#the wizard and the no maj
humlors · 9 months
wyll: hey so jsyk i'm a warlock, i made a deal because of immediate danger and it's ruined my whole life and my patron plucked my eye out for it. please please don't make my mistakes
tav: absolutely, got it. tho i did just go to the hag in the woods and i mean, she DID say she could get rid of the illithid worm
wyll, now sweating: and... you said no, right
tav, like 8 wis: oh no i let her do it. turns out she couldn't, weird right??
wyll: what-
tav: oh and she also took one of my eyes. we match now!!
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beachylupin · 8 months
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Werewolves of London || Remus Lupin x American!Fem!Reader
i've crawled out of writing slump hell to publish this. i really hope you all enjoy. feedback is always appreciated :-) let me know if you'd like to see more! <3 pt. 2 here word count: 3.6k warnings: talking about children being turned, mentions of a weapon, maybe a few swear words, i literally can't think of anything else
“You’re looking for the Leaky Cauldron in London,” the gruff-sounding man said over the phone. “Where are you calling from?”
“Heathrow?” You said, sounding confused. Where else would you be calling from? “Am I supposed to be somewhere else?”
“Right…” he muttered into the phone, shushing the person who was talking behind him. “You didn’t apparate to King’s Cross from there?”
“I didn’t know I was supposed to,” you mumbled as he said, “Could’ve just apparated instead of just taking a plane.”
“Have you apparated across an ocean?” You quipped, and he stopped grumbling. “Listen, I’ll figure it out, okay? Should I catch the tram to King’s Cross and call you when I get there? Or would you like me to apparate to somewhere I’ve never been?”
“Just take the bloody tram. We’ll send someone to meet you,” he grumbled, half-talking to the person behind him before hanging up abruptly.
You stood confused for a beat before hanging up the phone, quietly apologizing to the person behind you for taking so long.
Following the signs, you made it to the tram, boarding just before the doors closed.
You sat, keeping your luggage on your lap and you looked around at the other passengers. You were sure they could tell you weren’t from here.
You had on a long, leather duster jacket, hiding a dark green top and a pair of black bell bottoms. Tapping your heels to the song playing on your walkman, you ignored them, staring out the window at the underground darkness.
It wasn’t strange being called somewhere else. As someone who worked as an herbalist and potioneer who specialized in harvesting monkshood and brewing the difficult potion invented a few years prior, this was your job.
You were a board member of the Lycanthropy Regulation and Control Committee at the Magical Congress of the United States of America. It was your duty to try and prevent them from coming into towns and completely ravaging them by giving them wolfsbane when they were caught.
Wolfsbane, monkshood, or aconite was deadly. If it was harvested by someone inexperienced, they could simply die. For a lycanthrope, this was their saving grace. This miracle plant is what kept them human.
You were here to help develop a type of werewolf resolution, Project Blue, for what a leader of sorts, Mr. Moody, had called “The Order.” You thought of this group as the resistance to whatever race war had been started here.
This resolution would be developed in secret by both you and the maker of the wolfsbane potion, Damocles Belby, and it had to remain a secret. You had received a list of names that could know exactly what you were doing attached to a different letter from Mr. Dumbledore, and you assumed the rest were to be left in the dark.
Mr. Dumbledore also gave you a protector, who was called Moony. You were given specific instructions to board with this Mr. Moony and tell nobody only if they told you the code word: blue. To anyone unsuspecting, blue is just a color, but to someone who knew about the project, it meant the color of the solution: wolfsbane.
The war really must have been in full swing, and considering that you were an American half-blood, you were stepping into dangerous territory.
Sure, the United States had its fair share of war, but it was the mixing pot of the world. Pure blood, half blood, or no-maj born: a wizard was a wizard. You had always been treated just the same.
Werewolves, however? They were something else completely. The United States werewolf was one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Having endless room to roam, they often lived outside of civilization, only coming in when they needed someone new to join their tribe.
This meant taking the children in quiet towns and turning them into werewolves so that by the time that they were fully grown and strong, they had no memories of being a human. 
These were the werewolves that you typically saw: mangy, feral, and insisting that they didn’t need wolfsbane. Nearly all of them had never taken it before, spending their whole werewolf existence in the wild, losing themselves completely, even when they weren’t in their wolf form.
It was devastating, not only for the families of these children, but for the werewolves that were doing their part to prevent anyone else from getting this terrible disease.
The werewolves of London and the surrounding area were almost always docile. Having taken wolfsbane from the moment they turned, they’d given up the desire to live a feral life.
However, there was a pack that was a danger to The Order. A pack that led the American lifestyle and stayed away unless they needed a new member. One led by Fenrir Greyback. A name that put shivers down anyone’s spine.
The tram screeched to a stop at King’s Cross, and you got off, immediately finding a phone. You dialed the number again.
“Who am I looking for?” You asked as a now different louder man coughed.
“Uhhh-” He cupped the receiver, his shouting muffled. “Aye! Who’d we send again?” Someone answered him and he loudly removed his hand. “A blonde girl! My age! Pretty.”
“How am I supposed to know your age?” You asked, looking around for a blonde girl. “I can’t see you.”
“Oh… Um, right,” he mumbled, covering the receiver again. “Hey! How would you describe Marlene?!” His shouting was muffled again, but this time, the phone was forcibly taken from him, a girlish huff breathing into the receiver.
“Right, you’re looking for a girl named Marlene McKinnon.” This girl sounded exasperated, shushing the laughter behind her. “She left here wearing leather trousers and a feather duster coat. ‘M sure she’s wearing a beret,” she said as you looked around King’s Cross.
You found who fit the bill immediately, dressed in exactly what the girl described.
“I found her! Thank you!” You breathed. “I’ll probably see you in a little bit.”
“Most likely!” She sounded like she was smiling. “Goodbye, and safe travels!”
Hanging up the phone, you picked your luggage up again, weaving through the small crowd to where the pretty blonde was standing.
She looked to be about in her late teens. Her makeup was sparkly and dark, and she had on about a million necklaces. The feather duster coat was gaudy. Nearly everything about her was gaudy.
“Marlene?” You asked as soon as you approached her. You introduced yourself, taking her ringed hand into your gloved one.
“You must be our gal!” She said, pulling you into a tight hug. “How was your flight?”
You shrugged. “Long.”
“Bloody hell, I can only imagine,” she said, her hand still in yours as she pulled you through the station. “Leaky is just a few blocks down!”
Marlene finally let go of your hand as soon as you were out of the busy station and in the rainy September air. “Have you been to London before?”
You shook your head. “I’ve never been over the ocean.”
“Ooh, first time?” She asked, her eyebrows raised. “We’ll have to show you a good one then.”
“Well, I’m here on business,” you said, desperately trying to keep up with her. “I’m not sure if I’ll have enough time to have fun.”
“How long are you here for?” She asked.
You shrugged, genuinely not knowing. “However long it takes for it to get developed.”
She furrowed her eyebrows. “What’s it?”
“I’m not supposed to disclose that information,” you said quietly, looking at your feet. At least to you.
Marlene glanced at you, her expression unreadable. “Well, I’m sure you’ll still have time.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly, but not wanting to argue, you continued on after her, your luggage clattering on behind you.
The Leaky Cauldron was a hole-in-the-wall type of pub. It was no wonder they were allowed to be in downtown London without worrying about no-majs coming in.
It was fairly busy, and Marlene quickly bee-lined to the back where there was a secluded table full of people. She mumbled something before sitting down, and they all turned to look at you as you excused yourself past a group of open-mouthed witches.
“Hi everyone,” you said, tucking your hair behind your ears once you set your luggage down. You scanned their surprisingly young faces. “Who was the first person I talked to on the phone? Um.. Mr. Alastor M-” Moony? Moody?
“Moody?” The raven-haired boy said. You nodded, eyebrows raised hopefully. “He left.”
“He left?” You asked, scoffing when everyone at the table nodded. “Why?”
“You took too long,” he replied as if it was an easy answer. “He’ll be ‘round tomorrow morning with everyone else.”
“I told you that you’d have time,” Marlene said, smiling tightly. “Things don’t get done around here unless you stick us to it. The rest of ‘em are old.”
“They’re busy,” another boy corrected her.
“Great,” you sighed. “Well, in that case-” You pinched off your leather gloves and stuck your hand out to the raven-haired boy, introducing yourself.
“Sirius Black,” he said, shaking your hand enthusiastically. “It’s nice to meet you!”
You nodded then looked at the bespeckled boy. “Tell me your name is something easy to remember,” you teased, smiling at the other boy.
“I’m James,” he said, and you sighed a breath of faux relief.
“I’ll remember that one,” you said, smiling at the rest of the group.
James then pointed to the blonde boy. “That’s Peter. Next to him is Lily, and this-”
You could tell immediately who he was. Mr. Dumbledore, who you still hadn’t met yet, had told you that there was indeed a werewolf in “The Order,” and up until this point, you couldn’t discern who. 
But he looked the part, down to the claw-like scars that riddled his face. He didn’t look dangerous. He looked the least dangerous of them all, dressed like an old man in a funky blue and brown sweater and dingy jeans. You couldn’t tell if he was a teen or fifty from the way he held himself, but considering his friends, you decided he was on the younger side of the spectrum.
“Remus,” he said, smiling slightly.
“Remus,” you repeated. You held his gaze for a beat longer before clearing your throat. “Well, it’s nice to meet all of you.” You glanced at your luggage then back at the table.
He glanced at your luggage as well, meeting your eyes with a look that said, “Leave it.” You furrowed your eyebrows.
Sirius pulled out a chair for you, patting it so you’d sit.
You obliged, looking around the table.
“I was hoping Moo-” Your eyebrows furrowed, trying to remember his name. Not Moony. “Um, Alastor?”
“Moody,” Sirius finished for you, exchanging a look with James.
“Yeah, Moody was going to be here to set me up with the right person, but I see that might not happen tonight,” you said, settling into your seat.
“Well, who exactly are you looking for?” James asked, looking around the group. “We might be able to set you up with…” He baited you, waiting for the name.
“I’m not supposed to disclose that information with you,” you mumbled, looking down. “It’s… It’s all very secretive, I know, but I got very detailed instructions about what I’m supposed to do and who I’m supposed to discuss and do it with.” You threw a pained smile at the group. “Your names aren’t on that list…” You glanced at Remus, then sent your gaze at the table. “Only a few can know right now.”
“So we can know nothing?” Sirius asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m sure you’ll know eventually,” you suggested and sighed when he rolled his eyes. “I’m really sorry. I wish I could tell you.”
“What can we know?” Marlene asked, causing you to shrug.
“What do you want to know?” You countered, glancing at the small group.
Lily stared at you with narrowed eyes. “What do you do in America?”
“I work for the Magical Congress of the United States,” you answered simply. “I’m a herbalist and potioneer.”
The girls cocked their heads.
“How old are you?” Peter asked, resting his cheeks on his hands.
“And you work for them at nineteen?” Peter acted shocked, his eyebrows furrowed.
Peter humphed, sitting back in his chair. “Carry on.”
“Have you always lived in America?” James asked, and you nodded.
“Where do you live in America?” Sirius asked.
“I kind of move from place to place depending upon the need for me,” you replied. A few of them furrowed their eyebrows. “Home base is New York City, though.”
“Is that why you’re here?” Marlene asked. “They needed you for something?”
You paused, shrugging slightly. “Yes?”
“For herbalism and potions,” Lily clarified, and you sighed, shrugging.
“I suppose,” you said. “I’m not going to tell you why I’m here.”
Lily pursed her lips. “I’ll figure it out. Just give me a moment.”
“I really don’t think you will,” you said, your eyebrows pinched together. “I haven’t given you anything to work off of.”
But Lily ignored you, her eyes closed as she thought. Marlene was next to her, trying to piece it together.
“Remus,” Sirius said, leaning to look at him. “You’re awfully quiet over there. Do you have any dying questions for the girl at the stand?”
Remus, who had been all but paying attention, hummed, looking at you.
“What’s your favorite color?” He asked.
Sirius and James let out a laugh.
“Really?” Peter asked, hands hitting the table. “We’re in a Sherlock type mystery and you ask what her favorite color is?”
“It’s an important question,” Remus replied, shrugging. He looked back at you, hopeful.
“Blue,” you said, and he narrowed his eyes.
“Blue?” He repeated, and you nodded. A knowing smile grew on Remus’ face. “Interesting.”
“How is that bloody interesting?” Sirius asked. “It’s blue. Everything is bloody blue.”
Remus simply shrugged, glancing at you again. “Just… fitting.”
You narrowed your eyes. He must’ve been the one that Mr. Dumbledore called Moony.
“What’s yours?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Green,” he said, smiling. Sirius looked between the two of you.
You nodded, looking around. “Any other questions?”
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “What does he know?”
You glanced at Remus. “Probably as much as you.”
Remus confirmed your suspicion with a nod.
“Well, we’ll figure you out,” Lily said, leaning her head on Sirius’ arm. “Before you tell us.”
“Where are you staying?” James asked, glancing at Lily and Sirius. “I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you stayed with us.”
“I actually have a room booked here,” you lied, pushing yourself up from the chair. “I should probably see if it’s ready for me.”
“Right,” James said, smiling slightly as he stood. “We should be off, shouldn’t we?” He asked, reaching for Lily’s hand. She took it, allowing herself to be pulled up, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“We have an early morning,” Sirius said, glancing at Marlene. “You ready?”
Marlene nodded, getting up. “It was nice meeting you,” she said curtly.
“Yeah, it was nice meeting all of you,” you replied, watching Remus stand, nose crinkled as his knee popped.
“We’ll see you tomorrow,” Sirius said, looking at Lily. “We’ll have you figured out by then.”
You sighed. “Please don’t try to figure me out.”
“Too late,” Lily said sweetly, her hand in James’ as she started pulling him out of the pub.
James waved a goodbye to you and Marlene tailed the two of them out with Sirius following slightly behind. He turned around.
“You coming, Moony?” He asked, and Remus shook his head.
“I need a night cap,” he said, waving Sirius away. “Don’t worry about me.”
Sirius took this dismissal with a raised eyebrow, slightly shrugging before walking away.
“Moony?” You said quietly, crossing your arms over your chest. “That isn’t a very clever nickname.”
“Neither is Bane, but I didn’t say anything,” he quipped, reaching to take your luggage but you beat him to it.
“Bane?” You said, your nose crinkled. “That’s what your leader is calling me?”
“Better than Monk like he originally wanted,” he said, offering you his arm. You looked at it, sighing. “We’re going to have to apparate.”
“I know,” you grumbled, taking his arm. “I just hate doing it.”
“It’s not my favorite thing either,” he said, leading you outside the pub.
The wet sidewalk was clear, allowing Remus to quickly lead you into the alleyway, looking around again.
“Take a breath,” he said, and you did so, the breath leaving you as soon as there was a familiar tug on your navel.
The Eldritch Manor lay before you, half destroyed. It was supposed to be your place to sleep and work. A place to be safe. This didn’t look like a place where you could do any of those things.
Half of the manor was missing, rubble and stones lying in a place where a wing might’ve been. A house fire was possible, but it looked as though something hit the house.
“‘S not much,” Remus said quietly, allowing you to drop his arm. He immediately reached into his pocket, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
He could tell you weren’t impressed by the way you straightened, your owlish eyes staring at the half of the house that was still standing.
It was also made of stone, but it was covered in dying ivy, a plant that would’ve flourished in the summer. A gnarled branch weaved its way up the front of the house.
“I wasn’t impressed either,” he said through a puff of his cigarette. “But it’s what we’ve got.”
He stamped out the other half of his cigarette and headed inside, leaving you to follow behind him.
You looked around Remus’ house. It wasn’t huge but it wasn’t tiny. Books and blankets lay on almost every surface, and there was a chill running through the house that you couldn’t quite place. You set your luggage down and toed off your shoes, watching as Remus knelt down in front of the fireplace, busying himself with stacking logs.
“This isn’t where I normally live,” he said, his knees cracking as he stood up from the fireplace. “This is temporary.” He took his wand out, lighting the fire wordlessly.
“Like a safe-house?” You asked, sitting down in a leathery chair, covering yourself with the throw blanket.
“Exactly like that,” he said, sitting down across from you. “Got here a few days ago to make it homey.”
You looked around the small living room. There was an endless supply of books around, as if that’s all he did in his spare time. You leaned, peeking at the kitchenette, where a stove and a fridge sat, looking as if they’d never been used.
“It’s nice,” you said quietly, looking into the fire.
