#the wonderful autumn of Mickey Mouse
beaniebea · 1 year
Quick doodle dump cause I'm still thinking about Wonderful World of MM
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Yeah it's very unhinged lol
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2194teddy · 1 year
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Giant Mickey Mouse Spotted in a Fall Special of The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse on DisneyPlus!
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Goofy: *screams*
Donald: What’s the matter with you?
Goofy: I ain’t never seen you smile before.
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disneytva · 2 years
Mickey's plan to make a new name for himself is to grow the biggest pumpkin in town, but Mickey's attempts to save his family's name might just doom the town. 
The Wonderful Autumn of Mickey Mouse Streaming Friday on Disney+.
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puccafangirl · 2 years
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diogxnxs · 6 months
So, we're just not gonna talk about the Anna Cameo in the Wonderful Autumn of Mickey Mouse?
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And how Donald just has this miracle growth bottle on hand just in case he needs to look like this? Got it.
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I love Anna Duck so much.
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Also, the Minnie and Daisy Bisexual Awakening upon seeing this.
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forteafy · 1 year
Constellation of Three | DR3 [1 of 10]
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Summary: Some things have been written in the stars before the beginning of time. Daniel Ricciardo having a single mother as his neighbour has always been written into his narrative. He just didn't realise she would become the love of his life. Part 1 of 'Constellation of Three' series.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Mentions of Childbirth, but only briefly. Alphatauri Daniel!
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An understanding many people have had for years is that the core events of your life are mapped out in the stars; whether it be your career, your future spouse or the friends you decide to hold close. 
Everything had been planned out so perfectly for you. You’d flew through your exams, landing on one of the most prestigious event planning companies in Europe. Business had been your forte, yet with that creative flair, events seemed to be your calling. After six months of working underneath a supervisor, you had been summoned by their superior to overtake their responsibilities, landing you a comfortable salary and a new residence. 
A new residence nestled in the streets of Monte Carlo. 
The company you worked for specialised in high-end events and were incredibly well known by the hotels and casinos of the luxury city. Events were a common occurrence and with the skillset you had obtained, they practically laid out the red carpet for your arrival. 
There was one star however, that glowed brighter than the others. One which in your mind had been the most unexpected of them all. 
Blaire had come into your life as the unexpected shooting star; one night on your third year of higher education with a man who had since disappeared out of your life, lead to the appearance of the sweet baby girl. You’d been lucky, going through the biggest stages with your mother by your side. The morning sickness, hours of labour. Everything made sense the moment that sweet girl had been placed into your arms. 
That was the silent promise; the promise you’d do everything in your power to give the girl everything she desired. 
You’d found that companies were a lot more lenient on children when their parents were as gifted as you; there had been more than one occasion where Blaire would make an appearance whilst on a zoom call or when meeting with clients to discuss their visions for events. She was a gorgeous young girl with big brown eyes that could melt even the iciest heart. 
She was your pride and joy. 
That didn’t mean she was the sweet angel described the entirety of the times. Blaire had a temper that could challenge the heat of the earth’s core, and that was seen no clearer than the Monday morning she was due to return to her pre-school. 
The summer break had done you both wonders; you’d been able to secure several jobs leaning into the autumn and wintertime as well as being responsible for organising the Metrepole’s summer gala; the praises you had received almost too overwhelming. Between all this, you’d managed to whisk your daughter to Paris for a week too. Her eyes in awe of the bright pink castle and Mickey Mouse ears as far as she could see. 
But now? Blaire was screeching, tears rolling down her cheeks as you took away her Minnie Mouse ornament for the fourth time. You weren’t being deliberately mean, the last time she had taken in something fragile to show her friends, it had come back in broken pieces and a meltdown from your little girl that was undesirable.
Almost as unwanted as the current one.  Almost. 
“Mama!” Blaire had screamed again, her hands trying to grasp for the ornament you had now placed on top of the fridge, well away from prying hands. “Mama! I want it!” 
“Baby.” You’d crouched down by now, holding eye contact with the young girl. It. had always been found to treat meltdowns like this with comfort. She was only three, she didn’t always understand about why some things could never go her way. “You need to listen. If you take it, it could get broken, and we can’t get another one, can we?”
Blaire’s screams turned into sniffles, her hand rubbing against her eyes before falling into your chest, snuffling into your skin. “I wanna show Masie.” She mumbled, entranced with the idea of her best friend seeing the statue she had been in awe of since their first day in Disneyland. 
