#the winning unit will be on the cover of may’s issue
nebulanewts · 6 months
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So,along with the Liella unit album covers,they released the winners for that fantasy mixed unit thing!! Honestly I can’t pick a favorite,it’s between 3,6 and 8 for me but they’re all SO GOOD - anyways,here’s the themes for each unit (according to May’s Love Live Days issue) :
1 - Stoic Leaders
2 - Costume Makers
3 - Attractive Hourglass Figure
4 - Cozy Eater
5 - Ultimate “Cuteness”
6 - Serious Girls Connected by “Sakura” (桜)
7 - Perfectly Round Dango Hair
8 - Cool Girls in STEM
Honestly again,I feel like all of these combinations work for different reasons to the point where idk which one fits best ‘,:/c plus the themes definitely help,what do y’all think? Which one’s your favorite?
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
I’ve been rereading you Royal Consort au and haven’t stopped thinking about it. I just know social media during that entire au was fucking insane
Dash Baxter opened his phone one school morning in his senior year after oversleeping for an hour—he may have worked out a little too hard, or he really did have a cold, like his mother claims—and was overwhelmed with messages from his friends.
They all say the same thing.
Have you seen this!?
Is it true?!
I can't believe this is happening!
Will we go to jail? I can't go to jail!
He scrolls through them with heavy confusion until, eventually, he clicks on the link Kwan sent him since the mention of jail seemed like a higher level of importance than whatever new gossip was going about.
Someone was likely pregnant. That was always what Pauline gossip the most about.
His best friend tended to catastrophize, so he figured it was better to help him calm down first.
The link takes him to a news clip showing a crowd of people surrounding a very familiar house. It wasn't the first time the Fentons had been on the news, but they were usually covered by local stations, and it was generally due to the damage the inventors had caused.
Dash knew they were only talked about when things were slow and a fluff story needed to be thrown in. Oh, back in freshman year, when ghosts first appeared, the Fentons were much more important, but now ghosts are a part of everyday life, and sometimes Dash forgot other cities didn't have the same issue.
Nothing the Fentons did was noteworthy, especially to have the Lois Lane covering their story. Yet, here in the palm of his hands, on the morning of a regular school day, he watched as Lois Lane did just that.
"Reporting live from Amity Park outside the residence of the Royal Consort to the Infinite Realms, I'm Lois Lane. Only a few minutes ago, the Justice League members- Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman- had entered the building hoping to speak to the Consort on a diplomatic mission. The tension between humans and the Realms has been at an all-time high since the Anti-Ecto Acts were passed. Although they were overturned in the last United Nations session, there has still been no comment from King Phantom and no guarantee that a war is not on the horizon." The woman says, holding her mic close to her face while the cameraman pans over the crowd of people outside of Fenton Works.
Dash feels like someone dumped iced water on him and then slapped him with a rubber fish. He is scared, confused, and a little offended. Still, the video continues as Ms. Lane explains the Realms, the political backlash the USA put the rest of the world in, and a brief overview of the humans' chances of winning if a war did break out (not high).
She then admits that their team had gotten a tip, claiming that the Consort has been married to King Phantom for the last three years, and despite not publicly announcing his title, he had all the power of his status.
There were only two "he"s in the Fenton household and Dash knew for a fact Mr. Fenton would never cheat on his wife. Which left only one.
Oh gods.
As Ms.Lane speaks, the door to the house opens behind her, and the three high heroes of Earth outstep.
Along with Danny Fenton, who is squished between Wonder Woman and Superman with a flabbergasted expression, the crowd goes wild as Ms. Lane loudly shouts, "The Royal Consort, Daniel Fenton, husband to King Phantom, is being escorted by some of the most important members of the Justice League to a secondary location for peace negotiations. There is hope for humanity yet."
The clip ends with a close-up of Fenton's wide-eyed stare, which shows him looking terrified—the same expression he used whenever Dash cornered him to vent some of his frustrations.
Dash is left sitting in utter silence and rapidly growing horror. He had been mocking a royal, physically harming a royal, and, worst of all, he had been attacking Danny Phantom's husband, the same being who had been his personal hero for the last three years.
"I'm going to jail." He whispers "I'm so going to jail. Or I'm going to be executed. That happens to people who almost start wars right? Oh, gods."
The rest of the A-listers are panicking all over the city but not nearly as Dash Baxter, who was wondering how much time Fenton would give him for a head start.
It didn't help that Wes messaged Everyone on the basketball team with a gif of a dancing cat wearing sunglasses and the words "I TOLD YOU" in bright, bold colors.
He had repeatedly told them to leave Fenton alone. If they didn't, Phantom would retaliate, but no one had taken his word for it since the boy had originally claimed Phantom and Fenton were the same person.
Dash put his phone down and stared at the wall of his room. He liked that wall. It was covered in posters, pictures of his friends, memories of his best games, and now, with the floating shelves, his teddy bear collections.
He would likely never see it again.
"Oh gods"
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robertreich · 1 year
It’s Time to Roast Starbucks For Union Busting
Starbucks should be getting publicly roasted for union busting and refusing to even negotiate with unionized workers.
You see, if there’s one thing I love more than coffee, it’s unions. Because unions perk up pay.
And if there’s one thing I hate more than corporations who try to bust unions, it’s having to make my own coffee every morning.
I may be known for a lot of things, but making a good cup of coffee isn’t one of them.
I was thrilled to hear about workers in Starbucks’ stores across the country exercising their right to unionize.
A cup of solidarity brewed by a unionized barista? What could be better than that?
Definitely not me being my own barista.
Starbucks is a multibillion dollar company. Its new CEO will start with a pay package estimated to be worth over $28 million dollars. That’s roughly 800x the pay of the workers who actually brew and serve the coffee the business is built on — and who barely earn a living wage.                                            
That’s why those workers have begun to unionize.
Since December 2021, Starbucks Workers United has won union elections in more than 300 Starbucks stores, covering more than 8,000 workers and counting.
And most of the union campaigns in individual stores won by overwhelming margins, gaining more than 70% of the total votes — and in parts of the country where private sector unions rarely win.
The Starbucks union campaign has inspired young workers across the country and breathed life into a U.S. labor movement that has been stagnant for decades.
It’s been so successful that Starbucks briefly brought its former CEO, billionaire Howard Schultz, out of retirement to bust the union, and still refuses to even sit down at the bargaining table.
That’s why I’ve been boycotting Starbucks.
As part of its campaign to tamp down further unionization, Starbucks corporate has fired scores of pro-union workers, closed stores that have unionized, threatened to withhold wage and benefit improvements from stores considering unionizing, and packed stores with outside managers to undermine organizing efforts.
