#the way the show cuts around sometimes things seem to take a lot less time then they might have actually had
saetoru · 10 months
contents. based on this drabble and this drabble, post hidden inventory arc, healing suguru agenda !!, fluff + established relationships, suguru wants to become a teacher :,) bc teacher suguru is what we deserved
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“mwah,” you press a wet kiss to suguru’s cheek. “there,” you said proudly, “another kiss for my sugu. want more?”
“i think i’m okay now, baby. thank you—”
“mwah,” you kiss his forehead, giggling, “i have a lot more where that came from, y’know.”
“i believe it,” he shakes his head, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips, “you don’t seem to run out.”
“my sugu needs all the kisses he can get,” you gasp, “they’re good for his health!”
suguru smiles softly at that, closes his eyes and leans into you as you brush back his bangs from his face and thread your fingers into his hair, scratching gently along his scalp as he sighs. you watch him relax, content with the way his under eyes seem to be less dark as of late. you brush a thumb under his eyes, feeling the soft skin before gently stroking along his cheek.
“don’t you have a mission tomorrow?” he asks quietly, letting his head droop into your hand as you cup his cheek.
“i do,” you nod, “but i have some time to kill before i go to bed.”
“you should rest,” he mumbles, “you don’t want to be tired while you’re out there.”
“i’ll get rest, suguru,” you assure with a roll of your eyes, “your hair’s a bit longer, don’t you think?”
“yeah,” he tilts his head as you reach to grab at his bun, pulling the hair tie to let his hair fall freely down to his shoulder. “i guess i should cut it.”
“i like it,” you pout, “‘s pretty like this.”
“yeah?” he grins, cracking an eye open to look at you in amusement, “should i keep growing it for you then?”
“you should,” you nod, “i’ll braid it.”
“yeah, as if,” he raises an eyebrow, unimpressed, “satoru’s never gonna let me hear the end of it if he sees.”
“he won’t see!”
“you said that last time when you put my hair in space buns, remember? and then you showed him a picture.”
“baby,” you gasp, “what happened to forgiving and forgetting? that was me of the past—i’ve grown! i won’t betray you like that again.”
you hold a hand up as an oath, nodding seriously to prove your point. he looks at you unconvinced before chuckling and leaning in, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“today wasn’t so bad,” he mumbles, “i liked today.”
“yeah?” you smile, letting his head fall to the crook of your neck, shuffling closer on his lap as your arms wrap around him.
he nods into your shoulder, “yeah.”
“good,” you murmur, “you’ll be okay. even if it takes some time.”
“sometimes it doesn’t feel like it,” he admits, cheek pressed against your shoulder as he speaks into your skin. your fingers are in his hair—they seem to never leave, and he hopes they never do. your hand rubs up and down his back, slowly, like it’ll snap in two if you go too fast.
“you will, baby,” you say sweetly, kissing his head as you twist his hair into a messy bun, tying it with his hair tie as you speak.
suguru is healing—you like to think so. he smiles more, sometimes they even meet his eyes all the way. he sleeps better, eats more healthy, seeks you out when things are crushing on his shoulders. there’s something lighter about him, something less heavy and tormented and even if he’s still empty sometimes, you always find him at the right moments.
sometimes, suguru is lost—and maybe you can’t always guide him out, but you can be lost together.
sometimes that’s enough.
“i think…” he starts, trailing off hesitantly. your hand hikes under his shirt, rubbing the bare skin of his back—it’s always calmed him more that way, feeling you without the barrier of fabric in the way.
“you think?” you encourage, letting him take his time to process his thoughts.
“i think i want to teach,” he mumbles, “here, at jujutsu high. but…but do it better. i think i’d do it better, y’know? the way kids deserve.”
you smile at that—proud, a little heartbroken deep down. people have failed suguru, they’ve failed you too. and satoru. and shoko. and nanami. and haibara too—and it’s up to you all to piece yourselves back together. maybe you can all do it together, one cracked, sharp little piece at a time.
sometimes the edges will slice your skin, will reopen old wounds and make you bleed all over again just when you thought you were done bleeding. but suguru has you to bandage the cuts, and you have him too. and everyone else, as well.
you pull away, cup his cheeks and press a soft kiss to his lips as you close your eyes. his hands lay over yours, and he thinks, for a brief moment, you’re right.
maybe he will be okay—maybe he won’t be the same, but he can be new. and that’s not always so bad.
“i think that’s a great idea,” you whisper, “i think you’ll be amazing. what kids will need.”
“well, i’ll try,” he chuckles, pressing his forehead to yours, “and who knows, maybe you can call me geto sensei here and there.”
“we’ll see about that,” you snort. he pouts, making you lean in and kiss those jutted lips of his with a quick peck.
“i’ll convince you,” he says confidently, “you’ll be the only one i let get extra credit.”
“oh i’m honored,” you giggle, “i’ll stay in school just for you.”
“how sweet,” he grins.
you kiss him after that, and he kisses you back. your lips taste like strawberry chapstick, and your arms are warm and tight around him, and even if curses taste vile and the world is coldly unforgiving, suguru can make it through each day with at least one real smile with you by his side.
it’s not so hard when you’re around.
“i love you,” you breathe. it’s enough, he thinks, you’re enough.
“i love you too,” he kisses your jaw, “i’ll love you more if you call me geto sensei, though.”
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yes this is my own version of canon. u can’t take it away from me. in MY world (the only world that matters) suguru heals and becomes a teacher <3 and fucks me over his desk
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drdemonprince · 2 months
The article regarding about annoying queer people sparked a by now long forgotten memory.
When I went to my first pride I snuck out secretly and thus was there after the parade. Most people were already some form of drunk or high(didn't know that at the time, I was 15 and naive beyond hope)
That was also the first time I saw puppies ever. In retrospect I must have stared and seemed like one of those annoying "no kink at pride" puriteens. They probably just wanted to allow themselves a small joke but what happened in praxis was, that a grown, white man in only puppy mask and boxers crawled up to me, stood up, started sniffing my breasts and when I started panicking and running away he run after me and everyone else watched and laughed. I think I screamed for help or cryed to please leave me be and was ignored but I can't remember much past the fear.
To them it was probably a small joke but to me it set me back for years. I didn't go to pride in that city ever again and took years to move past "no kink at pride" opinions, an opinion I didn't even have before that.
I felt incredibly isolated and wearing a small rainbow bracelet and cutting my hair took so much bravery. And it earned a lot of backlash too?
So often I see coloured hair and pins as this cutesy cringe thing of no consequence, but for me it resulted in hours upon of arguments and insults. It was worth it, because it helped me built my own identity apart from my families bigotry, but it sure wasn't fun or cutesy. Ultimately it led me to becoming brave enough to actually discover who I am and start making connections with the wider queer community.
Thankfully I had no social media accounts or I would have had some truly stupid arguments.
What I'm saying is, yes young queers can be annoying and it can be tiring to deal with them but being an asshole and vilifying them isn't the solution.
Making fun of teenagers doesn't make yourself more valid and doesn't give you the status of being an old experienced queer.
I'm saying teenagers here but the fun thing about queer people is that we can discover ourselves at any point in time. So it's less teenagers and more people newly discovering themselves as queer.
I get how annoying they can be very well now, doing voluntary work at pride does that.
Do many of those we consider annoying queers hold some harmful opinions? Yeah sure. (The amount of white queers, teens or adults, not dealing with systemic oppression beyond their own is staggering and they more than deserve to be called out. Just to be very clear, when I talk about annoying behaviour I do NOT mean microagressions or discrimination in any way)
But annoying behaviour is not synonymous to that and maybe we should all just start being less mean in public spaces? I get how satisfying it can be to get a hit tweet via a bitchy twitter reply now, but quite honestly I am more ashamed of that now than when I was running around in hoodies and short hair being painfully naive.
Because then I wasn't being mean to anyone. I had some stupid takes sure but no outlet. On twitter I was making fun of people to validate my own queer-ness. (Personally I think I was covering up for the fact that I was afraid the queer people I worked so hard to be part of wouldn't consider me one of their own. So I worked hard to show how I'm not one of "those queers".)
Either way, thanks for reading all this and thank you for sharing the article because it is something I strongly agree with. Just let people be annoying without making fun of them for it. It doesn't need to be a big deal.
Thank you for this wonderful, vulnerable, honest message about your slow path to self-acceptance in the face of a lot of barriers, anon. I'm glad that despite everything you've found your way.
Yeah, I think queer people have many reasons to feel terrified at the rising "no kink at pride" discourse, but sometimes when we lash out at puriteens we sound a bit like the childfree people who say that they hate kids?? Like, we're blaming literal children for an ideology of protecting "The Family" that has been foisted upon us.
I'm guilty of it. I was HAUNTED by the social pressure to get married and pregnant and raise a bunch of kids. It caused me massive dysphoria and didn't jibe with my queer identity. But I rebelled against it for far too long by saying that I hated kids.
It was not the kids' fault! It was the ideological specter of The Family as an institution that isolates and attacks all nonconformity and 'deviant' sexuality! Me being an asshole to children was not gonna set me free, kids were even more disinfranchised than I was!! I don't think I was ever overtly cruel to children, just kind of aloof and freaked out by them, but I definitely *did* say some numbskulled shit to my friends with kids a few times. Completely missing how disempowered mothers (and it was usually mothers) are in society BECAUSE of these same forces .
And I think something similar is going on here. Queer people are tired of having "Family Friendliness" shoved down our throats by corporations and conservatives, and so then we lash out... at young queer people. it's fine to have 18+ areas and events; It's very, very important to me that spaces like Furfest have them. But that's not the same thing as claiming young people have no space in our community as a whole. And I do think we need to erode the barriers between the adult and child worlds in a whole lot of ways, and reorient our attitudes toward nudity, sexuality, roleplaying, etc in public life. but that also doesn't mean a pup should run you out of a pride parade actually fucking sexually harassing you.
It feels great to be able to talk about this stuff! Thanks for your message.
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pastelvelvett-2nd · 9 months
Hello there I seen your wrote for Harvey from sdv, I’m not sure if what other sdv characters you will write for but I was wondering if I could request yan!sebastian x gn!Willing!reader. Just some stuff on what type of ya deer he is and how he would act with a so who is ok with his yandere tendencies. Sorry if this sounds confusing at all
Hello! Thank you for reading my Harvey fic!!
It doesn't sound confusing at all, don't worry about it. ^^ I present to you: ✨the yandere emo boy✨
Trigger warnings are, as always, in the tags!
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Yandere!Sebastian x GN!Willing!Reader
Sebastian would be the type to take a while to warm up to you.
At first, Sebastian didn't think too much of you. He had absolutely no clue why you would decide to move here of all places when you already lived in a place he dreamed to live in. He was a bit jealous, to be frank.
Surprisingly enough, you kept visiting and talking to him, despite his aloof behavior the first time you spoke. The more you'd chat, the more he'd understand your perspective and what drove you to leave the hubub of the city. He began to get to know you better, and you seemed to want to do the same in turn.
Sebastian started awaiting your visits with bated breath, and when you did arrive, he acted a lot less cold than he initially did. He started being more open, and the two of you even shared some of his geeky interests. Your hangout sessions became his favorite part of the day.
With you, he was open and friendly. There was nothing he wouldn't share.
He realized something. How open he was... It's wasn't the norm. A person only shows certain facets of themselves to another. That's the way he used to function, and everyone else seemed to tick the same way. Surely, other people must know other sides of you that he wasn't familiar with.
There were many things he wouldn't find out about you. The thought made him feel sick to his stomach like little else did.
Sebastian would be the type to eventually begin stalking you.
This way, he'd get to know you in a deeper way he ever could just by listening to information you'd offer him. He'd follow you around town, watching as you'd go shopping or talk to the villagers. Sometimes you'd even go drinking on fridays and play videogames on the arcade machines with Sam.
You seemed close to Sam.
Sebastian would be the type to cut anyone off without a second thought, anyone that isn't you.
As much of a loner as Sebastian already was, he gradually talked to Abigail less and less, and Sam... He stopped talking to him alltogether.
Sebastian would be the type to want to do awful things to someone he once called a close friend, all because of you.
He couldn't stand the sight of him anymore, which was a shame, because it seemed like the two of you spent more and more time together.
Sam obviously noticed his change of behavior, and so did you. Sam first tried talking to Sebastian about it, but a curt "I'm busy right now" and a dirty look from him made it clear that he wasn't quite as willing to talk.
When Sam saw Sebastian following you around town, he obviously went and told you about it. You seemed to react... A lot less scared than he expected you to?
"I'll talk to him about it. Don't worry." You told Sam, though he didn't think you talking to him would ease his worries any bit. He practically begged you to talk to tell the police, but you assured him you would take care of it. Sam eventually gave in, albeit reluctantly.
You visited Sebastian like you usually would, acting completely normal as if you never found out he had been stalking to you. If you didn't bring the topic up, then he would've never known that you knew, but you did exactly that.
You confronted him about it.
In such a calm and casual way, Sebastian thought he was dreaming or hallucinating.
You explained that you knew everything. You left out who told you and just said you caught on to it on your own, just to be safe.
You explained you had no problem with it. Sebastian didn't believe you at first. He was upset that you would lie to him.
But you assured him of your honesty. You truly didn't mind. Sebastian's eyes widened, now believing you.
He loved you before this an abnormal amount, but somehow, hearing this made him love you even more.
Sebastian would be the type to build a shrine to you.
He adored you. So much. He felt so grateful that you would accept even this... Intense side of him, so grateful that you treated him with so much love. So happy that you apparently liked him enough to ask him out.
Yes, despite him being head over heels for you, he was too shy to ask. Eventually he would, of course, but you made this so much easier for him.
And you, on the inside, didn't just tolerate his obsessive attention, but you were even pretty flattered about it. Not something you'd directly admit to him, of course.
Neighbors would urge you to not involve yourself with him, but you didn't listen.
Sebastian would be the type to only kill if he considered it necessary.
It wouldn't be out of guilt. Murder came with a lot of complications. Sebastian, being a calculated person that always thinks before he acts wouldn't give in to his violent urges. Except for when he had to, of course.
He just hoped there would be no need for it.
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What if Aziraphale wasn't on earth between 1941 and 1967?
What if, the same way Crowley was brought back to Hell in 1827 Aziraphale was recalled to Heaven in 1941?