You hesitated. “Why don’t you take your new plushie to show her? Then we can invite Masie for dinner this week and we can show her then, yes?” You tried to reason, tucking one of her baby hairs behind her ear; the braids you had done less than an hour ago were already beginning to unravel. 
It was like a switch had been flipped; Blaire shot out of the kitchen, diverting to her bedroom and came back a moment later with her new plushie, a grin now plastered on her face, red eyes already fading. You couldn’t help the smile on your own face, now seeing the girl ready to face the day. 
With shoes on and her cardigan around her shoulders, you opened the front door, ushering Blaire out first. Carefully, you closed the heavy latch, hearing the satisfying lock when twisting the keys. 
“You ready, baby?” You’d asked, waiting for a response or simply for the girl to begin babbling. When there was no response, you looked down, not seeing the girl by your side. Your blood ran cold for a second, only letting yourself breathe when you looked up, seeing the situation unfold in front of you.
Apartment 65, the one next door to you which had been empty since your arrival, was now seemingly occupied. At the front door, stood a man; dark curls, brown eyes, holding a large box cautiously. Next to him, stood Blaire, her plushie abandoned on the floor, and holding a cushion up towards the man. 
Blaire wasn’t afraid of much, especially not strangers. Whilst her mother was locking up their home, she’d seen the man struggling with his box, a cushion falling off the top of it whilst attempting to open door. She’d heroically seen her mother help so many people over the years, so why could she not do the same.
The girl had run over, dropping her plushie and instead picking up the cushion, holding it up towards the man in question. He’d grinned at the small child, heart melting by the interaction. After placing his own box down, letting it prop open the front door, he’d crouched down, taking the cushion from the small child.
“Thank you!” He’d grinned, placing the cushion on top of the box. He held his hand out to the young girl, smiling as she placed her hand in his, shaking it gently. “I’m Daniel. What’s your name?”
“I’m Blaire!” She had told him instantly, before looking back up the corridor. “And that’s Mama!” She had pointed towards you, seeing your figure come down the corridor, a visible look of relief on your face. 
The man stood back up, watching as Blaire walked back over to you, taking your hand in her own, smiling at her mother. You couldn’t bring yourself in that moment to tell her off, understanding she had only wanted to help somebody in need. 
“Did you make a new friend, baby?” You asked, looking back up to the man in question. Seeing him closer had made your heart flutter; his eyes were a rich colour, curls littering the top of his face. His smile was truly to die for, you were almost certain you’d never seen one like it before. 
“Sorry.” You continued, eyes finally meeting with his own. “I think she was only trying to help, right Blaire?” You ask, looking back down to the young girl. She nodded in response, looking back over to the man in front of them both. 
“This is Daniel!” She explained to her mother, Daniel himself smiling at the two. You nodded in understanding.
“Ahh. Well, it’s nice to meet you, Daniel.” You grinned, telling him your own name in that moment. 
“It’s nice to meet you too!” He responded. “You’re my neighbours then?”
“We are.” You looked back towards your own front door, nodding towards the next apartment down. “This place has been empty since I got here, we’ll be happy of the company, won’t we, Blaire?” The young girl nods, eyes wide at the prospect of a new friend. 
“Can I show Daniel my statue?” She asks, tugging your hand gently. You can’t help but laugh; less than a few moments in and she’s already wanting to show off her shiny new piece. 
“Maybe later, baby. We need to get to school, yeah?” You remind her, seeing her face soften and nod. 
“I’ll come and see it soon, yeah?” Daniel confirms. The man knew how younger children could be. His own niece and nephew could be the exact same. However, even the slight thought of them right now was enough to make the lump in his throat appear. 
Since his return to Alphatauri had been announced, the driver had been adamant on making the more positive choices in his life. He’d been given his new opportunity. Something out there, out in the stars had this lined up for him. 
The man had moved back into Monaco, determined to make a fresh start. Heck, he’d even bought himself a new camera in order to restart his .jpg account during his new adventure. However, it had meant after six months of practically living alongside his family back in Perth, he had to say goodbye. Saying farewell to his mother had been bad enough; feeling his niece and nephew hug him for the last time had been even worse. 
Daniel had to take a breath to stop the tears pooling in his eyes. Instead, he turns his attention back to the two figures in front of him, his ears registering as the young girl began to talk again. 
