#the wheel method
galesburg · 8 months
AOL session / november 14, 2006
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littleprincerianne · 4 days
"electric car or car that runs on gasoline?" no boo, these:
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garnetaldebaran · 11 months
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Valtteri in A-Z Race Winners Challenge! | Grill The Grid 2023
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bluedovee · 6 months
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@its-paperd DTIYS ✨
Super fun, I saw gore appreciated and jumped right in hehe
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ofthebrownajah · 2 months
I am curious how they're gonna handle Cads in the show. Cause like it would track if they gave her more nuance like they've been doing with the other AS in the show but at the same time if show Cadsuane isn't abusive then she's not really Cadsuane to me
And I feel like her actually being abusive towards Rand is important to highlight how much she isn't Moiraine
And with them making Rand and Moiraine's relationship arguably more positive than in the books that will stick out a lot more
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thejournallo · 6 months
Explain the basic: The Sabbats
first things first! Happy yule to everyone who celebrate it!
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Taking advantage of the fact that today is one of the sabbats, we are actually going to learn what exactly the sabbats are.
I will do part two with all the things associated with the Sabbats and what we can do to celebrate them.
Disclaimer: Not every witch celebrates the Sabbats or is forced to do so. Also, I will do some parallelism and example with the Christian's holiday, because some Christian traditions are "stolen" from the paganism and some are revisited. Christians and non-Christian religions have their own versions of every celebration for different reasons; let's respect each other because no religion is bad.
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The pagan sabbats refer to the eight seasonal celebrations observed by many modern pagan and Wiccan traditions. These festivals mark important points in the solar cycle, celebrating the changing seasons and agricultural cycles. The sabbats are divided into two groups: the four Greater Sabbats, also known as the cross-quarter days, and the four Lesser Sabbats, which coincide with the solstices and equinoxes.
Greater Sabbats (Cross-Quarter Days):
Samhain (October 31st): This marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It's considered a time when the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is thinnest, making it a time for honoring ancestors and reflecting on mortality. This Sabbat is more popularly known as Halloween, and the association really changes depending on the costumes. For example, in Italy, in some restricted beliefs guided by ignorance, Halloween is associated with the devil and comes before the Day of the Saints (1st November) and the Day of the Dead (2nd November), and only the younger generation started to celebrate it.
Imbolc (February 1st or 2nd): Imbolc celebrates the return of spring and the growing light. It's associated with purification and new beginnings, often symbolized by the lighting of candles and the goddess Brigid.
Beltane (May 1st): Beltane heralds the arrival of summer and is a fertility festival celebrating life, growth, and the union of the god and goddess. It's a time of joy, dancing around maypoles, and honoring fertility. In Italy, we have Fogheraccia is a typical Romagna folklore celebration held every year on the evening of March 18th, on the eve of the spring equinox, when the Bacchanalia took place and the Dionysian rites to propitiate fertility as well as the beginning of the new Roman year, from which its pagan origin can be traced. With the arrival of Christianity, the event was renamed Saint John's Day.
Lughnasadh/Lammas (August 1st): This marks the first harvest, celebrating the fruits of labor and the bounty of the earth. It's a time to give thanks for the abundance of the season. The name Lammas is also used, taken from a later Christianized Anglo-Saxon festival that took place at the same time and may or may not have the same origin. As the name indicates (from loafmass, "festival of loaves"), it is a celebration of thanksgiving for bread, which represents the first fruit of the harvest.
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Lesser Sabbats (Solstices and Equinoxes):
Yule (Winter Solstice, around December 21st): Yule celebrates the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. It signifies the rebirth of the sun and the return of light, often symbolized by the burning of the Yule log. In this modern day of celebrating Yule, it's like celebrating Christmas; the symbols are the same but the meanings are different. In Yule, it is used to decorate three with candlelight and sweet biscuits to keep Fae and Gnome away during the celebrations. The Krampus was transformed into a bad creature when in reality it was our "Santa Claus," but let me explain. It originated in Norway when the native pagans used to worship Thor, who was said to travel in a chariot that was drawn by two goats. During the Yule celebrations, the pagans would visit homes wearing goatskins and a goat head. When the country became Christian, the tradition was also absorbed into the new faith. Initially, the Julebukk was a goat slaughtered at Christmastime to celebrate the end of the agricultural work year. With time, it meant a person who led a costumed procession from house to house to entertain the residents and be rewarded with food and drink. In the early 19th century, the Julebukk also became the bringer of presents, the predecessor of the Julenisse, equivalent to Santa Claus in English.