Hear me out: Aziraphale has been making slow but steady progress within his character arc right? In 1941 at the end of the night, sharing drinks with Crowley in the bookshop, Aziraphale was willing to accept that things are not always black and white and sometimes there is room for shades of grey (albeit very light grey). Compare this to his thinking concerning Elspeth. Aziraphale kept flip flopping back and forth over whether Elspeth's actions were good or bad. He didn't seem to consider her actions were ethically complicated. In his mind they could either be good or bad depending on whatever information came to light in the moment.
It also seems that after the church, the magic trick, and the shades of grey discussion, Crowley and Aziraphale are back on good terms with one another. At the very least, talking and willing to spend time together again. Other than the mention of how easily accessible the holy water is in the church, Crowley doesn't seem to mention or allude to his request again. However, in 1967, it feels like their interactions are strained again. Aside from the awkwardness and tension in their conversation, it's also strange that Crowley is surprised to see Aziraphale in the Bentley (despite being PARKED IN FRONT OF THE BOOKSHOP) and that Aziraphale is only aware of what Crowley is up to through second-hand means “I work in Soho, I hear things." (You don't need to 'hear things' when Crowley is conducting those things IN FRONT OF THE BOOKSHOP)
So what happened? My theory: Aziraphale has been serving out a punishment in Heaven since 1941.
Fandom consensus seems to be that there is a 1941 pt. 3 coming next season and many are hoping for a kiss or something undeniably romantic (I am too ngl). But what if it's actually a scene where Aziraphale gets dragged back up to heaven?
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Shax said that 80-90 years ago was the first time that she heard about Crowley and Aziraphale being an item. We can assume that this 80-90 years ago was during Furfur’s failed evidence presentation to Dagon and F(r)iends.
A lot of demons were hanging around in that scene. It wouldn’t surprise me if one of them (or Shax herself) got in touch with an angel in Heaven and let them know about the rumor downstairs of Crowley working with an angel on Earth.
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Obviously, Heaven can’t allow that, and who else could it be other than Aziraphale? He’s the only angel down there, so they recall him. Without evidence though, and given that (1) it's a demon's word against an angel's; (2) less than a century and a half ago, Gabriel awarded Aziraphale a medal for his work on earth (bookstore opening cut scene); and (3) as far as we know, Aziraphale hasn’t had any major offenses other than frivolous use of miracles, I don’t think Heaven can really do much. That doesn’t mean they don’t do anything, I just don’t think they do anything like use hellfire on him or make him fall.
Despite the lack of evidence, Heaven still has to make an example out of Aziraphale for getting caught working with a demon. I think whatever punishment Heaven doles out, keeps Aziraphale up in Heaven for a long time.
(Small tangent: If it can be traced back to one event rather than a slow progression over millenia, this rumor is also probably what makes all the archangels be so cruel to Aziraphale (or at least finally gives them permission to act on what they’ve been wanting to do for ages). Maybe this is when they start looking into Aziraphale’s past endeavors and notice Crowley everywhere.)
It could be worse, if there had been evidence, it would have been worse. Still (Aziraphale might think), this is Heaven, 'the side of good', they wouldn't take it too far. He probably received a trial before his punishment began. And yeah the trial is more for show than anything else, but it's not like Hell would have bothered with any of that. Hell would probably delve right into whatever torture they'd decided for punishment. His time spent in Heaven, no matter how intense the punishment, would have been a breeze to tolerate compared to what Hell would do to Crowley. Speaking of which...
By the time Heaven lets Aziraphale back down to Earth, I think he would be a mess of mindless worry. He had just come to terms with his feelings for Crowley after all. Maybe this is why Aziraphale decides to give Crowley the holy water after all. He's had more than enough time in Heaven to realize that as much as he wants to protect Crowley and keep him safe, all that intent means nothing if he's stuck in Heaven because of his own carelessness. In Aziraphale's absence (or destruction), holy water could keep Crowley safe, at least from Hell, even if it is dangerous. Once Aziraphale is back on Earth, when he hears what Crowley was plotting, it probably further cements his decision to give it to him.
If Aziraphale got taken up to Heaven right after the magic show, he probably has no idea if his palming of the polaroid worked for sure. The bookshop is a safe place for Crowley to be away from Hell, but how long will that last? Is it still an embassy with Aziraphale up here in heaven? Is Crowley defenseless against the other demons down there? Did Hell come for Crowley after all even without evidence?
So how long is Aziraphale gone for? We already know that after Crowley got sent back to hell in 1827 and Aziraphale didn’t see him again for “a very long time.” The next meeting we, as an audience, see between them is the holy water request in 1862. So at worst, Crowley's been in Hell for ~30 years. Heaven probably would have taken Aziraphale back for a similar amount of time. And wow look at that, 26 years ago by between 1941 and 1967.
There’s enough ambiguity in the set and dialogue to allow for this length of absence as well. I already wrote a post about how ridiculous Aziraphale is for saying 'I work in Soho I hear things' in 1967 when the whole scene takes place outside the bookshop and how equally ridiculous Crowley is for seeming to think Aziraphale wouldn't notice him prancing around the block plotting to steal from a church. But maybe Crowley conducting his holy water heist business all over Aziraphale's corner of Soho is because as far as he knows Aziraphale isn't around anymore. In my post, I point out that the bookshop is blocked off by the "Striptease" and "Love Shop Cinema" signs but that you can tell it’s the bookshop because of its pillars.
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I admitted that it was weird to cover up half the windows, but didn't really have any diegetic explanation for it. Maybe the explanation is that Aziraphale’s bookshop has been abandoned for years. In which case, I think Crowley might be hanging around Soho caring for it and the books, making sure it doesn't get vandalized, protecting it from snooping humans, etc. (tangent: this could also be why Aziraphale says that the bookshop is both of theirs. Maybe the "plenty of use" he said Crowley got out of it was while Aziraphale was away. Maybe Crowley used it as a pseudo base of operations.)
Aziraphale being gone would also explain why, suddenly, 105 years after his initial request, Crowley is plotting to steal holy water from a church. Aziraphale has been gone a long enough time that Crowley is starting to get antsy. Maybe he’s starting to think that Aziraphale is gone for good (not dead, he is an OPTIMIST DAMMIT). I think Crowley is spurred to start the holy water heist because he thinks Aziraphale isn’t going to be assigned to earth any more and whoever they're sending down next is going to be more of a smitey kind of angel. And if Aziraphale isn’t around anymore, then the demon-proof-except-for-Crowley-bookshop/embassy is also likely not going to stop any demons from getting to Crowley whenever they want. If Aziraphale is really not coming back, then Crowley is alone again, on his own side, for the first time since they saved Job's kids. He's gonna really need that insurance now more than ever and unfortunately, he has no one else to rely on. He’s gonna have to procure it himself, even if it’s dangerous and dumb.
Aziraphale's absence (as much as I am loathe to let go of the theory that Aziraphale and Crowley are just being incredibly dramatic idiots) can also explain some of the dialogue from the 1967 scene.
“What are you doing here?” might seem a silly thing to say when Crowley is parked outside of the bookshop, but makes sense if he's reacting to seeing Aziraphale for the first time in years, so damn close it can’t be a dream, right inside the Bentley.
“I work in Soho, I hear things,” is not just a way to give the audience exposition that Crowley wouldn’t need but a way for Aziraphale to explain why he’s there.
The barely concealed desperation in Crowley's voice when wanting to give Aziraphale a lift home (despite being LITERALLY OUTSIDE THE BOOKSHOP), or to take him anywhere he wants, makes a little more sense if he hasn’t seen him in years, wants to catch up, and doesn’t even know where Aziraphale would be staying if not the bookshop.
If this theory is true and Aziraphale has been absent between 1941 and 1967, it could explain why we don't see the bookshop in the 1967 scene even though everything else in the scene points to it taking place on that corner, it would give Aziraphale a reason for deciding to give Crowley the holy water after all even though hes been stubbornly opposed to it for more than a century, and it could also explain why even though he was making a lot of progress character wise to, it felt like he was regressing again.
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nexysworld · 11 months
Love your writing so much! If your taking requests may I interest you in a Chris and Leon x reader but maybe the reader talks the boys into pleasuring eachother in front of her while she gets off on watching them? Totally understand if it's not your thing! 😊
Hi anon, thanks so much for this request. It most definitely is my thing! I have never written mxm before and this was fun to try. Hope you like it!! &lt;3
Tagging @ghostkennedy because one of their recents stories helped inspire me to make this one come to fruition. So please go check them out too. &lt;3
Play Nice with Everyone
Read on AO3 🖤 Make a Request 🖤 Masterlist
Pairing: Leon x Chris x Fem!Reader
Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Smut, Threesome, MFM, male on male sexual touching, blowjobs, handjobs, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie, tiddy fucking, dirty talk, age difference, masturebation taboo relationships??(chris and leon are reader's older brother's friends.) Not proof read.
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“Are you two seriously arguing again already!? It hasn’t even been five minutes since the last time I broke it up.” You said exasperated. You couldn’t believe they were older than you sometimes, much less grown men who worked for the government, but damn if they weren’t good in bed — a well kept secret from your family, brother included. You’d been seeing a lot more of them lately since you moved in with your older brother, not having to sneak around since he traveled frequently. But it seemed the more you saw of the two, the less they got along, and the more annoying they became. 
“Sorry.” You heard collectively and rolled your eyes. 
“No you’re not, if you were you’d stop.”
“Well we do stop.” Chris said.
“Yeah we just don’t stay stopped.” Leon added. 
“Well you need to stay stopped. I’m over it.”
“Don’t be that way, Princess.” Leon wrapped his arms around you from behind. “You know how we are.”
“Yeah I do, annoying. And why are you here anyway? Ethan isn’t around.”
“You know we came to see you.” Leon didn’t move from his hold on you, out of your peripheral you could see Chris’ face flash to an emotion you couldn’t quite parse. 
“If that’s what the two of you are after, then too bad. You’ve annoyed the horniness right out of me.”
“I think we both know that’s not tr—“ Leon was cut off by Chris pulling him off of you. 
“Give the girl some space Leon.” He said firmly. 
“More like you just want to be in her space instead.” Leon quipped back. 
And the two of them were back to arguing again.You brought your fingers to your temples and rubbed them softly feeling a headache beginning to form. This was getting downright ridiculous. A thought bubbled up in your mind and you turned to face the two men, stepping between them. You put a hand on each of their chests. 
“This stops right now. You both are going to learn to play nice together if you want my attention.” 
“But —“
“But nothing! You two are going to behave and you’re going to learn to do it my way.”
“Well, what did you have in mind?” Chris asked, looking more invested in your outburst of frustration than Leon did. 
“You’ll see.” You said coyly, walking both men to the living room, before sitting on the couch. “Strip. Both of you strip.”
“I like where this is going.” Leon said with a cocky smile, you didn’t acknowledge the comment, instead opting to run your eyes over them as they undressed. Chris tossed his clothes off casually — Leon unsurprisingly took the opportunity to put on a show, teasing his abs as he worked his t-shirt up slowly inch by inch before pulling it up over his head. Then he did the same with his belt and pants. Once unzipped, he palmed himself through his underwear, already hard and letting out a small sigh of relief before tugging everything down all the way. 
You had eyed Chris and noticed he’d been paying attention as well, cock in hand, not stroking enough for pleasure but enough to keep himself erect. If he liked the show then your plan would work more smoothly than you thought. 
Leon worked his own cock in his palm giving you an eager look. “Alright Princess—“ You cut him off as he took a step forward wagging your finger.
“Nuh uh. I told you, the two of you are going to play nice if you want my attention. Back it up Leon.” 
Intrigued he took a step back before the two men looked at each other and then back to you. “Here’s how this is going to work.” You leaned back on the couch, running two fingers up your thigh until you met the hem of your shorts, pausing before walking the fingers up to the button and undoing it. “You two aren’t going to get any attention from me, until you take care of each other. The more you behave and participate, the more clothes I take off. If you get me naked, then you both can have your way with me. Understood?” “You can’t be serious?” Chris asked disappointed. 
“Dead. Serious. You two have kissed and touched each other before when we’ve been together.” “That’s different!” Leon insisted. “That’s a heat of the moment kind of thing when we’re both balls deep in you not…..you know….” “I mean I won’t force you if you’re uncomfortable, and you’re always allowed the safe word no matter what.” You assured. “But to be honest, I think I’d find it kind of hot too.” The last sentence caught their attention again. To emphasize your point, you unzipped your shorts, wiggling your hand into them to rub softly against your clit through your panties. “Fuck that would definitely be hot, watching the two of you go at it.” A little moan escaped your mouth – the look on their face as both their jaws dropping was priceless. 
Leon’s eyes were locked onto your hand and the way you wiggled in pleasure against the couch, he swallowed a thick lump in his throat. “Fine.” He said with agreement, turning to Chris. “You heard the lady, gonna have to be a team here. You up for it?” “‘Course I am.” Chris said.
They froze a brief moment of nervousness before Leon took the initiative, stepping forward and yanking Chris down into a passionate kiss. The other man looked frazzled for just a moment before returning it with equal fervor – and it was in fact, hot. 
You had already got yourself going with your hand, but the sight in front of you made an uncomfortably strong heat pang downwards between your legs, a wet spot forming in your panties. ‘God fuck, they haven’t even done anything besides kiss yet.’ You thought to yourself with a whine you tried to muffle. If they heard it, they certainly didn’t show it, focusing on each other. You watched as Chris brought his hand down to Leon’s already leaking cock, rubbing the precum into his palm before stroking him with a steady even pace. In return, the slightly shorter man let out an exaggerated moan, turning his head to look at you. “Enjoying the show, Princess?”
Nodding, you nearly forgot the deal you made. Now beyond horny and acutely aware of the uncomfortable stickiness in your panties, you remove the first piece of clothing –  your shorts. While your undies were still left on, and soaked, it was far more comfortable now without the second layer. 
Pleased that they earned their first prize, they returned to each other sharing one more kiss before making their way backwards. Chris gently shoved Leon until he fell backwards onto the other end of the couch before diving down to pepper his toned chest with more kisses, trailing his tongue up to Leon’s collarbone before sucking a bruise into the skin. 
You squirmed in place, bringing a hand up to your own chest at the same spot, internally jealous that you weren’t the one getting marked up like that. Watching was turning out to be a lot harder than expected. 
Chris’ next move was to run his tongue down slowly, like he was savoring each divet of skin between Leon’s sculpted form as he made his way down. Further and further, stopping to suck another bruise into his hip, causing Leon to jolt with a slight whine. Chris gave the other man another few good pumps of his hand before he leaned forward to take his flushed pink cock into his mouth. 
He hollowed his cheeks as he gave shallow bobs of his head, stopping every now and then to give an additional suck and swirl his tongue across the tip, lapping and catching any droplets of budding precum. 