“See you later, Daniel!” Blaire is quick to wave goodbye, one hand still firmly attached to her mothers. You had nodded to the man, before letting Blaire lead you towards the elevator, running to press the buttons that glowed in the darkened lift. 
The man can’t help but watch as the two of you walk away, mesmerised by the interaction which had just unfolded. When moving into this complex, he had only been told the basics; there was a swimming pool downstairs, a gym if anything was needed, a concierge service for any parcels or presents.
He wished to the stars that somebody had told him of his neighbours; a beautiful woman with the most adorable toddler alongside her. 
When first seeing you, your youthful appearance and considerably shorter height than him, he was almost convinced you were Blaire’s sister; he had been taken aback when the young girl had announced yourself as her mother. His heart softened, almost convinced that you must have been taken then. There was no way a woman as beautiful as yourself could be single. 
His eyes during the short interaction had darted down, seeing the lack of rings on your left hand. However, that meant nothing. You weren’t married, nor engaged, but surely you must have at least had a significant other? 
The questions flittered through his head as he crouched down to pick up the box once again. This was the last one; he’d been lugging his belongings through the building since 8am and had only realised once he’d finished that the apartment was lacking in some furniture. 
Monaco was known for luxury, but there was nothing like a quick trip to IKEA on a quiet afternoon, right? 
His train of thoughts were disrupted by an item discarded by his front door. There, lied a Minnie Mouse plushie, one he then and there deduced must have been left by the young girl. Daniel murmured a word to himself, picking up the teddy and looking towards the elevator. His eyes then darted towards the staircase, huffing as he left the box inside his apartment, made sure the key was nestled in his pocket, before running towards the stairs, adamant to meet you both at the bottom. 
The plushie at this present moment, was the last thing on Blaire’s mind as she had continuously begun to ramble to you about her new friend, Daniel. 
“Can we invite Daniel for dinner, mama?” She had asked you, already in awe of the gentleman next door. You had smiled gently at her newfound awe, secretly glad that their new neighbour seemed as if he could handle a toddler’s meltdown in the forthcoming future. 
“I’m sure we can, sweetheart.” You confirmed, seeing that the elevator was about to land on the ground floor. You straightened up, ready to walk straight from the lobby towards your car. However, as the door opened, you saw a figure standing in the walkway.
Daniel. Holding your daughter’s plushie. 
“Sorry- “he started, moving out of the way of you both, keeping the plush in his grasp for a moment. “You forgot this. I didn’t want her to lose it!” He explains, holding out the teddy towards Blaire. Your daughters’ eyes widen upon realising that this man, her saviour, had now rescued her teddy, holding the toy close to her chest. 
Your own cheeks turned red upon the realisation of how that looked; you’d forgotten to check for your child’s toy. Daniel had been your saviour in that moment too; god knows the kind of reaction you would have had if you had made it to school with the lack of that toy. 
“Thank you- so much.” You sigh, relief visually flooding your own body. Daniel can see this, nodding and resting a hand on your shoulder. 
“My niece used to leave her barbies everywhere.” He explains, trying to make you feel better whilst Blaire held the toy to her chest, happy with the reunion. “I remember when we had to search the entire beach for her surfing Barbie.” Daniel can’t help but grin at the memory, seeing his family frantic in finding the godforsaken doll. 
“Oh god-“ You laugh, beginning to walk towards the centre of the lobby, leading you towards the private car park. “I can only imagine. We’ve had that a few times. Blaire is a criminal for leaving her toys at the office.” She explains. You begin to tell Daniel the story of how the young girl had left her doll at your office during one of your meetings. You’d had to return to the building at 7pm that evening in order to retrieve the doll after frantically ripping your apartment apart, convinced it was there. 
“Well look.” He grins, walking in step alongside you. “If you ever need a toy hunting partner, I’m right next door.” The man reminds you. There’s no flirtation in his voice, in his mind, he simply wants to be nice to his new neighbour, whether the circumstances would change. 
“I’ll be holding you to that.” You grin. “Have a good day, Daniel.”
“You too.” He offers one final wave to the two girls as they make their way towards the car. He can’t help but smile, mesmerised by the interactions. 
Maybe this was something that had always been laid out in the stars, always awaiting him. 
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sandrarivasart · 2 months
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Here are some of my revisions for "Wonderful Autumn of Mickey Mouse"! So awesome I got to draw the main cast!