Ostara (Spring Equinox, around March 21st): Ostara marks the vernal equinox, a time of balance when day and night are equal. It's a celebration of fertility, growth, and new life. Ostara is the Sabbat associated with Easter and celebrates the coming of spring. For Christians, it is the celebration of the coming back of Jesus.
Midsummer/Litha (Summer Solstice, around June 21st): This celebrates the longest day of the year when the sun is at its peak. It's a time for revelry, honoring the sun's power, and acknowledging the abundance of nature. The early Christian Church designated June 24 as the feast day of the early Christian martyr St. John the Baptist [22], and the observance of St. John's Day begins the evening before, known as Saint John's Eve.
Mabon (Autumn Equinox, around September 21st): Mabon marks the autumnal equinox, a time of balance before the descent into winter. It's a time for gratitude for the harvest and preparation for the colder months.
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These sabbats vary in how they're observed and celebrated, with rituals, feasts, ceremonies, and specific customs tied to each one. Different pagan traditions may have variations in the names, practices, and specific dates for these celebrations, but they generally revolve around honoring nature's cycles and spiritual significance.
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). and have a wonderful day or night!
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sejii · 1 year
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the gang tries noisette’s tteokbokki
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The breaking wheel or execution wheel, also known as the Wheel of Catherine or simply the Wheel, was a torture method used for public execution primarily in Europe from antiquity through the Middle Ages into the early modern period by breaking the bones of a criminal or bludgeoning them to death.
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thedreadvampy · 7 months
absolutely sucks shit when people are like HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST PUTTING ANY CONDITIONS ON YOUR VOTE as if. the constant shift right doesn't have to do with the belief in major parties that they're owed votes by default on account of not being the other guy.
like they're going to ignore the public's wishes either way but fuck, you don't have to make it that easy for them. literally the second they get in. oh pwetty pwease Mr Biden can you wespect basic human wights? don't worry sir you'll still get my vote if not but I thought I'd ask nicely!!!!
hold their fucking feet to the fire dude. make it clear that your vote is conditional on them listening to the public on the clear and vital points.
(btw 'refusing to vote for Clinton is how Trump got in' no it literally is not. please remember that Trump lost the popular vote anyway and only got in because your country has a weird fucked up system where states are allowed to ignore how their constituents vote.)
(Refusing to vote New Labour after the Iraq War is how the Tories got in over here. Kinda. because what actually happened was we had the first hung parliament since 1979, and then the Lib Dems sold the country up the river for some minor concessions. and then Labour spent the next 10 years actively kneecapping itself by painting its own leadership as a bigger threat than the Tories, and when they had a leftist leading them they still brought the Tories to a hung parliament again in 2017.)
(anyway the point is you all seem to have a majorly inflated sense of how much democracy is involved in elections. Ultimately in cases where the race is close-run it is not the electorate that decide, it's like 100 people in positions of high power, be it the electoral college, the party leadership, or otherwise.)