Leon keened into the touch, gripping the couch, not having enough length to get a purchase on Chris’ hair. It was obvious even he was shocked by the boldness, but wasn’t complaining. “Fuck Redfield, you’re too fucking good at that.” He praised, letting his head roll back. “So fucking good, just like that.” You’d heard that whiny lilt to Leon’s voice before when you were the one between his legs, but hearing it while watching someone else do it – it was a site you’ll have committed to memory forever. 
That act earned them the next article of clothing – you yanked your shirt over your head and tossed it to the side. Only two items left, your sports bra and your underwear. You moved one hand back down between your legs, this time dipping your fingers under the band of your panties so you could make direct contact with your aching clit. A heady moan left your mouth at the relief from the contact, rubbing circles into it as you watched them continue. Your remaining hand made its way to the outside of the thin bra, teasing at your hardening nipples. You felt close already, not wanting to finish so soon, you slowed the movements of your hands to a lazier pace, relaxing into the gentle waves of heat throughout your body – eyes never leaving Chris or Leon. 
“Sh-shit…I’m close, hold on.” Leon managed to get out, gently pushing at Chris. “F-fuck don’t make me bust one yet, I still gotta –” 
Chris pulled away with a pop, just in time to prevent Leon from cumming, his cock flopping back and almost hitting the taught skin of his stomach. “Think it’s my turn now.” Chris said with a smirk, wiping his mouth with the side of his arm. “Yeah yeah… just let me catch my breath for a second. Think you almost sucked my soul out.” “I’ll take the compliment, hopefully you can be a good boy and return the favor.” Chris patted the top of Leon’s head before leaning back to give him breathing room. You swear you could see an embarrassed flush on Leon’s cheeks from the praise and pet name. 
Once their positions had swapped, he started nibbling and trailing bites all across Chris’ chest at a much faster pace, ever the more impatient of the two. Without warning, he darted his tongue out to lick at one of Chris’ hardening nipples, making the larger man buck up unintentionally. Catching the movement, Leon pulled away only for a second to spit into his palm, before resuming the work he was doing ensuring no part of Chris’ torso was safe from his mouth. 
With his spit-lubed hand, he grabbed both of their cocks, pumping them together. That finally earned them your bra. Fumbling with the front clasp you desperately tore if off, allowing your breasts to spill out, nipples hardening almost painfully with a mix of cool air and pleasure. Sitting up, you grabbed one of the couch pillows and stuffed it between your legs to grind against, so you could bring your hands up to your chest to massage and play with your own nipples. Desperately rutting against the pillow, again you were jealous that their much larger hands weren’t the ones cupping your breasts or playing between your legs. “Fuck Kennedy….when you twist your hand like that….shit….” Chris’s voice came out through pleasured pants, over the teasing of his chest, he wound his fingers through Leon’s blonde locks to coax him upwards to connect their mouths together in another passionate kiss while Leon continued to work both of them. The sight of the sloppy kiss along with your wildly bucking hips, you came, hard legs shaking against the pillow a loud noise a mix between a cry and moan left your mouth. They paused what they were doing to look over at you. “She really did get off on watching us.” Leon said, pulling back. “Well, I think we did put on a pretty good show. More than earned our reward, didn’t we?” You nodded, not being able to properly speak just yet.”Here, let us help.” Chris cooed, standing up once Leon was out of the way. He gently pushed you back so he could hook his fingers into the waistband of your underwear, sliding the soaked fabric off of your legs before chucking them somewhere with all the other forgotten articles of clothing. “We get your full attention now, yeah?” Leon purred leaning forward to capture your lips with his mouth. You hungrily kissed him back, clinging to his hair, not wanting him to pull away. Between your legs you felt the head of Chris’ swollen cock running along your slit, and jolt of pleasure causing your legs to twitch each time it made it’s way over your clit. “Can’t wait to fuck you open baby.” He said, slowly pushing inside of you. The feeling of being full was just what you needed, back arching off the couch in pleasure. “Fuck your pussy is always so goddamn tight.” You were soaked already from your first orgasm, so he didn’t bother to start slow, fucking you at a rapid pace, holding your hips steady as he bullied himself deeper and deeper into your cunt with each thrust. The feeling was overwhelming as you clawed at Leon’s back for support. He chuckled and moved his mouth down your body with soft kisses, offsetting the rough pace of his friend. It was too sweet for your liking. “Lee please….bite me… mark me…god fuck…” A particularly hard thrust made your vision go fuzzy for a second. Luckily for you, he obliged your request, alternating between sweet kisses and harsh bites down your neck and as far down as he could go while Chris was fucking you. “Good girl.” Chris praised slowly down a little, rolling his hips into you. “Such a good girl. Sat so pretty watching us, teaching us a lesson while her own little pussy was whining and empty.”
“Fuck yeah she did, we’re gonna have to fill her up to thank her.” Leon moved his hand to your stomach, applying gentle pressure to the spot where the outline of Chris’ cock could be felt, intensifying the already stuffed feeling you had. His free hand moved down to rub at your nearly too-sensitive clit.
An incoherent stream of babbles left your mouth as your second orgasm rippled waves of heat throughout your body, legs shaking. Your silky walls tightened as Chris fucked you through it. “Fuck baby, gonna cum, gonna fill you up real good.” True to his words, not more than a few deep thrusts later and his cock twitched as he came, the familiar feeling of hot cum filling your insides. You looked up and Leon, glassy eyed and exhausted. His cock was still painfully hard and swollen. “It ok if I fuck your tits baby?”
You nodded eagerly, Chris helping to prop you up with a pillow at just the right angle so Leon could straddle you, cock lined up perfectly between your pillowy breasts. You reached forward to press them together to give him more friction while he rocked his hips. “Shit baby, even your tits feel so fucking good. Perfect little Princess with a perfect pussy and perfect tits.” You could feel Chris’ cum leaking out of you but it didn’t matter, watching the pleasure on Leon’s face as he finally got the release he deserved was enough to distract you from anything else. 
Chris wrapped an arm around the other man from behind so Leon could lean back into him, they shared a kiss before Chris reached forward to grab Leon’s cock in his hand. “Keep your tits like that sweetheart.” He commanded as he pumped Leon with his hand. “Such a good boy Kennedy, waiting your turn and everything.” He praised as he picked up the pace with his hand. Between the earlier blowjob and having to sideline while Chris fucked you,  it didn’t take long for Leon to finish either. You felt the warm liquid as it splattered all over your breasts and face, Chris continuing to pump him until his legs twitched from overstimulation and nothing else came out. Leon collapsed on the couch to recuperate, he turned and gave you a smile. “You always look the most beautiful like that baby, fucked out and covered in my cum.” You were too exhausted to say anything back and opted to close your eyes. “Hey I know you're tired but how about a bath first?” Chris asked softly. You shook your head defiantly with what little movement you were willing to give. “Well at least let me clean you up and move you to the bed ok?” “Do I have a choice?” “No.” They said in unison.  You sighed feeling the plush texture of a towel against your skin wiping away any bodily fluids. You would need a real shower later, but it would do for now so you could get on with the nap your body desperately wanted. Once cleaned, one of the two lifted you up and carried you to your room – you didn’t bother to open your eyes to figure out who.  “Are you two going to stop arguing from now on at least?” You probed between yawns.
“Yeah we will…” Chris said softly.
“We’ll try.” Leon corrected.
“We promise.”
The second your head hit the pillow and your body was encased between them, you were out like a light – in the very back of your mind hoping they meant their promise this time.
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I have a Discord for anyone who'd like to talk writing, share chatbot shenanigans, discuss RE, simp, and or just chat with new friends. We also game together sometimes too <3 (18+ only). Check it out here.
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antimatterz · 1 year
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boyfriend/dating headcanons
ft. dan heng, gepard (my fav hubbies yesyes)
they might be ooc since i'm still getting into hsr and still trying to get to know them. might rewrite this when i am at that point and maybe i'll expand it with various other characters, i'll see lol
content under the cut | masterlist
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— dan heng
here's the thing with dan heng
he's quite reserved but also unintentionally blunt and bold sometimes
i mean, he literally was about to perform cpr when he found you unconscious? boy going for that kiss after meeting you a minute ago
the proverb "still waters run deep" perfectly applies to him. he appears placid and that's something you really have to get used to in the beginning
he doesn't say much, nor does he seem to react much to what happens around him
which is a little weird to you at first. is he even happy with you? is he even affected by your presence and your actions? it doesn't seem that way... it confuses you
but really, once you get to know him, you learn to read him very well and you start to see things
his eyes, the corners of his mouth, the faint blush on his cheeks, the secret glances, the way he seems less indifferent around you
the light touches when he thinks no one is watching; his hand on the small of your back as you walk through the corridors of the space station, his fingertips grazing yours as he ponders whether or not to just take your hand even though you're in public..
eventually he grows more confident and open, and though he's still not a big fan of pda, he just can't resist showering you with subtle hints of affection
like playing with your hair during trailblazer meetings as you sit against him (the corners of his mouth would curl up ever so slightly that it's barely even noticable)
oh as i said before, he tends to be quite blunt sometimes, as he often speaks his honest thoughts. okay, he isn't the type to just blurt out things so he knows what he's saying but he also knows how it never fails to make you blush as his remarks leave you flustered
he's not the most cuddly person, you might have to help him get into a little. maybe you have to initiate acts of affection 9 out of 10 times but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you !! it's just how he is
you'd be surprised, though, as the longer the two of you are together, the more he makes the first move when it comes to showing love and affection
still though, i feel like he's more the type to verbally tell you how much you mean to him than through affection
and yeah, he'll leave you flustered as heck because he likes you a lot and he bluntly tells you so because why hide it?
you often tease him about the cpr thing and all the teasing will eventually lead to your first kiss (c'mon, you literally challenged him with all your teasing and who would not indulge if their s/o is literally asking for it?)
well, dan heng takes the chance
as blunt as he is with words, he is way more shy with next-level physical affection so his kisses are shy shy shy and careful which is really cute especially since he becomes so blushy afterwards in the beginning
and seeing the always so collected dan heng being flustered is a rarity and it's just super adorable
— gepard landau
this guy has a reputation
that of being a tough guy, stern and with a strong sense of justice, strong-willed and to some maybe even as cold as the ice of the eternal freeze that covered jarilo-vi
however, that was merely a facade, one that was pretty much mandatory as the captain of the silvermane guards and part of the royal family of belobog
it was only his public image, one that he showed to the people of belobog. you fell for it at first, being quite intimidated by the reputation that preceded him far and wide
but oh, then he developed a soft spot for you and it's so so so obvious that even the people of belobog notice it lol
yes they might notice it but they will never actually get to see the softie he is around you and he r e a l l y is soft for you
will go to his sister serval for advice in the beginning because as tough as he may seem he is actually quite insecure regarding this matter and just wants to do it well
and he is such a sweetheart??
special little smiles only for you, watching him utter out compliments and sweet nothings while he's trying to hide how very flustered he is even more so when you are the one calling him cute names and stuff
not afraid to show you off when the two of you are walking around belobog during his free time, always holding your hand and all
gets beet red every time serval teases him and that happens a lot – which is super adorable; seeing such a tall and tough guy all blushy, you can't help but coo at it which makes it even worse for the poor male
i wouldn't necessarily say he's super cuddly, he's more casual when it comes to that? like he loves it when you snuggle up against him and he won't hesitate to wrap his arm around you and hold you close but going all tiny and cuddly? that's just not him ig but he loves it when you get all clingy around him and he'll reward you with the cutest smile
but really, he has his own ways of showing that he's super into you. for instance, the fact that he's gepard around you instead of captain landau
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acrobattack · 2 months
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bliss redesign based off one I made in my teens
thought process + various other bits and bobs under the cut
I was 15 and annoyed by everything that moved when this character first came out, so in my own head I was very much making a Point with this redesign. Hence, I made very minimal changes. I wanted to work with what was already there and basically just make the existing design more thought-through. Little breakdown ahead (keeping in mind i myself am very much An Amateur who doesn’t know shit and am just ranting about my opinions and i also haven’t seen a single second of the 2016 reboot so i don’t know much about Bliss to begin with)
1. one of my Biggest pet peeves with Bliss is that the powerpuff girls each have bangs that are simple, memorable, and iconic while also being unique from each other and being reminiscent of irl little girls hairstyles. It’s very neat and clever and I like it a lot
and then Bliss has this confusing jumble of shapes that looks like it changes in style halfway across her forehead
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i have absolutely no idea what the intent is here. My only guess is maybe it’s meant to look weird on purpose like she was trying to cut it herself or something (I suspect it’s something like that since she seems to have normal looking bangs as a little kid from what I can see) but it doesn’t really come off that way if that’s the case. It just looks like baby’s first PPG OC where you Understand that it’s meant to be hair and that it is made out of shapes but have 0 understanding of hairstyle or character design in general. Heck I might have put this exact hairline on a character in the past at the age of like 8
So in my redesign she’s got 5 even notches across her bangs, not thee most exciting change but it does the job I think. It is pretty reminiscent of Blossom but they look different enough from each other that I wasn’t too worried about it
2. low-hanging fruit time, Bliss’s hair color is horrible on the eyes. I’m bewildered at the decision to do this, especially since there is just so much of it, I struggle to think of how she could exist in any scene without hogging all the viewer’s attention constantly. That said, I understand they wanted her to have an unnatural hair color to really signal that she is a Fresh new Teen character from the late 2010’s, which is. Whatever, that’s fine, so she gets purple hair now. I kept the streak for the same reason, especially since she’s got a lot of hair, so no harm in a little extra interest in there.
I also learned recently that her hair glows sometimes? which i did Not know when first drawing her but well i think the darker color helps anyway. It adds some contrast for when she’s normal vs when she’s glowing and makes the latter appear more,, idk threatening or powerful or whatever the mood generally is when she’s doing that.
I did re-add that toothpaste blue to her eyelids though. I like to think it’s also the color of her lasers. It’s a cute color, just not as like 70% of this character’s palette
3. real talk I was drawing this from memory and didn’t mean to change the way her hair flares out from her head. realistically I think the original is fine, maybe just a little boring but fine, so that part of the redesign was an accident. Only thing is, it’s in the exact same position in every screenshot I’ve seen? It doesn’t seem to whip around when she’s flying or anything which looks weird and probably looks weirder in motion, especially since it takes up so much space onscreen. Idk it’s a strange decision, esp since the original show liked to use the ppg’s hair to emphasize their movement, so I’d just bring more movement into her hair. I mean if nothing else it’d make her look cooler.
very very rough little visual of what I mean
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I also ended up making it shorter in my redesign—again, not really intentional, but I think it’s better that it eats up a little less of her silhouette
4. Her headband is largely the same, I didn’t hate the idea of her having an accessory, so I just toned down the colors. I’m not personally a fan of the powder blue and that pink heart is very bright and just doesn’t go with the rest of her (once again the color of her hair is doing it no favors). I also moved the heart over. Not necessarily needed I think, but I feel like it reads quicker as a headband and not a weird crown that way+introduces some asymmetry into her design that I think is nice.
