#the worst man that mario ever had to work with
43sol · 1 year
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worst besties best worsties
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twilightarcade · 2 months
anyways wanna hear about what I've been thinking about
#wordstag#Heavily redacted on account of I don't wanna dox myslef#Anyways like yesterday someone was like 'you're prettygood at driving' and I was like. I play a lot of Mario kart. I don't play a lot of#Mario kart that was a flat Lie. Also I hate driving ohhhghhhh my goodod it's like if they made the worst thing ever and if you do bad#Everyone kills you anwyas was thinkingof sending a letter to my friend. But I don't really know how letters work to be real I haven't sent#letter in 5 million years.#next topic was thinking about (not someothonh we would ever do) a gimmicky fundraiser wheee it's like there's goals and at certain#Goals you unlock different things. At 50 bucks we buy [GUY] a new mouse at 100 bucks we make a collectible pin line etc etc#at 200 bucks we do a choreographed dance routine#Next next topic like a bit ago we had an idea to make like#A pet sim but your pet is doomed to die. Pet sim where you outlive your pet#where basically you have a pet yeah and it's like a clicker and you gotta click and upgrade yr clicks ets#all while feeding this pet who's life span is only limited by how much money you make#and it was like. A slow decline yknow. The prices of everything gets higher snd eventually you can't afford to feed your pet yknow#something of a tragedy. You can keep playing but your pet won't be there anymore#and like at some point you don't have time to play with your pet anymore because you need to focus on making money#I told my friend this (golf friend) and she was like. You're insane. Horribly crudeidea but that was also the point?#What message about society or whatever the shit is there? I dontknow bro.#there r two endings one ending where your pet dies sad and you live on (you have like a taxes you pay rent or some shit#So you loose money and if you can't pay rent you die. Or something like that it isn't that thought through#then the other ending is like everyone dies forever but you died playing with your pet so. Peace and love on planet earth#Anywyas um. I've gotta head to bed man. Or they're gonna Get Me#I don't think I'm going to but. ominous.#dude the computer is loud as fuck are we mining bitcoin or some shit. Is it usually this loud ?????
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afatkidclub · 4 months
Older Boyfriend Simon Riley
Thanks to the notes on my last post, I will be posting this blurb here. It's just for shits and giggles.
Older Boyfriend!Simon Riley who has been the best boyfriend you have ever had.
Refuses to let you call a handyman. Leaky sink? He had it fixed before you even knew there was a problem. Squeaky desk chair? Suddenly completely silent. 
Gets really competitive with Mario Kart and refuses to play again after losing a couple of rounds. Gets really into Minecraft but doesn’t let you help build things because “You’re doing it wrong” even though you’re the one who taught him how to play
Does not understand girl math. 
-- “The fuck you mean it’s not real money
-- “If I use cash, it’s free because it doesn’t come out of my account. Therefore it’s not real money.” 
-- “I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.” 
-- Now drops cash in your purse so that you have “fake” money to use. 
Hates girl dinner only because he knows that a bowl of popcorn or a couple crackers and cheese is not a full meal. 
A year of his life drops off every time he hears you saying “I’m doing it for the plot.” 
Refuses to download tiktok but will watch them on your phone with you for hours at a time
Went on a very long lecture about the Roman Empire and how it came to be (talk specifically about the military aspect) once you mentioned something was your Roman empire. Didn’t even notice you had fallen asleep halfway through the lecture. Still doesn’t know what you mean when you say something is your Roman Empire. 
Has absolutely no idea what you mean when you say “same.” 
-- You had to explain that it was just something you said when you found anything relatable
-- “What the bloody hell could be relatable about a plastic bag blowing across the road.” 
Has attempted to use the word slay in a sentence and it only ended with you in the longest laughing fit known to man. 
Listens to you explain celebrity beef and wonders why you talk about them like you know them personally and how you know all this information. 
Vine references, goes right over his head. 
-- One time quoted “Road work ahead, uh yeah I sure hope it does” after you had done it so many times, you nearly choked to death on air that day. 
Emojis are his worst enemy. Never gets the message when you try to hint at something using emojis. 
Learns very early on that anytime you two go out for errands, you require a sweet treat. 
-- Uses going out to get a sweet treat as an excuse to take you out on dates 
-- Also makes sure to buy you a sweet treat anytime you complete a task you didn’t want to do.
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sortasirius · 5 months
Fandom: 911
Pairing: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Words: 3663 (oops lol)
Rating: M
Summary: It’s all pretty simple. Buck gets up, works out, eats breakfast, goes to his shift, goes home to an empty and cavernous loft, makes dinner, and tries not to think about how much he wants his best friend. Yeah, right. Simple.
Title comes from this song.
Also on AO3 here
“Buck?  You with me?”
“What?” he looked around, blinking at the others, who were all staring at him.
“I asked what you were feeling for dinner, Chinese or Italian?” Bobby’s eyebrows were raised, in that telltale way that made Buck feel like he was being x-rayed.
“Oh,” he blushed, looking everywhere but Eddie, “Italian.”
“You always say Italian,” Hen complained, folding her arms, “you need to see someone for your addiction to bad garlic bread.”
“There’s no such thing as bad garlic bread,” Chim interjected, and the tension was broken. Buck avoided Eddie’s curious gaze, and moved off to the bathroom, not waiting for anyone to call him back.
It had been like this for weeks, ever since he had woken up saying Eddie’s name, curling pleasure receding down his spine, and a wet spot in his boxers and on the sheets of his bed.
He had washed them at two o’clock in the morning, his face burning with shame, and had vowed to never tell anyone about it or think about Eddie like that again.
Unfortunately, once the door had been open in his brain, he hadn’t seemed to be able to close it, and the dreams had vacillated from highly inappropriate to sweet and soft, stolen kisses and curled around each other in the bed, with Buck waking to the echoing whispers of his name in Eddie’s mouth, aching in an entirely different way.
He wasn’t sure which was worse.
He stared into the mirror, grappling with his feelings.  Look, he had…suspected this part of himself for months, maybe even years, ever since Chim said it wasn’t normal to flirt with the pizza delivery guy.
In Buck’s defense, his usual pizza guy was really cute, and always gave him extra garlic sauce without even charging him for it.
But there was a difference from admiring men from afar and wanting his best friend.
And man, did he want Eddie.
He had started noticing things, details that he had overlooked before.  Things that made Eddie laugh, like when Buck would collapse dramatically when Bobby asked him to wash the rig, or when Buck would lose to Chris in Mario Kart (which was every time they played). 
And worst of all, the way he looked at Buck when he would read to Chris at bedtime.  That soft, sweet look that made Buck’s heart stutter in his chest and lose his place in the book, earning a jab from Chris and a laugh from Eddie.
It was driving him crazy, and he had no idea what to do.
He couldn’t say anything, not because he thought Eddie or the others wouldn’t accept him, but because it would change things between him and Eddie, and Eddie and Chris were as much his family as Maddie was.
He couldn’t lose them; he would rather live his entire life like this than ruin what he already had.
He jumped so violently that he nearly smacked his forehead on the mirror.  He hadn’t even realized that he was leaning over the sink, his head in his hands.  Turning around, he blushed furiously as he met Eddie’s concerned and earnest eyes.
“Oh.  Hey.”
“Are you okay, man?” he moved toward him cautiously, like he was a deer that would startle easily, “I just wanted to check on you.”
“What?” he gave his head a little shake, trying to clear it.  It was Eddie.  He wouldn’t mess this up with Eddie.  “Oh yeah, I’m fine.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow, like he could see right through him.
“You sure about that.”
“Yeah,” he straightened up, searching wildly for an excuse for what he was doing, “Just-  Headache.”
Immediately, Eddie’s expression melted to open concern, and he moved towards him, shifting into what Buck always called “dad mode.”
“You take something for it?”
“Yeah,” he lied, hitching a smile on his face, “I’ll be fine as soon as I get my garlic bread.”
He huffed a laugh, rolling his eyes.
“You and your garlic bread,” he looked at him, evidently sizing him up, “You free on Saturday?”
“You know it.”
“You don’t have a date or anything?”
Buck swallowed.  The truth was, he hadn’t been on a date in weeks, not since his first dream about Eddie.
“No, just me and myself.”
“You want to come over?  Have a movie night?”
“Yeah of course, what’s Chris thinking?”
“Well,” he shifted closer to him, “Chris is spending the night at a friend’s house.  So it’d just be you and me.  I was going to make dinner.”
Buck felt his heart pounding in his chest.  Was this a date?  It felt like a date.
No, it couldn’t be a date, because it was with Eddie.  He and Eddie were friends.  Best friends.  Best friends hang out like this.  Best friends don’t date.  Best friends wake up saying each other’s names either, but Buck didn’t have time to worry about that.
“I hope by ‘make dinner’ you mean ‘order takeout.’  Because I don’t think I can live through another casserole of yours.”
Eddie’s smile was wide and bright.
“Fine, but not Italian.”
“Whatever, I’ll pick the movie, then.”
That smile was still on his face.
It’s not a date.  It’s not a date.  It’s not a date.
Buck told himself this around a thousand times a day leading up to Saturday.  He felt nearly sick with anxiety every time he thought about it.  An entire evening alone with Eddie, without the buffer of Chris between them.
Yes, they had done this many times before, but it felt different for Buck now, and he didn’t know how to force himself to go back to normal.
He wanted to talk to Maddie about it, but Maddie might let it slip to Chim and Chim would tell Hen who would tell Bobby who wouldn’t tell anyone, but the truth might, somehow, get back to Eddie, and Buck just couldn’t bear the shame of the entire 118 knowing that he pined over the best friend he could never have.
Before he could blink, he was pushing open Eddie’s door, swinging a laughing Chris around before he set off for his sleepover, and settling down on the couch like he had a thousand times before.
“Comfortable?” Eddie was leaning against the doorframe, watching Buck scroll mindlessly through the tv guide, looking for something to catch his attention.  Other than the man in the doorway, that is.
“Yeah,” he stretched ostentatiously, grinning up at Eddie, “Your couch is more comfortable than mine.”
“Well, I didn’t have a decorator.  We’re having Indian.”
“Fuck yes,” Buck punched a fist in the air, “I want-”
“I know what you want,” Eddie waved him off, “It’s already on its way.”
“Oh man, I could kiss you right now.”
He said it without thinking, and glanced nervously at Eddie, afraid that he had shown his hand, but Eddie’s smile hadn’t flickered, and he said,
“Wait until after dinner at least.”
Something felt different that night, and Buck didn’t feel like it was just the tangled jumble of confused feelings in his chest.  Eddie was different, touching Buck’s arm, leaning into his space, stealing food off his plate despite Buck’s protestations, doing the dishes with him instead of just leaning against the counter.
They kept knocking into one another, making the kitchen feel four or five times smaller than it really was.
And every brush of skin, every nudge of Eddie’s hip against his, made Buck’s heart race.
He was so in tune with every move he made, he felt like he was a planet orbiting around the sun.
“What’re you looking at?” he broke the easy silence between them, drying his hands and draping the washcloth over the head of the sink.  Eddie didn’t look away from him, but watched him carefully, taking in every inch of him.
“Yeah I can see that, Diaz.  You like what you see?”
“Just maybe?  Fuck you.”
“What’s been going on with you, Buck?”
Buck felt his heart drop in his chest.
“What do you mean?”
Eddie folded his arms, and Buck definitely didn’t notice the way his t shirt stretched across his chest.
“You know what I mean.  You’ve been weird for the past couple of weeks.  Weird with me.”
“No I haven’t,” he felt himself breaking out in a cold sweat.  He was caught, and all the pep talks in the bathroom mirror in the morning hadn’t worked, he hadn’t been able to hide the truth.
Everything was going to change.
“Yes you have, Buck,” he moved closer to him, “What’s going on?  You can tell me.”
No he couldn’t.
He thought of the worst case scenario, of losing Chris and Eddie, of becoming an outcast among his family, of ruining the best thing he ever had just because he had never known how not to fall in love.
But then, something in his brain shifted, and he thought of the best case scenario.
A confused mix of images, with him and Eddie and Chris all thrown together, of him spending even more time in the house that he wasn’t really a guest in, of him and Eddie changing only slightly, settling into something that was easy and defined.
He wanted that.  He wanted that with all he had.
All he had to do was take the leap.
“I asked you once,” Buck moved forward getting into Eddie’s space, smelling that clean, fresh scent of the cheap body wash he used, “if you wanted a shot at the title.”
He watched Eddie swallow, his wide eyes flickering down to his lips.
He felt like he was dreaming.
