. So, even if she’s evil, the Fairy Godmother and her choir was chef’s kiss.
Surprising Plot Twists
In addition to all the endearing things mentioned above, what has also captured the Shrek audience are the twists and turns in the story that were unexpected yet fitting to the plot.
For one, instead of turning into a conventionally attractive princess after she was kissed by Shrek, Fiona ended up being an ogre twenty-four-seven. Contrary to what usually happens after true love’s kiss, it seems as though Fiona did not break the curse but actually enhanced it. It was a sweet scene though, as she was able to prove that her love for Shrek - and the other way around - transcends the physical aspect of the relationship.
In the second Shrek movie, there were hints that the King - Fiona’s father - was hiding something that he owed to the Fairy Godmother. At the end of the movie, it was revealed that he was actually a frog. He didn’t sacrifice Fiona’s happiness just to keep his part of the deal, so his secret was revealed by the Fairy Godmother. This revelation also earned a collective gasp from the audience, and rightfully so. However, it seems as though the cross-breeding between two different species was common in the film.
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Who would have thought that the Donkey and Dragon relationship will lead to adorable baby donkeys with wings? It was also totally unexpected and unhinted. But if you really think about it, the love was clear between the two, so maybe it was bound to happen, we just weren’t ready for that twist.
Relatable Lessons
The relatable characters from Shrek lead to relatable lessons from the movie. Even if we’re not kings or queens and we’re also not green, we can learn a thing or two from the experiences of the characters.
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First is about accepting your flaws. Shrek 2 revolved on Shrek wanting to be unnecessarily better-looking for Fiona, with the belief that this was what he needed for his father-in-law to accept their marriage. This was not the case, though, as Fiona had always been willing to fight for him regardless of how he looks. This is the same for everyone. You must not compare yourself to your versions of Prince Charming, because your unique traits make you stand out from the others. And you must not struggle to blend in when you are born to stand out.
This goes hand-in-hand with getting out of your comfort zone and believing and loving yourself. Fiona used to hide when she used to turn to an ogre by night. Shrek doubted himself to be the King. But both of these scenarios had them believing in themselves, and the results turned out great. It is a little scary sometimes, but you’ll never know if you never try. As they say, it is better to try and fail than never to have tried at all.
The list of things that make Shrek great can go on and on, so if you’re looking for a sign to have that movie marathon with that adorable green ogre, this is it!
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mousieta · 3 years
Livewatch Thoughts: Bossam
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Oh this is sooooo what I’ve been needing. Been a bit bereft for a bit (good show depression is real y’all) and not much has really snapped my attention. However, I do love Jung Il Woo when he is good and he is so. good. in this. I do prefer him in sageuks.
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These characters are my catnip. Jung Il Woo playing Ba Wu, a wastrel working on the wrong side of legality but with a sense of morality is just *chefs kiss*. I love the slowly unfolding of his character. From thief, to gambler, to someone who can sit and drink with scholars while reciting poetry, then a struggling father who deeply loves his son but is also incredibly bitter at the path that led him to raise him alone.
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Its also so nice to get out of the Palace for the majority of our story (though, being Korea, we’ll always be Royal family adjacent I guess) and have some conflict that is driven by the reality of poverty and not just political machinations. Jung Il Woo struggles to make choices when necessity and reality are in conflict with his morality.
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The relationship between him and Dae Yeop has so much potential to be heart-wrenching - though I won’t go far out on that limb yet, being burned too many times by poor handling of a main/second lead relationship. But the tension of two people who could respect and admire one another, who could become deeply important to one another balanced with the results of their choices which set them at odds can be so rich and powerful, so I’m hoping the show goes there.
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Then there is Yuri as the princess who is actually surpassing any expectations I had. Her rage when she is captured is palpable. As a character there is still more to see before I can make a determination, but the hints are there for her to be well developed.
As to her relationship with Ba Woo, the foundation has been laid for an eventual redemption and I could definitely believe them eventually falling for one another once they’ve grown to understand one another. There is the pain of loss that they share as well as an understanding of the harsh complexity of the world.
In general this show seems to be doing what I feel dramas do best: strongly character driven stories. The characters are fully set in their world which feels rich and full. Their choices and actions/ reactions are pushing the story along. The show never stays too long on one emotional note but rather gives us the range, from the pleasure of watching easy going, affectionate banter, to achingly portraying loss and betrayal, madcap shenanigans and quiet, poignant moments of character reflection.
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Also a little bit of abs bc why the heck not - though I appreciate that the show let Jung Il Woo just be what he is, a fit adult male. I love a good abs shot as much as anyone, but the ‘had to dehydrate and not eat anything for 2 days’ level of definition is pretty off-putting to me.
Gotta also give a shout out to the music - which isn’t period but feels thematically so perfect.
All in all, the show is sweeping and complex and character driven in a way I crave and adore.
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septiembrre · 4 years
Rio Headcanons
Tagged by the wonderful @foxmagpie
What are your headcanons about Rio’s family? Siblings? Parents? Lifestyle growing up?
I really love the idea of Rio having been raised by a supportive, healthy, loving, beautiful nuclear family. I personally have imagined him with siblings -- sisters! Cousins! I think his respect for women and their power has to come from somewhere and it’s probably a matriarch. He has a strong handle on parenting and I think he must be modeling his own caregivers... 
But, @foxmagpie pointed out the black & white vintage photos in his closet...  Obviously, I had seen them but I just understood them to be like my family’s own old photographs. I had thought -- they’re just his ancestors, probably his grandparents or bisabuelos. But, then I realized there’s no sign of sisters, any siblings or of his parents in his apartment.  The Good Girls set design team loves a ridiculously terrible photo prop (hello old Dean/Beth family photos) and you know they would have been down to make the same thing for Rio... but alas. All we have are those photos of Rio + Marcus, an ambiguous baby picture and the black & white photo and it’s probably intentional. 
I come from a small, atypical Mexican-American family structure myself, but I feel for him. I always headcanoned that he had a dad who had died when he was a kid or a teenager and that maybe his mom was still around and involved in his & Marcus’ life. But, quizas no? 
I’m curious about how much Beth knows now about Rio’s family structure from Rhea. She knows Rhea’s a single mom, and her co-parent was out of the picture for a spell. But, I think Rhea would have also mentioned involvement or support from Marcus’s other set of abuelos/her former in-laws? 
So... who were Rio’s caregivers? His grandparents? No sisters??? We should all collectively DM Manny and ask him to share his own Rio backstory headcanons. Haha, watch -- the show is totally going to ret-con this in Season 4. 
It’s interesting overall how the writer’s deploy family world-building for the characters. Dean’s mom is the only one on-screen -- and Dean’s parents overall have gotten more build out than any other family history combined (wild!). I know that’s influenced by them casting Jessica Walter who is phenom, but expanding out the family histories is such a rich area for the show creators to play in if they choose to go there. All of our main protagonists have deceased parents. I think it’s been a choice on the show to play into a lack of safety net and support for the women. For better or for worse, Beth, Ruby & Annie are at a point where they are it for their children.  