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ramsywasalittlelamb · 19 days
🎃 ramsy’s halloween watchlist 🎃
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These are my favorites, or ones I know are well loved, movies, shows, to specific episodes!!
I’ll add more as I watch or remember some :-)
starred ⭐️ are fall favorites!!
pumpkins 🎃 are kid friendly! (I would always check a trigger warning site for these though!)
Shows and episodes!
Batman: The Animated Series ⭐️ 🎃
The Scooby-Doo Show ⭐️ 🎃
Over The Garden Wall ⭐️ 🎃
Doctor Who
Gravity Falls 🎃
Toy Story of Terror (a short) 🎃
The Scariest Story Ever: a Mickey Mouse Halloween Spooktacular ⭐️ 🎃
Trick or Treat (disney short) 🎃
Mater and The Ghostlight (a short) 🎃
Ducktales, S2 EP19, a nightmare on killmotor hill! 🎃
Ducktales, S3 EP10, the trickening! ⭐️ 🎃
Ducktales, S3 EP8, the phantom and the sorceress! 🎃
Darkwing Duck 🎃
The Wonderful Autumn of Mickey Mouse 🎃
The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse, EP11, houseghosts 🎃
The Twilight Zone
What’s New Scooby-Doo? 🎃
Anything Scooby-Doo honestly… 🎃
The Addams Family
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction
Buzzfeed Unsolved
What We Do In The Shadows
The Harry Potter movie series (I do not support JK Rowling!! Those movies are very nostalgic for me and I watch them on DVD to make sure she doesn’t get any profits!!) 🎃 (the first two I’d say are child friendly!!)
The Batman (2022)
Batman (1989)
Muppets Haunted Mansion
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad ⭐️ 🎃
The Dark Crystal
The Labyrinth ⭐️
The Addams Family (and Values)
Any Scooby-Doo movie as well! 🎃
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown ⭐️ 🎃
Clue ⭐️
Night at the Museum 🎃
What We Do In The Shadows
Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie 🎃
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luvtak · 1 year
What Loving NCTs 2000 Line Feels Like:
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Renjun: Autumn afternoons where everything is foggy and dark, but the heater is warming you from the inside. A soft secondhand sweater that is three sizes too big, but feels like the perfect size. Doodling stars and hearts on each other’s skin. A new pair of dress shoes that slightly hurt, but make you feel beautiful. Walking through an art museum and feeling like you’ve known these paintings before. Hands on your face pulling a smile from your lips. Cinnamon filled French toast covered in butter and powdered sugar, you’re already full, but you can’t get enough. Old journals filled with words of your younger self, you simultaneously know everything and nothing about this past person. Soft hands, freezing your warm ones, but nothing has felt more right.
Jeno: The midnight after your birthday, it’s not your day anymore, but you hold on until you fall asleep for it to be over. Laying in bed at night, the only light coming from your favorite movie playing on the TV.  Hands in your hair twisting and untwisting till it’s a knotted mess. Hearing the same story and laughing at all the same parts—even though you know what comes you still gasp. Strangers smiling at you on the street, they don’t know you, but they’re happy to see you. Strong arms wrapped all the way around your body, so tight around your belly you can’t breathe. Cookies right out of the oven. Shared smiles every time you walk in the room.
Haechan: laying in the sun on the hottest day of the year, like two sleepy kittens. Day old brownies that are still so sweet. The same joke told over and over again until it’s no longer funny, but you still can’t help but laugh. Stickers piling up on your water bottle. Counting moles and freckles until numbers don’t even seem real. Layers and layers of blankets piled so high that you’re sweating. Crusty eyes and sleepy giggles at one in the morning. Your favorite song playing at a restaurant. Crocheting hats and scarves and sweaters so that every inch of him is covered in your love. Stevie Wonder songs on the radio. The sun coming out after a storm.
Jaemin: PB&Js on toasted bread. Ring pop proposals and arcade dates. Telling jokes to stop your tears. Sitting in your childhood backyard, you know every tree and every flower. Waking up to coffee brewing. Every love song suddenly makes sense. Listening to Taylor Swift in the car, yelling out every verse like a confession. Bubble baths that are so hot you have to keep getting out to cool off. Ordering mickey mouse pancakes as a grown up. Freezer burned ice cream, not the best but its your favorite flavor. Snow angels in the middle of the night. Butterfly kisses: eyelash to eyelash, it tickles in the fondest way. Homemade meals every day, always made with love.