“I already smoke you in Mortal Kombat on a weekly basis,” he was trying for his usual bravado, Buck could see that, but he could also hear the tiniest waver in his voice, something of a giveaway, “What title are we talking about?”
Buck’s heart was in his throat, pounding so loudly that he could barely hear himself think. If he was wrong about this…
But he had to know, he didn’t want to live the rest of his life wondering…regretting.
He was willing to, but he didn’t want to.
“The title of the best I’ve ever had.”
One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
It might as well have been an eternity.
“That’s easy enough.”
Buck blinked, sure he had misheard him, that his heart that beat for Eddie Diaz had traveled to his brain, whispering things that never would be.
“You-” he said, “You-”
“I would be the best, without any doubt.”
Buck’s brain was catching up, like flirting with Eddie was easy as breathing. And honestly, it was, it always had been.
“Oh yeah?  You talk a big game.”
“So do you.”
They were barely an inch apart, their chests in danger of pressing together. Buck thought he could feel the heat radiating off his own face.
“How’s that?”
“You said you could take me,” Buck’s hammering heart stopped dead as Eddie leaned even closer, “I don’t think you can.”
Buck felt like the world was on fire, that he was engulfed in flames. But these were ones that he didn’t want to put out.
“You wanna bet?” their chests were really touching now, and Buck could feel the all-consuming heat of Eddie through his thin t shirt.
“What’s the wager?” his hand skimmed down Buck’s arm, and he couldn’t repress a shiver.
“You buy dinner for the next two weeks.”
“I always buy dinner,” his breath was ghosting against his face, and even though Buck was the one that had started this whole thing, he felt like he was spinning out of control, unable to find the brake or the throttle.
“Yeah but,” his mouth was dry, and he couldn’t look away from Eddie, from his wide, pretty eyes, and the way he had that line between his eyebrows when he was thinking about something, the way his lips looked soft and a little chapped and just so-
He wasn’t sure, even years later, which one of them had brave enough to take the leap.  Eddie would say it was him, while Buck would swear up and down that it was him. But before Buck could even really formulate another thought, he was kissing Eddie Diaz.
He had dreamed about this for so long, laid awake at night and listened to the quiet rumble of the city around him, staring out at the orange light of the sky through the windows, and thought about exactly this.
He had imagined this scenario a thousand different ways, their first kiss, arguably the most important one.
Sometimes it would be a big dramatic thing, a declaration in front of everyone they knew. Buck would get hurt doing something stupid, and Eddie would kiss him in front of everyone, half angry, half relieved.
Sometimes it was quieter, just the two of them, something similar to this, a normal evening they had had a thousand times before turning into something more, something simmering just below the surface.
And while every scenario in Buck’s head was different, he always ended up touching himself just the same.
But nothing, not his thousands of hours of mindless dreaming about his best friend could have prepared him for the type of kisser that Eddie was.
He was practiced, and he was good.
He licked at Buck’s lips until his mouth gasped open, pulling him forward and bending him back at the same time, so Buck was well and truly trapped under his hands. They were pressed together, one long line, and Buck thought he may as well die now because nothing was ever topping this.
He groaned into Eddie’s open mouth, kissing him back with so much enthusiasm it knocked them off balance and nearly sent them to the floor.
��Calm down,” Eddie chided, smiling against his mouth, “there isn’t a rush.”
But there was a rush to Buck, because he was terrified of waking up.  Because this couldn’t be real, this couldn’t be happening.  He couldn’t have Eddie under his hands, sighing into his mouth, hands raking down his back, pulling up his t shirt to touch his bare skin.
“More,” he demanded, tearing his shirt over his head, “I want more.”
“Hang on,” Eddie pulled back, leaving Buck chasing his lips, “Slow down, Buck.”
“No,” he said, nearly pitifully, “Come back.”
“I’m right here,” he pressed their foreheads together, “I’m not going anywhere.  I just think-  Should we-  Talk about this?”
“Can we talk after?” he kissed the side of his face, breathing in the smell of him, tugging at the hem of his shirt.  Eddie let him pull it over his head, and Buck allowed himself to take the time to touch Eddie with the reverence that he deserved. 
He traced the scars on his torso, wanting to know the story of every one that he didn’t recognize.
Eddie’s chest was heaving, and there was a vague sort of satisfaction buzzing in Buck’s brain that he wasn’t the only one who was affected here.
“Yeah,” he finally managed, “We can talk after.”
The time between clothed and unclothed was short.  Buck felt desperate, shaky, like he needed a hit of something.  But the hit was Eddie, and Eddie was the greatest drug anyone could ever have.
Any nerves or fear that Buck had melted away the moment that Eddie had pressed his lips to his shoulder and whispered in his ear,
“I’ve got you.”
He relaxed into the experience, allowing Eddie to take the lead.
“How do you-”
“Everyone experiments in the army,” he said simply, “Not much else to do.”
“Oh,” he tried to lean into the feeling of Eddie’s hands, of the feeling of his teeth grazing the shell of his ear, but he seemed to feel him tense up, because he stopped immediately.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, making Buck turn around from his position on the bed to look at him in the face.
“Nothing,” he said, avoiding his gaze, “Just-  I don’t-  I haven’t-”
Eddie took his face in his hands, shushing him quietly.
“I know that, and it’s okay.  But we don’t have to-”
Buck shook his head at the idea violently.
“No,” he said forcefully, “I want to.  I really, really want to.”
Eddie smiled, kissing him sweetly on the lips.
“At your pace.”
Once he had shoved his anxiety to the side, he found that it was easy, as everything with Eddie was.  It wasn’t strange to be with Eddie like this because they fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, something that Buck had thought before, but never quite like this.
Eddie encouraged Buck to be vocal, say what he liked and what he didn’t, tell him to stop if he was uncomfortable or wanted to slow down.
But Buck was never one to slow down, and once he had figured out the sensation, and more importantly, figured out the sensation was good, he really only used his voice to tell Eddie to go faster or harder or that he wanted more.  More.  More.
Buck collapsed on the bed when they were done, sweaty and wrung out, but satisfied in a way that he wasn’t sure he had ever been in his entire life.
“Told you you couldn’t take me,” Eddie was standing over him, swiping a warm washcloth down his stomach.
“I think I took you just fine,” he propped himself up on his elbows, “You seemed to like it, anyway.”
“Oh, I definitely liked it.  I also like that I already know that I’m the best you ever had.”
“I never said that,” Buck shifted to watch him walk back to the bathroom, the rippling muscles of his back, the curve of his ass…god damn.
“You didn’t have to, I just know these things,” Eddie leaned away from the sink to tap his temple knowingly.
And the truth was, Buck really had no comeback, because he was the best he had ever had by a huge margin.
“Whatever, you just don’t want to buy dinner,” was what he settled on, and Eddie chuckled as he slid back into the bed with him, pulling Buck on top of him and slotting their legs together.
Eddie’s bed was soft and comfortable, even more so when Buck was tangled together with him, Eddie’s hand tracing up and down his spine, his heart beating strong and steady in his chest, where Buck’s ear rested, his hand curled around Eddie’s forearm.
They were breathing in tandem, the quiet of the night around them broken only by a car rolling by or the sound of a cat passing through the back yard.
“Should we talk about this?” Eddie broke the easy silence, his hand still traveling up and down his back.
Buck turned his face into his chest, so his voice came out muffled.
“Do we have to?”
He heard Eddie huff a laugh, pressing a kiss into the top of his head.  It drove him completely insane.
“Yeah, I think we probably should.”
Buck groaned, but couldn’t find the words to even begin saying how he felt, how this happened.
Fortunately, Eddie took it out of his hands.
“Is this what’s been bothering you?”
“I-” it was hard to admit this, admit something to someone that he had barely even admitted to himself, “I had a dream about you and-  I thought it was just a one-off thing, one of those embarrassing things that you can’t control and you get over.  And then-  Then it kept happening, and then it was happening when I was awake.”
Eddie’s warm weight was reassuring, and it was easier to talk once he had started.
“I didn’t even realize-  I didn’t know that I was-  Like that.  Sure I can appreciate anyone’s ass but I didn’t think that-  That it meant anything.  That I wanted anything with a guy.  Until-  Until you.”
The silence stretched, and it was all Buck could do not to change the subject, talk about something inane, something not quite so…raw.
“It took you long enough.”
Wait.  What?
“Huh?” he twisted around to look at Eddie’s face, half hidden in the dark, but he could tell that he was grinning, “What do you mean it took me long enough?”
“I’ve been giving you signals for at least two months.”
“Two months?  You-  Two months?”
“Ever since the tsunami,” he gripped him tighter, like even the memory of that horrible day was too much, “The way you protected Chris, the way you did everything you could to find him, save him.  I think I fell in love with you that day.”
“I was the one that lost him,” he mumbled, before his brain caught up with his ears, “Wait-  What do you mean, ‘in love with’ me?”
“You’re not stupid, Buck,” he didn’t have to see Eddie to know he was rolling his eyes, “You heard me.”
“I-  I don’t-”
He didn’t understand how anyone like Eddie, someone so good, so kind, such an amazing father, could be in love with him.
“You don’t see what everyone else does,” Eddie’s quiet voice filled him up like a good glass of whiskey, warming him to the tips of his fingers, “The way you brought everyone to the house for Christmas with Athena.  The way you are with kids.  The way you are with Chris.  God, Buck, how could I not love you?  How could I not want you for myself?  For me and for my kid.”
Buck swallowed loudly.  No one had ever said anything remotely like this to him.  It was so tender, so gentle, and there was no doubt in his mind that Eddie meant it.  Every word.
“I really-” he let out a shaky breath, “I really love you, Eddie.  Sorry it took me so long to realize.”
“That’s okay,” he could feel Eddie’s smile as he pressed his lips into his hair again, “I was willing to wait.”
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cryptidofthekeys · 4 months
You're never ever ever getting rid of me
. . . I hate this TV headed man so damn much /j I want him to explode /silly
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Descriptive Panic Attacks, Angst, Traumatic Flashbacks
It was a quiet day inside the tent, SMG4 was working on videos, as usual, the rest of the crew was hanging out, having fun, they had pretty much recovered from the whole… Puzzlevision fiasco, thankfully, in fact, it had been a year exactly since that happened, SMG4 and the others had moved on and tried to forget about that whole ordeal with Mr. Puzzles, it was… Admittedly more traumatizing than any of them let on, it seemed to have affected Meggy and SMG4 the most, but it definitely did damage to the others too, the only one who hadn’t been too damaged by it was Mario but well, he was… Stupid.
Either way, SMG4 thinks about that sometimes, he has nightmares occasionally, SMG3 has been there to listen to him when he needed, and even offered advice in his own way …Of course, when SMG4 thanked him and said he clearly cared a great deal about his friends, SMG3 got really tsundere and punched him in the shoulder a bit, and well, Meggy has also talked to Mario, and or Tari, it might seem useless but Mario could be helpful and he did care about his friends despite his lack of intelligence sometimes.
All of the crew had pretty much been traumatized in one way or another, some talked about it, some didn’t want to, and some just wanted to completely forget it entirely and pretend it never happened, a whole year had passed since then, that’s a lot of time, SMG4 doubted any of them would TRULY ever get over it but since then, they’ve definitely managed the trauma better, and even damn near healed, they were all back to themselves by this point, sure there were a few nightmares still but nothing NEAR as bad now which was a good thing.
SMG4 continues to work on his next video, while also looking at some memes for some more good ideas, the others have all gone out except for Mario, who had wanted to stay behind and watch television, it was ironic, but it must’ve been nice for him not to have been affected by that, he can watch TV without worrying, without the paranoia of it potentially being Mr. Puzzles, without having to check the logo of the TV every time to make sure it doesn’t say ‘Puzzlevision’ on it, thankfully, the TV they had was the Soby and it stayed that way.
SMG4 then hears his door get kicked in which makes him flinch and Mario is… Well, Mario, he teleports around, making all kinds of weird sounds, SMG4, annoyed sighs and greets him “...Hello Mario…” Mario then spins around “SMG4! The TV is broken! It’s got some funny text on screen!” And SMG4’s heart sinks, but… He tries not to assume the worst, after all, he’s gone, he’s never coming back, they beat him, they won, he is GONE… “...W-What um, what the hell are you talking about Mario? What kinda text?” Mario just grabs him by the arm and makes a ‘mmm’ sound as he slides along the ground, dragging SMG4 along who's telling him to let go.
And then Mario stands SMG4 upright and points frantically to the television and SMG4 hesitates but he shakes his head, he looks at the TV and then he feels relief, it’s the Soby, it says ‘Please Standby’ but nothing about it says Puzzlevision, in fact, SMG4 looks around the screen, looking at every inch, corner, and frame, there’s no hint of HIM… “Okay, just, here, let me try something” He says and walks over to the television, first he gives it a few light taps, it doesn’t work.