That being said -- I would love to meet Stan’s parents! And I would love to get information about Rio’s coming-into-crime especially as a parallel to Beth’s experience. It’s the parallel we would all want and the parallel we deserve. (Dear show, Stop with the Boland family parallels, PLEASE! If I have to hear about Dean’s scummy dad one more time--). 
But, yes, I’m very invested in Beth & Annie’s, Ruby’s, Stan’s, and, of course, Rio’s families and hope we get to see more characterization unfold over the next seasons.
What are your headcanons for Rio and Rhea’s relationship? How do you think they met, at what point did Rhea learn about his work, was Rio in love with her, etc.?
I’m so curious about what attracts Rio to people/his love interests. It’s becoming clear what attracts him to Beth...  But, I wonder about has attracted him to others. 
While Beth & Rhea are both moms (haha, and beautiful, and well-endowed with the boobs), that’s in the present time on the show -- Rio was attracted to Rhea before she was a mom. I wonder what he looks for? What did he see in Dylan? 
What are your headcanons about Rio’s and Mick’s relationship? Did they meet through crime? Are they lifelong friends?
I want them to be childhood friends!!!! I want that so badddddd!!! 
Oh, god, can you imagine a flashback to them young in crime?! Like late teens or early 20s? Ha, as a parallel to the Beth + Ruby scene/origin story? I would die. DIE.
Do you think Rio’s been arrested before Beth got him arrested in 1.10? When, and what for?
Ha, I don’t think he’s been arrested for anything significant.  He’s plenty sanctimonious about keeping his name out of everything. 
If Rio weren’t a crime boss, what jobs do you think he’d be good at? Why?
I mean he’s probably great a math, phenom at managing a huge team/multiple business ventures, and super charismatic. What couldn’t he do? 
I think he was probably pushed to crime because of lack of opportunity for MOC and the need for money. This does make me think he came up poor. But, I think he stayed in crime because he’s so good at it, and likes the flexibility, the creativity, the $$$, and the power. 
I think he could go legit and still be pulling in decent buck with all of his business fronts but he doesn’t choose to. 
What are Rio’s hobbies outside of work and Marcus? What do you think he’d get up to on a day with absolutely no responsibilities?
He’s obviously an art heaux. The real question is WHAT’S HIS MEDIUM???? If he actually produces art like the abstract stuff up in his house, I would scream. I can see him being into photography when the mood strikes him and he has time. #hipster
I like the idea of Rio taking cooking classes in some sort of exclusive, foodie way (1:1 with a chef, or a compa who is a fly line cook). 
We know he plays tennis and I also imagine he boxes and works out at the type of high-end gym I could only dream of. It probably never smells of sweat, and all the machines are top-end, brand new. I mentioned in a post a while ago that I wasn’t sure if I wanted Rio to be my boyfriend, my bff, or to adopt me -- and I stand by it.  
Who do you think Dylan is to Rio (a friend, an associate, someone he was dating?) and why?
I do lean towards friend/associate/some one he’s fucked. Rio was very handsy with Dylan’s person. Obviously, in real life Manny & Adelfa are married, and I think they were leaning heavily on that intimacy in the scene. 
But Rio also didn’t kiss Dylan? Which leads me back to -- damn, Rio. You were fronting so hard. Like... that was high-school-level showmanship. 
What do you think Rio’s goals for the future are?
I think he wants to be his own boss, I think he likes being at the top of the food chain, and I think he wants to stay in crime because he still sees opportunities. 
I’m so curious as to what his $$$ bench marks are?
Beth’s are current financial security and probably college for all of her little ones. So what it for Rio?
- College for Marcus? 
- Inheritance for Marcus?
- Inheritance for all of his (nonexistent) family?
It has to be more than that. He’s already hit these benchmarks based off of the status symbols in the show (the G-Wagon, the quality of furniture in his loft, Rhea’s offer of maybe like a $5-10k check to Beth. Beth’s not family!).
What do you think Rio is bad at (cooking, dancing, singing, etc.)? How come?
I don’t think he can bake.
I also don’t seem him being good at boldly lying to people? It’s definitely not his style. He’s more of a lying by omission type of person. I don’t see him being able to spin a tale like Beth, but he also doesn’t have her white privilege/whole suburban mom aesthetic. 
Hm, I haven’t rewatched the show in a minute but I think the only time we’ve seen him boldly lie is to Beth -- when he lies about the nature of their relationship. Haha, and he’s really bad at it. Maybe this isn’t the fairest thing to judge him on. But, I think his lying relies on purposeful silence. 
Why do you think Rio is drawn to Beth?
I think Rio was drawn to Beth because she’s a survivor, she’s scrappy and she’s smart. I think he’s drawn to how quick she is on her feet. Beth has limited awareness but she can be really good at navigating what’s going for her and leveraging it for her gain (and Rio’s). I think he’s also been drawn to her because she’s a parent, and she can be really brave (I would say reckless!! Beth, stop endangering yourself!).
Beth’s also like absurdly beautiful. Christina is ethereal and they try to make her ... frumpy or something in the show. But... we have eyes. And Rio certainly has eyes for her figure, and her face, and like all the attributes and isn’t shy about letting her know. 
Why do you think Rio didn’t kill Beth? Was it their past, his present feelings for her, because he needed her business? Some combination?
I think Rio sees a kindred spirit in Beth and at this point (post-Season 3), she’s in his life now. Despite all that she’s done to him, he seems completely unable to extricate himself from her. I think this due to his present past feelings for her. The business is a bonus, a front if you will. 
In Season 2, there were these questions for Beth about whether all of it was real -- if she meant something to Rio, if Beth could walk back all of her crimes so far and retreat into anonymity. In Season 3, we know that Beth can’t let go of crime, and that she’s capable of the same dark deeds as Rio, and we know that Rio did care for her, cares for her still apparently because he’s very much in his feelings. Those Season 3 picnic table scenes? Wow. 
Ah, can you believe these two are going to like... have some sort of development in their relationship again? Obviously, it will be full of strife and conflict. But isn’t it wild that we have another Brio sex scene in store for us one day? Jenna Ban’s comment, “You don't go from having the hottest sex of your life to wanting someone dead without conflicted feelings” is just the BIGGEST TEASE.  How are our bbs going to be intimate with each other again? 
OKAY THIS ENDED UP BEING SUPER LONG. Jeez... If you’ve gotten this far, thank you for engaging with my headcanons. Lmk what you think :-) 
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trashballerina · 4 years
Hetalia Fics I Really Like
this  ⭐ will be for fics I really like. I’ll try not to star everything.
I’m starting with my favorite of all time and tbh I think the fandom should see this fic as a OG, like Auf Weiderstein Sweetheart or Gutters, I really do.