5. my biggest gripe other than her bangs are her hips. I’m not against adding anatomy to this character design to make her read visually as older than the girls, but it’s so awkwardly done and distracting. I feel like it even interferes with her line of action more often than not (which is not helped by her unmoving hair).
Part of the issue is she still has the teeny tiny torso, just… with those square-ish hips slapped on, which makes her legs look all gangly and stretched out. I tried to balance out the proportions more in my redesign, as well as change the hips to a flared skirt. I think it helps differentiate her from the girls and still implies hips underneath, it just also functions as a less clunky transition from her torso to her legs.
Lengthening her torso also allows the stripe to look more like a belt above the skirt, which I think helps to sell her as “similar, but not the same” from the ppg
6. Her leggings(? Idk Im not a fashion person) aren’t a bad idea I think. like a more mature version of the girls’ stockings, but I think the white makes them look really distracting. It would help to make them a darker color I think, but since I wanted to keep them reminiscent of the girls’ socks I kept them white and just shortened them.
7. Not really sure what Bliss is wearing on her feet. I think they’re Mary Janes, but they’re drawn a bit different from the girls’ and I honestly think it’s too babyish a shoe for her to wear. I’m not sure what she’s actually wearing in my redesign either honestly, but the goal was just to make them look like the girls’ Mary Janes while clearly being something different.
8. Uh her signature color is something I’ve contemplated changing a lot but to be real I think it’s fine. I feel it was a very bad idea from a marketing standpoint because people were hype about Bunny and would obviously be mad they didn’t get her once the character actually dropped (and in the long-run she would just end up being overshadowed by the character everyone has already assigned that color to) but I’m personally not bugged by her being purple beyond that. If I were to draw them together though I think Bunny would have a more pinky shade of purple and Bliss leans more blue.
Loosely on the same topic, because of Bliss I’ve had a running headcanon that “only child” types of powerpuffs tend to come out purple. Kind of like how trios tend to have a red, blue, and green. It’s a fun little piece of fake lore to rotate around in my brain
Anyway with all that out of the way, here’s some redesigns I decided to have some fun with. Wasn’t being too precious about recognizability or simplicity or anything like that, but I did run out of steam partway through. There’s also one based off Whoopass Bell bc idk, why not
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Finally, here’s some OCs I only ever drew once before out of a desire to give Bliss her own teen girl archetypes to form a team with. This is Bee and Beetle, who I’ll probably definitely forget about again immediately after posting this
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inchidentally · 6 months
I'm so curious to hear what you think about non RPF differences between Lando with Carlos, DR and Oscar. I don't do a lot of RPF shipping personally but your takes on all of them are so intriguing and feel pretty truthful. I feel like fandom ignores that it hasn't all been smooth sailing with Lando and his teammates and want to know what you think about the less rose-tinted side of that?
okay so jsyk I always end up a little rose-tinted even when talking about non-RPF Lando relationships but I like to hope I stay truthful in terms of not inventing any kind of sexual/dating/etc narrative that just doesn't exist. and I'm afraid I'm about to go insane in my response so hopefully you don't mind that either lol.
also @twinkodium is so much better at timelines than I am so pls can you add your part to this if you get a chance??
so just to establish which I think we all know: Lando has a tendency to take his warm heart out of his chest and hold it up to anyone who seems even remotely kind or friendly. yes, he's got a bite to him and a temper but honestly that's all also part of being far too open to people. if a person - especially other men and boys - show him even a hint of affection or camaraderie then he's all in immediately. especially as the youngest driver on the grid for so many years.
truly, I think Carlos and Daniel didn't know what to do when Lando put his little beating heart into their big, clumsy hands. the fact that the level of openness and devotion they got - immediately - from Lando was so much down to Lando's insecurity in F1 and how much he was dealing with mentally, was way too much for two guys who honestly only expect to have a laugh sometimes with their teammate. maybe be chummy enough to hang out sometimes and make media responsibilities less tedious.
and Lando was so happy to be the adoring satellite, shrieking with laughter over all their jokes in exchange for him latching securely onto an established F1 personality. but Carlos and Daniel were running the show while they were his teammates - they were the entertainment and Lando was sort of a conduit for the adoring fans. and what's interesting is I think that we can pretty visibly see the turn with each of them where Lando came thudding down to that realization himself. that he would have to change his own ideas about friendship with both of them in order to remain friends at all. there's the infamous 2020 carlando "breakup" gifset (here) where Lando's face just sours at Carlos in his traitorous blood red suit making some offhand comment
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and Lando cuts such a wide berth from him that it puts two whole people between them. by the time Lando reaches the reporters waiting at the media pen, his face looks gray and set
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and it's like damn, we straight up witnessed Lando standing up for himself and setting up some boundaries with Carlos.
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the moments with Daniel were more scattered but you could see them when Daniel was doing his usual attempts at the bromance thing and sometimes Lando was just. not. having it. there's the moment in particular of Daniel coming up behind him and hooking his chin over Lando's shoulder and oh. you can feel the coolness coming off Lando bc he's genuinely going through something and needs a friend, not another performance for the cameras.
ohhhh and the response of "no one" when asked who his best friend was on the grid was before casting around a bit and finally saying Carlos. parallel that to his irritated dismissal of the journalist pushing for carlando in Vegas and reminding them that none of these guys are his real friends they're his F1 buddies and he "hates them" when racing them. by the time 2023 rolled around Lando grew up, set up boundaries and will only give what he chooses to his friendships with Carlos and Daniel. which is overall so much healthier and has probably ensured that those friendship didn't die out completely. but they're not what they once were for him. Carlos and Daniel are allowed to visit the garden of Eden that is being fully intimate with Lando - but the gates always shut behind them when it’s time to leave.
genuinely I don't blame Carlos or even Daniel (even if I don't like a lot about him) bc literally neither of them has ever had a friend like Lando - and probably don't know any guy like him. and they're both such Typical Dudes - as well as being fully a different generation to Lando - so how were they supposed to know a sensitive, naive kid like this would be in F1 let alone their teammate? guys they know never butterfly themselves open to other guys except for extremely long term friendships - if even then. Lando above all wants to have a good heart and he just trusts people, and while it makes men absolutely crazy about him it's surely got to get him hurt a lot. you can even see it with his media pen work where he reacts to difficult questions or fairly open hostility with a wide disarming smile because he'd rather bring someone round than openly fight with them. even Daniel who definitely utilizes his smile to dominate and disarm can still easily be baited into hostility compared to Lando. but when someone persists in being a twat to Lando, he just closes off with that cold, sour look and bam. that moron just lost themselves any access to the garden of Eden.
and I'm not saying we know enough about Oscar to say that Lando's heart is definitely safe with him, but the absolutely huge difference is that Oscar came into being his teammate fully aware of who Lando is and he was willing to hold back and be content just being a teammate and let a friendship develop if Lando felt so inclined. *hint: this sign of respect and deference will be significant!
like we saw how they fell into this twinning thing at first where Oscar would mirror Lando a lot of the time - out of nerves but also deference. then as the season went on and the car still struggled, they developed sort of a tentative camaraderie born out of equally blighted hopes.
but what's really interesting is how much Silverstone was truly the turning point and not even in a fandom goggles sense. I isolated the following moments out in a video below: there's this hilarious little moment right before the fan stage where Oscar is asking Lando something like 'what's that (playing)?' and Lando seems to think Oscar is referring to the (very obvious) crowd noise and Oscar goes "no not them you idiot the song!" and it goes back and forth wayyy too long for the brain cells I would like to assume they have before they finally work out between them what song is playing.
and Lando had by the time of the fan stage momentarily set aside his own euphoria and positively showered Oscar with praise at press briefing after the race. he also repeated it at the fan stage in front of Oscar for good measure! and clearly loves it when Oscar says how he was rooting for Lando leading the race at one point.
then, like something out of a movie, as they're posing for the photo in front of the crowd, Oscar slips that arm around Lando's waist and urges him closer and you can see the whole of every thought on Lando's face. the look of surprise as Oscar's strong arm jostles his body a little, the blossoming delight, the 'woah is he really initiating this? he never does this!', and finally the big beaming smile as he wraps his arm around Oscar and settles in.
and just a few races later when Lando has another podium under his belt and has qualified 2nd at the Dutch GP, there's this other movie moment where it suddenly clicks for Lando… Oscar will always show up for him no matter what. not just when they're both doing well or both struggling, he'll always show up for Lando. out loud and where everyone can see but without a hint of performance to it.
and when you scroll through @piastrisms wonderful post-race gif compilations, you can see that dynamic shift even more to the suddenly much more tentative but openly kind of 'crushing' on each other. Oscar starts to let himself think that maybe, just maybe! the Lando of his 8-year social media obsession really likes Oscar for who he is and not just as a team obligation! this leads to him taking a few more risks during the McLaren challenges and by the time they film the beloved Austin material, Oscar has actually started to surprise Lando. from there on you can see Oscar's relief at making Lando really laugh and smile build his confidence right at the exact same time that Lando looks thrown off center and his boundaries start falling away. that mirroring they used to do started to build into trusting each other, which then led to them genuinely liking each other, and then mutually wanting to stay together as teammates. and isn't that level of security something new for Lando!
and you know what I noticed in all this that has me frothing and biting? that instead of Lando handing his beating heart over to his teammates and having it bruised and withdrawn? with Oscar, it's been the exact opposite. Lando had finally decided to be cautious from the start and keep this new anomaly teammate at arm's length - and for a while felt relieved bc the anomaly turned out to be so damn competent and quick! *oh and the anomaly was showing a level of respect and deference that Lando was not at all used to, which was so very nice but also ?? was the anomaly a little bit cold toward him ?? but then Silverstone happened and dawn broke. we finished the season out with Lando actually looking to Oscar for affirmations and wriggling excitedly and looking at Oscar with that wide-open expression on his face and Lando clearly beginning to wonder if maybe his sacred heart might fit comfortably in Oscar's hands that are smaller and gentler than the other men he's known on the grid? maybe how much more steady and careful and devoted Oscar is when it comes to his racing is reflected in how he has treated Lando, so unlike the usual "Lando effect" bromances that get all the attention and that the cameras and fans eat up. maybe the big, traditional handsome alphas and their big displays of affection are one kind of friend for Lando but perhaps not so good as a teammate. and maybe a friendship that grows too steadily and quietly for networks and social media teams to take much of an interest is another kind of friend, and maybe just the right kind of teammate.
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pavlovianfuckery · 3 months
lets be mean to dream 2: electric boogaloo
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i can't be the only one who has wanted to hook Dream up to an e-stim unit and zap him until his galaxy-brain turns to mush, right? bone apple tea, i guess?
3.3k of filth under the cut, enjoy!
The way he trusted you would probably never cease to amaze you. Not blindly or without the occasional teasing remark but he did, even if you sometimes treated him a little bit like a science project, especially in the bedroom. Lately one of your favorite pastimes had been introducing him to what one might call the many wonders of modern living. Morpheus himself however seemed to prefer calling it "your inexplicable fondness for lewd objects". But since he was in turn fond of you, it usually worked itself out.
At the end of the day you were just glad for the moments he'd spend with you, both in and out of the bedroom. Here in this little bubble you share, he doesn't have to carry all the weight of who he is. All he needs to be is yours, nothing more or less than that. And if for those small snippets of time he could relax a bit and just feel, all the better. Gods knew that if anyone needed a break, it was him.
You weren't sure how he'd react this time, but you were equal parts eager and nervous to find out.
It takes a few days until you see him again, so by the time he visits you in the Waking you've half forgotten about the unassuming black bag on your nightstand. You'd been debating with yourself how to bring it up, or if you even should. While he'd yet to refuse you, what you had in mind this time would push him, perhaps a bit too much. The decision is soon out of your hands because he notices it the minute he enters your bedroom. He doesn't ask what's inside though, simply giving it an apprehensive look.
"You are in a gaming mood tonight, I see."
There's not much point denying it, so you wrap your arms around his waist and give him a quick kiss.
"Maybe." You grin at him, though inwardly you're still not quite sure about this. Maybe going out and buying those extras was putting the cart in front of the horse? "I wanted to try something a bit different tonight."
"You know that I would deny you nothing, my sweet."
That nearly makes you wince, because he clearly has no idea what he's in for.
"Maybe don't make me any promises just yet," you laugh, taking his hand. "Come to bed?"
He follows you so eagerly, it almost makes you feel a bit bad. Only almost though, because this could potentially be fun. Not wanting to get ahead of yourself you sit down and pat the covers next to you.
"Well?" He looks at you expectantly as he joins you there, lips twitching into a small smile. "It is not quite like you to be this secretive." His eyes are full of mirth as he continues, "Should I perhaps be worried that you have planned something nefarious?"
That's one of the things you love about him, the way he knows exactly how to put you at ease with nothing but a few words. You take a deep breath and let it out through your nose.
"That's not the word I'd use, but maybe it's better if I show you." You scoot back a bit and grab the bag, placing it between you. It's quick work to get it open and lay some of the items out on the covers.
"Is this what you were worried to show me?" He picks up some of the cables and frowns in what for him is very apparent confusion. "Pieces of string and..." He picks up another part and turns it around in his hands, "a box?"
Oh, this will be fun.
"It's not just any box, "you're tempted to waggle your eyebrows at him as you continue, "it's a magical box."
"A magical box."
Between his deadpan delivery and obvious scepticism, you can't quite hold back a snort.
"Ok, it's not magical. It can make you feel really good though." You shift on the bed, already imagining all the things you want to do to him.
"And you wish to use it on me, I assume?" He doesn't sound disinterested so far, which makes your stomach fill with hopeful butterflies.
"Yeah. Kind of a lot. If you want, of course." You inwardly cross your fingers as he considers it.
"Very well." He eyes the items laid out between you again and continues, "Though I am afraid that I am quite at a loss as to how you would use most of these items."