Mario starts crying because of course he does, SMG4 gets more annoyed as Mario demands the television be fixed, SMG4 pushes Mario away from him “Alright! Alright! Sheesh, I’m sure it won’t be that hard to fix it” SMG4 would’ve hoped that, but then suddenly, a loud bolt of lightning crashed nearby outside, and slowly after, the power goes out, SMG4’s eyes are wide along with Mario’s as the two turn to look at each other, before Mario loses it and begins to run around, yelling which irritates SMG4 even further before he realizes how familiar this situation is.
Mario even turns his head slowly around “No electricity makes Mar-” And SMG4 grabs him with a comically sized hand to which Mario makes an ‘ACK-’ noise at, SMG4 is QUICK to put a stop to that before it begins “Oh no! We’re NOT doing this again, you aren’t going coo coo crazy like the last time we had to turn on the generator” And then Mario looks down sadly “...Ahh poo…” He then agrees albeit annoyedly and when SMG4 sets him down, he’s sitting on the ground crossing his arms.
SMG4 then looks around, he looks around at the darkened tent, it feels… Eerily familiar but a storm could happen and knock the power out at ANY time, it didn’t mean anything, he shakes his head and tells Mario to come on, and he begins to walk around, grabbing a flashlight to be able to see, the others weren’t… Here currently to help out, in fact, SMG3 texted him and said ‘Hey man, we’re all kinda stuck, the storm’s bad over here, so we might be late’ and SMG4 texts him back, telling him that it’s fine, telling him the power was out here, and also telling him to stay safe along with the others.
And that was that, SMG4 then puts his phone away and began to head where the basement was, thankfully he reads the sign before trying to do anything “Ah, the sign says-” And before he can finish that, Mario of course begins zooming around, punching at the door, trying to rip it from the ground, kicking at it which makes his eyes go wide and he screams as that hurt, and well, SMG4 doesn’t even say anything at first, just standing there looking annoyed with the chaos, he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs, listening to Mario yell at the door to open so he can watch the TV.
“...Mario… …It says to push not pull…” And then Mario pauses, his mustache suddenly gets bigger “Ooooooh…” …There’s a long pause before he continues trying to pull, and SMG4 huffs “Oh god da- Move!” He then shoves Mario aside and then pushes the door, it opens of course and then he shines his flashlight, SMG4 hesitates for a moment, he remembers going down here that one time, and then after that it was… And before he can finish remembering that part, Mario suddenly runs and knocks himself and both SMG4 down those stairs, whom of which yells out in fear.
As the two crashed down the stairs, and finally fell to the last one, SMG4 rubs his head and groans before looking around, he had dropped his flashlight thanks to Mario and now it would just barely work but it’d be enough, he sighs, listening to Mario say “Ooh, very scary” And then SMG4 just tells him to come on “Th-The sooner we find the generator down here, the sooner we can g-get out of here” SMG4 sounds… Nervous, and Mario picks up on it almost immediately, and while he did have his stupid moments, he felt… Concerned for his friend.
SMG4 shakes the flashlight to keep it on and he swore he saw a shadow move but he just rolls his eyes, he’s letting some of his paranoia get to him, he continues on with Mario whose calmed down a bit, more like, he’s a bit scared himself at the moment, this basement was a bit frightening in general, after all, aside from it being pitch black down here, there were spiders and not to mention just a year ago when they went down here, SMG4 walks around, shining his flashlight around, he begins to think back as he looks for the generator.
To a year ago, when the power had went out because of a storm, when a bolt of lightning had fried the TV, and he and all his friends had to go down here to fix the generator and get the power back on, now, aside from Mario going coo coo crazy that night which was a little frightening, it paled in comparison to what happened after, once they got down here to this basement, SMG4 had sworn he had seen a figure looming in the darkness but he had just ruled it off then as him being stressed and freaked out.
And then once they had found the generator and used Bob’s ‘lightning in a bottle’ along with electrocuting Mario, after turning the power back on, he remembers they all celebrated, but then… After that, that sound, that sound that made his ears ring even when he just thought about it now, he remembers looking over and seeing the TV from upstairs had somehow gotten down there, and then what followed after that, SMG4 didn’t really remember most of it since he had been brainwashed, his memory had a big gap but when they figured out that the TV was an entity named Mr. Puzzles and that he was trying to essentially take over the world.
Trying to get the ‘perfect five star rating’ and in doing so, brainwashing and traumatizing him and his friends, SMG4 would never forget that, luckily for them, they had managed to defeat him in the long run but it was a long grueling process of hopping from channel to channel, trying to get his own five star rating, and then the final battle, SMG4 doesn’t believe he could ever forget that even if he tried, he remembered letting his anger and frustration out by grabbing Luigi The Meat Mallet and pretty much smashing Mr. Puzzles’ screen and busting it, sending him flying away.
SMG4’s breathing changed, and he hadn’t even realized he had paused in his movement until Mario spoke his name loudly which caused him to jump back in fright, he was about to yell in annoyance but he could see Mario’s genuine concern “. . . SMG4? Are you okay? You spaced out…! Come on, Mario wants-a to get outta this basement, it’s creepy…!” SMG4 sighs, and nods, rubbing his face with his hand “...Y-Yeah yeah, I… I’m alright… L-Let’s go then, the sooner we find where the generator is, we can get outta here” SMG4 begins to walk, a bit quicker this time.
He walks with Mario staying by his side, still looking at him with concern before looking around the basement, and at some point, while walking SMG4 begins to complain “Jeez I don’t remember the basement being this BIG! It shouldn’t be taking this long!” He just wants to get out of here at this point and then he freezes when he shines his flashlight up ahead, he swears he saw a figure again, and his breath hitches, however, the flashlight goes out almost immediately and he quickly bangs on it to get it to come back on, by the time it does, he sees nothing, SMG4’s eyes are wide and Mario seems to have not seen it.
Even as SMG4 asks, Mario shrugs “I think we should get out of here before you go coo coo-a crazy” SMG4 sighs, he feels… Unnerved now, anxious, he swore he saw a figure for a split second just… Just like that night, he breathes a little shakily “...Y-You’re right, Mario… …C-Come on then” And now SMG4 speeds up, he moves quicker, his breath heavy at the moment, his chest feels tightened up, he hopes he isn’t about to have a panic attack, he’s just… Thinking too much about that night, he needs to keep his mind off it, he thinks about anything else, his friends, more memes, video ideas, ANYTHING but that night, anything BUT Mr. Puzzles.
And thankfully it does help him calm down, even Mario helps him by keeping him distracted, occupied, as Mario may be stupid but he knows that SMG4 needs help to calm down and well he cares about his friends and would do anything to help them, even if some of the things may annoy them, even the annoying things he’s doing helps pull SMG4 out of his near panic, and then finally, after what felt like hours, they FINALLY found the generator, SMG4 sighs in pure relief “Finally, damn, it felt like we’ve been down here forever, c-c’mon, let’s get this over with so we can get out of here” Mario nods and the two of them zoom over to the generator.
Mario mostly tries to hit the generator, slapping at it, yelling for it to turn on, trying anything and everything stupid, he kicks it but then his eyes go wide and he falls over, holding his leg and going ‘Ahh’ repeatedly, SMG4 sighs, he literally grabs the switch and flips it while looking at Mario with disappointment, and then the power flickers back on, SMG4 glances up around the now lit up basement for a moment before looking back down at Mario.
But then he gasps and does a double take, he swore he saw another thing, he shakes his head “T-That’s it, I… I’m getting out of here now! Come on, Mario” And SMG4 begins to quickly make his way back up the stairs, dropping his flashlight in the process.
Mario follows quickly behind his friend, his eyes squinting in concern, he hadn’t even seen anything the entire time, but he can tell SOMETHING has freaked SMG4 out pretty badly, he follows him up the stairs and then watches as SMG4 slams the basement door shut, he even locks it which he rarely ever does before also putting a heavy object on the door along with several other objects and it’s this point that Mario stops all his shenanigans entirely and he stands there, he looks shocked and also extremely concerned, he can tell SMG4 is becoming really stressed, in fact he can see the signs of a potential panic attack.
Mario immediately and slowly walks over and he places a gloved hand on SMG4’s shoulder, watching him flinch at the suddenness and this is how he knows his friend is definitely close to a panic attack, he can see his eyes are wide, he’s paranoid, he’s breathing heavily, and shaking a bit “SMG4… It’s-a okay, come on…! Let’s watch some TV, or play some games! OR we could react to some more Nintendo Memes”
And well, this makes SMG4 smile somewhat, while watching television at the moment might not be… The best for him given what he’s panicking about, he appreciates the sentiment “...Yeah, let’s… Go… Uh, watch some Nintendo Memes”
Mario makes a ‘yahoo!’ sound before grabbing SMG4’s arm and speeding off to his room, SMG4 yells a bit as he’s dragged along super fast and then plopped at his desk.
Mario grabs a chair and sits down next to the monitor and waits for SMG4 to pull up some Nintendo Memes, of course, he does so, the storm is still going on right now, the thunder and occasional flashes of lightning happening outside, for the next hour or two, both SMG4 and Mario react to the funny memes, laughing and having a good time, and slowly but surely.
This distracts SMG4, he begins to forget why he had been panicking in the first place, he was just having a good time with one of his friends, and even better, SMG3 texts him and said ‘the storm should be clearing up in thirty more minutes, so we’ll be coming back hopefully’
SMG4 texts back and says that’s good, and for them to stay safe, that they got the power back on here with the generator, and then that was essentially that, he continued watching the memes with Mario who would laugh, make fun of them, or sometimes have no reaction to the unfunny ones, and then after a few more moments, SMG4 hears a couple of noises behind them but he just shrugs them off as being a part of the storm outside, he was having fun right now and didn’t want anything to interrupt that, and after about five more minutes, Mario says he’s thirsty, and asked if SMG4 wanted anything to drink, he said to just get him a soda.
And well, before Mario could even get up, suddenly… …A ringing that was progressively getting louder and louder with each second could be heard by the two, SMG4’s eyes go wide and he freezes in place, he can hear the ringing growing louder and louder, he knows that sound all too well, it’s a specific kinda ringing, one that a television does if it’s got that colorbar error or if the program is telling you to ‘PLEASE STANDBY’
And SMG4 can feel himself beginning to sweat, his hands going clammy, his breathing slowly getting a bit heavy, he turns to look at Mario who shares a look with him as well, both of their eyes widened, and well, this time Mario DID hear this, he was hearing it right now along with SMG4.
And… The two slowly turned around, the chairs creaking as they slowly spun around, and SMG4 thought he was going to have a heart attack when his eyes immediately locked onto what was sitting so casually on his bedroom floor, there it was… It was a television, an old tube TV but not just ANY television set, no no… He could see it almost immediately, both on the bottom of the television and on the screen, the words he didn’t want to read ever again...
“. . . P-Puzzlevision… …O-Oh God…” Mario goes ‘mama mia’ softly, in shock and a little worried, his gaze focused on SMG4, he’s worried about him because this time he can’t… Stop the man’s panic attack.
SMG4 can feel himself shaking, his hands clammy, he’s sweating, and well, the ringing is so loud, he doesn’t know if it’s just the television set or if his own are ringing now, his vision is a bit darkened on all sides, his mind racing, how did the TV get back here…? Why is it here? He literally hit him as hard as he could with Luigi The Meat Mallet! He broke his screen, and sent him flying off to god knows where! He COULDN’T be back, but when he looked over at Mario, there’s… No way this could be a dream, and also he wasn’t just seeing things, clearly the other man was too.
And then his attention snaps back to The Puzzlevision TV, and he flinches when he hears a grotesque sound, he watches as two arms shoot out from the sides, slamming onto the floor…
The sounds were awful, they sounded like bones cracking and a gross squelching sound as the TV suddenly grew an all too familiar looking body, the screen was repaired and showed static, the static was loud as the figure began to slowly stand up, SMG4’s breathing got heavier and heavier with each passing moment, the ringing was growing louder in his ears as he stared up in horror at the TV headed humanoid who stood to his full height.
And then, he watches as Mr. Puzzles reached a hand up and turned one of his dials, and there was that one really creepy looking face of his, those realistic eyes looking around, the realistic mouth gritting its teeth.