Are We Even Humans  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ (Literally all the stars)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5660761/chapters/25048773 (prequel)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7036330/chapters/16007758 (sequel)
The war is over, but putting together everything that fell apart will be a greater challenge than anyone is prepared to handle. Alliances dissolve, and the lines between friends and enemies are blurrier than ever before.
Opinion: Please read it. It is a series with a sequel and a prequel that can be read on its own but it’s so good. Imma go on a quick rant here. This fic is great from the writing, plot, characters, and the nuances of nationhood abilities. I literally rioted during the first chapter because it was so good. One of my absolutely favorite things in the fic and the series as a whole is Prussia. Kingdom of Prussia, German Democratic Republic, Gilbert Beilschmidt. His character progression and seeing him through the series as a whole is astounding. I was literally left shaken at the end of this series and I’ve read it twice. The OC’s are usually the antagonists, but hot damn, they are memorable OC’s who are great (terrible?) villains. And the family dynamics! The family dynamics are enough of a reason to read it by itself and the romances. Omg I love this fic so much. Main takeaways: astounding characterization, amazing plot, will cry, long read, and a reality check on what it means to be a nation.
Would it be too much if I did a separate post on how much I love this series and an in depth analysis? (I feel like such a nerd omg)
Hard Times Passing 
Alfred is homeless during the Great Depression and in his wanderings he's charged with the task of caring for a small orphaned Taiwan. AU-Human names used, Taiwan is a child.
Opinion: So incredibly heart warming. It’s well written and I love the dialogue so much. Also, the little cameos from other characters are an absolute delight. It’s a it short, but so wholesome.
Flowers Don’t Grow on Battlefields  ⭐
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16898919/chapters/39697068 (sequel)
As war tightens its hold on the nations of the world, new alliances are formed. Nobody will escape the war unscathed. Italy only hopes that this time, he will find a way to save those he holds dearest.
Opinion: I realllly like this fic. Maybe I’m a bit bias because I remember reading it from like to third chapter and watching it get updated till the end, but this is really good. Cute gerita, great characterization, good plot, and some lines just really make me melt. And the fluff omg. There’s a sequel that’s linked under too that I may like more than the first. 
Who Knew (One Shot)
“The last time the two of them had any sort of contact was when Gilbert sent the letter to Matthew before the first war started.
That was twenty-six years ago. Twenty-six years Matthew had not seen Gilbert. Twenty-six years of Matthew worrying about if his fiancé was alive or not. Twenty-six years of Matthew thinking about all the horrible things that could be happening to Gilbert. Twenty-six years of Matthew wishing he could just see Gilbert, even if it were just for a second. Twenty-six years of pure hell for Matthew. Twenty-six years of being all alone.”
Matthew Williams, the personification of Canada, never thought that he would fall in love, but he did. He fell in love with Gilbert Beilschmidt, the personification of Prussia, but their romance would have to be cut short with the up coming war that was soon approaching them.
Opinion: My god my heart. Matthew had great characterization. Like amazingly so. 10/10 somber and melodic tones throughout the story. Good tension. And again, my heart. 
An account of the media reactions to the reveal of Nations (anthropomorphic national embodiments) with scholarly commentary.
Heavily inspired by: United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) [fallingvoices, radialarch] with mixed genres.
Opinion: It’s really cool. It’s told through media, like email, twitter, texts, online magazines, subtitles of videos (not actual videos tho). I love the outside view point of the world on nations and how some people really like them and how others absolutely despise their very existence. One of the main things that sticks out the me is the in depth analysis other humans or posters do on the nations and people even interview the nations, chapter eight is like my favorite for that reason, or how some humans just gush about the nations on so media like how half the fandom does lol. It’s really good. Super creative, great insight on how to world sees the nations, and honestly a great read.
Red Winter (One shot and crossover!)
The Winter Soldier's new target: a Russian politician named Ivan Braginsky.
Things don't go as planned.
Opinion: Literally so cool. Like nations are total BS to outsiders, especially assassins. I was loosing it during this fic because from Bucky’s POV nations are something else. The writing is really solid and the author uses italics to highlight an action sound or word and even single-word thoughts. The fight scene is really entertaining but also it flows fantastically. 
In Costa Rica (Oneshot)
“You have this backwards,” McLaughlin said. “Everything. You have it all backwards.” He was a lithe man, looked to be in his mid-thirties. Schnabel leaned back in his chair. Outside, the afternoon rain started, and the frogs momentarily fell silent. “They are dangerous, aren’t they?” Two men discuss the nations and history.
Opinion: No actual nations appear in this fic. It’s just two men talking about the nations and it’s really interesting to see them humor and take seriously the idea of nations. They both discuss what they already know about the nations and theorize. Also hearing an outside perspective and how the nations effect the word around them is golden. I give this fic a big ol’ chef’s kiss. 
Finally, I’ll Just Miss You! (Oneshot)
Countries will be abolished tomorrow. For the first time, they breathe and realize this might be their last breath and they’ll never wake up again. They want to wake up, they want to go to sleep, the land will still be there when they’re gone. But they breathe, it won’t be the same- for once, they feel human.
Opinion: Bro, I swear I’m not crying. This one is short but really bittersweet and my heart really hurts. I like the snippets of insight on the characters. 
Diamond in the Rough  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 
The year is 1952, the last full year of Joseph Stalin's rule over the Soviet Union. After an incident with Latvia, Estonia is determined to find out what Russia did to him. And so unfolds a chain of events that would lead the Baltic States to tears, to forgiveness, to unexpected courage and horrifying discoveries about the mysterious past of Gilbert Beilschmidt. See AN for rating.
Opinion: This just be a legitimate book. I have honestly read this one like three time and every time I read it I am absolutely elated to discover another detail or action I missed. It is a longer read but I think it is absolutely worth it. For one, the characterization is beautiful. Maybe I might be bias because I stan and love the Baltics, but how they are written compared to the many other fics I’ve read on them is phenomenal. While the author does take some creative liberties and deviates from canon a little, like the Baltics actually considering themselves to be brothers, I really enjoy the changes. ALSO, the history and research and on this fic is genuinely impressive. To think fic authors do this shit for fun and pour so much of their passion into a piece of writing. Secondly, while Russia may be an antagonist in this story, I honestly think it is just. His mentality, backstory, and current predicament explain his behavior and make him a justifiable antagonist. I highly recommend this one. 
Adieux (Oneshot)
What happens to nations after they cease to exist? Do they simply disappear or do they get a second chance? It wasn't a subject Francis was particularly keen on finding out about...but at the same time, it wasn't something he could just ignore. One-shot
Opinion: I hate this fic because I love it way too much. I might of cried a little bit and I instantly melt of Francis and Matthew. 
In Our Solemn Hour (incomplete) ⭐
The time was World War II, at the dawn of a global conflict like nothing any of the Nations had ever seen before. Nothing could've prepared them for what lay ahead: a war more total and radical than anything they could ever have imagined. This wasn't just business as usual; it was centuries' worth of pent-up emotions all coming into play at once. This was indeed their darkest hour.