"You don't need to worry about that part, let me handle that." You lean forward and kiss the corner of his mouth, smiling as you hook a finger in the neckline of his shirt and give it a small pull. "The clothes need to go, though."
You don't think you'll ever get bored of watching him undress. Even here in the Waking he could simply magic his clothes away, but he barely ever does, preferring to take his time. Just the sight of the lean muscles of his back flexing as he pulls his t-shirt over his head is enough to make your mouth water. He doesn't usually deliberately put on a show, he doesn't need to. But he must be in a particularly good mood because he really takes his time today. Especially when he bends over to pull his jeans off his legs, making you choke on your own spit. You try to keep your cough discreet, but it doesn't work very well.
"Are you quite alright, my sweet?" His tone is airy and nonchalant, but you know that he knows exactly what he's doing. One of these days he very well could be the death of you.
"I'm fine," you clear your throat, "absolutely fantastic."
Finally, he joins you on the bed, the very picture of leisure as he stretches out on his side next to you. For a moment you almost forget what the plan was, he's that distracting. Right. Less ogling, more setting up. As you rifle through the bag you have a thought.
"Can I tie you up, too?" You hastily add, "Just a little bit?"
"Why would you need to do that?"
You debate how to respond to that but settle on something that's very nearly the truth.
"This is easier if you stay still, so things don't move too much."
He seems to take exception to that and scoffs.
"I am perfectly capable of staying still, I assure you."
"Well..." You tap your lip thoughtfully, "It's not that I don't think you can't, I just don't want you to, I don't know, roll over and make me zap you by mistake or something."
"I see." He watches as you wrangle the cables. "How would you have me then?"
"On your back is fine." You swear under your breath as you hit a knot and start picking it out, careful not to break anything. "There are a few parts to make this work, so I hope you can indulge me for a bit."
"As opposed to my usual uncharitable disposition?" He's clearly teasing you, but he's got a point.
You finally manage to get the cables straightened out and connected to the right channels.
"There we go, that's that done. So now I'm just going to connect these here..." you grab a couple of plain rubber rings from the collection scattered on the bed, "and then..." You rifle through the box until you find what you're looking for. "One of these."
The plug is modestly sized, the only thing setting it apart is the shape, with a sweeping curve and bulbous tip.
"You should be able to handle this one, right?" You're sure he can, but you figure it's only polite to ask. When you show it to him, he looks less than impressed.
"As I am sure you can recall, you have had me with larger before." It's not quite an eye-roll, but it's not not that, either.
"That isn't why I'm asking, but I see your point." You connect it too, then put the box to the side for the moment. Giving the bag another rifling through, you come out with what looks like a small syringe, sans needle. "This next bit can be a bit messy, but bear with me for just a bit longer?"
Thankfully, filling the syringe up with conductive gel is a much quicker process, and in a minute you've got it ready, giving his hip a poke with your finger.
"Turn over a bit for me?" He obeys readily enough, letting you slide the slim instrument into him easily. When you press the plunger down, he gives a little hiss. "Sorry, that's cold, isn't it?"
"By some miracle, I am sure I shall survive," He responds dryly.
That earns him a pinch on the backside as you pull the syringe out.
"The cheek of you! Watch the attitude or you might be sorry in a minute."
That catches his interest.
"Oh, will I now?" He turns over and props himself up on his elbows, eyes gleaming.
"Maybe." You retrieve some padded cuffs from one of the drawers of the nightstand and dangle them in front of him. "Do these meet His Majesty's approval?"
"They do. What is your wish?" He lays back, arms above his head and crossed at the wrist, "Like this, perhaps?"
"Almost. Let me." You attach the cuffs to either side of the headboard and guide his wrists to where you want them, pressing a tender kiss to each one before strapping him in. Making sure that the restraints are tight but not overly so, you stroke his hair. "You good?"
That's good enough, so you start lubing the plug up as he watches you with interest. When you're satisfied with the amount, you tap the side of his knee. "Lift for me."
Sliding the plug into place makes his eyelashes flutter, his breath speeding up by the tiniest fraction as his cock stirs to life. You can't quite resist lapping at him, sucking him into your mouth until he grows fully hard there, throbbing on your tongue.
Sliding the rings on him is a bit fiddlier but eventually you get them in place, one going around both his shaft and balls, the other nestled right behind his tip. It's the first time he's let you do something like this, and the sight of his cock this way is mesmerizing.
"Still good?" Applying more of the gel, you make sure there are no dry spots under the rings. When he still doesn't respond you trace your finger around his tip, just barely touching but enough to make him pay attention.
"Great!" You turn the box on. "How does this feel?" Turning it up to the lowest setting, you watch him carefully.
"Different, but...not unpleasant."
You turn it back down and fiddle with the settings for a few seconds, setting it to a slow wave pattern before turning it back up, a tad higher this time."How about this?"
That gets a reaction, his brow furrowing and his mouth falling open.
"That is...good."
He lets a quiet groan as you turn it up a bit more, his cock starting to ever so slightly throb in time with the pulses, a bead of precum forming at his tip. You settle in next to him, just watching him for a few moments. This might be the most vulnerable you've ever seen him, and you're enjoying every minute of it. Running your hand across his chest you consider turning it up some more, but decide against it for now, instead gently circling one of his nipples with your fingers. Rubbing the pad of your finger across it rewards you with a small moan.
"You like that?" Without waiting for a response you do it again, watching it stiffen under your touch. Every time you rub him he lets out a small gasp, but he seems too focused on the sensations to reply. You flick your tongue over his nipple and blow on it gently, watching the goosebumps erupt all over his pale skin. "Hello? Earth to Dream?"
"Do that again."
"Do what again? This?" This time you do turn the power up and watch as his cock throbs even more, leaking freely now. "Or did you mean this?" You make your tongue broad and flat, dragging it over his nipple before gently sucking the rosy little nub into your mouth.
That makes him grip the sheets, knuckles white. Despite his earlier confidence, he isn't very still at all, hips starting to arch off the bed. Not ready for this to be over too quickly you dial the power back down, but not turning it off. As he eases back down you kiss his shoulder, admiring the blush slowly creeping across his skin, all the way down his chest.
"You should see yourself right now," you sigh, stroking his hair, "you're so beautiful like this, so perfect. You want more?"
Rather than respond he simply leans into your touch, breath heavy.
"I'll take that as a yes, then." This time you turn it up a smidge higher than before, making him arch off the bed again. Watching his cock throb, you count to ten pulses before turning it back down again. You give him a moment to recover, then do it again, this time counting to twenty before turning it back down, leaving him squirming. For a while you simply repeat the process over and over, up, down, ten, twenty. You’re not sure how long it goes on for, but for every cycle he falls apart a bit more, until he’s nearly vibrating off the bed. "Still good, or do you want me to stop?" You eye his dribbling cock with something like pity. “We can take a break, if you want.”
"Don't..." His lips are red and a bit swollen where he's been worrying at them with his teeth, his voice breathless, "Don't stop, not yet."
"Think you can come like this?" You watch as he rolls his hips, his legs opening and closing.
"I think...I..." He swallows and frowns, "Perhaps, I want...I...."
"Want to try?" You're pretty sure you've never seen him struggle for words before. Usually, he's the one picking you apart until you can hardly speak, not the other way around.
"Yes," he nods, almost panting, "yes..."
You turn the machine up again, higher still. Glancing at the display you can see that it's only at 45% power so far, but he's already chasing it, his almost frantic movements leaving the bedding in a crumpled heap at the foot of the bed. This time you get count to thirty, but he can't quite get there, collapsing back against the pillows in a frustrated heap, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes.
"I can't," he gasps, "I want, I can't...please..."
"Shhh, relax, let me help you," you kiss his cheek, tasting his tears. "Tell me what you need."
Feeling a bit evil you sneakily keep your fingers on the dials, slowly increasing the strength as he tries to speak, making his words come out in fits and starts.
"Again, your mouth, I..."
The meaning is clear enough, but you watch him struggle for a few moments more just because you can. When you put your hands on him his skin is covered in a thin sheen of sweat and the taste of it floods your mouth as you suck his nipple into your mouth again and swirl your tongue over it. Giving the other one some attention as well, you hear his whispered pleas turning louder, growing more urgent as you give him a little pinch.
It's mostly a litany of please, making it clear that for once he's completely lost in sensation, no other thought in that pretty head of his except for pleasure. It doesn't take long for his breaths to become uneven, the 'please' turning into oh, more drawn out for every pulse until he lets go, scrabbling for purchase in the sheets as he finally comes, his release drawn from him in thick bursts. You regret not being able to see him properly, especially when you feel a few stray droplets hit your cheek, because that’s just plain impressive. When his orgasm finally starts subsiding, you reduce the output down to zero, but not turning it off.
"Still with me?"
"I...yes." It's hesitant and a bit breathless, but that's probably to be expected.
"That's good," You brush away a few stray hairs sticking to his forehead. "Look how well you did, love."
Taking a few moments you kneel between his splayed legs and pat him dry with a soft towel as you check the connections, adding some fresh gel to ensure that there are no hot spots. "By the way," you give the base of the plug a few experimental wiggles, rocking it into him a couple of times, "did I tell you my favourite thing about this machine?" Grinning at him you fiddle with the controls, changing the pattern from a slow wave to an alternating pulse, without turning it up just yet. "It's probably better if I show you I think."
When he catches on to what you're doing, he starts fighting the restraints.
"You..." As you start increasing the output he falls back against the pillows again, eyes a bit unfocused as the current bounces between his prostate and his still sensitive cock. "Oh, you cruel creature..."
"That's not very nice," you tut, stroking his thigh. Craning your neck, you can only just catch a glimpse of the base of the plug moving as he contracts around it.
"Release me," he groans, but there's no real force behind his words. Those aren't even the right words, anyway. He could end this at any time, and you both know it. Instead you slowly turn the power up, watching as his soft cock twitches and leaks all over his pale stomach.
"Too much," he gasps, thrashing and pulling on the cuffs again.
"Does it hurt?" You hover your finger over the controls, ready to cut the power just in case.
"No," he moans, face twisted in pleasure as he all but humps the air, his words coming out slurred and messy. "Keep...more."
That makes no sense, but you get the gist. Checking the settings it's still not turned up terribly high, so you kick it up a few notches more until you've got him writhing like an eel in a hot pan, completely uncaring about the pathetic sounds running from his mouth. He doesn't get hard again but that doesn't matter because he spills for you again anyway, a pitiful sound caught high in his throat. There's barely enough to fill a thimble this time around and when you finally cut the power he sinks into the bed, completely limp.
"You alright?" You quickly get to work cleaning him up, gently removing the plug and sliding the rings off his cock before undoing the cuffs, massaging his wrists as you do so. When he doesn't respond right away you almost start to worry that perhaps you'd taken it a bit too far, but then he blinks slowly up at you.
"I...believe so."
This is probably the most relaxed you've ever seen him, and you can't entirely suppress a giggle as you snuggle in close, one arm thrown across his waist.
"Good. So," you trace the curve of his hip idly, "can I ask you something?"
"If it is in my power to answer, then I shall," he murmurs, taking your hand in his and twining your fingers together.
"Okay. So..." You twirl a lock of his hair around your finger. "Is my 'fondness for lewd objects' still inexplicable to you?" As you wait for him to answer, you trail a line of small kisses from his shoulder and up the side of his neck. When he eventually responds, it's with a deep sigh.
"Perhaps not."
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midnightshard06 · 4 months
Happy Valentine's day to all who celebrate! For those who don't hope your day was great!
Wanted to try and do this a bit earlier in the day but here we are. Bringing you some art and a fic from this little au thing cause I felt like it. The fic will be below the cut. Enjoy.
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Pairing: Sonic/Shadow
Word Count: ~2100 words
You can also check it out on AO3 here!
"Have fun you two!" Tails waved as Sonic led Shadow off.
"We will! See you in a while little bro!" Sonic waved back before gently grabbing Shadow's hand. As he always did he gave the other hedgehog plenty of time to pull away. Though Shadow simply glanced down at their hands before making a soft noise of approval.
Admittedly Sonic was a little nervous. This was the first time he was taking Shadow out on what he would consider a "real date". Sure they'd been out alone plenty of times but all those times Sonic had just been showing Shadow around or teaching him about something. This time though Sonic had specifically chosen a place they'd not only visited before, but that Shadow had actually asked to go back to on several occasions. Those times had been a massive win. Shadow for all his outward confidence actually had a hard time asking for things. No matter how small. An unfortunate byproduct of how he'd been treated on the Ark. The thought of what Shadow had to go through always made his quills bristle; Sonic almost wished he could meet this Gerald guy face to face. Almost. 
Sonic was pulled from his less than positive thoughts as Shadow squeezed his hand, concerned frown on his face. "You ok?" His tail was twitching behind him nervously as he searched Sonic’s face.
"I'm fine Shads." Sonic squeezed the other hedgehog's hand back. "Just thinking about some stuff I don't need to." 
Shadow hummed, not looking entirely pleased by that answer but he didn’t say anything else. Though Shadow did perk up in interest as he seemed to realize where they were going. “The Chao Garden?” Shadow glanced at him, a smile threatening to make its way onto his face.
“Course.” Sonic smiled. “I bet the little guys miss us.” Shadow hummed in agreement. “Wanna race there?” Sonic shot Shadow a challenging look. If there was something he’d learned about Shadow it was that the other hedgehog could get competitive. Honestly Sonic loved that. Sure the two of them could get carried away sometimes, but it felt like in those moments where the two of them were competing that Shadow was truly living. Not being weighed down by his past.
Shadow immediately returned the look. “You’re on.” 
Sonic regrettably had to let go of Shadow’s hand but that was alright, racing was much better anyway. “Three, two, one… go!” They shot off. Of course Sonic would have to pull back a little bit to keep things fair. Sure Shadow was naturally fast, but he’d forgone his air shoes today. They helped Shadow keep up a lot easier. Either way though it was close and Sonic only barely arrived at the entrance to the garden before Shadow. Both were panting slightly but Sonic couldn’t help but smile at the happy look on Shadow’s face. Even if it was quickly replaced with a more neutral expression. “Shall we?” Sonic gestured widely to the garden. Shadow huffed fondly before walking past Sonic.
As soon as the two were far enough into the garden they were swarmed by most of the chao population there. Shadow in particular had always been a big hit with them. Tails thought it had something to do with how much chaos energy Shadow’s body naturally gave off, but Sonic liked to think it was because of how he treated them. Soon enough two chao in particular made their way through the crowd. Sonic happily pat the head of the chao he’d been raising, the dot above the blue creature swiftly changing into a heart. Sonic had to hold in his laugh as Shadow’s chao had decided to plop themself down on Shadow’s head. Though to be fair Shadow didn’t seem very phased by the decision.