Before his face changes into a simple smile, showing no signs of anger, he just calmly looks down at SMG4 and Mario “Ah… Did you REALLY think you could get rid of ME so easily~?” Mr. Puzzles teases, tsking and wagging a finger, his tone held a calmness, which was even more scary than the anger he could’ve been displaying, Mr. Puzzles giggles for a split second before composing himself
“...Oh, silly SMG4 and… Eugh, Mario…” He rolls his eyes before continuing, his screen flickering into that demented looking grin “You’re never ever ever getting rid of me~!” And well, SMG4 was panicking, without waiting a moment longer, he grabbed Mario’s arm and shot up and bolted.
He hears Mr. Puzzles say ‘nuh-uh!’ and then hears a snap of his fingers and suddenly, SMG4 finds himself paralyzed in place, his eyes widen and he tries desperately to move, he doesn’t wanna deal with this again, he can’t deal with this again, what’s worse is he didn’t have the others, he didn’t have his friends to help him out, and there is no way he could take on Mr. Puzzles with just himself and Mario.
And then as Mr. Puzzles begins to take a few steps closer to them, a smug look on his face, Mario can manage to move, he moves and hits the TV headed humanoid square on who falls back and huffs angrily.
Mario tells SMG4 to run, to go get the others, and well SMG4 hesitates, he says he doesn’t wanna leave him behind as he can’t fight Mr. Puzzles on his own! Mario was about to grab SMG4 after stretching his arm comically out but then the TV headed humanoid turns a dial and suddenly, the TV screen goes to static and it begins trying to suck the pair in like a portal.
Mario hadn’t had time to grab anything so he’s about to get sucked in when SMG4 grabs onto him and grabs onto the door of his bedroom, Mario yells and screams to not be let go, that he doesn’t wanna explore death.
SMG4 then speaks over the loudness of the room “I-I’m not gonna let you go, man! Don’t worry!” And he holds onto Mario with all his might, he even tries to pull him back out of the bedroom, trying with all his might, to get himself and Mario out before Mr. Puzzles can do anything, and right as he manages to get out of the bedroom, Mario’s grip had loosened a little too much and he gets sucked into the static-y portal while screaming, and it’s then that the room goes quiet, at least for SMG4 it does
The only sound is the sound of his heartbeat in his ears, gradually picking up as time goes along as he watches his friend get taken, SMG4 can feel his hairs standing up on end, he feels goosebumps spreading across his arms, his eyes are wide.
His heartbeat grows louder and louder… And louder, his heart is racing, he’s got goosebumps, his hairs are all standing up on their ends, and his chest is tightening up badly now.
As Mr. Puzzles captures Mario, he turns that dial back and his smug face appears “Ah, one day, one more to go~!” SMG4 realizes he has to get out of here, find the others, and then he and them could save Mario, he quickly bolts now that he can, he slams the door shut behind him to buy himself some extra time as he runs, he runs to the front door of the tent.
And as he gets to it, it’s locked, no matter what he does, how hard he pulls, pushes, kicks, and beats the shit out of it, it won’t budge, he figures this is Mr. Puzzles’ doing, whom of which is casually stepping out of the bedroom.
He’s humming a tune “You know you can’t run forever, SMG4, there isn’t a place in this tent, outside of this tent, or ANYWHERE in this world that you can go that I won’t find you~! C’mon, it isn’t SO bad being one of my puppets-” Mr. Puzzles slightly bangs his head which makes his screen static as a laugh track plays before going to that creepy grin of his “I mean-! One of my actors~!” He rolls his ‘R’s’ as he says the word actor, Mr. Puzzles tries to talk SMG4 into the pros of this but well, he knows better than to believe a word, after all, the TV headed humanoid is responsible for him and his friend’s trauma.
SMG4 runs around the tent, he tries each and every exit he knows but none of them will budge, no windows, no doors, nothing will budge, he hears Mr. Puzzles taunting him and he knows damn well if the TV headed humanoid wanted to, he could easily just appear in front of him and snatch him up, he knows the entity is just playing with him, playing a game, SMG4 eventually freaks out, he runs back to the basement.
He first closes and locks that room’s door, and then he literally grabs all the stuff and barricades it before running down the stairs, falling down them slightly before switching the lights off and running off into a darkened corner of the basement.
SMG4’s heart is rapidly beating, he clutches his chest, his breathing is heavy and ragged, his entire body is trembling and he can’t think properly he can’t breathe properly, even though his breathing IS heavy and ragged, it feels like he’s not getting enough air, his chest is tightening up to the point where he feels like something heavy is on top of him, crushing his chest in, suffocating him.
He uses his hands to grip onto the sides of his head, covering his ears and blocking out any sounds for the moment, he tries to calm himself down, he remembers what SMG3 texted him, that they wouldn’t be home for another thirty minutes and that’s IF the storm died out.
SMG4 had no one to help him right now, he was all alone, trapped in what is essentially his home with the TV headed humanoid that essentially kidnapped and brainwashed all of his friends and forced them to go through so many things, forced them to perform, and everything… SMG4 tries to calm his breathing down, he tries to think positively, that maybe SMG3 and the others were on their way right now.
Maybe the storm had cleared up fully, he tries to calm himself down, trying to ease the tightening feeling in his chest, trying to breathe normally, he feels guilty for letting Mario get taken but there was nothing he could’ve done at that moment.
SMG4 tries to steady out his breathing and eventually he manages it, he does manage to do so but then, he hears a lot of clatter upstairs, he can assume Mr. Puzzles is breaking into that room, which is so unnecessary, it pisses him off, it makes him angry that the entity is just…
Toying with him, SMG4 feels around, he knows there’s a lotta crap down here in the basement, he feels a crowbar and he grabs it, he’ll at least be able to defend himself he hopes, SMG4 begins to quiet down his heavy ragged breathing, he more so hopes that he can just get out of here somehow, he clasps a hand over his mouth when he hears the basement door get pushed open, the door opened slowly, making a god awful creaking sound which further added to his distress.
SMG4 can do nothing but wait with baited breath now, he can hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and he hears Mr. Puzzles humming a tune, he can see the light of the TV screen coming closer, down into the basement’s darkness, it isn’t super bright so SMG4 isn’t worried about being spotted immediately thankfully, he can see the faint and soft glow of it before finally he sees Mr. Puzzles’ face in the darkness, it's horrifying.
Despite the fact he’s wearing a simple smile, his default face “Hmm, come on out SMG4, there’s no way you can get out of this place~! I made sure of it, and you know I’ll find you, no matter where you are, like I said~! You cannot escape from me”
Mr. Puzzles’ screen flickered, showing that demented grin “...And besides, you could be making this SO much easier on yourself and me too by just coming out, after all, I’m not going to harm you…! That would be… Counterproductive, c’mon, didn’t you have a grand ol’ time with your friends? You got to star in MY TV shows~! You got to be a star on television! …Okay sure, the whole kidnapping and brainwashing thing …And perhaps a few… Other instances, but, oh well, who cares about those minor details…!”
SMG4 keeps a hand clasped over his mouth, the other hand gripping the crowbar tightly, hearing Mr. Puzzles talk so lightly about the harm and trauma he caused to him and his friends REALLY pisses SMG4 off, it makes him grip the crowbar even tighter, he wants to smash that TV headed freak apart, he watches as Mr. Puzzles slowly moves through the basement, using the light from his screen to guide his way, he’s looking around, slowly, he goes back to humming his tone after a brief look of annoyance crossed his features, presumably annoyed with SMG4’s resistance.
SMG4’s heart rate begins to speed up again, the closer and closer Mr. Puzzles gets, he can tell the TV headed humanoid is getting more and more annoyed with SMG4’s hiding and resistance, he eventually even says with that creepy look on his face for him to come out, NOW… And well, SMG4 continues to hide in the corner, he can see Mr. Puzzles getting closer, and then finally, the light from that TV screen begins to illuminate SMG4’s legs, and his breath hitches in his throat, he can see Mr. Puzzles pause in his walking, his screen flickering into static for a moment before back to that crazy grin.
“Ah… I found you, my precious little puppet…~ It’s-” And then his screen flickered to show a Game Over screen from Mario 64, it even plays the ‘Game Over’ sound effect, and then as Mr. Puzzles looks up, his light slowly trailing up to SMG4’s face, the man suddenly charges forward as he shot up, he yells and winds up hitting Mr. Puzzles square in the screen with the crowbar, it winds up cracking the screen which makes Mr. Puzzles stumble back and scoff.
“Ack! You brute! I’ve cleaned this screen TOO many times dealing with you and that pesky plumber! You’re coming with me whether you want to or not!” And then SMG4 tries to run, he keeps the crowbar with him but Mr. Puzzles has clearly had enough, he twists a dial quickly and that portal appears, and well.
SMG4 winds up stumbling because of the strong wind trying to capture him and take him through that portal, he has nothing he can grab onto, he had just barely made it to the stairs of the basement, his heart races, his breathing heavy now “N-No… Nononono! NO!”
SMG4 tries to grip at the floor, digging his nails into the floor of the basement, of course it does no good since it’s just concrete, he keeps slipping further and further, getting pulled closer to Mr. Puzzles’ his eyes are wide “L-LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU TV HEADED FREAK!” SMG4 yells in anger, and he just hears Mr. Puzzles cackling maniacally, an insane laugh, and before he knows it, he gets sucked into that damned screen once again.
He yells out “Your TV shows suuuuuck!” As he disappears into the screen, and then, Mr. Puzzles continues to laugh for a few more moments before, he turns his dial and then his body disappears back into the television, it falls to the ground with a loud thump.
Annnd done, and I wanna say, you think I wrote him scary here? Lmaaaooo oh just wait til you see the Y/N horror story :) but either way, this story is done- again,, its... Longer than expected, you know im legit just gonna stop sayin im gonna write short ones bc i cant do it lmao but I hope y'all enjoy
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iwanttobeliv · 2 months
Yo soy Betty, la fea (Now and then)
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Man, I’ve been meaning to write something ever since I finished watching the very first episode of Betty la fea, la historia continua but there were too many thoughts and feelings and too little coherence to make it happen, and yet, here I am trying it anyway.
Even in Brazil, a country that culturally embraces telenovelas, every now and then when I said Betty, a feia was my favorite, people would look at me funny. And it’s kind of difficult to explain or make people understand that there is just so much more behind Betty’s fringe, braces, and very peculiar laughter. Yes, Armando did yell a lot. And there were perhaps too many episodes focused on Sofia and Efrain's drama or those final ones with Inesita’s ex-husband, and when I managed to rewatch the whole thing, boy was I glad to be able to fast-forward these parts. Some of the sets, like Betty’s room were very clearly low-budget and full of strange choices that I could never quite figure out, and yet, none of this really mattered because the writing was phenomenal. The characters were engaging. The actors were brilliant. And the love story, that was just the best.
So I watched and rewatched. I managed to come across friends who were happy to talk about it and dissect all the things that made it work so well, and so subtle is the distinction that despite the many many adaptations worldwide, to me, none have ever been better than the original Betty.
When Betty was first aired in Brazil, I was about 15 and I can’t begin to explain how seeing a young woman who never belonged anywhere due to her looks resonated with me. Someone who was made fun of for being different and used a sense of humor to keep going. Someone who had hopes and dreams and felt none of them were within reach. And someone who managed to survive all the terrible things life would throw her way in pursuit of her happy ending.
And I guess this feels like something that needs to be said first.
As far as I'm concerned, what makes Betty so fundamentally brilliant is the fact that in YSBLF, when it comes to the love story, the guy falls in love with her being exactly who she is. No more or less. There are so many stories about the ugly duckling who manages to be seen after becoming a swan, and yet there it was, a story that showed that the duckling didn’t have to be anything else to be deserving of love and happiness.
Watching her we went through all ranges of emotion. I remember closing my eyes as I tried to watch her going through her first ‘transformation’ and the disaster it was. I remember feeling joy for her, for having such a good friend in Nicolas and such loving parents. I remember watching Armando as he was, having his feelings change little by little, all while she became an essential part of his life and work. And then, watching expectantly as we had to go through the awful plan he and Mario came up with and all the repercussions that would come of it. I remember thinking that JEA had to be a pretty great actor and that Armando had to be very well-written otherwise it would be impossible to feel anything but disgust for him and what he did. And then watching him fall for Betty utterly and completely. I remember sharing her fury and thirst for revenge when she found the letter. And then drinking up on every interaction between the two of them, knowing what she knew and waiting for the bomb to go off. And then to watch Armando go through hell and lose everything that meant something to him, and Betty trying to pick up the pieces of herself and survive the worst of times. And finally her triumphal return and what would soon enough lead her to a happy ending.
Last year, when we got the news of the remake and the OG was made available on streaming, I watched it once again and felt all those things all over again. But now, almost two decades later, with a very different understanding. I still loved every minute of it, but there were things I would have liked to be different.