A lull fell over the two of you. Maybe Remus figured that you were tired from your journey, or maybe he didn’t know what to say.
You didn’t have much to say either. This was the first time that you were meeting him, and you only knew a few things about him. First, his name was Remus, and he went by Moony. Second, his favorite color was actually most likely green considering all of the blankets in this house were either green or brown, and third, he was a werewolf who hated being a werewolf.
You didn’t have to ask him to know that. The way he tried to act normal was a telltale sign.
Remus cleared his throat, causing you to turn your attention to him. “So Moody said what you’re working on is… dangerous? And that you needed my help?”
“Sort of,” you sighed, and he continued staring, urging you to go on. “You haven’t been debriefed yet, have you?” you asked, sitting up straighter. He shook his head causing you to sigh again.
“You need to talk with me?” Remus asked.
“I’m actually here to consult with Damocles Belby, the inventor of-”
“Wolfsbane, yeah,” he interjected. 
“Alastor was supposed to set that up tonight, but he left, as you know,” You said, your tone clipped. “Him and I… We’re trying to fashion a type of… explosive to use in case of-”
“A werewolf?” Remus asked, and you reluctantly nodded.
“A feral werewolf,” you corrected him, your mouth tight.
“Ah,” Remus tutted. “So you’re saying someone whose a monster-”
“That’s not at all what I’m saying,” you said quietly as his gaze dropped from yours. “I’m not saying they’re monsters. Werewolves aren’t monsters, but I don’t think you understand the real problem-“
“Moony is… I am the problem,” he quipped, getting up. “I think I understand it quite well. Now, if you’re thinking you’re going to use a bomb on me-”
“I never said it was going to be you-”
“-you’re daft, alright?” He finished over you, pulling the sleeves of his sweater down as he strode across the room.
You scrambled after him. “You’re not part of the problem, Remus!” You called, following him down the hall. “You do your part to prevent the spread! I can tell!”
He snorted, looking at you over his shoulder. “If that’s your way of telling me that you think I’m a virgin, you’re dead wrong.”
Your eyebrows instantly furrowed, taken aback. “Lycanthropy isn’t spread that way,” you muttered more to yourself than to him. You huffed, catching his hand as he rounded the kitchen doorway. He stopped, glaring at you. “You’re not understanding me. You haven’t turned anyone. You’re not biting anyone on full moons, right?”
“Okay, good,” you huffed, letting him pull his hand away from yours. “The explosive is for the ones who try their hardest to turn as many innocents as possible. The ones who flock into defenseless villages and towns to kill and turn anyone they see.” You swallowed, your tone quiet, “The ones who turn children.”
Remus’ face turned from sullen to serious as he blinked, eyebrows furrowing. “Why do you need my help?”
“I think you might know where they’re hiding.”
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jakes3resin · 3 months
Drops this here and flees back to my A/B/O fic doc
"You're a Brit?" The question comes from Curt, and Bucky bites the inside of his cheek.
"Parents were." Bucky says simply turning back to his drink, but Curt's three drinks deep and knows Bucky too well by now to let him get away with that answer.
"But you said you're from Wisconsin?"
"I am," Bucky nods. Curt gives him a look, and Bucky can feel Buck staring at him. "I was raised there after I turned 3. Came here for a few years for boarding school, but my aunt and uncle brought me back before I turned 18."
"How come?" Croz joins in setting down a tray of drinks, and Bucky wishes they'd let this go. There's a reason he doesn't talk about all this.
"I asked." Bucky smiles. "The weather sucks, and I was bored."
"Sorry chaps, did you just say you went to boarding school here?" One of the RAF pilots that likes to stick their nose into Bucky's conversations butts in. Bucky resists the urge to bang his head against the table.
"This fella, right here." Curt smacks Bucky's shoulder, and Bucky sends him a look to cut it out. He catches Buck's eye and sees the questions building in his blue eyes. Bucky turns away. He can't answer those questions.
"Where abouts?" The RAF pilot clearly doesn't see how done with this topic Bucky is.
"Scotland." Bucky answers with a sharp grin. "Old school, but you won't know it."
"Bloody hell," The man stares at Bucky wide-eyed, and he can feel Buck tensing, whether it's to defend Bucky or to stop him from doing something stupid that's still unclear. "You didn't go to Hogwarts, did you?"
Bucky freezes. He stares up at the Brit, grin sharp and eyes a bit dangerous. Most wizards know not to talk too loudly about magic around Muggles and No-Majs, but this guy's deeper in his cups than half the bar.
"For a few years." Bucky confirms sounding like he was pulling out teeth with each word. "You go there too?"
"Of course! Sorted right into Gryffindor!" The man straightens up suddenly affronted that Bucky would dare even think the opposite. "It's the finest school!"
"This side of the Atlantic sure." Bucky leans back, trying to distance himself.
"If you went to Hogwarts, what are you doing palling around with this bunch?"
"Cause I want to." Bucky watches Curt glare at the Brit, but he's calling over more Brits before any of them can stop him.
"Reginald! Listen to this, this chap here says he went to Hogwarts!" The shocked looks on the faces of the gathered British pilots makes Bucky question how the hell they've kept magic secret for centuries. If a few drunk flyboys can talk this openly, what the hell are they doing to keep the secret?
"Preposterous," Bucky thinks it's Reginald who says that, but he doesn't care. "Hogwarts doesn't allow Americans. You, what family are you from?"
"Family?" Croz murmurs looking lost. Buck's gaze is still sitting heavy on Bucky's shoulders. Bucky sighs, truly over these idiots.
"Why do you wanna know all that?" Curt glares up at Reginald. He doesn't understand what the man's on about, but he knows he's insulting Bucky.
"Only the most noble houses could pull an American into Hogwarts." Reginald sniffs, and out of the corner of his eye, Bucky sees Buck finally turn his attention away to place a calming hand on Curt's shoulder. Curt settles back unhappily. "Riffraff doesn't make the cut."
"Right, riffraff," Bucky murmurs. Buck swings his focus back to him now.
"So, out with it!" One of the other Brits urges.
"Out with what?" Bucky says with a laugh. "You boys know my name."
"Yes, but what Noble House do you come from?" The original Brit rolls his eyes at him obviously over Bucky's stalling.
"Is this really that important?" Croz tries to intervene, but the RAF boys steamroll over him.
"Unless of course, you're lying about attending Hogwarts." One of the flyboys grins mockingly. Bucky grits his teeth. This is why he doesn't talk about his family. Brits always going on and on about blood and prestige. He hates it. "Trying to fit in, are we?"
Bucky stares up at them. There's a reason he'd kept his old name quiet. He doesn't want the fuss. But it looks like he has no choice here. These boys won't leave him alone until he coughs it up.
"Scamander, got it?" Bucky grins up at the idiots surrounding him. His hands twitch, a phantom weight in his palm that he ignores. "Now beat it."
"Great Scott, don't tell me you're related to Theseus Scamander?"
Bucky sucks at his teeth.
"That's my cousin." He admits, hoping this will be enough to sate their curiosity. He's wrong. The boys explode, some asking questions, others denying that he's related to such an esteemed gentleman.
Buck's gaze has never felt so heavy.
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synergysilhouette · 1 month
Hogwarts Legacy spinoff/sequel wants
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As an HL fan, I was absolutely pleased with the game--but for the next one, I'd like some changes/additions.
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Make an Ilvermorny spinoff--As an American fan, it'd be so fun to see Ilvermorny in person, preferably in modern day; I'm still confused on how no-maj racism never existed in the Americas if most European purebloods didn't come to America, meaning that most American witches/wizards (of European heritage, at least) would be no-maj borns and half-bloods, and thus be influenced somewhat by no-maj ideals. Placing it in modern day would make it feel a bit more tolerant, imo.
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GIVE EVERY HOUSE SOME LOVE WITH SIDEQUESTS--Ravenclaws got screwed terribly since Amit doesn't have his own storyline/quest like the other house representatives. It felt really unfair.
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Flesh out the main character's background--It's never explained WHY the student is starting off as a 5th year, nor what kind blood heritage they have, despite this taking place in the late 19th century, when blood heritage would be even more important than it was when Harry Potter was alive a hundred years later. (And nit-pick, but it'd also be nice if we could say if they were from Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, or another country).
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Friendship meter--I like the idea that you can have your friends join you on quests outside of their personal ones, as long as you have a close enough bond with them. Plus it'd be great for diverging storylines; imagine if we could've convinced Sebastian not to use the killing curse if we were close enough with him. I guess that's "Hogwarts Mystery" rubbing off on me (one of the few things I liked about that game).
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Romance options--This is probably a minority request, but I'd like the option. I think the devs said romance wasn't a factor because of your possible dark paths, which makes sense, but the aforementioned friendship meter could potentially alleviate this by convincing them to join you (or turn them away from their own dark path).
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The option to be a metamorphagus or an animgus (or the sidequest to become one)--It'd be such a fun idea to use these powers on missions.
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Change your face after initial designs--I remember being dissatisfied with my character's face after setting him up, and I was disappointed that I couldn't change it afterwards. It'd also be cool if we could experiment with their build/body type a bit.
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A better story--Sebastian's sidestory was more interesting than the Goblin uprising, tbh. Even rehashing the blood purity storyline would've been better.
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Trials that take place within the world--Maybe it was just me, but I didn't like how the trials took place within an alternate world (except Niamh's trial; hers was creative) rather than using the large world we already had.
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boxdstars · 5 months
Thinking about how surreal it would be for any Ilvermorny transfer student to go to Hogwarts, because Ilvermorny was founded by the witch Isolt, and her no-maj (muggle) husband! Blood purity as a concept seems like it would be entirely disregarded in the north american wizarding world as a whole because of this. Like, how are we going to whine about “purity” when a literal non-magic wielder helped to instate the very school itself!
Ilvermorny students would show up like “wow. blood purity is such an archaic concept, so glad it’s not really a thing anymore :)” and then be floored at the behavior from some of the most well off purebloods at the wizarding worlds most prestigious school. Much to think about 🤔
I also find the Gaunts influence being in America very interesting, with Isolts estranged aunt, Gormlaith Gaunt who basically kidnapped her, ultimately leading Isolt to flee to America to begin with. Ilvermorny lore is so fascinating there’s so much to play with, even in the HL era!
oh and also this:
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UDLTTOM WORLDBUILDING RAMBLES: American Wizarding Society vs British Wizarding Society
This is like the 3rd installment of what is quickly becoming a series of long ranting posts about the lore surrounding Harry Potter & a current time-travel au I'm writing on AO3. But you don't need to have read the previous two posts to understand this one. (I still link them for those interested: pt 1, pt 2, pt. 3.) .
I think it's been fairly established that JK doesn't have much awareness of anything outside of Britain when it comes to world building. I've seen posts discussing how unrealistic the magical schools are and such. (Which obviously there can't be just 11 schools. I refuse to believe it. It exceeds my suspension of disbelief.) But this post isn't about that, but the whole societal structure of the American Wizarding society as a whole. I recently started watching my through the Fantastic Beasts films (I know I'm late to the show.) and as an American I can't help but to address some of this...
There's a lot to address & I'm sorry if this post gets a off on some tangents. But I'm just gonna jump right in with the things that bother me most.
1)The MACUSA reeks of British colonization.
As we all know, North America wasn't unpopulated when people from Europe started arriving. Native Americans, the Mayans, the Aztecs, Inuit people, and while some of them were nomadic others had established cities & advanced communities for that day in age. It was the religious zealot Protestants, aka Puritians, being driven out of England that pushed into these communities and brought with them this harmful religious dogma and pushed these people out of the homes and their lands. Like if you read into any of these cultures and their histories, you'll see that these communities were accepting of magic and in the HP world were probably very much wizards themselves.
And so the MACUSA doesn't make sense to me having been founded before the American Revolution, but after the Salem Witch Trials because in all likelihood wizards were being persecuted long before all that. Like I can't believe that the indigenous communities wouldn't have formed some sort of collective in order to combat these foreign invaders from overseas—Especially if they were wizards.
I mean so there had to be something before that, right? Like in all likelihood what I see happening is that these British wizards pushed themselves in with the Puritians (for whatever reason) and in the process brought with them their backwards views on muggles & blood politics & classism which wasn't a part of the original society. Because if you look at the indigenous histories you'll see that medicine men/women were respected members of their communities. Wizards and Muggles lived alongside each other just fine. But then the colonizers came & ruined that harmonious dynamic between the magical and nonmagical.
And that it's called the Magical Congress of the United States of America...It doesn't make sense unless that name came about after the American Revolution. Because before that it was referred to as the 13 colonies. Then it also took some time after the American Revolution for the 13 colonies to expand into the United States. (American didn't get all 50 states until 1959 with the purchase of Alaska from Russia and the forceful occupation of Hawaii.)
It makes more sense that there was a power struggle between two or more opposing Magical governments for the control of the Americas. And this would lead to a sort of Wizarding Civil War. Between the indigenous magical communities and the British, & Spanish, & French Colonies. It's a big place, huge. & it would be diced up and divided I think much more than than the muggle/no-maj community/government is.
The MACUSA being only on the East Coast makes more sense to me. (It also explains how there can only be one wizarding school in MA.) And how that school is a sister school of Hogwarts & how they are structured so similarly. Because watching the Fantastic Beasts films I don't feel like I'm watching American wizards, it more feels like I'm watching British Wizards with American accents.
And then the rest of the country is split up into districts or regions (much like it is in real life with: East Coast, Deep South, West Coast, Midwest.) where the indigenous practices and cultures are still prevalent.
I also don't buy into this idea that France and Spain would abandon their stake on the Continent. So in reality, it's more believable that Spanish Wizards would control Florida and expand all the way up to Arkansas, French wizards would Have control of Louisiana & Mississippi, East Texas, parts of Oklahoma, the British Wizards would have the colonies & maybe parts of the Great Lakes area like Illinois or Ohio, and then the rest of North America would be divided up into different territories amongst the indigenous communities.
Which then brings me to the second thing that bothers me: Rappaport's Law.
2) Rappaport's Law is a heavy-handed allegory for Jim Crowe & Segregation Laws.
As a white person, there's a lot in this topic that I am likely under informed and underqualified to unpack. It is a subject that would be better dissected by someone who understands the cultural histories and nuances better than me. But I read up a lot on random histories (because my Adhd brain leads me down some interesting research rabbit holes & I find myself fascinated by lore histories and folktales.) And I've learned a bit about the various histories pertaining to the Trans Atlantic Slave trade and how things like Voodoo made their way to America through the enslavement of various African tribes.
And again back to the British colonization, slaves were sold to the British by rival tribes & then some of those people made their way to North America when the colonies were formed , but that there was also a significant number of slaves that were indigenous to North America as well.
But how the indigenous communities were structured and how the tribal communities were structure were not all that dissimilar from each other. They both have an awareness of magic and similar spiritual practices. Again magic coexisting with muggles and what makes the most sense was that rival tribes would in fact sell the wizards into slavery and keep the squib/no-maj members of the village because they were less of a threat.
Which in turn would lead to most of the magical communities in North America being POC. Like honestly, I think they are the majority in the Americas. And the Rappaport Law, preventing the intermingling of no-majs & wizards would be heavily criticized because of the similarities to Jim Crowe and Segregation Laws.
And you might try to argue that because of the Statute of Secrecy, wizards wouldn't have any awareness of those muggle laws. But I argue that because of Slavery and most of the wizards being either slaves or negatively impacted by the European settlers would be very, very aware of those laws and prejudices & be actively fighting against them.
Like it was wizards creating and maintaining the underground railroad. It was wizards getting other wizards out and getting them away, regardless of whether or not they were magical because they were all slaves. And they would in fact still have muggles living side-by-side with them in these magical communities and spitting in the face of the Statute of Secrecy. And entire generations of no-majs would live and die in these communities and possibly even leave these communities to assimilate with other muggles and what not, but the American wizards would not be as cut off from the no-maj world like their British counterparts are.
3) Blood Politics would never be able to take root there.
Because most of them are unable to trace back their own bloodlines. It's why Americans don't have house elves working for them because it's Slavery, which they spent centuries combating and trying to escape. And why Grindelwald couldn't gain a foothold there because he was European and was actively killing muggleborns, squibs, no-majs like that wasn't their own people.
And this would also mean that, technologically, the magical communities in North America are more advanced. They are not stagnating like they are in Britain. Wizards are not a dying breed. They have a healthy growing population and low inbreeding rates, and advancements in magic and no-maj sciences. It's the sort of strength Grindelwald and Voldemort would want to recruit for their causes, but with how the majority of the continent is structured would never be able to.
