#the women were hot
greyscalegoth · 6 months
got to see the circus for free today and let me tell you i left 1000% more bisexual than the start of the day and a lot more ready to join the circus than i thought
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Hot take: I actually think men and women are meant to work together and complement each other and not like,,, dislike each other and be divisive.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 5 months
“not shipping remus/sirius feels homophobic” you know what else feels homophobic? giving a feminine sirius traits like ‘hysterical’ and ‘drama queen’ and ‘slut’, and then shipping them with a masculine, calm, and logical remus. why are you applying misogynistic heteronormative roles to your mlm ship and calling not shipping them homophobic. it’s really giving the “so who wears the pants in the relationship” kind of homophobia we should’ve left behind years ago
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vodkaletters · 3 months
Yes, Targaryen men are gorgeous. The beauty of a malnourished twink who wasn't sleep well in years but Targaryen women? They're superior in beauty. A powerful woman who can fight, ride a dragon and be kinda psychic? There's no debate in that.
I don't care if you bring your stupid brother-husband with you, let me get to know you better
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transmechanicus · 2 months
The news has reached me that there are canon female custodes, and that the reactions have been mmm well, mixed. I don’t play custodes on tabletop but i do love the faction, and i think it’s an interesting and harmless little addition to the setting. Somewhere in the mists of time some custodes put his genhanced transhuman mind to work and asked himself “What if instead of just taking boy babies for the Full Genome Restructuring Into An Exalted Demigod…what if we took all the babies.” Now we have the Golden Roughly Twenty Thousand, double the protection for the Emperor😌
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queerstudiesnatural · 10 months
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curi0us-cherry · 7 months
I hear stories all the time from women who have had a “lesbian” ex-girlfriend cheat on her with/leave her for a man, it used to make me sad, but now it just makes me wet 🤭
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hissterical-nyaan · 1 year
Girl friendships are really hyping each other up while getting ready and flirting like no man ever can with your best friends
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spoonerisrns · 25 days
I know this might not be a huge thing, but I love that nearly all the commentators seem to be women??? Realizing I've NEVER seen so many female sports commentators before, and so many different kinds of presentation among them? I've often seen One Pretty Cis Het Woman on a panel of cis het dudes. This is hella refreshing.
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several-ravens · 20 days
post season 2 horny rant about elias don't click if it's going to upset you
MY HUSBAND. A MURDERER. who would have thought???
so it was him at the murderous end of that pipe. good for him
when i tell you i screamed when he walked into the room. i mean damn he can talk to me like that whenever he wants. HIS VOICE??? and that little evil speech at the beginning oooooh that's enough to kill me
maybe he didn't need to murder leitner as well but also who am i to stop him? like eurgh brotha eurgh but also ooooh baby heaven is a place on earth like that one remix that's on tiktok atm
AND because that wasn't enough, on top of being evil and fucked up he's also very powerful
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excuse me but that's hot af. his place of power should be me.
(i have a thing for evil powerful men in case that wasn't clear)
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shredsandpatches · 10 months
I've read a couple of things recently that have pointed out that all RSC productions of Doctor Faustus since like the 1960s have framed the Helen of Troy scene as a depiction of whatever counts as sexually transgressive for the time/place, so Helen has been represented as a beautiful cis woman but, like, with full frontal nudity; a reanimated corpse; an empty wig and dress which get used as props for a wank session; a man in a dress; and a creepily young-looking girl (played by an adult actress) who is then implied to actually just be a real, normal person who gets murdered in a fit of insanity (?)
Anyway I kinda think this is off the mark not so much because ~good taste or whatever (although pretty much any assumptions regarding what actually counts as transgressive or taboo will probably go to some pretty gross places--if Faustus wants to shag a man in a dress, more power to him) but because I'm not sure how well the scene works if it doesn't also seduce the audience (you can pull a reveal on them later if it suits, but I tend to think the arc of the play as a whole works better if we get closer to Faustus over the course of it, rather than further away, and if his ultimate fate feels somehow unjust on a gut level even if we understand the theological reasoning). And while it's common to read Faustus' embrace of Helen as the thing that seals his damnation, I don't think it is, I think looking for one point where it becomes too late for Faustus is misguided and that it only works if it's either always too late or never too late for him. All the tension of the play hinges on that paradox.
That said, depending on how your lead actors play the central relationship and how quickly you escalate the sexual tension, you can always pull the "it was Mephistopheles all along" variant, which is always a crowd-pleaser.
(It's me, I'm the crowd)
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seenthisepisode · 1 year
just came back home from john wick 4...... my poor little meow meow........... :((
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vegaseatsass · 3 months
Hi Tumblr, I'm only here for a sec and then going right to sleep (please note this tendency of mine before you take seriously the criticism to follow), but I would like to lodge a complaint. Apparently, there is a miniseries airing, RIGHT NOW, in the GAP cinematic universe, where, if I'm understanding the MDL comments correctly, Nueng, aka Sam's incredibly hot older sister who yelled at Grandma, is in the In-from-180-Degree-Longitude role of out-of-the-picture-mom's bff who out-of-the-picture-mom's daughter wants to hook up with ????? and nobody ????? on my dash ?????????? told me* ???????????????
HOW COULD YOU, HONESTLY *posted about it when I was online and osmosed it to me
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coconut530 · 2 months
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Also Suitor Armor Fans hOW WE FEELING?!?!??!?
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madebysimblr · 2 months
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Takuya: Make yourselves at home, I'll whip up something to eat. Ah admiring my work?
Envy: You're a photographer?
Takuya: Yup. I appreciate beauty.
Envy: I can see that.
Takuya: [chuckles] Mainly I do a lot of work for the Komorebi Tourism Board.
Envy: Do any work with musical artists?
Takuya: Not yet. Would love to though.
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reachexceedinggrasp · 3 months
Hell bent and heaven sent are a tragic love story. Who literally cannot see it? Whouffaldi is not only Canon but it's a parallel to so many of the great gothic romance films of the 80s and 90s.
Yep! idk some people are in denial.
Like obviously it's fine if you just want to see it as platonic and are cool about it. But I'm always blindsided by the goofy comments on youtube videos etc. where they act like the very idea there could be romance there is an insane suggestion. Where they condescend to shippers as if we're delusional for seeing what's there. I'm sorry, if you're going to be confrontational and smugly wrong at the same time, I'm going to point out that you're wrong.
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