The National Labor Relations Board, which oversees all union elections in the U.S., has issued more than 93 complaints covering 328 unfair labor practice charges against Starbucks — and ordered reinstatement of at least 23 fired workers so far.
Yet Starbucks is unwilling to change its anti-union ways — even though Schultz was grilled in front of Congress 
Starbucks claims to be a “progressive” company.
But based on the way it’s broken labor law and put unionized workers in the percolator, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Now is an opportunity for all of us to make our voices heard and to tell Starbucks to stop UNION BUSTING and bargain in good faith with Starbucks Workers United.
And it’s time for Joe Biden, who calls himself the “most pro-union president in American history,” to send a powerful message: we won’t tolerate union-busting by Starbucks or any other corporation — including Elon Musk’s Tesla and Jeff Bezos’s Amazon.
Otherwise, my boycott will continue — and perhaps you’ll consider joining me.  
If we want to brew a future where workers have power and dignity, then we need to show solidarity with unions…
And stand up to corporate bullying.
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clonerightsagenda · 9 months
Getting Involved Locally
Every time I see a post implying the only two politically relevant actions you can take in America are voting or not voting in federal elections, I tell myself I will make this post, so now I am finally doing it.
As an American, it can be frustrating and dispiriting to feel like we're being held hostage by our politicians while the United States continues to be one of the biggest forces for suffering on a global scale. This post is not about what we can do on that scale but instead suggests that, if you're feeling powerless and depressed about your national/international impact, you can take action on the local level. I got involved with a local activist group a few years ago, and we've been able to tangibly help people in our community, get genuine policy passed, and net some legislative wins. It's much easier to influence a smaller system, and a lot more rewarding than doomscrolling on social media.
Disclaimer: I am an American who lives on the outskirts of a fairly large city. This post reflects my experience and not everything in it may be applicable to yours. Take what is useful and leave the rest.
What's out there?
There are a variety of ways to get involved locally depending on your preferences. I'm going to lump them into a few categories:
Local government. City council, school boards, library boards, etc. Many of these orgs have open meetings and allow public comment. They're often sparsely attended and members are frequently elected by small margins, so they're far more likely to listen to what you have to say than federal legislators. Check out your home's website to see if you can find minutes and agendas to learn what they're discussing and how you can weigh in. Great choice if you want to develop a first name basis nemesishood with a local politician.
Volunteering. If you have low bandwidth and just want someone to tell you what to do, but would like to know your actions immediately benefit real people, volunteering gigs might be for you. Lots of organizations need help! Community kitchens, greenspace cleanups, giving immigrants rides to appointments, phonebanking, tutoring, supporting cultural centers, etc. Find orgs connected to something you're interested in and see what they need.
Organizing. Organizing involves long term work to build groups of people who can push for change. Outside of labor unions, there are tenant unions (renters pushing their landlords for better conditions) and groups organizing around a specific issue. (Off the top of my head, in my area I'm aware of multiple groups organizing around abolition/decarceration, minimum wage, environmental justice, transit, and reproductive justice.) These groups require more commitment, but that also means you'll have more input than showing up to volunteer for a nonprofit a few times a month.
(The group I'm currently involved with is organizing-focused, so if you're curious I'm happy to share more details of what that's like, I just don't want this post to be even longer.)
How can I learn about opportunities?
Word of mouth
Local government websites
Library, college, and community center bulletin boards
Local events (I tabled at a music festival last summer)
Protests and rallies
Local news outlets (might be covering actions, etc.)
Social media
Google (try 'mutual aid' and your location)
Start getting involved. I cannot express how much I've learned about the activist landscape in my city just from joining one org. Between partnerships, solidarity requests, etc., so many groups are now on my radar that weren't before. As I said before, I'm in/near a fairly big city, but you might be surprised by how much is going on where you are!
A note on self-interest
Something we talk about in organizing is self-interest. Why are you passionate about this cause? Why are you in this fight? Identifying your self-interest is important for a few reasons. First, it helps you convince other people to care. Second, it keeps you engaged. If you start volunteering out of a vague sense that you're 'helping', it's much easier to lose interest. If you recognize how winning this fight makes your life better, you're more likely to stick with it. I'm not saying you should only get involved in causes that immediately materially benefit you, but it's worth thinking about your personal stake so that you can return to that when you think 'ugh I don't want to get out of bed for this meeting'. You may have seen the quote credited to Lilla Watson and a group of other Aboriginal Rights activists: "If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."
In conclusion
This is work. I've spent weekends in campaign retreats and driven 45 minutes across the city to make care packages. I am doing group projects and not even getting paid for it. But when you're frustrated with the state of the world, it's nice to be able to roll up your sleeves and make a visible impact on something you can control. It's also a great way to meet people irl who care about the same things as you and learn ways we can support each other when larger structures let us down.
As yet another American election season draws near with its avalanche of posts about voting, whether you intend to vote or post on tumblr about how much voting sucks or are a long-suffering non-American cursed to always see this shit, I challenge you to take a step* into your community and tackle a problem there. Who knows? You might even help solve it.
*Virtually if necessary. Many orgs try to be accessible. I attend many of my org's meetings on zoom!
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cantsayidont · 10 months
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May-June 1948. One of the most brutal Golden Age Batman stories is this bleak entry from WORLD'S FINEST COMICS #34, an atypically dark tale by Edmond Hamilton and Dick Sprang, about the rise and fall of a ruthless hired killer. Unusually, the story begins by revealing that the killer is already dead, an unidentified body on a slab in the morgue, and flashes back to his earlier life:
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Even if you're willing to allow that Durfee's love of guns "should have been normal and healthy," the sadism and sociopathy on display here doesn't speak highly of the parenting skills of Jim's father. Yikes.
If you watch a lot of older film noir, this flashback sequence might seem somewhat familiar. I'm reasonably certain that it was inspired by a 1940 MacKinlay Kantor short story called "Gun Crazy," originally published in THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. About a year and a half after this story was published, Kantor and screenwriter Dalton Trumbo adapted "Gun Crazy" into the screenplay for a movie of the same title, directed by Joseph H. Lewis and released by United Artists in early 1950. "Gun Crazy" is also the story of a young man (called Nelson Tare in the original story) whose love of guns eventually leads to his destruction, although both the story and the film present their protagonist in a more sympathetic light than Hamilton does. As we soon see, Durfee is a monster:
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Durfee decides to offer his services as a hired killer to gangster Pete Goro, being careful not to let Goro know his real name or even what he looks like. After completing several jobs for this new client, Durfee accepts a thousand dollars from another gangster to kill Goro, although to maintain his reputation, he still carries out his last commission for Goro: killing Gotham district attorney Tim Logan. Meanwhile, Batman, who has learned how Durfee's potential clients contact him, but nothing that would identify the killer, attempts to lure Durfee into the open by anonymously hiring him to kill Bruce Wayne!