[thank you for coming to my tedtalk.]
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ghostofscarley · 2 years
for the lovely @14chubs and anyone who has been searching for wonderful fics of our beloved pranksters <3 (this is what i can think of off of the top of my head but i'll keep adding and updating the list)
fluff angst
Fred Weasley
yours truly :))
Enchanted a f
Frozen f
Yours Forever Pt 2 f
Photo Album f
Fred Weasley Masterlist
After All This Time a f
My Girl Bath Time New Addition (cutest little series) f slight a
Hopelessly Devoted To You a f
and just abt all of her work (accesed all in the lovely archive under fred' name)
If You Love Her a f
I Love You, But You Don't a slight f
I Hate You a f
Good Reviews and Spilled Potions a f
My Little Hufflepuff Brave Little Puff a f
Announcement f
I Want You a f
Fred Weasley Masterlist
Deja Vu (But Now With You) a f
Worst (Perfect) Timing f slight a
Oblivious Weasley a f
I Love You f slight a
Lost Things f
Two Faced a f
Flower Garden Series a f
I See The Light a f
The Wizard and the No-Maj Series f
Unexpected Series f
Everyday For the Rest of Forever a f
Honey Flowers and Pinky Promises
Falling Into Fatherhood Series (cont. of ^^) a f
Ikea f
Flour Fights f
Fred Weasley Masterlist
I Love You, Baby f
What About Me? f
Yours, Fred a f
Infinity a f
Intriguing a f
He Calls Me Love a f
George Weasley
Take Yours mostly a f
5th December f
(masterlist ^^)
Ear-resistable slight a f
Family Matters a f
(masterlist ^^)
Can't Stay Away Series slight a? f
(shit.. do i already read a lot of george weasley works? yes.. do i need to read more and appreciate our boy? bloody oath)
but i do hope this helped out a little bit love <3
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House of the Dragon:
Secret Visits - Aemond Targaryen - Aemond visits his little sister in her chambers /18+
Silent Desires - Aemond Targaryen - Aemond has one of his servants as his dirty little secret /18+
Captivating - Aemond Targaryen - Aemond meets a beautiful girl and they make out
An Eternity Together [masterlist] - Aemond Targaryen story - Aemond tells us about his obsession with the girl he loves /slight nsfw
You Have No Right [masterlist] - Aemond Targaryen story - The young prince does anything he can to find the woman again he fantasized about since they met / some nsfw
A Song of Water and Fire [masterlist] COMING SOON - Aemond Targaryen story - Laena was the only true child of Laenor Velaryon and Rhaenyra Targaryen, questioning the legitimacy of Jacaerys' claim as heir to The Iron Throne.
Split - Aemond & Aegon Targaryen - Both Targaryen brothers desire the same girl /18+
Targaryen Hearts Entwined - Aemond & Aegon Targaryen - Both Targaryen brothers desire the same girl (again) /18+
Stranger Things:
I need you - Billy Hargrove - Billy meets his ex on a party, and forces himself on her /18+
I´m kinda into it - Billy Hargrove - Billy is controlled by the mindflayer and made a deal with his first victim /18+
Sorry I'm late, sweetheart - Eddie Munson - Eddie gets late from a drug deal, and apologizes to his lady (iykyk) /18+
I want you - Billy Hargrove - Billy is obsessed with one of the girls in High School, and he finally got what he wanted /18+
What Ivar loves and needs from his wife - Ivar the boneless - A drabble about some favorites of Ivar /nsfw and fluff
I'm Never Sharing My Meal - Hvitserk & Ivar - The brothers have to stay in a shack in the woods with their companion, but it ends in a competition /18+
The God's Pathways [masterlist] COMING SOON - Ivar the Boneless story - Ivar falls in love with a saxon girl they took from England /some nsfw
I Still Hate You - Hvitserk Ragnarsson - Hvitserk recently visits the wife of his brother, but he absolutely hates her /18+
Harry Potter:
Not a No-Maj [masterlist] COMING SOON - Draco Malfoy story - A sassy girl from America, meets an English wizard who no one ever told 'no'
Zephyr [masterlist] COMING SOON - one shot collection - A collection of one shots, in an alternative reality, where Slytherin and Gryffindor ain't enemies
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lorriiraine · 30 days
🧡 5 random facts about Lory 🧡
Inspired by @morelikeravenbore and her fact list about Aurélie ♥️♥️
TW: Depression and ptsd at Point 2. Skip this one if you feel uncomfortable about it.
1. Lory wants to become a healer
So she really put much effort into Herbology and potions. After class she helps out at the hospital wing to learn from Nurse Blainey. She also hopes to find a cure for Anne Sallow. She also invented some own potions like making it possible to grow her hair out just how she wants it, coloring it and it will change back to it’s natural hair after 24 hours. She heals some of Sebastian’s bones and ribs after Quidditch matches. When she graduates she wants to return back to America to study there in the Eastern State Hospital which has a hidden wing for wizards and witches. She wants to study about wizard and witches medicine but also No-Majs / Muggle medicine.
2. She is struggling with depressions and ptsd
After Fig died she got injured by Ranrok. When she won the fight against the goblin in dragon form she walked up to Figs lifeless body and collapsed, crying and screaming. Then she passed out. During this she absorbed the ancient magic around her.
When she woke up two days later in the hospital wing Poppy and Ominis were by her side. Sebastian was missing. From this moment on she felt the pressure on her shoulders. She became Hogwarts‘ hero and the troll slayer. Which she never wished for. She cried herself to sleep, heard voices and was struggling with nightmares. One day Poppy found her crying and got her to Nurse Blainey who got her some potions to calm her down. It took much time to accept what happened to her. In the try to not worry her friends she smiles and acts like she’s alright. Only her closest friends sees that something is wrong with her.
3. The reason why she loves pumpkins
It’s not a random thing she likes. Her family had stolen her memory to protect her. The taste of pumpkins reminds her of her mothers cake she made every autumn. The memory of this pie made her eat more and more stuff with pumpkins because she felt that this taste filled the feeling of something’s missing in her life.
That’s why she loves autumn the most, too. When she starts to remember who she really is and where she came from, she ate less pumpkin food because she finally remembered everything of her past.
4. Lorys muggle parents are not her real parents
She was adopted. From who and why she never found out until she traveled to Salem with Sebastian (coming up in my fanfiction „cursed Passion“ on wattpad). There everything seems to get clear for her. Her real family comes from America too, a little town near Salem. That's where the origin of her ancient magic lies.
5. She is good friends with Imelda Reyes
First Lory didn’t like her because she had the feeling, that Imelda and Sebastian are interested in each other. She saw her as enemy. After Sebastian FINALLY confessed to Lorraine she was sceptical since he and Imelda were in one quidditch team. When she took the challenge of Imelda and successfully finished the broom tests Imelda started to like Lorraine. She was different then most of the Hufflepuffs. Lorraine and her would randomly meet in the library, on the school’s yard or in class, finding themselves annoying each other, but in a more friendly way. One random day they talked. A deep talk. Where Imelda told Lory about the pressure of her family and Lory returned this gesture and told Imelda about her situation. They respected each other more now and soon it was clear, that Imelda wasn’t interested in Sebastian. She’s interested in Alistair Cushing, why she doesn’t see her as an enemy anymore. It’s an enemy to friends relationship ☺️
6 extra fact: how Sebastian proposed to Lorraine (a little story, sorry 😂)
At his last quidditch match, one week before they would graduate, his team won the quidditch cup. He was named the best beater of the century and got his own medal for the trophy room. Slytherin celebrated their victory in their common room with one of their legendary parties. Any student of the 6th and 7th year were invited. When Sebastian drank a bit he stood up on a table, yelled at the crowd to be quiet and looked at Lorraine who was embarrassed, but still giving him attention. Sebastian raised his glass and pointed at Lorraine, saying to her:
„Remember what I told you? When we were at the lake? That I propose to you as soon as we win the Quidditch cup for my house?“. Lorraine looked around embarrassed and blushed. „Sebastian, don’t you dare“, she whispered and begged him to come down from the table. Sebastian smiled and shook his head. „We did win the cup. And now I’m standing here, Lory. Next week we’re free adults. Free to do whatever we want. And I want to start a new life. With you“, during his speech Natty and Poppy, both standing next to Lory, squeezed her arms and grinned widely. „Lorraine Jones? Will you marry me?“, he asked her. She bit her lower lip. „You’re crazy!“, she insulted him with dark red cheeks. Sebastian on the other hand had a more growing grin on his lips. „Maybe. So? What’s your answer? Come on, babe, don’t let me hanging“, he said charming and reached his hand for her to join him on the table. She sighed and smiled, ignored the way he proposed to her in front of their friends and classmates. Then she took his hand and he pulled her up to the table, spinning her around. „So this is a yes?“, he asked. „A maybe“, she said embarrassed but with a small soft smile.
When Sebastian and Lorraine left school and got a room at the leaking cauldron in London he took her out for a rendezvous, where he proposed to her again, this time way more romantically and with a ring.
Sebastian will live in america with Lory, since he has nothing left in Scotland or England. He’s working as a curse breaker for the American ministry of magic while Lory is working at the hospital. He and Ominis stayed in contact during letters and slowly became friends again. The Sallows would move to an old cottage at the sea when they get old, living their last months together in harmony at the beach.
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getinthefuckingjaeger · 2 months
hello tumblr user getinthefuckingjaeger do you have any more thoughts on your wizard!bucky au? personally think that bucky would be really good at quidditich and the first time he puts buck on a broom, bucks shit scared but like he really cant explain how light his heart is when he sees bucky smile as they whiz through the air :D
hope ur having a good dayy :)
Hi there <3
Oooh this one is a fun ask. I suppose in the context of my Scamander AU, Buck would be a muggle/no maj - which means putting him on a broom will absolute scare the shit out of him because "John Clarence Egan this is not like flying a B-17 and you know it - no, no don't you even think about speeding JOHN."
In that verse, Bucky is absolute a start quidditch player for Hufflepuffs. I tossed around ideas on what position he would play and have settled on a beater - he would be fast, strategic, ruthless, and knows how to control the flow of the game by where the aims the bludger. This also means that he has a lot of bludger related injuries and have spent a lot of time in the hospital wing, much to Theseus' amusement. Theseus isn't all that worried at all - Quidditch is as quidditch does. He does, however, try to watch all of Bucky's games - likes to use Bucky's games as an excuse to drag out Newt to civilization, in fact. They make the most embarassing banners for him and really, Bucky's never seen Newt and Theseus yell that much before. The day that Bucky got his Quidditch Captain's armband in the mail during that summer before 7th year was the proudest day of Theseus' life. Newt thinks his brother might have cried a little.
BUT back to Gale. Maybe once everything is said and done, and the wars on both fronts have come to an end and Bucky manages to convince Gale to visit the Scamander estate (or rather, Gale and Theseus conspired to bring Bucky back to the Scamander estate - these two do not always see eye to eye when it comes to taking care of Bucky, but at least they can agree that Bucky misses the estate and the freedom), the Scamander boys can introduce Gale to flying on brooms.
Curt is there because I said so and in this verse [spoiler LMAO I SWEAR I'LL POST THAT OTHER THING AT SOME POINT] and he just says , "Either get on the broom or they'll introduce you to one of them hippogriffs, Cleven."
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Continuation of this! @tennisball-wizard
( It was a short walk to Maeve's room. She rambled on about whatever to kill the silence, with Aspen mostly there to chime in with witty remarks whenever Aspen saw necessary. )
"—The maj♡rity ♡f them have m♡st likely never even researched h♡w to pr♡perly kill them! They just expect the lamb t♡ be c♡mplicit in its untimely demise, as if "just d♡n't die" isn't the rule ♡f beasts. And it's n♡t even worth it! There's n♡t many g♡ds ♡ut there wh♡'d actually appreciate a gift like that!"
"My p♡int is, there are much better ♡pti♡ns f♡r sacrifices than— ♡♡h, we're here!"
[ Plain text: —The majority of them have most likely never even researched how to properly kill them! They just expect the lamb to be complicit in its untimely demise, as if "just don't die" isn't the rule of beasts. And it's not even worth it! There's not many gods out there who'd actually appreciate a gift like that! My point is, there are much better options for sacrifices than— ooh, we're here! ]
( Maeve came to a stop once they approached her room. She pulled out a heart-shaped key and unlocked the door, welcoming Aspen inside. )
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arthenaa · 1 year
To be or not to be (CHAPTER 1)
Auror! Sebastian Sallow x Fem! MACUSA Auror! Reader Series
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Story Summary: To prevent a war between humans and wizards, you and Sebastian are tasked with your respective agencies to save the fate of the wizarding world from the hands of a dark wizard in the Philippines.
Chapter Summary: The agencies get news of what happened, they've decided to put you and Sebastian on the case.
Chapter warnings: cursing, nothing much really, seb and you arguing its kinda cute,
Chapters: Prologue, Chapter 2
Notes: this was supposed to be uploaded yesterday but i got kinda sick and only finished it now. enjoy the 6k words ppl and if you ever want to join the tag list for this fic to receive immediate updates regarding future chapters, just reply on any of my posts about to be or not to be hehe
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“Simmons is summoning me?”
You were sure you heard wrong. An effect of the coffee you bought from a No-Maj coffee shop on the way to work. The caffeine was kicking in and causing you to have auditory delusions.
Yes, surely that must be it,
But the more you assess the woman’s deadpan stare and exhausted stature, the more you started to doubt if the coffee really had an effect at all. You had gone to the MACUSA headquarters with no expectations and a hefty paperwork awaiting your desk. It was mostly due to the fact that you had finished a heavy case alongside your mentor and Senior Auror, Elliot Fontaine.
Having mentors in MACUSA meant potential. They took you under their wing because they saw great potential in you and would have the possibility of joining the higher ranks alongside them where witches and wizards with formidable power reside. It was an honor that you definitely upheld and cherished from the day when Elliot witnessed your magical prowess on the field and began calling you ‘kid.’ He’s been with you ever since. Having a mentor also meant that you took cases in pairs. Lower rank Aurors are mostly handled and led by the Middle Ranks. They are formed in squads or teams while Higher rank Aurors such as Elliot operated individually or sometimes in pairs when they choose to mentor someone. Usually higher ranks are tasked with grave cases which usually involved dark wizards who plan to overtake communities while the lower ranks settled to maintain order and minor cases.
You had expected the moment that Gladys Hale, Joan Goldstein’s stagiaire, stepped into your office that a case would be delivered for your mentor but to your very very very big surprise. It was addressed to you.
“Are you sure you’re not tricking me? Like this is not some form of prank to make me look bad or something?” You asked with your hands wringing each other as you looked up at her with big eyes from your seat behind your desk. She blinks slowly as if to further emphasize her lack of mood to jest. You lick your lips as you feel them dry up from the lack of moisture in the air. The clacking of typewriters and the scratching of quill pens against parchment paper (a charm you had casted as multiple quills help you in lessening the piling workload on your desk) form a comfortable distraction from Gladys’ piercing eyes.
“Do I look like I’m kidding?” She says your last name with such disdain as if to say how disgusted she is that you would even consider her travelling few floors down instead of dawdling with the higher ups just to prank you. You let out a shaky breath as you place your hands on the cool wooden surface of your desk.
“… Can I at least know the details?”
“I’m not authorized to reveal case details unless you agree to come with me to the designated place.” Gladys answers with curt and firm professionalism. You stare at her some more, trying to find a flaw in her body language. It wasn’t every day that the President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America would personally summon you to her office. Normally, situations like that called trouble or a possible loss of job or banishment to the cells under the Woolworth building and you were sure that you did nothing to warrant such cruel punishments (you think?).
You hadn’t realized that your mind further buried you into a spiraling descend to overthinking when Gladys decided she had enough and snapped her fingers in front of your face. You lean back fast in surprise as her face seems to look grouchier and cold than the last.
“Look, all I know is that Fontaine was the one who suggested you for this case to the President. Rest assured that your mentor will be present while they debrief you. A few other senior Aurors will be on standby and judging by the fact that Fontaine, Goldstein and Walker are called in one room, you are safe to assume that this is counted as a very important case. Understand?” Gladys raises her eyebrows as she expects you to finally calm your thoughts with her vague explanation.
It certainly did not help at all.
You put on a stiff smile while you made sure to strangle your no-good-of-a-mentor right after this so called debrief. So let’s sort this out, MACUSA’s great three is present in one room with the President being the handler of this case and they’ve elected you to be the primary representative and investigator of whatever fuckery this case might be.