Like many soaps, as soon as the main couple manages to patch things up it’s a quick jump to the expected happy ending, and while I fully expected Betty to get one, I couldn’t help but wonder, how a relationship could ever work after such a thing. Sure we knew Armando’s feelings were real and there, and all of that way before Betty, the ugly was made beautiful. But she didn’t. How could she truly forgive and trust someone who managed to betray her trust and make her go through hell as a result of deliberate actions? I would have liked to see more of it. It’s the one thing I don’t particularly enjoy in so many love stories and most soaps. How they are always in such a hurry to end the story as if by being together there was nothing else to be told about these characters and their relationship. Oh the potential wasted by their need of getting to the wedding and a baby on the finish line.
And then, much to my surprise, they decide that there’s more to tell. That the story didn’t have to finish there. [Yes, I’m aware of ‘Ecomoda’ just as I’m aware of the universal consent that it never managed to do justice to the characters we loved and cared for. Which is why, I think, the sequel now also made the choice of ignoring it.]
So now I’ve watched the first four episodes. And I have thoughts I would very much like to share and discuss. Things that I don’t particularly like, but understand. Things I wish had been done differently. Things I absolutely love. But this post feels already much too long. For now, I just want to say, I never expected the sequel to be perfect or to perfectly preserve what the OG managed to perform. But I’m genuinely happy we get to see Betty again. And to be able to laugh and cry with her, with all of them. 
It takes me back and it fills me with expectation for what’s yet to come.
Is it Friday yet?
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faesystem · 1 year
Headcanons/Prompts centred around Mario and Luigi being brothers.
1. In high school Mario got super insecure about his height, so Luigi acquired every single movie with Danny DeVito in it and made him watch it. Then if he ever suspected Mario was being insecure about his height, he would hand him a printed out photo/screenshot of Danny DeVito.
Mario found this so hilarious that it would usually distract him and cheer him up. He also found it so sweet how much effort Luigi put into it.
2. Luigi is chronically ill and disabled (long headcanons of this here) and as a kid and into adulthood Mario was the one who cared for him. Mario got a job in high school to help cover Luigi's medical bills. He spent a lot of time researching to try and figure out the problem when doctors were dismissing Luigi. He made sure Luigi ate three full meals a day and drank enough water. He helped Luigi get outside to get sun and fresh air.
When they finally figured out what exactly Luigi had and began treating it (I personally headcanon POTS and EDS) Mario ensured Luigi followed his treatment plan to a T.
Once Luigi's symtoms were managed quite well, he and Mario had quite a bit of tension of Luigi feeling smothered by Mario and Mario feeling overprotective after so long of caring for him. It caused one of the worst fights they have ever had, which ended with a, "YOU'RE NOT MY MOM!" "MOM WASN'T THE ONE WHO [long rant about all the things he's done for Luigi]." After Mario finished the ranting, they were both just sad about being mad at each other. They communicated about it and got better.
Once they got older, and especially after they became adventures, Luigi took on the role of caring for Mario's wellbeing. He was Mario's player 2 not because he was less skilled or capable, but because he wanted to be. He liked being there for his brother in the way his brother always was for him. He didn't care when people called him 'Green Mario' because there's no one in the world who he would rather be more like.
Although, when he had to fight Mario about taking breaks to eat, he thought it was absolutely karma for the hell he gave Mario when he was nauseous and did not wish to eat.
3. All Mario wants for Luigi is for him to be safe and happy. If he were to, say, get a romantic partner who will keep him safe and happy, values that above any personal hard feelings against the person. I am going to use Bowser as the example partner here, but any work.
A funnier route for this is Mario giving Bowser the biggest death glare possible whenever Luigi is not looking.
A less funny route is Mario bottling up his negative feelings as opposed to processing him, and something happens that shakes him and he pops like a shaken carbonated beverage. (I mean, the illustrative language I have used could also be comedic.)
4. Luigi has very high standards for people Mario date. I feel as though the only person who maybe would meet those standards would be Peach, and that's only because she is good at figuring out how to frame things she's done in a way that matches what people want from her. You know, political leader who has to make hard choices sometimes.
I am not a big DK x Mario shipper, but I will say DK would never meet Luigi's standards in 1000 years. I would say Luigi wouldn't necessarily oppose the relationship (unless you want some good comedy surrounding that) because he wants Mario to be happy and DK makes him happy. However, he thinks Mario could do better.
5. Luigi has bad taste in men. He is absolutely the sort of person to see an aggressive man with no ability to handle his feelings or self control and go, "I could fix him."
Mario always relentlessly bullied him for this. Then he ended up dating DK. Luigi seemingly remembered every single thing he ever said about his taste in men and is just parroting it back to him.
6. Luigi really likes dressing up all fancy, and Mario hates it. Luigi likes their matching outfits, especially likes it for adventures, but also prefers to dress up if going out anywhere. Going to see Peach casually for tea? Going to see a kids film? Going to the store? Dress pants, perfectly polished shoes, and a high quality, well fitting, tastefully coloured and patterned button down.
Mario on the other hand does Not like it. It's uncomfortable. It's expensive and he doesn't want to worry about running it. Usually doesn't fit well on him, and then tailoring is even more expenses. If he is not in their matching outfits, he is in shorts and a t-shirt.
They often go out together to a variety of events, some more formal than others, but at least one of them is always underdressed or (more often) overdressed.
7. The reason Luigi is afraid of animals is because he is afraid of accidentally hurting him. (Polterpup was the perfect dog for him.)
Mario helps his brother do exposure therapy for this fear. Luigi has made a lot of progress. When they were teens Luigi would back up as far as he could from any animals he saw because he was convinced he'd hurt them. Now, he just tends to freeze up and wait to see if he is making the animal uncomfortable by being close.
If you have made it this far, please comment or reblog with more ideas.
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strawmyberry · 1 year
my south park tickle headcannons! (the main four!)
the time has finally come!!! these little guys have been clogging up my brain for months- so what better way to remedy that than by spilling all my thoughts out here!!! and- it’s perfect to pass the time while i write my first fic for y’all! thank you so much for waiting!! it really means the world that people like to hear my silly little thoughts!
also- please let me know if you have any requests- i’d love to take a crack at them!!
anywho; here are some of my headcannons! thank you so much again!! i hope you like them!
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
super ticklish!
im a huge sucker for the “stan snorts when he laughs” hc
he’s super duper embarrassed by it- he thinks it’s weird
stan goes for defense when getting tickled! instead of trying to get away/tickle back- he tries to cover himself/his mouth
he never likes giving the satisfaction of actually laughing. does hiding it ever work? no! does he still do it? yes!
i think he got it from all the times shelly has been absolutely merciless to him
(she’s a lot stronger than him- so he thinks that if he doesn’t laugh and give her what she wants she’ll get bored and stop)
99% of the time it’s her tickling him- he’s smart enough to know that trying to get revenge on her is practically impossible
definitely the type to lie about being ticklish or at the very least- the extent of how ticklish he actually is
“are you ticklish?” “no” “really?” “…i mean, maybe a little?”
he also gets super blushy - his ears turn RED
worst spot are his armpits- and he goes through great lengths for no one to find out about it
kyle found out a cute little funny trick where if you get your thumb and twist it into stan’s armpit it drives him up the damn wall
like: he starts snorting practically nonstop- can’t even speak he’s laughing too hard
i think up to like the age of 7- his mom had a little game that if she caught him trying to take cookies from the cookie jar when she knew he had some already: she’d taze his side
(it worked like a charm, and she still does it from time to time)
when he’s about to get tickled he just says his ler’s name over and over again with different inflections
“wendy? wendy- no- wendy- wendy. wendy-no! weNDY-“
(whenever he does this to kyle he always goes “yeah, dude? that’s my name!” and it piSSES HIM OFF SO MUCH LMAOO)
teases (that aren’t about his snorts) don’t really embarrass him they just kinda annoy him a little
teases don’t really work on him all that much unLESS IF IT’S WENDY- TOTALLY DIFFERENT STORY THERE-
he actually really likes being tickled if it’s by his friends- he just hates admitting it
he likes having an excuse to laugh freely!!
and although i think i could go on for hours and hours about how he is as a lee- he’s more of a ler
hes canonically good at tickling! yay! (thank you matt and trey)
he tickles kyle for everything under the sun
bad mood? poke. beating me at mario kart? poke poke. won’t let me play with his blue hot wheels bugatti chiron? poke poke poke!
i think kyle is so ticklish that for a while he was too scared to even check if stan was too- so homie was in the clear for a while
he laughs with his lee- he finds their reactions very entertaining
he teases!! he’s mean!! smirks all the while!
“man, is it really that bad? sick…”
although, i think with wendy and kyle it’s more compliments than actual teasing
telepathic communication with kyle when it comes to teaming up on people! one look is all they need to know where to go
dream team with kenny- those two are absolute menaces to kyle
i don’t really think he’s mean on purpose- he just gets carried away because he’s having fun!
completely forgets how easy it is to get him back; it totally slips his mind until he’s face to face with revenge!
he is ticklish ticklish!!!
i totally agree that kyle is the most ticklish of the group- he so is!!!
and it lasts for a while after the fact too- like ten minutes later? he’s still hiccuping
unlike stan, instead of defending himself he goes balls to the walls. he pulls out all the stops!!
he kicks, he screams, he punches!
(stan has gotten a bloody nose because of this multiple times. kyle still feels bad about it!!)
he curses up a storm when hes tickled- it’s so amusing for his ler(s)
(i totally think there was a time where kenny and stan set a five minute timer and they would add a minute every single time kyle cursed- five minutes were added within the first thirty seconds and the only reason why kyle eventually managed to stop cursing was because he was hiccuping so much he couldn’t even get a word out!) maybeillwritethisoutatsomepointidontknowww
he’s ticklish literally everywhere but his ears are the WORST
(his neck is pretty bad too- but ears? WOOOO)
he begs stan and kenny to keep his ticklishness a secret from cartman. he does NOT want his finding out!
he ends up finding out.
cartman loves to just randomly blow in kyle’s ear (it’s why he wears his hat 24/7) because he squeals and jumps like fifty feet in the air
kyle has really sensitive skin so if you tickle somewhere for a little while- it ends up turning red
(stan uses this as a timer sometimes! “oh- dude, your stomach is red. …guess it’s time to go for your ribs then!”)
just hearing the word “tickle” causes him to tense up- he gets so nervous
teases work SO WELL on him!
you don’t even have to be teasing him actually- if you talk to him AT ALL while tickling him it drives him up the wall
he tries to bargain his way out of getting tickled (it never works LMAOO)
“wait! wait waIT WAIT- we can talk about this, dude! dude, let’s just talk about it! let’s just taLK ABOUT IT-“
it doesn’t really matter how he’s being tickled; everything and i mean everything tickles to him- but i think light tickles are really his kryptonite
he’s the type to giggle hysterically before you even touch him (stan thinks it’s the funniest thing- so he takes his sweet ass time before even doing anything)
as a ler he is RUTHLESS
in his mind- he needs to tucker his lee out before they have the energy to try to get back at him
the years he’s had with ike really pay off and he has some SKILLED fingers!
he makes mental notes of where his lee(s) is the most ticklish- and he does not leave that spot until he figures out WHAT exactly works the best
loves ticking ike because it’s the one person he doesn’t have to worry about getting him back LMAOO
(even then ike still does from time to time)
if his lee makes ANY noise (snort, hiccup, squeak) they need to RUN because he will relish in that shit
“holy shit, dude!! what the hell was that? do it again!!”
him and stan are absolute horrifying when they work together- you got the brains and the brawn against you
hes super mean when getting stan back for his constant tickle attacks
and for kenny, he’s only a tiny bit nicer
he picks and chooses his battles when it comes to revenge…i just think he chooses violence 9 times out of 10 LMAOOO
too ticklish for his own good!!!
he has a super addicting laugh- it really doesn’t work well for him
not only that, but he has completely different laughs depending on where he’s being tickled
he MOVES when he laughs (not just when being tickled)
he seems like the type to fucking FLY forward when laughing at a joke LMAOO
he squirms and jerks like crazy!!
and he pounds his fists on the ground and/or pulls on his parka!! he needs something to do with his hands!! very entertaining!!
he doesn’t really fight back- he’s trained himself so he doesn’t accidentally hurt karen
his friends do this really mean thing where they pretend like they don’t understand him through his parka
“…what did you say? do you know what he said, kyle?” “yeah, dude! he said ‘please keep tickling me!’” “oh yeahhh! gotcha’! jussst checking…”
he also seems like the type to shake his head frantically and scream his ass before getting tickled!
runs for his LIFE, back against the wall- just shaking his head and his hands
“mm-mm! donmph!! donmt do itmph!! dONMT-NOOOOOOOO-!!!”
he’s also ticklish pretty much everywhere but his hips are SO BAD
he SCREAM laughs when you squeeze his hips and it’s so funny
his laugh is so contagious that sometimes his ler(s) have to stop for a second and just laugh along with him!
rougher tickles work on him better- since he’s wearing his parka! that shit is THICK!
squeezes are the death of him (literally) he can’t stand them
teases work pretty well on him! they get him all giggly
i think if you tickle him for too long he starts coughing- and that’s how you know when to stop!
gets into tickle fights with karen and kevin CONSTANTLY and most of the time- he gets WRECKED!
as a ler he’s surprisingly really sweet?
i think it’s because he’s died from being tickled too much before
and he knows that HE can come back to life. his friends and family? he doesn’t wanna risk it!
that doesn’t mean he’s not a total tickle monster!! he definitely is!! he’s just a bit more cautious about it
he keeps most of his tickles light
(unless it’s one of the others in the main four- he’s MEAN to them)
he’s the type to coo and tease- what he does to karen he does to everyone since up to this point it’s been pretty effective!
he LOVES giving people really quick cheer up tickles. just five minutes of innocent little flutters and the whole bad mood is gone!
he zips his fingers around random spots sometimes just making little “ooohs” and “aaahs”
”oooh! how aboumt heremph? oooooh! heremph? awwww!”
he’ll wiggle his two index fingers and only those two above his lee before striking with his whole hand!!
sometimes he pulls his parka tighter while teasing, just so they have to guess what he said- he thinks it’s funny!
raspberries are super fun for him since if he has the parka on, it’s ten times worse!