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Batman and Robin are unsuccessful in capturing the wily assassin, but when Durfee realizes that he's failed to kill Bruce Wayne, his pride leads him to try again on the grounds of the newly opened county fair. Batman manages to decoy him with a Bruce Wayne dummy, but Durfee knocks Batman momentarily senseless with the wooden stock of his gun and loses himself in the crowd. Then:
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So, Durfee is finally shot dead by a random cop who has no idea who he is, for a crime he hasn't actually committed. He then ends up buried in an anonymous grave, and even Batman never knows his real name. A very grim drama indeed, and a story that seems more suited to the gritty crime comics of the period, like CRIME DOES NOT PAY or Simon & Kirby's JUSTICE TRAPS THE GUILTY for Prize, than the relatively sedate WORLD'S FINEST. The cover of this issue, incidentally, sports this light-hearted Win Mortimer illustration of Batman, Robin, and Superman having fun:
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(The other stories in this anthology issue aren't especially dark or violent, but it's still a little jarring!)
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New SpaceTime out Friday
SpaceTime 20240816 Series 27 Episode 99
Ideas on how Earth’s continents formed just got muddy 
The formation of Earth’s continents billions of years ago helped set the stage for the formation and evolution of life on Earth.
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A major breakthrough in sub atomic particle measurements
Physicists at CERN have achieved the first ever direct observation of high energy electron and muon neutrino interactions at a particle collider.
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Studying the cosmic dawn and the ultimate fate of the universe
As America’s intelligence agencies continue to improve designs for ever newer generations of spy satellites older reconnaissance and surveillance satellite designs become superseded.
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The Science Report
The World Health Organization has issued a warning about a new superbug threat.
Scientists identify sites which should be targeted to prevent the worst effects mass extinction.
Study says the screaming woman mummy may have died in agony.
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Skeptics guide to why the ghost population is dwindling.
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime Instagram @spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime twitter feed @stuartgary
SpaceTime YouTube: @SpaceTimewithStuartGary
SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 5 months
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Mariska 👑
Thank you and and And thank you for that beautiful word: VARIETY. Thank you to the bold, determined, glorious VARIETY of women who have brought us to where we are today. To the thought leaders and the visionaries, the pushers and doers, the ones at the head of the pack and the ones making sure no one lags behind, the loud ones and the quiet ones, and especially those whose work, day in and day out, at home raising kids, at a not-for-profit raising funds, at a PTA meeting raising hell, goes unheralded: YOU ARE POWERFUL WOMEN, AND YOU HAVE MY RESPECT, ADMIRATION and GRATITUDE♥️🙏🏼
Thank you dear sweet @mrchrismcmillan, for making magic, for making art, and for elevating everything you do. You’re a light. @variety @vsteves
Thank you @georgisandev for making me feel like a #SuperModel. Your artistry and your attention to detail blows my mind. And your warmth just melts me. @variety
Thank you @voguegreece for honoring me with the cover. What a thrill it was to shoot with @mschwartzphoto @anyaziourova @davidvoncannon and @georgisandev Thank you all for your brilliant talents and beautiful spirits.
«Είχα αρκετά τραύματα ως παιδί, με τον χαμό της μητέρας μου. Πιστεύω ότι ο χαρακτήρας της Olivia Benson με κέρδισε για τη δύναμη, αλλά και την ευαλωτότητα, την πολυπλοκότητά της». H μίλησε αποκλειστικά στην για τον ρόλο της στην σειρά Law & Order: Special Victims Unit αλλά και για την προσωπική της μάχη υπέρ των κακοποιημένων γυναικών. Διαβάστε περισσότερα στο “I was traumatised as a child, after losing my mother. I believe that the role of Olivia Benson won me over because of her strength, vulnerability and complexity”. gave an exclusive interview to and talked about her role in the American series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and her personal battle to support abused women. Read more on Creative and Fashion Director: Art director: Photographer: Fashion Editor: Makeup artist: Hairstylist: Photographer’s assistant: Digital Operator: Fashion assistant: Jena Beck
H Digital Cover Star του τεύχους Μαΐου είναι η πρωταγωνίστρια της σειράς Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, της μακροβιότερης primetime live-action σειράς στην Αμερικανική τηλεόραση. Η βραβευμένη ηθοποιός, η οποία και πρόσφατα “φώτισε” το Empire State Building σε γαλαζοπράσινα χρώματα σηματοδοτώντας έτσι την έναρξη του Μήνα Πρόληψης Κατά της Σεξουαλικής Κακοποίησης, έδωσε μία αποκλειστική συνέντευξη στην . Μη χάσετε τη Vogue Greece Μαΐου που κυκλοφορεί από σήμερα στα περίπτερα. And the Vogue Greece May Digital Cover star is , leading actress of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, the longest-running primetime live-action series. The award-winning actress, who recently lit up the Empire State Building in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, gave an exclusive interview to . Don’t miss the Vogue Greece May issue, available on newsstands. Creative and Fashion Director: Art director: Photographer: Fashion Editor: Makeup artist: Hairstylist: Photographer’s assistant: Digital Operator: Fashion assistant: Jena Beck
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unitedbydevils · 5 months
Match Review: Manchester United Women 2-2 Tottenham Hotspur Women
In what was dubbed a dress rehearsal for the Women's FA Cup Final on May 12th, United and Spurs managed to share the spoils - for now - but there were positive signs for United if they can sharpen up on goal.
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Stats are a lovely tool to have, adding flavour to any match report and game analysis, and the stats - as shown below - point out two things: United were the side in control, and United should have won the game.
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United's backline were instantly put under pressure in the first 30 seconds but United woke up and got a good footing in the game. Ella Toone came accidentally close in the 9th minute, trying to find Leah Galton at back post, but it was Melvine Malard who opened the scoring with a beautiful header off a millimetre perfect free kick from deep by Gemma Evans; lofted with the utmost precision for Malard to nod over the approaching Spurs keeper Becky Spencer.
Tottenham countered quickly with Naz and Vinberg - a sign of things to come - but were held off, and as quickly as they hit United, United hit back. Pressure onto Neville saw Naalsund pick up a loose ball outside the box, quick pass to Malard, pivot, shot, and then in the scramble between Spencer, Parris and Nilden, a free kick was given against United.
Poor positioning cost United for the equaliser, with a deep Spurs cross cleared out only as far as Spence. A scuffed volley bobbled the ball through to Beth England for an easy tap home past an aghast Mary Earps, but it was Maya Le Tissier - fresh from her contract signing - that stood out of sync with the rest of the defence and failed to play the offside trap. Frustrating.