What the actual fuck? Are they fucking mental?
“No, they’re not fucking mental, Y/N.” Gladys retorts as she crosses her arms over her chest. Right, she’s a legilimens. Right on Joan Goldstein’s track. The Senior Auror often handled prosecutions and interrogations. Gladys proved to be quite effective in this side of the Auror office due to her ability and efficiency in prosecuting dark wizards and made sure they rot in hell in their prisons under the fucking congress. It certainly proved to be a pain on the ass right now though. “Do know that ill-intentions towards the higher ranks are—“
“It was a joke, Hale. Calm your tits.” You chortle as you rise from your seat, putting on your coat and grabbing your wand from the safety of your desk drawer. Gladys sighs as she then waits for you to get ready. With a firm tug on the collars of your coat, you turn towards the brunette with a smile.
“Can’t keep the Madam President waiting can we?” You outstretch your hand towards her. “Assuming from the vague details you just explained, we’re expected someplace else?”
“Correct,” Gladys grabs your outstretched hand before pulling out a small book from her pockets. You know what it was—a portkey. To where it might lead you? You’ll never know. She glances at you as she motions the book in her hand. “This is authorized, do not fret.”
You sigh before nodding. Apparating within congress grounds was usually prohibited and there were only certain areas in the ministry that allowed such modes of travel. Portkeys usually were required to have the authorization and approval of the Travel department as well as the President so you knew that you didn’t need to move someplace else for the portkey to work. You only hope that the journey won’t result in you puking your guts out.
Gladys levitates the book in her hand as it begins turn page after page in a fast pace. The magic ruffles your clothes as green light emerges from the paper material of the pages. Gladys turns to you with a smile. “Let’s visit home, shall we?”
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­­­­­­­­­­­ Rain pours down unto the streets of London, rendering the streets with murky waters. People bustle here and there as carriages roll down the stone pavements. It was considered to be another normal day for muggles however an entirely different scene is happening within the alleyways of London. A shadow stands on top of the buildings and peers down unto the narrow paths, watching a figure run down with escape only in their mind. The rain wets his coat as he lifts his wand, tip illuminating as he focuses it on the running figure. He then raises his free hand to tap against his temple, the skin illuminating under his touch. He forms a mind connection with another.
“Coming out your way. King’s Road. I’ve casted the tracking charm.” Sebastian Sallow murmurs into the connection with his partner. The figure disappears from his sight as he turns a sharp left into the streets.
“Nice work. On your position.” The man on the other side praises his work before the connection drops. He lets out a sigh before apparating to the discussed location. The man tries to disguise himself with the crowd as he pulls his coat to further cover his face. Sebastian follows him quietly behind, glancing on the other side of the street as another auror matches his pace. The fugitive seems to have caught on causing him to break into a sprint. The auror on the other side of the street gives him a curt nod before chasing him down. Sebastian turns to a corner to take a shortcut before a pair of hands grab him from moving any further. He raises his head in surprise, staring at familiar cloudy blue eyes.
“Ominis?” Sebastian raises his eyebrows in surprise at the presence of his dearest friend, Ominis Gaunt. The former Slytherin smiles at Sebastian’s voice before nodding his head towards the other way.
“No time to waste, come with me.” He mumbles quietly as he grasps his arm but Sebastian only stands still—confused.
“We’re in the middle of an operation. Wren’s expecting me to be with her in a few minutes. I’m sure this can wait?” Sebastian raises his eyebrows as Ominis lets out a huff. “They’re about to catch Collins and I have to be there to help.”
Ominis Gaunt can’t help but roll his eyes at his best friend’s attempt at firmness. It never really suited him as someone who had experienced all sorts of tomfoolery the Sallow boy had done throughout their stays at Hogwarts. After their graduation, the two of them immediately got jobs at the ministry. Ominis wasn’t surprised that Sebastian became an Auror and he was glad and incredibly grateful for his job at the Department of International Magical Cooperation. He often travelled as a demand from his work so seeing the brunette in front of him was definitely a missed sight. The Henry Collins case was trending currently in the wizarding world. An alchemist who used muggle subjects to perform his works on was horrifying enough that it was considered a main priority. Of course, you could count Sebastian Sallow to be part of the group of Aurors in charge of the case. Under the guidance and authority of Victoria Wren, a senior Auror and quite a renowned one, he was considered to be a genius investigator and a skilled duelist. Two factors that made him a great Auror. He was already recognized by the head as well as the Minister for Magic. It was safe to say that he was quite requested for the important cases. As said before, the Henry Collins Case was considered to be a priority, until recently.
“I was tasked to fetch you. They’ve sent someone from Yaxley’s squad to cover your position. Wren’s notified of it just now.” Ominis taps the end of his cane against ground, a small act he has to keep up with to avoid stares from muggles. Luckily with years of practice in transfiguration, he was able to transfigure his wand into a cane that allowed him to navigate himself freely in unknown areas without having to hit random strangers’ knees every time. It was a few hard months but definitely worth it. Professor Weasley surely must be proud of him.
Sebastian furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “Tasked by who?”
Ominis sighs before placing a firm hand on Sebastian’s shoulder. “The Minister of Magic himself along with the Head Auror. They’ve got a case for you. Bigger than this one, I fear.”
Sebastian’s jaw slightly falls at the mention of the two important figures. It wasn’t every day that the higher ups were the ones who requested for your presence. He wasn’t even promoted yet (a stupid mistake on Wren’s behalf according to him) and here he was, personally requested by wizards who could easily end his career. He lets out a shaky breath before glancing at the bustling street then back at his best friend.
“Are you sure you’re not just pranking me or something?” Sebastian tries to reassure the situation one more time but Ominis only shakes his head with a smile.
“Such a worrywart you are, Sebastian Sallow. Where has the Slytherin in you gone? A stain on Salazar’s legacy.” Ominis dramatically replies as he moves forward to intertwine his arm with Sebastian. He nudges him slightly before letting out a breath. “Hang tight.”
And that was the last thing Sebastian said before he was pulled in by magic with three taps of Ominis’s cane on the ground.
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“You could’ve at least let me prepare before apparating out of there?”  Sebastian leans against the ministry’s cold walls as he catches his breath. Ominis appears to be unaffected as he transfigures the cane back to his wand. Sebastian looks up at him with disdain. “How’d you even apparate in?”
“Authorized. Bragging rights.” Ominis grins as he begins to walk down the halls of the international delegation office, an exhausted Sebastian trudging behind him. The brunette examines the blonde’s back with boredom as he passes office after of office. Levitating quills and flying books flutter in the air as they quickly made their way to the double doors at the end of the hallway. Ominis stops with a quick halt causing Sebastian to bump into his back.
The brunette lets out an oomph as he pushes back against Ominis to steady himself. The blonde turns towards him with a sigh. Sebastian feels like his best friend would chastise him once more for his lack of attention but the blonde only turns back around towards the large black glossy doors and knocks a rhythm on the surface.
Instead of opening up like normal doors, they rotate as a gargoyle replaces its position. Ominis leans in to speak in parseltongue and Sebastian can’t help but be amused at his best friend speaking the language of snakes once more.
He remembers the blonde promising to not speak it again after their little altercation in the scriptorium.
“Sorry, the complexity of it all has a reason.” Ominis explains as the gargoyle rotates once more revealing a set of staircase leading down. Sebastian glances behind him as he lets his best friend go first before following behind him.
Every step lights a blue flame on the walls as they descend down the spiraling stairs. It was quite dizzy at first but the scenery of a whole new floor left Sebastian in awe. A functioning headquarters was right under the gargoyle as wizards and witches bustle around. Sebastian furrows his eyebrows as a large projection of a man getting blasted across the room and an image of a woman appears right after. The danger meter hanging on top of the ceiling was dangerously touching the tips of the red shade.
What the fuck is happening?
The two reach the final step before Ominis drags them to the front of the room where the Head Auror, Ryona Bassett, Minister for Magic, Howard Arkenstone and someone whom he’d never expect to be there, his old professor, Aesop Sharp.
The three seem to be in a deep conversation as Ominis and Sebastian arrive. The Gaunt clears his throat catch their attention. Ryona lets out a breath of relief at the arrival. “You’re here, at last.”
“Why is the meter red?” Sebastian immediately intercepts as he stares at the clock dangling on the ceiling. “That wasn’t like that this morning. Is it because of Collins?”
Howard lets out a sad huff. “Your mentor has got the Collins case handled but I’m afraid there are much more pressing matters. We received an intercontinental transmission message from another wizarding community regarding an emergency.”
Sebastian furrows his eyebrows as he looks up at the giant projection. Ryona moves beside Sebastian as she watches the moving image of the situation playing in a loop. The Head Auror turns towards the Sallow boy with a look of anguish. “That wizard community is at its wilting threads because of this, Sebastian. It’s only a matter of time that we’ll be affected by it as well.”
The brunette glances back at Ryona who smiles at him. “We’ve decided to put you on the case.”
“You’re a duelist and have far more knowledge in the dark arts. At least according from what I heard from your Head Auror.” His old professor, Aesop intercepts. Ryona nods at his words.  “I was called here by Ryona. I will be part of the overseeing team of this whole case. There has never been a case like this for years.”
“I will be with you as well.” Ominis reassures behind him. Sebastian sighs as he tucks his hands within his pockets.
“Alright, tell me everything I need to know.”
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Ilvermorny was beautiful than ever.
Sat on the highest peak of Mount Greylock was Ilvermorny School for Witches and Wizards. A place you once called home. Your old school. The stone walls of the castle looked sturdy and firm like it always had been as you trudged the halls of the castle. A few students murmur against one another as their eyes linger at your figures. You could practically hear the whispers of amazement as they recognize your connection to the congress. It wasn’t unusual to see an Auror here and there in the streets of New York but to see them in schools was definitely an alarming sight. It usually meant something was in trouble.
The potions professor, Ellen Quinn was tasked to be your guide to the assigned meeting. It was wise of the President to conduct her debrief here considering that Ilvermorny, like other wizarding schools, is a base of wizardry’s most powerful defense and combat magic. Where else to discuss such matters than the safest place in the wizarding world of America?
The heels of your boots clack nicely against the marble floors as you near the entrance to the Great Hall. Gladys stands beside you as Ellen motions for the two of you to wait before entering the hall. A blue light glides over the huge double doors—a privacy protection charm that you were sure Gregory Walker casted. A pure master in charms and spells. The man was most known for his great skill in silent charms and also created upgraded spells. A man of innovation.
Your mentor was most known for his affinity with the dark arts. Elliot Fontaine still is America’s most skilled magic duelist to this era. His work was often affiliated with dark magic and slowly he was able to build a slight immunity from dark curses. You weren’t surprised as to why they were called the MACUSA’s finest. Soon enough, you knew that you’d have to fill in the shoes of your mentor as Gladys and Gregory’s protégé will.
Gladys shuffles quietly beside you and you couldn’t help but turn your head towards her shifting. “Nervous?”
“For what? I’m not the one handling the case.” She answered with a teasing tone as she places her hands behind her back. You tense at the reminder before continuing to reminisce the memories of the past.
“I take that you’re a Horned Serpent then?” You change the topic as you glance at her from your peripheral vision. Gladys shakes her head as she laughs softly in amusement.
“Is it the legilimency that made you think that?” Gladys replies. You shrug jokingly.
“I mean, it makes sense…”
“Well, you’re right.” Gladys pats your shoulder as she replies. “Everyone expects a Hale to be a Horned Serpent.”
“Notice how I didn’t mention your lineage?”
“Oh shut up,” Gladys rolls her eyes as she says your name with playful annoyance. The doors open once more and you suddenly feel immense pressure from the amount of eyes staring at your arrival.
Joanne Goldstein.
Gregory Walker.
Elliot Fon—Wait no that old man can suck ass actually,
And of course, the President of MACUSA and the handler of your case, Margaery Simmons. You lock eyes with her and you see her lips twitch up into a gentle smile.
“Ms. Hale and Ms. Y/L/N.” She greets you with a gentle but professional tone. Your hands sweat as you enter the room. The doors glide again with the blue light as it closes with an echo. You discreetly brush them against the fabric of your coat before shaking the hand of America’s most beloved witch. “I trust that Ms. Hale was able to somewhat give you an idea as to why you were summoned here?”
“Somewhat.” You answer with a stiff smile as you glance at your mentor who only grins cheekily form his position beside Joanne. You subtly widen your eyes at him to which the senior Auror chuckles at.
“Good. Good.” Margaery nods her head slightly before grabbing a discarded newspaper placed on one of the tables. “Now that you have established that the debrief today is of a case with utmost importance, we will move on to the details.”
“To speed things up.” She adds as she motions the newspaper towards you and you take it with hesitance before flipping it to read the heading.
Influencial Seromahi killed by an unforgivable. Sources say the witch responsible for the murder is a Salazar.
“Seromahi?” You whisper in confusion as a moving picture of the event plays on the newspaper. You watch as a man is thrown back across the room by a spell you know all too well. A picture of a woman then flashes beside it, eyes mischievous and calculating.
“That’s a translated newspaper sent to us. It means No-Maj. Muggles for Britain.” Margaery muses as she elegantly places her hands on top of each other, positioned on her lower stomach. “Human.”
No way?
“A wizard killed a No-Maj in plain sight.” Gregory Walker chimes in from his position. Your heads turn towards him. “There are witnesses. Countless. Normally, matters like this are settled by their respective magical communities but the No-Maj killed is of foreign lineage.”
“An influential one as well.” You whisper as you try to assess more of what happened through the moving images. “How influential exactly?”
“A general.” Joanne Goldstein replies as she continues to sit on one of the empty chairs. “A friend and a close adviser to the King of Spain. This means something worse for us. A country as large and influential as Spain gaining knowledge of the existence of the wizarding world proves to be severely detrimental not only for the targeted magical community but also for the whole.”
Your jaw flutters at the severity of the situation as they stare at you with such seriousness. The gravity of this case can almost pummel you to the ground. Your hands tighten their grip around the paper. Margaery notices your nervousness. “Mr. Fontaine has suggested to assign you this task because of your capabilities and incredible skills as well as your affinity for magical tracing in dark magic. We don’t have much information on this but the head of the targeted magical community has reached out to send representatives per agency. You will not be alone in this, Y/N.”
This has to be your worst case yet. A wizard killing a No-Maj was not unheard of, in fact many prisoners underneath Woolworth were testified and charged guilty for the very reason. The severity of this situation was because the murder had been done in front of numerous No-Majs and the victim was also of influential standing. The murderer knew what she was doing. She did this on purpose.
Elliot Fontaine then walked towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “You’ve proven yourself worthy of this case. This counts as your immediate promotion, kid. You’re designated as a Senior Auror and investigator. Welcome to the ranks, detective.”
You turn towards Margaery who nods in agreement. Gladys smiles behind you as she only watches and listens in on the discussion. You bow your head in respect, unable to currently speak words from the shock of it all.
A promotion and a fucking mind shattering, headache inducing of a case. How wonderful.
“We’ll be right with you as combat squads in case a brawl happens, Ms. Y/N.” Joanne reassures you. “Until then, you and a few other representatives will be the ones leading this case.”
“Where is it located?” You ask as you fold the newspaper and tucking it under your arm. Gladys turns towards you as she flips a coin into the air before catching it effortlessly.
“The Philippines.” She says as she smiles. Your eyebrows raise in surprise. “But before we head there, we rendezvous first with the representative of the British Ministry of Magic.”
Elliot grins as he tucks his hands inside his pockets. “Pack up. We’re going to London.”
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You had never expected your first trip to London was going to be like this.
Put on the spot by your higher ups to lead an investigation alongside a British representative was certainly not one of your list of reasons in visiting. You hoped that it would be for a vacation; a well-deserved leave.
You sigh for the nth time because while you did not expect your week to end up like this, it seems Isolt Sayre frowned upon you. Your day is in absolute shit.
First, you were lost. Like a kid who got lost in a fucking playground lost. Though these things never bothered you that much, it certainly was an annoying thing to deal with. You had gone out to hunt for a proper No-Maj coffee. Gladys thinks it’s absurd that you prefer No-Maj coffee over her own brew but you don’t have the heart to tell her that your heart might as well explode from the amount of caffeine she intakes and it’s not even the No-Maj kind which gives you the right kind of palpitation but it’s the wizard kind that leaves all sorts of side effects. You don’t want to deal with having discolored eyes for an hour because of it. Anyways, after hunting for a good coffee, you had somehow forgotten to retrace your footsteps.
