#the wings tour the final part 2
hoshingi · 1 year
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gorgeous 💙 cr. onextime91
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If It All Fell (5)
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Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: If it all fell apart—if you forgot who you were—would you love him again? Would the bond guide you back? Azriel doesn't know if that uncertainty is one he can bear.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Angst, PINING, references to nonconsensual situations (very brief, nothing graphic, and not Az)
a/n: Hope this clears some stuff up ;) More to come and especially more Az to come. Thank you forever for reading and sharing your thoughts! This is getting me through the semester <3
Part 1 ♡ Part 2 ☆ Part 3 ✶ Part 4☼ Part 6 ♡
Series Masterlist
Azriel walked you to your room. 
He knew exactly where to go, which corners to turn and which to pass, which was very convenient as you still found yourself struggling with the task. The House of Wind, as everyone so lovingly called it, was practically a maze for someone with no memory of its twists and turns. But Azriel had absolutely no trouble getting you to your room. 
Once you got to your room, however, he appeared to have many troubles. 
“You can come in,” you prompted, looking over your shoulder to find the shadowsinger with his shoes at the threshold. “I promise I just cleaned it. Or, at least I’m pretty sure I cleaned it. It’s hard to know where to put things when I only just started…” 
Your voice trailed off. Upon further inspection of the man standing just outside your door, you found that he didn’t simply look hesitant to enter. He had his hands pressed to the doorframe, his head slightly leaned into the room, and his eyes were slowly trailing along your belongings. The expression on his face read as forlorn, but his body read as tense. 
He had been here before, obviously. Of course this would be hard for him. You probably had everything in the wrong place and he had just told you about the difficult time he was having—how close the two of you had been before you lost everything. 
“Um,” you began, pressing your lips together tightly when his gaze flickered to you. “Maybe you could… or would you mind maybe telling me where my bags are? If you know. Mor gave me a surface-level tour, but she didn’t seem to know everything.” 
Azriel looked down to the ground beneath your feet. He blinked back up to meet your eyes. “Of course,” he replied, with so much practiced restraint in his tone you weren’t sure how he gritted out the words. 
When he stepped in the room, it felt as if something shifted. He walked between tables and furniture and he fit like a puzzle, his wings never brushing anything, his eyes never casting down to analyze his body in the space. He looked like he belonged—he looked like he completed the space. 
Something finally felt right. 
Nothing felt right… but this did. 
Azriel pushed open the closet doors, rifling through a cabinet you had only glanced at before. After a few silent moments, he walked out with bags in hand. His shadows hadn’t followed him. They drifted towards the bed instead, burrowing into the blankets and pillows until the plush surface became dark. 
Azriel zeroed in on them as he placed the bags by your feet, staring off at his shadows as you brought your attention back to him. This close, you were able to catch his scent—the cedar and night-kissed air you’d recognized many times in recent days. But it had been so faint before, like he had been gone for weeks and the scent still lingered, or he had been in the room but only for a brief time. Nothing like now, with his chest only inches from your face. 
“They seem to like my bed,” you laughed, just a small, breathy sound. An attempt to diffuse some of the untouched tension in the room. 
The side of Azriel’s mouth curled up. You watched it rise, silently relishing in the heat of his body as it radiated into the space between you. “I can see that.” 
He wasn’t a man of very many words—that’s something Mor had thankfully shared with you—but you wanted to fight against that. You wanted to hear the soft, low rumble of his voice. You wanted his laugh to spark in the air, to feel his words against your skin as you had just a few moments earlier. Azriel told you he didn’t hate you, that he was close to you, and suddenly the space between you felt impossible. 
You just wanted to hear his voice. 
“Have I changed things much?” you asked, heart thudding when he brought his gaze down to you. “I don’t know how much time you used to spend in here… or currently spend in here, I suppose—it’s only been a few days—but I’ve moved a few things. If you could tell.” 
Azriel took in a long breath. “Actually, you—” he shook his head with an expression you could only decipher as baffled “—you put everything back. Cassian and Feyre, they moved a few things around when you were being brought home. Things that might have… well, we just didn’t want you to be overwhelmed.” 
“We should have known that was a ridiculous idea. You’re too brilliant, even without the context.” 
Warmth flooded you; one compliment from Azriel and it was as if nothing mattered. You didn’t need your memories, you only needed this.
Azriel’s cheeks colored as if he felt the rush of emotions himself, his eyes bright. 
No, that wasn’t right—you needed your memories. You needed to remember each and every time he had looked like this. 
“Probably didn’t help that there were a bunch of empty spaces everywhere. If you leave nails on the wall it becomes quite obvious that something belongs there,” you quipped, a small smirk playing at your features. 
Azriel laughed. Not a full laugh, but one that you had no idea you were missing before. “I will be sure to pass on the message.” 
“Good. Cassian has many messages coming from me, it seems. Conflicting ones as well.” 
“Right, of course. I will convey to him that you missed his presence earlier, but also that he is awful at hiding things from an amnesiac.” 
“Perfect, thank you, Azriel.” 
He gazed upon you, eyes flickering to every corner of your face. 
They rested on your lips and then your eyes, trailing up until his hand followed to move the strand of hair that had wisped across your forehead. He brushed it away with delicate fingers, not a touch of hesitancy in them. Like it was natural for him, normal. 
And maybe it was. 
“I don’t know what to pack,” you whispered, trying to keep some of the lightness in the room. “Can you help? I haven’t a clue where most of my things are and you appear to be much more knowledgeable.” 
Azriel drew his hand back, his eyes closing for a few long moments. 
You wished you could delve into his mind the way Rhysand could—that you could understand some of the pain written in the tight clench of his eyelids. 
“Of course I’ll help you.” 
It began with him gathering things from the connected washroom. He entered the tiled room and opened drawers without fault or mistake, collecting perfumes you had been gravitating towards and zipping up products you hadn’t even found yet. He packed your brushes and jewelry as if he’d done this all before, as if your request for help wasn’t really a request, but an expectation. 
“Have we traveled together before?” you found yourself asking as you followed behind the shadowsinger, a bag hanging from his arm. 
Azriel smiled, turning to you with a glint in his eye. “A few times.” 
You were very close friends, then. 
Azriel led you back to the closet where he pulled a few articles of clothing from the hangers, holding each out for you to approve before he neatly folded them. You denied nothing, rather surprised by his taste and sense for whatever the weather was like in Day. 
He moved further into the closet, half of which was sparsely filled. Maybe you filtered out your clothes with the seasons. 
Or maybe something was missing. 
Azriel paused.
You watched his scarred fingers brush over the purple dress you had worn on the first day you spoke to him after waking up. He rubbed the material against the pad of his thumb once, and then twice, before closing the closet doors and taking an abrupt step back. You stepped with him. 
The shadowsinger said nothing.
“All done?” you asked. “Anything else I would need at Day?” 
His shoulders rose and fell. Some of his shadows returned to make revolutions around his body.
“I—I’m sorry. Give me a moment.”
The shadowsinger stalked over to the bed, went to sit, but then seemed to think against it and began pacing instead. You tucked your fingers into your palm as you watched him, trying to hide the discomfort you felt as his clear unease. 
Had you done something wrong? 
Maybe you were being too familiar. This friendship between you was new and comfortable and exciting, but that was for you. 
For Azriel, there was a gap, an immense amount of pain and missing connection. 
He didn’t hate you, and that was… wonderful news, but this was also uncharted territory. 
Maybe you shouldn’t have asked for his help—shouldn’t have invited him in. 
“Azriel, I—” 
“I need to explain this to you,” Azriel began, running a hand through disheveled locks. “I need you to understand why this is so hard. I don’t want you to assume this is your fault or that this is anything other than what it is.”
You nodded, but he didn’t look up to see your confirmation. 
Azriel sighed and his wings flared slightly, returning back to his body in a quivering motion. 
“I am terrified, y/n.” 
This time, Azriel did look up to catch your gaze. 
“I am terrified because this has happened before. It’s like I’m reliving it. Like you’re reliving it but you just don’t remember.” 
Your fists unfurled as your brows met a point. “No one’s told me—“ 
“I know,” he breathed out, defeat the most prominent emotion on his beautiful face. “Last time this happened, the more we told you about the past—about certain aspects of your life—the more it hurt you, y/n. You’d… you’d scream until your lungs gave out every time we tried to share something new. It was like that for weeks.” 
The Illyrian forfeited his internal battle with the bed, dropping down into a seat on the foot of it. Unsure of your place within your own room, you simply followed him, standing in front of his bent knees, eyes prompting him to continue. 
He watched you as you moved. 
“Has anyone told you what you do for this court? Your job?” 
You shook your head. 
Azriel continued. “You work as an emissary between courts and continents, but that’s more of a cover—a more comprehensible title for those outside of our circle. It’s hard to explain, but that power Rhys mentioned? It’s—it’s as if you have this intuition. For everything. You look at things, at people, and you just… know them. You look past lies and you pick up on things that are seemingly impossible to catch.” 
Your head shook as Azriel fumbled over each of his words, confusion swirling in your gut. “That doesn't make any sense. Mor said that Rhys found me working at some boatyard by the Sidra. She said I used to help build vessels—there’s no way I have a power like that.” 
“You do,” Azriel affirmed. “Rhys only went to find you because he heard of a girl building boats from memory. You took one look at him and knew what he wanted. Rhys said he barely had to offer you the job.” 
It was a struggle not to grind your teeth together in frustration. 
You used to know everything. 
And now you knew nothing. 
Your head began to hurt, or maybe you were just noticing that it had never stopped hurting.
“You said—” you started, tone heavy with vexation. Your eyes couldn’t find a solid place to land “—you said this has happened before. What does that have to do with these powers?” 
Sensing the rise in your mood, Azriel seemed to even his own out. A balance between the two of you. You became agitated, he became calm. But you could tell he was struggling.
“Around 270 years ago, after you’d been working for the court for a few decades, Rhys sent you to Day. It was routine. You were going to gather information for a High Lord’s summit meant to take place there, but really, Rhys wanted you to scope out the area. To get insight on any plans, any secret dealings. You were meant to be gone for a few days at the most.” 
Azriel’s fists clenched atop his knees. His face remained impassive.
“You were gone for six months. Gone. No one could reach you, Helion had assumed you went home already. It was right after you and I… became friends, so I was worried for you. More than the others, but no one was without worry. We found you eventually, but you—”
Something choked. Azriel choked. His head hung down and you replayed the last few of his words in your mind—the way they tightened and then tapered off. 
This was too much. 
Conveying comfort in the only way you knew how—in the way this family tended to love—you stepped between Azriel’s legs and brought a hand to his cheek, raising his face until his glassy eyes came into view. 
“You don’t have to talk about this,” you whispered. “If it’s too hard, we can stop.” 
Azriel’s jaw quivered. His next words seemed to tumble from his mouth without warning. 
“Fuck, I miss you.” 
It was simple instinct that led to your reply. “I’m right here.” 
Something stirred within you, tugging lightly. Your heart, you deduced, beating so fast it was playing tricks on you. The shadowsinger in your hands twisted slightly, just barely so that the corner of his mouth touched your palm. Your heart tugged again.
“You didn’t remember anything, like now,” Azriel revealed, speaking just as you were about to pull away. You stopped yourself, feeling as if your touch was an encouragement to speak. “It was worse though, you were in so much pain. Any time you tried to remember anything, or even just tried to learn, it was like you were being pierced through the skull. You—you screamed so much.
“But it didn’t take us very long to figure it out. My spies in Day found the culprit and it was easy to capture him. He was weak. Strong powers, but weak in every other sense of the word. It was another Daemati—like Rhys. He became infatuated with you during your time in Day. He knocked you out, found a way to use your powers against you, to make them hurt.” 
Azriel shuddered. His mouth got closer to your hand like he was leaning into it. 
“It took a few weeks to get him to fix it. But those months, y/n—the time you were gone. You don’t remember them. I can only imagine what you went through. And when we brought you home you hurt so badly. So that's why… why us going back there is hard. Because this is all so similar and if it’s happening again I can’t…” 
“Azriel,” you softly called, sure that this was the most amount of speaking the shadowsinger had done in a while. Sure that he needed a break. A respite. “It’s not the same, is it? You know that. My head hurts, but not like that. I don’t struggle to be reminded of the past. I learn new things. There is no evil villain waiting to take me away.” 
“It’s not the same. I might not have access to these all-encompassing powers you speak of, but I can tell you that much. I’m sorry for what you went through before—that you had to watch a member of your family go through that then and then now… but it’s different. It’s different and I’ll be okay.” 
His pond water eyes stared back at you as you attempted a reassuring smile. You felt his knees press against your thighs where you stood between them, and the pressure spurred you on. You ran your thumb along the high point of his cheek, relishing in the flutter of his lashes, gravitating towards him to relish in that closeness as well. This moment felt like yours, and something was telling you it was yours. That no one else could have this with him. 
But you didn’t have your powers, your fae abilities, so maybe that feeling was nothing but hope.
Your thudding heart lulled you into a long breath. 
“Maybe, if it would put you at ease, you could stay with me while we’re in Day? At my side, I mean. You could whisper everyone’s names into my ear so I don’t look like a fool and make sure I don’t get lost—” 
“Yes,” Azriel replied, sure and resolute with no traces of the impending tears that had made his hazel eyes a pretty pool just moments before. “I won’t leave your side once. I promise.” 
His devotion made you pause, surprise evident in the rapid blinking of your eyes. You wanted to protest, to tell him he didn’t need to promise something so taxing, but determination had set in his brow, and Azriel—your friend—wanted this. Needed this. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. “Thank you, Azriel. For telling me all of this even though it was hard. For being here for me even though I know that’s hard, too. You’re a wonderful friend. I can’t wait to continue to find that out. I promise to be just as wonderful.” 
“You are already the most wonderful thing in my life.” 
Part 6 ♡
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sagesolsticewrites · 7 months
Masters of the Air Masterlist
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Major Gale “Buck” Cleven
Kiss It Better? 💋 - my very first MOTA drabble based on the prompts “boo boo kisses” & “ pet names” (base nurse!reader)
Kiss It Better pt 2 💋 - That lipstick mark leads to a surprising turn of events 👀
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Major John “Bucky” Egan
Oblivious - Bucky’s been trying to get your attention for months now, but you continue to misinterpret his romantic advances as friendship. Everyone else on base is tired of seeing you two dance around each other, and they decide to take matters into their own hands.
Homecoming - John finally returns home to his girl (based on the prompt “carrying the other one in their arms”)
requests are open!
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Lt. Harry Crosby
Just Say Yes - Tooth-rotting fluff based on the prompt “If you asked me to marry you tomorrow, I’d say yes.” “What about today?”
Harry Crosby Certified Wife Guy™️ - minific about Croz being head over heels for his wife and the entire 100th knows it
Dear… - A series of letters from one Lt. Harry Crosby to his wife 🤍 (a sort-of continuation of Just Say Yes, but can be read as a standalone!)
A Little Fire - In which Harry Crosby shows his wife exactly how much he appreciates her 😏 (spicy!! 18+!! minors begone!!)
Heat Wave - It’s the hottest summer Iowa’s had in a while. Your husband wears shorts. It gets even hotter (spicy!! 18+!! minors begone!!)
In My Arms - Sometimes your husband just needs to be held. (lots and lots of fluff) (coauthored with Winnie!)
Yes, Major - … I mean. Do I even need to say it? 👀 Dom!Croz (spicy!! 18+!! minors begone!!)
requests are open!
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Sgt. Ken “Kenny” Lemmons
• requests are open!
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Lt. Curtis “Curt” Biddick
To The Rescue - in which your friends drag you out to a bar against your will, but you meet a certain soldier that makes it worth it
requests are open!
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Major Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal
Take A Break - Rosie runs into a childhood friend at the flak house
Welcome Home - Rosie finally returns home after his second tour, and you take the opportunity to show him exactly how much you missed him 🫠 (spicy!! 18+!! minors begone!!)
It’s Been A Long, Long Time series:
Kiss Me Once - The moment you’ve been anxiously awaiting is finally here — your boyfriend Rosie Rosenthal finally arrives home
Kiss Me Twice - You and Rosie finally have a “proper reunion” 😏😉 (spicy!! 18+!! minors begone!!)
Kiss Me Once Again - Rosie takes you to his apartment for a proper date night away from his family 😏 (18+ minors dni!)
requests are open!
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Captain John Brady
Brady’s Smash Wagon - Your boyfriend (Captain John Brady) takes you (his Red Cross girlfriend) to see his Flying Fortress. Shenanigans ensue 👀 (spicy!! 18+!! minors begone!!)
Love’s Light Wings - John Brady x Juliet Thompson (OFC)
Pen Pal - Jules gets a letter from her boy an ocean away— as well as a message from a new friend. (taking place pre-LLW prologue, just a little blurb about Jules getting the letter Olive wrote to her in Part 7 of @winniemaywebber’s masterpiece Honeysuckle Rose!)
Hot Summer Night - In which John Brady helps his wife through a stiflingly hot New York summer night (18+ minors dni)
Yes, Captain - Things are getting steamy for the Bradys when Jules lets a certain title slip— John decides he likes it (18+ minors dni)
Prologue (“for stony limits cannot hold love out”)
Chapter 1 (“as boundless as the sea”)
Chapter 2 (“the course of their love never did run smooth”)
requests are open!
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Captain Bernard “Benny” DeMarco
Pyaar Dosti Hai - Benny DeMarco x Ruthvika Patel (OFC)
Chapter 1 - Ruthie Patel runs into a certain furry member of the 100th Bomb Group— and his owner— on her way to celebrate her friend Juliet’s engagement to John Brady. The gang quickly welcomes her into their found family, but there could be something more between her and Benny DeMarco— if either of them ever finds the courage to make a move.
requests are open!
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Anthony Boyle
Sundress - in which date night takes a turn when Anthony sees the outfit you’ve chosen (spicy!! 18+!! minors begone!!)
Lipstick Kisses - the sweetest, spiciest Anthony fic y’all ever saw (feat… uh, Things Happening in cars 👀) written by my bestie Winnie!!! (spicy!! 18+!! minors begone!!)
Pillow Talk - Anthony is in desperate need of rest & relaxation when he returns home from his latest project, and you’re more than happy to provide it. (coauthored with Winnie!!!)
Come and Kiss Me - Anto takes you as his date to the Oscars. Things get very soft and veryyyy spicy (spicy!! 18+!! minors begone!!)
The Stache Fic - Anto grows a mustache. You like it… a lot. (spicy!! 18+!! minors begone!!)
Better Kind of Best Friend - Anthony, your friend-with-benefits, stops by for an impromptu visit after an interview. (spicy!! 18+!! minors begone!!)
No Rush - just a soft lil makeout blurb <3
Freckle Kisses - very short very sweet lazy morning blurb
Waking Up Next to You - soft lazy morning smut <3 (spicy!! 18+!! Minors begone!!)
i thought we had no chance (and that’s romance) - You resolve to tell Anthony about your feelings— with surprising results. (Part Two to Better Kind of Best Friend) (spicy!! 18+!! Minors begone!!)
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purrrtasticsnake · 2 months
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Imagine: Sunoo as your sub
Pairing: sub!Sunoo x femdom!reader
Warning: slight smut, BDSM themes
(This is a repost of something I wrote awhile ago, which got removed from Wattpad, so don't take it too seriously).
• Digital submission: It has become a rule that he has to send pictures of his meals to you when you're not around. 
So around 12 PM you'll receive a photo and a message saying something in the lines of 'ready to eat, mommy♡'. It's a cute gesture, but it also feels good to know he's eating enough.
After he's finished with a workout, he'll also send you a selfie or mirror picture of his sweaty body in his cute gym fit. 
He knows you make him stay in shape because you want him to be healthy. But he secretly just likes going to the gym because it makes him feel more attractive for you.
But that's not where it ends. When you're busy with something, he cannot resist the urge to send more risky texts/pics. It doesn't matter if you'll be praising his efforts or giving him a lecture, he just wants to see your reaction.
Sometimes he would also just send you audios where u can hear him pleasure himself (which you can never get mad at because it sounds way too heavenly). 
He always does this when he's on tour and he misses you. He can get really desperate those times. When he finally sees you again after such a long time, he wants to please you all day...but the next day he's back to being his bratty self.
• Pillow prince: If it was up to him, he'd just lay down and let you feed him grapes. But that's obviously not part of your plan. So when you want him to do something, you're going to have to push him, but the good thing is that eventually he'll always obey. 
That's why he keeps trying to convince you that he's a good boy (it just takes more work). You are aware that he's a spoiled brat, but he'll always find his ways to make you give in to his wants. It's basically impossible to resist him when he's acting all cute and flirty.
Knowing this about him, made it very easy for you to come up with punishments. It just needs to involve work. He will whine and complain to no end, but you find it kind of entertaining.
• Fetish Gear: He really wants to give you the full show. He takes the aesthetic aspect of BDSM very seriously. One of his favorite things to wear is leather chest harnesses, especially the ones that are decorated really cutely (like the one with bat wings on the back). 
During petplay he can't go without his accessories, like his fox ears and put plug tail. It's needless to say that when you guys go to a hotel, his suitcase is on the verge of exploding.
Shopping for clothes with him is normal on your end, but when it comes to his purchases, he'll only buy it if he tried it on and if you found it cute. Otherwise, he doesn't even want it. And off course, if he asks nicely, you'll pay it for him.
● rewards
��� punishments/funishments
● getting spoiled by Domme
○ servicing his Domme
● petplay
○ ageplay
○ obedient
● brat
(He'll pretend not to be one)
● praise
○ degradation
● bondage
○ impact play 
(Likes hand/ankle cuffs a lot, and his favorite rope tie is the bunny tie)
● exhibitionist 
○ voyeur
● low protocol 
○ high protocol
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delusional-mushroom · 7 months
Platonic Hazbin Hotel x Autism creature reader
Part i | Part ii
You are everyone’s baby. The only exceptions to that are people younger than you, in which case the sibling certificate is signed and framed on their wall.
For simplicity’s sake, you’re an angel. Maybe an Seraphim or another heaven-born like a throne or a dominion.
You have wings on the sides of you head, and whenever visual sensory gets too stimulating, you can make them cover your eyes.
You used to run into things a lot because of this, until you were a given a service animal in the form of a lil snakey-snake.
His name is Speckle and his sight is linked with yours.
Social cues? What are those? Never heard of them
You and Emily are best friends
Istg Sera low-key can’t keep up with you two
You followed Adam around like a lost puppy one time, and then once he finally turned around to confront you, you only muttered “I wonder if you would be able to fly with frogs instead of your wings” with a faraway look in your eyes
You listen to his music sometimes
Lute thinks you’re strange. But like a funny strange
Emily and Adam are your figit-dealers
You mostly info dump about your special interest to Adam. Lute always brings snacks when she knows you’re coming over because you always make it sound like your voicing over a documentary.
You zone out a lot when your with Sera. If you ever disassociate around her she’ll try to calmly ground you back. I have a feeling she might act a bit ableist without realising tho 😔
Saint Peter also likes hearing about your special interests. Might be a bit judgey tho.
When Charlie and Vaggie came for the meeting, you were Emily’s hypeman through the whole tour.
Sera and Vaggie could not keep up with you three
When the court meeting started, you got yourself a carton of apple juice, believing nothing could go wrong.
When the news of the extermination dropped, you spat out your apple juice and choked on it.
Speckle hissed cuz the juice got on him
You just shut down after that
disassociation here you come!
You only came back when Charlie and Vaggie were already sent back through the portal thingy.
You parroted All of Emily’s questions with an added “yeah, why is that?”