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United's second goal conceded was in similarly silly circumstances; Mary Earps screaming at Aoife Mannion to chase the loose ball, Mannion presuming Mearps has it, and Tottenham's Vinberg strolling in to play the ball into the box. Le Tissier covered well, with Mannion filling her void in CB momentarily, but wizardry from striker Jess Naz spun captain Katie Zelem and fizzed in a shot straight above Mary Earps' head. Poor from the keeper, poor from Zel, and poor from nearby Tooney who could have easily pressured Naz from that close range with a sprint to jostle. Maybe she was worried about giving away a penalty, but someone should have closed Naz down and forced her to choose the wider path towards a waiting Gemma Evans or to back off outside the box. A communication issue no doubt, given no Jayde Riviere or Hannah Blundell starting.
Blundell on for Mannion at half time made sense, and the second half saw more intensity and aggression from United; with far more crossing to pressure the Spurs defence in the air now that Blundell was on. 55th minute subs introduced both Lucia Garcia for Nikita Parris and Rach Williams for Melvine Malard, but the United couldn't quite find the net. Further subs in the 76th saw Miyazawa on for Toone and Geyse on for Galton, but it took a Gemma Evans corner in the 91st minute to find Rach Williams, the bar, bounce back out, and be crashed into by Maya Le Tissier to even the game up and give United a very much deserved point at Leigh Sports Village.
There will be frustration at United's failure to convert the oh-so-many chances in the second half, but the turnaround in United's style was a good sight to see, and on another day (say, the FA Cup final?) maybe several goals went in and this was a comfortable win rather than a consolation point. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- The disappointment doesn't end there though. Fans will also be concerned at the potential departure of United's tenacious Spaniard Lucia Garcia, whose contract is close to expiring and - based on Instagram - might not be renewed/extended.
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And how we will miss her humour, as well as that unquestionable hard work on the field, if she does leave us. Another huge mistake from Manchester United Football Club if so.
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Only three games remain in the WSL; Leicester away, Liverpool away, and Chelsea at Old Trafford - before which comes the FA Cup Final at Wembley. It's going to be a difficult few weeks, but the hottest fires produce the strongest steel...
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crystalelemental · 2 years
Pokemon Masters - Character Teams
With the upcoming update in December, you’ll be able to use multiple alts of the same character in a team.  This is...fine.  Honestly.  I have minimal opinions about it.  I never really cared that you couldn’t combine your options, but apparently some consider it a big deal.  The only question on my mind is, for characters with 3+ alts...can any of them make an actually good team?
New Dynamics Let’s start with a general change.  Some units who previously suffered from lack of their own support have access to their support now.  The big winners here are Volkner and Skyla, who previously couldn’t get their damage dealing seasonal alts to access the field multiplier they provided in their other forms.  This was...less than ideal.  So now that they have access, is it good?
Well, sorta.  NY!Volkner having access to Volkner means that it’s finally able to have permanent access.  Unfortunately, both of them are not self-sufficient at all when it comes to buffing, resulting in the need for a third supporter who desperately, desperately needs to bring their A-game.  Mixed offense buffers are rare and usually slow, so you’re kinda working with Falkner.  You could, however, go with special attack boosting support instead, and let NY!Volkner handle the speed/crit buffing.  This is a bit more sane, but still runs into my main issue with the guy: his sync isn’t very good.  So I feel you’d want an EX Support capable of handling special attack, like Sabrina or someone.  SS Kris bears special mention, thanks to Rain making Thunder perfect accuracy, and effectively removing all his buffing needs.
Skyla...has her own issues as well. She’s in an identical situation to Volkner, where the Flying Zone helps, but you really want a support to be ready to go.  However, unlike Volkner, both Tornadus and Togekiss are specially offensive, meaning any special attack buffer gets the job done.  So Skyla’s in a great position, really just needing that special attack, but can ideally gel with any special attack/crit buffer.  Thanks to Tornadus, she doesn’t even encounter gauge issues, so this is a pretty significant win for Togekiss.
To my recollection, no one else has been hit with the issue of not having access to their field multiplier.  Everyone else is in a good spot.  So with that, let’s talk the big question.
Perfect Teambuilding Let’s start by listing out characters with three or more alts: Misty, Erika, Kris, Rosa, Skyla, Iris, Blue, Lyra, Hilbert, Hilda, Elesa, Grimsley, Giovanni, Cynthia, Steven, Red, Dawn, Serena, Morty, Lillie, Gloria, N, May, Leon, Marnie, and Raihan.  I’ll take a look at each, what options they have, and whether a good team of three can be produced.
Misty No.  Starmie and Psyduck are decent supports, but they do nothing to salvage Vaporeon’s lack of offensive buffing.  Misty has to work with others.
Erika I’d say it’s possible, but not necessarily good.  NY!Erika can tank and heal, although not particularly well.  SS Erika is self-sufficient, setting her own sun and being able to buff reliably, while BP Erika can supply supplemental damage in trap.  She probably works out, though if NY!Erika ever gets a grid expansion, this will be a lot more solid.
Kris I’m going to say yes, but it’s not pretty.  SS Kris hard carries.  Base Kris has the option to sync a stage under Rain for like...a billion damage once set up, but her setup is notably slow.  Jolteon benefits tremendously from SS Kris’ buffing, and has electric terrain built-in to handle stages.  I feel like Kris does a good job covering Water and Electric, although how well she does it remains to be seen.  Because we know I’m testing this.
Rosa Honestly, it’s not pretty, but you can probably make it work.  SC Rosa is just that good.  I’d say the play is to go Serperior, Shaymin, and non-Hail Delibird.  Gauges shouldn’t be an issue, Serperior can top off Shaymin, and provided a stage is special, Shaymin should be able to handle it well enough.  But Serperior is 100% the weak link.  Rosa needs a grid expansion and by god I hope she gets it.  Then again, given Glacia...it won’t be pretty.
Skyla As alluded to above, Tornadus/Togekiss is a solid combo.  Swanna, however, does not help.  It can’t facilitate the needed offensive buffs of its partners, so this is a situation where the team doesn’t want to be all Skyla.
Iris Not a chance.  No tanks, poor synergy, bad all around.
Blue Blue’s in a good spot, but solely due to Aerodactyl.  SS Blue’s tanking abilities are all well and good, but Aerodactyl is the only one whose offensive buffing is reasonable.  Pidgeot needs accuracy that only it can provide, Arcanine is slow, and Exeggutor has trouble because none of Blue’s team skews physical (No Aerodactyl does not, hush).  I’d say it’s possible, but realistically only for Rock damage.  Maybe Fire.  Maybe.  It’s just a big question of who the third is, and it’s probably Pidgeot for Air Slash.