You might be thinking, oh! But you’re a wizard anyways, you can just apparate out of there! WRONG. You had forgotten your wand as well. The portkey had already destroyed your inner organs (exaggerated obviously) and had left your mind grasping at straws. It hasn’t reversed back to its prime condition as you had forgotten your most important necessity of all.
You trudge along the streets of London with an exhausted look on your face. You look around, taking in the bustling streets of Monday morning. It was early and your darling roommate, Gladys Hale, had taken it upon herself to suffocate into the comfortable and soft duvet in her sleep. Well, you couldn’t blame her. The beds were definitely nice.
After being promoted as a Senior Auror, Joanne Goldstein had assigned Gladys Hale to be your assistant for the case. She says after all that 3 minds are better than two. You could almost laugh at Gladys’s stiff face as she certainly did not expect to be included in the trip.
As promised, the other Aurors had their respective portkeys, in case a war or a brawl severe enough to warrant backup was needed. They still had to solve other cases after all.
Unaware of your surroundings, you were suddenly pushed harshly on the side. You yelped at the sudden force as you landed on your side at the stone pavement, the harsh texture of rock digging on your skin. You were about to curse whoever it was but a sudden neigh of a horse catches your attention.
Your eyes widened as a horse seemed to have noticed you last minute and began to jump up in fear. Its hooves were directly in front of your face and the overall posture of the animal made it feel so large and intimidating.
Time slowed and you wondered if this was how you were going to die.
You could hear horrified gasps and the horrified yells of the coachman. This was it. The horse was about to smash your face in and you certainly think that whatever might have possessed Margaery to decided how much of a fucking idiot decision to place you as lead investigator for this whole Salazar case is a bunch of bullshit. Yeah, the old man was a bunch of bullshit as well. You close your eyes in fearbefore you hear a spell being casted.
“Petrificus Totalus.”
It was curt and discreet but you heard it. The horse froze above you suddenly and you took the chance to crawl backwards and out of its smashing zone. The spell was immediately gone as it was casted and a hand on your arm pulls you up.
“Are you okay?” He asks as he stands you properly. You stare at him, unable to speak as you look down at your spilt coffee. He notices where you’re looking at before sighing. “Please don’t go under horses and squashing yourself.”
You look back at the crowd you had created as they begin murmur and gossip over what just had happened. The man tsked as he pulled off his coat and pulled it over your head. You certainly think following this man was a bad idea but he had saved you and he was a wizard, so that was a well reason enough. He pulled you in an empty alleyway, away from prying eyes.
“Thank you— “As you try to express your gratitude, he pulled out his wand and pressed the tip of it against your temple. Your eyes widen as you know what he’s doing it. “Wait! Are you fucking obliviating me?!”
The man tilts his head back in shock at your reply. He squints his eyes as he drops his wand back. “Are you a witch?”
You furrow your eyebrows. “Yes and you just tried to fucking obliviate me without even giving me the chance to speak.”
“I thought you were a muggle. You had no wand on you?! Who doesn’t bring their wand everywhere. It’s like your most important necessity.” The man reasoned. Your jaw flutters in annoyance.
“Look, I didn’t mean to leave it at home but—“
The man then tensed, wand raised again as he squints his eyes in suspicion. “Wait, who sent you? Wizards lingering like this sound awfully suspicious.”
Your jaw drops at the accusation. Is this what you get for agreeing to this stupid mission? Your coffee definitely got the brunt end of it. You place your hands on your hips as you give him an incredulous stare. “Are you insisting I’m a criminal?”
“… Maybe,”
“You fucking idiot.”
“I-I mean who knows!” The wizard tries to defend himself. “You’re certainly acting like one.”
“What is your standard actually? I’ll have you know that casting spells in a No-Maj environment is a grave offense.” You retort, face filled with fury. You were seriously going to bash this man’s head in.
“I saved your life?!”
“Still, No-Maj environment mister.”
“No-Maj?” He tilts his head like a dog confused. It was almost cute if not for his idiocy. You sigh as you raise an eyebrow at him.
“No magic. A non-wizard, dumbass.”
“For your information, we call them muggles.” He sarcastically responds before grabbing your arm. You gasp at his forward actions before trying to pull away.
“What are you doing?! I could have you filed for sexual assault—“
“I’m bringing you over to the ministry. Surely your excuse will matter when you face the court.” He scrunches his nose at you like an adult trying to talk to a toddler. You gasp at his insinuation and before you could even respond, you were gone.
Then a blink of an eye, you were someplace else.
You were sure that you were in a similar place to MACUSA. After all, you had heard him say ‘Ministry’ as he had forcefully hauled your ass over after he had tried to obliviate you. Darn fucking Monday.
The clack of your boots and his pristine shoes against the marble floors were satisfying. You could only look around in awe as he dragged you by the arm. The architecture was stunning. It was certainly quite different from your agency. It definitely gave off elegance. Amidst admiring the wondrousness of the building’s interior, you were then pulled to a stop which caused you to stumble on your feet.
The man gave you a look over with a raised eyebrow before looking at the receptionist. The woman nods in familiarity. “Mr. Sallow! To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Is the court available? I have this very suspicious witch in my hands. I’d like her to be interrogated.” He smiles innocently at the receptionist who only raises her eyebrows in slight surprise. You turn towards him with a shocked look on your face.
“You’re putting me on trial?!”
“Why not?” He looks at you, deadpan. Oh gods, you wish you could strangle this man. “Loss of magical object and ill-intentions toward an officer-in-charge. Shall I name more?”
“Oh, fuck you.”
“You wish, darling.” He leans in with a wink, mockingly. You could feel your face heating at the response. This man was certainly attractive but you couldn’t let that distract you from planning to curse his bloodline for the next 7 fucking generations.
That was a joke.
You think?
You let yourself be dragged begrudgingly before a call of your name catches your attention. You never knew Gladys Hale’s presence could be a sigh of relief. It was almost comforting. The woman mentioned marched with fury leaving her steps as her eyes never seem to leave yours. She calls your last name once more. “You fucking idiot! I leave you for 15 minutes and now you’re getting yourself arrested?!”
The man responsible for your capture pauses as he stares at the two of you. You look at Gladys with pleading eyes. “Save me, Hale. This man’s trying to put me in jail for baseless claims.”
“She left her wand. Insulted me too.” The man chimes in as he locks eyes with Gladys. Your companion looks back at you with a sigh before pulling said object from her coat pocket. You let out a noise of appreciation as you grab the object, hugging it close to your chest.
“We’re with MACUSA,” Gladys flashes her ID to Sebastian who furrows her eyebrows. “We’re supposed to be expected here— “
Sebastian’s eyes move from Gladys before looking at the newly entered people who, at first, doesn’t seem to notice them but then a man calls out an unfamiliar name and then he locks eyes with the Head Auror. He would try and greet in respect but the sound of you acknowledging the call immediately turned his head towards you in shock. Don’t fucking tell me this is—
“It seems you’ve already acquainted yourselves with one another?” Howard smiles alongside an unfamiliar man who he assumes to be of utmost importance judging by his overall aura. You furrow your eyebrows before turning towards the man beside you with a shocked look on your face.
“No fucking way.”
Elliot lets out a soft chuckle. “Mr. Sallow. Ms. Bassett has told me about you. Allow me to introduce my stagiaire, this is Y/N Y/L/N, MACUSA’s representative for the Salazar case.”
Sebastian turns to him in surprise, still speechless. The Head Auror notices the tense aura between you two. She raises an eyebrow at Sebastian who only smiles sheepishly at her stare.
“Alright, we’ve got no time to lose. Let’s go ahead and debrief the whole situation.”
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You couldn’t believe this.
No, you will yourself not to. Sebastian, as you had come to know from his introduction, was supposedly your partner for this case. Well, the case was expected to have at least 5 representatives guided by a Division captain from the Philippines’ magical community. In those 5 representatives, they will be then grouped according to skill compatibility. The man beside you were decided to be your partner alongside Philippines’ representative, which you will meet at your arrival.
“According to our sources, the witch on target is Regina Salazar. A pureblood witch who was a big activist in the community.” Head Auror, Ryona Bassett discusses as she flips through a folder of the case intel. All of you had the same folder and your eyes lock with the moving picture of the culprit on yours. A pureblood? Interesting.
“Activist?” Sebastian chimes in from your side.
“The gal was a huge advocate for voicing the wizarding minority in the Philippines. Not sure as to why she’d suddenly kill a muggle. Sources also claim she’s quite friendly to muggles as well.” Howard furrows his eyebrows before placing his elbows on the table and intertwining his fingers with one another.
“Quite an odd background for a dark wizard.” You comment as you flip through the case notes. Ryona seems to have her eyes settled on you before letting out a sigh.
“It seems we had a bit of an altercation this morning, Ms. Y/L/N,” Your head turns to her in surprise. “I apologize in behalf of the confusion.”
You bit your lip before smiling at her. “It’s alright, Ms. Bassett.”
“Aurors in the ministry should be great examples of the wizarding community,” Ryona sends a sharp look at Sebastian who almost cowers in fear like a kid who got caught in stealing some cookies. “My men should know better, isn’t that right, Mr. Sallow?”
The man lets out a begrudging sigh before turning towards you with a stiff look on his face. “Apologies, Ms. Y/L/N. Don’t forget your wand next time.”
You smile sarcastically at him before faking a smile towards the higher ups in front of you. Your mentor claps his hands to catch the attention of the room.
“Now that we’ve got that out of the way. The case file also mentioned the discovery of an area in the northern Philippines.” He starts off as he stands from his seat, hands behind his back. “Not much is said about this in the files so I assume the debrief on this part will be conducted by your Division captain.”
You and Sebastian nod in understanding. The rest of the room stands up after an hour of planning before the Minister for Magic, Howard Arkenstone breaks the silence. “The two of you alongside Gladys Hale and Ominis Gaunt will be leaving for the Philippines in a few hours. Pack up what you need to bring and I can only hope that your time working together will be as efficient and swift as your capabilities as Aurors. Do I make myself clear?”
There’s a pause before both of you nod in understanding. “Yes sir.”
“Good.” Howard nods at the two of your before motioning Ryona and Elliot to join alongside him. “Come, we have to talk to the operations team as well.”
The two follow him out of the room, leaving the two of you to still be standing in silence beside each other. As soon as the doors close with a loud thud, you turn towards him with a serious look on your face.
“Look, I’ve decided to forgive and forget this little altercation we had this morning in hopes that we’ll be having a good partner relationship.” You smile innocently at him. You sure hope that he’d let this go considering he was the one who started the whole shebang. He only smiles at you with a slight chuckle, a little too condescending. Your hate for this man ups a scale for sure.
“Mhm,” He hums, a little too low. It stirs something in your stomach that you indefinitely ignore. He leans down with a patronizing smile. “This is important for the wizarding world after all.”
“Are you fucking with me?”
“Are you?” He raises an eyebrow before standing in his full height. He steps aside to gather his case file and then walking out of the room. You stare at his back as he pauses before turning back towards you.
“Let’s work well together, Ms. Y/L/N. I look forward to our time in the Philippines.”
He sends you a boyish grin that would’ve made you swoon if it weren’t for his little act. You knew he was just playing along by your rules but never taking you seriously. You huff in annoyance as you run your fingers through your hair.
Sayre, this is going to definitely be a long fucking annoying case.
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sebastian: *smirks*
reader: oh my fucking god you're so fucking annoying fuck you fuck me id let you do unspeakable things to me
anys hehe so theres gonna be five of u gasppp <3 and also a bit of bg introduction of the plot's main antagonist hehe hope you guys enjoyed this hihi, apologies if theres any grammatical errors or typos, ill be proof reading tom mwa
65 notes · View notes
jakes3resin · 3 months
gosh!! magic au!! theseus! chaos of having at the base and it’s like two bucky. gale would definitely be shocked!
That au really hit me like a fever dream, my dear anon. I was thinking about the Twin Cleven AU and the Blond Bucky bit I added when I remembered I tacked on a tiny Theseus Easter egg. 30 minutes later I had Magic AU in my drafts with no memory of writing it.
But I've sketched out some thoughts for you and for those who are interested (please keep in mind the last time I watched Fantastic Beasts was a few years ago so I don't remember much):
Bucky's a Scamander by his father (Theseus and Newt's uncle) but goes by his mother's maiden name as he was taken in by her brother and his wife.
Both his parents were magic, but they died near the end of the First World War. Bucky stayed with the Scamanders for a little while before eventually going to America before he turned 4. Theseus was very close with him, and they were occasionally mistaken as father and son due to the age difference (Theseus was a war hero during the First World War if I remember correctly?) (Also that could be an AU now that I think about it but not rn)
He has a bit of a British accent, comes out more when he's using magic. Or when he's around his cousins. First time Buck hears it, he just about faints.
Went to Hogwarts solely because his parents went there, and he wanted to feel close to them. Not sure what House but leaning Hufflepuff. He seems like he'd be happy there.
Enjoyed the school somewhat, but he dealt with some bullying due to his American upbringing as well as some of the students still remembered Newt and bullied him for that connection.
His favorite animal is still the unicorn. It's just not extinct like he said to Buck. What can I say? Every Scamander is good with magical animals.
Had an accidental falling out with the Scamander family who wanted him to move permanently to England and stay with them during his schooling, but he prefered spending his summers in America and winter holidays in the castle.
Came home before he turned 18 (I guess started Hogwarts young for his grade? Idk.) And decided to blend in to Muggle/No-Maj society by going to college and later joining the Air Force.
After Bucky's revelation to the RAF pilots, one of them writes home saying he met Theseus Scamander's cousin! This gets passed through Wizarding society until it lands in the ears of Theseus who didn't have a clue his cousin was in England, let alone serving in a Muggle unit. And after hearing about the death toll, he gets scared.
Theseus resolves to pop down there and check in on his cousin. And unknowingly reeks havoc upon Thorpes Abbotts.
Looks like this:
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(This is in a nebulous point before Curtis' death because he deserves to be alive my baby boy)
Literally everyone that sees him is flabbergasted because 1) Major Egan is handsome but he never dresses like That and 2) Major Egan is supposed to be flying back from a mission right now. Word travels through base, and it's alight with rumors.
Theseus gets dragged to Kidd's office because literally everyone is freaking out, and he's quite confused why everyone keeps calling him Bucky. He tries to explain that he's Theseus and that he's here to see his cousin John, but every time he speaks the people around him all jump (its cause his accent spooks them. That accent should not be coming from someone who looks so much like Bucky in their mind. Boy are they in for a rude awakening.)
Bucky flies back in, and after interrogation, he doesn't even get a chance to change clothes before he's being dragged to Kidd's office. Buck and a few of the boys follow utterly confused. If Bucky's in trouble, Buck's not just gonna stand by.
Theseus happily greets Bucky when he walks into the office, and the pair have an okay reunion before Theseus states that he's here to check on his younger cousin, heavily implying that he's here to transfer Bucky to a British outfit as he's a British citizen and their family connections want to keep him safe (really a Wizard one but among Muggles he's better at speaking around the issue)
Thus an argument breaks out. Bucky's accent also comes out, and nearly everyone around him loses their minds.
Buck really, really does not want to talk about what that accent does to him. It's confusing and concerning. (Clegan are together, but when your partner busts out the London Accent, well that's a gamechanger)
Anyways idk where it goes after that, but now everyone has to deal with the fallout that Bucky is British and has a nearly identical cousin who pops in to check on him.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 2 months
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❝ Ever since she was a young witch, No Maj-born and new to this magical world, being taught in the halls of Ilvermorny School, Mariela had longed to see Hogwarts. She had heard the stories her teachers told about it and listened to the tales spouted by her classmates who had magical family in the United Kingdom, her attention fully focused on the descriptions of the huge castle in the Scottish highlands with its constantly shifting staircases and huge lake that housed a giant squid. And though she loved her own school, loved being in Thunderbird house and learning all about this secret wonderful world that she’d been unaware of for the first eleven years of her life, there was still a significant part of her that wanted to experience Hogwarts’s magnificence someday.
And so, many years after she’d graduated Ilvermorny and become a teacher at it herself, Mariela was unable to resist when she heard that Hogwarts was seeking a new teacher for their Muggle Studies course. She’d put in her application, packed her bags, and moved to England, and blessedly found that not only was Hogwarts all she’d dreamed it would be, but that she took to her new position like a fish to water. She got along well with her students, who loved the amount of respect and consideration she had for them (as well as her seemingly endless supply of American candy) and having grown up in a non-magical household, it was agreed among both students and her fellow faculty that she was incredibly well-suited for teaching her subject.