You were questioning everything
“‘Don’t question’ my ass” is what you would have liked to say, if it wasn’t for the fact that your tongue went limp and your head was ringing as you sifting through all of your memories with a new outlook on how fucked up everything was.
You had a breakdown when you got home.
Speckle could feel your pulse rising and tried to soothing you with soft hisses but you were having none of it.
You went behind everyone’s backs and started looking for ways to help Charlie.
Apparantly you weren’t as discreet as you thought because one day, a hole opened up in the cloudy ground, swallowing you whole
The last thing you could hear was Speckle’s distressed hisses in your ear as you fell down towards the smokey, red pits below.
Bro i know this sucked but I’m about to go to sleep and really wanted to write this for some reason. See you all whenever I decide to make part 2.
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xdacted · 1 year
the tides
Paring: Reader x Oscar Piastri
Warnings: Fluff, pure fluff, meet-cute, light angst
Word Count: 1,201
Status: Complete
There was little Oscar ever got to keep to himself. 
It seemed that as he moved throughout the world of motorsport that list only grew smaller and smaller. Now, with cameras watching his every move, and commentators dissecting his every action - it felt like Oscar couldn’t even breathe. He knew that he didn’t have it as bad as Charles or Max, but it felt like there was always another person around the corner, just waiting for him. Was he so wrong to be tired of it?
Was he so wrong to want -?
“And here is the car for the year!” A chipper voice rang out through the bustling movement of the garage, “We’ve made several changes this year and are extremely confident in the car’s performance this year!”
He looked over his shoulder and there she was. 
Walking around with an Alpine guide - Amanda - with a V.I.P pass swinging around her neck. She trailed light fingers over the Alpine car, tracing the stickers and logos that sat atop the blue paint. Her eyes were fixed on the car, looking over the groves of the chassis and wings. There were a few people behind her, huddled around the opening of the garage, trying to make themselves as small as possible. 
Oscar had to hold in a laugh.
He could practically hear the muttering of the mechanics as they slipped past. There was nothing they hated more than random people in their space as they were trying to work, but V.I.P. tours were an essential part of marketing, or so Oscar had been told. It wasn’t like he paid much attention at those meetings anyway. 
He was only a reserve driver. 
There is not much for him to do besides sit there, maybe test a few laps, and sit some more. But being signed to a team was better than floating around in the nothingness, just waiting for a slot to open up. At least here, he had access to cars, to simulators, to the numbers - he could prepare himself for next year.
Amanda rounded the expanse of the car, gesturing to Oscar with a bright smile, “This is Oscar, our reserved drive for this year!”
Her eyes found him in a second. Oscar had never known how terribly wonderful it is to have someone’s full attention. With her gaze on him, he fought the urge to turn away, bright eyes staring straight through him. 
Her walk to him is slow, and Oscar can hardly hold his breath. 
She’s beautiful. 
“The Formula 2 Champion?”
Oscar nearly chokes on his spit, twisting around so that he can face her. He is so very sure he has stopped breathing. He has never been the best with new people, always keeping his friends close and outsiders as far as possible. Logan said it was the first time that the Motorsport world had ever been given an introverted Aussie. It was just who he was. 
“Yes!” Amanda’s smile grew even wider, “We’re very lucky to have such talent on our side this year.”
Oscar was still perched atop his stool, hunched over the monitors. She finally got close enough and he rushed to stand, nearly tripping over himself. She let out a bark of laughter. 
Her voice rang throughout the garage, dancing through the air. Her laugh was beautiful. 
“Sorry…” He muttered, straightening his jacket. The bright blue fabric suddenly felt too big on him, his pants too loose. He wasn’t dressed well enough to meet her. Thoughts began to swirl around his mind, never had he been one to care about appearances. Never had Oscar been the kind of guy who cared what others thought, but her opinion was suddenly the only one he wanted to hear. 
It was ridiculous. 
“Oscar,” He offered his hand and, for a moment, she just watched him. Her eyes traced over his body and up to his face. He felt like he was on fire, the drum of his heartbeat loud in his ears. Then, like the ocean crashing in at high tide, she put her hand in his. 
“A pleasure to meet you, Oscar.”
She added her name to the end, pulling her hand back with a small smile. There was a bright red blush that spread over her face, blossoming across her cheeks and ears. He hadn’t realized that he said her name aloud. 
It was finally his turn to laugh, “I - I’m sorry, did I say it wrong?”
“No,” She held up a defensive hand, trying to cover her widening smile, “It was perfect.”
She was perfect. 
Oscar opened his mouth once more, but Amanda popped her head between them. 
“I am so sorry to interrupt, but we have to move on,” She shot Oscar an apologetic look, shrugging her shoulders. 
“Of course!” She moved away from him, turning on her heel. The sun hit her skin, dancing across her clothes with the wind tangled in her hair. Oscar couldn’t stop staring. 
He was an idiot. 
He had just met her and already, he was an idiot. 
“It was nice to meet you, Oscar,” She muttered, her voice nearly swallowed by the roaring fans behind her, but Oscar heard. 
“Nice to meet you too…”
And she was gone. 
Whisked away out the garage doors, her small group following behind her. The tide had come and gone, Oscar had never realized how much he could miss the sea. 
Oscar was never one to know or care much about love - he’d liked people, but never had he felt like this. His heart was thundering within his ribs, it was a bit terrifying. Was it that simple? Loving someone? Surly not, there had to be more, didn’t there? He turned back around, trying to ignore the knowing looks of the engineers and mechanics around him. 
Already she was out in the open. He let out a sigh, what was he thinking?
He couldn’t love someone like that. People like her deserved someone -
Oscar spun around, and it was her. 
The beautiful, beautiful girl from earlier. Her pass dangled from her hand, and the lanyard twisted around her fingers. Oscar hadn’t realized he was standing and walking towards her until he was in front of her, muttering out a simple, “Yes?”
“I know you must be busy,” She started, wringing her fingers, “But, well - I was wondering if you ever did get a moment alone, you could spend it with me…?”
Oscar had no words, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. 
The doubt was quick to work across her face, “But I know that this must be an insane time of year for you guys, so don’t feel -”
“I’d love to.”
He doesn’t have time to be embarrassed. He doesn’t have time to lament over the fact that one day, this will be exposed for everyone to see. He doesn’t because she stands before him with the smallest smile and she rolls into his life like the tides. 
He knows she’ll have to be with the sea, but for this moment he wants to keep her with him. Just the two of them. Just for now. 
“I would absolutely love to.”
Just for now. 
A/N:This work has been cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. All are under the name XDACTED. Thank you for reading and feel free to request fics about any of the drivers <3
This is for bbg Oscar bcs I love him sm and I'm so proud of him
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devilfic · 10 months
❝right place, right time❞
VI. do you trust me?
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parts: previously / next plot: things are getting messy. pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: surgeon!reader, secret identities, slow burn, descriptions of surgery, angsty mcangsty pants as always, mentions of the christian God and religious practices, maybe you and bruce wouldn't have to keep so many secrets if you just made out a lil bit, :). words: 6.2k.
a/n: edit as of 2/11/24: replaced mistaken use of "officer" with "detective".
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Your needle passes through skin to the beat of a steady metronome. It's made up of muscle memory, glazing your mind as your hands thread the tear together. With each pass, you're unblinking. There are three others in the room with you but they might as well be shadows, faceless and without sound, coloring your peripheral but otherwise of no concern.
The steady metronome beats on well into your final pull of the thread, well into your dismissal of the shadows, well into the comforts of your office where your brain falls out of rhythm. It's been 48 hours and you haven't found a clue.
You'd think after 17 years that you'd have forgotten his name, but you remember Detective Russo. About 5'9, a kinky black beard, and bushy eyebrows that took up good real estate on his forehead. You remembered sizing up every one of those officers, but he was the one you'd memorized. He was the one that promised you that no one would ever know you were there that night. And now Bruce knows.
He was a detective of little significance outside of that, as far as your research was concerned. He'd served a whopping total of 20 years on the force before retiring seven years ago, but without any social media presence or nearby family to speak of, you couldn't find him. Not an old address, not a phone number, nothing. It was like he'd wiped himself clean the minute he retired. Which meant you'd have to resort to plan B.
Your boss intercepts you before you can even get to the stairs, though. Rudy Moretti rarely had good timing, after all, "Hey! Early lunch?"
You think about lying for all of two seconds, "No. Headed to the police station."
Your boss' eyebrows shoot up. "Whoa, everything okay? Are one of those guys from the other night bothering you? I can come with you if you need-"
"No, no. Nothing like that. It's something personal."
Rudy shifts awkwardly, "Oh. Well, be safe. And let me know if anything like that pops up." You nod, attempting to escape, but his hand finds your elbow and stops you, "By the way... how's everything with Mr. Wayne?"
You should've expected a question like that by now. You had been officially working for him long enough to warrant it, but you still wince. "Fine." When your boss blinks at you, expecting more, you have to bite your tongue to keep from swearing, "I actually... was invited to a celebration for the Mayor. Courtesy of Mr. Wayne. She was interested in the hospital's new wing. We had a good conversation."
Like a child on Christmas morning, your boss lights up at the good news. "Oh, that's good! That's good. Did she mention wanting to come down for a tour?"
"What happened to you should have never happened in the first place. I'm glad you were able to make it out alive."
Her hand on yours should've been a comfort, and to some extent it was, but even the softness of her palm couldn't have steadied your trembling. She had squeezed tighter when she felt it, perhaps thinking you traumatized for having to recall that night. Unaware of where you'd been. Unaware of the burning need to escape before you spilled your guts on the Persian rug.
"It happens all the time," a voice came from your right, a drunken councilman with his suit jacket unbuttoned, "and it'll keep happening so long as that thug's still running the streets."
"Thug?" The mayor dipped her chin.
"With all due respect, Bella, what's your plan to put Batman in Arkham for good?"
You watched the mayor's back straighten, her eyes narrow. It was the one thing everyone was itching to talk about, and the one thing everyone was too afraid to bring up first.
You felt Bruce's knee bump yours and stiffened.
"You think he ought to be imprisoned?" The mayor asks.
"I think he ought to be drawn and quartered! It's people like him that make this city a far cry from its glory days. Inviting violence, chaos. He's single-handedly responsible for that- that homicidal freak that nearly killed you, mayor. And he's responsible for everything else this city's suffered since he started infecting it. He's a menace. It'll be a cold day in hell before this city's safe with him still on the streets."
It sickened you to hear. People who'd done nothing since being elected calling for the arrest of the one person who's made any real change in this city.
The mayor doesn't immediately speak up and you think she's chewing on his words, preparing to respond with a bit more bite. Her pause is what prompts you to speak first, "If it wasn't for the Batman, I might be dead. He's done more good for this city than bad..." you watch the councilman turn his focus to you, looking baffled as to why you were butting in, as if you hadn't just finished recounting your brush with death moments ago, "...with all due respect, Councilman Roberts."
The councilman sobers up at the heavy gaze you level on him, "Oh, no. Of course. Of course! It's good that he was there. It would've been a- been a real tragedy to lose one of Gotham's good, fine citizens. I'm just saying that... maybe these things wouldn't be happening if he wasn't there to... encourage it."
"You think he's encouraging it?" The mayor chimes in, taking a sip from her glass. Whatever she was going to say before has been shelved for the time being, it seems.
The councilman laughs. You watch him twist so that he's facing you and the mayor, holding his glass to her like a gavel for judgement, "He's a glorified criminal! He's no better than that clown we put away years ago."
"He put away, councilman. I believe you meant to say he," Bruce's first words since he'd introduced you to Bella give you a shiver. With his one arm hanging off the back of the couch, he leans in from beside you and smiles that TV smile again, "Unless you've got something you’d like to share with the class?"
Snickers break out amongst the group. You can feel Bruce's breath on your shoulder for only a passing moment, and then he's falling back into the couch and taking a swig of his wine.
The councilman bristles, clearly not a fan of being laughed at. Or being faced with the truth, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing, nothing. Just a silly theory of mine. It's just... it would make sense for a vigilante to hide his identity by publicly denouncing himself, especially if he’s in the public eye already. I mean, it would make most people cross you off their list but... you're making me think twice about you."
You chance a glance at Bruce's face. He isn't drunk. His eyes hold a steady gaze with the councilman encroaching on your space to meet it, and even with the looseness of his body, you can tell he's calculating. His arm behind your head feels drawn tight. You can sense it in its weight near your head. He's flashing his teeth and keeping his voice light, but he's not defenseless. He's leveraging.
Your heart hammers again at what lie beneath this tower.
The councilman flushes. Sinks back into his seat, grumbling, but all eyes on him has him forcing a grin, "You're funny, Wayne. Unfortunately for your theory, I have a real job. Making real change in this city. Something Batman wouldn't understand."
That does something to you, "Maybe I'm biased, but... I've seen what he's done for this city, sir. And in the wake of last year, I think we can all agree that... well, anyone can say they're making change. Even if they're just making money instead. Perhaps it feels like Batman is doing more because we actually know what he's doing."
Bruce's leg bumps yours again. Accidentally.
You watch the councilman's Adam's apple bob, "No offense, and I'm sure you feel offended on behalf of the man that saved you, but there are laws that make sure people like me and Ms. Reál don't cross the line. What say you, when your hero takes things too far one day, hm? Who're you going to call when the Batman beats someone's brains in because people like you justify it? Or is it only okay because at least he stopped you from getting a bullet to the head?"
You're about to spew the first thing that comes to mind, probably full of anger and vitriol and a little of whatever you had to drink earlier, when you feel a hand take hold of your inner wrist. Bruce's grip is firm, but it doesn't hurt you. It's enough to stop whatever might come out of your mouth. When you look him in the eye, he's not smiling anymore.
You stare at each other like that for a few moments, not a word shared but a million thought. It was almost like he knew what you were going to say, knew how it might've made you look, made you both look. Had imagined it coming out of his own mouth too, maybe.
Instead, he releases you and turns to the councilman, "Okay, enough. We all feel pretty spirited about the topic." When the councilman scoffs, Bruce nods to you, "I think you both make good points. He's done good. He saved my doctor, of whom I never would've had the pleasure of working with otherwise. But I have to agree with you, councilman: he operates outside of the law and that is cause for concern. I'm sure these are all important issues that our mayor is working tirelessly to address, isn't that right, Mayor?"
Mayor Reál has her leg crossed over the other, eyes cutting from the councilman's to Bruce's to yours. Eventually, she smiles and raises her glass, "Indeed. This conversation was enlightening. Much to think about."
"I'm gonna get another drink." Your announcement is followed by the most graceful exit you can muster, even though your chest is throbbing with adrenaline and you can feel Bruce following you.
You don't stop until you reach the bar and have another glass in hand, doing your best to ignore his presence as he looms beside you. He allows you a full three sips before he starts talking, "Are you okay?"
The diplomat from before is long gone. He's melted, keeping his back to the group you'd just escaped and giving you such wet puppy dog eyes that it makes you want to hurl again. How could he look you in the eye?
Your hand shakes around the stem of your glass, "You're different around them."
His eyes fall to the bar top, "I am?"
"Smiling, friendly, funny..."
He cuts his eyes back to you, smiling a little, "I'm not usually funny?"
"You pretend to be laid-back around them, and I get why. But you don't do that with me. You act like I know some big secret about you and I'm this close to spilling it," you pinch your fingers together in front of his face, "or maybe you know some big secret about me."
You watch his face for any sign of recognition, but you're disappointed to find there is none. No reaction other than a sigh. "I pretend around them because I don't trust them."
"And you trust me? Even though we barely know each other?"
Uncharacteristically, Bruce tilts so close toward you that you bend back to keep some semblance of space between you, "You're asking if I trust the person I pay to keep me alive over... Councilman Roberts." He pronounces the last two words with such incredulity, then laughs right after. You note his breath smells sweet, but nothing like the wine. Had it been wine he'd been drinking? One look at his glass and you'd think so. Two looks, though...
He was stone cold sober.
You swallow, staring up into his face. Bruce doesn't back away. Questions begin to form on your tongue... destructive ones.
How do you know? How did you find out? What are you going to do about it?
Your stomach drops as you think, surely, there's quite a bit he can do about it. If he wanted to. If you made the wrong move.
His eyes narrow on you, "You look sick. Are you feeling okay?"
"I'd like to go home."
Bruce blinks, shrinks in on himself a bit, "Okay."
"I... I drove."
Bruce nods, holds a hand up to one of the suited men near the edge of the room, and turns to you, "My driver. He'll take you home."
"My... my car. I have work in the morning." You mumble pathetically.
Bruce says something to the driver when he gets close. Another man is summoned, appearing by your side in an instant. This one holds out his hand to you and it takes you a second to realize what he's asking for. You fish your keys out and drop them in his waiting palm.
It's incredibly awkward as Bruce walks you out. You think he'll stop at the front door, or the elevator, or even the lobby, but he walks you all the way to the back door of his ride and—God—even holds it open for you.
You settle in to the nice seats, blinking up at him through eyes you fight to keep dry. You wonder if Bruce would forgive you for throwing up in his car instead. "If it's any consolation," he begins, leaning on the roof of the car. You can still hear the bustle of Gotham all around you, but when he looks at you... there might as well be only him and you, "I agree with you. Councilman Roberts is a jackass."
Your boss is looking at you, expectantly. Still waiting.
"I'm sure she's thinking about it." Is your curt reply. "Is that it? I really gotta go."
Your boss deflates, but otherwise doesn't keep you.
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"How can I help you?"
The cop behind the desk seems nice enough. He doesn't smile at you but his tone is pleasant, unhurried. It helps calm your nerves. "Hi. I'm looking for someone. A detective who used to work here."
"You remember their name?"
"Detective Joey Russo," you offer, watching the cop begin to type into his computer, "he retired seven years ago. I wanted to know if you could get me in touch with him. A number or a... address."
"Ah, Russo. I remember him. I'm sorry, may I ask who you are?" You give your name and the cop frowns. "You got a badge? Unless you're with the state, I can't give you anything."
You'd worried as much, "He worked a case of mine 17 years ago. Something new's popped up and I just wanted to talk to him about it."
"If it's about a case we covered, you'd have to talk to one of us about it unless he's directly involved, and even then it'd be a process." He must notice how your face falls because his own softens, "I'm real sorry. I can get you in with someone else."
You know you shouldn't be upset. After all, he was only doing his job. If they gave out personal information to every person who walked in off the street, you imagined they'd have a bigger problem with domestic terrorism than they already do.
It doesn't make it any less debilitating. Bruce Wayne had found him. That was the only way he could've gotten his hands on your file, surely. And Bruce Wayne had money, more than enough to get an ex-cop to talk.
You're thanking the man and trying not to sound as distressed as you feel when you turn and catch new eyes.
You'd only seen Batman at night, tucked into the corners of shadow of your apartment, but here he was in broad daylight—midday—standing next to a plainclothes cop who had yet to realize the vigilante was no longer listening to him. You're so relieved to see him that you actually break out into a smile.
Batman doesn't return it. Without acknowledging his partner, he stomps across the room to you, cutting off your greeting with a rushed, "Did something happen?"
You blink, unable to answer when the cop from before sidles up next to the two of you. He's got a warm, friendly look to him, even if his eyes are narrowed at the pair of you with skepticism, "You two know each other?" He asks. When Batman refuses to tear his eyes from you, the cop addresses you directly, reluctant to extend his hand without confirmation that you were friend, not foe, "Detective James Gordon. And you are?" You give your name and his eyes light up. "Hey. I know you, don't I?"
"The hostage at Gotham General," Bruce answers for him, not even bothering to glance at the detective, "they were on the news."
"You three mind moving somewhere else? The freak's making people uncomfortable." The kind cop from before has dropped all pretense now, glaring at the vigilante who, still, pays no one but you mind.
Gordon grumbles and motions for you both to follow him down a long hallway out of sight.
You struggle to keep up when the detective starts walking, much faster than he looked, and so you all but yelp when the Bat places a hand on your lower back and guides you in front of him.
A turn or two later, you empty out beside a window at the end of another long hallway, far enough away from prying eyes that the detective seems to find it sufficient.
"What are you doing here?" Batman asks immediately.
"I was looking for someone but, actually, now that you're here, I was wondering if I could talk to you." You look over at Gordon, "If you're not busy."
The detective grunts but holds his hands up in surrender, slinking down the hall out of earshot, "I'm gonna go smoke, but I need him back in ten."
When he's far enough away, Batman speaks, voice at a much lower volume than before, "What's wrong?"
"I'm looking for a cop. I need to get in touch with him but he retired and they won't tell me where I can find him."
The Bat's head tilts to the side. You can tell the gears in his brain are turning, "Who?"
"Detective Joey Russo." The Bat freezes. "Do you know him?"
He doesn't answer that, something you take note of with a funny feeling in your chest, "Why are you looking for him?"
It's your turn not to answer. You should've known he wouldn't just tell you without good reason, but your throat closes up when you think about how you'll explain it. It wasn't that you didn't trust him... but... "It's personal. Please."
"That's not enough."
"I know... I know. And I wouldn't be asking this of you if it wasn't important-"
"Then tell me why."
"I can't. But it is important. To me. I promise, it's for good reason."
"A good reason that you can't tell me? That's not enough. That's not how I work. God forbid someone finds out I gave you classified information."
"If I told you why I needed it—if I told anyone why I needed it—it would defeat the whole purpose!"
"That doesn't make you sound any more convincing."
"Batman, please," and your voice breaks as you step that much closer to him, your eyes rimming with tears you're terrified to shed, "I have never asked you for anything, have I? Not for money or your identity or anything. I am asking you for this one thing because I have no one else. You... are the only person who can help me. Please."
You see his face fall, so clear it feels like you can see right through him. Past the cowl and the facades and right into his very being. For a moment, you're just seeing the person and not the idea of him. You see your fears reflected back at you in his eyes, a deep understanding there that gives you some hope.
He draws a deep, heavy breath, and- "I'm sorry."
You're too stunned to watch him walk away.
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Judith's apartment has a lack of technology and an abundance of crucifixes. The first time you'd seen it, you'd thought it was overkill. Now, since you've visited enough, it was comforting in its own creepy way. A blast into the past, memories of a grandmother who was never really your grandmother.
She startles at the stove where she's just put something in the oven, "Oh! Dear, I didn't hear you come in. Is everything alright?"
You smile and kick your shoes off by the key-holder, "I knocked. You're supposed to have your hearing aid in."
She gives you a stern look, then smiles.
You can smell hibiscus tea in the air, her favorite. She'd gather handfuls of hibiscus and dry them out in the sun, and then she'd steep their petals in hot water until it turned a deep pink. The taste was always striking, tart and strong, but she'd sweeten it with honey for you and then it wouldn't be so bad.
Without asking, she waddles over to her breakfast table where you've already found your seat and pours you a steaming cup of tea. You take the honey she's brought with her and begin to stir. "You never answered my question." Judith reminds you.
You bite the inside of your cheek, "I'm just taking a break from work, is all. Do I need to be having a bad day to visit you?"
"No, I suppose not," she sighs, taking the seat across from you, "but you do look a wreck."
You grumble. You hadn't looked in the mirror. You hadn't done anything but busy yourself in hopes that it would stave off the wave of anxious tears threatening to fall. You busied yourself until your hands started shaking and people started asking questions. And now you were here.
"Yeah. I'm sure I do. Work's... been hard."
"And besides work?"
"I don't know. I don't really have a life outside of work anymore."
Judith frowns, "You should really make some friends, dear."
That gets you to laugh. "I have friends! I have you. Are you not my friend?"
You could see the question already brewing, the narrow of her eyes as she watched you begin to fidget, "And that demon? Is he still hanging around you?"