Opinion: Characterization is on point. One part of this fic I remember very well during a fight to the death, Finland mutters a little “Oh dear”. The characters retain some of the qualities that make them silly in Hetalia but because this is another take on it it does get darker. I think Germany’s portrayal is my favorite because he does cruel and unnesscary things and questions it because its not his usal nature. The author notes are super insightful and sometimes funny; it really adds to the rest of the story. I might revisit this post to make a more in depth opinion on it because I don’t remember it all to well when I know I really like this one.
So that was my post lol. I’ll probably make more on other fandoms later tbh or I’ll just make a part two. If you end up reading about any of these posts, please feel free to tell me about them! I love talking about fics and reading in general. Thanks for reading!
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queenangst · 5 years
weekly fic roundup! (bnha) #1
since people seem to ask me for fic recs & bc i want to support my fellow gen/whump writers, i’m going to try to do a weekly roundup of all the fics i read every week when i can. i pretty much only read: genfic + whump fic. most fics are recently published/updated, though some may not be. 
since this is my first roundup, i’m also including fics i read in late december. week(s): december 21-jan 11 
Interrogations by scythian
gen; 574 words; 1/1 complete; dabi & tsukauchi
Dabi is caught and most likely never getting out. He may have a chance to save someone.
thoughts: two of my favorite characters working together. short and sweet. and the setup is truly [chef’s kiss]. 
Presumed Dead by Cornflower_Blue
gen; 4k; 1/3 ongoing
Chargebolt- What the hell was that?! 1:49 AM Insomniac- Bakugo just kicked in Midoriya’s door and started screaming 1:50 AM Insomniac- Don’t ask me why 1:50 AM Insomniac- I don’t know 1:50 AM Chargebolt- @LordExplosionMurder what the hell dude, I heard you in my room 1:50 AM
A villain attacks Midoriya's apartment complex and everyone is left to deal with the fallout.
thoughts: a really, really well-done premise and work. i don’t typically read chatfics, but the balance between texts and action was fantastic in this work. the plot is also very different from what i’d usually expect of a chatfic, and the play between povs, chat/prose, and turn of events made for a wonderful and gripping read. i’m looking forward to see the rest of the fic!
in the gold of day by curious_cat
gen; 1.9k; 1/1 complete; aizawa & class 1-a (3-a)
Class 3A faces the final test before they become full-fledged pro heroes. Aizawa has some emotions about this.
thoughts: this is such a sweet and satisfying read. it’s a great look into the growth of the class & aizawa getting emotional, a bittersweet parting in a transition in life. i love that the focus is less on graduation itself, but more on the students and their relationship with their teacher. made me so happy to read. 
sometimes quiet is violent by wellthengetouttathesoupaisle 
gen; 1k; 1/1 complete; todoroki & aizawa
“How are you?” Kirishima asks, in a cursory, casual manner.
From there, Todoroki speculates. Fine, he might reply, and Kirishima will sense that something is off, that something is wrong, and he will say, are you sure, Todoroki?
And then Todoroki will have two options. The first will be to lie, and say, yes, of course. Why would you think otherwise? And the other will be, no, I’m not. Thank you for noticing. Thank you so, so much.
thoughts: this fic is an older one, from 2018, but it was still a gem to find. while short, the emotions are cutting and clear; todoroki’s desire to be seen while at the same time pretending to be fine creates a conflict that was wonderfully resolved. 
darken your door by beeclaws
gen; 7k; 3/3 complete; izuku & aizawa, izuku & shinsou
Aizawa tries to go get popcorn and instead gets an uncomfortable encounter with a student's estranged father.
thoughts: there isn’t a fic by this author that i’ve read so far that doesn’t seem to cut to the core. i really love hisashi fics that explore the complex (and awful) relationship izuku has with his father, and this really delivers. narratively, the setup in three parts and the various encounters—as well as the way the story unfolds—really, really works, and the way the words craft themselves is a complete delight. 
Rest Can Never Dwell by ChiwiTheKiwi
gen; 2.7k; 1/1 complete; izuku & aizawa
Midoriya Izuku not showing up to class will always be a cause for concern. The reason behind it on this particular day is not quite the life-threatening scenario Shouta had in mind.
Nevertheless, he'll do what he can to lift the burden, and he would only do the same if it were any of his other students.
thoughts: i love kiwi’s work, and this fic is no exception! whump and comfort... a nice read that has everything you’d want. you really feel for the characters!
The Erasure of Eraserhead by RomaStache 
gen; 44.7k; 11/? ongoing; aizawa & mic, aizawa & all might; aizawa & class 1-a
Being a hero is about averting tragedies and saving the people you can- but sometimes that’s just not good enough. The USJ Massacre resulted in too many body bags with too few answers, sending shockwaves that threatened to topple the entirety of hero society. At the center of the storm, UA homeroom teacher Eraserhead is given an unexpected opportunity to set things right. Sent back in time by a former student’s powerful quirk, teenager and aspiring hero Aizawa Shouta must dramatically alter the timeline to avert a tragic future.
Reliving the last 15 years of his life is a price he’s willing to pay.
thoughts: i was sent this fic and it was one of my highlights of the week. wow. needs to mention it is technically a crossover fic, but mostly for the time-travel mechanism (i’m not familiar with erasure). i love it. the angst and comedy in this one go hand in hand, and i think it’s absolutely brilliant. i personally love reading angst, so every chapter was a blast & there were so many funny moments and jokes that sometimes i forgot the premise is a complete tragedy. i teared up laughing. brilliant. 
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Title: Love, Maybe? {15}
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Plot, Cursing, Heavy Angst,
Word Count: 2.1K
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. 3 years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
Note: Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought.
**Slightly Edited/Proofread**
**Partially Interactive**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊 ❤️  ❤️ ❤️
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Chapter 15: Luck Runs Out
   You hated limbo. Not limbo itself, but being in limbo. That’s what you lived in for two weeks—perpetual limbo. Every time you walked outside the door you thought today would be the day that you’d see him at the coffee shop you got your latte, or at the restaurant when you had lunch or even dinner with Zack. Every second that passed where you didn’t have an impromtue romcom meeting your anxiety rose until you were always an anxious mess. Everyone around you noticed your uneasiness; Nex was the only one who knew why. Every day she gave you a look that said you were triflin’. She didn’t believe you when you said you had no idea how to find him. You knew damn well that you knew how to find him, you knew his address, you knew his lawyer’s contact information, shit you still had his damn number locked away in Keepsafe. You had every opportunity and all the means to contact him, but you still hadn’t.