Mariela also managed to get along quite well with her fellow teachers, in particular the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. (And with the exception of the surly Potions professor, since Mariela never hesitated to take points away from any disrespectful students from his house, but she didn’t think much of him anyway.) Remus Lupin, as quiet and withdrawn as he was, was also kind and intelligent and incredibly interesting to talk to, and Mariela liked him instantly. He seemed to like her as well, which was always a bonus, and with all the nights they spent together chatting in her office, sipping tea and talking about everything and nothing - or, well, Remus sipped tea, Mariela sipped coffee and refused to even have a drop of what she called “hot leaf water” - it wasn’t exactly a surprise that Mariela found herself developing deeper feelings for him.
But then Mariela discovered two things that forever changed the way she saw Remus. First, that he was a werewolf, which wasn’t a problem for her at all; second, that he apparently knew the supposedly crazed and murderous fugitive the whole of Hogwarts had been fearing all year, and was definitely in love with him, which was a problem. Mariela did her best to not be crushed by this knowledge; after all, she had no claim to Remus and really just wanted him to happy, and Sirius Black actually seemed like a pretty good guy, despite what everyone seemed to think about him. Plus, it turned out that he was actually innocent of the crimes he’d been convicted of and was in fact the Savior of the Wizarding World’s godfather, so there was also that.
And though Mariela was understandably upset when Remus was forced to resign and leave Hogwarts, she made a promise to him that she would look out for Harry Potter and his friends, since she would have done almost anything for him. But in an unexpected turn of events, it turned out that making that promise also wound up tasking her with looking after Sirius Black in the form of a large dog as he hid out in a cave close to Hogwarts, bringing him food when she could and occasionally just popping in to check if he were still alive and hadn’t yet been found by the wizarding authorities. It wasn’t always an easy task, but Mariela wasn’t complaining; it soothed Remus’s anxiety, which was her goal, and besides, Sirius was actually very funny and nice to talk to, when he was in human form.
The only thing is, the more time Mariela spends in the cave talking to Sirius, the more she finds herself feeling something deeper for him. The same something she felt about Remus, and still feels about Remus. And all this in the midst of a growing darkness in the Wizarding World, a war ended over a decade ago potentially coming back for a second act, and Mariela trying her best to keep an incredibly selflessly reckless young man and his two friends from getting themselves killed every other week.
Mariela never thought she’d say this, but she’s starting to wish she’d left Hogwarts alone. ❞
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Wizarding World Taglist: @manyfandomocs, @of-asters-and-roses.
General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs,
@endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginnystilinski-reblogs, @luucypevensie,
@ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson,
@dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag.
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newgh0ul · 10 months
Madness (D.M.) Part One
I have never understood why life can change so fast.
One second, I'm top of my class at Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I don't have many friends, but I cherish the ones I do. My friends sit next to me at a long, wooden table. There are doodles and initials etched into this wood, it feels like a step through time. The professor drawls on and on, and in the back of this dimly lit classroom, I struggle not to fall asleep.
The door swings open, I hear the footsteps of someone new. I ignore it, as my arms are folded on the table and my head is rested upon them. Im too tired to care who it is.
"Miss Montgomery?" A voice pierces through the atmosphere of quiet chatter and boredom. I sit up, and my face goes hot as everyone's looking at me. I finally realize it's the Headmistress's aid standing next to the professor. "Come with me, please." He speaks. My professor waves me along, and I have no choice but to follow.
"Have a seat" The Headmistress tells me, as her aid leaves me behind without one word, slamming the door shut. An older woman stands beside her. She's intimidating, for an old lady. Her silver hair is pulled up, and her emerald robes flourish the ground. She has this look in her eyes, and for once, I can't tell what it is. Reluctantly, I take a seat before them.
"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Montgomery, I'm Minerva-" She begins to speak, but I'm quick to finish her sentence.
"McGonagall. My mother told me about you. Call me Leah, please." I find it hard to meet her eyes as a pit opens up in my stomach, and a feeling of dread hangs over me. She nods and moves closer to me. Gently, she places a frail hand on my shoulder. "I thought it would be appropriate for me to deliver this news myself, given the circumstances."
My breath stops, and I feel as if my heart has frozen in place.
"Your father passed early this morning, dear. I'm so sorry."
My eyes focus on a single speck of dirt on the cobbled floor. I suddenly realize this castle is always so cold. I understand it's old and ancient, but why is it always so cold?
"I assume you've met your aunt, Winifred Ollivander?" Minerva asks. I manage a nod, my eyes still studying this single speck of dirt. Doesn't anyone sweep in here? Surely, it's not that hard to charm a broomstick and get the job done.
"You'll finish your term here, at Ilvermony, but you are to live with your aunt in London when the term finishes. You'll be attending a new school. I understand this is a lot to take in, so if you have any questions..."
"No, I would just like to go now" My voice trembles as I speak. I thought I might not be able to at all.
"Very well then...your aunt asked me to pass along this letter for you. I'm so sorry we have to meet under these circumstances, my dear." She clears her throat as I stand to leave. I reach for the letter she's brought for me. As I do, I catch a glimpse of her face, and I can finally decipher the look in her eyes. It's pity.
First my brilliant, exceedingly smart mother, and now my no-maj father. What a pity.
London is weird.
Everyone here speaks differently. Everything is different. Even the magical world is different than what I'm used to.
My aunt drags me along crowded streets, filled with young witches and wizards. I can't help but shoot strange glances at them when I hear them speak. Someone steps on my toes, and I yelp, jumping closer to my aunt. "Be careful, love! Diagon Alley is probably a lot more crowded than what you're used to!" She's got that right.
With her grip tightened around my wrist, she yanks me into a store, Flourish and Blotts. It's less crowded here than the streets. I finally feel like I can breathe. "I'll take care of your books, dear. Leave it up to aunt Winnie!" She hoots and walks away with my parchment list of books, asking a shopkeeper where to find each one. I look around, taking it all in.
In the far back, I notice a boy my age. His strikingly blonde hair parts down the middle. I can only assume his family has money by the way his suit is tailored perfectly to his shape. He's not big my any means, but he's got a presence about him. I take him in as he flips through the pages of a purple-covered book.
"Secrets of the Dark Arts?" I ask him about the title as I approach. He jumps, turning to look at me. He quickly puts it down, and brushes his hands off on his dark black suit. "Didn't your mother ever teach you manners? Who do you think you are, sneaking up on me like that?"
I hold out my hand, "Leah Montgomery, nice to meet you." He brushes past me, I stumble a bit and bump my shoulder on the shelf beside me. He certainly does leave an impression, doesn't he? The book he held laid open on a display table in front of me. I close it, and a small smile plays at my lips.
I trace my finger over the author's name, Vivian Ollivander, my mother. Those her knew her best described her as bloody brilliant. Maybe even a little bit mad. I described her as my other half, just as she did me.
She dedicated so much of her life to research and writing. Although, I've never understood her fascination with the Dark Arts. She wasn't a cruel woman, she was quite the opposite. I guess it's just another thing I'll never come to understand about her.
Aunt Winifred pops up behind me, arms full of books. She lets out a heavy sigh and I turn to face her. "Your mother and that brilliant head of hers." She tsks. "I never understood why she wasted so much time on these silly books."
I smiled, "She always said that no knowledge is worth hiding...and she knew everything. She was a walking encyclopedia of all things magical."
"That she was, my love... Why don't we stop at Ollivander's and say hi to your grandfather while we're out this way?" Aunt Winifred suggests, presumably to get my mind off of mom and her books.
"That would be nice." I nodded, setting the book down, and following after my aunt.
(word count: 1116)
(posting on here until I can open an ao3 account, this is also posted on Wattpad under the same username)
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slytherinqueenrose · 1 year
Nevermore Witch
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe (Wednesday) x f!Witch Reader (Harry Potter’s universe)
Plot: After traumatic events at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Y/N Y/L/N joins Nevermore Academy to start a new chapter. She didn’t expect to become certain long haired boy’s enemy.
Word Count: <9K
Warnings: enemies to lovers, wizardry, use of magic, mentions of death, crying, mention of Harry Potter characters, cursing, traumatic experiences, grammar errors, let me know if I forgot about something.
A/N: Remember that Xavier is Xavier and Percy is
Percy. Character ≠ actor.
I’ll also be very thankful for letting me know what you think. Honestly, I’m sobbing especially because of the ending
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After all those incidents at Hogwarts, after Who Must Not Be Named came back to his powers and our castle collapsed, we, wizards had no place for ourselves. We were left alone, with no teachers to help us with magic and no relatives to support us. But it’s not important now. We (those who survived) had to find a new place to continue our education - if no magical by any means, then just a muggle one. I myself found a school for outcasts. United States, far away from my home, far away from everything and everyone I loved. I had no other option than just start attending Nevermore and start new, unknown chapter in my quite young life.
“I can’t believe it! I always thought that wizards don’t exist!” A blonde girl screamed while holding my wand. Phoenix feather core, apple wood, 11 ¾”. I remember the day of buying it as if it was yesterday. “I’m so excited! You have no idea how many things and places I want to show you and-“
“It really is nice to meet you too, Enid but can we please slow down a little bit? I just came here and I feel like I really don’t belong here so I would be thankful if you gave me about an hour to get used to this place, please.” I said sending her a shy smile and she only nodded, still smiling widely.
“What exactly happened? Why are you here? Aren’t there any magical schools?” She asked sitting on my bed while I was focusing on unpacking my suitcase.
“Well, not anymore.” I whispered. I was about to start crying. What happened in my life was very bad and I couldn’t agree with it. “You see, wizards can be good or bad. I think it’s quite clear. Like any other no-maj, we want a normal yet successful life. But unfortunately those dark wizards want to control the world. And that’s why my beloved school doesn’t exist anymore. It’s pretty heartbreaking for me now but I promise to tell you everything about it when I’ll feel a bit better.”
“Honey, you don’t have to push yourself into doing so. I understand and I get that everyone is going though many difficulties. I only want to assure you that I’m here and you can count on me even if we only just met. I feel like we can become very good friends if you only want to.” She added, hugging me tightly and after a while I hugged her back.
“So this is the last place and we call it a Quad.”
“Isn’t it a pentagon?” I asked and she only giggled. “So, what kind of outcasts are here? I know about werewolves already.”
“Psychics are the most predominant species at Nevermore. They have different abilities from visions to telekinesis. Then we have Vampires or Fangs, whatever you want to call them. Of course Werewolves like me. Shapeshifters, Gorgons, Sirens, Faceless students and a Witch of course. You’re the first of your kind which makes you very special and I believe you’ll have a huge group of admirers anytime soon.”
“I’ve never been new at school. Being the first one of a specific specie isn’t good either. I don’t even know how I feel about it.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N. You’ll soon find out that Nevermore is wonderful and you are gonna love it.”
“Hope so. So is there any head girl or or head boy or someone I just should avoid?”
“Well, let’s start from Fangs, shall we? You should definitely keep as far as possible from Simon and his group. He always is unbelievably dumb and horny.”
“For blood?”
“I said horny, not thirsty.”
“Clear enough.”
“Then Bianca. The so called Queen bee. She used to date our Academy Turtured Artist Xavier but they broke up in September. Reason unknown.”
Tortured artist?
“Why tortured?” I half-whispered.
“His works are usually sick. Bloody and mysterious. But continuing, there also is Wednesday Addams. She came here about a month ago and is spooky. I mean I like her and she’s my dorm mate but you may be a little shocked. Next, a werewolf Lita Greyback. She’s-“
“Greyback?!” I screamed with my eyes widening. Happily I didn’t catch too much of attention.
“You know her?” Enid asked a bit surprised.
“Her surname sounds familiar. You see, I knew a werewolf back there in Scotland. He was on a dark side and I believe he could have a child. I have no idea if he ever had someone but if he actually has a child and it’s Lita, then we’re all in a danger.”
“Okay, I’m starting to freak out. You must tell me what actually happened before you came here.”
“Hey, but it may be my mistake. It’s just a surname, isn’t it? I only-“
“We should definitely go and have some mellisa. You know, to calm you down a little bit. You’re literally shaking.”
“I don’t need melissa. I’m just trying to tell you that-“
“Another newbie?” A tall boy asked. Considering the fact that Enid became red all the way, I assumed she liked him. Or maybe even more than just like.
“Hi Ajax!” She screamed with pure excitement. “This is Y/N and yes, she’s new. And this is Ajax. A gorgon, that’s why he’s wearing a beanie.” The blonde explained and the both of us only smiled to each other.
“So you’re a siren or-“
“Even better! She’s a witch. Like a real witch. She can do magic and-“
“I know what a which means, Enid.” He added offering her a friendly smile and then his attention was back on me. “I hope you’re not going to jinx us, are you? I promise to never piss you off.” Ajax laughed.
“Dark magic isn’t something I work with. Of course there are many let’s call them friendly jinxes for example tickle jinx but I rarely use any of them honestly.” I said.
“Wow, impressive. You seem very interesting. What about hanging out sometime?” He asked and I felt a sudden change of Enid’s humour.
“Well, that’s very nice of you but I must say no. I still haven’t agreed with what happened in my previous school and I really don’t want to bond to anyone yet. But I think you may hang out with Enid, wouldn’t it be wonderful? She’s much more cheerful than I am.” I said and when he blushed I knew exactly what game he was trying to play. Asking me out to make the blonde jealous. That was so obvious.
“Uhm.. Yeah. Actually it would be even better than just wonderful. How about that, Enid?”
Nobody could imagine her happiness. She couldn’t even speak and only shook her head and then Ajax left as happy as her.
“You really set us for a date, did you? Oh Y/N, I can’t believe it! I’ve been trying to get his attention for AGES and he never noticed me and now-“
“I get it. And personally I think you two will be a perfect match. Can we come back to our little trip, please? I would love to come back to my dorm and take a nap.”
“Right. You asked about Xavier, didn’t you? Here he is. The one painting the mural right there. Come on, let’s say hello. He’s gonna be amazed.”
I was trying to recall memories from Hogwarts to find a person similar to Enid but it was useless. I swear I’ve never met anyone as energetic and joyful as her. She was a pure happiness, sunshine, she was smiling almost all the time and was so honest.
“Xavier!” She said proudly, catching his attention.
Once he looked at us I got a feeling that he must be a very nice person. But unfortunately I couldn’t be more mistaken.
“This is Y/N and she’s our new student. And guess what specie she is.” She added giggling while the long haired boy was looking me up and down.
“A nymph?” He said almost with no emotions.
“Silly you! She’s a witch!”
“I would say a hag but what you prefer.”
Hell no.
What the hell was that?
“Excuse me, what did you say?” I asked, yanking his brush from his paint covered wrist.
“I believe she said you’re a witch, not a deaf.”
How rude.
„Xavier! What has gotten into you!” Enid shrieked with her arms resting on her hips.
“Do you really trust her? I remember my granny’s stories about witches. They are bad and untrustworthy. One spell and you’re dead. I prefer to stand face to face with a skin walker than with her. I think she should spend time with her own wrong sort.”
“I think I can tell the wrong sort by myself but thanks for a wonderful speech.”
“Could you give my brush back, witch?” He added with a bored expression, watching me scoff.
“Aport if you need it.” I said then throwing it away only to leave the both of them after that.
Enid was screaming at him like a psycho and then she joined me during my way back to my dorm.
“I’m so very sorry. You see, he usually is a sweetheart and I don’t know what-“
“I believe he can excuse himself well enough. He doesn’t need you to do that for him.”
“I thought people get excited when they meet a real witch. That’s amazing and your ability to cast spells is just out of world.”
“You see, Enid. Some people dream about being magical. Some still live in the Middle Ages. Some are afraid and some just hate us with all their might. Some may even think that their relatives have been killed by wizards. You’ll never predict what the reaction is going to be.”
“That’s so unfair.”
“I need to take a nap. I knew it would be difficult to fit here but I never thought about this kind of difficulty. Have a good day, En and I’m sorry but I don’t want to see anyone today.”
I woke up the next day, almost late for my first class. Back then at Hogwarts, our house prefects used to scream and wake us up but here at Nevermore we had no prefects. I had so many new stuff to learn and what was the worst for me? No magical classes. Only muggle ones like Maths, English, Biology etc. The only subject which was kinda similar to my previous classes was botany with Mrs. Thornhill. I used to learn herbology so I was ready for whatever was about to happen there. I arrived at the greenhouse punctually at 8 am only to be welcomed by Xavier’s unpleasant expression. He truly looked like he hated me with all his might. Unfortunately for the both of us only one seat beside him was free and we knew perfectly well, it’s not going to end up happily.