You cast your gaze to the tabletop, "...I don't think we'll be seeing him around anymore."
"Oh?" You don't miss the hope in Judith's voice, "Did the police finally arrest him?"
"No. I think I may have... scared him off."
She doesn't respond for a while, even though you can tell from the shift in the air that she's rather pleased with this development. It makes you feel sicker to the stomach. "It might be for the best, dear," you can tell that she's being careful, minding your upset, "he's dangerous. It's best you stick to the light for now." When you don't respond, her leathery hand clasps over yours and forces you to look her in the eye, "Come with me to service this week. I've been telling everyone about you."
You snort, "About me and the demon I'm friends with?"
Judith shakes her head furiously, as if the accusation that she might have spilled your secret greatly insulted her, "They have been praying for you ever since the night at the hospital. They'd really like to see you in person one of these days. I never shut up about how proud I am of you."
Even through the despair, you feel the warmth of Judith's love. It makes you hold her hand back, gripping so tightly that you fear she may be too fragile to handle it. She doesn't seem to mind.
You two share the rest of your tea in relative silence, taking breaks to comment on the neighbors or the news or the weather (which never really changes outside of summer, but you always have something to say with her).
After a refill or two, you feel the dread begin to creep in.
"Dear, come here," Judith calls as you button up your coat at the door, "bow your head."
You frown but do as you're told. In a blink, you feel her finger swipe across your forehead in a quick motion. The familiar scent of cinnamon and myrrh hit your senses right after. You reach up to touch it but Judith captures your hand in her own. In her other is a small vial, unmarked, filled halfway with oil. "To protect you," she says, nodding gravely, "God will watch over you. You are blessed."
You want to tell her that the anointing does nothing for the stones gathering in your stomach, that the moment you walk out of this door you will be hit with a wave so sudden that you will surely drown. But you'd be lying if you said this little woman with her God and prayers didn't make you feel, even for a fraction of a second, safe. You kiss her cheek goodbye.
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It's desperate, you know that. You spend the whole evening hating yourself as you pace the hardwood floors, thumbing over buttons and weighing the pros and cons.
"For emergencies only", but this was an emergency to you. It felt like one, the way it gnawed at your very center demanding blood. Every minute dreading that you'd have to see him again and pretend like you had no idea that he knew that you... You'd also spent part of the evening bent over the toilet.
At some point, you throw yourself onto your fire escape for fresh air and nearly throw the phone across the way just to breathe.
You know you've screwed up. The tentative threads of your friendship with the Bat had surely been severed. What had gotten into you, asking him for such a bold favor without anything to offer in return? You'd already given him your hands and your mind, the two things that you'd worked so hard to hone, and you would never think of taking them away.
But maybe that would be inevitable. Maybe you'd lose your license if this got out. And it wouldn't just be you carrying that burden. Every single one of you would be dug up and exposed to the world, and with Bruce Wayne involved, you couldn't imagine the lawsuits. You just couldn't. They could put you under the prison with his kind of money.
And the cops didn't even know everything.
You gasp, sob, and wrench yourself from the railing. You clench the phone tight.
Even if you could get to Russo, and even if he admitted that he gave you up, what good would it do? Bruce had already seen it. He probably had a contact at the DA's office on speed dial. You'd seen what money could do to men like him in this city. What it made men like him do to people like you. The echoes of the accusations against his father a year ago still rang in the wind, and his efforts to make up for it all would never truly make that go away. A criminal record was just as much currency as anything else. He would undeniably own you.
Somewhere between your panicking thoughts, you hear the grates of the fire escape tremor from above. You whip your head up and see a dark shape hovering a floor up. Swiftly, it descends the stairs until your eyes adjust. Your heart catches in your throat as you choke out his name.
The strangled noise causes him to pause when he turns to you. You clear your throat, "Are you hurt?" Batman's head tilts to the side. His eyes flicker from the phone in your hand and back to you. "I'm... I wanted to see you."
His shoulders stiffen. He almost looks like he didn't mean to come. A sliver of you had actually hoped he'd changed his mind, too. "I know it wasn't fair of me to ask something like that of you with no explanation. And I'm sorry. I want you to know that."
He waits, head still tilted.
You bite your tongue, tasting the blood beginning to pool on the surface.
You could tell him. Lay it all bare. And he could drop you at the GCPD without another word.
Or he could accept you. See the you that stands before him now, who had been years clean and had saved his life on your living room floor and confessed that he was why you were a better person now.
That's what friends did. Were you and the Batman friends?
Were you and Batman... anything?
"I wasn't always like this," your head throbs as you force yourself to keep talking, clenching the railing behind you with one hand, "I'm sure it's no surprise to you that I didn't just waltz through life completely innocent for thirty-something years, given where I come from. I wasn't a very good person when I was younger... and I did things I'm not proud of. And, by the grace of a very good man, a very small group of people know the true extent of that.
"But recently, I found out that someone who shouldn't know... does. And they could ruin my life if they used it against me. So I need to talk to Russo, because I need to know if he broke his promise, and then... God knows what else. I don't know. I haven't thought any further than that."
Something substantial but unclear, and if Batman were to go digging officially and find out the rest, at least you'd know Russo was the snitch.
But your heart still clenches in your chest. It feels like you are all made up of open wounds and they're all gushing blood as he watches, saying nothing. If you had really told him the truth, you imagined it would feel akin to spontaneous combustion. God, would you even be able to utter the words? It'd been so long since you'd last said-
Batman takes a slow step toward you, and the open wounds seal up at once. You are frozen.
Another, and another, until you are caged there against the railing, awaiting his verdict. Judge, jury, and... "And if he didn't? If it wasn't him that sold you out?"
You'd briefly considered that. Your friends, who were really more ghosts now than friends, had no reason to expose themselves. They'd gotten off just as easily as you did. Most of them were living lives on the other side of the country now, far, far removed from the history you shared together. Only you remained.
And who would even think to go looking into them? Outside of your history together, now sealed up and locked away, no one would look for them unless they knew what happened already.
Which only left one other option. "Then someone did—someone very close to Bruce Wayne, and there's nothing I can fucking do about it."
Batman stares at you for a while. You don't have a clue what he's looking for. "If I take you to Russo," you gasp, and he hurries his words out before you can say anything else, "it'll be the last time anything like this ever happens again. We go, we ask, and that's it."
"Thank you. Thank you, thank you."
"And I wasn't lying to you."
"About Wayne. When you asked me if he was corrupt." You watch his eyes waver on you, eventually falling to the grates beneath your feet, and you're dumbstruck by the shift in his tone. "I never lied to you."
"I... I didn't think you had." He looks at you again. "But there are things that maybe we don't know about him," and as you speak, you place a hand on his arm, feeling it go rigid even beneath the suit, "I mean, he's a Wayne. They're older than this city. And you've seen firsthand the kind of reach people with that kind of money have. He can smile and wave and support as many good causes as he wants, but that could all be smoke and mirrors."
"You really don't trust him, do you?"
You sigh. You could almost hear Emily asking the same thing. But Emily would be smiling, and Batman is grave. Almost... disappointed. Your frown strengthens, "He's got a lot of secrets."
"So do I."
"Yeah, but you also saved my life," you chuckle, "if Wayne pushes me out of the way of a moving car, I might reconsider my stance on him."
The Bat squints at you. To your relief, you notice a bit of mirth in his voice, "No. You wouldn't."
"Listen, I am really grateful that you're doing this for me. And I wanted to say that after today, the thought of scaring you away scared me. And I would really, really like it if you could trust me. I don't want you to think that I'm taking this for granted. I'm not asking for you to take off your mask or bare your soul or anything. I just want you to know that-"
"I gave you this," the hand holding your burner is scooped up in his, held between the two of you, "because I trust you. I keep coming back because... I like... this. It's different. And I don't trust easily. If you believe me on anything, believe me on that."
A bit of your dread is chased away, and your hero is standing in the wake. Bruce Wayne is far away from this moment. He can't stain it. You won't let him. "You wanna come in for coffee?"
At that exact moment, your doorbell rings.
You see Batman jolt backwards and reflexively reach for him, using what strength you have to keep him from escaping. He watches you, wide-eyed, as you cling to his side, "Wait, wait. I wasn't expecting anybody. I'll send them off. It'll be quick."
He turns his head to the door. "You weren't expecting anyone?"
You shake your head. He shucks away your grip as he climbs through the window and takes a few, long strides to the door. He has to bend to look through your peephole, and you rush to catch up to him. After a long moment, he peers at you from the corner of his eye, "It's an old lady."
Judith. The doorbell rings again. "My neighbor. She's harmless, I'll handle it."
You expect him to walk off, find somewhere else to hide from sight, but he backs up behind the door and waits, nodding to you. Well, he was out of sight.
The door opens. The concerned look on Judith's face melts as soon as she sees you there, and holds out a pan wrapped in tinfoil, "Oh, there you are, dear. I made too much casserole so I came to give you the rest. Just in case you haven't had dinner yet."
You beam at her, taking the dish out of her hands, "Thanks, Judith. That's really sweet of you."
She returns a modest smile, but it falls away a second later. You follow her gaze past your shoulder and into the living room where- shit. "It's winter." Her brows furrow, "You'll catch cold if you keep your window open all night."
"Right! I was just... looking out over the city. Taking a breather. You caught me in the middle of it."
She presses the back of her hand to your arm and you note the very stark difference in her body temperature to yours. She frowns hard, stepping closer to you in order to whisper, "Has that demon come to see you again?"
You can't see him from where you're holding the door open, though it's your instinct to glance, but you feel yourself warming up pretty quickly, "He's not a demon, Judith."
No matter how often you repeat it, it goes in one hearing aid and out the other, "Then why does he have horns-"
"Judith, I'm fine, I swear. Even if... he did come visit, I would be fine. He wouldn't hurt me. As I've told you before."
She stares at your window, looking for little goblins with pointed tails and pitchforks no doubt. But as the curtains blow this way and that and no shadows make themselves clear, she is forced to take your word for it. "Alright," she relents, and you try not to visibly deflate, "enjoy the casserole, dear. Keep the window shut."
You watch her waddle all the way down the hallway, smile every time she glances back at you, and wait until you can no longer hear her kitten heels click-clack-clicking on the stairway down. You immediately shut the door and drop your head against it with a dull thud.
A few moments pass. You can feel him still next to you. Even worse, you can feel him trying not to laugh. "She thinks I'm a demon?"
You stand up and shove the casserole into his hands, only a little taken aback by the smile on his face when you do, "You're going to eat this casserole and then you're gonna tell that woman you're a God-fearing man and it tasted fucking delicious."
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a/n: there's a scene I'm really excited to write for next chapter if it's gonna go the way I plan for it to go :)
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dragon-kazansky · 7 months
Veil of the dreamless
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Morpheus x Reader
A cursed Morpheus holds your father prisoner when he enters The Dreaming without permission. You, also able to enter the realm, take his place. Now a prionser to the Dream Lord, you do all you can to learn about the curse and hopefully break it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Chapter Four - A little tour
The next morning, you leave your room and arrive in the dining room for breakfast. Matthew had come to fetch you. You were getting used to the talking raven flying around now.
Things here were becoming your new normal, even after a day.
As you enter the dining room, you pause when you realise you will not be earing alone. There, sitting on the other side of the table is Dream. You follow Matthew over to your chair and sit down, though you feel a little awkward now.
Morpheus doesn't say anything. He avoids your eyes.
Lucienne brings out 2 plates and sets one down in front of each of you. She then stands off to the side and lets you both eat. Matthew flies off to settle on the chandelier hanging over the table.
You both eat in awkward silence to begin with. You want to break the ice somehow, but you're not sure where to begin with him. Morpheus' aura is cold and unwelcoming.
You catch Lucienne looking at you. When she realises you're looking, she simply nods her head at you. It's the go-ahead to talk to him. You sigh softly to yourself and gather the courage to say something.
"Woukd you... That is to say, if you wouldn't mind, perhaps give me a tour of the palace?" You wish a hole would open up and swallow you. That sounded so awful in your head.
Morpheus, however, had stopped picking at his food. He raised his head to look at you. In the light, you could take in his cursed state more clearly. He was covered from head to toe in feathers. He wore black clothes, a shirt with a long coat over the top. His wings were current draped over each side of the chair. They looked heavy.
"A tour?" His voice was deep and smooth. He no longer sounded agitated. Curious, if anything.
"Yes... if... if that's alright with you? Even if it's just the garden or the bridge..."
Morpheus was no longer interested in his breakfast. He was solely focused on you. He fell silent for several seconds, looking at you. You began to shift in your chair when he finally spoke. "Very well."
You felt yourself relax, letting out a sigh of relief quietly. Lucienne smiled proudly from where she stood. However, Morpheus saw her, and she stopped.
He turns back to you and finds himself relaxing, too. There's something about the way you asked him to do this that made him wonder what kind of person you were.
"Shall we?" He rises from the table. You watch the way his wings stretch out and then fold behind him. Slowly, you also rise from the table. You follow after him.
Matthew flies down and lands on the table. Lucienne comes to stand beside him.
"They might be the one," he caws.
Lucienne smiles.
Meanwhile, outside, Morpheus is leading you through the gardens. He hasn't said much since you left the palace, but you haven't said much to him either. He walks slowly. You take this tike to really look at him. Long legs, straight posture, yet you can't help thinking the wings were inconvenient for him.
He comes to a stop near a fountain. You stop a couple of paces behind him. The fountain had collapsed in on itself. Rubble lay at the bottom of it. The area still looked pretty though. Just aged.
"I can't imagine how beautiful everything was."
Morpheus turns his head to look at you with his blue eyes. "It was quite a sight."
You sit on the edge of the fountain and look around. "I wonder what kind of dreams I would have had if things hadn't become this."
Morpheus watches you. "Wonderful ones, I am sure."
"How do you know?"
"I am the Dream Lord. This realm is a part of me as much as I am a part of it. I know that you would have magnificent dreams."
You smile. "If only I could."
He says nothing.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring the mood down. Your realm is beautiful. I'm curious... how did father get here?"
"It shouldn't have happened. No one has come to the Dreaming since the curse."
"Mother told me she and father were both able to. Her parents had been able to also."
"Really?" He asks, curious. "I don't recall."
"Maybe they didn't come to the palace when they came here," you suggested.
"I should have sensed dreamers."
"Maybe the curse has hindered your abilities somewhat."
"Maybe..." He says quietly.
"No matter. I'm here, and that's just how it is." You sigh.
"Doesn't that bother you?" He asks.
"At first, it did. Now, I have accepted my fate. Unless you let me go..."
"No." He states clearly.
"Thought that would be too easy," you chuckle.
"You are my prisoner, so here you will stay."
"Still calling me a prisoner? Guest, at least."
You swear he almost cracks a smile, but it's gone as quick as it was there. He looks at you with his piercing eyes. "Anything else you wish to see?"
He takes you around the gardens and across the bridge. He stops you when you reach the other side and faces the dark clouds that surround the palace.
"Do not go through there," he warns.
"Why? What is it?"
"Rogue nightmares. At my current capacity, I am not strong enough to control like I once could. They now have free roam and take up most of the shadows. It is dangerous to wander into the dark."
"Rogue nightmares?"
"Yes. Unfortunately, there is not much I can do. I'm not as strong as I once was. Do not wander into the darkness."
He turns and begins to cross the bridge back to the palace again. You take one last look at the dark clouds and step backwards, turning to follow Morpheus. It was unsettling to think there were dangerous creatures roaming about so close.
You both return inside the palace, and Morpheus leads you to a room you hadn't seen before. His throne room. The hall is vast and bathed in low light. Three tall stained glass windows highlight the room. A small staircase leads to a single throne.
Morpheus stands by and watches you look up at the throne and the windows.
"You really are a king."
You turn and look at him. "You still are. Just... without a kingdom..."
"What kind of king doesn't have a kingdom?"
He sighs and joins you at your side. "I don't come in here much these days. Lucienne has kept it in good condition though."
"Yes. She's very talented."
"You are welcome to come in here if you wish. I have no use for this room any more..."
You pick up on the sadness in his voice. You wonder what the Dreaming was like when it was thriving before the curse. It must have been wonderful.
Morpheus takes you up the stairs where the staircase splits, east and west. He faces you, his feather ruffling slightly. "That was... nice."
You smile. "Yes. It was." You peer over his shoulder to the western hall. He sees you and stands in the way of your view.
"Get some rest. We were out for a while."
You nod and turn to head to your room. You glance behind you to find Morpheus looking at you. You turn back around and walk away.
Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.
@littleblackcatinwonderland - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @missdreamofendless - @intothesoul -
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hippiegoth97 · 27 days
Roam Pt.2: Eddie Munson x Reader
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Collage by me :)
Master List
Tag List: @keikoraven @ar-jupiter @alcielo1438 @cairro-xx @stolen-in-moonlight
@micheledawn1975 @janiejenn @rafescurtainbangz @melodymunson @spacedoutdaydreamer
@veemoon @sariahs-stuff @feral-pumpkin-energy @comeonatmebruh @munsoneightysixx
@morgthemagpie @josephquinnsfreckles @jenniquinn @usergeta @cometzombie
@spookybabey @daggerdaggerkitten @nina6708 @sanctumdemunson @yourdailymemedelivery
@person-005 @slowandsteddie @gri959 @elegantkoalapaper @letitgoandletlive
@loserboysandlithium @costellation-hunter @leelei1980 @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever
@ohmeg @stalactitekilla @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne @oneforthemunny
@prettyboyeddiemunson @eddievanmunson @msgexymunson @rattkween86 @violetpixiedust
@bimbobaggins69 @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@mediocredreams @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @ali-r3n
Description: Eddie and his band finish their first world tour, leaving three whole months for you two to spend some quality time together. And what better way to kick off your intimate time, than with an absolutely amazing Valentine's Day?
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: swearing, rockstar!eddie munosn, smut, female reader, mentions of drug use, alcohol use, anxiety, mentions of sexism and classism, mentions of sexual harassment, groping, use of a video camera, fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, praise/light degradation, rough sex, squirting, dirty talk, consecutive orgasms, overstimulation
Word Count: 18.3k
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divider by @xxbimbobunnyxx
Roam Pt.2
"Alright, we're gonna play our last song of the night. It's a special one I wrote for my wife. It's called "Fool for You"." Eddie says into the mic, met with cheers and whoops from the packed stadium. You watch from backstage, smiling as his eyes flick to you. "Y/N, this one's for you. I love you more than life itself, baby." He smirks in your direction, before strumming the first note to begin the song.
You've had your eyes glued to Eddie all night. You wait in the wings as he rocks hard on the guitar, delivering some of the greatest vocals in the industry, strutting around the stage with confidence and flair. He's such a showman at heart, always has been, and always will be. Even in the early days of Corroded Coffin, Eddie has given it his all with every performance. It's that commitment and passion that has gotten him and his band where they are today. And you admire the fuck out of him for it.
His tight leather pants and sweat-soaked muscle tee accentuate his perfect body as he sings, leaving very little to the imagination. You occasionally peek at the audience, finding many young women screaming and in tears over your sexy husband. You just smile at the thought, these chicks really think they have a single chance in hell with him. And sure, he gets real up close at times, putting his arms into the crowd to let them touch him. But it's all part of the act, and he doesn't have any interest in them whatsoever. He goes home with you, makes love to you, spends his every free moment with you.
Tonight is the final stop on the band's world tour. And you can't say you haven't been anticipating the end, so you can spend some quality time with your love. You've been on the road and on flight after flight for over a year now. It's been long, and grueling, and Eddie's exhausted, though he never shows it. But after tonight, you get three whole months to relax and recuperate before the band begins recording their third album.
He's been working tirelessly on the songs every night, scrawling notes, chords, and lyrics on napkins or scraps of paper when he can't locate his notebook. He's made sure that once the curtains are drawn, and the stage lights go out, there will be no interruptions of your special time together. Eddie has promised to give you every ounce of his undivided attention, and to shower you with expensive dinners, and spa treatments, and drug-fueled fucking. But, as amazing as all of that sounds, all you truly want is him.
Between press junkets, industry parties, and magazine shoots, Eddie's been remarkably busy. You get to come along for most of it, but he's unfortunately preoccupied with networking and dealing with shallow assholes to a point where you feel a little left out. Well, that is until said shallow assholes try to make a move on you. You don't entertain them for a single millisecond, but it's annoying to have creepy label execs and talent agents playing grabass at various mansions belonging to the likes of Ozzy Osbourne and Axl Rose. Eddie typically notices it happening, and nips that shit in the bud. But there have been a couple times where you had to sock one of the elderly bigwigs in the nose for trying to slip a hand under your dress.
Despite the obvious negatives of this lifestyle, you love watching Eddie and the others perform their hearts out night after night. This journey the five of you have embarked on has been mind-blowing. You've been able to see the whole world, and meet tons of amazing people. This whole experience, even from your second-hand point of view, is something to be cherished forever.
You notice the band is nearing the end of the song, and you watch as a couple tears squeeze their way from Eddie's eyes, smudging his thick eyeliner down his cheeks. Other than you, his true love is the stage. Performing means so damn much to him, and to know that it's over for now isn't easy. There will no doubt be another tour within a couple years time, along with award show performances and music festival sets. He loves sharing his music, his message, with the world. To have a connection like that with thousands of people is something he holds dear. He never thought he would get this far, and he is thankful for every last second of it.
A moment later, Eddie slams out the last few chords like his life depends on it. You can tell he's channeling his intense emotions into his guitar, trying to keep himself together. When he hits the final note, he falls to his knees as the sound splits the air. The crowd erupts with applause and cheers, and Eddie stays on the floor for a second with his chest heaving. He slowly stands, turning to look back at his bandmates. He beckons them to the front of the stage, and they leave their instruments to join him in a small line before his mic stand. He huffs a couple more breaths, throwing his arms over Gareth and Jeff's shoulders.
"I just wanna take a second to thank you all for bein' here tonight. This tour has been the shit dreams are made of, and we wouldn't be here without you, the fans. We can't wait to do this all again, whenever the fuck that'll be." He chuckles, still breathing hard. The others laugh with him, smiling wide as the high of performing rushes through their veins. "But until then, we've been Corroded Coffin. We love you, and goodnight, Amsterdam!" Eddie ends with a shout, hyping up the crowd again. Him and the others wave goodbye to the fans, and walk off the stage for the final time tonight. Eddie runs to you immediately, scooping you up into his glistening arms.
You shriek in surprise at his sudden actions, wrapping your arms around him to hang on. "You were amazing as always, baby. I'm so proud of you, my sexy rockstar." You smile, planting a messy kiss on his lips. His sweat transfers onto you, but you don't care. You notice his chest shuddering and hot tears meeting your flesh as you kiss. You pull away, having him set you back down. "Oh, baby. I know, c'mere." You pull him into your embrace, and he squeezes you hard as he lets out a few sobs. "I know, love. But there'll be more shows in the future, and you killed it every time." You comfort him, allowing him to feel everything that's been brewing inside him today. Ever since this morning, he's been on the verge of tears at the thought of the tour ending.
"Doin' alright, Munson?" Alex asks as the three guys approach you.
"He's taking it a little hard. He'll be okay." You reply, stroking Eddie's damp hair with your hand to calm him down.
"We kicked ass, man." Jeff says, and he and the others huddle around you in a group hug. Harmonizing sniffles can be heard in this bundle of bodies, and stray tears fall from everyone's eyes, it's a very heartfelt moment.
"Damn straight! And tonight was definitely our best so far." Gareth chimes in, slightly muffled in your huddle.
Eddie sniffs harshly, wiping his eyes as he pulls away from you all. "Ugh, sorry, guys. Shit got to me more than I thought it would!" He lets out a weak laugh, exhaling shakily to keep himself from breaking down again.