LOVES doing the “sike out” on his lees it’s super fun
not super ticklish- but ticklish!
he has a really “ugly” laugh LMAOO
like it’s almost kinda jarring
he somehow sounds like a mixture of a pig and a gremlin LMAOO
the other three don’t really tickle him all that much actually!
(probably because they’re all just a teeeeeny bit scared of him)
but also because they hate his laugh-
(kyle covers his ears half the time LMAOO im really cracking myself up here)
but in all seriousness, they are genuinely afraid to tickle him; he’s super mean
his mom on the other hand? she does it all the time
i love love LOVE the hc where cartman has ticklish cheeks- im a sucker for it i love it!
his cheeks and sides are his worst spot(s)
(his mom uses this to her advantage whenever she can!)
he’s SO overdramatic- it makes tickling him such an ordeal
he will flop to the floor after a single poke- and then he’s back up again; ready to wreck your shit
he curses like kyle- but noT IN THE SAME WAY AT ALL
kyle just goes “shit! fuck! you’re an asshole!” you know, normal stuff- carTMAN ON THE OTHER HAND??
he makes up the most obscure insults you have ever heard.
(boobie fucker is the first one that came to mind LMAOAOAOO)
teases work super well on him- it gets him all agitated
(especially if it’s his mom it drives him UP THE WALL.)
he definitely isn’t afraid to rip his lee’s hands off of him- he is not afraid to hurt anyone
when he’s about to get tickled- he doesn’t bargain or beg he threatens
and honestly? (you should probably listen-)
hes actually not that good at tickling- he sucks at it
but that doesn’t matter!!! he still makes life a living hell!!
he searches for your worst spot; and god forbid he finds it
he won’t stop until you are in tears- and he makes no exceptions!
(remember how i said kenny died from being tickled before? [f]artman is the one to blame!!)
it’s not even warranted half the time- he’s just a bully
and he doesn’t even “tease” he just insults.
he makes fun of your laugh, what you’re doing, where you’re ticklish
the other three have gone through this at least once- and they try their hardest to never have to go through it again
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ryukang1995 · 8 months
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My top 10 unpopular opinions.
10. Sevendust is one of the best Metal bands I have listened to I genuinely love Sevendust, but while the band has many fans, some of us can agree that they don't quite get the recognition they deserve, and because of that, several have indeed labeled them as underrated.
They have a great unique sound that is very heavy yet melodic, and they're one of the few bands that haven't really changed their sound all too much, and yet they still come off as great and fresh...that's just me though.
9. Double Dragon (Neo Geo) is one of the most underrated fighting games I have ever played I love the Double Dragon games (most of them, anyways), and this gem for the Neo Geo is no exception.
It's loosely based on the Double Dragon movie (more on that later), and yet it actually does a great job at making the film universe seem very cool, especially as an alternate take on Double Dragon. Beyond that, it's a fun Street Fighter II-esque fighting game, which is ironic because it's published by SNK (Capcom's long-time rival behind The King of Fighters and Samurai Shodown among others).
Definitely a much better Double Dragon fighting game than Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls, and it helps that it was developed by Technos Japan aka the company behind the original Double Dragon arcade games.
8. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is overrated I used to like this movie, but upon rewatch and reflection? I realize just how cringe and obnoxious it was.
Every single character is unlikable, especially Scott Pilgrim himself, and I didn't find it all that funny. It does have a great visual style from Edgar Wright as well as some cute easter eggs for video game fans, but that's not enough to salvage it.
7. Pineapple on Pizza is fine While not my favorite topping of Pizza (I prefer Pepperoni and Meat Lovers), Pineapple Pizza is not as bad as some make it out to be, especially when compared to Anchovies.
6. The old Super Mario Bros., Double Dragon and Street Fighter movies are not the worst The first few live-action movies based on video games pre-Mortal Kombat (1995) get quite a horrible reputation among fans, but as a fan of the games they are based on, I can still watch them.
Yes, they are very loose takes on the classic games, which is largely one of the main reasons why fans hate them, and yes, they're not technically great movies either, but they can be very amusing, especially in that guilty pleasure/so bad it's good way.
I can still let them pass for at least trying to make video game adaptations work, especially since they were among the first examples of the concept. We did get better video game movies, especially the animated Mario and Street Fighter II movies, but believe it or not? We also got much worse examples (such as Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li and the adaptations directed by Uwe Boll).
5. I never got into the MCU's depiction of Spider-Man I love Spider-Man, especially the first two movies by Sam Raimi, but I never really got into later Spider-Man movies beyond them...well, except for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which is honestly the best Spidey flick since Spider-Man 2 (I have yet to see Across the Spider-Verse, but I have heard great things).
Tom Holland's version of Peter Parker did get a lot of praise, but I never really liked him all that much. To me, he was kind of a wuss. I recognize that he does mature by the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home, but while it was nice to see him with both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield on screen, I had already lost interest in the MCU by that time.
If you like the MCU Spider-Man movies? That's perfectly fine.
4. Street Fighter III and Mortal Kombat X are some of the most overrated fighting games ever Some will scream blasphemy since I am a massive fan of both Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, hence my nickname Ryu Kang, but I never got into these particular installments.
They were both aiming to be focused on the new generations of both franchises, similar to Tekken 3, which I felt did that concept much better. The two games get a lot of love, especially among tournament players, but they're not my cup of tea, and I do prefer other Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat games.
3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) is one of the best incarnations of the TMNT franchise I love the TMNT franchise, whether it'd be the 80s cartoon, the first two live-action movies from the 90s, or some of the video games like the two arcade games by Konami and Shredder's Revenge.
While the 2003 cartoon has a fanbase, it's also one that tends to be pretty underrated, especially in later times. I love how it aims to be darker and mirror the original comic books while still working within the parameters of being a Saturday morning cartoon.
I also have a personal attachment to the cartoon as I used to watch it a lot around 2003-04. Plus, I will gladly take it over later incarnations of TMNT like the Michael Bay movies.
2. Batman Forever and Daredevil (2003) are pretty underrated comic book movies These two movies do get so much hatred, I feel. While neither of them are among the greatest superhero movies ever made, I genuinely feel there was a lot of effort put into them, especially considering that they were victims of heavy studio meddling.
The director's cut of Daredevil (2003) especially salvages that movie, and I would like to see the original cut that Joel Schumacher intended for Batman Forever if they ever plan on releasing it.
1. I prefer Sonya Blade with Liu Kang over her with Johnny Cage Some of you definitely saw this coming, especially if you follow my page, but yeah, I'm not very fond of the CageBlade pairing.
I have already written many times before why I feel this way, but in a nutshell...Johnny annoys Sonya so much, and she only warms up to him whenever she's put in danger and he comes in to save the day. Also, later MK games and movies did a poor job handling their dynamic.
While Liu Kang and Sonya never really hooked up in the canon, the interactions they do have really show that the two get along well, and I do feel the pairing has fan art and fanfic potential beyond what I normally do with them.
With that being said, I don't mind Liu Kang with Kitana either (though recent MK games and movies do a poor job handling them too), and I would be biased and harsh if I said that he deserves only one between Kitana and Sonya.
So yeah, those are my top 10 unpopular opinions. If you don't agree with any of these, it's all good. Let's be civil about it.
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Dawn of Justice: A pointless comic to a rather pointless movie
I really don’t have much of an idea for an introduction here, so let me just hand you the comic and then explain why it is rather dumb.
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The comic in question came out sometime in late 2015 or early 2016, certainly BEFORE the movie “Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice” had come out in March of 2016.
Now let me just say this: I am not a fan of that movie really. Frankly, Warner’s approach of creating a cinematic universe/franchise for DC akin to the MCU, has in my opinion always been a bit of a tonal trainwreck, starting with Man of Steel itself. Mind you, I have nothing against the actors involved in it, but I thought for a first “outing” for Superman it was a bit too heavy on the last act level of destruction and trying to emulate overall a tone more akin to “Batman Begins”. As for “Dawn of Justice”, I hated the way Lex Luthor was portrayed in it more like a knock off ginger version of Joker and it was silly in my opinion, how they already, in their second major outing for the DCEU, made a vs crossover movie with Batman and Superman, even though not really anything was much established of the cinematic world it was set in. To me it was already just in concept the equivalent of jumping from “Iron Man” in 2008, to “Age of Ultron” without the movies inbetween narratively.
That said, I do not hate the movie and if you find enjoyment in it, fine with me. I am at best indifferent, at worst I think we should look at it, see what worked and what didn’t, and learn from it for a future take on the idea, once the superhero boom and fatigue has ceased.
Somehow, that makes me however already more stable in mind than others, who hate the movie with a passion that’s  ridiculous. At least moviebob should reevaluate his life, when he thinks his greatest achievement (or one of them) is to talk for over 4 hours how much the movie sucks, believing by doing so he has shown Warner Bros how much of a smarty pants he is. Even though by doing so, he spend more time talking about it than the movie runs, even in the director's cut.
As for this comic… it is to me just reactional garbage like a lot of stuff Dobson did once he heard something “awful” in regard of entertainment he didn’t even care much for. Like how he thought the Mario movie will be a disaster, cause Illumination was animating it
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Now to be fair, he wasn’t entirely wrong to react worried, as the movie was not that good. However, his very first reaction to the trailer alone (which he posted on twitter) is telling you already more about how he really feels and is just utterly dismissive of it, without outright saying it.
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Yeah Dobson, Dark Knight Returns is not necessarily my favorite Batman comic of all time either, but even with Miller turning out not quite right in the last 15+ years, you have no right to really treat it like it has no value at all in the field of comics, as even your beloved Batman: The Animated Series took in part inspiration from it.
It is however his second tweet I could find about it, that kinda makes me chuckle
After all, it is essentially the very same thing/opinion he lets say the older man in the picture state about Superman and Batman, and how preposterous the idea of them fighting against each other would be, seeing how they are SUPERFRIENDS.
Which brings me back to the comic in itself and me actually wanting to explain, why it is kinda dumb in proper detail.
First, as stated before, it came out way before the movie even got released. So aside of some poster design that he could copy paste into it and some trailer material he had seen to make up his mind, Dobson had nothing to judge the product by. And I genuinely doubt he ever even bothered to look into it and judge it then based on the actual merit of quality or lack thereof. As long as he could rage about Zack Snyder and Snyderbros being neo nazis or whatever years later, why bother as a cartoonist and critic of nerd culture, to actually talk about a superhero movie. After all, he also never played a Metal Gear game, and that makes him still an expert on Kojima.
Second, the “generational gap” Dobson tries to show here is ridiculous. The “young” comic book fan -likely to be in his twenties, even though he looks older- actually being hyped for it, seemingly because he craves the violence of such a movie. As indicated by making a claw with his hand, having a facial expression that indicates less geek out and more “bloodthirst” as well as how he emphasizes the “Dawn of Justice” in a format that is normally saved for slasher movie titles like “Friday the 13: The Bloodbath at Menarche Lake”.