“Hey, uh..-“
“Wednesday Addams.”
“Right. Could we switch places, please? He doesn’t seem to like me and I really don’t want to fight with him.” I said looking at the black haired girl with a deadly pale skin and zero emotion on her face.
“Just ignore him. He’s going to get bored and won’t hurt you. You’re the witch here. You always can jinx him.” She responded and believe me, I’ve never felt so disappointed in my life.
“Yeah, right. Thanks for helping.” I whispered and took the free place after that. I tried very hard to avoid Xavier even though I felt his deadly glare all the time.
“And what exactly is that?” He asked pointing at my scroll of parchment and a quill.
“I have to make notes, right?”
“Can’t you just use a notebook and a pen instead of these funny objects? You’re no longer in your damn magic school.”
“You have a problem, not me so I would be damn thankful if you shut your mouth.”
The whole class laughed. Thank you all.
“You’re the newbie and yet you’re in the centre of students’ attention. What if you lost your lovely magic stick?” He laughed pulling my wand out of my uniform pocket.
“Give it back.” I hissed when he stood up spinning the wand between his fingers.
“Aport if you need it.” He added wanting to throw it.
“Xavier, give it back to Y/N.” Mrs. Thornhill said harshly, entering the classroom. “Are you mad? It’s a very powerful magical object. You have no idea what kind of consequences you’d pay for throwing it. Our whole school might even explode if you’ve done it. I don’t want the two of you to cause such of a problem. Hand it back to Y/N and may you please stop arguing for god knows what?”
“Sorry, professor. It’s not going to happen anymore.” He said and gave me my wand back. Then he sat next to me and leaned closer before whispering. “Don’t be too happy too soon.”
“Oh fuck you, Thorpe.”
“Miss Y/L/N, I will not accept speaking this way.”
“I hope so. So maybe if you’re here with us today, what about saying something about your previous school and subjects?”
Merlin’s pants, why?
I took a deep breath before standing up and feeling many pairs of eyes on me.
“I used to attend Hogwarts. A truly magical place which felt like home from the very first day. Every magical person belongs to this school after being born and there’s no way to change it. Or at least if you don’t have enough Galleons, our wizarding currency. You have no idea how amazing if feels to get an acceptance letter. I remember if as if it was yesterday. I still keep it. If you want to do shopping for the school year or just any magical ones you have to go to a certain place full of all kinds of shops from clothes to wands. Then, on the 1st of September you have a train from London to Merlin knows where. Probably some part of Scotland but our location is unknown even to us. Any electronic stuff like your smartphones would not work there due to the whole lot of energy going on there. That’s why I don’t own a phone. I use my owl, Snow, to send letters so don’t be afraid if one day my winged friend will visit you.” I laughed and all of my classmates did the same. Well, maybe not all. Xavier looked unbothered. “There were better and worse days. I had many enemies but also the best of best friends I could wish for. We’ve gone through the worst together and… Well, let’s just not talk about that. However, I had many exciting classes. One of them was pretty similar to botany. I’m talking about herbology. You have no idea how many wonderful plants surround us. Have you ever heard of a mandrake? A baby like plant whose screams may even kill if you don’t use earplugs while replanting it. Its juice is used to cure petrified people.
That’s scary.” Enid said almost pale.
“We also used to learn potions. That was my favourite subject. Brewing luck, love, death or pollyjuice potion is amazing even though it’s very difficult.”
“Do you have any spare death potion?”
“Joking. I’ll find out myself.”
“Don’t worry about Wednesday, honey. She’s specific.” The teacher giggled.
“Well, okay. Continuing, we were also studying care of magical creatures, charms, history of magic, flying, defence against the dark arts, transfiguration and we could choose any extra classes from the list but there’s too much of them to talk about each one.”
“Wait, you can actually fly?”
“Yes, I even have a broom.”
“Like all those hags from scary stories. Do you eat children as well or maybe you’re a vegetarian?”
“I don’t eat people, you fool. But I may eat you if you won’t stop offending me.”
“Stop this nonsense. Y/N, why are you here instead of your previous school?”
“It’s not existing anymore. A dark wizard ruled our world. That’s why I had to find another place for myself.”
“I hope you’ll accommodate here quickly and that Xavier will help you with it instead of arguing. It’s is very nice to have you here, Y/N. Shall we begin our today’s class? I believe you’re all very excited about the test which I was talking about previously.”
The look of utter disappointment was noticeable on each face. Even mine. I had no idea about a test coming. Starting a new school with a negative grade, how wonderful?
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I know you weren’t able to prepare for it so just read through questions and maybe you’ll know the answer, who knows? I won’t grade it if it’s negative, I promise.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Thornhill. I really appreciate it and I promise to catch up with your subject asap.”
Merlin only knew, that I was to get the best grade. Happily every question was about plants which I was studying at Hogwarts. Maybe my time at Nevermore wasn’t going to be fail at all?
Well, not exactly. Maths was my personal hell. I had no idea what was going on and nothing made sense. Xavier was making fun of me all the time especially when I made a mistake. And that happened plenty of times. But happily I beaten him in other subjects and that got on his nerves.
He then started trying to make my life a real hell.
The day of the Poe Cup came pretty quickly and I was absolutely terrified yet excited. I had my wand so we were to win. I knew it. That’s why other teams were kind of worried. Bianca was plotting against us but I knew that whatever she wanted to do, wouldn’t work. And I was right. Just before the official beginning, my team and I took a sip of Felix Felicis, luck potion. No rules meant no rules so we gladly used this opportunity and thanks to that, we came as second ones to the island and there I sprinted as fast as I could to the Crackstone’s crypt.
But where the hell our flag was?
“Looking for something, Y/L/N?” Xavier’s drawling voice echoed from behind. I turned around immediately to be met with his smiley yet ridiculous expression.
“Turned into what you really are, didn’t you Thorpe? I always knew you’re a clown.” I said sarcastically and he scoffed.
“I may be or not be a clown but I for sure will be the one holding the cup.” Xav laughed.
“Where’s my teams’ flag?”
“You said you can fly?”
I looked up and there it was. Hanging on a branch.
“How could you do that? What I’m going to do now?” I asked playing hurt. At this moment he was no longer happy at all. He knew too well that I had something on my mind. I reached for my wand which had a special place in the inner corner of my costume and then I pointed at the flag, whispering quiet “accio flag”. It sprang to my hand with a light speed which took Thorpe by surprise and just when he was almost ready to come back to his boat, I decided to slow him down a little bit. That’s why I pointed my wand at him and used a reduction spell so in a matter of seconds he became tiny.
“What the hell Y/L/N! Change me back, it’s not fair!”
“What are you squeaking about? I almost can’t hear you, doll.” I laughed lifting him by his costume collar. He was kinda cute with his arms crossed against his chest, legs dangling and furious expression. “That’s exactly what you get for offending me.”
“Change me back or-“
“The only thing you could do now would be biting the tip of my finger which I believe won’t happen because I would have to let go of you and that might cause and unpleasant injury. Let me take you to your boat so you won’t get lost in here, what about that?”
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Nothing new, Xav.”
And I did what I said. His friends were shocked seeing him in that state and I even heard some mocks towards him which made me burst out laughing but we won after all.
He was absolutely furious and I swear that I’ve never seen anyone this mad in my life.
Then the outreach day came and to my unhappiness the both of us were assigned at the Weathervane. He only rolled his eyes on me so I kept talking with this cute barista, Tyler.
“Would you mind to stop your silly conversations and help me maybe? I want to remind you that we were assigned here to work not gossip or even flirt.” Xav said.
“Fine. So Tay, what’s my job considering the fact that this poor artist is wiping dirty tables?”
Xavier’s scoff almost made me laugh. I truly loved getting on his nerves. He deserved it.
Tyler quickly showed me how to use this weird machine which was professionally called a coffee express and I only hoped to remember everything. My face expression was for sure worried as hell.
“I think it’s not the best idea to let her work with it. You see, she used to live under the rock for the past few years and she doesn’t even have a smartphone which means she may not get well with this yet shitty express.”
Well, he was kind of right at that point.
“I propose to let her wipe the tables and collect orders and I’ll be working with electronics. Are you into it, Y/L/N?”
“Do whatever you want. Just please don’t destroy anything and try not to kill each other since I feel the unpleasant pressure between you two.”
“You should talk to her. She’s a hag here. But be careful with her or she’ll change you into a doll.”
I could say that this day was really good and even cooperating with this brat was successful. He tried to make me a fool many times yet he never succeeded. We spent many hours in the cafeteria but unfortunately right before closing Xavier spilled his hot coffee on me and that was indescribably painful.
“Xavier!” I shrieked wiping as much of a black liquid out of myself as possible. With my bare hands which resulted in burning them too.
And yet he was only standing in front of me with and unbothered face expression. How could someone be this emotionless?
“Don’t shriek. Just use your wand.”
“Are you serious? Do you really think that there is an uncountable amount of spells? I’m not a healer for Merlin’s sake, I didn’t study healing spells!”
“What kind of a witch you are then? I thought that with your help, all orders will be floating around the local and yet you had to walk around to give them to the customers. It’s-“
“You don’t understand anything.”
“So maybe enlighten me?”
“Honestly Xavier, I really don’t have any interest in explaining anything to you. Tell Tyler that I left.”
But what happened some time later, was absolutely unforgivable. Imagine that Kent invited me to the RaveN Dance and for some reason Xavier wasn’t too happy about that. He himself came with Bianca, his ex which was just as much prejudiced against me as he was. I had a truly the best time ever since the muggle music was fantastic. Even too fantastic because after about three hours due to a huge headache I needed to left the party. I was met with Bianca furiously looking at me with her shoulders crossed over her chest.
“Kitten got on your tongue?” She said burning holes in my head.
“What’s your problem? I just need to rest. Besides I have no reason talking to you, do I?”
Her scoff was so venomous that I thought I’m no longer talking with a siren. More like with a snake. She would for sure join Slytherin if it only still existed.
“Xavier’s talking about you all the time. He seems to be fucking mad at you and hate you, yet he can’t stop eyeing you.”
“There is a true hatred between us and I believe whatever he says is not too nice. There’s nothing you should be afraid of. If you still want him take him. I don’t care about him neither about you.”
With that I turned around and wanted to leave, but
“He asked me to use my amulet to make him forget about you.”
What the hell?
I looked at her again shocked.
“And did you do that?”
“Are you mental? My power was the main reason of our break up. He never trusted me and thought I was manipulating him. Yet he wants me to use it so he can no longer have feelings towards you.”
“Woah, slow down a little bit, okay? Firstly there’s no point in being mad and secondly he doesn’t have any feelings towards me, you get it? He hates me and I hate him and the only thing he may want to forget is all that hatred. I saw his expression while looking at me and believe, he is not interested and-“
“You’re so dumb girl. Go and have a rest now. Maybe you’ll understand everything better after few hours of sleeping because your brain clearly isn’t working. Have a good night.”
That was weird, saying delicately. What kind of feelings might he had towards me? Come on, he would destroy me if he could. I remember when he put a dog’s shit into my bag. Everything was smelly as fuck but happily I knew a cleaning spell which helped me with it. Do you think this kind of action means liking me?
“Leave me alone, Thorpe.” I heard from behind. It’s was Xavier and Bianca of course. He probably wanted to apologise to her yet she didn’t want to talk with him and came back to the Dance. Xavier’s and mine eyes met but when he wanted to say something, I left. And that was a huge mistake.
On the very next day, loud banging to my dorm room woke me up. I had got up and then opened the door. It was sheriff and probably his coworker.
“What’s going on?”
“Miss Y/L/N, you have to go with us.”
“I’m sorry Y/N.” Wednesday spoke with her usual emotionless expression. “…but I know it was you who attacked Eugene yesterday night.”
I had no time to discuss yet to fight against them. I was taken to the sheriff’s office and I spent several (or more) long days in prison with chains hanging from my wrists. In officers’ eyes, I was a monster which was haunting the woods in the area. A real hag which was looking for a revenge for her death relatives which were burnt alive for doing magic. It made no sense however they had a point. Eugene was attacked on the RaveN Dance night at the time when I left to take a rest. Bianca and Xavier saw me and I was sure it was Thorpe who framed me. At last he was the one who welcomed me with his unhealthy fright of witch monsters from his grandmother’s stories. Nobody could defend me at that moment and possibly prove that I came back to my dorm that night. I had no roommate. Besides I was horrifically worried about Eugene yet I had no clue how to contact with anyone. Sheriff had confiscated my wand before I hid it. To say more I had no visitors since I was considered dangerous and everyone was afraid of me. Wednesday was sure of me being the monster. Enid as her good friend for sure believed her. Xavier probably was happy as ever that he doesn’t have to look at me anymore and that he was right judging my witchy roots. After spending a few days there I broke down completely. I was sitting there in the corner, not wanting to speak or eat. My whole attention was focused on this one little window in the office and at my lovely owl Snow which was sitting behind windows’ glass, observing me. I don’t know how much time passed. It might have been two or three weeks but honestly I don’t know because I lost the track of time.
“Hey, Y/N!” Somebody hissed. My eyes widened seeing Lita Greyback herself, kneeling behind bars. She was the last person I could have expected to see.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came here to help you. You see, I know it’s not you who attacked Eugene.” She said. “We may not have met officially but I overheard Enid’s conversation about you and she said that you know my father.”
Hearing it, I came closer to her, wanting to know more. I sat right in front of her while she reached her hand to me.
“I’m Lita Greyback, nice to meet you officially.”
“Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you too.” I said shaking her hand.
“Look, sheriff doesn’t know that I’m here. I gave his coworker certain something to put him to sleep and I sneaked in. But I have a proof that you’re innocent. You see, since I’ve overheard Enid speaking about you, I kept observing you and saw you coming back to your dorm. I even thought about talking to you that night but then this whole incident happened and I was just shocked to say the least.”
“What’s your proof?”
“It’s my conversation with Sienna about you. I wrote her that I was hesitant about knocking your door and she wrote about the attack. She then sent me a voice message that Xavier thinks it’s your fault and I wrote that it’s impossible because you’re in your dorm. And if it’s not enough which I believe won’t be in this case, I also have a-“
“So you say she’s innocent?” Sheriff Galpin spoke and Lita immediately stood up.
“Yes, sheriff. I’m sure of that.”
“And your only evidence is a stupid conversation?”
“You may call it stupid but it actually is important. You see, Y/N and I aren’t friends. I mean not yet so I have no reason to help her. To say more I heard that Eugene’s scratches were nothing like injuries which could be made by a spell. Whatever attacked him it wasn’t Y/N. Maybe a bear or another monster?”
“What can you say about it, miss Y/L/N?”
“I’m innocent as I said plenty of times. You know, I wish Dumbledore- I mean a principal of Hogwarts could be here with his pensive. I could show you my memories and that would be the best proof yet it can’t happen without him.”
“And where is he?”
“Or maybe it was a werewolf? Maybe that’s why you want to free her? You feel guilty so you came here and-“
“No, sheriff. It’s not me neither her. Please, show mercy. She spent almost 3 weeks here being innocent.”
“Why did you show up now, not those 3 weeks ago?”
“I knew I should have done it sooner but I was said by others that it’s not my business and-“
“Could you do something for me, Lita?” I asked and she only nodded. “You have to go to my dorm room and find a truth potion. It’s called a veritaserum and I keep it in a trunk under my bed. You’ll find it quickly because it’s the only transparent potion and it looks like water.”
“You think I’ll believe in it?” Sheriff laughed sarcastically.
“If you think I want to trick you, you’ll be the first one using it and you’ll see yourself that this potion can make you reveal the darkest secret of yours. It’s very powerful and if it won’t prove my innocence, nothing will.”
“Fine. Let me give you a ride to your school of freaks and we’ll both go to the damned room to find it. I’ll call the backup to have more witnesses.” He said to Lita and then turned to me. “Is that fine enough or maybe miss witchy wants something more?”
“I want to be free again. That’s it. And could you free me from those chains, please? They’re so heavy.”
“You really expect too much, lady.”
Happily it didn’t take too much time until they were back. The bottle of veritaserum was halfway empty so I had to be very careful with it because it was the only way to prove them wrong. As I said I wanted to use it on sheriff first however he didn’t agree and instead one of his workers took a sip of tea with the potion. After that he was brutally honest and I was sure that he’s to lose his job. Yet, everyone believed that the potion works and to their dismay they had to free me after I told them everything what happened on that certain night.