Maybe today he could finally get Shadow to agree to take the two chao back with them. Of course Sonic didn’t want to rush the other hedgehog into doing anything, part of the reason he’d waited so long to make any sort of move with Shadow, but he knew the two chao missed the two of them when they left. Sonic could of course take his own home, but he didn’t want to separate them from Shadow’s. Eventually the chao all settled down and most wandered off to do various things.
“Wait here for a sec. I need to grab something.” Sonic placed his chao in front of Shadow. They reached up for him, a frown on their face. “And keep an eye on them so they don’t try to follow me.” Shadow nodded and Sonic sped off to another part of the garden. A part where he’d stashed some stuff earlier. He grinned as he pulled out a small wrapped package and basket. Thankfully it looked like none of the chao had found and messed with it. Just as quickly as he left he was back. Shadow watched him curiously as he placed down what he’d grabbed. At this point Shadow was sitting while their chao played with each other nearby.
Sonic sat down in front of him and held out the wrapped package, a gentle smile on his face. Shadow froze for a moment before carefully taking the package from Sonic. “What is it?” He carefully turned it over in his hands.
“Well, you’ll just have to open it and find out.” Sonic shrugged, smile morphing more into a grin as Shadow shot him an unimpressed look. “Trust me, you’ll like it.” Well he hoped Shadow liked it anyway. It was hard to figure out what the other hedgehog would even like since he almost never talked about anything he wanted. Sonic did his best with what he had though and honestly he thought he’d done pretty good with this one.
After a moment more of staring at the wrapped package, Shadow carefully drug a claw down the wrapping cutting it rather cleanly and peeled the paper away. He stared down at the newly exposed picture frame. It wasn’t anything fancy and the whole thing was small enough to be carried around if desired. A small smile graced Shadow’s face and Sonic knew he’d done good. The second one he was more worried about but hopefully the first one going over well was a good sign. “I always liked that picture of you, me, and Tails.” Sonic hummed. “Even though it wasn’t too long after I found you I think it was the first time I actually got you to smile. Even if it was more out of surprise than anything.” He chuckled as Shadow put the first frame aside. Sonic got a little concerned as the other hedgehog froze once the second frame was revealed.
Sonic knew this one would be a risk, but he liked to think he was reading Shadow’s feelings about this correctly. “How?” Shadow briefly looked up at him, and Sonic wasn’t sure how to read his expression at the moment.
“Me and Tails, uh mostly Tails, did some digging around. Mostly in places that would not be considered public.” Sonic shrugged nervously, grabbing the edge of his scarf to fiddle with. “It was hard since most of anything to do with… the Ark was wiped out but…” He weakly gestured to the frame that Shadow had gone back to staring at. “We managed to find that.”
The silence between them stretched on long enough that their chao had taken notice. Both of them wandered over to their owners and attempted to comfort them. As soon as Sonic was starting to really regret this whole thing Shadow spoke. “Maria…” He looked up at Sonic. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly shook his head, raising his hands instead. ‘Thank you.’ He signed. ‘This way I’ll never forget the one person who made my past bearable.’
All the tension abruptly bled out of Sonic’s body. Ok good, he had been reading things right. That was a relief. “You’re welcome Shads. I’m just glad you like it, heh.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Now then, how about we enjoy something to eat?”
Shadow placed the second frame aside and nodded. “I would like that.”
“So…” Sonic started from his position of leaning comfortably on top of Shadow’s head. “Do you think today is the day we take these little guys home?” Shadow was currently petting his chao and Sonic’s was hovering close to the duo.
Shadow hummed in contemplation. He glanced down at his chao, who glanced back at him happily. Much to his chao’s disappointment he pulled his hand away from their head. ‘Would they be happier to come with us then stay here with the others?’
Well that was progress, it wasn't an outright no this time. "Chao bond real close with their owners." Sonic smiled as his chao reached out for his hand. "Sure they like being around other chao but we're a plenty good substitute." He started to pet his chao's head. "Plus we can always bring them back to visit their friends."
Sonic watched quietly as Shadow's tail moved slowly through the grass. After a while of Sonic waiting and just enjoying their close proximity, a huge step up from Shadow hissing or growling at him whenever he got too close, Shadow nodded. Well nodded as best he could with Sonic there. "Alright." Shadow scratched behind his chao's ear. "I think I'm ready."
Well who would have thought? Sonic was happy not only for the chao, but for Shadow. It had been a long road to help Shadow undo the damage from his past, and they still had a long way to go. This was a good step though, it would be good for Shadow to have something else that loves him unconditionally. Carefully Sonic moved to hug Shadow, and was happy when the other hedgehog let it happen. 
"We have to actually name them now you know." Sonic smiled even though Shadow wouldn't be able to see it.
"... I've never had to name anything before." Shadow frowned slightly.
"Just don't overthink it." Sonic squeezed Shadow briefly. "Just use whatever feels right."
"Do you have a name for yours?" Shadow asked, probably looking for an example.
"Course. I had a name picked out a while ago." Sonic turned to his chao which was watching him curiously. "I officially dub you Azure." The newly named Azure flew around in clear excitement before settling on Sonic's head.
"Azure huh?" Shadow hummed before a look of realization crossed his face. "Wait. Did you name them that because they're blue?"
"Heh… maybe." Sonic chuckled. "Still has a nice ring to it though."
"I suppose." Shadow sighed before looking intently at his own chao. “Gale.” He said after a while of what Sonic suspected was contemplation. Gale made happy noises as they grabbed one of Shadow’s hands with their two smaller ones.
“I think they like it.” Sonic removed his arms from around Shadow and stood up fully to stretch. “Is there a reason for the name or did it just come to you?” Shadow avoided his gaze and that only had Sonic even more curious. If he looked carefully enough he could make out a slight green flush to Shadow’s muzzle. Interesting. It took a lot for Shadow to get flustered. Now he had to know. “C’mon, you know I won’t judge you for whatever reason you have.”
Shadow quietly muttered something that Sonic couldn’t make out before turning to face him. “It’s because of you.” Sonic froze in surprise, mouth hanging open slightly and ears perked up. That had not been what he was expecting honestly, but he made him feel warm. Shadow sighed and raised his hands. ‘You have done a lot for me and I appreciate that. I figured this might be a suitable way to repay your kindness.’
Sonic reigned in his surprise and gave Shadow a wide smile. “I’m glad to know you think so highly of me, but you don’t have to try and repay me like that. Just getting to see you living your life is good enough for me.”
‘If you say so.’ Shadow shrugged before grabbing Gale. ‘The name stays either way.’
“Wouldn’t dream of trying to change your mind.” Sonic grabbed Azure before holding out a hand to help Shadow up. After a moment the other hedgehog took the offered hand. “Well what do you say, good first date?”
Shadow chuckled quietly as Gale flew up to land on his head. ‘The best I’ve ever been on.’
“Why thank yo-” Sonic blinked. “Wait a sec, you haven’t been on any other first dates.” He grinned.
‘It was still the best. I have no need for any others.’ Shadow hesitantly reached out his hand and Sonic happily took it.
“I’ll take that.” Sonic shrugged. “Now then, let’s head home.” It was a good day, and Sonic wouldn’t change a thing about it.
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electronickingdomfox · 2 months
"My Enemy, My Ally" review
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Romulans stole Spock's brain! (or at least, some Vulcan brains)
Novel from 1984, by Diane Duane, and the first of the five-book series Rihannsu.
The plot itself is okay: the Romulans have a new devious scheme (capturing Vulcans to extract the telepathic abilities from their brains), and the Enterprise must stop their plans. Only this time, Kirk will have to collaborate with a bunch of good, renegade Romulans to succeed. It's not terribly original, nor it's the first time that Kirk has allied himself with Romulans in these novels, but as a plot it's entertaining. However, the narrative drags a lot, specially in the first half of the novel, and it takes a reaaally long time to set things into motion. In part, this is due to a "tell, rather than show" approach. For example, there's a lengthy conversation about how the Enterprise and its Romulan allies are going to stage a fake battle between both ships, in full detail. And then a lengthy description of the ships doing just that. One of these two segments isn't needed. There's also a lot of fluff, specially in scenes at the Recreation deck, and plenty of new character introductions, that don't lead anywhere nor have any real importance. A lot of the new character roles could have been filled by the usual crew, anyway. Now, I don't think that a novel should just be barebones plot, but I didn't find these "extra" scenes particularly entertaining nor enlightening. So in my opinion, this novel would have improved greatly if it was cut short. Though the later sections suffer less of this, and are more focused.
The story is notable for introducing a lot of new material about Romulan culture, and specially language (which seems to me even more unpronounceable than Klingon). In fact, most of the time Romulans are referred to as "Rihannsu", which is the name of the race in their own language. I don't know to what extent Duane developed the grammar and vocabulary, but it seems to have a certain structure to it. There's also much emphasis on the power of names over things and people, and some glimpses into the Romulan worship of Elements. A lot of this has probably never been incorporated into the series, but Romulans having several names (of which only the first is revealed to strangers) seems to have its origins here.
As for characters, the most developed one is Ael, the Romulan commander that strikes an alliance with Kirk. At times she comes dangerously close to Mary Sue territory (for example, beating McCoy at a game she had just learned, despite the doctor being skilled enough to beat none other than Spock). But otherwise, she's fine for her role in the story. In many ways, she's both a mirror and a foil for Kirk, suffering also under the weight of command, and the difficult decisions between duty and her crew's wellbeing. Though not exactly a tragic character, there's also a lot of sadness and burdens in her past. On the other hand, Kirk rubbed me the wrong way. Or rather, his relationship with his crew. I found it way too lax and informal, and sometimes it seems he's more like a cool dad for them, rather than a Captain. Kirk in the series had his goofy moments, of course, and Shatner imbued him with much comedic potential. But nonetheless, there was always some gravitas about him, and a respectful distance with his subordinates. Even with someone as close as Spock, he was usually pretty formal. The only one who broke this pattern was McCoy, and that was precisely why their relationship was special. So yeah, I just don't see Kirk trading jokes with Sulu while under enemy fire, or receiving sassy remarks from Uhura, sorry. Also, as happened in The Wounded Sky, there's again a wide array of fancy aliens populating the Enterprise. I didn't mind them that much in the previous novel, since the story is so unusual, that it could have existed outside the Star Trek universe without damage being done. This time around... I've decided that I'm not a fan of this idea. Apart from being too distracting, Starfleet strikes me as a mostly human institution, at least at the time of TOS (after all, HQ is in San Francisco), and Spock often struggled being accepted among the crew. He was THE alien, and this led to isolation and even ocassional prejudices against him. Now, this wouldn't make much sense if the crew were regularly sipping coffee next to a gelatinous blob of tentacles... As for Spock and McCoy, they're mostly okay, though they tend to get overshadowed by the extended cast, and obviously, Ael.
I must be in the minority here, since most people seem to love this novel, but in general, I didn't like it much. Perhaps it's a consequence of having just read John Ford's masterful The Final Reflection, and his fascinating take on Klingons. Perhaps I simply don't care all that much about Romulans...
Some spoilers under the cut:
The first chapters switch perspectives between Ael and Kirk. While Ael reflects on her falling out with the Romulan Senate, because of her opposition to a certain revolutionary research, Kirk is ordered to patrol the Neutral Zone, as part of a task force. Ael has been "exiled" as commander of a shitty starship named Cuirass, crewed by shitty subordinates. But she keeps contact with her old, loyal ship Bloodwing, now commanded by Tafv, her own son. When news of the Federation ships arriving reach her, she sets her plan into motion. After sabotaging the Cuirass' systems, she escapes in a scout ship to Bloodwing. And the latter ship destroys Cuirass, whose crew she considers traitors to the Empire for their collaboration in the Senate's schemes.
After this, Bloodwing rendezvous with Enterprise near the Neutral Zone, and Ael asks permission to come aboard alone, promising some very important info. Then she explains to Kirk what's going on: The Romulan government has started developing a new weapon at the station in Levaeri V. They capture Vulcans and extract their brain tissue, in order to implant the genetic material into Romulans, and thus give them all their telepathic abilities, even enhanced. After leaving Vulcan centuries ago, the Romulans' divergent development made them unable to mind-meld, or do any of that cool Vulcan stuff. But now, with the new research, powerful individuals could read minds, control thoughts and subject any opposition. Ael believes this will ruin the Empire and its old code of honor. And in turn, will cause conflicts with both the Federation and the Klingons. Thus, she asks Kirk to "lend" her the Enterprise, to help destroy the research station. Her plan is faking a capture of the Enterprise by Bloodwing, then towing the starship into Romulan space and destroy the facility along the way. Spock confirms through a mind-meld that Ael's telling the truth.
Kirk is sympathetic with her cause, but refuses to go along with the plan, on the grounds that he can't intervene in Romulan internal affairs. Things change, however, when the Vulcan ship that was patrolling near the Enterprise is spirited away under their noses. Ael explains that its disappearance matches the modus operandi of Romulans. The Vulcans are being taken to the research station (and now I understand why Spock chose to serve in a human starship; Vulcan ships seem to have the worst luck, between being eaten by amoebas and now this...). Kirk can't ignore the matter anymore, now that the Vulcans are in danger, so he decides to go with Ael.
After faking a battle between Bloodwing and Enterprise, they proceed to Levaeri V. Ael's crew take positions in the Enterprise bridge, while Kirk and the rest of the officers play a bit of theater, faking their capture in the brig, to fool the escorts sent by the Empire. Once approaching the station, Bloodwing and the Enterprise suddenly turn against the escorts and destroy them.
In the last part, Kirk sends a large strike force into the station, to free the Vulcan captives and destroy all research with their brains. But meanwhile, the Enterprise is assaulted by a treacherous faction among Ael's people. Scotty, Chekov and Sulu must fight to recover the ship, while down in the station the battle continues.
Spirk Meter: 1/10*. There's a bit about Spock being particularly interested in the proceedings of Kirk's mind, while playing chess. But I can't think of anything else, and even this is really minimal.
There's also some Mcspirk. McCoy likes to study Kirk and Spock while they play chess, to delve deeper into their personalities and psyches. And when Kirk complains that, if Spock and McCoy keep babysitting him, he'll end up taking their hands, McCoy says that's okay with him. But warns him about Spock, and the kind of rumors that could run through the ship. Also, Ael observes that the three of them seem to share a single mind. Though that's downplayed by the comparison with the similar link between Ael and her son.