   Instead, you continued on with your life, played attentive mom to Ella, powerful businesswoman with the development, and reclusive spinster in everything else. You didn’t go out at night unless it was to dinner with Zack, and you only did that because you felt obligated to do it. You liked him, yes, but you still hadn’t allowed yourself to move past a vague passing interest. You didn’t know what was wrong with you. He was the textbook good guy. He was kind, understanding, funny, good looking and a good kisser but there was something that was off. You were reluctant to dwell on it because you feard the real reason why something was off.
   “Are you okay?”
   You snapped out of your thoughts and looked back to Zack, who sat across from you. You smiled and nodded.
   “Yes, I’m sorry I zoned out. This place is beautiful.”
   “It is. I thought you’d like it,” he added.
   “I do. I think I like the tropical feel. I’ve been leaning that way with the development.”
    “Do it. I can’t wait to see the finished product.”
    You smiled and took a sip from your lemonade and studied him.
 “Yeah.” He smiled, welcoming and warm.
    “Can I ask you something?”
   “Sure, anything.” He sounded genuine—open.
   You licked your lips and sucked your bottom lip as you thought how to word the question. After a few moments, you forged ahead. “Did you introduce me to Kassius because you hoped it would help you get closer to me and be with me?”
   He looked surprised by your question, so surprised he didn’t speak for several long moments. You carefully studied his reactions and body language watching for any give away to his real feelings and intentions.
   “Wow. Is that what you think?”
   You shrugged and played with the remainder of your crab salad.
   “Tell me now if that is what you think—what you’ve thought all these weeks. Is that why you’ve been keeping me at arm’s length?”
  “Arm's length?
   “Yeah, I’m not a fool I can tell you’ve been holding back. You don’t make plans if it’s more than a few days in advance, you don’t say more than necessary that would keep me appeased, you don’t talk about your life much. I can tell.”
   You bit your bottom lip. You didn’t know he’d pieced it all together. As he spoke he looked disappointed and hurt. That made you feel sadness. When you didn’t speak to discount his observations he placed his utensils down, took up the paper white cloth napkin wiped his mouth and cleared his throat. It was all done cooly, controlled—calculated.
   “Okay, no. I didn’t introduce you to Kassius to have something over you so you’d feel obligated to date me. I didn’t ask Kassius to give you a contract as a favor to me to get you to sleep with me. I didn’t have any other intentions other than helping someone out that I saw as a good person, a gifted chef. I didn’t even intend on anything progressing between us once you got that contract with Kassius, I thought it might have come across as a conflict of interest and didn’t want you to think I had some underhand dealings with him about you. I just couldn't stay away from you; you’re that addictive.”
   It was clear to see he was angry. His upper body was tense, and his jaws looked clenched, and his eyes looked sad. You’d hurt him and you felt like an asshole for doing it.
   Zack scoffed and shook his head; “Unbelievable. I know in LA it’s the way of the town to fuck people over, but I assumed you’d actually been paying attention to who I am, who I’ve been trying to show you I am. I guess not.” He took his wallet out and placed three crisp bills on the table as he stood.
    “I get it; you’re apprehensive and cautious. You have every right to be you have to be careful with people especially having someone that depends on you. I get it. I can’t be mad at it or you for it, disappointed, hurt, yeah. Have a good day.”
   Just like that, he was gone. You took a deep breath, closed your eyes and dropped your head back to marinate in the mess you’d created. You’d fucked up, not for asking the question but for even beginning something with anything but clear intent about it.
   “Fuck, Vix,” you hissed under your breath.
   “Everything all right here?”
   You looked at the waitress’ smiling face and pasted a replica on yours before you nodded.
    “Yes, we’re finished. Thanks.”
   “Thank you for the generous tip.” You nodded as she took the money Zack placed on the table and walked off. Once she did the bottom of your stomach fell out.
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  Across the restaurant, your eyes zeroed in on him—Chris. Suddenly your legs felt as if they were blocks of lead. The minute familiarity spark you recognized the look; it was the look he gave you the night you met in Vegas sitting at the same poker table. It was a look that spoke of hope. Butterflies flittered around your stomach at a furious pace stealing all your breath. You felt lightheaded as if you were going to pass out at any moment. His eyes never left yours and only intensified with every passing second. Even from across the room he affected you. It wasn’t fair you thought, and in the same space you wondered if you had any effect on him.
   “Fuck, Vix.”
  You pushed yourself up onto wobbly legs and gathered your belongings. Before you turned you glanced back and saw him standing at his table watching your every move. Eyes began to drift to him before a stunned gasp echoed in the outdoor seating area.
    “Oh my god, it’s Chris Evans!” Every head around you snapped to his standing muscular frame. For a second his eyes left yours and glanced around to the other dining guests. With the distraction you took the opening to quickly make your getaway. Passing a few bodies making their way to him you slipped through inside the restaurant and finally out the front door. Once you were outside you took several deep breathes dropping your hands to rest on top of your knees.
   “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
   Your phone rang, and you placed it to your ear.
   “Hello? Yeah, I’m done. No good, you have great timing. Let’s get out of here. Stay there I’m a block away from you.”
    Once you hung up, you walked down the street using the time to calm your nerves.
   “Fuck that was close.”
   You wracked your brain with the ways that this could have had one hundred different outcomes. You knew what you should do, knew it well, but you weren’t ready. You didn’t know what to say, how to say it, didn’t know if you should apologize, be defiant and professional. As you walked getting enveloped in your thoughts you forgot about your surroundings. You turned the corner and felt yourself begin to relax. In the distance you could see Nex carrying Ella as they walked to you. A smile spread across your face and you began to breathe easy.
  As you approached them, Ella held out her arms to you squealing happily.
   “Mama, mama, mama, mama!” You smiled and placed several kisses across her face before finally dropping the last on her lips. She plastered her hands across your face and felt your cheeks, forehead, and nose.
   “I’m here, baby. Did you have fun with auntie Nex?” She squealed again, clapped her hands, and laughed.
   “Everything okay?”
   You nodded, deciding there was no need to tell her what happened with Zack. You’d deal with smoothing things over another day.
  “Why’d you walk this way? Isn’t the car that way?”
   “Yeah, let’s go this way. There’s a store around the other corner I wanted to peek in,” you lied.
   As the two of you fell into a leisure stroll, you nuzzled your face into Ella’s neck and inhaled her sweet baby scent. You loved her smell. You read somewhere that mothers were programmed to love the smell of their child no matter what, it was a chemical/biology thing. It was true for you; her scent was the best thing ever. When you rounded the second corner you zeroed in on your car. As you walked toward it you lifted Ella in the air and imitated the sound of an airplane as you smoothly sailed her through it. Her giggles and squeals rang out and made you laugh until you bumped into a solid figure. You felt yourself toppling backward until you were gripped by a pair of big hands that pulled you forward as you held on tightly to Ella. Instantly your body came to life. You felt the once steady thump of your heart turn to an erratic pounding, the ever-present butterflies filled your stomach, and your skin was on fire. You looked in front of you and came face to face with Chris.