For fucks sake, Dobson comes off like some old geezer shouting at the clouds how the “younger” generation is craving for blood instead of a decent plot, even though many people younger than him at the time (quick reminder: Dobson was only around 33 to 34 years old when that comic came out) also had a problem with how that movie looked as well as its tone.
Also, the second person who is actually opposed of the idea of them fighting/ is confused about it, trying to portray the other age group, supposedly opposed to the concept of the movie? That character looks like he is in his late 50s. And I can tell you of actual experience, not many people in that age group would even care for superhero movies anyway. They have other things to worry about, like actually being responsible adults and getting their kids through college.
Okay, I apologize if that was rather insulting to some, but let us be real here: Most people at that age are not necessarily into comics anymore as an age group of 20-30 somethings in the 2010s would be And those that still are, would likely not act this confused at the idea, because with all the stuff that has been going on in DC comics within the last 30-40 years, this would likely just make them roll their eyes and think “aww shit, we go the vs route first” or be slightly intrigued if they can pull it off or not. After all, Superman and Batman/ Clark and Bruce may be friends, but that hasn't stopped people from writing stories where the two had to fight against each other. Just ask the people familiar with Injustice.
Really, the only reason we have that early retirement citizen look at the poster in confusion, is because Dobson needed someone to represent him and his opinion. And to be honest, the fact that Dobson, someone in his late 30s at this point identifies more with someone 15+ years his senior, is kinda weird. Like, is Dobson that old fashioned? Or did the years already have a bad effect at his looks and in real life he looked more to that, then he would ever admit?
Anyway, it just stinks of creating some sort of schism between generations, by insinuating that the younger generation is essentially bloodthirsty, while an older one would love something more positive. Which frankly, is dumb to assume, as age does not necessarily account for taste in some cases.
Honestly though, the funniest aspect of the comic for me however, is the way it is structured. Cause it reminds me of that pile of trash
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And yeah, I know that Stan Kelly is meant to be a joke by the Onion about political comic artists in newspapers, but I honestly think those joke comics are to a degree so accurate to the mindset of some people on either side of the political spectrum, it hurts. And in regard of Dobson… well, Kelly is a joke. Dobson is the real deal.
Finally, like with many of his comics, Dobson likes to complain, but he does not really “offer” an alternative. Neither did he in comments or on twitter. And what alternative am I talking about?
Well, simple: If he thinks Dawn of Justice will suck cause he wants something more child friendly and comic like…
Why doesn’t he just recommend for others the animated movie “The Batman/Superman Movie: Worlds Finest” from 1997, based on the Superman and the Batman Animated Series of the 90s, on which later the JLA cartoon based its design and style?
Oh right! Because a Dobson only wants to complain but never help improve the status quo
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lukewholey-blog · 1 year
Thought of doing this Blog but not sure if I should due to how controversial it is as it’s about youtubers I used to like but not so much anymore. Its not a callout post or me going on about how much I hate this people, these people are just doing their jobs and I have the Utmost respect for those that are fans of these people and you have the right to still like them and their content. It’s just the stuff they do or the stuff they did that make me not be a fan of them anymore and hit ‘unsubscribe’. I wont link them their channels out of respect. If you like these youtubers and their channels that’s great. all the power to you. I thought it would be a way to get it off my chest and Explain why I don’t like these people so much anymore.  So without further ado here are my:
4. Projared.
I used to like this guy from the early 2010′s as he was sorta part of the new wave of online Video game Reviewers along with Jontron & The Completionist (as well as Caddicarus later down the line). I liked his Video Game Reviews and is a big fan of Final Fantasy. Then there was this massive controversy that he was accused of some things ,and everyone turned on him wanting to see him fail. I’m usually an Innocent until proven guilty kind of guy so I wasn’t sure if he actually did those things but everyone believed he did. Then Projared came out with a video proving his innocence and although he was cleared of what he did, everyone then started liking him and was on his side again and was like “it’s cool man, we knew you were innocent the whole time”. What dissapointed me was that NOBODY was on his side when the allegations came out. Everyone wanted to see him face justice. So now even though he still does videos I now find it awkward to watch his stuff without being reminded of the things he was accused of doing. 
3. Top Hat Gaming Man 
Another Video game Reviewer I used to like and also he’s British as I like to support British youtubers. I also like his reviews of Handheld consoles and games. But I know he needed to make money so he had to appeal to the Youtube Algorhytmn and that is Clickbatey Rant videos which I hate. You know, the videos where people shit on the things you love due to opinions and try to piss you off. Being a nintendo fan myself I started to dislike his anti-Nintendo vids such as where he says the N64 was overrated and yeah I get the problems the N64 has but he makes it out as if you should be ashamed of ever liking or owning an N64 as if it was the worst Nintendo console ever (which it isn’t). And even his fans agreed with him. I understand the problems and dodgy practices Nintendo has done but I think you should have the right to enjoy Nintendo games and consoles.I think the video where he drew the line was that he says the graphics of the 2019 Link’s Awakening remake was awful. I don’t even get why anyone would find it terrible. So the graphics of Animal Crossing and modern Pokemon games get a free pass then? I know it’s his opinion but I found it to be a bit of an insult. I Don’t think he does those videos anymore and I have my respect for the guy and his work but I’m not into his stuff anymore. 
2. Mugimikey
I used to follow this guy from the early days of Youtube where he made Sonic X parody dubs and does really good voices of Sonic & Robotnik. But he really found his niche when he made Sonic Parody animations, and they were funny and disgusting. I liked his Robotniclaus videos and the Sonic Boom Parody set in a coffee shop. But then he only made animations based around one subject “Sonic Meets X” which I guess is to appeal to the Youtube algorhythm.  And I have to say it can get really mediocre if  it’s just ‘Sonic meets this character’ for 50 videos. But there was one I really didn’t like and that I felt he went too far in (which might be a bit hypocritical due to all the disgusting things Robotnik & classic Robotnik get up to in his animations) which was ‘Sonic Meets Mario’. Based on this erotic fan fic series called ‘sonic’s ultimate harem’ where Sonic brags to Mario about all the women he slept with. I know it’s satirical but I found it so awkward to see Sonic bragging about how he’s dating peach and he started groping and sexually abuse her in front of Mario. I do not like seeing Women being treated or touched like that in public and people seem to love it! So I no longer follow his stuff any more. I still check on his animations on occassion and he did do parodies on the second Sonic movie. 
1. Game Grumps
Oh boy, the big one. I used to love Game Grumps in the early-late 2010′s Especially during the Jontron era and the early Dan years. They were pretty much one of the last major Let’s play channels that are still around. The problem is that Arin is no longer remembered as an animator anymore which was what put him on the map in the first place and made the channel popular. Dan’s a great guy but he kinda acts like a confused Dad and both he and Arin are like a couple of boring old guys now. Also Arin hardly pays attention to the games he plays and in recent years they would play really mediocre indie horror games or rubbish simulator games. I was even put off by their clickbait titles where they don’t tell you what game they are playing, but they seemed to have stopped that. Also I feel their videos are too long and have guests on that nobody cares about (seriously who the hell is Wilbur Soot?) But I still respect the guys and still check in on them from time to time. I really like it when they play Visual Novels as it demonstates their voiceacting and I like their riffing too. But other than that they are pretty mediocre now and I can’t really stand how Arin can be so incompetent in playing certain games and trying to be ‘hip and cool’ as well. And I am so fed up with how they now mostly play Monopoly, Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy & Mario Party over and over and over with the occasional unique game thrown in.  If you like these guys thats fine and I respect you for that. 
So thats the end of my rant. I don’t really hate these guys I just think their content dont really appeal to me anymore. I respect you if you like them and enjoy their videos. I’m just expressing my own opinions. 
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syrupspinner · 5 months
i defeated Fae Tactics
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i love how many tactics games need to put "tactics" in their title. imagine that with any other genre.
so theres a genre of indie game i like to call "that ratatouille gif". i have attached it for your convenience
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you know what i mean. Bloodstained, Yooka-Laylee, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Palworld, its a whole thing. this is a dangerous genre to classify things into, because theres a very thin line between "taking heavy inspiration" and "being a sequel". like, its easy to say that Paradise Killer is a Kill The Past game with that got sent to the wrong address in the morphogenetic field. theres the moon symbolism, the assassins, theres literally a silver case for gods sake. but i cant call it a ripoff because it brings so much unique to the table with the worldbuilding, presentation, and gameplay.
thats how i feel about Fae Tactics. when it first lit that spark, inspiring me to play it for as many hours as i could as many days as i could until i finished it, i felt my childhood. i remember one of the first video games i ever owned: final fantasy tactics a2 grimoire of the rift. i played the ass off of that game, expiring everthing you could do multiple times over. it inspired a lifelong respect for the tactical rpg in my bones, and Fae Tactics scratched an itch ive been feeling for a while
i dont want to give the impression that im nostalgia blind, thats not the case at all. comparing a trpg to final fantasy tactics (even what i consider the worst game in retrospect - man the law mechanic was a pain) is like comparing a fighing game to street fighter. remember that time capcom tried to sue someone who made a fighting game that stole too many mechanics and design elements from street fighter 2. the court said, paraphrased, "sf2 was so influential on the genre that MOST games have street fighter mechanics now. like, platformers with powerups arent ripping off mario, that just how platformers work now." yeah thats what fft did too.
what im saying is, the game takes the fundamentals of the genre as estalished by its best examples, and builds on them in unique and engaging ways. monsters have a random chance of dropping cards, which lets you equip them as summons for the next battle. its great to have more experimental low-stakes party members. instead of focusing all your valuable main character slots on healers if youre going into a heavy damage fight, you can just bring a bunch of water summons to power through it and support your glass cannons until they end the fight pronto. or, you can have a lot of ranged summons that suppliment your tankier party members; or expendable summons to distract enemies while you buff your party. this is a huge strength of any tactical game - letting you stratagize in a way that is functional to your playstyle.
something id like to note is that there are tons of mechanics, but i only felt overwhelmed at the very beginning. by fight, like, three? i was totally in sync with the games tools and how to use em. this is tough. i remember by playthrough of zanki zero, where i got so overwhelmed by shikabane and character relationship gene splicing and the crafting mechanic and the cloning and the aging and the attack windup and those stupid tentacle attacks that i just fizzled out and gave up trying to comprehend stuff (until chapter six, but im getting distracted). i never saw a new mechanic in Fae Tactics that made me think "whats the point? im not doing this". instead, i was always interested in how i can use this new element to enhance my gameplay. its that classic theory of Get To vs. Have to. i never had to do the cooking minigame every time i slept - i got to play a game where i boosted my partys stats.
so how about the story? i think it was pretty good! each continent that you can explore has its own little isolated plot, and while it all connects in the end, i was worried it would fall into the same trap that i felt saints row 2 did. it didnt feel like you had a gang, it felt like you had 3 friends who all did their own thing and you helped. i think this is managed in the most effective yet realistic way - have peony as the center of the communication because its just her personality. shes doing the talking because shes just a friendly person with leadership skills. also like 1/3 of her party cant talk. the only hurdle then is making everyone feel too isolated - i wont lie, there are shades of that, but i think letting the characters relax in the background if they arent immediately relevant to a scene is a good compromise of this. like, your dog chico doesnt always show up in cutscenes unless they have a weapon upgrade or something. thats fine, cuz like, theyre a dog. itd waste everyones time if everyone chimed in every time anything happened. so its not like gat is inexplicably uninterested in the non-ronin gangs, its just that characters are allowed to be offstage if they dont have any lines. it really helps the group feel more cohesive and friendly, and in general it feels less like oure going on mission sidequests waiting for the area to clean and instead youre going on a real ass adventure
also, if i can be candid, matilda is one of the most badass characters ive ever seen. i love how her intro quest brings so much validity to the scrap youve been collecting so far as more than just "upgrade points". it really builds up peonys compassion and heroism when she puts in that much work to save the life of a stranger, and the time limit adds so much urgency while still being very generous, at least to my collectathon playstyle. finally i just love her character conceptually. shes a fairy that esentially rides her own iron lung like a mecha. the fact that shes lowkey the best ranged fighter in the game doesnt hurt.
closing thoughts. i was insane about this game when i first played it. like, i cannot bring myself to play anything else because im so enraptured about this game. im talking "oh yeah i guess i havent had a meal today" at midnight. thats how you know that youve got a very special game. also that i am very autistic.
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solaflaire · 1 year
Starham: Q and A (Fourth set of 50 Questions)
Link for questions: 500 Good Questions to Ask - Find the perfect question (conversationstartersworld.com)
What happens in your country regularly that people in most countries would find strange or bizarre? • Doing art as a career is not viable.