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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heckhellstuff · 3 months
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Big thanks to the peeps who wanted to hear more about my version of the Guide
Headcanons and story stuff under the cut
First things first - Because this AU focuses mostly on my made up backstory I had to give her a name
Emma Van de Laar is what I settled with A Priestess from Holland born sometime in the 1400's Devout woman her entire life
Unfortunately for her everything supernatural seemed to disagree with her peaceful lifestyle - The most notable incidents being her run-ins with vampires and beasts alike
When she was 25 a Strigoi made it's way into her home, impersonating her beloved dog who went missing few days prior Then in her late 40's she was forcefully turned by a Vampire
Being turned into a creature of the night caused great distress, faith was all she had her whole life, she couldn't bear to lose it
It took 20+ very painful years but she managed to regain her faith in spite of her vampirism Trying to put her life back on tracks she once again took up her position as the head of the local Church
Fast forward 300 years things started getting a little boring Emma started yearning for all of the things she's missed
This is when what I call the Party Girl Era sets in Accidentally joined a cult And all of the things mentioned in her therapy session with Laszlo happened
Which brings me to the most worked on part of this AU Her relantionship with Van Helsing
I asked myself ""How fucked up would it be if they actually loved each other ?"" Here's the story I put together
Van Helsing was sent back to Holland by the Church - they heard some vampires might be targeting the local Priestess What they didn't know is that Emma is the vampire seen in the area
When Abraham arrived Emma was slightly shapeshifting to hide her most noticeable vampiric features She knew he was a vampire slayer
They spent around two months just kinda hanging out together During that time Abraham slowly fell in love with the holy woman It didn't take long for Emma to feel the attraction as well
But uh oh - then there was the accidental reveal Emma burnt herself on Abraham's silver ring (while they were flirting no less) Mortified by the possible consequences of her slip up she tried to escape
When Abraham caught up, instead of killing her, he tried to talk things out A lot of feelings spill out during that conversation Fed up with the tension, Emma makes a move and that's how their affair starts
A bunch of trust building later and they do end up being an actual couple Would love to show the comic I made for this but it's like 38 panels long and Tumblr would piss itself In total they spend five years together before everything goes to hell
Hell started when the Vampiric Council finally had enough of Emma's bs Forcefully seperated her and Abraham Took her to America And drilled into her mind for so long she dissociated so hard she ended up getting amnesia After successfully rooting her into the Council's system she got the position of the Guide
Abraham didn't want to give up on his beloved and spent years searching for her Unfortunately... When he found Emma it wasn't her anymore The brilliant woman he once knew was no longer there
After that point the timeline starts lining up with the Show Some things do differ but it's not anything major until the Nightclub comes around
Obviously Guidja happens in this AU With the backstory I gave the Guide their dynamic is really fun to mess around with
Oh and lastly What the hell is a Strigoi ??
Basically: vampire 2 electric boogaloo I thought it would be fun if there were different species of vampiric creatures
Strigoi have some interesting folklore attached to them It was super fun to mess around with and bend in all sorts of directions
Emma is actually a Vampiric Strigoi which is one of the four Strigoi variants I put together Which basically means she's not really a vampire but something closely related
My idea for making her a Strigoi comes from the Show and folklore Strigoi seem to be put into a similar category as Wraiths and apparently they can learn magic ?? So that was a super easy connection to make
I have a lot of different design notes for my version of bestie Guide too but this mess is already way too long
So I'll end it with songs that were a huge inspiration when I started working on this AU
Powerwolf: Sacramental sister, My will be done, Midnight Madonna, Demons are a girls best friend, Reverent of rats Ghost: Cirice, Mary on a cross
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lynnbeth5172 · 2 months
Murder In The Palace Theater
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Summery: After the war, Tom tries finding work somewhere and ends up finding work at a detective firm.
A/N: This is very random and I’m sorry, first true time writing Tom
Warnings: Mentions of war and death, Tom kinda struggling with smoking.
It was a simple day for Tom, cigarette in his mouth and reading a newspaper; he felt like his father in this position, turning the paper and scanning the words on it. While the sounds of his niece talking to her toy was filling his ears, The newspaper talked of the things going on and advertisements for jobs, though some looked increasingly boring than the last.
The noise of his niece, Lily. Playing with her stuffed toy and talking to it came to a stop as she then got up and walked to where Tom sat, putting her stuffed rabbit on the floor and making her way to the chair he sat in.
“What’re you reading?” Tom looked at Lily then at the paper in hand, stubbing out his cigarette in his ash tray.  He didn’t see her face scrunch in slight disgust as he put the cigarette out.
“Newspaper, lookin for jobs.” 
He knew that it was bad to smoke around children, his own niece for that matter. But he couldn’t bring himself to truly stop, it helped with a lot of things; his nightmares of the war, the lurking feeling that something’s gonna go to shit, Lois sometimes would even take his cigarettes away to encourage him to stop.
His thoughts were cut short as he felt the feeling of Lily’s chin on his shoulder. She was on tiptoes to look over the newspaper, where it showed very few job advertisements. Some advertised working at a bakery, some at a small mechanic shop.
“They all look dull.” Lilly complained as she looked at the bakery advertisement which showed a woman holding a pie and smiling, Tom looked at the image in the paper then back at his niece.
“You think I’d be dull at baking?” Lilly nodded and pointed at the bakery advertisement.
“You’d be rotten at it, mum said that you’re terrible at making a cuppa.” He had to suppress a laugh, of course his sister would tell her daughter how bad of a cook he was; when he and Lois were young and tried making food for themselves or for their parents, Tom would always end up burning the food or his hand. He had gotten slightly better at making food for the day but not as good as Lois or his mum were.
“Fair enough.” He scanned the paper and noticed an ad for an assistant a private detective firm, at that moment he heard the door open and Lily removing her chin from his shoulder and running to the door. 
Tom put down the paper and offered a smile to his sister, Lois looked slightly tired with light purple bags under her eyes. Kissing her daughter’s forehead as she then walked towards Tom and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, moving away to look at him. He offered a small smile to his sister.
“Long day?” She only nodded and lightly shook her head to shake off the tiredness, Lois noticed the newspaper on his lap and raised a brow at him.
“Found anything yet that’s suits you?”  Tom glanced at his sister who took the toy from the ground and gave it back to Lily, who had her fingers to her mouth as she bit at them.
“There’s one for a detective firm, seems like a good pay.” He picked up the paper again and reread the ad for the detective firm, it reminded him of the stories Lois used to read when they were younger. About the world’s smartest detective finding out cases of murder, sometimes she’d read them to him; the ones that were less gruesome though Tom didn’t mind those ones either.
“Uncle Tom would be a good Sherlock Holmes,” Lily smiled at him to which Tom lightly mussed her hair. A small habit he enjoyed doing, watching her hair become slightly frizzed from him.
“Thank you, little Lily.” He resisted the urge to light another fag in front of his niece, he used to do it a lot when she was a baby. Before she started questioning things around her like why Tom always had something in his mouth that he lit, Lois smiled at them as Lily then excused herself to go to the washroom. Leaving the siblings alone.
“Tom you sure you want to do this job?” It wasn’t an impolite question just a gentle prod, Tom simply shrugged and got up to pour himself a glass of water, using the cup that Lois had given him once.
“It looks the least boring and it looks like it’d pay good, plus I think I can be a good detective.”
“Just doesn’t seem like the job for you considering…everything you went through.” She didn’t say more but he figured what she was saying, he took in a breath and considered her words. She was probably right in that matter, that being a detective wasn’t the best idea, he still had trouble with blood. Anything that nears the color of blood made him feel queasy and uncomfortable, leading him to slightly dislike the color.
Tom didn’t speak as he then turned on the radio to fill the silence that grew between them, it was broken was Lily came out of the washroom and the two of them spoke to the young girl as if they didn’t just have a small debate about Tom getting a job.
Lois and Lily left after a bit, leaving Tom to turn off the radio and lighting a cigarette glancing at the newspaper before walking to his room, bringing his ash tray and smoking on his bed. It felt odd to not share a room with his sister anymore, him and Lois shared the same room since they were kids; sometimes they hated it and sometimes they enjoyed the company of each other, with the occasional pillow thrown by Lois whenever he smoked.
He missed it honestly, the sound of his sister’s breathing slowing as she fell asleep. It was oddly comforting and sometimes helped him be lulled asleep, moments like these made Tom slightly yearn for his younger years when he didn’t have to worry about nightmares about men dying. Instead just worrying about either a scolding from his father or getting caught up in a fight at the pub, he knew it was stupid to think about the past. There was no point fretting over it since it happened, his father died and now it’s just him and his sister, this time without them sharing a room.
Putting the cigarette out and turning off the lights, Tom changed and went under the blanket. Hoping that maybe he won’t have a nightmare about the war or anything scarring.
She woke to the sound of a child crying as she opened her eyes, soon being assaulted by the sunlight that shone from her window, Ada rubbed at her eyes to help wake herself more. Wondering what the time was as she quickly got out of bed to get ready for the day, she hurriedly fixed her hair into looking at least decent and changed into a simple dress. Putting on a coat for the chill of the day, she put on her shoes and quickly walked to the kitchen where her cousin was; a piece of toast was on the table and Ada took it and immediately ate it, ignoring the tea that was next to the toast.
“In a rush?” Her cousin, Shauna. Glanced up from where she was cooking breakfast and Ada simply smiled, it wasn’t the first time she had scarfed her food down but she knew that she’d probably get sick if she kept doing it.
“Finley doing better?” Her cousins son had gotten sick due to the changing weather, developing a cough that her cousin had treated with pills. His coughs had lessened but he still had a cough and a runny nose, he stayed in his room most times where Shauna or Ada would give him tea to help with his throat.
“He says that he feels a bit better though he did cry since his throat hurt from coughing,” Ada chewed her lip and sipped some of her tea. Moving to where her cousin was and offering a gentle squeeze to Shauna’s shoulder, then walking to Finley’s room to see him; the small boy was laying on his side and holding his teddy bear, sniffling and rubbing his nose with his arm.
“Morning Finney,” Ada leaned against his doorway slightly as she nearly tripped on one of his toys that laid about. She made a small reminder to herself to maybe clean up his room when she gets back from work, the small boy did nothing but cough and offer a little smile.
“Morning aunt Ada.” The word aunt always felt odd to her, she wasn’t technically his aunt as she was his mother’s cousin, though after a while he had taken to calling her an aunt. She supposed she was a makeshift aunt due to his actual aunts and uncles not wanting to really deal with him.
She carefully made her way over the toys that were strewn around his bedroom, since he was sick he had taken to just sitting in his bed and playing with his toys. Sometimes leaving the bed to sit on the floor or just staying in bed and playing. Leaning down slightly to press a small kiss to his temple, she leaned back up and carefully left the room, closing the door behind her as she called that she loved him and that she’ll be back later on.
Opening the door she immediately felt the chill hit her, the breeze blowing her hair and making it tangle slightly. She grit her teeth and continued walking to her place of work, she tried moving a bit faster but ended up running into an elder man who was holding a newspaper. He cursed at her slightly but ended up apologizing as she then gave him his newspaper back; when she finally made it to her place of work, her hands felt slightly numb as she opened the door. Immediately closing it afterwards.
As Ada walked in she made it to her small space where she worked, beginning to work as the sound of people around her talking filled her ears. It wasn’t much just having to use the typewriter to either type out missing cases or sometimes searching in the small archives, if anything it was a job she could get used to. She’s been doing the job since 1940 though there was a hold on work when the war got bad, thankfully the firm wasn’t hit although work was put on hold until they were able to get back to work again. Besides the murder cases that they had to deal with, some unsolved and some solved.
“Ada.” She looked up and noticed one of her fellow workers, Tim. Looking down at her from where she sat.
“Mr Hodge would like to see you,” she looked curious and got up, feeling a small ache to her legs as she got up. Pain shooting to her legs but she walked to where his office was, the small plate on the door reading “Matthew Hodge”. She heard voices at the other end of the door and knocked, waiting for a few moments as she looked down and took a deep breath. Even if she’s worked for this man for a few years now, he still managed to make her feel nervous.
After another moment she heard him say she could come in and opened the door; the first thing she noticed was that there was another person in the chair across from Mr Hodge, it was another man who looked to be the same age as her. He had dirty blonde hair and when he turned around to face her, she noticed his eyes which were a lovely shade of blue.
“You wished to see me?” She hesitated slightly removed her gaze from the man and onto Mr Hodge, for a man in his 50s he had wrinkles and fine lines on his face particularly near his eyes. He was a thin man though looked quite tired, though he hadn’t fought in the war it looked as if he had. Dark patches of purple appearing under his eyes but he still managed to look cheerful despite it.
“Yes, I’d like to introduce you to our new hire.” He gestured to the man and Ada gave him a polite smile as Mr Hodge introduced him as Mr Tom Bennett.
“Tom I’d like you to introduce you to Ada, she has been with this firm for six years now and has done quite well.” He gave a smile to her and Ada smiled back, feeling a bit flattered by his words. Glancing back at Mr Tom, she offered her hand for him to shake.
“Pleased to meet you, Mr Bennett.” The man looked at her hand then at her face, a cheeky smile growing on his lips as he took her hand. His hand felt cool in hers as he shook it.
“Pleased to meet you as well, Miss Ada.” He held her grip for a second longer before letting it go and looking back at Mr Hodge, he then went on to explain to Mr Bennett how she’ll be helping him know how to do work at the firm.
“It’ll be nice to have another face to see, usually since we work in a small workplace we tend not to see many new faces.” Ada found herself smiling as she said that, it was true. Since it was quite a quiet buisness they tended to just be used to each other’s presence.
“Well then I’m happy to be a new face to see, especially to you.” He offered a small wink to her and she politely smiled, Ada was used to men flirting with her. Especially being one of two women there, most of them were polite enough when she turned down their offer of drinking at the pub or more though there were also a few who didn’t take too well.
“Did you have any line of work before this?”
“Served in the navy during the war,” his smile dimmed slightly when saying that as he looked down for a moment before looking back up.
“A sailor…” She didn’t know how a sailor would end up working in a detective firm though she supposed needing money means doing random jobs, even if it weren’t a random job.
“Got a problem with that?” He quirked a brow at her and she quickly shook her head, feeling heat rise to her face.
“No but I suppose the last thing I expect a sailor to work at is in a private detective firm,” she shrugged and glanced at Mr Hodge who cleared his throat to speak to Mr Tom again.