    Neither of you moved, he stared into your eyes with his piercing blue ones, eyes that had haunted you for years. When you slept your dreamt of them among other body parts. Seeing him up close after all these years was earthshattering. TV, magazines, and movies definitely didn’t do him justice. He was a god among men. Hours seemed to pass with the two of you standing silent as monks with his arms around you. You could feel his biceps surrounding you, and you wanted for the first time in a long time oh boy did you want.
   Ella grabbing your hair was what brought you back to reality. The reality that had you standing in front of Chris with Ella.
   You pulled back from his embrace and took a few steps back and looked at Nexus who was standing to the side at the car door as speechless as you were.
   “Vixen--,”   you both spoke at the same time. You took a deep breath and looked up to meet his eyes once again. Chris looked to be just as surprised as you were.
   “Hi,” he said with a breathless rush. You knew you had no words to say so you didn’t even bother to respond. Chris looked across to Ella; you held your breath and panicked. Before you could make any moves a sea of photographers swarmed you snapping pictures and shouting his name. In seconds chaos ensued. You looked around you seeing flash after flash in your face. The flashes made Ella scream and cry.
    “Guys come on back up,” Chris forcefully began as he tried to force them back. You backed up, trying to maneuver closer to your car.
   “Chris, who’s the woman and kid?”  “Girlfriend, Chris?” “What happened to Lita? Thought things were getting serious?” “What’s your name?” Several photogs shouted one over the other. The loud commotion was becoming too much for Ella, whose cries turned into a full-on meltdown complete with arms and legs being thrown everywhere. You slipped through the swarm and put Ella in the car on Nexus’ lap before you dashed around to the driver’s seat. Some of the photographers followed you. Chris looked to you, and for a few brief seconds your eyes met. His lips moved, but you didn’t know what he said. You ducked in the car, but a photographer blocked you from closing the door.
    “Move!” he didn’t. Instead, he continued snapping your picture. Your full-on mamma bear mode took over, and you kicked him back, making him fall into the street. You took the reprieve and slammed your door shut and wasted no time speeding off with the sounds of Ella’s irate screams and cries echoing in the car.
    “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
@sarahboseman  @heyauntieeee @airis-paris14 @thiccdaddy-mbaku @wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-inspired @theunsweetenedtruth @ashanti-notthesinger @reignsxjackson @halfrican-heat @ambthegamer @simplyyamberr  @muse-of-mbaku @sisterwifeudaku @mejustme06  @ilcb7 @leahnicole1219  @destinio1 @maliadestiny @drsunshine97 @blowmymbackout @purplehairgawdess @thehuntoyobun @wakandamama @wakandawinning @profilia @zxddy-panther @h-challa @babygirlofwakanda @misswakanda2018 @ororowrites@hutchj @myfavemarvelfanfics @lavitabella87 @afraiddreamingandloving @autumn242 @purple-apricots @skysynclair19 @hersheyskissesss-blog @blue-ishx @90sinspiredgirl @tchallaswife @tchallamakesmeh0lla @turn-thy-paige @blackchickfics @blackpantherismyish @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @naturally-bri @flawlesslybeautiful14 @qweentbh@lunaerly @theoutereffect@twilight-sapphire-lover @pupyluv247 @stark-red19 @cockyboysandsugarism@maverickabull @madbadsiren @aykanna @myaw731 @ruruly20 @mixedmelanin @brittyevans @bezzywazhere@laketaj24  @soulsparker @theresnomoregoodones @syreanne@loveandcigarillos @heyauntieeee @heybriheyyy @wakanda-bcth @uhlxis  @maliadestiny @dadinhas-heat @yaachtynoboat711@geeksareunique @bultalongthewayside @ajspencer1892 @captiansaveasmut @imaginewhoever @terrablaze514 @starsshines-blog @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade@darkandlovely94   @sithlordslut @wavyyc @naturalistamisslyn @nigarachi15 @madamslayyy @blackandfair @kreolemami @mylastnameisthe-fish @kaykay0829@chaneajoyyy @tequilajay27 @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @slimmiyagi @im5ftbutmythroat66 @jaeee-http@madhatterhelsing @sunflowerpsalms @wakanda-shit-is-that @deliciousstreetkidcroissant @jecourt @vebner37 @disneysdarlingdiva @melaninmarvel @alanastormborn@dolphinpink310 @wonderbell @ohleucothea @queentearra @bitchbetterhavemydinner @fentybabyy @kaykay4454fan @priya212 @kitkit1690 @chrismarcs @beautycomesindifferentformsworld @blackpantherimagines @ovohanna24 @sweetpeachjones @kslo000   @nubian-queen18 @omgsuperstarg  @airis-paris14 @sisterwifeudaku   @mejustme06 @ilcb7 @leahnicole1219 @destinio1 @drsunshine97  @blue-ishx @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @prettyprincessushio @treeondrea  @ursapharoh05  @blackpinup22 @kaytauru @big3gocandykahn @kissingpineapples @wildaboutchrisevans   @fitfineandstayingalive @misspooh @michele-onel @gorjiss @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @muva-milaje @limbo-limbo-limbo @awkwardlyabstract @blxck-brxndie  @meeky-imagines @inlovewith3 @metalarmlover @mellowjellow6 @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade@sweettea-and-honeybutter@thatrandomhetaliachick @missdeerstalker15 @ursapharoh05 @treeondrea @ovohanna24 @marvelheaux @romanceoftheeveryday @mufasathatniggatho @cltex84 @sweetbearcolorgarden @msincognito67 @mosagram @lunaerly @mar-ta-3 @ljstraightnochaser @lewatigress @akimi-youngblood @bekahdean87 @jasmindaughteroftheworld@cocooned-butterfly @emoniclark22 @chereedrop619 @theblulife @niggarachi15 @drsunshine97 @msincognito67 @missdeerstalker15 @wakandamama @great-neckpectations @avenger-marvel-fan @arieljamiyla @vibranium-soul @monae-boss @queenxchallaxkillamonger@amirra88 @jaeee-http @omg-itsnadi @fonville-designs @sydneebleu @cherrystainedlipsbaby
****If the spacing is all messed up I apologize. I copy and past from Word and try to anticipate Tumblr messing up the spacing and fix it but once I push post everything always jumbled out. Sorry guys.
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lest-we-be-liars · 5 years
My Family Can't Even With My Dramatic Ass: SPN 15x09
Y'all...that was...that was so much. Let me tell you. I was making noises through that episode that I didn't even know I could make. My children were concerned for my well being. My mother in law over heard me while she was on the phone with my husband and asked if I was hurt (answer: emotionally, yes) and who the hell Chuck was and why he was a sick SOB. I was on my knees at one point. From beginning to end, it had my heart racing. I'm just....
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The acting:
I felt her pain when she had to cut Sam! I felt that!!! I felt her regret! I felt her disdain towards chuck. I felt her conflict of not knowing what was real!