What has been blown way out of proportion? • My games. 🤣
When was a time you acted nonchalant but were going crazy inside? • Spending time doing something but got interrupted by my uncle.
What’s about to get much better? • Everything
What are some clever examples of misdirection you’ve seen? • Financial advice.
What’s your funniest story involving a car? • The first time I learned to drive. I could not control the clutch pedal and the car kept stalling.
What would be the click-bait titles of some popular movies? • Fast and the Furious franchise and Netflix live-action remake.
If you built a themed hotel, what would the theme be and what would the rooms look like? • A video game memorabilia themed hotel. The rooms would be Super Mario themed like Princess Peach’s castle.
What scientific discovery would change the course of humanity overnight if it was discovered? • A way to sleep for less hours but as effective as taking a pill.
Do you think that humans will ever be able to live together in harmony? • No, Call of Duty is very popular, and I don’t see any peace in that game.
What would your perfect bar look like? • If the drinks were great and the price low.
What’s the scariest non-horror movie? • The one my drama teacher ventured into.
What’s the most amazing true story you’ve heard? • Eragon. My friend told me the story of Eragon. I was so in awe that I went to get the book.
What’s the grossest food that you just can’t get enough of? • Orange juice instead of milk in cereal.
What brand are you most loyal to? • PlayStation gang rise.
What’s the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis? • Not having money.
If you had to disappear and start a whole new life, what would you want your new life to look like? • Never thought of that. Not really.
What movie or book do you know the most quotes from? • Harry Potter – I love them so much!
What was one of the most interesting concerts you’ve been to? • Post Malone’s concert. The live one that was streamed on YouTube. Man, that was amazing!
Where are you not welcome anymore? • My mom’s kitchen while she is working.
What do you think could be done to improve the media? • More coverage of yesterday’s news.
What’s the most recent show you’ve binge watched? • The aquatope on the white sand.
What’s the worst movie trope? • Plot armor, in really dark movies when an innocent child dies or when there is a bad omen at the beginning of the film such as a diagnosis. Like, I already know what is going to happen. I wish I could see some good plot twists but have not in recent times.
What’s a common experience for many people that you’ve never experienced? • Losing virginity. Virgin gang rise up.
What are some misconceptions about your hobby? • It is for smart people.
What’s the smartest thing you’ve seen an animal do? • Backflip
What’s the most annoying noise? • Baby ugly crying.
What’s your haunted house story? • I leave my phone in my pockets when entering the house. I have dropped it far too many times being absent minded and just losing it after opening the door.
What did you Google last? • Does size mattir?
What’s the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about? • Does size matter.
If money and practicality weren’t a problem, what would be the most interesting way to get around town? • Taxi
What’s the longest rabbit hole you’ve been down? • Does size matter.
What’s the saddest scene in a movie or TV series? • Demon Slayer – Reng*ku. If you know, you know.
What’s the most frustrating product you own? • I think the question should be what product am I frustrated not having. Crocs and an a mouth guard. Honestly, my life would be so much easier with those two things.
What inconsequential super power would you like to have? • Read people’s minds. If not, just being able to sense what emotion they are feeling at the moment.
What qualities do all your friends have in common? • I don’t have friends. All of the friends I have made came from Sony, Nintendo, Steam and Xbox.
What odd smell do you really enjoy? • The milk my dad was supposed to get.
What’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild? • Your mom.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learned from a work of fiction? • Just read Harry Potter. So many great lessons. Especially from the Chamber of Secrets.
What food do you crave most often? • Your mom.
Who in your life has the best / worst luck? • My brother has the best of luck.
What fashion trend makes you cringe or laugh every time you see it? • Just watch New York Fashion Week or don’t.
What’s your best story of you or someone else trying to be sneaky and failing miserably? • My friend tried sliding in a girl’s dm’s. He ended up being bro’d.
Which apocalyptic dystopia do you think is most likely? • People waking up and all their saved game data has been erased from the cloud.
If you had a HUD that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show? • Horniness • Intelligence • Humor
What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen a kid do? • Figuring out if size matters.
What’s your secret talent? • Analyzing data.
What’s the best way you or someone you know has gotten out of a ticket / trouble with the law? • Never been in trouble with the law.
Tear gas makes people cry and laughing gas makes people giggle, what other kinds of gases do you wish existed? • I wish money gas existed.
What’s the most beautiful beach you’ve been to?
Just go to Hawaii. You will thank me later.
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myaquariusheart · 1 year
"Today, the best way for you to help others is with a dose of honesty. They'll be grateful for your directness. You can bring out the outcome you want." We had a heated discussion with Mum in the front room just before everyone went to sleep. She wants to retire by 50 and wants us to all support her financially, which, I guess she deserves, she has been looking after us all these years but I just find it ridiculous to have little to no savings and want to retire. She was telling me how she wanted Bab to get a better job but constantly putting him down is not going to motivate him to do better. Knowing were struggling sometimes isn't enough when someone's self-esteem is down and I do know a lot about low self-esteem. I gave her the example of me and Z doing our theory once she stopped forcing us to do it and making us feel bad that we basically don't drive, we finally wanted to do it ourselves with our own inspiration and determination. I don't know who wrote the rules to be Bengali because I hate them honestly. You're all washed up and unwanted if you're a woman whos not married by 27. It's so backward and not fair. We're expected to be married so young and enjoy no freedom. I literally wish I could travel the world and do some things that I love and can do without feeling the guilt of leaving Mum and Dad behind but I guess that's my sad little life. I can of course try and find a really good paying job and save enough to start alone somewhere but I also do want to be loved by a man and be married one day, I guess at my own pace. It's difficult and hard but I guess that part of my journey can start when I finally pass my driving, otherwise, I'm going to have to rely on TFL to get to places. After graduation I need a week at least of nothingness, I want pure relaxation and to do nothing with myself. I'm going to buy myself some new alcohol markers and really practice and focus on drawing and creating some art, I haven't been able to do much of it but I want to make a nice collection again and discover my own personal art style because I don't have one. I've also lost all my old art but luckily I have some pictures. I'm still going to work at the cafe or I will go crazy but you know, no stress. I want to go on holiday to Italy but I have no one to go with (that I would even want to go with) so it's all a bit shit. Anyway, tomorrow is the last day before I go back to my normal routine of Uni and work. Kinda can't wait to go back and kinda can't be bothered too. It's nearly over, five years of a really stressful university journey and I'm proud of myself because I honestly didn't think I could do it. Today was really nice, we watched the Super Mario movie. It was super funny and we were all laughing lots. I loved the silliness and the lightness of the movie and I'm so happy Alv enjoyed it because she's not too familiar with Super Mario brothers. It brought back a lot of childhood memories of playing the DS games and Mario Kart. I loved it and would want to watch it again but somewhere cheaper. The adult ticket was like £16 and that is literally too much. We had the worst pizza hut experience ever, I think it's under new management and that man was a bit horrible and did not have good customer service. I ordered a meal deal for about £20 for one pizza about 11 inch, and then properly reading the menu I saw kids could get their own personal 9inch pizza, with a side, bottomless drink, AND A DESSERT? for £7 so I asked the guy for a refund and he was being arsey about it. On top of that when the guy served the pizza he dropped half of it on the table and we were just wishing we went to Burger King instead. I'm in bed now, gonna try and sleep in a bit. I managed to finish my philosophy essay yesterday but when I go in on Monday or Tuesday I need to re-read it and include some references. Tomorrow my to-do list consists of me collecting my laundry, getting some hair dye, and getting ready for the first day of Uni on Monday.
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The worst show ever
Everyone's still trying to get their bearings after yesterday. The broadcast basically shook everyone up.
Overnight people have been trying to close the Secret underground companies Warp. Apparently something bad will happen if we don't close it soon.
It's created a bunch of little mini warps.
Apparently there's a machine to patch them up.
But if we don't do it soon some bad crap will start happening.
Here's some more bad news.
Apparently that grapefruit from a few weeks back.
Well that was a tracking device that basically got coordinates to here.
Let me give you the rundown.
That underground company had been working on "wormhole" technology for years.
But only a few years ago due to a massive energy reading were they able to create any real progress.
That energy reading turned out to be the event with the massive man-made Warp.
It wasn't until they found a tennis ball that they were able to make a fully functional warp portal.
They almost hit a brick wall until they intercepted a package.
Apparently some idiot had the bright idea to send warp pipe shavings.
I wonder who that that idiot is.
After removing the warp pipe shavings. They delivered the package to a family.
That happened to have lost a son to a warp incident.
It's a very common thing to lose someone to a warp and have them be brought to Panko.
I hope whoever those parents are reunite with their missing son.
Maybe I can reunite with my parents too.
I mean it's not like we van keep this a secret any more.
I mean well we did manage to scramble the readings to most of the world so that they didn't see it.
People in the US and Japan know how about the Mushroom Kingdom now.
So we're kind of screwed.
Mario said he could help with closing some of the work pipes and he's even taking me along to help out.
I got to get going now though.
Something tells me this is going to be the start of something big
Garth signing off
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bambambunny · 2 years
I made a squad of clone ocs
notes: I made their descriptions in like a day so it might be really simple. Under the cut cuz its long.
Ori’vod (CT - 149 - 2348 )
Chill eldest brother
Ain’t too worried about getting promoted
Just wants to take care of his little bros
The sweetest ori’vod
A transferee who is bringing all the wisdom 
The others like to joke that he’s more of a jedi than their general
He has the most disturbing knowledge anyone could come across
Stickler (CT - 354 - 2875)
Staff sergeant 
In charge of everyone but he stays with sarge, Toolkit and Extra
The most talented I think
Or at least the best at war
He’s a stickler for the rules lmao
Will not take care of himself no matter what anyone does
Sweetie (CT - 354 - 3153)
Sergeant 1
He’s kinda worried for Stickler honestly
Tries so hard to take the stress off him
Ori’vod keeps telling him that you can’t force someone to relax
that goes against the very essence of it.
If Toolkit is the one begrudgingly taking care of his brothers, Sweetie’s the one who does it with his full chest
The name was a joke but now it’s just a proper description
He kinda hates it lmao but there’s no backing down from this one
Bumper (CT - 354 - 4029)
Sergeant 2
In charge of Calix, Ritz, and Slinky
God bless his soul
Not like he’s any better
Angry little sht this one is
Everyone’s worried that he’s gonna pop a vein or something, well, everyone except Calix and Slinky 
They live for that sht
But even then he’s the one that makes the weirdest plans, it’s like he has a personal vendetta against the clankers like chill man
He’s called that bc he can and will ram his entire body into a crowd of droids
Honestly the name is an understatement 
He wouldve shot krell if he had the chance
Calix (CT - 354 - 4346)
He chose his name by himself which is a little try hard but ok
Will NOT let Ritz touch his armor
Get ur grubby aesthetic hands away from my pile of sht thanks
It’s purposefully awful
In fact he’s gotten quite good at making garish stuff
Fckin LOVES spacecrafts like you would not believe
Every time someone needs to go out and fly a starfighter he’s your guy
He’d be so good at Mario Kart
Ritz (CT - 354 - 4347)
Got his name cuz he’s fancy
Well, look
ever since he got out of the tube it’s like he’s been dreaming of customizing his armor
Calix gave him the name 
After a while everyone comes to consult him about what they should add to their armor
Every after deployment he touches up his armor so he looks as shiny as the day they shipped him off
Even on active duty, every chance he gets he’s cleaning his armor
Extra (CT - 354 - 4445)
It’s cuz his number was so close to being perfect
The team medic
So tired of everyone’s sht
He’s like Sweetie but he’s not nice
Actually the only one he’s nice too is Sweetie
Everyone else can go fck themselves
Slinky (CT - 354 - 4478)
Mischief personified
He knows every which way you can fck with the enemy
Great with stealth missions, he just takes way too long cuz he’s so busy being a terror
The only one who falls for his tricks now is Calix
He does try some practical jokes at Stickler but that didn’t go well
He kisses up to Toolkit so much it’s wild dude
Toolkit (CT - 354 - 5744)
The baby of the group
Cuz he knows damn well his vode are the worst and they cannot be trusted to take care of themselves
So he has a backpack filled with everything
Like he’s got them cheese crackers, anti-acidity pills, headache tonic, mints, 2 extra toothbrushes, and virtually every tool known to man
He goes wherever he’s needed most cuz he’s the utility man.
Either on the main ship or on the ground.
They're all part of the 338th naval legion which has like 0 info about which is perfect for me bc I get to do whatever I want.
It was originally just Ritz and Calix but then i researched how many soldiers count as what division. The US army says that a squad has 9 members so I had to buff it out.
I'm still working on their physical appearances and their armor. I also have some incorrect quotes if yall want, just lmk.
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