Lyra Look, this is kind of unfair, because Celebi’s here to flinch lock every stage to death.  Like, just try losing with that.  Her base form being able to buff all offensive stats means you really don’t want for anything at all.  And now Vaporeon is coming in with debuffs to facilitate Power Play sync on SS Lyra?  I feel like Lyra’s like...grand champion of this.  Could probably make a good case for Summer Lyra doing alright with these comps too, just given how hard they disrupt.
Hilbert Hilbert’s...not in a bad position, actually.  Samurott is just such a good support.  H!Hilbert gets Dark under control, while SS Hilbert covers five types for super-effective damage.  I feel like Hilbert’s in a fantastic position as well, having rapid boosting, speed control, and good damage against six types.
Hilda Summer Hilda and SS Hilda alone are enough to win, but honestly the fact that the other two have speed buffs as part of their kit to help ease gauge control?  Emboar in particular kicks off theme skills for Victini, so this is a pretty strong one.  And Victini’s strong enough to handle off-type, so Hilda’s another reasonable grand champion.
Elesa With the inclusion of Lodge Elesa, there is at least some mild possibility of success via Emolga’s sync nuke.  SS Elesa’s fast-ramping could be the difference between success and failure.  The main trouble is that Lodge Elesa is frail, and Emolga is slow to work, so while the potential is there, I expect practical application will not be kind.
Grimsley No support, dead in the water.  Though he could legitimately maybe handle Steel-weak stages with enough luck on evasion, using Liepard as the support.
Giovanni While Mewtwo is strong and Persian is a good buff bot, Persian is super RNG reliant to cap Mewtwo out, and there is nowhere near the gauge control needed to make Nidoking work.  And much like Lodge Elesa, Classic Giovanni is frail.  Meaning you’re unlikely to survive to sync in the first place.  But if he does, Psychic and Ground-weak stages are handled.
Cynthia Astonishingly...Cynthia’s not in the best position.  She can’t reasonably cap any of her offensive units’ stats, she can’t get Sandstorm going for Garchomp; it’s a problem.  What may carry Cynthia is Ghost-type, where Renegade Cynthia can nuke like crazy with defensive support from Aura Cynthia.  I feel like she can probably handle Ground, Dragon, and Ghost, just based on the defensive power of Lucario, but it’s not exactly clean.
Steven I go back and forth on this one.  On the one hand, Deoxys-Defense does serve as a support, and can get his allies going.  But only Anni Steven can cap crit rate reliably.  So I guess he’s got Flying and maybe Dragon?  Ice and Steel are highly unlikely without some very specific shenanigans.  Metagross is probably the better third, just because of the high flinch rate.
Red Hate this guy.  Hate him so much.  SST Red already solos the game, this is a moot point, but sure let’s slap Supereffective Up Next applications repeatedly into the mix.  Why not?  God forbid the game doesn’t cater to Red.
Dawn Hilariously, this is the opposite problem of most: her team’s too passive.  Torterra can probably clear Grass-weak stages, with Alcremie debuffing attack and Cresselia buffing crit.  But Torterra’s also the one taking hits so Power Siphon can buff its attack stat.  It’s slow going and none too pretty, but honestly they can probably make it work, entirely based on Cresselia not taking direct hits and being able to heal up Torterra on sync as needed.
Serena No tank, unlikely, but can probably handle Dragon stages just by using Hypnosis to set up Zygarde’s sync nuke clear.
Morty Morty has Ho-oh, I feel like he can’t possibly lose.  His offensive alts can handle their offensive needs, while Ho-oh keeps the team alive fantastically.  I don’t think he can reasonably fail against Ghost-weak stages, but off-type...I’m not as convinced, given his alts don’t get the best damage.
Lillie Actually, I feel like this one’s a hard no.  Ghost-type stages can go down to Anni Lillie, and Lodge Lillie might, MIGHT, be able to handle Fairy.  But beyond that?  I’m just not convinced.  Anni Lillie’s damage output is otherwise just sad, and Lodge Lillie isn’t exactly winning awards either, to say nothing of her slow setup no one else can help with.  Lillie’s not atrocious, but she’s not exactly great either.
Gloria No support, no chance.  Urshifu can clear some Gauntlet stages solo just based on how fast it operates, but beyond that it’s a mess.
N No support, no chance.  While he has Hypnosis, this is insufficient without Go Viral.  While Reshiram can debuff offenses, none of his team can heal.  They need something more than what they have.  And no, SS N does not help.
May How do you have five alts and no supports?  How has this happened twice?  In any case, the usual problems endure.  Worse, May’s alts are all tech, so they really can’t explode a CS stage either.
Leon All Strikers, none of them have a history of solo-ing content, it’s a bad team.
Marnie Palentine’s Marnie is glue.  The debuff potential means she has at least a shot against physical stages, thanks to Growl, and the fact that Morpeko and Grimmsnarl are physical.  Lodge Marnie is the third to whatever team exists, based on Mud Slap Ripple Effect to hopefully cheese a bit with Mawile.
Raihan Legitimately great synergy that just barely misses the mark.  The main problem is lack of capped crit on either Duraludon or Flygon.  Now, that said, you can try without the crit.  Steel in particular feels possible with the grid expansion.  The good news is he sets Sandstorm two different ways, and caps offenses with Gigalith, but in general I feel like his team is strong but not quite at the ideal.
Final Verdict There are a few units who can make a full team work.  I’d say Hilda, Lyra, and Red are the top three.  Victini’s actually that ridiculous, and Celebi’s lockdown makes almost any team invincible to begin with, while Red’s hard-carried by Pikachu.  Hilbert and Kris are really close too, though, with Hilbert having a lot of good super-effective matchups in his arsenal, and Kris having great synergy for either Feraligatr’s CS explosion sync, or Jolteon’s offensive potential.  Though admittedly, Kris feels a bit further behind because of gauge issues, while Hilbert’s held back by frailty.  I’ll be interesting to play around with the possibilities, and I, for one, hope we see Jasmine and Caitlin enter the three-alt club for these shenanigans.
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10 Common Issues Found During Home Inspections in Houston and How to Address Them
Buying a home in Houston is an exciting journey, but it’s also a big investment that comes with its own set of challenges. One of the most crucial steps in this process is the home inspection. A certified inspector will give your potential new home a thorough check-up, identifying any issues that might not be obvious to the untrained eye. While every home is unique, some problems tend to pop up more frequently in Houston homes. Let’s dive into the 10 common issues found during home inspections in Houston and how you can address them.
Foundation Problems Houston’s clay-rich soil is notorious for expanding and contracting with moisture changes, leading to foundation issues. Cracks in walls, doors that don’t close properly, and uneven floors can all be signs of foundation problems.
How to Address: If foundation issues are detected, you’ll likely need to consult a foundation repair specialist. Costs can vary, so get multiple quotes and consider asking the seller to cover part of the repair costs.