"Don't sweat it, man. It's been a crazy night. And I dunno 'bout you guys, but I'm ready to take a loooong siesta for three months." Jeff says with a tired grin, the adrenaline of performing quickly wearing off as you listen to the crowd file their way out of the stadium.
"I second that, we'd better get to the airport. It's a long flight back home." You reply, taking Eddie's hand. The others nod in agreement as you walk together. You gather your coats and bags from the dressing room, and say goodbye to the crew members. Your limo is waiting outside in the snowy night, with perfectly set heat and plenty of booze to warm you up. The air nips your nose, making you shiver in your fur coat. Eddie puts his arm around you as you walk through the private parking lot. You all slide into your respective seats, and you lay your head on Eddie's shoulder. He keeps you close, needing to lean on you to avoid more tears.
The driver pulls away once you're all situated, knowing exactly where to go to set you on your eleven-hour flight back to Los Angeles. "I just can't believe it's over, Y/N." Eddie says quietly, not wanting to disturb the others as they've already passed out from exhaustion.
"I can't either. It's been a crazy year and some change. But I look forward to us having some alone time for once." You giggle, thinking of all the things you're gonna do with him once you get home.
"I know it hasn't been easy for you to follow me on the road, sweetheart. But you have no idea how much I appreciate it. I don't think I could've made it through all of this if you'd stayed in LA." Eddie replies, turning your body to put your legs across his lap.
"I'm really glad I tagged along, Eds. We've seen the whole goddamn world! How many people get to say that? And I had to be here, I always cheer you on, baby. I'm your good luck charm." You say sweetly, laying your head on his chest as he holds you close. You resist the urge to fall asleep in his lap, knowing you'll have plenty of time to rest on the jet.
"That you are, darling." He presses a kiss to your hair, inhaling the scent of your expensive shampoo. He sighs at the sweet, floral notes wafting off the strands. It's become a comforting smell for him. "I love you, Y/N. So much." He whispers, choking back another batch of tears.
"I love you too, Eddie. I can't wait to be back home with you, in our bed, away from all the cameras and fangirls." You nuzzle against him, counting down the minutes until you can turn the world off for a while.
"Oh? But I thought that was your favorite part." He says sarcastically, drawing muted laughs from both of you.
"You're lucky I'm too tired to rant about how 'difficult it is being in the public eye'." Your tone is anything but serious, ending in a contented sigh as your eyes flutter closed.
"You fallin' asleep, love?" Eddie asks, concerned that this life is too much for you at times. You never complain, but he can tell the constant attention he and the guys receive makes you feel a bit forgotten about at times. He tries to remind you how much of a priority you are, buying you flowers at every tour stop, having at least one meal a week with just the two of you, fucking you silly whenever possible. But these things can only do so much, because at the end of the day, you aren't in the band.
You may tag along to events and meetings, but you're seen by others as Eddie's arm candy at best. You're sat in a corner with the other 'groupies', stuck having less-than-engaging conversations about how big your mansion is and what designers you wear, while the big boys do the 'real talking'. Said groupies don't ask you anything substantial, either. None of them even know you're on your way to publishing your first novel, which Eddie is immensely proud of. Not to mention all the assholes at said meetings and events, who think everyone's significant other is up for grabs at the right price. His stomach turns at the thought of how many sleazy people have offered him record deals, money, cars, drugs, among other things, for a 'night with your hot wife'. He shudders to think how many of his 'heroes' may have done such a thing to their own partners, in exchange for advancement in their careers.
"A little. I'm trying to wait 'til we get on the plane, though. Much as I love you, you don't make a very good pillow." You sigh, shifting uncomfortably in your spot. You're itching for a plush California king mattress, wanting to feel cool, satin sheets beneath your skin.
"Just a little bit longer, dollface. Then we can pass out in our seatbelts and wake up back in LA." He says soothingly, rubbing his hand up and down your back. You hum at the simple touch, letting your mind wander away from this conversation. You list off all the things you wanna do with Eddie inside your head:
1. Go to In-N-Out, I've been missing their chocolate shake and animal-style fries like no other.
2. Fuck, and fuck, and fuck.
3. Cuddle in bed and watch cartoons all day.
4. A long, hot bath with all the trappings. Candles, chocolates, fancy soaps, wine, and some heavy metal love songs on the stereo.
5. More fucking, obviously.
6. Cook a nice meal for Eddie, my famous lasagna.
7. Even more fucking, thank God for birth control.
By the time you finish your internalized list, the limo has pulled up to the runway where your jumbo jet awaits you. The lights outside are blinding when the door is opened for you to step out, waking the guys up from their nap. "Aw, fuck!" Gareth yelps, shielding his eyes.
"My apologies, sir. We have arrived at the airport." The driver says in a thick Scandinavian accent.
"No sweat, man. You're just doin' your job." Gareth replies, rubbing the sleep from his face. All five of you step out into the cold once more, quickly making your way up the steps into the airplane. The door is shut shortly after your bags are loaded in, closing you off from the outside world. The guys strap into their reclining seats, and Eddie pulls you along to your private bedroom for the final time for the next three months. You both plop onto the bed, melting into the soft mattress.
"Fuck, this bed has never felt so good." You groan, clumsily kicking off your shoes and removing your coat. You slide up the bed, getting into your safety belt. Eddie follows behind, clicking the metal buckle together for himself. You both lie down, pulling up the covers. "You ready, Eds? I know take-off is still a bit rough for you." You take hold of his hand, brushing your thumb across his knuckles.
"Baby, this plane could fuckin' explode at this point. I'm too tired to give a shit, I just wanna go home." He says, slightly whiny while his eyelids begin to weigh a thousand pounds. He's gotten a helluva lot better with his fear of flying. He barely even flinches anymore at every little bump or dip the aircraft makes during your journey.
"I feel that." You giggle, realizing you forgot to turn off the bedroom light. You groan aloud at the thought of getting up again. Eddie's about to ask what's wrong, when you force yourself upright and hop off the mattress to flick the switch. You return to your husband a second later, happily clicking yourself back in place.
"Thank you, I was thinking of doing that. But I honestly cannot get up." Eddie chuckles, pulling you over to spoon you through your seatbelts.
"No problem, babe. I don't think I can get up again until we land." You bring one of his hands to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to it. Before you can say anything else, you hear Eddie's light snoring just behind you. He's out like a light, and you're barely hanging on to the waking world yourself. The plane is beginning to take off, and you knock out the second the wheels leave the ground. You don't wake up for about six hours, until the plane hits some minor turbulence. Your stomach drops when you feel the slight fall, but you settle back down after checking your surroundings to ensure everything is fine.
"Baby, we've landed." Eddie coos, gently shaking you awake once you've reached your final destination. It's still technically the middle of the night in LA due to the large time difference between here and Amsterdam. You really don't want to get up, needing at least another half a day to just pass the hell out. You whine at Eddie's words, rolling over in bed while bringing the blanket up to hide your head. "Sweetheart, we gotta go." He says, opting to scoop you out of your nest and carry you. He pulls away the blanket, undoing your seatbelt so he can pick you up.
"Ugh, Eds. I don't wanna move, I'm so fuckin' tired." You grumble, putting your arms around his shoulders all the while. He doesn't bother to pick up your shoes or fur coat, you won't really need them for a couple months. Someone will come by to pick up any belongings left behind and send them to your respective homes anyway.
"I know, darling. That's why I'm carrying you. You're a stubborn sleeper." He chuckles quietly, walking the both of you out to the main cabin in bare feet. The guys are waiting by the door, looking more exhausted and jet-lagged than they have all year.
"You're gonna go home like that?" Alex asks, quirking an eyebrow in your direction.
"Yeah, man. They'll send our shit over anyway, and Y/N needs her big, strong man to get her home safe." Eddie smirks, looking down at you nuzzling into him. You let out a sleepy noise or two, high in pitch and oddly cat-like. Oh, princess. You're melting my heart here, he thinks to himself.
"Whatever you say, dude." Alex laughs, finding your affectionate display rather adorable.
Eddie carries you down the stairs of the plane. The warm California air hits your skin as you disembark. You get into another limousine, and the guys are dropped off one by one at their individual homes. It's just you two now, making the long trip all the way to Beverly Hills. Being married to the frontman of the hottest metal band in the business certainly has its perks. The limo drives through the tall gate after it opens, trailing down the winding driveway until you reach the front entrance of your massive house.
The house, well, mansion, is truly something to behold. It's smaller than most in the area, but far be it from you to complain about a slight difference in square-footage. Especially when you live in one of the most well-known and coveted neighborhoods in the world. There's ten bedrooms and eight bathrooms, most of which are attached to said bedrooms. Marble flooring and countertops, state-of-the-art fixtures and appliances, an olympic-sized pool, and a full staff of maids, cooks, drivers, landscapers, etc. are just a few of the perks that Eddie's megastardom affords you. You take none of it for granted, but you're certainly comfortable. You've told Eddie before that you feel weird having people wait on you hand and foot all day, but he insists that you deserve to be spoiled.
That being said, you both make sure the staff are treated well and paid more than enough due to the size of the place. You know all of their names, and give them as much time off as you possibly can. You try your best to get to know them somewhat personally. You hate the idea of faceless servants running about the place, all while avoiding eye-contact or casual conversation. You find the concept of that creepy and demeaning. "We're home, Y/N." Eddie whispers, trying to see if you're awake.
"Okay. Can you carry me to bed, baby?" You ask, snuggling further into his warm body.
"No need to ask, sweetheart. I've got ya." He presses a kiss to your head. You hold on tight as Eddie carries you through the threshold of your not-so-humble home. He treks up the stairs and into the master bedroom, laying you to rest for as long as you want once he helps you remove your clothes. He climbs into bed after you, keeping you warm and safe in his arms. He gives you a few more kisses, this time to the back of your neck. You only half-feel them as you're pretty much asleep again. "Sleep well, princess. I love you." His words fall on deaf ears, your breath entering and leaving your chest at a slow, steady pace.
You don't wake up again until around 9am, having slept for at least twenty hours. A sliver of light peeks through your dark curtains, shining directly into your eyes. "Fuck." You mutter, turning over to look at the clock. You can't believe you managed to sleep for so long, and that you feel pretty well-rested on top of that. You sit up in bed, rubbing your eyes. Eddie's still sleeping soundly beside you. His face is buried in the pillows, and his limbs are splayed about clumsily. You notice a rolling cart sitting beside the bed, it must have been brought in by one of the cooks. You take a look at the contents, all of which make your mouth water beyond belief. There's muffins and scones, fresh-squeezed orange juice in a large pitcher, a chilled bottle of champagne, and two perfectly warm burgers, wrapped up in a paper you'd recognize anywhere. "In-N-Out, hell yeah." You smile, mixing yourself a boozy mimosa and taking one of the burgers to eat in bed.
"Mornin', my love." Eddie says from behind you, almost making you drop your glass.
"Jesus, Eddie! Don't scare me like that!" You shout, looking back to see him sitting up in bed. He's leaning back on his hands, his bare chest flexing as he breathes. A sleepy smile sits on his face, and his thick locks are an absolutely frizzy mess.
"Sorry, doll. Didn't mean to startle you. That smells good, though. You wanna pour me a drink and bring that other burger over here? I'm starving." He speaks sweetly, his stomach making hungry gurgles.
"Sure thing, hot stuff. How'd you sleep?" You set your glass down, picking up the empty one to make Eddie a drink.
"I slept alright, had some weird-ass dreams. But that always happens when I'm jet-lagged. Oh, happy Valentine's Day, by the way." He says with a laugh, knowing you've forgotten what day it is.
"Oh my god, is that today?" You ask, smacking your head at your forgetfulness.
"Did you really forget?" Eddie scoffs, his mouth falling open in exaggerated disbelief.
"No.....yes." You cringe. "I mean, I got you a present, but I can't believe I forgot about today. God, I'm a terrible wife." You groan, bringing the food over to the bed. You hand Eddie his glass and sandwich, plopping down beside him with your head hanging low.
"Don't worry about it, baby. I've got something planned that we'll both enjoy." He smirks, his tongue playing at the edge of his mouth.
"Oh? And what would that be?" You ask, dying to know what he's got planned.
"Oh...you'll see. I've got the whole day mapped out. Speaking of, we have a couples massage in..." He glances at the clock to check the time. "About an hour. So, we'd better eat up and grab a quick shower." He unwraps his burger to take a massive bite. He groans at the taste, his eyes rolling into his head for a moment. "Damn, I've missed these." He chuckles with his mouth full.
"Me too. Gina knows us well." You reply, taking a long gulp of your mimosa. You both continue eating, the messily strewn about blankets barely covering your bodies dressed in only panties and boxers. Eddie glances at your tits occasionally, but not in an ogling way. It's more so in admiration of your stunning beauty. You've been together for a very long time, and yet you both still feel that giddy honeymoon-phase sentiment towards one another. You've had your fair share of spats, but it's never anything you can't solve with a compassionate talk and some make-up sex.
You finish up your breakfast, enthusiastically hopping out of bed together to head into the shower. Eddie starts the running water, and you remove your lace panties. His breath hitches at the sight of your nude body, and you walk over to him nice and slow. Your hands meet his chest, and you roughly push him up against the bathroom wall. The cool tiles meet his skin, making him shiver. "Hey there, angel. Is there something you want?" He asks with a grin. You can already feel his erection poking against you, and you reach down to palm him through his boxers.
"I think you know exactly what I want, Eds." You say lowly, smirking at the groan he lets out as you squeeze him. You pull on the waistband of his underwear, yanking the fabric down his legs. His cock stands at attention, a small bead of precum forming on the tip. He kicks the garment away, bringing his hands down to grab your ass. You moan at his actions, pumping him in your hollowed fist.
"Can't wait for tonight, huh?" Eddie chuckles, though he realizes he'd be lying if he said he wanted to hold off himself.
"No, I can't. I need you, Eddie. We've barely fucked all week, and it's been so hard to keep my hands to myself." You bring your lips to his, hungrily shoving your tongue into his mouth. You continue to stroke his dick, winding him up. He moans down your throat, bringing a hand around to your front. He slips between your legs and feels how wet you are for him. Your arousal spreads on his fingers, which plunge into your pussy a moment after. "Fuck, baby. Let's not waste water, I think we're in a drought again." You say through a whimper, leading him backwards into the shower. The hot water soaks your bodies, and Eddie pulls away from you. He turns you around, pressing a hand on your back to have you bend over. You place your palms against the wall, waiting for him to push into you.
"We'll have to make this quick, sweetheart. The masseuses will be here soon." Eddie says, before shoving his length inside you. His thick inches fill you up perfectly, kissing your cervix. "Shit, so fuckin' wet for me." Eddie groans, taking a firm hold of your hips. He pulls almost all the way out, and then slams back in.
"Oh, god." You moan out as he brushes your g spot just right. "More, Eds. Please." You can't help begging, it feels like forever since the last time you had sex. Although, in reality it was only three days ago.
"You got it, angel." He breathes out, holding your hips even tighter. Eddie pulls back again, and begins fucking you at a rough yet steady pace. His dick thrusts into you swiftly and repeatedly, pushing you towards a rapidly building orgasm.
"Feels so good, baby." You praise, savoring every time his tip rubs against your sweet spot. His hand leaves your waist, smacking your ass. "Fuck." You groan at the pleasurable sting, wanting him to do it again. He anticipates your desires, switching hands to hit the other side. "God, I love it when you do that."
"And I love how much you moan for me, darling. Turn around." Eddie says, pulling out of you. You do as he asks, your back against the wall. He lifts your legs up, holding tight onto your thighs. Your arms wrap around his shoulders, and he rams his cock up into your pussy.
"Fuck, Eddie! Just like that!" You cry out, your mouth hanging open to release vulgar moans and curses. Your breasts bounce as he keeps it up, his eyes glued to them through the steam filling the room.
"Your tits look so good when I fuck you, baby." Eddie groans, lowering his head to plant messy kisses on your chest. It's hard to manage, given the speed of him thrusting into you, and the water making your bodies all slippery along with your sweat. He closes his mouth around your nipple, worrying the pebbled flesh with his teeth. You whimper at the sensation, finding your end is quickly approaching.
"I'm getting close, love. Go faster, harder. You fill me up so well." You egg him on, needing him to send you over the edge. You tug roughly on his soaked hair, drawing a low groan from him. He's still nibbling on your tit, increasing his pace. His dick slips against the special spot inside you over and over. You're so close, you almost can't stand it. "Make me cum, Eddie. I need it so bad." You whine loudly, your walls fluttering around him.
"I know, princess. I'm close too, just hold on for me." He murmurs, trying to readjust as his hands are losing their grip. But his foot slips on the floor of the shower, making you both tumble down onto the tiles. You grunt at the impact, still connected like puzzle pieces. Eddie lands on his ass, and you on your knees. His dick hits deeper inside you than before, making you gasp. The landing was softer than you expected, leaving you straddling his lap. You don't want to stop, and it seems neither of you are hurt. So you proceed to ride him, bouncing like your life depends on it. "Keep going, baby. You're such a good girl for me." Eddie encourages you with a grin, his hands on your waist to lead you. Your chests rub against one another, stimulating your nipples. You both can't stop moaning, the sounds echoing in the room. Your breath fans hot and heavy in one another's faces from your proximity.
You lean forward slightly, wanting to speak into Eddie's ear. He loves when you talk dirty to him this way, it's almost guaranteed to make him lose his cool entirely. "Rub my clit, Eds. I'm so close. You want me to soak your cock? I'll be such a good girl for you." You say seductively, grinning at the filthy noise that leaves his lips in response. He obliges your request, bringing a hand between your legs to swirl circles on your bundle of nerves. "Oh, god." Your eyes squeeze shut, just seconds away from reaching your high. "I wanna make you lose control, baby. I wanna feel you fill me up with your cum, it's so warm. I love the way it mixes with mine, we taste delicious together." You bite his earlobe, feeling the knot within you finally snap. "Fuck!"
"Good girl." Eddie feels your cunt clamp down on him as you continue to bounce through your orgasm. Your thighs shake uncontrollably, and the sounds escaping your lips are all he needs to join you in utter bliss. "Shit, I'm cumming, angel." He grunts, his hips jerking upwards while his stomach tenses. His load spills into you, thick white spurts coating your pussy. Your heads rest on one another's shoulders, effectively collapsing as you try to catch your breath. Your hearts pound in sync, thumping rapidly against your ribs. "I love you, Y/N." Eddie pants out, turning his head to press a kiss to your shoulder.
"I love you too, Eds. That was amazing." You reply before lifting yourself up off his softened length. You wobble slightly when you stand up, leaning back against the wall. Eddie gets up after you, already reaching for the shampoo. The rest of your shower is quite rushed, and you barely manage to dry off and get into your robes before you hear knocking on your bedroom door.
"Come in." Eddie says, and in walks two women carrying folding massage tables. They're dressed almost like nurses, all white tops and pants that resemble scrubs. The business name of 'Majestic Massage' sits in elegant script on the breast of their uniforms, embroidered in navy blue thread. Their hair is held in tight, slicked-back buns, and they smile brightly at you as they set up. You and Eddie sit together in an armchair while you wait. You make light conversation with the ladies, which they seem to appreciate. You don't imagine many of their clients bother to do the same.
The women, whose names you find out are Alice and Fiona, unfold the tables, and set out various scented lotions and massage oils on a rolling cart you had brought in. When you notice they're just about ready, you get out of Eddie's lap to go over to the stereo. You put on some music, Metallica, no less. "That's a new one." Alice says with a giggle.
"Oh, is it too weird? I can put on something else-" You offer, realizing it might interrupt their 'flow' or something.
"No no, it's alright. You two are just...different. In a good way." Fiona assures you with a kind glance.
"Thanks. We highly appreciate you two being here on our special day." You reply, feeling a bit awkward when you think about the dynamic of this situation. These women might have boyfriends or husbands of their own waiting to spend the day with them. And here they are servicing you and Eddie instead. Alice picks up on your sad thoughts, finding the sentiment very sweet. She's never had a client care even a little bit about her personal life.
"Please, don't feel bad. Your husband is paying us good money, Miss. This is our job, and we enjoy it." She insists, beckoning you and Eddie to take your places on the tables.
"Heart of gold, this one. I'm the luckiest man in the world, aren't I, ladies?" Eddie chuckles, walking ahead of you, smacking your butt on the way.
"Yes, sir." Fiona replies, slipping back into detached professionalism. You hold back the intense cringe that washes over you. You know there's nothing actually wrong here. You're being perfectly polite, and these women were hired to take care of you. But you'll never get used to this, much as you'd like to. You can't help but see the person behind the uniform in situations like this, and it makes you stick out like a sore thumb. "Please, Miss. Come, let us help you relax." She speaks again, drawing you out of your own mind.
"Right. Sorry." You say shortly, taking your place on the table. You lie face down in the donut-shaped headrest, taking off your robe. The masseuse lays a towel over your ass, covering your most sensitive parts. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, trying to enjoy your romantic day with Eddie.
"You okay, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, turning his head in the hole to look at you.
You meet his gaze, awkward as it is to achieve. "Yeah, I'm fine." You say, though you're not sure even you believe that bullshit.
"Honey, you've gotta get used to this sometime. Look, I get that having maids and stylists and other people like that waiting on you makes you feel bad. But it shouldn't, you know why?" He questions.
"Why?" You ask, already knowing what he's going to say.
"Because it's not that big a deal. They're paid well, at least by us. We aren't mean to them, or turning our noses up at them, right? We're already better than, like, ninety percent of the other people they work for. They make our lives easier, that's all. We aren't taking advantage, or treating them like slaves. Okay?" He explains calmly, as he has multiple times already.
"I know. I think that's what it is, though. The fact that almost everyone else treats them poorly, and I don't want to be part of that. I get that I'm being a bit silly, but this lifestyle can feel cold and heartless sometimes." You reply, just as Fiona brings her oiled palms up to massage your shoulders. She uses just the right amount of pressure, working at the tense knots that reside there from the stress of the tour. "Mmm." You moan quietly, melting at her magic fingers.
"I know, baby. But maybe if we lead by example, others might change for the better. You never know." Eddie replies, letting out his own blissful sound while Alice rubs a hardened tangle in his back.
"Fuckin' unlikely. I may be a lifelong fan of the Girls, Girls, Girls album, but the way Tommy Lee treats his assistant is abhorrent." You retort, recalling how handsy he was getting with that poor girl. She couldn't have been older than nineteen. You'd managed to wedge yourself between them at one point, which only accomplished getting both you and Eddie thrown out of his house. Eddie wasn't upset, much. He knows you had good reason to intervene, but it certainly burned any potential bridge for a future collaboration with Tommy or any Crüe members. Good riddance, honestly.
"I know, love. I wish it weren't like this. But we do our best to change things, and that's all we can do." He says, sympathizing with your thoughts. He's far from numb to the issues of this industry, and he does the same as you when he sees something wrong. But that doesn't guarantee the behavior will stop. If anything, it makes everyone else look at the two of you like you've grown extra eyeballs.
"I suppose." You sigh, putting the thought away for a while. You're meant to be calm and loose, fully accepting the sensations of the massage. The rest of your reserved hour goes smoothly, and you focus on the music and the warm hands working on your body. By the end of it, you feel like an entirely new person. You give Alice and Fiona a massive tip, and they give you many thanks as they leave.
"Feel better now?" Eddie asks, pulling you into him once you're dressed in your robes again. He smiles at you, brushing your hair behind your ear.
"Mmm, yeah. It was really good." You lean in for a kiss, pressing your lips to his. You hum into him, pulling away a moment later to avoid heating things up again. You should save something for tonight.