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You beautiful beast, you. Every moment of realization and revelation was CLEAR AS DAY. This man had an emotional rollercoaster throughout this episode. Hope, pain, regret, defiance, loss, indecision....and even when he was tied to a chair it SHOWED! His facial expressions were on point! I live! Glorious as always, my dude!
Can we please talk about how this man has, probably, the hardest, most controversial job in network television right now. He has to make you hate God. GOD! And he is killing it! Like, he is such a quirky loveable person, but I want his character to burn. That's skill. I feel so uncomfortable when chuck is on screen. I feel so uneasy, like that " walking alone at night in a bad neighborhood" feeling. Just *chef kiss* bravo.
I know a lot of people don't like him. A lot of people rag on his acting saying 'Castiel only has like 3 emotions/faces'. But when you look at the actor vs the character...Misha is a very expressive person. He is energetic and dramatic and high pitched and his face is always expressive and pretty much he is the opposite of Castiel. Setting aside the fact that he's played like 8 different characters on the show and you can tell which one by facial expressions alone, the fact that this man has been playing a character that is so opposite of who he really is for so long and still keeps people intrigued speaks volumes about his skill. He was wonderful as always in this episode and that is my opinion and I'm sorry you can't change my mind.
Give this man ALL of the awards! This whole damn season! Just *incoherent fangirl screeching* From his concern for Sam, to his panic, the TEARS, the confidence with Chuck, his pain over losing Cas, the resignation....I felt uncomfortable. I felt uncomfortable because I felt like I was watching a real human being go through all of that. He made me feel like I was watching someone's actual life unfold. You, Jensen, are an artist! Like hot holy damn! I'm basically just still sitting in awe over it. I cant even...jut... flrubergurbermlehlefleh!
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The Writing:
Phenomenal. Nuff said.
The episode itself:
Sam, Chuck, and Eileen
I can't handle the pain. When chuck had Eileen cut Sam....nope, no, uh uh, not okay. I was cussing out a fictional character. Out loud. People heard me. Big mad.
Chuck manipulating the Sam/Eileen relationship? I have some not so positive feelings about this. Like, the man has suffered enough. Let hi. Have something good for once without sticking your dirty little fingers in it.
Chuck physically torturing Sam and expecting it to break him? Ha! Dude has had his foot bruleed! One scalpel ain't gonna cut it. Why is he still defiant. Because he's Sam f***ing Winchester.
That first future clip hurt. I like Claire.
That second one made me panic. All I could think was "why is Cas gone?"
The third one though....Sam packing up to head out and Dean coming in defeated. I have so many thoughts and feelings. This is the point I was on my knees. Because Sam was trying to keep the faith. Present Sam was convinced Chuck was showing him lies, because Dean was giving up. But the part that is haunting me, aside from the fact that we learn, Donna, the girls, Eileen and pretty much everyone except Jody and Bobby are gone, is one single pronoun. I. Dean didn't say "we had to bury Cas". He said "I". Where was Sam when all this happened? Why was Dean the one who had to bury him? Alone! Cas is Sam's friend too.How Fucking strong and Terrifying was Cas with the mark that a damn Ma'lek box was the only solution?! Also angel knight of hell demon wtf flerbergerber...IWANTTOKNOWWHATHAPPENDANDHOWALLTHATWENTDOWNOMFC!!!!!
Chucks whole "oh, oh no Dean, don't go out that door...." bs made me rage
Vamp!bros? That's the end? Really?! REALLY?!
The monster taking over the world if chuck is gone? Idk....I don't know if I believe that. Sam might. I don't.
Sam losing his hope...hurt.
Sam losing Eileen because she doesn't know what is real...hurt.
Chuck having his powers back...hurt.
This while storyline just fucking hurt.
Cas and Dean
Cas telling Dean to stop being stupid?! I'm sorry what?! Like, my reaction was similar to Dean's. Like just...well okay then. Go off!
Cas calling the shots about staying together? Go off!!
Nonverbal communication had to happen considering they both know they were being followed but the leviathan didn't know they knew
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And it just proves that, even when they're fighting they are still in sync.
"I left, but you didn't stop me." Kill me.
Cas getting trapped and Dean getting knocked out. Ugh.
That PRAYER!!!!!
Dean apologized?! What?! WHAT?!
Dean acknowledged his anger issues?!
"You're MY best friend." "Of course I forgive you." *hyperventilating*
My guy fell to his knees!
That is WAY more than a single man tear! That was sobbing. There was snot! He was begging. My GOD!
The reunion. That hug. Cas lead the leviathan away from Dean to keep him safe, AGAIN! "I heard your prayer." BFFL STATUS ACHIEVED!
Watching Cas agree to take on the mark made me nervous
They're nonverbal communication coming in again, storming the casino.
Dean decking Chuck made me chuckle. I didn't like chuck returning the favor. Dean's speech to chuck after finding out about the memories. "Not this Sam. Not this Dean."
Dean didn't blow up at Sam. He has acknowledged his anger and is working on it. THAT'S CHARACTER GROWTH MY FRIENDS!
Finishing each others sandwiches 😊
Billie and Jack
Wtf is it time for?!?!?!?!
Just a wonderful painful/relieving episode. 9.6/10. I have no idea where this is going....and I LOVE it!
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jooniyah · 3 years
HOLY lover bouquet AHHHHH IM SCREAMING !!!!! Miss queen you have done it again...it’s already a *chef’s kiss*👌🏻😘 masterpiece and im on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter. Wow the way you set the scene for the conflict and the tension between y/n and jk...i wonder what other tricks he’s got up his sleeve😭 y/n is definitely in a difficult position...but i also lowkey pity the headache hitman bang will have for all the damage control the company’s gonna have to do 😅
i’m really interested in jungkook’s character though and how he reached his ‘breaking point’...excited to see how his scheme develops throughout the story. I can’t imagine it’s going to be easy for him to get everything he wants with a 7 versus 1 matchup going on...but also, seems like he may have been exploring the idea of such a move for a while, at least subconsciously🤔
Anyways, loved the new story; not surprised because you never disappoint! I think you’re really adept at crafting multifaceted villains and i’m interested to see how this conflict between jungkook, y/n and the rest of the members unfolds. (Poor clueless ARMY though - comeback season isn’t looking good against the backdrop of this drama🥴)
All the best!
~ 🌧 anon :)
Damn I don't know how to feel.. Because this is only the second feedback ask since I posted the fic, and I've been second guessing myself and thinking if my writing has become uninteresting or dull.
But then I read this ask over and over, and I couldn't thank you enough for sending this in at a time when I began to doubt myself.
Thank you so so much, you lovely spirit.
Yes, I can't imagine how difficult it will be for PD nim to do damage control and clean up after Jungkook. It was always only oc for Jungkook, he was hanging on and bearing with the ot7 relationship just to get closer to her. Now that he's close enough to do anything he wants, everything is gonna be chaos in BBS world.