Yangyang: Midnight drives to McDonalds. Sweatshirts covered it cat hair that never comes off (no matter how hard you try). The minute the cold medicine kicks in. the biggest smile you’ve ever seen shining down at you. Mac Miller songs on rainy days. Dirty jokes so terrible you can’t help but laugh. Peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream. Personalized playlists for every mood. Doing each other’s makeup and giggling at how close your faces are. Pillow forts and rom coms. Sitting around a campfire with your closest friends. At-home haircuts at three in the morning. The theme song of your favorite show. Eating your favorite meal warm and comfy in your bed. Tears streaming from laughing too hard.
Shotaro: Strawberry shortcake flavored kisses. Running through a meadow like a child. Campfire songs sung terribly but with feeling. Spinning around so fast you feel like you’re flying. Spring days just warm enough you don’t have to wear a coat, but need arms wrapped around you tight. Long summer days bleeding together. Old One Direction playlists filling up the car. Giggles right in your ear. Hands fixing your clothes. Blowing out birthday candles. Dancing on the carpet in your socks. Making homemade ice cream on a hot day. Kisses pressed gently in your hair. Your favorite movie playing on a Sunday afternoon. Bodies so close you can feel his laughter. Sunset after a great day.
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a/n this is my first try so no one laugh at me… also please ignore the run on sentences 🫶🏻 i tried to make this super gender neutral but if anything needs to be changed, let me know!! 🫶🏻
© luvtak
dividers @luvchaewon @danowh0re
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savagewildnerness · 1 month
“Something breaking in his face.
‘How could you keep it from me!’ he whispered. Thoughts of old magic, luminous legend, some great eerie strata in which all the shadowy things thrived, an intoxication with forbidden knowledge in which the natural things become unimportant. No miracle anymore to the leaves falling from the autumn trees, the sun in the orchard.
The scent was rising from him like incense, like the heat and the smoke of church candles rising. Heart thumping under the skin of his naked chest. Tight little belly glistening with sweat, sweat staining the thick leather belt. Blood full of salt. I could scarcely breathe.
And we do breathe. We breathe and we taste and we smell and we feel and we thirst.
‘You have misunderstood everything.’ Is this Lestat speaking? It sounded like some other demon. Some loathsome thing for whom the voice was the imitation of a human voice.”
I tend to remember the horror of the moment Nicolas is turned and the vast emptiness of the bird over the fathomless, meaningless sea Lestat sees in Nicki’s mind then… and how the moment Nicolas is no longer mortal, he loses all that made him mortal (Lestat’s greatest fear with respect to himself, so all else aside - it’s no wonder that once he’s a vampire Lestat can no longer bear to look upon Nicolas!) but these, Nicolas’ last mortal moments mean something too.
(Also LOL my Mickey Mouse top/dress isn’t very Nicolas, is it!? 😂)
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beaniebea · 1 year
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Giant Mickey art, plz! He's so sweet. (The Wonderful Autumn of Mickey Mouse)
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The him bb boi
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elsasketch · 2 years
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With the latest release of the The Wonderful Autumn of Mickey Mouse, now all the seasons are complete! I had the extreme pleasure of working on all of these. We had a great team of artists and we put all our love into the characters, backgrounds and stories. You can catch them all on Disney+
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disneytva · 2 years
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In a leafy hamlet, Mickey is determined to undo the failures of his family's past after inheriting an pumpkin farm from a relative. 
Celebrate Mickey Mouse Birthday with The Wonderful Autumn Of Mickey Mouse Streaming November 18 only on Disney+.
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smallpwbbles · 2 years
Oh, and a stop-motion Mickey Mouse Christmas special is coming out on the 27th. November is feeding us well.
And I forgot the new wonderful world of Mickey Mouse autumn special on the 18th
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Y’all, y’all November is going to kill me
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lovelyprincessn64 · 11 months
Thanksgiving Day request event
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Gobble gobble that's right this is the month of feast in the middle of the cozy autumn and this year is something special for the middle of November welcome to the Thanksgiving request event everything evolving around food and all kinds of crazy things that go bumping in the middle of fall.
Step right up and don't be shy but most importantly watch out for the Black Friday apocalypse and here is today's menu for a special month of the turkey.