"Good, and it's just the start of the amazing day I have planned." Eddie replies, a joyful gleam in his eye at the thought of absolutely spoiling you today.
"What's next on the agenda, baby?" You ask with a giggle.
"Well, you are gonna go shopping for an outfit to wear out to dinner. That includes lingerie, sweetheart. You can pick anything you want, you look sexy in everything." His large hands run up and down your sides, and he lets his eyes wander around your robed body as he speaks.
"And what are you gonna do when I'm gone?" You question, blushing at his lustful stare.
"I will be setting up the bedroom for tonight, that's all I can say. Now, get dressed and take the limo. And then meet me in the living room when you come back, okay? And no peeking!" Eddie instructs, pointing a warning finger at you.
"Okay, okay. I promise I won't spoil the surprise. Ugh, you treat me too well, Munson." You give him another kiss, long and warm this time. He can't resist squeezing your ass in his hands, and you feel him growing hard beneath his robe. "Mmm, naughty boy. I'd better get moving if I'm gonna look stunning tonight." You pat your hands on his chest, moving away to open your walk-in closet. You want something comfortable, and not too fussy since you'll be trying on lots of clothes today. You settle for some tight jeans, a vintage t-shirt, and some converse. That's another 'odd' thing about you. Unless it's absolutely required, you just can't be bothered to dress extravagantly at all. You find most high fashion and designer labels to be rather uncomfortable. That's not to say you have no sense of style, you just prefer keeping things simple.
You bring your desired outfit to the bed, along with a basic bra and panty set. You remove your robe, laying it over one of the chairs in the room. Eddie whistles at your naked body, which makes you laugh. "Damn, what a view!" He says, finding some clothes of his own to throw on. He follows your lead, keeping it simple until dinner tonight. You both dress quickly, no time to waste as there's so much to do. Eddie puts on some eyeliner in the bathroom, and you apply a light yet full face. Nothing crazy, just enough to enhance your flawless features. Eddie leads you to the front door once you're ready to go, opening the hulking thing by the ornate handle. "I'll see you later on, baby. Dinner is at 7:30, so take as much time as you need. I love you." He pulls you into a light kiss, giving your butterflies.
"I love you too, Eds. And I'm looking forward to tonight." You smile at him, turning to walk outside and into the limousine waiting for you. You slip into the leather seat, the driver, Jim, shutting the door for you. "Do you know where to go?" You ask through the small window between the backseat and the driver's end.
"Mr. Munson gave me all the details, ma'am. We'll be there in about twenty minutes." Jim replies, giving you a kind smile.
"Okay, thank you." You say back, looking out the window on your journey to wherever it is that Eddie has sent you off to. You watch as the car zooms past towering palm trees while the sun beats down on the city. Skyscrapers pierce the big blue, no clouds to be seen today. Tourists and socialites walk the streets, stopping for photos at the Hollywood stars. You see a girl working almost every corner, and a dealer or two hanging around not so inconspicuously outside businesses that are most certainly fronts for criminal activity.
Billboards and electric signs advertise everything under the sun for as far as the eye can see. An artful gallery of capitalism shoved in your face in pristine technicolor. Los Angeles, land of the consumer, home of the advertiser. The city often feels hollow, lifeless even. Everyone and everything feels phony. Like they're all made of cheap plastic, but labeled with a hefty price tag. That's not to say there aren't things you enjoy here. But if Eddie's career didn't rely on it, you'd live far, far away from a place like this. The limo stops outside a lavish lingerie shop, your first stop of the afternoon. "We have arrived, Miss. I'll be waiting out here for you." Jim announces, stepping out the driver's side to let you out onto the sidewalk.
"Thank you, Jim." You say politely, giving him a small wave as you walk towards the shop. You can see why Eddie chose it, the outside alone is quite the spectacle. The structure is a slick, sinful red building, with massive windows. Corsets, feather-trimmed robes, garter belts, bustiers, and crotchless panties are on display for all eyes to see. Every color and fabric you can imagine is at your disposal, dressed up perfectly on mirrored mannequins. You step inside, immediately greeted by a gorgeous young woman with a name tag that reads 'Tina'.
"Hello, and welcome to Le Boudoir. How may I help you today?" She asks in a chipper voice.
"Oh, um, I'm looking for something special for Valentine's Day." You reply, finding the space a little intimidating. The store is very large, with rack after rack of various forms of sexy underwear. All the furnishings are either that same cherry red or blinding silver as the window displays.
"Oh, who's the lucky guy?" Tina asks, and you can tell she's trying to suss out which celebrity you're attached to. She noticed you stepping out of the limousine, and all she saw was dollar signs.
"My husband, he's in a metal band. Corroded Coffin, I dunno if you've heard of it." You say awkwardly, you really hate to name-drop. But you get it, people around here get curious about the rich and famous. Tina's eyes widen, and her mouth falls agape.
"You're married to The Eddie Munson?!" She practically squeals. "I'm a huge fan!" Of course you are. You resist the urge to roll your eyes. Sure, your husband is pretty amazing in every possible way. But fangirls seriously annoy you sometimes.
"Yes, I am. And I'm on a mission to find something that will drive him absolutely wild." You reply, laying on thick the fact that Eddie is your man.
"Well, you've come to the right place. What are you into? Leather, lace, silk? All of the above?" She's very eager to impress you, possibly thinking there's a chance she'll get something in return besides a sales commission.
"I'm not really sure. I don't want anything too complicated. But um...red is his favorite color." You hesitate on telling her that small fact. You've been trained pretty well by the band's PR team to not disclose any personal information about Eddie or the others. So you instinctively get a bad taste in your mouth after the words slip from your lips. It's innocuous, really, you're sure Eddie has probably revealed said fact in a silly teen magazine interview before.
"Ooh, a man of taste. Well, about half of our store is some shade of red. It's a very popular color. I'll take your measurements, and then I'll bring out some choices for you to try on. Sound good?" She says simply, clearly she's pretty good at her job.
"Great. Thanks." You reply, finding yourself feeling uncomfortable all over again. She knows you're married to Eddie, that he's a famous rockstar. But she doesn't even know your name, or care to. Though he talks about you every chance he gets, it's difficult for people to acknowledge your existence in his life. The media and the fans would much rather he appear single and available, so it's almost like you aren't real at times.
You spend well over three hours trying on countless bodysuits, bras, camisoles, and fishnets, tirelessly trying to find the perfect thing to wear for your man. Nothing feels right, and you're overthinking every combination of items you put on. "Okay, I can sense we're having some trouble here." Tina says kindly from the other side of the velvet curtain you're changing behind.
"I'm sorry, I've just never felt very confident in this stuff." You sigh, turning your body every which way in the teddy you're currently dressed in. You're checking every angle, trying to see yourself as sexy. But it's not working, this trip might be a bust.
"Well, confidence is key when it comes to lingerie. But I understand, it's uncomfortable for lots of women. Hmm...there's still one thing we haven't tried. I'll go get it for you." Tina says sympathetically, her heels clicking away from you. You remove what you currently have on, waiting for the saleswoman to hand over her final option. She sticks the hangers through the curtain, and you gladly take them. "Now, when you put this on, don't overthink it. Just think 'I am beautiful, I am sexy, and my man is gonna love this', okay?"
"Okay, I'll try." You put on the ensemble piece by piece, only looking in the mirror to make sure you've fastened in properly until it's complete. You clip the stockings to the garter belt, finishing the transformation. You dare to take a good, long look at your reflection, remembering what Tina told you. I am beautiful, I am sexy, and my man is gonna love this. You repeat the phrase in your head a couple of times, drinking in your own form. A sheer, red lace bustier pushes your tits upwards, adorned with tiny bows down the middle and sides. The garter belt, crotchless panties, and trim of the stockings match the corset, making you a true vision in crimson. The fabric feels delicious against your skin, and hugs all your curves just right. Damn, I look good. You bite your lip, knowing that this is the one. Nice job, Tina.
"So, what are we thinking? It's very quiet in there." She pipes up, you imagine she's gotten a bit tired bringing you countless pieces of underwear today.
"It's perfect! I'll take it." You reply, unable to stop smiling at how gorgeous you look.
"Great! I just know Eddie is going to flip out!" She says excitedly. The way she says it is odd, as if she's thinking about Eddie seeing herself in this little get-up as opposed to you. The thought makes your blood boil, but you refuse to let her fantasizing get under your skin. You're the one that gets to have him at the end of the day, that's all that matters. Tina rings you up, packing the lingerie nicely in a large black bag. She hands it off to you, seemingly expecting you to do something else. Here it is, she's gonna ask for tickets to a show, or a goddamn autograph if you have Eddie swing by just for her. Shit, fans really lack boundaries sometimes. She's about to open her mouth to ask for God knows what, but you don't wanna hear it. Not on your special day.
"Thank you for the help, Tina. Have a good day. Name's Y/N, by the way, though you didn't bother to ask." Her jaw claps shut at your demeanor, swallowing her inappropriate request. Without another word, you walk out the doors. Jim's waiting for you, holding the limo door open.
"Everything go alright in there, ma'am?" Jim asks, noticing you're looking less than happy.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Where to next?" You change the subject, sliding into your seat.
"I'm not at liberty to say, Mrs. Munson." He chuckles, finding his opportunity to keep up the surprise Eddie planned for you rather fun. Jim loves working for the two of you. You're exceptionally kind to him, which is hard to find in his line of work. He closes your door, walking to the driver's seat once again. You ride down a few blocks, stopping outside the Dior shop on Rodeo Drive.
"Jesus, Eds." You mutter, shaking your head. He really is too much. This trip goes much smoother than the other, although the employees here are much more snooty than Tina at Le Boudoir. You try on a few dresses, but you don't really like any of them. That is, until they bring out a breathtaking red gown designed by John Galliano. The dress goes down to the floor, layered with gorgeous, wispy tulle that's frayed at the ends. It's very edgy, very you. Not to mention, it matches the lingerie set you purchased earlier today. You purchase it and a pair of red heels immediately, feeling ecstatic and relieved that you've managed to find a gorgeous outfit to wear tonight.
"All set, ma'am?" Jim questions, noticing the huge smile on your face. He loves seeing how happy you and Eddie make each other. You're truly a fairytale couple in his eyes, a kind of love that comes around once in a lifetime.
"Yes. Thank you, Jim." You smile at him, waiting for the limo to start moving again. He takes you back home, with a few hours to go until dinner. You go back inside the house, finding the staff bustling around the halls and upstairs to your bedroom. You can hear Eddie making gentle commands up there, ensuring every detail is absolutely perfect. You let him be in order to maintain the mystery, setting your shopping bags down on the kitchen counter. You're feeling a bit peckish, so you grab one of the chocolate scones from the pantry as a small snack. Eddie's distinctive footsteps come down the steps, and he smirks when he finds you munching away on one of the kitchen barstools.
"Back so soon, sweetheart?" He says sweetly, wrapping his arms around your torso from behind. He plants a kiss on your neck, sending a flare up your skin.
"Yeah, I got the perfect thing to wear tonight. I can't wait for you to see it." You say through your chewing. "I see you've kept busy while I've been gone." You gesture at the staff running around the place.
"I certainly have. We're almost done, though. And I'm very excited to show it to you." Eddie replies seductively, nipping on your throat. You moan as you swallow, tilting your head to the side to allow him more access. "Don't fill up on pastries, baby. I'd hate for you to have no room left for dinner...and dessert." He chuckles darkly. He gives the hickey he's left on you a soothing lick, pulling away shortly after.
"Shit, you're such a tease, Eds." You whimper, shifting in your chair at the arousal spreading between your legs.
"I promise it'll be worth your while, sweetheart. I gotta finish this up, but I'll come back down and we can watch a movie." Eddie kisses your cheek before hopping back up the stairs to complete the arrangements.
You polish off your scone, scooping the crumbs off the counter and tossing them in the trash. You know you don't have to do that, but it's an old habit from childhood. Just because you have people to clean up after you, it doesn't mean you have to be a pig. You go to the living room, looking around your extensive collection of VHS tapes to find a film that fits the day. You think about something romantic first, like Pretty in Pink or Casablanca. But you're feeling like you want to go against the grain, opting for My Bloody Valentine instead. "Perfect." You say aloud to yourself. You and Eddie are avid horror fans, no matter the occasion. Today may be a holiday of romance, but this movie speaks to your common tastes more than anything else. And that's what you're meant to embrace today. Each other, for better or worse. It's all about connection, intertwining your hearts in your own unique way.
"Did you pick something, love?" Eddie says from behind you.
"Yes, I think I've found the perfect thing." You turn around so he can read the paper sleeve. He lets out an amused laugh, nodding in approval at your choice.
"I was hoping you'd go for that one, darling. Pop it in, and c'mere. I need my wife to cuddle me." He says lovingly, patting the spot beside him on the leather couch. You do as he asks, scurrying to the couch excitedly. Eddie puts a blanket over the both of you, and pulls you real close. "I love you, Y/N. I'm so glad I get to spend this day, and the rest of my life with you."
"I love you too, Eddie. You're my everything, and I wouldn't have it any other way." You share a brief kiss, before you lay your head on his shoulder. Eddie's hand strokes up and down your thigh as you watch the movie, making your skin tingle beneath the thin material. You hum quietly at the sensation, it really shouldn't turn you on so much. But you can't help it, the way he touches you is like nothing else on this earth. Your thighs squeeze together at the building pressure between them. He picks up on this, holding back the lusty chuckle forming in his throat. You're so easy to rile up, he'll never get enough of it. You feel yourself sinking further into the couch. You look at Eddie's face, finding he's still fixed on the movie while he teases you.
"Something wrong, princess? Is the movie too scary?" He asks playfully, noticing you staring. His head turns to look at you, finding your pupils blown out with desire. He bites his lip, knowing he's done for now.
"Uh-huh. But maybe if you kiss me, I won't be so scared." You form your mouth into a pout you know he can't resist.
"Anything for you, babe." He chuckles, cupping your cheek. He brings his face closer to yours, closing the gap between you. The kiss is smoldering, setting your insides on fire instantly. Your hands tangle into his hair, and he quickly maneuvers your bodies to lay over you. It's like you're dumb kids in high school again, clumsily making out on your couch. Only now there's no parents to catch you, no one to scare you into quickly separating while you readjust your fucked up hair and clothes. You both let out quiet moans as you kiss and grope one another, tongues rolling and hands wandering hungrily. You're still waiting until after dinner to do anything substantial, but it sure is fun to get yourselves amped up beforehand.
The movie ends without you realizing, and one of the maids, Angela, comes into the room. She turns off the TV for you, standing with her hands clasped before her. You take no notice, still lost in this red-hot embrace. She clears her throat to get your attention. "Pardon me, Mr. And Mrs. Munson. You said to remind you when it's time to get ready for dinner." She says matter-of-factly, ignoring your writhing bodies and vulgar noises.
"Thanks, Angela." Eddie replies between kisses as he doesn't want to stop.
"Eds, c'mon. You don't want to miss our reservation, do you?" You say through a laugh, gently pushing him away to let you breathe. You look to where Angela was standing, finding she's already left the room. You feel a bit bad, you can't imagine she enjoyed the view.
"I guess not." He whines before scooting off of you. You both stand, and he leads you by the hand to one of the spare bedrooms downstairs. "We'll have to get ready in here. I hope that's alright." He says as he opens the door. You see your shopping bags on the bed, and a garment bag holding whatever it is that Eddie plans to wear tonight. Your makeup has been brought down here for you, set out neatly on the bathroom counter. You notice there's a folding screen in the center of the room, allowing you both to have privacy when getting dressed.
"That's fine. I can't remember the last time we did the whole 'surprise outfit reveal' thing. Our wedding, maybe?" You smile at the memory and recall the image of Eddie's eyes tearing up at the sight of you in your wedding dress.
"That's right, angel. I wanted to make tonight extra special." He replies. "Go on, get ready. I had to call in a few favors to get the reservation we have, so we can't be late." He playfully shoos you away, handing you your bags so you can step onto the other side of the screen. You set the bags down, stripping off your clothes. They pile onto the floor, and your heart skips a beat when you pull the lingerie you bought from the bag. You slip into it so easily, unable to stifle a light moan at how sexy you feel in it. "You enjoying yourself over there, baby?" Eddie asks in a husky tone, trying to imagine what you look like right now. His mind runs wild with images of you in every kind of lingerie imaginable. It's taking everything in him to keep his erection at bay. It's just too easy to picture you in leather, or lace, kneeling before him or taking his cock from behind.
"I'm just very happy with my purchase at Le Boudoir, you're gonna lose it when you see me in this. Hell, even I'd fuck me right now." You laugh, continuing on to put on your Dior gown and high heels. It fits you like a glove, and so fucking comfortable it's unreal.
"I'm sure you look fucking amazing, doll. It's taking everything in me to be patient." He says, breathing heavier than usual.
"Me too, Eds. But I know the wait will be worth it." You zip up your dress, heading into the bathroom to your right. You close the door, applying some fresh makeup, still keeping things light, except for a bold red lip to match the rest of your look. You step back behind the screen once you're all ready, waiting to see how handsome Eddie looks.
"You ready, love?" He asks quietly, sounding nervous.
"Yes, darling." You reply with a smile. Eddie counts down from three, and you both step out from your hiding place to see each other. "Holy shit." You exhale, eyes widening at how amazing your husband looks. He's wearing a perfectly tailored black suit, with a bright fuschia shirt underneath. Half the buttons are left undone, Eddie loves to show off his chest. His tattoos peek out at you, and his necklaces twinkle in the light. He's got pristine, shiny black shoes on, and has kept his voluminous hair down. The deep brown locks cascade over his shoulders, framing his gorgeous face. "You look so fucking good, Eds." You smirk, noticing his signature rings still on his fingers.
"Not nearly as good as you, baby." He replies breathlessly. You look so beautiful, red from head to toe, his favorite color. Your makeup is flawless, and your hair hangs just right against your shoulders. He drinks in your form, admiring how your dress hugs your body in all the right places. He wasn't sure you'd find something you genuinely like at the Dior shop, it worried him that maybe he went overboard on that one. But to see you here like this, wearing one of the biggest smiles he's ever seen grace your face, he knows he made the right choice. "You are an absolute vision, princess." He gushes, sending a blush to your cheeks. He smiles at you, extending his hand. "Shall we?"
"Lead the way, handsome." You giggle, taking his hand. Eddie leads you back outside, assisting you in walking down the front steps in your gown. He helps you into the limo, following behind. The gifts you purchased for one another sit on the seat beside you. "So, where are we going?" You ask, unable to help yourself. You're absolutely buzzing with excitement.
"You'll just have to wait and see, Y/N." He says, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
"Ugh, you're killin' me!" You groan after failing to convince him to reveal this secret location. You decide to just go with the flow, every other surprise today has been pretty awesome. So there's no doubt that Eddie picked a great restaurant. You lay your head on his shoulder, snuggling up as best you can in this dress. You close your eyes, enjoying the smooth ride until the limo comes to a stop. You open your eyes, which are met with the 'most romantic restaurant in Los Angeles', Il Cielo. "Eddie! You did not!" You turn to him in utter shock.
"I did, baby. You deserve the best." He says with a smile. You step out into the setting LA sun, gazing at the rustic building before you. Lush vines and twinkling lights cover the outside, save for the elegant sign peeking out from the foliage. A few couples are seated outside, and you can see through the large front window that the inside is just as beautiful and busy. Eddie's brought you here only once before for a business dinner. The food was amazing, though you found the conversation boring. He always promised to bring you back, and until now you thought it would never happen. This place is always booked months in advance, especially for such a day as this.
"You're the best husband ever, you know that?" You press a hard kiss to his cheek, leaving a large mark of lipstick in the shape of your lips on his skin.
"Only because you're the greatest wife a man could ask for, angel." He returns your sentiment, holding your hand and the gifts in his grip to head inside. You make your way to the host's station, waiting behind the small line that has formed. When it's your turn, you're met with wide eyes from the maître d'. He seems to recognize Eddie, a real shocker there. He checks his list before either of you can speak, finding 'Munson' underlined on the paper with special instructions beside it.
"Right this way, Mr. Munson." He says to Eddie with a smile, looking at you for a moment. His smile grows wider, nodding to you. "Mrs. Munson." Well, that's the first time today that a stranger has actually acknowledged you as Eddie's wife. Not only that, seeing you here with him has made this particular stranger happy. You and Eddie follow the man to a table in a secluded corner of the restaurant. Real rose petals cover the white tablecloth, leaving space for your plates and glasses. The maître d' pulls your chair out for you, gently pushing you in.
"Thank you." You say kindly, and he nods.
"It is certainly an honor to have you dining with us tonight. My name is Alfonse, and I will be handling your table personally this evening. Shall we start off with some wine, or champagne, perhaps?" Alfonse speaks cordially, searching your faces for an answer to his offerings.
"Wine would be great, Alfonse. We'll take whatever you recommend." Eddie says, reaching for his menu to take a look.
"Of course, sir. I have just the thing for such a special night, with such a special lady." Alfonse replies, giving you a friendly wink. You giggle at his charm, opening your own menu. The man leaves you two alone to retrieve the finest bottle in the place.
"Well, he's very nice." Eddie says casually.
"I'll say. He's the first person I've met today that's actually treated me like your wife, and been polite about it." You reply, struggling to hide the bitterness in your voice from your earlier interactions. Eddie reaches a hand across the table, taking hold of yours.
"I'm sorry, princess. I wish people weren't so goddamn rude. They treat me like a fuckin' king in this town, and yet they seem to forget the fantastic queen I have by my side." Frustration laces his tone, but he keeps it at bay. Tonight is meant to be special, and no one is going to ruin that. "But I'll never forget, darling. I'll just have to do a better job at reminding everyone who I belong to." He says, looking at you seriously. He means it with all his heart, he'll make damn sure everyone understands how important you are to him. And if they don't like it, then they don't deserve his presence.
"I appreciate it, Eds. So, what are you ordering?" You ask, unsure of the answer yourself. Everything just sounds so good.
"To be honest, I don't know." His brows knit as he stares at the menu, he knows he won't be able to pronounce all these damn Italian words. "I'll just ask Alfonse what he likes. No one knows the food better than the employees." He sets the leather-bound booklet back on the table, and you follow suit.
"Good enough for me. There's no way I can read anything off this thing without sounding like an idiot." You laugh, drawing one from Eddie as well.
"My thoughts exactly." He smirks while he toys around with his silverware. "So, should we do presents before or after food?" He asks.
"We can after Alfonse comes back with the wine. Sound good?" You reply, looking around subtly to see if the man is coming by anytime soon.
"Sure thing, sweetheart." Eddie says, noticing Alfonse coming towards your table with a large, bulbous bottle with straw weaved around the bottom.
"Here we are, our finest chianti." The man says as he pours each of you a glass. "Are you ready to order?"
"Yes, we would actually like you to surprise us. You seem to be a man of taste, so we'll take anything you give us." Eddie smiles at him, hoping he's not asking too much.
"Certainly, sir. I appreciate your trust in me." Alfonse replies, happy to take the compliment. He knows exactly what to bring you, he only hopes it's up to your expectations. "I'll put the order in for you, it shouldn't be long." He says, leaving the bottle at the table and heading to the kitchen.
"Okay, present time." Eddie smirks, bestowing you with his gift. You hand off his, and wait for him to open it. "Oh, me first?" He asks when you're both sitting in silence for a moment. You nod, biting your lip. You can't wait for Eddie to see what you got for him. He pulls a velvet ring box from the bag, raising an eyebrow at you. "A little late for a proposal, don't you think?" He jokes, making you laugh. He's so unserious sometimes.