(none of which is to say your vote is useless. your vote is valuable to politicians. there's a limit to how much they can get away with ignoring the public. but. because your vote is valuable, it's only useful as leverage if there's a possibility you might not give them it. and let's be clear, people WILL change direction if they're worried about losing votes. but unless you're offering them massive funding, then the only reason your opinion would carry any weight is if there's a possibility of your vote being withheld. if you stand up and say VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO YOU'VE GOT MY VOTE WHATEVER HAPPENS then like. You might as well just say 'ignore me, pay attention to those guys who might not vote for you'.)
if the centre and the left's votes are vocally assured regardless of the party's policy or stance, then the party will move right. bc they've already got you, so it's time to court the undecideds. YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT NECESSARY TO A POLITICIAN'S SUCCESS TO LISTEN TO WHAT YOU WANT. they don't care. you have to use what little leverage you have, your vote, to make them care. it's the only form of accountability we can bring about that doesn't involve, like, storming the winter palace 🤷‍♀️
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sunnykeysmash · 1 year
Dee's the writer and director... stepping into the leader position she naturally gravitates towards... she's casting the roles. She cast wrong in dee day, but this will change.
She always wanted the lead role before, which got in-between mac and dennis, but if she steps back (behind the scenes), she won't be their buffer anymore and then...
I rewatched aluminum monster vs fatty magoo and noticed how bad mac is at being controlling and manipulative (he follows exactly what frank says, doing things that he's still trying to apply to this day, like announcing dennis' announcement), how dennis can only ever see himself as filling the role perfectly, and how dee naturally stages a strike and everyone listens to her.
I also rewatched gets held hostage and noticed how it heavily features frank's will and how his gun saves the day, both elements that are coming back in tandem in ep2 of s16... and hostage is a very interesting ep in analyzing the group dynamics and how they interact with each or betray each other. It's also like... its talk of stockholm syndrome, because due to dee's monologue I feel like "why are you doing this to me?" will be a theme, in s16. Because it's like... well ok, no only is it also in gets whacked p2, but it implies that you fell in love with the other person because they did something to you...
look, I'm being rambly (as usual), but what I'm saying is that I feel like s16 will pull a lot from s3 specifically... I guess we will see more clearly when it airs, but I wanted to put it out there. It's not just THAT season tho there's like, season 9 too. and 14.
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hussyknee · 4 months
Reading about atrocities committed by rulers in olden times and wondered how people in the past could have stood to watch and still have any loyalty and respect for them. Then realized that what's happening in Gaza is worse in terms of scale and devastation.
Lmao. Enlightened West my foot. They're all the same bloodthirsty barbarians they've always been.
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dak91 · 1 year
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andromedasdomain · 8 months
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emuwarum · 1 year
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AVENDAY!!! I love .her
she may have blown something up but that’s not too important!
#emu does art#i hope this is not blurry#I forgot to plan a bit so just#her front legs are up on something and she’s leaning up with the rest of her legs on the ground#she’s looking up at the pretyy explosions and other flammable things (her next victims)#she’s also smiling here#this is what a happy and excited Avenday looks like#she also has a scythe tail now#now all four siblings have weird tails#Mary’s got three spiky ones#Melanie has a wrecking ball#Bro (name not yet decided) has a bludgeon#and Avenday has a scythe!#some lore about the species: they’re weird as shit and constantly changing from each generation#parents and offspring are very likely to not even have the same method of locomotion#Avenday’s mother is a giant seal dragon thing with twelve eyes#if Avenday did have children at some point in the story#one would be a weird spider with twelve limbs and the other one an ankylosaurus looking guy who can turn into a wheel#it’s fun#and it’s really only siblings from the same clutch who are guaranteed to be similar#Avenday and her siblings all have horns/antlers#and tails as weapons#in addition to the sharp teeth and very good at running#I can’t actually say their legs are the same cause#both Avenday and Melanie have hooves feet like deer and six legs#while Bro has six legs but feet more like one of those proto horses#and Mary has only four legs with feet like a dog or wolf#but she’s also tiny so she can make do with less legs#she’s eternally mad all her siblings are taller than her#she’s still extremely dangerous though
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maintitle · 7 months
I might just be dumb, and I don't pretend to be anywhere near even passable at understanding what constitutes good and bad game design, but I'm finding more and more when folks say a game's design is 'outdated' what they actually mean is that it doesn't adhere to the most popular games of it's time.
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theimpalatales · 14 days
Just completed a huuuge project and I'm so relieved it's finished!
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