Roof Damage The intense Houston heat, along with occasional storms, can take a toll on roofs. Common problems include missing shingles, leaks, and worn-out materials.
How to Address: Have a professional roofer assess the damage. Minor issues might just require repairs, but extensive damage could mean a full roof replacement is needed.
Plumbing Issues Older homes in Houston often have outdated plumbing systems, leading to leaks, low water pressure, or even corroded pipes. These issues can cause significant damage if left unaddressed.
How to Address: A plumber can repair leaks and replace old pipes. If major plumbing work is needed, consider negotiating with the seller for a price reduction or repair.
Electrical Problems Outdated or faulty wiring is a common find in Houston homes, especially in older properties. Issues like exposed wires, outdated panels, or lack of GFCI outlets can be hazardous.
How to Address: Hire a licensed electrician to evaluate the wiring and make necessary upgrades. This is a critical safety issue, so it’s important to address it promptly.
HVAC System Issues Houston’s sweltering summers make a well-functioning HVAC system essential. Inspectors often find problems like poor maintenance, old units, or ductwork issues.
How to Address: Have an HVAC professional perform a tune-up or recommend repairs. If the system is old and inefficient, you might need to budget for a replacement.
Drainage Problems Poor drainage is a frequent issue in Houston due to heavy rains and the city’s flat terrain. Water pooling around the foundation or in the yard can lead to significant damage.
How to Address: Simple solutions might include regrading the yard or installing gutters. For more severe issues, you may need to install a French drain or other drainage system.
Mold and Mildew Houston’s humid climate creates the perfect environment for mold and mildew, often found in basements, attics, and bathrooms. Mold can cause health issues and damage the home.
How to Address: Mold remediation specialists can remove the mold and recommend ways to prevent future growth, such as improving ventilation or using dehumidifiers.
Termite Damage Termites love Houston’s warm climate and can cause serious damage to wooden structures if left unchecked. During an inspection, signs of termites or past infestations may be uncovered.
How to Address: If termite damage is found, you’ll need to hire a pest control company to treat the infestation and repair any structural damage. Regular inspections can help prevent future infestations.
Water Heater Problems Older water heaters or those that haven’t been properly maintained can be a common issue in Houston homes. Problems might include leaks, rust, or insufficient hot water.
How to Address: A plumber can repair or replace the water heater. If it’s nearing the end of its lifespan, consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient model.
Window and Door Issues Drafty windows, broken seals, or doors that don’t close properly are frequently noted during home inspections in Houston. These issues can affect energy efficiency and security.
How to Address: Repairing or replacing windows and doors can improve energy efficiency and curb appeal. Weatherstripping or new seals can often fix minor issues, but major damage might require full replacements.
Conclusion A home inspection is your opportunity to uncover potential problems before finalizing your purchase. While these common issues can seem daunting, they’re manageable with the right approach. Always consult with professionals to assess and address any issues, and don’t be afraid to negotiate with the seller for repairs or price adjustments. By being proactive, you can ensure that your new Houston home is not only a good investment but also a safe and comfortable place to live.
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jodilin65 · 4 months
My DW journal is now in sync with my LJ journal!
I have been freezing my ass off again, which makes me think I'm still having absorption issues and likely always will, on and off. I mentioned it to Jessie, and it turns out her daughter has the same problem. There's only one pill for that, and Jessie will ask her what it is.
Knowing how forgetful she tends to be, I ran it through AI. One of the things that came up was Tirosint, which they gave me when we were trying to get rid of the anxiety. However, that turned out to be what I figured it was all along: the dose and how fast I increased it. Another thing that came up was Armour, which my old endo said wouldn't be good because it's too much. I would never take that because it's pig thyroid, and it's not nearly as consistent as the synthetic form. I still disagree with the endo I saw here in Florida who told me to take Synthroid. I just hope that whatever I need to fix this problem is covered under my insurance. I know United didn't cover Tirosint.
Anyway, I'm not as energetic as I was yesterday. I woke up several times, and one of the times I swear Tom made some kind of noise. I will have to remind him yet again that this house is too small for him not to be extra quiet. I'll turn up the sound machine a bit too. Part of the problem is the grille's location. In the old place, they were in the floors which is better but here, unfortunately, they're above the bedroom doors.
I won a free appetizer in an instant-win sweepstakes that Ruby Tuesday was having. They don't have those in the West, so I don't think we've ever been to Ruby Tuesday.
This may be it until after Thursday's appointment, unless I'm so exhausted that day thanks to the round of storms moving into our area.
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novumtimes · 4 months
House Panel Seeks F.B.I. Investigation Into Doping by Chinese Swimmers
The House select committee on China has asked the Justice Department and F.B.I. to investigate reports that Chinese authorities covered up positive doping tests for nearly half the swim team it sent to the last Olympic Games and that the global antidoping regulator failed to take action. In a letter sent late Tuesday, the committee asked that the authorities use a law passed in 2020 in the wake of another doping scandal, involving Russia, that gives the Justice Department the power to criminally prosecute those who help athletes dope at international competitions, regardless of whether the offenses occur on American soil. “This scandal raises serious legal, ethical and competitive concerns and may constitute a broader state-sponsored strategy by the People’s Republic of China (P.R.C.) to unfairly compete at the Olympic Games in ways Russia has previously done,” the panel’s chairman, Representative John Moolenaar, Republican of Michigan, and its senior Democrat, Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois, said in a letter to Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and the F.B.I. director, Christopher A. Wray. The letter could put additional political pressure on the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation to ratchet up scrutiny of China’s athletic program and the organization responsible for policing the use of banned performance enhancers, the World Anti-Doping Agency, just two months before the 2024 Summer Games in Paris. The New York Times reported last month that 23 elite Chinese swimmers had tested positive for the same powerful drug months before the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games but were allowed to compete after Chinese officials secretly cleared them of wrongdoing and the antidoping agency, known as WADA, declined take action. The swimmers went on to win medals in five events at the 2021 games, including three gold. Several of the swimmers are favorites to win medals at the Paris Olympics in July. The Times reported that the F.B.I. had learned about the positives in the past year and that federal investigators had taken steps to learn more about what occurred. China maintained that the substance that triggered the swimmers’ positive test results came from contaminated food, an explanation that some experts found unlikely if not implausible. The House panel sent the letter four days after the antidoping agency held a meeting to push back on the claims that it looked the other way after learning of the positive doping tests. WADA’s top officials again defended their decision not to impose sanctions on the Chinese swimmers, and the agency’s president attacked American athletes, saying that 90 percent of them do not even compete under its code. The bipartisan nature of the letter reflected the broad consensus in Washington about the growing threats posed by China on an array of issues as well as specific concerns among American athletes and coaches about what they see as a pattern of doping by Chinese athletes. “It is imperative to assess whether these alleged doping practices were state-sponsored, which could warrant further diplomatic measures by the United States and the international community,” Mr. Moolenaar and Mr. Krishnamoorthi said in the letter. In a separate letter to the International Olympic Committee, the House committee called for an independent investigation into how the positive tests were handled, saying: “How the I.O.C. responds to this scandal will directly affect this summer’s Olympic Games and their promise of fair play that unites athletes from around the globe.” Source link via The Novum Times
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sixstringphonic · 5 months
Trump Again, and Repeatedly, Denounces Jews Who Support Biden
Former President Donald J. Trump made three different statements on Thursday suggesting that Jews who support President Biden were betraying their religious and cultural identities. (Michael Gold, The New York Times, May 9th 2024)
Former President Donald J. Trump on Thursday assailed President Biden for threatening to halt weapons supplies to Israel, and he repeatedly turned to castigating American Jews who support Mr. Biden, suggesting that they were betraying their religious and cultural identity.