"Jesus, babe, just open it already!" You insist, and he flips open the lid. His mouth falls slack-jawed at what he finds inside. It's a thick, silver ring that's in a similar style to his usual ones. But this one is very distinctive, as it's sculpted in the shape of the demon's head logo from his old D&D club. ‘Hellfire’, they used to call it. You remember it well, you used to be a member yourself back in the day. Eddie stares at the ring for a moment, overwhelmed with nostalgia. It's been so long since he's played a campaign, or even thought about the game at all. A single tear rolls down his cheek, this has to be one of the most thoughtful gifts you've ever given him.
"Y/N, this is amazing. I-I can't believe you remembered." He says, giving you a meaningful look.
"Of course I did, Eds. I used to be in Hellfire too, ya know. You really like it?" You ask, somehow doubting your gift.
"I love it, angel. Thank you. It's a perfect reminder of where we started, and how far we've come." He slips it onto a free finger on his right hand, outstretching his arm to admire it for a moment. "It's pretty kickass, too." He smiles, putting his hand back on the table. "Okay, it's your turn now!" He says excitedly.
You reach into the bag in front of you, digging around in the tissue paper. You pull out a hardcover book, and your eyes go wide when you realize what it is. It's your novel, fresh from the publisher. The dust cover displays the title, Planet Mystique, in bold, purple lettering. It's a sci-fi/fantasy novel with plenty of action and romance, told from the perspective of a badass female protagonist. The illustration on the front is of said main character, Straana, riding a pink pterodactyl-like creature. She's wearing her full-body armor, brandishing a gleaming sword as she glides into the battle of the Gamma Rebellion. Your name graces the bottom of the cover, Y/N Munson. You can't believe you're holding this, the book isn't due for release for at least another six months. "How did you-" You start to ask, but Eddie cuts you off.
"I convinced the publisher to make a copy just for you. This is what it'll look like on the bookstore shelves, and I just know it's gonna be a bestseller. You'll be busy writing the sequels in no time. I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. You're unbelievably talented, and I can't wait for everyone else to see that." He says sweetly.
"Thank you, Eddie. I love it so much. This is fuckin' insane!" You exclaim, a little too loud. A few scowling faces of surrounding diners draw to you, and you blush hard while mouthing 'sorry' to them. Eddie chuckles at your embarrassment, you're too damn cute when your cheeks turn red.
"You're welcome, doll. Oh, look. Perfect timing." He says as Alfonse brings over your plates. The maître d' places the dishes in front of you, and the savory aromas hit your nostrils immediately. It looks amazing, and you wait for Alfonse to explain what it is he brought for you.
"For the lady, we have Burrata e Aragosta. Carnaroli rice with lobster and burrata cream sauce." Alfonse states, gesturing at your plate with a flourish. "And for the gentleman, Pappardelle al Cinghiale. It's homemade Pappardelle pasta, with roasted wild boar in its natural au jus, and Barolo wine. Enjoy, I'll come by with a very special dessert later on." He bows, going about his business once more.
You dig into your food, gathering a decent-sized bite of rice and lobster on your fork. You bring it to your lips, moaning at the rich, creamy flavors that explode in your mouth. "Mmm, fuck that's good."
"Sounds like it, I thought only I could make you moan like that." Eddie quips, taking in a mouthful of his own meal. He makes a similar sound, remembering what all the fuss of this place is about. The two of you devour every last bite of your food, the only sounds between you the occasional satisfied moan or slurp of wine. You can't help it, every single bite tastes so damn good. You set your fork down, wiping your mouth with the cloth napkin from your lap. Eddie does the same, and you both lean back in your seats and wait for dessert.
"Ah, I see you both have a very hearty appetite. Here is your dessert. Cuore di Cioccolata, a perfect end to your special meal." Alfonse says, taking away the empty plates and setting down a gorgeous, heart-shaped chocolate cake topped with raspberries before each of you. "Is there anything else I can do for you this evening? Or can I bring the check around?" He asks, in no rush at all.
"The check would be great, Alfonse. Thank you for taking care of us tonight." Eddie reaches into his suit jacket, pulling out his wallet. He takes the Amex out, handing it to the man. "Here, and tip yourself whatever our total is."
"Oh, that really isn't necessary." Alfonse attempts to be modest.
"No, no, I insist. You know what? To hell with it, double that!" Eddie exclaims, making the eyes of the maître d' bug out. He gasps, utterly shocked that your husband wants to tip him so much.
"Anything you say, sir! Thank you!" Alfonse beams, scurrying away to process the bill.
"Jeez, Eds. Sounds like Alphonse's wife gets to have a special night, too." You giggle, always amazed at Eddie's generosity. You suppose it's due to his more than humble childhood. Living in a trailer with his uncle Wayne, selling drugs to provide for himself. At his core, he's still that same geeky kid you first met all those years ago. Kind, sweet, always looking out for those who need him most. And now he has the disposable income to spoil his friends and family, and act as a charitable stranger to people who deserve it.
"Absolutely, he did a fantastic job for us tonight." He says simply, cutting into his cake with his fork. You do the same, gobbling up every last crumb as politely as you can manage. Alphonse returns with the credit card, setting it and Eddie's receipt on the table.
"Thank you for dining with us at Il Cielo. Please, take your time, and we hope to see you again soon." He says kindly.
"Thanks, Alphonse. Have a good night." You reply sweetly, and he chuckles.
"I see you liked the cake very much, ma'am." He wipes his thumb against his bottom lip, signaling that you've got a spot of chocolate on your face.
"Oh, sorry." You blush, wiping your mouth frantically with your napkin.
"It's quite alright. It's been a long time since I've seen a lovely couple like yourselves actually enjoy the food here." He says in a hushed tone, as if it's a secret that the other patrons here may go through life with their heads up their own rear ends.
"We really did, it was delicious." You reply with a smile.
"Glad to hear it. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, you two." He leaves your table for the final time, tending to the front door once again. You and Eddie gather your things, heading outside.
"Holy shit, it's Eddie Munson!" A man in the line to get inside shouts. This causes everyone's heads in your vicinity to lock on to you and your husband.
"Great." Eddie mutters, rolling his eyes. He pulls you along a little faster, and other people start to gather and get in your way.
"I'm such a big fan! Can I have an autograph?" A young woman asks desperately.
"How about a picture?" Another shouts. The situation is quickly getting out of hand, sending your anxiety levels through the roof. You've told Eddie to hire a bodyguard a hundred times over, but he's insisted it's not necessary.
"Please? My daughter loves your music!" Another voice from an unknown location begs. You're verbally assaulted by person after person, wishing you could reply with the thoughts the attacks evoke.
"I love you! You're so sexy, Eddie!" No shit, Sherlock.
"Marry me Eddie! I wanna have your babies!" He's taken, bitch. Plus, ew.
"Who's this woman you're with? Is she a prostitute?" That's fuckin' rude. Do I really look like a hooker?
"When's the next album coming out?" Wouldn't you like to know?
"Is it true that you're secretly hooking up with your bandmates?" What the actual fuck?
You both just keep walking, giving no outward reaction to any of these invasive questions. You're struggling to find Jim in the growing sea of bodies. Eddie holds your hand tightly, his face hardening as the crowd only seems to expand, the edge of the street miles away now. Endless voices and faces ebb and flow like harsh waves, bombarding you with every form of unwelcome attention. You can't think straight, and someone tries to yank the gift Eddie gave you from your grasp. You almost fall over from the force of the grubby hands clawing at you. You look to Eddie to figure out what to do, but he's just as overwhelmed as you are, if not moreso.
"Alright! That's enough! If you don't stop harassing Mr. Munson and his wife, I'll report all of you to the police!" You hear Alphonse practically scream from the edge of the crowd. The rabid gathering turns to glare at him, but he is far from intimidated. "You should be ashamed of yourselves! I suggest you let them through to their vehicle right this instant! Otherwise, I've got some very bulky waiters who are just dying for a good fight." This statement seems to strike some fear into the vultures, which makes a wide grin spread across Alphonse's face. "I thought so. Go on now, get out of here!" They collectively flinch, quickly dispersing to reveal Jim standing a few feet away from you with the door open.
"Thank you, Alphonse. You didn't have to do all that." Eddie says apologetically. He knows it doesn't look so good to have a mob form outside such a fine establishment.
"No trouble at all, sir. Are you both alright?" He asks in genuine concern.
"Yeah, we're okay. I think we'll have to hire some security to keep that from happening again, though." Eddie laughs nervously, his heart still pounding from how awful that experience was.
"I highly advise you to do so. People are crazy, especially in La La Land." Alphonse jokes, putting you both at ease. "Alright, you'd better leave before they try to swarm again. Hopefully the rest of your evening goes smoothly."
"It certainly will. Goodnight, Alphonse." You reply, before turning away to finally get back in the limo to go home. You exhale loudly, puffing your cheeks while you slide into the seat. Eddie follows suit, and the door closes behind you. Finally, safe and sound again. You lean into one another, and Eddie puts his arm around you to keep you close.
"You okay, baby? I know that got pretty scary." He says softly. He feels awful that this happened, and on your special night of all things. He curses himself for not listening when you've hounded him to hire security.
"I'm okay, but some asshole tried to steal my book. Thankfully I'm stronger than whoever it was." You look down at the novel, noticing a small rip in the dust cover. Damn.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I promise I'll call around to get the best bodyguard possible, okay? I never want this to happen again." He kisses your temple, resting his forehead on yours afterwards. "God, did you hear some of the shit they were saying? Who in their right mind thinks any of that is okay?" He squints his eyes shut tight in disgust, utterly annoyed at the thought of it.
"I know! Like, do I look like a streetwalker? I hate to be that girl, but this is Dior, for fuck's sake!" You exclaim, gesturing wildly at your dress with your hands.
"You don't look like anything other than my gorgeous wife, baby." He says calmly, hoping to relax you after that unpleasant moment.
"Good, because I really like this dress." You chuckle, snuggling your head into the crook of his neck.
"I know you do, sweetheart." He laughs lightly. You spend the rest of the ride home in silence, needing some time to fully calm down. The moon has come out to play, and the street lights flash against the windows as you ride past. You pay no attention to the outside world, you've had more than your fair share of it for the time being. You're safe inside your Eddie-sized bubble, kept warm and secure in his strong arms.
"We've arrived at your home, Mr. and Mrs. Munson. Have a good night." Jim says with a yawn. He's looking forward to going home to his wife for the night. You and Eddie climb out of the limo, walking up the steps and into the house.
"You ready for your final surprise, angel?" Eddie asks, the anticipation building for the main event of the evening.
"More than anything, love." And with that, he gently leads you by the hand to the large doors of the bedroom. He lets go of your hand, slowly twisting the doorknobs. He reveals the room to you, which looks completely different to how it did this morning. You step inside, absolutely dumbstruck. There's lit candles all over the room, some in high-standing candlesticks, others on every table at Eddie's disposal. Rose petals cover the bed, which is dressed in beautiful red and black sheets. An ice bucket with a perfectly chilled bottle of champagne sits on the nightstand, along with a large box of chocolates. And the cherry on top, is a video camera positioned on a tripod a couple feet from the end of the bed.
"What do you think, baby?" Eddie asks lowly, standing right behind you after closing the doors. His arms wrap around your waist, and he nudges your hair aside to plant blazing kisses to your neck. You can feel him getting hard in his pants, and you instinctively press yourself back into him. He groans at the friction.
"It's perfect, Eds. Just like everything else you've done for me today. And the camera is a nice touch." You laugh breathily, slowly grinding against him repeatedly.
"I was hoping you'd like that." He smirks through his kisses. His hands wander up your front, taking hold of your breasts through your dress.
You moan at his groping. "I really do. I've always wanted to try it. And you know...I've heard it's just as fun to watch the tape back as it is to make it." You turn around, needing to touch him. Your hands run up and down his chest, slipping into his loosely buttoned shirt. You feel up his warm skin, trailing your fingertips anywhere you can reach. You trace his tattoos, drawing small groans from Eddie at the contact.
"You wanna help me get undressed, princess?" He asks, wanting so badly for you to strip him down.
"Sure thing, Eds." You grin, reaching for the lapels of his jacket. You push the fabric from his shoulders, and he slips the jacket off his arms. It lands on the floor, fully exposing his fuschia shirt. "God, you look so sexy in this suit, baby." You observe aloud, biting your lip. Eddie's always had such great style, although he looks good in everything. You undo the rest of his buttons at an agonizing pace, pulling the shirt tails out of his slacks. The shirt joins the jacket on the floor, leaving Eddie topless. His bare torso makes your mouth water, he truly is a sight to behold. Smooth, supple skin, subtle muscle definition, badass tattoos inked on almost every available inch, all illuminated beautifully in the candlelight. He's so damn perfect, leaving you wondering how you got so lucky.
"Uh-oh, has my rockin' body distracted you again, Y/N?" Eddie asks half-jokingly. He'll never get enough of the awestruck expression that permeates your face when you see him in all his glory.
"Maybe." You meet his eyes, no doubt your pupils are blown out with desire. You bring your lips to his, kissing him hungrily. You quickly move on to his jaw, his neck. You nibble and suck the flesh of his throat. He whimpers at the sensation, the sound of which makes arousal spread inside your panties. Your hand wanders downwards, quickly taking hold of his erection.
"Fuck, baby." He groans as his eyes flutter closed. You keep palming him, lowering your body to kiss his chest. You drag your tongue all around his skin, and playfully bite his nipples. "I love it when you do that." Eddie sighs blissfully, enjoying every move you make on him. You continue to bring yourself to your knees, kissing his stomach, dipping your tongue into his belly button. "That tickles." He says with a light laugh. You stop groping him for a moment, needing both hands to undo his belt. You get it open, and unzip his pants. He's still got his shoes on, but you don't care. You want his cock in your mouth, and you want it now. His slacks gather at his ankles, and you yank down his boxers to join them. His dick slaps his stomach, precum beaded on the tip.
"You want me to suck your cock, baby?" You ask teasingly, looking up at him with your hands resting on his thighs.
"Yes, please." Eddie begs. Your messing around has wound him up significantly. You take his length in your hand, pumping him a few times. "Shit." He groans, pleading with his eyes for you to give him what he wants.
"Patience, love. You'll get what you want." You coo, licking light circles around his tip. He moans again, anticipating your next move. You drag your tongue up and down his shaft, still warming him up. Helpless noises leave his lips, each of which sends a rush to your pussy. You're getting absolutely soaked, dripping onto your dress through the slit in your underwear. You finally take him in your mouth, effortlessly swallowing all his inches.
"Oh, god." He mutters, already getting close from all your teasing. His hand grips your head, fingers tangling in your hair. You bob back and forth on him, your nose brushing against his mound of hair with every stroke. You swirl your tongue around him as you work. You know all the right moves to drive Eddie wild. "Feels so good, baby. Such a good girl for me." He praises, drawing closer to his release.
"Mmm." You moan around him, sending vibrations through his lower half.
"You're gonna be the death of me, sweetheart." Eddie says, breathing heavily. He can't stop moaning, and calling out your name. Everything you're doing feels so fucking good. You've always been massively talented at giving head, and it's only gotten better with time. "Keep going, I'm almost there, baby." He instructs, his eyes squeezed shut as he awaits his release.
"Mmm." You moan again, becoming needy for your upcoming turn. You reach around to grip his firm ass, wanting to bring yourself closer to him. You massage the rounds of him, only increasing his pleasure. You gag on him over and over, your eyes watering as you work overtime to make him lose control.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Just a little more..." He trails off, gripping your head harder. He thrusts himself into you, chasing his high. You let him use you in any way he wants, breathing through your nose as he chokes you with his cock. "Such a good girl for me, angel. Taking my dick so well- shit. Gonna cum down that pretty throat of yours." He's babbling, his mind scrambling as his stomach begins to tense. "Fuck!" He shouts, his hips bucking into you harder than before. His hot load spills down your throat, his toes curling inside his shoes. He lets you out of his grasp, and you slip off of him. You gasp for air, swallowing hard. "Thank you, baby. That was so fuckin' amazing." He says lovingly, helping you stand up again.
"You're welcome, darling." You give him another kiss, which quickly turns into making out. Your tongues roll against each other, dialing up your desperation. You have to feel him touch you. Hands, face, cock, it doesn't matter. You want him in every way he'll give himself to you.
"I take it you want a turn now, sweetheart?" Eddie says quietly, your lips still barely brushing against one another.
"More than anything, Eds." You practically whine.
"Anything for you, baby. Let me get my shoes off, and how 'bout you lose the dress?" He politely commands, and you nod. You let him sort himself out, and you slowly pull the zipper down the back of your gown. You wait until Eddie's looking at you to take it off. "C'mon, love. Show me what you've got on under there." He bites his lip, becoming very excited again. You do as he asks, carefully pushing the dress down your body to reveal the lingerie you picked out for him. His eyes widen with every inch you expose, and his cock is already getting hard at the sight of you. You step out of the dress bunched at your feet, still standing in your high heels. You put your hand on your hip, posing casually.
"What do you think, Eddie? Do you like it?" You smirk, loving the awestruck expression on his face.
"You look gorgeous, baby." He says in disbelief. He moves closer to you, taking in every last detail. The bustier pushing your tits up, the ravishing red fabric sitting deliciously on your skin. He circles you, wanting to see all possible angles. "So fuckin' sexy, Y/N. God, I just want to take you right now." He meets your front again, unable to stop staring at your body.
"There's one last little detail you haven't seen, love." You spread your legs apart slightly, taking hold of his hand. You gently lead him between your legs, letting him feel for himself that there's no crotch in these panties.
His eyes widen further at this discovery, he gasps. "Oh, my god." He groans, his dick twitching at your little surprise. His fingers stroke your folds, spreading the excessive wetness around. You whimper at the sensation, your hips jolting when he runs over your clit. "And you're so fuckin' wet for me, too." You're gonna kill him at this point, every part of this is blowing his mind. He easily pushes two fingers into your cunt, curling them ever so slightly.
"Eddie." You moan out, putting a hand on his shoulder to keep your balance. He continues to finger you while walking you backwards to the bed. You let out muted moans, your insides setting alight as he pleases you. He pushes you down onto the bed, taking his digits out of you for a moment. You whine at the loss, but quickly realize he's just turning on the camera. The red blinking light comes on, and you're officially being recorded. You scoot backwards, trying to get as much into the camera's view as possible.
"You're so gorgeous, Y/N. The most beautiful woman in the world." Eddie compliments you, climbing onto the bed to hover over you. You're laying sideways on the bed, ensuring the camera will capture everything you do to each other. Eddie kisses you deeply, shoving his tongue in your mouth. You both moan into the kiss, hands wandering over each other's bodies. He lowers his hand to your pussy again, rubbing circles on your clit.
"Oh, fuck. Feels so good, baby." You say as you break the kiss. He shoves his fingers into you again, rougher than before. Your breath catches at the contact, your back arching off the bed. His other hand cups one of your breasts, massaging the flesh harshly. "You know, the woman that sold me this seemed to be imagining herself in it instead. She wanted to be here with you, in my place." You say in a seductive tone, and he picks up on what you're doing. You're using your jealousy to increase your own pleasure. "But you only want me, don't you?" You state this more as a fact than a question, needing Eddie to affirm the sentiment.
"I only want you, Y/N. Nobody else, not some starlet that throws herself at me, not an overzealous fan, not a lingerie saleswoman. Just you, because you are the most wonderful woman in the universe." He replies, his tone dark and sweet at the same time.
"Good boy." You say breathlessly as he increases his pace. He blushes at the nickname, you don't pull it out all that often. He loves it though, the way you can both play off one another so comfortably and easily. "I love how good your fingers feel, baby. But your mouth feels even better." You gaze up at him as you speak, caressing his cheek. He gets the message, pressing a few kisses to your cleavage before crawling downwards to position his face between your legs. His breath fans over your pussy, and he slowly removes his fingers from you. You sit up abruptly, taking hold of his wrist. You lock eyes with him as you lick your arousal from his skin. You moan at the taste, so sweet and musky.
"Damn, that's hot." Eddie murmurs, his words brushing against your core. He tents your knees, spreading your legs apart nice and wide. He wants to capture every second of this, to replay these intimate moments with you over and over. His tongue pokes out from behind his lips, making contact with your clit.
"Oh, Eddie." You gasp, your head falling backwards a moment. You're resting on your elbows, wanting to watch everything he does to you. Eddie licks and sucks every centimeter of you, from your bundle of nerves to your dripping entrance. His wet muscle feels so warm against you, flicking all the right places expertly. You can sense your release building higher and higher, just waiting to come tumbling down. You're covered in sweat, making your lingerie stick to you. "I love it when you eat me out, baby. Your tongue is so wet and warm. Fuck, I can't get enough." Eddie happily accepts your praises, growing unbearably hard at how pretty the words sound coming from your lips. He shoves his tongue inside your cunt, drawing a loud moan out of you. He keeps pressing your g spot like a button that makes dulcet noises escape your lungs with every push. You're getting very close, needing just a little bit more.
You weave your fingers in his hair and hold his head down. You tug roughly on his curly locks, and he grunts against you. "Mmm." The vibrations take your breath away. A large wave signaling your oncoming orgasm crashes over you.
"Do that again, Eds. I'm so close." You whimper. He does as you ask, another wave rolling over. "More. Make me cum, baby. I need you." Your chest is rising and falling rapidly, your breath coming out in a shallow panting. He repeats the action, stronger than before. That's all it takes for you to lose all control. "Oh, god! Eddie!" You cry out as your thighs begin to shake. Eddie keeps a firm hold on you to keep your body steady. You cum hard on his face, and he swallows as much of your juices as he can. He groans at the taste, furthering your high with even more vibrations. Stars blur your vision, and a fresh layer of sweat coats your skin. You fall backwards onto the bed, letting your eyes slip shut as you come back down to earth.
"That was beautiful, baby." Eddie says while lovingly stroking your thighs. He moves to lie down next to you, giving you the softest of kisses. You open your eyes to look at him, finding his kind face admiring you. "Hey there, my love." He smiles.
"Hey there, yourself." You reply cheekily. "That was really fuckin' good, by the way. Some of your best work."
"Oh, you think so? No notes, then?" He chuckles, playing around.
"None whatsoever, babe. You always know how to please me completely." You give him a kiss of your own, keeping things light. You're both still cooling off from your first orgasms, slowing down to savor every moment.
"I try my best." He turns onto his side, rolling you with him so he can spoon you. "Mmm, I love you, baby." He says, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
"I love you too, darling." You sigh, melting into his touch. You sense things heating up again, his dick is poking into your ass like before.
"You ready for more, sweetheart?" Eddie asks seductively, right in your ear. His breath fans hotly against your neck, making you shiver.
"Yes, please." You reply, barely above a whisper. Eddie grabs your thigh, angling your leg to lay over his. He's tender and gentle, his large hand trailing across your skin with every touch. He takes his dick in his hand, rubbing the head against your folds to lube you both up. You share a moan at the feeling, and turn your heads to share another kiss. Eddie slowly pushes his cock into your pussy, your walls swallowing him up completely. He brushes against your sweet spot, his tip hitting your cervix once he bottoms out. "You're so big, Eddie." You say against his lips.
"All for you, dollface." He replies. He pulls almost all the way out, before slamming back in. You cry out, and his breath hitches at your insides flexing around him. "Fuck, you're so wet and tight for me. Fuckin' gorgeous." He pulls out, and thrusts back into you even harder.
"I need more, love." You whine at him, wanting him to completely let loose.