“Well hopefully you’d be able to learn how to work here quickly.” He made a small gesture for Ada to leave and with one last glance at Mr Tom she left, closing the door behind her to go back to working. Walking back to her small desk of work, she began working again as she tried to ignore the feeling of something fluttering inside her.
It really would be nice to have a new face around…especially one like Tom Bennett.
So this is my true first time writing Tom, if this is bad then I’m so sorry. Thanks to @zaldritzosrose for sorta helping me with ideas and doing a moodboard for them both.
I do hope you find this somewhat enjoyable and if it isn’t then again I’m so sorry
Small Taglist: @bellaisasleep @liv-cole @zaldritzosrose @wolfdressedinlace @prettymuchteddy @arcielee
@sepherinaspoppies @fan-goddess @thought--bubble @rafeism
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dottedmage · 1 year
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Finnally a proper references for my agent headcanons hurray. “Nakey” version + other info under the cut (looking you with eyes, you will read everything)
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Timeline for this is Sara and Cube post RotM, Mars and Eight with their splat2 outfits but beginning of splat3 appearences (i was too lazy to come up with clothes lol)
-23 years old
-Top left side of her head is permanently scared due to direct contact wih sanitized ink. Has permanent blury vision on her left eye, moderate hearing loss on her left ear and pain on her left shoulder.
-His hands and feet got hit by significant amounts of fuzzy ooze while cutting it all down. This is why he wasnt able to keep going 👍 (no bones for an ankle to be broken uknow)
-Says the most unserious of things in the most serious tone, seems like theyre joking but its always from their heart
-Sees themselves a lot in Cube and takes care of it and gives it advice contantly. Offered Cube to go live with them after their mission was over but Cube refused
-Knows a little bit of octarian, hes trying his best but has a unique way of mispronouncing words
-Very clumsy during his 1st time as an agent so he has lots of scars because of that
-Scars on his right side are from a bomb explosion gone very wrong
-After splat2 she grew her hair out and styled it to match Maries a bit
-Lives in a shared apartment with Sara and sometimes Eight
-Was catching up with her high school missed agent years and is now studing some general science/space-based course 👍 he like space a lot
-Was very mad and very upset and very sad he was not the one choosen to be sent into space to save the earth
-Fluent in octarian, also knows a bit of salmonling
-Her weird spots are a reaction from perlonged exposure to a sanitized environment, the bigget her spots are the better, the smaller the worse. She sometimes wakes up with random pains, especially in her right arm and back
-Lives with Pearl and Marina post OE, also spents a loooottt of time at 4 and 3s place
-Fluent in inklish but has a funny accent
-Loves travelling with Pearl and Marina, honestly she loves travelling with anyone but her cool lesbian moms go to 100 places in a month so its a plus she gets to go with them for free
-Very good cook, is bad with deserts but shes getting better
-Became a little furry tiger-ish inkling due to prolonged exposure to fuzzy ooze. Unlike Sara it is less fuzzy, its just spread all around its body
-Cannot change into squid form and produces ink very slowly in a small amount, limiting its capacitie of participating in ink related sports.
-Scavanged the deserts around splatsville for trinkets to sell in 2nd hand markets and fairs. Meet with Deep Cut once or twice during that period, hence their pre-assumption that it was gonna steal the stuff for itself
-In their free time they used to participate in turf wars. They considered doing salmon runs but found it extremelly wrong and immorall
-Little buddy was a salmonid that wanted to see more of the world so they snuck into, a very distracted, workers hat. Lucky for them that worker was very friendly, and tired of grizzcos work, so they showed little buddy all around splatsville and its deserts and even a beach. They quickly beacame friends and are inseparable now
-It knows salmonling wowow
-Maths fan, number one stan of geometry and shapes
-Tableturf card collector
-Lives in a too-big of an apartment with the squid sisters
-Goes to school now hurray!!
-Visits Sara a lot, doesnt spent much time there as Eight but does show up unannounced
Suspense music, relatioship thang:
About Mars; My friend, my one and only. I can count on her for everything. I do have to keep an eye out for her extreme clumsiness
About Eight; I wish i got to spent more time with her. Shes very fun and makes me feel at home when shes around.
About Cube; Was this how Callie and Marie felt when i joined the splatoon? Fun kid, has to stop stepping on metal.
Sara; oh Sara my good friend Sara. We ding dong ditch together, our neighbours hate us but they dont know that. (also i dont think she realizes were dating....)
Eight; oooo my love kiss kiss muah muah
Cube; funny kid, does need to make up for not inviting me to space with them. Im joking, i love it and the little rocks it gives me.
Sara; Hes very unserious! You would think behind her intimidating looks is someone thats shy and reserved but she has the wildests things to say sometimes, shes very funny i like her a lot (we need to talk to her abt that, you cannot keep assuming things Mars...)
Mars; There is not a single conversation with you where i dont laugh my heart out. Thank you for the butterflies in my stomach head and eyes
Cube; It comes into our house, it eats all the food, it gives a long detailed compliment, it leaves. Interesting child i guess.
Sara; Seemed very intimitading at first but i think shes just worries about me but hey! i can take care of myself fine
Mars; i like to give her animal shaped rocks and crystals.
Eight; I haven't talked or seen her a lot but she cooks so well
o wow you read it all congrats! you have the right to 1 (one) drawing request ;) and if you have anything to ask please do, talking abt headcanons and stuff makes me develop characters faster and its fun :]
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jonathan-samuel-smith · 9 months
Reaching The Other Side - a JonDami fanfic
Tags: Jonathan Samuel Kent/Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Damian Wayne, Childhood Sweethearts, One Shot, established relationship
Word count: 875
Day 1 of @jonkentweek!
I had a thought one night, what if Damian and Jon were dating before Jon got aged up, how would that change his return?
Read On AO3 OR on Tumblr under the cut!
"Hey Dami? How long do you think you'll love me for?" Jon said, asking a rather mature question for an eleven year old boy. They were both very mature children, forced into being that way. Like Damian only let himself be childish around Jon, Jon only let himself act mature in front of Damian.
"I don't think I could stop if I wanted to." Damian said. Other people would be dismissive or worried, but not Damian. Damian took anything Jon wanted to give him.
"Then… forever?" Jon asked, fidgeting with the blanket on his lap.
"If you'll have me." Damian said, his face blank; a tell he had that showed how much he feared rejection.
"I will! I don't think you could do anything that would make me love you any less. Isn't that a scary thought?"
"I feel the same."
Damian and Jon were laying toe to head opposite each other on the twin loft bed, though they had both propped themselves up to look one another in the eye. Jon's eyes were shining with moonlight. Plastic stars glowed overhead. Sometimes in meditation Damian would visit this place, and moments like these. Times he felt safe, for once.
"Does it scare you?"
Damian shook his head. "You're not scary, Jon."
"Well neither are you! I just… I dunno… I don't think I've ever felt that before. I'd follow you anywhere. Places that scare me alone don't seem so bad with you. But I don't know where you'll take me, and I might get lost…"
Damian grabbed Jon's hand. "I'll find you. Always. I promise."
"I believe you."
Jon used to love how big space was. From before he knew he was an alien, he wanted to visit the stars. When he actually got to… well, it was kind of ironic he'd ever wanted to go in the first place, considering.
He missed Damian. Like, a lot. Jor-el had told him that he was a man by kryptonian standards, had promised him answers to questions there really is no answer to, but that we all look for as self aware beings. And Jon wanted to grow up faster, because he worried that Damian would notice how much more immature he was and leave him behind. He should've listened when they said to be careful what you wished for.
Jor El was crazy, and wouldn't let him go home.
Two years since he'd last seen his boyfriend. What was he doing right now? Was he looking for him? By now missing home, family, Damian, Kathy, was a constant companion. Jon wondered if Damian had moved on. He didn't seem the type, but it had been a long time, and they were young. Damian would be sixteen.
Jon didn't know if it was fair or just but he decided he would be mad at Damian if he wasn't looking, if he found someone else. Getting mad at Damian was something he'd been good at, once upon a time.
When the wormhole took him, he thought he'd come home. But that hope was dashed on the igneous rocks in the volcanic prison Ultraman kept him in. By now, Jon was sure of it; nobody would come for him. He'd have to find his way home on his own.
He broke out of the volcano, riding an eruption. He hid from Ultraman, doing the right thing when he could. He snuck into the crime syndicate headquarters. And then his grandfather found him. It wasn't a happy reunion.
But he got home. He saw his parents first, because he needed his dad's help. His dad needed his help. He got invited to live in the future. And he still hadn't seen Damian!
On the way to the Manor, he saw a huge blue explosion. He saw Damian nearby with his telescopic vision.
"I thought that explosion might be you."
Damian whipped around when the unfamiliar voice spoke his name. "Who-"
"It's me, Damian. It's real. Take it in."
Damian shook his head and threw a batarang. It bounced off ineffectually. Jon had a deep scar on his cheek. Damian's eyes caught on it. "Wwwwhhhat happened?!"
"It's a long story."
"Gold Kryptonite? Kryptonian puberty?"
"No. Why does everyone ask that? I went to space, it took me years to get back, I'm back, and I'm going to hug you now."
"No! Do not hug me."
"Too late." Jon said as he engulfed Robin in his arms. And well, Jon still hugged like he used to, just bigger.
"You're so tall!" Damian flipped out of his hold. "No. No! You can't be taller and older! This is a trick! You're leviathan!"
"OR, I went to space, it took me years to get back, I'm back!"
Damian's face crumpled. "Did you– miss me?"
"Only all the time."
"You made it back to me, Habibi. You did that. Be proud of yourself."
"Heh, thanks…"
"How old are you now?"
"I lost track of time for a while, but I think I'm about seventeen."
Damian sighed. "Our age gap is reversed, then. It could be worse."
"Ever practical, Damian."
"Speaking of practical, I'm never letting you out of my sight again."
"Not even for the bathroom?"
Damian gave Jon an unimpressed glare.
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killersnarl · 8 months
okokok as someone who is starting to collect facts to write a 9fic, i have a question
you've mentioned he sounds like corpsehusband a while back, if i remember correctly
would 9 do the iconic "whaddup baby" line if asked, for shits and giggles?
// yes cause tbh that’s just how he talks normally, he talks super casual no matter who he’s talking too. only exception is his weird biblical monologues when he’s being a freak
i have all this stuff linked in the carrd and i think ive posted this before, but i compiled some nine writing info for my friends a while back and i figured it could be useful to you guys if you haven’t seen it already :3 under the cut (there’s also my list of nine mannerisms i posted a little while ago, and i posted some notes on his accent if it’s ever relevant lol)
i think part of the difficulty that comes with writing nine is due to his characteristic unpredictability. that’s why he’s so fickle to deal with, as a character and as a person. his characterization is complex. even though he’s unpredictable in behavior, there’s some things integral to his personality that can probably help figure out what he’s going to do. the hard part is, to other people, he’s an enigma.
something you’ll find in nines behavior along the line is that it’s contradictory. humans are contradictory. he doesn’t know what he wants.
he’s very nice, i can say that. as long as you’re not a target, he’s a sweetheart. he’s nice even if he’s terrorizing you, sometimes. if they know what he is, a lot of people will have a very hard time with his attitude. they seem to think it’s all a ruse, a trap, but the truth is he’s just being honest. he doesn’t care enough to be a dick. he doesn’t care about you enough to be rude to you. being mean takes energy away from him. it’s much easier for him to be politely apathetic. it’s in his nature to be kind to others, even in his own twisted way. he shows basic regards to everyone without being super enthusiastic.
part of that shows in how he treats employees in places, i think. he rarely ever causes trouble in stores, unless it happens to be a place of target practice. he always pays for things, leaves tips, he’s not very partial to stealing. that being said, he definitely gets things for free a lot of the time. he’s huge and scary.
nine is pretty chipper for someone who hates himself and his life and thinks he’s a horrible person (he is). you’ll barely ever catch him moping around. he only mopes when he’s alone and even then he doesn’t do it much, he hates moping. he’s in constant emotional (and physical) pain and he has been for so long to the point that comfort makes him uncomfortable. he’s extremely comfortable in his suffering. he pushes away things he likes, people he likes, because he’s not used to feeling that happiness, and he doesn’t want to feel that happiness.
he’s hypocritical about it too. he hates happiness and being unhappy makes him happy. sometimes he’ll make himself happy on purpose just to make himself uncomfortable. it’s a paradox.
he does take time to entertain himself sometimes, even though he hates admitting it. he usually doesn’t even realize it’s making him happy, which is why he immediately stops what he’s doing when it finally comes to him. he’ll stick around with people if he can, people that he likes watching. he likes watching how people behave, making comments about it, irritating them about it. that’s just his way of making friends. tell him about your interests, life story, favorite memories. he loves hearing about other people because it means there’s less space for him to fill up about himself.
he doesn’t like talking about himself. if asked, he’s usually pretty cryptic. he puts his whole life simply, more simple than it is. simple so you won’t ask questions. simple so he doesn’t have to think about it too hard. some people would probably see this as being humble, and he is humble, humble to the point of hatred.
he hates himself very thoroughly but that doesn’t stop him from making jokes. he’s a flirt, as everyone knows. very into teasing people about having crushes on him (which works, because they either do or they will.) people might take this as self confidence or arrogance, it’s anything but. he just likes reactions.
i think a lot of people might see him as careless. and he is, at least a little bit. he’s not careless as in sloppy, but careless as in nonchalant. he’s extremely nonchalant. some people might even find it annoying. nothing spooks him, nothing worries him, nothing excites him. nothing you know about, at least, nothing you’ll ever know about. he’s always calm and casual, and he never wipes that lazy smile off his face.
nine likes feigning things. not because he’s dishonest, but because he likes making jokes, he likes being entertaining. you’ll never really scare him, but he’ll give you a delayed gasp and hand over his heart just to irritate you. you’ll never really make him angry, but he’ll give you a sudden outburst if he thinks you need to be scared back into your place, and quickly laugh when you jump. it never seems like he’s being serious. he’s always joking, he’s always lighthearted. you’ll know when he’s being serious.
something that was a LOT more apparent when he was an older teenager, he can be protective. he’s very aware that most people are weaker than him, he’s been aware of that for a while now, and he’s learned to take advantage of that. when he was younger he was almost like a communal bodyguard. wherever he was, nine was the protector of whoever was there, and they all knew that. he used to equally see himself as a protector and a punisher, but now he’s just a punisher. at least he thinks so. now protection is somewhat of a habit. he’ll put himself between you and a stranger, block someone off with an arm, tell you to walk on the inside of him on the sidewalk, make you walk close in front of him in unfamiliar places.
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