Outside the Manhattan courtroom where he is on trial for charges related to a campaign sex scandal cover-up in 2016, Mr. Trump called Mr. Biden’s policy on Israel “disgraceful.” Then, he told reporters that “any Jewish person” who had voted for Mr. Biden “should be ashamed of themselves.” ...
In recent months, Mr. Trump has repeatedly criticized Jewish voters who backed Democrats as he has attacked Mr. Biden’s approach toward the war in Gaza, tried to present himself as a staunch pro-Israel ally and sought to use the conflict as a wedge issue that can chip away at Mr. Biden’s coalition. In the North Carolina interview, he voiced support for an Israeli invasion of Rafah, saying, “They have to get the job done.” ...
Mr. Trump has for years tried to woo Jewish voters away from the Democratic Party. But his efforts have accelerated since Hamas’s attack on Israel on Oct. 7 and the ensuing conflict in Gaza, which exposed divisions among Democrats over the Biden administration’s approach to Israel.
Mr. Biden has more recently asserted his support for Jewish Americans, as he struggles to balance his backing of Israel with mounting political pressure to do more to protect civilians in Gaza. On Tuesday, Mr. Biden condemned a “surge of antisemitism” in the United States during a Holocaust remembrance ceremony. ...
Mr. Trump and other prominent Republicans have seized on campus protests over Israel’s assault on Gaza, accusing Democrats and liberal institutions of broad antisemitism, even as their party has for years helped mainstream thinly veiled anti-Jewish messages. ...
At the same time that Mr. Trump has tried to win the support of Jewish voters by arguing that Mr. Biden has failed them, he has appeared to try to seize on the discontent that many Arab Americans feel over the Biden administration’s stance on Gaza...
As part of an effort to diminish Democratic turnout in Michigan, a key battleground state, Trump allies have discussed running ads in parts of the state with large Muslim populations, thanking Mr. Biden for supporting Israel, with the goal of stoking Arab American voters’ concerns about his presidency.
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bhushans · 6 months
Unlocking Potential: How Technology is Transforming the United States concierge medicine market
the United States concierge medicine market is estimated to be worth $17.97 billion USD. The concierge medicine market is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.32% by 2023. It is projected that US sales of concierge pharmaceuticals will reach US$ 6.73 billion by 2023.
A focus on primary care, same-day appointments, reduced hospital stays, round-the-clock access to doctors, and other reasons are driving the expansion of the concierge medicine business in the United States.
Concierge Medicine is Ideal for Both Patients and Doctors
Both patients and medical professionals win from concierge medicine. As a result, many concierge doctors are converting to this method. The United States has between 10,000 and 25,000 clinicians or subscription-based services, claims Concierge Medical Today, LLC.
Get a Sample Copy of the Report: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-16860
Several female doctors are converting to concierge practice. Female physicians experience greater stress and burnout. Concierge medicine’s growing popularity is primarily due to physician burnout.
Enhancing patient awareness, improving disposable income, and expanding demand for quality healthcare services are projected to stimulate concierge medicine demand in the United States. Due to these perks, millennials are becoming more interested in concierge practice, strengthening the demand for concierge medicine in the United States.
Hybrid Concierge Approach Resolves Issue of Paucity of Primary Care Physicians
The hybrid concierge approach satisfactorily addresses primary care physician shortages. In the hybrid model, the primary care physician offers patients the option to select either subscription-based treatment or conventional care covered by insurance.
Access to healthcare may be challenging due to the physician shortage, leading many patients to concierge physicians for more accessible care. Even in a physician shortage, the subscription-based model may guarantee simple access to care. The United States concierge medicine market is believed to be powered by it.
Key Takeaways:
The primary care segment in the specialty category accounts for a considerable United States concierge medicine market share of 25.6% in 2023.
Physicians downgrade membership-based medicine to reduce stress and improve the overall patient experience. This is likely to amplify specialty category growth in the coming years.
In 2023, the group sector in the ownership category had 64.1% of the market.
Doctors combine offices with concierge medical organizations because converting to a retainer model demands legal compliance, advertising, and patient communication. This is positively influencing the ownership segment’s expansion.
Competitive Analysis
With many solo and group concierge physicians, the United States concierge medicine industry is fragmented. Concierge care providers are constantly working to attract famous healthcare professionals to increase membership volume. The leading United States concierge medicine market manufacturers’ common growth strategies are partnership and physician engagement.
Modern Developments
Castle Connolly Private Health Partners (CCPHP) and Banner Health announced a partnership to launch the Banner Beyond Program in February 2022. The program offers members a customized and practical experience in a state-of-the-art concierge setting.
Businesses like Crossover Health and Signature MD in the United States concierge medicine industry concentrate on funding and acquisition.
By March 2021, Cypress Membership Medicine and Signature MD announced their planned merger in association with Blue Sea Capital. The merger helped SignatureMD maintain its leading position as a provider of concierge medical services.
Key Players:
Signature MD
Crossover Health
Specialdocs Consultants, LLC
Concierge Consultants & Cardiology
Castle Connolly Private Health Partners
Peninsula Doctor
Cambell Family Medicine
Destination Health
Priority Physicians, Inc.
USA San Diego Health
Key Segments
By Specialty:
Primary Care
Internal Medicine
By Ownership:
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
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paulagnewart · 8 months
Sonic the Oz-Hog: The Unfortunately Obligatory Self-Aggrandizing Introductory Post-a-Roony.
Some of humanity's finest and beloved stories are built on myths. Tales of grandeur passed down through generations, further embellished with each storyteller's spin. Unequivocal, unquestionable, and under no uncertain terms the real deal. At least until something strides along to suggest otherwise.