Thank you for saying that about my villains 😭 I do my best and it's wonderful to know you appreciate it!
jsjsjdjdj this whole conflict is gonna put the fans under lots of strain especially because the guys don't want to work together, let alone go on tours and put out new music 💔 damn we need a resolution to this asap 😖💔
Thank you so much for dropping by, sweet angel. I really can't thank you enough!
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herondalecristina · 4 years
The knife of never letting go
I gotta say, the hype for this one has been real since pretty much ever. I’ve heard about it so much for years and years, especially in the early days of Booktube and internet book-talking. It has been hyped and hyped as one of the best dystopian books/series and beloved by so many. Overtime, since the dystopian craze dwindled, the conversation surrounding The Chaos Walking trilogy has quieted, only occasionally popping up in “Favourite series of all times” or “Dystopian recommendations”, and it is generally regarded as a “modern classic” series, in the same way The hunger games, or Divergent are. So safe to say, I’ve always been intimidated by it. I have a very hit and miss history with dystopians, mostly hindered by the fact that we live in such a dystopian-esque society to begin with, the last thing I want from my escapist reads is more reminders about how the world sucks and people are bad. I generally enjoy them overall, but hate the act of reading them, which was exactly the case with The knife of never letting go. 
Don’t get me wrong, the book is stellar, but reading it while a bunch of white supremacists are storming the US Capitol because they’re unhappy with the election results, while in the UK the pandemic kills about 500 people a day and the news report it as “well in April there was 1000 dying soooo” makes me wanna yeet myself off the planet too. Thank god for the audiobook, and the engaging narrator that pushed me through it!
After finishing it I literally yelled because I didn’t know what rating to give. The themes of this book are phenomenal, and the way Patrick Ness slowly builds them, with so much craft and care, unfolding them thread by thread, before unleashing them in a final crescendo that brings together every single crumb laid through the story is nothing short of genius. In this regard, the execution of the book is exceptional. At its core it’s a story about the loss of innocence and how you can mature, but still try hold onto the hope you had when you were an innocent. The theme of society forcing you to change to fit into a certain mould, and the refusal to do so, because you don’t think it’s right, is interwoven with historical revisionism and how that affects people, with heavy themes like colonialism and the fear of the “other” being carefully underlined as well, just to name a few. My mind is still trying to absorb and comprehend the complexity of what Ness created in this book.
However, regardless of how impressed I was by the themes and how they’ve been executed, the execution is also my biggest complain when it comes to characters. I understand that Todd is meant to toe the line of unlikeable, because he needs to grow and change, but in some parts of the book I really couldn’t bring myself to pick up the book again after I just put it down because I didn’t want to be stuck in his mind again. Viola could be an interesting character, but for the most part she seems to be either too scared to show off a personality, or a plot device for Todd to achieve character growth. I couldn’t tell you much about her other than “she’s kind” and “she’s resourceful”, but she does grow as the book unfolds, and by the end it’s interesting to see her reach an internal conflict (that I hope is explored more in book 2). 
However, by far the most annoying character is Aaron. All I have to say is how the fuck did this guy not die about 6 different times??? I really hated this so much, because every time he would pop back again it would make me take the book less seriously. It made no sense. I agree with Todd when he asks "How are you still alive?" bc same. I literally said that aloud multiple times.
Another thing that made me sigh in frustration was how this book really feels like torture porn for kids. Which I’m not sure how this is even “middle grade” when I don’t think emotionally scaring kids would be a good idea. Going back to how great the themes are presented, I do think that it would be a great conversation opener about heavy topics, but my god this book is bleak. For a book that talks relentlessly about hope, it surely gives none. If anything, I found it a journey in losing hope, be it Todd (with his family/town), Viola (the new world her and her parents hoped to find), or both of them (the overall journey of the book itself).  I know stakes are needed, and character growth is achieved through certain structural conventions (this book does read like a classic fairytale structure - with trials, challenges, and losses), but after living through 2020 and the first week of 2021, I just want some hope, man. Which is not the book’s fault.
Overall, as much as I was frustrated with certain things, I understand them. I understand why they were needed, even if it didn’t align with my personal preferences. Which is why I can’t rate it any lower than 4.5 without doing a disservice to the complexity of the things this book set (and succeeded) to achieve.
Also, I find it very apt that Daisy Ridley is playing Viola in the adaptation, since she reminded me a lot of Ray, the Star Wars character played by Daisy. Also Tom Holland casted as Todd is another *chef’s kiss* choice.
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trulymadlysydney · 4 years
Omg cely is so freaking cute and with Johnny, they’re definitely the strongest couple and get along the best. I kinda like kierstan but Carrington is not right for her. Did you see that tre randomly said he’s interested in kierstan tho??? Like wtf NOOOOOO. Also idk what Connor and Mackenzie are doing. She’s insane and I don’t think he knows what he’s doing but it’s gonna unfold eventually
Omg I’m watching the recap episode so I’m all caught up and can officially yell about everything!!!!  AND ITS A LOT SO IM PUTTING IT UNDER A CUT
I’m like obsessed with Cely in general but her and Johnny are so fucking cute together like that is 100% the EXACT kind of relationship I would want.  Her laugh is so cute and she’s like so positive and always giving the other girls pep talks and she’s SO confident like UGH *CHEFS KISS* I didn’t get to vote during the last major voting but I HOPE YALL VOTED FOR THEM AS MOST COMPATIBLE FOR TONIGHT’S EPISODE 
Kiersten has absolutely grown on me and she deserves so much better than Carrington like come onnnn baby you’re better than him.  ALSO YEAH LIKE WTF TRE??  JUST WHEN I THOUGHT THINGS WERE GOOD WITH HIM AND LAUREN HELLO??? I could noooot see him and Kiersten together at all.
Don’t even get me started on Connor and Mackenzie... she’s fucking crazy like I cannot count the amount of times I’ve rolled my eyes when she talks but Connor is starting to annoy me just as bad like.... king... grow a backbone d;lafkjd;l you can’t be telling everyone else one thing and then telling Mackenzie something else!!!  I understand that he doesn’t want conflict because I’m the same way and I’m usually awful at communication but bruh this is going to bite him in the ASSSSSS if he keeps being weak like this. I’m so ready for Mackenzie to be gone and highkey think Lauren and Connor should’ve ended up together.
What are your thoughts on Rachel going home?  I think it was super sad and she was really nice and gave really good advice but I genuinely don’t think that she had a special connection with anybody like that.  And I have to say, Justine is surprising meeee like she is being lowkey shady... but on the other hand like good for her for finally feeling a connection with somebody
AND LASTLY, WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON CALVIN AND MOIRA? I’m all for taking things slow like he’s trying to do, but I don’t think he’s 100% in on Moira and it makes me sad for her.  I think he’s playing it safe. That being said though, I would still let him absolutely ruin my fucking life lmao I wish he had more screen time 
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