"More what? Use your words, be a good girl." He commands, a dark thrill shooting through you at his tone. He thrusts roughly again, his hips smacking against your ass.
"I want you to fuck me harder, Eddie. Go faster, ruin me." You beg, not a care in the world for how needy you sound.
"I love it when you beg, baby. It's impossible to resist." He says with a wicked smile, before taking a hard grip on your waist. He starts hammering into your pussy, hitting your special spot every single time.
"Just like that, Eds! You feel so goddamn good, don't stop!" You exclaim, enjoying every second of this. "I want you to tear me apart, fuck me again and again until there's nothing left."
"You're such a greedy little thing tonight, aren't you? So needy for my cock, my perfect little freak. I'll give you anything you want, princess. You take my dick so well." Eddie speaks through gritted teeth, the words flowing directly to your brain. Every syllable dizzies your head, pushing you further toward the edge. Eddie's doesn't seem too far behind, his thrusts becoming unfocused. "Roll over for me, baby." He pants, pulling out of you and getting onto his knees. You do as he asks, putting your ass in the air for him while you rest on your elbows. He rams his dick into you just barely after you get a good grip on the blankets beneath you.
"Fuck!" You cry out. "You getting close, baby?" You ask, noticing Eddie's balls tightening as they slap against you.
"Yes, angel. I can tell you're almost there, too. You're squeezin' me so tight." He struggles to get the words out. Your walls flutter around him in the most exquisite way. His rings dig into your flesh, holding your hips for dear life as he chases your high along with his own. Your bodies are soaked with sweat, hair clinging to faces and beads of moisture rolling down cheeks. "C'mon, baby. Be a good girl and cum for me." Eddie groans, bringing his hand around to rub your clit. He makes perfect circles with just the right amount of pressure to seal your fate.
"Eddie!" You shout, falling helplessly into the depths of your second orgasm. Your front end crumbles, utterly powerless as pure ecstasy courses through you. You moan consistently against the sheets, muffling your sounds. Your pussy clamps down onto Eddie's length, and he pulls out just before he loses control.
"Good girl, Y/N. So fuckin' pretty when you cum. A perfect mess, just for me." Eddie grunts out the words as he jerks himself off, positioning the tip just above your ass. "Fuck, princess." His stomach clenches, and his load spurts out in hot white ropes. You feel his release spill over you, soaking through your panties and running down your thighs. A drop of it lands right on your clit, making you jolt. You're just about to let yourself collapse onto the bed, assuming Eddie's finished. But clearly he's only getting started. He doesn't want to stop, feeling far too gluttonous to tap out now. He manages to stay hard, and shove himself into you once more.
"Shit, Eds. I thought you were done." You gasp, still sparking from your previous orgasm. You've had no time to recover, and it won't take long to make you lose it again.
"Far from it, darling. I need you, to feel you soak my cock, to hear you scream my name. I'm not gonna stop until you beg me to." He almost growls, cursing at how sensitive he feels. He's never seriously tried to go another round so quickly, it typically doesn't work out. But this night, and the way you look in your sexy lingerie, it's taken him to an extremely intense place. You keep pulsating steadily around him, quickly adding on top of the existing pleasure still roiling inside you.
"Go ahead, love. Use me any way you like. Fuck me 'til I can't walk for a week." You whimper, feeling the waves crashing over you again. "Oh, god. I'm gonna cum again." You say as a warning, but it only makes Eddie work harder. He snaps his hips, hitting your g spot at an entirely new angle. "FUCK!" You scream, legs trembling once again. Your walls constrict like a snake, overstimulating his cock.
"Good girl." He huffs, still keeping up the punishing rhythm. You're moaning and whining helplessly as he extends your pleasure. You feel a rush of cum flow out of your pussy, dripping messily onto the bed and your thighs. "Such a dirty girl for me, making a mess all over the bed." He says, watching the erotic scene before him. He stares at his cock pounding into you, and your cum spilling everywhere. It's one of the most phenomenal things he's ever seen. You don't squirt often, but Eddie loves it when you do.
Your fists ball the sheets tightly, tears of overstimulation running down your face. It feels so good, and you don't wanna stop. "Make me do it again, Eddie. I'll be a good girl for you. I'll soak the entire bed if that's what you want." You offer, playing to his dark tendencies that you hold so dear.
"Don't mind if I do." He says through a groan. He starts rubbing your clit again, setting you off not a minute later.
"OH MY GOD!" You scream. You swear you're bursting into flames, everything feels so fucking amazing. You pulsate again, your legs jolting beyond your control, tugging on Eddie's dick. More cum gushes out of you, splashing onto his chest and stomach, and your back through his continued thrusts.
"Fuck, Y/N!" He moans, you're more tight and warm and wet than you've ever been before. The flood of fluids rushing over him makes his eyes roll back into his head. Eddie's still not quite reaching his third orgasm, but he knows he will if he can get just one more out of you. "I'm getting close again, baby. Just do one more for me. You feel so fuckin' good." He forces the words out, he's so close it almost hurts.
"Anything for you, love. Cum inside me, claim me as yours." You whine. Your muscles won't stop tensing and quaking, it's like you're not in control of your body anymore. All you know is overwhelming pleasure, waiting for the final explosion to detonate. Your ass stings from the constant, rough slapping of skin, which only increases from your mess covering everything. You're full-on crying at this point, unable to hold back as he builds you up one final time.
"Almost there, sweetheart. You can do it, you're such a good girl." Eddie encourages you. His own hips begin to stutter, he's seconds away from losing it. His brows knit, and his abdomen becomes tight. "FUCK!" He yells, bucking into you as his load spills into your cunt. The feeling of his release stickily coating your insides makes you cum one final time.
"Oh, god! Eddie! I'M GONNA-" You're cut off as the air completely empties from your lungs. Your vision blacks out, and for a moment you think you've died. It's like you've exploded into a million stars, white-hot and flying across the night sky. You can't comprehend a damn thing, all that exists is you and Eddie in this moment. The sheer amount of cum that explodes from you feels positively inhuman. It's like someone dumped a huge bucket of warm water all over you and Eddie. The sheer force of it pushes his dick out of you.
"Fuck, baby. Holy shit." He slips backwards on the mattress, left to witness what he can only assume is all the moisture in your body splashing onto the bed. He watches in complete shock, eyes wide and jaws sat open. You cum for a solid fifteen seconds, so hard it almost hurts. And by the end of it, you're more spent than you've ever been. You collapse onto the bed, gasping for air and sobbing. Eddie gets up to turn off the camera, there's no need to record you crying in the aftermath. He helps you sit up, but you feel dehydrated and dizzy. Your chest heaves and hiccups as you attempt to calm down. He keeps an arm around you, holding you close for comfort. "Are you alright, love?" Eddie asks, worried he's gone too far with you this time.
"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. It w-was amazing, Eds." You say through your sobs, giving him an exhausted smile. You take a deep breath, exhaling shakily. You do it a couple more times and it seems to soothe you enough to speak properly. "I love you so much, darling. Happy Valentine's day." You say sweetly, giving him a tender kiss.
"I love you too, sweetheart. You were unbelievable. I'll never forget this special night we shared." He replies, just as content as you. "How 'bout we take a shower, and get you some water? I'll have someone come in and change the sheets, and then we can watch the tape back if you want." Eddie suggests, helping you stand up.
"Sounds perfect, love." He leads you to the bathroom, assisting you in removing the soaked lingerie set and high heels. He slips on his robe for a moment, leaving the bedroom to summon someone to clean up the bed for you. He rejoins you, and you wash away all the mess of tonight's activities. You find the bed freshly made for you once you finish. Eddie grabs the camera from the tripod, and you both slip under the covers in the nude to relive the amazing sex you just had. You snuggle up real close, and Eddie rewinds the tape to start at the beginning.
Tonight couldn't have been more perfect. The shopping, the dinner, Eddie's gift, the sex tape, it's all been absolutely amazing. Sure, you're gonna be waddling around like a penguin for the next few days. But it's all worth it to know that Eddie loves you above all else. And you love him to the ends of the universe and back.
The end.
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enkays-den · 1 month
Skizz Week 2, Day 3: Fight/Fun
968 words, no warnings, Skizz, Doc
“What have you called me over for, Doc?” Skizz asked as the two of them stepped through the nether portal.
“I heard you’re a big fan of da win’ charges,” the German replied. “I have a new machine that I’ve already tested and I thought you might like to see it in action.
“Whoa,” Skizz said wondrously, looking up at the tall structure. “What’s it do?” He sounded like a little kid.
“I’ll explain once we go up, we need to get up top anyways to see it.”
Skizz was handed a rock climbing harness to step into. Doc then clipped one of the carabiners to an industrial pulley, and another to a bright red safety line. He also pulled all the straps of the harness tight.
“Hey, you’re gonna cut off circulation to important parts!”
Doc raised an eyebrow. “You wanna wanna take the fall down? Okay.” He reached for the straps again, but Skizz swatted his hands away with a beat of his wing. 
“No touchy-touchy.”
Doc’s laugh sounded almost like a scoff. “You’re so strange, Skizzleman.”
“I grow on you, like a mould.”
“I’m sure Impulse would agree.”
“Skizz giggled. “Nine days out of ten, yeah.”
“You all ready?” Doc was turning dials and cranks on a mechanical console.
“As I’ll ever be.”
“Okay, hold on to the redrope if you want. It won’t do anything.”
“Real reassur-AHHH!” Skizz’s retort was cut off by the winch pulling him up at a horrifically fast clip. His knuckles were white as he gripped the red safety rope.
“DOC YOU SUUUUUCK!!!” He screamed below. 
Doc’s maniacal laughter could be heard over the wind rushing in his ears.
The pair zipped up the structure, passing by large matrices of redstone that Skizz wouldn't hope to understand in a million years.
The winch slowed down when they were level with some of the mountaintops. There was a metal platform that the two of them stepped onto.
“You can let go of da rope now,” Doc said, smirking.
Skizz took a deep breath, releasing his lifeline. “Dude, that freaking sucked.”
“Funny, Impulse said you’re an adrenaline junkie, I thought you’d enjoy da ride.”
“Didn’t occur to you that maybe some of us normal people might want to take the elevator?”
“Dat is da elevator.”
Skizz laughed nervously as Doc unclipped him from the winch and to the safety wires.
Doc gave a quick tour and summary of the machinery on this level.
“So we are up here because dis is my wind charge farm. You see over dere is da glass enclosure with a breeze inside. Dis piston can basically catch da charges fired at da iron golem. Dey’re held in stasis and I accumulate them in dis spot.”
“So these aren’t wind charges we can harvest and throw ourselves?” Skizz asked, watching the breeze shoot windballs into the glass chamber.
“No, at da moment, I can’t only isolate the charges into one spot, but moving dem a distance in dis state isn’t something I’ve figured out yet.”
“Yet,” Skizz chuckled.
Doc just smirked. “Yes, yet. Hivemind is very powerful, wit all our minds combined.”
“If you can’t move the charges and don’t want to make them throwable objects, what do you do with them? And why am I here? I’m just the town jester!”
“I remember you were very enthusiastic about using boats and fishing poles for transport earlier in da season. Dis makes dat technique look like playing jump rope.”
Skizz’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”
“Dead. I can get stacks of charges here, get in a boat, activate them, and go over two hundred thousand meters in da air.”
“Holy moly,” Skizz breathed in amazement. He turned to Doc, eyes sparkling. “Please tell me that you brought me here to send me to space.”
Doc only grinned in response. Skizz cheered.
They got into a large oak boat made for four, Doc and Skizz on either end of the boat and some scientific equipment piled into the middle, some analog, some electronic.”
Doc gave all their altitude and accelerometer devices a final check. “Okay, I think we’re ready for takeoff.”
“Hell yes!” Skizz hopped into the boat and strapped himself into the modified seat.
Doc pressed the button to align everything, the boat shifting slightly as everything got pushed into position with pistons. He gestured to a very Dr. Frankenstein looking lever. “Skizz, want to do de honors?”
“It would be an honor.” Skizz grasped the handle. “Wanna count down and I pull on ‘go’?”
“Sure. Three… two… one… go.”
Skizz wrenched the lever down. A moment later, a deafening WHOOOOOOOM sounded and everything in the boat became glued to floor with the G force of their liftoff.
“Jeez!” Skizz yelled, peering over the edge of the boat. They were already so far up, he could see the edges of Joe’s Hermit Homdel. 
“According to dis” – Doc gestured to the equipment – “we passed da max height you were getting with da fishing rods within three seconds.”
“That’s crazy, dude,” Skizz laughed. Suddenly, he gasped. “That’s the hourglass! It looks so small from up here!”
“Da hourglass is not small!” Doc said indignantly. “Da hourglass is a monument to suffering on da server because no one will let me dupe sand!”
After a while, the novelty of watching the landscape below them shrinking wore off, and Skizz looked over at Doc, who was finished examining his equipment and noting things down. The goat-creeper-man hybrid was watching Skizz, seemingly happy he was enjoying the trip, but definitely looking a little awkward.
They still hadn’t finished going up, and the devices tracking their position and altitude was telling him it was already four minutes of vertical travel. 
This was going to take a while.
“So Doc… how’s the German basketball scene these days?”
22 notes · View notes
cookie-crumblr · 1 year
Part 2~
His Info: 📔✨
part 1 2
CW: F! READER/READER HAS A VAGINA, swearing, gendered speech toward reader (LOTS of good girl), massive praise kink, spanking, imbalanced power dynamic(teacher/student), age gap, vaginal intercourse, creampie, not proof read
AN: i’m so sorry this took so long, i went through it for a min… i hope it’s still good! 🫣✨ enjoy!
“What the fuck?!”
“Yeah i know right?!” You said back into the phone.
“You said no tho, right?” Your best friend asked.
“…” You swallowed.
“Y/N! You said yes?! my creepo meter is seriously going off! just please say you’re sick or somethin’ on that day!” They exclaimed, practically begging.
“Y/N” they say in a motherly/fatherly tone. “You’ll tell them you can’t right?”
“O-oh! look at the time! the Griswolds downstairs made pot roast today! gotta go!”
“Y/N!!!!!—” You hang up…
“fuck…” If their alarm bells are also going off you know you should be worried… But…
You’re just not.
You fall back into your double bed, and let your phone fall out of your hand.
You can’t help it.
He turns you on…
Especially after yesterday…
You can still feel his hand ghosting over your collar bone.
A shudder passes through you again.
“Thum-Thump Thum-Thump” Your heart pounds in your head. You try to swallow but choke.
You take a second to quickly and quietly compose yourself before bringing your hand up to the intricately carved door…
The place is… immaculate. To sell it short.
Your professor must be absolutely loaded to have such an estate. You feel like you have the wrong address… But the gates opened right up when you walked toward them.
You knock once and a professional looking man answers the door.
“Master Reichsgraf!” He calls while ushering you in, taking any extra things you may be carrying to hang them in a wardrobe. “Your honored guest has arrived!”
Well… It’s the right place. You swallow hard again.
“Welcome, welcome!” he descends the large carved wooden twin staircase with an air of refinery you’ve never seen in him.
“i’m sorry my darling… there will be an… unexpected visitor tonight. She won’t be bothering us for long however.”
He leads you around the main parts of the estate for a grand tour, keeping it sufficiently entertaining, you manage to almost relax in his presence.
Grand doors, as large and as ornate as the entrance open before you, revealing a table long enough to fit at least 20 people!
“oh my-“ you’re cut off.
“i see you finally stopped dating women older than our mother, feefee.” She drew out the nickname at the end mockingly. “Though, she’s a lil rough around the edges… hmm” she hums dissatisfied.
You shrink under her tigress gaze.
Your professor leads you gently by the elbow to your seat near the head of the table.
She yoinks the fancy looking bottle of wine from in front of you, “Hmm,” she spends a second inspecting the label “You actually want to impress this girl I see. It’s a good vintage.”
“Shelly, your bottle is still in the rack” he motions toward the smaller door located toward the middle of the room.
She lazily plops the bottle back down in front of you. “Thanks Feefee,” she spins holding the doorframe and looking back still only acknowledging him, “Mother told me she’s coming back.” her mocking tone of earlier was replaced with a jarringly serious one.
“I know.” He looks over the table, and his unreadable eyes land on the wine.
She closes the door behind her.
“ah, darling,” he’s back to a cheerfully elegant disposition, “Sheila won’t be bothering us again tonight, she just wanted to greet us before moving to the guest wing. Now that that’s done, let me open the bottle!”
“Please, Y/N tell me more about yourself…”
You’ve been talking non-stop about everything and anything. He’s been nothing short of attentive…
in fact, he’s been almost too attentive.
While you speak he frequently sighs wistfully as if he is remembering event of your life with you.
“Why?” You speak barley above a whisper.
“What was that, darling?” he cocks his head.
“why me?” You let the question that’s been burning on your mind slip.
“why you indeed…” he sighs wistfully, “i wish i could give you an appropriate answer, darling.”
“then why should i believe in you? or in any of this?” you motion to your surroundings.
“darling, my infatuation may be simple at face value, but I assure you it is depthless. nothing i could tell you could possibly bring the right words forth to explain it properly.”
Your cheeks darken a shade… You didn’t expect him to feel so serious about you…
“Why don’t we play a game?” he stands.
“Good girl~” he hummed. He pulls you away from the table and reaches around you to clear a space.
He takes your hand and helps you onto the table.
“Here,” He fills your wine glass to the brim, and hands it to you. he leans into your ear, “Don’t spill this,” he plants an open mouth kiss to your neck.
“Ah!” you jump and spill wine onto your chest.
“Tsk, already? I just said don’t spill it…” he didn’t sound disappointed, instead his voice sounds much hungrier, as he plants more and more kisses against your neck. Your professors hands now traveling up your body.
You feel him pull the sleeves of your dress down your arms, exposing your top half.
you’re squeezing the glass between your bosom, your eyes are shut tight and your breathing is haggard.
His tongue finds your perked up bud and he starts to lick light swirls around it. His fingers on your other one mirroring the movement between pinches.
The heat inside you is becoming unbearable, you lean back and spill more wine on yourself, it’s cold as it’s seeping into your panties.
“mmm” you moan, his free hand caresses up your leg all the way to your sex. His fingers tease you through the fabric barrier while his thumb supplies ample pressure to your clit.
“Looks like you need to be punished. You spilled so much wine,” He smiles, and takes the glass, then sets it down on the table beside you.
“p-punished?” You squeak.
First, he starts to remove his suit jacket, then his tie, finally onto his button up shirt.
“what kind of professor would i be if i didn’t teach you new things?” He licks his lips, “flip over.” He commands.
He steps back just barely enough to give you room to move.
Shoes gently click against the wood floor as you slip down off the table.
“Such a good girl…” He hums in approval, “But, even good girls make mistakes.” His hands lightly travel downward, tickling the backs of your legs. “We must always learn to correct them.”
Hands rake back up to your bottom, stopping before falling off of you, all to come back with a sharp *Slap!* You gasp.
Open palmed hands caress you as he pulls your skirt up, setting the bunched up fabric on your lower back.
He applies more consistent pressure, kneading circles into your soft flesh with his thumbs. You moan.
“What are we going to do?” he asks.
“About what?”
“Not the answer I’m looking for, and I know you can do this. What do we do when we make mistakes?” He asks a slightly different question.
“I…Don’t know-I”
“Incorrect again. It’s okay, that’s what i’m here for. To help you learn. Now, What do we do when we make mistakes?”
“We f-fix them?”
You flinch. but no slap comes.
“My good girl, i’m so proud of you. We fix them, correct, darling.” He gently massages the tender area of skin on your rump.
Making him pleased with you is making the heat really build back up between your thighs.
You really are such a good girl.
Your eyes sting… Has anyone been proud of you before?
“Oh my! my, my, my, good girl.” absolute awe drips from his voice, sticky and sweet like honey.
Your body is shaking with anticipation. “I-I am!” you say excitedly. If you had a tail it would be wagging.
“Yes! You are! Now that we’ve properly punished you and corrected your mistake, what do we do with this? hmm?” Fingers gently kiss your opening.
Your legs spread on their own, and you whimper.
“What would you like, darling?” he leans over you, his voice in your ear and his hard bulge prodding against you.
“would you p-put it in me?” You pause to swallow hard, “P-please”
“Since you did such a good job today, I think i will, Y/N.” He puts his hand on top of your head, and you feel compelled to rub against it.
You are unaware the effect this has on him, his heart pounds for you.
A gentle caress under your chin is all it takes him to lure your face to his.
Lips press to yours, and a tongue soon gently pokes and asks for entry.
Like lava you melt in a dizzying amount of pleasure.
You don’t even notice him lining up with you until he’s sliding forward and back between your folds.
With the kiss broken, your eyes roll back forward.
Such a hot thing down there teasing your entrance before sliding over your clit.
It’s burning you up.
A hand hooks under your leg from behind the knee and lifts it onto the table.
His long cock slides with more pressure now on the way back to your entrance.
You bite your lip, the knot in your core tightening.
Pressure and anticipation align with the plush head pushing open your hole until-
He’s in.
You sigh out all your air, a shuddering moan escaping with it all.
“O-Oh,” as your breathing out, he pushes further in.
“You’re such a good girl, opening up for me,” He pats your head again.
Whimpers fall from your lips as he’s slowly stretching and cooing you.
“You’re doing so well, darling.”
He’s so proud of you, truly, he’s in awe. Your pussy squeezes him with every praise he caresses your mind with.
Soon he’s bottomed out, the way that your legs are grants him access to the deepest parts of you.
It’s hard to breathe, he’s so long, so warm you strain out a small moan.
Slowly, he pulls back out and you can breathe again.
Hips press back against your ass, and air escapes your lungs.
He’s pulling out and pushing back in, and the intense stretch soon makes way for pleasure, and as soon as your moans fall more freer, he knows.
Picking up some speed but still he manages to fuck you languidly, his dick feels like it goes on forever inside you. It’s so impossibly long.
and he really knows how to use it.
As he pushes in he pushes down, and as he pulls out he pushes up. Every millimeter of your insides rubbed by his burning dick.
You feel on fire, your leg is unsteady on the ground, and your toes are tingling.
A hand pats your head and you come out of your already dazed state, “hmmm?”
“You really are my perfect girl,” he coos.
You tighten, the sensation of holding him in place feels so good, a moan leaves you weakly.
He forces himself in deeper, and manages to pull out.
a puff of air near your ear makes you shudder, “such a perfectly good girl, squeezing me in so tightly,” he groans.
You bite your lip.
“Do you want my cum inside you that badly?”
You nod.
He manages to flip you over on the table without fully separating from you, now you sit on the edge, your legs bent and spread for him. You feel more exposed now and a little shy…
“perfect girl,” his fingers find your clit and start to rub vigorously, as he pushes as far in as he can.
You feel so hot.
You forget your worries and let go.
Your arms wobble and strain to hold you up.
Soon after your core is ready to pop,
whimpers and gasps fall from your pretty lips.
He starts thrusting again and you snap, falling back onto the table.
Wine spills into your hair now, but you don’t care.
He uses your spent body as a flesh light to finish and soon your next orgasm is building again.
You reach down to grab him for purchase, your body and the table bouncing.
Your moans turn to almost panicked screams, you’re so sensitive.
He speeds up, his hips slapping you, and his fingers start spinning on you again.
Stars interrupt your eyes.
One last slam inside you and you feel hot ropes spill inside you.
Such fullness that you’ve only ever dreamed of sends you into euphoria.
You squeeze harder, milking him for all he’s worth.
Your body is so hot you cum with crashing force and pry his still vigorously moving hand off of you.
He’s smiling at you, and relents.
“can i pull out now?”