„It’s true then. Fenrir Greyback is your father?” I said during the way back to Nevermore.
“Yes, yet I’ve never met him. My mum is a normie or a muggle, whatever you call them. They met by an accident and had a short affair. Short because when she discovered what he was, she left UK and moved to the USA. She was really afraid of and unfortunately she found out that she was pregnant. With me obviously. So I’m a half-werewolf. Kind of cool yet it’s really painful to change during every full moon.”
“He’s a bad person, your father. He’s on the dark side fighting against the good one. He also killed many people.”
“I’m so ashamed of having such a father.”
“You shouldn’t be. You’re not him.”
“Do you think he would want to meet me if he knew he has a child?”
“I don’t know, honestly. I didn’t have an opportunity to meet him officially. Happily to me. But I think it’s better for you that he doesn’t know about your existence. Don’t get me wrong but Who Must Not Be Named would kill you and your mother in a matter of seconds. That’s what he did to most of people I knew.”
“I can see you suffering. You lost someone you loved, didn’t you?”
I only nodded not being able to talk about that. Once at Nevermore, we said our goodbyes and I came back to my dorm room. The next day was supposed to be quite chaotic due to the family weekend but I didn’t expect anyone. That’s very complicated and I thought I will never have to talk about that with anyone however it happened very soon. You see…
Saturday, the first day of family weekend. Everyone was over the moon and no one noticed my coming back. Happily for me actually. I felt betrayed for some reason so I didn’t want to talk to anyone anyway. I decided to spend my day in the school library which was totally empty this day. I had my fave spot there from which I could observe what was going on on the quad and in the academy park the same time. I sat there cross legged with my spell book which I was studying in the free time. Once I tried to flip to the next page, several pictures fell from it and made a small mess on the floor. I loved keeping photos in every book I owned. But once I saw all those smiling people waving to me from the pictures my eyes started to water. I felt my heart breaking once again. I don’t know when I bursted out crying. What happened was still unbelievable and I couldn’t agree with it. I don’t know how much time I spent there crying my eyes out, yet somebody joined me.
“You’re sad because nobody came to see you?” Xavier spoke leaning against the book shelf. He wasn’t sarcastic like always. I saw a guilt in his expression. “Just joking. My father left me alone too. Doesn’t have time for his crazy son again. But there’s no need to cry, believe me.” He said eyeing me. I swear that I saw a glimpse of tears in his eyes too. “I wanted to apologise for framing you. I was just mad and-“
“I don’t care about that anymore.” I said coldly. Once he noticed many photographs on my lap, he sat beside me, reaching for them. He was visibly confused seeing them moving like a video.
“Wow, that’s crazy.” He whispered. “Who are all these people? I can see you on this one but the rest?”
“My friends.” I replied not bothering to look at him.
“Where are they?” He kept asking.
„I don’t know.”
“I get it. It’s pretty difficult to keep in touch if you don’t have phones.”
“That’s not it, Xavier!”
I swear I never used to raise my voice at anyone and I was as shocked as he was. Yet I couldn’t stand being silent and left alone with my thoughts.
“They may be dead, you get it? Back then, when the Dark Lord tried to come back to ruling the wizarding world, my friends and I used to have a lovely life full of silly adventures. We had no idea about Vold- Dark Lord’s raising strength and power and then suddenly the wizarding war happened. He had one serious enemy. The boy who lived even though a death spell hit him. The Dark Lord lost his powers and tried everything to kill him what happened exactly a year ago during the war. I lost everyone I loved. The lovely golden trio is dead. Additionally my lover boy was kidnapped because he failed his mission and I don’t know if he’s still alive or not. And I may never know. The Dark Lord killed every muggleborn due to their filthy blood, he also started killing muggles and that’s why I had to run away and clean my parents’ memory. They have no idea that they have a daughter. They live somewhere in Africa or Merlin knows where and I’m here now.” I sobbed.
“That’s sick…” Xav whispered visibly flabbergasted.
“Sick? That’s what you think?”
“I mean, I’m very sorry. I can’t even imagine how it could be to lose everyone. But aren’t you afraid about this Dark freak finding you here?”
“I am.”
“Can I help you somehow?”
“You? You’re no use. I don’t trust you and I never will. You see, I used to have many enemies back there yet anyone had ever hurt me the way you did. I truly wish I could go back to the UK and fight against the dark wizards even though I know I’d collapse dead before I had a chance to reach for my wand. Yet I prefer to be dead than looking at you. And everything because you believe in those silly stories of your grandmother.”
Wow, that was harsh.
“I know I made a huge mistake and I’d do anything to repair it-“
“Just leave me alone.”
“I want to start once again. Please, at least try to give me a second chance. I’ll prove you that I’m worth it.”
“I don’t know about that, Thorpe. I-“
If you’ve never seen Xavier’s pleading eyes, believe me, it was almost impossible to say no to them. I was sitting there, in front of him with watery eyes and tears ready to spill and I wasn’t able to say a word. I couldn’t believe I actually showed him how weak I was. He was the last person who should’ve seen it.
“One last chance and don’t you dare ever asking me for anything.” I said with a breaking voice and after that I came back to looking at the photographs. I started crying once again. The pain which I was going through was unbearable.
The next days were grey and almost lifeless. I got many apologies from Enid and even Wednesday said she was sorry for accusing me. She told me about Crackstone and some shit about it but I wasn’t really paying attention. My mind was wholly focused on my experiment which was going successfully and I expected positive results soon. Of course I’m talking about creating a time turner. I said I loved potions, didn’t I? I was bloody interested in alchemy and that’s why I knew what substances I’m supposed to use to make it. It took a lot of time however I made it. And after trying I found out it worked so I was able to repair everything and destroy the Dark Lord.
“So what exactly are you planning to do now?” Xavier asked looking at the golden object in my hand.
“It happened about 11 months ago so I have to turn it… 8000 times. Quite a lot.”
“Why so many?”
“One turn for one hour. I don’t plan to do it actually. I know a dark spell which makes a magical object do exactly what I want. Confundus. Very advanced magic it is but I know exactly how to use it.”
“And what’s going to happen after that?”
“I’ll be back at Hogwarts. Me from the past and me from the present. I’ll have to be very careful. You know, I don’t want my past myself to see me. I would freak out. I think I have to go and talk with the principal and prepare a plan. He’s the only one being able to help.”
“And what if it works and the dark freak will be destroyed?”
“I don’t know. I probably will be in the UK with the ones I love. And you’ll never meet me.”
His eyes widened immediately.
“That’s it, Xavier. Are you aware of the fact that every little change in the past makes a huge difference in the present?” I asked a bit worried. “It’s very complicated actually. Playing with time isn’t funny. It’s a serious thing and considering a fact of Dark Lord’s possible death-“
“What if you’ll die during the war?” He hesitated fidgeting with his fingers.
“Well, I don’t know if the war’s going to take place if I tell Dumbledore about Voldy coming back to his powers. There’s nobody more powerful than Hogwarts principal.”
“But potentially if something happens to you? Doesn’t matter during the war or not.”
“I have to take the risk. It’s the only way to save my world and those who I love.”
“And if everything goes the way you want to where could you possibly be now? You know, so I could find you.”
“There’s no need to worry. You won’t remember me.”
The purest shock appeared on his face. I’ve never seen him this speechless.
“You want to tell me that for the whole time I was supporting you and you try to run away from us? From Nevermore? And I won’t even remember you?” He said looking straight into my eyes.
“We both know this school is not a place for me. Why do you care actually? As I said you won’t remember me. Once I disappear everything will change. You’ll forget about me immediately and-“
“I thought you wanted to come back after saving everything.”
“It doesn’t make sense. I’m trying to repair my world so I could stay there forever. Why would I come back here if it’s not my place to be?”
“That’s your revenge, isn’t it?”
“What the fuck are you talking about now?”
“Nothing. You know what, keep doing what you do. I don’t care about that anymore. Have a great time with your ‘Hog-twats’.”
“How dare you-“
“Just leave.”
And I did. Just as he wished.
• Xavier •
She said I would forget her immediately yet I didn’t. And I had no idea why. Did her plan work out? Or maybe she failed? My heart broke just at the thought. The truth is I fell for her not so long ago and my silly actions weren’t supposed to hurt her. I just wanted her attention, that’s all. And she chose being a hero only to have her lover boy back.
I had no time to think about that at all because there were some complications with Wednesday and Crackstone. Y/N was probably starting her new life in the UK and I was to fight with a dead man. Everything happened very quickly. Bianca, Yoko and I escorted students from the academy while Addams was in the quad. I could not let her face him all alone so I came back to her and-
“Petrificus totalus!” Y/N shrieked pointing her wand at this dead bastard and throwing a silver sword to Wednesday. Crackstone went totally stiff and then Wednesday stabbed him with it. He started turning into the dust and then disappeared. I was pale as fuck not knowing what the hell was going on. Why Y/N was there? Did she fail? Without thinking I pulled her behind a wooden pillar to talk, however suddenly Thornhill spoke. She pointed a gun at Addams and just when I wanted to go and save her, Y/N stopped me.
“Stay quiet. Everything is under control.” She whispered. Wednesday looked scared. Probably for the first time since she arrived at Nevermore.
Thornhill’s gun flew away leaving her shocked.
“Who we have here. Miss Y/L/N, I see you’re getting better.”
“There’s no need to worry about me.” Y/N said still pointing her wand at the red haired woman. “Incarcerous”.
The tip of Y/N’s wand sparked and then Thornhill was tightly bonded by many thick ropes. Impressive.
“Soon someone will come to collect you, professor.” Y/L/N said before leaving. I ran after her but she was nowhere to be seen. She probably came back to Hogwarts and I felt bad again.
• Y/N •
The last few days were crazy to say the least. Everything was going perfectly, then I failed and then I succeeded again. Due to the last events at Nevermore, students were sent home earlier. I believe everyone was tired after what actually happened. You don’t fight with a dead man everyday, do you? Anyway, I appeared at academy too, to collect my belongings before leaving Jericho for the next few months. To my happiness I was welcomed by Enid’s shrieks and a tight hug. She was covered in bruises and scratches yet she still looked ravishing.
“It was amazing! Wednesday told me about your help with this dead freak and you became a school hero. Would you mind if I wrote about you on my blog?” She laughed with pure excitement.
“You have a free hand, Enid. I’m glad you’re okay. What about Ajax?”
“I think we’ve never been this close with each other. You have no idea how caring he is, especially after my first ever wolfing out.”
“I’m glad. What are your plans for the break?” I asked biting my lower lip.
“Oh, I’m coming back home to San Francisco. You have to visit me. I don’t think I’ll be able to bear few months without contacting you.” She said.
“Sure. Thank you, En. Sorry but I have to go to my dorm. I’m still not packed.” I added with a smile.
“I believe someone wants to see you too.”
With that she looked up at the balcony and Xavier leaning against the railing. He sent me a shy smile and a delicate wave. I knew I had to face the truth. I had taken a deep breath before heading up to him.
“So you’re back.” He said calmly with a slight smile.
“Yeah.” I whispered not daring to look at him.
“You don’t want me here?”
“Of course I want you here. But I just don’t understand. You said that I’ll forget about your existence. Yet you disappeared and I didn’t forget.”
“Let’s go talk to my dorm, shall we? I don’t feel comfortable getting all those curious looks from other students.”
“As you wish.”
We headed to my room without exchanging any word. I was unsuccessfully trying to collect my thought but for some reason I wasn’t able to. The chaos which happened lately was just unbelievable.
“So” I began after sitting on my bed. The long haired boy followed and once we were sat facing each other I knew I had to explain everything. “Let’s say that I failed.”
“You fucked it up even more?”
“Not exactly. You see, right after arriving at the castle, I decided to spend some time with my friends. Merlin, I love them so much and-” I sighed. “I knew I had to go to the principal and tell him about everything that was about to happen. However before I got a chance to do so, my lovely transfiguration teacher stopped me. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately she noticed the past version of myself behind the corner and knew exactly what I’ve done. She invited me to her office and forbade to say a word about the future. I could only tell her that the Dark Lord is back and rules the world but… She told me that I mustn’t change anything. You get it? She was aware of her possible death yet she didn’t let me do what I had to do. She said that the consequences might be too serious and I should give up if I don’t want to wreck the present even more. I also heard that what I wanted to do was selfish and I only thought about myself because I wanted to give myself another chance to be happy without thinking about how others’ life would be after that. And she was right. I was doing it go get them all back because I couldn’t stand my life without them but I haven’t been caring about their possible future. It’s our destiny which decided whether we should be alive or not. I only got a chance to speak to them one last time before coming back here and-“
You know that the tears of sadness are different than those of happiness? I almost coughed feeling the unbelievably salty taste on my lips.
“Shh. Don’t cry, Y/N. You can’t change anything with your cries.” Xav spoke, wiping my tears with his thumb. “I know it’s difficult and I’m very sorry that you have to go through this but you’re very strong and I believe you’ll feel better soon. Try to think positively. It was meant to be like that for some reason. What if you saved them and then they died in even worse way? Would you want them to suffer?”
“I don’t.”
“And that’s it. You have to believe that wherever they are they’re probably happy and they wouldn’t want to see you crying over something that you can’t fight with. Grief is awful, I know it but I promise that I will be here for you all the time if you need anything.” He added grabbing my hand gently.
“Thank you, Xavier. And I’m sorry that I wanted to leave you even though you gave me so much support. I truly was thinking only about mys-“
“It doesn’t matter. I was thinking only about myself too. I knew how much you loved them yet I got mad because I didn’t want to let you go. I like you. Quite a lot actually. I know you’re in pain now but I’d love to try and give you as much happiness as possible. Once again I’m very sorry for everything that happened at the beginning. I should’ve known you before judging.”
“It’s fine, really. I wasn’t too friendly myself.”
“I’ve never noticed.” He joked containing a laugh and I smiled delicately. “I have something for you.”
A bottle green box came to my view. It had a big ribbon on it and was not too heavy. I opened the lid slowly, expecting something to jump out of it however what I saw was a phone.
He gave me a phone.
“Xav, but I-“
“I’ll show you everything. Living among so called muggles have its own rules. One of them is having a cellphone so you can keep in touch with people. Don’t get me wrong but Snow is way too slow so she may feel free from now on. She deserves it, doesn’t she?”
“Thank you. Very much. It’s so new to me and.. I think it will take me half of my life to catch up with all those technologies surrounding me.”
“You have me, remember? Besides, I still don’t understand what actually happened during yesterday’s night. How did you know how to destroy Crackstone?”
“I told the transfiguration teacher about him. She couldn’t help me with fighting for Hogwarts so she told me all about him. That’s it.”
“You’re a hero.” He laughed, playing with my fingers. Wait, I haven’t even noticed him still holding my hand. “And where do you plan to spend the break?”
“No idea.“
“What about staying at my place? My father rarely is at home so he wouldn’t mind. And I could keep my eye on you in case you needed help.”
He was so soft and adorable at that moment. I couldn’t believe it was the same boy who used to tease me and put a dog’s shit in my bag. It may sound funny but I swear I wanted to murder him for doing it.
“That would be lovely if it’s not a problem.”
“Silly you, of course it’s not.” He laughed then eyeing my lips. “I know it’s probably too soon but can I… you know.”
Oh boy, what now? He was attractive but did I want it?
“Okay.” I said quietly and then he pecked my lips delicately. It felt like a sweep of butterfly’s wings against my skin. So quick and soft yet so satisfying.
“Let me help you packing your things and then I’ll buy us train tickets.” He said kissing my knuckles and I laughed at him which confused him a bit. Pulling wand out of my jacket‘s pocket, I pointed its tip at my belongings and said “pack”. Xavier’s expression was worth every Galleon. He was so focused on all floating objects that I felt better immediately.
“Intriguing. So if it comes to the tickets-“
“We don’t need them. Hold my hand and and close your eyes.”
I forgot to inform that the teleportation may be rough for those who had never experienced it before. His head was spinning for the rest of the day so our smartphone classes ended up with his head resting on my chest during his unexpected slumber. Happily his sofa was pretty comfortable and I fell asleep as well. There we were, both calmly snoring in each other’s embrace.
And in my dream, my lovely friends from Hogwarts were waving at me happily, saying their goodbyes. I knew, they were in the better place and didn’t want me to suffer anymore.
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