1. Shopping for ingredients
2. Black Friday chaos
3. Cozy nights
4. Turkey day
5. Hunting for turkeys
6. Your ocs (Thanksgiving theme or your choice of picking)
7. Arts n crafts
8. Cooking for dinner
9. Cookbook
10. Thanksgiving Massacre
11. Leftovers
12. Thanksgiving specials
13. Clean up party
14. Animal Crossing
15. Horror themes
16. Decorations party
17. Room for dessert
18. Charlie Brown
19. A new day A New Hope
20. Day off from work
21. Food fight
22. Hungry night
23. Babysitting kids
24. A special toast
25. Raking up leaves
26. Wholesome love
27. Commercials (fan made or references as long if it's good)
28. Parodies of laughing
29. Mischievous Pranksters
30. Sweet as honey
31. To do list
32. Pumpkin harvesting
33. Getting ready for Christmas
34. Order up
35. A day with family
36. Freebirds
37. Break from school
38. Day of madness
39. Japan Thanksgiving theme
40. Delicious goodies
41. Crazy cinnamon day
42. Yuffie's birthday
43. Baking bread for days
44. Jammed up
45. Rosalina's birthday
46. Any type of Thanksgiving theme
47. Thanksgiving prompts
48. Bakery fun time
49. Brightful smile
50. Lovely picnic
51. Sandwich crazy
52. National Men's Day
53. Deep fried days
54. Redraws
55. Nostalgic November
56. Good old times along with old days
57. Delicious evening
58. DIYs
59. Pie of your choice
60. Chilling in cabins
61. Sleepy hibernation
62. Lazy days
63. Aesthetics of choice
64. Craving for tea
65. Dancing dinner table
66. Lame rainy days
67. Fairy tale story time
68. Doodle skits
69. Making scarecrows
70. Playing with board games
71. Biking in forest
72. Hiking through nature
73. Magical Library
74. Ready for vacation
75. Turkey chasing
76. Egg Fest
77. Feeling dozy
78. AUs
79. Parade or Festival
80. Overcooked burnt
81. Busy Chef's Kitchen
82. Love for autumn
83. Retro style of dinner
84. thickgiving
85. Going nuts
86. Writing a wish list
87. Don't beef with me
88. Disney themed of Wonder
89. Are we there yet
90. Sneaking in the kitchen
91. Nostalgic wave of feeling
92. Non-stop Marathon
93. Teamwork friendship
94. What can possibly go wrong
95. Chores of pain
96. Creative mind of Art
97. Starbucks yummy
98. Where's the turkey
99. Hungry appetite
100. Dinner is served
101. Early bird gets the worm
102. Some Creepypastas
103. Wishing for December
104. Wishing on a shooting star
105. Some errands to do
106. Hellish consumers
107. Butter up too exotic
108. Cranberry Harvest
109. Cheesy macaroni
110. Vegan options / alternatives
112. Satire / joke arts
113. Mustard or ketchup
114. Mashy potatoes
115. Too much stuffing
116. pumpkin pie crazy
117. Setting up the table
118. Stayed in bed
119. Too big of sweet
200. Eating up a feast
201. Crazy competition
202. Kawaii seasoning
203. Leafy collection
204. 1950s style
205. Thankful in grace
206. Lumberjack season
207. Jocks around
208. Spicy Danger
209. Exploring the abandon
210. Determination of heart
211. Bacon alive
212. Wildest imaginations
213. Horrific pilgrims
214. Hunting for shinies
215. Best of variety
216. Apple cider bar
217. Enjoying the sunrise
218. Creamy peaches
219. Dead plate
220. Juicy apples
221. Apple cider day
222. Marmalade sky
223. Food wars
224. Mai Valentine's birthday
225. Mai Valentine dressed in lingerie
226. Cake for my Minnie Mouse
227. Minnie Mouse’s Birthday
228. Gifts for my Mickey
229. Mickey Mouse day
230. American Thanksgiving 
231. Cozy childhood hideaway
232. Diner aesthetic
233. Goblincore
234. Golden hour / hours
235. Korean cozy beige
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Disclaimer: unlike normal requests you have to request on November theme / Thanksgiving theme also if you prefer something Halloweenish feel free to go to the Halloween request event.
Note: I'll be adding and updating the list if I come up with something creative be on the lookout for that also be sure to read the rules before sending me requests please be understandable and thank you and have a great Thanksgiving one more thing have fun~🍗🍖🍳🍽
If you like feel free to send me a suggestion to add on the list of the prompts list I am now opening to suggestions to what to add on the list that is considered match to the theme leave them down in the comments below if you got a very good idea or possibly for a future adding to a different one.
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