You’re out of breath, and your voice falls weakly, “okay…”
cum spills onto the table edge as he does, his softening dick feels like it takes forever to pull out of you fully. a moan escapes you again as he passes over those sensitive spots one last time, making your legs twitch and bounce.
Clinking and shuffling of fine chinas is heard, and the rumble of your professor climbing onto the table next to you surrounds you as you’re catching your breath.
After he’s joined you, he cups your face in his big hand and you turn to nuzzle into it, practically purring.
To him you might as well be.
His warmth finds the rest of your body and covers you easily.
Eventually he slides off softly, and carries your sleepy form wrapped in the table cloth for temporary warmth, to his chambers to retire until the morning.
“Precious girl” his whisper enters your sleep addled brain gently, you smile feeling perfectly warm and content.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 8 months
My Current Table of Contents
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Lol finally changed the banner into something better 😂 Anyways, reposting an updated Table of Contents for my AO3 works. Check it out here or on my AO3 😆 :
Canon Divergence:
The Bucky Quest Saga, which tells the behind the scenes story between Sam and Bucky post-Captain America: the Winter Soldier through to The Falcon and the Winters Soldier and beyond that
A Captain and His Bucky which is what if Bucky was the original Captain America, Sam has been Captain America since the events Avengers Movie, Steve Rogers is the Winter Soldier, and Sam found Bucky thawing from a chunk of ice in SHIELD headquarters during the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and has now taken him in to help him navigate life in the future
My Aaron Davis/Peter B. Parker Fake Marriage Enemies to Lovers Fic You're a Sunflower (I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much)
My Heimdall/Sam Wilson Post-TFATWS Fic Series, Loving Are All-Seeing Men and Midgardian Captains
Sam Wilson finds himself in a very strange game show with some asshole named Bucky Barnes, The Marriage Game
Two clubbing feelings with porn SamBucky fics. One that happens post-TWS during Bucky's European Tour and one that happens during the black market art auction nightclub scene in TFATWS. The fics titles, as well as this collection title, are based on lines in the song hand crushed by a mallet by 100 gecs, I didn’t get to tell you goodbye
A story about Sam and Bucky finding out that Sam's dead husband Riley is a Winter Soldier, Captain America, The White Wolf, and the Winter Soldier
A story about Bucky hearing Sam truly laugh for the first and a bonus series of vignettes about Bucky's twenty-three goats and their pun names, Sam and Bucky's Cabin
Time After Time, or my Sorcerer Supreme Sam Canon Divergence Fic
Back in the Gulf, where Sam Wilson tries to figure out where he fits in the world post-blip and if he wants Bucky Barnes to be part of his life.
My All Caps fic, sometimes that's all we need, an Endgame Canon Divergence where everyone lived, no one went old and went to the past, and Steve and Bucky are competing for Captain America Sam Wilson's love and attention
Five Times Bucky Got Dirty and the One Time Bucky Got Sam Dirty, a two-part fic about five times Bucky got dirty around Sam and the one time Bucky got Sam dirty
My gay chicken, post-blip, accidental undercover fake married fic, Playing with Fire
My Valentine's Day Fic about Sam Not Knowing He's Actually Dating Bucky, You'll Never Be My Maybe.
Meanwhile... a short two-part fic about Sam and Bucky figuring out their love for each other while on a mission.
My Gideon Visits and Shenanigans Ensue two-parter, A Surprise Visit
My IWTV Season 1, Episode 2 Loustat fic, I don't think you realize (but you are in my insides)
The Beyoncé Trilogy, a series of three fics inspired by the Beyoncé songs "Blow", "Cuff It", and "Texas Hold 'Em" that take place during an alternate version of CATWS.
Fantasy AUs:
My Fantasy/Medieval/Arranged Marriage AU, Golden is the Sun
His Wingless Stranger, which is a "What if WWII Bucky fell off that train into a world that spliced Tomorrowland with Hiyao Miyazaki and Sam lived in a future society where everyone has wings?"
My Apothecary Meets Prince Who Accidentally Becomes His Apprentice Fic Series, The White Wolf Apothecary
My Star Wars AU, Star Wars Episode IV.V: The Phantom Hookup
Fairytale AU, The Little White Wolf
A story about monster Hunter Joaquín meets Vampire Sam and Werewolf Bucky in a bar, Joaquín Torres Monster Hunter
The Two Strangers, A post-apocalyptic future western SamBucky AU on a different planet
My Practical Magic inspired AU, Impractical Magic
My matelotage Pirate!Sam, Merman!Bucky fic, Reaching Out For You
My Future Kid Fic, Pre-Vampire Apocalypse fic Canary in the Coal Mine
My Selkie and Pirate two-part love story, The Selkie and the Pirate Elect
My If You Were the Last AU, The Hypothetical
The Midnight Lover, my bittersweet Vampire AU
My Percy Jackson and the Olympians AU, Sam Wilson and the Olympians
No Powers AUs:
My Single All the Way AU, A No Snow Christmas
My Popstar AU, The Only Thing That I Refuse to Forget
My one fantastic impromptu date fic, A Night With You
My airport chase confession fic My Best Friend's Brother
My Bachelor AU, If I Take You Home
My Christmas Fake Relationship Fic, For the Holidays
From That Show, my Sitcom Actors!AU
My High School AU fic, Walking and Running to You 
My Anthologies:
The SamBucky Halloween 2021 Anthology I made for the SamBucky Halloween 2021 event the SamBucky Library is hosting
The WinterFalcon Week 2021 I participated in that's being hosted by the WinterFalcon Week tumble
The Nine Short Dates with Sam and Bucky ficlet series I made
The Sambtember Ficlets and Drabble Anthology I created for the Samtember event hosted by the Sam Wilson Fest tumblr
The Kinktober Collection 2021;
Water They Waiting For anthology series. It's 9 writers, 19 stories, and a lot of sexual tension involving water
My SarahBucky fics for Fleur de Louve Month2021
My SamBuckyTorres anthology, Captains and Falcons and White Wolves, Or My!
My collection of three fics for the MYSU Holiday Gift Exchange 2021!
My collection of fics based on the SamBucky Library's Candy Hearts Event 2022, SamBucky Library's Candy Hearts Event 2022 Fic Anthology
My collection of stories inspired by my the Daily SamBucky Fluff Diary on my tumblr, The Daily SamBucky Fluff Diary Auxiliary Stories
My collection of fics based on the 2 card of the MYSU Valentine's Day Bingo 2022, MYSU Valentine's Day Bingo 2022 Fic Anthology
My collection of fics based on the photos in post by hot-chocolates-world on tumblr, The Tush Collection
My collection for the SamBucky AU Week 2022, My SamBucky AU Week 2022 Collection
My collection of Drabbles and Ficlets for Samtember 2022
My collection of WinterFalcon Bingo Round Two 2022-2023 Bingo Fills 
My collection of fills for SamBucky Halloween Bingo 2022
My collection of fills for the Sam Wilson Bingo Round 2
My collection of fills for the SamBucky Festive Bingo 2022
My collection of fills for TFATWS Anniversary 2023 Fics
My collection of All Caps Bingo Round One 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Summer Bingo 2023 Fills
My collection of Samtember 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Halloween Bingo 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Gift Event 2023 Fics
My collection of SamBucky Valentine's Day Bingo 2024 Fics
My SamBucky One-Shots!
My Other One-Shots!
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
2022 Blurbs
It's Harry’s first night performing for Coachella and he doesn't tell YN who his surprise guests are. (3.1k)
It's Harry’s second night performing for Coachella and he finally reveals to YN who his surprise guest is. (2.5k)
Zane Lowe Interview
Interview bit where 1dbandmember!reader is mentioned.
Superior Guitarist
Harry's asked in a interview who's the better guitarist: Mitch or YN?
Liam’s Podcast
YN’s reaction to Liam’s unsavory comments about her.
How YN deals with rude paparazzi.
There's a familiar face in the crowd of Harry's Love On Tour show in Dublin. (1.8k)
Harry does what a fan's sign says.
It's A Classic
Harry and YN receive a nostalgic 1d shirt from fans.
YN distracts Harry while he's taking an ice bath with talking about a certain body part of his.
Before a Show
How Harry acts before one of YN's shows.
YN changes a certain word when performing on stage.
Who is YN to deny her fans' demands to cover one of Harry’s unreleased songs?
Venice Film Festival
YN is Harry's date to the Don't Worry Darling premiere. (3k)
Or Is It?
YN says one of Harry's iconic phrases during her show.
Wasted Time
A morning with a love sick YN and Harry.
YN wants to take a bite out of Harry's bum.
A fan's sign at Harry's show catches the couple's attention.
YN LN: Same Interview, The Sixth Year | Vanity Fair
YN’s growth since she became a solo artist.
Summer Nights
Harry brings out his Sandy to sing with him for HARRYWEEN 2022.
Pink and Blue Forever
YN’s Instagram post for Fine Line's 3rd birthday.
Hot Ones
YN answers hot questions with even hotter wings.
After 12 years of knowing each other, YN and Harry finally tie the knot on their anniversary on England.
Waiting Room
YN’s One Night Only for her third album.
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toh-tagteam-au · 2 years
Tag Team AU Synopsis – Agony of a Witch + Young Blood Old Souls
Synopsis Masterpost Link
Previous Part [Enchanting Grom Fright + Wing it Like Witches]
Next Part [Intermission: Yesterday's Lie]
Season finale, fellas. Season 1 was basically a build up to this moment and to the rest of season 2. I'm just really proud of this one.
Agony of a Witch
Lilith tries getting into the Owl House like canon, and fails pretty miserably like canon. BUT, in the aftermath when the dust has settled, Hunter flies in on Flapjack, enters the Owl House, and is seen by Lilith (who knows his face). Lilith connects the dots, and knows what she has to do in order to capture Eda.
Meanwhile, Hunter is getting ideas about officially leaving the Emperor’s Coven.
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He makes a plan to head back to the castle one last time, grabbing Luz, and getting the hell out of dodge. Also, Eda Magic Spaghetti setup for the witch’s wool cloak. 
CUT TO THE EMPEROR’S CASTLE!!! Luz is leading the tour group! She sees Amity and it’s cute, she’s excited. Amity is So Guilty but also blushing. 
At some point, Lilith comes in. Luz takes Kikimora’s place in canon by pointing her out, but she’s a lot nicer about it. 
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Amity breaks off from the group at this point, and follows Lilith to the throne room. She sees Belos eat the palisman like Luz does in canon, and has a similar reaction. She runs back to the group. 
Lilith reports to Belos.
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Cut to Hunter! Who changes into his GG uniform and is entering the castle.
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So, fight time. Hunter is very outnumbered, but he manages to take down most of the scouts.
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And then we cut back to Luz, who is waving away the students. Amity stays back to talk to her, when they’re interrupted by Kikimora.
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(Kiki’s line is a direct mirror to her summoning Luz in the comic, if u remember)
Cut to Luz walking onto the balcony. Belos is there.
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(There's some HELLA subtext going with Belos projecting onto Luz here, if that isn't clear. This version of Belos is more trusting with her because he's seen the parallels between them. This isn't just manipulation – he legitimately pities her and what she's going through)
Back to the fight! Hunter gets out of the bubble with Flapjack’s help.
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They have a little staff battle, but it ends with Lilith grabbing his staff and Hunter being thrown off the bridge.
Eda tries to save him, but it goes about as well as you’d expect.
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Owlbert catches Hunter.
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Hunter goes back to the Owl House, and finds out that Eda was going to give him the cloak.
Young Blood, Old Souls
For reference, this takes place a day or so after the last episode, like canon.
We open in the Throne room with Eda in owl beast mode. She is made lucid by Belos, the same as canon.
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Cut to Hunter on top of one of the coven carriages and with a bandana over his mouth (also new witch’s wool cloak). It rolls into the conformatorium while coven scouts are milling around. When it goes into the cell area, he drops down and starts kicking ass. Infiltration time. 
Cut to Eda! She’s in her chains when the door to her cell opens, and Luz is there, face covered in shadow. Eda jokingly asks if there’s a way Luz could get Eda out of there, when Luz comes into the light, maskless, and cries. She tells her she can’t get her out, and that she’s sorry she put her in this position. If she didn’t make the deal with her, she wouldn’t be caught.
Eda doesn’t care about that, though. What she does care about is that she’s looking at Camila’s lost daughter. She takes out the portal key and gives it to Luz, saying that if she’s going to bite the dust, she can’t think of anyone who deserves it more than a human. 
The cage goes up around Eda, and she is brought up to the Petrification Ceremony. Luz presses the button on the key, and the portal is summoned. She looks up where Eda disappeared, and goes through the portal, leaving an empty room.
Lilith walks in a second later. 
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Lilith brings Hunter to the elevator platform, when they’re ambushed by Belos.
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Belos tells him the whole deal: He tells Hunter that he would typically kill the grimwalkers who overstep this far, but his priorities have changed. Mainly, to Luz. He just wants to keep her safe, and Hunter has been doing such a good job of that already – not to mention Luz might be upset if Hunter is killed. He can overlook the slights of the past few months if Hunter goes back to the way things were. They can go back to being a family again.
Hunter shoots back with what he has learned from being at the Owl House – that Belos has been faking his “outbursts” and could control them this whole time, that their “family” is incredibly unsafe. Remix of the “You know what I’d like, Belos?” sequence in Thanks to Them. Basically, he tells Belos that he wants nothing to do with him, and he’s taking Luz and leaving. 
Belos is disappointed, but not surprised. He goes to attack and finish Hunter off, but Hunter manages to dodge it using Flapjack, releases all the glyphs he has to distract Belos, and flies up. 
He gets up to the Petrification Platform, and he uses glyphs to destroy the statue and get Eda and Lilith out. They fly away to the Owl House. When they land, Hooty and King rush out. 
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And that’s the end of season 1!
Previous Part [Enchanting Grom Fright + Wing it Like Witches]
Next Part [Intermission: Yesterday's Lie]
Synopsis Masterpost Link
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kinderartifact4 · 7 months
A list of my Total Drama AUs because I love them all wholeheartedly, feel free to ask questions about any of them.
Animal Mutant AU 🐾🧬
+this AU was just an excuse to make Noah an owl person
+canon divergence happens shortly after Action/before World Tour
+The mutations are a worldwide phenomenon, it’s happening to everyone and no one knows why
A Bloodsucker and A Mutt🩸🐺
+Alenoco AU
+Show goes on as normal for the most part
+Noah’s a vampire
+Alejandro’s a werewolf
+Cody’s just there
+made this AU for fun
Magic AU ✨
+Magical creatures living amongst humans type thing, but it’s my takes on them
+Like we got merfolk, satyrs, angels, demons, elves, harpies, that kinda thing
+It’s like an assimilated society thing, they’re mostly at peace with each other with some mild species specific discrimination mostly courtesy of humans
+mild feels like an understatement
+everything’s got so much lore
+and of course, we got ✨magic✨
+there is a war that happens later on in the AU, so there’s that too
Assigned Species: Gen 1 Cast, Hosts, Emma & Kitty
Assigned Species: Gen 2 Cast
Assigned Species: Gen 3 Cast
Assigned Species: RR Cast pt.1
Assigned Species: RR Cast pt.2
Assigned Species: Reboot Cast
Monster Apocalypse AU 🏚
+It’s an apocalypse, but not with zombies, these things are smarter than zombies
+People do die, so warning for that I guess
+Almost nobody is having a good time
Duncan’s Group
Emma & Kitty’s Groups
Shawn’s Group
Cody’s Groups
Tyler’s Groups
Gwen’s Group
Fic Snippets
Mike’s Old Group
RR Beginning Groups pt.1
RR Beginning Groups pt.2
Sky & Scarlett’s Groups
Reboot Groups
Drider! Duncan Dunoah AU🕷
+Sort of a high school AU? Most of them go the same school since a lot are kept human for this)
+Just a clingy drider with abandonment issues and his human bf who doesn’t actually understand how he got here
+definitely more of a self indulgent AU
+I don’t remember why I made this AU but now I can’t get rid of it
Godly Patron(?) AU ✨🙏✨
+Some of the cast each has a god that has taken a liking to them
+they’re my take on gods because I like having full creativity, so none of the ones people usually know about are here(like greek or norse gods)
+Alejandro is not having a good time
+Noah has the oldest god
+Alejandro’s got a lot more lore than he was originally going to have
+Made this AU because I wanted Cody to have a proper parental figure, then it kinda turned into this along the way
+Aleheather got that “Doomed Love Trope” vibe going on
Assigned Gods pt.1
Assigned Gods pt.2
Fic Snippet
Wings of Fire AU 🐉
+My favorite book series combined with one of my favorite shows
Assigned Tribes: Gen 1
Alejandro’s Design | José and Carlos’ Designs
Trent’s Design | Bridgette’s Design
Heather’s Design | Cody’s Design
Tyler’s Design | Justin’s Design
Geoff’s Design | Lightning’s Design
Zoey’s Design | Noah’s Design
Owen’s Design | Fic Snippets
Harold’s Design | Gwen’s Design
DJ’s Design | Izzy’s Design
Cameron’s Design | Lindsay’s Design
Katie & Sadie’s Designs | Duncan’s Design
Trollhunter Cody AU🧌🗡
+I just thought it’d be fun
+Cody would be the type of guy to say “crispy” wouldn’t he
The only post I have
Project Cythraul AU💉
+The whole concept is old, like 2019 old, but it has since then been revamped
+The entire WT cast goes missing like halfway through Egypt, with almost no trace other than what’s on the plane and something left in the sand
+They stay missing for 2 or 3 years before one of them finally shows up again with amnesia
+Main premise of the AU is a secret facility that specializes in DNA manipulation
Hidden Magic AU 😶‍🌫️✨
+AU is otherwise known as “A group of immortals build a camp in a magic pocket dimensional forest for some reason and end up with a bunch of kids”
+there are other residents but the amount of children that show up there is concerning
+humans are quite irrelevant here, we don’t see them much
+the lore for most of the characters is a bit dark, but hey
Reassigned Species
Nivi AU 👽
+This AU was an excuse to give Cody a best friend, and that friend is my OC Nivi!
+Nothing really changes, even though she’s in World Tour
+This AU has since evolved into “Alejandro and his gaggle of idiots”, ie. Alejandro, Nivi, Cody, Duncan, and Lexi(OC/Nivi’s girlfriend) all share an apartment. It’s an interesting concept.
+I think of this AU often
+During Island and Action, people don’t really think Nivi exists because “Cody couldn’t possibly have actual friends outside the show!”
+This makes Nivi feel like some kind of cryptid and she loves it.
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lavender-gayz · 10 months
Lizzie the musical at Southwark Playhouse Elephant - some little moments that I loved, part 1/?
Background: This production originated at Hope Mill Theatre in Manchester. It features Lauren Drew as Lizzie; Maiya Quansah-Breed as her neighbour, Alice; Shekinah McFarlane as Lizzie’s sister, Emma; and Mairi Barclay as the Bordens’ housekeeper, Bridget. Esteemed tumblr user thegirl20 has many lovely photosets and gifsets of the cast, including this high-definition one where you can see the faces of everyone in the main cast (and also the set!)
I was lucky enough to catch this show with the main cast in London at the Southwark Playhouse Elephant a couple of times (plus once with Emma Louise Hoey as Lizzie and Ayesha Patel as Bridget) when they went on a mini tour in Nov/Dec 2023 :)
1. The House of Borden:
Bridget ladles out impressively gloopy gruel while singing about all-purpose mutton. Both Lizzie and Emma give it a wide berth (and say no to breakfast for the rest of the show).
Emma goes, 'we’ve no personal objection BUT SHE CAN'T HAVE WHAT'S OURS' – an increasingly-concerned Lizzie rushes over and shakes her head and Emma is temporarily mollified. Fair is fair in the House of Bordennnnn!
The way their voices go up in the last ‘let us take you to an August back in 1892’ – MUAH.
2. This Is Not Love:
Lauren Drew performs the majority of this song while sitting uncomfortably in an ornate armchair where something horrifying routinely happens. It’s very effective.
She really conveys the despair and the agony Lizzie feels – there's one bit in the final verse where she gasps out, 'this is not love' and she sounds so incredibly broken.
(“I want…to see arms outstretched to hold me / wanting nothing in return / but only for me to feel safe and secure”
She’s literally next door, Lizzie.)
And at the end she tears herself out of the chair with the line ‘I don’t know what it is, but I want out of it.’
3. ‘I love you too, Father.’
4. Gotta Get out of Here:
Lizzie absently trails her hand along Alice's arms and shoulders in this one bit at the start - Alice never stood a chance tbh.
Maybe I'll do a separate Alice x Lizzie highlights thing.
LOVE the energy in this song and how Lizzie almost seems possessed when she sings about something hanging over her and how she physically throws her body around.
Alice's higher 'stay here longer' when she joins in on the chorus is what angels dream of.
5. If You Knew:
To set the scene: we’ve just come out of ‘Gotta Get out of Here’, where Lizzie expresses her need to get out of here and is hindered by Bridget, Emma and Alice (with some very cool dance breaks). Lizzie finally breaks free and Alice chases after her but loses her. We’re now in Alice’s bedroom where she’s thinking about Lizzie.
Lizzie is just off to the side (presumably in her own home or in her yard) looking sad and letting down her hair.
Alice is singing to herself about how much she loves Lizzie and wondering how Lizzie would react if she knew about this.
(She thinks a secret’s just a lie! This may or may not come back to bite us!)
Her voice just SOARS when she sings about dreaming about having Lizzie in her arms.
I like that this song expresses the pretty relatable concern of ‘oh no if you knew I had a big gay crush on you would you still let me touch you and comfort you’ but it doesn’t come with a side of ‘oh no it’s so wrong and gross for me to have feelings for another woman’. Thanks, Steven Cheslik-DeMeyer and Tim Maner!
And good news for Alice: YES Lizzie will let you hold her close when she knows about your secret gay feelings AND she will make out with you and hold you close too! You will get to be happy for approximately seven seconds before Bad News Bridget interrupts.
6. Soul of the White Bird:
'the violence of freedom'
Emma joins in with Lizzie from the side at ‘oh if I had wings like a dove’ - the harmonies!!
Bridget knits and goes la la la in counterpoint while Lizzie slowly falls apart.
7. ‘Lizzie, don’t!!’
8. Maybe Someday:
The FIRST iteration of this song and it’s Alice singing to Lizzie about how maybe someday her heart will be open. They may not get a conventional happy ending together but by god their story is integral to this show.
It is so sweet and then they end up cuddling and falling asleep!
I was going to save this for the Alice x Lizzie highlights, but this was too cute to leave out so I guess I'll just include it twice: Lizzie is the big spoon!!!
9. ‘Her bed is freshly made, as if she hadn’t slept in it at all!’ – Bridget, relishing her role as a gossipmonger-in-chief
10. Who hasn't had to kick a girl out in the morning because your sister needs to vent about developments in your father's will and is threatening to go to Fairhaven? Sisters, amirite?
11. ‘Emma, wait! What if Mrs Borden…dies first?’
12. Sweet Little Sister:
It has been said before and it bears saying again: vocals for DAYS.
The little lyric change to “I look into your cold dark eyes” to suit Lauren’s eye colour!
Bridget and Alice pop up with mic stands to sing along.
And then Emma fucks off to Fairhaven even though her sweet little sister was begging her to stay.
13. Mairi's delivery of 'oh Miss Emma you've forgotten your book! And she asked me to pack it S P E C I A L.' is so deeply funny.
14. Also hilarious: the very un-suspicious way Bridget slides the book of household poisons over to Lizzie.
15. ‘…time for Mrs Borden’s tea!’ I love Bridget.
This feels like a good time to take a break!
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