Modern fandoms are hardly different. Be it trying to reconcile conflicting facts or pushing their own biased agendas to win worthless arguments, the myths automatically evolve into facts. Conventional wisdom dictates Thunderbirds co-creator Gerry Anderson always hated puppets, an opinion he expressed later in life yet was quite the opposite in its heyday. The warehouse in Toronto intentionally hoarding dozens of missing Doctor Who episodes omni rumour which plagued fans through the early 90's. Or the established "truth" Ninja Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman loathes Venus DeMilo, when he has gone on public record multiple times how proud he is of the character.
Hardly equivocal to the above examples, let alone important in the grander scheme of life, is the purported "fact" the former Sonic the Hedgehog comics produced by Archie were purely a United States product and never made available to anybody living elsewhere around the globe.
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A bizarre patriotism effort? Cheap shots trying to downplay the comic for one reason or another? Who's to say? If only Archie had printed some type of page in each issue which fans could skim hoping to find their names. And were such a mythical page to exist, it may furthermore list which countries their monthly stack of letters originate. Diverse cultures spanning through the lands such as Canada, The Bahamas, Brazil, Trinidad, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Norway, Germany, Qatar, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore or New Zealand.
And maybe, just maybe, the majority of those budding fan letters and art beyond the US and Canada could be traced back to… Australia?
Farfetched to be sure, but no more than anything the writers and editors used to conjure up.
It astounds to think how Archie Sonic is culturally dead and buried, has been for years and will never see the light of day again beyond a miracle, yet continues drawing an active fanbase. Much as it goes against my sensibilities and would rather never think about this series again, it's sad seeing myths such as above persist among new and old fans as irrefutable gospel. They will continue so long as nobody sets the records straight, and when some bright spark in the future writes an extensive history of the comic, will repeat those same past mistakes.
Which brings to the whole point of this post. Sonic the Oz-Hog is an experimental monthly series reflecting on the comic's long history in Australia; how readily available they were, which issues were skipped, and its enduring survival while other books crashed and burned. Twelve notable issues have been selected, each representing a different month and year (so issue 82 would cover April 2000, 163 is August 2006 etc.). Four from each decade the comic was available, and with luck intended to be posted on their original publication dates. To sweeten the deal, one issue of Sonic Super Special, Sonic X, Sonic Universe, Super Special Magazine, and yes even Knuckles will round off this randomised roster.
This isn't an in-depth analytical overview of the comics or their cast. If that's what you seek, they've already been covered many times by many better blogs, some of which can be found on this site. Instead the intent is to provide a local experience from someone who lived it first-hand. Where Australia was at the time, what rocked (or flopped) popular culture, how Sonic as a franchise was felt by the public, online fan reactions, and the gradual self-destruction of the local comic industry. Then maybe a smattering of trivia about the stories.
We live in an ever-increasingly disposable society where the old phrase of "When it's out there on the Internet, it's out there forever" fades further into irrelevance. With luck, and assuming anyone out there cares for such stuff, this information once completed can remain accessible to the next generation of fans long after I'm dead and gone. Who knows? Maybe they'll have moved on from debating the events of Say You Will by then, but I doubt it. :P
Handy-Dandy Chapter Linky List
JAN: Never Forget Your Firsts! (Sonic Super Special 3) FEB: All My Friends are Echidnapped! (StH issue 244) MAR: Maximum Khanage! (StH issue 92) APR: Knux Readux! (Knuckles: The Dark Legion 1) MAY: Best Laid Schemes (of Mikes and Mobians)! (StH issue 134) JUN: Four Score and Three Games Ago! (TBA) JUL: Rodents in Disguise! (TBA) AUG: Journey's End! (TBA) SEP: Livin' on the Hedge! (TBA) OCT: The Price of Frame! (TBA) NOV: Future Done Certain! (TBA) DEC: Carry On, My Wayward Sonic! (TBA)
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ramrodd · 10 months
Civil War Confederate President Wasn’t Tried, Why It Matters In Trump Ca...
The basis of the US Constitution is the syndication of the several states iby the Declaration of Independence, ratified at Yorktown, forged by fire and quenched by the blood of Patriots who were enlisted in a well-regulated militia. This syndication is a pretty much off-the-shelf unlimited liability underwriting that is eternal. It's unbreakable. The Hudson Bay Company is an identical syndication,
The Declaration of Independence is a blood covenant, right out of Genesis 15. It is unbreakable. It is not a divine document, but bi-lateral. An agreement between human persons to living , breathing social contract.
The essential fallacy of the libertarian logic of the Confederacy is that it may be legal to build a castle in the sky, but it would require the repeal of the law of gravity to do so.
The mission of the Federalist Society is to ensure that this legal argument would always win in any court, anywhere int America,  It's like the Heller decision, Scalia did for the US  Constitution what Thomas Jefferson was doing to Sally Hemings That's an example of Fresh Water economics.
Salt Water economics is based on Valley Forge.
Jefferson Davis was arguing a finite game was infinite. It's the basis of Supply Side seconomics It's what the economics of shite supremacy is all about: repeal the law of gravity where useful.
That's everything covered by the January 6 agenda and the Total Depravity Gospel of the Pro Life Evangelical chaplains subverting the loyalties of serving soldiers.
Jefferson Davis's States Rights theory of property, labor and the means of roduction are founded squarely on the willingness to suspend disbelief in the contingent repeal of the law of gravity.
On a related issue, Ukraine needs to settle for a victory in the defense of their soverignty and the need to let the United Nations enforce a cease fire and  begin to sort things out with NATO. As that is being accomplished, America can begin to shift from funding battle and begin funding Marshall Plan reparations. NATO can work out with Russia how to flow reparations into the region This is right out of the Dayton Accords hand book for actual beginning of the Peace Dividend GHW Bush promised and Clinton delivered.
There are 13 stripes on Old Glory. The White Streps are  graphic  and abstract representations of the essence of the the Declaration of Independence: the Ideals: Life, Liberty, Fraternity, Equality, Equity and the Pursuit of Happines. Basically, the Democratic Socialism of the shower scene in Starship Troopers. The White Strepes. That's what I am saluting before "Play Ball" at Nationals Park.
The Red stripes represent the blood spilled by the serving Patriots who gave their oath to defend and protect, This is a  graphic presentation of the moral content of the Ideals of the Republic, the white Stripes, being covered by the blood of the red stripes in a blatantly bibilcal symbol of a blood oath.. The Southern slave owners were totally committed to that proposition of breaking that blood oath of the social contract right out of Burke in order to keep their slaves.
Before the Federalist Society, a writ such as that which cold prevail before the Supreme Court would have never gotten past appeals. This is how Trickle Down economics continues to work out in Jackson, Mississippi or Montgomery, Alabama.
It's that simple.
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